Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/beautybuzzbeyond/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sucuri-scanner/src/settings-integrity.php
<?php /** * Code related to the settings-integrity.php interface. * * PHP version 5 * * @category Library * @package Sucuri * @subpackage SucuriScanner * @author Daniel Cid <dcid@sucuri.net> * @copyright 2010-2018 Sucuri Inc. * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL2 * @link https://wordpress.org/plugins/sucuri-scanner */ if (!defined('SUCURISCAN_INIT') || SUCURISCAN_INIT !== true) { if (!headers_sent()) { /* Report invalid access if possible. */ header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); } exit(1); } /** * Settings for the WordPress integrity scanner. * * Generates the HTML code to display a list of options in the settings page to * allow the website owner to configure the functionality of the WordPress core * integrity scanner and the optional Unix diff utility. This also includes some * options to configure the website installation language and the false positive * cache file. * * @category Library * @package Sucuri * @subpackage SucuriScanner * @author Daniel Cid <dcid@sucuri.net> * @copyright 2010-2018 Sucuri Inc. * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL2 * @link https://wordpress.org/plugins/sucuri-scanner */ class SucuriScanSettingsIntegrity extends SucuriScanSettings { /** * Configures the diffUtility for the integrity scanner. * * @param bool $nonce True if the CSRF protection worked, false otherwise. * @return string HTML code to render the configuration panel. */ public static function diffUtility($nonce) { $params = array(); $params['DiffUtility.StatusNum'] = 0; $params['DiffUtility.Status'] = 'Disabled'; $params['DiffUtility.SwitchText'] = 'Enable'; $params['DiffUtility.SwitchValue'] = 'enable'; if ($nonce) { // Enable or disable the Unix diff utility. $status = SucuriScanRequest::post(':diff_utility', '(en|dis)able'); if ($status) { if (!SucuriScanCommand::exists('diff')) { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('Your hosting provider has blocked the execution of external commands.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } else { $status = $status . 'd'; /* add past tense */ $message = sprintf(__('Integrity diff utility has been <code>%s</code>', 'sucuri-scanner'), $status); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':diff_utility', $status); SucuriScanEvent::reportInfoEvent($message); SucuriScanEvent::notifyEvent('plugin_change', $message); SucuriScanInterface::info(__('The status of the integrity diff utility has been changed', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } } if (SucuriScanOption::isEnabled(':diff_utility')) { $params['DiffUtility.StatusNum'] = 1; $params['DiffUtility.Status'] = __('Enabled', 'sucuri-scanner'); $params['DiffUtility.SwitchText'] = __('Disable', 'sucuri-scanner'); $params['DiffUtility.SwitchValue'] = 'disable'; } return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-scanner-integrity-diff-utility', $params); } /** * Configures the cache for the integrity scanner. * * @param bool $nonce True if the CSRF protection worked, false otherwise. * @return string HTML code to render the configuration panel. */ public static function cache($nonce) { $params = array(); $cache = new SucuriScanCache('integrity'); $fpath = SucuriScan::dataStorePath('sucuri-integrity.php'); if ($nonce && SucuriScanRequest::post(':reset_integrity_cache')) { $deletedFiles = array(); $files = SucuriScanRequest::post(':corefile_path', '_array'); foreach ((array) $files as $path) { if ($cache->delete(md5($path))) { $deletedFiles[] = $path; } } if (!empty($deletedFiles)) { SucuriScanEvent::reportDebugEvent( sprintf(__('Core files that will not be ignored anymore: (multiple entries): %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), implode(',', $deletedFiles)) ); SucuriScanInterface::info(__('The selected files have been successfully processed.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } $params['IgnoredFiles'] = ''; $params['CacheSize'] = SucuriScan::humanFileSize(@filesize($fpath)); $params['CacheLifeTime'] = SUCURISCAN_SITECHECK_LIFETIME; $params['NoFilesVisibility'] = 'visible'; $ignored_files = $cache->getAll(); if (is_array($ignored_files) && !empty($ignored_files)) { $params['NoFilesVisibility'] = 'hidden'; foreach ($ignored_files as $hash => $data) { $params['IgnoredFiles'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::getSnippet( 'settings-scanner-integrity-cache', array( 'UniqueId' => substr($hash, 0, 8), 'FilePath' => $data->file_path, 'StatusType' => $data->file_status, 'IgnoredAt' => SucuriScan::datetime($data->ignored_at), ) ); } } return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-scanner-integrity-cache', $params); } }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Генерация страницы: 0 |