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Native messaging based GPGME operations. invalid JSON object at offset %zu { "op":"getmore", "chunksize": %i }Bug: Fatal error in process request error creating GPGME context: %s warning: line shortened due to embedded Nul character invalid protocol %d requested Error fetching key for delete: %sInvalid request: short read (%zu of %zu bytes) Error decoding Base-64 encoded '%s': %sError creating output data object: %serror reading request header: %s error reading request header: short read error reading request: request too long (%zu MiB) error reading request: Not enough memory for %zu MiB) error writing request header: %s error writing request header: short write error writing request: short write %s %s ready (enter ",help" for help) { "op": "help", "interactive_help": "\nMeta commands:\n ,read FNAME Process data from FILE\n ,help CMD Print help for a command\n ,quit Terminate process"}Version from header: %s (0x%06x) rrrrrrrrrrr rr0r@rrrrrPrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr`rprwwwlwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww܀̀Јȡءt\L<,ԠĠThe tool expects a JSON object with the request and responds with another JSON object. Even on error a JSON object is returned. The property "op" is mandatory and its string value selects the operation; if the property "help" with the value "true" exists, the operation is not performned but a string with the documentation returned. To list all operations it is allowed to leave out "op" in help mode. Supported values for "op" are: config Read configuration values. config_opt Read a single configuration value. decrypt Decrypt data. delete Delete a key. encrypt Encrypt data. export Export keys. createkey Generate a keypair (OpenPGP only). import Import data. keylist List keys. sign Sign data. verify Verify data. version Get engine information. getmore Retrieve remaining data if chunksize was used. help Help overview. If the data needs to be transferred in smaller chunks the property "chunksize" with an integer value can be added. When "chunksize" is set the response (including json) will not be larger then "chunksize" but might be smaller. The chunked result will be transferred in base64 encoded chunks using the "getmore" operation. See help getmore for more info.op: "getmore" Response on success: response: base64 encoded json response. more: Another getmore is required. base64: boolean if the response is base64 encoded. op: "createkey" userid: The user id. E.g. "Foo Bar " Optional parameters: algo: Algo of the key as string. See doc for gpg --quick-gen-key. Supported values are "default" and "future-default". expires: Seconds from now to expiry as Number. 0 means no expiry. The default is to use a standard expiration interval. Response on success: fingerprint: The fingerprint of the created key. Note: This interface does not allow key generation if the userid of the new key already exists in the keyring. op: "config" Optional parameters: component: Component of entries to list. Default: all Response on success: components: Array of the component program configs. name: The component name. description: Description of the component. program_name: The absolute path to the program. options: Array of config options String values: name: The name of the option description: Localized description of the opt. argname: Thhe argument name e.g. --verbose default_description no_arg_description Number values: flags: Flags for this option. level: the level of the description. See gpgme_conf_level_t. type: The type of the option. See gpgme_conf_type_t. alt_type: Alternate type of the option. See gpgme_conf_type_t Arg type values: (see desc. below) default_value: Array of the default value. no_arg_value: Array of the value if it is not set. value: Array for the current value if the option is set. Conf type values are an array of values that are either of type number named "number" or of type string, named "string". If the type is none the bool value is_none is true. op: "config_opt" component: The component of the option. option: The name of the option. Response on success: option: Information about the option. String values: name: The name of the option description: Localized description of the opt. argname: Thhe argument name e.g. --verbose default_description no_arg_description Number values: flags: Flags for this option. level: the level of the description. See gpgme_conf_level_t. type: The type of the option. See gpgme_conf_type_t. alt_type: Alternate type of the option. See gpgme_conf_type_t Arg type values: (see desc. below) default_value: Array of the default value. no_arg_value: Array of the value if it is not set. value: Array for the current value if the option is set. If the response is empty the option was not found op: "delete" key: Fingerprint of the key to delete. Optional parameters: protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". Response on success: success: Boolean true. op: "export" Optional parameters: keys: Array of strings or fingerprints to lookup For a single key a String may be used instead of an array. default exports all keys. protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". Optional boolean flags (default is false): armor: Request output in armored format. extern: Add EXPORT_MODE_EXTERN. minimal: Add EXPORT_MODE_MINIMAL. raw: Add EXPORT_MODE_RAW. pkcs12: Add EXPORT_MODE_PKCS12. with-sec-fprs: Add the sec-fprs array to the result. Response on success: type: "keys" data: Unless armor mode is used a Base64 encoded binary. In armor mode a string with an armored OpenPGP or a PEM / PKCS12 key. base64: Boolean indicating whether data is base64 encoded. sec-fprs: Optional, only if with-secret is set. An array containing the fingerprints of the keys in the export for which a secret key is availableop: "import" data: The data to import. Optional parameters: protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". Optional boolean flags (default is false): base64: Input data is base64 encoded. Response on success: result: The import result. Number values: considered no_user_id imported imported_rsa unchanged new_user_ids new_sub_keys new_signatures new_revocations secret_read secret_imported secret_unchanged skipped_new_keys not_imported skipped_v3_keys Array values: imports: List of keys for which an import was attempted String values: fingerprint error_string Number values: error_code status op: "keylist" Optional parameters: keys: Array of strings or fingerprints to lookup For a single key a String may be used instead of an array. default lists all keys. protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". Optional boolean flags (default is false): secret: List only secret keys. with-secret: Add KEYLIST_MODE_WITH_SECRET. extern: Add KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN. local: Add KEYLIST_MODE_LOCAL. (default mode). sigs: Add KEYLIST_MODE_SIGS. notations: Add KEYLIST_MODE_SIG_NOTATIONS. tofu: Add KEYLIST_MODE_WITH_TOFU. ephemeral: Add KEYLIST_MODE_EPHEMERAL. validate: Add KEYLIST_MODE_VALIDATE. locate: Add KEYLIST_MODE_LOCATE. Response on success: keys: Array of keys. Boolean values: revoked expired disabled invalid can_encrypt can_sign can_certify can_authenticate secret is_qualified String values: protocol issuer_serial (CMS Only) issuer_name (CMS Only) chain_id (CMS Only) owner_trust (OpenPGP only) fingerprint Number values: last_update origin Array values: subkeys Boolean values: revoked expired disabled invalid can_encrypt can_sign can_certify can_authenticate secret is_qualified is_cardkey is_de_vs String values: pubkey_algo_name pubkey_algo_string keyid card_number curve keygrip Number values: pubkey_algo length timestamp expires userids Boolean values: revoked invalid String values: validity uid name email comment address Number values: origin last_update Array values: signatures Boolean values: revoked expired invalid exportable String values: pubkey_algo_name keyid status uid name email comment Number values: pubkey_algo timestamp expires status_code sig_class Array values: notations Boolean values: human_readable critical String values: name value Number values: flags tofu String values: description Number values: validity policy signcount encrcount signfirst signlast encrfirst encrlast op: "version" Response on success: gpgme: The GPGME Version. info: dump of engine info. containing: protocol: The protocol. fname: The file name. version: The version. req_ver: The required version. homedir: The homedir of the engine or "default". op: "verify" data: The data to verify. Optional parameters: protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". signature: A detached signature. If missing opaque is assumed. Optional boolean flags (default is false): base64: Input data is base64 encoded. Response on success: type: "plaintext" data: The verified data. This may be base64 encoded. base64: Boolean indicating whether data is base64 encoded. info: An object with verification information (gpgme_verify_result_t). is_mime: Boolean that is true if the messages claims it is MIME. Note that this flag is not covered by the signature.) signatures: Array of signatures summary: Object containing summary information. Boolean values: (Check gpgme_sigsum_t doc for meaning) valid green red revoked key-expired sig-expired key-missing crl-missing crl-too-old bad-policy sys-error sigsum: Array of strings representing the sigsum. Boolean values: wrong_key_usage: Key should not have been used for signing. chain_model: Validity has been verified using the chain model. is_de_vs: signature is in compliance to the de-vs mode. String values: status_string: The status code as localized gpg-error string fingerprint: The fingerprint of the signing key. validity_string: The validity as string. pubkey_algo_name: gpgme_pubkey_algo_name of used algo. hash_algo_name: gpgme_hash_algo_name of used hash algo pka_address: The mailbox from the PKA information. Number values: status_code: The status as a number. (gpg_error_t) timestamp: Signature creation time. (secs since epoch) exp_timestamp: Signature expiration or 0. (secs since epoch) pka_trust: PKA status: 0 = not available, 1 = bad, 2 = okay, 3 = RFU. validity: validity as number (gpgme_validity_t) validity_reason: (gpg_error_t) Array values: notations: Notation data and policy urls (gpgme_sig_notation_t) Boolean values: human_readable critical String values: name value Number values: flags op: "sign" keys: Array of strings with the fingerprints of the signing key. For a single key a String may be used instead of an array. data: Input data. Optional parameters: protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". sender: The mail address of the sender. mode: A string with the signing mode can be: detached (default) opaque clearsign Optional boolean flags (default is false): base64: Input data is base64 encoded. armor: Request output in armored format. Response on success: type: "signature" data: Unless armor mode is used a Base64 encoded binary signature. In armor mode a string with an armored OpenPGP or a PEM message. base64: Boolean indicating whether data is base64 encoded. op: "decrypt" data: The encrypted data. Optional parameters: protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". Optional boolean flags (default is false): base64: Input data is base64 encoded. Response on success: type: "plaintext" data: The decrypted data. This may be base64 encoded. base64: Boolean indicating whether data is base64 encoded. mime: deprecated - use dec_info is_mime instead dec_info: An object with decryption information. (gpgme_decrypt_result_t) Boolean values: wrong_key_usage: Key should not have been used for encryption. is_de_vs: Message was encrypted in compliance to the de-vs mode. is_mime: Message claims that the content is a MIME Message. legacy_cipher_nomdc: The message was made by a legacy algorithm without integrity protection. String values: file_name: The filename contained in the decrypt result. symkey_algo: A string with the symmetric encryption algorithm and mode using the format ".". Array values: recipients: The list of recipients (gpgme_recipient_t). String values: keyid: The keyid of the recipient. pubkey_algo_name: gpgme_pubkey_algo_name of used algo. status_string: The status code as localized gpg-error string Number values: status_code: The status as a number. (gpg_error_t) info: Optional an object with verification information. (gpgme_verify_result_t) file_name: The filename contained in the verify result. is_mime: The is_mime info contained in the verify result. signatures: Array of signatures summary: Object containing summary information. Boolean values: (Check gpgme_sigsum_t doc for meaning) valid green red revoked key-expired sig-expired key-missing crl-missing crl-too-old bad-policy sys-error sigsum: Array of strings representing the sigsum. Boolean values: wrong_key_usage: Key should not have been used for signing. chain_model: Validity has been verified using the chain model. is_de_vs: signature is in compliance to the de-vs mode. String values: status_string: The status code as localized gpg-error string fingerprint: The fingerprint of the signing key. validity_string: The validity as string. pubkey_algo_name: gpgme_pubkey_algo_name of used algo. hash_algo_name: gpgme_hash_algo_name of used hash algo pka_address: The mailbox from the PKA information. Number values: status_code: The status as a number. (gpg_error_t) timestamp: Signature creation time. (secs since epoch) exp_timestamp: Signature expiration or 0. (secs since epoch) pka_trust: PKA status: 0 = not available, 1 = bad, 2 = okay, 3 = RFU. validity: validity as number (gpgme_validity_t) validity_reason: (gpg_error_t) Array values: notations: Notation data and policy urls (gpgme_sig_notation_t) Boolean values: human_readable critical String values: name value Number values: flags op: "encrypt" keys: Array of strings with the fingerprints or user-ids of the keys to encrypt the data. For a single key a String may be used instead of an array. data: Input data. Optional parameters: protocol: Either "openpgp" (default) or "cms". signing_keys: Similar to the keys parameter for added signing. (openpgp only)file_name: The file name associated with the data. sender: Sender info to embed in a signature. Optional boolean flags (default is false): base64: Input data is base64 encoded. mime: Indicate that data is a MIME object. armor: Request output in armored format. always-trust: Request --always-trust option. no-encrypt-to: Do not use a default recipient. no-compress: Do not compress the plaintext first. throw-keyids: Request the --throw-keyids option. want-address: Require that the keys include a mail address. wrap: Assume the input is an OpenPGP message. Response on success: type: "ciphertext" data: Unless armor mode is used a Base64 encoded binary ciphertext. In armor mode a string with an armored OpenPGP or a PEM message. base64: Boolean indicating whether data is base64 encoded.|lLLl|nullfalsetrue"\ u%04x:-inf%d%.0f%e%f?$@A<0CDcLư>eA;_p80`  < . /x@00011142dp304445P60p6L08=`@0BlCIKpLpNP(@PPPRRc0e8 f h i lH `o 0q ps @wX z  P P4h|DP`pП,0TPh  `P 4H`@Х$<0T`lЦ 4L d,h0zRx x+/D$40FJ w?:*3$"\t,,<A$,_A~ A Q G F -DN A ,-FHC U CBE -DN A ,0-BAC  ABC `D.G A |.G A /sAq/DN A (/ADD  DAA ,x0BDC c ABA ,1DN A HH1BEL G(D0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBG H2BBB B(A0A8G`) 8A0A(B BBBD H7FBB E(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBH 8,(:'BBA A(G0 (D ABBA h<|AF V AA Hx<BBB B(A0A8GP\ 8A0A(B BBBI BBBE B(A0A8D@ 8A0A(B BBBG  8A0A(B BBBE D 8F0A(B BBBE D 8F0A(B BBBE 0lDCBAA D0  AABA D4EFBA D(G@ (A ABBD zHIPPHA@8|FBIA A(DP (A ABBH $$G8ADD eDA8LGFBD A(D@! 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