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Error getting cwd: %s --help--version--user-u--user specified twice --disable-internal-agent0.115pkexec version %s rootUser `%s' does not exist. argv[argc] == NULLCannot run program %s: %s Error accessing %s: %s /etc/shells..HOME.Xauthoritysubject != NULLError getting authority: %s exec_argv != NULLError enumerating actions: %saction_id != NULLuser.gecos%s (%s)user.displayprogramcommand_linepolkit.messagepolkit-1polkit.gettext_domainPATHLOGNAMEUSER%dPKEXEC_UIDError becoming uid 0: %s pam_start() failed: %s XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=eqError setting groups: %s Executing commandError executing %s: %s %s: %s [USER=%s] [TTY=%s] [CWD=%s] [COMMAND=%s] --version | --help | --disable-internal-agent | [--user username] [PROGRAM] [ARGUMENTS...] See the pkexec manual page for more details. 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