Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/beautybuzzbeyond/public_html/private/locale_et.ini.tar
var/installatron/installers/phpesp/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000000674 14720477271 0016177 0 ustar 00 _installer_phpesp_title=phpESP _installer_phpesp_type=_types_pollsurvey _installer_phpesp_category=_categories_surveysandstatistics _installer_phpesp_input_passwd_label=_info_adminpassword _installer_phpesp_input_passwd_text=_settings_adminpassword _installer_phpesp_description=phpESP is an open source survey application. _installer_phpesp_authordescription=phpESP allows you to create and publish surveys and read statistical analysis. var/installatron/installers/phpmycounter/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000002527 14720500133 0017414 0 ustar 00 _installer_phpmycounter_title=phpMyCounter _installer_phpmycounter_type=_types_statistics _installer_phpmycounter_category=_categories_surveysandstatistics _installer_phpmycounter_description=phpMyCounter is a free website impression counting application. phpMyCounter is maintained by Installatron. _installer_phpmycounter_authordescription=phpMyCounter is an easy to use yet sophisticated hit counting application. It includes an administration interface that allows you to customize the counter appearance and it works with PHP, SSI, or plain HTML webpages. _installer_phpmycounter_usagenotes=Cut and paste <u>one</u> of the following into your webpage code where you would like the counter to appear:<br><br>For a <strong>PHP</strong> webpage (ie. your page has a .php extension):<br><input type=text size=85 value='<? include ("{http}://{subd}{domain}{dir}/counter.php"); ?>'><br><br>For an <strong>SSI</strong> webpage (ie. your page has a .shtml extension):<br><input type=text size=85 value='<!--#include virtual="{dir}/counter.php"-->'><br><br>For a <strong>HTML</strong> webpage (ie. your page has a .html or .htm extension):<br><input type=text size=85 value='<iframe width="100" height="50" src="{dir}/counter.php" scrolling="no"></iframe>'><br><br>Finally, use the admin page to configure and customize the counter appearance. var/installatron/installers/phpscheduleit/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000002443 14720500440 0017516 0 ustar 00 _installer_phpscheduleit_title=LibreBooking _installer_phpscheduleit_type=_types_calendar _installer_phpscheduleit_category=_categories_communitysoftware _installer_phpscheduleit_description=Booked on avaliku lähtekoodiga broneerimis ja planeerimisis rakendus. Esialgne väljalase oli 2003. aastal (siis tuntud kui phpScheduleIt). Booked tarkvara on tänaseks allalaadidtud üle 200,000 korra. _installer_phpscheduleit_authordescription=Booked allows users to register and then place reservations on any kind of resources, such as conference rooms, machines, computers, etc. The administrative side allows complete control over user permissions, resource data, reservation data, and is has many configurable settings.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Simple schedule view allows users to quickly find and book an available time slot.<li>Easy to use administrative tools allow you to search, manage and export data quickly.<li>Organize users and limit access by groups.<li>Flexible layout configuration lets you set up schedules that fit your needs.<li>Limit and control resource usage with a flexible quota system.<li>Optionally review and approve reservation requests.<li>Export reservation details to Outlook or any other system that accepts .ical files.<li>Authentication integration with LDAP/Active Directory.</ul> var/installatron/installers/extcalendar/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000000760 14720500621 0017150 0 ustar 00 _installer_extcalendar_title=ExtCalendar _installer_extcalendar_type=_types_calendar _installer_extcalendar_category=_categories_communitysoftware _installer_extcalendar_description=ExtCalendar on avatud lähtekoodiga kalendri rakendus. _installer_extcalendar_authordescription=ExtCalendar is a powerful multi-user web-based calendar application. Features include Themes, Recurrent Events, Categories, Users and Groups management, Environment and General Settings, and Template Configuration. var/installatron/installers/fluxbb/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000003101 14720501214 0016127 0 ustar 00 _installer_fluxbb_title=FluxBB _installer_fluxbb_type=_types_forum _installer_fluxbb_category=_categories_communitysoftware _installer_fluxbb_description=FluxBB is an open source forum application. Forked from PunBB in 2008, FluxBB is a popular lightweight forum application, powering forums for Arch Linux and μTorrent. _installer_fluxbb_authordescription=FluxBB is designed as a lighter, faster alternative to some of the traditional feature heavy forum applications. It is easy to use and has a proven track record of stability and security making it an ideal choice of forum for your website.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Easy to use: Simplicity is the key. Featuring a beautiful, clean interface, FluxBB is focused completely on ease-of-use and usability.<li>Blazing speed: FluxBB focuses on the most essential features a forum needs and comes without the bloat many other systems bring along, so that you can enjoy the speed.<li>Clean admin interface: Take full control over your forum, easily editing permissions, changing board-wide options and rearranging the structure of your forum.<li>Flexible permission system: FluxBB comes with a flexible permission system designed to give you full control over your user groups. Allow them to view different sections of your forum, give privileged users moderator status (multiple moderator groups are supported).<li>Powerful moderator tools: Administer your board with ease using powerful moderator tools to manage users, banning, censoring, reported posts, forums and topics. Do it yourself or delegate these tasks to moderators as you see fit.</ul> var/installatron/installers/elgg/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000001022 14720501555 0015573 0 ustar 00 _installer_elgg_title=Elgg _installer_elgg_type=_types_groupware _installer_elgg_category=_categories_communitysoftware _installer_elgg_description=Elagg on avatud lähtekoodiga sotsiaalvõrgustikku platvorm. _installer_elgg_authordescription=Elgg is an award-winning social networking platform, delivering the building blocks that enable businesses, schools, universities and associations to create their own fully-featured social networks and applications. Elgg was voted best open source social networking platform in 2008. var/installatron/installers/blesta/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000001115 14720501772 0016133 0 ustar 00 _installer_blesta_title=Blesta _installer_blesta_type=_types_invoicing _installer_blesta_category=_categories_ecommerceandbusiness _installer_blesta_description=Blesta on äriline arvete ja kliendi halduse rakendus. _installer_blesta_authordescription=Blesta is the professional web based billing and support application focusing on productivity and usability. _installer_blesta_licensekeytext=Blesta vajab toote litsentsi võtit. Jäta see tühjaks, et kasutada prooviversiooni litsentsi või <a href='http://blesta.com' target='_blank' class='i_link'>osta otse blesta veebilehelt</a>. var/installatron/installers/simplepoll/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000002302 14720502046 0017033 0 ustar 00 _installer_simplepoll_title=Simple Poll _installer_simplepoll_type=_types_pollsurvey _installer_simplepoll_category=_categories_surveysandstatistics _installer_simplepoll_input_login_label=_info_adminusername _installer_simplepoll_input_login_text=_settings_adminusername _installer_simplepoll_input_passwd_label=_info_adminpassword _installer_simplepoll_input_passwd_text=_settings_adminpassword _installer_simplepoll_description=Simple Poll is a free (for non-profit use) survey application. _installer_simplepoll_authordescription=Simple Poll employs a simple to use admin interface and template customizations for your poll so that you can easily adapt to the look and feel of your web site. Setup as many polls as you like. _installer_simplepoll_usagenotes=After installation is complete, open the Admin interface and create a poll. To display that poll on your site, add this code to your webpage:<br><br><input type='text' size='100' value='<? $pollid="1"; include("{DIR}/simplepoll.php"); ?>'><br><br>The $pollid variable determines which poll will be added to your page. Also note that your webpage must have a .php extension. View <i>sample.php</i> in the installation directory for an example. var/installatron/installers/phpmychat/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000002650 14720502122 0016651 0 ustar 00 _installer_phpmychat_title=phpMyChat _installer_phpmychat_type=_types_chat _installer_phpmychat_category=_categories_communitysoftware _installer_phpmychat_input_username_label=_info_adminusername _installer_phpmychat_input_username_text=_settings_adminusername _installer_phpmychat_input_password_label=_info_adminpassword _installer_phpmychat_input_password_text=_settings_adminpassword _installer_phpmychat_input_name_label=_info_yourname _installer_phpmychat_input_name_text=_settings_yournam _installer_phpmychat_input_email_label=_info_adminemail _installer_phpmychat_input_email_text=_settings_adminemail _installer_phpmychat_input_rooms_label=Default Rooms _installer_phpmychat_input_rooms_text=The rooms that you wish to be created by default (to create more than one default room, separate the room names by commas) _installer_phpmychat_description=phpMyChat is an open source real-time chat application. _installer_phpmychat_authordescription=phpMyChat is an easy-to-use multi-room chat script that supports IRC-like commands. _installer_phpmychat_usagenotes=<strong>index.php</strong>, in the install directory, can be edited to taste and can also be moved anywhere on your website (if you move the file, be sure to edit the path variable at the top of the code).<br><br><b>chat_activity.php</b>, in the install directory, demonstrates how to display chat information on another webpage. View the code to see how it works. var/installatron/installers/e107/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000000716 14720502407 0015337 0 ustar 00 _installer_e107_title=e107 _installer_e107_type=_types_portal _installer_e107_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_e107_description=e107 on avatud lähtekoodiga sisuhaldussüsteem ja portaali rakendus. _installer_e107_authordescription=e107 is a content management system powered by PHP and MySQL that gives you a totally dynamic and professional website out of the box. It's open source, totally customizable and in constant development. var/installatron/installers/dolibarr/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000003027 14720502676 0016467 0 ustar 00 _installer_dolibarr_title=Dolibarr _installer_dolibarr_type=_types_business _installer_dolibarr_category=_categories_ecommerceandbusiness _installer_dolibarr_description=Dolibarr is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relations management (CRM) application. Dolibarr was initially released in 2003. _installer_dolibarr_authordescription=Dolibarr is an open source, free software package for small and medium companies, foundations or freelancers. It includes different features for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) but also other features for different activities. Dolibarr is multi-user, with several permissions levels for each feature, and Dolibarr is very user friendly.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Products and services catalog<li>Stock management<li>Bank accounts management<li>Customers, Suppliers or Prospects directory<li>Contacts directory<li>Commercial actions management<li>Orders management with PDF generator<li>Commercial proposals management with PDF generator<li>Contracts management<li>Invoices<li>management with PDF generator<li>Payments management<li>Standing orders management<li>Shipping management<li>Support NPR VAT (for French DOM-TOM)<li>Foundations members management<li>Bookmarks management<li>Emailing<li>Agenda<li>Point of Sale<li>Donations management<li>Reporting<li>Data export tools<li>LDAP connectivity<li>Extendable with other official and non-official modules, including but not limited to AWStats, Bittorrent, Gravatar, Google, and Webcalendar.</ul> var/installatron/installers/laravel/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000003260 14720503617 0016312 0 ustar 00 _installer_laravel_title=Laravel _installer_laravel_type=_types_framework _installer_laravel_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_laravel_description=Laravel is an open source application framework. Initially released in 2011, Laravel as of August 2015 is the most popular and watched PHP project on GitHub. _installer_laravel_authordescription=Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, queueing, and caching.<br><br>Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Expressive, beautiful syntax: Value elegance, simplicity, and readability? You’ll fit right in. Laravel is designed for people just like you. If you need help getting started, check out Laracasts and our great documentation.<li>Tailored for your team: Whether you're a solo developer or a 20 person team, Laravel is a breath of fresh air. Keep everyone in sync using Laravel's database agnostic migrations and schema builder.<li>Modern toolkit. Pinch of magic. An amazing ORM, painless routing, powerful queue library, and simple authentication give you the tools you need for modern, maintainable PHP. We sweat the small stuff to help you deliver amazing applications.</ul> var/installatron/installers/abantecart/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000006073 14720504203 0016765 0 ustar 00 _installer_abantecart_title=AbanteCart _installer_abantecart_type=_types_ecommerce _installer_abantecart_category=_categories_ecommerceandbusiness _installer_abantecart_description=AbanteCart on avatud lähtekoodiga e-kaubandusliku suunaga tarkvara, mis laseb laseb sul teha e-poe. _installer_abantecart_authordescription=AbanteCart is a free eCommerce application that is designed, built and supported by experienced enthusiasts that are passionate about their work and contribution to the project. This is not commercial project and there was no rush decisions or shortcuts in this project. We like what we do, and we strongly believe that AbanteCart one of the best and state of the art eCommerce platform available. AbanteCart operated based on donations, contributions and advertisers financial support.<br><br>Benefits:<ul><li>Expandable shopping cart application with fast growing number of extensions. Easy extension installation and management with one step installation. This allows to add virtually any feature or service to AbanteCart in the future, that this is very important in current dynamically changing technology environment.<li>Virtually FTP Free eCommerce solution. No need to know code, complex programs or programming to manage, upgrade and install modules. Manage your eCommerce application 100% in the slick web based interface using any browser of your choice.<li>Fast performing and low computer resource consuming shopping cart application. Can be installed and run in virtually any shared or dedicated hosting.<li>Feature reach shopping cart application right out of the box. Standard features allow to set up complete eCommerce site with all the tools needed to sell the products online.<li>Large number of payment and shipping modules supported by default or with additional extensions.<li>Very secure solution with up to date industry security practices and inline with PCI compliance.<li>Flexible layout for pages allows to setup pages and navigation based on best usability practices and improve conversion.<li>Sophisticated and easy shopping cart control panel with "Search anything" feature for fast information location and edit. Help instructions embedded right into the control panel pages.<li>Flexible resource library to manage media files in the application.<li>Fast initial set up and migration from other shopping carts with easy data import from major shopping carts.</ul><br>Developer benefits:<ul><li>Well organized code based on MVC concept.<li>Layered core code that is not needed to be touched for the extension of features development.<li>Number of tools and classes to manage and debug application and workflow.<li>Good extension organization and ability to extend the application features and provided connection to multiple channels.<li>Backward compatibility in classes and functions, gives ability for less effort in the upgrades to new versions.<li>Flexible construction of layouts, forms and resources (media files)<li>Dataset concept to reduce need to create or extend SQL tables for some features.<li>Developers API documentation and open forum for discussions.</ul> var/installatron/installers/shopware/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000003326 14720504350 0016512 0 ustar 00 _installer_shopware_title=Shopware _installer_shopware_type=_types_ecommerce _installer_shopware_category=_categories_ecommerceandbusiness _installer_shopware_description=Shopware is an e-commerce shopping cart application. Shopware was initially released in 2004. _installer_shopware_authordescription=Discover the inspirational side of eCommerce. With Shopware, you can paint online shopping with brighter colours, ignite more personality and nurture greater diversity. Shopware 5 stands for more emotional, atmospheric shopping and a completely new product experience.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Intuitive to use: With Shopware, you can fully devote yourself to the core aspects of your online business. The backend was carefully structured to simplify your daily work and save time.<li>State-of-the-art technology: With a high-end, trendsetting software architecture serving as Shopware's basis, you benefit from having PHP 7, Elasticsearch and an open API right at your fingertips.<li>Individually adaptable: Thanks to an open template basis, the system is completely customisable. Many adjustments can be easily implemented from the backend without touching a line of code.<li>Open source: Shopware stands for freedom, as it's completely open source. You have new and useful customisation options to make your shop all the more attractive.<li>Always cutting edge: You benefit from a system that is constantly being expanded and updated with innovative features that have the potential to change the future of online retail.<li>Short time-to-market: In eCommerce, it's no secret that time is a valuable resource. To ensure you don't lose out, Shopware Enterprise makes it possible to bring more shops to life in the shortest time possible.</ul> var/installatron/installers/smarty/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000003101 14720507046 0016175 0 ustar 00 _installer_smarty_title=Smarty _installer_smarty_type=_types_framework _installer_smarty_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_smarty_description=Smarty is an application template system. _installer_smarty_authordescription=Smarty is a template engine for PHP. More specifically, it facilitates a managable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. This is best described in a situation where the application programmer and the template designer play different roles, or in most cases are not the same person. For example, let's say you are creating a web page that is displaying a newspaper article. The article headline, tagline, author and body are content elements, they contain no information about how they will be presented. They are passed into Smarty by the application, then the template designer edits the templates and uses a combination of HTML tags and template tags to format the presentation of these elements (HTML tables, background colors, font sizes, style sheets, etc.) One day the programmer needs to change the way the article content is retrieved (a change in application logic.) This change does not affect the template designer, the content will still arrive in the template exactly the same. Likewise, if the template designer wants to completely redesign the templates, this requires no changes to the application logic. Therefore, the programmer can make changes to the application logic without the need to restructure templates, and the template designer can make changes to templates without breaking application logic. var/installatron/installers/aardvarkts/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000001460 14720507140 0017021 0 ustar 00 _installer_aardvarkts_title=Aardvark Topsites _installer_aardvarkts_type=_types_pollsurvey _installer_aardvarkts_category=_categories_surveysandstatistics _installer_aardvarkts_input_email_label=_info_adminemail _installer_aardvarkts_input_email_text=_settings_adminemail _installer_aardvarkts_input_passwd_label=_info_adminpassword _installer_aardvarkts_input_passwd_text=_settings_adminpassword _installer_aardvarkts_input_lang_label=_info_language _installer_aardvarkts_input_lang_text=_settings_language _installer_aardvarkts_description=Aardvark Topsites on avatud lähtekoodiga veebilehe rakendus. _installer_aardvarkts_authordescription=Aardvark Topsites is simply the best top sites application there is. Features: pageview counts, hits in and hits out, members ranking, and customizable templates. var/installatron/installers/symfony/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000004622 14720510447 0016372 0 ustar 00 _installer_symfony_title=Symfony _installer_symfony_type=_types_framework _installer_symfony_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_symfony_description=Symfony is an open source application framework. Initially released in 2005, Symfony is downloaded over 5 million times per month. _installer_symfony_authordescription=Symfony is a set of PHP Components, a Web Application framework, a Philosophy, and a Community — all working together in harmony.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Reputation: Quickly adopted by professionals active in this field following its launch in 2005, Symfony today is a stable environment that is both well-known and recognized internationally. The number of its references attests to this, as they have grown significantly since its launch. Symfony is also an active community; developers, integrators, users and other contributors who participate in the on-going enrichment of this tool.<li>Permanence: Behind Symfony there is a company: SensioLabs. Created more than 12 years ago, SensioLabs is a web agency that has many major accounts among its references. Envisioned for its own needs, the Symfony framework is today still the daily tool used by its own teams to develop customer projects. Designed by professionals for professionals, Symfony is first and foremost a pragmatic tool, the features of which address real-world-requirements.<li>References: Intranets, major general public sites, social networks, community sites, management and workflow applications, etc. Examples are not lacking: Hundreds of sites and applications of all sizes and of all types trust Symfony.<li>Innovation: Symfony is everything that you would come to expect from a framework: speed, flexibility, reusable components, etc. Then there is the structure of what has been developed and the use of best practices.<li>Resources: When using Symfony, you are assured of never "being alone with your screen." Whether a question of community support (mailings lists, IRC, etc.) or company support (consulting, training, etc.), you will always find the answers to your questions.<li>Interoperability: Symfony respects the existing "de facto standards" of PHP: PHPUnit, naming conventions for classes, etc. Furthermore, Symfony also allows you to use certain pieces of its software building blocks (dependency injector, translations management, forms management, etc.) without necessarily using the framework in its entirety.</ul> var/installatron/installers/pydio/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000003320 14720510572 0016003 0 ustar 00 _installer_pydio_title=Pydio _installer_pydio_type=_types_files _installer_pydio_category=_categories_imagesandfiles _installer_pydio_description=Pydio is an open source file management application. Initially released in 2007, and renamed from AjaXplorer in 2013, Pydio today has more than 700,000 downloads. _installer_pydio_authordescription=Pydio is a mature open source software solution for file sharing and synchronization. With intuitive user interfaces (web / mobile / desktop), Pydio provides enterprise-grade features to gain back control and privacy of your data: user directory connectors, legacy filesystems drivers, comprehensive admin interface, and much more.<br><br>Simple, Sleek, Beautiful<ul><li>Access your docs from anywhere, from any browser.<li>Most common formats previews (audio, video, PDF, Office Documents)<li>Native mobile applications for iOS and Android - WebDAV server embedded<li>Lucene indexation for quick search</ul><br>The ultimate sharing machine<ul><li>Share files or folders as weblinks with outside world<li>Secure links with a password, an expiration date or a limited number of downloads<li>Share folders as workspaces with application users.<li>Get notified when a file or folder is consulted or modified<li>Choose layout for minisites and customize public links</ul><br>An admin's heaven<ul><li>Pydio is regularly audited by security experts, and if a vulnerability is found, it will be immediately patched.<li>Pydio users & groups can be mapped directly from an LDAP/AD, or from the most common PHP-based CMS.<li>Modularity is in the heart of the application: access existing data sources (FileSystem, (s)FTP, S3, etc), develop your own plugins<li>Monitor users activities in real-time</ul> var/installatron/installers/xoops/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000001006 14720510733 0016025 0 ustar 00 _installer_xoops_title=Xoops _installer_xoops_type=_types_portal _installer_xoops_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_xoops_description=Xoops is an open source content management and portal application. Xoops forked from PHP-Nuke in 2002. _installer_xoops_authordescription=Xoops is a dynamic-Object Oriented based open source portal application. Xoops is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more. var/installatron/installers/yourls/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000002340 14720511056 0016213 0 ustar 00 _installer_yourls_title=YOURLS _installer_yourls_type=_types_bookmarks _installer_yourls_category=_categories_miscellaneous _installer_yourls_description=Your Own URL Shortener (YOURLS) on avatud lähtekoodiga URL lühendaja rakendus. _installer_yourls_authordescription=YOURLS will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (a la TinyURL). You can make it private or public, you can pick custom keyword URLs, it comes with its own API. You will love it.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Private (your links only) or Public (everybody can create short links, fine for an intranet)<li>Sequential or custom URL keyword<li>Handy bookmarklets to easily shorten and share links<li>Awesome stats: historical click reports, referrers tracking, visitors geo-location<li>Neat Ajaxed interface<li>Terrific Plugin architecture to easily implement new features<li>Cool developer API<li>Full jsonp support<li>Friendly installer<li>Sample files to create your own public interface and more</ul> _installer_yourls_publicaccess_label=Avalik juurdepääs? _installer_yourls_publicaccess_yes=Jah, luba kõigil ligipääseda antud veebirakendusele. _installer_yourls_publicaccess_no=Ei, nõua enne administraatsiooni parooli, et ligipääseda antud veebirakendusele. var/installatron/installers/dotclear/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000002377 14720511433 0016464 0 ustar 00 _installer_dotclear_title=Dotclear _installer_dotclear_type=_types_blog _installer_dotclear_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_dotclear_description=Dotclear is an open source blog application. Dotclear was initially released in 2003. _installer_dotclear_authordescription=Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software. Take control over your blog!<br><br>Dotclear project's purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool allowing anyone to publish on the web, regardless of their technical skills.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Easy publication<li>Fully customizable theme<li>User-friendly administration<li>Flexible template system<li>Media management<li>Choose from several editing syntax (wiki, markdown, textile or directly in wysiwyg)<li>Flexible comment system<li>Built-in antispam<li>Localization<li>Presentation widgets<li>Themes and plugins<li>Pages<li>Tags and categories<li>Automated installation<li>Support for several database types<li>Multiblog<li>Multi-user with permissions<li>Standards compliant<li>Accessible<li>Importing / exporting<li>Naturally optimized for search engines<li>Syndication feeds<li>Complete trackback support<li>Full Unicode support<li>XML/RPC client support<li>Extensible<li>Performance and scalability<li>Twice free</ul> var/installatron/installers/codeigniter/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000001504 14720511466 0017160 0 ustar 00 _installer_codeigniter_title=Code Igniter _installer_codeigniter_type=_types_framework _installer_codeigniter_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_codeigniter_description=CodeIgniter is a free PHP development framework. A commercial version named ExpressionEngine is available from the website. _installer_codeigniter_authordescription=Code Igniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects must faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. Code Igniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task. var/installatron/installers/modx/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000001455 14720511552 0015634 0 ustar 00 _installer_modx_title=MODx _installer_modx_type=_types_cms _installer_modx_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_modx_description=MODx is an open source content management application and development framework. _installer_modx_authordescription=MODx is not a typical plug-and-play CMS. It's liberating and different and designed to work the way you think about sites, not how sites are built.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>MODX offers you a system that lets you publish your offline content onto the web in any form, shape or presence you want.<li>You can setup everything from a simple site, to a blog, to a full-scale web presence with MODX, and keep your admin interface simple and usable.<li>MODX helps you organize your content the way you want it, and get stellar built-in SEO results.</ul> var/installatron/installers/lychee/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000001760 14720511756 0016143 0 ustar 00 _installer_lychee_title=Lychee _installer_lychee_type=_types_gallery _installer_lychee_category=_categories_imagesandfiles _installer_lychee_description=Lychee is an open source photo management application. _installer_lychee_authordescription=Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>Manage: Managing your photos has never been easier. Upload, move, rename, describe, delete or search your photos in seconds. All in one place, right from your browser.<li>Share: Sharing like it should be. One click and every photo and album is ready for the public. You can also protect albums with passwords if you want. It's under your control.<li>View: Look at all your images in full-screen mode, navigate forward and backward by using your keyboard or let others enjoy your photos by making them public.</ul> var/installatron/installers/dadamail/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000004677 14720512274 0016434 0 ustar 00 _installer_dadamail_title=Dada Mail _installer_dadamail_type=_types_email _installer_dadamail_category=_categories_communitysoftware _installer_dadamail_description=Dada Mail is an open source mailing list application developed in Perl. Dada Mail was initially released in 2000 under the name Mojo Mail and has been known as Dada Mail since 2003. _installer_dadamail_authordescription=Dada Mail helps you with managing an email mailing list, offering complete support for safe, closed-loop opt-in subscriptions, sending out mass mailings, keeping message archives and allowing you to share your messages in lots of neat ways.<br><br>You run Dada Mail on your own web hosting account, giving you complete control over your valuable mailing lists. Do It Yourself - Dada Mail is designed for small businesses in mind, to provide an economical and extremely flexible solution to reach out to your customers, fans, friends, business partners and clients.<br><br>Interact with Dada Mail through your web browser, making Dada Mail available anywhere you have a connection to the Internet, your business computer, your smart phone, your iPad, or any other computer, while on the go.<br><br>Dada Mail is rich with features, but tries to Keep It Simple. Dada Mail is designed to favor flexibility, extensibility and ease-of-use over core speed or extremely flashy but hard-to-use features. We ship Dada Mail with sane default mailing list preferences, so you can start using Dada Mail, without causing a faux pas and keeping your subscribers happy.<br><br>Dada Mail is designed to be installed, setup and understood by regular people who have websites, but packs enough advanced features to entice more proficient users. If you've installed a bulletin board or web blog software, you can install Dada Mail.<br><br>Dada Mail can scale. Install Dada Mail on most any basic hosting account and start sending out messages right away. Mailing List growing? Switch to sending with a more powerful third-party system, like Amazon SES, where there's potentially no limit on the number of emails you may send - all without having to change mailing list mangement systems or your hosting.<br><br>Dada Mail is named after the Dada Art Movement, comprised of in part of an incredibly creative pocket of free thinkers that expressed themselves without boundaries during the horrific time of WWI. Dada defies actual definition (by design!) and we'd like to be surprised and delighted to learn how you use Dada Mail! var/installatron/installers/pivot/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000000562 14720513260 0016022 0 ustar 00 _installer_pivot_title=PivotX _installer_pivot_type=_types_blog _installer_pivot_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_pivot_description=PivotX is an open source blog application. PivotX forked from Pivotlog in 2007. _installer_pivot_authordescription=PivotX is a web-based tool to help you maintain dynamic sites, like weblogs or online journals. var/installatron/installers/yetiforce/locale_et.ini 0000644 00000003064 14720514143 0016653 0 ustar 00 _installer_yetiforce_title=YetiForce _installer_yetiforce_type=_types_crm _installer_yetiforce_category=_categories_ecommerceandbusiness _installer_yetiforce_description=YetiForce is an open source customer relationship management (CRM) application. _installer_yetiforce_authordescription=Flexible and efficient management for your company wherever you are in the world - this is what you gain by installing YetiForce. Where? Anywhere - on your computer, tablet, or smartphone with access to the Internet.<br><br>YetiForce is an open source application that is constantly being improved by us and our community, to help you run your company. Efficiency, control, multitasking, innovation - this is what YetiForce can offer. Start managing your business more successfully than ever before.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>RICH FUNCTIONALITY: Rich features and many customizable user's and administrator's modules, together with well-designed widgets, provide your company with a complete set of highest quality technological tools.<li>RELIABLE SUPPORT: Our qualified development team knows every inch of the system, which allows them to quickly solve all errors, improve existing features, and design new ones.<li>CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT: The YetiForce development team introduces dozens of changes every day and regularly releases update packages that contain bug fixes, new features, and numerous improvements.<li>MOBILITY: The system's responsivity ensures compatibility with mobile device browsers. YetiForce can be used anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the Internet.</ul>