var/opt/nydus/ops/oscrypto/_openssl/tls.py000064400000126601147205515210014771 0ustar00# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function import sys import re import socket as socket_ import select import numbers from ._libssl import libssl, LibsslConst from ._libcrypto import libcrypto, libcrypto_version_info, handle_openssl_error, peek_openssl_error from .. import _backend_config from .._asn1 import Certificate as Asn1Certificate from .._errors import pretty_message from .._ffi import null, bytes_from_buffer, buffer_from_bytes, is_null, buffer_pointer from .._types import type_name, str_cls, byte_cls, int_types from ..errors import TLSError, TLSDisconnectError, TLSGracefulDisconnectError from .._tls import ( detect_client_auth_request, extract_chain, get_dh_params_length, parse_session_info, raise_client_auth, raise_dh_params, raise_disconnection, raise_expired_not_yet_valid, raise_handshake, raise_hostname, raise_no_issuer, raise_protocol_error, raise_protocol_version, raise_self_signed, raise_verification, raise_weak_signature, parse_tls_records, parse_handshake_messages, ) from .asymmetric import load_certificate, Certificate from ..keys import parse_certificate from ..trust_list import get_path if sys.version_info < (3,): range = xrange # noqa if sys.version_info < (3, 7): Pattern = re._pattern_type else: Pattern = re.Pattern __all__ = [ 'TLSSession', 'TLSSocket', ] _trust_list_path = _backend_config().get('trust_list_path') _line_regex = re.compile(b'(\r\n|\r|\n)') _PROTOCOL_MAP = { 'SSLv2': LibsslConst.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2, 'SSLv3': LibsslConst.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3, 'TLSv1': LibsslConst.SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1, 'TLSv1.1': LibsslConst.SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1, 'TLSv1.2': LibsslConst.SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2, } def _homogenize_openssl3_error(error_tuple): """ Takes a 3-element tuple from peek_openssl_error() and modifies it to handle the changes in OpenSSL 3.0. That release removed the concept of an error function, meaning the second item in the tuple will always be 0. :param error_tuple: A 3-element tuple of integers :return: A 3-element tuple of integers """ if libcrypto_version_info < (3,): return error_tuple return (error_tuple[0], 0, error_tuple[2]) class TLSSession(object): """ A TLS session object that multiple TLSSocket objects can share for the sake of session reuse """ _protocols = None _ciphers = None _manual_validation = None _extra_trust_roots = None _ssl_ctx = None _ssl_session = None def __init__(self, protocol=None, manual_validation=False, extra_trust_roots=None): """ :param protocol: A unicode string or set of unicode strings representing allowable protocols to negotiate with the server: - "TLSv1.2" - "TLSv1.1" - "TLSv1" - "SSLv3" Default is: {"TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"} :param manual_validation: If certificate and certificate path validation should be skipped and left to the developer to implement :param extra_trust_roots: A list containing one or more certificates to be treated as trust roots, in one of the following formats: - A byte string of the DER encoded certificate - A unicode string of the certificate filename - An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object - An oscrypto.asymmetric.Certificate object :raises: ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library """ if not isinstance(manual_validation, bool): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' manual_validation must be a boolean, not %s ''', type_name(manual_validation) )) self._manual_validation = manual_validation if protocol is None: protocol = set(['TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2']) if isinstance(protocol, str_cls): protocol = set([protocol]) elif not isinstance(protocol, set): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' protocol must be a unicode string or set of unicode strings, not %s ''', type_name(protocol) )) valid_protocols = set(['SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2']) unsupported_protocols = protocol - valid_protocols if unsupported_protocols: raise ValueError(pretty_message( ''' protocol must contain only the unicode strings "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", not %s ''', repr(unsupported_protocols) )) self._protocols = protocol self._extra_trust_roots = [] if extra_trust_roots: for extra_trust_root in extra_trust_roots: if isinstance(extra_trust_root, Certificate): extra_trust_root = extra_trust_root.asn1 elif isinstance(extra_trust_root, byte_cls): extra_trust_root = parse_certificate(extra_trust_root) elif isinstance(extra_trust_root, str_cls): with open(extra_trust_root, 'rb') as f: extra_trust_root = parse_certificate( elif not isinstance(extra_trust_root, Asn1Certificate): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' extra_trust_roots must be a list of byte strings, unicode strings, asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects or oscrypto.asymmetric.Certificate objects, not %s ''', type_name(extra_trust_root) )) self._extra_trust_roots.append(extra_trust_root) ssl_ctx = None try: if libcrypto_version_info < (1, 1): method = libssl.SSLv23_method() else: method = libssl.TLS_method() ssl_ctx = libssl.SSL_CTX_new(method) if is_null(ssl_ctx): handle_openssl_error(0) self._ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx libssl.SSL_CTX_set_timeout(ssl_ctx, 600) # Allow caching SSL sessions libssl.SSL_CTX_ctrl( ssl_ctx, LibsslConst.SSL_CTRL_SET_SESS_CACHE_MODE, LibsslConst.SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT, null() ) if sys.platform in set(['win32', 'darwin']): trust_list_path = _trust_list_path if trust_list_path is None: trust_list_path = get_path() if sys.platform == 'win32': path_encoding = 'mbcs' else: path_encoding = 'utf-8' result = libssl.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations( ssl_ctx, trust_list_path.encode(path_encoding), null() ) else: result = libssl.SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ssl_ctx) handle_openssl_error(result) verify_mode = LibsslConst.SSL_VERIFY_NONE if manual_validation else LibsslConst.SSL_VERIFY_PEER libssl.SSL_CTX_set_verify(ssl_ctx, verify_mode, null()) # Modern cipher suite list from late August 2015 result = libssl.SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list( ssl_ctx, ( b'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:' b'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:' b'DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:' b'kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:' b'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:' b'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:' b'DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256:' b'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:' b'AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:' b'AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:AES:CAMELLIA:DES-CBC3-SHA:!aNULL:!eNULL:' b'!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA:' b'!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA' ) ) handle_openssl_error(result) disabled_protocols = set(['SSLv2']) disabled_protocols |= (valid_protocols - self._protocols) for disabled_protocol in disabled_protocols: libssl.SSL_CTX_ctrl( ssl_ctx, LibsslConst.SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS, _PROTOCOL_MAP[disabled_protocol], null() ) if self._extra_trust_roots: x509_store = libssl.SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ssl_ctx) for cert in self._extra_trust_roots: oscrypto_cert = load_certificate(cert) result = libssl.X509_STORE_add_cert( x509_store, oscrypto_cert.x509 ) handle_openssl_error(result) except (Exception): if ssl_ctx: libssl.SSL_CTX_free(ssl_ctx) self._ssl_ctx = None raise def __del__(self): if self._ssl_ctx: libssl.SSL_CTX_free(self._ssl_ctx) self._ssl_ctx = None if self._ssl_session: libssl.SSL_SESSION_free(self._ssl_session) self._ssl_session = None class TLSSocket(object): """ A wrapper around a socket.socket that adds TLS """ _socket = None # An oscrypto.tls.TLSSession object _session = None # An OpenSSL SSL struct pointer _ssl = None # OpenSSL memory bios used for reading/writing data to and # from the socket _rbio = None _wbio = None # Size of _bio_write_buffer and _read_buffer _buffer_size = 8192 # A buffer used to pull bytes out of the _wbio memory bio to # be written to the socket _bio_write_buffer = None # A buffer used to push bytes into the _rbio memory bio to # be decrypted by OpenSSL _read_buffer = None # Raw ciphertext from the socker that hasn't need fed to OpenSSL yet _raw_bytes = None # Plaintext that has been decrypted, but not asked for yet _decrypted_bytes = None _hostname = None _certificate = None _intermediates = None _protocol = None _cipher_suite = None _compression = None _session_id = None _session_ticket = None # If we explicitly asked for the connection to be closed _local_closed = False _gracefully_closed = False @classmethod def wrap(cls, socket, hostname, session=None): """ Takes an existing socket and adds TLS :param socket: A socket.socket object to wrap with TLS :param hostname: A unicode string of the hostname or IP the socket is connected to :param session: An existing TLSSession object to allow for session reuse, specific protocol or manual certificate validation :raises: ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library """ if not isinstance(socket, socket_.socket): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' socket must be an instance of socket.socket, not %s ''', type_name(socket) )) if not isinstance(hostname, str_cls): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' hostname must be a unicode string, not %s ''', type_name(hostname) )) if session is not None and not isinstance(session, TLSSession): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' session must be an instance of oscrypto.tls.TLSSession, not %s ''', type_name(session) )) new_socket = cls(None, None, session=session) new_socket._socket = socket new_socket._hostname = hostname new_socket._handshake() return new_socket def __init__(self, address, port, timeout=10, session=None): """ :param address: A unicode string of the domain name or IP address to connect to :param port: An integer of the port number to connect to :param timeout: An integer timeout to use for the socket :param session: An oscrypto.tls.TLSSession object to allow for session reuse and controlling the protocols and validation performed """ self._raw_bytes = b'' self._decrypted_bytes = b'' if address is None and port is None: self._socket = None else: if not isinstance(address, str_cls): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' address must be a unicode string, not %s ''', type_name(address) )) if not isinstance(port, int_types): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' port must be an integer, not %s ''', type_name(port) )) if timeout is not None and not isinstance(timeout, numbers.Number): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' timeout must be a number, not %s ''', type_name(timeout) )) self._socket = socket_.create_connection((address, port), timeout) self._socket.settimeout(timeout) if session is None: session = TLSSession() elif not isinstance(session, TLSSession): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' session must be an instance of oscrypto.tls.TLSSession, not %s ''', type_name(session) )) self._session = session if self._socket: self._hostname = address self._handshake() def _handshake(self): """ Perform an initial TLS handshake """ self._ssl = None self._rbio = None self._wbio = None try: self._ssl = libssl.SSL_new(self._session._ssl_ctx) if is_null(self._ssl): self._ssl = None handle_openssl_error(0) mem_bio = libssl.BIO_s_mem() self._rbio = libssl.BIO_new(mem_bio) if is_null(self._rbio): handle_openssl_error(0) self._wbio = libssl.BIO_new(mem_bio) if is_null(self._wbio): handle_openssl_error(0) libssl.SSL_set_bio(self._ssl, self._rbio, self._wbio) utf8_domain = self._hostname.encode('utf-8') libssl.SSL_ctrl( self._ssl, LibsslConst.SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME, LibsslConst.TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name, utf8_domain ) libssl.SSL_set_connect_state(self._ssl) if self._session._ssl_session: libssl.SSL_set_session(self._ssl, self._session._ssl_session) self._bio_write_buffer = buffer_from_bytes(self._buffer_size) self._read_buffer = buffer_from_bytes(self._buffer_size) handshake_server_bytes = b'' handshake_client_bytes = b'' while True: result = libssl.SSL_do_handshake(self._ssl) handshake_client_bytes += self._raw_write() if result == 1: break error = libssl.SSL_get_error(self._ssl, result) if error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: chunk = self._raw_read() if chunk == b'': if handshake_server_bytes == b'': raise_disconnection() if detect_client_auth_request(handshake_server_bytes): raise_client_auth() raise_protocol_error(handshake_server_bytes) handshake_server_bytes += chunk elif error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: handshake_client_bytes += self._raw_write() elif error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: self._gracefully_closed = True self._shutdown(False) self._raise_closed() else: info = peek_openssl_error() dh_key_info_1 = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL3_CHECK_CERT_AND_ALGORITHM, LibsslConst.SSL_R_DH_KEY_TOO_SMALL ) dh_key_info_1 = _homogenize_openssl3_error(dh_key_info_1) dh_key_info_2 = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_TLS_PROCESS_SKE_DHE, LibsslConst.SSL_R_DH_KEY_TOO_SMALL ) dh_key_info_2 = _homogenize_openssl3_error(dh_key_info_2) dh_key_info_3 = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE, LibsslConst.SSL_R_BAD_DH_P_LENGTH ) dh_key_info_3 = _homogenize_openssl3_error(dh_key_info_3) if info == dh_key_info_1 or info == dh_key_info_2 or info == dh_key_info_3: raise_dh_params() if libcrypto_version_info < (1, 1): unknown_protocol_info = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO, LibsslConst.SSL_R_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL ) else: unknown_protocol_info = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL3_GET_RECORD, LibsslConst.SSL_R_WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER ) unknown_protocol_info = _homogenize_openssl3_error(unknown_protocol_info) if info == unknown_protocol_info: raise_protocol_error(handshake_server_bytes) tls_version_info_error = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO, LibsslConst.SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION ) tls_version_info_error = _homogenize_openssl3_error(tls_version_info_error) if info == tls_version_info_error: raise_protocol_version() handshake_error_info = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO, LibsslConst.SSL_R_SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE ) # OpenSSL 3.0 no longer has func codes, so this can be confused # with the following handler which needs to check for client auth if libcrypto_version_info < (3, ) and info == handshake_error_info: raise_handshake() handshake_failure_info = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL3_READ_BYTES, LibsslConst.SSL_R_SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE ) handshake_failure_info = _homogenize_openssl3_error(handshake_failure_info) if info == handshake_failure_info: saw_client_auth = False for record_type, _, record_data in parse_tls_records(handshake_server_bytes): if record_type != b'\x16': continue for message_type, message_data in parse_handshake_messages(record_data): if message_type == b'\x0d': saw_client_auth = True break if saw_client_auth: raise_client_auth() raise_handshake() if libcrypto_version_info < (1, 1): cert_verify_failed_info = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE, LibsslConst.SSL_R_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED ) else: cert_verify_failed_info = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_SSL, LibsslConst.SSL_F_TLS_PROCESS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE, LibsslConst.SSL_R_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED ) cert_verify_failed_info = _homogenize_openssl3_error(cert_verify_failed_info) # It would appear that some versions of OpenSSL (such as on Fedora 30) # don't even have the MD5 digest algorithm included any longer? To # give a more useful error message we handle this specifically. unknown_hash_algo_info = ( LibsslConst.ERR_LIB_ASN1, LibsslConst.ASN1_F_ASN1_ITEM_VERIFY, LibsslConst.ASN1_R_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM ) unknown_hash_algo_info = _homogenize_openssl3_error(unknown_hash_algo_info) if info == unknown_hash_algo_info: chain = extract_chain(handshake_server_bytes) if chain: cert = chain[0] oscrypto_cert = load_certificate(cert) if oscrypto_cert.asn1.hash_algo in set(['md5', 'md2']): raise_weak_signature(oscrypto_cert) if info == cert_verify_failed_info: verify_result = libssl.SSL_get_verify_result(self._ssl) chain = extract_chain(handshake_server_bytes) self_signed = False time_invalid = False no_issuer = False cert = None oscrypto_cert = None if chain: cert = chain[0] oscrypto_cert = load_certificate(cert) self_signed = oscrypto_cert.self_signed issuer_error_codes = set([ LibsslConst.X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT, LibsslConst.X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN, LibsslConst.X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY ]) if verify_result in issuer_error_codes: no_issuer = not self_signed time_error_codes = set([ LibsslConst.X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED, LibsslConst.X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID ]) time_invalid = verify_result in time_error_codes if time_invalid: raise_expired_not_yet_valid(cert) if no_issuer: raise_no_issuer(cert) if self_signed: raise_self_signed(cert) if oscrypto_cert and oscrypto_cert.asn1.hash_algo in set(['md5', 'md2']): raise_weak_signature(oscrypto_cert) raise_verification(cert) handle_openssl_error(0, TLSError) session_info = parse_session_info( handshake_server_bytes, handshake_client_bytes ) self._protocol = session_info['protocol'] self._cipher_suite = session_info['cipher_suite'] self._compression = session_info['compression'] self._session_id = session_info['session_id'] self._session_ticket = session_info['session_ticket'] if self._cipher_suite.find('_DHE_') != -1: dh_params_length = get_dh_params_length(handshake_server_bytes) if dh_params_length < 1024: self.close() raise_dh_params() # When saving the session for future requests, we use # SSL_get1_session() variant to increase the reference count. This # prevents the session from being freed when one connection closes # before another is opened. However, since we increase the ref # count, we also have to explicitly free any previous session. if self._session_id == 'new' or self._session_ticket == 'new': if self._session._ssl_session: libssl.SSL_SESSION_free(self._session._ssl_session) self._session._ssl_session = libssl.SSL_get1_session(self._ssl) if not self._session._manual_validation: if self.certificate.hash_algo in set(['md5', 'md2']): raise_weak_signature(self.certificate) # OpenSSL does not do hostname or IP address checking in the end # entity certificate, so we must perform that check if not self.certificate.is_valid_domain_ip(self._hostname): raise_hostname(self.certificate, self._hostname) except (OSError, socket_.error): if self._ssl: libssl.SSL_free(self._ssl) self._ssl = None self._rbio = None self._wbio = None # The BIOs are freed by SSL_free(), so we only need to free # them if for some reason SSL_free() was not called else: if self._rbio: libssl.BIO_free(self._rbio) self._rbio = None if self._wbio: libssl.BIO_free(self._wbio) self._wbio = None self.close() raise def _raw_read(self): """ Reads data from the socket and writes it to the memory bio used by libssl to decrypt the data. Returns the unencrypted data for the purpose of debugging handshakes. :return: A byte string of ciphertext from the socket. Used for debugging the handshake only. """ data = self._raw_bytes try: data += self._socket.recv(8192) except (socket_.error): pass output = data written = libssl.BIO_write(self._rbio, data, len(data)) self._raw_bytes = data[written:] return output def _raw_write(self): """ Takes ciphertext from the memory bio and writes it to the socket. :return: A byte string of ciphertext going to the socket. Used for debugging the handshake only. """ data_available = libssl.BIO_ctrl_pending(self._wbio) if data_available == 0: return b'' to_read = min(self._buffer_size, data_available) read = libssl.BIO_read(self._wbio, self._bio_write_buffer, to_read) to_write = bytes_from_buffer(self._bio_write_buffer, read) output = to_write while len(to_write): raise_disconnect = False try: sent = self._socket.send(to_write) except (socket_.error) as e: # Handle ECONNRESET and EPIPE if e.errno == 104 or e.errno == 32: raise_disconnect = True # Handle EPROTOTYPE. Newer versions of macOS will return this # if we try to call send() while the socket is being torn down elif sys.platform == 'darwin' and e.errno == 41: raise_disconnect = True else: raise if raise_disconnect: raise_disconnection() to_write = to_write[sent:] if len(to_write): self.select_write() return output def read(self, max_length): """ Reads data from the TLS-wrapped socket :param max_length: The number of bytes to read - output may be less than this :raises: socket.socket - when a non-TLS socket error occurs oscrypto.errors.TLSError - when a TLS-related error occurs ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library :return: A byte string of the data read """ if not isinstance(max_length, int_types): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' max_length must be an integer, not %s ''', type_name(max_length) )) buffered_length = len(self._decrypted_bytes) # If we already have enough buffered data, just use that if buffered_length >= max_length: output = self._decrypted_bytes[0:max_length] self._decrypted_bytes = self._decrypted_bytes[max_length:] return output if self._ssl is None: self._raise_closed() # Don't block if we have buffered data available, since it is ok to # return less than the max_length if buffered_length > 0 and not self.select_read(0): output = self._decrypted_bytes self._decrypted_bytes = b'' return output # Only read enough to get the requested amount when # combined with buffered data to_read = min(self._buffer_size, max_length - buffered_length) output = self._decrypted_bytes # The SSL_read() loop handles renegotiations, so we need to handle # requests for both reads and writes again = True while again: again = False result = libssl.SSL_read(self._ssl, self._read_buffer, to_read) self._raw_write() if result <= 0: error = libssl.SSL_get_error(self._ssl, result) if error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: if self._raw_read() != b'': again = True continue raise_disconnection() elif error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: self._raw_write() again = True continue elif error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: self._gracefully_closed = True self._shutdown(False) break else: handle_openssl_error(0, TLSError) output += bytes_from_buffer(self._read_buffer, result) if self._gracefully_closed and len(output) == 0: self._raise_closed() self._decrypted_bytes = output[max_length:] return output[0:max_length] def select_read(self, timeout=None): """ Blocks until the socket is ready to be read from, or the timeout is hit :param timeout: A float - the period of time to wait for data to be read. None for no time limit. :return: A boolean - if data is ready to be read. Will only be False if timeout is not None. """ # If we have buffered data, we consider a read possible if len(self._decrypted_bytes) > 0: return True read_ready, _, _ =[self._socket], [], [], timeout) return len(read_ready) > 0 def read_until(self, marker): """ Reads data from the socket until a marker is found. Data read includes the marker. :param marker: A byte string or regex object from re.compile(). Used to determine when to stop reading. Regex objects are more inefficient since they must scan the entire byte string of read data each time data is read off the socket. :return: A byte string of the data read, including the marker """ if not isinstance(marker, byte_cls) and not isinstance(marker, Pattern): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' marker must be a byte string or compiled regex object, not %s ''', type_name(marker) )) output = b'' is_regex = isinstance(marker, Pattern) while True: if len(self._decrypted_bytes) > 0: chunk = self._decrypted_bytes self._decrypted_bytes = b'' else: if self._ssl is None: self._raise_closed() to_read = libssl.SSL_pending(self._ssl) or 8192 chunk = offset = len(output) output += chunk if is_regex: match = if match is not None: end = match.end() break else: # If the marker was not found last time, we have to start # at a position where the marker would have its final char # in the newly read chunk start = max(0, offset - len(marker) - 1) match = output.find(marker, start) if match != -1: end = match + len(marker) break self._decrypted_bytes = output[end:] + self._decrypted_bytes return output[0:end] def read_line(self): r""" Reads a line from the socket, including the line ending of "\r\n", "\r", or "\n" :return: A byte string of the next line from the socket """ return self.read_until(_line_regex) def read_exactly(self, num_bytes): """ Reads exactly the specified number of bytes from the socket :param num_bytes: An integer - the exact number of bytes to read :return: A byte string of the data that was read """ output = b'' remaining = num_bytes while remaining > 0: output += remaining = num_bytes - len(output) return output def write(self, data): """ Writes data to the TLS-wrapped socket :param data: A byte string to write to the socket :raises: socket.socket - when a non-TLS socket error occurs oscrypto.errors.TLSError - when a TLS-related error occurs ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library """ data_len = len(data) while data_len: if self._ssl is None: self._raise_closed() result = libssl.SSL_write(self._ssl, data, data_len) self._raw_write() if result <= 0: error = libssl.SSL_get_error(self._ssl, result) if error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: if self._raw_read() != b'': continue raise_disconnection() elif error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: self._raw_write() continue elif error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: self._gracefully_closed = True self._shutdown(False) self._raise_closed() else: handle_openssl_error(0, TLSError) data = data[result:] data_len = len(data) def select_write(self, timeout=None): """ Blocks until the socket is ready to be written to, or the timeout is hit :param timeout: A float - the period of time to wait for the socket to be ready to written to. None for no time limit. :return: A boolean - if the socket is ready for writing. Will only be False if timeout is not None. """ _, write_ready, _ =[], [self._socket], [], timeout) return len(write_ready) > 0 def _shutdown(self, manual): """ Shuts down the TLS session and then shuts down the underlying socket :param manual: A boolean if the connection was manually shutdown """ if self._ssl is None: return while True: result = libssl.SSL_shutdown(self._ssl) # Don't be noisy if the socket is already closed try: self._raw_write() except (TLSDisconnectError): pass if result >= 0: break if result < 0: error = libssl.SSL_get_error(self._ssl, result) if error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: if self._raw_read() != b'': continue else: break elif error == LibsslConst.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: self._raw_write() continue else: handle_openssl_error(0, TLSError) if manual: self._local_closed = True libssl.SSL_free(self._ssl) self._ssl = None # BIOs are freed by SSL_free() self._rbio = None self._wbio = None try: self._socket.shutdown(socket_.SHUT_RDWR) except (socket_.error): pass def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the TLS session and then shuts down the underlying socket """ self._shutdown(True) def close(self): """ Shuts down the TLS session and socket and forcibly closes it """ try: self.shutdown() finally: if self._socket: try: self._socket.close() except (socket_.error): pass self._socket = None def _read_certificates(self): """ Reads end-entity and intermediate certificate information from the TLS session """ stack_pointer = libssl.SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(self._ssl) if is_null(stack_pointer): handle_openssl_error(0, TLSError) if libcrypto_version_info < (1, 1): number_certs = libssl.sk_num(stack_pointer) else: number_certs = libssl.OPENSSL_sk_num(stack_pointer) self._intermediates = [] for index in range(0, number_certs): if libcrypto_version_info < (1, 1): x509_ = libssl.sk_value(stack_pointer, index) else: x509_ = libssl.OPENSSL_sk_value(stack_pointer, index) buffer_size = libcrypto.i2d_X509(x509_, null()) cert_buffer = buffer_from_bytes(buffer_size) cert_pointer = buffer_pointer(cert_buffer) cert_length = libcrypto.i2d_X509(x509_, cert_pointer) handle_openssl_error(cert_length) cert_data = bytes_from_buffer(cert_buffer, cert_length) cert = Asn1Certificate.load(cert_data) if index == 0: self._certificate = cert else: self._intermediates.append(cert) def _raise_closed(self): """ Raises an exception describing if the local or remote end closed the connection """ if self._local_closed: raise TLSDisconnectError('The connection was already closed') elif self._gracefully_closed: raise TLSGracefulDisconnectError('The remote end closed the connection') else: raise TLSDisconnectError('The connection was closed') @property def certificate(self): """ An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object of the end-entity certificate presented by the server """ if self._ssl is None: self._raise_closed() if self._certificate is None: self._read_certificates() return self._certificate @property def intermediates(self): """ A list of asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects that were presented as intermediates by the server """ if self._ssl is None: self._raise_closed() if self._certificate is None: self._read_certificates() return self._intermediates @property def cipher_suite(self): """ A unicode string of the IANA cipher suite name of the negotiated cipher suite """ return self._cipher_suite @property def protocol(self): """ A unicode string of: "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1", "SSLv3" """ return self._protocol @property def compression(self): """ A boolean if compression is enabled """ return self._compression @property def session_id(self): """ A unicode string of "new" or "reused" or None for no ticket """ return self._session_id @property def session_ticket(self): """ A unicode string of "new" or "reused" or None for no ticket """ return self._session_ticket @property def session(self): """ The oscrypto.tls.TLSSession object used for this connection """ return self._session @property def hostname(self): """ A unicode string of the TLS server domain name or IP address """ return self._hostname @property def port(self): """ An integer of the port number the socket is connected to """ return self.socket.getpeername()[1] @property def socket(self): """ The underlying socket.socket connection """ if self._ssl is None: self._raise_closed() return self._socket def __del__(self): self.close() var/opt/nydus/ops/oscrypto/_win/tls.py000064400000163242147205517300014107 0ustar00# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function import sys import re import socket as socket_ import select import numbers from .._asn1 import Certificate as Asn1Certificate from .._errors import pretty_message from .._ffi import ( buffer_from_bytes, buffer_from_unicode, bytes_from_buffer, cast, deref, is_null, native, new, null, ref, sizeof, struct, unwrap, write_to_buffer, ) from ._secur32 import secur32, Secur32Const, handle_error from ._crypt32 import crypt32, Crypt32Const, handle_error as handle_crypt32_error from ._kernel32 import kernel32 from .._types import type_name, str_cls, byte_cls, int_types from ..errors import TLSError, TLSVerificationError, TLSDisconnectError, TLSGracefulDisconnectError from .._tls import ( detect_client_auth_request, detect_other_protocol, extract_chain, get_dh_params_length, parse_alert, parse_session_info, raise_client_auth, raise_dh_params, raise_disconnection, raise_expired_not_yet_valid, raise_handshake, raise_hostname, raise_no_issuer, raise_protocol_error, raise_protocol_version, raise_revoked, raise_self_signed, raise_verification, raise_weak_signature, ) from .asymmetric import load_certificate, Certificate from ..keys import parse_certificate if sys.version_info < (3,): range = xrange # noqa socket_error_cls = socket_.error else: socket_error_cls = WindowsError if sys.version_info < (3, 7): Pattern = re._pattern_type else: Pattern = re.Pattern __all__ = [ 'TLSSession', 'TLSSocket', ] _line_regex = re.compile(b'(\r\n|\r|\n)') _gwv = sys.getwindowsversion() _win_version_info = (_gwv[0], _gwv[1]) class _TLSDowngradeError(TLSVerificationError): pass class _TLSRetryError(TLSError): """ TLSv1.2 on Windows 7 and 8 seems to have isuses with some DHE_RSA ServerKeyExchange messages due to variable length integer encoding. This exception is used to trigger a reconnection to attempt the handshake again. """ pass class TLSSession(object): """ A TLS session object that multiple TLSSocket objects can share for the sake of session reuse """ _protocols = None _ciphers = None _manual_validation = None _extra_trust_roots = None _credentials_handle = None def __init__(self, protocol=None, manual_validation=False, extra_trust_roots=None): """ :param protocol: A unicode string or set of unicode strings representing allowable protocols to negotiate with the server: - "TLSv1.2" - "TLSv1.1" - "TLSv1" - "SSLv3" Default is: {"TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"} :param manual_validation: If certificate and certificate path validation should be skipped and left to the developer to implement :param extra_trust_roots: A list containing one or more certificates to be treated as trust roots, in one of the following formats: - A byte string of the DER encoded certificate - A unicode string of the certificate filename - An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object - An oscrypto.asymmetric.Certificate object :raises: ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library """ if not isinstance(manual_validation, bool): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' manual_validation must be a boolean, not %s ''', type_name(manual_validation) )) self._manual_validation = manual_validation if protocol is None: protocol = set(['TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2']) if isinstance(protocol, str_cls): protocol = set([protocol]) elif not isinstance(protocol, set): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' protocol must be a unicode string or set of unicode strings, not %s ''', type_name(protocol) )) unsupported_protocols = protocol - set(['SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2']) if unsupported_protocols: raise ValueError(pretty_message( ''' protocol must contain only the unicode strings "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", not %s ''', repr(unsupported_protocols) )) self._protocols = protocol self._extra_trust_roots = [] if extra_trust_roots: for extra_trust_root in extra_trust_roots: if isinstance(extra_trust_root, Certificate): extra_trust_root = extra_trust_root.asn1 elif isinstance(extra_trust_root, byte_cls): extra_trust_root = parse_certificate(extra_trust_root) elif isinstance(extra_trust_root, str_cls): with open(extra_trust_root, 'rb') as f: extra_trust_root = parse_certificate( elif not isinstance(extra_trust_root, Asn1Certificate): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' extra_trust_roots must be a list of byte strings, unicode strings, asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects or oscrypto.asymmetric.Certificate objects, not %s ''', type_name(extra_trust_root) )) self._extra_trust_roots.append(extra_trust_root) self._obtain_credentials() def _obtain_credentials(self): """ Obtains a credentials handle from secur32.dll for use with SChannel """ protocol_values = { 'SSLv3': Secur32Const.SP_PROT_SSL3_CLIENT, 'TLSv1': Secur32Const.SP_PROT_TLS1_CLIENT, 'TLSv1.1': Secur32Const.SP_PROT_TLS1_1_CLIENT, 'TLSv1.2': Secur32Const.SP_PROT_TLS1_2_CLIENT, } protocol_bit_mask = 0 for key, value in protocol_values.items(): if key in self._protocols: protocol_bit_mask |= value algs = [ Secur32Const.CALG_AES_128, Secur32Const.CALG_AES_256, Secur32Const.CALG_3DES, Secur32Const.CALG_SHA1, Secur32Const.CALG_ECDHE, Secur32Const.CALG_DH_EPHEM, Secur32Const.CALG_RSA_KEYX, Secur32Const.CALG_RSA_SIGN, Secur32Const.CALG_ECDSA, Secur32Const.CALG_DSS_SIGN, ] if 'TLSv1.2' in self._protocols: algs.extend([ Secur32Const.CALG_SHA512, Secur32Const.CALG_SHA384, Secur32Const.CALG_SHA256, ]) alg_array = new(secur32, 'ALG_ID[%s]' % len(algs)) for index, alg in enumerate(algs): alg_array[index] = alg flags = Secur32Const.SCH_USE_STRONG_CRYPTO | Secur32Const.SCH_CRED_NO_DEFAULT_CREDS if not self._manual_validation and not self._extra_trust_roots: flags |= Secur32Const.SCH_CRED_AUTO_CRED_VALIDATION else: flags |= Secur32Const.SCH_CRED_MANUAL_CRED_VALIDATION schannel_cred_pointer = struct(secur32, 'SCHANNEL_CRED') schannel_cred = unwrap(schannel_cred_pointer) schannel_cred.dwVersion = Secur32Const.SCHANNEL_CRED_VERSION schannel_cred.cCreds = 0 schannel_cred.paCred = null() schannel_cred.hRootStore = null() schannel_cred.cMappers = 0 schannel_cred.aphMappers = null() schannel_cred.cSupportedAlgs = len(alg_array) schannel_cred.palgSupportedAlgs = alg_array schannel_cred.grbitEnabledProtocols = protocol_bit_mask schannel_cred.dwMinimumCipherStrength = 0 schannel_cred.dwMaximumCipherStrength = 0 # Default session lifetime is 10 hours schannel_cred.dwSessionLifespan = 0 schannel_cred.dwFlags = flags schannel_cred.dwCredFormat = 0 cred_handle_pointer = new(secur32, 'CredHandle *') result = secur32.AcquireCredentialsHandleW( null(), Secur32Const.UNISP_NAME, Secur32Const.SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, null(), schannel_cred_pointer, null(), null(), cred_handle_pointer, null() ) handle_error(result) self._credentials_handle = cred_handle_pointer def __del__(self): if self._credentials_handle: result = secur32.FreeCredentialsHandle(self._credentials_handle) handle_error(result) self._credentials_handle = None class TLSSocket(object): """ A wrapper around a socket.socket that adds TLS """ _socket = None _session = None _context_handle_pointer = None _context_flags = None _hostname = None _header_size = None _message_size = None _trailer_size = None _received_bytes = None _decrypted_bytes = None _encrypt_desc = None _encrypt_buffers = None _encrypt_data_buffer = None _decrypt_desc = None _decrypt_buffers = None _decrypt_data_buffer = None _certificate = None _intermediates = None _protocol = None _cipher_suite = None _compression = None _session_id = None _session_ticket = None _remote_closed = False @classmethod def wrap(cls, socket, hostname, session=None): """ Takes an existing socket and adds TLS :param socket: A socket.socket object to wrap with TLS :param hostname: A unicode string of the hostname or IP the socket is connected to :param session: An existing TLSSession object to allow for session reuse, specific protocol or manual certificate validation :raises: ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library """ if not isinstance(socket, socket_.socket): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' socket must be an instance of socket.socket, not %s ''', type_name(socket) )) if not isinstance(hostname, str_cls): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' hostname must be a unicode string, not %s ''', type_name(hostname) )) if session is not None and not isinstance(session, TLSSession): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' session must be an instance of oscrypto.tls.TLSSession, not %s ''', type_name(session) )) new_socket = cls(None, None, session=session) new_socket._socket = socket new_socket._hostname = hostname # Since we don't create the socket connection here, we can't try to # reconnect with a lower version of the TLS protocol, so we just # move the data to public exception type TLSVerificationError() try: new_socket._handshake() except (_TLSDowngradeError) as e: new_e = TLSVerificationError(e.message, e.certificate) raise new_e except (_TLSRetryError) as e: new_e = TLSError(e.message) raise new_e return new_socket def __init__(self, address, port, timeout=10, session=None): """ :param address: A unicode string of the domain name or IP address to connect to :param port: An integer of the port number to connect to :param timeout: An integer timeout to use for the socket :param session: An oscrypto.tls.TLSSession object to allow for session reuse and controlling the protocols and validation performed """ self._received_bytes = b'' self._decrypted_bytes = b'' if address is None and port is None: self._socket = None else: if not isinstance(address, str_cls): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' address must be a unicode string, not %s ''', type_name(address) )) if not isinstance(port, int_types): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' port must be an integer, not %s ''', type_name(port) )) if timeout is not None and not isinstance(timeout, numbers.Number): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' timeout must be a number, not %s ''', type_name(timeout) )) self._socket = socket_.create_connection((address, port), timeout) self._socket.settimeout(timeout) if session is None: session = TLSSession() elif not isinstance(session, TLSSession): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' session must be an instance of oscrypto.tls.TLSSession, not %s ''', type_name(session) )) self._session = session if self._socket: self._hostname = address try: self._handshake() except (_TLSDowngradeError): self.close() new_session = TLSSession( session._protocols - set(['TLSv1.2']), session._manual_validation, session._extra_trust_roots ) session.__del__() self._received_bytes = b'' self._session = new_session self._socket = socket_.create_connection((address, port), timeout) self._socket.settimeout(timeout) self._handshake() except (_TLSRetryError): self._received_bytes = b'' self._socket = socket_.create_connection((address, port), timeout) self._socket.settimeout(timeout) self._handshake() def _create_buffers(self, number): """ Creates a SecBufferDesc struct and contained SecBuffer structs :param number: The number of contains SecBuffer objects to create :return: A tuple of (SecBufferDesc pointer, SecBuffer array) """ buffers = new(secur32, 'SecBuffer[%d]' % number) for index in range(0, number): buffers[index].cbBuffer = 0 buffers[index].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY buffers[index].pvBuffer = null() sec_buffer_desc_pointer = struct(secur32, 'SecBufferDesc') sec_buffer_desc = unwrap(sec_buffer_desc_pointer) sec_buffer_desc.ulVersion = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_VERSION sec_buffer_desc.cBuffers = number sec_buffer_desc.pBuffers = buffers return (sec_buffer_desc_pointer, buffers) def _extra_trust_root_validation(self): """ Manually invoked windows certificate chain builder and verification step when there are extra trust roots to include in the search process """ store = None cert_chain_context_pointer = None try: # We set up an in-memory store to pass as an extra store to grab # certificates from when performing the verification store = crypt32.CertOpenStore( Crypt32Const.CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY, Crypt32Const.X509_ASN_ENCODING, null(), 0, null() ) if is_null(store): handle_crypt32_error(0) cert_hashes = set() for cert in self._session._extra_trust_roots: cert_data = cert.dump() result = crypt32.CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore( store, Crypt32Const.X509_ASN_ENCODING, cert_data, len(cert_data), Crypt32Const.CERT_STORE_ADD_USE_EXISTING, null() ) if not result: handle_crypt32_error(0) cert_hashes.add(cert.sha256) cert_context_pointer_pointer = new(crypt32, 'PCERT_CONTEXT *') result = secur32.QueryContextAttributesW( self._context_handle_pointer, Secur32Const.SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT, cert_context_pointer_pointer ) handle_error(result) cert_context_pointer = unwrap(cert_context_pointer_pointer) cert_context_pointer = cast(crypt32, 'PCERT_CONTEXT', cert_context_pointer) # We have to do a funky shuffle here because FILETIME from kernel32 # is different than FILETIME from crypt32 when using cffi. If we # overwrite the "now_pointer" variable, cffi releases the backing # memory and we end up getting a validation error about certificate # expiration time. orig_now_pointer = new(kernel32, 'FILETIME *') kernel32.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(orig_now_pointer) now_pointer = cast(crypt32, 'FILETIME *', orig_now_pointer) usage_identifiers = new(crypt32, 'char *[3]') usage_identifiers[0] = cast(crypt32, 'char *', Crypt32Const.PKIX_KP_SERVER_AUTH) usage_identifiers[1] = cast(crypt32, 'char *', Crypt32Const.SERVER_GATED_CRYPTO) usage_identifiers[2] = cast(crypt32, 'char *', Crypt32Const.SGC_NETSCAPE) cert_enhkey_usage_pointer = struct(crypt32, 'CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE') cert_enhkey_usage = unwrap(cert_enhkey_usage_pointer) cert_enhkey_usage.cUsageIdentifier = 3 cert_enhkey_usage.rgpszUsageIdentifier = cast(crypt32, 'char **', usage_identifiers) cert_usage_match_pointer = struct(crypt32, 'CERT_USAGE_MATCH') cert_usage_match = unwrap(cert_usage_match_pointer) cert_usage_match.dwType = Crypt32Const.USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_OR cert_usage_match.Usage = cert_enhkey_usage cert_chain_para_pointer = struct(crypt32, 'CERT_CHAIN_PARA') cert_chain_para = unwrap(cert_chain_para_pointer) cert_chain_para.RequestedUsage = cert_usage_match cert_chain_para_size = sizeof(crypt32, cert_chain_para) cert_chain_para.cbSize = cert_chain_para_size cert_chain_context_pointer_pointer = new(crypt32, 'PCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT *') result = crypt32.CertGetCertificateChain( null(), cert_context_pointer, now_pointer, store, cert_chain_para_pointer, Crypt32Const.CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_END_CERT | Crypt32Const.CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_CACHE_ONLY, null(), cert_chain_context_pointer_pointer ) handle_crypt32_error(result) cert_chain_policy_para_flags = Crypt32Const.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_IGNORE_ALL_REV_UNKNOWN_FLAGS cert_chain_context_pointer = unwrap(cert_chain_context_pointer_pointer) # Unwrap the chain and if the final element in the chain is one of # extra trust roots, set flags so that we trust the certificate even # though it is not in the Trusted Roots store cert_chain_context = unwrap(cert_chain_context_pointer) num_chains = native(int, cert_chain_context.cChain) if num_chains == 1: first_simple_chain_pointer = unwrap(cert_chain_context.rgpChain) first_simple_chain = unwrap(first_simple_chain_pointer) num_elements = native(int, first_simple_chain.cElement) last_element_pointer = first_simple_chain.rgpElement[num_elements - 1] last_element = unwrap(last_element_pointer) last_element_cert = unwrap(last_element.pCertContext) last_element_cert_data = bytes_from_buffer( last_element_cert.pbCertEncoded, native(int, last_element_cert.cbCertEncoded) ) last_cert = Asn1Certificate.load(last_element_cert_data) if last_cert.sha256 in cert_hashes: cert_chain_policy_para_flags |= Crypt32Const.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_ALLOW_UNKNOWN_CA_FLAG ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para_pointer = struct(crypt32, 'SSL_EXTRA_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA') ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para = unwrap(ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para_pointer) ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para.cbSize = sizeof(crypt32, ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para) ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para.dwAuthType = Crypt32Const.AUTHTYPE_SERVER ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para.fdwChecks = 0 ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para.pwszServerName = cast( crypt32, 'wchar_t *', buffer_from_unicode(self._hostname) ) cert_chain_policy_para_pointer = struct(crypt32, 'CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA') cert_chain_policy_para = unwrap(cert_chain_policy_para_pointer) cert_chain_policy_para.cbSize = sizeof(crypt32, cert_chain_policy_para) cert_chain_policy_para.dwFlags = cert_chain_policy_para_flags cert_chain_policy_para.pvExtraPolicyPara = cast(crypt32, 'void *', ssl_extra_cert_chain_policy_para_pointer) cert_chain_policy_status_pointer = struct(crypt32, 'CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS') cert_chain_policy_status = unwrap(cert_chain_policy_status_pointer) cert_chain_policy_status.cbSize = sizeof(crypt32, cert_chain_policy_status) result = crypt32.CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy( Crypt32Const.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL, cert_chain_context_pointer, cert_chain_policy_para_pointer, cert_chain_policy_status_pointer ) handle_crypt32_error(result) cert_context = unwrap(cert_context_pointer) cert_data = bytes_from_buffer(cert_context.pbCertEncoded, native(int, cert_context.cbCertEncoded)) cert = Asn1Certificate.load(cert_data) error = cert_chain_policy_status.dwError if error: if error == Crypt32Const.CERT_E_EXPIRED: raise_expired_not_yet_valid(cert) if error == Crypt32Const.CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT: oscrypto_cert = load_certificate(cert) if oscrypto_cert.self_signed: raise_self_signed(cert) else: raise_no_issuer(cert) if error == Crypt32Const.CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH: raise_hostname(cert, self._hostname) if error == Crypt32Const.TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE: raise_weak_signature(cert) if error == Crypt32Const.CRYPT_E_REVOKED: raise_revoked(cert) raise_verification(cert) if cert.hash_algo in set(['md5', 'md2']): raise_weak_signature(cert) finally: if store: crypt32.CertCloseStore(store, 0) if cert_chain_context_pointer: crypt32.CertFreeCertificateChain(cert_chain_context_pointer) def _handshake(self, renegotiate=False): """ Perform an initial TLS handshake, or a renegotiation :param renegotiate: If the handshake is for a renegotiation """ in_buffers = None out_buffers = None new_context_handle_pointer = None try: if renegotiate: temp_context_handle_pointer = self._context_handle_pointer else: new_context_handle_pointer = new(secur32, 'CtxtHandle *') temp_context_handle_pointer = new_context_handle_pointer requested_flags = { Secur32Const.ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT: 'replay detection', Secur32Const.ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT: 'sequence detection', Secur32Const.ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY: 'confidentiality', Secur32Const.ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY: 'memory allocation', Secur32Const.ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY: 'integrity', Secur32Const.ISC_REQ_STREAM: 'stream orientation', Secur32Const.ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS: 'disable automatic client auth', } self._context_flags = 0 for flag in requested_flags: self._context_flags |= flag in_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, in_buffers = self._create_buffers(2) in_buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_TOKEN out_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, out_buffers = self._create_buffers(2) out_buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_TOKEN out_buffers[1].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_ALERT output_context_flags_pointer = new(secur32, 'ULONG *') if renegotiate: first_handle = temp_context_handle_pointer second_handle = null() else: first_handle = null() second_handle = temp_context_handle_pointer result = secur32.InitializeSecurityContextW( self._session._credentials_handle, first_handle, self._hostname, self._context_flags, 0, 0, null(), 0, second_handle, out_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, output_context_flags_pointer, null() ) if result not in set([Secur32Const.SEC_E_OK, Secur32Const.SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED]): handle_error(result, TLSError) if not renegotiate: temp_context_handle_pointer = second_handle else: temp_context_handle_pointer = first_handle handshake_server_bytes = b'' handshake_client_bytes = b'' if out_buffers[0].cbBuffer > 0: token = bytes_from_buffer(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer, out_buffers[0].cbBuffer) handshake_client_bytes += token self._socket.send(token) out_buffers[0].cbBuffer = 0 secur32.FreeContextBuffer(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer) out_buffers[0].pvBuffer = null() in_data_buffer = buffer_from_bytes(32768) in_buffers[0].pvBuffer = cast(secur32, 'BYTE *', in_data_buffer) bytes_read = b'' while result != Secur32Const.SEC_E_OK: try: fail_late = False bytes_read = self._socket.recv(8192) if bytes_read == b'': raise_disconnection() except (socket_error_cls): fail_late = True handshake_server_bytes += bytes_read self._received_bytes += bytes_read in_buffers[0].cbBuffer = len(self._received_bytes) write_to_buffer(in_data_buffer, self._received_bytes) result = secur32.InitializeSecurityContextW( self._session._credentials_handle, temp_context_handle_pointer, self._hostname, self._context_flags, 0, 0, in_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, 0, null(), out_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, output_context_flags_pointer, null() ) if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE: in_buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_TOKEN # Windows 10 seems to fill the second input buffer with # a BufferType of SECBUFFER_MISSING (4), which if not # cleared causes the handshake to fail. if in_buffers[1].BufferType != Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY: in_buffers[1].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY in_buffers[1].cbBuffer = 0 if not is_null(in_buffers[1].pvBuffer): secur32.FreeContextBuffer(in_buffers[1].pvBuffer) in_buffers[1].pvBuffer = null() if fail_late: raise_disconnection() continue if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE: if detect_client_auth_request(handshake_server_bytes): raise_client_auth() alert_info = parse_alert(handshake_server_bytes) if alert_info and alert_info == (2, 70): raise_protocol_version() raise_handshake() if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL: chain = extract_chain(handshake_server_bytes) raise_hostname(chain[0], self._hostname) if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_CERT_EXPIRED: chain = extract_chain(handshake_server_bytes) raise_expired_not_yet_valid(chain[0]) if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT: chain = extract_chain(handshake_server_bytes) cert = chain[0] oscrypto_cert = load_certificate(cert) if not oscrypto_cert.self_signed: raise_no_issuer(cert) raise_self_signed(cert) if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR: if get_dh_params_length(handshake_server_bytes) < 1024: raise_dh_params() if result == Secur32Const.SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS: raise_client_auth() if result == Crypt32Const.TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE: raise_weak_signature(cert) if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN: # If an alert it present, there may have been a handshake # error due to the server using a certificate path with a # trust root using MD2 or MD5 combined with TLS 1.2. To # work around this, if the user allows anything other than # TLS 1.2, we just remove it from the acceptable protocols # and try again. if out_buffers[1].cbBuffer > 0: alert_bytes = bytes_from_buffer(out_buffers[1].pvBuffer, out_buffers[1].cbBuffer) handshake_client_bytes += alert_bytes alert_number = alert_bytes[6:7] if alert_number == b'\x28' or alert_number == b'\x2b': if 'TLSv1.2' in self._session._protocols and len(self._session._protocols) > 1: chain = extract_chain(handshake_server_bytes) raise _TLSDowngradeError( 'Server certificate verification failed - weak certificate signature algorithm', chain[0] ) if detect_client_auth_request(handshake_server_bytes): raise_client_auth() if detect_other_protocol(handshake_server_bytes): raise_protocol_error(handshake_server_bytes) raise_handshake() # These are semi-common errors with TLSv1.2 on Windows 7 an 8 # that appears to be due to poor handling of the # ServerKeyExchange for DHE_RSA cipher suites. The solution # is to retry the handshake. if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL or result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED: if 'TLSv1.2' in self._session._protocols: raise _TLSRetryError('TLS handshake failed') if fail_late: raise_disconnection() if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER: if get_dh_params_length(handshake_server_bytes) < 1024: raise_dh_params() if result not in set([Secur32Const.SEC_E_OK, Secur32Const.SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED]): handle_error(result, TLSError) if out_buffers[0].cbBuffer > 0: token = bytes_from_buffer(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer, out_buffers[0].cbBuffer) handshake_client_bytes += token self._socket.send(token) out_buffers[0].cbBuffer = 0 secur32.FreeContextBuffer(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer) out_buffers[0].pvBuffer = null() if in_buffers[1].BufferType == Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EXTRA: extra_amount = in_buffers[1].cbBuffer self._received_bytes = self._received_bytes[-extra_amount:] in_buffers[1].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY in_buffers[1].cbBuffer = 0 secur32.FreeContextBuffer(in_buffers[1].pvBuffer) in_buffers[1].pvBuffer = null() # The handshake is complete, so discard any extra bytes if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_OK: handshake_server_bytes = handshake_server_bytes[-extra_amount:] else: self._received_bytes = b'' connection_info_pointer = struct(secur32, 'SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo') result = secur32.QueryContextAttributesW( temp_context_handle_pointer, Secur32Const.SECPKG_ATTR_CONNECTION_INFO, connection_info_pointer ) handle_error(result, TLSError) connection_info = unwrap(connection_info_pointer) self._protocol = { Secur32Const.SP_PROT_SSL2_CLIENT: 'SSLv2', Secur32Const.SP_PROT_SSL3_CLIENT: 'SSLv3', Secur32Const.SP_PROT_TLS1_CLIENT: 'TLSv1', Secur32Const.SP_PROT_TLS1_1_CLIENT: 'TLSv1.1', Secur32Const.SP_PROT_TLS1_2_CLIENT: 'TLSv1.2', }.get(native(int, connection_info.dwProtocol), str_cls(connection_info.dwProtocol)) if self._protocol in set(['SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2']): session_info = parse_session_info(handshake_server_bytes, handshake_client_bytes) self._cipher_suite = session_info['cipher_suite'] self._compression = session_info['compression'] self._session_id = session_info['session_id'] self._session_ticket = session_info['session_ticket'] output_context_flags = deref(output_context_flags_pointer) for flag in requested_flags: if (flag | output_context_flags) == 0: raise OSError(pretty_message( ''' Unable to obtain a credential context with the property %s ''', requested_flags[flag] )) if not renegotiate: self._context_handle_pointer = temp_context_handle_pointer new_context_handle_pointer = None stream_sizes_pointer = struct(secur32, 'SecPkgContext_StreamSizes') result = secur32.QueryContextAttributesW( self._context_handle_pointer, Secur32Const.SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES, stream_sizes_pointer ) handle_error(result) stream_sizes = unwrap(stream_sizes_pointer) self._header_size = native(int, stream_sizes.cbHeader) self._message_size = native(int, stream_sizes.cbMaximumMessage) self._trailer_size = native(int, stream_sizes.cbTrailer) self._buffer_size = self._header_size + self._message_size + self._trailer_size if self._session._extra_trust_roots: self._extra_trust_root_validation() except (OSError, socket_.error): self.close() raise finally: if out_buffers: if not is_null(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer): secur32.FreeContextBuffer(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer) if not is_null(out_buffers[1].pvBuffer): secur32.FreeContextBuffer(out_buffers[1].pvBuffer) if new_context_handle_pointer: secur32.DeleteSecurityContext(new_context_handle_pointer) def read(self, max_length): """ Reads data from the TLS-wrapped socket :param max_length: The number of bytes to read :raises: socket.socket - when a non-TLS socket error occurs oscrypto.errors.TLSError - when a TLS-related error occurs ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library :return: A byte string of the data read """ if not isinstance(max_length, int_types): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' max_length must be an integer, not %s ''', type_name(max_length) )) if self._context_handle_pointer is None: # Allow the user to read any remaining decrypted data if self._decrypted_bytes != b'': output = self._decrypted_bytes[0:max_length] self._decrypted_bytes = self._decrypted_bytes[max_length:] return output self._raise_closed() # The first time read is called, set up a single contiguous buffer that # it used by DecryptMessage() to populate the three output buffers. # Since we are creating the buffer, we do not need to free it other # than allowing Python to GC it once this object is GCed. if not self._decrypt_data_buffer: self._decrypt_data_buffer = buffer_from_bytes(self._buffer_size) self._decrypt_desc, self._decrypt_buffers = self._create_buffers(4) self._decrypt_buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_DATA self._decrypt_buffers[0].pvBuffer = cast(secur32, 'BYTE *', self._decrypt_data_buffer) to_recv = max(max_length, self._buffer_size) # These variables are set to reduce dict access and function calls # in the read loop. Also makes the code easier to read. null_value = null() buf0 = self._decrypt_buffers[0] buf1 = self._decrypt_buffers[1] buf2 = self._decrypt_buffers[2] buf3 = self._decrypt_buffers[3] def _reset_buffers(): buf0.BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_DATA buf0.pvBuffer = cast(secur32, 'BYTE *', self._decrypt_data_buffer) buf0.cbBuffer = 0 buf1.BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY buf1.pvBuffer = null_value buf1.cbBuffer = 0 buf2.BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY buf2.pvBuffer = null_value buf2.cbBuffer = 0 buf3.BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY buf3.pvBuffer = null_value buf3.cbBuffer = 0 output = self._decrypted_bytes output_len = len(output) self._decrypted_bytes = b'' # Don't block if we have buffered data available if output_len > 0 and not self.select_read(0): self._decrypted_bytes = b'' return output # This read loop will only be run if there wasn't enough # buffered data to fulfill the requested max_length do_read = len(self._received_bytes) == 0 while output_len < max_length: if do_read: self._received_bytes += self._socket.recv(to_recv) if len(self._received_bytes) == 0: raise_disconnection() data_len = min(len(self._received_bytes), self._buffer_size) if data_len == 0: break self._decrypt_buffers[0].cbBuffer = data_len write_to_buffer(self._decrypt_data_buffer, self._received_bytes[0:data_len]) result = secur32.DecryptMessage( self._context_handle_pointer, self._decrypt_desc, 0, null() ) do_read = False if result == Secur32Const.SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE: _reset_buffers() do_read = True continue elif result == Secur32Const.SEC_I_CONTEXT_EXPIRED: self._remote_closed = True self.shutdown() break elif result == Secur32Const.SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE: self._handshake(renegotiate=True) return elif result != Secur32Const.SEC_E_OK: handle_error(result, TLSError) valid_buffer_types = set([ Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EMPTY, Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_STREAM_HEADER, Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_STREAM_TRAILER ]) extra_amount = None for buf in (buf0, buf1, buf2, buf3): buffer_type = buf.BufferType if buffer_type == Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_DATA: output += bytes_from_buffer(buf.pvBuffer, buf.cbBuffer) output_len = len(output) elif buffer_type == Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_EXTRA: extra_amount = native(int, buf.cbBuffer) elif buffer_type not in valid_buffer_types: raise OSError(pretty_message( ''' Unexpected decrypt output buffer of type %s ''', buffer_type )) if extra_amount: self._received_bytes = self._received_bytes[data_len - extra_amount:] else: self._received_bytes = self._received_bytes[data_len:] # Here we reset the structs for the next call to DecryptMessage() _reset_buffers() # If we have read something, but there is nothing left to read, we # break so that we don't block for longer than necessary if self.select_read(0): do_read = True if not do_read and len(self._received_bytes) == 0: break # If the output is more than we requested (because data is decrypted in # blocks), we save the extra in a buffer if len(output) > max_length: self._decrypted_bytes = output[max_length:] output = output[0:max_length] return output def select_read(self, timeout=None): """ Blocks until the socket is ready to be read from, or the timeout is hit :param timeout: A float - the period of time to wait for data to be read. None for no time limit. :return: A boolean - if data is ready to be read. Will only be False if timeout is not None. """ # If we have buffered data, we consider a read possible if len(self._decrypted_bytes) > 0: return True read_ready, _, _ =[self._socket], [], [], timeout) return len(read_ready) > 0 def read_until(self, marker): """ Reads data from the socket until a marker is found. Data read may include data beyond the marker. :param marker: A byte string or regex object from re.compile(). Used to determine when to stop reading. Regex objects are more inefficient since they must scan the entire byte string of read data each time data is read off the socket. :return: A byte string of the data read """ if not isinstance(marker, byte_cls) and not isinstance(marker, Pattern): raise TypeError(pretty_message( ''' marker must be a byte string or compiled regex object, not %s ''', type_name(marker) )) output = b'' is_regex = isinstance(marker, Pattern) while True: if len(self._decrypted_bytes) > 0: chunk = self._decrypted_bytes self._decrypted_bytes = b'' else: chunk = offset = len(output) output += chunk if is_regex: match = if match is not None: end = match.end() break else: # If the marker was not found last time, we have to start # at a position where the marker would have its final char # in the newly read chunk start = max(0, offset - len(marker) - 1) match = output.find(marker, start) if match != -1: end = match + len(marker) break self._decrypted_bytes = output[end:] + self._decrypted_bytes return output[0:end] def read_line(self): r""" Reads a line from the socket, including the line ending of "\r\n", "\r", or "\n" :return: A byte string of the next line from the socket """ return self.read_until(_line_regex) def read_exactly(self, num_bytes): """ Reads exactly the specified number of bytes from the socket :param num_bytes: An integer - the exact number of bytes to read :return: A byte string of the data that was read """ output = b'' remaining = num_bytes while remaining > 0: output += remaining = num_bytes - len(output) return output def write(self, data): """ Writes data to the TLS-wrapped socket :param data: A byte string to write to the socket :raises: socket.socket - when a non-TLS socket error occurs oscrypto.errors.TLSError - when a TLS-related error occurs ValueError - when any of the parameters contain an invalid value TypeError - when any of the parameters are of the wrong type OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library """ if self._context_handle_pointer is None: self._raise_closed() if not self._encrypt_data_buffer: self._encrypt_data_buffer = buffer_from_bytes(self._header_size + self._message_size + self._trailer_size) self._encrypt_desc, self._encrypt_buffers = self._create_buffers(4) self._encrypt_buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_STREAM_HEADER self._encrypt_buffers[0].cbBuffer = self._header_size self._encrypt_buffers[0].pvBuffer = cast(secur32, 'BYTE *', self._encrypt_data_buffer) self._encrypt_buffers[1].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_DATA self._encrypt_buffers[1].pvBuffer = ref(self._encrypt_data_buffer, self._header_size) self._encrypt_buffers[2].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_STREAM_TRAILER self._encrypt_buffers[2].cbBuffer = self._trailer_size self._encrypt_buffers[2].pvBuffer = ref(self._encrypt_data_buffer, self._header_size + self._message_size) while len(data) > 0: to_write = min(len(data), self._message_size) write_to_buffer(self._encrypt_data_buffer, data[0:to_write], self._header_size) self._encrypt_buffers[1].cbBuffer = to_write self._encrypt_buffers[2].pvBuffer = ref(self._encrypt_data_buffer, self._header_size + to_write) result = secur32.EncryptMessage( self._context_handle_pointer, 0, self._encrypt_desc, 0 ) if result != Secur32Const.SEC_E_OK: handle_error(result, TLSError) to_send = native(int, self._encrypt_buffers[0].cbBuffer) to_send += native(int, self._encrypt_buffers[1].cbBuffer) to_send += native(int, self._encrypt_buffers[2].cbBuffer) try: self._socket.send(bytes_from_buffer(self._encrypt_data_buffer, to_send)) except (socket_.error) as e: if e.errno == 10053: raise_disconnection() raise data = data[to_send:] def select_write(self, timeout=None): """ Blocks until the socket is ready to be written to, or the timeout is hit :param timeout: A float - the period of time to wait for the socket to be ready to written to. None for no time limit. :return: A boolean - if the socket is ready for writing. Will only be False if timeout is not None. """ _, write_ready, _ =[], [self._socket], [], timeout) return len(write_ready) > 0 def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the TLS session and then shuts down the underlying socket :raises: OSError - when an error is returned by the OS crypto library """ if self._context_handle_pointer is None: return out_buffers = None try: # ApplyControlToken fails with SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION # when called on Windows 7 if _win_version_info >= (6, 2): buffers = new(secur32, 'SecBuffer[1]') # This is a SCHANNEL_SHUTDOWN token (DWORD of 1) buffers[0].cbBuffer = 4 buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_TOKEN buffers[0].pvBuffer = cast(secur32, 'BYTE *', buffer_from_bytes(b'\x01\x00\x00\x00')) sec_buffer_desc_pointer = struct(secur32, 'SecBufferDesc') sec_buffer_desc = unwrap(sec_buffer_desc_pointer) sec_buffer_desc.ulVersion = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_VERSION sec_buffer_desc.cBuffers = 1 sec_buffer_desc.pBuffers = buffers result = secur32.ApplyControlToken(self._context_handle_pointer, sec_buffer_desc_pointer) handle_error(result, TLSError) out_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, out_buffers = self._create_buffers(2) out_buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_TOKEN out_buffers[1].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_ALERT output_context_flags_pointer = new(secur32, 'ULONG *') result = secur32.InitializeSecurityContextW( self._session._credentials_handle, self._context_handle_pointer, self._hostname, self._context_flags, 0, 0, null(), 0, null(), out_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, output_context_flags_pointer, null() ) acceptable_results = set([ Secur32Const.SEC_E_OK, Secur32Const.SEC_E_CONTEXT_EXPIRED, Secur32Const.SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED ]) if result not in acceptable_results: handle_error(result, TLSError) token = bytes_from_buffer(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer, out_buffers[0].cbBuffer) try: # If there is an error sending the shutdown, ignore it since the # connection is likely gone at this point self._socket.send(token) except (socket_.error): pass finally: if out_buffers: if not is_null(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer): secur32.FreeContextBuffer(out_buffers[0].pvBuffer) if not is_null(out_buffers[1].pvBuffer): secur32.FreeContextBuffer(out_buffers[1].pvBuffer) secur32.DeleteSecurityContext(self._context_handle_pointer) self._context_handle_pointer = None try: self._socket.shutdown(socket_.SHUT_RDWR) except (socket_.error): pass def close(self): """ Shuts down the TLS session and socket and forcibly closes it """ try: self.shutdown() finally: if self._socket: try: self._socket.close() except (socket_.error): pass self._socket = None def _read_certificates(self): """ Reads end-entity and intermediate certificate information from the TLS session """ cert_context_pointer_pointer = new(crypt32, 'CERT_CONTEXT **') result = secur32.QueryContextAttributesW( self._context_handle_pointer, Secur32Const.SECPKG_ATTR_REMOTE_CERT_CONTEXT, cert_context_pointer_pointer ) handle_error(result, TLSError) cert_context_pointer = unwrap(cert_context_pointer_pointer) cert_context_pointer = cast(crypt32, 'CERT_CONTEXT *', cert_context_pointer) cert_context = unwrap(cert_context_pointer) cert_data = bytes_from_buffer(cert_context.pbCertEncoded, native(int, cert_context.cbCertEncoded)) self._certificate = Asn1Certificate.load(cert_data) self._intermediates = [] store_handle = None try: store_handle = cert_context.hCertStore context_pointer = crypt32.CertEnumCertificatesInStore(store_handle, null()) while not is_null(context_pointer): context = unwrap(context_pointer) data = bytes_from_buffer(context.pbCertEncoded, native(int, context.cbCertEncoded)) # The cert store seems to include the end-entity certificate as # the last entry, but we already have that from the struct. if data != cert_data: self._intermediates.append(Asn1Certificate.load(data)) context_pointer = crypt32.CertEnumCertificatesInStore(store_handle, context_pointer) finally: if store_handle: crypt32.CertCloseStore(store_handle, 0) def _raise_closed(self): """ Raises an exception describing if the local or remote end closed the connection """ if self._remote_closed: raise TLSGracefulDisconnectError('The remote end closed the connection') else: raise TLSDisconnectError('The connection was already closed') @property def certificate(self): """ An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object of the end-entity certificate presented by the server """ if self._context_handle_pointer is None: self._raise_closed() if self._certificate is None: self._read_certificates() return self._certificate @property def intermediates(self): """ A list of asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects that were presented as intermediates by the server """ if self._context_handle_pointer is None: self._raise_closed() if self._certificate is None: self._read_certificates() return self._intermediates @property def cipher_suite(self): """ A unicode string of the IANA cipher suite name of the negotiated cipher suite """ return self._cipher_suite @property def protocol(self): """ A unicode string of: "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1", "SSLv3" """ return self._protocol @property def compression(self): """ A boolean if compression is enabled """ return self._compression @property def session_id(self): """ A unicode string of "new" or "reused" or None for no ticket """ return self._session_id @property def session_ticket(self): """ A unicode string of "new" or "reused" or None for no ticket """ return self._session_ticket @property def session(self): """ The oscrypto.tls.TLSSession object used for this connection """ return self._session @property def hostname(self): """ A unicode string of the TLS server domain name or IP address """ return self._hostname @property def port(self): """ An integer of the port number the socket is connected to """ return self.socket.getpeername()[1] @property def socket(self): """ The underlying socket.socket connection """ if self._context_handle_pointer is None: self._raise_closed() return self._socket def __del__(self): self.close()