PK!_annotations.min.jsnu[/*! This file is auto-generated */ (()=>{"use strict";var t={d:(e,n)=>{for(var r in n)t.o(n,r)&&!t.o(e,r)&&Object.defineProperty(e,r,{enumerable:!0,get:n[r]})},o:(t,e)=>,e),r:t=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})}},e={};t.r(e),t.d(e,{store:()=>C});var n={};t.r(n),t.d(n,{__experimentalGetAllAnnotationsForBlock:()=>x,__experimentalGetAnnotations:()=>N,__experimentalGetAnnotationsForBlock:()=>y,__experimentalGetAnnotationsForRichText:()=>T});var r={};t.r(r),t.d(r,{__experimentalAddAnnotation:()=>R,__experimentalRemoveAnnotation:()=>U,__experimentalRemoveAnnotationsBySource:()=>k,__experimentalUpdateAnnotationRange:()=>S});const o=window.wp.richText,a=window.wp.i18n,i="core/annotations",c="core/annotation",l="annotation-text-";const s={name:c,title:(0,a.__)("Annotation"),tagName:"mark",className:"annotation-text",attributes:{className:"class",id:"id"},edit:()=>null,__experimentalGetPropsForEditableTreePreparation:(t,{richTextIdentifier:e,blockClientId:n})=>({annotations:t(i).__experimentalGetAnnotationsForRichText(n,e)}),__experimentalCreatePrepareEditableTree:({annotations:t})=>(e,n)=>{if(0===t.length)return e;let r={formats:e,text:n};return r=function(t,e=[]){return e.forEach((e=>{let{start:n,end:r}=e;n>t.text.length&&(n=t.text.length),r>t.text.length&&(r=t.text.length);const a=l+e.source,;t=(0,o.applyFormat)(t,{type:c,attributes:{className:a,id:i}},n,r)})),t}(r,t),r.formats},__experimentalGetPropsForEditableTreeChangeHandler:t=>({removeAnnotation:t(i).__experimentalRemoveAnnotation,updateAnnotationRange:t(i).__experimentalUpdateAnnotationRange}),__experimentalCreateOnChangeEditableValue:t=>e=>{const n=function(t){const e={};return t.forEach(((t,n)=>{(t=(t=t||[]).filter((t=>t.type===c))).forEach((t=>{let{id:r}=t.attributes;r=r.replace(l,""),e.hasOwnProperty(r)||(e[r]={start:n}),e[r].end=n+1}))})),e}(e),{removeAnnotation:r,updateAnnotationRange:o,annotations:a}=t;!function(t,e,{removeAnnotation:n,updateAnnotationRange:r}){t.forEach((t=>{const o=e[];if(!o)return void n(;const{start:a,end:i}=t;a===o.start&&i===o.end||r(,o.start,o.end)}))}(a,n,{removeAnnotation:r,updateAnnotationRange:o})}},{name:d,...u}=s;(0,o.registerFormatType)(d,u);const p=window.wp.hooks,;function f(t,e){const n=t.filter(e);return t.length===n.length?t:n}(0,p.addFilter)("editor.BlockListBlock","core/annotations",(t=>(0,m.withSelect)(((t,{clientId:e,className:n})=>({className:t(i).__experimentalGetAnnotationsForBlock(e).map((t=>"is-annotated-by-"+t.source)).concat(n).filter(Boolean).join(" ")})))(t)));const _=(t,e)=>Object.entries(t).reduce(((t,[n,r])=>({...t,[n]:e(r)})),{});const A=function(t={},e){var n;switch(e.type){case"ANNOTATION_ADD":const r=e.blockClientId,o={,blockClientId:r,richTextIdentifier:e.richTextIdentifier,source:e.source,selector:e.selector,range:e.range};if("range"===o.selector&&!function(t){return"number"==typeof t.start&&"number"==typeof t.end&&t.start<=t.end}(o.range))return t;const a=null!==(n=t?.[r])&&void 0!==n?n:[];return{...t,[r]:[...a,o]};case"ANNOTATION_REMOVE":return _(t,(t=>f(t,(t=>!==e.annotationId))));case"ANNOTATION_UPDATE_RANGE":return _(t,(t=>{let n=!1;const>!0,{...t,range:{start:e.start,end:e.end}}):t));return n?r:t}));case"ANNOTATION_REMOVE_SOURCE":return _(t,(t=>f(t,(t=>t.source!==e.source))))}return t},g=[],y=(0,m.createSelector)(((t,e)=>{var n;return(null!==(n=t?.[e])&&void 0!==n?n:[]).filter((t=>"block"===t.selector))}),((t,e)=>{var n;return[null!==(n=t?.[e])&&void 0!==n?n:g]}));function x(t,e){var n;return null!==(n=t?.[e])&&void 0!==n?n:g}const T=(0,m.createSelector)(((t,e,n)=>{var r;return(null!==(r=t?.[e])&&void 0!==r?r:[]).filter((t=>"range"===t.selector&&n===t.richTextIdentifier)).map((t=>{const{range:e,...n}=t;return{...e,...n}}))}),((t,e)=>{var n;return[null!==(n=t?.[e])&&void 0!==n?n:g]}));function N(t){return Object.values(t).flat()}const h={randomUUID:"undefined"!=typeof crypto&&crypto.randomUUID&&crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto)};let O;const b=new Uint8Array(16);function I(){if(!O&&(O="undefined"!=typeof crypto&&crypto.getRandomValues&&crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto),!O))throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See");return O(b)}const v=[];for(let t=0;t<256;++t)v.push((t+256).toString(16).slice(1));function w(t,e=0){return v[t[e+0]]+v[t[e+1]]+v[t[e+2]]+v[t[e+3]]+"-"+v[t[e+4]]+v[t[e+5]]+"-"+v[t[e+6]]+v[t[e+7]]+"-"+v[t[e+8]]+v[t[e+9]]+"-"+v[t[e+10]]+v[t[e+11]]+v[t[e+12]]+v[t[e+13]]+v[t[e+14]]+v[t[e+15]]}const E=function(t,e,n){if(h.randomUUID&&!e&&!t)return h.randomUUID();const r=(t=t||{}).random||(t.rng||I)();if(r[6]=15&r[6]|64,r[8]=63&r[8]|128,e){n=n||0;for(let t=0;t<16;++t)e[n+t]=r[t];return e}return w(r)};function R({blockClientId:t,richTextIdentifier:e=null,range:n=null,selector:r="range",source:o="default",id:a=E()}){const i={type:"ANNOTATION_ADD",id:a,blockClientId:t,richTextIdentifier:e,source:o,selector:r};return"range"===r&&(i.range=n),i}function U(t){return{type:"ANNOTATION_REMOVE",annotationId:t}}function S(t,e,n){return{type:"ANNOTATION_UPDATE_RANGE",annotationId:t,start:e,end:n}}function k(t){return{type:"ANNOTATION_REMOVE_SOURCE",source:t}}const C=(0,m.createReduxStore)(i,{reducer:A,selectors:n,actions:r});(0,m.register)(C),(window.wp=window.wp||{}).annotations=e})();PK!lo] core-data.jsnu[/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ 6689: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { /* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { /* harmony export */ createUndoManager: () => (/* binding */ createUndoManager) /* harmony export */ }); /* harmony import */ var _wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(923); /* harmony import */ var _wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__); /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryRecord} HistoryRecord */ /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChange} HistoryChange */ /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChanges} HistoryChanges */ /** @typedef {import('./types').UndoManager} UndoManager */ /** * Merge changes for a single item into a record of changes. * * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes1 Previous changes * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes2 NextChanges * * @return {Record< string, HistoryChange >} Merged changes */ function mergeHistoryChanges(changes1, changes2) { /** * @type {Record< string, HistoryChange >} */ const newChanges = { ...changes1 }; Object.entries(changes2).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (newChanges[key]) { newChanges[key] = { ...newChanges[key], to: }; } else { newChanges[key] = value; } }); return newChanges; } /** * Adds history changes for a single item into a record of changes. * * @param {HistoryRecord} record The record to merge into. * @param {HistoryChanges} changes The changes to merge. */ const addHistoryChangesIntoRecord = (record, changes) => { const existingChangesIndex = record?.findIndex(({ id: recordIdentifier }) => { return typeof recordIdentifier === 'string' ? recordIdentifier === : _wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(recordIdentifier,; }); const nextRecord = [...record]; if (existingChangesIndex !== -1) { // If the edit is already in the stack leave the initial "from" value. nextRecord[existingChangesIndex] = { id:, changes: mergeHistoryChanges(nextRecord[existingChangesIndex].changes, changes.changes) }; } else { nextRecord.push(changes); } return nextRecord; }; /** * Creates an undo manager. * * @return {UndoManager} Undo manager. */ function createUndoManager() { /** * @type {HistoryRecord[]} */ let history = []; /** * @type {HistoryRecord} */ let stagedRecord = []; /** * @type {number} */ let offset = 0; const dropPendingRedos = () => { history = history.slice(0, offset || undefined); offset = 0; }; const appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord = () => { var _history$index; const index = history.length === 0 ? 0 : history.length - 1; let latestRecord = (_history$index = history[index]) !== null && _history$index !== void 0 ? _history$index : []; stagedRecord.forEach(changes => { latestRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(latestRecord, changes); }); stagedRecord = []; history[index] = latestRecord; }; /** * Checks whether a record is empty. * A record is considered empty if it the changes keep the same values. * Also updates to function values are ignored. * * @param {HistoryRecord} record * @return {boolean} Whether the record is empty. */ const isRecordEmpty = record => { const filteredRecord = record.filter(({ changes }) => { return Object.values(changes).some(({ from, to }) => typeof from !== 'function' && typeof to !== 'function' && !_wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(from, to)); }); return !filteredRecord.length; }; return { /** * Record changes into the history. * * @param {HistoryRecord=} record A record of changes to record. * @param {boolean} isStaged Whether to immediately create an undo point or not. */ addRecord(record, isStaged = false) { const isEmpty = !record || isRecordEmpty(record); if (isStaged) { if (isEmpty) { return; } record.forEach(changes => { stagedRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(stagedRecord, changes); }); } else { dropPendingRedos(); if (stagedRecord.length) { appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord(); } if (isEmpty) { return; } history.push(record); } }, undo() { if (stagedRecord.length) { dropPendingRedos(); appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord(); } const undoRecord = history[history.length - 1 + offset]; if (!undoRecord) { return; } offset -= 1; return undoRecord; }, redo() { const redoRecord = history[history.length + offset]; if (!redoRecord) { return; } offset += 1; return redoRecord; }, hasUndo() { return !!history[history.length - 1 + offset]; }, hasRedo() { return !!history[history.length + offset]; } }; } /***/ }), /***/ 3249: /***/ ((module) => { function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function (obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } /** * Given an instance of EquivalentKeyMap, returns its internal value pair tuple * for a key, if one exists. The tuple members consist of the last reference * value for the key (used in efficient subsequent lookups) and the value * assigned for the key at the leaf node. * * @param {EquivalentKeyMap} instance EquivalentKeyMap instance. * @param {*} key The key for which to return value pair. * * @return {?Array} Value pair, if exists. */ function getValuePair(instance, key) { var _map = instance._map, _arrayTreeMap = instance._arrayTreeMap, _objectTreeMap = instance._objectTreeMap; // Map keeps a reference to the last object-like key used to set the // value, which can be used to shortcut immediately to the value. if (_map.has(key)) { return _map.get(key); } // Sort keys to ensure stable retrieval from tree. var properties = Object.keys(key).sort(); // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value. var map = Array.isArray(key) ? _arrayTreeMap : _objectTreeMap; for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var property = properties[i]; map = map.get(property); if (map === undefined) { return; } var propertyValue = key[property]; map = map.get(propertyValue); if (map === undefined) { return; } } var valuePair = map.get('_ekm_value'); if (!valuePair) { return; } // If reached, it implies that an object-like key was set with another // reference, so delete the reference and replace with the current. _map.delete(valuePair[0]); valuePair[0] = key; map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair); _map.set(key, valuePair); return valuePair; } /** * Variant of a Map object which enables lookup by equivalent (deeply equal) * object and array keys. */ var EquivalentKeyMap = /*#__PURE__*/ function () { /** * Constructs a new instance of EquivalentKeyMap. * * @param {Iterable.<*>} iterable Initial pair of key, value for map. */ function EquivalentKeyMap(iterable) { _classCallCheck(this, EquivalentKeyMap); this.clear(); if (iterable instanceof EquivalentKeyMap) { // Map#forEach is only means of iterating with support for IE11. var iterablePairs = []; iterable.forEach(function (value, key) { iterablePairs.push([key, value]); }); iterable = iterablePairs; } if (iterable != null) { for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) { this.set(iterable[i][0], iterable[i][1]); } } } /** * Accessor property returning the number of elements. * * @return {number} Number of elements. */ _createClass(EquivalentKeyMap, [{ key: "set", /** * Add or update an element with a specified key and value. * * @param {*} key The key of the element to add. * @param {*} value The value of the element to add. * * @return {EquivalentKeyMap} Map instance. */ value: function set(key, value) { // Shortcut non-object-like to set on internal Map. if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') { this._map.set(key, value); return this; } // Sort keys to ensure stable assignment into tree. var properties = Object.keys(key).sort(); var valuePair = [key, value]; // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value. var map = Array.isArray(key) ? this._arrayTreeMap : this._objectTreeMap; for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { var property = properties[i]; if (!map.has(property)) { map.set(property, new EquivalentKeyMap()); } map = map.get(property); var propertyValue = key[property]; if (!map.has(propertyValue)) { map.set(propertyValue, new EquivalentKeyMap()); } map = map.get(propertyValue); } // If an _ekm_value exists, there was already an equivalent key. Before // overriding, ensure that the old key reference is removed from map to // avoid memory leak of accumulating equivalent keys. This is, in a // sense, a poor man's WeakMap, while still enabling iterability. var previousValuePair = map.get('_ekm_value'); if (previousValuePair) { this._map.delete(previousValuePair[0]); } map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair); this._map.set(key, valuePair); return this; } /** * Returns a specified element. * * @param {*} key The key of the element to return. * * @return {?*} The element associated with the specified key or undefined * if the key can't be found. */ }, { key: "get", value: function get(key) { // Shortcut non-object-like to get from internal Map. if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') { return this._map.get(key); } var valuePair = getValuePair(this, key); if (valuePair) { return valuePair[1]; } } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key * exists or not. * * @param {*} key The key of the element to test for presence. * * @return {boolean} Whether an element with the specified key exists. */ }, { key: "has", value: function has(key) { if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') { return this._map.has(key); } // Test on the _presence_ of the pair, not its value, as even undefined // can be a valid member value for a key. return getValuePair(this, key) !== undefined; } /** * Removes the specified element. * * @param {*} key The key of the element to remove. * * @return {boolean} Returns true if an element existed and has been * removed, or false if the element does not exist. */ }, { key: "delete", value: function _delete(key) { if (!this.has(key)) { return false; } // This naive implementation will leave orphaned child trees. A better // implementation should traverse and remove orphans. this.set(key, undefined); return true; } /** * Executes a provided function once per each key/value pair, in insertion * order. * * @param {Function} callback Function to execute for each element. * @param {*} thisArg Value to use as `this` when executing * `callback`. */ }, { key: "forEach", value: function forEach(callback) { var _this = this; var thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this; this._map.forEach(function (value, key) { // Unwrap value from object-like value pair. if (key !== null && _typeof(key) === 'object') { value = value[1]; }, value, key, _this); }); } /** * Removes all elements. */ }, { key: "clear", value: function clear() { this._map = new Map(); this._arrayTreeMap = new Map(); this._objectTreeMap = new Map(); } }, { key: "size", get: function get() { return this._map.size; } }]); return EquivalentKeyMap; }(); module.exports = EquivalentKeyMap; /***/ }), /***/ 7734: /***/ ((module) => { // do not edit .js files directly - edit src/index.jst var envHasBigInt64Array = typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined'; module.exports = function equal(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') { if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false; var length, i, keys; if (Array.isArray(a)) { length = a.length; if (length != b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false; return true; } if ((a instanceof Map) && (b instanceof Map)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!equal(i[1], b.get(i[0]))) return false; return true; } if ((a instanceof Set) && (b instanceof Set)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false; return true; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(a) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b)) { length = a.length; if (length != b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; return true; } if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags; if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return a.toString() === b.toString(); keys = Object.keys(a); length = keys.length; if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (!, keys[i])) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { var key = keys[i]; if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) return false; } return true; } // true if both NaN, false otherwise return a!==a && b!==b; }; /***/ }), /***/ 923: /***/ ((module) => { module.exports = window["wp"]["isShallowEqual"]; /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be isolated against other modules in the chunk. (() => { // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { EntityProvider: () => (/* reexport */ EntityProvider), __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions: () => (/* reexport */ _experimental_fetch_link_suggestions), __experimentalFetchUrlData: () => (/* reexport */ _experimental_fetch_url_data), __experimentalUseEntityRecord: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecord), __experimentalUseEntityRecords: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecords), __experimentalUseResourcePermissions: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseResourcePermissions), fetchBlockPatterns: () => (/* reexport */ fetchBlockPatterns), store: () => (/* binding */ store), useEntityBlockEditor: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityBlockEditor), useEntityId: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityId), useEntityProp: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityProp), useEntityRecord: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityRecord), useEntityRecords: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityRecords), useResourcePermissions: () => (/* reexport */ useResourcePermissions) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/actions.js var build_module_actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(build_module_actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(build_module_actions_namespaceObject, { __experimentalBatch: () => (__experimentalBatch), __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId), __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles), __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations: () => (__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations), __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits: () => (__experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits), __unstableCreateUndoLevel: () => (__unstableCreateUndoLevel), addEntities: () => (addEntities), deleteEntityRecord: () => (deleteEntityRecord), editEntityRecord: () => (editEntityRecord), receiveAutosaves: () => (receiveAutosaves), receiveCurrentTheme: () => (receiveCurrentTheme), receiveCurrentUser: () => (receiveCurrentUser), receiveDefaultTemplateId: () => (receiveDefaultTemplateId), receiveEmbedPreview: () => (receiveEmbedPreview), receiveEntityRecords: () => (receiveEntityRecords), receiveNavigationFallbackId: () => (receiveNavigationFallbackId), receiveRevisions: () => (receiveRevisions), receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions: () => (receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions), receiveThemeSupports: () => (receiveThemeSupports), receiveUploadPermissions: () => (receiveUploadPermissions), receiveUserPermission: () => (receiveUserPermission), receiveUserQuery: () => (receiveUserQuery), redo: () => (redo), saveEditedEntityRecord: () => (saveEditedEntityRecord), saveEntityRecord: () => (saveEntityRecord), undo: () => (undo) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/selectors.js var build_module_selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(build_module_selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(build_module_selectors_namespaceObject, { __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId), __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles), __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations), __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords: () => (__experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords), __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved: () => (__experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved), __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver: () => (__experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver), __experimentalGetTemplateForLink: () => (__experimentalGetTemplateForLink), canUser: () => (canUser), canUserEditEntityRecord: () => (canUserEditEntityRecord), getAuthors: () => (getAuthors), getAutosave: () => (getAutosave), getAutosaves: () => (getAutosaves), getBlockPatternCategories: () => (getBlockPatternCategories), getBlockPatterns: () => (getBlockPatterns), getCurrentTheme: () => (getCurrentTheme), getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions: () => (getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions), getCurrentUser: () => (getCurrentUser), getDefaultTemplateId: () => (getDefaultTemplateId), getEditedEntityRecord: () => (getEditedEntityRecord), getEmbedPreview: () => (getEmbedPreview), getEntitiesByKind: () => (getEntitiesByKind), getEntitiesConfig: () => (getEntitiesConfig), getEntity: () => (getEntity), getEntityConfig: () => (getEntityConfig), getEntityRecord: () => (getEntityRecord), getEntityRecordEdits: () => (getEntityRecordEdits), getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits: () => (getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits), getEntityRecords: () => (getEntityRecords), getEntityRecordsTotalItems: () => (getEntityRecordsTotalItems), getEntityRecordsTotalPages: () => (getEntityRecordsTotalPages), getLastEntityDeleteError: () => (getLastEntityDeleteError), getLastEntitySaveError: () => (getLastEntitySaveError), getRawEntityRecord: () => (getRawEntityRecord), getRedoEdit: () => (getRedoEdit), getReferenceByDistinctEdits: () => (getReferenceByDistinctEdits), getRevision: () => (getRevision), getRevisions: () => (getRevisions), getThemeSupports: () => (getThemeSupports), getUndoEdit: () => (getUndoEdit), getUserPatternCategories: () => (getUserPatternCategories), getUserQueryResults: () => (getUserQueryResults), hasEditsForEntityRecord: () => (hasEditsForEntityRecord), hasEntityRecords: () => (hasEntityRecords), hasFetchedAutosaves: () => (hasFetchedAutosaves), hasRedo: () => (hasRedo), hasUndo: () => (hasUndo), isAutosavingEntityRecord: () => (isAutosavingEntityRecord), isDeletingEntityRecord: () => (isDeletingEntityRecord), isPreviewEmbedFallback: () => (isPreviewEmbedFallback), isRequestingEmbedPreview: () => (isRequestingEmbedPreview), isSavingEntityRecord: () => (isSavingEntityRecord) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-selectors.js var private_selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(private_selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(private_selectors_namespaceObject, { getBlockPatternsForPostType: () => (getBlockPatternsForPostType), getNavigationFallbackId: () => (getNavigationFallbackId), getUndoManager: () => (getUndoManager) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js var resolvers_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(resolvers_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(resolvers_namespaceObject, { __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId), __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles), __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations), __experimentalGetTemplateForLink: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink), canUser: () => (resolvers_canUser), canUserEditEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord), getAuthors: () => (resolvers_getAuthors), getAutosave: () => (resolvers_getAutosave), getAutosaves: () => (resolvers_getAutosaves), getBlockPatternCategories: () => (resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories), getBlockPatterns: () => (resolvers_getBlockPatterns), getCurrentTheme: () => (resolvers_getCurrentTheme), getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions: () => (resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions), getCurrentUser: () => (resolvers_getCurrentUser), getDefaultTemplateId: () => (resolvers_getDefaultTemplateId), getEditedEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord), getEmbedPreview: () => (resolvers_getEmbedPreview), getEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getEntityRecord), getEntityRecords: () => (resolvers_getEntityRecords), getNavigationFallbackId: () => (resolvers_getNavigationFallbackId), getRawEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getRawEntityRecord), getRevision: () => (resolvers_getRevision), getRevisions: () => (resolvers_getRevisions), getThemeSupports: () => (resolvers_getThemeSupports), getUserPatternCategories: () => (resolvers_getUserPatternCategories) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/es6/index.js var es6 = __webpack_require__(7734); var es6_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(es6); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/undo-manager/build-module/index.js var build_module = __webpack_require__(6689); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/if-matching-action.js /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */ /** * A higher-order reducer creator which invokes the original reducer only if * the dispatching action matches the given predicate, **OR** if state is * initializing (undefined). * * @param {AnyFunction} isMatch Function predicate for allowing reducer call. * * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer. */ const ifMatchingAction = isMatch => reducer => (state, action) => { if (state === undefined || isMatch(action)) { return reducer(state, action); } return state; }; /* harmony default export */ const if_matching_action = (ifMatchingAction); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/replace-action.js /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */ /** * Higher-order reducer creator which substitutes the action object before * passing to the original reducer. * * @param {AnyFunction} replacer Function mapping original action to replacement. * * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer. */ const replaceAction = replacer => reducer => (state, action) => { return reducer(state, replacer(action)); }; /* harmony default export */ const replace_action = (replaceAction); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/conservative-map-item.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Given the current and next item entity record, returns the minimally "modified" * result of the next item, preferring value references from the original item * if equal. If all values match, the original item is returned. * * @param {Object} item Original item. * @param {Object} nextItem Next item. * * @return {Object} Minimally modified merged item. */ function conservativeMapItem(item, nextItem) { // Return next item in its entirety if there is no original item. if (!item) { return nextItem; } let hasChanges = false; const result = {}; for (const key in nextItem) { if (es6_default()(item[key], nextItem[key])) { result[key] = item[key]; } else { hasChanges = true; result[key] = nextItem[key]; } } if (!hasChanges) { return item; } // Only at this point, backfill properties from the original item which // weren't explicitly set into the result above. This is an optimization // to allow `hasChanges` to return early. for (const key in item) { if (!result.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result[key] = item[key]; } } return result; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/on-sub-key.js /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */ /** * Higher-order reducer creator which creates a combined reducer object, keyed * by a property on the action object. * * @param {string} actionProperty Action property by which to key object. * * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer. */ const onSubKey = actionProperty => reducer => (state = {}, action) => { // Retrieve subkey from action. Do not track if undefined; useful for cases // where reducer is scoped by action shape. const key = action[actionProperty]; if (key === undefined) { return state; } // Avoid updating state if unchanged. Note that this also accounts for a // reducer which returns undefined on a key which is not yet tracked. const nextKeyState = reducer(state[key], action); if (nextKeyState === state[key]) { return state; } return { ...state, [key]: nextKeyState }; }; /* harmony default export */ const on_sub_key = (onSubKey); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; } return __assign.apply(this, arguments); } function __rest(s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; } function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; } function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); } } function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) { function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return f; } var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value"; var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null; var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, : {}); var _, done = false; for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var context = {}; for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p]; for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p]; context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); }; var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context); if (kind === "accessor") { if (result === void 0) continue; if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected"); if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _; if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _; if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_); } else if (_ = accept(result)) { if (kind === "field") initializers.unshift(_); else descriptor[key] = _; } } if (target) Object.defineProperty(target,, descriptor); done = true; }; function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) { var useValue = arguments.length > 2; for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) { value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg); } return useValue ? value : void 0; }; function __propKey(x) { return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x); }; function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) { if (typeof name === "symbol") name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : ""; return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name }); }; function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); } function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } } var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; }); function __exportStar(m, o) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p); } function __values(o) { var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; if (m) return; if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return { next: function () { if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; } }; throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); } function __read(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i =, r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spread() { for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spreadArrays() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; } function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) { if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) { if (ar || !(i in from)) { if (!ar) ar =, 0, i); ar[i] = from[i]; } } return to.concat(ar ||; } function __await(v) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); } function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } } function __asyncDelegator(o) { var i, p; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } } function __asyncValues(o) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } } function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } return cooked; }; var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }; function __importStar(mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; } function __importDefault(mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod }; } function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); } function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; } function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) { if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function")) throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver); } function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) { if (value !== null && value !== void 0) { if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected."); var dispose; if (async) { if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose]; } if (dispose === void 0) { if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.dispose]; } if (typeof dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable."); env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async }); } else if (async) { env.stack.push({ async: true }); } return value; } var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) { var e = new Error(message); return = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e; }; function __disposeResources(env) { function fail(e) { env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : e; env.hasError = true; } function next() { while (env.stack.length) { var rec = env.stack.pop(); try { var result = rec.dispose &&; if (rec.async) return Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); }); } catch (e) { fail(e); } } if (env.hasError) throw env.error; } return next(); } /* harmony default export */ const tslib_es6 = ({ __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __createBinding, __exportStar, __values, __read, __spread, __spreadArrays, __spreadArray, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldIn, __addDisposableResource, __disposeResources, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lower-case/dist.es2015/index.js /** * Source: */ var SUPPORTED_LOCALE = { tr: { regexp: /\u0130|\u0049|\u0049\u0307/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, az: { regexp: /\u0130/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, lt: { regexp: /\u0049|\u004A|\u012E|\u00CC|\u00CD|\u0128/g, map: { I: "\u0069\u0307", J: "\u006A\u0307", Į: "\u012F\u0307", Ì: "\u0069\u0307\u0300", Í: "\u0069\u0307\u0301", Ĩ: "\u0069\u0307\u0303", }, }, }; /** * Localized lower case. */ function localeLowerCase(str, locale) { var lang = SUPPORTED_LOCALE[locale.toLowerCase()]; if (lang) return lowerCase(str.replace(lang.regexp, function (m) { return[m]; })); return lowerCase(str); } /** * Lower case as a function. */ function lowerCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/no-case/dist.es2015/index.js // Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case"). var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g]; // Remove all non-word characters. var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi; /** * Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier. */ function noCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d; var result = replace(replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0"); var start = 0; var end = result.length; // Trim the delimiter from around the output string. while (result.charAt(start) === "\0") start++; while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0") end--; // Transform each token independently. return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter); } /** * Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value. */ function replace(input, re, value) { if (re instanceof RegExp) return input.replace(re, value); return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/upper-case-first/dist.es2015/index.js /** * Upper case the first character of an input string. */ function upperCaseFirst(input) { return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.substr(1); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/capital-case/dist.es2015/index.js function capitalCaseTransform(input) { return upperCaseFirst(input.toLowerCase()); } function capitalCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: " ", transform: capitalCaseTransform }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/pascal-case/dist.es2015/index.js function pascalCaseTransform(input, index) { var firstChar = input.charAt(0); var lowerChars = input.substr(1).toLowerCase(); if (index > 0 && firstChar >= "0" && firstChar <= "9") { return "_" + firstChar + lowerChars; } return "" + firstChar.toUpperCase() + lowerChars; } function dist_es2015_pascalCaseTransformMerge(input) { return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1).toLowerCase(); } function pascalCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "", transform: pascalCaseTransform }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","apiFetch"] const external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"]; var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","richText"] const external_wp_richText_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["richText"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/native.js const randomUUID = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto); /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_native = ({ randomUUID }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js // Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore // require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number // generators (like Math.random()). let getRandomValues; const rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16); function rng() { // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so if (!getRandomValues) { // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation. getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto); if (!getRandomValues) { throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See'); } } return getRandomValues(rnds8); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js /** * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form: * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX */ const byteToHex = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).slice(1)); } function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) { // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance // and works in ways you may not expect. See return byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]; } function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one // of the following: // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to // "undefined" in the uuid) // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields if (!validate(uuid)) { throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid'); } return uuid; } /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_stringify = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (stringify))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js function v4(options, buf, offset) { if (esm_browser_native.randomUUID && !buf && !options) { return esm_browser_native.randomUUID(); } options = options || {}; const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40; rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided if (buf) { offset = offset || 0; for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; } return buf; } return unsafeStringify(rnds); } /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_v4 = (v4); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","url"] const external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","deprecated"] const external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"]; var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/set-nested-value.js /** * Sets the value at path of object. * If a portion of path doesn’t exist, it’s created. * Arrays are created for missing index properties while objects are created * for all other missing properties. * * Path is specified as either: * - a string of properties, separated by dots, for example: "x.y". * - an array of properties, for example `[ 'x', 'y' ]`. * * This function intentionally mutates the input object. * * Inspired by _.set(). * * @see * * @todo Needs to be deduplicated with its copy in `@wordpress/edit-site`. * * @param {Object} object Object to modify * @param {Array|string} path Path of the property to set. * @param {*} value Value to set. */ function setNestedValue(object, path, value) { if (!object || typeof object !== 'object') { return object; } const normalizedPath = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.'); normalizedPath.reduce((acc, key, idx) => { if (acc[key] === undefined) { if (Number.isInteger(normalizedPath[idx + 1])) { acc[key] = []; } else { acc[key] = {}; } } if (idx === normalizedPath.length - 1) { acc[key] = value; } return acc[key]; }, object); return object; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/get-nested-value.js /** * Helper util to return a value from a certain path of the object. * Path is specified as either: * - a string of properties, separated by dots, for example: "x.y". * - an array of properties, for example `[ 'x', 'y' ]`. * You can also specify a default value in case the result is nullish. * * @param {Object} object Input object. * @param {string|Array} path Path to the object property. * @param {*} defaultValue Default value if the value at the specified path is undefined. * @return {*} Value of the object property at the specified path. */ function getNestedValue(object, path, defaultValue) { if (!object || typeof object !== 'object' || typeof path !== 'string' && !Array.isArray(path)) { return object; } const normalizedPath = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.'); let value = object; normalizedPath.forEach(fieldName => { value = value?.[fieldName]; }); return value !== undefined ? value : defaultValue; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/actions.js /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that items have been received. * * @param {Array} items Items received. * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset. * @param {?Object} meta Meta information about pagination. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveItems(items, edits, meta) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_ITEMS', items: Array.isArray(items) ? items : [items], persistedEdits: edits, meta }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been * deleted and they need to be removed from entities state. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the removed entities. * @param {string} name Name of the removed entities. * @param {Array|number|string} records Record IDs of the removed entities. * @param {boolean} invalidateCache Controls whether we want to invalidate the cache. * @return {Object} Action object. */ function removeItems(kind, name, records, invalidateCache = false) { return { type: 'REMOVE_ITEMS', itemIds: Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records], kind, name, invalidateCache }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that queried data has been * received. * * @param {Array} items Queried items received. * @param {?Object} query Optional query object. * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset. * @param {?Object} meta Meta information about pagination. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveQueriedItems(items, query = {}, edits, meta) { return { ...receiveItems(items, edits, meta), query }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/batch/default-processor.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Maximum number of requests to place in a single batch request. Obtained by * sending a preflight OPTIONS request to /batch/v1/. * * @type {number?} */ let maxItems = null; function chunk(arr, chunkSize) { const tmp = [...arr]; const cache = []; while (tmp.length) { cache.push(tmp.splice(0, chunkSize)); } return cache; } /** * Default batch processor. Sends its input requests to /batch/v1. * * @param {Array} requests List of API requests to perform at once. * * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves to a list of objects containing * either `output` (if that request was successful) or `error` * (if not ). */ async function defaultProcessor(requests) { if (maxItems === null) { const preflightResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/batch/v1', method: 'OPTIONS' }); maxItems = preflightResponse.endpoints[0].args.requests.maxItems; } const results = []; // @ts-ignore We would have crashed or never gotten to this point if we hadn't received the maxItems count. for (const batchRequests of chunk(requests, maxItems)) { const batchResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/batch/v1', method: 'POST', data: { validation: 'require-all-validate', requests: => ({ path: request.path, body:, // Rename 'data' to 'body'. method: request.method, headers: request.headers })) } }); let batchResults; if (batchResponse.failed) { batchResults = => ({ error: response?.body })); } else { batchResults = => { const result = {}; if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { result.output = response.body; } else { result.error = response.body; } return result; }); } results.push(...batchResults); } return results; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/batch/create-batch.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Creates a batch, which can be used to combine multiple API requests into one * API request using the WordPress batch processing API (/v1/batch). * * ``` * const batch = createBatch(); * const dunePromise = batch.add( { * path: '/v1/books', * method: 'POST', * data: { title: 'Dune' } * } ); * const lotrPromise = batch.add( { * path: '/v1/books', * method: 'POST', * data: { title: 'Lord of the Rings' } * } ); * const isSuccess = await; // Sends one POST to /v1/batch. * if ( isSuccess ) { * console.log( * 'Saved two books:', * await dunePromise, * await lotrPromise * ); * } * ``` * * @param {Function} [processor] Processor function. Can be used to replace the * default functionality which is to send an API * request to /v1/batch. Is given an array of * inputs and must return a promise that * resolves to an array of objects containing * either `output` or `error`. */ function createBatch(processor = defaultProcessor) { let lastId = 0; /** @type {Array<{ input: any; resolve: ( value: any ) => void; reject: ( error: any ) => void }>} */ let queue = []; const pending = new ObservableSet(); return { /** * Adds an input to the batch and returns a promise that is resolved or * rejected when the input is processed by ``. * * You may also pass a thunk which allows inputs to be added * asychronously. * * ``` * // Both are allowed: * batch.add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } ); * batch.add( ( add ) => add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } ) ); * ``` * * If a thunk is passed, `` will pause until either: * * - The thunk calls its `add` argument, or; * - The thunk returns a promise and that promise resolves, or; * - The thunk returns a non-promise. * * @param {any|Function} inputOrThunk Input to add or thunk to execute. * * @return {Promise|any} If given an input, returns a promise that * is resolved or rejected when the batch is * processed. If given a thunk, returns the return * value of that thunk. */ add(inputOrThunk) { const id = ++lastId; pending.add(id); const add = input => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { queue.push({ input, resolve, reject }); pending.delete(id); }); if (typeof inputOrThunk === 'function') { return Promise.resolve(inputOrThunk(add)).finally(() => { pending.delete(id); }); } return add(inputOrThunk); }, /** * Runs the batch. This calls `batchProcessor` and resolves or rejects * all promises returned by `add()`. * * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to a boolean that is true * if the processor returned no errors. */ async run() { if (pending.size) { await new Promise(resolve => { const unsubscribe = pending.subscribe(() => { if (!pending.size) { unsubscribe(); resolve(undefined); } }); }); } let results; try { results = await processor({ input }) => input)); if (results.length !== queue.length) { throw new Error('run: Array returned by processor must be same size as input array.'); } } catch (error) { for (const { reject } of queue) { reject(error); } throw error; } let isSuccess = true; results.forEach((result, key) => { const queueItem = queue[key]; if (result?.error) { queueItem?.reject(result.error); isSuccess = false; } else { var _result$output; queueItem?.resolve((_result$output = result?.output) !== null && _result$output !== void 0 ? _result$output : result); } }); queue = []; return isSuccess; } }; } class ObservableSet { constructor(...args) { this.set = new Set(...args); this.subscribers = new Set(); } get size() { return this.set.size; } add(value) { this.set.add(value); this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber()); return this; } delete(value) { const isSuccess = this.set.delete(value); this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber()); return isSuccess; } subscribe(subscriber) { this.subscribers.add(subscriber); return () => { this.subscribers.delete(subscriber); }; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/name.js /** * The reducer key used by core data in store registration. * This is defined in a separate file to avoid cycle-dependency * * @type {string} */ const STORE_NAME = 'core'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/actions.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that authors have been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {string} queryID Query ID. * @param {Array|Object} users Users received. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveUserQuery(queryID, users) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_USER_QUERY', users: Array.isArray(users) ? users : [users], queryID }; } /** * Returns an action used in signalling that the current user has been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {Object} currentUser Current user object. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveCurrentUser(currentUser) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_USER', currentUser }; } /** * Returns an action object used in adding new entities. * * @param {Array} entities Entities received. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function addEntities(entities) { return { type: 'ADD_ENTITIES', entities }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been received. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the received entity record. * @param {string} name Name of the received entity record. * @param {Array|Object} records Records received. * @param {?Object} query Query Object. * @param {?boolean} invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches. * @param {?Object} edits Edits to reset. * @param {?Object} meta Meta information about pagination. * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query, invalidateCache = false, edits, meta) { // Auto drafts should not have titles, but some plugins rely on them so we can't filter this // on the server. if (kind === 'postType') { records = (Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records]).map(record => record.status === 'auto-draft' ? { ...record, title: '' } : record); } let action; if (query) { action = receiveQueriedItems(records, query, edits, meta); } else { action = receiveItems(records, edits, meta); } return { ...action, kind, name, invalidateCache }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current theme has been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {Object} currentTheme The current theme. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveCurrentTheme(currentTheme) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_THEME', currentTheme }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current global styles id has been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {string} currentGlobalStylesId The current global styles id. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(currentGlobalStylesId) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_GLOBAL_STYLES_ID', id: currentGlobalStylesId }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme base global styles have been received * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {string} stylesheet The theme's identifier * @param {Object} globalStyles The global styles object. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(stylesheet, globalStyles) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_THEME_GLOBAL_STYLES', stylesheet, globalStyles }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles variations have been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {string} stylesheet The theme's identifier * @param {Array} variations The global styles variations. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(stylesheet, variations) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_THEME_GLOBAL_STYLE_VARIATIONS', stylesheet, variations }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the index has been received. * * @deprecated since WP 5.9, this is not useful anymore, use the selector direclty. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveThemeSupports() { external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).receiveThemeSupports", { since: '5.9' }); return { type: 'DO_NOTHING' }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles CPT post revisions have been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @deprecated since WordPress 6.5.0. Callers should use `dispatch( 'core' ).receiveRevision` instead. * * @ignore * * @param {number} currentId The post id. * @param {Array} revisions The global styles revisions. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions(currentId, revisions) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions()", { since: '6.5.0', alternative: " 'core' ).receiveRevisions" }); return { type: 'RECEIVE_THEME_GLOBAL_STYLE_REVISIONS', currentId, revisions }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the preview data for * a given URl has been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {string} url URL to preview the embed for. * @param {*} preview Preview data. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveEmbedPreview(url, preview) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_EMBED_PREVIEW', url, preview }; } /** * Action triggered to delete an entity record. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the deleted entity. * @param {string} name Name of the deleted entity. * @param {string} recordId Record ID of the deleted entity. * @param {?Object} query Special query parameters for the * DELETE API call. * @param {Object} [options] Delete options. * @param {Function} [options.__unstableFetch] Internal use only. Function to * call instead of `apiFetch()`. * Must return a promise. * @param {boolean} [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all * the exceptions. Defaults to false. */ const deleteEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, query, { __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()), throwOnError = false } = {}) => async ({ dispatch }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name); let error; let deletedRecord = false; if (!entityConfig || entityConfig?.__experimentalNoFetch) { return; } const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId], { exclusive: true }); try { dispatch({ type: 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START', kind, name, recordId }); let hasError = false; try { let path = `${entityConfig.baseURL}/${recordId}`; if (query) { path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(path, query); } deletedRecord = await __unstableFetch({ path, method: 'DELETE' }); await dispatch(removeItems(kind, name, recordId, true)); } catch (_error) { hasError = true; error = _error; } dispatch({ type: 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH', kind, name, recordId, error }); if (hasError && throwOnError) { throw error; } return deletedRecord; } finally { dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock); } }; /** * Returns an action object that triggers an * edit to an entity record. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the edited entity record. * @param {string} name Name of the edited entity record. * @param {number|string} recordId Record ID of the edited entity record. * @param {Object} edits The edits. * @param {Object} options Options for the edit. * @param {boolean} [options.undoIgnore] Whether to ignore the edit in undo history or not. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ const editEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, edits, options = {}) => ({ select, dispatch }) => { const entityConfig = select.getEntityConfig(kind, name); if (!entityConfig) { throw new Error(`The entity being edited (${kind}, ${name}) does not have a loaded config.`); } const { mergedEdits = {} } = entityConfig; const record = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId); const editedRecord = select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId); const edit = { kind, name, recordId, // Clear edits when they are equal to their persisted counterparts // so that the property is not considered dirty. edits: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => { const recordValue = record[key]; const editedRecordValue = editedRecord[key]; const value = mergedEdits[key] ? { ...editedRecordValue, ...edits[key] } : edits[key]; acc[key] = es6_default()(recordValue, value) ? undefined : value; return acc; }, {}) }; if (window.__experimentalEnableSync && entityConfig.syncConfig) { if (false) {} } else { if (!options.undoIgnore) { select.getUndoManager().addRecord([{ id: { kind, name, recordId }, changes: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = { from: editedRecord[key], to: edits[key] }; return acc; }, {}) }], options.isCached); } dispatch({ type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD', ...edit }); } }; /** * Action triggered to undo the last edit to * an entity record, if any. */ const undo = () => ({ select, dispatch }) => { const undoRecord = select.getUndoManager().undo(); if (!undoRecord) { return; } dispatch({ type: 'UNDO', record: undoRecord }); }; /** * Action triggered to redo the last undoed * edit to an entity record, if any. */ const redo = () => ({ select, dispatch }) => { const redoRecord = select.getUndoManager().redo(); if (!redoRecord) { return; } dispatch({ type: 'REDO', record: redoRecord }); }; /** * Forces the creation of a new undo level. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ const __unstableCreateUndoLevel = () => ({ select }) => { select.getUndoManager().addRecord(); }; /** * Action triggered to save an entity record. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the received entity. * @param {string} name Name of the received entity. * @param {Object} record Record to be saved. * @param {Object} options Saving options. * @param {boolean} [options.isAutosave=false] Whether this is an autosave. * @param {Function} [options.__unstableFetch] Internal use only. Function to * call instead of `apiFetch()`. * Must return a promise. * @param {boolean} [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all * the exceptions. Defaults to false. */ const saveEntityRecord = (kind, name, record, { isAutosave = false, __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()), throwOnError = false } = {}) => async ({ select, resolveSelect, dispatch }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name); if (!entityConfig || entityConfig?.__experimentalNoFetch) { return; } const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY; const recordId = record[entityIdKey]; const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId || esm_browser_v4()], { exclusive: true }); try { // Evaluate optimized edits. // (Function edits that should be evaluated on save to avoid expensive computations on every edit.) for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(record)) { if (typeof value === 'function') { const evaluatedValue = value(select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)); dispatch.editEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, { [key]: evaluatedValue }, { undoIgnore: true }); record[key] = evaluatedValue; } } dispatch({ type: 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START', kind, name, recordId, isAutosave }); let updatedRecord; let error; let hasError = false; try { const path = `${entityConfig.baseURL}${recordId ? '/' + recordId : ''}`; const persistedRecord = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId); if (isAutosave) { // Most of this autosave logic is very specific to posts. // This is fine for now as it is the only supported autosave, // but ideally this should all be handled in the back end, // so the client just sends and receives objects. const currentUser = select.getCurrentUser(); const currentUserId = currentUser ? : undefined; const autosavePost = await resolveSelect.getAutosave(persistedRecord.type,, currentUserId); // Autosaves need all expected fields to be present. // So we fallback to the previous autosave and then // to the actual persisted entity if the edits don't // have a value. let data = { ...persistedRecord, ...autosavePost, ...record }; data = Object.keys(data).reduce((acc, key) => { if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content', 'meta'].includes(key)) { acc[key] = data[key]; } return acc; }, { // Do not update the `status` if we have edited it when auto saving. // It's very important to let the user explicitly save this change, // because it can lead to unexpected results. An example would be to // have a draft post and change the status to publish. status: data.status === 'auto-draft' ? 'draft' : undefined }); updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({ path: `${path}/autosaves`, method: 'POST', data }); // An autosave may be processed by the server as a regular save // when its update is requested by the author and the post had // draft or auto-draft status. if ( === { let newRecord = { ...persistedRecord,, ...updatedRecord }; newRecord = Object.keys(newRecord).reduce((acc, key) => { // These properties are persisted in autosaves. if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content'].includes(key)) { acc[key] = newRecord[key]; } else if (key === 'status') { // Status is only persisted in autosaves when going from // "auto-draft" to "draft". acc[key] = persistedRecord.status === 'auto-draft' && newRecord.status === 'draft' ? newRecord.status : persistedRecord.status; } else { // These properties are not persisted in autosaves. acc[key] = persistedRecord[key]; } return acc; }, {}); dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, newRecord, undefined, true); } else { dispatch.receiveAutosaves(, updatedRecord); } } else { let edits = record; if (entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist) { edits = { ...edits, ...entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist(persistedRecord, edits) }; } updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({ path, method: recordId ? 'PUT' : 'POST', data: edits }); dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, updatedRecord, undefined, true, edits); } } catch (_error) { hasError = true; error = _error; } dispatch({ type: 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH', kind, name, recordId, error, isAutosave }); if (hasError && throwOnError) { throw error; } return updatedRecord; } finally { dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock); } }; /** * Runs multiple core-data actions at the same time using one API request. * * Example: * * ``` * const [ savedRecord, updatedRecord, deletedRecord ] = * await dispatch( 'core' ).__experimentalBatch( [ * ( { saveEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', widget ), * ( { saveEditedEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123 ), * ( { deleteEntityRecord } ) => deleteEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123, null ), * ] ); * ``` * * @param {Array} requests Array of functions which are invoked simultaneously. * Each function is passed an object containing * `saveEntityRecord`, `saveEditedEntityRecord`, and * `deleteEntityRecord`. * * @return {(thunkArgs: Object) => Promise} A promise that resolves to an array containing the return * values of each function given in `requests`. */ const __experimentalBatch = requests => async ({ dispatch }) => { const batch = createBatch(); const api = { saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options) { return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, { ...options, __unstableFetch: add })); }, saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options) { return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, { ...options, __unstableFetch: add })); }, deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, options) { return batch.add(add => dispatch.deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, { ...options, __unstableFetch: add })); } }; const resultPromises = => request(api)); const [, ...results] = await Promise.all([, ...resultPromises]); return results; }; /** * Action triggered to save an entity record's edits. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the entity. * @param {string} name Name of the entity. * @param {Object} recordId ID of the record. * @param {Object} options Saving options. */ const saveEditedEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, options) => async ({ select, dispatch }) => { if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) { return; } const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name); if (!entityConfig) { return; } const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY; const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId); const record = { [entityIdKey]: recordId, ...edits }; return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options); }; /** * Action triggered to save only specified properties for the entity. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the entity. * @param {string} name Name of the entity. * @param {Object} recordId ID of the record. * @param {Array} itemsToSave List of entity properties or property paths to save. * @param {Object} options Saving options. */ const __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits = (kind, name, recordId, itemsToSave, options) => async ({ select, dispatch }) => { if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) { return; } const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId); const editsToSave = {}; for (const item of itemsToSave) { setNestedValue(editsToSave, item, getNestedValue(edits, item)); } const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name); const entityIdKey = entityConfig?.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY; // If a record key is provided then update the existing record. // This necessitates providing `recordKey` to saveEntityRecord as part of the // `record` argument (here called `editsToSave`) to stop that action creating // a new record and instead cause it to update the existing record. if (recordId) { editsToSave[entityIdKey] = recordId; } return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, editsToSave, options); }; /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that Upload permissions have been received. * * @deprecated since WP 5.9, use receiveUserPermission instead. * * @param {boolean} hasUploadPermissions Does the user have permission to upload files? * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveUploadPermissions(hasUploadPermissions) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).receiveUploadPermissions", { since: '5.9', alternative: 'receiveUserPermission' }); return receiveUserPermission('create/media', hasUploadPermissions); } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current user has * permission to perform an action on a REST resource. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {string} key A key that represents the action and REST resource. * @param {boolean} isAllowed Whether or not the user can perform the action. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveUserPermission(key, isAllowed) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_USER_PERMISSION', key, isAllowed }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the autosaves for a * post have been received. * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store. * * @ignore * * @param {number} postId The id of the post that is parent to the autosave. * @param {Array|Object} autosaves An array of autosaves or singular autosave object. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_AUTOSAVES', postId, autosaves: Array.isArray(autosaves) ? autosaves : [autosaves] }; } /** * Returns an action object signalling that the fallback Navigation * Menu id has been received. * * @param {integer} fallbackId the id of the fallback Navigation Menu * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveNavigationFallbackId(fallbackId) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_NAVIGATION_FALLBACK_ID', fallbackId }; } /** * Returns an action object used to set the template for a given query. * * @param {Object} query The lookup query. * @param {string} templateId The resolved template id. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveDefaultTemplateId(query, templateId) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE', query, templateId }; } /** * Action triggered to receive revision items. * * @param {string} kind Kind of the received entity record revisions. * @param {string} name Name of the received entity record revisions. * @param {number|string} recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch. * @param {Array|Object} records Revisions received. * @param {?Object} query Query Object. * @param {?boolean} invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches. * @param {?Object} meta Meta information about pagination. */ const receiveRevisions = (kind, name, recordKey, records, query, invalidateCache = false, meta) => async ({ dispatch }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name); const key = entityConfig && entityConfig?.revisionKey ? entityConfig.revisionKey : DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY; dispatch({ type: 'RECEIVE_ITEM_REVISIONS', key, items: Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records], recordKey, meta, query, kind, name, invalidateCache }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/entities.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY = 'id'; const POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES = ['title', 'excerpt', 'content']; const rootEntitiesConfig = [{ label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Base'), kind: 'root', name: '__unstableBase', baseURL: '/', baseURLParams: { _fields: ['description', 'gmt_offset', 'home', 'name', 'site_icon', 'site_icon_url', 'site_logo', 'timezone_string', 'url'].join(',') }, // The entity doesn't support selecting multiple records. // The property is maintained for backward compatibility. plural: '__unstableBases', syncConfig: { fetch: async () => { return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/' }); }, applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => { const document = doc.getMap('document'); Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (document.get(key) !== value) { document.set(key, value); } }); }, fromCRDTDoc: doc => { return doc.getMap('document').toJSON(); } }, syncObjectType: 'root/base', getSyncObjectId: () => 'index' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Post Type'), name: 'postType', kind: 'root', key: 'slug', baseURL: '/wp/v2/types', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'postTypes', syncConfig: { fetch: async id => { return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/types/${id}?context=edit` }); }, applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => { const document = doc.getMap('document'); Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (document.get(key) !== value) { document.set(key, value); } }); }, fromCRDTDoc: doc => { return doc.getMap('document').toJSON(); } }, syncObjectType: 'root/postType', getSyncObjectId: id => id }, { name: 'media', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/media', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'mediaItems', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Media'), rawAttributes: ['caption', 'title', 'description'], supportsPagination: true }, { name: 'taxonomy', kind: 'root', key: 'slug', baseURL: '/wp/v2/taxonomies', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'taxonomies', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Taxonomy') }, { name: 'sidebar', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/sidebars', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'sidebars', transientEdits: { blocks: true }, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget areas') }, { name: 'widget', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/widgets', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'widgets', transientEdits: { blocks: true }, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets') }, { name: 'widgetType', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/widget-types', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'widgetTypes', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget types') }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('User'), name: 'user', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/users', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'users' }, { name: 'comment', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/comments', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'comments', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Comment') }, { name: 'menu', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/menus', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'menus', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu') }, { name: 'menuItem', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-items', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'menuItems', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Item'), rawAttributes: ['title'] }, { name: 'menuLocation', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-locations', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'menuLocations', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Location'), key: 'name' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Global Styles'), name: 'globalStyles', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/global-styles', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'globalStylesVariations', // Should be different from name. getTitle: record => record?.title?.rendered || record?.title, getRevisionsUrl: (parentId, revisionId) => `/wp/v2/global-styles/${parentId}/revisions${revisionId ? '/' + revisionId : ''}`, supportsPagination: true }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Themes'), name: 'theme', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/themes', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'themes', key: 'stylesheet' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Plugins'), name: 'plugin', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/plugins', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'plugins', key: 'plugin' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Status'), name: 'status', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/statuses', baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, plural: 'statuses', key: 'slug' }]; const additionalEntityConfigLoaders = [{ kind: 'postType', loadEntities: loadPostTypeEntities }, { kind: 'taxonomy', loadEntities: loadTaxonomyEntities }, { kind: 'root', name: 'site', plural: 'sites', loadEntities: loadSiteEntity }]; /** * Returns a function to be used to retrieve extra edits to apply before persisting a post type. * * @param {Object} persistedRecord Already persisted Post * @param {Object} edits Edits. * @return {Object} Updated edits. */ const prePersistPostType = (persistedRecord, edits) => { const newEdits = {}; if (persistedRecord?.status === 'auto-draft') { // Saving an auto-draft should create a draft by default. if (!edits.status && !newEdits.status) { newEdits.status = 'draft'; } // Fix the auto-draft default title. if ((!edits.title || edits.title === 'Auto Draft') && !newEdits.title && (!persistedRecord?.title || persistedRecord?.title === 'Auto Draft')) { newEdits.title = ''; } } return newEdits; }; const serialisableBlocksCache = new WeakMap(); function makeBlockAttributesSerializable(attributes) { const newAttributes = { ...attributes }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) { if (value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData) { newAttributes[key] = value.valueOf(); } } return newAttributes; } function makeBlocksSerializable(blocks) { return => { const { innerBlocks, attributes, } = block; return {, attributes: makeBlockAttributesSerializable(attributes), innerBlocks: makeBlocksSerializable(innerBlocks) }; }); } /** * Returns the list of post type entities. * * @return {Promise} Entities promise */ async function loadPostTypeEntities() { const postTypes = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/wp/v2/types?context=view' }); return Object.entries(postTypes !== null && postTypes !== void 0 ? postTypes : {}).map(([name, postType]) => { var _postType$rest_namesp; const isTemplate = ['wp_template', 'wp_template_part'].includes(name); const namespace = (_postType$rest_namesp = postType?.rest_namespace) !== null && _postType$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _postType$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2'; return { kind: 'postType', baseURL: `/${namespace}/${postType.rest_base}`, baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, name, label:, transientEdits: { blocks: true, selection: true }, mergedEdits: { meta: true }, rawAttributes: POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES, getTitle: record => { var _record$slug; return record?.title?.rendered || record?.title || (isTemplate ? capitalCase((_record$slug = record.slug) !== null && _record$slug !== void 0 ? _record$slug : '') : String(; }, __unstablePrePersist: isTemplate ? undefined : prePersistPostType, __unstable_rest_base: postType.rest_base, syncConfig: { fetch: async id => { return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/${namespace}/${postType.rest_base}/${id}?context=edit` }); }, applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => { const document = doc.getMap('document'); Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (typeof value !== 'function') { if (key === 'blocks') { if (!serialisableBlocksCache.has(value)) { serialisableBlocksCache.set(value, makeBlocksSerializable(value)); } value = serialisableBlocksCache.get(value); } if (document.get(key) !== value) { document.set(key, value); } } }); }, fromCRDTDoc: doc => { return doc.getMap('document').toJSON(); } }, syncObjectType: 'postType/' +, getSyncObjectId: id => id, supportsPagination: true, getRevisionsUrl: (parentId, revisionId) => `/${namespace}/${postType.rest_base}/${parentId}/revisions${revisionId ? '/' + revisionId : ''}`, revisionKey: isTemplate ? 'wp_id' : DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY }; }); } /** * Returns the list of the taxonomies entities. * * @return {Promise} Entities promise */ async function loadTaxonomyEntities() { const taxonomies = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/wp/v2/taxonomies?context=view' }); return Object.entries(taxonomies !== null && taxonomies !== void 0 ? taxonomies : {}).map(([name, taxonomy]) => { var _taxonomy$rest_namesp; const namespace = (_taxonomy$rest_namesp = taxonomy?.rest_namespace) !== null && _taxonomy$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _taxonomy$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2'; return { kind: 'taxonomy', baseURL: `/${namespace}/${taxonomy.rest_base}`, baseURLParams: { context: 'edit' }, name, label: }; }); } /** * Returns the Site entity. * * @return {Promise} Entity promise */ async function loadSiteEntity() { var _site$schema$properti; const entity = { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Site'), name: 'site', kind: 'root', baseURL: '/wp/v2/settings', syncConfig: { fetch: async () => { return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/wp/v2/settings' }); }, applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => { const document = doc.getMap('document'); Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (document.get(key) !== value) { document.set(key, value); } }); }, fromCRDTDoc: doc => { return doc.getMap('document').toJSON(); } }, syncObjectType: 'root/site', getSyncObjectId: () => 'index', meta: {} }; const site = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: entity.baseURL, method: 'OPTIONS' }); const labels = {}; Object.entries((_site$schema$properti = site?.schema?.properties) !== null && _site$schema$properti !== void 0 ? _site$schema$properti : {}).forEach(([key, value]) => { // Ignore properties `title` and `type` keys. if (typeof value === 'object' && value.title) { labels[key] = value.title; } }); return [{ ...entity, meta: { labels } }]; } /** * Returns the entity's getter method name given its kind and name or plural name. * * @example * ```js * const nameSingular = getMethodName( 'root', 'theme', 'get' ); * // nameSingular is getRootTheme * * const namePlural = getMethodName( 'root', 'themes', 'set' ); * // namePlural is setRootThemes * ``` * * @param {string} kind Entity kind. * @param {string} name Entity name or plural name. * @param {string} prefix Function prefix. * * @return {string} Method name */ const getMethodName = (kind, name, prefix = 'get') => { const kindPrefix = kind === 'root' ? '' : pascalCase(kind); const suffix = pascalCase(name); return `${prefix}${kindPrefix}${suffix}`; }; function registerSyncConfigs(configs) { configs.forEach(({ syncObjectType, syncConfig }) => { getSyncProvider().register(syncObjectType, syncConfig); const editSyncConfig = { ...syncConfig }; delete editSyncConfig.fetch; getSyncProvider().register(syncObjectType + '--edit', editSyncConfig); }); } /** * Loads the entities into the store. * * Note: The `name` argument is used for `root` entities requiring additional server data. * * @param {string} kind Kind * @param {string} name Name * @return {(thunkArgs: object) => Promise} Entities */ const getOrLoadEntitiesConfig = (kind, name) => async ({ select, dispatch }) => { let configs = select.getEntitiesConfig(kind); const hasConfig = !!select.getEntityConfig(kind, name); if (configs?.length > 0 && hasConfig) { if (window.__experimentalEnableSync) { if (false) {} } return configs; } const loader = additionalEntityConfigLoaders.find(l => { if (!name || ! { return l.kind === kind; } return l.kind === kind && === name; }); if (!loader) { return []; } configs = await loader.loadEntities(); if (window.__experimentalEnableSync) { if (false) {} } dispatch(addEntities(configs)); return configs; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/get-normalized-comma-separable.js /** * Given a value which can be specified as one or the other of a comma-separated * string or an array, returns a value normalized to an array of strings, or * null if the value cannot be interpreted as either. * * @param {string|string[]|*} value * * @return {?(string[])} Normalized field value. */ function getNormalizedCommaSeparable(value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return value.split(','); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } return null; } /* harmony default export */ const get_normalized_comma_separable = (getNormalizedCommaSeparable); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/with-weak-map-cache.js /** * Given a function, returns an enhanced function which caches the result and * tracks in WeakMap. The result is only cached if the original function is * passed a valid object-like argument (requirement for WeakMap key). * * @param {Function} fn Original function. * * @return {Function} Enhanced caching function. */ function withWeakMapCache(fn) { const cache = new WeakMap(); return key => { let value; if (cache.has(key)) { value = cache.get(key); } else { value = fn(key); // Can reach here if key is not valid for WeakMap, since `has` // will return false for invalid key. Since `set` will throw, // ensure that key is valid before setting into cache. if (key !== null && typeof key === 'object') { cache.set(key, value); } } return value; }; } /* harmony default export */ const with_weak_map_cache = (withWeakMapCache); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/get-query-parts.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * An object of properties describing a specific query. * * @typedef {Object} WPQueriedDataQueryParts * * @property {number} page The query page (1-based index, default 1). * @property {number} perPage Items per page for query (default 10). * @property {string} stableKey An encoded stable string of all non- * pagination, non-fields query parameters. * @property {?(string[])} fields Target subset of fields to derive from * item objects. * @property {?(number[])} include Specific item IDs to include. * @property {string} context Scope under which the request is made; * determines returned fields in response. */ /** * Given a query object, returns an object of parts, including pagination * details (`page` and `perPage`, or default values). All other properties are * encoded into a stable (idempotent) `stableKey` value. * * @param {Object} query Optional query object. * * @return {WPQueriedDataQueryParts} Query parts. */ function getQueryParts(query) { /** * @type {WPQueriedDataQueryParts} */ const parts = { stableKey: '', page: 1, perPage: 10, fields: null, include: null, context: 'default' }; // Ensure stable key by sorting keys. Also more efficient for iterating. const keys = Object.keys(query).sort(); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; let value = query[key]; switch (key) { case 'page': parts[key] = Number(value); break; case 'per_page': parts.perPage = Number(value); break; case 'context': parts.context = value; break; default: // While in theory, we could exclude "_fields" from the stableKey // because two request with different fields have the same results // We're not able to ensure that because the server can decide to omit // fields from the response even if we explicitly asked for it. // Example: Asking for titles in posts without title support. if (key === '_fields') { var _getNormalizedCommaSe; parts.fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : []; // Make sure to normalize value for `stableKey` value = parts.fields.join(); } // Two requests with different include values cannot have same results. if (key === 'include') { var _getNormalizedCommaSe2; if (typeof value === 'number') { value = value.toString(); } parts.include = ((_getNormalizedCommaSe2 = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe2 !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe2 : []).map(Number); // Normalize value for `stableKey`. value = parts.include.join(); } // While it could be any deterministic string, for simplicity's // sake mimic querystring encoding for stable key. // // TODO: For consistency with PHP implementation, addQueryArgs // should accept a key value pair, which may optimize its // implementation for our use here, vs. iterating an object // with only a single key. parts.stableKey += (parts.stableKey ? '&' : '') + (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', { [key]: value }).slice(1); } } return parts; } /* harmony default export */ const get_query_parts = (with_weak_map_cache(getQueryParts)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/reducer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function getContextFromAction(action) { const { query } = action; if (!query) { return 'default'; } const queryParts = get_query_parts(query); return queryParts.context; } /** * Returns a merged array of item IDs, given details of the received paginated * items. The array is sparse-like with `undefined` entries where holes exist. * * @param {?Array} itemIds Original item IDs (default empty array). * @param {number[]} nextItemIds Item IDs to merge. * @param {number} page Page of items merged. * @param {number} perPage Number of items per page. * * @return {number[]} Merged array of item IDs. */ function getMergedItemIds(itemIds, nextItemIds, page, perPage) { var _itemIds$length; const receivedAllIds = page === 1 && perPage === -1; if (receivedAllIds) { return nextItemIds; } const nextItemIdsStartIndex = (page - 1) * perPage; // If later page has already been received, default to the larger known // size of the existing array, else calculate as extending the existing. const size = Math.max((_itemIds$length = itemIds?.length) !== null && _itemIds$length !== void 0 ? _itemIds$length : 0, nextItemIdsStartIndex + nextItemIds.length); // Preallocate array since size is known. const mergedItemIds = new Array(size); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { // Preserve existing item ID except for subset of range of next items. // We need to check against the possible maximum upper boundary because // a page could receive fewer than what was previously stored. const isInNextItemsRange = i >= nextItemIdsStartIndex && i < nextItemIdsStartIndex + perPage; mergedItemIds[i] = isInNextItemsRange ? nextItemIds[i - nextItemIdsStartIndex] : itemIds?.[i]; } return mergedItemIds; } /** * Helper function to filter out entities with certain IDs. * Entities are keyed by their ID. * * @param {Object} entities Entity objects, keyed by entity ID. * @param {Array} ids Entity IDs to filter out. * * @return {Object} Filtered entities. */ function removeEntitiesById(entities, ids) { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(entities).filter(([id]) => !ids.some(itemId => { if (Number.isInteger(itemId)) { return itemId === +id; } return itemId === id; }))); } /** * Reducer tracking items state, keyed by ID. Items are assumed to be normal, * where identifiers are common across all queries. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Next state. */ function items(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS': { const context = getContextFromAction(action); const key = action.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY; return { ...state, [context]: { ...state[context], ...action.items.reduce((accumulator, value) => { const itemId = value?.[key]; accumulator[itemId] = conservativeMapItem(state?.[context]?.[itemId], value); return accumulator; }, {}) } }; } case 'REMOVE_ITEMS': return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([itemId, contextState]) => [itemId, removeEntitiesById(contextState, action.itemIds)])); } return state; } /** * Reducer tracking item completeness, keyed by ID. A complete item is one for * which all fields are known. This is used in supporting `_fields` queries, * where not all properties associated with an entity are necessarily returned. * In such cases, completeness is used as an indication of whether it would be * safe to use queried data for a non-`_fields`-limited request. * * @param {Object>} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object>} Next state. */ function itemIsComplete(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS': { const context = getContextFromAction(action); const { query, key = DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY } = action; // An item is considered complete if it is received without an associated // fields query. Ideally, this would be implemented in such a way where the // complete aggregate of all fields would satisfy completeness. Since the // fields are not consistent across all entities, this would require // introspection on the REST schema for each entity to know which fields // compose a complete item for that entity. const queryParts = query ? get_query_parts(query) : {}; const isCompleteQuery = !query || !Array.isArray(queryParts.fields); return { ...state, [context]: { ...state[context], ...action.items.reduce((result, item) => { const itemId = item?.[key]; // Defer to completeness if already assigned. Technically the // data may be outdated if receiving items for a field subset. result[itemId] = state?.[context]?.[itemId] || isCompleteQuery; return result; }, {}) } }; } case 'REMOVE_ITEMS': return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([itemId, contextState]) => [itemId, removeEntitiesById(contextState, action.itemIds)])); } return state; } /** * Reducer tracking queries state, keyed by stable query key. Each reducer * query object includes `itemIds` and `requestingPageByPerPage`. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Next state. */ const receiveQueries = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)([ // Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on // an unhandled action. if_matching_action(action => 'query' in action), // Inject query parts into action for use both in `onSubKey` and reducer. replace_action(action => { // `ifMatchingAction` still passes on initialization, where state is // undefined and a query is not assigned. Avoid attempting to parse // parts. `onSubKey` will omit by lack of `stableKey`. if (action.query) { return { ...action, ...get_query_parts(action.query) }; } return action; }), on_sub_key('context'), // Queries shape is shared, but keyed by query `stableKey` part. Original // reducer tracks only a single query object. on_sub_key('stableKey')])((state = {}, action) => { const { type, page, perPage, key = DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY } = action; if (type !== 'RECEIVE_ITEMS') { return state; } return { itemIds: getMergedItemIds(state?.itemIds || [], => item?.[key]).filter(Boolean), page, perPage), meta: action.meta }; }); /** * Reducer tracking queries state. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Next state. */ const queries = (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS': return receiveQueries(state, action); case 'REMOVE_ITEMS': const removedItems = action.itemIds.reduce((result, itemId) => { result[itemId] = true; return result; }, {}); return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([queryGroup, contextQueries]) => [queryGroup, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(contextQueries).map(([query, queryItems]) => [query, { ...queryItems, itemIds: queryItems.itemIds.filter(queryId => !removedItems[queryId]) }]))])); default: return state; } }; /* harmony default export */ const reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ items, itemIsComplete, queries })); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/reducer.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('./types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */ /** * Reducer managing terms state. Keyed by taxonomy slug, the value is either * undefined (if no request has been made for given taxonomy), null (if a * request is in-flight for given taxonomy), or the array of terms for the * taxonomy. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function terms(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_TERMS': return { ...state, [action.taxonomy]: action.terms }; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing authors state. Keyed by id. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function users(state = { byId: {}, queries: {} }, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_USER_QUERY': return { byId: { ...state.byId, // Key users by their ID. ...action.users.reduce((newUsers, user) => ({ ...newUsers, []: user }), {}) }, queries: { ...state.queries, [action.queryID]: => } }; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing current user state. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function currentUser(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_USER': return action.currentUser; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing taxonomies. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function taxonomies(state = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_TAXONOMIES': return action.taxonomies; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the current theme. * * @param {string|undefined} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {string|undefined} Updated state. */ function currentTheme(state = undefined, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_THEME': return action.currentTheme.stylesheet; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the current global styles id. * * @param {string|undefined} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {string|undefined} Updated state. */ function currentGlobalStylesId(state = undefined, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_GLOBAL_STYLES_ID': return; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the theme base global styles. * * @param {Record} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Record} Updated state. */ function themeBaseGlobalStyles(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_THEME_GLOBAL_STYLES': return { ...state, [action.stylesheet]: action.globalStyles }; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the theme global styles variations. * * @param {Record} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Record} Updated state. */ function themeGlobalStyleVariations(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_THEME_GLOBAL_STYLE_VARIATIONS': return { ...state, [action.stylesheet]: action.variations }; } return state; } const withMultiEntityRecordEdits = reducer => (state, action) => { if (action.type === 'UNDO' || action.type === 'REDO') { const { record } = action; let newState = state; record.forEach(({ id: { kind, name, recordId }, changes }) => { newState = reducer(newState, { type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD', kind, name, recordId, edits: Object.entries(changes).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { acc[key] = action.type === 'UNDO' ? value.from :; return acc; }, {}) }); }); return newState; } return reducer(state, action); }; /** * Higher Order Reducer for a given entity config. It supports: * * - Fetching * - Editing * - Saving * * @param {Object} entityConfig Entity config. * * @return {AnyFunction} Reducer. */ function entity(entityConfig) { return (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)([withMultiEntityRecordEdits, // Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on // an unhandled action. if_matching_action(action => && action.kind && === && action.kind === entityConfig.kind), // Inject the entity config into the action. replace_action(action => { return { key: entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY, ...action }; })])((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ queriedData: reducer, edits: (state = {}, action) => { var _action$query$context; switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS': const context = (_action$query$context = action?.query?.context) !== null && _action$query$context !== void 0 ? _action$query$context : 'default'; if (context !== 'default') { return state; } const nextState = { ...state }; for (const record of action.items) { const recordId = record?.[action.key]; const edits = nextState[recordId]; if (!edits) { continue; } const nextEdits = Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => { var _record$key$raw; // If the edited value is still different to the persisted value, // keep the edited value in edits. if ( // Edits are the "raw" attribute values, but records may have // objects with more properties, so we use `get` here for the // comparison. !es6_default()(edits[key], (_record$key$raw = record[key]?.raw) !== null && _record$key$raw !== void 0 ? _record$key$raw : record[key]) && ( // Sometimes the server alters the sent value which means // we need to also remove the edits before the api request. !action.persistedEdits || !es6_default()(edits[key], action.persistedEdits[key]))) { acc[key] = edits[key]; } return acc; }, {}); if (Object.keys(nextEdits).length) { nextState[recordId] = nextEdits; } else { delete nextState[recordId]; } } return nextState; case 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD': const nextEdits = { ...state[action.recordId], ...action.edits }; Object.keys(nextEdits).forEach(key => { // Delete cleared edits so that the properties // are not considered dirty. if (nextEdits[key] === undefined) { delete nextEdits[key]; } }); return { ...state, [action.recordId]: nextEdits }; } return state; }, saving: (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START': case 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH': return { ...state, [action.recordId]: { pending: action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START', error: action.error, isAutosave: action.isAutosave } }; } return state; }, deleting: (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START': case 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH': return { ...state, [action.recordId]: { pending: action.type === 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START', error: action.error } }; } return state; }, revisions: (state = {}, action) => { // Use the same queriedDataReducer shape for revisions. if (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEM_REVISIONS') { const recordKey = action.recordKey; delete action.recordKey; const newState = reducer(state[recordKey], { ...action, type: 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' }); return { ...state, [recordKey]: newState }; } if (action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).filter(([id]) => !action.itemIds.some(itemId => { if (Number.isInteger(itemId)) { return itemId === +id; } return itemId === id; }))); } return state; } })); } /** * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function entitiesConfig(state = rootEntitiesConfig, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_ENTITIES': return [...state, ...action.entities]; } return state; } /** * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities config and data. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ const entities = (state = {}, action) => { const newConfig = entitiesConfig(state.config, action); // Generates a dynamic reducer for the entities. let entitiesDataReducer = state.reducer; if (!entitiesDataReducer || newConfig !== state.config) { const entitiesByKind = newConfig.reduce((acc, record) => { const { kind } = record; if (!acc[kind]) { acc[kind] = []; } acc[kind].push(record); return acc; }, {}); entitiesDataReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(Object.entries(entitiesByKind).reduce((memo, [kind, subEntities]) => { const kindReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(subEntities.reduce((kindMemo, entityConfig) => ({ ...kindMemo, []: entity(entityConfig) }), {})); memo[kind] = kindReducer; return memo; }, {})); } const newData = entitiesDataReducer(state.records, action); if (newData === state.records && newConfig === state.config && entitiesDataReducer === state.reducer) { return state; } return { reducer: entitiesDataReducer, records: newData, config: newConfig }; }; /** * @type {UndoManager} */ function undoManager(state = (0,build_module.createUndoManager)()) { return state; } function editsReference(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD': case 'UNDO': case 'REDO': return {}; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing embed preview data. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function embedPreviews(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_EMBED_PREVIEW': const { url, preview } = action; return { ...state, [url]: preview }; } return state; } /** * State which tracks whether the user can perform an action on a REST * resource. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function userPermissions(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_USER_PERMISSION': return { ...state, [action.key]: action.isAllowed }; } return state; } /** * Reducer returning autosaves keyed by their parent's post id. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function autosaves(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_AUTOSAVES': const { postId, autosaves: autosavesData } = action; return { ...state, [postId]: autosavesData }; } return state; } function blockPatterns(state = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERNS': return action.patterns; } return state; } function blockPatternCategories(state = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERN_CATEGORIES': return action.categories; } return state; } function userPatternCategories(state = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_USER_PATTERN_CATEGORIES': return action.patternCategories; } return state; } function navigationFallbackId(state = null, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_NAVIGATION_FALLBACK_ID': return action.fallbackId; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the theme global styles revisions. * * @param {Record} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Record} Updated state. */ function themeGlobalStyleRevisions(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_THEME_GLOBAL_STYLE_REVISIONS': return { ...state, [action.currentId]: action.revisions }; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the template lookup per query. * * @param {Record} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Record} Updated state. */ function defaultTemplates(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'RECEIVE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE': return { ...state, [JSON.stringify(action.query)]: action.templateId }; } return state; } /* harmony default export */ const build_module_reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ terms, users, currentTheme, currentGlobalStylesId, currentUser, themeGlobalStyleVariations, themeBaseGlobalStyles, themeGlobalStyleRevisions, taxonomies, entities, editsReference, undoManager, embedPreviews, userPermissions, autosaves, blockPatterns, blockPatternCategories, userPatternCategories, navigationFallbackId, defaultTemplates })); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/equivalent-key-map/equivalent-key-map.js var equivalent_key_map = __webpack_require__(3249); var equivalent_key_map_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(equivalent_key_map); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/selectors.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Cache of state keys to EquivalentKeyMap where the inner map tracks queries * to their resulting items set. WeakMap allows garbage collection on expired * state references. * * @type {WeakMap} */ const queriedItemsCacheByState = new WeakMap(); /** * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known. * * @param {Object} state State object. * @param {?Object} query Optional query. * * @return {?Array} Query items. */ function getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query) { const { stableKey, page, perPage, include, fields, context } = get_query_parts(query); let itemIds; if (state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]) { itemIds = state.queries[context][stableKey].itemIds; } if (!itemIds) { return null; } const startOffset = perPage === -1 ? 0 : (page - 1) * perPage; const endOffset = perPage === -1 ? itemIds.length : Math.min(startOffset + perPage, itemIds.length); const items = []; for (let i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i++) { const itemId = itemIds[i]; if (Array.isArray(include) && !include.includes(itemId)) { continue; } if (itemId === undefined) { continue; } // Having a target item ID doesn't guarantee that this object has been queried. if (!state.items[context]?.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) { return null; } const item = state.items[context][itemId]; let filteredItem; if (Array.isArray(fields)) { filteredItem = {}; for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { const field = fields[f].split('.'); let value = item; field.forEach(fieldName => { value = value?.[fieldName]; }); setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value); } } else { // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness, or // otherwise abort. if (!state.itemIsComplete[context]?.[itemId]) { return null; } filteredItem = item; } items.push(filteredItem); } return items; } /** * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known. Caches * result both per state (by reference) and per query (by deep equality). * The caching approach is intended to be durable to query objects which are * deeply but not referentially equal, since otherwise: * * `getQueriedItems( state, {} ) !== getQueriedItems( state, {} )` * * @param {Object} state State object. * @param {?Object} query Optional query. * * @return {?Array} Query items. */ const getQueriedItems = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, query = {}) => { let queriedItemsCache = queriedItemsCacheByState.get(state); if (queriedItemsCache) { const queriedItems = queriedItemsCache.get(query); if (queriedItems !== undefined) { return queriedItems; } } else { queriedItemsCache = new (equivalent_key_map_default())(); queriedItemsCacheByState.set(state, queriedItemsCache); } const items = getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query); queriedItemsCache.set(query, items); return items; }); function getQueriedTotalItems(state, query = {}) { var _state$queries$contex; const { stableKey, context } = get_query_parts(query); return (_state$queries$contex = state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]?.meta?.totalItems) !== null && _state$queries$contex !== void 0 ? _state$queries$contex : null; } function getQueriedTotalPages(state, query = {}) { var _state$queries$contex2; const { stableKey, context } = get_query_parts(query); return (_state$queries$contex2 = state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]?.meta?.totalPages) !== null && _state$queries$contex2 !== void 0 ? _state$queries$contex2 : null; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/is-numeric-id.js /** * Checks argument to determine if it's a numeric ID. * For example, '123' is a numeric ID, but '123abc' is not. * * @param {any} id the argument to determine if it's a numeric ID. * @return {boolean} true if the string is a numeric ID, false otherwise. */ function isNumericID(id) { return /^\s*\d+\s*$/.test(id); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/is-raw-attribute.js /** * Checks whether the attribute is a "raw" attribute or not. * * @param {Object} entity Entity record. * @param {string} attribute Attribute name. * * @return {boolean} Is the attribute raw */ function isRawAttribute(entity, attribute) { return (entity.rawAttributes || []).includes(attribute); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/selectors.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // This is an incomplete, high-level approximation of the State type. // It makes the selectors slightly more safe, but is intended to evolve // into a more detailed representation over time. // See for more context. /** * HTTP Query parameters sent with the API request to fetch the entity records. */ /** * Arguments for EntityRecord selectors. */ /** * Shared reference to an empty object for cases where it is important to avoid * returning a new object reference on every invocation, as in a connected or * other pure component which performs `shouldComponentUpdate` check on props. * This should be used as a last resort, since the normalized data should be * maintained by the reducer result in state. */ const EMPTY_OBJECT = {}; /** * Returns true if a request is in progress for embed preview data, or false * otherwise. * * @param state Data state. * @param url URL the preview would be for. * * @return Whether a request is in progress for an embed preview. */ const isRequestingEmbedPreview = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, url) => { return select(STORE_NAME).isResolving('getEmbedPreview', [url]); }); /** * Returns all available authors. * * @deprecated since 11.3. Callers should use `select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })` instead. * * @param state Data state. * @param query Optional object of query parameters to * include with request. For valid query parameters see the [Users page]( in the REST API Handbook and see the arguments for [List Users]( and [Retrieve a User]( * @return Authors list. */ function getAuthors(state, query) { external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getAuthors()", { since: '5.9', alternative: "select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })" }); const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query); return getUserQueryResults(state, path); } /** * Returns the current user. * * @param state Data state. * * @return Current user object. */ function getCurrentUser(state) { return state.currentUser; } /** * Returns all the users returned by a query ID. * * @param state Data state. * @param queryID Query ID. * * @return Users list. */ const getUserQueryResults = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, queryID) => { var _state$users$queries$; const queryResults = (_state$users$queries$ = state.users.queries[queryID]) !== null && _state$users$queries$ !== void 0 ? _state$users$queries$ : []; return => state.users.byId[id]); }, (state, queryID) => [state.users.queries[queryID], state.users.byId]); /** * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind. * * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntitiesConfig instead * @param state Data state. * @param kind Entity kind. * * @return Array of entities with config matching kind. */ function getEntitiesByKind(state, kind) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).getEntitiesByKind()", { since: '6.0', alternative: " 'core' ).getEntitiesConfig()" }); return getEntitiesConfig(state, kind); } /** * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind. * * @param state Data state. * @param kind Entity kind. * * @return Array of entities with config matching kind. */ const getEntitiesConfig = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind) => state.entities.config.filter(entity => entity.kind === kind), (state, kind) => state.entities.config); /** * Returns the entity config given its kind and name. * * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntityConfig instead * @param state Data state. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * * @return Entity config */ function getEntity(state, kind, name) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(" 'core' ).getEntity()", { since: '6.0', alternative: " 'core' ).getEntityConfig()" }); return getEntityConfig(state, kind, name); } /** * Returns the entity config given its kind and name. * * @param state Data state. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * * @return Entity config */ function getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) { return state.entities.config?.find(config => config.kind === kind && === name); } /** * GetEntityRecord is declared as a *callable interface* with * two signatures to work around the fact that TypeScript doesn't * allow currying generic functions: * * ```ts * type CurriedState = F extends ( state: any, ...args: infer P ) => infer R * ? ( ...args: P ) => R * : F; * type Selector = ( * state: any, * kind: K, * key: K extends string ? 'string value' : false * ) => K; * type BadlyInferredSignature = CurriedState< Selector > * // BadlyInferredSignature evaluates to: * // (kind: string number, key: false | "string value") => string number * ``` * * The signature without the state parameter shipped as CurriedSignature * is used in the return value of `select( coreStore )`. * * See for more details. */ /** * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Returns `null` if the value is not * yet received, undefined if the value entity is known to not exist, or the * entity object if it exists and is received. * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param key Record's key * @param query Optional query. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [Entity kind]". * * @return Record. */ const getEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, key, query) => { var _query$context; const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData; if (!queriedState) { return undefined; } const context = (_query$context = query?.context) !== null && _query$context !== void 0 ? _query$context : 'default'; if (query === undefined) { // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness. if (!queriedState.itemIsComplete[context]?.[key]) { return undefined; } return queriedState.items[context][key]; } const item = queriedState.items[context]?.[key]; if (item && query._fields) { var _getNormalizedCommaSe; const filteredItem = {}; const fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : []; for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { const field = fields[f].split('.'); let value = item; field.forEach(fieldName => { value = value?.[fieldName]; }); setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value); } return filteredItem; } return item; }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => { var _query$context2; const context = (_query$context2 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context2 !== void 0 ? _query$context2 : 'default'; return [state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId]]; }); /** * Normalizes `recordKey`s that look like numeric IDs to numbers. * * @param args EntityRecordArgs the selector arguments. * @return EntityRecordArgs the normalized arguments. */ getEntityRecord.__unstableNormalizeArgs = args => { const newArgs = [...args]; const recordKey = newArgs?.[2]; // If recordKey looks to be a numeric ID then coerce to number. newArgs[2] = isNumericID(recordKey) ? Number(recordKey) : recordKey; return newArgs; }; /** * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Doesn't trigger a resolver nor requests the entity records from the API if the entity record isn't available in the local state. * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param key Record's key * * @return Record. */ function __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver(state, kind, name, key) { return getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key); } /** * Returns the entity's record object by key, * with its attributes mapped to their raw values. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param key Record's key. * * @return Object with the entity's raw attributes. */ const getRawEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, key) => { const record = getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key); return record && Object.keys(record).reduce((accumulator, _key) => { if (isRawAttribute(getEntityConfig(state, kind, name), _key)) { var _record$_key$raw; // Because edits are the "raw" attribute values, // we return those from record selectors to make rendering, // comparisons, and joins with edits easier. accumulator[_key] = (_record$_key$raw = record[_key]?.raw) !== null && _record$_key$raw !== void 0 ? _record$_key$raw : record[_key]; } else { accumulator[_key] = record[_key]; } return accumulator; }, {}); }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => { var _query$context3; const context = (_query$context3 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context3 !== void 0 ? _query$context3 : 'default'; return [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId]]; }); /** * Returns true if records have been received for the given set of parameters, * or false otherwise. * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param query Optional terms query. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s". * * @return Whether entity records have been received. */ function hasEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query) { return Array.isArray(getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query)); } /** * GetEntityRecord is declared as a *callable interface* with * two signatures to work around the fact that TypeScript doesn't * allow currying generic functions. * * @see GetEntityRecord * @see */ /** * Returns the Entity's records. * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s". * * @return Records. */ const getEntityRecords = (state, kind, name, query) => { // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist. const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData; if (!queriedState) { return null; } return getQueriedItems(queriedState, query); }; /** * Returns the Entity's total available records for a given query (ignoring pagination). * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s". * * @return number | null. */ const getEntityRecordsTotalItems = (state, kind, name, query) => { // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist. const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData; if (!queriedState) { return null; } return getQueriedTotalItems(queriedState, query); }; /** * Returns the number of available pages for the given query. * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference]( in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s". * * @return number | null. */ const getEntityRecordsTotalPages = (state, kind, name, query) => { // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist. const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData; if (!queriedState) { return null; } if (query.per_page === -1) { return 1; } const totalItems = getQueriedTotalItems(queriedState, query); if (!totalItems) { return totalItems; } // If `per_page` is not set and the query relies on the defaults of the // REST endpoint, get the info from query's meta. if (!query.per_page) { return getQueriedTotalPages(queriedState, query); } return Math.ceil(totalItems / query.per_page); }; /** * Returns the list of dirty entity records. * * @param state State tree. * * @return The list of updated records */ const __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(state => { const { entities: { records } } = state; const dirtyRecords = []; Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => { Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => { const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].edits).filter(primaryKey => // The entity record must exist (not be deleted), // and it must have edits. getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey) && hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey)); if (primaryKeys.length) { const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name); primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => { const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey); dirtyRecords.push({ // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string // when it's used as an object key. key: entityRecord ? entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY] : undefined, title: entityConfig?.getTitle?.(entityRecord) || '', name, kind }); }); } }); }); return dirtyRecords; }, state => [state.entities.records]); /** * Returns the list of entities currently being saved. * * @param state State tree. * * @return The list of records being saved. */ const __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(state => { const { entities: { records } } = state; const recordsBeingSaved = []; Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => { Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => { const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].saving).filter(primaryKey => isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey)); if (primaryKeys.length) { const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name); primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => { const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey); recordsBeingSaved.push({ // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string // when it's used as an object key. key: entityRecord ? entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY] : undefined, title: entityConfig?.getTitle?.(entityRecord) || '', name, kind }); }); } }); }); return recordsBeingSaved; }, state => [state.entities.records]); /** * Returns the specified entity record's edits. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return The entity record's edits. */ function getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) { return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId]; } /** * Returns the specified entity record's non transient edits. * * Transient edits don't create an undo level, and * are not considered for change detection. * They are defined in the entity's config. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return The entity record's non transient edits. */ const getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordId) => { const { transientEdits } = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) || {}; const edits = getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) || {}; if (!transientEdits) { return edits; } return Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => { if (!transientEdits[key]) { acc[key] = edits[key]; } return acc; }, {}); }, (state, kind, name, recordId) => [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId]]); /** * Returns true if the specified entity record has edits, * and false otherwise. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return Whether the entity record has edits or not. */ function hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) { return isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) || Object.keys(getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(state, kind, name, recordId)).length > 0; } /** * Returns the specified entity record, merged with its edits. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return The entity record, merged with its edits. */ const getEditedEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordId) => { const raw = getRawEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId); const edited = getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId); // Never return a non-falsy empty object. Unfortunately we can't return // undefined or null because we were previously returning an empty // object, so trying to read properties from the result would throw. // Using false here is a workaround to avoid breaking changes. if (!raw && !edited) { return false; } return { ...raw, ...edited }; }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => { var _query$context4; const context = (_query$context4 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context4 !== void 0 ? _query$context4 : 'default'; return [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId]]; }); /** * Returns true if the specified entity record is autosaving, and false otherwise. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return Whether the entity record is autosaving or not. */ function isAutosavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) { var _state$entities$recor; const { pending, isAutosave } = (_state$entities$recor = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]) !== null && _state$entities$recor !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor : {}; return Boolean(pending && isAutosave); } /** * Returns true if the specified entity record is saving, and false otherwise. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return Whether the entity record is saving or not. */ function isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) { var _state$entities$recor2; return (_state$entities$recor2 = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]?.pending) !== null && _state$entities$recor2 !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor2 : false; } /** * Returns true if the specified entity record is deleting, and false otherwise. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return Whether the entity record is deleting or not. */ function isDeletingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) { var _state$entities$recor3; return (_state$entities$recor3 = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.deleting?.[recordId]?.pending) !== null && _state$entities$recor3 !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor3 : false; } /** * Returns the specified entity record's last save error. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return The entity record's save error. */ function getLastEntitySaveError(state, kind, name, recordId) { return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]?.error; } /** * Returns the specified entity record's last delete error. * * @param state State tree. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record ID. * * @return The entity record's save error. */ function getLastEntityDeleteError(state, kind, name, recordId) { return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.deleting?.[recordId]?.error; } /** * Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset * for the entity records edits history, if any. * * @deprecated since 6.3 * * @param state State tree. * * @return The edit. */ function getUndoEdit(state) { external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getUndoEdit()", { since: '6.3' }); return undefined; } /** * Returns the next edit from the current undo offset * for the entity records edits history, if any. * * @deprecated since 6.3 * * @param state State tree. * * @return The edit. */ function getRedoEdit(state) { external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getRedoEdit()", { since: '6.3' }); return undefined; } /** * Returns true if there is a previous edit from the current undo offset * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise. * * @param state State tree. * * @return Whether there is a previous edit or not. */ function hasUndo(state) { return state.undoManager.hasUndo(); } /** * Returns true if there is a next edit from the current undo offset * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise. * * @param state State tree. * * @return Whether there is a next edit or not. */ function hasRedo(state) { return state.undoManager.hasRedo(); } /** * Return the current theme. * * @param state Data state. * * @return The current theme. */ function getCurrentTheme(state) { if (!state.currentTheme) { return null; } return getEntityRecord(state, 'root', 'theme', state.currentTheme); } /** * Return the ID of the current global styles object. * * @param state Data state. * * @return The current global styles ID. */ function __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state) { return state.currentGlobalStylesId; } /** * Return theme supports data in the index. * * @param state Data state. * * @return Index data. */ function getThemeSupports(state) { var _getCurrentTheme$them; return (_getCurrentTheme$them = getCurrentTheme(state)?.theme_supports) !== null && _getCurrentTheme$them !== void 0 ? _getCurrentTheme$them : EMPTY_OBJECT; } /** * Returns the embed preview for the given URL. * * @param state Data state. * @param url Embedded URL. * * @return Undefined if the preview has not been fetched, otherwise, the preview fetched from the embed preview API. */ function getEmbedPreview(state, url) { return state.embedPreviews[url]; } /** * Determines if the returned preview is an oEmbed link fallback. * * WordPress can be configured to return a simple link to a URL if it is not embeddable. * We need to be able to determine if a URL is embeddable or not, based on what we * get back from the oEmbed preview API. * * @param state Data state. * @param url Embedded URL. * * @return Is the preview for the URL an oEmbed link fallback. */ function isPreviewEmbedFallback(state, url) { const preview = state.embedPreviews[url]; const oEmbedLinkCheck = '' + url + ''; if (!preview) { return false; } return preview.html === oEmbedLinkCheck; } /** * Returns whether the current user can perform the given action on the given * REST resource. * * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the * `canUser()` resolver. * * * * @param state Data state. * @param action Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'. * @param resource REST resource to check, e.g. 'media' or 'posts'. * @param id Optional ID of the rest resource to check. * * @return Whether or not the user can perform the action, * or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made. */ function canUser(state, action, resource, id) { const key = [action, resource, id].filter(Boolean).join('/'); return state.userPermissions[key]; } /** * Returns whether the current user can edit the given entity. * * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the * `canUser()` resolver. * * * * @param state Data state. * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordId Record's id. * @return Whether or not the user can edit, * or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made. */ function canUserEditEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) { const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name); if (!entityConfig) { return false; } const resource = entityConfig.__unstable_rest_base; return canUser(state, 'update', resource, recordId); } /** * Returns the latest autosaves for the post. * * May return multiple autosaves since the backend stores one autosave per * author for each post. * * @param state State tree. * @param postType The type of the parent post. * @param postId The id of the parent post. * * @return An array of autosaves for the post, or undefined if there is none. */ function getAutosaves(state, postType, postId) { return state.autosaves[postId]; } /** * Returns the autosave for the post and author. * * @param state State tree. * @param postType The type of the parent post. * @param postId The id of the parent post. * @param authorId The id of the author. * * @return The autosave for the post and author. */ function getAutosave(state, postType, postId, authorId) { if (authorId === undefined) { return; } const autosaves = state.autosaves[postId]; return autosaves?.find(autosave => === authorId); } /** * Returns true if the REST request for autosaves has completed. * * @param state State tree. * @param postType The type of the parent post. * @param postId The id of the parent post. * * @return True if the REST request was completed. False otherwise. */ const hasFetchedAutosaves = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, postType, postId) => { return select(STORE_NAME).hasFinishedResolution('getAutosaves', [postType, postId]); }); /** * Returns a new reference when edited values have changed. This is useful in * inferring where an edit has been made between states by comparison of the * return values using strict equality. * * @example * * ``` * const hasEditOccurred = ( * getReferenceByDistinctEdits( beforeState ) !== * getReferenceByDistinctEdits( afterState ) * ); * ``` * * @param state Editor state. * * @return A value whose reference will change only when an edit occurs. */ function getReferenceByDistinctEdits(state) { return state.editsReference; } /** * Retrieve the frontend template used for a given link. * * @param state Editor state. * @param link Link. * * @return The template record. */ function __experimentalGetTemplateForLink(state, link) { const records = getEntityRecords(state, 'postType', 'wp_template', { 'find-template': link }); if (records?.length) { return getEditedEntityRecord(state, 'postType', 'wp_template', records[0].id); } return null; } /** * Retrieve the current theme's base global styles * * @param state Editor state. * * @return The Global Styles object. */ function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles(state) { const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state); if (!currentTheme) { return null; } return state.themeBaseGlobalStyles[currentTheme.stylesheet]; } /** * Return the ID of the current global styles object. * * @param state Data state. * * @return The current global styles ID. */ function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations(state) { const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state); if (!currentTheme) { return null; } return state.themeGlobalStyleVariations[currentTheme.stylesheet]; } /** * Retrieve the list of registered block patterns. * * @param state Data state. * * @return Block pattern list. */ function getBlockPatterns(state) { return state.blockPatterns; } /** * Retrieve the list of registered block pattern categories. * * @param state Data state. * * @return Block pattern category list. */ function getBlockPatternCategories(state) { return state.blockPatternCategories; } /** * Retrieve the registered user pattern categories. * * @param state Data state. * * @return User patterns category array. */ function getUserPatternCategories(state) { return state.userPatternCategories; } /** * Returns the revisions of the current global styles theme. * * @deprecated since WordPress 6.5.0. Callers should use `select( 'core' ).getRevisions( 'root', 'globalStyles', ${ recordKey } )` instead, where `recordKey` is the id of the global styles parent post. * * @param state Data state. * * @return The current global styles. */ function getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions(state) { external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions()", { since: '6.5.0', alternative: "select( 'core' ).getRevisions( 'root', 'globalStyles', ${ recordKey } )" }); const currentGlobalStylesId = __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state); if (!currentGlobalStylesId) { return null; } return state.themeGlobalStyleRevisions[currentGlobalStylesId]; } /** * Returns the default template use to render a given query. * * @param state Data state. * @param query Query. * * @return The default template id for the given query. */ function getDefaultTemplateId(state, query) { return state.defaultTemplates[JSON.stringify(query)]; } /** * Returns an entity's revisions. * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch. * @param query Optional query. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see revisions schema in [the REST API Handbook]( Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [Entity kind]". * * @return Record. */ const getRevisions = (state, kind, name, recordKey, query) => { const queriedStateRevisions = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]; if (!queriedStateRevisions) { return null; } return getQueriedItems(queriedStateRevisions, query); }; /** * Returns a single, specific revision of a parent entity. * * @param state State tree * @param kind Entity kind. * @param name Entity name. * @param recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch. * @param revisionKey The revision's key. * @param query Optional query. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see revisions schema in [the REST API Handbook]( Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [entity kind]". * * @return Record. */ const getRevision = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => { var _query$context5; const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]; if (!queriedState) { return undefined; } const context = (_query$context5 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context5 !== void 0 ? _query$context5 : 'default'; if (query === undefined) { // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness. if (!queriedState.itemIsComplete[context]?.[revisionKey]) { return undefined; } return queriedState.items[context][revisionKey]; } const item = queriedState.items[context]?.[revisionKey]; if (item && query._fields) { var _getNormalizedCommaSe2; const filteredItem = {}; const fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe2 = get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe2 !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe2 : []; for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { const field = fields[f].split('.'); let value = item; field.forEach(fieldName => { value = value?.[fieldName]; }); setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value); } return filteredItem; } return item; }, (state, kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => { var _query$context6; const context = (_query$context6 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context6 !== void 0 ? _query$context6 : 'default'; return [state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]?.items?.[context]?.[revisionKey], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]?.itemIsComplete?.[context]?.[revisionKey]]; }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-selectors.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset * for the entity records edits history, if any. * * @param state State tree. * * @return The undo manager. */ function getUndoManager(state) { return state.undoManager; } /** * Retrieve the fallback Navigation. * * @param state Data state. * @return The ID for the fallback Navigation post. */ function getNavigationFallbackId(state) { return state.navigationFallbackId; } const getBlockPatternsForPostType = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, postType) => select(STORE_NAME).getBlockPatterns().filter(({ postTypes }) => !postTypes || Array.isArray(postTypes) && postTypes.includes(postType)), () => [select(STORE_NAME).getBlockPatterns()])); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/camel-case/dist.es2015/index.js function camelCaseTransform(input, index) { if (index === 0) return input.toLowerCase(); return pascalCaseTransform(input, index); } function camelCaseTransformMerge(input, index) { if (index === 0) return input.toLowerCase(); return pascalCaseTransformMerge(input); } function camelCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return pascalCase(input, __assign({ transform: camelCaseTransform }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"] const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/forward-resolver.js /** * Higher-order function which forward the resolution to another resolver with the same arguments. * * @param {string} resolverName forwarded resolver. * * @return {Function} Enhanced resolver. */ const forwardResolver = resolverName => (...args) => async ({ resolveSelect }) => { await resolveSelect[resolverName](...args); }; /* harmony default export */ const forward_resolver = (forwardResolver); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-link-suggestions.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Filters the search by type * * @typedef { 'attachment' | 'post' | 'term' | 'post-format' } WPLinkSearchType */ /** * A link with an id may be of kind post-type or taxonomy * * @typedef { 'post-type' | 'taxonomy' } WPKind */ /** * @typedef WPLinkSearchOptions * * @property {boolean} [isInitialSuggestions] Displays initial search suggestions, when true. * @property {WPLinkSearchType} [type] Filters by search type. * @property {string} [subtype] Slug of the post-type or taxonomy. * @property {number} [page] Which page of results to return. * @property {number} [perPage] Search results per page. */ /** * @typedef WPLinkSearchResult * * @property {number} id Post or term id. * @property {string} url Link url. * @property {string} title Title of the link. * @property {string} type The taxonomy or post type slug or type URL. * @property {WPKind} [kind] Link kind of post-type or taxonomy */ /** * @typedef WPLinkSearchResultAugments * * @property {{kind: WPKind}} [meta] Contains kind information. * @property {WPKind} [subtype] Optional subtype if it exists. */ /** * @typedef {WPLinkSearchResult & WPLinkSearchResultAugments} WPLinkSearchResultAugmented */ /** * @typedef WPEditorSettings * * @property {boolean} [ disablePostFormats ] Disables post formats, when true. */ /** * Fetches link suggestions from the API. * * @async * @param {string} search * @param {WPLinkSearchOptions} [searchOptions] * @param {WPEditorSettings} [settings] * * @example * ```js * import { __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions as fetchLinkSuggestions } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * //... * * export function initialize( id, settings ) { * * settings.__experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions = ( * search, * searchOptions * ) => fetchLinkSuggestions( search, searchOptions, settings ); * ``` * @return {Promise< WPLinkSearchResult[] >} List of search suggestions */ const fetchLinkSuggestions = async (search, searchOptions = {}, settings = {}) => { const { isInitialSuggestions = false, initialSuggestionsSearchOptions = undefined } = searchOptions; const { disablePostFormats = false } = settings; let { type = undefined, subtype = undefined, page = undefined, perPage = isInitialSuggestions ? 3 : 20 } = searchOptions; /** @type {Promise[]} */ const queries = []; if (isInitialSuggestions && initialSuggestionsSearchOptions) { type = initialSuggestionsSearchOptions.type || type; subtype = initialSuggestionsSearchOptions.subtype || subtype; page = || page; perPage = initialSuggestionsSearchOptions.perPage || perPage; } if (!type || type === 'post') { queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', { search, page, per_page: perPage, type: 'post', subtype }) }).then(results => { return => { return { ...result, meta: { kind: 'post-type', subtype } }; }); }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results. ); } if (!type || type === 'term') { queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', { search, page, per_page: perPage, type: 'term', subtype }) }).then(results => { return => { return { ...result, meta: { kind: 'taxonomy', subtype } }; }); }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results. ); } if (!disablePostFormats && (!type || type === 'post-format')) { queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', { search, page, per_page: perPage, type: 'post-format', subtype }) }).then(results => { return => { return { ...result, meta: { kind: 'taxonomy', subtype } }; }); }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results. ); } if (!type || type === 'attachment') { queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/media', { search, page, per_page: perPage }) }).then(results => { return => { return { ...result, meta: { kind: 'media' } }; }); }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results. ); } return Promise.all(queries).then(results => { return results.reduce(( /** @type {WPLinkSearchResult[]} */accumulator, current) => accumulator.concat(current), // Flatten list. []).filter( /** * @param {{ id: number }} result */ result => { return !!; }).slice(0, perPage).map(( /** @type {WPLinkSearchResultAugmented} */result) => { const isMedia = result.type === 'attachment'; return { id:, // @ts-ignore fix when we make this a TS file url: isMedia ? result.source_url : result.url, title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(isMedia ? // @ts-ignore fix when we make this a TS file result.title.rendered : result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'), type: result.subtype || result.type, kind: result?.meta?.kind }; }); }); }; /* harmony default export */ const _experimental_fetch_link_suggestions = (fetchLinkSuggestions); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-url-data.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * A simple in-memory cache for requests. * This avoids repeat HTTP requests which may be beneficial * for those wishing to preserve low-bandwidth. */ const CACHE = new Map(); /** * @typedef WPRemoteUrlData * * @property {string} title contents of the remote URL's `` tag. */ /** * Fetches data about a remote URL. * eg: <title> tag, favicon...etc. * * @async * @param {string} url the URL to request details from. * @param {Object?} options any options to pass to the underlying fetch. * @example * ```js * import { __experimentalFetchUrlData as fetchUrlData } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * //... * * export function initialize( id, settings ) { * * settings.__experimentalFetchUrlData = ( * url * ) => fetchUrlData( url ); * ``` * @return {Promise< WPRemoteUrlData[] >} Remote URL data. */ const fetchUrlData = async (url, options = {}) => { const endpoint = '/wp-block-editor/v1/url-details'; const args = { url: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.prependHTTP)(url) }; if (!(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isURL)(url)) { return Promise.reject(`${url} is not a valid URL.`); } // Test for "http" based URL as it is possible for valid // yet unusable URLs such as `tel:123456` to be passed. const protocol = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.getProtocol)(url); if (!protocol || !(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isValidProtocol)(protocol) || !protocol.startsWith('http') || !/^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test(url)) { return Promise.reject(`${url} does not have a valid protocol. URLs must be "http" based`); } if (CACHE.has(url)) { return CACHE.get(url); } return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(endpoint, args), ...options }).then(res => { CACHE.set(url, res); return res; }); }; /* harmony default export */ const _experimental_fetch_url_data = (fetchUrlData); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ async function fetchBlockPatterns() { const restPatterns = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/patterns' }); if (!restPatterns) { return []; } return => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(pattern).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value]))); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Requests authors from the REST API. * * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to * include with request. */ const resolvers_getAuthors = query => async ({ dispatch }) => { const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query); const users = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path }); dispatch.receiveUserQuery(path, users); }; /** * Requests the current user from the REST API. */ const resolvers_getCurrentUser = () => async ({ dispatch }) => { const currentUser = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/wp/v2/users/me' }); dispatch.receiveCurrentUser(currentUser); }; /** * Requests an entity's record from the REST API. * * @param {string} kind Entity kind. * @param {string} name Entity name. * @param {number|string} key Record's key * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to * include with request. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. */ const resolvers_getEntityRecord = (kind, name, key = '', query) => async ({ select, dispatch }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind); if (!entityConfig || entityConfig?.__experimentalNoFetch) { return; } const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, key], { exclusive: false }); try { // Entity supports configs, // use the sync algorithm instead of the old fetch behavior. if (window.__experimentalEnableSync && entityConfig.syncConfig && !query) { if (false) {} } else { if (query !== undefined && query._fields) { // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include // the ID. query = { ...query, _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join() }; } // Disable reason: While true that an early return could leave `path` // unused, it's important that path is derived using the query prior to // additional query modifications in the condition below, since those // modifications are relevant to how the data is tracked in state, and not // for how the request is made to the REST API. // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/no-unused-vars-before-return const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL + (key ? '/' + key : ''), { ...entityConfig.baseURLParams, ...query }); if (query !== undefined) { query = { ...query, include: [key] }; // The resolution cache won't consider query as reusable based on the // fields, so it's tested here, prior to initiating the REST request, // and without causing `getEntityRecords` resolution to occur. const hasRecords = select.hasEntityRecords(kind, name, query); if (hasRecords) { return; } } const record = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path }); dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, record, query); } } finally { dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock); } }; /** * Requests an entity's record from the REST API. */ const resolvers_getRawEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord'); /** * Requests an entity's record from the REST API. */ const resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord'); /** * Requests the entity's records from the REST API. * * @param {string} kind Entity kind. * @param {string} name Entity name. * @param {Object?} query Query Object. If requesting specific fields, fields * must always include the ID. */ const resolvers_getEntityRecords = (kind, name, query = {}) => async ({ dispatch, registry }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind); if (!entityConfig || entityConfig?.__experimentalNoFetch) { return; } const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name], { exclusive: false }); try { if (query._fields) { // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include // the ID. query = { ...query, _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join() }; } const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL, { ...entityConfig.baseURLParams, ...query }); let records, meta; if (entityConfig.supportsPagination && query.per_page !== -1) { const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path, parse: false }); records = Object.values(await response.json()); meta = { totalItems: parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-Total')), totalPages: parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-TotalPages')) }; } else { records = Object.values(await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path })); } // If we request fields but the result doesn't contain the fields, // explicitly set these fields as "undefined" // that way we consider the query "fulfilled". if (query._fields) { records = => { query._fields.split(',').forEach(field => { if (!record.hasOwnProperty(field)) { record[field] = undefined; } }); return record; }); } registry.batch(() => { dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query, false, undefined, meta); // When requesting all fields, the list of results can be used to // resolve the `getEntityRecord` selector in addition to `getEntityRecords`. // See if (!query?._fields && !query.context) { const key = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY; const resolutionsArgs = records.filter(record => record?.[key]).map(record => [kind, name, record[key]]); dispatch({ type: 'START_RESOLUTIONS', selectorName: 'getEntityRecord', args: resolutionsArgs }); dispatch({ type: 'FINISH_RESOLUTIONS', selectorName: 'getEntityRecord', args: resolutionsArgs }); } dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock); }); } catch (e) { dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock); } }; resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate = (action, kind, name) => { return (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' || action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') && action.invalidateCache && kind === action.kind && name ===; }; /** * Requests the current theme. */ const resolvers_getCurrentTheme = () => async ({ dispatch, resolveSelect }) => { const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', { status: 'active' }); dispatch.receiveCurrentTheme(activeThemes[0]); }; /** * Requests theme supports data from the index. */ const resolvers_getThemeSupports = forward_resolver('getCurrentTheme'); /** * Requests a preview from the Embed API. * * @param {string} url URL to get the preview for. */ const resolvers_getEmbedPreview = url => async ({ dispatch }) => { try { const embedProxyResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/oembed/1.0/proxy', { url }) }); dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, embedProxyResponse); } catch (error) { // Embed API 404s if the URL cannot be embedded, so we have to catch the error from the apiRequest here. dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, false); } }; /** * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given * REST resource. * * @param {string} requestedAction Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update', * 'delete'. * @param {string} resource REST resource to check, e.g. 'media' or 'posts'. * @param {?string} id ID of the rest resource to check. */ const resolvers_canUser = (requestedAction, resource, id) => async ({ dispatch, registry }) => { const { hasStartedResolution } =; const resourcePath = id ? `${resource}/${id}` : resource; const retrievedActions = ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete']; if (!retrievedActions.includes(requestedAction)) { throw new Error(`'${requestedAction}' is not a valid action.`); } // Prevent resolving the same resource twice. for (const relatedAction of retrievedActions) { if (relatedAction === requestedAction) { continue; } const isAlreadyResolving = hasStartedResolution('canUser', [relatedAction, resource, id]); if (isAlreadyResolving) { return; } } let response; try { response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/${resourcePath}`, method: 'OPTIONS', parse: false }); } catch (error) { // Do nothing if our OPTIONS request comes back with an API error (4xx or // 5xx). The previously determined isAllowed value will remain in the store. return; } // Optional chaining operator is used here because the API requests don't // return the expected result in the native version. Instead, API requests // only return the result, without including response properties like the headers. const allowHeader = response.headers?.get('allow'); const allowedMethods = allowHeader?.allow || allowHeader || ''; const permissions = {}; const methods = { create: 'POST', read: 'GET', update: 'PUT', delete: 'DELETE' }; for (const [actionName, methodName] of Object.entries(methods)) { permissions[actionName] = allowedMethods.includes(methodName); } for (const action of retrievedActions) { dispatch.receiveUserPermission(`${action}/${resourcePath}`, permissions[action]); } }; /** * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given * REST resource. * * @param {string} kind Entity kind. * @param {string} name Entity name. * @param {string} recordId Record's id. */ const resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId) => async ({ dispatch }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind); if (!entityConfig) { return; } const resource = entityConfig.__unstable_rest_base; await dispatch(resolvers_canUser('update', resource, recordId)); }; /** * Request autosave data from the REST API. * * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post. * @param {number} postId The id of the parent post. */ const resolvers_getAutosaves = (postType, postId) => async ({ dispatch, resolveSelect }) => { const { rest_base: restBase, rest_namespace: restNamespace = 'wp/v2' } = await resolveSelect.getPostType(postType); const autosaves = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/${restNamespace}/${restBase}/${postId}/autosaves?context=edit` }); if (autosaves && autosaves.length) { dispatch.receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves); } }; /** * Request autosave data from the REST API. * * This resolver exists to ensure the underlying autosaves are fetched via * `getAutosaves` when a call to the `getAutosave` selector is made. * * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post. * @param {number} postId The id of the parent post. */ const resolvers_getAutosave = (postType, postId) => async ({ resolveSelect }) => { await resolveSelect.getAutosaves(postType, postId); }; /** * Retrieve the frontend template used for a given link. * * @param {string} link Link. */ const resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink = link => async ({ dispatch, resolveSelect }) => { let template; try { // This is NOT calling a REST endpoint but rather ends up with a response from // an Ajax function which has a different shape from a WP_REST_Response. template = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ url: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(link, { '_wp-find-template': true }) }).then(({ data }) => data); } catch (e) { // For non-FSE themes, it is possible that this request returns an error. } if (!template) { return; } const record = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecord('postType', 'wp_template',; if (record) { dispatch.receiveEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_template', [record], { 'find-template': link }); } }; resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink.shouldInvalidate = action => { return (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' || action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') && action.invalidateCache && action.kind === 'postType' && === 'wp_template'; }; const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId = () => async ({ dispatch, resolveSelect }) => { const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', { status: 'active' }); const globalStylesURL = activeThemes?.[0]?._links?.['wp:user-global-styles']?.[0]?.href; if (!globalStylesURL) { return; } // Regex matches the ID at the end of a URL or immediately before // the query string. const matches = globalStylesURL.match(/\/(\d+)(?:\?|$)/); const id = matches ? Number(matches[1]) : null; if (id) { dispatch.__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(id); } }; const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles = () => async ({ resolveSelect, dispatch }) => { const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme(); const themeGlobalStyles = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/${currentTheme.stylesheet}` }); dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(currentTheme.stylesheet, themeGlobalStyles); }; const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations = () => async ({ resolveSelect, dispatch }) => { const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme(); const variations = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/${currentTheme.stylesheet}/variations` }); dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(currentTheme.stylesheet, variations); }; /** * Fetches and returns the revisions of the current global styles theme. */ const resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions = () => async ({ resolveSelect, dispatch }) => { const globalStylesId = await resolveSelect.__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(); const record = globalStylesId ? await resolveSelect.getEntityRecord('root', 'globalStyles', globalStylesId) : undefined; const revisionsURL = record?._links?.['version-history']?.[0]?.href; if (revisionsURL) { const resetRevisions = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ url: revisionsURL }); const revisions = resetRevisions?.map(revision => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(revision).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value]))); dispatch.receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions(globalStylesId, revisions); } }; resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions.shouldInvalidate = action => { return action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH' && action.kind === 'root' && !action.error && === 'globalStyles'; }; const resolvers_getBlockPatterns = () => async ({ dispatch }) => { const patterns = await fetchBlockPatterns(); dispatch({ type: 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERNS', patterns }); }; const resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories = () => async ({ dispatch }) => { const categories = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/categories' }); dispatch({ type: 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERN_CATEGORIES', categories }); }; const resolvers_getUserPatternCategories = () => async ({ dispatch, resolveSelect }) => { const patternCategories = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('taxonomy', 'wp_pattern_category', { per_page: -1, _fields: 'id,name,description,slug', context: 'view' }); const mappedPatternCategories = patternCategories?.map(userCategory => ({ ...userCategory, label: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(, name: userCategory.slug })) || []; dispatch({ type: 'RECEIVE_USER_PATTERN_CATEGORIES', patternCategories: mappedPatternCategories }); }; const resolvers_getNavigationFallbackId = () => async ({ dispatch, select }) => { const fallback = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp-block-editor/v1/navigation-fallback', { _embed: true }) }); const record = fallback?._embedded?.self; dispatch.receiveNavigationFallbackId(fallback?.id); if (record) { // If the fallback is already in the store, don't invalidate navigation queries. // Otherwise, invalidate the cache for the scenario where there were no Navigation // posts in the state and the fallback created one. const existingFallbackEntityRecord = select.getEntityRecord('postType', 'wp_navigation',; const invalidateNavigationQueries = !existingFallbackEntityRecord; dispatch.receiveEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_navigation', record, undefined, invalidateNavigationQueries); // Resolve to avoid further network requests. dispatch.finishResolution('getEntityRecord', ['postType', 'wp_navigation',]); } }; const resolvers_getDefaultTemplateId = query => async ({ dispatch }) => { const template = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/templates/lookup', query) }); // Endpoint may return an empty object if no template is found. if (template?.id) { dispatch.receiveDefaultTemplateId(query,; } }; /** * Requests an entity's revisions from the REST API. * * @param {string} kind Entity kind. * @param {string} name Entity name. * @param {number|string} recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch. * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to * include with request. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. */ const resolvers_getRevisions = (kind, name, recordKey, query = {}) => async ({ dispatch }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind); if (!entityConfig || entityConfig?.__experimentalNoFetch) { return; } if (query._fields) { // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include // the ID. query = { ...query, _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.revisionKey || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join() }; } const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.getRevisionsUrl(recordKey), query); let records, response; const meta = {}; const isPaginated = entityConfig.supportsPagination && query.per_page !== -1; try { response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path, parse: !isPaginated }); } catch (error) { // Do nothing if our request comes back with an API error. return; } if (response) { if (isPaginated) { records = Object.values(await response.json()); meta.totalItems = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-Total')); } else { records = Object.values(response); } // If we request fields but the result doesn't contain the fields, // explicitly set these fields as "undefined" // that way we consider the query "fulfilled". if (query._fields) { records = => { query._fields.split(',').forEach(field => { if (!record.hasOwnProperty(field)) { record[field] = undefined; } }); return record; }); } dispatch.receiveRevisions(kind, name, recordKey, records, query, false, meta); // When requesting all fields, the list of results can be used to // resolve the `getRevision` selector in addition to `getRevisions`. if (!query?._fields && !query.context) { const key = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY; const resolutionsArgs = records.filter(record => record[key]).map(record => [kind, name, recordKey, record[key]]); dispatch({ type: 'START_RESOLUTIONS', selectorName: 'getRevision', args: resolutionsArgs }); dispatch({ type: 'FINISH_RESOLUTIONS', selectorName: 'getRevision', args: resolutionsArgs }); } } }; // Invalidate cache when a new revision is created. resolvers_getRevisions.shouldInvalidate = (action, kind, name, recordKey) => action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH' && name === && kind === action.kind && !action.error && recordKey === action.recordId; /** * Requests a specific Entity revision from the REST API. * * @param {string} kind Entity kind. * @param {string} name Entity name. * @param {number|string} recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch. * @param {number|string} revisionKey The revision's key. * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to * include with request. If requesting specific * fields, fields must always include the ID. */ const resolvers_getRevision = (kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => async ({ dispatch }) => { const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind, name)); const entityConfig = configs.find(config => === name && config.kind === kind); if (!entityConfig || entityConfig?.__experimentalNoFetch) { return; } if (query !== undefined && query._fields) { // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include // the ID. query = { ...query, _fields: [ Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.revisionKey || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join() }; } const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.getRevisionsUrl(recordKey, revisionKey), query); let record; try { record = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path }); } catch (error) { // Do nothing if our request comes back with an API error. return; } if (record) { dispatch.receiveRevisions(kind, name, recordKey, record, query); } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/utils.js function deepCopyLocksTreePath(tree, path) { const newTree = { ...tree }; let currentNode = newTree; for (const branchName of path) { currentNode.children = { ...currentNode.children, [branchName]: { locks: [], children: {}, ...currentNode.children[branchName] } }; currentNode = currentNode.children[branchName]; } return newTree; } function getNode(tree, path) { let currentNode = tree; for (const branchName of path) { const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName]; if (!nextNode) { return null; } currentNode = nextNode; } return currentNode; } function* iteratePath(tree, path) { let currentNode = tree; yield currentNode; for (const branchName of path) { const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName]; if (!nextNode) { break; } yield nextNode; currentNode = nextNode; } } function* iterateDescendants(node) { const stack = Object.values(node.children); while (stack.length) { const childNode = stack.pop(); yield childNode; stack.push(...Object.values(childNode.children)); } } function hasConflictingLock({ exclusive }, locks) { if (exclusive && locks.length) { return true; } if (!exclusive && locks.filter(lock => lock.exclusive).length) { return true; } return false; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/reducer.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const DEFAULT_STATE = { requests: [], tree: { locks: [], children: {} } }; /** * Reducer returning locks. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function locks(state = DEFAULT_STATE, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ENQUEUE_LOCK_REQUEST': { const { request } = action; return { ...state, requests: [request, ...state.requests] }; } case 'GRANT_LOCK_REQUEST': { const { lock, request } = action; const { store, path } = request; const storePath = [store, ...path]; const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath); const node = getNode(newTree, storePath); node.locks = [...node.locks, lock]; return { ...state, requests: state.requests.filter(r => r !== request), tree: newTree }; } case 'RELEASE_LOCK': { const { lock } = action; const storePath = [, ...lock.path]; const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath); const node = getNode(newTree, storePath); node.locks = node.locks.filter(l => l !== lock); return { ...state, tree: newTree }; } } return state; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/selectors.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function getPendingLockRequests(state) { return state.requests; } function isLockAvailable(state, store, path, { exclusive }) { const storePath = [store, ...path]; const locks = state.tree; // Validate all parents and the node itself for (const node of iteratePath(locks, storePath)) { if (hasConflictingLock({ exclusive }, node.locks)) { return false; } } // iteratePath terminates early if path is unreachable, let's // re-fetch the node and check it exists in the tree. const node = getNode(locks, storePath); if (!node) { return true; } // Validate all nested nodes for (const descendant of iterateDescendants(node)) { if (hasConflictingLock({ exclusive }, descendant.locks)) { return false; } } return true; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/engine.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function createLocks() { let state = locks(undefined, { type: '@@INIT' }); function processPendingLockRequests() { for (const request of getPendingLockRequests(state)) { const { store, path, exclusive, notifyAcquired } = request; if (isLockAvailable(state, store, path, { exclusive })) { const lock = { store, path, exclusive }; state = locks(state, { type: 'GRANT_LOCK_REQUEST', lock, request }); notifyAcquired(lock); } } } function acquire(store, path, exclusive) { return new Promise(resolve => { state = locks(state, { type: 'ENQUEUE_LOCK_REQUEST', request: { store, path, exclusive, notifyAcquired: resolve } }); processPendingLockRequests(); }); } function release(lock) { state = locks(state, { type: 'RELEASE_LOCK', lock }); processPendingLockRequests(); } return { acquire, release }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/actions.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function createLocksActions() { const locks = createLocks(); function __unstableAcquireStoreLock(store, path, { exclusive }) { return () => locks.acquire(store, path, exclusive); } function __unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock) { return () => locks.release(lock); } return { __unstableAcquireStoreLock, __unstableReleaseStoreLock }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-apis.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/core-data'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blocks"] const external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockEditor"] const external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockEditor"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/footnotes/get-rich-text-values-cached.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // TODO: The following line should have been: // // const unlockedApis = unlock( blockEditorPrivateApis ); // // But there are hidden circular dependencies in RNMobile code, specifically in // certain native components in the `components` package that depend on // `block-editor`. What follows is a workaround that defers the `unlock` call // to prevent native code from failing. // // Fix once is closed. let unlockedApis; const cache = new WeakMap(); function getRichTextValuesCached(block) { if (!unlockedApis) { unlockedApis = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis); } if (!cache.has(block)) { const values = unlockedApis.getRichTextValues([block]); cache.set(block, values); } return cache.get(block); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/footnotes/get-footnotes-order.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const get_footnotes_order_cache = new WeakMap(); function getBlockFootnotesOrder(block) { if (!get_footnotes_order_cache.has(block)) { const order = []; for (const value of getRichTextValuesCached(block)) { if (!value) { continue; } // replacements is a sparse array, use forEach to skip empty slots. value.replacements.forEach(({ type, attributes }) => { if (type === 'core/footnote') { order.push(attributes['data-fn']); } }); } get_footnotes_order_cache.set(block, order); } return get_footnotes_order_cache.get(block); } function getFootnotesOrder(blocks) { // We can only separate getting order from blocks at the root level. For // deeper inner blocks, this will not work since it's possible to have both // inner blocks and block attributes, so order needs to be computed from the // Edit functions as a whole. return blocks.flatMap(getBlockFootnotesOrder); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/footnotes/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ let oldFootnotes = {}; function updateFootnotesFromMeta(blocks, meta) { const output = { blocks }; if (!meta) { return output; } // If meta.footnotes is empty, it means the meta is not registered. if (meta.footnotes === undefined) { return output; } const newOrder = getFootnotesOrder(blocks); const footnotes = meta.footnotes ? JSON.parse(meta.footnotes) : []; const currentOrder = =>; if (currentOrder.join('') === newOrder.join('')) { return output; } const newFootnotes = => footnotes.find(fn => === fnId) || oldFootnotes[fnId] || { id: fnId, content: '' }); function updateAttributes(attributes) { // Only attempt to update attributes, if attributes is an object. if (!attributes || Array.isArray(attributes) || typeof attributes !== 'object') { return attributes; } attributes = { ...attributes }; for (const key in attributes) { const value = attributes[key]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { attributes[key] =; continue; } // To do, remove support for string values? if (typeof value !== 'string' && !(value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData)) { continue; } const richTextValue = typeof value === 'string' ? external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData.fromHTMLString(value) : new external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData(value); richTextValue.replacements.forEach(replacement => { if (replacement.type === 'core/footnote') { const id = replacement.attributes['data-fn']; const index = newOrder.indexOf(id); // The innerHTML contains the count wrapped in a link. const countValue = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.create)({ html: replacement.innerHTML }); countValue.text = String(index + 1); countValue.formats = Array.from({ length: countValue.text.length }, () => countValue.formats[0]); countValue.replacements = Array.from({ length: countValue.text.length }, () => countValue.replacements[0]); replacement.innerHTML = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.toHTMLString)({ value: countValue }); } }); attributes[key] = typeof value === 'string' ? richTextValue.toHTMLString() : richTextValue; } return attributes; } function updateBlocksAttributes(__blocks) { return => { return { ...block, attributes: updateAttributes(block.attributes), innerBlocks: updateBlocksAttributes(block.innerBlocks) }; }); } // We need to go through all block attributes deeply and update the // footnote anchor numbering (textContent) to match the new order. const newBlocks = updateBlocksAttributes(blocks); oldFootnotes = { ...oldFootnotes, ...footnotes.reduce((acc, fn) => { if (!newOrder.includes( { acc[] = fn; } return acc; }, {}) }; return { meta: { ...meta, footnotes: JSON.stringify(newFootnotes) }, blocks: newBlocks }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/entity-provider.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/blocks').WPBlock} WPBlock */ const EMPTY_ARRAY = []; const EntityContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({}); /** * Context provider component for providing * an entity for a specific entity. * * @param {Object} props The component's props. * @param {string} props.kind The entity kind. * @param {string} props.type The entity name. * @param {number} The entity ID. * @param {*} props.children The children to wrap. * * @return {Object} The provided children, wrapped with * the entity's context provider. */ function EntityProvider({ kind, type: name, id, children }) { const parent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(EntityContext); const childContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ ...parent, [kind]: { ...parent?.[kind], [name]: id } }), [parent, kind, name, id]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(EntityContext.Provider, { value: childContext, children: children }); } /** * Hook that returns the ID for the nearest * provided entity of the specified type. * * @param {string} kind The entity kind. * @param {string} name The entity name. */ function useEntityId(kind, name) { const context = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(EntityContext); return context?.[kind]?.[name]; } /** * Hook that returns the value and a setter for the * specified property of the nearest provided * entity of the specified type. * * @param {string} kind The entity kind. * @param {string} name The entity name. * @param {string} prop The property name. * @param {string} [_id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one. * * @return {[*, Function, *]} An array where the first item is the * property value, the second is the * setter and the third is the full value * object from REST API containing more * information like `raw`, `rendered` and * `protected` props. */ function useEntityProp(kind, name, prop, _id) { const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name); const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId; const { value, fullValue } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getEntityRecord, getEditedEntityRecord } = select(STORE_NAME); const record = getEntityRecord(kind, name, id); // Trigger resolver. const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id); return record && editedRecord ? { value: editedRecord[prop], fullValue: record[prop] } : {}; }, [kind, name, id, prop]); const { editEntityRecord } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME); const setValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newValue => { editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, { [prop]: newValue }); }, [editEntityRecord, kind, name, id, prop]); return [value, setValue, fullValue]; } const parsedBlocksCache = new WeakMap(); /** * Hook that returns block content getters and setters for * the nearest provided entity of the specified type. * * The return value has the shape `[ blocks, onInput, onChange ]`. * `onInput` is for block changes that don't create undo levels * or dirty the post, non-persistent changes, and `onChange` is for * persistent changes. They map directly to the props of a * `BlockEditorProvider` and are intended to be used with it, * or similar components or hooks. * * @param {string} kind The entity kind. * @param {string} name The entity name. * @param {Object} options * @param {string} [] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one. * * @return {[WPBlock[], Function, Function]} The block array and setters. */ function useEntityBlockEditor(kind, name, { id: _id } = {}) { const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name); const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId; const { getEntityRecord, getEntityRecordEdits } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(STORE_NAME); const { content, editedBlocks, meta } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { if (!id) { return {}; } const { getEditedEntityRecord } = select(STORE_NAME); const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id); return { editedBlocks: editedRecord.blocks, content: editedRecord.content, meta: editedRecord.meta }; }, [kind, name, id]); const { __unstableCreateUndoLevel, editEntityRecord } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME); const blocks = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { if (!id) { return undefined; } if (editedBlocks) { return editedBlocks; } if (!content || typeof content !== 'string') { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } // If there's an edit, cache the parsed blocks by the edit. // If not, cache by the original enity record. const edits = getEntityRecordEdits(kind, name, id); const isUnedited = !edits || !Object.keys(edits).length; const cackeKey = isUnedited ? getEntityRecord(kind, name, id) : edits; let _blocks = parsedBlocksCache.get(cackeKey); if (!_blocks) { _blocks = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.parse)(content); parsedBlocksCache.set(cackeKey, _blocks); } return _blocks; }, [kind, name, id, editedBlocks, content, getEntityRecord, getEntityRecordEdits]); const updateFootnotes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(_blocks => updateFootnotesFromMeta(_blocks, meta), [meta]); const onChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => { const noChange = blocks === newBlocks; if (noChange) { return __unstableCreateUndoLevel(kind, name, id); } const { selection, } = options; // We create a new function here on every persistent edit // to make sure the edit makes the post dirty and creates // a new undo level. const edits = { selection, content: ({ blocks: blocksForSerialization = [] }) => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.__unstableSerializeAndClean)(blocksForSerialization), ...updateFootnotes(newBlocks) }; editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits, { isCached: false, }); }, [kind, name, id, blocks, updateFootnotes, __unstableCreateUndoLevel, editEntityRecord]); const onInput = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => { const { selection, } = options; const footnotesChanges = updateFootnotes(newBlocks); const edits = { selection, ...footnotesChanges }; editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits, { isCached: true, }); }, [kind, name, id, updateFootnotes, editEntityRecord]); return [blocks, onInput, onChange]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/memize/dist/index.js /** * Memize options object. * * @typedef MemizeOptions * * @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache. */ /** * Internal cache entry. * * @typedef MemizeCacheNode * * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node. * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node. * @property {Array<*>} args Function arguments for cache * entry. * @property {*} val Function result. */ /** * Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache. * * @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction * * @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache. */ /** * Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with * optional options. * * @template {(...args: any[]) => any} F * * @param {F} fn Function to memoize. * @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object. * * @return {((...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>) & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function. */ function memize(fn, options) { var size = 0; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var head; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var tail; options = options || {}; function memoized(/* ...args */) { var node = head, len = arguments.length, args, i; searchCache: while (node) { // Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node // under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays // are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is // strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a // function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization. // Check whether node arguments match arguments length if (node.args.length !== arguments.length) { node =; continue; } // Check whether node arguments match arguments values for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (node.args[i] !== arguments[i]) { node =; continue searchCache; } } // At this point we can assume we've found a match // Surface matched node to head if not already if (node !== head) { // As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also // head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous. if (node === tail) { tail = node.prev; } // Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail, // this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment. /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (node.prev).next =; if ( { = node.prev; } = head; node.prev = null; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (head).prev = node; head = node; } // Return immediately return node.val; } // No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase: // Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization) args = new Array(len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } node = { args: args, // Generate the result from original function val: fn.apply(null, args), }; // Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would // have been returned above already if it was // Shift existing head down list if (head) { head.prev = node; = head; } else { // If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset) tail = node; } // Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion if (size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ (options).maxSize) { tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).prev; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).next = null; } else { size++; } head = node; return node.val; } memoized.clear = function () { head = null; tail = null; size = 0; }; // Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of // the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the // function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties // on the return value. // @ts-ignore return memoized; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/memoize.js /** * External dependencies */ // re-export due to restrictive esModuleInterop setting /* harmony default export */ const memoize = (memize); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/constants.js let Status = /*#__PURE__*/function (Status) { Status["Idle"] = "IDLE"; Status["Resolving"] = "RESOLVING"; Status["Error"] = "ERROR"; Status["Success"] = "SUCCESS"; return Status; }({}); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-query-select.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const META_SELECTORS = ['getIsResolving', 'hasStartedResolution', 'hasFinishedResolution', 'isResolving', 'getCachedResolvers']; /** * Like useSelect, but the selectors return objects containing * both the original data AND the resolution info. * * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core. * @private * * @param {Function} mapQuerySelect see useSelect * @param {Array} deps see useSelect * * @example * ```js * import { useQuerySelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { store as coreDataStore } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) { * const { data: page, isResolving } = useQuerySelect( ( query ) => { * return query( coreDataStore ).getEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id ) * }, [ id ] ); * * if ( isResolving ) { * return 'Loading...'; * } * * return page.title; * } * * // Rendered in the application: * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 10 } /> * ``` * * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from * the store state using the `mapSelect` callback on `useQuerySelect`. * * If the id prop changes then any page in the state for that id is * retrieved. If the id prop doesn't change and other props are passed in * that do change, the title will not change because the dependency is just * the id. * @see useSelect * * @return {QuerySelectResponse} Queried data. */ function useQuerySelect(mapQuerySelect, deps) { return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)((select, registry) => { const resolve = store => enrichSelectors(select(store)); return mapQuerySelect(resolve, registry); }, deps); } /** * Transform simple selectors into ones that return an object with the * original return value AND the resolution info. * * @param {Object} selectors Selectors to enrich * @return {EnrichedSelectors} Enriched selectors */ const enrichSelectors = memoize(selectors => { const resolvers = {}; for (const selectorName in selectors) { if (META_SELECTORS.includes(selectorName)) { continue; } Object.defineProperty(resolvers, selectorName, { get: () => (...args) => { const data = selectors[selectorName](...args); const resolutionStatus = selectors.getResolutionState(selectorName, args)?.status; let status; switch (resolutionStatus) { case 'resolving': status = Status.Resolving; break; case 'finished': status = Status.Success; break; case 'error': status = Status.Error; break; case undefined: status = Status.Idle; break; } return { data, status, isResolving: status === Status.Resolving, hasStarted: status !== Status.Idle, hasResolved: status === Status.Success || status === Status.Error }; } }); } return resolvers; }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-record.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT = {}; /** * Resolves the specified entity record. * * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core. * * @param kind Kind of the entity, e.g. `root` or a `postType`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available kinds. * @param name Name of the entity, e.g. `plugin` or a `post`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available names. * @param recordId ID of the requested entity record. * @param options Optional hook options. * @example * ```js * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) { * const { record, isResolving } = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id ); * * if ( isResolving ) { * return 'Loading...'; * } * * return record.title; * } * * // Rendered in the application: * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 1 } /> * ``` * * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from * the store state using `getEntityRecord()`, or resolved if missing. * * @example * ```js * import { useCallback } from 'react'; * import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { TextControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { store as noticeStore } from '@wordpress/notices'; * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * function PageRenameForm( { id } ) { * const page = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id ); * const { createSuccessNotice, createErrorNotice } = * useDispatch( noticeStore ); * * const setTitle = useCallback( ( title ) => { * page.edit( { title } ); * }, [ page.edit ] ); * * if ( page.isResolving ) { * return 'Loading...'; * } * * async function onRename( event ) { * event.preventDefault(); * try { * await; * createSuccessNotice( __( 'Page renamed.' ), { * type: 'snackbar', * } ); * } catch ( error ) { * createErrorNotice( error.message, { type: 'snackbar' } ); * } * } * * return ( * <form onSubmit={ onRename }> * <TextControl * label={ __( 'Name' ) } * value={ page.editedRecord.title } * onChange={ setTitle } * /> * <button type="submit">{ __( 'Save' ) }</button> * </form> * ); * } * * // Rendered in the application: * // <PageRenameForm id={ 1 } /> * ``` * * In the above example, updating and saving the page title is handled * via the `edit()` and `save()` mutation helpers provided by * `useEntityRecord()`; * * @return Entity record data. * @template RecordType */ function useEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options = { enabled: true }) { const { editEntityRecord, saveEditedEntityRecord } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); const mutations = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ edit: (record, editOptions = {}) => editEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, record, editOptions), save: (saveOptions = {}) => saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, { throwOnError: true, ...saveOptions }) }), [editEntityRecord, kind, name, recordId, saveEditedEntityRecord]); const { editedRecord, hasEdits, edits } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { if (!options.enabled) { return { editedRecord: use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT, hasEdits: false, edits: use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT }; } return { editedRecord: select(store).getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId), hasEdits: select(store).hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId), edits: select(store).getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId) }; }, [kind, name, recordId, options.enabled]); const { data: record, ...querySelectRest } = useQuerySelect(query => { if (!options.enabled) { return { data: null }; } return query(store).getEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId); }, [kind, name, recordId, options.enabled]); return { record, editedRecord, hasEdits, edits, ...querySelectRest, ...mutations }; } function __experimentalUseEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(``, { alternative: '', since: '6.1' }); return useEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-records.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const use_entity_records_EMPTY_ARRAY = []; /** * Resolves the specified entity records. * * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core. * * @param kind Kind of the entity, e.g. `root` or a `postType`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available kinds. * @param name Name of the entity, e.g. `plugin` or a `post`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available names. * @param queryArgs Optional HTTP query description for how to fetch the data, passed to the requested API endpoint. * @param options Optional hook options. * @example * ```js * import { useEntityRecords } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * function PageTitlesList() { * const { records, isResolving } = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page' ); * * if ( isResolving ) { * return 'Loading...'; * } * * return ( * <ul> * { page ) => ( * <li>{ page.title }</li> * ))} * </ul> * ); * } * * // Rendered in the application: * // <PageTitlesList /> * ``` * * In the above example, when `PageTitlesList` is rendered into an * application, the list of records and the resolution details will be retrieved from * the store state using `getEntityRecords()`, or resolved if missing. * * @return Entity records data. * @template RecordType */ function useEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs = {}, options = { enabled: true }) { // Serialize queryArgs to a string that can be safely used as a React dep. // We can't just pass queryArgs as one of the deps, because if it is passed // as an object literal, then it will be a different object on each call even // if the values remain the same. const queryAsString = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', queryArgs); const { data: records, } = useQuerySelect(query => { if (!options.enabled) { return { // Avoiding returning a new reference on every execution. data: use_entity_records_EMPTY_ARRAY }; } return query(store).getEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs); }, [kind, name, queryAsString, options.enabled]); const { totalItems, totalPages } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { if (!options.enabled) { return { totalItems: null, totalPages: null }; } return { totalItems: select(store).getEntityRecordsTotalItems(kind, name, queryArgs), totalPages: select(store).getEntityRecordsTotalPages(kind, name, queryArgs) }; }, [kind, name, queryAsString, options.enabled]); return { records, totalItems, totalPages, }; } function __experimentalUseEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs, options) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(``, { alternative: '', since: '6.1' }); return useEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs, options); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-resource-permissions.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Is the data resolved by now? */ /** * Resolves resource permissions. * * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core. * * @param resource The resource in question, e.g. media. * @param id ID of a specific resource entry, if needed, e.g. 10. * * @example * ```js * import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * function PagesList() { * const { canCreate, isResolving } = useResourcePermissions( 'pages' ); * * if ( isResolving ) { * return 'Loading ...'; * } * * return ( * <div> * {canCreate ? (<button>+ Create a new page</button>) : false} * // ... * </div> * ); * } * * // Rendered in the application: * // <PagesList /> * ``` * * @example * ```js * import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data'; * * function Page({ pageId }) { * const { * canCreate, * canUpdate, * canDelete, * isResolving * } = useResourcePermissions( 'pages', pageId ); * * if ( isResolving ) { * return 'Loading ...'; * } * * return ( * <div> * {canCreate ? (<button>+ Create a new page</button>) : false} * {canUpdate ? (<button>Edit page</button>) : false} * {canDelete ? (<button>Delete page</button>) : false} * // ... * </div> * ); * } * * // Rendered in the application: * // <Page pageId={ 15 } /> * ``` * * In the above example, when `PagesList` is rendered into an * application, the appropriate permissions and the resolution details will be retrieved from * the store state using `canUser()`, or resolved if missing. * * @return Entity records data. * @template IdType */ function useResourcePermissions(resource, id) { return useQuerySelect(resolve => { const { canUser } = resolve(store); const create = canUser('create', resource); if (!id) { const read = canUser('read', resource); const isResolving = create.isResolving || read.isResolving; const hasResolved = create.hasResolved && read.hasResolved; let status = Status.Idle; if (isResolving) { status = Status.Resolving; } else if (hasResolved) { status = Status.Success; } return { status, isResolving, hasResolved, canCreate: create.hasResolved &&, canRead: read.hasResolved && }; } const read = canUser('read', resource, id); const update = canUser('update', resource, id); const _delete = canUser('delete', resource, id); const isResolving = read.isResolving || create.isResolving || update.isResolving || _delete.isResolving; const hasResolved = read.hasResolved && create.hasResolved && update.hasResolved && _delete.hasResolved; let status = Status.Idle; if (isResolving) { status = Status.Resolving; } else if (hasResolved) { status = Status.Success; } return { status, isResolving, hasResolved, canRead: hasResolved &&, canCreate: hasResolved &&, canUpdate: hasResolved &&, canDelete: hasResolved && }; }, [resource, id]); } function __experimentalUseResourcePermissions(resource, id) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(``, { alternative: '', since: '6.1' }); return useResourcePermissions(resource, id); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/index.js ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // The entity selectors/resolvers and actions are shortcuts to their generic equivalents // (getEntityRecord, getEntityRecords, updateEntityRecord, updateEntityRecords) // Instead of getEntityRecord, the consumer could use more user-friendly named selector: getPostType, getTaxonomy... // The "kind" and the "name" of the entity are combined to generate these shortcuts. const build_module_entitiesConfig = [...rootEntitiesConfig, ...additionalEntityConfigLoaders.filter(config => !!]; const entitySelectors = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => { const { kind, name, plural } = entity; result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (state, key, query) => getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key, query); if (plural) { result[getMethodName(kind, plural, 'get')] = (state, query) => getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query); } return result; }, {}); const entityResolvers = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => { const { kind, name, plural } = entity; result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (key, query) => resolvers_getEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query); if (plural) { const pluralMethodName = getMethodName(kind, plural, 'get'); result[pluralMethodName] = (...args) => resolvers_getEntityRecords(kind, name, ...args); result[pluralMethodName].shouldInvalidate = action => resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate(action, kind, name); } return result; }, {}); const entityActions = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => { const { kind, name } = entity; result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'save')] = (record, options) => saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options); result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'delete')] = (key, query, options) => deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query, options); return result; }, {}); const storeConfig = () => ({ reducer: build_module_reducer, actions: { ...build_module_actions_namespaceObject, ...entityActions, ...createLocksActions() }, selectors: { ...build_module_selectors_namespaceObject, ...entitySelectors }, resolvers: { ...resolvers_namespaceObject, ...entityResolvers } }); /** * Store definition for the code data namespace. * * @see */ const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, storeConfig()); unlock(store).registerPrivateSelectors(private_selectors_namespaceObject); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); // Register store after unlocking private selectors to allow resolvers to use them. })(); (window.wp = window.wp || {}).coreData = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!�{w��w����list-reusable-blocks.jsnu�[��������/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; } return __assign.apply(this, arguments); } function __rest(s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; } function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; } function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); } } function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) { function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return f; } var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value"; var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null; var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, : {}); var _, done = false; for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var context = {}; for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p]; for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p]; context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); }; var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context); if (kind === "accessor") { if (result === void 0) continue; if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected"); if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _; if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _; if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_); } else if (_ = accept(result)) { if (kind === "field") initializers.unshift(_); else descriptor[key] = _; } } if (target) Object.defineProperty(target,, descriptor); done = true; }; function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) { var useValue = arguments.length > 2; for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) { value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg); } return useValue ? value : void 0; }; function __propKey(x) { return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x); }; function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) { if (typeof name === "symbol") name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : ""; return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name }); }; function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); } function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } } var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; }); function __exportStar(m, o) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p); } function __values(o) { var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; if (m) return; if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return { next: function () { if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; } }; throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); } function __read(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i =, r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spread() { for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spreadArrays() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; } function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) { if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) { if (ar || !(i in from)) { if (!ar) ar =, 0, i); ar[i] = from[i]; } } return to.concat(ar ||; } function __await(v) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); } function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } } function __asyncDelegator(o) { var i, p; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } } function __asyncValues(o) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } } function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } return cooked; }; var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }; function __importStar(mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; } function __importDefault(mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod }; } function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); } function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; } function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) { if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function")) throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver); } function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) { if (value !== null && value !== void 0) { if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected."); var dispose; if (async) { if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose]; } if (dispose === void 0) { if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.dispose]; } if (typeof dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable."); env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async }); } else if (async) { env.stack.push({ async: true }); } return value; } var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) { var e = new Error(message); return = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e; }; function __disposeResources(env) { function fail(e) { env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : e; env.hasError = true; } function next() { while (env.stack.length) { var rec = env.stack.pop(); try { var result = rec.dispose &&; if (rec.async) return Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); }); } catch (e) { fail(e); } } if (env.hasError) throw env.error; } return next(); } /* harmony default export */ const tslib_es6 = ({ __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __createBinding, __exportStar, __values, __read, __spread, __spreadArrays, __spreadArray, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldIn, __addDisposableResource, __disposeResources, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lower-case/dist.es2015/index.js /** * Source: */ var SUPPORTED_LOCALE = { tr: { regexp: /\u0130|\u0049|\u0049\u0307/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, az: { regexp: /\u0130/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, lt: { regexp: /\u0049|\u004A|\u012E|\u00CC|\u00CD|\u0128/g, map: { I: "\u0069\u0307", J: "\u006A\u0307", Į: "\u012F\u0307", Ì: "\u0069\u0307\u0300", Í: "\u0069\u0307\u0301", Ĩ: "\u0069\u0307\u0303", }, }, }; /** * Localized lower case. */ function localeLowerCase(str, locale) { var lang = SUPPORTED_LOCALE[locale.toLowerCase()]; if (lang) return lowerCase(str.replace(lang.regexp, function (m) { return[m]; })); return lowerCase(str); } /** * Lower case as a function. */ function lowerCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/no-case/dist.es2015/index.js // Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case"). var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g]; // Remove all non-word characters. var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi; /** * Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier. */ function noCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d; var result = replace(replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0"); var start = 0; var end = result.length; // Trim the delimiter from around the output string. while (result.charAt(start) === "\0") start++; while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0") end--; // Transform each token independently. return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter); } /** * Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value. */ function replace(input, re, value) { if (re instanceof RegExp) return input.replace(re, value); return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/dot-case/dist.es2015/index.js function dotCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "." }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/param-case/dist.es2015/index.js function paramCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return dotCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "-" }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","apiFetch"] const external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"]; var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blob"] const external_wp_blob_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blob"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/list-reusable-blocks/build-module/utils/export.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Export a reusable block as a JSON file. * * @param {number} id */ async function exportReusableBlock(id) { const postType = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/types/wp_block` }); const post = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/${postType.rest_base}/${id}?context=edit` }); const title = post.title.raw; const content = post.content.raw; const syncStatus = post.wp_pattern_sync_status; const fileContent = JSON.stringify({ __file: 'wp_block', title, content, syncStatus }, null, 2); const fileName = paramCase(title) + '.json'; (0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.downloadBlob)(fileName, fileContent, 'application/json'); } /* harmony default export */ const utils_export = (exportReusableBlock); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","components"] const external_wp_components_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["components"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/list-reusable-blocks/build-module/utils/file.js /** * Reads the textual content of the given file. * * @param {File} file File. * @return {Promise<string>} Content of the file. */ function readTextFile(file) { const reader = new window.FileReader(); return new Promise(resolve => { reader.onload = () => { resolve(reader.result); }; reader.readAsText(file); }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/list-reusable-blocks/build-module/utils/import.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Import a reusable block from a JSON file. * * @param {File} file File. * @return {Promise} Promise returning the imported reusable block. */ async function importReusableBlock(file) { const fileContent = await readTextFile(file); let parsedContent; try { parsedContent = JSON.parse(fileContent); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Invalid JSON file'); } if (parsedContent.__file !== 'wp_block' || !parsedContent.title || !parsedContent.content || typeof parsedContent.title !== 'string' || typeof parsedContent.content !== 'string' || parsedContent.syncStatus && typeof parsedContent.syncStatus !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid pattern JSON file'); } const postType = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/types/wp_block` }); const reusableBlock = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `/wp/v2/${postType.rest_base}`, data: { title: parsedContent.title, content: parsedContent.content, status: 'publish', meta: parsedContent.syncStatus === 'unsynced' ? { wp_pattern_sync_status: parsedContent.syncStatus } : undefined }, method: 'POST' }); return reusableBlock; } /* harmony default export */ const utils_import = (importReusableBlock); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/list-reusable-blocks/build-module/components/import-form/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ImportForm({ instanceId, onUpload }) { const inputId = 'list-reusable-blocks-import-form-' + instanceId; const formRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [error, setError] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const [file, setFile] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const onChangeFile = event => { setFile([0]); setError(null); }; const onSubmit = event => { event.preventDefault(); if (!file) { return; } setIsLoading({ isLoading: true }); utils_import(file).then(reusableBlock => { if (!formRef) { return; } setIsLoading(false); onUpload(reusableBlock); }).catch(errors => { if (!formRef) { return; } let uiMessage; switch (errors.message) { case 'Invalid JSON file': uiMessage = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Invalid JSON file'); break; case 'Invalid pattern JSON file': uiMessage = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Invalid pattern JSON file'); break; default: uiMessage = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Unknown error'); } setIsLoading(false); setError(uiMessage); }); }; const onDismissError = () => { setError(null); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("form", { className: "list-reusable-blocks-import-form", onSubmit: onSubmit, ref: formRef, children: [error && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Notice, { status: "error", onRemove: () => onDismissError(), children: error }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("label", { htmlFor: inputId, className: "list-reusable-blocks-import-form__label", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('File') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("input", { id: inputId, type: "file", onChange: onChangeFile }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { type: "submit", isBusy: isLoading, __experimentalIsFocusable: true, disabled: !file || isLoading, variant: "secondary", className: "list-reusable-blocks-import-form__button", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Import', 'button label') })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const import_form = ((0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.withInstanceId)(ImportForm)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/list-reusable-blocks/build-module/components/import-dropdown/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ImportDropdown({ onUpload }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Dropdown, { popoverProps: { placement: 'bottom-start' }, contentClassName: "list-reusable-blocks-import-dropdown__content", renderToggle: ({ isOpen, onToggle }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { "aria-expanded": isOpen, onClick: onToggle, variant: "primary", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Import from JSON') }), renderContent: ({ onClose }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(import_form, { onUpload: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.pipe)(onClose, onUpload) }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const import_dropdown = (ImportDropdown); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/list-reusable-blocks/build-module/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // Setup Export Links. document.body.addEventListener('click', event => { if (!'wp-list-reusable-blocks__export')) { return; } event.preventDefault(); utils_export(; }); // Setup Import Form. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const button = document.querySelector('.page-title-action'); if (!button) { return; } const showNotice = () => { const notice = document.createElement('div'); notice.className = 'notice notice-success is-dismissible'; notice.innerHTML = `<p>${(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Pattern imported successfully!')}</p>`; const headerEnd = document.querySelector('.wp-header-end'); if (!headerEnd) { return; } headerEnd.parentNode.insertBefore(notice, headerEnd); }; const container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = 'list-reusable-blocks__container'; button.parentNode.insertBefore(container, button); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createRoot)(container).render( /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(import_dropdown, { onUpload: showNotice })); }); (window.wp = window.wp || {}).listReusableBlocks = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!�0��0�� ��dom.min.jsnu�[��������/*! 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{}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* 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__webpack_require__.r(selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(selectors_namespaceObject, { getDownloadableBlocks: () => (getDownloadableBlocks), getErrorNoticeForBlock: () => (getErrorNoticeForBlock), getErrorNotices: () => (getErrorNotices), getInstalledBlockTypes: () => (getInstalledBlockTypes), getNewBlockTypes: () => (getNewBlockTypes), getUnusedBlockTypes: () => (getUnusedBlockTypes), isInstalling: () => (isInstalling), isRequestingDownloadableBlocks: () => (isRequestingDownloadableBlocks) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/actions.js var actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(actions_namespaceObject, { addInstalledBlockType: () => (addInstalledBlockType), clearErrorNotice: () => (clearErrorNotice), fetchDownloadableBlocks: () => (fetchDownloadableBlocks), installBlockType: () => (installBlockType), receiveDownloadableBlocks: () => (receiveDownloadableBlocks), removeInstalledBlockType: () => (removeInstalledBlockType), setErrorNotice: () => (setErrorNotice), setIsInstalling: () => (setIsInstalling), uninstallBlockType: () => (uninstallBlockType) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/resolvers.js var resolvers_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(resolvers_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(resolvers_namespaceObject, { getDownloadableBlocks: () => (resolvers_getDownloadableBlocks) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","plugins"] const external_wp_plugins_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["plugins"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","hooks"] const external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["hooks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blocks"] const external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","editor"] const external_wp_editor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["editor"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/reducer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Reducer returning an array of downloadable blocks. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ const downloadableBlocks = (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'FETCH_DOWNLOADABLE_BLOCKS': return { ...state, [action.filterValue]: { isRequesting: true } }; case 'RECEIVE_DOWNLOADABLE_BLOCKS': return { ...state, [action.filterValue]: { results: action.downloadableBlocks, isRequesting: false } }; } return state; }; /** * Reducer managing the installation and deletion of blocks. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ const blockManagement = (state = { installedBlockTypes: [], isInstalling: {} }, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_INSTALLED_BLOCK_TYPE': return { ...state, installedBlockTypes: [...state.installedBlockTypes, action.item] }; case 'REMOVE_INSTALLED_BLOCK_TYPE': return { ...state, installedBlockTypes: state.installedBlockTypes.filter(blockType => !== }; case 'SET_INSTALLING_BLOCK': return { ...state, isInstalling: { ...state.isInstalling, [action.blockId]: action.isInstalling } }; } return state; }; /** * Reducer returning an object of error notices. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ const errorNotices = (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_ERROR_NOTICE': return { ...state, [action.blockId]: { message: action.message, isFatal: action.isFatal } }; case 'CLEAR_ERROR_NOTICE': const { [action.blockId]: blockId, ...restState } = state; return restState; } return state; }; /* harmony default export */ const reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ downloadableBlocks, blockManagement, errorNotices })); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockEditor"] const external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockEditor"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/utils/has-block-type.js /** * Check if a block list contains a specific block type. Recursively searches * through `innerBlocks` if they exist. * * @param {Object} blockType A block object to search for. * @param {Object[]} blocks The list of blocks to look through. * * @return {boolean} Whether the blockType is found. */ function hasBlockType(blockType, blocks = []) { if (!blocks.length) { return false; } if (blocks.some(({ name }) => name === { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { if (hasBlockType(blockType, blocks[i].innerBlocks)) { return true; } } return false; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/selectors.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns true if application is requesting for downloadable blocks. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {string} filterValue Search string. * * @return {boolean} Whether a request is in progress for the blocks list. */ function isRequestingDownloadableBlocks(state, filterValue) { var _state$downloadableBl; return (_state$downloadableBl = state.downloadableBlocks[filterValue]?.isRequesting) !== null && _state$downloadableBl !== void 0 ? _state$downloadableBl : false; } /** * Returns the available uninstalled blocks. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {string} filterValue Search string. * * @return {Array} Downloadable blocks. */ function getDownloadableBlocks(state, filterValue) { var _state$downloadableBl2; return (_state$downloadableBl2 = state.downloadableBlocks[filterValue]?.results) !== null && _state$downloadableBl2 !== void 0 ? _state$downloadableBl2 : []; } /** * Returns the block types that have been installed on the server in this * session. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * * @return {Array} Block type items */ function getInstalledBlockTypes(state) { return state.blockManagement.installedBlockTypes; } /** * Returns block types that have been installed on the server and used in the * current post. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * * @return {Array} Block type items. */ const getNewBlockTypes = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => state => { const usedBlockTree = select(; const installedBlockTypes = getInstalledBlockTypes(state); return installedBlockTypes.filter(blockType => hasBlockType(blockType, usedBlockTree)); }); /** * Returns the block types that have been installed on the server but are not * used in the current post. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * * @return {Array} Block type items. */ const getUnusedBlockTypes = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => state => { const usedBlockTree = select(; const installedBlockTypes = getInstalledBlockTypes(state); return installedBlockTypes.filter(blockType => !hasBlockType(blockType, usedBlockTree)); }); /** * Returns true if a block plugin install is in progress. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {string} blockId Id of the block. * * @return {boolean} Whether this block is currently being installed. */ function isInstalling(state, blockId) { return state.blockManagement.isInstalling[blockId] || false; } /** * Returns all block error notices. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * * @return {Object} Object with error notices. */ function getErrorNotices(state) { return state.errorNotices; } /** * Returns the error notice for a given block. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {string} blockId The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block * * @return {string|boolean} The error text, or false if no error. */ function getErrorNoticeForBlock(state, blockId) { return state.errorNotices[blockId]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","apiFetch"] const external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"]; var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","notices"] const external_wp_notices_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["notices"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","url"] const external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/load-assets.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Load an asset for a block. * * This function returns a Promise that will resolve once the asset is loaded, * or in the case of Stylesheets and Inline JavaScript, will resolve immediately. * * @param {HTMLElement} el A HTML Element asset to inject. * * @return {Promise} Promise which will resolve when the asset is loaded. */ const loadAsset = el => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* * Reconstruct the passed element, this is required as inserting the Node directly * won't always fire the required onload events, even if the asset wasn't already loaded. */ const newNode = document.createElement(el.nodeName); ['id', 'rel', 'src', 'href', 'type'].forEach(attr => { if (el[attr]) { newNode[attr] = el[attr]; } }); // Append inline <script> contents. if (el.innerHTML) { newNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(el.innerHTML)); } newNode.onload = () => resolve(true); newNode.onerror = () => reject(new Error('Error loading asset.')); document.body.appendChild(newNode); // Resolve Stylesheets and Inline JavaScript immediately. if ('link' === newNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() || 'script' === newNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() && !newNode.src) { resolve(); } }); }; /** * Load the asset files for a block */ async function loadAssets() { /* * Fetch the current URL (post-new.php, or post.php?post=1&action=edit) and compare the * JavaScript and CSS assets loaded between the pages. This imports the required assets * for the block into the current page while not requiring that we know them up-front. * In the future this can be improved by reliance upon block.json and/or a script-loader * dependency API. */ const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ url: document.location.href, parse: false }); const data = await response.text(); const doc = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(data, 'text/html'); const newAssets = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"],script')).filter(asset => && !document.getElementById(; /* * Load each asset in order, as they may depend upon an earlier loaded script. * Stylesheets and Inline Scripts will resolve immediately upon insertion. */ for (const newAsset of newAssets) { await loadAsset(newAsset); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/utils/get-plugin-url.js /** * Get the plugin's direct API link out of a block-directory response. * * @param {Object} block The block object * * @return {string} The plugin URL, if exists. */ function getPluginUrl(block) { if (!block) { return false; } const link = block.links['wp:plugin'] || block.links.self; if (link && link.length) { return link[0].href; } return false; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/actions.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the downloadable blocks * have been requested and are loading. * * @param {string} filterValue Search string. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function fetchDownloadableBlocks(filterValue) { return { type: 'FETCH_DOWNLOADABLE_BLOCKS', filterValue }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the downloadable blocks * have been updated. * * @param {Array} downloadableBlocks Downloadable blocks. * @param {string} filterValue Search string. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function receiveDownloadableBlocks(downloadableBlocks, filterValue) { return { type: 'RECEIVE_DOWNLOADABLE_BLOCKS', downloadableBlocks, filterValue }; } /** * Action triggered to install a block plugin. * * @param {Object} block The block item returned by search. * * @return {boolean} Whether the block was successfully installed & loaded. */ const installBlockType = block => async ({ registry, dispatch }) => { const { id, name } = block; let success = false; dispatch.clearErrorNotice(id); try { dispatch.setIsInstalling(id, true); // If we have a wp:plugin link, the plugin is installed but inactive. const url = getPluginUrl(block); let links = {}; if (url) { await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ method: 'PUT', url, data: { status: 'active' } }); } else { const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ method: 'POST', path: 'wp/v2/plugins', data: { slug: id, status: 'active' } }); // Add the `self` link for newly-installed blocks. links = response._links; } dispatch.addInstalledBlockType({ ...block, links: { ...block.links, ...links } }); // Ensures that the block metadata is propagated to the editor when registered on the server. const metadataFields = ['api_version', 'title', 'category', 'parent', 'icon', 'description', 'keywords', 'attributes', 'provides_context', 'uses_context', 'supports', 'styles', 'example', 'variations']; await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(`/wp/v2/block-types/${name}`, { _fields: metadataFields }) }) // Ignore when the block is not registered on the server. .catch(() => {}).then(response => { if (!response) { return; } (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.unstable__bootstrapServerSideBlockDefinitions)({ [name]: Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(response).filter(([key]) => metadataFields.includes(key))) }); }); await loadAssets(); const registeredBlocks =; if (!registeredBlocks.some(i => === name)) { throw new Error((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Error registering block. Try reloading the page.')); } registry.dispatch(,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s is the block title. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Block %s installed and added.'), block.title), { speak: true, type: 'snackbar' }); success = true; } catch (error) { let message = error.message || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('An error occurred.'); // Errors we throw are fatal. let isFatal = error instanceof Error; // Specific API errors that are fatal. const fatalAPIErrors = { folder_exists: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('This block is already installed. Try reloading the page.'), unable_to_connect_to_filesystem: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Error installing block. You can reload the page and try again.') }; if (fatalAPIErrors[error.code]) { isFatal = true; message = fatalAPIErrors[error.code]; } dispatch.setErrorNotice(id, message, isFatal); registry.dispatch(, { speak: true, isDismissible: true }); } dispatch.setIsInstalling(id, false); return success; }; /** * Action triggered to uninstall a block plugin. * * @param {Object} block The blockType object. */ const uninstallBlockType = block => async ({ registry, dispatch }) => { try { const url = getPluginUrl(block); await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ method: 'PUT', url, data: { status: 'inactive' } }); await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ method: 'DELETE', url }); dispatch.removeInstalledBlockType(block); } catch (error) { registry.dispatch( || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('An error occurred.')); } }; /** * Returns an action object used to add a block type to the "newly installed" * tracking list. * * @param {Object} item The block item with the block id and name. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function addInstalledBlockType(item) { return { type: 'ADD_INSTALLED_BLOCK_TYPE', item }; } /** * Returns an action object used to remove a block type from the "newly installed" * tracking list. * * @param {string} item The block item with the block id and name. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function removeInstalledBlockType(item) { return { type: 'REMOVE_INSTALLED_BLOCK_TYPE', item }; } /** * Returns an action object used to indicate install in progress. * * @param {string} blockId * @param {boolean} isInstalling * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setIsInstalling(blockId, isInstalling) { return { type: 'SET_INSTALLING_BLOCK', blockId, isInstalling }; } /** * Sets an error notice to be displayed to the user for a given block. * * @param {string} blockId The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block * @param {string} message The message shown in the notice. * @param {boolean} isFatal Whether the user can recover from the error. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setErrorNotice(blockId, message, isFatal = false) { return { type: 'SET_ERROR_NOTICE', blockId, message, isFatal }; } /** * Sets the error notice to empty for specific block. * * @param {string} blockId The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function clearErrorNotice(blockId) { return { type: 'CLEAR_ERROR_NOTICE', blockId }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; } return __assign.apply(this, arguments); } function __rest(s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; } function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; } function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); } } function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) { function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return f; } var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value"; var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null; var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, : {}); var _, done = false; for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var context = {}; for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p]; for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p]; context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); }; var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context); if (kind === "accessor") { if (result === void 0) continue; if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected"); if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _; if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _; if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_); } else if (_ = accept(result)) { if (kind === "field") initializers.unshift(_); else descriptor[key] = _; } } if (target) Object.defineProperty(target,, descriptor); done = true; }; function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) { var useValue = arguments.length > 2; for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) { value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg); } return useValue ? value : void 0; }; function __propKey(x) { return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x); }; function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) { if (typeof name === "symbol") name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : ""; return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name }); }; function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); } function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } } var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; }); function __exportStar(m, o) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p); } function __values(o) { var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; if (m) return; if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return { next: function () { if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; } }; throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); } function __read(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i =, r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spread() { for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spreadArrays() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; } function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) { if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) { if (ar || !(i in from)) { if (!ar) ar =, 0, i); ar[i] = from[i]; } } return to.concat(ar ||; } function __await(v) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); } function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } } function __asyncDelegator(o) { var i, p; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } } function __asyncValues(o) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } } function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } return cooked; }; var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }; function __importStar(mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; } function __importDefault(mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod }; } function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); } function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; } function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) { if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function")) throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver); } function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) { if (value !== null && value !== void 0) { if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected."); var dispose; if (async) { if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose]; } if (dispose === void 0) { if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.dispose]; } if (typeof dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable."); env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async }); } else if (async) { env.stack.push({ async: true }); } return value; } var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) { var e = new Error(message); return = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e; }; function __disposeResources(env) { function fail(e) { env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : e; env.hasError = true; } function next() { while (env.stack.length) { var rec = env.stack.pop(); try { var result = rec.dispose &&; if (rec.async) return Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); }); } catch (e) { fail(e); } } if (env.hasError) throw env.error; } return next(); } /* harmony default export */ const tslib_es6 = ({ __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __createBinding, __exportStar, __values, __read, __spread, __spreadArrays, __spreadArray, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldIn, __addDisposableResource, __disposeResources, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lower-case/dist.es2015/index.js /** * Source: */ var SUPPORTED_LOCALE = { tr: { regexp: /\u0130|\u0049|\u0049\u0307/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, az: { regexp: /\u0130/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, lt: { regexp: /\u0049|\u004A|\u012E|\u00CC|\u00CD|\u0128/g, map: { I: "\u0069\u0307", J: "\u006A\u0307", Į: "\u012F\u0307", Ì: "\u0069\u0307\u0300", Í: "\u0069\u0307\u0301", Ĩ: "\u0069\u0307\u0303", }, }, }; /** * Localized lower case. */ function localeLowerCase(str, locale) { var lang = SUPPORTED_LOCALE[locale.toLowerCase()]; if (lang) return lowerCase(str.replace(lang.regexp, function (m) { return[m]; })); return lowerCase(str); } /** * Lower case as a function. */ function lowerCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/no-case/dist.es2015/index.js // Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case"). var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g]; // Remove all non-word characters. var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi; /** * Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier. */ function noCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d; var result = replace(replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0"); var start = 0; var end = result.length; // Trim the delimiter from around the output string. while (result.charAt(start) === "\0") start++; while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0") end--; // Transform each token independently. return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter); } /** * Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value. */ function replace(input, re, value) { if (re instanceof RegExp) return input.replace(re, value); return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/pascal-case/dist.es2015/index.js function pascalCaseTransform(input, index) { var firstChar = input.charAt(0); var lowerChars = input.substr(1).toLowerCase(); if (index > 0 && firstChar >= "0" && firstChar <= "9") { return "_" + firstChar + lowerChars; } return "" + firstChar.toUpperCase() + lowerChars; } function dist_es2015_pascalCaseTransformMerge(input) { return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1).toLowerCase(); } function pascalCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "", transform: pascalCaseTransform }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/camel-case/dist.es2015/index.js function camelCaseTransform(input, index) { if (index === 0) return input.toLowerCase(); return pascalCaseTransform(input, index); } function camelCaseTransformMerge(input, index) { if (index === 0) return input.toLowerCase(); return pascalCaseTransformMerge(input); } function camelCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return pascalCase(input, __assign({ transform: camelCaseTransform }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/resolvers.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const resolvers_getDownloadableBlocks = filterValue => async ({ dispatch }) => { if (!filterValue) { return; } try { dispatch(fetchDownloadableBlocks(filterValue)); const results = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({ path: `wp/v2/block-directory/search?term=${filterValue}` }); const blocks = => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(result).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value]))); dispatch(receiveDownloadableBlocks(blocks, filterValue)); } catch {} }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/store/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Module Constants */ const STORE_NAME = 'core/block-directory'; /** * Block editor data store configuration. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const storeConfig = { reducer: reducer, selectors: selectors_namespaceObject, actions: actions_namespaceObject, resolvers: resolvers_namespaceObject }; /** * Store definition for the block directory namespace. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, storeConfig); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/auto-block-uninstaller/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function AutoBlockUninstaller() { const { uninstallBlockType } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); const shouldRemoveBlockTypes = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { isAutosavingPost, isSavingPost } = select(; return isSavingPost() && !isAutosavingPost(); }, []); const unusedBlockTypes = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store).getUnusedBlockTypes(), []); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (shouldRemoveBlockTypes && unusedBlockTypes.length) { unusedBlockTypes.forEach(blockType => { uninstallBlockType(blockType); (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.unregisterBlockType)(; }); } }, [shouldRemoveBlockTypes]); return null; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","components"] const external_wp_components_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["components"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","coreData"] const external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["coreData"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"] const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/icon/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {{icon: JSX.Element, size?: number} & import('@wordpress/primitives').SVGProps} IconProps */ /** * Return an SVG icon. * * @param {IconProps} props icon is the SVG component to render * size is a number specifiying the icon size in pixels * Other props will be passed to wrapped SVG component * @param {import('react').ForwardedRef<HTMLElement>} ref The forwarded ref to the SVG element. * * @return {JSX.Element} Icon component */ function Icon({ icon, size = 24, ...props }, ref) { return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(icon, { width: size, height: size, ...props, ref }); } /* harmony default export */ const icon = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(Icon)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","primitives"] const external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["primitives"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/star-filled.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const starFilled = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M11.776 4.454a.25.25 0 01.448 0l2.069 4.192a.25.25 0 00.188.137l4.626.672a.25.25 0 01.139.426l-3.348 3.263a.25.25 0 00-.072.222l.79 4.607a.25.25 0 01-.362.263l-4.138-2.175a.25.25 0 00-.232 0l-4.138 2.175a.25.25 0 01-.363-.263l.79-4.607a.25.25 0 00-.071-.222L4.754 9.881a.25.25 0 01.139-.426l4.626-.672a.25.25 0 00.188-.137l2.069-4.192z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const star_filled = (starFilled); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/star-half.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const starHalf = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M9.518 8.783a.25.25 0 00.188-.137l2.069-4.192a.25.25 0 01.448 0l2.07 4.192a.25.25 0 00.187.137l4.626.672a.25.25 0 01.139.427l-3.347 3.262a.25.25 0 00-.072.222l.79 4.607a.25.25 0 01-.363.264l-4.137-2.176a.25.25 0 00-.233 0l-4.138 2.175a.25.25 0 01-.362-.263l.79-4.607a.25.25 0 00-.072-.222L4.753 9.882a.25.25 0 01.14-.427l4.625-.672zM12 14.533c.28 0 .559.067.814.2l1.895.997-.362-2.11a1.75 1.75 0 01.504-1.55l1.533-1.495-2.12-.308a1.75 1.75 0 01-1.317-.957L12 7.39v7.143z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const star_half = (starHalf); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/star-empty.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const starEmpty = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M9.706 8.646a.25.25 0 01-.188.137l-4.626.672a.25.25 0 00-.139.427l3.348 3.262a.25.25 0 01.072.222l-.79 4.607a.25.25 0 00.362.264l4.138-2.176a.25.25 0 01.233 0l4.137 2.175a.25.25 0 00.363-.263l-.79-4.607a.25.25 0 01.072-.222l3.347-3.262a.25.25 0 00-.139-.427l-4.626-.672a.25.25 0 01-.188-.137l-2.069-4.192a.25.25 0 00-.448 0L9.706 8.646zM12 7.39l-.948 1.921a1.75 1.75 0 01-1.317.957l-2.12.308 1.534 1.495c.412.402.6.982.503 1.55l-.362 2.11 1.896-.997a1.75 1.75 0 011.629 0l1.895.997-.362-2.11a1.75 1.75 0 01.504-1.55l1.533-1.495-2.12-.308a1.75 1.75 0 01-1.317-.957L12 7.39z", clipRule: "evenodd" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const star_empty = (starEmpty); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/block-ratings/stars.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function Stars({ rating }) { const stars = Math.round(rating / 0.5) * 0.5; const fullStarCount = Math.floor(rating); const halfStarCount = Math.ceil(rating - fullStarCount); const emptyStarCount = 5 - (fullStarCount + halfStarCount); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: number of stars. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s out of 5 stars'), stars), children: [Array.from({ length: fullStarCount }).map((_, i) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icon, { className: "block-directory-block-ratings__star-full", icon: star_filled, size: 16 }, `full_stars_${i}`)), Array.from({ length: halfStarCount }).map((_, i) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icon, { className: "block-directory-block-ratings__star-half-full", icon: star_half, size: 16 }, `half_stars_${i}`)), Array.from({ length: emptyStarCount }).map((_, i) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icon, { className: "block-directory-block-ratings__star-empty", icon: star_empty, size: 16 }, `empty_stars_${i}`))] }); } /* harmony default export */ const stars = (Stars); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/block-ratings/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const BlockRatings = ({ rating }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "block-directory-block-ratings", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(stars, { rating: rating }) }); /* harmony default export */ const block_ratings = (BlockRatings); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/downloadable-block-icon/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function DownloadableBlockIcon({ icon }) { const className = 'block-directory-downloadable-block-icon'; return icon.match(/\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|svg)(?:\?.*)?$/) !== null ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("img", { className: className, src: icon, alt: "" }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockIcon, { className: className, icon: icon, showColors: true }); } /* harmony default export */ const downloadable_block_icon = (DownloadableBlockIcon); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/downloadable-block-notice/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DownloadableBlockNotice = ({ block }) => { const errorNotice = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store).getErrorNoticeForBlock(, [block]); if (!errorNotice) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-notice", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-notice__content", children: [errorNotice.message, errorNotice.isFatal ? ' ' + (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Try reloading the page.') : null] }) }); }; /* harmony default export */ const downloadable_block_notice = (DownloadableBlockNotice); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/lock-unlock.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/block-directory'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/downloadable-block-list-item/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { CompositeItemV2: CompositeItem } = unlock(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.privateApis); // Return the appropriate block item label, given the block data and status. function getDownloadableBlockLabel({ title, rating, ratingCount }, { hasNotice, isInstalled, isInstalling }) { const stars = Math.round(rating / 0.5) * 0.5; if (!isInstalled && hasNotice) { /* translators: %1$s: block title */ return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)('Retry installing %s.', (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(title)); } if (isInstalled) { /* translators: %1$s: block title */ return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)('Add %s.', (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(title)); } if (isInstalling) { /* translators: %1$s: block title */ return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)('Installing %s.', (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(title)); } // No ratings yet, just use the title. if (ratingCount < 1) { /* translators: %1$s: block title */ return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)('Install %s.', (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(title)); } return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %1$s: block title, %2$s: average rating, %3$s: total ratings count. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('Install %1$s. %2$s stars with %3$s review.', 'Install %1$s. %2$s stars with %3$s reviews.', ratingCount), (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(title), stars, ratingCount); } function DownloadableBlockListItem({ composite, item, onClick }) { const { author, description, icon, rating, title } = item; // getBlockType returns a block object if this block exists, or null if not. const isInstalled = !!(0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockType)(; const { hasNotice, isInstalling, isInstallable } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getErrorNoticeForBlock, isInstalling: isBlockInstalling } = select(store); const notice = getErrorNoticeForBlock(; const hasFatal = notice && notice.isFatal; return { hasNotice: !!notice, isInstalling: isBlockInstalling(, isInstallable: !hasFatal }; }, [item]); let statusText = ''; if (isInstalled) { statusText = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Installed!'); } else if (isInstalling) { statusText = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Installing…'); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(CompositeItem, { render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __experimentalIsFocusable: true, type: "button", role: "option", className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-list-item", isBusy: isInstalling, onClick: event => { event.preventDefault(); onClick(); }, label: getDownloadableBlockLabel(item, { hasNotice, isInstalled, isInstalling }), showTooltip: true, tooltipPosition: "top center" }), store: composite, disabled: isInstalling || !isInstallable, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-list-item__icon", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(downloadable_block_icon, { icon: icon, title: title }), isInstalling ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-list-item__spinner", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Spinner, {}) }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(block_ratings, { rating: rating })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-list-item__details", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-list-item__title", children: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createInterpolateElement)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %1$s: block title, %2$s: author name. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s <span>by %2$s</span>'), (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(title), author), { span: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-list-item__author" }) }) }), hasNotice ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(downloadable_block_notice, { block: item }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-block-list-item__desc", children: !!statusText ? statusText : (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(description) }), isInstallable && !(isInstalled || isInstalling) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.VisuallyHidden, { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Install block') })] })] })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const downloadable_block_list_item = (DownloadableBlockListItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/downloadable-blocks-list/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { CompositeV2: Composite, useCompositeStoreV2: useCompositeStore } = unlock(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.privateApis); const noop = () => {}; function DownloadableBlocksList({ items, onHover = noop, onSelect }) { const composite = useCompositeStore(); const { installBlockType } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); if (!items.length) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Composite, { store: composite, role: "listbox", className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-list", "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Blocks available for install'), children: => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(downloadable_block_list_item, { composite: composite, onClick: () => { // Check if the block is registered (`getBlockType` // will return an object). If so, insert the block. // This prevents installing existing plugins. if ((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockType)( { onSelect(item); } else { installBlockType(item).then(success => { if (success) { onSelect(item); } }); } onHover(null); }, onHover: onHover, item: item },; }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const downloadable_blocks_list = (DownloadableBlocksList); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","a11y"] const external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["a11y"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/downloadable-blocks-panel/inserter-panel.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function DownloadableBlocksInserterPanel({ children, downloadableItems, hasLocalBlocks }) { const count = downloadableItems.length; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %d: number of available blocks. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('%d additional block is available to install.', '%d additional blocks are available to install.', count), count)); }, [count]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [!hasLocalBlocks && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-panel__no-local", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No results available from your installed blocks.') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "block-editor-inserter__quick-inserter-separator" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-panel", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-panel__header", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h2", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-panel__title", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Available to install') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-panel__description", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Select a block to install and add it to your post.') })] }), children] })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const inserter_panel = (DownloadableBlocksInserterPanel); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/block-default.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const blockDefault = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M19 8h-1V6h-5v2h-2V6H6v2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v8c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-8c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm.5 10c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5H5c-.3 0-.5-.2-.5-.5v-8c0-.3.2-.5.5-.5h14c.3 0 ." }) }); /* harmony default export */ const block_default = (blockDefault); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/downloadable-blocks-panel/no-results.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function DownloadableBlocksNoResults() { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "block-editor-inserter__no-results", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icon, { className: "block-editor-inserter__no-results-icon", icon: block_default }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No results found.') })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "block-editor-inserter__tips", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Tip, { children: [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Interested in creating your own block?'), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("br", {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ExternalLink, { href: "", children: [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Get started here'), "."] })] }) })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const no_results = (DownloadableBlocksNoResults); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/downloadable-blocks-panel/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const EMPTY_ARRAY = []; const useDownloadableBlocks = filterValue => (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getDownloadableBlocks, isRequestingDownloadableBlocks, getInstalledBlockTypes } = select(store); const hasPermission = select('read', 'block-directory/search'); let downloadableBlocks = EMPTY_ARRAY; if (hasPermission) { downloadableBlocks = getDownloadableBlocks(filterValue); // Filter out blocks that are already installed. const installedBlockTypes = getInstalledBlockTypes(); const installableBlocks = downloadableBlocks.filter(({ name }) => { // Check if the block has just been installed, in which case it // should still show in the list to avoid suddenly disappearing. // `installedBlockTypes` only returns blocks stored in state // immediately after installation, not all installed blocks. const isJustInstalled = installedBlockTypes.some(blockType => === name); const isPreviouslyInstalled = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockType)(name); return isJustInstalled || !isPreviouslyInstalled; }); // Keep identity of the `downloadableBlocks` array if nothing was filtered out if (installableBlocks.length !== downloadableBlocks.length) { downloadableBlocks = installableBlocks; } // Return identical empty array when there are no blocks if (downloadableBlocks.length === 0) { downloadableBlocks = EMPTY_ARRAY; } } return { hasPermission, downloadableBlocks, isLoading: isRequestingDownloadableBlocks(filterValue) }; }, [filterValue]); function DownloadableBlocksPanel({ onSelect, onHover, hasLocalBlocks, isTyping, filterValue }) { const { hasPermission, downloadableBlocks, isLoading } = useDownloadableBlocks(filterValue); if (hasPermission === undefined || isLoading || isTyping) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [hasPermission && !hasLocalBlocks && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-panel__no-local", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No results available from your installed blocks.') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "block-editor-inserter__quick-inserter-separator" })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "block-directory-downloadable-blocks-panel has-blocks-loading", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Spinner, {}) })] }); } if (false === hasPermission) { if (!hasLocalBlocks) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(no_results, {}); } return null; } if (downloadableBlocks.length === 0) { return hasLocalBlocks ? null : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(no_results, {}); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(inserter_panel, { downloadableItems: downloadableBlocks, hasLocalBlocks: hasLocalBlocks, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(downloadable_blocks_list, { items: downloadableBlocks, onSelect: onSelect, onHover: onHover }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/plugins/inserter-menu-downloadable-blocks-panel/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function InserterMenuDownloadableBlocksPanel() { const [debouncedFilterValue, setFilterValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(''); const debouncedSetFilterValue = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.debounce)(setFilterValue, 400); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__unstableInserterMenuExtension, { children: ({ onSelect, onHover, filterValue, hasItems }) => { if (debouncedFilterValue !== filterValue) { debouncedSetFilterValue(filterValue); } if (!debouncedFilterValue) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DownloadableBlocksPanel, { onSelect: onSelect, onHover: onHover, filterValue: debouncedFilterValue, hasLocalBlocks: hasItems, isTyping: filterValue !== debouncedFilterValue }); } }); } /* harmony default export */ const inserter_menu_downloadable_blocks_panel = (InserterMenuDownloadableBlocksPanel); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/components/compact-list/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function CompactList({ items }) { if (!items.length) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("ul", { className: "block-directory-compact-list", children:{ icon, id, title, author }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("li", { className: "block-directory-compact-list__item", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(downloadable_block_icon, { icon: icon, title: title }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "block-directory-compact-list__item-details", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "block-directory-compact-list__item-title", children: title }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "block-directory-compact-list__item-author", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: Name of the block author. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('By %s'), author) })] })] }, id)) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/plugins/installed-blocks-pre-publish-panel/index.js var _window$wp$editor; /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // We shouldn't import the editor package directly // because it would include the wp-editor in all pages loading the block-directory script. const { PluginPrePublishPanel } = (_window$wp$editor = window?.wp?.editor) !== null && _window$wp$editor !== void 0 ? _window$wp$editor : {}; function InstalledBlocksPrePublishPanel() { const newBlockTypes = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store).getNewBlockTypes(), []); if (!newBlockTypes.length) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(PluginPrePublishPanel, { icon: block_default, title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %d: number of blocks (number). (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('Added: %d block', 'Added: %d blocks', newBlockTypes.length), newBlockTypes.length), initialOpen: true, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "installed-blocks-pre-publish-panel__copy", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('The following block has been added to your site.', 'The following blocks have been added to your site.', newBlockTypes.length) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CompactList, { items: newBlockTypes })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/plugins/get-install-missing/install-button.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function InstallButton({ attributes, block, clientId }) { const isInstallingBlock = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store).isInstalling(, []); const { installBlockType } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); const { replaceBlock } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { onClick: () => installBlockType(block).then(success => { if (success) { const blockType = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockType)(; const [originalBlock] = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.parse)(attributes.originalContent); if (originalBlock && blockType) { replaceBlock(clientId, (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)(, originalBlock.attributes, originalBlock.innerBlocks)); } } }), __experimentalIsFocusable: true, disabled: isInstallingBlock, isBusy: isInstallingBlock, variant: "primary", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: block name */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Install %s'), block.title) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/plugins/get-install-missing/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const getInstallMissing = OriginalComponent => props => { const { originalName } = props.attributes; // Disable reason: This is a valid component, but it's mistaken for a callback. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const { block, hasPermission } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getDownloadableBlocks } = select(store); const blocks = getDownloadableBlocks('block:' + originalName).filter(({ name }) => originalName === name); return { hasPermission: select('read', 'block-directory/search'), block: blocks.length && blocks[0] }; }, [originalName]); // The user can't install blocks, or the block isn't available for download. if (!hasPermission || !block) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(OriginalComponent, { ...props }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ModifiedWarning, { ...props, originalBlock: block }); }; const ModifiedWarning = ({ originalBlock, ...props }) => { const { originalName, originalUndelimitedContent, clientId } = props.attributes; const { replaceBlock } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const convertToHTML = () => { replaceBlock(props.clientId, (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/html', { content: originalUndelimitedContent })); }; const hasContent = !!originalUndelimitedContent; const hasHTMLBlock = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { canInsertBlockType, getBlockRootClientId } = select(; return canInsertBlockType('core/html', getBlockRootClientId(clientId)); }, [clientId]); let messageHTML = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: block name */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Your site doesn’t include support for the %s block. You can try installing the block or remove it entirely.'), originalBlock.title || originalName); const actions = [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InstallButton, { block: originalBlock, attributes: props.attributes, clientId: props.clientId }, "install")]; if (hasContent && hasHTMLBlock) { messageHTML = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: block name */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Your site doesn’t include support for the %s block. You can try installing the block, convert it to a Custom HTML block, or remove it entirely.'), originalBlock.title || originalName); actions.push( /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { onClick: convertToHTML, variant: "tertiary", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Keep as HTML') }, "convert")); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ...(0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)(), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.Warning, { actions: actions, children: messageHTML }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_element_namespaceObject.RawHTML, { children: originalUndelimitedContent })] }); }; /* harmony default export */ const get_install_missing = (getInstallMissing); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/plugins/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ (0,external_wp_plugins_namespaceObject.registerPlugin)('block-directory', { render() { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AutoBlockUninstaller, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(inserter_menu_downloadable_blocks_panel, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InstalledBlocksPrePublishPanel, {})] }); } }); (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.addFilter)('blocks.registerBlockType', 'block-directory/fallback', (settings, name) => { if (name !== 'core/missing') { return settings; } settings.edit = get_install_missing(settings.edit); return settings; }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-directory/build-module/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ (window.wp = window.wp || {}).blockDirectory = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!� Yh����edit-widgets.jsnu�[��������/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { initialize: () => (/* binding */ initialize), initializeEditor: () => (/* binding */ initializeEditor), reinitializeEditor: () => (/* binding */ reinitializeEditor), store: () => (/* reexport */ store_store) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/actions.js var actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(actions_namespaceObject, { closeModal: () => (closeModal), disableComplementaryArea: () => (disableComplementaryArea), enableComplementaryArea: () => (enableComplementaryArea), openModal: () => (openModal), pinItem: () => (pinItem), setDefaultComplementaryArea: () => (setDefaultComplementaryArea), setFeatureDefaults: () => (setFeatureDefaults), setFeatureValue: () => (setFeatureValue), toggleFeature: () => (toggleFeature), unpinItem: () => (unpinItem) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/selectors.js var selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(selectors_namespaceObject, { getActiveComplementaryArea: () => (getActiveComplementaryArea), isComplementaryAreaLoading: () => (isComplementaryAreaLoading), isFeatureActive: () => (isFeatureActive), isItemPinned: () => (isItemPinned), isModalActive: () => (isModalActive) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/actions.js var store_actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(store_actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(store_actions_namespaceObject, { closeGeneralSidebar: () => (closeGeneralSidebar), moveBlockToWidgetArea: () => (moveBlockToWidgetArea), persistStubPost: () => (persistStubPost), saveEditedWidgetAreas: () => (saveEditedWidgetAreas), saveWidgetArea: () => (saveWidgetArea), saveWidgetAreas: () => (saveWidgetAreas), setIsInserterOpened: () => (setIsInserterOpened), setIsListViewOpened: () => (setIsListViewOpened), setIsWidgetAreaOpen: () => (setIsWidgetAreaOpen), setWidgetAreasOpenState: () => (setWidgetAreasOpenState), setWidgetIdForClientId: () => (setWidgetIdForClientId) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/resolvers.js var resolvers_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(resolvers_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(resolvers_namespaceObject, { getWidgetAreas: () => (getWidgetAreas), getWidgets: () => (getWidgets) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/selectors.js var store_selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(store_selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(store_selectors_namespaceObject, { __experimentalGetInsertionPoint: () => (__experimentalGetInsertionPoint), canInsertBlockInWidgetArea: () => (canInsertBlockInWidgetArea), getEditedWidgetAreas: () => (getEditedWidgetAreas), getIsWidgetAreaOpen: () => (getIsWidgetAreaOpen), getParentWidgetAreaBlock: () => (getParentWidgetAreaBlock), getReferenceWidgetBlocks: () => (getReferenceWidgetBlocks), getWidget: () => (getWidget), getWidgetAreaForWidgetId: () => (getWidgetAreaForWidgetId), getWidgetAreas: () => (selectors_getWidgetAreas), getWidgets: () => (selectors_getWidgets), isInserterOpened: () => (isInserterOpened), isListViewOpened: () => (isListViewOpened), isSavingWidgetAreas: () => (isSavingWidgetAreas) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/private-selectors.js var private_selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(private_selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(private_selectors_namespaceObject, { getInserterSidebarToggleRef: () => (getInserterSidebarToggleRef), getListViewToggleRef: () => (getListViewToggleRef) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/blocks/widget-area/index.js var widget_area_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(widget_area_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(widget_area_namespaceObject, { metadata: () => (metadata), name: () => (widget_area_name), settings: () => (settings) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blocks"] const external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","deprecated"] const external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"]; var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockLibrary"] const external_wp_blockLibrary_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockLibrary"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","coreData"] const external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["coreData"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","widgets"] const external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["widgets"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","preferences"] const external_wp_preferences_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["preferences"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","apiFetch"] const external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"]; var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/reducer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Controls the open state of the widget areas. * * @param {Object} state Redux state. * @param {Object} action Redux action. * * @return {Array} Updated state. */ function widgetAreasOpenState(state = {}, action) { const { type } = action; switch (type) { case 'SET_WIDGET_AREAS_OPEN_STATE': { return action.widgetAreasOpenState; } case 'SET_IS_WIDGET_AREA_OPEN': { const { clientId, isOpen } = action; return { ...state, [clientId]: isOpen }; } default: { return state; } } } /** * Reducer to set the block inserter panel open or closed. * * Note: this reducer interacts with the list view panel reducer * to make sure that only one of the two panels is open at the same time. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. */ function blockInserterPanel(state = false, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_IS_LIST_VIEW_OPENED': return action.isOpen ? false : state; case 'SET_IS_INSERTER_OPENED': return action.value; } return state; } /** * Reducer to set the list view panel open or closed. * * Note: this reducer interacts with the inserter panel reducer * to make sure that only one of the two panels is open at the same time. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. */ function listViewPanel(state = false, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_IS_INSERTER_OPENED': return action.value ? false : state; case 'SET_IS_LIST_VIEW_OPENED': return action.isOpen; } return state; } /** * This reducer does nothing aside initializing a ref to the list view toggle. * We will have a unique ref per "editor" instance. * * @param {Object} state * @return {Object} Reference to the list view toggle button. */ function listViewToggleRef(state = { current: null }) { return state; } /** * This reducer does nothing aside initializing a ref to the inserter sidebar toggle. * We will have a unique ref per "editor" instance. * * @param {Object} state * @return {Object} Reference to the inserter sidebar toggle button. */ function inserterSidebarToggleRef(state = { current: null }) { return state; } /* harmony default export */ const reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ blockInserterPanel, inserterSidebarToggleRef, listViewPanel, listViewToggleRef, widgetAreasOpenState })); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","notices"] const external_wp_notices_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["notices"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/clsx/dist/clsx.mjs function r(e){var t,f,n="";if("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)n+=e;else if("object"==typeof e)if(Array.isArray(e)){var o=e.length;for(t=0;t<o;t++)e[t]&&(f=r(e[t]))&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=f)}else for(f in e)e[f]&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=f);return n}function clsx(){for(var e,t,f=0,n="",o=arguments.length;f<o;f++)(e=arguments[f])&&(t=r(e))&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=t);return n}/* harmony default export */ const dist_clsx = (clsx); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","components"] const external_wp_components_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["components"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","primitives"] const external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["primitives"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/check.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const check = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M16.7 7.1l-6.3 8.5-3.3-2.5-.9 1.2 4.5 3.4L17.9 8z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_check = (check); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/star-filled.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const starFilled = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M11.776 4.454a.25.25 0 01.448 0l2.069 4.192a.25.25 0 00.188.137l4.626.672a.25.25 0 01.139.426l-3.348 3.263a.25.25 0 00-.072.222l.79 4.607a.25.25 0 01-.362.263l-4.138-2.175a.25.25 0 00-.232 0l-4.138 2.175a.25.25 0 01-.363-.263l.79-4.607a.25.25 0 00-.071-.222L4.754 9.881a.25.25 0 01.139-.426l4.626-.672a.25.25 0 00.188-.137l2.069-4.192z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const star_filled = (starFilled); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/star-empty.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const starEmpty = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M9.706 8.646a.25.25 0 01-.188.137l-4.626.672a.25.25 0 00-.139.427l3.348 3.262a.25.25 0 01.072.222l-.79 4.607a.25.25 0 00.362.264l4.138-2.176a.25.25 0 01.233 0l4.137 2.175a.25.25 0 00.363-.263l-.79-4.607a.25.25 0 01.072-.222l3.347-3.262a.25.25 0 00-.139-.427l-4.626-.672a.25.25 0 01-.188-.137l-2.069-4.192a.25.25 0 00-.448 0L9.706 8.646zM12 7.39l-.948 1.921a1.75 1.75 0 01-1.317.957l-2.12.308 1.534 1.495c.412.402.6.982.503 1.55l-.362 2.11 1.896-.997a1.75 1.75 0 011.629 0l1.895.997-.362-2.11a1.75 1.75 0 01.504-1.55l1.533-1.495-2.12-.308a1.75 1.75 0 01-1.317-.957L12 7.39z", clipRule: "evenodd" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const star_empty = (starEmpty); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","viewport"] const external_wp_viewport_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["viewport"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/close-small.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const closeSmall = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M12 13.06l3.712 3.713 1.061-1.06L13.061 12l3.712-3.712-1.06-1.06L12 10.938 8.288 7.227l-1.061 1.06L10.939 12l-3.712 3.712 1.06 1.061L12 13.061z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const close_small = (closeSmall); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/deprecated.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope) { if (['core/edit-post', 'core/edit-site'].includes(scope)) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(`${scope} interface scope`, { alternative: 'core interface scope', hint: 'core/edit-post and core/edit-site are merging.', version: '6.6' }); return 'core'; } return scope; } function normalizeComplementaryAreaName(scope, name) { if (scope === 'core' && name === 'edit-site/template') { external_wp_deprecated_default()(`edit-site/template sidebar`, { alternative: 'edit-post/document', version: '6.6' }); return 'edit-post/document'; } if (scope === 'core' && name === 'edit-site/block-inspector') { external_wp_deprecated_default()(`edit-site/block-inspector sidebar`, { alternative: 'edit-post/block', version: '6.6' }); return 'edit-post/block'; } return name; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/actions.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Set a default complementary area. * * @param {string} scope Complementary area scope. * @param {string} area Area identifier. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ const setDefaultComplementaryArea = (scope, area) => { scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); area = normalizeComplementaryAreaName(scope, area); return { type: 'SET_DEFAULT_COMPLEMENTARY_AREA', scope, area }; }; /** * Enable the complementary area. * * @param {string} scope Complementary area scope. * @param {string} area Area identifier. */ const enableComplementaryArea = (scope, area) => ({ registry, dispatch }) => { // Return early if there's no area. if (!area) { return; } scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); area = normalizeComplementaryAreaName(scope, area); const isComplementaryAreaVisible =, 'isComplementaryAreaVisible'); if (!isComplementaryAreaVisible) { registry.dispatch(, 'isComplementaryAreaVisible', true); } dispatch({ type: 'ENABLE_COMPLEMENTARY_AREA', scope, area }); }; /** * Disable the complementary area. * * @param {string} scope Complementary area scope. */ const disableComplementaryArea = scope => ({ registry }) => { scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); const isComplementaryAreaVisible =, 'isComplementaryAreaVisible'); if (isComplementaryAreaVisible) { registry.dispatch(, 'isComplementaryAreaVisible', false); } }; /** * Pins an item. * * @param {string} scope Item scope. * @param {string} item Item identifier. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ const pinItem = (scope, item) => ({ registry }) => { // Return early if there's no item. if (!item) { return; } scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); item = normalizeComplementaryAreaName(scope, item); const pinnedItems =, 'pinnedItems'); // The item is already pinned, there's nothing to do. if (pinnedItems?.[item] === true) { return; } registry.dispatch(, 'pinnedItems', { ...pinnedItems, [item]: true }); }; /** * Unpins an item. * * @param {string} scope Item scope. * @param {string} item Item identifier. */ const unpinItem = (scope, item) => ({ registry }) => { // Return early if there's no item. if (!item) { return; } scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); item = normalizeComplementaryAreaName(scope, item); const pinnedItems =, 'pinnedItems'); registry.dispatch(, 'pinnedItems', { ...pinnedItems, [item]: false }); }; /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that a feature should be toggled. * * @param {string} scope The feature scope (e.g. core/edit-post). * @param {string} featureName The feature name. */ function toggleFeature(scope, featureName) { return function ({ registry }) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(`dispatch( 'core/interface' ).toggleFeature`, { since: '6.0', alternative: `dispatch( 'core/preferences' ).toggle` }); registry.dispatch(, featureName); }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that a feature should be set to * a true or false value * * @param {string} scope The feature scope (e.g. core/edit-post). * @param {string} featureName The feature name. * @param {boolean} value The value to set. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setFeatureValue(scope, featureName, value) { return function ({ registry }) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(`dispatch( 'core/interface' ).setFeatureValue`, { since: '6.0', alternative: `dispatch( 'core/preferences' ).set` }); registry.dispatch(, featureName, !!value); }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that defaults should be set for features. * * @param {string} scope The feature scope (e.g. core/edit-post). * @param {Object<string, boolean>} defaults A key/value map of feature names to values. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setFeatureDefaults(scope, defaults) { return function ({ registry }) { external_wp_deprecated_default()(`dispatch( 'core/interface' ).setFeatureDefaults`, { since: '6.0', alternative: `dispatch( 'core/preferences' ).setDefaults` }); registry.dispatch(, defaults); }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that the user opened a modal. * * @param {string} name A string that uniquely identifies the modal. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function openModal(name) { return { type: 'OPEN_MODAL', name }; } /** * Returns an action object signalling that the user closed a modal. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function closeModal() { return { type: 'CLOSE_MODAL' }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/selectors.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns the complementary area that is active in a given scope. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {string} scope Item scope. * * @return {string | null | undefined} The complementary area that is active in the given scope. */ const getActiveComplementaryArea = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, scope) => { scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); const isComplementaryAreaVisible = select(, 'isComplementaryAreaVisible'); // Return `undefined` to indicate that the user has never toggled // visibility, this is the vanilla default. Other code relies on this // nuance in the return value. if (isComplementaryAreaVisible === undefined) { return undefined; } // Return `null` to indicate the user hid the complementary area. if (isComplementaryAreaVisible === false) { return null; } return state?.complementaryAreas?.[scope]; }); const isComplementaryAreaLoading = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, scope) => { scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); const isVisible = select(, 'isComplementaryAreaVisible'); const identifier = state?.complementaryAreas?.[scope]; return isVisible && identifier === undefined; }); /** * Returns a boolean indicating if an item is pinned or not. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {string} scope Scope. * @param {string} item Item to check. * * @return {boolean} True if the item is pinned and false otherwise. */ const isItemPinned = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, scope, item) => { var _pinnedItems$item; scope = normalizeComplementaryAreaScope(scope); item = normalizeComplementaryAreaName(scope, item); const pinnedItems = select(, 'pinnedItems'); return (_pinnedItems$item = pinnedItems?.[item]) !== null && _pinnedItems$item !== void 0 ? _pinnedItems$item : true; }); /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether a feature is active for a particular * scope. * * @param {Object} state The store state. * @param {string} scope The scope of the feature (e.g. core/edit-post). * @param {string} featureName The name of the feature. * * @return {boolean} Is the feature enabled? */ const isFeatureActive = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, scope, featureName) => { external_wp_deprecated_default()(`select( 'core/interface' ).isFeatureActive( scope, featureName )`, { since: '6.0', alternative: `select( 'core/preferences' ).get( scope, featureName )` }); return !!select(, featureName); }); /** * Returns true if a modal is active, or false otherwise. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {string} modalName A string that uniquely identifies the modal. * * @return {boolean} Whether the modal is active. */ function isModalActive(state, modalName) { return state.activeModal === modalName; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/reducer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function complementaryAreas(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_DEFAULT_COMPLEMENTARY_AREA': { const { scope, area } = action; // If there's already an area, don't overwrite it. if (state[scope]) { return state; } return { ...state, [scope]: area }; } case 'ENABLE_COMPLEMENTARY_AREA': { const { scope, area } = action; return { ...state, [scope]: area }; } } return state; } /** * Reducer for storing the name of the open modal, or null if no modal is open. * * @param {Object} state Previous state. * @param {Object} action Action object containing the `name` of the modal * * @return {Object} Updated state */ function activeModal(state = null, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'OPEN_MODAL': return; case 'CLOSE_MODAL': return null; } return state; } /* harmony default export */ const store_reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ complementaryAreas, activeModal })); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/constants.js /** * The identifier for the data store. * * @type {string} */ const STORE_NAME = 'core/interface'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/store/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Store definition for the interface namespace. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, { reducer: store_reducer, actions: actions_namespaceObject, selectors: selectors_namespaceObject }); // Once we build a more generic persistence plugin that works across types of stores // we'd be able to replace this with a register call. (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","plugins"] const external_wp_plugins_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["plugins"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/complementary-area-context/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /* harmony default export */ const complementary_area_context = ((0,external_wp_plugins_namespaceObject.withPluginContext)((context, ownProps) => { return { icon: ownProps.icon || context.icon, identifier: ownProps.identifier || `${}/${}` }; })); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/complementary-area-toggle/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ComplementaryAreaToggle({ as = external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, scope, identifier, icon, selectedIcon, name, ...props }) { const ComponentToUse = as; const isSelected = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store).getActiveComplementaryArea(scope) === identifier, [identifier, scope]); const { enableComplementaryArea, disableComplementaryArea } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ComponentToUse, { icon: selectedIcon && isSelected ? selectedIcon : icon, "aria-controls": identifier.replace('/', ':'), onClick: () => { if (isSelected) { disableComplementaryArea(scope); } else { enableComplementaryArea(scope, identifier); } }, ...props }); } /* harmony default export */ const complementary_area_toggle = (complementary_area_context(ComplementaryAreaToggle)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/complementary-area-header/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ComplementaryAreaHeader = ({ smallScreenTitle, children, className, toggleButtonProps }) => { const toggleButton = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(complementary_area_toggle, { icon: close_small, ...toggleButtonProps }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-panel__header interface-complementary-area-header__small", children: [smallScreenTitle && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h2", { className: "interface-complementary-area-header__small-title", children: smallScreenTitle }), toggleButton] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: dist_clsx('components-panel__header', 'interface-complementary-area-header', className), tabIndex: -1, children: [children, toggleButton] })] }); }; /* harmony default export */ const complementary_area_header = (ComplementaryAreaHeader); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/action-item/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const noop = () => {}; function ActionItemSlot({ name, as: Component = external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ButtonGroup, fillProps = {}, bubblesVirtually, ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Slot, { name: name, bubblesVirtually: bubblesVirtually, fillProps: fillProps, children: fills => { if (!external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.toArray(fills).length) { return null; } // Special handling exists for backward compatibility. // It ensures that menu items created by plugin authors aren't // duplicated with automatically injected menu items coming // from pinnable plugin sidebars. // @see const initializedByPlugins = []; external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.forEach(fills, ({ props: { __unstableExplicitMenuItem, __unstableTarget } }) => { if (__unstableTarget && __unstableExplicitMenuItem) { initializedByPlugins.push(__unstableTarget); } }); const children =, child => { if (!child.props.__unstableExplicitMenuItem && initializedByPlugins.includes(child.props.__unstableTarget)) { return null; } return child; }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { ...props, children: children }); } }); } function ActionItem({ name, as: Component = external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, onClick, ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Fill, { name: name, children: ({ onClick: fpOnClick }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { onClick: onClick || fpOnClick ? (...args) => { (onClick || noop)(...args); (fpOnClick || noop)(...args); } : undefined, ...props }); } }); } ActionItem.Slot = ActionItemSlot; /* harmony default export */ const action_item = (ActionItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/complementary-area-more-menu-item/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const PluginsMenuItem = ({ // Menu item is marked with unstable prop for backward compatibility. // They are removed so they don't leak to DOM elements. // @see __unstableExplicitMenuItem, __unstableTarget, ...restProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuItem, { ...restProps }); function ComplementaryAreaMoreMenuItem({ scope, target, __unstableExplicitMenuItem, ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(complementary_area_toggle, { as: toggleProps => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(action_item, { __unstableExplicitMenuItem: __unstableExplicitMenuItem, __unstableTarget: `${scope}/${target}`, as: PluginsMenuItem, name: `${scope}/plugin-more-menu`, ...toggleProps }); }, role: "menuitemcheckbox", selectedIcon: library_check, name: target, scope: scope, ...props }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/pinned-items/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function PinnedItems({ scope, ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Fill, { name: `PinnedItems/${scope}`, ...props }); } function PinnedItemsSlot({ scope, className, ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Slot, { name: `PinnedItems/${scope}`, ...props, children: fills => fills?.length > 0 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: dist_clsx(className, 'interface-pinned-items'), children: fills }) }); } PinnedItems.Slot = PinnedItemsSlot; /* harmony default export */ const pinned_items = (PinnedItems); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/complementary-area/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ANIMATION_DURATION = 0.3; function ComplementaryAreaSlot({ scope, ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Slot, { name: `ComplementaryArea/${scope}`, ...props }); } const SIDEBAR_WIDTH = 280; const variants = { open: { width: SIDEBAR_WIDTH }, closed: { width: 0 }, mobileOpen: { width: '100vw' } }; function ComplementaryAreaFill({ activeArea, isActive, scope, children, className, id }) { const disableMotion = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useReducedMotion)(); const isMobileViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium', '<'); // This is used to delay the exit animation to the next tick. // The reason this is done is to allow us to apply the right transition properties // When we switch from an open sidebar to another open sidebar. // we don't want to animate in this case. const previousActiveArea = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(activeArea); const previousIsActive = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(isActive); const [, setState] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({}); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { setState({}); }, [isActive]); const transition = { type: 'tween', duration: disableMotion || isMobileViewport || !!previousActiveArea && !!activeArea && activeArea !== previousActiveArea ? 0 : ANIMATION_DURATION, ease: [0.6, 0, 0.4, 1] }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Fill, { name: `ComplementaryArea/${scope}`, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableAnimatePresence, { initial: false, children: (previousIsActive || isActive) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableMotion.div, { variants: variants, initial: "closed", animate: isMobileViewport ? 'mobileOpen' : 'open', exit: "closed", transition: transition, className: "interface-complementary-area__fill", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { id: id, className: className, style: { width: isMobileViewport ? '100vw' : SIDEBAR_WIDTH }, children: children }) }) }) }); } function useAdjustComplementaryListener(scope, identifier, activeArea, isActive, isSmall) { const previousIsSmall = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); const shouldOpenWhenNotSmall = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); const { enableComplementaryArea, disableComplementaryArea } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // If the complementary area is active and the editor is switching from // a big to a small window size. if (isActive && isSmall && !previousIsSmall.current) { disableComplementaryArea(scope); // Flag the complementary area to be reopened when the window size // goes from small to big. shouldOpenWhenNotSmall.current = true; } else if ( // If there is a flag indicating the complementary area should be // enabled when we go from small to big window size and we are going // from a small to big window size. shouldOpenWhenNotSmall.current && !isSmall && previousIsSmall.current) { // Remove the flag indicating the complementary area should be // enabled. shouldOpenWhenNotSmall.current = false; enableComplementaryArea(scope, identifier); } else if ( // If the flag is indicating the current complementary should be // reopened but another complementary area becomes active, remove // the flag. shouldOpenWhenNotSmall.current && activeArea && activeArea !== identifier) { shouldOpenWhenNotSmall.current = false; } if (isSmall !== previousIsSmall.current) { previousIsSmall.current = isSmall; } }, [isActive, isSmall, scope, identifier, activeArea, disableComplementaryArea, enableComplementaryArea]); } function ComplementaryArea({ children, className, closeLabel = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close plugin'), identifier, header, headerClassName, icon, isPinnable = true, panelClassName, scope, name, smallScreenTitle, title, toggleShortcut, isActiveByDefault }) { // This state is used to delay the rendering of the Fill // until the initial effect runs. // This prevents the animation from running on mount if // the complementary area is active by default. const [isReady, setIsReady] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const { isLoading, isActive, isPinned, activeArea, isSmall, isLarge, showIconLabels } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getActiveComplementaryArea, isComplementaryAreaLoading, isItemPinned } = select(store); const { get } = select(; const _activeArea = getActiveComplementaryArea(scope); return { isLoading: isComplementaryAreaLoading(scope), isActive: _activeArea === identifier, isPinned: isItemPinned(scope, identifier), activeArea: _activeArea, isSmall: select('< medium'), isLarge: select('large'), showIconLabels: get('core', 'showIconLabels') }; }, [identifier, scope]); useAdjustComplementaryListener(scope, identifier, activeArea, isActive, isSmall); const { enableComplementaryArea, disableComplementaryArea, pinItem, unpinItem } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // Set initial visibility: For large screens, enable if it's active by // default. For small screens, always initially disable. if (isActiveByDefault && activeArea === undefined && !isSmall) { enableComplementaryArea(scope, identifier); } else if (activeArea === undefined && isSmall) { disableComplementaryArea(scope, identifier); } setIsReady(true); }, [activeArea, isActiveByDefault, scope, identifier, isSmall, enableComplementaryArea, disableComplementaryArea]); if (!isReady) { return; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [isPinnable && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(pinned_items, { scope: scope, children: isPinned && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(complementary_area_toggle, { scope: scope, identifier: identifier, isPressed: isActive && (!showIconLabels || isLarge), "aria-expanded": isActive, "aria-disabled": isLoading, label: title, icon: showIconLabels ? library_check : icon, showTooltip: !showIconLabels, variant: showIconLabels ? 'tertiary' : undefined, size: "compact" }) }), name && isPinnable && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ComplementaryAreaMoreMenuItem, { target: name, scope: scope, icon: icon, children: title }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ComplementaryAreaFill, { activeArea: activeArea, isActive: isActive, className: dist_clsx('interface-complementary-area', className), scope: scope, id: identifier.replace('/', ':'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(complementary_area_header, { className: headerClassName, closeLabel: closeLabel, onClose: () => disableComplementaryArea(scope), smallScreenTitle: smallScreenTitle, toggleButtonProps: { label: closeLabel, size: 'small', shortcut: toggleShortcut, scope, identifier }, children: header || /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h2", { className: "interface-complementary-area-header__title", children: title }), isPinnable && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { className: "interface-complementary-area__pin-unpin-item", icon: isPinned ? star_filled : star_empty, label: isPinned ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Unpin from toolbar') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Pin to toolbar'), onClick: () => (isPinned ? unpinItem : pinItem)(scope, identifier), isPressed: isPinned, "aria-expanded": isPinned, size: "compact" })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Panel, { className: panelClassName, children: children })] })] }); } const ComplementaryAreaWrapped = complementary_area_context(ComplementaryArea); ComplementaryAreaWrapped.Slot = ComplementaryAreaSlot; /* harmony default export */ const complementary_area = (ComplementaryAreaWrapped); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/navigable-region/index.js /** * External dependencies */ function NavigableRegion({ children, className, ariaLabel, as: Tag = 'div', ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tag, { className: dist_clsx('interface-navigable-region', className), "aria-label": ariaLabel, role: "region", tabIndex: "-1", ...props, children: children }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/interface-skeleton/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const interface_skeleton_ANIMATION_DURATION = 0.25; const commonTransition = { type: 'tween', duration: interface_skeleton_ANIMATION_DURATION, ease: [0.6, 0, 0.4, 1] }; function useHTMLClass(className) { (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const element = document && document.querySelector(`html:not(.${className})`); if (!element) { return; } element.classList.toggle(className); return () => { element.classList.toggle(className); }; }, [className]); } const headerVariants = { hidden: { opacity: 1, marginTop: -60 }, visible: { opacity: 1, marginTop: 0 }, distractionFreeHover: { opacity: 1, marginTop: 0, transition: { ...commonTransition, delay: 0.2, delayChildren: 0.2 } }, distractionFreeHidden: { opacity: 0, marginTop: -60 }, distractionFreeDisabled: { opacity: 0, marginTop: 0, transition: { ...commonTransition, delay: 0.8, delayChildren: 0.8 } } }; function InterfaceSkeleton({ isDistractionFree, footer, header, editorNotices, sidebar, secondarySidebar, content, actions, labels, className, enableRegionNavigation = true, // Todo: does this need to be a prop. // Can we use a dependency to keyboard-shortcuts directly? shortcuts }, ref) { const [secondarySidebarResizeListener, secondarySidebarSize] = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useResizeObserver)(); const isMobileViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium', '<'); const disableMotion = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useReducedMotion)(); const defaultTransition = { type: 'tween', duration: disableMotion ? 0 : interface_skeleton_ANIMATION_DURATION, ease: [0.6, 0, 0.4, 1] }; const navigateRegionsProps = (0,external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableUseNavigateRegions)(shortcuts); useHTMLClass('interface-interface-skeleton__html-container'); const defaultLabels = { /* translators: accessibility text for the top bar landmark region. */ header: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Header', 'header landmark area'), /* translators: accessibility text for the content landmark region. */ body: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Content'), /* translators: accessibility text for the secondary sidebar landmark region. */ secondarySidebar: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Block Library'), /* translators: accessibility text for the settings landmark region. */ sidebar: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), /* translators: accessibility text for the publish landmark region. */ actions: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Publish'), /* translators: accessibility text for the footer landmark region. */ footer: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Footer') }; const mergedLabels = { ...defaultLabels, ...labels }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ...(enableRegionNavigation ? navigateRegionsProps : {}), ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([ref, enableRegionNavigation ? navigateRegionsProps.ref : undefined]), className: dist_clsx(className, 'interface-interface-skeleton', navigateRegionsProps.className, !!footer && 'has-footer'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__editor", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableAnimatePresence, { initial: false, children: !!header && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigableRegion, { as: external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableMotion.div, className: "interface-interface-skeleton__header", "aria-label": mergedLabels.header, initial: isDistractionFree ? 'distractionFreeHidden' : 'hidden', whileHover: isDistractionFree ? 'distractionFreeHover' : 'visible', animate: isDistractionFree ? 'distractionFreeDisabled' : 'visible', exit: isDistractionFree ? 'distractionFreeHidden' : 'hidden', variants: headerVariants, transition: defaultTransition, children: header }) }), isDistractionFree && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__header", children: editorNotices }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__body", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableAnimatePresence, { initial: false, children: !!secondarySidebar && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigableRegion, { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__secondary-sidebar", ariaLabel: mergedLabels.secondarySidebar, as: external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableMotion.div, initial: "closed", animate: isMobileViewport ? 'mobileOpen' : 'open', exit: "closed", variants: { open: { width: secondarySidebarSize.width }, closed: { width: 0 }, mobileOpen: { width: '100vw' } }, transition: defaultTransition, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { style: { position: 'absolute', width: isMobileViewport ? '100vw' : 'fit-content', height: '100%', right: 0 }, children: [secondarySidebarResizeListener, secondarySidebar] }) }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigableRegion, { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__content", ariaLabel: mergedLabels.body, children: content }), !!sidebar && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigableRegion, { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__sidebar", ariaLabel: mergedLabels.sidebar, children: sidebar }), !!actions && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigableRegion, { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__actions", ariaLabel: mergedLabels.actions, children: actions })] })] }), !!footer && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigableRegion, { className: "interface-interface-skeleton__footer", ariaLabel: mergedLabels.footer, children: footer })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const interface_skeleton = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(InterfaceSkeleton)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/components/index.js ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interface/build-module/index.js ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockEditor"] const external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockEditor"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/transformers.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Converts a widget entity record into a block. * * @param {Object} widget The widget entity record. * @return {Object} a block (converted from the entity record). */ function transformWidgetToBlock(widget) { if (widget.id_base === 'block') { const parsedBlocks = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.parse)(widget.instance.raw.content, { __unstableSkipAutop: true }); if (!parsedBlocks.length) { return (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.addWidgetIdToBlock)((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/paragraph', {}, []),; } return (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.addWidgetIdToBlock)(parsedBlocks[0],; } let attributes; if (widget._embedded.about[0].is_multi) { attributes = { idBase: widget.id_base, instance: widget.instance }; } else { attributes = { id: }; } return (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.addWidgetIdToBlock)((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/legacy-widget', attributes, []),; } /** * Converts a block to a widget entity record. * * @param {Object} block The block. * @param {Object?} relatedWidget A related widget entity record from the API (optional). * @return {Object} the widget object (converted from block). */ function transformBlockToWidget(block, relatedWidget = {}) { let widget; const isValidLegacyWidgetBlock = === 'core/legacy-widget' && ( || block.attributes.instance); if (isValidLegacyWidgetBlock) { var _block$attributes$id, _block$attributes$idB, _block$attributes$ins; widget = { ...relatedWidget, id: (_block$attributes$id = !== null && _block$attributes$id !== void 0 ? _block$attributes$id :, id_base: (_block$attributes$idB = block.attributes.idBase) !== null && _block$attributes$idB !== void 0 ? _block$attributes$idB : relatedWidget.id_base, instance: (_block$attributes$ins = block.attributes.instance) !== null && _block$attributes$ins !== void 0 ? _block$attributes$ins : relatedWidget.instance }; } else { widget = { ...relatedWidget, id_base: 'block', instance: { raw: { content: (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.serialize)(block) } } }; } // Delete read-only properties. delete widget.rendered; delete widget.rendered_form; return widget; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/utils.js /** * "Kind" of the navigation post. * * @type {string} */ const KIND = 'root'; /** * "post type" of the navigation post. * * @type {string} */ const WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE = 'sidebar'; /** * "post type" of the widget area post. * * @type {string} */ const POST_TYPE = 'postType'; /** * Builds an ID for a new widget area post. * * @param {number} widgetAreaId Widget area id. * @return {string} An ID. */ const buildWidgetAreaPostId = widgetAreaId => `widget-area-${widgetAreaId}`; /** * Builds an ID for a global widget areas post. * * @return {string} An ID. */ const buildWidgetAreasPostId = () => `widget-areas`; /** * Builds a query to resolve sidebars. * * @return {Object} Query. */ function buildWidgetAreasQuery() { return { per_page: -1 }; } /** * Builds a query to resolve widgets. * * @return {Object} Query. */ function buildWidgetsQuery() { return { per_page: -1, _embed: 'about' }; } /** * Creates a stub post with given id and set of blocks. Used as a governing entity records * for all widget areas. * * @param {string} id Post ID. * @param {Array} blocks The list of blocks. * @return {Object} A stub post object formatted in compliance with the data layer. */ const createStubPost = (id, blocks) => ({ id, slug: id, status: 'draft', type: 'page', blocks, meta: { widgetAreaId: id } }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/constants.js /** * Module Constants */ const constants_STORE_NAME = 'core/edit-widgets'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/actions.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Persists a stub post with given ID to core data store. The post is meant to be in-memory only and * shouldn't be saved via the API. * * @param {string} id Post ID. * @param {Array} blocks Blocks the post should consist of. * @return {Object} The post object. */ const persistStubPost = (id, blocks) => ({ registry }) => { const stubPost = createStubPost(id, blocks); registry.dispatch(, POST_TYPE, stubPost, { id: }, false); return stubPost; }; /** * Converts all the blocks from edited widget areas into widgets, * and submits a batch request to save everything at once. * * Creates a snackbar notice on either success or error. * * @return {Function} An action creator. */ const saveEditedWidgetAreas = () => async ({ select, dispatch, registry }) => { const editedWidgetAreas = select.getEditedWidgetAreas(); if (!editedWidgetAreas?.length) { return; } try { await dispatch.saveWidgetAreas(editedWidgetAreas); registry.dispatch(,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets saved.'), { type: 'snackbar' }); } catch (e) { registry.dispatch( /* translators: %s: The error message. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('There was an error. %s'), e.message), { type: 'snackbar' }); } }; /** * Converts all the blocks from specified widget areas into widgets, * and submits a batch request to save everything at once. * * @param {Object[]} widgetAreas Widget areas to save. * @return {Function} An action creator. */ const saveWidgetAreas = widgetAreas => async ({ dispatch, registry }) => { try { for (const widgetArea of widgetAreas) { await dispatch.saveWidgetArea(; } } finally { // saveEditedEntityRecord resets the resolution status, let's fix it manually. await registry.dispatch('getEntityRecord', KIND, WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE, buildWidgetAreasQuery()); } }; /** * Converts all the blocks from a widget area specified by ID into widgets, * and submits a batch request to save everything at once. * * @param {string} widgetAreaId ID of the widget area to process. * @return {Function} An action creator. */ const saveWidgetArea = widgetAreaId => async ({ dispatch, select, registry }) => { const widgets = select.getWidgets(); const post =, POST_TYPE, buildWidgetAreaPostId(widgetAreaId)); // Get all widgets from this area const areaWidgets = Object.values(widgets).filter(({ sidebar }) => sidebar === widgetAreaId); // Remove all duplicate reference widget instances for legacy widgets. // Why? We filter out the widgets with duplicate IDs to prevent adding more than one instance of a widget // implemented using a function. WordPress doesn't support having more than one instance of these, if you try to // save multiple instances of these in different sidebars you will run into undefined behaviors. const usedReferenceWidgets = []; const widgetsBlocks = post.blocks.filter(block => { const { id } = block.attributes; if ( === 'core/legacy-widget' && id) { if (usedReferenceWidgets.includes(id)) { return false; } usedReferenceWidgets.push(id); } return true; }); // Determine which widgets have been deleted. We can tell if a widget is // deleted and not just moved to a different area by looking to see if // getWidgetAreaForWidgetId() finds something. const deletedWidgets = []; for (const widget of areaWidgets) { const widgetsNewArea = select.getWidgetAreaForWidgetId(; if (!widgetsNewArea) { deletedWidgets.push(widget); } } const batchMeta = []; const batchTasks = []; const sidebarWidgetsIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < widgetsBlocks.length; i++) { const block = widgetsBlocks[i]; const widgetId = (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.getWidgetIdFromBlock)(block); const oldWidget = widgets[widgetId]; const widget = transformBlockToWidget(block, oldWidget); // We'll replace the null widgetId after save, but we track it here // since order is important. sidebarWidgetsIds.push(widgetId); // Check oldWidget as widgetId might refer to an ID which has been // deleted, e.g. if a deleted block is restored via undo after saving. if (oldWidget) { // Update an existing widget. registry.dispatch('root', 'widget', widgetId, { ...widget, sidebar: widgetAreaId }, { undoIgnore: true }); const hasEdits ='root', 'widget', widgetId); if (!hasEdits) { continue; } batchTasks.push(({ saveEditedEntityRecord }) => saveEditedEntityRecord('root', 'widget', widgetId)); } else { // Create a new widget. batchTasks.push(({ saveEntityRecord }) => saveEntityRecord('root', 'widget', { ...widget, sidebar: widgetAreaId })); } batchMeta.push({ block, position: i, clientId: block.clientId }); } for (const widget of deletedWidgets) { batchTasks.push(({ deleteEntityRecord }) => deleteEntityRecord('root', 'widget',, { force: true })); } const records = await registry.dispatch(; const preservedRecords = records.filter(record => !record.hasOwnProperty('deleted')); const failedWidgetNames = []; for (let i = 0; i < preservedRecords.length; i++) { const widget = preservedRecords[i]; const { block, position } = batchMeta[i]; // Set __internalWidgetId on the block. This will be persisted to the // store when we dispatch receiveEntityRecords( post ) below. post.blocks[position].attributes.__internalWidgetId =; const error ='root', 'widget',; if (error) { failedWidgetNames.push(block.attributes?.name || block?.name); } if (!sidebarWidgetsIds[position]) { sidebarWidgetsIds[position] =; } } if (failedWidgetNames.length) { throw new Error((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: List of widget names */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Could not save the following widgets: %s.'), failedWidgetNames.join(', '))); } registry.dispatch(, WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE, widgetAreaId, { widgets: sidebarWidgetsIds }, { undoIgnore: true }); dispatch(trySaveWidgetArea(widgetAreaId)); registry.dispatch(, POST_TYPE, post, undefined); }; const trySaveWidgetArea = widgetAreaId => ({ registry }) => { registry.dispatch(, WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE, widgetAreaId, { throwOnError: true }); }; /** * Sets the clientId stored for a particular widgetId. * * @param {number} clientId Client id. * @param {number} widgetId Widget id. * * @return {Object} Action. */ function setWidgetIdForClientId(clientId, widgetId) { return { type: 'SET_WIDGET_ID_FOR_CLIENT_ID', clientId, widgetId }; } /** * Sets the open state of all the widget areas. * * @param {Object} widgetAreasOpenState The open states of all the widget areas. * * @return {Object} Action. */ function setWidgetAreasOpenState(widgetAreasOpenState) { return { type: 'SET_WIDGET_AREAS_OPEN_STATE', widgetAreasOpenState }; } /** * Sets the open state of the widget area. * * @param {string} clientId The clientId of the widget area. * @param {boolean} isOpen Whether the widget area should be opened. * * @return {Object} Action. */ function setIsWidgetAreaOpen(clientId, isOpen) { return { type: 'SET_IS_WIDGET_AREA_OPEN', clientId, isOpen }; } /** * Returns an action object used to open/close the inserter. * * @param {boolean|Object} value Whether the inserter should be * opened (true) or closed (false). * To specify an insertion point, * use an object. * @param {string} value.rootClientId The root client ID to insert at. * @param {number} value.insertionIndex The index to insert at. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setIsInserterOpened(value) { return { type: 'SET_IS_INSERTER_OPENED', value }; } /** * Returns an action object used to open/close the list view. * * @param {boolean} isOpen A boolean representing whether the list view should be opened or closed. * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setIsListViewOpened(isOpen) { return { type: 'SET_IS_LIST_VIEW_OPENED', isOpen }; } /** * Returns an action object signalling that the user closed the sidebar. * * @return {Object} Action creator. */ const closeGeneralSidebar = () => ({ registry }) => { registry.dispatch(store).disableComplementaryArea(constants_STORE_NAME); }; /** * Action that handles moving a block between widget areas * * @param {string} clientId The clientId of the block to move. * @param {string} widgetAreaId The id of the widget area to move the block to. */ const moveBlockToWidgetArea = (clientId, widgetAreaId) => async ({ dispatch, select, registry }) => { const sourceRootClientId =; // Search the top level blocks (widget areas) for the one with the matching // id attribute. Makes the assumption that all top-level blocks are widget // areas. const widgetAreas =; const destinationWidgetAreaBlock = widgetAreas.find(({ attributes }) => === widgetAreaId); const destinationRootClientId = destinationWidgetAreaBlock.clientId; // Get the index for moving to the end of the destination widget area. const destinationInnerBlocksClientIds =; const destinationIndex = destinationInnerBlocksClientIds.length; // Reveal the widget area, if it's not open. const isDestinationWidgetAreaOpen = select.getIsWidgetAreaOpen(destinationRootClientId); if (!isDestinationWidgetAreaOpen) { dispatch.setIsWidgetAreaOpen(destinationRootClientId, true); } // Move the block. registry.dispatch([clientId], sourceRootClientId, destinationRootClientId, destinationIndex); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/resolvers.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Creates a "stub" widgets post reflecting all available widget areas. The * post is meant as a convenient to only exists in runtime and should never be saved. It * enables a convenient way of editing the widgets by using a regular post editor. * * Fetches all widgets from all widgets aras, converts them into blocks, and hydrates a new post with them. * * @return {Function} An action creator. */ const getWidgetAreas = () => async ({ dispatch, registry }) => { const query = buildWidgetAreasQuery(); const widgetAreas = await registry.resolveSelect(, WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE, query); const widgetAreaBlocks = []; const sortedWidgetAreas = widgetAreas.sort((a, b) => { if ( === 'wp_inactive_widgets') { return 1; } if ( === 'wp_inactive_widgets') { return -1; } return 0; }); for (const widgetArea of sortedWidgetAreas) { widgetAreaBlocks.push((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/widget-area', { id:, name: })); if (!widgetArea.widgets.length) { // If this widget area has no widgets, it won't get a post setup by // the getWidgets resolver. dispatch(persistStubPost(buildWidgetAreaPostId(, [])); } } const widgetAreasOpenState = {}; widgetAreaBlocks.forEach((widgetAreaBlock, index) => { // Defaults to open the first widget area. widgetAreasOpenState[widgetAreaBlock.clientId] = index === 0; }); dispatch(setWidgetAreasOpenState(widgetAreasOpenState)); dispatch(persistStubPost(buildWidgetAreasPostId(), widgetAreaBlocks)); }; /** * Fetches all widgets from all widgets ares, and groups them by widget area Id. * * @return {Function} An action creator. */ const getWidgets = () => async ({ dispatch, registry }) => { const query = buildWidgetsQuery(); const widgets = await registry.resolveSelect('root', 'widget', query); const groupedBySidebar = {}; for (const widget of widgets) { const block = transformWidgetToBlock(widget); groupedBySidebar[widget.sidebar] = groupedBySidebar[widget.sidebar] || []; groupedBySidebar[widget.sidebar].push(block); } for (const sidebarId in groupedBySidebar) { if (groupedBySidebar.hasOwnProperty(sidebarId)) { // Persist the actual post containing the widget block dispatch(persistStubPost(buildWidgetAreaPostId(sidebarId), groupedBySidebar[sidebarId])); } } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/selectors.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const EMPTY_INSERTION_POINT = { rootClientId: undefined, insertionIndex: undefined }; /** * Returns all API widgets. * * @return {Object[]} API List of widgets. */ const selectors_getWidgets = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => () => { const widgets = select('root', 'widget', buildWidgetsQuery()); return ( // Key widgets by their ID. widgets?.reduce((allWidgets, widget) => ({ ...allWidgets, []: widget }), {}) || {} ); }); /** * Returns API widget data for a particular widget ID. * * @param {number} id Widget ID. * * @return {Object} API widget data for a particular widget ID. */ const getWidget = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, id) => { const widgets = select(constants_STORE_NAME).getWidgets(); return widgets[id]; }); /** * Returns all API widget areas. * * @return {Object[]} API List of widget areas. */ const selectors_getWidgetAreas = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => () => { const query = buildWidgetAreasQuery(); return select(, WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE, query); }); /** * Returns widgetArea containing a block identify by given widgetId * * @param {string} widgetId The ID of the widget. * @return {Object} Containing widget area. */ const getWidgetAreaForWidgetId = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, widgetId) => { const widgetAreas = select(constants_STORE_NAME).getWidgetAreas(); return widgetAreas.find(widgetArea => { const post = select(, POST_TYPE, buildWidgetAreaPostId(; const blockWidgetIds = => (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.getWidgetIdFromBlock)(block)); return blockWidgetIds.includes(widgetId); }); }); /** * Given a child client id, returns the parent widget area block. * * @param {string} clientId The client id of a block in a widget area. * * @return {WPBlock} The widget area block. */ const getParentWidgetAreaBlock = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, clientId) => { const { getBlock, getBlockName, getBlockParents } = select(; const blockParents = getBlockParents(clientId); const widgetAreaClientId = blockParents.find(parentClientId => getBlockName(parentClientId) === 'core/widget-area'); return getBlock(widgetAreaClientId); }); /** * Returns all edited widget area entity records. * * @return {Object[]} List of edited widget area entity records. */ const getEditedWidgetAreas = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, ids) => { let widgetAreas = select(constants_STORE_NAME).getWidgetAreas(); if (!widgetAreas) { return []; } if (ids) { widgetAreas = widgetAreas.filter(({ id }) => ids.includes(id)); } return widgetAreas.filter(({ id }) => select(, POST_TYPE, buildWidgetAreaPostId(id))).map(({ id }) => select(, WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE, id)); }); /** * Returns all blocks representing reference widgets. * * @param {string} referenceWidgetName Optional. If given, only reference widgets with this name will be returned. * @return {Array} List of all blocks representing reference widgets */ const getReferenceWidgetBlocks = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, referenceWidgetName = null) => { const results = []; const widgetAreas = select(constants_STORE_NAME).getWidgetAreas(); for (const _widgetArea of widgetAreas) { const post = select(, POST_TYPE, buildWidgetAreaPostId(; for (const block of post.blocks) { if ( === 'core/legacy-widget' && (!referenceWidgetName || block.attributes?.referenceWidgetName === referenceWidgetName)) { results.push(block); } } } return results; }); /** * Returns true if any widget area is currently being saved. * * @return {boolean} True if any widget area is currently being saved. False otherwise. */ const isSavingWidgetAreas = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => () => { const widgetAreasIds = select(constants_STORE_NAME).getWidgetAreas()?.map(({ id }) => id); if (!widgetAreasIds) { return false; } for (const id of widgetAreasIds) { const isSaving = select(, WIDGET_AREA_ENTITY_TYPE, id); if (isSaving) { return true; } } const widgetIds = [...Object.keys(select(constants_STORE_NAME).getWidgets()), undefined // account for new widgets without an ID ]; for (const id of widgetIds) { const isSaving = select('root', 'widget', id); if (isSaving) { return true; } } return false; }); /** * Gets whether the widget area is opened. * * @param {Array} state The open state of the widget areas. * @param {string} clientId The clientId of the widget area. * * @return {boolean} True if the widget area is open. */ const getIsWidgetAreaOpen = (state, clientId) => { const { widgetAreasOpenState } = state; return !!widgetAreasOpenState[clientId]; }; /** * Returns true if the inserter is opened. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * * @return {boolean} Whether the inserter is opened. */ function isInserterOpened(state) { return !!state.blockInserterPanel; } /** * Get the insertion point for the inserter. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * * @return {Object} The root client ID and index to insert at. */ function __experimentalGetInsertionPoint(state) { if (typeof state.blockInserterPanel === 'boolean') { return EMPTY_INSERTION_POINT; } return state.blockInserterPanel; } /** * Returns true if a block can be inserted into a widget area. * * @param {Array} state The open state of the widget areas. * @param {string} blockName The name of the block being inserted. * * @return {boolean} True if the block can be inserted in a widget area. */ const canInsertBlockInWidgetArea = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, blockName) => { // Widget areas are always top-level blocks, which getBlocks will return. const widgetAreas = select(; // Makes an assumption that a block that can be inserted into one // widget area can be inserted into any widget area. Uses the first // widget area for testing whether the block can be inserted. const [firstWidgetArea] = widgetAreas; return select(, firstWidgetArea.clientId); }); /** * Returns true if the list view is opened. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * * @return {boolean} Whether the list view is opened. */ function isListViewOpened(state) { return state.listViewPanel; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/private-selectors.js function getListViewToggleRef(state) { return state.listViewToggleRef; } function getInserterSidebarToggleRef(state) { return state.inserterSidebarToggleRef; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/lock-unlock.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/edit-widgets'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/store/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Block editor data store configuration. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const storeConfig = { reducer: reducer, selectors: store_selectors_namespaceObject, resolvers: resolvers_namespaceObject, actions: store_actions_namespaceObject }; /** * Store definition for the edit widgets namespace. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const store_store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(constants_STORE_NAME, storeConfig); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store_store); // This package uses a few in-memory post types as wrappers for convenience. // This middleware prevents any network requests related to these types as they are // bound to fail anyway. external_wp_apiFetch_default().use(function (options, next) { if (options.path?.indexOf('/wp/v2/types/widget-area') === 0) { return Promise.resolve({}); } return next(options); }); unlock(store_store).registerPrivateSelectors(private_selectors_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","hooks"] const external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["hooks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/filters/move-to-widget-area.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const withMoveToWidgetAreaToolbarItem = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(BlockEdit => props => { const { clientId, name: blockName } = props; const { widgetAreas, currentWidgetAreaId, canInsertBlockInWidgetArea } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { // Component won't display for a widget area, so don't run selectors. if (blockName === 'core/widget-area') { return {}; } const selectors = select(store_store); const widgetAreaBlock = selectors.getParentWidgetAreaBlock(clientId); return { widgetAreas: selectors.getWidgetAreas(), currentWidgetAreaId: widgetAreaBlock?.attributes?.id, canInsertBlockInWidgetArea: selectors.canInsertBlockInWidgetArea(blockName) }; }, [clientId, blockName]); const { moveBlockToWidgetArea } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const hasMultipleWidgetAreas = widgetAreas?.length > 1; const isMoveToWidgetAreaVisible = blockName !== 'core/widget-area' && hasMultipleWidgetAreas && canInsertBlockInWidgetArea; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BlockEdit, { ...props }), isMoveToWidgetAreaVisible && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.MoveToWidgetArea, { widgetAreas: widgetAreas, currentWidgetAreaId: currentWidgetAreaId, onSelect: widgetAreaId => { moveBlockToWidgetArea(props.clientId, widgetAreaId); } }) })] }); }, 'withMoveToWidgetAreaToolbarItem'); (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.addFilter)('editor.BlockEdit', 'core/edit-widgets/block-edit', withMoveToWidgetAreaToolbarItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","mediaUtils"] const external_wp_mediaUtils_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["mediaUtils"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/filters/replace-media-upload.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const replaceMediaUpload = () => external_wp_mediaUtils_namespaceObject.MediaUpload; (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.addFilter)('editor.MediaUpload', 'core/edit-widgets/replace-media-upload', replaceMediaUpload); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/filters/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/blocks/widget-area/edit/use-is-dragging-within.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/element').RefObject} RefObject */ /** * A React hook to determine if it's dragging within the target element. * * @param {RefObject<HTMLElement>} elementRef The target elementRef object. * * @return {boolean} Is dragging within the target element. */ const useIsDraggingWithin = elementRef => { const [isDraggingWithin, setIsDraggingWithin] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const { ownerDocument } = elementRef.current; function handleDragStart(event) { // Check the first time when the dragging starts. handleDragEnter(event); } // Set to false whenever the user cancel the drag event by either releasing the mouse or press Escape. function handleDragEnd() { setIsDraggingWithin(false); } function handleDragEnter(event) { // Check if the current target is inside the item element. if (elementRef.current.contains( { setIsDraggingWithin(true); } else { setIsDraggingWithin(false); } } // Bind these events to the document to catch all drag events. // Ideally, we can also use `event.relatedTarget`, but sadly that doesn't work in Safari. ownerDocument.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); ownerDocument.addEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); ownerDocument.addEventListener('dragenter', handleDragEnter); return () => { ownerDocument.removeEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); ownerDocument.removeEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); ownerDocument.removeEventListener('dragenter', handleDragEnter); }; }, []); return isDraggingWithin; }; /* harmony default export */ const use_is_dragging_within = (useIsDraggingWithin); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/blocks/widget-area/edit/inner-blocks.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function WidgetAreaInnerBlocks({ id }) { const [blocks, onInput, onChange] = (0,external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.useEntityBlockEditor)('root', 'postType'); const innerBlocksRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const isDraggingWithinInnerBlocks = use_is_dragging_within(innerBlocksRef); const shouldHighlightDropZone = isDraggingWithinInnerBlocks; // Using the experimental hook so that we can control the className of the element. const innerBlocksProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useInnerBlocksProps)({ ref: innerBlocksRef }, { value: blocks, onInput, onChange, templateLock: false, renderAppender: external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.ButtonBlockAppender }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { "data-widget-area-id": id, className: dist_clsx('wp-block-widget-area__inner-blocks block-editor-inner-blocks editor-styles-wrapper', { 'wp-block-widget-area__highlight-drop-zone': shouldHighlightDropZone }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...innerBlocksProps }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/blocks/widget-area/edit/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/element').RefObject} RefObject */ function WidgetAreaEdit({ clientId, className, attributes: { id, name } }) { const isOpen = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store_store).getIsWidgetAreaOpen(clientId), [clientId]); const { setIsWidgetAreaOpen } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const wrapper = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const setOpen = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(openState => setIsWidgetAreaOpen(clientId, openState), [clientId]); const isDragging = useIsDragging(wrapper); const isDraggingWithin = use_is_dragging_within(wrapper); const [openedWhileDragging, setOpenedWhileDragging] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isDragging) { setOpenedWhileDragging(false); return; } if (isDraggingWithin && !isOpen) { setOpen(true); setOpenedWhileDragging(true); } else if (!isDraggingWithin && isOpen && openedWhileDragging) { setOpen(false); } }, [isOpen, isDragging, isDraggingWithin, openedWhileDragging]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Panel, { className: className, ref: wrapper, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: name, opened: isOpen, onToggle: () => { setIsWidgetAreaOpen(clientId, !isOpen); }, scrollAfterOpen: !isDragging, children: ({ opened }) => /*#__PURE__*/ // This is required to ensure LegacyWidget blocks are not // unmounted when the panel is collapsed. Unmounting legacy // widgets may have unintended consequences (e.g. TinyMCE // not being properly reinitialized) (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__unstableDisclosureContent, { className: "wp-block-widget-area__panel-body-content", visible: opened, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.EntityProvider, { kind: "root", type: "postType", id: `widget-area-${id}`, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WidgetAreaInnerBlocks, { id: id }) }) }) }) }); } /** * A React hook to determine if dragging is active. * * @param {RefObject<HTMLElement>} elementRef The target elementRef object. * * @return {boolean} Is dragging within the entire document. */ const useIsDragging = elementRef => { const [isDragging, setIsDragging] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const { ownerDocument } = elementRef.current; function handleDragStart() { setIsDragging(true); } function handleDragEnd() { setIsDragging(false); } ownerDocument.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); ownerDocument.addEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); return () => { ownerDocument.removeEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart); ownerDocument.removeEventListener('dragend', handleDragEnd); }; }, []); return isDragging; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/blocks/widget-area/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const metadata = { $schema: "", name: "core/widget-area", title: "Widget Area", category: "widgets", attributes: { id: { type: "string" }, name: { type: "string" } }, supports: { html: false, inserter: false, customClassName: false, reusable: false, __experimentalToolbar: false, __experimentalParentSelector: false, __experimentalDisableBlockOverlay: true }, editorStyle: "wp-block-widget-area-editor", style: "wp-block-widget-area" }; const { name: widget_area_name } = metadata; const settings = { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget Area'), description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('A widget area container.'), __experimentalLabel: ({ name: label }) => label, edit: WidgetAreaEdit }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/error-boundary/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function CopyButton({ text, children }) { const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useCopyToClipboard)(text); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { variant: "secondary", ref: ref, children: children }); } function ErrorBoundaryWarning({ message, error }) { const actions = [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CopyButton, { text: error.stack, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Copy Error') }, "copy-error")]; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.Warning, { className: "edit-widgets-error-boundary", actions: actions, children: message }); } class ErrorBoundary extends external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.state = { error: null }; } componentDidCatch(error) { (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.doAction)('editor.ErrorBoundary.errorLogged', error); } static getDerivedStateFromError(error) { return { error }; } render() { if (!this.state.error) { return this.props.children; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ErrorBoundaryWarning, { message: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('The editor has encountered an unexpected error.'), error: this.state.error }); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","patterns"] const external_wp_patterns_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["patterns"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","keyboardShortcuts"] const external_wp_keyboardShortcuts_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["keyboardShortcuts"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","keycodes"] const external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["keycodes"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/keyboard-shortcuts/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function KeyboardShortcuts() { const { redo, undo } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { saveEditedWidgetAreas } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); (0,external_wp_keyboardShortcuts_namespaceObject.useShortcut)('core/edit-widgets/undo', event => { undo(); event.preventDefault(); }); (0,external_wp_keyboardShortcuts_namespaceObject.useShortcut)('core/edit-widgets/redo', event => { redo(); event.preventDefault(); }); (0,external_wp_keyboardShortcuts_namespaceObject.useShortcut)('core/edit-widgets/save', event => { event.preventDefault(); saveEditedWidgetAreas(); }); return null; } function KeyboardShortcutsRegister() { // Registering the shortcuts. const { registerShortcut } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { registerShortcut({ name: 'core/edit-widgets/undo', category: 'global', description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Undo your last changes.'), keyCombination: { modifier: 'primary', character: 'z' } }); registerShortcut({ name: 'core/edit-widgets/redo', category: 'global', description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Redo your last undo.'), keyCombination: { modifier: 'primaryShift', character: 'z' }, // Disable on Apple OS because it conflicts with the browser's // history shortcut. It's a fine alias for both Windows and Linux. // Since there's no conflict for Ctrl+Shift+Z on both Windows and // Linux, we keep it as the default for consistency. aliases: (0,external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isAppleOS)() ? [] : [{ modifier: 'primary', character: 'y' }] }); registerShortcut({ name: 'core/edit-widgets/save', category: 'global', description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Save your changes.'), keyCombination: { modifier: 'primary', character: 's' } }); registerShortcut({ name: 'core/edit-widgets/keyboard-shortcuts', category: 'main', description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Display these keyboard shortcuts.'), keyCombination: { modifier: 'access', character: 'h' } }); registerShortcut({ name: 'core/edit-widgets/next-region', category: 'global', description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Navigate to the next part of the editor.'), keyCombination: { modifier: 'ctrl', character: '`' }, aliases: [{ modifier: 'access', character: 'n' }] }); registerShortcut({ name: 'core/edit-widgets/previous-region', category: 'global', description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Navigate to the previous part of the editor.'), keyCombination: { modifier: 'ctrlShift', character: '`' }, aliases: [{ modifier: 'access', character: 'p' }, { modifier: 'ctrlShift', character: '~' }] }); }, [registerShortcut]); return null; } KeyboardShortcuts.Register = KeyboardShortcutsRegister; /* harmony default export */ const keyboard_shortcuts = (KeyboardShortcuts); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/hooks/use-last-selected-widget-area.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * A react hook that returns the client id of the last widget area to have * been selected, or to have a selected block within it. * * @return {string} clientId of the widget area last selected. */ const useLastSelectedWidgetArea = () => (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getBlockSelectionEnd, getBlockName } = select(; const selectionEndClientId = getBlockSelectionEnd(); // If the selected block is a widget area, return its clientId. if (getBlockName(selectionEndClientId) === 'core/widget-area') { return selectionEndClientId; } const { getParentWidgetAreaBlock } = select(store_store); const widgetAreaBlock = getParentWidgetAreaBlock(selectionEndClientId); const widgetAreaBlockClientId = widgetAreaBlock?.clientId; if (widgetAreaBlockClientId) { return widgetAreaBlockClientId; } // If no widget area has been selected, return the clientId of the first // area. const { getEntityRecord } = select(; const widgetAreasPost = getEntityRecord(KIND, POST_TYPE, buildWidgetAreasPostId()); return widgetAreasPost?.blocks[0]?.clientId; }, []); /* harmony default export */ const use_last_selected_widget_area = (useLastSelectedWidgetArea); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/constants.js const ALLOW_REUSABLE_BLOCKS = false; const ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_FSE_BLOCKS = false; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/widget-areas-block-editor-provider/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { ExperimentalBlockEditorProvider } = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis); const { PatternsMenuItems } = unlock(external_wp_patterns_namespaceObject.privateApis); const { BlockKeyboardShortcuts } = unlock(external_wp_blockLibrary_namespaceObject.privateApis); function WidgetAreasBlockEditorProvider({ blockEditorSettings, children, ...props }) { const mediaPermissions = (0,external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.useResourcePermissions)('media'); const isLargeViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium'); const { reusableBlocks, isFixedToolbarActive, keepCaretInsideBlock, pageOnFront, pageForPosts } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { canUser, getEntityRecord, getEntityRecords } = select(; const siteSettings = canUser('read', 'settings') ? getEntityRecord('root', 'site') : undefined; return { widgetAreas: select(store_store).getWidgetAreas(), widgets: select(store_store).getWidgets(), reusableBlocks: ALLOW_REUSABLE_BLOCKS ? getEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_block') : [], isFixedToolbarActive: !!select('core/edit-widgets', 'fixedToolbar'), keepCaretInsideBlock: !!select('core/edit-widgets', 'keepCaretInsideBlock'), pageOnFront: siteSettings?.page_on_front, pageForPosts: siteSettings?.page_for_posts }; }, []); const { setIsInserterOpened } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const settings = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { let mediaUploadBlockEditor; if (mediaPermissions.canCreate) { mediaUploadBlockEditor = ({ onError, ...argumentsObject }) => { (0,external_wp_mediaUtils_namespaceObject.uploadMedia)({ wpAllowedMimeTypes: blockEditorSettings.allowedMimeTypes, onError: ({ message }) => onError(message), ...argumentsObject }); }; } return { ...blockEditorSettings, __experimentalReusableBlocks: reusableBlocks, hasFixedToolbar: isFixedToolbarActive || !isLargeViewport, keepCaretInsideBlock, mediaUpload: mediaUploadBlockEditor, templateLock: 'all', __experimentalSetIsInserterOpened: setIsInserterOpened, pageOnFront, pageForPosts }; }, [blockEditorSettings, isFixedToolbarActive, isLargeViewport, keepCaretInsideBlock, mediaPermissions.canCreate, reusableBlocks, setIsInserterOpened, pageOnFront, pageForPosts]); const widgetAreaId = use_last_selected_widget_area(); const [blocks, onInput, onChange] = (0,external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.useEntityBlockEditor)(KIND, POST_TYPE, { id: buildWidgetAreasPostId() }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SlotFillProvider, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(keyboard_shortcuts.Register, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BlockKeyboardShortcuts, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ExperimentalBlockEditorProvider, { value: blocks, onInput: onInput, onChange: onChange, settings: settings, useSubRegistry: false, ...props, children: [children, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PatternsMenuItems, { rootClientId: widgetAreaId })] })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/drawer-left.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const drawerLeft = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { width: "24", height: "24", xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M18 4H6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h12c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zM8.5 18.5H6c-.3 0-.5-.2-.5-.5V6c0-.3.2-.5.5-.5h2.5v13zm10-.5c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5h-8v-13h8c.3 0 ." }) }); /* harmony default export */ const drawer_left = (drawerLeft); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/drawer-right.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const drawerRight = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { width: "24", height: "24", xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M18 4H6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h12c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-4 14.5H6c-.3 0-.5-.2-.5-.5V6c0-.3.2-.5.5-.5h8v13zm4.5-.5c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5h-2.5v-13H18c.3 0 ." }) }); /* harmony default export */ const drawer_right = (drawerRight); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/block-default.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const blockDefault = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M19 8h-1V6h-5v2h-2V6H6v2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v8c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-8c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm.5 10c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5H5c-.3 0-.5-.2-.5-.5v-8c0-.3.2-.5.5-.5h14c.3 0 ." }) }); /* harmony default export */ const block_default = (blockDefault); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","url"] const external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","dom"] const external_wp_dom_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["dom"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/sidebar/widget-areas.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function WidgetAreas({ selectedWidgetAreaId }) { const widgetAreas = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store_store).getWidgetAreas(), []); const selectedWidgetArea = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => selectedWidgetAreaId && widgetAreas?.find(widgetArea => === selectedWidgetAreaId), [selectedWidgetAreaId, widgetAreas]); let description; if (!selectedWidgetArea) { description = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget Areas are global parts in your site’s layout that can accept blocks. These vary by theme, but are typically parts like your Sidebar or Footer.'); } else if (selectedWidgetAreaId === 'wp_inactive_widgets') { description = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Blocks in this Widget Area will not be displayed in your site.'); } else { description = selectedWidgetArea.description; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-widget-areas", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-widget-areas__top-container", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockIcon, { icon: block_default }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { // Use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` to keep backwards // compatibility. Basic markup in the description is an // established feature of WordPress. // @see dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.safeHTML)(description) } }), widgetAreas?.length === 0 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Your theme does not contain any Widget Areas.') }), !selectedWidgetArea && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { href: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('customize.php', { 'autofocus[panel]': 'widgets', return: window.location.pathname }), variant: "tertiary", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Manage with live preview') })] })] }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/sidebar/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const SIDEBAR_ACTIVE_BY_DEFAULT ={ web: true, native: false }); const BLOCK_INSPECTOR_IDENTIFIER = 'edit-widgets/block-inspector'; // Widget areas were one called block areas, so use 'edit-widgets/block-areas' // for backwards compatibility. const WIDGET_AREAS_IDENTIFIER = 'edit-widgets/block-areas'; /** * Internal dependencies */ const { Tabs } = unlock(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.privateApis); function SidebarHeader({ selectedWidgetAreaBlock }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Tabs.TabList, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tabs.Tab, { tabId: WIDGET_AREAS_IDENTIFIER, children: selectedWidgetAreaBlock ? : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget Areas') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tabs.Tab, { tabId: BLOCK_INSPECTOR_IDENTIFIER, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Block') })] }); } function SidebarContent({ hasSelectedNonAreaBlock, currentArea, isGeneralSidebarOpen, selectedWidgetAreaBlock }) { const { enableComplementaryArea } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (hasSelectedNonAreaBlock && currentArea === WIDGET_AREAS_IDENTIFIER && isGeneralSidebarOpen) { enableComplementaryArea('core/edit-widgets', BLOCK_INSPECTOR_IDENTIFIER); } if (!hasSelectedNonAreaBlock && currentArea === BLOCK_INSPECTOR_IDENTIFIER && isGeneralSidebarOpen) { enableComplementaryArea('core/edit-widgets', WIDGET_AREAS_IDENTIFIER); } // We're intentionally leaving `currentArea` and `isGeneralSidebarOpen` // out of the dep array because we want this effect to run based on // block selection changes, not sidebar state changes. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [hasSelectedNonAreaBlock, enableComplementaryArea]); const tabsContextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(Tabs.Context); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(complementary_area, { className: "edit-widgets-sidebar", header: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tabs.Context.Provider, { value: tabsContextValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SidebarHeader, { selectedWidgetAreaBlock: selectedWidgetAreaBlock }) }), headerClassName: "edit-widgets-sidebar__panel-tabs" /* translators: button label text should, if possible, be under 16 characters. */, title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), closeLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close Settings'), scope: "core/edit-widgets", identifier: currentArea, icon: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? drawer_left : drawer_right, isActiveByDefault: SIDEBAR_ACTIVE_BY_DEFAULT, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Tabs.Context.Provider, { value: tabsContextValue, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tabs.TabPanel, { tabId: WIDGET_AREAS_IDENTIFIER, focusable: false, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WidgetAreas, { selectedWidgetAreaId: selectedWidgetAreaBlock? }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tabs.TabPanel, { tabId: BLOCK_INSPECTOR_IDENTIFIER, focusable: false, children: hasSelectedNonAreaBlock ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockInspector, {}) : /*#__PURE__*/ // Pretend that Widget Areas are part of the UI by not // showing the Block Inspector when one is selected. (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "block-editor-block-inspector__no-blocks", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No block selected.') }) })] }) }); } function Sidebar() { const { currentArea, hasSelectedNonAreaBlock, isGeneralSidebarOpen, selectedWidgetAreaBlock } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getSelectedBlock, getBlock, getBlockParentsByBlockName } = select(; const { getActiveComplementaryArea } = select(store); const selectedBlock = getSelectedBlock(); const activeArea = getActiveComplementaryArea(; let currentSelection = activeArea; if (!currentSelection) { if (selectedBlock) { currentSelection = BLOCK_INSPECTOR_IDENTIFIER; } else { currentSelection = WIDGET_AREAS_IDENTIFIER; } } let widgetAreaBlock; if (selectedBlock) { if ( === 'core/widget-area') { widgetAreaBlock = selectedBlock; } else { widgetAreaBlock = getBlock(getBlockParentsByBlockName(selectedBlock.clientId, 'core/widget-area')[0]); } } return { currentArea: currentSelection, hasSelectedNonAreaBlock: !!(selectedBlock && !== 'core/widget-area'), isGeneralSidebarOpen: !!activeArea, selectedWidgetAreaBlock: widgetAreaBlock }; }, []); const { enableComplementaryArea } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store); // `newSelectedTabId` could technically be falsey if no tab is selected (i.e. // the initial render) or when we don't want a tab displayed (i.e. the // sidebar is closed). These cases should both be covered by the `!!` check // below, so we shouldn't need any additional falsey handling. const onTabSelect = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newSelectedTabId => { if (!!newSelectedTabId) { enableComplementaryArea(, newSelectedTabId); } }, [enableComplementaryArea]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tabs // Due to how this component is controlled (via a value from the // `interfaceStore`), when the sidebar closes the currently selected // tab can't be found. This causes the component to continuously reset // the selection to `null` in an infinite loop. Proactively setting // the selected tab to `null` avoids that. , { selectedTabId: isGeneralSidebarOpen ? currentArea : null, onSelect: onTabSelect, selectOnMove: false, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SidebarContent, { hasSelectedNonAreaBlock: hasSelectedNonAreaBlock, currentArea: currentArea, isGeneralSidebarOpen: isGeneralSidebarOpen, selectedWidgetAreaBlock: selectedWidgetAreaBlock }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/plus.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const plus = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M11 12.5V17.5H12.5V12.5H17.5V11H12.5V6H11V11H6V12.5H11Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_plus = (plus); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/list-view.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const listView = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M3 6h11v1.5H3V6Zm3.5 5.5h11V13h-11v-1.5ZM21 17H10v1.5h11V17Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const list_view = (listView); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/undo.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const undo = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M18.3 11.7c-.6-.6-1.4-.9-2.3-.9H6.7l2.9-3.3-1.1-1-4.5 5L8.5 16l1-1-2.7-2.7H16c.5 0 .9.2 1.3.5 1 1 1 3.4 1 4.5v.3h1.5v-.2c0-1.5 0-4.3-1.5-5.7z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_undo = (undo); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/redo.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const redo = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M15.6 6.5l-1.1 1 2.9 3.3H8c-.9 0-1.7.3-2.3.9-1.4 1.5-1.4 4.2-1.4 5.6v.2h1.5v-.3c0-1.1 0-3.5 1-4.5.3-.3.7-.5 1.3-.5h9.2L14.5 15l1.1 1.1 4.6-4.6-4.6-5z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_redo = (redo); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/header/undo-redo/undo.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function UndoButton(props, ref) { const hasUndo = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(, []); const { undo } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { ...props, ref: ref, icon: !(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? library_undo : library_redo, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Undo'), shortcut: external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcut.primary('z') // If there are no undo levels we don't want to actually disable this // button, because it will remove focus for keyboard users. // See: , "aria-disabled": !hasUndo, onClick: hasUndo ? undo : undefined, size: "compact" }); } /* harmony default export */ const undo_redo_undo = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UndoButton)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/header/undo-redo/redo.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function RedoButton(props, ref) { const shortcut = (0,external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isAppleOS)() ? external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcut.primaryShift('z') : external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcut.primary('y'); const hasRedo = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(, []); const { redo } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { ...props, ref: ref, icon: !(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? library_redo : library_undo, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Redo'), shortcut: shortcut // If there are no undo levels we don't want to actually disable this // button, because it will remove focus for keyboard users. // See: , "aria-disabled": !hasRedo, onClick: hasRedo ? redo : undefined, size: "compact" }); } /* harmony default export */ const undo_redo_redo = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(RedoButton)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/header/document-tools/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function DocumentTools() { const isMediumViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium'); const { isInserterOpen, isListViewOpen, inserterSidebarToggleRef, listViewToggleRef } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { isInserterOpened, getInserterSidebarToggleRef, isListViewOpened, getListViewToggleRef } = unlock(select(store_store)); return { isInserterOpen: isInserterOpened(), isListViewOpen: isListViewOpened(), inserterSidebarToggleRef: getInserterSidebarToggleRef(), listViewToggleRef: getListViewToggleRef() }; }, []); const { setIsInserterOpened, setIsListViewOpened } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const toggleListView = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => setIsListViewOpened(!isListViewOpen), [setIsListViewOpened, isListViewOpen]); const toggleInserterSidebar = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => setIsInserterOpened(!isInserterOpen), [setIsInserterOpened, isInserterOpen]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.NavigableToolbar, { className: "edit-widgets-header-toolbar", "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Document tools'), variant: "unstyled", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarItem, { ref: inserterSidebarToggleRef, as: external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, className: "edit-widgets-header-toolbar__inserter-toggle", variant: "primary", isPressed: isInserterOpen, onMouseDown: event => { event.preventDefault(); }, onClick: toggleInserterSidebar, icon: library_plus /* translators: button label text should, if possible, be under 16 characters. */, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Toggle block inserter', 'Generic label for block inserter button'), size: "compact" }), isMediumViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarItem, { as: undo_redo_undo }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarItem, { as: undo_redo_redo }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarItem, { as: external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, className: "edit-widgets-header-toolbar__list-view-toggle", icon: list_view, isPressed: isListViewOpen /* translators: button label text should, if possible, be under 16 characters. */, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('List View'), onClick: toggleListView, ref: listViewToggleRef, size: "compact" })] })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const document_tools = (DocumentTools); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/save-button/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function SaveButton() { const { hasEditedWidgetAreaIds, isSaving } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getEditedWidgetAreas, isSavingWidgetAreas } = select(store_store); return { hasEditedWidgetAreaIds: getEditedWidgetAreas()?.length > 0, isSaving: isSavingWidgetAreas() }; }, []); const { saveEditedWidgetAreas } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const isDisabled = isSaving || !hasEditedWidgetAreaIds; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { variant: "primary", isBusy: isSaving, "aria-disabled": isDisabled, onClick: isDisabled ? undefined : saveEditedWidgetAreas, size: "compact", children: isSaving ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Saving…') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Update') }); } /* harmony default export */ const save_button = (SaveButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/more-vertical.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const moreVertical = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M13 19h-2v-2h2v2zm0-6h-2v-2h2v2zm0-6h-2V5h2v2z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const more_vertical = (moreVertical); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/external.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const external = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M19.5 4.5h-7V6h4.44l-5.97 5.97 1.06 1.06L18 7.06v4.44h1.5v-7Zm-13 1a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h10a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-3H17v3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-10a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-10a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h3V5.5h-3Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_external = (external); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/keyboard-shortcut-help-modal/config.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const textFormattingShortcuts = [{ keyCombination: { modifier: 'primary', character: 'b' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Make the selected text bold.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'primary', character: 'i' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Make the selected text italic.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'primary', character: 'k' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Convert the selected text into a link.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'primaryShift', character: 'k' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Remove a link.') }, { keyCombination: { character: '[[' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Insert a link to a post or page.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'primary', character: 'u' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Underline the selected text.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'access', character: 'd' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Strikethrough the selected text.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'access', character: 'x' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Make the selected text inline code.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'access', character: '0' }, aliases: [{ modifier: 'access', character: '7' }], description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Convert the current heading to a paragraph.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'access', character: '1-6' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Convert the current paragraph or heading to a heading of level 1 to 6.') }, { keyCombination: { modifier: 'primaryShift', character: 'SPACE' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add non breaking space.') }]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/keyboard-shortcut-help-modal/shortcut.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function KeyCombination({ keyCombination, forceAriaLabel }) { const shortcut = keyCombination.modifier ? external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcutList[keyCombination.modifier](keyCombination.character) : keyCombination.character; const ariaLabel = keyCombination.modifier ? external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.shortcutAriaLabel[keyCombination.modifier](keyCombination.character) : keyCombination.character; const shortcuts = Array.isArray(shortcut) ? shortcut : [shortcut]; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("kbd", { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__shortcut-key-combination", "aria-label": forceAriaLabel || ariaLabel, children:, index) => { if (character === '+') { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: character }, index); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("kbd", { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__shortcut-key", children: character }, index); }) }); } function Shortcut({ description, keyCombination, aliases = [], ariaLabel }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__shortcut-description", children: description }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__shortcut-term", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(KeyCombination, { keyCombination: keyCombination, forceAriaLabel: ariaLabel }),, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(KeyCombination, { keyCombination: alias, forceAriaLabel: ariaLabel }, index))] })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const keyboard_shortcut_help_modal_shortcut = (Shortcut); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/keyboard-shortcut-help-modal/dynamic-shortcut.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function DynamicShortcut({ name }) { const { keyCombination, description, aliases } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getShortcutKeyCombination, getShortcutDescription, getShortcutAliases } = select(; return { keyCombination: getShortcutKeyCombination(name), aliases: getShortcutAliases(name), description: getShortcutDescription(name) }; }, [name]); if (!keyCombination) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(keyboard_shortcut_help_modal_shortcut, { keyCombination: keyCombination, description: description, aliases: aliases }); } /* harmony default export */ const dynamic_shortcut = (DynamicShortcut); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/keyboard-shortcut-help-modal/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ShortcutList = ({ shortcuts }) => /*#__PURE__*/ /* * Disable reason: The `list` ARIA role is redundant but * Safari+VoiceOver won't announce the list otherwise. */ /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("ul", { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__shortcut-list", role: "list", children:, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("li", { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__shortcut", children: typeof shortcut === 'string' ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dynamic_shortcut, { name: shortcut }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(keyboard_shortcut_help_modal_shortcut, { ...shortcut }) }, index)) }) /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles */; const ShortcutSection = ({ title, shortcuts, className }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("section", { className: dist_clsx('edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__section', className), children: [!!title && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h2", { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__section-title", children: title }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutList, { shortcuts: shortcuts })] }); const ShortcutCategorySection = ({ title, categoryName, additionalShortcuts = [] }) => { const categoryShortcuts = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { return select(; }, [categoryName]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutSection, { title: title, shortcuts: categoryShortcuts.concat(additionalShortcuts) }); }; function KeyboardShortcutHelpModal({ isModalActive, toggleModal }) { (0,external_wp_keyboardShortcuts_namespaceObject.useShortcut)('core/edit-widgets/keyboard-shortcuts', toggleModal, { bindGlobal: true }); if (!isModalActive) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Modal, { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal", title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Keyboard shortcuts'), onRequestClose: toggleModal, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutSection, { className: "edit-widgets-keyboard-shortcut-help-modal__main-shortcuts", shortcuts: ['core/edit-widgets/keyboard-shortcuts'] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutCategorySection, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Global shortcuts'), categoryName: "global" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutCategorySection, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Selection shortcuts'), categoryName: "selection" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutCategorySection, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Block shortcuts'), categoryName: "block", additionalShortcuts: [{ keyCombination: { character: '/' }, description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Change the block type after adding a new paragraph.'), /* translators: The forward-slash character. e.g. '/'. */ ariaLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Forward-slash') }] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutSection, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Text formatting'), shortcuts: textFormattingShortcuts }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ShortcutCategorySection, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('List View shortcuts'), categoryName: "list-view" })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/more-menu/tools-more-menu-group.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { Fill: ToolsMoreMenuGroup, Slot } = (0,external_wp_components_namespaceObject.createSlotFill)('EditWidgetsToolsMoreMenuGroup'); ToolsMoreMenuGroup.Slot = ({ fillProps }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Slot, { fillProps: fillProps, children: fills => fills.length > 0 && fills }); /* harmony default export */ const tools_more_menu_group = (ToolsMoreMenuGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/more-menu/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function MoreMenu() { const [isKeyboardShortcutsModalActive, setIsKeyboardShortcutsModalVisible] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const toggleKeyboardShortcutsModal = () => setIsKeyboardShortcutsModalVisible(!isKeyboardShortcutsModalActive); (0,external_wp_keyboardShortcuts_namespaceObject.useShortcut)('core/edit-widgets/keyboard-shortcuts', toggleKeyboardShortcutsModal); const isLargeViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.DropdownMenu, { icon: more_vertical, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Options'), popoverProps: { placement: 'bottom-end', className: 'more-menu-dropdown__content' }, toggleProps: { tooltipPosition: 'bottom', size: 'compact' }, children: onClose => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [isLargeViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuGroup, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('View', 'noun'), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_preferences_namespaceObject.PreferenceToggleMenuItem, { scope: "core/edit-widgets", name: "fixedToolbar", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top toolbar'), info: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Access all block and document tools in a single place'), messageActivated: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top toolbar activated'), messageDeactivated: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top toolbar deactivated') }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuGroup, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Tools'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuItem, { onClick: () => { setIsKeyboardShortcutsModalVisible(true); }, shortcut: external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcut.access('h'), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Keyboard shortcuts') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_preferences_namespaceObject.PreferenceToggleMenuItem, { scope: "core/edit-widgets", name: "welcomeGuide", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Welcome Guide') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuItem, { role: "menuitem", icon: library_external, href: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)(''), target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer", children: [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Help'), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.VisuallyHidden, { as: "span", children: /* translators: accessibility text */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(opens in a new tab)') })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tools_more_menu_group.Slot, { fillProps: { onClose } })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuGroup, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Preferences'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_preferences_namespaceObject.PreferenceToggleMenuItem, { scope: "core/edit-widgets", name: "keepCaretInsideBlock", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Contain text cursor inside block'), info: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Aids screen readers by stopping text caret from leaving blocks.'), messageActivated: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Contain text cursor inside block activated'), messageDeactivated: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Contain text cursor inside block deactivated') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_preferences_namespaceObject.PreferenceToggleMenuItem, { scope: "core/edit-widgets", name: "themeStyles", info: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Make the editor look like your theme.'), label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Use theme styles') }), isLargeViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_preferences_namespaceObject.PreferenceToggleMenuItem, { scope: "core/edit-widgets", name: "showBlockBreadcrumbs", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Display block breadcrumbs'), info: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Shows block breadcrumbs at the bottom of the editor.'), messageActivated: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Display block breadcrumbs activated'), messageDeactivated: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Display block breadcrumbs deactivated') })] })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(KeyboardShortcutHelpModal, { isModalActive: isKeyboardShortcutsModalActive, toggleModal: toggleKeyboardShortcutsModal })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/header/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Header() { const isLargeViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium'); const blockToolbarRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const { hasFixedToolbar } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => ({ hasFixedToolbar: !!select('core/edit-widgets', 'fixedToolbar') }), []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-header", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-header__navigable-toolbar-wrapper", children: [isLargeViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h1", { className: "edit-widgets-header__title", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets') }), !isLargeViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.VisuallyHidden, { as: "h1", className: "edit-widgets-header__title", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(document_tools, {}), hasFixedToolbar && isLargeViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "selected-block-tools-wrapper", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockToolbar, { hideDragHandle: true }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Popover.Slot, { ref: blockToolbarRef, name: "block-toolbar" })] })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-header__actions", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(save_button, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(pinned_items.Slot, { scope: "core/edit-widgets" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MoreMenu, {})] })] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const header = (Header); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/notices/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ // Last three notices. Slices from the tail end of the list. const MAX_VISIBLE_NOTICES = -3; function Notices() { const { removeNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { notices } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { return { notices: select( }; }, []); const dismissibleNotices = notices.filter(({ isDismissible, type }) => isDismissible && type === 'default'); const nonDismissibleNotices = notices.filter(({ isDismissible, type }) => !isDismissible && type === 'default'); const snackbarNotices = notices.filter(({ type }) => type === 'snackbar').slice(MAX_VISIBLE_NOTICES); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.NoticeList, { notices: nonDismissibleNotices, className: "edit-widgets-notices__pinned" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.NoticeList, { notices: dismissibleNotices, className: "edit-widgets-notices__dismissible", onRemove: removeNotice }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SnackbarList, { notices: snackbarNotices, className: "edit-widgets-notices__snackbar", onRemove: removeNotice })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const notices = (Notices); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/widget-areas-block-editor-content/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function WidgetAreasBlockEditorContent({ blockEditorSettings }) { const hasThemeStyles = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => !!select('core/edit-widgets', 'themeStyles'), []); const isLargeViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium'); const styles = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return hasThemeStyles ? blockEditorSettings.styles : []; }, [blockEditorSettings, hasThemeStyles]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-block-editor", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(notices, {}), !isLargeViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockToolbar, { hideDragHandle: true }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockTools, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(keyboard_shortcuts, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__unstableEditorStyles, { styles: styles, scope: ".editor-styles-wrapper" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockSelectionClearer, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.WritingFlow, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockList, { className: "edit-widgets-main-block-list" }) }) })] })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/close.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const close_close = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M13 11.8l6.1-6.3-1-1-6.1 6.2-6.1-6.2-1 1 6.1 6.3-6.5 6.7 1 1 6.5-6.6 6.5 6.6 1-1z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_close = (close_close); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/hooks/use-widget-library-insertion-point.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const useWidgetLibraryInsertionPoint = () => { const firstRootId = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { // Default to the first widget area const { getEntityRecord } = select(; const widgetAreasPost = getEntityRecord(KIND, POST_TYPE, buildWidgetAreasPostId()); return widgetAreasPost?.blocks[0]?.clientId; }, []); return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getBlockRootClientId, getBlockSelectionEnd, getBlockOrder, getBlockIndex } = select(; const insertionPoint = select(store_store).__experimentalGetInsertionPoint(); // "Browse all" in the quick inserter will set the rootClientId to the current block. // Otherwise, it will just be undefined, and we'll have to handle it differently below. if (insertionPoint.rootClientId) { return insertionPoint; } const clientId = getBlockSelectionEnd() || firstRootId; const rootClientId = getBlockRootClientId(clientId); // If the selected block is at the root level, it's a widget area and // blocks can't be inserted here. Return this block as the root and the // last child clientId indicating insertion at the end. if (clientId && rootClientId === '') { return { rootClientId: clientId, insertionIndex: getBlockOrder(clientId).length }; } return { rootClientId, insertionIndex: getBlockIndex(clientId) + 1 }; }, [firstRootId]); }; /* harmony default export */ const use_widget_library_insertion_point = (useWidgetLibraryInsertionPoint); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/secondary-sidebar/inserter-sidebar.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function InserterSidebar() { const isMobileViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium', '<'); const { rootClientId, insertionIndex } = use_widget_library_insertion_point(); const { setIsInserterOpened } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const closeInserter = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { return setIsInserterOpened(false); }, [setIsInserterOpened]); const TagName = !isMobileViewport ? external_wp_components_namespaceObject.VisuallyHidden : 'div'; const [inserterDialogRef, inserterDialogProps] = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseDialog)({ onClose: closeInserter, focusOnMount: true }); const libraryRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ref: inserterDialogRef, ...inserterDialogProps, className: "edit-widgets-layout__inserter-panel", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TagName, { className: "edit-widgets-layout__inserter-panel-header", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { icon: library_close, onClick: closeInserter, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close block inserter') }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-layout__inserter-panel-content", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalLibrary, { showInserterHelpPanel: true, shouldFocusBlock: isMobileViewport, rootClientId: rootClientId, __experimentalInsertionIndex: insertionIndex, ref: libraryRef }) })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/secondary-sidebar/list-view-sidebar.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ListViewSidebar() { const { setIsListViewOpened } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const { getListViewToggleRef } = unlock((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(store_store)); // Use internal state instead of a ref to make sure that the component // re-renders when the dropZoneElement updates. const [dropZoneElement, setDropZoneElement] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const focusOnMountRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useFocusOnMount)('firstElement'); // When closing the list view, focus should return to the toggle button. const closeListView = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { setIsListViewOpened(false); getListViewToggleRef().current?.focus(); }, [getListViewToggleRef, setIsListViewOpened]); const closeOnEscape = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(event => { if (event.keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.ESCAPE && !event.defaultPrevented) { event.preventDefault(); closeListView(); } }, [closeListView]); return ( /*#__PURE__*/ // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-editor__list-view-panel", onKeyDown: closeOnEscape, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-editor__list-view-panel-header", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("strong", { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('List View') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { icon: close_small, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close'), onClick: closeListView })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-editor__list-view-panel-content", ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([focusOnMountRef, setDropZoneElement]), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalListView, { dropZoneElement: dropZoneElement }) })] }) ); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/secondary-sidebar/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function SecondarySidebar() { const { isInserterOpen, isListViewOpen } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { isInserterOpened, isListViewOpened } = select(store_store); return { isInserterOpen: isInserterOpened(), isListViewOpen: isListViewOpened() }; }, []); if (isInserterOpen) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InserterSidebar, {}); } if (isListViewOpen) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ListViewSidebar, {}); } return null; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/layout/interface.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const interfaceLabels = { /* translators: accessibility text for the widgets screen top bar landmark region. */ header: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets top bar'), /* translators: accessibility text for the widgets screen content landmark region. */ body: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets and blocks'), /* translators: accessibility text for the widgets screen settings landmark region. */ sidebar: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets settings'), /* translators: accessibility text for the widgets screen footer landmark region. */ footer: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets footer') }; function Interface({ blockEditorSettings }) { const isMobileViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium', '<'); const isHugeViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('huge', '>='); const { setIsInserterOpened, setIsListViewOpened, closeGeneralSidebar } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store_store); const { hasBlockBreadCrumbsEnabled, hasSidebarEnabled, isInserterOpened, isListViewOpened, previousShortcut, nextShortcut } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => ({ hasSidebarEnabled: !!select(store).getActiveComplementaryArea(, isInserterOpened: !!select(store_store).isInserterOpened(), isListViewOpened: !!select(store_store).isListViewOpened(), hasBlockBreadCrumbsEnabled: !!select('core/edit-widgets', 'showBlockBreadcrumbs'), previousShortcut: select('core/edit-widgets/previous-region'), nextShortcut: select('core/edit-widgets/next-region') }), []); // Inserter and Sidebars are mutually exclusive (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (hasSidebarEnabled && !isHugeViewport) { setIsInserterOpened(false); setIsListViewOpened(false); } }, [hasSidebarEnabled, isHugeViewport]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if ((isInserterOpened || isListViewOpened) && !isHugeViewport) { closeGeneralSidebar(); } }, [isInserterOpened, isListViewOpened, isHugeViewport]); const secondarySidebarLabel = isListViewOpened ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('List View') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Block Library'); const hasSecondarySidebar = isListViewOpened || isInserterOpened; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(interface_skeleton, { labels: { ...interfaceLabels, secondarySidebar: secondarySidebarLabel }, header: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(header, {}), secondarySidebar: hasSecondarySidebar && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SecondarySidebar, {}), sidebar: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(complementary_area.Slot, { scope: "core/edit-widgets" }), content: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WidgetAreasBlockEditorContent, { blockEditorSettings: blockEditorSettings }) }), footer: hasBlockBreadCrumbsEnabled && !isMobileViewport && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "edit-widgets-layout__footer", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockBreadcrumb, { rootLabelText: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets') }) }), shortcuts: { previous: previousShortcut, next: nextShortcut } }); } /* harmony default export */ const layout_interface = (Interface); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/layout/unsaved-changes-warning.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Warns the user if there are unsaved changes before leaving the editor. * * This is a duplicate of the component implemented in the editor package. * Duplicated here as edit-widgets doesn't depend on editor. * * @return {Component} The component. */ function UnsavedChangesWarning() { const isDirty = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getEditedWidgetAreas } = select(store_store); const editedWidgetAreas = getEditedWidgetAreas(); return editedWidgetAreas?.length > 0; }, []); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { /** * Warns the user if there are unsaved changes before leaving the editor. * * @param {Event} event `beforeunload` event. * * @return {string | undefined} Warning prompt message, if unsaved changes exist. */ const warnIfUnsavedChanges = event => { if (isDirty) { event.returnValue = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('You have unsaved changes. If you proceed, they will be lost.'); return event.returnValue; } }; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', warnIfUnsavedChanges); return () => { window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', warnIfUnsavedChanges); }; }, [isDirty]); return null; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/welcome-guide/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function WelcomeGuide() { var _widgetAreas$filter$l; const isActive = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => !!select('core/edit-widgets', 'welcomeGuide'), []); const { toggle } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const widgetAreas = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store_store).getWidgetAreas({ per_page: -1 }), []); if (!isActive) { return null; } const isEntirelyBlockWidgets = widgetAreas?.every(widgetArea => === 'wp_inactive_widgets' || widgetArea.widgets.every(widgetId => widgetId.startsWith('block-'))); const numWidgetAreas = (_widgetAreas$filter$l = widgetAreas?.filter(widgetArea => !== 'wp_inactive_widgets').length) !== null && _widgetAreas$filter$l !== void 0 ? _widgetAreas$filter$l : 0; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Guide, { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide", contentLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Welcome to block Widgets'), finishButtonText: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Get started'), onFinish: () => toggle('core/edit-widgets', 'welcomeGuide'), pages: [{ image: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WelcomeGuideImage, { nonAnimatedSrc: "", animatedSrc: "" }), content: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h1", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__heading", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Welcome to block Widgets') }), isEntirelyBlockWidgets ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__text", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // Translators: %s: Number of block areas in the current theme. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('Your theme provides %s “block” area for you to add and edit content. Try adding a search bar, social icons, or other types of blocks here and see how they’ll look on your site.', 'Your theme provides %s different “block” areas for you to add and edit content. Try adding a search bar, social icons, or other types of blocks here and see how they’ll look on your site.', numWidgetAreas), numWidgetAreas) }) }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__text", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('You can now add any block to your site’s widget areas. Don’t worry, all of your favorite widgets still work flawlessly.') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("p", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__text", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("strong", { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Want to stick with the old widgets?') }), ' ', /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ExternalLink, { href: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)(''), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Get the Classic Widgets plugin.') })] })] })] }) }, { image: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WelcomeGuideImage, { nonAnimatedSrc: "", animatedSrc: "" }), content: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h1", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__heading", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Make each block your own') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__text", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Each block comes with its own set of controls for changing things like color, width, and alignment. These will show and hide automatically when you have a block selected.') })] }) }, { image: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WelcomeGuideImage, { nonAnimatedSrc: "", animatedSrc: "" }), content: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h1", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__heading", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Get to know the block library') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__text", children: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createInterpolateElement)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('All of the blocks available to you live in the block library. You’ll find it wherever you see the <InserterIconImage /> icon.'), { InserterIconImage: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("img", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__inserter-icon", alt: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('inserter'), src: "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='18' height='18' viewBox='0 0 18 18' fill='none' xmlns=''%3E%3Crect width='18' height='18' rx='2' fill='%231E1E1E'/%3E%3Cpath d='M9.22727 4V14M4 8.77273H14' stroke='white' stroke-width='1.5'/%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A" }) }) })] }) }, { image: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WelcomeGuideImage, { nonAnimatedSrc: "", animatedSrc: "" }), content: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h1", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__heading", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Learn how to use the block editor') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("p", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__text", children: [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('New to the block editor? Want to learn more about using it? '), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ExternalLink, { href: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)(''), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)("Here's a detailed guide.") })] })] }) }] }); } function WelcomeGuideImage({ nonAnimatedSrc, animatedSrc }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("picture", { className: "edit-widgets-welcome-guide__image", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("source", { srcSet: nonAnimatedSrc, media: "(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("img", { src: animatedSrc, width: "312", height: "240", alt: "" })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/components/layout/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Layout({ blockEditorSettings }) { const { createErrorNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; function onPluginAreaError(name) { createErrorNotice((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: plugin name */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('The "%s" plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered.'), name)); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ErrorBoundary, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(WidgetAreasBlockEditorProvider, { blockEditorSettings: blockEditorSettings, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(layout_interface, { blockEditorSettings: blockEditorSettings }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Sidebar, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_plugins_namespaceObject.PluginArea, { onError: onPluginAreaError }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(UnsavedChangesWarning, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WelcomeGuide, {})] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const layout = (Layout); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/edit-widgets/build-module/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const disabledBlocks = ['core/more', 'core/freeform', 'core/template-part', ...(ALLOW_REUSABLE_BLOCKS ? [] : ['core/block'])]; /** * Initializes the block editor in the widgets screen. * * @param {string} id ID of the root element to render the screen in. * @param {Object} settings Block editor settings. */ function initializeEditor(id, settings) { const target = document.getElementById(id); const root = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createRoot)(target); const coreBlocks = (0,external_wp_blockLibrary_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetCoreBlocks)().filter(block => { return !(disabledBlocks.includes( ||'core/post') ||'core/query') ||'core/site') ||'core/navigation')); }); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)('core/edit-widgets', { fixedToolbar: false, welcomeGuide: true, showBlockBreadcrumbs: true, themeStyles: true }); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(; (0,external_wp_blockLibrary_namespaceObject.registerCoreBlocks)(coreBlocks); (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.registerLegacyWidgetBlock)(); if (false) {} (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.registerLegacyWidgetVariations)(settings); registerBlock(widget_area_namespaceObject); (0,external_wp_widgets_namespaceObject.registerWidgetGroupBlock)(); settings.__experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions = (search, searchOptions) => (0,external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.__experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions)(search, searchOptions, settings); // As we are unregistering `core/freeform` to avoid the Classic block, we must // replace it with something as the default freeform content handler. Failure to // do this will result in errors in the default block parser. // see: (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.setFreeformContentHandlerName)('core/html'); root.render( /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(layout, { blockEditorSettings: settings })); return root; } /** * Compatibility export under the old `initialize` name. */ const initialize = initializeEditor; function reinitializeEditor() { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.editWidgets.reinitializeEditor', { since: '6.2', version: '6.3' }); } /** * Function to register an individual block. * * @param {Object} block The block to be registered. */ const registerBlock = block => { if (!block) { return; } const { metadata, settings, name } = block; if (metadata) { (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.unstable__bootstrapServerSideBlockDefinitions)({ [name]: metadata }); } (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.registerBlockType)(name, settings); }; (window.wp = window.wp || {}).editWidgets = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!�OX��X����core-commands.jsnu�[��������/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { privateApis: () => (/* reexport */ privateApis) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","commands"] const external_wp_commands_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["commands"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","primitives"] const external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["primitives"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/plus.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const plus = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M11 12.5V17.5H12.5V12.5H17.5V11H12.5V6H11V11H6V12.5H11Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_plus = (plus); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-commands/build-module/admin-navigation-commands.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function useAdminNavigationCommands() { (0,external_wp_commands_namespaceObject.useCommand)({ name: 'core/add-new-post', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add new post'), icon: library_plus, callback: () => { document.location.href = 'post-new.php'; } }); (0,external_wp_commands_namespaceObject.useCommand)({ name: 'core/add-new-page', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add new page'), icon: library_plus, callback: () => { document.location.href = 'post-new.php?post_type=page'; } }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","coreData"] const external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["coreData"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/post.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const post = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "m7.3 9.7 1.4 1.4c.2-.2.3-.3.4-.5 0 0 0-.1.1-.1.3-.5.4-1.1.3-1.6L12 7 9 4 7.2 6.5c-.6-.1-1.1 0-1.6.3 0 0-.1 0-.1.1-.3.1-.4.2-.6.4l1.4 1.4L4 11v1h1l2.3-2.3zM4 20h9v-1.5H4V20zm0-5.5V16h16v-1.5H4z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_post = (post); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/page.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const page = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M15.5 7.5h-7V9h7V7.5Zm-7 3.5h7v1.5h-7V11Zm7 3.5h-7V16h7v-1.5Z" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M17 4H7a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h10a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2ZM7 5.5h10a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v12a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H7a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5Z" })] }); /* harmony default export */ const library_page = (page); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/layout.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const layout = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M18 5.5H6a.5.5 0 00-.5.5v3h13V6a.5.5 0 00-.5-.5zm.5 5H10v8h8a.5.5 0 00.5-.5v-7.5zm-10 0h-3V18a.5.5 0 00.5.5h2.5v-8zM6 4h12a2 2 0 012 2v12a2 2 0 01-2 2H6a2 2 0 01-2-2V6a2 2 0 012-2z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_layout = (layout); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/symbol-filled.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const symbolFilled = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M21.3 10.8l-5.6-5.6c-.7-.7-1.8-.7-2.5 0l-5.6 5.6c-.7.7-.7 1.8 0 2.5l5.6 5.6c. 1.2.5s.9-.2 1.2-.5l5.6-5.6c.8-.7.8-1.9.1-2.5zm-17.6 1L10 5.5l-1-1-6.3 6.3c-.7.7-.7 1.8 0 2.5L9 19.5l1.1-1.1-6.3-6.3c-.2 0-.2-.2-.1-.3z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const symbol_filled = (symbolFilled); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/navigation.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const navigation = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M12 4c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8s3.6 8 8 8 8-3.6 8-8-3.6-8-8-8zm0 14.5c-3.6 0-6.5-2.9-6.5-6.5S8.4 5.5 12 5.5s6.5 2.9 6.5 6.5-2.9 6.5-6.5 6.5zM9 16l4.5-3L15 8.4l-4.5 3L9 16z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_navigation = (navigation); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/styles.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const styles = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M12 4c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v.1c0 4.1 3.2 7.5 7.2 7.9h.8c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8s-3.6-8-8-8zm0 15V5c3.9 0 7 3.1 7 7s-3.1 7-7 7z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_styles = (styles); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/symbol.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const symbol = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M21.3 10.8l-5.6-5.6c-.7-.7-1.8-.7-2.5 0l-5.6 5.6c-.7.7-.7 1.8 0 2.5l5.6 5.6c. 1.2.5s.9-.2 1.2-.5l5.6-5.6c.8-.7.8-1.9.1-2.5zm-1 1.4l-5.6 5.6c-.1.1-.3.1-.4 0l-5.6-5.6c-.1-.1-.1-.3 0-.4l5.6-5.6s.1-.1.2-.1.1 0 .2.1l5.6 5.6c. 0 .4zm-16.6-.4L10 5.5l-1-1-6.3 6.3c-.7.7-.7 1.8 0 2.5L9 19.5l1.1-1.1-6.3-6.3c-.2 0-.2-.2-.1-.3z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_symbol = (symbol); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","router"] const external_wp_router_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["router"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","url"] const external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-commands/build-module/hooks.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function useIsBlockBasedTheme() { return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(, []); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-commands/build-module/lock-unlock.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/core-commands'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-commands/build-module/utils/order-entity-records-by-search.js function orderEntityRecordsBySearch(records = [], search = '') { if (!Array.isArray(records) || !records.length) { return []; } if (!search) { return records; } const priority = []; const nonPriority = []; for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { const record = records[i]; if (record?.title?.raw?.toLowerCase()?.includes(search?.toLowerCase())) { priority.push(record); } else { nonPriority.push(record); } } return priority.concat(nonPriority); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-commands/build-module/site-editor-navigation-commands.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { useHistory } = unlock(external_wp_router_namespaceObject.privateApis); const icons = { post: library_post, page: library_page, wp_template: library_layout, wp_template_part: symbol_filled }; function useDebouncedValue(value) { const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(''); const debounced = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(setDebouncedValue, 250); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { debounced(value); return () => debounced.cancel(); }, [debounced, value]); return debouncedValue; } const getNavigationCommandLoaderPerPostType = postType => function useNavigationCommandLoader({ search }) { const history = useHistory(); const isBlockBasedTheme = useIsBlockBasedTheme(); const delayedSearch = useDebouncedValue(search); const { records, isLoading } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { if (!delayedSearch) { return { isLoading: false }; } const query = { search: delayedSearch, per_page: 10, orderby: 'relevance', status: ['publish', 'future', 'draft', 'pending', 'private'] }; return { records: select('postType', postType, query), isLoading: !select('getEntityRecords', ['postType', postType, query]) }; }, [delayedSearch]); const commands = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return (records !== null && records !== void 0 ? records : []).map(record => { const command = { name: postType + '-' +, searchLabel: record.title?.rendered + ' ' +, label: record.title?.rendered ? record.title?.rendered : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'), icon: icons[postType] }; if (postType === 'post' || postType === 'page' && !isBlockBasedTheme) { return { ...command, callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { post:, action: 'edit' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('post.php', args); document.location = targetUrl; close(); } }; } const isSiteEditor = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.getPath)(window.location.href)?.includes('site-editor.php'); return { ...command, callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { postType, postId:, canvas: 'edit' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } }; }); }, [records, isBlockBasedTheme, history]); return { commands, isLoading }; }; const getNavigationCommandLoaderPerTemplate = templateType => function useNavigationCommandLoader({ search }) { const history = useHistory(); const isBlockBasedTheme = useIsBlockBasedTheme(); const { records, isLoading } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getEntityRecords } = select(; const query = { per_page: -1 }; return { records: getEntityRecords('postType', templateType, query), isLoading: !select('getEntityRecords', ['postType', templateType, query]) }; }, []); /* * wp_template and wp_template_part endpoints do not support per_page or orderby parameters. * We need to sort the results based on the search query to avoid removing relevant * records below using .slice(). */ const orderedRecords = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return orderEntityRecordsBySearch(records, search).slice(0, 10); }, [records, search]); const commands = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { if (!isBlockBasedTheme && !templateType === 'wp_template_part') { return []; } const isSiteEditor = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.getPath)(window.location.href)?.includes('site-editor.php'); const result = []; result.push( => { return { name: templateType + '-' +, searchLabel: record.title?.rendered + ' ' +, label: record.title?.rendered ? record.title?.rendered : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'), icon: icons[templateType], callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { postType: templateType, postId:, canvas: 'edit' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } }; })); if (orderedRecords?.length > 0 && templateType === 'wp_template_part') { result.push({ name: 'core/edit-site/open-template-parts', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Template parts'), icon: symbol_filled, callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { postType: 'wp_template_part', categoryId: 'all-parts' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } }); } return result; }, [isBlockBasedTheme, orderedRecords, history]); return { commands, isLoading }; }; const usePageNavigationCommandLoader = getNavigationCommandLoaderPerPostType('page'); const usePostNavigationCommandLoader = getNavigationCommandLoaderPerPostType('post'); const useTemplateNavigationCommandLoader = getNavigationCommandLoaderPerTemplate('wp_template'); const useTemplatePartNavigationCommandLoader = getNavigationCommandLoaderPerTemplate('wp_template_part'); function useSiteEditorBasicNavigationCommands() { const history = useHistory(); const isSiteEditor = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.getPath)(window.location.href)?.includes('site-editor.php'); const canCreateTemplate = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { return select('create', 'templates'); }, []); const isBlockBasedTheme = useIsBlockBasedTheme(); const commands = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const result = []; if (canCreateTemplate && isBlockBasedTheme) { result.push({ name: 'core/edit-site/open-navigation', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Navigation'), icon: library_navigation, callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { postType: 'wp_navigation' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } }); result.push({ name: 'core/edit-site/open-styles', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Styles'), icon: library_styles, callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { path: '/wp_global_styles' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } }); result.push({ name: 'core/edit-site/open-pages', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Pages'), icon: library_page, callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { postType: 'page' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } }); result.push({ name: 'core/edit-site/open-templates', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Templates'), icon: library_layout, callback: ({ close }) => { const args = { postType: 'wp_template' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } }); } result.push({ name: 'core/edit-site/open-patterns', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Patterns'), icon: library_symbol, callback: ({ close }) => { if (canCreateTemplate) { const args = { postType: 'wp_block' }; const targetUrl = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', args); if (isSiteEditor) { history.push(args); } else { document.location = targetUrl; } close(); } else { // If a user cannot access the site editor document.location.href = 'edit.php?post_type=wp_block'; } } }); return result; }, [history, isSiteEditor, canCreateTemplate, isBlockBasedTheme]); return { commands, isLoading: false }; } function useSiteEditorNavigationCommands() { (0,external_wp_commands_namespaceObject.useCommandLoader)({ name: 'core/edit-site/navigate-pages', hook: usePageNavigationCommandLoader }); (0,external_wp_commands_namespaceObject.useCommandLoader)({ name: 'core/edit-site/navigate-posts', hook: usePostNavigationCommandLoader }); (0,external_wp_commands_namespaceObject.useCommandLoader)({ name: 'core/edit-site/navigate-templates', hook: useTemplateNavigationCommandLoader }); (0,external_wp_commands_namespaceObject.useCommandLoader)({ name: 'core/edit-site/navigate-template-parts', hook: useTemplatePartNavigationCommandLoader }); (0,external_wp_commands_namespaceObject.useCommandLoader)({ name: 'core/edit-site/basic-navigation', hook: useSiteEditorBasicNavigationCommands, context: 'site-editor' }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-commands/build-module/private-apis.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function useCommands() { useAdminNavigationCommands(); useSiteEditorNavigationCommands(); } const privateApis = {}; lock(privateApis, { useCommands }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-commands/build-module/index.js (window.wp = window.wp || {}).coreCommands = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!�u0`��`����keyboard-shortcuts.jsnu�[��������/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { ShortcutProvider: () => (/* reexport */ ShortcutProvider), __unstableUseShortcutEventMatch: () => (/* reexport */ useShortcutEventMatch), store: () => (/* reexport */ store), useShortcut: () => (/* reexport */ useShortcut) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/store/actions.js var actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(actions_namespaceObject, { registerShortcut: () => (registerShortcut), unregisterShortcut: () => (unregisterShortcut) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/store/selectors.js var selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(selectors_namespaceObject, { getAllShortcutKeyCombinations: () => (getAllShortcutKeyCombinations), getAllShortcutRawKeyCombinations: () => (getAllShortcutRawKeyCombinations), getCategoryShortcuts: () => (getCategoryShortcuts), getShortcutAliases: () => (getShortcutAliases), getShortcutDescription: () => (getShortcutDescription), getShortcutKeyCombination: () => (getShortcutKeyCombination), getShortcutRepresentation: () => (getShortcutRepresentation) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/store/reducer.js /** * Reducer returning the registered shortcuts * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function reducer(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'REGISTER_SHORTCUT': return { ...state, []: { category: action.category, keyCombination: action.keyCombination, aliases: action.aliases, description: action.description } }; case 'UNREGISTER_SHORTCUT': const { []: actionName, ...remainingState } = state; return remainingState; } return state; } /* harmony default export */ const store_reducer = (reducer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/store/actions.js /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/keycodes').WPKeycodeModifier} WPKeycodeModifier */ /** * Keyboard key combination. * * @typedef {Object} WPShortcutKeyCombination * * @property {string} character Character. * @property {WPKeycodeModifier|undefined} modifier Modifier. */ /** * Configuration of a registered keyboard shortcut. * * @typedef {Object} WPShortcutConfig * * @property {string} name Shortcut name. * @property {string} category Shortcut category. * @property {string} description Shortcut description. * @property {WPShortcutKeyCombination} keyCombination Shortcut key combination. * @property {WPShortcutKeyCombination[]} [aliases] Shortcut aliases. */ /** * Returns an action object used to register a new keyboard shortcut. * * @param {WPShortcutConfig} config Shortcut config. * * @example * *```js * import { useEffect } from 'react'; * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const { registerShortcut } = useDispatch( keyboardShortcutsStore ); * * useEffect( () => { * registerShortcut( { * name: 'custom/my-custom-shortcut', * category: 'my-category', * description: __( 'My custom shortcut' ), * keyCombination: { * modifier: 'primary', * character: 'j', * }, * } ); * }, [] ); * * const shortcut = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutKeyCombination( * 'custom/my-custom-shortcut' * ), * [] * ); * * return shortcut ? ( * <p>{ __( 'Shortcut is registered.' ) }</p> * ) : ( * <p>{ __( 'Shortcut is not registered.' ) }</p> * ); * }; *``` * @return {Object} action. */ function registerShortcut({ name, category, description, keyCombination, aliases }) { return { type: 'REGISTER_SHORTCUT', name, category, keyCombination, aliases, description }; } /** * Returns an action object used to unregister a keyboard shortcut. * * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * * @example * *```js * import { useEffect } from 'react'; * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const { unregisterShortcut } = useDispatch( keyboardShortcutsStore ); * * useEffect( () => { * unregisterShortcut( 'core/editor/next-region' ); * }, [] ); * * const shortcut = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutKeyCombination( * 'core/editor/next-region' * ), * [] * ); * * return shortcut ? ( * <p>{ __( 'Shortcut is not unregistered.' ) }</p> * ) : ( * <p>{ __( 'Shortcut is unregistered.' ) }</p> * ); * }; *``` * @return {Object} action. */ function unregisterShortcut(name) { return { type: 'UNREGISTER_SHORTCUT', name }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","keycodes"] const external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["keycodes"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/store/selectors.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('./actions').WPShortcutKeyCombination} WPShortcutKeyCombination */ /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/keycodes').WPKeycodeHandlerByModifier} WPKeycodeHandlerByModifier */ /** * Shared reference to an empty array for cases where it is important to avoid * returning a new array reference on every invocation. * * @type {Array<any>} */ const EMPTY_ARRAY = []; /** * Shortcut formatting methods. * * @property {WPKeycodeHandlerByModifier} display Display formatting. * @property {WPKeycodeHandlerByModifier} rawShortcut Raw shortcut formatting. * @property {WPKeycodeHandlerByModifier} ariaLabel ARIA label formatting. */ const FORMATTING_METHODS = { display: external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcut, raw: external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.rawShortcut, ariaLabel: external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.shortcutAriaLabel }; /** * Returns a string representing the key combination. * * @param {?WPShortcutKeyCombination} shortcut Key combination. * @param {keyof FORMATTING_METHODS} representation Type of representation * (display, raw, ariaLabel). * * @return {string?} Shortcut representation. */ function getKeyCombinationRepresentation(shortcut, representation) { if (!shortcut) { return null; } return shortcut.modifier ? FORMATTING_METHODS[representation][shortcut.modifier](shortcut.character) : shortcut.character; } /** * Returns the main key combination for a given shortcut name. * * @param {Object} state Global state. * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * * @example * *```js * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { createInterpolateElement } from '@wordpress/element'; * import { sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const {character, modifier} = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutKeyCombination( * 'core/editor/next-region' * ), * [] * ); * * return ( * <div> * { createInterpolateElement( * sprintf( * 'Character: <code>%s</code> / Modifier: <code>%s</code>', * character, * modifier * ), * { * code: <code />, * } * ) } * </div> * ); * }; *``` * * @return {WPShortcutKeyCombination?} Key combination. */ function getShortcutKeyCombination(state, name) { return state[name] ? state[name].keyCombination : null; } /** * Returns a string representing the main key combination for a given shortcut name. * * @param {Object} state Global state. * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * @param {keyof FORMATTING_METHODS} representation Type of representation * (display, raw, ariaLabel). * @example * *```js * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const {display, raw, ariaLabel} = useSelect( * ( select ) =>{ * return { * display: select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutRepresentation('core/editor/next-region' ), * raw: select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutRepresentation('core/editor/next-region','raw' ), * ariaLabel: select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutRepresentation('core/editor/next-region', 'ariaLabel') * } * }, * [] * ); * * return ( * <ul> * <li>{ sprintf( 'display string: %s', display ) }</li> * <li>{ sprintf( 'raw string: %s', raw ) }</li> * <li>{ sprintf( 'ariaLabel string: %s', ariaLabel ) }</li> * </ul> * ); * }; *``` * * @return {string?} Shortcut representation. */ function getShortcutRepresentation(state, name, representation = 'display') { const shortcut = getShortcutKeyCombination(state, name); return getKeyCombinationRepresentation(shortcut, representation); } /** * Returns the shortcut description given its name. * * @param {Object} state Global state. * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * * @example * *```js * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const shortcutDescription = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutDescription( 'core/editor/next-region' ), * [] * ); * * return shortcutDescription ? ( * <div>{ shortcutDescription }</div> * ) : ( * <div>{ __( 'No description.' ) }</div> * ); * }; *``` * @return {string?} Shortcut description. */ function getShortcutDescription(state, name) { return state[name] ? state[name].description : null; } /** * Returns the aliases for a given shortcut name. * * @param {Object} state Global state. * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * @example * *```js * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { createInterpolateElement } from '@wordpress/element'; * import { sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const shortcutAliases = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getShortcutAliases( * 'core/editor/next-region' * ), * [] * ); * * return ( * shortcutAliases.length > 0 && ( * <ul> * { ( { character, modifier }, index ) => ( * <li key={ index }> * { createInterpolateElement( * sprintf( * 'Character: <code>%s</code> / Modifier: <code>%s</code>', * character, * modifier * ), * { * code: <code />, * } * ) } * </li> * ) ) } * </ul> * ) * ); * }; *``` * * @return {WPShortcutKeyCombination[]} Key combinations. */ function getShortcutAliases(state, name) { return state[name] && state[name].aliases ? state[name].aliases : EMPTY_ARRAY; } /** * Returns the shortcuts that include aliases for a given shortcut name. * * @param {Object} state Global state. * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * @example * *```js * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { createInterpolateElement } from '@wordpress/element'; * import { sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const allShortcutKeyCombinations = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getAllShortcutKeyCombinations( * 'core/editor/next-region' * ), * [] * ); * * return ( * allShortcutKeyCombinations.length > 0 && ( * <ul> * { * ( { character, modifier }, index ) => ( * <li key={ index }> * { createInterpolateElement( * sprintf( * 'Character: <code>%s</code> / Modifier: <code>%s</code>', * character, * modifier * ), * { * code: <code />, * } * ) } * </li> * ) * ) } * </ul> * ) * ); * }; *``` * * @return {WPShortcutKeyCombination[]} Key combinations. */ const getAllShortcutKeyCombinations = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, name) => { return [getShortcutKeyCombination(state, name), ...getShortcutAliases(state, name)].filter(Boolean); }, (state, name) => [state[name]]); /** * Returns the raw representation of all the keyboard combinations of a given shortcut name. * * @param {Object} state Global state. * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * * @example * *```js * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * import { createInterpolateElement } from '@wordpress/element'; * import { sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const allShortcutRawKeyCombinations = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getAllShortcutRawKeyCombinations( * 'core/editor/next-region' * ), * [] * ); * * return ( * allShortcutRawKeyCombinations.length > 0 && ( * <ul> * { * ( shortcutRawKeyCombination, index ) => ( * <li key={ index }> * { createInterpolateElement( * sprintf( * ' <code>%s</code>', * shortcutRawKeyCombination * ), * { * code: <code />, * } * ) } * </li> * ) * ) } * </ul> * ) * ); * }; *``` * * @return {string[]} Shortcuts. */ const getAllShortcutRawKeyCombinations = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, name) => { return getAllShortcutKeyCombinations(state, name).map(combination => getKeyCombinationRepresentation(combination, 'raw')); }, (state, name) => [state[name]]); /** * Returns the shortcut names list for a given category name. * * @param {Object} state Global state. * @param {string} name Category name. * @example * *```js * import { store as keyboardShortcutsStore } from '@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const categoryShortcuts = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( keyboardShortcutsStore ).getCategoryShortcuts( * 'block' * ), * [] * ); * * return ( * categoryShortcuts.length > 0 && ( * <ul> * { ( categoryShortcut ) => ( * <li key={ categoryShortcut }>{ categoryShortcut }</li> * ) ) } * </ul> * ) * ); * }; *``` * @return {string[]} Shortcut names. */ const getCategoryShortcuts = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, categoryName) => { return Object.entries(state).filter(([, shortcut]) => shortcut.category === categoryName).map(([name]) => name); }, state => [state]); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/store/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const STORE_NAME = 'core/keyboard-shortcuts'; /** * Store definition for the keyboard shortcuts namespace. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, { reducer: store_reducer, actions: actions_namespaceObject, selectors: selectors_namespaceObject }); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/hooks/use-shortcut-event-match.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns a function to check if a keyboard event matches a shortcut name. * * @return {Function} A function to check if a keyboard event matches a * predefined shortcut combination. */ function useShortcutEventMatch() { const { getAllShortcutKeyCombinations } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(store); /** * A function to check if a keyboard event matches a predefined shortcut * combination. * * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event Event to check. * * @return {boolean} True if the event matches any shortcuts, false if not. */ function isMatch(name, event) { return getAllShortcutKeyCombinations(name).some(({ modifier, character }) => { return external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isKeyboardEvent[modifier](event, character); }); } return isMatch; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const globalShortcuts = new Set(); const globalListener = event => { for (const keyboardShortcut of globalShortcuts) { keyboardShortcut(event); } }; const context = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ add: shortcut => { if (globalShortcuts.size === 0) { document.addEventListener('keydown', globalListener); } globalShortcuts.add(shortcut); }, delete: shortcut => { globalShortcuts.delete(shortcut); if (globalShortcuts.size === 0) { document.removeEventListener('keydown', globalListener); } } }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/hooks/use-shortcut.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Attach a keyboard shortcut handler. * * @param {string} name Shortcut name. * @param {Function} callback Shortcut callback. * @param {Object} options Shortcut options. * @param {boolean} options.isDisabled Whether to disable to shortut. */ function useShortcut(name, callback, { isDisabled = false } = {}) { const shortcuts = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(context); const isMatch = useShortcutEventMatch(); const callbackRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { callbackRef.current = callback; }, [callback]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (isDisabled) { return; } function _callback(event) { if (isMatch(name, event)) { callbackRef.current(event); } } shortcuts.add(_callback); return () => { shortcuts.delete(_callback); }; }, [name, isDisabled, shortcuts]); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/components/shortcut-provider.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { Provider } = context; /** * Handles callbacks added to context by `useShortcut`. * Adding a provider allows to register contextual shortcuts * that are only active when a certain part of the UI is focused. * * @param {Object} props Props to pass to `div`. * * @return {Element} Component. */ function ShortcutProvider(props) { const [keyboardShortcuts] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(() => new Set()); function onKeyDown(event) { if (props.onKeyDown) { props.onKeyDown(event); } for (const keyboardShortcut of keyboardShortcuts) { keyboardShortcut(event); } } /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Provider, { value: keyboardShortcuts, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...props, onKeyDown: onKeyDown }) }); /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/keyboard-shortcuts/build-module/index.js (window.wp = window.wp || {}).keyboardShortcuts = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!� Iܴ���� ��patterns.jsnu�[��������/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { privateApis: () => (/* reexport */ privateApis), store: () => (/* reexport */ store) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/store/actions.js var actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(actions_namespaceObject, { convertSyncedPatternToStatic: () => (convertSyncedPatternToStatic), createPattern: () => (createPattern), createPatternFromFile: () => (createPatternFromFile), setEditingPattern: () => (setEditingPattern) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/store/selectors.js var selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(selectors_namespaceObject, { isEditingPattern: () => (selectors_isEditingPattern) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/store/reducer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function isEditingPattern(state = {}, action) { if (action?.type === 'SET_EDITING_PATTERN') { return { ...state, [action.clientId]: action.isEditing }; } return state; } /* harmony default export */ const reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ isEditingPattern })); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blocks"] const external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","coreData"] const external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["coreData"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockEditor"] const external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockEditor"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/constants.js const PATTERN_TYPES = { theme: 'pattern', user: 'wp_block' }; const PATTERN_DEFAULT_CATEGORY = 'all-patterns'; const PATTERN_USER_CATEGORY = 'my-patterns'; const EXCLUDED_PATTERN_SOURCES = ['core', 'pattern-directory/core', 'pattern-directory/featured']; const PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES = { full: 'fully', unsynced: 'unsynced' }; // TODO: This should not be hardcoded. Maybe there should be a config and/or an UI. const PARTIAL_SYNCING_SUPPORTED_BLOCKS = { 'core/paragraph': ['content'], 'core/heading': ['content'], 'core/button': ['text', 'url', 'linkTarget', 'rel'], 'core/image': ['id', 'url', 'title', 'alt'] }; const PATTERN_OVERRIDES_BINDING_SOURCE = 'core/pattern-overrides'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/store/actions.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns a generator converting one or more static blocks into a pattern, or creating a new empty pattern. * * @param {string} title Pattern title. * @param {'full'|'unsynced'} syncType They way block is synced, 'full' or 'unsynced'. * @param {string|undefined} [content] Optional serialized content of blocks to convert to pattern. * @param {number[]|undefined} [categories] Ids of any selected categories. */ const createPattern = (title, syncType, content, categories) => async ({ registry }) => { const meta = syncType === PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.unsynced ? { wp_pattern_sync_status: syncType } : undefined; const reusableBlock = { title, content, status: 'publish', meta, wp_pattern_category: categories }; const updatedRecord = await registry.dispatch('postType', 'wp_block', reusableBlock); return updatedRecord; }; /** * Create a pattern from a JSON file. * @param {File} file The JSON file instance of the pattern. * @param {number[]|undefined} [categories] Ids of any selected categories. */ const createPatternFromFile = (file, categories) => async ({ dispatch }) => { const fileContent = await file.text(); /** @type {import('./types').PatternJSON} */ let parsedContent; try { parsedContent = JSON.parse(fileContent); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Invalid JSON file'); } if (parsedContent.__file !== 'wp_block' || !parsedContent.title || !parsedContent.content || typeof parsedContent.title !== 'string' || typeof parsedContent.content !== 'string' || parsedContent.syncStatus && typeof parsedContent.syncStatus !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid pattern JSON file'); } const pattern = await dispatch.createPattern(parsedContent.title, parsedContent.syncStatus, parsedContent.content, categories); return pattern; }; /** * Returns a generator converting a synced pattern block into a static block. * * @param {string} clientId The client ID of the block to attach. */ const convertSyncedPatternToStatic = clientId => ({ registry }) => { const patternBlock =; const existingOverrides = patternBlock.attributes?.content; function cloneBlocksAndRemoveBindings(blocks) { return => { let metadata = block.attributes.metadata; if (metadata) { metadata = { ...metadata }; delete; delete metadata.bindings; // Use overridden values of the pattern block if they exist. if (existingOverrides?.[]) { // Iterate over each overriden attribute. for (const [attributeName, value] of Object.entries(existingOverrides[])) { // Skip if the attribute does not exist in the block type. if (!(0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockType)([attributeName]) { continue; } // Update the block attribute with the override value. block.attributes[attributeName] = value; } } } return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.cloneBlock)(block, { metadata: metadata && Object.keys(metadata).length > 0 ? metadata : undefined }, cloneBlocksAndRemoveBindings(block.innerBlocks)); }); } const patternInnerBlocks =; registry.dispatch(, cloneBlocksAndRemoveBindings(patternInnerBlocks)); }; /** * Returns an action descriptor for SET_EDITING_PATTERN action. * * @param {string} clientId The clientID of the pattern to target. * @param {boolean} isEditing Whether the block should be in editing state. * @return {Object} Action descriptor. */ function setEditingPattern(clientId, isEditing) { return { type: 'SET_EDITING_PATTERN', clientId, isEditing }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/store/constants.js /** * Module Constants */ const STORE_NAME = 'core/patterns'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/store/selectors.js /** * Returns true if pattern is in the editing state. * * @param {Object} state Global application state. * @param {number} clientId the clientID of the block. * @return {boolean} Whether the pattern is in the editing state. */ function selectors_isEditingPattern(state, clientId) { return state.isEditingPattern[clientId]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/lock-unlock.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/patterns'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/store/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Post editor data store configuration. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const storeConfig = { reducer: reducer }; /** * Store definition for the editor namespace. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, { ...storeConfig }); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); unlock(store).registerPrivateActions(actions_namespaceObject); unlock(store).registerPrivateSelectors(selectors_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","components"] const external_wp_components_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["components"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/api/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Determines whether a block is overridable. * * @param {WPBlock} block The block to test. * * @return {boolean} `true` if a block is overridable, `false` otherwise. */ function isOverridableBlock(block) { return Object.keys(PARTIAL_SYNCING_SUPPORTED_BLOCKS).includes( && !!block.attributes.metadata?.name && !!block.attributes.metadata?.bindings && Object.values(block.attributes.metadata.bindings).some(binding => binding.source === 'core/pattern-overrides'); } /** * Determines whether the blocks list has overridable blocks. * * @param {WPBlock[]} blocks The blocks list. * * @return {boolean} `true` if the list has overridable blocks, `false` otherwise. */ function hasOverridableBlocks(blocks) { return blocks.some(block => { if (isOverridableBlock(block)) { return true; } return hasOverridableBlocks(block.innerBlocks); }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/overrides-panel.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { BlockQuickNavigation } = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis); function OverridesPanel() { const allClientIds = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(, []); const { getBlock } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(; const clientIdsWithOverrides = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => allClientIds.filter(clientId => { const block = getBlock(clientId); return isOverridableBlock(block); }), [allClientIds, getBlock]); if (!clientIdsWithOverrides?.length) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Overrides'), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BlockQuickNavigation, { clientIds: clientIdsWithOverrides }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","notices"] const external_wp_notices_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["notices"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"] const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/category-selector.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const unescapeString = arg => { return (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(arg); }; const CATEGORY_SLUG = 'wp_pattern_category'; function CategorySelector({ categoryTerms, onChange, categoryMap }) { const [search, setSearch] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(''); const debouncedSearch = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(setSearch, 500); const suggestions = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return Array.from(categoryMap.values()).map(category => unescapeString(category.label)).filter(category => { if (search !== '') { return category.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()); } return true; }).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); }, [search, categoryMap]); function handleChange(termNames) { const uniqueTerms = termNames.reduce((terms, newTerm) => { if (!terms.some(term => term.toLowerCase() === newTerm.toLowerCase())) { terms.push(newTerm); } return terms; }, []); onChange(uniqueTerms); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.FormTokenField, { className: "patterns-menu-items__convert-modal-categories", value: categoryTerms, suggestions: suggestions, onChange: handleChange, onInputChange: debouncedSearch, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Categories'), tokenizeOnBlur: true, __experimentalExpandOnFocus: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/private-hooks.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Helper hook that creates a Map with the core and user patterns categories * and removes any duplicates. It's used when we need to create new user * categories when creating or importing patterns. * This hook also provides a function to find or create a pattern category. * * @return {Object} The merged categories map and the callback function to find or create a category. */ function useAddPatternCategory() { const { saveEntityRecord, invalidateResolution } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { corePatternCategories, userPatternCategories } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getUserPatternCategories, getBlockPatternCategories } = select(; return { corePatternCategories: getBlockPatternCategories(), userPatternCategories: getUserPatternCategories() }; }, []); const categoryMap = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { // Merge the user and core pattern categories and remove any duplicates. const uniqueCategories = new Map(); userPatternCategories.forEach(category => { uniqueCategories.set(category.label.toLowerCase(), { label: category.label, name:, id: }); }); corePatternCategories.forEach(category => { if (!uniqueCategories.has(category.label.toLowerCase()) && // There are two core categories with `Post` label so explicitly remove the one with // the `query` slug to avoid any confusion. !== 'query') { uniqueCategories.set(category.label.toLowerCase(), { label: category.label, name: }); } }); return uniqueCategories; }, [userPatternCategories, corePatternCategories]); async function findOrCreateTerm(term) { try { const existingTerm = categoryMap.get(term.toLowerCase()); if (existingTerm?.id) { return; } // If we have an existing core category we need to match the new user category to the // correct slug rather than autogenerating it to prevent duplicates, eg. the core `Headers` // category uses the singular `header` as the slug. const termData = existingTerm ? { name: existingTerm.label, slug: } : { name: term }; const newTerm = await saveEntityRecord('taxonomy', CATEGORY_SLUG, termData, { throwOnError: true }); invalidateResolution('getUserPatternCategories'); return; } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'term_exists') { throw error; } return; } } return { categoryMap, findOrCreateTerm }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/create-pattern-modal.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function CreatePatternModal({ className = 'patterns-menu-items__convert-modal', modalTitle, ...restProps }) { const defaultModalTitle = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(, []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Modal, { title: modalTitle || defaultModalTitle, onRequestClose: restProps.onClose, overlayClassName: className, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CreatePatternModalContents, { ...restProps }) }); } function CreatePatternModalContents({ confirmLabel = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add'), defaultCategories = [], content, onClose, onError, onSuccess, defaultSyncType = PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.full, defaultTitle = '' }) { const [syncType, setSyncType] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(defaultSyncType); const [categoryTerms, setCategoryTerms] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(defaultCategories); const [title, setTitle] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(defaultTitle); const [isSaving, setIsSaving] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const { createPattern } = unlock((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store)); const { createErrorNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { categoryMap, findOrCreateTerm } = useAddPatternCategory(); async function onCreate(patternTitle, sync) { if (!title || isSaving) { return; } try { setIsSaving(true); const categories = await Promise.all( => findOrCreateTerm(termName))); const newPattern = await createPattern(patternTitle, sync, typeof content === 'function' ? content() : content, categories); onSuccess({ pattern: newPattern, categoryId: PATTERN_DEFAULT_CATEGORY }); } catch (error) { createErrorNotice(error.message, { type: 'snackbar', id: 'pattern-create' }); onError?.(); } finally { setIsSaving(false); setCategoryTerms([]); setTitle(''); } } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("form", { onSubmit: event => { event.preventDefault(); onCreate(title, syncType); }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalVStack, { spacing: "5", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.TextControl, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Name'), value: title, onChange: setTitle, placeholder: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('My pattern'), className: "patterns-create-modal__name-input", __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CategorySelector, { categoryTerms: categoryTerms, onChange: setCategoryTerms, categoryMap: categoryMap }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Synced', 'pattern (singular)'), help: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Sync this pattern across multiple locations.'), checked: syncType === PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.full, onChange: () => { setSyncType(syncType === PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.full ? PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.unsynced : PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.full); } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalHStack, { justify: "right", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "tertiary", onClick: () => { onClose(); setTitle(''); }, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Cancel') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "primary", type: "submit", "aria-disabled": !title || isSaving, isBusy: isSaving, children: confirmLabel })] })] }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/duplicate-pattern-modal.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function getTermLabels(pattern, categories) { // Theme patterns rely on core pattern categories. if (pattern.type !== PATTERN_TYPES.user) { return categories.core?.filter(category => pattern.categories.includes( => category.label); } return categories.user?.filter(category => pattern.wp_pattern_category.includes( => category.label); } function useDuplicatePatternProps({ pattern, onSuccess }) { const { createSuccessNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const categories = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getUserPatternCategories, getBlockPatternCategories } = select(; return { core: getBlockPatternCategories(), user: getUserPatternCategories() }; }); if (!pattern) { return null; } return { content: pattern.content, defaultCategories: getTermLabels(pattern, categories), defaultSyncType: pattern.type !== PATTERN_TYPES.user // Theme patterns are unsynced by default. ? PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.unsynced : pattern.wp_pattern_sync_status || PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.full, defaultTitle: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: Existing pattern title */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s (Copy)'), typeof pattern.title === 'string' ? pattern.title : pattern.title.raw), onSuccess: ({ pattern: newPattern }) => { createSuccessNotice((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The new pattern's title e.g. 'Call to action (copy)'. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('"%s" duplicated.'), newPattern.title.raw), { type: 'snackbar', id: 'patterns-create' }); onSuccess?.({ pattern: newPattern }); } }; } function DuplicatePatternModal({ pattern, onClose, onSuccess }) { const duplicatedProps = useDuplicatePatternProps({ pattern, onSuccess }); if (!pattern) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CreatePatternModal, { modalTitle: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Duplicate pattern'), confirmLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Duplicate'), onClose: onClose, onError: onClose, ...duplicatedProps }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/rename-pattern-modal.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function RenamePatternModal({ onClose, onError, onSuccess, pattern, ...props }) { const originalName = (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(pattern.title); const [name, setName] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(originalName); const [isSaving, setIsSaving] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const { editEntityRecord, __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits: saveSpecifiedEntityEdits } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { createSuccessNotice, createErrorNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const onRename = async event => { event.preventDefault(); if (!name || name === pattern.title || isSaving) { return; } try { await editEntityRecord('postType', pattern.type,, { title: name }); setIsSaving(true); setName(''); onClose?.(); const savedRecord = await saveSpecifiedEntityEdits('postType', pattern.type,, ['title'], { throwOnError: true }); onSuccess?.(savedRecord); createSuccessNotice((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Pattern renamed'), { type: 'snackbar', id: 'pattern-update' }); } catch (error) { onError?.(); const errorMessage = error.message && error.code !== 'unknown_error' ? error.message : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('An error occurred while renaming the pattern.'); createErrorNotice(errorMessage, { type: 'snackbar', id: 'pattern-update' }); } finally { setIsSaving(false); setName(''); } }; const onRequestClose = () => { onClose?.(); setName(''); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Modal, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Rename'), ...props, onRequestClose: onClose, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("form", { onSubmit: onRename, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalVStack, { spacing: "5", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.TextControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Name'), value: name, onChange: setName, required: true }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalHStack, { justify: "right", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "tertiary", onClick: onRequestClose, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Cancel') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "primary", type: "submit", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Save') })] })] }) }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","primitives"] const external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["primitives"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/symbol.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const symbol = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M21.3 10.8l-5.6-5.6c-.7-.7-1.8-.7-2.5 0l-5.6 5.6c-.7.7-.7 1.8 0 2.5l5.6 5.6c. 1.2.5s.9-.2 1.2-.5l5.6-5.6c.8-.7.8-1.9.1-2.5zm-1 1.4l-5.6 5.6c-.1.1-.3.1-.4 0l-5.6-5.6c-.1-.1-.1-.3 0-.4l5.6-5.6s.1-.1.2-.1.1 0 .2.1l5.6 5.6c. 0 .4zm-16.6-.4L10 5.5l-1-1-6.3 6.3c-.7.7-.7 1.8 0 2.5L9 19.5l1.1-1.1-6.3-6.3c-.2 0-.2-.2-.1-.3z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_symbol = (symbol); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/pattern-convert-button.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Menu control to convert block(s) to a pattern block. * * @param {Object} props Component props. * @param {string[]} props.clientIds Client ids of selected blocks. * @param {string} props.rootClientId ID of the currently selected top-level block. * @param {()=>void} props.closeBlockSettingsMenu Callback to close the block settings menu dropdown. * @return {import('react').ComponentType} The menu control or null. */ function PatternConvertButton({ clientIds, rootClientId, closeBlockSettingsMenu }) { const { createSuccessNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { replaceBlocks } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; // Ignore reason: false positive of the lint rule. // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/no-unused-vars-before-return const { setEditingPattern } = unlock((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store)); const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const canConvert = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { var _getBlocksByClientId; const { canUser } = select(; const { getBlocksByClientId, canInsertBlockType, getBlockRootClientId } = select(; const rootId = rootClientId || (clientIds.length > 0 ? getBlockRootClientId(clientIds[0]) : undefined); const blocks = (_getBlocksByClientId = getBlocksByClientId(clientIds)) !== null && _getBlocksByClientId !== void 0 ? _getBlocksByClientId : []; const isReusable = blocks.length === 1 && blocks[0] && (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.isReusableBlock)(blocks[0]) && !!select('postType', 'wp_block', blocks[0].attributes.ref); const _canConvert = // Hide when this is already a synced pattern. !isReusable && // Hide when patterns are disabled. canInsertBlockType('core/block', rootId) && blocks.every(block => // Guard against the case where a regular block has *just* been converted. !!block && // Hide on invalid blocks. block.isValid && // Hide when block doesn't support being made into a pattern. (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.hasBlockSupport)(, 'reusable', true)) && // Hide when current doesn't have permission to do that. !!canUser('create', 'blocks'); return _canConvert; }, [clientIds, rootClientId]); const { getBlocksByClientId } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(; const getContent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.serialize)(getBlocksByClientId(clientIds)), [getBlocksByClientId, clientIds]); if (!canConvert) { return null; } const handleSuccess = ({ pattern }) => { if (pattern.wp_pattern_sync_status !== PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.unsynced) { const newBlock = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/block', { ref: }); replaceBlocks(clientIds, newBlock); setEditingPattern(newBlock.clientId, true); closeBlockSettingsMenu(); } createSuccessNotice(pattern.wp_pattern_sync_status === PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES.unsynced ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: the name the user has given to the pattern. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Unsynced pattern created: %s'), pattern.title.raw) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: the name the user has given to the pattern. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Synced pattern created: %s'), pattern.title.raw), { type: 'snackbar', id: 'convert-to-pattern-success' }); setIsModalOpen(false); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuItem, { icon: library_symbol, onClick: () => setIsModalOpen(true), "aria-expanded": isModalOpen, "aria-haspopup": "dialog", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Create pattern') }), isModalOpen && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CreatePatternModal, { content: getContent, onSuccess: pattern => { handleSuccess(pattern); }, onError: () => { setIsModalOpen(false); }, onClose: () => { setIsModalOpen(false); } })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","url"] const external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/patterns-manage-button.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function PatternsManageButton({ clientId }) { const { canRemove, isVisible, managePatternsUrl } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getBlock, canRemoveBlock, getBlockCount } = select(; const { canUser } = select(; const reusableBlock = getBlock(clientId); return { canRemove: canRemoveBlock(clientId), isVisible: !!reusableBlock && (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.isReusableBlock)(reusableBlock) && !!canUser('update', 'blocks', reusableBlock.attributes.ref), innerBlockCount: getBlockCount(clientId), // The site editor and templates both check whether the user // has edit_theme_options capabilities. We can leverage that here // and omit the manage patterns link if the user can't access it. managePatternsUrl: canUser('create', 'templates') ? (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('site-editor.php', { path: '/patterns' }) : (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('edit.php', { post_type: 'wp_block' }) }; }, [clientId]); // Ignore reason: false positive of the lint rule. // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/no-unused-vars-before-return const { convertSyncedPatternToStatic } = unlock((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store)); if (!isVisible) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [canRemove && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuItem, { onClick: () => convertSyncedPatternToStatic(clientId), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Detach') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.MenuItem, { href: managePatternsUrl, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Manage patterns') })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const patterns_manage_button = (PatternsManageButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function PatternsMenuItems({ rootClientId }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockSettingsMenuControls, { children: ({ selectedClientIds, onClose }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PatternConvertButton, { clientIds: selectedClientIds, rootClientId: rootClientId, closeBlockSettingsMenu: onClose }), selectedClientIds.length === 1 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(patterns_manage_button, { clientId: selectedClientIds[0] })] }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","a11y"] const external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["a11y"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/rename-pattern-category-modal.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function RenamePatternCategoryModal({ category, existingCategories, onClose, onError, onSuccess, ...props }) { const id = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useId)(); const textControlRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const [name, setName] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)((0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(; const [isSaving, setIsSaving] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [validationMessage, setValidationMessage] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const validationMessageId = validationMessage ? `patterns-rename-pattern-category-modal__validation-message-${id}` : undefined; const { saveEntityRecord, invalidateResolution } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { createErrorNotice, createSuccessNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const onChange = newName => { if (validationMessage) { setValidationMessage(undefined); } setName(newName); }; const onSave = async event => { event.preventDefault(); if (isSaving) { return; } if (!name || name === { const message = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Please enter a new name for this category.'); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(message, 'assertive'); setValidationMessage(message); textControlRef.current?.focus(); return; } // Check existing categories to avoid creating duplicates. if (existingCategories.patternCategories.find(existingCategory => { // Compare the id so that the we don't disallow the user changing the case of their current category // (i.e. renaming 'test' to 'Test'). return !== && existingCategory.label.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); })) { const message = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('This category already exists. Please use a different name.'); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(message, 'assertive'); setValidationMessage(message); textControlRef.current?.focus(); return; } try { setIsSaving(true); // User pattern category properties may differ as they can be // normalized for use alongside template part areas, core pattern // categories etc. As a result we won't just destructure the passed // category object. const savedRecord = await saveEntityRecord('taxonomy', CATEGORY_SLUG, { id:, slug: category.slug, name }); invalidateResolution('getUserPatternCategories'); onSuccess?.(savedRecord); onClose(); createSuccessNotice((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Pattern category renamed.'), { type: 'snackbar', id: 'pattern-category-update' }); } catch (error) { onError?.(); createErrorNotice(error.message, { type: 'snackbar', id: 'pattern-category-update' }); } finally { setIsSaving(false); setName(''); } }; const onRequestClose = () => { onClose(); setName(''); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Modal, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Rename'), onRequestClose: onRequestClose, ...props, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("form", { onSubmit: onSave, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalVStack, { spacing: "5", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalVStack, { spacing: "2", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.TextControl, { ref: textControlRef, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Name'), value: name, onChange: onChange, "aria-describedby": validationMessageId, required: true }), validationMessage && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "patterns-rename-pattern-category-modal__validation-message", id: validationMessageId, children: validationMessage })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalHStack, { justify: "right", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "tertiary", onClick: onRequestClose, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Cancel') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "primary", type: "submit", "aria-disabled": !name || name === || isSaving, isBusy: isSaving, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Save') })] })] }) }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/allow-overrides-modal.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function AllowOverridesModal({ placeholder, initialName = '', onClose, onSave }) { const [editedBlockName, setEditedBlockName] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(initialName); const descriptionId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useId)(); const isNameValid = !!editedBlockName.trim(); const handleSubmit = () => { if (editedBlockName !== initialName) { const message = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: new name/label for the block */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Block name changed to: "%s".'), editedBlockName); // Must be assertive to immediately announce change. (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(message, 'assertive'); } onSave(editedBlockName); // Immediate close avoids ability to hit save multiple times. onClose(); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Modal, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Enable overrides'), onRequestClose: onClose, focusOnMount: "firstContentElement", aria: { describedby: descriptionId }, size: "small", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("form", { onSubmit: event => { event.preventDefault(); if (!isNameValid) { return; } handleSubmit(); }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalVStack, { spacing: "6", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalText, { id: descriptionId, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Overrides are changes you make to a block within a synced pattern instance. Use overrides to customize a synced pattern instance to suit its new context. Name this block to specify an override.') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.TextControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, value: editedBlockName, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Name'), help: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('For example, if you are creating a recipe pattern, you use "Recipe Title", "Recipe Description", etc.'), placeholder: placeholder, onChange: setEditedBlockName }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalHStack, { justify: "right", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "tertiary", onClick: onClose, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Cancel') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, "aria-disabled": !isNameValid, variant: "primary", type: "submit", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Enable') })] })] }) }) }); } function DisallowOverridesModal({ onClose, onSave }) { const descriptionId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useId)(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Modal, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Disable overrides'), onRequestClose: onClose, aria: { describedby: descriptionId }, size: "small", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("form", { onSubmit: event => { event.preventDefault(); onSave(); onClose(); }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalVStack, { spacing: "6", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalText, { id: descriptionId, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Are you sure you want to disable overrides? Disabling overrides will revert all applied overrides for this block throughout instances of this pattern.') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalHStack, { justify: "right", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "tertiary", onClick: onClose, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Cancel') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, variant: "primary", type: "submit", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Disable') })] })] }) }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/pattern-overrides-controls.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function removeBindings(bindings) { let updatedBindings = { ...bindings }; delete updatedBindings.__default; if (!Object.keys(updatedBindings).length) { updatedBindings = undefined; } return updatedBindings; } function addBindings(bindings) { return { ...bindings, __default: { source: PATTERN_OVERRIDES_BINDING_SOURCE } }; } function PatternOverridesControls({ attributes, setAttributes, name: blockName }) { const controlId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useId)(); const [showAllowOverridesModal, setShowAllowOverridesModal] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [showDisallowOverridesModal, setShowDisallowOverridesModal] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const hasName = !!attributes.metadata?.name; const defaultBindings = attributes.metadata?.bindings?.__default; const hasOverrides = hasName && defaultBindings?.source === PATTERN_OVERRIDES_BINDING_SOURCE; const isConnectedToOtherSources = defaultBindings?.source && defaultBindings.source !== PATTERN_OVERRIDES_BINDING_SOURCE; function updateBindings(isChecked, customName) { const prevBindings = attributes?.metadata?.bindings; const updatedBindings = isChecked ? addBindings(prevBindings) : removeBindings(prevBindings); const updatedMetadata = { ...attributes.metadata, bindings: updatedBindings }; if (customName) { = customName; } setAttributes({ metadata: updatedMetadata }); } // Avoid overwriting other (e.g. meta) bindings. if (isConnectedToOtherSources) { return null; } const hasUnsupportedImageAttributes = blockName === 'core/image' && (!!attributes.caption?.length || !!attributes.href?.length); const helpText = !hasOverrides && hasUnsupportedImageAttributes ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)(`Overrides currently don't support image captions or links. Remove the caption or link first before enabling overrides.`) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Allow changes to this block throughout instances of this pattern.'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { group: "advanced", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.BaseControl, { id: controlId, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Overrides'), help: helpText, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, className: "pattern-overrides-control__allow-overrides-button", variant: "secondary", "aria-haspopup": "dialog", onClick: () => { if (hasOverrides) { setShowDisallowOverridesModal(true); } else { setShowAllowOverridesModal(true); } }, disabled: !hasOverrides && hasUnsupportedImageAttributes, __experimentalIsFocusable: true, children: hasOverrides ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Disable overrides') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Enable overrides') }) }) }), showAllowOverridesModal && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AllowOverridesModal, { initialName: attributes.metadata?.name, onClose: () => setShowAllowOverridesModal(false), onSave: newName => { updateBindings(true, newName); } }), showDisallowOverridesModal && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DisallowOverridesModal, { onClose: () => setShowDisallowOverridesModal(false), onSave: () => updateBindings(false) })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const pattern_overrides_controls = (PatternOverridesControls); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/reset-overrides-control.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const CONTENT = 'content'; function ResetOverridesControl(props) { const name = props.attributes.metadata?.name; const registry = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useRegistry)(); const isOverriden = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { if (!name) { return; } const { getBlockAttributes, getBlockParentsByBlockName } = select(; const [patternClientId] = getBlockParentsByBlockName(props.clientId, 'core/block', true); if (!patternClientId) { return; } const overrides = getBlockAttributes(patternClientId)[CONTENT]; if (!overrides) { return; } return overrides.hasOwnProperty(name); }, [props.clientId, name]); function onClick() { const { getBlockAttributes, getBlockParentsByBlockName } =; const [patternClientId] = getBlockParentsByBlockName(props.clientId, 'core/block', true); if (!patternClientId) { return; } const overrides = getBlockAttributes(patternClientId)[CONTENT]; if (!overrides.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return; } const { updateBlockAttributes, __unstableMarkLastChangeAsPersistent } = registry.dispatch(; __unstableMarkLastChangeAsPersistent(); let newOverrides = { ...overrides }; delete newOverrides[name]; if (!Object.keys(newOverrides).length) { newOverrides = undefined; } updateBlockAttributes(patternClientId, { [CONTENT]: newOverrides }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__unstableBlockToolbarLastItem, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarGroup, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarButton, { onClick: onClick, disabled: !isOverriden, __experimentalIsFocusable: true, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset') }) }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/copy.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const copy = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M5 4.5h11a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v11a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5ZM3 5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5Zm17 3v10.75c0 .69-.56 1.25-1.25 1.25H6v1.5h12.75a2.75 2.75 0 0 0 2.75-2.75V8H20Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_copy = (copy); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/components/pattern-overrides-block-controls.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { useBlockDisplayTitle } = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis); function PatternOverridesToolbarIndicator({ clientIds }) { const isSingleBlockSelected = clientIds.length === 1; const { icon, firstBlockName } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getBlockAttributes, getBlockNamesByClientId } = select(; const { getBlockType, getActiveBlockVariation } = select(; const blockTypeNames = getBlockNamesByClientId(clientIds); const _firstBlockTypeName = blockTypeNames[0]; const firstBlockType = getBlockType(_firstBlockTypeName); let _icon; if (isSingleBlockSelected) { const match = getActiveBlockVariation(_firstBlockTypeName, getBlockAttributes(clientIds[0])); // Take into account active block variations. _icon = match?.icon || firstBlockType.icon; } else { const isSelectionOfSameType = new Set(blockTypeNames).size === 1; // When selection consists of blocks of multiple types, display an // appropriate icon to communicate the non-uniformity. _icon = isSelectionOfSameType ? firstBlockType.icon : library_copy; } return { icon: _icon, firstBlockName: getBlockAttributes(clientIds[0]) }; }, [clientIds, isSingleBlockSelected]); const firstBlockTitle = useBlockDisplayTitle({ clientId: clientIds[0], maximumLength: 35 }); const blockDescription = isSingleBlockSelected ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %1s: The block type's name; %2s: The block's user-provided name (the same as the override name). */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('This %1$s is editable using the "%2$s" override.'), firstBlockTitle.toLowerCase(), firstBlockName) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('These blocks are editable using overrides.'); const descriptionId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useId)(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarItem, { children: toggleProps => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.DropdownMenu, { className: "patterns-pattern-overrides-toolbar-indicator", label: firstBlockTitle, popoverProps: { placement: 'bottom-start', className: 'patterns-pattern-overrides-toolbar-indicator__popover' }, icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockIcon, { icon: icon, className: "patterns-pattern-overrides-toolbar-indicator-icon", showColors: true }) }), toggleProps: { describedBy: blockDescription, ...toggleProps }, menuProps: { orientation: 'both', 'aria-describedby': descriptionId }, children: () => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalText, { id: descriptionId, children: blockDescription }) }) }); } function PatternOverridesBlockControls() { const { clientIds, hasPatternOverrides, hasParentPattern } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getBlockAttributes, getSelectedBlockClientIds, getBlockParentsByBlockName } = select(; const selectedClientIds = getSelectedBlockClientIds(); const _hasPatternOverrides = selectedClientIds.every(clientId => { var _getBlockAttributes$m; return Object.values((_getBlockAttributes$m = getBlockAttributes(clientId)?.metadata?.bindings) !== null && _getBlockAttributes$m !== void 0 ? _getBlockAttributes$m : {}).some(binding => binding?.source === PATTERN_OVERRIDES_BINDING_SOURCE); }); const _hasParentPattern = selectedClientIds.every(clientId => getBlockParentsByBlockName(clientId, 'core/block', true).length > 0); return { clientIds: selectedClientIds, hasPatternOverrides: _hasPatternOverrides, hasParentPattern: _hasParentPattern }; }, []); return hasPatternOverrides && hasParentPattern ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { group: "parent", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PatternOverridesToolbarIndicator, { clientIds: clientIds }) }) : null; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/private-apis.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const privateApis = {}; lock(privateApis, { OverridesPanel: OverridesPanel, CreatePatternModal: CreatePatternModal, CreatePatternModalContents: CreatePatternModalContents, DuplicatePatternModal: DuplicatePatternModal, isOverridableBlock: isOverridableBlock, hasOverridableBlocks: hasOverridableBlocks, useDuplicatePatternProps: useDuplicatePatternProps, RenamePatternModal: RenamePatternModal, PatternsMenuItems: PatternsMenuItems, RenamePatternCategoryModal: RenamePatternCategoryModal, PatternOverridesControls: pattern_overrides_controls, ResetOverridesControl: ResetOverridesControl, PatternOverridesBlockControls: PatternOverridesBlockControls, useAddPatternCategory: useAddPatternCategory, PATTERN_TYPES: PATTERN_TYPES, PATTERN_DEFAULT_CATEGORY: PATTERN_DEFAULT_CATEGORY, PATTERN_USER_CATEGORY: PATTERN_USER_CATEGORY, EXCLUDED_PATTERN_SOURCES: EXCLUDED_PATTERN_SOURCES, PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES: PATTERN_SYNC_TYPES, PARTIAL_SYNCING_SUPPORTED_BLOCKS: PARTIAL_SYNCING_SUPPORTED_BLOCKS }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/patterns/build-module/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ (window.wp = window.wp || {}).patterns = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!�&K" ��" �� ��url.min.jsnu�[��������/*! 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URL(e),!0}catch{return!1}}r.r(n),r.d(n,{addQueryArgs:()=>y,buildQueryString:()=>f,cleanForSlug:()=>j,filterURLForDisplay:()=>w,getAuthority:()=>c,getFilename:()=>C,getFragment:()=>O,getPath:()=>s,getPathAndQueryString:()=>d,getProtocol:()=>i,getQueryArg:()=>U,getQueryArgs:()=>m,getQueryString:()=>p,hasQueryArg:()=>E,isEmail:()=>o,isURL:()=>e,isValidAuthority:()=>a,isValidFragment:()=>A,isValidPath:()=>l,isValidProtocol:()=>u,isValidQueryString:()=>g,normalizePath:()=>P,prependHTTP:()=>b,prependHTTPS:()=>$,removeQueryArgs:()=>I,safeDecodeURI:()=>v,safeDecodeURIComponent:()=>h});const t=/^(mailto:)?[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.-]*\.[a-z]{2,63}$/i;function o(e){return t.test(e)}function i(e){const t=/^([^\s:]+:)/.exec(e);if(t)return t[1]}function u(e){return!!e&&/^[a-z\-.\+]+[0-9]*:$/i.test(e)}function c(e){const t=/^[^\/\s:]+:(?:\/\/)?\/?([^\/\s#?]+)[\/#?]{0,1}\S*$/.exec(e);if(t)return t[1]}function a(e){return!!e&&/^[^\s#?]+$/.test(e)}function s(e){const t=/^[^\/\s:]+:(?:\/\/)?[^\/\s#?]+[\/]([^\s#?]+)[#?]{0,1}\S*$/.exec(e);if(t)return t[1]}function l(e){return!!e&&/^[^\s#?]+$/.test(e)}function p(e){let t;try{t=new URL(e,"").search.substring(1)}catch(e){}if(t)return t}function f(e){let t="";const r=Object.entries(e);let n;for(;n=r.shift();){let[e,o]=n;if(Array.isArray(o)||o&&o.constructor===Object){const t=Object.entries(o).reverse();for(const[n,o]of t)r.unshift([`${e}[${n}]`,o])}else void 0!==o&&(null===o&&(o=""),t+="&"+[e,o].map(encodeURIComponent).join("="))}return t.substr(1)}function g(e){return!!e&&/^[^\s#?\/]+$/.test(e)}function d(e){const t=s(e),r=p(e);let n="/";return t&&(n+=t),r&&(n+=`?${r}`),n}function O(e){const t=/^\S+?(#[^\s\?]*)/.exec(e);if(t)return t[1]}function A(e){return!!e&&/^#[^\s#?\/]*$/.test(e)}function h(e){try{return decodeURIComponent(e)}catch(t){return e}}function m(e){return(p(e)||"").replace(/\+/g,"%20").split("&").reduce(((e,t)=>{const[r,n=""]=t.split("=").filter(Boolean).map(h);if(r){!function(e,t,r){const n=t.length,o=n-1;for(let i=0;i<n;i++){let n=t[i];!n&&Array.isArray(e)&&(n=e.length.toString()),n=["__proto__","constructor","prototype"].includes(n)?n.toUpperCase():n;const u=!isNaN(Number(t[i+1]));e[n]=i===o?r:e[n]||(u?[]:{}),Array.isArray(e[n])&&!u&&(e[n]={...e[n]}),e=e[n]}}(e,r.replace(/\]/g,"").split("["),n)}return e}),Object.create(null))}function y(e="",t){if(!t||!Object.keys(t).length)return e;let r=e;const n=e.indexOf("?");return-1!==n&&(t=Object.assign(m(e),t),r=r.substr(0,n)),r+"?"+f(t)}function U(e,t){return m(e)[t]}function E(e,t){return void 0!==U(e,t)}function I(e,...t){const r=e.indexOf("?");if(-1===r)return e;const n=m(e),o=e.substr(0,r);t.forEach((e=>delete n[e]));const i=f(n);return i?o+"?"+i:o}const x=/^(?:[a-z]+:|#|\?|\.|\/)/i;function b(e){return e?(e=e.trim(),x.test(e)||o(e)?e:"http://"+e):e}function v(e){try{return decodeURI(e)}catch(t){return e}}function w(e,t=null){let r=e.replace(/^(?:https?:)\/\/(?:www\.)?/,"");r.match(/^[^\/]+\/$/)&&(r=r.replace("/",""));if(!t||r.length<=t||!r.match(/\/([^\/?]+)\.(?:[\w]+)(?=\?|$)/))return r;r=r.split("?")[0];const n=r.split("/"),o=n[n.length-1];if(o.length<=t)return"…"+r.slice(-t);const i=o.lastIndexOf("."),[u,c]=[o.slice(0,i),o.slice(i+1)],a=u.slice(-3)+"."+c;return o.slice(0,t-a.length-1)+"…"+a}var R=r(9681),S=r.n(R);function j(e){return e?S()(e).replace(/[\s\./]+/g,"-").replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N}_-]+/gu,"").toLowerCase().replace(/-+/g,"-").replace(/(^-+)|(-+$)/g,""):""}function C(e){let t;if(e){try{t=new URL(e,"").pathname.split("/").pop()}catch(e){}return t||void 0}}function P(e){const t=e.split("?"),r=t[1],n=t[0];return r?n+"?"+r.split("&").map((e=>e.split("="))).map((e=>,t)=>e[0].localeCompare(t[0]))).map((e=>>e.join("="))).join("&"):n}function $(e){return e?e.startsWith("http://")?e:(e=b(e)).replace(/^http:/,"https:"):e}})(),(window.wp=window.wp||{}).url=n})();PK�������!�- ǿ$�ǿ$� ��components.jsnu�[��������/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ 66: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; var isMergeableObject = function isMergeableObject(value) { return isNonNullObject(value) && !isSpecial(value) }; function isNonNullObject(value) { return !!value && typeof value === 'object' } function isSpecial(value) { var stringValue =; return stringValue === '[object RegExp]' || stringValue === '[object Date]' || isReactElement(value) } // see var canUseSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.for; var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = canUseSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.element') : 0xeac7; function isReactElement(value) { return value.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE } function emptyTarget(val) { return Array.isArray(val) ? [] : {} } function cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(value, options) { return (options.clone !== false && options.isMergeableObject(value)) ? deepmerge(emptyTarget(value), value, options) : value } function defaultArrayMerge(target, source, options) { return target.concat(source).map(function(element) { return cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(element, options) }) } function getMergeFunction(key, options) { if (!options.customMerge) { return deepmerge } var customMerge = options.customMerge(key); return typeof customMerge === 'function' ? customMerge : deepmerge } function getEnumerableOwnPropertySymbols(target) { return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target).filter(function(symbol) { return, symbol) }) : [] } function getKeys(target) { return Object.keys(target).concat(getEnumerableOwnPropertySymbols(target)) } function propertyIsOnObject(object, property) { try { return property in object } catch(_) { return false } } // Protects from prototype poisoning and unexpected merging up the prototype chain. function propertyIsUnsafe(target, key) { return propertyIsOnObject(target, key) // Properties are safe to merge if they don't exist in the target yet, && !(, key) // unsafe if they exist up the prototype chain, &&, key)) // and also unsafe if they're nonenumerable. } function mergeObject(target, source, options) { var destination = {}; if (options.isMergeableObject(target)) { getKeys(target).forEach(function(key) { destination[key] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(target[key], options); }); } getKeys(source).forEach(function(key) { if (propertyIsUnsafe(target, key)) { return } if (propertyIsOnObject(target, key) && options.isMergeableObject(source[key])) { destination[key] = getMergeFunction(key, options)(target[key], source[key], options); } else { destination[key] = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(source[key], options); } }); return destination } function deepmerge(target, source, options) { options = options || {}; options.arrayMerge = options.arrayMerge || defaultArrayMerge; options.isMergeableObject = options.isMergeableObject || isMergeableObject; // cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified is added to `options` so that custom arrayMerge() // implementations can use it. The caller may not replace it. options.cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified = cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified; var sourceIsArray = Array.isArray(source); var targetIsArray = Array.isArray(target); var sourceAndTargetTypesMatch = sourceIsArray === targetIsArray; if (!sourceAndTargetTypesMatch) { return cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified(source, options) } else if (sourceIsArray) { return options.arrayMerge(target, source, options) } else { return mergeObject(target, source, options) } } deepmerge.all = function deepmergeAll(array, options) { if (!Array.isArray(array)) { throw new Error('first argument should be an array') } return array.reduce(function(prev, next) { return deepmerge(prev, next, options) }, {}) }; var deepmerge_1 = deepmerge; module.exports = deepmerge_1; /***/ }), /***/ 2287: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { "use strict"; var __webpack_unused_export__; /** @license React v17.0.2 * react-is.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var b=60103,c=60106,d=60107,e=60108,f=60114,g=60109,h=60110,k=60112,l=60113,m=60120,n=60115,p=60116,q=60121,r=60122,u=60117,v=60129,w=60131; if("function"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for){var x=Symbol.for;b=x("react.element");c=x("react.portal");d=x("react.fragment");e=x("react.strict_mode");f=x("react.profiler");g=x("react.provider");h=x("react.context");k=x("react.forward_ref");l=x("react.suspense");m=x("react.suspense_list");n=x("react.memo");p=x("react.lazy");q=x("react.block");r=x("react.server.block");u=x("react.fundamental");v=x("react.debug_trace_mode");w=x("react.legacy_hidden")} function y(a){if("object"===typeof a&&null!==a){var t=a.$$typeof;switch(t){case b:switch(a=a.type,a){case d:case f:case e:case l:case m:return a;default:switch(a=a&&a.$$typeof,a){case h:case k:case p:case n:case g:return a;default:return t}}case c:return t}}}var z=g,A=b,B=k,C=d,D=p,E=n,F=c,G=f,H=e,I=l;__webpack_unused_export__=h;__webpack_unused_export__=z;__webpack_unused_export__=A;__webpack_unused_export__=B;__webpack_unused_export__=C;__webpack_unused_export__=D;__webpack_unused_export__=E;__webpack_unused_export__=F;__webpack_unused_export__=G;__webpack_unused_export__=H; __webpack_unused_export__=I;__webpack_unused_export__=function(){return!1};__webpack_unused_export__=function(){return!1};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===h};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===g};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return"object"===typeof a&&null!==a&&a.$$typeof===b};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===k};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===d};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===p};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===n}; __webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===c};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===f};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===e};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return y(a)===l};__webpack_unused_export__=function(a){return"string"===typeof a||"function"===typeof a||a===d||a===f||a===v||a===e||a===l||a===m||a===w||"object"===typeof a&&null!==a&&(a.$$typeof===p||a.$$typeof===n||a.$$typeof===g||a.$$typeof===h||a.$$typeof===k||a.$$typeof===u||a.$$typeof===q||a[0]===r)?!0:!1}; __webpack_unused_export__=y; /***/ }), /***/ 1915: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; if (true) { /* unused reexport */ __webpack_require__(2287); } else {} /***/ }), /***/ 7734: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; // do not edit .js files directly - edit src/index.jst var envHasBigInt64Array = typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined'; module.exports = function equal(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') { if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false; var length, i, keys; if (Array.isArray(a)) { length = a.length; if (length != b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false; return true; } if ((a instanceof Map) && (b instanceof Map)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!equal(i[1], b.get(i[0]))) return false; return true; } if ((a instanceof Set) && (b instanceof Set)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false; return true; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(a) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b)) { length = a.length; if (length != b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; return true; } if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags; if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return a.toString() === b.toString(); keys = Object.keys(a); length = keys.length; if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (!, keys[i])) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { var key = keys[i]; if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) return false; } return true; } // true if both NaN, false otherwise return a!==a && b!==b; }; /***/ }), /***/ 8924: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { // Copyright (c) 2014 Rafael Caricio. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. var GradientParser = {}; GradientParser.parse = (function() { var tokens = { linearGradient: /^(\-(webkit|o|ms|moz)\-)?(linear\-gradient)/i, repeatingLinearGradient: /^(\-(webkit|o|ms|moz)\-)?(repeating\-linear\-gradient)/i, radialGradient: /^(\-(webkit|o|ms|moz)\-)?(radial\-gradient)/i, repeatingRadialGradient: /^(\-(webkit|o|ms|moz)\-)?(repeating\-radial\-gradient)/i, sideOrCorner: /^to (left (top|bottom)|right (top|bottom)|left|right|top|bottom)/i, extentKeywords: /^(closest\-side|closest\-corner|farthest\-side|farthest\-corner|contain|cover)/, positionKeywords: /^(left|center|right|top|bottom)/i, pixelValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))px/, percentageValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))\%/, emValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))em/, angleValue: /^(-?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?)))deg/, startCall: /^\(/, endCall: /^\)/, comma: /^,/, hexColor: /^\#([0-9a-fA-F]+)/, literalColor: /^([a-zA-Z]+)/, rgbColor: /^rgb/i, rgbaColor: /^rgba/i, number: /^(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.?))/ }; var input = ''; function error(msg) { var err = new Error(input + ': ' + msg); err.source = input; throw err; } function getAST() { var ast = matchListDefinitions(); if (input.length > 0) { error('Invalid input not EOF'); } return ast; } function matchListDefinitions() { return matchListing(matchDefinition); } function matchDefinition() { return matchGradient( 'linear-gradient', tokens.linearGradient, matchLinearOrientation) || matchGradient( 'repeating-linear-gradient', tokens.repeatingLinearGradient, matchLinearOrientation) || matchGradient( 'radial-gradient', tokens.radialGradient, matchListRadialOrientations) || matchGradient( 'repeating-radial-gradient', tokens.repeatingRadialGradient, matchListRadialOrientations); } function matchGradient(gradientType, pattern, orientationMatcher) { return matchCall(pattern, function(captures) { var orientation = orientationMatcher(); if (orientation) { if (!scan(tokens.comma)) { error('Missing comma before color stops'); } } return { type: gradientType, orientation: orientation, colorStops: matchListing(matchColorStop) }; }); } function matchCall(pattern, callback) { var captures = scan(pattern); if (captures) { if (!scan(tokens.startCall)) { error('Missing ('); } result = callback(captures); if (!scan(tokens.endCall)) { error('Missing )'); } return result; } } function matchLinearOrientation() { return matchSideOrCorner() || matchAngle(); } function matchSideOrCorner() { return match('directional', tokens.sideOrCorner, 1); } function matchAngle() { return match('angular', tokens.angleValue, 1); } function matchListRadialOrientations() { var radialOrientations, radialOrientation = matchRadialOrientation(), lookaheadCache; if (radialOrientation) { radialOrientations = []; radialOrientations.push(radialOrientation); lookaheadCache = input; if (scan(tokens.comma)) { radialOrientation = matchRadialOrientation(); if (radialOrientation) { radialOrientations.push(radialOrientation); } else { input = lookaheadCache; } } } return radialOrientations; } function matchRadialOrientation() { var radialType = matchCircle() || matchEllipse(); if (radialType) { = matchAtPosition(); } else { var defaultPosition = matchPositioning(); if (defaultPosition) { radialType = { type: 'default-radial', at: defaultPosition }; } } return radialType; } function matchCircle() { var circle = match('shape', /^(circle)/i, 0); if (circle) { = matchLength() || matchExtentKeyword(); } return circle; } function matchEllipse() { var ellipse = match('shape', /^(ellipse)/i, 0); if (ellipse) { = matchDistance() || matchExtentKeyword(); } return ellipse; } function matchExtentKeyword() { return match('extent-keyword', tokens.extentKeywords, 1); } function matchAtPosition() { if (match('position', /^at/, 0)) { var positioning = matchPositioning(); if (!positioning) { error('Missing positioning value'); } return positioning; } } function matchPositioning() { var location = matchCoordinates(); if (location.x || location.y) { return { type: 'position', value: location }; } } function matchCoordinates() { return { x: matchDistance(), y: matchDistance() }; } function matchListing(matcher) { var captures = matcher(), result = []; if (captures) { result.push(captures); while (scan(tokens.comma)) { captures = matcher(); if (captures) { result.push(captures); } else { error('One extra comma'); } } } return result; } function matchColorStop() { var color = matchColor(); if (!color) { error('Expected color definition'); } color.length = matchDistance(); return color; } function matchColor() { return matchHexColor() || matchRGBAColor() || matchRGBColor() || matchLiteralColor(); } function matchLiteralColor() { return match('literal', tokens.literalColor, 0); } function matchHexColor() { return match('hex', tokens.hexColor, 1); } function matchRGBColor() { return matchCall(tokens.rgbColor, function() { return { type: 'rgb', value: matchListing(matchNumber) }; }); } function matchRGBAColor() { return matchCall(tokens.rgbaColor, function() { return { type: 'rgba', value: matchListing(matchNumber) }; }); } function matchNumber() { return scan(tokens.number)[1]; } function matchDistance() { return match('%', tokens.percentageValue, 1) || matchPositionKeyword() || matchLength(); } function matchPositionKeyword() { return match('position-keyword', tokens.positionKeywords, 1); } function matchLength() { return match('px', tokens.pixelValue, 1) || match('em', tokens.emValue, 1); } function match(type, pattern, captureIndex) { var captures = scan(pattern); if (captures) { return { type: type, value: captures[captureIndex] }; } } function scan(regexp) { var captures, blankCaptures; blankCaptures = /^[\n\r\t\s]+/.exec(input); if (blankCaptures) { consume(blankCaptures[0].length); } captures = regexp.exec(input); if (captures) { consume(captures[0].length); } return captures; } function consume(size) { input = input.substr(size); } return function(code) { input = code.toString(); return getAST(); }; })(); exports.parse = (GradientParser || {}).parse; /***/ }), /***/ 9664: /***/ ((module) => { module.exports = /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __nested_webpack_require_187__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __nested_webpack_require_187__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __nested_webpack_require_187__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __nested_webpack_require_187__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __nested_webpack_require_187__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __nested_webpack_require_187__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __nested_webpack_require_1468__) { module.exports = __nested_webpack_require_1468__(1); /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __nested_webpack_require_1587__) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _utils = __nested_webpack_require_1587__(2); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'combineChunks', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.combineChunks; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'fillInChunks', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.fillInChunks; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'findAll', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.findAll; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'findChunks', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.findChunks; } }); /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * Creates an array of chunk objects representing both higlightable and non highlightable pieces of text that match each search word. * @return Array of "chunks" (where a Chunk is { start:number, end:number, highlight:boolean }) */ var findAll = exports.findAll = function findAll(_ref) { var autoEscape = _ref.autoEscape, _ref$caseSensitive = _ref.caseSensitive, caseSensitive = _ref$caseSensitive === undefined ? false : _ref$caseSensitive, _ref$findChunks = _ref.findChunks, findChunks = _ref$findChunks === undefined ? defaultFindChunks : _ref$findChunks, sanitize = _ref.sanitize, searchWords = _ref.searchWords, textToHighlight = _ref.textToHighlight; return fillInChunks({ chunksToHighlight: combineChunks({ chunks: findChunks({ autoEscape: autoEscape, caseSensitive: caseSensitive, sanitize: sanitize, searchWords: searchWords, textToHighlight: textToHighlight }) }), totalLength: textToHighlight ? textToHighlight.length : 0 }); }; /** * Takes an array of {start:number, end:number} objects and combines chunks that overlap into single chunks. * @return {start:number, end:number}[] */ var combineChunks = exports.combineChunks = function combineChunks(_ref2) { var chunks = _ref2.chunks; chunks = chunks.sort(function (first, second) { return first.start - second.start; }).reduce(function (processedChunks, nextChunk) { // First chunk just goes straight in the array... if (processedChunks.length === 0) { return [nextChunk]; } else { // ... subsequent chunks get checked to see if they overlap... var prevChunk = processedChunks.pop(); if (nextChunk.start <= prevChunk.end) { // It may be the case that prevChunk completely surrounds nextChunk, so take the // largest of the end indeces. var endIndex = Math.max(prevChunk.end, nextChunk.end); processedChunks.push({ highlight: false, start: prevChunk.start, end: endIndex }); } else { processedChunks.push(prevChunk, nextChunk); } return processedChunks; } }, []); return chunks; }; /** * Examine text for any matches. * If we find matches, add them to the returned array as a "chunk" object ({start:number, end:number}). * @return {start:number, end:number}[] */ var defaultFindChunks = function defaultFindChunks(_ref3) { var autoEscape = _ref3.autoEscape, caseSensitive = _ref3.caseSensitive, _ref3$sanitize = _ref3.sanitize, sanitize = _ref3$sanitize === undefined ? defaultSanitize : _ref3$sanitize, searchWords = _ref3.searchWords, textToHighlight = _ref3.textToHighlight; textToHighlight = sanitize(textToHighlight); return searchWords.filter(function (searchWord) { return searchWord; }) // Remove empty words .reduce(function (chunks, searchWord) { searchWord = sanitize(searchWord); if (autoEscape) { searchWord = escapeRegExpFn(searchWord); } var regex = new RegExp(searchWord, caseSensitive ? 'g' : 'gi'); var match = void 0; while (match = regex.exec(textToHighlight)) { var _start = match.index; var _end = regex.lastIndex; // We do not return zero-length matches if (_end > _start) { chunks.push({ highlight: false, start: _start, end: _end }); } // Prevent browsers like Firefox from getting stuck in an infinite loop // See if (match.index === regex.lastIndex) { regex.lastIndex++; } } return chunks; }, []); }; // Allow the findChunks to be overridden in findAll, // but for backwards compatibility we export as the old name exports.findChunks = defaultFindChunks; /** * Given a set of chunks to highlight, create an additional set of chunks * to represent the bits of text between the highlighted text. * @param chunksToHighlight {start:number, end:number}[] * @param totalLength number * @return {start:number, end:number, highlight:boolean}[] */ var fillInChunks = exports.fillInChunks = function fillInChunks(_ref4) { var chunksToHighlight = _ref4.chunksToHighlight, totalLength = _ref4.totalLength; var allChunks = []; var append = function append(start, end, highlight) { if (end - start > 0) { allChunks.push({ start: start, end: end, highlight: highlight }); } }; if (chunksToHighlight.length === 0) { append(0, totalLength, false); } else { var lastIndex = 0; chunksToHighlight.forEach(function (chunk) { append(lastIndex, chunk.start, false); append(chunk.start, chunk.end, true); lastIndex = chunk.end; }); append(lastIndex, totalLength, false); } return allChunks; }; function defaultSanitize(string) { return string; } function escapeRegExpFn(string) { return string.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&'); } /***/ }) /******/ ]); /***/ }), /***/ 1880: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var reactIs = __webpack_require__(1178); /** * Copyright 2015, Yahoo! Inc. * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ var REACT_STATICS = { childContextTypes: true, contextType: true, contextTypes: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, getDefaultProps: true, getDerivedStateFromError: true, getDerivedStateFromProps: true, mixins: true, propTypes: true, type: true }; var KNOWN_STATICS = { name: true, length: true, prototype: true, caller: true, callee: true, arguments: true, arity: true }; var FORWARD_REF_STATICS = { '$$typeof': true, render: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, propTypes: true }; var MEMO_STATICS = { '$$typeof': true, compare: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, propTypes: true, type: true }; var TYPE_STATICS = {}; TYPE_STATICS[reactIs.ForwardRef] = FORWARD_REF_STATICS; TYPE_STATICS[reactIs.Memo] = MEMO_STATICS; function getStatics(component) { // React v16.11 and below if (reactIs.isMemo(component)) { return MEMO_STATICS; } // React v16.12 and above return TYPE_STATICS[component['$$typeof']] || REACT_STATICS; } var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var objectPrototype = Object.prototype; function hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, sourceComponent, blacklist) { if (typeof sourceComponent !== 'string') { // don't hoist over string (html) components if (objectPrototype) { var inheritedComponent = getPrototypeOf(sourceComponent); if (inheritedComponent && inheritedComponent !== objectPrototype) { hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, inheritedComponent, blacklist); } } var keys = getOwnPropertyNames(sourceComponent); if (getOwnPropertySymbols) { keys = keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(sourceComponent)); } var targetStatics = getStatics(targetComponent); var sourceStatics = getStatics(sourceComponent); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; if (!KNOWN_STATICS[key] && !(blacklist && blacklist[key]) && !(sourceStatics && sourceStatics[key]) && !(targetStatics && targetStatics[key])) { var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sourceComponent, key); try { // Avoid failures from read-only properties defineProperty(targetComponent, key, descriptor); } catch (e) {} } } } return targetComponent; } module.exports = hoistNonReactStatics; /***/ }), /***/ 2950: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { "use strict"; /** @license React v16.13.1 * react-is.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var b="function"===typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for,c=b?Symbol.for("react.element"):60103,d=b?Symbol.for("react.portal"):60106,e=b?Symbol.for("react.fragment"):60107,f=b?Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"):60108,g=b?Symbol.for("react.profiler"):60114,h=b?Symbol.for("react.provider"):60109,k=b?Symbol.for("react.context"):60110,l=b?Symbol.for("react.async_mode"):60111,m=b?Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode"):60111,n=b?Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"):60112,p=b?Symbol.for("react.suspense"):60113,q=b? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"):60120,r=b?Symbol.for("react.memo"):60115,t=b?Symbol.for("react.lazy"):60116,v=b?Symbol.for("react.block"):60121,w=b?Symbol.for("react.fundamental"):60117,x=b?Symbol.for("react.responder"):60118,y=b?Symbol.for("react.scope"):60119; function z(a){if("object"===typeof a&&null!==a){var u=a.$$typeof;switch(u){case c:switch(a=a.type,a){case l:case m:case e:case g:case f:case p:return a;default:switch(a=a&&a.$$typeof,a){case k:case n:case t:case r:case h:return a;default:return u}}case d:return u}}}function A(a){return z(a)===m}exports.AsyncMode=l;exports.ConcurrentMode=m;exports.ContextConsumer=k;exports.ContextProvider=h;exports.Element=c;exports.ForwardRef=n;exports.Fragment=e;exports.Lazy=t;exports.Memo=r;exports.Portal=d; exports.Profiler=g;exports.StrictMode=f;exports.Suspense=p;exports.isAsyncMode=function(a){return A(a)||z(a)===l};exports.isConcurrentMode=A;exports.isContextConsumer=function(a){return z(a)===k};exports.isContextProvider=function(a){return z(a)===h};exports.isElement=function(a){return"object"===typeof a&&null!==a&&a.$$typeof===c};exports.isForwardRef=function(a){return z(a)===n};exports.isFragment=function(a){return z(a)===e};exports.isLazy=function(a){return z(a)===t}; exports.isMemo=function(a){return z(a)===r};exports.isPortal=function(a){return z(a)===d};exports.isProfiler=function(a){return z(a)===g};exports.isStrictMode=function(a){return z(a)===f};exports.isSuspense=function(a){return z(a)===p}; exports.isValidElementType=function(a){return"string"===typeof a||"function"===typeof a||a===e||a===m||a===g||a===f||a===p||a===q||"object"===typeof a&&null!==a&&(a.$$typeof===t||a.$$typeof===r||a.$$typeof===h||a.$$typeof===k||a.$$typeof===n||a.$$typeof===w||a.$$typeof===x||a.$$typeof===y||a.$$typeof===v)};exports.typeOf=z; /***/ }), /***/ 1178: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; if (true) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(2950); } else {} /***/ }), /***/ 628: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var ReactPropTypesSecret = __webpack_require__(4067); function emptyFunction() {} function emptyFunctionWithReset() {} emptyFunctionWithReset.resetWarningCache = emptyFunction; module.exports = function() { function shim(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) { if (secret === ReactPropTypesSecret) { // It is still safe when called from React. return; } var err = new Error( 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. ' + 'Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. ' + 'Read more at' ); = 'Invariant Violation'; throw err; }; shim.isRequired = shim; function getShim() { return shim; }; // Important! // Keep this list in sync with production version in `./factoryWithTypeCheckers.js`. var ReactPropTypes = { array: shim, bigint: shim, bool: shim, func: shim, number: shim, object: shim, string: shim, symbol: shim, any: shim, arrayOf: getShim, element: shim, elementType: shim, instanceOf: getShim, node: shim, objectOf: getShim, oneOf: getShim, oneOfType: getShim, shape: getShim, exact: getShim, checkPropTypes: emptyFunctionWithReset, resetWarningCache: emptyFunction }; ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes; return ReactPropTypes; }; /***/ }), /***/ 5826: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { /** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ if (false) { var throwOnDirectAccess, ReactIs; } else { // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new production behavior. // module.exports = __webpack_require__(628)(); } /***/ }), /***/ 4067: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; /** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var ReactPropTypesSecret = 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED'; module.exports = ReactPropTypesSecret; /***/ }), /***/ 9681: /***/ ((module) => { var characterMap = { "À": "A", "Á": "A", "Â": "A", "Ã": "A", "Ä": "A", "Å": "A", "Ấ": "A", "Ắ": "A", "Ẳ": "A", "Ẵ": "A", "Ặ": "A", "Æ": "AE", "Ầ": "A", "Ằ": "A", "Ȃ": "A", "Ả": "A", "Ạ": "A", "Ẩ": "A", "Ẫ": "A", "Ậ": "A", "Ç": "C", "Ḉ": "C", "È": "E", "É": "E", "Ê": "E", "Ë": "E", "Ế": "E", "Ḗ": "E", "Ề": "E", "Ḕ": "E", "Ḝ": "E", "Ȇ": "E", "Ẻ": "E", "Ẽ": "E", "Ẹ": "E", "Ể": "E", "Ễ": "E", "Ệ": "E", "Ì": "I", "Í": "I", "Î": "I", "Ï": "I", "Ḯ": "I", "Ȋ": "I", "Ỉ": "I", "Ị": "I", "Ð": "D", "Ñ": "N", "Ò": "O", "Ó": "O", "Ô": "O", "Õ": "O", "Ö": "O", "Ø": "O", "Ố": "O", "Ṍ": "O", "Ṓ": "O", "Ȏ": "O", "Ỏ": "O", "Ọ": "O", "Ổ": "O", "Ỗ": "O", "Ộ": "O", "Ờ": "O", "Ở": "O", "Ỡ": "O", "Ớ": "O", "Ợ": "O", "Ù": "U", "Ú": "U", "Û": "U", "Ü": "U", "Ủ": "U", "Ụ": "U", "Ử": "U", "Ữ": "U", "Ự": "U", "Ý": "Y", "à": "a", "á": "a", "â": "a", "ã": "a", "ä": "a", "å": "a", "ấ": "a", "ắ": "a", "ẳ": "a", "ẵ": "a", "ặ": "a", "æ": "ae", "ầ": "a", "ằ": "a", "ȃ": "a", "ả": "a", "ạ": "a", "ẩ": "a", "ẫ": "a", "ậ": "a", "ç": "c", "ḉ": "c", "è": "e", "é": "e", "ê": "e", "ë": "e", "ế": "e", "ḗ": "e", "ề": "e", "ḕ": "e", "ḝ": "e", "ȇ": "e", "ẻ": "e", "ẽ": "e", "ẹ": "e", "ể": "e", "ễ": "e", "ệ": "e", "ì": "i", "í": "i", "î": "i", "ï": "i", "ḯ": "i", "ȋ": "i", "ỉ": "i", "ị": "i", "ð": "d", "ñ": "n", "ò": "o", "ó": "o", "ô": "o", "õ": "o", "ö": "o", "ø": "o", "ố": "o", "ṍ": "o", "ṓ": "o", "ȏ": "o", "ỏ": "o", "ọ": "o", "ổ": "o", "ỗ": "o", "ộ": "o", "ờ": "o", "ở": "o", "ỡ": "o", "ớ": "o", "ợ": "o", "ù": "u", "ú": "u", "û": "u", "ü": "u", "ủ": "u", "ụ": "u", "ử": "u", "ữ": "u", "ự": "u", "ý": "y", "ÿ": "y", "Ā": "A", "ā": "a", "Ă": "A", "ă": "a", "Ą": "A", "ą": "a", "Ć": "C", "ć": "c", "Ĉ": "C", "ĉ": "c", "Ċ": "C", "ċ": "c", "Č": "C", "č": "c", "C̆": "C", "c̆": "c", "Ď": "D", "ď": "d", "Đ": "D", "đ": "d", "Ē": "E", "ē": "e", "Ĕ": "E", "ĕ": "e", "Ė": "E", "ė": "e", "Ę": "E", "ę": "e", "Ě": "E", "ě": "e", "Ĝ": "G", "Ǵ": "G", "ĝ": "g", "ǵ": "g", "Ğ": "G", "ğ": "g", "Ġ": "G", "ġ": "g", "Ģ": "G", "ģ": "g", "Ĥ": "H", "ĥ": "h", "Ħ": "H", "ħ": "h", "Ḫ": "H", "ḫ": "h", "Ĩ": "I", "ĩ": "i", "Ī": "I", "ī": "i", "Ĭ": "I", "ĭ": "i", "Į": "I", "į": "i", "İ": "I", "ı": "i", "IJ": "IJ", "ij": "ij", "Ĵ": "J", "ĵ": "j", "Ķ": "K", "ķ": "k", "Ḱ": "K", "ḱ": "k", "K̆": "K", "k̆": "k", "Ĺ": "L", "ĺ": "l", "Ļ": "L", "ļ": "l", "Ľ": "L", "ľ": "l", "Ŀ": "L", "ŀ": "l", "Ł": "l", "ł": "l", "Ḿ": "M", "ḿ": "m", "M̆": "M", "m̆": "m", "Ń": "N", "ń": "n", "Ņ": "N", "ņ": "n", "Ň": "N", "ň": "n", "ʼn": "n", "N̆": "N", "n̆": "n", "Ō": "O", "ō": "o", "Ŏ": "O", "ŏ": "o", "Ő": "O", "ő": "o", "Œ": "OE", "œ": "oe", "P̆": "P", "p̆": "p", "Ŕ": "R", "ŕ": "r", "Ŗ": "R", "ŗ": "r", "Ř": "R", "ř": "r", "R̆": "R", "r̆": "r", "Ȓ": "R", "ȓ": "r", "Ś": "S", "ś": "s", "Ŝ": "S", "ŝ": "s", "Ş": "S", "Ș": "S", "ș": "s", "ş": "s", "Š": "S", "š": "s", "Ţ": "T", "ţ": "t", "ț": "t", "Ț": "T", "Ť": "T", "ť": "t", "Ŧ": "T", "ŧ": "t", "T̆": "T", "t̆": "t", "Ũ": "U", "ũ": "u", "Ū": "U", "ū": "u", "Ŭ": "U", "ŭ": "u", "Ů": "U", "ů": "u", "Ű": "U", "ű": "u", "Ų": "U", "ų": "u", "Ȗ": "U", "ȗ": "u", "V̆": "V", "v̆": "v", "Ŵ": "W", "ŵ": "w", "Ẃ": "W", "ẃ": "w", "X̆": "X", "x̆": "x", "Ŷ": "Y", "ŷ": "y", "Ÿ": "Y", "Y̆": "Y", "y̆": "y", "Ź": "Z", "ź": "z", "Ż": "Z", "ż": "z", "Ž": "Z", "ž": "z", "ſ": "s", "ƒ": "f", "Ơ": "O", "ơ": "o", "Ư": "U", "ư": "u", "Ǎ": "A", "ǎ": "a", "Ǐ": "I", "ǐ": "i", "Ǒ": "O", "ǒ": "o", "Ǔ": "U", "ǔ": "u", "Ǖ": "U", "ǖ": "u", "Ǘ": "U", "ǘ": "u", "Ǚ": "U", "ǚ": "u", "Ǜ": "U", "ǜ": "u", "Ứ": "U", "ứ": "u", "Ṹ": "U", "ṹ": "u", "Ǻ": "A", "ǻ": "a", "Ǽ": "AE", "ǽ": "ae", "Ǿ": "O", "ǿ": "o", "Þ": "TH", "þ": "th", "Ṕ": "P", "ṕ": "p", "Ṥ": "S", "ṥ": "s", "X́": "X", "x́": "x", "Ѓ": "Г", "ѓ": "г", "Ќ": "К", "ќ": "к", "A̋": "A", "a̋": "a", "E̋": "E", "e̋": "e", "I̋": "I", "i̋": "i", "Ǹ": "N", "ǹ": "n", "Ồ": "O", "ồ": "o", "Ṑ": "O", "ṑ": "o", "Ừ": "U", "ừ": "u", "Ẁ": "W", "ẁ": "w", "Ỳ": "Y", "ỳ": "y", "Ȁ": "A", "ȁ": "a", "Ȅ": "E", "ȅ": "e", "Ȉ": "I", "ȉ": "i", "Ȍ": "O", "ȍ": "o", "Ȑ": "R", "ȑ": "r", "Ȕ": "U", "ȕ": "u", "B̌": "B", "b̌": "b", "Č̣": "C", "č̣": "c", "Ê̌": "E", "ê̌": "e", "F̌": "F", "f̌": "f", "Ǧ": "G", "ǧ": "g", "Ȟ": "H", "ȟ": "h", "J̌": "J", "ǰ": "j", "Ǩ": "K", "ǩ": "k", "M̌": "M", "m̌": "m", "P̌": "P", "p̌": "p", "Q̌": "Q", "q̌": "q", "Ř̩": "R", "ř̩": "r", "Ṧ": "S", "ṧ": "s", "V̌": "V", "v̌": "v", "W̌": "W", "w̌": "w", "X̌": "X", "x̌": "x", "Y̌": "Y", "y̌": "y", "A̧": "A", "a̧": "a", "B̧": "B", "b̧": "b", "Ḑ": "D", "ḑ": "d", "Ȩ": "E", "ȩ": "e", "Ɛ̧": "E", "ɛ̧": "e", "Ḩ": "H", "ḩ": "h", "I̧": "I", "i̧": "i", "Ɨ̧": "I", "ɨ̧": "i", "M̧": "M", "m̧": "m", "O̧": "O", "o̧": "o", "Q̧": "Q", "q̧": "q", "U̧": "U", "u̧": "u", "X̧": "X", "x̧": "x", "Z̧": "Z", "z̧": "z", "й":"и", "Й":"И", "ё":"е", "Ё":"Е", }; var chars = Object.keys(characterMap).join('|'); var allAccents = new RegExp(chars, 'g'); var firstAccent = new RegExp(chars, ''); function matcher(match) { return characterMap[match]; } var removeAccents = function(string) { return string.replace(allAccents, matcher); }; var hasAccents = function(string) { return !!string.match(firstAccent); }; module.exports = removeAccents; module.exports.has = hasAccents; module.exports.remove = removeAccents; /***/ }), /***/ 8477: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /** * @license React * use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var e=__webpack_require__(1609);function h(a,b){return a===b&&(0!==a||1/a===1/b)||a!==a&&b!==b}var k="function"===typeof,l=e.useState,m=e.useEffect,n=e.useLayoutEffect,p=e.useDebugValue;function q(a,b){var d=b(),f=l({inst:{value:d,getSnapshot:b}}),c=f[0].inst,g=f[1];n(function(){c.value=d;c.getSnapshot=b;r(c)&&g({inst:c})},[a,d,b]);m(function(){r(c)&&g({inst:c});return a(function(){r(c)&&g({inst:c})})},[a]);p(d);return d} function r(a){var b=a.getSnapshot;a=a.value;try{var d=b();return!k(a,d)}catch(f){return!0}}function t(a,b){return b()}var u="undefined"===typeof window||"undefined"===typeof window.document||"undefined"===typeof window.document.createElement?t:q;exports.useSyncExternalStore=void 0!==e.useSyncExternalStore?e.useSyncExternalStore:u; /***/ }), /***/ 422: /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; if (true) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(8477); } else {} /***/ }), /***/ 1609: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; module.exports = window["React"]; /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/create fake namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf ? (obj) => (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)) : (obj) => (obj.__proto__); /******/ var leafPrototypes; /******/ // create a fake namespace object /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object /******/ // mode & 16: return value when it's Promise-like /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { /******/ if(mode & 1) value = this(value); /******/ if(mode & 8) return value; /******/ if(typeof value === 'object' && value) { /******/ if((mode & 4) && value.__esModule) return value; /******/ if((mode & 16) && typeof value.then === 'function') return value; /******/ } /******/ var ns = Object.create(null); /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns); /******/ var def = {}; /******/ leafPrototypes = leafPrototypes || [null, getProto({}), getProto([]), getProto(getProto)]; /******/ for(var current = mode & 2 && value; typeof current == 'object' && !~leafPrototypes.indexOf(current); current = getProto(current)) { /******/ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(current).forEach((key) => (def[key] = () => (value[key]))); /******/ } /******/ def['default'] = () => (value); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(ns, def); /******/ return ns; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/nonce */ /******/ (() => { /******/ = undefined; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode. (() => { "use strict"; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { AnglePickerControl: () => (/* reexport */ angle_picker_control), Animate: () => (/* reexport */ animate), Autocomplete: () => (/* reexport */ Autocomplete), BaseControl: () => (/* reexport */ base_control), BlockQuotation: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.BlockQuotation), Button: () => (/* reexport */ build_module_button), ButtonGroup: () => (/* reexport */ button_group), Card: () => (/* reexport */ card_component), CardBody: () => (/* reexport */ card_body_component), CardDivider: () => (/* reexport */ card_divider_component), CardFooter: () => (/* reexport */ card_footer_component), CardHeader: () => (/* reexport */ card_header_component), CardMedia: () => (/* reexport */ card_media_component), CheckboxControl: () => (/* reexport */ checkbox_control), Circle: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Circle), ClipboardButton: () => (/* reexport */ ClipboardButton), ColorIndicator: () => (/* reexport */ color_indicator), ColorPalette: () => (/* reexport */ color_palette), ColorPicker: () => (/* reexport */ LegacyAdapter), ComboboxControl: () => (/* reexport */ combobox_control), CustomGradientPicker: () => (/* reexport */ custom_gradient_picker), CustomSelectControl: () => (/* reexport */ StableCustomSelectControl), Dashicon: () => (/* reexport */ dashicon), DatePicker: () => (/* reexport */ date), DateTimePicker: () => (/* reexport */ build_module_date_time), Disabled: () => (/* reexport */ disabled), Draggable: () => (/* reexport */ draggable), DropZone: () => (/* reexport */ drop_zone), DropZoneProvider: () => (/* reexport */ DropZoneProvider), Dropdown: () => (/* reexport */ dropdown), DropdownMenu: () => (/* reexport */ dropdown_menu), DuotonePicker: () => (/* reexport */ duotone_picker), DuotoneSwatch: () => (/* reexport */ duotone_swatch), ExternalLink: () => (/* reexport */ external_link), Fill: () => (/* reexport */ slot_fill_Fill), Flex: () => (/* reexport */ flex_component), FlexBlock: () => (/* reexport */ flex_block_component), FlexItem: () => (/* reexport */ flex_item_component), FocalPointPicker: () => (/* reexport */ focal_point_picker), FocusReturnProvider: () => (/* reexport */ with_focus_return_Provider), FocusableIframe: () => (/* reexport */ FocusableIframe), FontSizePicker: () => (/* reexport */ font_size_picker), FormFileUpload: () => (/* reexport */ form_file_upload), FormToggle: () => (/* reexport */ form_toggle), FormTokenField: () => (/* reexport */ form_token_field), G: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.G), GradientPicker: () => (/* reexport */ gradient_picker), Guide: () => (/* reexport */ guide), GuidePage: () => (/* reexport */ GuidePage), HorizontalRule: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.HorizontalRule), Icon: () => (/* reexport */ build_module_icon), IconButton: () => (/* reexport */ deprecated), IsolatedEventContainer: () => (/* reexport */ isolated_event_container), KeyboardShortcuts: () => (/* reexport */ keyboard_shortcuts), Line: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Line), MenuGroup: () => (/* reexport */ menu_group), MenuItem: () => (/* reexport */ menu_item), MenuItemsChoice: () => (/* reexport */ menu_items_choice), Modal: () => (/* reexport */ modal), NavigableMenu: () => (/* reexport */ navigable_container_menu), Notice: () => (/* reexport */ build_module_notice), NoticeList: () => (/* reexport */ list), Panel: () => (/* reexport */ panel), PanelBody: () => (/* reexport */ body), PanelHeader: () => (/* reexport */ panel_header), PanelRow: () => (/* reexport */ row), Path: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path), Placeholder: () => (/* reexport */ placeholder), Polygon: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Polygon), Popover: () => (/* reexport */ popover), ProgressBar: () => (/* reexport */ progress_bar), QueryControls: () => (/* reexport */ query_controls), RadioControl: () => (/* reexport */ radio_control), RangeControl: () => (/* reexport */ range_control), Rect: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Rect), ResizableBox: () => (/* reexport */ resizable_box), ResponsiveWrapper: () => (/* reexport */ responsive_wrapper), SVG: () => (/* reexport */ external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG), SandBox: () => (/* reexport */ sandbox), ScrollLock: () => (/* reexport */ scroll_lock), SearchControl: () => (/* reexport */ search_control), SelectControl: () => (/* reexport */ select_control), Slot: () => (/* reexport */ slot_fill_Slot), SlotFillProvider: () => (/* reexport */ Provider), Snackbar: () => (/* reexport */ snackbar), SnackbarList: () => (/* reexport */ snackbar_list), Spinner: () => (/* reexport */ spinner), TabPanel: () => (/* reexport */ tab_panel), TabbableContainer: () => (/* reexport */ tabbable), TextControl: () => (/* reexport */ text_control), TextHighlight: () => (/* reexport */ text_highlight), TextareaControl: () => (/* reexport */ textarea_control), TimePicker: () => (/* reexport */ date_time_time), Tip: () => (/* reexport */ build_module_tip), ToggleControl: () => (/* reexport */ toggle_control), Toolbar: () => (/* reexport */ toolbar), ToolbarButton: () => (/* reexport */ toolbar_button), ToolbarDropdownMenu: () => (/* reexport */ toolbar_dropdown_menu), ToolbarGroup: () => (/* reexport */ toolbar_group), ToolbarItem: () => (/* reexport */ toolbar_item), Tooltip: () => (/* reexport */ tooltip), TreeSelect: () => (/* reexport */ tree_select), VisuallyHidden: () => (/* reexport */ visually_hidden_component), __experimentalAlignmentMatrixControl: () => (/* reexport */ alignment_matrix_control), __experimentalApplyValueToSides: () => (/* reexport */ applyValueToSides), __experimentalBorderBoxControl: () => (/* reexport */ border_box_control_component), __experimentalBorderControl: () => (/* reexport */ border_control_component), __experimentalBoxControl: () => (/* reexport */ box_control), __experimentalConfirmDialog: () => (/* reexport */ confirm_dialog_component), __experimentalDimensionControl: () => (/* reexport */ dimension_control), __experimentalDivider: () => (/* reexport */ divider_component), __experimentalDropdownContentWrapper: () => (/* reexport */ dropdown_content_wrapper), __experimentalElevation: () => (/* reexport */ elevation_component), __experimentalGrid: () => (/* reexport */ grid_component), __experimentalHStack: () => (/* reexport */ h_stack_component), __experimentalHasSplitBorders: () => (/* reexport */ hasSplitBorders), __experimentalHeading: () => (/* reexport */ heading_component), __experimentalInputControl: () => (/* reexport */ input_control), __experimentalInputControlPrefixWrapper: () => (/* reexport */ input_prefix_wrapper), __experimentalInputControlSuffixWrapper: () => (/* reexport */ input_suffix_wrapper), __experimentalIsDefinedBorder: () => (/* reexport */ isDefinedBorder), __experimentalIsEmptyBorder: () => (/* reexport */ isEmptyBorder), __experimentalItem: () => (/* reexport */ item_component), __experimentalItemGroup: () => (/* reexport */ item_group_component), __experimentalNavigation: () => (/* reexport */ navigation), __experimentalNavigationBackButton: () => (/* reexport */ back_button), __experimentalNavigationGroup: () => (/* reexport */ group), __experimentalNavigationItem: () => (/* reexport */ navigation_item), __experimentalNavigationMenu: () => (/* reexport */ navigation_menu), __experimentalNavigatorBackButton: () => (/* reexport */ navigator_back_button_component), __experimentalNavigatorButton: () => (/* reexport */ navigator_button_component), __experimentalNavigatorProvider: () => (/* reexport */ navigator_provider_component), __experimentalNavigatorScreen: () => (/* reexport */ navigator_screen_component), __experimentalNavigatorToParentButton: () => (/* reexport */ navigator_to_parent_button_component), __experimentalNumberControl: () => (/* reexport */ number_control), __experimentalPaletteEdit: () => (/* reexport */ palette_edit), __experimentalParseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue: () => (/* reexport */ parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue), __experimentalRadio: () => (/* reexport */ radio_group_radio), __experimentalRadioGroup: () => (/* reexport */ radio_group), __experimentalScrollable: () => (/* reexport */ scrollable_component), __experimentalSpacer: () => (/* reexport */ spacer_component), __experimentalStyleProvider: () => (/* reexport */ style_provider), __experimentalSurface: () => (/* reexport */ surface_component), __experimentalText: () => (/* reexport */ text_component), __experimentalToggleGroupControl: () => (/* reexport */ toggle_group_control_component), __experimentalToggleGroupControlOption: () => (/* reexport */ toggle_group_control_option_component), __experimentalToggleGroupControlOptionIcon: () => (/* reexport */ toggle_group_control_option_icon_component), __experimentalToolbarContext: () => (/* reexport */ toolbar_context), __experimentalToolsPanel: () => (/* reexport */ tools_panel_component), __experimentalToolsPanelContext: () => (/* reexport */ ToolsPanelContext), __experimentalToolsPanelItem: () => (/* reexport */ tools_panel_item_component), __experimentalTreeGrid: () => (/* reexport */ tree_grid), __experimentalTreeGridCell: () => (/* reexport */ cell), __experimentalTreeGridItem: () => (/* reexport */ tree_grid_item), __experimentalTreeGridRow: () => (/* reexport */ tree_grid_row), __experimentalTruncate: () => (/* reexport */ truncate_component), __experimentalUnitControl: () => (/* reexport */ unit_control), __experimentalUseCustomUnits: () => (/* reexport */ useCustomUnits), __experimentalUseNavigator: () => (/* reexport */ use_navigator), __experimentalUseSlot: () => (/* reexport */ useSlot), __experimentalUseSlotFills: () => (/* reexport */ useSlotFills), __experimentalVStack: () => (/* reexport */ v_stack_component), __experimentalView: () => (/* reexport */ component), __experimentalZStack: () => (/* reexport */ z_stack_component), __unstableAnimatePresence: () => (/* reexport */ AnimatePresence), __unstableComposite: () => (/* reexport */ legacy_Composite), __unstableCompositeGroup: () => (/* reexport */ legacy_CompositeGroup), __unstableCompositeItem: () => (/* reexport */ legacy_CompositeItem), __unstableDisclosureContent: () => (/* reexport */ disclosure_DisclosureContent), __unstableGetAnimateClassName: () => (/* reexport */ getAnimateClassName), __unstableMotion: () => (/* reexport */ motion), __unstableMotionContext: () => (/* reexport */ MotionContext), __unstableUseAutocompleteProps: () => (/* reexport */ useAutocompleteProps), __unstableUseCompositeState: () => (/* reexport */ useCompositeState), __unstableUseNavigateRegions: () => (/* reexport */ useNavigateRegions), createSlotFill: () => (/* reexport */ createSlotFill), navigateRegions: () => (/* reexport */ navigate_regions), privateApis: () => (/* reexport */ privateApis), useBaseControlProps: () => (/* reexport */ useBaseControlProps), withConstrainedTabbing: () => (/* reexport */ with_constrained_tabbing), withFallbackStyles: () => (/* reexport */ with_fallback_styles), withFilters: () => (/* reexport */ withFilters), withFocusOutside: () => (/* reexport */ with_focus_outside), withFocusReturn: () => (/* reexport */ with_focus_return), withNotices: () => (/* reexport */ with_notices), withSpokenMessages: () => (/* reexport */ with_spoken_messages) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text/styles.js var text_styles_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(text_styles_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(text_styles_namespaceObject, { Text: () => (Text), block: () => (styles_block), destructive: () => (destructive), highlighterText: () => (highlighterText), muted: () => (muted), positive: () => (positive), upperCase: () => (upperCase) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control-option-base/styles.js var toggle_group_control_option_base_styles_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(toggle_group_control_option_base_styles_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(toggle_group_control_option_base_styles_namespaceObject, { ButtonContentView: () => (ButtonContentView), LabelView: () => (LabelView), ou: () => (backdropView), uG: () => (buttonView), eh: () => (labelBlock) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","primitives"] const external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["primitives"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/clsx/dist/clsx.mjs function r(e){var t,f,n="";if("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)n+=e;else if("object"==typeof e)if(Array.isArray(e)){var o=e.length;for(t=0;t<o;t++)e[t]&&(f=r(e[t]))&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=f)}else for(f in e)e[f]&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=f);return n}function clsx(){for(var e,t,f=0,n="",o=arguments.length;f<o;f++)(e=arguments[f])&&(t=r(e))&&(n&&(n+=" "),n+=t);return n}/* harmony default export */ const dist_clsx = (clsx); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; // EXTERNAL MODULE: external "React" var external_React_ = __webpack_require__(1609); var external_React_namespaceObject = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.t(external_React_, 2); var external_React_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_React_); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/SHA3WOPI.js "use client"; // src/focusable/focusable-context.ts var FocusableContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(true); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/4R3V3JGP.js "use client"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defProps = Object.defineProperties; var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b)); var __objRest = (source, exclude) => { var target = {}; for (var prop in source) if (, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0) target[prop] = source[prop]; if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(source)) { if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 &&, prop)) target[prop] = source[prop]; } return target; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/4R3V3JGP.js "use client"; var _4R3V3JGP_defProp = Object.defineProperty; var _4R3V3JGP_defProps = Object.defineProperties; var _4R3V3JGP_getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; var _4R3V3JGP_getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var _4R3V3JGP_hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var _4R3V3JGP_propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var _4R3V3JGP_defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? _4R3V3JGP_defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (, prop)) _4R3V3JGP_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (_4R3V3JGP_getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of _4R3V3JGP_getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (, prop)) _4R3V3JGP_defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps = (a, b) => _4R3V3JGP_defProps(a, _4R3V3JGP_getOwnPropDescs(b)); var _4R3V3JGP_objRest = (source, exclude) => { var target = {}; for (var prop in source) if (, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0) target[prop] = source[prop]; if (source != null && _4R3V3JGP_getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of _4R3V3JGP_getOwnPropSymbols(source)) { if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 &&, prop)) target[prop] = source[prop]; } return target; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/Y3OOHFCN.js "use client"; // src/utils/misc.ts function noop(..._) { } function shallowEqual(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (!a) return false; if (!b) return false; if (typeof a !== "object") return false; if (typeof b !== "object") return false; const aKeys = Object.keys(a); const bKeys = Object.keys(b); const { length } = aKeys; if (bKeys.length !== length) return false; for (const key of aKeys) { if (a[key] !== b[key]) { return false; } } return true; } function Y3OOHFCN_applyState(argument, currentValue) { if (isUpdater(argument)) { const value = isLazyValue(currentValue) ? currentValue() : currentValue; return argument(value); } return argument; } function isUpdater(argument) { return typeof argument === "function"; } function isLazyValue(value) { return typeof value === "function"; } function isObject(arg) { return typeof arg === "object" && arg != null; } function isEmpty(arg) { if (Array.isArray(arg)) return !arg.length; if (isObject(arg)) return !Object.keys(arg).length; if (arg == null) return true; if (arg === "") return true; return false; } function isInteger(arg) { if (typeof arg === "number") { return Math.floor(arg) === arg; } return String(Math.floor(Number(arg))) === arg; } function Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(object, prop) { if (typeof Object.hasOwn === "function") { return Object.hasOwn(object, prop); } return, prop); } function chain(...fns) { return (...args) => { for (const fn of fns) { if (typeof fn === "function") { fn(...args); } } }; } function cx(...args) { return args.filter(Boolean).join(" ") || void 0; } function normalizeString(str) { return str.normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ""); } function omit(object, keys) { const result = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, object); for (const key of keys) { if (Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(result, key)) { delete result[key]; } } return result; } function pick(object, paths) { const result = {}; for (const key of paths) { if (Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(object, key)) { result[key] = object[key]; } } return result; } function identity(value) { return value; } function beforePaint(cb = noop) { const raf = requestAnimationFrame(cb); return () => cancelAnimationFrame(raf); } function afterPaint(cb = noop) { let raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { raf = requestAnimationFrame(cb); }); return () => cancelAnimationFrame(raf); } function invariant(condition, message) { if (condition) return; if (typeof message !== "string") throw new Error("Invariant failed"); throw new Error(message); } function getKeys(obj) { return Object.keys(obj); } function isFalsyBooleanCallback(booleanOrCallback, ...args) { const result = typeof booleanOrCallback === "function" ? booleanOrCallback(...args) : booleanOrCallback; if (result == null) return false; return !result; } function disabledFromProps(props) { return props.disabled || props["aria-disabled"] === true || props["aria-disabled"] === "true"; } function defaultValue(...values) { for (const value of values) { if (value !== void 0) return value; } return void 0; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/XM66DUTO.js "use client"; // src/utils/misc.ts function setRef(ref, value) { if (typeof ref === "function") { ref(value); } else if (ref) { ref.current = value; } } function isValidElementWithRef(element) { if (!element) return false; if (!(0,external_React_.isValidElement)(element)) return false; if (!("ref" in element)) return false; return true; } function getRefProperty(element) { if (!isValidElementWithRef(element)) return null; return element.ref; } function mergeProps(base, overrides) { const props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, base); for (const key in overrides) { if (!Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(overrides, key)) continue; if (key === "className") { const prop = "className"; props[prop] = base[prop] ? `${base[prop]} ${overrides[prop]}` : overrides[prop]; continue; } if (key === "style") { const prop = "style"; props[prop] = base[prop] ? _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, base[prop]), overrides[prop]) : overrides[prop]; continue; } const overrideValue = overrides[key]; if (typeof overrideValue === "function" && key.startsWith("on")) { const baseValue = base[key]; if (typeof baseValue === "function") { props[key] = (...args) => { overrideValue(...args); baseValue(...args); }; continue; } } props[key] = overrideValue; } return props; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/DLOEKDPY.js "use client"; // src/utils/dom.ts var canUseDOM = checkIsBrowser(); function checkIsBrowser() { var _a; return typeof window !== "undefined" && !!((_a = window.document) == null ? void 0 : _a.createElement); } function DLOEKDPY_getDocument(node) { return node ? node.ownerDocument || node : document; } function getWindow(node) { return DLOEKDPY_getDocument(node).defaultView || window; } function getActiveElement(node, activeDescendant = false) { const { activeElement } = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(node); if (!(activeElement == null ? void 0 : activeElement.nodeName)) { return null; } if (isFrame(activeElement) && activeElement.contentDocument) { return getActiveElement( activeElement.contentDocument.body, activeDescendant ); } if (activeDescendant) { const id = activeElement.getAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); if (id) { const element = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(activeElement).getElementById(id); if (element) { return element; } } } return activeElement; } function contains(parent, child) { return parent === child || parent.contains(child); } function isFrame(element) { return element.tagName === "IFRAME"; } function isButton(element) { const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName === "button") return true; if (tagName === "input" && element.type) { return buttonInputTypes.indexOf(element.type) !== -1; } return false; } var buttonInputTypes = [ "button", "color", "file", "image", "reset", "submit" ]; function matches(element, selectors) { if ("matches" in element) { return element.matches(selectors); } if ("msMatchesSelector" in element) { return element.msMatchesSelector(selectors); } return element.webkitMatchesSelector(selectors); } function isVisible(element) { const htmlElement = element; return htmlElement.offsetWidth > 0 || htmlElement.offsetHeight > 0 || element.getClientRects().length > 0; } function DLOEKDPY_closest(element, selectors) { if ("closest" in element) return element.closest(selectors); do { if (matches(element, selectors)) return element; element = element.parentElement || element.parentNode; } while (element !== null && element.nodeType === 1); return null; } function DLOEKDPY_isTextField(element) { try { const isTextInput = element instanceof HTMLInputElement && element.selectionStart !== null; const isTextArea = element.tagName === "TEXTAREA"; return isTextInput || isTextArea || false; } catch (error) { return false; } } function getPopupRole(element, fallback) { const allowedPopupRoles = ["dialog", "menu", "listbox", "tree", "grid"]; const role = element == null ? void 0 : element.getAttribute("role"); if (role && allowedPopupRoles.indexOf(role) !== -1) { return role; } return fallback; } function getPopupItemRole(element, fallback) { var _a; const itemRoleByPopupRole = { menu: "menuitem", listbox: "option", tree: "treeitem", grid: "gridcell" }; const popupRole = getPopupRole(element); if (!popupRole) return fallback; const key = popupRole; return (_a = itemRoleByPopupRole[key]) != null ? _a : fallback; } function getTextboxSelection(element) { let start = 0; let end = 0; if (DLOEKDPY_isTextField(element)) { start = element.selectionStart || 0; end = element.selectionEnd || 0; } else if (element.isContentEditable) { const selection = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(element).getSelection(); if ((selection == null ? void 0 : selection.rangeCount) && selection.anchorNode && contains(element, selection.anchorNode) && selection.focusNode && contains(element, selection.focusNode)) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const nextRange = range.cloneRange(); nextRange.selectNodeContents(element); nextRange.setEnd(range.startContainer, range.startOffset); start = nextRange.toString().length; nextRange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset); end = nextRange.toString().length; } } return { start, end }; } function scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(element, arg) { if (isPartiallyHidden(element) && "scrollIntoView" in element) { element.scrollIntoView(arg); } } function getScrollingElement(element) { if (!element) return null; if (element.clientHeight && element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight) { const { overflowY } = getComputedStyle(element); const isScrollable = overflowY !== "visible" && overflowY !== "hidden"; if (isScrollable) return element; } else if (element.clientWidth && element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth) { const { overflowX } = getComputedStyle(element); const isScrollable = overflowX !== "visible" && overflowX !== "hidden"; if (isScrollable) return element; } return getScrollingElement(element.parentElement) || document.scrollingElement || document.body; } function isPartiallyHidden(element) { const elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const scroller = getScrollingElement(element); if (!scroller) return false; const scrollerRect = scroller.getBoundingClientRect(); const isHTML = scroller.tagName === "HTML"; const scrollerTop = isHTML ? + scroller.scrollTop :; const scrollerBottom = isHTML ? scroller.clientHeight : scrollerRect.bottom; const scrollerLeft = isHTML ? scrollerRect.left + scroller.scrollLeft : scrollerRect.left; const scrollerRight = isHTML ? scroller.clientWidth : scrollerRect.right; const top = < scrollerTop; const left = elementRect.left < scrollerLeft; const bottom = elementRect.bottom > scrollerBottom; const right = elementRect.right > scrollerRight; return top || left || bottom || right; } function setSelectionRange(element, ...args) { if (/text|search|password|tel|url/i.test(element.type)) { element.setSelectionRange(...args); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/MHPO2BXA.js "use client"; // src/utils/platform.ts function isTouchDevice() { return canUseDOM && !!navigator.maxTouchPoints; } function isApple() { if (!canUseDOM) return false; return /mac|iphone|ipad|ipod/i.test(navigator.platform); } function isSafari() { return canUseDOM && isApple() && /apple/i.test(navigator.vendor); } function isFirefox() { return canUseDOM && /firefox\//i.test(navigator.userAgent); } function isMac() { return canUseDOM && navigator.platform.startsWith("Mac") && !isTouchDevice(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/utils/events.js "use client"; // src/utils/events.ts function isPortalEvent(event) { return Boolean( event.currentTarget && !contains(event.currentTarget, ); } function isSelfTarget(event) { return === event.currentTarget; } function isOpeningInNewTab(event) { const element = event.currentTarget; if (!element) return false; const isAppleDevice = isApple(); if (isAppleDevice && !event.metaKey) return false; if (!isAppleDevice && !event.ctrlKey) return false; const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName === "a") return true; if (tagName === "button" && element.type === "submit") return true; if (tagName === "input" && element.type === "submit") return true; return false; } function isDownloading(event) { const element = event.currentTarget; if (!element) return false; const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (!event.altKey) return false; if (tagName === "a") return true; if (tagName === "button" && element.type === "submit") return true; if (tagName === "input" && element.type === "submit") return true; return false; } function fireEvent(element, type, eventInit) { const event = new Event(type, eventInit); return element.dispatchEvent(event); } function fireBlurEvent(element, eventInit) { const event = new FocusEvent("blur", eventInit); const defaultAllowed = element.dispatchEvent(event); const bubbleInit = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, eventInit), { bubbles: true }); element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent("focusout", bubbleInit)); return defaultAllowed; } function fireFocusEvent(element, eventInit) { const event = new FocusEvent("focus", eventInit); const defaultAllowed = element.dispatchEvent(event); const bubbleInit = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, eventInit), { bubbles: true }); element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent("focusin", bubbleInit)); return defaultAllowed; } function fireKeyboardEvent(element, type, eventInit) { const event = new KeyboardEvent(type, eventInit); return element.dispatchEvent(event); } function fireClickEvent(element, eventInit) { const event = new MouseEvent("click", eventInit); return element.dispatchEvent(event); } function isFocusEventOutside(event, container) { const containerElement = container || event.currentTarget; const relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget; return !relatedTarget || !contains(containerElement, relatedTarget); } function queueBeforeEvent(element, type, callback) { const raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { element.removeEventListener(type, callImmediately, true); callback(); }); const callImmediately = () => { cancelAnimationFrame(raf); callback(); }; element.addEventListener(type, callImmediately, { once: true, capture: true }); return raf; } function addGlobalEventListener(type, listener, options, scope = window) { const children = []; try { scope.document.addEventListener(type, listener, options); for (const frame of Array.from(scope.frames)) { children.push(addGlobalEventListener(type, listener, options, frame)); } } catch (e) { } const removeEventListener = () => { try { scope.document.removeEventListener(type, listener, options); } catch (e) { } children.forEach((remove) => remove()); }; return removeEventListener; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/6O5OEQGF.js "use client"; // src/utils/hooks.ts var _React = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, external_React_namespaceObject); var useReactId = _React.useId; var useReactDeferredValue = _React.useDeferredValue; var useReactInsertionEffect = _React.useInsertionEffect; var useSafeLayoutEffect = canUseDOM ? external_React_.useLayoutEffect : external_React_.useEffect; function useInitialValue(value) { const [initialValue] = (0,external_React_.useState)(value); return initialValue; } function useLazyValue(init) { const ref = useRef(); if (ref.current === void 0) { ref.current = init(); } return ref.current; } function useLiveRef(value) { const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(value); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { ref.current = value; }); return ref; } function usePreviousValue(value) { const [previousValue, setPreviousValue] = useState(value); if (value !== previousValue) { setPreviousValue(value); } return previousValue; } function useEvent(callback) { const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(() => { throw new Error("Cannot call an event handler while rendering."); }); if (useReactInsertionEffect) { useReactInsertionEffect(() => { ref.current = callback; }); } else { ref.current = callback; } return (0,external_React_.useCallback)((...args) => { var _a; return (_a = ref.current) == null ? void 0 :, ...args); }, []); } function useMergeRefs(...refs) { return (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => { if (!refs.some(Boolean)) return; return (value) => { refs.forEach((ref) => setRef(ref, value)); }; }, refs); } function useRefId(ref, deps) { const [id, setId] = useState(void 0); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { var _a; setId((_a = ref == null ? void 0 : ref.current) == null ? void 0 :; }, deps); return id; } function useId(defaultId) { if (useReactId) { const reactId = useReactId(); if (defaultId) return defaultId; return reactId; } const [id, setId] = (0,external_React_.useState)(defaultId); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (defaultId || id) return; const random = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 6); setId(`id-${random}`); }, [defaultId, id]); return defaultId || id; } function useDeferredValue(value) { if (useReactDeferredValue) { return useReactDeferredValue(value); } const [deferredValue, setDeferredValue] = useState(value); useEffect(() => { const raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => setDeferredValue(value)); return () => cancelAnimationFrame(raf); }, [value]); return deferredValue; } function useTagName(refOrElement, type) { const stringOrUndefined = (type2) => { if (typeof type2 !== "string") return; return type2; }; const [tagName, setTagName] = (0,external_React_.useState)(() => stringOrUndefined(type)); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { const element = refOrElement && "current" in refOrElement ? refOrElement.current : refOrElement; setTagName((element == null ? void 0 : element.tagName.toLowerCase()) || stringOrUndefined(type)); }, [refOrElement, type]); return tagName; } function useAttribute(refOrElement, attributeName, defaultValue) { const [attribute, setAttribute] = useState(defaultValue); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { const element = refOrElement && "current" in refOrElement ? refOrElement.current : refOrElement; const value = element == null ? void 0 : element.getAttribute(attributeName); if (value == null) return; setAttribute(value); }, [refOrElement, attributeName]); return attribute; } function useUpdateEffect(effect, deps) { const mounted = (0,external_React_.useRef)(false); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (mounted.current) { return effect(); } mounted.current = true; }, deps); (0,external_React_.useEffect)( () => () => { mounted.current = false; }, [] ); } function useUpdateLayoutEffect(effect, deps) { const mounted = useRef(false); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (mounted.current) { return effect(); } mounted.current = true; }, deps); useSafeLayoutEffect( () => () => { mounted.current = false; }, [] ); } function useControlledState(defaultState, state, setState) { const [localState, setLocalState] = useState(defaultState); const nextState = state !== void 0 ? state : localState; const stateRef = useLiveRef(state); const setStateRef = useLiveRef(setState); const nextStateRef = useLiveRef(nextState); const setNextState = useCallback((prevValue) => { const setStateProp = setStateRef.current; if (setStateProp) { if (isSetNextState(setStateProp)) { setStateProp(prevValue); } else { const nextValue = applyState(prevValue, nextStateRef.current); nextStateRef.current = nextValue; setStateProp(nextValue); } } if (stateRef.current === void 0) { setLocalState(prevValue); } }, []); defineSetNextState(setNextState); return [nextState, setNextState]; } var SET_NEXT_STATE = Symbol("setNextState"); function isSetNextState(arg) { return arg[SET_NEXT_STATE] === true; } function defineSetNextState(arg) { if (!isSetNextState(arg)) { Object.defineProperty(arg, SET_NEXT_STATE, { value: true }); } } function useForceUpdate() { return (0,external_React_.useReducer)(() => [], []); } function useBooleanEvent(booleanOrCallback) { return useEvent( typeof booleanOrCallback === "function" ? booleanOrCallback : () => booleanOrCallback ); } function useWrapElement(props, callback, deps = []) { const wrapElement = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (element) => { if (props.wrapElement) { element = props.wrapElement(element); } return callback(element); }, [...deps, props.wrapElement] ); return _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { wrapElement }); } function usePortalRef(portalProp = false, portalRefProp) { const [portalNode, setPortalNode] = (0,external_React_.useState)(null); const portalRef = useMergeRefs(setPortalNode, portalRefProp); const domReady = !portalProp || portalNode; return { portalRef, portalNode, domReady }; } function useMetadataProps(props, key, value) { const parent = props.onLoadedMetadataCapture; const onLoadedMetadataCapture = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => { return Object.assign(() => { }, _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, parent), { [key]: value })); }, [parent, key, value]); return [parent == null ? void 0 : parent[key], { onLoadedMetadataCapture }]; } function useIsMouseMoving() { (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { addGlobalEventListener("mousemove", setMouseMoving, true); addGlobalEventListener("mousedown", resetMouseMoving, true); addGlobalEventListener("mouseup", resetMouseMoving, true); addGlobalEventListener("keydown", resetMouseMoving, true); addGlobalEventListener("scroll", resetMouseMoving, true); }, []); const isMouseMoving = useEvent(() => mouseMoving); return isMouseMoving; } var mouseMoving = false; var previousScreenX = 0; var previousScreenY = 0; function hasMouseMovement(event) { const movementX = event.movementX || event.screenX - previousScreenX; const movementY = event.movementY || event.screenY - previousScreenY; previousScreenX = event.screenX; previousScreenY = event.screenY; return movementX || movementY || "production" === "test"; } function setMouseMoving(event) { if (!hasMouseMovement(event)) return; mouseMoving = true; } function resetMouseMoving() { mouseMoving = false; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/3ORBWXWF.js "use client"; // src/utils/system.tsx function isRenderProp(children) { return typeof children === "function"; } function forwardRef2(render) { const Role = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => render(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, props), { ref }))); Role.displayName = render.displayName ||; return Role; } function memo2(Component, propsAreEqual) { const Role = React.memo(Component, propsAreEqual); Role.displayName = Component.displayName ||; return Role; } function createComponent(render) { const Role = (props, ref) => render(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ ref }, props)); return external_React_.forwardRef(Role); } function createMemoComponent(render) { const Role = createComponent(render); return external_React_.memo(Role); } function _3ORBWXWF_createElement(Type, props) { const _a = props, { as: As, wrapElement, render } = _a, rest = __objRest(_a, ["as", "wrapElement", "render"]); let element; const mergedRef = useMergeRefs(props.ref, getRefProperty(render)); if (false) {} if (As && typeof As !== "string") { element = /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(As, _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, rest), { render })); } else if (external_React_.isValidElement(render)) { const renderProps = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, render.props), { ref: mergedRef }); element = external_React_.cloneElement(render, mergeProps(rest, renderProps)); } else if (render) { element = render(rest); } else if (isRenderProp(props.children)) { if (false) {} const _b = rest, { children } = _b, otherProps = __objRest(_b, ["children"]); element = props.children(otherProps); } else if (As) { element = /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(As, _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, rest)); } else { element = /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Type, _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, rest)); } if (wrapElement) { return wrapElement(element); } return element; } function createHook(useProps) { const useRole = (props = {}) => { const htmlProps = useProps(props); const copy = {}; for (const prop in htmlProps) { if (Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(htmlProps, prop) && htmlProps[prop] !== void 0) { copy[prop] = htmlProps[prop]; } } return copy; }; return useRole; } function createStoreContext(providers = [], scopedProviders = []) { const context = external_React_.createContext(void 0); const scopedContext = external_React_.createContext(void 0); const useContext2 = () => external_React_.useContext(context); const useScopedContext = (onlyScoped = false) => { const scoped = external_React_.useContext(scopedContext); const store = useContext2(); if (onlyScoped) return scoped; return scoped || store; }; const useProviderContext = () => { const scoped = external_React_.useContext(scopedContext); const store = useContext2(); if (scoped && scoped === store) return; return store; }; const ContextProvider = (props) => { return providers.reduceRight( (children, Provider) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Provider, _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { children })), /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(context.Provider, _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props)) ); }; const ScopedContextProvider = (props) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ContextProvider, _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { children: scopedProviders.reduceRight( (children, Provider) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Provider, _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { children })), /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(scopedContext.Provider, _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props)) ) })); }; return { context, scopedContext, useContext: useContext2, useScopedContext, useProviderContext, ContextProvider, ScopedContextProvider }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/utils/focus.js "use client"; // src/utils/focus.ts var selector = "input:not([type='hidden']):not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), a[href], button:not([disabled]), [tabindex], iframe, object, embed, area[href], audio[controls], video[controls], [contenteditable]:not([contenteditable='false'])"; function hasNegativeTabIndex(element) { const tabIndex = parseInt(element.getAttribute("tabindex") || "0", 10); return tabIndex < 0; } function isFocusable(element) { if (!matches(element, selector)) return false; if (!isVisible(element)) return false; if (DLOEKDPY_closest(element, "[inert]")) return false; return true; } function isTabbable(element) { if (!isFocusable(element)) return false; if (hasNegativeTabIndex(element)) return false; if (!("form" in element)) return true; if (!element.form) return true; if (element.checked) return true; if (element.type !== "radio") return true; const radioGroup = element.form.elements.namedItem(; if (!radioGroup) return true; if (!("length" in radioGroup)) return true; const activeElement = getActiveElement(element); if (!activeElement) return true; if (activeElement === element) return true; if (!("form" in activeElement)) return true; if (activeElement.form !== element.form) return true; if ( !== return true; return false; } function getAllFocusableIn(container, includeContainer) { const elements = Array.from( container.querySelectorAll(selector) ); if (includeContainer) { elements.unshift(container); } const focusableElements = elements.filter(isFocusable); focusableElements.forEach((element, i) => { if (isFrame(element) && element.contentDocument) { const frameBody = element.contentDocument.body; focusableElements.splice(i, 1, ...getAllFocusableIn(frameBody)); } }); return focusableElements; } function getAllFocusable(includeBody) { return getAllFocusableIn(document.body, includeBody); } function getFirstFocusableIn(container, includeContainer) { const [first] = getAllFocusableIn(container, includeContainer); return first || null; } function getFirstFocusable(includeBody) { return getFirstFocusableIn(document.body, includeBody); } function getAllTabbableIn(container, includeContainer, fallbackToFocusable) { const elements = Array.from( container.querySelectorAll(selector) ); const tabbableElements = elements.filter(isTabbable); if (includeContainer && isTabbable(container)) { tabbableElements.unshift(container); } tabbableElements.forEach((element, i) => { if (isFrame(element) && element.contentDocument) { const frameBody = element.contentDocument.body; const allFrameTabbable = getAllTabbableIn( frameBody, false, fallbackToFocusable ); tabbableElements.splice(i, 1, ...allFrameTabbable); } }); if (!tabbableElements.length && fallbackToFocusable) { return elements; } return tabbableElements; } function getAllTabbable(fallbackToFocusable) { return getAllTabbableIn(document.body, false, fallbackToFocusable); } function getFirstTabbableIn(container, includeContainer, fallbackToFocusable) { const [first] = getAllTabbableIn( container, includeContainer, fallbackToFocusable ); return first || null; } function getFirstTabbable(fallbackToFocusable) { return getFirstTabbableIn(document.body, false, fallbackToFocusable); } function getLastTabbableIn(container, includeContainer, fallbackToFocusable) { const allTabbable = getAllTabbableIn( container, includeContainer, fallbackToFocusable ); return allTabbable[allTabbable.length - 1] || null; } function getLastTabbable(fallbackToFocusable) { return getLastTabbableIn(document.body, false, fallbackToFocusable); } function getNextTabbableIn(container, includeContainer, fallbackToFirst, fallbackToFocusable) { const activeElement = getActiveElement(container); const allFocusable = getAllFocusableIn(container, includeContainer); const activeIndex = allFocusable.indexOf(activeElement); const nextFocusableElements = allFocusable.slice(activeIndex + 1); return nextFocusableElements.find(isTabbable) || (fallbackToFirst ? allFocusable.find(isTabbable) : null) || (fallbackToFocusable ? nextFocusableElements[0] : null) || null; } function getNextTabbable(fallbackToFirst, fallbackToFocusable) { return getNextTabbableIn( document.body, false, fallbackToFirst, fallbackToFocusable ); } function getPreviousTabbableIn(container, includeContainer, fallbackToLast, fallbackToFocusable) { const activeElement = getActiveElement(container); const allFocusable = getAllFocusableIn(container, includeContainer).reverse(); const activeIndex = allFocusable.indexOf(activeElement); const previousFocusableElements = allFocusable.slice(activeIndex + 1); return previousFocusableElements.find(isTabbable) || (fallbackToLast ? allFocusable.find(isTabbable) : null) || (fallbackToFocusable ? previousFocusableElements[0] : null) || null; } function getPreviousTabbable(fallbackToFirst, fallbackToFocusable) { return getPreviousTabbableIn( document.body, false, fallbackToFirst, fallbackToFocusable ); } function getClosestFocusable(element) { while (element && !isFocusable(element)) { element = closest(element, selector); } return element || null; } function hasFocus(element) { const activeElement = getActiveElement(element); if (!activeElement) return false; if (activeElement === element) return true; const activeDescendant = activeElement.getAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); if (!activeDescendant) return false; return activeDescendant ===; } function hasFocusWithin(element) { const activeElement = getActiveElement(element); if (!activeElement) return false; if (contains(element, activeElement)) return true; const activeDescendant = activeElement.getAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); if (!activeDescendant) return false; if (!("id" in element)) return false; if (activeDescendant === return true; return !!element.querySelector(`#${CSS.escape(activeDescendant)}`); } function focusIfNeeded(element) { if (!hasFocusWithin(element) && isFocusable(element)) { element.focus(); } } function disableFocus(element) { var _a; const currentTabindex = (_a = element.getAttribute("tabindex")) != null ? _a : ""; element.setAttribute("data-tabindex", currentTabindex); element.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); } function disableFocusIn(container, includeContainer) { const tabbableElements = getAllTabbableIn(container, includeContainer); tabbableElements.forEach(disableFocus); } function restoreFocusIn(container) { const elements = container.querySelectorAll("[data-tabindex]"); const restoreTabIndex = (element) => { const tabindex = element.getAttribute("data-tabindex"); element.removeAttribute("data-tabindex"); if (tabindex) { element.setAttribute("tabindex", tabindex); } else { element.removeAttribute("tabindex"); } }; if (container.hasAttribute("data-tabindex")) { restoreTabIndex(container); } elements.forEach(restoreTabIndex); } function focusIntoView(element, options) { if (!("scrollIntoView" in element)) { element.focus(); } else { element.focus({ preventScroll: true }); element.scrollIntoView(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ block: "nearest", inline: "nearest" }, options)); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/KK7H3W2B.js "use client"; // src/focusable/focusable.ts var isSafariBrowser = isSafari(); var alwaysFocusVisibleInputTypes = [ "text", "search", "url", "tel", "email", "password", "number", "date", "month", "week", "time", "datetime", "datetime-local" ]; function isAlwaysFocusVisible(element) { const { tagName, readOnly, type } = element; if (tagName === "TEXTAREA" && !readOnly) return true; if (tagName === "SELECT" && !readOnly) return true; if (tagName === "INPUT" && !readOnly) { return alwaysFocusVisibleInputTypes.includes(type); } if (element.isContentEditable) return true; return false; } function isAlwaysFocusVisibleDelayed(element) { const role = element.getAttribute("role"); if (role !== "combobox") return false; return !!; } function getLabels(element) { if ("labels" in element) { return element.labels; } return null; } function isNativeCheckboxOrRadio(element) { const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName === "input" && element.type) { return element.type === "radio" || element.type === "checkbox"; } return false; } function isNativeTabbable(tagName) { if (!tagName) return true; return tagName === "button" || tagName === "input" || tagName === "select" || tagName === "textarea" || tagName === "a"; } function supportsDisabledAttribute(tagName) { if (!tagName) return true; return tagName === "button" || tagName === "input" || tagName === "select" || tagName === "textarea"; } function getTabIndex(focusable, trulyDisabled, nativeTabbable, supportsDisabled, tabIndexProp) { if (!focusable) { return tabIndexProp; } if (trulyDisabled) { if (nativeTabbable && !supportsDisabled) { return -1; } return; } if (nativeTabbable) { return tabIndexProp; } return tabIndexProp || 0; } function useDisableEvent(onEvent, disabled) { return useEvent((event) => { onEvent == null ? void 0 : onEvent(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (disabled) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }); } var isKeyboardModality = true; function onGlobalMouseDown(event) { const target =; if (target && "hasAttribute" in target) { if (!target.hasAttribute("data-focus-visible")) { isKeyboardModality = false; } } } function onGlobalKeyDown(event) { if (event.metaKey) return; if (event.ctrlKey) return; if (event.altKey) return; isKeyboardModality = true; } var useFocusable = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { focusable = true, accessibleWhenDisabled, autoFocus, onFocusVisible } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "focusable", "accessibleWhenDisabled", "autoFocus", "onFocusVisible" ]); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!focusable) return; addGlobalEventListener("mousedown", onGlobalMouseDown, true); addGlobalEventListener("keydown", onGlobalKeyDown, true); }, [focusable]); if (isSafariBrowser) { (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!focusable) return; const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; if (!isNativeCheckboxOrRadio(element)) return; const labels = getLabels(element); if (!labels) return; const onMouseUp = () => queueMicrotask(() => element.focus()); labels.forEach((label) => label.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp)); return () => { labels.forEach( (label) => label.removeEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp) ); }; }, [focusable]); } const disabled = focusable && disabledFromProps(props); const trulyDisabled = !!disabled && !accessibleWhenDisabled; const [focusVisible, setFocusVisible] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!focusable) return; if (trulyDisabled && focusVisible) { setFocusVisible(false); } }, [focusable, trulyDisabled, focusVisible]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!focusable) return; if (!focusVisible) return; const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; if (typeof IntersectionObserver === "undefined") return; const observer = new IntersectionObserver(() => { if (!isFocusable(element)) { setFocusVisible(false); } }); observer.observe(element); return () => observer.disconnect(); }, [focusable, focusVisible]); const onKeyPressCapture = useDisableEvent( props.onKeyPressCapture, disabled ); const onMouseDownCapture = useDisableEvent( props.onMouseDownCapture, disabled ); const onClickCapture = useDisableEvent(props.onClickCapture, disabled); const onMouseDownProp = props.onMouseDown; const onMouseDown = useEvent((event) => { onMouseDownProp == null ? void 0 : onMouseDownProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!focusable) return; const element = event.currentTarget; if (!isSafariBrowser) return; if (isPortalEvent(event)) return; if (!isButton(element) && !isNativeCheckboxOrRadio(element)) return; let receivedFocus = false; const onFocus = () => { receivedFocus = true; }; const options = { capture: true, once: true }; element.addEventListener("focusin", onFocus, options); queueBeforeEvent(element, "mouseup", () => { element.removeEventListener("focusin", onFocus, true); if (receivedFocus) return; focusIfNeeded(element); }); }); const handleFocusVisible = (event, currentTarget) => { if (currentTarget) { event.currentTarget = currentTarget; } if (!focusable) return; const element = event.currentTarget; if (!element) return; if (!hasFocus(element)) return; onFocusVisible == null ? void 0 : onFocusVisible(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; setFocusVisible(true); }; const onKeyDownCaptureProp = props.onKeyDownCapture; const onKeyDownCapture = useEvent( (event) => { onKeyDownCaptureProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyDownCaptureProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!focusable) return; if (focusVisible) return; if (event.metaKey) return; if (event.altKey) return; if (event.ctrlKey) return; if (!isSelfTarget(event)) return; const element = event.currentTarget; queueMicrotask(() => handleFocusVisible(event, element)); } ); const onFocusCaptureProp = props.onFocusCapture; const onFocusCapture = useEvent((event) => { onFocusCaptureProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusCaptureProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!focusable) return; if (!isSelfTarget(event)) { setFocusVisible(false); return; } const element = event.currentTarget; const applyFocusVisible = () => handleFocusVisible(event, element); if (isKeyboardModality || isAlwaysFocusVisible( { queueMicrotask(applyFocusVisible); } else if (isAlwaysFocusVisibleDelayed( { queueBeforeEvent(, "focusout", applyFocusVisible); } else { setFocusVisible(false); } }); const onBlurProp = props.onBlur; const onBlur = useEvent((event) => { onBlurProp == null ? void 0 : onBlurProp(event); if (!focusable) return; if (!isFocusEventOutside(event)) return; setFocusVisible(false); }); const autoFocusOnShow = (0,external_React_.useContext)(FocusableContext); const autoFocusRef = useEvent((element) => { if (!focusable) return; if (!autoFocus) return; if (!element) return; if (!autoFocusOnShow) return; queueMicrotask(() => { if (hasFocus(element)) return; if (!isFocusable(element)) return; element.focus(); }); }); const tagName = useTagName(ref,; const nativeTabbable = focusable && isNativeTabbable(tagName); const supportsDisabled = focusable && supportsDisabledAttribute(tagName); const style = trulyDisabled ? _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ pointerEvents: "none" }, :; props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "data-focus-visible": focusable && focusVisible ? "" : void 0, "data-autofocus": autoFocus ? true : void 0, "aria-disabled": disabled ? true : void 0 }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, autoFocusRef, props.ref), style, tabIndex: getTabIndex( focusable, trulyDisabled, nativeTabbable, supportsDisabled, props.tabIndex ), disabled: supportsDisabled && trulyDisabled ? true : void 0, // TODO: Test Focusable contentEditable. contentEditable: disabled ? void 0 : props.contentEditable, onKeyPressCapture, onClickCapture, onMouseDownCapture, onMouseDown, onKeyDownCapture, onFocusCapture, onBlur }); return props; } ); var Focusable = createComponent((props) => { props = useFocusable(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", props); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/NWCBQ4CV.js "use client"; // src/command/command.ts function isNativeClick(event) { if (!event.isTrusted) return false; const element = event.currentTarget; if (event.key === "Enter") { return isButton(element) || element.tagName === "SUMMARY" || element.tagName === "A"; } if (event.key === " ") { return isButton(element) || element.tagName === "SUMMARY" || element.tagName === "INPUT" || element.tagName === "SELECT"; } return false; } var symbol = Symbol("command"); var useCommand = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { clickOnEnter = true, clickOnSpace = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["clickOnEnter", "clickOnSpace"]); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const tagName = useTagName(ref,; const type = props.type; const [isNativeButton, setIsNativeButton] = (0,external_React_.useState)( () => !!tagName && isButton({ tagName, type }) ); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!ref.current) return; setIsNativeButton(isButton(ref.current)); }, []); const [active, setActive] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); const activeRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(false); const disabled = disabledFromProps(props); const [isDuplicate, metadataProps] = useMetadataProps(props, symbol, true); const onKeyDownProp = props.onKeyDown; const onKeyDown = useEvent((event) => { onKeyDownProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyDownProp(event); const element = event.currentTarget; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (isDuplicate) return; if (disabled) return; if (!isSelfTarget(event)) return; if (DLOEKDPY_isTextField(element)) return; if (element.isContentEditable) return; const isEnter = clickOnEnter && event.key === "Enter"; const isSpace = clickOnSpace && event.key === " "; const shouldPreventEnter = event.key === "Enter" && !clickOnEnter; const shouldPreventSpace = event.key === " " && !clickOnSpace; if (shouldPreventEnter || shouldPreventSpace) { event.preventDefault(); return; } if (isEnter || isSpace) { const nativeClick = isNativeClick(event); if (isEnter) { if (!nativeClick) { event.preventDefault(); const _a2 = event, { view } = _a2, eventInit = __objRest(_a2, ["view"]); const click = () => fireClickEvent(element, eventInit); if (isFirefox()) { queueBeforeEvent(element, "keyup", click); } else { queueMicrotask(click); } } } else if (isSpace) { activeRef.current = true; if (!nativeClick) { event.preventDefault(); setActive(true); } } } }); const onKeyUpProp = props.onKeyUp; const onKeyUp = useEvent((event) => { onKeyUpProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyUpProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (isDuplicate) return; if (disabled) return; if (event.metaKey) return; const isSpace = clickOnSpace && event.key === " "; if (activeRef.current && isSpace) { activeRef.current = false; if (!isNativeClick(event)) { event.preventDefault(); setActive(false); const element = event.currentTarget; const _a2 = event, { view } = _a2, eventInit = __objRest(_a2, ["view"]); queueMicrotask(() => fireClickEvent(element, eventInit)); } } }); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "data-active": active ? "" : void 0, type: isNativeButton ? "button" : void 0 }, metadataProps), props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), onKeyDown, onKeyUp }); props = useFocusable(props); return props; } ); var Command = createComponent((props) => { props = useCommand(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", props); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/4UUKJZ4V.js "use client"; // src/collection/collection-context.tsx var ctx = createStoreContext(); var useCollectionContext = ctx.useContext; var useCollectionScopedContext = ctx.useScopedContext; var useCollectionProviderContext = ctx.useProviderContext; var CollectionContextProvider = ctx.ContextProvider; var CollectionScopedContextProvider = ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/UH3I23HL.js "use client"; // src/collection/collection-item.ts var useCollectionItem = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, shouldRegisterItem = true, getItem = identity, element: element } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "shouldRegisterItem", "getItem", // @ts-expect-error This prop may come from a collection renderer. "element" ]); const context = useCollectionContext(); store = store || context; const id = useId(; const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(element); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const element2 = ref.current; if (!id) return; if (!element2) return; if (!shouldRegisterItem) return; const item = getItem({ id, element: element2 }); return store == null ? void 0 : store.renderItem(item); }, [id, shouldRegisterItem, getItem, store]); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref) }); return props; } ); var CollectionItem = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useCollectionItem(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/3IEDWLST.js "use client"; // src/composite/utils.ts var NULL_ITEM = { id: null }; function flipItems(items, activeId, shouldInsertNullItem = false) { const index = items.findIndex((item) => === activeId); return [ ...items.slice(index + 1), ...shouldInsertNullItem ? [NULL_ITEM] : [], ...items.slice(0, index) ]; } function findFirstEnabledItem(items, excludeId) { return items.find((item) => { if (excludeId) { return !item.disabled && !== excludeId; } return !item.disabled; }); } function getEnabledItem(store, id) { if (!id) return null; return store.item(id) || null; } function groupItemsByRows(items) { const rows = []; for (const item of items) { const row = rows.find((currentRow) => { var _a; return ((_a = currentRow[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.rowId) === item.rowId; }); if (row) { row.push(item); } else { rows.push([item]); } } return rows; } function selectTextField(element, collapseToEnd = false) { if (isTextField(element)) { element.setSelectionRange( collapseToEnd ? element.value.length : 0, element.value.length ); } else if (element.isContentEditable) { const selection = getDocument(element).getSelection(); selection == null ? void 0 : selection.selectAllChildren(element); if (collapseToEnd) { selection == null ? void 0 : selection.collapseToEnd(); } } } var FOCUS_SILENTLY = Symbol("FOCUS_SILENTLY"); function focusSilently(element) { element[FOCUS_SILENTLY] = true; element.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } function silentlyFocused(element) { const isSilentlyFocused = element[FOCUS_SILENTLY]; delete element[FOCUS_SILENTLY]; return isSilentlyFocused; } function isItem(store, element, exclude) { if (!element) return false; if (element === exclude) return false; const item = store.item(; if (!item) return false; if (exclude && item.element === exclude) return false; return true; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/IB7YUKH5.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-context.tsx var IB7YUKH5_ctx = createStoreContext( [CollectionContextProvider], [CollectionScopedContextProvider] ); var useCompositeContext = IB7YUKH5_ctx.useContext; var useCompositeScopedContext = IB7YUKH5_ctx.useScopedContext; var useCompositeProviderContext = IB7YUKH5_ctx.useProviderContext; var CompositeContextProvider = IB7YUKH5_ctx.ContextProvider; var CompositeScopedContextProvider = IB7YUKH5_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; var CompositeItemContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)( void 0 ); var CompositeRowContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)( void 0 ); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/EAHJFCU4.js "use client"; // src/utils/store.ts function getInternal(store, key) { const internals = store.__unstableInternals; invariant(internals, "Invalid store"); return internals[key]; } function createStore(initialState, ...stores) { let state = initialState; let prevStateBatch = state; let lastUpdate = Symbol(); let destroy = noop; const instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const updatedKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const setups = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const listeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const batchListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const disposables = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const listenerKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const storeSetup = (callback) => { setups.add(callback); return () => setups.delete(callback); }; const storeInit = () => { const initialized = instances.size; const instance = Symbol(); instances.add(instance); const maybeDestroy = () => { instances.delete(instance); if (instances.size) return; destroy(); }; if (initialized) return maybeDestroy; const desyncs = getKeys(state).map( (key) => chain( => { var _a; const storeState = (_a = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState) == null ? void 0 :; if (!storeState) return; if (!Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(storeState, key)) return; return sync(store, [key], (state2) => { setState( key, state2[key], // @ts-expect-error - Not public API. This is just to prevent // infinite loops. true ); }); }) ) ); const teardowns = []; setups.forEach((setup2) => teardowns.push(setup2())); const cleanups =; destroy = chain(...desyncs, ...teardowns, ...cleanups); return maybeDestroy; }; const sub = (keys, listener, set = listeners) => { set.add(listener); listenerKeys.set(listener, keys); return () => { var _a; (_a = disposables.get(listener)) == null ? void 0 : _a(); disposables.delete(listener); listenerKeys.delete(listener); set.delete(listener); }; }; const storeSubscribe = (keys, listener) => sub(keys, listener); const storeSync = (keys, listener) => { disposables.set(listener, listener(state, state)); return sub(keys, listener); }; const storeBatch = (keys, listener) => { disposables.set(listener, listener(state, prevStateBatch)); return sub(keys, listener, batchListeners); }; const storePick = (keys) => createStore(pick(state, keys), finalStore); const storeOmit = (keys) => createStore(omit(state, keys), finalStore); const getState = () => state; const setState = (key, value, fromStores = false) => { if (!Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(state, key)) return; const nextValue = Y3OOHFCN_applyState(value, state[key]); if (nextValue === state[key]) return; if (!fromStores) { stores.forEach((store) => { var _a; (_a = store == null ? void 0 : store.setState) == null ? void 0 :, key, nextValue); }); } const prevState = state; state = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, state), { [key]: nextValue }); const thisUpdate = Symbol(); lastUpdate = thisUpdate; updatedKeys.add(key); const run = (listener, prev, uKeys) => { var _a; const keys = listenerKeys.get(listener); const updated = (k) => uKeys ? uKeys.has(k) : k === key; if (!keys || keys.some(updated)) { (_a = disposables.get(listener)) == null ? void 0 : _a(); disposables.set(listener, listener(state, prev)); } }; listeners.forEach((listener) => { run(listener, prevState); }); queueMicrotask(() => { if (lastUpdate !== thisUpdate) return; const snapshot = state; batchListeners.forEach((listener) => { run(listener, prevStateBatch, updatedKeys); }); prevStateBatch = snapshot; updatedKeys.clear(); }); }; const finalStore = { getState, setState, __unstableInternals: { setup: storeSetup, init: storeInit, subscribe: storeSubscribe, sync: storeSync, batch: storeBatch, pick: storePick, omit: storeOmit } }; return finalStore; } function setup(store, ...args) { if (!store) return; return getInternal(store, "setup")(...args); } function init(store, ...args) { if (!store) return; return getInternal(store, "init")(...args); } function subscribe(store, ...args) { if (!store) return; return getInternal(store, "subscribe")(...args); } function sync(store, ...args) { if (!store) return; return getInternal(store, "sync")(...args); } function batch(store, ...args) { if (!store) return; return getInternal(store, "batch")(...args); } function omit2(store, ...args) { if (!store) return; return getInternal(store, "omit")(...args); } function pick2(store, ...args) { if (!store) return; return getInternal(store, "pick")(...args); } function mergeStore(...stores) { const initialState = stores.reduce((state, store2) => { var _a; const nextState = (_a = store2 == null ? void 0 : store2.getState) == null ? void 0 :; if (!nextState) return state; return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, state), nextState); }, {}); const store = createStore(initialState, ...stores); return store; } function throwOnConflictingProps(props, store) { if (true) return; if (!store) return; const defaultKeys = Object.entries(props).filter(([key, value]) => key.startsWith("default") && value !== void 0).map(([key]) => { var _a; const stateKey = key.replace("default", ""); return `${((_a = stateKey[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase()) || ""}${stateKey.slice(1)}`; }); if (!defaultKeys.length) return; const storeState = store.getState(); const conflictingProps = defaultKeys.filter( (key) => Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(storeState, key) ); if (!conflictingProps.length) return; throw new Error( `Passing a store prop in conjunction with a default state is not supported. const store = useSelectStore(); <SelectProvider store={store} defaultValue="Apple" /> ^ ^ Instead, pass the default state to the topmost store: const store = useSelectStore({ defaultValue: "Apple" }); <SelectProvider store={store} /> See for more details. If there's a particular need for this, please submit a feature request at ` ); } // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/use-sync-external-store/shim/index.js var shim = __webpack_require__(422); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/EKQEJRUF.js "use client"; // src/utils/store.tsx var { useSyncExternalStore } = shim; var noopSubscribe = () => () => { }; function useStoreState(store, keyOrSelector = identity) { const storeSubscribe = external_React_.useCallback( (callback) => { if (!store) return noopSubscribe(); return subscribe(store, null, callback); }, [store] ); const getSnapshot = () => { const key = typeof keyOrSelector === "string" ? keyOrSelector : null; const selector = typeof keyOrSelector === "function" ? keyOrSelector : null; const state = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState(); if (selector) return selector(state); if (!state) return; if (!key) return; if (!Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(state, key)) return; return state[key]; }; return useSyncExternalStore(storeSubscribe, getSnapshot, getSnapshot); } function useStoreProps(store, props, key, setKey) { const value = Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(props, key) ? props[key] : void 0; const setValue = setKey ? props[setKey] : void 0; const propsRef = useLiveRef({ value, setValue }); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { return sync(store, [key], (state, prev) => { const { value: value2, setValue: setValue2 } = propsRef.current; if (!setValue2) return; if (state[key] === prev[key]) return; if (state[key] === value2) return; setValue2(state[key]); }); }, [store, key]); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (value === void 0) return; store.setState(key, value); return batch(store, [key], () => { if (value === void 0) return; store.setState(key, value); }); }); } function EKQEJRUF_useStore(createStore, props) { const [store, setStore] = external_React_.useState(() => createStore(props)); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => init(store), [store]); const useState2 = external_React_.useCallback( (keyOrSelector) => useStoreState(store, keyOrSelector), [store] ); const memoizedStore = external_React_.useMemo( () => _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, store), { useState: useState2 }), [store, useState2] ); const updateStore = useEvent(() => { setStore((store2) => createStore(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), store2.getState()))); }); return [memoizedStore, updateStore]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/QZLXIDNP.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-item.tsx function isEditableElement(element) { if (element.isContentEditable) return true; if (DLOEKDPY_isTextField(element)) return true; return element.tagName === "INPUT" && !isButton(element); } function getNextPageOffset(scrollingElement, pageUp = false) { const height = scrollingElement.clientHeight; const { top } = scrollingElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const pageSize = Math.max(height * 0.875, height - 40) * 1.5; const pageOffset = pageUp ? height - pageSize + top : pageSize + top; if (scrollingElement.tagName === "HTML") { return pageOffset + scrollingElement.scrollTop; } return pageOffset; } function getItemOffset(itemElement, pageUp = false) { const { top } = itemElement.getBoundingClientRect(); if (pageUp) { return top + itemElement.clientHeight; } return top; } function findNextPageItemId(element, store, next, pageUp = false) { var _a; if (!store) return; if (!next) return; const { renderedItems } = store.getState(); const scrollingElement = getScrollingElement(element); if (!scrollingElement) return; const nextPageOffset = getNextPageOffset(scrollingElement, pageUp); let id; let prevDifference; for (let i = 0; i < renderedItems.length; i += 1) { const previousId = id; id = next(i); if (!id) break; if (id === previousId) continue; const itemElement = (_a = getEnabledItem(store, id)) == null ? void 0 : _a.element; if (!itemElement) continue; const itemOffset = getItemOffset(itemElement, pageUp); const difference = itemOffset - nextPageOffset; const absDifference = Math.abs(difference); if (pageUp && difference <= 0 || !pageUp && difference >= 0) { if (prevDifference !== void 0 && prevDifference < absDifference) { id = previousId; } break; } prevDifference = absDifference; } return id; } function targetIsAnotherItem(event, store) { if (isSelfTarget(event)) return false; return isItem(store,; } function useRole(ref, props) { const roleProp = props.role; const [role, setRole] = (0,external_React_.useState)(roleProp); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; setRole(element.getAttribute("role") || roleProp); }, [roleProp]); return role; } function requiresAriaSelected(role) { return role === "option" || role === "treeitem"; } function supportsAriaSelected(role) { if (role === "option") return true; if (role === "tab") return true; if (role === "treeitem") return true; if (role === "gridcell") return true; if (role === "row") return true; if (role === "columnheader") return true; if (role === "rowheader") return true; return false; } var useCompositeItem = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, rowId: rowIdProp, preventScrollOnKeyDown = false, moveOnKeyPress = true, tabbable = false, getItem: getItemProp, "aria-setsize": ariaSetSizeProp, "aria-posinset": ariaPosInSetProp } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "rowId", "preventScrollOnKeyDown", "moveOnKeyPress", "tabbable", "getItem", "aria-setsize", "aria-posinset" ]); const context = useCompositeContext(); store = store || context; const id = useId(; const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const row = (0,external_React_.useContext)(CompositeRowContext); const rowId = useStoreState(store, (state) => { if (rowIdProp) return rowIdProp; if (!state) return; if (!(row == null ? void 0 : row.baseElement)) return; if (row.baseElement !== state.baseElement) return; return; }); const disabled = disabledFromProps(props); const trulyDisabled = disabled && !props.accessibleWhenDisabled; const getItem = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (item) => { const nextItem = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, item), { id: id ||, rowId, disabled: !!trulyDisabled }); if (getItemProp) { return getItemProp(nextItem); } return nextItem; }, [id, rowId, trulyDisabled, getItemProp] ); const onFocusProp = props.onFocus; const hasFocusedComposite = (0,external_React_.useRef)(false); const onFocus = useEvent((event) => { onFocusProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (isPortalEvent(event)) return; if (!id) return; if (!store) return; const { activeId, virtualFocus: virtualFocus2, baseElement: baseElement2 } = store.getState(); if (targetIsAnotherItem(event, store)) return; if (activeId !== id) { store.setActiveId(id); } if (!virtualFocus2) return; if (!isSelfTarget(event)) return; if (isEditableElement(event.currentTarget)) return; if (!(baseElement2 == null ? void 0 : baseElement2.isConnected)) return; hasFocusedComposite.current = true; const fromComposite = event.relatedTarget === baseElement2 || isItem(store, event.relatedTarget); if (fromComposite) { focusSilently(baseElement2); } else { baseElement2.focus(); } }); const onBlurCaptureProp = props.onBlurCapture; const onBlurCapture = useEvent((event) => { onBlurCaptureProp == null ? void 0 : onBlurCaptureProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const state = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState(); if ((state == null ? void 0 : state.virtualFocus) && hasFocusedComposite.current) { hasFocusedComposite.current = false; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }); const onKeyDownProp = props.onKeyDown; const preventScrollOnKeyDownProp = useBooleanEvent(preventScrollOnKeyDown); const moveOnKeyPressProp = useBooleanEvent(moveOnKeyPress); const onKeyDown = useEvent((event) => { onKeyDownProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyDownProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!isSelfTarget(event)) return; if (!store) return; const { currentTarget } = event; const state = store.getState(); const item = store.item(id); const isGrid = !!(item == null ? void 0 : item.rowId); const isVertical = state.orientation !== "horizontal"; const isHorizontal = state.orientation !== "vertical"; const canHomeEnd = () => { if (isGrid) return true; if (isHorizontal) return true; if (!state.baseElement) return true; if (!DLOEKDPY_isTextField(state.baseElement)) return true; return false; }; const keyMap = { ArrowUp: (isGrid || isVertical) && store.up, ArrowRight: (isGrid || isHorizontal) &&, ArrowDown: (isGrid || isVertical) && store.down, ArrowLeft: (isGrid || isHorizontal) && store.previous, Home: () => { if (!canHomeEnd()) return; if (!isGrid || event.ctrlKey) { return store == null ? void 0 : store.first(); } return store == null ? void 0 : store.previous(-1); }, End: () => { if (!canHomeEnd()) return; if (!isGrid || event.ctrlKey) { return store == null ? void 0 : store.last(); } return store == null ? void 0 :; }, PageUp: () => { return findNextPageItemId(currentTarget, store, store == null ? void 0 : store.up, true); }, PageDown: () => { return findNextPageItemId(currentTarget, store, store == null ? void 0 : store.down); } }; const action = keyMap[event.key]; if (action) { const nextId = action(); if (preventScrollOnKeyDownProp(event) || nextId !== void 0) { if (!moveOnKeyPressProp(event)) return; event.preventDefault(); store.move(nextId); } } }); const baseElement = useStoreState( store, (state) => (state == null ? void 0 : state.baseElement) || void 0 ); const providerValue = (0,external_React_.useMemo)( () => ({ id, baseElement }), [id, baseElement] ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CompositeItemContext.Provider, { value: providerValue, children: element }), [providerValue] ); const isActiveItem = useStoreState( store, (state) => !!state && state.activeId === id ); const virtualFocus = useStoreState(store, "virtualFocus"); const role = useRole(ref, props); let ariaSelected; if (isActiveItem) { if (requiresAriaSelected(role)) { ariaSelected = true; } else if (virtualFocus && supportsAriaSelected(role)) { ariaSelected = true; } } const ariaSetSize = useStoreState(store, (state) => { if (ariaSetSizeProp != null) return ariaSetSizeProp; if (!state) return; if (!(row == null ? void 0 : row.ariaSetSize)) return; if (row.baseElement !== state.baseElement) return; return row.ariaSetSize; }); const ariaPosInSet = useStoreState(store, (state) => { if (ariaPosInSetProp != null) return ariaPosInSetProp; if (!state) return; if (!(row == null ? void 0 : row.ariaPosInSet)) return; if (row.baseElement !== state.baseElement) return; const itemsInRow = state.renderedItems.filter( (item) => item.rowId === rowId ); return row.ariaPosInSet + itemsInRow.findIndex((item) => === id); }); const isTabbable = useStoreState(store, (state) => { if (!(state == null ? void 0 : state.renderedItems.length)) return true; if (state.virtualFocus) return false; if (tabbable) return true; return state.activeId === id; }); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, "aria-selected": ariaSelected, "data-active-item": isActiveItem ? "" : void 0 }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), tabIndex: isTabbable ? props.tabIndex : -1, onFocus, onBlurCapture, onKeyDown }); props = useCommand(props); props = useCollectionItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props), { getItem, shouldRegisterItem: !!id ? props.shouldRegisterItem : false })); return _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { "aria-setsize": ariaSetSize, "aria-posinset": ariaPosInSet }); } ); var CompositeItem = createMemoComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useCompositeItem(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/Z5IGYIPT.js "use client"; // src/disclosure/disclosure-store.ts function createDisclosureStore(props = {}) { const store = mergeStore(, omit2(props.disclosure, ["contentElement", "disclosureElement"]) ); throwOnConflictingProps(props, store); const syncState = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState(); const open = defaultValue(, syncState == null ? void 0 :, props.defaultOpen, false ); const animated = defaultValue(props.animated, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.animated, false); const initialState = { open, animated, animating: !!animated && open, mounted: open, contentElement: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.contentElement, null), disclosureElement: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.disclosureElement, null) }; const disclosure = createStore(initialState, store); setup( disclosure, () => sync(disclosure, ["animated", "animating"], (state) => { if (state.animated) return; disclosure.setState("animating", false); }) ); setup( disclosure, () => subscribe(disclosure, ["open"], () => { if (!disclosure.getState().animated) return; disclosure.setState("animating", true); }) ); setup( disclosure, () => sync(disclosure, ["open", "animating"], (state) => { disclosure.setState("mounted", || state.animating); }) ); return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, disclosure), { setOpen: (value) => disclosure.setState("open", value), show: () => disclosure.setState("open", true), hide: () => disclosure.setState("open", false), toggle: () => disclosure.setState("open", (open2) => !open2), stopAnimation: () => disclosure.setState("animating", false), setContentElement: (value) => disclosure.setState("contentElement", value), setDisclosureElement: (value) => disclosure.setState("disclosureElement", value) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/SFCBA2JZ.js "use client"; // src/disclosure/disclosure-store.ts function useDisclosureStoreProps(store, update, props) { useUpdateEffect(update, [, props.disclosure]); useStoreProps(store, props, "open", "setOpen"); useStoreProps(store, props, "mounted", "setMounted"); useStoreProps(store, props, "animated"); return store; } function useDisclosureStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createDisclosureStore, props); return useDisclosureStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/SX2XFD6A.js "use client"; // src/dialog/dialog-store.ts function createDialogStore(props = {}) { return createDisclosureStore(props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/ZSELSBRM.js "use client"; // src/dialog/dialog-store.ts function useDialogStoreProps(store, update, props) { return useDisclosureStoreProps(store, update, props); } function useDialogStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createDialogStore, props); return useDialogStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/MG4P3223.js "use client"; // src/popover/popover-store.ts function usePopoverStoreProps(store, update, props) { useUpdateEffect(update, [props.popover]); store = useDialogStoreProps(store, update, props); useStoreProps(store, props, "placement"); return store; } function usePopoverStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = useStore(Core.createPopoverStore, props); return usePopoverStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/ZU7LQC5V.js "use client"; // src/hovercard/hovercard-store.ts function useHovercardStoreProps(store, update, props) { store = usePopoverStoreProps(store, update, props); useStoreProps(store, props, "timeout"); useStoreProps(store, props, "showTimeout"); useStoreProps(store, props, "hideTimeout"); return store; } function useHovercardStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = useStore(Core.createHovercardStore, props); return useHovercardStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/AF6IUUFN.js "use client"; // src/popover/popover-store.ts function createPopoverStore(_a = {}) { var _b = _a, { popover: otherPopover } = _b, props = _4R3V3JGP_objRest(_b, [ "popover" ]); const store = mergeStore(, omit2(otherPopover, [ "arrowElement", "anchorElement", "contentElement", "popoverElement", "disclosureElement" ]) ); throwOnConflictingProps(props, store); const syncState = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState(); const dialog = createDialogStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { store })); const placement = defaultValue( props.placement, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.placement, "bottom" ); const initialState = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, dialog.getState()), { placement, currentPlacement: placement, anchorElement: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.anchorElement, null), popoverElement: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.popoverElement, null), arrowElement: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.arrowElement, null), rendered: Symbol("rendered") }); const popover = createStore(initialState, dialog, store); return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, dialog), popover), { setAnchorElement: (element) => popover.setState("anchorElement", element), setPopoverElement: (element) => popover.setState("popoverElement", element), setArrowElement: (element) => popover.setState("arrowElement", element), render: () => popover.setState("rendered", Symbol("rendered")) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/SOLWE6E5.js "use client"; // src/hovercard/hovercard-store.ts function createHovercardStore(props = {}) { var _a; const syncState = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.getState(); const popover = createPopoverStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { placement: defaultValue( props.placement, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.placement, "bottom" ) })); const timeout = defaultValue(props.timeout, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.timeout, 500); const initialState = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, popover.getState()), { timeout, showTimeout: defaultValue(props.showTimeout, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.showTimeout), hideTimeout: defaultValue(props.hideTimeout, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.hideTimeout), autoFocusOnShow: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.autoFocusOnShow, false) }); const hovercard = createStore(initialState, popover,; return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, popover), hovercard), { setAutoFocusOnShow: (value) => hovercard.setState("autoFocusOnShow", value) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/tooltip/tooltip-store.js "use client"; // src/tooltip/tooltip-store.ts function createTooltipStore(props = {}) { var _a; const syncState = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.getState(); const hovercard = createHovercardStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { placement: defaultValue( props.placement, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.placement, "top" ), hideTimeout: defaultValue(props.hideTimeout, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.hideTimeout, 0) })); const initialState = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, hovercard.getState()), { type: defaultValue(props.type, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.type, "description"), skipTimeout: defaultValue(props.skipTimeout, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.skipTimeout, 300) }); const tooltip = createStore(initialState, hovercard,; return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, hovercard), tooltip); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/2QMN5E6B.js "use client"; // src/tooltip/tooltip-store.ts function useTooltipStoreProps(store, update, props) { store = useHovercardStoreProps(store, update, props); useStoreProps(store, props, "type"); useStoreProps(store, props, "skipTimeout"); return store; } function useTooltipStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createTooltipStore, props); return useTooltipStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/FSFPRQFR.js "use client"; // src/role/role.ts var FSFPRQFR_elements = [ "a", "button", "details", "dialog", "div", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "header", "img", "input", "label", "li", "nav", "ol", "p", "section", "select", "span", "textarea", "ul", "svg" ]; var FSFPRQFR_useRole = createHook((props) => { return props; }); var Role = createComponent((props) => { return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", props); }); if (false) {} Object.assign( Role, FSFPRQFR_elements.reduce((acc, element) => { acc[element] = createComponent((props) => { return _3ORBWXWF_createElement(element, props); }); return acc; }, {}) ); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/OAYFXAQ2.js "use client"; // src/disclosure/disclosure-context.tsx var OAYFXAQ2_ctx = createStoreContext(); var useDisclosureContext = OAYFXAQ2_ctx.useContext; var useDisclosureScopedContext = OAYFXAQ2_ctx.useScopedContext; var useDisclosureProviderContext = OAYFXAQ2_ctx.useProviderContext; var DisclosureContextProvider = OAYFXAQ2_ctx.ContextProvider; var DisclosureScopedContextProvider = OAYFXAQ2_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/G6BJYYBK.js "use client"; // src/dialog/dialog-context.tsx var G6BJYYBK_ctx = createStoreContext( [DisclosureContextProvider], [DisclosureScopedContextProvider] ); var useDialogContext = G6BJYYBK_ctx.useContext; var useDialogScopedContext = G6BJYYBK_ctx.useScopedContext; var useDialogProviderContext = G6BJYYBK_ctx.useProviderContext; var DialogContextProvider = G6BJYYBK_ctx.ContextProvider; var DialogScopedContextProvider = G6BJYYBK_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; var DialogHeadingContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(void 0); var DialogDescriptionContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(void 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/7H5KSHHF.js "use client"; // src/popover/popover-context.tsx var _7H5KSHHF_ctx = createStoreContext( [DialogContextProvider], [DialogScopedContextProvider] ); var usePopoverContext = _7H5KSHHF_ctx.useContext; var usePopoverScopedContext = _7H5KSHHF_ctx.useScopedContext; var usePopoverProviderContext = _7H5KSHHF_ctx.useProviderContext; var PopoverContextProvider = _7H5KSHHF_ctx.ContextProvider; var PopoverScopedContextProvider = _7H5KSHHF_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/TI7CMBHW.js "use client"; // src/hovercard/hovercard-context.tsx var TI7CMBHW_ctx = createStoreContext( [PopoverContextProvider], [PopoverScopedContextProvider] ); var useHovercardContext = TI7CMBHW_ctx.useContext; var useHovercardScopedContext = TI7CMBHW_ctx.useScopedContext; var useHovercardProviderContext = TI7CMBHW_ctx.useProviderContext; var HovercardContextProvider = TI7CMBHW_ctx.ContextProvider; var HovercardScopedContextProvider = TI7CMBHW_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/7X4DYKYU.js "use client"; // src/hovercard/hovercard-anchor.ts var useHovercardAnchor = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, showOnHover = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "showOnHover"]); const context = useHovercardProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const disabled = disabledFromProps(props); const showTimeoutRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(0); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => () => window.clearTimeout(showTimeoutRef.current), []); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const onMouseLeave = (event) => { if (!store) return; const { anchorElement } = store.getState(); if (!anchorElement) return; if ( !== anchorElement) return; window.clearTimeout(showTimeoutRef.current); showTimeoutRef.current = 0; }; return addGlobalEventListener("mouseleave", onMouseLeave, true); }, [store]); const onMouseMoveProp = props.onMouseMove; const showOnHoverProp = useBooleanEvent(showOnHover); const isMouseMoving = useIsMouseMoving(); const onMouseMove = useEvent( (event) => { onMouseMoveProp == null ? void 0 : onMouseMoveProp(event); if (disabled) return; if (!store) return; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (showTimeoutRef.current) return; if (!isMouseMoving()) return; if (!showOnHoverProp(event)) return; const element = event.currentTarget; store.setAnchorElement(element); store.setDisclosureElement(element); const { showTimeout, timeout } = store.getState(); const showHovercard = () => { showTimeoutRef.current = 0; if (!isMouseMoving()) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setAnchorElement(element); store == null ? void 0 :; queueMicrotask(() => { store == null ? void 0 : store.setDisclosureElement(element); }); }; const timeoutMs = showTimeout != null ? showTimeout : timeout; if (timeoutMs === 0) { showHovercard(); } else { showTimeoutRef.current = window.setTimeout(showHovercard, timeoutMs); } } ); const ref = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (element) => { if (!store) return; const { anchorElement } = store.getState(); if (anchorElement == null ? void 0 : anchorElement.isConnected) return; store.setAnchorElement(element); }, [store] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), onMouseMove }); props = useFocusable(props); return props; } ); var HovercardAnchor = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useHovercardAnchor(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("a", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/MNFF5YOJ.js "use client"; // src/tooltip/tooltip-context.tsx var MNFF5YOJ_ctx = createStoreContext( [HovercardContextProvider], [HovercardScopedContextProvider] ); var useTooltipContext = MNFF5YOJ_ctx.useContext; var useTooltipScopedContext = MNFF5YOJ_ctx.useScopedContext; var useTooltipProviderContext = MNFF5YOJ_ctx.useProviderContext; var TooltipContextProvider = MNFF5YOJ_ctx.ContextProvider; var TooltipScopedContextProvider = MNFF5YOJ_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/tooltip/tooltip-anchor.js "use client"; // src/tooltip/tooltip-anchor.ts var globalStore = createStore({ activeStore: null }); var useTooltipAnchor = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, showOnHover = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "showOnHover"]); const context = useTooltipProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const canShowOnHoverRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(false); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { return sync(store, ["mounted"], (state) => { if (state.mounted) return; canShowOnHoverRef.current = false; }); }, [store]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { return sync(store, ["mounted", "skipTimeout"], (state) => { if (!store) return; if (state.mounted) { const { activeStore } = globalStore.getState(); if (activeStore !== store) { activeStore == null ? void 0 : activeStore.hide(); } return globalStore.setState("activeStore", store); } const id = setTimeout(() => { const { activeStore } = globalStore.getState(); if (activeStore !== store) return; globalStore.setState("activeStore", null); }, state.skipTimeout); return () => clearTimeout(id); }); }, [store]); const onMouseEnterProp = props.onMouseEnter; const onMouseEnter = useEvent((event) => { onMouseEnterProp == null ? void 0 : onMouseEnterProp(event); canShowOnHoverRef.current = true; }); const onFocusVisibleProp = props.onFocusVisible; const onFocusVisible = useEvent((event) => { onFocusVisibleProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusVisibleProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setAnchorElement(event.currentTarget); store == null ? void 0 :; }); const onBlurProp = props.onBlur; const onBlur = useEvent((event) => { onBlurProp == null ? void 0 : onBlurProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const { activeStore } = globalStore.getState(); if (activeStore === store) { globalStore.setState("activeStore", null); } }); const type = store.useState("type"); const contentId = store.useState((state) => { var _a2; return (_a2 = state.contentElement) == null ? void 0 :; }); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "aria-labelledby": type === "label" ? contentId : void 0, "aria-describedby": type === "description" ? contentId : void 0 }, props), { onMouseEnter, onFocusVisible, onBlur }); props = useHovercardAnchor(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, showOnHover: (event) => { if (!canShowOnHoverRef.current) return false; if (isFalsyBooleanCallback(showOnHover, event)) return false; const { activeStore } = globalStore.getState(); if (!activeStore) return true; store == null ? void 0 :; return false; } }, props)); return props; } ); var TooltipAnchor = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useTooltipAnchor(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/YMV43K4F.js "use client"; // src/hovercard/utils/polygon.ts function getEventPoint(event) { return [event.clientX, event.clientY]; } function isPointInPolygon(point, polygon) { const [x, y] = point; let inside = false; const length = polygon.length; for (let l = length, i = 0, j = l - 1; i < l; j = i++) { const [xi, yi] = polygon[i]; const [xj, yj] = polygon[j]; const [, vy] = polygon[j === 0 ? l - 1 : j - 1] || [0, 0]; const where = (yi - yj) * (x - xi) - (xi - xj) * (y - yi); if (yj < yi) { if (y >= yj && y < yi) { if (where === 0) return true; if (where > 0) { if (y === yj) { if (y > vy) { inside = !inside; } } else { inside = !inside; } } } } else if (yi < yj) { if (y > yi && y <= yj) { if (where === 0) return true; if (where < 0) { if (y === yj) { if (y < vy) { inside = !inside; } } else { inside = !inside; } } } } else if (y == yi && (x >= xj && x <= xi || x >= xi && x <= xj)) { return true; } } return inside; } function getEnterPointPlacement(enterPoint, rect) { const { top, right, bottom, left } = rect; const [x, y] = enterPoint; const placementX = x < left ? "left" : x > right ? "right" : null; const placementY = y < top ? "top" : y > bottom ? "bottom" : null; return [placementX, placementY]; } function getElementPolygon(element, enterPoint) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const { top, right, bottom, left } = rect; const [x, y] = getEnterPointPlacement(enterPoint, rect); const polygon = [enterPoint]; if (x) { if (y !== "top") { polygon.push([x === "left" ? left : right, top]); } polygon.push([x === "left" ? right : left, top]); polygon.push([x === "left" ? right : left, bottom]); if (y !== "bottom") { polygon.push([x === "left" ? left : right, bottom]); } } else if (y === "top") { polygon.push([left, top]); polygon.push([left, bottom]); polygon.push([right, bottom]); polygon.push([right, top]); } else { polygon.push([left, bottom]); polygon.push([left, top]); polygon.push([right, top]); polygon.push([right, bottom]); } return polygon; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/MKDDWKFK.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/is-backdrop.ts function MKDDWKFK_isBackdrop(element, ...ids) { if (!element) return false; const backdrop = element.getAttribute("data-backdrop"); if (backdrop == null) return false; if (backdrop === "") return true; if (backdrop === "true") return true; if (!ids.length) return true; return ids.some((id) => backdrop === id); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/X6WIMZJE.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/orchestrate.ts var cleanups = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function orchestrate(element, key, setup) { if (!cleanups.has(element)) { cleanups.set(element, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); } const elementCleanups = cleanups.get(element); const prevCleanup = elementCleanups.get(key); if (!prevCleanup) { elementCleanups.set(key, setup()); return () => { var _a; (_a = elementCleanups.get(key)) == null ? void 0 : _a(); elementCleanups.delete(key); }; } const cleanup = setup(); const nextCleanup = () => { cleanup(); prevCleanup(); elementCleanups.delete(key); }; elementCleanups.set(key, nextCleanup); return () => { const isCurrent = elementCleanups.get(key) === nextCleanup; if (!isCurrent) return; cleanup(); elementCleanups.set(key, prevCleanup); }; } function setAttribute(element, attr, value) { const setup = () => { const previousValue = element.getAttribute(attr); element.setAttribute(attr, value); return () => { if (previousValue == null) { element.removeAttribute(attr); } else { element.setAttribute(attr, previousValue); } }; }; return orchestrate(element, attr, setup); } function setProperty(element, property, value) { const setup = () => { const exists = property in element; const previousValue = element[property]; element[property] = value; return () => { if (!exists) { delete element[property]; } else { element[property] = previousValue; } }; }; return orchestrate(element, property, setup); } function assignStyle(element, style) { if (!element) return () => { }; const setup = () => { const prevStyle =; Object.assign(, style); return () => { = prevStyle; }; }; return orchestrate(element, "style", setup); } function setCSSProperty(element, property, value) { if (!element) return () => { }; const setup = () => { const previousValue =;, value); return () => { if (previousValue) {, previousValue); } else {; } }; }; return orchestrate(element, property, setup); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/72E5EPFF.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/walk-tree-outside.ts var ignoreTags = ["SCRIPT", "STYLE"]; function getSnapshotPropertyName(id) { return `__ariakit-dialog-snapshot-${id}`; } function inSnapshot(id, element) { const doc = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(element); const propertyName = getSnapshotPropertyName(id); if (!doc.body[propertyName]) return true; do { if (element === doc.body) return false; if (!!element[propertyName]) return true; if (!element.parentElement) return false; element = element.parentElement; } while (true); } function isValidElement(id, element, ignoredElements) { if (ignoreTags.includes(element.tagName)) return false; if (!inSnapshot(id, element)) return false; return !ignoredElements.some( (enabledElement) => enabledElement && contains(element, enabledElement) ); } function _72E5EPFF_walkTreeOutside(id, elements, callback, ancestorCallback) { for (let element of elements) { if (!(element == null ? void 0 : element.isConnected)) continue; const hasAncestorAlready = elements.some((maybeAncestor) => { if (!maybeAncestor) return false; if (maybeAncestor === element) return false; return maybeAncestor.contains(element); }); const doc = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(element); const originalElement = element; while (element.parentElement && element !== doc.body) { ancestorCallback == null ? void 0 : ancestorCallback(element.parentElement, originalElement); if (!hasAncestorAlready) { for (const child of element.parentElement.children) { if (isValidElement(id, child, elements)) { callback(child, originalElement); } } } element = element.parentElement; } } } function createWalkTreeSnapshot(id, elements) { const { body } = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(elements[0]); const cleanups = []; const markElement = (element) => { cleanups.push(setProperty(element, getSnapshotPropertyName(id), true)); }; _72E5EPFF_walkTreeOutside(id, elements, markElement); return chain( setProperty(body, getSnapshotPropertyName(id), true), () => cleanups.forEach((fn) => fn()) ); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/TL67WVI6.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/mark-tree-outside.ts function getPropertyName(id = "", ancestor = false) { return `__ariakit-dialog-${ancestor ? "ancestor" : "outside"}${id ? `-${id}` : ""}`; } function markElement(element, id = "") { return chain( setProperty(element, getPropertyName(), true), setProperty(element, getPropertyName(id), true) ); } function markAncestor(element, id = "") { return chain( setProperty(element, getPropertyName("", true), true), setProperty(element, getPropertyName(id, true), true) ); } function isElementMarked(element, id) { const ancestorProperty = getPropertyName(id, true); if (element[ancestorProperty]) return true; const elementProperty = getPropertyName(id); do { if (element[elementProperty]) return true; if (!element.parentElement) return false; element = element.parentElement; } while (true); } function markTreeOutside(id, elements) { const cleanups = []; const ids = => el == null ? void 0 :; _72E5EPFF_walkTreeOutside( id, elements, (element) => { if (MKDDWKFK_isBackdrop(element, ...ids)) return; cleanups.unshift(markElement(element, id)); }, (ancestor, element) => { const isAnotherDialogAncestor = element.hasAttribute("data-dialog") && !== id; if (isAnotherDialogAncestor) return; cleanups.unshift(markAncestor(ancestor, id)); } ); const restoreAccessibilityTree = () => { cleanups.forEach((fn) => fn()); }; return restoreAccessibilityTree; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/CLE7NTOY.js "use client"; // src/disclosure/disclosure-content.tsx function afterTimeout(timeoutMs, cb) { const timeoutId = setTimeout(cb, timeoutMs); return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId); } function CLE7NTOY_afterPaint(cb) { let raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { raf = requestAnimationFrame(cb); }); return () => cancelAnimationFrame(raf); } function parseCSSTime(...times) { return times.join(", ").split(", ").reduce((longestTime, currentTimeString) => { const currentTime = parseFloat(currentTimeString || "0s") * 1e3; if (currentTime > longestTime) return currentTime; return longestTime; }, 0); } function isHidden(mounted, hidden, alwaysVisible) { return !alwaysVisible && hidden !== false && (!mounted || !!hidden); } var useDisclosureContent = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, alwaysVisible } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "alwaysVisible"]); const context = useDisclosureProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const id = useId(; const [transition, setTransition] = (0,external_React_.useState)(null); const open = store.useState("open"); const mounted = store.useState("mounted"); const animated = store.useState("animated"); const contentElement = store.useState("contentElement"); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!animated) return; if (!(contentElement == null ? void 0 : contentElement.isConnected)) { setTransition(null); return; } return CLE7NTOY_afterPaint(() => { setTransition(open ? "enter" : "leave"); }); }, [animated, contentElement, open]); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!store) return; if (!animated) return; if (!contentElement) return; if (!transition) return; if (transition === "enter" && !open) return; if (transition === "leave" && open) return; if (typeof animated === "number") { const timeoutMs2 = animated; return afterTimeout(timeoutMs2, store.stopAnimation); } const { transitionDuration, animationDuration, transitionDelay, animationDelay } = getComputedStyle(contentElement); const delay = parseCSSTime(transitionDelay, animationDelay); const duration = parseCSSTime(transitionDuration, animationDuration); const timeoutMs = delay + duration; if (!timeoutMs) return; return afterTimeout(timeoutMs, store.stopAnimation); }, [store, animated, contentElement, open, transition]); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DialogScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); const hidden = isHidden(mounted, props.hidden, alwaysVisible); const style = hidden ? _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({},, { display: "none" }) :; props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, "data-enter": transition === "enter" ? "" : void 0, "data-leave": transition === "leave" ? "" : void 0, hidden }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(id ? store.setContentElement : null, props.ref), style }); return props; } ); var DisclosureContentImpl = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useDisclosureContent(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); var DisclosureContent = createComponent( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { unmountOnHide } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["unmountOnHide"]); const context = useDisclosureProviderContext(); const store = || context; const mounted = useStoreState( store, (state) => !unmountOnHide || (state == null ? void 0 : state.mounted) ); if (mounted === false) return null; return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DisclosureContentImpl, _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props)); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/LWHPHW7Q.js "use client"; // src/dialog/dialog-backdrop.tsx function DialogBackdrop({ store, backdrop, backdropProps, alwaysVisible, hidden }) { const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const disclosure = useDisclosureStore({ disclosure: store }); const contentElement = store.useState("contentElement"); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { const backdrop2 = ref.current; const dialog = contentElement; if (!backdrop2) return; if (!dialog) return; = getComputedStyle(dialog).zIndex; }, [contentElement]); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { const id = contentElement == null ? void 0 :; if (!id) return; const backdrop2 = ref.current; if (!backdrop2) return; return markAncestor(backdrop2, id); }, [contentElement]); if (hidden != null) { backdropProps = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, backdropProps), { hidden }); } const props = useDisclosureContent(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store: disclosure, role: "presentation", "data-backdrop": (contentElement == null ? void 0 : || "", alwaysVisible }, backdropProps), { ref: useMergeRefs(backdropProps == null ? void 0 : backdropProps.ref, ref), style: _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ position: "fixed", top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }, backdropProps == null ? void 0 : })); if (!backdrop) return null; if ((0,external_React_.isValidElement)(backdrop)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Role, _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { render: backdrop })); } const Component = typeof backdrop !== "boolean" ? backdrop : "div"; return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Role, _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { render: /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, {}) })); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/BULCTPRV.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/disable-accessibility-tree-outside.ts function hideElementFromAccessibilityTree(element) { return setAttribute(element, "aria-hidden", "true"); } function disableAccessibilityTreeOutside(id, elements) { const cleanups = []; const ids = => el == null ? void 0 :; walkTreeOutside(id, elements, (element) => { if (isBackdrop(element, ...ids)) return; cleanups.unshift(hideElementFromAccessibilityTree(element)); }); const restoreAccessibilityTree = () => { cleanups.forEach((fn) => fn()); }; return restoreAccessibilityTree; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/677M2CI3.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/supports-inert.ts function supportsInert() { return "inert" in HTMLElement.prototype; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/TQYOGOE2.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/disable-tree.ts function disableTree(element, ignoredElements) { if (!("style" in element)) return noop; if (supportsInert()) { return setProperty(element, "inert", true); } const tabbableElements = getAllTabbableIn(element, true); const enableElements = => { if (ignoredElements == null ? void 0 : ignoredElements.some((el) => el && contains(el, element2))) return noop; return setAttribute(element2, "tabindex", "-1"); }); return chain( ...enableElements, hideElementFromAccessibilityTree(element), assignStyle(element, { pointerEvents: "none", userSelect: "none", cursor: "default" }) ); } function disableTreeOutside(id, elements) { const cleanups = []; const ids = => el == null ? void 0 :; _72E5EPFF_walkTreeOutside(id, elements, (element) => { if (MKDDWKFK_isBackdrop(element, ...ids)) return; cleanups.unshift(disableTree(element, elements)); }); const restoreTreeOutside = () => { cleanups.forEach((fn) => fn()); }; return restoreTreeOutside; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactDOM" const external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject = window["ReactDOM"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/CS347UVZ.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/use-root-dialog.ts function useRootDialog({ attribute, contentId, contentElement, enabled }) { const [updated, retry] = useForceUpdate(); const isRootDialog = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { if (!enabled) return false; if (!contentElement) return false; const { body } = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(contentElement); const id = body.getAttribute(attribute); return !id || id === contentId; }, [updated, enabled, contentElement, attribute, contentId]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!enabled) return; if (!contentId) return; if (!contentElement) return; const { body } = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(contentElement); if (isRootDialog()) { body.setAttribute(attribute, contentId); return () => body.removeAttribute(attribute); } const observer = new MutationObserver(() => (0,external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject.flushSync)(retry)); observer.observe(body, { attributeFilter: [attribute] }); return () => observer.disconnect(); }, [updated, enabled, contentId, contentElement, isRootDialog, attribute]); return isRootDialog; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/6BJGLK2C.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/use-prevent-body-scroll.ts function getPaddingProperty(documentElement) { const documentLeft = documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().left; const scrollbarX = Math.round(documentLeft) + documentElement.scrollLeft; return scrollbarX ? "paddingLeft" : "paddingRight"; } function usePreventBodyScroll(contentElement, contentId, enabled) { const isRootDialog = useRootDialog({ attribute: "data-dialog-prevent-body-scroll", contentElement, contentId, enabled }); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!isRootDialog()) return; if (!contentElement) return; const doc = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(contentElement); const win = getWindow(contentElement); const { documentElement, body } = doc; const cssScrollbarWidth ="--scrollbar-width"); const scrollbarWidth = cssScrollbarWidth ? parseInt(cssScrollbarWidth) : win.innerWidth - documentElement.clientWidth; const setScrollbarWidthProperty = () => setCSSProperty( documentElement, "--scrollbar-width", `${scrollbarWidth}px` ); const paddingProperty = getPaddingProperty(documentElement); const setStyle = () => assignStyle(body, { overflow: "hidden", [paddingProperty]: `${scrollbarWidth}px` }); const setIOSStyle = () => { var _a, _b; const { scrollX, scrollY, visualViewport } = win; const offsetLeft = (_a = visualViewport == null ? void 0 : visualViewport.offsetLeft) != null ? _a : 0; const offsetTop = (_b = visualViewport == null ? void 0 : visualViewport.offsetTop) != null ? _b : 0; const restoreStyle = assignStyle(body, { position: "fixed", overflow: "hidden", top: `${-(scrollY - Math.floor(offsetTop))}px`, left: `${-(scrollX - Math.floor(offsetLeft))}px`, right: "0", [paddingProperty]: `${scrollbarWidth}px` }); return () => { restoreStyle(); if (true) { win.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY); } }; }; const isIOS = isApple() && !isMac(); return chain( setScrollbarWidthProperty(), isIOS ? setIOSStyle() : setStyle() ); }, [isRootDialog, contentElement]); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/IUB2BTEK.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/use-nested-dialogs.tsx var NestedDialogsContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)({}); function useNestedDialogs(store) { const context = (0,external_React_.useContext)(NestedDialogsContext); const [dialogs, setDialogs] = (0,external_React_.useState)([]); const add = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (dialog) => { var _a; setDialogs((dialogs2) => [...dialogs2, dialog]); return chain((_a = context.add) == null ? void 0 :, dialog), () => { setDialogs((dialogs2) => dialogs2.filter((d) => d !== dialog)); }); }, [context] ); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { return sync(store, ["open", "contentElement"], (state) => { var _a; if (! return; if (!state.contentElement) return; return (_a = context.add) == null ? void 0 :, store); }); }, [store, context]); const providerValue = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ store, add }), [store, add]); const wrapElement = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NestedDialogsContext.Provider, { value: providerValue, children: element }), [providerValue] ); return { wrapElement, nestedDialogs: dialogs }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/OOBDFMJL.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/use-previous-mouse-down-ref.ts function usePreviousMouseDownRef(enabled) { const previousMouseDownRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!enabled) { previousMouseDownRef.current = null; return; } const onMouseDown = (event) => { previousMouseDownRef.current =; }; return addGlobalEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown, true); }, [enabled]); return previousMouseDownRef; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/XHJGS6Z5.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/use-hide-on-interact-outside.ts function isInDocument(target) { if (target.tagName === "HTML") return true; return contains(DLOEKDPY_getDocument(target).body, target); } function isDisclosure(disclosure, target) { if (!disclosure) return false; if (contains(disclosure, target)) return true; const activeId = target.getAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); if (activeId) { const activeElement = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(disclosure).getElementById(activeId); if (activeElement) { return contains(disclosure, activeElement); } } return false; } function isMouseEventOnDialog(event, dialog) { if (!("clientY" in event)) return false; const rect = dialog.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.width === 0 || rect.height === 0) return false; return <= event.clientY && event.clientY <= + rect.height && rect.left <= event.clientX && event.clientX <= rect.left + rect.width; } function useEventOutside({ store, type, listener, capture, domReady }) { const callListener = useEvent(listener); const open = store.useState("open"); const focusedRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(false); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!open) return; if (!domReady) return; const { contentElement } = store.getState(); if (!contentElement) return; const onFocus = () => { focusedRef.current = true; }; contentElement.addEventListener("focusin", onFocus, true); return () => contentElement.removeEventListener("focusin", onFocus, true); }, [store, open, domReady]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!open) return; const onEvent = (event) => { const { contentElement, disclosureElement } = store.getState(); const target =; if (!contentElement) return; if (!target) return; if (!isInDocument(target)) return; if (contains(contentElement, target)) return; if (isDisclosure(disclosureElement, target)) return; if (target.hasAttribute("data-focus-trap")) return; if (isMouseEventOnDialog(event, contentElement)) return; const focused = focusedRef.current; if (focused && !isElementMarked(target, return; callListener(event); }; return addGlobalEventListener(type, onEvent, capture); }, [open, capture]); } function shouldHideOnInteractOutside(hideOnInteractOutside, event) { if (typeof hideOnInteractOutside === "function") { return hideOnInteractOutside(event); } return !!hideOnInteractOutside; } function useHideOnInteractOutside(store, hideOnInteractOutside, domReady) { const open = store.useState("open"); const previousMouseDownRef = usePreviousMouseDownRef(open); const props = { store, domReady, capture: true }; useEventOutside(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { type: "click", listener: (event) => { const { contentElement } = store.getState(); const previousMouseDown = previousMouseDownRef.current; if (!previousMouseDown) return; if (!isVisible(previousMouseDown)) return; if (!isElementMarked(previousMouseDown, contentElement == null ? void 0 : return; if (!shouldHideOnInteractOutside(hideOnInteractOutside, event)) return; store.hide(); } })); useEventOutside(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { type: "focusin", listener: (event) => { const { contentElement } = store.getState(); if (!contentElement) return; if ( === DLOEKDPY_getDocument(contentElement)) return; if (!shouldHideOnInteractOutside(hideOnInteractOutside, event)) return; store.hide(); } })); useEventOutside(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { type: "contextmenu", listener: (event) => { if (!shouldHideOnInteractOutside(hideOnInteractOutside, event)) return; store.hide(); } })); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/6GXEOXGT.js "use client"; // src/dialog/utils/prepend-hidden-dismiss.ts function prependHiddenDismiss(container, onClick) { const document = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(container); const button = document.createElement("button"); button.type = "button"; button.tabIndex = -1; button.textContent = "Dismiss popup"; Object.assign(, { border: "0px", clip: "rect(0 0 0 0)", height: "1px", margin: "-1px", overflow: "hidden", padding: "0px", position: "absolute", whiteSpace: "nowrap", width: "1px" }); button.addEventListener("click", onClick); container.prepend(button); const removeHiddenDismiss = () => { button.removeEventListener("click", onClick); button.remove(); }; return removeHiddenDismiss; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/HPP6CWMY.js "use client"; // src/focusable/focusable-container.tsx var useFocusableContainer = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { autoFocusOnShow = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["autoFocusOnShow"]); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FocusableContext.Provider, { value: autoFocusOnShow, children: element }), [autoFocusOnShow] ); return props; } ); var FocusableContainer = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useFocusableContainer(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/XPF5GU3Q.js "use client"; // src/heading/heading-context.ts var HeadingContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/UYRJLDVS.js "use client"; // src/heading/heading-level.tsx function HeadingLevel({ level, children }) { const contextLevel = (0,external_React_.useContext)(HeadingContext); const nextLevel = Math.max( Math.min(level || contextLevel + 1, 6), 1 ); return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HeadingContext.Provider, { value: nextLevel, children }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/BG6HZDS7.js "use client"; // src/visually-hidden/visually-hidden.ts var useVisuallyHidden = createHook((props) => { props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { style: _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ border: 0, clip: "rect(0 0 0 0)", height: "1px", margin: "-1px", overflow: "hidden", padding: 0, position: "absolute", whiteSpace: "nowrap", width: "1px" }, }); return props; }); var VisuallyHidden = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useVisuallyHidden(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("span", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/CHKJ74UC.js "use client"; // src/focus-trap/focus-trap.ts var useFocusTrap = createHook((props) => { props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "data-focus-trap": "", tabIndex: 0, "aria-hidden": true }, props), { style: _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ // Prevents unintended scroll jumps. position: "fixed", top: 0, left: 0 }, }); props = useVisuallyHidden(props); return props; }); var FocusTrap = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useFocusTrap(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("span", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/7452U3HH.js "use client"; // src/portal/portal-context.ts var PortalContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(null); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/JPXNJYSO.js "use client"; // src/portal/portal.tsx function getRootElement(element) { return DLOEKDPY_getDocument(element).body; } function getPortalElement(element, portalElement) { if (!portalElement) { return DLOEKDPY_getDocument(element).createElement("div"); } if (typeof portalElement === "function") { return portalElement(element); } return portalElement; } function getRandomId(prefix = "id") { return `${prefix ? `${prefix}-` : ""}${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 6)}`; } function queueFocus(element) { queueMicrotask(() => { element == null ? void 0 : element.focus(); }); } var usePortal = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { preserveTabOrder, preserveTabOrderAnchor, portalElement, portalRef, portal = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "preserveTabOrder", "preserveTabOrderAnchor", "portalElement", "portalRef", "portal" ]); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const refProp = useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref); const context = (0,external_React_.useContext)(PortalContext); const [portalNode, setPortalNode] = (0,external_React_.useState)(null); const [anchorPortalNode, setAnchorPortalNode] = (0,external_React_.useState)(null); const outerBeforeRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const innerBeforeRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const innerAfterRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const outerAfterRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { const element = ref.current; if (!element || !portal) { setPortalNode(null); return; } const portalEl = getPortalElement(element, portalElement); if (!portalEl) { setPortalNode(null); return; } const isPortalInDocument = portalEl.isConnected; if (!isPortalInDocument) { const rootElement = context || getRootElement(element); rootElement.appendChild(portalEl); } if (! { = ? `portal/${}` : getRandomId(); } setPortalNode(portalEl); setRef(portalRef, portalEl); if (isPortalInDocument) return; return () => { portalEl.remove(); setRef(portalRef, null); }; }, [portal, portalElement, context, portalRef]); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!preserveTabOrder) return; if (!preserveTabOrderAnchor) return; const doc = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(preserveTabOrderAnchor); const element = doc.createElement("span"); = "fixed"; preserveTabOrderAnchor.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", element); setAnchorPortalNode(element); return () => { element.remove(); setAnchorPortalNode(null); }; }, [preserveTabOrder, preserveTabOrderAnchor]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!portalNode) return; if (!preserveTabOrder) return; let raf = 0; const onFocus = (event) => { if (!isFocusEventOutside(event)) return; const focusing = event.type === "focusin"; cancelAnimationFrame(raf); if (focusing) { return restoreFocusIn(portalNode); } raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { disableFocusIn(portalNode, true); }); }; portalNode.addEventListener("focusin", onFocus, true); portalNode.addEventListener("focusout", onFocus, true); return () => { cancelAnimationFrame(raf); portalNode.removeEventListener("focusin", onFocus, true); portalNode.removeEventListener("focusout", onFocus, true); }; }, [portalNode, preserveTabOrder]); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => { element = // While the portal node is not in the DOM, we need to pass the // current context to the portal context, otherwise it's going to // reset to the body element on nested portals. /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PortalContext.Provider, { value: portalNode || context, children: element }); if (!portal) return element; if (!portalNode) { return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( "span", { ref: refProp, id:, style: { position: "fixed" }, hidden: true } ); } element = /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [ preserveTabOrder && portalNode && /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( FocusTrap, { ref: innerBeforeRef, className: "__focus-trap-inner-before", onFocus: (event) => { if (isFocusEventOutside(event, portalNode)) { queueFocus(getNextTabbable()); } else { queueFocus(outerBeforeRef.current); } } } ), element, preserveTabOrder && portalNode && /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( FocusTrap, { ref: innerAfterRef, className: "__focus-trap-inner-after", onFocus: (event) => { if (isFocusEventOutside(event, portalNode)) { queueFocus(getPreviousTabbable()); } else { queueFocus(outerAfterRef.current); } } } ) ] }); if (portalNode) { element = (0,external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject.createPortal)(element, portalNode); } let preserveTabOrderElement = /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [ preserveTabOrder && portalNode && /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( FocusTrap, { ref: outerBeforeRef, className: "__focus-trap-outer-before", onFocus: (event) => { const fromOuter = event.relatedTarget === outerAfterRef.current; if (!fromOuter && isFocusEventOutside(event, portalNode)) { queueFocus(innerBeforeRef.current); } else { queueFocus(getPreviousTabbable()); } } } ), preserveTabOrder && // We're using position: fixed here so that the browser doesn't // add margin to the element when setting gap on a parent element. /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { "aria-owns": portalNode == null ? void 0 :, style: { position: "fixed" } }), preserveTabOrder && portalNode && /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( FocusTrap, { ref: outerAfterRef, className: "__focus-trap-outer-after", onFocus: (event) => { if (isFocusEventOutside(event, portalNode)) { queueFocus(innerAfterRef.current); } else { const nextTabbable = getNextTabbable(); if (nextTabbable === innerBeforeRef.current) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { var _a2; return (_a2 = getNextTabbable()) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus(); }); return; } queueFocus(nextTabbable); } } } ) ] }); if (anchorPortalNode && preserveTabOrder) { preserveTabOrderElement = (0,external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject.createPortal)( preserveTabOrderElement, anchorPortalNode ); } return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [ preserveTabOrderElement, element ] }); }, [ portalNode, context, portal,, preserveTabOrder, anchorPortalNode ] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { ref: refProp }); return props; } ); var Portal = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = usePortal(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/NERBASET.js "use client"; // src/dialog/dialog.tsx var NERBASET_isSafariBrowser = isSafari(); function isAlreadyFocusingAnotherElement(dialog) { const activeElement = getActiveElement(); if (!activeElement) return false; if (dialog && contains(dialog, activeElement)) return false; if (isFocusable(activeElement)) return true; return false; } function getElementFromProp(prop, focusable = false) { if (!prop) return null; const element = "current" in prop ? prop.current : prop; if (!element) return null; if (focusable) return isFocusable(element) ? element : null; return element; } var useDialog = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store: storeProp, open: openProp, onClose, focusable = true, modal = true, portal = !!modal, backdrop = !!modal, backdropProps, hideOnEscape = true, hideOnInteractOutside = true, getPersistentElements, preventBodyScroll = !!modal, autoFocusOnShow = true, autoFocusOnHide = true, initialFocus, finalFocus, unmountOnHide } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "open", "onClose", "focusable", "modal", "portal", "backdrop", "backdropProps", "hideOnEscape", "hideOnInteractOutside", "getPersistentElements", "preventBodyScroll", "autoFocusOnShow", "autoFocusOnHide", "initialFocus", "finalFocus", "unmountOnHide" ]); const context = useDialogProviderContext(); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const store = useDialogStore({ store: storeProp || context, open: openProp, setOpen(open2) { if (open2) return; const dialog = ref.current; if (!dialog) return; const event = new Event("close", { bubbles: false, cancelable: true }); if (onClose) { dialog.addEventListener("close", onClose, { once: true }); } dialog.dispatchEvent(event); if (!event.defaultPrevented) return; store.setOpen(true); } }); const { portalRef, domReady } = usePortalRef(portal, props.portalRef); const preserveTabOrderProp = props.preserveTabOrder; const preserveTabOrder = store.useState( (state) => preserveTabOrderProp && !modal && state.mounted ); const id = useId(; const open = store.useState("open"); const mounted = store.useState("mounted"); const contentElement = store.useState("contentElement"); const hidden = isHidden(mounted, props.hidden, props.alwaysVisible); usePreventBodyScroll(contentElement, id, preventBodyScroll && !hidden); useHideOnInteractOutside(store, hideOnInteractOutside, domReady); const { wrapElement, nestedDialogs } = useNestedDialogs(store); props = useWrapElement(props, wrapElement, [wrapElement]); if (false) {} useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!open) return; const dialog = ref.current; const activeElement = getActiveElement(dialog, true); if (!activeElement) return; if (activeElement.tagName === "BODY") return; if (dialog && contains(dialog, activeElement)) return; store.setDisclosureElement(activeElement); }, [store, open]); if (NERBASET_isSafariBrowser) { (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!mounted) return; const { disclosureElement } = store.getState(); if (!disclosureElement) return; if (!isButton(disclosureElement)) return; const onMouseDown = () => { let receivedFocus = false; const onFocus = () => { receivedFocus = true; }; const options = { capture: true, once: true }; disclosureElement.addEventListener("focusin", onFocus, options); queueBeforeEvent(disclosureElement, "mouseup", () => { disclosureElement.removeEventListener("focusin", onFocus, true); if (receivedFocus) return; focusIfNeeded(disclosureElement); }); }; disclosureElement.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); return () => { disclosureElement.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); }; }, [store, mounted]); } (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!modal) return; if (!mounted) return; if (!domReady) return; const dialog = ref.current; if (!dialog) return; const existingDismiss = dialog.querySelector("[data-dialog-dismiss]"); if (existingDismiss) return; return prependHiddenDismiss(dialog, store.hide); }, [store, modal, mounted, domReady]); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (open) return; if (!mounted) return; if (!domReady) return; const dialog = ref.current; if (!dialog) return; return disableTree(dialog); }, [open, mounted, domReady]); const canTakeTreeSnapshot = open && domReady; useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!id) return; if (!canTakeTreeSnapshot) return; const dialog = ref.current; return createWalkTreeSnapshot(id, [dialog]); }, [id, canTakeTreeSnapshot]); const getPersistentElementsProp = useEvent(getPersistentElements); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!id) return; if (!canTakeTreeSnapshot) return; const { disclosureElement } = store.getState(); const dialog = ref.current; const persistentElements = getPersistentElementsProp() || []; const allElements = [ dialog, ...persistentElements, => dialog2.getState().contentElement) ]; if (modal) { return chain( markTreeOutside(id, allElements), disableTreeOutside(id, allElements) ); } return markTreeOutside(id, [disclosureElement, ...allElements]); }, [ id, store, canTakeTreeSnapshot, getPersistentElementsProp, nestedDialogs, modal ]); const mayAutoFocusOnShow = !!autoFocusOnShow; const autoFocusOnShowProp = useBooleanEvent(autoFocusOnShow); const [autoFocusEnabled, setAutoFocusEnabled] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!open) return; if (!mayAutoFocusOnShow) return; if (!domReady) return; if (!(contentElement == null ? void 0 : contentElement.isConnected)) return; const element = getElementFromProp(initialFocus, true) || // If no initial focus is specified, we try to focus the first element // with the autofocus attribute. If it's an Ariakit component, the // Focusable component will consume the autoFocus prop and add the // data-autofocus attribute to the element instead. contentElement.querySelector( "[data-autofocus=true],[autofocus]" ) || // We have to fallback to the first focusable element otherwise portaled // dialogs with preserveTabOrder set to true will not receive focus // properly because the elements aren't tabbable until the dialog // receives focus. getFirstTabbableIn(contentElement, true, portal && preserveTabOrder) || // Finally, we fallback to the dialog element itself. contentElement; const isElementFocusable = isFocusable(element); if (!autoFocusOnShowProp(isElementFocusable ? element : null)) return; setAutoFocusEnabled(true); queueMicrotask(() => { element.focus(); if (!NERBASET_isSafariBrowser) return; element.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest", inline: "nearest" }); }); }, [ open, mayAutoFocusOnShow, domReady, contentElement, initialFocus, portal, preserveTabOrder, autoFocusOnShowProp ]); const mayAutoFocusOnHide = !!autoFocusOnHide; const autoFocusOnHideProp = useBooleanEvent(autoFocusOnHide); const [hasOpened, setHasOpened] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!open) return; setHasOpened(true); return () => setHasOpened(false); }, [open]); const focusOnHide = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (dialog, retry = true) => { const { disclosureElement } = store.getState(); if (isAlreadyFocusingAnotherElement(dialog)) return; let element = getElementFromProp(finalFocus) || disclosureElement; if (element == null ? void 0 : { const doc = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(element); const selector = `[aria-activedescendant="${}"]`; const composite = doc.querySelector(selector); if (composite) { element = composite; } } if (element && !isFocusable(element)) { const maybeParentDialog = DLOEKDPY_closest(element, "[data-dialog]"); if (maybeParentDialog && { const doc = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(maybeParentDialog); const selector = `[aria-controls~="${}"]`; const control = doc.querySelector(selector); if (control) { element = control; } } } const isElementFocusable = element && isFocusable(element); if (!isElementFocusable && retry) { requestAnimationFrame(() => focusOnHide(dialog, false)); return; } if (!autoFocusOnHideProp(isElementFocusable ? element : null)) return; if (!isElementFocusable) return; element == null ? void 0 : element.focus(); }, [store, finalFocus, autoFocusOnHideProp] ); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (open) return; if (!hasOpened) return; if (!mayAutoFocusOnHide) return; const dialog = ref.current; focusOnHide(dialog); }, [open, hasOpened, domReady, mayAutoFocusOnHide, focusOnHide]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!hasOpened) return; if (!mayAutoFocusOnHide) return; const dialog = ref.current; return () => focusOnHide(dialog); }, [hasOpened, mayAutoFocusOnHide, focusOnHide]); const hideOnEscapeProp = useBooleanEvent(hideOnEscape); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!domReady) return; if (!mounted) return; const onKeyDown = (event) => { if (event.key !== "Escape") return; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const dialog = ref.current; if (!dialog) return; if (isElementMarked(dialog)) return; const target =; if (!target) return; const { disclosureElement } = store.getState(); const isValidTarget = () => { if (target.tagName === "BODY") return true; if (contains(dialog, target)) return true; if (!disclosureElement) return true; if (contains(disclosureElement, target)) return true; return false; }; if (!isValidTarget()) return; if (!hideOnEscapeProp(event)) return; store.hide(); }; return addGlobalEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown, true); }, [store, domReady, mounted, hideOnEscapeProp]); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HeadingLevel, { level: modal ? 1 : void 0, children: element }), [modal] ); const hiddenProp = props.hidden; const alwaysVisible = props.alwaysVisible; props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => { if (!backdrop) return element; return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [ /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( DialogBackdrop, { store, backdrop, backdropProps, hidden: hiddenProp, alwaysVisible } ), element ] }); }, [store, backdrop, backdropProps, hiddenProp, alwaysVisible] ); const [headingId, setHeadingId] = (0,external_React_.useState)(); const [descriptionId, setDescriptionId] = (0,external_React_.useState)(); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DialogScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DialogHeadingContext.Provider, { value: setHeadingId, children: /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DialogDescriptionContext.Provider, { value: setDescriptionId, children: element }) }) }), [store] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, "data-dialog": "", role: "dialog", tabIndex: focusable ? -1 : void 0, "aria-labelledby": headingId, "aria-describedby": descriptionId }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref) }); props = useFocusableContainer(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { autoFocusOnShow: autoFocusEnabled })); props = useDisclosureContent(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); props = useFocusable(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { focusable })); props = usePortal(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ portal }, props), { portalRef, preserveTabOrder })); return props; } ); function createDialogComponent(Component, useProviderContext = useDialogProviderContext) { return createComponent((props) => { const context = useProviderContext(); const store = || context; const mounted = useStoreState( store, (state) => !props.unmountOnHide || (state == null ? void 0 : state.mounted) || !! ); if (!mounted) return null; return /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props)); }); } var Dialog = createDialogComponent( createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useDialog(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }), useDialogProviderContext ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@floating-ui/utils/dist/floating-ui.utils.mjs const floating_ui_utils_sides = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'])); const alignments = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (['start', 'end'])); const floating_ui_utils_placements = /*#__PURE__*/(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (floating_ui_utils_sides.reduce((acc, side) => acc.concat(side, side + "-" + alignments[0], side + "-" + alignments[1]), []))); const floating_ui_utils_min = Math.min; const floating_ui_utils_max = Math.max; const round = Math.round; const floor = Math.floor; const createCoords = v => ({ x: v, y: v }); const oppositeSideMap = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' }; const oppositeAlignmentMap = { start: 'end', end: 'start' }; function clamp(start, value, end) { return floating_ui_utils_max(start, floating_ui_utils_min(value, end)); } function floating_ui_utils_evaluate(value, param) { return typeof value === 'function' ? value(param) : value; } function floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement) { return placement.split('-')[0]; } function floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement) { return placement.split('-')[1]; } function getOppositeAxis(axis) { return axis === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x'; } function getAxisLength(axis) { return axis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width'; } function floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement) { return ['top', 'bottom'].includes(floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement)) ? 'y' : 'x'; } function getAlignmentAxis(placement) { return getOppositeAxis(floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement)); } function floating_ui_utils_getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl) { if (rtl === void 0) { rtl = false; } const alignment = floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement); const alignmentAxis = getAlignmentAxis(placement); const length = getAxisLength(alignmentAxis); let mainAlignmentSide = alignmentAxis === 'x' ? alignment === (rtl ? 'end' : 'start') ? 'right' : 'left' : alignment === 'start' ? 'bottom' : 'top'; if (rects.reference[length] > rects.floating[length]) { mainAlignmentSide = getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide); } return [mainAlignmentSide, getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide)]; } function getExpandedPlacements(placement) { const oppositePlacement = getOppositePlacement(placement); return [floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement), oppositePlacement, floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(oppositePlacement)]; } function floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) { return placement.replace(/start|end/g, alignment => oppositeAlignmentMap[alignment]); } function getSideList(side, isStart, rtl) { const lr = ['left', 'right']; const rl = ['right', 'left']; const tb = ['top', 'bottom']; const bt = ['bottom', 'top']; switch (side) { case 'top': case 'bottom': if (rtl) return isStart ? rl : lr; return isStart ? lr : rl; case 'left': case 'right': return isStart ? tb : bt; default: return []; } } function getOppositeAxisPlacements(placement, flipAlignment, direction, rtl) { const alignment = floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement); let list = getSideList(floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement), direction === 'start', rtl); if (alignment) { list = => side + "-" + alignment); if (flipAlignment) { list = list.concat(; } } return list; } function getOppositePlacement(placement) { return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, side => oppositeSideMap[side]); } function expandPaddingObject(padding) { return { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, ...padding }; } function floating_ui_utils_getPaddingObject(padding) { return typeof padding !== 'number' ? expandPaddingObject(padding) : { top: padding, right: padding, bottom: padding, left: padding }; } function floating_ui_utils_rectToClientRect(rect) { return { ...rect, top: rect.y, left: rect.x, right: rect.x + rect.width, bottom: rect.y + rect.height }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@floating-ui/core/dist/floating-ui.core.mjs function computeCoordsFromPlacement(_ref, placement, rtl) { let { reference, floating } = _ref; const sideAxis = floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement); const alignmentAxis = getAlignmentAxis(placement); const alignLength = getAxisLength(alignmentAxis); const side = floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement); const isVertical = sideAxis === 'y'; const commonX = reference.x + reference.width / 2 - floating.width / 2; const commonY = reference.y + reference.height / 2 - floating.height / 2; const commonAlign = reference[alignLength] / 2 - floating[alignLength] / 2; let coords; switch (side) { case 'top': coords = { x: commonX, y: reference.y - floating.height }; break; case 'bottom': coords = { x: commonX, y: reference.y + reference.height }; break; case 'right': coords = { x: reference.x + reference.width, y: commonY }; break; case 'left': coords = { x: reference.x - floating.width, y: commonY }; break; default: coords = { x: reference.x, y: reference.y }; } switch (floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement)) { case 'start': coords[alignmentAxis] -= commonAlign * (rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1); break; case 'end': coords[alignmentAxis] += commonAlign * (rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1); break; } return coords; } /** * Computes the `x` and `y` coordinates that will place the floating element * next to a reference element when it is given a certain positioning strategy. * * This export does not have any `platform` interface logic. You will need to * write one for the platform you are using Floating UI with. */ const computePosition = async (reference, floating, config) => { const { placement = 'bottom', strategy = 'absolute', middleware = [], platform } = config; const validMiddleware = middleware.filter(Boolean); const rtl = await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(floating)); let rects = await platform.getElementRects({ reference, floating, strategy }); let { x, y } = computeCoordsFromPlacement(rects, placement, rtl); let statefulPlacement = placement; let middlewareData = {}; let resetCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < validMiddleware.length; i++) { const { name, fn } = validMiddleware[i]; const { x: nextX, y: nextY, data, reset } = await fn({ x, y, initialPlacement: placement, placement: statefulPlacement, strategy, middlewareData, rects, platform, elements: { reference, floating } }); x = nextX != null ? nextX : x; y = nextY != null ? nextY : y; middlewareData = { ...middlewareData, [name]: { ...middlewareData[name], } }; if (reset && resetCount <= 50) { resetCount++; if (typeof reset === 'object') { if (reset.placement) { statefulPlacement = reset.placement; } if (reset.rects) { rects = reset.rects === true ? await platform.getElementRects({ reference, floating, strategy }) : reset.rects; } ({ x, y } = computeCoordsFromPlacement(rects, statefulPlacement, rtl)); } i = -1; continue; } } return { x, y, placement: statefulPlacement, strategy, middlewareData }; }; /** * Resolves with an object of overflow side offsets that determine how much the * element is overflowing a given clipping boundary on each side. * - positive = overflowing the boundary by that number of pixels * - negative = how many pixels left before it will overflow * - 0 = lies flush with the boundary * @see */ async function detectOverflow(state, options) { var _await$platform$isEle; if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } const { x, y, platform, rects, elements, strategy } = state; const { boundary = 'clippingAncestors', rootBoundary = 'viewport', elementContext = 'floating', altBoundary = false, padding = 0 } = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(options, state); const paddingObject = floating_ui_utils_getPaddingObject(padding); const altContext = elementContext === 'floating' ? 'reference' : 'floating'; const element = elements[altBoundary ? altContext : elementContext]; const clippingClientRect = floating_ui_utils_rectToClientRect(await platform.getClippingRect({ element: ((_await$platform$isEle = await (platform.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform.isElement(element))) != null ? _await$platform$isEle : true) ? element : element.contextElement || (await (platform.getDocumentElement == null ? void 0 : platform.getDocumentElement(elements.floating))), boundary, rootBoundary, strategy })); const rect = elementContext === 'floating' ? { ...rects.floating, x, y } : rects.reference; const offsetParent = await (platform.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : platform.getOffsetParent(elements.floating)); const offsetScale = (await (platform.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform.isElement(offsetParent))) ? (await (platform.getScale == null ? void 0 : platform.getScale(offsetParent))) || { x: 1, y: 1 } : { x: 1, y: 1 }; const elementClientRect = floating_ui_utils_rectToClientRect(platform.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect ? await platform.convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect({ rect, offsetParent, strategy }) : rect); return { top: ( - + / offsetScale.y, bottom: (elementClientRect.bottom - clippingClientRect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom) / offsetScale.y, left: (clippingClientRect.left - elementClientRect.left + paddingObject.left) / offsetScale.x, right: (elementClientRect.right - clippingClientRect.right + paddingObject.right) / offsetScale.x }; } /** * Provides data to position an inner element of the floating element so that it * appears centered to the reference element. * @see */ const arrow = options => ({ name: 'arrow', options, async fn(state) { const { x, y, placement, rects, platform, elements, middlewareData } = state; // Since `element` is required, we don't Partial<> the type. const { element, padding = 0 } = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(options, state) || {}; if (element == null) { return {}; } const paddingObject = floating_ui_utils_getPaddingObject(padding); const coords = { x, y }; const axis = getAlignmentAxis(placement); const length = getAxisLength(axis); const arrowDimensions = await platform.getDimensions(element); const isYAxis = axis === 'y'; const minProp = isYAxis ? 'top' : 'left'; const maxProp = isYAxis ? 'bottom' : 'right'; const clientProp = isYAxis ? 'clientHeight' : 'clientWidth'; const endDiff = rects.reference[length] + rects.reference[axis] - coords[axis] - rects.floating[length]; const startDiff = coords[axis] - rects.reference[axis]; const arrowOffsetParent = await (platform.getOffsetParent == null ? void 0 : platform.getOffsetParent(element)); let clientSize = arrowOffsetParent ? arrowOffsetParent[clientProp] : 0; // DOM platform can return `window` as the `offsetParent`. if (!clientSize || !(await (platform.isElement == null ? void 0 : platform.isElement(arrowOffsetParent)))) { clientSize = elements.floating[clientProp] || rects.floating[length]; } const centerToReference = endDiff / 2 - startDiff / 2; // If the padding is large enough that it causes the arrow to no longer be // centered, modify the padding so that it is centered. const largestPossiblePadding = clientSize / 2 - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 - 1; const minPadding = floating_ui_utils_min(paddingObject[minProp], largestPossiblePadding); const maxPadding = floating_ui_utils_min(paddingObject[maxProp], largestPossiblePadding); // Make sure the arrow doesn't overflow the floating element if the center // point is outside the floating element's bounds. const min$1 = minPadding; const max = clientSize - arrowDimensions[length] - maxPadding; const center = clientSize / 2 - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 + centerToReference; const offset = clamp(min$1, center, max); // If the reference is small enough that the arrow's padding causes it to // to point to nothing for an aligned placement, adjust the offset of the // floating element itself. To ensure `shift()` continues to take action, // a single reset is performed when this is true. const shouldAddOffset = !middlewareData.arrow && floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement) != null && center != offset && rects.reference[length] / 2 - (center < min$1 ? minPadding : maxPadding) - arrowDimensions[length] / 2 < 0; const alignmentOffset = shouldAddOffset ? center < min$1 ? center - min$1 : center - max : 0; return { [axis]: coords[axis] + alignmentOffset, data: { [axis]: offset, centerOffset: center - offset - alignmentOffset, ...(shouldAddOffset && { alignmentOffset }) }, reset: shouldAddOffset }; } }); function getPlacementList(alignment, autoAlignment, allowedPlacements) { const allowedPlacementsSortedByAlignment = alignment ? [...allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getAlignment(placement) === alignment), ...allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getAlignment(placement) !== alignment)] : allowedPlacements.filter(placement => getSide(placement) === placement); return allowedPlacementsSortedByAlignment.filter(placement => { if (alignment) { return getAlignment(placement) === alignment || (autoAlignment ? getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) !== placement : false); } return true; }); } /** * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by choosing the placement * that has the most space available automatically, without needing to specify a * preferred placement. Alternative to `flip`. * @see */ const autoPlacement = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return { name: 'autoPlacement', options, async fn(state) { var _middlewareData$autoP, _middlewareData$autoP2, _placementsThatFitOnE; const { rects, middlewareData, placement, platform, elements } = state; const { crossAxis = false, alignment, allowedPlacements = placements, autoAlignment = true, ...detectOverflowOptions } = evaluate(options, state); const placements$1 = alignment !== undefined || allowedPlacements === placements ? getPlacementList(alignment || null, autoAlignment, allowedPlacements) : allowedPlacements; const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions); const currentIndex = ((_middlewareData$autoP = middlewareData.autoPlacement) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$autoP.index) || 0; const currentPlacement = placements$1[currentIndex]; if (currentPlacement == null) { return {}; } const alignmentSides = getAlignmentSides(currentPlacement, rects, await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating))); // Make `computeCoords` start from the right place. if (placement !== currentPlacement) { return { reset: { placement: placements$1[0] } }; } const currentOverflows = [overflow[getSide(currentPlacement)], overflow[alignmentSides[0]], overflow[alignmentSides[1]]]; const allOverflows = [...(((_middlewareData$autoP2 = middlewareData.autoPlacement) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$autoP2.overflows) || []), { placement: currentPlacement, overflows: currentOverflows }]; const nextPlacement = placements$1[currentIndex + 1]; // There are more placements to check. if (nextPlacement) { return { data: { index: currentIndex + 1, overflows: allOverflows }, reset: { placement: nextPlacement } }; } const placementsSortedByMostSpace = => { const alignment = getAlignment(d.placement); return [d.placement, alignment && crossAxis ? // Check along the mainAxis and main crossAxis side. d.overflows.slice(0, 2).reduce((acc, v) => acc + v, 0) : // Check only the mainAxis. d.overflows[0], d.overflows]; }).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]); const placementsThatFitOnEachSide = placementsSortedByMostSpace.filter(d => d[2].slice(0, // Aligned placements should not check their opposite crossAxis // side. getAlignment(d[0]) ? 2 : 3).every(v => v <= 0)); const resetPlacement = ((_placementsThatFitOnE = placementsThatFitOnEachSide[0]) == null ? void 0 : _placementsThatFitOnE[0]) || placementsSortedByMostSpace[0][0]; if (resetPlacement !== placement) { return { data: { index: currentIndex + 1, overflows: allOverflows }, reset: { placement: resetPlacement } }; } return {}; } }; }; /** * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by flipping the `placement` * in order to keep it in view when the preferred placement(s) will overflow the * clipping boundary. Alternative to `autoPlacement`. * @see */ const flip = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return { name: 'flip', options, async fn(state) { var _middlewareData$arrow, _middlewareData$flip; const { placement, middlewareData, rects, initialPlacement, platform, elements } = state; const { mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true, crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true, fallbackPlacements: specifiedFallbackPlacements, fallbackStrategy = 'bestFit', fallbackAxisSideDirection = 'none', flipAlignment = true, ...detectOverflowOptions } = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(options, state); // If a reset by the arrow was caused due to an alignment offset being // added, we should skip any logic now since `flip()` has already done its // work. // if ((_middlewareData$arrow = middlewareData.arrow) != null && _middlewareData$arrow.alignmentOffset) { return {}; } const side = floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement); const isBasePlacement = floating_ui_utils_getSide(initialPlacement) === initialPlacement; const rtl = await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating)); const fallbackPlacements = specifiedFallbackPlacements || (isBasePlacement || !flipAlignment ? [getOppositePlacement(initialPlacement)] : getExpandedPlacements(initialPlacement)); if (!specifiedFallbackPlacements && fallbackAxisSideDirection !== 'none') { fallbackPlacements.push(...getOppositeAxisPlacements(initialPlacement, flipAlignment, fallbackAxisSideDirection, rtl)); } const placements = [initialPlacement, ...fallbackPlacements]; const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions); const overflows = []; let overflowsData = ((_middlewareData$flip = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip.overflows) || []; if (checkMainAxis) { overflows.push(overflow[side]); } if (checkCrossAxis) { const sides = floating_ui_utils_getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl); overflows.push(overflow[sides[0]], overflow[sides[1]]); } overflowsData = [...overflowsData, { placement, overflows }]; // One or more sides is overflowing. if (!overflows.every(side => side <= 0)) { var _middlewareData$flip2, _overflowsData$filter; const nextIndex = (((_middlewareData$flip2 = middlewareData.flip) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$flip2.index) || 0) + 1; const nextPlacement = placements[nextIndex]; if (nextPlacement) { // Try next placement and re-run the lifecycle. return { data: { index: nextIndex, overflows: overflowsData }, reset: { placement: nextPlacement } }; } // First, find the candidates that fit on the mainAxis side of overflow, // then find the placement that fits the best on the main crossAxis side. let resetPlacement = (_overflowsData$filter = overflowsData.filter(d => d.overflows[0] <= 0).sort((a, b) => a.overflows[1] - b.overflows[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : _overflowsData$filter.placement; // Otherwise fallback. if (!resetPlacement) { switch (fallbackStrategy) { case 'bestFit': { var _overflowsData$map$so; const placement = (_overflowsData$map$so = => [d.placement, d.overflows.filter(overflow => overflow > 0).reduce((acc, overflow) => acc + overflow, 0)]).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])[0]) == null ? void 0 : _overflowsData$map$so[0]; if (placement) { resetPlacement = placement; } break; } case 'initialPlacement': resetPlacement = initialPlacement; break; } } if (placement !== resetPlacement) { return { reset: { placement: resetPlacement } }; } } return {}; } }; }; function getSideOffsets(overflow, rect) { return { top: - rect.height, right: overflow.right - rect.width, bottom: overflow.bottom - rect.height, left: overflow.left - rect.width }; } function isAnySideFullyClipped(overflow) { return sides.some(side => overflow[side] >= 0); } /** * Provides data to hide the floating element in applicable situations, such as * when it is not in the same clipping context as the reference element. * @see */ const hide = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return { name: 'hide', options, async fn(state) { const { rects } = state; const { strategy = 'referenceHidden', ...detectOverflowOptions } = evaluate(options, state); switch (strategy) { case 'referenceHidden': { const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, { ...detectOverflowOptions, elementContext: 'reference' }); const offsets = getSideOffsets(overflow, rects.reference); return { data: { referenceHiddenOffsets: offsets, referenceHidden: isAnySideFullyClipped(offsets) } }; } case 'escaped': { const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, { ...detectOverflowOptions, altBoundary: true }); const offsets = getSideOffsets(overflow, rects.floating); return { data: { escapedOffsets: offsets, escaped: isAnySideFullyClipped(offsets) } }; } default: { return {}; } } } }; }; function getBoundingRect(rects) { const minX = min( => rect.left)); const minY = min( =>; const maxX = max( => rect.right)); const maxY = max( => rect.bottom)); return { x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }; } function getRectsByLine(rects) { const sortedRects = rects.slice().sort((a, b) => a.y - b.y); const groups = []; let prevRect = null; for (let i = 0; i < sortedRects.length; i++) { const rect = sortedRects[i]; if (!prevRect || rect.y - prevRect.y > prevRect.height / 2) { groups.push([rect]); } else { groups[groups.length - 1].push(rect); } prevRect = rect; } return => rectToClientRect(getBoundingRect(rect))); } /** * Provides improved positioning for inline reference elements that can span * over multiple lines, such as hyperlinks or range selections. * @see */ const inline = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return { name: 'inline', options, async fn(state) { const { placement, elements, rects, platform, strategy } = state; // A MouseEvent's client{X,Y} coords can be up to 2 pixels off a // ClientRect's bounds, despite the event listener being triggered. A // padding of 2 seems to handle this issue. const { padding = 2, x, y } = evaluate(options, state); const nativeClientRects = Array.from((await (platform.getClientRects == null ? void 0 : platform.getClientRects(elements.reference))) || []); const clientRects = getRectsByLine(nativeClientRects); const fallback = rectToClientRect(getBoundingRect(nativeClientRects)); const paddingObject = getPaddingObject(padding); function getBoundingClientRect() { // There are two rects and they are disjoined. if (clientRects.length === 2 && clientRects[0].left > clientRects[1].right && x != null && y != null) { // Find the first rect in which the point is fully inside. return clientRects.find(rect => x > rect.left - paddingObject.left && x < rect.right + paddingObject.right && y > - && y < rect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom) || fallback; } // There are 2 or more connected rects. if (clientRects.length >= 2) { if (getSideAxis(placement) === 'y') { const firstRect = clientRects[0]; const lastRect = clientRects[clientRects.length - 1]; const isTop = getSide(placement) === 'top'; const top =; const bottom = lastRect.bottom; const left = isTop ? firstRect.left : lastRect.left; const right = isTop ? firstRect.right : lastRect.right; const width = right - left; const height = bottom - top; return { top, bottom, left, right, width, height, x: left, y: top }; } const isLeftSide = getSide(placement) === 'left'; const maxRight = max( => rect.right)); const minLeft = min( => rect.left)); const measureRects = clientRects.filter(rect => isLeftSide ? rect.left === minLeft : rect.right === maxRight); const top = measureRects[0].top; const bottom = measureRects[measureRects.length - 1].bottom; const left = minLeft; const right = maxRight; const width = right - left; const height = bottom - top; return { top, bottom, left, right, width, height, x: left, y: top }; } return fallback; } const resetRects = await platform.getElementRects({ reference: { getBoundingClientRect }, floating: elements.floating, strategy }); if (rects.reference.x !== resetRects.reference.x || rects.reference.y !== resetRects.reference.y || rects.reference.width !== resetRects.reference.width || rects.reference.height !== resetRects.reference.height) { return { reset: { rects: resetRects } }; } return {}; } }; }; // For type backwards-compatibility, the `OffsetOptions` type was also // Derivable. async function convertValueToCoords(state, options) { const { placement, platform, elements } = state; const rtl = await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating)); const side = floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement); const alignment = floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement); const isVertical = floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement) === 'y'; const mainAxisMulti = ['left', 'top'].includes(side) ? -1 : 1; const crossAxisMulti = rtl && isVertical ? -1 : 1; const rawValue = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(options, state); // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let { mainAxis, crossAxis, alignmentAxis } = typeof rawValue === 'number' ? { mainAxis: rawValue, crossAxis: 0, alignmentAxis: null } : { mainAxis: 0, crossAxis: 0, alignmentAxis: null, ...rawValue }; if (alignment && typeof alignmentAxis === 'number') { crossAxis = alignment === 'end' ? alignmentAxis * -1 : alignmentAxis; } return isVertical ? { x: crossAxis * crossAxisMulti, y: mainAxis * mainAxisMulti } : { x: mainAxis * mainAxisMulti, y: crossAxis * crossAxisMulti }; } /** * Modifies the placement by translating the floating element along the * specified axes. * A number (shorthand for `mainAxis` or distance), or an axes configuration * object may be passed. * @see */ const offset = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = 0; } return { name: 'offset', options, async fn(state) { const { x, y } = state; const diffCoords = await convertValueToCoords(state, options); return { x: x + diffCoords.x, y: y + diffCoords.y, data: diffCoords }; } }; }; /** * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by shifting it in order to * keep it in view when it will overflow the clipping boundary. * @see */ const shift = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return { name: 'shift', options, async fn(state) { const { x, y, placement } = state; const { mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true, crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = false, limiter = { fn: _ref => { let { x, y } = _ref; return { x, y }; } }, ...detectOverflowOptions } = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(options, state); const coords = { x, y }; const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions); const crossAxis = floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement)); const mainAxis = getOppositeAxis(crossAxis); let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis]; let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis]; if (checkMainAxis) { const minSide = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'top' : 'left'; const maxSide = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'bottom' : 'right'; const min = mainAxisCoord + overflow[minSide]; const max = mainAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide]; mainAxisCoord = clamp(min, mainAxisCoord, max); } if (checkCrossAxis) { const minSide = crossAxis === 'y' ? 'top' : 'left'; const maxSide = crossAxis === 'y' ? 'bottom' : 'right'; const min = crossAxisCoord + overflow[minSide]; const max = crossAxisCoord - overflow[maxSide]; crossAxisCoord = clamp(min, crossAxisCoord, max); } const limitedCoords = limiter.fn({ ...state, [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord, [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord }); return { ...limitedCoords, data: { x: limitedCoords.x - x, y: limitedCoords.y - y } }; } }; }; /** * Built-in `limiter` that will stop `shift()` at a certain point. */ const limitShift = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return { options, fn(state) { const { x, y, placement, rects, middlewareData } = state; const { offset = 0, mainAxis: checkMainAxis = true, crossAxis: checkCrossAxis = true } = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(options, state); const coords = { x, y }; const crossAxis = floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement); const mainAxis = getOppositeAxis(crossAxis); let mainAxisCoord = coords[mainAxis]; let crossAxisCoord = coords[crossAxis]; const rawOffset = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(offset, state); const computedOffset = typeof rawOffset === 'number' ? { mainAxis: rawOffset, crossAxis: 0 } : { mainAxis: 0, crossAxis: 0, ...rawOffset }; if (checkMainAxis) { const len = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width'; const limitMin = rects.reference[mainAxis] - rects.floating[len] + computedOffset.mainAxis; const limitMax = rects.reference[mainAxis] + rects.reference[len] - computedOffset.mainAxis; if (mainAxisCoord < limitMin) { mainAxisCoord = limitMin; } else if (mainAxisCoord > limitMax) { mainAxisCoord = limitMax; } } if (checkCrossAxis) { var _middlewareData$offse, _middlewareData$offse2; const len = mainAxis === 'y' ? 'width' : 'height'; const isOriginSide = ['top', 'left'].includes(floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement)); const limitMin = rects.reference[crossAxis] - rects.floating[len] + (isOriginSide ? ((_middlewareData$offse = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse[crossAxis]) || 0 : 0) + (isOriginSide ? 0 : computedOffset.crossAxis); const limitMax = rects.reference[crossAxis] + rects.reference[len] + (isOriginSide ? 0 : ((_middlewareData$offse2 = middlewareData.offset) == null ? void 0 : _middlewareData$offse2[crossAxis]) || 0) - (isOriginSide ? computedOffset.crossAxis : 0); if (crossAxisCoord < limitMin) { crossAxisCoord = limitMin; } else if (crossAxisCoord > limitMax) { crossAxisCoord = limitMax; } } return { [mainAxis]: mainAxisCoord, [crossAxis]: crossAxisCoord }; } }; }; /** * Provides data that allows you to change the size of the floating element — * for instance, prevent it from overflowing the clipping boundary or match the * width of the reference element. * @see */ const size = function (options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return { name: 'size', options, async fn(state) { const { placement, rects, platform, elements } = state; const { apply = () => {}, ...detectOverflowOptions } = floating_ui_utils_evaluate(options, state); const overflow = await detectOverflow(state, detectOverflowOptions); const side = floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement); const alignment = floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement); const isYAxis = floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement) === 'y'; const { width, height } = rects.floating; let heightSide; let widthSide; if (side === 'top' || side === 'bottom') { heightSide = side; widthSide = alignment === ((await (platform.isRTL == null ? void 0 : platform.isRTL(elements.floating))) ? 'start' : 'end') ? 'left' : 'right'; } else { widthSide = side; heightSide = alignment === 'end' ? 'top' : 'bottom'; } const overflowAvailableHeight = height - overflow[heightSide]; const overflowAvailableWidth = width - overflow[widthSide]; const noShift = !state.middlewareData.shift; let availableHeight = overflowAvailableHeight; let availableWidth = overflowAvailableWidth; if (isYAxis) { const maximumClippingWidth = width - overflow.left - overflow.right; availableWidth = alignment || noShift ? floating_ui_utils_min(overflowAvailableWidth, maximumClippingWidth) : maximumClippingWidth; } else { const maximumClippingHeight = height - - overflow.bottom; availableHeight = alignment || noShift ? floating_ui_utils_min(overflowAvailableHeight, maximumClippingHeight) : maximumClippingHeight; } if (noShift && !alignment) { const xMin = floating_ui_utils_max(overflow.left, 0); const xMax = floating_ui_utils_max(overflow.right, 0); const yMin = floating_ui_utils_max(, 0); const yMax = floating_ui_utils_max(overflow.bottom, 0); if (isYAxis) { availableWidth = width - 2 * (xMin !== 0 || xMax !== 0 ? xMin + xMax : floating_ui_utils_max(overflow.left, overflow.right)); } else { availableHeight = height - 2 * (yMin !== 0 || yMax !== 0 ? yMin + yMax : floating_ui_utils_max(, overflow.bottom)); } } await apply({ ...state, availableWidth, availableHeight }); const nextDimensions = await platform.getDimensions(elements.floating); if (width !== nextDimensions.width || height !== nextDimensions.height) { return { reset: { rects: true } }; } return {}; } }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@floating-ui/dom/node_modules/@floating-ui/utils/dist/floating-ui.utils.mjs /** * Custom positioning reference element. * @see */ const dist_floating_ui_utils_sides = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'])); const floating_ui_utils_alignments = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (['start', 'end'])); const dist_floating_ui_utils_placements = /*#__PURE__*/(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (dist_floating_ui_utils_sides.reduce((acc, side) => acc.concat(side, side + "-" + floating_ui_utils_alignments[0], side + "-" + floating_ui_utils_alignments[1]), []))); const dist_floating_ui_utils_min = Math.min; const dist_floating_ui_utils_max = Math.max; const floating_ui_utils_round = Math.round; const floating_ui_utils_floor = Math.floor; const floating_ui_utils_createCoords = v => ({ x: v, y: v }); const floating_ui_utils_oppositeSideMap = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' }; const floating_ui_utils_oppositeAlignmentMap = { start: 'end', end: 'start' }; function floating_ui_utils_clamp(start, value, end) { return dist_floating_ui_utils_max(start, dist_floating_ui_utils_min(value, end)); } function dist_floating_ui_utils_evaluate(value, param) { return typeof value === 'function' ? value(param) : value; } function dist_floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement) { return placement.split('-')[0]; } function dist_floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement) { return placement.split('-')[1]; } function floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAxis(axis) { return axis === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x'; } function floating_ui_utils_getAxisLength(axis) { return axis === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width'; } function dist_floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement) { return ['top', 'bottom'].includes(dist_floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement)) ? 'y' : 'x'; } function floating_ui_utils_getAlignmentAxis(placement) { return floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAxis(dist_floating_ui_utils_getSideAxis(placement)); } function dist_floating_ui_utils_getAlignmentSides(placement, rects, rtl) { if (rtl === void 0) { rtl = false; } const alignment = dist_floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement); const alignmentAxis = floating_ui_utils_getAlignmentAxis(placement); const length = floating_ui_utils_getAxisLength(alignmentAxis); let mainAlignmentSide = alignmentAxis === 'x' ? alignment === (rtl ? 'end' : 'start') ? 'right' : 'left' : alignment === 'start' ? 'bottom' : 'top'; if (rects.reference[length] > rects.floating[length]) { mainAlignmentSide = floating_ui_utils_getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide); } return [mainAlignmentSide, floating_ui_utils_getOppositePlacement(mainAlignmentSide)]; } function floating_ui_utils_getExpandedPlacements(placement) { const oppositePlacement = floating_ui_utils_getOppositePlacement(placement); return [dist_floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement), oppositePlacement, dist_floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(oppositePlacement)]; } function dist_floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAlignmentPlacement(placement) { return placement.replace(/start|end/g, alignment => floating_ui_utils_oppositeAlignmentMap[alignment]); } function floating_ui_utils_getSideList(side, isStart, rtl) { const lr = ['left', 'right']; const rl = ['right', 'left']; const tb = ['top', 'bottom']; const bt = ['bottom', 'top']; switch (side) { case 'top': case 'bottom': if (rtl) return isStart ? rl : lr; return isStart ? lr : rl; case 'left': case 'right': return isStart ? tb : bt; default: return []; } } function floating_ui_utils_getOppositeAxisPlacements(placement, flipAlignment, direction, rtl) { const alignment = dist_floating_ui_utils_getAlignment(placement); let list = floating_ui_utils_getSideList(dist_floating_ui_utils_getSide(placement), direction === 'start', rtl); if (alignment) { list = => side + "-" + alignment); if (flipAlignment) { list = list.concat(; } } return list; } function floating_ui_utils_getOppositePlacement(placement) { return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, side => floating_ui_utils_oppositeSideMap[side]); } function floating_ui_utils_expandPaddingObject(padding) { return { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, ...padding }; } function dist_floating_ui_utils_getPaddingObject(padding) { return typeof padding !== 'number' ? floating_ui_utils_expandPaddingObject(padding) : { top: padding, right: padding, bottom: padding, left: padding }; } function dist_floating_ui_utils_rectToClientRect(rect) { return { ...rect, top: rect.y, left: rect.x, right: rect.x + rect.width, bottom: rect.y + rect.height }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@floating-ui/dom/node_modules/@floating-ui/utils/dist/floating-ui.utils.dom.mjs function getNodeName(node) { if (isNode(node)) { return (node.nodeName || '').toLowerCase(); } // Mocked nodes in testing environments may not be instances of Node. By // returning `#document` an infinite loop won't occur. // return '#document'; } function floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(node) { var _node$ownerDocument; return (node == null || (_node$ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument.defaultView) || window; } function getDocumentElement(node) { var _ref; return (_ref = (isNode(node) ? node.ownerDocument : node.document) || window.document) == null ? void 0 : _ref.documentElement; } function isNode(value) { return value instanceof Node || value instanceof floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(value).Node; } function isElement(value) { return value instanceof Element || value instanceof floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(value).Element; } function isHTMLElement(value) { return value instanceof HTMLElement || value instanceof floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(value).HTMLElement; } function isShadowRoot(value) { // Browsers without `ShadowRoot` support. if (typeof ShadowRoot === 'undefined') { return false; } return value instanceof ShadowRoot || value instanceof floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(value).ShadowRoot; } function isOverflowElement(element) { const { overflow, overflowX, overflowY, display } = floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(element); return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden|clip/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX) && !['inline', 'contents'].includes(display); } function isTableElement(element) { return ['table', 'td', 'th'].includes(getNodeName(element)); } function isContainingBlock(element) { const webkit = isWebKit(); const css = floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(element); // return css.transform !== 'none' || css.perspective !== 'none' || (css.containerType ? css.containerType !== 'normal' : false) || !webkit && (css.backdropFilter ? css.backdropFilter !== 'none' : false) || !webkit && (css.filter ? css.filter !== 'none' : false) || ['transform', 'perspective', 'filter'].some(value => (css.willChange || '').includes(value)) || ['paint', 'layout', 'strict', 'content'].some(value => (css.contain || '').includes(value)); } function getContainingBlock(element) { let currentNode = getParentNode(element); while (isHTMLElement(currentNode) && !isLastTraversableNode(currentNode)) { if (isContainingBlock(currentNode)) { return currentNode; } else { currentNode = getParentNode(currentNode); } } return null; } function isWebKit() { if (typeof CSS === 'undefined' || !CSS.supports) return false; return CSS.supports('-webkit-backdrop-filter', 'none'); } function isLastTraversableNode(node) { return ['html', 'body', '#document'].includes(getNodeName(node)); } function floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(element) { return floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element); } function getNodeScroll(element) { if (isElement(element)) { return { scrollLeft: element.scrollLeft, scrollTop: element.scrollTop }; } return { scrollLeft: element.pageXOffset, scrollTop: element.pageYOffset }; } function getParentNode(node) { if (getNodeName(node) === 'html') { return node; } const result = // Step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node. node.assignedSlot || // DOM Element detected. node.parentNode || // ShadowRoot detected. isShadowRoot(node) && || // Fallback. getDocumentElement(node); return isShadowRoot(result) ? : result; } function getNearestOverflowAncestor(node) { const parentNode = getParentNode(node); if (isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) { return node.ownerDocument ? node.ownerDocument.body : node.body; } if (isHTMLElement(parentNode) && isOverflowElement(parentNode)) { return parentNode; } return getNearestOverflowAncestor(parentNode); } function getOverflowAncestors(node, list, traverseIframes) { var _node$ownerDocument2; if (list === void 0) { list = []; } if (traverseIframes === void 0) { traverseIframes = true; } const scrollableAncestor = getNearestOverflowAncestor(node); const isBody = scrollableAncestor === ((_node$ownerDocument2 = node.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _node$ownerDocument2.body); const win = floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(scrollableAncestor); if (isBody) { return list.concat(win, win.visualViewport || [], isOverflowElement(scrollableAncestor) ? scrollableAncestor : [], win.frameElement && traverseIframes ? getOverflowAncestors(win.frameElement) : []); } return list.concat(scrollableAncestor, getOverflowAncestors(scrollableAncestor, [], traverseIframes)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@floating-ui/dom/dist/floating-ui.dom.mjs function getCssDimensions(element) { const css = floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(element); // In testing environments, the `width` and `height` properties are empty // strings for SVG elements, returning NaN. Fallback to `0` in this case. let width = parseFloat(css.width) || 0; let height = parseFloat(css.height) || 0; const hasOffset = isHTMLElement(element); const offsetWidth = hasOffset ? element.offsetWidth : width; const offsetHeight = hasOffset ? element.offsetHeight : height; const shouldFallback = floating_ui_utils_round(width) !== offsetWidth || floating_ui_utils_round(height) !== offsetHeight; if (shouldFallback) { width = offsetWidth; height = offsetHeight; } return { width, height, $: shouldFallback }; } function unwrapElement(element) { return !isElement(element) ? element.contextElement : element; } function getScale(element) { const domElement = unwrapElement(element); if (!isHTMLElement(domElement)) { return floating_ui_utils_createCoords(1); } const rect = domElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const { width, height, $ } = getCssDimensions(domElement); let x = ($ ? floating_ui_utils_round(rect.width) : rect.width) / width; let y = ($ ? floating_ui_utils_round(rect.height) : rect.height) / height; // 0, NaN, or Infinity should always fallback to 1. if (!x || !Number.isFinite(x)) { x = 1; } if (!y || !Number.isFinite(y)) { y = 1; } return { x, y }; } const noOffsets = /*#__PURE__*/floating_ui_utils_createCoords(0); function getVisualOffsets(element) { const win = floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(element); if (!isWebKit() || !win.visualViewport) { return noOffsets; } return { x: win.visualViewport.offsetLeft, y: win.visualViewport.offsetTop }; } function shouldAddVisualOffsets(element, isFixed, floatingOffsetParent) { if (isFixed === void 0) { isFixed = false; } if (!floatingOffsetParent || isFixed && floatingOffsetParent !== floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(element)) { return false; } return isFixed; } function getBoundingClientRect(element, includeScale, isFixedStrategy, offsetParent) { if (includeScale === void 0) { includeScale = false; } if (isFixedStrategy === void 0) { isFixedStrategy = false; } const clientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const domElement = unwrapElement(element); let scale = floating_ui_utils_createCoords(1); if (includeScale) { if (offsetParent) { if (isElement(offsetParent)) { scale = getScale(offsetParent); } } else { scale = getScale(element); } } const visualOffsets = shouldAddVisualOffsets(domElement, isFixedStrategy, offsetParent) ? getVisualOffsets(domElement) : floating_ui_utils_createCoords(0); let x = (clientRect.left + visualOffsets.x) / scale.x; let y = ( + visualOffsets.y) / scale.y; let width = clientRect.width / scale.x; let height = clientRect.height / scale.y; if (domElement) { const win = floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(domElement); const offsetWin = offsetParent && isElement(offsetParent) ? floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(offsetParent) : offsetParent; let currentWin = win; let currentIFrame = currentWin.frameElement; while (currentIFrame && offsetParent && offsetWin !== currentWin) { const iframeScale = getScale(currentIFrame); const iframeRect = currentIFrame.getBoundingClientRect(); const css = floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(currentIFrame); const left = iframeRect.left + (currentIFrame.clientLeft + parseFloat(css.paddingLeft)) * iframeScale.x; const top = + (currentIFrame.clientTop + parseFloat(css.paddingTop)) * iframeScale.y; x *= iframeScale.x; y *= iframeScale.y; width *= iframeScale.x; height *= iframeScale.y; x += left; y += top; currentWin = floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(currentIFrame); currentIFrame = currentWin.frameElement; } } return floating_ui_utils_rectToClientRect({ width, height, x, y }); } const topLayerSelectors = [':popover-open', ':modal']; function isTopLayer(floating) { return topLayerSelectors.some(selector => { try { return floating.matches(selector); } catch (e) { return false; } }); } function convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect(_ref) { let { elements, rect, offsetParent, strategy } = _ref; const isFixed = strategy === 'fixed'; const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent); const topLayer = elements ? isTopLayer(elements.floating) : false; if (offsetParent === documentElement || topLayer && isFixed) { return rect; } let scroll = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }; let scale = floating_ui_utils_createCoords(1); const offsets = floating_ui_utils_createCoords(0); const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent); if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && !isFixed) { if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== 'body' || isOverflowElement(documentElement)) { scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent); } if (isHTMLElement(offsetParent)) { const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent); scale = getScale(offsetParent); offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft; offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop; } } return { width: rect.width * scale.x, height: rect.height * scale.y, x: rect.x * scale.x - scroll.scrollLeft * scale.x + offsets.x, y: rect.y * scale.y - scroll.scrollTop * scale.y + offsets.y }; } function getClientRects(element) { return Array.from(element.getClientRects()); } function getWindowScrollBarX(element) { // If <html> has a CSS width greater than the viewport, then this will be // incorrect for RTL. return getBoundingClientRect(getDocumentElement(element)).left + getNodeScroll(element).scrollLeft; } // Gets the entire size of the scrollable document area, even extending outside // of the `<html>` and `<body>` rect bounds if horizontally scrollable. function getDocumentRect(element) { const html = getDocumentElement(element); const scroll = getNodeScroll(element); const body = element.ownerDocument.body; const width = dist_floating_ui_utils_max(html.scrollWidth, html.clientWidth, body.scrollWidth, body.clientWidth); const height = dist_floating_ui_utils_max(html.scrollHeight, html.clientHeight, body.scrollHeight, body.clientHeight); let x = -scroll.scrollLeft + getWindowScrollBarX(element); const y = -scroll.scrollTop; if (floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(body).direction === 'rtl') { x += dist_floating_ui_utils_max(html.clientWidth, body.clientWidth) - width; } return { width, height, x, y }; } function getViewportRect(element, strategy) { const win = floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(element); const html = getDocumentElement(element); const visualViewport = win.visualViewport; let width = html.clientWidth; let height = html.clientHeight; let x = 0; let y = 0; if (visualViewport) { width = visualViewport.width; height = visualViewport.height; const visualViewportBased = isWebKit(); if (!visualViewportBased || visualViewportBased && strategy === 'fixed') { x = visualViewport.offsetLeft; y = visualViewport.offsetTop; } } return { width, height, x, y }; } // Returns the inner client rect, subtracting scrollbars if present. function getInnerBoundingClientRect(element, strategy) { const clientRect = getBoundingClientRect(element, true, strategy === 'fixed'); const top = + element.clientTop; const left = clientRect.left + element.clientLeft; const scale = isHTMLElement(element) ? getScale(element) : floating_ui_utils_createCoords(1); const width = element.clientWidth * scale.x; const height = element.clientHeight * scale.y; const x = left * scale.x; const y = top * scale.y; return { width, height, x, y }; } function getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, clippingAncestor, strategy) { let rect; if (clippingAncestor === 'viewport') { rect = getViewportRect(element, strategy); } else if (clippingAncestor === 'document') { rect = getDocumentRect(getDocumentElement(element)); } else if (isElement(clippingAncestor)) { rect = getInnerBoundingClientRect(clippingAncestor, strategy); } else { const visualOffsets = getVisualOffsets(element); rect = { ...clippingAncestor, x: clippingAncestor.x - visualOffsets.x, y: clippingAncestor.y - visualOffsets.y }; } return floating_ui_utils_rectToClientRect(rect); } function hasFixedPositionAncestor(element, stopNode) { const parentNode = getParentNode(element); if (parentNode === stopNode || !isElement(parentNode) || isLastTraversableNode(parentNode)) { return false; } return floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(parentNode).position === 'fixed' || hasFixedPositionAncestor(parentNode, stopNode); } // A "clipping ancestor" is an `overflow` element with the characteristic of // clipping (or hiding) child elements. This returns all clipping ancestors // of the given element up the tree. function getClippingElementAncestors(element, cache) { const cachedResult = cache.get(element); if (cachedResult) { return cachedResult; } let result = getOverflowAncestors(element, [], false).filter(el => isElement(el) && getNodeName(el) !== 'body'); let currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = null; const elementIsFixed = floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(element).position === 'fixed'; let currentNode = elementIsFixed ? getParentNode(element) : element; // while (isElement(currentNode) && !isLastTraversableNode(currentNode)) { const computedStyle = floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(currentNode); const currentNodeIsContaining = isContainingBlock(currentNode); if (!currentNodeIsContaining && computedStyle.position === 'fixed') { currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = null; } const shouldDropCurrentNode = elementIsFixed ? !currentNodeIsContaining && !currentContainingBlockComputedStyle : !currentNodeIsContaining && computedStyle.position === 'static' && !!currentContainingBlockComputedStyle && ['absolute', 'fixed'].includes(currentContainingBlockComputedStyle.position) || isOverflowElement(currentNode) && !currentNodeIsContaining && hasFixedPositionAncestor(element, currentNode); if (shouldDropCurrentNode) { // Drop non-containing blocks. result = result.filter(ancestor => ancestor !== currentNode); } else { // Record last containing block for next iteration. currentContainingBlockComputedStyle = computedStyle; } currentNode = getParentNode(currentNode); } cache.set(element, result); return result; } // Gets the maximum area that the element is visible in due to any number of // clipping ancestors. function getClippingRect(_ref) { let { element, boundary, rootBoundary, strategy } = _ref; const elementClippingAncestors = boundary === 'clippingAncestors' ? getClippingElementAncestors(element, this._c) : [].concat(boundary); const clippingAncestors = [...elementClippingAncestors, rootBoundary]; const firstClippingAncestor = clippingAncestors[0]; const clippingRect = clippingAncestors.reduce((accRect, clippingAncestor) => { const rect = getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, clippingAncestor, strategy); = dist_floating_ui_utils_max(,; accRect.right = dist_floating_ui_utils_min(rect.right, accRect.right); accRect.bottom = dist_floating_ui_utils_min(rect.bottom, accRect.bottom); accRect.left = dist_floating_ui_utils_max(rect.left, accRect.left); return accRect; }, getClientRectFromClippingAncestor(element, firstClippingAncestor, strategy)); return { width: clippingRect.right - clippingRect.left, height: clippingRect.bottom -, x: clippingRect.left, y: }; } function getDimensions(element) { const { width, height } = getCssDimensions(element); return { width, height }; } function getRectRelativeToOffsetParent(element, offsetParent, strategy) { const isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent); const documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent); const isFixed = strategy === 'fixed'; const rect = getBoundingClientRect(element, true, isFixed, offsetParent); let scroll = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }; const offsets = floating_ui_utils_createCoords(0); if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && !isFixed) { if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== 'body' || isOverflowElement(documentElement)) { scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent); } if (isOffsetParentAnElement) { const offsetRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent, true, isFixed, offsetParent); offsets.x = offsetRect.x + offsetParent.clientLeft; offsets.y = offsetRect.y + offsetParent.clientTop; } else if (documentElement) { offsets.x = getWindowScrollBarX(documentElement); } } const x = rect.left + scroll.scrollLeft - offsets.x; const y = + scroll.scrollTop - offsets.y; return { x, y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height }; } function getTrueOffsetParent(element, polyfill) { if (!isHTMLElement(element) || floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(element).position === 'fixed') { return null; } if (polyfill) { return polyfill(element); } return element.offsetParent; } // Gets the closest ancestor positioned element. Handles some edge cases, // such as table ancestors and cross browser bugs. function getOffsetParent(element, polyfill) { const window = floating_ui_utils_dom_getWindow(element); if (!isHTMLElement(element) || isTopLayer(element)) { return window; } let offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(element, polyfill); while (offsetParent && isTableElement(offsetParent) && floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === 'static') { offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(offsetParent, polyfill); } if (offsetParent && (getNodeName(offsetParent) === 'html' || getNodeName(offsetParent) === 'body' && floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === 'static' && !isContainingBlock(offsetParent))) { return window; } return offsetParent || getContainingBlock(element) || window; } const getElementRects = async function (data) { const getOffsetParentFn = this.getOffsetParent || getOffsetParent; const getDimensionsFn = this.getDimensions; return { reference: getRectRelativeToOffsetParent(data.reference, await getOffsetParentFn(data.floating), data.strategy), floating: { x: 0, y: 0, ...(await getDimensionsFn(data.floating)) } }; }; function isRTL(element) { return floating_ui_utils_dom_getComputedStyle(element).direction === 'rtl'; } const platform = { convertOffsetParentRelativeRectToViewportRelativeRect, getDocumentElement: getDocumentElement, getClippingRect, getOffsetParent, getElementRects, getClientRects, getDimensions, getScale, isElement: isElement, isRTL }; // function observeMove(element, onMove) { let io = null; let timeoutId; const root = getDocumentElement(element); function cleanup() { var _io; clearTimeout(timeoutId); (_io = io) == null || _io.disconnect(); io = null; } function refresh(skip, threshold) { if (skip === void 0) { skip = false; } if (threshold === void 0) { threshold = 1; } cleanup(); const { left, top, width, height } = element.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!skip) { onMove(); } if (!width || !height) { return; } const insetTop = floating_ui_utils_floor(top); const insetRight = floating_ui_utils_floor(root.clientWidth - (left + width)); const insetBottom = floating_ui_utils_floor(root.clientHeight - (top + height)); const insetLeft = floating_ui_utils_floor(left); const rootMargin = -insetTop + "px " + -insetRight + "px " + -insetBottom + "px " + -insetLeft + "px"; const options = { rootMargin, threshold: dist_floating_ui_utils_max(0, dist_floating_ui_utils_min(1, threshold)) || 1 }; let isFirstUpdate = true; function handleObserve(entries) { const ratio = entries[0].intersectionRatio; if (ratio !== threshold) { if (!isFirstUpdate) { return refresh(); } if (!ratio) { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { refresh(false, 1e-7); }, 100); } else { refresh(false, ratio); } } isFirstUpdate = false; } // Older browsers don't support a `document` as the root and will throw an // error. try { io = new IntersectionObserver(handleObserve, { ...options, // Handle <iframe>s root: root.ownerDocument }); } catch (e) { io = new IntersectionObserver(handleObserve, options); } io.observe(element); } refresh(true); return cleanup; } /** * Automatically updates the position of the floating element when necessary. * Should only be called when the floating element is mounted on the DOM or * visible on the screen. * @returns cleanup function that should be invoked when the floating element is * removed from the DOM or hidden from the screen. * @see */ function autoUpdate(reference, floating, update, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } const { ancestorScroll = true, ancestorResize = true, elementResize = typeof ResizeObserver === 'function', layoutShift = typeof IntersectionObserver === 'function', animationFrame = false } = options; const referenceEl = unwrapElement(reference); const ancestors = ancestorScroll || ancestorResize ? [...(referenceEl ? getOverflowAncestors(referenceEl) : []), ...getOverflowAncestors(floating)] : []; ancestors.forEach(ancestor => { ancestorScroll && ancestor.addEventListener('scroll', update, { passive: true }); ancestorResize && ancestor.addEventListener('resize', update); }); const cleanupIo = referenceEl && layoutShift ? observeMove(referenceEl, update) : null; let reobserveFrame = -1; let resizeObserver = null; if (elementResize) { resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(_ref => { let [firstEntry] = _ref; if (firstEntry && === referenceEl && resizeObserver) { // Prevent update loops when using the `size` middleware. // resizeObserver.unobserve(floating); cancelAnimationFrame(reobserveFrame); reobserveFrame = requestAnimationFrame(() => { var _resizeObserver; (_resizeObserver = resizeObserver) == null || _resizeObserver.observe(floating); }); } update(); }); if (referenceEl && !animationFrame) { resizeObserver.observe(referenceEl); } resizeObserver.observe(floating); } let frameId; let prevRefRect = animationFrame ? getBoundingClientRect(reference) : null; if (animationFrame) { frameLoop(); } function frameLoop() { const nextRefRect = getBoundingClientRect(reference); if (prevRefRect && (nextRefRect.x !== prevRefRect.x || nextRefRect.y !== prevRefRect.y || nextRefRect.width !== prevRefRect.width || nextRefRect.height !== prevRefRect.height)) { update(); } prevRefRect = nextRefRect; frameId = requestAnimationFrame(frameLoop); } update(); return () => { var _resizeObserver2; ancestors.forEach(ancestor => { ancestorScroll && ancestor.removeEventListener('scroll', update); ancestorResize && ancestor.removeEventListener('resize', update); }); cleanupIo == null || cleanupIo(); (_resizeObserver2 = resizeObserver) == null || _resizeObserver2.disconnect(); resizeObserver = null; if (animationFrame) { cancelAnimationFrame(frameId); } }; } /** * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by choosing the placement * that has the most space available automatically, without needing to specify a * preferred placement. Alternative to `flip`. * @see */ const floating_ui_dom_autoPlacement = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (autoPlacement$1)); /** * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by shifting it in order to * keep it in view when it will overflow the clipping boundary. * @see */ const floating_ui_dom_shift = shift; /** * Optimizes the visibility of the floating element by flipping the `placement` * in order to keep it in view when the preferred placement(s) will overflow the * clipping boundary. Alternative to `autoPlacement`. * @see */ const floating_ui_dom_flip = flip; /** * Provides data that allows you to change the size of the floating element — * for instance, prevent it from overflowing the clipping boundary or match the * width of the reference element. * @see */ const floating_ui_dom_size = size; /** * Provides data to hide the floating element in applicable situations, such as * when it is not in the same clipping context as the reference element. * @see */ const floating_ui_dom_hide = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (hide$1)); /** * Provides data to position an inner element of the floating element so that it * appears centered to the reference element. * @see */ const floating_ui_dom_arrow = arrow; /** * Provides improved positioning for inline reference elements that can span * over multiple lines, such as hyperlinks or range selections. * @see */ const floating_ui_dom_inline = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (inline$1)); /** * Built-in `limiter` that will stop `shift()` at a certain point. */ const floating_ui_dom_limitShift = limitShift; /** * Computes the `x` and `y` coordinates that will place the floating element * next to a given reference element. */ const floating_ui_dom_computePosition = (reference, floating, options) => { // This caches the expensive `getClippingElementAncestors` function so that // multiple lifecycle resets re-use the same result. It only lives for a // single call. If other functions become expensive, we can add them as well. const cache = new Map(); const mergedOptions = { platform, ...options }; const platformWithCache = { ...mergedOptions.platform, _c: cache }; return computePosition(reference, floating, { ...mergedOptions, platform: platformWithCache }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/IRX7SFUJ.js "use client"; // src/popover/popover.tsx function createDOMRect(x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0) { if (typeof DOMRect === "function") { return new DOMRect(x, y, width, height); } const rect = { x, y, width, height, top: y, right: x + width, bottom: y + height, left: x }; return _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, rect), { toJSON: () => rect }); } function getDOMRect(anchorRect) { if (!anchorRect) return createDOMRect(); const { x, y, width, height } = anchorRect; return createDOMRect(x, y, width, height); } function getAnchorElement(anchorElement, getAnchorRect) { const contextElement = anchorElement || void 0; return { contextElement, getBoundingClientRect: () => { const anchor = anchorElement; const anchorRect = getAnchorRect == null ? void 0 : getAnchorRect(anchor); if (anchorRect || !anchor) { return getDOMRect(anchorRect); } return anchor.getBoundingClientRect(); } }; } function isValidPlacement(flip2) { return /^(?:top|bottom|left|right)(?:-(?:start|end))?$/.test(flip2); } function roundByDPR(value) { const dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; return Math.round(value * dpr) / dpr; } function getOffsetMiddleware(arrowElement, props) { return offset(({ placement }) => { var _a; const arrowOffset = ((arrowElement == null ? void 0 : arrowElement.clientHeight) || 0) / 2; const finalGutter = typeof props.gutter === "number" ? props.gutter + arrowOffset : (_a = props.gutter) != null ? _a : arrowOffset; const hasAlignment = !!placement.split("-")[1]; return { crossAxis: !hasAlignment ? props.shift : void 0, mainAxis: finalGutter, alignmentAxis: props.shift }; }); } function getFlipMiddleware(props) { if (props.flip === false) return; const fallbackPlacements = typeof props.flip === "string" ? props.flip.split(" ") : void 0; invariant( !fallbackPlacements || fallbackPlacements.every(isValidPlacement), false && 0 ); return floating_ui_dom_flip({ padding: props.overflowPadding, fallbackPlacements }); } function getShiftMiddleware(props) { if (!props.slide && !props.overlap) return; return floating_ui_dom_shift({ mainAxis: props.slide, crossAxis: props.overlap, padding: props.overflowPadding, limiter: floating_ui_dom_limitShift() }); } function getSizeMiddleware(props) { return floating_ui_dom_size({ padding: props.overflowPadding, apply({ elements, availableWidth, availableHeight, rects }) { const wrapper = elements.floating; const referenceWidth = Math.round(rects.reference.width); availableWidth = Math.floor(availableWidth); availableHeight = Math.floor(availableHeight); "--popover-anchor-width", `${referenceWidth}px` ); "--popover-available-width", `${availableWidth}px` ); "--popover-available-height", `${availableHeight}px` ); if (props.sameWidth) { = `${referenceWidth}px`; } if (props.fitViewport) { = `${availableWidth}px`; = `${availableHeight}px`; } } }); } function getArrowMiddleware(arrowElement, props) { if (!arrowElement) return; return floating_ui_dom_arrow({ element: arrowElement, padding: props.arrowPadding }); } var usePopover = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, modal = false, portal = !!modal, preserveTabOrder = true, autoFocusOnShow = true, wrapperProps, fixed = false, flip: flip2 = true, shift: shift2 = 0, slide = true, overlap = false, sameWidth = false, fitViewport = false, gutter, arrowPadding = 4, overflowPadding = 8, getAnchorRect, updatePosition } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "modal", "portal", "preserveTabOrder", "autoFocusOnShow", "wrapperProps", "fixed", "flip", "shift", "slide", "overlap", "sameWidth", "fitViewport", "gutter", "arrowPadding", "overflowPadding", "getAnchorRect", "updatePosition" ]); const context = usePopoverProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const arrowElement = store.useState("arrowElement"); const anchorElement = store.useState("anchorElement"); const disclosureElement = store.useState("disclosureElement"); const popoverElement = store.useState("popoverElement"); const contentElement = store.useState("contentElement"); const placement = store.useState("placement"); const mounted = store.useState("mounted"); const rendered = store.useState("rendered"); const [positioned, setPositioned] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); const { portalRef, domReady } = usePortalRef(portal, props.portalRef); const getAnchorRectProp = useEvent(getAnchorRect); const updatePositionProp = useEvent(updatePosition); const hasCustomUpdatePosition = !!updatePosition; useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!(popoverElement == null ? void 0 : popoverElement.isConnected)) return; "--popover-overflow-padding", `${overflowPadding}px` ); const anchor = getAnchorElement(anchorElement, getAnchorRectProp); const updatePosition2 = async () => { if (!mounted) return; const middleware = [ getOffsetMiddleware(arrowElement, { gutter, shift: shift2 }), getFlipMiddleware({ flip: flip2, overflowPadding }), getShiftMiddleware({ slide, shift: shift2, overlap, overflowPadding }), getArrowMiddleware(arrowElement, { arrowPadding }), getSizeMiddleware({ sameWidth, fitViewport, overflowPadding }) ]; const pos = await floating_ui_dom_computePosition(anchor, popoverElement, { placement, strategy: fixed ? "fixed" : "absolute", middleware }); store == null ? void 0 : store.setState("currentPlacement", pos.placement); setPositioned(true); const x = roundByDPR(pos.x); const y = roundByDPR(pos.y); Object.assign(, { top: "0", left: "0", transform: `translate3d(${x}px,${y}px,0)` }); if (arrowElement && pos.middlewareData.arrow) { const { x: arrowX, y: arrowY } = pos.middlewareData.arrow; const dir = pos.placement.split("-")[0]; Object.assign(, { left: arrowX != null ? `${arrowX}px` : "", top: arrowY != null ? `${arrowY}px` : "", [dir]: "100%" }); } }; const update = async () => { if (hasCustomUpdatePosition) { await updatePositionProp({ updatePosition: updatePosition2 }); setPositioned(true); } else { await updatePosition2(); } }; const cancelAutoUpdate = autoUpdate(anchor, popoverElement, update, { // JSDOM doesn't support ResizeObserver elementResize: typeof ResizeObserver === "function" }); return () => { setPositioned(false); cancelAutoUpdate(); }; }, [ store, rendered, popoverElement, arrowElement, anchorElement, popoverElement, placement, mounted, domReady, fixed, flip2, shift2, slide, overlap, sameWidth, fitViewport, gutter, arrowPadding, overflowPadding, getAnchorRectProp, hasCustomUpdatePosition, updatePositionProp ]); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!mounted) return; if (!domReady) return; if (!(popoverElement == null ? void 0 : popoverElement.isConnected)) return; if (!(contentElement == null ? void 0 : contentElement.isConnected)) return; const applyZIndex = () => { = getComputedStyle(contentElement).zIndex; }; applyZIndex(); let raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { raf = requestAnimationFrame(applyZIndex); }); return () => cancelAnimationFrame(raf); }, [mounted, domReady, popoverElement, contentElement]); const position = fixed ? "fixed" : "absolute"; props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( "div", _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "presentation" }, wrapperProps), { style: _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ // position, top: 0, left: 0, width: "max-content" }, wrapperProps == null ? void 0 :, ref: store == null ? void 0 : store.setPopoverElement, children: element }) ), [store, position, wrapperProps] ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PopoverScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ // data-placing is not part of the public API. We're setting this here so // we can wait for the popover to be positioned before other components // move focus into it. For example, this attribute is observed by the // Combobox component with the autoSelect behavior. "data-placing": !positioned ? "" : void 0 }, props), { style: _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ position: "relative" }, }); props = useDialog(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, modal, portal, preserveTabOrder, preserveTabOrderAnchor: disclosureElement || anchorElement, autoFocusOnShow: positioned && autoFocusOnShow }, props), { portalRef })); return props; } ); var Popover = createDialogComponent( createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = usePopover(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }), usePopoverProviderContext ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/QWSZGSIG.js "use client"; // src/hovercard/hovercard.tsx function isMovingOnHovercard(target, card, anchor, nested) { if (hasFocusWithin(card)) return true; if (!target) return false; if (contains(card, target)) return true; if (anchor && contains(anchor, target)) return true; if (nested == null ? void 0 : nested.some((card2) => isMovingOnHovercard(target, card2, anchor))) { return true; } return false; } function useAutoFocusOnHide(_a) { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store" ]); const [autoFocusOnHide, setAutoFocusOnHide] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); const mounted = store.useState("mounted"); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!mounted) { setAutoFocusOnHide(false); } }, [mounted]); const onFocusProp = props.onFocus; const onFocus = useEvent((event) => { onFocusProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; setAutoFocusOnHide(true); }); const finalFocusRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { return sync(store, ["anchorElement"], (state) => { finalFocusRef.current = state.anchorElement; }); }, []); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ autoFocusOnHide, finalFocus: finalFocusRef }, props), { onFocus }); return props; } var NestedHovercardContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(null); var useHovercard = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, modal = false, portal = !!modal, hideOnEscape = true, hideOnHoverOutside = true, disablePointerEventsOnApproach = !!hideOnHoverOutside } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "modal", "portal", "hideOnEscape", "hideOnHoverOutside", "disablePointerEventsOnApproach" ]); const context = useHovercardProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const [nestedHovercards, setNestedHovercards] = (0,external_React_.useState)([]); const hideTimeoutRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(0); const enterPointRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const { portalRef, domReady } = usePortalRef(portal, props.portalRef); const mayHideOnHoverOutside = !!hideOnHoverOutside; const hideOnHoverOutsideProp = useBooleanEvent(hideOnHoverOutside); const mayDisablePointerEvents = !!disablePointerEventsOnApproach; const disablePointerEventsProp = useBooleanEvent( disablePointerEventsOnApproach ); const open = store.useState("open"); const mounted = store.useState("mounted"); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!domReady) return; if (!mounted) return; if (!mayHideOnHoverOutside && !mayDisablePointerEvents) return; const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; const onMouseMove = (event) => { if (!store) return; const { anchorElement, hideTimeout, timeout } = store.getState(); const enterPoint = enterPointRef.current; const [target] = event.composedPath(); const anchor = anchorElement; if (isMovingOnHovercard(target, element, anchor, nestedHovercards)) { enterPointRef.current = target && anchor && contains(anchor, target) ? getEventPoint(event) : null; window.clearTimeout(hideTimeoutRef.current); hideTimeoutRef.current = 0; return; } if (hideTimeoutRef.current) return; if (enterPoint) { const currentPoint = getEventPoint(event); const polygon = getElementPolygon(element, enterPoint); if (isPointInPolygon(currentPoint, polygon)) { enterPointRef.current = currentPoint; if (!disablePointerEventsProp(event)) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } } if (!hideOnHoverOutsideProp(event)) return; hideTimeoutRef.current = window.setTimeout(() => { hideTimeoutRef.current = 0; store == null ? void 0 : store.hide(); }, hideTimeout != null ? hideTimeout : timeout); }; return chain( addGlobalEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, true), () => clearTimeout(hideTimeoutRef.current) ); }, [ store, domReady, mounted, mayHideOnHoverOutside, mayDisablePointerEvents, nestedHovercards, disablePointerEventsProp, hideOnHoverOutsideProp ]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!domReady) return; if (!mounted) return; if (!mayDisablePointerEvents) return; const disableEvent = (event) => { const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; const enterPoint = enterPointRef.current; if (!enterPoint) return; const polygon = getElementPolygon(element, enterPoint); if (isPointInPolygon(getEventPoint(event), polygon)) { if (!disablePointerEventsProp(event)) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }; return chain( // Note: we may need to add pointer events here in the future. addGlobalEventListener("mouseenter", disableEvent, true), addGlobalEventListener("mouseover", disableEvent, true), addGlobalEventListener("mouseout", disableEvent, true), addGlobalEventListener("mouseleave", disableEvent, true) ); }, [domReady, mounted, mayDisablePointerEvents, disablePointerEventsProp]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!domReady) return; if (open) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setAutoFocusOnShow(false); }, [store, domReady, open]); const openRef = useLiveRef(open); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!domReady) return; return () => { if (!openRef.current) { store == null ? void 0 : store.setAutoFocusOnShow(false); } }; }, [store, domReady]); const registerOnParent = (0,external_React_.useContext)(NestedHovercardContext); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (modal) return; if (!portal) return; if (!mounted) return; if (!domReady) return; const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; return registerOnParent == null ? void 0 : registerOnParent(element); }, [modal, portal, mounted, domReady]); const registerNestedHovercard = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (element) => { setNestedHovercards((prevElements) => [...prevElements, element]); const parentUnregister = registerOnParent == null ? void 0 : registerOnParent(element); return () => { setNestedHovercards( (prevElements) => prevElements.filter((item) => item !== element) ); parentUnregister == null ? void 0 : parentUnregister(); }; }, [registerOnParent] ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HovercardScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NestedHovercardContext.Provider, { value: registerNestedHovercard, children: element }) }), [store, registerNestedHovercard] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref) }); props = useAutoFocusOnHide(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); const autoFocusOnShow = store.useState( (state) => modal || state.autoFocusOnShow ); props = usePopover(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, modal, portal, autoFocusOnShow }, props), { portalRef, hideOnEscape(event) { if (isFalsyBooleanCallback(hideOnEscape, event)) return false; requestAnimationFrame(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { store == null ? void 0 : store.hide(); }); }); return true; } })); return props; } ); var Hovercard = createDialogComponent( createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useHovercard(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }), useHovercardProviderContext ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/tooltip/tooltip.js "use client"; // src/tooltip/tooltip.tsx var useTooltip = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, portal = true, gutter = 8, preserveTabOrder = false, hideOnHoverOutside = true, hideOnInteractOutside = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "portal", "gutter", "preserveTabOrder", "hideOnHoverOutside", "hideOnInteractOutside" ]); const context = useTooltipProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TooltipScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); const role = store.useState( (state) => state.type === "description" ? "tooltip" : "none" ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role }, props); props = useHovercard(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { store, portal, gutter, preserveTabOrder, hideOnHoverOutside: (event) => { if (isFalsyBooleanCallback(hideOnHoverOutside, event)) return false; const anchorElement = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState().anchorElement; if (!anchorElement) return true; if ("focusVisible" in anchorElement.dataset) return false; return true; }, hideOnInteractOutside: (event) => { if (isFalsyBooleanCallback(hideOnInteractOutside, event)) return false; const anchorElement = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState().anchorElement; if (!anchorElement) return true; if (contains(anchorElement, return false; return true; } })); return props; } ); var Tooltip = createDialogComponent( createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useTooltip(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }), useTooltipProviderContext ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","deprecated"] const external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"]; var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/shortcut/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Shortcut component is used to display keyboard shortcuts, and it can be customized with a custom display and aria label if needed. * * ```jsx * import { Shortcut } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyShortcut = () => { * return ( * <Shortcut shortcut={{ display: 'Ctrl + S', ariaLabel: 'Save' }} /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function Shortcut(props) { const { shortcut, className } = props; if (!shortcut) { return null; } let displayText; let ariaLabel; if (typeof shortcut === 'string') { displayText = shortcut; } if (shortcut !== null && typeof shortcut === 'object') { displayText = shortcut.display; ariaLabel = shortcut.ariaLabel; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: className, "aria-label": ariaLabel, children: displayText }); } /* harmony default export */ const build_module_shortcut = (Shortcut); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/popover/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * Internal dependencies */ const POSITION_TO_PLACEMENT = { bottom: 'bottom', top: 'top', 'middle left': 'left', 'middle right': 'right', 'bottom left': 'bottom-end', 'bottom center': 'bottom', 'bottom right': 'bottom-start', 'top left': 'top-end', 'top center': 'top', 'top right': 'top-start', 'middle left left': 'left', 'middle left right': 'left', 'middle left bottom': 'left-end', 'middle left top': 'left-start', 'middle right left': 'right', 'middle right right': 'right', 'middle right bottom': 'right-end', 'middle right top': 'right-start', 'bottom left left': 'bottom-end', 'bottom left right': 'bottom-end', 'bottom left bottom': 'bottom-end', 'bottom left top': 'bottom-end', 'bottom center left': 'bottom', 'bottom center right': 'bottom', 'bottom center bottom': 'bottom', 'bottom center top': 'bottom', 'bottom right left': 'bottom-start', 'bottom right right': 'bottom-start', 'bottom right bottom': 'bottom-start', 'bottom right top': 'bottom-start', 'top left left': 'top-end', 'top left right': 'top-end', 'top left bottom': 'top-end', 'top left top': 'top-end', 'top center left': 'top', 'top center right': 'top', 'top center bottom': 'top', 'top center top': 'top', 'top right left': 'top-start', 'top right right': 'top-start', 'top right bottom': 'top-start', 'top right top': 'top-start', // `middle`/`middle center [corner?]` positions are associated to a fallback // `bottom` placement because there aren't any corresponding placement values. middle: 'bottom', 'middle center': 'bottom', 'middle center bottom': 'bottom', 'middle center left': 'bottom', 'middle center right': 'bottom', 'middle center top': 'bottom' }; /** * Converts the `Popover`'s legacy "position" prop to the new "placement" prop * (used by `floating-ui`). * * @param position The legacy position * @return The corresponding placement */ const positionToPlacement = position => { var _POSITION_TO_PLACEMEN; return (_POSITION_TO_PLACEMEN = POSITION_TO_PLACEMENT[position]) !== null && _POSITION_TO_PLACEMEN !== void 0 ? _POSITION_TO_PLACEMEN : 'bottom'; }; /** * @typedef AnimationOrigin * @type {Object} * @property {number} originX A number between 0 and 1 (in CSS logical properties jargon, 0 is "start", 0.5 is "center", and 1 is "end") * @property {number} originY A number between 0 and 1 (0 is top, 0.5 is center, and 1 is bottom) */ const PLACEMENT_TO_ANIMATION_ORIGIN = { top: { originX: 0.5, originY: 1 }, // open from bottom, center 'top-start': { originX: 0, originY: 1 }, // open from bottom, left 'top-end': { originX: 1, originY: 1 }, // open from bottom, right right: { originX: 0, originY: 0.5 }, // open from middle, left 'right-start': { originX: 0, originY: 0 }, // open from top, left 'right-end': { originX: 0, originY: 1 }, // open from bottom, left bottom: { originX: 0.5, originY: 0 }, // open from top, center 'bottom-start': { originX: 0, originY: 0 }, // open from top, left 'bottom-end': { originX: 1, originY: 0 }, // open from top, right left: { originX: 1, originY: 0.5 }, // open from middle, right 'left-start': { originX: 1, originY: 0 }, // open from top, right 'left-end': { originX: 1, originY: 1 }, // open from bottom, right overlay: { originX: 0.5, originY: 0.5 } // open from center, center }; /** * Given the floating-ui `placement`, compute the framer-motion props for the * popover's entry animation. * * @param placement A placement string from floating ui * @return The object containing the motion props */ const placementToMotionAnimationProps = placement => { const translateProp = placement.startsWith('top') || placement.startsWith('bottom') ? 'translateY' : 'translateX'; const translateDirection = placement.startsWith('top') || placement.startsWith('left') ? 1 : -1; return { style: PLACEMENT_TO_ANIMATION_ORIGIN[placement], initial: { opacity: 0, scale: 0, [translateProp]: `${2 * translateDirection}em` }, animate: { opacity: 1, scale: 1, [translateProp]: 0 }, transition: { duration: 0.1, ease: [0, 0, 0.2, 1] } }; }; function isTopBottom(anchorRef) { return !!anchorRef?.top; } function isRef(anchorRef) { return !!anchorRef?.current; } const getReferenceElement = ({ anchor, anchorRef, anchorRect, getAnchorRect, fallbackReferenceElement }) => { var _referenceElement; let referenceElement = null; if (anchor) { referenceElement = anchor; } else if (isTopBottom(anchorRef)) { // Create a virtual element for the ref. The expectation is that // if is defined, then anchorRef.bottom is defined too. // Seems to be used by the block toolbar, when multiple blocks are selected // (top and bottom blocks are used to calculate the resulting rect). referenceElement = { getBoundingClientRect() { const topRect =; const bottomRect = anchorRef.bottom.getBoundingClientRect(); return new window.DOMRect(topRect.x, topRect.y, topRect.width, bottomRect.bottom -; } }; } else if (isRef(anchorRef)) { // Standard React ref. referenceElement = anchorRef.current; } else if (anchorRef) { // If `anchorRef` holds directly the element's value (no `current` key) // This is a weird scenario and should be deprecated. referenceElement = anchorRef; } else if (anchorRect) { // Create a virtual element for the ref. referenceElement = { getBoundingClientRect() { return anchorRect; } }; } else if (getAnchorRect) { // Create a virtual element for the ref. referenceElement = { getBoundingClientRect() { var _rect$x, _rect$y, _rect$width, _rect$height; const rect = getAnchorRect(fallbackReferenceElement); return new window.DOMRect((_rect$x = rect.x) !== null && _rect$x !== void 0 ? _rect$x : rect.left, (_rect$y = rect.y) !== null && _rect$y !== void 0 ? _rect$y :, (_rect$width = rect.width) !== null && _rect$width !== void 0 ? _rect$width : rect.right - rect.left, (_rect$height = rect.height) !== null && _rect$height !== void 0 ? _rect$height : rect.bottom -; } }; } else if (fallbackReferenceElement) { // If no explicit ref is passed via props, fall back to // anchoring to the popover's parent node. referenceElement = fallbackReferenceElement.parentElement; } // Convert any `undefined` value to `null`. return (_referenceElement = referenceElement) !== null && _referenceElement !== void 0 ? _referenceElement : null; }; /** * Computes the final coordinate that needs to be applied to the floating * element when applying transform inline styles, defaulting to `undefined` * if the provided value is `null` or `NaN`. * * @param c input coordinate (usually as returned from floating-ui) * @return The coordinate's value to be used for inline styles. An `undefined` * return value means "no style set" for this coordinate. */ const computePopoverPosition = c => c === null || Number.isNaN(c) ? undefined : Math.round(c); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tooltip/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const TooltipInternalContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ isNestedInTooltip: false }); /** * Time over anchor to wait before showing tooltip */ const TOOLTIP_DELAY = 700; const CONTEXT_VALUE = { isNestedInTooltip: true }; function UnforwardedTooltip(props, ref) { const { children, delay = TOOLTIP_DELAY, hideOnClick = true, placement, position, shortcut, text, ...restProps } = props; const { isNestedInTooltip } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(TooltipInternalContext); const baseId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(tooltip_Tooltip, 'tooltip'); const describedById = text || shortcut ? baseId : undefined; const isOnlyChild = external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.count(children) === 1; // console error if more than one child element is added if (!isOnlyChild) { if (false) {} } // Compute tooltip's placement: // - give priority to `placement` prop, if defined // - otherwise, compute it from the legacy `position` prop (if defined) // - finally, fallback to the default placement: 'bottom' let computedPlacement; if (placement !== undefined) { computedPlacement = placement; } else if (position !== undefined) { computedPlacement = positionToPlacement(position); external_wp_deprecated_default()('`position` prop in wp.components.tooltip', { since: '6.4', alternative: '`placement` prop' }); } computedPlacement = computedPlacement || 'bottom'; const tooltipStore = useTooltipStore({ placement: computedPlacement, showTimeout: delay }); if (isNestedInTooltip) { return isOnlyChild ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Role, { ...restProps, render: children }) : children; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(TooltipInternalContext.Provider, { value: CONTEXT_VALUE, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TooltipAnchor, { onClick: hideOnClick ? tooltipStore.hide : undefined, store: tooltipStore, render: isOnlyChild ? children : undefined, ref: ref, children: isOnlyChild ? undefined : children }), isOnlyChild && (text || shortcut) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Tooltip, { ...restProps, className: "components-tooltip", unmountOnHide: true, gutter: 4, id: describedById, overflowPadding: 0.5, store: tooltipStore, children: [text, shortcut && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_shortcut, { className: text ? 'components-tooltip__shortcut' : '', shortcut: shortcut })] })] }); } const tooltip_Tooltip = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTooltip); /* harmony default export */ const tooltip = (tooltip_Tooltip); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","warning"] const external_wp_warning_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["warning"]; var external_wp_warning_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_warning_namespaceObject); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/deepmerge/dist/cjs.js var cjs = __webpack_require__(66); var cjs_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(cjs); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/es6/index.js var es6 = __webpack_require__(7734); var es6_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(es6); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/is-plain-object/dist/is-plain-object.mjs /*! * is-plain-object <> * * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. * Released under the MIT License. */ function is_plain_object_isObject(o) { return === '[object Object]'; } function isPlainObject(o) { var ctor,prot; if (is_plain_object_isObject(o) === false) return false; // If has modified constructor ctor = o.constructor; if (ctor === undefined) return true; // If has modified prototype prot = ctor.prototype; if (is_plain_object_isObject(prot) === false) return false; // If constructor does not have an Object-specific method if (prot.hasOwnProperty('isPrototypeOf') === false) { return false; } // Most likely a plain Object return true; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/hooks/use-update-effect.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * A `React.useEffect` that will not run on the first render. * Source: * * * @param {import('react').EffectCallback} effect * @param {import('react').DependencyList} deps */ function use_update_effect_useUpdateEffect(effect, deps) { const mounted = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (mounted.current) { return effect(); } mounted.current = true; return undefined; // Disable reasons: // 1. This hook needs to pass a dep list that isn't an array literal // 2. `effect` is missing from the array, and will need to be added carefully to avoid additional warnings // see // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, deps); } /* harmony default export */ const use_update_effect = (use_update_effect_useUpdateEffect); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/context/context-system-provider.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ComponentsContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)( /** @type {Record<string, any>} */{}); const useComponentsContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(ComponentsContext); /** * Consolidates incoming ContextSystem values with a (potential) parent ContextSystem value. * * Note: This function will warn if it detects an un-memoized `value` * * @param {Object} props * @param {Record<string, any>} props.value * @return {Record<string, any>} The consolidated value. */ function useContextSystemBridge({ value }) { const parentContext = useComponentsContext(); const valueRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(value); use_update_effect(() => { if ( // Objects are equivalent. es6_default()(valueRef.current, value) && // But not the same reference. valueRef.current !== value) { true ? external_wp_warning_default()(`Please memoize your context: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`) : 0; } }, [value]); // `parentContext` will always be memoized (i.e., the result of this hook itself) // or the default value from when the `ComponentsContext` was originally // initialized (which will never change, it's a static variable) // so this memoization will prevent `deepmerge()` from rerunning unless // the references to `value` change OR the `parentContext` has an actual material change // (because again, it's guaranteed to be memoized or a static reference to the empty object // so we know that the only changes for `parentContext` are material ones... i.e., why we // don't have to warn in the `useUpdateEffect` hook above for `parentContext` and we only // need to bother with the `value`). The `useUpdateEffect` above will ensure that we are // correctly warning when the `value` isn't being properly memoized. All of that to say // that this should be super safe to assume that `useMemo` will only run on actual // changes to the two dependencies, therefore saving us calls to `deepmerge()`! const config = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { // Deep clone `parentContext` to avoid mutating it later. return cjs_default()(parentContext !== null && parentContext !== void 0 ? parentContext : {}, value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : {}, { isMergeableObject: isPlainObject }); }, [parentContext, value]); return config; } /** * A Provider component that can modify props for connected components within * the Context system. * * @example * ```jsx * <ContextSystemProvider value={{ Button: { size: 'small' }}}> * <Button>...</Button> * </ContextSystemProvider> * ``` * * @template {Record<string, any>} T * @param {Object} options * @param {import('react').ReactNode} options.children Children to render. * @param {T} options.value Props to render into connected components. * @return {JSX.Element} A Provider wrapped component. */ const BaseContextSystemProvider = ({ children, value }) => { const contextValue = useContextSystemBridge({ value }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ComponentsContext.Provider, { value: contextValue, children: children }); }; const ContextSystemProvider = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.memo)(BaseContextSystemProvider); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/context/constants.js const COMPONENT_NAMESPACE = 'data-wp-component'; const CONNECTED_NAMESPACE = 'data-wp-c16t'; /** * Special key where the connected namespaces are stored. * This is attached to Context connected components as a static property. */ const CONNECT_STATIC_NAMESPACE = '__contextSystemKey__'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/context/utils.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Creates a dedicated context namespace HTML attribute for components. * ns is short for "namespace" * * @example * ```jsx * <div {...ns('Container')} /> * ``` * * @param {string} componentName The name for the component. * @return {Record<string, any>} A props object with the namespaced HTML attribute. */ function getNamespace(componentName) { return { [COMPONENT_NAMESPACE]: componentName }; } /** * Creates a dedicated connected context namespace HTML attribute for components. * ns is short for "namespace" * * @example * ```jsx * <div {...cns()} /> * ``` * * @return {Record<string, any>} A props object with the namespaced HTML attribute. */ function getConnectedNamespace() { return { [CONNECTED_NAMESPACE]: true }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; } return __assign.apply(this, arguments); } function __rest(s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; } function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; } function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); } } function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) { function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return f; } var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value"; var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null; var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, : {}); var _, done = false; for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var context = {}; for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p]; for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p]; context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); }; var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context); if (kind === "accessor") { if (result === void 0) continue; if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected"); if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _; if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _; if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_); } else if (_ = accept(result)) { if (kind === "field") initializers.unshift(_); else descriptor[key] = _; } } if (target) Object.defineProperty(target,, descriptor); done = true; }; function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) { var useValue = arguments.length > 2; for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) { value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg); } return useValue ? value : void 0; }; function __propKey(x) { return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x); }; function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) { if (typeof name === "symbol") name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : ""; return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name }); }; function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); } function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } } var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; }); function __exportStar(m, o) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p); } function __values(o) { var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; if (m) return; if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return { next: function () { if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; } }; throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); } function __read(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i =, r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spread() { for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spreadArrays() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; } function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) { if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) { if (ar || !(i in from)) { if (!ar) ar =, 0, i); ar[i] = from[i]; } } return to.concat(ar ||; } function __await(v) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); } function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } } function __asyncDelegator(o) { var i, p; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } } function __asyncValues(o) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } } function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } return cooked; }; var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }; function __importStar(mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; } function __importDefault(mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod }; } function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); } function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; } function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) { if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function")) throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver); } function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) { if (value !== null && value !== void 0) { if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected."); var dispose; if (async) { if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose]; } if (dispose === void 0) { if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.dispose]; } if (typeof dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable."); env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async }); } else if (async) { env.stack.push({ async: true }); } return value; } var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) { var e = new Error(message); return = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e; }; function __disposeResources(env) { function fail(e) { env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : e; env.hasError = true; } function next() { while (env.stack.length) { var rec = env.stack.pop(); try { var result = rec.dispose &&; if (rec.async) return Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); }); } catch (e) { fail(e); } } if (env.hasError) throw env.error; } return next(); } /* harmony default export */ const tslib_es6 = ({ __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __createBinding, __exportStar, __values, __read, __spread, __spreadArrays, __spreadArray, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldIn, __addDisposableResource, __disposeResources, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lower-case/dist.es2015/index.js /** * Source: */ var SUPPORTED_LOCALE = { tr: { regexp: /\u0130|\u0049|\u0049\u0307/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, az: { regexp: /\u0130/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, lt: { regexp: /\u0049|\u004A|\u012E|\u00CC|\u00CD|\u0128/g, map: { I: "\u0069\u0307", J: "\u006A\u0307", Į: "\u012F\u0307", Ì: "\u0069\u0307\u0300", Í: "\u0069\u0307\u0301", Ĩ: "\u0069\u0307\u0303", }, }, }; /** * Localized lower case. */ function localeLowerCase(str, locale) { var lang = SUPPORTED_LOCALE[locale.toLowerCase()]; if (lang) return lowerCase(str.replace(lang.regexp, function (m) { return[m]; })); return lowerCase(str); } /** * Lower case as a function. */ function lowerCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/no-case/dist.es2015/index.js // Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case"). var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g]; // Remove all non-word characters. var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi; /** * Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier. */ function noCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d; var result = dist_es2015_replace(dist_es2015_replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0"); var start = 0; var end = result.length; // Trim the delimiter from around the output string. while (result.charAt(start) === "\0") start++; while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0") end--; // Transform each token independently. return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter); } /** * Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value. */ function dist_es2015_replace(input, re, value) { if (re instanceof RegExp) return input.replace(re, value); return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/dot-case/dist.es2015/index.js function dotCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "." }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/param-case/dist.es2015/index.js function paramCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return dotCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "-" }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/memize/dist/index.js /** * Memize options object. * * @typedef MemizeOptions * * @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache. */ /** * Internal cache entry. * * @typedef MemizeCacheNode * * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node. * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node. * @property {Array<*>} args Function arguments for cache * entry. * @property {*} val Function result. */ /** * Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache. * * @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction * * @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache. */ /** * Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with * optional options. * * @template {(...args: any[]) => any} F * * @param {F} fn Function to memoize. * @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object. * * @return {((...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>) & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function. */ function memize(fn, options) { var size = 0; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var head; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var tail; options = options || {}; function memoized(/* ...args */) { var node = head, len = arguments.length, args, i; searchCache: while (node) { // Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node // under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays // are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is // strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a // function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization. // Check whether node arguments match arguments length if (node.args.length !== arguments.length) { node =; continue; } // Check whether node arguments match arguments values for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (node.args[i] !== arguments[i]) { node =; continue searchCache; } } // At this point we can assume we've found a match // Surface matched node to head if not already if (node !== head) { // As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also // head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous. if (node === tail) { tail = node.prev; } // Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail, // this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment. /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (node.prev).next =; if ( { = node.prev; } = head; node.prev = null; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (head).prev = node; head = node; } // Return immediately return node.val; } // No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase: // Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization) args = new Array(len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } node = { args: args, // Generate the result from original function val: fn.apply(null, args), }; // Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would // have been returned above already if it was // Shift existing head down list if (head) { head.prev = node; = head; } else { // If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset) tail = node; } // Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion if (size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ (options).maxSize) { tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).prev; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).next = null; } else { size++; } head = node; return node.val; } memoized.clear = function () { head = null; tail = null; size = 0; }; // Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of // the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the // function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties // on the return value. // @ts-ignore return memoized; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/context/get-styled-class-name-from-key.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Generates the connected component CSS className based on the namespace. * * @param namespace The name of the connected component. * @return The generated CSS className. */ function getStyledClassName(namespace) { const kebab = paramCase(namespace); return `components-${kebab}`; } const getStyledClassNameFromKey = memize(getStyledClassName); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/sheet/dist/emotion-sheet.browser.esm.js /* Based off glamor's StyleSheet, thanks Sunil ❤️ high performance StyleSheet for css-in-js systems - uses multiple style tags behind the scenes for millions of rules - uses `insertRule` for appending in production for *much* faster performance // usage import { StyleSheet } from '@emotion/sheet' let styleSheet = new StyleSheet({ key: '', container: document.head }) styleSheet.insert('#box { border: 1px solid red; }') - appends a css rule into the stylesheet styleSheet.flush() - empties the stylesheet of all its contents */ // $FlowFixMe function sheetForTag(tag) { if (tag.sheet) { // $FlowFixMe return tag.sheet; } // this weirdness brought to you by firefox /* istanbul ignore next */ for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { if (document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode === tag) { // $FlowFixMe return document.styleSheets[i]; } } } function createStyleElement(options) { var tag = document.createElement('style'); tag.setAttribute('data-emotion', options.key); if (options.nonce !== undefined) { tag.setAttribute('nonce', options.nonce); } tag.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); tag.setAttribute('data-s', ''); return tag; } var StyleSheet = /*#__PURE__*/function () { // Using Node instead of HTMLElement since container may be a ShadowRoot function StyleSheet(options) { var _this = this; this._insertTag = function (tag) { var before; if (_this.tags.length === 0) { if (_this.insertionPoint) { before = _this.insertionPoint.nextSibling; } else if (_this.prepend) { before = _this.container.firstChild; } else { before = _this.before; } } else { before = _this.tags[_this.tags.length - 1].nextSibling; } _this.container.insertBefore(tag, before); _this.tags.push(tag); }; this.isSpeedy = options.speedy === undefined ? "production" === 'production' : options.speedy; this.tags = []; this.ctr = 0; this.nonce = options.nonce; // key is the value of the data-emotion attribute, it's used to identify different sheets this.key = options.key; this.container = options.container; this.prepend = options.prepend; this.insertionPoint = options.insertionPoint; this.before = null; } var _proto = StyleSheet.prototype; _proto.hydrate = function hydrate(nodes) { nodes.forEach(this._insertTag); }; _proto.insert = function insert(rule) { // the max length is how many rules we have per style tag, it's 65000 in speedy mode // it's 1 in dev because we insert source maps that map a single rule to a location // and you can only have one source map per style tag if (this.ctr % (this.isSpeedy ? 65000 : 1) === 0) { this._insertTag(createStyleElement(this)); } var tag = this.tags[this.tags.length - 1]; if (false) { var isImportRule; } if (this.isSpeedy) { var sheet = sheetForTag(tag); try { // this is the ultrafast version, works across browsers // the big drawback is that the css won't be editable in devtools sheet.insertRule(rule, sheet.cssRules.length); } catch (e) { if (false) {} } } else { tag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rule)); } this.ctr++; }; _proto.flush = function flush() { // $FlowFixMe this.tags.forEach(function (tag) { return tag.parentNode && tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag); }); this.tags = []; this.ctr = 0; if (false) {} }; return StyleSheet; }(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/stylis/src/Utility.js /** * @param {number} * @return {number} */ var abs = Math.abs /** * @param {number} * @return {string} */ var Utility_from = String.fromCharCode /** * @param {object} * @return {object} */ var Utility_assign = Object.assign /** * @param {string} value * @param {number} length * @return {number} */ function hash (value, length) { return Utility_charat(value, 0) ^ 45 ? (((((((length << 2) ^ Utility_charat(value, 0)) << 2) ^ Utility_charat(value, 1)) << 2) ^ Utility_charat(value, 2)) << 2) ^ Utility_charat(value, 3) : 0 } /** * @param {string} value * @return {string} */ function trim (value) { return value.trim() } /** * @param {string} value * @param {RegExp} pattern * @return {string?} */ function Utility_match (value, pattern) { return (value = pattern.exec(value)) ? value[0] : value } /** * @param {string} value * @param {(string|RegExp)} pattern * @param {string} replacement * @return {string} */ function Utility_replace (value, pattern, replacement) { return value.replace(pattern, replacement) } /** * @param {string} value * @param {string} search * @return {number} */ function indexof (value, search) { return value.indexOf(search) } /** * @param {string} value * @param {number} index * @return {number} */ function Utility_charat (value, index) { return value.charCodeAt(index) | 0 } /** * @param {string} value * @param {number} begin * @param {number} end * @return {string} */ function Utility_substr (value, begin, end) { return value.slice(begin, end) } /** * @param {string} value * @return {number} */ function Utility_strlen (value) { return value.length } /** * @param {any[]} value * @return {number} */ function Utility_sizeof (value) { return value.length } /** * @param {any} value * @param {any[]} array * @return {any} */ function Utility_append (value, array) { return array.push(value), value } /** * @param {string[]} array * @param {function} callback * @return {string} */ function Utility_combine (array, callback) { return'') } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/stylis/src/Tokenizer.js var line = 1 var column = 1 var Tokenizer_length = 0 var position = 0 var character = 0 var characters = '' /** * @param {string} value * @param {object | null} root * @param {object | null} parent * @param {string} type * @param {string[] | string} props * @param {object[] | string} children * @param {number} length */ function node (value, root, parent, type, props, children, length) { return {value: value, root: root, parent: parent, type: type, props: props, children: children, line: line, column: column, length: length, return: ''} } /** * @param {object} root * @param {object} props * @return {object} */ function Tokenizer_copy (root, props) { return Utility_assign(node('', null, null, '', null, null, 0), root, {length: -root.length}, props) } /** * @return {number} */ function Tokenizer_char () { return character } /** * @return {number} */ function prev () { character = position > 0 ? Utility_charat(characters, --position) : 0 if (column--, character === 10) column = 1, line-- return character } /** * @return {number} */ function next () { character = position < Tokenizer_length ? Utility_charat(characters, position++) : 0 if (column++, character === 10) column = 1, line++ return character } /** * @return {number} */ function peek () { return Utility_charat(characters, position) } /** * @return {number} */ function caret () { return position } /** * @param {number} begin * @param {number} end * @return {string} */ function slice (begin, end) { return Utility_substr(characters, begin, end) } /** * @param {number} type * @return {number} */ function token (type) { switch (type) { // \0 \t \n \r \s whitespace token case 0: case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: return 5 // ! + , / > @ ~ isolate token case 33: case 43: case 44: case 47: case 62: case 64: case 126: // ; { } breakpoint token case 59: case 123: case 125: return 4 // : accompanied token case 58: return 3 // " ' ( [ opening delimit token case 34: case 39: case 40: case 91: return 2 // ) ] closing delimit token case 41: case 93: return 1 } return 0 } /** * @param {string} value * @return {any[]} */ function alloc (value) { return line = column = 1, Tokenizer_length = Utility_strlen(characters = value), position = 0, [] } /** * @param {any} value * @return {any} */ function dealloc (value) { return characters = '', value } /** * @param {number} type * @return {string} */ function delimit (type) { return trim(slice(position - 1, delimiter(type === 91 ? type + 2 : type === 40 ? type + 1 : type))) } /** * @param {string} value * @return {string[]} */ function Tokenizer_tokenize (value) { return dealloc(tokenizer(alloc(value))) } /** * @param {number} type * @return {string} */ function whitespace (type) { while (character = peek()) if (character < 33) next() else break return token(type) > 2 || token(character) > 3 ? '' : ' ' } /** * @param {string[]} children * @return {string[]} */ function tokenizer (children) { while (next()) switch (token(character)) { case 0: append(identifier(position - 1), children) break case 2: append(delimit(character), children) break default: append(from(character), children) } return children } /** * @param {number} index * @param {number} count * @return {string} */ function escaping (index, count) { while (--count && next()) // not 0-9 A-F a-f if (character < 48 || character > 102 || (character > 57 && character < 65) || (character > 70 && character < 97)) break return slice(index, caret() + (count < 6 && peek() == 32 && next() == 32)) } /** * @param {number} type * @return {number} */ function delimiter (type) { while (next()) switch (character) { // ] ) " ' case type: return position // " ' case 34: case 39: if (type !== 34 && type !== 39) delimiter(character) break // ( case 40: if (type === 41) delimiter(type) break // \ case 92: next() break } return position } /** * @param {number} type * @param {number} index * @return {number} */ function commenter (type, index) { while (next()) // // if (type + character === 47 + 10) break // /* else if (type + character === 42 + 42 && peek() === 47) break return '/*' + slice(index, position - 1) + '*' + Utility_from(type === 47 ? type : next()) } /** * @param {number} index * @return {string} */ function identifier (index) { while (!token(peek())) next() return slice(index, position) } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/stylis/src/Enum.js var Enum_MS = '-ms-' var Enum_MOZ = '-moz-' var Enum_WEBKIT = '-webkit-' var COMMENT = 'comm' var Enum_RULESET = 'rule' var Enum_DECLARATION = 'decl' var PAGE = '@page' var MEDIA = '@media' var IMPORT = '@import' var CHARSET = '@charset' var VIEWPORT = '@viewport' var SUPPORTS = '@supports' var DOCUMENT = '@document' var NAMESPACE = '@namespace' var Enum_KEYFRAMES = '@keyframes' var FONT_FACE = '@font-face' var COUNTER_STYLE = '@counter-style' var FONT_FEATURE_VALUES = '@font-feature-values' ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/stylis/src/Serializer.js /** * @param {object[]} children * @param {function} callback * @return {string} */ function Serializer_serialize (children, callback) { var output = '' var length = Utility_sizeof(children) for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) output += callback(children[i], i, children, callback) || '' return output } /** * @param {object} element * @param {number} index * @param {object[]} children * @param {function} callback * @return {string} */ function stringify (element, index, children, callback) { switch (element.type) { case IMPORT: case Enum_DECLARATION: return element.return = element.return || element.value case COMMENT: return '' case Enum_KEYFRAMES: return element.return = element.value + '{' + Serializer_serialize(element.children, callback) + '}' case Enum_RULESET: element.value = element.props.join(',') } return Utility_strlen(children = Serializer_serialize(element.children, callback)) ? element.return = element.value + '{' + children + '}' : '' } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/stylis/src/Middleware.js /** * @param {function[]} collection * @return {function} */ function middleware (collection) { var length = Utility_sizeof(collection) return function (element, index, children, callback) { var output = '' for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) output += collection[i](element, index, children, callback) || '' return output } } /** * @param {function} callback * @return {function} */ function rulesheet (callback) { return function (element) { if (!element.root) if (element = element.return) callback(element) } } /** * @param {object} element * @param {number} index * @param {object[]} children * @param {function} callback */ function prefixer (element, index, children, callback) { if (element.length > -1) if (!element.return) switch (element.type) { case DECLARATION: element.return = prefix(element.value, element.length, children) return case KEYFRAMES: return serialize([copy(element, {value: replace(element.value, '@', '@' + WEBKIT)})], callback) case RULESET: if (element.length) return combine(element.props, function (value) { switch (match(value, /(::plac\w+|:read-\w+)/)) { // :read-(only|write) case ':read-only': case ':read-write': return serialize([copy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(read-\w+)/, ':' + MOZ + '$1')]})], callback) // :placeholder case '::placeholder': return serialize([ copy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(plac\w+)/, ':' + WEBKIT + 'input-$1')]}), copy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(plac\w+)/, ':' + MOZ + '$1')]}), copy(element, {props: [replace(value, /:(plac\w+)/, MS + 'input-$1')]}) ], callback) } return '' }) } } /** * @param {object} element * @param {number} index * @param {object[]} children */ function namespace (element) { switch (element.type) { case RULESET: element.props = (value) { return combine(tokenize(value), function (value, index, children) { switch (charat(value, 0)) { // \f case 12: return substr(value, 1, strlen(value)) // \0 ( + > ~ case 0: case 40: case 43: case 62: case 126: return value // : case 58: if (children[++index] === 'global') children[index] = '', children[++index] = '\f' + substr(children[index], index = 1, -1) // \s case 32: return index === 1 ? '' : value default: switch (index) { case 0: element = value return sizeof(children) > 1 ? '' : value case index = sizeof(children) - 1: case 2: return index === 2 ? value + element + element : value + element default: return value } } }) }) } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/stylis/src/Parser.js /** * @param {string} value * @return {object[]} */ function compile (value) { return dealloc(parse('', null, null, null, [''], value = alloc(value), 0, [0], value)) } /** * @param {string} value * @param {object} root * @param {object?} parent * @param {string[]} rule * @param {string[]} rules * @param {string[]} rulesets * @param {number[]} pseudo * @param {number[]} points * @param {string[]} declarations * @return {object} */ function parse (value, root, parent, rule, rules, rulesets, pseudo, points, declarations) { var index = 0 var offset = 0 var length = pseudo var atrule = 0 var property = 0 var previous = 0 var variable = 1 var scanning = 1 var ampersand = 1 var character = 0 var type = '' var props = rules var children = rulesets var reference = rule var characters = type while (scanning) switch (previous = character, character = next()) { // ( case 40: if (previous != 108 && Utility_charat(characters, length - 1) == 58) { if (indexof(characters += Utility_replace(delimit(character), '&', '&\f'), '&\f') != -1) ampersand = -1 break } // " ' [ case 34: case 39: case 91: characters += delimit(character) break // \t \n \r \s case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: characters += whitespace(previous) break // \ case 92: characters += escaping(caret() - 1, 7) continue // / case 47: switch (peek()) { case 42: case 47: Utility_append(comment(commenter(next(), caret()), root, parent), declarations) break default: characters += '/' } break // { case 123 * variable: points[index++] = Utility_strlen(characters) * ampersand // } ; \0 case 125 * variable: case 59: case 0: switch (character) { // \0 } case 0: case 125: scanning = 0 // ; case 59 + offset: if (property > 0 && (Utility_strlen(characters) - length)) Utility_append(property > 32 ? declaration(characters + ';', rule, parent, length - 1) : declaration(Utility_replace(characters, ' ', '') + ';', rule, parent, length - 2), declarations) break // @ ; case 59: characters += ';' // { rule/at-rule default: Utility_append(reference = ruleset(characters, root, parent, index, offset, rules, points, type, props = [], children = [], length), rulesets) if (character === 123) if (offset === 0) parse(characters, root, reference, reference, props, rulesets, length, points, children) else switch (atrule === 99 && Utility_charat(characters, 3) === 110 ? 100 : atrule) { // d m s case 100: case 109: case 115: parse(value, reference, reference, rule && Utility_append(ruleset(value, reference, reference, 0, 0, rules, points, type, rules, props = [], length), children), rules, children, length, points, rule ? props : children) break default: parse(characters, reference, reference, reference, [''], children, 0, points, children) } } index = offset = property = 0, variable = ampersand = 1, type = characters = '', length = pseudo break // : case 58: length = 1 + Utility_strlen(characters), property = previous default: if (variable < 1) if (character == 123) --variable else if (character == 125 && variable++ == 0 && prev() == 125) continue switch (characters += Utility_from(character), character * variable) { // & case 38: ampersand = offset > 0 ? 1 : (characters += '\f', -1) break // , case 44: points[index++] = (Utility_strlen(characters) - 1) * ampersand, ampersand = 1 break // @ case 64: // - if (peek() === 45) characters += delimit(next()) atrule = peek(), offset = length = Utility_strlen(type = characters += identifier(caret())), character++ break // - case 45: if (previous === 45 && Utility_strlen(characters) == 2) variable = 0 } } return rulesets } /** * @param {string} value * @param {object} root * @param {object?} parent * @param {number} index * @param {number} offset * @param {string[]} rules * @param {number[]} points * @param {string} type * @param {string[]} props * @param {string[]} children * @param {number} length * @return {object} */ function ruleset (value, root, parent, index, offset, rules, points, type, props, children, length) { var post = offset - 1 var rule = offset === 0 ? rules : [''] var size = Utility_sizeof(rule) for (var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < index; ++i) for (var x = 0, y = Utility_substr(value, post + 1, post = abs(j = points[i])), z = value; x < size; ++x) if (z = trim(j > 0 ? rule[x] + ' ' + y : Utility_replace(y, /&\f/g, rule[x]))) props[k++] = z return node(value, root, parent, offset === 0 ? Enum_RULESET : type, props, children, length) } /** * @param {number} value * @param {object} root * @param {object?} parent * @return {object} */ function comment (value, root, parent) { return node(value, root, parent, COMMENT, Utility_from(Tokenizer_char()), Utility_substr(value, 2, -2), 0) } /** * @param {string} value * @param {object} root * @param {object?} parent * @param {number} length * @return {object} */ function declaration (value, root, parent, length) { return node(value, root, parent, Enum_DECLARATION, Utility_substr(value, 0, length), Utility_substr(value, length + 1, -1), length) } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/cache/dist/emotion-cache.browser.esm.js var identifierWithPointTracking = function identifierWithPointTracking(begin, points, index) { var previous = 0; var character = 0; while (true) { previous = character; character = peek(); // &\f if (previous === 38 && character === 12) { points[index] = 1; } if (token(character)) { break; } next(); } return slice(begin, position); }; var toRules = function toRules(parsed, points) { // pretend we've started with a comma var index = -1; var character = 44; do { switch (token(character)) { case 0: // &\f if (character === 38 && peek() === 12) { // this is not 100% correct, we don't account for literal sequences here - like for example quoted strings // stylis inserts \f after & to know when & where it should replace this sequence with the context selector // and when it should just concatenate the outer and inner selectors // it's very unlikely for this sequence to actually appear in a different context, so we just leverage this fact here points[index] = 1; } parsed[index] += identifierWithPointTracking(position - 1, points, index); break; case 2: parsed[index] += delimit(character); break; case 4: // comma if (character === 44) { // colon parsed[++index] = peek() === 58 ? '&\f' : ''; points[index] = parsed[index].length; break; } // fallthrough default: parsed[index] += Utility_from(character); } } while (character = next()); return parsed; }; var getRules = function getRules(value, points) { return dealloc(toRules(alloc(value), points)); }; // WeakSet would be more appropriate, but only WeakMap is supported in IE11 var fixedElements = /* #__PURE__ */new WeakMap(); var compat = function compat(element) { if (element.type !== 'rule' || !element.parent || // positive .length indicates that this rule contains pseudo // negative .length indicates that this rule has been already prefixed element.length < 1) { return; } var value = element.value, parent = element.parent; var isImplicitRule = element.column === parent.column && element.line === parent.line; while (parent.type !== 'rule') { parent = parent.parent; if (!parent) return; } // short-circuit for the simplest case if (element.props.length === 1 && value.charCodeAt(0) !== 58 /* colon */ && !fixedElements.get(parent)) { return; } // if this is an implicitly inserted rule (the one eagerly inserted at the each new nested level) // then the props has already been manipulated beforehand as they that array is shared between it and its "rule parent" if (isImplicitRule) { return; } fixedElements.set(element, true); var points = []; var rules = getRules(value, points); var parentRules = parent.props; for (var i = 0, k = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < parentRules.length; j++, k++) { element.props[k] = points[i] ? rules[i].replace(/&\f/g, parentRules[j]) : parentRules[j] + " " + rules[i]; } } }; var removeLabel = function removeLabel(element) { if (element.type === 'decl') { var value = element.value; if ( // charcode for l value.charCodeAt(0) === 108 && // charcode for b value.charCodeAt(2) === 98) { // this ignores label element["return"] = ''; element.value = ''; } } }; var ignoreFlag = 'emotion-disable-server-rendering-unsafe-selector-warning-please-do-not-use-this-the-warning-exists-for-a-reason'; var isIgnoringComment = function isIgnoringComment(element) { return element.type === 'comm' && element.children.indexOf(ignoreFlag) > -1; }; var createUnsafeSelectorsAlarm = function createUnsafeSelectorsAlarm(cache) { return function (element, index, children) { if (element.type !== 'rule' || cache.compat) return; var unsafePseudoClasses = element.value.match(/(:first|:nth|:nth-last)-child/g); if (unsafePseudoClasses) { var isNested = element.parent === children[0]; // in nested rules comments become children of the "auto-inserted" rule // // considering this input: // .a { // .b /* comm */ {} // color: hotpink; // } // we get output corresponding to this: // .a { // & { // /* comm */ // color: hotpink; // } // .b {} // } var commentContainer = isNested ? children[0].children : // global rule at the root level children; for (var i = commentContainer.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var node = commentContainer[i]; if (node.line < element.line) { break; } // it is quite weird but comments are *usually* put at `column: element.column - 1` // so we seek *from the end* for the node that is earlier than the rule's `element` and check that // this will also match inputs like this: // .a { // /* comm */ // .b {} // } // // but that is fine // // it would be the easiest to change the placement of the comment to be the first child of the rule: // .a { // .b { /* comm */ } // } // with such inputs we wouldn't have to search for the comment at all // TODO: consider changing this comment placement in the next major version if (node.column < element.column) { if (isIgnoringComment(node)) { return; } break; } } unsafePseudoClasses.forEach(function (unsafePseudoClass) { console.error("The pseudo class \"" + unsafePseudoClass + "\" is potentially unsafe when doing server-side rendering. Try changing it to \"" + unsafePseudoClass.split('-child')[0] + "-of-type\"."); }); } }; }; var isImportRule = function isImportRule(element) { return element.type.charCodeAt(1) === 105 && element.type.charCodeAt(0) === 64; }; var isPrependedWithRegularRules = function isPrependedWithRegularRules(index, children) { for (var i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isImportRule(children[i])) { return true; } } return false; }; // use this to remove incorrect elements from further processing // so they don't get handed to the `sheet` (or anything else) // as that could potentially lead to additional logs which in turn could be overhelming to the user var nullifyElement = function nullifyElement(element) { element.type = ''; element.value = ''; element["return"] = ''; element.children = ''; element.props = ''; }; var incorrectImportAlarm = function incorrectImportAlarm(element, index, children) { if (!isImportRule(element)) { return; } if (element.parent) { console.error("`@import` rules can't be nested inside other rules. Please move it to the top level and put it before regular rules. Keep in mind that they can only be used within global styles."); nullifyElement(element); } else if (isPrependedWithRegularRules(index, children)) { console.error("`@import` rules can't be after other rules. Please put your `@import` rules before your other rules."); nullifyElement(element); } }; /* eslint-disable no-fallthrough */ function emotion_cache_browser_esm_prefix(value, length) { switch (hash(value, length)) { // color-adjust case 5103: return Enum_WEBKIT + 'print-' + value + value; // animation, animation-(delay|direction|duration|fill-mode|iteration-count|name|play-state|timing-function) case 5737: case 4201: case 3177: case 3433: case 1641: case 4457: case 2921: // text-decoration, filter, clip-path, backface-visibility, column, box-decoration-break case 5572: case 6356: case 5844: case 3191: case 6645: case 3005: // mask, mask-image, mask-(mode|clip|size), mask-(repeat|origin), mask-position, mask-composite, case 6391: case 5879: case 5623: case 6135: case 4599: case 4855: // background-clip, columns, column-(count|fill|gap|rule|rule-color|rule-style|rule-width|span|width) case 4215: case 6389: case 5109: case 5365: case 5621: case 3829: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + value; // appearance, user-select, transform, hyphens, text-size-adjust case 5349: case 4246: case 4810: case 6968: case 2756: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MOZ + value + Enum_MS + value + value; // flex, flex-direction case 6828: case 4268: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + value + value; // order case 6165: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + 'flex-' + value + value; // align-items case 5187: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Utility_replace(value, /(\w+).+(:[^]+)/, Enum_WEBKIT + 'box-$1$2' + Enum_MS + 'flex-$1$2') + value; // align-self case 5443: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + 'flex-item-' + Utility_replace(value, /flex-|-self/, '') + value; // align-content case 4675: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + 'flex-line-pack' + Utility_replace(value, /align-content|flex-|-self/, '') + value; // flex-shrink case 5548: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + Utility_replace(value, 'shrink', 'negative') + value; // flex-basis case 5292: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + Utility_replace(value, 'basis', 'preferred-size') + value; // flex-grow case 6060: return Enum_WEBKIT + 'box-' + Utility_replace(value, '-grow', '') + Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + Utility_replace(value, 'grow', 'positive') + value; // transition case 4554: return Enum_WEBKIT + Utility_replace(value, /([^-])(transform)/g, '$1' + Enum_WEBKIT + '$2') + value; // cursor case 6187: return Utility_replace(Utility_replace(Utility_replace(value, /(zoom-|grab)/, Enum_WEBKIT + '$1'), /(image-set)/, Enum_WEBKIT + '$1'), value, '') + value; // background, background-image case 5495: case 3959: return Utility_replace(value, /(image-set\([^]*)/, Enum_WEBKIT + '$1' + '$`$1'); // justify-content case 4968: return Utility_replace(Utility_replace(value, /(.+:)(flex-)?(.*)/, Enum_WEBKIT + 'box-pack:$3' + Enum_MS + 'flex-pack:$3'), /s.+-b[^;]+/, 'justify') + Enum_WEBKIT + value + value; // (margin|padding)-inline-(start|end) case 4095: case 3583: case 4068: case 2532: return Utility_replace(value, /(.+)-inline(.+)/, Enum_WEBKIT + '$1$2') + value; // (min|max)?(width|height|inline-size|block-size) case 8116: case 7059: case 5753: case 5535: case 5445: case 5701: case 4933: case 4677: case 5533: case 5789: case 5021: case 4765: // stretch, max-content, min-content, fill-available if (Utility_strlen(value) - 1 - length > 6) switch (Utility_charat(value, length + 1)) { // (m)ax-content, (m)in-content case 109: // - if (Utility_charat(value, length + 4) !== 45) break; // (f)ill-available, (f)it-content case 102: return Utility_replace(value, /(.+:)(.+)-([^]+)/, '$1' + Enum_WEBKIT + '$2-$3' + '$1' + Enum_MOZ + (Utility_charat(value, length + 3) == 108 ? '$3' : '$2-$3')) + value; // (s)tretch case 115: return ~indexof(value, 'stretch') ? emotion_cache_browser_esm_prefix(Utility_replace(value, 'stretch', 'fill-available'), length) + value : value; } break; // position: sticky case 4949: // (s)ticky? if (Utility_charat(value, length + 1) !== 115) break; // display: (flex|inline-flex) case 6444: switch (Utility_charat(value, Utility_strlen(value) - 3 - (~indexof(value, '!important') && 10))) { // stic(k)y case 107: return Utility_replace(value, ':', ':' + Enum_WEBKIT) + value; // (inline-)?fl(e)x case 101: return Utility_replace(value, /(.+:)([^;!]+)(;|!.+)?/, '$1' + Enum_WEBKIT + (Utility_charat(value, 14) === 45 ? 'inline-' : '') + 'box$3' + '$1' + Enum_WEBKIT + '$2$3' + '$1' + Enum_MS + '$2box$3') + value; } break; // writing-mode case 5936: switch (Utility_charat(value, length + 11)) { // vertical-l(r) case 114: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + Utility_replace(value, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb') + value; // vertical-r(l) case 108: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + Utility_replace(value, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'tb-rl') + value; // horizontal(-)tb case 45: return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + Utility_replace(value, /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/, 'lr') + value; } return Enum_WEBKIT + value + Enum_MS + value + value; } return value; } var emotion_cache_browser_esm_prefixer = function prefixer(element, index, children, callback) { if (element.length > -1) if (!element["return"]) switch (element.type) { case Enum_DECLARATION: element["return"] = emotion_cache_browser_esm_prefix(element.value, element.length); break; case Enum_KEYFRAMES: return Serializer_serialize([Tokenizer_copy(element, { value: Utility_replace(element.value, '@', '@' + Enum_WEBKIT) })], callback); case Enum_RULESET: if (element.length) return Utility_combine(element.props, function (value) { switch (Utility_match(value, /(::plac\w+|:read-\w+)/)) { // :read-(only|write) case ':read-only': case ':read-write': return Serializer_serialize([Tokenizer_copy(element, { props: [Utility_replace(value, /:(read-\w+)/, ':' + Enum_MOZ + '$1')] })], callback); // :placeholder case '::placeholder': return Serializer_serialize([Tokenizer_copy(element, { props: [Utility_replace(value, /:(plac\w+)/, ':' + Enum_WEBKIT + 'input-$1')] }), Tokenizer_copy(element, { props: [Utility_replace(value, /:(plac\w+)/, ':' + Enum_MOZ + '$1')] }), Tokenizer_copy(element, { props: [Utility_replace(value, /:(plac\w+)/, Enum_MS + 'input-$1')] })], callback); } return ''; }); } }; var defaultStylisPlugins = [emotion_cache_browser_esm_prefixer]; var createCache = function createCache(options) { var key = options.key; if (false) {} if ( key === 'css') { var ssrStyles = document.querySelectorAll("style[data-emotion]:not([data-s])"); // get SSRed styles out of the way of React's hydration // document.head is a safe place to move them to(though note document.head is not necessarily the last place they will be) // note this very very intentionally targets all style elements regardless of the key to ensure // that creating a cache works inside of render of a React component, function (node) { // we want to only move elements which have a space in the data-emotion attribute value // because that indicates that it is an Emotion 11 server-side rendered style elements // while we will already ignore Emotion 11 client-side inserted styles because of the :not([data-s]) part in the selector // Emotion 10 client-side inserted styles did not have data-s (but importantly did not have a space in their data-emotion attributes) // so checking for the space ensures that loading Emotion 11 after Emotion 10 has inserted some styles // will not result in the Emotion 10 styles being destroyed var dataEmotionAttribute = node.getAttribute('data-emotion'); if (dataEmotionAttribute.indexOf(' ') === -1) { return; } document.head.appendChild(node); node.setAttribute('data-s', ''); }); } var stylisPlugins = options.stylisPlugins || defaultStylisPlugins; if (false) {} var inserted = {}; var container; var nodesToHydrate = []; { container = options.container || document.head; // this means we will ignore elements which don't have a space in them which // means that the style elements we're looking at are only Emotion 11 server-rendered style elements document.querySelectorAll("style[data-emotion^=\"" + key + " \"]"), function (node) { var attrib = node.getAttribute("data-emotion").split(' '); // $FlowFixMe for (var i = 1; i < attrib.length; i++) { inserted[attrib[i]] = true; } nodesToHydrate.push(node); }); } var _insert; var omnipresentPlugins = [compat, removeLabel]; if (false) {} { var currentSheet; var finalizingPlugins = [stringify, false ? 0 : rulesheet(function (rule) { currentSheet.insert(rule); })]; var serializer = middleware(omnipresentPlugins.concat(stylisPlugins, finalizingPlugins)); var stylis = function stylis(styles) { return Serializer_serialize(compile(styles), serializer); }; _insert = function insert(selector, serialized, sheet, shouldCache) { currentSheet = sheet; if (false) {} stylis(selector ? selector + "{" + serialized.styles + "}" : serialized.styles); if (shouldCache) { cache.inserted[] = true; } }; } var cache = { key: key, sheet: new StyleSheet({ key: key, container: container, nonce: options.nonce, speedy: options.speedy, prepend: options.prepend, insertionPoint: options.insertionPoint }), nonce: options.nonce, inserted: inserted, registered: {}, insert: _insert }; cache.sheet.hydrate(nodesToHydrate); return cache; }; /* harmony default export */ const emotion_cache_browser_esm = (createCache); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/hash/dist/emotion-hash.esm.js /* eslint-disable */ // Inspired by // Ported from function murmur2(str) { // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline. // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well. // const m = 0x5bd1e995; // const r = 24; // Initialize the hash var h = 0; // Mix 4 bytes at a time into the hash var k, i = 0, len = str.length; for (; len >= 4; ++i, len -= 4) { k = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8 | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16 | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24; k = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ (k & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995 + ((k >>> 16) * 0xe995 << 16); k ^= /* k >>> r: */ k >>> 24; h = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ (k & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995 + ((k >>> 16) * 0xe995 << 16) ^ /* Math.imul(h, m): */ (h & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995 + ((h >>> 16) * 0xe995 << 16); } // Handle the last few bytes of the input array switch (len) { case 3: h ^= (str.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16; case 2: h ^= (str.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8; case 1: h ^= str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; h = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ (h & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995 + ((h >>> 16) * 0xe995 << 16); } // Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few // bytes are well-incorporated. h ^= h >>> 13; h = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ (h & 0xffff) * 0x5bd1e995 + ((h >>> 16) * 0xe995 << 16); return ((h ^ h >>> 15) >>> 0).toString(36); } /* harmony default export */ const emotion_hash_esm = (murmur2); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/unitless/dist/emotion-unitless.esm.js var unitlessKeys = { animationIterationCount: 1, borderImageOutset: 1, borderImageSlice: 1, borderImageWidth: 1, boxFlex: 1, boxFlexGroup: 1, boxOrdinalGroup: 1, columnCount: 1, columns: 1, flex: 1, flexGrow: 1, flexPositive: 1, flexShrink: 1, flexNegative: 1, flexOrder: 1, gridRow: 1, gridRowEnd: 1, gridRowSpan: 1, gridRowStart: 1, gridColumn: 1, gridColumnEnd: 1, gridColumnSpan: 1, gridColumnStart: 1, msGridRow: 1, msGridRowSpan: 1, msGridColumn: 1, msGridColumnSpan: 1, fontWeight: 1, lineHeight: 1, opacity: 1, order: 1, orphans: 1, tabSize: 1, widows: 1, zIndex: 1, zoom: 1, WebkitLineClamp: 1, // SVG-related properties fillOpacity: 1, floodOpacity: 1, stopOpacity: 1, strokeDasharray: 1, strokeDashoffset: 1, strokeMiterlimit: 1, strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWidth: 1 }; /* harmony default export */ const emotion_unitless_esm = (unitlessKeys); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/serialize/node_modules/@emotion/memoize/dist/emotion-memoize.esm.js function memoize(fn) { var cache = Object.create(null); return function (arg) { if (cache[arg] === undefined) cache[arg] = fn(arg); return cache[arg]; }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/serialize/dist/emotion-serialize.browser.esm.js var ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = "You have illegal escape sequence in your template literal, most likely inside content's property value.\nBecause you write your CSS inside a JavaScript string you actually have to do double escaping, so for example \"content: '\\00d7';\" should become \"content: '\\\\00d7';\".\nYou can read more about this here:\n"; var UNDEFINED_AS_OBJECT_KEY_ERROR = "You have passed in falsy value as style object's key (can happen when in example you pass unexported component as computed key)."; var hyphenateRegex = /[A-Z]|^ms/g; var animationRegex = /_EMO_([^_]+?)_([^]*?)_EMO_/g; var isCustomProperty = function isCustomProperty(property) { return property.charCodeAt(1) === 45; }; var isProcessableValue = function isProcessableValue(value) { return value != null && typeof value !== 'boolean'; }; var processStyleName = /* #__PURE__ */memoize(function (styleName) { return isCustomProperty(styleName) ? styleName : styleName.replace(hyphenateRegex, '-$&').toLowerCase(); }); var processStyleValue = function processStyleValue(key, value) { switch (key) { case 'animation': case 'animationName': { if (typeof value === 'string') { return value.replace(animationRegex, function (match, p1, p2) { cursor = { name: p1, styles: p2, next: cursor }; return p1; }); } } } if (emotion_unitless_esm[key] !== 1 && !isCustomProperty(key) && typeof value === 'number' && value !== 0) { return value + 'px'; } return value; }; if (false) { var hyphenatedCache, hyphenPattern, msPattern, oldProcessStyleValue, contentValues, contentValuePattern; } var noComponentSelectorMessage = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && ('Component selectors can only be used in conjunction with ' + '@emotion/babel-plugin, the swc Emotion plugin, or another Emotion-aware ' + 'compiler transform.')); function handleInterpolation(mergedProps, registered, interpolation) { if (interpolation == null) { return ''; } if (interpolation.__emotion_styles !== undefined) { if (false) {} return interpolation; } switch (typeof interpolation) { case 'boolean': { return ''; } case 'object': { if (interpolation.anim === 1) { cursor = { name:, styles: interpolation.styles, next: cursor }; return; } if (interpolation.styles !== undefined) { var next =; if (next !== undefined) { // not the most efficient thing ever but this is a pretty rare case // and there will be very few iterations of this generally while (next !== undefined) { cursor = { name:, styles: next.styles, next: cursor }; next =; } } var styles = interpolation.styles + ";"; if (false) {} return styles; } return createStringFromObject(mergedProps, registered, interpolation); } case 'function': { if (mergedProps !== undefined) { var previousCursor = cursor; var result = interpolation(mergedProps); cursor = previousCursor; return handleInterpolation(mergedProps, registered, result); } else if (false) {} break; } case 'string': if (false) { var replaced, matched; } break; } // finalize string values (regular strings and functions interpolated into css calls) if (registered == null) { return interpolation; } var cached = registered[interpolation]; return cached !== undefined ? cached : interpolation; } function createStringFromObject(mergedProps, registered, obj) { var string = ''; if (Array.isArray(obj)) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { string += handleInterpolation(mergedProps, registered, obj[i]) + ";"; } } else { for (var _key in obj) { var value = obj[_key]; if (typeof value !== 'object') { if (registered != null && registered[value] !== undefined) { string += _key + "{" + registered[value] + "}"; } else if (isProcessableValue(value)) { string += processStyleName(_key) + ":" + processStyleValue(_key, value) + ";"; } } else { if (_key === 'NO_COMPONENT_SELECTOR' && "production" !== 'production') {} if (Array.isArray(value) && typeof value[0] === 'string' && (registered == null || registered[value[0]] === undefined)) { for (var _i = 0; _i < value.length; _i++) { if (isProcessableValue(value[_i])) { string += processStyleName(_key) + ":" + processStyleValue(_key, value[_i]) + ";"; } } } else { var interpolated = handleInterpolation(mergedProps, registered, value); switch (_key) { case 'animation': case 'animationName': { string += processStyleName(_key) + ":" + interpolated + ";"; break; } default: { if (false) {} string += _key + "{" + interpolated + "}"; } } } } } } return string; } var labelPattern = /label:\s*([^\s;\n{]+)\s*(;|$)/g; var sourceMapPattern; if (false) {} // this is the cursor for keyframes // keyframes are stored on the SerializedStyles object as a linked list var cursor; var emotion_serialize_browser_esm_serializeStyles = function serializeStyles(args, registered, mergedProps) { if (args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === 'object' && args[0] !== null && args[0].styles !== undefined) { return args[0]; } var stringMode = true; var styles = ''; cursor = undefined; var strings = args[0]; if (strings == null || strings.raw === undefined) { stringMode = false; styles += handleInterpolation(mergedProps, registered, strings); } else { if (false) {} styles += strings[0]; } // we start at 1 since we've already handled the first arg for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { styles += handleInterpolation(mergedProps, registered, args[i]); if (stringMode) { if (false) {} styles += strings[i]; } } var sourceMap; if (false) {} // using a global regex with .exec is stateful so lastIndex has to be reset each time labelPattern.lastIndex = 0; var identifierName = ''; var match; // while ((match = labelPattern.exec(styles)) !== null) { identifierName += '-' + // $FlowFixMe we know it's not null match[1]; } var name = emotion_hash_esm(styles) + identifierName; if (false) {} return { name: name, styles: styles, next: cursor }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks/dist/emotion-use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks.browser.esm.js var syncFallback = function syncFallback(create) { return create(); }; var useInsertionEffect = external_React_['useInsertion' + 'Effect'] ? external_React_['useInsertion' + 'Effect'] : false; var emotion_use_insertion_effect_with_fallbacks_browser_esm_useInsertionEffectAlwaysWithSyncFallback = useInsertionEffect || syncFallback; var emotion_use_insertion_effect_with_fallbacks_browser_esm_useInsertionEffectWithLayoutFallback = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (useInsertionEffect || useLayoutEffect)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/react/dist/emotion-element-6a883da9.browser.esm.js var emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; var EmotionCacheContext = /* #__PURE__ */(0,external_React_.createContext)( // we're doing this to avoid preconstruct's dead code elimination in this one case // because this module is primarily intended for the browser and node // but it's also required in react native and similar environments sometimes // and we could have a special build just for that // but this is much easier and the native packages // might use a different theme context in the future anyway typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' ? /* #__PURE__ */emotion_cache_browser_esm({ key: 'css' }) : null); if (false) {} var CacheProvider = EmotionCacheContext.Provider; var __unsafe_useEmotionCache = function useEmotionCache() { return (0,external_React_.useContext)(EmotionCacheContext); }; var emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_withEmotionCache = function withEmotionCache(func) { // $FlowFixMe return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_React_.forwardRef)(function (props, ref) { // the cache will never be null in the browser var cache = (0,external_React_.useContext)(EmotionCacheContext); return func(props, cache, ref); }); }; var emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_ThemeContext = /* #__PURE__ */(0,external_React_.createContext)({}); if (false) {} var useTheme = function useTheme() { return useContext(emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_ThemeContext); }; var getTheme = function getTheme(outerTheme, theme) { if (typeof theme === 'function') { var mergedTheme = theme(outerTheme); if (false) {} return mergedTheme; } if (false) {} return _extends({}, outerTheme, theme); }; var createCacheWithTheme = /* #__PURE__ */(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (weakMemoize(function (outerTheme) { return weakMemoize(function (theme) { return getTheme(outerTheme, theme); }); }))); var ThemeProvider = function ThemeProvider(props) { var theme = useContext(emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_ThemeContext); if (props.theme !== theme) { theme = createCacheWithTheme(theme)(props.theme); } return /*#__PURE__*/createElement(emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_ThemeContext.Provider, { value: theme }, props.children); }; function withTheme(Component) { var componentName = Component.displayName || || 'Component'; var render = function render(props, ref) { var theme = useContext(emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_ThemeContext); return /*#__PURE__*/createElement(Component, _extends({ theme: theme, ref: ref }, props)); }; // $FlowFixMe var WithTheme = /*#__PURE__*/forwardRef(render); WithTheme.displayName = "WithTheme(" + componentName + ")"; return hoistNonReactStatics(WithTheme, Component); } var getLastPart = function getLastPart(functionName) { // The match may be something like 'Object.createEmotionProps' or // 'Loader.prototype.render' var parts = functionName.split('.'); return parts[parts.length - 1]; }; var getFunctionNameFromStackTraceLine = function getFunctionNameFromStackTraceLine(line) { // V8 var match = /^\s+at\s+([A-Za-z0-9$.]+)\s/.exec(line); if (match) return getLastPart(match[1]); // Safari / Firefox match = /^([A-Za-z0-9$.]+)@/.exec(line); if (match) return getLastPart(match[1]); return undefined; }; var internalReactFunctionNames = /* #__PURE__ */new Set(['renderWithHooks', 'processChild', 'finishClassComponent', 'renderToString']); // These identifiers come from error stacks, so they have to be valid JS // identifiers, thus we only need to replace what is a valid character for JS, // but not for CSS. var sanitizeIdentifier = function sanitizeIdentifier(identifier) { return identifier.replace(/\$/g, '-'); }; var getLabelFromStackTrace = function getLabelFromStackTrace(stackTrace) { if (!stackTrace) return undefined; var lines = stackTrace.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var functionName = getFunctionNameFromStackTraceLine(lines[i]); // The first line of V8 stack traces is just "Error" if (!functionName) continue; // If we reach one of these, we have gone too far and should quit if (internalReactFunctionNames.has(functionName)) break; // The component name is the first function in the stack that starts with an // uppercase letter if (/^[A-Z]/.test(functionName)) return sanitizeIdentifier(functionName); } return undefined; }; var typePropName = '__EMOTION_TYPE_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__'; var labelPropName = '__EMOTION_LABEL_PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE__'; var emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_createEmotionProps = function createEmotionProps(type, props) { if (false) {} var newProps = {}; for (var key in props) { if (, key)) { newProps[key] = props[key]; } } newProps[typePropName] = type; // For performance, only call getLabelFromStackTrace in development and when // the label hasn't already been computed if (false) { var label; } return newProps; }; var Insertion = function Insertion(_ref) { var cache = _ref.cache, serialized = _ref.serialized, isStringTag = _ref.isStringTag; registerStyles(cache, serialized, isStringTag); var rules = useInsertionEffectAlwaysWithSyncFallback(function () { return insertStyles(cache, serialized, isStringTag); }); return null; }; var emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_Emotion = /* #__PURE__ */(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_withEmotionCache(function (props, cache, ref) { var cssProp = props.css; // so that using `css` from `emotion` and passing the result to the css prop works // not passing the registered cache to serializeStyles because it would // make certain babel optimisations not possible if (typeof cssProp === 'string' && cache.registered[cssProp] !== undefined) { cssProp = cache.registered[cssProp]; } var WrappedComponent = props[typePropName]; var registeredStyles = [cssProp]; var className = ''; if (typeof props.className === 'string') { className = getRegisteredStyles(cache.registered, registeredStyles, props.className); } else if (props.className != null) { className = props.className + " "; } var serialized = serializeStyles(registeredStyles, undefined, useContext(emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_ThemeContext)); if (false) { var labelFromStack; } className += cache.key + "-" +; var newProps = {}; for (var key in props) { if (, key) && key !== 'css' && key !== typePropName && ( true || 0)) { newProps[key] = props[key]; } } newProps.ref = ref; newProps.className = className; return /*#__PURE__*/createElement(Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/createElement(Insertion, { cache: cache, serialized: serialized, isStringTag: typeof WrappedComponent === 'string' }), /*#__PURE__*/createElement(WrappedComponent, newProps)); }))); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/utils/dist/emotion-utils.browser.esm.js var isBrowser = "object" !== 'undefined'; function emotion_utils_browser_esm_getRegisteredStyles(registered, registeredStyles, classNames) { var rawClassName = ''; classNames.split(' ').forEach(function (className) { if (registered[className] !== undefined) { registeredStyles.push(registered[className] + ";"); } else { rawClassName += className + " "; } }); return rawClassName; } var emotion_utils_browser_esm_registerStyles = function registerStyles(cache, serialized, isStringTag) { var className = cache.key + "-" +; if ( // we only need to add the styles to the registered cache if the // class name could be used further down // the tree but if it's a string tag, we know it won't // so we don't have to add it to registered cache. // this improves memory usage since we can avoid storing the whole style string (isStringTag === false || // we need to always store it if we're in compat mode and // in node since emotion-server relies on whether a style is in // the registered cache to know whether a style is global or not // also, note that this check will be dead code eliminated in the browser isBrowser === false ) && cache.registered[className] === undefined) { cache.registered[className] = serialized.styles; } }; var emotion_utils_browser_esm_insertStyles = function insertStyles(cache, serialized, isStringTag) { emotion_utils_browser_esm_registerStyles(cache, serialized, isStringTag); var className = cache.key + "-" +; if (cache.inserted[] === undefined) { var current = serialized; do { var maybeStyles = cache.insert(serialized === current ? "." + className : '', current, cache.sheet, true); current =; } while (current !== undefined); } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/css/create-instance/dist/emotion-css-create-instance.esm.js function insertWithoutScoping(cache, serialized) { if (cache.inserted[] === undefined) { return cache.insert('', serialized, cache.sheet, true); } } function merge(registered, css, className) { var registeredStyles = []; var rawClassName = emotion_utils_browser_esm_getRegisteredStyles(registered, registeredStyles, className); if (registeredStyles.length < 2) { return className; } return rawClassName + css(registeredStyles); } var createEmotion = function createEmotion(options) { var cache = emotion_cache_browser_esm(options); // $FlowFixMe cache.sheet.speedy = function (value) { if (false) {} this.isSpeedy = value; }; cache.compat = true; var css = function css() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var serialized = emotion_serialize_browser_esm_serializeStyles(args, cache.registered, undefined); emotion_utils_browser_esm_insertStyles(cache, serialized, false); return cache.key + "-" +; }; var keyframes = function keyframes() { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } var serialized = emotion_serialize_browser_esm_serializeStyles(args, cache.registered); var animation = "animation-" +; insertWithoutScoping(cache, { name:, styles: "@keyframes " + animation + "{" + serialized.styles + "}" }); return animation; }; var injectGlobal = function injectGlobal() { for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { args[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; } var serialized = emotion_serialize_browser_esm_serializeStyles(args, cache.registered); insertWithoutScoping(cache, serialized); }; var cx = function cx() { for (var _len4 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len4), _key4 = 0; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) { args[_key4] = arguments[_key4]; } return merge(cache.registered, css, classnames(args)); }; return { css: css, cx: cx, injectGlobal: injectGlobal, keyframes: keyframes, hydrate: function hydrate(ids) { ids.forEach(function (key) { cache.inserted[key] = true; }); }, flush: function flush() { cache.registered = {}; cache.inserted = {}; cache.sheet.flush(); }, // $FlowFixMe sheet: cache.sheet, cache: cache, getRegisteredStyles: emotion_utils_browser_esm_getRegisteredStyles.bind(null, cache.registered), merge: merge.bind(null, cache.registered, css) }; }; var classnames = function classnames(args) { var cls = ''; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var arg = args[i]; if (arg == null) continue; var toAdd = void 0; switch (typeof arg) { case 'boolean': break; case 'object': { if (Array.isArray(arg)) { toAdd = classnames(arg); } else { toAdd = ''; for (var k in arg) { if (arg[k] && k) { toAdd && (toAdd += ' '); toAdd += k; } } } break; } default: { toAdd = arg; } } if (toAdd) { cls && (cls += ' '); cls += toAdd; } } return cls; }; /* harmony default export */ const emotion_css_create_instance_esm = (createEmotion); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/css/dist/emotion-css.esm.js var _createEmotion = emotion_css_create_instance_esm({ key: 'css' }), flush = _createEmotion.flush, hydrate = _createEmotion.hydrate, emotion_css_esm_cx =, emotion_css_esm_merge = _createEmotion.merge, emotion_css_esm_getRegisteredStyles = _createEmotion.getRegisteredStyles, injectGlobal = _createEmotion.injectGlobal, keyframes = _createEmotion.keyframes, css = _createEmotion.css, sheet = _createEmotion.sheet, cache = _createEmotion.cache; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/hooks/use-cx.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ const isSerializedStyles = o => typeof o !== 'undefined' && o !== null && ['name', 'styles'].every(p => typeof o[p] !== 'undefined'); /** * Retrieve a `cx` function that knows how to handle `SerializedStyles` * returned by the `@emotion/react` `css` function in addition to what * `cx` normally knows how to handle. It also hooks into the Emotion * Cache, allowing `css` calls to work inside iframes. * * ```jsx * import { css } from '@emotion/react'; * * const styles = css` * color: red * `; * * function RedText( { className, ...props } ) { * const cx = useCx(); * * const classes = cx(styles, className); * * return <span className={classes} {...props} />; * } * ``` */ const useCx = () => { const cache = __unsafe_useEmotionCache(); const cx = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((...classNames) => { if (cache === null) { throw new Error('The `useCx` hook should be only used within a valid Emotion Cache Context'); } return emotion_css_esm_cx( => { if (isSerializedStyles(arg)) { emotion_utils_browser_esm_insertStyles(cache, arg, false); return `${cache.key}-${}`; } return arg; })); }, [cache]); return cx; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/context/use-context-system.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @template TProps * @typedef {TProps & { className: string }} ConnectedProps */ /** * Custom hook that derives registered props from the Context system. * These derived props are then consolidated with incoming component props. * * @template {{ className?: string }} P * @param {P} props Incoming props from the component. * @param {string} namespace The namespace to register and to derive context props from. * @return {ConnectedProps<P>} The connected props. */ function useContextSystem(props, namespace) { const contextSystemProps = useComponentsContext(); if (typeof namespace === 'undefined') { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('useContextSystem: Please provide a namespace') : 0; } const contextProps = contextSystemProps?.[namespace] || {}; /* eslint-disable jsdoc/no-undefined-types */ /** @type {ConnectedProps<P>} */ // @ts-ignore We fill in the missing properties below const finalComponentProps = { ...getConnectedNamespace(), ...getNamespace(namespace) }; /* eslint-enable jsdoc/no-undefined-types */ const { _overrides: overrideProps, ...otherContextProps } = contextProps; const initialMergedProps = Object.entries(otherContextProps).length ? Object.assign({}, otherContextProps, props) : props; const cx = useCx(); const classes = cx(getStyledClassNameFromKey(namespace), props.className); // Provides the ability to customize the render of the component. const rendered = typeof initialMergedProps.renderChildren === 'function' ? initialMergedProps.renderChildren(initialMergedProps) : initialMergedProps.children; for (const key in initialMergedProps) { // @ts-ignore filling in missing props finalComponentProps[key] = initialMergedProps[key]; } for (const key in overrideProps) { // @ts-ignore filling in missing props finalComponentProps[key] = overrideProps[key]; } // Setting an `undefined` explicitly can cause unintended overwrites // when a `cloneElement()` is involved. if (rendered !== undefined) { // @ts-ignore finalComponentProps.children = rendered; } finalComponentProps.className = classes; return finalComponentProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/context/context-connect.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Forwards ref (React.ForwardRef) and "Connects" (or registers) a component * within the Context system under a specified namespace. * * @param Component The component to register into the Context system. * @param namespace The namespace to register the component under. * @return The connected WordPressComponent */ function contextConnect(Component, namespace) { return _contextConnect(Component, namespace, { forwardsRef: true }); } /** * "Connects" (or registers) a component within the Context system under a specified namespace. * Does not forward a ref. * * @param Component The component to register into the Context system. * @param namespace The namespace to register the component under. * @return The connected WordPressComponent */ function contextConnectWithoutRef(Component, namespace) { return _contextConnect(Component, namespace); } // This is an (experimental) evolution of the initial connect() HOC. // The hope is that we can improve render performance by removing functional // component wrappers. function _contextConnect(Component, namespace, options) { const WrappedComponent = options?.forwardsRef ? (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(Component) : Component; if (typeof namespace === 'undefined') { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('contextConnect: Please provide a namespace') : 0; } // @ts-expect-error internal property let mergedNamespace = WrappedComponent[CONNECT_STATIC_NAMESPACE] || [namespace]; /** * Consolidate (merge) namespaces before attaching it to the WrappedComponent. */ if (Array.isArray(namespace)) { mergedNamespace = [...mergedNamespace, ...namespace]; } if (typeof namespace === 'string') { mergedNamespace = [...mergedNamespace, namespace]; } // @ts-expect-error We can't rely on inferred types here because of the // `as` prop polymorphism we're handling in return Object.assign(WrappedComponent, { [CONNECT_STATIC_NAMESPACE]: [ Set(mergedNamespace)], displayName: namespace, selector: `.${getStyledClassNameFromKey(namespace)}` }); } /** * Attempts to retrieve the connected namespace from a component. * * @param Component The component to retrieve a namespace from. * @return The connected namespaces. */ function getConnectNamespace(Component) { if (!Component) { return []; } let namespaces = []; // @ts-ignore internal property if (Component[CONNECT_STATIC_NAMESPACE]) { // @ts-ignore internal property namespaces = Component[CONNECT_STATIC_NAMESPACE]; } // @ts-ignore if (Component.type && Component.type[CONNECT_STATIC_NAMESPACE]) { // @ts-ignore namespaces = Component.type[CONNECT_STATIC_NAMESPACE]; } return namespaces; } /** * Checks to see if a component is connected within the Context system. * * @param Component The component to retrieve a namespace from. * @param match The namespace to check. */ function hasConnectNamespace(Component, match) { if (!Component) { return false; } if (typeof match === 'string') { return getConnectNamespace(Component).includes(match); } if (Array.isArray(match)) { return match.some(result => getConnectNamespace(Component).includes(result)); } return false; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/visually-hidden/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ const visuallyHidden = { border: 0, clip: 'rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)', WebkitClipPath: 'inset( 50% )', clipPath: 'inset( 50% )', height: '1px', margin: '-1px', overflow: 'hidden', padding: 0, position: 'absolute', width: '1px', wordWrap: 'normal' }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js function extends_extends() { extends_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return extends_extends.apply(this, arguments); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/styled/node_modules/@emotion/memoize/dist/emotion-memoize.esm.js function emotion_memoize_esm_memoize(fn) { var cache = Object.create(null); return function (arg) { if (cache[arg] === undefined) cache[arg] = fn(arg); return cache[arg]; }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/styled/node_modules/@emotion/is-prop-valid/dist/emotion-is-prop-valid.esm.js var reactPropsRegex = /^((children|dangerouslySetInnerHTML|key|ref|autoFocus|defaultValue|defaultChecked|innerHTML|suppressContentEditableWarning|suppressHydrationWarning|valueLink|abbr|accept|acceptCharset|accessKey|action|allow|allowUserMedia|allowPaymentRequest|allowFullScreen|allowTransparency|alt|async|autoComplete|autoPlay|capture|cellPadding|cellSpacing|challenge|charSet|checked|cite|classID|className|cols|colSpan|content|contentEditable|contextMenu|controls|controlsList|coords|crossOrigin|data|dateTime|decoding|default|defer|dir|disabled|disablePictureInPicture|download|draggable|encType|enterKeyHint|form|formAction|formEncType|formMethod|formNoValidate|formTarget|frameBorder|headers|height|hidden|high|href|hrefLang|htmlFor|httpEquiv|id|inputMode|integrity|is|keyParams|keyType|kind|label|lang|list|loading|loop|low|marginHeight|marginWidth|max|maxLength|media|mediaGroup|method|min|minLength|multiple|muted|name|nonce|noValidate|open|optimum|pattern|placeholder|playsInline|poster|preload|profile|radioGroup|readOnly|referrerPolicy|rel|required|reversed|role|rows|rowSpan|sandbox|scope|scoped|scrolling|seamless|selected|shape|size|sizes|slot|span|spellCheck|src|srcDoc|srcLang|srcSet|start|step|style|summary|tabIndex|target|title|translate|type|useMap|value|width|wmode|wrap|about|datatype|inlist|prefix|property|resource|typeof|vocab|autoCapitalize|autoCorrect|autoSave|color|incremental|fallback|inert|itemProp|itemScope|itemType|itemID|itemRef|on|option|results|security|unselectable|accentHeight|accumulate|additive|alignmentBaseline|allowReorder|alphabetic|amplitude|arabicForm|ascent|attributeName|attributeType|autoReverse|azimuth|baseFrequency|baselineShift|baseProfile|bbox|begin|bias|by|calcMode|capHeight|clip|clipPathUnits|clipPath|clipRule|colorInterpolation|colorInterpolationFilters|colorProfile|colorRendering|contentScriptType|contentStyleType|cursor|cx|cy|d|decelerate|descent|diffuseConstant|direction|display|divisor|dominantBaseline|dur|dx|dy|edgeMode|elevation|enableBackground|end|exponent|externalResourcesRequired|fill|fillOpacity|fillRule|filter|filterRes|filterUnits|floodColor|floodOpacity|focusable|fontFamily|fontSize|fontSizeAdjust|fontStretch|fontStyle|fontVariant|fontWeight|format|from|fr|fx|fy|g1|g2|glyphName|glyphOrientationHorizontal|glyphOrientationVertical|glyphRef|gradientTransform|gradientUnits|hanging|horizAdvX|horizOriginX|ideographic|imageRendering|in|in2|intercept|k|k1|k2|k3|k4|kernelMatrix|kernelUnitLength|kerning|keyPoints|keySplines|keyTimes|lengthAdjust|letterSpacing|lightingColor|limitingConeAngle|local|markerEnd|markerMid|markerStart|markerHeight|markerUnits|markerWidth|mask|maskContentUnits|maskUnits|mathematical|mode|numOctaves|offset|opacity|operator|order|orient|orientation|origin|overflow|overlinePosition|overlineThickness|panose1|paintOrder|pathLength|patternContentUnits|patternTransform|patternUnits|pointerEvents|points|pointsAtX|pointsAtY|pointsAtZ|preserveAlpha|preserveAspectRatio|primitiveUnits|r|radius|refX|refY|renderingIntent|repeatCount|repeatDur|requiredExtensions|requiredFeatures|restart|result|rotate|rx|ry|scale|seed|shapeRendering|slope|spacing|specularConstant|specularExponent|speed|spreadMethod|startOffset|stdDeviation|stemh|stemv|stitchTiles|stopColor|stopOpacity|strikethroughPosition|strikethroughThickness|string|stroke|strokeDasharray|strokeDashoffset|strokeLinecap|strokeLinejoin|strokeMiterlimit|strokeOpacity|strokeWidth|surfaceScale|systemLanguage|tableValues|targetX|targetY|textAnchor|textDecoration|textRendering|textLength|to|transform|u1|u2|underlinePosition|underlineThickness|unicode|unicodeBidi|unicodeRange|unitsPerEm|vAlphabetic|vHanging|vIdeographic|vMathematical|values|vectorEffect|version|vertAdvY|vertOriginX|vertOriginY|viewBox|viewTarget|visibility|widths|wordSpacing|writingMode|x|xHeight|x1|x2|xChannelSelector|xlinkActuate|xlinkArcrole|xlinkHref|xlinkRole|xlinkShow|xlinkTitle|xlinkType|xmlBase|xmlns|xmlnsXlink|xmlLang|xmlSpace|y|y1|y2|yChannelSelector|z|zoomAndPan|for|class|autofocus)|(([Dd][Aa][Tt][Aa]|[Aa][Rr][Ii][Aa]|x)-.*))$/; // var isPropValid = /* #__PURE__ */emotion_memoize_esm_memoize(function (prop) { return reactPropsRegex.test(prop) || prop.charCodeAt(0) === 111 /* o */ && prop.charCodeAt(1) === 110 /* n */ && prop.charCodeAt(2) < 91; } /* Z+1 */ ); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/styled/base/dist/emotion-styled-base.browser.esm.js var testOmitPropsOnStringTag = isPropValid; var testOmitPropsOnComponent = function testOmitPropsOnComponent(key) { return key !== 'theme'; }; var getDefaultShouldForwardProp = function getDefaultShouldForwardProp(tag) { return typeof tag === 'string' && // 96 is one less than the char code // for "a" so this is checking that // it's a lowercase character tag.charCodeAt(0) > 96 ? testOmitPropsOnStringTag : testOmitPropsOnComponent; }; var composeShouldForwardProps = function composeShouldForwardProps(tag, options, isReal) { var shouldForwardProp; if (options) { var optionsShouldForwardProp = options.shouldForwardProp; shouldForwardProp = tag.__emotion_forwardProp && optionsShouldForwardProp ? function (propName) { return tag.__emotion_forwardProp(propName) && optionsShouldForwardProp(propName); } : optionsShouldForwardProp; } if (typeof shouldForwardProp !== 'function' && isReal) { shouldForwardProp = tag.__emotion_forwardProp; } return shouldForwardProp; }; var emotion_styled_base_browser_esm_ILLEGAL_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = "You have illegal escape sequence in your template literal, most likely inside content's property value.\nBecause you write your CSS inside a JavaScript string you actually have to do double escaping, so for example \"content: '\\00d7';\" should become \"content: '\\\\00d7';\".\nYou can read more about this here:\n"; var emotion_styled_base_browser_esm_Insertion = function Insertion(_ref) { var cache = _ref.cache, serialized = _ref.serialized, isStringTag = _ref.isStringTag; emotion_utils_browser_esm_registerStyles(cache, serialized, isStringTag); var rules = emotion_use_insertion_effect_with_fallbacks_browser_esm_useInsertionEffectAlwaysWithSyncFallback(function () { return emotion_utils_browser_esm_insertStyles(cache, serialized, isStringTag); }); return null; }; var createStyled = function createStyled(tag, options) { if (false) {} var isReal = tag.__emotion_real === tag; var baseTag = isReal && tag.__emotion_base || tag; var identifierName; var targetClassName; if (options !== undefined) { identifierName = options.label; targetClassName =; } var shouldForwardProp = composeShouldForwardProps(tag, options, isReal); var defaultShouldForwardProp = shouldForwardProp || getDefaultShouldForwardProp(baseTag); var shouldUseAs = !defaultShouldForwardProp('as'); return function () { var args = arguments; var styles = isReal && tag.__emotion_styles !== undefined ? tag.__emotion_styles.slice(0) : []; if (identifierName !== undefined) { styles.push("label:" + identifierName + ";"); } if (args[0] == null || args[0].raw === undefined) { styles.push.apply(styles, args); } else { if (false) {} styles.push(args[0][0]); var len = args.length; var i = 1; for (; i < len; i++) { if (false) {} styles.push(args[i], args[0][i]); } } // $FlowFixMe: we need to cast StatelessFunctionalComponent to our PrivateStyledComponent class var Styled = emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_withEmotionCache(function (props, cache, ref) { var FinalTag = shouldUseAs && || baseTag; var className = ''; var classInterpolations = []; var mergedProps = props; if (props.theme == null) { mergedProps = {}; for (var key in props) { mergedProps[key] = props[key]; } mergedProps.theme = (0,external_React_.useContext)(emotion_element_6a883da9_browser_esm_ThemeContext); } if (typeof props.className === 'string') { className = emotion_utils_browser_esm_getRegisteredStyles(cache.registered, classInterpolations, props.className); } else if (props.className != null) { className = props.className + " "; } var serialized = emotion_serialize_browser_esm_serializeStyles(styles.concat(classInterpolations), cache.registered, mergedProps); className += cache.key + "-" +; if (targetClassName !== undefined) { className += " " + targetClassName; } var finalShouldForwardProp = shouldUseAs && shouldForwardProp === undefined ? getDefaultShouldForwardProp(FinalTag) : defaultShouldForwardProp; var newProps = {}; for (var _key in props) { if (shouldUseAs && _key === 'as') continue; if ( // $FlowFixMe finalShouldForwardProp(_key)) { newProps[_key] = props[_key]; } } newProps.className = className; newProps.ref = ref; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_React_.createElement)(external_React_.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_React_.createElement)(emotion_styled_base_browser_esm_Insertion, { cache: cache, serialized: serialized, isStringTag: typeof FinalTag === 'string' }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_React_.createElement)(FinalTag, newProps)); }); Styled.displayName = identifierName !== undefined ? identifierName : "Styled(" + (typeof baseTag === 'string' ? baseTag : baseTag.displayName || || 'Component') + ")"; Styled.defaultProps = tag.defaultProps; Styled.__emotion_real = Styled; Styled.__emotion_base = baseTag; Styled.__emotion_styles = styles; Styled.__emotion_forwardProp = shouldForwardProp; Object.defineProperty(Styled, 'toString', { value: function value() { if (targetClassName === undefined && "production" !== 'production') {} // $FlowFixMe: coerce undefined to string return "." + targetClassName; } }); Styled.withComponent = function (nextTag, nextOptions) { return createStyled(nextTag, extends_extends({}, options, nextOptions, { shouldForwardProp: composeShouldForwardProps(Styled, nextOptions, true) })).apply(void 0, styles); }; return Styled; }; }; /* harmony default export */ const emotion_styled_base_browser_esm = (createStyled); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/view/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const PolymorphicDiv = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e19lxcc00" } : 0)( true ? "" : 0); function UnforwardedView({ as, ...restProps }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PolymorphicDiv, { as: as, ref: ref, ...restProps }); } /** * `View` is a core component that renders everything in the library. * It is the principle component in the entire library. * * ```jsx * import { View } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <View> * Code is Poetry * </View> * ); * } * ``` */ const View = Object.assign((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedView), { selector: '.components-view' }); /* harmony default export */ const component = (View); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/visually-hidden/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedVisuallyHidden(props, forwardedRef) { const { style: styleProp, ...contextProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'VisuallyHidden'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ref: forwardedRef, ...contextProps, style: { ...visuallyHidden, ...(styleProp || {}) } }); } /** * `VisuallyHidden` is a component used to render text intended to be visually * hidden, but will show for alternate devices, for example a screen reader. * * ```jsx * import { VisuallyHidden } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <VisuallyHidden> * <label>Code is Poetry</label> * </VisuallyHidden> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_VisuallyHidden = contextConnect(UnconnectedVisuallyHidden, 'VisuallyHidden'); /* harmony default export */ const visually_hidden_component = (component_VisuallyHidden); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/alignment-matrix-control/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const GRID = [['top left', 'top center', 'top right'], ['center left', 'center center', 'center right'], ['bottom left', 'bottom center', 'bottom right']]; // Stored as map as i18n __() only accepts strings (not variables) const ALIGNMENT_LABEL = { 'top left': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top Left'), 'top center': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top Center'), 'top right': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top Right'), 'center left': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Center Left'), 'center center': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Center'), center: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Center'), 'center right': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Center Right'), 'bottom left': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Bottom Left'), 'bottom center': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Bottom Center'), 'bottom right': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Bottom Right') }; // Transforms GRID into a flat Array of values. const ALIGNMENTS = GRID.flat(); /** * Normalizes and transforms an incoming value to better match the alignment values * * @param value An alignment value to parse. * * @return The parsed value. */ function normalize(value) { const normalized = value === 'center' ? 'center center' : value; // Strictly speaking, this could be `string | null | undefined`, // but will be validated shortly, so we're typecasting to an // `AlignmentMatrixControlValue` to keep TypeScript happy. const transformed = normalized?.replace('-', ' '); return ALIGNMENTS.includes(transformed) ? transformed : undefined; } /** * Creates an item ID based on a prefix ID and an alignment value. * * @param prefixId An ID to prefix. * @param value An alignment value. * * @return The item id. */ function getItemId(prefixId, value) { const normalized = normalize(value); if (!normalized) { return; } const id = normalized.replace(' ', '-'); return `${prefixId}-${id}`; } /** * Extracts an item value from its ID * * @param prefixId An ID prefix to remove * @param id An item ID * @return The item value */ function getItemValue(prefixId, id) { const value = id?.replace(prefixId + '-', ''); return normalize(value); } /** * Retrieves the alignment index from a value. * * @param alignment Value to check. * * @return The index of a matching alignment. */ function getAlignmentIndex(alignment = 'center') { const normalized = normalize(alignment); if (!normalized) { return undefined; } const index = ALIGNMENTS.indexOf(normalized); return index > -1 ? index : undefined; } // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/hoist-non-react-statics/dist/hoist-non-react-statics.cjs.js var hoist_non_react_statics_cjs = __webpack_require__(1880); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@emotion/react/dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js var pkg = { name: "@emotion/react", version: "11.10.6", main: "dist/emotion-react.cjs.js", module: "dist/emotion-react.esm.js", browser: { "./dist/emotion-react.esm.js": "./dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js" }, exports: { ".": { module: { worker: "./dist/emotion-react.worker.esm.js", browser: "./dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js", "default": "./dist/emotion-react.esm.js" }, "default": "./dist/emotion-react.cjs.js" }, "./jsx-runtime": { module: { worker: "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.worker.esm.js", browser: "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.browser.esm.js", "default": "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.esm.js" }, "default": "./jsx-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-runtime.cjs.js" }, "./_isolated-hnrs": { module: { worker: "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.worker.esm.js", browser: "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.browser.esm.js", "default": "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.esm.js" }, "default": "./_isolated-hnrs/dist/emotion-react-_isolated-hnrs.cjs.js" }, "./jsx-dev-runtime": { module: { worker: "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.worker.esm.js", browser: "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.browser.esm.js", "default": "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.esm.js" }, "default": "./jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.cjs.js" }, "./package.json": "./package.json", "./types/css-prop": "./types/css-prop.d.ts", "./macro": "./macro.js" }, types: "types/index.d.ts", files: [ "src", "dist", "jsx-runtime", "jsx-dev-runtime", "_isolated-hnrs", "types/*.d.ts", "macro.js", "macro.d.ts", "macro.js.flow" ], sideEffects: false, author: "Emotion Contributors", license: "MIT", scripts: { "test:typescript": "dtslint types" }, dependencies: { "@babel/runtime": "^7.18.3", "@emotion/babel-plugin": "^11.10.6", "@emotion/cache": "^11.10.5", "@emotion/serialize": "^1.1.1", "@emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks": "^1.0.0", "@emotion/utils": "^1.2.0", "@emotion/weak-memoize": "^0.3.0", "hoist-non-react-statics": "^3.3.1" }, peerDependencies: { react: ">=16.8.0" }, peerDependenciesMeta: { "@types/react": { optional: true } }, devDependencies: { "@definitelytyped/dtslint": "0.0.112", "@emotion/css": "11.10.6", "@emotion/css-prettifier": "1.1.1", "@emotion/server": "11.10.0", "@emotion/styled": "11.10.6", "html-tag-names": "^1.1.2", react: "16.14.0", "svg-tag-names": "^1.1.1", typescript: "^4.5.5" }, repository: "", publishConfig: { access: "public" }, "umd:main": "dist/emotion-react.umd.min.js", preconstruct: { entrypoints: [ "./index.js", "./jsx-runtime.js", "./jsx-dev-runtime.js", "./_isolated-hnrs.js" ], umdName: "emotionReact", exports: { envConditions: [ "browser", "worker" ], extra: { "./types/css-prop": "./types/css-prop.d.ts", "./macro": "./macro.js" } } } }; var jsx = function jsx(type, props) { var args = arguments; if (props == null || !, 'css')) { // $FlowFixMe return createElement.apply(undefined, args); } var argsLength = args.length; var createElementArgArray = new Array(argsLength); createElementArgArray[0] = Emotion; createElementArgArray[1] = createEmotionProps(type, props); for (var i = 2; i < argsLength; i++) { createElementArgArray[i] = args[i]; } // $FlowFixMe return createElement.apply(null, createElementArgArray); }; var warnedAboutCssPropForGlobal = false; // maintain place over rerenders. // initial render from browser, insertBefore context.sheet.tags[0] or if a style hasn't been inserted there yet, appendChild // initial client-side render from SSR, use place of hydrating tag var Global = /* #__PURE__ */(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (withEmotionCache(function (props, cache) { if (false) {} var styles = props.styles; var serialized = serializeStyles([styles], undefined, useContext(ThemeContext)); // but it is based on a constant that will never change at runtime // it's effectively like having two implementations and switching them out // so it's not actually breaking anything var sheetRef = useRef(); useInsertionEffectWithLayoutFallback(function () { var key = cache.key + "-global"; // use case of var sheet = new cache.sheet.constructor({ key: key, nonce: cache.sheet.nonce, container: cache.sheet.container, speedy: cache.sheet.isSpeedy }); var rehydrating = false; // $FlowFixMe var node = document.querySelector("style[data-emotion=\"" + key + " " + + "\"]"); if (cache.sheet.tags.length) { sheet.before = cache.sheet.tags[0]; } if (node !== null) { rehydrating = true; // clear the hash so this node won't be recognizable as rehydratable by other <Global/>s node.setAttribute('data-emotion', key); sheet.hydrate([node]); } sheetRef.current = [sheet, rehydrating]; return function () { sheet.flush(); }; }, [cache]); useInsertionEffectWithLayoutFallback(function () { var sheetRefCurrent = sheetRef.current; var sheet = sheetRefCurrent[0], rehydrating = sheetRefCurrent[1]; if (rehydrating) { sheetRefCurrent[1] = false; return; } if ( !== undefined) { // insert keyframes insertStyles(cache,, true); } if (sheet.tags.length) { // if this doesn't exist then it will be null so the style element will be appended var element = sheet.tags[sheet.tags.length - 1].nextElementSibling; sheet.before = element; sheet.flush(); } cache.insert("", serialized, sheet, false); }, [cache,]); return null; }))); if (false) {} function emotion_react_browser_esm_css() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return emotion_serialize_browser_esm_serializeStyles(args); } var emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes = function keyframes() { var insertable = emotion_react_browser_esm_css.apply(void 0, arguments); var name = "animation-" +; // $FlowFixMe return { name: name, styles: "@keyframes " + name + "{" + insertable.styles + "}", anim: 1, toString: function toString() { return "_EMO_" + + "_" + this.styles + "_EMO_"; } }; }; var emotion_react_browser_esm_classnames = function classnames(args) { var len = args.length; var i = 0; var cls = ''; for (; i < len; i++) { var arg = args[i]; if (arg == null) continue; var toAdd = void 0; switch (typeof arg) { case 'boolean': break; case 'object': { if (Array.isArray(arg)) { toAdd = classnames(arg); } else { if (false) {} toAdd = ''; for (var k in arg) { if (arg[k] && k) { toAdd && (toAdd += ' '); toAdd += k; } } } break; } default: { toAdd = arg; } } if (toAdd) { cls && (cls += ' '); cls += toAdd; } } return cls; }; function emotion_react_browser_esm_merge(registered, css, className) { var registeredStyles = []; var rawClassName = getRegisteredStyles(registered, registeredStyles, className); if (registeredStyles.length < 2) { return className; } return rawClassName + css(registeredStyles); } var emotion_react_browser_esm_Insertion = function Insertion(_ref) { var cache = _ref.cache, serializedArr = _ref.serializedArr; var rules = useInsertionEffectAlwaysWithSyncFallback(function () { for (var i = 0; i < serializedArr.length; i++) { var res = insertStyles(cache, serializedArr[i], false); } }); return null; }; var ClassNames = /* #__PURE__ */(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (withEmotionCache(function (props, cache) { var hasRendered = false; var serializedArr = []; var css = function css() { if (hasRendered && "production" !== 'production') {} for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var serialized = serializeStyles(args, cache.registered); serializedArr.push(serialized); // registration has to happen here as the result of this might get consumed by `cx` registerStyles(cache, serialized, false); return cache.key + "-" +; }; var cx = function cx() { if (hasRendered && "production" !== 'production') {} for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } return emotion_react_browser_esm_merge(cache.registered, css, emotion_react_browser_esm_classnames(args)); }; var content = { css: css, cx: cx, theme: useContext(ThemeContext) }; var ele = props.children(content); hasRendered = true; return /*#__PURE__*/createElement(Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/createElement(emotion_react_browser_esm_Insertion, { cache: cache, serializedArr: serializedArr }), ele); }))); if (false) {} if (false) { var globalKey, globalContext, isTestEnv, emotion_react_browser_esm_isBrowser; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/colors-values.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const white = '#fff'; // Matches the grays in @wordpress/base-styles const GRAY = { 900: '#1e1e1e', 800: '#2f2f2f', /** Meets 4.6:1 text contrast against white. */ 700: '#757575', /** Meets 3:1 UI or large text contrast against white. */ 600: '#949494', 400: '#ccc', /** Used for most borders. */ 300: '#ddd', /** Used sparingly for light borders. */ 200: '#e0e0e0', /** Used for light gray backgrounds. */ 100: '#f0f0f0' }; // Matches @wordpress/base-styles const ALERT = { yellow: '#f0b849', red: '#d94f4f', green: '#4ab866' }; // Should match packages/components/src/utils/theme-variables.scss const THEME = { accent: `var(--wp-components-color-accent, var(--wp-admin-theme-color, #3858e9))`, accentDarker10: `var(--wp-components-color-accent-darker-10, var(--wp-admin-theme-color-darker-10, #2145e6))`, accentDarker20: `var(--wp-components-color-accent-darker-20, var(--wp-admin-theme-color-darker-20, #183ad6))`, /** Used when placing text on the accent color. */ accentInverted: `var(--wp-components-color-accent-inverted, ${white})`, background: `var(--wp-components-color-background, ${white})`, foreground: `var(--wp-components-color-foreground, ${GRAY[900]})`, /** Used when placing text on the foreground color. */ foregroundInverted: `var(--wp-components-color-foreground-inverted, ${white})`, gray: { /** @deprecated Use `COLORS.theme.foreground` instead. */ 900: `var(--wp-components-color-foreground, ${GRAY[900]})`, 800: `var(--wp-components-color-gray-800, ${GRAY[800]})`, 700: `var(--wp-components-color-gray-700, ${GRAY[700]})`, 600: `var(--wp-components-color-gray-600, ${GRAY[600]})`, 400: `var(--wp-components-color-gray-400, ${GRAY[400]})`, 300: `var(--wp-components-color-gray-300, ${GRAY[300]})`, 200: `var(--wp-components-color-gray-200, ${GRAY[200]})`, 100: `var(--wp-components-color-gray-100, ${GRAY[100]})` } }; const UI = { background: THEME.background, backgroundDisabled: THEME.gray[100], border: THEME.gray[600], borderHover: THEME.gray[700], borderFocus: THEME.accent, borderDisabled: THEME.gray[400], textDisabled: THEME.gray[600], // Matches @wordpress/base-styles darkGrayPlaceholder: `color-mix(in srgb, ${THEME.foreground}, transparent 38%)`, lightGrayPlaceholder: `color-mix(in srgb, ${THEME.background}, transparent 35%)` }; const COLORS = Object.freeze({ /** * The main gray color object. * * @deprecated Use semantic aliases in `COLORS.ui` or theme-ready variables in `COLORS.theme.gray`. */ gray: GRAY, // TODO: Stop exporting this when everything is migrated to `theme` or `ui` white, alert: ALERT, /** * Theme-ready variables with fallbacks. * * Prefer semantic aliases in `COLORS.ui` when applicable. */ theme: THEME, /** * Semantic aliases (prefer these over raw variables when applicable). */ ui: UI }); /* harmony default export */ const colors_values = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (COLORS))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/alignment-matrix-control/styles/alignment-matrix-control-styles.js function _EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR__() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ var _ref = true ? { name: "93uojk", styles: "border-radius:2px;box-sizing:border-box;direction:ltr;display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat( 3, 1fr );outline:none" } : 0; const rootBase = () => { return _ref; }; const rootSize = ({ size = 92 }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("grid-template-rows:repeat( 3, calc( ", size, "px / 3 ) );width:", size, "px;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const Root = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ecapk1j3" } : 0)(rootBase, ";border:1px solid transparent;cursor:pointer;grid-template-columns:auto;", rootSize, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const Row = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ecapk1j2" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1x5gbbj", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat( 3, 1fr )" } : 0); const pointActive = ({ isActive }) => { const boxShadow = isActive ? `0 0 0 2px ${COLORS.gray[900]}` : null; const pointColor = isActive ? COLORS.gray[900] : COLORS.gray[400]; const pointColorHover = isActive ? COLORS.gray[900] : COLORS.theme.accent; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-shadow:", boxShadow, ";color:", pointColor, ";*:hover>&{color:", pointColorHover, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const pointBase = props => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:currentColor;box-sizing:border-box;display:grid;margin:auto;@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:all 120ms linear;}", pointActive(props), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const Point = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "ecapk1j1" } : 0)("height:6px;width:6px;", pointBase, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const Cell = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "ecapk1j0" } : 0)( true ? { name: "rjf3ub", styles: "appearance:none;border:none;box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;display:flex;position:relative;outline:none;align-items:center;justify-content:center;padding:0" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/alignment-matrix-control/cell.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function cell_Cell({ id, isActive = false, value, ...props }) { const tooltipText = ALIGNMENT_LABEL[value]; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { text: tooltipText, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(CompositeItem, { id: id, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Cell, { ...props, role: "gridcell" }), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { children: value }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Point, { isActive: isActive, role: "presentation" })] }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/Y6GYTNQ2.js "use client"; // src/collection/collection-store.ts function useCollectionStoreProps(store, update, props) { useUpdateEffect(update, []); useStoreProps(store, props, "items", "setItems"); return store; } function useCollectionStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = useStore(Core.createCollectionStore, props); return useCollectionStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/22K762VQ.js "use client"; // src/collection/collection-store.ts function isElementPreceding(a, b) { return Boolean( b.compareDocumentPosition(a) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING ); } function sortBasedOnDOMPosition(items) { const pairs =, index) => [index, item]); let isOrderDifferent = false; pairs.sort(([indexA, a], [indexB, b]) => { const elementA = a.element; const elementB = b.element; if (elementA === elementB) return 0; if (!elementA || !elementB) return 0; if (isElementPreceding(elementA, elementB)) { if (indexA > indexB) { isOrderDifferent = true; } return -1; } if (indexA < indexB) { isOrderDifferent = true; } return 1; }); if (isOrderDifferent) { return[_, item]) => item); } return items; } function getCommonParent(items) { var _a; const firstItem = items.find((item) => !!item.element); const lastItem = [...items].reverse().find((item) => !!item.element); let parentElement = (_a = firstItem == null ? void 0 : firstItem.element) == null ? void 0 : _a.parentElement; while (parentElement && (lastItem == null ? void 0 : lastItem.element)) { const parent = parentElement; if (lastItem && parent.contains(lastItem.element)) { return parentElement; } parentElement = parentElement.parentElement; } return DLOEKDPY_getDocument(parentElement).body; } function getPrivateStore(store) { return store == null ? void 0 : store.__unstablePrivateStore; } function createCollectionStore(props = {}) { var _a; throwOnConflictingProps(props,; const syncState = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.getState(); const items = defaultValue( props.items, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.items, props.defaultItems, [] ); const itemsMap = new Map( => [, item])); const initialState = { items, renderedItems: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.renderedItems, []) }; const syncPrivateStore = getPrivateStore(; const privateStore = createStore( { items, renderedItems: initialState.renderedItems }, syncPrivateStore ); const collection = createStore(initialState,; const sortItems = (renderedItems) => { const sortedItems = sortBasedOnDOMPosition(renderedItems); privateStore.setState("renderedItems", sortedItems); collection.setState("renderedItems", sortedItems); }; setup(collection, () => init(privateStore)); setup(privateStore, () => { return batch(privateStore, ["items"], (state) => { collection.setState("items", state.items); }); }); setup(privateStore, () => { return batch(privateStore, ["renderedItems"], (state) => { let firstRun = true; let raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { const { renderedItems } = collection.getState(); if (state.renderedItems === renderedItems) return; sortItems(state.renderedItems); }); if (typeof IntersectionObserver !== "function") { return () => cancelAnimationFrame(raf); } const ioCallback = () => { if (firstRun) { firstRun = false; return; } cancelAnimationFrame(raf); raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => sortItems(state.renderedItems)); }; const root = getCommonParent(state.renderedItems); const observer = new IntersectionObserver(ioCallback, { root }); for (const item of state.renderedItems) { if (!item.element) continue; observer.observe(item.element); } return () => { cancelAnimationFrame(raf); observer.disconnect(); }; }); }); const mergeItem = (item, setItems, canDeleteFromMap = false) => { let prevItem; setItems((items2) => { const index = items2.findIndex(({ id }) => id ===; const nextItems = items2.slice(); if (index !== -1) { prevItem = items2[index]; const nextItem = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, prevItem), item); nextItems[index] = nextItem; itemsMap.set(, nextItem); } else { nextItems.push(item); itemsMap.set(, item); } return nextItems; }); const unmergeItem = () => { setItems((items2) => { if (!prevItem) { if (canDeleteFromMap) { itemsMap.delete(; } return items2.filter(({ id }) => id !==; } const index = items2.findIndex(({ id }) => id ===; if (index === -1) return items2; const nextItems = items2.slice(); nextItems[index] = prevItem; itemsMap.set(, prevItem); return nextItems; }); }; return unmergeItem; }; const registerItem = (item) => mergeItem( item, (getItems) => privateStore.setState("items", getItems), true ); return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, collection), { registerItem, renderItem: (item) => chain( registerItem(item), mergeItem( item, (getItems) => privateStore.setState("renderedItems", getItems) ) ), item: (id) => { if (!id) return null; let item = itemsMap.get(id); if (!item) { const { items: items2 } = collection.getState(); item = items2.find((item2) => === id); if (item) { itemsMap.set(id, item); } } return item || null; }, // @ts-expect-error Internal __unstablePrivateStore: privateStore }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/7PRQYBBV.js "use client"; // src/utils/array.ts function toArray(arg) { if (Array.isArray(arg)) { return arg; } return typeof arg !== "undefined" ? [arg] : []; } function addItemToArray(array, item, index = -1) { if (!(index in array)) { return [...array, item]; } return [...array.slice(0, index), item, ...array.slice(index)]; } function flatten2DArray(array) { const flattened = []; for (const row of array) { flattened.push(...row); } return flattened; } function reverseArray(array) { return array.slice().reverse(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/__chunks/IERTEJ3A.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-store.ts var IERTEJ3A_NULL_ITEM = { id: null }; function IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(items, excludeId) { return items.find((item) => { if (excludeId) { return !item.disabled && !== excludeId; } return !item.disabled; }); } function getEnabledItems(items, excludeId) { return items.filter((item) => { if (excludeId) { return !item.disabled && !== excludeId; } return !item.disabled; }); } function getOppositeOrientation(orientation) { if (orientation === "vertical") return "horizontal"; if (orientation === "horizontal") return "vertical"; return; } function getItemsInRow(items, rowId) { return items.filter((item) => item.rowId === rowId); } function IERTEJ3A_flipItems(items, activeId, shouldInsertNullItem = false) { const index = items.findIndex((item) => === activeId); return [ ...items.slice(index + 1), ...shouldInsertNullItem ? [IERTEJ3A_NULL_ITEM] : [], ...items.slice(0, index) ]; } function IERTEJ3A_groupItemsByRows(items) { const rows = []; for (const item of items) { const row = rows.find((currentRow) => { var _a; return ((_a = currentRow[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.rowId) === item.rowId; }); if (row) { row.push(item); } else { rows.push([item]); } } return rows; } function getMaxRowLength(array) { let maxLength = 0; for (const { length } of array) { if (length > maxLength) { maxLength = length; } } return maxLength; } function createEmptyItem(rowId) { return { id: "__EMPTY_ITEM__", disabled: true, rowId }; } function normalizeRows(rows, activeId, focusShift) { const maxLength = getMaxRowLength(rows); for (const row of rows) { for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i += 1) { const item = row[i]; if (!item || focusShift && item.disabled) { const isFirst = i === 0; const previousItem = isFirst && focusShift ? IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(row) : row[i - 1]; row[i] = previousItem && activeId !== && focusShift ? previousItem : createEmptyItem(previousItem == null ? void 0 : previousItem.rowId); } } } return rows; } function verticalizeItems(items) { const rows = IERTEJ3A_groupItemsByRows(items); const maxLength = getMaxRowLength(rows); const verticalized = []; for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i += 1) { for (const row of rows) { const item = row[i]; if (item) { verticalized.push(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, item), { // If there's no rowId, it means that it's not a grid composite, but // a single row instead. So, instead of verticalizing it, that is, // assigning a different rowId based on the column index, we keep it // undefined so they will be part of the same row. This is useful // when using up/down on one-dimensional composites. rowId: item.rowId ? `${i}` : void 0 })); } } } return verticalized; } function createCompositeStore(props = {}) { var _a; const syncState = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.getState(); const collection = createCollectionStore(props); const activeId = defaultValue( props.activeId, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.activeId, props.defaultActiveId ); const initialState = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, collection.getState()), { activeId, baseElement: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.baseElement, null), includesBaseElement: defaultValue( props.includesBaseElement, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.includesBaseElement, activeId === null ), moves: defaultValue(syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.moves, 0), orientation: defaultValue( props.orientation, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.orientation, "both" ), rtl: defaultValue(props.rtl, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.rtl, false), virtualFocus: defaultValue( props.virtualFocus, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.virtualFocus, false ), focusLoop: defaultValue(props.focusLoop, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.focusLoop, false), focusWrap: defaultValue(props.focusWrap, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.focusWrap, false), focusShift: defaultValue(props.focusShift, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.focusShift, false) }); const composite = createStore(initialState, collection,; setup( composite, () => sync(composite, ["renderedItems", "activeId"], (state) => { composite.setState("activeId", (activeId2) => { var _a2; if (activeId2 !== void 0) return activeId2; return (_a2 = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(state.renderedItems)) == null ? void 0 :; }); }) ); const getNextId = (items, orientation, hasNullItem, skip) => { var _a2, _b; const { activeId: activeId2, rtl, focusLoop, focusWrap, includesBaseElement } = composite.getState(); const isHorizontal = orientation !== "vertical"; const isRTL = rtl && isHorizontal; const allItems = isRTL ? reverseArray(items) : items; if (activeId2 == null) { return (_a2 = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(allItems)) == null ? void 0 :; } const activeItem = allItems.find((item) => === activeId2); if (!activeItem) { return (_b = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(allItems)) == null ? void 0 :; } const isGrid = !!activeItem.rowId; const activeIndex = allItems.indexOf(activeItem); const nextItems = allItems.slice(activeIndex + 1); const nextItemsInRow = getItemsInRow(nextItems, activeItem.rowId); if (skip !== void 0) { const nextEnabledItemsInRow = getEnabledItems(nextItemsInRow, activeId2); const nextItem2 = nextEnabledItemsInRow.slice(skip)[0] || // If we can't find an item, just return the last one. nextEnabledItemsInRow[nextEnabledItemsInRow.length - 1]; return nextItem2 == null ? void 0 :; } const oppositeOrientation = getOppositeOrientation( // If it's a grid and orientation is not set, it's a next/previous call, // which is inherently horizontal. up/down will call next with orientation // set to vertical by default (see below on up/down methods). isGrid ? orientation || "horizontal" : orientation ); const canLoop = focusLoop && focusLoop !== oppositeOrientation; const canWrap = isGrid && focusWrap && focusWrap !== oppositeOrientation; hasNullItem = hasNullItem || !isGrid && canLoop && includesBaseElement; if (canLoop) { const loopItems = canWrap && !hasNullItem ? allItems : getItemsInRow(allItems, activeItem.rowId); const sortedItems = IERTEJ3A_flipItems(loopItems, activeId2, hasNullItem); const nextItem2 = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(sortedItems, activeId2); return nextItem2 == null ? void 0 :; } if (canWrap) { const nextItem2 = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem( // We can use nextItems, which contains all the next items, including // items from other rows, to wrap between rows. However, if there is a // null item (the composite container), we'll only use the next items in // the row. So moving next from the last item will focus on the // composite container. On grid composites, horizontal navigation never // focuses on the composite container, only vertical. hasNullItem ? nextItemsInRow : nextItems, activeId2 ); const nextId = hasNullItem ? (nextItem2 == null ? void 0 : || null : nextItem2 == null ? void 0 :; return nextId; } const nextItem = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(nextItemsInRow, activeId2); if (!nextItem && hasNullItem) { return null; } return nextItem == null ? void 0 :; }; return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, collection), composite), { setBaseElement: (element) => composite.setState("baseElement", element), setActiveId: (id) => composite.setState("activeId", id), move: (id) => { if (id === void 0) return; composite.setState("activeId", id); composite.setState("moves", (moves) => moves + 1); }, first: () => { var _a2; return (_a2 = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(composite.getState().renderedItems)) == null ? void 0 :; }, last: () => { var _a2; return (_a2 = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(reverseArray(composite.getState().renderedItems))) == null ? void 0 :; }, next: (skip) => { const { renderedItems, orientation } = composite.getState(); return getNextId(renderedItems, orientation, false, skip); }, previous: (skip) => { var _a2; const { renderedItems, orientation, includesBaseElement } = composite.getState(); const isGrid = !!((_a2 = IERTEJ3A_findFirstEnabledItem(renderedItems)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.rowId); const hasNullItem = !isGrid && includesBaseElement; return getNextId( reverseArray(renderedItems), orientation, hasNullItem, skip ); }, down: (skip) => { const { activeId: activeId2, renderedItems, focusShift, focusLoop, includesBaseElement } = composite.getState(); const shouldShift = focusShift && !skip; const verticalItems = verticalizeItems( flatten2DArray( normalizeRows(IERTEJ3A_groupItemsByRows(renderedItems), activeId2, shouldShift) ) ); const canLoop = focusLoop && focusLoop !== "horizontal"; const hasNullItem = canLoop && includesBaseElement; return getNextId(verticalItems, "vertical", hasNullItem, skip); }, up: (skip) => { const { activeId: activeId2, renderedItems, focusShift, includesBaseElement } = composite.getState(); const shouldShift = focusShift && !skip; const verticalItems = verticalizeItems( reverseArray( flatten2DArray( normalizeRows( IERTEJ3A_groupItemsByRows(renderedItems), activeId2, shouldShift ) ) ) ); const hasNullItem = includesBaseElement; return getNextId(verticalItems, "vertical", hasNullItem, skip); } }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/7GBW5FLS.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-store.ts function useCompositeStoreProps(store, update, props) { store = useCollectionStoreProps(store, update, props); useStoreProps(store, props, "activeId", "setActiveId"); useStoreProps(store, props, "includesBaseElement"); useStoreProps(store, props, "virtualFocus"); useStoreProps(store, props, "orientation"); useStoreProps(store, props, "rtl"); useStoreProps(store, props, "focusLoop"); useStoreProps(store, props, "focusWrap"); useStoreProps(store, props, "focusShift"); return store; } function useCompositeStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createCompositeStore, props); return useCompositeStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/7QTPYGNZ.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite.tsx function isGrid(items) { return items.some((item) => !!item.rowId); } function isPrintableKey(event) { const target =; if (target && !DLOEKDPY_isTextField(target)) return false; return event.key.length === 1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey; } function isModifierKey(event) { return event.key === "Shift" || event.key === "Control" || event.key === "Alt" || event.key === "Meta"; } function useKeyboardEventProxy(store, onKeyboardEvent, previousElementRef) { return useEvent((event) => { var _a; onKeyboardEvent == null ? void 0 : onKeyboardEvent(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (event.isPropagationStopped()) return; if (!isSelfTarget(event)) return; if (isModifierKey(event)) return; if (isPrintableKey(event)) return; const state = store.getState(); const activeElement = (_a = getEnabledItem(store, state.activeId)) == null ? void 0 : _a.element; if (!activeElement) return; const _b = event, { view } = _b, eventInit = __objRest(_b, ["view"]); const previousElement = previousElementRef == null ? void 0 : previousElementRef.current; if (activeElement !== previousElement) { activeElement.focus(); } if (!fireKeyboardEvent(activeElement, event.type, eventInit)) { event.preventDefault(); } if (event.currentTarget.contains(activeElement)) { event.stopPropagation(); } }); } function findFirstEnabledItemInTheLastRow(items) { return findFirstEnabledItem( flatten2DArray(reverseArray(groupItemsByRows(items))) ); } function useScheduleFocus(store) { const [scheduled, setScheduled] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); const schedule = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => setScheduled(true), []); const activeItem = store.useState( (state) => getEnabledItem(store, state.activeId) ); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const activeElement = activeItem == null ? void 0 : activeItem.element; if (!scheduled) return; if (!activeElement) return; setScheduled(false); activeElement.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }, [activeItem, scheduled]); return schedule; } var useComposite = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, composite = true, focusOnMove = composite, moveOnKeyPress = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "composite", "focusOnMove", "moveOnKeyPress" ]); const context = useCompositeProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const previousElementRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const scheduleFocus = useScheduleFocus(store); const moves = store.useState("moves"); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { var _a2; if (!store) return; if (!moves) return; if (!composite) return; if (!focusOnMove) return; const { activeId: activeId2 } = store.getState(); const itemElement = (_a2 = getEnabledItem(store, activeId2)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.element; if (!itemElement) return; focusIntoView(itemElement); }, [store, moves, composite, focusOnMove]); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { if (!store) return; if (!moves) return; if (!composite) return; const { baseElement, activeId: activeId2 } = store.getState(); const isSelfAcive = activeId2 === null; if (!isSelfAcive) return; if (!baseElement) return; const previousElement = previousElementRef.current; previousElementRef.current = null; if (previousElement) { fireBlurEvent(previousElement, { relatedTarget: baseElement }); } if (!hasFocus(baseElement)) { baseElement.focus(); } }, [store, moves, composite]); const activeId = store.useState("activeId"); const virtualFocus = store.useState("virtualFocus"); useSafeLayoutEffect(() => { var _a2; if (!store) return; if (!composite) return; if (!virtualFocus) return; const previousElement = previousElementRef.current; previousElementRef.current = null; if (!previousElement) return; const activeElement = (_a2 = getEnabledItem(store, activeId)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.element; const relatedTarget = activeElement || getActiveElement(previousElement); if (relatedTarget === previousElement) return; fireBlurEvent(previousElement, { relatedTarget }); }, [store, activeId, virtualFocus, composite]); const onKeyDownCapture = useKeyboardEventProxy( store, props.onKeyDownCapture, previousElementRef ); const onKeyUpCapture = useKeyboardEventProxy( store, props.onKeyUpCapture, previousElementRef ); const onFocusCaptureProp = props.onFocusCapture; const onFocusCapture = useEvent((event) => { onFocusCaptureProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusCaptureProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!store) return; const { virtualFocus: virtualFocus2 } = store.getState(); if (!virtualFocus2) return; const previousActiveElement = event.relatedTarget; const isSilentlyFocused = silentlyFocused(event.currentTarget); if (isSelfTarget(event) && isSilentlyFocused) { event.stopPropagation(); previousElementRef.current = previousActiveElement; } }); const onFocusProp = props.onFocus; const onFocus = useEvent((event) => { onFocusProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!composite) return; if (!store) return; const { relatedTarget } = event; const { virtualFocus: virtualFocus2 } = store.getState(); if (virtualFocus2) { if (isSelfTarget(event) && !isItem(store, relatedTarget)) { queueMicrotask(scheduleFocus); } } else if (isSelfTarget(event)) { store.setActiveId(null); } }); const onBlurCaptureProp = props.onBlurCapture; const onBlurCapture = useEvent((event) => { var _a2; onBlurCaptureProp == null ? void 0 : onBlurCaptureProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!store) return; const { virtualFocus: virtualFocus2, activeId: activeId2 } = store.getState(); if (!virtualFocus2) return; const activeElement = (_a2 = getEnabledItem(store, activeId2)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.element; const nextActiveElement = event.relatedTarget; const nextActiveElementIsItem = isItem(store, nextActiveElement); const previousElement = previousElementRef.current; previousElementRef.current = null; if (isSelfTarget(event) && nextActiveElementIsItem) { if (nextActiveElement === activeElement) { if (previousElement && previousElement !== nextActiveElement) { fireBlurEvent(previousElement, event); } } else if (activeElement) { fireBlurEvent(activeElement, event); } else if (previousElement) { fireBlurEvent(previousElement, event); } event.stopPropagation(); } else { const targetIsItem = isItem(store,; if (!targetIsItem && activeElement) { fireBlurEvent(activeElement, event); } } }); const onKeyDownProp = props.onKeyDown; const moveOnKeyPressProp = useBooleanEvent(moveOnKeyPress); const onKeyDown = useEvent((event) => { var _a2; onKeyDownProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyDownProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!store) return; if (!isSelfTarget(event)) return; const { orientation, items, renderedItems, activeId: activeId2 } = store.getState(); const activeItem = getEnabledItem(store, activeId2); if ((_a2 = activeItem == null ? void 0 : activeItem.element) == null ? void 0 : _a2.isConnected) return; const isVertical = orientation !== "horizontal"; const isHorizontal = orientation !== "vertical"; const grid = isGrid(renderedItems); const isHorizontalKey = event.key === "ArrowLeft" || event.key === "ArrowRight" || event.key === "Home" || event.key === "End"; if (isHorizontalKey && DLOEKDPY_isTextField(event.currentTarget)) return; const up = () => { if (grid) { const item = items && findFirstEnabledItemInTheLastRow(items); return item == null ? void 0 :; } return store == null ? void 0 : store.last(); }; const keyMap = { ArrowUp: (grid || isVertical) && up, ArrowRight: (grid || isHorizontal) && store.first, ArrowDown: (grid || isVertical) && store.first, ArrowLeft: (grid || isHorizontal) && store.last, Home: store.first, End: store.last, PageUp: store.first, PageDown: store.last }; const action = keyMap[event.key]; if (action) { const id = action(); if (id !== void 0) { if (!moveOnKeyPressProp(event)) return; event.preventDefault(); store.move(id); } } }); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CompositeContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); const activeDescendant = store.useState((state) => { var _a2; if (!store) return; if (!composite) return; if (!state.virtualFocus) return; return (_a2 = getEnabledItem(store, state.activeId)) == null ? void 0 :; }); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "aria-activedescendant": activeDescendant }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(composite ? store.setBaseElement : null, props.ref), onKeyDownCapture, onKeyUpCapture, onFocusCapture, onFocus, onBlurCapture, onKeyDown }); const focusable = store.useState( (state) => composite && (state.virtualFocus || state.activeId === null) ); props = useFocusable(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ focusable }, props)); return props; } ); var Composite = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useComposite(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/BNUFNEVY.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-row.tsx var useCompositeRow = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, "aria-setsize": ariaSetSize, "aria-posinset": ariaPosInSet } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "aria-setsize", "aria-posinset" ]); const context = useCompositeContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const id = useId(; const baseElement = store.useState( (state) => state.baseElement || void 0 ); const providerValue = (0,external_React_.useMemo)( () => ({ id, baseElement, ariaSetSize, ariaPosInSet }), [id, baseElement, ariaSetSize, ariaPosInSet] ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CompositeRowContext.Provider, { value: providerValue, children: element }), [providerValue] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id }, props); return props; } ); var CompositeRow = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useCompositeRow(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/alignment-matrix-control/styles/alignment-matrix-control-icon-styles.js function alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_rootSize = () => { const padding = 1.5; const size = 24; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ gridTemplateRows: `repeat( 3, calc( ${size - padding * 2}px / 3))`, padding, maxHeight: size, maxWidth: size }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const rootPointerEvents = ({ disablePointerEvents }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ pointerEvents: disablePointerEvents ? 'none' : undefined }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const Wrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "erowt52" } : 0)( true ? { name: "ogl07i", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;padding:2px" } : 0); const alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_Root = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "erowt51" } : 0)("transform-origin:top left;height:100%;width:100%;", rootBase, ";", alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_rootSize, ";", rootPointerEvents, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_pointActive = ({ isActive }) => { const boxShadow = isActive ? `0 0 0 1px currentColor` : null; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-shadow:", boxShadow, ";color:currentColor;*:hover>&{color:currentColor;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_Point = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "erowt50" } : 0)("height:2px;width:2px;", pointBase, ";", alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_pointActive, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_Cell = Cell; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/alignment-matrix-control/icon.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const BASE_SIZE = 24; function AlignmentMatrixControlIcon({ className, disablePointerEvents = true, size = BASE_SIZE, style = {}, value = 'center', ...props }) { const alignIndex = getAlignmentIndex(value); const scale = (size / BASE_SIZE).toFixed(2); const classes = dist_clsx('component-alignment-matrix-control-icon', className); const styles = {, transform: `scale(${scale})` }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_Root, { ...props, className: classes, disablePointerEvents: disablePointerEvents, role: "presentation", style: styles, children:, index) => { const isActive = alignIndex === index; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_Cell, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(alignment_matrix_control_icon_styles_Point, { isActive: isActive }) }, align); }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const icon = (AlignmentMatrixControlIcon); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/alignment-matrix-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * * AlignmentMatrixControl components enable adjustments to horizontal and vertical alignments for UI. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalAlignmentMatrixControl as AlignmentMatrixControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const Example = () => { * const [ alignment, setAlignment ] = useState( 'center center' ); * * return ( * <AlignmentMatrixControl * value={ alignment } * onChange={ setAlignment } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function AlignmentMatrixControl({ className, id, label = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Alignment Matrix Control'), defaultValue = 'center center', value, onChange, width = 92, ...props }) { const baseId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(AlignmentMatrixControl, 'alignment-matrix-control', id); const compositeStore = useCompositeStore({ defaultActiveId: getItemId(baseId, defaultValue), activeId: getItemId(baseId, value), setActiveId: nextActiveId => { const nextValue = getItemValue(baseId, nextActiveId); if (nextValue) { onChange?.(nextValue); } }, rtl: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() }); const activeId = compositeStore.useState('activeId'); const classes = dist_clsx('component-alignment-matrix-control', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Composite, { store: compositeStore, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Root, { ...props, "aria-label": label, className: classes, id: baseId, role: "grid", size: width }), children:, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CompositeRow, { render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Row, { role: "row" }), children: => { const cellId = getItemId(baseId, cell); const isActive = cellId === activeId; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(cell_Cell, { id: cellId, isActive: isActive, value: cell }, cell); }) }, index)) }); } AlignmentMatrixControl.Icon = icon; /* harmony default export */ const alignment_matrix_control = (AlignmentMatrixControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/animate/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @param type The animation type * @return Default origin */ function getDefaultOrigin(type) { return type === 'appear' ? 'top' : 'left'; } /** * @param options * * @return ClassName that applies the animations */ function getAnimateClassName(options) { if (options.type === 'loading') { return 'components-animate__loading'; } const { type, origin = getDefaultOrigin(type) } = options; if (type === 'appear') { const [yAxis, xAxis = 'center'] = origin.split(' '); return dist_clsx('components-animate__appear', { ['is-from-' + xAxis]: xAxis !== 'center', ['is-from-' + yAxis]: yAxis !== 'middle' }); } if (type === 'slide-in') { return dist_clsx('components-animate__slide-in', 'is-from-' + origin); } return undefined; } /** * Simple interface to introduce animations to components. * * ```jsx * import { Animate, Notice } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyAnimatedNotice = () => ( * <Animate type="slide-in" options={ { origin: 'top' } }> * { ( { className } ) => ( * <Notice className={ className } status="success"> * <p>Animation finished.</p> * </Notice> * ) } * </Animate> * ); * ``` */ function Animate({ type, options = {}, children }) { return children({ className: getAnimateClassName({ type, ...options }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const animate = (Animate); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/MotionConfigContext.mjs /** * @public */ const MotionConfigContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)({ transformPagePoint: (p) => p, isStatic: false, reducedMotion: "never", }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/MotionContext/index.mjs const MotionContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)({}); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/PresenceContext.mjs /** * @public */ const PresenceContext_PresenceContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(null); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/is-browser.mjs const is_browser_isBrowser = typeof document !== "undefined"; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/use-isomorphic-effect.mjs const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = is_browser_isBrowser ? external_React_.useLayoutEffect : external_React_.useEffect; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/LazyContext.mjs const LazyContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)({ strict: false }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/camel-to-dash.mjs /** * Convert camelCase to dash-case properties. */ const camelToDash = (str) => str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/gu, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/optimized-appear/data-id.mjs const optimizedAppearDataId = "framerAppearId"; const optimizedAppearDataAttribute = "data-" + camelToDash(optimizedAppearDataId); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/GlobalConfig.mjs const MotionGlobalConfig = { skipAnimations: false, useManualTiming: false, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/frameloop/render-step.mjs class Queue { constructor() { this.order = []; this.scheduled = new Set(); } add(process) { if (!this.scheduled.has(process)) { this.scheduled.add(process); this.order.push(process); return true; } } remove(process) { const index = this.order.indexOf(process); if (index !== -1) { this.order.splice(index, 1); this.scheduled.delete(process); } } clear() { this.order.length = 0; this.scheduled.clear(); } } function createRenderStep(runNextFrame) { /** * We create and reuse two queues, one to queue jobs for the current frame * and one for the next. We reuse to avoid triggering GC after x frames. */ let thisFrame = new Queue(); let nextFrame = new Queue(); let numToRun = 0; /** * Track whether we're currently processing jobs in this step. This way * we can decide whether to schedule new jobs for this frame or next. */ let isProcessing = false; let flushNextFrame = false; /** * A set of processes which were marked keepAlive when scheduled. */ const toKeepAlive = new WeakSet(); const step = { /** * Schedule a process to run on the next frame. */ schedule: (callback, keepAlive = false, immediate = false) => { const addToCurrentFrame = immediate && isProcessing; const queue = addToCurrentFrame ? thisFrame : nextFrame; if (keepAlive) toKeepAlive.add(callback); if (queue.add(callback) && addToCurrentFrame && isProcessing) { // If we're adding it to the currently running queue, update its measured size numToRun = thisFrame.order.length; } return callback; }, /** * Cancel the provided callback from running on the next frame. */ cancel: (callback) => { nextFrame.remove(callback); toKeepAlive.delete(callback); }, /** * Execute all schedule callbacks. */ process: (frameData) => { /** * If we're already processing we've probably been triggered by a flushSync * inside an existing process. Instead of executing, mark flushNextFrame * as true and ensure we flush the following frame at the end of this one. */ if (isProcessing) { flushNextFrame = true; return; } isProcessing = true; [thisFrame, nextFrame] = [nextFrame, thisFrame]; // Clear the next frame queue nextFrame.clear(); // Execute this frame numToRun = thisFrame.order.length; if (numToRun) { for (let i = 0; i < numToRun; i++) { const callback = thisFrame.order[i]; if (toKeepAlive.has(callback)) { step.schedule(callback); runNextFrame(); } callback(frameData); } } isProcessing = false; if (flushNextFrame) { flushNextFrame = false; step.process(frameData); } }, }; return step; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/frameloop/batcher.mjs const stepsOrder = [ "read", // Read "resolveKeyframes", // Write/Read/Write/Read "update", // Compute "preRender", // Compute "render", // Write "postRender", // Compute ]; const maxElapsed = 40; function createRenderBatcher(scheduleNextBatch, allowKeepAlive) { let runNextFrame = false; let useDefaultElapsed = true; const state = { delta: 0, timestamp: 0, isProcessing: false, }; const steps = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = createRenderStep(() => (runNextFrame = true)); return acc; }, {}); const processStep = (stepId) => { steps[stepId].process(state); }; const processBatch = () => { const timestamp = MotionGlobalConfig.useManualTiming ? state.timestamp :; runNextFrame = false; = useDefaultElapsed ? 1000 / 60 : Math.max(Math.min(timestamp - state.timestamp, maxElapsed), 1); state.timestamp = timestamp; state.isProcessing = true; stepsOrder.forEach(processStep); state.isProcessing = false; if (runNextFrame && allowKeepAlive) { useDefaultElapsed = false; scheduleNextBatch(processBatch); } }; const wake = () => { runNextFrame = true; useDefaultElapsed = true; if (!state.isProcessing) { scheduleNextBatch(processBatch); } }; const schedule = stepsOrder.reduce((acc, key) => { const step = steps[key]; acc[key] = (process, keepAlive = false, immediate = false) => { if (!runNextFrame) wake(); return step.schedule(process, keepAlive, immediate); }; return acc; }, {}); const cancel = (process) => stepsOrder.forEach((key) => steps[key].cancel(process)); return { schedule, cancel, state, steps }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/frameloop/microtask.mjs const { schedule: microtask, cancel: cancelMicrotask } = createRenderBatcher(queueMicrotask, false); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/utils/use-visual-element.mjs function useVisualElement(Component, visualState, props, createVisualElement) { const { visualElement: parent } = (0,external_React_.useContext)(MotionContext); const lazyContext = (0,external_React_.useContext)(LazyContext); const presenceContext = (0,external_React_.useContext)(PresenceContext_PresenceContext); const reducedMotionConfig = (0,external_React_.useContext)(MotionConfigContext).reducedMotion; const visualElementRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); /** * If we haven't preloaded a renderer, check to see if we have one lazy-loaded */ createVisualElement = createVisualElement || lazyContext.renderer; if (!visualElementRef.current && createVisualElement) { visualElementRef.current = createVisualElement(Component, { visualState, parent, props, presenceContext, blockInitialAnimation: presenceContext ? presenceContext.initial === false : false, reducedMotionConfig, }); } const visualElement = visualElementRef.current; (0,external_React_.useInsertionEffect)(() => { visualElement && visualElement.update(props, presenceContext); }); /** * Cache this value as we want to know whether HandoffAppearAnimations * was present on initial render - it will be deleted after this. */ const wantsHandoff = (0,external_React_.useRef)(Boolean(props[optimizedAppearDataAttribute] && !window.HandoffComplete)); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { if (!visualElement) return; microtask.render(visualElement.render); /** * Ideally this function would always run in a useEffect. * * However, if we have optimised appear animations to handoff from, * it needs to happen synchronously to ensure there's no flash of * incorrect styles in the event of a hydration error. * * So if we detect a situtation where optimised appear animations * are running, we use useLayoutEffect to trigger animations. */ if (wantsHandoff.current && visualElement.animationState) { visualElement.animationState.animateChanges(); } }); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!visualElement) return; visualElement.updateFeatures(); if (!wantsHandoff.current && visualElement.animationState) { visualElement.animationState.animateChanges(); } if (wantsHandoff.current) { wantsHandoff.current = false; // This ensures all future calls to animateChanges() will run in useEffect window.HandoffComplete = true; } }); return visualElement; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/is-ref-object.mjs function isRefObject(ref) { return (ref && typeof ref === "object" &&, "current")); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/utils/use-motion-ref.mjs /** * Creates a ref function that, when called, hydrates the provided * external ref and VisualElement. */ function useMotionRef(visualState, visualElement, externalRef) { return (0,external_React_.useCallback)((instance) => { instance && visualState.mount && visualState.mount(instance); if (visualElement) { instance ? visualElement.mount(instance) : visualElement.unmount(); } if (externalRef) { if (typeof externalRef === "function") { externalRef(instance); } else if (isRefObject(externalRef)) { externalRef.current = instance; } } }, /** * Only pass a new ref callback to React if we've received a visual element * factory. Otherwise we'll be mounting/remounting every time externalRef * or other dependencies change. */ [visualElement]); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/is-variant-label.mjs /** * Decides if the supplied variable is variant label */ function isVariantLabel(v) { return typeof v === "string" || Array.isArray(v); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/utils/is-animation-controls.mjs function isAnimationControls(v) { return (v !== null && typeof v === "object" && typeof v.start === "function"); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/variant-props.mjs const variantPriorityOrder = [ "animate", "whileInView", "whileFocus", "whileHover", "whileTap", "whileDrag", "exit", ]; const variantProps = ["initial", ...variantPriorityOrder]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/is-controlling-variants.mjs function isControllingVariants(props) { return (isAnimationControls(props.animate) || variantProps.some((name) => isVariantLabel(props[name]))); } function isVariantNode(props) { return Boolean(isControllingVariants(props) || props.variants); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/MotionContext/utils.mjs function getCurrentTreeVariants(props, context) { if (isControllingVariants(props)) { const { initial, animate } = props; return { initial: initial === false || isVariantLabel(initial) ? initial : undefined, animate: isVariantLabel(animate) ? animate : undefined, }; } return props.inherit !== false ? context : {}; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/MotionContext/create.mjs function useCreateMotionContext(props) { const { initial, animate } = getCurrentTreeVariants(props, (0,external_React_.useContext)(MotionContext)); return (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ initial, animate }), [variantLabelsAsDependency(initial), variantLabelsAsDependency(animate)]); } function variantLabelsAsDependency(prop) { return Array.isArray(prop) ? prop.join(" ") : prop; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/definitions.mjs const featureProps = { animation: [ "animate", "variants", "whileHover", "whileTap", "exit", "whileInView", "whileFocus", "whileDrag", ], exit: ["exit"], drag: ["drag", "dragControls"], focus: ["whileFocus"], hover: ["whileHover", "onHoverStart", "onHoverEnd"], tap: ["whileTap", "onTap", "onTapStart", "onTapCancel"], pan: ["onPan", "onPanStart", "onPanSessionStart", "onPanEnd"], inView: ["whileInView", "onViewportEnter", "onViewportLeave"], layout: ["layout", "layoutId"], }; const featureDefinitions = {}; for (const key in featureProps) { featureDefinitions[key] = { isEnabled: (props) => featureProps[key].some((name) => !!props[name]), }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/load-features.mjs function loadFeatures(features) { for (const key in features) { featureDefinitions[key] = { ...featureDefinitions[key], ...features[key], }; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/LayoutGroupContext.mjs const LayoutGroupContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)({}); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/SwitchLayoutGroupContext.mjs /** * Internal, exported only for usage in Framer */ const SwitchLayoutGroupContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)({}); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/utils/symbol.mjs const motionComponentSymbol = Symbol.for("motionComponentSymbol"); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/index.mjs /** * Create a `motion` component. * * This function accepts a Component argument, which can be either a string (ie "div" * for `motion.div`), or an actual React component. * * Alongside this is a config option which provides a way of rendering the provided * component "offline", or outside the React render cycle. */ function motion_createMotionComponent({ preloadedFeatures, createVisualElement, useRender, useVisualState, Component, }) { preloadedFeatures && loadFeatures(preloadedFeatures); function MotionComponent(props, externalRef) { /** * If we need to measure the element we load this functionality in a * separate class component in order to gain access to getSnapshotBeforeUpdate. */ let MeasureLayout; const configAndProps = { ...(0,external_React_.useContext)(MotionConfigContext), ...props, layoutId: useLayoutId(props), }; const { isStatic } = configAndProps; const context = useCreateMotionContext(props); const visualState = useVisualState(props, isStatic); if (!isStatic && is_browser_isBrowser) { /** * Create a VisualElement for this component. A VisualElement provides a common * interface to renderer-specific APIs (ie DOM/Three.js etc) as well as * providing a way of rendering to these APIs outside of the React render loop * for more performant animations and interactions */ context.visualElement = useVisualElement(Component, visualState, configAndProps, createVisualElement); /** * Load Motion gesture and animation features. These are rendered as renderless * components so each feature can optionally make use of React lifecycle methods. */ const initialLayoutGroupConfig = (0,external_React_.useContext)(SwitchLayoutGroupContext); const isStrict = (0,external_React_.useContext)(LazyContext).strict; if (context.visualElement) { MeasureLayout = context.visualElement.loadFeatures( // Note: Pass the full new combined props to correctly re-render dynamic feature components. configAndProps, isStrict, preloadedFeatures, initialLayoutGroupConfig); } } /** * The mount order and hierarchy is specific to ensure our element ref * is hydrated by the time features fire their effects. */ return ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(MotionContext.Provider, { value: context, children: [MeasureLayout && context.visualElement ? ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MeasureLayout, { visualElement: context.visualElement, ...configAndProps })) : null, useRender(Component, props, useMotionRef(visualState, context.visualElement, externalRef), visualState, isStatic, context.visualElement)] })); } const ForwardRefComponent = (0,external_React_.forwardRef)(MotionComponent); ForwardRefComponent[motionComponentSymbol] = Component; return ForwardRefComponent; } function useLayoutId({ layoutId }) { const layoutGroupId = (0,external_React_.useContext)(LayoutGroupContext).id; return layoutGroupId && layoutId !== undefined ? layoutGroupId + "-" + layoutId : layoutId; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/motion-proxy.mjs /** * Convert any React component into a `motion` component. The provided component * **must** use `React.forwardRef` to the underlying DOM component you want to animate. * * ```jsx * const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => { * return <div ref={ref} /> * }) * * const MotionComponent = motion(Component) * ``` * * @public */ function createMotionProxy(createConfig) { function custom(Component, customMotionComponentConfig = {}) { return motion_createMotionComponent(createConfig(Component, customMotionComponentConfig)); } if (typeof Proxy === "undefined") { return custom; } /** * A cache of generated `motion` components, e.g `motion.div`, `motion.input` etc. * Rather than generating them anew every render. */ const componentCache = new Map(); return new Proxy(custom, { /** * Called when `motion` is referenced with a prop: `motion.div`, `motion.input` etc. * The prop name is passed through as `key` and we can use that to generate a `motion` * DOM component with that name. */ get: (_target, key) => { /** * If this element doesn't exist in the component cache, create it and cache. */ if (!componentCache.has(key)) { componentCache.set(key, custom(key)); } return componentCache.get(key); }, }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/lowercase-elements.mjs /** * We keep these listed seperately as we use the lowercase tag names as part * of the runtime bundle to detect SVG components */ const lowercaseSVGElements = [ "animate", "circle", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "g", "image", "line", "filter", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "stop", "switch", "symbol", "svg", "text", "tspan", "use", "view", ]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/is-svg-component.mjs function isSVGComponent(Component) { if ( /** * If it's not a string, it's a custom React component. Currently we only support * HTML custom React components. */ typeof Component !== "string" || /** * If it contains a dash, the element is a custom HTML webcomponent. */ Component.includes("-")) { return false; } else if ( /** * If it's in our list of lowercase SVG tags, it's an SVG component */ lowercaseSVGElements.indexOf(Component) > -1 || /** * If it contains a capital letter, it's an SVG component */ /[A-Z]/u.test(Component)) { return true; } return false; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/styles/scale-correction.mjs const scaleCorrectors = {}; function addScaleCorrector(correctors) { Object.assign(scaleCorrectors, correctors); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/utils/transform.mjs /** * Generate a list of every possible transform key. */ const transformPropOrder = [ "transformPerspective", "x", "y", "z", "translateX", "translateY", "translateZ", "scale", "scaleX", "scaleY", "rotate", "rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ", "skew", "skewX", "skewY", ]; /** * A quick lookup for transform props. */ const transformProps = new Set(transformPropOrder); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/utils/is-forced-motion-value.mjs function isForcedMotionValue(key, { layout, layoutId }) { return (transformProps.has(key) || key.startsWith("origin") || ((layout || layoutId !== undefined) && (!!scaleCorrectors[key] || key === "opacity"))); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/utils/is-motion-value.mjs const isMotionValue = (value) => Boolean(value && value.getVelocity); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/utils/build-transform.mjs const translateAlias = { x: "translateX", y: "translateY", z: "translateZ", transformPerspective: "perspective", }; const numTransforms = transformPropOrder.length; /** * Build a CSS transform style from individual x/y/scale etc properties. * * This outputs with a default order of transforms/scales/rotations, this can be customised by * providing a transformTemplate function. */ function buildTransform(transform, { enableHardwareAcceleration = true, allowTransformNone = true, }, transformIsDefault, transformTemplate) { // The transform string we're going to build into. let transformString = ""; /** * Loop over all possible transforms in order, adding the ones that * are present to the transform string. */ for (let i = 0; i < numTransforms; i++) { const key = transformPropOrder[i]; if (transform[key] !== undefined) { const transformName = translateAlias[key] || key; transformString += `${transformName}(${transform[key]}) `; } } if (enableHardwareAcceleration && !transform.z) { transformString += "translateZ(0)"; } transformString = transformString.trim(); // If we have a custom `transform` template, pass our transform values and // generated transformString to that before returning if (transformTemplate) { transformString = transformTemplate(transform, transformIsDefault ? "" : transformString); } else if (allowTransformNone && transformIsDefault) { transformString = "none"; } return transformString; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/is-css-variable.mjs const checkStringStartsWith = (token) => (key) => typeof key === "string" && key.startsWith(token); const isCSSVariableName = checkStringStartsWith("--"); const startsAsVariableToken = checkStringStartsWith("var(--"); const isCSSVariableToken = (value) => { const startsWithToken = startsAsVariableToken(value); if (!startsWithToken) return false; // Ensure any comments are stripped from the value as this can harm performance of the regex. return singleCssVariableRegex.test(value.split("/*")[0].trim()); }; const singleCssVariableRegex = /var\(--(?:[\w-]+\s*|[\w-]+\s*,(?:\s*[^)(\s]|\s*\((?:[^)(]|\([^)(]*\))*\))+\s*)\)$/iu; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/get-as-type.mjs /** * Provided a value and a ValueType, returns the value as that value type. */ const getValueAsType = (value, type) => { return type && typeof value === "number" ? type.transform(value) : value; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/clamp.mjs const clamp_clamp = (min, max, v) => { if (v > max) return max; if (v < min) return min; return v; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/numbers/index.mjs const number = { test: (v) => typeof v === "number", parse: parseFloat, transform: (v) => v, }; const alpha = { ...number, transform: (v) => clamp_clamp(0, 1, v), }; const scale = { ...number, default: 1, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/utils.mjs /** * TODO: When we move from string as a source of truth to data models * everything in this folder should probably be referred to as models vs types */ // If this number is a decimal, make it just five decimal places // to avoid exponents const sanitize = (v) => Math.round(v * 100000) / 100000; const floatRegex = /-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/gu; const colorRegex = /(?:#[\da-f]{3,8}|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\((?:-?[\d.]+%?[,\s]+){2}-?[\d.]+%?\s*(?:[,/]\s*)?(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)?%?\))/giu; const singleColorRegex = /^(?:#[\da-f]{3,8}|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\((?:-?[\d.]+%?[,\s]+){2}-?[\d.]+%?\s*(?:[,/]\s*)?(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)?%?\))$/iu; function isString(v) { return typeof v === "string"; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/numbers/units.mjs const createUnitType = (unit) => ({ test: (v) => isString(v) && v.endsWith(unit) && v.split(" ").length === 1, parse: parseFloat, transform: (v) => `${v}${unit}`, }); const degrees = createUnitType("deg"); const percent = createUnitType("%"); const px = createUnitType("px"); const vh = createUnitType("vh"); const vw = createUnitType("vw"); const progressPercentage = { ...percent, parse: (v) => percent.parse(v) / 100, transform: (v) => percent.transform(v * 100), }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/type-int.mjs const type_int_int = { ...number, transform: Math.round, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/number.mjs const numberValueTypes = { // Border props borderWidth: px, borderTopWidth: px, borderRightWidth: px, borderBottomWidth: px, borderLeftWidth: px, borderRadius: px, radius: px, borderTopLeftRadius: px, borderTopRightRadius: px, borderBottomRightRadius: px, borderBottomLeftRadius: px, // Positioning props width: px, maxWidth: px, height: px, maxHeight: px, size: px, top: px, right: px, bottom: px, left: px, // Spacing props padding: px, paddingTop: px, paddingRight: px, paddingBottom: px, paddingLeft: px, margin: px, marginTop: px, marginRight: px, marginBottom: px, marginLeft: px, // Transform props rotate: degrees, rotateX: degrees, rotateY: degrees, rotateZ: degrees, scale: scale, scaleX: scale, scaleY: scale, scaleZ: scale, skew: degrees, skewX: degrees, skewY: degrees, distance: px, translateX: px, translateY: px, translateZ: px, x: px, y: px, z: px, perspective: px, transformPerspective: px, opacity: alpha, originX: progressPercentage, originY: progressPercentage, originZ: px, // Misc zIndex: type_int_int, backgroundPositionX: px, backgroundPositionY: px, // SVG fillOpacity: alpha, strokeOpacity: alpha, numOctaves: type_int_int, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/utils/build-styles.mjs function buildHTMLStyles(state, latestValues, options, transformTemplate) { const { style, vars, transform, transformOrigin } = state; // Track whether we encounter any transform or transformOrigin values. let hasTransform = false; let hasTransformOrigin = false; // Does the calculated transform essentially equal "none"? let transformIsNone = true; /** * Loop over all our latest animated values and decide whether to handle them * as a style or CSS variable. * * Transforms and transform origins are kept seperately for further processing. */ for (const key in latestValues) { const value = latestValues[key]; /** * If this is a CSS variable we don't do any further processing. */ if (isCSSVariableName(key)) { vars[key] = value; continue; } // Convert the value to its default value type, ie 0 -> "0px" const valueType = numberValueTypes[key]; const valueAsType = getValueAsType(value, valueType); if (transformProps.has(key)) { // If this is a transform, flag to enable further transform processing hasTransform = true; transform[key] = valueAsType; // If we already know we have a non-default transform, early return if (!transformIsNone) continue; // Otherwise check to see if this is a default transform if (value !== (valueType.default || 0)) transformIsNone = false; } else if (key.startsWith("origin")) { // If this is a transform origin, flag and enable further transform-origin processing hasTransformOrigin = true; transformOrigin[key] = valueAsType; } else { style[key] = valueAsType; } } if (!latestValues.transform) { if (hasTransform || transformTemplate) { style.transform = buildTransform(state.transform, options, transformIsNone, transformTemplate); } else if (style.transform) { /** * If we have previously created a transform but currently don't have any, * reset transform style to none. */ style.transform = "none"; } } /** * Build a transformOrigin style. Uses the same defaults as the browser for * undefined origins. */ if (hasTransformOrigin) { const { originX = "50%", originY = "50%", originZ = 0, } = transformOrigin; style.transformOrigin = `${originX} ${originY} ${originZ}`; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/utils/create-render-state.mjs const createHtmlRenderState = () => ({ style: {}, transform: {}, transformOrigin: {}, vars: {}, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/use-props.mjs function copyRawValuesOnly(target, source, props) { for (const key in source) { if (!isMotionValue(source[key]) && !isForcedMotionValue(key, props)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } function useInitialMotionValues({ transformTemplate }, visualState, isStatic) { return (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => { const state = createHtmlRenderState(); buildHTMLStyles(state, visualState, { enableHardwareAcceleration: !isStatic }, transformTemplate); return Object.assign({}, state.vars,; }, [visualState]); } function useStyle(props, visualState, isStatic) { const styleProp = || {}; const style = {}; /** * Copy non-Motion Values straight into style */ copyRawValuesOnly(style, styleProp, props); Object.assign(style, useInitialMotionValues(props, visualState, isStatic)); return style; } function useHTMLProps(props, visualState, isStatic) { // The `any` isn't ideal but it is the type of createElement props argument const htmlProps = {}; const style = useStyle(props, visualState, isStatic); if (props.drag && props.dragListener !== false) { // Disable the ghost element when a user drags htmlProps.draggable = false; // Disable text selection style.userSelect = style.WebkitUserSelect = style.WebkitTouchCallout = "none"; // Disable scrolling on the draggable direction style.touchAction = props.drag === true ? "none" : `pan-${props.drag === "x" ? "y" : "x"}`; } if (props.tabIndex === undefined && (props.onTap || props.onTapStart || props.whileTap)) { htmlProps.tabIndex = 0; } = style; return htmlProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/utils/valid-prop.mjs /** * A list of all valid MotionProps. * * @privateRemarks * This doesn't throw if a `MotionProp` name is missing - it should. */ const validMotionProps = new Set([ "animate", "exit", "variants", "initial", "style", "values", "variants", "transition", "transformTemplate", "custom", "inherit", "onBeforeLayoutMeasure", "onAnimationStart", "onAnimationComplete", "onUpdate", "onDragStart", "onDrag", "onDragEnd", "onMeasureDragConstraints", "onDirectionLock", "onDragTransitionEnd", "_dragX", "_dragY", "onHoverStart", "onHoverEnd", "onViewportEnter", "onViewportLeave", "globalTapTarget", "ignoreStrict", "viewport", ]); /** * Check whether a prop name is a valid `MotionProp` key. * * @param key - Name of the property to check * @returns `true` is key is a valid `MotionProp`. * * @public */ function isValidMotionProp(key) { return (key.startsWith("while") || (key.startsWith("drag") && key !== "draggable") || key.startsWith("layout") || key.startsWith("onTap") || key.startsWith("onPan") || key.startsWith("onLayout") || validMotionProps.has(key)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/filter-props.mjs let shouldForward = (key) => !isValidMotionProp(key); function loadExternalIsValidProp(isValidProp) { if (!isValidProp) return; // Explicitly filter our events shouldForward = (key) => key.startsWith("on") ? !isValidMotionProp(key) : isValidProp(key); } /** * Emotion and Styled Components both allow users to pass through arbitrary props to their components * to dynamically generate CSS. They both use the `@emotion/is-prop-valid` package to determine which * of these should be passed to the underlying DOM node. * * However, when styling a Motion component `styled(motion.div)`, both packages pass through *all* props * as it's seen as an arbitrary component rather than a DOM node. Motion only allows arbitrary props * passed through the `custom` prop so it doesn't *need* the payload or computational overhead of * `@emotion/is-prop-valid`, however to fix this problem we need to use it. * * By making it an optionalDependency we can offer this functionality only in the situations where it's * actually required. */ try { /** * We attempt to import this package but require won't be defined in esm environments, in that case * isPropValid will have to be provided via `MotionContext`. In a 6.0.0 this should probably be removed * in favour of explicit injection. */ loadExternalIsValidProp(require("@emotion/is-prop-valid").default); } catch (_a) { // We don't need to actually do anything here - the fallback is the existing `isPropValid`. } function filterProps(props, isDom, forwardMotionProps) { const filteredProps = {}; for (const key in props) { /** * values is considered a valid prop by Emotion, so if it's present * this will be rendered out to the DOM unless explicitly filtered. * * We check the type as it could be used with the `feColorMatrix` * element, which we support. */ if (key === "values" && typeof props.values === "object") continue; if (shouldForward(key) || (forwardMotionProps === true && isValidMotionProp(key)) || (!isDom && !isValidMotionProp(key)) || // If trying to use native HTML drag events, forward drag listeners (props["draggable"] && key.startsWith("onDrag"))) { filteredProps[key] = props[key]; } } return filteredProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/transform-origin.mjs function calcOrigin(origin, offset, size) { return typeof origin === "string" ? origin : px.transform(offset + size * origin); } /** * The SVG transform origin defaults are different to CSS and is less intuitive, * so we use the measured dimensions of the SVG to reconcile these. */ function calcSVGTransformOrigin(dimensions, originX, originY) { const pxOriginX = calcOrigin(originX, dimensions.x, dimensions.width); const pxOriginY = calcOrigin(originY, dimensions.y, dimensions.height); return `${pxOriginX} ${pxOriginY}`; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/path.mjs const dashKeys = { offset: "stroke-dashoffset", array: "stroke-dasharray", }; const camelKeys = { offset: "strokeDashoffset", array: "strokeDasharray", }; /** * Build SVG path properties. Uses the path's measured length to convert * our custom pathLength, pathSpacing and pathOffset into stroke-dashoffset * and stroke-dasharray attributes. * * This function is mutative to reduce per-frame GC. */ function buildSVGPath(attrs, length, spacing = 1, offset = 0, useDashCase = true) { // Normalise path length by setting SVG attribute pathLength to 1 attrs.pathLength = 1; // We use dash case when setting attributes directly to the DOM node and camel case // when defining props on a React component. const keys = useDashCase ? dashKeys : camelKeys; // Build the dash offset attrs[keys.offset] = px.transform(-offset); // Build the dash array const pathLength = px.transform(length); const pathSpacing = px.transform(spacing); attrs[keys.array] = `${pathLength} ${pathSpacing}`; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/build-attrs.mjs /** * Build SVG visual attrbutes, like cx and style.transform */ function buildSVGAttrs(state, { attrX, attrY, attrScale, originX, originY, pathLength, pathSpacing = 1, pathOffset = 0, // This is object creation, which we try to avoid per-frame. ...latest }, options, isSVGTag, transformTemplate) { buildHTMLStyles(state, latest, options, transformTemplate); /** * For svg tags we just want to make sure viewBox is animatable and treat all the styles * as normal HTML tags. */ if (isSVGTag) { if ( { state.attrs.viewBox =; } return; } state.attrs =; = {}; const { attrs, style, dimensions } = state; /** * However, we apply transforms as CSS transforms. So if we detect a transform we take it from attrs * and copy it into style. */ if (attrs.transform) { if (dimensions) style.transform = attrs.transform; delete attrs.transform; } // Parse transformOrigin if (dimensions && (originX !== undefined || originY !== undefined || style.transform)) { style.transformOrigin = calcSVGTransformOrigin(dimensions, originX !== undefined ? originX : 0.5, originY !== undefined ? originY : 0.5); } // Render attrX/attrY/attrScale as attributes if (attrX !== undefined) attrs.x = attrX; if (attrY !== undefined) attrs.y = attrY; if (attrScale !== undefined) attrs.scale = attrScale; // Build SVG path if one has been defined if (pathLength !== undefined) { buildSVGPath(attrs, pathLength, pathSpacing, pathOffset, false); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/create-render-state.mjs const createSvgRenderState = () => ({ ...createHtmlRenderState(), attrs: {}, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/is-svg-tag.mjs const isSVGTag = (tag) => typeof tag === "string" && tag.toLowerCase() === "svg"; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/use-props.mjs function useSVGProps(props, visualState, _isStatic, Component) { const visualProps = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => { const state = createSvgRenderState(); buildSVGAttrs(state, visualState, { enableHardwareAcceleration: false }, isSVGTag(Component), props.transformTemplate); return { ...state.attrs, style: { }, }; }, [visualState]); if ( { const rawStyles = {}; copyRawValuesOnly(rawStyles,, props); = { ...rawStyles, }; } return visualProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/use-render.mjs function createUseRender(forwardMotionProps = false) { const useRender = (Component, props, ref, { latestValues }, isStatic) => { const useVisualProps = isSVGComponent(Component) ? useSVGProps : useHTMLProps; const visualProps = useVisualProps(props, latestValues, isStatic, Component); const filteredProps = filterProps(props, typeof Component === "string", forwardMotionProps); const elementProps = Component !== external_React_.Fragment ? { ...filteredProps, ...visualProps, ref } : {}; /** * If component has been handed a motion value as its child, * memoise its initial value and render that. Subsequent updates * will be handled by the onChange handler */ const { children } = props; const renderedChildren = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => (isMotionValue(children) ? children.get() : children), [children]); return (0,external_React_.createElement)(Component, { ...elementProps, children: renderedChildren, }); }; return useRender; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/utils/render.mjs function renderHTML(element, { style, vars }, styleProp, projection) { Object.assign(, style, projection && projection.getProjectionStyles(styleProp)); // Loop over any CSS variables and assign those. for (const key in vars) {, vars[key]); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/camel-case-attrs.mjs /** * A set of attribute names that are always read/written as camel case. */ const camelCaseAttributes = new Set([ "baseFrequency", "diffuseConstant", "kernelMatrix", "kernelUnitLength", "keySplines", "keyTimes", "limitingConeAngle", "markerHeight", "markerWidth", "numOctaves", "targetX", "targetY", "surfaceScale", "specularConstant", "specularExponent", "stdDeviation", "tableValues", "viewBox", "gradientTransform", "pathLength", "startOffset", "textLength", "lengthAdjust", ]); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/render.mjs function renderSVG(element, renderState, _styleProp, projection) { renderHTML(element, renderState, undefined, projection); for (const key in renderState.attrs) { element.setAttribute(!camelCaseAttributes.has(key) ? camelToDash(key) : key, renderState.attrs[key]); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/utils/scrape-motion-values.mjs function scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps, visualElement) { var _a; const { style } = props; const newValues = {}; for (const key in style) { if (isMotionValue(style[key]) || ( && isMotionValue([key])) || isForcedMotionValue(key, props) || ((_a = visualElement === null || visualElement === void 0 ? void 0 : visualElement.getValue(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.liveStyle) !== undefined) { newValues[key] = style[key]; } } return newValues; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/utils/scrape-motion-values.mjs function scrape_motion_values_scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps, visualElement) { const newValues = scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps, visualElement); for (const key in props) { if (isMotionValue(props[key]) || isMotionValue(prevProps[key])) { const targetKey = transformPropOrder.indexOf(key) !== -1 ? "attr" + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substring(1) : key; newValues[targetKey] = props[key]; } } return newValues; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/resolve-variants.mjs function getValueState(visualElement) { const state = [{}, {}]; visualElement === null || visualElement === void 0 ? void 0 : visualElement.values.forEach((value, key) => { state[0][key] = value.get(); state[1][key] = value.getVelocity(); }); return state; } function resolveVariantFromProps(props, definition, custom, visualElement) { /** * If the variant definition is a function, resolve. */ if (typeof definition === "function") { const [current, velocity] = getValueState(visualElement); definition = definition(custom !== undefined ? custom : props.custom, current, velocity); } /** * If the variant definition is a variant label, or * the function returned a variant label, resolve. */ if (typeof definition === "string") { definition = props.variants && props.variants[definition]; } /** * At this point we've resolved both functions and variant labels, * but the resolved variant label might itself have been a function. * If so, resolve. This can only have returned a valid target object. */ if (typeof definition === "function") { const [current, velocity] = getValueState(visualElement); definition = definition(custom !== undefined ? custom : props.custom, current, velocity); } return definition; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/use-constant.mjs /** * Creates a constant value over the lifecycle of a component. * * Even if `useMemo` is provided an empty array as its final argument, it doesn't offer * a guarantee that it won't re-run for performance reasons later on. By using `useConstant` * you can ensure that initialisers don't execute twice or more. */ function useConstant(init) { const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); if (ref.current === null) { ref.current = init(); } return ref.current; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/utils/is-keyframes-target.mjs const isKeyframesTarget = (v) => { return Array.isArray(v); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/resolve-value.mjs const isCustomValue = (v) => { return Boolean(v && typeof v === "object" && v.mix && v.toValue); }; const resolveFinalValueInKeyframes = (v) => { // TODO maybe throw if v.length - 1 is placeholder token? return isKeyframesTarget(v) ? v[v.length - 1] || 0 : v; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/utils/resolve-motion-value.mjs /** * If the provided value is a MotionValue, this returns the actual value, otherwise just the value itself * * TODO: Remove and move to library */ function resolveMotionValue(value) { const unwrappedValue = isMotionValue(value) ? value.get() : value; return isCustomValue(unwrappedValue) ? unwrappedValue.toValue() : unwrappedValue; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/utils/use-visual-state.mjs function makeState({ scrapeMotionValuesFromProps, createRenderState, onMount, }, props, context, presenceContext) { const state = { latestValues: makeLatestValues(props, context, presenceContext, scrapeMotionValuesFromProps), renderState: createRenderState(), }; if (onMount) { state.mount = (instance) => onMount(props, instance, state); } return state; } const makeUseVisualState = (config) => (props, isStatic) => { const context = (0,external_React_.useContext)(MotionContext); const presenceContext = (0,external_React_.useContext)(PresenceContext_PresenceContext); const make = () => makeState(config, props, context, presenceContext); return isStatic ? make() : useConstant(make); }; function makeLatestValues(props, context, presenceContext, scrapeMotionValues) { const values = {}; const motionValues = scrapeMotionValues(props, {}); for (const key in motionValues) { values[key] = resolveMotionValue(motionValues[key]); } let { initial, animate } = props; const isControllingVariants$1 = isControllingVariants(props); const isVariantNode$1 = isVariantNode(props); if (context && isVariantNode$1 && !isControllingVariants$1 && props.inherit !== false) { if (initial === undefined) initial = context.initial; if (animate === undefined) animate = context.animate; } let isInitialAnimationBlocked = presenceContext ? presenceContext.initial === false : false; isInitialAnimationBlocked = isInitialAnimationBlocked || initial === false; const variantToSet = isInitialAnimationBlocked ? animate : initial; if (variantToSet && typeof variantToSet !== "boolean" && !isAnimationControls(variantToSet)) { const list = Array.isArray(variantToSet) ? variantToSet : [variantToSet]; list.forEach((definition) => { const resolved = resolveVariantFromProps(props, definition); if (!resolved) return; const { transitionEnd, transition, } = resolved; for (const key in target) { let valueTarget = target[key]; if (Array.isArray(valueTarget)) { /** * Take final keyframe if the initial animation is blocked because * we want to initialise at the end of that blocked animation. */ const index = isInitialAnimationBlocked ? valueTarget.length - 1 : 0; valueTarget = valueTarget[index]; } if (valueTarget !== null) { values[key] = valueTarget; } } for (const key in transitionEnd) values[key] = transitionEnd[key]; }); } return values; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/noop.mjs const noop_noop = (any) => any; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/frameloop/frame.mjs const { schedule: frame_frame, cancel: cancelFrame, state: frameData, steps, } = createRenderBatcher(typeof requestAnimationFrame !== "undefined" ? requestAnimationFrame : noop_noop, true); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/config-motion.mjs const svgMotionConfig = { useVisualState: makeUseVisualState({ scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: scrape_motion_values_scrapeMotionValuesFromProps, createRenderState: createSvgRenderState, onMount: (props, instance, { renderState, latestValues }) => { => { try { renderState.dimensions = typeof instance.getBBox === "function" ? instance.getBBox() : instance.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch (e) { // Most likely trying to measure an unrendered element under Firefox renderState.dimensions = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, }; } }); frame_frame.render(() => { buildSVGAttrs(renderState, latestValues, { enableHardwareAcceleration: false }, isSVGTag(instance.tagName), props.transformTemplate); renderSVG(instance, renderState); }); }, }), }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/config-motion.mjs const htmlMotionConfig = { useVisualState: makeUseVisualState({ scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: scrapeMotionValuesFromProps, createRenderState: createHtmlRenderState, }), }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/create-config.mjs function create_config_createDomMotionConfig(Component, { forwardMotionProps = false }, preloadedFeatures, createVisualElement) { const baseConfig = isSVGComponent(Component) ? svgMotionConfig : htmlMotionConfig; return { ...baseConfig, preloadedFeatures, useRender: createUseRender(forwardMotionProps), createVisualElement, Component, }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/events/add-dom-event.mjs function addDomEvent(target, eventName, handler, options = { passive: true }) { target.addEventListener(eventName, handler, options); return () => target.removeEventListener(eventName, handler); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/events/utils/is-primary-pointer.mjs const isPrimaryPointer = (event) => { if (event.pointerType === "mouse") { return typeof event.button !== "number" || event.button <= 0; } else { /** * isPrimary is true for all mice buttons, whereas every touch point * is regarded as its own input. So subsequent concurrent touch points * will be false. * * Specifically match against false here as incomplete versions of * PointerEvents in very old browser might have it set as undefined. */ return event.isPrimary !== false; } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/events/event-info.mjs function extractEventInfo(event, pointType = "page") { return { point: { x: event[`${pointType}X`], y: event[`${pointType}Y`], }, }; } const addPointerInfo = (handler) => { return (event) => isPrimaryPointer(event) && handler(event, extractEventInfo(event)); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/events/add-pointer-event.mjs function addPointerEvent(target, eventName, handler, options) { return addDomEvent(target, eventName, addPointerInfo(handler), options); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/pipe.mjs /** * Pipe * Compose other transformers to run linearily * pipe(min(20), max(40)) * @param {...functions} transformers * @return {function} */ const combineFunctions = (a, b) => (v) => b(a(v)); const pipe = (...transformers) => transformers.reduce(combineFunctions); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/drag/utils/lock.mjs function createLock(name) { let lock = null; return () => { const openLock = () => { lock = null; }; if (lock === null) { lock = name; return openLock; } return false; }; } const globalHorizontalLock = createLock("dragHorizontal"); const globalVerticalLock = createLock("dragVertical"); function getGlobalLock(drag) { let lock = false; if (drag === "y") { lock = globalVerticalLock(); } else if (drag === "x") { lock = globalHorizontalLock(); } else { const openHorizontal = globalHorizontalLock(); const openVertical = globalVerticalLock(); if (openHorizontal && openVertical) { lock = () => { openHorizontal(); openVertical(); }; } else { // Release the locks because we don't use them if (openHorizontal) openHorizontal(); if (openVertical) openVertical(); } } return lock; } function isDragActive() { // Check the gesture lock - if we get it, it means no drag gesture is active // and we can safely fire the tap gesture. const openGestureLock = getGlobalLock(true); if (!openGestureLock) return true; openGestureLock(); return false; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/Feature.mjs class Feature { constructor(node) { this.isMounted = false; this.node = node; } update() { } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/hover.mjs function addHoverEvent(node, isActive) { const eventName = isActive ? "pointerenter" : "pointerleave"; const callbackName = isActive ? "onHoverStart" : "onHoverEnd"; const handleEvent = (event, info) => { if (event.pointerType === "touch" || isDragActive()) return; const props = node.getProps(); if (node.animationState && props.whileHover) { node.animationState.setActive("whileHover", isActive); } const callback = props[callbackName]; if (callback) { frame_frame.postRender(() => callback(event, info)); } }; return addPointerEvent(node.current, eventName, handleEvent, { passive: !node.getProps()[callbackName], }); } class HoverGesture extends Feature { mount() { this.unmount = pipe(addHoverEvent(this.node, true), addHoverEvent(this.node, false)); } unmount() { } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/focus.mjs class FocusGesture extends Feature { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.isActive = false; } onFocus() { let isFocusVisible = false; /** * If this element doesn't match focus-visible then don't * apply whileHover. But, if matches throws that focus-visible * is not a valid selector then in that browser outline styles will be applied * to the element by default and we want to match that behaviour with whileFocus. */ try { isFocusVisible = this.node.current.matches(":focus-visible"); } catch (e) { isFocusVisible = true; } if (!isFocusVisible || !this.node.animationState) return; this.node.animationState.setActive("whileFocus", true); this.isActive = true; } onBlur() { if (!this.isActive || !this.node.animationState) return; this.node.animationState.setActive("whileFocus", false); this.isActive = false; } mount() { this.unmount = pipe(addDomEvent(this.node.current, "focus", () => this.onFocus()), addDomEvent(this.node.current, "blur", () => this.onBlur())); } unmount() { } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/utils/is-node-or-child.mjs /** * Recursively traverse up the tree to check whether the provided child node * is the parent or a descendant of it. * * @param parent - Element to find * @param child - Element to test against parent */ const isNodeOrChild = (parent, child) => { if (!child) { return false; } else if (parent === child) { return true; } else { return isNodeOrChild(parent, child.parentElement); } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/press.mjs function fireSyntheticPointerEvent(name, handler) { if (!handler) return; const syntheticPointerEvent = new PointerEvent("pointer" + name); handler(syntheticPointerEvent, extractEventInfo(syntheticPointerEvent)); } class PressGesture extends Feature { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.removeStartListeners = noop_noop; this.removeEndListeners = noop_noop; this.removeAccessibleListeners = noop_noop; this.startPointerPress = (startEvent, startInfo) => { if (this.isPressing) return; this.removeEndListeners(); const props = this.node.getProps(); const endPointerPress = (endEvent, endInfo) => { if (!this.checkPressEnd()) return; const { onTap, onTapCancel, globalTapTarget } = this.node.getProps(); /** * We only count this as a tap gesture if the is the same * as, or a child of, this component's element */ const handler = !globalTapTarget && !isNodeOrChild(this.node.current, ? onTapCancel : onTap; if (handler) { frame_frame.update(() => handler(endEvent, endInfo)); } }; const removePointerUpListener = addPointerEvent(window, "pointerup", endPointerPress, { passive: !(props.onTap || props["onPointerUp"]), }); const removePointerCancelListener = addPointerEvent(window, "pointercancel", (cancelEvent, cancelInfo) => this.cancelPress(cancelEvent, cancelInfo), { passive: !(props.onTapCancel || props["onPointerCancel"]), }); this.removeEndListeners = pipe(removePointerUpListener, removePointerCancelListener); this.startPress(startEvent, startInfo); }; this.startAccessiblePress = () => { const handleKeydown = (keydownEvent) => { if (keydownEvent.key !== "Enter" || this.isPressing) return; const handleKeyup = (keyupEvent) => { if (keyupEvent.key !== "Enter" || !this.checkPressEnd()) return; fireSyntheticPointerEvent("up", (event, info) => { const { onTap } = this.node.getProps(); if (onTap) { frame_frame.postRender(() => onTap(event, info)); } }); }; this.removeEndListeners(); this.removeEndListeners = addDomEvent(this.node.current, "keyup", handleKeyup); fireSyntheticPointerEvent("down", (event, info) => { this.startPress(event, info); }); }; const removeKeydownListener = addDomEvent(this.node.current, "keydown", handleKeydown); const handleBlur = () => { if (!this.isPressing) return; fireSyntheticPointerEvent("cancel", (cancelEvent, cancelInfo) => this.cancelPress(cancelEvent, cancelInfo)); }; const removeBlurListener = addDomEvent(this.node.current, "blur", handleBlur); this.removeAccessibleListeners = pipe(removeKeydownListener, removeBlurListener); }; } startPress(event, info) { this.isPressing = true; const { onTapStart, whileTap } = this.node.getProps(); /** * Ensure we trigger animations before firing event callback */ if (whileTap && this.node.animationState) { this.node.animationState.setActive("whileTap", true); } if (onTapStart) { frame_frame.postRender(() => onTapStart(event, info)); } } checkPressEnd() { this.removeEndListeners(); this.isPressing = false; const props = this.node.getProps(); if (props.whileTap && this.node.animationState) { this.node.animationState.setActive("whileTap", false); } return !isDragActive(); } cancelPress(event, info) { if (!this.checkPressEnd()) return; const { onTapCancel } = this.node.getProps(); if (onTapCancel) { frame_frame.postRender(() => onTapCancel(event, info)); } } mount() { const props = this.node.getProps(); const removePointerListener = addPointerEvent(props.globalTapTarget ? window : this.node.current, "pointerdown", this.startPointerPress, { passive: !(props.onTapStart || props["onPointerStart"]), }); const removeFocusListener = addDomEvent(this.node.current, "focus", this.startAccessiblePress); this.removeStartListeners = pipe(removePointerListener, removeFocusListener); } unmount() { this.removeStartListeners(); this.removeEndListeners(); this.removeAccessibleListeners(); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/viewport/observers.mjs /** * Map an IntersectionHandler callback to an element. We only ever make one handler for one * element, so even though these handlers might all be triggered by different * observers, we can keep them in the same map. */ const observerCallbacks = new WeakMap(); /** * Multiple observers can be created for multiple element/document roots. Each with * different settings. So here we store dictionaries of observers to each root, * using serialised settings (threshold/margin) as lookup keys. */ const observers = new WeakMap(); const fireObserverCallback = (entry) => { const callback = observerCallbacks.get(; callback && callback(entry); }; const fireAllObserverCallbacks = (entries) => { entries.forEach(fireObserverCallback); }; function initIntersectionObserver({ root, ...options }) { const lookupRoot = root || document; /** * If we don't have an observer lookup map for this root, create one. */ if (!observers.has(lookupRoot)) { observers.set(lookupRoot, {}); } const rootObservers = observers.get(lookupRoot); const key = JSON.stringify(options); /** * If we don't have an observer for this combination of root and settings, * create one. */ if (!rootObservers[key]) { rootObservers[key] = new IntersectionObserver(fireAllObserverCallbacks, { root, ...options }); } return rootObservers[key]; } function observeIntersection(element, options, callback) { const rootInteresectionObserver = initIntersectionObserver(options); observerCallbacks.set(element, callback); rootInteresectionObserver.observe(element); return () => { observerCallbacks.delete(element); rootInteresectionObserver.unobserve(element); }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/viewport/index.mjs const thresholdNames = { some: 0, all: 1, }; class InViewFeature extends Feature { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.hasEnteredView = false; this.isInView = false; } startObserver() { this.unmount(); const { viewport = {} } = this.node.getProps(); const { root, margin: rootMargin, amount = "some", once } = viewport; const options = { root: root ? root.current : undefined, rootMargin, threshold: typeof amount === "number" ? amount : thresholdNames[amount], }; const onIntersectionUpdate = (entry) => { const { isIntersecting } = entry; /** * If there's been no change in the viewport state, early return. */ if (this.isInView === isIntersecting) return; this.isInView = isIntersecting; /** * Handle hasEnteredView. If this is only meant to run once, and * element isn't visible, early return. Otherwise set hasEnteredView to true. */ if (once && !isIntersecting && this.hasEnteredView) { return; } else if (isIntersecting) { this.hasEnteredView = true; } if (this.node.animationState) { this.node.animationState.setActive("whileInView", isIntersecting); } /** * Use the latest committed props rather than the ones in scope * when this observer is created */ const { onViewportEnter, onViewportLeave } = this.node.getProps(); const callback = isIntersecting ? onViewportEnter : onViewportLeave; callback && callback(entry); }; return observeIntersection(this.node.current, options, onIntersectionUpdate); } mount() { this.startObserver(); } update() { if (typeof IntersectionObserver === "undefined") return; const { props, prevProps } = this.node; const hasOptionsChanged = ["amount", "margin", "root"].some(hasViewportOptionChanged(props, prevProps)); if (hasOptionsChanged) { this.startObserver(); } } unmount() { } } function hasViewportOptionChanged({ viewport = {} }, { viewport: prevViewport = {} } = {}) { return (name) => viewport[name] !== prevViewport[name]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/gestures.mjs const gestureAnimations = { inView: { Feature: InViewFeature, }, tap: { Feature: PressGesture, }, focus: { Feature: FocusGesture, }, hover: { Feature: HoverGesture, }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/shallow-compare.mjs function shallowCompare(next, prev) { if (!Array.isArray(prev)) return false; const prevLength = prev.length; if (prevLength !== next.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < prevLength; i++) { if (prev[i] !== next[i]) return false; } return true; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/resolve-dynamic-variants.mjs function resolveVariant(visualElement, definition, custom) { const props = visualElement.getProps(); return resolveVariantFromProps(props, definition, custom !== undefined ? custom : props.custom, visualElement); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/time-conversion.mjs /** * Converts seconds to milliseconds * * @param seconds - Time in seconds. * @return milliseconds - Converted time in milliseconds. */ const secondsToMilliseconds = (seconds) => seconds * 1000; const millisecondsToSeconds = (milliseconds) => milliseconds / 1000; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/utils/default-transitions.mjs const underDampedSpring = { type: "spring", stiffness: 500, damping: 25, restSpeed: 10, }; const criticallyDampedSpring = (target) => ({ type: "spring", stiffness: 550, damping: target === 0 ? 2 * Math.sqrt(550) : 30, restSpeed: 10, }); const keyframesTransition = { type: "keyframes", duration: 0.8, }; /** * Default easing curve is a slightly shallower version of * the default browser easing curve. */ const ease = { type: "keyframes", ease: [0.25, 0.1, 0.35, 1], duration: 0.3, }; const getDefaultTransition = (valueKey, { keyframes }) => { if (keyframes.length > 2) { return keyframesTransition; } else if (transformProps.has(valueKey)) { return valueKey.startsWith("scale") ? criticallyDampedSpring(keyframes[1]) : underDampedSpring; } return ease; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/utils/transitions.mjs /** * Decide whether a transition is defined on a given Transition. * This filters out orchestration options and returns true * if any options are left. */ function isTransitionDefined({ when, delay: _delay, delayChildren, staggerChildren, staggerDirection, repeat, repeatType, repeatDelay, from, elapsed, ...transition }) { return !!Object.keys(transition).length; } function getValueTransition(transition, key) { return (transition[key] || transition["default"] || transition); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/use-instant-transition-state.mjs const instantAnimationState = { current: false, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/waapi/utils/get-final-keyframe.mjs const isNotNull = (value) => value !== null; function getFinalKeyframe(keyframes, { repeat, repeatType = "loop" }, finalKeyframe) { const resolvedKeyframes = keyframes.filter(isNotNull); const index = repeat && repeatType !== "loop" && repeat % 2 === 1 ? 0 : resolvedKeyframes.length - 1; return !index || finalKeyframe === undefined ? resolvedKeyframes[index] : finalKeyframe; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/frameloop/sync-time.mjs let now; function clearTime() { now = undefined; } /** * An eventloop-synchronous alternative to * * Ensures that time measurements remain consistent within a synchronous context. * Usually calling twice within the same synchronous context * will return different values which isn't useful for animations when we're usually * trying to sync animations to the same frame. */ const time = { now: () => { if (now === undefined) { time.set(frameData.isProcessing || MotionGlobalConfig.useManualTiming ? frameData.timestamp :; } return now; }, set: (newTime) => { now = newTime; queueMicrotask(clearTime); }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/is-zero-value-string.mjs /** * Check if the value is a zero value string like "0px" or "0%" */ const isZeroValueString = (v) => /^0[^.\s]+$/u.test(v); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/utils/is-none.mjs function isNone(value) { if (typeof value === "number") { return value === 0; } else if (value !== null) { return value === "none" || value === "0" || isZeroValueString(value); } else { return true; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/errors.mjs let warning = noop_noop; let errors_invariant = noop_noop; if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/is-numerical-string.mjs /** * Check if value is a numerical string, ie a string that is purely a number eg "100" or "-100.1" */ const isNumericalString = (v) => /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)$/u.test(v); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/css-variables-conversion.mjs /** * Parse Framer's special CSS variable format into a CSS token and a fallback. * * ``` * `var(--foo, #fff)` => [`--foo`, '#fff'] * ``` * * @param current */ const splitCSSVariableRegex = // eslint-disable-next-line redos-detector/no-unsafe-regex -- false positive, as it can match a lot of words /^var\(--(?:([\w-]+)|([\w-]+), ?([a-zA-Z\d ()%#.,-]+))\)/u; function parseCSSVariable(current) { const match = splitCSSVariableRegex.exec(current); if (!match) return [,]; const [, token1, token2, fallback] = match; return [`--${token1 !== null && token1 !== void 0 ? token1 : token2}`, fallback]; } const maxDepth = 4; function getVariableValue(current, element, depth = 1) { errors_invariant(depth <= maxDepth, `Max CSS variable fallback depth detected in property "${current}". This may indicate a circular fallback dependency.`); const [token, fallback] = parseCSSVariable(current); // No CSS variable detected if (!token) return; // Attempt to read this CSS variable off the element const resolved = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(token); if (resolved) { const trimmed = resolved.trim(); return isNumericalString(trimmed) ? parseFloat(trimmed) : trimmed; } return isCSSVariableToken(fallback) ? getVariableValue(fallback, element, depth + 1) : fallback; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/unit-conversion.mjs const positionalKeys = new Set([ "width", "height", "top", "left", "right", "bottom", "x", "y", "translateX", "translateY", ]); const isNumOrPxType = (v) => v === number || v === px; const getPosFromMatrix = (matrix, pos) => parseFloat(matrix.split(", ")[pos]); const getTranslateFromMatrix = (pos2, pos3) => (_bbox, { transform }) => { if (transform === "none" || !transform) return 0; const matrix3d = transform.match(/^matrix3d\((.+)\)$/u); if (matrix3d) { return getPosFromMatrix(matrix3d[1], pos3); } else { const matrix = transform.match(/^matrix\((.+)\)$/u); if (matrix) { return getPosFromMatrix(matrix[1], pos2); } else { return 0; } } }; const transformKeys = new Set(["x", "y", "z"]); const nonTranslationalTransformKeys = transformPropOrder.filter((key) => !transformKeys.has(key)); function removeNonTranslationalTransform(visualElement) { const removedTransforms = []; nonTranslationalTransformKeys.forEach((key) => { const value = visualElement.getValue(key); if (value !== undefined) { removedTransforms.push([key, value.get()]); value.set(key.startsWith("scale") ? 1 : 0); } }); return removedTransforms; } const positionalValues = { // Dimensions width: ({ x }, { paddingLeft = "0", paddingRight = "0" }) => x.max - x.min - parseFloat(paddingLeft) - parseFloat(paddingRight), height: ({ y }, { paddingTop = "0", paddingBottom = "0" }) => y.max - y.min - parseFloat(paddingTop) - parseFloat(paddingBottom), top: (_bbox, { top }) => parseFloat(top), left: (_bbox, { left }) => parseFloat(left), bottom: ({ y }, { top }) => parseFloat(top) + (y.max - y.min), right: ({ x }, { left }) => parseFloat(left) + (x.max - x.min), // Transform x: getTranslateFromMatrix(4, 13), y: getTranslateFromMatrix(5, 14), }; // Alias translate longform names positionalValues.translateX = positionalValues.x; positionalValues.translateY = positionalValues.y; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/test.mjs /** * Tests a provided value against a ValueType */ const testValueType = (v) => (type) => type.test(v); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/type-auto.mjs /** * ValueType for "auto" */ const auto = { test: (v) => v === "auto", parse: (v) => v, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/dimensions.mjs /** * A list of value types commonly used for dimensions */ const dimensionValueTypes = [number, px, percent, degrees, vw, vh, auto]; /** * Tests a dimensional value against the list of dimension ValueTypes */ const findDimensionValueType = (v) => dimensionValueTypes.find(testValueType(v)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/KeyframesResolver.mjs const toResolve = new Set(); let isScheduled = false; let anyNeedsMeasurement = false; function measureAllKeyframes() { if (anyNeedsMeasurement) { const resolversToMeasure = Array.from(toResolve).filter((resolver) => resolver.needsMeasurement); const elementsToMeasure = new Set( => resolver.element)); const transformsToRestore = new Map(); /** * Write pass * If we're measuring elements we want to remove bounding box-changing transforms. */ elementsToMeasure.forEach((element) => { const removedTransforms = removeNonTranslationalTransform(element); if (!removedTransforms.length) return; transformsToRestore.set(element, removedTransforms); element.render(); }); // Read resolversToMeasure.forEach((resolver) => resolver.measureInitialState()); // Write elementsToMeasure.forEach((element) => { element.render(); const restore = transformsToRestore.get(element); if (restore) { restore.forEach(([key, value]) => { var _a; (_a = element.getValue(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.set(value); }); } }); // Read resolversToMeasure.forEach((resolver) => resolver.measureEndState()); // Write resolversToMeasure.forEach((resolver) => { if (resolver.suspendedScrollY !== undefined) { window.scrollTo(0, resolver.suspendedScrollY); } }); } anyNeedsMeasurement = false; isScheduled = false; toResolve.forEach((resolver) => resolver.complete()); toResolve.clear(); } function readAllKeyframes() { toResolve.forEach((resolver) => { resolver.readKeyframes(); if (resolver.needsMeasurement) { anyNeedsMeasurement = true; } }); } function flushKeyframeResolvers() { readAllKeyframes(); measureAllKeyframes(); } class KeyframeResolver { constructor(unresolvedKeyframes, onComplete, name, motionValue, element, isAsync = false) { /** * Track whether this resolver has completed. Once complete, it never * needs to attempt keyframe resolution again. */ this.isComplete = false; /** * Track whether this resolver is async. If it is, it'll be added to the * resolver queue and flushed in the next frame. Resolvers that aren't going * to trigger read/write thrashing don't need to be async. */ this.isAsync = false; /** * Track whether this resolver needs to perform a measurement * to resolve its keyframes. */ this.needsMeasurement = false; /** * Track whether this resolver is currently scheduled to resolve * to allow it to be cancelled and resumed externally. */ this.isScheduled = false; this.unresolvedKeyframes = [...unresolvedKeyframes]; this.onComplete = onComplete; = name; this.motionValue = motionValue; this.element = element; this.isAsync = isAsync; } scheduleResolve() { this.isScheduled = true; if (this.isAsync) { toResolve.add(this); if (!isScheduled) { isScheduled = true;; frame_frame.resolveKeyframes(measureAllKeyframes); } } else { this.readKeyframes(); this.complete(); } } readKeyframes() { const { unresolvedKeyframes, name, element, motionValue } = this; /** * If a keyframe is null, we hydrate it either by reading it from * the instance, or propagating from previous keyframes. */ for (let i = 0; i < unresolvedKeyframes.length; i++) { if (unresolvedKeyframes[i] === null) { /** * If the first keyframe is null, we need to find its value by sampling the element */ if (i === 0) { const currentValue = motionValue === null || motionValue === void 0 ? void 0 : motionValue.get(); const finalKeyframe = unresolvedKeyframes[unresolvedKeyframes.length - 1]; if (currentValue !== undefined) { unresolvedKeyframes[0] = currentValue; } else if (element && name) { const valueAsRead = element.readValue(name, finalKeyframe); if (valueAsRead !== undefined && valueAsRead !== null) { unresolvedKeyframes[0] = valueAsRead; } } if (unresolvedKeyframes[0] === undefined) { unresolvedKeyframes[0] = finalKeyframe; } if (motionValue && currentValue === undefined) { motionValue.set(unresolvedKeyframes[0]); } } else { unresolvedKeyframes[i] = unresolvedKeyframes[i - 1]; } } } } setFinalKeyframe() { } measureInitialState() { } renderEndStyles() { } measureEndState() { } complete() { this.isComplete = true; this.onComplete(this.unresolvedKeyframes, this.finalKeyframe); toResolve.delete(this); } cancel() { if (!this.isComplete) { this.isScheduled = false; toResolve.delete(this); } } resume() { if (!this.isComplete) this.scheduleResolve(); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/color/utils.mjs /** * Returns true if the provided string is a color, ie rgba(0,0,0,0) or #000, * but false if a number or multiple colors */ const isColorString = (type, testProp) => (v) => { return Boolean((isString(v) && singleColorRegex.test(v) && v.startsWith(type)) || (testProp &&, testProp))); }; const splitColor = (aName, bName, cName) => (v) => { if (!isString(v)) return v; const [a, b, c, alpha] = v.match(floatRegex); return { [aName]: parseFloat(a), [bName]: parseFloat(b), [cName]: parseFloat(c), alpha: alpha !== undefined ? parseFloat(alpha) : 1, }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/color/rgba.mjs const clampRgbUnit = (v) => clamp_clamp(0, 255, v); const rgbUnit = { ...number, transform: (v) => Math.round(clampRgbUnit(v)), }; const rgba = { test: isColorString("rgb", "red"), parse: splitColor("red", "green", "blue"), transform: ({ red, green, blue, alpha: alpha$1 = 1 }) => "rgba(" + rgbUnit.transform(red) + ", " + rgbUnit.transform(green) + ", " + rgbUnit.transform(blue) + ", " + sanitize(alpha.transform(alpha$1)) + ")", }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/color/hex.mjs function parseHex(v) { let r = ""; let g = ""; let b = ""; let a = ""; // If we have 6 characters, ie #FF0000 if (v.length > 5) { r = v.substring(1, 3); g = v.substring(3, 5); b = v.substring(5, 7); a = v.substring(7, 9); // Or we have 3 characters, ie #F00 } else { r = v.substring(1, 2); g = v.substring(2, 3); b = v.substring(3, 4); a = v.substring(4, 5); r += r; g += g; b += b; a += a; } return { red: parseInt(r, 16), green: parseInt(g, 16), blue: parseInt(b, 16), alpha: a ? parseInt(a, 16) / 255 : 1, }; } const hex = { test: isColorString("#"), parse: parseHex, transform: rgba.transform, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/color/hsla.mjs const hsla = { test: isColorString("hsl", "hue"), parse: splitColor("hue", "saturation", "lightness"), transform: ({ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: alpha$1 = 1 }) => { return ("hsla(" + Math.round(hue) + ", " + percent.transform(sanitize(saturation)) + ", " + percent.transform(sanitize(lightness)) + ", " + sanitize(alpha.transform(alpha$1)) + ")"); }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/color/index.mjs const color = { test: (v) => rgba.test(v) || hex.test(v) || hsla.test(v), parse: (v) => { if (rgba.test(v)) { return rgba.parse(v); } else if (hsla.test(v)) { return hsla.parse(v); } else { return hex.parse(v); } }, transform: (v) => { return isString(v) ? v : v.hasOwnProperty("red") ? rgba.transform(v) : hsla.transform(v); }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/complex/index.mjs function test(v) { var _a, _b; return (isNaN(v) && isString(v) && (((_a = v.match(floatRegex)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || 0) + (((_b = v.match(colorRegex)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) || 0) > 0); } const NUMBER_TOKEN = "number"; const COLOR_TOKEN = "color"; const VAR_TOKEN = "var"; const VAR_FUNCTION_TOKEN = "var("; const SPLIT_TOKEN = "${}"; // this regex consists of the `singleCssVariableRegex|rgbHSLValueRegex|digitRegex` const complexRegex = /var\s*\(\s*--(?:[\w-]+\s*|[\w-]+\s*,(?:\s*[^)(\s]|\s*\((?:[^)(]|\([^)(]*\))*\))+\s*)\)|#[\da-f]{3,8}|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\((?:-?[\d.]+%?[,\s]+){2}-?[\d.]+%?\s*(?:[,/]\s*)?(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)?%?\)|-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/giu; function analyseComplexValue(value) { const originalValue = value.toString(); const values = []; const indexes = { color: [], number: [], var: [], }; const types = []; let i = 0; const tokenised = originalValue.replace(complexRegex, (parsedValue) => { if (color.test(parsedValue)) { indexes.color.push(i); types.push(COLOR_TOKEN); values.push(color.parse(parsedValue)); } else if (parsedValue.startsWith(VAR_FUNCTION_TOKEN)) { indexes.var.push(i); types.push(VAR_TOKEN); values.push(parsedValue); } else { indexes.number.push(i); types.push(NUMBER_TOKEN); values.push(parseFloat(parsedValue)); } ++i; return SPLIT_TOKEN; }); const split = tokenised.split(SPLIT_TOKEN); return { values, split, indexes, types }; } function parseComplexValue(v) { return analyseComplexValue(v).values; } function createTransformer(source) { const { split, types } = analyseComplexValue(source); const numSections = split.length; return (v) => { let output = ""; for (let i = 0; i < numSections; i++) { output += split[i]; if (v[i] !== undefined) { const type = types[i]; if (type === NUMBER_TOKEN) { output += sanitize(v[i]); } else if (type === COLOR_TOKEN) { output += color.transform(v[i]); } else { output += v[i]; } } } return output; }; } const convertNumbersToZero = (v) => typeof v === "number" ? 0 : v; function getAnimatableNone(v) { const parsed = parseComplexValue(v); const transformer = createTransformer(v); return transformer(; } const complex = { test, parse: parseComplexValue, createTransformer, getAnimatableNone, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/types/complex/filter.mjs /** * Properties that should default to 1 or 100% */ const maxDefaults = new Set(["brightness", "contrast", "saturate", "opacity"]); function applyDefaultFilter(v) { const [name, value] = v.slice(0, -1).split("("); if (name === "drop-shadow") return v; const [number] = value.match(floatRegex) || []; if (!number) return v; const unit = value.replace(number, ""); let defaultValue = maxDefaults.has(name) ? 1 : 0; if (number !== value) defaultValue *= 100; return name + "(" + defaultValue + unit + ")"; } const functionRegex = /\b([a-z-]*)\(.*?\)/gu; const filter = { ...complex, getAnimatableNone: (v) => { const functions = v.match(functionRegex); return functions ?" ") : v; }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/defaults.mjs /** * A map of default value types for common values */ const defaultValueTypes = { ...numberValueTypes, // Color props color: color, backgroundColor: color, outlineColor: color, fill: color, stroke: color, // Border props borderColor: color, borderTopColor: color, borderRightColor: color, borderBottomColor: color, borderLeftColor: color, filter: filter, WebkitFilter: filter, }; /** * Gets the default ValueType for the provided value key */ const getDefaultValueType = (key) => defaultValueTypes[key]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/animatable-none.mjs function animatable_none_getAnimatableNone(key, value) { let defaultValueType = getDefaultValueType(key); if (defaultValueType !== filter) defaultValueType = complex; // If value is not recognised as animatable, ie "none", create an animatable version origin based on the target return defaultValueType.getAnimatableNone ? defaultValueType.getAnimatableNone(value) : undefined; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/utils/make-none-animatable.mjs /** * If we encounter keyframes like "none" or "0" and we also have keyframes like * "#fff" or "200px 200px" we want to find a keyframe to serve as a template for * the "none" keyframes. In this case "#fff" or "200px 200px" - then these get turned into * zero equivalents, i.e. "#fff0" or "0px 0px". */ const invalidTemplates = new Set(["auto", "none", "0"]); function makeNoneKeyframesAnimatable(unresolvedKeyframes, noneKeyframeIndexes, name) { let i = 0; let animatableTemplate = undefined; while (i < unresolvedKeyframes.length && !animatableTemplate) { const keyframe = unresolvedKeyframes[i]; if (typeof keyframe === "string" && !invalidTemplates.has(keyframe) && analyseComplexValue(keyframe).values.length) { animatableTemplate = unresolvedKeyframes[i]; } i++; } if (animatableTemplate && name) { for (const noneIndex of noneKeyframeIndexes) { unresolvedKeyframes[noneIndex] = animatable_none_getAnimatableNone(name, animatableTemplate); } } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/DOMKeyframesResolver.mjs class DOMKeyframesResolver extends KeyframeResolver { constructor(unresolvedKeyframes, onComplete, name, motionValue) { super(unresolvedKeyframes, onComplete, name, motionValue, motionValue === null || motionValue === void 0 ? void 0 : motionValue.owner, true); } readKeyframes() { const { unresolvedKeyframes, element, name } = this; if (!element.current) return; super.readKeyframes(); /** * If any keyframe is a CSS variable, we need to find its value by sampling the element */ for (let i = 0; i < unresolvedKeyframes.length; i++) { const keyframe = unresolvedKeyframes[i]; if (typeof keyframe === "string" && isCSSVariableToken(keyframe)) { const resolved = getVariableValue(keyframe, element.current); if (resolved !== undefined) { unresolvedKeyframes[i] = resolved; } if (i === unresolvedKeyframes.length - 1) { this.finalKeyframe = keyframe; } } } /** * Resolve "none" values. We do this potentially twice - once before and once after measuring keyframes. * This could be seen as inefficient but it's a trade-off to avoid measurements in more situations, which * have a far bigger performance impact. */ this.resolveNoneKeyframes(); /** * Check to see if unit type has changed. If so schedule jobs that will * temporarily set styles to the destination keyframes. * Skip if we have more than two keyframes or this isn't a positional value. * TODO: We can throw if there are multiple keyframes and the value type changes. */ if (!positionalKeys.has(name) || unresolvedKeyframes.length !== 2) { return; } const [origin, target] = unresolvedKeyframes; const originType = findDimensionValueType(origin); const targetType = findDimensionValueType(target); /** * Either we don't recognise these value types or we can animate between them. */ if (originType === targetType) return; /** * If both values are numbers or pixels, we can animate between them by * converting them to numbers. */ if (isNumOrPxType(originType) && isNumOrPxType(targetType)) { for (let i = 0; i < unresolvedKeyframes.length; i++) { const value = unresolvedKeyframes[i]; if (typeof value === "string") { unresolvedKeyframes[i] = parseFloat(value); } } } else { /** * Else, the only way to resolve this is by measuring the element. */ this.needsMeasurement = true; } } resolveNoneKeyframes() { const { unresolvedKeyframes, name } = this; const noneKeyframeIndexes = []; for (let i = 0; i < unresolvedKeyframes.length; i++) { if (isNone(unresolvedKeyframes[i])) { noneKeyframeIndexes.push(i); } } if (noneKeyframeIndexes.length) { makeNoneKeyframesAnimatable(unresolvedKeyframes, noneKeyframeIndexes, name); } } measureInitialState() { const { element, unresolvedKeyframes, name } = this; if (!element.current) return; if (name === "height") { this.suspendedScrollY = window.pageYOffset; } this.measuredOrigin = positionalValues[name](element.measureViewportBox(), window.getComputedStyle(element.current)); unresolvedKeyframes[0] = this.measuredOrigin; // Set final key frame to measure after next render const measureKeyframe = unresolvedKeyframes[unresolvedKeyframes.length - 1]; if (measureKeyframe !== undefined) { element.getValue(name, measureKeyframe).jump(measureKeyframe, false); } } measureEndState() { var _a; const { element, name, unresolvedKeyframes } = this; if (!element.current) return; const value = element.getValue(name); value && value.jump(this.measuredOrigin, false); const finalKeyframeIndex = unresolvedKeyframes.length - 1; const finalKeyframe = unresolvedKeyframes[finalKeyframeIndex]; unresolvedKeyframes[finalKeyframeIndex] = positionalValues[name](element.measureViewportBox(), window.getComputedStyle(element.current)); if (finalKeyframe !== null && this.finalKeyframe === undefined) { this.finalKeyframe = finalKeyframe; } // If we removed transform values, reapply them before the next render if ((_a = this.removedTransforms) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) { this.removedTransforms.forEach(([unsetTransformName, unsetTransformValue]) => { element .getValue(unsetTransformName) .set(unsetTransformValue); }); } this.resolveNoneKeyframes(); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/memo.mjs function memo(callback) { let result; return () => { if (result === undefined) result = callback(); return result; }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/utils/is-animatable.mjs /** * Check if a value is animatable. Examples: * * ✅: 100, "100px", "#fff" * ❌: "block", "url(2.jpg)" * @param value * * @internal */ const isAnimatable = (value, name) => { // If the list of keys tat might be non-animatable grows, replace with Set if (name === "zIndex") return false; // If it's a number or a keyframes array, we can animate it. We might at some point // need to do a deep isAnimatable check of keyframes, or let Popmotion handle this, // but for now lets leave it like this for performance reasons if (typeof value === "number" || Array.isArray(value)) return true; if (typeof value === "string" && // It's animatable if we have a string (complex.test(value) || value === "0") && // And it contains numbers and/or colors !value.startsWith("url(") // Unless it starts with "url(" ) { return true; } return false; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/utils/can-animate.mjs function hasKeyframesChanged(keyframes) { const current = keyframes[0]; if (keyframes.length === 1) return true; for (let i = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++) { if (keyframes[i] !== current) return true; } } function canAnimate(keyframes, name, type, velocity) { /** * Check if we're able to animate between the start and end keyframes, * and throw a warning if we're attempting to animate between one that's * animatable and another that isn't. */ const originKeyframe = keyframes[0]; if (originKeyframe === null) return false; /** * These aren't traditionally animatable but we do support them. * In future we could look into making this more generic or replacing * this function with mix() === mixImmediate */ if (name === "display" || name === "visibility") return true; const targetKeyframe = keyframes[keyframes.length - 1]; const isOriginAnimatable = isAnimatable(originKeyframe, name); const isTargetAnimatable = isAnimatable(targetKeyframe, name); warning(isOriginAnimatable === isTargetAnimatable, `You are trying to animate ${name} from "${originKeyframe}" to "${targetKeyframe}". ${originKeyframe} is not an animatable value - to enable this animation set ${originKeyframe} to a value animatable to ${targetKeyframe} via the \`style\` property.`); // Always skip if any of these are true if (!isOriginAnimatable || !isTargetAnimatable) { return false; } return hasKeyframesChanged(keyframes) || (type === "spring" && velocity); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/BaseAnimation.mjs class BaseAnimation { constructor({ autoplay = true, delay = 0, type = "keyframes", repeat = 0, repeatDelay = 0, repeatType = "loop", ...options }) { // Track whether the animation has been stopped. Stopped animations won't restart. this.isStopped = false; this.hasAttemptedResolve = false; this.options = { autoplay, delay, type, repeat, repeatDelay, repeatType, ...options, }; this.updateFinishedPromise(); } /** * A getter for resolved data. If keyframes are not yet resolved, accessing * this.resolved will synchronously flush all pending keyframe resolvers. * This is a deoptimisation, but at its worst still batches read/writes. */ get resolved() { if (!this._resolved && !this.hasAttemptedResolve) { flushKeyframeResolvers(); } return this._resolved; } /** * A method to be called when the keyframes resolver completes. This method * will check if its possible to run the animation and, if not, skip it. * Otherwise, it will call initPlayback on the implementing class. */ onKeyframesResolved(keyframes, finalKeyframe) { this.hasAttemptedResolve = true; const { name, type, velocity, delay, onComplete, onUpdate, isGenerator, } = this.options; /** * If we can't animate this value with the resolved keyframes * then we should complete it immediately. */ if (!isGenerator && !canAnimate(keyframes, name, type, velocity)) { // Finish immediately if (instantAnimationState.current || !delay) { onUpdate === null || onUpdate === void 0 ? void 0 : onUpdate(getFinalKeyframe(keyframes, this.options, finalKeyframe)); onComplete === null || onComplete === void 0 ? void 0 : onComplete(); this.resolveFinishedPromise(); return; } // Finish after a delay else { this.options.duration = 0; } } const resolvedAnimation = this.initPlayback(keyframes, finalKeyframe); if (resolvedAnimation === false) return; this._resolved = { keyframes, finalKeyframe, ...resolvedAnimation, }; this.onPostResolved(); } onPostResolved() { } /** * Allows the returned animation to be awaited or promise-chained. Currently * resolves when the animation finishes at all but in a future update could/should * reject if its cancels. */ then(resolve, reject) { return this.currentFinishedPromise.then(resolve, reject); } updateFinishedPromise() { this.currentFinishedPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { this.resolveFinishedPromise = resolve; }); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/velocity-per-second.mjs /* Convert velocity into velocity per second @param [number]: Unit per frame @param [number]: Frame duration in ms */ function velocityPerSecond(velocity, frameDuration) { return frameDuration ? velocity * (1000 / frameDuration) : 0; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/generators/utils/velocity.mjs const velocitySampleDuration = 5; // ms function calcGeneratorVelocity(resolveValue, t, current) { const prevT = Math.max(t - velocitySampleDuration, 0); return velocityPerSecond(current - resolveValue(prevT), t - prevT); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/generators/spring/find.mjs const safeMin = 0.001; const minDuration = 0.01; const maxDuration = 10.0; const minDamping = 0.05; const maxDamping = 1; function findSpring({ duration = 800, bounce = 0.25, velocity = 0, mass = 1, }) { let envelope; let derivative; warning(duration <= secondsToMilliseconds(maxDuration), "Spring duration must be 10 seconds or less"); let dampingRatio = 1 - bounce; /** * Restrict dampingRatio and duration to within acceptable ranges. */ dampingRatio = clamp_clamp(minDamping, maxDamping, dampingRatio); duration = clamp_clamp(minDuration, maxDuration, millisecondsToSeconds(duration)); if (dampingRatio < 1) { /** * Underdamped spring */ envelope = (undampedFreq) => { const exponentialDecay = undampedFreq * dampingRatio; const delta = exponentialDecay * duration; const a = exponentialDecay - velocity; const b = calcAngularFreq(undampedFreq, dampingRatio); const c = Math.exp(-delta); return safeMin - (a / b) * c; }; derivative = (undampedFreq) => { const exponentialDecay = undampedFreq * dampingRatio; const delta = exponentialDecay * duration; const d = delta * velocity + velocity; const e = Math.pow(dampingRatio, 2) * Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2) * duration; const f = Math.exp(-delta); const g = calcAngularFreq(Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2), dampingRatio); const factor = -envelope(undampedFreq) + safeMin > 0 ? -1 : 1; return (factor * ((d - e) * f)) / g; }; } else { /** * Critically-damped spring */ envelope = (undampedFreq) => { const a = Math.exp(-undampedFreq * duration); const b = (undampedFreq - velocity) * duration + 1; return -safeMin + a * b; }; derivative = (undampedFreq) => { const a = Math.exp(-undampedFreq * duration); const b = (velocity - undampedFreq) * (duration * duration); return a * b; }; } const initialGuess = 5 / duration; const undampedFreq = approximateRoot(envelope, derivative, initialGuess); duration = secondsToMilliseconds(duration); if (isNaN(undampedFreq)) { return { stiffness: 100, damping: 10, duration, }; } else { const stiffness = Math.pow(undampedFreq, 2) * mass; return { stiffness, damping: dampingRatio * 2 * Math.sqrt(mass * stiffness), duration, }; } } const rootIterations = 12; function approximateRoot(envelope, derivative, initialGuess) { let result = initialGuess; for (let i = 1; i < rootIterations; i++) { result = result - envelope(result) / derivative(result); } return result; } function calcAngularFreq(undampedFreq, dampingRatio) { return undampedFreq * Math.sqrt(1 - dampingRatio * dampingRatio); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/generators/spring/index.mjs const durationKeys = ["duration", "bounce"]; const physicsKeys = ["stiffness", "damping", "mass"]; function isSpringType(options, keys) { return keys.some((key) => options[key] !== undefined); } function getSpringOptions(options) { let springOptions = { velocity: 0.0, stiffness: 100, damping: 10, mass: 1.0, isResolvedFromDuration: false, ...options, }; // stiffness/damping/mass overrides duration/bounce if (!isSpringType(options, physicsKeys) && isSpringType(options, durationKeys)) { const derived = findSpring(options); springOptions = { ...springOptions, ...derived, mass: 1.0, }; springOptions.isResolvedFromDuration = true; } return springOptions; } function spring({ keyframes, restDelta, restSpeed, ...options }) { const origin = keyframes[0]; const target = keyframes[keyframes.length - 1]; /** * This is the Iterator-spec return value. We ensure it's mutable rather than using a generator * to reduce GC during animation. */ const state = { done: false, value: origin }; const { stiffness, damping, mass, duration, velocity, isResolvedFromDuration, } = getSpringOptions({ ...options, velocity: -millisecondsToSeconds(options.velocity || 0), }); const initialVelocity = velocity || 0.0; const dampingRatio = damping / (2 * Math.sqrt(stiffness * mass)); const initialDelta = target - origin; const undampedAngularFreq = millisecondsToSeconds(Math.sqrt(stiffness / mass)); /** * If we're working on a granular scale, use smaller defaults for determining * when the spring is finished. * * These defaults have been selected emprically based on what strikes a good * ratio between feeling good and finishing as soon as changes are imperceptible. */ const isGranularScale = Math.abs(initialDelta) < 5; restSpeed || (restSpeed = isGranularScale ? 0.01 : 2); restDelta || (restDelta = isGranularScale ? 0.005 : 0.5); let resolveSpring; if (dampingRatio < 1) { const angularFreq = calcAngularFreq(undampedAngularFreq, dampingRatio); // Underdamped spring resolveSpring = (t) => { const envelope = Math.exp(-dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * t); return (target - envelope * (((initialVelocity + dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) / angularFreq) * Math.sin(angularFreq * t) + initialDelta * Math.cos(angularFreq * t))); }; } else if (dampingRatio === 1) { // Critically damped spring resolveSpring = (t) => target - Math.exp(-undampedAngularFreq * t) * (initialDelta + (initialVelocity + undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) * t); } else { // Overdamped spring const dampedAngularFreq = undampedAngularFreq * Math.sqrt(dampingRatio * dampingRatio - 1); resolveSpring = (t) => { const envelope = Math.exp(-dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * t); // When performing sinh or cosh values can hit Infinity so we cap them here const freqForT = Math.min(dampedAngularFreq * t, 300); return (target - (envelope * ((initialVelocity + dampingRatio * undampedAngularFreq * initialDelta) * Math.sinh(freqForT) + dampedAngularFreq * initialDelta * Math.cosh(freqForT))) / dampedAngularFreq); }; } return { calculatedDuration: isResolvedFromDuration ? duration || null : null, next: (t) => { const current = resolveSpring(t); if (!isResolvedFromDuration) { let currentVelocity = initialVelocity; if (t !== 0) { /** * We only need to calculate velocity for under-damped springs * as over- and critically-damped springs can't overshoot, so * checking only for displacement is enough. */ if (dampingRatio < 1) { currentVelocity = calcGeneratorVelocity(resolveSpring, t, current); } else { currentVelocity = 0; } } const isBelowVelocityThreshold = Math.abs(currentVelocity) <= restSpeed; const isBelowDisplacementThreshold = Math.abs(target - current) <= restDelta; state.done = isBelowVelocityThreshold && isBelowDisplacementThreshold; } else { state.done = t >= duration; } state.value = state.done ? target : current; return state; }, }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/generators/inertia.mjs function inertia({ keyframes, velocity = 0.0, power = 0.8, timeConstant = 325, bounceDamping = 10, bounceStiffness = 500, modifyTarget, min, max, restDelta = 0.5, restSpeed, }) { const origin = keyframes[0]; const state = { done: false, value: origin, }; const isOutOfBounds = (v) => (min !== undefined && v < min) || (max !== undefined && v > max); const nearestBoundary = (v) => { if (min === undefined) return max; if (max === undefined) return min; return Math.abs(min - v) < Math.abs(max - v) ? min : max; }; let amplitude = power * velocity; const ideal = origin + amplitude; const target = modifyTarget === undefined ? ideal : modifyTarget(ideal); /** * If the target has changed we need to re-calculate the amplitude, otherwise * the animation will start from the wrong position. */ if (target !== ideal) amplitude = target - origin; const calcDelta = (t) => -amplitude * Math.exp(-t / timeConstant); const calcLatest = (t) => target + calcDelta(t); const applyFriction = (t) => { const delta = calcDelta(t); const latest = calcLatest(t); state.done = Math.abs(delta) <= restDelta; state.value = state.done ? target : latest; }; /** * Ideally this would resolve for t in a stateless way, we could * do that by always precalculating the animation but as we know * this will be done anyway we can assume that spring will * be discovered during that. */ let timeReachedBoundary; let spring$1; const checkCatchBoundary = (t) => { if (!isOutOfBounds(state.value)) return; timeReachedBoundary = t; spring$1 = spring({ keyframes: [state.value, nearestBoundary(state.value)], velocity: calcGeneratorVelocity(calcLatest, t, state.value), // TODO: This should be passing * 1000 damping: bounceDamping, stiffness: bounceStiffness, restDelta, restSpeed, }); }; checkCatchBoundary(0); return { calculatedDuration: null, next: (t) => { /** * We need to resolve the friction to figure out if we need a * spring but we don't want to do this twice per frame. So here * we flag if we updated for this frame and later if we did * we can skip doing it again. */ let hasUpdatedFrame = false; if (!spring$1 && timeReachedBoundary === undefined) { hasUpdatedFrame = true; applyFriction(t); checkCatchBoundary(t); } /** * If we have a spring and the provided t is beyond the moment the friction * animation crossed the min/max boundary, use the spring. */ if (timeReachedBoundary !== undefined && t >= timeReachedBoundary) { return spring$ - timeReachedBoundary); } else { !hasUpdatedFrame && applyFriction(t); return state; } }, }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/cubic-bezier.mjs /* Bezier function generator This has been modified from Gaëtan Renaudeau's BezierEasing I've removed the newtonRaphsonIterate algo because in benchmarking it wasn't noticiably faster than binarySubdivision, indeed removing it usually improved times, depending on the curve. I also removed the lookup table, as for the added bundle size and loop we're only cutting ~4 or so subdivision iterations. I bumped the max iterations up to 12 to compensate and this still tended to be faster for no perceivable loss in accuracy. Usage const easeOut = cubicBezier(.17,.67,.83,.67); const x = easeOut(0.5); // returns 0.627... */ // Returns x(t) given t, x1, and x2, or y(t) given t, y1, and y2. const calcBezier = (t, a1, a2) => (((1.0 - 3.0 * a2 + 3.0 * a1) * t + (3.0 * a2 - 6.0 * a1)) * t + 3.0 * a1) * t; const subdivisionPrecision = 0.0000001; const subdivisionMaxIterations = 12; function binarySubdivide(x, lowerBound, upperBound, mX1, mX2) { let currentX; let currentT; let i = 0; do { currentT = lowerBound + (upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0; currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - x; if (currentX > 0.0) { upperBound = currentT; } else { lowerBound = currentT; } } while (Math.abs(currentX) > subdivisionPrecision && ++i < subdivisionMaxIterations); return currentT; } function cubicBezier(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) { // If this is a linear gradient, return linear easing if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2) return noop_noop; const getTForX = (aX) => binarySubdivide(aX, 0, 1, mX1, mX2); // If animation is at start/end, return t without easing return (t) => t === 0 || t === 1 ? t : calcBezier(getTForX(t), mY1, mY2); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/ease.mjs const easeIn = cubicBezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1); const easeOut = cubicBezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1); const easeInOut = cubicBezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/utils/is-easing-array.mjs const isEasingArray = (ease) => { return Array.isArray(ease) && typeof ease[0] !== "number"; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/modifiers/mirror.mjs // Accepts an easing function and returns a new one that outputs mirrored values for // the second half of the animation. Turns easeIn into easeInOut. const mirrorEasing = (easing) => (p) => p <= 0.5 ? easing(2 * p) / 2 : (2 - easing(2 * (1 - p))) / 2; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/modifiers/reverse.mjs // Accepts an easing function and returns a new one that outputs reversed values. // Turns easeIn into easeOut. const reverseEasing = (easing) => (p) => 1 - easing(1 - p); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/circ.mjs const circIn = (p) => 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(p)); const circOut = reverseEasing(circIn); const circInOut = mirrorEasing(circIn); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/back.mjs const backOut = cubicBezier(0.33, 1.53, 0.69, 0.99); const backIn = reverseEasing(backOut); const backInOut = mirrorEasing(backIn); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/anticipate.mjs const anticipate = (p) => (p *= 2) < 1 ? 0.5 * backIn(p) : 0.5 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * (p - 1))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/utils/map.mjs const easingLookup = { linear: noop_noop, easeIn: easeIn, easeInOut: easeInOut, easeOut: easeOut, circIn: circIn, circInOut: circInOut, circOut: circOut, backIn: backIn, backInOut: backInOut, backOut: backOut, anticipate: anticipate, }; const easingDefinitionToFunction = (definition) => { if (Array.isArray(definition)) { // If cubic bezier definition, create bezier curve errors_invariant(definition.length === 4, `Cubic bezier arrays must contain four numerical values.`); const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = definition; return cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2); } else if (typeof definition === "string") { // Else lookup from table errors_invariant(easingLookup[definition] !== undefined, `Invalid easing type '${definition}'`); return easingLookup[definition]; } return definition; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/progress.mjs /* Progress within given range Given a lower limit and an upper limit, we return the progress (expressed as a number 0-1) represented by the given value, and limit that progress to within 0-1. @param [number]: Lower limit @param [number]: Upper limit @param [number]: Value to find progress within given range @return [number]: Progress of value within range as expressed 0-1 */ const progress = (from, to, value) => { const toFromDifference = to - from; return toFromDifference === 0 ? 1 : (value - from) / toFromDifference; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/mix/number.mjs /* Value in range from progress Given a lower limit and an upper limit, we return the value within that range as expressed by progress (usually a number from 0 to 1) So progress = 0.5 would change from -------- to to from ---- to E.g. from = 10, to = 20, progress = 0.5 => 15 @param [number]: Lower limit of range @param [number]: Upper limit of range @param [number]: The progress between lower and upper limits expressed 0-1 @return [number]: Value as calculated from progress within range (not limited within range) */ const mixNumber = (from, to, progress) => { return from + (to - from) * progress; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/hsla-to-rgba.mjs // Adapted from function hueToRgb(p, q, t) { if (t < 0) t += 1; if (t > 1) t -= 1; if (t < 1 / 6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; if (t < 1 / 2) return q; if (t < 2 / 3) return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6; return p; } function hslaToRgba({ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha }) { hue /= 360; saturation /= 100; lightness /= 100; let red = 0; let green = 0; let blue = 0; if (!saturation) { red = green = blue = lightness; } else { const q = lightness < 0.5 ? lightness * (1 + saturation) : lightness + saturation - lightness * saturation; const p = 2 * lightness - q; red = hueToRgb(p, q, hue + 1 / 3); green = hueToRgb(p, q, hue); blue = hueToRgb(p, q, hue - 1 / 3); } return { red: Math.round(red * 255), green: Math.round(green * 255), blue: Math.round(blue * 255), alpha, }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/mix/color.mjs // Linear color space blending // Explained // Demonstrated const mixLinearColor = (from, to, v) => { const fromExpo = from * from; const expo = v * (to * to - fromExpo) + fromExpo; return expo < 0 ? 0 : Math.sqrt(expo); }; const colorTypes = [hex, rgba, hsla]; const getColorType = (v) => colorTypes.find((type) => type.test(v)); function asRGBA(color) { const type = getColorType(color); errors_invariant(Boolean(type), `'${color}' is not an animatable color. Use the equivalent color code instead.`); let model = type.parse(color); if (type === hsla) { // TODO Remove this cast - needed since Framer Motion's stricter typing model = hslaToRgba(model); } return model; } const mixColor = (from, to) => { const fromRGBA = asRGBA(from); const toRGBA = asRGBA(to); const blended = { ...fromRGBA }; return (v) => { = mixLinearColor(,, v); = mixLinearColor(,, v); = mixLinearColor(,, v); blended.alpha = mixNumber(fromRGBA.alpha, toRGBA.alpha, v); return rgba.transform(blended); }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/mix/visibility.mjs const invisibleValues = new Set(["none", "hidden"]); /** * Returns a function that, when provided a progress value between 0 and 1, * will return the "none" or "hidden" string only when the progress is that of * the origin or target. */ function mixVisibility(origin, target) { if (invisibleValues.has(origin)) { return (p) => (p <= 0 ? origin : target); } else { return (p) => (p >= 1 ? target : origin); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/mix/complex.mjs function mixImmediate(a, b) { return (p) => (p > 0 ? b : a); } function complex_mixNumber(a, b) { return (p) => mixNumber(a, b, p); } function getMixer(a) { if (typeof a === "number") { return complex_mixNumber; } else if (typeof a === "string") { return isCSSVariableToken(a) ? mixImmediate : color.test(a) ? mixColor : mixComplex; } else if (Array.isArray(a)) { return mixArray; } else if (typeof a === "object") { return color.test(a) ? mixColor : mixObject; } return mixImmediate; } function mixArray(a, b) { const output = [...a]; const numValues = output.length; const blendValue =, i) => getMixer(v)(v, b[i])); return (p) => { for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) { output[i] = blendValue[i](p); } return output; }; } function mixObject(a, b) { const output = { ...a, ...b }; const blendValue = {}; for (const key in output) { if (a[key] !== undefined && b[key] !== undefined) { blendValue[key] = getMixer(a[key])(a[key], b[key]); } } return (v) => { for (const key in blendValue) { output[key] = blendValue[key](v); } return output; }; } function matchOrder(origin, target) { var _a; const orderedOrigin = []; const pointers = { color: 0, var: 0, number: 0 }; for (let i = 0; i < target.values.length; i++) { const type = target.types[i]; const originIndex = origin.indexes[type][pointers[type]]; const originValue = (_a = origin.values[originIndex]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; orderedOrigin[i] = originValue; pointers[type]++; } return orderedOrigin; } const mixComplex = (origin, target) => { const template = complex.createTransformer(target); const originStats = analyseComplexValue(origin); const targetStats = analyseComplexValue(target); const canInterpolate = originStats.indexes.var.length === targetStats.indexes.var.length && originStats.indexes.color.length === targetStats.indexes.color.length && originStats.indexes.number.length >= targetStats.indexes.number.length; if (canInterpolate) { if ((invisibleValues.has(origin) && !targetStats.values.length) || (invisibleValues.has(target) && !originStats.values.length)) { return mixVisibility(origin, target); } return pipe(mixArray(matchOrder(originStats, targetStats), targetStats.values), template); } else { warning(true, `Complex values '${origin}' and '${target}' too different to mix. Ensure all colors are of the same type, and that each contains the same quantity of number and color values. Falling back to instant transition.`); return mixImmediate(origin, target); } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/mix/index.mjs function mix(from, to, p) { if (typeof from === "number" && typeof to === "number" && typeof p === "number") { return mixNumber(from, to, p); } const mixer = getMixer(from); return mixer(from, to); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/interpolate.mjs function createMixers(output, ease, customMixer) { const mixers = []; const mixerFactory = customMixer || mix; const numMixers = output.length - 1; for (let i = 0; i < numMixers; i++) { let mixer = mixerFactory(output[i], output[i + 1]); if (ease) { const easingFunction = Array.isArray(ease) ? ease[i] || noop_noop : ease; mixer = pipe(easingFunction, mixer); } mixers.push(mixer); } return mixers; } /** * Create a function that maps from a numerical input array to a generic output array. * * Accepts: * - Numbers * - Colors (hex, hsl, hsla, rgb, rgba) * - Complex (combinations of one or more numbers or strings) * * ```jsx * const mixColor = interpolate([0, 1], ['#fff', '#000']) * * mixColor(0.5) // 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 1)' * ``` * * TODO Revist this approach once we've moved to data models for values, * probably not needed to pregenerate mixer functions. * * @public */ function interpolate(input, output, { clamp: isClamp = true, ease, mixer } = {}) { const inputLength = input.length; errors_invariant(inputLength === output.length, "Both input and output ranges must be the same length"); /** * If we're only provided a single input, we can just make a function * that returns the output. */ if (inputLength === 1) return () => output[0]; if (inputLength === 2 && input[0] === input[1]) return () => output[1]; // If input runs highest -> lowest, reverse both arrays if (input[0] > input[inputLength - 1]) { input = [...input].reverse(); output = [...output].reverse(); } const mixers = createMixers(output, ease, mixer); const numMixers = mixers.length; const interpolator = (v) => { let i = 0; if (numMixers > 1) { for (; i < input.length - 2; i++) { if (v < input[i + 1]) break; } } const progressInRange = progress(input[i], input[i + 1], v); return mixers[i](progressInRange); }; return isClamp ? (v) => interpolator(clamp_clamp(input[0], input[inputLength - 1], v)) : interpolator; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/offsets/fill.mjs function fillOffset(offset, remaining) { const min = offset[offset.length - 1]; for (let i = 1; i <= remaining; i++) { const offsetProgress = progress(0, remaining, i); offset.push(mixNumber(min, 1, offsetProgress)); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/offsets/default.mjs function defaultOffset(arr) { const offset = [0]; fillOffset(offset, arr.length - 1); return offset; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/offsets/time.mjs function convertOffsetToTimes(offset, duration) { return => o * duration); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/generators/keyframes.mjs function defaultEasing(values, easing) { return => easing || easeInOut).splice(0, values.length - 1); } function keyframes_keyframes({ duration = 300, keyframes: keyframeValues, times, ease = "easeInOut", }) { /** * Easing functions can be externally defined as strings. Here we convert them * into actual functions. */ const easingFunctions = isEasingArray(ease) ? : easingDefinitionToFunction(ease); /** * This is the Iterator-spec return value. We ensure it's mutable rather than using a generator * to reduce GC during animation. */ const state = { done: false, value: keyframeValues[0], }; /** * Create a times array based on the provided 0-1 offsets */ const absoluteTimes = convertOffsetToTimes( // Only use the provided offsets if they're the correct length // TODO Maybe we should warn here if there's a length mismatch times && times.length === keyframeValues.length ? times : defaultOffset(keyframeValues), duration); const mapTimeToKeyframe = interpolate(absoluteTimes, keyframeValues, { ease: Array.isArray(easingFunctions) ? easingFunctions : defaultEasing(keyframeValues, easingFunctions), }); return { calculatedDuration: duration, next: (t) => { state.value = mapTimeToKeyframe(t); state.done = t >= duration; return state; }, }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/generators/utils/calc-duration.mjs /** * Implement a practical max duration for keyframe generation * to prevent infinite loops */ const maxGeneratorDuration = 20000; function calcGeneratorDuration(generator) { let duration = 0; const timeStep = 50; let state =; while (!state.done && duration < maxGeneratorDuration) { duration += timeStep; state =; } return duration >= maxGeneratorDuration ? Infinity : duration; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/drivers/driver-frameloop.mjs const frameloopDriver = (update) => { const passTimestamp = ({ timestamp }) => update(timestamp); return { start: () => frame_frame.update(passTimestamp, true), stop: () => cancelFrame(passTimestamp), /** * If we're processing this frame we can use the * framelocked timestamp to keep things in sync. */ now: () => (frameData.isProcessing ? frameData.timestamp :, }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/MainThreadAnimation.mjs const generators = { decay: inertia, inertia: inertia, tween: keyframes_keyframes, keyframes: keyframes_keyframes, spring: spring, }; const percentToProgress = (percent) => percent / 100; /** * Animation that runs on the main thread. Designed to be WAAPI-spec in the subset of * features we expose publically. Mostly the compatibility is to ensure visual identity * between both WAAPI and main thread animations. */ class MainThreadAnimation extends BaseAnimation { constructor({ KeyframeResolver: KeyframeResolver$1 = KeyframeResolver, ...options }) { super(options); /** * The time at which the animation was paused. */ this.holdTime = null; /** * The time at which the animation was started. */ this.startTime = null; /** * The time at which the animation was cancelled. */ this.cancelTime = null; /** * The current time of the animation. */ this.currentTime = 0; /** * Playback speed as a factor. 0 would be stopped, -1 reverse and 2 double speed. */ this.playbackSpeed = 1; /** * The state of the animation to apply when the animation is resolved. This * allows calls to the public API to control the animation before it is resolved, * without us having to resolve it first. */ this.pendingPlayState = "running"; this.state = "idle"; /** * This method is bound to the instance to fix a pattern where * animation.stop is returned as a reference from a useEffect. */ this.stop = () => { this.resolver.cancel(); this.isStopped = true; if (this.state === "idle") return; this.teardown(); const { onStop } = this.options; onStop && onStop(); }; const { name, motionValue, keyframes } = this.options; const onResolved = (resolvedKeyframes, finalKeyframe) => this.onKeyframesResolved(resolvedKeyframes, finalKeyframe); if (name && motionValue && motionValue.owner) { this.resolver = motionValue.owner.resolveKeyframes(keyframes, onResolved, name, motionValue); } else { this.resolver = new KeyframeResolver$1(keyframes, onResolved, name, motionValue); } this.resolver.scheduleResolve(); } initPlayback(keyframes$1) { const { type = "keyframes", repeat = 0, repeatDelay = 0, repeatType, velocity = 0, } = this.options; const generatorFactory = generators[type] || keyframes_keyframes; /** * If our generator doesn't support mixing numbers, we need to replace keyframes with * [0, 100] and then make a function that maps that to the actual keyframes. * * 100 is chosen instead of 1 as it works nicer with spring animations. */ let mapPercentToKeyframes; let mirroredGenerator; if (generatorFactory !== keyframes_keyframes && typeof keyframes$1[0] !== "number") { if (false) {} mapPercentToKeyframes = pipe(percentToProgress, mix(keyframes$1[0], keyframes$1[1])); keyframes$1 = [0, 100]; } const generator = generatorFactory({ ...this.options, keyframes: keyframes$1 }); /** * If we have a mirror repeat type we need to create a second generator that outputs the * mirrored (not reversed) animation and later ping pong between the two generators. */ if (repeatType === "mirror") { mirroredGenerator = generatorFactory({ ...this.options, keyframes: [...keyframes$1].reverse(), velocity: -velocity, }); } /** * If duration is undefined and we have repeat options, * we need to calculate a duration from the generator. * * We set it to the generator itself to cache the duration. * Any timeline resolver will need to have already precalculated * the duration by this step. */ if (generator.calculatedDuration === null) { generator.calculatedDuration = calcGeneratorDuration(generator); } const { calculatedDuration } = generator; const resolvedDuration = calculatedDuration + repeatDelay; const totalDuration = resolvedDuration * (repeat + 1) - repeatDelay; return { generator, mirroredGenerator, mapPercentToKeyframes, calculatedDuration, resolvedDuration, totalDuration, }; } onPostResolved() { const { autoplay = true } = this.options;; if (this.pendingPlayState === "paused" || !autoplay) { this.pause(); } else { this.state = this.pendingPlayState; } } tick(timestamp, sample = false) { const { resolved } = this; // If the animations has failed to resolve, return the final keyframe. if (!resolved) { const { keyframes } = this.options; return { done: true, value: keyframes[keyframes.length - 1] }; } const { finalKeyframe, generator, mirroredGenerator, mapPercentToKeyframes, keyframes, calculatedDuration, totalDuration, resolvedDuration, } = resolved; if (this.startTime === null) return; const { delay, repeat, repeatType, repeatDelay, onUpdate } = this.options; /** * requestAnimationFrame timestamps can come through as lower than * the startTime as set by Here we prevent this, * though in the future it could be possible to make setting startTime * a pending operation that gets resolved here. */ if (this.speed > 0) { this.startTime = Math.min(this.startTime, timestamp); } else if (this.speed < 0) { this.startTime = Math.min(timestamp - totalDuration / this.speed, this.startTime); } // Update currentTime if (sample) { this.currentTime = timestamp; } else if (this.holdTime !== null) { this.currentTime = this.holdTime; } else { // Rounding the time because floating point arithmetic is not always accurate, e.g. 3000.367 - 1000.367 = // 2000.0000000000002. This is a problem when we are comparing the currentTime with the duration, for // example. this.currentTime = Math.round(timestamp - this.startTime) * this.speed; } // Rebase on delay const timeWithoutDelay = this.currentTime - delay * (this.speed >= 0 ? 1 : -1); const isInDelayPhase = this.speed >= 0 ? timeWithoutDelay < 0 : timeWithoutDelay > totalDuration; this.currentTime = Math.max(timeWithoutDelay, 0); // If this animation has finished, set the current time to the total duration. if (this.state === "finished" && this.holdTime === null) { this.currentTime = totalDuration; } let elapsed = this.currentTime; let frameGenerator = generator; if (repeat) { /** * Get the current progress (0-1) of the animation. If t is > * than duration we'll get values like 2.5 (midway through the * third iteration) */ const progress = Math.min(this.currentTime, totalDuration) / resolvedDuration; /** * Get the current iteration (0 indexed). For instance the floor of * 2.5 is 2. */ let currentIteration = Math.floor(progress); /** * Get the current progress of the iteration by taking the remainder * so 2.5 is 0.5 through iteration 2 */ let iterationProgress = progress % 1.0; /** * If iteration progress is 1 we count that as the end * of the previous iteration. */ if (!iterationProgress && progress >= 1) { iterationProgress = 1; } iterationProgress === 1 && currentIteration--; currentIteration = Math.min(currentIteration, repeat + 1); /** * Reverse progress if we're not running in "normal" direction */ const isOddIteration = Boolean(currentIteration % 2); if (isOddIteration) { if (repeatType === "reverse") { iterationProgress = 1 - iterationProgress; if (repeatDelay) { iterationProgress -= repeatDelay / resolvedDuration; } } else if (repeatType === "mirror") { frameGenerator = mirroredGenerator; } } elapsed = clamp_clamp(0, 1, iterationProgress) * resolvedDuration; } /** * If we're in negative time, set state as the initial keyframe. * This prevents delay: x, duration: 0 animations from finishing * instantly. */ const state = isInDelayPhase ? { done: false, value: keyframes[0] } :; if (mapPercentToKeyframes) { state.value = mapPercentToKeyframes(state.value); } let { done } = state; if (!isInDelayPhase && calculatedDuration !== null) { done = this.speed >= 0 ? this.currentTime >= totalDuration : this.currentTime <= 0; } const isAnimationFinished = this.holdTime === null && (this.state === "finished" || (this.state === "running" && done)); if (isAnimationFinished && finalKeyframe !== undefined) { state.value = getFinalKeyframe(keyframes, this.options, finalKeyframe); } if (onUpdate) { onUpdate(state.value); } if (isAnimationFinished) { this.finish(); } return state; } get duration() { const { resolved } = this; return resolved ? millisecondsToSeconds(resolved.calculatedDuration) : 0; } get time() { return millisecondsToSeconds(this.currentTime); } set time(newTime) { newTime = secondsToMilliseconds(newTime); this.currentTime = newTime; if (this.holdTime !== null || this.speed === 0) { this.holdTime = newTime; } else if (this.driver) { this.startTime = - newTime / this.speed; } } get speed() { return this.playbackSpeed; } set speed(newSpeed) { const hasChanged = this.playbackSpeed !== newSpeed; this.playbackSpeed = newSpeed; if (hasChanged) { this.time = millisecondsToSeconds(this.currentTime); } } play() { if (!this.resolver.isScheduled) { this.resolver.resume(); } if (!this._resolved) { this.pendingPlayState = "running"; return; } if (this.isStopped) return; const { driver = frameloopDriver, onPlay } = this.options; if (!this.driver) { this.driver = driver((timestamp) => this.tick(timestamp)); } onPlay && onPlay(); const now =; if (this.holdTime !== null) { this.startTime = now - this.holdTime; } else if (!this.startTime || this.state === "finished") { this.startTime = now; } if (this.state === "finished") { this.updateFinishedPromise(); } this.cancelTime = this.startTime; this.holdTime = null; /** * Set playState to running only after we've used it in * the previous logic. */ this.state = "running"; this.driver.start(); } pause() { var _a; if (!this._resolved) { this.pendingPlayState = "paused"; return; } this.state = "paused"; this.holdTime = (_a = this.currentTime) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; } complete() { if (this.state !== "running") {; } this.pendingPlayState = this.state = "finished"; this.holdTime = null; } finish() { this.teardown(); this.state = "finished"; const { onComplete } = this.options; onComplete && onComplete(); } cancel() { if (this.cancelTime !== null) { this.tick(this.cancelTime); } this.teardown(); this.updateFinishedPromise(); } teardown() { this.state = "idle"; this.stopDriver(); this.resolveFinishedPromise(); this.updateFinishedPromise(); this.startTime = this.cancelTime = null; this.resolver.cancel(); } stopDriver() { if (!this.driver) return; this.driver.stop(); this.driver = undefined; } sample(time) { this.startTime = 0; return this.tick(time, true); } } // Legacy interface function animateValue(options) { return new MainThreadAnimation(options); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/easing/utils/is-bezier-definition.mjs const isBezierDefinition = (easing) => Array.isArray(easing) && typeof easing[0] === "number"; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/waapi/easing.mjs function isWaapiSupportedEasing(easing) { return Boolean(!easing || (typeof easing === "string" && easing in supportedWaapiEasing) || isBezierDefinition(easing) || (Array.isArray(easing) && easing.every(isWaapiSupportedEasing))); } const cubicBezierAsString = ([a, b, c, d]) => `cubic-bezier(${a}, ${b}, ${c}, ${d})`; const supportedWaapiEasing = { linear: "linear", ease: "ease", easeIn: "ease-in", easeOut: "ease-out", easeInOut: "ease-in-out", circIn: cubicBezierAsString([0, 0.65, 0.55, 1]), circOut: cubicBezierAsString([0.55, 0, 1, 0.45]), backIn: cubicBezierAsString([0.31, 0.01, 0.66, -0.59]), backOut: cubicBezierAsString([0.33, 1.53, 0.69, 0.99]), }; function mapEasingToNativeEasingWithDefault(easing) { return (mapEasingToNativeEasing(easing) || supportedWaapiEasing.easeOut); } function mapEasingToNativeEasing(easing) { if (!easing) { return undefined; } else if (isBezierDefinition(easing)) { return cubicBezierAsString(easing); } else if (Array.isArray(easing)) { return; } else { return supportedWaapiEasing[easing]; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/waapi/index.mjs function animateStyle(element, valueName, keyframes, { delay = 0, duration = 300, repeat = 0, repeatType = "loop", ease, times, } = {}) { const keyframeOptions = { [valueName]: keyframes }; if (times) keyframeOptions.offset = times; const easing = mapEasingToNativeEasing(ease); /** * If this is an easing array, apply to keyframes, not animation as a whole */ if (Array.isArray(easing)) keyframeOptions.easing = easing; return element.animate(keyframeOptions, { delay, duration, easing: !Array.isArray(easing) ? easing : "linear", fill: "both", iterations: repeat + 1, direction: repeatType === "reverse" ? "alternate" : "normal", }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/animators/AcceleratedAnimation.mjs const supportsWaapi = memo(() =>, "animate")); /** * A list of values that can be hardware-accelerated. */ const acceleratedValues = new Set([ "opacity", "clipPath", "filter", "transform", // TODO: Can be accelerated but currently disabled until is resolved // or until we implement support for linear() easing. // "background-color" ]); /** * 10ms is chosen here as it strikes a balance between smooth * results (more than one keyframe per frame at 60fps) and * keyframe quantity. */ const sampleDelta = 10; //ms /** * Implement a practical max duration for keyframe generation * to prevent infinite loops */ const AcceleratedAnimation_maxDuration = 20000; /** * Check if an animation can run natively via WAAPI or requires pregenerated keyframes. * WAAPI doesn't support spring or function easings so we run these as JS animation before * handing off. */ function requiresPregeneratedKeyframes(options) { return (options.type === "spring" || === "backgroundColor" || !isWaapiSupportedEasing(options.ease)); } function pregenerateKeyframes(keyframes, options) { /** * Create a main-thread animation to pregenerate keyframes. * We sample this at regular intervals to generate keyframes that we then * linearly interpolate between. */ const sampleAnimation = new MainThreadAnimation({ ...options, keyframes, repeat: 0, delay: 0, isGenerator: true, }); let state = { done: false, value: keyframes[0] }; const pregeneratedKeyframes = []; /** * Bail after 20 seconds of pre-generated keyframes as it's likely * we're heading for an infinite loop. */ let t = 0; while (!state.done && t < AcceleratedAnimation_maxDuration) { state = sampleAnimation.sample(t); pregeneratedKeyframes.push(state.value); t += sampleDelta; } return { times: undefined, keyframes: pregeneratedKeyframes, duration: t - sampleDelta, ease: "linear", }; } class AcceleratedAnimation extends BaseAnimation { constructor(options) { super(options); const { name, motionValue, keyframes } = this.options; this.resolver = new DOMKeyframesResolver(keyframes, (resolvedKeyframes, finalKeyframe) => this.onKeyframesResolved(resolvedKeyframes, finalKeyframe), name, motionValue); this.resolver.scheduleResolve(); } initPlayback(keyframes, finalKeyframe) { var _a; let { duration = 300, times, ease, type, motionValue, name, } = this.options; /** * If element has since been unmounted, return false to indicate * the animation failed to initialised. */ if (!((_a = motionValue.owner) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.current)) { return false; } /** * If this animation needs pre-generated keyframes then generate. */ if (requiresPregeneratedKeyframes(this.options)) { const { onComplete, onUpdate, motionValue, ...options } = this.options; const pregeneratedAnimation = pregenerateKeyframes(keyframes, options); keyframes = pregeneratedAnimation.keyframes; // If this is a very short animation, ensure we have // at least two keyframes to animate between as older browsers // can't animate between a single keyframe. if (keyframes.length === 1) { keyframes[1] = keyframes[0]; } duration = pregeneratedAnimation.duration; times = pregeneratedAnimation.times; ease = pregeneratedAnimation.ease; type = "keyframes"; } const animation = animateStyle(motionValue.owner.current, name, keyframes, { ...this.options, duration, times, ease }); // Override the browser calculated startTime with one synchronised to other JS // and WAAPI animations starting this event loop. animation.startTime =; if (this.pendingTimeline) { animation.timeline = this.pendingTimeline; this.pendingTimeline = undefined; } else { /** * Prefer the `onfinish` prop as it's more widely supported than * the `finished` promise. * * Here, we synchronously set the provided MotionValue to the end * keyframe. If we didn't, when the WAAPI animation is finished it would * be removed from the element which would then revert to its old styles. */ animation.onfinish = () => { const { onComplete } = this.options; motionValue.set(getFinalKeyframe(keyframes, this.options, finalKeyframe)); onComplete && onComplete(); this.cancel(); this.resolveFinishedPromise(); }; } return { animation, duration, times, type, ease, keyframes: keyframes, }; } get duration() { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return 0; const { duration } = resolved; return millisecondsToSeconds(duration); } get time() { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return 0; const { animation } = resolved; return millisecondsToSeconds(animation.currentTime || 0); } set time(newTime) { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return; const { animation } = resolved; animation.currentTime = secondsToMilliseconds(newTime); } get speed() { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return 1; const { animation } = resolved; return animation.playbackRate; } set speed(newSpeed) { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return; const { animation } = resolved; animation.playbackRate = newSpeed; } get state() { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return "idle"; const { animation } = resolved; return animation.playState; } /** * Replace the default DocumentTimeline with another AnimationTimeline. * Currently used for scroll animations. */ attachTimeline(timeline) { if (!this._resolved) { this.pendingTimeline = timeline; } else { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return noop_noop; const { animation } = resolved; animation.timeline = timeline; animation.onfinish = null; } return noop_noop; } play() { if (this.isStopped) return; const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return; const { animation } = resolved; if (animation.playState === "finished") { this.updateFinishedPromise(); }; } pause() { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return; const { animation } = resolved; animation.pause(); } stop() { this.resolver.cancel(); this.isStopped = true; if (this.state === "idle") return; const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return; const { animation, keyframes, duration, type, ease, times } = resolved; if (animation.playState === "idle" || animation.playState === "finished") { return; } /** * WAAPI doesn't natively have any interruption capabilities. * * Rather than read commited styles back out of the DOM, we can * create a renderless JS animation and sample it twice to calculate * its current value, "previous" value, and therefore allow * Motion to calculate velocity for any subsequent animation. */ if (this.time) { const { motionValue, onUpdate, onComplete, ...options } = this.options; const sampleAnimation = new MainThreadAnimation({ ...options, keyframes, duration, type, ease, times, isGenerator: true, }); const sampleTime = secondsToMilliseconds(this.time); motionValue.setWithVelocity(sampleAnimation.sample(sampleTime - sampleDelta).value, sampleAnimation.sample(sampleTime).value, sampleDelta); } this.cancel(); } complete() { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return; resolved.animation.finish(); } cancel() { const { resolved } = this; if (!resolved) return; resolved.animation.cancel(); } static supports(options) { const { motionValue, name, repeatDelay, repeatType, damping, type } = options; return (supportsWaapi() && name && acceleratedValues.has(name) && motionValue && motionValue.owner && motionValue.owner.current instanceof HTMLElement && /** * If we're outputting values to onUpdate then we can't use WAAPI as there's * no way to read the value from WAAPI every frame. */ !motionValue.owner.getProps().onUpdate && !repeatDelay && repeatType !== "mirror" && damping !== 0 && type !== "inertia"); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/interfaces/motion-value.mjs const animateMotionValue = (name, value, target, transition = {}, element, isHandoff) => (onComplete) => { const valueTransition = getValueTransition(transition, name) || {}; /** * Most transition values are currently completely overwritten by value-specific * transitions. In the future it'd be nicer to blend these transitions. But for now * delay actually does inherit from the root transition if not value-specific. */ const delay = valueTransition.delay || transition.delay || 0; /** * Elapsed isn't a public transition option but can be passed through from * optimized appear effects in milliseconds. */ let { elapsed = 0 } = transition; elapsed = elapsed - secondsToMilliseconds(delay); let options = { keyframes: Array.isArray(target) ? target : [null, target], ease: "easeOut", velocity: value.getVelocity(), ...valueTransition, delay: -elapsed, onUpdate: (v) => { value.set(v); valueTransition.onUpdate && valueTransition.onUpdate(v); }, onComplete: () => { onComplete(); valueTransition.onComplete && valueTransition.onComplete(); }, name, motionValue: value, element: isHandoff ? undefined : element, }; /** * If there's no transition defined for this value, we can generate * unqiue transition settings for this value. */ if (!isTransitionDefined(valueTransition)) { options = { ...options, ...getDefaultTransition(name, options), }; } /** * Both WAAPI and our internal animation functions use durations * as defined by milliseconds, while our external API defines them * as seconds. */ if (options.duration) { options.duration = secondsToMilliseconds(options.duration); } if (options.repeatDelay) { options.repeatDelay = secondsToMilliseconds(options.repeatDelay); } if (options.from !== undefined) { options.keyframes[0] = options.from; } let shouldSkip = false; if (options.type === false || (options.duration === 0 && !options.repeatDelay)) { options.duration = 0; if (options.delay === 0) { shouldSkip = true; } } if (instantAnimationState.current || MotionGlobalConfig.skipAnimations) { shouldSkip = true; options.duration = 0; options.delay = 0; } /** * If we can or must skip creating the animation, and apply only * the final keyframe, do so. We also check once keyframes are resolved but * this early check prevents the need to create an animation at all. */ if (shouldSkip && !isHandoff && value.get() !== undefined) { const finalKeyframe = getFinalKeyframe(options.keyframes, valueTransition); if (finalKeyframe !== undefined) { frame_frame.update(() => { options.onUpdate(finalKeyframe); options.onComplete(); }); return; } } /** * Animate via WAAPI if possible. If this is a handoff animation, the optimised animation will be running via * WAAPI. Therefore, this animation must be JS to ensure it runs "under" the * optimised animation. */ if (!isHandoff && AcceleratedAnimation.supports(options)) { return new AcceleratedAnimation(options); } else { return new MainThreadAnimation(options); } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/use-will-change/is.mjs function isWillChangeMotionValue(value) { return Boolean(isMotionValue(value) && value.add); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/array.mjs function addUniqueItem(arr, item) { if (arr.indexOf(item) === -1) arr.push(item); } function removeItem(arr, item) { const index = arr.indexOf(item); if (index > -1) arr.splice(index, 1); } // Adapted from array-move function moveItem([...arr], fromIndex, toIndex) { const startIndex = fromIndex < 0 ? arr.length + fromIndex : fromIndex; if (startIndex >= 0 && startIndex < arr.length) { const endIndex = toIndex < 0 ? arr.length + toIndex : toIndex; const [item] = arr.splice(fromIndex, 1); arr.splice(endIndex, 0, item); } return arr; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/subscription-manager.mjs class SubscriptionManager { constructor() { this.subscriptions = []; } add(handler) { addUniqueItem(this.subscriptions, handler); return () => removeItem(this.subscriptions, handler); } notify(a, b, c) { const numSubscriptions = this.subscriptions.length; if (!numSubscriptions) return; if (numSubscriptions === 1) { /** * If there's only a single handler we can just call it without invoking a loop. */ this.subscriptions[0](a, b, c); } else { for (let i = 0; i < numSubscriptions; i++) { /** * Check whether the handler exists before firing as it's possible * the subscriptions were modified during this loop running. */ const handler = this.subscriptions[i]; handler && handler(a, b, c); } } } getSize() { return this.subscriptions.length; } clear() { this.subscriptions.length = 0; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/value/index.mjs /** * Maximum time between the value of two frames, beyond which we * assume the velocity has since been 0. */ const MAX_VELOCITY_DELTA = 30; const isFloat = (value) => { return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)); }; const collectMotionValues = { current: undefined, }; /** * `MotionValue` is used to track the state and velocity of motion values. * * @public */ class MotionValue { /** * @param init - The initiating value * @param config - Optional configuration options * * - `transformer`: A function to transform incoming values with. * * @internal */ constructor(init, options = {}) { /** * This will be replaced by the build step with the latest version number. * When MotionValues are provided to motion components, warn if versions are mixed. */ this.version = "11.2.6"; /** * Tracks whether this value can output a velocity. Currently this is only true * if the value is numerical, but we might be able to widen the scope here and support * other value types. * * @internal */ this.canTrackVelocity = null; /** * An object containing a SubscriptionManager for each active event. */ = {}; this.updateAndNotify = (v, render = true) => { const currentTime =; /** * If we're updating the value during another frame or eventloop * than the previous frame, then the we set the previous frame value * to current. */ if (this.updatedAt !== currentTime) { this.setPrevFrameValue(); } this.prev = this.current; this.setCurrent(v); // Update update subscribers if (this.current !== this.prev && {; } // Update render subscribers if (render && {; } }; this.hasAnimated = false; this.setCurrent(init); this.owner = options.owner; } setCurrent(current) { this.current = current; this.updatedAt =; if (this.canTrackVelocity === null && current !== undefined) { this.canTrackVelocity = isFloat(this.current); } } setPrevFrameValue(prevFrameValue = this.current) { this.prevFrameValue = prevFrameValue; this.prevUpdatedAt = this.updatedAt; } /** * Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` is updated. * * It returns a function that, when called, will cancel the subscription. * * When calling `onChange` inside a React component, it should be wrapped with the * `useEffect` hook. As it returns an unsubscribe function, this should be returned * from the `useEffect` function to ensure you don't add duplicate subscribers.. * * ```jsx * export const MyComponent = () => { * const x = useMotionValue(0) * const y = useMotionValue(0) * const opacity = useMotionValue(1) * * useEffect(() => { * function updateOpacity() { * const maxXY = Math.max(x.get(), y.get()) * const newOpacity = transform(maxXY, [0, 100], [1, 0]) * opacity.set(newOpacity) * } * * const unsubscribeX = x.on("change", updateOpacity) * const unsubscribeY = y.on("change", updateOpacity) * * return () => { * unsubscribeX() * unsubscribeY() * } * }, []) * * return <motion.div style={{ x }} /> * } * ``` * * @param subscriber - A function that receives the latest value. * @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription. * * @deprecated */ onChange(subscription) { if (false) {} return this.on("change", subscription); } on(eventName, callback) { if (![eventName]) {[eventName] = new SubscriptionManager(); } const unsubscribe =[eventName].add(callback); if (eventName === "change") { return () => { unsubscribe(); /** * If we have no more change listeners by the start * of the next frame, stop active animations. */ => { if (! { this.stop(); } }); }; } return unsubscribe; } clearListeners() { for (const eventManagers in {[eventManagers].clear(); } } /** * Attaches a passive effect to the `MotionValue`. * * @internal */ attach(passiveEffect, stopPassiveEffect) { this.passiveEffect = passiveEffect; this.stopPassiveEffect = stopPassiveEffect; } /** * Sets the state of the `MotionValue`. * * @remarks * * ```jsx * const x = useMotionValue(0) * x.set(10) * ``` * * @param latest - Latest value to set. * @param render - Whether to notify render subscribers. Defaults to `true` * * @public */ set(v, render = true) { if (!render || !this.passiveEffect) { this.updateAndNotify(v, render); } else { this.passiveEffect(v, this.updateAndNotify); } } setWithVelocity(prev, current, delta) { this.set(current); this.prev = undefined; this.prevFrameValue = prev; this.prevUpdatedAt = this.updatedAt - delta; } /** * Set the state of the `MotionValue`, stopping any active animations, * effects, and resets velocity to `0`. */ jump(v, endAnimation = true) { this.updateAndNotify(v); this.prev = v; this.prevUpdatedAt = this.prevFrameValue = undefined; endAnimation && this.stop(); if (this.stopPassiveEffect) this.stopPassiveEffect(); } /** * Returns the latest state of `MotionValue` * * @returns - The latest state of `MotionValue` * * @public */ get() { if (collectMotionValues.current) { collectMotionValues.current.push(this); } return this.current; } /** * @public */ getPrevious() { return this.prev; } /** * Returns the latest velocity of `MotionValue` * * @returns - The latest velocity of `MotionValue`. Returns `0` if the state is non-numerical. * * @public */ getVelocity() { const currentTime =; if (!this.canTrackVelocity || this.prevFrameValue === undefined || currentTime - this.updatedAt > MAX_VELOCITY_DELTA) { return 0; } const delta = Math.min(this.updatedAt - this.prevUpdatedAt, MAX_VELOCITY_DELTA); // Casts because of parseFloat's poor typing return velocityPerSecond(parseFloat(this.current) - parseFloat(this.prevFrameValue), delta); } /** * Registers a new animation to control this `MotionValue`. Only one * animation can drive a `MotionValue` at one time. * * ```jsx * value.start() * ``` * * @param animation - A function that starts the provided animation * * @internal */ start(startAnimation) { this.stop(); return new Promise((resolve) => { this.hasAnimated = true; this.animation = startAnimation(resolve); if ( {; } }).then(() => { if ( {; } this.clearAnimation(); }); } /** * Stop the currently active animation. * * @public */ stop() { if (this.animation) { this.animation.stop(); if ( {; } } this.clearAnimation(); } /** * Returns `true` if this value is currently animating. * * @public */ isAnimating() { return !!this.animation; } clearAnimation() { delete this.animation; } /** * Destroy and clean up subscribers to this `MotionValue`. * * The `MotionValue` hooks like `useMotionValue` and `useTransform` automatically * handle the lifecycle of the returned `MotionValue`, so this method is only necessary if you've manually * created a `MotionValue` via the `motionValue` function. * * @public */ destroy() { this.clearListeners(); this.stop(); if (this.stopPassiveEffect) { this.stopPassiveEffect(); } } } function motionValue(init, options) { return new MotionValue(init, options); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/setters.mjs /** * Set VisualElement's MotionValue, creating a new MotionValue for it if * it doesn't exist. */ function setMotionValue(visualElement, key, value) { if (visualElement.hasValue(key)) { visualElement.getValue(key).set(value); } else { visualElement.addValue(key, motionValue(value)); } } function setTarget(visualElement, definition) { const resolved = resolveVariant(visualElement, definition); let { transitionEnd = {}, transition = {}, } = resolved || {}; target = {, ...transitionEnd }; for (const key in target) { const value = resolveFinalValueInKeyframes(target[key]); setMotionValue(visualElement, key, value); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/interfaces/visual-element-target.mjs /** * Decide whether we should block this animation. Previously, we achieved this * just by checking whether the key was listed in protectedKeys, but this * posed problems if an animation was triggered by afterChildren and protectedKeys * had been set to true in the meantime. */ function shouldBlockAnimation({ protectedKeys, needsAnimating }, key) { const shouldBlock = protectedKeys.hasOwnProperty(key) && needsAnimating[key] !== true; needsAnimating[key] = false; return shouldBlock; } function animateTarget(visualElement, targetAndTransition, { delay = 0, transitionOverride, type } = {}) { var _a; let { transition = visualElement.getDefaultTransition(), transitionEnd, } = targetAndTransition; const willChange = visualElement.getValue("willChange"); if (transitionOverride) transition = transitionOverride; const animations = []; const animationTypeState = type && visualElement.animationState && visualElement.animationState.getState()[type]; for (const key in target) { const value = visualElement.getValue(key, (_a = visualElement.latestValues[key]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null); const valueTarget = target[key]; if (valueTarget === undefined || (animationTypeState && shouldBlockAnimation(animationTypeState, key))) { continue; } const valueTransition = { delay, elapsed: 0, ...getValueTransition(transition || {}, key), }; /** * If this is the first time a value is being animated, check * to see if we're handling off from an existing animation. */ let isHandoff = false; if (window.HandoffAppearAnimations) { const props = visualElement.getProps(); const appearId = props[optimizedAppearDataAttribute]; if (appearId) { const elapsed = window.HandoffAppearAnimations(appearId, key, value, frame_frame); if (elapsed !== null) { valueTransition.elapsed = elapsed; isHandoff = true; } } } value.start(animateMotionValue(key, value, valueTarget, visualElement.shouldReduceMotion && transformProps.has(key) ? { type: false } : valueTransition, visualElement, isHandoff)); const animation = value.animation; if (animation) { if (isWillChangeMotionValue(willChange)) { willChange.add(key); animation.then(() => willChange.remove(key)); } animations.push(animation); } } if (transitionEnd) { Promise.all(animations).then(() => { frame_frame.update(() => { transitionEnd && setTarget(visualElement, transitionEnd); }); }); } return animations; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/interfaces/visual-element-variant.mjs function animateVariant(visualElement, variant, options = {}) { var _a; const resolved = resolveVariant(visualElement, variant, options.type === "exit" ? (_a = visualElement.presenceContext) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.custom : undefined); let { transition = visualElement.getDefaultTransition() || {} } = resolved || {}; if (options.transitionOverride) { transition = options.transitionOverride; } /** * If we have a variant, create a callback that runs it as an animation. * Otherwise, we resolve a Promise immediately for a composable no-op. */ const getAnimation = resolved ? () => Promise.all(animateTarget(visualElement, resolved, options)) : () => Promise.resolve(); /** * If we have children, create a callback that runs all their animations. * Otherwise, we resolve a Promise immediately for a composable no-op. */ const getChildAnimations = visualElement.variantChildren && visualElement.variantChildren.size ? (forwardDelay = 0) => { const { delayChildren = 0, staggerChildren, staggerDirection, } = transition; return animateChildren(visualElement, variant, delayChildren + forwardDelay, staggerChildren, staggerDirection, options); } : () => Promise.resolve(); /** * If the transition explicitly defines a "when" option, we need to resolve either * this animation or all children animations before playing the other. */ const { when } = transition; if (when) { const [first, last] = when === "beforeChildren" ? [getAnimation, getChildAnimations] : [getChildAnimations, getAnimation]; return first().then(() => last()); } else { return Promise.all([getAnimation(), getChildAnimations(options.delay)]); } } function animateChildren(visualElement, variant, delayChildren = 0, staggerChildren = 0, staggerDirection = 1, options) { const animations = []; const maxStaggerDuration = (visualElement.variantChildren.size - 1) * staggerChildren; const generateStaggerDuration = staggerDirection === 1 ? (i = 0) => i * staggerChildren : (i = 0) => maxStaggerDuration - i * staggerChildren; Array.from(visualElement.variantChildren) .sort(sortByTreeOrder) .forEach((child, i) => { child.notify("AnimationStart", variant); animations.push(animateVariant(child, variant, { ...options, delay: delayChildren + generateStaggerDuration(i), }).then(() => child.notify("AnimationComplete", variant))); }); return Promise.all(animations); } function sortByTreeOrder(a, b) { return a.sortNodePosition(b); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/interfaces/visual-element.mjs function animateVisualElement(visualElement, definition, options = {}) { visualElement.notify("AnimationStart", definition); let animation; if (Array.isArray(definition)) { const animations = => animateVariant(visualElement, variant, options)); animation = Promise.all(animations); } else if (typeof definition === "string") { animation = animateVariant(visualElement, definition, options); } else { const resolvedDefinition = typeof definition === "function" ? resolveVariant(visualElement, definition, options.custom) : definition; animation = Promise.all(animateTarget(visualElement, resolvedDefinition, options)); } return animation.then(() => { frame_frame.postRender(() => { visualElement.notify("AnimationComplete", definition); }); }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/animation-state.mjs const reversePriorityOrder = [...variantPriorityOrder].reverse(); const numAnimationTypes = variantPriorityOrder.length; function animateList(visualElement) { return (animations) => Promise.all({ animation, options }) => animateVisualElement(visualElement, animation, options))); } function createAnimationState(visualElement) { let animate = animateList(visualElement); const state = createState(); let isInitialRender = true; /** * This function will be used to reduce the animation definitions for * each active animation type into an object of resolved values for it. */ const buildResolvedTypeValues = (type) => (acc, definition) => { var _a; const resolved = resolveVariant(visualElement, definition, type === "exit" ? (_a = visualElement.presenceContext) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.custom : undefined); if (resolved) { const { transition, transitionEnd, } = resolved; acc = { ...acc,, ...transitionEnd }; } return acc; }; /** * This just allows us to inject mocked animation functions * @internal */ function setAnimateFunction(makeAnimator) { animate = makeAnimator(visualElement); } /** * When we receive new props, we need to: * 1. Create a list of protected keys for each type. This is a directory of * value keys that are currently being "handled" by types of a higher priority * so that whenever an animation is played of a given type, these values are * protected from being animated. * 2. Determine if an animation type needs animating. * 3. Determine if any values have been removed from a type and figure out * what to animate those to. */ function animateChanges(changedActiveType) { const props = visualElement.getProps(); const context = visualElement.getVariantContext(true) || {}; /** * A list of animations that we'll build into as we iterate through the animation * types. This will get executed at the end of the function. */ const animations = []; /** * Keep track of which values have been removed. Then, as we hit lower priority * animation types, we can check if they contain removed values and animate to that. */ const removedKeys = new Set(); /** * A dictionary of all encountered keys. This is an object to let us build into and * copy it without iteration. Each time we hit an animation type we set its protected * keys - the keys its not allowed to animate - to the latest version of this object. */ let encounteredKeys = {}; /** * If a variant has been removed at a given index, and this component is controlling * variant animations, we want to ensure lower-priority variants are forced to animate. */ let removedVariantIndex = Infinity; /** * Iterate through all animation types in reverse priority order. For each, we want to * detect which values it's handling and whether or not they've changed (and therefore * need to be animated). If any values have been removed, we want to detect those in * lower priority props and flag for animation. */ for (let i = 0; i < numAnimationTypes; i++) { const type = reversePriorityOrder[i]; const typeState = state[type]; const prop = props[type] !== undefined ? props[type] : context[type]; const propIsVariant = isVariantLabel(prop); /** * If this type has *just* changed isActive status, set activeDelta * to that status. Otherwise set to null. */ const activeDelta = type === changedActiveType ? typeState.isActive : null; if (activeDelta === false) removedVariantIndex = i; /** * If this prop is an inherited variant, rather than been set directly on the * component itself, we want to make sure we allow the parent to trigger animations. * * TODO: Can probably change this to a !isControllingVariants check */ let isInherited = prop === context[type] && prop !== props[type] && propIsVariant; /** * */ if (isInherited && isInitialRender && visualElement.manuallyAnimateOnMount) { isInherited = false; } /** * Set all encountered keys so far as the protected keys for this type. This will * be any key that has been animated or otherwise handled by active, higher-priortiy types. */ typeState.protectedKeys = { ...encounteredKeys }; // Check if we can skip analysing this prop early if ( // If it isn't active and hasn't *just* been set as inactive (!typeState.isActive && activeDelta === null) || // If we didn't and don't have any defined prop for this animation type (!prop && !typeState.prevProp) || // Or if the prop doesn't define an animation isAnimationControls(prop) || typeof prop === "boolean") { continue; } /** * As we go look through the values defined on this type, if we detect * a changed value or a value that was removed in a higher priority, we set * this to true and add this prop to the animation list. */ const variantDidChange = checkVariantsDidChange(typeState.prevProp, prop); let shouldAnimateType = variantDidChange || // If we're making this variant active, we want to always make it active (type === changedActiveType && typeState.isActive && !isInherited && propIsVariant) || // If we removed a higher-priority variant (i is in reverse order) (i > removedVariantIndex && propIsVariant); let handledRemovedValues = false; /** * As animations can be set as variant lists, variants or target objects, we * coerce everything to an array if it isn't one already */ const definitionList = Array.isArray(prop) ? prop : [prop]; /** * Build an object of all the resolved values. We'll use this in the subsequent * animateChanges calls to determine whether a value has changed. */ let resolvedValues = definitionList.reduce(buildResolvedTypeValues(type), {}); if (activeDelta === false) resolvedValues = {}; /** * Now we need to loop through all the keys in the prev prop and this prop, * and decide: * 1. If the value has changed, and needs animating * 2. If it has been removed, and needs adding to the removedKeys set * 3. If it has been removed in a higher priority type and needs animating * 4. If it hasn't been removed in a higher priority but hasn't changed, and * needs adding to the type's protectedKeys list. */ const { prevResolvedValues = {} } = typeState; const allKeys = { ...prevResolvedValues, ...resolvedValues, }; const markToAnimate = (key) => { shouldAnimateType = true; if (removedKeys.has(key)) { handledRemovedValues = true; removedKeys.delete(key); } typeState.needsAnimating[key] = true; const motionValue = visualElement.getValue(key); if (motionValue) motionValue.liveStyle = false; }; for (const key in allKeys) { const next = resolvedValues[key]; const prev = prevResolvedValues[key]; // If we've already handled this we can just skip ahead if (encounteredKeys.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; /** * If the value has changed, we probably want to animate it. */ let valueHasChanged = false; if (isKeyframesTarget(next) && isKeyframesTarget(prev)) { valueHasChanged = !shallowCompare(next, prev); } else { valueHasChanged = next !== prev; } if (valueHasChanged) { if (next !== undefined && next !== null) { // If next is defined and doesn't equal prev, it needs animating markToAnimate(key); } else { // If it's undefined, it's been removed. removedKeys.add(key); } } else if (next !== undefined && removedKeys.has(key)) { /** * If next hasn't changed and it isn't undefined, we want to check if it's * been removed by a higher priority */ markToAnimate(key); } else { /** * If it hasn't changed, we add it to the list of protected values * to ensure it doesn't get animated. */ typeState.protectedKeys[key] = true; } } /** * Update the typeState so next time animateChanges is called we can compare the * latest prop and resolvedValues to these. */ typeState.prevProp = prop; typeState.prevResolvedValues = resolvedValues; /** * */ if (typeState.isActive) { encounteredKeys = { ...encounteredKeys, ...resolvedValues }; } if (isInitialRender && visualElement.blockInitialAnimation) { shouldAnimateType = false; } /** * If this is an inherited prop we want to hard-block animations */ if (shouldAnimateType && (!isInherited || handledRemovedValues)) { animations.push( => ({ animation: animation, options: { type }, }))); } } /** * If there are some removed value that haven't been dealt with, * we need to create a new animation that falls back either to the value * defined in the style prop, or the last read value. */ if (removedKeys.size) { const fallbackAnimation = {}; removedKeys.forEach((key) => { const fallbackTarget = visualElement.getBaseTarget(key); const motionValue = visualElement.getValue(key); if (motionValue) motionValue.liveStyle = true; // @ts-expect-error - @mattgperry to figure if we should do something here fallbackAnimation[key] = fallbackTarget !== null && fallbackTarget !== void 0 ? fallbackTarget : null; }); animations.push({ animation: fallbackAnimation }); } let shouldAnimate = Boolean(animations.length); if (isInitialRender && (props.initial === false || props.initial === props.animate) && !visualElement.manuallyAnimateOnMount) { shouldAnimate = false; } isInitialRender = false; return shouldAnimate ? animate(animations) : Promise.resolve(); } /** * Change whether a certain animation type is active. */ function setActive(type, isActive) { var _a; // If the active state hasn't changed, we can safely do nothing here if (state[type].isActive === isActive) return Promise.resolve(); // Propagate active change to children (_a = visualElement.variantChildren) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((child) => { var _a; return (_a = child.animationState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActive(type, isActive); }); state[type].isActive = isActive; const animations = animateChanges(type); for (const key in state) { state[key].protectedKeys = {}; } return animations; } return { animateChanges, setActive, setAnimateFunction, getState: () => state, }; } function checkVariantsDidChange(prev, next) { if (typeof next === "string") { return next !== prev; } else if (Array.isArray(next)) { return !shallowCompare(next, prev); } return false; } function createTypeState(isActive = false) { return { isActive, protectedKeys: {}, needsAnimating: {}, prevResolvedValues: {}, }; } function createState() { return { animate: createTypeState(true), whileInView: createTypeState(), whileHover: createTypeState(), whileTap: createTypeState(), whileDrag: createTypeState(), whileFocus: createTypeState(), exit: createTypeState(), }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/animation/index.mjs class AnimationFeature extends Feature { /** * We dynamically generate the AnimationState manager as it contains a reference * to the underlying animation library. We only want to load that if we load this, * so people can optionally code split it out using the `m` component. */ constructor(node) { super(node); node.animationState || (node.animationState = createAnimationState(node)); } updateAnimationControlsSubscription() { const { animate } = this.node.getProps(); this.unmount(); if (isAnimationControls(animate)) { this.unmount = animate.subscribe(this.node); } } /** * Subscribe any provided AnimationControls to the component's VisualElement */ mount() { this.updateAnimationControlsSubscription(); } update() { const { animate } = this.node.getProps(); const { animate: prevAnimate } = this.node.prevProps || {}; if (animate !== prevAnimate) { this.updateAnimationControlsSubscription(); } } unmount() { } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/animation/exit.mjs let id = 0; class ExitAnimationFeature extends Feature { constructor() { super(...arguments); = id++; } update() { if (!this.node.presenceContext) return; const { isPresent, onExitComplete } = this.node.presenceContext; const { isPresent: prevIsPresent } = this.node.prevPresenceContext || {}; if (!this.node.animationState || isPresent === prevIsPresent) { return; } const exitAnimation = this.node.animationState.setActive("exit", !isPresent); if (onExitComplete && !isPresent) { exitAnimation.then(() => onExitComplete(; } } mount() { const { register } = this.node.presenceContext || {}; if (register) { this.unmount = register(; } } unmount() { } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/animations.mjs const animations = { animation: { Feature: AnimationFeature, }, exit: { Feature: ExitAnimationFeature, }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/distance.mjs const distance = (a, b) => Math.abs(a - b); function distance2D(a, b) { // Multi-dimensional const xDelta = distance(a.x, b.x); const yDelta = distance(a.y, b.y); return Math.sqrt(xDelta ** 2 + yDelta ** 2); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/pan/PanSession.mjs /** * @internal */ class PanSession { constructor(event, handlers, { transformPagePoint, contextWindow, dragSnapToOrigin = false } = {}) { /** * @internal */ this.startEvent = null; /** * @internal */ this.lastMoveEvent = null; /** * @internal */ this.lastMoveEventInfo = null; /** * @internal */ this.handlers = {}; /** * @internal */ this.contextWindow = window; this.updatePoint = () => { if (!(this.lastMoveEvent && this.lastMoveEventInfo)) return; const info = getPanInfo(this.lastMoveEventInfo, this.history); const isPanStarted = this.startEvent !== null; // Only start panning if the offset is larger than 3 pixels. If we make it // any larger than this we'll want to reset the pointer history // on the first update to avoid visual snapping to the cursoe. const isDistancePastThreshold = distance2D(info.offset, { x: 0, y: 0 }) >= 3; if (!isPanStarted && !isDistancePastThreshold) return; const { point } = info; const { timestamp } = frameData; this.history.push({ ...point, timestamp }); const { onStart, onMove } = this.handlers; if (!isPanStarted) { onStart && onStart(this.lastMoveEvent, info); this.startEvent = this.lastMoveEvent; } onMove && onMove(this.lastMoveEvent, info); }; this.handlePointerMove = (event, info) => { this.lastMoveEvent = event; this.lastMoveEventInfo = transformPoint(info, this.transformPagePoint); // Throttle mouse move event to once per frame frame_frame.update(this.updatePoint, true); }; this.handlePointerUp = (event, info) => { this.end(); const { onEnd, onSessionEnd, resumeAnimation } = this.handlers; if (this.dragSnapToOrigin) resumeAnimation && resumeAnimation(); if (!(this.lastMoveEvent && this.lastMoveEventInfo)) return; const panInfo = getPanInfo(event.type === "pointercancel" ? this.lastMoveEventInfo : transformPoint(info, this.transformPagePoint), this.history); if (this.startEvent && onEnd) { onEnd(event, panInfo); } onSessionEnd && onSessionEnd(event, panInfo); }; // If we have more than one touch, don't start detecting this gesture if (!isPrimaryPointer(event)) return; this.dragSnapToOrigin = dragSnapToOrigin; this.handlers = handlers; this.transformPagePoint = transformPagePoint; this.contextWindow = contextWindow || window; const info = extractEventInfo(event); const initialInfo = transformPoint(info, this.transformPagePoint); const { point } = initialInfo; const { timestamp } = frameData; this.history = [{ ...point, timestamp }]; const { onSessionStart } = handlers; onSessionStart && onSessionStart(event, getPanInfo(initialInfo, this.history)); this.removeListeners = pipe(addPointerEvent(this.contextWindow, "pointermove", this.handlePointerMove), addPointerEvent(this.contextWindow, "pointerup", this.handlePointerUp), addPointerEvent(this.contextWindow, "pointercancel", this.handlePointerUp)); } updateHandlers(handlers) { this.handlers = handlers; } end() { this.removeListeners && this.removeListeners(); cancelFrame(this.updatePoint); } } function transformPoint(info, transformPagePoint) { return transformPagePoint ? { point: transformPagePoint(info.point) } : info; } function subtractPoint(a, b) { return { x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y }; } function getPanInfo({ point }, history) { return { point, delta: subtractPoint(point, lastDevicePoint(history)), offset: subtractPoint(point, startDevicePoint(history)), velocity: getVelocity(history, 0.1), }; } function startDevicePoint(history) { return history[0]; } function lastDevicePoint(history) { return history[history.length - 1]; } function getVelocity(history, timeDelta) { if (history.length < 2) { return { x: 0, y: 0 }; } let i = history.length - 1; let timestampedPoint = null; const lastPoint = lastDevicePoint(history); while (i >= 0) { timestampedPoint = history[i]; if (lastPoint.timestamp - timestampedPoint.timestamp > secondsToMilliseconds(timeDelta)) { break; } i--; } if (!timestampedPoint) { return { x: 0, y: 0 }; } const time = millisecondsToSeconds(lastPoint.timestamp - timestampedPoint.timestamp); if (time === 0) { return { x: 0, y: 0 }; } const currentVelocity = { x: (lastPoint.x - timestampedPoint.x) / time, y: (lastPoint.y - timestampedPoint.y) / time, }; if (currentVelocity.x === Infinity) { currentVelocity.x = 0; } if (currentVelocity.y === Infinity) { currentVelocity.y = 0; } return currentVelocity; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/geometry/delta-calc.mjs function calcLength(axis) { return axis.max - axis.min; } function isNear(value, target = 0, maxDistance = 0.01) { return Math.abs(value - target) <= maxDistance; } function calcAxisDelta(delta, source, target, origin = 0.5) { delta.origin = origin; delta.originPoint = mixNumber(source.min, source.max, delta.origin); delta.scale = calcLength(target) / calcLength(source); if (isNear(delta.scale, 1, 0.0001) || isNaN(delta.scale)) delta.scale = 1; delta.translate = mixNumber(target.min, target.max, delta.origin) - delta.originPoint; if (isNear(delta.translate) || isNaN(delta.translate)) delta.translate = 0; } function calcBoxDelta(delta, source, target, origin) { calcAxisDelta(delta.x, source.x, target.x, origin ? origin.originX : undefined); calcAxisDelta(delta.y, source.y, target.y, origin ? origin.originY : undefined); } function calcRelativeAxis(target, relative, parent) { target.min = parent.min + relative.min; target.max = target.min + calcLength(relative); } function calcRelativeBox(target, relative, parent) { calcRelativeAxis(target.x, relative.x, parent.x); calcRelativeAxis(target.y, relative.y, parent.y); } function calcRelativeAxisPosition(target, layout, parent) { target.min = layout.min - parent.min; target.max = target.min + calcLength(layout); } function calcRelativePosition(target, layout, parent) { calcRelativeAxisPosition(target.x, layout.x, parent.x); calcRelativeAxisPosition(target.y, layout.y, parent.y); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/drag/utils/constraints.mjs /** * Apply constraints to a point. These constraints are both physical along an * axis, and an elastic factor that determines how much to constrain the point * by if it does lie outside the defined parameters. */ function applyConstraints(point, { min, max }, elastic) { if (min !== undefined && point < min) { // If we have a min point defined, and this is outside of that, constrain point = elastic ? mixNumber(min, point, elastic.min) : Math.max(point, min); } else if (max !== undefined && point > max) { // If we have a max point defined, and this is outside of that, constrain point = elastic ? mixNumber(max, point, elastic.max) : Math.min(point, max); } return point; } /** * Calculate constraints in terms of the viewport when defined relatively to the * measured axis. This is measured from the nearest edge, so a max constraint of 200 * on an axis with a max value of 300 would return a constraint of 500 - axis length */ function calcRelativeAxisConstraints(axis, min, max) { return { min: min !== undefined ? axis.min + min : undefined, max: max !== undefined ? axis.max + max - (axis.max - axis.min) : undefined, }; } /** * Calculate constraints in terms of the viewport when * defined relatively to the measured bounding box. */ function calcRelativeConstraints(layoutBox, { top, left, bottom, right }) { return { x: calcRelativeAxisConstraints(layoutBox.x, left, right), y: calcRelativeAxisConstraints(layoutBox.y, top, bottom), }; } /** * Calculate viewport constraints when defined as another viewport-relative axis */ function calcViewportAxisConstraints(layoutAxis, constraintsAxis) { let min = constraintsAxis.min - layoutAxis.min; let max = constraintsAxis.max - layoutAxis.max; // If the constraints axis is actually smaller than the layout axis then we can // flip the constraints if (constraintsAxis.max - constraintsAxis.min < layoutAxis.max - layoutAxis.min) { [min, max] = [max, min]; } return { min, max }; } /** * Calculate viewport constraints when defined as another viewport-relative box */ function calcViewportConstraints(layoutBox, constraintsBox) { return { x: calcViewportAxisConstraints(layoutBox.x, constraintsBox.x), y: calcViewportAxisConstraints(layoutBox.y, constraintsBox.y), }; } /** * Calculate a transform origin relative to the source axis, between 0-1, that results * in an asthetically pleasing scale/transform needed to project from source to target. */ function constraints_calcOrigin(source, target) { let origin = 0.5; const sourceLength = calcLength(source); const targetLength = calcLength(target); if (targetLength > sourceLength) { origin = progress(target.min, target.max - sourceLength, source.min); } else if (sourceLength > targetLength) { origin = progress(source.min, source.max - targetLength, target.min); } return clamp_clamp(0, 1, origin); } /** * Rebase the calculated viewport constraints relative to the layout.min point. */ function rebaseAxisConstraints(layout, constraints) { const relativeConstraints = {}; if (constraints.min !== undefined) { relativeConstraints.min = constraints.min - layout.min; } if (constraints.max !== undefined) { relativeConstraints.max = constraints.max - layout.min; } return relativeConstraints; } const defaultElastic = 0.35; /** * Accepts a dragElastic prop and returns resolved elastic values for each axis. */ function resolveDragElastic(dragElastic = defaultElastic) { if (dragElastic === false) { dragElastic = 0; } else if (dragElastic === true) { dragElastic = defaultElastic; } return { x: resolveAxisElastic(dragElastic, "left", "right"), y: resolveAxisElastic(dragElastic, "top", "bottom"), }; } function resolveAxisElastic(dragElastic, minLabel, maxLabel) { return { min: resolvePointElastic(dragElastic, minLabel), max: resolvePointElastic(dragElastic, maxLabel), }; } function resolvePointElastic(dragElastic, label) { return typeof dragElastic === "number" ? dragElastic : dragElastic[label] || 0; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/geometry/models.mjs const createAxisDelta = () => ({ translate: 0, scale: 1, origin: 0, originPoint: 0, }); const createDelta = () => ({ x: createAxisDelta(), y: createAxisDelta(), }); const createAxis = () => ({ min: 0, max: 0 }); const createBox = () => ({ x: createAxis(), y: createAxis(), }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/utils/each-axis.mjs function eachAxis(callback) { return [callback("x"), callback("y")]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/geometry/conversion.mjs /** * Bounding boxes tend to be defined as top, left, right, bottom. For various operations * it's easier to consider each axis individually. This function returns a bounding box * as a map of single-axis min/max values. */ function convertBoundingBoxToBox({ top, left, right, bottom, }) { return { x: { min: left, max: right }, y: { min: top, max: bottom }, }; } function convertBoxToBoundingBox({ x, y }) { return { top: y.min, right: x.max, bottom: y.max, left: x.min }; } /** * Applies a TransformPoint function to a bounding box. TransformPoint is usually a function * provided by Framer to allow measured points to be corrected for device scaling. This is used * when measuring DOM elements and DOM event points. */ function transformBoxPoints(point, transformPoint) { if (!transformPoint) return point; const topLeft = transformPoint({ x: point.left, y: }); const bottomRight = transformPoint({ x: point.right, y: point.bottom }); return { top: topLeft.y, left: topLeft.x, bottom: bottomRight.y, right: bottomRight.x, }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/utils/has-transform.mjs function isIdentityScale(scale) { return scale === undefined || scale === 1; } function hasScale({ scale, scaleX, scaleY }) { return (!isIdentityScale(scale) || !isIdentityScale(scaleX) || !isIdentityScale(scaleY)); } function hasTransform(values) { return (hasScale(values) || has2DTranslate(values) || values.z || values.rotate || values.rotateX || values.rotateY || values.skewX || values.skewY); } function has2DTranslate(values) { return is2DTranslate(values.x) || is2DTranslate(values.y); } function is2DTranslate(value) { return value && value !== "0%"; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/geometry/delta-apply.mjs /** * Scales a point based on a factor and an originPoint */ function scalePoint(point, scale, originPoint) { const distanceFromOrigin = point - originPoint; const scaled = scale * distanceFromOrigin; return originPoint + scaled; } /** * Applies a translate/scale delta to a point */ function applyPointDelta(point, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale) { if (boxScale !== undefined) { point = scalePoint(point, boxScale, originPoint); } return scalePoint(point, scale, originPoint) + translate; } /** * Applies a translate/scale delta to an axis */ function applyAxisDelta(axis, translate = 0, scale = 1, originPoint, boxScale) { axis.min = applyPointDelta(axis.min, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale); axis.max = applyPointDelta(axis.max, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale); } /** * Applies a translate/scale delta to a box */ function applyBoxDelta(box, { x, y }) { applyAxisDelta(box.x, x.translate, x.scale, x.originPoint); applyAxisDelta(box.y, y.translate, y.scale, y.originPoint); } /** * Apply a tree of deltas to a box. We do this to calculate the effect of all the transforms * in a tree upon our box before then calculating how to project it into our desired viewport-relative box * * This is the final nested loop within updateLayoutDelta for future refactoring */ function applyTreeDeltas(box, treeScale, treePath, isSharedTransition = false) { const treeLength = treePath.length; if (!treeLength) return; // Reset the treeScale treeScale.x = treeScale.y = 1; let node; let delta; for (let i = 0; i < treeLength; i++) { node = treePath[i]; delta = node.projectionDelta; /** * TODO: Prefer to remove this, but currently we have motion components with * display: contents in Framer. */ const instance = node.instance; if (instance && && === "contents") { continue; } if (isSharedTransition && node.options.layoutScroll && node.scroll && node !== node.root) { transformBox(box, { x: -node.scroll.offset.x, y: -node.scroll.offset.y, }); } if (delta) { // Incoporate each ancestor's scale into a culmulative treeScale for this component treeScale.x *= delta.x.scale; treeScale.y *= delta.y.scale; // Apply each ancestor's calculated delta into this component's recorded layout box applyBoxDelta(box, delta); } if (isSharedTransition && hasTransform(node.latestValues)) { transformBox(box, node.latestValues); } } /** * Snap tree scale back to 1 if it's within a non-perceivable threshold. * This will help reduce useless scales getting rendered. */ treeScale.x = snapToDefault(treeScale.x); treeScale.y = snapToDefault(treeScale.y); } function snapToDefault(scale) { if (Number.isInteger(scale)) return scale; return scale > 1.0000000000001 || scale < 0.999999999999 ? scale : 1; } function translateAxis(axis, distance) { axis.min = axis.min + distance; axis.max = axis.max + distance; } /** * Apply a transform to an axis from the latest resolved motion values. * This function basically acts as a bridge between a flat motion value map * and applyAxisDelta */ function transformAxis(axis, transforms, [key, scaleKey, originKey]) { const axisOrigin = transforms[originKey] !== undefined ? transforms[originKey] : 0.5; const originPoint = mixNumber(axis.min, axis.max, axisOrigin); // Apply the axis delta to the final axis applyAxisDelta(axis, transforms[key], transforms[scaleKey], originPoint, transforms.scale); } /** * The names of the motion values we want to apply as translation, scale and origin. */ const xKeys = ["x", "scaleX", "originX"]; const yKeys = ["y", "scaleY", "originY"]; /** * Apply a transform to a box from the latest resolved motion values. */ function transformBox(box, transform) { transformAxis(box.x, transform, xKeys); transformAxis(box.y, transform, yKeys); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/utils/measure.mjs function measureViewportBox(instance, transformPoint) { return convertBoundingBoxToBox(transformBoxPoints(instance.getBoundingClientRect(), transformPoint)); } function measurePageBox(element, rootProjectionNode, transformPagePoint) { const viewportBox = measureViewportBox(element, transformPagePoint); const { scroll } = rootProjectionNode; if (scroll) { translateAxis(viewportBox.x, scroll.offset.x); translateAxis(viewportBox.y, scroll.offset.y); } return viewportBox; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/get-context-window.mjs // Fixes const getContextWindow = ({ current }) => { return current ? current.ownerDocument.defaultView : null; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/drag/VisualElementDragControls.mjs const elementDragControls = new WeakMap(); /** * */ // let latestPointerEvent: PointerEvent class VisualElementDragControls { constructor(visualElement) { // This is a reference to the global drag gesture lock, ensuring only one component // can "capture" the drag of one or both axes. // TODO: Look into moving this into pansession? this.openGlobalLock = null; this.isDragging = false; this.currentDirection = null; this.originPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }; /** * The permitted boundaries of travel, in pixels. */ this.constraints = false; this.hasMutatedConstraints = false; /** * The per-axis resolved elastic values. */ this.elastic = createBox(); this.visualElement = visualElement; } start(originEvent, { snapToCursor = false } = {}) { /** * Don't start dragging if this component is exiting */ const { presenceContext } = this.visualElement; if (presenceContext && presenceContext.isPresent === false) return; const onSessionStart = (event) => { const { dragSnapToOrigin } = this.getProps(); // Stop or pause any animations on both axis values immediately. This allows the user to throw and catch // the component. dragSnapToOrigin ? this.pauseAnimation() : this.stopAnimation(); if (snapToCursor) { this.snapToCursor(extractEventInfo(event, "page").point); } }; const onStart = (event, info) => { // Attempt to grab the global drag gesture lock - maybe make this part of PanSession const { drag, dragPropagation, onDragStart } = this.getProps(); if (drag && !dragPropagation) { if (this.openGlobalLock) this.openGlobalLock(); this.openGlobalLock = getGlobalLock(drag); // If we don 't have the lock, don't start dragging if (!this.openGlobalLock) return; } this.isDragging = true; this.currentDirection = null; this.resolveConstraints(); if (this.visualElement.projection) { this.visualElement.projection.isAnimationBlocked = true; = undefined; } /** * Record gesture origin */ eachAxis((axis) => { let current = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).get() || 0; /** * If the MotionValue is a percentage value convert to px */ if (percent.test(current)) { const { projection } = this.visualElement; if (projection && projection.layout) { const measuredAxis = projection.layout.layoutBox[axis]; if (measuredAxis) { const length = calcLength(measuredAxis); current = length * (parseFloat(current) / 100); } } } this.originPoint[axis] = current; }); // Fire onDragStart event if (onDragStart) { frame_frame.postRender(() => onDragStart(event, info)); } const { animationState } = this.visualElement; animationState && animationState.setActive("whileDrag", true); }; const onMove = (event, info) => { // latestPointerEvent = event const { dragPropagation, dragDirectionLock, onDirectionLock, onDrag, } = this.getProps(); // If we didn't successfully receive the gesture lock, early return. if (!dragPropagation && !this.openGlobalLock) return; const { offset } = info; // Attempt to detect drag direction if directionLock is true if (dragDirectionLock && this.currentDirection === null) { this.currentDirection = getCurrentDirection(offset); // If we've successfully set a direction, notify listener if (this.currentDirection !== null) { onDirectionLock && onDirectionLock(this.currentDirection); } return; } // Update each point with the latest position this.updateAxis("x", info.point, offset); this.updateAxis("y", info.point, offset); /** * Ideally we would leave the renderer to fire naturally at the end of * this frame but if the element is about to change layout as the result * of a re-render we want to ensure the browser can read the latest * bounding box to ensure the pointer and element don't fall out of sync. */ this.visualElement.render(); /** * This must fire after the render call as it might trigger a state * change which itself might trigger a layout update. */ onDrag && onDrag(event, info); }; const onSessionEnd = (event, info) => this.stop(event, info); const resumeAnimation = () => eachAxis((axis) => { var _a; return this.getAnimationState(axis) === "paused" && ((_a = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).animation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; }); const { dragSnapToOrigin } = this.getProps(); this.panSession = new PanSession(originEvent, { onSessionStart, onStart, onMove, onSessionEnd, resumeAnimation, }, { transformPagePoint: this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint(), dragSnapToOrigin, contextWindow: getContextWindow(this.visualElement), }); } stop(event, info) { const isDragging = this.isDragging; this.cancel(); if (!isDragging) return; const { velocity } = info; this.startAnimation(velocity); const { onDragEnd } = this.getProps(); if (onDragEnd) { frame_frame.postRender(() => onDragEnd(event, info)); } } cancel() { this.isDragging = false; const { projection, animationState } = this.visualElement; if (projection) { projection.isAnimationBlocked = false; } this.panSession && this.panSession.end(); this.panSession = undefined; const { dragPropagation } = this.getProps(); if (!dragPropagation && this.openGlobalLock) { this.openGlobalLock(); this.openGlobalLock = null; } animationState && animationState.setActive("whileDrag", false); } updateAxis(axis, _point, offset) { const { drag } = this.getProps(); // If we're not dragging this axis, do an early return. if (!offset || !shouldDrag(axis, drag, this.currentDirection)) return; const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); let next = this.originPoint[axis] + offset[axis]; // Apply constraints if (this.constraints && this.constraints[axis]) { next = applyConstraints(next, this.constraints[axis], this.elastic[axis]); } axisValue.set(next); } resolveConstraints() { var _a; const { dragConstraints, dragElastic } = this.getProps(); const layout = this.visualElement.projection && !this.visualElement.projection.layout ? this.visualElement.projection.measure(false) : (_a = this.visualElement.projection) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.layout; const prevConstraints = this.constraints; if (dragConstraints && isRefObject(dragConstraints)) { if (!this.constraints) { this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints(); } } else { if (dragConstraints && layout) { this.constraints = calcRelativeConstraints(layout.layoutBox, dragConstraints); } else { this.constraints = false; } } this.elastic = resolveDragElastic(dragElastic); /** * If we're outputting to external MotionValues, we want to rebase the measured constraints * from viewport-relative to component-relative. */ if (prevConstraints !== this.constraints && layout && this.constraints && !this.hasMutatedConstraints) { eachAxis((axis) => { if (this.constraints !== false && this.getAxisMotionValue(axis)) { this.constraints[axis] = rebaseAxisConstraints(layout.layoutBox[axis], this.constraints[axis]); } }); } } resolveRefConstraints() { const { dragConstraints: constraints, onMeasureDragConstraints } = this.getProps(); if (!constraints || !isRefObject(constraints)) return false; const constraintsElement = constraints.current; errors_invariant(constraintsElement !== null, "If `dragConstraints` is set as a React ref, that ref must be passed to another component's `ref` prop."); const { projection } = this.visualElement; // TODO if (!projection || !projection.layout) return false; const constraintsBox = measurePageBox(constraintsElement, projection.root, this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint()); let measuredConstraints = calcViewportConstraints(projection.layout.layoutBox, constraintsBox); /** * If there's an onMeasureDragConstraints listener we call it and * if different constraints are returned, set constraints to that */ if (onMeasureDragConstraints) { const userConstraints = onMeasureDragConstraints(convertBoxToBoundingBox(measuredConstraints)); this.hasMutatedConstraints = !!userConstraints; if (userConstraints) { measuredConstraints = convertBoundingBoxToBox(userConstraints); } } return measuredConstraints; } startAnimation(velocity) { const { drag, dragMomentum, dragElastic, dragTransition, dragSnapToOrigin, onDragTransitionEnd, } = this.getProps(); const constraints = this.constraints || {}; const momentumAnimations = eachAxis((axis) => { if (!shouldDrag(axis, drag, this.currentDirection)) { return; } let transition = (constraints && constraints[axis]) || {}; if (dragSnapToOrigin) transition = { min: 0, max: 0 }; /** * Overdamp the boundary spring if `dragElastic` is disabled. There's still a frame * of spring animations so we should look into adding a disable spring option to `inertia`. * We could do something here where we affect the `bounceStiffness` and `bounceDamping` * using the value of `dragElastic`. */ const bounceStiffness = dragElastic ? 200 : 1000000; const bounceDamping = dragElastic ? 40 : 10000000; const inertia = { type: "inertia", velocity: dragMomentum ? velocity[axis] : 0, bounceStiffness, bounceDamping, timeConstant: 750, restDelta: 1, restSpeed: 10, ...dragTransition, ...transition, }; // If we're not animating on an externally-provided `MotionValue` we can use the // component's animation controls which will handle interactions with whileHover (etc), // otherwise we just have to animate the `MotionValue` itself. return this.startAxisValueAnimation(axis, inertia); }); // Run all animations and then resolve the new drag constraints. return Promise.all(momentumAnimations).then(onDragTransitionEnd); } startAxisValueAnimation(axis, transition) { const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); return axisValue.start(animateMotionValue(axis, axisValue, 0, transition, this.visualElement)); } stopAnimation() { eachAxis((axis) => this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).stop()); } pauseAnimation() { eachAxis((axis) => { var _a; return (_a = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).animation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pause(); }); } getAnimationState(axis) { var _a; return (_a = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis).animation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.state; } /** * Drag works differently depending on which props are provided. * * - If _dragX and _dragY are provided, we output the gesture delta directly to those motion values. * - Otherwise, we apply the delta to the x/y motion values. */ getAxisMotionValue(axis) { const dragKey = `_drag${axis.toUpperCase()}`; const props = this.visualElement.getProps(); const externalMotionValue = props[dragKey]; return externalMotionValue ? externalMotionValue : this.visualElement.getValue(axis, (props.initial ? props.initial[axis] : undefined) || 0); } snapToCursor(point) { eachAxis((axis) => { const { drag } = this.getProps(); // If we're not dragging this axis, do an early return. if (!shouldDrag(axis, drag, this.currentDirection)) return; const { projection } = this.visualElement; const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); if (projection && projection.layout) { const { min, max } = projection.layout.layoutBox[axis]; axisValue.set(point[axis] - mixNumber(min, max, 0.5)); } }); } /** * When the viewport resizes we want to check if the measured constraints * have changed and, if so, reposition the element within those new constraints * relative to where it was before the resize. */ scalePositionWithinConstraints() { if (!this.visualElement.current) return; const { drag, dragConstraints } = this.getProps(); const { projection } = this.visualElement; if (!isRefObject(dragConstraints) || !projection || !this.constraints) return; /** * Stop current animations as there can be visual glitching if we try to do * this mid-animation */ this.stopAnimation(); /** * Record the relative position of the dragged element relative to the * constraints box and save as a progress value. */ const boxProgress = { x: 0, y: 0 }; eachAxis((axis) => { const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); if (axisValue && this.constraints !== false) { const latest = axisValue.get(); boxProgress[axis] = constraints_calcOrigin({ min: latest, max: latest }, this.constraints[axis]); } }); /** * Update the layout of this element and resolve the latest drag constraints */ const { transformTemplate } = this.visualElement.getProps(); = transformTemplate ? transformTemplate({}, "") : "none"; projection.root && projection.root.updateScroll(); projection.updateLayout(); this.resolveConstraints(); /** * For each axis, calculate the current progress of the layout axis * within the new constraints. */ eachAxis((axis) => { if (!shouldDrag(axis, drag, null)) return; /** * Calculate a new transform based on the previous box progress */ const axisValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); const { min, max } = this.constraints[axis]; axisValue.set(mixNumber(min, max, boxProgress[axis])); }); } addListeners() { if (!this.visualElement.current) return; elementDragControls.set(this.visualElement, this); const element = this.visualElement.current; /** * Attach a pointerdown event listener on this DOM element to initiate drag tracking. */ const stopPointerListener = addPointerEvent(element, "pointerdown", (event) => { const { drag, dragListener = true } = this.getProps(); drag && dragListener && this.start(event); }); const measureDragConstraints = () => { const { dragConstraints } = this.getProps(); if (isRefObject(dragConstraints)) { this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints(); } }; const { projection } = this.visualElement; const stopMeasureLayoutListener = projection.addEventListener("measure", measureDragConstraints); if (projection && !projection.layout) { projection.root && projection.root.updateScroll(); projection.updateLayout(); } measureDragConstraints(); /** * Attach a window resize listener to scale the draggable target within its defined * constraints as the window resizes. */ const stopResizeListener = addDomEvent(window, "resize", () => this.scalePositionWithinConstraints()); /** * If the element's layout changes, calculate the delta and apply that to * the drag gesture's origin point. */ const stopLayoutUpdateListener = projection.addEventListener("didUpdate", (({ delta, hasLayoutChanged }) => { if (this.isDragging && hasLayoutChanged) { eachAxis((axis) => { const motionValue = this.getAxisMotionValue(axis); if (!motionValue) return; this.originPoint[axis] += delta[axis].translate; motionValue.set(motionValue.get() + delta[axis].translate); }); this.visualElement.render(); } })); return () => { stopResizeListener(); stopPointerListener(); stopMeasureLayoutListener(); stopLayoutUpdateListener && stopLayoutUpdateListener(); }; } getProps() { const props = this.visualElement.getProps(); const { drag = false, dragDirectionLock = false, dragPropagation = false, dragConstraints = false, dragElastic = defaultElastic, dragMomentum = true, } = props; return { ...props, drag, dragDirectionLock, dragPropagation, dragConstraints, dragElastic, dragMomentum, }; } } function shouldDrag(direction, drag, currentDirection) { return ((drag === true || drag === direction) && (currentDirection === null || currentDirection === direction)); } /** * Based on an x/y offset determine the current drag direction. If both axis' offsets are lower * than the provided threshold, return `null`. * * @param offset - The x/y offset from origin. * @param lockThreshold - (Optional) - the minimum absolute offset before we can determine a drag direction. */ function getCurrentDirection(offset, lockThreshold = 10) { let direction = null; if (Math.abs(offset.y) > lockThreshold) { direction = "y"; } else if (Math.abs(offset.x) > lockThreshold) { direction = "x"; } return direction; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/drag/index.mjs class DragGesture extends Feature { constructor(node) { super(node); this.removeGroupControls = noop_noop; this.removeListeners = noop_noop; this.controls = new VisualElementDragControls(node); } mount() { // If we've been provided a DragControls for manual control over the drag gesture, // subscribe this component to it on mount. const { dragControls } = this.node.getProps(); if (dragControls) { this.removeGroupControls = dragControls.subscribe(this.controls); } this.removeListeners = this.controls.addListeners() || noop_noop; } unmount() { this.removeGroupControls(); this.removeListeners(); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/gestures/pan/index.mjs const asyncHandler = (handler) => (event, info) => { if (handler) { frame_frame.postRender(() => handler(event, info)); } }; class PanGesture extends Feature { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.removePointerDownListener = noop_noop; } onPointerDown(pointerDownEvent) { this.session = new PanSession(pointerDownEvent, this.createPanHandlers(), { transformPagePoint: this.node.getTransformPagePoint(), contextWindow: getContextWindow(this.node), }); } createPanHandlers() { const { onPanSessionStart, onPanStart, onPan, onPanEnd } = this.node.getProps(); return { onSessionStart: asyncHandler(onPanSessionStart), onStart: asyncHandler(onPanStart), onMove: onPan, onEnd: (event, info) => { delete this.session; if (onPanEnd) { frame_frame.postRender(() => onPanEnd(event, info)); } }, }; } mount() { this.removePointerDownListener = addPointerEvent(this.node.current, "pointerdown", (event) => this.onPointerDown(event)); } update() { this.session && this.session.updateHandlers(this.createPanHandlers()); } unmount() { this.removePointerDownListener(); this.session && this.session.end(); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/components/AnimatePresence/use-presence.mjs /** * When a component is the child of `AnimatePresence`, it can use `usePresence` * to access information about whether it's still present in the React tree. * * ```jsx * import { usePresence } from "framer-motion" * * export const Component = () => { * const [isPresent, safeToRemove] = usePresence() * * useEffect(() => { * !isPresent && setTimeout(safeToRemove, 1000) * }, [isPresent]) * * return <div /> * } * ``` * * If `isPresent` is `false`, it means that a component has been removed the tree, but * `AnimatePresence` won't really remove it until `safeToRemove` has been called. * * @public */ function usePresence() { const context = (0,external_React_.useContext)(PresenceContext_PresenceContext); if (context === null) return [true, null]; const { isPresent, onExitComplete, register } = context; // It's safe to call the following hooks conditionally (after an early return) because the context will always // either be null or non-null for the lifespan of the component. const id = (0,external_React_.useId)(); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => register(id), []); const safeToRemove = () => onExitComplete && onExitComplete(id); return !isPresent && onExitComplete ? [false, safeToRemove] : [true]; } /** * Similar to `usePresence`, except `useIsPresent` simply returns whether or not the component is present. * There is no `safeToRemove` function. * * ```jsx * import { useIsPresent } from "framer-motion" * * export const Component = () => { * const isPresent = useIsPresent() * * useEffect(() => { * !isPresent && console.log("I've been removed!") * }, [isPresent]) * * return <div /> * } * ``` * * @public */ function useIsPresent() { return isPresent(useContext(PresenceContext)); } function isPresent(context) { return context === null ? true : context.isPresent; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/node/state.mjs /** * This should only ever be modified on the client otherwise it'll * persist through server requests. If we need instanced states we * could lazy-init via root. */ const globalProjectionState = { /** * Global flag as to whether the tree has animated since the last time * we resized the window */ hasAnimatedSinceResize: true, /** * We set this to true once, on the first update. Any nodes added to the tree beyond that * update will be given a `data-projection-id` attribute. */ hasEverUpdated: false, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/styles/scale-border-radius.mjs function pixelsToPercent(pixels, axis) { if (axis.max === axis.min) return 0; return (pixels / (axis.max - axis.min)) * 100; } /** * We always correct borderRadius as a percentage rather than pixels to reduce paints. * For example, if you are projecting a box that is 100px wide with a 10px borderRadius * into a box that is 200px wide with a 20px borderRadius, that is actually a 10% * borderRadius in both states. If we animate between the two in pixels that will trigger * a paint each time. If we animate between the two in percentage we'll avoid a paint. */ const correctBorderRadius = { correct: (latest, node) => { if (! return latest; /** * If latest is a string, if it's a percentage we can return immediately as it's * going to be stretched appropriately. Otherwise, if it's a pixel, convert it to a number. */ if (typeof latest === "string") { if (px.test(latest)) { latest = parseFloat(latest); } else { return latest; } } /** * If latest is a number, it's a pixel value. We use the current viewportBox to calculate that * pixel value as a percentage of each axis */ const x = pixelsToPercent(latest,; const y = pixelsToPercent(latest,; return `${x}% ${y}%`; }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/styles/scale-box-shadow.mjs const correctBoxShadow = { correct: (latest, { treeScale, projectionDelta }) => { const original = latest; const shadow = complex.parse(latest); // TODO: Doesn't support multiple shadows if (shadow.length > 5) return original; const template = complex.createTransformer(latest); const offset = typeof shadow[0] !== "number" ? 1 : 0; // Calculate the overall context scale const xScale = projectionDelta.x.scale * treeScale.x; const yScale = projectionDelta.y.scale * treeScale.y; shadow[0 + offset] /= xScale; shadow[1 + offset] /= yScale; /** * Ideally we'd correct x and y scales individually, but because blur and * spread apply to both we have to take a scale average and apply that instead. * We could potentially improve the outcome of this by incorporating the ratio between * the two scales. */ const averageScale = mixNumber(xScale, yScale, 0.5); // Blur if (typeof shadow[2 + offset] === "number") shadow[2 + offset] /= averageScale; // Spread if (typeof shadow[3 + offset] === "number") shadow[3 + offset] /= averageScale; return template(shadow); }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/layout/MeasureLayout.mjs class MeasureLayoutWithContext extends external_React_.Component { /** * This only mounts projection nodes for components that * need measuring, we might want to do it for all components * in order to incorporate transforms */ componentDidMount() { const { visualElement, layoutGroup, switchLayoutGroup, layoutId } = this.props; const { projection } = visualElement; addScaleCorrector(defaultScaleCorrectors); if (projection) { if (; if (switchLayoutGroup && switchLayoutGroup.register && layoutId) { switchLayoutGroup.register(projection); } projection.root.didUpdate(); projection.addEventListener("animationComplete", () => { this.safeToRemove(); }); projection.setOptions({ ...projection.options, onExitComplete: () => this.safeToRemove(), }); } globalProjectionState.hasEverUpdated = true; } getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps) { const { layoutDependency, visualElement, drag, isPresent } = this.props; const projection = visualElement.projection; if (!projection) return null; /** * TODO: We use this data in relegate to determine whether to * promote a previous element. There's no guarantee its presence data * will have updated by this point - if a bug like this arises it will * have to be that we markForRelegation and then find a new lead some other way, * perhaps in didUpdate */ projection.isPresent = isPresent; if (drag || prevProps.layoutDependency !== layoutDependency || layoutDependency === undefined) { projection.willUpdate(); } else { this.safeToRemove(); } if (prevProps.isPresent !== isPresent) { if (isPresent) { projection.promote(); } else if (!projection.relegate()) { /** * If there's another stack member taking over from this one, * it's in charge of the exit animation and therefore should * be in charge of the safe to remove. Otherwise we call it here. */ frame_frame.postRender(() => { const stack = projection.getStack(); if (!stack || !stack.members.length) { this.safeToRemove(); } }); } } return null; } componentDidUpdate() { const { projection } = this.props.visualElement; if (projection) { projection.root.didUpdate(); microtask.postRender(() => { if (!projection.currentAnimation && projection.isLead()) { this.safeToRemove(); } }); } } componentWillUnmount() { const { visualElement, layoutGroup, switchLayoutGroup: promoteContext, } = this.props; const { projection } = visualElement; if (projection) { projection.scheduleCheckAfterUnmount(); if (layoutGroup &&; if (promoteContext && promoteContext.deregister) promoteContext.deregister(projection); } } safeToRemove() { const { safeToRemove } = this.props; safeToRemove && safeToRemove(); } render() { return null; } } function MeasureLayout(props) { const [isPresent, safeToRemove] = usePresence(); const layoutGroup = (0,external_React_.useContext)(LayoutGroupContext); return ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MeasureLayoutWithContext, { ...props, layoutGroup: layoutGroup, switchLayoutGroup: (0,external_React_.useContext)(SwitchLayoutGroupContext), isPresent: isPresent, safeToRemove: safeToRemove })); } const defaultScaleCorrectors = { borderRadius: { ...correctBorderRadius, applyTo: [ "borderTopLeftRadius", "borderTopRightRadius", "borderBottomLeftRadius", "borderBottomRightRadius", ], }, borderTopLeftRadius: correctBorderRadius, borderTopRightRadius: correctBorderRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius: correctBorderRadius, borderBottomRightRadius: correctBorderRadius, boxShadow: correctBoxShadow, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/animation/mix-values.mjs const borders = ["TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight"]; const numBorders = borders.length; const asNumber = (value) => typeof value === "string" ? parseFloat(value) : value; const isPx = (value) => typeof value === "number" || px.test(value); function mixValues(target, follow, lead, progress, shouldCrossfadeOpacity, isOnlyMember) { if (shouldCrossfadeOpacity) { target.opacity = mixNumber(0, // TODO Reinstate this if only child lead.opacity !== undefined ? lead.opacity : 1, easeCrossfadeIn(progress)); target.opacityExit = mixNumber(follow.opacity !== undefined ? follow.opacity : 1, 0, easeCrossfadeOut(progress)); } else if (isOnlyMember) { target.opacity = mixNumber(follow.opacity !== undefined ? follow.opacity : 1, lead.opacity !== undefined ? lead.opacity : 1, progress); } /** * Mix border radius */ for (let i = 0; i < numBorders; i++) { const borderLabel = `border${borders[i]}Radius`; let followRadius = getRadius(follow, borderLabel); let leadRadius = getRadius(lead, borderLabel); if (followRadius === undefined && leadRadius === undefined) continue; followRadius || (followRadius = 0); leadRadius || (leadRadius = 0); const canMix = followRadius === 0 || leadRadius === 0 || isPx(followRadius) === isPx(leadRadius); if (canMix) { target[borderLabel] = Math.max(mixNumber(asNumber(followRadius), asNumber(leadRadius), progress), 0); if (percent.test(leadRadius) || percent.test(followRadius)) { target[borderLabel] += "%"; } } else { target[borderLabel] = leadRadius; } } /** * Mix rotation */ if (follow.rotate || lead.rotate) { target.rotate = mixNumber(follow.rotate || 0, lead.rotate || 0, progress); } } function getRadius(values, radiusName) { return values[radiusName] !== undefined ? values[radiusName] : values.borderRadius; } // /** // * We only want to mix the background color if there's a follow element // * that we're not crossfading opacity between. For instance with switch // * AnimateSharedLayout animations, this helps the illusion of a continuous // * element being animated but also cuts down on the number of paints triggered // * for elements where opacity is doing that work for us. // */ // if ( // !hasFollowElement && // latestLeadValues.backgroundColor && // latestFollowValues.backgroundColor // ) { // /** // * This isn't ideal performance-wise as mixColor is creating a new function every frame. // * We could probably create a mixer that runs at the start of the animation but // * the idea behind the crossfader is that it runs dynamically between two potentially // * changing targets (ie opacity or borderRadius may be animating independently via variants) // */ // leadState.backgroundColor = followState.backgroundColor = mixColor( // latestFollowValues.backgroundColor as string, // latestLeadValues.backgroundColor as string // )(p) // } const easeCrossfadeIn = compress(0, 0.5, circOut); const easeCrossfadeOut = compress(0.5, 0.95, noop_noop); function compress(min, max, easing) { return (p) => { // Could replace ifs with clamp if (p < min) return 0; if (p > max) return 1; return easing(progress(min, max, p)); }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/geometry/copy.mjs /** * Reset an axis to the provided origin box. * * This is a mutative operation. */ function copyAxisInto(axis, originAxis) { axis.min = originAxis.min; axis.max = originAxis.max; } /** * Reset a box to the provided origin box. * * This is a mutative operation. */ function copyBoxInto(box, originBox) { copyAxisInto(box.x, originBox.x); copyAxisInto(box.y, originBox.y); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/geometry/delta-remove.mjs /** * Remove a delta from a point. This is essentially the steps of applyPointDelta in reverse */ function removePointDelta(point, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale) { point -= translate; point = scalePoint(point, 1 / scale, originPoint); if (boxScale !== undefined) { point = scalePoint(point, 1 / boxScale, originPoint); } return point; } /** * Remove a delta from an axis. This is essentially the steps of applyAxisDelta in reverse */ function removeAxisDelta(axis, translate = 0, scale = 1, origin = 0.5, boxScale, originAxis = axis, sourceAxis = axis) { if (percent.test(translate)) { translate = parseFloat(translate); const relativeProgress = mixNumber(sourceAxis.min, sourceAxis.max, translate / 100); translate = relativeProgress - sourceAxis.min; } if (typeof translate !== "number") return; let originPoint = mixNumber(originAxis.min, originAxis.max, origin); if (axis === originAxis) originPoint -= translate; axis.min = removePointDelta(axis.min, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale); axis.max = removePointDelta(axis.max, translate, scale, originPoint, boxScale); } /** * Remove a transforms from an axis. This is essentially the steps of applyAxisTransforms in reverse * and acts as a bridge between motion values and removeAxisDelta */ function removeAxisTransforms(axis, transforms, [key, scaleKey, originKey], origin, sourceAxis) { removeAxisDelta(axis, transforms[key], transforms[scaleKey], transforms[originKey], transforms.scale, origin, sourceAxis); } /** * The names of the motion values we want to apply as translation, scale and origin. */ const delta_remove_xKeys = ["x", "scaleX", "originX"]; const delta_remove_yKeys = ["y", "scaleY", "originY"]; /** * Remove a transforms from an box. This is essentially the steps of applyAxisBox in reverse * and acts as a bridge between motion values and removeAxisDelta */ function removeBoxTransforms(box, transforms, originBox, sourceBox) { removeAxisTransforms(box.x, transforms, delta_remove_xKeys, originBox ? originBox.x : undefined, sourceBox ? sourceBox.x : undefined); removeAxisTransforms(box.y, transforms, delta_remove_yKeys, originBox ? originBox.y : undefined, sourceBox ? sourceBox.y : undefined); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/geometry/utils.mjs function isAxisDeltaZero(delta) { return delta.translate === 0 && delta.scale === 1; } function isDeltaZero(delta) { return isAxisDeltaZero(delta.x) && isAxisDeltaZero(delta.y); } function boxEquals(a, b) { return (a.x.min === b.x.min && a.x.max === b.x.max && a.y.min === b.y.min && a.y.max === b.y.max); } function boxEqualsRounded(a, b) { return (Math.round(a.x.min) === Math.round(b.x.min) && Math.round(a.x.max) === Math.round(b.x.max) && Math.round(a.y.min) === Math.round(b.y.min) && Math.round(a.y.max) === Math.round(b.y.max)); } function aspectRatio(box) { return calcLength(box.x) / calcLength(box.y); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/shared/stack.mjs class NodeStack { constructor() { this.members = []; } add(node) { addUniqueItem(this.members, node); node.scheduleRender(); } remove(node) { removeItem(this.members, node); if (node === this.prevLead) { this.prevLead = undefined; } if (node === this.lead) { const prevLead = this.members[this.members.length - 1]; if (prevLead) { this.promote(prevLead); } } } relegate(node) { const indexOfNode = this.members.findIndex((member) => node === member); if (indexOfNode === 0) return false; /** * Find the next projection node that is present */ let prevLead; for (let i = indexOfNode; i >= 0; i--) { const member = this.members[i]; if (member.isPresent !== false) { prevLead = member; break; } } if (prevLead) { this.promote(prevLead); return true; } else { return false; } } promote(node, preserveFollowOpacity) { const prevLead = this.lead; if (node === prevLead) return; this.prevLead = prevLead; this.lead = node;; if (prevLead) { prevLead.instance && prevLead.scheduleRender(); node.scheduleRender(); node.resumeFrom = prevLead; if (preserveFollowOpacity) { node.resumeFrom.preserveOpacity = true; } if (prevLead.snapshot) { node.snapshot = prevLead.snapshot; node.snapshot.latestValues = prevLead.animationValues || prevLead.latestValues; } if (node.root && node.root.isUpdating) { node.isLayoutDirty = true; } const { crossfade } = node.options; if (crossfade === false) { prevLead.hide(); } /** * TODO: * - Test border radius when previous node was deleted * - boxShadow mixing * - Shared between element A in scrolled container and element B (scroll stays the same or changes) * - Shared between element A in transformed container and element B (transform stays the same or changes) * - Shared between element A in scrolled page and element B (scroll stays the same or changes) * --- * - Crossfade opacity of root nodes * - layoutId changes after animation * - layoutId changes mid animation */ } } exitAnimationComplete() { this.members.forEach((node) => { const { options, resumingFrom } = node; options.onExitComplete && options.onExitComplete(); if (resumingFrom) { resumingFrom.options.onExitComplete && resumingFrom.options.onExitComplete(); } }); } scheduleRender() { this.members.forEach((node) => { node.instance && node.scheduleRender(false); }); } /** * Clear any leads that have been removed this render to prevent them from being * used in future animations and to prevent memory leaks */ removeLeadSnapshot() { if (this.lead && this.lead.snapshot) { this.lead.snapshot = undefined; } } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/styles/transform.mjs function buildProjectionTransform(delta, treeScale, latestTransform) { let transform = ""; /** * The translations we use to calculate are always relative to the viewport coordinate space. * But when we apply scales, we also scale the coordinate space of an element and its children. * For instance if we have a treeScale (the culmination of all parent scales) of 0.5 and we need * to move an element 100 pixels, we actually need to move it 200 in within that scaled space. */ const xTranslate = delta.x.translate / treeScale.x; const yTranslate = delta.y.translate / treeScale.y; const zTranslate = (latestTransform === null || latestTransform === void 0 ? void 0 : latestTransform.z) || 0; if (xTranslate || yTranslate || zTranslate) { transform = `translate3d(${xTranslate}px, ${yTranslate}px, ${zTranslate}px) `; } /** * Apply scale correction for the tree transform. * This will apply scale to the screen-orientated axes. */ if (treeScale.x !== 1 || treeScale.y !== 1) { transform += `scale(${1 / treeScale.x}, ${1 / treeScale.y}) `; } if (latestTransform) { const { transformPerspective, rotate, rotateX, rotateY, skewX, skewY } = latestTransform; if (transformPerspective) transform = `perspective(${transformPerspective}px) ${transform}`; if (rotate) transform += `rotate(${rotate}deg) `; if (rotateX) transform += `rotateX(${rotateX}deg) `; if (rotateY) transform += `rotateY(${rotateY}deg) `; if (skewX) transform += `skewX(${skewX}deg) `; if (skewY) transform += `skewY(${skewY}deg) `; } /** * Apply scale to match the size of the element to the size we want it. * This will apply scale to the element-orientated axes. */ const elementScaleX = delta.x.scale * treeScale.x; const elementScaleY = delta.y.scale * treeScale.y; if (elementScaleX !== 1 || elementScaleY !== 1) { transform += `scale(${elementScaleX}, ${elementScaleY})`; } return transform || "none"; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/compare-by-depth.mjs const compareByDepth = (a, b) => a.depth - b.depth; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/flat-tree.mjs class FlatTree { constructor() { this.children = []; this.isDirty = false; } add(child) { addUniqueItem(this.children, child); this.isDirty = true; } remove(child) { removeItem(this.children, child); this.isDirty = true; } forEach(callback) { this.isDirty && this.children.sort(compareByDepth); this.isDirty = false; this.children.forEach(callback); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/delay.mjs /** * Timeout defined in ms */ function delay(callback, timeout) { const start =; const checkElapsed = ({ timestamp }) => { const elapsed = timestamp - start; if (elapsed >= timeout) { cancelFrame(checkElapsed); callback(elapsed - timeout); } };, true); return () => cancelFrame(checkElapsed); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/debug/record.mjs function record(data) { if (window.MotionDebug) { window.MotionDebug.record(data); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/utils/is-svg-element.mjs function isSVGElement(element) { return element instanceof SVGElement && element.tagName !== "svg"; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/animation/interfaces/single-value.mjs function animateSingleValue(value, keyframes, options) { const motionValue$1 = isMotionValue(value) ? value : motionValue(value); motionValue$1.start(animateMotionValue("", motionValue$1, keyframes, options)); return motionValue$1.animation; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/node/create-projection-node.mjs const transformAxes = ["", "X", "Y", "Z"]; const hiddenVisibility = { visibility: "hidden" }; /** * We use 1000 as the animation target as 0-1000 maps better to pixels than 0-1 * which has a noticeable difference in spring animations */ const animationTarget = 1000; let create_projection_node_id = 0; /** * Use a mutable data object for debug data so as to not create a new * object every frame. */ const projectionFrameData = { type: "projectionFrame", totalNodes: 0, resolvedTargetDeltas: 0, recalculatedProjection: 0, }; function resetDistortingTransform(key, visualElement, values, sharedAnimationValues) { const { latestValues } = visualElement; // Record the distorting transform and then temporarily set it to 0 if (latestValues[key]) { values[key] = latestValues[key]; visualElement.setStaticValue(key, 0); if (sharedAnimationValues) { sharedAnimationValues[key] = 0; } } } function createProjectionNode({ attachResizeListener, defaultParent, measureScroll, checkIsScrollRoot, resetTransform, }) { return class ProjectionNode { constructor(latestValues = {}, parent = defaultParent === null || defaultParent === void 0 ? void 0 : defaultParent()) { /** * A unique ID generated for every projection node. */ = create_projection_node_id++; /** * An id that represents a unique session instigated by startUpdate. */ this.animationId = 0; /** * A Set containing all this component's children. This is used to iterate * through the children. * * TODO: This could be faster to iterate as a flat array stored on the root node. */ this.children = new Set(); /** * Options for the node. We use this to configure what kind of layout animations * we should perform (if any). */ this.options = {}; /** * We use this to detect when its safe to shut down part of a projection tree. * We have to keep projecting children for scale correction and relative projection * until all their parents stop performing layout animations. */ this.isTreeAnimating = false; this.isAnimationBlocked = false; /** * Flag to true if we think this layout has been changed. We can't always know this, * currently we set it to true every time a component renders, or if it has a layoutDependency * if that has changed between renders. Additionally, components can be grouped by LayoutGroup * and if one node is dirtied, they all are. */ this.isLayoutDirty = false; /** * Flag to true if we think the projection calculations for this node needs * recalculating as a result of an updated transform or layout animation. */ this.isProjectionDirty = false; /** * Flag to true if the layout *or* transform has changed. This then gets propagated * throughout the projection tree, forcing any element below to recalculate on the next frame. */ this.isSharedProjectionDirty = false; /** * Flag transform dirty. This gets propagated throughout the whole tree but is only * respected by shared nodes. */ this.isTransformDirty = false; /** * Block layout updates for instant layout transitions throughout the tree. */ this.updateManuallyBlocked = false; this.updateBlockedByResize = false; /** * Set to true between the start of the first `willUpdate` call and the end of the `didUpdate` * call. */ this.isUpdating = false; /** * If this is an SVG element we currently disable projection transforms */ this.isSVG = false; /** * Flag to true (during promotion) if a node doing an instant layout transition needs to reset * its projection styles. */ this.needsReset = false; /** * Flags whether this node should have its transform reset prior to measuring. */ this.shouldResetTransform = false; /** * An object representing the calculated contextual/accumulated/tree scale. * This will be used to scale calculcated projection transforms, as these are * calculated in screen-space but need to be scaled for elements to layoutly * make it to their calculated destinations. * * TODO: Lazy-init */ this.treeScale = { x: 1, y: 1 }; /** * */ this.eventHandlers = new Map(); this.hasTreeAnimated = false; // Note: Currently only running on root node this.updateScheduled = false; this.projectionUpdateScheduled = false; this.checkUpdateFailed = () => { if (this.isUpdating) { this.isUpdating = false; this.clearAllSnapshots(); } }; /** * This is a multi-step process as shared nodes might be of different depths. Nodes * are sorted by depth order, so we need to resolve the entire tree before moving to * the next step. */ this.updateProjection = () => { this.projectionUpdateScheduled = false; /** * Reset debug counts. Manually resetting rather than creating a new * object each frame. */ projectionFrameData.totalNodes = projectionFrameData.resolvedTargetDeltas = projectionFrameData.recalculatedProjection = 0; this.nodes.forEach(propagateDirtyNodes); this.nodes.forEach(resolveTargetDelta); this.nodes.forEach(calcProjection); this.nodes.forEach(cleanDirtyNodes); record(projectionFrameData); }; this.hasProjected = false; this.isVisible = true; this.animationProgress = 0; /** * Shared layout */ // TODO Only running on root node this.sharedNodes = new Map(); this.latestValues = latestValues; this.root = parent ? parent.root || parent : this; this.path = parent ? [...parent.path, parent] : []; this.parent = parent; this.depth = parent ? parent.depth + 1 : 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { this.path[i].shouldResetTransform = true; } if (this.root === this) this.nodes = new FlatTree(); } addEventListener(name, handler) { if (!this.eventHandlers.has(name)) { this.eventHandlers.set(name, new SubscriptionManager()); } return this.eventHandlers.get(name).add(handler); } notifyListeners(name, ...args) { const subscriptionManager = this.eventHandlers.get(name); subscriptionManager && subscriptionManager.notify(...args); } hasListeners(name) { return this.eventHandlers.has(name); } /** * Lifecycles */ mount(instance, isLayoutDirty = this.root.hasTreeAnimated) { if (this.instance) return; this.isSVG = isSVGElement(instance); this.instance = instance; const { layoutId, layout, visualElement } = this.options; if (visualElement && !visualElement.current) { visualElement.mount(instance); } this.root.nodes.add(this); this.parent && this.parent.children.add(this); if (isLayoutDirty && (layout || layoutId)) { this.isLayoutDirty = true; } if (attachResizeListener) { let cancelDelay; const resizeUnblockUpdate = () => (this.root.updateBlockedByResize = false); attachResizeListener(instance, () => { this.root.updateBlockedByResize = true; cancelDelay && cancelDelay(); cancelDelay = delay(resizeUnblockUpdate, 250); if (globalProjectionState.hasAnimatedSinceResize) { globalProjectionState.hasAnimatedSinceResize = false; this.nodes.forEach(finishAnimation); } }); } if (layoutId) { this.root.registerSharedNode(layoutId, this); } // Only register the handler if it requires layout animation if (this.options.animate !== false && visualElement && (layoutId || layout)) { this.addEventListener("didUpdate", ({ delta, hasLayoutChanged, hasRelativeTargetChanged, layout: newLayout, }) => { if (this.isTreeAnimationBlocked()) { = undefined; this.relativeTarget = undefined; return; } // TODO: Check here if an animation exists const layoutTransition = this.options.transition || visualElement.getDefaultTransition() || defaultLayoutTransition; const { onLayoutAnimationStart, onLayoutAnimationComplete, } = visualElement.getProps(); /** * The target layout of the element might stay the same, * but its position relative to its parent has changed. */ const targetChanged = !this.targetLayout || !boxEqualsRounded(this.targetLayout, newLayout) || hasRelativeTargetChanged; /** * If the layout hasn't seemed to have changed, it might be that the * element is visually in the same place in the document but its position * relative to its parent has indeed changed. So here we check for that. */ const hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged = !hasLayoutChanged && hasRelativeTargetChanged; if (this.options.layoutRoot || (this.resumeFrom && this.resumeFrom.instance) || hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged || (hasLayoutChanged && (targetChanged || !this.currentAnimation))) { if (this.resumeFrom) { this.resumingFrom = this.resumeFrom; this.resumingFrom.resumingFrom = undefined; } this.setAnimationOrigin(delta, hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged); const animationOptions = { ...getValueTransition(layoutTransition, "layout"), onPlay: onLayoutAnimationStart, onComplete: onLayoutAnimationComplete, }; if (visualElement.shouldReduceMotion || this.options.layoutRoot) { animationOptions.delay = 0; animationOptions.type = false; } this.startAnimation(animationOptions); } else { /** * If the layout hasn't changed and we have an animation that hasn't started yet, * finish it immediately. Otherwise it will be animating from a location * that was probably never commited to screen and look like a jumpy box. */ if (!hasLayoutChanged) { finishAnimation(this); } if (this.isLead() && this.options.onExitComplete) { this.options.onExitComplete(); } } this.targetLayout = newLayout; }); } } unmount() { this.options.layoutId && this.willUpdate(); this.root.nodes.remove(this); const stack = this.getStack(); stack && stack.remove(this); this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this); this.instance = undefined; cancelFrame(this.updateProjection); } // only on the root blockUpdate() { this.updateManuallyBlocked = true; } unblockUpdate() { this.updateManuallyBlocked = false; } isUpdateBlocked() { return this.updateManuallyBlocked || this.updateBlockedByResize; } isTreeAnimationBlocked() { return (this.isAnimationBlocked || (this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimationBlocked()) || false); } // Note: currently only running on root node startUpdate() { if (this.isUpdateBlocked()) return; this.isUpdating = true; /** * If we're running optimised appear animations then these must be * cancelled before measuring the DOM. This is so we can measure * the true layout of the element rather than the WAAPI animation * which will be unaffected by the resetSkewAndRotate step. */ if (window.HandoffCancelAllAnimations) { window.HandoffCancelAllAnimations(); } this.nodes && this.nodes.forEach(resetSkewAndRotation); this.animationId++; } getTransformTemplate() { const { visualElement } = this.options; return visualElement && visualElement.getProps().transformTemplate; } willUpdate(shouldNotifyListeners = true) { this.root.hasTreeAnimated = true; if (this.root.isUpdateBlocked()) { this.options.onExitComplete && this.options.onExitComplete(); return; } !this.root.isUpdating && this.root.startUpdate(); if (this.isLayoutDirty) return; this.isLayoutDirty = true; for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { const node = this.path[i]; node.shouldResetTransform = true; node.updateScroll("snapshot"); if (node.options.layoutRoot) { node.willUpdate(false); } } const { layoutId, layout } = this.options; if (layoutId === undefined && !layout) return; const transformTemplate = this.getTransformTemplate(); this.prevTransformTemplateValue = transformTemplate ? transformTemplate(this.latestValues, "") : undefined; this.updateSnapshot(); shouldNotifyListeners && this.notifyListeners("willUpdate"); } update() { this.updateScheduled = false; const updateWasBlocked = this.isUpdateBlocked(); // When doing an instant transition, we skip the layout update, // but should still clean up the measurements so that the next // snapshot could be taken correctly. if (updateWasBlocked) { this.unblockUpdate(); this.clearAllSnapshots(); this.nodes.forEach(clearMeasurements); return; } if (!this.isUpdating) { this.nodes.forEach(clearIsLayoutDirty); } this.isUpdating = false; /** * Write */ this.nodes.forEach(resetTransformStyle); /** * Read ================== */ // Update layout measurements of updated children this.nodes.forEach(updateLayout); /** * Write */ // Notify listeners that the layout is updated this.nodes.forEach(notifyLayoutUpdate); this.clearAllSnapshots(); /** * Manually flush any pending updates. Ideally * we could leave this to the following requestAnimationFrame but this seems * to leave a flash of incorrectly styled content. */ const now =; = clamp_clamp(0, 1000 / 60, now - frameData.timestamp); frameData.timestamp = now; frameData.isProcessing = true; steps.update.process(frameData); steps.preRender.process(frameData); steps.render.process(frameData); frameData.isProcessing = false; } didUpdate() { if (!this.updateScheduled) { this.updateScheduled = true; => this.update()); } } clearAllSnapshots() { this.nodes.forEach(clearSnapshot); this.sharedNodes.forEach(removeLeadSnapshots); } scheduleUpdateProjection() { if (!this.projectionUpdateScheduled) { this.projectionUpdateScheduled = true; frame_frame.preRender(this.updateProjection, false, true); } } scheduleCheckAfterUnmount() { /** * If the unmounting node is in a layoutGroup and did trigger a willUpdate, * we manually call didUpdate to give a chance to the siblings to animate. * Otherwise, cleanup all snapshots to prevents future nodes from reusing them. */ frame_frame.postRender(() => { if (this.isLayoutDirty) { this.root.didUpdate(); } else { this.root.checkUpdateFailed(); } }); } /** * Update measurements */ updateSnapshot() { if (this.snapshot || !this.instance) return; this.snapshot = this.measure(); } updateLayout() { if (!this.instance) return; // TODO: Incorporate into a forwarded scroll offset this.updateScroll(); if (!(this.options.alwaysMeasureLayout && this.isLead()) && !this.isLayoutDirty) { return; } /** * When a node is mounted, it simply resumes from the prevLead's * snapshot instead of taking a new one, but the ancestors scroll * might have updated while the prevLead is unmounted. We need to * update the scroll again to make sure the layout we measure is * up to date. */ if (this.resumeFrom && !this.resumeFrom.instance) { for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { const node = this.path[i]; node.updateScroll(); } } const prevLayout = this.layout; this.layout = this.measure(false); this.layoutCorrected = createBox(); this.isLayoutDirty = false; this.projectionDelta = undefined; this.notifyListeners("measure", this.layout.layoutBox); const { visualElement } = this.options; visualElement && visualElement.notify("LayoutMeasure", this.layout.layoutBox, prevLayout ? prevLayout.layoutBox : undefined); } updateScroll(phase = "measure") { let needsMeasurement = Boolean(this.options.layoutScroll && this.instance); if (this.scroll && this.scroll.animationId === this.root.animationId && this.scroll.phase === phase) { needsMeasurement = false; } if (needsMeasurement) { this.scroll = { animationId: this.root.animationId, phase, isRoot: checkIsScrollRoot(this.instance), offset: measureScroll(this.instance), }; } } resetTransform() { if (!resetTransform) return; const isResetRequested = this.isLayoutDirty || this.shouldResetTransform; const hasProjection = this.projectionDelta && !isDeltaZero(this.projectionDelta); const transformTemplate = this.getTransformTemplate(); const transformTemplateValue = transformTemplate ? transformTemplate(this.latestValues, "") : undefined; const transformTemplateHasChanged = transformTemplateValue !== this.prevTransformTemplateValue; if (isResetRequested && (hasProjection || hasTransform(this.latestValues) || transformTemplateHasChanged)) { resetTransform(this.instance, transformTemplateValue); this.shouldResetTransform = false; this.scheduleRender(); } } measure(removeTransform = true) { const pageBox = this.measurePageBox(); let layoutBox = this.removeElementScroll(pageBox); /** * Measurements taken during the pre-render stage * still have transforms applied so we remove them * via calculation. */ if (removeTransform) { layoutBox = this.removeTransform(layoutBox); } roundBox(layoutBox); return { animationId: this.root.animationId, measuredBox: pageBox, layoutBox, latestValues: {}, source:, }; } measurePageBox() { const { visualElement } = this.options; if (!visualElement) return createBox(); const box = visualElement.measureViewportBox(); // Remove viewport scroll to give page-relative coordinates const { scroll } = this.root; if (scroll) { translateAxis(box.x, scroll.offset.x); translateAxis(box.y, scroll.offset.y); } return box; } removeElementScroll(box) { const boxWithoutScroll = createBox(); copyBoxInto(boxWithoutScroll, box); /** * Performance TODO: Keep a cumulative scroll offset down the tree * rather than loop back up the path. */ for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { const node = this.path[i]; const { scroll, options } = node; if (node !== this.root && scroll && options.layoutScroll) { /** * If this is a new scroll root, we want to remove all previous scrolls * from the viewport box. */ if (scroll.isRoot) { copyBoxInto(boxWithoutScroll, box); const { scroll: rootScroll } = this.root; /** * Undo the application of page scroll that was originally added * to the measured bounding box. */ if (rootScroll) { translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.x, -rootScroll.offset.x); translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.y, -rootScroll.offset.y); } } translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.x, scroll.offset.x); translateAxis(boxWithoutScroll.y, scroll.offset.y); } } return boxWithoutScroll; } applyTransform(box, transformOnly = false) { const withTransforms = createBox(); copyBoxInto(withTransforms, box); for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { const node = this.path[i]; if (!transformOnly && node.options.layoutScroll && node.scroll && node !== node.root) { transformBox(withTransforms, { x: -node.scroll.offset.x, y: -node.scroll.offset.y, }); } if (!hasTransform(node.latestValues)) continue; transformBox(withTransforms, node.latestValues); } if (hasTransform(this.latestValues)) { transformBox(withTransforms, this.latestValues); } return withTransforms; } removeTransform(box) { const boxWithoutTransform = createBox(); copyBoxInto(boxWithoutTransform, box); for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { const node = this.path[i]; if (!node.instance) continue; if (!hasTransform(node.latestValues)) continue; hasScale(node.latestValues) && node.updateSnapshot(); const sourceBox = createBox(); const nodeBox = node.measurePageBox(); copyBoxInto(sourceBox, nodeBox); removeBoxTransforms(boxWithoutTransform, node.latestValues, node.snapshot ? node.snapshot.layoutBox : undefined, sourceBox); } if (hasTransform(this.latestValues)) { removeBoxTransforms(boxWithoutTransform, this.latestValues); } return boxWithoutTransform; } setTargetDelta(delta) { this.targetDelta = delta; this.root.scheduleUpdateProjection(); this.isProjectionDirty = true; } setOptions(options) { this.options = { ...this.options, ...options, crossfade: options.crossfade !== undefined ? options.crossfade : true, }; } clearMeasurements() { this.scroll = undefined; this.layout = undefined; this.snapshot = undefined; this.prevTransformTemplateValue = undefined; this.targetDelta = undefined; = undefined; this.isLayoutDirty = false; } forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget() { if (!this.relativeParent) return; /** * If the parent target isn't up-to-date, force it to update. * This is an unfortunate de-optimisation as it means any updating relative * projection will cause all the relative parents to recalculate back * up the tree. */ if (this.relativeParent.resolvedRelativeTargetAt !== frameData.timestamp) { this.relativeParent.resolveTargetDelta(true); } } resolveTargetDelta(forceRecalculation = false) { var _a; /** * Once the dirty status of nodes has been spread through the tree, we also * need to check if we have a shared node of a different depth that has itself * been dirtied. */ const lead = this.getLead(); this.isProjectionDirty || (this.isProjectionDirty = lead.isProjectionDirty); this.isTransformDirty || (this.isTransformDirty = lead.isTransformDirty); this.isSharedProjectionDirty || (this.isSharedProjectionDirty = lead.isSharedProjectionDirty); const isShared = Boolean(this.resumingFrom) || this !== lead; /** * We don't use transform for this step of processing so we don't * need to check whether any nodes have changed transform. */ const canSkip = !(forceRecalculation || (isShared && this.isSharedProjectionDirty) || this.isProjectionDirty || ((_a = this.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isProjectionDirty) || this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget); if (canSkip) return; const { layout, layoutId } = this.options; /** * If we have no layout, we can't perform projection, so early return */ if (!this.layout || !(layout || layoutId)) return; this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt = frameData.timestamp; /** * If we don't have a targetDelta but do have a layout, we can attempt to resolve * a relativeParent. This will allow a component to perform scale correction * even if no animation has started. */ if (!this.targetDelta && !this.relativeTarget) { const relativeParent = this.getClosestProjectingParent(); if (relativeParent && relativeParent.layout && this.animationProgress !== 1) { this.relativeParent = relativeParent; this.forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget(); this.relativeTarget = createBox(); this.relativeTargetOrigin = createBox(); calcRelativePosition(this.relativeTargetOrigin, this.layout.layoutBox, relativeParent.layout.layoutBox); copyBoxInto(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin); } else { this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = undefined; } } /** * If we have no relative target or no target delta our target isn't valid * for this frame. */ if (!this.relativeTarget && !this.targetDelta) return; /** * Lazy-init target data structure */ if (! { = createBox(); this.targetWithTransforms = createBox(); } /** * If we've got a relative box for this component, resolve it into a target relative to the parent. */ if (this.relativeTarget && this.relativeTargetOrigin && this.relativeParent && { this.forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget(); calcRelativeBox(, this.relativeTarget,; /** * If we've only got a targetDelta, resolve it into a target */ } else if (this.targetDelta) { if (Boolean(this.resumingFrom)) { // TODO: This is creating a new object every frame = this.applyTransform(this.layout.layoutBox); } else { copyBoxInto(, this.layout.layoutBox); } applyBoxDelta(, this.targetDelta); } else { /** * If no target, use own layout as target */ copyBoxInto(, this.layout.layoutBox); } /** * If we've been told to attempt to resolve a relative target, do so. */ if (this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget) { this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = false; const relativeParent = this.getClosestProjectingParent(); if (relativeParent && Boolean(relativeParent.resumingFrom) === Boolean(this.resumingFrom) && !relativeParent.options.layoutScroll && && this.animationProgress !== 1) { this.relativeParent = relativeParent; this.forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget(); this.relativeTarget = createBox(); this.relativeTargetOrigin = createBox(); calcRelativePosition(this.relativeTargetOrigin,,; copyBoxInto(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin); } else { this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = undefined; } } /** * Increase debug counter for resolved target deltas */ projectionFrameData.resolvedTargetDeltas++; } getClosestProjectingParent() { if (!this.parent || hasScale(this.parent.latestValues) || has2DTranslate(this.parent.latestValues)) { return undefined; } if (this.parent.isProjecting()) { return this.parent; } else { return this.parent.getClosestProjectingParent(); } } isProjecting() { return Boolean((this.relativeTarget || this.targetDelta || this.options.layoutRoot) && this.layout); } calcProjection() { var _a; const lead = this.getLead(); const isShared = Boolean(this.resumingFrom) || this !== lead; let canSkip = true; /** * If this is a normal layout animation and neither this node nor its nearest projecting * is dirty then we can't skip. */ if (this.isProjectionDirty || ((_a = this.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isProjectionDirty)) { canSkip = false; } /** * If this is a shared layout animation and this node's shared projection is dirty then * we can't skip. */ if (isShared && (this.isSharedProjectionDirty || this.isTransformDirty)) { canSkip = false; } /** * If we have resolved the target this frame we must recalculate the * projection to ensure it visually represents the internal calculations. */ if (this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt === frameData.timestamp) { canSkip = false; } if (canSkip) return; const { layout, layoutId } = this.options; /** * If this section of the tree isn't animating we can * delete our target sources for the following frame. */ this.isTreeAnimating = Boolean((this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimating) || this.currentAnimation || this.pendingAnimation); if (!this.isTreeAnimating) { this.targetDelta = this.relativeTarget = undefined; } if (!this.layout || !(layout || layoutId)) return; /** * Reset the corrected box with the latest values from box, as we're then going * to perform mutative operations on it. */ copyBoxInto(this.layoutCorrected, this.layout.layoutBox); /** * Record previous tree scales before updating. */ const prevTreeScaleX = this.treeScale.x; const prevTreeScaleY = this.treeScale.y; /** * Apply all the parent deltas to this box to produce the corrected box. This * is the layout box, as it will appear on screen as a result of the transforms of its parents. */ applyTreeDeltas(this.layoutCorrected, this.treeScale, this.path, isShared); /** * If this layer needs to perform scale correction but doesn't have a target, * use the layout as the target. */ if (lead.layout && ! && (this.treeScale.x !== 1 || this.treeScale.y !== 1)) { = lead.layout.layoutBox; lead.targetWithTransforms = createBox(); } const { target } = lead; if (!target) { /** * If we don't have a target to project into, but we were previously * projecting, we want to remove the stored transform and schedule * a render to ensure the elements reflect the removed transform. */ if (this.projectionTransform) { this.projectionDelta = createDelta(); this.projectionTransform = "none"; this.scheduleRender(); } return; } if (!this.projectionDelta) { this.projectionDelta = createDelta(); this.projectionDeltaWithTransform = createDelta(); } const prevProjectionTransform = this.projectionTransform; /** * Update the delta between the corrected box and the target box before user-set transforms were applied. * This will allow us to calculate the corrected borderRadius and boxShadow to compensate * for our layout reprojection, but still allow them to be scaled correctly by the user. * It might be that to simplify this we may want to accept that user-set scale is also corrected * and we wouldn't have to keep and calc both deltas, OR we could support a user setting * to allow people to choose whether these styles are corrected based on just the * layout reprojection or the final bounding box. */ calcBoxDelta(this.projectionDelta, this.layoutCorrected, target, this.latestValues); this.projectionTransform = buildProjectionTransform(this.projectionDelta, this.treeScale); if (this.projectionTransform !== prevProjectionTransform || this.treeScale.x !== prevTreeScaleX || this.treeScale.y !== prevTreeScaleY) { this.hasProjected = true; this.scheduleRender(); this.notifyListeners("projectionUpdate", target); } /** * Increase debug counter for recalculated projections */ projectionFrameData.recalculatedProjection++; } hide() { this.isVisible = false; // TODO: Schedule render } show() { this.isVisible = true; // TODO: Schedule render } scheduleRender(notifyAll = true) { this.options.scheduleRender && this.options.scheduleRender(); if (notifyAll) { const stack = this.getStack(); stack && stack.scheduleRender(); } if (this.resumingFrom && !this.resumingFrom.instance) { this.resumingFrom = undefined; } } setAnimationOrigin(delta, hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged = false) { const snapshot = this.snapshot; const snapshotLatestValues = snapshot ? snapshot.latestValues : {}; const mixedValues = { ...this.latestValues }; const targetDelta = createDelta(); if (!this.relativeParent || !this.relativeParent.options.layoutRoot) { this.relativeTarget = this.relativeTargetOrigin = undefined; } this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = !hasOnlyRelativeTargetChanged; const relativeLayout = createBox(); const snapshotSource = snapshot ? snapshot.source : undefined; const layoutSource = this.layout ? this.layout.source : undefined; const isSharedLayoutAnimation = snapshotSource !== layoutSource; const stack = this.getStack(); const isOnlyMember = !stack || stack.members.length <= 1; const shouldCrossfadeOpacity = Boolean(isSharedLayoutAnimation && !isOnlyMember && this.options.crossfade === true && !this.path.some(hasOpacityCrossfade)); this.animationProgress = 0; let prevRelativeTarget; this.mixTargetDelta = (latest) => { const progress = latest / 1000; mixAxisDelta(targetDelta.x, delta.x, progress); mixAxisDelta(targetDelta.y, delta.y, progress); this.setTargetDelta(targetDelta); if (this.relativeTarget && this.relativeTargetOrigin && this.layout && this.relativeParent && this.relativeParent.layout) { calcRelativePosition(relativeLayout, this.layout.layoutBox, this.relativeParent.layout.layoutBox); mixBox(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin, relativeLayout, progress); /** * If this is an unchanged relative target we can consider the * projection not dirty. */ if (prevRelativeTarget && boxEquals(this.relativeTarget, prevRelativeTarget)) { this.isProjectionDirty = false; } if (!prevRelativeTarget) prevRelativeTarget = createBox(); copyBoxInto(prevRelativeTarget, this.relativeTarget); } if (isSharedLayoutAnimation) { this.animationValues = mixedValues; mixValues(mixedValues, snapshotLatestValues, this.latestValues, progress, shouldCrossfadeOpacity, isOnlyMember); } this.root.scheduleUpdateProjection(); this.scheduleRender(); this.animationProgress = progress; }; this.mixTargetDelta(this.options.layoutRoot ? 1000 : 0); } startAnimation(options) { this.notifyListeners("animationStart"); this.currentAnimation && this.currentAnimation.stop(); if (this.resumingFrom && this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation) { this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation.stop(); } if (this.pendingAnimation) { cancelFrame(this.pendingAnimation); this.pendingAnimation = undefined; } /** * Start the animation in the next frame to have a frame with progress 0, * where the target is the same as when the animation started, so we can * calculate the relative positions correctly for instant transitions. */ this.pendingAnimation = frame_frame.update(() => { globalProjectionState.hasAnimatedSinceResize = true; this.currentAnimation = animateSingleValue(0, animationTarget, { ...options, onUpdate: (latest) => { this.mixTargetDelta(latest); options.onUpdate && options.onUpdate(latest); }, onComplete: () => { options.onComplete && options.onComplete(); this.completeAnimation(); }, }); if (this.resumingFrom) { this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = this.currentAnimation; } this.pendingAnimation = undefined; }); } completeAnimation() { if (this.resumingFrom) { this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = undefined; this.resumingFrom.preserveOpacity = undefined; } const stack = this.getStack(); stack && stack.exitAnimationComplete(); this.resumingFrom = this.currentAnimation = this.animationValues = undefined; this.notifyListeners("animationComplete"); } finishAnimation() { if (this.currentAnimation) { this.mixTargetDelta && this.mixTargetDelta(animationTarget); this.currentAnimation.stop(); } this.completeAnimation(); } applyTransformsToTarget() { const lead = this.getLead(); let { targetWithTransforms, target, layout, latestValues } = lead; if (!targetWithTransforms || !target || !layout) return; /** * If we're only animating position, and this element isn't the lead element, * then instead of projecting into the lead box we instead want to calculate * a new target that aligns the two boxes but maintains the layout shape. */ if (this !== lead && this.layout && layout && shouldAnimatePositionOnly(this.options.animationType, this.layout.layoutBox, layout.layoutBox)) { target = || createBox(); const xLength = calcLength(this.layout.layoutBox.x); target.x.min =; target.x.max = target.x.min + xLength; const yLength = calcLength(this.layout.layoutBox.y); target.y.min =; target.y.max = target.y.min + yLength; } copyBoxInto(targetWithTransforms, target); /** * Apply the latest user-set transforms to the targetBox to produce the targetBoxFinal. * This is the final box that we will then project into by calculating a transform delta and * applying it to the corrected box. */ transformBox(targetWithTransforms, latestValues); /** * Update the delta between the corrected box and the final target box, after * user-set transforms are applied to it. This will be used by the renderer to * create a transform style that will reproject the element from its layout layout * into the desired bounding box. */ calcBoxDelta(this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.layoutCorrected, targetWithTransforms, latestValues); } registerSharedNode(layoutId, node) { if (!this.sharedNodes.has(layoutId)) { this.sharedNodes.set(layoutId, new NodeStack()); } const stack = this.sharedNodes.get(layoutId); stack.add(node); const config = node.options.initialPromotionConfig; node.promote({ transition: config ? config.transition : undefined, preserveFollowOpacity: config && config.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity ? config.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity(node) : undefined, }); } isLead() { const stack = this.getStack(); return stack ? stack.lead === this : true; } getLead() { var _a; const { layoutId } = this.options; return layoutId ? ((_a = this.getStack()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.lead) || this : this; } getPrevLead() { var _a; const { layoutId } = this.options; return layoutId ? (_a = this.getStack()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prevLead : undefined; } getStack() { const { layoutId } = this.options; if (layoutId) return this.root.sharedNodes.get(layoutId); } promote({ needsReset, transition, preserveFollowOpacity, } = {}) { const stack = this.getStack(); if (stack) stack.promote(this, preserveFollowOpacity); if (needsReset) { this.projectionDelta = undefined; this.needsReset = true; } if (transition) this.setOptions({ transition }); } relegate() { const stack = this.getStack(); if (stack) { return stack.relegate(this); } else { return false; } } resetSkewAndRotation() { const { visualElement } = this.options; if (!visualElement) return; // If there's no detected skew or rotation values, we can early return without a forced render. let hasDistortingTransform = false; /** * An unrolled check for rotation values. Most elements don't have any rotation and * skipping the nested loop and new object creation is 50% faster. */ const { latestValues } = visualElement; if (latestValues.z || latestValues.rotate || latestValues.rotateX || latestValues.rotateY || latestValues.rotateZ || latestValues.skewX || latestValues.skewY) { hasDistortingTransform = true; } // If there's no distorting values, we don't need to do any more. if (!hasDistortingTransform) return; const resetValues = {}; if (latestValues.z) { resetDistortingTransform("z", visualElement, resetValues, this.animationValues); } // Check the skew and rotate value of all axes and reset to 0 for (let i = 0; i < transformAxes.length; i++) { resetDistortingTransform(`rotate${transformAxes[i]}`, visualElement, resetValues, this.animationValues); resetDistortingTransform(`skew${transformAxes[i]}`, visualElement, resetValues, this.animationValues); } // Force a render of this element to apply the transform with all skews and rotations // set to 0. visualElement.render(); // Put back all the values we reset for (const key in resetValues) { visualElement.setStaticValue(key, resetValues[key]); if (this.animationValues) { this.animationValues[key] = resetValues[key]; } } // Schedule a render for the next frame. This ensures we won't visually // see the element with the reset rotate value applied. visualElement.scheduleRender(); } getProjectionStyles(styleProp) { var _a, _b; if (!this.instance || this.isSVG) return undefined; if (!this.isVisible) { return hiddenVisibility; } const styles = { visibility: "", }; const transformTemplate = this.getTransformTemplate(); if (this.needsReset) { this.needsReset = false; styles.opacity = ""; styles.pointerEvents = resolveMotionValue(styleProp === null || styleProp === void 0 ? void 0 : styleProp.pointerEvents) || ""; styles.transform = transformTemplate ? transformTemplate(this.latestValues, "") : "none"; return styles; } const lead = this.getLead(); if (!this.projectionDelta || !this.layout || ! { const emptyStyles = {}; if (this.options.layoutId) { emptyStyles.opacity = this.latestValues.opacity !== undefined ? this.latestValues.opacity : 1; emptyStyles.pointerEvents = resolveMotionValue(styleProp === null || styleProp === void 0 ? void 0 : styleProp.pointerEvents) || ""; } if (this.hasProjected && !hasTransform(this.latestValues)) { emptyStyles.transform = transformTemplate ? transformTemplate({}, "") : "none"; this.hasProjected = false; } return emptyStyles; } const valuesToRender = lead.animationValues || lead.latestValues; this.applyTransformsToTarget(); styles.transform = buildProjectionTransform(this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.treeScale, valuesToRender); if (transformTemplate) { styles.transform = transformTemplate(valuesToRender, styles.transform); } const { x, y } = this.projectionDelta; styles.transformOrigin = `${x.origin * 100}% ${y.origin * 100}% 0`; if (lead.animationValues) { /** * If the lead component is animating, assign this either the entering/leaving * opacity */ styles.opacity = lead === this ? (_b = (_a = valuesToRender.opacity) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.latestValues.opacity) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1 : this.preserveOpacity ? this.latestValues.opacity : valuesToRender.opacityExit; } else { /** * Or we're not animating at all, set the lead component to its layout * opacity and other components to hidden. */ styles.opacity = lead === this ? valuesToRender.opacity !== undefined ? valuesToRender.opacity : "" : valuesToRender.opacityExit !== undefined ? valuesToRender.opacityExit : 0; } /** * Apply scale correction */ for (const key in scaleCorrectors) { if (valuesToRender[key] === undefined) continue; const { correct, applyTo } = scaleCorrectors[key]; /** * Only apply scale correction to the value if we have an * active projection transform. Otherwise these values become * vulnerable to distortion if the element changes size without * a corresponding layout animation. */ const corrected = styles.transform === "none" ? valuesToRender[key] : correct(valuesToRender[key], lead); if (applyTo) { const num = applyTo.length; for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { styles[applyTo[i]] = corrected; } } else { styles[key] = corrected; } } /** * Disable pointer events on follow components. This is to ensure * that if a follow component covers a lead component it doesn't block * pointer events on the lead. */ if (this.options.layoutId) { styles.pointerEvents = lead === this ? resolveMotionValue(styleProp === null || styleProp === void 0 ? void 0 : styleProp.pointerEvents) || "" : "none"; } return styles; } clearSnapshot() { this.resumeFrom = this.snapshot = undefined; } // Only run on root resetTree() { this.root.nodes.forEach((node) => { var _a; return (_a = node.currentAnimation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stop(); }); this.root.nodes.forEach(clearMeasurements); this.root.sharedNodes.clear(); } }; } function updateLayout(node) { node.updateLayout(); } function notifyLayoutUpdate(node) { var _a; const snapshot = ((_a = node.resumeFrom) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.snapshot) || node.snapshot; if (node.isLead() && node.layout && snapshot && node.hasListeners("didUpdate")) { const { layoutBox: layout, measuredBox: measuredLayout } = node.layout; const { animationType } = node.options; const isShared = snapshot.source !== node.layout.source; // TODO Maybe we want to also resize the layout snapshot so we don't trigger // animations for instance if layout="size" and an element has only changed position if (animationType === "size") { eachAxis((axis) => { const axisSnapshot = isShared ? snapshot.measuredBox[axis] : snapshot.layoutBox[axis]; const length = calcLength(axisSnapshot); axisSnapshot.min = layout[axis].min; axisSnapshot.max = axisSnapshot.min + length; }); } else if (shouldAnimatePositionOnly(animationType, snapshot.layoutBox, layout)) { eachAxis((axis) => { const axisSnapshot = isShared ? snapshot.measuredBox[axis] : snapshot.layoutBox[axis]; const length = calcLength(layout[axis]); axisSnapshot.max = axisSnapshot.min + length; /** * Ensure relative target gets resized and rerendererd */ if (node.relativeTarget && !node.currentAnimation) { node.isProjectionDirty = true; node.relativeTarget[axis].max = node.relativeTarget[axis].min + length; } }); } const layoutDelta = createDelta(); calcBoxDelta(layoutDelta, layout, snapshot.layoutBox); const visualDelta = createDelta(); if (isShared) { calcBoxDelta(visualDelta, node.applyTransform(measuredLayout, true), snapshot.measuredBox); } else { calcBoxDelta(visualDelta, layout, snapshot.layoutBox); } const hasLayoutChanged = !isDeltaZero(layoutDelta); let hasRelativeTargetChanged = false; if (!node.resumeFrom) { const relativeParent = node.getClosestProjectingParent(); /** * If the relativeParent is itself resuming from a different element then * the relative snapshot is not relavent */ if (relativeParent && !relativeParent.resumeFrom) { const { snapshot: parentSnapshot, layout: parentLayout } = relativeParent; if (parentSnapshot && parentLayout) { const relativeSnapshot = createBox(); calcRelativePosition(relativeSnapshot, snapshot.layoutBox, parentSnapshot.layoutBox); const relativeLayout = createBox(); calcRelativePosition(relativeLayout, layout, parentLayout.layoutBox); if (!boxEqualsRounded(relativeSnapshot, relativeLayout)) { hasRelativeTargetChanged = true; } if (relativeParent.options.layoutRoot) { node.relativeTarget = relativeLayout; node.relativeTargetOrigin = relativeSnapshot; node.relativeParent = relativeParent; } } } } node.notifyListeners("didUpdate", { layout, snapshot, delta: visualDelta, layoutDelta, hasLayoutChanged, hasRelativeTargetChanged, }); } else if (node.isLead()) { const { onExitComplete } = node.options; onExitComplete && onExitComplete(); } /** * Clearing transition * TODO: Investigate why this transition is being passed in as {type: false } from Framer * and why we need it at all */ node.options.transition = undefined; } function propagateDirtyNodes(node) { /** * Increase debug counter for nodes encountered this frame */ projectionFrameData.totalNodes++; if (!node.parent) return; /** * If this node isn't projecting, propagate isProjectionDirty. It will have * no performance impact but it will allow the next child that *is* projecting * but *isn't* dirty to just check its parent to see if *any* ancestor needs * correcting. */ if (!node.isProjecting()) { node.isProjectionDirty = node.parent.isProjectionDirty; } /** * Propagate isSharedProjectionDirty and isTransformDirty * throughout the whole tree. A future revision can take another look at * this but for safety we still recalcualte shared nodes. */ node.isSharedProjectionDirty || (node.isSharedProjectionDirty = Boolean(node.isProjectionDirty || node.parent.isProjectionDirty || node.parent.isSharedProjectionDirty)); node.isTransformDirty || (node.isTransformDirty = node.parent.isTransformDirty); } function cleanDirtyNodes(node) { node.isProjectionDirty = node.isSharedProjectionDirty = node.isTransformDirty = false; } function clearSnapshot(node) { node.clearSnapshot(); } function clearMeasurements(node) { node.clearMeasurements(); } function clearIsLayoutDirty(node) { node.isLayoutDirty = false; } function resetTransformStyle(node) { const { visualElement } = node.options; if (visualElement && visualElement.getProps().onBeforeLayoutMeasure) { visualElement.notify("BeforeLayoutMeasure"); } node.resetTransform(); } function finishAnimation(node) { node.finishAnimation(); node.targetDelta = node.relativeTarget = = undefined; node.isProjectionDirty = true; } function resolveTargetDelta(node) { node.resolveTargetDelta(); } function calcProjection(node) { node.calcProjection(); } function resetSkewAndRotation(node) { node.resetSkewAndRotation(); } function removeLeadSnapshots(stack) { stack.removeLeadSnapshot(); } function mixAxisDelta(output, delta, p) { output.translate = mixNumber(delta.translate, 0, p); output.scale = mixNumber(delta.scale, 1, p); output.origin = delta.origin; output.originPoint = delta.originPoint; } function mixAxis(output, from, to, p) { output.min = mixNumber(from.min, to.min, p); output.max = mixNumber(from.max, to.max, p); } function mixBox(output, from, to, p) { mixAxis(output.x, from.x, to.x, p); mixAxis(output.y, from.y, to.y, p); } function hasOpacityCrossfade(node) { return (node.animationValues && node.animationValues.opacityExit !== undefined); } const defaultLayoutTransition = { duration: 0.45, ease: [0.4, 0, 0.1, 1], }; const userAgentContains = (string) => typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes(string); /** * Measured bounding boxes must be rounded in Safari and * left untouched in Chrome, otherwise non-integer layouts within scaled-up elements * can appear to jump. */ const roundPoint = userAgentContains("applewebkit/") && !userAgentContains("chrome/") ? Math.round : noop_noop; function roundAxis(axis) { // Round to the nearest .5 pixels to support subpixel layouts axis.min = roundPoint(axis.min); axis.max = roundPoint(axis.max); } function roundBox(box) { roundAxis(box.x); roundAxis(box.y); } function shouldAnimatePositionOnly(animationType, snapshot, layout) { return (animationType === "position" || (animationType === "preserve-aspect" && !isNear(aspectRatio(snapshot), aspectRatio(layout), 0.2))); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/node/DocumentProjectionNode.mjs const DocumentProjectionNode = createProjectionNode({ attachResizeListener: (ref, notify) => addDomEvent(ref, "resize", notify), measureScroll: () => ({ x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft, y: document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop, }), checkIsScrollRoot: () => true, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/node/HTMLProjectionNode.mjs const rootProjectionNode = { current: undefined, }; const HTMLProjectionNode = createProjectionNode({ measureScroll: (instance) => ({ x: instance.scrollLeft, y: instance.scrollTop, }), defaultParent: () => { if (!rootProjectionNode.current) { const documentNode = new DocumentProjectionNode({}); documentNode.mount(window); documentNode.setOptions({ layoutScroll: true }); rootProjectionNode.current = documentNode; } return rootProjectionNode.current; }, resetTransform: (instance, value) => { = value !== undefined ? value : "none"; }, checkIsScrollRoot: (instance) => Boolean(window.getComputedStyle(instance).position === "fixed"), }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/drag.mjs const drag = { pan: { Feature: PanGesture, }, drag: { Feature: DragGesture, ProjectionNode: HTMLProjectionNode, MeasureLayout: MeasureLayout, }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/reduced-motion/state.mjs // Does this device prefer reduced motion? Returns `null` server-side. const prefersReducedMotion = { current: null }; const hasReducedMotionListener = { current: false }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/reduced-motion/index.mjs function initPrefersReducedMotion() { hasReducedMotionListener.current = true; if (!is_browser_isBrowser) return; if (window.matchMedia) { const motionMediaQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)"); const setReducedMotionPreferences = () => (prefersReducedMotion.current = motionMediaQuery.matches); motionMediaQuery.addListener(setReducedMotionPreferences); setReducedMotionPreferences(); } else { prefersReducedMotion.current = false; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/utils/motion-values.mjs function updateMotionValuesFromProps(element, next, prev) { const { willChange } = next; for (const key in next) { const nextValue = next[key]; const prevValue = prev[key]; if (isMotionValue(nextValue)) { /** * If this is a motion value found in props or style, we want to add it * to our visual element's motion value map. */ element.addValue(key, nextValue); if (isWillChangeMotionValue(willChange)) { willChange.add(key); } /** * Check the version of the incoming motion value with this version * and warn against mismatches. */ if (false) {} } else if (isMotionValue(prevValue)) { /** * If we're swapping from a motion value to a static value, * create a new motion value from that */ element.addValue(key, motionValue(nextValue, { owner: element })); if (isWillChangeMotionValue(willChange)) { willChange.remove(key); } } else if (prevValue !== nextValue) { /** * If this is a flat value that has changed, update the motion value * or create one if it doesn't exist. We only want to do this if we're * not handling the value with our animation state. */ if (element.hasValue(key)) { const existingValue = element.getValue(key); if (existingValue.liveStyle === true) { existingValue.jump(nextValue); } else if (!existingValue.hasAnimated) { existingValue.set(nextValue); } } else { const latestValue = element.getStaticValue(key); element.addValue(key, motionValue(latestValue !== undefined ? latestValue : nextValue, { owner: element })); } } } // Handle removed values for (const key in prev) { if (next[key] === undefined) element.removeValue(key); } return next; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/store.mjs const visualElementStore = new WeakMap(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/value-types/find.mjs /** * A list of all ValueTypes */ const valueTypes = [...dimensionValueTypes, color, complex]; /** * Tests a value against the list of ValueTypes */ const findValueType = (v) => valueTypes.find(testValueType(v)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/VisualElement.mjs const featureNames = Object.keys(featureDefinitions); const numFeatures = featureNames.length; const propEventHandlers = [ "AnimationStart", "AnimationComplete", "Update", "BeforeLayoutMeasure", "LayoutMeasure", "LayoutAnimationStart", "LayoutAnimationComplete", ]; const numVariantProps = variantProps.length; function getClosestProjectingNode(visualElement) { if (!visualElement) return undefined; return visualElement.options.allowProjection !== false ? visualElement.projection : getClosestProjectingNode(visualElement.parent); } /** * A VisualElement is an imperative abstraction around UI elements such as * HTMLElement, SVGElement, Three.Object3D etc. */ class VisualElement { /** * This method takes React props and returns found MotionValues. For example, HTML * MotionValues will be found within the style prop, whereas for Three.js within attribute arrays. * * This isn't an abstract method as it needs calling in the constructor, but it is * intended to be one. */ scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(_props, _prevProps, _visualElement) { return {}; } constructor({ parent, props, presenceContext, reducedMotionConfig, blockInitialAnimation, visualState, }, options = {}) { this.resolveKeyframes = (keyframes, // We use an onComplete callback here rather than a Promise as a Promise // resolution is a microtask and we want to retain the ability to force // the resolution of keyframes synchronously. onComplete, name, value) => { return new this.KeyframeResolver(keyframes, onComplete, name, value, this); }; /** * A reference to the current underlying Instance, e.g. a HTMLElement * or Three.Mesh etc. */ this.current = null; /** * A set containing references to this VisualElement's children. */ this.children = new Set(); /** * Determine what role this visual element should take in the variant tree. */ this.isVariantNode = false; this.isControllingVariants = false; /** * Decides whether this VisualElement should animate in reduced motion * mode. * * TODO: This is currently set on every individual VisualElement but feels * like it could be set globally. */ this.shouldReduceMotion = null; /** * A map of all motion values attached to this visual element. Motion * values are source of truth for any given animated value. A motion * value might be provided externally by the component via props. */ this.values = new Map(); this.KeyframeResolver = KeyframeResolver; /** * Cleanup functions for active features (hover/tap/exit etc) */ this.features = {}; /** * A map of every subscription that binds the provided or generated * motion values onChange listeners to this visual element. */ this.valueSubscriptions = new Map(); /** * A reference to the previously-provided motion values as returned * from scrapeMotionValuesFromProps. We use the keys in here to determine * if any motion values need to be removed after props are updated. */ this.prevMotionValues = {}; /** * An object containing a SubscriptionManager for each active event. */ = {}; /** * An object containing an unsubscribe function for each prop event subscription. * For example, every "Update" event can have multiple subscribers via * VisualElement.on(), but only one of those can be defined via the onUpdate prop. */ this.propEventSubscriptions = {}; this.notifyUpdate = () => this.notify("Update", this.latestValues); this.render = () => { if (!this.current) return; this.triggerBuild(); this.renderInstance(this.current, this.renderState,, this.projection); }; this.scheduleRender = () => frame_frame.render(this.render, false, true); const { latestValues, renderState } = visualState; this.latestValues = latestValues; this.baseTarget = { ...latestValues }; this.initialValues = props.initial ? { ...latestValues } : {}; this.renderState = renderState; this.parent = parent; this.props = props; this.presenceContext = presenceContext; this.depth = parent ? parent.depth + 1 : 0; this.reducedMotionConfig = reducedMotionConfig; this.options = options; this.blockInitialAnimation = Boolean(blockInitialAnimation); this.isControllingVariants = isControllingVariants(props); this.isVariantNode = isVariantNode(props); if (this.isVariantNode) { this.variantChildren = new Set(); } this.manuallyAnimateOnMount = Boolean(parent && parent.current); /** * Any motion values that are provided to the element when created * aren't yet bound to the element, as this would technically be impure. * However, we iterate through the motion values and set them to the * initial values for this component. * * TODO: This is impure and we should look at changing this to run on mount. * Doing so will break some tests but this isn't neccessarily a breaking change, * more a reflection of the test. */ const { willChange, ...initialMotionValues } = this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, {}, this); for (const key in initialMotionValues) { const value = initialMotionValues[key]; if (latestValues[key] !== undefined && isMotionValue(value)) { value.set(latestValues[key], false); if (isWillChangeMotionValue(willChange)) { willChange.add(key); } } } } mount(instance) { this.current = instance; visualElementStore.set(instance, this); if (this.projection && !this.projection.instance) { this.projection.mount(instance); } if (this.parent && this.isVariantNode && !this.isControllingVariants) { this.removeFromVariantTree = this.parent.addVariantChild(this); } this.values.forEach((value, key) => this.bindToMotionValue(key, value)); if (!hasReducedMotionListener.current) { initPrefersReducedMotion(); } this.shouldReduceMotion = this.reducedMotionConfig === "never" ? false : this.reducedMotionConfig === "always" ? true : prefersReducedMotion.current; if (false) {} if (this.parent) this.parent.children.add(this); this.update(this.props, this.presenceContext); } unmount() { var _a; visualElementStore.delete(this.current); this.projection && this.projection.unmount(); cancelFrame(this.notifyUpdate); cancelFrame(this.render); this.valueSubscriptions.forEach((remove) => remove()); this.removeFromVariantTree && this.removeFromVariantTree(); this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this); for (const key in {[key].clear(); } for (const key in this.features) { (_a = this.features[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unmount(); } this.current = null; } bindToMotionValue(key, value) { const valueIsTransform = transformProps.has(key); const removeOnChange = value.on("change", (latestValue) => { this.latestValues[key] = latestValue; this.props.onUpdate && frame_frame.preRender(this.notifyUpdate); if (valueIsTransform && this.projection) { this.projection.isTransformDirty = true; } }); const removeOnRenderRequest = value.on("renderRequest", this.scheduleRender); this.valueSubscriptions.set(key, () => { removeOnChange(); removeOnRenderRequest(); if (value.owner) value.stop(); }); } sortNodePosition(other) { /** * If these nodes aren't even of the same type we can't compare their depth. */ if (!this.current || !this.sortInstanceNodePosition || this.type !== other.type) { return 0; } return this.sortInstanceNodePosition(this.current, other.current); } loadFeatures({ children, ...renderedProps }, isStrict, preloadedFeatures, initialLayoutGroupConfig) { let ProjectionNodeConstructor; let MeasureLayout; /** * If we're in development mode, check to make sure we're not rendering a motion component * as a child of LazyMotion, as this will break the file-size benefits of using it. */ if (false) {} for (let i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { const name = featureNames[i]; const { isEnabled, Feature: FeatureConstructor, ProjectionNode, MeasureLayout: MeasureLayoutComponent, } = featureDefinitions[name]; if (ProjectionNode) ProjectionNodeConstructor = ProjectionNode; if (isEnabled(renderedProps)) { if (!this.features[name] && FeatureConstructor) { this.features[name] = new FeatureConstructor(this); } if (MeasureLayoutComponent) { MeasureLayout = MeasureLayoutComponent; } } } if ((this.type === "html" || this.type === "svg") && !this.projection && ProjectionNodeConstructor) { const { layoutId, layout, drag, dragConstraints, layoutScroll, layoutRoot, } = renderedProps; this.projection = new ProjectionNodeConstructor(this.latestValues, renderedProps["data-framer-portal-id"] ? undefined : getClosestProjectingNode(this.parent)); this.projection.setOptions({ layoutId, layout, alwaysMeasureLayout: Boolean(drag) || (dragConstraints && isRefObject(dragConstraints)), visualElement: this, scheduleRender: () => this.scheduleRender(), /** * TODO: Update options in an effect. This could be tricky as it'll be too late * to update by the time layout animations run. * We also need to fix this safeToRemove by linking it up to the one returned by usePresence, * ensuring it gets called if there's no potential layout animations. * */ animationType: typeof layout === "string" ? layout : "both", initialPromotionConfig: initialLayoutGroupConfig, layoutScroll, layoutRoot, }); } return MeasureLayout; } updateFeatures() { for (const key in this.features) { const feature = this.features[key]; if (feature.isMounted) { feature.update(); } else { feature.mount(); feature.isMounted = true; } } } triggerBuild() {, this.latestValues, this.options, this.props); } /** * Measure the current viewport box with or without transforms. * Only measures axis-aligned boxes, rotate and skew must be manually * removed with a re-render to work. */ measureViewportBox() { return this.current ? this.measureInstanceViewportBox(this.current, this.props) : createBox(); } getStaticValue(key) { return this.latestValues[key]; } setStaticValue(key, value) { this.latestValues[key] = value; } /** * Update the provided props. Ensure any newly-added motion values are * added to our map, old ones removed, and listeners updated. */ update(props, presenceContext) { if (props.transformTemplate || this.props.transformTemplate) { this.scheduleRender(); } this.prevProps = this.props; this.props = props; this.prevPresenceContext = this.presenceContext; this.presenceContext = presenceContext; /** * Update prop event handlers ie onAnimationStart, onAnimationComplete */ for (let i = 0; i < propEventHandlers.length; i++) { const key = propEventHandlers[i]; if (this.propEventSubscriptions[key]) { this.propEventSubscriptions[key](); delete this.propEventSubscriptions[key]; } const listenerName = ("on" + key); const listener = props[listenerName]; if (listener) { this.propEventSubscriptions[key] = this.on(key, listener); } } this.prevMotionValues = updateMotionValuesFromProps(this, this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, this.prevProps, this), this.prevMotionValues); if (this.handleChildMotionValue) { this.handleChildMotionValue(); } } getProps() { return this.props; } /** * Returns the variant definition with a given name. */ getVariant(name) { return this.props.variants ? this.props.variants[name] : undefined; } /** * Returns the defined default transition on this component. */ getDefaultTransition() { return this.props.transition; } getTransformPagePoint() { return this.props.transformPagePoint; } getClosestVariantNode() { return this.isVariantNode ? this : this.parent ? this.parent.getClosestVariantNode() : undefined; } getVariantContext(startAtParent = false) { if (startAtParent) { return this.parent ? this.parent.getVariantContext() : undefined; } if (!this.isControllingVariants) { const context = this.parent ? this.parent.getVariantContext() || {} : {}; if (this.props.initial !== undefined) { context.initial = this.props.initial; } return context; } const context = {}; for (let i = 0; i < numVariantProps; i++) { const name = variantProps[i]; const prop = this.props[name]; if (isVariantLabel(prop) || prop === false) { context[name] = prop; } } return context; } /** * Add a child visual element to our set of children. */ addVariantChild(child) { const closestVariantNode = this.getClosestVariantNode(); if (closestVariantNode) { closestVariantNode.variantChildren && closestVariantNode.variantChildren.add(child); return () => closestVariantNode.variantChildren.delete(child); } } /** * Add a motion value and bind it to this visual element. */ addValue(key, value) { // Remove existing value if it exists const existingValue = this.values.get(key); if (value !== existingValue) { if (existingValue) this.removeValue(key); this.bindToMotionValue(key, value); this.values.set(key, value); this.latestValues[key] = value.get(); } } /** * Remove a motion value and unbind any active subscriptions. */ removeValue(key) { this.values.delete(key); const unsubscribe = this.valueSubscriptions.get(key); if (unsubscribe) { unsubscribe(); this.valueSubscriptions.delete(key); } delete this.latestValues[key]; this.removeValueFromRenderState(key, this.renderState); } /** * Check whether we have a motion value for this key */ hasValue(key) { return this.values.has(key); } getValue(key, defaultValue) { if (this.props.values && this.props.values[key]) { return this.props.values[key]; } let value = this.values.get(key); if (value === undefined && defaultValue !== undefined) { value = motionValue(defaultValue === null ? undefined : defaultValue, { owner: this }); this.addValue(key, value); } return value; } /** * If we're trying to animate to a previously unencountered value, * we need to check for it in our state and as a last resort read it * directly from the instance (which might have performance implications). */ readValue(key, target) { var _a; let value = this.latestValues[key] !== undefined || !this.current ? this.latestValues[key] : (_a = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, key)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.readValueFromInstance(this.current, key, this.options); if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { if (typeof value === "string" && (isNumericalString(value) || isZeroValueString(value))) { // If this is a number read as a string, ie "0" or "200", convert it to a number value = parseFloat(value); } else if (!findValueType(value) && complex.test(target)) { value = animatable_none_getAnimatableNone(key, target); } this.setBaseTarget(key, isMotionValue(value) ? value.get() : value); } return isMotionValue(value) ? value.get() : value; } /** * Set the base target to later animate back to. This is currently * only hydrated on creation and when we first read a value. */ setBaseTarget(key, value) { this.baseTarget[key] = value; } /** * Find the base target for a value thats been removed from all animation * props. */ getBaseTarget(key) { var _a; const { initial } = this.props; let valueFromInitial; if (typeof initial === "string" || typeof initial === "object") { const variant = resolveVariantFromProps(this.props, initial, (_a = this.presenceContext) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.custom); if (variant) { valueFromInitial = variant[key]; } } /** * If this value still exists in the current initial variant, read that. */ if (initial && valueFromInitial !== undefined) { return valueFromInitial; } /** * Alternatively, if this VisualElement config has defined a getBaseTarget * so we can read the value from an alternative source, try that. */ const target = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, key); if (target !== undefined && !isMotionValue(target)) return target; /** * If the value was initially defined on initial, but it doesn't any more, * return undefined. Otherwise return the value as initially read from the DOM. */ return this.initialValues[key] !== undefined && valueFromInitial === undefined ? undefined : this.baseTarget[key]; } on(eventName, callback) { if (![eventName]) {[eventName] = new SubscriptionManager(); } return[eventName].add(callback); } notify(eventName, ...args) { if ([eventName]) {[eventName].notify(...args); } } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/DOMVisualElement.mjs class DOMVisualElement extends VisualElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.KeyframeResolver = DOMKeyframesResolver; } sortInstanceNodePosition(a, b) { /** * compareDocumentPosition returns a bitmask, by using the bitwise & * we're returning true if 2 in that bitmask is set to true. 2 is set * to true if b preceeds a. */ return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 2 ? 1 : -1; } getBaseTargetFromProps(props, key) { return ?[key] : undefined; } removeValueFromRenderState(key, { vars, style }) { delete vars[key]; delete style[key]; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/html/HTMLVisualElement.mjs function HTMLVisualElement_getComputedStyle(element) { return window.getComputedStyle(element); } class HTMLVisualElement extends DOMVisualElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = "html"; } readValueFromInstance(instance, key) { if (transformProps.has(key)) { const defaultType = getDefaultValueType(key); return defaultType ? defaultType.default || 0 : 0; } else { const computedStyle = HTMLVisualElement_getComputedStyle(instance); const value = (isCSSVariableName(key) ? computedStyle.getPropertyValue(key) : computedStyle[key]) || 0; return typeof value === "string" ? value.trim() : value; } } measureInstanceViewportBox(instance, { transformPagePoint }) { return measureViewportBox(instance, transformPagePoint); } build(renderState, latestValues, options, props) { buildHTMLStyles(renderState, latestValues, options, props.transformTemplate); } scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps, visualElement) { return scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps, visualElement); } handleChildMotionValue() { if (this.childSubscription) { this.childSubscription(); delete this.childSubscription; } const { children } = this.props; if (isMotionValue(children)) { this.childSubscription = children.on("change", (latest) => { if (this.current) this.current.textContent = `${latest}`; }); } } renderInstance(instance, renderState, styleProp, projection) { renderHTML(instance, renderState, styleProp, projection); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/svg/SVGVisualElement.mjs class SVGVisualElement extends DOMVisualElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.type = "svg"; this.isSVGTag = false; } getBaseTargetFromProps(props, key) { return props[key]; } readValueFromInstance(instance, key) { if (transformProps.has(key)) { const defaultType = getDefaultValueType(key); return defaultType ? defaultType.default || 0 : 0; } key = !camelCaseAttributes.has(key) ? camelToDash(key) : key; return instance.getAttribute(key); } measureInstanceViewportBox() { return createBox(); } scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps, visualElement) { return scrape_motion_values_scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(props, prevProps, visualElement); } build(renderState, latestValues, options, props) { buildSVGAttrs(renderState, latestValues, options, this.isSVGTag, props.transformTemplate); } renderInstance(instance, renderState, styleProp, projection) { renderSVG(instance, renderState, styleProp, projection); } mount(instance) { this.isSVGTag = isSVGTag(instance.tagName); super.mount(instance); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/create-visual-element.mjs const create_visual_element_createDomVisualElement = (Component, options) => { return isSVGComponent(Component) ? new SVGVisualElement(options, { enableHardwareAcceleration: false }) : new HTMLVisualElement(options, { allowProjection: Component !== external_React_.Fragment, enableHardwareAcceleration: true, }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/motion/features/layout.mjs const layout = { layout: { ProjectionNode: HTMLProjectionNode, MeasureLayout: MeasureLayout, }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/render/dom/motion.mjs const preloadedFeatures = { ...animations, ...gestureAnimations, ...drag, ...layout, }; /** * HTML & SVG components, optimised for use with gestures and animation. These can be used as * drop-in replacements for any HTML & SVG component, all CSS & SVG properties are supported. * * @public */ const motion = /*@__PURE__*/ createMotionProxy((Component, config) => create_config_createDomMotionConfig(Component, config, preloadedFeatures, create_visual_element_createDomVisualElement)); /** * Create a DOM `motion` component with the provided string. This is primarily intended * as a full alternative to `motion` for consumers who have to support environments that don't * support `Proxy`. * * ```javascript * import { createDomMotionComponent } from "framer-motion" * * const motion = { * div: createDomMotionComponent('div') * } * ``` * * @public */ function createDomMotionComponent(key) { return createMotionComponent(createDomMotionConfig(key, { forwardMotionProps: false }, preloadedFeatures, createDomVisualElement)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/use-is-mounted.mjs function useIsMounted() { const isMounted = (0,external_React_.useRef)(false); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { isMounted.current = true; return () => { isMounted.current = false; }; }, []); return isMounted; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/use-force-update.mjs function use_force_update_useForceUpdate() { const isMounted = useIsMounted(); const [forcedRenderCount, setForcedRenderCount] = (0,external_React_.useState)(0); const forceRender = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { isMounted.current && setForcedRenderCount(forcedRenderCount + 1); }, [forcedRenderCount]); /** * Defer this to the end of the next animation frame in case there are multiple * synchronous calls. */ const deferredForceRender = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => frame_frame.postRender(forceRender), [forceRender]); return [deferredForceRender, forcedRenderCount]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/components/AnimatePresence/PopChild.mjs /** * Measurement functionality has to be within a separate component * to leverage snapshot lifecycle. */ class PopChildMeasure extends external_React_.Component { getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps) { const element = this.props.childRef.current; if (element && prevProps.isPresent && !this.props.isPresent) { const size = this.props.sizeRef.current; size.height = element.offsetHeight || 0; size.width = element.offsetWidth || 0; = element.offsetTop; size.left = element.offsetLeft; } return null; } /** * Required with getSnapshotBeforeUpdate to stop React complaining. */ componentDidUpdate() { } render() { return this.props.children; } } function PopChild({ children, isPresent }) { const id = (0,external_React_.useId)(); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const size = (0,external_React_.useRef)({ width: 0, height: 0, top: 0, left: 0, }); const { nonce } = (0,external_React_.useContext)(MotionConfigContext); /** * We create and inject a style block so we can apply this explicit * sizing in a non-destructive manner by just deleting the style block. * * We can't apply size via render as the measurement happens * in getSnapshotBeforeUpdate (post-render), likewise if we apply the * styles directly on the DOM node, we might be overwriting * styles set via the style prop. */ (0,external_React_.useInsertionEffect)(() => { const { width, height, top, left } = size.current; if (isPresent || !ref.current || !width || !height) return; ref.current.dataset.motionPopId = id; const style = document.createElement("style"); if (nonce) style.nonce = nonce; document.head.appendChild(style); if (style.sheet) { style.sheet.insertRule(` [data-motion-pop-id="${id}"] { position: absolute !important; width: ${width}px !important; height: ${height}px !important; top: ${top}px !important; left: ${left}px !important; } `); } return () => { document.head.removeChild(style); }; }, [isPresent]); return ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PopChildMeasure, { isPresent: isPresent, childRef: ref, sizeRef: size, children: external_React_.cloneElement(children, { ref }) })); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/components/AnimatePresence/PresenceChild.mjs const PresenceChild = ({ children, initial, isPresent, onExitComplete, custom, presenceAffectsLayout, mode, }) => { const presenceChildren = useConstant(newChildrenMap); const id = (0,external_React_.useId)(); const context = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ id, initial, isPresent, custom, onExitComplete: (childId) => { presenceChildren.set(childId, true); for (const isComplete of presenceChildren.values()) { if (!isComplete) return; // can stop searching when any is incomplete } onExitComplete && onExitComplete(); }, register: (childId) => { presenceChildren.set(childId, false); return () => presenceChildren.delete(childId); }, }), /** * If the presence of a child affects the layout of the components around it, * we want to make a new context value to ensure they get re-rendered * so they can detect that layout change. */ presenceAffectsLayout ? [Math.random()] : [isPresent]); (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => { presenceChildren.forEach((_, key) => presenceChildren.set(key, false)); }, [isPresent]); /** * If there's no `motion` components to fire exit animations, we want to remove this * component immediately. */ external_React_.useEffect(() => { !isPresent && !presenceChildren.size && onExitComplete && onExitComplete(); }, [isPresent]); if (mode === "popLayout") { children = (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PopChild, { isPresent: isPresent, children: children }); } return ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PresenceContext_PresenceContext.Provider, { value: context, children: children })); }; function newChildrenMap() { return new Map(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/utils/use-unmount-effect.mjs function useUnmountEffect(callback) { return (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => () => callback(), []); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/components/AnimatePresence/index.mjs const getChildKey = (child) => child.key || ""; function updateChildLookup(children, allChildren) { children.forEach((child) => { const key = getChildKey(child); allChildren.set(key, child); }); } function onlyElements(children) { const filtered = []; // We use forEach here instead of map as map mutates the component key by preprending `.$` external_React_.Children.forEach(children, (child) => { if ((0,external_React_.isValidElement)(child)) filtered.push(child); }); return filtered; } /** * `AnimatePresence` enables the animation of components that have been removed from the tree. * * When adding/removing more than a single child, every child **must** be given a unique `key` prop. * * Any `motion` components that have an `exit` property defined will animate out when removed from * the tree. * * ```jsx * import { motion, AnimatePresence } from 'framer-motion' * * export const Items = ({ items }) => ( * <AnimatePresence> * { => ( * <motion.div * key={} * initial={{ opacity: 0 }} * animate={{ opacity: 1 }} * exit={{ opacity: 0 }} * /> * ))} * </AnimatePresence> * ) * ``` * * You can sequence exit animations throughout a tree using variants. * * If a child contains multiple `motion` components with `exit` props, it will only unmount the child * once all `motion` components have finished animating out. Likewise, any components using * `usePresence` all need to call `safeToRemove`. * * @public */ const AnimatePresence = ({ children, custom, initial = true, onExitComplete, exitBeforeEnter, presenceAffectsLayout = true, mode = "sync", }) => { errors_invariant(!exitBeforeEnter, "Replace exitBeforeEnter with mode='wait'"); // We want to force a re-render once all exiting animations have finished. We // either use a local forceRender function, or one from a parent context if it exists. const forceRender = (0,external_React_.useContext)(LayoutGroupContext).forceRender || use_force_update_useForceUpdate()[0]; const isMounted = useIsMounted(); // Filter out any children that aren't ReactElements. We can only track ReactElements with a props.key const filteredChildren = onlyElements(children); let childrenToRender = filteredChildren; const exitingChildren = (0,external_React_.useRef)(new Map()).current; // Keep a living record of the children we're actually rendering so we // can diff to figure out which are entering and exiting const presentChildren = (0,external_React_.useRef)(childrenToRender); // A lookup table to quickly reference components by key const allChildren = (0,external_React_.useRef)(new Map()).current; // If this is the initial component render, just deal with logic surrounding whether // we play onMount animations or not. const isInitialRender = (0,external_React_.useRef)(true); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { isInitialRender.current = false; updateChildLookup(filteredChildren, allChildren); presentChildren.current = childrenToRender; }); useUnmountEffect(() => { isInitialRender.current = true; allChildren.clear(); exitingChildren.clear(); }); if (isInitialRender.current) { return ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: => ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PresenceChild, { isPresent: true, initial: initial ? undefined : false, presenceAffectsLayout: presenceAffectsLayout, mode: mode, children: child }, getChildKey(child)))) })); } // If this is a subsequent render, deal with entering and exiting children childrenToRender = [...childrenToRender]; // Diff the keys of the currently-present and target children to update our // exiting list. const presentKeys =; const targetKeys =; // Diff the present children with our target children and mark those that are exiting const numPresent = presentKeys.length; for (let i = 0; i < numPresent; i++) { const key = presentKeys[i]; if (targetKeys.indexOf(key) === -1 && !exitingChildren.has(key)) { exitingChildren.set(key, undefined); } } // If we currently have exiting children, and we're deferring rendering incoming children // until after all current children have exiting, empty the childrenToRender array if (mode === "wait" && exitingChildren.size) { childrenToRender = []; } // Loop through all currently exiting components and clone them to overwrite `animate` // with any `exit` prop they might have defined. exitingChildren.forEach((component, key) => { // If this component is actually entering again, early return if (targetKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1) return; const child = allChildren.get(key); if (!child) return; const insertionIndex = presentKeys.indexOf(key); let exitingComponent = component; if (!exitingComponent) { const onExit = () => { // clean up the exiting children map exitingChildren.delete(key); // compute the keys of children that were rendered once but are no longer present // this could happen in case of too many fast consequent renderings // @link const leftOverKeys = Array.from(allChildren.keys()).filter((childKey) => !targetKeys.includes(childKey)); // clean up the all children map leftOverKeys.forEach((leftOverKey) => allChildren.delete(leftOverKey)); // make sure to render only the children that are actually visible presentChildren.current = filteredChildren.filter((presentChild) => { const presentChildKey = getChildKey(presentChild); return ( // filter out the node exiting presentChildKey === key || // filter out the leftover children leftOverKeys.includes(presentChildKey)); }); // Defer re-rendering until all exiting children have indeed left if (!exitingChildren.size) { if (isMounted.current === false) return; forceRender(); onExitComplete && onExitComplete(); } }; exitingComponent = ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PresenceChild, { isPresent: false, onExitComplete: onExit, custom: custom, presenceAffectsLayout: presenceAffectsLayout, mode: mode, children: child }, getChildKey(child))); exitingChildren.set(key, exitingComponent); } childrenToRender.splice(insertionIndex, 0, exitingComponent); }); // Add `MotionContext` even to children that don't need it to ensure we're rendering // the same tree between renders childrenToRender = => { const key = child.key; return exitingChildren.has(key) ? (child) : ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PresenceChild, { isPresent: true, presenceAffectsLayout: presenceAffectsLayout, mode: mode, children: child }, getChildKey(child))); }); if (false) {} return ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: exitingChildren.size ? childrenToRender : => (0,external_React_.cloneElement)(child)) })); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/use-responsive-value.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const breakpoints = ['40em', '52em', '64em']; const useBreakpointIndex = (options = {}) => { const { defaultIndex = 0 } = options; if (typeof defaultIndex !== 'number') { throw new TypeError(`Default breakpoint index should be a number. Got: ${defaultIndex}, ${typeof defaultIndex}`); } else if (defaultIndex < 0 || defaultIndex > breakpoints.length - 1) { throw new RangeError(`Default breakpoint index out of range. Theme has ${breakpoints.length} breakpoints, got index ${defaultIndex}`); } const [value, setValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(defaultIndex); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const getIndex = () => breakpoints.filter(bp => { return typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.matchMedia(`screen and (min-width: ${bp})`).matches : false; }).length; const onResize = () => { const newValue = getIndex(); if (value !== newValue) { setValue(newValue); } }; onResize(); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.addEventListener('resize', onResize); } return () => { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize); } }; }, [value]); return value; }; function useResponsiveValue(values, options = {}) { const index = useBreakpointIndex(options); // Allow calling the function with a "normal" value without having to check on the outside. if (!Array.isArray(values) && typeof values !== 'function') { return values; } const array = values || []; /* eslint-disable jsdoc/no-undefined-types */ return /** @type {T[]} */array[/* eslint-enable jsdoc/no-undefined-types */ index >= array.length ? array.length - 1 : index]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/space.js /** * The argument value for the `space()` utility function. * * When this is a number or a numeric string, it will be interpreted as a * multiplier for the grid base value (4px). For example, `space( 2 )` will be 8px. * * Otherwise, it will be interpreted as a literal CSS length value. For example, * `space( 'auto' )` will be 'auto', and `space( '2px' )` will be 2px. */ const GRID_BASE = '4px'; /** * A function that handles numbers, numeric strings, and unit values. * * When given a number or a numeric string, it will return the grid-based * value as a factor of GRID_BASE, defined above. * * When given a unit value or one of the named CSS values like `auto`, * it will simply return the value back. * * @param value A number, numeric string, or a unit value. */ function space(value) { if (typeof value === 'undefined') { return undefined; } // Handle empty strings, if it's the number 0 this still works. if (!value) { return '0'; } const asInt = typeof value === 'number' ? value : Number(value); // Test if the input has a unit, was NaN, or was one of the named CSS values (like `auto`), in which case just use that value. if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.CSS?.supports?.('margin', value.toString()) || Number.isNaN(asInt)) { return value.toString(); } return `calc(${GRID_BASE} * ${value})`; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/styles.js function styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const Flex = true ? { name: "zjik7", styles: "display:flex" } : 0; const Item = true ? { name: "qgaee5", styles: "display:block;max-height:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:0;min-width:0" } : 0; const block = true ? { name: "82a6rk", styles: "flex:1" } : 0; /** * Workaround to optimize DOM rendering. * We'll enhance alignment with naive parent flex assumptions. * * Trade-off: * Far less DOM less. However, UI rendering is not as reliable. */ /** * Improves stability of width/height rendering. * */ const ItemsColumn = true ? { name: "13nosa1", styles: ">*{min-height:0;}" } : 0; const ItemsRow = true ? { name: "1pwxzk4", styles: ">*{min-width:0;}" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/flex/hook.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useDeprecatedProps(props) { const { isReversed, ...otherProps } = props; if (typeof isReversed !== 'undefined') { external_wp_deprecated_default()('Flex isReversed', { alternative: 'Flex direction="row-reverse" or "column-reverse"', since: '5.9' }); return { ...otherProps, direction: isReversed ? 'row-reverse' : 'row' }; } return otherProps; } function useFlex(props) { const { align, className, direction: directionProp = 'row', expanded = true, gap = 2, justify = 'space-between', wrap = false, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(useDeprecatedProps(props), 'Flex'); const directionAsArray = Array.isArray(directionProp) ? directionProp : [directionProp]; const direction = useResponsiveValue(directionAsArray); const isColumn = typeof direction === 'string' && !!direction.includes('column'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const base = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ alignItems: align !== null && align !== void 0 ? align : isColumn ? 'normal' : 'center', flexDirection: direction, flexWrap: wrap ? 'wrap' : undefined, gap: space(gap), justifyContent: justify, height: isColumn && expanded ? '100%' : undefined, width: !isColumn && expanded ? '100%' : undefined }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); return cx(Flex, base, isColumn ? ItemsColumn : ItemsRow, className); }, [align, className, cx, direction, expanded, gap, isColumn, justify, wrap]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, isColumn }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const FlexContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ flexItemDisplay: undefined }); const useFlexContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(FlexContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/flex/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedFlex(props, forwardedRef) { const { children, isColumn, ...otherProps } = useFlex(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FlexContext.Provider, { value: { flexItemDisplay: isColumn ? 'block' : undefined }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef, children: children }) }); } /** * `Flex` is a primitive layout component that adaptively aligns child content * horizontally or vertically. `Flex` powers components like `HStack` and * `VStack`. * * `Flex` is used with any of its two sub-components, `FlexItem` and * `FlexBlock`. * * ```jsx * import { Flex, FlexBlock, FlexItem } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Flex> * <FlexItem> * <p>Code</p> * </FlexItem> * <FlexBlock> * <p>Poetry</p> * </FlexBlock> * </Flex> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Flex = contextConnect(UnconnectedFlex, 'Flex'); /* harmony default export */ const flex_component = (component_Flex); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/flex-item/hook.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useFlexItem(props) { const { className, display: displayProp, isBlock = false, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'FlexItem'); const sx = {}; const contextDisplay = useFlexContext().flexItemDisplay; sx.Base = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ display: displayProp || contextDisplay }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const cx = useCx(); const classes = cx(Item, sx.Base, isBlock && block, className); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/flex-block/hook.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function useFlexBlock(props) { const otherProps = useContextSystem(props, 'FlexBlock'); const flexItemProps = useFlexItem({ isBlock: true, ...otherProps }); return flexItemProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/flex-block/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedFlexBlock(props, forwardedRef) { const flexBlockProps = useFlexBlock(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...flexBlockProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `FlexBlock` is a primitive layout component that adaptively resizes content * within layout containers like `Flex`. * * ```jsx * import { Flex, FlexBlock } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Flex> * <FlexBlock>...</FlexBlock> * </Flex> * ); * } * ``` */ const FlexBlock = contextConnect(UnconnectedFlexBlock, 'FlexBlock'); /* harmony default export */ const flex_block_component = (FlexBlock); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/rtl.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ const LOWER_LEFT_REGEXP = new RegExp(/-left/g); const LOWER_RIGHT_REGEXP = new RegExp(/-right/g); const UPPER_LEFT_REGEXP = new RegExp(/Left/g); const UPPER_RIGHT_REGEXP = new RegExp(/Right/g); /** * Flips a CSS property from left <-> right. * * @param {string} key The CSS property name. * * @return {string} The flipped CSS property name, if applicable. */ function getConvertedKey(key) { if (key === 'left') { return 'right'; } if (key === 'right') { return 'left'; } if (LOWER_LEFT_REGEXP.test(key)) { return key.replace(LOWER_LEFT_REGEXP, '-right'); } if (LOWER_RIGHT_REGEXP.test(key)) { return key.replace(LOWER_RIGHT_REGEXP, '-left'); } if (UPPER_LEFT_REGEXP.test(key)) { return key.replace(UPPER_LEFT_REGEXP, 'Right'); } if (UPPER_RIGHT_REGEXP.test(key)) { return key.replace(UPPER_RIGHT_REGEXP, 'Left'); } return key; } /** * An incredibly basic ltr -> rtl converter for style properties * * @param {import('react').CSSProperties} ltrStyles * * @return {import('react').CSSProperties} Converted ltr -> rtl styles */ const convertLTRToRTL = (ltrStyles = {}) => { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(ltrStyles).map(([key, value]) => [getConvertedKey(key), value])); }; /** * A higher-order function that create an incredibly basic ltr -> rtl style converter for CSS objects. * * @param {import('react').CSSProperties} ltrStyles Ltr styles. Converts and renders from ltr -> rtl styles, if applicable. * @param {import('react').CSSProperties} [rtlStyles] Rtl styles. Renders if provided. * * @return {() => import('@emotion/react').SerializedStyles} A function to output CSS styles for Emotion's renderer */ function rtl(ltrStyles = {}, rtlStyles) { return () => { if (rtlStyles) { // @ts-ignore: `css` types are wrong, it can accept an object: return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(rtlStyles, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0) : /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(ltrStyles, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); } // @ts-ignore: `css` types are wrong, it can accept an object: return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(convertLTRToRTL(ltrStyles), true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0) : /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(ltrStyles, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; } /** * Call this in the `useMemo` dependency array to ensure that subsequent renders will * cause rtl styles to update based on the `isRTL` return value even if all other dependencies * remain the same. * * @example * const styles = useMemo( () => { * return css` * ${ rtl( { marginRight: '10px' } ) } * `; * }, [ ] ); */ = () => (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/spacer/hook.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const isDefined = o => typeof o !== 'undefined' && o !== null; function useSpacer(props) { const { className, margin, marginBottom = 2, marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginX, marginY, padding, paddingBottom, paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingX, paddingY, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Spacer'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = cx(isDefined(margin) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("margin:", space(margin), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(marginY) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("margin-bottom:", space(marginY), ";margin-top:", space(marginY), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(marginX) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("margin-left:", space(marginX), ";margin-right:", space(marginX), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(marginTop) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("margin-top:", space(marginTop), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(marginBottom) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("margin-bottom:", space(marginBottom), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(marginLeft) && rtl({ marginLeft: space(marginLeft) })(), isDefined(marginRight) && rtl({ marginRight: space(marginRight) })(), isDefined(padding) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", space(padding), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(paddingY) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding-bottom:", space(paddingY), ";padding-top:", space(paddingY), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(paddingX) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding-left:", space(paddingX), ";padding-right:", space(paddingX), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(paddingTop) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding-top:", space(paddingTop), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(paddingBottom) && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding-bottom:", space(paddingBottom), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), isDefined(paddingLeft) && rtl({ paddingLeft: space(paddingLeft) })(), isDefined(paddingRight) && rtl({ paddingRight: space(paddingRight) })(), className); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/spacer/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedSpacer(props, forwardedRef) { const spacerProps = useSpacer(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...spacerProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Spacer` is a primitive layout component that providers inner (`padding`) or outer (`margin`) space in-between components. It can also be used to adaptively provide space within an `HStack` or `VStack`. * * `Spacer` comes with a bunch of shorthand props to adjust `margin` and `padding`. The values of these props * can either be a number (which will act as a multiplier to the library's grid system base of 4px), * or a literal CSS value string. * * ```jsx * import { Spacer } from `@wordpress/components` * * function Example() { * return ( * <View> * <Spacer> * <Heading></Heading> * </Spacer> * <Text> * Code is Poetry * </Text> * </View> * ); * } * ``` */ const Spacer = contextConnect(UnconnectedSpacer, 'Spacer'); /* harmony default export */ const spacer_component = (Spacer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/plus.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const plus = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M11 12.5V17.5H12.5V12.5H17.5V11H12.5V6H11V11H6V12.5H11Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_plus = (plus); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/reset.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const reset_reset = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M7 11.5h10V13H7z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_reset = (reset_reset); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/flex/flex-item/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedFlexItem(props, forwardedRef) { const flexItemProps = useFlexItem(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...flexItemProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `FlexItem` is a primitive layout component that aligns content within layout * containers like `Flex`. * * ```jsx * import { Flex, FlexItem } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Flex> * <FlexItem>...</FlexItem> * </Flex> * ); * } * ``` */ const FlexItem = contextConnect(UnconnectedFlexItem, 'FlexItem'); /* harmony default export */ const flex_item_component = (FlexItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/truncate/styles.js function truncate_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const Truncate = true ? { name: "hdknak", styles: "display:block;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/values.js /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Determines if a value is null or undefined. * * @template T * * @param {T} value The value to check. * @return {value is Exclude<T, null | undefined>} Whether value is not null or undefined. */ function isValueDefined(value) { return value !== undefined && value !== null; } /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Determines if a value is empty, null, or undefined. * * @param {string | number | null | undefined} value The value to check. * @return {value is ("" | null | undefined)} Whether value is empty. */ function isValueEmpty(value) { const isEmptyString = value === ''; return !isValueDefined(value) || isEmptyString; } /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Get the first defined/non-null value from an array. * * @template T * * @param {Array<T | null | undefined>} values Values to derive from. * @param {T} fallbackValue Fallback value if there are no defined values. * @return {T} A defined value or the fallback value. */ function getDefinedValue(values = [], fallbackValue) { var _values$find; return (_values$find = values.find(isValueDefined)) !== null && _values$find !== void 0 ? _values$find : fallbackValue; } /** * Converts a string to a number. * * @param {string} value * @return {number} String as a number. */ const stringToNumber = value => { return parseFloat(value); }; /** * Regardless of the input being a string or a number, returns a number. * * Returns `undefined` in case the string is `undefined` or not a valid numeric value. * * @param {string | number} value * @return {number} The parsed number. */ const ensureNumber = value => { return typeof value === 'string' ? stringToNumber(value) : value; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/truncate/utils.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const TRUNCATE_ELLIPSIS = '…'; const TRUNCATE_TYPE = { auto: 'auto', head: 'head', middle: 'middle', tail: 'tail', none: 'none' }; const TRUNCATE_DEFAULT_PROPS = { ellipsis: TRUNCATE_ELLIPSIS, ellipsizeMode:, limit: 0, numberOfLines: 0 }; // Source // function truncateMiddle(word, headLength, tailLength, ellipsis) { if (typeof word !== 'string') { return ''; } const wordLength = word.length; // Setting default values // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const frontLength = ~~headLength; // Will cast to integer // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const backLength = ~~tailLength; /* istanbul ignore next */ const truncateStr = isValueDefined(ellipsis) ? ellipsis : TRUNCATE_ELLIPSIS; if (frontLength === 0 && backLength === 0 || frontLength >= wordLength || backLength >= wordLength || frontLength + backLength >= wordLength) { return word; } else if (backLength === 0) { return word.slice(0, frontLength) + truncateStr; } return word.slice(0, frontLength) + truncateStr + word.slice(wordLength - backLength); } function truncateContent(words = '', props) { const mergedProps = { ...TRUNCATE_DEFAULT_PROPS, ...props }; const { ellipsis, ellipsizeMode, limit } = mergedProps; if (ellipsizeMode === TRUNCATE_TYPE.none) { return words; } let truncateHead; let truncateTail; switch (ellipsizeMode) { case TRUNCATE_TYPE.head: truncateHead = 0; truncateTail = limit; break; case TRUNCATE_TYPE.middle: truncateHead = Math.floor(limit / 2); truncateTail = Math.floor(limit / 2); break; default: truncateHead = limit; truncateTail = 0; } const truncatedContent = ellipsizeMode !== ? truncateMiddle(words, truncateHead, truncateTail, ellipsis) : words; return truncatedContent; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/truncate/hook.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useTruncate(props) { const { className, children, ellipsis = TRUNCATE_ELLIPSIS, ellipsizeMode =, limit = 0, numberOfLines = 0, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Truncate'); const cx = useCx(); let childrenAsText; if (typeof children === 'string') { childrenAsText = children; } else if (typeof children === 'number') { childrenAsText = children.toString(); } const truncatedContent = childrenAsText ? truncateContent(childrenAsText, { ellipsis, ellipsizeMode, limit, numberOfLines }) : children; const shouldTruncate = !!childrenAsText && ellipsizeMode ===; const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { // The `word-break: break-all` property first makes sure a text line // breaks even when it contains 'unbreakable' content such as long URLs. // See const truncateLines = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(numberOfLines === 1 ? 'word-break: break-all;' : '', " -webkit-box-orient:vertical;-webkit-line-clamp:", numberOfLines, ";display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); return cx(shouldTruncate && !numberOfLines && Truncate, shouldTruncate && !!numberOfLines && truncateLines, className); }, [className, cx, numberOfLines, shouldTruncate]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, children: truncatedContent }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/colord/index.mjs var colord_r={grad:.9,turn:360,rad:360/(2*Math.PI)},t=function(r){return"string"==typeof r?r.length>0:"number"==typeof r},colord_n=function(r,t,n){return void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===n&&(n=Math.pow(10,t)),Math.round(n*r)/n+0},colord_e=function(r,t,n){return void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===n&&(n=1),r>n?n:r>t?r:t},u=function(r){return(r=isFinite(r)?r%360:0)>0?r:r+360},colord_a=function(r){return{r:colord_e(r.r,0,255),g:colord_e(r.g,0,255),b:colord_e(r.b,0,255),a:colord_e(r.a)}},colord_o=function(r){return{r:colord_n(r.r),g:colord_n(r.g),b:colord_n(r.b),a:colord_n(r.a,3)}},i=/^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/i,s=function(r){var t=r.toString(16);return t.length<2?"0"+t:t},h=function(r){var t=r.r,n=r.g,e=r.b,u=r.a,a=Math.max(t,n,e),o=a-Math.min(t,n,e),i=o?a===t?(n-e)/o:a===n?2+(e-t)/o:4+(t-n)/o:0;return{h:60*(i<0?i+6:i),s:a?o/a*100:0,v:a/255*100,a:u}},b=function(r){var t=r.h,n=r.s,e=r.v,u=r.a;t=t/360*6,n/=100,e/=100;var a=Math.floor(t),o=e*(1-n),i=e*(1-(t-a)*n),s=e*(1-(1-t+a)*n),h=a%6;return{r:255*[e,i,o,o,s,e][h],g:255*[s,e,e,i,o,o][h],b:255*[o,o,s,e,e,i][h],a:u}},g=function(r){return{h:u(r.h),s:colord_e(r.s,0,100),l:colord_e(r.l,0,100),a:colord_e(r.a)}},d=function(r){return{h:colord_n(r.h),s:colord_n(r.s),l:colord_n(r.l),a:colord_n(r.a,3)}},f=function(r){return b((n=(t=r).s,{h:t.h,s:(n*=((e=t.l)<50?e:100-e)/100)>0?2*n/(e+n)*100:0,v:e+n,a:t.a}));var t,n,e},c=function(r){return{h:(t=h(r)).h,s:(u=(200-(n=t.s))*(e=t.v)/100)>0&&u<200?n*e/100/(u<=100?u:200-u)*100:0,l:u/2,a:t.a};var t,n,e,u},l=/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,p=/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,v=/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,m=/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,y={string:[[function(r){var t=i.exec(r);return t?(r=t[1]).length<=4?{r:parseInt(r[0]+r[0],16),g:parseInt(r[1]+r[1],16),b:parseInt(r[2]+r[2],16),a:4===r.length?colord_n(parseInt(r[3]+r[3],16)/255,2):1}:6===r.length||8===r.length?{r:parseInt(r.substr(0,2),16),g:parseInt(r.substr(2,2),16),b:parseInt(r.substr(4,2),16),a:8===r.length?colord_n(parseInt(r.substr(6,2),16)/255,2):1}:null:null},"hex"],[function(r){var t=v.exec(r)||m.exec(r);return t?t[2]!==t[4]||t[4]!==t[6]?null:colord_a({r:Number(t[1])/(t[2]?100/255:1),g:Number(t[3])/(t[4]?100/255:1),b:Number(t[5])/(t[6]?100/255:1),a:void 0===t[7]?1:Number(t[7])/(t[8]?100:1)}):null},"rgb"],[function(t){var n=l.exec(t)||p.exec(t);if(!n)return null;var e,u,a=g({h:(e=n[1],u=n[2],void 0===u&&(u="deg"),Number(e)*(colord_r[u]||1)),s:Number(n[3]),l:Number(n[4]),a:void 0===n[5]?1:Number(n[5])/(n[6]?100:1)});return f(a)},"hsl"]],object:[[function(r){var n=r.r,e=r.g,u=r.b,o=r.a,i=void 0===o?1:o;return t(n)&&t(e)&&t(u)?colord_a({r:Number(n),g:Number(e),b:Number(u),a:Number(i)}):null},"rgb"],[function(r){var n=r.h,e=r.s,u=r.l,a=r.a,o=void 0===a?1:a;if(!t(n)||!t(e)||!t(u))return null;var i=g({h:Number(n),s:Number(e),l:Number(u),a:Number(o)});return f(i)},"hsl"],[function(r){var n=r.h,a=r.s,o=r.v,i=r.a,s=void 0===i?1:i;if(!t(n)||!t(a)||!t(o))return null;var h=function(r){return{h:u(r.h),s:colord_e(r.s,0,100),v:colord_e(r.v,0,100),a:colord_e(r.a)}}({h:Number(n),s:Number(a),v:Number(o),a:Number(s)});return b(h)},"hsv"]]},N=function(r,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var e=t[n][0](r);if(e)return[e,t[n][1]]}return[null,void 0]},x=function(r){return"string"==typeof r?N(r.trim(),y.string):"object"==typeof r&&null!==r?N(r,y.object):[null,void 0]},I=function(r){return x(r)[1]},M=function(r,t){var n=c(r);return{h:n.h,s:colord_e(n.s+100*t,0,100),l:n.l,a:n.a}},H=function(r){return(299*r.r+587*r.g+114*r.b)/1e3/255},$=function(r,t){var n=c(r);return{h:n.h,s:n.s,l:colord_e(n.l+100*t,0,100),a:n.a}},j=function(){function r(r){this.parsed=x(r)[0],this.rgba=this.parsed||{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:1}}return r.prototype.isValid=function(){return null!==this.parsed},r.prototype.brightness=function(){return colord_n(H(this.rgba),2)},r.prototype.isDark=function(){return H(this.rgba)<.5},r.prototype.isLight=function(){return H(this.rgba)>=.5},r.prototype.toHex=function(){return r=colord_o(this.rgba),t=r.r,e=r.g,u=r.b,i=(a=r.a)<1?s(colord_n(255*a)):"","#"+s(t)+s(e)+s(u)+i;var r,t,e,u,a,i},r.prototype.toRgb=function(){return colord_o(this.rgba)},r.prototype.toRgbString=function(){return r=colord_o(this.rgba),t=r.r,n=r.g,e=r.b,(u=r.a)<1?"rgba("+t+", "+n+", "+e+", "+u+")":"rgb("+t+", "+n+", "+e+")";var r,t,n,e,u},r.prototype.toHsl=function(){return d(c(this.rgba))},r.prototype.toHslString=function(){return r=d(c(this.rgba)),t=r.h,n=r.s,e=r.l,(u=r.a)<1?"hsla("+t+", "+n+"%, "+e+"%, "+u+")":"hsl("+t+", "+n+"%, "+e+"%)";var r,t,n,e,u},r.prototype.toHsv=function(){return r=h(this.rgba),{h:colord_n(r.h),s:colord_n(r.s),v:colord_n(r.v),a:colord_n(r.a,3)};var r},r.prototype.invert=function(){return w({r:255-(r=this.rgba).r,g:255-r.g,b:255-r.b,a:r.a});var r},r.prototype.saturate=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w(M(this.rgba,r))},r.prototype.desaturate=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w(M(this.rgba,-r))},r.prototype.grayscale=function(){return w(M(this.rgba,-1))},r.prototype.lighten=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w($(this.rgba,r))},r.prototype.darken=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w($(this.rgba,-r))},r.prototype.rotate=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=15),this.hue(this.hue()+r)},r.prototype.alpha=function(r){return"number"==typeof r?w({r:(t=this.rgba).r,g:t.g,b:t.b,a:r}):colord_n(this.rgba.a,3);var t},r.prototype.hue=function(r){var t=c(this.rgba);return"number"==typeof r?w({h:r,s:t.s,l:t.l,a:t.a}):colord_n(t.h)},r.prototype.isEqual=function(r){return this.toHex()===w(r).toHex()},r}(),w=function(r){return r instanceof j?r:new j(r)},S=[],k=function(r){r.forEach(function(r){S.indexOf(r)<0&&(r(j,y),S.push(r))})},E=function(){return new j({r:255*Math.random(),g:255*Math.random(),b:255*Math.random()})}; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/colord/plugins/names.mjs /* harmony default export */ function names(e,f){var a={white:"#ffffff",bisque:"#ffe4c4",blue:"#0000ff",cadetblue:"#5f9ea0",chartreuse:"#7fff00",chocolate:"#d2691e",coral:"#ff7f50",antiquewhite:"#faebd7",aqua:"#00ffff",azure:"#f0ffff",whitesmoke:"#f5f5f5",papayawhip:"#ffefd5",plum:"#dda0dd",blanchedalmond:"#ffebcd",black:"#000000",gold:"#ffd700",goldenrod:"#daa520",gainsboro:"#dcdcdc",cornsilk:"#fff8dc",cornflowerblue:"#6495ed",burlywood:"#deb887",aquamarine:"#7fffd4",beige:"#f5f5dc",crimson:"#dc143c",cyan:"#00ffff",darkblue:"#00008b",darkcyan:"#008b8b",darkgoldenrod:"#b8860b",darkkhaki:"#bdb76b",darkgray:"#a9a9a9",darkgreen:"#006400",darkgrey:"#a9a9a9",peachpuff:"#ffdab9",darkmagenta:"#8b008b",darkred:"#8b0000",darkorchid:"#9932cc",darkorange:"#ff8c00",darkslateblue:"#483d8b",gray:"#808080",darkslategray:"#2f4f4f",darkslategrey:"#2f4f4f",deeppink:"#ff1493",deepskyblue:"#00bfff",wheat:"#f5deb3",firebrick:"#b22222",floralwhite:"#fffaf0",ghostwhite:"#f8f8ff",darkviolet:"#9400d3",magenta:"#ff00ff",green:"#008000",dodgerblue:"#1e90ff",grey:"#808080",honeydew:"#f0fff0",hotpink:"#ff69b4",blueviolet:"#8a2be2",forestgreen:"#228b22",lawngreen:"#7cfc00",indianred:"#cd5c5c",indigo:"#4b0082",fuchsia:"#ff00ff",brown:"#a52a2a",maroon:"#800000",mediumblue:"#0000cd",lightcoral:"#f08080",darkturquoise:"#00ced1",lightcyan:"#e0ffff",ivory:"#fffff0",lightyellow:"#ffffe0",lightsalmon:"#ffa07a",lightseagreen:"#20b2aa",linen:"#faf0e6",mediumaquamarine:"#66cdaa",lemonchiffon:"#fffacd",lime:"#00ff00",khaki:"#f0e68c",mediumseagreen:"#3cb371",limegreen:"#32cd32",mediumspringgreen:"#00fa9a",lightskyblue:"#87cefa",lightblue:"#add8e6",midnightblue:"#191970",lightpink:"#ffb6c1",mistyrose:"#ffe4e1",moccasin:"#ffe4b5",mintcream:"#f5fffa",lightslategray:"#778899",lightslategrey:"#778899",navajowhite:"#ffdead",navy:"#000080",mediumvioletred:"#c71585",powderblue:"#b0e0e6",palegoldenrod:"#eee8aa",oldlace:"#fdf5e6",paleturquoise:"#afeeee",mediumturquoise:"#48d1cc",mediumorchid:"#ba55d3",rebeccapurple:"#663399",lightsteelblue:"#b0c4de",mediumslateblue:"#7b68ee",thistle:"#d8bfd8",tan:"#d2b48c",orchid:"#da70d6",mediumpurple:"#9370db",purple:"#800080",pink:"#ffc0cb",skyblue:"#87ceeb",springgreen:"#00ff7f",palegreen:"#98fb98",red:"#ff0000",yellow:"#ffff00",slateblue:"#6a5acd",lavenderblush:"#fff0f5",peru:"#cd853f",palevioletred:"#db7093",violet:"#ee82ee",teal:"#008080",slategray:"#708090",slategrey:"#708090",aliceblue:"#f0f8ff",darkseagreen:"#8fbc8f",darkolivegreen:"#556b2f",greenyellow:"#adff2f",seagreen:"#2e8b57",seashell:"#fff5ee",tomato:"#ff6347",silver:"#c0c0c0",sienna:"#a0522d",lavender:"#e6e6fa",lightgreen:"#90ee90",orange:"#ffa500",orangered:"#ff4500",steelblue:"#4682b4",royalblue:"#4169e1",turquoise:"#40e0d0",yellowgreen:"#9acd32",salmon:"#fa8072",saddlebrown:"#8b4513",sandybrown:"#f4a460",rosybrown:"#bc8f8f",darksalmon:"#e9967a",lightgoldenrodyellow:"#fafad2",snow:"#fffafa",lightgrey:"#d3d3d3",lightgray:"#d3d3d3",dimgray:"#696969",dimgrey:"#696969",olivedrab:"#6b8e23",olive:"#808000"},r={};for(var d in a)r[a[d]]=d;var l={};e.prototype.toName=function(f){if(!(this.rgba.a||this.rgba.r||this.rgba.g||this.rgba.b))return"transparent";var d,i,n=r[this.toHex()];if(n)return n;if(null==f?void 0:f.closest){var o=this.toRgb(),t=1/0,b="black";if(!l.length)for(var c in a)l[c]=new e(a[c]).toRgb();for(var g in a){var u=(d=o,i=l[g],Math.pow(d.r-i.r,2)+Math.pow(d.g-i.g,2)+Math.pow(d.b-i.b,2));u<t&&(t=u,b=g)}return b}};f.string.push([function(f){var r=f.toLowerCase(),d="transparent"===r?"#0000":a[r];return d?new e(d).toRgb():null},"name"])} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/colors.js /** * External dependencies */ /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ let colorComputationNode; k([names]); /** * Generating a CSS compliant rgba() color value. * * @param {string} hexValue The hex value to convert to rgba(). * @param {number} alpha The alpha value for opacity. * @return {string} The converted rgba() color value. * * @example * rgba( '#000000', 0.5 ) * // rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) */ function colors_rgba(hexValue = '', alpha = 1) { return colord(hexValue).alpha(alpha).toRgbString(); } /** * @return {HTMLDivElement | undefined} The HTML element for color computation. */ function getColorComputationNode() { if (typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } if (!colorComputationNode) { // Create a temporary element for style computation. const el = document.createElement('div'); el.setAttribute('data-g2-color-computation-node', ''); // Inject for window computed style. document.body.appendChild(el); colorComputationNode = el; } return colorComputationNode; } /** * @param {string | unknown} value * * @return {boolean} Whether the value is a valid color. */ function isColor(value) { if (typeof value !== 'string') { return false; } const test = w(value); return test.isValid(); } /** * Retrieves the computed background color. This is useful for getting the * value of a CSS variable color. * * @param {string | unknown} backgroundColor The background color to compute. * * @return {string} The computed background color. */ function _getComputedBackgroundColor(backgroundColor) { if (typeof backgroundColor !== 'string') { return ''; } if (isColor(backgroundColor)) { return backgroundColor; } if (!backgroundColor.includes('var(')) { return ''; } if (typeof document === 'undefined') { return ''; } // Attempts to gracefully handle CSS variables color values. const el = getColorComputationNode(); if (!el) { return ''; } = backgroundColor; // Grab the style. const computedColor = window?.getComputedStyle(el).background; // Reset. = ''; return computedColor || ''; } const getComputedBackgroundColor = memize(_getComputedBackgroundColor); /** * Get the text shade optimized for readability, based on a background color. * * @param {string | unknown} backgroundColor The background color. * * @return {string} The optimized text color (black or white). */ function getOptimalTextColor(backgroundColor) { const background = getComputedBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); return w(background).isLight() ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'; } /** * Get the text shade optimized for readability, based on a background color. * * @param {string | unknown} backgroundColor The background color. * * @return {string} The optimized text shade (dark or light). */ function getOptimalTextShade(backgroundColor) { const result = getOptimalTextColor(backgroundColor); return result === '#000000' ? 'dark' : 'light'; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/config-values.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const CONTROL_HEIGHT = '36px'; const CONTROL_PADDING_X = '12px'; const CONTROL_PROPS = { controlSurfaceColor: COLORS.white, controlTextActiveColor: COLORS.theme.accent, controlPaddingX: CONTROL_PADDING_X, controlPaddingXLarge: `calc(${CONTROL_PADDING_X} * 1.3334)`, controlPaddingXSmall: `calc(${CONTROL_PADDING_X} / 1.3334)`, controlBackgroundColor: COLORS.white, controlBorderRadius: '2px', controlBoxShadow: 'transparent', controlBoxShadowFocus: `0 0 0 0.5px ${COLORS.theme.accent}`, controlDestructiveBorderColor:, controlHeight: CONTROL_HEIGHT, controlHeightXSmall: `calc( ${CONTROL_HEIGHT} * 0.6 )`, controlHeightSmall: `calc( ${CONTROL_HEIGHT} * 0.8 )`, controlHeightLarge: `calc( ${CONTROL_HEIGHT} * 1.2 )`, controlHeightXLarge: `calc( ${CONTROL_HEIGHT} * 1.4 )` }; const TOGGLE_GROUP_CONTROL_PROPS = { toggleGroupControlBackgroundColor: CONTROL_PROPS.controlBackgroundColor, toggleGroupControlBorderColor: COLORS.ui.border, toggleGroupControlBackdropBackgroundColor: CONTROL_PROPS.controlSurfaceColor, toggleGroupControlBackdropBorderColor: COLORS.ui.border, toggleGroupControlButtonColorActive: CONTROL_PROPS.controlBackgroundColor }; // Using Object.assign to avoid creating circular references when emitting // TypeScript type declarations. /* harmony default export */ const config_values = (Object.assign({}, CONTROL_PROPS, TOGGLE_GROUP_CONTROL_PROPS, { colorDivider: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', colorScrollbarThumb: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)', colorScrollbarThumbHover: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', colorScrollbarTrack: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)', elevationIntensity: 1, radiusBlockUi: '2px', borderWidth: '1px', borderWidthFocus: '1.5px', borderWidthTab: '4px', spinnerSize: 16, fontSize: '13px', fontSizeH1: 'calc(2.44 * 13px)', fontSizeH2: 'calc(1.95 * 13px)', fontSizeH3: 'calc(1.56 * 13px)', fontSizeH4: 'calc(1.25 * 13px)', fontSizeH5: '13px', fontSizeH6: 'calc(0.8 * 13px)', fontSizeInputMobile: '16px', fontSizeMobile: '15px', fontSizeSmall: 'calc(0.92 * 13px)', fontSizeXSmall: 'calc(0.75 * 13px)', fontLineHeightBase: '1.4', fontWeight: 'normal', fontWeightHeading: '600', gridBase: '4px', cardBorderRadius: '2px', cardPaddingXSmall: `${space(2)}`, cardPaddingSmall: `${space(4)}`, cardPaddingMedium: `${space(4)} ${space(6)}`, cardPaddingLarge: `${space(6)} ${space(8)}`, popoverShadow: `0 0.7px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1.2px 1.7px -0.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2.3px 3.3px -0.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)`, surfaceBackgroundColor: COLORS.white, surfaceBackgroundSubtleColor: '#F3F3F3', surfaceBackgroundTintColor: '#F5F5F5', surfaceBorderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', surfaceBorderBoldColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)', surfaceBorderSubtleColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', surfaceBackgroundTertiaryColor: COLORS.white, surfaceColor: COLORS.white, transitionDuration: '200ms', transitionDurationFast: '160ms', transitionDurationFaster: '120ms', transitionDurationFastest: '100ms', transitionTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.08, 0.52, 0.52, 1)', transitionTimingFunctionControl: 'cubic-bezier(0.12, 0.8, 0.32, 1)' })); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text/styles.js function text_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const Text = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";line-height:", config_values.fontLineHeightBase, ";margin:0;text-wrap:balance;text-wrap:pretty;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const styles_block = true ? { name: "4zleql", styles: "display:block" } : 0; const positive = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:",, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const destructive = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:",, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const muted = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:", COLORS.gray[700], ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const highlighterText = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("mark{background:", COLORS.alert.yellow, ";border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.05 ) inset,0 -1px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.1 ) inset;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const upperCase = true ? { name: "50zrmy", styles: "text-transform:uppercase" } : 0; // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/highlight-words-core/dist/index.js var dist = __webpack_require__(9664); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Source: * */ /** * @typedef Options * @property {string} [activeClassName=''] Classname for active highlighted areas. * @property {number} [activeIndex=-1] The index of the active highlighted area. * @property {import('react').AllHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>['style']} [activeStyle] Styles to apply to the active highlighted area. * @property {boolean} [autoEscape] Whether to automatically escape text. * @property {boolean} [caseSensitive=false] Whether to highlight in a case-sensitive manner. * @property {string} children Children to highlight. * @property {import('highlight-words-core').FindAllArgs['findChunks']} [findChunks] Custom `findChunks` function to pass to `highlight-words-core`. * @property {string | Record<string, unknown>} [highlightClassName=''] Classname to apply to highlighted text or a Record of classnames to apply to given text (which should be the key). * @property {import('react').AllHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>['style']} [highlightStyle={}] Styles to apply to highlighted text. * @property {keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements} [highlightTag='mark'] Tag to use for the highlighted text. * @property {import('highlight-words-core').FindAllArgs['sanitize']} [sanitize] Custom `santize` function to pass to `highlight-words-core`. * @property {string[]} [searchWords=[]] Words to search for and highlight. * @property {string} [unhighlightClassName=''] Classname to apply to unhighlighted text. * @property {import('react').AllHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>['style']} [unhighlightStyle] Style to apply to unhighlighted text. */ /** * Maps props to lowercase names. * * @param object Props to map. * @return The mapped props. */ const lowercaseProps = object => { const mapped = {}; for (const key in object) { mapped[key.toLowerCase()] = object[key]; } return mapped; }; const memoizedLowercaseProps = memize(lowercaseProps); /** * @param options * @param options.activeClassName * @param options.activeIndex * @param options.activeStyle * @param options.autoEscape * @param options.caseSensitive * @param options.children * @param options.findChunks * @param options.highlightClassName * @param options.highlightStyle * @param options.highlightTag * @param options.sanitize * @param options.searchWords * @param options.unhighlightClassName * @param options.unhighlightStyle */ function createHighlighterText({ activeClassName = '', activeIndex = -1, activeStyle, autoEscape, caseSensitive = false, children, findChunks, highlightClassName = '', highlightStyle = {}, highlightTag = 'mark', sanitize, searchWords = [], unhighlightClassName = '', unhighlightStyle }) { if (!children) { return null; } if (typeof children !== 'string') { return children; } const textToHighlight = children; const chunks = (0,dist.findAll)({ autoEscape, caseSensitive, findChunks, sanitize, searchWords, textToHighlight }); const HighlightTag = highlightTag; let highlightIndex = -1; let highlightClassNames = ''; let highlightStyles; const textContent =, index) => { const text = textToHighlight.substr(chunk.start, chunk.end - chunk.start); if (chunk.highlight) { highlightIndex++; let highlightClass; if (typeof highlightClassName === 'object') { if (!caseSensitive) { highlightClassName = memoizedLowercaseProps(highlightClassName); highlightClass = highlightClassName[text.toLowerCase()]; } else { highlightClass = highlightClassName[text]; } } else { highlightClass = highlightClassName; } const isActive = highlightIndex === +activeIndex; highlightClassNames = `${highlightClass} ${isActive ? activeClassName : ''}`; highlightStyles = isActive === true && activeStyle !== null ? Object.assign({}, highlightStyle, activeStyle) : highlightStyle; const props = { children: text, className: highlightClassNames, key: index, style: highlightStyles }; // Don't attach arbitrary props to DOM elements; this triggers React DEV warnings ( // Only pass through the highlightIndex attribute for custom components. if (typeof HighlightTag !== 'string') { props.highlightIndex = highlightIndex; } return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createElement)(HighlightTag, props); } return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createElement)('span', { children: text, className: unhighlightClassName, key: index, style: unhighlightStyle }); }); return textContent; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/font-size.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const BASE_FONT_SIZE = 13; const PRESET_FONT_SIZES = { body: BASE_FONT_SIZE, caption: 10, footnote: 11, largeTitle: 28, subheadline: 12, title: 20 }; const HEADING_FONT_SIZES = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].flatMap(n => [n, n.toString()]); function getFontSize(size = BASE_FONT_SIZE) { if (size in PRESET_FONT_SIZES) { return getFontSize(PRESET_FONT_SIZES[size]); } if (typeof size !== 'number') { const parsed = parseFloat(size); if (Number.isNaN(parsed)) { return size; } size = parsed; } const ratio = `(${size} / ${BASE_FONT_SIZE})`; return `calc(${ratio} * ${config_values.fontSize})`; } function getHeadingFontSize(size = 3) { if (!HEADING_FONT_SIZES.includes(size)) { return getFontSize(size); } const headingSize = `fontSizeH${size}`; return config_values[headingSize]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text/get-line-height.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function getLineHeight(adjustLineHeightForInnerControls, lineHeight) { if (lineHeight) { return lineHeight; } if (!adjustLineHeightForInnerControls) { return; } let value = `calc(${config_values.controlHeight} + ${space(2)})`; switch (adjustLineHeightForInnerControls) { case 'large': value = `calc(${config_values.controlHeightLarge} + ${space(2)})`; break; case 'small': value = `calc(${config_values.controlHeightSmall} + ${space(2)})`; break; case 'xSmall': value = `calc(${config_values.controlHeightXSmall} + ${space(2)})`; break; default: break; } return value; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text/hook.js function hook_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ var hook_ref = true ? { name: "50zrmy", styles: "text-transform:uppercase" } : 0; /** * @param {import('../context').WordPressComponentProps<import('./types').Props, 'span'>} props */ function useText(props) { const { adjustLineHeightForInnerControls, align, children, className, color, ellipsizeMode, isDestructive = false, display, highlightEscape = false, highlightCaseSensitive = false, highlightWords, highlightSanitize, isBlock = false, letterSpacing, lineHeight: lineHeightProp, optimizeReadabilityFor, size, truncate = false, upperCase = false, variant, weight = config_values.fontWeight, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Text'); let content = children; const isHighlighter = Array.isArray(highlightWords); const isCaption = size === 'caption'; if (isHighlighter) { if (typeof children !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('`children` of `Text` must only be `string` types when `highlightWords` is defined'); } content = createHighlighterText({ autoEscape: highlightEscape, children, caseSensitive: highlightCaseSensitive, searchWords: highlightWords, sanitize: highlightSanitize }); } const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const sx = {}; const lineHeight = getLineHeight(adjustLineHeightForInnerControls, lineHeightProp); sx.Base = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ color, display, fontSize: getFontSize(size), fontWeight: weight, lineHeight, letterSpacing, textAlign: align }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); sx.upperCase = hook_ref; sx.optimalTextColor = null; if (optimizeReadabilityFor) { const isOptimalTextColorDark = getOptimalTextShade(optimizeReadabilityFor) === 'dark'; sx.optimalTextColor = isOptimalTextColorDark ? /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ color: COLORS.gray[900] }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0) : /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ color: COLORS.white }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); } return cx(Text, sx.Base, sx.optimalTextColor, isDestructive && destructive, !!isHighlighter && highlighterText, isBlock && styles_block, isCaption && muted, variant && text_styles_namespaceObject[variant], upperCase && sx.upperCase, className); }, [adjustLineHeightForInnerControls, align, className, color, cx, display, isBlock, isCaption, isDestructive, isHighlighter, letterSpacing, lineHeightProp, optimizeReadabilityFor, size, upperCase, variant, weight]); let finalEllipsizeMode; if (truncate === true) { finalEllipsizeMode = 'auto'; } if (truncate === false) { finalEllipsizeMode = 'none'; } const finalComponentProps = { ...otherProps, className: classes, children, ellipsizeMode: ellipsizeMode || finalEllipsizeMode }; const truncateProps = useTruncate(finalComponentProps); /** * Enhance child `<Link />` components to inherit font size. */ if (!truncate && Array.isArray(children)) { content =, child => { if (typeof child !== 'object' || child === null || !('props' in child)) { return child; } const isLink = hasConnectNamespace(child, ['Link']); if (isLink) { return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(child, { size: child.props.size || 'inherit' }); } return child; }); } return { ...truncateProps, children: truncate ? truncateProps.children : content }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text/component.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @param props * @param forwardedRef */ function UnconnectedText(props, forwardedRef) { const textProps = useText(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { as: "span", ...textProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Text` is a core component that renders text in the library, using the * library's typography system. * * `Text` can be used to render any text-content, like an HTML `p` or `span`. * * @example * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalText as Text } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return <Text>Code is Poetry</Text>; * } * ``` */ const component_Text = contextConnect(UnconnectedText, 'Text'); /* harmony default export */ const text_component = (component_Text); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/base-label.js function base_label_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ // This is a very low-level mixin which you shouldn't have to use directly. // Try to use BaseControl's StyledLabel or BaseControl.VisualLabel if you can. const baseLabelTypography = true ? { name: "9amh4a", styles: "font-size:11px;font-weight:500;line-height:1.4;text-transform:uppercase" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/styles/input-control-styles.js function input_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const Prefix = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "em5sgkm7" } : 0)( true ? { name: "pvvbxf", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;display:block" } : 0); const Suffix = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "em5sgkm6" } : 0)( true ? { name: "jgf79h", styles: "align-items:center;align-self:stretch;box-sizing:border-box;display:flex" } : 0); const backdropBorderColor = ({ disabled, isBorderless }) => { if (isBorderless) { return 'transparent'; } if (disabled) { return COLORS.ui.borderDisabled; } return COLORS.ui.border; }; const BackdropUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "em5sgkm5" } : 0)("&&&{box-sizing:border-box;border-color:", backdropBorderColor, ";border-radius:inherit;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;bottom:0;left:0;margin:0;padding:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;", rtl({ paddingLeft: 2 }), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const input_control_styles_Root = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_component, true ? { target: "em5sgkm4" } : 0)("box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;border-radius:2px;padding-top:0;&:focus-within:not( :has( :is( ", Prefix, ", ", Suffix, " ):focus-within ) ){", BackdropUI, "{border-color:", COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";box-shadow:", config_values.controlBoxShadowFocus, ";outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:-2px;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const containerDisabledStyles = ({ disabled }) => { const backgroundColor = disabled ? COLORS.ui.backgroundDisabled : COLORS.ui.background; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ backgroundColor }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; var input_control_styles_ref = true ? { name: "1d3w5wq", styles: "width:100%" } : 0; const containerWidthStyles = ({ __unstableInputWidth, labelPosition }) => { if (!__unstableInputWidth) { return input_control_styles_ref; } if (labelPosition === 'side') { return ''; } if (labelPosition === 'edge') { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ flex: `0 0 ${__unstableInputWidth}` }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ width: __unstableInputWidth }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const Container = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "em5sgkm3" } : 0)("align-items:center;box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:inherit;display:flex;flex:1;position:relative;", containerDisabledStyles, " ", containerWidthStyles, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const disabledStyles = ({ disabled }) => { if (!disabled) { return ''; } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ color: COLORS.ui.textDisabled }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const fontSizeStyles = ({ inputSize: size }) => { const sizes = { default: '13px', small: '11px', compact: '13px', '__unstable-large': '13px' }; const fontSize = sizes[size] || sizes.default; const fontSizeMobile = '16px'; if (!fontSize) { return ''; } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("font-size:", fontSizeMobile, ";@media ( min-width: 600px ){font-size:", fontSize, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const getSizeConfig = ({ inputSize: size, __next40pxDefaultSize }) => { // Paddings may be overridden by the custom paddings props. const sizes = { default: { height: 40, lineHeight: 1, minHeight: 40, paddingLeft: space(4), paddingRight: space(4) }, small: { height: 24, lineHeight: 1, minHeight: 24, paddingLeft: space(2), paddingRight: space(2) }, compact: { height: 32, lineHeight: 1, minHeight: 32, paddingLeft: space(2), paddingRight: space(2) }, '__unstable-large': { height: 40, lineHeight: 1, minHeight: 40, paddingLeft: space(4), paddingRight: space(4) } }; if (!__next40pxDefaultSize) { sizes.default = sizes.compact; } return sizes[size] || sizes.default; }; const sizeStyles = props => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(getSizeConfig(props), true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const customPaddings = ({ paddingInlineStart, paddingInlineEnd }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ paddingInlineStart, paddingInlineEnd }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const dragStyles = ({ isDragging, dragCursor }) => { let defaultArrowStyles; let activeDragCursorStyles; if (isDragging) { defaultArrowStyles = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("cursor:", dragCursor, ";user-select:none;&::-webkit-outer-spin-button,&::-webkit-inner-spin-button{-webkit-appearance:none!important;margin:0!important;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); } if (isDragging && dragCursor) { activeDragCursorStyles = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("&:active{cursor:", dragCursor, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(defaultArrowStyles, " ", activeDragCursorStyles, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; // TODO: Resolve need to use &&& to increase specificity // const Input = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("input", true ? { target: "em5sgkm2" } : 0)("&&&{background-color:transparent;box-sizing:border-box;border:none;box-shadow:none!important;color:", COLORS.theme.foreground, ";display:block;font-family:inherit;margin:0;outline:none;width:100%;", dragStyles, " ", disabledStyles, " ", fontSizeStyles, " ", sizeStyles, " ", customPaddings, " &::-webkit-input-placeholder{line-height:normal;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const BaseLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(text_component, true ? { target: "em5sgkm1" } : 0)("&&&{", baseLabelTypography, ";box-sizing:border-box;display:block;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;max-width:100%;z-index:1;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const Label = props => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BaseLabel, { ...props, as: "label" }); const LabelWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_item_component, true ? { target: "em5sgkm0" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1b6uupn", styles: "max-width:calc( 100% - 10px )" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/backdrop.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Backdrop({ disabled = false, isBorderless = false }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BackdropUI, { "aria-hidden": "true", className: "components-input-control__backdrop", disabled: disabled, isBorderless: isBorderless }); } const MemoizedBackdrop = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.memo)(Backdrop); /* harmony default export */ const backdrop = (MemoizedBackdrop); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/label.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function label_Label({ children, hideLabelFromVision, htmlFor, ...props }) { if (!children) { return null; } if (hideLabelFromVision) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "label", htmlFor: htmlFor, children: children }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LabelWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Label, { htmlFor: htmlFor, ...props, children: children }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/use-deprecated-props.js function useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props) { const { __next36pxDefaultSize, __next40pxDefaultSize, ...otherProps } = props; return { ...otherProps, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize !== null && __next40pxDefaultSize !== void 0 ? __next40pxDefaultSize : __next36pxDefaultSize }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/input-base.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useUniqueId(idProp) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(InputBase); const id = `input-base-control-${instanceId}`; return idProp || id; } // Adapter to map props for the new ui/flex component. function getUIFlexProps(labelPosition) { const props = {}; switch (labelPosition) { case 'top': props.direction = 'column'; props.expanded = false; = 0; break; case 'bottom': props.direction = 'column-reverse'; props.expanded = false; = 0; break; case 'edge': props.justify = 'space-between'; break; } return props; } function InputBase(props, ref) { const { __next40pxDefaultSize, __unstableInputWidth, children, className, disabled = false, hideLabelFromVision = false, labelPosition, id: idProp, isBorderless = false, label, prefix, size = 'default', suffix, ...restProps } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(useContextSystem(props, 'InputBase')); const id = useUniqueId(idProp); const hideLabel = hideLabelFromVision || !label; const { paddingLeft, paddingRight } = getSizeConfig({ inputSize: size, __next40pxDefaultSize }); const prefixSuffixContextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return { InputControlPrefixWrapper: { paddingLeft }, InputControlSuffixWrapper: { paddingRight } }; }, [paddingLeft, paddingRight]); return ( /*#__PURE__*/ // @ts-expect-error The `direction` prop from Flex (FlexDirection) conflicts with legacy SVGAttributes `direction` (string) that come from React intrinsic prop definitions. (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(input_control_styles_Root, { ...restProps, ...getUIFlexProps(labelPosition), className: className, gap: 2, ref: ref, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(label_Label, { className: "components-input-control__label", hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, labelPosition: labelPosition, htmlFor: id, children: label }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Container, { __unstableInputWidth: __unstableInputWidth, className: "components-input-control__container", disabled: disabled, hideLabel: hideLabel, labelPosition: labelPosition, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ContextSystemProvider, { value: prefixSuffixContextValue, children: [prefix && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Prefix, { className: "components-input-control__prefix", children: prefix }), children, suffix && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Suffix, { className: "components-input-control__suffix", children: suffix })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(backdrop, { disabled: disabled, isBorderless: isBorderless })] })] }) ); } /** * `InputBase` is an internal component used to style the standard borders for an input, * as well as handle the layout for prefix/suffix elements. */ /* harmony default export */ const input_base = (contextConnect(InputBase, 'InputBase')); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@use-gesture/core/dist/maths-0ab39ae9.esm.js function maths_0ab39ae9_esm_clamp(v, min, max) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(v, max)); } const V = { toVector(v, fallback) { if (v === undefined) v = fallback; return Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v, v]; }, add(v1, v2) { return [v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1]]; }, sub(v1, v2) { return [v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1]]; }, addTo(v1, v2) { v1[0] += v2[0]; v1[1] += v2[1]; }, subTo(v1, v2) { v1[0] -= v2[0]; v1[1] -= v2[1]; } }; function rubberband(distance, dimension, constant) { if (dimension === 0 || Math.abs(dimension) === Infinity) return Math.pow(distance, constant * 5); return distance * dimension * constant / (dimension + constant * distance); } function rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(position, min, max, constant = 0.15) { if (constant === 0) return maths_0ab39ae9_esm_clamp(position, min, max); if (position < min) return -rubberband(min - position, max - min, constant) + min; if (position > max) return +rubberband(position - max, max - min, constant) + max; return position; } function computeRubberband(bounds, [Vx, Vy], [Rx, Ry]) { const [[X0, X1], [Y0, Y1]] = bounds; return [rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(Vx, X0, X1, Rx), rubberbandIfOutOfBounds(Vy, Y0, Y1, Ry)]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@use-gesture/core/dist/actions-fe213e88.esm.js function _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || "default"); if (typeof res !== "object") return res; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input); } function _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string"); return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key); } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = _toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; } function _objectSpread2(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; } const EVENT_TYPE_MAP = { pointer: { start: 'down', change: 'move', end: 'up' }, mouse: { start: 'down', change: 'move', end: 'up' }, touch: { start: 'start', change: 'move', end: 'end' }, gesture: { start: 'start', change: 'change', end: 'end' } }; function capitalize(string) { if (!string) return ''; return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } const actionsWithoutCaptureSupported = ['enter', 'leave']; function hasCapture(capture = false, actionKey) { return capture && !actionsWithoutCaptureSupported.includes(actionKey); } function toHandlerProp(device, action = '', capture = false) { const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device]; const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action; return 'on' + capitalize(device) + capitalize(actionKey) + (hasCapture(capture, actionKey) ? 'Capture' : ''); } const pointerCaptureEvents = ['gotpointercapture', 'lostpointercapture']; function parseProp(prop) { let eventKey = prop.substring(2).toLowerCase(); const passive = !!~eventKey.indexOf('passive'); if (passive) eventKey = eventKey.replace('passive', ''); const captureKey = pointerCaptureEvents.includes(eventKey) ? 'capturecapture' : 'capture'; const capture = !!~eventKey.indexOf(captureKey); if (capture) eventKey = eventKey.replace('capture', ''); return { device: eventKey, capture, passive }; } function toDomEventType(device, action = '') { const deviceProps = EVENT_TYPE_MAP[device]; const actionKey = deviceProps ? deviceProps[action] || action : action; return device + actionKey; } function isTouch(event) { return 'touches' in event; } function getPointerType(event) { if (isTouch(event)) return 'touch'; if ('pointerType' in event) return event.pointerType; return 'mouse'; } function getCurrentTargetTouchList(event) { return Array.from(event.touches).filter(e => { var _event$currentTarget, _event$currentTarget$; return === event.currentTarget || ((_event$currentTarget = event.currentTarget) === null || _event$currentTarget === void 0 || (_event$currentTarget$ = _event$currentTarget.contains) === null || _event$currentTarget$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _event$currentTarget$.call(_event$currentTarget,; }); } function getTouchList(event) { return event.type === 'touchend' || event.type === 'touchcancel' ? event.changedTouches : event.targetTouches; } function getValueEvent(event) { return isTouch(event) ? getTouchList(event)[0] : event; } function distanceAngle(P1, P2) { try { const dx = P2.clientX - P1.clientX; const dy = P2.clientY - P1.clientY; const cx = (P2.clientX + P1.clientX) / 2; const cy = (P2.clientY + P1.clientY) / 2; const distance = Math.hypot(dx, dy); const angle = -(Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180) / Math.PI; const origin = [cx, cy]; return { angle, distance, origin }; } catch (_unused) {} return null; } function touchIds(event) { return getCurrentTargetTouchList(event).map(touch => touch.identifier); } function touchDistanceAngle(event, ids) { const [P1, P2] = Array.from(event.touches).filter(touch => ids.includes(touch.identifier)); return distanceAngle(P1, P2); } function pointerId(event) { const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event); return isTouch(event) ? valueEvent.identifier : valueEvent.pointerId; } function pointerValues(event) { const valueEvent = getValueEvent(event); return [valueEvent.clientX, valueEvent.clientY]; } const LINE_HEIGHT = 40; const PAGE_HEIGHT = 800; function wheelValues(event) { let { deltaX, deltaY, deltaMode } = event; if (deltaMode === 1) { deltaX *= LINE_HEIGHT; deltaY *= LINE_HEIGHT; } else if (deltaMode === 2) { deltaX *= PAGE_HEIGHT; deltaY *= PAGE_HEIGHT; } return [deltaX, deltaY]; } function scrollValues(event) { var _ref, _ref2; const { scrollX, scrollY, scrollLeft, scrollTop } = event.currentTarget; return [(_ref = scrollX !== null && scrollX !== void 0 ? scrollX : scrollLeft) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0, (_ref2 = scrollY !== null && scrollY !== void 0 ? scrollY : scrollTop) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 0]; } function getEventDetails(event) { const payload = {}; if ('buttons' in event) payload.buttons = event.buttons; if ('shiftKey' in event) { const { shiftKey, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey } = event; Object.assign(payload, { shiftKey, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey }); } return payload; } function call(v, ...args) { if (typeof v === 'function') { return v(...args); } else { return v; } } function actions_fe213e88_esm_noop() {} function actions_fe213e88_esm_chain(...fns) { if (fns.length === 0) return actions_fe213e88_esm_noop; if (fns.length === 1) return fns[0]; return function () { let result; for (const fn of fns) { result = fn.apply(this, arguments) || result; } return result; }; } function assignDefault(value, fallback) { return Object.assign({}, fallback, value || {}); } const BEFORE_LAST_KINEMATICS_DELAY = 32; class Engine { constructor(ctrl, args, key) { this.ctrl = ctrl; this.args = args; this.key = key; if (!this.state) { this.state = {}; this.computeValues([0, 0]); this.computeInitial(); if (this.init) this.init(); this.reset(); } } get state() { return this.ctrl.state[this.key]; } set state(state) { this.ctrl.state[this.key] = state; } get shared() { return this.ctrl.state.shared; } get eventStore() { return this.ctrl.gestureEventStores[this.key]; } get timeoutStore() { return this.ctrl.gestureTimeoutStores[this.key]; } get config() { return this.ctrl.config[this.key]; } get sharedConfig() { return this.ctrl.config.shared; } get handler() { return this.ctrl.handlers[this.key]; } reset() { const { state, shared, ingKey, args } = this; shared[ingKey] = state._active = = state._blocked = state._force = false; state._step = [false, false]; state.intentional = false; state._movement = [0, 0]; state._distance = [0, 0]; state._direction = [0, 0]; state._delta = [0, 0]; state._bounds = [[-Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, Infinity]]; state.args = args; state.axis = undefined; state.memo = undefined; state.elapsedTime = state.timeDelta = 0; state.direction = [0, 0]; state.distance = [0, 0]; state.overflow = [0, 0]; state._movementBound = [false, false]; state.velocity = [0, 0]; state.movement = [0, 0]; = [0, 0]; state.timeStamp = 0; } start(event) { const state = this.state; const config = this.config; if (!state._active) { this.reset(); this.computeInitial(); state._active = true; =; state.currentTarget = event.currentTarget; state.lastOffset = config.from ? call(config.from, state) : state.offset; state.offset = state.lastOffset; state.startTime = state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp; } } computeValues(values) { const state = this.state; state._values = values; state.values = this.config.transform(values); } computeInitial() { const state = this.state; state._initial = state._values; state.initial = state.values; } compute(event) { const { state, config, shared } = this; state.args = this.args; let dt = 0; if (event) { state.event = event; if (config.preventDefault && event.cancelable) state.event.preventDefault(); state.type = event.type; shared.touches = this.ctrl.pointerIds.size || this.ctrl.touchIds.size; shared.locked = !!document.pointerLockElement; Object.assign(shared, getEventDetails(event)); shared.down = shared.pressed = shared.buttons % 2 === 1 || shared.touches > 0; dt = event.timeStamp - state.timeStamp; state.timeStamp = event.timeStamp; state.elapsedTime = state.timeStamp - state.startTime; } if (state._active) { const _absoluteDelta =; V.addTo(state._distance, _absoluteDelta); } if (this.axisIntent) this.axisIntent(event); const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement; const [t0, t1] = config.threshold; const { _step, values } = state; if (config.hasCustomTransform) { if (_step[0] === false) _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && values[0]; if (_step[1] === false) _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && values[1]; } else { if (_step[0] === false) _step[0] = Math.abs(_m0) >= t0 && Math.sign(_m0) * t0; if (_step[1] === false) _step[1] = Math.abs(_m1) >= t1 && Math.sign(_m1) * t1; } state.intentional = _step[0] !== false || _step[1] !== false; if (!state.intentional) return; const movement = [0, 0]; if (config.hasCustomTransform) { const [v0, v1] = values; movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? v0 - _step[0] : 0; movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? v1 - _step[1] : 0; } else { movement[0] = _step[0] !== false ? _m0 - _step[0] : 0; movement[1] = _step[1] !== false ? _m1 - _step[1] : 0; } if (this.restrictToAxis && !state._blocked) this.restrictToAxis(movement); const previousOffset = state.offset; const gestureIsActive = state._active && !state._blocked ||; if (gestureIsActive) { state.first = state._active && !; state.last = !state._active &&; = shared[this.ingKey] = state._active; if (event) { if (state.first) { if ('bounds' in config) state._bounds = call(config.bounds, state); if (this.setup) this.setup(); } state.movement = movement; this.computeOffset(); } } const [ox, oy] = state.offset; const [[x0, x1], [y0, y1]] = state._bounds; state.overflow = [ox < x0 ? -1 : ox > x1 ? 1 : 0, oy < y0 ? -1 : oy > y1 ? 1 : 0]; state._movementBound[0] = state.overflow[0] ? state._movementBound[0] === false ? state._movement[0] : state._movementBound[0] : false; state._movementBound[1] = state.overflow[1] ? state._movementBound[1] === false ? state._movement[1] : state._movementBound[1] : false; const rubberband = state._active ? config.rubberband || [0, 0] : [0, 0]; state.offset = computeRubberband(state._bounds, state.offset, rubberband); = V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset); this.computeMovement(); if (gestureIsActive && (!state.last || dt > BEFORE_LAST_KINEMATICS_DELAY)) { = V.sub(state.offset, previousOffset); const absoluteDelta =; V.addTo(state.distance, absoluteDelta); state.direction =; state._direction =; if (!state.first && dt > 0) { state.velocity = [absoluteDelta[0] / dt, absoluteDelta[1] / dt]; state.timeDelta = dt; } } } emit() { const state = this.state; const shared = this.shared; const config = this.config; if (!state._active) this.clean(); if ((state._blocked || !state.intentional) && !state._force && !config.triggerAllEvents) return; const memo = this.handler(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, shared), state), {}, { [this.aliasKey]: state.values })); if (memo !== undefined) state.memo = memo; } clean() { this.eventStore.clean(); this.timeoutStore.clean(); } } function selectAxis([dx, dy], threshold) { const absDx = Math.abs(dx); const absDy = Math.abs(dy); if (absDx > absDy && absDx > threshold) { return 'x'; } if (absDy > absDx && absDy > threshold) { return 'y'; } return undefined; } class CoordinatesEngine extends Engine { constructor(...args) { super(...args); _defineProperty(this, "aliasKey", 'xy'); } reset() { super.reset(); this.state.axis = undefined; } init() { this.state.offset = [0, 0]; this.state.lastOffset = [0, 0]; } computeOffset() { this.state.offset = V.add(this.state.lastOffset, this.state.movement); } computeMovement() { this.state.movement = V.sub(this.state.offset, this.state.lastOffset); } axisIntent(event) { const state = this.state; const config = this.config; if (!state.axis && event) { const threshold = typeof config.axisThreshold === 'object' ? config.axisThreshold[getPointerType(event)] : config.axisThreshold; state.axis = selectAxis(state._movement, threshold); } state._blocked = (config.lockDirection || !!config.axis) && !state.axis || !!config.axis && config.axis !== state.axis; } restrictToAxis(v) { if (this.config.axis || this.config.lockDirection) { switch (this.state.axis) { case 'x': v[1] = 0; break; case 'y': v[0] = 0; break; } } } } const actions_fe213e88_esm_identity = v => v; const DEFAULT_RUBBERBAND = 0.15; const commonConfigResolver = { enabled(value = true) { return value; }, eventOptions(value, _k, config) { return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, config.shared.eventOptions), value); }, preventDefault(value = false) { return value; }, triggerAllEvents(value = false) { return value; }, rubberband(value = 0) { switch (value) { case true: return [DEFAULT_RUBBERBAND, DEFAULT_RUBBERBAND]; case false: return [0, 0]; default: return V.toVector(value); } }, from(value) { if (typeof value === 'function') return value; if (value != null) return V.toVector(value); }, transform(value, _k, config) { const transform = value || config.shared.transform; this.hasCustomTransform = !!transform; if (false) {} return transform || actions_fe213e88_esm_identity; }, threshold(value) { return V.toVector(value, 0); } }; if (false) {} const DEFAULT_AXIS_THRESHOLD = 0; const coordinatesConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, { axis(_v, _k, { axis }) { this.lockDirection = axis === 'lock'; if (!this.lockDirection) return axis; }, axisThreshold(value = DEFAULT_AXIS_THRESHOLD) { return value; }, bounds(value = {}) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return state => coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(value(state)); } if ('current' in value) { return () => value.current; } if (typeof HTMLElement === 'function' && value instanceof HTMLElement) { return value; } const { left = -Infinity, right = Infinity, top = -Infinity, bottom = Infinity } = value; return [[left, right], [top, bottom]]; } }); const KEYS_DELTA_MAP = { ArrowRight: (displacement, factor = 1) => [displacement * factor, 0], ArrowLeft: (displacement, factor = 1) => [-1 * displacement * factor, 0], ArrowUp: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, -1 * displacement * factor], ArrowDown: (displacement, factor = 1) => [0, displacement * factor] }; class DragEngine extends CoordinatesEngine { constructor(...args) { super(...args); _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'dragging'); } reset() { super.reset(); const state = this.state; state._pointerId = undefined; state._pointerActive = false; state._keyboardActive = false; state._preventScroll = false; state._delayed = false; state.swipe = [0, 0]; state.tap = false; state.canceled = false; state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this); } setup() { const state = this.state; if (state._bounds instanceof HTMLElement) { const boundRect = state._bounds.getBoundingClientRect(); const targetRect = state.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); const _bounds = { left: boundRect.left - targetRect.left + state.offset[0], right: boundRect.right - targetRect.right + state.offset[0], top: - + state.offset[1], bottom: boundRect.bottom - targetRect.bottom + state.offset[1] }; state._bounds = coordinatesConfigResolver.bounds(_bounds); } } cancel() { const state = this.state; if (state.canceled) return; state.canceled = true; state._active = false; setTimeout(() => { this.compute(); this.emit(); }, 0); } setActive() { this.state._active = this.state._pointerActive || this.state._keyboardActive; } clean() { this.pointerClean(); this.state._pointerActive = false; this.state._keyboardActive = false; super.clean(); } pointerDown(event) { const config = this.config; const state = this.state; if (event.buttons != null && (Array.isArray(config.pointerButtons) ? !config.pointerButtons.includes(event.buttons) : config.pointerButtons !== -1 && config.pointerButtons !== event.buttons)) return; const ctrlIds = this.ctrl.setEventIds(event); if (config.pointerCapture) {; } if (ctrlIds && ctrlIds.size > 1 && state._pointerActive) return; this.start(event); this.setupPointer(event); state._pointerId = pointerId(event); state._pointerActive = true; this.computeValues(pointerValues(event)); this.computeInitial(); if (config.preventScrollAxis && getPointerType(event) !== 'mouse') { state._active = false; this.setupScrollPrevention(event); } else if (config.delay > 0) { this.setupDelayTrigger(event); if (config.triggerAllEvents) { this.compute(event); this.emit(); } } else { this.startPointerDrag(event); } } startPointerDrag(event) { const state = this.state; state._active = true; state._preventScroll = true; state._delayed = false; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } pointerMove(event) { const state = this.state; const config = this.config; if (!state._pointerActive) return; const id = pointerId(event); if (state._pointerId !== undefined && id !== state._pointerId) return; const _values = pointerValues(event); if (document.pointerLockElement === { state._delta = [event.movementX, event.movementY]; } else { state._delta = V.sub(_values, state._values); this.computeValues(_values); } V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta); this.compute(event); if (state._delayed && state.intentional) { this.timeoutStore.remove('dragDelay'); = false; this.startPointerDrag(event); return; } if (config.preventScrollAxis && !state._preventScroll) { if (state.axis) { if (state.axis === config.preventScrollAxis || config.preventScrollAxis === 'xy') { state._active = false; this.clean(); return; } else { this.timeoutStore.remove('startPointerDrag'); this.startPointerDrag(event); return; } } else { return; } } this.emit(); } pointerUp(event) { this.ctrl.setEventIds(event); try { if (this.config.pointerCapture && { ;; } } catch (_unused) { if (false) {} } const state = this.state; const config = this.config; if (!state._active || !state._pointerActive) return; const id = pointerId(event); if (state._pointerId !== undefined && id !== state._pointerId) return; this.state._pointerActive = false; this.setActive(); this.compute(event); const [dx, dy] = state._distance; state.tap = dx <= config.tapsThreshold && dy <= config.tapsThreshold; if (state.tap && config.filterTaps) { state._force = true; } else { const [_dx, _dy] = state._delta; const [_mx, _my] = state._movement; const [svx, svy] = config.swipe.velocity; const [sx, sy] = config.swipe.distance; const sdt = config.swipe.duration; if (state.elapsedTime < sdt) { const _vx = Math.abs(_dx / state.timeDelta); const _vy = Math.abs(_dy / state.timeDelta); if (_vx > svx && Math.abs(_mx) > sx) state.swipe[0] = Math.sign(_dx); if (_vy > svy && Math.abs(_my) > sy) state.swipe[1] = Math.sign(_dy); } } this.emit(); } pointerClick(event) { if (!this.state.tap && event.detail > 0) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } setupPointer(event) { const config = this.config; const device = config.device; if (false) {} if (config.pointerLock) { event.currentTarget.requestPointerLock(); } if (!config.pointerCapture) { this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this)); this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this)); this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, device, 'cancel', this.pointerUp.bind(this)); } } pointerClean() { if (this.config.pointerLock && document.pointerLockElement === this.state.currentTarget) { document.exitPointerLock(); } } preventScroll(event) { if (this.state._preventScroll && event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } } setupScrollPrevention(event) { this.state._preventScroll = false; persistEvent(event); const remove = this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'change', this.preventScroll.bind(this), { passive: false }); this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'end', remove); this.eventStore.add(this.sharedConfig.window, 'touch', 'cancel', remove); this.timeoutStore.add('startPointerDrag', this.startPointerDrag.bind(this), this.config.preventScrollDelay, event); } setupDelayTrigger(event) { this.state._delayed = true; this.timeoutStore.add('dragDelay', () => { this.state._step = [0, 0]; this.startPointerDrag(event); }, this.config.delay); } keyDown(event) { const deltaFn = KEYS_DELTA_MAP[event.key]; if (deltaFn) { const state = this.state; const factor = event.shiftKey ? 10 : event.altKey ? 0.1 : 1; this.start(event); state._delta = deltaFn(this.config.keyboardDisplacement, factor); state._keyboardActive = true; V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } } keyUp(event) { if (!(event.key in KEYS_DELTA_MAP)) return; this.state._keyboardActive = false; this.setActive(); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } bind(bindFunction) { const device = this.config.device; bindFunction(device, 'start', this.pointerDown.bind(this)); if (this.config.pointerCapture) { bindFunction(device, 'change', this.pointerMove.bind(this)); bindFunction(device, 'end', this.pointerUp.bind(this)); bindFunction(device, 'cancel', this.pointerUp.bind(this)); bindFunction('lostPointerCapture', '', this.pointerUp.bind(this)); } if (this.config.keys) { bindFunction('key', 'down', this.keyDown.bind(this)); bindFunction('key', 'up', this.keyUp.bind(this)); } if (this.config.filterTaps) { bindFunction('click', '', this.pointerClick.bind(this), { capture: true, passive: false }); } } } function persistEvent(event) { 'persist' in event && typeof event.persist === 'function' && event.persist(); } const actions_fe213e88_esm_isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement; function supportsTouchEvents() { return actions_fe213e88_esm_isBrowser && 'ontouchstart' in window; } function isTouchScreen() { return supportsTouchEvents() || actions_fe213e88_esm_isBrowser && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1; } function supportsPointerEvents() { return actions_fe213e88_esm_isBrowser && 'onpointerdown' in window; } function supportsPointerLock() { return actions_fe213e88_esm_isBrowser && 'exitPointerLock' in window.document; } function supportsGestureEvents() { try { return 'constructor' in GestureEvent; } catch (e) { return false; } } const SUPPORT = { isBrowser: actions_fe213e88_esm_isBrowser, gesture: supportsGestureEvents(), touch: supportsTouchEvents(), touchscreen: isTouchScreen(), pointer: supportsPointerEvents(), pointerLock: supportsPointerLock() }; const DEFAULT_PREVENT_SCROLL_DELAY = 250; const DEFAULT_DRAG_DELAY = 180; const DEFAULT_SWIPE_VELOCITY = 0.5; const DEFAULT_SWIPE_DISTANCE = 50; const DEFAULT_SWIPE_DURATION = 250; const DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_DISPLACEMENT = 10; const DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD = { mouse: 0, touch: 0, pen: 8 }; const dragConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, { device(_v, _k, { pointer: { touch = false, lock = false, mouse = false } = {} }) { this.pointerLock = lock && SUPPORT.pointerLock; if (SUPPORT.touch && touch) return 'touch'; if (this.pointerLock) return 'mouse'; if (SUPPORT.pointer && !mouse) return 'pointer'; if (SUPPORT.touch) return 'touch'; return 'mouse'; }, preventScrollAxis(value, _k, { preventScroll }) { this.preventScrollDelay = typeof preventScroll === 'number' ? preventScroll : preventScroll || preventScroll === undefined && value ? DEFAULT_PREVENT_SCROLL_DELAY : undefined; if (!SUPPORT.touchscreen || preventScroll === false) return undefined; return value ? value : preventScroll !== undefined ? 'y' : undefined; }, pointerCapture(_v, _k, { pointer: { capture = true, buttons = 1, keys = true } = {} }) { this.pointerButtons = buttons; this.keys = keys; return !this.pointerLock && this.device === 'pointer' && capture; }, threshold(value, _k, { filterTaps = false, tapsThreshold = 3, axis = undefined }) { const threshold = V.toVector(value, filterTaps ? tapsThreshold : axis ? 1 : 0); this.filterTaps = filterTaps; this.tapsThreshold = tapsThreshold; return threshold; }, swipe({ velocity = DEFAULT_SWIPE_VELOCITY, distance = DEFAULT_SWIPE_DISTANCE, duration = DEFAULT_SWIPE_DURATION } = {}) { return { velocity: this.transform(V.toVector(velocity)), distance: this.transform(V.toVector(distance)), duration }; }, delay(value = 0) { switch (value) { case true: return DEFAULT_DRAG_DELAY; case false: return 0; default: return value; } }, axisThreshold(value) { if (!value) return DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD; return _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, DEFAULT_DRAG_AXIS_THRESHOLD), value); }, keyboardDisplacement(value = DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_DISPLACEMENT) { return value; } }); if (false) {} function clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state) { const [ox, oy] = state.overflow; const [dx, dy] = state._delta; const [dirx, diry] = state._direction; if (ox < 0 && dx > 0 && dirx < 0 || ox > 0 && dx < 0 && dirx > 0) { state._movement[0] = state._movementBound[0]; } if (oy < 0 && dy > 0 && diry < 0 || oy > 0 && dy < 0 && diry > 0) { state._movement[1] = state._movementBound[1]; } } const SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG = 30; const PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO = 100; class PinchEngine extends Engine { constructor(...args) { super(...args); _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'pinching'); _defineProperty(this, "aliasKey", 'da'); } init() { this.state.offset = [1, 0]; this.state.lastOffset = [1, 0]; this.state._pointerEvents = new Map(); } reset() { super.reset(); const state = this.state; state._touchIds = []; state.canceled = false; state.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this); state.turns = 0; } computeOffset() { const { type, movement, lastOffset } = this.state; if (type === 'wheel') { this.state.offset = V.add(movement, lastOffset); } else { this.state.offset = [(1 + movement[0]) * lastOffset[0], movement[1] + lastOffset[1]]; } } computeMovement() { const { offset, lastOffset } = this.state; this.state.movement = [offset[0] / lastOffset[0], offset[1] - lastOffset[1]]; } axisIntent() { const state = this.state; const [_m0, _m1] = state._movement; if (!state.axis) { const axisMovementDifference = Math.abs(_m0) * SCALE_ANGLE_RATIO_INTENT_DEG - Math.abs(_m1); if (axisMovementDifference < 0) state.axis = 'angle';else if (axisMovementDifference > 0) state.axis = 'scale'; } } restrictToAxis(v) { if (this.config.lockDirection) { if (this.state.axis === 'scale') v[1] = 0;else if (this.state.axis === 'angle') v[0] = 0; } } cancel() { const state = this.state; if (state.canceled) return; setTimeout(() => { state.canceled = true; state._active = false; this.compute(); this.emit(); }, 0); } touchStart(event) { this.ctrl.setEventIds(event); const state = this.state; const ctrlTouchIds = this.ctrl.touchIds; if (state._active) { if (state._touchIds.every(id => ctrlTouchIds.has(id))) return; } if (ctrlTouchIds.size < 2) return; this.start(event); state._touchIds = Array.from(ctrlTouchIds).slice(0, 2); const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, state._touchIds); if (!payload) return; this.pinchStart(event, payload); } pointerStart(event) { if (event.buttons != null && event.buttons % 2 !== 1) return; this.ctrl.setEventIds(event);; const state = this.state; const _pointerEvents = state._pointerEvents; const ctrlPointerIds = this.ctrl.pointerIds; if (state._active) { if (Array.from(_pointerEvents.keys()).every(id => ctrlPointerIds.has(id))) return; } if (_pointerEvents.size < 2) { _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event); } if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2) return; this.start(event); const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values())); if (!payload) return; this.pinchStart(event, payload); } pinchStart(event, payload) { const state = this.state; state.origin = payload.origin; this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle]); this.computeInitial(); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } touchMove(event) { if (!this.state._active) return; const payload = touchDistanceAngle(event, this.state._touchIds); if (!payload) return; this.pinchMove(event, payload); } pointerMove(event) { const _pointerEvents = this.state._pointerEvents; if (_pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) { _pointerEvents.set(event.pointerId, event); } if (!this.state._active) return; const payload = distanceAngle(...Array.from(_pointerEvents.values())); if (!payload) return; this.pinchMove(event, payload); } pinchMove(event, payload) { const state = this.state; const prev_a = state._values[1]; const delta_a = payload.angle - prev_a; let delta_turns = 0; if (Math.abs(delta_a) > 270) delta_turns += Math.sign(delta_a); this.computeValues([payload.distance, payload.angle - 360 * delta_turns]); state.origin = payload.origin; state.turns = delta_turns; state._movement = [state._values[0] / state._initial[0] - 1, state._values[1] - state._initial[1]]; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } touchEnd(event) { this.ctrl.setEventIds(event); if (!this.state._active) return; if (this.state._touchIds.some(id => !this.ctrl.touchIds.has(id))) { this.state._active = false; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } } pointerEnd(event) { const state = this.state; this.ctrl.setEventIds(event); try {; } catch (_unused) {} if (state._pointerEvents.has(event.pointerId)) { state._pointerEvents.delete(event.pointerId); } if (!state._active) return; if (state._pointerEvents.size < 2) { state._active = false; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } } gestureStart(event) { if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault(); const state = this.state; if (state._active) return; this.start(event); this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]); state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } gestureMove(event) { if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault(); if (!this.state._active) return; const state = this.state; this.computeValues([event.scale, event.rotation]); state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; const _previousMovement = state._movement; state._movement = [event.scale - 1, event.rotation]; state._delta = V.sub(state._movement, _previousMovement); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } gestureEnd(event) { if (!this.state._active) return; this.state._active = false; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } wheel(event) { const modifierKey = this.config.modifierKey; if (modifierKey && (Array.isArray(modifierKey) ? !modifierKey.find(k => event[k]) : !event[modifierKey])) return; if (!this.state._active) this.wheelStart(event);else this.wheelChange(event); this.timeoutStore.add('wheelEnd', this.wheelEnd.bind(this)); } wheelStart(event) { this.start(event); this.wheelChange(event); } wheelChange(event) { const isR3f = ('uv' in event); if (!isR3f) { if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } if (false) {} } const state = this.state; state._delta = [-wheelValues(event)[1] / PINCH_WHEEL_RATIO * state.offset[0], 0]; V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta); clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state); this.state.origin = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } wheelEnd() { if (!this.state._active) return; this.state._active = false; this.compute(); this.emit(); } bind(bindFunction) { const device = this.config.device; if (!!device) { bindFunction(device, 'start', this[device + 'Start'].bind(this)); bindFunction(device, 'change', this[device + 'Move'].bind(this)); bindFunction(device, 'end', this[device + 'End'].bind(this)); bindFunction(device, 'cancel', this[device + 'End'].bind(this)); bindFunction('lostPointerCapture', '', this[device + 'End'].bind(this)); } if (this.config.pinchOnWheel) { bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this), { passive: false }); } } } const pinchConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, commonConfigResolver), {}, { device(_v, _k, { shared, pointer: { touch = false } = {} }) { const sharedConfig = shared; if ( && !SUPPORT.touch && SUPPORT.gesture) return 'gesture'; if (SUPPORT.touch && touch) return 'touch'; if (SUPPORT.touchscreen) { if (SUPPORT.pointer) return 'pointer'; if (SUPPORT.touch) return 'touch'; } }, bounds(_v, _k, { scaleBounds = {}, angleBounds = {} }) { const _scaleBounds = state => { const D = assignDefault(call(scaleBounds, state), { min: -Infinity, max: Infinity }); return [D.min, D.max]; }; const _angleBounds = state => { const A = assignDefault(call(angleBounds, state), { min: -Infinity, max: Infinity }); return [A.min, A.max]; }; if (typeof scaleBounds !== 'function' && typeof angleBounds !== 'function') return [_scaleBounds(), _angleBounds()]; return state => [_scaleBounds(state), _angleBounds(state)]; }, threshold(value, _k, config) { this.lockDirection = config.axis === 'lock'; const threshold = V.toVector(value, this.lockDirection ? [0.1, 3] : 0); return threshold; }, modifierKey(value) { if (value === undefined) return 'ctrlKey'; return value; }, pinchOnWheel(value = true) { return value; } }); class MoveEngine extends CoordinatesEngine { constructor(...args) { super(...args); _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'moving'); } move(event) { if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return; if (!this.state._active) this.moveStart(event);else this.moveChange(event); this.timeoutStore.add('moveEnd', this.moveEnd.bind(this)); } moveStart(event) { this.start(event); this.computeValues(pointerValues(event)); this.compute(event); this.computeInitial(); this.emit(); } moveChange(event) { if (!this.state._active) return; const values = pointerValues(event); const state = this.state; state._delta = V.sub(values, state._values); V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta); this.computeValues(values); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } moveEnd(event) { if (!this.state._active) return; this.state._active = false; this.compute(event); this.emit(); } bind(bindFunction) { bindFunction('pointer', 'change', this.move.bind(this)); bindFunction('pointer', 'leave', this.moveEnd.bind(this)); } } const moveConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, { mouseOnly: (value = true) => value }); class ScrollEngine extends CoordinatesEngine { constructor(...args) { super(...args); _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'scrolling'); } scroll(event) { if (!this.state._active) this.start(event); this.scrollChange(event); this.timeoutStore.add('scrollEnd', this.scrollEnd.bind(this)); } scrollChange(event) { if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault(); const state = this.state; const values = scrollValues(event); state._delta = V.sub(values, state._values); V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta); this.computeValues(values); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } scrollEnd() { if (!this.state._active) return; this.state._active = false; this.compute(); this.emit(); } bind(bindFunction) { bindFunction('scroll', '', this.scroll.bind(this)); } } const scrollConfigResolver = coordinatesConfigResolver; class WheelEngine extends CoordinatesEngine { constructor(...args) { super(...args); _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'wheeling'); } wheel(event) { if (!this.state._active) this.start(event); this.wheelChange(event); this.timeoutStore.add('wheelEnd', this.wheelEnd.bind(this)); } wheelChange(event) { const state = this.state; state._delta = wheelValues(event); V.addTo(state._movement, state._delta); clampStateInternalMovementToBounds(state); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } wheelEnd() { if (!this.state._active) return; this.state._active = false; this.compute(); this.emit(); } bind(bindFunction) { bindFunction('wheel', '', this.wheel.bind(this)); } } const wheelConfigResolver = coordinatesConfigResolver; class HoverEngine extends CoordinatesEngine { constructor(...args) { super(...args); _defineProperty(this, "ingKey", 'hovering'); } enter(event) { if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return; this.start(event); this.computeValues(pointerValues(event)); this.compute(event); this.emit(); } leave(event) { if (this.config.mouseOnly && event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return; const state = this.state; if (!state._active) return; state._active = false; const values = pointerValues(event); state._movement = state._delta = V.sub(values, state._values); this.computeValues(values); this.compute(event); = state.movement; this.emit(); } bind(bindFunction) { bindFunction('pointer', 'enter', this.enter.bind(this)); bindFunction('pointer', 'leave', this.leave.bind(this)); } } const hoverConfigResolver = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, coordinatesConfigResolver), {}, { mouseOnly: (value = true) => value }); const actions_fe213e88_esm_EngineMap = new Map(); const ConfigResolverMap = new Map(); function actions_fe213e88_esm_registerAction(action) { actions_fe213e88_esm_EngineMap.set(action.key, action.engine); ConfigResolverMap.set(action.key, action.resolver); } const actions_fe213e88_esm_dragAction = { key: 'drag', engine: DragEngine, resolver: dragConfigResolver }; const actions_fe213e88_esm_hoverAction = { key: 'hover', engine: HoverEngine, resolver: hoverConfigResolver }; const actions_fe213e88_esm_moveAction = { key: 'move', engine: MoveEngine, resolver: moveConfigResolver }; const actions_fe213e88_esm_pinchAction = { key: 'pinch', engine: PinchEngine, resolver: pinchConfigResolver }; const actions_fe213e88_esm_scrollAction = { key: 'scroll', engine: ScrollEngine, resolver: scrollConfigResolver }; const actions_fe213e88_esm_wheelAction = { key: 'wheel', engine: WheelEngine, resolver: wheelConfigResolver }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@use-gesture/core/dist/use-gesture-core.esm.js function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; } const sharedConfigResolver = { target(value) { if (value) { return () => 'current' in value ? value.current : value; } return undefined; }, enabled(value = true) { return value; }, window(value = SUPPORT.isBrowser ? window : undefined) { return value; }, eventOptions({ passive = true, capture = false } = {}) { return { passive, capture }; }, transform(value) { return value; } }; const _excluded = ["target", "eventOptions", "window", "enabled", "transform"]; function resolveWith(config = {}, resolvers) { const result = {}; for (const [key, resolver] of Object.entries(resolvers)) { switch (typeof resolver) { case 'function': if (false) {} else { result[key] =, config[key], key, config); } break; case 'object': result[key] = resolveWith(config[key], resolver); break; case 'boolean': if (resolver) result[key] = config[key]; break; } } return result; } function use_gesture_core_esm_parse(newConfig, gestureKey, _config = {}) { const _ref = newConfig, { target, eventOptions, window, enabled, transform } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded); _config.shared = resolveWith({ target, eventOptions, window, enabled, transform }, sharedConfigResolver); if (gestureKey) { const resolver = ConfigResolverMap.get(gestureKey); _config[gestureKey] = resolveWith(_objectSpread2({ shared: _config.shared }, rest), resolver); } else { for (const key in rest) { const resolver = ConfigResolverMap.get(key); if (resolver) { _config[key] = resolveWith(_objectSpread2({ shared: _config.shared }, rest[key]), resolver); } else if (false) {} } } return _config; } class EventStore { constructor(ctrl, gestureKey) { _defineProperty(this, "_listeners", new Set()); this._ctrl = ctrl; this._gestureKey = gestureKey; } add(element, device, action, handler, options) { const listeners = this._listeners; const type = toDomEventType(device, action); const _options = this._gestureKey ? this._ctrl.config[this._gestureKey].eventOptions : {}; const eventOptions = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, _options), options); element.addEventListener(type, handler, eventOptions); const remove = () => { element.removeEventListener(type, handler, eventOptions); listeners.delete(remove); }; listeners.add(remove); return remove; } clean() { this._listeners.forEach(remove => remove()); this._listeners.clear(); } } class TimeoutStore { constructor() { _defineProperty(this, "_timeouts", new Map()); } add(key, callback, ms = 140, ...args) { this.remove(key); this._timeouts.set(key, window.setTimeout(callback, ms, ...args)); } remove(key) { const timeout = this._timeouts.get(key); if (timeout) window.clearTimeout(timeout); } clean() { this._timeouts.forEach(timeout => void window.clearTimeout(timeout)); this._timeouts.clear(); } } class Controller { constructor(handlers) { _defineProperty(this, "gestures", new Set()); _defineProperty(this, "_targetEventStore", new EventStore(this)); _defineProperty(this, "gestureEventStores", {}); _defineProperty(this, "gestureTimeoutStores", {}); _defineProperty(this, "handlers", {}); _defineProperty(this, "config", {}); _defineProperty(this, "pointerIds", new Set()); _defineProperty(this, "touchIds", new Set()); _defineProperty(this, "state", { shared: { shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false } }); resolveGestures(this, handlers); } setEventIds(event) { if (isTouch(event)) { this.touchIds = new Set(touchIds(event)); return this.touchIds; } else if ('pointerId' in event) { if (event.type === 'pointerup' || event.type === 'pointercancel') this.pointerIds.delete(event.pointerId);else if (event.type === 'pointerdown') this.pointerIds.add(event.pointerId); return this.pointerIds; } } applyHandlers(handlers, nativeHandlers) { this.handlers = handlers; this.nativeHandlers = nativeHandlers; } applyConfig(config, gestureKey) { this.config = use_gesture_core_esm_parse(config, gestureKey, this.config); } clean() { this._targetEventStore.clean(); for (const key of this.gestures) { this.gestureEventStores[key].clean(); this.gestureTimeoutStores[key].clean(); } } effect() { if ( this.bind(); return () => this._targetEventStore.clean(); } bind(...args) { const sharedConfig = this.config.shared; const props = {}; let target; if ( { target =; if (!target) return; } if (sharedConfig.enabled) { for (const gestureKey of this.gestures) { const gestureConfig = this.config[gestureKey]; const bindFunction = bindToProps(props, gestureConfig.eventOptions, !!target); if (gestureConfig.enabled) { const Engine = actions_fe213e88_esm_EngineMap.get(gestureKey); new Engine(this, args, gestureKey).bind(bindFunction); } } const nativeBindFunction = bindToProps(props, sharedConfig.eventOptions, !!target); for (const eventKey in this.nativeHandlers) { nativeBindFunction(eventKey, '', event => this.nativeHandlers[eventKey](_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, this.state.shared), {}, { event, args })), undefined, true); } } for (const handlerProp in props) { props[handlerProp] = actions_fe213e88_esm_chain(...props[handlerProp]); } if (!target) return props; for (const handlerProp in props) { const { device, capture, passive } = parseProp(handlerProp); this._targetEventStore.add(target, device, '', props[handlerProp], { capture, passive }); } } } function setupGesture(ctrl, gestureKey) { ctrl.gestures.add(gestureKey); ctrl.gestureEventStores[gestureKey] = new EventStore(ctrl, gestureKey); ctrl.gestureTimeoutStores[gestureKey] = new TimeoutStore(); } function resolveGestures(ctrl, internalHandlers) { if (internalHandlers.drag) setupGesture(ctrl, 'drag'); if (internalHandlers.wheel) setupGesture(ctrl, 'wheel'); if (internalHandlers.scroll) setupGesture(ctrl, 'scroll'); if (internalHandlers.move) setupGesture(ctrl, 'move'); if (internalHandlers.pinch) setupGesture(ctrl, 'pinch'); if (internalHandlers.hover) setupGesture(ctrl, 'hover'); } const bindToProps = (props, eventOptions, withPassiveOption) => (device, action, handler, options = {}, isNative = false) => { var _options$capture, _options$passive; const capture = (_options$capture = options.capture) !== null && _options$capture !== void 0 ? _options$capture : eventOptions.capture; const passive = (_options$passive = options.passive) !== null && _options$passive !== void 0 ? _options$passive : eventOptions.passive; let handlerProp = isNative ? device : toHandlerProp(device, action, capture); if (withPassiveOption && passive) handlerProp += 'Passive'; props[handlerProp] = props[handlerProp] || []; props[handlerProp].push(handler); }; const RE_NOT_NATIVE = /^on(Drag|Wheel|Scroll|Move|Pinch|Hover)/; function sortHandlers(_handlers) { const native = {}; const handlers = {}; const actions = new Set(); for (let key in _handlers) { if (RE_NOT_NATIVE.test(key)) { actions.add(RegExp.lastMatch); handlers[key] = _handlers[key]; } else { native[key] = _handlers[key]; } } return [handlers, native, actions]; } function registerGesture(actions, handlers, handlerKey, key, internalHandlers, config) { if (!actions.has(handlerKey)) return; if (!EngineMap.has(key)) { if (false) {} return; } const startKey = handlerKey + 'Start'; const endKey = handlerKey + 'End'; const fn = state => { let memo = undefined; if (state.first && startKey in handlers) handlers[startKey](state); if (handlerKey in handlers) memo = handlers[handlerKey](state); if (state.last && endKey in handlers) handlers[endKey](state); return memo; }; internalHandlers[key] = fn; config[key] = config[key] || {}; } function use_gesture_core_esm_parseMergedHandlers(mergedHandlers, mergedConfig) { const [handlers, nativeHandlers, actions] = sortHandlers(mergedHandlers); const internalHandlers = {}; registerGesture(actions, handlers, 'onDrag', 'drag', internalHandlers, mergedConfig); registerGesture(actions, handlers, 'onWheel', 'wheel', internalHandlers, mergedConfig); registerGesture(actions, handlers, 'onScroll', 'scroll', internalHandlers, mergedConfig); registerGesture(actions, handlers, 'onPinch', 'pinch', internalHandlers, mergedConfig); registerGesture(actions, handlers, 'onMove', 'move', internalHandlers, mergedConfig); registerGesture(actions, handlers, 'onHover', 'hover', internalHandlers, mergedConfig); return { handlers: internalHandlers, config: mergedConfig, nativeHandlers }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@use-gesture/react/dist/use-gesture-react.esm.js function useRecognizers(handlers, config = {}, gestureKey, nativeHandlers) { const ctrl = external_React_default().useMemo(() => new Controller(handlers), []); ctrl.applyHandlers(handlers, nativeHandlers); ctrl.applyConfig(config, gestureKey); external_React_default().useEffect(ctrl.effect.bind(ctrl)); external_React_default().useEffect(() => { return ctrl.clean.bind(ctrl); }, []); if ( === undefined) { return ctrl.bind.bind(ctrl); } return undefined; } function useDrag(handler, config) { actions_fe213e88_esm_registerAction(actions_fe213e88_esm_dragAction); return useRecognizers({ drag: handler }, config || {}, 'drag'); } function usePinch(handler, config) { registerAction(pinchAction); return useRecognizers({ pinch: handler }, config || {}, 'pinch'); } function useWheel(handler, config) { registerAction(wheelAction); return useRecognizers({ wheel: handler }, config || {}, 'wheel'); } function useScroll(handler, config) { registerAction(scrollAction); return useRecognizers({ scroll: handler }, config || {}, 'scroll'); } function useMove(handler, config) { registerAction(moveAction); return useRecognizers({ move: handler }, config || {}, 'move'); } function useHover(handler, config) { registerAction(hoverAction); return useRecognizers({ hover: handler }, config || {}, 'hover'); } function createUseGesture(actions) { actions.forEach(registerAction); return function useGesture(_handlers, _config) { const { handlers, nativeHandlers, config } = parseMergedHandlers(_handlers, _config || {}); return useRecognizers(handlers, config, undefined, nativeHandlers); }; } function useGesture(handlers, config) { const hook = createUseGesture([dragAction, pinchAction, scrollAction, wheelAction, moveAction, hoverAction]); return hook(handlers, config || {}); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Gets a CSS cursor value based on a drag direction. * * @param dragDirection The drag direction. * @return The CSS cursor value. */ function getDragCursor(dragDirection) { let dragCursor = 'ns-resize'; switch (dragDirection) { case 'n': case 's': dragCursor = 'ns-resize'; break; case 'e': case 'w': dragCursor = 'ew-resize'; break; } return dragCursor; } /** * Custom hook that renders a drag cursor when dragging. * * @param {boolean} isDragging The dragging state. * @param {string} dragDirection The drag direction. * * @return {string} The CSS cursor value. */ function useDragCursor(isDragging, dragDirection) { const dragCursor = getDragCursor(dragDirection); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (isDragging) { = dragCursor; } else { // @ts-expect-error = null; } }, [isDragging, dragCursor]); return dragCursor; } function useDraft(props) { const refPreviousValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(props.value); const [draft, setDraft] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({}); const value = draft.value !== undefined ? draft.value : props.value; // Determines when to discard the draft value to restore controlled status. // To do so, it tracks the previous value and marks the draft value as stale // after each render. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { const { current: previousValue } = refPreviousValue; refPreviousValue.current = props.value; if (draft.value !== undefined && !draft.isStale) { setDraft({ ...draft, isStale: true }); } else if (draft.isStale && props.value !== previousValue) { setDraft({}); } }, [props.value, draft]); const onChange = (nextValue, extra) => { // Mutates the draft value to avoid an extra effect run. setDraft(current => Object.assign(current, { value: nextValue, isStale: false })); props.onChange(nextValue, extra); }; const onBlur = event => { setDraft({}); props.onBlur?.(event); }; return { value, onBlur, onChange }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/reducer/state.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const initialStateReducer = state => state; const initialInputControlState = { error: null, initialValue: '', isDirty: false, isDragEnabled: false, isDragging: false, isPressEnterToChange: false, value: '' }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/reducer/actions.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const CHANGE = 'CHANGE'; const COMMIT = 'COMMIT'; const CONTROL = 'CONTROL'; const DRAG_END = 'DRAG_END'; const DRAG_START = 'DRAG_START'; const DRAG = 'DRAG'; const INVALIDATE = 'INVALIDATE'; const PRESS_DOWN = 'PRESS_DOWN'; const PRESS_ENTER = 'PRESS_ENTER'; const PRESS_UP = 'PRESS_UP'; const RESET = 'RESET'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/reducer/reducer.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Prepares initialState for the reducer. * * @param initialState The initial state. * @return Prepared initialState for the reducer */ function mergeInitialState(initialState = initialInputControlState) { const { value } = initialState; return { ...initialInputControlState, ...initialState, initialValue: value }; } /** * Creates the base reducer which may be coupled to a specializing reducer. * As its final step, for all actions other than CONTROL, the base reducer * passes the state and action on through the specializing reducer. The * exception for CONTROL actions is because they represent controlled updates * from props and no case has yet presented for their specialization. * * @param composedStateReducers A reducer to specialize state changes. * @return The reducer. */ function inputControlStateReducer(composedStateReducers) { return (state, action) => { const nextState = { ...state }; switch (action.type) { /* * Controlled updates */ case CONTROL: nextState.value = action.payload.value; nextState.isDirty = false; nextState._event = undefined; // Returns immediately to avoid invoking additional reducers. return nextState; /** * Keyboard events */ case PRESS_UP: nextState.isDirty = false; break; case PRESS_DOWN: nextState.isDirty = false; break; /** * Drag events */ case DRAG_START: nextState.isDragging = true; break; case DRAG_END: nextState.isDragging = false; break; /** * Input events */ case CHANGE: nextState.error = null; nextState.value = action.payload.value; if (state.isPressEnterToChange) { nextState.isDirty = true; } break; case COMMIT: nextState.value = action.payload.value; nextState.isDirty = false; break; case RESET: nextState.error = null; nextState.isDirty = false; nextState.value = action.payload.value || state.initialValue; break; /** * Validation */ case INVALIDATE: nextState.error = action.payload.error; break; } nextState._event = action.payload.event; /** * Send the nextState + action to the composedReducers via * this "bridge" mechanism. This allows external stateReducers * to hook into actions, and modify state if needed. */ return composedStateReducers(nextState, action); }; } /** * A custom hook that connects and external stateReducer with an internal * reducer. This hook manages the internal state of InputControl. * However, by connecting an external stateReducer function, other * components can react to actions as well as modify state before it is * applied. * * This technique uses the "stateReducer" design pattern: * * * @param stateReducer An external state reducer. * @param initialState The initial state for the reducer. * @param onChangeHandler A handler for the onChange event. * @return State, dispatch, and a collection of actions. */ function useInputControlStateReducer(stateReducer = initialStateReducer, initialState = initialInputControlState, onChangeHandler) { const [state, dispatch] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useReducer)(inputControlStateReducer(stateReducer), mergeInitialState(initialState)); const createChangeEvent = type => (nextValue, event) => { dispatch({ type, payload: { value: nextValue, event } }); }; const createKeyEvent = type => event => { dispatch({ type, payload: { event } }); }; const createDragEvent = type => payload => { dispatch({ type, payload }); }; /** * Actions for the reducer */ const change = createChangeEvent(CHANGE); const invalidate = (error, event) => dispatch({ type: INVALIDATE, payload: { error, event } }); const reset = createChangeEvent(RESET); const commit = createChangeEvent(COMMIT); const dragStart = createDragEvent(DRAG_START); const drag = createDragEvent(DRAG); const dragEnd = createDragEvent(DRAG_END); const pressUp = createKeyEvent(PRESS_UP); const pressDown = createKeyEvent(PRESS_DOWN); const pressEnter = createKeyEvent(PRESS_ENTER); const currentState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(state); const refProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)({ value: initialState.value, onChangeHandler }); // Freshens refs to props and state so that subsequent effects have access // to their latest values without their changes causing effect runs. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { currentState.current = state; refProps.current = { value: initialState.value, onChangeHandler }; }); // Propagates the latest state through onChange. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (currentState.current._event !== undefined && state.value !== refProps.current.value && !state.isDirty) { var _state$value; refProps.current.onChangeHandler((_state$value = state.value) !== null && _state$value !== void 0 ? _state$value : '', { event: currentState.current._event }); } }, [state.value, state.isDirty]); // Updates the state from props. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (initialState.value !== currentState.current.value && !currentState.current.isDirty) { var _initialState$value; dispatch({ type: CONTROL, payload: { value: (_initialState$value = initialState.value) !== null && _initialState$value !== void 0 ? _initialState$value : '' } }); } }, [initialState.value]); return { change, commit, dispatch, drag, dragEnd, dragStart, invalidate, pressDown, pressEnter, pressUp, reset, state }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/with-ignore-ime-events.js /** * A higher-order function that wraps a keydown event handler to ensure it is not an IME event. * * In CJK languages, an IME (Input Method Editor) is used to input complex characters. * During an IME composition, keydown events (e.g. Enter or Escape) can be fired * which are intended to control the IME and not the application. * These events should be ignored by any application logic. * * @param keydownHandler The keydown event handler to execute after ensuring it was not an IME event. * * @return A wrapped version of the given event handler that ignores IME events. */ function withIgnoreIMEEvents(keydownHandler) { return event => { const { isComposing } = 'nativeEvent' in event ? event.nativeEvent : event; if (isComposing || // Workaround for Mac Safari where the final Enter/Backspace of an IME composition // is `isComposing=false`, even though it's technically still part of the composition. // These can only be detected by keyCode. event.keyCode === 229) { return; } keydownHandler(event); }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/input-field.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const input_field_noop = () => {}; function InputField({ disabled = false, dragDirection = 'n', dragThreshold = 10, id, isDragEnabled = false, isPressEnterToChange = false, onBlur = input_field_noop, onChange = input_field_noop, onDrag = input_field_noop, onDragEnd = input_field_noop, onDragStart = input_field_noop, onKeyDown = input_field_noop, onValidate = input_field_noop, size = 'default', stateReducer = state => state, value: valueProp, type, ...props }, ref) { const { // State. state, // Actions. change, commit, drag, dragEnd, dragStart, invalidate, pressDown, pressEnter, pressUp, reset } = useInputControlStateReducer(stateReducer, { isDragEnabled, value: valueProp, isPressEnterToChange }, onChange); const { value, isDragging, isDirty } = state; const wasDirtyOnBlur = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); const dragCursor = useDragCursor(isDragging, dragDirection); const handleOnBlur = event => { onBlur(event); /** * If isPressEnterToChange is set, this commits the value to * the onChange callback. */ if (isDirty || ! { wasDirtyOnBlur.current = true; handleOnCommit(event); } }; const handleOnChange = event => { const nextValue =; change(nextValue, event); }; const handleOnCommit = event => { const nextValue = event.currentTarget.value; try { onValidate(nextValue); commit(nextValue, event); } catch (err) { invalidate(err, event); } }; const handleOnKeyDown = event => { const { key } = event; onKeyDown(event); switch (key) { case 'ArrowUp': pressUp(event); break; case 'ArrowDown': pressDown(event); break; case 'Enter': pressEnter(event); if (isPressEnterToChange) { event.preventDefault(); handleOnCommit(event); } break; case 'Escape': if (isPressEnterToChange && isDirty) { event.preventDefault(); reset(valueProp, event); } break; } }; const dragGestureProps = useDrag(dragProps => { const { distance, dragging, event, target } = dragProps; // The `target` prop always references the `input` element while, by // default, the `` property would reference the real // event target (i.e. any DOM element that the pointer is hovering while // dragging). Ensuring that the `target` is always the `input` element // allows consumers of `InputControl` (or any higher-level control) to // check the input's validity by accessing ``. dragProps.event = { ...dragProps.event, target }; if (!distance) { return; } event.stopPropagation(); /** * Quick return if no longer dragging. * This prevents unnecessary value calculations. */ if (!dragging) { onDragEnd(dragProps); dragEnd(dragProps); return; } onDrag(dragProps); drag(dragProps); if (!isDragging) { onDragStart(dragProps); dragStart(dragProps); } }, { axis: dragDirection === 'e' || dragDirection === 'w' ? 'x' : 'y', threshold: dragThreshold, enabled: isDragEnabled, pointer: { capture: false } }); const dragProps = isDragEnabled ? dragGestureProps() : {}; /* * Works around the odd UA (e.g. Firefox) that does not focus inputs of * type=number when their spinner arrows are pressed. */ let handleOnMouseDown; if (type === 'number') { handleOnMouseDown = event => { props.onMouseDown?.(event); if (event.currentTarget !== event.currentTarget.ownerDocument.activeElement) { event.currentTarget.focus(); } }; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Input, { ...props, ...dragProps, className: "components-input-control__input", disabled: disabled, dragCursor: dragCursor, isDragging: isDragging, id: id, onBlur: handleOnBlur, onChange: handleOnChange, onKeyDown: withIgnoreIMEEvents(handleOnKeyDown), onMouseDown: handleOnMouseDown, ref: ref, inputSize: size // Fallback to `''` to avoid "uncontrolled to controlled" warning. // See for details. , value: value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : '', type: type }); } const ForwardedComponent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(InputField); /* harmony default export */ const input_field = (ForwardedComponent); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/font-values.js /* harmony default export */ const font_values = ({ 'default.fontFamily': "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif", 'default.fontSize': '13px', 'helpText.fontSize': '12px', mobileTextMinFontSize: '16px' }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/font.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * * @param {keyof FONT} value Path of value from `FONT` * @return {string} Font rule value */ function font(value) { var _FONT$value; return (_FONT$value = font_values[value]) !== null && _FONT$value !== void 0 ? _FONT$value : ''; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/box-sizing.js function box_sizing_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const boxSizingReset = true ? { name: "kv6lnz", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;*,*::before,*::after{box-sizing:inherit;}" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/base-control/styles/base-control-styles.js function base_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const base_control_styles_Wrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ej5x27r4" } : 0)("font-family:", font('default.fontFamily'), ";font-size:", font('default.fontSize'), ";", boxSizingReset, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const deprecatedMarginField = ({ __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false }) => { return !__nextHasNoMarginBottom && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("margin-bottom:", space(2), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const StyledField = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ej5x27r3" } : 0)(deprecatedMarginField, " .components-panel__row &{margin-bottom:inherit;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const labelStyles = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(baseLabelTypography, ";display:inline-block;margin-bottom:", space(2), ";padding:0;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const StyledLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("label", true ? { target: "ej5x27r2" } : 0)(labelStyles, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); var base_control_styles_ref = true ? { name: "11yad0w", styles: "margin-bottom:revert" } : 0; const deprecatedMarginHelp = ({ __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false }) => { return !__nextHasNoMarginBottom && base_control_styles_ref; }; const StyledHelp = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("p", true ? { target: "ej5x27r1" } : 0)("margin-top:", space(2), ";margin-bottom:0;font-size:", font('helpText.fontSize'), ";font-style:normal;color:", COLORS.gray[700], ";", deprecatedMarginHelp, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const StyledVisualLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "ej5x27r0" } : 0)(labelStyles, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/base-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * `BaseControl` is a component used to generate labels and help text for components handling user inputs. * * ```jsx * import { BaseControl, useBaseControlProps } from '@wordpress/components'; * * // Render a `BaseControl` for a textarea input * const MyCustomTextareaControl = ({ children, ...baseProps }) => ( * // `useBaseControlProps` is a convenience hook to get the props for the `BaseControl` * // and the inner control itself. Namely, it takes care of generating a unique `id`, * // properly associating it with the `label` and `help` elements. * const { baseControlProps, controlProps } = useBaseControlProps( baseProps ); * * return ( * <BaseControl { ...baseControlProps } __nextHasNoMarginBottom={ true }> * <textarea { ...controlProps }> * { children } * </textarea> * </BaseControl> * ); * ); * ``` */ const UnconnectedBaseControl = props => { const { __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false, id, label, hideLabelFromVision = false, help, className, children } = useContextSystem(props, 'BaseControl'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(base_control_styles_Wrapper, { className: className, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(StyledField, { className: "components-base-control__field" // TODO: Official deprecation for this should start after all internal usages have been migrated , __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, children: [label && id && (hideLabelFromVision ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "label", htmlFor: id, children: label }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledLabel, { className: "components-base-control__label", htmlFor: id, children: label })), label && !id && (hideLabelFromVision ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "label", children: label }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(VisualLabel, { children: label })), children] }), !!help && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledHelp, { id: id ? id + '__help' : undefined, className: "components-base-control__help", __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, children: help })] }); }; /** * `BaseControl.VisualLabel` is used to render a purely visual label inside a `BaseControl` component. * * It should only be used in cases where the children being rendered inside `BaseControl` are already accessibly labeled, * e.g., a button, but we want an additional visual label for that section equivalent to the labels `BaseControl` would * otherwise use if the `label` prop was passed. * * @example * import { BaseControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyBaseControl = () => ( * <BaseControl help="This button is already accessibly labeled."> * <BaseControl.VisualLabel>Author</BaseControl.VisualLabel> * <Button>Select an author</Button> * </BaseControl> * ); */ const VisualLabel = ({ className, children, ...props }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledVisualLabel, { ...props, className: dist_clsx('components-base-control__label', className), children: children }); }; const BaseControl = Object.assign(contextConnectWithoutRef(UnconnectedBaseControl, 'BaseControl'), { VisualLabel }); /* harmony default export */ const base_control = (BaseControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const input_control_noop = () => {}; function input_control_useUniqueId(idProp) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(InputControl); const id = `inspector-input-control-${instanceId}`; return idProp || id; } function UnforwardedInputControl(props, ref) { const { __next40pxDefaultSize, __unstableStateReducer: stateReducer = state => state, __unstableInputWidth, className, disabled = false, help, hideLabelFromVision = false, id: idProp, isPressEnterToChange = false, label, labelPosition = 'top', onChange = input_control_noop, onValidate = input_control_noop, onKeyDown = input_control_noop, prefix, size = 'default', style, suffix, value, ...restProps } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props); const id = input_control_useUniqueId(idProp); const classes = dist_clsx('components-input-control', className); const draftHookProps = useDraft({ value, onBlur: restProps.onBlur, onChange }); const helpProp = !!help ? { 'aria-describedby': `${id}__help` } : {}; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { className: classes, help: help, id: id, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(input_base, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, __unstableInputWidth: __unstableInputWidth, disabled: disabled, gap: 3, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, id: id, justify: "left", label: label, labelPosition: labelPosition, prefix: prefix, size: size, style: style, suffix: suffix, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(input_field, { ...restProps, ...helpProp, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, className: "components-input-control__input", disabled: disabled, id: id, isPressEnterToChange: isPressEnterToChange, onKeyDown: onKeyDown, onValidate: onValidate, paddingInlineStart: prefix ? space(2) : undefined, paddingInlineEnd: suffix ? space(2) : undefined, ref: ref, size: size, stateReducer: stateReducer, ...draftHookProps }) }) }); } /** * InputControl components let users enter and edit text. This is an experimental component * intended to (in time) merge with or replace `TextControl`. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalInputControl as InputControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from 'react'; * * const Example = () => { * const [ value, setValue ] = useState( '' ); * * return ( * <InputControl * value={ value } * onChange={ ( nextValue ) => setValue( nextValue ?? '' ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const InputControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedInputControl); /* harmony default export */ const input_control = (InputControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dashicon/index.js /** * @typedef OwnProps * * @property {import('./types').IconKey} icon Icon name * @property {string} [className] Class name * @property {number} [size] Size of the icon */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Dashicon({ icon, className, size = 20, style = {}, ...extraProps }) { const iconClass = ['dashicon', 'dashicons', 'dashicons-' + icon, className].filter(Boolean).join(' '); // For retro-compatibility reasons (for example if people are overriding icon size with CSS), we add inline styles just if the size is different to the default const sizeStyles = // using `!=` to catch both 20 and "20" // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq 20 != size ? { fontSize: `${size}px`, width: `${size}px`, height: `${size}px` } : {}; const styles = { ...sizeStyles, }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: iconClass, style: styles, ...extraProps }); } /* harmony default export */ const dashicon = (Dashicon); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/icon/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Icon({ icon = null, size = 'string' === typeof icon ? 20 : 24, ...additionalProps }) { if ('string' === typeof icon) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dashicon, { icon: icon, size: size, ...additionalProps }); } if ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.isValidElement)(icon) && dashicon === icon.type) { return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(icon, { ...additionalProps }); } if ('function' === typeof icon) { return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createElement)(icon, { size, ...additionalProps }); } if (icon && (icon.type === 'svg' || icon.type === external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG)) { const appliedProps = { ...icon.props, width: size, height: size, ...additionalProps }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { ...appliedProps }); } if ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.isValidElement)(icon)) { return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(icon, { // @ts-ignore Just forwarding the size prop along size, ...additionalProps }); } return icon; } /* harmony default export */ const build_module_icon = (Icon); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/button/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const disabledEventsOnDisabledButton = ['onMouseDown', 'onClick']; function button_useDeprecatedProps({ isDefault, isPrimary, isSecondary, isTertiary, isLink, isPressed, isSmall, size, variant, ...otherProps }) { let computedSize = size; let computedVariant = variant; const newProps = { // @todo Mark `isPressed` as deprecated 'aria-pressed': isPressed }; if (isSmall) { var _computedSize; (_computedSize = computedSize) !== null && _computedSize !== void 0 ? _computedSize : computedSize = 'small'; } if (isPrimary) { var _computedVariant; (_computedVariant = computedVariant) !== null && _computedVariant !== void 0 ? _computedVariant : computedVariant = 'primary'; } if (isTertiary) { var _computedVariant2; (_computedVariant2 = computedVariant) !== null && _computedVariant2 !== void 0 ? _computedVariant2 : computedVariant = 'tertiary'; } if (isSecondary) { var _computedVariant3; (_computedVariant3 = computedVariant) !== null && _computedVariant3 !== void 0 ? _computedVariant3 : computedVariant = 'secondary'; } if (isDefault) { var _computedVariant4; external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.Button `isDefault` prop', { since: '5.4', alternative: 'variant="secondary"' }); (_computedVariant4 = computedVariant) !== null && _computedVariant4 !== void 0 ? _computedVariant4 : computedVariant = 'secondary'; } if (isLink) { var _computedVariant5; (_computedVariant5 = computedVariant) !== null && _computedVariant5 !== void 0 ? _computedVariant5 : computedVariant = 'link'; } return { ...newProps, ...otherProps, size: computedSize, variant: computedVariant }; } function UnforwardedButton(props, ref) { const { __next40pxDefaultSize, isBusy, isDestructive, className, disabled, icon, iconPosition = 'left', iconSize, showTooltip, tooltipPosition, shortcut, label, children, size = 'default', text, variant, __experimentalIsFocusable: isFocusable, describedBy, ...buttonOrAnchorProps } = button_useDeprecatedProps(props); const { href, target, 'aria-checked': ariaChecked, 'aria-pressed': ariaPressed, 'aria-selected': ariaSelected, ...additionalProps } = 'href' in buttonOrAnchorProps ? buttonOrAnchorProps : { href: undefined, target: undefined, ...buttonOrAnchorProps }; const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(Button, 'components-button__description'); const hasChildren = 'string' === typeof children && !!children || Array.isArray(children) && children?.[0] && children[0] !== null && // Tooltip should not considered as a child children?.[0]?.props?.className !== 'components-tooltip'; const truthyAriaPressedValues = [true, 'true', 'mixed']; const classes = dist_clsx('components-button', className, { 'is-next-40px-default-size': __next40pxDefaultSize, 'is-secondary': variant === 'secondary', 'is-primary': variant === 'primary', 'is-small': size === 'small', 'is-compact': size === 'compact', 'is-tertiary': variant === 'tertiary', 'is-pressed': truthyAriaPressedValues.includes(ariaPressed), 'is-pressed-mixed': ariaPressed === 'mixed', 'is-busy': isBusy, 'is-link': variant === 'link', 'is-destructive': isDestructive, 'has-text': !!icon && (hasChildren || text), 'has-icon': !!icon }); const trulyDisabled = disabled && !isFocusable; const Tag = href !== undefined && !trulyDisabled ? 'a' : 'button'; const buttonProps = Tag === 'button' ? { type: 'button', disabled: trulyDisabled, 'aria-checked': ariaChecked, 'aria-pressed': ariaPressed, 'aria-selected': ariaSelected } : {}; const anchorProps = Tag === 'a' ? { href, target } : {}; const disableEventProps = {}; if (disabled && isFocusable) { // In this case, the button will be disabled, but still focusable and // perceivable by screen reader users. buttonProps['aria-disabled'] = true; anchorProps['aria-disabled'] = true; for (const disabledEvent of disabledEventsOnDisabledButton) { disableEventProps[disabledEvent] = event => { if (event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }; } } // Should show the tooltip if... const shouldShowTooltip = !trulyDisabled && ( // An explicit tooltip is passed or... showTooltip && !!label || // There's a shortcut or... !!shortcut || // There's a label and... !!label && // The children are empty and... !children?.length && // The tooltip is not explicitly disabled. false !== showTooltip); const descriptionId = describedBy ? instanceId : undefined; const describedById = additionalProps['aria-describedby'] || descriptionId; const commonProps = { className: classes, 'aria-label': additionalProps['aria-label'] || label, 'aria-describedby': describedById, ref }; const elementChildren = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [icon && iconPosition === 'left' && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: icon, size: iconSize }), text && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: text }), children, icon && iconPosition === 'right' && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: icon, size: iconSize })] }); const element = Tag === 'a' ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("a", { ...anchorProps, ...additionalProps, ...disableEventProps, ...commonProps, children: elementChildren }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("button", { ...buttonProps, ...additionalProps, ...disableEventProps, ...commonProps, children: elementChildren }); // In order to avoid some React reconciliation issues, we are always rendering // the `Tooltip` component even when `shouldShowTooltip` is `false`. // In order to make sure that the tooltip doesn't show when it shouldn't, // we don't pass the props to the `Tooltip` component. const tooltipProps = shouldShowTooltip ? { text: children?.length && describedBy ? describedBy : label, shortcut, placement: tooltipPosition && // Convert legacy `position` values to be used with the new `placement` prop positionToPlacement(tooltipPosition) } : {}; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { ...tooltipProps, children: element }), describedBy && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { id: descriptionId, children: describedBy }) })] }); } /** * Lets users take actions and make choices with a single click or tap. * * ```jsx * import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; * const Mybutton = () => ( * <Button * variant="primary" * onClick={ handleClick } * > * Click here * </Button> * ); * ``` */ const Button = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedButton); /* harmony default export */ const build_module_button = (Button); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/number-control/styles/number-control-styles.js function number_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ var number_control_styles_ref = true ? { name: "euqsgg", styles: "input[type='number']::-webkit-outer-spin-button,input[type='number']::-webkit-inner-spin-button{-webkit-appearance:none!important;margin:0!important;}input[type='number']{-moz-appearance:textfield;}" } : 0; const htmlArrowStyles = ({ hideHTMLArrows }) => { if (!hideHTMLArrows) { return ``; } return number_control_styles_ref; }; const number_control_styles_Input = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(input_control, true ? { target: "ep09it41" } : 0)(htmlArrowStyles, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const SpinButton = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { target: "ep09it40" } : 0)("&&&&&{color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const smallSpinButtons = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("width:", space(5), ";min-width:", space(5), ";height:", space(5), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const styles = { smallSpinButtons }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/math.js /** * Parses and retrieves a number value. * * @param {unknown} value The incoming value. * * @return {number} The parsed number value. */ function getNumber(value) { const number = Number(value); return isNaN(number) ? 0 : number; } /** * Safely adds 2 values. * * @param {Array<number|string>} args Values to add together. * * @return {number} The sum of values. */ function add(...args) { return args.reduce( /** @type {(sum:number, arg: number|string) => number} */ (sum, arg) => sum + getNumber(arg), 0); } /** * Safely subtracts 2 values. * * @param {Array<number|string>} args Values to subtract together. * * @return {number} The difference of the values. */ function subtract(...args) { return args.reduce( /** @type {(diff:number, arg: number|string, index:number) => number} */ (diff, arg, index) => { const value = getNumber(arg); return index === 0 ? value : diff - value; }, 0); } /** * Determines the decimal position of a number value. * * @param {number} value The number to evaluate. * * @return {number} The number of decimal places. */ function getPrecision(value) { const split = (value + '').split('.'); return split[1] !== undefined ? split[1].length : 0; } /** * Clamps a value based on a min/max range. * * @param {number} value The value. * @param {number} min The minimum range. * @param {number} max The maximum range. * * @return {number} The clamped value. */ function math_clamp(value, min, max) { const baseValue = getNumber(value); return Math.max(min, Math.min(baseValue, max)); } /** * Clamps a value based on a min/max range with rounding * * @param {number | string} value The value. * @param {number} min The minimum range. * @param {number} max The maximum range. * @param {number} step A multiplier for the value. * * @return {number} The rounded and clamped value. */ function roundClamp(value = 0, min = Infinity, max = Infinity, step = 1) { const baseValue = getNumber(value); const stepValue = getNumber(step); const precision = getPrecision(step); const rounded = Math.round(baseValue / stepValue) * stepValue; const clampedValue = math_clamp(rounded, min, max); return precision ? getNumber(clampedValue.toFixed(precision)) : clampedValue; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/h-stack/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const H_ALIGNMENTS = { bottom: { align: 'flex-end', justify: 'center' }, bottomLeft: { align: 'flex-end', justify: 'flex-start' }, bottomRight: { align: 'flex-end', justify: 'flex-end' }, center: { align: 'center', justify: 'center' }, edge: { align: 'center', justify: 'space-between' }, left: { align: 'center', justify: 'flex-start' }, right: { align: 'center', justify: 'flex-end' }, stretch: { align: 'stretch' }, top: { align: 'flex-start', justify: 'center' }, topLeft: { align: 'flex-start', justify: 'flex-start' }, topRight: { align: 'flex-start', justify: 'flex-end' } }; const V_ALIGNMENTS = { bottom: { justify: 'flex-end', align: 'center' }, bottomLeft: { justify: 'flex-end', align: 'flex-start' }, bottomRight: { justify: 'flex-end', align: 'flex-end' }, center: { justify: 'center', align: 'center' }, edge: { justify: 'space-between', align: 'center' }, left: { justify: 'center', align: 'flex-start' }, right: { justify: 'center', align: 'flex-end' }, stretch: { align: 'stretch' }, top: { justify: 'flex-start', align: 'center' }, topLeft: { justify: 'flex-start', align: 'flex-start' }, topRight: { justify: 'flex-start', align: 'flex-end' } }; function getAlignmentProps(alignment, direction = 'row') { if (!isValueDefined(alignment)) { return {}; } const isVertical = direction === 'column'; const props = isVertical ? V_ALIGNMENTS : H_ALIGNMENTS; const alignmentProps = alignment in props ? props[alignment] : { align: alignment }; return alignmentProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/get-valid-children.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Gets a collection of available children elements from a React component's children prop. * * @param children * * @return An array of available children. */ function getValidChildren(children) { if (typeof children === 'string') { return [children]; } return external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.toArray(children).filter(child => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.isValidElement)(child)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/h-stack/hook.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useHStack(props) { const { alignment = 'edge', children, direction, spacing = 2, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'HStack'); const align = getAlignmentProps(alignment, direction); const validChildren = getValidChildren(children); const clonedChildren =, index) => { const _isSpacer = hasConnectNamespace(child, ['Spacer']); if (_isSpacer) { const childElement = child; const _key = childElement.key || `hstack-${index}`; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { isBlock: true, ...childElement.props }, _key); } return child; }); const propsForFlex = { children: clonedChildren, direction, justify: 'center', ...align, ...otherProps, gap: spacing }; // Omit `isColumn` because it's not used in HStack. const { isColumn, ...flexProps } = useFlex(propsForFlex); return flexProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/h-stack/component.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedHStack(props, forwardedRef) { const hStackProps = useHStack(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...hStackProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `HStack` (Horizontal Stack) arranges child elements in a horizontal line. * * `HStack` can render anything inside. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalHStack as HStack, * __experimentalText as Text, * } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <HStack> * <Text>Code</Text> * <Text>is</Text> * <Text>Poetry</Text> * </HStack> * ); * } * ``` */ const HStack = contextConnect(UnconnectedHStack, 'HStack'); /* harmony default export */ const h_stack_component = (HStack); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/number-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const number_control_noop = () => {}; function UnforwardedNumberControl(props, forwardedRef) { const { __unstableStateReducer: stateReducerProp, className, dragDirection = 'n', hideHTMLArrows = false, spinControls = hideHTMLArrows ? 'none' : 'native', isDragEnabled = true, isShiftStepEnabled = true, label, max = Infinity, min = -Infinity, required = false, shiftStep = 10, step = 1, spinFactor = 1, type: typeProp = 'number', value: valueProp, size = 'default', suffix, onChange = number_control_noop, ...restProps } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props); if (hideHTMLArrows) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.NumberControl hideHTMLArrows prop ', { alternative: 'spinControls="none"', since: '6.2', version: '6.3' }); } const inputRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const mergedRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([inputRef, forwardedRef]); const isStepAny = step === 'any'; const baseStep = isStepAny ? 1 : ensureNumber(step); const baseSpin = ensureNumber(spinFactor) * baseStep; const baseValue = roundClamp(0, min, max, baseStep); const constrainValue = (value, stepOverride) => { // When step is "any" clamp the value, otherwise round and clamp it. // Use '' + to convert to string for use in input value attribute. return isStepAny ? '' + Math.min(max, Math.max(min, ensureNumber(value))) : '' + roundClamp(value, min, max, stepOverride !== null && stepOverride !== void 0 ? stepOverride : baseStep); }; const autoComplete = typeProp === 'number' ? 'off' : undefined; const classes = dist_clsx('components-number-control', className); const cx = useCx(); const spinButtonClasses = cx(size === 'small' && styles.smallSpinButtons); const spinValue = (value, direction, event) => { event?.preventDefault(); const shift = event?.shiftKey && isShiftStepEnabled; const delta = shift ? ensureNumber(shiftStep) * baseSpin : baseSpin; let nextValue = isValueEmpty(value) ? baseValue : value; if (direction === 'up') { nextValue = add(nextValue, delta); } else if (direction === 'down') { nextValue = subtract(nextValue, delta); } return constrainValue(nextValue, shift ? delta : undefined); }; /** * "Middleware" function that intercepts updates from InputControl. * This allows us to tap into actions to transform the (next) state for * InputControl. * * @return The updated state to apply to InputControl */ const numberControlStateReducer = (state, action) => { const nextState = { ...state }; const { type, payload } = action; const event = payload.event; const currentValue = nextState.value; /** * Handles custom UP and DOWN Keyboard events */ if (type === PRESS_UP || type === PRESS_DOWN) { nextState.value = spinValue(currentValue, type === PRESS_UP ? 'up' : 'down', event); } /** * Handles drag to update events */ if (type === DRAG && isDragEnabled) { const [x, y] =; const enableShift = payload.shiftKey && isShiftStepEnabled; const modifier = enableShift ? ensureNumber(shiftStep) * baseSpin : baseSpin; let directionModifier; let delta; switch (dragDirection) { case 'n': delta = y; directionModifier = -1; break; case 'e': delta = x; directionModifier = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? -1 : 1; break; case 's': delta = y; directionModifier = 1; break; case 'w': delta = x; directionModifier = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 1 : -1; break; } if (delta !== 0) { delta = Math.ceil(Math.abs(delta)) * Math.sign(delta); const distance = delta * modifier * directionModifier; nextState.value = constrainValue( // @ts-expect-error TODO: Investigate if it's ok for currentValue to be undefined add(currentValue, distance), enableShift ? modifier : undefined); } } /** * Handles commit (ENTER key press or blur) */ if (type === PRESS_ENTER || type === COMMIT) { const applyEmptyValue = required === false && currentValue === ''; nextState.value = applyEmptyValue ? currentValue : // @ts-expect-error TODO: Investigate if it's ok for currentValue to be undefined constrainValue(currentValue); } return nextState; }; const buildSpinButtonClickHandler = direction => event => onChange(String(spinValue(valueProp, direction, event)), { // Set to the <input> so that consumers can use // e.g. event: { ...event, target: inputRef.current } }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(number_control_styles_Input, { autoComplete: autoComplete, inputMode: "numeric", ...restProps, className: classes, dragDirection: dragDirection, hideHTMLArrows: spinControls !== 'native', isDragEnabled: isDragEnabled, label: label, max: max, min: min, ref: mergedRef, required: required, step: step, type: typeProp // @ts-expect-error TODO: Resolve discrepancy between `value` types in InputControl based components , value: valueProp, __unstableStateReducer: (state, action) => { var _stateReducerProp; const baseState = numberControlStateReducer(state, action); return (_stateReducerProp = stateReducerProp?.(baseState, action)) !== null && _stateReducerProp !== void 0 ? _stateReducerProp : baseState; }, size: size, suffix: spinControls === 'custom' ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [suffix, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { marginBottom: 0, marginRight: 2, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { spacing: 1, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SpinButton, { className: spinButtonClasses, icon: library_plus, size: "small", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Increment'), onClick: buildSpinButtonClickHandler('up') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SpinButton, { className: spinButtonClasses, icon: library_reset, size: "small", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Decrement'), onClick: buildSpinButtonClickHandler('down') })] }) })] }) : suffix, onChange: onChange }); } const NumberControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedNumberControl); /* harmony default export */ const number_control = (NumberControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/angle-picker-control/styles/angle-picker-control-styles.js function angle_picker_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const CIRCLE_SIZE = 32; const INNER_CIRCLE_SIZE = 6; const CircleRoot = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eln3bjz3" } : 0)("border-radius:50%;border:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid ", COLORS.ui.border, ";box-sizing:border-box;cursor:grab;height:", CIRCLE_SIZE, "px;overflow:hidden;width:", CIRCLE_SIZE, "px;:active{cursor:grabbing;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const CircleIndicatorWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eln3bjz2" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1r307gh", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;:focus-visible{outline:none;}" } : 0); const CircleIndicator = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eln3bjz1" } : 0)("background:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;display:block;left:50%;top:4px;transform:translateX( -50% );position:absolute;width:", INNER_CIRCLE_SIZE, "px;height:", INNER_CIRCLE_SIZE, "px;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const UnitText = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(text_component, true ? { target: "eln3bjz0" } : 0)("color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";margin-right:", space(3), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/angle-picker-control/angle-circle.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function AngleCircle({ value, onChange, ...props }) { const angleCircleRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const angleCircleCenter = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const previousCursorValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const setAngleCircleCenter = () => { if (angleCircleRef.current === null) { return; } const rect = angleCircleRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); angleCircleCenter.current = { x: rect.x + rect.width / 2, y: rect.y + rect.height / 2 }; }; const changeAngleToPosition = event => { if (event === undefined) { return; } // Prevent (drag) mouse events from selecting and accidentally // triggering actions from other elements. event.preventDefault(); // Input control needs to lose focus and by preventDefault above, it doesn't.; if (angleCircleCenter.current !== undefined && onChange !== undefined) { const { x: centerX, y: centerY } = angleCircleCenter.current; onChange(getAngle(centerX, centerY, event.clientX, event.clientY)); } }; const { startDrag, isDragging } = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseDragging)({ onDragStart: event => { setAngleCircleCenter(); changeAngleToPosition(event); }, onDragMove: changeAngleToPosition, onDragEnd: changeAngleToPosition }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (isDragging) { if (previousCursorValue.current === undefined) { previousCursorValue.current =; } = 'grabbing'; } else { = previousCursorValue.current || ''; previousCursorValue.current = undefined; } }, [isDragging]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CircleRoot, { ref: angleCircleRef, onMouseDown: startDrag, className: "components-angle-picker-control__angle-circle", ...props, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CircleIndicatorWrapper, { style: value ? { transform: `rotate(${value}deg)` } : undefined, className: "components-angle-picker-control__angle-circle-indicator-wrapper", tabIndex: -1, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CircleIndicator, { className: "components-angle-picker-control__angle-circle-indicator" }) }) }); } function getAngle(centerX, centerY, pointX, pointY) { const y = pointY - centerY; const x = pointX - centerX; const angleInRadians = Math.atan2(y, x); const angleInDeg = Math.round(angleInRadians * (180 / Math.PI)) + 90; if (angleInDeg < 0) { return 360 + angleInDeg; } return angleInDeg; } /* harmony default export */ const angle_circle = (AngleCircle); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/angle-picker-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedAnglePickerControl(props, ref) { const { className, label = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Angle'), onChange, value, ...restProps } = props; const handleOnNumberChange = unprocessedValue => { if (onChange === undefined) { return; } const inputValue = unprocessedValue !== undefined && unprocessedValue !== '' ? parseInt(unprocessedValue, 10) : 0; onChange(inputValue); }; const classes = dist_clsx('components-angle-picker-control', className); const unitText = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(UnitText, { children: "\xB0" }); const [prefixedUnitText, suffixedUnitText] = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? [unitText, null] : [null, unitText]; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(flex_component, { ...restProps, ref: ref, className: classes, gap: 2, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_block_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(number_control, { label: label, className: "components-angle-picker-control__input-field", max: 360, min: 0, onChange: handleOnNumberChange, size: "__unstable-large", step: "1", value: value, spinControls: "none", prefix: prefixedUnitText, suffix: suffixedUnitText }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { marginBottom: "1", marginTop: "auto", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(angle_circle, { "aria-hidden": "true", value: value, onChange: onChange }) })] }); } /** * `AnglePickerControl` is a React component to render a UI that allows users to * pick an angle. Users can choose an angle in a visual UI with the mouse by * dragging an angle indicator inside a circle or by directly inserting the * desired angle in a text field. * * ```jsx * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * import { AnglePickerControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * const [ angle, setAngle ] = useState( 0 ); * return ( * <AnglePickerControl * value={ angle } * onChange={ setAngle } * </> * ); * } * ``` */ const AnglePickerControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedAnglePickerControl); /* harmony default export */ const angle_picker_control = (AnglePickerControl); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/remove-accents/index.js var remove_accents = __webpack_require__(9681); var remove_accents_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(remove_accents); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","richText"] const external_wp_richText_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["richText"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","a11y"] const external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["a11y"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","keycodes"] const external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["keycodes"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/strings.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * All unicode characters that we consider "dash-like": * - `\u007e`: ~ (tilde) * - `\u00ad`: ­ (soft hyphen) * - `\u2053`: ⁓ (swung dash) * - `\u207b`: ⁻ (superscript minus) * - `\u208b`: ₋ (subscript minus) * - `\u2212`: − (minus sign) * - `\\p{Pd}`: any other Unicode dash character */ const ALL_UNICODE_DASH_CHARACTERS = new RegExp(/[\u007e\u00ad\u2053\u207b\u208b\u2212\p{Pd}]/gu); const normalizeTextString = value => { return remove_accents_default()(value).toLocaleLowerCase().replace(ALL_UNICODE_DASH_CHARACTERS, '-'); }; /** * Converts any string to kebab case. * Backwards compatible with Lodash's `_.kebabCase()`. * Backwards compatible with `_wp_to_kebab_case()`. * * @see * @see * * @param str String to convert. * @return Kebab-cased string */ function kebabCase(str) { var _str$toString; let input = (_str$toString = str?.toString?.()) !== null && _str$toString !== void 0 ? _str$toString : ''; // See input = input.replace(/['\u2019]/, ''); return paramCase(input, { splitRegexp: [/(?!(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|[4-9]TH)(?![a-z]))([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, // fooBar => foo-bar, 3Bar => 3-bar /(?!(?:1st|2nd|3rd|[4-9]th)(?![a-z]))([0-9])([a-z])/g, // 3bar => 3-bar /([A-Za-z])([0-9])/g, // Foo3 => foo-3, foo3 => foo-3 /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g // FOOBar => foo-bar ] }); } /** * Escapes the RegExp special characters. * * @param string Input string. * * @return Regex-escaped string. */ function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, '\\$&'); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/autocomplete/get-default-use-items.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function filterOptions(search, options = [], maxResults = 10) { const filtered = []; for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { const option = options[i]; // Merge label into keywords. let { keywords = [] } = option; if ('string' === typeof option.label) { keywords = [...keywords, option.label]; } const isMatch = keywords.some(keyword => search.test(remove_accents_default()(keyword))); if (!isMatch) { continue; } filtered.push(option); // Abort early if max reached. if (filtered.length === maxResults) { break; } } return filtered; } function getDefaultUseItems(autocompleter) { return filterValue => { const [items, setItems] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)([]); /* * We support both synchronous and asynchronous retrieval of completer options * but internally treat all as async so we maintain a single, consistent code path. * * Because networks can be slow, and the internet is wonderfully unpredictable, * we don't want two promises updating the state at once. This ensures that only * the most recent promise will act on `optionsData`. This doesn't use the state * because `setState` is batched, and so there's no guarantee that setting * `activePromise` in the state would result in it actually being in `this.state` * before the promise resolves and we check to see if this is the active promise or not. */ (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { const { options, isDebounced } = autocompleter; const loadOptions = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.debounce)(() => { const promise = Promise.resolve(typeof options === 'function' ? options(filterValue) : options).then(optionsData => { if (promise.canceled) { return; } const keyedOptions =, optionIndex) => ({ key: `${}-${optionIndex}`, value: optionData, label: autocompleter.getOptionLabel(optionData), keywords: autocompleter.getOptionKeywords ? autocompleter.getOptionKeywords(optionData) : [], isDisabled: autocompleter.isOptionDisabled ? autocompleter.isOptionDisabled(optionData) : false })); // Create a regular expression to filter the options. const search = new RegExp('(?:\\b|\\s|^)' + escapeRegExp(filterValue), 'i'); setItems(filterOptions(search, keyedOptions)); }); return promise; }, isDebounced ? 250 : 0); const promise = loadOptions(); return () => { loadOptions.cancel(); if (promise) { promise.canceled = true; } }; }, [filterValue]); return [items]; }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@floating-ui/react-dom/dist/floating-ui.react-dom.mjs /** * Provides data to position an inner element of the floating element so that it * appears centered to the reference element. * This wraps the core `arrow` middleware to allow React refs as the element. * @see */ const floating_ui_react_dom_arrow = options => { function isRef(value) { return {}, 'current'); } return { name: 'arrow', options, fn(state) { const { element, padding } = typeof options === 'function' ? options(state) : options; if (element && isRef(element)) { if (element.current != null) { return floating_ui_dom_arrow({ element: element.current, padding }).fn(state); } return {}; } if (element) { return floating_ui_dom_arrow({ element, padding }).fn(state); } return {}; } }; }; var index = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? external_React_.useLayoutEffect : external_React_.useEffect; // Fork of `fast-deep-equal` that only does the comparisons we need and compares // functions function deepEqual(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (typeof a !== typeof b) { return false; } if (typeof a === 'function' && a.toString() === b.toString()) { return true; } let length; let i; let keys; if (a && b && typeof a === 'object') { if (Array.isArray(a)) { length = a.length; if (length !== b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { if (!deepEqual(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } keys = Object.keys(a); length = keys.length; if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) { return false; } for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { if (!{}, keys[i])) { return false; } } for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) { const key = keys[i]; if (key === '_owner' && a.$$typeof) { continue; } if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) { return false; } } return true; } // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noSelfCompare: in source return a !== a && b !== b; } function getDPR(element) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return 1; } const win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView || window; return win.devicePixelRatio || 1; } function floating_ui_react_dom_roundByDPR(element, value) { const dpr = getDPR(element); return Math.round(value * dpr) / dpr; } function useLatestRef(value) { const ref = external_React_.useRef(value); index(() => { ref.current = value; }); return ref; } /** * Provides data to position a floating element. * @see */ function useFloating(options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } const { placement = 'bottom', strategy = 'absolute', middleware = [], platform, elements: { reference: externalReference, floating: externalFloating } = {}, transform = true, whileElementsMounted, open } = options; const [data, setData] = external_React_.useState({ x: 0, y: 0, strategy, placement, middlewareData: {}, isPositioned: false }); const [latestMiddleware, setLatestMiddleware] = external_React_.useState(middleware); if (!deepEqual(latestMiddleware, middleware)) { setLatestMiddleware(middleware); } const [_reference, _setReference] = external_React_.useState(null); const [_floating, _setFloating] = external_React_.useState(null); const setReference = external_React_.useCallback(node => { if (node !== referenceRef.current) { referenceRef.current = node; _setReference(node); } }, []); const setFloating = external_React_.useCallback(node => { if (node !== floatingRef.current) { floatingRef.current = node; _setFloating(node); } }, []); const referenceEl = externalReference || _reference; const floatingEl = externalFloating || _floating; const referenceRef = external_React_.useRef(null); const floatingRef = external_React_.useRef(null); const dataRef = external_React_.useRef(data); const hasWhileElementsMounted = whileElementsMounted != null; const whileElementsMountedRef = useLatestRef(whileElementsMounted); const platformRef = useLatestRef(platform); const update = external_React_.useCallback(() => { if (!referenceRef.current || !floatingRef.current) { return; } const config = { placement, strategy, middleware: latestMiddleware }; if (platformRef.current) { config.platform = platformRef.current; } floating_ui_dom_computePosition(referenceRef.current, floatingRef.current, config).then(data => { const fullData = {, isPositioned: true }; if (isMountedRef.current && !deepEqual(dataRef.current, fullData)) { dataRef.current = fullData; external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject.flushSync(() => { setData(fullData); }); } }); }, [latestMiddleware, placement, strategy, platformRef]); index(() => { if (open === false && dataRef.current.isPositioned) { dataRef.current.isPositioned = false; setData(data => ({, isPositioned: false })); } }, [open]); const isMountedRef = external_React_.useRef(false); index(() => { isMountedRef.current = true; return () => { isMountedRef.current = false; }; }, []); // biome-ignore lint/correctness/useExhaustiveDependencies: `hasWhileElementsMounted` is intentionally included. index(() => { if (referenceEl) referenceRef.current = referenceEl; if (floatingEl) floatingRef.current = floatingEl; if (referenceEl && floatingEl) { if (whileElementsMountedRef.current) { return whileElementsMountedRef.current(referenceEl, floatingEl, update); } update(); } }, [referenceEl, floatingEl, update, whileElementsMountedRef, hasWhileElementsMounted]); const refs = external_React_.useMemo(() => ({ reference: referenceRef, floating: floatingRef, setReference, setFloating }), [setReference, setFloating]); const elements = external_React_.useMemo(() => ({ reference: referenceEl, floating: floatingEl }), [referenceEl, floatingEl]); const floatingStyles = external_React_.useMemo(() => { const initialStyles = { position: strategy, left: 0, top: 0 }; if (!elements.floating) { return initialStyles; } const x = floating_ui_react_dom_roundByDPR(elements.floating, data.x); const y = floating_ui_react_dom_roundByDPR(elements.floating, data.y); if (transform) { return { ...initialStyles, transform: "translate(" + x + "px, " + y + "px)", ...(getDPR(elements.floating) >= 1.5 && { willChange: 'transform' }) }; } return { position: strategy, left: x, top: y }; }, [strategy, transform, elements.floating, data.x, data.y]); return external_React_.useMemo(() => ({, update, refs, elements, floatingStyles }), [data, update, refs, elements, floatingStyles]); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/close.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const close_close = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M13 11.8l6.1-6.3-1-1-6.1 6.2-6.1-6.2-1 1 6.1 6.3-6.5 6.7 1 1 6.5-6.6 6.5 6.6 1-1z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_close = (close_close); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/scroll-lock/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /* * Setting `overflow: hidden` on html and body elements resets body scroll in iOS. * Save scroll top so we can restore it after locking scroll. * * NOTE: It would be cleaner and possibly safer to find a localized solution such * as preventing default on certain touchmove events. */ let previousScrollTop = 0; function setLocked(locked) { const scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement || document.body; if (locked) { previousScrollTop = scrollingElement.scrollTop; } const methodName = locked ? 'add' : 'remove'; scrollingElement.classList[methodName]('lockscroll'); // Adding the class to the document element seems to be necessary in iOS. document.documentElement.classList[methodName]('lockscroll'); if (!locked) { scrollingElement.scrollTop = previousScrollTop; } } let lockCounter = 0; /** * ScrollLock is a content-free React component for declaratively preventing * scroll bleed from modal UI to the page body. This component applies a * `lockscroll` class to the `document.documentElement` and * `document.scrollingElement` elements to stop the body from scrolling. When it * is present, the lock is applied. * * ```jsx * import { ScrollLock, Button } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyScrollLock = () => { * const [ isScrollLocked, setIsScrollLocked ] = useState( false ); * * const toggleLock = () => { * setIsScrollLocked( ( locked ) => ! locked ) ); * }; * * return ( * <div> * <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ toggleLock }> * Toggle scroll lock * </Button> * { isScrollLocked && <ScrollLock /> } * <p> * Scroll locked: * <strong>{ isScrollLocked ? 'Yes' : 'No' }</strong> * </p> * </div> * ); * }; * ``` */ function ScrollLock() { (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (lockCounter === 0) { setLocked(true); } ++lockCounter; return () => { if (lockCounter === 1) { setLocked(false); } --lockCounter; }; }, []); return null; } /* harmony default export */ const scroll_lock = (ScrollLock); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/bubbles-virtually/slot-fill-context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const initialContextValue = { slots: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.observableMap)(), fills: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.observableMap)(), registerSlot: () => { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('Components must be wrapped within `SlotFillProvider`. ' + 'See') : 0; }, updateSlot: () => {}, unregisterSlot: () => {}, registerFill: () => {}, unregisterFill: () => {}, // This helps the provider know if it's using the default context value or not. isDefault: true }; const SlotFillContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(initialContextValue); /* harmony default export */ const slot_fill_context = (SlotFillContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/bubbles-virtually/use-slot.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useSlot(name) { const registry = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(slot_fill_context); const slot = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useObservableValue)(registry.slots, name); const api = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ updateSlot: fillProps => registry.updateSlot(name, fillProps), unregisterSlot: ref => registry.unregisterSlot(name, ref), registerFill: ref => registry.registerFill(name, ref), unregisterFill: ref => registry.unregisterFill(name, ref) }), [name, registry]); return { ...slot, ...api }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const initialValue = { registerSlot: () => {}, unregisterSlot: () => {}, registerFill: () => {}, unregisterFill: () => {}, getSlot: () => undefined, getFills: () => [], subscribe: () => () => {} }; const context_SlotFillContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(initialValue); /* harmony default export */ const context = (context_SlotFillContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/use-slot.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * React hook returning the active slot given a name. * * @param name Slot name. * @return Slot object. */ const use_slot_useSlot = name => { const { getSlot, subscribe } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(context); return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useSyncExternalStore)(subscribe, () => getSlot(name), () => getSlot(name)); }; /* harmony default export */ const use_slot = (use_slot_useSlot); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/fill.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Fill({ name, children }) { const { registerFill, unregisterFill } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(context); const slot = use_slot(name); const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)({ name, children }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { const refValue = ref.current; registerFill(name, refValue); return () => unregisterFill(name, refValue); // Ignore reason: the useLayoutEffects here are written to fire at specific times, and introducing new dependencies could cause unexpected changes in behavior. // We'll leave them as-is until a more detailed investigation/refactor can be performed. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { ref.current.children = children; if (slot) { slot.forceUpdate(); } // Ignore reason: the useLayoutEffects here are written to fire at specific times, and introducing new dependencies could cause unexpected changes in behavior. // We'll leave them as-is until a more detailed investigation/refactor can be performed. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [children]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (name === { // Ignore initial effect. return; } unregisterFill(, ref.current); = name; registerFill(name, ref.current); // Ignore reason: the useLayoutEffects here are written to fire at specific times, and introducing new dependencies could cause unexpected changes in behavior. // We'll leave them as-is until a more detailed investigation/refactor can be performed. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [name]); return null; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/slot.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Whether the argument is a function. * * @param maybeFunc The argument to check. * @return True if the argument is a function, false otherwise. */ function isFunction(maybeFunc) { return typeof maybeFunc === 'function'; } class SlotComponent extends external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.isUnmounted = false; } componentDidMount() { const { registerSlot } = this.props; this.isUnmounted = false; registerSlot(, this); } componentWillUnmount() { const { unregisterSlot } = this.props; this.isUnmounted = true; unregisterSlot(, this); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { name, unregisterSlot, registerSlot } = this.props; if ( !== name) { unregisterSlot(, this); registerSlot(name, this); } } forceUpdate() { if (this.isUnmounted) { return; } super.forceUpdate(); } render() { var _getFills; const { children, name, fillProps = {}, getFills } = this.props; const fills = ((_getFills = getFills(name, this)) !== null && _getFills !== void 0 ? _getFills : []).map(fill => { const fillChildren = isFunction(fill.children) ? fill.children(fillProps) : fill.children; return, (child, childIndex) => { if (!child || typeof child === 'string') { return child; } let childKey = childIndex; if (typeof child === 'object' && 'key' in child && child?.key) { childKey = child.key; } return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(child, { key: childKey }); }); }).filter( // In some cases fills are rendered only when some conditions apply. // This ensures that we only use non-empty fills when rendering, i.e., // it allows us to render wrappers only when the fills are actually present. element => !(0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.isEmptyElement)(element)); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: isFunction(children) ? children(fills) : fills }); } } const Slot = props => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(context.Consumer, { children: ({ registerSlot, unregisterSlot, getFills }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SlotComponent, { ...props, registerSlot: registerSlot, unregisterSlot: unregisterSlot, getFills: getFills }) }); /* harmony default export */ const slot = (Slot); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/native.js const randomUUID = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto); /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_native = ({ randomUUID }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js // Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore // require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number // generators (like Math.random()). let getRandomValues; const rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16); function rng() { // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so if (!getRandomValues) { // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation. getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto); if (!getRandomValues) { throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See'); } } return getRandomValues(rnds8); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js /** * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form: * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX */ const byteToHex = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).slice(1)); } function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) { // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance // and works in ways you may not expect. See return byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]; } function stringify_stringify(arr, offset = 0) { const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one // of the following: // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to // "undefined" in the uuid) // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields if (!validate(uuid)) { throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid'); } return uuid; } /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_stringify = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (stringify_stringify))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js function v4(options, buf, offset) { if (esm_browser_native.randomUUID && !buf && !options) { return esm_browser_native.randomUUID(); } options = options || {}; const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40; rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided if (buf) { offset = offset || 0; for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; } return buf; } return unsafeStringify(rnds); } /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_v4 = (v4); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/style-provider/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const uuidCache = new Set(); // Use a weak map so that when the container is detached it's automatically // dereferenced to avoid memory leak. const containerCacheMap = new WeakMap(); const memoizedCreateCacheWithContainer = container => { if (containerCacheMap.has(container)) { return containerCacheMap.get(container); } // Emotion only accepts alphabetical and hyphenated keys so we just // strip the numbers from the UUID. It _should_ be fine. let key = esm_browser_v4().replace(/[0-9]/g, ''); while (uuidCache.has(key)) { key = esm_browser_v4().replace(/[0-9]/g, ''); } uuidCache.add(key); const cache = emotion_cache_browser_esm({ container, key }); containerCacheMap.set(container, cache); return cache; }; function StyleProvider(props) { const { children, document } = props; if (!document) { return null; } const cache = memoizedCreateCacheWithContainer(document.head); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CacheProvider, { value: cache, children: children }); } /* harmony default export */ const style_provider = (StyleProvider); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/bubbles-virtually/fill.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function fill_useForceUpdate() { const [, setState] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({}); const mounted = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(true); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { mounted.current = true; return () => { mounted.current = false; }; }, []); return () => { if (mounted.current) { setState({}); } }; } function fill_Fill(props) { var _slot$fillProps; const { name, children } = props; const { registerFill, unregisterFill, ...slot } = useSlot(name); const rerender = fill_useForceUpdate(); const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)({ rerender }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // We register fills so we can keep track of their existence. // Some Slot implementations need to know if there're already fills // registered so they can choose to render themselves or not. registerFill(ref); return () => { unregisterFill(ref); }; }, [registerFill, unregisterFill]); if (!slot.ref || !slot.ref.current) { return null; } // When using a `Fill`, the `children` will be rendered in the document of the // `Slot`. This means that we need to wrap the `children` in a `StyleProvider` // to make sure we're referencing the right document/iframe (instead of the // context of the `Fill`'s parent). const wrappedChildren = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(style_provider, { document: slot.ref.current.ownerDocument, children: typeof children === 'function' ? children((_slot$fillProps = slot.fillProps) !== null && _slot$fillProps !== void 0 ? _slot$fillProps : {}) : children }); return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createPortal)(wrappedChildren, slot.ref.current); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/bubbles-virtually/slot.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function slot_Slot(props, forwardedRef) { const { name, fillProps = {}, as, // `children` is not allowed. However, if it is passed, // it will be displayed as is, so remove `children`. // @ts-ignore children, ...restProps } = props; const { registerSlot, unregisterSlot, ...registry } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(slot_fill_context); const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { registerSlot(name, ref, fillProps); return () => { unregisterSlot(name, ref); }; // Ignore reason: We don't want to unregister and register the slot whenever // `fillProps` change, which would cause the fill to be re-mounted. Instead, // we can just update the slot (see hook below). // For more context, see // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [registerSlot, unregisterSlot, name]); // fillProps may be an update that interacts with the layout, so we // useLayoutEffect. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { registry.updateSlot(name, fillProps); }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { as: as, ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([forwardedRef, ref]), ...restProps }); } /* harmony default export */ const bubbles_virtually_slot = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(slot_Slot)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","isShallowEqual"] const external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["isShallowEqual"]; var external_wp_isShallowEqual_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/bubbles-virtually/slot-fill-provider.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function createSlotRegistry() { const slots = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.observableMap)(); const fills = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.observableMap)(); const registerSlot = (name, ref, fillProps) => { const slot = slots.get(name); slots.set(name, { ...slot, ref: ref || slot?.ref, fillProps: fillProps || slot?.fillProps || {} }); }; const unregisterSlot = (name, ref) => { // Make sure we're not unregistering a slot registered by another element // See if (slots.get(name)?.ref === ref) { slots.delete(name); } }; const updateSlot = (name, fillProps) => { const slot = slots.get(name); if (!slot) { return; } if (external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(slot.fillProps, fillProps)) { return; } slot.fillProps = fillProps; const slotFills = fills.get(name); if (slotFills) { // Force update fills. slotFills.forEach(fill => fill.current.rerender()); } }; const registerFill = (name, ref) => { fills.set(name, [...(fills.get(name) || []), ref]); }; const unregisterFill = (name, ref) => { const fillsForName = fills.get(name); if (!fillsForName) { return; } fills.set(name, fillsForName.filter(fillRef => fillRef !== ref)); }; return { slots, fills, registerSlot, updateSlot, unregisterSlot, registerFill, unregisterFill }; } function SlotFillProvider({ children }) { const [registry] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(createSlotRegistry); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(slot_fill_context.Provider, { value: registry, children: children }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/provider.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function provider_createSlotRegistry() { const slots = {}; const fills = {}; let listeners = []; function registerSlot(name, slot) { const previousSlot = slots[name]; slots[name] = slot; triggerListeners(); // Sometimes the fills are registered after the initial render of slot // But before the registerSlot call, we need to rerender the slot. forceUpdateSlot(name); // If a new instance of a slot is being mounted while another with the // same name exists, force its update _after_ the new slot has been // assigned into the instance, such that its own rendering of children // will be empty (the new Slot will subsume all fills for this name). if (previousSlot) { previousSlot.forceUpdate(); } } function registerFill(name, instance) { fills[name] = [...(fills[name] || []), instance]; forceUpdateSlot(name); } function unregisterSlot(name, instance) { // If a previous instance of a Slot by this name unmounts, do nothing, // as the slot and its fills should only be removed for the current // known instance. if (slots[name] !== instance) { return; } delete slots[name]; triggerListeners(); } function unregisterFill(name, instance) { var _fills$name$filter; fills[name] = (_fills$name$filter = fills[name]?.filter(fill => fill !== instance)) !== null && _fills$name$filter !== void 0 ? _fills$name$filter : []; forceUpdateSlot(name); } function getSlot(name) { return slots[name]; } function getFills(name, slotInstance) { // Fills should only be returned for the current instance of the slot // in which they occupy. if (slots[name] !== slotInstance) { return []; } return fills[name]; } function forceUpdateSlot(name) { const slot = getSlot(name); if (slot) { slot.forceUpdate(); } } function triggerListeners() { listeners.forEach(listener => listener()); } function subscribe(listener) { listeners.push(listener); return () => { listeners = listeners.filter(l => l !== listener); }; } return { registerSlot, unregisterSlot, registerFill, unregisterFill, getSlot, getFills, subscribe }; } function provider_SlotFillProvider({ children }) { const [contextValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(provider_createSlotRegistry); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(context.Provider, { value: contextValue, children: children }); } /* harmony default export */ const provider = (provider_SlotFillProvider); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function slot_fill_Fill(props) { // We're adding both Fills here so they can register themselves before // their respective slot has been registered. Only the Fill that has a slot // will render. The other one will return null. return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Fill, { ...props }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(fill_Fill, { ...props })] }); } function UnforwardedSlot(props, ref) { const { bubblesVirtually, ...restProps } = props; if (bubblesVirtually) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(bubbles_virtually_slot, { ...restProps, ref: ref }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(slot, { ...restProps }); } const slot_fill_Slot = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedSlot); function Provider({ children, passthrough = false }) { const parent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(slot_fill_context); if (!parent.isDefault && passthrough) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: children }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(provider, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SlotFillProvider, { children: children }) }); } function createSlotFill(key) { const baseName = typeof key === 'symbol' ? key.description : key; const FillComponent = props => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(slot_fill_Fill, { name: key, ...props }); FillComponent.displayName = `${baseName}Fill`; const SlotComponent = props => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(slot_fill_Slot, { name: key, ...props }); SlotComponent.displayName = `${baseName}Slot`; SlotComponent.__unstableName = key; return { Fill: FillComponent, Slot: SlotComponent }; } const createPrivateSlotFill = name => { const privateKey = Symbol(name); const privateSlotFill = createSlotFill(privateKey); return { privateKey, ...privateSlotFill }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/popover/overlay-middlewares.js /** * External dependencies */ function overlayMiddlewares() { return [{ name: 'overlay', fn({ rects }) { return rects.reference; } }, floating_ui_dom_size({ apply({ rects, elements }) { var _elements$floating; const { firstElementChild } = (_elements$floating = elements.floating) !== null && _elements$floating !== void 0 ? _elements$floating : {}; // Only HTMLElement instances have the `style` property. if (!(firstElementChild instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } // Reduce the height of the popover to the available space. Object.assign(, { width: `${rects.reference.width}px`, height: `${rects.reference.height}px` }); } })]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/popover/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Name of slot in which popover should fill. * * @type {string} */ const SLOT_NAME = 'Popover'; // An SVG displaying a triangle facing down, filled with a solid // color and bordered in such a way to create an arrow-like effect. // Keeping the SVG's viewbox squared simplify the arrow positioning // calculations. const ArrowTriangle = () => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 100 100", className: "components-popover__triangle", role: "presentation", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { className: "components-popover__triangle-bg", d: "M 0 0 L 50 50 L 100 0" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { className: "components-popover__triangle-border", d: "M 0 0 L 50 50 L 100 0", vectorEffect: "non-scaling-stroke" })] }); const slotNameContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(undefined); const fallbackContainerClassname = 'components-popover__fallback-container'; const getPopoverFallbackContainer = () => { let container = document.body.querySelector('.' + fallbackContainerClassname); if (!container) { container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = fallbackContainerClassname; document.body.append(container); } return container; }; const UnforwardedPopover = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { animate = true, headerTitle, constrainTabbing, onClose, children, className, noArrow = true, position, placement: placementProp = 'bottom-start', offset: offsetProp = 0, focusOnMount = 'firstElement', anchor, expandOnMobile, onFocusOutside, __unstableSlotName = SLOT_NAME, flip = true, resize = true, shift = false, inline = false, variant, // Deprecated props __unstableForcePosition, anchorRef, anchorRect, getAnchorRect, isAlternate, // Rest ...contentProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Popover'); let computedFlipProp = flip; let computedResizeProp = resize; if (__unstableForcePosition !== undefined) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`__unstableForcePosition` prop in wp.components.Popover', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: '`flip={ false }` and `resize={ false }`' }); // Back-compat, set the `flip` and `resize` props // to `false` to replicate `__unstableForcePosition`. computedFlipProp = !__unstableForcePosition; computedResizeProp = !__unstableForcePosition; } if (anchorRef !== undefined) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`anchorRef` prop in wp.components.Popover', { since: '6.1', alternative: '`anchor` prop' }); } if (anchorRect !== undefined) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`anchorRect` prop in wp.components.Popover', { since: '6.1', alternative: '`anchor` prop' }); } if (getAnchorRect !== undefined) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`getAnchorRect` prop in wp.components.Popover', { since: '6.1', alternative: '`anchor` prop' }); } const computedVariant = isAlternate ? 'toolbar' : variant; if (isAlternate !== undefined) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`isAlternate` prop in wp.components.Popover', { since: '6.2', alternative: "`variant` prop with the `'toolbar'` value" }); } const arrowRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const [fallbackReferenceElement, setFallbackReferenceElement] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const anchorRefFallback = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(node => { setFallbackReferenceElement(node); }, []); const isMobileViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium', '<'); const isExpanded = expandOnMobile && isMobileViewport; const hasArrow = !isExpanded && !noArrow; const normalizedPlacementFromProps = position ? positionToPlacement(position) : placementProp; const middleware = [...(placementProp === 'overlay' ? overlayMiddlewares() : []), offset(offsetProp), computedFlipProp && floating_ui_dom_flip(), computedResizeProp && floating_ui_dom_size({ apply(sizeProps) { var _refs$floating$curren; const { firstElementChild } = (_refs$floating$curren = refs.floating.current) !== null && _refs$floating$curren !== void 0 ? _refs$floating$curren : {}; // Only HTMLElement instances have the `style` property. if (!(firstElementChild instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } // Reduce the height of the popover to the available space. Object.assign(, { maxHeight: `${sizeProps.availableHeight}px`, overflow: 'auto' }); } }), shift && floating_ui_dom_shift({ crossAxis: true, limiter: floating_ui_dom_limitShift(), padding: 1 // Necessary to avoid flickering at the edge of the viewport. }), floating_ui_react_dom_arrow({ element: arrowRef })]; const slotName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(slotNameContext) || __unstableSlotName; const slot = useSlot(slotName); let onDialogClose; if (onClose || onFocusOutside) { onDialogClose = (type, event) => { // Ideally the popover should have just a single onClose prop and // not three props that potentially do the same thing. if (type === 'focus-outside' && onFocusOutside) { onFocusOutside(event); } else if (onClose) { onClose(); } }; } const [dialogRef, dialogProps] = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseDialog)({ constrainTabbing, focusOnMount, __unstableOnClose: onDialogClose, // @ts-expect-error The __unstableOnClose property needs to be deprecated first (see onClose: onDialogClose }); const { // Positioning coordinates x, y, // Object with "regular" refs to both "reference" and "floating" refs, // Type of CSS position property to use (absolute or fixed) strategy, update, placement: computedPlacement, middlewareData: { arrow: arrowData } } = useFloating({ placement: normalizedPlacementFromProps === 'overlay' ? undefined : normalizedPlacementFromProps, middleware, whileElementsMounted: (referenceParam, floatingParam, updateParam) => autoUpdate(referenceParam, floatingParam, updateParam, { layoutShift: false, animationFrame: true }) }); const arrowCallbackRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(node => { arrowRef.current = node; update(); }, [update]); // When any of the possible anchor "sources" change, // recompute the reference element (real or virtual) and its owner document. const anchorRefTop = anchorRef?.top; const anchorRefBottom = anchorRef?.bottom; const anchorRefStartContainer = anchorRef?.startContainer; const anchorRefCurrent = anchorRef?.current; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { const resultingReferenceElement = getReferenceElement({ anchor, anchorRef, anchorRect, getAnchorRect, fallbackReferenceElement }); refs.setReference(resultingReferenceElement); }, [anchor, anchorRef, anchorRefTop, anchorRefBottom, anchorRefStartContainer, anchorRefCurrent, anchorRect, getAnchorRect, fallbackReferenceElement, refs]); const mergedFloatingRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([refs.setFloating, dialogRef, forwardedRef]); const style = isExpanded ? undefined : { position: strategy, top: 0, left: 0, // `x` and `y` are framer-motion specific props and are shorthands // for `translateX` and `translateY`. Currently it is not possible // to use `translateX` and `translateY` because those values would // be overridden by the return value of the // `placementToMotionAnimationProps` function. x: computePopoverPosition(x), y: computePopoverPosition(y) }; const shouldReduceMotion = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useReducedMotion)(); const shouldAnimate = animate && !isExpanded && !shouldReduceMotion; const [animationFinished, setAnimationFinished] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const { style: motionInlineStyles, ...otherMotionProps } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => placementToMotionAnimationProps(computedPlacement), [computedPlacement]); const animationProps = shouldAnimate ? { style: { ...motionInlineStyles, }, onAnimationComplete: () => setAnimationFinished(true), ...otherMotionProps } : { animate: false, style }; // When Floating UI has finished positioning and Framer Motion has finished animating // the popover, add the `is-positioned` class to signal that all transitions have finished. const isPositioned = (!shouldAnimate || animationFinished) && x !== null && y !== null; let content = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(motion.div, { className: dist_clsx(className, { 'is-expanded': isExpanded, 'is-positioned': isPositioned, // Use the 'alternate' classname for 'toolbar' variant for back compat. [`is-${computedVariant === 'toolbar' ? 'alternate' : computedVariant}`]: computedVariant }), ...animationProps, ...contentProps, ref: mergedFloatingRef, ...dialogProps, tabIndex: -1, children: [isExpanded && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(scroll_lock, {}), isExpanded && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-popover__header", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-popover__header-title", children: headerTitle }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-popover__close", icon: library_close, onClick: onClose })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-popover__content", children: children }), hasArrow && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: arrowCallbackRef, className: ['components-popover__arrow', `is-${computedPlacement.split('-')[0]}`].join(' '), style: { left: typeof arrowData?.x !== 'undefined' && Number.isFinite(arrowData.x) ? `${arrowData.x}px` : '', top: typeof arrowData?.y !== 'undefined' && Number.isFinite(arrowData.y) ? `${arrowData.y}px` : '' }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ArrowTriangle, {}) })] }); const shouldRenderWithinSlot = slot.ref && !inline; const hasAnchor = anchorRef || anchorRect || anchor; if (shouldRenderWithinSlot) { content = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(slot_fill_Fill, { name: slotName, children: content }); } else if (!inline) { content = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createPortal)( /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyleProvider, { document: document, children: content }), getPopoverFallbackContainer()); } if (hasAnchor) { return content; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { ref: anchorRefFallback }), content] }); }; /** * `Popover` renders its content in a floating modal. If no explicit anchor is passed via props, it anchors to its parent element by default. * * ```jsx * import { Button, Popover } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyPopover = () => { * const [ isVisible, setIsVisible ] = useState( false ); * const toggleVisible = () => { * setIsVisible( ( state ) => ! state ); * }; * * return ( * <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ toggleVisible }> * Toggle Popover! * { isVisible && <Popover>Popover is toggled!</Popover> } * </Button> * ); * }; * ``` * */ const popover_Popover = contextConnect(UnforwardedPopover, 'Popover'); function PopoverSlot({ name = SLOT_NAME }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(slot_fill_Slot, { bubblesVirtually: true, name: name, className: "popover-slot", ref: ref }); } // @ts-expect-error For Legacy Reasons popover_Popover.Slot = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(PopoverSlot); // @ts-expect-error For Legacy Reasons popover_Popover.__unstableSlotNameProvider = slotNameContext.Provider; /* harmony default export */ const popover = (popover_Popover); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/autocomplete/autocompleter-ui.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ListBox({ items, onSelect, selectedIndex, instanceId, listBoxId, className, Component = 'div' }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { id: listBoxId, role: "listbox", className: "components-autocomplete__results", children:, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { id: `components-autocomplete-item-${instanceId}-${option.key}`, role: "option", "aria-selected": index === selectedIndex, disabled: option.isDisabled, className: dist_clsx('components-autocomplete__result', className, { 'is-selected': index === selectedIndex }), onClick: () => onSelect(option), children: option.label }, option.key)) }); } function getAutoCompleterUI(autocompleter) { var _autocompleter$useIte; const useItems = (_autocompleter$useIte = autocompleter.useItems) !== null && _autocompleter$useIte !== void 0 ? _autocompleter$useIte : getDefaultUseItems(autocompleter); function AutocompleterUI({ filterValue, instanceId, listBoxId, className, selectedIndex, onChangeOptions, onSelect, onReset, reset, contentRef }) { const [items] = useItems(filterValue); const popoverAnchor = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.useAnchor)({ editableContentElement: contentRef.current }); const [needsA11yCompat, setNeedsA11yCompat] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const popoverRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const popoverRefs = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([popoverRef, (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useRefEffect)(node => { if (!contentRef.current) { return; } // If the popover is rendered in a different document than // the content, we need to duplicate the options list in the // content document so that it's available to the screen // readers, which check the DOM ID based aria-* attributes. setNeedsA11yCompat(node.ownerDocument !== contentRef.current.ownerDocument); }, [contentRef])]); useOnClickOutside(popoverRef, reset); const debouncedSpeak = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak, 500); function announce(options) { if (!debouncedSpeak) { return; } if (!!options.length) { if (filterValue) { debouncedSpeak((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %d: number of results. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', '%d results found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', options.length), options.length), 'assertive'); } else { debouncedSpeak((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %d: number of results. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('Initial %d result loaded. Type to filter all available results. Use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', 'Initial %d results loaded. Type to filter all available results. Use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', options.length), options.length), 'assertive'); } } else { debouncedSpeak((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No results.'), 'assertive'); } } (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { onChangeOptions(items); announce(items); // Temporarily disabling exhaustive-deps to avoid introducing unexpected side effecst. // See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [items]); if (items.length === 0) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(popover, { focusOnMount: false, onClose: onReset, placement: "top-start", className: "components-autocomplete__popover", anchor: popoverAnchor, ref: popoverRefs, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ListBox, { items: items, onSelect: onSelect, selectedIndex: selectedIndex, instanceId: instanceId, listBoxId: listBoxId, className: className }) }), contentRef.current && needsA11yCompat && (0,external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject.createPortal)( /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ListBox, { items: items, onSelect: onSelect, selectedIndex: selectedIndex, instanceId: instanceId, listBoxId: listBoxId, className: className, Component: visually_hidden_component }), contentRef.current.ownerDocument.body)] }); } return AutocompleterUI; } function useOnClickOutside(ref, handler) { (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const listener = event => { // Do nothing if clicking ref's element or descendent elements, or if the ref is not referencing an element if (!ref.current || ref.current.contains( { return; } handler(event); }; document.addEventListener('mousedown', listener); document.addEventListener('touchstart', listener); return () => { document.removeEventListener('mousedown', listener); document.removeEventListener('touchstart', listener); }; // Disable reason: `ref` is a ref object and should not be included in a // hook's dependency list. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [handler]); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/autocomplete/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const getNodeText = node => { if (node === null) { return ''; } switch (typeof node) { case 'string': case 'number': return node.toString(); break; case 'boolean': return ''; break; case 'object': { if (node instanceof Array) { return''); } if ('props' in node) { return getNodeText(node.props.children); } break; } default: return ''; } return ''; }; const EMPTY_FILTERED_OPTIONS = []; function useAutocomplete({ record, onChange, onReplace, completers, contentRef }) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(useAutocomplete); const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(0); const [filteredOptions, setFilteredOptions] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(EMPTY_FILTERED_OPTIONS); const [filterValue, setFilterValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(''); const [autocompleter, setAutocompleter] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const [AutocompleterUI, setAutocompleterUI] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const backspacing = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); function insertCompletion(replacement) { if (autocompleter === null) { return; } const end = record.start; const start = end - autocompleter.triggerPrefix.length - filterValue.length; const toInsert = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.create)({ html: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(replacement) }); onChange((0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.insert)(record, toInsert, start, end)); } function select(option) { const { getOptionCompletion } = autocompleter || {}; if (option.isDisabled) { return; } if (getOptionCompletion) { const completion = getOptionCompletion(option.value, filterValue); const isCompletionObject = obj => { return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && 'action' in obj && obj.action !== undefined && 'value' in obj && obj.value !== undefined; }; const completionObject = isCompletionObject(completion) ? completion : { action: 'insert-at-caret', value: completion }; if ('replace' === completionObject.action) { onReplace([completionObject.value]); // When replacing, the component will unmount, so don't reset // state (below) on an unmounted component. return; } else if ('insert-at-caret' === completionObject.action) { insertCompletion(completionObject.value); } } // Reset autocomplete state after insertion rather than before // so insertion events don't cause the completion menu to redisplay. reset(); } function reset() { setSelectedIndex(0); setFilteredOptions(EMPTY_FILTERED_OPTIONS); setFilterValue(''); setAutocompleter(null); setAutocompleterUI(null); } /** * Load options for an autocompleter. * * @param {Array} options */ function onChangeOptions(options) { setSelectedIndex(options.length === filteredOptions.length ? selectedIndex : 0); setFilteredOptions(options); } function handleKeyDown(event) { backspacing.current = event.key === 'Backspace'; if (!autocompleter) { return; } if (filteredOptions.length === 0) { return; } if (event.defaultPrevented) { return; } switch (event.key) { case 'ArrowUp': { const newIndex = (selectedIndex === 0 ? filteredOptions.length : selectedIndex) - 1; setSelectedIndex(newIndex); // See the related PR as to why this is necessary: if ((0,external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isAppleOS)()) { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(getNodeText(filteredOptions[newIndex].label), 'assertive'); } break; } case 'ArrowDown': { const newIndex = (selectedIndex + 1) % filteredOptions.length; setSelectedIndex(newIndex); if ((0,external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isAppleOS)()) { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(getNodeText(filteredOptions[newIndex].label), 'assertive'); } break; } case 'Escape': setAutocompleter(null); setAutocompleterUI(null); event.preventDefault(); break; case 'Enter': select(filteredOptions[selectedIndex]); break; case 'ArrowLeft': case 'ArrowRight': reset(); return; default: return; } // Any handled key should prevent original behavior. This relies on // the early return in the default case. event.preventDefault(); } // textContent is a primitive (string), memoizing is not strictly necessary // but this is a preemptive performance improvement, since the autocompleter // is a potential bottleneck for the editor type metric. const textContent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { if ((0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.isCollapsed)(record)) { return (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.getTextContent)((0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.slice)(record, 0)); } return ''; }, [record]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!textContent) { if (autocompleter) { reset(); } return; } // Find the completer with the highest triggerPrefix index in the // textContent. const completer = completers.reduce((lastTrigger, currentCompleter) => { const triggerIndex = textContent.lastIndexOf(currentCompleter.triggerPrefix); const lastTriggerIndex = lastTrigger !== null ? textContent.lastIndexOf(lastTrigger.triggerPrefix) : -1; return triggerIndex > lastTriggerIndex ? currentCompleter : lastTrigger; }, null); if (!completer) { if (autocompleter) { reset(); } return; } const { allowContext, triggerPrefix } = completer; const triggerIndex = textContent.lastIndexOf(triggerPrefix); const textWithoutTrigger = textContent.slice(triggerIndex + triggerPrefix.length); const tooDistantFromTrigger = textWithoutTrigger.length > 50; // 50 chars seems to be a good limit. // This is a final barrier to prevent the effect from completing with // an extremely long string, which causes the editor to slow-down // significantly. This could happen, for example, if `matchingWhileBackspacing` // is true and one of the "words" end up being too long. If that's the case, // it will be caught by this guard. if (tooDistantFromTrigger) { return; } const mismatch = filteredOptions.length === 0; const wordsFromTrigger = textWithoutTrigger.split(/\s/); // We need to allow the effect to run when not backspacing and if there // was a mismatch. i.e when typing a trigger + the match string or when // clicking in an existing trigger word on the page. We do that if we // detect that we have one word from trigger in the current textual context. // // Ex.: "Some text @a" <-- "@a" will be detected as the trigger word and // allow the effect to run. It will run until there's a mismatch. const hasOneTriggerWord = wordsFromTrigger.length === 1; // This is used to allow the effect to run when backspacing and if // "touching" a word that "belongs" to a trigger. We consider a "trigger // word" any word up to the limit of 3 from the trigger character. // Anything beyond that is ignored if there's a mismatch. This allows // us to "escape" a mismatch when backspacing, but still imposing some // sane limits. // // Ex: "Some text @marcelo sekkkk" <--- "kkkk" caused a mismatch, but // if the user presses backspace here, it will show the completion popup again. const matchingWhileBackspacing = backspacing.current && wordsFromTrigger.length <= 3; if (mismatch && !(matchingWhileBackspacing || hasOneTriggerWord)) { if (autocompleter) { reset(); } return; } const textAfterSelection = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.getTextContent)((0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.slice)(record, undefined, (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.getTextContent)(record).length)); if (allowContext && !allowContext(textContent.slice(0, triggerIndex), textAfterSelection)) { if (autocompleter) { reset(); } return; } if (/^\s/.test(textWithoutTrigger) || /\s\s+$/.test(textWithoutTrigger)) { if (autocompleter) { reset(); } return; } if (!/[\u0000-\uFFFF]*$/.test(textWithoutTrigger)) { if (autocompleter) { reset(); } return; } const safeTrigger = escapeRegExp(completer.triggerPrefix); const text = remove_accents_default()(textContent); const match = text.slice(text.lastIndexOf(completer.triggerPrefix)).match(new RegExp(`${safeTrigger}([\u0000-\uFFFF]*)$`)); const query = match && match[1]; setAutocompleter(completer); setAutocompleterUI(() => completer !== autocompleter ? getAutoCompleterUI(completer) : AutocompleterUI); setFilterValue(query === null ? '' : query); // Temporarily disabling exhaustive-deps to avoid introducing unexpected side effecst. // See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [textContent]); const { key: selectedKey = '' } = filteredOptions[selectedIndex] || {}; const { className } = autocompleter || {}; const isExpanded = !!autocompleter && filteredOptions.length > 0; const listBoxId = isExpanded ? `components-autocomplete-listbox-${instanceId}` : undefined; const activeId = isExpanded ? `components-autocomplete-item-${instanceId}-${selectedKey}` : null; const hasSelection = record.start !== undefined; return { listBoxId, activeId, onKeyDown: withIgnoreIMEEvents(handleKeyDown), popover: hasSelection && AutocompleterUI && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AutocompleterUI, { className: className, filterValue: filterValue, instanceId: instanceId, listBoxId: listBoxId, selectedIndex: selectedIndex, onChangeOptions: onChangeOptions, onSelect: select, value: record, contentRef: contentRef, reset: reset }) }; } function useLastDifferentValue(value) { const history = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(new Set()); history.current.add(value); // Keep the history size to 2. if (history.current.size > 2) { history.current.delete(Array.from(history.current)[0]); } return Array.from(history.current)[0]; } function useAutocompleteProps(options) { const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const onKeyDownRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const { record } = options; const previousRecord = useLastDifferentValue(record); const { popover, listBoxId, activeId, onKeyDown } = useAutocomplete({ ...options, contentRef: ref }); onKeyDownRef.current = onKeyDown; const mergedRefs = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([ref, (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useRefEffect)(element => { function _onKeyDown(event) { onKeyDownRef.current?.(event); } element.addEventListener('keydown', _onKeyDown); return () => { element.removeEventListener('keydown', _onKeyDown); }; }, [])]); // We only want to show the popover if the user has typed something. const didUserInput = record.text !== previousRecord?.text; if (!didUserInput) { return { ref: mergedRefs }; } return { ref: mergedRefs, children: popover, 'aria-autocomplete': listBoxId ? 'list' : undefined, 'aria-owns': listBoxId, 'aria-activedescendant': activeId }; } function Autocomplete({ children, isSelected, ...options }) { const { popover, ...props } = useAutocomplete(options); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [children(props), isSelected && popover] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/base-control/hooks.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Generate props for the `BaseControl` and the inner control itself. * * Namely, it takes care of generating a unique `id`, properly associating it with the `label` and `help` elements. * * @param props */ function useBaseControlProps(props) { const { help, id: preferredId, ...restProps } = props; const uniqueId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(base_control, 'wp-components-base-control', preferredId); return { baseControlProps: { id: uniqueId, help, ...restProps }, controlProps: { id: uniqueId, ...(!!help ? { 'aria-describedby': `${uniqueId}__help` } : {}) } }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/link.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const link_link = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M10 17.389H8.444A5.194 5.194 0 1 1 8.444 7H10v1.5H8.444a3.694 3.694 0 0 0 0 7.389H10v1.5ZM14 7h1.556a5.194 5.194 0 0 1 0 10.39H14v-1.5h1.556a3.694 3.694 0 0 0 0-7.39H14V7Zm-4.5 6h5v-1.5h-5V13Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_link = (link_link); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/link-off.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const linkOff = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M17.031 4.703 15.576 4l-1.56 3H14v.03l-2.324 4.47H9.5V13h1.396l-1.502 2.889h-.95a3.694 3.694 0 0 1 0-7.389H10V7H8.444a5.194 5.194 0 1 0 0 10.389h.17L7.5 19.53l1.416.719L15.049 8.5h.507a3.694 3.694 0 0 1 0 7.39H14v1.5h1.556a5.194 5.194 0 0 0 .273-10.383l1.202-2.304Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const link_off = (linkOff); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/styles.js function border_box_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const borderBoxControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css( true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const linkedBorderControl = () => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("flex:1;", rtl({ marginRight: '24px' })(), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const wrapper = true ? { name: "bjn8wh", styles: "position:relative" } : 0; const borderBoxControlLinkedButton = size => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("position:absolute;top:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '8px' : '3px', ";", rtl({ right: 0 })(), " line-height:0;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const borderBoxStyleWithFallback = border => { const { color = COLORS.gray[200], style = 'solid', width = config_values.borderWidth } = border || {}; const clampedWidth = width !== config_values.borderWidth ? `clamp(1px, ${width}, 10px)` : width; const hasVisibleBorder = !!width && width !== '0' || !!color; const borderStyle = hasVisibleBorder ? style || 'solid' : style; return `${color} ${borderStyle} ${clampedWidth}`; }; const borderBoxControlVisualizer = (borders, size) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("position:absolute;top:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '20px' : '15px', ";right:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '39px' : '29px', ";bottom:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '20px' : '15px', ";left:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '39px' : '29px', ";border-top:", borderBoxStyleWithFallback(borders?.top), ";border-bottom:", borderBoxStyleWithFallback(borders?.bottom), ";", rtl({ borderLeft: borderBoxStyleWithFallback(borders?.left) })(), " ", rtl({ borderRight: borderBoxStyleWithFallback(borders?.right) })(), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const borderBoxControlSplitControls = size => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("position:relative;flex:1;width:", size === '__unstable-large' ? undefined : '80%', ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const centeredBorderControl = true ? { name: "1nwbfnf", styles: "grid-column:span 2;margin:0 auto" } : 0; const rightBorderControl = () => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(rtl({ marginLeft: 'auto' })(), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control-linked-button/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useBorderBoxControlLinkedButton(props) { const { className, size = 'default', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'BorderBoxControlLinkedButton'); // Generate class names. const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderBoxControlLinkedButton(size), className); }, [className, cx, size]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control-linked-button/component.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const BorderBoxControlLinkedButton = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { className, isLinked, ...buttonProps } = useBorderBoxControlLinkedButton(props); const label = isLinked ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Unlink sides') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Link sides'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { text: label, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { className: className, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ...buttonProps, size: "small", icon: isLinked ? library_link : link_off, iconSize: 24, "aria-label": label, ref: forwardedRef }) }) }); }; const ConnectedBorderBoxControlLinkedButton = contextConnect(BorderBoxControlLinkedButton, 'BorderBoxControlLinkedButton'); /* harmony default export */ const border_box_control_linked_button_component = (ConnectedBorderBoxControlLinkedButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control-visualizer/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useBorderBoxControlVisualizer(props) { const { className, value, size = 'default', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'BorderBoxControlVisualizer'); // Generate class names. const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderBoxControlVisualizer(value, size), className); }, [cx, className, value, size]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, value }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control-visualizer/component.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const BorderBoxControlVisualizer = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { value, ...otherProps } = useBorderBoxControlVisualizer(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef }); }; const ConnectedBorderBoxControlVisualizer = contextConnect(BorderBoxControlVisualizer, 'BorderBoxControlVisualizer'); /* harmony default export */ const border_box_control_visualizer_component = (ConnectedBorderBoxControlVisualizer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/close-small.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const closeSmall = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M12 13.06l3.712 3.713 1.061-1.06L13.061 12l3.712-3.712-1.06-1.06L12 10.938 8.288 7.227l-1.061 1.06L10.939 12l-3.712 3.712 1.06 1.061L12 13.061z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const close_small = (closeSmall); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/line-solid.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const lineSolid = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M5 11.25h14v1.5H5z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const line_solid = (lineSolid); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/line-dashed.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const lineDashed = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M5 11.25h3v1.5H5v-1.5zm5.5 0h3v1.5h-3v-1.5zm8.5 0h-3v1.5h3v-1.5z", clipRule: "evenodd" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const line_dashed = (lineDashed); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/line-dotted.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const lineDotted = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M5.25 11.25h1.5v1.5h-1.5v-1.5zm3 0h1.5v1.5h-1.5v-1.5zm4.5 0h-1.5v1.5h1.5v-1.5zm1.5 0h1.5v1.5h-1.5v-1.5zm4.5 0h-1.5v1.5h1.5v-1.5z", clipRule: "evenodd" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const line_dotted = (lineDotted); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/context/DeprecatedLayoutGroupContext.mjs /** * Note: Still used by components generated by old versions of Framer * * @deprecated */ const DeprecatedLayoutGroupContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(null); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/projection/node/group.mjs const notify = (node) => !node.isLayoutDirty && node.willUpdate(false); function nodeGroup() { const nodes = new Set(); const subscriptions = new WeakMap(); const dirtyAll = () => nodes.forEach(notify); return { add: (node) => { nodes.add(node); subscriptions.set(node, node.addEventListener("willUpdate", dirtyAll)); }, remove: (node) => { nodes.delete(node); const unsubscribe = subscriptions.get(node); if (unsubscribe) { unsubscribe(); subscriptions.delete(node); } dirtyAll(); }, dirty: dirtyAll, }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/framer-motion/dist/es/components/LayoutGroup/index.mjs const shouldInheritGroup = (inherit) => inherit === true; const shouldInheritId = (inherit) => shouldInheritGroup(inherit === true) || inherit === "id"; const LayoutGroup = ({ children, id, inherit = true }) => { const layoutGroupContext = (0,external_React_.useContext)(LayoutGroupContext); const deprecatedLayoutGroupContext = (0,external_React_.useContext)(DeprecatedLayoutGroupContext); const [forceRender, key] = use_force_update_useForceUpdate(); const context = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const upstreamId = || deprecatedLayoutGroupContext; if (context.current === null) { if (shouldInheritId(inherit) && upstreamId) { id = id ? upstreamId + "-" + id : upstreamId; } context.current = { id, group: shouldInheritGroup(inherit) ? || nodeGroup() : nodeGroup(), }; } const memoizedContext = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ ...context.current, forceRender }), [key]); return ((0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LayoutGroupContext.Provider, { value: memoizedContext, children: children })); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control/styles.js function toggle_group_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const toggleGroupControl = ({ isBlock, isDeselectable, size }) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:", COLORS.ui.background, ";border:1px solid transparent;border-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";display:inline-flex;min-width:0;position:relative;", toggleGroupControlSize(size), " ", !isDeselectable && enclosingBorders(isBlock), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const enclosingBorders = isBlock => { const enclosingBorder = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-color:", COLORS.ui.border, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(isBlock && enclosingBorder, " &:hover{border-color:", COLORS.ui.borderHover, ";}&:focus-within{border-color:", COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";box-shadow:", config_values.controlBoxShadowFocus, ";z-index:1;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:-2px;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; var styles_ref = true ? { name: "1aqh2c7", styles: "min-height:40px;padding:3px" } : 0; var _ref2 = true ? { name: "1ndywgm", styles: "min-height:36px;padding:2px" } : 0; const toggleGroupControlSize = size => { const styles = { default: _ref2, '__unstable-large': styles_ref }; return styles[size]; }; const toggle_group_control_styles_block = true ? { name: "7whenc", styles: "display:flex;width:100%" } : 0; const VisualLabelWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eakva830" } : 0)( true ? { name: "zjik7", styles: "display:flex" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/radio/radio-store.js "use client"; // src/radio/radio-store.ts function createRadioStore(_a = {}) { var props = _4R3V3JGP_objRest(_a, []); var _a2; const syncState = (_a2 = == null ? void 0 : _a2.getState(); const composite = createCompositeStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { focusLoop: defaultValue(props.focusLoop, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.focusLoop, true) })); const initialState = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, composite.getState()), { value: defaultValue( props.value, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.value, props.defaultValue, null ) }); const radio = createStore(initialState, composite,; return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, composite), radio), { setValue: (value) => radio.setState("value", value) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/LEIRFLRL.js "use client"; // src/radio/radio-store.ts function useRadioStoreProps(store, update, props) { store = useCompositeStoreProps(store, update, props); useStoreProps(store, props, "value", "setValue"); return store; } function useRadioStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createRadioStore, props); return useRadioStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/XEV62JUQ.js "use client"; // src/radio/radio-context.tsx var XEV62JUQ_ctx = createStoreContext( [CompositeContextProvider], [CompositeScopedContextProvider] ); var useRadioContext = XEV62JUQ_ctx.useContext; var useRadioScopedContext = XEV62JUQ_ctx.useScopedContext; var useRadioProviderContext = XEV62JUQ_ctx.useProviderContext; var RadioContextProvider = XEV62JUQ_ctx.ContextProvider; var RadioScopedContextProvider = XEV62JUQ_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/radio/radio-group.js "use client"; // src/radio/radio-group.tsx var useRadioGroup = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = useRadioProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RadioScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "radiogroup" }, props); props = useComposite(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); return props; } ); var RadioGroup = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useRadioGroup(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ToggleGroupControlContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({}); const useToggleGroupControlContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(ToggleGroupControlContext); /* harmony default export */ const toggle_group_control_context = (ToggleGroupControlContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Used to determine, via an internal heuristics, whether an `undefined` value * received for the `value` prop should be interpreted as the component being * used in uncontrolled mode, or as an "empty" value for controlled mode. * * @param valueProp The received `value` */ function useComputeControlledOrUncontrolledValue(valueProp) { const isInitialRender = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(true); const prevValueProp = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(valueProp); const prevIsControlled = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (isInitialRender.current) { isInitialRender.current = false; } }, []); // Assume the component is being used in controlled mode on the first re-render // that has a different `valueProp` from the previous render. const isControlled = prevIsControlled.current || !isInitialRender.current && prevValueProp !== valueProp; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { prevIsControlled.current = isControlled; }, [isControlled]); if (isControlled) { // When in controlled mode, use `''` instead of `undefined` return { value: valueProp !== null && valueProp !== void 0 ? valueProp : '', defaultValue: undefined }; } // When in uncontrolled mode, the `value` should be intended as the initial value return { value: undefined, defaultValue: valueProp }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control/as-radio-group.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedToggleGroupControlAsRadioGroup({ children, isAdaptiveWidth, label, onChange: onChangeProp, size, value: valueProp, id: idProp, ...otherProps }, forwardedRef) { const generatedId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ToggleGroupControlAsRadioGroup, 'toggle-group-control-as-radio-group'); const baseId = idProp || generatedId; // Use a heuristic to understand if the component is being used in controlled // or uncontrolled mode, and consequently: // - when controlled, convert `undefined` values to `''` (ie. "no value") // - use the `value` prop as the `defaultValue` when uncontrolled const { value, defaultValue } = useComputeControlledOrUncontrolledValue(valueProp); // `useRadioStore`'s `setValue` prop can be called with `null`, while // the component's `onChange` prop only expects `undefined` const wrappedOnChangeProp = onChangeProp ? v => { onChangeProp(v !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : undefined); } : undefined; const radio = useRadioStore({ defaultValue, value, setValue: wrappedOnChangeProp }); const selectedValue = radio.useState('value'); const setValue = radio.setValue; const groupContextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ baseId, isBlock: !isAdaptiveWidth, size, value: selectedValue, setValue }), [baseId, isAdaptiveWidth, size, selectedValue, setValue]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_context.Provider, { value: groupContextValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RadioGroup, { store: radio, "aria-label": label, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, {}), ...otherProps, id: baseId, ref: forwardedRef, children: children }) }); } const ToggleGroupControlAsRadioGroup = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedToggleGroupControlAsRadioGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/hooks/use-controlled-value.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Simplified and improved implementation of useControlledState. * * @param props * @param props.defaultValue * @param props.value * @param props.onChange * @return The controlled value and the value setter. */ function useControlledValue({ defaultValue, onChange, value: valueProp }) { const hasValue = typeof valueProp !== 'undefined'; const initialValue = hasValue ? valueProp : defaultValue; const [state, setState] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(initialValue); const value = hasValue ? valueProp : state; let setValue; if (hasValue && typeof onChange === 'function') { setValue = onChange; } else if (!hasValue && typeof onChange === 'function') { setValue = nextValue => { onChange(nextValue); setState(nextValue); }; } else { setValue = setState; } return [value, setValue]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control/as-button-group.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedToggleGroupControlAsButtonGroup({ children, isAdaptiveWidth, label, onChange, size, value: valueProp, id: idProp, ...otherProps }, forwardedRef) { const generatedId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ToggleGroupControlAsButtonGroup, 'toggle-group-control-as-button-group'); const baseId = idProp || generatedId; // Use a heuristic to understand if the component is being used in controlled // or uncontrolled mode, and consequently: // - when controlled, convert `undefined` values to `''` (ie. "no value") // - use the `value` prop as the `defaultValue` when uncontrolled const { value, defaultValue } = useComputeControlledOrUncontrolledValue(valueProp); const [selectedValue, setSelectedValue] = useControlledValue({ defaultValue, value, onChange }); const groupContextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ baseId, value: selectedValue, setValue: setSelectedValue, isBlock: !isAdaptiveWidth, isDeselectable: true, size }), [baseId, selectedValue, setSelectedValue, isAdaptiveWidth, size]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_context.Provider, { value: groupContextValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { "aria-label": label, ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef, role: "group", children: children }) }); } const ToggleGroupControlAsButtonGroup = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedToggleGroupControlAsButtonGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control/component.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedToggleGroupControl(props, forwardedRef) { const { __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false, __next40pxDefaultSize = false, className, isAdaptiveWidth = false, isBlock = false, isDeselectable = false, label, hideLabelFromVision = false, help, onChange, size = 'default', value, children, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ToggleGroupControl'); const baseId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ToggleGroupControl, 'toggle-group-control'); const normalizedSize = __next40pxDefaultSize && size === 'default' ? '__unstable-large' : size; const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(toggleGroupControl({ isBlock, isDeselectable, size: normalizedSize }), isBlock && toggle_group_control_styles_block, className), [className, cx, isBlock, isDeselectable, normalizedSize]); const MainControl = isDeselectable ? ToggleGroupControlAsButtonGroup : ToggleGroupControlAsRadioGroup; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(base_control, { help: help, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, children: [!hideLabelFromVision && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(VisualLabelWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control.VisualLabel, { children: label }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MainControl, { ...otherProps, className: classes, isAdaptiveWidth: isAdaptiveWidth, label: label, onChange: onChange, ref: forwardedRef, size: normalizedSize, value: value, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LayoutGroup, { id: baseId, children: children }) })] }); } /** * `ToggleGroupControl` is a form component that lets users choose options * represented in horizontal segments. To render options for this control use * `ToggleGroupControlOption` component. * * This component is intended for selecting a single persistent value from a set of options, * similar to a how a radio button group would work. If you simply want a toggle to switch between views, * use a `TabPanel` instead. * * Only use this control when you know for sure the labels of items inside won't * wrap. For items with longer labels, you can consider a `SelectControl` or a * `CustomSelectControl` component instead. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalToggleGroupControl as ToggleGroupControl, * __experimentalToggleGroupControlOption as ToggleGroupControlOption, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ToggleGroupControl label="my label" value="vertical" isBlock> * <ToggleGroupControlOption value="horizontal" label="Horizontal" /> * <ToggleGroupControlOption value="vertical" label="Vertical" /> * </ToggleGroupControl> * ); * } * ``` */ const ToggleGroupControl = contextConnect(UnconnectedToggleGroupControl, 'ToggleGroupControl'); /* harmony default export */ const toggle_group_control_component = (ToggleGroupControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/JL6IRDFK.js "use client"; // src/radio/radio.ts function getIsChecked(value, storeValue) { if (storeValue === void 0) return; if (value != null && storeValue != null) { return storeValue === value; } return !!storeValue; } function isNativeRadio(tagName, type) { return tagName === "input" && (!type || type === "radio"); } var useRadio = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, name, value, checked } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "name", "value", "checked"]); const context = useRadioContext(); store = store || context; const id = useId(; const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const isChecked = useStoreState( store, (state) => checked != null ? checked : getIsChecked(value, state == null ? void 0 : state.value) ); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!id) return; if (!isChecked) return; const isActiveItem = (store == null ? void 0 : store.getState().activeId) === id; if (isActiveItem) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setActiveId(id); }, [store, isChecked, id]); const onChangeProp = props.onChange; const tagName = useTagName(ref, || "input"); const nativeRadio = isNativeRadio(tagName, props.type); const disabled = disabledFromProps(props); const [propertyUpdated, schedulePropertyUpdate] = useForceUpdate(); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; if (nativeRadio) return; if (isChecked !== void 0) { element.checked = isChecked; } if (name !== void 0) { = name; } if (value !== void 0) { element.value = `${value}`; } }, [propertyUpdated, nativeRadio, isChecked, name, value]); const onChange = useEvent((event) => { if (disabled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } if (!nativeRadio) { event.currentTarget.checked = true; schedulePropertyUpdate(); } onChangeProp == null ? void 0 : onChangeProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue(value); }); const onClickProp = props.onClick; const onClick = useEvent((event) => { onClickProp == null ? void 0 : onClickProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (nativeRadio) return; onChange(event); }); const onFocusProp = props.onFocus; const onFocus = useEvent((event) => { onFocusProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!nativeRadio) return; if (!store) return; const { moves, activeId } = store.getState(); if (!moves) return; if (id && activeId !== id) return; onChange(event); }); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, role: !nativeRadio ? "radio" : void 0, type: nativeRadio ? "radio" : void 0, "aria-checked": isChecked }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), onChange, onClick, onFocus }); props = useCompositeItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, clickOnEnter: !nativeRadio }, props)); return _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ name: nativeRadio ? name : void 0, value: nativeRadio ? value : void 0, checked: isChecked }, props); } ); var Radio = createMemoComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useRadio(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("input", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control-option-base/styles.js function toggle_group_control_option_base_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const LabelView = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "et6ln9s1" } : 0)( true ? { name: "sln1fl", styles: "display:inline-flex;max-width:100%;min-width:0;position:relative" } : 0); const labelBlock = true ? { name: "82a6rk", styles: "flex:1" } : 0; const buttonView = ({ isDeselectable, isIcon, isPressed, size }) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("align-items:center;appearance:none;background:transparent;border:none;border-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";color:", COLORS.gray[700], ";fill:currentColor;cursor:pointer;display:flex;font-family:inherit;height:100%;justify-content:center;line-height:100%;outline:none;padding:0 12px;position:relative;text-align:center;@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:background ", config_values.transitionDurationFast, " linear,color ", config_values.transitionDurationFast, " linear,font-weight 60ms linear;}user-select:none;width:100%;z-index:2;&::-moz-focus-inner{border:0;}&:active{background:", config_values.toggleGroupControlBackgroundColor, ";}", isDeselectable && deselectable, " ", isIcon && isIconStyles({ size }), " ", isPressed && pressed, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const pressed = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:", COLORS.white, ";&:active{background:transparent;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const deselectable = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";&:focus{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 1px ", COLORS.white, ",0 0 0 ", config_values.borderWidthFocus, " ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";outline:2px solid transparent;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const ButtonContentView = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "et6ln9s0" } : 0)("display:flex;font-size:", config_values.fontSize, ";line-height:1;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const isIconStyles = ({ size = 'default' }) => { const iconButtonSizes = { default: '30px', '__unstable-large': '32px' }; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";height:", iconButtonSizes[size], ";aspect-ratio:1;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const backdropView = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:", COLORS.gray[900], ";border-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";position:absolute;inset:0;z-index:1;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:-3px;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control-option-base/component.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { ButtonContentView: component_ButtonContentView, LabelView: component_LabelView } = toggle_group_control_option_base_styles_namespaceObject; const REDUCED_MOTION_TRANSITION_CONFIG = { duration: 0 }; const LAYOUT_ID = 'toggle-group-backdrop-shared-layout-id'; const WithToolTip = ({ showTooltip, text, children }) => { if (showTooltip && text) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { text: text, placement: "top", children: children }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: children }); }; function ToggleGroupControlOptionBase(props, forwardedRef) { const shouldReduceMotion = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useReducedMotion)(); const toggleGroupControlContext = useToggleGroupControlContext(); const id = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ToggleGroupControlOptionBase, toggleGroupControlContext.baseId || 'toggle-group-control-option-base'); const buttonProps = useContextSystem({ ...props, id }, 'ToggleGroupControlOptionBase'); const { isBlock = false, isDeselectable = false, size = 'default' } = toggleGroupControlContext; const { className, isIcon = false, value, children, showTooltip = false, onFocus: onFocusProp, ...otherButtonProps } = buttonProps; const isPressed = toggleGroupControlContext.value === value; const cx = useCx(); const labelViewClasses = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(isBlock && labelBlock), [cx, isBlock]); const itemClasses = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(buttonView({ isDeselectable, isIcon, isPressed, size }), className), [cx, isDeselectable, isIcon, isPressed, size, className]); const backdropClasses = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(backdropView), [cx]); const buttonOnClick = () => { if (isDeselectable && isPressed) { toggleGroupControlContext.setValue(undefined); } else { toggleGroupControlContext.setValue(value); } }; const commonProps = { ...otherButtonProps, className: itemClasses, 'data-value': value, ref: forwardedRef }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(component_LabelView, { className: labelViewClasses, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WithToolTip, { showTooltip: showTooltip, text: otherButtonProps['aria-label'], children: isDeselectable ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("button", { ...commonProps, onFocus: onFocusProp, "aria-pressed": isPressed, type: "button", onClick: buttonOnClick, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component_ButtonContentView, { children: children }) }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Radio, { render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("button", { type: "button", ...commonProps, onFocus: event => { onFocusProp?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) { return; } toggleGroupControlContext.setValue(value); } }), value: value, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component_ButtonContentView, { children: children }) }) }), isPressed ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(motion.div, { layout: true, layoutRoot: true, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(motion.div, { className: backdropClasses, transition: shouldReduceMotion ? REDUCED_MOTION_TRANSITION_CONFIG : undefined, role: "presentation", layoutId: LAYOUT_ID }) }) : null] }); } /** * `ToggleGroupControlOptionBase` is a form component and is meant to be used as an internal, * generic component for any children of `ToggleGroupControl`. * * @example * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalToggleGroupControl as ToggleGroupControl, * __experimentalToggleGroupControlOptionBase as ToggleGroupControlOptionBase, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ToggleGroupControl label="my label" value="vertical" isBlock> * <ToggleGroupControlOption value="horizontal" label="Horizontal" /> * <ToggleGroupControlOption value="vertical" label="Vertical" /> * </ToggleGroupControl> * ); * } * ``` */ const ConnectedToggleGroupControlOptionBase = contextConnect(ToggleGroupControlOptionBase, 'ToggleGroupControlOptionBase'); /* harmony default export */ const toggle_group_control_option_base_component = (ConnectedToggleGroupControlOptionBase); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control-option-icon/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedToggleGroupControlOptionIcon(props, ref) { const { icon, label, ...restProps } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_option_base_component, { ...restProps, isIcon: true, "aria-label": label, showTooltip: true, ref: ref, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: icon }) }); } /** * `ToggleGroupControlOptionIcon` is a form component which is meant to be used as a * child of `ToggleGroupControl` and displays an icon. * * ```jsx * * import { * __experimentalToggleGroupControl as ToggleGroupControl, * __experimentalToggleGroupControlOptionIcon as ToggleGroupControlOptionIcon, * from '@wordpress/components'; * import { formatLowercase, formatUppercase } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ToggleGroupControl> * <ToggleGroupControlOptionIcon * value="uppercase" * label="Uppercase" * icon={ formatUppercase } * /> * <ToggleGroupControlOptionIcon * value="lowercase" * label="Lowercase" * icon={ formatLowercase } * /> * </ToggleGroupControl> * ); * } * ``` */ const ToggleGroupControlOptionIcon = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedToggleGroupControlOptionIcon); /* harmony default export */ const toggle_group_control_option_icon_component = (ToggleGroupControlOptionIcon); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-control/border-control-style-picker/component.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const BORDER_STYLES = [{ label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Solid'), icon: line_solid, value: 'solid' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dashed'), icon: line_dashed, value: 'dashed' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dotted'), icon: line_dotted, value: 'dotted' }]; function UnconnectedBorderControlStylePicker({ onChange, ...restProps }, forwardedRef) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_component, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, ref: forwardedRef, isDeselectable: true, onChange: value => { onChange?.(value); }, ...restProps, children: => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_option_icon_component, { value: borderStyle.value, icon: borderStyle.icon, label: borderStyle.label }, borderStyle.value)) }); } const BorderControlStylePicker = contextConnect(UnconnectedBorderControlStylePicker, 'BorderControlStylePicker'); /* harmony default export */ const border_control_style_picker_component = (BorderControlStylePicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-indicator/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedColorIndicator(props, forwardedRef) { const { className, colorValue, ...additionalProps } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: dist_clsx('component-color-indicator', className), style: { background: colorValue }, ref: forwardedRef, ...additionalProps }); } /** * ColorIndicator is a React component that renders a specific color in a * circle. It's often used to summarize a collection of used colors in a child * component. * * ```jsx * import { ColorIndicator } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyColorIndicator = () => <ColorIndicator colorValue="#0073aa" />; * ``` */ const ColorIndicator = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedColorIndicator); /* harmony default export */ const color_indicator = (ColorIndicator); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/colord/plugins/a11y.mjs var a11y_o=function(o){var t=o/255;return t<.04045?t/12.92:Math.pow((t+.055)/1.055,2.4)},a11y_t=function(t){return.2126*a11y_o(t.r)+.7152*a11y_o(t.g)+.0722*a11y_o(t.b)};/* harmony default export */ function a11y(o){o.prototype.luminance=function(){return o=a11y_t(this.rgba),void 0===(r=2)&&(r=0),void 0===n&&(n=Math.pow(10,r)),Math.round(n*o)/n+0;var o,r,n},o.prototype.contrast=function(r){void 0===r&&(r="#FFF");var n,a,i,e,v,u,d,c=r instanceof o?r:new o(r);return e=this.rgba,v=c.toRgb(),u=a11y_t(e),d=a11y_t(v),n=u>d?(u+.05)/(d+.05):(d+.05)/(u+.05),void 0===(a=2)&&(a=0),void 0===i&&(i=Math.pow(10,a)),Math.floor(i*n)/i+0},o.prototype.isReadable=function(o,t){return void 0===o&&(o="#FFF"),void 0===t&&(t={}),this.contrast(o)>=(e=void 0===(i=(r=t).size)?"normal":i,"AAA"===(a=void 0===(n=r.level)?"AA":n)&&"normal"===e?7:"AA"===a&&"large"===e?3:4.5);var r,n,a,i,e}} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dropdown/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const UnconnectedDropdown = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { renderContent, renderToggle, className, contentClassName, expandOnMobile, headerTitle, focusOnMount, popoverProps, onClose, onToggle, style, open, defaultOpen, // Deprecated props position, // From context system variant } = useContextSystem(props, 'Dropdown'); if (position !== undefined) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`position` prop in wp.components.Dropdown', { since: '6.2', alternative: '`popoverProps.placement` prop', hint: 'Note that the `position` prop will override any values passed through the `popoverProps.placement` prop.' }); } // Use internal state instead of a ref to make sure that the component // re-renders when the popover's anchor updates. const [fallbackPopoverAnchor, setFallbackPopoverAnchor] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const containerRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useControlledValue({ defaultValue: defaultOpen, value: open, onChange: onToggle }); /** * Closes the popover when focus leaves it unless the toggle was pressed or * focus has moved to a separate dialog. The former is to let the toggle * handle closing the popover and the latter is to preserve presence in * case a dialog has opened, allowing focus to return when it's dismissed. */ function closeIfFocusOutside() { if (!containerRef.current) { return; } const { ownerDocument } = containerRef.current; const dialog = ownerDocument?.activeElement?.closest('[role="dialog"]'); if (!containerRef.current.contains(ownerDocument.activeElement) && (!dialog || dialog.contains(containerRef.current))) { close(); } } function close() { onClose?.(); setIsOpen(false); } const args = { isOpen: !!isOpen, onToggle: () => setIsOpen(!isOpen), onClose: close }; const popoverPropsHaveAnchor = !!popoverProps?.anchor || // Note: `anchorRef`, `getAnchorRect` and `anchorRect` are deprecated and // be removed from `Popover` from WordPress 6.3 !!popoverProps?.anchorRef || !!popoverProps?.getAnchorRect || !!popoverProps?.anchorRect; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: className, ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([containerRef, forwardedRef, setFallbackPopoverAnchor]) // Some UAs focus the closest focusable parent when the toggle is // clicked. Making this div focusable ensures such UAs will focus // it and `closeIfFocusOutside` can tell if the toggle was clicked. , tabIndex: -1, style: style, children: [renderToggle(args), isOpen && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(popover, { position: position, onClose: close, onFocusOutside: closeIfFocusOutside, expandOnMobile: expandOnMobile, headerTitle: headerTitle, focusOnMount: focusOnMount // This value is used to ensure that the dropdowns // align with the editor header by default. , offset: 13, anchor: !popoverPropsHaveAnchor ? fallbackPopoverAnchor : undefined, variant: variant, ...popoverProps, className: dist_clsx('components-dropdown__content', popoverProps?.className, contentClassName), children: renderContent(args) })] }); }; /** * Renders a button that opens a floating content modal when clicked. * * ```jsx * import { Button, Dropdown } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyDropdown = () => ( * <Dropdown * className="my-container-class-name" * contentClassName="my-dropdown-content-classname" * popoverProps={ { placement: 'bottom-start' } } * renderToggle={ ( { isOpen, onToggle } ) => ( * <Button * variant="primary" * onClick={ onToggle } * aria-expanded={ isOpen } * > * Toggle Dropdown! * </Button> * ) } * renderContent={ () => <div>This is the content of the dropdown.</div> } * /> * ); * ``` */ const Dropdown = contextConnect(UnconnectedDropdown, 'Dropdown'); /* harmony default export */ const dropdown = (Dropdown); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/input-suffix-wrapper.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedInputControlSuffixWrapper(props, forwardedRef) { const derivedProps = useContextSystem(props, 'InputControlSuffixWrapper'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { marginBottom: 0, ...derivedProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * A convenience wrapper for the `suffix` when you want to apply * standard padding in accordance with the size variant. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalInputControl as InputControl, * __experimentalInputControlSuffixWrapper as InputControlSuffixWrapper, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * <InputControl * suffix={<InputControlSuffixWrapper>%</InputControlSuffixWrapper>} * /> * ``` */ const InputControlSuffixWrapper = contextConnect(UnconnectedInputControlSuffixWrapper, 'InputControlSuffixWrapper'); /* harmony default export */ const input_suffix_wrapper = (InputControlSuffixWrapper); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/select-control/styles/select-control-styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const select_control_styles_disabledStyles = ({ disabled }) => { if (!disabled) { return ''; } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ color: COLORS.ui.textDisabled }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const select_control_styles_sizeStyles = ({ __next40pxDefaultSize, multiple, selectSize = 'default' }) => { if (multiple) { // When `multiple`, just use the native browser styles // without setting explicit height. return; } const sizes = { default: { height: 40, minHeight: 40, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }, small: { height: 24, minHeight: 24, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }, compact: { height: 32, minHeight: 32, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }, '__unstable-large': { height: 40, minHeight: 40, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 } }; if (!__next40pxDefaultSize) { sizes.default = sizes.compact; } const style = sizes[selectSize] || sizes.default; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(style, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const chevronIconSize = 18; const sizePaddings = ({ __next40pxDefaultSize, multiple, selectSize = 'default' }) => { const padding = { default: 16, small: 8, compact: 8, '__unstable-large': 16 }; if (!__next40pxDefaultSize) { padding.default = padding.compact; } const selectedPadding = padding[selectSize] || padding.default; return rtl({ paddingLeft: selectedPadding, paddingRight: selectedPadding + chevronIconSize, ...(multiple ? { paddingTop: selectedPadding, paddingBottom: selectedPadding } : {}) }); }; const overflowStyles = ({ multiple }) => { return { overflow: multiple ? 'auto' : 'hidden' }; }; // TODO: Resolve need to use &&& to increase specificity // const Select = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("select", true ? { target: "e1mv6sxx2" } : 0)("&&&{appearance:none;background:transparent;box-sizing:border-box;border:none;box-shadow:none!important;color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";display:block;font-family:inherit;margin:0;width:100%;max-width:none;cursor:pointer;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;", select_control_styles_disabledStyles, ";", fontSizeStyles, ";", select_control_styles_sizeStyles, ";", sizePaddings, ";", overflowStyles, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const DownArrowWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1mv6sxx1" } : 0)("margin-inline-end:", space(-1), ";line-height:0;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const InputControlSuffixWrapperWithClickThrough = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(input_suffix_wrapper, true ? { target: "e1mv6sxx0" } : 0)("position:absolute;pointer-events:none;", rtl({ right: 0 }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/icon/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {{icon: JSX.Element, size?: number} & import('@wordpress/primitives').SVGProps} IconProps */ /** * Return an SVG icon. * * @param {IconProps} props icon is the SVG component to render * size is a number specifiying the icon size in pixels * Other props will be passed to wrapped SVG component * @param {import('react').ForwardedRef<HTMLElement>} ref The forwarded ref to the SVG element. * * @return {JSX.Element} Icon component */ function icon_Icon({ icon, size = 24, ...props }, ref) { return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(icon, { width: size, height: size, ...props, ref }); } /* harmony default export */ const icons_build_module_icon = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(icon_Icon)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/chevron-down.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const chevronDown = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M17.5 11.6L12 16l-5.5-4.4.9-1.2L12 14l4.5-3.6 1 1.2z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const chevron_down = (chevronDown); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/select-control/chevron-down.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const SelectControlChevronDown = () => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputControlSuffixWrapperWithClickThrough, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DownArrowWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: chevron_down, size: chevronIconSize }) }) }); }; /* harmony default export */ const select_control_chevron_down = (SelectControlChevronDown); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/select-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function select_control_useUniqueId(idProp) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(SelectControl); const id = `inspector-select-control-${instanceId}`; return idProp || id; } function UnforwardedSelectControl(props, ref) { const { className, disabled = false, help, hideLabelFromVision, id: idProp, label, multiple = false, onChange, options = [], size = 'default', value: valueProp, labelPosition = 'top', children, prefix, suffix, __next40pxDefaultSize = false, __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false, ...restProps } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props); const id = select_control_useUniqueId(idProp); const helpId = help ? `${id}__help` : undefined; // Disable reason: A select with an onchange throws a warning. if (!options?.length && !children) { return null; } const handleOnChange = event => { if (props.multiple) { const selectedOptions = Array.from({ selected }) => selected); const newValues ={ value }) => value); props.onChange?.(newValues, { event }); return; } props.onChange?.(, { event }); }; const classes = dist_clsx('components-select-control', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { help: help, id: id, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(input_base, { className: classes, disabled: disabled, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, id: id, label: label, size: size, suffix: suffix || !multiple && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(select_control_chevron_down, {}), prefix: prefix, labelPosition: labelPosition, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Select, { ...restProps, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, "aria-describedby": helpId, className: "components-select-control__input", disabled: disabled, id: id, multiple: multiple, onChange: handleOnChange, ref: ref, selectSize: size, value: valueProp, children: children ||, index) => { const key = || `${option.label}-${option.value}-${index}`; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("option", { value: option.value, disabled: option.disabled, hidden: option.hidden, children: option.label }, key); }) }) }) }); } /** * `SelectControl` allows users to select from a single or multiple option menu. * It functions as a wrapper around the browser's native `<select>` element. * * ```jsx * import { SelectControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MySelectControl = () => { * const [ size, setSize ] = useState( '50%' ); * * return ( * <SelectControl * label="Size" * value={ size } * options={ [ * { label: 'Big', value: '100%' }, * { label: 'Medium', value: '50%' }, * { label: 'Small', value: '25%' }, * ] } * onChange={ setSize } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const SelectControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedSelectControl); /* harmony default export */ const select_control = (SelectControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/hooks/use-controlled-state.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @template T * @typedef Options * @property {T} [initial] Initial value * @property {T | ""} fallback Fallback value */ /** @type {Readonly<{ initial: undefined, fallback: '' }>} */ const defaultOptions = { initial: undefined, /** * Defaults to empty string, as that is preferred for usage with * <input />, <textarea />, and <select /> form elements. */ fallback: '' }; /** * Custom hooks for "controlled" components to track and consolidate internal * state and incoming values. This is useful for components that render * `input`, `textarea`, or `select` HTML elements. * * * * At first, a component using useControlledState receives an initial prop * value, which is used as initial internal state. * * This internal state can be maintained and updated without * relying on new incoming prop values. * * Unlike the basic useState hook, useControlledState's state can * be updated if a new incoming prop value is changed. * * @template T * * @param {T | undefined} currentState The current value. * @param {Options<T>} [options=defaultOptions] Additional options for the hook. * * @return {[T | "", (nextState: T) => void]} The controlled value and the value setter. */ function use_controlled_state_useControlledState(currentState, options = defaultOptions) { const { initial, fallback } = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }; const [internalState, setInternalState] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(currentState); const hasCurrentState = isValueDefined(currentState); /* * Resets internal state if value every changes from uncontrolled <-> controlled. */ (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (hasCurrentState && internalState) { setInternalState(undefined); } }, [hasCurrentState, internalState]); const state = getDefinedValue([currentState, internalState, initial], fallback); /* eslint-disable jsdoc/no-undefined-types */ /** @type {(nextState: T) => void} */ const setState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(nextState => { if (!hasCurrentState) { setInternalState(nextState); } }, [hasCurrentState]); /* eslint-enable jsdoc/no-undefined-types */ return [state, setState]; } /* harmony default export */ const use_controlled_state = (use_controlled_state_useControlledState); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/range-control/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * A float supported clamp function for a specific value. * * @param value The value to clamp. * @param min The minimum value. * @param max The maximum value. * * @return A (float) number */ function floatClamp(value, min, max) { if (typeof value !== 'number') { return null; } return parseFloat(`${math_clamp(value, min, max)}`); } /** * Hook to store a clamped value, derived from props. * * @param settings * @return The controlled value and the value setter. */ function useControlledRangeValue(settings) { const { min, max, value: valueProp, initial } = settings; const [state, setInternalState] = use_controlled_state(floatClamp(valueProp, min, max), { initial: floatClamp(initial !== null && initial !== void 0 ? initial : null, min, max), fallback: null }); const setState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(nextValue => { if (nextValue === null) { setInternalState(null); } else { setInternalState(floatClamp(nextValue, min, max)); } }, [min, max, setInternalState]); // `state` can't be an empty string because we specified a fallback value of // `null` in `useControlledState` return [state, setState]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/range-control/styles/range-control-styles.js function range_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const rangeHeightValue = 30; const railHeight = 4; const rangeHeight = () => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ height: rangeHeightValue, minHeight: rangeHeightValue }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const thumbSize = 12; const deprecatedHeight = ({ __next40pxDefaultSize }) => !__next40pxDefaultSize && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ minHeight: rangeHeightValue }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const range_control_styles_Root = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk14" } : 0)("-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;align-items:center;display:flex;justify-content:flex-start;padding:0;position:relative;touch-action:none;width:100%;min-height:40px;", deprecatedHeight, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const wrapperColor = ({ color = COLORS.ui.borderFocus }) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ color }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const wrapperMargin = ({ marks, __nextHasNoMarginBottom }) => { if (!__nextHasNoMarginBottom) { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ marginBottom: marks ? 16 : undefined }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); } return ''; }; const range_control_styles_Wrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk13" } : 0)("display:block;flex:1;position:relative;width:100%;", wrapperColor, ";", rangeHeight, ";", wrapperMargin, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const BeforeIconWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk12" } : 0)("display:flex;margin-top:", railHeight, "px;", rtl({ marginRight: 6 }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const AfterIconWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk11" } : 0)("display:flex;margin-top:", railHeight, "px;", rtl({ marginLeft: 6 }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const railBackgroundColor = ({ disabled, railColor }) => { let background = railColor || ''; if (disabled) { background = COLORS.ui.backgroundDisabled; } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ background }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const Rail = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk10" } : 0)("background-color:", COLORS.gray[300], ";left:0;pointer-events:none;right:0;display:block;height:", railHeight, "px;position:absolute;margin-top:", (rangeHeightValue - railHeight) / 2, "px;top:0;border-radius:", railHeight, "px;", railBackgroundColor, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const trackBackgroundColor = ({ disabled, trackColor }) => { let background = trackColor || 'currentColor'; if (disabled) { background = COLORS.gray[400]; } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ background }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const Track = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk9" } : 0)("background-color:currentColor;border-radius:", railHeight, "px;height:", railHeight, "px;pointer-events:none;display:block;position:absolute;margin-top:", (rangeHeightValue - railHeight) / 2, "px;top:0;", trackBackgroundColor, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const MarksWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk8" } : 0)( true ? { name: "l7tjj5", styles: "display:block;pointer-events:none;position:relative;width:100%;user-select:none" } : 0); const markFill = ({ disabled, isFilled }) => { let backgroundColor = isFilled ? 'currentColor' : COLORS.gray[300]; if (disabled) { backgroundColor = COLORS.gray[400]; } return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ backgroundColor }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const Mark = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk7" } : 0)("height:", thumbSize, "px;left:0;position:absolute;top:-4px;width:1px;", markFill, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const markLabelFill = ({ isFilled }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ color: isFilled ? COLORS.gray[700] : COLORS.gray[300] }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const MarkLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk6" } : 0)("color:", COLORS.gray[300], ";left:0;font-size:11px;position:absolute;top:12px;transform:translateX( -50% );white-space:nowrap;", markLabelFill, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const thumbColor = ({ disabled }) => disabled ? /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background-color:", COLORS.gray[400], ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0) : /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background-color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const ThumbWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk5" } : 0)("align-items:center;display:flex;height:", thumbSize, "px;justify-content:center;margin-top:", (rangeHeightValue - thumbSize) / 2, "px;outline:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:0;user-select:none;width:", thumbSize, "px;border-radius:50%;", thumbColor, ";", rtl({ marginLeft: -10 }), ";", rtl({ transform: 'translateX( 4.5px )' }, { transform: 'translateX( -4.5px )' }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const thumbFocus = ({ isFocused }) => { return isFocused ? /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("&::before{content:' ';position:absolute;background-color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";opacity:0.4;border-radius:50%;height:", thumbSize + 8, "px;width:", thumbSize + 8, "px;top:-4px;left:-4px;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0) : ''; }; const Thumb = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk4" } : 0)("align-items:center;border-radius:50%;height:100%;outline:0;position:absolute;user-select:none;width:100%;", thumbColor, ";", thumbFocus, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const InputRange = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("input", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk3" } : 0)("box-sizing:border-box;cursor:pointer;display:block;height:100%;left:0;margin:0 -", thumbSize / 2, "px;opacity:0;outline:none;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;width:calc( 100% + ", thumbSize, "px );" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const tooltipShow = ({ show }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ opacity: show ? 1 : 0 }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; var range_control_styles_ref = true ? { name: "1cypxip", styles: "top:-80%" } : 0; var range_control_styles_ref2 = true ? { name: "1lr98c4", styles: "bottom:-80%" } : 0; const tooltipPosition = ({ position }) => { const isBottom = position === 'bottom'; if (isBottom) { return range_control_styles_ref2; } return range_control_styles_ref; }; const range_control_styles_Tooltip = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk2" } : 0)("background:rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.8 );border-radius:2px;color:white;display:inline-block;font-size:12px;min-width:32px;opacity:0;padding:4px 8px;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;text-align:center;user-select:none;line-height:1.4;@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:opacity 120ms ease;}", tooltipShow, ";", tooltipPosition, ";", rtl({ transform: 'translateX(-50%)' }, { transform: 'translateX(50%)' }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); // @todo Refactor RangeControl with latest HStack configuration // @see: packages/components/src/h-stack const InputNumber = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(number_control, true ? { target: "e1epgpqk1" } : 0)("display:inline-block;font-size:13px;margin-top:0;input[type='number']&{", rangeHeight, ";}", rtl({ marginLeft: `${space(4)} !important` }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ActionRightWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1epgpqk0" } : 0)("display:block;margin-top:0;button,{margin-left:0;", rangeHeight, ";}", rtl({ marginLeft: 8 }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/range-control/input-range.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function input_range_InputRange(props, ref) { const { describedBy, label, value, ...otherProps } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputRange, { ...otherProps, "aria-describedby": describedBy, "aria-label": label, "aria-hidden": false, ref: ref, tabIndex: 0, type: "range", value: value }); } const input_range_ForwardedComponent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(input_range_InputRange); /* harmony default export */ const input_range = (input_range_ForwardedComponent); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/range-control/mark.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function RangeMark(props) { const { className, isFilled = false, label, style = {}, ...otherProps } = props; const classes = dist_clsx('components-range-control__mark', isFilled && 'is-filled', className); const labelClasses = dist_clsx('components-range-control__mark-label', isFilled && 'is-filled'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Mark, { ...otherProps, "aria-hidden": "true", className: classes, isFilled: isFilled, style: style }), label && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MarkLabel, { "aria-hidden": "true", className: labelClasses, isFilled: isFilled, style: style, children: label })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/range-control/rail.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function RangeRail(props) { const { disabled = false, marks = false, min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, value = 0, ...restProps } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Rail, { disabled: disabled, ...restProps }), marks && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Marks, { disabled: disabled, marks: marks, min: min, max: max, step: step, value: value })] }); } function Marks(props) { const { disabled = false, marks = false, min = 0, max = 100, step: stepProp = 1, value = 0 } = props; const step = stepProp === 'any' ? 1 : stepProp; const marksData = useMarks({ marks, min, max, step, value }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MarksWrapper, { "aria-hidden": "true", className: "components-range-control__marks", children: => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_React_.createElement)(RangeMark, { ...mark, key: mark.key, "aria-hidden": "true", disabled: disabled })) }); } function useMarks({ marks, min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, value = 0 }) { if (!marks) { return []; } const range = max - min; if (!Array.isArray(marks)) { marks = []; const count = 1 + Math.round(range / step); while (count > marks.push({ value: step * marks.length + min })) {} } const placedMarks = []; marks.forEach((mark, index) => { if (mark.value < min || mark.value > max) { return; } const key = `mark-${index}`; const isFilled = mark.value <= value; const offset = `${(mark.value - min) / range * 100}%`; const offsetStyle = { [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 'right' : 'left']: offset }; placedMarks.push({ ...mark, isFilled, key, style: offsetStyle }); }); return placedMarks; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/range-control/tooltip.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function SimpleTooltip(props) { const { className, inputRef, tooltipPosition, show = false, style = {}, value = 0, renderTooltipContent = v => v, zIndex = 100, ...restProps } = props; const position = useTooltipPosition({ inputRef, tooltipPosition }); const classes = dist_clsx('components-simple-tooltip', className); const styles = {, zIndex }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(range_control_styles_Tooltip, { ...restProps, "aria-hidden": show, className: classes, position: position, show: show, role: "tooltip", style: styles, children: renderTooltipContent(value) }); } function useTooltipPosition({ inputRef, tooltipPosition }) { const [position, setPosition] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const setTooltipPosition = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { if (inputRef && inputRef.current) { setPosition(tooltipPosition); } }, [tooltipPosition, inputRef]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { setTooltipPosition(); }, [setTooltipPosition]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { window.addEventListener('resize', setTooltipPosition); return () => { window.removeEventListener('resize', setTooltipPosition); }; }); return position; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/range-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const range_control_noop = () => {}; function UnforwardedRangeControl(props, forwardedRef) { const { __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false, afterIcon, allowReset = false, beforeIcon, className, color: colorProp = COLORS.theme.accent, currentInput, disabled = false, help, hideLabelFromVision = false, initialPosition, isShiftStepEnabled = true, label, marks = false, max = 100, min = 0, onBlur = range_control_noop, onChange = range_control_noop, onFocus = range_control_noop, onMouseLeave = range_control_noop, onMouseMove = range_control_noop, railColor, renderTooltipContent = v => v, resetFallbackValue, __next40pxDefaultSize = false, shiftStep = 10, showTooltip: showTooltipProp, step = 1, trackColor, value: valueProp, withInputField = true, ...otherProps } = props; const [value, setValue] = useControlledRangeValue({ min, max, value: valueProp !== null && valueProp !== void 0 ? valueProp : null, initial: initialPosition }); const isResetPendent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); let hasTooltip = showTooltipProp; let hasInputField = withInputField; if (step === 'any') { // The tooltip and number input field are hidden when the step is "any" // because the decimals get too lengthy to fit well. hasTooltip = false; hasInputField = false; } const [showTooltip, setShowTooltip] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(hasTooltip); const [isFocused, setIsFocused] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const inputRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const isCurrentlyFocused = inputRef.current?.matches(':focus'); const isThumbFocused = !disabled && isFocused; const isValueReset = value === null; const currentValue = value !== undefined ? value : currentInput; const inputSliderValue = isValueReset ? '' : currentValue; const rangeFillValue = isValueReset ? (max - min) / 2 + min : value; const fillValue = isValueReset ? 50 : (value - min) / (max - min) * 100; const fillValueOffset = `${math_clamp(fillValue, 0, 100)}%`; const classes = dist_clsx('components-range-control', className); const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx('components-range-control__wrapper', !!marks && 'is-marked'); const id = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(UnforwardedRangeControl, 'inspector-range-control'); const describedBy = !!help ? `${id}__help` : undefined; const enableTooltip = hasTooltip !== false && Number.isFinite(value); const handleOnRangeChange = event => { const nextValue = parseFloat(; setValue(nextValue); onChange(nextValue); }; const handleOnChange = next => { // @ts-expect-error TODO: Investigate if it's problematic for setValue() to // potentially receive a NaN when next is undefined. let nextValue = parseFloat(next); setValue(nextValue); /* * Calls onChange only when nextValue is numeric * otherwise may queue a reset for the blur event. */ if (!isNaN(nextValue)) { if (nextValue < min || nextValue > max) { nextValue = floatClamp(nextValue, min, max); } onChange(nextValue); isResetPendent.current = false; } else if (allowReset) { isResetPendent.current = true; } }; const handleOnInputNumberBlur = () => { if (isResetPendent.current) { handleOnReset(); isResetPendent.current = false; } }; const handleOnReset = () => { let resetValue = parseFloat(`${resetFallbackValue}`); let onChangeResetValue = resetValue; if (isNaN(resetValue)) { resetValue = null; onChangeResetValue = undefined; } setValue(resetValue); /** * Previously, this callback would always receive undefined as * an argument. This behavior is unexpected, specifically * when resetFallbackValue is defined. * * The value of undefined is not ideal. Passing it through * to internal <input /> elements would change it from a * controlled component to an uncontrolled component. * * For now, to minimize unexpected regressions, we're going to * preserve the undefined callback argument, except when a * resetFallbackValue is defined. */ onChange(onChangeResetValue); }; const handleShowTooltip = () => setShowTooltip(true); const handleHideTooltip = () => setShowTooltip(false); const handleOnBlur = event => { onBlur(event); setIsFocused(false); handleHideTooltip(); }; const handleOnFocus = event => { onFocus(event); setIsFocused(true); handleShowTooltip(); }; const offsetStyle = { [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 'right' : 'left']: fillValueOffset }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, className: classes, label: label, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, id: `${id}`, help: help, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(range_control_styles_Root, { className: "components-range-control__root", __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, children: [beforeIcon && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BeforeIconWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: beforeIcon }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(range_control_styles_Wrapper, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, className: wrapperClasses, color: colorProp, marks: !!marks, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(input_range, { ...otherProps, className: "components-range-control__slider", describedBy: describedBy, disabled: disabled, id: `${id}`, label: label, max: max, min: min, onBlur: handleOnBlur, onChange: handleOnRangeChange, onFocus: handleOnFocus, onMouseMove: onMouseMove, onMouseLeave: onMouseLeave, ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([inputRef, forwardedRef]), step: step, value: inputSliderValue !== null && inputSliderValue !== void 0 ? inputSliderValue : undefined }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RangeRail, { "aria-hidden": true, disabled: disabled, marks: marks, max: max, min: min, railColor: railColor, step: step, value: rangeFillValue }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Track, { "aria-hidden": true, className: "components-range-control__track", disabled: disabled, style: { width: fillValueOffset }, trackColor: trackColor }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ThumbWrapper, { className: "components-range-control__thumb-wrapper", style: offsetStyle, disabled: disabled, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Thumb, { "aria-hidden": true, isFocused: isThumbFocused, disabled: disabled }) }), enableTooltip && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SimpleTooltip, { className: "components-range-control__tooltip", inputRef: inputRef, tooltipPosition: "bottom", renderTooltipContent: renderTooltipContent, show: isCurrentlyFocused || showTooltip, style: offsetStyle, value: value })] }), afterIcon && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AfterIconWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: afterIcon }) }), hasInputField && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputNumber, { "aria-label": label, className: "components-range-control__number", disabled: disabled, inputMode: "decimal", isShiftStepEnabled: isShiftStepEnabled, max: max, min: min, onBlur: handleOnInputNumberBlur, onChange: handleOnChange, shiftStep: shiftStep, size: __next40pxDefaultSize ? '__unstable-large' : 'default', __unstableInputWidth: __next40pxDefaultSize ? space(20) : space(16), step: step // @ts-expect-error TODO: Investigate if the `null` value is necessary , value: inputSliderValue }), allowReset && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ActionRightWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-range-control__reset", disabled: disabled || value === undefined, variant: "secondary", size: "small", onClick: handleOnReset, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset') }) })] }) }); } /** * RangeControls are used to make selections from a range of incremental values. * * ```jsx * import { RangeControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyRangeControl = () => { * const [ isChecked, setChecked ] = useState( true ); * return ( * <RangeControl * help="Please select how transparent you would like this." * initialPosition={50} * label="Opacity" * max={100} * min={0} * onChange={() => {}} * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const RangeControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedRangeControl); /* harmony default export */ const range_control = (RangeControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const NumberControlWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(number_control, true ? { target: "ez9hsf47" } : 0)("width:", space(24), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_SelectControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(select_control, true ? { target: "ez9hsf46" } : 0)("margin-left:", space(-2), ";width:5em;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_RangeControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(range_control, true ? { target: "ez9hsf45" } : 0)("flex:1;margin-right:", space(2), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); // Make the Hue circle picker not go out of the bar. const interactiveHueStyles = ` .react-colorful__interactive { width: calc( 100% - ${space(2)} ); margin-left: ${space(1)}; }`; const AuxiliaryColorArtefactWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ez9hsf44" } : 0)("padding-top:", space(2), ";padding-right:0;padding-left:0;padding-bottom:0;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const AuxiliaryColorArtefactHStackHeader = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(h_stack_component, true ? { target: "ez9hsf43" } : 0)("padding-left:", space(4), ";padding-right:", space(4), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ColorInputWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_component, true ? { target: "ez9hsf42" } : 0)("padding-top:", space(4), ";padding-left:", space(4), ";padding-right:", space(3), ";padding-bottom:", space(5), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ColorfulWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ez9hsf41" } : 0)(boxSizingReset, ";width:216px;.react-colorful{display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;width:216px;height:auto;}.react-colorful__saturation{width:100%;border-radius:0;height:216px;margin-bottom:", space(4), ";border-bottom:none;}.react-colorful__hue,.react-colorful__alpha{width:184px;height:16px;border-radius:16px;margin-bottom:", space(2), ";}.react-colorful__pointer{height:16px;width:16px;border:none;box-shadow:0 0 2px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.25 );outline:2px solid transparent;}.react-colorful__pointer-fill{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 ", config_values.borderWidthFocus, " #fff;}", interactiveHueStyles, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const CopyButton = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { target: "ez9hsf40" } : 0)("&&&&&{min-width:", space(6), ";padding:0;>svg{margin-right:0;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/copy.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const copy_copy = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M5 4.5h11a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v11a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5ZM3 5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5Zm17 3v10.75c0 .69-.56 1.25-1.25 1.25H6v1.5h12.75a2.75 2.75 0 0 0 2.75-2.75V8H20Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_copy = (copy_copy); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/color-copy-button.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ColorCopyButton = props => { const { color, colorType } = props; const [copiedColor, setCopiedColor] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const copyTimer = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const copyRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useCopyToClipboard)(() => { switch (colorType) { case 'hsl': { return color.toHslString(); } case 'rgb': { return color.toRgbString(); } default: case 'hex': { return color.toHex(); } } }, () => { if (copyTimer.current) { clearTimeout(copyTimer.current); } setCopiedColor(color.toHex()); copyTimer.current = setTimeout(() => { setCopiedColor(null); copyTimer.current = undefined; }, 3000); }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // Clear copyTimer on component unmount. return () => { if (copyTimer.current) { clearTimeout(copyTimer.current); } }; }, []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { delay: 0, hideOnClick: false, text: copiedColor === color.toHex() ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Copied!') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Copy'), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CopyButton, { size: "small", ref: copyRef, icon: library_copy, showTooltip: false }) }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/input-with-slider.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const InputWithSlider = ({ min, max, label, abbreviation, onChange, value }) => { const onNumberControlChange = newValue => { if (!newValue) { onChange(0); return; } if (typeof newValue === 'string') { onChange(parseInt(newValue, 10)); return; } onChange(newValue); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { spacing: 4, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NumberControlWrapper, { min: min, max: max, label: label, hideLabelFromVision: true, value: value, onChange: onNumberControlChange, prefix: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { as: text_component, paddingLeft: space(4), color: COLORS.theme.accent, lineHeight: 1, children: abbreviation }), spinControls: "none", size: "__unstable-large" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_RangeControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: label, hideLabelFromVision: true, min: min, max: max, value: value // @ts-expect-error // See: , onChange: onChange, withInputField: false })] }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/rgb-input.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const RgbInput = ({ color, onChange, enableAlpha }) => { const { r, g, b, a } = color.toRgb(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 255, label: "Red", abbreviation: "R", value: r, onChange: nextR => onChange(w({ r: nextR, g, b, a })) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 255, label: "Green", abbreviation: "G", value: g, onChange: nextG => onChange(w({ r, g: nextG, b, a })) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 255, label: "Blue", abbreviation: "B", value: b, onChange: nextB => onChange(w({ r, g, b: nextB, a })) }), enableAlpha && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 100, label: "Alpha", abbreviation: "A", value: Math.trunc(a * 100), onChange: nextA => onChange(w({ r, g, b, a: nextA / 100 })) })] }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/hsl-input.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const HslInput = ({ color, onChange, enableAlpha }) => { const colorPropHSLA = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => color.toHsl(), [color]); const [internalHSLA, setInternalHSLA] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({ ...colorPropHSLA }); const isInternalColorSameAsReceivedColor = color.isEqual(w(internalHSLA)); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isInternalColorSameAsReceivedColor) { // Keep internal HSLA color up to date with the received color prop setInternalHSLA(colorPropHSLA); } }, [colorPropHSLA, isInternalColorSameAsReceivedColor]); // If the internal color is equal to the received color prop, we can use the // HSLA values from the local state which, compared to the received color prop, // retain more details about the actual H and S values that the user selected, // and thus allow for better UX when interacting with the H and S sliders. const colorValue = isInternalColorSameAsReceivedColor ? internalHSLA : colorPropHSLA; const updateHSLAValue = partialNewValue => { const nextOnChangeValue = w({ ...colorValue, ...partialNewValue }); // Fire `onChange` only if the resulting color is different from the // current one. // Otherwise, update the internal HSLA color to cause a re-render. if (!color.isEqual(nextOnChangeValue)) { onChange(nextOnChangeValue); } else { setInternalHSLA(prevHSLA => ({ ...prevHSLA, ...partialNewValue })); } }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 359, label: "Hue", abbreviation: "H", value: colorValue.h, onChange: nextH => { updateHSLAValue({ h: nextH }); } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 100, label: "Saturation", abbreviation: "S", value: colorValue.s, onChange: nextS => { updateHSLAValue({ s: nextS }); } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 100, label: "Lightness", abbreviation: "L", value: colorValue.l, onChange: nextL => { updateHSLAValue({ l: nextL }); } }), enableAlpha && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputWithSlider, { min: 0, max: 100, label: "Alpha", abbreviation: "A", value: Math.trunc(100 * colorValue.a), onChange: nextA => { updateHSLAValue({ a: nextA / 100 }); } })] }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/hex-input.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const HexInput = ({ color, onChange, enableAlpha }) => { const handleChange = nextValue => { if (!nextValue) { return; } const hexValue = nextValue.startsWith('#') ? nextValue : '#' + nextValue; onChange(w(hexValue)); }; const stateReducer = (state, action) => { const nativeEvent = action.payload?.event?.nativeEvent; if ('insertFromPaste' !== nativeEvent?.inputType) { return { ...state }; } const value = state.value?.startsWith('#') ? state.value.slice(1).toUpperCase() : state.value?.toUpperCase(); return { ...state, value }; }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(InputControl, { prefix: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { as: text_component, marginLeft: space(4), color: COLORS.theme.accent, lineHeight: 1, children: "#" }), value: color.toHex().slice(1).toUpperCase(), onChange: handleChange, maxLength: enableAlpha ? 9 : 7, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Hex color'), hideLabelFromVision: true, size: "__unstable-large", __unstableStateReducer: stateReducer, __unstableInputWidth: "9em" }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/color-input.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const ColorInput = ({ colorType, color, onChange, enableAlpha }) => { const props = { color, onChange, enableAlpha }; switch (colorType) { case 'hsl': return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HslInput, { ...props }); case 'rgb': return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RgbInput, { ...props }); default: case 'hex': return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HexInput, { ...props }); } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-colorful/dist/index.mjs function dist_u(){return(dist_u=Object.assign||function(e){for(var r=1;r<arguments.length;r++){var t=arguments[r];for(var n in t),n)&&(e[n]=t[n])}return e}).apply(this,arguments)}function dist_c(e,r){if(null==e)return{};var t,n,o={},a=Object.keys(e);for(n=0;n<a.length;n++)r.indexOf(t=a[n])>=0||(o[t]=e[t]);return o}function dist_i(e){var t=(0,external_React_.useRef)(e),n=(0,external_React_.useRef)(function(e){t.current&&t.current(e)});return t.current=e,n.current}var dist_s=function(e,r,t){return void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===t&&(t=1),e>t?t:e<r?r:e},dist_f=function(e){return"touches"in e},dist_v=function(e){return e&&e.ownerDocument.defaultView||self},dist_d=function(e,r,t){var n=e.getBoundingClientRect(),o=dist_f(r)?function(e,r){for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++)if(e[t].identifier===r)return e[t];return e[0]}(r.touches,t):r;return{left:dist_s((o.pageX-(n.left+dist_v(e).pageXOffset))/n.width),top:dist_s((o.pageY-(}},dist_h=function(e){!dist_f(e)&&e.preventDefault()},dist_m=external_React_.memo(function(o){var a=o.onMove,l=o.onKey,s=dist_c(o,["onMove","onKey"]),m=(0,external_React_.useRef)(null),g=dist_i(a),p=dist_i(l),b=(0,external_React_.useRef)(null),_=(0,external_React_.useRef)(!1),x=(0,external_React_.useMemo)(function(){var e=function(e){dist_h(e),(dist_f(e)?e.touches.length>0:e.buttons>0)&&m.current?g(dist_d(m.current,e,b.current)):t(!1)},r=function(){return t(!1)};function t(t){var n=_.current,o=dist_v(m.current),a=t?o.addEventListener:o.removeEventListener;a(n?"touchmove":"mousemove",e),a(n?"touchend":"mouseup",r)}return[function(e){var r=e.nativeEvent,n=m.current;if(n&&(dist_h(r),!function(e,r){return r&&!dist_f(e)}(r,_.current)&&n)){if(dist_f(r)){_.current=!0;var o=r.changedTouches||[];o.length&&(b.current=o[0].identifier)}n.focus(),g(dist_d(n,r,b.current)),t(!0)}},function(e){var r=e.which||e.keyCode;r<37||r>40||(e.preventDefault(),p({left:39===r?.05:37===r?-.05:0,top:40===r?.05:38===r?-.05:0}))},t]},[p,g]),C=x[0],E=x[1],H=x[2];return (0,external_React_.useEffect)(function(){return H},[H]),external_React_.createElement("div",dist_u({},s,{onTouchStart:C,onMouseDown:C,className:"react-colorful__interactive",ref:m,onKeyDown:E,tabIndex:0,role:"slider"}))}),dist_g=function(e){return e.filter(Boolean).join(" ")},dist_p=function(r){var t=r.color,n=r.left,,a=void 0===o?.5:o,l=dist_g(["react-colorful__pointer",r.className]);return external_React_.createElement("div",{className:l,style:{top:100*a+"%",left:100*n+"%"}},external_React_.createElement("div",{className:"react-colorful__pointer-fill",style:{backgroundColor:t}}))},dist_b=function(e,r,t){return void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===t&&(t=Math.pow(10,r)),Math.round(t*e)/t},_={grad:.9,turn:360,rad:360/(2*Math.PI)},dist_x=function(e){return L(C(e))},C=function(e){return"#"===e[0]&&(e=e.substring(1)),e.length<6?{r:parseInt(e[0]+e[0],16),g:parseInt(e[1]+e[1],16),b:parseInt(e[2]+e[2],16),a:4===e.length?dist_b(parseInt(e[3]+e[3],16)/255,2):1}:{r:parseInt(e.substring(0,2),16),g:parseInt(e.substring(2,4),16),b:parseInt(e.substring(4,6),16),a:8===e.length?dist_b(parseInt(e.substring(6,8),16)/255,2):1}},dist_E=function(e,r){return void 0===r&&(r="deg"),Number(e)*(_[r]||1)},dist_H=function(e){var r=/hsla?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i.exec(e);return r?dist_N({h:dist_E(r[1],r[2]),s:Number(r[3]),l:Number(r[4]),a:void 0===r[5]?1:Number(r[5])/(r[6]?100:1)}):{h:0,s:0,v:0,a:1}},dist_M=dist_H,dist_N=function(e){var r=e.s,t=e.l;return{h:e.h,s:(r*=(t<50?t:100-t)/100)>0?2*r/(t+r)*100:0,v:t+r,a:e.a}},dist_w=function(e){return K(dist_I(e))},dist_y=function(e){var r=e.s,t=e.v,n=e.a,o=(200-r)*t/100;return{h:dist_b(e.h),s:dist_b(o>0&&o<200?r*t/100/(o<=100?o:200-o)*100:0),l:dist_b(o/2),a:dist_b(n,2)}},q=function(e){var r=dist_y(e);return"hsl("+r.h+", "+r.s+"%, "+r.l+"%)"},dist_k=function(e){var r=dist_y(e);return"hsla("+r.h+", "+r.s+"%, "+r.l+"%, "+r.a+")"},dist_I=function(e){var r=e.h,t=e.s,n=e.v,o=e.a;r=r/360*6,t/=100,n/=100;var a=Math.floor(r),l=n*(1-t),u=n*(1-(r-a)*t),c=n*(1-(1-r+a)*t),i=a%6;return{r:dist_b(255*[n,u,l,l,c,n][i]),g:dist_b(255*[c,n,n,u,l,l][i]),b:dist_b(255*[l,l,c,n,n,u][i]),a:dist_b(o,2)}},O=function(e){var r=/hsva?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i.exec(e);return r?A({h:dist_E(r[1],r[2]),s:Number(r[3]),v:Number(r[4]),a:void 0===r[5]?1:Number(r[5])/(r[6]?100:1)}):{h:0,s:0,v:0,a:1}},dist_j=O,z=function(e){var r=/rgba?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i.exec(e);return r?L({r:Number(r[1])/(r[2]?100/255:1),g:Number(r[3])/(r[4]?100/255:1),b:Number(r[5])/(r[6]?100/255:1),a:void 0===r[7]?1:Number(r[7])/(r[8]?100:1)}):{h:0,s:0,v:0,a:1}},B=z,D=function(e){var r=e.toString(16);return r.length<2?"0"+r:r},K=function(e){var r=e.r,t=e.g,n=e.b,o=e.a,a=o<1?D(dist_b(255*o)):"";return"#"+D(r)+D(t)+D(n)+a},L=function(e){var r=e.r,t=e.g,n=e.b,o=e.a,a=Math.max(r,t,n),l=a-Math.min(r,t,n),u=l?a===r?(t-n)/l:a===t?2+(n-r)/l:4+(r-t)/l:0;return{h:dist_b(60*(u<0?u+6:u)),s:dist_b(a?l/a*100:0),v:dist_b(a/255*100),a:o}},A=function(e){return{h:dist_b(e.h),s:dist_b(e.s),v:dist_b(e.v),a:dist_b(e.a,2)}},dist_S=external_React_.memo(function(r){var t=r.hue,n=r.onChange,o=dist_g(["react-colorful__hue",r.className]);return external_React_.createElement("div",{className:o},external_React_.createElement(dist_m,{onMove:function(e){n({h:360*e.left})},onKey:function(e){n({h:dist_s(t+360*e.left,0,360)})},"aria-label":"Hue","aria-valuenow":dist_b(t),"aria-valuemax":"360","aria-valuemin":"0"},external_React_.createElement(dist_p,{className:"react-colorful__hue-pointer",left:t/360,color:q({h:t,s:100,v:100,a:1})})))}),T=external_React_.memo(function(r){var t=r.hsva,n=r.onChange,o={backgroundColor:q({h:t.h,s:100,v:100,a:1})};return 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He : ye; const rgbColor = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => color.toRgbString(), [color]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { color: rgbColor, onChange: nextColor => { onChange(w(nextColor)); } // Pointer capture fortifies drag gestures so that they continue to // work while dragging outside the component over objects like // iframes. If a newer version of react-colorful begins to employ // pointer capture this will be redundant and should be removed. , onPointerDown: ({ currentTarget, pointerId }) => { currentTarget.setPointerCapture(pointerId); }, onPointerUp: ({ currentTarget, pointerId }) => { currentTarget.releasePointerCapture(pointerId); } }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ k([names]); const options = [{ label: 'RGB', value: 'rgb' }, { label: 'HSL', value: 'hsl' }, { label: 'Hex', value: 'hex' }]; // `isBorderless` is still experimental and not a public prop for InputControl yet. const BORDERLESS_SELECT_CONTROL_CONTEXT = { InputBase: { isBorderless: true } }; const UnconnectedColorPicker = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { enableAlpha = false, color: colorProp, onChange, defaultValue = '#fff', copyFormat, ...divProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ColorPicker'); // Use a safe default value for the color and remove the possibility of `undefined`. const [color, setColor] = useControlledValue({ onChange, value: colorProp, defaultValue }); const safeColordColor = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return w(color || ''); }, [color]); const debouncedSetColor = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(setColor); const handleChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(nextValue => { debouncedSetColor(nextValue.toHex()); }, [debouncedSetColor]); const [colorType, setColorType] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(copyFormat || 'hex'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ColorfulWrapper, { ref: forwardedRef, ...divProps, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Picker, { onChange: handleChange, color: safeColordColor, enableAlpha: enableAlpha }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(AuxiliaryColorArtefactWrapper, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(AuxiliaryColorArtefactHStackHeader, { justify: "space-between", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ContextSystemProvider, { value: BORDERLESS_SELECT_CONTROL_CONTEXT, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_SelectControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, options: options, value: colorType, onChange: nextColorType => setColorType(nextColorType), label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color format'), hideLabelFromVision: true }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorCopyButton, { color: safeColordColor, colorType: copyFormat || colorType })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorInputWrapper, { direction: "column", gap: 2, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorInput, { colorType: colorType, color: safeColordColor, onChange: handleChange, enableAlpha: enableAlpha }) })] })] }); }; const ColorPicker = contextConnect(UnconnectedColorPicker, 'ColorPicker'); /* harmony default export */ const color_picker_component = (ColorPicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/use-deprecated-props.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function isLegacyProps(props) { return typeof props.onChangeComplete !== 'undefined' || typeof props.disableAlpha !== 'undefined' || typeof props.color?.hex === 'string'; } function getColorFromLegacyProps(color) { if (color === undefined) { return; } if (typeof color === 'string') { return color; } if (color.hex) { return color.hex; } return undefined; } const transformColorStringToLegacyColor = memize(color => { const colordColor = w(color); const hex = colordColor.toHex(); const rgb = colordColor.toRgb(); const hsv = colordColor.toHsv(); const hsl = colordColor.toHsl(); return { hex, rgb, hsv, hsl, source: 'hex', oldHue: hsl.h }; }); function use_deprecated_props_useDeprecatedProps(props) { const { onChangeComplete } = props; const legacyChangeHandler = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(color => { onChangeComplete(transformColorStringToLegacyColor(color)); }, [onChangeComplete]); if (isLegacyProps(props)) { return { color: getColorFromLegacyProps(props.color), enableAlpha: !props.disableAlpha, onChange: legacyChangeHandler }; } return { ...props, color: props.color, enableAlpha: props.enableAlpha, onChange: props.onChange }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-picker/legacy-adapter.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const LegacyAdapter = props => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_picker_component, { ...use_deprecated_props_useDeprecatedProps(props) }); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/circular-option-picker/circular-option-picker-context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const CircularOptionPickerContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({}); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/check.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const check = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M16.7 7.1l-6.3 8.5-3.3-2.5-.9 1.2 4.5 3.4L17.9 8z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_check = (check); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/circular-option-picker/circular-option-picker-option.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedOptionAsButton(props, forwardedRef) { const { isPressed, ...additionalProps } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ...additionalProps, "aria-pressed": isPressed, ref: forwardedRef }); } const OptionAsButton = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedOptionAsButton); function UnforwardedOptionAsOption(props, forwardedRef) { const { id, isSelected, compositeStore, ...additionalProps } = props; const activeId = compositeStore.useState('activeId'); if (isSelected && !activeId) { compositeStore.setActiveId(id); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CompositeItem, { render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ...additionalProps, role: "option", "aria-selected": !!isSelected, ref: forwardedRef }), store: compositeStore, id: id }); } const OptionAsOption = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedOptionAsOption); function Option({ className, isSelected, selectedIconProps = {}, tooltipText, ...additionalProps }) { const { baseId, compositeStore } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(CircularOptionPickerContext); const id = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(Option, baseId || 'components-circular-option-picker__option'); const commonProps = { id, className: 'components-circular-option-picker__option', ...additionalProps }; const optionControl = compositeStore ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(OptionAsOption, { ...commonProps, compositeStore: compositeStore, isSelected: isSelected }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(OptionAsButton, { ...commonProps, isPressed: isSelected }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: dist_clsx(className, 'components-circular-option-picker__option-wrapper'), children: [tooltipText ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { text: tooltipText, children: optionControl }) : optionControl, isSelected && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_check, ...selectedIconProps })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/circular-option-picker/circular-option-picker-option-group.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function OptionGroup({ className, options, ...additionalProps }) { const role = 'aria-label' in additionalProps || 'aria-labelledby' in additionalProps ? 'group' : undefined; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...additionalProps, role: role, className: dist_clsx('components-circular-option-picker__option-group', 'components-circular-option-picker__swatches', className), children: options }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/circular-option-picker/circular-option-picker-actions.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function DropdownLinkAction({ buttonProps, className, dropdownProps, linkText }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown, { className: dist_clsx('components-circular-option-picker__dropdown-link-action', className), renderToggle: ({ isOpen, onToggle }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { "aria-expanded": isOpen, "aria-haspopup": "true", onClick: onToggle, variant: "link", ...buttonProps, children: linkText }), ...dropdownProps }); } function ButtonAction({ className, children, ...additionalProps }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: dist_clsx('components-circular-option-picker__clear', className), variant: "tertiary", ...additionalProps, children: children }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/circular-option-picker/circular-option-picker.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** *`CircularOptionPicker` is a component that displays a set of options as circular buttons. * * ```jsx * import { CircularOptionPicker } from '../circular-option-picker'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const Example = () => { * const [ currentColor, setCurrentColor ] = useState(); * const colors = [ * { color: '#f00', name: 'Red' }, * { color: '#0f0', name: 'Green' }, * { color: '#00f', name: 'Blue' }, * ]; * const colorOptions = ( * <> * { ( { color, name }, index ) => { * return ( * <CircularOptionPicker.Option * key={ `${ color }-${ index }` } * tooltipText={ name } * style={ { backgroundColor: color, color } } * isSelected={ index === currentColor } * onClick={ () => setCurrentColor( index ) } * aria-label={ name } * /> * ); * } ) } * </> * ); * return ( * <CircularOptionPicker * options={ colorOptions } * actions={ * <CircularOptionPicker.ButtonAction * onClick={ () => setCurrentColor( undefined ) } * > * { 'Clear' } * </CircularOptionPicker.ButtonAction> * } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function ListboxCircularOptionPicker(props) { const { actions, options, baseId, className, loop = true, children, ...additionalProps } = props; const compositeStore = useCompositeStore({ focusLoop: loop, rtl: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() }); const compositeContext = { baseId, compositeStore }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: className, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(CircularOptionPickerContext.Provider, { value: compositeContext, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Composite, { ...additionalProps, id: baseId, store: compositeStore, role: "listbox", children: options }), children, actions] }) }); } function ButtonsCircularOptionPicker(props) { const { actions, options, children, baseId, ...additionalProps } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...additionalProps, id: baseId, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(CircularOptionPickerContext.Provider, { value: { baseId }, children: [options, children, actions] }) }); } function CircularOptionPicker(props) { const { asButtons, actions: actionsProp, options: optionsProp, children, className, ...additionalProps } = props; const baseId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(CircularOptionPicker, 'components-circular-option-picker',; const OptionPickerImplementation = asButtons ? ButtonsCircularOptionPicker : ListboxCircularOptionPicker; const actions = actionsProp ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-circular-option-picker__custom-clear-wrapper", children: actionsProp }) : undefined; const options = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-circular-option-picker__swatches", children: optionsProp }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(OptionPickerImplementation, { ...additionalProps, baseId: baseId, className: dist_clsx('components-circular-option-picker', className), actions: actions, options: options, children: children }); } CircularOptionPicker.Option = Option; CircularOptionPicker.OptionGroup = OptionGroup; CircularOptionPicker.ButtonAction = ButtonAction; CircularOptionPicker.DropdownLinkAction = DropdownLinkAction; /* harmony default export */ const circular_option_picker = (CircularOptionPicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/circular-option-picker/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /* harmony default export */ const build_module_circular_option_picker = (circular_option_picker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/v-stack/hook.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function useVStack(props) { const { expanded = false, alignment = 'stretch', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'VStack'); const hStackProps = useHStack({ direction: 'column', expanded, alignment, ...otherProps }); return hStackProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/v-stack/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedVStack(props, forwardedRef) { const vStackProps = useVStack(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...vStackProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `VStack` (or Vertical Stack) is a layout component that arranges child * elements in a vertical line. * * `VStack` can render anything inside. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalText as Text, * __experimentalVStack as VStack, * } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <VStack> * <Text>Code</Text> * <Text>is</Text> * <Text>Poetry</Text> * </VStack> * ); * } * ``` */ const VStack = contextConnect(UnconnectedVStack, 'VStack'); /* harmony default export */ const v_stack_component = (VStack); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/truncate/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedTruncate(props, forwardedRef) { const truncateProps = useTruncate(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { as: "span", ...truncateProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Truncate` is a typography primitive that trims text content. * For almost all cases, it is recommended that `Text`, `Heading`, or * `Subheading` is used to render text content. However,`Truncate` is * available for custom implementations. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalTruncate as Truncate } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Truncate> * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ex * neque, vulputate a diam et, luctus convallis lacus. Vestibulum ac * mollis mi. Morbi id elementum massa. * </Truncate> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Truncate = contextConnect(UnconnectedTruncate, 'Truncate'); /* harmony default export */ const truncate_component = (component_Truncate); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/heading/hook.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function useHeading(props) { const { as: asProp, level = 2, color = COLORS.gray[900], isBlock = true, weight = config_values.fontWeightHeading, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Heading'); const as = asProp || `h${level}`; const a11yProps = {}; if (typeof as === 'string' && as[0] !== 'h') { // If not a semantic `h` element, add a11y props: a11yProps.role = 'heading'; a11yProps['aria-level'] = typeof level === 'string' ? parseInt(level) : level; } const textProps = useText({ color, isBlock, weight, size: getHeadingFontSize(level), ...otherProps }); return { ...textProps, ...a11yProps, as }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/heading/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedHeading(props, forwardedRef) { const headerProps = useHeading(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...headerProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Heading` renders headings and titles using the library's typography system. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalHeading as Heading } from "@wordpress/components"; * * function Example() { * return <Heading>Code is Poetry</Heading>; * } * ``` */ const Heading = contextConnect(UnconnectedHeading, 'Heading'); /* harmony default export */ const heading_component = (Heading); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-palette/styles.js function color_palette_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ColorHeading = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(heading_component, true ? { target: "ev9wop70" } : 0)( true ? { name: "13lxv2o", styles: "text-transform:uppercase;line-height:24px;font-weight:500;&&&{font-size:11px;margin-bottom:0;}" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dropdown/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const padding = ({ paddingSize = 'small' }) => { if (paddingSize === 'none') { return; } const paddingValues = { small: space(2), medium: space(4) }; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", paddingValues[paddingSize] || paddingValues.small, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const DropdownContentWrapperDiv = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eovvns30" } : 0)("margin-left:", space(-2), ";margin-right:", space(-2), ";&:first-of-type{margin-top:", space(-2), ";}&:last-of-type{margin-bottom:", space(-2), ";}", padding, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dropdown/dropdown-content-wrapper.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedDropdownContentWrapper(props, forwardedRef) { const { paddingSize = 'small', ...derivedProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'DropdownContentWrapper'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DropdownContentWrapperDiv, { ...derivedProps, paddingSize: paddingSize, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * A convenience wrapper for the `renderContent` when you want to apply * different padding. (Default is `paddingSize="small"`). * * ```jsx * import { * Dropdown, * __experimentalDropdownContentWrapper as DropdownContentWrapper, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * <Dropdown * renderContent={ () => ( * <DropdownContentWrapper paddingSize="medium"> * My dropdown content * </DropdownContentWrapper> * ) } * /> * ``` */ const DropdownContentWrapper = contextConnect(UnconnectedDropdownContentWrapper, 'DropdownContentWrapper'); /* harmony default export */ const dropdown_content_wrapper = (DropdownContentWrapper); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-palette/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ k([names, a11y]); const extractColorNameFromCurrentValue = (currentValue, colors = [], showMultiplePalettes = false) => { if (!currentValue) { return ''; } const currentValueIsCssVariable = /^var\(/.test(currentValue); const normalizedCurrentValue = currentValueIsCssVariable ? currentValue : w(currentValue).toHex(); // Normalize format of `colors` to simplify the following loop const colorPalettes = showMultiplePalettes ? colors : [{ colors: colors }]; for (const { colors: paletteColors } of colorPalettes) { for (const { name: colorName, color: colorValue } of paletteColors) { const normalizedColorValue = currentValueIsCssVariable ? colorValue : w(colorValue).toHex(); if (normalizedCurrentValue === normalizedColorValue) { return colorName; } } } // translators: shown when the user has picked a custom color (i.e not in the palette of colors). return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom'); }; // The PaletteObject type has a `colors` property (an array of ColorObject), // while the ColorObject type has a `color` property (the CSS color value). const isMultiplePaletteObject = obj => Array.isArray(obj.colors) && !('color' in obj); const isMultiplePaletteArray = arr => { return arr.length > 0 && arr.every(colorObj => isMultiplePaletteObject(colorObj)); }; /** * Transform a CSS variable used as background color into the color value itself. * * @param value The color value that may be a CSS variable. * @param element The element for which to get the computed style. * @return The background color value computed from a element. */ const normalizeColorValue = (value, element) => { const currentValueIsCssVariable = /^var\(/.test(value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : ''); if (!currentValueIsCssVariable || element === null) { return value; } const { ownerDocument } = element; const { defaultView } = ownerDocument; const computedBackgroundColor = defaultView?.getComputedStyle(element).backgroundColor; return computedBackgroundColor ? w(computedBackgroundColor).toHex() : value; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/color-palette/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ k([names, a11y]); function SinglePalette({ className, clearColor, colors, onChange, value, ...additionalProps }) { const colorOptions = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return{ color, name }, index) => { const colordColor = w(color); const isSelected = value === color; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.Option, { isSelected: isSelected, selectedIconProps: isSelected ? { fill: colordColor.contrast() > colordColor.contrast('#000') ? '#fff' : '#000' } : {}, tooltipText: name || // translators: %s: color hex code e.g: "#f00". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color code: %s'), color), style: { backgroundColor: color, color }, onClick: isSelected ? clearColor : () => onChange(color, index), "aria-label": name ? // translators: %s: The name of the color e.g: "vivid red". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color: %s'), name) : // translators: %s: color hex code e.g: "#f00". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color code: %s'), color) }, `${color}-${index}`); }); }, [colors, value, onChange, clearColor]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.OptionGroup, { className: className, options: colorOptions, ...additionalProps }); } function MultiplePalettes({ className, clearColor, colors, onChange, value, headingLevel }) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(MultiplePalettes, 'color-palette'); if (colors.length === 0) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 3, className: className, children:{ name, colors: colorPalette }, index) => { const id = `${instanceId}-${index}`; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 2, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorHeading, { id: id, level: headingLevel, children: name }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SinglePalette, { clearColor: clearColor, colors: colorPalette, onChange: newColor => onChange(newColor, index), value: value, "aria-labelledby": id })] }, index); }) }); } function CustomColorPickerDropdown({ isRenderedInSidebar, popoverProps: receivedPopoverProps, ...props }) { const popoverProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ shift: true, // Disabling resize as it would otherwise cause the popover to show // scrollbars while dragging the color picker's handle close to the // popover edge. resize: false, ...(isRenderedInSidebar ? { // When in the sidebar: open to the left (stacking), // leaving the same gap as the parent popover. placement: 'left-start', offset: 34 } : { // Default behavior: open below the anchor placement: 'bottom', offset: 8 }), ...receivedPopoverProps }), [isRenderedInSidebar, receivedPopoverProps]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown, { contentClassName: "components-color-palette__custom-color-dropdown-content", popoverProps: popoverProps, ...props }); } function UnforwardedColorPalette(props, forwardedRef) { const { asButtons, loop, clearable = true, colors = [], disableCustomColors = false, enableAlpha = false, onChange, value, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar = false, headingLevel = 2, 'aria-label': ariaLabel, 'aria-labelledby': ariaLabelledby, ...additionalProps } = props; const [normalizedColorValue, setNormalizedColorValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(value); const clearColor = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => onChange(undefined), [onChange]); const customColorPaletteCallbackRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(node => { setNormalizedColorValue(normalizeColorValue(value, node)); }, [value]); const hasMultipleColorOrigins = isMultiplePaletteArray(colors); const buttonLabelName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => extractColorNameFromCurrentValue(value, colors, hasMultipleColorOrigins), [value, colors, hasMultipleColorOrigins]); const renderCustomColorPicker = () => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_content_wrapper, { paddingSize: "none", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LegacyAdapter, { color: normalizedColorValue, onChange: color => onChange(color), enableAlpha: enableAlpha }) }); const isHex = value?.startsWith('#'); // Leave hex values as-is. Remove the `var()` wrapper from CSS vars. const displayValue = value?.replace(/^var\((.+)\)$/, '$1'); const customColorAccessibleLabel = !!displayValue ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: The name of the color e.g: "vivid red". %2$s: The color's hex code e.g: "#f00". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom color picker. The currently selected color is called "%1$s" and has a value of "%2$s".'), buttonLabelName, displayValue) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom color picker.'); const paletteCommonProps = { clearColor, onChange, value }; const actions = !!clearable && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.ButtonAction, { onClick: clearColor, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Clear') }); let metaProps; if (asButtons) { metaProps = { asButtons: true }; } else { const _metaProps = { asButtons: false, loop }; if (ariaLabel) { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-label': ariaLabel }; } else if (ariaLabelledby) { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-labelledby': ariaLabelledby }; } else { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-label': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom color picker.') }; } } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 3, ref: forwardedRef, ...additionalProps, children: [!disableCustomColors && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CustomColorPickerDropdown, { isRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, renderContent: renderCustomColorPicker, renderToggle: ({ isOpen, onToggle }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { className: "components-color-palette__custom-color-wrapper", spacing: 0, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("button", { ref: customColorPaletteCallbackRef, className: "components-color-palette__custom-color-button", "aria-expanded": isOpen, "aria-haspopup": "true", onClick: onToggle, "aria-label": customColorAccessibleLabel, style: { background: value }, type: "button" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { className: "components-color-palette__custom-color-text-wrapper", spacing: 0.5, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(truncate_component, { className: "components-color-palette__custom-color-name", children: value ? buttonLabelName : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No color selected') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(truncate_component, { className: dist_clsx('components-color-palette__custom-color-value', { 'components-color-palette__custom-color-value--is-hex': isHex }), children: displayValue })] })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker, { ...metaProps, actions: actions, options: hasMultipleColorOrigins ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MultiplePalettes, { ...paletteCommonProps, headingLevel: headingLevel, colors: colors, value: value }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SinglePalette, { ...paletteCommonProps, colors: colors, value: value }) })] }); } /** * Allows the user to pick a color from a list of pre-defined color entries. * * ```jsx * import { ColorPalette } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyColorPalette = () => { * const [ color, setColor ] = useState ( '#f00' ) * const colors = [ * { name: 'red', color: '#f00' }, * { name: 'white', color: '#fff' }, * { name: 'blue', color: '#00f' }, * ]; * return ( * <ColorPalette * colors={ colors } * value={ color } * onChange={ ( color ) => setColor( color ) } * /> * ); * } ); * ``` */ const ColorPalette = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedColorPalette); /* harmony default export */ const color_palette = (ColorPalette); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/unit-control/styles/unit-control-styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // Using `selectSize` instead of `size` to avoid a type conflict with the // `size` HTML attribute of the `select` element. // TODO: Resolve need to use &&& to increase specificity // const ValueInput = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(number_control, true ? { target: "e1bagdl32" } : 0)("&&&{input{display:block;width:100%;}", BackdropUI, "{transition:box-shadow 0.1s linear;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const baseUnitLabelStyles = ({ selectSize }) => { const sizes = { small: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-sizing:border-box;padding:2px 1px;width:20px;color:", COLORS.gray[800], ";font-size:8px;line-height:1;letter-spacing:-0.5px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align-last:center;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), default: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-sizing:border-box;min-width:24px;max-width:48px;height:24px;margin-inline-end:", space(2), ";padding:", space(1), ";color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";font-size:13px;line-height:1;text-align-last:center;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0) }; return sizes[selectSize]; }; const UnitLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1bagdl31" } : 0)("&&&{pointer-events:none;", baseUnitLabelStyles, ";color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const unitSelectSizes = ({ selectSize = 'default' }) => { const sizes = { small: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("height:100%;border:1px solid transparent;transition:box-shadow 0.1s linear,border 0.1s linear;", rtl({ borderTopLeftRadius: 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: 0 })(), " &:not(:disabled):hover{background-color:", COLORS.gray[100], ";}&:focus{border:1px solid ", COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 ", config_values.borderWidth + ' ' + COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";outline-offset:0;outline:2px solid transparent;z-index:1;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), default: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;&:hover{color:", COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 ", config_values.borderWidth + ' ' + COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";outline:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid transparent;}&:focus{box-shadow:0 0 0 ", config_values.borderWidthFocus + ' ' + COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";outline:", config_values.borderWidthFocus, " solid transparent;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0) }; return sizes[selectSize]; }; const UnitSelect = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("select", true ? { target: "e1bagdl30" } : 0)("&&&{appearance:none;background:transparent;border-radius:2px;border:none;display:block;outline:none;margin:0;min-height:auto;font-family:inherit;", baseUnitLabelStyles, ";", unitSelectSizes, ";&:not( :disabled ){cursor:pointer;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-control/styles.js function border_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const styles_labelStyles = true ? { name: "f3vz0n", styles: "font-weight:500" } : 0; const focusBoxShadow = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-shadow:inset ", config_values.controlBoxShadowFocus, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const borderControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border:0;padding:0;margin:0;", boxSizingReset, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const innerWrapper = () => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(ValueInput, "{flex:1 1 40%;}&& ", UnitSelect, "{min-height:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); /* * This style is only applied to the UnitControl wrapper when the border width * field should be a set width. Omitting this allows the UnitControl & * RangeControl to share the available width in a 40/60 split respectively. */ const styles_wrapperWidth = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(ValueInput, "{flex:0 0 auto;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const wrapperHeight = size => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("height:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '40px' : '30px', ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const borderControlDropdown = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:#fff;&&>button{aspect-ratio:1;padding:0;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;", rtl({ borderRadius: `2px 0 0 2px` }, { borderRadius: `0 2px 2px 0` })(), " border:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid ", COLORS.ui.border, ";&:focus,&:hover:not( :disabled ){", focusBoxShadow, " border-color:", COLORS.ui.borderFocus, ";z-index:1;position:relative;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const colorIndicatorBorder = border => { const { color, style } = border || {}; const fallbackColor = !!style && style !== 'none' ? COLORS.gray[300] : undefined; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-style:", style === 'none' ? 'solid' : style, ";border-color:", color || fallbackColor, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const colorIndicatorWrapper = (border, size) => { const { style } = border || {}; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-radius:9999px;border:2px solid transparent;", style ? colorIndicatorBorder(border) : undefined, " width:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '24px' : '22px', ";height:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '24px' : '22px', ";padding:", size === '__unstable-large' ? '2px' : '1px', ";&>span{height:", space(4), ";width:", space(4), ";background:linear-gradient(\n\t\t\t\t-45deg,\n\t\t\t\ttransparent 48%,\n\t\t\t\trgb( 0 0 0 / 20% ) 48%,\n\t\t\t\trgb( 0 0 0 / 20% ) 52%,\n\t\t\t\ttransparent 52%\n\t\t\t);}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; // Must equal $color-palette-circle-size from: // @wordpress/components/src/circular-option-picker/style.scss const swatchSize = 28; const swatchGap = 12; const borderControlPopoverControls = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("width:", swatchSize * 6 + swatchGap * 5, "px;>div:first-of-type>", StyledLabel, "{margin-bottom:0;", styles_labelStyles, ";}&& ", StyledLabel, "+button:not( .has-text ){min-width:24px;padding:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const borderControlPopoverContent = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css( true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const borderColorIndicator = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css( true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const resetButton = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("justify-content:center;width:100%;&&{border-top:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid ", COLORS.gray[400], ";border-top-left-radius:0;border-top-right-radius:0;height:40px;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const borderSlider = () => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("flex:1 1 60%;", rtl({ marginRight: space(3) })(), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/unit-control/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const isWeb = external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Platform.OS === 'web'; const allUnits = { px: { value: 'px', label: isWeb ? 'px' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Pixels (px)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Pixels (px)'), step: 1 }, '%': { value: '%', label: isWeb ? '%' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Percentage (%)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Percent (%)'), step: 0.1 }, em: { value: 'em', label: isWeb ? 'em' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Relative to parent font size (em)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('ems', 'Relative to parent font size (em)'), step: 0.01 }, rem: { value: 'rem', label: isWeb ? 'rem' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Relative to root font size (rem)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('rems', 'Relative to root font size (rem)'), step: 0.01 }, vw: { value: 'vw', label: isWeb ? 'vw' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport width (vw)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport width (vw)'), step: 0.1 }, vh: { value: 'vh', label: isWeb ? 'vh' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport height (vh)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport height (vh)'), step: 0.1 }, vmin: { value: 'vmin', label: isWeb ? 'vmin' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport smallest dimension (vmin)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport smallest dimension (vmin)'), step: 0.1 }, vmax: { value: 'vmax', label: isWeb ? 'vmax' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport largest dimension (vmax)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport largest dimension (vmax)'), step: 0.1 }, ch: { value: 'ch', label: isWeb ? 'ch' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Width of the zero (0) character (ch)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Width of the zero (0) character (ch)'), step: 0.01 }, ex: { value: 'ex', label: isWeb ? 'ex' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('x-height of the font (ex)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('x-height of the font (ex)'), step: 0.01 }, cm: { value: 'cm', label: isWeb ? 'cm' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Centimeters (cm)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Centimeters (cm)'), step: 0.001 }, mm: { value: 'mm', label: isWeb ? 'mm' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Millimeters (mm)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Millimeters (mm)'), step: 0.1 }, in: { value: 'in', label: isWeb ? 'in' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Inches (in)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Inches (in)'), step: 0.001 }, pc: { value: 'pc', label: isWeb ? 'pc' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Picas (pc)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Picas (pc)'), step: 1 }, pt: { value: 'pt', label: isWeb ? 'pt' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Points (pt)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Points (pt)'), step: 1 }, svw: { value: 'svw', label: isWeb ? 'svw' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport width (svw)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport width (svw)'), step: 0.1 }, svh: { value: 'svh', label: isWeb ? 'svh' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport height (svh)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport height (svh)'), step: 0.1 }, svi: { value: 'svi', label: isWeb ? 'svi' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport smallest size in the inline direction (svi)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport width or height (svi)'), step: 0.1 }, svb: { value: 'svb', label: isWeb ? 'svb' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Viewport smallest size in the block direction (svb)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport width or height (svb)'), step: 0.1 }, svmin: { value: 'svmin', label: isWeb ? 'svmin' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport smallest dimension (svmin)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport smallest dimension (svmin)'), step: 0.1 }, lvw: { value: 'lvw', label: isWeb ? 'lvw' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport width (lvw)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport width (lvw)'), step: 0.1 }, lvh: { value: 'lvh', label: isWeb ? 'lvh' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport height (lvh)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport height (lvh)'), step: 0.1 }, lvi: { value: 'lvi', label: isWeb ? 'lvi' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport width or height (lvi)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport width or height (lvi)'), step: 0.1 }, lvb: { value: 'lvb', label: isWeb ? 'lvb' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport width or height (lvb)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport width or height (lvb)'), step: 0.1 }, lvmin: { value: 'lvmin', label: isWeb ? 'lvmin' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport smallest dimension (lvmin)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport smallest dimension (lvmin)'), step: 0.1 }, dvw: { value: 'dvw', label: isWeb ? 'dvw' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport width (dvw)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport width (dvw)'), step: 0.1 }, dvh: { value: 'dvh', label: isWeb ? 'dvh' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport height (dvh)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport height (dvh)'), step: 0.1 }, dvi: { value: 'dvi', label: isWeb ? 'dvi' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport width or height (dvi)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport width or height (dvi)'), step: 0.1 }, dvb: { value: 'dvb', label: isWeb ? 'dvb' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport width or height (dvb)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport width or height (dvb)'), step: 0.1 }, dvmin: { value: 'dvmin', label: isWeb ? 'dvmin' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport smallest dimension (dvmin)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport smallest dimension (dvmin)'), step: 0.1 }, dvmax: { value: 'dvmax', label: isWeb ? 'dvmax' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport largest dimension (dvmax)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dynamic viewport largest dimension (dvmax)'), step: 0.1 }, svmax: { value: 'svmax', label: isWeb ? 'svmax' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport largest dimension (svmax)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small viewport largest dimension (svmax)'), step: 0.1 }, lvmax: { value: 'lvmax', label: isWeb ? 'lvmax' : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport largest dimension (lvmax)'), a11yLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large viewport largest dimension (lvmax)'), step: 0.1 } }; /** * An array of all available CSS length units. */ const ALL_CSS_UNITS = Object.values(allUnits); /** * Units of measurements. `a11yLabel` is used by screenreaders. */ const CSS_UNITS = [allUnits.px, allUnits['%'], allUnits.em, allUnits.rem, allUnits.vw, allUnits.vh]; const DEFAULT_UNIT = allUnits.px; /** * Handles legacy value + unit handling. * This component use to manage both incoming value and units separately. * * Moving forward, ideally the value should be a string that contains both * the value and unit, example: '10px' * * @param rawValue The raw value as a string (may or may not contain the unit) * @param fallbackUnit The unit used as a fallback, if not unit is detected in the `value` * @param allowedUnits Units to derive from. * @return The extracted quantity and unit. The quantity can be `undefined` in case the raw value * could not be parsed to a number correctly. The unit can be `undefined` in case the unit parse * from the raw value could not be matched against the list of allowed units. */ function getParsedQuantityAndUnit(rawValue, fallbackUnit, allowedUnits) { const initialValue = fallbackUnit ? `${rawValue !== null && rawValue !== void 0 ? rawValue : ''}${fallbackUnit}` : rawValue; return parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(initialValue, allowedUnits); } /** * Checks if units are defined. * * @param units List of units. * @return Whether the list actually contains any units. */ function hasUnits(units) { // Although the `isArray` check shouldn't be necessary (given the signature of // this typed function), it's better to stay on the side of caution, since // this function may be called from un-typed environments. return Array.isArray(units) && !!units.length; } /** * Parses a quantity and unit from a raw string value, given a list of allowed * units and otherwise falling back to the default unit. * * @param rawValue The raw value as a string (may or may not contain the unit) * @param allowedUnits Units to derive from. * @return The extracted quantity and unit. The quantity can be `undefined` in case the raw value * could not be parsed to a number correctly. The unit can be `undefined` in case the unit parsed * from the raw value could not be matched against the list of allowed units. */ function parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(rawValue, allowedUnits = ALL_CSS_UNITS) { let trimmedValue; let quantityToReturn; if (typeof rawValue !== 'undefined' || rawValue === null) { trimmedValue = `${rawValue}`.trim(); const parsedQuantity = parseFloat(trimmedValue); quantityToReturn = !isFinite(parsedQuantity) ? undefined : parsedQuantity; } const unitMatch = trimmedValue?.match(/[\d.\-\+]*\s*(.*)/); const matchedUnit = unitMatch?.[1]?.toLowerCase(); let unitToReturn; if (hasUnits(allowedUnits)) { const match = allowedUnits.find(item => item.value === matchedUnit); unitToReturn = match?.value; } else { unitToReturn = DEFAULT_UNIT.value; } return [quantityToReturn, unitToReturn]; } /** * Parses quantity and unit from a raw value. Validates parsed value, using fallback * value if invalid. * * @param rawValue The next value. * @param allowedUnits Units to derive from. * @param fallbackQuantity The fallback quantity, used in case it's not possible to parse a valid quantity from the raw value. * @param fallbackUnit The fallback unit, used in case it's not possible to parse a valid unit from the raw value. * @return The extracted quantity and unit. The quantity can be `undefined` in case the raw value * could not be parsed to a number correctly, and the `fallbackQuantity` was also `undefined`. The * unit can be `undefined` only if the unit parsed from the raw value could not be matched against * the list of allowed units, the `fallbackQuantity` is also `undefined` and the list of * `allowedUnits` is passed empty. */ function getValidParsedQuantityAndUnit(rawValue, allowedUnits, fallbackQuantity, fallbackUnit) { const [parsedQuantity, parsedUnit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(rawValue, allowedUnits); // The parsed value from `parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue` should now be // either a real number or undefined. If undefined, use the fallback value. const quantityToReturn = parsedQuantity !== null && parsedQuantity !== void 0 ? parsedQuantity : fallbackQuantity; // If no unit is parsed from the raw value, or if the fallback unit is not // defined, use the first value from the list of allowed units as fallback. let unitToReturn = parsedUnit || fallbackUnit; if (!unitToReturn && hasUnits(allowedUnits)) { unitToReturn = allowedUnits[0].value; } return [quantityToReturn, unitToReturn]; } /** * Takes a unit value and finds the matching accessibility label for the * unit abbreviation. * * @param unit Unit value (example: `px`) * @return a11y label for the unit abbreviation */ function getAccessibleLabelForUnit(unit) { const match = ALL_CSS_UNITS.find(item => item.value === unit); return match?.a11yLabel ? match?.a11yLabel : match?.value; } /** * Filters available units based on values defined a list of allowed unit values. * * @param allowedUnitValues Collection of allowed unit value strings. * @param availableUnits Collection of available unit objects. * @return Filtered units. */ function filterUnitsWithSettings(allowedUnitValues = [], availableUnits) { // Although the `isArray` check shouldn't be necessary (given the signature of // this typed function), it's better to stay on the side of caution, since // this function may be called from un-typed environments. return Array.isArray(availableUnits) ? availableUnits.filter(unit => allowedUnitValues.includes(unit.value)) : []; } /** * Custom hook to retrieve and consolidate units setting from add_theme_support(). * TODO: ideally this hook shouldn't be needed * * * @param args An object containing units, settingPath & defaultUnits. * @param args.units Collection of all potentially available units. * @param args.availableUnits Collection of unit value strings for filtering available units. * @param args.defaultValues Collection of default values for defined units. Example: `{ px: 350, em: 15 }`. * * @return Filtered list of units, with their default values updated following the `defaultValues` * argument's property. */ const useCustomUnits = ({ units = ALL_CSS_UNITS, availableUnits = [], defaultValues }) => { const customUnitsToReturn = filterUnitsWithSettings(availableUnits, units); if (defaultValues) { customUnitsToReturn.forEach((unit, i) => { if (defaultValues[unit.value]) { const [parsedDefaultValue] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(defaultValues[unit.value]); customUnitsToReturn[i].default = parsedDefaultValue; } }); } return customUnitsToReturn; }; /** * Get available units with the unit for the currently selected value * prepended if it is not available in the list of units. * * This is useful to ensure that the current value's unit is always * accurately displayed in the UI, even if the intention is to hide * the availability of that unit. * * @param rawValue Selected value to parse. * @param legacyUnit Legacy unit value, if rawValue needs it appended. * @param units List of available units. * * @return A collection of units containing the unit for the current value. */ function getUnitsWithCurrentUnit(rawValue, legacyUnit, units = ALL_CSS_UNITS) { const unitsToReturn = Array.isArray(units) ? [...units] : []; const [, currentUnit] = getParsedQuantityAndUnit(rawValue, legacyUnit, ALL_CSS_UNITS); if (currentUnit && !unitsToReturn.some(unit => unit.value === currentUnit)) { if (allUnits[currentUnit]) { unitsToReturn.unshift(allUnits[currentUnit]); } } return unitsToReturn; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-control/border-control-dropdown/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useBorderControlDropdown(props) { const { border, className, colors = [], enableAlpha = false, enableStyle = true, onChange, previousStyleSelection, size = 'default', __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar = false, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'BorderControlDropdown'); const [widthValue] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(border?.width); const hasZeroWidth = widthValue === 0; const onColorChange = color => { const style = border?.style === 'none' ? previousStyleSelection : border?.style; const width = hasZeroWidth && !!color ? '1px' : border?.width; onChange({ color, style, width }); }; const onStyleChange = style => { const width = hasZeroWidth && !!style ? '1px' : border?.width; onChange({ ...border, style, width }); }; const onReset = () => { onChange({ ...border, color: undefined, style: undefined }); }; // Generate class names. const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderControlDropdown, className); }, [className, cx]); const indicatorClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderColorIndicator); }, [cx]); const indicatorWrapperClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(colorIndicatorWrapper(border, size)); }, [border, cx, size]); const popoverControlsClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderControlPopoverControls); }, [cx]); const popoverContentClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderControlPopoverContent); }, [cx]); const resetButtonClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(resetButton); }, [cx]); return { ...otherProps, border, className: classes, colors, enableAlpha, enableStyle, indicatorClassName, indicatorWrapperClassName, onColorChange, onStyleChange, onReset, popoverContentClassName, popoverControlsClassName, resetButtonClassName, size, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-control/border-control-dropdown/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const getAriaLabelColorValue = colorValue => { // Leave hex values as-is. Remove the `var()` wrapper from CSS vars. return colorValue.replace(/^var\((.+)\)$/, '$1'); }; const getColorObject = (colorValue, colors) => { if (!colorValue || !colors) { return; } if (isMultiplePaletteArray(colors)) { // Multiple origins let matchedColor; colors.some(origin => origin.colors.some(color => { if (color.color === colorValue) { matchedColor = color; return true; } return false; })); return matchedColor; } // Single origin return colors.find(color => color.color === colorValue); }; const getToggleAriaLabel = (colorValue, colorObject, style, isStyleEnabled) => { if (isStyleEnabled) { if (colorObject) { const ariaLabelValue = getAriaLabelColorValue(colorObject.color); return style ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: The name of the color e.g. "vivid red". %2$s: The color's hex code e.g.: "#f00:". %3$s: The current border style selection e.g. "solid". 'Border color and style picker. The currently selected color is called "%1$s" and has a value of "%2$s". The currently selected style is "%3$s".',, ariaLabelValue, style) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: The name of the color e.g. "vivid red". %2$s: The color's hex code e.g.: "#f00:". 'Border color and style picker. The currently selected color is called "%1$s" and has a value of "%2$s".',, ariaLabelValue); } if (colorValue) { const ariaLabelValue = getAriaLabelColorValue(colorValue); return style ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: The color's hex code e.g.: "#f00:". %2$s: The current border style selection e.g. "solid". 'Border color and style picker. The currently selected color has a value of "%1$s". The currently selected style is "%2$s".', ariaLabelValue, style) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: The color's hex code e.g: "#f00". 'Border color and style picker. The currently selected color has a value of "%1$s".', ariaLabelValue); } return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Border color and style picker.'); } if (colorObject) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: The name of the color e.g. "vivid red". %2$s: The color's hex code e.g: "#f00". 'Border color picker. The currently selected color is called "%1$s" and has a value of "%2$s".',, getAriaLabelColorValue(colorObject.color)); } if (colorValue) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: The color's hex code e.g: "#f00". 'Border color picker. The currently selected color has a value of "%1$s".', getAriaLabelColorValue(colorValue)); } return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Border color picker.'); }; const BorderControlDropdown = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, border, colors, disableCustomColors, enableAlpha, enableStyle, indicatorClassName, indicatorWrapperClassName, isStyleSettable, onReset, onColorChange, onStyleChange, popoverContentClassName, popoverControlsClassName, resetButtonClassName, showDropdownHeader, size, __unstablePopoverProps, ...otherProps } = useBorderControlDropdown(props); const { color, style } = border || {}; const colorObject = getColorObject(color, colors); const toggleAriaLabel = getToggleAriaLabel(color, colorObject, style, enableStyle); const showResetButton = color || style && style !== 'none'; const dropdownPosition = __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar ? 'bottom left' : undefined; const renderToggle = ({ onToggle }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { onClick: onToggle, variant: "tertiary", "aria-label": toggleAriaLabel, tooltipPosition: dropdownPosition, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Border color and style picker'), showTooltip: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: size === '__unstable-large' ? true : false, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: indicatorWrapperClassName, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_indicator, { className: indicatorClassName, colorValue: color }) }) }); const renderContent = ({ onClose }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_content_wrapper, { paddingSize: "medium", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { className: popoverControlsClassName, spacing: 6, children: [showDropdownHeader ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledLabel, { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Border color') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { size: "small", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close border color'), icon: close_small, onClick: onClose })] }) : undefined, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_palette, { className: popoverContentClassName, value: color, onChange: onColorChange, colors, disableCustomColors, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, clearable: false, enableAlpha: enableAlpha }), enableStyle && isStyleSettable && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_control_style_picker_component, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Style'), value: style, onChange: onStyleChange })] }) }), showResetButton && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_content_wrapper, { paddingSize: "none", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: resetButtonClassName, variant: "tertiary", onClick: () => { onReset(); onClose(); }, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset') }) })] }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown, { renderToggle: renderToggle, renderContent: renderContent, popoverProps: { ...__unstablePopoverProps }, ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef }); }; const ConnectedBorderControlDropdown = contextConnect(BorderControlDropdown, 'BorderControlDropdown'); /* harmony default export */ const border_control_dropdown_component = (ConnectedBorderControlDropdown); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/unit-control/unit-select-control.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnitSelectControl({ className, isUnitSelectTabbable: isTabbable = true, onChange, size = 'default', unit = 'px', units = CSS_UNITS, ...props }, ref) { if (!hasUnits(units) || units?.length === 1) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(UnitLabel, { className: "components-unit-control__unit-label", selectSize: size, children: unit }); } const handleOnChange = event => { const { value: unitValue } =; const data = units.find(option => option.value === unitValue); onChange?.(unitValue, { event, data }); }; const classes = dist_clsx('components-unit-control__select', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(UnitSelect, { ref: ref, className: classes, onChange: handleOnChange, selectSize: size, tabIndex: isTabbable ? undefined : -1, value: unit, ...props, children: => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("option", { value: option.value, children: option.label }, option.value)) }); } /* harmony default export */ const unit_select_control = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnitSelectControl)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/unit-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedUnitControl(unitControlProps, forwardedRef) { const { __unstableStateReducer, autoComplete = 'off', // @ts-expect-error Ensure that children is omitted from restProps children, className, disabled = false, disableUnits = false, isPressEnterToChange = false, isResetValueOnUnitChange = false, isUnitSelectTabbable = true, label, onChange: onChangeProp, onUnitChange, size = 'default', unit: unitProp, units: unitsProp = CSS_UNITS, value: valueProp, onFocus: onFocusProp, ...props } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(unitControlProps); if ('unit' in unitControlProps) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('UnitControl unit prop', { since: '5.6', hint: 'The unit should be provided within the `value` prop.', version: '6.2' }); } // The `value` prop, in theory, should not be `null`, but the following line // ensures it fallback to `undefined` in case a consumer of `UnitControl` // still passes `null` as a `value`. const nonNullValueProp = valueProp !== null && valueProp !== void 0 ? valueProp : undefined; const [units, reFirstCharacterOfUnits] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const list = getUnitsWithCurrentUnit(nonNullValueProp, unitProp, unitsProp); const [{ value: firstUnitValue = '' } = {},] = list; const firstCharacters = rest.reduce((carry, { value }) => { const first = escapeRegExp(value?.substring(0, 1) || ''); return carry.includes(first) ? carry : `${carry}|${first}`; }, escapeRegExp(firstUnitValue.substring(0, 1))); return [list, new RegExp(`^(?:${firstCharacters})$`, 'i')]; }, [nonNullValueProp, unitProp, unitsProp]); const [parsedQuantity, parsedUnit] = getParsedQuantityAndUnit(nonNullValueProp, unitProp, units); const [unit, setUnit] = use_controlled_state(units.length === 1 ? units[0].value : unitProp, { initial: parsedUnit, fallback: '' }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (parsedUnit !== undefined) { setUnit(parsedUnit); } }, [parsedUnit, setUnit]); const classes = dist_clsx('components-unit-control', // This class is added for legacy purposes to maintain it on the outer // wrapper. See: 'components-unit-control-wrapper', className); const handleOnQuantityChange = (nextQuantityValue, changeProps) => { if (nextQuantityValue === '' || typeof nextQuantityValue === 'undefined' || nextQuantityValue === null) { onChangeProp?.('', changeProps); return; } /* * Customizing the onChange callback. * This allows as to broadcast a combined value+unit to onChange. */ const onChangeValue = getValidParsedQuantityAndUnit(nextQuantityValue, units, parsedQuantity, unit).join(''); onChangeProp?.(onChangeValue, changeProps); }; const handleOnUnitChange = (nextUnitValue, changeProps) => { const { data } = changeProps; let nextValue = `${parsedQuantity !== null && parsedQuantity !== void 0 ? parsedQuantity : ''}${nextUnitValue}`; if (isResetValueOnUnitChange && data?.default !== undefined) { nextValue = `${data.default}${nextUnitValue}`; } onChangeProp?.(nextValue, changeProps); onUnitChange?.(nextUnitValue, changeProps); setUnit(nextUnitValue); }; let handleOnKeyDown; if (!disableUnits && isUnitSelectTabbable && units.length) { handleOnKeyDown = event => { props.onKeyDown?.(event); // Unless the meta key was pressed (to avoid interfering with // shortcuts, e.g. pastes), moves focus to the unit select if a key // matches the first character of a unit. if (!event.metaKey && reFirstCharacterOfUnits.test(event.key)) { refInputSuffix.current?.focus(); } }; } const refInputSuffix = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const inputSuffix = !disableUnits ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(unit_select_control, { ref: refInputSuffix, "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Select unit'), disabled: disabled, isUnitSelectTabbable: isUnitSelectTabbable, onChange: handleOnUnitChange, size: ['small', 'compact'].includes(size) || size === 'default' && !props.__next40pxDefaultSize ? 'small' : 'default', unit: unit, units: units, onFocus: onFocusProp, onBlur: unitControlProps.onBlur }) : null; let step = props.step; /* * If no step prop has been passed, lookup the active unit and * try to get step from `units`, or default to a value of `1` */ if (!step && units) { var _activeUnit$step; const activeUnit = units.find(option => option.value === unit); step = (_activeUnit$step = activeUnit?.step) !== null && _activeUnit$step !== void 0 ? _activeUnit$step : 1; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ValueInput, { ...props, autoComplete: autoComplete, className: classes, disabled: disabled, spinControls: "none", isPressEnterToChange: isPressEnterToChange, label: label, onKeyDown: handleOnKeyDown, onChange: handleOnQuantityChange, ref: forwardedRef, size: size, suffix: inputSuffix, type: isPressEnterToChange ? 'text' : 'number', value: parsedQuantity !== null && parsedQuantity !== void 0 ? parsedQuantity : '', step: step, onFocus: onFocusProp, __unstableStateReducer: __unstableStateReducer }); } /** * `UnitControl` allows the user to set a numeric quantity as well as a unit (e.g. `px`). * * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalUnitControl as UnitControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const Example = () => { * const [ value, setValue ] = useState( '10px' ); * * return <UnitControl onChange={ setValue } value={ value } />; * }; * ``` */ const UnitControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedUnitControl); /* harmony default export */ const unit_control = (UnitControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-control/border-control/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // If either width or color are defined, the border is considered valid // and a border style can be set as well. const isValidBorder = border => { const hasWidth = border?.width !== undefined && border.width !== ''; const hasColor = border?.color !== undefined; return hasWidth || hasColor; }; function useBorderControl(props) { const { className, colors = [], isCompact, onChange, enableAlpha = true, enableStyle = true, shouldSanitizeBorder = true, size = 'default', value: border, width, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar = false, __next40pxDefaultSize, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'BorderControl'); const computedSize = size === 'default' && __next40pxDefaultSize ? '__unstable-large' : size; const [widthValue, originalWidthUnit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(border?.width); const widthUnit = originalWidthUnit || 'px'; const hadPreviousZeroWidth = widthValue === 0; const [colorSelection, setColorSelection] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const [styleSelection, setStyleSelection] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const isStyleSettable = shouldSanitizeBorder ? isValidBorder(border) : true; const onBorderChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newBorder => { if (shouldSanitizeBorder && !isValidBorder(newBorder)) { onChange(undefined); return; } onChange(newBorder); }, [onChange, shouldSanitizeBorder]); const onWidthChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newWidth => { const newWidthValue = newWidth === '' ? undefined : newWidth; const [parsedValue] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(newWidth); const hasZeroWidth = parsedValue === 0; const updatedBorder = { ...border, width: newWidthValue }; // Setting the border width explicitly to zero will also set the // border style to `none` and clear the border color. if (hasZeroWidth && !hadPreviousZeroWidth) { // Before clearing the color and style selections, keep track of // the current selections so they can be restored when the width // changes to a non-zero value. setColorSelection(border?.color); setStyleSelection(border?.style); // Clear the color and style border properties. updatedBorder.color = undefined; = 'none'; } // Selection has changed from zero border width to non-zero width. if (!hasZeroWidth && hadPreviousZeroWidth) { // Restore previous border color and style selections if width // is now not zero. if (updatedBorder.color === undefined) { updatedBorder.color = colorSelection; } if ( === 'none') { = styleSelection; } } onBorderChange(updatedBorder); }, [border, hadPreviousZeroWidth, colorSelection, styleSelection, onBorderChange]); const onSliderChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(value => { onWidthChange(`${value}${widthUnit}`); }, [onWidthChange, widthUnit]); // Generate class names. const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderControl, className); }, [className, cx]); let wrapperWidth = width; if (isCompact) { // Widths below represent the minimum usable width for compact controls. // Taller controls contain greater internal padding, thus greater width. wrapperWidth = size === '__unstable-large' ? '116px' : '90px'; } const innerWrapperClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const widthStyle = !!wrapperWidth && styles_wrapperWidth; const heightStyle = wrapperHeight(computedSize); return cx(innerWrapper(), widthStyle, heightStyle); }, [wrapperWidth, cx, computedSize]); const sliderClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderSlider()); }, [cx]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, colors, enableAlpha, enableStyle, innerWrapperClassName, inputWidth: wrapperWidth, isStyleSettable, onBorderChange, onSliderChange, onWidthChange, previousStyleSelection: styleSelection, sliderClassName, value: border, widthUnit, widthValue, size: computedSize, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, __next40pxDefaultSize }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-control/border-control/component.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const BorderLabel = props => { const { label, hideLabelFromVision } = props; if (!label) { return null; } return hideLabelFromVision ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "legend", children: label }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledLabel, { as: "legend", children: label }); }; const UnconnectedBorderControl = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { __next40pxDefaultSize = false, colors, disableCustomColors, disableUnits, enableAlpha, enableStyle, hideLabelFromVision, innerWrapperClassName, inputWidth, isStyleSettable, label, onBorderChange, onSliderChange, onWidthChange, placeholder, __unstablePopoverProps, previousStyleSelection, showDropdownHeader, size, sliderClassName, value: border, widthUnit, widthValue, withSlider, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, ...otherProps } = useBorderControl(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(component, { as: "fieldset", ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BorderLabel, { label: label, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { spacing: 4, className: innerWrapperClassName, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(unit_control, { prefix: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_control_dropdown_component, { border: border, colors: colors, __unstablePopoverProps: __unstablePopoverProps, disableCustomColors: disableCustomColors, enableAlpha: enableAlpha, enableStyle: enableStyle, isStyleSettable: isStyleSettable, onChange: onBorderChange, previousStyleSelection: previousStyleSelection, showDropdownHeader: showDropdownHeader, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, size: size }), label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Border width'), hideLabelFromVision: true, min: 0, onChange: onWidthChange, value: border?.width || '', placeholder: placeholder, disableUnits: disableUnits, __unstableInputWidth: inputWidth, size: size }), withSlider && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(range_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Border width'), hideLabelFromVision: true, className: sliderClassName, initialPosition: 0, max: 100, min: 0, onChange: onSliderChange, step: ['px', '%'].includes(widthUnit) ? 1 : 0.1, value: widthValue || undefined, withInputField: false, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize })] })] }); }; /** * The `BorderControl` brings together internal sub-components which allow users to * set the various properties of a border. The first sub-component, a * `BorderDropdown` contains options representing border color and style. The * border width is controlled via a `UnitControl` and an optional `RangeControl`. * * Border radius is not covered by this control as it may be desired separate to * color, style, and width. For example, the border radius may be absorbed under * a "shape" abstraction. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalBorderControl as BorderControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * * const colors = [ * { name: 'Blue 20', color: '#72aee6' }, * // ... * ]; * * const MyBorderControl = () => { * const [ border, setBorder ] = useState(); * const onChange = ( newBorder ) => setBorder( newBorder ); * * return ( * <BorderControl * colors={ colors } * label={ __( 'Border' ) } * onChange={ onChange } * value={ border } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const BorderControl = contextConnect(UnconnectedBorderControl, 'BorderControl'); /* harmony default export */ const border_control_component = (BorderControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/grid/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ const utils_ALIGNMENTS = { bottom: { alignItems: 'flex-end', justifyContent: 'center' }, bottomLeft: { alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'flex-end' }, bottomRight: { alignItems: 'flex-end', justifyContent: 'flex-end' }, center: { alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }, spaced: { alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }, left: { alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-start' }, right: { alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-end' }, stretch: { alignItems: 'stretch' }, top: { alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'center' }, topLeft: { alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'flex-start' }, topRight: { alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'flex-end' } }; function utils_getAlignmentProps(alignment) { const alignmentProps = alignment ? utils_ALIGNMENTS[alignment] : {}; return alignmentProps; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/grid/hook.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useGrid(props) { const { align, alignment, className, columnGap, columns = 2, gap = 3, isInline = false, justify, rowGap, rows, templateColumns, templateRows, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Grid'); const columnsAsArray = Array.isArray(columns) ? columns : [columns]; const column = useResponsiveValue(columnsAsArray); const rowsAsArray = Array.isArray(rows) ? rows : [rows]; const row = useResponsiveValue(rowsAsArray); const gridTemplateColumns = templateColumns || !!columns && `repeat( ${column}, 1fr )`; const gridTemplateRows = templateRows || !!rows && `repeat( ${row}, 1fr )`; const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const alignmentProps = utils_getAlignmentProps(alignment); const gridClasses = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ alignItems: align, display: isInline ? 'inline-grid' : 'grid', gap: `calc( ${config_values.gridBase} * ${gap} )`, gridTemplateColumns: gridTemplateColumns || undefined, gridTemplateRows: gridTemplateRows || undefined, gridRowGap: rowGap, gridColumnGap: columnGap, justifyContent: justify, verticalAlign: isInline ? 'middle' : undefined, ...alignmentProps }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); return cx(gridClasses, className); }, [align, alignment, className, columnGap, cx, gap, gridTemplateColumns, gridTemplateRows, isInline, justify, rowGap]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/grid/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedGrid(props, forwardedRef) { const gridProps = useGrid(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...gridProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Grid` is a primitive layout component that can arrange content in a grid configuration. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalGrid as Grid, * __experimentalText as Text * } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Grid columns={ 3 }> * <Text>Code</Text> * <Text>is</Text> * <Text>Poetry</Text> * </Grid> * ); * } * ``` */ const Grid = contextConnect(UnconnectedGrid, 'Grid'); /* harmony default export */ const grid_component = (Grid); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control-split-controls/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useBorderBoxControlSplitControls(props) { const { className, colors = [], enableAlpha = false, enableStyle = true, size = 'default', __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar = false, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'BorderBoxControlSplitControls'); // Generate class names. const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderBoxControlSplitControls(size), className); }, [cx, className, size]); const centeredClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(centeredBorderControl, className); }, [cx, className]); const rightAlignedClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(rightBorderControl(), className); }, [cx, className]); return { ...otherProps, centeredClassName, className: classes, colors, enableAlpha, enableStyle, rightAlignedClassName, size, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control-split-controls/component.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const BorderBoxControlSplitControls = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { centeredClassName, colors, disableCustomColors, enableAlpha, enableStyle, onChange, popoverPlacement, popoverOffset, rightAlignedClassName, size = 'default', value, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, ...otherProps } = useBorderBoxControlSplitControls(props); // Use internal state instead of a ref to make sure that the component // re-renders when the popover's anchor updates. const [popoverAnchor, setPopoverAnchor] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); // Memoize popoverProps to avoid returning a new object every time. const popoverProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => popoverPlacement ? { placement: popoverPlacement, offset: popoverOffset, anchor: popoverAnchor, shift: true } : undefined, [popoverPlacement, popoverOffset, popoverAnchor]); const sharedBorderControlProps = { colors, disableCustomColors, enableAlpha, enableStyle, isCompact: true, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, size }; const mergedRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([setPopoverAnchor, forwardedRef]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(grid_component, { ...otherProps, ref: mergedRef, gap: 4, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_box_control_visualizer_component, { value: value, size: size }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_control_component, { className: centeredClassName, hideLabelFromVision: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top border'), onChange: newBorder => onChange(newBorder, 'top'), __unstablePopoverProps: popoverProps, value: value?.top, ...sharedBorderControlProps }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_control_component, { hideLabelFromVision: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Left border'), onChange: newBorder => onChange(newBorder, 'left'), __unstablePopoverProps: popoverProps, value: value?.left, ...sharedBorderControlProps }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_control_component, { className: rightAlignedClassName, hideLabelFromVision: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Right border'), onChange: newBorder => onChange(newBorder, 'right'), __unstablePopoverProps: popoverProps, value: value?.right, ...sharedBorderControlProps }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_control_component, { className: centeredClassName, hideLabelFromVision: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Bottom border'), onChange: newBorder => onChange(newBorder, 'bottom'), __unstablePopoverProps: popoverProps, value: value?.bottom, ...sharedBorderControlProps })] }); }; const ConnectedBorderBoxControlSplitControls = contextConnect(BorderBoxControlSplitControls, 'BorderBoxControlSplitControls'); /* harmony default export */ const border_box_control_split_controls_component = (ConnectedBorderBoxControlSplitControls); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/unit-values.js const UNITED_VALUE_REGEX = /^([\d.\-+]*)\s*(fr|cm|mm|Q|in|pc|pt|px|em|ex|ch|rem|lh|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|%|cap|ic|rlh|vi|vb|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx|svw|lvw|dvw|svh|lvh|dvh|svi|lvi|dvi|svb|lvb|dvb|svmin|lvmin|dvmin|svmax|lvmax|dvmax)?$/; /** * Parses a number and unit from a value. * * @param toParse Value to parse * * @return The extracted number and unit. */ function parseCSSUnitValue(toParse) { const value = toParse.trim(); const matched = value.match(UNITED_VALUE_REGEX); if (!matched) { return [undefined, undefined]; } const [, num, unit] = matched; let numParsed = parseFloat(num); numParsed = Number.isNaN(numParsed) ? undefined : numParsed; return [numParsed, unit]; } /** * Combines a value and a unit into a unit value. * * @param value * @param unit * * @return The unit value. */ function createCSSUnitValue(value, unit) { return `${value}${unit}`; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const utils_sides = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']; const borderProps = ['color', 'style', 'width']; const isEmptyBorder = border => { if (!border) { return true; } return !borderProps.some(prop => border[prop] !== undefined); }; const isDefinedBorder = border => { // No border, no worries :) if (!border) { return false; } // If we have individual borders per side within the border object we // need to check whether any of those side borders have been set. if (hasSplitBorders(border)) { const allSidesEmpty = utils_sides.every(side => isEmptyBorder(border[side])); return !allSidesEmpty; } // If we have a top-level border only, check if that is empty. e.g. // { color: undefined, style: undefined, width: undefined } // Border radius can still be set within the border object as it is // handled separately. return !isEmptyBorder(border); }; const isCompleteBorder = border => { if (!border) { return false; } return borderProps.every(prop => border[prop] !== undefined); }; const hasSplitBorders = (border = {}) => { return Object.keys(border).some(side => utils_sides.indexOf(side) !== -1); }; const hasMixedBorders = borders => { if (!hasSplitBorders(borders)) { return false; } const shorthandBorders = => getShorthandBorderStyle(borders?.[side])); return !shorthandBorders.every(border => border === shorthandBorders[0]); }; const getSplitBorders = border => { if (!border || isEmptyBorder(border)) { return undefined; } return { top: border, right: border, bottom: border, left: border }; }; const getBorderDiff = (original, updated) => { const diff = {}; if (original.color !== updated.color) { diff.color = updated.color; } if ( !== { =; } if (original.width !== updated.width) { diff.width = updated.width; } return diff; }; const getCommonBorder = borders => { if (!borders) { return undefined; } const colors = []; const styles = []; const widths = []; utils_sides.forEach(side => { colors.push(borders[side]?.color); styles.push(borders[side]?.style); widths.push(borders[side]?.width); }); const allColorsMatch = colors.every(value => value === colors[0]); const allStylesMatch = styles.every(value => value === styles[0]); const allWidthsMatch = widths.every(value => value === widths[0]); return { color: allColorsMatch ? colors[0] : undefined, style: allStylesMatch ? styles[0] : undefined, width: allWidthsMatch ? widths[0] : getMostCommonUnit(widths) }; }; const getShorthandBorderStyle = (border, fallbackBorder) => { if (isEmptyBorder(border)) { return fallbackBorder; } const { color: fallbackColor, style: fallbackStyle, width: fallbackWidth } = fallbackBorder || {}; const { color = fallbackColor, style = fallbackStyle, width = fallbackWidth } = border; const hasVisibleBorder = !!width && width !== '0' || !!color; const borderStyle = hasVisibleBorder ? style || 'solid' : style; return [width, borderStyle, color].filter(Boolean).join(' '); }; const getMostCommonUnit = values => { // Collect all the CSS units. const units = => value === undefined ? undefined : parseCSSUnitValue(`${value}`)[1]); // Return the most common unit out of only the defined CSS units. const filteredUnits = units.filter(value => value !== undefined); return mode(filteredUnits); }; /** * Finds the mode value out of the array passed favouring the first value * as a tiebreaker. * * @param values Values to determine the mode from. * * @return The mode value. */ function mode(values) { if (values.length === 0) { return undefined; } const map = {}; let maxCount = 0; let currentMode; values.forEach(value => { map[value] = map[value] === undefined ? 1 : map[value] + 1; if (map[value] > maxCount) { currentMode = value; maxCount = map[value]; } }); return currentMode; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useBorderBoxControl(props) { const { className, colors = [], onChange, enableAlpha = false, enableStyle = true, size = 'default', value, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar = false, __next40pxDefaultSize, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'BorderBoxControl'); const computedSize = size === 'default' && __next40pxDefaultSize ? '__unstable-large' : size; const mixedBorders = hasMixedBorders(value); const splitBorders = hasSplitBorders(value); const linkedValue = splitBorders ? getCommonBorder(value) : value; const splitValue = splitBorders ? value : getSplitBorders(value); // If no numeric width value is set, the unit select will be disabled. const hasWidthValue = !isNaN(parseFloat(`${linkedValue?.width}`)); const [isLinked, setIsLinked] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(!mixedBorders); const toggleLinked = () => setIsLinked(!isLinked); const onLinkedChange = newBorder => { if (!newBorder) { return onChange(undefined); } // If we have all props defined on the new border apply it. if (!mixedBorders || isCompleteBorder(newBorder)) { return onChange(isEmptyBorder(newBorder) ? undefined : newBorder); } // If we had mixed borders we might have had some shared border props // that we need to maintain. For example; we could have mixed borders // with all the same color but different widths. Then from the linked // control we change the color. We should keep the separate widths. const changes = getBorderDiff(linkedValue, newBorder); const updatedBorders = { top: { ...value?.top, ...changes }, right: { ...value?.right, ...changes }, bottom: { ...value?.bottom, ...changes }, left: { ...value?.left, ...changes } }; if (hasMixedBorders(updatedBorders)) { return onChange(updatedBorders); } const filteredResult = isEmptyBorder( ? undefined :; onChange(filteredResult); }; const onSplitChange = (newBorder, side) => { const updatedBorders = { ...splitValue, [side]: newBorder }; if (hasMixedBorders(updatedBorders)) { onChange(updatedBorders); } else { onChange(newBorder); } }; const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(borderBoxControl, className); }, [cx, className]); const linkedControlClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(linkedBorderControl()); }, [cx]); const wrapperClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(wrapper); }, [cx]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, colors, disableUnits: mixedBorders && !hasWidthValue, enableAlpha, enableStyle, hasMixedBorders: mixedBorders, isLinked, linkedControlClassName, onLinkedChange, onSplitChange, toggleLinked, linkedValue, size: computedSize, splitValue, wrapperClassName, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/border-box-control/border-box-control/component.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const component_BorderLabel = props => { const { label, hideLabelFromVision } = props; if (!label) { return null; } return hideLabelFromVision ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "label", children: label }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledLabel, { children: label }); }; const UnconnectedBorderBoxControl = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { className, colors, disableCustomColors, disableUnits, enableAlpha, enableStyle, hasMixedBorders, hideLabelFromVision, isLinked, label, linkedControlClassName, linkedValue, onLinkedChange, onSplitChange, popoverPlacement, popoverOffset, size, splitValue, toggleLinked, wrapperClassName, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, ...otherProps } = useBorderBoxControl(props); // Use internal state instead of a ref to make sure that the component // re-renders when the popover's anchor updates. const [popoverAnchor, setPopoverAnchor] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); // Memoize popoverProps to avoid returning a new object every time. const popoverProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => popoverPlacement ? { placement: popoverPlacement, offset: popoverOffset, anchor: popoverAnchor, shift: true } : undefined, [popoverPlacement, popoverOffset, popoverAnchor]); const mergedRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([setPopoverAnchor, forwardedRef]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(component, { className: className, ...otherProps, ref: mergedRef, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component_BorderLabel, { label: label, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(component, { className: wrapperClassName, children: [isLinked ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_control_component, { className: linkedControlClassName, colors: colors, disableUnits: disableUnits, disableCustomColors: disableCustomColors, enableAlpha: enableAlpha, enableStyle: enableStyle, onChange: onLinkedChange, placeholder: hasMixedBorders ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Mixed') : undefined, __unstablePopoverProps: popoverProps, shouldSanitizeBorder: false // This component will handle that. , value: linkedValue, withSlider: true, width: size === '__unstable-large' ? '116px' : '110px', __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, size: size }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_box_control_split_controls_component, { colors: colors, disableCustomColors: disableCustomColors, enableAlpha: enableAlpha, enableStyle: enableStyle, onChange: onSplitChange, popoverPlacement: popoverPlacement, popoverOffset: popoverOffset, value: splitValue, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, size: size }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(border_box_control_linked_button_component, { onClick: toggleLinked, isLinked: isLinked, size: size })] })] }); }; /** * The `BorderBoxControl` effectively has two view states. The first, a "linked" * view, allows configuration of a flat border via a single `BorderControl`. * The second, a "split" view, contains a `BorderControl` for each side * as well as a visualizer for the currently selected borders. Each view also * contains a button to toggle between the two. * * When switching from the "split" view to "linked", if the individual side * borders are not consistent, the "linked" view will display any border * properties selections that are consistent while showing a mixed state for * those that aren't. For example, if all borders had the same color and style * but different widths, then the border dropdown in the "linked" view's * `BorderControl` would show that consistent color and style but the "linked" * view's width input would show "Mixed" placeholder text. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalBorderBoxControl as BorderBoxControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * * const colors = [ * { name: 'Blue 20', color: '#72aee6' }, * // ... * ]; * * const MyBorderBoxControl = () => { * const defaultBorder = { * color: '#72aee6', * style: 'dashed', * width: '1px', * }; * const [ borders, setBorders ] = useState( { * top: defaultBorder, * right: defaultBorder, * bottom: defaultBorder, * left: defaultBorder, * } ); * const onChange = ( newBorders ) => setBorders( newBorders ); * * return ( * <BorderBoxControl * colors={ colors } * label={ __( 'Borders' ) } * onChange={ onChange } * value={ borders } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const BorderBoxControl = contextConnect(UnconnectedBorderBoxControl, 'BorderBoxControl'); /* harmony default export */ const border_box_control_component = (BorderBoxControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/styles/box-control-icon-styles.js function box_control_icon_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const box_control_icon_styles_Root = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z8" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1w884gc", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;display:block;width:24px;height:24px;position:relative;padding:4px" } : 0); const Viewbox = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z7" } : 0)( true ? { name: "i6vjox", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;display:block;position:relative;width:100%;height:100%" } : 0); const strokeFocus = ({ isFocused }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ backgroundColor: 'currentColor', opacity: isFocused ? 1 : 0.3 }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const Stroke = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z6" } : 0)("box-sizing:border-box;display:block;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;", strokeFocus, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const VerticalStroke = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(Stroke, true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z5" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1k2w39q", styles: "bottom:3px;top:3px;width:2px" } : 0); const HorizontalStroke = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(Stroke, true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z4" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1q9b07k", styles: "height:2px;left:3px;right:3px" } : 0); const TopStroke = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(HorizontalStroke, true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z3" } : 0)( true ? { name: "abcix4", styles: "top:0" } : 0); const RightStroke = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(VerticalStroke, true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z2" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1wf8jf", styles: "right:0" } : 0); const BottomStroke = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(HorizontalStroke, true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z1" } : 0)( true ? { name: "8tapst", styles: "bottom:0" } : 0); const LeftStroke = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(VerticalStroke, true ? { target: "e1j5nr4z0" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1ode3cm", styles: "left:0" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/icon.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const BASE_ICON_SIZE = 24; function BoxControlIcon({ size = 24, side = 'all', sides, ...props }) { const isSideDisabled = value => sides?.length && !sides.includes(value); const hasSide = value => { if (isSideDisabled(value)) { return false; } return side === 'all' || side === value; }; const top = hasSide('top') || hasSide('vertical'); const right = hasSide('right') || hasSide('horizontal'); const bottom = hasSide('bottom') || hasSide('vertical'); const left = hasSide('left') || hasSide('horizontal'); // Simulates SVG Icon scaling. const scale = size / BASE_ICON_SIZE; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(box_control_icon_styles_Root, { style: { transform: `scale(${scale})` }, ...props, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Viewbox, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TopStroke, { isFocused: top }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RightStroke, { isFocused: right }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BottomStroke, { isFocused: bottom }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LeftStroke, { isFocused: left })] }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/styles/box-control-styles.js function box_control_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const StyledUnitControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(unit_control, true ? { target: "e1jovhle5" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1ejyr19", styles: "max-width:90px" } : 0); const InputWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(h_stack_component, true ? { target: "e1jovhle4" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1j1lmoi", styles: "grid-column:1/span 3" } : 0); const ResetButton = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { target: "e1jovhle3" } : 0)( true ? { name: "tkya7b", styles: "grid-area:1/2;justify-self:end" } : 0); const LinkedButtonWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1jovhle2" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1dfa8al", styles: "grid-area:1/3;justify-self:end" } : 0); const FlexedBoxControlIcon = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(BoxControlIcon, true ? { target: "e1jovhle1" } : 0)( true ? { name: "ou8xsw", styles: "flex:0 0 auto" } : 0); const FlexedRangeControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(range_control, true ? { target: "e1jovhle0" } : 0)("width:100%;margin-inline-end:", space(2), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTINGS = { px: { max: 300, step: 1 }, '%': { max: 100, step: 1 }, vw: { max: 100, step: 1 }, vh: { max: 100, step: 1 }, em: { max: 10, step: 0.1 }, rm: { max: 10, step: 0.1 }, svw: { max: 100, step: 1 }, lvw: { max: 100, step: 1 }, dvw: { max: 100, step: 1 }, svh: { max: 100, step: 1 }, lvh: { max: 100, step: 1 }, dvh: { max: 100, step: 1 }, vi: { max: 100, step: 1 }, svi: { max: 100, step: 1 }, lvi: { max: 100, step: 1 }, dvi: { max: 100, step: 1 }, vb: { max: 100, step: 1 }, svb: { max: 100, step: 1 }, lvb: { max: 100, step: 1 }, dvb: { max: 100, step: 1 }, vmin: { max: 100, step: 1 }, svmin: { max: 100, step: 1 }, lvmin: { max: 100, step: 1 }, dvmin: { max: 100, step: 1 }, vmax: { max: 100, step: 1 }, svmax: { max: 100, step: 1 }, lvmax: { max: 100, step: 1 }, dvmax: { max: 100, step: 1 } }; const LABELS = { all: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('All sides'), top: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top side'), bottom: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Bottom side'), left: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Left side'), right: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Right side'), mixed: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Mixed'), vertical: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top and bottom sides'), horizontal: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Left and right sides') }; const DEFAULT_VALUES = { top: undefined, right: undefined, bottom: undefined, left: undefined }; const ALL_SIDES = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']; /** * Gets an items with the most occurrence within an array * * * @param arr Array of items to check. * @return The item with the most occurrences. */ function utils_mode(arr) { return arr.sort((a, b) => arr.filter(v => v === a).length - arr.filter(v => v === b).length).pop(); } /** * Gets the 'all' input value and unit from values data. * * @param values Box values. * @param selectedUnits Box units. * @param availableSides Available box sides to evaluate. * * @return A value + unit for the 'all' input. */ function getAllValue(values = {}, selectedUnits, availableSides = ALL_SIDES) { const sides = normalizeSides(availableSides); const parsedQuantitiesAndUnits = => parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(values[side])); const allParsedQuantities = => { var _value$; return (_value$ = value[0]) !== null && _value$ !== void 0 ? _value$ : ''; }); const allParsedUnits = => value[1]); const commonQuantity = allParsedQuantities.every(v => v === allParsedQuantities[0]) ? allParsedQuantities[0] : ''; /** * The typeof === 'number' check is important. On reset actions, the incoming value * may be null or an empty string. * * Also, the value may also be zero (0), which is considered a valid unit value. * * typeof === 'number' is more specific for these cases, rather than relying on a * simple truthy check. */ let commonUnit; if (typeof commonQuantity === 'number') { commonUnit = utils_mode(allParsedUnits); } else { var _getAllUnitFallback; // Set meaningful unit selection if no commonQuantity and user has previously // selected units without assigning values while controls were unlinked. commonUnit = (_getAllUnitFallback = getAllUnitFallback(selectedUnits)) !== null && _getAllUnitFallback !== void 0 ? _getAllUnitFallback : utils_mode(allParsedUnits); } return [commonQuantity, commonUnit].join(''); } /** * Determine the most common unit selection to use as a fallback option. * * @param selectedUnits Current unit selections for individual sides. * @return Most common unit selection. */ function getAllUnitFallback(selectedUnits) { if (!selectedUnits || typeof selectedUnits !== 'object') { return undefined; } const filteredUnits = Object.values(selectedUnits).filter(Boolean); return utils_mode(filteredUnits); } /** * Checks to determine if values are mixed. * * @param values Box values. * @param selectedUnits Box units. * @param sides Available box sides to evaluate. * * @return Whether values are mixed. */ function isValuesMixed(values = {}, selectedUnits, sides = ALL_SIDES) { const allValue = getAllValue(values, selectedUnits, sides); const isMixed = isNaN(parseFloat(allValue)); return isMixed; } /** * Checks to determine if values are defined. * * @param values Box values. * * @return Whether values are mixed. */ function isValuesDefined(values) { return values !== undefined && Object.values(values).filter( // Switching units when input is empty causes values only // containing units. This gives false positive on mixed values // unless filtered. value => !!value && /\d/.test(value)).length > 0; } /** * Get initial selected side, factoring in whether the sides are linked, * and whether the vertical / horizontal directions are grouped via splitOnAxis. * * @param isLinked Whether the box control's fields are linked. * @param splitOnAxis Whether splitting by horizontal or vertical axis. * @return The initial side. */ function getInitialSide(isLinked, splitOnAxis) { let initialSide = 'all'; if (!isLinked) { initialSide = splitOnAxis ? 'vertical' : 'top'; } return initialSide; } /** * Normalizes provided sides configuration to an array containing only top, * right, bottom and left. This essentially just maps `horizontal` or `vertical` * to their appropriate sides to facilitate correctly determining value for * all input control. * * @param sides Available sides for box control. * @return Normalized sides configuration. */ function normalizeSides(sides) { const filteredSides = []; if (!sides?.length) { return ALL_SIDES; } if (sides.includes('vertical')) { filteredSides.push(...['top', 'bottom']); } else if (sides.includes('horizontal')) { filteredSides.push(...['left', 'right']); } else { const newSides = ALL_SIDES.filter(side => sides.includes(side)); filteredSides.push(...newSides); } return filteredSides; } /** * Applies a value to an object representing top, right, bottom and left sides * while taking into account any custom side configuration. * * @param currentValues The current values for each side. * @param newValue The value to apply to the sides object. * @param sides Array defining valid sides. * * @return Object containing the updated values for each side. */ function applyValueToSides(currentValues, newValue, sides) { const newValues = { ...currentValues }; if (sides?.length) { sides.forEach(side => { if (side === 'vertical') { = newValue; newValues.bottom = newValue; } else if (side === 'horizontal') { newValues.left = newValue; newValues.right = newValue; } else { newValues[side] = newValue; } }); } else { ALL_SIDES.forEach(side => newValues[side] = newValue); } return newValues; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/all-input-control.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const all_input_control_noop = () => {}; function AllInputControl({ __next40pxDefaultSize, onChange = all_input_control_noop, onFocus = all_input_control_noop, values, sides, selectedUnits, setSelectedUnits, ...props }) { var _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING, _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2; const inputId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(AllInputControl, 'box-control-input-all'); const allValue = getAllValue(values, selectedUnits, sides); const hasValues = isValuesDefined(values); const isMixed = hasValues && isValuesMixed(values, selectedUnits, sides); const allPlaceholder = isMixed ? LABELS.mixed : undefined; const [parsedQuantity, parsedUnit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(allValue); const handleOnFocus = event => { onFocus(event, { side: 'all' }); }; const onValueChange = next => { const isNumeric = next !== undefined && !isNaN(parseFloat(next)); const nextValue = isNumeric ? next : undefined; const nextValues = applyValueToSides(values, nextValue, sides); onChange(nextValues); }; const sliderOnChange = next => { onValueChange(next !== undefined ? [next, parsedUnit].join('') : undefined); }; // Set selected unit so it can be used as fallback by unlinked controls // when individual sides do not have a value containing a unit. const handleOnUnitChange = unit => { const newUnits = applyValueToSides(selectedUnits, unit, sides); setSelectedUnits(newUnits); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledUnitControl, { ...props, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, className: "component-box-control__unit-control", disableUnits: isMixed, id: inputId, isPressEnterToChange: true, value: allValue, onChange: onValueChange, onUnitChange: handleOnUnitChange, onFocus: handleOnFocus, placeholder: allPlaceholder, label: LABELS.all, hideLabelFromVision: true }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FlexedRangeControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, "aria-controls": inputId, label: LABELS.all, hideLabelFromVision: true, onChange: sliderOnChange, min: 0, max: (_CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING = CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTINGS[parsedUnit !== null && parsedUnit !== void 0 ? parsedUnit : 'px']?.max) !== null && _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING !== void 0 ? _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING : 10, step: (_CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 = CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTINGS[parsedUnit !== null && parsedUnit !== void 0 ? parsedUnit : 'px']?.step) !== null && _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 !== void 0 ? _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 : 0.1, value: parsedQuantity !== null && parsedQuantity !== void 0 ? parsedQuantity : 0, withInputField: false })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/input-controls.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const input_controls_noop = () => {}; function BoxInputControls({ __next40pxDefaultSize, onChange = input_controls_noop, onFocus = input_controls_noop, values, selectedUnits, setSelectedUnits, sides, ...props }) { const generatedId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(BoxInputControls, 'box-control-input'); const createHandleOnFocus = side => event => { onFocus(event, { side }); }; const handleOnChange = nextValues => { onChange(nextValues); }; const handleOnValueChange = (side, next, extra) => { const nextValues = { ...values }; const isNumeric = next !== undefined && !isNaN(parseFloat(next)); const nextValue = isNumeric ? next : undefined; nextValues[side] = nextValue; /** * Supports changing pair sides. For example, holding the ALT key * when changing the TOP will also update BOTTOM. */ // @ts-expect-error - TODO: event.altKey is only present when the change event was // triggered by a keyboard event. Should this feature be implemented differently so // it also works with drag events? if (extra?.event.altKey) { switch (side) { case 'top': nextValues.bottom = nextValue; break; case 'bottom': = nextValue; break; case 'left': nextValues.right = nextValue; break; case 'right': nextValues.left = nextValue; break; } } handleOnChange(nextValues); }; const createHandleOnUnitChange = side => next => { const newUnits = { ...selectedUnits }; newUnits[side] = next; setSelectedUnits(newUnits); }; // Filter sides if custom configuration provided, maintaining default order. const filteredSides = sides?.length ? ALL_SIDES.filter(side => sides.includes(side)) : ALL_SIDES; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: => { var _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING, _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2; const [parsedQuantity, parsedUnit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(values[side]); const computedUnit = values[side] ? parsedUnit : selectedUnits[side]; const inputId = [generatedId, side].join('-'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(InputWrapper, { expanded: true, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FlexedBoxControlIcon, { side: side, sides: sides }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { placement: "top-end", text: LABELS[side], children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledUnitControl, { ...props, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, className: "component-box-control__unit-control", id: inputId, isPressEnterToChange: true, value: [parsedQuantity, computedUnit].join(''), onChange: (nextValue, extra) => handleOnValueChange(side, nextValue, extra), onUnitChange: createHandleOnUnitChange(side), onFocus: createHandleOnFocus(side), label: LABELS[side], hideLabelFromVision: true }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FlexedRangeControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, "aria-controls": inputId, label: LABELS[side], hideLabelFromVision: true, onChange: newValue => { handleOnValueChange(side, newValue !== undefined ? [newValue, computedUnit].join('') : undefined); }, min: 0, max: (_CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING = CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTINGS[computedUnit !== null && computedUnit !== void 0 ? computedUnit : 'px']?.max) !== null && _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING !== void 0 ? _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING : 10, step: (_CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 = CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTINGS[computedUnit !== null && computedUnit !== void 0 ? computedUnit : 'px']?.step) !== null && _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 !== void 0 ? _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 : 0.1, value: parsedQuantity !== null && parsedQuantity !== void 0 ? parsedQuantity : 0, withInputField: false })] }, `box-control-${side}`); }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/axial-input-controls.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const groupedSides = ['vertical', 'horizontal']; function AxialInputControls({ __next40pxDefaultSize, onChange, onFocus, values, selectedUnits, setSelectedUnits, sides, ...props }) { const generatedId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(AxialInputControls, `box-control-input`); const createHandleOnFocus = side => event => { if (!onFocus) { return; } onFocus(event, { side }); }; const handleOnValueChange = (side, next) => { if (!onChange) { return; } const nextValues = { ...values }; const isNumeric = next !== undefined && !isNaN(parseFloat(next)); const nextValue = isNumeric ? next : undefined; if (side === 'vertical') { = nextValue; nextValues.bottom = nextValue; } if (side === 'horizontal') { nextValues.left = nextValue; nextValues.right = nextValue; } onChange(nextValues); }; const createHandleOnUnitChange = side => next => { const newUnits = { ...selectedUnits }; if (side === 'vertical') { = next; newUnits.bottom = next; } if (side === 'horizontal') { newUnits.left = next; newUnits.right = next; } setSelectedUnits(newUnits); }; // Filter sides if custom configuration provided, maintaining default order. const filteredSides = sides?.length ? groupedSides.filter(side => sides.includes(side)) : groupedSides; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: => { var _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING, _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2; const [parsedQuantity, parsedUnit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(side === 'vertical' ? : values.left); const selectedUnit = side === 'vertical' ? : selectedUnits.left; const inputId = [generatedId, side].join('-'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(InputWrapper, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FlexedBoxControlIcon, { side: side, sides: sides }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { placement: "top-end", text: LABELS[side], children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_React_.createElement)(StyledUnitControl, { ...props, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, className: "component-box-control__unit-control", id: inputId, isPressEnterToChange: true, value: [parsedQuantity, selectedUnit !== null && selectedUnit !== void 0 ? selectedUnit : parsedUnit].join(''), onChange: newValue => handleOnValueChange(side, newValue), onUnitChange: createHandleOnUnitChange(side), onFocus: createHandleOnFocus(side), label: LABELS[side], hideLabelFromVision: true, key: side }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FlexedRangeControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, "aria-controls": inputId, label: LABELS[side], hideLabelFromVision: true, onChange: newValue => handleOnValueChange(side, newValue !== undefined ? [newValue, selectedUnit !== null && selectedUnit !== void 0 ? selectedUnit : parsedUnit].join('') : undefined), min: 0, max: (_CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING = CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTINGS[selectedUnit !== null && selectedUnit !== void 0 ? selectedUnit : 'px']?.max) !== null && _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING !== void 0 ? _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING : 10, step: (_CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 = CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTINGS[selectedUnit !== null && selectedUnit !== void 0 ? selectedUnit : 'px']?.step) !== null && _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 !== void 0 ? _CUSTOM_VALUE_SETTING2 : 0.1, value: parsedQuantity !== null && parsedQuantity !== void 0 ? parsedQuantity : 0, withInputField: false })] }, side); }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/linked-button.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function LinkedButton({ isLinked, ...props }) { const label = isLinked ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Unlink sides') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Link sides'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { text: label, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ...props, className: "component-box-control__linked-button", size: "small", icon: isLinked ? library_link : link_off, iconSize: 24, "aria-label": label }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/box-control/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const defaultInputProps = { min: 0 }; const box_control_noop = () => {}; function box_control_useUniqueId(idProp) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(BoxControl, 'inspector-box-control'); return idProp || instanceId; } /** * BoxControl components let users set values for Top, Right, Bottom, and Left. * This can be used as an input control for values like `padding` or `margin`. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalBoxControl as BoxControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const Example = () => { * const [ values, setValues ] = useState( { * top: '50px', * left: '10%', * right: '10%', * bottom: '50px', * } ); * * return ( * <BoxControl * values={ values } * onChange={ ( nextValues ) => setValues( nextValues ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function BoxControl({ __next40pxDefaultSize = false, id: idProp, inputProps = defaultInputProps, onChange = box_control_noop, label = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Box Control'), values: valuesProp, units, sides, splitOnAxis = false, allowReset = true, resetValues = DEFAULT_VALUES, onMouseOver, onMouseOut }) { const [values, setValues] = use_controlled_state(valuesProp, { fallback: DEFAULT_VALUES }); const inputValues = values || DEFAULT_VALUES; const hasInitialValue = isValuesDefined(valuesProp); const hasOneSide = sides?.length === 1; const [isDirty, setIsDirty] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(hasInitialValue); const [isLinked, setIsLinked] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(!hasInitialValue || !isValuesMixed(inputValues) || hasOneSide); const [side, setSide] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(getInitialSide(isLinked, splitOnAxis)); // Tracking selected units via internal state allows filtering of CSS unit // only values from being saved while maintaining preexisting unit selection // behaviour. Filtering CSS only values prevents invalid style values. const [selectedUnits, setSelectedUnits] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({ top: parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(valuesProp?.top)[1], right: parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(valuesProp?.right)[1], bottom: parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(valuesProp?.bottom)[1], left: parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(valuesProp?.left)[1] }); const id = box_control_useUniqueId(idProp); const headingId = `${id}-heading`; const toggleLinked = () => { setIsLinked(!isLinked); setSide(getInitialSide(!isLinked, splitOnAxis)); }; const handleOnFocus = (_event, { side: nextSide }) => { setSide(nextSide); }; const handleOnChange = nextValues => { onChange(nextValues); setValues(nextValues); setIsDirty(true); }; const handleOnReset = () => { onChange(resetValues); setValues(resetValues); setSelectedUnits(resetValues); setIsDirty(false); }; const inputControlProps = { ...inputProps, onChange: handleOnChange, onFocus: handleOnFocus, isLinked, units, selectedUnits, setSelectedUnits, sides, values: inputValues, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, __next40pxDefaultSize }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(grid_component, { id: id, columns: 3, templateColumns: "1fr min-content min-content", role: "group", "aria-labelledby": headingId, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BaseControl.VisualLabel, { id: headingId, children: label }), isLinked && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(InputWrapper, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FlexedBoxControlIcon, { side: side, sides: sides }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AllInputControl, { ...inputControlProps })] }), !hasOneSide && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LinkedButtonWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LinkedButton, { onClick: toggleLinked, isLinked: isLinked }) }), !isLinked && splitOnAxis && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AxialInputControls, { ...inputControlProps }), !isLinked && !splitOnAxis && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(BoxInputControls, { ...inputControlProps }), allowReset && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ResetButton, { className: "component-box-control__reset-button", variant: "secondary", size: "small", onClick: handleOnReset, disabled: !isDirty, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset') })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const box_control = (BoxControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/button-group/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedButtonGroup(props, ref) { const { className, ...restProps } = props; const classes = dist_clsx('components-button-group', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: ref, role: "group", className: classes, ...restProps }); } /** * ButtonGroup can be used to group any related buttons together. To emphasize * related buttons, a group should share a common container. * * ```jsx * import { Button, ButtonGroup } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyButtonGroup = () => ( * <ButtonGroup> * <Button variant="primary">Button 1</Button> * <Button variant="primary">Button 2</Button> * </ButtonGroup> * ); * ``` */ const ButtonGroup = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedButtonGroup); /* harmony default export */ const button_group = (ButtonGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/elevation/styles.js function elevation_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const Elevation = true ? { name: "12ip69d", styles: "background:transparent;display:block;margin:0!important;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;will-change:box-shadow" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/elevation/hook.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function getBoxShadow(value) { const boxShadowColor = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${value / 20})`; const boxShadow = `0 ${value}px ${value * 2}px 0 ${boxShadowColor}`; return boxShadow; } function useElevation(props) { const { active, borderRadius = 'inherit', className, focus, hover, isInteractive = false, offset = 0, value = 0, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Elevation'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { let hoverValue = isValueDefined(hover) ? hover : value * 2; let activeValue = isValueDefined(active) ? active : value / 2; if (!isInteractive) { hoverValue = isValueDefined(hover) ? hover : undefined; activeValue = isValueDefined(active) ? active : undefined; } const transition = `box-shadow ${config_values.transitionDuration} ${config_values.transitionTimingFunction}`; const sx = {}; sx.Base = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ borderRadius, bottom: offset, boxShadow: getBoxShadow(value), opacity: config_values.elevationIntensity, left: offset, right: offset, top: offset }, /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:", transition, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); if (isValueDefined(hoverValue)) { sx.hover = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("*:hover>&{box-shadow:", getBoxShadow(hoverValue), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); } if (isValueDefined(activeValue)) { = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("*:active>&{box-shadow:", getBoxShadow(activeValue), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); } if (isValueDefined(focus)) { sx.focus = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("*:focus>&{box-shadow:", getBoxShadow(focus), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); } return cx(Elevation, sx.Base, sx.hover, sx.focus,, className); }, [active, borderRadius, className, cx, focus, hover, isInteractive, offset, value]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, 'aria-hidden': true }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/elevation/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedElevation(props, forwardedRef) { const elevationProps = useElevation(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...elevationProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Elevation` is a core component that renders shadow, using the component * system's shadow system. * * The shadow effect is generated using the `value` prop. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalElevation as Elevation, * __experimentalSurface as Surface, * __experimentalText as Text, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Surface> * <Text>Code is Poetry</Text> * <Elevation value={ 5 } /> * </Surface> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Elevation = contextConnect(UnconnectedElevation, 'Elevation'); /* harmony default export */ const elevation_component = (component_Elevation); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/styles.js function card_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // Since the border for `Card` is rendered via the `box-shadow` property // (as opposed to the `border` property), the value of the border radius needs // to be adjusted by removing 1px (this is because the `box-shadow` renders // as an "outer radius"). const adjustedBorderRadius = `calc(${config_values.cardBorderRadius} - 1px)`; const Card = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-shadow:0 0 0 1px ", config_values.surfaceBorderColor, ";outline:none;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const Header = true ? { name: "1showjb", styles: "border-bottom:1px solid;box-sizing:border-box;&:last-child{border-bottom:none;}" } : 0; const Footer = true ? { name: "14n5oej", styles: "border-top:1px solid;box-sizing:border-box;&:first-of-type{border-top:none;}" } : 0; const Content = true ? { name: "13udsys", styles: "height:100%" } : 0; const Body = true ? { name: "6ywzd", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;height:auto;max-height:100%" } : 0; const Media = true ? { name: "dq805e", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;overflow:hidden;&>img,&>iframe{display:block;height:auto;max-width:100%;width:100%;}" } : 0; const Divider = true ? { name: "c990dr", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;display:block;width:100%" } : 0; const borderRadius = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("&:first-of-type{border-top-left-radius:", adjustedBorderRadius, ";border-top-right-radius:", adjustedBorderRadius, ";}&:last-of-type{border-bottom-left-radius:", adjustedBorderRadius, ";border-bottom-right-radius:", adjustedBorderRadius, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const borderColor = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-color:", config_values.colorDivider, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const boxShadowless = true ? { name: "1t90u8d", styles: "box-shadow:none" } : 0; const borderless = true ? { name: "1e1ncky", styles: "border:none" } : 0; const rounded = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-radius:", adjustedBorderRadius, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const xSmallCardPadding = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", config_values.cardPaddingXSmall, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const cardPaddings = { large: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", config_values.cardPaddingLarge, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), medium: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", config_values.cardPaddingMedium, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), small: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", config_values.cardPaddingSmall, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), xSmall: xSmallCardPadding, // The `extraSmall` size is not officially documented, but the following styles // are kept for legacy reasons to support older values of the `size` prop. extraSmall: xSmallCardPadding }; const shady = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background-color:", COLORS.ui.backgroundDisabled, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/surface/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const Surface = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background-color:", config_values.surfaceColor, ";color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";position:relative;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const background = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background-color:", config_values.surfaceBackgroundColor, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); function getBorders({ borderBottom, borderLeft, borderRight, borderTop }) { const borderStyle = `1px solid ${config_values.surfaceBorderColor}`; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ borderBottom: borderBottom ? borderStyle : undefined, borderLeft: borderLeft ? borderStyle : undefined, borderRight: borderRight ? borderStyle : undefined, borderTop: borderTop ? borderStyle : undefined }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); } const primary = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css( true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const secondary = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:", config_values.surfaceBackgroundTintColor, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const tertiary = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:", config_values.surfaceBackgroundTertiaryColor, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const customBackgroundSize = surfaceBackgroundSize => [surfaceBackgroundSize, surfaceBackgroundSize].join(' '); const dottedBackground1 = surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted => ['90deg', [config_values.surfaceBackgroundColor, surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted].join(' '), 'transparent 1%'].join(','); const dottedBackground2 = surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted => [[config_values.surfaceBackgroundColor, surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted].join(' '), 'transparent 1%'].join(','); const dottedBackgroundCombined = surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted => [`linear-gradient( ${dottedBackground1(surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted)} ) center`, `linear-gradient( ${dottedBackground2(surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted)} ) center`, config_values.surfaceBorderBoldColor].join(','); const getDotted = (surfaceBackgroundSize, surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:", dottedBackgroundCombined(surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted), ";background-size:", customBackgroundSize(surfaceBackgroundSize), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const gridBackground1 = [`${config_values.surfaceBorderSubtleColor} 1px`, 'transparent 1px'].join(','); const gridBackground2 = ['90deg', `${config_values.surfaceBorderSubtleColor} 1px`, 'transparent 1px'].join(','); const gridBackgroundCombined = [`linear-gradient( ${gridBackground1} )`, `linear-gradient( ${gridBackground2} )`].join(','); const getGrid = surfaceBackgroundSize => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("background:", config_values.surfaceBackgroundColor, ";background-image:", gridBackgroundCombined, ";background-size:", customBackgroundSize(surfaceBackgroundSize), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const getVariant = (variant, surfaceBackgroundSize, surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted) => { switch (variant) { case 'dotted': { return getDotted(surfaceBackgroundSize, surfaceBackgroundSizeDotted); } case 'grid': { return getGrid(surfaceBackgroundSize); } case 'primary': { return primary; } case 'secondary': { return secondary; } case 'tertiary': { return tertiary; } } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/surface/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useSurface(props) { const { backgroundSize = 12, borderBottom = false, borderLeft = false, borderRight = false, borderTop = false, className, variant = 'primary', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Surface'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const sx = { borders: getBorders({ borderBottom, borderLeft, borderRight, borderTop }) }; return cx(Surface, sx.borders, getVariant(variant, `${backgroundSize}px`, `${backgroundSize - 1}px`), className); }, [backgroundSize, borderBottom, borderLeft, borderRight, borderTop, className, cx, variant]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function hook_useDeprecatedProps({ elevation, isElevated, ...otherProps }) { const propsToReturn = { ...otherProps }; let computedElevation = elevation; if (isElevated) { var _computedElevation; external_wp_deprecated_default()('Card isElevated prop', { since: '5.9', alternative: 'elevation' }); (_computedElevation = computedElevation) !== null && _computedElevation !== void 0 ? _computedElevation : computedElevation = 2; } // The `elevation` prop should only be passed when it's not `undefined`, // otherwise it will override the value that gets derived from `useContextSystem`. if (typeof computedElevation !== 'undefined') { propsToReturn.elevation = computedElevation; } return propsToReturn; } function useCard(props) { const { className, elevation = 0, isBorderless = false, isRounded = true, size = 'medium', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(hook_useDeprecatedProps(props), 'Card'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(Card, isBorderless && boxShadowless, isRounded && rounded, className); }, [className, cx, isBorderless, isRounded]); const surfaceProps = useSurface({ ...otherProps, className: classes }); return { ...surfaceProps, elevation, isBorderless, isRounded, size }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedCard(props, forwardedRef) { const { children, elevation, isBorderless, isRounded, size, ...otherProps } = useCard(props); const elevationBorderRadius = isRounded ? config_values.cardBorderRadius : 0; const cx = useCx(); const elevationClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx( /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ borderRadius: elevationBorderRadius }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0)), [cx, elevationBorderRadius]); const contextProviderValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const contextProps = { size, isBorderless }; return { CardBody: contextProps, CardHeader: contextProps, CardFooter: contextProps }; }, [isBorderless, size]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ContextSystemProvider, { value: contextProviderValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(component, { ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { className: cx(Content), children: children }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(elevation_component, { className: elevationClassName, isInteractive: false, value: elevation ? 1 : 0 }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(elevation_component, { className: elevationClassName, isInteractive: false, value: elevation })] }) }); } /** * `Card` provides a flexible and extensible content container. * `Card` also provides a convenient set of sub-components such as `CardBody`, * `CardHeader`, `CardFooter`, and more. * * ```jsx * import { * Card, * CardHeader, * CardBody, * CardFooter, * __experimentalText as Text, * __experimentalHeading as Heading, * } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Card> * <CardHeader> * <Heading level={ 4 }>Card Title</Heading> * </CardHeader> * <CardBody> * <Text>Card Content</Text> * </CardBody> * <CardFooter> * <Text>Card Footer</Text> * </CardFooter> * </Card> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Card = contextConnect(UnconnectedCard, 'Card'); /* harmony default export */ const card_component = (component_Card); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/scrollable/styles.js function scrollable_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const scrollableScrollbar = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("@media only screen and ( min-device-width: 40em ){&::-webkit-scrollbar{height:12px;width:12px;}&::-webkit-scrollbar-track{background-color:transparent;}&::-webkit-scrollbar-track{background:", config_values.colorScrollbarTrack, ";border-radius:8px;}&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background-clip:padding-box;background-color:", config_values.colorScrollbarThumb, ";border:2px solid rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 );border-radius:7px;}&:hover::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background-color:", config_values.colorScrollbarThumbHover, ";}}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const Scrollable = true ? { name: "13udsys", styles: "height:100%" } : 0; const styles_Content = true ? { name: "bjn8wh", styles: "position:relative" } : 0; const styles_smoothScroll = true ? { name: "7zq9w", styles: "scroll-behavior:smooth" } : 0; const scrollX = true ? { name: "q33xhg", styles: "overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:hidden" } : 0; const scrollY = true ? { name: "103x71s", styles: "overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto" } : 0; const scrollAuto = true ? { name: "umwchj", styles: "overflow-y:auto" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/scrollable/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useScrollable(props) { const { className, scrollDirection = 'y', smoothScroll = false, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Scrollable'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(Scrollable, scrollableScrollbar, smoothScroll && styles_smoothScroll, scrollDirection === 'x' && scrollX, scrollDirection === 'y' && scrollY, scrollDirection === 'auto' && scrollAuto, className), [className, cx, scrollDirection, smoothScroll]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/scrollable/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedScrollable(props, forwardedRef) { const scrollableProps = useScrollable(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...scrollableProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Scrollable` is a layout component that content in a scrollable container. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalScrollable as Scrollable } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Scrollable style={ { maxHeight: 200 } }> * <div style={ { height: 500 } }>...</div> * </Scrollable> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Scrollable = contextConnect(UnconnectedScrollable, 'Scrollable'); /* harmony default export */ const scrollable_component = (component_Scrollable); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-body/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useCardBody(props) { const { className, isScrollable = false, isShady = false, size = 'medium', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'CardBody'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(Body, borderRadius, cardPaddings[size], isShady && shady, // This classname is added for legacy compatibility reasons. 'components-card__body', className), [className, cx, isShady, size]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, isScrollable }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-body/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedCardBody(props, forwardedRef) { const { isScrollable, ...otherProps } = useCardBody(props); if (isScrollable) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(scrollable_component, { ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `CardBody` renders an optional content area for a `Card`. * Multiple `CardBody` components can be used within `Card` if needed. * * ```jsx * import { Card, CardBody } from `@wordpress/components`; * * <Card> * <CardBody> * ... * </CardBody> * </Card> * ``` */ const CardBody = contextConnect(UnconnectedCardBody, 'CardBody'); /* harmony default export */ const card_body_component = (CardBody); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/YZEJGRDQ.js "use client"; // src/separator/separator.ts var useSeparator = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { orientation = "horizontal" } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["orientation"]); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "separator", "aria-orientation": orientation }, props); return props; } ); var Separator = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useSeparator(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("hr", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/divider/styles.js function divider_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const MARGIN_DIRECTIONS = { vertical: { start: 'marginLeft', end: 'marginRight' }, horizontal: { start: 'marginTop', end: 'marginBottom' } }; // Renders the correct margins given the Divider's `orientation` and the writing direction. // When both the generic `margin` and the specific `marginStart|marginEnd` props are defined, // the latter will take priority. const renderMargin = ({ 'aria-orientation': orientation = 'horizontal', margin, marginStart, marginEnd }) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(rtl({ [MARGIN_DIRECTIONS[orientation].start]: space(marginStart !== null && marginStart !== void 0 ? marginStart : margin), [MARGIN_DIRECTIONS[orientation].end]: space(marginEnd !== null && marginEnd !== void 0 ? marginEnd : margin) })(), true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); var divider_styles_ref = true ? { name: "1u4hpl4", styles: "display:inline" } : 0; const renderDisplay = ({ 'aria-orientation': orientation = 'horizontal' }) => { return orientation === 'vertical' ? divider_styles_ref : undefined; }; const renderBorder = ({ 'aria-orientation': orientation = 'horizontal' }) => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ [orientation === 'vertical' ? 'borderRight' : 'borderBottom']: '1px solid currentColor' }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); }; const renderSize = ({ 'aria-orientation': orientation = 'horizontal' }) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ height: orientation === 'vertical' ? 'auto' : 0, width: orientation === 'vertical' ? 0 : 'auto' }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0); const DividerView = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("hr", true ? { target: "e19on6iw0" } : 0)("border:0;margin:0;", renderDisplay, " ", renderBorder, " ", renderSize, " ", renderMargin, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/divider/component.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedDivider(props, forwardedRef) { const contextProps = useContextSystem(props, 'Divider'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Separator, { render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DividerView, {}), ...contextProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Divider` is a layout component that separates groups of related content. * * ```js * import { * __experimentalDivider as Divider, * __experimentalText as Text, * __experimentalVStack as VStack, * } from `@wordpress/components`; * * function Example() { * return ( * <VStack spacing={4}> * <Text>Some text here</Text> * <Divider /> * <Text>Some more text here</Text> * </VStack> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Divider = contextConnect(UnconnectedDivider, 'Divider'); /* harmony default export */ const divider_component = (component_Divider); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-divider/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useCardDivider(props) { const { className, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'CardDivider'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(Divider, borderColor, // This classname is added for legacy compatibility reasons. 'components-card__divider', className), [className, cx]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-divider/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedCardDivider(props, forwardedRef) { const dividerProps = useCardDivider(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(divider_component, { ...dividerProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `CardDivider` renders an optional divider within a `Card`. * It is typically used to divide multiple `CardBody` components from each other. * * ```jsx * import { Card, CardBody, CardDivider } from `@wordpress/components`; * * <Card> * <CardBody>...</CardBody> * <CardDivider /> * <CardBody>...</CardBody> * </Card> * ``` */ const CardDivider = contextConnect(UnconnectedCardDivider, 'CardDivider'); /* harmony default export */ const card_divider_component = (CardDivider); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-footer/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useCardFooter(props) { const { className, justify, isBorderless = false, isShady = false, size = 'medium', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'CardFooter'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(Footer, borderRadius, borderColor, cardPaddings[size], isBorderless && borderless, isShady && shady, // This classname is added for legacy compatibility reasons. 'components-card__footer', className), [className, cx, isBorderless, isShady, size]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes, justify }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-footer/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedCardFooter(props, forwardedRef) { const footerProps = useCardFooter(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_component, { ...footerProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `CardFooter` renders an optional footer within a `Card`. * * ```jsx * import { Card, CardBody, CardFooter } from `@wordpress/components`; * * <Card> * <CardBody>...</CardBody> * <CardFooter>...</CardFooter> * </Card> * ``` */ const CardFooter = contextConnect(UnconnectedCardFooter, 'CardFooter'); /* harmony default export */ const card_footer_component = (CardFooter); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-header/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useCardHeader(props) { const { className, isBorderless = false, isShady = false, size = 'medium', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'CardHeader'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(Header, borderRadius, borderColor, cardPaddings[size], isBorderless && borderless, isShady && shady, // This classname is added for legacy compatibility reasons. 'components-card__header', className), [className, cx, isBorderless, isShady, size]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-header/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedCardHeader(props, forwardedRef) { const headerProps = useCardHeader(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_component, { ...headerProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `CardHeader` renders an optional header within a `Card`. * * ```jsx * import { Card, CardBody, CardHeader } from `@wordpress/components`; * * <Card> * <CardHeader>...</CardHeader> * <CardBody>...</CardBody> * </Card> * ``` */ const CardHeader = contextConnect(UnconnectedCardHeader, 'CardHeader'); /* harmony default export */ const card_header_component = (CardHeader); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-media/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useCardMedia(props) { const { className, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'CardMedia'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(Media, borderRadius, // This classname is added for legacy compatibility reasons. 'components-card__media', className), [className, cx]); return { ...otherProps, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/card/card-media/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedCardMedia(props, forwardedRef) { const cardMediaProps = useCardMedia(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...cardMediaProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `CardMedia` provides a container for full-bleed content within a `Card`, * such as images, video, or even just a background color. * * @example * ```jsx * import { Card, CardBody, CardMedia } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const Example = () => ( * <Card> * <CardMedia> * <img src="..." /> * </CardMedia> * <CardBody>...</CardBody> * </Card> * ); * ``` */ const CardMedia = contextConnect(UnconnectedCardMedia, 'CardMedia'); /* harmony default export */ const card_media_component = (CardMedia); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/checkbox-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more items from a set. * * ```jsx * import { CheckboxControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyCheckboxControl = () => { * const [ isChecked, setChecked ] = useState( true ); * return ( * <CheckboxControl * label="Is author" * help="Is the user a author or not?" * checked={ isChecked } * onChange={ setChecked } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function CheckboxControl(props) { const { __nextHasNoMarginBottom, label, className, heading, checked, indeterminate, help, id: idProp, onChange, ...additionalProps } = props; if (heading) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`heading` prop in `CheckboxControl`', { alternative: 'a separate element to implement a heading', since: '5.8' }); } const [showCheckedIcon, setShowCheckedIcon] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [showIndeterminateIcon, setShowIndeterminateIcon] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); // Run the following callback every time the `ref` (and the additional // dependencies) change. const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useRefEffect)(node => { if (!node) { return; } // It cannot be set using an HTML attribute. node.indeterminate = !!indeterminate; setShowCheckedIcon(node.matches(':checked')); setShowIndeterminateIcon(node.matches(':indeterminate')); }, [checked, indeterminate]); const id = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(CheckboxControl, 'inspector-checkbox-control', idProp); const onChangeValue = event => onChange(; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, label: heading, id: id, help: help && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-checkbox-control__help", children: help }), className: dist_clsx('components-checkbox-control', className), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { spacing: 0, justify: "start", alignment: "top", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { className: "components-checkbox-control__input-container", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("input", { ref: ref, id: id, className: "components-checkbox-control__input", type: "checkbox", value: "1", onChange: onChangeValue, checked: checked, "aria-describedby": !!help ? id + '__help' : undefined, ...additionalProps }), showIndeterminateIcon ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_reset, className: "components-checkbox-control__indeterminate", role: "presentation" }) : null, showCheckedIcon ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_check, className: "components-checkbox-control__checked", role: "presentation" }) : null] }), label && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("label", { className: "components-checkbox-control__label", htmlFor: id, children: label })] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const checkbox_control = (CheckboxControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/clipboard-button/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const TIMEOUT = 4000; function ClipboardButton({ className, children, onCopy, onFinishCopy, text, ...buttonProps }) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.ClipboardButton', { since: '5.8', alternative: 'wp.compose.useCopyToClipboard' }); const timeoutId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useCopyToClipboard)(text, () => { onCopy(); if (timeoutId.current) { clearTimeout(timeoutId.current); } if (onFinishCopy) { timeoutId.current = setTimeout(() => onFinishCopy(), TIMEOUT); } }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (timeoutId.current) { clearTimeout(timeoutId.current); } }, []); const classes = dist_clsx('components-clipboard-button', className); // Workaround for inconsistent behavior in Safari, where <textarea> is not // the document.activeElement at the moment when the copy event fires. // This causes documentHasSelection() in the copy-handler component to // mistakenly override the ClipboardButton, and copy a serialized string // of the current block instead. const focusOnCopyEventTarget = event => { // @ts-expect-error: Should be currentTarget, but not changing because this component is deprecated.; }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ...buttonProps, className: classes, ref: ref, onCopy: focusOnCopyEventTarget, children: children }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/more-vertical.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const moreVertical = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M13 19h-2v-2h2v2zm0-6h-2v-2h2v2zm0-6h-2V5h2v2z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const more_vertical = (moreVertical); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/item-group/styles.js function item_group_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const unstyledButton = as => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("font-size:", font('default.fontSize'), ";font-family:inherit;appearance:none;border:1px solid transparent;cursor:pointer;background:none;text-align:start;text-decoration:", as === 'a' ? 'none' : undefined, ";svg,path{fill:currentColor;}&:hover{color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}&:focus{box-shadow:none;outline:none;}&:focus-visible{box-shadow:0 0 0 var( --wp-admin-border-width-focus ) ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const itemWrapper = true ? { name: "1bcj5ek", styles: "width:100%;display:block" } : 0; const item = true ? { name: "150ruhm", styles: "box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;display:block;margin:0;color:inherit" } : 0; const bordered = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border:1px solid ", config_values.surfaceBorderColor, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const separated = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(">*:not( marquee )>*{border-bottom:1px solid ", config_values.surfaceBorderColor, ";}>*:last-of-type>*:not( :focus ){border-bottom-color:transparent;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const styles_borderRadius = config_values.controlBorderRadius; const styles_spacedAround = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-radius:", styles_borderRadius, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const styles_rounded = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-radius:", styles_borderRadius, ";>*:first-of-type>*{border-top-left-radius:", styles_borderRadius, ";border-top-right-radius:", styles_borderRadius, ";}>*:last-of-type>*{border-bottom-left-radius:", styles_borderRadius, ";border-bottom-right-radius:", styles_borderRadius, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const baseFontHeight = `calc(${config_values.fontSize} * ${config_values.fontLineHeightBase})`; /* * Math: * - Use the desired height as the base value * - Subtract the computed height of (default) text * - Subtract the effects of border * - Divide the calculated number by 2, in order to get an individual top/bottom padding */ const paddingY = `calc((${config_values.controlHeight} - ${baseFontHeight} - 2px) / 2)`; const paddingYSmall = `calc((${config_values.controlHeightSmall} - ${baseFontHeight} - 2px) / 2)`; const paddingYLarge = `calc((${config_values.controlHeightLarge} - ${baseFontHeight} - 2px) / 2)`; const itemSizes = { small: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", paddingYSmall, " ", config_values.controlPaddingXSmall, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), medium: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", paddingY, " ", config_values.controlPaddingX, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), large: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding:", paddingYLarge, " ", config_values.controlPaddingXLarge, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0) }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/item-group/item-group/hook.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useItemGroup(props) { const { className, isBordered = false, isRounded = true, isSeparated = false, role = 'list', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ItemGroup'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = cx(isBordered && bordered, isSeparated && separated, isRounded && styles_rounded, className); return { isBordered, className: classes, role, isSeparated, ...otherProps }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/item-group/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ItemGroupContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ size: 'medium' }); const useItemGroupContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(ItemGroupContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/item-group/item-group/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedItemGroup(props, forwardedRef) { const { isBordered, isSeparated, size: sizeProp, ...otherProps } = useItemGroup(props); const { size: contextSize } = useItemGroupContext(); const spacedAround = !isBordered && !isSeparated; const size = sizeProp || contextSize; const contextValue = { spacedAround, size }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemGroupContext.Provider, { value: contextValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef }) }); } /** * `ItemGroup` displays a list of `Item`s grouped and styled together. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalItemGroup as ItemGroup, * __experimentalItem as Item, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ItemGroup> * <Item>Code</Item> * <Item>is</Item> * <Item>Poetry</Item> * </ItemGroup> * ); * } * ``` */ const ItemGroup = contextConnect(UnconnectedItemGroup, 'ItemGroup'); /* harmony default export */ const item_group_component = (ItemGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/gradient-bar/constants.js const GRADIENT_MARKERS_WIDTH = 16; const INSERT_POINT_WIDTH = 16; const MINIMUM_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_INSERTER_AND_POINT = 10; const MINIMUM_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_POINTS = 0; const MINIMUM_SIGNIFICANT_MOVE = 5; const KEYBOARD_CONTROL_POINT_VARIATION = MINIMUM_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_INSERTER_AND_POINT; const MINIMUM_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_INSERTER_AND_MARKER = (INSERT_POINT_WIDTH + GRADIENT_MARKERS_WIDTH) / 2; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/gradient-bar/utils.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Clamps a number between 0 and 100. * * @param value Value to clamp. * * @return Value clamped between 0 and 100. */ function clampPercent(value) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(100, value)); } /** * Check if a control point is overlapping with another. * * @param value Array of control points. * @param initialIndex Index of the position to test. * @param newPosition New position of the control point. * @param minDistance Distance considered to be overlapping. * * @return True if the point is overlapping. */ function isOverlapping(value, initialIndex, newPosition, minDistance = MINIMUM_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_POINTS) { const initialPosition = value[initialIndex].position; const minPosition = Math.min(initialPosition, newPosition); const maxPosition = Math.max(initialPosition, newPosition); return value.some(({ position }, index) => { return index !== initialIndex && (Math.abs(position - newPosition) < minDistance || minPosition < position && position < maxPosition); }); } /** * Adds a control point from an array and returns the new array. * * @param points Array of control points. * @param position Position to insert the new point. * @param color Color to update the control point at index. * * @return New array of control points. */ function addControlPoint(points, position, color) { const nextIndex = points.findIndex(point => point.position > position); const newPoint = { color, position }; const newPoints = points.slice(); newPoints.splice(nextIndex - 1, 0, newPoint); return newPoints; } /** * Removes a control point from an array and returns the new array. * * @param points Array of control points. * @param index Index to remove. * * @return New array of control points. */ function removeControlPoint(points, index) { return points.filter((_point, pointIndex) => { return pointIndex !== index; }); } /** * Updates a control point from an array and returns the new array. * * @param points Array of control points. * @param index Index to update. * @param newPoint New control point to replace the index. * * @return New array of control points. */ function updateControlPoint(points, index, newPoint) { const newValue = points.slice(); newValue[index] = newPoint; return newValue; } /** * Updates the position of a control point from an array and returns the new array. * * @param points Array of control points. * @param index Index to update. * @param newPosition Position to move the control point at index. * * @return New array of control points. */ function updateControlPointPosition(points, index, newPosition) { if (isOverlapping(points, index, newPosition)) { return points; } const newPoint = { ...points[index], position: newPosition }; return updateControlPoint(points, index, newPoint); } /** * Updates the position of a control point from an array and returns the new array. * * @param points Array of control points. * @param index Index to update. * @param newColor Color to update the control point at index. * * @return New array of control points. */ function updateControlPointColor(points, index, newColor) { const newPoint = { ...points[index], color: newColor }; return updateControlPoint(points, index, newPoint); } /** * Updates the position of a control point from an array and returns the new array. * * @param points Array of control points. * @param position Position of the color stop. * @param newColor Color to update the control point at index. * * @return New array of control points. */ function updateControlPointColorByPosition(points, position, newColor) { const index = points.findIndex(point => point.position === position); return updateControlPointColor(points, index, newColor); } /** * Gets the horizontal coordinate when dragging a control point with the mouse. * * @param mouseXcoordinate Horizontal coordinate of the mouse position. * @param containerElement Container for the gradient picker. * * @return Whole number percentage from the left. */ function getHorizontalRelativeGradientPosition(mouseXCoordinate, containerElement) { if (!containerElement) { return; } const { x, width } = containerElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const absolutePositionValue = mouseXCoordinate - x; return Math.round(clampPercent(absolutePositionValue * 100 / width)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/gradient-bar/control-points.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ControlPointButton({ isOpen, position, color, ...additionalProps }) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ControlPointButton); const descriptionId = `components-custom-gradient-picker__control-point-button-description-${instanceId}`; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %1$s: gradient position e.g: 70, %2$s: gradient color code e.g: rgb(52,121,151). (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Gradient control point at position %1$s%% with color code %2$s.'), position, color), "aria-describedby": descriptionId, "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-expanded": isOpen, className: dist_clsx('components-custom-gradient-picker__control-point-button', { 'is-active': isOpen }), ...additionalProps }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { id: descriptionId, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Use your left or right arrow keys or drag and drop with the mouse to change the gradient position. Press the button to change the color or remove the control point.') })] }); } function GradientColorPickerDropdown({ isRenderedInSidebar, className, ...props }) { // Open the popover below the gradient control/insertion point const popoverProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ placement: 'bottom', offset: 8, // Disabling resize as it would otherwise cause the popover to show // scrollbars while dragging the color picker's handle close to the // popover edge. resize: false }), []); const mergedClassName = dist_clsx('components-custom-gradient-picker__control-point-dropdown', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CustomColorPickerDropdown, { isRenderedInSidebar: isRenderedInSidebar, popoverProps: popoverProps, className: mergedClassName, ...props }); } function ControlPoints({ disableRemove, disableAlpha, gradientPickerDomRef, ignoreMarkerPosition, value: controlPoints, onChange, onStartControlPointChange, onStopControlPointChange, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar }) { const controlPointMoveState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const onMouseMove = event => { if (controlPointMoveState.current === undefined || gradientPickerDomRef.current === null) { return; } const relativePosition = getHorizontalRelativeGradientPosition(event.clientX, gradientPickerDomRef.current); const { initialPosition, index, significantMoveHappened } = controlPointMoveState.current; if (!significantMoveHappened && Math.abs(initialPosition - relativePosition) >= MINIMUM_SIGNIFICANT_MOVE) { controlPointMoveState.current.significantMoveHappened = true; } onChange(updateControlPointPosition(controlPoints, index, relativePosition)); }; const cleanEventListeners = () => { if (window && window.removeEventListener && controlPointMoveState.current && controlPointMoveState.current.listenersActivated) { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); window.removeEventListener('mouseup', cleanEventListeners); onStopControlPointChange(); controlPointMoveState.current.listenersActivated = false; } }; // Adding `cleanEventListeners` to the dependency array below requires the function itself to be wrapped in a `useCallback` // This memoization would prevent the event listeners from being properly cleaned. // Instead, we'll pass a ref to the function in our `useEffect` so `cleanEventListeners` itself is no longer a dependency. const cleanEventListenersRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); cleanEventListenersRef.current = cleanEventListeners; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { return () => { cleanEventListenersRef.current?.(); }; }, []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children:, index) => { const initialPosition = point?.position; return ignoreMarkerPosition !== initialPosition && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GradientColorPickerDropdown, { isRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, onClose: onStopControlPointChange, renderToggle: ({ isOpen, onToggle }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ControlPointButton, { onClick: () => { if (controlPointMoveState.current && controlPointMoveState.current.significantMoveHappened) { return; } if (isOpen) { onStopControlPointChange(); } else { onStartControlPointChange(); } onToggle(); }, onMouseDown: () => { if (window && window.addEventListener) { controlPointMoveState.current = { initialPosition, index, significantMoveHappened: false, listenersActivated: true }; onStartControlPointChange(); window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); window.addEventListener('mouseup', cleanEventListeners); } }, onKeyDown: event => { if (event.code === 'ArrowLeft') { // Stop propagation of the key press event to avoid focus moving // to another editor area. event.stopPropagation(); onChange(updateControlPointPosition(controlPoints, index, clampPercent(point.position - KEYBOARD_CONTROL_POINT_VARIATION))); } else if (event.code === 'ArrowRight') { // Stop propagation of the key press event to avoid focus moving // to another editor area. event.stopPropagation(); onChange(updateControlPointPosition(controlPoints, index, clampPercent(point.position + KEYBOARD_CONTROL_POINT_VARIATION))); } }, isOpen: isOpen, position: point.position, color: point.color }, index), renderContent: ({ onClose }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(dropdown_content_wrapper, { paddingSize: "none", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LegacyAdapter, { enableAlpha: !disableAlpha, color: point.color, onChange: color => { onChange(updateControlPointColor(controlPoints, index, w(color).toRgbString())); } }), !disableRemove && controlPoints.length > 2 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(h_stack_component, { className: "components-custom-gradient-picker__remove-control-point-wrapper", alignment: "center", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { onClick: () => { onChange(removeControlPoint(controlPoints, index)); onClose(); }, variant: "link", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Remove Control Point') }) })] }), style: { left: `${point.position}%`, transform: 'translateX( -50% )' } }, index); }) }); } function InsertPoint({ value: controlPoints, onChange, onOpenInserter, onCloseInserter, insertPosition, disableAlpha, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar }) { const [alreadyInsertedPoint, setAlreadyInsertedPoint] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GradientColorPickerDropdown, { isRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, className: "components-custom-gradient-picker__inserter", onClose: () => { onCloseInserter(); }, renderToggle: ({ isOpen, onToggle }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { "aria-expanded": isOpen, "aria-haspopup": "true", onClick: () => { if (isOpen) { onCloseInserter(); } else { setAlreadyInsertedPoint(false); onOpenInserter(); } onToggle(); }, className: "components-custom-gradient-picker__insert-point-dropdown", icon: library_plus }), renderContent: () => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_content_wrapper, { paddingSize: "none", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LegacyAdapter, { enableAlpha: !disableAlpha, onChange: color => { if (!alreadyInsertedPoint) { onChange(addControlPoint(controlPoints, insertPosition, w(color).toRgbString())); setAlreadyInsertedPoint(true); } else { onChange(updateControlPointColorByPosition(controlPoints, insertPosition, w(color).toRgbString())); } } }) }), style: insertPosition !== null ? { left: `${insertPosition}%`, transform: 'translateX( -50% )' } : undefined }); } ControlPoints.InsertPoint = InsertPoint; /* harmony default export */ const control_points = (ControlPoints); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/gradient-bar/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const customGradientBarReducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'MOVE_INSERTER': if ( === 'IDLE' || === 'MOVING_INSERTER') { return { id: 'MOVING_INSERTER', insertPosition: action.insertPosition }; } break; case 'STOP_INSERTER_MOVE': if ( === 'MOVING_INSERTER') { return { id: 'IDLE' }; } break; case 'OPEN_INSERTER': if ( === 'MOVING_INSERTER') { return { id: 'INSERTING_CONTROL_POINT', insertPosition: state.insertPosition }; } break; case 'CLOSE_INSERTER': if ( === 'INSERTING_CONTROL_POINT') { return { id: 'IDLE' }; } break; case 'START_CONTROL_CHANGE': if ( === 'IDLE') { return { id: 'MOVING_CONTROL_POINT' }; } break; case 'STOP_CONTROL_CHANGE': if ( === 'MOVING_CONTROL_POINT') { return { id: 'IDLE' }; } break; } return state; }; const customGradientBarReducerInitialState = { id: 'IDLE' }; function CustomGradientBar({ background, hasGradient, value: controlPoints, onChange, disableInserter = false, disableAlpha = false, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar = false }) { const gradientMarkersContainerDomRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const [gradientBarState, gradientBarStateDispatch] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useReducer)(customGradientBarReducer, customGradientBarReducerInitialState); const onMouseEnterAndMove = event => { if (!gradientMarkersContainerDomRef.current) { return; } const insertPosition = getHorizontalRelativeGradientPosition(event.clientX, gradientMarkersContainerDomRef.current); // If the insert point is close to an existing control point don't show it. if (controlPoints.some(({ position }) => { return Math.abs(insertPosition - position) < MINIMUM_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_INSERTER_AND_POINT; })) { if ( === 'MOVING_INSERTER') { gradientBarStateDispatch({ type: 'STOP_INSERTER_MOVE' }); } return; } gradientBarStateDispatch({ type: 'MOVE_INSERTER', insertPosition }); }; const onMouseLeave = () => { gradientBarStateDispatch({ type: 'STOP_INSERTER_MOVE' }); }; const isMovingInserter = === 'MOVING_INSERTER'; const isInsertingControlPoint = === 'INSERTING_CONTROL_POINT'; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: dist_clsx('components-custom-gradient-picker__gradient-bar', { 'has-gradient': hasGradient }), onMouseEnter: onMouseEnterAndMove, onMouseMove: onMouseEnterAndMove, onMouseLeave: onMouseLeave, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-custom-gradient-picker__gradient-bar-background", style: { background, opacity: hasGradient ? 1 : 0.4 } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ref: gradientMarkersContainerDomRef, className: "components-custom-gradient-picker__markers-container", children: [!disableInserter && (isMovingInserter || isInsertingControlPoint) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(control_points.InsertPoint, { __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, disableAlpha: disableAlpha, insertPosition: gradientBarState.insertPosition, value: controlPoints, onChange: onChange, onOpenInserter: () => { gradientBarStateDispatch({ type: 'OPEN_INSERTER' }); }, onCloseInserter: () => { gradientBarStateDispatch({ type: 'CLOSE_INSERTER' }); } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(control_points, { __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, disableAlpha: disableAlpha, disableRemove: disableInserter, gradientPickerDomRef: gradientMarkersContainerDomRef, ignoreMarkerPosition: isInsertingControlPoint ? gradientBarState.insertPosition : undefined, value: controlPoints, onChange: onChange, onStartControlPointChange: () => { gradientBarStateDispatch({ type: 'START_CONTROL_CHANGE' }); }, onStopControlPointChange: () => { gradientBarStateDispatch({ type: 'STOP_CONTROL_CHANGE' }); } })] })] }); } // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/gradient-parser/build/node.js var build_node = __webpack_require__(8924); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/constants.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const DEFAULT_GRADIENT = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(6, 147, 227, 1) 0%, rgb(155, 81, 224) 100%)'; const DEFAULT_LINEAR_GRADIENT_ANGLE = 180; const HORIZONTAL_GRADIENT_ORIENTATION = { type: 'angular', value: '90' }; const GRADIENT_OPTIONS = [{ value: 'linear-gradient', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Linear') }, { value: 'radial-gradient', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Radial') }]; const DIRECTIONAL_ORIENTATION_ANGLE_MAP = { top: 0, 'top right': 45, 'right top': 45, right: 90, 'right bottom': 135, 'bottom right': 135, bottom: 180, 'bottom left': 225, 'left bottom': 225, left: 270, 'top left': 315, 'left top': 315 }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/serializer.js /** * External dependencies */ function serializeGradientColor({ type, value }) { if (type === 'literal') { return value; } if (type === 'hex') { return `#${value}`; } return `${type}(${value.join(',')})`; } function serializeGradientPosition(position) { if (!position) { return ''; } const { value, type } = position; return `${value}${type}`; } function serializeGradientColorStop({ type, value, length }) { return `${serializeGradientColor({ type, value })} ${serializeGradientPosition(length)}`; } function serializeGradientOrientation(orientation) { if (Array.isArray(orientation) || !orientation || orientation.type !== 'angular') { return; } return `${orientation.value}deg`; } function serializeGradient({ type, orientation, colorStops }) { const serializedOrientation = serializeGradientOrientation(orientation); const serializedColorStops = colorStops.sort((colorStop1, colorStop2) => { const getNumericStopValue = colorStop => { return colorStop?.length?.value === undefined ? 0 : parseInt(colorStop.length.value); }; return getNumericStopValue(colorStop1) - getNumericStopValue(colorStop2); }).map(serializeGradientColorStop); return `${type}(${[serializedOrientation, ...serializedColorStops].filter(Boolean).join(',')})`; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ k([names]); function getLinearGradientRepresentation(gradientAST) { return serializeGradient({ type: 'linear-gradient', orientation: HORIZONTAL_GRADIENT_ORIENTATION, colorStops: gradientAST.colorStops }); } function hasUnsupportedLength(item) { return item.length === undefined || item.length.type !== '%'; } function getGradientAstWithDefault(value) { // gradientAST will contain the gradient AST as parsed by gradient-parser npm module. // More information of its structure available at let gradientAST; let hasGradient = !!value; const valueToParse = value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : DEFAULT_GRADIENT; try { gradientAST = build_node.parse(valueToParse)[0]; } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('wp.components.CustomGradientPicker failed to parse the gradient with error', error); gradientAST = build_node.parse(DEFAULT_GRADIENT)[0]; hasGradient = false; } if (!Array.isArray(gradientAST.orientation) && gradientAST.orientation?.type === 'directional') { gradientAST.orientation = { type: 'angular', value: DIRECTIONAL_ORIENTATION_ANGLE_MAP[gradientAST.orientation.value].toString() }; } if (gradientAST.colorStops.some(hasUnsupportedLength)) { const { colorStops } = gradientAST; const step = 100 / (colorStops.length - 1); colorStops.forEach((stop, index) => { stop.length = { value: `${step * index}`, type: '%' }; }); } return { gradientAST, hasGradient }; } function getGradientAstWithControlPoints(gradientAST, newControlPoints) { return { ...gradientAST, colorStops:{ position, color }) => { const { r, g, b, a } = w(color).toRgb(); return { length: { type: '%', value: position?.toString() }, type: a < 1 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb', value: a < 1 ? [`${r}`, `${g}`, `${b}`, `${a}`] : [`${r}`, `${g}`, `${b}`] }; }) }; } function getStopCssColor(colorStop) { switch (colorStop.type) { case 'hex': return `#${colorStop.value}`; case 'literal': return colorStop.value; case 'rgb': case 'rgba': return `${colorStop.type}(${colorStop.value.join(',')})`; default: // Should be unreachable if passing an AST from gradient-parser. // See return 'transparent'; } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/styles/custom-gradient-picker-styles.js function custom_gradient_picker_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const SelectWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_block_component, true ? { target: "e10bzpgi1" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1gvx10y", styles: "flex-grow:5" } : 0); const AccessoryWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_block_component, true ? { target: "e10bzpgi0" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1gvx10y", styles: "flex-grow:5" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-gradient-picker/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const GradientAnglePicker = ({ gradientAST, hasGradient, onChange }) => { var _gradientAST$orientat; const angle = (_gradientAST$orientat = gradientAST?.orientation?.value) !== null && _gradientAST$orientat !== void 0 ? _gradientAST$orientat : DEFAULT_LINEAR_GRADIENT_ANGLE; const onAngleChange = newAngle => { onChange(serializeGradient({ ...gradientAST, orientation: { type: 'angular', value: `${newAngle}` } })); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(angle_picker_control, { onChange: onAngleChange, value: hasGradient ? angle : '' }); }; const GradientTypePicker = ({ gradientAST, hasGradient, onChange }) => { const { type } = gradientAST; const onSetLinearGradient = () => { onChange(serializeGradient({ ...gradientAST, orientation: gradientAST.orientation ? undefined : HORIZONTAL_GRADIENT_ORIENTATION, type: 'linear-gradient' })); }; const onSetRadialGradient = () => { const { orientation, ...restGradientAST } = gradientAST; onChange(serializeGradient({ ...restGradientAST, type: 'radial-gradient' })); }; const handleOnChange = next => { if (next === 'linear-gradient') { onSetLinearGradient(); } if (next === 'radial-gradient') { onSetRadialGradient(); } }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(select_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, className: "components-custom-gradient-picker__type-picker", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Type'), labelPosition: "top", onChange: handleOnChange, options: GRADIENT_OPTIONS, size: "__unstable-large", value: hasGradient ? type : undefined }); }; /** * CustomGradientPicker is a React component that renders a UI for specifying * linear or radial gradients. Radial gradients are displayed in the picker as * a slice of the gradient from the center to the outside. * * ```jsx * import { CustomGradientPicker } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyCustomGradientPicker = () => { * const [ gradient, setGradient ] = useState(); * * return ( * <CustomGradientPicker * value={ gradient } * onChange={ setGradient } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function CustomGradientPicker({ value, onChange, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar = false }) { const { gradientAST, hasGradient } = getGradientAstWithDefault(value); // On radial gradients the bar should display a linear gradient. // On radial gradients the bar represents a slice of the gradient from the center until the outside. // On liner gradients the bar represents the color stops from left to right independently of the angle. const background = getLinearGradientRepresentation(gradientAST); // Control points color option may be hex from presets, custom colors will be rgb. // The position should always be a percentage. const controlPoints = => { return { color: getStopCssColor(colorStop), // Although it's already been checked by `hasUnsupportedLength` in `getGradientAstWithDefault`, // TypeScript doesn't know that `colorStop.length` is not undefined here. // @ts-expect-error position: parseInt(colorStop.length.value) }; }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 4, className: "components-custom-gradient-picker", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CustomGradientBar, { __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, background: background, hasGradient: hasGradient, value: controlPoints, onChange: newControlPoints => { onChange(serializeGradient(getGradientAstWithControlPoints(gradientAST, newControlPoints))); } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(flex_component, { gap: 3, className: "components-custom-gradient-picker__ui-line", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SelectWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GradientTypePicker, { gradientAST: gradientAST, hasGradient: hasGradient, onChange: onChange }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AccessoryWrapper, { children: gradientAST.type === 'linear-gradient' && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GradientAnglePicker, { gradientAST: gradientAST, hasGradient: hasGradient, onChange: onChange }) })] })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const custom_gradient_picker = (CustomGradientPicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/gradient-picker/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // The Multiple Origin Gradients have a `gradients` property (an array of // gradient objects), while Single Origin ones have a `gradient` property. const isMultipleOriginObject = obj => Array.isArray(obj.gradients) && !('gradient' in obj); const isMultipleOriginArray = arr => { return arr.length > 0 && arr.every(gradientObj => isMultipleOriginObject(gradientObj)); }; function SingleOrigin({ className, clearGradient, gradients, onChange, value, ...additionalProps }) { const gradientOptions = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return{ gradient, name, slug }, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.Option, { value: gradient, isSelected: value === gradient, tooltipText: name || // translators: %s: gradient code e.g: "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(98,16,153,1) 0%, rgba(172,110,22,1) 100%);". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Gradient code: %s'), gradient), style: { color: 'rgba( 0,0,0,0 )', background: gradient }, onClick: value === gradient ? clearGradient : () => onChange(gradient, index), "aria-label": name ? // translators: %s: The name of the gradient e.g: "Angular red to blue". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Gradient: %s'), name) : // translators: %s: gradient code e.g: "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(98,16,153,1) 0%, rgba(172,110,22,1) 100%);". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Gradient code: %s'), gradient) }, slug)); }, [gradients, value, onChange, clearGradient]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.OptionGroup, { className: className, options: gradientOptions, ...additionalProps }); } function MultipleOrigin({ className, clearGradient, gradients, onChange, value, headingLevel }) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(MultipleOrigin); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 3, className: className, children:{ name, gradients: gradientSet }, index) => { const id = `color-palette-${instanceId}-${index}`; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 2, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorHeading, { level: headingLevel, id: id, children: name }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SingleOrigin, { clearGradient: clearGradient, gradients: gradientSet, onChange: gradient => onChange(gradient, index), value: value, "aria-labelledby": id })] }, index); }) }); } function gradient_picker_Component(props) { const { asButtons, loop, actions, headingLevel, 'aria-label': ariaLabel, 'aria-labelledby': ariaLabelledby, ...additionalProps } = props; const options = isMultipleOriginArray(props.gradients) ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MultipleOrigin, { headingLevel: headingLevel, ...additionalProps }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SingleOrigin, { ...additionalProps }); let metaProps; if (asButtons) { metaProps = { asButtons: true }; } else { const _metaProps = { asButtons: false, loop }; if (ariaLabel) { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-label': ariaLabel }; } else if (ariaLabelledby) { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-labelledby': ariaLabelledby }; } else { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-label': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom color picker.') }; } } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker, { ...metaProps, actions: actions, options: options }); } /** * GradientPicker is a React component that renders a color gradient picker to * define a multi step gradient. There's either a _linear_ or a _radial_ type * available. * * ```jsx *import { GradientPicker } from '@wordpress/components'; *import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * *const myGradientPicker = () => { * const [ gradient, setGradient ] = useState( null ); * * return ( * <GradientPicker * value={ gradient } * onChange={ ( currentGradient ) => setGradient( currentGradient ) } * gradients={ [ * { * name: 'JShine', * gradient: * 'linear-gradient(135deg,#12c2e9 0%,#c471ed 50%,#f64f59 100%)', * slug: 'jshine', * }, * { * name: 'Moonlit Asteroid', * gradient: * 'linear-gradient(135deg,#0F2027 0%, #203A43 0%, #2c5364 100%)', * slug: 'moonlit-asteroid', * }, * { * name: 'Rastafarie', * gradient: * 'linear-gradient(135deg,#1E9600 0%, #FFF200 0%, #FF0000 100%)', * slug: 'rastafari', * }, * ] } * /> * ); *}; *``` * */ function GradientPicker({ className, gradients = [], onChange, value, clearable = true, disableCustomGradients = false, __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, headingLevel = 2, ...additionalProps }) { const clearGradient = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => onChange(undefined), [onChange]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { spacing: gradients.length ? 4 : 0, children: [!disableCustomGradients && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(custom_gradient_picker, { __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar, value: value, onChange: onChange }), (gradients.length > 0 || clearable) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(gradient_picker_Component, { ...additionalProps, className: className, clearGradient: clearGradient, gradients: gradients, onChange: onChange, value: value, actions: clearable && !disableCustomGradients && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.ButtonAction, { onClick: clearGradient, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Clear') }), headingLevel: headingLevel })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const gradient_picker = (GradientPicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/menu.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const menu = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M5 5v1.5h14V5H5zm0 7.8h14v-1.5H5v1.5zM5 19h14v-1.5H5V19z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_menu = (menu); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","dom"] const external_wp_dom_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["dom"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigable-container/container.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const container_noop = () => {}; const MENU_ITEM_ROLES = ['menuitem', 'menuitemradio', 'menuitemcheckbox']; function cycleValue(value, total, offset) { const nextValue = value + offset; if (nextValue < 0) { return total + nextValue; } else if (nextValue >= total) { return nextValue - total; } return nextValue; } class NavigableContainer extends external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component { constructor(args) { super(args); this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); this.bindContainer = this.bindContainer.bind(this); this.getFocusableContext = this.getFocusableContext.bind(this); this.getFocusableIndex = this.getFocusableIndex.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { if (!this.container) { return; } // We use DOM event listeners instead of React event listeners // because we want to catch events from the underlying DOM tree // The React Tree can be different from the DOM tree when using // portals. Block Toolbars for instance are rendered in a separate // React Trees. this.container.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown); } componentWillUnmount() { if (!this.container) { return; } this.container.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown); } bindContainer(ref) { const { forwardedRef } = this.props; this.container = ref; if (typeof forwardedRef === 'function') { forwardedRef(ref); } else if (forwardedRef && 'current' in forwardedRef) { forwardedRef.current = ref; } } getFocusableContext(target) { if (!this.container) { return null; } const { onlyBrowserTabstops } = this.props; const finder = onlyBrowserTabstops ? external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.focus.tabbable : external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.focus.focusable; const focusables = finder.find(this.container); const index = this.getFocusableIndex(focusables, target); if (index > -1 && target) { return { index, target, focusables }; } return null; } getFocusableIndex(focusables, target) { return focusables.indexOf(target); } onKeyDown(event) { if (this.props.onKeyDown) { this.props.onKeyDown(event); } const { getFocusableContext } = this; const { cycle = true, eventToOffset, onNavigate = container_noop, stopNavigationEvents } = this.props; const offset = eventToOffset(event); // eventToOffset returns undefined if the event is not handled by the component. if (offset !== undefined && stopNavigationEvents) { // Prevents arrow key handlers bound to the document directly interfering. event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // When navigating a collection of items, prevent scroll containers // from scrolling. The preventDefault also prevents Voiceover from // 'handling' the event, as voiceover will try to use arrow keys // for highlighting text. const targetRole ='role'); const targetHasMenuItemRole = !!targetRole && MENU_ITEM_ROLES.includes(targetRole); if (targetHasMenuItemRole) { event.preventDefault(); } } if (!offset) { return; } const activeElement =; if (!activeElement) { return; } const context = getFocusableContext(activeElement); if (!context) { return; } const { index, focusables } = context; const nextIndex = cycle ? cycleValue(index, focusables.length, offset) : index + offset; if (nextIndex >= 0 && nextIndex < focusables.length) { focusables[nextIndex].focus(); onNavigate(nextIndex, focusables[nextIndex]); // `preventDefault()` on tab to avoid having the browser move the focus // after this component has already moved it. if (event.code === 'Tab') { event.preventDefault(); } } } render() { const { children, stopNavigationEvents, eventToOffset, onNavigate, onKeyDown, cycle, onlyBrowserTabstops, forwardedRef, ...restProps } = this.props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: this.bindContainer, ...restProps, children: children }); } } const forwardedNavigableContainer = (props, ref) => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigableContainer, { ...props, forwardedRef: ref }); }; forwardedNavigableContainer.displayName = 'NavigableContainer'; /* harmony default export */ const container = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(forwardedNavigableContainer)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigable-container/menu.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedNavigableMenu({ role = 'menu', orientation = 'vertical', }, ref) { const eventToOffset = evt => { const { code } = evt; let next = ['ArrowDown']; let previous = ['ArrowUp']; if (orientation === 'horizontal') { next = ['ArrowRight']; previous = ['ArrowLeft']; } if (orientation === 'both') { next = ['ArrowRight', 'ArrowDown']; previous = ['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowUp']; } if (next.includes(code)) { return 1; } else if (previous.includes(code)) { return -1; } else if (['ArrowDown', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'].includes(code)) { // Key press should be handled, e.g. have event propagation and // default behavior handled by NavigableContainer but not result // in an offset. return 0; } return undefined; }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(container, { ref: ref, stopNavigationEvents: true, onlyBrowserTabstops: false, role: role, "aria-orientation": role !== 'presentation' && (orientation === 'vertical' || orientation === 'horizontal') ? orientation : undefined, eventToOffset: eventToOffset, }); } /** * A container for a navigable menu. * * ```jsx * import { * NavigableMenu, * Button, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function onNavigate( index, target ) { * console.log( `Navigates to ${ index }`, target ); * } * * const MyNavigableContainer = () => ( * <div> * <span>Navigable Menu:</span> * <NavigableMenu onNavigate={ onNavigate } orientation="horizontal"> * <Button variant="secondary">Item 1</Button> * <Button variant="secondary">Item 2</Button> * <Button variant="secondary">Item 3</Button> * </NavigableMenu> * </div> * ); * ``` */ const NavigableMenu = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedNavigableMenu); /* harmony default export */ const navigable_container_menu = (NavigableMenu); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dropdown-menu/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function dropdown_menu_mergeProps(defaultProps = {}, props = {}) { const mergedProps = { ...defaultProps, ...props }; if (props.className && defaultProps.className) { mergedProps.className = dist_clsx(props.className, defaultProps.className); } return mergedProps; } function dropdown_menu_isFunction(maybeFunc) { return typeof maybeFunc === 'function'; } function UnconnectedDropdownMenu(dropdownMenuProps) { const { children, className, controls, icon = library_menu, label, popoverProps, toggleProps, menuProps, disableOpenOnArrowDown = false, text, noIcons, open, defaultOpen, onToggle: onToggleProp, // Context variant } = useContextSystem(dropdownMenuProps, 'DropdownMenu'); if (!controls?.length && !dropdown_menu_isFunction(children)) { return null; } // Normalize controls to nested array of objects (sets of controls) let controlSets; if (controls?.length) { // @ts-expect-error The check below is needed because `DropdownMenus` // rendered by `ToolBarGroup` receive controls as a nested array. controlSets = controls; if (!Array.isArray(controlSets[0])) { // This is not ideal, but at this point we know that `controls` is // not a nested array, even if TypeScript doesn't. controlSets = [controls]; } } const mergedPopoverProps = dropdown_menu_mergeProps({ className: 'components-dropdown-menu__popover', variant }, popoverProps); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown, { className: className, popoverProps: mergedPopoverProps, renderToggle: ({ isOpen, onToggle }) => { var _toggleProps$showTool; const openOnArrowDown = event => { if (disableOpenOnArrowDown) { return; } if (!isOpen && event.code === 'ArrowDown') { event.preventDefault(); onToggle(); } }; const { as: Toggle = build_module_button, ...restToggleProps } = toggleProps !== null && toggleProps !== void 0 ? toggleProps : {}; const mergedToggleProps = dropdown_menu_mergeProps({ className: dist_clsx('components-dropdown-menu__toggle', { 'is-opened': isOpen }) }, restToggleProps); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Toggle, { ...mergedToggleProps, icon: icon, onClick: event => { onToggle(); if (mergedToggleProps.onClick) { mergedToggleProps.onClick(event); } }, onKeyDown: event => { openOnArrowDown(event); if (mergedToggleProps.onKeyDown) { mergedToggleProps.onKeyDown(event); } }, "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-expanded": isOpen, label: label, text: text, showTooltip: (_toggleProps$showTool = toggleProps?.showTooltip) !== null && _toggleProps$showTool !== void 0 ? _toggleProps$showTool : true, children: mergedToggleProps.children }); }, renderContent: props => { const mergedMenuProps = dropdown_menu_mergeProps({ 'aria-label': label, className: dist_clsx('components-dropdown-menu__menu', { 'no-icons': noIcons }) }, menuProps); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(navigable_container_menu, { ...mergedMenuProps, role: "menu", children: [dropdown_menu_isFunction(children) ? children(props) : null, controlSets?.flatMap((controlSet, indexOfSet) =>, indexOfControl) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { onClick: event => { event.stopPropagation(); props.onClose(); if (control.onClick) { control.onClick(); } }, className: dist_clsx('components-dropdown-menu__menu-item', { 'has-separator': indexOfSet > 0 && indexOfControl === 0, 'is-active': control.isActive, 'is-icon-only': !control.title }), icon: control.icon, label: control.label, "aria-checked": control.role === 'menuitemcheckbox' || control.role === 'menuitemradio' ? control.isActive : undefined, role: control.role === 'menuitemcheckbox' || control.role === 'menuitemradio' ? control.role : 'menuitem', disabled: control.isDisabled, children: control.title }, [indexOfSet, indexOfControl].join())))] }); }, open: open, defaultOpen: defaultOpen, onToggle: onToggleProp }); } /** * * The DropdownMenu displays a list of actions (each contained in a MenuItem, * MenuItemsChoice, or MenuGroup) in a compact way. It appears in a Popover * after the user has interacted with an element (a button or icon) or when * they perform a specific action. * * Render a Dropdown Menu with a set of controls: * * ```jsx * import { DropdownMenu } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { * more, * arrowLeft, * arrowRight, * arrowUp, * arrowDown, * } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * const MyDropdownMenu = () => ( * <DropdownMenu * icon={ more } * label="Select a direction" * controls={ [ * { * title: 'Up', * icon: arrowUp, * onClick: () => console.log( 'up' ), * }, * { * title: 'Right', * icon: arrowRight, * onClick: () => console.log( 'right' ), * }, * { * title: 'Down', * icon: arrowDown, * onClick: () => console.log( 'down' ), * }, * { * title: 'Left', * icon: arrowLeft, * onClick: () => console.log( 'left' ), * }, * ] } * /> * ); * ``` * * Alternatively, specify a `children` function which returns elements valid for * use in a DropdownMenu: `MenuItem`, `MenuItemsChoice`, or `MenuGroup`. * * ```jsx * import { DropdownMenu, MenuGroup, MenuItem } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { more, arrowUp, arrowDown, trash } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * const MyDropdownMenu = () => ( * <DropdownMenu icon={ more } label="Select a direction"> * { ( { onClose } ) => ( * <> * <MenuGroup> * <MenuItem icon={ arrowUp } onClick={ onClose }> * Move Up * </MenuItem> * <MenuItem icon={ arrowDown } onClick={ onClose }> * Move Down * </MenuItem> * </MenuGroup> * <MenuGroup> * <MenuItem icon={ trash } onClick={ onClose }> * Remove * </MenuItem> * </MenuGroup> * </> * ) } * </DropdownMenu> * ); * ``` * */ const DropdownMenu = contextConnectWithoutRef(UnconnectedDropdownMenu, 'DropdownMenu'); /* harmony default export */ const dropdown_menu = (DropdownMenu); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/palette-edit/styles.js function palette_edit_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const IndicatorStyled = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(color_indicator, true ? { target: "e1lpqc909" } : 0)("&&{flex-shrink:0;width:", space(6), ";height:", space(6), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const NameInputControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(input_control, true ? { target: "e1lpqc908" } : 0)(Container, "{background:", COLORS.gray[100], ";border-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";", Input, Input, Input, Input, "{height:", space(8), ";}", BackdropUI, BackdropUI, BackdropUI, "{border-color:transparent;box-shadow:none;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const buttonStyleReset = ({ as }) => { if (as === 'button') { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("display:flex;align-items:center;width:100%;appearance:none;background:transparent;border:none;border-radius:0;padding:0;cursor:pointer;&:hover{color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); } return null; }; const PaletteItem = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(component, true ? { target: "e1lpqc907" } : 0)(buttonStyleReset, " padding-block:3px;padding-inline-start:", space(3), ";border:1px solid ", config_values.surfaceBorderColor, ";border-bottom-color:transparent;font-size:", font('default.fontSize'), ";&:focus-visible{border-color:transparent;box-shadow:0 0 0 var( --wp-admin-border-width-focus ) ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:0;}border-top-left-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";border-top-right-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";&+&{border-top-left-radius:0;border-top-right-radius:0;}&:last-child{border-bottom-left-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";border-bottom-right-radius:", config_values.controlBorderRadius, ";border-bottom-color:", config_values.surfaceBorderColor, ";}&.is-selected+&{border-top-color:transparent;}&.is-selected{border-color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const NameContainer = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1lpqc906" } : 0)("line-height:", space(8), ";margin-left:", space(2), ";margin-right:", space(2), ";white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const PaletteHeading = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(heading_component, true ? { target: "e1lpqc905" } : 0)("text-transform:uppercase;line-height:", space(6), ";font-weight:500;&&&{font-size:11px;margin-bottom:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const PaletteActionsContainer = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(component, true ? { target: "e1lpqc904" } : 0)("height:", space(6), ";display:flex;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const PaletteEditContents = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(component, true ? { target: "e1lpqc903" } : 0)("margin-top:", space(2), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const PaletteEditStyles = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(component, true ? { target: "e1lpqc902" } : 0)( true ? { name: "u6wnko", styles: "&&&{.components-button.has-icon{min-width:0;padding:0;}}" } : 0); const DoneButton = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { target: "e1lpqc901" } : 0)("&&{color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const RemoveButton = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { target: "e1lpqc900" } : 0)("&&{margin-top:", space(1), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/palette-edit/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DEFAULT_COLOR = '#000'; function NameInput({ value, onChange, label }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NameInputControl, { label: label, hideLabelFromVision: true, value: value, onChange: onChange }); } /** * Returns a name and slug for a palette item. The name takes the format "Color + id". * To ensure there are no duplicate ids, this function checks all slugs. * It expects slugs to be in the format: slugPrefix + color- + number. * It then sets the id component of the new name based on the incremented id of the highest existing slug id. * * @param elements An array of color palette items. * @param slugPrefix The slug prefix used to match the element slug. * * @return A name and slug for the new palette item. */ function getNameAndSlugForPosition(elements, slugPrefix) { const nameRegex = new RegExp(`^${slugPrefix}color-([\\d]+)$`); const position = elements.reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => { if (typeof currentValue?.slug === 'string') { const matches = currentValue?.slug.match(nameRegex); if (matches) { const id = parseInt(matches[1], 10); if (id >= previousValue) { return id + 1; } } } return previousValue; }, 1); return { name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %s: is an id for a custom color */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color %s'), position), slug: `${slugPrefix}color-${position}` }; } function ColorPickerPopover({ isGradient, element, onChange, popoverProps: receivedPopoverProps, onClose = () => {} }) { const popoverProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ shift: true, offset: 20, // Disabling resize as it would otherwise cause the popover to show // scrollbars while dragging the color picker's handle close to the // popover edge. resize: false, placement: 'left-start', ...receivedPopoverProps, className: dist_clsx('components-palette-edit__popover', receivedPopoverProps?.className) }), [receivedPopoverProps]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(popover, { ...popoverProps, onClose: onClose, children: [!isGradient && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LegacyAdapter, { color: element.color, enableAlpha: true, onChange: newColor => { onChange({ ...element, color: newColor }); } }), isGradient && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-palette-edit__popover-gradient-picker", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(custom_gradient_picker, { __experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: true, value: element.gradient, onChange: newGradient => { onChange({ ...element, gradient: newGradient }); } }) })] }); } function palette_edit_Option({ canOnlyChangeValues, element, onChange, onRemove, popoverProps: receivedPopoverProps, slugPrefix, isGradient }) { const value = isGradient ? element.gradient : element.color; const [isEditingColor, setIsEditingColor] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); // Use internal state instead of a ref to make sure that the component // re-renders when the popover's anchor updates. const [popoverAnchor, setPopoverAnchor] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const popoverProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ ...receivedPopoverProps, // Use the custom palette color item as the popover anchor. anchor: popoverAnchor }), [popoverAnchor, receivedPopoverProps]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(PaletteItem, { ref: setPopoverAnchor, as: "div", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { justify: "flex-start", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { onClick: () => { setIsEditingColor(true); }, "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s is a color or gradient name, e.g. "Red". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Edit: %s'), ? : value), style: { padding: 0 }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(IndicatorStyled, { colorValue: value }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { children: !canOnlyChangeValues ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NameInput, { label: isGradient ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Gradient name') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color name'), value:, onChange: nextName => onChange({ ...element, name: nextName, slug: slugPrefix + kebabCase(nextName !== null && nextName !== void 0 ? nextName : '') }) }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NameContainer, { children: ? : /* Fall back to non-breaking space to maintain height */ '\u00A0' }) }), !canOnlyChangeValues && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RemoveButton, { size: "small", icon: line_solid, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s is a color or gradient name, e.g. "Red". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Remove color: %s'), ? : value), onClick: onRemove }) })] }), isEditingColor && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorPickerPopover, { isGradient: isGradient, onChange: onChange, element: element, popoverProps: popoverProps, onClose: () => setIsEditingColor(false) })] }); } function PaletteEditListView({ elements, onChange, canOnlyChangeValues, slugPrefix, isGradient, popoverProps, addColorRef }) { // When unmounting the component if there are empty elements (the user did not complete the insertion) clean them. const elementsReference = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { elementsReference.current = elements; }, [elements]); const debounceOnChange = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(onChange, 100); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 3, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(item_group_component, { isRounded: true, children:, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(palette_edit_Option, { isGradient: isGradient, canOnlyChangeValues: canOnlyChangeValues, element: element, onChange: newElement => { debounceOnChange(, currentIndex) => { if (currentIndex === index) { return newElement; } return currentElement; })); }, onRemove: () => { const newElements = elements.filter((_currentElement, currentIndex) => { if (currentIndex === index) { return false; } return true; }); onChange(newElements.length ? newElements : undefined); addColorRef.current?.focus(); }, slugPrefix: slugPrefix, popoverProps: popoverProps }, index)) }) }); } const EMPTY_ARRAY = []; /** * Allows editing a palette of colors or gradients. * * ```jsx * import { PaletteEdit } from '@wordpress/components'; * const MyPaletteEdit = () => { * const [ controlledColors, setControlledColors ] = useState( colors ); * * return ( * <PaletteEdit * colors={ controlledColors } * onChange={ ( newColors?: Color[] ) => { * setControlledColors( newColors ); * } } * paletteLabel="Here is a label" * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function PaletteEdit({ gradients, colors = EMPTY_ARRAY, onChange, paletteLabel, paletteLabelHeadingLevel = 2, emptyMessage, canOnlyChangeValues, canReset, slugPrefix = '', popoverProps }) { const isGradient = !!gradients; const elements = isGradient ? gradients : colors; const [isEditing, setIsEditing] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [editingElement, setEditingElement] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const isAdding = isEditing && !!editingElement && elements[editingElement] && !elements[editingElement].slug; const elementsLength = elements.length; const hasElements = elementsLength > 0; const debounceOnChange = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(onChange, 100); const onSelectPaletteItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((value, newEditingElementIndex) => { const selectedElement = newEditingElementIndex === undefined ? undefined : elements[newEditingElementIndex]; const key = isGradient ? 'gradient' : 'color'; // Ensures that the index returned matches a known element value. if (!!selectedElement && selectedElement[key] === value) { setEditingElement(newEditingElementIndex); } else { setIsEditing(true); } }, [isGradient, elements]); const addColorRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(PaletteEditStyles, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PaletteHeading, { level: paletteLabelHeadingLevel, children: paletteLabel }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(PaletteActionsContainer, { children: [hasElements && isEditing && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DoneButton, { size: "small", onClick: () => { setIsEditing(false); setEditingElement(null); }, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Done') }), !canOnlyChangeValues && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ref: addColorRef, size: "small", isPressed: isAdding, icon: library_plus, label: isGradient ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add gradient') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add color'), onClick: () => { const { name, slug } = getNameAndSlugForPosition(elements, slugPrefix); if (!!gradients) { onChange([...gradients, { gradient: DEFAULT_GRADIENT, name, slug }]); } else { onChange([...colors, { color: DEFAULT_COLOR, name, slug }]); } setIsEditing(true); setEditingElement(elements.length); } }), hasElements && (!isEditing || !canOnlyChangeValues || canReset) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_menu, { icon: more_vertical, label: isGradient ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Gradient options') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color options'), toggleProps: { size: 'small' }, children: ({ onClose }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(navigable_container_menu, { role: "menu", children: [!isEditing && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { variant: "tertiary", onClick: () => { setIsEditing(true); onClose(); }, className: "components-palette-edit__menu-button", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show details') }), !canOnlyChangeValues && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { variant: "tertiary", onClick: () => { setEditingElement(null); setIsEditing(false); onChange(); onClose(); }, className: "components-palette-edit__menu-button", children: isGradient ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Remove all gradients') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Remove all colors') }), canReset && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { variant: "tertiary", onClick: () => { setEditingElement(null); onChange(); onClose(); }, children: isGradient ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset gradient') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset colors') })] }) }) })] })] }), hasElements && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(PaletteEditContents, { children: [isEditing && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PaletteEditListView, { canOnlyChangeValues: canOnlyChangeValues, elements: elements // @ts-expect-error TODO: Don't know how to resolve , onChange: onChange, slugPrefix: slugPrefix, isGradient: isGradient, popoverProps: popoverProps, addColorRef: addColorRef }), !isEditing && editingElement !== null && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorPickerPopover, { isGradient: isGradient, onClose: () => setEditingElement(null), onChange: newElement => { debounceOnChange( // @ts-expect-error TODO: Don't know how to resolve, currentIndex) => { if (currentIndex === editingElement) { return newElement; } return currentElement; })); }, element: elements[editingElement !== null && editingElement !== void 0 ? editingElement : -1], popoverProps: popoverProps }), !isEditing && (isGradient ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(gradient_picker, { gradients: gradients, onChange: onSelectPaletteItem, clearable: false, disableCustomGradients: true }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_palette, { colors: colors, onChange: onSelectPaletteItem, clearable: false, disableCustomColors: true }))] }), !hasElements && emptyMessage && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PaletteEditContents, { children: emptyMessage })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const palette_edit = (PaletteEdit); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/combobox-control/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const deprecatedDefaultSize = ({ __next40pxDefaultSize }) => !__next40pxDefaultSize && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("height:28px;padding-left:", space(1), ";padding-right:", space(1), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const InputWrapperFlex = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_component, true ? { target: "evuatpg0" } : 0)("height:38px;padding-left:", space(2), ";padding-right:", space(2), ";", deprecatedDefaultSize, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/form-token-field/token-input.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnForwardedTokenInput(props, ref) { const { value, isExpanded, instanceId, selectedSuggestionIndex, className, onChange, onFocus, onBlur, ...restProps } = props; const [hasFocus, setHasFocus] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const size = value ? value.length + 1 : 0; const onChangeHandler = event => { if (onChange) { onChange({ value: }); } }; const onFocusHandler = e => { setHasFocus(true); onFocus?.(e); }; const onBlurHandler = e => { setHasFocus(false); onBlur?.(e); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("input", { ref: ref, id: `components-form-token-input-${instanceId}`, type: "text", ...restProps, value: value || '', onChange: onChangeHandler, onFocus: onFocusHandler, onBlur: onBlurHandler, size: size, className: dist_clsx(className, 'components-form-token-field__input'), autoComplete: "off", role: "combobox", "aria-expanded": isExpanded, "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-owns": isExpanded ? `components-form-token-suggestions-${instanceId}` : undefined, "aria-activedescendant": // Only add the `aria-activedescendant` attribute when: // - the user is actively interacting with the input (`hasFocus`) // - there is a selected suggestion (`selectedSuggestionIndex !== -1`) // - the list of suggestions are rendered in the DOM (`isExpanded`) hasFocus && selectedSuggestionIndex !== -1 && isExpanded ? `components-form-token-suggestions-${instanceId}-${selectedSuggestionIndex}` : undefined, "aria-describedby": `components-form-token-suggestions-howto-${instanceId}` }); } const TokenInput = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnForwardedTokenInput); /* harmony default export */ const token_input = (TokenInput); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/form-token-field/suggestions-list.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const handleMouseDown = e => { // By preventing default here, we will not lose focus of <input> when clicking a suggestion. e.preventDefault(); }; function SuggestionsList({ selectedIndex, scrollIntoView, match, onHover, onSelect, suggestions = [], displayTransform, instanceId, __experimentalRenderItem }) { const listRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useRefEffect)(listNode => { // only have to worry about scrolling selected suggestion into view // when already expanded. let rafId; if (selectedIndex > -1 && scrollIntoView && listNode.children[selectedIndex]) { listNode.children[selectedIndex].scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'instant', block: 'nearest', inline: 'nearest' }); } return () => { if (rafId !== undefined) { cancelAnimationFrame(rafId); } }; }, [selectedIndex, scrollIntoView]); const handleHover = suggestion => { return () => { onHover?.(suggestion); }; }; const handleClick = suggestion => { return () => { onSelect?.(suggestion); }; }; const computeSuggestionMatch = suggestion => { const matchText = displayTransform(match).toLocaleLowerCase(); if (matchText.length === 0) { return null; } const transformedSuggestion = displayTransform(suggestion); const indexOfMatch = transformedSuggestion.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(matchText); return { suggestionBeforeMatch: transformedSuggestion.substring(0, indexOfMatch), suggestionMatch: transformedSuggestion.substring(indexOfMatch, indexOfMatch + matchText.length), suggestionAfterMatch: transformedSuggestion.substring(indexOfMatch + matchText.length) }; }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("ul", { ref: listRef, className: "components-form-token-field__suggestions-list", id: `components-form-token-suggestions-${instanceId}`, role: "listbox", children:, index) => { const matchText = computeSuggestionMatch(suggestion); const isSelected = index === selectedIndex; const isDisabled = typeof suggestion === 'object' && suggestion?.disabled; const key = typeof suggestion === 'object' && 'value' in suggestion ? suggestion?.value : displayTransform(suggestion); const className = dist_clsx('components-form-token-field__suggestion', { 'is-selected': isSelected }); let output; if (typeof __experimentalRenderItem === 'function') { output = __experimentalRenderItem({ item: suggestion }); } else if (matchText) { output = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { "aria-label": displayTransform(suggestion), children: [matchText.suggestionBeforeMatch, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("strong", { className: "components-form-token-field__suggestion-match", children: matchText.suggestionMatch }), matchText.suggestionAfterMatch] }); } else { output = displayTransform(suggestion); } /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events */ return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("li", { id: `components-form-token-suggestions-${instanceId}-${index}`, role: "option", className: className, onMouseDown: handleMouseDown, onClick: handleClick(suggestion), onMouseEnter: handleHover(suggestion), "aria-selected": index === selectedIndex, "aria-disabled": isDisabled, children: output }, key); /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events */ }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const suggestions_list = (SuggestionsList); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/with-focus-outside/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /* harmony default export */ const with_focus_outside = ((0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(WrappedComponent => props => { const [handleFocusOutside, setHandleFocusOutside] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(undefined); const bindFocusOutsideHandler = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(node => setHandleFocusOutside(() => node?.handleFocusOutside ? node.handleFocusOutside.bind(node) : undefined), []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...(0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseFocusOutside)(handleFocusOutside), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WrappedComponent, { ref: bindFocusOutsideHandler, ...props }) }); }, 'withFocusOutside')); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/combobox-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const combobox_control_noop = () => {}; const DetectOutside = with_focus_outside(class extends external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component { handleFocusOutside(event) { this.props.onFocusOutside(event); } render() { return this.props.children; } }); const getIndexOfMatchingSuggestion = (selectedSuggestion, matchingSuggestions) => selectedSuggestion === null ? -1 : matchingSuggestions.indexOf(selectedSuggestion); /** * `ComboboxControl` is an enhanced version of a [`SelectControl`](../select-control/ with the addition of * being able to search for options using a search input. * * ```jsx * import { ComboboxControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const options = [ * { * value: 'small', * label: 'Small', * }, * { * value: 'normal', * label: 'Normal', * disabled: true, * }, * { * value: 'large', * label: 'Large', * disabled: false, * }, * ]; * * function MyComboboxControl() { * const [ fontSize, setFontSize ] = useState(); * const [ filteredOptions, setFilteredOptions ] = useState( options ); * return ( * <ComboboxControl * label="Font Size" * value={ fontSize } * onChange={ setFontSize } * options={ filteredOptions } * onFilterValueChange={ ( inputValue ) => * setFilteredOptions( * options.filter( ( option ) => * option.label * .toLowerCase() * .startsWith( inputValue.toLowerCase() ) * ) * ) * } * /> * ); * } * ``` */ function ComboboxControl(props) { var _currentOption$label; const { __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false, __next40pxDefaultSize = false, value: valueProp, label, options, onChange: onChangeProp, onFilterValueChange = combobox_control_noop, hideLabelFromVision, help, allowReset = true, className, messages = { selected: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Item selected.') }, __experimentalRenderItem, expandOnFocus = true } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props); const [value, setValue] = useControlledValue({ value: valueProp, onChange: onChangeProp }); const currentOption = options.find(option => option.value === value); const currentLabel = (_currentOption$label = currentOption?.label) !== null && _currentOption$label !== void 0 ? _currentOption$label : ''; // Use a custom prefix when generating the `instanceId` to avoid having // duplicate input IDs when rendering this component and `FormTokenField` // in the same page (see const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ComboboxControl, 'combobox-control'); const [selectedSuggestion, setSelectedSuggestion] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(currentOption || null); const [isExpanded, setIsExpanded] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [inputHasFocus, setInputHasFocus] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(''); const inputContainer = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const matchingSuggestions = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const startsWithMatch = []; const containsMatch = []; const match = normalizeTextString(inputValue); options.forEach(option => { const index = normalizeTextString(option.label).indexOf(match); if (index === 0) { startsWithMatch.push(option); } else if (index > 0) { containsMatch.push(option); } }); return startsWithMatch.concat(containsMatch); }, [inputValue, options]); const onSuggestionSelected = newSelectedSuggestion => { if (newSelectedSuggestion.disabled) { return; } setValue(newSelectedSuggestion.value); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(messages.selected, 'assertive'); setSelectedSuggestion(newSelectedSuggestion); setInputValue(''); setIsExpanded(false); }; const handleArrowNavigation = (offset = 1) => { const index = getIndexOfMatchingSuggestion(selectedSuggestion, matchingSuggestions); let nextIndex = index + offset; if (nextIndex < 0) { nextIndex = matchingSuggestions.length - 1; } else if (nextIndex >= matchingSuggestions.length) { nextIndex = 0; } setSelectedSuggestion(matchingSuggestions[nextIndex]); setIsExpanded(true); }; const onKeyDown = withIgnoreIMEEvents(event => { let preventDefault = false; if (event.defaultPrevented) { return; } switch (event.code) { case 'Enter': if (selectedSuggestion) { onSuggestionSelected(selectedSuggestion); preventDefault = true; } break; case 'ArrowUp': handleArrowNavigation(-1); preventDefault = true; break; case 'ArrowDown': handleArrowNavigation(1); preventDefault = true; break; case 'Escape': setIsExpanded(false); setSelectedSuggestion(null); preventDefault = true; break; default: break; } if (preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } }); const onBlur = () => { setInputHasFocus(false); }; const onFocus = () => { setInputHasFocus(true); if (expandOnFocus) { setIsExpanded(true); } onFilterValueChange(''); setInputValue(''); }; const onClick = () => { setIsExpanded(true); }; const onFocusOutside = () => { setIsExpanded(false); }; const onInputChange = event => { const text = event.value; setInputValue(text); onFilterValueChange(text); if (inputHasFocus) { setIsExpanded(true); } }; const handleOnReset = () => { setValue(null); inputContainer.current?.focus(); }; // Update current selections when the filter input changes. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const hasMatchingSuggestions = matchingSuggestions.length > 0; const hasSelectedMatchingSuggestions = getIndexOfMatchingSuggestion(selectedSuggestion, matchingSuggestions) > 0; if (hasMatchingSuggestions && !hasSelectedMatchingSuggestions) { // If the current selection isn't present in the list of suggestions, then automatically select the first item from the list of suggestions. setSelectedSuggestion(matchingSuggestions[0]); } }, [matchingSuggestions, selectedSuggestion]); // Announcements. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const hasMatchingSuggestions = matchingSuggestions.length > 0; if (isExpanded) { const message = hasMatchingSuggestions ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %d: number of results. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', '%d results found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', matchingSuggestions.length), matchingSuggestions.length) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No results.'); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(message, 'polite'); } }, [matchingSuggestions, isExpanded]); // Disable reason: There is no appropriate role which describes the // input container intended accessible usability. // TODO: Refactor click detection to use blur to stop propagation. /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DetectOutside, { onFocusOutside: onFocusOutside, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, className: dist_clsx(className, 'components-combobox-control'), label: label, id: `components-form-token-input-${instanceId}`, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, help: help, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-combobox-control__suggestions-container", tabIndex: -1, onKeyDown: onKeyDown, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(InputWrapperFlex, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_block_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(token_input, { className: "components-combobox-control__input", instanceId: instanceId, ref: inputContainer, value: isExpanded ? inputValue : currentLabel, onFocus: onFocus, onBlur: onBlur, onClick: onClick, isExpanded: isExpanded, selectedSuggestionIndex: getIndexOfMatchingSuggestion(selectedSuggestion, matchingSuggestions), onChange: onInputChange }) }), allowReset && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-combobox-control__reset", icon: close_small, disabled: !value, onClick: handleOnReset, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset') }) })] }), isExpanded && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(suggestions_list, { instanceId: instanceId // The empty string for `value` here is not actually used, but is // just a quick way to satisfy the TypeScript requirements of SuggestionsList. // See: , match: { label: inputValue, value: '' }, displayTransform: suggestion => suggestion.label, suggestions: matchingSuggestions, selectedIndex: getIndexOfMatchingSuggestion(selectedSuggestion, matchingSuggestions), onHover: setSelectedSuggestion, onSelect: onSuggestionSelected, scrollIntoView: true, __experimentalRenderItem: __experimentalRenderItem })] }) }) }); /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ } /* harmony default export */ const combobox_control = (ComboboxControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/3X3MDQGM.js "use client"; // src/group/group-label-context.ts var GroupLabelContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(void 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/R2QZ3KXH.js "use client"; // src/group/group.tsx var useGroup = createHook((props) => { const [labelId, setLabelId] = (0,external_React_.useState)(); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GroupLabelContext.Provider, { value: setLabelId, children: element }), [] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "group", "aria-labelledby": labelId }, props); return props; }); var Group = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useGroup(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/636A7WVS.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-group.ts var useCompositeGroup = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); props = useGroup(props); return props; } ); var CompositeGroup = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useCompositeGroup(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/composite/legacy/index.js /** * Composite is a component that may contain navigable items represented by * CompositeItem. It's inspired by the WAI-ARIA Composite Role and implements * all the keyboard navigation mechanisms to ensure that there's only one * tab stop for the whole Composite element. This means that it can behave as * a roving tabindex or aria-activedescendant container. * * @see */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // Legacy composite components can either provide state through a // single `state` prop, or via individual props, usually through // spreading the state generated by `useCompositeState`. // That is, `<Composite* { ...state }>`. function mapLegacyStatePropsToComponentProps(legacyProps) { // If a `state` prop is provided, we unpack that; otherwise, // the necessary props are provided directly in `legacyProps`. if (legacyProps.state) { const { state, } = legacyProps; const { store, ...props } = mapLegacyStatePropsToComponentProps(state); return {, ...props, store }; } return legacyProps; } function proxyComposite(ProxiedComponent, propMap = {}) { const displayName = ProxiedComponent.displayName; const Component = legacyProps => { const { store, } = mapLegacyStatePropsToComponentProps(legacyProps); const props = rest; = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(store, props.baseId,; Object.entries(propMap).forEach(([from, to]) => { if (props.hasOwnProperty(from)) { Object.assign(props, { [to]: props[from] }); delete props[from]; } }); delete props.baseId; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ProxiedComponent, { ...props, store: store }); }; Component.displayName = displayName; return Component; } // The old `CompositeGroup` used to behave more like the current // `CompositeRow`, but this has been split into two different // components. We handle that difference by checking on the // provided role, and returning the appropriate component. const unproxiedCompositeGroup = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(({ role, ...props }, ref) => { const Component = role === 'row' ? CompositeRow : CompositeGroup; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { ref: ref, role: role, ...props }); }); unproxiedCompositeGroup.displayName = 'CompositeGroup'; const legacy_Composite = proxyComposite(Composite, { baseId: 'id' }); const legacy_CompositeGroup = proxyComposite(unproxiedCompositeGroup); const legacy_CompositeItem = proxyComposite(CompositeItem, { focusable: 'accessibleWhenDisabled' }); function useCompositeState(legacyStateOptions = {}) { const { baseId, currentId: defaultActiveId, orientation, rtl = false, loop: focusLoop = false, wrap: focusWrap = false, shift: focusShift = false, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase unstable_virtual: virtualFocus } = legacyStateOptions; return { baseId: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(legacy_Composite, 'composite', baseId), store: useCompositeStore({ defaultActiveId, rtl, orientation, focusLoop, focusShift, focusWrap, virtualFocus }) }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/modal/aria-helper.js const LIVE_REGION_ARIA_ROLES = new Set(['alert', 'status', 'log', 'marquee', 'timer']); const hiddenElementsByDepth = []; /** * Hides all elements in the body element from screen-readers except * the provided element and elements that should not be hidden from * screen-readers. * * The reason we do this is because `aria-modal="true"` currently is bugged * in Safari, and support is spotty in other browsers overall. In the future * we should consider removing these helper functions in favor of * `aria-modal="true"`. * * @param modalElement The element that should not be hidden. */ function modalize(modalElement) { const elements = Array.from(document.body.children); const hiddenElements = []; hiddenElementsByDepth.push(hiddenElements); for (const element of elements) { if (element === modalElement) { continue; } if (elementShouldBeHidden(element)) { element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); hiddenElements.push(element); } } } /** * Determines if the passed element should not be hidden from screen readers. * * @param element The element that should be checked. * * @return Whether the element should not be hidden from screen-readers. */ function elementShouldBeHidden(element) { const role = element.getAttribute('role'); return !(element.tagName === 'SCRIPT' || element.hasAttribute('aria-hidden') || element.hasAttribute('aria-live') || role && LIVE_REGION_ARIA_ROLES.has(role)); } /** * Accessibly reveals the elements hidden by the latest modal. */ function unmodalize() { const hiddenElements = hiddenElementsByDepth.pop(); if (!hiddenElements) { return; } for (const element of hiddenElements) { element.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/modal/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // Used to track and dismiss the prior modal when another opens unless nested. const ModalContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)([]); // Used to track body class names applied while modals are open. const bodyOpenClasses = new Map(); function UnforwardedModal(props, forwardedRef) { const { bodyOpenClassName = 'modal-open', role = 'dialog', title = null, focusOnMount = true, shouldCloseOnEsc = true, shouldCloseOnClickOutside = true, isDismissible = true, /* Accessibility. */ aria = { labelledby: undefined, describedby: undefined }, onRequestClose, icon, closeButtonLabel, children, style, overlayClassName, className, contentLabel, onKeyDown, isFullScreen = false, size, headerActions = null, __experimentalHideHeader = false } = props; const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(Modal); const headingId = title ? `components-modal-header-${instanceId}` : aria.labelledby; // The focus hook does not support 'firstContentElement' but this is a valid // value for the Modal's focusOnMount prop. The following code ensures the focus // hook will focus the first focusable node within the element to which it is applied. // When `firstContentElement` is passed as the value of the focusOnMount prop, // the focus hook is applied to the Modal's content element. // Otherwise, the focus hook is applied to the Modal's ref. This ensures that the // focus hook will focus the first element in the Modal's **content** when // `firstContentElement` is passed. const focusOnMountRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useFocusOnMount)(focusOnMount === 'firstContentElement' ? 'firstElement' : focusOnMount); const constrainedTabbingRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useConstrainedTabbing)(); const focusReturnRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useFocusReturn)(); const contentRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const childrenContainerRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const [hasScrolledContent, setHasScrolledContent] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [hasScrollableContent, setHasScrollableContent] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); let sizeClass; if (isFullScreen || size === 'fill') { sizeClass = 'is-full-screen'; } else if (size) { sizeClass = `has-size-${size}`; } // Determines whether the Modal content is scrollable and updates the state. const isContentScrollable = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { if (!contentRef.current) { return; } const closestScrollContainer = (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.getScrollContainer)(contentRef.current); if (contentRef.current === closestScrollContainer) { setHasScrollableContent(true); } else { setHasScrollableContent(false); } }, [contentRef]); // Accessibly isolates/unisolates the modal. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { modalize(ref.current); return () => unmodalize(); }, []); // Keeps a fresh ref for the subsequent effect. const refOnRequestClose = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { refOnRequestClose.current = onRequestClose; }, [onRequestClose]); // The list of `onRequestClose` callbacks of open (non-nested) Modals. Only // one should remain open at a time and the list enables closing prior ones. const dismissers = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(ModalContext); // Used for the tracking and dismissing any nested modals. const nestedDismissers = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)([]); // Updates the stack tracking open modals at this level and calls // onRequestClose for any prior and/or nested modals as applicable. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { dismissers.push(refOnRequestClose); const [first, second] = dismissers; if (second) { first?.current?.(); } const nested = nestedDismissers.current; return () => { nested[0]?.current?.(); dismissers.shift(); }; }, [dismissers]); // Adds/removes the value of bodyOpenClassName to body element. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { var _bodyOpenClasses$get; const theClass = bodyOpenClassName; const oneMore = 1 + ((_bodyOpenClasses$get = bodyOpenClasses.get(theClass)) !== null && _bodyOpenClasses$get !== void 0 ? _bodyOpenClasses$get : 0); bodyOpenClasses.set(theClass, oneMore); document.body.classList.add(bodyOpenClassName); return () => { const oneLess = bodyOpenClasses.get(theClass) - 1; if (oneLess === 0) { document.body.classList.remove(theClass); bodyOpenClasses.delete(theClass); } else { bodyOpenClasses.set(theClass, oneLess); } }; }, [bodyOpenClassName]); // Calls the isContentScrollable callback when the Modal children container resizes. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (!window.ResizeObserver || !childrenContainerRef.current) { return; } const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(isContentScrollable); resizeObserver.observe(childrenContainerRef.current); isContentScrollable(); return () => { resizeObserver.disconnect(); }; }, [isContentScrollable, childrenContainerRef]); function handleEscapeKeyDown(event) { if (shouldCloseOnEsc && (event.code === 'Escape' || event.key === 'Escape') && !event.defaultPrevented) { event.preventDefault(); if (onRequestClose) { onRequestClose(event); } } } const onContentContainerScroll = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(e => { var _e$currentTarget$scro; const scrollY = (_e$currentTarget$scro = e?.currentTarget?.scrollTop) !== null && _e$currentTarget$scro !== void 0 ? _e$currentTarget$scro : -1; if (!hasScrolledContent && scrollY > 0) { setHasScrolledContent(true); } else if (hasScrolledContent && scrollY <= 0) { setHasScrolledContent(false); } }, [hasScrolledContent]); let pressTarget = null; const overlayPressHandlers = { onPointerDown: event => { if ( === event.currentTarget) { pressTarget =; // Avoids focus changing so that focus return works as expected. event.preventDefault(); } }, // Closes the modal with two exceptions. 1. Opening the context menu on // the overlay. 2. Pressing on the overlay then dragging the pointer // over the modal and releasing. Due to the modal being a child of the // overlay, such a gesture is a `click` on the overlay and cannot be // excepted by a `click` handler. Thus the tactic of handling // `pointerup` and comparing its target to that of the `pointerdown`. onPointerUp: ({ target, button }) => { const isSameTarget = target === pressTarget; pressTarget = null; if (button === 0 && isSameTarget) { onRequestClose(); } } }; const modal = /*#__PURE__*/ // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([ref, forwardedRef]), className: dist_clsx('components-modal__screen-overlay', overlayClassName), onKeyDown: withIgnoreIMEEvents(handleEscapeKeyDown), ...(shouldCloseOnClickOutside ? overlayPressHandlers : {}), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(style_provider, { document: document, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: dist_clsx('components-modal__frame', sizeClass, className), style: style, ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([constrainedTabbingRef, focusReturnRef, focusOnMount !== 'firstContentElement' ? focusOnMountRef : null]), role: role, "aria-label": contentLabel, "aria-labelledby": contentLabel ? undefined : headingId, "aria-describedby": aria.describedby, tabIndex: -1, onKeyDown: onKeyDown, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: dist_clsx('components-modal__content', { 'hide-header': __experimentalHideHeader, 'is-scrollable': hasScrollableContent, 'has-scrolled-content': hasScrolledContent }), role: "document", onScroll: onContentContainerScroll, ref: contentRef, "aria-label": hasScrollableContent ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Scrollable section') : undefined, tabIndex: hasScrollableContent ? 0 : undefined, children: [!__experimentalHideHeader && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-modal__header", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-modal__header-heading-container", children: [icon && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-modal__icon-container", "aria-hidden": true, children: icon }), title && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h1", { id: headingId, className: "components-modal__header-heading", children: title })] }), headerActions, isDismissible && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { onClick: onRequestClose, icon: library_close, label: closeButtonLabel || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close') })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([childrenContainerRef, focusOnMount === 'firstContentElement' ? focusOnMountRef : null]), children: children })] }) }) }) }); return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createPortal)( /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ModalContext.Provider, { value: nestedDismissers.current, children: modal }), document.body); } /** * Modals give users information and choices related to a task they’re trying to * accomplish. They can contain critical information, require decisions, or * involve multiple tasks. * * ```jsx * import { Button, Modal } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyModal = () => { * const [ isOpen, setOpen ] = useState( false ); * const openModal = () => setOpen( true ); * const closeModal = () => setOpen( false ); * * return ( * <> * <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ openModal }> * Open Modal * </Button> * { isOpen && ( * <Modal title="This is my modal" onRequestClose={ closeModal }> * <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ closeModal }> * My custom close button * </Button> * </Modal> * ) } * </> * ); * }; * ``` */ const Modal = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedModal); /* harmony default export */ const modal = (Modal); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/confirm-dialog/styles.js function confirm_dialog_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * The z-index for ConfirmDialog is being set here instead of in * packages/base-styles/_z-index.scss, because this component uses * emotion instead of sass. * * ConfirmDialog needs this higher z-index to ensure it renders on top of * any parent Popover component. */ const styles_wrapper = true ? { name: "7g5ii0", styles: "&&{z-index:1000001;}" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/confirm-dialog/component.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const UnconnectedConfirmDialog = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { isOpen: isOpenProp, onConfirm, onCancel, children, confirmButtonText, cancelButtonText, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ConfirmDialog'); const cx = useCx(); const wrapperClassName = cx(styles_wrapper); const cancelButtonRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const confirmButtonRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const [shouldSelfClose, setShouldSelfClose] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // We only allow the dialog to close itself if `isOpenProp` is *not* set. // If `isOpenProp` is set, then it (probably) means it's controlled by a // parent component. In that case, `shouldSelfClose` might do more harm than // good, so we disable it. const isIsOpenSet = typeof isOpenProp !== 'undefined'; setIsOpen(isIsOpenSet ? isOpenProp : true); setShouldSelfClose(!isIsOpenSet); }, [isOpenProp]); const handleEvent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(callback => event => { callback?.(event); if (shouldSelfClose) { setIsOpen(false); } }, [shouldSelfClose, setIsOpen]); const handleEnter = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(event => { // Avoid triggering the 'confirm' action when a button is focused, // as this can cause a double submission. const isConfirmOrCancelButton = === cancelButtonRef.current || === confirmButtonRef.current; if (!isConfirmOrCancelButton && event.key === 'Enter') { handleEvent(onConfirm)(event); } }, [handleEvent, onConfirm]); const cancelLabel = cancelButtonText !== null && cancelButtonText !== void 0 ? cancelButtonText : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Cancel'); const confirmLabel = confirmButtonText !== null && confirmButtonText !== void 0 ? confirmButtonText : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('OK'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: isOpen && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(modal, { onRequestClose: handleEvent(onCancel), onKeyDown: handleEnter, closeButtonLabel: cancelLabel, isDismissible: true, ref: forwardedRef, overlayClassName: wrapperClassName, __experimentalHideHeader: true, ...otherProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 8, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(text_component, { children: children }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(flex_component, { direction: "row", justify: "flex-end", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, ref: cancelButtonRef, variant: "tertiary", onClick: handleEvent(onCancel), children: cancelLabel }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, ref: confirmButtonRef, variant: "primary", onClick: handleEvent(onConfirm), children: confirmLabel })] })] }) }) }); }; /** * `ConfirmDialog` is built of top of [`Modal`](/packages/components/src/modal/ * and displays a confirmation dialog, with _confirm_ and _cancel_ buttons. * The dialog is confirmed by clicking the _confirm_ button or by pressing the `Enter` key. * It is cancelled (closed) by clicking the _cancel_ button, by pressing the `ESC` key, or by * clicking outside the dialog focus (i.e, the overlay). * * `ConfirmDialog` has two main implicit modes: controlled and uncontrolled. * * UnControlled: * * Allows the component to be used standalone, just by declaring it as part of another React's component render method: * - It will be automatically open (displayed) upon mounting; * - It will be automatically closed when clicking the _cancel_ button, by pressing the `ESC` key, or by clicking outside the dialog focus (i.e, the overlay); * - `onCancel` is not mandatory but can be passed. Even if passed, the dialog will still be able to close itself. * * Activating this mode is as simple as omitting the `isOpen` prop. The only mandatory prop, in this case, is the `onConfirm` callback. The message is passed as the `children`. You can pass any JSX you'd like, which allows to further format the message or include sub-component if you'd like: * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalConfirmDialog as ConfirmDialog } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ConfirmDialog onConfirm={ () => console.debug( ' Confirmed! ' ) }> * Are you sure? <strong>This action cannot be undone!</strong> * </ConfirmDialog> * ); * } * ``` * * * Controlled mode: * Let the parent component control when the dialog is open/closed. It's activated when a * boolean value is passed to `isOpen`: * - It will not be automatically closed. You need to let it know when to open/close by updating the value of the `isOpen` prop; * - Both `onConfirm` and the `onCancel` callbacks are mandatory props in this mode; * - You'll want to update the state that controls `isOpen` by updating it from the `onCancel` and `onConfirm` callbacks. * *```jsx * import { __experimentalConfirmDialog as ConfirmDialog } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * function Example() { * const [ isOpen, setIsOpen ] = useState( true ); * * const handleConfirm = () => { * console.debug( 'Confirmed!' ); * setIsOpen( false ); * }; * * const handleCancel = () => { * console.debug( 'Cancelled!' ); * setIsOpen( false ); * }; * * return ( * <ConfirmDialog * isOpen={ isOpen } * onConfirm={ handleConfirm } * onCancel={ handleCancel } * > * Are you sure? <strong>This action cannot be undone!</strong> * </ConfirmDialog> * ); * } * ``` */ const ConfirmDialog = contextConnect(UnconnectedConfirmDialog, 'ConfirmDialog'); /* harmony default export */ const confirm_dialog_component = (ConfirmDialog); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prop-types/index.js var prop_types = __webpack_require__(5826); var prop_types_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(prop_types); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/downshift/node_modules/react-is/index.js var react_is = __webpack_require__(1915); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/compute-scroll-into-view/dist/index.mjs function dist_t(t){return"object"==typeof t&&null!=t&&1===t.nodeType}function dist_e(t,e){return(!e||"hidden"!==t)&&"visible"!==t&&"clip"!==t}function dist_n(t,n){if(t.clientHeight<t.scrollHeight||t.clientWidth<t.scrollWidth){var r=getComputedStyle(t,null);return dist_e(r.overflowY,n)||dist_e(r.overflowX,n)||function(t){var e=function(t){if(!t.ownerDocument||!t.ownerDocument.defaultView)return null;try{return t.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement}catch(t){return null}}(t);return!!e&&(e.clientHeight<t.scrollHeight||e.clientWidth<t.scrollWidth)}(t)}return!1}function dist_r(t,e,n,r,i,o,l,d){return o<t&&l>e||o>t&&l<e?0:o<=t&&d<=n||l>=e&&d>=n?o-t-r:l>e&&d<n||o<t&&d>n?l-e+i:0}var compute_scroll_into_view_dist_i=function(e,i){var o=window,l=i.scrollMode,d=i.block,f=i.inline,h=i.boundary,u=i.skipOverflowHiddenElements,s="function"==typeof h?h:function(t){return t!==h};if(!dist_t(e))throw new TypeError("Invalid target");for(var a,c,g=document.scrollingElement||document.documentElement,p=[],m=e;dist_t(m)&&s(m);){if((m=null==(c=(a=m).parentElement)?a.getRootNode().host||null:c)===g){p.push(m);break}null!=m&&m===document.body&&dist_n(m)&&!dist_n(document.documentElement)||null!=m&&dist_n(m,u)&&p.push(m)}for(var w=o.visualViewport?o.visualViewport.width:innerWidth,v=o.visualViewport?o.visualViewport.height:innerHeight,W=window.scrollX||pageXOffset,H=window.scrollY||pageYOffset,b=e.getBoundingClientRect(),y=b.height,E=b.width,,V=b.right,x=b.bottom,I=b.left,C="start"===d||"nearest"===d?M:"end"===d?x:M+y/2,R="center"===f?I+E/2:"end"===f?V:I,T=[],k=0;k<p.length;k++){var B=p[k],D=B.getBoundingClientRect(),O=D.height,X=D.width,,L=D.right,S=D.bottom,j=D.left;if("if-needed"===l&&M>=0&&I>=0&&x<=v&&V<=w&&M>=Y&&x<=S&&I>=j&&V<=L)return T;var N=getComputedStyle(B),q=parseInt(N.borderLeftWidth,10),z=parseInt(N.borderTopWidth,10),A=parseInt(N.borderRightWidth,10),F=parseInt(N.borderBottomWidth,10),G=0,J=0,K="offsetWidth"in B?B.offsetWidth-B.clientWidth-q-A:0,P="offsetHeight"in B?B.offsetHeight-B.clientHeight-z-F:0,Q="offsetWidth"in B?0===B.offsetWidth?0:X/B.offsetWidth:0,U="offsetHeight"in B?0===B.offsetHeight?0:O/B.offsetHeight:0;if(g===B)G="start"===d?C:"end"===d?C-v:"nearest"===d?dist_r(H,H+v,v,z,F,H+C,H+C+y,y):C-v/2,J="start"===f?R:"center"===f?R-w/2:"end"===f?R-w:dist_r(W,W+w,w,q,A,W+R,W+R+E,E),G=Math.max(0,G+H),J=Math.max(0,J+W);else{G="start"===d?C-Y-z:"end"===d?C-S+F+P:"nearest"===d?dist_r(Y,S,O,z,F+P,C,C+y,y):C-(Y+O/2)+P/2,J="start"===f?R-j-q:"center"===f?R-(j+X/2)+K/2:"end"===f?R-L+A+K:dist_r(j,L,X,q,A+K,R,R+E,E);var Z=B.scrollLeft,$=B.scrollTop;C+=$-(G=Math.max(0,Math.min($+G/U,B.scrollHeight-O/U+P))),R+=Z-(J=Math.max(0,Math.min(Z+J/Q,B.scrollWidth-X/Q+K)))}T.push({el:B,top:G,left:J})}return T}; //# ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/downshift/dist/downshift.esm.js let idCounter = 0; /** * Accepts a parameter and returns it if it's a function * or a noop function if it's not. This allows us to * accept a callback, but not worry about it if it's not * passed. * @param {Function} cb the callback * @return {Function} a function */ function cbToCb(cb) { return typeof cb === 'function' ? cb : downshift_esm_noop; } function downshift_esm_noop() {} /** * Scroll node into view if necessary * @param {HTMLElement} node the element that should scroll into view * @param {HTMLElement} menuNode the menu element of the component */ function scrollIntoView(node, menuNode) { if (!node) { return; } const actions = compute_scroll_into_view_dist_i(node, { boundary: menuNode, block: 'nearest', scrollMode: 'if-needed' }); actions.forEach(_ref => { let { el, top, left } = _ref; el.scrollTop = top; el.scrollLeft = left; }); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} parent the parent node * @param {HTMLElement} child the child node * @param {Window} environment The window context where downshift renders. * @return {Boolean} whether the parent is the child or the child is in the parent */ function isOrContainsNode(parent, child, environment) { const result = parent === child || child instanceof environment.Node && parent.contains && parent.contains(child); return result; } /** * Simple debounce implementation. Will call the given * function once after the time given has passed since * it was last called. * @param {Function} fn the function to call after the time * @param {Number} time the time to wait * @return {Function} the debounced function */ function debounce(fn, time) { let timeoutId; function cancel() { if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } } function wrapper() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } cancel(); timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { timeoutId = null; fn(...args); }, time); } wrapper.cancel = cancel; return wrapper; } /** * This is intended to be used to compose event handlers. * They are executed in order until one of them sets * `event.preventDownshiftDefault = true`. * @param {...Function} fns the event handler functions * @return {Function} the event handler to add to an element */ function callAllEventHandlers() { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, fns = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { fns[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } return function (event) { for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { args[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3]; } return fns.some(fn => { if (fn) { fn(event, ...args); } return event.preventDownshiftDefault || event.hasOwnProperty('nativeEvent') && event.nativeEvent.preventDownshiftDefault; }); }; } function handleRefs() { for (var _len4 = arguments.length, refs = new Array(_len4), _key4 = 0; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) { refs[_key4] = arguments[_key4]; } return node => { refs.forEach(ref => { if (typeof ref === 'function') { ref(node); } else if (ref) { ref.current = node; } }); }; } /** * This generates a unique ID for an instance of Downshift * @return {String} the unique ID */ function generateId() { return String(idCounter++); } /** * Resets idCounter to 0. Used for SSR. */ function resetIdCounter() { idCounter = 0; } /** * Default implementation for status message. Only added when menu is open. * Will specify if there are results in the list, and if so, how many, * and what keys are relevant. * * @param {Object} param the downshift state and other relevant properties * @return {String} the a11y status message */ function getA11yStatusMessage$1(_ref2) { let { isOpen, resultCount, previousResultCount } = _ref2; if (!isOpen) { return ''; } if (!resultCount) { return 'No results are available.'; } if (resultCount !== previousResultCount) { return `${resultCount} result${resultCount === 1 ? ' is' : 's are'} available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate. Press Enter key to select.`; } return ''; } /** * Takes an argument and if it's an array, returns the first item in the array * otherwise returns the argument * @param {*} arg the maybe-array * @param {*} defaultValue the value if arg is falsey not defined * @return {*} the arg or it's first item */ function unwrapArray(arg, defaultValue) { arg = Array.isArray(arg) ? /* istanbul ignore next (preact) */ arg[0] : arg; if (!arg && defaultValue) { return defaultValue; } else { return arg; } } /** * @param {Object} element (P)react element * @return {Boolean} whether it's a DOM element */ function isDOMElement(element) { return typeof element.type === 'string'; } /** * @param {Object} element (P)react element * @return {Object} the props */ function getElementProps(element) { return element.props; } /** * Throws a helpful error message for required properties. Useful * to be used as a default in destructuring or object params. * @param {String} fnName the function name * @param {String} propName the prop name */ function requiredProp(fnName, propName) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`The property "${propName}" is required in "${fnName}"`); } const stateKeys = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (['highlightedIndex', 'inputValue', 'isOpen', 'selectedItem', 'type'])); /** * @param {Object} state the state object * @return {Object} state that is relevant to downshift */ function pickState(state) { if (state === void 0) { state = {}; } const result = {}; stateKeys.forEach(k => { if (state.hasOwnProperty(k)) { result[k] = state[k]; } }); return result; } /** * This will perform a shallow merge of the given state object * with the state coming from props * (for the controlled component scenario) * This is used in state updater functions so they're referencing * the right state regardless of where it comes from. * * @param {Object} state The state of the component/hook. * @param {Object} props The props that may contain controlled values. * @returns {Object} The merged controlled state. */ function getState(state, props) { return Object.keys(state).reduce((prevState, key) => { prevState[key] = isControlledProp(props, key) ? props[key] : state[key]; return prevState; }, {}); } /** * This determines whether a prop is a "controlled prop" meaning it is * state which is controlled by the outside of this component rather * than within this component. * * @param {Object} props The props that may contain controlled values. * @param {String} key the key to check * @return {Boolean} whether it is a controlled controlled prop */ function isControlledProp(props, key) { return props[key] !== undefined; } /** * Normalizes the 'key' property of a KeyboardEvent in IE/Edge * @param {Object} event a keyboardEvent object * @return {String} keyboard key */ function normalizeArrowKey(event) { const { key, keyCode } = event; /* istanbul ignore next (ie) */ if (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40 && key.indexOf('Arrow') !== 0) { return `Arrow${key}`; } return key; } /** * Simple check if the value passed is object literal * @param {*} obj any things * @return {Boolean} whether it's object literal */ function downshift_esm_isPlainObject(obj) { return === '[object Object]'; } /** * Returns the new index in the list, in a circular way. If next value is out of bonds from the total, * it will wrap to either 0 or itemCount - 1. * * @param {number} moveAmount Number of positions to move. Negative to move backwards, positive forwards. * @param {number} baseIndex The initial position to move from. * @param {number} itemCount The total number of items. * @param {Function} getItemNodeFromIndex Used to check if item is disabled. * @param {boolean} circular Specify if navigation is circular. Default is true. * @returns {number} The new index after the move. */ function getNextWrappingIndex(moveAmount, baseIndex, itemCount, getItemNodeFromIndex, circular) { if (circular === void 0) { circular = true; } if (itemCount === 0) { return -1; } const itemsLastIndex = itemCount - 1; if (typeof baseIndex !== 'number' || baseIndex < 0 || baseIndex >= itemCount) { baseIndex = moveAmount > 0 ? -1 : itemsLastIndex + 1; } let newIndex = baseIndex + moveAmount; if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = circular ? itemsLastIndex : 0; } else if (newIndex > itemsLastIndex) { newIndex = circular ? 0 : itemsLastIndex; } const nonDisabledNewIndex = getNextNonDisabledIndex(moveAmount, newIndex, itemCount, getItemNodeFromIndex, circular); if (nonDisabledNewIndex === -1) { return baseIndex >= itemCount ? -1 : baseIndex; } return nonDisabledNewIndex; } /** * Returns the next index in the list of an item that is not disabled. * * @param {number} moveAmount Number of positions to move. Negative to move backwards, positive forwards. * @param {number} baseIndex The initial position to move from. * @param {number} itemCount The total number of items. * @param {Function} getItemNodeFromIndex Used to check if item is disabled. * @param {boolean} circular Specify if navigation is circular. Default is true. * @returns {number} The new index. Returns baseIndex if item is not disabled. Returns next non-disabled item otherwise. If no non-disabled found it will return -1. */ function getNextNonDisabledIndex(moveAmount, baseIndex, itemCount, getItemNodeFromIndex, circular) { const currentElementNode = getItemNodeFromIndex(baseIndex); if (!currentElementNode || !currentElementNode.hasAttribute('disabled')) { return baseIndex; } if (moveAmount > 0) { for (let index = baseIndex + 1; index < itemCount; index++) { if (!getItemNodeFromIndex(index).hasAttribute('disabled')) { return index; } } } else { for (let index = baseIndex - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (!getItemNodeFromIndex(index).hasAttribute('disabled')) { return index; } } } if (circular) { return moveAmount > 0 ? getNextNonDisabledIndex(1, 0, itemCount, getItemNodeFromIndex, false) : getNextNonDisabledIndex(-1, itemCount - 1, itemCount, getItemNodeFromIndex, false); } return -1; } /** * Checks if event target is within the downshift elements. * * @param {EventTarget} target Target to check. * @param {HTMLElement[]} downshiftElements The elements that form downshift (list, toggle button etc). * @param {Window} environment The window context where downshift renders. * @param {boolean} checkActiveElement Whether to also check activeElement. * * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the target is within downshift elements. */ function targetWithinDownshift(target, downshiftElements, environment, checkActiveElement) { if (checkActiveElement === void 0) { checkActiveElement = true; } return downshiftElements.some(contextNode => contextNode && (isOrContainsNode(contextNode, target, environment) || checkActiveElement && isOrContainsNode(contextNode, environment.document.activeElement, environment))); } // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports let validateControlledUnchanged = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (downshift_esm_noop)); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (false) {} const cleanupStatus = debounce(documentProp => { getStatusDiv(documentProp).textContent = ''; }, 500); /** * @param {String} status the status message * @param {Object} documentProp document passed by the user. */ function setStatus(status, documentProp) { const div = getStatusDiv(documentProp); if (!status) { return; } div.textContent = status; cleanupStatus(documentProp); } /** * Get the status node or create it if it does not already exist. * @param {Object} documentProp document passed by the user. * @return {HTMLElement} the status node. */ function getStatusDiv(documentProp) { if (documentProp === void 0) { documentProp = document; } let statusDiv = documentProp.getElementById('a11y-status-message'); if (statusDiv) { return statusDiv; } statusDiv = documentProp.createElement('div'); statusDiv.setAttribute('id', 'a11y-status-message'); statusDiv.setAttribute('role', 'status'); statusDiv.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite'); statusDiv.setAttribute('aria-relevant', 'additions text'); Object.assign(, { border: '0', clip: 'rect(0 0 0 0)', height: '1px', margin: '-1px', overflow: 'hidden', padding: '0', position: 'absolute', width: '1px' }); documentProp.body.appendChild(statusDiv); return statusDiv; } const unknown = false ? 0 : 0; const mouseUp = false ? 0 : 1; const itemMouseEnter = false ? 0 : 2; const keyDownArrowUp = false ? 0 : 3; const keyDownArrowDown = false ? 0 : 4; const keyDownEscape = false ? 0 : 5; const keyDownEnter = false ? 0 : 6; const keyDownHome = false ? 0 : 7; const keyDownEnd = false ? 0 : 8; const clickItem = false ? 0 : 9; const blurInput = false ? 0 : 10; const changeInput = false ? 0 : 11; const keyDownSpaceButton = false ? 0 : 12; const clickButton = false ? 0 : 13; const blurButton = false ? 0 : 14; const controlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem = false ? 0 : 15; const touchEnd = false ? 0 : 16; var stateChangeTypes$3 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, unknown: unknown, mouseUp: mouseUp, itemMouseEnter: itemMouseEnter, keyDownArrowUp: keyDownArrowUp, keyDownArrowDown: keyDownArrowDown, keyDownEscape: keyDownEscape, keyDownEnter: keyDownEnter, keyDownHome: keyDownHome, keyDownEnd: keyDownEnd, clickItem: clickItem, blurInput: blurInput, changeInput: changeInput, keyDownSpaceButton: keyDownSpaceButton, clickButton: clickButton, blurButton: blurButton, controlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem: controlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem, touchEnd: touchEnd }); /* eslint camelcase:0 */ const Downshift = /*#__PURE__*/(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && ((() => { class Downshift extends Component { constructor(_props) { var _this; super(_props); _this = this; = || `downshift-${generateId()}`; this.menuId = this.props.menuId || `${}-menu`; this.labelId = this.props.labelId || `${}-label`; this.inputId = this.props.inputId || `${}-input`; this.getItemId = this.props.getItemId || (index => `${}-item-${index}`); this.input = null; this.items = []; this.itemCount = null; this.previousResultCount = 0; this.timeoutIds = []; this.internalSetTimeout = (fn, time) => { const id = setTimeout(() => { this.timeoutIds = this.timeoutIds.filter(i => i !== id); fn(); }, time); this.timeoutIds.push(id); }; this.setItemCount = count => { this.itemCount = count; }; this.unsetItemCount = () => { this.itemCount = null; }; this.setHighlightedIndex = function (highlightedIndex, otherStateToSet) { if (highlightedIndex === void 0) { highlightedIndex = _this.props.defaultHighlightedIndex; } if (otherStateToSet === void 0) { otherStateToSet = {}; } otherStateToSet = pickState(otherStateToSet); _this.internalSetState({ highlightedIndex, ...otherStateToSet }); }; this.clearSelection = cb => { this.internalSetState({ selectedItem: null, inputValue: '', highlightedIndex: this.props.defaultHighlightedIndex, isOpen: this.props.defaultIsOpen }, cb); }; this.selectItem = (item, otherStateToSet, cb) => { otherStateToSet = pickState(otherStateToSet); this.internalSetState({ isOpen: this.props.defaultIsOpen, highlightedIndex: this.props.defaultHighlightedIndex, selectedItem: item, inputValue: this.props.itemToString(item), ...otherStateToSet }, cb); }; this.selectItemAtIndex = (itemIndex, otherStateToSet, cb) => { const item = this.items[itemIndex]; if (item == null) { return; } this.selectItem(item, otherStateToSet, cb); }; this.selectHighlightedItem = (otherStateToSet, cb) => { return this.selectItemAtIndex(this.getState().highlightedIndex, otherStateToSet, cb); }; this.internalSetState = (stateToSet, cb) => { let isItemSelected, onChangeArg; const onStateChangeArg = {}; const isStateToSetFunction = typeof stateToSet === 'function'; // we want to call `onInputValueChange` before the `setState` call // so someone controlling the `inputValue` state gets notified of // the input change as soon as possible. This avoids issues with // preserving the cursor position. // See for more info. if (!isStateToSetFunction && stateToSet.hasOwnProperty('inputValue')) { this.props.onInputValueChange(stateToSet.inputValue, { ...this.getStateAndHelpers(), ...stateToSet }); } return this.setState(state => { state = this.getState(state); let newStateToSet = isStateToSetFunction ? stateToSet(state) : stateToSet; // Your own function that could modify the state that will be set. newStateToSet = this.props.stateReducer(state, newStateToSet); // checks if an item is selected, regardless of if it's different from // what was selected before // used to determine if onSelect and onChange callbacks should be called isItemSelected = newStateToSet.hasOwnProperty('selectedItem'); // this keeps track of the object we want to call with setState const nextState = {}; // this is just used to tell whether the state changed // and we're trying to update that state. OR if the selection has changed and we're // trying to update the selection if (isItemSelected && newStateToSet.selectedItem !== state.selectedItem) { onChangeArg = newStateToSet.selectedItem; } newStateToSet.type = newStateToSet.type || unknown; Object.keys(newStateToSet).forEach(key => { // onStateChangeArg should only have the state that is // actually changing if (state[key] !== newStateToSet[key]) { onStateChangeArg[key] = newStateToSet[key]; } // the type is useful for the onStateChangeArg // but we don't actually want to set it in internal state. // this is an undocumented feature for now... Not all internalSetState // calls support it and I'm not certain we want them to yet. // But it enables users controlling the isOpen state to know when // the isOpen state changes due to mouseup events which is quite handy. if (key === 'type') { return; } newStateToSet[key]; // if it's coming from props, then we don't care to set it internally if (!isControlledProp(this.props, key)) { nextState[key] = newStateToSet[key]; } }); // if stateToSet is a function, then we weren't able to call onInputValueChange // earlier, so we'll call it now that we know what the inputValue state will be. if (isStateToSetFunction && newStateToSet.hasOwnProperty('inputValue')) { this.props.onInputValueChange(newStateToSet.inputValue, { ...this.getStateAndHelpers(), ...newStateToSet }); } return nextState; }, () => { // call the provided callback if it's a function cbToCb(cb)(); // only call the onStateChange and onChange callbacks if // we have relevant information to pass them. const hasMoreStateThanType = Object.keys(onStateChangeArg).length > 1; if (hasMoreStateThanType) { this.props.onStateChange(onStateChangeArg, this.getStateAndHelpers()); } if (isItemSelected) { this.props.onSelect(stateToSet.selectedItem, this.getStateAndHelpers()); } if (onChangeArg !== undefined) { this.props.onChange(onChangeArg, this.getStateAndHelpers()); } // this is currently undocumented and therefore subject to change // We'll try to not break it, but just be warned. this.props.onUserAction(onStateChangeArg, this.getStateAndHelpers()); }); }; this.rootRef = node => this._rootNode = node; this.getRootProps = function (_temp, _temp2) { let { refKey = 'ref', ref, } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp2 === void 0 ? {} : _temp2; // this is used in the render to know whether the user has called getRootProps. // It uses that to know whether to apply the props automatically _this.getRootProps.called = true; _this.getRootProps.refKey = refKey; _this.getRootProps.suppressRefError = suppressRefError; const { isOpen } = _this.getState(); return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, _this.rootRef), role: 'combobox', 'aria-expanded': isOpen, 'aria-haspopup': 'listbox', 'aria-owns': isOpen ? _this.menuId : null, 'aria-labelledby': _this.labelId, }; }; this.keyDownHandlers = { ArrowDown(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.getState().isOpen) { const amount = event.shiftKey ? 5 : 1; this.moveHighlightedIndex(amount, { type: keyDownArrowDown }); } else { this.internalSetState({ isOpen: true, type: keyDownArrowDown }, () => { const itemCount = this.getItemCount(); if (itemCount > 0) { const { highlightedIndex } = this.getState(); const nextHighlightedIndex = getNextWrappingIndex(1, highlightedIndex, itemCount, index => this.getItemNodeFromIndex(index)); this.setHighlightedIndex(nextHighlightedIndex, { type: keyDownArrowDown }); } }); } }, ArrowUp(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.getState().isOpen) { const amount = event.shiftKey ? -5 : -1; this.moveHighlightedIndex(amount, { type: keyDownArrowUp }); } else { this.internalSetState({ isOpen: true, type: keyDownArrowUp }, () => { const itemCount = this.getItemCount(); if (itemCount > 0) { const { highlightedIndex } = this.getState(); const nextHighlightedIndex = getNextWrappingIndex(-1, highlightedIndex, itemCount, index => this.getItemNodeFromIndex(index)); this.setHighlightedIndex(nextHighlightedIndex, { type: keyDownArrowUp }); } }); } }, Enter(event) { if (event.which === 229) { return; } const { isOpen, highlightedIndex } = this.getState(); if (isOpen && highlightedIndex != null) { event.preventDefault(); const item = this.items[highlightedIndex]; const itemNode = this.getItemNodeFromIndex(highlightedIndex); if (item == null || itemNode && itemNode.hasAttribute('disabled')) { return; } this.selectHighlightedItem({ type: keyDownEnter }); } }, Escape(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.reset({ type: keyDownEscape, ...(!this.state.isOpen && { selectedItem: null, inputValue: '' }) }); } }; this.buttonKeyDownHandlers = { ...this.keyDownHandlers, ' '(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.toggleMenu({ type: keyDownSpaceButton }); } }; this.inputKeyDownHandlers = { ...this.keyDownHandlers, Home(event) { const { isOpen } = this.getState(); if (!isOpen) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const itemCount = this.getItemCount(); if (itemCount <= 0 || !isOpen) { return; } // get next non-disabled starting downwards from 0 if that's disabled. const newHighlightedIndex = getNextNonDisabledIndex(1, 0, itemCount, index => this.getItemNodeFromIndex(index), false); this.setHighlightedIndex(newHighlightedIndex, { type: keyDownHome }); }, End(event) { const { isOpen } = this.getState(); if (!isOpen) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const itemCount = this.getItemCount(); if (itemCount <= 0 || !isOpen) { return; } // get next non-disabled starting upwards from last index if that's disabled. const newHighlightedIndex = getNextNonDisabledIndex(-1, itemCount - 1, itemCount, index => this.getItemNodeFromIndex(index), false); this.setHighlightedIndex(newHighlightedIndex, { type: keyDownEnd }); } }; this.getToggleButtonProps = function (_temp3) { let { onClick, onPress, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onBlur, } = _temp3 === void 0 ? {} : _temp3; const { isOpen } = _this.getState(); const enabledEventHandlers = { onClick: callAllEventHandlers(onClick, _this.buttonHandleClick), onKeyDown: callAllEventHandlers(onKeyDown, _this.buttonHandleKeyDown), onKeyUp: callAllEventHandlers(onKeyUp, _this.buttonHandleKeyUp), onBlur: callAllEventHandlers(onBlur, _this.buttonHandleBlur) }; const eventHandlers = rest.disabled ? {} : enabledEventHandlers; return { type: 'button', role: 'button', 'aria-label': isOpen ? 'close menu' : 'open menu', 'aria-haspopup': true, 'data-toggle': true, ...eventHandlers, }; }; this.buttonHandleKeyUp = event => { // Prevent click event from emitting in Firefox event.preventDefault(); }; this.buttonHandleKeyDown = event => { const key = normalizeArrowKey(event); if (this.buttonKeyDownHandlers[key]) { this.buttonKeyDownHandlers[key].call(this, event); } }; this.buttonHandleClick = event => { event.preventDefault(); // handle odd case for Safari and Firefox which // don't give the button the focus properly. /* istanbul ignore if (can't reasonably test this) */ if (this.props.environment.document.activeElement === this.props.environment.document.body) {; } // to simplify testing components that use downshift, we'll not wrap this in a setTimeout // if the NODE_ENV is test. With the proper build system, this should be dead code eliminated // when building for production and should therefore have no impact on production code. if (false) {} else { // Ensure that toggle of menu occurs after the potential blur event in iOS this.internalSetTimeout(() => this.toggleMenu({ type: clickButton })); } }; this.buttonHandleBlur = event => { const blurTarget =; // Save blur target for comparison with activeElement later // Need setTimeout, so that when the user presses Tab, the activeElement is the next focused element, not body element this.internalSetTimeout(() => { if (!this.isMouseDown && (this.props.environment.document.activeElement == null || !== this.inputId) && this.props.environment.document.activeElement !== blurTarget // Do nothing if we refocus the same element again (to solve issue in Safari on iOS) ) { this.reset({ type: blurButton }); } }); }; this.getLabelProps = props => { return { htmlFor: this.inputId, id: this.labelId, ...props }; }; this.getInputProps = function (_temp4) { let { onKeyDown, onBlur, onChange, onInput, onChangeText, } = _temp4 === void 0 ? {} : _temp4; let onChangeKey; let eventHandlers = {}; /* istanbul ignore next (preact) */ { onChangeKey = 'onChange'; } const { inputValue, isOpen, highlightedIndex } = _this.getState(); if (!rest.disabled) { eventHandlers = { [onChangeKey]: callAllEventHandlers(onChange, onInput, _this.inputHandleChange), onKeyDown: callAllEventHandlers(onKeyDown, _this.inputHandleKeyDown), onBlur: callAllEventHandlers(onBlur, _this.inputHandleBlur) }; } return { 'aria-autocomplete': 'list', 'aria-activedescendant': isOpen && typeof highlightedIndex === 'number' && highlightedIndex >= 0 ? _this.getItemId(highlightedIndex) : null, 'aria-controls': isOpen ? _this.menuId : null, 'aria-labelledby': _this.labelId, // // revert back since autocomplete="nope" is ignored on latest Chrome and Opera autoComplete: 'off', value: inputValue, id: _this.inputId, ...eventHandlers, }; }; this.inputHandleKeyDown = event => { const key = normalizeArrowKey(event); if (key && this.inputKeyDownHandlers[key]) { this.inputKeyDownHandlers[key].call(this, event); } }; this.inputHandleChange = event => { this.internalSetState({ type: changeInput, isOpen: true, inputValue:, highlightedIndex: this.props.defaultHighlightedIndex }); }; this.inputHandleBlur = () => { // Need setTimeout, so that when the user presses Tab, the activeElement is the next focused element, not the body element this.internalSetTimeout(() => { const downshiftButtonIsActive = this.props.environment.document && !!this.props.environment.document.activeElement && !!this.props.environment.document.activeElement.dataset && this.props.environment.document.activeElement.dataset.toggle && this._rootNode && this._rootNode.contains(this.props.environment.document.activeElement); if (!this.isMouseDown && !downshiftButtonIsActive) { this.reset({ type: blurInput }); } }); }; this.menuRef = node => { this._menuNode = node; }; this.getMenuProps = function (_temp5, _temp6) { let { refKey = 'ref', ref, ...props } = _temp5 === void 0 ? {} : _temp5; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp6 === void 0 ? {} : _temp6; _this.getMenuProps.called = true; _this.getMenuProps.refKey = refKey; _this.getMenuProps.suppressRefError = suppressRefError; return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, _this.menuRef), role: 'listbox', 'aria-labelledby': props && props['aria-label'] ? null : _this.labelId, id: _this.menuId, ...props }; }; this.getItemProps = function (_temp7) { let { onMouseMove, onMouseDown, onClick, onPress, index, item = true ? /* istanbul ignore next */ undefined : 0, } = _temp7 === void 0 ? {} : _temp7; if (index === undefined) { _this.items.push(item); index = _this.items.indexOf(item); } else { _this.items[index] = item; } const onSelectKey = 'onClick'; const customClickHandler = onClick; const enabledEventHandlers = { // onMouseMove is used over onMouseEnter here. onMouseMove // is only triggered on actual mouse movement while onMouseEnter // can fire on DOM changes, interrupting keyboard navigation onMouseMove: callAllEventHandlers(onMouseMove, () => { if (index === _this.getState().highlightedIndex) { return; } _this.setHighlightedIndex(index, { type: itemMouseEnter }); // We never want to manually scroll when changing state based // on `onMouseMove` because we will be moving the element out // from under the user which is currently scrolling/moving the // cursor _this.avoidScrolling = true; _this.internalSetTimeout(() => _this.avoidScrolling = false, 250); }), onMouseDown: callAllEventHandlers(onMouseDown, event => { // This prevents the activeElement from being changed // to the item so it can remain with the current activeElement // which is a more common use case. event.preventDefault(); }), [onSelectKey]: callAllEventHandlers(customClickHandler, () => { _this.selectItemAtIndex(index, { type: clickItem }); }) }; // Passing down the onMouseDown handler to prevent redirect // of the activeElement if clicking on disabled items const eventHandlers = rest.disabled ? { onMouseDown: enabledEventHandlers.onMouseDown } : enabledEventHandlers; return { id: _this.getItemId(index), role: 'option', 'aria-selected': _this.getState().highlightedIndex === index, ...eventHandlers, }; }; this.clearItems = () => { this.items = []; }; this.reset = function (otherStateToSet, cb) { if (otherStateToSet === void 0) { otherStateToSet = {}; } otherStateToSet = pickState(otherStateToSet); _this.internalSetState(_ref => { let { selectedItem } = _ref; return { isOpen: _this.props.defaultIsOpen, highlightedIndex: _this.props.defaultHighlightedIndex, inputValue: _this.props.itemToString(selectedItem), ...otherStateToSet }; }, cb); }; this.toggleMenu = function (otherStateToSet, cb) { if (otherStateToSet === void 0) { otherStateToSet = {}; } otherStateToSet = pickState(otherStateToSet); _this.internalSetState(_ref2 => { let { isOpen } = _ref2; return { isOpen: !isOpen, ...(isOpen && { highlightedIndex: _this.props.defaultHighlightedIndex }), ...otherStateToSet }; }, () => { const { isOpen, highlightedIndex } = _this.getState(); if (isOpen) { if (_this.getItemCount() > 0 && typeof highlightedIndex === 'number') { _this.setHighlightedIndex(highlightedIndex, otherStateToSet); } } cbToCb(cb)(); }); }; this.openMenu = cb => { this.internalSetState({ isOpen: true }, cb); }; this.closeMenu = cb => { this.internalSetState({ isOpen: false }, cb); }; this.updateStatus = debounce(() => { const state = this.getState(); const item = this.items[state.highlightedIndex]; const resultCount = this.getItemCount(); const status = this.props.getA11yStatusMessage({ itemToString: this.props.itemToString, previousResultCount: this.previousResultCount, resultCount, highlightedItem: item, ...state }); this.previousResultCount = resultCount; setStatus(status, this.props.environment.document); }, 200); // fancy destructuring + defaults + aliases // this basically says each value of state should either be set to // the initial value or the default value if the initial value is not provided const { defaultHighlightedIndex, initialHighlightedIndex: _highlightedIndex = defaultHighlightedIndex, defaultIsOpen, initialIsOpen: _isOpen = defaultIsOpen, initialInputValue: _inputValue = '', initialSelectedItem: _selectedItem = null } = this.props; const _state = this.getState({ highlightedIndex: _highlightedIndex, isOpen: _isOpen, inputValue: _inputValue, selectedItem: _selectedItem }); if (_state.selectedItem != null && this.props.initialInputValue === undefined) { _state.inputValue = this.props.itemToString(_state.selectedItem); } this.state = _state; } /** * Clear all running timeouts */ internalClearTimeouts() { this.timeoutIds.forEach(id => { clearTimeout(id); }); this.timeoutIds = []; } /** * Gets the state based on internal state or props * If a state value is passed via props, then that * is the value given, otherwise it's retrieved from * stateToMerge * * @param {Object} stateToMerge defaults to this.state * @return {Object} the state */ getState(stateToMerge) { if (stateToMerge === void 0) { stateToMerge = this.state; } return getState(stateToMerge, this.props); } getItemCount() { // things read better this way. They're in priority order: // 1. `this.itemCount` // 2. `this.props.itemCount` // 3. `this.items.length` let itemCount = this.items.length; if (this.itemCount != null) { itemCount = this.itemCount; } else if (this.props.itemCount !== undefined) { itemCount = this.props.itemCount; } return itemCount; } getItemNodeFromIndex(index) { return this.props.environment.document.getElementById(this.getItemId(index)); } scrollHighlightedItemIntoView() { /* istanbul ignore else (react-native) */ { const node = this.getItemNodeFromIndex(this.getState().highlightedIndex); this.props.scrollIntoView(node, this._menuNode); } } moveHighlightedIndex(amount, otherStateToSet) { const itemCount = this.getItemCount(); const { highlightedIndex } = this.getState(); if (itemCount > 0) { const nextHighlightedIndex = getNextWrappingIndex(amount, highlightedIndex, itemCount, index => this.getItemNodeFromIndex(index)); this.setHighlightedIndex(nextHighlightedIndex, otherStateToSet); } } getStateAndHelpers() { const { highlightedIndex, inputValue, selectedItem, isOpen } = this.getState(); const { itemToString } = this.props; const { id } = this; const { getRootProps, getToggleButtonProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getInputProps, getItemProps, openMenu, closeMenu, toggleMenu, selectItem, selectItemAtIndex, selectHighlightedItem, setHighlightedIndex, clearSelection, clearItems, reset, setItemCount, unsetItemCount, internalSetState: setState } = this; return { // prop getters getRootProps, getToggleButtonProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getInputProps, getItemProps, // actions reset, openMenu, closeMenu, toggleMenu, selectItem, selectItemAtIndex, selectHighlightedItem, setHighlightedIndex, clearSelection, clearItems, setItemCount, unsetItemCount, setState, // props itemToString, // derived id, // state highlightedIndex, inputValue, isOpen, selectedItem }; } //////////////////////////// ROOT componentDidMount() { /* istanbul ignore if (react-native) */ if (false) {} /* istanbul ignore if (react-native) */ { // this.isMouseDown helps us track whether the mouse is currently held down. // This is useful when the user clicks on an item in the list, but holds the mouse // down long enough for the list to disappear (because the blur event fires on the input) // this.isMouseDown is used in the blur handler on the input to determine whether the blur event should // trigger hiding the menu. const onMouseDown = () => { this.isMouseDown = true; }; const onMouseUp = event => { this.isMouseDown = false; // if the target element or the activeElement is within a downshift node // then we don't want to reset downshift const contextWithinDownshift = targetWithinDownshift(, [this._rootNode, this._menuNode], this.props.environment); if (!contextWithinDownshift && this.getState().isOpen) { this.reset({ type: mouseUp }, () => this.props.onOuterClick(this.getStateAndHelpers())); } }; // Touching an element in iOS gives focus and hover states, but touching out of // the element will remove hover, and persist the focus state, resulting in the // blur event not being triggered. // this.isTouchMove helps us track whether the user is tapping or swiping on a touch screen. // If the user taps outside of Downshift, the component should be reset, // but not if the user is swiping const onTouchStart = () => { this.isTouchMove = false; }; const onTouchMove = () => { this.isTouchMove = true; }; const onTouchEnd = event => { const contextWithinDownshift = targetWithinDownshift(, [this._rootNode, this._menuNode], this.props.environment, false); if (!this.isTouchMove && !contextWithinDownshift && this.getState().isOpen) { this.reset({ type: touchEnd }, () => this.props.onOuterClick(this.getStateAndHelpers())); } }; const { environment } = this.props; environment.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown); environment.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); environment.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart); environment.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove); environment.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd); this.cleanup = () => { this.internalClearTimeouts(); this.updateStatus.cancel(); environment.removeEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown); environment.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); environment.removeEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart); environment.removeEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove); environment.removeEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd); }; } } shouldScroll(prevState, prevProps) { const { highlightedIndex: currentHighlightedIndex } = this.props.highlightedIndex === undefined ? this.getState() : this.props; const { highlightedIndex: prevHighlightedIndex } = prevProps.highlightedIndex === undefined ? prevState : prevProps; const scrollWhenOpen = currentHighlightedIndex && this.getState().isOpen && !prevState.isOpen; const scrollWhenNavigating = currentHighlightedIndex !== prevHighlightedIndex; return scrollWhenOpen || scrollWhenNavigating; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (false) {} if (isControlledProp(this.props, 'selectedItem') && this.props.selectedItemChanged(prevProps.selectedItem, this.props.selectedItem)) { this.internalSetState({ type: controlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem, inputValue: this.props.itemToString(this.props.selectedItem) }); } if (!this.avoidScrolling && this.shouldScroll(prevState, prevProps)) { this.scrollHighlightedItemIntoView(); } /* istanbul ignore else (react-native) */ { this.updateStatus(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.cleanup(); // avoids memory leak } render() { const children = unwrapArray(this.props.children, downshift_esm_noop); // because the items are rerendered every time we call the children // we clear this out each render and it will be populated again as // getItemProps is called. this.clearItems(); // we reset this so we know whether the user calls getRootProps during // this render. If they do then we don't need to do anything, // if they don't then we need to clone the element they return and // apply the props for them. this.getRootProps.called = false; this.getRootProps.refKey = undefined; this.getRootProps.suppressRefError = undefined; // we do something similar for getMenuProps this.getMenuProps.called = false; this.getMenuProps.refKey = undefined; this.getMenuProps.suppressRefError = undefined; // we do something similar for getLabelProps this.getLabelProps.called = false; // and something similar for getInputProps this.getInputProps.called = false; const element = unwrapArray(children(this.getStateAndHelpers())); if (!element) { return null; } if (this.getRootProps.called || this.props.suppressRefError) { if (false) {} return element; } else if (isDOMElement(element)) { // they didn't apply the root props, but we can clone // this and apply the props ourselves return /*#__PURE__*/cloneElement(element, this.getRootProps(getElementProps(element))); } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (false) {} /* istanbul ignore next */ return undefined; } } Downshift.defaultProps = { defaultHighlightedIndex: null, defaultIsOpen: false, getA11yStatusMessage: getA11yStatusMessage$1, itemToString: i => { if (i == null) { return ''; } if (false) {} return String(i); }, onStateChange: downshift_esm_noop, onInputValueChange: downshift_esm_noop, onUserAction: downshift_esm_noop, onChange: downshift_esm_noop, onSelect: downshift_esm_noop, onOuterClick: downshift_esm_noop, selectedItemChanged: (prevItem, item) => prevItem !== item, environment: /* istanbul ignore next (ssr) */ typeof window === 'undefined' ? {} : window, stateReducer: (state, stateToSet) => stateToSet, suppressRefError: false, scrollIntoView }; Downshift.stateChangeTypes = stateChangeTypes$3; return Downshift; })())); false ? 0 : void 0; var Downshift$1 = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Downshift)); function validateGetMenuPropsCalledCorrectly(node, _ref3) { let { refKey } = _ref3; if (!node) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`downshift: The ref prop "${refKey}" from getMenuProps was not applied correctly on your menu element.`); } } function validateGetRootPropsCalledCorrectly(element, _ref4) { let { refKey } = _ref4; const refKeySpecified = refKey !== 'ref'; const isComposite = !isDOMElement(element); if (isComposite && !refKeySpecified && !isForwardRef(element)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error('downshift: You returned a non-DOM element. You must specify a refKey in getRootProps'); } else if (!isComposite && refKeySpecified) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`downshift: You returned a DOM element. You should not specify a refKey in getRootProps. You specified "${refKey}"`); } if (!isForwardRef(element) && !getElementProps(element)[refKey]) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`downshift: You must apply the ref prop "${refKey}" from getRootProps onto your root element.`); } } const dropdownDefaultStateValues = { highlightedIndex: -1, isOpen: false, selectedItem: null, inputValue: '' }; function callOnChangeProps(action, state, newState) { const { props, type } = action; const changes = {}; Object.keys(state).forEach(key => { invokeOnChangeHandler(key, action, state, newState); if (newState[key] !== state[key]) { changes[key] = newState[key]; } }); if (props.onStateChange && Object.keys(changes).length) { props.onStateChange({ type, ...changes }); } } function invokeOnChangeHandler(key, action, state, newState) { const { props, type } = action; const handler = `on${capitalizeString(key)}Change`; if (props[handler] && newState[key] !== undefined && newState[key] !== state[key]) { props[handler]({ type, ...newState }); } } /** * Default state reducer that returns the changes. * * @param {Object} s state. * @param {Object} a action with changes. * @returns {Object} changes. */ function stateReducer(s, a) { return a.changes; } /** * Returns a message to be added to aria-live region when item is selected. * * @param {Object} selectionParameters Parameters required to build the message. * @returns {string} The a11y message. */ function getA11ySelectionMessage(selectionParameters) { const { selectedItem, itemToString: itemToStringLocal } = selectionParameters; return selectedItem ? `${itemToStringLocal(selectedItem)} has been selected.` : ''; } /** * Debounced call for updating the a11y message. */ const updateA11yStatus = debounce((getA11yMessage, document) => { setStatus(getA11yMessage(), document); }, 200); // istanbul ignore next const downshift_esm_useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document.createElement !== 'undefined' ? external_React_.useLayoutEffect : external_React_.useEffect; function useElementIds(_ref) { let { id = `downshift-${generateId()}`, labelId, menuId, getItemId, toggleButtonId, inputId } = _ref; const elementIdsRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)({ labelId: labelId || `${id}-label`, menuId: menuId || `${id}-menu`, getItemId: getItemId || (index => `${id}-item-${index}`), toggleButtonId: toggleButtonId || `${id}-toggle-button`, inputId: inputId || `${id}-input` }); return elementIdsRef.current; } function getItemIndex(index, item, items) { if (index !== undefined) { return index; } if (items.length === 0) { return -1; } return items.indexOf(item); } function itemToString(item) { return item ? String(item) : ''; } function isAcceptedCharacterKey(key) { return /^\S{1}$/.test(key); } function capitalizeString(string) { return `${string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${string.slice(1)}`; } function downshift_esm_useLatestRef(val) { const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(val); // technically this is not "concurrent mode safe" because we're manipulating // the value during render (so it's not idempotent). However, the places this // hook is used is to support memoizing callbacks which will be called // *during* render, so we need the latest values *during* render. // If not for this, then we'd probably want to use useLayoutEffect instead. ref.current = val; return ref; } /** * Computes the controlled state using a the previous state, props, * two reducers, one from downshift and an optional one from the user. * Also calls the onChange handlers for state values that have changed. * * @param {Function} reducer Reducer function from downshift. * @param {Object} initialState Initial state of the hook. * @param {Object} props The hook props. * @returns {Array} An array with the state and an action dispatcher. */ function useEnhancedReducer(reducer, initialState, props) { const prevStateRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); const actionRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); const enhancedReducer = (0,external_React_.useCallback)((state, action) => { actionRef.current = action; state = getState(state, action.props); const changes = reducer(state, action); const newState = action.props.stateReducer(state, { ...action, changes }); return newState; }, [reducer]); const [state, dispatch] = (0,external_React_.useReducer)(enhancedReducer, initialState); const propsRef = downshift_esm_useLatestRef(props); const dispatchWithProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(action => dispatch({ props: propsRef.current, ...action }), [propsRef]); const action = actionRef.current; (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (action && prevStateRef.current && prevStateRef.current !== state) { callOnChangeProps(action, getState(prevStateRef.current, action.props), state); } prevStateRef.current = state; }, [state, props, action]); return [state, dispatchWithProps]; } /** * Wraps the useEnhancedReducer and applies the controlled prop values before * returning the new state. * * @param {Function} reducer Reducer function from downshift. * @param {Object} initialState Initial state of the hook. * @param {Object} props The hook props. * @returns {Array} An array with the state and an action dispatcher. */ function useControlledReducer$1(reducer, initialState, props) { const [state, dispatch] = useEnhancedReducer(reducer, initialState, props); return [getState(state, props), dispatch]; } const defaultProps$3 = { itemToString, stateReducer, getA11ySelectionMessage, scrollIntoView, circularNavigation: false, environment: /* istanbul ignore next (ssr) */ typeof window === 'undefined' ? {} : window }; function getDefaultValue$1(props, propKey, defaultStateValues) { if (defaultStateValues === void 0) { defaultStateValues = dropdownDefaultStateValues; } const defaultValue = props[`default${capitalizeString(propKey)}`]; if (defaultValue !== undefined) { return defaultValue; } return defaultStateValues[propKey]; } function getInitialValue$1(props, propKey, defaultStateValues) { if (defaultStateValues === void 0) { defaultStateValues = dropdownDefaultStateValues; } const value = props[propKey]; if (value !== undefined) { return value; } const initialValue = props[`initial${capitalizeString(propKey)}`]; if (initialValue !== undefined) { return initialValue; } return getDefaultValue$1(props, propKey, defaultStateValues); } function getInitialState$2(props) { const selectedItem = getInitialValue$1(props, 'selectedItem'); const isOpen = getInitialValue$1(props, 'isOpen'); const highlightedIndex = getInitialValue$1(props, 'highlightedIndex'); const inputValue = getInitialValue$1(props, 'inputValue'); return { highlightedIndex: highlightedIndex < 0 && selectedItem && isOpen ? props.items.indexOf(selectedItem) : highlightedIndex, isOpen, selectedItem, inputValue }; } function getHighlightedIndexOnOpen(props, state, offset, getItemNodeFromIndex) { const { items, initialHighlightedIndex, defaultHighlightedIndex } = props; const { selectedItem, highlightedIndex } = state; if (items.length === 0) { return -1; } // initialHighlightedIndex will give value to highlightedIndex on initial state only. if (initialHighlightedIndex !== undefined && highlightedIndex === initialHighlightedIndex) { return initialHighlightedIndex; } if (defaultHighlightedIndex !== undefined) { return defaultHighlightedIndex; } if (selectedItem) { if (offset === 0) { return items.indexOf(selectedItem); } return getNextWrappingIndex(offset, items.indexOf(selectedItem), items.length, getItemNodeFromIndex, false); } if (offset === 0) { return -1; } return offset < 0 ? items.length - 1 : 0; } /** * Reuse the movement tracking of mouse and touch events. * * @param {boolean} isOpen Whether the dropdown is open or not. * @param {Array<Object>} downshiftElementRefs Downshift element refs to track movement (toggleButton, menu etc.) * @param {Object} environment Environment where component/hook exists. * @param {Function} handleBlur Handler on blur from mouse or touch. * @returns {Object} Ref containing whether mouseDown or touchMove event is happening */ function useMouseAndTouchTracker(isOpen, downshiftElementRefs, environment, handleBlur) { const mouseAndTouchTrackersRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)({ isMouseDown: false, isTouchMove: false }); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { // The same strategy for checking if a click occurred inside or outside downsift // as in downshift.js. const onMouseDown = () => { mouseAndTouchTrackersRef.current.isMouseDown = true; }; const onMouseUp = event => { mouseAndTouchTrackersRef.current.isMouseDown = false; if (isOpen && !targetWithinDownshift(, => ref.current), environment)) { handleBlur(); } }; const onTouchStart = () => { mouseAndTouchTrackersRef.current.isTouchMove = false; }; const onTouchMove = () => { mouseAndTouchTrackersRef.current.isTouchMove = true; }; const onTouchEnd = event => { if (isOpen && !mouseAndTouchTrackersRef.current.isTouchMove && !targetWithinDownshift(, => ref.current), environment, false)) { handleBlur(); } }; environment.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown); environment.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); environment.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart); environment.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove); environment.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd); return function cleanup() { environment.removeEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown); environment.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); environment.removeEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart); environment.removeEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove); environment.removeEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd); }; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [isOpen, environment]); return mouseAndTouchTrackersRef; } /* istanbul ignore next */ // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports let useGetterPropsCalledChecker = () => downshift_esm_noop; /** * Custom hook that checks if getter props are called correctly. * * @param {...any} propKeys Getter prop names to be handled. * @returns {Function} Setter function called inside getter props to set call information. */ /* istanbul ignore next */ if (false) {} function useA11yMessageSetter(getA11yMessage, dependencyArray, _ref2) { let { isInitialMount, highlightedIndex, items, environment, } = _ref2; // Sets a11y status message on changes in state. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (isInitialMount || false) { return; } updateA11yStatus(() => getA11yMessage({ highlightedIndex, highlightedItem: items[highlightedIndex], resultCount: items.length, }), environment.document); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, dependencyArray); } function useScrollIntoView(_ref3) { let { highlightedIndex, isOpen, itemRefs, getItemNodeFromIndex, menuElement, scrollIntoView: scrollIntoViewProp } = _ref3; // used not to scroll on highlight by mouse. const shouldScrollRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(true); // Scroll on highlighted item if change comes from keyboard. downshift_esm_useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { if (highlightedIndex < 0 || !isOpen || !Object.keys(itemRefs.current).length) { return; } if (shouldScrollRef.current === false) { shouldScrollRef.current = true; } else { scrollIntoViewProp(getItemNodeFromIndex(highlightedIndex), menuElement); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [highlightedIndex]); return shouldScrollRef; } // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports let useControlPropsValidator = downshift_esm_noop; /* istanbul ignore next */ if (false) {} /* eslint-disable complexity */ function downshiftCommonReducer(state, action, stateChangeTypes) { const { type, props } = action; let changes; switch (type) { case stateChangeTypes.ItemMouseMove: changes = { highlightedIndex: action.disabled ? -1 : action.index }; break; case stateChangeTypes.MenuMouseLeave: changes = { highlightedIndex: -1 }; break; case stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonClick: case stateChangeTypes.FunctionToggleMenu: changes = { isOpen: !state.isOpen, highlightedIndex: state.isOpen ? -1 : getHighlightedIndexOnOpen(props, state, 0) }; break; case stateChangeTypes.FunctionOpenMenu: changes = { isOpen: true, highlightedIndex: getHighlightedIndexOnOpen(props, state, 0) }; break; case stateChangeTypes.FunctionCloseMenu: changes = { isOpen: false }; break; case stateChangeTypes.FunctionSetHighlightedIndex: changes = { highlightedIndex: action.highlightedIndex }; break; case stateChangeTypes.FunctionSetInputValue: changes = { inputValue: action.inputValue }; break; case stateChangeTypes.FunctionReset: changes = { highlightedIndex: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'highlightedIndex'), isOpen: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'isOpen'), selectedItem: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'selectedItem'), inputValue: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'inputValue') }; break; default: throw new Error('Reducer called without proper action type.'); } return { ...state, ...changes }; } /* eslint-enable complexity */ function getItemIndexByCharacterKey(_a) { var keysSoFar = _a.keysSoFar, highlightedIndex = _a.highlightedIndex, items = _a.items, itemToString = _a.itemToString, getItemNodeFromIndex = _a.getItemNodeFromIndex; var lowerCasedKeysSoFar = keysSoFar.toLowerCase(); for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) { var offsetIndex = (index + highlightedIndex + 1) % items.length; var item = items[offsetIndex]; if (item !== undefined && itemToString(item) .toLowerCase() .startsWith(lowerCasedKeysSoFar)) { var element = getItemNodeFromIndex(offsetIndex); if (!(element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : element.hasAttribute('disabled'))) { return offsetIndex; } } } return highlightedIndex; } var propTypes$2 = { items: (prop_types_default()).array.isRequired, itemToString: (prop_types_default()).func, getA11yStatusMessage: (prop_types_default()).func, getA11ySelectionMessage: (prop_types_default()).func, circularNavigation: (prop_types_default()).bool, highlightedIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, defaultHighlightedIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, initialHighlightedIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, isOpen: (prop_types_default()).bool, defaultIsOpen: (prop_types_default()).bool, initialIsOpen: (prop_types_default()).bool, selectedItem: (prop_types_default()).any, initialSelectedItem: (prop_types_default()).any, defaultSelectedItem: (prop_types_default()).any, id: (prop_types_default()).string, labelId: (prop_types_default()).string, menuId: (prop_types_default()).string, getItemId: (prop_types_default()).func, toggleButtonId: (prop_types_default()).string, stateReducer: (prop_types_default()).func, onSelectedItemChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onHighlightedIndexChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onStateChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onIsOpenChange: (prop_types_default()).func, environment: prop_types_default().shape({ addEventListener: (prop_types_default()).func, removeEventListener: (prop_types_default()).func, document: prop_types_default().shape({ getElementById: (prop_types_default()).func, activeElement: (prop_types_default()).any, body: (prop_types_default()).any }) }) }; /** * Default implementation for status message. Only added when menu is open. * Will specift if there are results in the list, and if so, how many, * and what keys are relevant. * * @param {Object} param the downshift state and other relevant properties * @return {String} the a11y status message */ function getA11yStatusMessage(_a) { var isOpen = _a.isOpen, resultCount = _a.resultCount, previousResultCount = _a.previousResultCount; if (!isOpen) { return ''; } if (!resultCount) { return 'No results are available.'; } if (resultCount !== previousResultCount) { return "".concat(resultCount, " result").concat(resultCount === 1 ? ' is' : 's are', " available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate. Press Enter or Space Bar keys to select."); } return ''; } var defaultProps$2 = __assign(__assign({}, defaultProps$3), { getA11yStatusMessage: getA11yStatusMessage }); // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports var validatePropTypes$2 = downshift_esm_noop; /* istanbul ignore next */ if (false) {} const MenuKeyDownArrowDown = false ? 0 : 0; const MenuKeyDownArrowUp = false ? 0 : 1; const MenuKeyDownEscape = false ? 0 : 2; const MenuKeyDownHome = false ? 0 : 3; const MenuKeyDownEnd = false ? 0 : 4; const MenuKeyDownEnter = false ? 0 : 5; const MenuKeyDownSpaceButton = false ? 0 : 6; const MenuKeyDownCharacter = false ? 0 : 7; const MenuBlur = false ? 0 : 8; const MenuMouseLeave$1 = false ? 0 : 9; const ItemMouseMove$1 = false ? 0 : 10; const ItemClick$1 = false ? 0 : 11; const ToggleButtonClick$1 = false ? 0 : 12; const ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown = false ? 0 : 13; const ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp = false ? 0 : 14; const ToggleButtonKeyDownCharacter = false ? 0 : 15; const FunctionToggleMenu$1 = false ? 0 : 16; const FunctionOpenMenu$1 = false ? 0 : 17; const FunctionCloseMenu$1 = false ? 0 : 18; const FunctionSetHighlightedIndex$1 = false ? 0 : 19; const FunctionSelectItem$1 = false ? 0 : 20; const FunctionSetInputValue$1 = false ? 0 : 21; const FunctionReset$2 = false ? 0 : 22; var stateChangeTypes$2 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, MenuKeyDownArrowDown: MenuKeyDownArrowDown, MenuKeyDownArrowUp: MenuKeyDownArrowUp, MenuKeyDownEscape: MenuKeyDownEscape, MenuKeyDownHome: MenuKeyDownHome, MenuKeyDownEnd: MenuKeyDownEnd, MenuKeyDownEnter: MenuKeyDownEnter, MenuKeyDownSpaceButton: MenuKeyDownSpaceButton, MenuKeyDownCharacter: MenuKeyDownCharacter, MenuBlur: MenuBlur, MenuMouseLeave: MenuMouseLeave$1, ItemMouseMove: ItemMouseMove$1, ItemClick: ItemClick$1, ToggleButtonClick: ToggleButtonClick$1, ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown: ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown, ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp: ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp, ToggleButtonKeyDownCharacter: ToggleButtonKeyDownCharacter, FunctionToggleMenu: FunctionToggleMenu$1, FunctionOpenMenu: FunctionOpenMenu$1, FunctionCloseMenu: FunctionCloseMenu$1, FunctionSetHighlightedIndex: FunctionSetHighlightedIndex$1, FunctionSelectItem: FunctionSelectItem$1, FunctionSetInputValue: FunctionSetInputValue$1, FunctionReset: FunctionReset$2 }); /* eslint-disable complexity */ function downshiftSelectReducer(state, action) { const { type, props, shiftKey } = action; let changes; switch (type) { case ItemClick$1: changes = { isOpen: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'isOpen'), highlightedIndex: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'highlightedIndex'), selectedItem: props.items[action.index] }; break; case ToggleButtonKeyDownCharacter: { const lowercasedKey = action.key; const inputValue = `${state.inputValue}${lowercasedKey}`; const itemIndex = getItemIndexByCharacterKey({ keysSoFar: inputValue, highlightedIndex: state.selectedItem ? props.items.indexOf(state.selectedItem) : -1, items: props.items, itemToString: props.itemToString, getItemNodeFromIndex: action.getItemNodeFromIndex }); changes = { inputValue, ...(itemIndex >= 0 && { selectedItem: props.items[itemIndex] }) }; } break; case ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown: changes = { highlightedIndex: getHighlightedIndexOnOpen(props, state, 1, action.getItemNodeFromIndex), isOpen: true }; break; case ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp: changes = { highlightedIndex: getHighlightedIndexOnOpen(props, state, -1, action.getItemNodeFromIndex), isOpen: true }; break; case MenuKeyDownEnter: case MenuKeyDownSpaceButton: changes = { isOpen: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'isOpen'), highlightedIndex: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'highlightedIndex'), ...(state.highlightedIndex >= 0 && { selectedItem: props.items[state.highlightedIndex] }) }; break; case MenuKeyDownHome: changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextNonDisabledIndex(1, 0, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, false) }; break; case MenuKeyDownEnd: changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextNonDisabledIndex(-1, props.items.length - 1, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, false) }; break; case MenuKeyDownEscape: changes = { isOpen: false, highlightedIndex: -1 }; break; case MenuBlur: changes = { isOpen: false, highlightedIndex: -1 }; break; case MenuKeyDownCharacter: { const lowercasedKey = action.key; const inputValue = `${state.inputValue}${lowercasedKey}`; const highlightedIndex = getItemIndexByCharacterKey({ keysSoFar: inputValue, highlightedIndex: state.highlightedIndex, items: props.items, itemToString: props.itemToString, getItemNodeFromIndex: action.getItemNodeFromIndex }); changes = { inputValue, ...(highlightedIndex >= 0 && { highlightedIndex }) }; } break; case MenuKeyDownArrowDown: changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextWrappingIndex(shiftKey ? 5 : 1, state.highlightedIndex, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, props.circularNavigation) }; break; case MenuKeyDownArrowUp: changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextWrappingIndex(shiftKey ? -5 : -1, state.highlightedIndex, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, props.circularNavigation) }; break; case FunctionSelectItem$1: changes = { selectedItem: action.selectedItem }; break; default: return downshiftCommonReducer(state, action, stateChangeTypes$2); } return { ...state, ...changes }; } /* eslint-enable complexity */ /* eslint-disable max-statements */ useSelect.stateChangeTypes = stateChangeTypes$2; function useSelect(userProps) { if (userProps === void 0) { userProps = {}; } validatePropTypes$2(userProps, useSelect); // Props defaults and destructuring. const props = { ...defaultProps$2, ...userProps }; const { items, scrollIntoView, environment, initialIsOpen, defaultIsOpen, itemToString, getA11ySelectionMessage, getA11yStatusMessage } = props; // Initial state depending on controlled props. const initialState = getInitialState$2(props); const [state, dispatch] = useControlledReducer$1(downshiftSelectReducer, initialState, props); const { isOpen, highlightedIndex, selectedItem, inputValue } = state; // Element efs. const toggleButtonRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const menuRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const itemRefs = (0,external_React_.useRef)({}); // used not to trigger menu blur action in some scenarios. const shouldBlurRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(true); // used to keep the inputValue clearTimeout object between renders. const clearTimeoutRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); // prevent id re-generation between renders. const elementIds = useElementIds(props); // used to keep track of how many items we had on previous cycle. const previousResultCountRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); const isInitialMountRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(true); // utility callback to get item element. const latest = downshift_esm_useLatestRef({ state, props }); // Some utils. const getItemNodeFromIndex = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(index => itemRefs.current[elementIds.getItemId(index)], [elementIds]); // Effects. // Sets a11y status message on changes in state. useA11yMessageSetter(getA11yStatusMessage, [isOpen, highlightedIndex, inputValue, items], { isInitialMount: isInitialMountRef.current, previousResultCount: previousResultCountRef.current, items, environment, itemToString, ...state }); // Sets a11y status message on changes in selectedItem. useA11yMessageSetter(getA11ySelectionMessage, [selectedItem], { isInitialMount: isInitialMountRef.current, previousResultCount: previousResultCountRef.current, items, environment, itemToString, ...state }); // Scroll on highlighted item if change comes from keyboard. const shouldScrollRef = useScrollIntoView({ menuElement: menuRef.current, highlightedIndex, isOpen, itemRefs, scrollIntoView, getItemNodeFromIndex }); // Sets cleanup for the keysSoFar callback, debounded after 500ms. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { // init the clean function here as we need access to dispatch. clearTimeoutRef.current = debounce(outerDispatch => { outerDispatch({ type: FunctionSetInputValue$1, inputValue: '' }); }, 500); // Cancel any pending debounced calls on mount return () => { clearTimeoutRef.current.cancel(); }; }, []); // Invokes the keysSoFar callback set up above. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!inputValue) { return; } clearTimeoutRef.current(dispatch); }, [dispatch, inputValue]); useControlPropsValidator({ isInitialMount: isInitialMountRef.current, props, state }); /* Controls the focus on the menu or the toggle button. */ (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { // Don't focus menu on first render. if (isInitialMountRef.current) { // Unless it was initialised as open. if ((initialIsOpen || defaultIsOpen || isOpen) && menuRef.current) { menuRef.current.focus(); } return; } // Focus menu on open. if (isOpen) { // istanbul ignore else if (menuRef.current) { menuRef.current.focus(); } return; } // Focus toggleButton on close, but not if it was closed with (Shift+)Tab. if (environment.document.activeElement === menuRef.current) { // istanbul ignore else if (toggleButtonRef.current) { shouldBlurRef.current = false; toggleButtonRef.current.focus(); } } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [isOpen]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (isInitialMountRef.current) { return; } previousResultCountRef.current = items.length; }); // Add mouse/touch events to document. const mouseAndTouchTrackersRef = useMouseAndTouchTracker(isOpen, [menuRef, toggleButtonRef], environment, () => { dispatch({ type: MenuBlur }); }); const setGetterPropCallInfo = useGetterPropsCalledChecker('getMenuProps', 'getToggleButtonProps'); // Make initial ref false. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { isInitialMountRef.current = false; }, []); // Reset itemRefs on close. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!isOpen) { itemRefs.current = {}; } }, [isOpen]); // Event handler functions. const toggleButtonKeyDownHandlers = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ ArrowDown(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown, getItemNodeFromIndex, shiftKey: event.shiftKey }); }, ArrowUp(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp, getItemNodeFromIndex, shiftKey: event.shiftKey }); } }), [dispatch, getItemNodeFromIndex]); const menuKeyDownHandlers = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ ArrowDown(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownArrowDown, getItemNodeFromIndex, shiftKey: event.shiftKey }); }, ArrowUp(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownArrowUp, getItemNodeFromIndex, shiftKey: event.shiftKey }); }, Home(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownHome, getItemNodeFromIndex }); }, End(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownEnd, getItemNodeFromIndex }); }, Escape() { dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownEscape }); }, Enter(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownEnter }); }, ' '(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownSpaceButton }); } }), [dispatch, getItemNodeFromIndex]); // Action functions. const toggleMenu = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionToggleMenu$1 }); }, [dispatch]); const closeMenu = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionCloseMenu$1 }); }, [dispatch]); const openMenu = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionOpenMenu$1 }); }, [dispatch]); const setHighlightedIndex = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newHighlightedIndex => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSetHighlightedIndex$1, highlightedIndex: newHighlightedIndex }); }, [dispatch]); const selectItem = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newSelectedItem => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSelectItem$1, selectedItem: newSelectedItem }); }, [dispatch]); const reset = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionReset$2 }); }, [dispatch]); const setInputValue = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newInputValue => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSetInputValue$1, inputValue: newInputValue }); }, [dispatch]); // Getter functions. const getLabelProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(labelProps => ({ id: elementIds.labelId, htmlFor: elementIds.toggleButtonId, ...labelProps }), [elementIds]); const getMenuProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp, _temp2) { let { onMouseLeave, refKey = 'ref', onKeyDown, onBlur, ref, } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp2 === void 0 ? {} : _temp2; const latestState = latest.current.state; const menuHandleKeyDown = event => { const key = normalizeArrowKey(event); if (key && menuKeyDownHandlers[key]) { menuKeyDownHandlers[key](event); } else if (isAcceptedCharacterKey(key)) { dispatch({ type: MenuKeyDownCharacter, key, getItemNodeFromIndex }); } }; const menuHandleBlur = () => { // if the blur was a result of selection, we don't trigger this action. if (shouldBlurRef.current === false) { shouldBlurRef.current = true; return; } const shouldBlur = !mouseAndTouchTrackersRef.current.isMouseDown; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (shouldBlur) { dispatch({ type: MenuBlur }); } }; const menuHandleMouseLeave = () => { dispatch({ type: MenuMouseLeave$1 }); }; setGetterPropCallInfo('getMenuProps', suppressRefError, refKey, menuRef); return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, menuNode => { menuRef.current = menuNode; }), id: elementIds.menuId, role: 'listbox', 'aria-labelledby': elementIds.labelId, tabIndex: -1, ...(latestState.isOpen && latestState.highlightedIndex > -1 && { 'aria-activedescendant': elementIds.getItemId(latestState.highlightedIndex) }), onMouseLeave: callAllEventHandlers(onMouseLeave, menuHandleMouseLeave), onKeyDown: callAllEventHandlers(onKeyDown, menuHandleKeyDown), onBlur: callAllEventHandlers(onBlur, menuHandleBlur), }; }, [dispatch, latest, menuKeyDownHandlers, mouseAndTouchTrackersRef, setGetterPropCallInfo, elementIds, getItemNodeFromIndex]); const getToggleButtonProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp3, _temp4) { let { onClick, onKeyDown, refKey = 'ref', ref, } = _temp3 === void 0 ? {} : _temp3; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp4 === void 0 ? {} : _temp4; const toggleButtonHandleClick = () => { dispatch({ type: ToggleButtonClick$1 }); }; const toggleButtonHandleKeyDown = event => { const key = normalizeArrowKey(event); if (key && toggleButtonKeyDownHandlers[key]) { toggleButtonKeyDownHandlers[key](event); } else if (isAcceptedCharacterKey(key)) { dispatch({ type: ToggleButtonKeyDownCharacter, key, getItemNodeFromIndex }); } }; const toggleProps = { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, toggleButtonNode => { toggleButtonRef.current = toggleButtonNode; }), id: elementIds.toggleButtonId, 'aria-haspopup': 'listbox', 'aria-expanded': latest.current.state.isOpen, 'aria-labelledby': `${elementIds.labelId} ${elementIds.toggleButtonId}`, }; if (!rest.disabled) { toggleProps.onClick = callAllEventHandlers(onClick, toggleButtonHandleClick); toggleProps.onKeyDown = callAllEventHandlers(onKeyDown, toggleButtonHandleKeyDown); } setGetterPropCallInfo('getToggleButtonProps', suppressRefError, refKey, toggleButtonRef); return toggleProps; }, [dispatch, latest, toggleButtonKeyDownHandlers, setGetterPropCallInfo, elementIds, getItemNodeFromIndex]); const getItemProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp5) { let { item, index, onMouseMove, onClick, refKey = 'ref', ref, disabled, } = _temp5 === void 0 ? {} : _temp5; const { state: latestState, props: latestProps } = latest.current; const itemHandleMouseMove = () => { if (index === latestState.highlightedIndex) { return; } shouldScrollRef.current = false; dispatch({ type: ItemMouseMove$1, index, disabled }); }; const itemHandleClick = () => { dispatch({ type: ItemClick$1, index }); }; const itemIndex = getItemIndex(index, item, latestProps.items); if (itemIndex < 0) { throw new Error('Pass either item or item index in getItemProps!'); } const itemProps = { disabled, role: 'option', 'aria-selected': `${itemIndex === latestState.highlightedIndex}`, id: elementIds.getItemId(itemIndex), [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, itemNode => { if (itemNode) { itemRefs.current[elementIds.getItemId(itemIndex)] = itemNode; } }), }; if (!disabled) { itemProps.onClick = callAllEventHandlers(onClick, itemHandleClick); } itemProps.onMouseMove = callAllEventHandlers(onMouseMove, itemHandleMouseMove); return itemProps; }, [dispatch, latest, shouldScrollRef, elementIds]); return { // prop getters. getToggleButtonProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getItemProps, // actions. toggleMenu, openMenu, closeMenu, setHighlightedIndex, selectItem, reset, setInputValue, // state. highlightedIndex, isOpen, selectedItem, inputValue }; } const InputKeyDownArrowDown = false ? 0 : 0; const InputKeyDownArrowUp = false ? 0 : 1; const InputKeyDownEscape = false ? 0 : 2; const InputKeyDownHome = false ? 0 : 3; const InputKeyDownEnd = false ? 0 : 4; const InputKeyDownEnter = false ? 0 : 5; const InputChange = false ? 0 : 6; const InputBlur = false ? 0 : 7; const MenuMouseLeave = false ? 0 : 8; const ItemMouseMove = false ? 0 : 9; const ItemClick = false ? 0 : 10; const ToggleButtonClick = false ? 0 : 11; const FunctionToggleMenu = false ? 0 : 12; const FunctionOpenMenu = false ? 0 : 13; const FunctionCloseMenu = false ? 0 : 14; const FunctionSetHighlightedIndex = false ? 0 : 15; const FunctionSelectItem = false ? 0 : 16; const FunctionSetInputValue = false ? 0 : 17; const FunctionReset$1 = false ? 0 : 18; const ControlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem = false ? 0 : 19; var stateChangeTypes$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, InputKeyDownArrowDown: InputKeyDownArrowDown, InputKeyDownArrowUp: InputKeyDownArrowUp, InputKeyDownEscape: InputKeyDownEscape, InputKeyDownHome: InputKeyDownHome, InputKeyDownEnd: InputKeyDownEnd, InputKeyDownEnter: InputKeyDownEnter, InputChange: InputChange, InputBlur: InputBlur, MenuMouseLeave: MenuMouseLeave, ItemMouseMove: ItemMouseMove, ItemClick: ItemClick, ToggleButtonClick: ToggleButtonClick, FunctionToggleMenu: FunctionToggleMenu, FunctionOpenMenu: FunctionOpenMenu, FunctionCloseMenu: FunctionCloseMenu, FunctionSetHighlightedIndex: FunctionSetHighlightedIndex, FunctionSelectItem: FunctionSelectItem, FunctionSetInputValue: FunctionSetInputValue, FunctionReset: FunctionReset$1, ControlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem: ControlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem }); function getInitialState$1(props) { const initialState = getInitialState$2(props); const { selectedItem } = initialState; let { inputValue } = initialState; if (inputValue === '' && selectedItem && props.defaultInputValue === undefined && props.initialInputValue === undefined && props.inputValue === undefined) { inputValue = props.itemToString(selectedItem); } return { ...initialState, inputValue }; } const propTypes$1 = { items: (prop_types_default()).array.isRequired, itemToString: (prop_types_default()).func, getA11yStatusMessage: (prop_types_default()).func, getA11ySelectionMessage: (prop_types_default()).func, circularNavigation: (prop_types_default()).bool, highlightedIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, defaultHighlightedIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, initialHighlightedIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, isOpen: (prop_types_default()).bool, defaultIsOpen: (prop_types_default()).bool, initialIsOpen: (prop_types_default()).bool, selectedItem: (prop_types_default()).any, initialSelectedItem: (prop_types_default()).any, defaultSelectedItem: (prop_types_default()).any, inputValue: (prop_types_default()).string, defaultInputValue: (prop_types_default()).string, initialInputValue: (prop_types_default()).string, id: (prop_types_default()).string, labelId: (prop_types_default()).string, menuId: (prop_types_default()).string, getItemId: (prop_types_default()).func, inputId: (prop_types_default()).string, toggleButtonId: (prop_types_default()).string, stateReducer: (prop_types_default()).func, onSelectedItemChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onHighlightedIndexChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onStateChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onIsOpenChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onInputValueChange: (prop_types_default()).func, environment: prop_types_default().shape({ addEventListener: (prop_types_default()).func, removeEventListener: (prop_types_default()).func, document: prop_types_default().shape({ getElementById: (prop_types_default()).func, activeElement: (prop_types_default()).any, body: (prop_types_default()).any }) }) }; /** * The useCombobox version of useControlledReducer, which also * checks if the controlled prop selectedItem changed between * renders. If so, it will also update inputValue with its * string equivalent. It uses the common useEnhancedReducer to * compute the rest of the state. * * @param {Function} reducer Reducer function from downshift. * @param {Object} initialState Initial state of the hook. * @param {Object} props The hook props. * @returns {Array} An array with the state and an action dispatcher. */ function useControlledReducer(reducer, initialState, props) { const previousSelectedItemRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); const [state, dispatch] = useEnhancedReducer(reducer, initialState, props); // ToDo: if needed, make same approach as selectedItemChanged from Downshift. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (isControlledProp(props, 'selectedItem')) { if (previousSelectedItemRef.current !== props.selectedItem) { dispatch({ type: ControlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem, inputValue: props.itemToString(props.selectedItem) }); } previousSelectedItemRef.current = state.selectedItem === previousSelectedItemRef.current ? props.selectedItem : state.selectedItem; } }); return [getState(state, props), dispatch]; } // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports let validatePropTypes$1 = downshift_esm_noop; /* istanbul ignore next */ if (false) {} const defaultProps$1 = { ...defaultProps$3, getA11yStatusMessage: getA11yStatusMessage$1, circularNavigation: true }; /* eslint-disable complexity */ function downshiftUseComboboxReducer(state, action) { const { type, props, shiftKey } = action; let changes; switch (type) { case ItemClick: changes = { isOpen: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'isOpen'), highlightedIndex: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'highlightedIndex'), selectedItem: props.items[action.index], inputValue: props.itemToString(props.items[action.index]) }; break; case InputKeyDownArrowDown: if (state.isOpen) { changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextWrappingIndex(shiftKey ? 5 : 1, state.highlightedIndex, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, props.circularNavigation) }; } else { changes = { highlightedIndex: getHighlightedIndexOnOpen(props, state, 1, action.getItemNodeFromIndex), isOpen: props.items.length >= 0 }; } break; case InputKeyDownArrowUp: if (state.isOpen) { changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextWrappingIndex(shiftKey ? -5 : -1, state.highlightedIndex, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, props.circularNavigation) }; } else { changes = { highlightedIndex: getHighlightedIndexOnOpen(props, state, -1, action.getItemNodeFromIndex), isOpen: props.items.length >= 0 }; } break; case InputKeyDownEnter: changes = { ...(state.isOpen && state.highlightedIndex >= 0 && { selectedItem: props.items[state.highlightedIndex], isOpen: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'isOpen'), highlightedIndex: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'highlightedIndex'), inputValue: props.itemToString(props.items[state.highlightedIndex]) }) }; break; case InputKeyDownEscape: changes = { isOpen: false, highlightedIndex: -1, ...(!state.isOpen && { selectedItem: null, inputValue: '' }) }; break; case InputKeyDownHome: changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextNonDisabledIndex(1, 0, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, false) }; break; case InputKeyDownEnd: changes = { highlightedIndex: getNextNonDisabledIndex(-1, props.items.length - 1, props.items.length, action.getItemNodeFromIndex, false) }; break; case InputBlur: changes = { isOpen: false, highlightedIndex: -1, ...(state.highlightedIndex >= 0 && action.selectItem && { selectedItem: props.items[state.highlightedIndex], inputValue: props.itemToString(props.items[state.highlightedIndex]) }) }; break; case InputChange: changes = { isOpen: true, highlightedIndex: getDefaultValue$1(props, 'highlightedIndex'), inputValue: action.inputValue }; break; case FunctionSelectItem: changes = { selectedItem: action.selectedItem, inputValue: props.itemToString(action.selectedItem) }; break; case ControlledPropUpdatedSelectedItem: changes = { inputValue: action.inputValue }; break; default: return downshiftCommonReducer(state, action, stateChangeTypes$1); } return { ...state, ...changes }; } /* eslint-enable complexity */ /* eslint-disable max-statements */ useCombobox.stateChangeTypes = stateChangeTypes$1; function useCombobox(userProps) { if (userProps === void 0) { userProps = {}; } validatePropTypes$1(userProps, useCombobox); // Props defaults and destructuring. const props = { ...defaultProps$1, ...userProps }; const { initialIsOpen, defaultIsOpen, items, scrollIntoView, environment, getA11yStatusMessage, getA11ySelectionMessage, itemToString } = props; // Initial state depending on controlled props. const initialState = getInitialState$1(props); const [state, dispatch] = useControlledReducer(downshiftUseComboboxReducer, initialState, props); const { isOpen, highlightedIndex, selectedItem, inputValue } = state; // Element refs. const menuRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const itemRefs = (0,external_React_.useRef)({}); const inputRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const toggleButtonRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const comboboxRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const isInitialMountRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(true); // prevent id re-generation between renders. const elementIds = useElementIds(props); // used to keep track of how many items we had on previous cycle. const previousResultCountRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); // utility callback to get item element. const latest = downshift_esm_useLatestRef({ state, props }); const getItemNodeFromIndex = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(index => itemRefs.current[elementIds.getItemId(index)], [elementIds]); // Effects. // Sets a11y status message on changes in state. useA11yMessageSetter(getA11yStatusMessage, [isOpen, highlightedIndex, inputValue, items], { isInitialMount: isInitialMountRef.current, previousResultCount: previousResultCountRef.current, items, environment, itemToString, ...state }); // Sets a11y status message on changes in selectedItem. useA11yMessageSetter(getA11ySelectionMessage, [selectedItem], { isInitialMount: isInitialMountRef.current, previousResultCount: previousResultCountRef.current, items, environment, itemToString, ...state }); // Scroll on highlighted item if change comes from keyboard. const shouldScrollRef = useScrollIntoView({ menuElement: menuRef.current, highlightedIndex, isOpen, itemRefs, scrollIntoView, getItemNodeFromIndex }); useControlPropsValidator({ isInitialMount: isInitialMountRef.current, props, state }); // Focus the input on first render if required. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const focusOnOpen = initialIsOpen || defaultIsOpen || isOpen; if (focusOnOpen && inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus(); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (isInitialMountRef.current) { return; } previousResultCountRef.current = items.length; }); // Add mouse/touch events to document. const mouseAndTouchTrackersRef = useMouseAndTouchTracker(isOpen, [comboboxRef, menuRef, toggleButtonRef], environment, () => { dispatch({ type: InputBlur, selectItem: false }); }); const setGetterPropCallInfo = useGetterPropsCalledChecker('getInputProps', 'getComboboxProps', 'getMenuProps'); // Make initial ref false. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { isInitialMountRef.current = false; }, []); // Reset itemRefs on close. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!isOpen) { itemRefs.current = {}; } }, [isOpen]); /* Event handler functions */ const inputKeyDownHandlers = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ ArrowDown(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: InputKeyDownArrowDown, shiftKey: event.shiftKey, getItemNodeFromIndex }); }, ArrowUp(event) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: InputKeyDownArrowUp, shiftKey: event.shiftKey, getItemNodeFromIndex }); }, Home(event) { if (!latest.current.state.isOpen) { return; } event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: InputKeyDownHome, getItemNodeFromIndex }); }, End(event) { if (!latest.current.state.isOpen) { return; } event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: InputKeyDownEnd, getItemNodeFromIndex }); }, Escape(event) { const latestState = latest.current.state; if (latestState.isOpen || latestState.inputValue || latestState.selectedItem || latestState.highlightedIndex > -1) { event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: InputKeyDownEscape }); } }, Enter(event) { const latestState = latest.current.state; // if closed or no highlighted index, do nothing. if (!latestState.isOpen || latestState.highlightedIndex < 0 || event.which === 229 // if IME composing, wait for next Enter keydown event. ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); dispatch({ type: InputKeyDownEnter, getItemNodeFromIndex }); } }), [dispatch, latest, getItemNodeFromIndex]); // Getter props. const getLabelProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(labelProps => ({ id: elementIds.labelId, htmlFor: elementIds.inputId, ...labelProps }), [elementIds]); const getMenuProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp, _temp2) { let { onMouseLeave, refKey = 'ref', ref, } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp2 === void 0 ? {} : _temp2; setGetterPropCallInfo('getMenuProps', suppressRefError, refKey, menuRef); return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, menuNode => { menuRef.current = menuNode; }), id: elementIds.menuId, role: 'listbox', 'aria-labelledby': elementIds.labelId, onMouseLeave: callAllEventHandlers(onMouseLeave, () => { dispatch({ type: MenuMouseLeave }); }), }; }, [dispatch, setGetterPropCallInfo, elementIds]); const getItemProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp3) { let { item, index, refKey = 'ref', ref, onMouseMove, onMouseDown, onClick, onPress, disabled, } = _temp3 === void 0 ? {} : _temp3; const { props: latestProps, state: latestState } = latest.current; const itemIndex = getItemIndex(index, item, latestProps.items); if (itemIndex < 0) { throw new Error('Pass either item or item index in getItemProps!'); } const onSelectKey = 'onClick'; const customClickHandler = onClick; const itemHandleMouseMove = () => { if (index === latestState.highlightedIndex) { return; } shouldScrollRef.current = false; dispatch({ type: ItemMouseMove, index, disabled }); }; const itemHandleClick = () => { dispatch({ type: ItemClick, index }); }; const itemHandleMouseDown = e => e.preventDefault(); return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, itemNode => { if (itemNode) { itemRefs.current[elementIds.getItemId(itemIndex)] = itemNode; } }), disabled, role: 'option', 'aria-selected': `${itemIndex === latestState.highlightedIndex}`, id: elementIds.getItemId(itemIndex), ...(!disabled && { [onSelectKey]: callAllEventHandlers(customClickHandler, itemHandleClick) }), onMouseMove: callAllEventHandlers(onMouseMove, itemHandleMouseMove), onMouseDown: callAllEventHandlers(onMouseDown, itemHandleMouseDown), }; }, [dispatch, latest, shouldScrollRef, elementIds]); const getToggleButtonProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp4) { let { onClick, onPress, refKey = 'ref', ref, } = _temp4 === void 0 ? {} : _temp4; const toggleButtonHandleClick = () => { dispatch({ type: ToggleButtonClick }); if (!latest.current.state.isOpen && inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus(); } }; return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, toggleButtonNode => { toggleButtonRef.current = toggleButtonNode; }), id: elementIds.toggleButtonId, tabIndex: -1, ...(!rest.disabled && { ...({ onClick: callAllEventHandlers(onClick, toggleButtonHandleClick) }) }), }; }, [dispatch, latest, elementIds]); const getInputProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp5, _temp6) { let { onKeyDown, onChange, onInput, onBlur, onChangeText, refKey = 'ref', ref, } = _temp5 === void 0 ? {} : _temp5; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp6 === void 0 ? {} : _temp6; setGetterPropCallInfo('getInputProps', suppressRefError, refKey, inputRef); const latestState = latest.current.state; const inputHandleKeyDown = event => { const key = normalizeArrowKey(event); if (key && inputKeyDownHandlers[key]) { inputKeyDownHandlers[key](event); } }; const inputHandleChange = event => { dispatch({ type: InputChange, inputValue: }); }; const inputHandleBlur = () => { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (latestState.isOpen && !mouseAndTouchTrackersRef.current.isMouseDown) { dispatch({ type: InputBlur, selectItem: true }); } }; /* istanbul ignore next (preact) */ const onChangeKey = 'onChange'; let eventHandlers = {}; if (!rest.disabled) { eventHandlers = { [onChangeKey]: callAllEventHandlers(onChange, onInput, inputHandleChange), onKeyDown: callAllEventHandlers(onKeyDown, inputHandleKeyDown), onBlur: callAllEventHandlers(onBlur, inputHandleBlur) }; } return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, inputNode => { inputRef.current = inputNode; }), id: elementIds.inputId, 'aria-autocomplete': 'list', 'aria-controls': elementIds.menuId, ...(latestState.isOpen && latestState.highlightedIndex > -1 && { 'aria-activedescendant': elementIds.getItemId(latestState.highlightedIndex) }), 'aria-labelledby': elementIds.labelId, // // revert back since autocomplete="nope" is ignored on latest Chrome and Opera autoComplete: 'off', value: latestState.inputValue, ...eventHandlers, }; }, [dispatch, inputKeyDownHandlers, latest, mouseAndTouchTrackersRef, setGetterPropCallInfo, elementIds]); const getComboboxProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp7, _temp8) { let { refKey = 'ref', ref, } = _temp7 === void 0 ? {} : _temp7; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp8 === void 0 ? {} : _temp8; setGetterPropCallInfo('getComboboxProps', suppressRefError, refKey, comboboxRef); return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, comboboxNode => { comboboxRef.current = comboboxNode; }), role: 'combobox', 'aria-haspopup': 'listbox', 'aria-owns': elementIds.menuId, 'aria-expanded': latest.current.state.isOpen, }; }, [latest, setGetterPropCallInfo, elementIds]); // returns const toggleMenu = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionToggleMenu }); }, [dispatch]); const closeMenu = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionCloseMenu }); }, [dispatch]); const openMenu = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionOpenMenu }); }, [dispatch]); const setHighlightedIndex = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newHighlightedIndex => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSetHighlightedIndex, highlightedIndex: newHighlightedIndex }); }, [dispatch]); const selectItem = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newSelectedItem => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSelectItem, selectedItem: newSelectedItem }); }, [dispatch]); const setInputValue = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newInputValue => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSetInputValue, inputValue: newInputValue }); }, [dispatch]); const reset = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionReset$1 }); }, [dispatch]); return { // prop getters. getItemProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getInputProps, getComboboxProps, getToggleButtonProps, // actions. toggleMenu, openMenu, closeMenu, setHighlightedIndex, setInputValue, selectItem, reset, // state. highlightedIndex, isOpen, selectedItem, inputValue }; } const defaultStateValues = { activeIndex: -1, selectedItems: [] }; /** * Returns the initial value for a state key in the following order: * 1. controlled prop, 2. initial prop, 3. default prop, 4. default * value from Downshift. * * @param {Object} props Props passed to the hook. * @param {string} propKey Props key to generate the value for. * @returns {any} The initial value for that prop. */ function getInitialValue(props, propKey) { return getInitialValue$1(props, propKey, defaultStateValues); } /** * Returns the default value for a state key in the following order: * 1. controlled prop, 2. default prop, 3. default value from Downshift. * * @param {Object} props Props passed to the hook. * @param {string} propKey Props key to generate the value for. * @returns {any} The initial value for that prop. */ function getDefaultValue(props, propKey) { return getDefaultValue$1(props, propKey, defaultStateValues); } /** * Gets the initial state based on the provided props. It uses initial, default * and controlled props related to state in order to compute the initial value. * * @param {Object} props Props passed to the hook. * @returns {Object} The initial state. */ function getInitialState(props) { const activeIndex = getInitialValue(props, 'activeIndex'); const selectedItems = getInitialValue(props, 'selectedItems'); return { activeIndex, selectedItems }; } /** * Returns true if dropdown keydown operation is permitted. Should not be * allowed on keydown with modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift, meta), on * input element with text content that is either highlighted or selection * cursor is not at the starting position. * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event The event from keydown. * @returns {boolean} Whether the operation is allowed. */ function isKeyDownOperationPermitted(event) { if (event.shiftKey || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey) { return false; } const element =; if (element instanceof HTMLInputElement && // if element is a text input element.value !== '' && ( // and we have text in it // and cursor is either not at the start or is currently highlighting text. element.selectionStart !== 0 || element.selectionEnd !== 0)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns a message to be added to aria-live region when item is removed. * * @param {Object} selectionParameters Parameters required to build the message. * @returns {string} The a11y message. */ function getA11yRemovalMessage(selectionParameters) { const { removedSelectedItem, itemToString: itemToStringLocal } = selectionParameters; return `${itemToStringLocal(removedSelectedItem)} has been removed.`; } const propTypes = { selectedItems: (prop_types_default()).array, initialSelectedItems: (prop_types_default()).array, defaultSelectedItems: (prop_types_default()).array, itemToString: (prop_types_default()).func, getA11yRemovalMessage: (prop_types_default()).func, stateReducer: (prop_types_default()).func, activeIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, initialActiveIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, defaultActiveIndex: (prop_types_default()).number, onActiveIndexChange: (prop_types_default()).func, onSelectedItemsChange: (prop_types_default()).func, keyNavigationNext: (prop_types_default()).string, keyNavigationPrevious: (prop_types_default()).string, environment: prop_types_default().shape({ addEventListener: (prop_types_default()).func, removeEventListener: (prop_types_default()).func, document: prop_types_default().shape({ getElementById: (prop_types_default()).func, activeElement: (prop_types_default()).any, body: (prop_types_default()).any }) }) }; const defaultProps = { itemToString: defaultProps$3.itemToString, stateReducer: defaultProps$3.stateReducer, environment: defaultProps$3.environment, getA11yRemovalMessage, keyNavigationNext: 'ArrowRight', keyNavigationPrevious: 'ArrowLeft' }; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports let validatePropTypes = downshift_esm_noop; /* istanbul ignore next */ if (false) {} const SelectedItemClick = false ? 0 : 0; const SelectedItemKeyDownDelete = false ? 0 : 1; const SelectedItemKeyDownBackspace = false ? 0 : 2; const SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationNext = false ? 0 : 3; const SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationPrevious = false ? 0 : 4; const DropdownKeyDownNavigationPrevious = false ? 0 : 5; const DropdownKeyDownBackspace = false ? 0 : 6; const DropdownClick = false ? 0 : 7; const FunctionAddSelectedItem = false ? 0 : 8; const FunctionRemoveSelectedItem = false ? 0 : 9; const FunctionSetSelectedItems = false ? 0 : 10; const FunctionSetActiveIndex = false ? 0 : 11; const FunctionReset = false ? 0 : 12; var stateChangeTypes = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, SelectedItemClick: SelectedItemClick, SelectedItemKeyDownDelete: SelectedItemKeyDownDelete, SelectedItemKeyDownBackspace: SelectedItemKeyDownBackspace, SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationNext: SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationNext, SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationPrevious: SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationPrevious, DropdownKeyDownNavigationPrevious: DropdownKeyDownNavigationPrevious, DropdownKeyDownBackspace: DropdownKeyDownBackspace, DropdownClick: DropdownClick, FunctionAddSelectedItem: FunctionAddSelectedItem, FunctionRemoveSelectedItem: FunctionRemoveSelectedItem, FunctionSetSelectedItems: FunctionSetSelectedItems, FunctionSetActiveIndex: FunctionSetActiveIndex, FunctionReset: FunctionReset }); /* eslint-disable complexity */ function downshiftMultipleSelectionReducer(state, action) { const { type, index, props, selectedItem } = action; const { activeIndex, selectedItems } = state; let changes; switch (type) { case SelectedItemClick: changes = { activeIndex: index }; break; case SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationPrevious: changes = { activeIndex: activeIndex - 1 < 0 ? 0 : activeIndex - 1 }; break; case SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationNext: changes = { activeIndex: activeIndex + 1 >= selectedItems.length ? -1 : activeIndex + 1 }; break; case SelectedItemKeyDownBackspace: case SelectedItemKeyDownDelete: { let newActiveIndex = activeIndex; if (selectedItems.length === 1) { newActiveIndex = -1; } else if (activeIndex === selectedItems.length - 1) { newActiveIndex = selectedItems.length - 2; } changes = { selectedItems: [...selectedItems.slice(0, activeIndex), ...selectedItems.slice(activeIndex + 1)], ...{ activeIndex: newActiveIndex } }; break; } case DropdownKeyDownNavigationPrevious: changes = { activeIndex: selectedItems.length - 1 }; break; case DropdownKeyDownBackspace: changes = { selectedItems: selectedItems.slice(0, selectedItems.length - 1) }; break; case FunctionAddSelectedItem: changes = { selectedItems: [...selectedItems, selectedItem] }; break; case DropdownClick: changes = { activeIndex: -1 }; break; case FunctionRemoveSelectedItem: { let newActiveIndex = activeIndex; const selectedItemIndex = selectedItems.indexOf(selectedItem); if (selectedItemIndex >= 0) { if (selectedItems.length === 1) { newActiveIndex = -1; } else if (selectedItemIndex === selectedItems.length - 1) { newActiveIndex = selectedItems.length - 2; } changes = { selectedItems: [...selectedItems.slice(0, selectedItemIndex), ...selectedItems.slice(selectedItemIndex + 1)], activeIndex: newActiveIndex }; } break; } case FunctionSetSelectedItems: { const { selectedItems: newSelectedItems } = action; changes = { selectedItems: newSelectedItems }; break; } case FunctionSetActiveIndex: { const { activeIndex: newActiveIndex } = action; changes = { activeIndex: newActiveIndex }; break; } case FunctionReset: changes = { activeIndex: getDefaultValue(props, 'activeIndex'), selectedItems: getDefaultValue(props, 'selectedItems') }; break; default: throw new Error('Reducer called without proper action type.'); } return { ...state, ...changes }; } useMultipleSelection.stateChangeTypes = stateChangeTypes; function useMultipleSelection(userProps) { if (userProps === void 0) { userProps = {}; } validatePropTypes(userProps, useMultipleSelection); // Props defaults and destructuring. const props = { ...defaultProps, ...userProps }; const { getA11yRemovalMessage, itemToString, environment, keyNavigationNext, keyNavigationPrevious } = props; // Reducer init. const [state, dispatch] = useControlledReducer$1(downshiftMultipleSelectionReducer, getInitialState(props), props); const { activeIndex, selectedItems } = state; // Refs. const isInitialMountRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(true); const dropdownRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const previousSelectedItemsRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(selectedItems); const selectedItemRefs = (0,external_React_.useRef)(); selectedItemRefs.current = []; const latest = downshift_esm_useLatestRef({ state, props }); // Effects. /* Sets a11y status message on changes in selectedItem. */ (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (isInitialMountRef.current) { return; } if (selectedItems.length < previousSelectedItemsRef.current.length) { const removedSelectedItem = previousSelectedItemsRef.current.find(item => selectedItems.indexOf(item) < 0); setStatus(getA11yRemovalMessage({ itemToString, resultCount: selectedItems.length, removedSelectedItem, activeIndex, activeSelectedItem: selectedItems[activeIndex] }), environment.document); } previousSelectedItemsRef.current = selectedItems; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [selectedItems.length]); // Sets focus on active item. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (isInitialMountRef.current) { return; } if (activeIndex === -1 && dropdownRef.current) { dropdownRef.current.focus(); } else if (selectedItemRefs.current[activeIndex]) { selectedItemRefs.current[activeIndex].focus(); } }, [activeIndex]); useControlPropsValidator({ isInitialMount: isInitialMountRef.current, props, state }); const setGetterPropCallInfo = useGetterPropsCalledChecker('getDropdownProps'); // Make initial ref false. (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { isInitialMountRef.current = false; }, []); // Event handler functions. const selectedItemKeyDownHandlers = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ [keyNavigationPrevious]() { dispatch({ type: SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationPrevious }); }, [keyNavigationNext]() { dispatch({ type: SelectedItemKeyDownNavigationNext }); }, Delete() { dispatch({ type: SelectedItemKeyDownDelete }); }, Backspace() { dispatch({ type: SelectedItemKeyDownBackspace }); } }), [dispatch, keyNavigationNext, keyNavigationPrevious]); const dropdownKeyDownHandlers = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => ({ [keyNavigationPrevious](event) { if (isKeyDownOperationPermitted(event)) { dispatch({ type: DropdownKeyDownNavigationPrevious }); } }, Backspace(event) { if (isKeyDownOperationPermitted(event)) { dispatch({ type: DropdownKeyDownBackspace }); } } }), [dispatch, keyNavigationPrevious]); // Getter props. const getSelectedItemProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp) { let { refKey = 'ref', ref, onClick, onKeyDown, selectedItem, index, } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp; const { state: latestState } = latest.current; const itemIndex = getItemIndex(index, selectedItem, latestState.selectedItems); if (itemIndex < 0) { throw new Error('Pass either selectedItem or index in getSelectedItemProps!'); } const selectedItemHandleClick = () => { dispatch({ type: SelectedItemClick, index }); }; const selectedItemHandleKeyDown = event => { const key = normalizeArrowKey(event); if (key && selectedItemKeyDownHandlers[key]) { selectedItemKeyDownHandlers[key](event); } }; return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, selectedItemNode => { if (selectedItemNode) { selectedItemRefs.current.push(selectedItemNode); } }), tabIndex: index === latestState.activeIndex ? 0 : -1, onClick: callAllEventHandlers(onClick, selectedItemHandleClick), onKeyDown: callAllEventHandlers(onKeyDown, selectedItemHandleKeyDown), }; }, [dispatch, latest, selectedItemKeyDownHandlers]); const getDropdownProps = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (_temp2, _temp3) { let { refKey = 'ref', ref, onKeyDown, onClick, preventKeyAction = false, } = _temp2 === void 0 ? {} : _temp2; let { suppressRefError = false } = _temp3 === void 0 ? {} : _temp3; setGetterPropCallInfo('getDropdownProps', suppressRefError, refKey, dropdownRef); const dropdownHandleKeyDown = event => { const key = normalizeArrowKey(event); if (key && dropdownKeyDownHandlers[key]) { dropdownKeyDownHandlers[key](event); } }; const dropdownHandleClick = () => { dispatch({ type: DropdownClick }); }; return { [refKey]: handleRefs(ref, dropdownNode => { if (dropdownNode) { dropdownRef.current = dropdownNode; } }), ...(!preventKeyAction && { onKeyDown: callAllEventHandlers(onKeyDown, dropdownHandleKeyDown), onClick: callAllEventHandlers(onClick, dropdownHandleClick) }), }; }, [dispatch, dropdownKeyDownHandlers, setGetterPropCallInfo]); // returns const addSelectedItem = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(selectedItem => { dispatch({ type: FunctionAddSelectedItem, selectedItem }); }, [dispatch]); const removeSelectedItem = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(selectedItem => { dispatch({ type: FunctionRemoveSelectedItem, selectedItem }); }, [dispatch]); const setSelectedItems = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newSelectedItems => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSetSelectedItems, selectedItems: newSelectedItems }); }, [dispatch]); const setActiveIndex = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(newActiveIndex => { dispatch({ type: FunctionSetActiveIndex, activeIndex: newActiveIndex }); }, [dispatch]); const reset = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(() => { dispatch({ type: FunctionReset }); }, [dispatch]); return { getSelectedItemProps, getDropdownProps, addSelectedItem, removeSelectedItem, setSelectedItems, setActiveIndex, reset, selectedItems, activeIndex }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/custom-select-control/index.js // @ts-nocheck /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const custom_select_control_itemToString = item => item?.name; // This is needed so that in Windows, where // the menu does not necessarily open on // key up/down, you can still switch between // options with the menu closed. const custom_select_control_stateReducer = ({ selectedItem }, { type, changes, props: { items } }) => { switch (type) { case useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowDown: // If we already have a selected item, try to select the next one, // without circular navigation. Otherwise, select the first item. return { selectedItem: items[selectedItem ? Math.min(items.indexOf(selectedItem) + 1, items.length - 1) : 0] }; case useSelect.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonKeyDownArrowUp: // If we already have a selected item, try to select the previous one, // without circular navigation. Otherwise, select the last item. return { selectedItem: items[selectedItem ? Math.max(items.indexOf(selectedItem) - 1, 0) : items.length - 1] }; default: return changes; } }; function CustomSelectControl(props) { const { /** Start opting into the larger default height that will become the default size in a future version. */ __next40pxDefaultSize = false, className, hideLabelFromVision, label, describedBy, options: items, onChange: onSelectedItemChange, /** @type {import('../select-control/types').SelectControlProps.size} */ size = 'default', value: _selectedItem, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onFocus, onBlur, __experimentalShowSelectedHint = false } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props); const { getLabelProps, getToggleButtonProps, getMenuProps, getItemProps, isOpen, highlightedIndex, selectedItem } = useSelect({ initialSelectedItem: items[0], items, itemToString: custom_select_control_itemToString, onSelectedItemChange, ...(typeof _selectedItem !== 'undefined' && _selectedItem !== null ? { selectedItem: _selectedItem } : undefined), stateReducer: custom_select_control_stateReducer }); function getDescribedBy() { if (describedBy) { return describedBy; } if (!selectedItem) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No selection'); } // translators: %s: The selected option. return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Currently selected: %s'),; } let menuProps = getMenuProps({ className: 'components-custom-select-control__menu', 'aria-hidden': !isOpen }); const onKeyDownHandler = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(e => { e.stopPropagation(); menuProps?.onKeyDown?.(e); }, [menuProps]); // We need this here, because the null active descendant is not fully ARIA compliant. if (menuProps['aria-activedescendant']?.startsWith('downshift-null')) { const { 'aria-activedescendant': ariaActivedescendant, ...restMenuProps } = menuProps; menuProps = restMenuProps; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: dist_clsx('components-custom-select-control', className), children: [hideLabelFromVision ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "label", ...getLabelProps(), children: label }) : /*#__PURE__*/ /* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control, jsx-a11y/label-has-for */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledLabel, { ...getLabelProps({ className: 'components-custom-select-control__label' }), children: label }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(input_base, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, size: size, suffix: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(select_control_chevron_down, {}), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Select, { onMouseOver: onMouseOver, onMouseOut: onMouseOut, as: "button", onFocus: onFocus, onBlur: onBlur, selectSize: size, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, ...getToggleButtonProps({ // This is needed because some speech recognition software don't support `aria-labelledby`. 'aria-label': label, 'aria-labelledby': undefined, className: 'components-custom-select-control__button', describedBy: getDescribedBy() }), children: [custom_select_control_itemToString(selectedItem), __experimentalShowSelectedHint && selectedItem.__experimentalHint && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-custom-select-control__hint", children: selectedItem.__experimentalHint })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-custom-select-control__menu-wrapper", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("ul", { ...menuProps, onKeyDown: onKeyDownHandler, children: isOpen &&, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("li", { ...getItemProps({ item, index, className: dist_clsx(item.className, 'components-custom-select-control__item', { 'is-highlighted': index === highlightedIndex, 'has-hint': !!item.__experimentalHint, 'is-next-40px-default-size': __next40pxDefaultSize }), style: }), children: [, item.__experimentalHint && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-custom-select-control__item-hint", children: item.__experimentalHint }), item === selectedItem && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_check, className: "components-custom-select-control__item-icon" })] }, item.key)) }) })] })] }); } function StableCustomSelectControl(props) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CustomSelectControl, { ...props, __experimentalShowSelectedHint: false }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/use-lilius/build/ /** * @name toDate * @category Common Helpers * @summary Convert the given argument to an instance of Date. * * @description * Convert the given argument to an instance of Date. * * If the argument is an instance of Date, the function returns its clone. * * If the argument is a number, it is treated as a timestamp. * * If the argument is none of the above, the function returns Invalid Date. * * **Note**: *all* Date arguments passed to any *date-fns* function is processed by `toDate`. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param argument - The value to convert * * @returns The parsed date in the local time zone * * @example * // Clone the date: * const result = toDate(new Date(2014, 1, 11, 11, 30, 30)) * //=> Tue Feb 11 2014 11:30:30 * * @example * // Convert the timestamp to date: * const result = toDate(1392098430000) * //=> Tue Feb 11 2014 11:30:30 */ function toDate(argument) { const argStr =; // Clone the date if ( argument instanceof Date || (typeof argument === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") ) { // Prevent the date to lose the milliseconds when passed to new Date() in IE10 return new argument.constructor(+argument); } else if ( typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]" || typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]" ) { // TODO: Can we get rid of as? return new Date(argument); } else { // TODO: Can we get rid of as? return new Date(NaN); } } /** * @name constructFrom * @category Generic Helpers * @summary Constructs a date using the reference date and the value * * @description * The function constructs a new date using the constructor from the reference * date and the given value. It helps to build generic functions that accept * date extensions. * * It defaults to `Date` if the passed reference date is a number or a string. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The reference date to take constructor from * @param value - The value to create the date * * @returns Date initialized using the given date and value * * @example * import { constructFrom } from 'date-fns' * * // A function that clones a date preserving the original type * function cloneDate<DateType extends Date(date: DateType): DateType { * return constructFrom( * date, // Use contrustor from the given date * date.getTime() // Use the date value to create a new date * ) * } */ function constructFrom(date, value) { if (date instanceof Date) { return new date.constructor(value); } else { return new Date(value); } } /** * @name addDays * @category Day Helpers * @summary Add the specified number of days to the given date. * * @description * Add the specified number of days to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of days to be added. * * @returns The new date with the days added * * @example * // Add 10 days to 1 September 2014: * const result = addDays(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 10) * //=> Thu Sep 11 2014 00:00:00 */ function addDays(date, amount) { const _date = toDate(date); if (isNaN(amount)) return constructFrom(date, NaN); if (!amount) { // If 0 days, no-op to avoid changing times in the hour before end of DST return _date; } _date.setDate(_date.getDate() + amount); return _date; } /** * @name addMonths * @category Month Helpers * @summary Add the specified number of months to the given date. * * @description * Add the specified number of months to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of months to be added. * * @returns The new date with the months added * * @example * // Add 5 months to 1 September 2014: * const result = addMonths(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 5) * //=> Sun Feb 01 2015 00:00:00 * * // Add one month to 30 January 2023: * const result = addMonths(new Date(2023, 0, 30), 1) * //=> Tue Feb 28 2023 00:00:00 */ function addMonths(date, amount) { const _date = toDate(date); if (isNaN(amount)) return constructFrom(date, NaN); if (!amount) { // If 0 months, no-op to avoid changing times in the hour before end of DST return _date; } const dayOfMonth = _date.getDate(); // The JS Date object supports date math by accepting out-of-bounds values for // month, day, etc. For example, new Date(2020, 0, 0) returns 31 Dec 2019 and // new Date(2020, 13, 1) returns 1 Feb 2021. This is *almost* the behavior we // want except that dates will wrap around the end of a month, meaning that // new Date(2020, 13, 31) will return 3 Mar 2021 not 28 Feb 2021 as desired. So // we'll default to the end of the desired month by adding 1 to the desired // month and using a date of 0 to back up one day to the end of the desired // month. const endOfDesiredMonth = constructFrom(date, _date.getTime()); endOfDesiredMonth.setMonth(_date.getMonth() + amount + 1, 0); const daysInMonth = endOfDesiredMonth.getDate(); if (dayOfMonth >= daysInMonth) { // If we're already at the end of the month, then this is the correct date // and we're done. return endOfDesiredMonth; } else { // Otherwise, we now know that setting the original day-of-month value won't // cause an overflow, so set the desired day-of-month. Note that we can't // just set the date of `endOfDesiredMonth` because that object may have had // its time changed in the unusual case where where a DST transition was on // the last day of the month and its local time was in the hour skipped or // repeated next to a DST transition. So we use `date` instead which is // guaranteed to still have the original time. _date.setFullYear( endOfDesiredMonth.getFullYear(), endOfDesiredMonth.getMonth(), dayOfMonth, ); return _date; } } let index_es_defaultOptions = {}; function getDefaultOptions() { return index_es_defaultOptions; } /** * The {@link startOfWeek} function options. */ /** * @name startOfWeek * @category Week Helpers * @summary Return the start of a week for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a week for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * @param options - An object with options * * @returns The start of a week * * @example * // The start of a week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Sun Aug 31 2014 00:00:00 * * @example * // If the week starts on Monday, the start of the week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0), { weekStartsOn: 1 }) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfWeek(date, options) { const defaultOptions = getDefaultOptions(); const weekStartsOn = options?.weekStartsOn ?? options?.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? 0; const _date = toDate(date); const day = _date.getDay(); const diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; _date.setDate(_date.getDate() - diff); _date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return _date; } /** * @name startOfDay * @category Day Helpers * @summary Return the start of a day for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a day for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The start of a day * * @example * // The start of a day for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfDay(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Tue Sep 02 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfDay(date) { const _date = toDate(date); _date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return _date; } /** * @name addWeeks * @category Week Helpers * @summary Add the specified number of weeks to the given date. * * @description * Add the specified number of week to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of weeks to be added. * * @returns The new date with the weeks added * * @example * // Add 4 weeks to 1 September 2014: * const result = addWeeks(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 4) * //=> Mon Sep 29 2014 00:00:00 */ function addWeeks(date, amount) { const days = amount * 7; return addDays(date, days); } /** * @name addYears * @category Year Helpers * @summary Add the specified number of years to the given date. * * @description * Add the specified number of years to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of years to be added. * * @returns The new date with the years added * * @example * // Add 5 years to 1 September 2014: * const result = addYears(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 5) * //=> Sun Sep 01 2019 00:00:00 */ function addYears(date, amount) { return addMonths(date, amount * 12); } /** * @name endOfMonth * @category Month Helpers * @summary Return the end of a month for the given date. * * @description * Return the end of a month for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The end of a month * * @example * // The end of a month for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = endOfMonth(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Tue Sep 30 2014 23:59:59.999 */ function endOfMonth(date) { const _date = toDate(date); const month = _date.getMonth(); _date.setFullYear(_date.getFullYear(), month + 1, 0); _date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return _date; } /** * The {@link eachDayOfInterval} function options. */ /** * @name eachDayOfInterval * @category Interval Helpers * @summary Return the array of dates within the specified time interval. * * @description * Return the array of dates within the specified time interval. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param interval - The interval. * @param options - An object with options. * * @returns The array with starts of days from the day of the interval start to the day of the interval end * * @example * // Each day between 6 October 2014 and 10 October 2014: * const result = eachDayOfInterval({ * start: new Date(2014, 9, 6), * end: new Date(2014, 9, 10) * }) * //=> [ * // Mon Oct 06 2014 00:00:00, * // Tue Oct 07 2014 00:00:00, * // Wed Oct 08 2014 00:00:00, * // Thu Oct 09 2014 00:00:00, * // Fri Oct 10 2014 00:00:00 * // ] */ function eachDayOfInterval(interval, options) { const startDate = toDate(interval.start); const endDate = toDate(interval.end); let reversed = +startDate > +endDate; const endTime = reversed ? +startDate : +endDate; const currentDate = reversed ? endDate : startDate; currentDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); let step = options?.step ?? 1; if (!step) return []; if (step < 0) { step = -step; reversed = !reversed; } const dates = []; while (+currentDate <= endTime) { dates.push(toDate(currentDate)); currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + step); currentDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } return reversed ? dates.reverse() : dates; } /** * The {@link eachMonthOfInterval} function options. */ /** * @name eachMonthOfInterval * @category Interval Helpers * @summary Return the array of months within the specified time interval. * * @description * Return the array of months within the specified time interval. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param interval - The interval * * @returns The array with starts of months from the month of the interval start to the month of the interval end * * @example * // Each month between 6 February 2014 and 10 August 2014: * const result = eachMonthOfInterval({ * start: new Date(2014, 1, 6), * end: new Date(2014, 7, 10) * }) * //=> [ * // Sat Feb 01 2014 00:00:00, * // Sat Mar 01 2014 00:00:00, * // Tue Apr 01 2014 00:00:00, * // Thu May 01 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Jun 01 2014 00:00:00, * // Tue Jul 01 2014 00:00:00, * // Fri Aug 01 2014 00:00:00 * // ] */ function eachMonthOfInterval(interval, options) { const startDate = toDate(interval.start); const endDate = toDate(interval.end); let reversed = +startDate > +endDate; const endTime = reversed ? +startDate : +endDate; const currentDate = reversed ? endDate : startDate; currentDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); currentDate.setDate(1); let step = options?.step ?? 1; if (!step) return []; if (step < 0) { step = -step; reversed = !reversed; } const dates = []; while (+currentDate <= endTime) { dates.push(toDate(currentDate)); currentDate.setMonth(currentDate.getMonth() + step); } return reversed ? dates.reverse() : dates; } /** * The {@link eachWeekOfInterval} function options. */ /** * @name eachWeekOfInterval * @category Interval Helpers * @summary Return the array of weeks within the specified time interval. * * @description * Return the array of weeks within the specified time interval. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param interval - The interval. * @param options - An object with options. * * @returns The array with starts of weeks from the week of the interval start to the week of the interval end * * @example * // Each week within interval 6 October 2014 - 23 November 2014: * const result = eachWeekOfInterval({ * start: new Date(2014, 9, 6), * end: new Date(2014, 10, 23) * }) * //=> [ * // Sun Oct 05 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Oct 12 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Oct 19 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Oct 26 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Nov 02 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Nov 09 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Nov 16 2014 00:00:00, * // Sun Nov 23 2014 00:00:00 * // ] */ function eachWeekOfInterval(interval, options) { const startDate = toDate(interval.start); const endDate = toDate(interval.end); let reversed = +startDate > +endDate; const startDateWeek = reversed ? startOfWeek(endDate, options) : startOfWeek(startDate, options); const endDateWeek = reversed ? startOfWeek(startDate, options) : startOfWeek(endDate, options); // Some timezones switch DST at midnight, making start of day unreliable in these timezones, 3pm is a safe bet startDateWeek.setHours(15); endDateWeek.setHours(15); const endTime = +endDateWeek.getTime(); let currentDate = startDateWeek; let step = options?.step ?? 1; if (!step) return []; if (step < 0) { step = -step; reversed = !reversed; } const dates = []; while (+currentDate <= endTime) { currentDate.setHours(0); dates.push(toDate(currentDate)); currentDate = addWeeks(currentDate, step); currentDate.setHours(15); } return reversed ? dates.reverse() : dates; } /** * @name startOfMonth * @category Month Helpers * @summary Return the start of a month for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a month for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The start of a month * * @example * // The start of a month for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfMonth(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfMonth(date) { const _date = toDate(date); _date.setDate(1); _date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return _date; } /** * The {@link endOfWeek} function options. */ /** * @name endOfWeek * @category Week Helpers * @summary Return the end of a week for the given date. * * @description * Return the end of a week for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * @param options - An object with options * * @returns The end of a week * * @example * // The end of a week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = endOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Sat Sep 06 2014 23:59:59.999 * * @example * // If the week starts on Monday, the end of the week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = endOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0), { weekStartsOn: 1 }) * //=> Sun Sep 07 2014 23:59:59.999 */ function endOfWeek(date, options) { const defaultOptions = getDefaultOptions(); const weekStartsOn = options?.weekStartsOn ?? options?.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? 0; const _date = toDate(date); const day = _date.getDay(); const diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? -7 : 0) + 6 - (day - weekStartsOn); _date.setDate(_date.getDate() + diff); _date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return _date; } /** * @name getDaysInMonth * @category Month Helpers * @summary Get the number of days in a month of the given date. * * @description * Get the number of days in a month of the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The given date * * @returns The number of days in a month * * @example * // How many days are in February 2000? * const result = getDaysInMonth(new Date(2000, 1)) * //=> 29 */ function getDaysInMonth(date) { const _date = toDate(date); const year = _date.getFullYear(); const monthIndex = _date.getMonth(); const lastDayOfMonth = constructFrom(date, 0); lastDayOfMonth.setFullYear(year, monthIndex + 1, 0); lastDayOfMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return lastDayOfMonth.getDate(); } /** * @name isAfter * @category Common Helpers * @summary Is the first date after the second one? * * @description * Is the first date after the second one? * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date that should be after the other one to return true * @param dateToCompare - The date to compare with * * @returns The first date is after the second date * * @example * // Is 10 July 1989 after 11 February 1987? * const result = isAfter(new Date(1989, 6, 10), new Date(1987, 1, 11)) * //=> true */ function isAfter(date, dateToCompare) { const _date = toDate(date); const _dateToCompare = toDate(dateToCompare); return _date.getTime() > _dateToCompare.getTime(); } /** * @name isBefore * @category Common Helpers * @summary Is the first date before the second one? * * @description * Is the first date before the second one? * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date that should be before the other one to return true * @param dateToCompare - The date to compare with * * @returns The first date is before the second date * * @example * // Is 10 July 1989 before 11 February 1987? * const result = isBefore(new Date(1989, 6, 10), new Date(1987, 1, 11)) * //=> false */ function isBefore(date, dateToCompare) { const _date = toDate(date); const _dateToCompare = toDate(dateToCompare); return +_date < +_dateToCompare; } /** * @name isEqual * @category Common Helpers * @summary Are the given dates equal? * * @description * Are the given dates equal? * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param dateLeft - The first date to compare * @param dateRight - The second date to compare * * @returns The dates are equal * * @example * // Are 2 July 2014 06:30:45.000 and 2 July 2014 06:30:45.500 equal? * const result = isEqual( * new Date(2014, 6, 2, 6, 30, 45, 0), * new Date(2014, 6, 2, 6, 30, 45, 500) * ) * //=> false */ function isEqual(leftDate, rightDate) { const _dateLeft = toDate(leftDate); const _dateRight = toDate(rightDate); return +_dateLeft === +_dateRight; } /** * @name setMonth * @category Month Helpers * @summary Set the month to the given date. * * @description * Set the month to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param month - The month index to set (0-11) * * @returns The new date with the month set * * @example * // Set February to 1 September 2014: * const result = setMonth(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 1) * //=> Sat Feb 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function setMonth(date, month) { const _date = toDate(date); const year = _date.getFullYear(); const day = _date.getDate(); const dateWithDesiredMonth = constructFrom(date, 0); dateWithDesiredMonth.setFullYear(year, month, 15); dateWithDesiredMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(dateWithDesiredMonth); // Set the last day of the new month // if the original date was the last day of the longer month _date.setMonth(month, Math.min(day, daysInMonth)); return _date; } /** * @name set * @category Common Helpers * @summary Set date values to a given date. * * @description * Set date values to a given date. * * Sets time values to date from object `values`. * A value is not set if it is undefined or null or doesn't exist in `values`. * * Note about bundle size: `set` does not internally use `setX` functions from date-fns but instead opts * to use native `Date#setX` methods. If you use this function, you may not want to include the * other `setX` functions that date-fns provides if you are concerned about the bundle size. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param values - The date values to be set * * @returns The new date with options set * * @example * // Transform 1 September 2014 into 20 October 2015 in a single line: * const result = set(new Date(2014, 8, 20), { year: 2015, month: 9, date: 20 }) * //=> Tue Oct 20 2015 00:00:00 * * @example * // Set 12 PM to 1 September 2014 01:23:45 to 1 September 2014 12:00:00: * const result = set(new Date(2014, 8, 1, 1, 23, 45), { hours: 12 }) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 12:23:45 */ function set(date, values) { let _date = toDate(date); // Check if date is Invalid Date because Date.prototype.setFullYear ignores the value of Invalid Date if (isNaN(+_date)) { return constructFrom(date, NaN); } if (values.year != null) { _date.setFullYear(values.year); } if (values.month != null) { _date = setMonth(_date, values.month); } if ( != null) { _date.setDate(; } if (values.hours != null) { _date.setHours(values.hours); } if (values.minutes != null) { _date.setMinutes(values.minutes); } if (values.seconds != null) { _date.setSeconds(values.seconds); } if (values.milliseconds != null) { _date.setMilliseconds(values.milliseconds); } return _date; } /** * @name setYear * @category Year Helpers * @summary Set the year to the given date. * * @description * Set the year to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param year - The year of the new date * * @returns The new date with the year set * * @example * // Set year 2013 to 1 September 2014: * const result = setYear(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 2013) * //=> Sun Sep 01 2013 00:00:00 */ function setYear(date, year) { const _date = toDate(date); // Check if date is Invalid Date because Date.prototype.setFullYear ignores the value of Invalid Date if (isNaN(+_date)) { return constructFrom(date, NaN); } _date.setFullYear(year); return _date; } /** * @name startOfToday * @category Day Helpers * @summary Return the start of today. * @pure false * * @description * Return the start of today. * * @returns The start of today * * @example * // If today is 6 October 2014: * const result = startOfToday() * //=> Mon Oct 6 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfToday() { return startOfDay(; } /** * @name subMonths * @category Month Helpers * @summary Subtract the specified number of months from the given date. * * @description * Subtract the specified number of months from the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of months to be subtracted. * * @returns The new date with the months subtracted * * @example * // Subtract 5 months from 1 February 2015: * const result = subMonths(new Date(2015, 1, 1), 5) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function subMonths(date, amount) { return addMonths(date, -amount); } /** * @name subYears * @category Year Helpers * @summary Subtract the specified number of years from the given date. * * @description * Subtract the specified number of years from the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of years to be subtracted. * * @returns The new date with the years subtracted * * @example * // Subtract 5 years from 1 September 2014: * const result = subYears(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 5) * //=> Tue Sep 01 2009 00:00:00 */ function subYears(date, amount) { return addYears(date, -amount); } var Month; (function (Month) { Month[Month["JANUARY"] = 0] = "JANUARY"; Month[Month["FEBRUARY"] = 1] = "FEBRUARY"; Month[Month["MARCH"] = 2] = "MARCH"; Month[Month["APRIL"] = 3] = "APRIL"; Month[Month["MAY"] = 4] = "MAY"; Month[Month["JUNE"] = 5] = "JUNE"; Month[Month["JULY"] = 6] = "JULY"; Month[Month["AUGUST"] = 7] = "AUGUST"; Month[Month["SEPTEMBER"] = 8] = "SEPTEMBER"; Month[Month["OCTOBER"] = 9] = "OCTOBER"; Month[Month["NOVEMBER"] = 10] = "NOVEMBER"; Month[Month["DECEMBER"] = 11] = "DECEMBER"; })(Month || (Month = {})); var Day; (function (Day) { Day[Day["SUNDAY"] = 0] = "SUNDAY"; Day[Day["MONDAY"] = 1] = "MONDAY"; Day[Day["TUESDAY"] = 2] = "TUESDAY"; Day[Day["WEDNESDAY"] = 3] = "WEDNESDAY"; Day[Day["THURSDAY"] = 4] = "THURSDAY"; Day[Day["FRIDAY"] = 5] = "FRIDAY"; Day[Day["SATURDAY"] = 6] = "SATURDAY"; })(Day || (Day = {})); var inRange = function (date, min, max) { return (isEqual(date, min) || isAfter(date, min)) && (isEqual(date, max) || isBefore(date, max)); }; var index_es_clearTime = function (date) { return set(date, { hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, milliseconds: 0 }); }; var useLilius = function (_a) { var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, _c = _b.weekStartsOn, weekStartsOn = _c === void 0 ? Day.SUNDAY : _c, _d = _b.viewing, initialViewing = _d === void 0 ? new Date() : _d, _e = _b.selected, initialSelected = _e === void 0 ? [] : _e, _f = _b.numberOfMonths, numberOfMonths = _f === void 0 ? 1 : _f; var _g = (0,external_React_.useState)(initialViewing), viewing = _g[0], setViewing = _g[1]; var viewToday = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function () { return setViewing(startOfToday()); }, [setViewing]); var viewMonth = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (month) { return setViewing(function (v) { return setMonth(v, month); }); }, []); var viewPreviousMonth = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function () { return setViewing(function (v) { return subMonths(v, 1); }); }, []); var viewNextMonth = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function () { return setViewing(function (v) { return addMonths(v, 1); }); }, []); var viewYear = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (year) { return setViewing(function (v) { return setYear(v, year); }); }, []); var viewPreviousYear = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function () { return setViewing(function (v) { return subYears(v, 1); }); }, []); var viewNextYear = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function () { return setViewing(function (v) { return addYears(v, 1); }); }, []); var _h = (0,external_React_.useState)(, selected = _h[0], setSelected = _h[1]; var clearSelected = function () { return setSelected([]); }; var isSelected = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (date) { return selected.findIndex(function (s) { return isEqual(s, date); }) > -1; }, [selected]); var select = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (date, replaceExisting) { if (replaceExisting) { setSelected(Array.isArray(date) ? date : [date]); } else { setSelected(function (selectedItems) { return selectedItems.concat(Array.isArray(date) ? date : [date]); }); } }, []); var deselect = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (date) { return setSelected(function (selectedItems) { return Array.isArray(date) ? selectedItems.filter(function (s) { return ! (d) { return d.getTime(); }).includes(s.getTime()); }) : selectedItems.filter(function (s) { return !isEqual(s, date); }); }); }, []); var toggle = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (date, replaceExisting) { return (isSelected(date) ? deselect(date) : select(date, replaceExisting)); }, [deselect, isSelected, select]); var selectRange = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (start, end, replaceExisting) { if (replaceExisting) { setSelected(eachDayOfInterval({ start: start, end: end })); } else { setSelected(function (selectedItems) { return selectedItems.concat(eachDayOfInterval({ start: start, end: end })); }); } }, []); var deselectRange = (0,external_React_.useCallback)(function (start, end) { setSelected(function (selectedItems) { return selectedItems.filter(function (s) { return !eachDayOfInterval({ start: start, end: end }) .map(function (d) { return d.getTime(); }) .includes(s.getTime()); }); }); }, []); var calendar = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(function () { return eachMonthOfInterval({ start: startOfMonth(viewing), end: endOfMonth(addMonths(viewing, numberOfMonths - 1)), }).map(function (month) { return eachWeekOfInterval({ start: startOfMonth(month), end: endOfMonth(month), }, { weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn }).map(function (week) { return eachDayOfInterval({ start: startOfWeek(week, { weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn }), end: endOfWeek(week, { weekStartsOn: weekStartsOn }), }); }); }); }, [viewing, weekStartsOn, numberOfMonths]); return { clearTime: index_es_clearTime, inRange: inRange, viewing: viewing, setViewing: setViewing, viewToday: viewToday, viewMonth: viewMonth, viewPreviousMonth: viewPreviousMonth, viewNextMonth: viewNextMonth, viewYear: viewYear, viewPreviousYear: viewPreviousYear, viewNextYear: viewNextYear, selected: selected, setSelected: setSelected, clearSelected: clearSelected, isSelected: isSelected, select: select, deselect: deselect, toggle: toggle, selectRange: selectRange, deselectRange: deselectRange, calendar: calendar, }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/toDate.mjs /** * @name toDate * @category Common Helpers * @summary Convert the given argument to an instance of Date. * * @description * Convert the given argument to an instance of Date. * * If the argument is an instance of Date, the function returns its clone. * * If the argument is a number, it is treated as a timestamp. * * If the argument is none of the above, the function returns Invalid Date. * * **Note**: *all* Date arguments passed to any *date-fns* function is processed by `toDate`. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param argument - The value to convert * * @returns The parsed date in the local time zone * * @example * // Clone the date: * const result = toDate(new Date(2014, 1, 11, 11, 30, 30)) * //=> Tue Feb 11 2014 11:30:30 * * @example * // Convert the timestamp to date: * const result = toDate(1392098430000) * //=> Tue Feb 11 2014 11:30:30 */ function toDate_toDate(argument) { const argStr =; // Clone the date if ( argument instanceof Date || (typeof argument === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") ) { // Prevent the date to lose the milliseconds when passed to new Date() in IE10 return new argument.constructor(+argument); } else if ( typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]" || typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]" ) { // TODO: Can we get rid of as? return new Date(argument); } else { // TODO: Can we get rid of as? return new Date(NaN); } } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_toDate = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (toDate_toDate))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/startOfDay.mjs /** * @name startOfDay * @category Day Helpers * @summary Return the start of a day for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a day for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The start of a day * * @example * // The start of a day for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfDay(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Tue Sep 02 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfDay_startOfDay(date) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); _date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_startOfDay = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (startOfDay_startOfDay))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/constructFrom.mjs /** * @name constructFrom * @category Generic Helpers * @summary Constructs a date using the reference date and the value * * @description * The function constructs a new date using the constructor from the reference * date and the given value. It helps to build generic functions that accept * date extensions. * * It defaults to `Date` if the passed reference date is a number or a string. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The reference date to take constructor from * @param value - The value to create the date * * @returns Date initialized using the given date and value * * @example * import { constructFrom } from 'date-fns' * * // A function that clones a date preserving the original type * function cloneDate<DateType extends Date(date: DateType): DateType { * return constructFrom( * date, // Use contrustor from the given date * date.getTime() // Use the date value to create a new date * ) * } */ function constructFrom_constructFrom(date, value) { if (date instanceof Date) { return new date.constructor(value); } else { return new Date(value); } } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_constructFrom = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (constructFrom_constructFrom))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/addMonths.mjs /** * @name addMonths * @category Month Helpers * @summary Add the specified number of months to the given date. * * @description * Add the specified number of months to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of months to be added. * * @returns The new date with the months added * * @example * // Add 5 months to 1 September 2014: * const result = addMonths(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 5) * //=> Sun Feb 01 2015 00:00:00 * * // Add one month to 30 January 2023: * const result = addMonths(new Date(2023, 0, 30), 1) * //=> Tue Feb 28 2023 00:00:00 */ function addMonths_addMonths(date, amount) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); if (isNaN(amount)) return constructFrom_constructFrom(date, NaN); if (!amount) { // If 0 months, no-op to avoid changing times in the hour before end of DST return _date; } const dayOfMonth = _date.getDate(); // The JS Date object supports date math by accepting out-of-bounds values for // month, day, etc. For example, new Date(2020, 0, 0) returns 31 Dec 2019 and // new Date(2020, 13, 1) returns 1 Feb 2021. This is *almost* the behavior we // want except that dates will wrap around the end of a month, meaning that // new Date(2020, 13, 31) will return 3 Mar 2021 not 28 Feb 2021 as desired. So // we'll default to the end of the desired month by adding 1 to the desired // month and using a date of 0 to back up one day to the end of the desired // month. const endOfDesiredMonth = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, _date.getTime()); endOfDesiredMonth.setMonth(_date.getMonth() + amount + 1, 0); const daysInMonth = endOfDesiredMonth.getDate(); if (dayOfMonth >= daysInMonth) { // If we're already at the end of the month, then this is the correct date // and we're done. return endOfDesiredMonth; } else { // Otherwise, we now know that setting the original day-of-month value won't // cause an overflow, so set the desired day-of-month. Note that we can't // just set the date of `endOfDesiredMonth` because that object may have had // its time changed in the unusual case where where a DST transition was on // the last day of the month and its local time was in the hour skipped or // repeated next to a DST transition. So we use `date` instead which is // guaranteed to still have the original time. _date.setFullYear( endOfDesiredMonth.getFullYear(), endOfDesiredMonth.getMonth(), dayOfMonth, ); return _date; } } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_addMonths = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (addMonths_addMonths))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/subMonths.mjs /** * @name subMonths * @category Month Helpers * @summary Subtract the specified number of months from the given date. * * @description * Subtract the specified number of months from the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of months to be subtracted. * * @returns The new date with the months subtracted * * @example * // Subtract 5 months from 1 February 2015: * const result = subMonths(new Date(2015, 1, 1), 5) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function subMonths_subMonths(date, amount) { return addMonths_addMonths(date, -amount); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_subMonths = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (subMonths_subMonths))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/en-US/_lib/formatDistance.mjs const formatDistanceLocale = { lessThanXSeconds: { one: "less than a second", other: "less than {{count}} seconds", }, xSeconds: { one: "1 second", other: "{{count}} seconds", }, halfAMinute: "half a minute", lessThanXMinutes: { one: "less than a minute", other: "less than {{count}} minutes", }, xMinutes: { one: "1 minute", other: "{{count}} minutes", }, aboutXHours: { one: "about 1 hour", other: "about {{count}} hours", }, xHours: { one: "1 hour", other: "{{count}} hours", }, xDays: { one: "1 day", other: "{{count}} days", }, aboutXWeeks: { one: "about 1 week", other: "about {{count}} weeks", }, xWeeks: { one: "1 week", other: "{{count}} weeks", }, aboutXMonths: { one: "about 1 month", other: "about {{count}} months", }, xMonths: { one: "1 month", other: "{{count}} months", }, aboutXYears: { one: "about 1 year", other: "about {{count}} years", }, xYears: { one: "1 year", other: "{{count}} years", }, overXYears: { one: "over 1 year", other: "over {{count}} years", }, almostXYears: { one: "almost 1 year", other: "almost {{count}} years", }, }; const formatDistance = (token, count, options) => { let result; const tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale[token]; if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { result = tokenValue; } else if (count === 1) { result =; } else { result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString()); } if (options?.addSuffix) { if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { return "in " + result; } else { return result + " ago"; } } return result; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/_lib/buildFormatLongFn.mjs function buildFormatLongFn(args) { return (options = {}) => { // TODO: Remove String() const width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; const format = args.formats[width] || args.formats[args.defaultWidth]; return format; }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/en-US/_lib/formatLong.mjs const dateFormats = { full: "EEEE, MMMM do, y", long: "MMMM do, y", medium: "MMM d, y", short: "MM/dd/yyyy", }; const timeFormats = { full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz", long: "h:mm:ss a z", medium: "h:mm:ss a", short: "h:mm a", }; const dateTimeFormats = { full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", short: "{{date}}, {{time}}", }; const formatLong = { date: buildFormatLongFn({ formats: dateFormats, defaultWidth: "full", }), time: buildFormatLongFn({ formats: timeFormats, defaultWidth: "full", }), dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({ formats: dateTimeFormats, defaultWidth: "full", }), }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/en-US/_lib/formatRelative.mjs const formatRelativeLocale = { lastWeek: "'last' eeee 'at' p", yesterday: "'yesterday at' p", today: "'today at' p", tomorrow: "'tomorrow at' p", nextWeek: "eeee 'at' p", other: "P", }; const formatRelative = (token, _date, _baseDate, _options) => formatRelativeLocale[token]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/_lib/buildLocalizeFn.mjs /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /** * The localize function argument callback which allows to convert raw value to * the actual type. * * @param value - The value to convert * * @returns The converted value */ /** * The map of localized values for each width. */ /** * The index type of the locale unit value. It types conversion of units of * values that don't start at 0 (i.e. quarters). */ /** * Converts the unit value to the tuple of values. */ /** * The tuple of localized era values. The first element represents BC, * the second element represents AD. */ /** * The tuple of localized quarter values. The first element represents Q1. */ /** * The tuple of localized day values. The first element represents Sunday. */ /** * The tuple of localized month values. The first element represents January. */ function buildLocalizeFn(args) { return (value, options) => { const context = options?.context ? String(options.context) : "standalone"; let valuesArray; if (context === "formatting" && args.formattingValues) { const defaultWidth = args.defaultFormattingWidth || args.defaultWidth; const width = options?.width ? String(options.width) : defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.formattingValues[width] || args.formattingValues[defaultWidth]; } else { const defaultWidth = args.defaultWidth; const width = options?.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.values[width] || args.values[defaultWidth]; } const index = args.argumentCallback ? args.argumentCallback(value) : value; // @ts-expect-error - For some reason TypeScript just don't want to match it, no matter how hard we try. I challenge you to try to remove it! return valuesArray[index]; }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/en-US/_lib/localize.mjs const eraValues = { narrow: ["B", "A"], abbreviated: ["BC", "AD"], wide: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"], }; const quarterValues = { narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], wide: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"], }; // Note: in English, the names of days of the week and months are capitalized. // If you are making a new locale based on this one, check if the same is true for the language you're working on. // Generally, formatted dates should look like they are in the middle of a sentence, // e.g. in Spanish language the weekdays and months should be in the lowercase. const monthValues = { narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], abbreviated: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ], wide: [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ], }; const dayValues = { narrow: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], short: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], abbreviated: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], wide: [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", ], }; const dayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night", }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night", }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night", }, }; const formattingDayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night", }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night", }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night", }, }; const ordinalNumber = (dirtyNumber, _options) => { const number = Number(dirtyNumber); // If ordinal numbers depend on context, for example, // if they are different for different grammatical genders, // use `options.unit`. // // `unit` can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'date', 'dayOfYear', // 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'. const rem100 = number % 100; if (rem100 > 20 || rem100 < 10) { switch (rem100 % 10) { case 1: return number + "st"; case 2: return number + "nd"; case 3: return number + "rd"; } } return number + "th"; }; const localize = { ordinalNumber, era: buildLocalizeFn({ values: eraValues, defaultWidth: "wide", }), quarter: buildLocalizeFn({ values: quarterValues, defaultWidth: "wide", argumentCallback: (quarter) => quarter - 1, }), month: buildLocalizeFn({ values: monthValues, defaultWidth: "wide", }), day: buildLocalizeFn({ values: dayValues, defaultWidth: "wide", }), dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({ values: dayPeriodValues, defaultWidth: "wide", formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues, defaultFormattingWidth: "wide", }), }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/_lib/buildMatchFn.mjs function buildMatchFn(args) { return (string, options = {}) => { const width = options.width; const matchPattern = (width && args.matchPatterns[width]) || args.matchPatterns[args.defaultMatchWidth]; const matchResult = string.match(matchPattern); if (!matchResult) { return null; } const matchedString = matchResult[0]; const parsePatterns = (width && args.parsePatterns[width]) || args.parsePatterns[args.defaultParseWidth]; const key = Array.isArray(parsePatterns) ? findIndex(parsePatterns, (pattern) => pattern.test(matchedString)) : // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- I challange you to fix the type findKey(parsePatterns, (pattern) => pattern.test(matchedString)); let value; value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(key) : key; value = options.valueCallback ? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- I challange you to fix the type options.valueCallback(value) : value; const rest = string.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } function findKey(object, predicate) { for (const key in object) { if (, key) && predicate(object[key]) ) { return key; } } return undefined; } function findIndex(array, predicate) { for (let key = 0; key < array.length; key++) { if (predicate(array[key])) { return key; } } return undefined; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/_lib/buildMatchPatternFn.mjs function buildMatchPatternFn(args) { return (string, options = {}) => { const matchResult = string.match(args.matchPattern); if (!matchResult) return null; const matchedString = matchResult[0]; const parseResult = string.match(args.parsePattern); if (!parseResult) return null; let value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(parseResult[0]) : parseResult[0]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- I challange you to fix the type value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; const rest = string.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/en-US/_lib/match.mjs const matchOrdinalNumberPattern = /^(\d+)(th|st|nd|rd)?/i; const parseOrdinalNumberPattern = /\d+/i; const matchEraPatterns = { narrow: /^(b|a)/i, abbreviated: /^(b\.?\s?c\.?|b\.?\s?c\.?\s?e\.?|a\.?\s?d\.?|c\.?\s?e\.?)/i, wide: /^(before christ|before common era|anno domini|common era)/i, }; const parseEraPatterns = { any: [/^b/i, /^(a|c)/i], }; const matchQuarterPatterns = { narrow: /^[1234]/i, abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i, wide: /^[1234](th|st|nd|rd)? quarter/i, }; const parseQuarterPatterns = { any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i], }; const matchMonthPatterns = { narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, abbreviated: /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i, wide: /^(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)/i, }; const parseMonthPatterns = { narrow: [ /^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i, ], any: [ /^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^ap/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i, ], }; const matchDayPatterns = { narrow: /^[smtwf]/i, short: /^(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)/i, abbreviated: /^(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)/i, wide: /^(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)/i, }; const parseDayPatterns = { narrow: [/^s/i, /^m/i, /^t/i, /^w/i, /^t/i, /^f/i, /^s/i], any: [/^su/i, /^m/i, /^tu/i, /^w/i, /^th/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i], }; const matchDayPeriodPatterns = { narrow: /^(a|p|mi|n|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i, any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|midnight|noon|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i, }; const parseDayPeriodPatterns = { any: { am: /^a/i, pm: /^p/i, midnight: /^mi/i, noon: /^no/i, morning: /morning/i, afternoon: /afternoon/i, evening: /evening/i, night: /night/i, }, }; const match_match = { ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn({ matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern, parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern, valueCallback: (value) => parseInt(value, 10), }), era: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any", }), quarter: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any", valueCallback: (index) => index + 1, }), month: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any", }), day: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any", }), dayPeriod: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "any", parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any", }), }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/locale/en-US.mjs /** * @category Locales * @summary English locale (United States). * @language English * @iso-639-2 eng * @author Sasha Koss [@kossnocorp]( * @author Lesha Koss [@leshakoss]( */ const enUS = { code: "en-US", formatDistance: formatDistance, formatLong: formatLong, formatRelative: formatRelative, localize: localize, match: match_match, options: { weekStartsOn: 0 /* Sunday */, firstWeekContainsDate: 1, }, }; // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const en_US = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (enUS))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/_lib/defaultOptions.mjs let defaultOptions_defaultOptions = {}; function defaultOptions_getDefaultOptions() { return defaultOptions_defaultOptions; } function setDefaultOptions(newOptions) { defaultOptions_defaultOptions = newOptions; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/constants.mjs /** * @module constants * @summary Useful constants * @description * Collection of useful date constants. * * The constants could be imported from `date-fns/constants`: * * ```ts * import { maxTime, minTime } from "./constants/date-fns/constants"; * * function isAllowedTime(time) { * return time <= maxTime && time >= minTime; * } * ``` */ /** * @constant * @name daysInWeek * @summary Days in 1 week. */ const daysInWeek = 7; /** * @constant * @name daysInYear * @summary Days in 1 year. * * @description * How many days in a year. * * One years equals 365.2425 days according to the formula: * * > Leap year occures every 4 years, except for years that are divisable by 100 and not divisable by 400. * > 1 mean year = (365+1/4-1/100+1/400) days = 365.2425 days */ const daysInYear = 365.2425; /** * @constant * @name maxTime * @summary Maximum allowed time. * * @example * import { maxTime } from "./constants/date-fns/constants"; * * const isValid = 8640000000000001 <= maxTime; * //=> false * * new Date(8640000000000001); * //=> Invalid Date */ const maxTime = Math.pow(10, 8) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; /** * @constant * @name minTime * @summary Minimum allowed time. * * @example * import { minTime } from "./constants/date-fns/constants"; * * const isValid = -8640000000000001 >= minTime; * //=> false * * new Date(-8640000000000001) * //=> Invalid Date */ const minTime = -maxTime; /** * @constant * @name millisecondsInWeek * @summary Milliseconds in 1 week. */ const millisecondsInWeek = 604800000; /** * @constant * @name millisecondsInDay * @summary Milliseconds in 1 day. */ const millisecondsInDay = 86400000; /** * @constant * @name millisecondsInMinute * @summary Milliseconds in 1 minute */ const millisecondsInMinute = 60000; /** * @constant * @name millisecondsInHour * @summary Milliseconds in 1 hour */ const millisecondsInHour = 3600000; /** * @constant * @name millisecondsInSecond * @summary Milliseconds in 1 second */ const millisecondsInSecond = 1000; /** * @constant * @name minutesInYear * @summary Minutes in 1 year. */ const minutesInYear = 525600; /** * @constant * @name minutesInMonth * @summary Minutes in 1 month. */ const minutesInMonth = 43200; /** * @constant * @name minutesInDay * @summary Minutes in 1 day. */ const minutesInDay = 1440; /** * @constant * @name minutesInHour * @summary Minutes in 1 hour. */ const minutesInHour = 60; /** * @constant * @name monthsInQuarter * @summary Months in 1 quarter. */ const monthsInQuarter = 3; /** * @constant * @name monthsInYear * @summary Months in 1 year. */ const monthsInYear = 12; /** * @constant * @name quartersInYear * @summary Quarters in 1 year */ const quartersInYear = 4; /** * @constant * @name secondsInHour * @summary Seconds in 1 hour. */ const secondsInHour = 3600; /** * @constant * @name secondsInMinute * @summary Seconds in 1 minute. */ const secondsInMinute = 60; /** * @constant * @name secondsInDay * @summary Seconds in 1 day. */ const secondsInDay = secondsInHour * 24; /** * @constant * @name secondsInWeek * @summary Seconds in 1 week. */ const secondsInWeek = secondsInDay * 7; /** * @constant * @name secondsInYear * @summary Seconds in 1 year. */ const secondsInYear = secondsInDay * daysInYear; /** * @constant * @name secondsInMonth * @summary Seconds in 1 month */ const secondsInMonth = secondsInYear / 12; /** * @constant * @name secondsInQuarter * @summary Seconds in 1 quarter. */ const secondsInQuarter = secondsInMonth * 3; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/_lib/getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds.mjs /** * Google Chrome as of 67.0.3396.87 introduced timezones with offset that includes seconds. * They usually appear for dates that denote time before the timezones were introduced * (e.g. for 'Europe/Prague' timezone the offset is GMT+00:57:44 before 1 October 1891 * and GMT+01:00:00 after that date) * * Date#getTimezoneOffset returns the offset in minutes and would return 57 for the example above, * which would lead to incorrect calculations. * * This function returns the timezone offset in milliseconds that takes seconds in account. */ function getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(date) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const utcDate = new Date( Date.UTC( _date.getFullYear(), _date.getMonth(), _date.getDate(), _date.getHours(), _date.getMinutes(), _date.getSeconds(), _date.getMilliseconds(), ), ); utcDate.setUTCFullYear(_date.getFullYear()); return +date - +utcDate; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/differenceInCalendarDays.mjs /** * @name differenceInCalendarDays * @category Day Helpers * @summary Get the number of calendar days between the given dates. * * @description * Get the number of calendar days between the given dates. This means that the times are removed * from the dates and then the difference in days is calculated. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param dateLeft - The later date * @param dateRight - The earlier date * * @returns The number of calendar days * * @example * // How many calendar days are between * // 2 July 2011 23:00:00 and 2 July 2012 00:00:00? * const result = differenceInCalendarDays( * new Date(2012, 6, 2, 0, 0), * new Date(2011, 6, 2, 23, 0) * ) * //=> 366 * // How many calendar days are between * // 2 July 2011 23:59:00 and 3 July 2011 00:01:00? * const result = differenceInCalendarDays( * new Date(2011, 6, 3, 0, 1), * new Date(2011, 6, 2, 23, 59) * ) * //=> 1 */ function differenceInCalendarDays(dateLeft, dateRight) { const startOfDayLeft = startOfDay_startOfDay(dateLeft); const startOfDayRight = startOfDay_startOfDay(dateRight); const timestampLeft = +startOfDayLeft - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayLeft); const timestampRight = +startOfDayRight - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayRight); // Round the number of days to the nearest integer because the number of // milliseconds in a day is not constant (e.g. it's different in the week of // the daylight saving time clock shift). return Math.round((timestampLeft - timestampRight) / millisecondsInDay); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_differenceInCalendarDays = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (differenceInCalendarDays))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/startOfYear.mjs /** * @name startOfYear * @category Year Helpers * @summary Return the start of a year for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a year for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The start of a year * * @example * // The start of a year for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfYear(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 00)) * //=> Wed Jan 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfYear(date) { const cleanDate = toDate_toDate(date); const _date = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); _date.setFullYear(cleanDate.getFullYear(), 0, 1); _date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_startOfYear = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (startOfYear))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/getDayOfYear.mjs /** * @name getDayOfYear * @category Day Helpers * @summary Get the day of the year of the given date. * * @description * Get the day of the year of the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The given date * * @returns The day of year * * @example * // Which day of the year is 2 July 2014? * const result = getDayOfYear(new Date(2014, 6, 2)) * //=> 183 */ function getDayOfYear(date) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const diff = differenceInCalendarDays(_date, startOfYear(_date)); const dayOfYear = diff + 1; return dayOfYear; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_getDayOfYear = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (getDayOfYear))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/startOfWeek.mjs /** * The {@link startOfWeek} function options. */ /** * @name startOfWeek * @category Week Helpers * @summary Return the start of a week for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a week for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * @param options - An object with options * * @returns The start of a week * * @example * // The start of a week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Sun Aug 31 2014 00:00:00 * * @example * // If the week starts on Monday, the start of the week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0), { weekStartsOn: 1 }) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfWeek_startOfWeek(date, options) { const defaultOptions = defaultOptions_getDefaultOptions(); const weekStartsOn = options?.weekStartsOn ?? options?.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? 0; const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const day = _date.getDay(); const diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; _date.setDate(_date.getDate() - diff); _date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_startOfWeek = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (startOfWeek_startOfWeek))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/startOfISOWeek.mjs /** * @name startOfISOWeek * @category ISO Week Helpers * @summary Return the start of an ISO week for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of an ISO week for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * ISO week-numbering year: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The start of an ISO week * * @example * // The start of an ISO week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = startOfISOWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function startOfISOWeek(date) { return startOfWeek_startOfWeek(date, { weekStartsOn: 1 }); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_startOfISOWeek = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (startOfISOWeek))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/getISOWeekYear.mjs /** * @name getISOWeekYear * @category ISO Week-Numbering Year Helpers * @summary Get the ISO week-numbering year of the given date. * * @description * Get the ISO week-numbering year of the given date, * which always starts 3 days before the year's first Thursday. * * ISO week-numbering year: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The given date * * @returns The ISO week-numbering year * * @example * // Which ISO-week numbering year is 2 January 2005? * const result = getISOWeekYear(new Date(2005, 0, 2)) * //=> 2004 */ function getISOWeekYear(date) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const year = _date.getFullYear(); const fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const startOfNextYear = startOfISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear); const fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const startOfThisYear = startOfISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear); if (_date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (_date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_getISOWeekYear = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (getISOWeekYear))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/startOfISOWeekYear.mjs /** * @name startOfISOWeekYear * @category ISO Week-Numbering Year Helpers * @summary Return the start of an ISO week-numbering year for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of an ISO week-numbering year, * which always starts 3 days before the year's first Thursday. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * ISO week-numbering year: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The start of an ISO week-numbering year * * @example * // The start of an ISO week-numbering year for 2 July 2005: * const result = startOfISOWeekYear(new Date(2005, 6, 2)) * //=> Mon Jan 03 2005 00:00:00 */ function startOfISOWeekYear(date) { const year = getISOWeekYear(date); const fourthOfJanuary = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); fourthOfJanuary.setFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuary.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return startOfISOWeek(fourthOfJanuary); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_startOfISOWeekYear = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (startOfISOWeekYear))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/getISOWeek.mjs /** * @name getISOWeek * @category ISO Week Helpers * @summary Get the ISO week of the given date. * * @description * Get the ISO week of the given date. * * ISO week-numbering year: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The given date * * @returns The ISO week * * @example * // Which week of the ISO-week numbering year is 2 January 2005? * const result = getISOWeek(new Date(2005, 0, 2)) * //=> 53 */ function getISOWeek(date) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const diff = +startOfISOWeek(_date) - +startOfISOWeekYear(_date); // Round the number of weeks to the nearest integer because the number of // milliseconds in a week is not constant (e.g. it's different in the week of // the daylight saving time clock shift). return Math.round(diff / millisecondsInWeek) + 1; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_getISOWeek = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (getISOWeek))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/getWeekYear.mjs /** * The {@link getWeekYear} function options. */ /** * @name getWeekYear * @category Week-Numbering Year Helpers * @summary Get the local week-numbering year of the given date. * * @description * Get the local week-numbering year of the given date. * The exact calculation depends on the values of * `options.weekStartsOn` (which is the index of the first day of the week) * and `options.firstWeekContainsDate` (which is the day of January, which is always in * the first week of the week-numbering year) * * Week numbering: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The given date * @param options - An object with options. * * @returns The local week-numbering year * * @example * // Which week numbering year is 26 December 2004 with the default settings? * const result = getWeekYear(new Date(2004, 11, 26)) * //=> 2005 * * @example * // Which week numbering year is 26 December 2004 if week starts on Saturday? * const result = getWeekYear(new Date(2004, 11, 26), { weekStartsOn: 6 }) * //=> 2004 * * @example * // Which week numbering year is 26 December 2004 if the first week contains 4 January? * const result = getWeekYear(new Date(2004, 11, 26), { firstWeekContainsDate: 4 }) * //=> 2004 */ function getWeekYear(date, options) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const year = _date.getFullYear(); const defaultOptions = defaultOptions_getDefaultOptions(); const firstWeekContainsDate = options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? options?.locale?.options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? defaultOptions.firstWeekContainsDate ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? 1; const firstWeekOfNextYear = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); firstWeekOfNextYear.setFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfNextYear.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const startOfNextYear = startOfWeek_startOfWeek(firstWeekOfNextYear, options); const firstWeekOfThisYear = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); firstWeekOfThisYear.setFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfThisYear.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const startOfThisYear = startOfWeek_startOfWeek(firstWeekOfThisYear, options); if (_date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (_date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_getWeekYear = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (getWeekYear))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/startOfWeekYear.mjs /** * The {@link startOfWeekYear} function options. */ /** * @name startOfWeekYear * @category Week-Numbering Year Helpers * @summary Return the start of a local week-numbering year for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a local week-numbering year. * The exact calculation depends on the values of * `options.weekStartsOn` (which is the index of the first day of the week) * and `options.firstWeekContainsDate` (which is the day of January, which is always in * the first week of the week-numbering year) * * Week numbering: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * @param options - An object with options * * @returns The start of a week-numbering year * * @example * // The start of an a week-numbering year for 2 July 2005 with default settings: * const result = startOfWeekYear(new Date(2005, 6, 2)) * //=> Sun Dec 26 2004 00:00:00 * * @example * // The start of a week-numbering year for 2 July 2005 * // if Monday is the first day of week * // and 4 January is always in the first week of the year: * const result = startOfWeekYear(new Date(2005, 6, 2), { * weekStartsOn: 1, * firstWeekContainsDate: 4 * }) * //=> Mon Jan 03 2005 00:00:00 */ function startOfWeekYear(date, options) { const defaultOptions = defaultOptions_getDefaultOptions(); const firstWeekContainsDate = options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? options?.locale?.options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? defaultOptions.firstWeekContainsDate ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? 1; const year = getWeekYear(date, options); const firstWeek = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); firstWeek.setFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeek.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const _date = startOfWeek_startOfWeek(firstWeek, options); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_startOfWeekYear = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (startOfWeekYear))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/getWeek.mjs /** * The {@link getWeek} function options. */ /** * @name getWeek * @category Week Helpers * @summary Get the local week index of the given date. * * @description * Get the local week index of the given date. * The exact calculation depends on the values of * `options.weekStartsOn` (which is the index of the first day of the week) * and `options.firstWeekContainsDate` (which is the day of January, which is always in * the first week of the week-numbering year) * * Week numbering: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The given date * @param options - An object with options * * @returns The week * * @example * // Which week of the local week numbering year is 2 January 2005 with default options? * const result = getWeek(new Date(2005, 0, 2)) * //=> 2 * * @example * // Which week of the local week numbering year is 2 January 2005, * // if Monday is the first day of the week, * // and the first week of the year always contains 4 January? * const result = getWeek(new Date(2005, 0, 2), { * weekStartsOn: 1, * firstWeekContainsDate: 4 * }) * //=> 53 */ function getWeek(date, options) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const diff = +startOfWeek_startOfWeek(_date, options) - +startOfWeekYear(_date, options); // Round the number of weeks to the nearest integer because the number of // milliseconds in a week is not constant (e.g. it's different in the week of // the daylight saving time clock shift). return Math.round(diff / millisecondsInWeek) + 1; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_getWeek = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (getWeek))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/_lib/addLeadingZeros.mjs function addLeadingZeros(number, targetLength) { const sign = number < 0 ? "-" : ""; const output = Math.abs(number).toString().padStart(targetLength, "0"); return sign + output; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/_lib/format/lightFormatters.mjs /* * | | Unit | | Unit | * |-----|--------------------------------|-----|--------------------------------| * | a | AM, PM | A* | | * | d | Day of month | D | | * | h | Hour [1-12] | H | Hour [0-23] | * | m | Minute | M | Month | * | s | Second | S | Fraction of second | * | y | Year (abs) | Y | | * * Letters marked by * are not implemented but reserved by Unicode standard. */ const lightFormatters = { // Year y(date, token) { // From // | Year | y | yy | yyy | yyyy | yyyyy | // |----------|-------|----|-------|-------|-------| // | AD 1 | 1 | 01 | 001 | 0001 | 00001 | // | AD 12 | 12 | 12 | 012 | 0012 | 00012 | // | AD 123 | 123 | 23 | 123 | 0123 | 00123 | // | AD 1234 | 1234 | 34 | 1234 | 1234 | 01234 | // | AD 12345 | 12345 | 45 | 12345 | 12345 | 12345 | const signedYear = date.getFullYear(); // Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript) const year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return addLeadingZeros(token === "yy" ? year % 100 : year, token.length); }, // Month M(date, token) { const month = date.getMonth(); return token === "M" ? String(month + 1) : addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2); }, // Day of the month d(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date.getDate(), token.length); }, // AM or PM a(date, token) { const dayPeriodEnumValue = date.getHours() / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return dayPeriodEnumValue.toUpperCase(); case "aaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue; case "aaaaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue[0]; case "aaaa": default: return dayPeriodEnumValue === "am" ? "a.m." : "p.m."; } }, // Hour [1-12] h(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date.getHours() % 12 || 12, token.length); }, // Hour [0-23] H(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date.getHours(), token.length); }, // Minute m(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date.getMinutes(), token.length); }, // Second s(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date.getSeconds(), token.length); }, // Fraction of second S(date, token) { const numberOfDigits = token.length; const milliseconds = date.getMilliseconds(); const fractionalSeconds = Math.trunc( milliseconds * Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits - 3), ); return addLeadingZeros(fractionalSeconds, token.length); }, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/_lib/format/formatters.mjs const dayPeriodEnum = { am: "am", pm: "pm", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night", }; /* * | | Unit | | Unit | * |-----|--------------------------------|-----|--------------------------------| * | a | AM, PM | A* | Milliseconds in day | * | b | AM, PM, noon, midnight | B | Flexible day period | * | c | Stand-alone local day of week | C* | Localized hour w/ day period | * | d | Day of month | D | Day of year | * | e | Local day of week | E | Day of week | * | f | | F* | Day of week in month | * | g* | Modified Julian day | G | Era | * | h | Hour [1-12] | H | Hour [0-23] | * | i! | ISO day of week | I! | ISO week of year | * | j* | Localized hour w/ day period | J* | Localized hour w/o day period | * | k | Hour [1-24] | K | Hour [0-11] | * | l* | (deprecated) | L | Stand-alone month | * | m | Minute | M | Month | * | n | | N | | * | o! | Ordinal number modifier | O | Timezone (GMT) | * | p! | Long localized time | P! | Long localized date | * | q | Stand-alone quarter | Q | Quarter | * | r* | Related Gregorian year | R! | ISO week-numbering year | * | s | Second | S | Fraction of second | * | t! | Seconds timestamp | T! | Milliseconds timestamp | * | u | Extended year | U* | Cyclic year | * | v* | Timezone (generic non-locat.) | V* | Timezone (location) | * | w | Local week of year | W* | Week of month | * | x | Timezone (ISO-8601 w/o Z) | X | Timezone (ISO-8601) | * | y | Year (abs) | Y | Local week-numbering year | * | z | Timezone (specific non-locat.) | Z* | Timezone (aliases) | * * Letters marked by * are not implemented but reserved by Unicode standard. * * Letters marked by ! are non-standard, but implemented by date-fns: * - `o` modifies the previous token to turn it into an ordinal (see `format` docs) * - `i` is ISO day of week. For `i` and `ii` is returns numeric ISO week days, * i.e. 7 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc. * - `I` is ISO week of year, as opposed to `w` which is local week of year. * - `R` is ISO week-numbering year, as opposed to `Y` which is local week-numbering year. * `R` is supposed to be used in conjunction with `I` and `i` * for universal ISO week-numbering date, whereas * `Y` is supposed to be used in conjunction with `w` and `e` * for week-numbering date specific to the locale. * - `P` is long localized date format * - `p` is long localized time format */ const formatters = { // Era G: function (date, token, localize) { const era = date.getFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0; switch (token) { // AD, BC case "G": case "GG": case "GGG": return localize.era(era, { width: "abbreviated" }); // A, B case "GGGGG": return localize.era(era, { width: "narrow" }); // Anno Domini, Before Christ case "GGGG": default: return localize.era(era, { width: "wide" }); } }, // Year y: function (date, token, localize) { // Ordinal number if (token === "yo") { const signedYear = date.getFullYear(); // Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript) const year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return localize.ordinalNumber(year, { unit: "year" }); } return lightFormatters.y(date, token); }, // Local week-numbering year Y: function (date, token, localize, options) { const signedWeekYear = getWeekYear(date, options); // Returns 1 for 1 BC (which is year 0 in JavaScript) const weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear; // Two digit year if (token === "YY") { const twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100; return addLeadingZeros(twoDigitYear, 2); } // Ordinal number if (token === "Yo") { return localize.ordinalNumber(weekYear, { unit: "year" }); } // Padding return addLeadingZeros(weekYear, token.length); }, // ISO week-numbering year R: function (date, token) { const isoWeekYear = getISOWeekYear(date); // Padding return addLeadingZeros(isoWeekYear, token.length); }, // Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system. // The main difference between `y` and `u` localizers are B.C. years: // | Year | `y` | `u` | // |------|-----|-----| // | AC 1 | 1 | 1 | // | BC 1 | 1 | 0 | // | BC 2 | 2 | -1 | // Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year, // while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged. u: function (date, token) { const year = date.getFullYear(); return addLeadingZeros(year, token.length); }, // Quarter Q: function (date, token, localize) { const quarter = Math.ceil((date.getMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { // 1, 2, 3, 4 case "Q": return String(quarter); // 01, 02, 03, 04 case "QQ": return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2); // 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th case "Qo": return localize.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); // Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 case "QQQ": return localize.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); // 1, 2, 3, 4 (narrow quarter; could be not numerical) case "QQQQQ": return localize.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); // 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ... case "QQQQ": default: return localize.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "formatting", }); } }, // Stand-alone quarter q: function (date, token, localize) { const quarter = Math.ceil((date.getMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { // 1, 2, 3, 4 case "q": return String(quarter); // 01, 02, 03, 04 case "qq": return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2); // 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th case "qo": return localize.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); // Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 case "qqq": return localize.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone", }); // 1, 2, 3, 4 (narrow quarter; could be not numerical) case "qqqqq": return localize.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone", }); // 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ... case "qqqq": default: return localize.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "standalone", }); } }, // Month M: function (date, token, localize) { const month = date.getMonth(); switch (token) { case "M": case "MM": return lightFormatters.M(date, token); // 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th case "Mo": return localize.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); // Jan, Feb, ..., Dec case "MMM": return localize.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); // J, F, ..., D case "MMMMM": return localize.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); // January, February, ..., December case "MMMM": default: return localize.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone month L: function (date, token, localize) { const month = date.getMonth(); switch (token) { // 1, 2, ..., 12 case "L": return String(month + 1); // 01, 02, ..., 12 case "LL": return addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2); // 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th case "Lo": return localize.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); // Jan, Feb, ..., Dec case "LLL": return localize.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone", }); // J, F, ..., D case "LLLLL": return localize.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone", }); // January, February, ..., December case "LLLL": default: return localize.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // Local week of year w: function (date, token, localize, options) { const week = getWeek(date, options); if (token === "wo") { return localize.ordinalNumber(week, { unit: "week" }); } return addLeadingZeros(week, token.length); }, // ISO week of year I: function (date, token, localize) { const isoWeek = getISOWeek(date); if (token === "Io") { return localize.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, { unit: "week" }); } return addLeadingZeros(isoWeek, token.length); }, // Day of the month d: function (date, token, localize) { if (token === "do") { return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getDate(), { unit: "date" }); } return lightFormatters.d(date, token); }, // Day of year D: function (date, token, localize) { const dayOfYear = getDayOfYear(date); if (token === "Do") { return localize.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, { unit: "dayOfYear" }); } return addLeadingZeros(dayOfYear, token.length); }, // Day of week E: function (date, token, localize) { const dayOfWeek = date.getDay(); switch (token) { // Tue case "E": case "EE": case "EEE": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); // T case "EEEEE": return, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); // Tu case "EEEEEE": return, { width: "short", context: "formatting", }); // Tuesday case "EEEE": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "formatting", }); } }, // Local day of week e: function (date, token, localize, options) { const dayOfWeek = date.getDay(); const localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { // Numerical value (Nth day of week with current locale or weekStartsOn) case "e": return String(localDayOfWeek); // Padded numerical value case "ee": return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, 2); // 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th case "eo": return localize.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "eee": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); // T case "eeeee": return, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); // Tu case "eeeeee": return, { width: "short", context: "formatting", }); // Tuesday case "eeee": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "formatting", }); } }, // Stand-alone local day of week c: function (date, token, localize, options) { const dayOfWeek = date.getDay(); const localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { // Numerical value (same as in `e`) case "c": return String(localDayOfWeek); // Padded numerical value case "cc": return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, token.length); // 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th case "co": return localize.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "ccc": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone", }); // T case "ccccc": return, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone", }); // Tu case "cccccc": return, { width: "short", context: "standalone", }); // Tuesday case "cccc": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "standalone", }); } }, // ISO day of week i: function (date, token, localize) { const dayOfWeek = date.getDay(); const isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek; switch (token) { // 2 case "i": return String(isoDayOfWeek); // 02 case "ii": return addLeadingZeros(isoDayOfWeek, token.length); // 2nd case "io": return localize.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); // Tue case "iii": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); // T case "iiiii": return, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); // Tu case "iiiiii": return, { width: "short", context: "formatting", }); // Tuesday case "iiii": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "formatting", }); } }, // AM or PM a: function (date, token, localize) { const hours = date.getHours(); const dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); case "aaa": return localize .dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }) .toLowerCase(); case "aaaaa": return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); case "aaaa": default: return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting", }); } }, // AM, PM, midnight, noon b: function (date, token, localize) { const hours = date.getHours(); let dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours === 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.noon; } else if (hours === 0) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.midnight; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; } switch (token) { case "b": case "bb": return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); case "bbb": return localize .dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }) .toLowerCase(); case "bbbbb": return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); case "bbbb": default: return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting", }); } }, // in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night B: function (date, token, localize) { const hours = date.getHours(); let dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours >= 17) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.evening; } else if (hours >= 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.afternoon; } else if (hours >= 4) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.morning; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.night; } switch (token) { case "B": case "BB": case "BBB": return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting", }); case "BBBBB": return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting", }); case "BBBB": default: return localize.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting", }); } }, // Hour [1-12] h: function (date, token, localize) { if (token === "ho") { let hours = date.getHours() % 12; if (hours === 0) hours = 12; return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return lightFormatters.h(date, token); }, // Hour [0-23] H: function (date, token, localize) { if (token === "Ho") { return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getHours(), { unit: "hour" }); } return lightFormatters.H(date, token); }, // Hour [0-11] K: function (date, token, localize) { const hours = date.getHours() % 12; if (token === "Ko") { return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length); }, // Hour [1-24] k: function (date, token, localize) { let hours = date.getHours(); if (hours === 0) hours = 24; if (token === "ko") { return localize.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length); }, // Minute m: function (date, token, localize) { if (token === "mo") { return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getMinutes(), { unit: "minute" }); } return lightFormatters.m(date, token); }, // Second s: function (date, token, localize) { if (token === "so") { return localize.ordinalNumber(date.getSeconds(), { unit: "second" }); } return lightFormatters.s(date, token); }, // Fraction of second S: function (date, token) { return lightFormatters.S(date, token); }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`) X: function (date, token, _localize) { const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); if (timezoneOffset === 0) { return "Z"; } switch (token) { // Hours and optional minutes case "X": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); // Hours, minutes and optional seconds without `:` delimiter // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets // so this token always has the same output as `XX` case "XXXX": case "XX": // Hours and minutes without `:` delimiter return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); // Hours, minutes and optional seconds with `:` delimiter // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets // so this token always has the same output as `XXX` case "XXXXX": case "XXX": // Hours and minutes with `:` delimiter default: return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent) x: function (date, token, _localize) { const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { // Hours and optional minutes case "x": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); // Hours, minutes and optional seconds without `:` delimiter // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets // so this token always has the same output as `xx` case "xxxx": case "xx": // Hours and minutes without `:` delimiter return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); // Hours, minutes and optional seconds with `:` delimiter // Note: neither ISO-8601 nor JavaScript supports seconds in timezone offsets // so this token always has the same output as `xxx` case "xxxxx": case "xxx": // Hours and minutes with `:` delimiter default: return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (GMT) O: function (date, token, _localize) { const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { // Short case "O": case "OO": case "OOO": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":"); // Long case "OOOO": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (specific non-location) z: function (date, token, _localize) { const timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { // Short case "z": case "zz": case "zzz": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":"); // Long case "zzzz": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Seconds timestamp t: function (date, token, _localize) { const timestamp = Math.trunc(date.getTime() / 1000); return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length); }, // Milliseconds timestamp T: function (date, token, _localize) { const timestamp = date.getTime(); return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length); }, }; function formatTimezoneShort(offset, delimiter = "") { const sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; const absOffset = Math.abs(offset); const hours = Math.trunc(absOffset / 60); const minutes = absOffset % 60; if (minutes === 0) { return sign + String(hours); } return sign + String(hours) + delimiter + addLeadingZeros(minutes, 2); } function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(offset, delimiter) { if (offset % 60 === 0) { const sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; return sign + addLeadingZeros(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2); } return formatTimezone(offset, delimiter); } function formatTimezone(offset, delimiter = "") { const sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; const absOffset = Math.abs(offset); const hours = addLeadingZeros(Math.trunc(absOffset / 60), 2); const minutes = addLeadingZeros(absOffset % 60, 2); return sign + hours + delimiter + minutes; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/_lib/format/longFormatters.mjs const dateLongFormatter = (pattern, formatLong) => { switch (pattern) { case "P": return{ width: "short" }); case "PP": return{ width: "medium" }); case "PPP": return{ width: "long" }); case "PPPP": default: return{ width: "full" }); } }; const timeLongFormatter = (pattern, formatLong) => { switch (pattern) { case "p": return formatLong.time({ width: "short" }); case "pp": return formatLong.time({ width: "medium" }); case "ppp": return formatLong.time({ width: "long" }); case "pppp": default: return formatLong.time({ width: "full" }); } }; const dateTimeLongFormatter = (pattern, formatLong) => { const matchResult = pattern.match(/(P+)(p+)?/) || []; const datePattern = matchResult[1]; const timePattern = matchResult[2]; if (!timePattern) { return dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong); } let dateTimeFormat; switch (datePattern) { case "P": dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({ width: "short" }); break; case "PP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({ width: "medium" }); break; case "PPP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({ width: "long" }); break; case "PPPP": default: dateTimeFormat = formatLong.dateTime({ width: "full" }); break; } return dateTimeFormat .replace("{{date}}", dateLongFormatter(datePattern, formatLong)) .replace("{{time}}", timeLongFormatter(timePattern, formatLong)); }; const longFormatters = { p: timeLongFormatter, P: dateTimeLongFormatter, }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/_lib/protectedTokens.mjs const dayOfYearTokenRE = /^D+$/; const weekYearTokenRE = /^Y+$/; const throwTokens = ["D", "DD", "YY", "YYYY"]; function isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token) { return dayOfYearTokenRE.test(token); } function isProtectedWeekYearToken(token) { return weekYearTokenRE.test(token); } function warnOrThrowProtectedError(token, format, input) { const _message = message(token, format, input); console.warn(_message); if (throwTokens.includes(token)) throw new RangeError(_message); } function message(token, format, input) { const subject = token[0] === "Y" ? "years" : "days of the month"; return `Use \`${token.toLowerCase()}\` instead of \`${token}\` (in \`${format}\`) for formatting ${subject} to the input \`${input}\`; see:`; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/isDate.mjs /** * @name isDate * @category Common Helpers * @summary Is the given value a date? * * @description * Returns true if the given value is an instance of Date. The function works for dates transferred across iframes. * * @param value - The value to check * * @returns True if the given value is a date * * @example * // For a valid date: * const result = isDate(new Date()) * //=> true * * @example * // For an invalid date: * const result = isDate(new Date(NaN)) * //=> true * * @example * // For some value: * const result = isDate('2014-02-31') * //=> false * * @example * // For an object: * const result = isDate({}) * //=> false */ function isDate(value) { return ( value instanceof Date || (typeof value === "object" && === "[object Date]") ); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_isDate = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (isDate))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/isValid.mjs /** * @name isValid * @category Common Helpers * @summary Is the given date valid? * * @description * Returns false if argument is Invalid Date and true otherwise. * Argument is converted to Date using `toDate`. See [toDate]( * Invalid Date is a Date, whose time value is NaN. * * Time value of Date: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to check * * @returns The date is valid * * @example * // For the valid date: * const result = isValid(new Date(2014, 1, 31)) * //=> true * * @example * // For the value, convertable into a date: * const result = isValid(1393804800000) * //=> true * * @example * // For the invalid date: * const result = isValid(new Date('')) * //=> false */ function isValid(date) { if (!isDate(date) && typeof date !== "number") { return false; } const _date = toDate_toDate(date); return !isNaN(Number(_date)); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_isValid = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (isValid))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/format.mjs // Rexports of internal for libraries to use. // See: // This RegExp consists of three parts separated by `|`: // - [yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o matches any available ordinal number token // (one of the certain letters followed by `o`) // - (\w)\1* matches any sequences of the same letter // - '' matches two quote characters in a row // - '(''|[^'])+('|$) matches anything surrounded by two quote characters ('), // except a single quote symbol, which ends the sequence. // Two quote characters do not end the sequence. // If there is no matching single quote // then the sequence will continue until the end of the string. // - . matches any single character unmatched by previous parts of the RegExps const formattingTokensRegExp = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; // This RegExp catches symbols escaped by quotes, and also // sequences of symbols P, p, and the combinations like `PPPPPPPppppp` const longFormattingTokensRegExp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; const escapedStringRegExp = /^'([^]*?)'?$/; const doubleQuoteRegExp = /''/g; const unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp = /[a-zA-Z]/; /** * The {@link format} function options. */ /** * @name format * @alias formatDate * @category Common Helpers * @summary Format the date. * * @description * Return the formatted date string in the given format. The result may vary by locale. * * > ⚠️ Please note that the `format` tokens differ from Moment.js and other libraries. * > See: * * The characters wrapped between two single quotes characters (') are escaped. * Two single quotes in a row, whether inside or outside a quoted sequence, represent a 'real' single quote. * (see the last example) * * Format of the string is based on Unicode Technical Standard #35: * * with a few additions (see note 7 below the table). * * Accepted patterns: * | Unit | Pattern | Result examples | Notes | * |---------------------------------|---------|-----------------------------------|-------| * | Era | G..GGG | AD, BC | | * | | GGGG | Anno Domini, Before Christ | 2 | * | | GGGGG | A, B | | * | Calendar year | y | 44, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | yo | 44th, 1st, 0th, 17th | 5,7 | * | | yy | 44, 01, 00, 17 | 5 | * | | yyy | 044, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | yyyy | 0044, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | yyyyy | ... | 3,5 | * | Local week-numbering year | Y | 44, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | Yo | 44th, 1st, 1900th, 2017th | 5,7 | * | | YY | 44, 01, 00, 17 | 5,8 | * | | YYY | 044, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | YYYY | 0044, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5,8 | * | | YYYYY | ... | 3,5 | * | ISO week-numbering year | R | -43, 0, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 | * | | RR | -43, 00, 01, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 | * | | RRR | -043, 000, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 | * | | RRRR | -0043, 0000, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5,7 | * | | RRRRR | ... | 3,5,7 | * | Extended year | u | -43, 0, 1, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | uu | -43, 01, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | uuu | -043, 001, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | uuuu | -0043, 0001, 1900, 2017 | 5 | * | | uuuuu | ... | 3,5 | * | Quarter (formatting) | Q | 1, 2, 3, 4 | | * | | Qo | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th | 7 | * | | QQ | 01, 02, 03, 04 | | * | | QQQ | Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 | | * | | QQQQ | 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ... | 2 | * | | QQQQQ | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 4 | * | Quarter (stand-alone) | q | 1, 2, 3, 4 | | * | | qo | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th | 7 | * | | qq | 01, 02, 03, 04 | | * | | qqq | Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 | | * | | qqqq | 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, ... | 2 | * | | qqqqq | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 4 | * | Month (formatting) | M | 1, 2, ..., 12 | | * | | Mo | 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th | 7 | * | | MM | 01, 02, ..., 12 | | * | | MMM | Jan, Feb, ..., Dec | | * | | MMMM | January, February, ..., December | 2 | * | | MMMMM | J, F, ..., D | | * | Month (stand-alone) | L | 1, 2, ..., 12 | | * | | Lo | 1st, 2nd, ..., 12th | 7 | * | | LL | 01, 02, ..., 12 | | * | | LLL | Jan, Feb, ..., Dec | | * | | LLLL | January, February, ..., December | 2 | * | | LLLLL | J, F, ..., D | | * | Local week of year | w | 1, 2, ..., 53 | | * | | wo | 1st, 2nd, ..., 53th | 7 | * | | ww | 01, 02, ..., 53 | | * | ISO week of year | I | 1, 2, ..., 53 | 7 | * | | Io | 1st, 2nd, ..., 53th | 7 | * | | II | 01, 02, ..., 53 | 7 | * | Day of month | d | 1, 2, ..., 31 | | * | | do | 1st, 2nd, ..., 31st | 7 | * | | dd | 01, 02, ..., 31 | | * | Day of year | D | 1, 2, ..., 365, 366 | 9 | * | | Do | 1st, 2nd, ..., 365th, 366th | 7 | * | | DD | 01, 02, ..., 365, 366 | 9 | * | | DDD | 001, 002, ..., 365, 366 | | * | | DDDD | ... | 3 | * | Day of week (formatting) | E..EEE | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | | * | | EEEE | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2 | * | | EEEEE | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | | * | | EEEEEE | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | | * | ISO day of week (formatting) | i | 1, 2, 3, ..., 7 | 7 | * | | io | 1st, 2nd, ..., 7th | 7 | * | | ii | 01, 02, ..., 07 | 7 | * | | iii | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | 7 | * | | iiii | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2,7 | * | | iiiii | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | 7 | * | | iiiiii | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | 7 | * | Local day of week (formatting) | e | 2, 3, 4, ..., 1 | | * | | eo | 2nd, 3rd, ..., 1st | 7 | * | | ee | 02, 03, ..., 01 | | * | | eee | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | | * | | eeee | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2 | * | | eeeee | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | | * | | eeeeee | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | | * | Local day of week (stand-alone) | c | 2, 3, 4, ..., 1 | | * | | co | 2nd, 3rd, ..., 1st | 7 | * | | cc | 02, 03, ..., 01 | | * | | ccc | Mon, Tue, Wed, ..., Sun | | * | | cccc | Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday | 2 | * | | ccccc | M, T, W, T, F, S, S | | * | | cccccc | Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su | | * | AM, PM | a..aa | AM, PM | | * | | aaa | am, pm | | * | | aaaa | a.m., p.m. | 2 | * | | aaaaa | a, p | | * | AM, PM, noon, midnight | | AM, PM, noon, midnight | | * | | bbb | am, pm, noon, midnight | | * | | bbbb | a.m., p.m., noon, midnight | 2 | * | | bbbbb | a, p, n, mi | | * | Flexible day period | B..BBB | at night, in the morning, ... | | * | | BBBB | at night, in the morning, ... | 2 | * | | BBBBB | at night, in the morning, ... | | * | Hour [1-12] | h | 1, 2, ..., 11, 12 | | * | | ho | 1st, 2nd, ..., 11th, 12th | 7 | * | | hh | 01, 02, ..., 11, 12 | | * | Hour [0-23] | H | 0, 1, 2, ..., 23 | | * | | Ho | 0th, 1st, 2nd, ..., 23rd | 7 | * | | HH | 00, 01, 02, ..., 23 | | * | Hour [0-11] | K | 1, 2, ..., 11, 0 | | * | | Ko | 1st, 2nd, ..., 11th, 0th | 7 | * | | KK | 01, 02, ..., 11, 00 | | * | Hour [1-24] | k | 24, 1, 2, ..., 23 | | * | | ko | 24th, 1st, 2nd, ..., 23rd | 7 | * | | kk | 24, 01, 02, ..., 23 | | * | Minute | m | 0, 1, ..., 59 | | * | | mo | 0th, 1st, ..., 59th | 7 | * | | mm | 00, 01, ..., 59 | | * | Second | s | 0, 1, ..., 59 | | * | | so | 0th, 1st, ..., 59th | 7 | * | | ss | 00, 01, ..., 59 | | * | Fraction of second | S | 0, 1, ..., 9 | | * | | SS | 00, 01, ..., 99 | | * | | SSS | 000, 001, ..., 999 | | * | | SSSS | ... | 3 | * | Timezone (ISO-8601 w/ Z) | X | -08, +0530, Z | | * | | XX | -0800, +0530, Z | | * | | XXX | -08:00, +05:30, Z | | * | | XXXX | -0800, +0530, Z, +123456 | 2 | * | | XXXXX | -08:00, +05:30, Z, +12:34:56 | | * | Timezone (ISO-8601 w/o Z) | x | -08, +0530, +00 | | * | | xx | -0800, +0530, +0000 | | * | | xxx | -08:00, +05:30, +00:00 | 2 | * | | xxxx | -0800, +0530, +0000, +123456 | | * | | xxxxx | -08:00, +05:30, +00:00, +12:34:56 | | * | Timezone (GMT) | O...OOO | GMT-8, GMT+5:30, GMT+0 | | * | | OOOO | GMT-08:00, GMT+05:30, GMT+00:00 | 2 | * | Timezone (specific non-locat.) | z...zzz | GMT-8, GMT+5:30, GMT+0 | 6 | * | | zzzz | GMT-08:00, GMT+05:30, GMT+00:00 | 2,6 | * | Seconds timestamp | t | 512969520 | 7 | * | | tt | ... | 3,7 | * | Milliseconds timestamp | T | 512969520900 | 7 | * | | TT | ... | 3,7 | * | Long localized date | P | 04/29/1453 | 7 | * | | PP | Apr 29, 1453 | 7 | * | | PPP | April 29th, 1453 | 7 | * | | PPPP | Friday, April 29th, 1453 | 2,7 | * | Long localized time | p | 12:00 AM | 7 | * | | pp | 12:00:00 AM | 7 | * | | ppp | 12:00:00 AM GMT+2 | 7 | * | | pppp | 12:00:00 AM GMT+02:00 | 2,7 | * | Combination of date and time | Pp | 04/29/1453, 12:00 AM | 7 | * | | PPpp | Apr 29, 1453, 12:00:00 AM | 7 | * | | PPPppp | April 29th, 1453 at ... | 7 | * | | PPPPpppp| Friday, April 29th, 1453 at ... | 2,7 | * Notes: * 1. "Formatting" units (e.g. formatting quarter) in the default en-US locale * are the same as "stand-alone" units, but are different in some languages. * "Formatting" units are declined according to the rules of the language * in the context of a date. "Stand-alone" units are always nominative singular: * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'do LLLL', {locale: cs}) //=> '6. listopad'` * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'do MMMM', {locale: cs}) //=> '6. listopadu'` * * 2. Any sequence of the identical letters is a pattern, unless it is escaped by * the single quote characters (see below). * If the sequence is longer than listed in table (e.g. `EEEEEEEEEEE`) * the output will be the same as default pattern for this unit, usually * the longest one (in case of ISO weekdays, `EEEE`). Default patterns for units * are marked with "2" in the last column of the table. * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMM') //=> 'Nov'` * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMM') //=> 'November'` * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMMM') //=> 'N'` * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMMMM') //=> 'November'` * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'MMMMMMM') //=> 'November'` * * 3. Some patterns could be unlimited length (such as `yyyyyyyy`). * The output will be padded with zeros to match the length of the pattern. * * `format(new Date(2017, 10, 6), 'yyyyyyyy') //=> '00002017'` * * 4. `QQQQQ` and `qqqqq` could be not strictly numerical in some locales. * These tokens represent the shortest form of the quarter. * * 5. The main difference between `y` and `u` patterns are B.C. years: * * | Year | `y` | `u` | * |------|-----|-----| * | AC 1 | 1 | 1 | * | BC 1 | 1 | 0 | * | BC 2 | 2 | -1 | * * Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year, * while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged: * * | Year | `yy` | `uu` | * |------|------|------| * | 1 | 01 | 01 | * | 14 | 14 | 14 | * | 376 | 76 | 376 | * | 1453 | 53 | 1453 | * * The same difference is true for local and ISO week-numbering years (`Y` and `R`), * except local week-numbering years are dependent on `options.weekStartsOn` * and `options.firstWeekContainsDate` (compare [getISOWeekYear]( * and [getWeekYear]( * * 6. Specific non-location timezones are currently unavailable in `date-fns`, * so right now these tokens fall back to GMT timezones. * * 7. These patterns are not in the Unicode Technical Standard #35: * - `i`: ISO day of week * - `I`: ISO week of year * - `R`: ISO week-numbering year * - `t`: seconds timestamp * - `T`: milliseconds timestamp * - `o`: ordinal number modifier * - `P`: long localized date * - `p`: long localized time * * 8. `YY` and `YYYY` tokens represent week-numbering years but they are often confused with years. * You should enable `options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens` to use them. See: * * 9. `D` and `DD` tokens represent days of the year but they are often confused with days of the month. * You should enable `options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens` to use them. See: * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * @param format - The string of tokens * @param options - An object with options * * @returns The formatted date string * * @throws `date` must not be Invalid Date * @throws `options.locale` must contain `localize` property * @throws `options.locale` must contain `formatLong` property * @throws use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` for formatting years using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: * @throws use `yy` instead of `YY` for formatting years using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: * @throws use `d` instead of `D` for formatting days of the month using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: * @throws use `dd` instead of `DD` for formatting days of the month using [format provided] to the input [input provided]; see: * @throws format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character * * @example * // Represent 11 February 2014 in middle-endian format: * const result = format(new Date(2014, 1, 11), 'MM/dd/yyyy') * //=> '02/11/2014' * * @example * // Represent 2 July 2014 in Esperanto: * import { eoLocale } from 'date-fns/locale/eo' * const result = format(new Date(2014, 6, 2), "do 'de' MMMM yyyy", { * locale: eoLocale * }) * //=> '2-a de julio 2014' * * @example * // Escape string by single quote characters: * const result = format(new Date(2014, 6, 2, 15), "h 'o''clock'") * //=> "3 o'clock" */ function format(date, formatStr, options) { const defaultOptions = defaultOptions_getDefaultOptions(); const locale = options?.locale ?? defaultOptions.locale ?? enUS; const firstWeekContainsDate = options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? options?.locale?.options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? defaultOptions.firstWeekContainsDate ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.firstWeekContainsDate ?? 1; const weekStartsOn = options?.weekStartsOn ?? options?.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? 0; const originalDate = toDate_toDate(date); if (!isValid(originalDate)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); } let parts = formatStr .match(longFormattingTokensRegExp) .map((substring) => { const firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") { const longFormatter = longFormatters[firstCharacter]; return longFormatter(substring, locale.formatLong); } return substring; }) .join("") .match(formattingTokensRegExp) .map((substring) => { // Replace two single quote characters with one single quote character if (substring === "''") { return { isToken: false, value: "'" }; } const firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "'") { return { isToken: false, value: cleanEscapedString(substring) }; } if (formatters[firstCharacter]) { return { isToken: true, value: substring }; } if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp)) { throw new RangeError( "Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`", ); } return { isToken: false, value: substring }; }); // invoke localize preprocessor (only for french locales at the moment) if (locale.localize.preprocessor) { parts = locale.localize.preprocessor(originalDate, parts); } const formatterOptions = { firstWeekContainsDate, weekStartsOn, locale, }; return parts .map((part) => { if (!part.isToken) return part.value; const token = part.value; if ( (!options?.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens && isProtectedWeekYearToken(token)) || (!options?.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens && isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token)) ) { warnOrThrowProtectedError(token, formatStr, String(date)); } const formatter = formatters[token[0]]; return formatter(originalDate, token, locale.localize, formatterOptions); }) .join(""); } function cleanEscapedString(input) { const matched = input.match(escapedStringRegExp); if (!matched) { return input; } return matched[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp, "'"); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_format = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (format))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/isSameMonth.mjs /** * @name isSameMonth * @category Month Helpers * @summary Are the given dates in the same month (and year)? * * @description * Are the given dates in the same month (and year)? * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param dateLeft - The first date to check * @param dateRight - The second date to check * * @returns The dates are in the same month (and year) * * @example * // Are 2 September 2014 and 25 September 2014 in the same month? * const result = isSameMonth(new Date(2014, 8, 2), new Date(2014, 8, 25)) * //=> true * * @example * // Are 2 September 2014 and 25 September 2015 in the same month? * const result = isSameMonth(new Date(2014, 8, 2), new Date(2015, 8, 25)) * //=> false */ function isSameMonth(dateLeft, dateRight) { const _dateLeft = toDate_toDate(dateLeft); const _dateRight = toDate_toDate(dateRight); return ( _dateLeft.getFullYear() === _dateRight.getFullYear() && _dateLeft.getMonth() === _dateRight.getMonth() ); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_isSameMonth = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (isSameMonth))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/isEqual.mjs /** * @name isEqual * @category Common Helpers * @summary Are the given dates equal? * * @description * Are the given dates equal? * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param dateLeft - The first date to compare * @param dateRight - The second date to compare * * @returns The dates are equal * * @example * // Are 2 July 2014 06:30:45.000 and 2 July 2014 06:30:45.500 equal? * const result = isEqual( * new Date(2014, 6, 2, 6, 30, 45, 0), * new Date(2014, 6, 2, 6, 30, 45, 500) * ) * //=> false */ function isEqual_isEqual(leftDate, rightDate) { const _dateLeft = toDate_toDate(leftDate); const _dateRight = toDate_toDate(rightDate); return +_dateLeft === +_dateRight; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_isEqual = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (isEqual_isEqual))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/isSameDay.mjs /** * @name isSameDay * @category Day Helpers * @summary Are the given dates in the same day (and year and month)? * * @description * Are the given dates in the same day (and year and month)? * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param dateLeft - The first date to check * @param dateRight - The second date to check * @returns The dates are in the same day (and year and month) * * @example * // Are 4 September 06:00:00 and 4 September 18:00:00 in the same day? * const result = isSameDay(new Date(2014, 8, 4, 6, 0), new Date(2014, 8, 4, 18, 0)) * //=> true * * @example * // Are 4 September and 4 October in the same day? * const result = isSameDay(new Date(2014, 8, 4), new Date(2014, 9, 4)) * //=> false * * @example * // Are 4 September, 2014 and 4 September, 2015 in the same day? * const result = isSameDay(new Date(2014, 8, 4), new Date(2015, 8, 4)) * //=> false */ function isSameDay(dateLeft, dateRight) { const dateLeftStartOfDay = startOfDay_startOfDay(dateLeft); const dateRightStartOfDay = startOfDay_startOfDay(dateRight); return +dateLeftStartOfDay === +dateRightStartOfDay; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_isSameDay = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (isSameDay))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/addDays.mjs /** * @name addDays * @category Day Helpers * @summary Add the specified number of days to the given date. * * @description * Add the specified number of days to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of days to be added. * * @returns The new date with the days added * * @example * // Add 10 days to 1 September 2014: * const result = addDays(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 10) * //=> Thu Sep 11 2014 00:00:00 */ function addDays_addDays(date, amount) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); if (isNaN(amount)) return constructFrom_constructFrom(date, NaN); if (!amount) { // If 0 days, no-op to avoid changing times in the hour before end of DST return _date; } _date.setDate(_date.getDate() + amount); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_addDays = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (addDays_addDays))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/addWeeks.mjs /** * @name addWeeks * @category Week Helpers * @summary Add the specified number of weeks to the given date. * * @description * Add the specified number of week to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of weeks to be added. * * @returns The new date with the weeks added * * @example * // Add 4 weeks to 1 September 2014: * const result = addWeeks(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 4) * //=> Mon Sep 29 2014 00:00:00 */ function addWeeks_addWeeks(date, amount) { const days = amount * 7; return addDays_addDays(date, days); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_addWeeks = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (addWeeks_addWeeks))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/subWeeks.mjs /** * @name subWeeks * @category Week Helpers * @summary Subtract the specified number of weeks from the given date. * * @description * Subtract the specified number of weeks from the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param amount - The amount of weeks to be subtracted. * * @returns The new date with the weeks subtracted * * @example * // Subtract 4 weeks from 1 September 2014: * const result = subWeeks(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 4) * //=> Mon Aug 04 2014 00:00:00 */ function subWeeks(date, amount) { return addWeeks_addWeeks(date, -amount); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_subWeeks = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (subWeeks))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/endOfWeek.mjs /** * The {@link endOfWeek} function options. */ /** * @name endOfWeek * @category Week Helpers * @summary Return the end of a week for the given date. * * @description * Return the end of a week for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * @param options - An object with options * * @returns The end of a week * * @example * // The end of a week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = endOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0)) * //=> Sat Sep 06 2014 23:59:59.999 * * @example * // If the week starts on Monday, the end of the week for 2 September 2014 11:55:00: * const result = endOfWeek(new Date(2014, 8, 2, 11, 55, 0), { weekStartsOn: 1 }) * //=> Sun Sep 07 2014 23:59:59.999 */ function endOfWeek_endOfWeek(date, options) { const defaultOptions = defaultOptions_getDefaultOptions(); const weekStartsOn = options?.weekStartsOn ?? options?.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.weekStartsOn ?? defaultOptions.locale?.options?.weekStartsOn ?? 0; const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const day = _date.getDay(); const diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? -7 : 0) + 6 - (day - weekStartsOn); _date.setDate(_date.getDate() + diff); _date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_endOfWeek = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (endOfWeek_endOfWeek))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/arrow-right.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const arrowRight = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "m14.5 6.5-1 1 3.7 3.7H4v1.6h13.2l-3.7 3.7 1 1 5.6-5.5z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const arrow_right = (arrowRight); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/arrow-left.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const arrowLeft = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M20 11.2H6.8l3.7-3.7-1-1L3.9 12l5.6 5.5 1-1-3.7-3.7H20z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const arrow_left = (arrowLeft); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","date"] const external_wp_date_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["date"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/date/styles.js function date_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const styles_Wrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e105ri6r5" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1khn195", styles: "box-sizing:border-box" } : 0); const Navigator = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(h_stack_component, true ? { target: "e105ri6r4" } : 0)("margin-bottom:", space(4), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const NavigatorHeading = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(heading_component, true ? { target: "e105ri6r3" } : 0)("font-size:", config_values.fontSize, ";font-weight:", config_values.fontWeight, ";strong{font-weight:", config_values.fontWeightHeading, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const Calendar = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e105ri6r2" } : 0)("column-gap:", space(2), ";display:grid;grid-template-columns:0.5fr repeat( 5, 1fr ) 0.5fr;justify-items:center;row-gap:", space(2), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const DayOfWeek = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e105ri6r1" } : 0)("color:", COLORS.gray[700], ";font-size:", config_values.fontSize, ";line-height:", config_values.fontLineHeightBase, ";&:nth-of-type( 1 ){justify-self:start;}&:nth-of-type( 7 ){justify-self:end;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const DayButton = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { shouldForwardProp: prop => !['column', 'isSelected', 'isToday', 'hasEvents'].includes(prop), target: "e105ri6r0" } : 0)("grid-column:", props => props.column, ";position:relative;justify-content:center;", props => props.column === 1 && ` justify-self: start; `, " ", props => props.column === 7 && ` justify-self: end; `, " ", props => props.disabled && ` pointer-events: none; `, " &&&{border-radius:100%;height:", space(7), ";width:", space(7), ";", props => props.isSelected && ` background: ${COLORS.theme.accent}; color: ${COLORS.white}; `, " ", props => !props.isSelected && props.isToday && ` background: ${COLORS.gray[200]}; `, ";}", props => props.hasEvents && ` ::before { background: ${props.isSelected ? COLORS.white : COLORS.theme.accent}; border-radius: 2px; bottom: 2px; content: " "; height: 4px; left: 50%; margin-left: -2px; position: absolute; width: 4px; } `, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Like date-fn's toDate, but tries to guess the format when a string is * given. * * @param input Value to turn into a date. */ function inputToDate(input) { if (typeof input === 'string') { return new Date(input); } return toDate_toDate(input); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/constants.js const TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/date/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * DatePicker is a React component that renders a calendar for date selection. * * ```jsx * import { DatePicker } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyDatePicker = () => { * const [ date, setDate ] = useState( new Date() ); * * return ( * <DatePicker * currentDate={ date } * onChange={ ( newDate ) => setDate( newDate ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function DatePicker({ currentDate, onChange, events = [], isInvalidDate, onMonthPreviewed, startOfWeek: weekStartsOn = 0 }) { const date = currentDate ? inputToDate(currentDate) : new Date(); const { calendar, viewing, setSelected, setViewing, isSelected, viewPreviousMonth, viewNextMonth } = useLilius({ selected: [startOfDay_startOfDay(date)], viewing: startOfDay_startOfDay(date), weekStartsOn }); // Used to implement a roving tab index. Tracks the day that receives focus // when the user tabs into the calendar. const [focusable, setFocusable] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(startOfDay_startOfDay(date)); // Allows us to only programmatically focus() a day when focus was already // within the calendar. This stops us stealing focus from e.g. a TimePicker // input. const [isFocusWithinCalendar, setIsFocusWithinCalendar] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); // Update internal state when currentDate prop changes. const [prevCurrentDate, setPrevCurrentDate] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(currentDate); if (currentDate !== prevCurrentDate) { setPrevCurrentDate(currentDate); setSelected([startOfDay_startOfDay(date)]); setViewing(startOfDay_startOfDay(date)); setFocusable(startOfDay_startOfDay(date)); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(styles_Wrapper, { className: "components-datetime__date", role: "application", "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Calendar'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Navigator, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { icon: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? arrow_right : arrow_left, variant: "tertiary", "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('View previous month'), onClick: () => { viewPreviousMonth(); setFocusable(subMonths_subMonths(focusable, 1)); onMonthPreviewed?.(format(subMonths_subMonths(viewing, 1), TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT)); } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(NavigatorHeading, { level: 3, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("strong", { children: (0,external_wp_date_namespaceObject.dateI18n)('F', viewing, -viewing.getTimezoneOffset()) }), ' ', (0,external_wp_date_namespaceObject.dateI18n)('Y', viewing, -viewing.getTimezoneOffset())] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { icon: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? arrow_left : arrow_right, variant: "tertiary", "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('View next month'), onClick: () => { viewNextMonth(); setFocusable(addMonths_addMonths(focusable, 1)); onMonthPreviewed?.(format(addMonths_addMonths(viewing, 1), TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT)); } })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Calendar, { onFocus: () => setIsFocusWithinCalendar(true), onBlur: () => setIsFocusWithinCalendar(false), children: [calendar[0][0].map(day => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DayOfWeek, { children: (0,external_wp_date_namespaceObject.dateI18n)('D', day, -day.getTimezoneOffset()) }, day.toString())), calendar[0].map(week =>, index) => { if (!isSameMonth(day, viewing)) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(date_Day, { day: day, column: index + 1, isSelected: isSelected(day), isFocusable: isEqual_isEqual(day, focusable), isFocusAllowed: isFocusWithinCalendar, isToday: isSameDay(day, new Date()), isInvalid: isInvalidDate ? isInvalidDate(day) : false, numEvents: events.filter(event => isSameDay(, day)).length, onClick: () => { setSelected([day]); setFocusable(day); onChange?.(format( // Don't change the selected date's time fields. new Date(day.getFullYear(), day.getMonth(), day.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()), TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT)); }, onKeyDown: event => { let nextFocusable; if (event.key === 'ArrowLeft') { nextFocusable = addDays_addDays(day, (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 1 : -1); } if (event.key === 'ArrowRight') { nextFocusable = addDays_addDays(day, (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? -1 : 1); } if (event.key === 'ArrowUp') { nextFocusable = subWeeks(day, 1); } if (event.key === 'ArrowDown') { nextFocusable = addWeeks_addWeeks(day, 1); } if (event.key === 'PageUp') { nextFocusable = subMonths_subMonths(day, 1); } if (event.key === 'PageDown') { nextFocusable = addMonths_addMonths(day, 1); } if (event.key === 'Home') { nextFocusable = startOfWeek_startOfWeek(day); } if (event.key === 'End') { nextFocusable = startOfDay_startOfDay(endOfWeek_endOfWeek(day)); } if (nextFocusable) { event.preventDefault(); setFocusable(nextFocusable); if (!isSameMonth(nextFocusable, viewing)) { setViewing(nextFocusable); onMonthPreviewed?.(format(nextFocusable, TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT)); } } } }, day.toString()); }))] })] }); } function date_Day({ day, column, isSelected, isFocusable, isFocusAllowed, isToday, isInvalid, numEvents, onClick, onKeyDown }) { const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); // Focus the day when it becomes focusable, e.g. because an arrow key is // pressed. Only do this if focus is allowed - this stops us stealing focus // from e.g. a TimePicker input. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (ref.current && isFocusable && isFocusAllowed) { ref.current.focus(); } // isFocusAllowed is not a dep as there is no point calling focus() on // an already focused element. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [isFocusable]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DayButton, { ref: ref, className: "components-datetime__date__day" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , disabled: isInvalid, tabIndex: isFocusable ? 0 : -1, "aria-label": getDayLabel(day, isSelected, numEvents), column: column, isSelected: isSelected, isToday: isToday, hasEvents: numEvents > 0, onClick: onClick, onKeyDown: onKeyDown, children: (0,external_wp_date_namespaceObject.dateI18n)('j', day, -day.getTimezoneOffset()) }); } function getDayLabel(date, isSelected, numEvents) { const { formats } = (0,external_wp_date_namespaceObject.getSettings)(); const localizedDate = (0,external_wp_date_namespaceObject.dateI18n)(, date, -date.getTimezoneOffset()); if (isSelected && numEvents > 0) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: 1: The calendar date. 2: Number of events on the calendar date. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('%1$s. Selected. There is %2$d event', '%1$s. Selected. There are %2$d events', numEvents), localizedDate, numEvents); } else if (isSelected) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The calendar date. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s. Selected'), localizedDate); } else if (numEvents > 0) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: 1: The calendar date. 2: Number of events on the calendar date. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('%1$s. There is %2$d event', '%1$s. There are %2$d events', numEvents), localizedDate, numEvents); } return localizedDate; } /* harmony default export */ const date = (DatePicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/startOfMinute.mjs /** * @name startOfMinute * @category Minute Helpers * @summary Return the start of a minute for the given date. * * @description * Return the start of a minute for the given date. * The result will be in the local timezone. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The original date * * @returns The start of a minute * * @example * // The start of a minute for 1 December 2014 22:15:45.400: * const result = startOfMinute(new Date(2014, 11, 1, 22, 15, 45, 400)) * //=> Mon Dec 01 2014 22:15:00 */ function startOfMinute(date) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); _date.setSeconds(0, 0); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_startOfMinute = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (startOfMinute))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/getDaysInMonth.mjs /** * @name getDaysInMonth * @category Month Helpers * @summary Get the number of days in a month of the given date. * * @description * Get the number of days in a month of the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The given date * * @returns The number of days in a month * * @example * // How many days are in February 2000? * const result = getDaysInMonth(new Date(2000, 1)) * //=> 29 */ function getDaysInMonth_getDaysInMonth(date) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const year = _date.getFullYear(); const monthIndex = _date.getMonth(); const lastDayOfMonth = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); lastDayOfMonth.setFullYear(year, monthIndex + 1, 0); lastDayOfMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return lastDayOfMonth.getDate(); } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_getDaysInMonth = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (getDaysInMonth_getDaysInMonth))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/setMonth.mjs /** * @name setMonth * @category Month Helpers * @summary Set the month to the given date. * * @description * Set the month to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param month - The month index to set (0-11) * * @returns The new date with the month set * * @example * // Set February to 1 September 2014: * const result = setMonth(new Date(2014, 8, 1), 1) * //=> Sat Feb 01 2014 00:00:00 */ function setMonth_setMonth(date, month) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); const year = _date.getFullYear(); const day = _date.getDate(); const dateWithDesiredMonth = constructFrom_constructFrom(date, 0); dateWithDesiredMonth.setFullYear(year, month, 15); dateWithDesiredMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth_getDaysInMonth(dateWithDesiredMonth); // Set the last day of the new month // if the original date was the last day of the longer month _date.setMonth(month, Math.min(day, daysInMonth)); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_setMonth = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (setMonth_setMonth))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/set.mjs /** * @name set * @category Common Helpers * @summary Set date values to a given date. * * @description * Set date values to a given date. * * Sets time values to date from object `values`. * A value is not set if it is undefined or null or doesn't exist in `values`. * * Note about bundle size: `set` does not internally use `setX` functions from date-fns but instead opts * to use native `Date#setX` methods. If you use this function, you may not want to include the * other `setX` functions that date-fns provides if you are concerned about the bundle size. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param values - The date values to be set * * @returns The new date with options set * * @example * // Transform 1 September 2014 into 20 October 2015 in a single line: * const result = set(new Date(2014, 8, 20), { year: 2015, month: 9, date: 20 }) * //=> Tue Oct 20 2015 00:00:00 * * @example * // Set 12 PM to 1 September 2014 01:23:45 to 1 September 2014 12:00:00: * const result = set(new Date(2014, 8, 1, 1, 23, 45), { hours: 12 }) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 12:23:45 */ function set_set(date, values) { let _date = toDate_toDate(date); // Check if date is Invalid Date because Date.prototype.setFullYear ignores the value of Invalid Date if (isNaN(+_date)) { return constructFrom_constructFrom(date, NaN); } if (values.year != null) { _date.setFullYear(values.year); } if (values.month != null) { _date = setMonth_setMonth(_date, values.month); } if ( != null) { _date.setDate(; } if (values.hours != null) { _date.setHours(values.hours); } if (values.minutes != null) { _date.setMinutes(values.minutes); } if (values.seconds != null) { _date.setSeconds(values.seconds); } if (values.milliseconds != null) { _date.setMilliseconds(values.milliseconds); } return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_set = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (set_set))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/date-fns/setHours.mjs /** * @name setHours * @category Hour Helpers * @summary Set the hours to the given date. * * @description * Set the hours to the given date. * * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`]( * * @param date - The date to be changed * @param hours - The hours of the new date * * @returns The new date with the hours set * * @example * // Set 4 hours to 1 September 2014 11:30:00: * const result = setHours(new Date(2014, 8, 1, 11, 30), 4) * //=> Mon Sep 01 2014 04:30:00 */ function setHours(date, hours) { const _date = toDate_toDate(date); _date.setHours(hours); return _date; } // Fallback for modularized imports: /* harmony default export */ const date_fns_setHours = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (setHours))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/time/styles.js function time_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const time_styles_Wrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "evcr2319" } : 0)("box-sizing:border-box;font-size:", config_values.fontSize, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const Fieldset = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("fieldset", true ? { target: "evcr2318" } : 0)("border:0;margin:0 0 ", space(2 * 2), " 0;padding:0;&:last-child{margin-bottom:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const TimeWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "evcr2317" } : 0)( true ? { name: "pd0mhc", styles: "direction:ltr;display:flex" } : 0); const baseInput = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("&&& ", Input, "{padding-left:", space(2), ";padding-right:", space(2), ";text-align:center;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const HoursInput = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(number_control, true ? { target: "evcr2316" } : 0)(baseInput, " width:", space(9), ";&&& ", Input, "{padding-right:0;}&&& ", BackdropUI, "{border-right:0;border-top-right-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const TimeSeparator = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "evcr2315" } : 0)("border-top:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid ", COLORS.gray[700], ";border-bottom:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid ", COLORS.gray[700], ";line-height:calc(\n\t\t", config_values.controlHeight, " - ", config_values.borderWidth, " * 2\n\t);display:inline-block;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const MinutesInput = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(number_control, true ? { target: "evcr2314" } : 0)(baseInput, " width:", space(9), ";&&& ", Input, "{padding-left:0;}&&& ", BackdropUI, "{border-left:0;border-top-left-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); // Ideally we wouldn't need a wrapper, but can't otherwise target the // <BaseControl> in <SelectControl> const MonthSelectWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "evcr2313" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1ff36h2", styles: "flex-grow:1" } : 0); const DayInput = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(number_control, true ? { target: "evcr2312" } : 0)(baseInput, " width:", space(9), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const YearInput = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(number_control, true ? { target: "evcr2311" } : 0)(baseInput, " width:", space(14), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const TimeZone = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "evcr2310" } : 0)( true ? { name: "ebu3jh", styles: "text-decoration:underline dotted" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/time/timezone.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Displays timezone information when user timezone is different from site * timezone. */ const timezone_TimeZone = () => { const { timezone } = (0,external_wp_date_namespaceObject.getSettings)(); // Convert timezone offset to hours. const userTimezoneOffset = -1 * (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60); // System timezone and user timezone match, nothing needed. // Compare as numbers because it comes over as string. if (Number(timezone.offset) === userTimezoneOffset) { return null; } const offsetSymbol = Number(timezone.offset) >= 0 ? '+' : ''; const zoneAbbr = '' !== timezone.abbr && isNaN(Number(timezone.abbr)) ? timezone.abbr : `UTC${offsetSymbol}${timezone.offsetFormatted}`; // Replace underscore with space in strings like `America/Costa_Rica`. const prettyTimezoneString = timezone.string.replace('_', ' '); const timezoneDetail = 'UTC' === timezone.string ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Coordinated Universal Time') : `(${zoneAbbr}) ${prettyTimezoneString}`; // When the prettyTimezoneString is empty, there is no additional timezone // detail information to show in a Tooltip. const hasNoAdditionalTimezoneDetail = prettyTimezoneString.trim().length === 0; return hasNoAdditionalTimezoneDetail ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TimeZone, { className: "components-datetime__timezone", children: zoneAbbr }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tooltip, { placement: "top", text: timezoneDetail, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TimeZone, { className: "components-datetime__timezone", children: zoneAbbr }) }); }; /* harmony default export */ const timezone = (timezone_TimeZone); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/time/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function from12hTo24h(hours, isPm) { return isPm ? (hours % 12 + 12) % 24 : hours % 12; } /** * Creates an InputControl reducer used to pad an input so that it is always a * given width. For example, the hours and minutes inputs are padded to 2 so * that '4' appears as '04'. * * @param pad How many digits the value should be. */ function buildPadInputStateReducer(pad) { return (state, action) => { const nextState = { ...state }; if (action.type === COMMIT || action.type === PRESS_UP || action.type === PRESS_DOWN) { if (nextState.value !== undefined) { nextState.value = nextState.value.toString().padStart(pad, '0'); } } return nextState; }; } /** * TimePicker is a React component that renders a clock for time selection. * * ```jsx * import { TimePicker } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyTimePicker = () => { * const [ time, setTime ] = useState( new Date() ); * * return ( * <TimePicker * currentTime={ date } * onChange={ ( newTime ) => setTime( newTime ) } * is12Hour * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function TimePicker({ is12Hour, currentTime, onChange }) { const [date, setDate] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(() => // Truncate the date at the minutes, see: #15495. currentTime ? startOfMinute(inputToDate(currentTime)) : new Date()); // Reset the state when currentTime changed. // TODO: useEffect() shouldn't be used like this, causes an unnecessary render (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { setDate(currentTime ? startOfMinute(inputToDate(currentTime)) : new Date()); }, [currentTime]); const { day, month, year, minutes, hours, am } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ day: format(date, 'dd'), month: format(date, 'MM'), year: format(date, 'yyyy'), minutes: format(date, 'mm'), hours: format(date, is12Hour ? 'hh' : 'HH'), am: format(date, 'a') }), [date, is12Hour]); const buildNumberControlChangeCallback = method => { const callback = (value, { event }) => { var _ownerDocument$defaul; // `instanceof` checks need to get the instance definition from the // corresponding window object — therefore, the following logic makes // the component work correctly even when rendered inside an iframe. const HTMLInputElementInstance = (_ownerDocument$defaul = !== null && _ownerDocument$defaul !== void 0 ? _ownerDocument$defaul : HTMLInputElement; if (!( instanceof HTMLInputElementInstance)) { return; } if (! { return; } // We can safely assume value is a number if target is valid. let numberValue = Number(value); // If the 12-hour format is being used and the 'PM' period is // selected, then the incoming value (which ranges 1-12) should be // increased by 12 to match the expected 24-hour format. if (method === 'hours' && is12Hour) { numberValue = from12hTo24h(numberValue, am === 'PM'); } const newDate = set_set(date, { [method]: numberValue }); setDate(newDate); onChange?.(format(newDate, TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT)); }; return callback; }; function buildAmPmChangeCallback(value) { return () => { if (am === value) { return; } const parsedHours = parseInt(hours, 10); const newDate = setHours(date, from12hTo24h(parsedHours, value === 'PM')); setDate(newDate); onChange?.(format(newDate, TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT)); }; } const dayField = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DayInput, { className: "components-datetime__time-field components-datetime__time-field-day" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Day'), hideLabelFromVision: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, value: day, step: 1, min: 1, max: 31, required: true, spinControls: "none", isPressEnterToChange: true, isDragEnabled: false, isShiftStepEnabled: false, onChange: buildNumberControlChangeCallback('date') }); const monthField = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MonthSelectWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(select_control, { className: "components-datetime__time-field components-datetime__time-field-month" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Month'), hideLabelFromVision: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, value: month, options: [{ value: '01', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('January') }, { value: '02', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('February') }, { value: '03', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('March') }, { value: '04', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('April') }, { value: '05', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('May') }, { value: '06', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('June') }, { value: '07', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('July') }, { value: '08', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('August') }, { value: '09', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('September') }, { value: '10', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('October') }, { value: '11', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('November') }, { value: '12', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('December') }], onChange: value => { const newDate = setMonth_setMonth(date, Number(value) - 1); setDate(newDate); onChange?.(format(newDate, TIMEZONELESS_FORMAT)); } }) }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(time_styles_Wrapper, { className: "components-datetime__time" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Fieldset, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control.VisualLabel, { as: "legend", className: "components-datetime__time-legend" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Time') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { className: "components-datetime__time-wrapper" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(TimeWrapper, { className: "components-datetime__time-field components-datetime__time-field-time" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HoursInput, { className: "components-datetime__time-field-hours-input" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Hours'), hideLabelFromVision: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, value: hours, step: 1, min: is12Hour ? 1 : 0, max: is12Hour ? 12 : 23, required: true, spinControls: "none", isPressEnterToChange: true, isDragEnabled: false, isShiftStepEnabled: false, onChange: buildNumberControlChangeCallback('hours'), __unstableStateReducer: buildPadInputStateReducer(2) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TimeSeparator, { className: "components-datetime__time-separator" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , "aria-hidden": "true", children: ":" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MinutesInput, { className: "components-datetime__time-field-minutes-input" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Minutes'), hideLabelFromVision: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, value: minutes, step: 1, min: 0, max: 59, required: true, spinControls: "none", isPressEnterToChange: true, isDragEnabled: false, isShiftStepEnabled: false, onChange: buildNumberControlChangeCallback('minutes'), __unstableStateReducer: buildPadInputStateReducer(2) })] }), is12Hour && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(button_group, { className: "components-datetime__time-field components-datetime__time-field-am-pm" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-datetime__time-am-button" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , variant: am === 'AM' ? 'primary' : 'secondary', __next40pxDefaultSize: true, onClick: buildAmPmChangeCallback('AM'), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('AM') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-datetime__time-pm-button" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , variant: am === 'PM' ? 'primary' : 'secondary', __next40pxDefaultSize: true, onClick: buildAmPmChangeCallback('PM'), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('PM') })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(timezone, {})] })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Fieldset, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control.VisualLabel, { as: "legend", className: "components-datetime__time-legend" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Date') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { className: "components-datetime__time-wrapper" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , children: [is12Hour ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [monthField, dayField] }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [dayField, monthField] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(YearInput, { className: "components-datetime__time-field components-datetime__time-field-year" // Unused, for backwards compatibility. , label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Year'), hideLabelFromVision: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, value: year, step: 1, min: 1, max: 9999, required: true, spinControls: "none", isPressEnterToChange: true, isDragEnabled: false, isShiftStepEnabled: false, onChange: buildNumberControlChangeCallback('year'), __unstableStateReducer: buildPadInputStateReducer(4) })] })] })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const date_time_time = (TimePicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/date-time/styles.js function date_time_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const date_time_styles_Wrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(v_stack_component, true ? { target: "e1p5onf00" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1khn195", styles: "box-sizing:border-box" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/date-time/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const date_time_noop = () => {}; function UnforwardedDateTimePicker({ currentDate, is12Hour, isInvalidDate, onMonthPreviewed = date_time_noop, onChange, events, startOfWeek }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(date_time_styles_Wrapper, { ref: ref, className: "components-datetime", spacing: 4, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(date_time_time, { currentTime: currentDate, onChange: onChange, is12Hour: is12Hour }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(date, { currentDate: currentDate, onChange: onChange, isInvalidDate: isInvalidDate, events: events, onMonthPreviewed: onMonthPreviewed, startOfWeek: startOfWeek })] }) }); } /** * DateTimePicker is a React component that renders a calendar and clock for * date and time selection. The calendar and clock components can be accessed * individually using the `DatePicker` and `TimePicker` components respectively. * * ```jsx * import { DateTimePicker } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyDateTimePicker = () => { * const [ date, setDate ] = useState( new Date() ); * * return ( * <DateTimePicker * currentDate={ date } * onChange={ ( newDate ) => setDate( newDate ) } * is12Hour * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const DateTimePicker = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedDateTimePicker); /* harmony default export */ const date_time = (DateTimePicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/date-time/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /* harmony default export */ const build_module_date_time = (date_time); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dimension-control/sizes.js /** * Sizes * * defines the sizes used in dimension controls * all hardcoded `size` values are based on the value of * the Sass variable `$block-padding` from * `packages/block-editor/src/components/dimension-control/sizes.js`. */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Finds the correct size object from the provided sizes * table by size slug (eg: `medium`) * * @param sizes containing objects for each size definition. * @param slug a string representation of the size (eg: `medium`). */ const findSizeBySlug = (sizes, slug) => sizes.find(size => slug === size.slug); /* harmony default export */ const dimension_control_sizes = ([{ name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('None', 'Size of a UI element'), slug: 'none' }, { name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Small', 'Size of a UI element'), slug: 'small' }, { name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Medium', 'Size of a UI element'), slug: 'medium' }, { name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Large', 'Size of a UI element'), slug: 'large' }, { name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Extra Large', 'Size of a UI element'), slug: 'xlarge' }]); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dimension-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * `DimensionControl` is a component designed to provide a UI to control spacing and/or dimensions. * * This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalDimensionControl as DimensionControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * export default function MyCustomDimensionControl() { * const [ paddingSize, setPaddingSize ] = useState( '' ); * * return ( * <DimensionControl * label={ 'Padding' } * icon={ 'desktop' } * onChange={ ( value ) => setPaddingSize( value ) } * value={ paddingSize } * /> * ); * } * ``` */ function DimensionControl(props) { const { __next40pxDefaultSize = false, label, value, sizes = dimension_control_sizes, icon, onChange, className = '' } = props; const onChangeSpacingSize = val => { const theSize = findSizeBySlug(sizes, val); if (!theSize || value === theSize.slug) { onChange?.(undefined); } else if (typeof onChange === 'function') { onChange(theSize.slug); } }; const formatSizesAsOptions = theSizes => { const options ={ name, slug }) => ({ label: name, value: slug })); return [{ label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Default'), value: '' }, ...options]; }; const selectLabel = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [icon && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: icon }), label] }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(select_control, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, className: dist_clsx(className, 'block-editor-dimension-control'), label: selectLabel, hideLabelFromVision: false, value: value, onChange: onChangeSpacingSize, options: formatSizesAsOptions(sizes) }); } /* harmony default export */ const dimension_control = (DimensionControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/disabled/styles/disabled-styles.js function disabled_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const disabled_styles_disabledStyles = true ? { name: "u2jump", styles: "position:relative;pointer-events:none;&::after{content:'';position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;}*{pointer-events:none;}" } : 0; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/disabled/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const Context = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(false); const { Consumer, Provider: disabled_Provider } = Context; /** * `Disabled` is a component which disables descendant tabbable elements and * prevents pointer interaction. * * _Note: this component may not behave as expected in browsers that don't * support the `inert` HTML attribute. We recommend adding the official WICG * polyfill when using this component in your project._ * * @see * * ```jsx * import { Button, Disabled, TextControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyDisabled = () => { * const [ isDisabled, setIsDisabled ] = useState( true ); * * let input = <TextControl label="Input" onChange={ () => {} } />; * if ( isDisabled ) { * input = <Disabled>{ input }</Disabled>; * } * * const toggleDisabled = () => { * setIsDisabled( ( state ) => ! state ); * }; * * return ( * <div> * { input } * <Button variant="primary" onClick={ toggleDisabled }> * Toggle Disabled * </Button> * </div> * ); * }; * ``` */ function Disabled({ className, children, isDisabled = true, ...props }) { const cx = useCx(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(disabled_Provider, { value: isDisabled, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { // @ts-ignore Reason: inert is a recent HTML attribute inert: isDisabled ? 'true' : undefined, className: isDisabled ? cx(disabled_styles_disabledStyles, className, 'components-disabled') : undefined, ...props, children: children }) }); } Disabled.Context = Context; Disabled.Consumer = Consumer; /* harmony default export */ const disabled = (Disabled); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/disclosure/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Accessible Disclosure component that controls visibility of a section of * content. It follows the WAI-ARIA Disclosure Pattern. */ const UnforwardedDisclosureContent = ({ visible, children, ...props }, ref) => { const disclosure = useDisclosureStore({ open: visible }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DisclosureContent, { store: disclosure, ref: ref, ...props, children: children }); }; const disclosure_DisclosureContent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedDisclosureContent); /* harmony default export */ const disclosure = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (disclosure_DisclosureContent))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/draggable/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const dragImageClass = 'components-draggable__invisible-drag-image'; const cloneWrapperClass = 'components-draggable__clone'; const clonePadding = 0; const bodyClass = 'is-dragging-components-draggable'; /** * `Draggable` is a Component that provides a way to set up a cross-browser * (including IE) customizable drag image and the transfer data for the drag * event. It decouples the drag handle and the element to drag: use it by * wrapping the component that will become the drag handle and providing the DOM * ID of the element to drag. * * Note that the drag handle needs to declare the `draggable="true"` property * and bind the `Draggable`s `onDraggableStart` and `onDraggableEnd` event * handlers to its own `onDragStart` and `onDragEnd` respectively. `Draggable` * takes care of the logic to setup the drag image and the transfer data, but is * not concerned with creating an actual DOM element that is draggable. * * ```jsx * import { Draggable, Panel, PanelBody } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { Icon, more } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * const MyDraggable = () => ( * <div id="draggable-panel"> * <Panel header="Draggable panel"> * <PanelBody> * <Draggable elementId="draggable-panel" transferData={ {} }> * { ( { onDraggableStart, onDraggableEnd } ) => ( * <div * className="example-drag-handle" * draggable * onDragStart={ onDraggableStart } * onDragEnd={ onDraggableEnd } * > * <Icon icon={ more } /> * </div> * ) } * </Draggable> * </PanelBody> * </Panel> * </div> * ); * ``` */ function Draggable({ children, onDragStart, onDragOver, onDragEnd, appendToOwnerDocument = false, cloneClassname, elementId, transferData, __experimentalTransferDataType: transferDataType = 'text', __experimentalDragComponent: dragComponent }) { const dragComponentRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const cleanup = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(() => {}); /** * Removes the element clone, resets cursor, and removes drag listener. * * @param event The non-custom DragEvent. */ function end(event) { event.preventDefault(); cleanup.current(); if (onDragEnd) { onDragEnd(event); } } /** * This method does a couple of things: * * - Clones the current element and spawns clone over original element. * - Adds a fake temporary drag image to avoid browser defaults. * - Sets transfer data. * - Adds dragover listener. * * @param event The non-custom DragEvent. */ function start(event) { const { ownerDocument } =; event.dataTransfer.setData(transferDataType, JSON.stringify(transferData)); const cloneWrapper = ownerDocument.createElement('div'); // Reset position to 0,0. Natural stacking order will position this lower, even with a transform otherwise. = '0'; = '0'; const dragImage = ownerDocument.createElement('div'); // Set a fake drag image to avoid browser defaults. Remove from DOM // right after. event.dataTransfer.setDragImage is not supported yet in // IE, we need to check for its existence first. if ('function' === typeof event.dataTransfer.setDragImage) { dragImage.classList.add(dragImageClass); ownerDocument.body.appendChild(dragImage); event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(dragImage, 0, 0); } cloneWrapper.classList.add(cloneWrapperClass); if (cloneClassname) { cloneWrapper.classList.add(cloneClassname); } let x = 0; let y = 0; // If a dragComponent is defined, the following logic will clone the // HTML node and inject it into the cloneWrapper. if (dragComponentRef.current) { // Position dragComponent at the same position as the cursor. x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; = `translate( ${x}px, ${y}px )`; const clonedDragComponent = ownerDocument.createElement('div'); clonedDragComponent.innerHTML = dragComponentRef.current.innerHTML; cloneWrapper.appendChild(clonedDragComponent); // Inject the cloneWrapper into the DOM. ownerDocument.body.appendChild(cloneWrapper); } else { const element = ownerDocument.getElementById(elementId); // Prepare element clone and append to element wrapper. const elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const elementWrapper = element.parentNode; const elementTopOffset =; const elementLeftOffset = elementRect.left; = `${elementRect.width + clonePadding * 2}px`; const clone = element.cloneNode(true); = `clone-${elementId}`; // Position clone right over the original element (20px padding). x = elementLeftOffset - clonePadding; y = elementTopOffset - clonePadding; = `translate( ${x}px, ${y}px )`; // Hack: Remove iFrames as it's causing the embeds drag clone to freeze. Array.from(clone.querySelectorAll('iframe')).forEach(child => child.parentNode?.removeChild(child)); cloneWrapper.appendChild(clone); // Inject the cloneWrapper into the DOM. if (appendToOwnerDocument) { ownerDocument.body.appendChild(cloneWrapper); } else { elementWrapper?.appendChild(cloneWrapper); } } // Mark the current cursor coordinates. let cursorLeft = event.clientX; let cursorTop = event.clientY; function over(e) { // Skip doing any work if mouse has not moved. if (cursorLeft === e.clientX && cursorTop === e.clientY) { return; } const nextX = x + e.clientX - cursorLeft; const nextY = y + e.clientY - cursorTop; = `translate( ${nextX}px, ${nextY}px )`; cursorLeft = e.clientX; cursorTop = e.clientY; x = nextX; y = nextY; if (onDragOver) { onDragOver(e); } } // Aim for 60fps (16 ms per frame) for now. We can potentially use requestAnimationFrame (raf) instead, // note that browsers may throttle raf below 60fps in certain conditions. // @ts-ignore const throttledDragOver = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.throttle)(over, 16); ownerDocument.addEventListener('dragover', throttledDragOver); // Update cursor to 'grabbing', document wide. ownerDocument.body.classList.add(bodyClass); if (onDragStart) { onDragStart(event); } cleanup.current = () => { // Remove drag clone. if (cloneWrapper && cloneWrapper.parentNode) { cloneWrapper.parentNode.removeChild(cloneWrapper); } if (dragImage && dragImage.parentNode) { dragImage.parentNode.removeChild(dragImage); } // Reset cursor. ownerDocument.body.classList.remove(bodyClass); ownerDocument.removeEventListener('dragover', throttledDragOver); }; } (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => () => { cleanup.current(); }, []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [children({ onDraggableStart: start, onDraggableEnd: end }), dragComponent && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-draggable-drag-component-root", style: { display: 'none' }, ref: dragComponentRef, children: dragComponent })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const draggable = (Draggable); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/upload.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const upload = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M18.5 15v3.5H13V6.7l4.5 4.1 1-1.1-6.2-5.8-5.8 5.8 1 1.1 4-4v11.7h-6V15H4v5h16v-5z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_upload = (upload); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/drop-zone/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const drop_zone_backdrop = { hidden: { opacity: 0 }, show: { opacity: 1, transition: { type: 'tween', duration: 0.2, delay: 0, delayChildren: 0.1 } }, exit: { opacity: 0, transition: { duration: 0.2, delayChildren: 0 } } }; const foreground = { hidden: { opacity: 0, scale: 0.9 }, show: { opacity: 1, scale: 1, transition: { duration: 0.1 } }, exit: { opacity: 0, scale: 0.9 } }; function DropIndicator({ label }) { const disableMotion = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useReducedMotion)(); const children = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(motion.div, { variants: drop_zone_backdrop, initial: disableMotion ? 'show' : 'hidden', animate: "show", exit: disableMotion ? 'show' : 'exit', className: "components-drop-zone__content" // Without this, when this div is shown, // Safari calls a onDropZoneLeave causing a loop because of this bug // , style: { pointerEvents: 'none' }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(motion.div, { variants: foreground, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_upload, className: "components-drop-zone__content-icon" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-drop-zone__content-text", children: label ? label : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Drop files to upload') })] }) }); if (disableMotion) { return children; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AnimatePresence, { children: children }); } /** * `DropZone` is a component creating a drop zone area taking the full size of its parent element. It supports dropping files, HTML content or any other HTML drop event. * * ```jsx * import { DropZone } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyDropZone = () => { * const [ hasDropped, setHasDropped ] = useState( false ); * * return ( * <div> * { hasDropped ? 'Dropped!' : 'Drop something here' } * <DropZone * onFilesDrop={ () => setHasDropped( true ) } * onHTMLDrop={ () => setHasDropped( true ) } * onDrop={ () => setHasDropped( true ) } * /> * </div> * ); * } * ``` */ function DropZoneComponent({ className, label, onFilesDrop, onHTMLDrop, onDrop, ...restProps }) { const [isDraggingOverDocument, setIsDraggingOverDocument] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const [isDraggingOverElement, setIsDraggingOverElement] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const [type, setType] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseDropZone)({ onDrop(event) { const files = event.dataTransfer ? (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.getFilesFromDataTransfer)(event.dataTransfer) : []; const html = event.dataTransfer?.getData('text/html'); /** * From Windows Chrome 96, the `event.dataTransfer` returns both file object and HTML. * The order of the checks is important to recognise the HTML drop. */ if (html && onHTMLDrop) { onHTMLDrop(html); } else if (files.length && onFilesDrop) { onFilesDrop(files); } else if (onDrop) { onDrop(event); } }, onDragStart(event) { setIsDraggingOverDocument(true); let _type = 'default'; /** * From Windows Chrome 96, the `event.dataTransfer` returns both file object and HTML. * The order of the checks is important to recognise the HTML drop. */ if (event.dataTransfer?.types.includes('text/html')) { _type = 'html'; } else if ( // Check for the types because sometimes the files themselves // are only available on drop. event.dataTransfer?.types.includes('Files') || (event.dataTransfer ? (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.getFilesFromDataTransfer)(event.dataTransfer) : []).length > 0) { _type = 'file'; } setType(_type); }, onDragEnd() { setIsDraggingOverDocument(false); setType(undefined); }, onDragEnter() { setIsDraggingOverElement(true); }, onDragLeave() { setIsDraggingOverElement(false); } }); const classes = dist_clsx('components-drop-zone', className, { 'is-active': (isDraggingOverDocument || isDraggingOverElement) && (type === 'file' && onFilesDrop || type === 'html' && onHTMLDrop || type === 'default' && onDrop), 'is-dragging-over-document': isDraggingOverDocument, 'is-dragging-over-element': isDraggingOverElement, [`is-dragging-${type}`]: !!type }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...restProps, ref: ref, className: classes, children: isDraggingOverElement && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DropIndicator, { label: label }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const drop_zone = (DropZoneComponent); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/drop-zone/provider.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function DropZoneProvider({ children }) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.DropZoneProvider', { since: '5.8', hint: 'wp.component.DropZone no longer needs a provider. wp.components.DropZoneProvider is safe to remove from your code.' }); return children; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/swatch.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const swatch = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M5 17.7c. 1.2 1.2l1.1-1.4c-.4-.3-.7-.6-1-1L5 17.7zM5 6.3l1.4 1.1c.3-.4.6-.7 1-1L6.3 5c-.5.4-.9.8-1.3 1.3zm.1 7.8l-1.7.5c.2.6.4 1.1.7 1.6l1.5-.8c-.2-.4-.4-.8-.5-1.3zM4.8 12v-.7L3 11.1v1.8l1.7-.2c.1-.2.1-.5.1-.7zm3 7.9c.5.3 1.1.5 1.6.7l.5-1.7c-.5-.1-.9-.3-1.3-.5l-.8 1.5zM19 6.3c-.4-.5-.8-.9-1.2-1.2l-1.1 1.4c. 1 1L19 6.3zm-.1 3.6l1.7-.5c-.2-.6-.4-1.1-.7-1.6l-1.5.8c. 1.3zM5.6 8.6l-1.5-.8c-.3.5-.5 1-.7 1.6l1.7.5c.1-.5.3-.9.5-1.3zm2.2-4.5l.8 1.5c.4-.2.8-.4 1.3-.5l-.5-1.7c-.6.2-1.1.4-1.6.7zm8.8 13.5l1.1 1.4c.5-.4.9-.8 1.2-1.2l-1.4-1.1c-.2.3-.5.6-.9.9zm1.8-2.2l1.5.8c.3-.5.5-1.1.7-1.6l-1.7-.5c-.1.5-.3.9-.5 1.3zm2.6-4.3l-1.7.2v1.4l1.7.2V12v-.9zM11.1 3l.2 1.7h1.4l.2-1.7h-1.8zm3 2.1c. 1.3.5l.8-1.5c-.5-.3-1.1-.5-1.6-.7l-.5 1.7zM12 19.2h-.7l-.2 1.8h1.8l-.2-1.7c-.2-.1-.5-.1-.7-.1zm2.1-.3l.5 1.7c.6-.2 1.1-.4 1.6-.7l-.8-1.5c-.4.2-.8.4-1.3.5z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_swatch = (swatch); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/duotone-picker/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ k([names]); /** * Object representation for a color. * * @typedef {Object} RGBColor * @property {number} r Red component of the color in the range [0,1]. * @property {number} g Green component of the color in the range [0,1]. * @property {number} b Blue component of the color in the range [0,1]. */ /** * Calculate the brightest and darkest values from a color palette. * * @param palette Color palette for the theme. * * @return Tuple of the darkest color and brightest color. */ function getDefaultColors(palette) { // A default dark and light color are required. if (!palette || palette.length < 2) { return ['#000', '#fff']; } return{ color }) => ({ color, brightness: w(color).brightness() })).reduce(([min, max], current) => { return [current.brightness <= min.brightness ? current : min, current.brightness >= max.brightness ? current : max]; }, [{ brightness: 1, color: '' }, { brightness: 0, color: '' }]).map(({ color }) => color); } /** * Generate a duotone gradient from a list of colors. * * @param colors CSS color strings. * @param angle CSS gradient angle. * * @return CSS gradient string for the duotone swatch. */ function getGradientFromCSSColors(colors = [], angle = '90deg') { const l = 100 / colors.length; const stops =, i) => `${c} ${i * l}%, ${c} ${(i + 1) * l}%`).join(', '); return `linear-gradient( ${angle}, ${stops} )`; } /** * Convert a color array to an array of color stops. * * @param colors CSS colors array * * @return Color stop information. */ function getColorStopsFromColors(colors) { return, i) => ({ position: i * 100 / (colors.length - 1), color })); } /** * Convert a color stop array to an array colors. * * @param colorStops Color stop information. * * @return CSS colors array. */ function getColorsFromColorStops(colorStops = []) { return{ color }) => color); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/duotone-picker/duotone-swatch.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function DuotoneSwatch({ values }) { return values ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_indicator, { colorValue: getGradientFromCSSColors(values, '135deg') }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: library_swatch }); } /* harmony default export */ const duotone_swatch = (DuotoneSwatch); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/duotone-picker/color-list-picker/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ColorOption({ label, value, colors, disableCustomColors, enableAlpha, onChange }) { const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const idRoot = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ColorOption, 'color-list-picker-option'); const labelId = `${idRoot}__label`; const contentId = `${idRoot}__content`; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-color-list-picker__swatch-button", onClick: () => setIsOpen(prev => !prev), "aria-expanded": isOpen, "aria-controls": contentId, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { justify: "flex-start", spacing: 2, children: [value ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_indicator, { colorValue: value, className: "components-color-list-picker__swatch-color" }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: library_swatch }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { id: labelId, children: label })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { role: "group", id: contentId, "aria-labelledby": labelId, "aria-hidden": !isOpen, children: isOpen && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_palette, { "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Color options'), className: "components-color-list-picker__color-picker", colors: colors, value: value, clearable: false, onChange: onChange, disableCustomColors: disableCustomColors, enableAlpha: enableAlpha }) })] }); } function ColorListPicker({ colors, labels, value = [], disableCustomColors, enableAlpha, onChange }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-color-list-picker", children:, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColorOption, { label: label, value: value[index], colors: colors, disableCustomColors: disableCustomColors, enableAlpha: enableAlpha, onChange: newColor => { const newColors = value.slice(); newColors[index] = newColor; onChange(newColors); } }, index)) }); } /* harmony default export */ const color_list_picker = (ColorListPicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/duotone-picker/custom-duotone-bar.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const PLACEHOLDER_VALUES = ['#333', '#CCC']; function CustomDuotoneBar({ value, onChange }) { const hasGradient = !!value; const values = hasGradient ? value : PLACEHOLDER_VALUES; const background = getGradientFromCSSColors(values); const controlPoints = getColorStopsFromColors(values); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CustomGradientBar, { disableInserter: true, background: background, hasGradient: hasGradient, value: controlPoints, onChange: newColorStops => { const newValue = getColorsFromColorStops(newColorStops); onChange(newValue); } }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/duotone-picker/duotone-picker.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * ```jsx * import { DuotonePicker, DuotoneSwatch } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const DUOTONE_PALETTE = [ * { colors: [ '#8c00b7', '#fcff41' ], name: 'Purple and yellow', slug: 'purple-yellow' }, * { colors: [ '#000097', '#ff4747' ], name: 'Blue and red', slug: 'blue-red' }, * ]; * * const COLOR_PALETTE = [ * { color: '#ff4747', name: 'Red', slug: 'red' }, * { color: '#fcff41', name: 'Yellow', slug: 'yellow' }, * { color: '#000097', name: 'Blue', slug: 'blue' }, * { color: '#8c00b7', name: 'Purple', slug: 'purple' }, * ]; * * const Example = () => { * const [ duotone, setDuotone ] = useState( [ '#000000', '#ffffff' ] ); * return ( * <> * <DuotonePicker * duotonePalette={ DUOTONE_PALETTE } * colorPalette={ COLOR_PALETTE } * value={ duotone } * onChange={ setDuotone } * /> * <DuotoneSwatch values={ duotone } /> * </> * ); * }; * ``` */ function DuotonePicker({ asButtons, loop, clearable = true, unsetable = true, colorPalette, duotonePalette, disableCustomColors, disableCustomDuotone, value, onChange, 'aria-label': ariaLabel, 'aria-labelledby': ariaLabelledby, ...otherProps }) { const [defaultDark, defaultLight] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => getDefaultColors(colorPalette), [colorPalette]); const isUnset = value === 'unset'; const unsetOptionLabel = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Unset'); const unsetOption = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.Option, { value: "unset", isSelected: isUnset, tooltipText: unsetOptionLabel, "aria-label": unsetOptionLabel, className: "components-duotone-picker__color-indicator", onClick: () => { onChange(isUnset ? undefined : 'unset'); } }, "unset"); const duotoneOptions ={ colors, slug, name }) => { const style = { background: getGradientFromCSSColors(colors, '135deg'), color: 'transparent' }; const tooltipText = name !== null && name !== void 0 ? name : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: duotone code e.g: "dark-grayscale" or "7f7f7f-ffffff". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Duotone code: %s'), slug); const label = name ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the option e.g: "Dark grayscale". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Duotone: %s'), name) : tooltipText; const isSelected = es6_default()(colors, value); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.Option, { value: colors, isSelected: isSelected, "aria-label": label, tooltipText: tooltipText, style: style, onClick: () => { onChange(isSelected ? undefined : colors); } }, slug); }); let metaProps; if (asButtons) { metaProps = { asButtons: true }; } else { const _metaProps = { asButtons: false, loop }; if (ariaLabel) { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-label': ariaLabel }; } else if (ariaLabelledby) { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-labelledby': ariaLabelledby }; } else { metaProps = { ..._metaProps, 'aria-label': (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom color picker.') }; } } const options = unsetable ? [unsetOption, ...duotoneOptions] : duotoneOptions; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker, { ...otherProps, ...metaProps, options: options, actions: !!clearable && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_circular_option_picker.ButtonAction, { onClick: () => onChange(undefined), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Clear') }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { paddingTop: options.length === 0 ? 0 : 4, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 3, children: [!disableCustomColors && !disableCustomDuotone && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CustomDuotoneBar, { value: isUnset ? undefined : value, onChange: onChange }), !disableCustomDuotone && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(color_list_picker, { labels: [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Shadows'), (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Highlights')], colors: colorPalette, value: isUnset ? undefined : value, disableCustomColors: disableCustomColors, enableAlpha: true, onChange: newColors => { if (!newColors[0]) { newColors[0] = defaultDark; } if (!newColors[1]) { newColors[1] = defaultLight; } const newValue = newColors.length >= 2 ? newColors : undefined; // @ts-expect-error TODO: The color arrays for a DuotonePicker should be a tuple of two colors, // but it's currently typed as a string[]. // See also onChange(newValue); } })] }) }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const duotone_picker = (DuotonePicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/external-link/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedExternalLink(props, ref) { const { href, children, className, rel = '', ...additionalProps } = props; const optimizedRel = [ Set([...rel.split(' '), 'external', 'noreferrer', 'noopener'].filter(Boolean))].join(' '); const classes = dist_clsx('components-external-link', className); /* Anchor links are perceived as external links. This constant helps check for on page anchor links, to prevent them from being opened in the editor. */ const isInternalAnchor = !!href?.startsWith('#'); const onClickHandler = event => { if (isInternalAnchor) { event.preventDefault(); } if (props.onClick) { props.onClick(event); } }; return ( /*#__PURE__*/ /* eslint-disable react/jsx-no-target-blank */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("a", { ...additionalProps, className: classes, href: href, onClick: onClickHandler, target: "_blank", rel: optimizedRel, ref: ref, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-external-link__contents", children: children }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-external-link__icon", "aria-label": /* translators: accessibility text */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(opens in a new tab)'), children: "\u2197" })] }) /* eslint-enable react/jsx-no-target-blank */ ); } /** * Link to an external resource. * * ```jsx * import { ExternalLink } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyExternalLink = () => ( * <ExternalLink href=""></ExternalLink> * ); * ``` */ const ExternalLink = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedExternalLink); /* harmony default export */ const external_link = (ExternalLink); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/utils.js const INITIAL_BOUNDS = { width: 200, height: 170 }; const VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = ['avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mov', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'webm', 'wmv']; /** * Gets the extension of a file name. * * @param filename The file name. * @return The extension of the file name. */ function getExtension(filename = '') { const parts = filename.split('.'); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } /** * Checks if a file is a video. * * @param filename The file name. * @return Whether the file is a video. */ function isVideoType(filename = '') { if (!filename) { return false; } return filename.startsWith('data:video/') || VIDEO_EXTENSIONS.includes(getExtension(filename)); } /** * Transforms a fraction value to a percentage value. * * @param fraction The fraction value. * @return A percentage value. */ function fractionToPercentage(fraction) { return Math.round(fraction * 100); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/styles/focal-point-picker-style.js function focal_point_picker_style_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const MediaWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeew7dm8" } : 0)( true ? { name: "jqnsxy", styles: "background-color:transparent;display:flex;text-align:center;width:100%" } : 0); const MediaContainer = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeew7dm7" } : 0)("align-items:center;border-radius:", config_values.radiusBlockUi, ";cursor:pointer;display:inline-flex;justify-content:center;margin:auto;position:relative;height:100%;&:after{border-radius:inherit;bottom:0;box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 1px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.1 );content:'';left:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}img,video{border-radius:inherit;box-sizing:border-box;display:block;height:auto;margin:0;max-height:100%;max-width:100%;pointer-events:none;user-select:none;width:auto;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const MediaPlaceholder = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeew7dm6" } : 0)("background:", COLORS.gray[100], ";border-radius:inherit;box-sizing:border-box;height:", INITIAL_BOUNDS.height, "px;max-width:280px;min-width:", INITIAL_BOUNDS.width, "px;width:100%;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const focal_point_picker_style_StyledUnitControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(unit_control, true ? { target: "eeew7dm5" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1d3w5wq", styles: "width:100%" } : 0); var focal_point_picker_style_ref2 = true ? { name: "1mn7kwb", styles: "padding-bottom:1em" } : 0; const deprecatedBottomMargin = ({ __nextHasNoMarginBottom }) => { return !__nextHasNoMarginBottom ? focal_point_picker_style_ref2 : undefined; }; var focal_point_picker_style_ref = true ? { name: "1mn7kwb", styles: "padding-bottom:1em" } : 0; const extraHelpTextMargin = ({ hasHelpText = false }) => { return hasHelpText ? focal_point_picker_style_ref : undefined; }; const ControlWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_component, true ? { target: "eeew7dm4" } : 0)("max-width:320px;padding-top:1em;", extraHelpTextMargin, " ", deprecatedBottomMargin, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const GridView = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeew7dm3" } : 0)("left:50%;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:50%;transform:translate3d( -50%, -50%, 0 );z-index:1;@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:opacity 100ms linear;}opacity:", ({ showOverlay }) => showOverlay ? 1 : 0, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const GridLine = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeew7dm2" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1yzbo24", styles: "background:rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.4 );backdrop-filter:blur( 16px ) saturate( 180% );position:absolute;transform:translateZ( 0 )" } : 0); const GridLineX = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(GridLine, true ? { target: "eeew7dm1" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1sw8ur", styles: "height:1px;left:1px;right:1px" } : 0); const GridLineY = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(GridLine, true ? { target: "eeew7dm0" } : 0)( true ? { name: "188vg4t", styles: "width:1px;top:1px;bottom:1px" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/controls.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const TEXTCONTROL_MIN = 0; const TEXTCONTROL_MAX = 100; const controls_noop = () => {}; function FocalPointPickerControls({ __nextHasNoMarginBottom, __next40pxDefaultSize, hasHelpText, onChange = controls_noop, point = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 } }) { const valueX = fractionToPercentage(point.x); const valueY = fractionToPercentage(point.y); const handleChange = (value, axis) => { if (value === undefined) { return; } const num = parseInt(value, 10); if (!isNaN(num)) { onChange({ ...point, [axis]: num / 100 }); } }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ControlWrapper, { className: "focal-point-picker__controls", __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, hasHelpText: hasHelpText, gap: 4, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FocalPointUnitControl, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Left'), "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Focal point left position'), value: [valueX, '%'].join(''), onChange: next => handleChange(next, 'x'), dragDirection: "e" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FocalPointUnitControl, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Top'), "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Focal point top position'), value: [valueY, '%'].join(''), onChange: next => handleChange(next, 'y'), dragDirection: "s" })] }); } function FocalPointUnitControl(props) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(focal_point_picker_style_StyledUnitControl, { className: "focal-point-picker__controls-position-unit-control", labelPosition: "top", max: TEXTCONTROL_MAX, min: TEXTCONTROL_MIN, units: [{ value: '%', label: '%' }], ...props }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/styles/focal-point-style.js /** * External dependencies */ const PointerCircle = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e19snlhg0" } : 0)("background-color:transparent;cursor:grab;height:40px;margin:-20px 0 0 -20px;position:absolute;user-select:none;width:40px;will-change:transform;z-index:10000;background:rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.4 );border:1px solid rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.4 );border-radius:50%;backdrop-filter:blur( 16px ) saturate( 180% );box-shadow:rgb( 0 0 0 / 10% ) 0px 0px 8px;@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:transform 100ms linear;}", ({ isDragging }) => isDragging && ` box-shadow: rgb( 0 0 0 / 12% ) 0px 0px 10px; transform: scale( 1.1 ); cursor: grabbing; `, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/focal-point.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * External dependencies */ function FocalPoint({ left = '50%', top = '50%', ...props }) { const style = { left, top }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PointerCircle, { ...props, className: "components-focal-point-picker__icon_container", style: style }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/grid.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function FocalPointPickerGrid({ bounds, ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(GridView, { ...props, className: "components-focal-point-picker__grid", style: { width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height }, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GridLineX, { style: { top: '33%' } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GridLineX, { style: { top: '66%' } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GridLineY, { style: { left: '33%' } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GridLineY, { style: { left: '66%' } })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/media.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function media_Media({ alt, autoPlay, src, onLoad, mediaRef, // Exposing muted prop for test rendering purposes // muted = true, ...props }) { if (!src) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MediaPlaceholder, { className: "components-focal-point-picker__media components-focal-point-picker__media--placeholder", ref: mediaRef, ...props }); } const isVideo = isVideoType(src); return isVideo ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("video", { ...props, autoPlay: autoPlay, className: "components-focal-point-picker__media components-focal-point-picker__media--video", loop: true, muted: muted, onLoadedData: onLoad, ref: mediaRef, src: src }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("img", { ...props, alt: alt, className: "components-focal-point-picker__media components-focal-point-picker__media--image", onLoad: onLoad, ref: mediaRef, src: src }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focal-point-picker/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const GRID_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT = 600; /** * Focal Point Picker is a component which creates a UI for identifying the most important visual point of an image. * * This component addresses a specific problem: with large background images it is common to see undesirable crops, * especially when viewing on smaller viewports such as mobile phones. This component allows the selection of * the point with the most important visual information and returns it as a pair of numbers between 0 and 1. * This value can be easily converted into the CSS `background-position` attribute, and will ensure that the * focal point is never cropped out, regardless of viewport. * * - Example focal point picker value: `{ x: 0.5, y: 0.1 }` * - Corresponding CSS: `background-position: 50% 10%;` * * ```jsx * import { FocalPointPicker } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const Example = () => { * const [ focalPoint, setFocalPoint ] = useState( { * x: 0.5, * y: 0.5, * } ); * * const url = '/path/to/image'; * * // Example function to render the CSS styles based on Focal Point Picker value * const style = { * backgroundImage: `url(${ url })`, * backgroundPosition: `${ focalPoint.x * 100 }% ${ focalPoint.y * 100 }%`, * }; * * return ( * <> * <FocalPointPicker * url={ url } * value={ focalPoint } * onDragStart={ setFocalPoint } * onDrag={ setFocalPoint } * onChange={ setFocalPoint } * /> * <div style={ style } /> * </> * ); * }; * ``` */ function FocalPointPicker({ __nextHasNoMarginBottom, __next40pxDefaultSize = false, autoPlay = true, className, help, label, onChange, onDrag, onDragEnd, onDragStart, resolvePoint, url, value: valueProp = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }, ...restProps }) { const [point, setPoint] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(valueProp); const [showGridOverlay, setShowGridOverlay] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const { startDrag, endDrag, isDragging } = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseDragging)({ onDragStart: event => { dragAreaRef.current?.focus(); const value = getValueWithinDragArea(event); // `value` can technically be undefined if getValueWithinDragArea() is // called before dragAreaRef is set, but this shouldn't happen in reality. if (!value) { return; } onDragStart?.(value, event); setPoint(value); }, onDragMove: event => { // Prevents text-selection when dragging. event.preventDefault(); const value = getValueWithinDragArea(event); if (!value) { return; } onDrag?.(value, event); setPoint(value); }, onDragEnd: () => { onDragEnd?.(); onChange?.(point); } }); // Uses the internal point while dragging or else the value from props. const { x, y } = isDragging ? point : valueProp; const dragAreaRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const [bounds, setBounds] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(INITIAL_BOUNDS); const refUpdateBounds = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(() => { if (!dragAreaRef.current) { return; } const { clientWidth: width, clientHeight: height } = dragAreaRef.current; // Falls back to initial bounds if the ref has no size. Since styles // give the drag area dimensions even when the media has not loaded // this should only happen in unit tests (jsdom). setBounds(width > 0 && height > 0 ? { width, height } : { ...INITIAL_BOUNDS }); }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const updateBounds = refUpdateBounds.current; if (!dragAreaRef.current) { return; } const { defaultView } = dragAreaRef.current.ownerDocument; defaultView?.addEventListener('resize', updateBounds); return () => defaultView?.removeEventListener('resize', updateBounds); }, []); // Updates the bounds to cover cases of unspecified media or load failures. (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useIsomorphicLayoutEffect)(() => void refUpdateBounds.current(), []); // TODO: Consider refactoring getValueWithinDragArea() into a pure function. // const getValueWithinDragArea = ({ clientX, clientY, shiftKey }) => { if (!dragAreaRef.current) { return; } const { top, left } = dragAreaRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); let nextX = (clientX - left) / bounds.width; let nextY = (clientY - top) / bounds.height; // Enables holding shift to jump values by 10%. if (shiftKey) { nextX = Math.round(nextX / 0.1) * 0.1; nextY = Math.round(nextY / 0.1) * 0.1; } return getFinalValue({ x: nextX, y: nextY }); }; const getFinalValue = value => { var _resolvePoint; const resolvedValue = (_resolvePoint = resolvePoint?.(value)) !== null && _resolvePoint !== void 0 ? _resolvePoint : value; resolvedValue.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(resolvedValue.x, 1)); resolvedValue.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(resolvedValue.y, 1)); const roundToTwoDecimalPlaces = n => Math.round(n * 1e2) / 1e2; return { x: roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(resolvedValue.x), y: roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(resolvedValue.y) }; }; const arrowKeyStep = event => { const { code, shiftKey } = event; if (!['ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'].includes(code)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const value = { x, y }; const step = shiftKey ? 0.1 : 0.01; const delta = code === 'ArrowUp' || code === 'ArrowLeft' ? -1 * step : step; const axis = code === 'ArrowUp' || code === 'ArrowDown' ? 'y' : 'x'; value[axis] = value[axis] + delta; onChange?.(getFinalValue(value)); }; const focalPointPosition = { left: x !== undefined ? x * bounds.width : 0.5 * bounds.width, top: y !== undefined ? y * bounds.height : 0.5 * bounds.height }; const classes = dist_clsx('components-focal-point-picker-control', className); const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(FocalPointPicker); const id = `inspector-focal-point-picker-control-${instanceId}`; use_update_effect(() => { setShowGridOverlay(true); const timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { setShowGridOverlay(false); }, GRID_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT); return () => window.clearTimeout(timeout); }, [x, y]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(base_control, { ...restProps, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, label: label, id: id, help: help, className: classes, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MediaWrapper, { className: "components-focal-point-picker-wrapper", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(MediaContainer, { className: "components-focal-point-picker", onKeyDown: arrowKeyStep, onMouseDown: startDrag, onBlur: () => { if (isDragging) { endDrag(); } }, ref: dragAreaRef, role: "button", tabIndex: -1, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FocalPointPickerGrid, { bounds: bounds, showOverlay: showGridOverlay }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(media_Media, { alt: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Media preview'), autoPlay: autoPlay, onLoad: refUpdateBounds.current, src: url }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FocalPoint, { ...focalPointPosition, isDragging: isDragging })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FocalPointPickerControls, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, hasHelpText: !!help, point: { x, y }, onChange: value => { onChange?.(getFinalValue(value)); } })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const focal_point_picker = (FocalPointPicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/focusable-iframe/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function FocusableIframe({ iframeRef, ...props }) { const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([iframeRef, (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useFocusableIframe)()]); external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.FocusableIframe', { since: '5.9', alternative: 'wp.compose.useFocusableIframe' }); // Disable reason: The rendered iframe is a pass-through component, // assigning props inherited from the rendering parent. It's the // responsibility of the parent to assign a title. // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("iframe", { ref: ref, ...props }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/settings.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const settings = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "m19 7.5h-7.628c-.3089-.87389-1.1423-1.5-2.122-1.5-.97966 0-1.81309.62611-2.12197 1.5h-2.12803v1.5h2.12803c.30888.87389 1.14231 1.5 2.12197 1.5.9797 0 1.8131-.62611 2.122-1.5h7.628z" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "m19 15h-2.128c-.3089-.8739-1.1423-1.5-2.122-1.5s-1.8131.6261-2.122 1.5h-7.628v1.5h7.628c.3089.8739 1.1423 1.5 2.122 1.5s1.8131-.6261 2.122-1.5h2.128z" })] }); /* harmony default export */ const library_settings = (settings); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/font-size-picker/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Some themes use css vars for their font sizes, so until we * have the way of calculating them don't display them. * * @param value The value that is checked. * @return Whether the value is a simple css value. */ function isSimpleCssValue(value) { const sizeRegex = /^[\d\.]+(px|em|rem|vw|vh|%|svw|lvw|dvw|svh|lvh|dvh|vi|svi|lvi|dvi|vb|svb|lvb|dvb|vmin|svmin|lvmin|dvmin|vmax|svmax|lvmax|dvmax)?$/i; return sizeRegex.test(String(value)); } /** * If all of the given font sizes have the same unit (e.g. 'px'), return that * unit. Otherwise return null. * * @param fontSizes List of font sizes. * @return The common unit, or null. */ function getCommonSizeUnit(fontSizes) { const [firstFontSize, ...otherFontSizes] = fontSizes; if (!firstFontSize) { return null; } const [, firstUnit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(firstFontSize.size); const areAllSizesSameUnit = otherFontSizes.every(fontSize => { const [, unit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(fontSize.size); return unit === firstUnit; }); return areAllSizesSameUnit ? firstUnit : null; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/font-size-picker/styles.js function font_size_picker_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const styles_Container = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("fieldset", true ? { target: "e8tqeku4" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1t1ytme", styles: "border:0;margin:0;padding:0" } : 0); const styles_Header = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(h_stack_component, true ? { target: "e8tqeku3" } : 0)("height:", space(4), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const HeaderToggle = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { target: "e8tqeku2" } : 0)("margin-top:", space(-1), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const HeaderLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(base_control.VisualLabel, true ? { target: "e8tqeku1" } : 0)("display:flex;gap:", space(1), ";justify-content:flex-start;margin-bottom:0;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const HeaderHint = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e8tqeku0" } : 0)("color:", COLORS.gray[700], ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/font-size-picker/font-size-picker-select.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DEFAULT_OPTION = { key: 'default', name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Default'), value: undefined }; const CUSTOM_OPTION = { key: 'custom', name: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom') }; const FontSizePickerSelect = props => { var _options$find; const { __next40pxDefaultSize, fontSizes, value, disableCustomFontSizes, size, onChange, onSelectCustom } = props; const areAllSizesSameUnit = !!getCommonSizeUnit(fontSizes); const options = [DEFAULT_OPTION, => { let hint; if (areAllSizesSameUnit) { const [quantity] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(fontSize.size); if (quantity !== undefined) { hint = String(quantity); } } else if (isSimpleCssValue(fontSize.size)) { hint = String(fontSize.size); } return { key: fontSize.slug, name: || fontSize.slug, value: fontSize.size, __experimentalHint: hint }; }), ...(disableCustomFontSizes ? [] : [CUSTOM_OPTION])]; const selectedOption = value ? (_options$find = options.find(option => option.value === value)) !== null && _options$find !== void 0 ? _options$find : CUSTOM_OPTION : DEFAULT_OPTION; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CustomSelectControl, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, className: "components-font-size-picker__select", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Font size'), hideLabelFromVision: true, describedBy: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: Currently selected font size. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Currently selected font size: %s'),, options: options, value: selectedOption, __experimentalShowSelectedHint: true, onChange: ({ selectedItem }) => { if (selectedItem === CUSTOM_OPTION) { onSelectCustom(); } else { onChange(selectedItem.value); } }, size: size }); }; /* harmony default export */ const font_size_picker_select = (FontSizePickerSelect); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-group-control/toggle-group-control-option/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedToggleGroupControlOption(props, ref) { const { label, ...restProps } = props; const optionLabel = restProps['aria-label'] || label; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_option_base_component, { ...restProps, "aria-label": optionLabel, ref: ref, children: label }); } /** * `ToggleGroupControlOption` is a form component and is meant to be used as a * child of `ToggleGroupControl`. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalToggleGroupControl as ToggleGroupControl, * __experimentalToggleGroupControlOption as ToggleGroupControlOption, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ToggleGroupControl label="my label" value="vertical" isBlock> * <ToggleGroupControlOption value="horizontal" label="Horizontal" /> * <ToggleGroupControlOption value="vertical" label="Vertical" /> * </ToggleGroupControl> * ); * } * ``` */ const ToggleGroupControlOption = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedToggleGroupControlOption); /* harmony default export */ const toggle_group_control_option_component = (ToggleGroupControlOption); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/font-size-picker/constants.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * List of T-shirt abbreviations. * * When there are 5 font sizes or fewer, we assume that the font sizes are * ordered by size and show T-shirt labels. */ const T_SHIRT_ABBREVIATIONS = [/* translators: S stands for 'small' and is a size label. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('S'), /* translators: M stands for 'medium' and is a size label. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('M'), /* translators: L stands for 'large' and is a size label. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('L'), /* translators: XL stands for 'extra large' and is a size label. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('XL'), /* translators: XXL stands for 'extra extra large' and is a size label. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('XXL')]; /** * List of T-shirt names. * * When there are 5 font sizes or fewer, we assume that the font sizes are * ordered by size and show T-shirt labels. */ const T_SHIRT_NAMES = [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Small'), (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Medium'), (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Large'), (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Extra Large'), (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Extra Extra Large')]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/font-size-picker/font-size-picker-toggle-group.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const FontSizePickerToggleGroup = props => { const { fontSizes, value, __next40pxDefaultSize, size, onChange } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_component, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Font size'), hideLabelFromVision: true, value: value, onChange: onChange, isBlock: true, size: size, children:, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toggle_group_control_option_component, { value: fontSize.size, label: T_SHIRT_ABBREVIATIONS[index], "aria-label": || T_SHIRT_NAMES[index], showTooltip: true }, fontSize.slug)) }); }; /* harmony default export */ const font_size_picker_toggle_group = (FontSizePickerToggleGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/font-size-picker/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DEFAULT_UNITS = ['px', 'em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh']; const UnforwardedFontSizePicker = (props, ref) => { const { __next40pxDefaultSize = false, fallbackFontSize, fontSizes = [], disableCustomFontSizes = false, onChange, size = 'default', units: unitsProp = DEFAULT_UNITS, value, withSlider = false, withReset = true } = props; const units = useCustomUnits({ availableUnits: unitsProp }); const shouldUseSelectControl = fontSizes.length > 5; const selectedFontSize = fontSizes.find(fontSize => fontSize.size === value); const isCustomValue = !!value && !selectedFontSize; const [showCustomValueControl, setShowCustomValueControl] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(!disableCustomFontSizes && isCustomValue); const headerHint = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { if (showCustomValueControl) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom'); } if (!shouldUseSelectControl) { if (selectedFontSize) { return || T_SHIRT_NAMES[fontSizes.indexOf(selectedFontSize)]; } return ''; } const commonUnit = getCommonSizeUnit(fontSizes); if (commonUnit) { return `(${commonUnit})`; } return ''; }, [showCustomValueControl, shouldUseSelectControl, selectedFontSize, fontSizes]); if (fontSizes.length === 0 && disableCustomFontSizes) { return null; } // If neither the value or first font size is a string, then FontSizePicker // operates in a legacy "unitless" mode where UnitControl can only be used // to select px values and onChange() is always called with number values. const hasUnits = typeof value === 'string' || typeof fontSizes[0]?.size === 'string'; const [valueQuantity, valueUnit] = parseQuantityAndUnitFromRawValue(value, units); const isValueUnitRelative = !!valueUnit && ['em', 'rem', 'vw', 'vh'].includes(valueUnit); const isDisabled = value === undefined; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(styles_Container, { ref: ref, className: "components-font-size-picker", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "legend", children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Font size') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(styles_Header, { className: "components-font-size-picker__header", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(HeaderLabel, { "aria-label": `${(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Size')} ${headerHint || ''}`, children: [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Size'), headerHint && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HeaderHint, { className: "components-font-size-picker__header__hint", children: headerHint })] }), !disableCustomFontSizes && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(HeaderToggle, { label: showCustomValueControl ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Use size preset') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Set custom size'), icon: library_settings, onClick: () => { setShowCustomValueControl(!showCustomValueControl); }, isPressed: showCustomValueControl, size: "small" })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { children: [!!fontSizes.length && shouldUseSelectControl && !showCustomValueControl && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(font_size_picker_select, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, fontSizes: fontSizes, value: value, disableCustomFontSizes: disableCustomFontSizes, size: size, onChange: newValue => { if (newValue === undefined) { onChange?.(undefined); } else { onChange?.(hasUnits ? newValue : Number(newValue), fontSizes.find(fontSize => fontSize.size === newValue)); } }, onSelectCustom: () => setShowCustomValueControl(true) }), !shouldUseSelectControl && !showCustomValueControl && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(font_size_picker_toggle_group, { fontSizes: fontSizes, value: value, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, size: size, onChange: newValue => { if (newValue === undefined) { onChange?.(undefined); } else { onChange?.(hasUnits ? newValue : Number(newValue), fontSizes.find(fontSize => fontSize.size === newValue)); } } }), !disableCustomFontSizes && showCustomValueControl && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(flex_component, { className: "components-font-size-picker__custom-size-control", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { isBlock: true, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(unit_control, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom'), labelPosition: "top", hideLabelFromVision: true, value: value, onChange: newValue => { if (newValue === undefined) { onChange?.(undefined); } else { onChange?.(hasUnits ? newValue : parseInt(newValue, 10)); } }, size: size, units: hasUnits ? units : [], min: 0 }) }), withSlider && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { isBlock: true, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { marginX: 2, marginBottom: 0, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(range_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, className: "components-font-size-picker__custom-input", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Custom Size'), hideLabelFromVision: true, value: valueQuantity, initialPosition: fallbackFontSize, withInputField: false, onChange: newValue => { if (newValue === undefined) { onChange?.(undefined); } else if (hasUnits) { onChange?.(newValue + (valueUnit !== null && valueUnit !== void 0 ? valueUnit : 'px')); } else { onChange?.(newValue); } }, min: 0, max: isValueUnitRelative ? 10 : 100, step: isValueUnitRelative ? 0.1 : 1 }) }) }), withReset && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Button, { disabled: isDisabled, __experimentalIsFocusable: true, onClick: () => { onChange?.(undefined); }, variant: "secondary", __next40pxDefaultSize: true, size: size === '__unstable-large' || props.__next40pxDefaultSize ? 'default' : 'small', children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset') }) })] })] })] }); }; const FontSizePicker = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedFontSizePicker); /* harmony default export */ const font_size_picker = (FontSizePicker); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/form-file-upload/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * FormFileUpload is a component that allows users to select files from their local device. * * ```jsx * import { FormFileUpload } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyFormFileUpload = () => ( * <FormFileUpload * accept="image/*" * onChange={ ( event ) => console.log( event.currentTarget.files ) } * > * Upload * </FormFileUpload> * ); * ``` */ function FormFileUpload({ accept, children, multiple = false, onChange, onClick, render, ...props }) { const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const openFileDialog = () => { ref.current?.click(); }; const ui = render ? render({ openFileDialog }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { onClick: openFileDialog, ...props, children: children }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-form-file-upload", children: [ui, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("input", { type: "file", ref: ref, multiple: multiple, style: { display: 'none' }, accept: accept, onChange: onChange, onClick: onClick, "data-testid": "form-file-upload-input" })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const form_file_upload = (FormFileUpload); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/form-toggle/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const form_toggle_noop = () => {}; /** * FormToggle switches a single setting on or off. * * ```jsx * import { FormToggle } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyFormToggle = () => { * const [ isChecked, setChecked ] = useState( true ); * * return ( * <FormToggle * checked={ isChecked } * onChange={ () => setChecked( ( state ) => ! state ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function FormToggle(props, ref) { const { className, checked, id, disabled, onChange = form_toggle_noop, ...additionalProps } = props; const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx('components-form-toggle', className, { 'is-checked': checked, 'is-disabled': disabled }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { className: wrapperClasses, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("input", { className: "components-form-toggle__input", id: id, type: "checkbox", checked: checked, onChange: onChange, disabled: disabled, ...additionalProps, ref: ref }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-form-toggle__track" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-form-toggle__thumb" })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const form_toggle = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(FormToggle)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/form-token-field/token.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const token_noop = () => {}; function Token({ value, status, title, displayTransform, isBorderless = false, disabled = false, onClickRemove = token_noop, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, messages, termPosition, termsCount }) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(Token); const tokenClasses = dist_clsx('components-form-token-field__token', { 'is-error': 'error' === status, 'is-success': 'success' === status, 'is-validating': 'validating' === status, 'is-borderless': isBorderless, 'is-disabled': disabled }); const onClick = () => onClickRemove({ value }); const transformedValue = displayTransform(value); const termPositionAndCount = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: 1: term name, 2: term position in a set of terms, 3: total term set count. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s (%2$s of %3$s)'), transformedValue, termPosition, termsCount); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { className: tokenClasses, onMouseEnter: onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave: onMouseLeave, title: title, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { className: "components-form-token-field__token-text", id: `components-form-token-field__token-text-${instanceId}`, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { as: "span", children: termPositionAndCount }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { "aria-hidden": "true", children: transformedValue })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-form-token-field__remove-token", icon: close_small, onClick: !disabled ? onClick : undefined, disabled: disabled, label: messages.remove, "aria-describedby": `components-form-token-field__token-text-${instanceId}` })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/form-token-field/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const deprecatedPaddings = ({ __next40pxDefaultSize, hasTokens }) => !__next40pxDefaultSize && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("padding-top:", space(hasTokens ? 1 : 0.5), ";padding-bottom:", space(hasTokens ? 1 : 0.5), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const TokensAndInputWrapperFlex = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(flex_component, true ? { target: "ehq8nmi0" } : 0)("padding:7px;", boxSizingReset, " ", deprecatedPaddings, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/form-token-field/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const form_token_field_identity = value => value; /** * A `FormTokenField` is a field similar to the tags and categories fields in the interim editor chrome, * or the "to" field in Mail on OS X. Tokens can be entered by typing them or selecting them from a list of suggested tokens. * * Up to one hundred suggestions that match what the user has typed so far will be shown from which the user can pick from (auto-complete). * Tokens are separated by the "," character. Suggestions can be selected with the up or down arrows and added with the tab or enter key. * * The `value` property is handled in a manner similar to controlled form components. * See [Forms]( in the React Documentation for more information. */ function FormTokenField(props) { const { autoCapitalize, autoComplete, maxLength, placeholder, label = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add item'), className, suggestions = [], maxSuggestions = 100, value = [], displayTransform = form_token_field_identity, saveTransform = token => token.trim(), onChange = () => {}, onInputChange = () => {}, onFocus = undefined, isBorderless = false, disabled = false, tokenizeOnSpace = false, messages = { added: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Item added.'), removed: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Item removed.'), remove: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Remove item'), __experimentalInvalid: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Invalid item') }, __experimentalRenderItem, __experimentalExpandOnFocus = false, __experimentalValidateInput = () => true, __experimentalShowHowTo = true, __next40pxDefaultSize = false, __experimentalAutoSelectFirstMatch = false, __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false, tokenizeOnBlur = false } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props); const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(FormTokenField); // We reset to these initial values again in the onBlur const [incompleteTokenValue, setIncompleteTokenValue] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(''); const [inputOffsetFromEnd, setInputOffsetFromEnd] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(0); const [isActive, setIsActive] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [isExpanded, setIsExpanded] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [selectedSuggestionIndex, setSelectedSuggestionIndex] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(-1); const [selectedSuggestionScroll, setSelectedSuggestionScroll] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const prevSuggestions = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(suggestions); const prevValue = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(value); const input = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const tokensAndInput = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const debouncedSpeak = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak, 500); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // Make sure to focus the input when the isActive state is true. if (isActive && !hasFocus()) { focus(); } }, [isActive]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const suggestionsDidUpdate = !external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(suggestions, prevSuggestions || []); if (suggestionsDidUpdate || value !== prevValue) { updateSuggestions(suggestionsDidUpdate); } // TODO: updateSuggestions() should first be refactored so its actual deps are clearer. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [suggestions, prevSuggestions, value, prevValue]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { updateSuggestions(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [incompleteTokenValue]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { updateSuggestions(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [__experimentalAutoSelectFirstMatch]); if (disabled && isActive) { setIsActive(false); setIncompleteTokenValue(''); } function focus() { input.current?.focus(); } function hasFocus() { return input.current === input.current?.ownerDocument.activeElement; } function onFocusHandler(event) { // If focus is on the input or on the container, set the isActive state to true. if (hasFocus() || === tokensAndInput.current) { setIsActive(true); setIsExpanded(__experimentalExpandOnFocus || isExpanded); } else { /* * Otherwise, focus is on one of the token "remove" buttons and we * set the isActive state to false to prevent the input to be * re-focused, see componentDidUpdate(). */ setIsActive(false); } if ('function' === typeof onFocus) { onFocus(event); } } function onBlur(event) { if (inputHasValidValue() && __experimentalValidateInput(incompleteTokenValue)) { setIsActive(false); if (tokenizeOnBlur && inputHasValidValue()) { addNewToken(incompleteTokenValue); } } else { // Reset to initial state setIncompleteTokenValue(''); setInputOffsetFromEnd(0); setIsActive(false); if (__experimentalExpandOnFocus) { // If `__experimentalExpandOnFocus` is true, don't close the suggestions list when // the user clicks on it (`tokensAndInput` will be the element that caused the blur). const hasFocusWithin = event.relatedTarget === tokensAndInput.current; setIsExpanded(hasFocusWithin); } else { // Else collapse the suggestion list. This will result in the suggestion list closing // after a suggestion has been submitted since that causes a blur. setIsExpanded(false); } setSelectedSuggestionIndex(-1); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(false); } } function onKeyDown(event) { let preventDefault = false; if (event.defaultPrevented) { return; } switch (event.key) { case 'Backspace': preventDefault = handleDeleteKey(deleteTokenBeforeInput); break; case 'Enter': preventDefault = addCurrentToken(); break; case 'ArrowLeft': preventDefault = handleLeftArrowKey(); break; case 'ArrowUp': preventDefault = handleUpArrowKey(); break; case 'ArrowRight': preventDefault = handleRightArrowKey(); break; case 'ArrowDown': preventDefault = handleDownArrowKey(); break; case 'Delete': preventDefault = handleDeleteKey(deleteTokenAfterInput); break; case 'Space': if (tokenizeOnSpace) { preventDefault = addCurrentToken(); } break; case 'Escape': preventDefault = handleEscapeKey(event); break; default: break; } if (preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } } function onKeyPress(event) { let preventDefault = false; switch (event.key) { case ',': preventDefault = handleCommaKey(); break; default: break; } if (preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } } function onContainerTouched(event) { // Prevent clicking/touching the tokensAndInput container from blurring // the input and adding the current token. if ( === tokensAndInput.current && isActive) { event.preventDefault(); } } function onTokenClickRemove(event) { deleteToken(event.value); focus(); } function onSuggestionHovered(suggestion) { const index = getMatchingSuggestions().indexOf(suggestion); if (index >= 0) { setSelectedSuggestionIndex(index); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(false); } } function onSuggestionSelected(suggestion) { addNewToken(suggestion); } function onInputChangeHandler(event) { const text = event.value; const separator = tokenizeOnSpace ? /[ ,\t]+/ : /[,\t]+/; const items = text.split(separator); const tokenValue = items[items.length - 1] || ''; if (items.length > 1) { addNewTokens(items.slice(0, -1)); } setIncompleteTokenValue(tokenValue); onInputChange(tokenValue); } function handleDeleteKey(_deleteToken) { let preventDefault = false; if (hasFocus() && isInputEmpty()) { _deleteToken(); preventDefault = true; } return preventDefault; } function handleLeftArrowKey() { let preventDefault = false; if (isInputEmpty()) { moveInputBeforePreviousToken(); preventDefault = true; } return preventDefault; } function handleRightArrowKey() { let preventDefault = false; if (isInputEmpty()) { moveInputAfterNextToken(); preventDefault = true; } return preventDefault; } function handleUpArrowKey() { setSelectedSuggestionIndex(index => { return (index === 0 ? getMatchingSuggestions(incompleteTokenValue, suggestions, value, maxSuggestions, saveTransform).length : index) - 1; }); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(true); return true; // PreventDefault. } function handleDownArrowKey() { setSelectedSuggestionIndex(index => { return (index + 1) % getMatchingSuggestions(incompleteTokenValue, suggestions, value, maxSuggestions, saveTransform).length; }); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(true); return true; // PreventDefault. } function handleEscapeKey(event) { if ( instanceof HTMLInputElement) { setIncompleteTokenValue(; setIsExpanded(false); setSelectedSuggestionIndex(-1); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(false); } return true; // PreventDefault. } function handleCommaKey() { if (inputHasValidValue()) { addNewToken(incompleteTokenValue); } return true; // PreventDefault. } function moveInputToIndex(index) { setInputOffsetFromEnd(value.length - Math.max(index, -1) - 1); } function moveInputBeforePreviousToken() { setInputOffsetFromEnd(prevInputOffsetFromEnd => { return Math.min(prevInputOffsetFromEnd + 1, value.length); }); } function moveInputAfterNextToken() { setInputOffsetFromEnd(prevInputOffsetFromEnd => { return Math.max(prevInputOffsetFromEnd - 1, 0); }); } function deleteTokenBeforeInput() { const index = getIndexOfInput() - 1; if (index > -1) { deleteToken(value[index]); } } function deleteTokenAfterInput() { const index = getIndexOfInput(); if (index < value.length) { deleteToken(value[index]); // Update input offset since it's the offset from the last token. moveInputToIndex(index); } } function addCurrentToken() { let preventDefault = false; const selectedSuggestion = getSelectedSuggestion(); if (selectedSuggestion) { addNewToken(selectedSuggestion); preventDefault = true; } else if (inputHasValidValue()) { addNewToken(incompleteTokenValue); preventDefault = true; } return preventDefault; } function addNewTokens(tokens) { const tokensToAdd = [ Set( => !valueContainsToken(token)))]; if (tokensToAdd.length > 0) { const newValue = [...value]; newValue.splice(getIndexOfInput(), 0, ...tokensToAdd); onChange(newValue); } } function addNewToken(token) { if (!__experimentalValidateInput(token)) { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(messages.__experimentalInvalid, 'assertive'); return; } addNewTokens([token]); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(messages.added, 'assertive'); setIncompleteTokenValue(''); setSelectedSuggestionIndex(-1); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(false); setIsExpanded(!__experimentalExpandOnFocus); if (isActive && !tokenizeOnBlur) { focus(); } } function deleteToken(token) { const newTokens = value.filter(item => { return getTokenValue(item) !== getTokenValue(token); }); onChange(newTokens); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(messages.removed, 'assertive'); } function getTokenValue(token) { if ('object' === typeof token) { return token.value; } return token; } function getMatchingSuggestions(searchValue = incompleteTokenValue, _suggestions = suggestions, _value = value, _maxSuggestions = maxSuggestions, _saveTransform = saveTransform) { let match = _saveTransform(searchValue); const startsWithMatch = []; const containsMatch = []; const normalizedValue = => { if (typeof item === 'string') { return item; } return item.value; }); if (match.length === 0) { _suggestions = _suggestions.filter(suggestion => !normalizedValue.includes(suggestion)); } else { match = match.toLocaleLowerCase(); _suggestions.forEach(suggestion => { const index = suggestion.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(match); if (normalizedValue.indexOf(suggestion) === -1) { if (index === 0) { startsWithMatch.push(suggestion); } else if (index > 0) { containsMatch.push(suggestion); } } }); _suggestions = startsWithMatch.concat(containsMatch); } return _suggestions.slice(0, _maxSuggestions); } function getSelectedSuggestion() { if (selectedSuggestionIndex !== -1) { return getMatchingSuggestions()[selectedSuggestionIndex]; } return undefined; } function valueContainsToken(token) { return value.some(item => { return getTokenValue(token) === getTokenValue(item); }); } function getIndexOfInput() { return value.length - inputOffsetFromEnd; } function isInputEmpty() { return incompleteTokenValue.length === 0; } function inputHasValidValue() { return saveTransform(incompleteTokenValue).length > 0; } function updateSuggestions(resetSelectedSuggestion = true) { const inputHasMinimumChars = incompleteTokenValue.trim().length > 1; const matchingSuggestions = getMatchingSuggestions(incompleteTokenValue); const hasMatchingSuggestions = matchingSuggestions.length > 0; const shouldExpandIfFocuses = hasFocus() && __experimentalExpandOnFocus; setIsExpanded(shouldExpandIfFocuses || inputHasMinimumChars && hasMatchingSuggestions); if (resetSelectedSuggestion) { if (__experimentalAutoSelectFirstMatch && inputHasMinimumChars && hasMatchingSuggestions) { setSelectedSuggestionIndex(0); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(true); } else { setSelectedSuggestionIndex(-1); setSelectedSuggestionScroll(false); } } if (inputHasMinimumChars) { const message = hasMatchingSuggestions ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %d: number of results. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', '%d results found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', matchingSuggestions.length), matchingSuggestions.length) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No results.'); debouncedSpeak(message, 'assertive'); } } function renderTokensAndInput() { const components =; components.splice(getIndexOfInput(), 0, renderInput()); return components; } function renderToken(token, index, tokens) { const _value = getTokenValue(token); const status = typeof token !== 'string' ? token.status : undefined; const termPosition = index + 1; const termsCount = tokens.length; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_item_component, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Token, { value: _value, status: status, title: typeof token !== 'string' ? token.title : undefined, displayTransform: displayTransform, onClickRemove: onTokenClickRemove, isBorderless: typeof token !== 'string' && token.isBorderless || isBorderless, onMouseEnter: typeof token !== 'string' ? token.onMouseEnter : undefined, onMouseLeave: typeof token !== 'string' ? token.onMouseLeave : undefined, disabled: 'error' !== status && disabled, messages: messages, termsCount: termsCount, termPosition: termPosition }) }, 'token-' + _value); } function renderInput() { const inputProps = { instanceId, autoCapitalize, autoComplete, placeholder: value.length === 0 ? placeholder : '', disabled, value: incompleteTokenValue, onBlur, isExpanded, selectedSuggestionIndex }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(token_input, { ...inputProps, onChange: !(maxLength && value.length >= maxLength) ? onInputChangeHandler : undefined, ref: input }, "input"); } const classes = dist_clsx(className, 'components-form-token-field__input-container', { 'is-active': isActive, 'is-disabled': disabled }); let tokenFieldProps = { className: 'components-form-token-field', tabIndex: -1 }; const matchingSuggestions = getMatchingSuggestions(); if (!disabled) { tokenFieldProps = Object.assign({}, tokenFieldProps, { onKeyDown: withIgnoreIMEEvents(onKeyDown), onKeyPress, onFocus: onFocusHandler }); } // Disable reason: There is no appropriate role which describes the // input container intended accessible usability. // TODO: Refactor click detection to use blur to stop propagation. /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ...tokenFieldProps, children: [label && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledLabel, { htmlFor: `components-form-token-input-${instanceId}`, className: "components-form-token-field__label", children: label }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ref: tokensAndInput, className: classes, tabIndex: -1, onMouseDown: onContainerTouched, onTouchStart: onContainerTouched, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TokensAndInputWrapperFlex, { justify: "flex-start", align: "center", gap: 1, wrap: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, hasTokens: !!value.length, children: renderTokensAndInput() }), isExpanded && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(suggestions_list, { instanceId: instanceId, match: saveTransform(incompleteTokenValue), displayTransform: displayTransform, suggestions: matchingSuggestions, selectedIndex: selectedSuggestionIndex, scrollIntoView: selectedSuggestionScroll, onHover: onSuggestionHovered, onSelect: onSuggestionSelected, __experimentalRenderItem: __experimentalRenderItem })] }), !__nextHasNoMarginBottom && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { marginBottom: 2 }), __experimentalShowHowTo && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledHelp, { id: `components-form-token-suggestions-howto-${instanceId}`, className: "components-form-token-field__help", __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, children: tokenizeOnSpace ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Separate with commas, spaces, or the Enter key.') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Separate with commas or the Enter key.') })] }); /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ } /* harmony default export */ const form_token_field = (FormTokenField); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/guide/icons.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const PageControlIcon = () => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { width: "8", height: "8", fill: "none", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Circle, { cx: "4", cy: "4", r: "4" }) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/guide/page-control.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function PageControl({ currentPage, numberOfPages, setCurrentPage }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("ul", { className: "components-guide__page-control", "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Guide controls'), children: Array.from({ length: numberOfPages }).map((_, page) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("li", { // Set aria-current="step" on the active page, see "aria-current": page === currentPage ? 'step' : undefined, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PageControlIcon, {}), "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: 1: current page number 2: total number of pages */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Page %1$d of %2$d'), page + 1, numberOfPages), onClick: () => setCurrentPage(page) }, page) }, page)) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/guide/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * `Guide` is a React component that renders a _user guide_ in a modal. The guide consists of several pages which the user can step through one by one. The guide is finished when the modal is closed or when the user clicks _Finish_ on the last page of the guide. * * ```jsx * function MyTutorial() { * const [ isOpen, setIsOpen ] = useState( true ); * * if ( ! isOpen ) { * return null; * } * * return ( * <Guide * onFinish={ () => setIsOpen( false ) } * pages={ [ * { * content: <p>Welcome to the ACME Store!</p>, * }, * { * image: <img src="" />, * content: ( * <p> * Click <i>Add to Cart</i> to buy a product. * </p> * ), * }, * ] } * /> * ); * } * ``` */ function Guide({ children, className, contentLabel, finishButtonText = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Finish'), onFinish, pages = [] }) { const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(0); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // Place focus at the top of the guide on mount and when the page changes. const frame = ref.current?.querySelector('.components-guide'); if (frame instanceof HTMLElement) { frame.focus(); } }, [currentPage]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.count(children)) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('Passing children to <Guide>', { since: '5.5', alternative: 'the `pages` prop' }); } }, [children]); if (external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.count(children)) { var _Children$map; pages = (_Children$map =, child => ({ content: child }))) !== null && _Children$map !== void 0 ? _Children$map : []; } const canGoBack = currentPage > 0; const canGoForward = currentPage < pages.length - 1; const goBack = () => { if (canGoBack) { setCurrentPage(currentPage - 1); } }; const goForward = () => { if (canGoForward) { setCurrentPage(currentPage + 1); } }; if (pages.length === 0) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(modal, { className: dist_clsx('components-guide', className), contentLabel: contentLabel, isDismissible: pages.length > 1, onRequestClose: onFinish, onKeyDown: event => { if (event.code === 'ArrowLeft') { goBack(); // Do not scroll the modal's contents. event.preventDefault(); } else if (event.code === 'ArrowRight') { goForward(); // Do not scroll the modal's contents. event.preventDefault(); } }, ref: ref, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-guide__container", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-guide__page", children: [pages[currentPage].image, pages.length > 1 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PageControl, { currentPage: currentPage, numberOfPages: pages.length, setCurrentPage: setCurrentPage }), pages[currentPage].content] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-guide__footer", children: [canGoBack && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-guide__back-button", variant: "tertiary", onClick: goBack, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Previous') }), canGoForward && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-guide__forward-button", variant: "primary", onClick: goForward, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Next') }), !canGoForward && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-guide__finish-button", variant: "primary", onClick: onFinish, children: finishButtonText })] })] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const guide = (Guide); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/guide/page.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function GuidePage(props) { (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { external_wp_deprecated_default()('<GuidePage>', { since: '5.5', alternative: 'the `pages` prop in <Guide>' }); }, []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...props }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/button/deprecated.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedIconButton({ label, labelPosition, size, tooltip, ...props }, ref) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.IconButton', { since: '5.4', alternative: 'wp.components.Button', version: '6.2' }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ...props, ref: ref, tooltipPosition: labelPosition, iconSize: size, showTooltip: tooltip !== undefined ? !!tooltip : undefined, label: tooltip || label }); } /* harmony default export */ const deprecated = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedIconButton)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/item-group/item/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useItem(props) { const { as: asProp, className, onClick, role = 'listitem', size: sizeProp, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'Item'); const { spacedAround, size: contextSize } = useItemGroupContext(); const size = sizeProp || contextSize; const as = asProp || (typeof onClick !== 'undefined' ? 'button' : 'div'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx((as === 'button' || as === 'a') && unstyledButton(as), itemSizes[size] || itemSizes.medium, item, spacedAround && styles_spacedAround, className), [as, className, cx, size, spacedAround]); const wrapperClassName = cx(itemWrapper); return { as, className: classes, onClick, wrapperClassName, role, ...otherProps }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/item-group/item/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedItem(props, forwardedRef) { const { role, wrapperClassName, ...otherProps } = useItem(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { role: role, className: wrapperClassName, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...otherProps, ref: forwardedRef }) }); } /** * `Item` is used in combination with `ItemGroup` to display a list of items * grouped and styled together. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalItemGroup as ItemGroup, * __experimentalItem as Item, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ItemGroup> * <Item>Code</Item> * <Item>is</Item> * <Item>Poetry</Item> * </ItemGroup> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Item = contextConnect(UnconnectedItem, 'Item'); /* harmony default export */ const item_component = (component_Item); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/input-control/input-prefix-wrapper.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedInputControlPrefixWrapper(props, forwardedRef) { const derivedProps = useContextSystem(props, 'InputControlPrefixWrapper'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(spacer_component, { marginBottom: 0, ...derivedProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * A convenience wrapper for the `prefix` when you want to apply * standard padding in accordance with the size variant. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalInputControl as InputControl, * __experimentalInputControlPrefixWrapper as InputControlPrefixWrapper, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * <InputControl * prefix={<InputControlPrefixWrapper>@</InputControlPrefixWrapper>} * /> * ``` */ const InputControlPrefixWrapper = contextConnect(UnconnectedInputControlPrefixWrapper, 'InputControlPrefixWrapper'); /* harmony default export */ const input_prefix_wrapper = (InputControlPrefixWrapper); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/keyboard-shortcuts/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function KeyboardShortcut({ target, callback, shortcut, bindGlobal, eventName }) { (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useKeyboardShortcut)(shortcut, callback, { bindGlobal, target, eventName }); return null; } /** * `KeyboardShortcuts` is a component which handles keyboard sequences during the lifetime of the rendering element. * * When passed children, it will capture key events which occur on or within the children. If no children are passed, events are captured on the document. * * It uses the [Mousetrap]( library to implement keyboard sequence bindings. * * ```jsx * import { KeyboardShortcuts } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyKeyboardShortcuts = () => { * const [ isAllSelected, setIsAllSelected ] = useState( false ); * const selectAll = () => { * setIsAllSelected( true ); * }; * * return ( * <div> * <KeyboardShortcuts * shortcuts={ { * 'mod+a': selectAll, * } } * /> * [cmd/ctrl + A] Combination pressed? { isAllSelected ? 'Yes' : 'No' } * </div> * ); * }; * ``` */ function KeyboardShortcuts({ children, shortcuts, bindGlobal, eventName }) { const target = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const element = Object.entries(shortcuts !== null && shortcuts !== void 0 ? shortcuts : {}).map(([shortcut, callback]) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(KeyboardShortcut, { shortcut: shortcut, callback: callback, bindGlobal: bindGlobal, eventName: eventName, target: target }, shortcut)); // Render as non-visual if there are no children pressed. Keyboard // events will be bound to the document instead. if (!external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.count(children)) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: element }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ref: target, children: [element, children] }); } /* harmony default export */ const keyboard_shortcuts = (KeyboardShortcuts); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/menu-group/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * `MenuGroup` wraps a series of related `MenuItem` components into a common * section. * * ```jsx * import { MenuGroup, MenuItem } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyMenuGroup = () => ( * <MenuGroup label="Settings"> * <MenuItem>Setting 1</MenuItem> * <MenuItem>Setting 2</MenuItem> * </MenuGroup> * ); * ``` */ function MenuGroup(props) { const { children, className = '', label, hideSeparator } = props; const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(MenuGroup); if (!external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.count(children)) { return null; } const labelId = `components-menu-group-label-${instanceId}`; const classNames = dist_clsx(className, 'components-menu-group', { 'has-hidden-separator': hideSeparator }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: classNames, children: [label && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-menu-group__label", id: labelId, "aria-hidden": "true", children: label }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { role: "group", "aria-labelledby": label ? labelId : undefined, children: children })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const menu_group = (MenuGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/menu-item/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedMenuItem(props, ref) { let { children, info, className, icon, iconPosition = 'right', shortcut, isSelected, role = 'menuitem', suffix, ...buttonProps } = props; className = dist_clsx('components-menu-item__button', className); if (info) { children = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("span", { className: "components-menu-item__info-wrapper", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-menu-item__item", children: children }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-menu-item__info", children: info })] }); } if (icon && typeof icon !== 'string') { icon = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(icon, { className: dist_clsx('components-menu-items__item-icon', { 'has-icon-right': iconPosition === 'right' }) }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(build_module_button, { ref: ref // Make sure aria-checked matches spec , "aria-checked": role === 'menuitemcheckbox' || role === 'menuitemradio' ? isSelected : undefined, role: role, icon: iconPosition === 'left' ? icon : undefined, className: className, ...buttonProps, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { className: "components-menu-item__item", children: children }), !suffix && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_shortcut, { className: "components-menu-item__shortcut", shortcut: shortcut }), !suffix && icon && iconPosition === 'right' && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: icon }), suffix] }); } /** * MenuItem is a component which renders a button intended to be used in combination with the `DropdownMenu` component. * * ```jsx * import { MenuItem } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyMenuItem = () => { * const [ isActive, setIsActive ] = useState( true ); * * return ( * <MenuItem * icon={ isActive ? 'yes' : 'no' } * isSelected={ isActive } * role="menuitemcheckbox" * onClick={ () => setIsActive( ( state ) => ! state ) } * > * Toggle * </MenuItem> * ); * }; * ``` */ const MenuItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedMenuItem); /* harmony default export */ const menu_item = (MenuItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/menu-items-choice/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const menu_items_choice_noop = () => {}; /** * `MenuItemsChoice` functions similarly to a set of `MenuItem`s, but allows the user to select one option from a set of multiple choices. * * * ```jsx * import { MenuGroup, MenuItemsChoice } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyMenuItemsChoice = () => { * const [ mode, setMode ] = useState( 'visual' ); * const choices = [ * { * value: 'visual', * label: 'Visual editor', * }, * { * value: 'text', * label: 'Code editor', * }, * ]; * * return ( * <MenuGroup label="Editor"> * <MenuItemsChoice * choices={ choices } * value={ mode } * onSelect={ ( newMode ) => setMode( newMode ) } * /> * </MenuGroup> * ); * }; * ``` */ function MenuItemsChoice({ choices = [], onHover = menu_items_choice_noop, onSelect, value }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: => { const isSelected = value === item.value; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(menu_item, { role: "menuitemradio", disabled: item.disabled, icon: isSelected ? library_check : null, info:, isSelected: isSelected, shortcut: item.shortcut, className: "components-menu-items-choice", onClick: () => { if (!isSelected) { onSelect(item.value); } }, onMouseEnter: () => onHover(item.value), onMouseLeave: () => onHover(null), "aria-label": item['aria-label'], children: item.label }, item.value); }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const menu_items_choice = (MenuItemsChoice); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigable-container/tabbable.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedTabbableContainer({ eventToOffset, ...props }, ref) { const innerEventToOffset = evt => { const { code, shiftKey } = evt; if ('Tab' === code) { return shiftKey ? -1 : 1; } // Allow custom handling of keys besides Tab. // // By default, TabbableContainer will move focus forward on Tab and // backward on Shift+Tab. The handler below will be used for all other // events. The semantics for `eventToOffset`'s return // values are the following: // // - +1: move focus forward // - -1: move focus backward // - 0: don't move focus, but acknowledge event and thus stop it // - undefined: do nothing, let the event propagate. if (eventToOffset) { return eventToOffset(evt); } return undefined; }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(container, { ref: ref, stopNavigationEvents: true, onlyBrowserTabstops: true, eventToOffset: innerEventToOffset, ...props }); } /** * A container for tabbable elements. * * ```jsx * import { * TabbableContainer, * Button, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function onNavigate( index, target ) { * console.log( `Navigates to ${ index }`, target ); * } * * const MyTabbableContainer = () => ( * <div> * <span>Tabbable Container:</span> * <TabbableContainer onNavigate={ onNavigate }> * <Button variant="secondary" tabIndex="0"> * Section 1 * </Button> * <Button variant="secondary" tabIndex="0"> * Section 2 * </Button> * <Button variant="secondary" tabIndex="0"> * Section 3 * </Button> * <Button variant="secondary" tabIndex="0"> * Section 4 * </Button> * </TabbableContainer> * </div> * ); * ``` */ const TabbableContainer = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTabbableContainer); /* harmony default export */ const tabbable = (TabbableContainer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/constants.js const ROOT_MENU = 'root'; const SEARCH_FOCUS_DELAY = 100; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const context_noop = () => {}; const defaultIsEmpty = () => false; const defaultGetter = () => undefined; const NavigationContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ activeItem: undefined, activeMenu: ROOT_MENU, setActiveMenu: context_noop, navigationTree: { items: {}, getItem: defaultGetter, addItem: context_noop, removeItem: context_noop, menus: {}, getMenu: defaultGetter, addMenu: context_noop, removeMenu: context_noop, childMenu: {}, traverseMenu: context_noop, isMenuEmpty: defaultIsEmpty } }); const useNavigationContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(NavigationContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/styles/navigation-styles.js function navigation_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const NavigationUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeiismy11" } : 0)("width:100%;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0 ", space(4), ";overflow:hidden;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const MenuUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeiismy10" } : 0)("margin-top:", space(6), ";margin-bottom:", space(6), ";display:flex;flex-direction:column;ul{padding:0;margin:0;list-style:none;}.components-navigation__back-button{margin-bottom:", space(6), ";}.components-navigation__group+.components-navigation__group{margin-top:", space(6), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const MenuBackButtonUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_button, true ? { target: "eeiismy9" } : 0)( true ? { name: "26l0q2", styles: "&.is-tertiary{color:inherit;opacity:0.7;&:hover:not( :disabled ){opacity:1;box-shadow:none;color:inherit;}&:active:not( :disabled ){background:transparent;opacity:1;color:inherit;}}" } : 0); const MenuTitleUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeiismy8" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1aubja5", styles: "overflow:hidden;width:100%" } : 0); const MenuTitleSearchControlWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeiismy7" } : 0)( true ? { name: "rgorny", styles: "margin:11px 0;padding:1px" } : 0); const MenuTitleActionsUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "eeiismy6" } : 0)("height:", space(6), ";{color:inherit;opacity:0.7;margin-right:", space(1), ";padding:0;&:active:not( :disabled ){background:none;opacity:1;color:inherit;}&:hover:not( :disabled ){box-shadow:none;opacity:1;color:inherit;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const GroupTitleUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(heading_component, true ? { target: "eeiismy5" } : 0)("min-height:", space(12), ";align-items:center;color:inherit;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;margin-bottom:", space(2), ";padding:", () => (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? `${space(1)} ${space(4)} ${space(1)} ${space(2)}` : `${space(1)} ${space(2)} ${space(1)} ${space(4)}`, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ItemBaseUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("li", true ? { target: "eeiismy4" } : 0)("border-radius:2px;color:inherit;margin-bottom:0;>button,>a.components-button,>a{width:100%;color:inherit;opacity:0.7;padding:", space(2), " ", space(4), ";", rtl({ textAlign: 'left' }, { textAlign: 'right' }), " &:hover,&:focus:not( [aria-disabled='true'] ):active,&:active:not( [aria-disabled='true'] ):active{color:inherit;opacity:1;}}&.is-active{background-color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";color:", COLORS.white, ";>button,>a{color:", COLORS.white, ";opacity:1;}}>svg path{color:", COLORS.gray[600], ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ItemUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "eeiismy3" } : 0)("display:flex;align-items:center;height:auto;min-height:40px;margin:0;padding:", space(1.5), " ", space(4), ";font-weight:400;line-height:20px;width:100%;color:inherit;opacity:0.7;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ItemIconUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "eeiismy2" } : 0)("display:flex;margin-right:", space(2), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ItemBadgeUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "eeiismy1" } : 0)("margin-left:", () => (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? '0' : space(2), ";margin-right:", () => (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? space(2) : '0', ";display:inline-flex;padding:", space(1), " ", space(3), ";border-radius:2px;@keyframes fade-in{from{opacity:0;}to{opacity:1;}}@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){animation:fade-in 250ms ease-out;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ItemTitleUI = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(text_component, true ? { target: "eeiismy0" } : 0)(() => (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 'margin-left: auto;' : 'margin-right: auto;', " font-size:14px;line-height:20px;color:inherit;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/use-navigation-tree-nodes.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function useNavigationTreeNodes() { const [nodes, setNodes] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({}); const getNode = key => nodes[key]; const addNode = (key, value) => { const { children, ...newNode } = value; return setNodes(original => ({ ...original, [key]: newNode })); }; const removeNode = key => { return setNodes(original => { const { [key]: removedNode, ...remainingNodes } = original; return remainingNodes; }); }; return { nodes, getNode, addNode, removeNode }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/use-create-navigation-tree.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const useCreateNavigationTree = () => { const { nodes: items, getNode: getItem, addNode: addItem, removeNode: removeItem } = useNavigationTreeNodes(); const { nodes: menus, getNode: getMenu, addNode: addMenu, removeNode: removeMenu } = useNavigationTreeNodes(); /** * Stores direct nested menus of menus * This makes it easy to traverse menu tree * * Key is the menu prop of the menu * Value is an array of menu keys */ const [childMenu, setChildMenu] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({}); const getChildMenu = menu => childMenu[menu] || []; const traverseMenu = (startMenu, callback) => { const visited = []; let queue = [startMenu]; let current; while (queue.length > 0) { // Type cast to string is safe because of the `length > 0` check above. current = getMenu(queue.shift()); if (!current || visited.includes( { continue; } visited.push(; queue = [...queue, ...getChildMenu(]; if (callback(current) === false) { break; } } }; const isMenuEmpty = menuToCheck => { let isEmpty = true; traverseMenu(menuToCheck, current => { if (!current.isEmpty) { isEmpty = false; return false; } return undefined; }); return isEmpty; }; return { items, getItem, addItem, removeItem, menus, getMenu, addMenu: (key, value) => { setChildMenu(state => { const newState = { ...state }; if (!value.parentMenu) { return newState; } if (!newState[value.parentMenu]) { newState[value.parentMenu] = []; } newState[value.parentMenu].push(key); return newState; }); addMenu(key, value); }, removeMenu, childMenu, traverseMenu, isMenuEmpty }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const navigation_noop = () => {}; /** * Render a navigation list with optional groupings and hierarchy. * * @deprecated Use `Navigator` instead. * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalNavigation as Navigation, * __experimentalNavigationGroup as NavigationGroup, * __experimentalNavigationItem as NavigationItem, * __experimentalNavigationMenu as NavigationMenu, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyNavigation = () => ( * <Navigation> * <NavigationMenu title="Home"> * <NavigationGroup title="Group 1"> * <NavigationItem item="item-1" title="Item 1" /> * <NavigationItem item="item-2" title="Item 2" /> * </NavigationGroup> * <NavigationGroup title="Group 2"> * <NavigationItem * item="item-3" * navigateToMenu="category" * title="Category" * /> * </NavigationGroup> * </NavigationMenu> * * <NavigationMenu * backButtonLabel="Home" * menu="category" * parentMenu="root" * title="Category" * > * <NavigationItem badge="1" item="child-1" title="Child 1" /> * <NavigationItem item="child-2" title="Child 2" /> * </NavigationMenu> * </Navigation> * ); * ``` */ function Navigation({ activeItem, activeMenu = ROOT_MENU, children, className, onActivateMenu = navigation_noop }) { const [menu, setMenu] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(activeMenu); const [slideOrigin, setSlideOrigin] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const navigationTree = useCreateNavigationTree(); const defaultSlideOrigin = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 'right' : 'left'; const setActiveMenu = (menuId, slideInOrigin = defaultSlideOrigin) => { if (!navigationTree.getMenu(menuId)) { return; } setSlideOrigin(slideInOrigin); setMenu(menuId); onActivateMenu(menuId); }; // Used to prevent the sliding animation on mount const isMounted = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isMounted.current) { isMounted.current = true; } }, []); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (activeMenu !== menu) { setActiveMenu(activeMenu); } // Ignore exhaustive-deps here, as it would require either a larger refactor or some questionable workarounds. // See for context. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [activeMenu]); const context = { activeItem, activeMenu: menu, setActiveMenu, navigationTree }; const classes = dist_clsx('components-navigation', className); const animateClassName = getAnimateClassName({ type: 'slide-in', origin: slideOrigin }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationUI, { className: classes, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: animateClassName ? dist_clsx({ [animateClassName]: isMounted.current && slideOrigin }) : undefined, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationContext.Provider, { value: context, children: children }) }, menu) }); } /* harmony default export */ const navigation = (Navigation); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/chevron-right.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const chevronRight = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M10.6 6L9.4 7l4.6 5-4.6 5 1.2 1 5.4-6z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const chevron_right = (chevronRight); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/chevron-left.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const chevronLeft = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M14.6 7l-1.2-1L8 12l5.4 6 1.2-1-4.6-5z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const chevron_left = (chevronLeft); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/back-button/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedNavigationBackButton({ backButtonLabel, className, href, onClick, parentMenu }, ref) { const { setActiveMenu, navigationTree } = useNavigationContext(); const classes = dist_clsx('components-navigation__back-button', className); const parentMenuTitle = parentMenu !== undefined ? navigationTree.getMenu(parentMenu)?.title : undefined; const handleOnClick = event => { if (typeof onClick === 'function') { onClick(event); } const animationDirection = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 'left' : 'right'; if (parentMenu && !event.defaultPrevented) { setActiveMenu(parentMenu, animationDirection); } }; const icon = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? chevron_right : chevron_left; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(MenuBackButtonUI, { className: classes, href: href, variant: "tertiary", ref: ref, onClick: handleOnClick, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: icon }), backButtonLabel || parentMenuTitle || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Back')] }); } /** * @deprecated Use `Navigator` instead. */ const NavigationBackButton = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedNavigationBackButton); /* harmony default export */ const back_button = (NavigationBackButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/group/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const NavigationGroupContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ group: undefined }); const useNavigationGroupContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(NavigationGroupContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/group/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ let uniqueId = 0; /** * @deprecated Use `Navigator` instead. */ function NavigationGroup({ children, className, title }) { const [groupId] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(`group-${++uniqueId}`); const { navigationTree: { items } } = useNavigationContext(); const context = { group: groupId }; // Keep the children rendered to make sure invisible items are included in the navigation tree. if (!Object.values(items).some(item => === groupId && item._isVisible)) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationGroupContext.Provider, { value: context, children: children }); } const groupTitleId = `components-navigation__group-title-${groupId}`; const classes = dist_clsx('components-navigation__group', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationGroupContext.Provider, { value: context, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("li", { className: classes, children: [title && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(GroupTitleUI, { className: "components-navigation__group-title", id: groupTitleId, level: 3, children: title }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("ul", { "aria-labelledby": groupTitleId, role: "group", children: children })] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const group = (NavigationGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/item/base-content.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function NavigationItemBaseContent(props) { const { badge, title } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [title && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemTitleUI, { className: "components-navigation__item-title", as: "span", children: title }), badge && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemBadgeUI, { className: "components-navigation__item-badge", children: badge })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/menu/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const NavigationMenuContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ menu: undefined, search: '' }); const useNavigationMenuContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(NavigationMenuContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ // @see packages/block-editor/src/components/inserter/search-items.js const normalizeInput = input => remove_accents_default()(input).replace(/^\//, '').toLowerCase(); const normalizedSearch = (title, search) => -1 !== normalizeInput(title).indexOf(normalizeInput(search)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/item/use-navigation-tree-item.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const useNavigationTreeItem = (itemId, props) => { const { activeMenu, navigationTree: { addItem, removeItem } } = useNavigationContext(); const { group } = useNavigationGroupContext(); const { menu, search } = useNavigationMenuContext(); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const isMenuActive = activeMenu === menu; const isItemVisible = !search || props.title !== undefined && normalizedSearch(props.title, search); addItem(itemId, { ...props, group, menu, _isVisible: isMenuActive && isItemVisible }); return () => { removeItem(itemId); }; // Ignore exhaustive-deps rule for now. See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [activeMenu, search]); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/item/base.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ let base_uniqueId = 0; function NavigationItemBase(props) { // Also avoid to pass the `title` and `href` props to the ItemBaseUI styled component. const { children, className, title, href, ...restProps } = props; const [itemId] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(`item-${++base_uniqueId}`); useNavigationTreeItem(itemId, props); const { navigationTree } = useNavigationContext(); if (!navigationTree.getItem(itemId)?._isVisible) { return null; } const classes = dist_clsx('components-navigation__item', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemBaseUI, { className: classes, ...restProps, children: children }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/item/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const item_noop = () => {}; /** * @deprecated Use `Navigator` instead. */ function NavigationItem(props) { const { badge, children, className, href, item, navigateToMenu, onClick = item_noop, title, icon, hideIfTargetMenuEmpty, isText, ...restProps } = props; const { activeItem, setActiveMenu, navigationTree: { isMenuEmpty } } = useNavigationContext(); // If hideIfTargetMenuEmpty prop is true // And the menu we are supposed to navigate to // Is marked as empty, then we skip rendering the item. if (hideIfTargetMenuEmpty && navigateToMenu && isMenuEmpty(navigateToMenu)) { return null; } const isActive = item && activeItem === item; const classes = dist_clsx(className, { 'is-active': isActive }); const onItemClick = event => { if (navigateToMenu) { setActiveMenu(navigateToMenu); } onClick(event); }; const navigationIcon = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? chevron_left : chevron_right; const baseProps = children ? props : { ...props, onClick: undefined }; const itemProps = isText ? restProps : { as: build_module_button, href, onClick: onItemClick, 'aria-current': isActive ? 'page' : undefined, ...restProps }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationItemBase, { ...baseProps, className: classes, children: children || /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ItemUI, { ...itemProps, children: [icon && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemIconUI, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: icon }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationItemBaseContent, { title: title, badge: badge }), navigateToMenu && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: navigationIcon })] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const navigation_item = (NavigationItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/menu/use-navigation-tree-menu.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const useNavigationTreeMenu = props => { const { navigationTree: { addMenu, removeMenu } } = useNavigationContext(); const key = || ROOT_MENU; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { addMenu(key, { ...props, menu: key }); return () => { removeMenu(key); }; // Ignore exhaustive-deps rule for now. See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/search.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const search = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M13 5c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6 0 1.4.5 2.7 1.3 3.7l-3.8 3.8 1.1 1.1 3.8-3.8c1 .8 2.3 1.3 3.7 1.3 3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6S16.3 5 13 5zm0 10.5c-2.5 0-4.5-2-4.5-4.5s2-4.5 4.5-4.5 4.5 2 4.5 4.5-2 4.5-4.5 4.5z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_search = (search); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/with-spoken-messages/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('react').ComponentType} ComponentType */ /** * A Higher Order Component used to be provide speak and debounced speak * functions. * * @see * * @param {ComponentType} Component The component to be wrapped. * * @return {ComponentType} The wrapped component. */ /* harmony default export */ const with_spoken_messages = ((0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(Component => props => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { ...props, speak: external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak, debouncedSpeak: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useDebounce)(external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak, 500) }), 'withSpokenMessages')); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/search-control/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const inlinePadding = ({ size }) => { return space(size === 'compact' ? 1 : 2); }; const SuffixItemWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "effl84m1" } : 0)("display:flex;padding-inline-end:", inlinePadding, ";svg{fill:currentColor;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const StyledInputControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(input_control, true ? { target: "effl84m0" } : 0)("input[type='search']{&::-webkit-search-decoration,&::-webkit-search-cancel-button,&::-webkit-search-results-button,&::-webkit-search-results-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none;}}&:not( :focus-within ){--wp-components-color-background:", COLORS.theme.gray[100], ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/search-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function SuffixItem({ searchRef, value, onChange, onClose }) { if (!onClose && !value) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_search }); } const onReset = () => { onChange(''); searchRef.current?.focus(); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { size: "small", icon: close_small, label: onClose ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close search') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset search'), onClick: onClose !== null && onClose !== void 0 ? onClose : onReset }); } function UnforwardedSearchControl({ __nextHasNoMarginBottom = false, className, onChange, value, label = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Search'), placeholder = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Search'), hideLabelFromVision = true, onClose, size = 'default', ...restProps }, forwardedRef) { // @ts-expect-error The `disabled` prop is not yet supported in the SearchControl component. // Work with the design team (@WordPress/gutenberg-design) if you need this feature. delete restProps.disabled; const searchRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(SearchControl, 'components-search-control'); const contextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ // Overrides the underlying BaseControl `__nextHasNoMarginBottom` via the context system // to provide backwards compatibile margin for SearchControl. // (In a standard InputControl, the BaseControl `__nextHasNoMarginBottom` is always set to true.) BaseControl: { _overrides: { __nextHasNoMarginBottom } }, // `isBorderless` is still experimental and not a public prop for InputControl yet. InputBase: { isBorderless: true } }), [__nextHasNoMarginBottom]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ContextSystemProvider, { value: contextValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledInputControl, { __next40pxDefaultSize: true, id: instanceId, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, label: label, ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([searchRef, forwardedRef]), type: "search", size: size, className: dist_clsx('components-search-control', className), onChange: nextValue => onChange(nextValue !== null && nextValue !== void 0 ? nextValue : ''), autoComplete: "off", placeholder: placeholder, value: value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : '', suffix: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SuffixItemWrapper, { size: size, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SuffixItem, { searchRef: searchRef, value: value, onChange: onChange, onClose: onClose }) }), ...restProps }) }); } /** * SearchControl components let users display a search control. * * ```jsx * import { SearchControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * function MySearchControl( { className, setState } ) { * const [ searchInput, setSearchInput ] = useState( '' ); * * return ( * <SearchControl * __nextHasNoMarginBottom * value={ searchInput } * onChange={ setSearchInput } * /> * ); * } * ``` */ const SearchControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedSearchControl); /* harmony default export */ const search_control = (SearchControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/menu/menu-title-search.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function MenuTitleSearch({ debouncedSpeak, onCloseSearch, onSearch, search, title }) { const { navigationTree: { items } } = useNavigationContext(); const { menu } = useNavigationMenuContext(); const inputRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); // Wait for the slide-in animation to complete before autofocusing the input. // This prevents scrolling to the input during the animation. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const delayedFocus = setTimeout(() => { inputRef.current?.focus(); }, SEARCH_FOCUS_DELAY); return () => { clearTimeout(delayedFocus); }; }, []); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!search) { return; } const count = Object.values(items).filter(item => item._isVisible).length; const resultsFoundMessage = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: %d: number of results. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._n)('%d result found.', '%d results found.', count), count); debouncedSpeak(resultsFoundMessage); // Ignore exhaustive-deps rule for now. See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [items, search]); const onClose = () => { onSearch?.(''); onCloseSearch(); }; const onKeyDown = event => { if (event.code === 'Escape' && !event.defaultPrevented) { event.preventDefault(); onClose(); } }; const inputId = `components-navigation__menu-title-search-${menu}`; const placeholder = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: placeholder for menu search box. %s: menu title */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Search %s'), title?.toLowerCase()).trim(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MenuTitleSearchControlWrapper, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(search_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, className: "components-navigation__menu-search-input", id: inputId, onChange: value => onSearch?.(value), onKeyDown: onKeyDown, placeholder: placeholder, onClose: onClose, ref: inputRef, value: search }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const menu_title_search = (with_spoken_messages(MenuTitleSearch)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/menu/menu-title.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function NavigationMenuTitle({ hasSearch, onSearch, search, title, titleAction }) { const [isSearching, setIsSearching] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const { menu } = useNavigationMenuContext(); const searchButtonRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); if (!title) { return null; } const onCloseSearch = () => { setIsSearching(false); // Wait for the slide-in animation to complete before focusing the search button. // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/react-no-unsafe-timeout setTimeout(() => { searchButtonRef.current?.focus(); }, SEARCH_FOCUS_DELAY); }; const menuTitleId = `components-navigation__menu-title-${menu}`; /* translators: search button label for menu search box. %s: menu title */ const searchButtonLabel = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Search in %s'), title); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(MenuTitleUI, { className: "components-navigation__menu-title", children: [!isSearching && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(GroupTitleUI, { as: "h2", className: "components-navigation__menu-title-heading", level: 3, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { id: menuTitleId, children: title }), (hasSearch || titleAction) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(MenuTitleActionsUI, { children: [titleAction, hasSearch && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { size: "small", variant: "tertiary", label: searchButtonLabel, onClick: () => setIsSearching(true), ref: searchButtonRef, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_search }) })] })] }), isSearching && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: getAnimateClassName({ type: 'slide-in', origin: 'left' }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(menu_title_search, { onCloseSearch: onCloseSearch, onSearch: onSearch, search: search, title: title }) })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/menu/search-no-results-found.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function NavigationSearchNoResultsFound({ search }) { const { navigationTree: { items } } = useNavigationContext(); const resultsCount = Object.values(items).filter(item => item._isVisible).length; if (!search || !!resultsCount) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemBaseUI, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ItemUI, { children: [(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No results found.'), " "] }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigation/menu/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @deprecated Use `Navigator` instead. */ function NavigationMenu(props) { const { backButtonLabel, children, className, hasSearch, menu = ROOT_MENU, onBackButtonClick, onSearch: setControlledSearch, parentMenu, search: controlledSearch, isSearchDebouncing, title, titleAction } = props; const [uncontrolledSearch, setUncontrolledSearch] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(''); useNavigationTreeMenu(props); const { activeMenu } = useNavigationContext(); const context = { menu, search: uncontrolledSearch }; // Keep the children rendered to make sure invisible items are included in the navigation tree. if (activeMenu !== menu) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationMenuContext.Provider, { value: context, children: children }); } const isControlledSearch = !!setControlledSearch; const search = isControlledSearch ? controlledSearch : uncontrolledSearch; const onSearch = isControlledSearch ? setControlledSearch : setUncontrolledSearch; const menuTitleId = `components-navigation__menu-title-${menu}`; const classes = dist_clsx('components-navigation__menu', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationMenuContext.Provider, { value: context, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(MenuUI, { className: classes, children: [(parentMenu || onBackButtonClick) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(back_button, { backButtonLabel: backButtonLabel, parentMenu: parentMenu, onClick: onBackButtonClick }), title && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationMenuTitle, { hasSearch: hasSearch, onSearch: onSearch, search: search, title: title, titleAction: titleAction }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(navigable_container_menu, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("ul", { "aria-labelledby": menuTitleId, children: [children, search && !isSearchDebouncing && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigationSearchNoResultsFound, { search: search })] }) })] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const navigation_menu = (NavigationMenu); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/path-to-regexp/dist.es2015/index.js /** * Tokenize input string. */ function lexer(str) { var tokens = []; var i = 0; while (i < str.length) { var char = str[i]; if (char === "*" || char === "+" || char === "?") { tokens.push({ type: "MODIFIER", index: i, value: str[i++] }); continue; } if (char === "\\") { tokens.push({ type: "ESCAPED_CHAR", index: i++, value: str[i++] }); continue; } if (char === "{") { tokens.push({ type: "OPEN", index: i, value: str[i++] }); continue; } if (char === "}") { tokens.push({ type: "CLOSE", index: i, value: str[i++] }); continue; } if (char === ":") { var name = ""; var j = i + 1; while (j < str.length) { var code = str.charCodeAt(j); if ( // `0-9` (code >= 48 && code <= 57) || // `A-Z` (code >= 65 && code <= 90) || // `a-z` (code >= 97 && code <= 122) || // `_` code === 95) { name += str[j++]; continue; } break; } if (!name) throw new TypeError("Missing parameter name at ".concat(i)); tokens.push({ type: "NAME", index: i, value: name }); i = j; continue; } if (char === "(") { var count = 1; var pattern = ""; var j = i + 1; if (str[j] === "?") { throw new TypeError("Pattern cannot start with \"?\" at ".concat(j)); } while (j < str.length) { if (str[j] === "\\") { pattern += str[j++] + str[j++]; continue; } if (str[j] === ")") { count--; if (count === 0) { j++; break; } } else if (str[j] === "(") { count++; if (str[j + 1] !== "?") { throw new TypeError("Capturing groups are not allowed at ".concat(j)); } } pattern += str[j++]; } if (count) throw new TypeError("Unbalanced pattern at ".concat(i)); if (!pattern) throw new TypeError("Missing pattern at ".concat(i)); tokens.push({ type: "PATTERN", index: i, value: pattern }); i = j; continue; } tokens.push({ type: "CHAR", index: i, value: str[i++] }); } tokens.push({ type: "END", index: i, value: "" }); return tokens; } /** * Parse a string for the raw tokens. */ function dist_es2015_parse(str, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var tokens = lexer(str); var _a = options.prefixes, prefixes = _a === void 0 ? "./" : _a; var defaultPattern = "[^".concat(escapeString(options.delimiter || "/#?"), "]+?"); var result = []; var key = 0; var i = 0; var path = ""; var tryConsume = function (type) { if (i < tokens.length && tokens[i].type === type) return tokens[i++].value; }; var mustConsume = function (type) { var value = tryConsume(type); if (value !== undefined) return value; var _a = tokens[i], nextType = _a.type, index = _a.index; throw new TypeError("Unexpected ".concat(nextType, " at ").concat(index, ", expected ").concat(type)); }; var consumeText = function () { var result = ""; var value; while ((value = tryConsume("CHAR") || tryConsume("ESCAPED_CHAR"))) { result += value; } return result; }; while (i < tokens.length) { var char = tryConsume("CHAR"); var name = tryConsume("NAME"); var pattern = tryConsume("PATTERN"); if (name || pattern) { var prefix = char || ""; if (prefixes.indexOf(prefix) === -1) { path += prefix; prefix = ""; } if (path) { result.push(path); path = ""; } result.push({ name: name || key++, prefix: prefix, suffix: "", pattern: pattern || defaultPattern, modifier: tryConsume("MODIFIER") || "", }); continue; } var value = char || tryConsume("ESCAPED_CHAR"); if (value) { path += value; continue; } if (path) { result.push(path); path = ""; } var open = tryConsume("OPEN"); if (open) { var prefix = consumeText(); var name_1 = tryConsume("NAME") || ""; var pattern_1 = tryConsume("PATTERN") || ""; var suffix = consumeText(); mustConsume("CLOSE"); result.push({ name: name_1 || (pattern_1 ? key++ : ""), pattern: name_1 && !pattern_1 ? defaultPattern : pattern_1, prefix: prefix, suffix: suffix, modifier: tryConsume("MODIFIER") || "", }); continue; } mustConsume("END"); } return result; } /** * Compile a string to a template function for the path. */ function dist_es2015_compile(str, options) { return tokensToFunction(dist_es2015_parse(str, options), options); } /** * Expose a method for transforming tokens into the path function. */ function tokensToFunction(tokens, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var reFlags = flags(options); var _a = options.encode, encode = _a === void 0 ? function (x) { return x; } : _a, _b = options.validate, validate = _b === void 0 ? true : _b; // Compile all the tokens into regexps. var matches = (token) { if (typeof token === "object") { return new RegExp("^(?:".concat(token.pattern, ")$"), reFlags); } }); return function (data) { var path = ""; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var token = tokens[i]; if (typeof token === "string") { path += token; continue; } var value = data ? data[] : undefined; var optional = token.modifier === "?" || token.modifier === "*"; var repeat = token.modifier === "*" || token.modifier === "+"; if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (!repeat) { throw new TypeError("Expected \"".concat(, "\" to not repeat, but got an array")); } if (value.length === 0) { if (optional) continue; throw new TypeError("Expected \"".concat(, "\" to not be empty")); } for (var j = 0; j < value.length; j++) { var segment = encode(value[j], token); if (validate && !matches[i].test(segment)) { throw new TypeError("Expected all \"".concat(, "\" to match \"").concat(token.pattern, "\", but got \"").concat(segment, "\"")); } path += token.prefix + segment + token.suffix; } continue; } if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number") { var segment = encode(String(value), token); if (validate && !matches[i].test(segment)) { throw new TypeError("Expected \"".concat(, "\" to match \"").concat(token.pattern, "\", but got \"").concat(segment, "\"")); } path += token.prefix + segment + token.suffix; continue; } if (optional) continue; var typeOfMessage = repeat ? "an array" : "a string"; throw new TypeError("Expected \"".concat(, "\" to be ").concat(typeOfMessage)); } return path; }; } /** * Create path match function from `path-to-regexp` spec. */ function dist_es2015_match(str, options) { var keys = []; var re = pathToRegexp(str, keys, options); return regexpToFunction(re, keys, options); } /** * Create a path match function from `path-to-regexp` output. */ function regexpToFunction(re, keys, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a = options.decode, decode = _a === void 0 ? function (x) { return x; } : _a; return function (pathname) { var m = re.exec(pathname); if (!m) return false; var path = m[0], index = m.index; var params = Object.create(null); var _loop_1 = function (i) { if (m[i] === undefined) return "continue"; var key = keys[i - 1]; if (key.modifier === "*" || key.modifier === "+") { params[] = m[i].split(key.prefix + key.suffix).map(function (value) { return decode(value, key); }); } else { params[] = decode(m[i], key); } }; for (var i = 1; i < m.length; i++) { _loop_1(i); } return { path: path, index: index, params: params }; }; } /** * Escape a regular expression string. */ function escapeString(str) { return str.replace(/([.+*?=^!:${}()[\]|/\\])/g, "\\$1"); } /** * Get the flags for a regexp from the options. */ function flags(options) { return options && options.sensitive ? "" : "i"; } /** * Pull out keys from a regexp. */ function regexpToRegexp(path, keys) { if (!keys) return path; var groupsRegex = /\((?:\?<(.*?)>)?(?!\?)/g; var index = 0; var execResult = groupsRegex.exec(path.source); while (execResult) { keys.push({ // Use parenthesized substring match if available, index otherwise name: execResult[1] || index++, prefix: "", suffix: "", modifier: "", pattern: "", }); execResult = groupsRegex.exec(path.source); } return path; } /** * Transform an array into a regexp. */ function arrayToRegexp(paths, keys, options) { var parts = (path) { return pathToRegexp(path, keys, options).source; }); return new RegExp("(?:".concat(parts.join("|"), ")"), flags(options)); } /** * Create a path regexp from string input. */ function stringToRegexp(path, keys, options) { return tokensToRegexp(dist_es2015_parse(path, options), keys, options); } /** * Expose a function for taking tokens and returning a RegExp. */ function tokensToRegexp(tokens, keys, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a = options.strict, strict = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, _b = options.start, start = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = options.end, end = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = options.encode, encode = _d === void 0 ? function (x) { return x; } : _d, _e = options.delimiter, delimiter = _e === void 0 ? "/#?" : _e, _f = options.endsWith, endsWith = _f === void 0 ? "" : _f; var endsWithRe = "[".concat(escapeString(endsWith), "]|$"); var delimiterRe = "[".concat(escapeString(delimiter), "]"); var route = start ? "^" : ""; // Iterate over the tokens and create our regexp string. for (var _i = 0, tokens_1 = tokens; _i < tokens_1.length; _i++) { var token = tokens_1[_i]; if (typeof token === "string") { route += escapeString(encode(token)); } else { var prefix = escapeString(encode(token.prefix)); var suffix = escapeString(encode(token.suffix)); if (token.pattern) { if (keys) keys.push(token); if (prefix || suffix) { if (token.modifier === "+" || token.modifier === "*") { var mod = token.modifier === "*" ? "?" : ""; route += "(?:".concat(prefix, "((?:").concat(token.pattern, ")(?:").concat(suffix).concat(prefix, "(?:").concat(token.pattern, "))*)").concat(suffix, ")").concat(mod); } else { route += "(?:".concat(prefix, "(").concat(token.pattern, ")").concat(suffix, ")").concat(token.modifier); } } else { if (token.modifier === "+" || token.modifier === "*") { route += "((?:".concat(token.pattern, ")").concat(token.modifier, ")"); } else { route += "(".concat(token.pattern, ")").concat(token.modifier); } } } else { route += "(?:".concat(prefix).concat(suffix, ")").concat(token.modifier); } } } if (end) { if (!strict) route += "".concat(delimiterRe, "?"); route += !options.endsWith ? "$" : "(?=".concat(endsWithRe, ")"); } else { var endToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; var isEndDelimited = typeof endToken === "string" ? delimiterRe.indexOf(endToken[endToken.length - 1]) > -1 : endToken === undefined; if (!strict) { route += "(?:".concat(delimiterRe, "(?=").concat(endsWithRe, "))?"); } if (!isEndDelimited) { route += "(?=".concat(delimiterRe, "|").concat(endsWithRe, ")"); } } return new RegExp(route, flags(options)); } /** * Normalize the given path string, returning a regular expression. * * An empty array can be passed in for the keys, which will hold the * placeholder key descriptions. For example, using `/user/:id`, `keys` will * contain `[{ name: 'id', delimiter: '/', optional: false, repeat: false }]`. */ function pathToRegexp(path, keys, options) { if (path instanceof RegExp) return regexpToRegexp(path, keys); if (Array.isArray(path)) return arrayToRegexp(path, keys, options); return stringToRegexp(path, keys, options); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/utils/router.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function matchPath(path, pattern) { const matchingFunction = dist_es2015_match(pattern, { decode: decodeURIComponent }); return matchingFunction(path); } function patternMatch(path, screens) { for (const screen of screens) { const matched = matchPath(path, screen.path); if (matched) { return { params: matched.params, id: }; } } return undefined; } function findParent(path, screens) { if (!path.startsWith('/')) { return undefined; } const pathParts = path.split('/'); let parentPath; while (pathParts.length > 1 && parentPath === undefined) { pathParts.pop(); const potentialParentPath = pathParts.join('/') === '' ? '/' : pathParts.join('/'); if (screens.find(screen => { return matchPath(potentialParentPath, screen.path) !== false; })) { parentPath = potentialParentPath; } } return parentPath; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const context_initialContextValue = { location: {}, goTo: () => {}, goBack: () => {}, goToParent: () => {}, addScreen: () => {}, removeScreen: () => {}, params: {} }; const NavigatorContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(context_initialContextValue); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/styles.js function navigator_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const navigatorProviderWrapper = true ? { name: "xpkswc", styles: "overflow-x:hidden;contain:content" } : 0; const fadeInFromRight = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes({ '0%': { opacity: 0, transform: `translateX( 50px )` }, '100%': { opacity: 1, transform: 'none' } }); const fadeInFromLeft = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes({ '0%': { opacity: 0, transform: `translateX( -50px )` }, '100%': { opacity: 1, transform: 'none' } }); const navigatorScreenAnimation = ({ isInitial, isBack, isRTL }) => { if (isInitial && !isBack) { return; } const animationName = isRTL && isBack || !isRTL && !isBack ? fadeInFromRight : fadeInFromLeft; return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("animation-duration:0.14s;animation-timing-function:ease-in-out;will-change:transform,opacity;animation-name:", animationName, ";@media ( prefers-reduced-motion ){animation-duration:0s;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const navigatorScreen = props => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("overflow-x:auto;max-height:100%;", navigatorScreenAnimation(props), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/navigator-provider/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH = 50; function addScreen({ screens }, screen) { return [...screens, screen]; } function removeScreen({ screens }, screen) { return screens.filter(s => !==; } function goBack({ locationHistory }) { if (locationHistory.length <= 1) { return locationHistory; } return [...locationHistory.slice(0, -2), { ...locationHistory[locationHistory.length - 2], isBack: true, hasRestoredFocus: false }]; } function goTo(state, path, options = {}) { const { locationHistory } = state; const { focusTargetSelector, isBack = false, skipFocus = false, replace = false, ...restOptions } = options; const isNavigatingToSamePath = locationHistory.length > 0 && locationHistory[locationHistory.length - 1].path === path; if (isNavigatingToSamePath) { return locationHistory; } const isNavigatingToPreviousPath = isBack && locationHistory.length > 1 && locationHistory[locationHistory.length - 2].path === path; if (isNavigatingToPreviousPath) { return goBack(state); } const newLocation = { ...restOptions, path, isBack, hasRestoredFocus: false, skipFocus }; if (locationHistory.length === 0) { return replace ? [] : [newLocation]; } const newLocationHistory = locationHistory.slice(locationHistory.length > MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH - 1 ? 1 : 0, -1); if (!replace) { newLocationHistory.push( // Assign `focusTargetSelector` to the previous location in history // (the one we just navigated from). { ...locationHistory[locationHistory.length - 1], focusTargetSelector }); } newLocationHistory.push(newLocation); return newLocationHistory; } function goToParent(state, options = {}) { const { locationHistory, screens } = state; const currentPath = locationHistory[locationHistory.length - 1].path; if (currentPath === undefined) { return locationHistory; } const parentPath = findParent(currentPath, screens); if (parentPath === undefined) { return locationHistory; } return goTo(state, parentPath, { ...options, isBack: true }); } function routerReducer(state, action) { let { screens, locationHistory, matchedPath } = state; switch (action.type) { case 'add': screens = addScreen(state, action.screen); break; case 'remove': screens = removeScreen(state, action.screen); break; case 'goback': locationHistory = goBack(state); break; case 'goto': locationHistory = goTo(state, action.path, action.options); break; case 'gotoparent': locationHistory = goToParent(state, action.options); break; } // Return early in case there is no change if (screens === state.screens && locationHistory === state.locationHistory) { return state; } // Compute the matchedPath const currentPath = locationHistory.length > 0 ? locationHistory[locationHistory.length - 1].path : undefined; matchedPath = currentPath !== undefined ? patternMatch(currentPath, screens) : undefined; // If the new match is the same as the previous match, // return the previous one to keep immutability. if (matchedPath && state.matchedPath && === && external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(matchedPath.params, state.matchedPath.params)) { matchedPath = state.matchedPath; } return { screens, locationHistory, matchedPath }; } function UnconnectedNavigatorProvider(props, forwardedRef) { const { initialPath, children, className, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'NavigatorProvider'); const [routerState, dispatch] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useReducer)(routerReducer, initialPath, path => ({ screens: [], locationHistory: [{ path }], matchedPath: undefined })); // The methods are constant forever, create stable references to them. const methods = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ goBack: () => dispatch({ type: 'goback' }), goTo: (path, options) => dispatch({ type: 'goto', path, options }), goToParent: options => dispatch({ type: 'gotoparent', options }), addScreen: screen => dispatch({ type: 'add', screen }), removeScreen: screen => dispatch({ type: 'remove', screen }) }), []); const { locationHistory, matchedPath } = routerState; const navigatorContextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { var _matchedPath$params; return { location: { ...locationHistory[locationHistory.length - 1], isInitial: locationHistory.length === 1 }, params: (_matchedPath$params = matchedPath?.params) !== null && _matchedPath$params !== void 0 ? _matchedPath$params : {}, match: matchedPath?.id, ...methods }; }, [locationHistory, matchedPath, methods]); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(navigatorProviderWrapper, className), [className, cx]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ref: forwardedRef, className: classes, ...otherProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(NavigatorContext.Provider, { value: navigatorContextValue, children: children }) }); } /** * The `NavigatorProvider` component allows rendering nested views/panels/menus * (via the `NavigatorScreen` component and navigate between these different * view (via the `NavigatorButton` and `NavigatorBackButton` components or the * `useNavigator` hook). * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalNavigatorProvider as NavigatorProvider, * __experimentalNavigatorScreen as NavigatorScreen, * __experimentalNavigatorButton as NavigatorButton, * __experimentalNavigatorBackButton as NavigatorBackButton, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyNavigation = () => ( * <NavigatorProvider initialPath="/"> * <NavigatorScreen path="/"> * <p>This is the home screen.</p> * <NavigatorButton path="/child"> * Navigate to child screen. * </NavigatorButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * * <NavigatorScreen path="/child"> * <p>This is the child screen.</p> * <NavigatorBackButton> * Go back * </NavigatorBackButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * </NavigatorProvider> * ); * ``` */ const NavigatorProvider = contextConnect(UnconnectedNavigatorProvider, 'NavigatorProvider'); /* harmony default export */ const navigator_provider_component = (NavigatorProvider); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","escapeHtml"] const external_wp_escapeHtml_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["escapeHtml"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/navigator-screen/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedNavigatorScreen(props, forwardedRef) { const screenId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useId)(); const { children, className, path, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'NavigatorScreen'); const { location, match, addScreen, removeScreen } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(NavigatorContext); const isMatch = match === screenId; const wrapperRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const screen = { id: screenId, path: (0,external_wp_escapeHtml_namespaceObject.escapeAttribute)(path) }; addScreen(screen); return () => removeScreen(screen); }, [screenId, path, addScreen, removeScreen]); const isRTL = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)(); const { isInitial, isBack } = location; const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(navigatorScreen({ isInitial, isBack, isRTL }), className), [className, cx, isInitial, isBack, isRTL]); const locationRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(location); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { locationRef.current = location; }, [location]); // Focus restoration const isInitialLocation = location.isInitial && !location.isBack; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // Only attempt to restore focus: // - if the current location is not the initial one (to avoid moving focus on page load) // - when the screen becomes visible // - if the wrapper ref has been assigned // - if focus hasn't already been restored for the current location // - if the `skipFocus` option is not set to `true`. This is useful when we trigger the navigation outside of NavigatorScreen. if (isInitialLocation || !isMatch || !wrapperRef.current || locationRef.current.hasRestoredFocus || location.skipFocus) { return; } const activeElement = wrapperRef.current.ownerDocument.activeElement; // If an element is already focused within the wrapper do not focus the // element. This prevents inputs or buttons from losing focus unnecessarily. if (wrapperRef.current.contains(activeElement)) { return; } let elementToFocus = null; // When navigating back, if a selector is provided, use it to look for the // target element (assumed to be a node inside the current NavigatorScreen) if (location.isBack && location.focusTargetSelector) { elementToFocus = wrapperRef.current.querySelector(location.focusTargetSelector); } // If the previous query didn't run or find any element to focus, fallback // to the first tabbable element in the screen (or the screen itself). if (!elementToFocus) { const [firstTabbable] = external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.focus.tabbable.find(wrapperRef.current); elementToFocus = firstTabbable !== null && firstTabbable !== void 0 ? firstTabbable : wrapperRef.current; } locationRef.current.hasRestoredFocus = true; elementToFocus.focus(); }, [isInitialLocation, isMatch, location.isBack, location.focusTargetSelector, location.skipFocus]); const mergedWrapperRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([forwardedRef, wrapperRef]); return isMatch ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ref: mergedWrapperRef, className: classes, ...otherProps, children: children }) : null; } /** * The `NavigatorScreen` component represents a single view/screen/panel and * should be used in combination with the `NavigatorProvider`, the * `NavigatorButton` and the `NavigatorBackButton` components (or the `useNavigator` * hook). * * @example * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalNavigatorProvider as NavigatorProvider, * __experimentalNavigatorScreen as NavigatorScreen, * __experimentalNavigatorButton as NavigatorButton, * __experimentalNavigatorBackButton as NavigatorBackButton, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyNavigation = () => ( * <NavigatorProvider initialPath="/"> * <NavigatorScreen path="/"> * <p>This is the home screen.</p> * <NavigatorButton path="/child"> * Navigate to child screen. * </NavigatorButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * * <NavigatorScreen path="/child"> * <p>This is the child screen.</p> * <NavigatorBackButton> * Go back * </NavigatorBackButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * </NavigatorProvider> * ); * ``` */ const NavigatorScreen = contextConnect(UnconnectedNavigatorScreen, 'NavigatorScreen'); /* harmony default export */ const navigator_screen_component = (NavigatorScreen); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/use-navigator.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Retrieves a `navigator` instance. */ function useNavigator() { const { location, params, goTo, goBack, goToParent } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(NavigatorContext); return { location, goTo, goBack, goToParent, params }; } /* harmony default export */ const use_navigator = (useNavigator); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/navigator-button/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const cssSelectorForAttribute = (attrName, attrValue) => `[${attrName}="${attrValue}"]`; function useNavigatorButton(props) { const { path, onClick, as = build_module_button, attributeName = 'id', ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'NavigatorButton'); const escapedPath = (0,external_wp_escapeHtml_namespaceObject.escapeAttribute)(path); const { goTo } = use_navigator(); const handleClick = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(e => { e.preventDefault(); goTo(escapedPath, { focusTargetSelector: cssSelectorForAttribute(attributeName, escapedPath) }); onClick?.(e); }, [goTo, onClick, attributeName, escapedPath]); return { as, onClick: handleClick, ...otherProps, [attributeName]: escapedPath }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/navigator-button/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedNavigatorButton(props, forwardedRef) { const navigatorButtonProps = useNavigatorButton(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ref: forwardedRef, ...navigatorButtonProps }); } /** * The `NavigatorButton` component can be used to navigate to a screen and should * be used in combination with the `NavigatorProvider`, the `NavigatorScreen` * and the `NavigatorBackButton` components (or the `useNavigator` hook). * * @example * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalNavigatorProvider as NavigatorProvider, * __experimentalNavigatorScreen as NavigatorScreen, * __experimentalNavigatorButton as NavigatorButton, * __experimentalNavigatorBackButton as NavigatorBackButton, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyNavigation = () => ( * <NavigatorProvider initialPath="/"> * <NavigatorScreen path="/"> * <p>This is the home screen.</p> * <NavigatorButton path="/child"> * Navigate to child screen. * </NavigatorButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * * <NavigatorScreen path="/child"> * <p>This is the child screen.</p> * <NavigatorBackButton> * Go back * </NavigatorBackButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * </NavigatorProvider> * ); * ``` */ const NavigatorButton = contextConnect(UnconnectedNavigatorButton, 'NavigatorButton'); /* harmony default export */ const navigator_button_component = (NavigatorButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/navigator-back-button/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useNavigatorBackButton(props) { const { onClick, as = build_module_button, goToParent: goToParentProp = false, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'NavigatorBackButton'); const { goBack, goToParent } = use_navigator(); const handleClick = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(e => { e.preventDefault(); if (goToParentProp) { goToParent(); } else { goBack(); } onClick?.(e); }, [goToParentProp, goToParent, goBack, onClick]); return { as, onClick: handleClick, ...otherProps }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/navigator-back-button/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedNavigatorBackButton(props, forwardedRef) { const navigatorBackButtonProps = useNavigatorBackButton(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ref: forwardedRef, ...navigatorBackButtonProps }); } /** * The `NavigatorBackButton` component can be used to navigate to a screen and * should be used in combination with the `NavigatorProvider`, the * `NavigatorScreen` and the `NavigatorButton` components (or the `useNavigator` * hook). * * @example * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalNavigatorProvider as NavigatorProvider, * __experimentalNavigatorScreen as NavigatorScreen, * __experimentalNavigatorButton as NavigatorButton, * __experimentalNavigatorBackButton as NavigatorBackButton, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyNavigation = () => ( * <NavigatorProvider initialPath="/"> * <NavigatorScreen path="/"> * <p>This is the home screen.</p> * <NavigatorButton path="/child"> * Navigate to child screen. * </NavigatorButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * * <NavigatorScreen path="/child"> * <p>This is the child screen.</p> * <NavigatorBackButton> * Go back * </NavigatorBackButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * </NavigatorProvider> * ); * ``` */ const NavigatorBackButton = contextConnect(UnconnectedNavigatorBackButton, 'NavigatorBackButton'); /* harmony default export */ const navigator_back_button_component = (NavigatorBackButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/navigator/navigator-to-parent-button/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedNavigatorToParentButton(props, forwardedRef) { const navigatorToParentButtonProps = useNavigatorBackButton({ ...props, goToParent: true }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ref: forwardedRef, ...navigatorToParentButtonProps }); } /* * The `NavigatorToParentButton` component can be used to navigate to a screen and * should be used in combination with the `NavigatorProvider`, the * `NavigatorScreen` and the `NavigatorButton` components (or the `useNavigator` * hook). * * @example * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalNavigatorProvider as NavigatorProvider, * __experimentalNavigatorScreen as NavigatorScreen, * __experimentalNavigatorButton as NavigatorButton, * __experimentalNavigatorToParentButton as NavigatorToParentButton, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyNavigation = () => ( * <NavigatorProvider initialPath="/"> * <NavigatorScreen path="/"> * <p>This is the home screen.</p> * <NavigatorButton path="/child"> * Navigate to child screen. * </NavigatorButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * * <NavigatorScreen path="/child"> * <p>This is the child screen.</p> * <NavigatorToParentButton> * Go to parent * </NavigatorToParentButton> * </NavigatorScreen> * </NavigatorProvider> * ); * ``` */ const NavigatorToParentButton = contextConnect(UnconnectedNavigatorToParentButton, 'NavigatorToParentButton'); /* harmony default export */ const navigator_to_parent_button_component = (NavigatorToParentButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/notice/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const notice_noop = () => {}; /** * Custom hook which announces the message with the given politeness, if a * valid message is provided. */ function useSpokenMessage(message, politeness) { const spokenMessage = typeof message === 'string' ? message : (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(message); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (spokenMessage) { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(spokenMessage, politeness); } }, [spokenMessage, politeness]); } function getDefaultPoliteness(status) { switch (status) { case 'success': case 'warning': case 'info': return 'polite'; // The default will also catch the 'error' status. default: return 'assertive'; } } function getStatusLabel(status) { switch (status) { case 'warning': return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Warning notice'); case 'info': return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Information notice'); case 'error': return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Error notice'); // The default will also catch the 'success' status. default: return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Notice'); } } /** * `Notice` is a component used to communicate feedback to the user. * *```jsx * import { Notice } from `@wordpress/components`; * * const MyNotice = () => ( * <Notice status="error">An unknown error occurred.</Notice> * ); * ``` */ function Notice({ className, status = 'info', children, spokenMessage = children, onRemove = notice_noop, isDismissible = true, actions = [], politeness = getDefaultPoliteness(status), __unstableHTML, // onDismiss is a callback executed when the notice is dismissed. // It is distinct from onRemove, which _looks_ like a callback but is // actually the function to call to remove the notice from the UI. onDismiss = notice_noop }) { useSpokenMessage(spokenMessage, politeness); const classes = dist_clsx(className, 'components-notice', 'is-' + status, { 'is-dismissible': isDismissible }); if (__unstableHTML && typeof children === 'string') { children = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_element_namespaceObject.RawHTML, { children: children }); } const onDismissNotice = () => { onDismiss(); onRemove(); }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: classes, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(visually_hidden_component, { children: getStatusLabel(status) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-notice__content", children: [children, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-notice__actions", children:{ className: buttonCustomClasses, label, isPrimary, variant, noDefaultClasses = false, onClick, url }, index) => { let computedVariant = variant; if (variant !== 'primary' && !noDefaultClasses) { computedVariant = !url ? 'secondary' : 'link'; } if (typeof computedVariant === 'undefined' && isPrimary) { computedVariant = 'primary'; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { href: url, variant: computedVariant, onClick: url ? undefined : onClick, className: dist_clsx('components-notice__action', buttonCustomClasses), children: label }, index); }) })] }), isDismissible && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { className: "components-notice__dismiss", icon: library_close, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Close'), onClick: onDismissNotice })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const build_module_notice = (Notice); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/notice/list.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const list_noop = () => {}; /** * `NoticeList` is a component used to render a collection of notices. * *```jsx * import { Notice, NoticeList } from `@wordpress/components`; * * const MyNoticeList = () => { * const [ notices, setNotices ] = useState( [ * { * id: 'second-notice', * content: 'second notice content', * }, * { * id: 'fist-notice', * content: 'first notice content', * }, * ] ); * * const removeNotice = ( id ) => { * setNotices( notices.filter( ( notice ) => !== id ) ); * }; * * return <NoticeList notices={ notices } onRemove={ removeNotice } />; *}; *``` */ function NoticeList({ notices, onRemove = list_noop, className, children }) { const removeNotice = id => () => onRemove(id); className = dist_clsx('components-notice-list', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: className, children: [children, [...notices].reverse().map(notice => { const { content, ...restNotice } = notice; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_React_.createElement)(build_module_notice, { ...restNotice, key:, onRemove: removeNotice( }, notice.content); })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const list = (NoticeList); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/panel/header.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * `PanelHeader` renders the header for the `Panel`. * This is used by the `Panel` component under the hood, * so it does not typically need to be used. */ function PanelHeader({ label, children }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-panel__header", children: [label && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h2", { children: label }), children] }); } /* harmony default export */ const panel_header = (PanelHeader); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/panel/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedPanel({ header, className, children }, ref) { const classNames = dist_clsx(className, 'components-panel'); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: classNames, ref: ref, children: [header && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(panel_header, { label: header }), children] }); } /** * `Panel` expands and collapses multiple sections of content. * * ```jsx * import { Panel, PanelBody, PanelRow } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { more } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * const MyPanel = () => ( * <Panel header="My Panel"> * <PanelBody title="My Block Settings" icon={ more } initialOpen={ true }> * <PanelRow>My Panel Inputs and Labels</PanelRow> * </PanelBody> * </Panel> * ); * ``` */ const Panel = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedPanel); /* harmony default export */ const panel = (Panel); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/chevron-up.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const chevronUp = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M6.5 12.4L12 8l5.5 4.4-.9 1.2L12 10l-4.5 3.6-1-1.2z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const chevron_up = (chevronUp); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/panel/body.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const body_noop = () => {}; function UnforwardedPanelBody(props, ref) { const { buttonProps = {}, children, className, icon, initialOpen, onToggle = body_noop, opened, title, scrollAfterOpen = true } = props; const [isOpened, setIsOpened] = use_controlled_state(opened, { initial: initialOpen === undefined ? true : initialOpen, fallback: false }); const nodeRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); // Defaults to 'smooth' scrolling // const scrollBehavior = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useReducedMotion)() ? 'auto' : 'smooth'; const handleOnToggle = event => { event.preventDefault(); const next = !isOpened; setIsOpened(next); onToggle(next); }; // Ref is used so that the effect does not re-run upon scrollAfterOpen changing value. const scrollAfterOpenRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); scrollAfterOpenRef.current = scrollAfterOpen; // Runs after initial render. use_update_effect(() => { if (isOpened && scrollAfterOpenRef.current && nodeRef.current?.scrollIntoView) { /* * Scrolls the content into view when visible. * This improves the UX when there are multiple stacking <PanelBody /> * components in a scrollable container. */ nodeRef.current.scrollIntoView({ inline: 'nearest', block: 'nearest', behavior: scrollBehavior }); } }, [isOpened, scrollBehavior]); const classes = dist_clsx('components-panel__body', className, { 'is-opened': isOpened }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: classes, ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([nodeRef, ref]), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PanelBodyTitle, { icon: icon, isOpened: Boolean(isOpened), onClick: handleOnToggle, title: title, ...buttonProps }), typeof children === 'function' ? children({ opened: Boolean(isOpened) }) : isOpened && children] }); } const PanelBodyTitle = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(({ isOpened, icon, title, ...props }, ref) => { if (!title) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("h2", { className: "components-panel__body-title", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(build_module_button, { className: "components-panel__body-toggle", "aria-expanded": isOpened, ref: ref, ...props, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { "aria-hidden": "true", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { className: "components-panel__arrow", icon: isOpened ? chevron_up : chevron_down }) }), title, icon && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: icon, className: "components-panel__icon", size: 20 })] }) }); }); const PanelBody = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedPanelBody); /* harmony default export */ const body = (PanelBody); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/panel/row.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedPanelRow({ className, children }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: dist_clsx('components-panel__row', className), ref: ref, children: children }); } /** * `PanelRow` is a generic container for rows within a `PanelBody`. * It is a flex container with a top margin for spacing. */ const PanelRow = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedPanelRow); /* harmony default export */ const row = (PanelRow); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/placeholder/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const PlaceholderIllustration = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { className: "components-placeholder__illustration", fill: "none", xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 60 60", preserveAspectRatio: "none", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { vectorEffect: "non-scaling-stroke", d: "M60 60 0 0" }) }); /** * Renders a placeholder. Normally used by blocks to render their empty state. * * ```jsx * import { Placeholder } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { more } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * const MyPlaceholder = () => <Placeholder icon={ more } label="Placeholder" />; * ``` */ function Placeholder(props) { const { icon, children, label, instructions, className, notices, preview, isColumnLayout, withIllustration, ...additionalProps } = props; const [resizeListener, { width }] = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useResizeObserver)(); // Since `useResizeObserver` will report a width of `null` until after the // first render, avoid applying any modifier classes until width is known. let modifierClassNames; if (typeof width === 'number') { modifierClassNames = { 'is-large': width >= 480, 'is-medium': width >= 160 && width < 480, 'is-small': width < 160 }; } const classes = dist_clsx('components-placeholder', className, modifierClassNames, withIllustration ? 'has-illustration' : null); const fieldsetClasses = dist_clsx('components-placeholder__fieldset', { 'is-column-layout': isColumnLayout }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (instructions) { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(instructions); } }, [instructions]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ...additionalProps, className: classes, children: [withIllustration ? PlaceholderIllustration : null, resizeListener, notices, preview && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-placeholder__preview", children: preview }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-placeholder__label", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: icon }), label] }), !!instructions && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-placeholder__instructions", children: instructions }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: fieldsetClasses, children: children })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const placeholder = (Placeholder); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/progress-bar/styles.js function progress_bar_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const animateProgressBar = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes({ '0%': { left: '-50%' }, '100%': { left: '100%' } }); // Width of the indicator for the indeterminate progress bar const INDETERMINATE_TRACK_WIDTH = 50; const styles_Track = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e15u147w2" } : 0)("position:relative;overflow:hidden;height:", config_values.borderWidthFocus, ";background-color:color-mix(\n\t\tin srgb,\n\t\t", COLORS.theme.foreground, ",\n\t\ttransparent 90%\n\t);border-radius:", config_values.radiusBlockUi, ";outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;:where( & ){width:160px;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); var progress_bar_styles_ref = true ? { name: "152sa26", styles: "width:var(--indicator-width);transition:width 0.4s ease-in-out" } : 0; const Indicator = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e15u147w1" } : 0)("display:inline-block;position:absolute;top:0;height:100%;border-radius:", config_values.radiusBlockUi, ";background-color:color-mix(\n\t\tin srgb,\n\t\t", COLORS.theme.foreground, ",\n\t\ttransparent 10%\n\t);outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:-2px;", ({ isIndeterminate }) => isIndeterminate ? /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ animationDuration: '1.5s', animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in-out', animationIterationCount: 'infinite', animationName: animateProgressBar, width: `${INDETERMINATE_TRACK_WIDTH}%` }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0) : progress_bar_styles_ref, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ProgressElement = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("progress", true ? { target: "e15u147w0" } : 0)( true ? { name: "11fb690", styles: "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/progress-bar/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedProgressBar(props, ref) { const { className, value, ...progressProps } = props; const isIndeterminate = !Number.isFinite(value); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(styles_Track, { className: className, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Indicator, { style: { '--indicator-width': !isIndeterminate ? `${value}%` : undefined }, isIndeterminate: isIndeterminate }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ProgressElement, { max: 100, value: value, "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Loading …'), ref: ref, ...progressProps })] }); } /** * A simple horizontal progress bar component. * * Supports two modes: determinate and indeterminate. A progress bar is determinate * when a specific progress value has been specified (from 0 to 100), and indeterminate * when a value hasn't been specified. * * ```jsx * import { ProgressBar } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyLoadingComponent = () => { * return <ProgressBar />; * }; * ``` */ const ProgressBar = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedProgressBar); /* harmony default export */ const progress_bar = (ProgressBar); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/query-controls/terms.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const ensureParentsAreDefined = terms => { return terms.every(term => term.parent !== null); }; /** * Returns terms in a tree form. * * @param flatTerms Array of terms in flat format. * * @return Terms in tree format. */ function buildTermsTree(flatTerms) { const flatTermsWithParentAndChildren = => ({ children: [], parent: null, ...term, id: String( })); // We use a custom type guard here to ensure that the parent property is // defined on all terms. The type of the `parent` property is `number | null` // and we need to ensure that it is `number`. This is because we use the // `parent` property as a key in the `termsByParent` object. if (!ensureParentsAreDefined(flatTermsWithParentAndChildren)) { return flatTermsWithParentAndChildren; } const termsByParent = flatTermsWithParentAndChildren.reduce((acc, term) => { const { parent } = term; if (!acc[parent]) { acc[parent] = []; } acc[parent].push(term); return acc; }, {}); const fillWithChildren = terms => { return => { const children = termsByParent[]; return { ...term, children: children && children.length ? fillWithChildren(children) : [] }; }); }; return fillWithChildren(termsByParent['0'] || []); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"] const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-select/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function getSelectOptions(tree, level = 0) { return tree.flatMap(treeNode => [{ value:, label: '\u00A0'.repeat(level * 3) + (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)( }, ...getSelectOptions(treeNode.children || [], level + 1)]); } /** * TreeSelect component is used to generate select input fields. * * ```jsx * import { TreeSelect } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyTreeSelect = () => { * const [ page, setPage ] = useState( 'p21' ); * * return ( * <TreeSelect * label="Parent page" * noOptionLabel="No parent page" * onChange={ ( newPage ) => setPage( newPage ) } * selectedId={ page } * tree={ [ * { * name: 'Page 1', * id: 'p1', * children: [ * { name: 'Descend 1 of page 1', id: 'p11' }, * { name: 'Descend 2 of page 1', id: 'p12' }, * ], * }, * { * name: 'Page 2', * id: 'p2', * children: [ * { * name: 'Descend 1 of page 2', * id: 'p21', * children: [ * { * name: 'Descend 1 of Descend 1 of page 2', * id: 'p211', * }, * ], * }, * ], * }, * ] } * /> * ); * } * ``` */ function TreeSelect(props) { const { label, noOptionLabel, onChange, selectedId, tree = [], ...restProps } = useDeprecated36pxDefaultSizeProp(props); const options = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return [noOptionLabel && { value: '', label: noOptionLabel }, ...getSelectOptions(tree)].filter(option => !!option); }, [noOptionLabel, tree]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SelectControl, { label, options, onChange, value: selectedId, ...restProps }); } /* harmony default export */ const tree_select = (TreeSelect); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/query-controls/author-select.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function AuthorSelect({ __next40pxDefaultSize, label, noOptionLabel, authorList, selectedAuthorId, onChange: onChangeProp }) { if (!authorList) { return null; } const termsTree = buildTermsTree(authorList); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tree_select, { label, noOptionLabel, onChange: onChangeProp, tree: termsTree, selectedId: selectedAuthorId !== undefined ? String(selectedAuthorId) : undefined, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/query-controls/category-select.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function CategorySelect({ __next40pxDefaultSize, label, noOptionLabel, categoriesList, selectedCategoryId, onChange: onChangeProp, ...props }) { const termsTree = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return buildTermsTree(categoriesList); }, [categoriesList]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tree_select, { label, noOptionLabel, onChange: onChangeProp, tree: termsTree, selectedId: selectedCategoryId !== undefined ? String(selectedCategoryId) : undefined, ...props, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/query-controls/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DEFAULT_MIN_ITEMS = 1; const DEFAULT_MAX_ITEMS = 100; const MAX_CATEGORIES_SUGGESTIONS = 20; function isSingleCategorySelection(props) { return 'categoriesList' in props; } function isMultipleCategorySelection(props) { return 'categorySuggestions' in props; } /** * Controls to query for posts. * * ```jsx * const MyQueryControls = () => ( * <QueryControls * { ...{ maxItems, minItems, numberOfItems, order, orderBy } } * onOrderByChange={ ( newOrderBy ) => { * updateQuery( { orderBy: newOrderBy } ) * } * onOrderChange={ ( newOrder ) => { * updateQuery( { order: newOrder } ) * } * categoriesList={ categories } * selectedCategoryId={ category } * onCategoryChange={ ( newCategory ) => { * updateQuery( { category: newCategory } ) * } * onNumberOfItemsChange={ ( newNumberOfItems ) => { * updateQuery( { numberOfItems: newNumberOfItems } ) * } } * /> * ); * ``` */ function QueryControls({ __next40pxDefaultSize = false, authorList, selectedAuthorId, numberOfItems, order, orderBy, maxItems = DEFAULT_MAX_ITEMS, minItems = DEFAULT_MIN_ITEMS, onAuthorChange, onNumberOfItemsChange, onOrderChange, onOrderByChange, // Props for single OR multiple category selection are not destructured here, // but instead are destructured inline where necessary. ...props }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(v_stack_component, { spacing: "4", className: "components-query-controls", children: [onOrderChange && onOrderByChange && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(select_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Order by'), value: `${orderBy}/${order}`, options: [{ label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Newest to oldest'), value: 'date/desc' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Oldest to newest'), value: 'date/asc' }, { /* translators: Label for ordering posts by title in ascending order. */ label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('A → Z'), value: 'title/asc' }, { /* translators: Label for ordering posts by title in descending order. */ label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Z → A'), value: 'title/desc' }], onChange: value => { if (typeof value !== 'string') { return; } const [newOrderBy, newOrder] = value.split('/'); if (newOrder !== order) { onOrderChange(newOrder); } if (newOrderBy !== orderBy) { onOrderByChange(newOrderBy); } } }, "query-controls-order-select"), isSingleCategorySelection(props) && props.categoriesList && props.onCategoryChange && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CategorySelect, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, categoriesList: props.categoriesList, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Category'), noOptionLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('All', 'categories'), selectedCategoryId: props.selectedCategoryId, onChange: props.onCategoryChange }, "query-controls-category-select"), isMultipleCategorySelection(props) && props.categorySuggestions && props.onCategoryChange && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(form_token_field, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Categories'), value: props.selectedCategories && => ({ id:, // Keeping the fallback to `item.value` for legacy reasons, // even if items of `selectedCategories` should not have a // `value` property. // @ts-expect-error value: || item.value })), suggestions: Object.keys(props.categorySuggestions), onChange: props.onCategoryChange, maxSuggestions: MAX_CATEGORIES_SUGGESTIONS }, "query-controls-categories-select"), onAuthorChange && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AuthorSelect, { __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, authorList: authorList, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Author'), noOptionLabel: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('All', 'authors'), selectedAuthorId: selectedAuthorId, onChange: onAuthorChange }, "query-controls-author-select"), onNumberOfItemsChange && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(range_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: __next40pxDefaultSize, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Number of items'), value: numberOfItems, onChange: onNumberOfItemsChange, min: minItems, max: maxItems, required: true }, "query-controls-range-control")] }); } /* harmony default export */ const query_controls = (QueryControls); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/radio-group/context.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ const RadioGroupContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ store: undefined, disabled: undefined }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/radio-group/radio.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedRadio({ value, children, ...props }, ref) { const { store, disabled } = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(RadioGroupContext); const selectedValue = store?.useState('value'); const isChecked = selectedValue !== undefined && selectedValue === value; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Radio, { disabled: disabled, store: store, ref: ref, value: value, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { variant: isChecked ? 'primary' : 'secondary', ...props }), children: children || value }); } /** * @deprecated Use `RadioControl` or `ToggleGroupControl` instead. */ const radio_Radio = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedRadio); /* harmony default export */ const radio_group_radio = (radio_Radio); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/radio-group/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedRadioGroup({ label, checked, defaultChecked, disabled, onChange, children, ...props }, ref) { const radioStore = useRadioStore({ value: checked, defaultValue: defaultChecked, setValue: newValue => { onChange?.(newValue !== null && newValue !== void 0 ? newValue : undefined); } }); const contextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ store: radioStore, disabled }), [radioStore, disabled]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RadioGroupContext.Provider, { value: contextValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RadioGroup, { store: radioStore, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(button_group, { children: children }), "aria-label": label, ref: ref, ...props }) }); } /** * @deprecated Use `RadioControl` or `ToggleGroupControl` instead. */ const radio_group_RadioGroup = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedRadioGroup); /* harmony default export */ const radio_group = (radio_group_RadioGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/radio-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Render a user interface to select the user type using radio inputs. * * ```jsx * import { RadioControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyRadioControl = () => { * const [ option, setOption ] = useState( 'a' ); * * return ( * <RadioControl * label="User type" * help="The type of the current user" * selected={ option } * options={ [ * { label: 'Author', value: 'a' }, * { label: 'Editor', value: 'e' }, * ] } * onChange={ ( value ) => setOption( value ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function RadioControl(props) { const { label, className, selected, help, onChange, hideLabelFromVision, options = [], ...additionalProps } = props; const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(RadioControl); const id = `inspector-radio-control-${instanceId}`; const onChangeValue = event => onChange(; if (!options?.length) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: label, id: id, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, help: help, className: dist_clsx(className, 'components-radio-control'), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(v_stack_component, { spacing: 1, children:, index) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-radio-control__option", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("input", { id: `${id}-${index}`, className: "components-radio-control__input", type: "radio", name: id, value: option.value, onChange: onChangeValue, checked: option.value === selected, "aria-describedby": !!help ? `${id}__help` : undefined, ...additionalProps }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("label", { className: "components-radio-control__label", htmlFor: `${id}-${index}`, children: option.label })] }, `${id}-${index}`)) }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const radio_control = (RadioControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/re-resizable/lib/resizer.js var resizer_extends = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var resizer_assign = (undefined && undefined.__assign) || function () { resizer_assign = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return resizer_assign.apply(this, arguments); }; var rowSizeBase = { width: '100%', height: '10px', top: '0px', left: '0px', cursor: 'row-resize', }; var colSizeBase = { width: '10px', height: '100%', top: '0px', left: '0px', cursor: 'col-resize', }; var edgeBase = { width: '20px', height: '20px', position: 'absolute', }; var resizer_styles = { top: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, rowSizeBase), { top: '-5px' }), right: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, colSizeBase), { left: undefined, right: '-5px' }), bottom: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, rowSizeBase), { top: undefined, bottom: '-5px' }), left: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, colSizeBase), { left: '-5px' }), topRight: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, edgeBase), { right: '-10px', top: '-10px', cursor: 'ne-resize' }), bottomRight: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, edgeBase), { right: '-10px', bottom: '-10px', cursor: 'se-resize' }), bottomLeft: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, edgeBase), { left: '-10px', bottom: '-10px', cursor: 'sw-resize' }), topLeft: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({}, edgeBase), { left: '-10px', top: '-10px', cursor: 'nw-resize' }), }; var Resizer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { resizer_extends(Resizer, _super); function Resizer() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; _this.onMouseDown = function (e) { _this.props.onResizeStart(e, _this.props.direction); }; _this.onTouchStart = function (e) { _this.props.onResizeStart(e, _this.props.direction); }; return _this; } Resizer.prototype.render = function () { return (external_React_.createElement("div", { className: this.props.className || '', style: resizer_assign(resizer_assign({ position: 'absolute', userSelect: 'none' }, resizer_styles[this.props.direction]), (this.props.replaceStyles || {})), onMouseDown: this.onMouseDown, onTouchStart: this.onTouchStart }, this.props.children)); }; return Resizer; }(external_React_.PureComponent)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/re-resizable/lib/index.js var lib_extends = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var lib_assign = (undefined && undefined.__assign) || function () { lib_assign = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return lib_assign.apply(this, arguments); }; var DEFAULT_SIZE = { width: 'auto', height: 'auto', }; var lib_clamp = function (n, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(n, max), min); }; var snap = function (n, size) { return Math.round(n / size) * size; }; var hasDirection = function (dir, target) { return new RegExp(dir, 'i').test(target); }; // INFO: In case of window is a Proxy and does not porxy Events correctly, use isTouchEvent & isMouseEvent to distinguish event type instead of `instanceof`. var isTouchEvent = function (event) { return Boolean(event.touches && event.touches.length); }; var isMouseEvent = function (event) { return Boolean((event.clientX || event.clientX === 0) && (event.clientY || event.clientY === 0)); }; var findClosestSnap = function (n, snapArray, snapGap) { if (snapGap === void 0) { snapGap = 0; } var closestGapIndex = snapArray.reduce(function (prev, curr, index) { return (Math.abs(curr - n) < Math.abs(snapArray[prev] - n) ? index : prev); }, 0); var gap = Math.abs(snapArray[closestGapIndex] - n); return snapGap === 0 || gap < snapGap ? snapArray[closestGapIndex] : n; }; var getStringSize = function (n) { n = n.toString(); if (n === 'auto') { return n; } if (n.endsWith('px')) { return n; } if (n.endsWith('%')) { return n; } if (n.endsWith('vh')) { return n; } if (n.endsWith('vw')) { return n; } if (n.endsWith('vmax')) { return n; } if (n.endsWith('vmin')) { return n; } return n + "px"; }; var getPixelSize = function (size, parentSize, innerWidth, innerHeight) { if (size && typeof size === 'string') { if (size.endsWith('px')) { return Number(size.replace('px', '')); } if (size.endsWith('%')) { var ratio = Number(size.replace('%', '')) / 100; return parentSize * ratio; } if (size.endsWith('vw')) { var ratio = Number(size.replace('vw', '')) / 100; return innerWidth * ratio; } if (size.endsWith('vh')) { var ratio = Number(size.replace('vh', '')) / 100; return innerHeight * ratio; } } return size; }; var calculateNewMax = function (parentSize, innerWidth, innerHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, minWidth, minHeight) { maxWidth = getPixelSize(maxWidth, parentSize.width, innerWidth, innerHeight); maxHeight = getPixelSize(maxHeight, parentSize.height, innerWidth, innerHeight); minWidth = getPixelSize(minWidth, parentSize.width, innerWidth, innerHeight); minHeight = getPixelSize(minHeight, parentSize.height, innerWidth, innerHeight); return { maxWidth: typeof maxWidth === 'undefined' ? undefined : Number(maxWidth), maxHeight: typeof maxHeight === 'undefined' ? undefined : Number(maxHeight), minWidth: typeof minWidth === 'undefined' ? undefined : Number(minWidth), minHeight: typeof minHeight === 'undefined' ? undefined : Number(minHeight), }; }; var definedProps = [ 'as', 'style', 'className', 'grid', 'snap', 'bounds', 'boundsByDirection', 'size', 'defaultSize', 'minWidth', 'minHeight', 'maxWidth', 'maxHeight', 'lockAspectRatio', 'lockAspectRatioExtraWidth', 'lockAspectRatioExtraHeight', 'enable', 'handleStyles', 'handleClasses', 'handleWrapperStyle', 'handleWrapperClass', 'children', 'onResizeStart', 'onResize', 'onResizeStop', 'handleComponent', 'scale', 'resizeRatio', 'snapGap', ]; // HACK: This class is used to calculate % size. var baseClassName = '__resizable_base__'; var Resizable = /** @class */ (function (_super) { lib_extends(Resizable, _super); function Resizable(props) { var _this =, props) || this; _this.ratio = 1; _this.resizable = null; // For parent boundary _this.parentLeft = 0; _this.parentTop = 0; // For boundary _this.resizableLeft = 0; _this.resizableRight = 0; _this.resizableTop = 0; _this.resizableBottom = 0; // For target boundary _this.targetLeft = 0; _this.targetTop = 0; _this.appendBase = function () { if (!_this.resizable || !_this.window) { return null; } var parent = _this.parentNode; if (!parent) { return null; } var element = _this.window.document.createElement('div'); = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'absolute'; = 'scale(0, 0)'; = '0'; = '0 0 100%'; if (element.classList) { element.classList.add(baseClassName); } else { element.className += baseClassName; } parent.appendChild(element); return element; }; _this.removeBase = function (base) { var parent = _this.parentNode; if (!parent) { return; } parent.removeChild(base); }; _this.ref = function (c) { if (c) { _this.resizable = c; } }; _this.state = { isResizing: false, width: typeof (_this.propsSize && _this.propsSize.width) === 'undefined' ? 'auto' : _this.propsSize && _this.propsSize.width, height: typeof (_this.propsSize && _this.propsSize.height) === 'undefined' ? 'auto' : _this.propsSize && _this.propsSize.height, direction: 'right', original: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, }, backgroundStyle: { height: '100%', width: '100%', backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', cursor: 'auto', opacity: 0, position: 'fixed', zIndex: 9999, top: '0', left: '0', bottom: '0', right: '0', }, flexBasis: undefined, }; _this.onResizeStart = _this.onResizeStart.bind(_this); _this.onMouseMove = _this.onMouseMove.bind(_this); _this.onMouseUp = _this.onMouseUp.bind(_this); return _this; } Object.defineProperty(Resizable.prototype, "parentNode", { get: function () { if (!this.resizable) { return null; } return this.resizable.parentNode; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Resizable.prototype, "window", { get: function () { if (!this.resizable) { return null; } if (!this.resizable.ownerDocument) { return null; } return this.resizable.ownerDocument.defaultView; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Resizable.prototype, "propsSize", { get: function () { return this.props.size || this.props.defaultSize || DEFAULT_SIZE; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Resizable.prototype, "size", { get: function () { var width = 0; var height = 0; if (this.resizable && this.window) { var orgWidth = this.resizable.offsetWidth; var orgHeight = this.resizable.offsetHeight; // HACK: Set position `relative` to get parent size. // This is because when re-resizable set `absolute`, I can not get base width correctly. var orgPosition =; if (orgPosition !== 'relative') { = 'relative'; } // INFO: Use original width or height if set auto. width = !== 'auto' ? this.resizable.offsetWidth : orgWidth; height = !== 'auto' ? this.resizable.offsetHeight : orgHeight; // Restore original position = orgPosition; } return { width: width, height: height }; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Resizable.prototype, "sizeStyle", { get: function () { var _this = this; var size = this.props.size; var getSize = function (key) { if (typeof _this.state[key] === 'undefined' || _this.state[key] === 'auto') { return 'auto'; } if (_this.propsSize && _this.propsSize[key] && _this.propsSize[key].toString().endsWith('%')) { if (_this.state[key].toString().endsWith('%')) { return _this.state[key].toString(); } var parentSize = _this.getParentSize(); var value = Number(_this.state[key].toString().replace('px', '')); var percent = (value / parentSize[key]) * 100; return percent + "%"; } return getStringSize(_this.state[key]); }; var width = size && typeof size.width !== 'undefined' && !this.state.isResizing ? getStringSize(size.width) : getSize('width'); var height = size && typeof size.height !== 'undefined' && !this.state.isResizing ? getStringSize(size.height) : getSize('height'); return { width: width, height: height }; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Resizable.prototype.getParentSize = function () { if (!this.parentNode) { if (!this.window) { return { width: 0, height: 0 }; } return { width: this.window.innerWidth, height: this.window.innerHeight }; } var base = this.appendBase(); if (!base) { return { width: 0, height: 0 }; } // INFO: To calculate parent width with flex layout var wrapChanged = false; var wrap =; if (wrap !== 'wrap') { wrapChanged = true; = 'wrap'; // HACK: Use relative to get parent padding size } = 'relative'; = '100%'; = '100%'; var size = { width: base.offsetWidth, height: base.offsetHeight, }; if (wrapChanged) { = wrap; } this.removeBase(base); return size; }; Resizable.prototype.bindEvents = function () { if (this.window) { this.window.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp); this.window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove); this.window.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.onMouseUp); this.window.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove, { capture: true, passive: false, }); this.window.addEventListener('touchend', this.onMouseUp); } }; Resizable.prototype.unbindEvents = function () { if (this.window) { this.window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp); this.window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove); this.window.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this.onMouseUp); this.window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove, true); this.window.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onMouseUp); } }; Resizable.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { if (!this.resizable || !this.window) { return; } var computedStyle = this.window.getComputedStyle(this.resizable); this.setState({ width: this.state.width || this.size.width, height: this.state.height || this.size.height, flexBasis: computedStyle.flexBasis !== 'auto' ? computedStyle.flexBasis : undefined, }); }; Resizable.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { if (this.window) { this.unbindEvents(); } }; Resizable.prototype.createSizeForCssProperty = function (newSize, kind) { var propsSize = this.propsSize && this.propsSize[kind]; return this.state[kind] === 'auto' && this.state.original[kind] === newSize && (typeof propsSize === 'undefined' || propsSize === 'auto') ? 'auto' : newSize; }; Resizable.prototype.calculateNewMaxFromBoundary = function (maxWidth, maxHeight) { var boundsByDirection = this.props.boundsByDirection; var direction = this.state.direction; var widthByDirection = boundsByDirection && hasDirection('left', direction); var heightByDirection = boundsByDirection && hasDirection('top', direction); var boundWidth; var boundHeight; if (this.props.bounds === 'parent') { var parent_1 = this.parentNode; if (parent_1) { boundWidth = widthByDirection ? this.resizableRight - this.parentLeft : parent_1.offsetWidth + (this.parentLeft - this.resizableLeft); boundHeight = heightByDirection ? this.resizableBottom - this.parentTop : parent_1.offsetHeight + (this.parentTop - this.resizableTop); } } else if (this.props.bounds === 'window') { if (this.window) { boundWidth = widthByDirection ? this.resizableRight : this.window.innerWidth - this.resizableLeft; boundHeight = heightByDirection ? this.resizableBottom : this.window.innerHeight - this.resizableTop; } } else if (this.props.bounds) { boundWidth = widthByDirection ? this.resizableRight - this.targetLeft : this.props.bounds.offsetWidth + (this.targetLeft - this.resizableLeft); boundHeight = heightByDirection ? this.resizableBottom - this.targetTop : this.props.bounds.offsetHeight + (this.targetTop - this.resizableTop); } if (boundWidth && Number.isFinite(boundWidth)) { maxWidth = maxWidth && maxWidth < boundWidth ? maxWidth : boundWidth; } if (boundHeight && Number.isFinite(boundHeight)) { maxHeight = maxHeight && maxHeight < boundHeight ? maxHeight : boundHeight; } return { maxWidth: maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight }; }; Resizable.prototype.calculateNewSizeFromDirection = function (clientX, clientY) { var scale = this.props.scale || 1; var resizeRatio = this.props.resizeRatio || 1; var _a = this.state, direction = _a.direction, original = _a.original; var _b = this.props, lockAspectRatio = _b.lockAspectRatio, lockAspectRatioExtraHeight = _b.lockAspectRatioExtraHeight, lockAspectRatioExtraWidth = _b.lockAspectRatioExtraWidth; var newWidth = original.width; var newHeight = original.height; var extraHeight = lockAspectRatioExtraHeight || 0; var extraWidth = lockAspectRatioExtraWidth || 0; if (hasDirection('right', direction)) { newWidth = original.width + ((clientX - original.x) * resizeRatio) / scale; if (lockAspectRatio) { newHeight = (newWidth - extraWidth) / this.ratio + extraHeight; } } if (hasDirection('left', direction)) { newWidth = original.width - ((clientX - original.x) * resizeRatio) / scale; if (lockAspectRatio) { newHeight = (newWidth - extraWidth) / this.ratio + extraHeight; } } if (hasDirection('bottom', direction)) { newHeight = original.height + ((clientY - original.y) * resizeRatio) / scale; if (lockAspectRatio) { newWidth = (newHeight - extraHeight) * this.ratio + extraWidth; } } if (hasDirection('top', direction)) { newHeight = original.height - ((clientY - original.y) * resizeRatio) / scale; if (lockAspectRatio) { newWidth = (newHeight - extraHeight) * this.ratio + extraWidth; } } return { newWidth: newWidth, newHeight: newHeight }; }; Resizable.prototype.calculateNewSizeFromAspectRatio = function (newWidth, newHeight, max, min) { var _a = this.props, lockAspectRatio = _a.lockAspectRatio, lockAspectRatioExtraHeight = _a.lockAspectRatioExtraHeight, lockAspectRatioExtraWidth = _a.lockAspectRatioExtraWidth; var computedMinWidth = typeof min.width === 'undefined' ? 10 : min.width; var computedMaxWidth = typeof max.width === 'undefined' || max.width < 0 ? newWidth : max.width; var computedMinHeight = typeof min.height === 'undefined' ? 10 : min.height; var computedMaxHeight = typeof max.height === 'undefined' || max.height < 0 ? newHeight : max.height; var extraHeight = lockAspectRatioExtraHeight || 0; var extraWidth = lockAspectRatioExtraWidth || 0; if (lockAspectRatio) { var extraMinWidth = (computedMinHeight - extraHeight) * this.ratio + extraWidth; var extraMaxWidth = (computedMaxHeight - extraHeight) * this.ratio + extraWidth; var extraMinHeight = (computedMinWidth - extraWidth) / this.ratio + extraHeight; var extraMaxHeight = (computedMaxWidth - extraWidth) / this.ratio + extraHeight; var lockedMinWidth = Math.max(computedMinWidth, extraMinWidth); var lockedMaxWidth = Math.min(computedMaxWidth, extraMaxWidth); var lockedMinHeight = Math.max(computedMinHeight, extraMinHeight); var lockedMaxHeight = Math.min(computedMaxHeight, extraMaxHeight); newWidth = lib_clamp(newWidth, lockedMinWidth, lockedMaxWidth); newHeight = lib_clamp(newHeight, lockedMinHeight, lockedMaxHeight); } else { newWidth = lib_clamp(newWidth, computedMinWidth, computedMaxWidth); newHeight = lib_clamp(newHeight, computedMinHeight, computedMaxHeight); } return { newWidth: newWidth, newHeight: newHeight }; }; Resizable.prototype.setBoundingClientRect = function () { // For parent boundary if (this.props.bounds === 'parent') { var parent_2 = this.parentNode; if (parent_2) { var parentRect = parent_2.getBoundingClientRect(); this.parentLeft = parentRect.left; this.parentTop =; } } // For target(html element) boundary if (this.props.bounds && typeof this.props.bounds !== 'string') { var targetRect = this.props.bounds.getBoundingClientRect(); this.targetLeft = targetRect.left; this.targetTop =; } // For boundary if (this.resizable) { var _a = this.resizable.getBoundingClientRect(), left = _a.left, top_1 =, right = _a.right, bottom = _a.bottom; this.resizableLeft = left; this.resizableRight = right; this.resizableTop = top_1; this.resizableBottom = bottom; } }; Resizable.prototype.onResizeStart = function (event, direction) { if (!this.resizable || !this.window) { return; } var clientX = 0; var clientY = 0; if (event.nativeEvent && isMouseEvent(event.nativeEvent)) { clientX = event.nativeEvent.clientX; clientY = event.nativeEvent.clientY; } else if (event.nativeEvent && isTouchEvent(event.nativeEvent)) { clientX = event.nativeEvent.touches[0].clientX; clientY = event.nativeEvent.touches[0].clientY; } if (this.props.onResizeStart) { if (this.resizable) { var startResize = this.props.onResizeStart(event, direction, this.resizable); if (startResize === false) { return; } } } // Fix #168 if (this.props.size) { if (typeof this.props.size.height !== 'undefined' && this.props.size.height !== this.state.height) { this.setState({ height: this.props.size.height }); } if (typeof this.props.size.width !== 'undefined' && this.props.size.width !== this.state.width) { this.setState({ width: this.props.size.width }); } } // For lockAspectRatio case this.ratio = typeof this.props.lockAspectRatio === 'number' ? this.props.lockAspectRatio : this.size.width / this.size.height; var flexBasis; var computedStyle = this.window.getComputedStyle(this.resizable); if (computedStyle.flexBasis !== 'auto') { var parent_3 = this.parentNode; if (parent_3) { var dir = this.window.getComputedStyle(parent_3).flexDirection; this.flexDir = dir.startsWith('row') ? 'row' : 'column'; flexBasis = computedStyle.flexBasis; } } // For boundary this.setBoundingClientRect(); this.bindEvents(); var state = { original: { x: clientX, y: clientY, width: this.size.width, height: this.size.height, }, isResizing: true, backgroundStyle: lib_assign(lib_assign({}, this.state.backgroundStyle), { cursor: this.window.getComputedStyle( || 'auto' }), direction: direction, flexBasis: flexBasis, }; this.setState(state); }; Resizable.prototype.onMouseMove = function (event) { var _this = this; if (!this.state.isResizing || !this.resizable || !this.window) { return; } if (this.window.TouchEvent && isTouchEvent(event)) { try { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } catch (e) { // Ignore on fail } } var _a = this.props, maxWidth = _a.maxWidth, maxHeight = _a.maxHeight, minWidth = _a.minWidth, minHeight = _a.minHeight; var clientX = isTouchEvent(event) ? event.touches[0].clientX : event.clientX; var clientY = isTouchEvent(event) ? event.touches[0].clientY : event.clientY; var _b = this.state, direction = _b.direction, original = _b.original, width = _b.width, height = _b.height; var parentSize = this.getParentSize(); var max = calculateNewMax(parentSize, this.window.innerWidth, this.window.innerHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, minWidth, minHeight); maxWidth = max.maxWidth; maxHeight = max.maxHeight; minWidth = max.minWidth; minHeight = max.minHeight; // Calculate new size var _c = this.calculateNewSizeFromDirection(clientX, clientY), newHeight = _c.newHeight, newWidth = _c.newWidth; // Calculate max size from boundary settings var boundaryMax = this.calculateNewMaxFromBoundary(maxWidth, maxHeight); if (this.props.snap && this.props.snap.x) { newWidth = findClosestSnap(newWidth, this.props.snap.x, this.props.snapGap); } if (this.props.snap && this.props.snap.y) { newHeight = findClosestSnap(newHeight, this.props.snap.y, this.props.snapGap); } // Calculate new size from aspect ratio var newSize = this.calculateNewSizeFromAspectRatio(newWidth, newHeight, { width: boundaryMax.maxWidth, height: boundaryMax.maxHeight }, { width: minWidth, height: minHeight }); newWidth = newSize.newWidth; newHeight = newSize.newHeight; if (this.props.grid) { var newGridWidth = snap(newWidth, this.props.grid[0]); var newGridHeight = snap(newHeight, this.props.grid[1]); var gap = this.props.snapGap || 0; newWidth = gap === 0 || Math.abs(newGridWidth - newWidth) <= gap ? newGridWidth : newWidth; newHeight = gap === 0 || Math.abs(newGridHeight - newHeight) <= gap ? newGridHeight : newHeight; } var delta = { width: newWidth - original.width, height: newHeight - original.height, }; if (width && typeof width === 'string') { if (width.endsWith('%')) { var percent = (newWidth / parentSize.width) * 100; newWidth = percent + "%"; } else if (width.endsWith('vw')) { var vw = (newWidth / this.window.innerWidth) * 100; newWidth = vw + "vw"; } else if (width.endsWith('vh')) { var vh = (newWidth / this.window.innerHeight) * 100; newWidth = vh + "vh"; } } if (height && typeof height === 'string') { if (height.endsWith('%')) { var percent = (newHeight / parentSize.height) * 100; newHeight = percent + "%"; } else if (height.endsWith('vw')) { var vw = (newHeight / this.window.innerWidth) * 100; newHeight = vw + "vw"; } else if (height.endsWith('vh')) { var vh = (newHeight / this.window.innerHeight) * 100; newHeight = vh + "vh"; } } var newState = { width: this.createSizeForCssProperty(newWidth, 'width'), height: this.createSizeForCssProperty(newHeight, 'height'), }; if (this.flexDir === 'row') { newState.flexBasis = newState.width; } else if (this.flexDir === 'column') { newState.flexBasis = newState.height; } // For v18, update state sync (0,external_ReactDOM_namespaceObject.flushSync)(function () { _this.setState(newState); }); if (this.props.onResize) { this.props.onResize(event, direction, this.resizable, delta); } }; Resizable.prototype.onMouseUp = function (event) { var _a = this.state, isResizing = _a.isResizing, direction = _a.direction, original = _a.original; if (!isResizing || !this.resizable) { return; } var delta = { width: this.size.width - original.width, height: this.size.height - original.height, }; if (this.props.onResizeStop) { this.props.onResizeStop(event, direction, this.resizable, delta); } if (this.props.size) { this.setState(this.props.size); } this.unbindEvents(); this.setState({ isResizing: false, backgroundStyle: lib_assign(lib_assign({}, this.state.backgroundStyle), { cursor: 'auto' }), }); }; Resizable.prototype.updateSize = function (size) { this.setState({ width: size.width, height: size.height }); }; Resizable.prototype.renderResizer = function () { var _this = this; var _a = this.props, enable = _a.enable, handleStyles = _a.handleStyles, handleClasses = _a.handleClasses, handleWrapperStyle = _a.handleWrapperStyle, handleWrapperClass = _a.handleWrapperClass, handleComponent = _a.handleComponent; if (!enable) { return null; } var resizers = Object.keys(enable).map(function (dir) { if (enable[dir] !== false) { return (external_React_.createElement(Resizer, { key: dir, direction: dir, onResizeStart: _this.onResizeStart, replaceStyles: handleStyles && handleStyles[dir], className: handleClasses && handleClasses[dir] }, handleComponent && handleComponent[dir] ? handleComponent[dir] : null)); } return null; }); // #93 Wrap the resize box in span (will not break 100% width/height) return (external_React_.createElement("div", { className: handleWrapperClass, style: handleWrapperStyle }, resizers)); }; Resizable.prototype.render = function () { var _this = this; var extendsProps = Object.keys(this.props).reduce(function (acc, key) { if (definedProps.indexOf(key) !== -1) { return acc; } acc[key] = _this.props[key]; return acc; }, {}); var style = lib_assign(lib_assign(lib_assign({ position: 'relative', userSelect: this.state.isResizing ? 'none' : 'auto' },, this.sizeStyle), { maxWidth: this.props.maxWidth, maxHeight: this.props.maxHeight, minWidth: this.props.minWidth, minHeight: this.props.minHeight, boxSizing: 'border-box', flexShrink: 0 }); if (this.state.flexBasis) { style.flexBasis = this.state.flexBasis; } var Wrapper = || 'div'; return (external_React_.createElement(Wrapper, lib_assign({ ref: this.ref, style: style, className: this.props.className }, extendsProps), this.state.isResizing && external_React_.createElement("div", { style: this.state.backgroundStyle }), this.props.children, this.renderResizer())); }; Resizable.defaultProps = { as: 'div', onResizeStart: function () { }, onResize: function () { }, onResizeStop: function () { }, enable: { top: true, right: true, bottom: true, left: true, topRight: true, bottomRight: true, bottomLeft: true, topLeft: true, }, style: {}, grid: [1, 1], lockAspectRatio: false, lockAspectRatioExtraWidth: 0, lockAspectRatioExtraHeight: 0, scale: 1, resizeRatio: 1, snapGap: 0, }; return Resizable; }(external_React_.PureComponent)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/resizable-box/resize-tooltip/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const utils_noop = () => {}; const POSITIONS = { bottom: 'bottom', corner: 'corner' }; /** * Custom hook that manages resize listener events. It also provides a label * based on current resize width x height values. * * @param props * @param props.axis Only shows the label corresponding to the axis. * @param props.fadeTimeout Duration (ms) before deactivating the resize label. * @param props.onResize Callback when a resize occurs. Provides { width, height } callback. * @param props.position Adjusts label value. * @param props.showPx Whether to add `PX` to the label. * * @return Properties for hook. */ function useResizeLabel({ axis, fadeTimeout = 180, onResize = utils_noop, position = POSITIONS.bottom, showPx = false }) { /* * The width/height values derive from this special useResizeObserver hook. * This custom hook uses the ResizeObserver API to listen for resize events. */ const [resizeListener, sizes] = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useResizeObserver)(); /* * Indicates if the x/y axis is preferred. * If set, we will avoid resetting the moveX and moveY values. * This will allow for the preferred axis values to persist in the label. */ const isAxisControlled = !!axis; /* * The moveX and moveY values are used to track whether the label should * display width, height, or width x height. */ const [moveX, setMoveX] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [moveY, setMoveY] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); /* * Cached dimension values to check for width/height updates from the * sizes property from useResizeAware() */ const { width, height } = sizes; const heightRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(height); const widthRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(width); /* * This timeout is used with setMoveX and setMoveY to determine of * both width and height values have changed at (roughly) the same time. */ const moveTimeoutRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const debounceUnsetMoveXY = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { const unsetMoveXY = () => { /* * If axis is controlled, we will avoid resetting the moveX and moveY values. * This will allow for the preferred axis values to persist in the label. */ if (isAxisControlled) { return; } setMoveX(false); setMoveY(false); }; if (moveTimeoutRef.current) { window.clearTimeout(moveTimeoutRef.current); } moveTimeoutRef.current = window.setTimeout(unsetMoveXY, fadeTimeout); }, [fadeTimeout, isAxisControlled]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { /* * On the initial render of useResizeAware, the height and width values are * null. They are calculated then set using via an internal useEffect hook. */ const isRendered = width !== null || height !== null; if (!isRendered) { return; } const didWidthChange = width !== widthRef.current; const didHeightChange = height !== heightRef.current; if (!didWidthChange && !didHeightChange) { return; } /* * After the initial render, the useResizeAware will set the first * width and height values. We'll sync those values with our * width and height refs. However, we shouldn't render our Tooltip * label on this first cycle. */ if (width && !widthRef.current && height && !heightRef.current) { widthRef.current = width; heightRef.current = height; return; } /* * After the first cycle, we can track width and height changes. */ if (didWidthChange) { setMoveX(true); widthRef.current = width; } if (didHeightChange) { setMoveY(true); heightRef.current = height; } onResize({ width, height }); debounceUnsetMoveXY(); }, [width, height, onResize, debounceUnsetMoveXY]); const label = getSizeLabel({ axis, height, moveX, moveY, position, showPx, width }); return { label, resizeListener }; } /** * Gets the resize label based on width and height values (as well as recent changes). * * @param props * @param props.axis Only shows the label corresponding to the axis. * @param props.height Height value. * @param props.moveX Recent width (x axis) changes. * @param props.moveY Recent width (y axis) changes. * @param props.position Adjusts label value. * @param props.showPx Whether to add `PX` to the label. * @param props.width Width value. * * @return The rendered label. */ function getSizeLabel({ axis, height, moveX = false, moveY = false, position = POSITIONS.bottom, showPx = false, width }) { if (!moveX && !moveY) { return undefined; } /* * Corner position... * We want the label to appear like width x height. */ if (position === POSITIONS.corner) { return `${width} x ${height}`; } /* * Other POSITIONS... * The label will combine both width x height values if both * values have recently been changed. * * Otherwise, only width or height will be displayed. * The `PX` unit will be added, if specified by the `showPx` prop. */ const labelUnit = showPx ? ' px' : ''; if (axis) { if (axis === 'x' && moveX) { return `${width}${labelUnit}`; } if (axis === 'y' && moveY) { return `${height}${labelUnit}`; } } if (moveX && moveY) { return `${width} x ${height}`; } if (moveX) { return `${width}${labelUnit}`; } if (moveY) { return `${height}${labelUnit}`; } return undefined; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/resizable-box/resize-tooltip/styles/resize-tooltip.styles.js function resize_tooltip_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const resize_tooltip_styles_Root = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1wq7y4k3" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1cd7zoc", styles: "bottom:0;box-sizing:border-box;left:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;right:0;top:0" } : 0); const TooltipWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1wq7y4k2" } : 0)( true ? { name: "ajymcs", styles: "align-items:center;box-sizing:border-box;display:inline-flex;justify-content:center;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;transition:opacity 120ms linear" } : 0); const resize_tooltip_styles_Tooltip = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1wq7y4k1" } : 0)("background:", COLORS.theme.foreground, ";border-radius:2px;box-sizing:border-box;font-family:", font('default.fontFamily'), ";font-size:12px;color:", COLORS.theme.foregroundInverted, ";padding:4px 8px;position:relative;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); // TODO: Resolve need to use &&& to increase specificity // const LabelText = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(text_component, true ? { target: "e1wq7y4k0" } : 0)("&&&{color:", COLORS.theme.foregroundInverted, ";display:block;font-size:13px;line-height:1.4;white-space:nowrap;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/resizable-box/resize-tooltip/label.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const CORNER_OFFSET = 4; const CURSOR_OFFSET_TOP = CORNER_OFFSET * 2.5; function resize_tooltip_label_Label({ label, position = POSITIONS.corner, zIndex = 1000, ...props }, ref) { const showLabel = !!label; const isBottom = position === POSITIONS.bottom; const isCorner = position === POSITIONS.corner; if (!showLabel) { return null; } let style = { opacity: showLabel ? 1 : undefined, zIndex }; let labelStyle = {}; if (isBottom) { style = {, position: 'absolute', bottom: CURSOR_OFFSET_TOP * -1, left: '50%', transform: 'translate(-50%, 0)' }; labelStyle = { transform: `translate(0, 100%)` }; } if (isCorner) { style = {, position: 'absolute', top: CORNER_OFFSET, right: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? undefined : CORNER_OFFSET, left: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? CORNER_OFFSET : undefined }; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TooltipWrapper, { "aria-hidden": "true", className: "components-resizable-tooltip__tooltip-wrapper", ref: ref, style: style, ...props, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(resize_tooltip_styles_Tooltip, { className: "components-resizable-tooltip__tooltip", style: labelStyle, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(LabelText, { as: "span", children: label }) }) }); } const label_ForwardedComponent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(resize_tooltip_label_Label); /* harmony default export */ const resize_tooltip_label = (label_ForwardedComponent); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/resizable-box/resize-tooltip/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const resize_tooltip_noop = () => {}; function ResizeTooltip({ axis, className, fadeTimeout = 180, isVisible = true, labelRef, onResize = resize_tooltip_noop, position = POSITIONS.bottom, showPx = true, zIndex = 1000, ...props }, ref) { const { label, resizeListener } = useResizeLabel({ axis, fadeTimeout, onResize, showPx, position }); if (!isVisible) { return null; } const classes = dist_clsx('components-resize-tooltip', className); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(resize_tooltip_styles_Root, { "aria-hidden": "true", className: classes, ref: ref, ...props, children: [resizeListener, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(resize_tooltip_label, { "aria-hidden": props['aria-hidden'], label: label, position: position, ref: labelRef, zIndex: zIndex })] }); } const resize_tooltip_ForwardedComponent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(ResizeTooltip); /* harmony default export */ const resize_tooltip = (resize_tooltip_ForwardedComponent); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/resizable-box/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const HANDLE_CLASS_NAME = 'components-resizable-box__handle'; const SIDE_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME = 'components-resizable-box__side-handle'; const CORNER_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME = 'components-resizable-box__corner-handle'; const HANDLE_CLASSES = { top: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, SIDE_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-top'), right: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, SIDE_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-right'), bottom: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, SIDE_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-bottom'), left: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, SIDE_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-left'), topLeft: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, CORNER_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-top', 'components-resizable-box__handle-left'), topRight: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, CORNER_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-top', 'components-resizable-box__handle-right'), bottomRight: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, CORNER_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-bottom', 'components-resizable-box__handle-right'), bottomLeft: dist_clsx(HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, CORNER_HANDLE_CLASS_NAME, 'components-resizable-box__handle-bottom', 'components-resizable-box__handle-left') }; // Removes the inline styles in the drag handles. const HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES = { width: undefined, height: undefined, top: undefined, right: undefined, bottom: undefined, left: undefined }; const HANDLE_STYLES = { top: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES, right: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES, bottom: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES, left: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES, topLeft: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES, topRight: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES, bottomRight: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES, bottomLeft: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDES }; function UnforwardedResizableBox({ className, children, showHandle = true, __experimentalShowTooltip: showTooltip = false, __experimentalTooltipProps: tooltipProps = {}, ...props }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(Resizable, { className: dist_clsx('components-resizable-box__container', showHandle && 'has-show-handle', className), handleClasses: HANDLE_CLASSES, handleStyles: HANDLE_STYLES, ref: ref, ...props, children: [children, showTooltip && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(resize_tooltip, { ...tooltipProps })] }); } const ResizableBox = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedResizableBox); /* harmony default export */ const resizable_box = (ResizableBox); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/responsive-wrapper/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * A wrapper component that maintains its aspect ratio when resized. * * ```jsx * import { ResponsiveWrapper } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyResponsiveWrapper = () => ( * <ResponsiveWrapper naturalWidth={ 2000 } naturalHeight={ 680 }> * <img * src="" * alt="WordPress" * /> * </ResponsiveWrapper> * ); * ``` */ function ResponsiveWrapper({ naturalWidth, naturalHeight, children, isInline = false }) { if (external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Children.count(children) !== 1) { return null; } const TagName = isInline ? 'span' : 'div'; let aspectRatio; if (naturalWidth && naturalHeight) { aspectRatio = `${naturalWidth} / ${naturalHeight}`; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TagName, { className: "components-responsive-wrapper", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { children: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(children, { className: dist_clsx('components-responsive-wrapper__content', children.props.className), style: {, aspectRatio } }) }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const responsive_wrapper = (ResponsiveWrapper); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/sandbox/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const observeAndResizeJS = function () { const { MutationObserver } = window; if (!MutationObserver || !document.body || !window.parent) { return; } function sendResize() { const clientBoundingRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); window.parent.postMessage({ action: 'resize', width: clientBoundingRect.width, height: clientBoundingRect.height }, '*'); } const observer = new MutationObserver(sendResize); observer.observe(document.body, { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: false, characterData: true, characterDataOldValue: false, childList: true, subtree: true }); window.addEventListener('load', sendResize, true); // Hack: Remove viewport unit styles, as these are relative // the iframe root and interfere with our mechanism for // determining the unconstrained page bounds. function removeViewportStyles(ruleOrNode) { if ( { ['width', 'height', 'minHeight', 'maxHeight'].forEach(function (style) { if (/^\\d+(vw|vh|svw|lvw|dvw|svh|lvh|dvh|vi|svi|lvi|dvi|vb|svb|lvb|dvb|vmin|svmin|lvmin|dvmin|vmax|svmax|lvmax|dvmax)$/.test([style])) {[style] = ''; } }); } }'[style]'), removeViewportStyles);, function (stylesheet) { || stylesheet.rules, removeViewportStyles); }); = 'absolute'; = '100%'; document.body.setAttribute('data-resizable-iframe-connected', ''); sendResize(); // Resize events can change the width of elements with 100% width, but we don't // get an DOM mutations for that, so do the resize when the window is resized, too. window.addEventListener('resize', sendResize, true); }; // TODO: These styles shouldn't be coupled with WordPress. const style = ` body { margin: 0; } html, body, body > div { width: 100%; } html.wp-has-aspect-ratio, body.wp-has-aspect-ratio, body.wp-has-aspect-ratio > div, body.wp-has-aspect-ratio > div iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; /* If it has an aspect ratio, it shouldn't scroll. */ } body > div > * { margin-top: 0 !important; /* Has to have !important to override inline styles. */ margin-bottom: 0 !important; } `; /** * This component provides an isolated environment for arbitrary HTML via iframes. * * ```jsx * import { SandBox } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MySandBox = () => ( * <SandBox html="<p>Content</p>" title="SandBox" type="embed" /> * ); * ``` */ function SandBox({ html = '', title = '', type, styles = [], scripts = [], onFocus, tabIndex }) { const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const [width, setWidth] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(0); const [height, setHeight] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(0); function isFrameAccessible() { try { return !!ref.current?.contentDocument?.body; } catch (e) { return false; } } function trySandBox(forceRerender = false) { if (!isFrameAccessible()) { return; } const { contentDocument, ownerDocument } = ref.current; if (!forceRerender && null !== contentDocument?.body.getAttribute('data-resizable-iframe-connected')) { return; } // Put the html snippet into a html document, and then write it to the iframe's document // we can use this in the future to inject custom styles or scripts. // Scripts go into the body rather than the head, to support embedded content such as Instagram // that expect the scripts to be part of the body. const htmlDoc = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("html", { lang: ownerDocument.documentElement.lang, className: type, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("head", { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("title", { children: title }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("style", { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: style } }),, i) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("style", { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: rules } }, i))] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("body", { "data-resizable-iframe-connected": "data-resizable-iframe-connected", className: type, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: html } }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("script", { type: "text/javascript", dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: `(${observeAndResizeJS.toString()})();` } }), => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("script", { src: src }, src))] })] }); // Writing the document like this makes it act in the same way as if it was // loaded over the network, so DOM creation and mutation, script execution, etc. // all work as expected.; contentDocument.write('<!DOCTYPE html>' + (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(htmlDoc)); contentDocument.close(); } (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { trySandBox(); function tryNoForceSandBox() { trySandBox(false); } function checkMessageForResize(event) { const iframe = ref.current; // Verify that the mounted element is the source of the message. if (!iframe || iframe.contentWindow !== event.source) { return; } // Attempt to parse the message data as JSON if passed as string. let data = || {}; if ('string' === typeof data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) {} } // Update the state only if the message is formatted as we expect, // i.e. as an object with a 'resize' action. if ('resize' !== data.action) { return; } setWidth(data.width); setHeight(data.height); } const iframe = ref.current; const defaultView = iframe?.ownerDocument?.defaultView; // This used to be registered using <iframe onLoad={} />, but it made the iframe blank // after reordering the containing block. See these two issues for more details: // // iframe?.addEventListener('load', tryNoForceSandBox, false); defaultView?.addEventListener('message', checkMessageForResize); return () => { iframe?.removeEventListener('load', tryNoForceSandBox, false); defaultView?.removeEventListener('message', checkMessageForResize); }; // Ignore reason: passing `exhaustive-deps` will likely involve a more detailed refactor. // See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { trySandBox(); // Ignore reason: passing `exhaustive-deps` will likely involve a more detailed refactor. // See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [title, styles, scripts]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { trySandBox(true); // Ignore reason: passing `exhaustive-deps` will likely involve a more detailed refactor. // See // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [html, type]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("iframe", { ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([ref, (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useFocusableIframe)()]), title: title, tabIndex: tabIndex, className: "components-sandbox", sandbox: "allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation", onFocus: onFocus, width: Math.ceil(width), height: Math.ceil(height) }); } /* harmony default export */ const sandbox = (SandBox); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/snackbar/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const NOTICE_TIMEOUT = 10000; /** * Custom hook which announces the message with the given politeness, if a * valid message is provided. * * @param message Message to announce. * @param politeness Politeness to announce. */ function snackbar_useSpokenMessage(message, politeness) { const spokenMessage = typeof message === 'string' ? message : (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(message); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (spokenMessage) { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)(spokenMessage, politeness); } }, [spokenMessage, politeness]); } function UnforwardedSnackbar({ className, children, spokenMessage = children, politeness = 'polite', actions = [], onRemove, icon = null, explicitDismiss = false, // onDismiss is a callback executed when the snackbar is dismissed. // It is distinct from onRemove, which _looks_ like a callback but is // actually the function to call to remove the snackbar from the UI. onDismiss, listRef }, ref) { function dismissMe(event) { if (event && event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } // Prevent focus loss by moving it to the list element. listRef?.current?.focus(); onDismiss?.(); onRemove?.(); } function onActionClick(event, onClick) { event.stopPropagation(); onRemove?.(); if (onClick) { onClick(event); } } snackbar_useSpokenMessage(spokenMessage, politeness); // The `onDismiss/onRemove` can have unstable references, // trigger side-effect cleanup, and reset timers. const callbackRefs = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)({ onDismiss, onRemove }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { callbackRefs.current = { onDismiss, onRemove }; }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // Only set up the timeout dismiss if we're not explicitly dismissing. const timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => { if (!explicitDismiss) { callbackRefs.current.onDismiss?.(); callbackRefs.current.onRemove?.(); } }, NOTICE_TIMEOUT); return () => clearTimeout(timeoutHandle); }, [explicitDismiss]); const classes = dist_clsx(className, 'components-snackbar', { 'components-snackbar-explicit-dismiss': !!explicitDismiss }); if (actions && actions.length > 1) { // We need to inform developers that snackbar only accepts 1 action. true ? external_wp_warning_default()('Snackbar can only have one action. Use Notice if your message requires many actions.') : 0; // return first element only while keeping it inside an array actions = [actions[0]]; } const snackbarContentClassnames = dist_clsx('components-snackbar__content', { 'components-snackbar__content-with-icon': !!icon }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: ref, className: classes, onClick: !explicitDismiss ? dismissMe : undefined, tabIndex: 0, role: !explicitDismiss ? 'button' : undefined, onKeyPress: !explicitDismiss ? dismissMe : undefined, "aria-label": !explicitDismiss ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dismiss this notice') : undefined, "data-testid": "snackbar", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: snackbarContentClassnames, children: [icon && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-snackbar__icon", children: icon }), children,{ label, onClick, url }, index) => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { href: url, variant: "tertiary", onClick: event => onActionClick(event, onClick), className: "components-snackbar__action", children: label }, index); }), explicitDismiss && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("span", { role: "button", "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Dismiss this notice'), tabIndex: 0, className: "components-snackbar__dismiss-button", onClick: dismissMe, onKeyPress: dismissMe, children: "\u2715" })] }) }); } /** * A Snackbar displays a succinct message that is cleared out after a small delay. * * It can also offer the user options, like viewing a published post. * But these options should also be available elsewhere in the UI. * * ```jsx * const MySnackbarNotice = () => ( * <Snackbar>Post published successfully.</Snackbar> * ); * ``` */ const Snackbar = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedSnackbar); /* harmony default export */ const snackbar = (Snackbar); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/snackbar/list.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const SNACKBAR_VARIANTS = { init: { height: 0, opacity: 0 }, open: { height: 'auto', opacity: 1, transition: { height: { type: 'tween', duration: 0.3, ease: [0, 0, 0.2, 1] }, opacity: { type: 'tween', duration: 0.25, delay: 0.05, ease: [0, 0, 0.2, 1] } } }, exit: { opacity: 0, transition: { type: 'tween', duration: 0.1, ease: [0, 0, 0.2, 1] } } }; /** * Renders a list of notices. * * ```jsx * const MySnackbarListNotice = () => ( * <SnackbarList * notices={ notices } * onRemove={ removeNotice } * /> * ); * ``` */ function SnackbarList({ notices, className, children, onRemove }) { const listRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const isReducedMotion = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useReducedMotion)(); className = dist_clsx('components-snackbar-list', className); const removeNotice = notice => () => onRemove?.(; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: className, tabIndex: -1, ref: listRef, "data-testid": "snackbar-list", children: [children, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AnimatePresence, { children: => { const { content, ...restNotice } = notice; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(motion.div, { layout: !isReducedMotion // See , initial: "init", animate: "open", exit: "exit", variants: isReducedMotion ? undefined : SNACKBAR_VARIANTS, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: "components-snackbar-list__notice-container", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(snackbar, { ...restNotice, onRemove: removeNotice(notice), listRef: listRef, children: notice.content }) }) },; }) })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const snackbar_list = (SnackbarList); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/spinner/styles.js function spinner_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const spinAnimation = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes` from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } `; const StyledSpinner = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("svg", true ? { target: "ea4tfvq2" } : 0)("width:", config_values.spinnerSize, "px;height:", config_values.spinnerSize, "px;display:inline-block;margin:5px 11px 0;position:relative;color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";overflow:visible;opacity:1;background-color:transparent;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const commonPathProps = true ? { name: "9s4963", styles: "fill:transparent;stroke-width:1.5px" } : 0; const SpinnerTrack = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("circle", true ? { target: "ea4tfvq1" } : 0)(commonPathProps, ";stroke:", COLORS.gray[300], ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const SpinnerIndicator = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("path", true ? { target: "ea4tfvq0" } : 0)(commonPathProps, ";stroke:currentColor;stroke-linecap:round;transform-origin:50% 50%;animation:1.4s linear infinite both ", spinAnimation, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/spinner/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function UnforwardedSpinner({ className, ...props }, forwardedRef) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(StyledSpinner, { className: dist_clsx('components-spinner', className), viewBox: "0 0 100 100", width: "16", height: "16", xmlns: "", role: "presentation", focusable: "false", ...props, ref: forwardedRef, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SpinnerTrack, { cx: "50", cy: "50", r: "50", vectorEffect: "non-scaling-stroke" }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SpinnerIndicator, { d: "m 50 0 a 50 50 0 0 1 50 50", vectorEffect: "non-scaling-stroke" })] }); } /** * `Spinner` is a component used to notify users that their action is being processed. * * ```js * import { Spinner } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return <Spinner />; * } * ``` */ const Spinner = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedSpinner); /* harmony default export */ const spinner = (Spinner); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/surface/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedSurface(props, forwardedRef) { const surfaceProps = useSurface(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...surfaceProps, ref: forwardedRef }); } /** * `Surface` is a core component that renders a primary background color. * * In the example below, notice how the `Surface` renders in white (or dark gray if in dark mode). * * ```jsx * import { * __experimentalSurface as Surface, * __experimentalText as Text, * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <Surface> * <Text>Code is Poetry</Text> * </Surface> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_Surface = contextConnect(UnconnectedSurface, 'Surface'); /* harmony default export */ const surface_component = (component_Surface); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/tab/tab-store.js "use client"; // src/tab/tab-store.ts function createTabStore(props = {}) { var _a; const syncState = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.getState(); const composite = createCompositeStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { orientation: defaultValue( props.orientation, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.orientation, "horizontal" ), focusLoop: defaultValue(props.focusLoop, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.focusLoop, true) })); const panels = createCollectionStore(); const initialState = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, composite.getState()), { selectedId: defaultValue( props.selectedId, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.selectedId, props.defaultSelectedId, void 0 ), selectOnMove: defaultValue( props.selectOnMove, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.selectOnMove, true ) }); const tab = createStore(initialState, composite,; setup( tab, () => sync(tab, ["moves"], () => { const { activeId, selectOnMove } = tab.getState(); if (!selectOnMove) return; if (!activeId) return; const tabItem = composite.item(activeId); if (!tabItem) return; if (tabItem.dimmed) return; if (tabItem.disabled) return; tab.setState("selectedId",; }) ); setup( tab, () => batch( tab, ["selectedId"], (state) => tab.setState("activeId", state.selectedId) ) ); setup( tab, () => sync(tab, ["selectedId", "renderedItems"], (state) => { if (state.selectedId !== void 0) return; const { activeId, renderedItems } = tab.getState(); const tabItem = composite.item(activeId); if (tabItem && !tabItem.disabled && !tabItem.dimmed) { tab.setState("selectedId",; } else { const tabItem2 = renderedItems.find( (item) => !item.disabled && !item.dimmed ); tab.setState("selectedId", tabItem2 == null ? void 0 :; } }) ); setup( tab, () => sync(tab, ["renderedItems"], (state) => { const tabs = state.renderedItems; if (!tabs.length) return; return sync(panels, ["renderedItems"], (state2) => { const items = state2.renderedItems; const hasOrphanPanels = items.some((panel) => !panel.tabId); if (!hasOrphanPanels) return; items.forEach((panel, i) => { if (panel.tabId) return; const tabItem = tabs[i]; if (!tabItem) return; panels.renderItem(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, panel), { tabId: })); }); }); }) ); return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, composite), tab), { panels, setSelectedId: (id) => tab.setState("selectedId", id), select: (id) => { tab.setState("selectedId", id); composite.move(id); } }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/CQMDBRG5.js "use client"; // src/tab/tab-store.ts function useTabStoreProps(store, update, props) { store = useCompositeStoreProps(store, update, props); useStoreProps(store, props, "selectedId", "setSelectedId"); useStoreProps(store, props, "selectOnMove"); const [panels, updatePanels] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(() => store.panels, {}); useUpdateEffect(updatePanels, [store, updatePanels]); return (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, store), { panels }), [store, panels]); } function useTabStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createTabStore, props); return useTabStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/4B73HROV.js "use client"; // src/tab/tab-context.tsx var _4B73HROV_ctx = createStoreContext( [CompositeContextProvider], [CompositeScopedContextProvider] ); var useTabContext = _4B73HROV_ctx.useContext; var useTabScopedContext = _4B73HROV_ctx.useScopedContext; var useTabProviderContext = _4B73HROV_ctx.useProviderContext; var TabContextProvider = _4B73HROV_ctx.ContextProvider; var TabScopedContextProvider = _4B73HROV_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/tab/tab-list.js "use client"; // src/tab/tab-list.tsx var useTabList = createHook((_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = useTabProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const orientation = store.useState( (state) => state.orientation === "both" ? void 0 : state.orientation ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TabScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "tablist", "aria-orientation": orientation }, props); props = useComposite(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); return props; }); var tab_list_TabList = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useTabList(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/tab/tab.js "use client"; // src/tab/tab.ts var useTab = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, accessibleWhenDisabled = true, getItem: getItemProp } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "accessibleWhenDisabled", "getItem" ]); const context = useTabScopedContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const defaultId = useId(); const id = || defaultId; const dimmed = disabledFromProps(props); const getItem = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (item) => { const nextItem = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, item), { dimmed }); if (getItemProp) { return getItemProp(nextItem); } return nextItem; }, [dimmed, getItemProp] ); const onClickProp = props.onClick; const onClick = useEvent((event) => { onClickProp == null ? void 0 : onClickProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setSelectedId(id); }); const panelId = store.panels.useState( (state) => { var _a2; return (_a2 = state.items.find((item) => item.tabId === id)) == null ? void 0 :; } ); const selected = store.useState((state) => !!id && state.selectedId === id); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, role: "tab", "aria-selected": selected, "aria-controls": panelId || void 0 }, props), { onClick }); props = useCompositeItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props), { accessibleWhenDisabled, getItem, shouldRegisterItem: !!defaultId ? props.shouldRegisterItem : false })); return props; } ); var Tab = createMemoComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useTab(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/tab/tab-panel.js "use client"; // src/tab/tab-panel.tsx var useTabPanel = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, tabId: tabIdProp, getItem: getItemProp } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "tabId", "getItem"]); const context = useTabProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const id = useId(; const [hasTabbableChildren, setHasTabbableChildren] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; const tabbable = getAllTabbableIn(element); setHasTabbableChildren(!!tabbable.length); }, []); const getItem = (0,external_React_.useCallback)( (item) => { const nextItem = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, item), { id: id ||, tabId: tabIdProp }); if (getItemProp) { return getItemProp(nextItem); } return nextItem; }, [id, tabIdProp, getItemProp] ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TabScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); const tabId = store.panels.useState( () => { var _a2; return tabIdProp || ((_a2 = store == null ? void 0 : store.panels.item(id)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.tabId); } ); const open = store.useState( (state) => !!tabId && state.selectedId === tabId ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, role: "tabpanel", "aria-labelledby": tabId || void 0 }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref) }); const disclosure = useDisclosureStore({ open }); props = useFocusable(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ focusable: !hasTabbableChildren }, props)); props = useDisclosureContent(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store: disclosure }, props)); props = useCollectionItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store: store.panels }, props), { getItem })); return props; } ); var TabPanel = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useTabPanel(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tab-panel/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // Separate the actual tab name from the instance ID. This is // necessary because Ariakit internally uses the element ID when // a new tab is selected, but our implementation looks specifically // for the tab name to be passed to the `onSelect` callback. const extractTabName = id => { if (typeof id === 'undefined' || id === null) { return; } return id.match(/^tab-panel-[0-9]*-(.*)/)?.[1]; }; /** * TabPanel is an ARIA-compliant tabpanel. * * TabPanels organize content across different screens, data sets, and interactions. * It has two sections: a list of tabs, and the view to show when tabs are chosen. * * ```jsx * import { TabPanel } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const onSelect = ( tabName ) => { * console.log( 'Selecting tab', tabName ); * }; * * const MyTabPanel = () => ( * <TabPanel * className="my-tab-panel" * activeClass="active-tab" * onSelect={ onSelect } * tabs={ [ * { * name: 'tab1', * title: 'Tab 1', * className: 'tab-one', * }, * { * name: 'tab2', * title: 'Tab 2', * className: 'tab-two', * }, * ] } * > * { ( tab ) => <p>{ tab.title }</p> } * </TabPanel> * ); * ``` */ const UnforwardedTabPanel = ({ className, children, tabs, selectOnMove = true, initialTabName, orientation = 'horizontal', activeClass = 'is-active', onSelect }, ref) => { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(tab_panel_TabPanel, 'tab-panel'); const prependInstanceId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(tabName => { if (typeof tabName === 'undefined') { return; } return `${instanceId}-${tabName}`; }, [instanceId]); const tabStore = useTabStore({ setSelectedId: newTabValue => { if (typeof newTabValue === 'undefined' || newTabValue === null) { return; } const newTab = tabs.find(t => prependInstanceId( === newTabValue); if (newTab?.disabled || newTab === selectedTab) { return; } const simplifiedTabName = extractTabName(newTabValue); if (typeof simplifiedTabName === 'undefined') { return; } onSelect?.(simplifiedTabName); }, orientation, selectOnMove, defaultSelectedId: prependInstanceId(initialTabName) }); const selectedTabName = extractTabName(tabStore.useState('selectedId')); const setTabStoreSelectedId = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(tabName => { tabStore.setState('selectedId', prependInstanceId(tabName)); }, [prependInstanceId, tabStore]); const selectedTab = tabs.find(({ name }) => name === selectedTabName); const previousSelectedTabName = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(selectedTabName); // Ensure `onSelect` is called when the initial tab is selected. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (previousSelectedTabName !== selectedTabName && selectedTabName === initialTabName && !!selectedTabName) { onSelect?.(selectedTabName); } }, [selectedTabName, initialTabName, onSelect, previousSelectedTabName]); // Handle selecting the initial tab. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { // If there's a selected tab, don't override it. if (selectedTab) { return; } const initialTab = tabs.find(tab => === initialTabName); // Wait for the denoted initial tab to be declared before making a // selection. This ensures that if a tab is declared lazily it can // still receive initial selection. if (initialTabName && !initialTab) { return; } if (initialTab && !initialTab.disabled) { // Select the initial tab if it's not disabled. setTabStoreSelectedId(; } else { // Fallback to the first enabled tab when the initial tab is // disabled or it can't be found. const firstEnabledTab = tabs.find(tab => !tab.disabled); if (firstEnabledTab) { setTabStoreSelectedId(; } } }, [tabs, selectedTab, initialTabName, instanceId, setTabStoreSelectedId]); // Handle the currently selected tab becoming disabled. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // This effect only runs when the selected tab is defined and becomes disabled. if (!selectedTab?.disabled) { return; } const firstEnabledTab = tabs.find(tab => !tab.disabled); // If the currently selected tab becomes disabled, select the first enabled tab. // (if there is one). if (firstEnabledTab) { setTabStoreSelectedId(; } }, [tabs, selectedTab?.disabled, setTabStoreSelectedId, instanceId]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: className, ref: ref, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tab_list_TabList, { store: tabStore, className: "components-tab-panel__tabs", children: => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tab, { id: prependInstanceId(, className: dist_clsx('components-tab-panel__tabs-item', tab.className, { [activeClass]: === selectedTabName }), disabled: tab.disabled, "aria-controls": `${prependInstanceId(}-view`, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { icon: tab.icon, label: tab.icon && tab.title, showTooltip: !!tab.icon }), children: !tab.icon && tab.title },; }) }), selectedTab && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TabPanel, { id: `${prependInstanceId(}-view`, store: tabStore, tabId: prependInstanceId(, className: "components-tab-panel__tab-content", children: children(selectedTab) })] }); }; const tab_panel_TabPanel = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTabPanel); /* harmony default export */ const tab_panel = (tab_panel_TabPanel); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedTextControl(props, ref) { const { __nextHasNoMarginBottom, __next40pxDefaultSize = false, label, hideLabelFromVision, value, help, id: idProp, className, onChange, type = 'text', ...additionalProps } = props; const id = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(TextControl, 'inspector-text-control', idProp); const onChangeValue = event => onChange(; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, label: label, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, id: id, help: help, className: className, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("input", { className: dist_clsx('components-text-control__input', { 'is-next-40px-default-size': __next40pxDefaultSize }), type: type, id: id, value: value, onChange: onChangeValue, "aria-describedby": !!help ? id + '__help' : undefined, ref: ref, ...additionalProps }) }); } /** * TextControl components let users enter and edit text. * * ```jsx * import { TextControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyTextControl = () => { * const [ className, setClassName ] = useState( '' ); * * return ( * <TextControl * label="Additional CSS Class" * value={ className } * onChange={ ( value ) => setClassName( value ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const TextControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTextControl); /* harmony default export */ const text_control = (TextControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/input/base.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const inputStyleNeutral = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-shadow:0 0 0 transparent;border-radius:", config_values.radiusBlockUi, ";border:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid ", COLORS.ui.border, ";@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:box-shadow 0.1s linear;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const inputStyleFocus = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("border-color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";box-shadow:0 0 0 calc( ", config_values.borderWidthFocus, " - ", config_values.borderWidth, " ) ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";outline:2px solid transparent;" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/breakpoint-values.js /* harmony default export */ const breakpoint_values = ({ huge: '1440px', wide: '1280px', 'x-large': '1080px', large: '960px', // admin sidebar auto folds medium: '782px', // Adminbar goes big. small: '600px', mobile: '480px', 'zoomed-in': '280px' }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/breakpoint.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @param {keyof breakpoints} point * @return {string} Media query declaration. */ const breakpoint = point => `@media (min-width: ${breakpoint_values[point]})`; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/utils/input/input-control.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const inputControl = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("display:block;font-family:", font('default.fontFamily'), ";padding:6px 8px;", inputStyleNeutral, ";font-size:", font('mobileTextMinFontSize'), ";line-height:normal;", breakpoint('small'), "{font-size:", font('default.fontSize'), ";line-height:normal;}&:focus{", inputStyleFocus, ";}&::-webkit-input-placeholder{color:", COLORS.ui.darkGrayPlaceholder, ";}&::-moz-placeholder{opacity:1;color:", COLORS.ui.darkGrayPlaceholder, ";}&:-ms-input-placeholder{color:", COLORS.ui.darkGrayPlaceholder, ";}.is-dark-theme &{&::-webkit-input-placeholder{color:", COLORS.ui.lightGrayPlaceholder, ";}&::-moz-placeholder{opacity:1;color:", COLORS.ui.lightGrayPlaceholder, ";}&:-ms-input-placeholder{color:", COLORS.ui.lightGrayPlaceholder, ";}}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/textarea-control/styles/textarea-control-styles.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const StyledTextarea = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("textarea", true ? { target: "e1w5nnrk0" } : 0)("width:100%;", inputControl, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/textarea-control/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedTextareaControl(props, ref) { const { __nextHasNoMarginBottom, label, hideLabelFromVision, value, help, onChange, rows = 4, className, ...additionalProps } = props; const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(TextareaControl); const id = `inspector-textarea-control-${instanceId}`; const onChangeValue = event => onChange(; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: __nextHasNoMarginBottom, label: label, hideLabelFromVision: hideLabelFromVision, id: id, help: help, className: className, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(StyledTextarea, { className: "components-textarea-control__input", id: id, rows: rows, onChange: onChangeValue, "aria-describedby": !!help ? id + '__help' : undefined, value: value, ref: ref, ...additionalProps }) }); } /** * TextareaControls are TextControls that allow for multiple lines of text, and * wrap overflow text onto a new line. They are a fixed height and scroll * vertically when the cursor reaches the bottom of the field. * * ```jsx * import { TextareaControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyTextareaControl = () => { * const [ text, setText ] = useState( '' ); * * return ( * <TextareaControl * label="Text" * help="Enter some text" * value={ text } * onChange={ ( value ) => setText( value ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ const TextareaControl = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTextareaControl); /* harmony default export */ const textarea_control = (TextareaControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/text-highlight/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Highlights occurrences of a given string within another string of text. Wraps * each match with a `<mark>` tag which provides browser default styling. * * ```jsx * import { TextHighlight } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyTextHighlight = () => ( * <TextHighlight * text="Why do we like Gutenberg? Because Gutenberg is the best!" * highlight="Gutenberg" * /> * ); * ``` */ const TextHighlight = props => { const { text = '', highlight = '' } = props; const trimmedHighlightText = highlight.trim(); if (!trimmedHighlightText) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: text }); } const regex = new RegExp(`(${escapeRegExp(trimmedHighlightText)})`, 'gi'); return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createInterpolateElement)(text.replace(regex, '<mark>$&</mark>'), { mark: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("mark", {}) }); }; /* harmony default export */ const text_highlight = (TextHighlight); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/tip.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const tip = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M12 15.8c-3.7 0-6.8-3-6.8-6.8s3-6.8 6.8-6.8c3.7 0 6.8 3 6.8 6.8s-3.1 6.8-6.8 6.8zm0-12C9.1 3.8 6.8 6.1 6.8 9s2.4 5.2 5.2 5.2c2.9 0 5.2-2.4 5.2-5.2S14.9 3.8 12 3.8zM8 17.5h8V19H8zM10 20.5h4V22h-4z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_tip = (tip); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tip/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Tip(props) { const { children } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { className: "components-tip", children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(icons_build_module_icon, { icon: library_tip }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { children: children })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const build_module_tip = (Tip); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toggle-control/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * ToggleControl is used to generate a toggle user interface. * * ```jsx * import { ToggleControl } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; * * const MyToggleControl = () => { * const [ value, setValue ] = useState( false ); * * return ( * <ToggleControl * label="Fixed Background" * checked={ value } * onChange={ () => setValue( ( state ) => ! state ) } * /> * ); * }; * ``` */ function ToggleControl({ __nextHasNoMarginBottom, label, checked, help, className, onChange, disabled }, ref) { function onChangeToggle(event) { onChange(; } const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(ToggleControl); const id = `inspector-toggle-control-${instanceId}`; const cx = useCx(); const classes = cx('components-toggle-control', className, !__nextHasNoMarginBottom && /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ marginBottom: space(3) }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0)); let describedBy, helpLabel; if (help) { if (typeof help === 'function') { // `help` as a function works only for controlled components where // `checked` is passed down from parent component. Uncontrolled // component can show only a static help label. if (checked !== undefined) { helpLabel = help(checked); } } else { helpLabel = help; } if (helpLabel) { describedBy = id + '__help'; } } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(base_control, { id: id, help: helpLabel, className: classes, __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { justify: "flex-start", spacing: 3, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(form_toggle, { id: id, checked: checked, onChange: onChangeToggle, "aria-describedby": describedBy, disabled: disabled, ref: ref }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(flex_block_component, { as: "label", htmlFor: id, className: "components-toggle-control__label", children: label })] }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const toggle_control = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(ToggleControl)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/SOK7T35T.js "use client"; // src/toolbar/toolbar-context.tsx var SOK7T35T_ctx = createStoreContext( [CompositeContextProvider], [CompositeScopedContextProvider] ); var useToolbarContext = SOK7T35T_ctx.useContext; var useToolbarScopedContext = SOK7T35T_ctx.useScopedContext; var useToolbarProviderContext = SOK7T35T_ctx.useProviderContext; var ToolbarContextProvider = SOK7T35T_ctx.ContextProvider; var ToolbarScopedContextProvider = SOK7T35T_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/7NHUGSTF.js "use client"; // src/toolbar/toolbar-item.ts var useToolbarItem = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = useToolbarContext(); store = store || context; props = useCompositeItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); return props; } ); var ToolbarItem = createMemoComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useToolbarItem(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-context/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ const ToolbarContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(undefined); /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_context = (ToolbarContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-item/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function toolbar_item_ToolbarItem({ children, as: Component, ...props }, ref) { const accessibleToolbarStore = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(toolbar_context); const isRenderProp = typeof children === 'function'; if (!isRenderProp && !Component) { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('`ToolbarItem` is a generic headless component. You must pass either a `children` prop as a function or an `as` prop as a component. ' + 'See') : 0; return null; } const allProps = { ...props, ref, 'data-toolbar-item': true }; if (!accessibleToolbarStore) { if (Component) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { ...allProps, children: children }); } if (!isRenderProp) { return null; } return children(allProps); } const render = isRenderProp ? children : Component && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { children: children }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ToolbarItem, { ...allProps, store: accessibleToolbarStore, render: render }); } /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_item = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(toolbar_item_ToolbarItem)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-button/toolbar-button-container.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const ToolbarButtonContainer = ({ children, className }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: className, children: children }); /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_button_container = (ToolbarButtonContainer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-button/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedToolbarButton({ children, className, containerClassName, extraProps, isActive, isDisabled, title, ...props }, ref) { const accessibleToolbarState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(toolbar_context); if (!accessibleToolbarState) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_button_container, { className: containerClassName, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { ref: ref, icon: props.icon, label: title, shortcut: props.shortcut, "data-subscript": props.subscript, onClick: event => { event.stopPropagation(); // TODO: Possible bug; maybe use onClick instead of props.onClick. if (props.onClick) { props.onClick(event); } }, className: dist_clsx('components-toolbar__control', className), isPressed: isActive, disabled: isDisabled, "data-toolbar-item": true, ...extraProps, ...props, children: children }) }); } // ToobarItem will pass all props to the render prop child, which will pass // all props to Button. This means that ToolbarButton has the same API as // Button. return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_item, { className: dist_clsx('components-toolbar-button', className), ...extraProps, ...props, ref: ref, children: toolbarItemProps => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_button, { label: title, isPressed: isActive, disabled: isDisabled, ...toolbarItemProps, children: children }) }); } /** * ToolbarButton can be used to add actions to a toolbar, usually inside a Toolbar * or ToolbarGroup when used to create general interfaces. * * ```jsx * import { Toolbar, ToolbarButton } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { edit } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * function MyToolbar() { * return ( * <Toolbar label="Options"> * <ToolbarButton * icon={ edit } * label="Edit" * onClick={ () => alert( 'Editing' ) } * /> * </Toolbar> * ); * } * ``` */ const ToolbarButton = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedToolbarButton); /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_button = (ToolbarButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-group/toolbar-group-container.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const ToolbarGroupContainer = ({ className, children, ...props }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: className, ...props, children: children }); /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_group_container = (ToolbarGroupContainer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-group/toolbar-group-collapsed.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ToolbarGroupCollapsed({ controls = [], toggleProps, ...props }) { // It'll contain state if `ToolbarGroup` is being used within // `<Toolbar label="label" />` const accessibleToolbarState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(toolbar_context); const renderDropdownMenu = internalToggleProps => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_menu, { controls: controls, toggleProps: { ...internalToggleProps, 'data-toolbar-item': true }, ...props }); if (accessibleToolbarState) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_item, { ...toggleProps, children: renderDropdownMenu }); } return renderDropdownMenu(toggleProps); } /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_group_collapsed = (ToolbarGroupCollapsed); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-group/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function isNestedArray(arr) { return Array.isArray(arr) && Array.isArray(arr[0]); } /** * Renders a collapsible group of controls * * The `controls` prop accepts an array of sets. A set is an array of controls. * Controls have the following shape: * * ``` * { * icon: string, * title: string, * subscript: string, * onClick: Function, * isActive: boolean, * isDisabled: boolean * } * ``` * * For convenience it is also possible to pass only an array of controls. It is * then assumed this is the only set. * * Either `controls` or `children` is required, otherwise this components * renders nothing. * * @param props Component props. * @param [props.controls] The controls to render in this toolbar. * @param [props.children] Any other things to render inside the toolbar besides the controls. * @param [props.className] Class to set on the container div. * @param [props.isCollapsed] Turns ToolbarGroup into a dropdown menu. * @param [props.title] ARIA label for dropdown menu if is collapsed. */ function ToolbarGroup({ controls = [], children, className, isCollapsed, title, ...props }) { // It'll contain state if `ToolbarGroup` is being used within // `<Toolbar label="label" />` const accessibleToolbarState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(toolbar_context); if ((!controls || !controls.length) && !children) { return null; } const finalClassName = dist_clsx( // Unfortunately, there's legacy code referencing to `.components-toolbar` // So we can't get rid of it accessibleToolbarState ? 'components-toolbar-group' : 'components-toolbar', className); // Normalize controls to nested array of objects (sets of controls) let controlSets; if (isNestedArray(controls)) { controlSets = controls; } else { controlSets = [controls]; } if (isCollapsed) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_group_collapsed, { label: title, controls: controlSets, className: finalClassName, children: children, ...props }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(toolbar_group_container, { className: finalClassName, ...props, children: [controlSets?.flatMap((controlSet, indexOfSet) =>, indexOfControl) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_button, { containerClassName: indexOfSet > 0 && indexOfControl === 0 ? 'has-left-divider' : undefined, ...control }, [indexOfSet, indexOfControl].join()))), children] }); } /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_group = (ToolbarGroup); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/toolbar/toolbar-store.js "use client"; // src/toolbar/toolbar-store.ts function createToolbarStore(props = {}) { var _a; const syncState = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.getState(); return createCompositeStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { orientation: defaultValue( props.orientation, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.orientation, "horizontal" ), focusLoop: defaultValue(props.focusLoop, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.focusLoop, true) })); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/BPNXFCFY.js "use client"; // src/toolbar/toolbar-store.ts function useToolbarStoreProps(store, update, props) { return useCompositeStoreProps(store, update, props); } function useToolbarStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createToolbarStore, props); return useToolbarStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/toolbar/toolbar.js "use client"; // src/toolbar/toolbar.tsx var useToolbar = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store: storeProp, orientation: orientationProp, virtualFocus, focusLoop, rtl } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "orientation", "virtualFocus", "focusLoop", "rtl" ]); const context = useToolbarProviderContext(); storeProp = storeProp || context; const store = useToolbarStore({ store: storeProp, orientation: orientationProp, virtualFocus, focusLoop, rtl }); const orientation = store.useState( (state) => state.orientation === "both" ? void 0 : state.orientation ); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ToolbarScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "toolbar", "aria-orientation": orientation }, props); props = useComposite(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); return props; } ); var Toolbar = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useToolbar(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar/toolbar-container.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedToolbarContainer({ label, ...props }, ref) { const toolbarStore = useToolbarStore({ focusLoop: true, rtl: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() }); return ( /*#__PURE__*/ // This will provide state for `ToolbarButton`'s (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_context.Provider, { value: toolbarStore, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Toolbar, { ref: ref, "aria-label": label, store: toolbarStore, ...props }) }) ); } const ToolbarContainer = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedToolbarContainer); /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_container = (ToolbarContainer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedToolbar({ className, label, variant, ...props }, ref) { const isVariantDefined = variant !== undefined; const contextSystemValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { if (isVariantDefined) { return {}; } return { DropdownMenu: { variant: 'toolbar' }, Dropdown: { variant: 'toolbar' } }; }, [isVariantDefined]); if (!label) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('Using Toolbar without label prop', { since: '5.6', alternative: 'ToolbarGroup component', link: '' }); // Extracting title from `props` because `ToolbarGroup` doesn't accept it. const { title: _title, ...restProps } = props; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_group, { isCollapsed: false, ...restProps, className: className }); } // `ToolbarGroup` already uses components-toolbar for compatibility reasons. const finalClassName = dist_clsx('components-accessible-toolbar', className, variant && `is-${variant}`); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ContextSystemProvider, { value: contextSystemValue, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_container, { className: finalClassName, label: label, ref: ref, ...props }) }); } /** * Renders a toolbar. * * To add controls, simply pass `ToolbarButton` components as children. * * ```jsx * import { Toolbar, ToolbarButton } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { formatBold, formatItalic, link } from '@wordpress/icons'; * * function MyToolbar() { * return ( * <Toolbar label="Options"> * <ToolbarButton icon={ formatBold } label="Bold" /> * <ToolbarButton icon={ formatItalic } label="Italic" /> * <ToolbarButton icon={ link } label="Link" /> * </Toolbar> * ); * } * ``` */ const toolbar_Toolbar = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedToolbar); /* harmony default export */ const toolbar = (toolbar_Toolbar); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/toolbar/toolbar-dropdown-menu/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function ToolbarDropdownMenu(props, ref) { const accessibleToolbarState = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(toolbar_context); if (!accessibleToolbarState) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_menu, { ...props }); } // ToolbarItem will pass all props to the render prop child, which will pass // all props to the toggle of DropdownMenu. This means that ToolbarDropdownMenu // has the same API as DropdownMenu. return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(toolbar_item, { ref: ref, ...props.toggleProps, children: toolbarItemProps => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_menu, { ...props, popoverProps: { ...props.popoverProps }, toggleProps: toolbarItemProps }) }); } /* harmony default export */ const toolbar_dropdown_menu = ((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(ToolbarDropdownMenu)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/styles.js function tools_panel_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const toolsPanelGrid = { columns: columns => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("grid-template-columns:", `repeat( ${columns}, minmax(0, 1fr) )`, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), spacing: /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("column-gap:", space(2), ";row-gap:", space(4), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), item: { fullWidth: true ? { name: "18iuzk9", styles: "grid-column:1/-1" } : 0 } }; const ToolsPanel = columns => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(toolsPanelGrid.columns(columns), " ", toolsPanelGrid.spacing, " border-top:", config_values.borderWidth, " solid ", COLORS.gray[300], ";margin-top:-1px;padding:", space(4), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); /** * Items injected into a ToolsPanel via a virtual bubbling slot will require * an inner dom element to be injected. The following rule allows for the * CSS grid display to be re-established. */ const ToolsPanelWithInnerWrapper = columns => { return /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(">div:not( :first-of-type ){display:grid;", toolsPanelGrid.columns(columns), " ", toolsPanelGrid.spacing, " ", toolsPanelGrid.item.fullWidth, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); }; const ToolsPanelHiddenInnerWrapper = true ? { name: "huufmu", styles: ">div:not( :first-of-type ){display:none;}" } : 0; const ToolsPanelHeader = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(toolsPanelGrid.item.fullWidth, " gap:", space(2), ";.components-dropdown-menu{margin:", space(-1), " 0;line-height:0;}&&&& .components-dropdown-menu__toggle{padding:0;min-width:", space(6), ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const ToolsPanelHeading = true ? { name: "1pmxm02", styles: "font-size:inherit;font-weight:500;line-height:normal;&&{margin:0;}" } : 0; const ToolsPanelItem = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css(toolsPanelGrid.item.fullWidth, "&>div,&>fieldset{padding-bottom:0;margin-bottom:0;max-width:100%;}&& ", base_control_styles_Wrapper, "{margin-bottom:0;", StyledField, ":last-child{margin-bottom:0;}}", StyledHelp, "{margin-bottom:0;}&& ", LabelWrapper, "{label{line-height:1.4em;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const ToolsPanelItemPlaceholder = true ? { name: "eivff4", styles: "display:none" } : 0; const styles_DropdownMenu = true ? { name: "16gsvie", styles: "min-width:200px" } : 0; const ResetLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "ews648u0" } : 0)("color:", COLORS.theme.accentDarker10, ";font-size:11px;font-weight:500;line-height:1.4;", rtl({ marginLeft: space(3) }), " text-transform:uppercase;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const DefaultControlsItem = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";&&[aria-disabled='true']{color:", COLORS.gray[700], ";opacity:1;&:hover{color:", COLORS.gray[700], ";}", ResetLabel, "{opacity:0.3;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const tools_panel_context_noop = () => undefined; const ToolsPanelContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({ menuItems: { default: {}, optional: {} }, hasMenuItems: false, isResetting: false, shouldRenderPlaceholderItems: false, registerPanelItem: tools_panel_context_noop, deregisterPanelItem: tools_panel_context_noop, flagItemCustomization: tools_panel_context_noop, registerResetAllFilter: tools_panel_context_noop, deregisterResetAllFilter: tools_panel_context_noop, areAllOptionalControlsHidden: true }); const useToolsPanelContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(ToolsPanelContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/tools-panel-header/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useToolsPanelHeader(props) { const { className, headingLevel = 2, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ToolsPanelHeader'); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(ToolsPanelHeader, className); }, [className, cx]); const dropdownMenuClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(styles_DropdownMenu); }, [cx]); const headingClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(ToolsPanelHeading); }, [cx]); const defaultControlsItemClassName = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { return cx(DefaultControlsItem); }, [cx]); const { menuItems, hasMenuItems, areAllOptionalControlsHidden } = useToolsPanelContext(); return { ...otherProps, areAllOptionalControlsHidden, defaultControlsItemClassName, dropdownMenuClassName, hasMenuItems, headingClassName, headingLevel, menuItems, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/tools-panel-header/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DefaultControlsGroup = ({ itemClassName, items, toggleItem }) => { if (!items.length) { return null; } const resetSuffix = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ResetLabel, { "aria-hidden": true, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset') }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children:[label, hasValue]) => { if (hasValue) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(menu_item, { className: itemClassName, role: "menuitem", label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the control being reset e.g. "Padding". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset %s'), label), onClick: () => { toggleItem(label); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the control being reset e.g. "Padding". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s reset to default'), label), 'assertive'); }, suffix: resetSuffix, children: label }, label); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(menu_item, { icon: library_check, className: itemClassName, role: "menuitemcheckbox", isSelected: true, "aria-disabled": true, children: label }, label); }) }); }; const OptionalControlsGroup = ({ items, toggleItem }) => { if (!items.length) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children:[label, isSelected]) => { const itemLabel = isSelected ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the control being hidden and reset e.g. "Padding". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Hide and reset %s'), label) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the control to display e.g. "Padding". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show %s'), label); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(menu_item, { icon: isSelected ? library_check : null, isSelected: isSelected, label: itemLabel, onClick: () => { if (isSelected) { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the control being reset e.g. "Padding". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s hidden and reset to default'), label), 'assertive'); } else { (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the control being reset e.g. "Padding". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s is now visible'), label), 'assertive'); } toggleItem(label); }, role: "menuitemcheckbox", children: label }, label); }) }); }; const component_ToolsPanelHeader = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { areAllOptionalControlsHidden, defaultControlsItemClassName, dropdownMenuClassName, hasMenuItems, headingClassName, headingLevel = 2, label: labelText, menuItems, resetAll, toggleItem, dropdownMenuProps, ...headerProps } = useToolsPanelHeader(props); if (!labelText) { return null; } const defaultItems = Object.entries(menuItems?.default || {}); const optionalItems = Object.entries(menuItems?.optional || {}); const dropDownMenuIcon = areAllOptionalControlsHidden ? library_plus : more_vertical; const dropDownMenuLabelText = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( // translators: %s: The name of the tool e.g. "Color" or "Typography". (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('%s options', 'Button label to reveal tool panel options'), labelText); const dropdownMenuDescriptionText = areAllOptionalControlsHidden ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('All options are currently hidden') : undefined; const canResetAll = [...defaultItems, ...optionalItems].some(([, isSelected]) => isSelected); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(h_stack_component, { ...headerProps, ref: forwardedRef, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(heading_component, { level: headingLevel, className: headingClassName, children: labelText }), hasMenuItems && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_menu, { ...dropdownMenuProps, icon: dropDownMenuIcon, label: dropDownMenuLabelText, menuProps: { className: dropdownMenuClassName }, toggleProps: { size: 'small', describedBy: dropdownMenuDescriptionText }, children: () => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(menu_group, { label: labelText, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DefaultControlsGroup, { items: defaultItems, toggleItem: toggleItem, itemClassName: defaultControlsItemClassName }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(OptionalControlsGroup, { items: optionalItems, toggleItem: toggleItem })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(menu_group, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(menu_item, { "aria-disabled": !canResetAll // @ts-expect-error - TODO: If this "tertiary" style is something we really want to allow on MenuItem, // we should rename it and explicitly allow it as an official API. All the other Button variants // don't make sense in a MenuItem context, and should be disallowed. , variant: "tertiary", onClick: () => { if (canResetAll) { resetAll(); (0,external_wp_a11y_namespaceObject.speak)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('All options reset'), 'assertive'); } }, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reset all') }) })] }) })] }); }; const ConnectedToolsPanelHeader = contextConnect(component_ToolsPanelHeader, 'ToolsPanelHeader'); /* harmony default export */ const tools_panel_header_component = (ConnectedToolsPanelHeader); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/tools-panel/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DEFAULT_COLUMNS = 2; const generateMenuItems = ({ panelItems, shouldReset, currentMenuItems, menuItemOrder }) => { const newMenuItems = { default: {}, optional: {} }; const menuItems = { default: {}, optional: {} }; panelItems.forEach(({ hasValue, isShownByDefault, label }) => { const group = isShownByDefault ? 'default' : 'optional'; // If a menu item for this label has already been flagged as customized // (for default controls), or toggled on (for optional controls), do not // overwrite its value as those controls would lose that state. const existingItemValue = currentMenuItems?.[group]?.[label]; const value = existingItemValue ? existingItemValue : hasValue(); newMenuItems[group][label] = shouldReset ? false : value; }); // Loop the known, previously registered items first to maintain menu order. menuItemOrder.forEach(key => { if (newMenuItems.default.hasOwnProperty(key)) { menuItems.default[key] = newMenuItems.default[key]; } if (newMenuItems.optional.hasOwnProperty(key)) { menuItems.optional[key] = newMenuItems.optional[key]; } }); // Loop newMenuItems object adding any that aren't in the known items order. Object.keys(newMenuItems.default).forEach(key => { if (!menuItems.default.hasOwnProperty(key)) { menuItems.default[key] = newMenuItems.default[key]; } }); Object.keys(newMenuItems.optional).forEach(key => { if (!menuItems.optional.hasOwnProperty(key)) { menuItems.optional[key] = newMenuItems.optional[key]; } }); return menuItems; }; const isMenuItemTypeEmpty = obj => obj && Object.keys(obj).length === 0; function useToolsPanel(props) { const { className, headingLevel = 2, resetAll, panelId, hasInnerWrapper = false, shouldRenderPlaceholderItems = false, __experimentalFirstVisibleItemClass, __experimentalLastVisibleItemClass, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ToolsPanel'); const isResetting = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); const wasResetting = isResetting.current; // `isResetting` is cleared via this hook to effectively batch together // the resetAll task. Without this, the flag is cleared after the first // control updates and forces a rerender with subsequent controls then // believing they need to reset, unfortunately using stale data. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (wasResetting) { isResetting.current = false; } }, [wasResetting]); // Allow panel items to register themselves. const [panelItems, setPanelItems] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)([]); const [menuItemOrder, setMenuItemOrder] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)([]); const [resetAllFilters, setResetAllFilters] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)([]); const registerPanelItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(item => { // Add item to panel items. setPanelItems(items => { const newItems = [...items]; // If an item with this label has already been registered, remove it // first. This can happen when an item is moved between the default // and optional groups. const existingIndex = newItems.findIndex(oldItem => oldItem.label === item.label); if (existingIndex !== -1) { newItems.splice(existingIndex, 1); } return [...newItems, item]; }); // Track the initial order of item registration. This is used for // maintaining menu item order later. setMenuItemOrder(items => { if (items.includes(item.label)) { return items; } return [...items, item.label]; }); }, [setPanelItems, setMenuItemOrder]); // Panels need to deregister on unmount to avoid orphans in menu state. // This is an issue when panel items are being injected via SlotFills. const deregisterPanelItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(label => { // When switching selections between components injecting matching // controls, e.g. both panels have a "padding" control, the // deregistration of the first panel doesn't occur until after the // registration of the next. setPanelItems(items => { const newItems = [...items]; const index = newItems.findIndex(item => item.label === label); if (index !== -1) { newItems.splice(index, 1); } return newItems; }); }, [setPanelItems]); const registerResetAllFilter = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newFilter => { setResetAllFilters(filters => { return [...filters, newFilter]; }); }, [setResetAllFilters]); const deregisterResetAllFilter = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(filterToRemove => { setResetAllFilters(filters => { return filters.filter(filter => filter !== filterToRemove); }); }, [setResetAllFilters]); // Manage and share display state of menu items representing child controls. const [menuItems, setMenuItems] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({ default: {}, optional: {} }); // Setup menuItems state as panel items register themselves. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { setMenuItems(prevState => { const items = generateMenuItems({ panelItems, shouldReset: false, currentMenuItems: prevState, menuItemOrder }); return items; }); }, [panelItems, setMenuItems, menuItemOrder]); // Updates the status of the panel’s menu items. For default items the // value represents whether it differs from the default and for optional // items whether the item is shown. const flagItemCustomization = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((value, label, group = 'default') => { setMenuItems(items => { const newState = { ...items, [group]: { ...items[group], [label]: value } }; return newState; }); }, [setMenuItems]); // Whether all optional menu items are hidden or not must be tracked // in order to later determine if the panel display is empty and handle // conditional display of a plus icon to indicate the presence of further // menu items. const [areAllOptionalControlsHidden, setAreAllOptionalControlsHidden] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (isMenuItemTypeEmpty(menuItems?.default) && !isMenuItemTypeEmpty(menuItems?.optional)) { const allControlsHidden = !Object.entries(menuItems.optional).some(([, isSelected]) => isSelected); setAreAllOptionalControlsHidden(allControlsHidden); } }, [menuItems, setAreAllOptionalControlsHidden]); const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const wrapperStyle = hasInnerWrapper && ToolsPanelWithInnerWrapper(DEFAULT_COLUMNS); const emptyStyle = isMenuItemTypeEmpty(menuItems?.default) && areAllOptionalControlsHidden && ToolsPanelHiddenInnerWrapper; return cx(ToolsPanel(DEFAULT_COLUMNS), wrapperStyle, emptyStyle, className); }, [areAllOptionalControlsHidden, className, cx, hasInnerWrapper, menuItems]); // Toggle the checked state of a menu item which is then used to determine // display of the item within the panel. const toggleItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(label => { const currentItem = panelItems.find(item => item.label === label); if (!currentItem) { return; } const menuGroup = currentItem.isShownByDefault ? 'default' : 'optional'; const newMenuItems = { ...menuItems, [menuGroup]: { ...menuItems[menuGroup], [label]: !menuItems[menuGroup][label] } }; setMenuItems(newMenuItems); }, [menuItems, panelItems, setMenuItems]); // Resets display of children and executes resetAll callback if available. const resetAllItems = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(() => { if (typeof resetAll === 'function') { isResetting.current = true; resetAll(resetAllFilters); } // Turn off display of all non-default items. const resetMenuItems = generateMenuItems({ panelItems, menuItemOrder, shouldReset: true }); setMenuItems(resetMenuItems); }, [panelItems, resetAllFilters, resetAll, setMenuItems, menuItemOrder]); // Assist ItemGroup styling when there are potentially hidden placeholder // items by identifying first & last items that are toggled on for display. const getFirstVisibleItemLabel = items => { const optionalItems = menuItems.optional || {}; const firstItem = items.find(item => item.isShownByDefault || !!optionalItems[item.label]); return firstItem?.label; }; const firstDisplayedItem = getFirstVisibleItemLabel(panelItems); const lastDisplayedItem = getFirstVisibleItemLabel([...panelItems].reverse()); const panelContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ areAllOptionalControlsHidden, deregisterPanelItem, deregisterResetAllFilter, firstDisplayedItem, flagItemCustomization, hasMenuItems: !!panelItems.length, isResetting: isResetting.current, lastDisplayedItem, menuItems, panelId, registerPanelItem, registerResetAllFilter, shouldRenderPlaceholderItems, __experimentalFirstVisibleItemClass, __experimentalLastVisibleItemClass }), [areAllOptionalControlsHidden, deregisterPanelItem, deregisterResetAllFilter, firstDisplayedItem, flagItemCustomization, lastDisplayedItem, menuItems, panelId, panelItems, registerResetAllFilter, registerPanelItem, shouldRenderPlaceholderItems, __experimentalFirstVisibleItemClass, __experimentalLastVisibleItemClass]); return { ...otherProps, headingLevel, panelContext, resetAllItems, toggleItem, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/tools-panel/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const UnconnectedToolsPanel = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { children, label, panelContext, resetAllItems, toggleItem, headingLevel, dropdownMenuProps, ...toolsPanelProps } = useToolsPanel(props); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(grid_component, { ...toolsPanelProps, columns: 2, ref: forwardedRef, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(ToolsPanelContext.Provider, { value: panelContext, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tools_panel_header_component, { label: label, resetAll: resetAllItems, toggleItem: toggleItem, headingLevel: headingLevel, dropdownMenuProps: dropdownMenuProps }), children] }) }); }; /** * The `ToolsPanel` is a container component that displays its children preceded * by a header. The header includes a dropdown menu which is automatically * generated from the panel's inner `ToolsPanelItems`. * * ```jsx * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { * __experimentalToolsPanel as ToolsPanel, * __experimentalToolsPanelItem as ToolsPanelItem, * __experimentalUnitControl as UnitControl * } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * const [ height, setHeight ] = useState(); * const [ width, setWidth ] = useState(); * * const resetAll = () => { * setHeight(); * setWidth(); * } * * return ( * <ToolsPanel label={ __( 'Dimensions' ) } resetAll={ resetAll }> * <ToolsPanelItem * hasValue={ () => !! height } * label={ __( 'Height' ) } * onDeselect={ () => setHeight() } * > * <UnitControl * label={ __( 'Height' ) } * onChange={ setHeight } * value={ height } * /> * </ToolsPanelItem> * <ToolsPanelItem * hasValue={ () => !! width } * label={ __( 'Width' ) } * onDeselect={ () => setWidth() } * > * <UnitControl * label={ __( 'Width' ) } * onChange={ setWidth } * value={ width } * /> * </ToolsPanelItem> * </ToolsPanel> * ); * } * ``` */ const component_ToolsPanel = contextConnect(UnconnectedToolsPanel, 'ToolsPanel'); /* harmony default export */ const tools_panel_component = (component_ToolsPanel); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/tools-panel-item/hook.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const hook_noop = () => {}; function useToolsPanelItem(props) { const { className, hasValue, isShownByDefault = false, label, panelId, resetAllFilter = hook_noop, onDeselect, onSelect, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ToolsPanelItem'); const { panelId: currentPanelId, menuItems, registerResetAllFilter, deregisterResetAllFilter, registerPanelItem, deregisterPanelItem, flagItemCustomization, isResetting, shouldRenderPlaceholderItems: shouldRenderPlaceholder, firstDisplayedItem, lastDisplayedItem, __experimentalFirstVisibleItemClass, __experimentalLastVisibleItemClass } = useToolsPanelContext(); // hasValue is a new function on every render, so do not add it as a // dependency to the useCallback hook! If needed, we should use a ref. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps const hasValueCallback = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(hasValue, [panelId]); // resetAllFilter is a new function on every render, so do not add it as a // dependency to the useCallback hook! If needed, we should use a ref. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps const resetAllFilterCallback = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(resetAllFilter, [panelId]); const previousPanelId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(currentPanelId); const hasMatchingPanel = currentPanelId === panelId || currentPanelId === null; // Registering the panel item allows the panel to include it in its // automatically generated menu and determine its initial checked status. // // This is performed in a layout effect to ensure that the panel item // is registered before it is rendered preventing a rendering glitch. // See: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (hasMatchingPanel && previousPanelId !== null) { registerPanelItem({ hasValue: hasValueCallback, isShownByDefault, label, panelId }); } return () => { if (previousPanelId === null && !!currentPanelId || currentPanelId === panelId) { deregisterPanelItem(label); } }; }, [currentPanelId, hasMatchingPanel, isShownByDefault, label, hasValueCallback, panelId, previousPanelId, registerPanelItem, deregisterPanelItem]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (hasMatchingPanel) { registerResetAllFilter(resetAllFilterCallback); } return () => { if (hasMatchingPanel) { deregisterResetAllFilter(resetAllFilterCallback); } }; }, [registerResetAllFilter, deregisterResetAllFilter, resetAllFilterCallback, hasMatchingPanel]); // Note: `label` is used as a key when building menu item state in // `ToolsPanel`. const menuGroup = isShownByDefault ? 'default' : 'optional'; const isMenuItemChecked = menuItems?.[menuGroup]?.[label]; const wasMenuItemChecked = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(isMenuItemChecked); const isRegistered = menuItems?.[menuGroup]?.[label] !== undefined; const isValueSet = hasValue(); // Notify the panel when an item's value has changed except for optional // items without value because the item should not cause itself to hide. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isShownByDefault && !isValueSet) { return; } flagItemCustomization(isValueSet, label, menuGroup); }, [isValueSet, menuGroup, label, flagItemCustomization, isShownByDefault]); // Determine if the panel item's corresponding menu is being toggled and // trigger appropriate callback if it is. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // We check whether this item is currently registered as items rendered // via fills can persist through the parent panel being remounted. // See: if (!isRegistered || isResetting || !hasMatchingPanel) { return; } if (isMenuItemChecked && !isValueSet && !wasMenuItemChecked) { onSelect?.(); } if (!isMenuItemChecked && isValueSet && wasMenuItemChecked) { onDeselect?.(); } }, [hasMatchingPanel, isMenuItemChecked, isRegistered, isResetting, isValueSet, wasMenuItemChecked, onSelect, onDeselect]); // The item is shown if it is a default control regardless of whether it // has a value. Optional items are shown when they are checked or have // a value. const isShown = isShownByDefault ? menuItems?.[menuGroup]?.[label] !== undefined : isMenuItemChecked; const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const shouldApplyPlaceholderStyles = shouldRenderPlaceholder && !isShown; const firstItemStyle = firstDisplayedItem === label && __experimentalFirstVisibleItemClass; const lastItemStyle = lastDisplayedItem === label && __experimentalLastVisibleItemClass; return cx(ToolsPanelItem, shouldApplyPlaceholderStyles && ToolsPanelItemPlaceholder, !shouldApplyPlaceholderStyles && className, firstItemStyle, lastItemStyle); }, [isShown, shouldRenderPlaceholder, className, cx, firstDisplayedItem, lastDisplayedItem, __experimentalFirstVisibleItemClass, __experimentalLastVisibleItemClass, label]); return { ...otherProps, isShown, shouldRenderPlaceholder, className: classes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tools-panel/tools-panel-item/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ // This wraps controls to be conditionally displayed within a tools panel. It // prevents props being applied to HTML elements that would make them invalid. const UnconnectedToolsPanelItem = (props, forwardedRef) => { const { children, isShown, shouldRenderPlaceholder, ...toolsPanelItemProps } = useToolsPanelItem(props); if (!isShown) { return shouldRenderPlaceholder ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...toolsPanelItemProps, ref: forwardedRef }) : null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(component, { ...toolsPanelItemProps, ref: forwardedRef, children: children }); }; const component_ToolsPanelItem = contextConnect(UnconnectedToolsPanelItem, 'ToolsPanelItem'); /* harmony default export */ const tools_panel_item_component = (component_ToolsPanelItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-grid/roving-tab-index-context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const RovingTabIndexContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(undefined); const useRovingTabIndexContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(RovingTabIndexContext); const RovingTabIndexProvider = RovingTabIndexContext.Provider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-grid/roving-tab-index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Provider for adding roving tab index behaviors to tree grid structures. * * @see */ function RovingTabIndex({ children }) { const [lastFocusedElement, setLastFocusedElement] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); // Use `useMemo` to avoid creation of a new object for the providerValue // on every render. Only create a new object when the `lastFocusedElement` // value changes. const providerValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ lastFocusedElement, setLastFocusedElement }), [lastFocusedElement]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RovingTabIndexProvider, { value: providerValue, children: children }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-grid/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Return focusables in a row element, excluding those from other branches * nested within the row. * * @param rowElement The DOM element representing the row. * * @return The array of focusables in the row. */ function getRowFocusables(rowElement) { const focusablesInRow = external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.focus.focusable.find(rowElement, { sequential: true }); return focusablesInRow.filter(focusable => { return focusable.closest('[role="row"]') === rowElement; }); } /** * Renders both a table and tbody element, used to create a tree hierarchy. * */ function UnforwardedTreeGrid({ children, onExpandRow = () => {}, onCollapseRow = () => {}, onFocusRow = () => {}, applicationAriaLabel, ...props }, /** A ref to the underlying DOM table element. */ ref) { const onKeyDown = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(event => { const { keyCode, metaKey, ctrlKey, altKey } = event; // The shift key is intentionally absent from the following list, // to enable shift + up/down to select items from the list. const hasModifierKeyPressed = metaKey || ctrlKey || altKey; if (hasModifierKeyPressed || ![external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.UP, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.DOWN, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.LEFT, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.RIGHT, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.HOME, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.END].includes(keyCode)) { return; } // The event will be handled, stop propagation. event.stopPropagation(); const { activeElement } = document; const { currentTarget: treeGridElement } = event; if (!activeElement || !treeGridElement.contains(activeElement)) { return; } // Calculate the columnIndex of the active element. const activeRow = activeElement.closest('[role="row"]'); if (!activeRow) { return; } const focusablesInRow = getRowFocusables(activeRow); const currentColumnIndex = focusablesInRow.indexOf(activeElement); const canExpandCollapse = 0 === currentColumnIndex; const cannotFocusNextColumn = canExpandCollapse && (activeRow.getAttribute('data-expanded') === 'false' || activeRow.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'false') && keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.RIGHT; if ([external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.LEFT, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.RIGHT].includes(keyCode)) { // Calculate to the next element. let nextIndex; if (keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.LEFT) { nextIndex = Math.max(0, currentColumnIndex - 1); } else { nextIndex = Math.min(currentColumnIndex + 1, focusablesInRow.length - 1); } // Focus is at the left most column. if (canExpandCollapse) { if (keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.LEFT) { var _activeRow$getAttribu; // Left: // If a row is focused, and it is expanded, collapses the current row. if (activeRow.getAttribute('data-expanded') === 'true' || activeRow.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') { onCollapseRow(activeRow); event.preventDefault(); return; } // If a row is focused, and it is collapsed, moves to the parent row (if there is one). const level = Math.max(parseInt((_activeRow$getAttribu = activeRow?.getAttribute('aria-level')) !== null && _activeRow$getAttribu !== void 0 ? _activeRow$getAttribu : '1', 10) - 1, 1); const rows = Array.from(treeGridElement.querySelectorAll('[role="row"]')); let parentRow = activeRow; const currentRowIndex = rows.indexOf(activeRow); for (let i = currentRowIndex; i >= 0; i--) { const ariaLevel = rows[i].getAttribute('aria-level'); if (ariaLevel !== null && parseInt(ariaLevel, 10) === level) { parentRow = rows[i]; break; } } getRowFocusables(parentRow)?.[0]?.focus(); } if (keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.RIGHT) { // Right: // If a row is focused, and it is collapsed, expands the current row. if (activeRow.getAttribute('data-expanded') === 'false' || activeRow.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'false') { onExpandRow(activeRow); event.preventDefault(); return; } // If a row is focused, and it is expanded, focuses the next cell in the row. const focusableItems = getRowFocusables(activeRow); if (focusableItems.length > 0) { focusableItems[nextIndex]?.focus(); } } // Prevent key use for anything else. For example, Voiceover // will start reading text on continued use of left/right arrow // keys. event.preventDefault(); return; } // Focus the next element. If at most left column and row is collapsed, moving right is not allowed as this will expand. However, if row is collapsed, moving left is allowed. if (cannotFocusNextColumn) { return; } focusablesInRow[nextIndex].focus(); // Prevent key use for anything else. This ensures Voiceover // doesn't try to handle key navigation. event.preventDefault(); } else if ([external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.UP, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.DOWN].includes(keyCode)) { // Calculate the rowIndex of the next row. const rows = Array.from(treeGridElement.querySelectorAll('[role="row"]')); const currentRowIndex = rows.indexOf(activeRow); let nextRowIndex; if (keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.UP) { nextRowIndex = Math.max(0, currentRowIndex - 1); } else { nextRowIndex = Math.min(currentRowIndex + 1, rows.length - 1); } // Focus is either at the top or bottom edge of the grid. Do nothing. if (nextRowIndex === currentRowIndex) { // Prevent key use for anything else. For example, Voiceover // will start navigating horizontally when reaching the vertical // bounds of a table. event.preventDefault(); return; } // Get the focusables in the next row. const focusablesInNextRow = getRowFocusables(rows[nextRowIndex]); // If for some reason there are no focusables in the next row, do nothing. if (!focusablesInNextRow || !focusablesInNextRow.length) { // Prevent key use for anything else. For example, Voiceover // will still focus text when using arrow keys, while this // component should limit navigation to focusables. event.preventDefault(); return; } // Try to focus the element in the next row that's at a similar column to the activeElement. const nextIndex = Math.min(currentColumnIndex, focusablesInNextRow.length - 1); focusablesInNextRow[nextIndex].focus(); // Let consumers know the row that was originally focused, // and the row that is now in focus. onFocusRow(event, activeRow, rows[nextRowIndex]); // Prevent key use for anything else. This ensures Voiceover // doesn't try to handle key navigation. event.preventDefault(); } else if ([external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.HOME, external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.END].includes(keyCode)) { // Calculate the rowIndex of the next row. const rows = Array.from(treeGridElement.querySelectorAll('[role="row"]')); const currentRowIndex = rows.indexOf(activeRow); let nextRowIndex; if (keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.HOME) { nextRowIndex = 0; } else { nextRowIndex = rows.length - 1; } // Focus is either at the top or bottom edge of the grid. Do nothing. if (nextRowIndex === currentRowIndex) { // Prevent key use for anything else. For example, Voiceover // will start navigating horizontally when reaching the vertical // bounds of a table. event.preventDefault(); return; } // Get the focusables in the next row. const focusablesInNextRow = getRowFocusables(rows[nextRowIndex]); // If for some reason there are no focusables in the next row, do nothing. if (!focusablesInNextRow || !focusablesInNextRow.length) { // Prevent key use for anything else. For example, Voiceover // will still focus text when using arrow keys, while this // component should limit navigation to focusables. event.preventDefault(); return; } // Try to focus the element in the next row that's at a similar column to the activeElement. const nextIndex = Math.min(currentColumnIndex, focusablesInNextRow.length - 1); focusablesInNextRow[nextIndex].focus(); // Let consumers know the row that was originally focused, // and the row that is now in focus. onFocusRow(event, activeRow, rows[nextRowIndex]); // Prevent key use for anything else. This ensures Voiceover // doesn't try to handle key navigation. event.preventDefault(); } }, [onExpandRow, onCollapseRow, onFocusRow]); /* Disable reason: A treegrid is implemented using a table element. */ /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role */ return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RovingTabIndex, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { role: "application", "aria-label": applicationAriaLabel, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("table", { ...props, role: "treegrid", onKeyDown: onKeyDown, ref: ref, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("tbody", { children: children }) }) }) }); /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role */ } /** * `TreeGrid` is used to create a tree hierarchy. * It is not a visually styled component, but instead helps with adding * keyboard navigation and roving tab index behaviors to tree grid structures. * * A tree grid is a hierarchical 2 dimensional UI component, for example it could be * used to implement a file system browser. * * A tree grid allows the user to navigate using arrow keys. * Up/down to navigate vertically across rows, and left/right to navigate horizontally * between focusables in a row. * * The `TreeGrid` renders both a `table` and `tbody` element, and is intended to be used * with `TreeGridRow` (`tr`) and `TreeGridCell` (`td`) to build out a grid. * * ```jsx * function TreeMenu() { * return ( * <TreeGrid> * <TreeGridRow level={ 1 } positionInSet={ 1 } setSize={ 2 }> * <TreeGridCell> * { ( props ) => ( * <Button onClick={ onSelect } { ...props }>Select</Button> * ) } * </TreeGridCell> * <TreeGridCell> * { ( props ) => ( * <Button onClick={ onMove } { ...props }>Move</Button> * ) } * </TreeGridCell> * </TreeGridRow> * <TreeGridRow level={ 1 } positionInSet={ 2 } setSize={ 2 }> * <TreeGridCell> * { ( props ) => ( * <Button onClick={ onSelect } { ...props }>Select</Button> * ) } * </TreeGridCell> * <TreeGridCell> * { ( props ) => ( * <Button onClick={ onMove } { ...props }>Move</Button> * ) } * </TreeGridCell> * </TreeGridRow> * <TreeGridRow level={ 2 } positionInSet={ 1 } setSize={ 1 }> * <TreeGridCell> * { ( props ) => ( * <Button onClick={ onSelect } { ...props }>Select</Button> * ) } * </TreeGridCell> * <TreeGridCell> * { ( props ) => ( * <Button onClick={ onMove } { ...props }>Move</Button> * ) } * </TreeGridCell> * </TreeGridRow> * </TreeGrid> * ); * } * ``` * * @see {@link} */ const TreeGrid = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTreeGrid); /* harmony default export */ const tree_grid = (TreeGrid); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-grid/row.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedTreeGridRow({ children, level, positionInSet, setSize, isExpanded, ...props }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("tr", { ...props, ref: ref, role: "row", "aria-level": level, "aria-posinset": positionInSet, "aria-setsize": setSize, "aria-expanded": isExpanded, children: children }); } /** * `TreeGridRow` is used to create a tree hierarchy. * It is not a visually styled component, but instead helps with adding * keyboard navigation and roving tab index behaviors to tree grid structures. * * @see {@link} */ const TreeGridRow = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTreeGridRow); /* harmony default export */ const tree_grid_row = (TreeGridRow); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-grid/roving-tab-index-item.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const RovingTabIndexItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function UnforwardedRovingTabIndexItem({ children, as: Component, ...props }, forwardedRef) { const localRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const ref = forwardedRef || localRef; // @ts-expect-error - We actually want to throw an error if this is undefined. const { lastFocusedElement, setLastFocusedElement } = useRovingTabIndexContext(); let tabIndex; if (lastFocusedElement) { tabIndex = lastFocusedElement === ( // TODO: The original implementation simply used `ref.current` here, assuming // that a forwarded ref would always be an object, which is not necessarily true. // This workaround maintains the original runtime behavior in a type-safe way, // but should be revisited. 'current' in ref ? ref.current : undefined) ? 0 : -1; } const onFocus = event => setLastFocusedElement?.(; const allProps = { ref, tabIndex, onFocus, ...props }; if (typeof children === 'function') { return children(allProps); } if (!Component) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { ...allProps, children: children }); }); /* harmony default export */ const roving_tab_index_item = (RovingTabIndexItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-grid/item.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedTreeGridItem({ children, ...props }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(roving_tab_index_item, { ref: ref, ...props, children: children }); } /** * `TreeGridItem` is used to create a tree hierarchy. * It is not a visually styled component, but instead helps with adding * keyboard navigation and roving tab index behaviors to tree grid structures. * * @see {@link} */ const TreeGridItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTreeGridItem); /* harmony default export */ const tree_grid_item = (TreeGridItem); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tree-grid/cell.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnforwardedTreeGridCell({ children, withoutGridItem = false, ...props }, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("td", { ...props, role: "gridcell", children: withoutGridItem ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: children }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tree_grid_item, { ref: ref, children: children }) }); } /** * `TreeGridCell` is used to create a tree hierarchy. * It is not a visually styled component, but instead helps with adding * keyboard navigation and roving tab index behaviors to tree grid structures. * * @see {@link} */ const TreeGridCell = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(UnforwardedTreeGridCell); /* harmony default export */ const cell = (TreeGridCell); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/isolated-event-container/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function stopPropagation(event) { event.stopPropagation(); } const IsolatedEventContainer = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)((props, ref) => { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.IsolatedEventContainer', { since: '5.7' }); // Disable reason: this stops certain events from propagating outside of the component. // - onMouseDown is disabled as this can cause interactions with other DOM elements. /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...props, ref: ref, onMouseDown: stopPropagation }); /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ }); /* harmony default export */ const isolated_event_container = (IsolatedEventContainer); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/slot-fill/bubbles-virtually/use-slot-fills.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useSlotFills(name) { const registry = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(slot_fill_context); return (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useObservableValue)(registry.fills, name); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/z-stack/styles.js function z_stack_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ const ZStackChildView = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ebn2ljm1" } : 0)("&:not( :first-of-type ){", ({ offsetAmount }) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ marginInlineStart: offsetAmount }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0), ";}", ({ zIndex }) => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css({ zIndex }, true ? "" : 0, true ? "" : 0), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); var z_stack_styles_ref = true ? { name: "rs0gp6", styles: "grid-row-start:1;grid-column-start:1" } : 0; const ZStackView = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "ebn2ljm0" } : 0)("display:inline-grid;grid-auto-flow:column;position:relative;&>", ZStackChildView, "{position:relative;justify-self:start;", ({ isLayered }) => isLayered ? // When `isLayered` is true, all items overlap in the same grid cell z_stack_styles_ref : undefined, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/z-stack/component.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function UnconnectedZStack(props, forwardedRef) { const { children, className, isLayered = true, isReversed = false, offset = 0, ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'ZStack'); const validChildren = getValidChildren(children); const childrenLastIndex = validChildren.length - 1; const clonedChildren =, index) => { const zIndex = isReversed ? childrenLastIndex - index : index; // Only when the component is layered, the offset needs to be multiplied by // the item's index, so that items can correctly stack at the right distance const offsetAmount = isLayered ? offset * index : offset; const key = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.isValidElement)(child) ? child.key : index; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ZStackChildView, { offsetAmount: offsetAmount, zIndex: zIndex, children: child }, key); }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ZStackView, { ...otherProps, className: className, isLayered: isLayered, ref: forwardedRef, children: clonedChildren }); } /** * `ZStack` allows you to stack things along the Z-axis. * * ```jsx * import { __experimentalZStack as ZStack } from '@wordpress/components'; * * function Example() { * return ( * <ZStack offset={ 20 } isLayered> * <ExampleImage /> * <ExampleImage /> * <ExampleImage /> * </ZStack> * ); * } * ``` */ const ZStack = contextConnect(UnconnectedZStack, 'ZStack'); /* harmony default export */ const z_stack_component = (ZStack); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/navigate-regions/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const defaultShortcuts = { previous: [{ modifier: 'ctrlShift', character: '`' }, { modifier: 'ctrlShift', character: '~' }, { modifier: 'access', character: 'p' }], next: [{ modifier: 'ctrl', character: '`' }, { modifier: 'access', character: 'n' }] }; function useNavigateRegions(shortcuts = defaultShortcuts) { const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(null); const [isFocusingRegions, setIsFocusingRegions] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); function focusRegion(offset) { var _ref$current$querySel; const regions = Array.from((_ref$current$querySel = ref.current?.querySelectorAll('[role="region"][tabindex="-1"]')) !== null && _ref$current$querySel !== void 0 ? _ref$current$querySel : []); if (!regions.length) { return; } let nextRegion = regions[0]; // Based off the current element, use closest to determine the wrapping region since this operates up the DOM. Also, match tabindex to avoid edge cases with regions we do not want. const wrappingRegion = ref.current?.ownerDocument?.activeElement?.closest('[role="region"][tabindex="-1"]'); const selectedIndex = wrappingRegion ? regions.indexOf(wrappingRegion) : -1; if (selectedIndex !== -1) { let nextIndex = selectedIndex + offset; nextIndex = nextIndex === -1 ? regions.length - 1 : nextIndex; nextIndex = nextIndex === regions.length ? 0 : nextIndex; nextRegion = regions[nextIndex]; } nextRegion.focus(); setIsFocusingRegions(true); } const clickRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useRefEffect)(element => { function onClick() { setIsFocusingRegions(false); } element.addEventListener('click', onClick); return () => { element.removeEventListener('click', onClick); }; }, [setIsFocusingRegions]); return { ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([ref, clickRef]), className: isFocusingRegions ? 'is-focusing-regions' : '', onKeyDown(event) { if (shortcuts.previous.some(({ modifier, character }) => { return external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isKeyboardEvent[modifier](event, character); })) { focusRegion(-1); } else if ({ modifier, character }) => { return external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isKeyboardEvent[modifier](event, character); })) { focusRegion(1); } } }; } /** * `navigateRegions` is a React [higher-order component]( * adding keyboard navigation to switch between the different DOM elements marked as "regions" (role="region"). * These regions should be focusable (By adding a tabIndex attribute for example). For better accessibility, * these elements must be properly labelled to briefly describe the purpose of the content in the region. * For more details, see "Landmark Roles" in the [WAI-ARIA specification]( * and "Landmark Regions" in the [ARIA Authoring Practices Guide]( * * ```jsx * import { navigateRegions } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyComponentWithNavigateRegions = navigateRegions( () => ( * <div> * <div role="region" tabIndex="-1" aria-label="Header"> * Header * </div> * <div role="region" tabIndex="-1" aria-label="Content"> * Content * </div> * <div role="region" tabIndex="-1" aria-label="Sidebar"> * Sidebar * </div> * </div> * ) ); * ``` */ /* harmony default export */ const navigate_regions = ((0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(Component => ({ shortcuts, ...props }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...useNavigateRegions(shortcuts), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { ...props }) }), 'navigateRegions')); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/with-constrained-tabbing/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * `withConstrainedTabbing` is a React [higher-order component]( * adding the ability to constrain keyboard navigation with the Tab key within a component. * For accessibility reasons, some UI components need to constrain Tab navigation, for example * modal dialogs or similar UI. Use of this component is recommended only in cases where a way to * navigate away from the wrapped component is implemented by other means, usually by pressing * the Escape key or using a specific UI control, e.g. a "Close" button. */ const withConstrainedTabbing = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(WrappedComponent => function ComponentWithConstrainedTabbing(props) { const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useConstrainedTabbing)(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: ref, tabIndex: -1, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WrappedComponent, { ...props }) }); }, 'withConstrainedTabbing'); /* harmony default export */ const with_constrained_tabbing = (withConstrainedTabbing); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/with-fallback-styles/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /* harmony default export */ const with_fallback_styles = (mapNodeToProps => (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(WrappedComponent => { return class extends external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.nodeRef = this.props.node; this.state = { fallbackStyles: undefined, grabStylesCompleted: false }; this.bindRef = this.bindRef.bind(this); } bindRef(node) { if (!node) { return; } this.nodeRef = node; } componentDidMount() { this.grabFallbackStyles(); } componentDidUpdate() { this.grabFallbackStyles(); } grabFallbackStyles() { const { grabStylesCompleted, fallbackStyles } = this.state; if (this.nodeRef && !grabStylesCompleted) { const newFallbackStyles = mapNodeToProps(this.nodeRef, this.props); if (!es6_default()(newFallbackStyles, fallbackStyles)) { this.setState({ fallbackStyles: newFallbackStyles, grabStylesCompleted: Object.values(newFallbackStyles).every(Boolean) }); } } } render() { const wrappedComponent = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WrappedComponent, { ...this.props, ...this.state.fallbackStyles }); return this.props.node ? wrappedComponent : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("div", { ref: this.bindRef, children: [" ", wrappedComponent, " "] }); } }; }, 'withFallbackStyles')); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","hooks"] const external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["hooks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/with-filters/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const ANIMATION_FRAME_PERIOD = 16; /** * Creates a higher-order component which adds filtering capability to the * wrapped component. Filters get applied when the original component is about * to be mounted. When a filter is added or removed that matches the hook name, * the wrapped component re-renders. * * @param hookName Hook name exposed to be used by filters. * * @return Higher-order component factory. * * ```jsx * import { withFilters } from '@wordpress/components'; * import { addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks'; * * const MyComponent = ( { title } ) => <h1>{ title }</h1>; * * const ComponentToAppend = () => <div>Appended component</div>; * * function withComponentAppended( FilteredComponent ) { * return ( props ) => ( * <> * <FilteredComponent { ...props } /> * <ComponentToAppend /> * </> * ); * } * * addFilter( * 'MyHookName', * 'my-plugin/with-component-appended', * withComponentAppended * ); * * const MyComponentWithFilters = withFilters( 'MyHookName' )( MyComponent ); * ``` */ function withFilters(hookName) { return (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(OriginalComponent => { const namespace = 'core/with-filters/' + hookName; /** * The component definition with current filters applied. Each instance * reuse this shared reference as an optimization to avoid excessive * calls to `applyFilters` when many instances exist. */ let FilteredComponent; /** * Initializes the FilteredComponent variable once, if not already * assigned. Subsequent calls are effectively a noop. */ function ensureFilteredComponent() { if (FilteredComponent === undefined) { FilteredComponent = (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)(hookName, OriginalComponent); } } class FilteredComponentRenderer extends external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); ensureFilteredComponent(); } componentDidMount() { FilteredComponentRenderer.instances.push(this); // If there were previously no mounted instances for components // filtered on this hook, add the hook handler. if (FilteredComponentRenderer.instances.length === 1) { (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.addAction)('hookRemoved', namespace, onHooksUpdated); (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.addAction)('hookAdded', namespace, onHooksUpdated); } } componentWillUnmount() { FilteredComponentRenderer.instances = FilteredComponentRenderer.instances.filter(instance => instance !== this); // If this was the last of the mounted components filtered on // this hook, remove the hook handler. if (FilteredComponentRenderer.instances.length === 0) { (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.removeAction)('hookRemoved', namespace); (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.removeAction)('hookAdded', namespace); } } render() { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(FilteredComponent, { ...this.props }); } } FilteredComponentRenderer.instances = []; /** * Updates the FilteredComponent definition, forcing a render for each * mounted instance. This occurs a maximum of once per animation frame. */ const throttledForceUpdate = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.debounce)(() => { // Recreate the filtered component, only after delay so that it's // computed once, even if many filters added. FilteredComponent = (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)(hookName, OriginalComponent); // Force each instance to render. FilteredComponentRenderer.instances.forEach(instance => { instance.forceUpdate(); }); }, ANIMATION_FRAME_PERIOD); /** * When a filter is added or removed for the matching hook name, each * mounted instance should re-render with the new filters having been * applied to the original component. * * @param updatedHookName Name of the hook that was updated. */ function onHooksUpdated(updatedHookName) { if (updatedHookName === hookName) { throttledForceUpdate(); } } return FilteredComponentRenderer; }, 'withFilters'); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/with-focus-return/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Returns true if the given object is component-like. An object is component- * like if it is an instance of wp.element.Component, or is a function. * * @param object Object to test. * * @return Whether object is component-like. */ function isComponentLike(object) { return object instanceof external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component || typeof object === 'function'; } /** * Higher Order Component used to be used to wrap disposable elements like * sidebars, modals, dropdowns. When mounting the wrapped component, we track a * reference to the current active element so we know where to restore focus * when the component is unmounted. * * @param options The component to be enhanced with * focus return behavior, or an object * describing the component and the * focus return characteristics. * * @return Higher Order Component with the focus restauration behaviour. */ /* harmony default export */ const with_focus_return = ((0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)( // @ts-expect-error TODO: Reconcile with intended `createHigherOrderComponent` types options => { const HoC = ({ onFocusReturn } = {}) => WrappedComponent => { const WithFocusReturn = props => { const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useFocusReturn)(onFocusReturn); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ref: ref, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WrappedComponent, { ...props }) }); }; return WithFocusReturn; }; if (isComponentLike(options)) { const WrappedComponent = options; return HoC()(WrappedComponent); } return HoC(options); }, 'withFocusReturn')); const with_focus_return_Provider = ({ children }) => { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.components.FocusReturnProvider component', { since: '5.7', hint: 'This provider is not used anymore. You can just remove it from your codebase' }); return children; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/higher-order/with-notices/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Override the default edit UI to include notices if supported. * * Wrapping the original component with `withNotices` encapsulates the component * with the additional props `noticeOperations` and `noticeUI`. * * ```jsx * import { withNotices, Button } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const MyComponentWithNotices = withNotices( * ( { noticeOperations, noticeUI } ) => { * const addError = () => * noticeOperations.createErrorNotice( 'Error message' ); * return ( * <div> * { noticeUI } * <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ addError }> * Add error * </Button> * </div> * ); * } * ); * ``` * * @param OriginalComponent Original component. * * @return Wrapped component. */ /* harmony default export */ const with_notices = ((0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.createHigherOrderComponent)(OriginalComponent => { function Component(props, ref) { const [noticeList, setNoticeList] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)([]); const noticeOperations = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => { const createNotice = notice => { const noticeToAdd = ? notice : { ...notice, id: esm_browser_v4() }; setNoticeList(current => [...current, noticeToAdd]); }; return { createNotice, createErrorNotice: msg => { // @ts-expect-error TODO: Missing `id`, potentially a bug createNotice({ status: 'error', content: msg }); }, removeNotice: id => { setNoticeList(current => current.filter(notice => !== id)); }, removeAllNotices: () => { setNoticeList([]); } }; }, []); const propsOut = { ...props, noticeList, noticeOperations, noticeUI: noticeList.length > 0 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(list, { className: "components-with-notices-ui", notices: noticeList, onRemove: noticeOperations.removeNotice }) }; return isForwardRef ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(OriginalComponent, { ...propsOut, ref: ref }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(OriginalComponent, { ...propsOut }); } let isForwardRef; // @ts-expect-error - `render` will only be present when OriginalComponent was wrapped with forwardRef(). const { render } = OriginalComponent; // Returns a forwardRef if OriginalComponent appears to be a forwardRef. if (typeof render === 'function') { isForwardRef = true; return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(Component); } return Component; }, 'withNotices')); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/YGMEBI3A.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-context.ts var YGMEBI3A_menu = createStoreContext( [CompositeContextProvider, HovercardContextProvider], [CompositeScopedContextProvider, HovercardScopedContextProvider] ); var useMenuContext = YGMEBI3A_menu.useContext; var useMenuScopedContext = YGMEBI3A_menu.useScopedContext; var useMenuProviderContext = YGMEBI3A_menu.useProviderContext; var MenuContextProvider = YGMEBI3A_menu.ContextProvider; var MenuScopedContextProvider = YGMEBI3A_menu.ScopedContextProvider; var useMenuBarContext = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (useMenubarContext)); var useMenuBarScopedContext = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (useMenubarScopedContext)); var useMenuBarProviderContext = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (useMenubarProviderContext)); var MenuBarContextProvider = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (MenubarContextProvider)); var MenuBarScopedContextProvider = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (MenubarScopedContextProvider)); var MenuItemCheckedContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)( void 0 ); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/6XBVQI3K.js "use client"; // src/checkbox/checkbox-checked-context.ts var CheckboxCheckedContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(false); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/MW2F7SEA.js "use client"; // src/checkbox/checkbox-check.tsx var checkmark = /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)( "svg", { display: "block", fill: "none", stroke: "currentColor", strokeLinecap: "round", strokeLinejoin: "round", strokeWidth: "1.5pt", viewBox: "0 0 16 16", height: "1em", width: "1em", children: /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("polyline", { points: "4,8 7,12 12,4" }) } ); function getChildren(props) { if (props.checked) { return props.children || checkmark; } if (typeof props.children === "function") { return props.children; } return null; } var useCheckboxCheck = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, checked } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "checked"]); const context = (0,external_React_.useContext)(CheckboxCheckedContext); checked = checked != null ? checked : context; const children = getChildren({ checked, children: props.children }); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "aria-hidden": true }, props), { children, style: _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ width: "1em", height: "1em", pointerEvents: "none" }, }); return props; } ); var CheckboxCheck = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useCheckboxCheck(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("span", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/menu/menu-item-check.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-item-check.ts var useMenuItemCheck = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, checked } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "checked"]); const context = (0,external_React_.useContext)(MenuItemCheckedContext); checked = checked != null ? checked : context; props = useCheckboxCheck(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { checked })); return props; } ); var MenuItemCheck = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuItemCheck(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("span", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/KA4GX64Z.js "use client"; // src/menubar/menubar-context.ts var menubar = createStoreContext( [CompositeContextProvider], [CompositeScopedContextProvider] ); var KA4GX64Z_useMenubarContext = menubar.useContext; var KA4GX64Z_useMenubarScopedContext = menubar.useScopedContext; var KA4GX64Z_useMenubarProviderContext = menubar.useProviderContext; var KA4GX64Z_MenubarContextProvider = menubar.ContextProvider; var KA4GX64Z_MenubarScopedContextProvider = menubar.ScopedContextProvider; var KA4GX64Z_MenuItemCheckedContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)( void 0 ); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/W76OTZCC.js "use client"; // src/combobox/combobox-context.tsx var W76OTZCC_ctx = createStoreContext( [PopoverContextProvider, CompositeContextProvider], [PopoverScopedContextProvider, CompositeScopedContextProvider] ); var useComboboxContext = W76OTZCC_ctx.useContext; var useComboboxScopedContext = W76OTZCC_ctx.useScopedContext; var useComboboxProviderContext = W76OTZCC_ctx.useProviderContext; var ComboboxContextProvider = W76OTZCC_ctx.ContextProvider; var ComboboxScopedContextProvider = W76OTZCC_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; var ComboboxItemValueContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)( void 0 ); var ComboboxItemCheckedContext = (0,external_React_.createContext)(false); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/menu/menu-store.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-store.ts function createMenuStore(_a = {}) { var _b = _a, { combobox, parent, menubar } = _b, props = _4R3V3JGP_objRest(_b, [ "combobox", "parent", "menubar" ]); const parentIsMenubar = !!menubar && !parent; const store = mergeStore(, pick2(parent, ["values"]), omit2(combobox, [ "arrowElement", "anchorElement", "contentElement", "popoverElement", "disclosureElement" ]) ); throwOnConflictingProps(props, store); const syncState = store.getState(); const composite = createCompositeStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { store, orientation: defaultValue( props.orientation, syncState.orientation, "vertical" ) })); const hovercard = createHovercardStore(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { store, placement: defaultValue( props.placement, syncState.placement, "bottom-start" ), timeout: defaultValue( props.timeout, syncState.timeout, parentIsMenubar ? 0 : 150 ), hideTimeout: defaultValue(props.hideTimeout, syncState.hideTimeout, 0) })); const initialState = _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, composite.getState()), hovercard.getState()), { initialFocus: defaultValue(syncState.initialFocus, "container"), values: defaultValue( props.values, syncState.values, props.defaultValues, {} ) }); const menu = createStore(initialState, composite, hovercard, store); setup( menu, () => sync(menu, ["mounted"], (state) => { if (state.mounted) return; menu.setState("activeId", null); }) ); setup( menu, () => sync(parent, ["orientation"], (state) => { menu.setState( "placement", state.orientation === "vertical" ? "right-start" : "bottom-start" ); }) ); return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, composite), hovercard), menu), { combobox, parent, menubar, hideAll: () => { hovercard.hide(); parent == null ? void 0 : parent.hideAll(); }, setInitialFocus: (value) => menu.setState("initialFocus", value), setValues: (values) => menu.setState("values", values), setValue: (name, value) => { if (name === "__proto__") return; if (name === "constructor") return; if (Array.isArray(name)) return; menu.setState("values", (values) => { const prevValue = values[name]; const nextValue = Y3OOHFCN_applyState(value, prevValue); if (nextValue === prevValue) return values; return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, values), { [name]: nextValue !== void 0 && nextValue }); }); } }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/XJXP7ZSQ.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-store.ts function useMenuStoreProps(store, update, props) { useUpdateEffect(update, [props.combobox, props.parent, props.menubar]); store = useCompositeStoreProps(store, update, props); store = useHovercardStoreProps(store, update, props); useStoreProps(store, props, "values", "setValues"); return Object.assign(store, { combobox: props.combobox, parent: props.parent, menubar: props.menubar }); } function useMenuStore(props = {}) { const parent = useMenuContext(); const menubar = KA4GX64Z_useMenubarContext(); const combobox = useComboboxProviderContext(); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { parent: props.parent !== void 0 ? props.parent : parent, menubar: props.menubar !== void 0 ? props.menubar : menubar, combobox: props.combobox !== void 0 ? props.combobox : combobox }); const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createMenuStore, props); return useMenuStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/VDNZBO4W.js "use client"; // src/button/button.ts var useButton = createHook((props) => { const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const tagName = useTagName(ref, || "button"); const [isNativeButton, setIsNativeButton] = (0,external_React_.useState)( () => !!tagName && isButton({ tagName, type: props.type }) ); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (!ref.current) return; setIsNativeButton(isButton(ref.current)); }, []); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: !isNativeButton && tagName !== "a" ? "button" : void 0 }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref) }); props = useCommand(props); return props; }); var VDNZBO4W_Button = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useButton(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/BHEJ6NUH.js "use client"; // src/disclosure/disclosure.ts var BHEJ6NUH_symbol = Symbol("disclosure"); var useDisclosure = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, toggleOnClick = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "toggleOnClick"]); const context = useDisclosureProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const [expanded, setExpanded] = (0,external_React_.useState)(false); const disclosureElement = store.useState("disclosureElement"); const open = store.useState("open"); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { let isCurrentDisclosure = disclosureElement === ref.current; if (!(disclosureElement == null ? void 0 : disclosureElement.isConnected)) { store == null ? void 0 : store.setDisclosureElement(ref.current); isCurrentDisclosure = true; } setExpanded(open && isCurrentDisclosure); }, [disclosureElement, store, open]); const onClickProp = props.onClick; const toggleOnClickProp = useBooleanEvent(toggleOnClick); const [isDuplicate, metadataProps] = useMetadataProps(props, BHEJ6NUH_symbol, true); const onClick = useEvent((event) => { onClickProp == null ? void 0 : onClickProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (isDuplicate) return; if (!toggleOnClickProp(event)) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setDisclosureElement(event.currentTarget); store == null ? void 0 : store.toggle(); }); const contentElement = store.useState("contentElement"); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "aria-expanded": expanded, "aria-controls": contentElement == null ? void 0 : }, metadataProps), props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), onClick }); props = useButton(props); return props; } ); var Disclosure = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useDisclosure(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/H3TG2CZP.js "use client"; // src/dialog/dialog-disclosure.ts var useDialogDisclosure = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = useDialogProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const contentElement = store.useState("contentElement"); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "aria-haspopup": getPopupRole(contentElement, "dialog") }, props); props = useDisclosure(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); return props; } ); var DialogDisclosure = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useDialogDisclosure(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/JCH6MLL2.js "use client"; // src/popover/popover-anchor.ts var usePopoverAnchor = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = usePopoverProviderContext(); store = store || context; props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(store == null ? void 0 : store.setAnchorElement, props.ref) }); return props; } ); var PopoverAnchor = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = usePopoverAnchor(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/4ZEZYKUR.js "use client"; // src/popover/popover-disclosure.tsx var usePopoverDisclosure = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = usePopoverProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const onClickProp = props.onClick; const onClick = useEvent((event) => { store == null ? void 0 : store.setAnchorElement(event.currentTarget); onClickProp == null ? void 0 : onClickProp(event); }); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(PopoverScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { onClick }); props = usePopoverAnchor(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); props = useDialogDisclosure(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); return props; } ); var PopoverDisclosure = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = usePopoverDisclosure(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/346FK57L.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-typeahead.ts var chars = ""; function clearChars() { chars = ""; } function isValidTypeaheadEvent(event) { const target =; if (target && DLOEKDPY_isTextField(target)) return false; if (event.key === " " && chars.length) return true; return event.key.length === 1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey && /^[\p{Letter}\p{Number}]$/u.test(event.key); } function isSelfTargetOrItem(event, items) { if (isSelfTarget(event)) return true; const target =; if (!target) return false; const isItem = items.some((item) => item.element === target); return isItem; } function _346FK57L_getEnabledItems(items) { return items.filter((item) => !item.disabled); } function itemTextStartsWith(item, text) { var _a; const itemText = ((_a = item.element) == null ? void 0 : _a.textContent) || item.children; if (!itemText) return false; return normalizeString(itemText).trim().toLowerCase().startsWith(text.toLowerCase()); } function getSameInitialItems(items, char, activeId) { if (!activeId) return items; const activeItem = items.find((item) => === activeId); if (!activeItem) return items; if (!itemTextStartsWith(activeItem, char)) return items; if (chars !== char && itemTextStartsWith(activeItem, chars)) return items; chars = char; return flipItems( items.filter((item) => itemTextStartsWith(item, chars)), activeId ).filter((item) => !== activeId); } var useCompositeTypeahead = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, typeahead = true } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "typeahead"]); const context = useCompositeContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const onKeyDownCaptureProp = props.onKeyDownCapture; const cleanupTimeoutRef = (0,external_React_.useRef)(0); const onKeyDownCapture = useEvent( (event) => { onKeyDownCaptureProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyDownCaptureProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!typeahead) return; if (!store) return; const { items, activeId } = store.getState(); if (!isValidTypeaheadEvent(event)) return clearChars(); let enabledItems = _346FK57L_getEnabledItems(items); if (!isSelfTargetOrItem(event, enabledItems)) return clearChars(); event.preventDefault(); window.clearTimeout(cleanupTimeoutRef.current); cleanupTimeoutRef.current = window.setTimeout(() => { chars = ""; }, 500); const char = event.key.toLowerCase(); chars += char; enabledItems = getSameInitialItems(enabledItems, char, activeId); const item = enabledItems.find( (item2) => itemTextStartsWith(item2, chars) ); if (item) { store.move(; } else { clearChars(); } } ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { onKeyDownCapture }); return props; } ); var CompositeTypeahead = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useCompositeTypeahead(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/menu/menu-button.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-button.tsx function getInitialFocus(event, dir) { const keyMap = { ArrowDown: dir === "bottom" || dir === "top" ? "first" : false, ArrowUp: dir === "bottom" || dir === "top" ? "last" : false, ArrowRight: dir === "right" ? "first" : false, ArrowLeft: dir === "left" ? "first" : false }; return keyMap[event.key]; } function hasActiveItem(items, excludeElement) { return !!(items == null ? void 0 : items.some((item) => { if (!item.element) return false; if (item.element === excludeElement) return false; return item.element.getAttribute("aria-expanded") === "true"; })); } var useMenuButton = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, focusable, accessibleWhenDisabled, showOnHover } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "focusable", "accessibleWhenDisabled", "showOnHover"]); const context = useMenuProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const parentMenu = store.parent; const parentMenubar = store.menubar; const hasParentMenu = !!parentMenu; const parentIsMenubar = !!parentMenubar && !hasParentMenu; const disabled = disabledFromProps(props); const showMenu = () => { const trigger = ref.current; if (!trigger) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setDisclosureElement(trigger); store == null ? void 0 : store.setAnchorElement(trigger); store == null ? void 0 :; }; const onFocusProp = props.onFocus; const onFocus = useEvent((event) => { onFocusProp == null ? void 0 : onFocusProp(event); if (disabled) return; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setAutoFocusOnShow(false); store == null ? void 0 : store.setActiveId(null); if (!parentMenubar) return; if (!parentIsMenubar) return; const { items } = parentMenubar.getState(); if (hasActiveItem(items, event.currentTarget)) { showMenu(); } }); const dir = store.useState( (state) => state.placement.split("-")[0] ); const onKeyDownProp = props.onKeyDown; const onKeyDown = useEvent((event) => { onKeyDownProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyDownProp(event); if (disabled) return; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const initialFocus = getInitialFocus(event, dir); if (initialFocus) { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(); store == null ? void 0 : store.setAutoFocusOnShow(true); store == null ? void 0 : store.setInitialFocus(initialFocus); } }); const onClickProp = props.onClick; const onClick = useEvent((event) => { onClickProp == null ? void 0 : onClickProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!store) return; const isKeyboardClick = !event.detail; const { open } = store.getState(); if (!open || isKeyboardClick) { if (!hasParentMenu || isKeyboardClick) { store.setAutoFocusOnShow(true); } store.setInitialFocus(isKeyboardClick ? "first" : "container"); } if (hasParentMenu) { showMenu(); } }); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MenuContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); if (hasParentMenu) { props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { render: /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Role.div, { render: props.render }) }); } const id = useId(; const parentContentElement = useStoreState( (parentMenu == null ? void 0 : parentMenu.combobox) || parentMenu, "contentElement" ); const role = hasParentMenu || parentIsMenubar ? getPopupItemRole(parentContentElement, "menuitem") : void 0; const contentElement = store.useState("contentElement"); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, role, "aria-haspopup": getPopupRole(contentElement, "menu") }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), onFocus, onKeyDown, onClick }); props = useHovercardAnchor(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, focusable, accessibleWhenDisabled }, props), { showOnHover: (event) => { const getShowOnHover = () => { if (typeof showOnHover === "function") return showOnHover(event); if (showOnHover != null) return showOnHover; if (hasParentMenu) return true; if (!parentMenubar) return false; const { items } = parentMenubar.getState(); return parentIsMenubar && hasActiveItem(items); }; const canShowOnHover = getShowOnHover(); if (!canShowOnHover) return false; const parent = parentIsMenubar ? parentMenubar : parentMenu; if (!parent) return true; parent.setActiveId(; return true; } })); props = usePopoverDisclosure(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, toggleOnClick: !hasParentMenu, focusable, accessibleWhenDisabled }, props)); props = useCompositeTypeahead(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, typeahead: parentIsMenubar }, props)); return props; } ); var MenuButton = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuButton(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("button", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/chevron-right-small.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const chevronRightSmall = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M10.8622 8.04053L14.2805 12.0286L10.8622 16.0167L9.72327 15.0405L12.3049 12.0286L9.72327 9.01672L10.8622 8.04053Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const chevron_right_small = (chevronRightSmall); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/HHNFDKU2.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-list.tsx function useAriaLabelledBy(_a) { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const [id, setId] = (0,external_React_.useState)(void 0); const label = props["aria-label"]; const disclosureElement = useStoreState(store, "disclosureElement"); const contentElement = useStoreState(store, "contentElement"); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const disclosure = disclosureElement; if (!disclosure) return; const menu = contentElement; if (!menu) return; const menuLabel = label || menu.hasAttribute("aria-label"); if (menuLabel) { setId(void 0); } else if ( { setId(; } }, [label, disclosureElement, contentElement]); return id; } var useMenuList = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, alwaysVisible, composite } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store", "alwaysVisible", "composite"]); const context = useMenuProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const parentMenu = store.parent; const parentMenubar = store.menubar; const hasParentMenu = !!parentMenu; const id = useId(; const onKeyDownProp = props.onKeyDown; const dir = store.useState( (state) => state.placement.split("-")[0] ); const orientation = store.useState( (state) => state.orientation === "both" ? void 0 : state.orientation ); const isHorizontal = orientation !== "vertical"; const isMenubarHorizontal = useStoreState( parentMenubar, (state) => !!state && state.orientation !== "vertical" ); const onKeyDown = useEvent((event) => { onKeyDownProp == null ? void 0 : onKeyDownProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (hasParentMenu || parentMenubar && !isHorizontal) { const hideMap = { ArrowRight: () => dir === "left" && !isHorizontal, ArrowLeft: () => dir === "right" && !isHorizontal, ArrowUp: () => dir === "bottom" && isHorizontal, ArrowDown: () => dir === "top" && isHorizontal }; const action = hideMap[event.key]; if (action == null ? void 0 : action()) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return store == null ? void 0 : store.hide(); } } if (parentMenubar) { const keyMap = { ArrowRight: () => { if (!isMenubarHorizontal) return; return; }, ArrowLeft: () => { if (!isMenubarHorizontal) return; return parentMenubar.previous(); }, ArrowDown: () => { if (isMenubarHorizontal) return; return; }, ArrowUp: () => { if (isMenubarHorizontal) return; return parentMenubar.previous(); } }; const action = keyMap[event.key]; const id2 = action == null ? void 0 : action(); if (id2 !== void 0) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); parentMenubar.move(id2); } } }); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MenuScopedContextProvider, { value: store, children: element }), [store] ); const ariaLabelledBy = useAriaLabelledBy(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); const mounted = store.useState("mounted"); const hidden = isHidden(mounted, props.hidden, alwaysVisible); const style = hidden ? _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({},, { display: "none" }) :; props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ id, "aria-labelledby": ariaLabelledBy, hidden }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(id ? store.setContentElement : null, props.ref), style, onKeyDown }); const hasCombobox = !!store.combobox; composite = composite != null ? composite : !hasCombobox; if (composite) { props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "menu", "aria-orientation": orientation }, props); } props = useComposite(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, composite }, props)); props = useCompositeTypeahead(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, typeahead: !hasCombobox }, props)); return props; } ); var MenuList = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuList(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/menu/menu.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu.tsx var useMenu = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, modal: modalProp = false, portal = !!modalProp, hideOnEscape = true, autoFocusOnShow = true, hideOnHoverOutside, alwaysVisible } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "modal", "portal", "hideOnEscape", "autoFocusOnShow", "hideOnHoverOutside", "alwaysVisible" ]); const context = useMenuProviderContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const parentMenu = store.parent; const parentMenubar = store.menubar; const hasParentMenu = !!parentMenu; const parentIsMenubar = !!parentMenubar && !hasParentMenu; props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref) }); const _a2 = useMenuList( _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, alwaysVisible }, props) ), { "aria-labelledby": ariaLabelledBy } = _a2, menuListProps = __objRest(_a2, ["aria-labelledby"]); props = menuListProps; const [initialFocusRef, setInitialFocusRef] = (0,external_React_.useState)(); const autoFocusOnShowState = store.useState("autoFocusOnShow"); const initialFocus = store.useState("initialFocus"); const baseElement = store.useState("baseElement"); const items = store.useState("renderedItems"); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { let cleaning = false; setInitialFocusRef((prevInitialFocusRef) => { var _a3, _b2, _c; if (cleaning) return; if (!autoFocusOnShowState) return; if ((_a3 = prevInitialFocusRef == null ? void 0 : prevInitialFocusRef.current) == null ? void 0 : _a3.isConnected) return prevInitialFocusRef; const ref2 = (0,external_React_.createRef)(); switch (initialFocus) { case "first": ref2.current = ((_b2 = items.find((item) => !item.disabled && item.element)) == null ? void 0 : _b2.element) || null; break; case "last": ref2.current = ((_c = [...items].reverse().find((item) => !item.disabled && item.element)) == null ? void 0 : _c.element) || null; break; default: ref2.current = baseElement; } return ref2; }); return () => { cleaning = true; }; }, [store, autoFocusOnShowState, initialFocus, items, baseElement]); const modal = hasParentMenu ? false : modalProp; const mayAutoFocusOnShow = !!autoFocusOnShow; const canAutoFocusOnShow = !!initialFocusRef || !!props.initialFocus || !!modal; const contentElement = useStoreState( store.combobox || store, "contentElement" ); const parentContentElement = useStoreState( (parentMenu == null ? void 0 : parentMenu.combobox) || parentMenu, "contentElement" ); const preserveTabOrderAnchor = (0,external_React_.useMemo)(() => { if (!parentContentElement) return; if (!contentElement) return; const role = contentElement.getAttribute("role"); const parentRole = parentContentElement.getAttribute("role"); const parentIsMenuOrMenubar = parentRole === "menu" || parentRole === "menubar"; if (parentIsMenuOrMenubar && role === "menu") return; return parentContentElement; }, [contentElement, parentContentElement]); if (preserveTabOrderAnchor !== void 0) { props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ preserveTabOrderAnchor }, props); } props = useHovercard(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, alwaysVisible, initialFocus: initialFocusRef, autoFocusOnShow: mayAutoFocusOnShow ? canAutoFocusOnShow && autoFocusOnShow : autoFocusOnShowState || !!modal }, props), { hideOnEscape: (event) => { if (isFalsyBooleanCallback(hideOnEscape, event)) return false; store == null ? void 0 : store.hideAll(); return true; }, hideOnHoverOutside: (event) => { const disclosureElement = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState().disclosureElement; const getHideOnHoverOutside = () => { if (typeof hideOnHoverOutside === "function") { return hideOnHoverOutside(event); } if (hideOnHoverOutside != null) return hideOnHoverOutside; if (hasParentMenu) return true; if (!parentIsMenubar) return false; if (!disclosureElement) return true; if (hasFocusWithin(disclosureElement)) return false; return true; }; if (!getHideOnHoverOutside()) return false; if (event.defaultPrevented) return true; if (!hasParentMenu) return true; if (!disclosureElement) return true; fireEvent(disclosureElement, "mouseout", event); if (!hasFocusWithin(disclosureElement)) return true; requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (hasFocusWithin(disclosureElement)) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.hide(); }); return false; }, modal, portal, backdrop: hasParentMenu ? false : props.backdrop })); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ "aria-labelledby": ariaLabelledBy }, props); return props; } ); var Menu = createDialogComponent( createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useMenu(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }), useMenuProviderContext ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/G6ONQ5EH.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-hover.ts function getMouseDestination(event) { const relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget; if ((relatedTarget == null ? void 0 : relatedTarget.nodeType) === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return relatedTarget; } return null; } function hoveringInside(event) { const nextElement = getMouseDestination(event); if (!nextElement) return false; return contains(event.currentTarget, nextElement); } var G6ONQ5EH_symbol = Symbol("composite-hover"); function movingToAnotherItem(event) { let dest = getMouseDestination(event); if (!dest) return false; do { if (Y3OOHFCN_hasOwnProperty(dest, G6ONQ5EH_symbol) && dest[G6ONQ5EH_symbol]) return true; dest = dest.parentElement; } while (dest); return false; } var useCompositeHover = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, focusOnHover = true, blurOnHoverEnd = !!focusOnHover } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "focusOnHover", "blurOnHoverEnd" ]); const context = useCompositeContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const isMouseMoving = useIsMouseMoving(); const onMouseMoveProp = props.onMouseMove; const focusOnHoverProp = useBooleanEvent(focusOnHover); const onMouseMove = useEvent((event) => { onMouseMoveProp == null ? void 0 : onMouseMoveProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!isMouseMoving()) return; if (!focusOnHoverProp(event)) return; if (!hasFocusWithin(event.currentTarget)) { const baseElement = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState().baseElement; if (baseElement && !hasFocus(baseElement)) { baseElement.focus(); } } store == null ? void 0 : store.setActiveId(; }); const onMouseLeaveProp = props.onMouseLeave; const blurOnHoverEndProp = useBooleanEvent(blurOnHoverEnd); const onMouseLeave = useEvent((event) => { var _a2; onMouseLeaveProp == null ? void 0 : onMouseLeaveProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (!isMouseMoving()) return; if (hoveringInside(event)) return; if (movingToAnotherItem(event)) return; if (!focusOnHoverProp(event)) return; if (!blurOnHoverEndProp(event)) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setActiveId(null); (_a2 = store == null ? void 0 : store.getState().baseElement) == null ? void 0 : _a2.focus(); }); const ref = (0,external_React_.useCallback)((element) => { if (!element) return; element[G6ONQ5EH_symbol] = true; }, []); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), onMouseMove, onMouseLeave }); return props; } ); var CompositeHover = createMemoComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useCompositeHover(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/Y6467XPW.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-item.ts function menuHasFocus(baseElement, items, currentTarget) { var _a; if (!baseElement) return false; if (hasFocusWithin(baseElement)) return true; const expandedItem = items == null ? void 0 : items.find((item) => { var _a2; if (item.element === currentTarget) return false; return ((_a2 = item.element) == null ? void 0 : _a2.getAttribute("aria-expanded")) === "true"; }); const expandedMenuId = (_a = expandedItem == null ? void 0 : expandedItem.element) == null ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute("aria-controls"); if (!expandedMenuId) return false; const doc = DLOEKDPY_getDocument(baseElement); const expandedMenu = doc.getElementById(expandedMenuId); if (!expandedMenu) return false; if (hasFocusWithin(expandedMenu)) return true; return !!expandedMenu.querySelector("[role=menuitem][aria-expanded=true]"); } var useMenuItem = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, hideOnClick = true, preventScrollOnKeyDown = true, focusOnHover, blurOnHoverEnd } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "hideOnClick", "preventScrollOnKeyDown", "focusOnHover", "blurOnHoverEnd" ]); const menuContext = useMenuScopedContext(true); const menubarContext = KA4GX64Z_useMenubarScopedContext(); store = store || menuContext || menubarContext; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const onClickProp = props.onClick; const hideOnClickProp = useBooleanEvent(hideOnClick); const hideMenu = "hideAll" in store ? store.hideAll : void 0; const isWithinMenu = !!hideMenu; const onClick = useEvent((event) => { onClickProp == null ? void 0 : onClickProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (isDownloading(event)) return; if (isOpeningInNewTab(event)) return; if (!hideMenu) return; const popupType = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("aria-haspopup"); if (popupType === "menu") return; if (!hideOnClickProp(event)) return; hideMenu(); }); const contentElement = useStoreState( store, (state) => "contentElement" in state ? state.contentElement : null ); const role = getPopupItemRole(contentElement, "menuitem"); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role }, props), { onClick }); props = useCompositeItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, preventScrollOnKeyDown }, props)); props = useCompositeHover(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props), { focusOnHover(event) { const getFocusOnHover = () => { if (typeof focusOnHover === "function") return focusOnHover(event); if (focusOnHover != null) return focusOnHover; return true; }; if (!store) return false; if (!getFocusOnHover()) return false; const { baseElement, items } = store.getState(); if (isWithinMenu) { if (event.currentTarget.hasAttribute("aria-expanded")) { event.currentTarget.focus(); } return true; } if (menuHasFocus(baseElement, items, event.currentTarget)) { event.currentTarget.focus(); return true; } return false; }, blurOnHoverEnd(event) { if (typeof blurOnHoverEnd === "function") return blurOnHoverEnd(event); if (blurOnHoverEnd != null) return blurOnHoverEnd; return isWithinMenu; } })); return props; } ); var Y6467XPW_MenuItem = createMemoComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuItem(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/core/esm/checkbox/checkbox-store.js "use client"; // src/checkbox/checkbox-store.ts function createCheckboxStore(props = {}) { var _a; throwOnConflictingProps(props,; const syncState = (_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.getState(); const initialState = { value: defaultValue( props.value, syncState == null ? void 0 : syncState.value, props.defaultValue, false ) }; const checkbox = createStore(initialState,; return _chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_chunks_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, checkbox), { setValue: (value) => checkbox.setState("value", value) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/JIZ5C2JK.js "use client"; // src/checkbox/checkbox-store.ts function useCheckboxStoreProps(store, update, props) { useUpdateEffect(update, []); useStoreProps(store, props, "value", "setValue"); return store; } function useCheckboxStore(props = {}) { const [store, update] = EKQEJRUF_useStore(createCheckboxStore, props); return useCheckboxStoreProps(store, update, props); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/VPR2WHQV.js "use client"; // src/checkbox/checkbox-context.tsx var VPR2WHQV_ctx = createStoreContext(); var useCheckboxContext = VPR2WHQV_ctx.useContext; var useCheckboxScopedContext = VPR2WHQV_ctx.useScopedContext; var useCheckboxProviderContext = VPR2WHQV_ctx.useProviderContext; var CheckboxContextProvider = VPR2WHQV_ctx.ContextProvider; var CheckboxScopedContextProvider = VPR2WHQV_ctx.ScopedContextProvider; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/3AHQ6JCP.js "use client"; // src/checkbox/checkbox.tsx function setMixed(element, mixed) { if (mixed) { element.indeterminate = true; } else if (element.indeterminate) { element.indeterminate = false; } } function isNativeCheckbox(tagName, type) { return tagName === "input" && (!type || type === "checkbox"); } function getPrimitiveValue(value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.toString(); } return value; } var useCheckbox = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, name, value: valueProp, checked: checkedProp, defaultChecked } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "name", "value", "checked", "defaultChecked" ]); const context = useCheckboxContext(); store = store || context; const [_checked, setChecked] = (0,external_React_.useState)(defaultChecked != null ? defaultChecked : false); const checked = useStoreState(store, (state) => { if (checkedProp !== void 0) return checkedProp; if ((state == null ? void 0 : state.value) === void 0) return _checked; if (valueProp != null) { if (Array.isArray(state.value)) { const primitiveValue = getPrimitiveValue(valueProp); return state.value.includes(primitiveValue); } return state.value === valueProp; } if (Array.isArray(state.value)) return false; if (typeof state.value === "boolean") return state.value; return false; }); const ref = (0,external_React_.useRef)(null); const tagName = useTagName(ref, || "input"); const nativeCheckbox = isNativeCheckbox(tagName, props.type); const mixed = checked ? checked === "mixed" : void 0; const isChecked = checked === "mixed" ? false : checked; const disabled = disabledFromProps(props); const [propertyUpdated, schedulePropertyUpdate] = useForceUpdate(); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { const element = ref.current; if (!element) return; setMixed(element, mixed); if (nativeCheckbox) return; element.checked = isChecked; if (name !== void 0) { = name; } if (valueProp !== void 0) { element.value = `${valueProp}`; } }, [propertyUpdated, mixed, nativeCheckbox, isChecked, name, valueProp]); const onChangeProp = props.onChange; const onChange = useEvent((event) => { if (disabled) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return; } setMixed(event.currentTarget, mixed); if (!nativeCheckbox) { event.currentTarget.checked = !event.currentTarget.checked; schedulePropertyUpdate(); } onChangeProp == null ? void 0 : onChangeProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const elementChecked = event.currentTarget.checked; setChecked(elementChecked); store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue((prevValue) => { if (valueProp == null) return elementChecked; const primitiveValue = getPrimitiveValue(valueProp); if (!Array.isArray(prevValue)) { return prevValue === primitiveValue ? false : primitiveValue; } if (elementChecked) { if (prevValue.includes(primitiveValue)) { return prevValue; } return [...prevValue, primitiveValue]; } return prevValue.filter((v) => v !== primitiveValue); }); }); const onClickProp = props.onClick; const onClick = useEvent((event) => { onClickProp == null ? void 0 : onClickProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (nativeCheckbox) return; onChange(event); }); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CheckboxCheckedContext.Provider, { value: isChecked, children: element }), [isChecked] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: !nativeCheckbox ? "checkbox" : void 0, type: nativeCheckbox ? "checkbox" : void 0, "aria-checked": checked }, props), { ref: useMergeRefs(ref, props.ref), onChange, onClick }); props = useCommand(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ clickOnEnter: !nativeCheckbox }, props)); return _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ name: nativeCheckbox ? name : void 0, value: nativeCheckbox ? valueProp : void 0, checked: isChecked }, props); } ); var Checkbox = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useCheckbox(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("input", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/menu/menu-item-checkbox.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-item-checkbox.ts function menu_item_checkbox_getPrimitiveValue(value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.toString(); } return value; } function getValue(storeValue, value, checked) { if (value === void 0) { if (Array.isArray(storeValue)) return storeValue; return !!checked; } const primitiveValue = menu_item_checkbox_getPrimitiveValue(value); if (!Array.isArray(storeValue)) { if (checked) { return primitiveValue; } return storeValue === primitiveValue ? false : storeValue; } if (checked) { if (storeValue.includes(primitiveValue)) { return storeValue; } return [...storeValue, primitiveValue]; } return storeValue.filter((v) => v !== primitiveValue); } var useMenuItemCheckbox = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, name, value, checked, defaultChecked: defaultCheckedProp, hideOnClick = false } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "name", "value", "checked", "defaultChecked", "hideOnClick" ]); const context = useMenuScopedContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const defaultChecked = useInitialValue(defaultCheckedProp); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue(name, (prevValue = []) => { if (!defaultChecked) return prevValue; return getValue(prevValue, value, true); }); }, [store, name, value, defaultChecked]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (checked === void 0) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue(name, (prevValue) => { return getValue(prevValue, value, checked); }); }, [store, name, value, checked]); const checkboxStore = useCheckboxStore({ value: store.useState((state) => state.values[name]), setValue(internalValue) { store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue(name, () => { if (checked === void 0) return internalValue; const nextValue = getValue(internalValue, value, checked); if (!Array.isArray(nextValue)) return nextValue; if (!Array.isArray(internalValue)) return nextValue; if (shallowEqual(internalValue, nextValue)) return internalValue; return nextValue; }); } }); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "menuitemcheckbox" }, props); props = useCheckbox(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store: checkboxStore, name, value, checked }, props)); props = useMenuItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, hideOnClick }, props)); return props; } ); var MenuItemCheckbox = createMemoComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuItemCheckbox(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/menu/menu-item-radio.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-item-radio.tsx function menu_item_radio_getValue(prevValue, value, checked) { if (checked === void 0) return prevValue; if (checked) return value; return prevValue; } var useMenuItemRadio = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store, name, value, checked, onChange: onChangeProp, hideOnClick = false } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, [ "store", "name", "value", "checked", "onChange", "hideOnClick" ]); const context = useMenuScopedContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const defaultChecked = useInitialValue(props.defaultChecked); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue(name, (prevValue = false) => { return menu_item_radio_getValue(prevValue, value, defaultChecked); }); }, [store, name, value, defaultChecked]); (0,external_React_.useEffect)(() => { if (checked === void 0) return; store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue(name, (prevValue) => { return menu_item_radio_getValue(prevValue, value, checked); }); }, [store, name, value, checked]); const isChecked = store.useState((state) => state.values[name] === value); props = useWrapElement( props, (element) => /* @__PURE__ */ (0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MenuItemCheckedContext.Provider, { value: !!isChecked, children: element }), [isChecked] ); props = _4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ role: "menuitemradio" }, props); props = useRadio(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ name, value, checked: isChecked, onChange: (event) => { onChangeProp == null ? void 0 : onChangeProp(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const element = event.currentTarget; store == null ? void 0 : store.setValue(name, (prevValue) => { return menu_item_radio_getValue(prevValue, value, checked != null ? checked : element.checked); }); } }, props)); props = useMenuItem(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store, hideOnClick }, props)); return props; } ); var MenuItemRadio = createMemoComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuItemRadio(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/menu/menu-group.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-group.ts var useMenuGroup = createHook((props) => { props = useCompositeGroup(props); return props; }); var menu_group_MenuGroup = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuGroup(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("div", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/__chunks/ENRQQ6LK.js "use client"; // src/composite/composite-separator.ts var useCompositeSeparator = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = useCompositeContext(); store = store || context; invariant( store, false && 0 ); const orientation = store.useState( (state) => state.orientation === "horizontal" ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ); props = useSeparator(_4R3V3JGP_spreadProps(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({}, props), { orientation })); return props; } ); var CompositeSeparator = createComponent( (props) => { const htmlProps = useCompositeSeparator(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("hr", htmlProps); } ); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@ariakit/react-core/esm/menu/menu-separator.js "use client"; // src/menu/menu-separator.ts var useMenuSeparator = createHook( (_a) => { var _b = _a, { store } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["store"]); const context = useMenuContext(); store = store || context; props = useCompositeSeparator(_4R3V3JGP_spreadValues({ store }, props)); return props; } ); var MenuSeparator = createComponent((props) => { const htmlProps = useMenuSeparator(props); return _3ORBWXWF_createElement("hr", htmlProps); }); if (false) {} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dropdown-menu-v2/styles.js function dropdown_menu_v2_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * Internal dependencies */ const ANIMATION_PARAMS = { SLIDE_AMOUNT: '2px', DURATION: '400ms', EASING: 'cubic-bezier( 0.16, 1, 0.3, 1 )' }; const CONTENT_WRAPPER_PADDING = space(1); const ITEM_PADDING_BLOCK = space(2); const ITEM_PADDING_INLINE = space(3); // TODO: // - those values are different from saved variables? // - should bring this into the config, and make themeable // - border color and divider color are different? const DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR = COLORS.gray[300]; const DIVIDER_COLOR = COLORS.gray[200]; const TOOLBAR_VARIANT_BORDER_COLOR = COLORS.gray['900']; const DEFAULT_BOX_SHADOW = `0 0 0 ${config_values.borderWidth} ${DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR}, ${config_values.popoverShadow}`; const TOOLBAR_VARIANT_BOX_SHADOW = `0 0 0 ${config_values.borderWidth} ${TOOLBAR_VARIANT_BORDER_COLOR}`; const GRID_TEMPLATE_COLS = 'minmax( 0, max-content ) 1fr'; const slideUpAndFade = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes({ '0%': { opacity: 0, transform: `translateY(${ANIMATION_PARAMS.SLIDE_AMOUNT})` }, '100%': { opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)' } }); const slideRightAndFade = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes({ '0%': { opacity: 0, transform: `translateX(-${ANIMATION_PARAMS.SLIDE_AMOUNT})` }, '100%': { opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' } }); const slideDownAndFade = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes({ '0%': { opacity: 0, transform: `translateY(-${ANIMATION_PARAMS.SLIDE_AMOUNT})` }, '100%': { opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)' } }); const slideLeftAndFade = emotion_react_browser_esm_keyframes({ '0%': { opacity: 0, transform: `translateX(${ANIMATION_PARAMS.SLIDE_AMOUNT})` }, '100%': { opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' } }); const dropdown_menu_v2_styles_DropdownMenu = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(Menu, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf12" } : 0)("position:relative;z-index:1000000;display:grid;grid-template-columns:", GRID_TEMPLATE_COLS, ";grid-template-rows:auto;box-sizing:border-box;min-width:160px;max-width:320px;max-height:var( --popover-available-height );padding:", CONTENT_WRAPPER_PADDING, ";background-color:", COLORS.ui.background, ";border-radius:4px;", props => /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("box-shadow:", props.variant === 'toolbar' ? TOOLBAR_VARIANT_BOX_SHADOW : DEFAULT_BOX_SHADOW, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0), " overscroll-behavior:contain;overflow:auto;outline:2px solid transparent!important;animation-duration:", ANIMATION_PARAMS.DURATION, ";animation-timing-function:", ANIMATION_PARAMS.EASING, ";will-change:transform,opacity;animation-name:", slideDownAndFade, ";&[data-side='right']{animation-name:", slideLeftAndFade, ";}&[data-side='bottom']{animation-name:", slideUpAndFade, ";}&[data-side='left']{animation-name:", slideRightAndFade, ";}@media ( prefers-reduced-motion ){animation-duration:0s;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const baseItem = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("all:unset;position:relative;min-height:", space(10), ";box-sizing:border-box;grid-column:1/-1;display:grid;grid-template-columns:", GRID_TEMPLATE_COLS, ";align-items:center;@supports ( grid-template-columns: subgrid ){grid-template-columns:subgrid;}font-size:", font('default.fontSize'), ";font-family:inherit;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";border-radius:", config_values.radiusBlockUi, ";padding-block:", ITEM_PADDING_BLOCK, ";padding-inline:", ITEM_PADDING_INLINE, ";scroll-margin:", CONTENT_WRAPPER_PADDING, ";user-select:none;outline:none;&[aria-disabled='true']{color:", COLORS.ui.textDisabled, ";cursor:not-allowed;}&[data-active-item]:not( [data-focus-visible] ):not(\n\t\t\t[aria-disabled='true']\n\t\t){background-color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";color:", COLORS.white, ";}&[data-focus-visible]{box-shadow:0 0 0 1.5px ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";outline:2px solid transparent;}&:active,&[data-active]{}", dropdown_menu_v2_styles_DropdownMenu, ":not(:focus) &:not(:focus)[aria-expanded=\"true\"]{background-color:", COLORS.gray[100], ";color:", COLORS.gray[900], ";}svg{fill:currentColor;}" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0); const styles_DropdownMenuItem = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(Y6467XPW_MenuItem, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf11" } : 0)(baseItem, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_DropdownMenuCheckboxItem = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(MenuItemCheckbox, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf10" } : 0)(baseItem, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_DropdownMenuRadioItem = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(MenuItemRadio, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf9" } : 0)(baseItem, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ItemPrefixWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1kdzosf8" } : 0)("grid-column:1;", styles_DropdownMenuCheckboxItem, ">&,", styles_DropdownMenuRadioItem, ">&{min-width:", space(6), ";}", styles_DropdownMenuCheckboxItem, ">&,", styles_DropdownMenuRadioItem, ">&,&:not( :empty ){margin-inline-end:", space(2), ";}display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;color:", COLORS.gray['700'], ";[data-active-item]:not( [data-focus-visible] )>&,[aria-disabled='true']>&{color:inherit;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const DropdownMenuItemContentWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1kdzosf7" } : 0)("grid-column:2;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:space-between;gap:", space(3), ";pointer-events:none;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const DropdownMenuItemChildrenWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1kdzosf6" } : 0)("flex:1;display:inline-flex;flex-direction:column;gap:", space(1), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const ItemSuffixWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("span", true ? { target: "e1kdzosf5" } : 0)("flex:0 1 fit-content;min-width:0;width:fit-content;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;gap:", space(3), ";color:", COLORS.gray['700'], ";[data-active-item]:not( [data-focus-visible] ) *:not(", dropdown_menu_v2_styles_DropdownMenu, ") &,[aria-disabled='true'] *:not(", dropdown_menu_v2_styles_DropdownMenu, ") &{color:inherit;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_DropdownMenuGroup = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(menu_group_MenuGroup, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf4" } : 0)( true ? { name: "49aokf", styles: "display:contents" } : 0); const styles_DropdownMenuSeparator = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(MenuSeparator, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf3" } : 0)("grid-column:1/-1;border:none;height:", config_values.borderWidth, ";background-color:", props => props.variant === 'toolbar' ? TOOLBAR_VARIANT_BORDER_COLOR : DIVIDER_COLOR, ";margin-block:", space(2), ";margin-inline:", ITEM_PADDING_INLINE, ";outline:2px solid transparent;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const SubmenuChevronIcon = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(build_module_icon, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf2" } : 0)("width:", space(1.5), ";", rtl({ transform: `scaleX(1)` }, { transform: `scaleX(-1)` }), ";" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_DropdownMenuItemLabel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(truncate_component, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf1" } : 0)("font-size:", font('default.fontSize'), ";line-height:20px;color:inherit;" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_DropdownMenuItemHelpText = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(truncate_component, true ? { target: "e1kdzosf0" } : 0)("font-size:", font('helpText.fontSize'), ";line-height:16px;color:", COLORS.gray['700'], ";[data-active-item]:not( [data-focus-visible] ) *:not( ", dropdown_menu_v2_styles_DropdownMenu, " ) &,[aria-disabled='true'] *:not( ", dropdown_menu_v2_styles_DropdownMenu, " ) &{color:inherit;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/dropdown-menu-v2/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const DropdownMenuContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(undefined); const DropdownMenuItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function DropdownMenuItem({ prefix, suffix, children, hideOnClick = true, ...props }, ref) { const dropdownMenuContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(DropdownMenuContext); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(styles_DropdownMenuItem, { ref: ref, ...props, accessibleWhenDisabled: true, hideOnClick: hideOnClick, store: dropdownMenuContext?.store, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemPrefixWrapper, { children: prefix }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(DropdownMenuItemContentWrapper, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DropdownMenuItemChildrenWrapper, { children: children }), suffix && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemSuffixWrapper, { children: suffix })] })] }); }); const DropdownMenuCheckboxItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function DropdownMenuCheckboxItem({ suffix, children, hideOnClick = false, ...props }, ref) { const dropdownMenuContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(DropdownMenuContext); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(styles_DropdownMenuCheckboxItem, { ref: ref, ...props, accessibleWhenDisabled: true, hideOnClick: hideOnClick, store: dropdownMenuContext?.store, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MenuItemCheck, { store: dropdownMenuContext?.store, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemPrefixWrapper, {}) // Override some ariakit inline styles , style: { width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: library_check, size: 24 }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(DropdownMenuItemContentWrapper, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DropdownMenuItemChildrenWrapper, { children: children }), suffix && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemSuffixWrapper, { children: suffix })] })] }); }); const radioCheck = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Circle, { cx: 12, cy: 12, r: 3 }) }); const DropdownMenuRadioItem = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function DropdownMenuRadioItem({ suffix, children, hideOnClick = false, ...props }, ref) { const dropdownMenuContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(DropdownMenuContext); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(styles_DropdownMenuRadioItem, { ref: ref, ...props, accessibleWhenDisabled: true, hideOnClick: hideOnClick, store: dropdownMenuContext?.store, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MenuItemCheck, { store: dropdownMenuContext?.store, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemPrefixWrapper, {}) // Override some ariakit inline styles , style: { width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(build_module_icon, { icon: radioCheck, size: 24 }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(DropdownMenuItemContentWrapper, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DropdownMenuItemChildrenWrapper, { children: children }), suffix && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ItemSuffixWrapper, { children: suffix })] })] }); }); const DropdownMenuGroup = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function DropdownMenuGroup(props, ref) { const dropdownMenuContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(DropdownMenuContext); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_DropdownMenuGroup, { ref: ref, ...props, store: dropdownMenuContext?.store }); }); const dropdown_menu_v2_UnconnectedDropdownMenu = (props, ref) => { var _props$placement; const { // Store props open, defaultOpen = false, onOpenChange, placement, // Menu trigger props trigger, // Menu props gutter, children, shift, modal = true, // From internal components context variant, // Rest ...otherProps } = useContextSystem(props, 'DropdownMenu'); const parentContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(DropdownMenuContext); const computedDirection = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; // If an explicit value for the `placement` prop is not passed, // apply a default placement of `bottom-start` for the root dropdown, // and of `right-start` for nested dropdowns. let computedPlacement = (_props$placement = props.placement) !== null && _props$placement !== void 0 ? _props$placement : parentContext?.store ? 'right-start' : 'bottom-start'; // Swap left/right in case of RTL direction if (computedDirection === 'rtl') { if (/right/.test(computedPlacement)) { computedPlacement = computedPlacement.replace('right', 'left'); } else if (/left/.test(computedPlacement)) { computedPlacement = computedPlacement.replace('left', 'right'); } } const dropdownMenuStore = useMenuStore({ parent: parentContext?.store, open, defaultOpen, placement: computedPlacement, focusLoop: true, setOpen(willBeOpen) { onOpenChange?.(willBeOpen); }, rtl: computedDirection === 'rtl' }); const contextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ store: dropdownMenuStore, variant }), [dropdownMenuStore, variant]); // Extract the side from the applied placement — useful for animations. const appliedPlacementSide = dropdownMenuStore.useState('placement').split('-')[0]; if (dropdownMenuStore.parent && !((0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.isValidElement)(trigger) && DropdownMenuItem === trigger.type)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('For nested DropdownMenus, the `trigger` should always be a `DropdownMenuItem`.'); } const hideOnEscape = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(event => { // Pressing Escape can cause unexpected consequences (ie. exiting // full screen mode on MacOs, close parent modals...). event.preventDefault(); // Returning `true` causes the menu to hide. return true; }, []); const wrapperProps = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ dir: computedDirection, style: { direction: computedDirection } }), [computedDirection]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(MenuButton, { ref: ref, store: dropdownMenuStore, render: dropdownMenuStore.parent ? (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(trigger, { // Add submenu arrow, unless a `suffix` is explicitly specified suffix: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [trigger.props.suffix, /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(SubmenuChevronIcon, { "aria-hidden": "true", icon: chevron_right_small, size: 24, preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid slice" })] }) }) : trigger }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(dropdown_menu_v2_styles_DropdownMenu, { ...otherProps, modal: modal, store: dropdownMenuStore // Root menu has an 8px distance from its trigger, // otherwise 0 (which causes the submenu to slightly overlap) , gutter: gutter !== null && gutter !== void 0 ? gutter : dropdownMenuStore.parent ? 0 : 8 // Align nested menu by the same (but opposite) amount // as the menu container's padding. , shift: shift !== null && shift !== void 0 ? shift : dropdownMenuStore.parent ? -4 : 0, hideOnHoverOutside: false, "data-side": appliedPlacementSide, variant: variant, wrapperProps: wrapperProps, hideOnEscape: hideOnEscape, unmountOnHide: true, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(DropdownMenuContext.Provider, { value: contextValue, children: children }) })] }); }; const dropdown_menu_v2_DropdownMenu = contextConnect(dropdown_menu_v2_UnconnectedDropdownMenu, 'DropdownMenu'); const DropdownMenuSeparator = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function DropdownMenuSeparator(props, ref) { const dropdownMenuContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(DropdownMenuContext); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_DropdownMenuSeparator, { ref: ref, ...props, store: dropdownMenuContext?.store, variant: dropdownMenuContext?.variant }); }); const DropdownMenuItemLabel = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function DropdownMenuItemLabel(props, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_DropdownMenuItemLabel, { numberOfLines: 1, ref: ref, ...props }); }); const DropdownMenuItemHelpText = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function DropdownMenuItemHelpText(props, ref) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_DropdownMenuItemHelpText, { numberOfLines: 2, ref: ref, ...props }); }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/theme/styles.js function theme_styles_EMOTION_STRINGIFIED_CSS_ERROR_() { return "You have tried to stringify object returned from `css` function. It isn't supposed to be used directly (e.g. as value of the `className` prop), but rather handed to emotion so it can handle it (e.g. as value of `css` prop)."; } /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const colorVariables = ({ colors }) => { const shades = Object.entries(colors.gray || {}).map(([k, v]) => `--wp-components-color-gray-${k}: ${v};`).join(''); return [/*#__PURE__*/emotion_react_browser_esm_css("--wp-components-color-accent:", colors.accent, ";--wp-components-color-accent-darker-10:", colors.accentDarker10, ";--wp-components-color-accent-darker-20:", colors.accentDarker20, ";--wp-components-color-accent-inverted:", colors.accentInverted, ";--wp-components-color-background:", colors.background, ";--wp-components-color-foreground:", colors.foreground, ";--wp-components-color-foreground-inverted:", colors.foregroundInverted, ";", shades, ";" + ( true ? "" : 0), true ? "" : 0)]; }; const theme_styles_Wrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "e1krjpvb0" } : 0)( true ? { name: "1a3idx0", styles: "color:var( --wp-components-color-foreground, currentColor )" } : 0); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/theme/color-algorithms.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ k([names, a11y]); function generateThemeVariables(inputs) { validateInputs(inputs); const generatedColors = { ...generateAccentDependentColors(inputs.accent), ...generateBackgroundDependentColors(inputs.background) }; warnContrastIssues(checkContrasts(inputs, generatedColors)); return { colors: generatedColors }; } function validateInputs(inputs) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(inputs)) { if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && !w(value).isValid()) { true ? external_wp_warning_default()(`wp.components.Theme: "${value}" is not a valid color value for the '${key}' prop.`) : 0; } } } function checkContrasts(inputs, outputs) { const background = inputs.background || COLORS.white; const accent = inputs.accent || '#3858e9'; const foreground = outputs.foreground || COLORS.gray[900]; const gray = outputs.gray || COLORS.gray; return { accent: w(background).isReadable(accent) ? undefined : `The background color ("${background}") does not have sufficient contrast against the accent color ("${accent}").`, foreground: w(background).isReadable(foreground) ? undefined : `The background color provided ("${background}") does not have sufficient contrast against the standard foreground colors.`, grays: w(background).contrast(gray[600]) >= 3 && w(background).contrast(gray[700]) >= 4.5 ? undefined : `The background color provided ("${background}") cannot generate a set of grayscale foreground colors with sufficient contrast. Try adjusting the color to be lighter or darker.` }; } function warnContrastIssues(issues) { for (const error of Object.values(issues)) { if (error) { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('wp.components.Theme: ' + error) : 0; } } } function generateAccentDependentColors(accent) { if (!accent) { return {}; } return { accent, accentDarker10: w(accent).darken(0.1).toHex(), accentDarker20: w(accent).darken(0.2).toHex(), accentInverted: getForegroundForColor(accent) }; } function generateBackgroundDependentColors(background) { if (!background) { return {}; } const foreground = getForegroundForColor(background); return { background, foreground, foregroundInverted: getForegroundForColor(foreground), gray: generateShades(background, foreground) }; } function getForegroundForColor(color) { return w(color).isDark() ? COLORS.white : COLORS.gray[900]; } function generateShades(background, foreground) { // How much darkness you need to add to #fff to get the COLORS.gray[n] color const SHADES = { 100: 0.06, 200: 0.121, 300: 0.132, 400: 0.2, 600: 0.42, 700: 0.543, 800: 0.821 }; // Darkness of COLORS.gray[ 900 ], relative to #fff const limit = 0.884; const direction = w(background).isDark() ? 'lighten' : 'darken'; // Lightness delta between the background and foreground colors const range = Math.abs(w(background).toHsl().l - w(foreground).toHsl().l) / 100; const result = {}; Object.entries(SHADES).forEach(([key, value]) => { result[parseInt(key)] = w(background)[direction](value / limit * range).toHex(); }); return result; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/theme/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * `Theme` allows defining theme variables for components in the `@wordpress/components` package. * * Multiple `Theme` components can be nested in order to override specific theme variables. * * * ```jsx * const Example = () => { * return ( * <Theme accent="red"> * <Button variant="primary">I'm red</Button> * <Theme accent="blue"> * <Button variant="primary">I'm blue</Button> * </Theme> * </Theme> * ); * }; * ``` */ function Theme({ accent, background, className, ...props }) { const cx = useCx(); const classes = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => cx(...colorVariables(generateThemeVariables({ accent, background })), className), [accent, background, className, cx]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(theme_styles_Wrapper, { className: classes, ...props }); } /* harmony default export */ const theme = (Theme); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tabs/context.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const TabsContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(undefined); const useTabsContext = () => (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(TabsContext); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tabs/styles.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * Internal dependencies */ const TabListWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm("div", true ? { target: "enfox0g2" } : 0)("position:relative;display:flex;align-items:stretch;flex-direction:row;&[aria-orientation='vertical']{flex-direction:column;}@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion: reduce ){&.is-animation-enabled::after{transition-property:left,top,width,height;transition-duration:0.2s;transition-timing-function:ease-out;}}&::after{content:'';position:absolute;pointer-events:none;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:-1px;}&:not( [aria-orientation='vertical'] )::after{left:var( --indicator-left );bottom:0;width:var( --indicator-width );height:0;border-bottom:var( --wp-admin-border-width-focus ) solid ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}&[aria-orientation='vertical']::after{opacity:0;right:0;top:var( --indicator-top );height:var( --indicator-height );border-right:var( --wp-admin-border-width-focus ) solid ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_Tab = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(Tab, true ? { target: "enfox0g1" } : 0)("&{display:inline-flex;align-items:center;position:relative;border-radius:0;height:", space(12), ";background:transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;cursor:pointer;padding:3px ", space(4), ";margin-left:0;font-weight:500;&[aria-disabled='true']{cursor:default;opacity:0.3;}&:hover{color:", COLORS.theme.accent, ";}&:focus:not( :disabled ){position:relative;box-shadow:none;outline:none;}&::before{content:'';position:absolute;top:", space(3), ";right:", space(3), ";bottom:", space(3), ";left:", space(3), ";pointer-events:none;box-shadow:0 0 0 var( --wp-admin-border-width-focus ) ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";border-radius:2px;opacity:0;@media not ( prefers-reduced-motion ){transition:opacity 0.1s linear;}}&:focus-visible::before{opacity:1;outline:2px solid transparent;}}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); const styles_TabPanel = /*#__PURE__*/emotion_styled_base_browser_esm(TabPanel, true ? { target: "enfox0g0" } : 0)("&:focus{box-shadow:none;outline:none;}&:focus-visible{border-radius:2px;box-shadow:0 0 0 var( --wp-admin-border-width-focus ) ", COLORS.theme.accent, ";outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:0;}" + ( true ? "" : 0)); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tabs/tab.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const tab_Tab = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function Tab({ children, tabId, disabled, render, ...otherProps }, ref) { const context = useTabsContext(); if (!context) { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('`Tabs.Tab` must be wrapped in a `Tabs` component.') : 0; return null; } const { store, instanceId } = context; const instancedTabId = `${instanceId}-${tabId}`; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_Tab, { ref: ref, store: store, id: instancedTabId, disabled: disabled, render: render, ...otherProps, children: children }); }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tabs/tablist.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function useTrackElementOffset(targetElement, onUpdate) { const [indicatorPosition, setIndicatorPosition] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)({ left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }); // TODO: replace with useEventCallback or similar when officially available. const updateCallbackRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(onUpdate); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { updateCallbackRef.current = onUpdate; }); const observedElementRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const resizeObserverRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (targetElement === observedElementRef.current) { return; } observedElementRef.current = targetElement !== null && targetElement !== void 0 ? targetElement : undefined; function updateIndicator(element) { setIndicatorPosition({ // Workaround to prevent unwanted scrollbars, see: // left: Math.max(element.offsetLeft - 1, 0), top: Math.max(element.offsetTop - 1, 0), width: parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).width), height: parseFloat(getComputedStyle(element).height) }); updateCallbackRef.current?.(); } // Set up a ResizeObserver. if (!resizeObserverRef.current) { resizeObserverRef.current = new ResizeObserver(() => { if (observedElementRef.current) { updateIndicator(observedElementRef.current); } }); } const { current: resizeObserver } = resizeObserverRef; // Observe new element. if (targetElement) { updateIndicator(targetElement); resizeObserver.observe(targetElement); } return () => { // Unobserve previous element. if (observedElementRef.current) { resizeObserver.unobserve(observedElementRef.current); } }; }, [targetElement]); return indicatorPosition; } function useOnValueUpdate(value, onUpdate) { const previousValueRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(value); // TODO: replace with useEventCallback or similar when officially available. const updateCallbackRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(onUpdate); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { updateCallbackRef.current = onUpdate; }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (previousValueRef.current !== value) { updateCallbackRef.current({ previousValue: previousValueRef.current }); previousValueRef.current = value; } }, [value]); } const TabList = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function TabList({ children, ...otherProps }, ref) { const context = useTabsContext(); const selectedId = context?.store.useState('selectedId'); const indicatorPosition = useTrackElementOffset(context?.store.item(selectedId)?.element); const [animationEnabled, setAnimationEnabled] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); useOnValueUpdate(selectedId, ({ previousValue }) => previousValue && setAnimationEnabled(true)); if (!context) { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('`Tabs.TabList` must be wrapped in a `Tabs` component.') : 0; return null; } const { store } = context; const { activeId, selectOnMove } = store.useState(); const { setActiveId } = store; const onBlur = () => { if (!selectOnMove) { return; } // When automatic tab selection is on, make sure that the active tab is up // to date with the selected tab when leaving the tablist. This makes sure // that the selected tab will receive keyboard focus when tabbing back into // the tablist. if (selectedId !== activeId) { setActiveId(selectedId); } }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(tab_list_TabList, { ref: ref, store: store, render: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TabListWrapper, { onTransitionEnd: event => { if (event.pseudoElement === '::after') { setAnimationEnabled(false); } } }), onBlur: onBlur, ...otherProps, style: { '--indicator-left': `${indicatorPosition.left}px`, '--indicator-top': `${}px`, '--indicator-width': `${indicatorPosition.width}px`, '--indicator-height': `${indicatorPosition.height}px`, }, className: dist_clsx(animationEnabled ? 'is-animation-enabled' : '', otherProps.className), children: children }); }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tabs/tabpanel.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const tabpanel_TabPanel = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.forwardRef)(function TabPanel({ children, tabId, focusable = true, ...otherProps }, ref) { const context = useTabsContext(); if (!context) { true ? external_wp_warning_default()('`Tabs.TabPanel` must be wrapped in a `Tabs` component.') : 0; return null; } const { store, instanceId } = context; const instancedTabId = `${instanceId}-${tabId}`; const selectedId = store.useState(state => state.selectedId); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(styles_TabPanel, { ref: ref, store: store // For TabPanel, the id passed here is the id attribute of the DOM // element. // `tabId` is the id of the tab that controls this panel. , id: `${instancedTabId}-view`, tabId: instancedTabId, focusable: focusable, ...otherProps, children: selectedId === instancedTabId && children }); }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/tabs/index.js /** * External dependencies */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Tabs({ selectOnMove = true, defaultTabId, orientation = 'horizontal', onSelect, children, selectedTabId }) { const instanceId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(Tabs, 'tabs'); const store = useTabStore({ selectOnMove, orientation, defaultSelectedId: defaultTabId && `${instanceId}-${defaultTabId}`, setSelectedId: selectedId => { const strippedDownId = typeof selectedId === 'string' ? selectedId.replace(`${instanceId}-`, '') : selectedId; onSelect?.(strippedDownId); }, selectedId: selectedTabId && `${instanceId}-${selectedTabId}` }); const isControlled = selectedTabId !== undefined; const { items, selectedId, activeId } = store.useState(); const { setSelectedId, setActiveId } = store; // Keep track of whether tabs have been populated. This is used to prevent // certain effects from firing too early while tab data and relevant // variables are undefined during the initial render. const tabsHavePopulated = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); if (items.length > 0) { tabsHavePopulated.current = true; } const selectedTab = items.find(item => === selectedId); const firstEnabledTab = items.find(item => { // Ariakit internally refers to disabled tabs as `dimmed`. return !item.dimmed; }); const initialTab = items.find(item => === `${instanceId}-${defaultTabId}`); // Handle selecting the initial tab. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (isControlled) { return; } // Wait for the denoted initial tab to be declared before making a // selection. This ensures that if a tab is declared lazily it can // still receive initial selection, as well as ensuring no tab is // selected if an invalid `defaultTabId` is provided. if (defaultTabId && !initialTab) { return; } // If the currently selected tab is missing (i.e. removed from the DOM), // fall back to the initial tab or the first enabled tab if there is // one. Otherwise, no tab should be selected. if (!items.find(item => === selectedId)) { if (initialTab && !initialTab.dimmed) { setSelectedId(initialTab?.id); return; } if (firstEnabledTab) { setSelectedId(; } else if (tabsHavePopulated.current) { setSelectedId(null); } } }, [firstEnabledTab, initialTab, defaultTabId, isControlled, items, selectedId, setSelectedId]); // Handle the currently selected tab becoming disabled. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (!selectedTab?.dimmed) { return; } // In controlled mode, we trust that disabling tabs is done // intentionally, and don't select a new tab automatically. if (isControlled) { setSelectedId(null); return; } // If the currently selected tab becomes disabled, fall back to the // `defaultTabId` if possible. Otherwise select the first // enabled tab (if there is one). if (initialTab && !initialTab.dimmed) { setSelectedId(; return; } if (firstEnabledTab) { setSelectedId(; } }, [firstEnabledTab, initialTab, isControlled, selectedTab?.dimmed, setSelectedId]); // Clear `selectedId` if the active tab is removed from the DOM in controlled mode. (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { if (!isControlled) { return; } // Once the tabs have populated, if the `selectedTabId` still can't be // found, clear the selection. if (tabsHavePopulated.current && !!selectedTabId && !selectedTab) { setSelectedId(null); } }, [isControlled, selectedTab, selectedTabId, setSelectedId]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // If there is no active tab, fallback to place focus on the first enabled tab // so there is always an active element if (selectedTabId === null && !activeId && firstEnabledTab?.id) { setActiveId(; } }, [selectedTabId, activeId, firstEnabledTab?.id, setActiveId]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isControlled) { return; } requestAnimationFrame(() => { const focusedElement = items?.[0]?.element?.ownerDocument.activeElement; if (!focusedElement || !items.some(item => focusedElement === item.element)) { return; // Return early if no tabs are focused. } // If, after ariakit re-computes the active tab, that tab doesn't match // the currently focused tab, then we force an update to ariakit to avoid // any mismatches, especially when navigating to previous/next tab with // arrow keys. if (activeId !== { setActiveId(; } }); }, [activeId, isControlled, items, setActiveId]); const contextValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ store, instanceId }), [store, instanceId]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(TabsContext.Provider, { value: contextValue, children: children }); } Tabs.TabList = TabList; Tabs.Tab = tab_Tab; Tabs.TabPanel = tabpanel_TabPanel; Tabs.Context = TabsContext; /* harmony default export */ const tabs = (Tabs); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/lock-unlock.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/components'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/private-apis.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const privateApis = {}; lock(privateApis, { CompositeV2: Composite, CompositeGroupV2: CompositeGroup, CompositeItemV2: CompositeItem, CompositeRowV2: CompositeRow, useCompositeStoreV2: useCompositeStore, CustomSelectControl: CustomSelectControl, __experimentalPopoverLegacyPositionToPlacement: positionToPlacement, createPrivateSlotFill: createPrivateSlotFill, ComponentsContext: ComponentsContext, Tabs: tabs, Theme: theme, DropdownMenuV2: dropdown_menu_v2_DropdownMenu, DropdownMenuGroupV2: DropdownMenuGroup, DropdownMenuItemV2: DropdownMenuItem, DropdownMenuCheckboxItemV2: DropdownMenuCheckboxItem, DropdownMenuRadioItemV2: DropdownMenuRadioItem, DropdownMenuSeparatorV2: DropdownMenuSeparator, DropdownMenuItemLabelV2: DropdownMenuItemLabel, DropdownMenuItemHelpTextV2: DropdownMenuItemHelpText, kebabCase: kebabCase }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/components/build-module/index.js // Primitives. // Components. // Higher-Order Components. // Private APIs. })(); (window.wp = window.wp || {}).components = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!�-o[����edit-site.min.jsnu�[��������/*! This file is auto-generated */ (()=>{var e,t,s={4660:e=>{e.exports=function(){function e(t,s,n){function i(o,a){if(!s[o]){if(!t[o]){if(r)return r(o,!0);var l=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw l.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",l}var c=s[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(c.exports,(function(e){return i(t[o][1][e]||e)}),c,c.exports,e,t,s,n)}return s[o].exports}for(var r=void 0,o=0;o<n.length;o++)i(n[o]);return i}return e}()({1:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";var n="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Uint16Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Int32Array;function i(e,t){return,t)}s.assign=function(e){for(var,1);t.length;){var s=t.shift();if(s){if("object"!=typeof s)throw new TypeError(s+"must be non-object");for(var n in s)i(s,n)&&(e[n]=s[n])}}return e},s.shrinkBuf=function(e,t){return e.length===t?e:e.subarray?e.subarray(0,t):(e.length=t,e)};var r={arraySet:function(e,t,s,n,i){if(t.subarray&&e.subarray)e.set(t.subarray(s,s+n),i);else for(var r=0;r<n;r++)e[i+r]=t[s+r]},flattenChunks:function(e){var t,s,n,i,r,o;for(n=0,t=0,s=e.length;t<s;t++)n+=e[t].length;for(o=new Uint8Array(n),i=0,t=0,s=e.length;t<s;t++)r=e[t],o.set(r,i),i+=r.length;return o}},o={arraySet:function(e,t,s,n,i){for(var r=0;r<n;r++)e[i+r]=t[s+r]},flattenChunks:function(e){return[].concat.apply([],e)}};s.setTyped=function(e){e?(s.Buf8=Uint8Array,s.Buf16=Uint16Array,s.Buf32=Int32Array,s.assign(s,r)):(s.Buf8=Array,s.Buf16=Array,s.Buf32=Array,s.assign(s,o))},s.setTyped(n)},{}],2:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";var n=e("./common"),i=!0,r=!0;try{String.fromCharCode.apply(null,[0])}catch(e){i=!1}try{String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(1))}catch(e){r=!1}for(var o=new n.Buf8(256),a=0;a<256;a++)o[a]=a>=252?6:a>=248?5:a>=240?4:a>=224?3:a>=192?2:1;function l(e,t){if(t<65534&&(e.subarray&&r||!e.subarray&&i))return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,n.shrinkBuf(e,t));for(var s="",o=0;o<t;o++)s+=String.fromCharCode(e[o]);return s}o[254]=o[254]=1,s.string2buf=function(e){var t,s,i,r,o,a=e.length,l=0;for(r=0;r<a;r++)55296==(64512&(s=e.charCodeAt(r)))&&r+1<a&&56320==(64512&(i=e.charCodeAt(r+1)))&&(s=65536+(s-55296<<10)+(i-56320),r++),l+=s<128?1:s<2048?2:s<65536?3:4;for(t=new n.Buf8(l),o=0,r=0;o<l;r++)55296==(64512&(s=e.charCodeAt(r)))&&r+1<a&&56320==(64512&(i=e.charCodeAt(r+1)))&&(s=65536+(s-55296<<10)+(i-56320),r++),s<128?t[o++]=s:s<2048?(t[o++]=192|s>>>6,t[o++]=128|63&s):s<65536?(t[o++]=224|s>>>12,t[o++]=128|s>>>6&63,t[o++]=128|63&s):(t[o++]=240|s>>>18,t[o++]=128|s>>>12&63,t[o++]=128|s>>>6&63,t[o++]=128|63&s);return t},s.buf2binstring=function(e){return l(e,e.length)},s.binstring2buf=function(e){for(var t=new n.Buf8(e.length),s=0,i=t.length;s<i;s++)t[s]=e.charCodeAt(s);return t},s.buf2string=function(e,t){var s,n,i,r,a=t||e.length,c=new Array(2*a);for(n=0,s=0;s<a;)if((i=e[s++])<128)c[n++]=i;else if((r=o[i])>4)c[n++]=65533,s+=r-1;else{for(i&=2===r?31:3===r?15:7;r>1&&s<a;)i=i<<6|63&e[s++],r--;r>1?c[n++]=65533:i<65536?c[n++]=i:(i-=65536,c[n++]=55296|i>>10&1023,c[n++]=56320|1023&i)}return l(c,n)},s.utf8border=function(e,t){var s;for((t=t||e.length)>e.length&&(t=e.length),s=t-1;s>=0&&128==(192&e[s]);)s--;return s<0||0===s?t:s+o[e[s]]>t?s:t}},{"./common":1}],3:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";function n(e,t,s,n){for(var i=65535&e|0,r=e>>>16&65535|0,o=0;0!==s;){s-=o=s>2e3?2e3:s;do{r=r+(i=i+t[n++]|0)|0}while(--o);i%=65521,r%=65521}return i|r<<16|0}t.exports=n},{}],4:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";t.exports={Z_NO_FLUSH:0,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:1,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:2,Z_FULL_FLUSH:3,Z_FINISH:4,Z_BLOCK:5,Z_TREES:6,Z_OK:0,Z_STREAM_END:1,Z_NEED_DICT:2,Z_ERRNO:-1,Z_STREAM_ERROR:-2,Z_DATA_ERROR:-3,Z_BUF_ERROR:-5,Z_NO_COMPRESSION:0,Z_BEST_SPEED:1,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION:9,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:-1,Z_FILTERED:1,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:2,Z_RLE:3,Z_FIXED:4,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:0,Z_BINARY:0,Z_TEXT:1,Z_UNKNOWN:2,Z_DEFLATED:8}},{}],5:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";function n(){for(var e,t=[],s=0;s<256;s++){e=s;for(var n=0;n<8;n++)e=1&e?3988292384^e>>>1:e>>>1;t[s]=e}return t}var i=n();function r(e,t,s,n){var r=i,o=n+s;e^=-1;for(var a=n;a<o;a++)e=e>>>8^r[255&(e^t[a])];return-1^e}t.exports=r},{}],6:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";function n(){this.text=0,this.time=0,this.xflags=0,this.os=0,this.extra=null,this.extra_len=0,"",this.comment="",this.hcrc=0,this.done=!1}t.exports=n},{}],7:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";var n=30,i=12;t.exports=function(e,t){var s,r,o,a,l,c,u,d,h,p,f,m,g,v,y,x,b,w,_,S,j,C,k,E,P;s=e.state,r=e.next_in,E=e.input,o=r+(e.avail_in-5),a=e.next_out,P=e.output,l=a-(t-e.avail_out),c=a+(e.avail_out-257),u=s.dmax,d=s.wsize,h=s.whave,p=s.wnext,f=s.window,m=s.hold,g=s.bits,v=s.lencode,y=s.distcode,x=(1<<s.lenbits)-1,b=(1<<s.distbits)-1;e:do{g<15&&(m+=E[r++]<<g,g+=8,m+=E[r++]<<g,g+=8),w=v[m&x];t:for(;;){if(m>>>=_=w>>>24,g-=_,0==(_=w>>>16&255))P[a++]=65535&w;else{if(!(16&_)){if(0==(64&_)){w=v[(65535&w)+(m&(1<<_)-1)];continue t}if(32&_){s.mode=i;break e}e.msg="invalid literal/length code",s.mode=n;break e}S=65535&w,(_&=15)&&(g<_&&(m+=E[r++]<<g,g+=8),S+=m&(1<<_)-1,m>>>=_,g-=_),g<15&&(m+=E[r++]<<g,g+=8,m+=E[r++]<<g,g+=8),w=y[m&b];s:for(;;){if(m>>>=_=w>>>24,g-=_,!(16&(_=w>>>16&255))){if(0==(64&_)){w=y[(65535&w)+(m&(1<<_)-1)];continue s}e.msg="invalid distance code",s.mode=n;break e}if(j=65535&w,g<(_&=15)&&(m+=E[r++]<<g,(g+=8)<_&&(m+=E[r++]<<g,g+=8)),(j+=m&(1<<_)-1)>u){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",s.mode=n;break e}if(m>>>=_,g-=_,j>(_=a-l)){if((_=j-_)>h&&s.sane){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",s.mode=n;break e}if(C=0,k=f,0===p){if(C+=d-_,_<S){S-=_;do{P[a++]=f[C++]}while(--_);C=a-j,k=P}}else if(p<_){if(C+=d+p-_,(_-=p)<S){S-=_;do{P[a++]=f[C++]}while(--_);if(C=0,p<S){S-=_=p;do{P[a++]=f[C++]}while(--_);C=a-j,k=P}}}else if(C+=p-_,_<S){S-=_;do{P[a++]=f[C++]}while(--_);C=a-j,k=P}for(;S>2;)P[a++]=k[C++],P[a++]=k[C++],P[a++]=k[C++],S-=3;S&&(P[a++]=k[C++],S>1&&(P[a++]=k[C++]))}else{C=a-j;do{P[a++]=P[C++],P[a++]=P[C++],P[a++]=P[C++],S-=3}while(S>2);S&&(P[a++]=P[C++],S>1&&(P[a++]=P[C++]))}break}}break}}while(r<o&&a<c);r-=S=g>>3,m&=(1<<(g-=S<<3))-1,e.next_in=r,e.next_out=a,e.avail_in=r<o?o-r+5:5-(r-o),e.avail_out=a<c?c-a+257:257-(a-c),s.hold=m,s.bits=g}},{}],8:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";var n=e("../utils/common"),i=e("./adler32"),r=e("./crc32"),o=e("./inffast"),a=e("./inftrees"),l=0,c=1,u=2,d=4,h=5,p=6,f=0,m=1,g=2,v=-2,y=-3,x=-4,b=-5,w=8,_=1,S=2,j=3,C=4,k=5,E=6,P=7,I=8,T=9,O=10,A=11,M=12,N=13,F=14,V=15,R=16,B=17,D=18,L=19,z=20,G=21,H=22,U=23,W=24,q=25,Z=26,K=27,Y=28,X=29,J=30,Q=31,$=852,ee=592,te=15;function se(e){return(e>>>24&255)+(e>>>8&65280)+((65280&e)<<8)+((255&e)<<24)}function ne(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,,this.lens=new n.Buf16(320), n.Buf16(288),this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}function ie(e){var t;return e&&e.state?(t=e.state,,e.msg="",t.wrap&&(e.adler=1&t.wrap),t.mode=_,t.last=0,t.havedict=0,t.dmax=32768,t.head=null,t.hold=0,t.bits=0,t.lencode=t.lendyn=new n.Buf32($),t.distcode=t.distdyn=new n.Buf32(ee),t.sane=1,t.back=-1,f):v}function re(e){var t;return e&&e.state?((t=e.state).wsize=0,t.whave=0,t.wnext=0,ie(e)):v}function oe(e,t){var s,n;return e&&e.state?(n=e.state,t<0?(s=0,t=-t):(s=1+(t>>4),t<48&&(t&=15)),t&&(t<8||t>15)?v:(null!==n.window&&n.wbits!==t&&(n.window=null),n.wrap=s,n.wbits=t,re(e))):v}function ae(e,t){var s,n;return e?(n=new ne,e.state=n,n.window=null,(s=oe(e,t))!==f&&(e.state=null),s):v}function le(e){return ae(e,te)}var ce,ue,de=!0;function he(e){if(de){var t;for(ce=new n.Buf32(512),ue=new n.Buf32(32),t=0;t<144;)e.lens[t++]=8;for(;t<256;)e.lens[t++]=9;for(;t<280;)e.lens[t++]=7;for(;t<288;)e.lens[t++]=8;for(a(c,e.lens,0,288,ce,0,,{bits:9}),t=0;t<32;)e.lens[t++]=5;a(u,e.lens,0,32,ue,0,,{bits:5}),de=!1}e.lencode=ce,e.lenbits=9,e.distcode=ue,e.distbits=5}function pe(e,t,s,i){var r,o=e.state;return null===o.window&&(o.wsize=1<<o.wbits,o.wnext=0,o.whave=0,o.window=new n.Buf8(o.wsize)),i>=o.wsize?(n.arraySet(o.window,t,s-o.wsize,o.wsize,0),o.wnext=0,o.whave=o.wsize):((r=o.wsize-o.wnext)>i&&(r=i),n.arraySet(o.window,t,s-i,r,o.wnext),(i-=r)?(n.arraySet(o.window,t,s-i,i,0),o.wnext=i,o.whave=o.wsize):(o.wnext+=r,o.wnext===o.wsize&&(o.wnext=0),o.whave<o.wsize&&(o.whave+=r))),0}function fe(e,t){var s,$,ee,te,ne,ie,re,oe,ae,le,ce,ue,de,fe,me,ge,ve,ye,xe,be,we,_e,Se,je,Ce=0,ke=new n.Buf8(4),Ee=[16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15];if(!e||!e.state||!e.output||!e.input&&0!==e.avail_in)return v;(s=e.state).mode===M&&(s.mode=N),ne=e.next_out,ee=e.output,re=e.avail_out,te=e.next_in,$=e.input,ie=e.avail_in,oe=s.hold,ae=s.bits,le=ie,ce=re,_e=f;e:for(;;)switch(s.mode){case _:if(0===s.wrap){s.mode=N;break}for(;ae<16;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(2&s.wrap&&35615===oe){s.check=0,ke[0]=255&oe,ke[1]=oe>>>8&255,s.check=r(s.check,ke,2,0),oe=0,ae=0,s.mode=S;break}if(s.flags=0,s.head&&(s.head.done=!1),!(1&s.wrap)||(((255&oe)<<8)+(oe>>8))%31){e.msg="incorrect header check",s.mode=J;break}if((15&oe)!==w){e.msg="unknown compression method",s.mode=J;break}if(ae-=4,we=8+(15&(oe>>>=4)),0===s.wbits)s.wbits=we;else if(we>s.wbits){e.msg="invalid window size",s.mode=J;break}s.dmax=1<<we,e.adler=s.check=1,s.mode=512&oe?O:M,oe=0,ae=0;break;case S:for(;ae<16;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(s.flags=oe,(255&s.flags)!==w){e.msg="unknown compression method",s.mode=J;break}if(57344&s.flags){e.msg="unknown header flags set",s.mode=J;break}s.head&&(s.head.text=oe>>8&1),512&s.flags&&(ke[0]=255&oe,ke[1]=oe>>>8&255,s.check=r(s.check,ke,2,0)),oe=0,ae=0,s.mode=j;case j:for(;ae<32;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}s.head&&(s.head.time=oe),512&s.flags&&(ke[0]=255&oe,ke[1]=oe>>>8&255,ke[2]=oe>>>16&255,ke[3]=oe>>>24&255,s.check=r(s.check,ke,4,0)),oe=0,ae=0,s.mode=C;case C:for(;ae<16;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}s.head&&(s.head.xflags=255&oe,s.head.os=oe>>8),512&s.flags&&(ke[0]=255&oe,ke[1]=oe>>>8&255,s.check=r(s.check,ke,2,0)),oe=0,ae=0,s.mode=k;case k:if(1024&s.flags){for(;ae<16;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}s.length=oe,s.head&&(s.head.extra_len=oe),512&s.flags&&(ke[0]=255&oe,ke[1]=oe>>>8&255,s.check=r(s.check,ke,2,0)),oe=0,ae=0}else s.head&&(s.head.extra=null);s.mode=E;case E:if(1024&s.flags&&((ue=s.length)>ie&&(ue=ie),ue&&(s.head&&(we=s.head.extra_len-s.length,s.head.extra||(s.head.extra=new Array(s.head.extra_len)),n.arraySet(s.head.extra,$,te,ue,we)),512&s.flags&&(s.check=r(s.check,$,ue,te)),ie-=ue,te+=ue,s.length-=ue),s.length))break e;s.length=0,s.mode=P;case P:if(2048&s.flags){if(0===ie)break e;ue=0;do{we=$[te+ue++],s.head&&we&&s.length<65536&&(}while(we&&ue<ie);if(512&s.flags&&(s.check=r(s.check,$,ue,te)),ie-=ue,te+=ue,we)break e}else s.head&&(;s.length=0,s.mode=I;case I:if(4096&s.flags){if(0===ie)break e;ue=0;do{we=$[te+ue++],s.head&&we&&s.length<65536&&(s.head.comment+=String.fromCharCode(we))}while(we&&ue<ie);if(512&s.flags&&(s.check=r(s.check,$,ue,te)),ie-=ue,te+=ue,we)break e}else s.head&&(s.head.comment=null);s.mode=T;case T:if(512&s.flags){for(;ae<16;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(oe!==(65535&s.check)){e.msg="header crc mismatch",s.mode=J;break}oe=0,ae=0}s.head&&(s.head.hcrc=s.flags>>9&1,s.head.done=!0),e.adler=s.check=0,s.mode=M;break;case O:for(;ae<32;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}e.adler=s.check=se(oe),oe=0,ae=0,s.mode=A;case A:if(0===s.havedict)return e.next_out=ne,e.avail_out=re,e.next_in=te,e.avail_in=ie,s.hold=oe,s.bits=ae,g;e.adler=s.check=1,s.mode=M;case M:if(t===h||t===p)break e;case N:if(s.last){oe>>>=7&ae,ae-=7&ae,s.mode=K;break}for(;ae<3;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}switch(s.last=1&oe,ae-=1,3&(oe>>>=1)){case 0:s.mode=F;break;case 1:if(he(s),s.mode=z,t===p){oe>>>=2,ae-=2;break e}break;case 2:s.mode=B;break;case 3:e.msg="invalid block type",s.mode=J}oe>>>=2,ae-=2;break;case F:for(oe>>>=7&ae,ae-=7&ae;ae<32;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if((65535&oe)!=(oe>>>16^65535)){e.msg="invalid stored block lengths",s.mode=J;break}if(s.length=65535&oe,oe=0,ae=0,s.mode=V,t===p)break e;case V:s.mode=R;case R:if(ue=s.length){if(ue>ie&&(ue=ie),ue>re&&(ue=re),0===ue)break e;n.arraySet(ee,$,te,ue,ne),ie-=ue,te+=ue,re-=ue,ne+=ue,s.length-=ue;break}s.mode=M;break;case B:for(;ae<14;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(s.nlen=257+(31&oe),oe>>>=5,ae-=5,s.ndist=1+(31&oe),oe>>>=5,ae-=5,s.ncode=4+(15&oe),oe>>>=4,ae-=4,s.nlen>286||s.ndist>30){e.msg="too many length or distance symbols",s.mode=J;break}s.have=0,s.mode=D;case D:for(;s.have<s.ncode;){for(;ae<3;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}s.lens[Ee[s.have++]]=7&oe,oe>>>=3,ae-=3}for(;s.have<19;)s.lens[Ee[s.have++]]=0;if(s.lencode=s.lendyn,s.lenbits=7,Se={bits:s.lenbits},_e=a(l,s.lens,0,19,s.lencode,0,,Se),s.lenbits=Se.bits,_e){e.msg="invalid code lengths set",s.mode=J;break}s.have=0,s.mode=L;case L:for(;s.have<s.nlen+s.ndist;){for(;ge=(Ce=s.lencode[oe&(1<<s.lenbits)-1])>>>16&255,ve=65535&Ce,!((me=Ce>>>24)<=ae);){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(ve<16)oe>>>=me,ae-=me,s.lens[s.have++]=ve;else{if(16===ve){for(je=me+2;ae<je;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(oe>>>=me,ae-=me,0===s.have){e.msg="invalid bit length repeat",s.mode=J;break}we=s.lens[s.have-1],ue=3+(3&oe),oe>>>=2,ae-=2}else if(17===ve){for(je=me+3;ae<je;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}ae-=me,we=0,ue=3+(7&(oe>>>=me)),oe>>>=3,ae-=3}else{for(je=me+7;ae<je;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}ae-=me,we=0,ue=11+(127&(oe>>>=me)),oe>>>=7,ae-=7}if(s.have+ue>s.nlen+s.ndist){e.msg="invalid bit length repeat",s.mode=J;break}for(;ue--;)s.lens[s.have++]=we}}if(s.mode===J)break;if(0===s.lens[256]){e.msg="invalid code -- missing end-of-block",s.mode=J;break}if(s.lenbits=9,Se={bits:s.lenbits},_e=a(c,s.lens,0,s.nlen,s.lencode,0,,Se),s.lenbits=Se.bits,_e){e.msg="invalid literal/lengths set",s.mode=J;break}if(s.distbits=6,s.distcode=s.distdyn,Se={bits:s.distbits},_e=a(u,s.lens,s.nlen,s.ndist,s.distcode,0,,Se),s.distbits=Se.bits,_e){e.msg="invalid distances set",s.mode=J;break}if(s.mode=z,t===p)break e;case z:s.mode=G;case G:if(ie>=6&&re>=258){e.next_out=ne,e.avail_out=re,e.next_in=te,e.avail_in=ie,s.hold=oe,s.bits=ae,o(e,ce),ne=e.next_out,ee=e.output,re=e.avail_out,te=e.next_in,$=e.input,ie=e.avail_in,oe=s.hold,ae=s.bits,s.mode===M&&(s.back=-1);break}for(s.back=0;ge=(Ce=s.lencode[oe&(1<<s.lenbits)-1])>>>16&255,ve=65535&Ce,!((me=Ce>>>24)<=ae);){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(ge&&0==(240&ge)){for(ye=me,xe=ge,be=ve;ge=(Ce=s.lencode[be+((oe&(1<<ye+xe)-1)>>ye)])>>>16&255,ve=65535&Ce,!(ye+(me=Ce>>>24)<=ae);){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}oe>>>=ye,ae-=ye,s.back+=ye}if(oe>>>=me,ae-=me,s.back+=me,s.length=ve,0===ge){s.mode=Z;break}if(32&ge){s.back=-1,s.mode=M;break}if(64&ge){e.msg="invalid literal/length code",s.mode=J;break}s.extra=15&ge,s.mode=H;case H:if(s.extra){for(je=s.extra;ae<je;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}s.length+=oe&(1<<s.extra)-1,oe>>>=s.extra,ae-=s.extra,s.back+=s.extra}s.was=s.length,s.mode=U;case U:for(;ge=(Ce=s.distcode[oe&(1<<s.distbits)-1])>>>16&255,ve=65535&Ce,!((me=Ce>>>24)<=ae);){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(0==(240&ge)){for(ye=me,xe=ge,be=ve;ge=(Ce=s.distcode[be+((oe&(1<<ye+xe)-1)>>ye)])>>>16&255,ve=65535&Ce,!(ye+(me=Ce>>>24)<=ae);){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}oe>>>=ye,ae-=ye,s.back+=ye}if(oe>>>=me,ae-=me,s.back+=me,64&ge){e.msg="invalid distance code",s.mode=J;break}s.offset=ve,s.extra=15&ge,s.mode=W;case W:if(s.extra){for(je=s.extra;ae<je;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}s.offset+=oe&(1<<s.extra)-1,oe>>>=s.extra,ae-=s.extra,s.back+=s.extra}if(s.offset>s.dmax){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",s.mode=J;break}s.mode=q;case q:if(0===re)break e;if(ue=ce-re,s.offset>ue){if((ue=s.offset-ue)>s.whave&&s.sane){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",s.mode=J;break}ue>s.wnext?(ue-=s.wnext,de=s.wsize-ue):de=s.wnext-ue,ue>s.length&&(ue=s.length),fe=s.window}else fe=ee,de=ne-s.offset,ue=s.length;ue>re&&(ue=re),re-=ue,s.length-=ue;do{ee[ne++]=fe[de++]}while(--ue);0===s.length&&(s.mode=G);break;case Z:if(0===re)break e;ee[ne++]=s.length,re--,s.mode=G;break;case K:if(s.wrap){for(;ae<32;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe|=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(ce-=re,e.total_out+=ce,,ce&&(e.adler=s.check=s.flags?r(s.check,ee,ce,ne-ce):i(s.check,ee,ce,ne-ce)),ce=re,(s.flags?oe:se(oe))!==s.check){e.msg="incorrect data check",s.mode=J;break}oe=0,ae=0}s.mode=Y;case Y:if(s.wrap&&s.flags){for(;ae<32;){if(0===ie)break e;ie--,oe+=$[te++]<<ae,ae+=8}if(oe!==(4294967295&{e.msg="incorrect length check",s.mode=J;break}oe=0,ae=0}s.mode=X;case X:_e=m;break e;case J:_e=y;break e;case Q:return x;default:return v}return e.next_out=ne,e.avail_out=re,e.next_in=te,e.avail_in=ie,s.hold=oe,s.bits=ae,(s.wsize||ce!==e.avail_out&&s.mode<J&&(s.mode<K||t!==d))&&pe(e,e.output,e.next_out,ce-e.avail_out)?(s.mode=Q,x):(le-=e.avail_in,ce-=e.avail_out,e.total_in+=le,e.total_out+=ce,,s.wrap&&ce&&(e.adler=s.check=s.flags?r(s.check,ee,ce,e.next_out-ce):i(s.check,ee,ce,e.next_out-ce)),e.data_type=s.bits+(s.last?64:0)+(s.mode===M?128:0)+(s.mode===z||s.mode===V?256:0),(0===le&&0===ce||t===d)&&_e===f&&(_e=b),_e)}function me(e){if(!e||!e.state)return v;var t=e.state;return t.window&&(t.window=null),e.state=null,f}function ge(e,t){var s;return e&&e.state?0==(2&(s=e.state).wrap)?v:(s.head=t,t.done=!1,f):v}function ve(e,t){var s,n=t.length;return e&&e.state?0!==(s=e.state).wrap&&s.mode!==A?v:s.mode===A&&i(1,t,n,0)!==s.check?y:pe(e,t,n,n)?(s.mode=Q,x):(s.havedict=1,f):v}s.inflateReset=re,s.inflateReset2=oe,s.inflateResetKeep=ie,s.inflateInit=le,s.inflateInit2=ae,s.inflate=fe,s.inflateEnd=me,s.inflateGetHeader=ge,s.inflateSetDictionary=ve,s.inflateInfo="pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"},{"../utils/common":1,"./adler32":3,"./crc32":5,"./inffast":7,"./inftrees":9}],9:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";var n=e("../utils/common"),i=15,r=852,o=592,a=0,l=1,c=2,u=[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,258,0,0],d=[16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,16,72,78],h=[1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577,0,0],p=[16,16,16,16,17,17,18,18,19,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,23,24,24,25,25,26,26,27,27,28,28,29,29,64,64];t.exports=function(e,t,s,f,m,g,v,y){var x,b,w,_,S,j,C,k,E,P=y.bits,I=0,T=0,O=0,A=0,M=0,N=0,F=0,V=0,R=0,B=0,D=null,L=0,z=new n.Buf16(i+1),G=new n.Buf16(i+1),H=null,U=0;for(I=0;I<=i;I++)z[I]=0;for(T=0;T<f;T++)z[t[s+T]]++;for(M=P,A=i;A>=1&&0===z[A];A--);if(M>A&&(M=A),0===A)return m[g++]=20971520,m[g++]=20971520,y.bits=1,0;for(O=1;O<A&&0===z[O];O++);for(M<O&&(M=O),V=1,I=1;I<=i;I++)if(V<<=1,(V-=z[I])<0)return-1;if(V>0&&(e===a||1!==A))return-1;for(G[1]=0,I=1;I<i;I++)G[I+1]=G[I]+z[I];for(T=0;T<f;T++)0!==t[s+T]&&(v[G[t[s+T]]++]=T);if(e===a?(D=H=v,j=19):e===l?(D=u,L-=257,H=d,U-=257,j=256):(D=h,H=p,j=-1),B=0,T=0,I=O,S=g,N=M,F=0,w=-1,_=(R=1<<M)-1,e===l&&R>r||e===c&&R>o)return 1;for(;;){C=I-F,v[T]<j?(k=0,E=v[T]):v[T]>j?(k=H[U+v[T]],E=D[L+v[T]]):(k=96,E=0),x=1<<I-F,O=b=1<<N;do{m[S+(B>>F)+(b-=x)]=C<<24|k<<16|E|0}while(0!==b);for(x=1<<I-1;B&x;)x>>=1;if(0!==x?(B&=x-1,B+=x):B=0,T++,0==--z[I]){if(I===A)break;I=t[s+v[T]]}if(I>M&&(B&_)!==w){for(0===F&&(F=M),S+=O,V=1<<(N=I-F);N+F<A&&!((V-=z[N+F])<=0);)N++,V<<=1;if(R+=1<<N,e===l&&R>r||e===c&&R>o)return 1;m[w=B&_]=M<<24|N<<16|S-g|0}}return 0!==B&&(m[S+B]=I-F<<24|64<<16|0),y.bits=M,0}},{"../utils/common":1}],10:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";t.exports={2:"need dictionary",1:"stream end",0:"","-1":"file error","-2":"stream error","-3":"data error","-4":"insufficient memory","-5":"buffer error","-6":"incompatible version"}},{}],11:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";function n(){this.input=null,this.next_in=0,this.avail_in=0,this.total_in=0,this.output=null,this.next_out=0,this.avail_out=0,this.total_out=0,this.msg="",this.state=null,this.data_type=2,this.adler=0}t.exports=n},{}],"/lib/inflate.js":[function(e,t,s){"use 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this.onEnd(s),this.ended=!0,!1;h.next_out&&(0!==h.avail_out&&s!==o.Z_STREAM_END&&(0!==h.avail_in||a!==o.Z_FINISH&&a!==o.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)||("string",h.next_out),c=h.next_out-l,d=r.buf2string(h.output,l),h.next_out=c,h.avail_out=p-c,c&&i.arraySet(h.output,h.output,l,c,0),this.onData(d)):this.onData(i.shrinkBuf(h.output,h.next_out)))),0===h.avail_in&&0===h.avail_out&&(m=!0)}while((h.avail_in>0||0===h.avail_out)&&s!==o.Z_STREAM_END);return s===o.Z_STREAM_END&&(a=o.Z_FINISH),a===o.Z_FINISH?(s=n.inflateEnd(this.strm),this.onEnd(s),this.ended=!0,s===o.Z_OK):a!==o.Z_SYNC_FLUSH||(this.onEnd(o.Z_OK),h.avail_out=0,!0)},d.prototype.onData=function(e){this.chunks.push(e)},d.prototype.onEnd=function(e){e===o.Z_OK&&("string"""):this.result=i.flattenChunks(this.chunks)),this.chunks=[],this.err=e,this.msg=this.strm.msg},s.Inflate=d,s.inflate=h,s.inflateRaw=p,s.ungzip=h},{"./utils/common":1,"./utils/strings":2,"./zlib/constants":4,"./zlib/gzheader":6,"./zlib/inflate":8,"./zlib/messages":10,"./zlib/zstream":11}]},{},[])("/lib/inflate.js")},8572:e=>{e.exports=function(){function e(t,s,n){function i(o,a){if(!s[o]){if(!t[o]){if(r)return r(o,!0);var l=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw l.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",l}var c=s[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(c.exports,(function(e){return i(t[o][1][e]||e)}),c,c.exports,e,t,s,n)}return s[o].exports}for(var r=void 0,o=0;o<n.length;o++)i(n[o]);return i}return e}()({1:[function(e,t,s){var n=4096,i=2*n+32,r=2*n-1,o=new Uint32Array([0,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,511,1023,2047,4095,8191,16383,32767,65535,131071,262143,524287,1048575,2097151,4194303,8388607,16777215]);function a(e){this.buf_=new Uint8Array(i),this.input_=e,this.reset()}a.READ_SIZE=n,a.IBUF_MASK=r,a.prototype.reset=function(){this.buf_ptr_=0,this.val_=0,this.pos_=0,this.bit_pos_=0,this.bit_end_pos_=0,this.eos_=0,this.readMoreInput();for(var e=0;e<4;e++)this.val_|=this.buf_[this.pos_]<<8*e,++this.pos_;return this.bit_end_pos_>0},a.prototype.readMoreInput=function(){if(!(this.bit_end_pos_>256))if(this.eos_){if(this.bit_pos_>this.bit_end_pos_)throw new Error("Unexpected end of input "+this.bit_pos_+" "+this.bit_end_pos_)}else{var e=this.buf_ptr_,,e,n);if(t<0)throw new Error("Unexpected end of input");if(t<n){this.eos_=1;for(var s=0;s<32;s++)this.buf_[e+t+s]=0}if(0===e){for(s=0;s<32;s++)this.buf_[(n<<1)+s]=this.buf_[s];this.buf_ptr_=n}else this.buf_ptr_=0;this.bit_end_pos_+=t<<3}},a.prototype.fillBitWindow=function(){for(;this.bit_pos_>=8;)this.val_>>>=8,this.val_|=this.buf_[this.pos_&r]<<24,++this.pos_,this.bit_pos_=this.bit_pos_-8>>>0,this.bit_end_pos_=this.bit_end_pos_-8>>>0},a.prototype.readBits=function(e){32-this.bit_pos_<e&&this.fillBitWindow();var t=this.val_>>>this.bit_pos_&o[e];return this.bit_pos_+=e,t},t.exports=a},{}],2:[function(e,t,s){s.lookup=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,4,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,12,16,12,12,20,12,16,24,28,12,12,32,12,36,12,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,44,32,32,24,40,28,12,12,48,52,52,52,48,52,52,52,48,52,52,52,52,52,48,52,52,52,52,52,48,52,52,52,52,52,24,12,28,12,12,12,56,60,60,60,56,60,60,60,56,60,60,60,60,60,56,60,60,60,60,60,56,60,60,60,60,60,24,12,28,12,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,0,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,48,56,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,14,14,14,14,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,22,22,22,22,23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,25,25,25,25,26,26,26,26,27,27,27,27,28,28,28,28,29,29,29,29,30,30,30,30,31,31,31,31,32,32,32,32,33,33,33,33,34,34,34,34,35,35,35,35,36,36,36,36,37,37,37,37,38,38,38,38,39,39,39,39,40,40,40,40,41,41,41,41,42,42,42,42,43,43,43,43,44,44,44,44,45,45,45,45,46,46,46,46,47,47,47,47,48,48,48,48,49,49,49,49,50,50,50,50,51,51,51,51,52,52,52,52,53,53,53,53,54,54,54,54,55,55,55,55,56,56,56,56,57,57,57,57,58,58,58,58,59,59,59,59,60,60,60,60,61,61,61,61,62,62,62,62,63,63,63,63,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]),s.lookupOffsets=new Uint16Array([1024,1536,1280,1536,0,256,768,512])},{}],3:[function(e,t,s){var n=e("./streams").BrotliInput,i=e("./streams").BrotliOutput,r=e("./bit_reader"),o=e("./dictionary"),a=e("./huffman").HuffmanCode,l=e("./huffman").BrotliBuildHuffmanTable,c=e("./context"),u=e("./prefix"),d=e("./transform"),h=8,p=16,f=256,m=704,g=26,v=6,y=2,x=8,b=255,w=1080,_=18,S=new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,0,5,17,6,16,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]),j=16,C=new Uint8Array([3,2,1,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2]),k=new Int8Array([0,0,0,0,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3]),E=new Uint16Array([256,402,436,468,500,534,566,598,630,662,694,726,758,790,822,854,886,920,952,984,1016,1048,1080]);function P(e){var t;return 0===e.readBits(1)?16:(t=e.readBits(3))>0?17+t:(t=e.readBits(3))>0?8+t:17}function I(e){if(e.readBits(1)){var t=e.readBits(3);return 0===t?1:e.readBits(t)+(1<<t)}return 0}function T(){this.meta_block_length=0,this.input_end=0,this.is_uncompressed=0,this.is_metadata=!1}function O(e){var t,s,n,i=new T;if(i.input_end=e.readBits(1),i.input_end&&e.readBits(1))return i;if(7===(t=e.readBits(2)+4)){if(i.is_metadata=!0,0!==e.readBits(1))throw new Error("Invalid reserved bit");if(0===(s=e.readBits(2)))return i;for(n=0;n<s;n++){var r=e.readBits(8);if(n+1===s&&s>1&&0===r)throw new Error("Invalid size byte");i.meta_block_length|=r<<8*n}}else for(n=0;n<t;++n){var o=e.readBits(4);if(n+1===t&&t>4&&0===o)throw new Error("Invalid size nibble");i.meta_block_length|=o<<4*n}return++i.meta_block_length,i.input_end||i.is_metadata||(i.is_uncompressed=e.readBits(1)),i}function A(e,t,s){var n;return s.fillBitWindow(),(n=e[t+=s.val_>>>s.bit_pos_&b].bits-x)>0&&(s.bit_pos_+=x,t+=e[t].value,t+=s.val_>>>s.bit_pos_&(1<<n)-1),s.bit_pos_+=e[t].bits,e[t].value}function M(e,t,s,n){for(var i=0,r=h,o=0,c=0,u=32768,d=[],f=0;f<32;f++)d.push(new a(0,0));for(l(d,0,5,e,_);i<t&&u>0;){var m,g=0;if(n.readMoreInput(),n.fillBitWindow(),g+=n.val_>>>n.bit_pos_&31,n.bit_pos_+=d[g].bits,(m=255&d[g].value)<p)o=0,s[i++]=m,0!==m&&(r=m,u-=32768>>m);else{var v,y,x=m-14,b=0;if(m===p&&(b=r),c!==b&&(o=0,c=b),v=o,o>0&&(o-=2,o<<=x),i+(y=(o+=n.readBits(x)+3)-v)>t)throw new Error("[ReadHuffmanCodeLengths] symbol + repeat_delta > num_symbols");for(var w=0;w<y;w++)s[i+w]=c;i+=y,0!==c&&(u-=y<<15-c)}}if(0!==u)throw new Error("[ReadHuffmanCodeLengths] space = "+u);for(;i<t;i++)s[i]=0}function N(e,t,s,n){var i,r=0,o=new Uint8Array(e);if(n.readMoreInput(),1===(i=n.readBits(2))){for(var c=e-1,u=0,d=new Int32Array(4),h=n.readBits(2)+1;c;)c>>=1,++u;for(p=0;p<h;++p)d[p]=n.readBits(u)%e,o[d[p]]=2;switch(o[d[0]]=1,h){case 1:break;case 3:if(d[0]===d[1]||d[0]===d[2]||d[1]===d[2])throw new Error("[ReadHuffmanCode] invalid symbols");break;case 2:if(d[0]===d[1])throw new Error("[ReadHuffmanCode] invalid symbols");o[d[1]]=1;break;case 4:if(d[0]===d[1]||d[0]===d[2]||d[0]===d[3]||d[1]===d[2]||d[1]===d[3]||d[2]===d[3])throw new Error("[ReadHuffmanCode] invalid symbols");n.readBits(1)?(o[d[2]]=3,o[d[3]]=3):o[d[0]]=2}}else{var p,f=new Uint8Array(_),m=32,g=0,v=[new a(2,0),new a(2,4),new a(2,3),new a(3,2),new a(2,0),new a(2,4),new a(2,3),new a(4,1),new a(2,0),new a(2,4),new a(2,3),new a(3,2),new a(2,0),new a(2,4),new a(2,3),new a(4,5)];for(p=i;p<_&&m>0;++p){var y,b=S[p],w=0;n.fillBitWindow(),w+=n.val_>>>n.bit_pos_&15,n.bit_pos_+=v[w].bits,y=v[w].value,f[b]=y,0!==y&&(m-=32>>y,++g)}if(1!==g&&0!==m)throw new Error("[ReadHuffmanCode] invalid num_codes or space");M(f,e,o,n)}if(0===(r=l(t,s,x,o,e)))throw new Error("[ReadHuffmanCode] BuildHuffmanTable failed: ");return r}function F(e,t,s){var n,i;return n=A(e,t,s),i=u.kBlockLengthPrefixCode[n].nbits,u.kBlockLengthPrefixCode[n].offset+s.readBits(i)}function V(e,t,s){var n;return e<j?(s+=C[e],n=t[s&=3]+k[e]):n=e-j+1,n}function R(e,t){for(var s=e[t],n=t;n;--n)e[n]=e[n-1];e[0]=s}function B(e,t){var s,n=new Uint8Array(256);for(s=0;s<256;++s)n[s]=s;for(s=0;s<t;++s){var i=e[s];e[s]=n[i],i&&R(n,i)}}function D(e,t){this.alphabet_size=e,this.num_htrees=t, Array(t+t*E[e+31>>>5]),this.htrees=new Uint32Array(t)}function L(e,t){var s,n,i={num_htrees:null,context_map:null},r=0;t.readMoreInput();var o=i.num_htrees=I(t)+1,l=i.context_map=new Uint8Array(e);if(o<=1)return i;for(t.readBits(1)&&(r=t.readBits(4)+1),s=[],n=0;n<w;n++)s[n]=new a(0,0);for(N(o+r,s,0,t),n=0;n<e;){var c;if(t.readMoreInput(),0===(c=A(s,0,t)))l[n]=0,++n;else if(c<=r)for(var u=1+(1<<c)+t.readBits(c);--u;){if(n>=e)throw new Error("[DecodeContextMap] i >= context_map_size");l[n]=0,++n}else l[n]=c-r,++n}return t.readBits(1)&&B(l,e),i}function z(e,t,s,n,i,r,o){var a,l=2*s,c=s,u=A(t,s*w,o);(a=0===u?i[l+(1&r[c])]:1===u?i[l+(r[c]-1&1)]+1:u-2)>=e&&(a-=e),n[s]=a,i[l+(1&r[c])]=a,++r[c]}function G(e,t,s,n,i,o){var a,l=i+1,c=s&i,u=o.pos_&r.IBUF_MASK;if(t<8||o.bit_pos_+(t<<3)<o.bit_end_pos_)for(;t-- >0;)o.readMoreInput(),n[c++]=o.readBits(8),c===l&&(e.write(n,l),c=0);else{if(o.bit_end_pos_<32)throw new Error("[CopyUncompressedBlockToOutput] br.bit_end_pos_ < 32");for(;o.bit_pos_<32;)n[c]=o.val_>>>o.bit_pos_,o.bit_pos_+=8,++c,--t;if(u+(a=o.bit_end_pos_-o.bit_pos_>>3)>r.IBUF_MASK){for(var d=r.IBUF_MASK+1-u,h=0;h<d;h++)n[c+h]=o.buf_[u+h];a-=d,c+=d,t-=d,u=0}for(h=0;h<a;h++)n[c+h]=o.buf_[u+h];if(t-=a,(c+=a)>=l)for(e.write(n,l),c-=l,h=0;h<c;h++)n[h]=n[l+h];for(;c+t>=l;){if(a=l-c,,c,a)<a)throw new Error("[CopyUncompressedBlockToOutput] not enough bytes");e.write(n,l),t-=a,c=0}if(,c,t)<t)throw new Error("[CopyUncompressedBlockToOutput] not enough bytes");o.reset()}}function H(e){var t=e.bit_pos_+7&-8;return 0==e.readBits(t-e.bit_pos_)}function U(e){var t=new n(e),s=new r(t);return P(s),O(s).meta_block_length}function W(e,t){var s=new n(e);null==t&&(t=U(e));var r=new Uint8Array(t),o=new i(r);return q(s,o),o.pos<o.buffer.length&&(o.buffer=o.buffer.subarray(0,o.pos)),o.buffer}function q(e,t){var s,n,i,l,h,p,x,b,_,S=0,C=0,k=0,E=0,T=[16,15,11,4],M=0,R=0,B=0,U=[new D(0,0),new D(0,0),new D(0,0)],W=128+r.READ_SIZE;n=(1<<(k=P(_=new r(e))))-16,l=(i=1<<k)-1,h=new Uint8Array(i+W+o.maxDictionaryWordLength),p=i,x=[],b=[];for(var q=0;q<3*w;q++)x[q]=new a(0,0),b[q]=new a(0,0);for(;!C;){var Z,K,Y,X,J,Q,$,ee,te,se=0,ne=[1<<28,1<<28,1<<28],ie=[0],re=[1,1,1],oe=[0,1,0,1,0,1],ae=[0],le=null,ce=null,ue=null,de=null,he=0,pe=null,fe=0,me=0,ge=0;for(s=0;s<3;++s)U[s].codes=null,U[s].htrees=null;_.readMoreInput();var ve=O(_);if(S+(se=ve.meta_block_length)>t.buffer.length){var ye=new Uint8Array(S+se);ye.set(t.buffer),t.buffer=ye}if(C=ve.input_end,Z=ve.is_uncompressed,ve.is_metadata)for(H(_);se>0;--se)_.readMoreInput(),_.readBits(8);else if(0!==se)if(Z)_.bit_pos_=_.bit_pos_+7&-8,G(t,se,S,h,l,_),S+=se;else{for(s=0;s<3;++s)re[s]=I(_)+1,re[s]>=2&&(N(re[s]+2,x,s*w,_),N(g,b,s*w,_),ne[s]=F(b,s*w,_),ae[s]=1);for(_.readMoreInput(),X=(1<<(K=_.readBits(2)))-1,J=(Y=j+(_.readBits(4)<<K))+(48<<K),ce=new Uint8Array(re[0]),s=0;s<re[0];++s)_.readMoreInput(),ce[s]=_.readBits(2)<<1;var xe=L(re[0]<<v,_);Q=xe.num_htrees,le=xe.context_map;var be=L(re[2]<<y,_);for($=be.num_htrees,ue=be.context_map,U[0]=new D(f,Q),U[1]=new D(m,re[1]),U[2]=new D(J,$),s=0;s<3;++s)U[s].decode(_);for(de=0,pe=0,ee=ce[ie[0]],me=c.lookupOffsets[ee],ge=c.lookupOffsets[ee+1],te=U[1].htrees[0];se>0;){var we,_e,Se,je,Ce,ke,Ee,Pe,Ie,Te,Oe,Ae;for(_.readMoreInput(),0===ne[1]&&(z(re[1],x,1,ie,oe,ae,_),ne[1]=F(b,w,_),te=U[1].htrees[ie[1]]),--ne[1],(_e=(we=A(U[1].codes,te,_))>>6)>=2?(_e-=2,Ee=-1):Ee=0,Se=u.kInsertRangeLut[_e]+(we>>3&7),je=u.kCopyRangeLut[_e]+(7&we),Ce=u.kInsertLengthPrefixCode[Se].offset+_.readBits(u.kInsertLengthPrefixCode[Se].nbits),ke=u.kCopyLengthPrefixCode[je].offset+_.readBits(u.kCopyLengthPrefixCode[je].nbits),R=h[S-1&l],B=h[S-2&l],Ie=0;Ie<Ce;++Ie)_.readMoreInput(),0===ne[0]&&(z(re[0],x,0,ie,oe,ae,_),ne[0]=F(b,0,_),de=ie[0]<<v,ee=ce[ie[0]],me=c.lookupOffsets[ee],ge=c.lookupOffsets[ee+1]),he=le[de+(c.lookup[me+R]|c.lookup[ge+B])],--ne[0],B=R,R=A(U[0].codes,U[0].htrees[he],_),h[S&l]=R,(S&l)===l&&t.write(h,i),++S;if((se-=Ce)<=0)break;if(Ee<0&&(_.readMoreInput(),0===ne[2]&&(z(re[2],x,2,ie,oe,ae,_),ne[2]=F(b,2*w,_),pe=ie[2]<<y),--ne[2],fe=ue[pe+(255&(ke>4?3:ke-2))],(Ee=A(U[2].codes,U[2].htrees[fe],_))>=Y&&(Ae=(Ee-=Y)&X,Ee=Y+((Me=(2+(1&(Ee>>=K))<<(Oe=1+(Ee>>1)))-4)+_.readBits(Oe)<<K)+Ae)),(Pe=V(Ee,T,M))<0)throw new Error("[BrotliDecompress] invalid distance");if(Te=S&l,Pe>(E=S<n&&E!==n?S:n)){if(!(ke>=o.minDictionaryWordLength&&ke<=o.maxDictionaryWordLength))throw new Error("Invalid backward reference. pos: "+S+" distance: "+Pe+" len: "+ke+" bytes left: "+se);var Me=o.offsetsByLength[ke],Ne=Pe-E-1,Fe=o.sizeBitsByLength[ke],Ve=Ne>>Fe;if(Me+=(Ne&(1<<Fe)-1)*ke,!(Ve<d.kNumTransforms))throw new Error("Invalid backward reference. pos: "+S+" distance: "+Pe+" len: "+ke+" bytes left: "+se);var Re=d.transformDictionaryWord(h,Te,Me,ke,Ve);if(S+=Re,se-=Re,(Te+=Re)>=p){t.write(h,i);for(var Be=0;Be<Te-p;Be++)h[Be]=h[p+Be]}}else{if(Ee>0&&(T[3&M]=Pe,++M),ke>se)throw new Error("Invalid backward reference. pos: "+S+" distance: "+Pe+" len: "+ke+" bytes left: "+se);for(Ie=0;Ie<ke;++Ie)h[S&l]=h[S-Pe&l],(S&l)===l&&t.write(h,i),++S,--se}R=h[S-1&l],B=h[S-2&l]}S&=1073741823}}t.write(h,S&l)}D.prototype.decode=function(e){var t,s=0;for(t=0;t<this.num_htrees;++t)this.htrees[t]=s,s+=N(this.alphabet_size,,s,e)},s.BrotliDecompressedSize=U,s.BrotliDecompressBuffer=W,s.BrotliDecompress=q,o.init()},{"./bit_reader":1,"./context":2,"./dictionary":6,"./huffman":7,"./prefix":9,"./streams":10,"./transform":11}],4:[function(e,t,s){var n=e("base64-js");s.init=function(){return(0,e("./decode").BrotliDecompressBuffer)(n.toByteArray(e("./dictionary.bin.js")))}},{"./decode":3,"./dictionary.bin.js":5,"base64-js":8}],5:[function(e,t,s){t.exports="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n=e("./dictionary-browser");s.init=function(){s.dictionary=n.init()},s.offsetsByLength=new Uint32Array([0,0,0,0,0,4096,9216,21504,35840,44032,53248,63488,74752,87040,93696,100864,104704,106752,108928,113536,115968,118528,119872,121280,122016]),s.sizeBitsByLength=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,10,10,11,11,10,10,10,10,10,9,9,8,7,7,8,7,7,6,6,5,5]),s.minDictionaryWordLength=4,s.maxDictionaryWordLength=24},{"./dictionary-browser":4}],7:[function(e,t,s){function n(e,t){this.bits=e,this.value=t}s.HuffmanCode=n;var i=15;function r(e,t){for(var s=1<<t-1;e&s;)s>>=1;return(e&s-1)+s}function o(e,t,s,i,r){do{e[t+(i-=s)]=new n(r.bits,r.value)}while(i>0)}function a(e,t,s){for(var n=1<<t-s;t<i&&!((n-=e[t])<=0);)++t,n<<=1;return t-s}s.BrotliBuildHuffmanTable=function(e,t,s,l,c){var u,d,h,p,f,m,g,v,y,x,b=t,w=new Int32Array(i+1),_=new Int32Array(i+1);for(x=new Int32Array(c),d=0;d<c;d++)w[l[d]]++;for(_[1]=0,u=1;u<i;u++)_[u+1]=_[u]+w[u];for(d=0;d<c;d++)0!==l[d]&&(x[_[l[d]]++]=d);if(y=v=1<<(g=s),1===_[i]){for(h=0;h<y;++h)e[t+h]=new n(0,65535&x[0]);return y}for(h=0,d=0,u=1,p=2;u<=s;++u,p<<=1)for(;w[u]>0;--w[u])o(e,t+h,p,v,new n(255&u,65535&x[d++])),h=r(h,u);for(m=y-1,f=-1,u=s+1,p=2;u<=i;++u,p<<=1)for(;w[u]>0;--w[u])(h&m)!==f&&(t+=v,y+=v=1<<(g=a(w,u,s)),e[b+(f=h&m)]=new n(g+s&255,t-b-f&65535)),o(e,t+(h>>s),p,v,new n(u-s&255,65535&x[d++])),h=r(h,u);return y}},{}],8:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";s.byteLength=u,s.toByteArray=h,s.fromByteArray=m;for(var n=[],i=[],r="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array?Uint8Array:Array,o="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",a=0,l=o.length;a<l;++a)n[a]=o[a],i[o.charCodeAt(a)]=a;function c(e){var t=e.length;if(t%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. 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The fonts you install will be downloaded from Google and stored on your site. Your site will then use these locally-hosted fonts.")}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalSpacer,{margin:3}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalText,{as:"p",children:(0,b.__)("You can alternatively upload files directly on the Upload tab.")}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalSpacer,{margin:6}),(0,me.jsx)(x.Button,{__next40pxDefaultSize:!0,variant:"primary",onClick:()=>{window.localStorage.setItem("wp-font-library-google-fonts-permission","true"),window.dispatchEvent(new Event("storage"))},children:(0,b.__)("Allow access to Google Fonts")})]})})})},{kebabCase:Qr}=se(x.privateApis);const $r=function({face:e,font:t,handleToggleVariant:s,selected:n}){const i=()=>{t?.fontFace?s(t,e):s(t)}," "+Er(e),o=Qr(`${t.slug}-${Er(e)}`);return(0,me.jsx)("div",{className:"font-library-modal__font-card",children:(0,me.jsxs)(x.Flex,{justify:"flex-start",align:"center",gap:"1rem",children:[(0,me.jsx)(x.CheckboxControl,{checked:n,onChange:i,__nextHasNoMarginBottom:!0,id:o}),(0,me.jsx)("label",{htmlFor:o,children:(0,me.jsx)(zr,{font:e,text:r,onClick:i})})]})})},eo={slug:"all",name:(0,b._x)("All","font categories")},to="wp-font-library-google-fonts-permission";const so=function({slug:e}){var t;const s="google-fonts"===e,n=()=>"true"===window.localStorage.getItem(to),[i,r]=(0,d.useState)(null),[o,a]=(0,d.useState)([]),[l,c]=(0,d.useState)(1),[u,h]=(0,d.useState)({}),[p,f]=(0,d.useState)(s&&!n()),{collections:m,getFontCollection:g,installFonts:y,isInstalling:w,notice:_,setNotice:S}=(0,d.useContext)(Dr),j=m.find((t=>t.slug===e));(0,d.useEffect)((()=>{const e=()=>{f(s&&!n())};return e(),window.addEventListener("storage",e),()=>window.removeEventListener("storage",e)}),[e,s]);const C=()=>{window.localStorage.setItem(to,"false"),window.dispatchEvent(new Event("storage"))};(0,d.useEffect)((()=>{(async()=>{try{await g(e),B()}catch(e){_||S({type:"error",message:e?.message})}})()}),[e,g,S,_]),(0,d.useEffect)((()=>{r(null),S(null)}),[e,S]),(0,d.useEffect)((()=>{a([])}),[i]);const k=(0,d.useMemo)((()=>{var e;return null!==(e=j?.font_families)&&void 0!==e?e:[]}),[j]),E=null!==(t=j?.categories)&&void 0!==t?t:[],P=[eo,...E],I=(0,d.useMemo)((()=>function(e,t){const{category:s,search:n}=t;let i=e||[];return s&&"all"!==s&&(i=i.filter((e=>-1!==e.categories.indexOf(s)))),n&&(i=i.filter((e=>,i}(k,u)),[k,u]),T=!j?.font_families&&!_,O=Math.max(window.innerHeight,500),A=Math.floor((O-417)/61),M=Math.ceil(I.length/A),N=(l-1)*A,F=l*A,V=I.slice(N,F),R=(0,v.debounce)((e=>{h({...u,search:e}),c(1)}),300),B=()=>{h({}),c(1)},D=(e,t)=>{const s=Rr(e,t,o);a(s)},L=function(e){return e.reduce(((e,t)=>({...e,[t.slug]:(t?.fontFace||[]).reduce(((e,t)=>({...e,[`${t.fontStyle}-${t.fontWeight}`]:!0})),{})})),{})}(o);if(p)return(0,me.jsx)(Jr,{});const z=()=>"google-fonts"!==e||p||i?null:(0,me.jsx)(x.DropdownMenu,{icon:Ln,label:(0,b.__)("Actions"),popoverProps:{position:"bottom left"},controls:[{title:(0,b.__)("Revoke access to Google Fonts"),onClick:C}]});return(0,me.jsxs)("div",{className:"font-library-modal__tabpanel-layout",children:[T&&(0,me.jsx)("div",{className:"font-library-modal__loading",children:(0,me.jsx)(x.ProgressBar,{})}),!T&&(0,me.jsxs)(me.Fragment,{children:[(0,me.jsxs)(x.__experimentalNavigatorProvider,{initialPath:"/",className:"font-library-modal__tabpanel-layout",children:[(0,me.jsxs)(x.__experimentalNavigatorScreen,{path:"/",children:[(0,me.jsxs)(x.__experimentalHStack,{justify:"space-between",children:[(0,me.jsxs)(x.__experimentalVStack,{children:[(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalHeading,{level:2,size:13,}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalText,{children:j.description})]}),(0,me.jsx)(z,{})]}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalSpacer,{margin:4}),(0,me.jsxs)(x.Flex,{children:[(0,me.jsx)(x.FlexItem,{children:(0,me.jsx)(x.SearchControl,{className:"font-library-modal__search",,placeholder:(0,b.__)("Font name…"),label:(0,b.__)("Search"),onChange:R,__nextHasNoMarginBottom:!0,hideLabelFromVision:!1})}),(0,me.jsx)(x.FlexItem,{children:(0,me.jsx)(x.SelectControl,{label:(0,b.__)("Category"),value:u.category,onChange:e=>{h({...u,category:e}),c(1)},children:P&&>(0,me.jsx)("option",{value:e.slug,},e.slug)))})})]}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalSpacer,{margin:4}),!!j?.font_families?.length&&!I.length&&(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalText,{children:(0,b.__)("No fonts found. 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Server responded with status: ${t.status}`);return t.blob()})).then((t=>{const s=e.split("/").pop();return new jr([t],s,{type:t.type})})))));return 1===t.length?t[0]:t}(e.src))})))}catch(e){return void S({type:"error",message:(0,b.__)("Error installing the fonts, could not be downloaded.")})}try{await y([e]),S({type:"success",message:(0,b.__)("Fonts were installed successfully.")})}catch(e){S({type:"error",message:e.message})}a([])},isBusy:w,disabled:0===o.length||w,__experimentalIsFocusable:!0,children:(0,b.__)("Install")})}),!i&&(0,me.jsxs)(x.Flex,{justify:"center",className:"font-library-modal__tabpanel-layout__footer",children:[(0,me.jsx)(x.Button,{label:(0,b.__)("First page"),size:"compact",onClick:()=>c(1),disabled:1===l,__experimentalIsFocusable:!0,children:(0,me.jsx)("span",{children:"«"})}),(0,me.jsx)(x.Button,{label:(0,b.__)("Previous page"),size:"compact",onClick:()=>c(l-1),disabled:1===l,__experimentalIsFocusable:!0,children:(0,me.jsx)("span",{children:"‹"})}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalHStack,{justify:"flex-start",expanded:!1,spacing:2,children:(0,d.createInterpolateElement)((0,b.sprintf)((0,b._x)("Page <CurrentPageControl /> of %s","paging"),M),{CurrentPageControl:(0,me.jsx)(x.SelectControl,{"aria-label":(0,b.__)("Current page"),value:l,options:[...Array(M)].map(((e,t)=>({label:t+1,value:t+1}))),onChange:e=>c(parseInt(e)),size:"compact",__nextHasNoMarginBottom:!0})})}),(0,me.jsx)(x.Button,{label:(0,b.__)("Next page"),size:"compact",onClick:()=>c(l+1),disabled:l===M,__experimentalIsFocusable:!0,children:(0,me.jsx)("span",{children:"›"})}),(0,me.jsx)(x.Button,{label:(0,b.__)("Last page"),size:"compact",onClick:()=>c(M),disabled:l===M,__experimentalIsFocusable:!0,children:(0,me.jsx)("span",{children:"»"})})]})]})]});var G};var no=i(8572),io=i.n(no),ro=i(4660),oo=i.n(ro);globalThis.fetch;class ao{constructor(e,t={},s){this.type=e,this.detail=t,this.msg=s,Object.defineProperty(this,"__mayPropagate",{enumerable:!1,writable:!0}),this.__mayPropagate=!0}preventDefault(){}stopPropagation(){this.__mayPropagate=!1}valueOf(){return this}toString(){return this.msg?`[${this.type} event]: ${this.msg}`:`[${this.type} event]`}}class lo{constructor(){this.listeners={}}addEventListener(e,t,s){let n=this.listeners[e]||[];s?n.unshift(t):n.push(t),this.listeners[e]=n}removeEventListener(e,t){let s=this.listeners[e]||[],n=s.findIndex((e=>e===t));n>-1&&(s.splice(n,1),this.listeners[e]=s)}dispatch(e){let t=this.listeners[e.type];if(t)for(let s=0,n=t.length;s<n&&e.__mayPropagate;s++)t[s](e)}}const co=new Date("1904-01-01T00:00:00+0000").getTime();class uo{constructor(e,t,s){||e.tag||"").trim(),this.length=e.length,this.start=e.offset,this.offset=0,,["getInt8","getUint8","getInt16","getUint16","getInt32","getUint32","getBigInt64","getBigUint64"].forEach((e=>{let t=e.replace(/get(Big)?/,"").toLowerCase(),s=parseInt(e.replace(/[^\d]/g,""))/8;Object.defineProperty(this,t,{get:()=>this.getValue(e,s)})}))}get currentPosition(){return this.start+this.offset}set currentPosition(e){this.start=e,this.offset=0}skip(e=0,t=8){this.offset+=e*t/8}getValue(e,t){let s=this.start+this.offset;this.offset+=t;try{return[e](s)}catch(s){throw console.error("parser",e,t,this),console.error("parser",this.start,this.offset),s}}flags(e){if(8===e||16===e||32===e||64===e)return this[`uint${e}`].toString(2).padStart(e,0).split("").map((e=>"1"===e));console.error("Error parsing flags: flag types can only be 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes long"),console.trace()}get tag(){const e=this.uint32;return t=[e>>24&255,e>>16&255,e>>8&255,255&e],Array.from(t).map((e=>String.fromCharCode(e))).join("");var t}get fixed(){return this.int16+Math.round(1e3*this.uint16/65356)/1e3}get legacyFixed(){let e=this.uint16,t=this.uint16.toString(16).padStart(4,0);return parseFloat(`${e}.${t}`)}get uint24(){return(this.uint8<<16)+(this.uint8<<8)+this.uint8}get uint128(){let e=0;for(let t=0;t<5;t++){let t=this.uint8;if(e=128*e+(127&t),t<128)break}return e}get longdatetime(){return new Date(co+1e3*parseInt(this.int64.toString()))}get fword(){return this.int16}get ufword(){return this.uint16}get Offset16(){return this.uint16}get Offset32(){return this.uint32}get F2DOT14(){const e=p.uint16;return[0,1,-2,-1][e>>14]+(16383&e)/16384}verifyLength(){this.offset!=this.length&&console.error(`unexpected parsed table size (${this.offset}) for "${}" (expected ${this.length})`)}readBytes(e=0,t=0,s=8,n=!1){if(0===(e=e||this.length))return[];t&&(this.currentPosition=t);const i=`${n?"":"u"}int${s}`,r=[];for(;e--;)r.push(this[i]);return r}}class ho{constructor(e){const t={enumerable:!1,get:()=>e};Object.defineProperty(this,"parser",t);const s=e.currentPosition,n={enumerable:!1,get:()=>s};Object.defineProperty(this,"start",n)}load(e){Object.keys(e).forEach((t=>{let s=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t);s.get?this[t]=s.get.bind(this):void 0!==s.value&&(this[t]=s.value)})),this.parser.length&&this.parser.verifyLength()}}class po extends ho{constructor(e,t,s){const{parser:n,start:i}=super(new uo(e,t,s)),r={enumerable:!1,get:()=>n};Object.defineProperty(this,"p",r);const o={enumerable:!1,get:()=>i};Object.defineProperty(this,"tableStart",o)}}function fo(e,t,s){let n;Object.defineProperty(e,t,{get:()=>n||(n=s(),n),enumerable:!0})}class mo extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super({offset:0,length:12},t,"sfnt");this.version=n.uint32,this.numTables=n.uint16,this.searchRange=n.uint16,this.entrySelector=n.uint16,this.rangeShift=n.uint16,n.verifyLength(),[ Array(this.numTables)].map((e=>new go(n))),this.tables={},>{fo(this.tables,e.tag.trim(),(()=>s(this.tables,{tag:e.tag,offset:e.offset,length:e.length},t)))}))}}class go{constructor(e){this.tag=e.tag,this.checksum=e.uint32,this.offset=e.uint32,this.length=e.uint32}}const vo=oo().inflate||void 0;let yo;class xo extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super({offset:0,length:44},t,"woff");this.signature=n.tag,this.flavor=n.uint32,this.length=n.uint32,this.numTables=n.uint16,n.uint16,this.totalSfntSize=n.uint32,this.majorVersion=n.uint16,this.minorVersion=n.uint16,this.metaOffset=n.uint32,this.metaLength=n.uint32,this.metaOrigLength=n.uint32,this.privOffset=n.uint32,this.privLength=n.uint32,n.verifyLength(),[ Array(this.numTables)].map((e=>new bo(n))),wo(this,t,s)}}class bo{constructor(e){this.tag=e.tag,this.offset=e.uint32,this.compLength=e.uint32,this.origLength=e.uint32,this.origChecksum=e.uint32}}function wo(e,t,s){e.tables={},>{fo(e.tables,n.tag.trim(),(()=>{let i=0,r=t;if(n.compLength!==n.origLength){const e=t.buffer.slice(n.offset,n.offset+n.compLength);let s;if(vo)s=vo(new Uint8Array(e));else{if(!yo){const e="no brotli decoder available to decode WOFF2 font";throw font.onerror&&font.onerror(e),new Error(e)}s=yo(new Uint8Array(e))}r=new DataView(s.buffer)}else i=n.offset;return s(e.tables,{tag:n.tag,offset:i,length:n.origLength},r)}))}))}const _o=io();let So;class jo extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super({offset:0,length:48},t,"woff2");this.signature=n.tag,this.flavor=n.uint32,this.length=n.uint32,this.numTables=n.uint16,n.uint16,this.totalSfntSize=n.uint32,this.totalCompressedSize=n.uint32,this.majorVersion=n.uint16,this.minorVersion=n.uint16,this.metaOffset=n.uint32,this.metaLength=n.uint32,this.metaOrigLength=n.uint32,this.privOffset=n.uint32,this.privLength=n.uint32,n.verifyLength(),[ Array(this.numTables)].map((e=>new Co(n)));let i,r=n.currentPosition;[0].offset=0,,t)=>{let[t+1];s&&(s.offset=e.offset+(void 0!==e.transformLength?e.transformLength:e.origLength))}));let o=t.buffer.slice(r);if(_o)i=_o(new Uint8Array(o));else{if(!So){const t="no brotli decoder available to decode WOFF2 font";throw e.onerror&&e.onerror(t),new Error(t)}i=new Uint8Array(So(o))}!function(e,t,s){e.tables={},>{fo(e.tables,n.tag.trim(),(()=>{const i=n.offset,r=i+(n.transformLength?n.transformLength:n.origLength),o=new DataView(t.slice(i,r).buffer);try{return s(e.tables,{tag:n.tag,offset:0,length:n.origLength},o)}catch(e){console.error(e)}}))}))}(this,i,s)}}class Co{constructor(e){this.flags=e.uint8;const t=this.tagNumber=63&this.flags;this.tag=63===t?e.tag:["cmap","head","hhea","hmtx","maxp","name","OS/2","post","cvt ","fpgm","glyf","loca","prep","CFF ","VORG","EBDT","EBLC","gasp","hdmx","kern","LTSH","PCLT","VDMX","vhea","vmtx","BASE","GDEF","GPOS","GSUB","EBSC","JSTF","MATH","CBDT","CBLC","COLR","CPAL","SVG ","sbix","acnt","avar","bdat","bloc","bsln","cvar","fdsc","feat","fmtx","fvar","gvar","hsty","just","lcar","mort","morx","opbd","prop","trak","Zapf","Silf","Glat","Gloc","Feat","Sill"][63&t];let s=0!==(this.transformVersion=(192&this.flags)>>6);"glyf"!==this.tag&&"loca"!==this.tag||(s=3!==this.transformVersion),this.origLength=e.uint128,s&&(this.transformLength=e.uint128)}}const ko={};let Eo=!1;function Po(e,t,s){let n=t.tag.replace(/[^\w\d]/g,""),i=ko[n];return i?new i(t,s,e):(console.warn(`lib-font has no definition for ${n}. The table was skipped.`),{})}function Io(){let e=0;function t(s,n){if(!Eo)return e>10?n(new Error("loading took too long")):(e++,setTimeout((()=>t(s)),250));s(Po)}return new Promise(((e,s)=>t(e)))}async function To(e,t,s={}){if(!globalThis.document)return;let n=function(e,t){let s=e.lastIndexOf("."),n=(e.substring(s+1)||"").toLowerCase(),i={ttf:"truetype",otf:"opentype",woff:"woff",woff2:"woff2"}[n];if(i)return i;let r={eot:"The .eot format is not supported: it died in January 12, 2016, when Microsoft retired all versions of IE that didn't already support WOFF.",svg:"The .svg format is not supported: SVG fonts (not to be confused with OpenType with embedded SVG) were so bad we took the entire fonts chapter out of the SVG specification again.",fon:"The .fon format is not supported: this is an ancient Windows bitmap font format.",ttc:"Based on the current CSS specification, font collections are not (yet?) supported."}[n];if(r||(r=`${e} is not a known webfont format.`),t)throw new Error(r);console.warn(`Could not load font: ${r}`)}(t,s.errorOnStyle);if(!n)return;let i=document.createElement("style");i.className="injected-by-Font-js";let r=[];return s.styleRules&&(r=Object.entries(s.styleRules).map((([e,t])=>`${e}: ${t};`))),i.textContent=`\n@font-face {\n font-family: "${e}";\n ${r.join("\n\t")}\n src: url("${t}") format("${n}");\n}`,globalThis.document.head.appendChild(i),i}Promise.all([Promise.resolve().then((function(){return $o})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return ea})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return ta})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return na})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return ia})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return aa})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return la})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return ua})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return wa})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Ma})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Tl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Ol})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Nl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Rl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Bl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Dl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return zl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Gl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Hl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Ul})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Wl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return ql})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Kl})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return $l})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return tc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return sc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return nc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return ic})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return rc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return lc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return pc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return gc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return yc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return wc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return _c})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Sc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Cc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return kc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Tc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Oc})),Promise.resolve().then((function(){return Mc}))]).then((e=>{e.forEach((e=>{let t=Object.keys(e)[0];ko[t]=e[t]})),Eo=!0}));const Oo=[0,1,0,0],Ao=[79,84,84,79],Mo=[119,79,70,70],No=[119,79,70,50];function Fo(e,t){if(e.length===t.length){for(let s=0;s<e.length;s++)if(e[s]!==t[s])return;return!0}}class Vo extends lo{constructor(e,t={}){super(),,this.options=t,this.metrics=!1}get src(){return this.__src}set src(e){this.__src=e,(async()=>{globalThis.document&&!this.options.skipStyleSheet&&await To(,e,this.options),this.loadFont(e)})()}async loadFont(e,t){fetch(e).then((e=>function(e){if(!e.ok)throw new Error(`HTTP ${e.status} - ${e.statusText}`);return e}(e)&&e.arrayBuffer())).then((s=>this.fromDataBuffer(s,t||e))).catch((s=>{const n=new ao("error",s,`Failed to load font at ${t||e}`);this.dispatch(n),this.onerror&&this.onerror(n)}))}async fromDataBuffer(e,t){this.fontData=new DataView(e);let s=function(e){const t=[e.getUint8(0),e.getUint8(1),e.getUint8(2),e.getUint8(3)];return Fo(t,Oo)||Fo(t,Ao)?"SFNT":Fo(t,Mo)?"WOFF":Fo(t,No)?"WOFF2":void 0}(this.fontData);if(!s)throw new Error(`${t} is either an unsupported font format, or not a font at all.`);await this.parseBasicData(s);const n=new ao("load",{font:this});this.dispatch(n),this.onload&&this.onload(n)}async parseBasicData(e){return Io().then((t=>("SFNT"===e&&(this.opentype=new mo(this,this.fontData,t)),"WOFF"===e&&(this.opentype=new xo(this,this.fontData,t)),"WOFF2"===e&&(this.opentype=new jo(this,this.fontData,t)),this.opentype)))}getGlyphId(e){return this.opentype.tables.cmap.getGlyphId(e)}reverse(e){return this.opentype.tables.cmap.reverse(e)}supports(e){return 0!==this.getGlyphId(e)}supportsVariation(e){return!1!==this.opentype.tables.cmap.supportsVariation(e)}measureText(e,t=16){if(this.__unloaded)throw new Error("Cannot measure text: font was unloaded. Please reload before calling measureText()");let s=document.createElement("div");s.textContent=e,,`${t}px`,"transparent","transparent","0","0","absolute",document.body.appendChild(s);let n=s.getBoundingClientRect();document.body.removeChild(s);const i=this.opentype.tables["OS/2"];return n.fontSize=t,n.ascender=i.sTypoAscender,n.descender=i.sTypoDescender,n}unload(){if(this.styleElement.parentNode){this.styleElement.parentNode.removeElement(this.styleElement);const e=new ao("unload",{font:this});this.dispatch(e),this.onunload&&this.onunload(e)}this._unloaded=!0}load(){if(this.__unloaded){delete this.__unloaded,document.head.appendChild(this.styleElement);const e=new ao("load",{font:this});this.dispatch(e),this.onload&&this.onload(e)}}}globalThis.Font=Vo;class Ro extends ho{constructor(e,t,s){super(e),this.plaformID=t,this.encodingID=s}}class Bo extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=0,this.length=e.uint16,this.language=e.uint16,this.glyphIdArray=[ Array(256)].map((t=>e.uint8))}supports(e){return e.charCodeAt&&(e=-1,console.warn("supports(character) not implemented for cmap subtable format 0. only supports(id) is implemented.")),0<=e&&e<=255}reverse(e){return console.warn("reverse not implemented for cmap subtable format 0"),{}}getSupportedCharCodes(){return[{start:1,end:256}]}}class Do extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=2,this.length=e.uint16,this.language=e.uint16,this.subHeaderKeys=[ Array(256)].map((t=>e.uint16));const n=Math.max(...this.subHeaderKeys),i=e.currentPosition;fo(this,"subHeaders",(()=>(e.currentPosition=i,[ Array(n)].map((t=>new Lo(e))))));const r=i+8*n;fo(this,"glyphIndexArray",(()=>(e.currentPosition=r,[ Array(n)].map((t=>e.uint16)))))}supports(e){e.charCodeAt&&(e=-1,console.warn("supports(character) not implemented for cmap subtable format 2. only supports(id) is implemented."));const t=e&&255,s=e&&65280,n=this.subHeaders[s],i=this.subHeaders[n],r=i.firstCode,o=r+i.entryCount;return r<=t&&t<=o}reverse(e){return console.warn("reverse not implemented for cmap subtable format 2"),{}}getSupportedCharCodes(e=!1){return e?>({firstCode:e.firstCode,lastCode:e.lastCode})))>({start:e.firstCode,end:e.lastCode})))}}class Lo{constructor(e){this.firstCode=e.uint16,this.entryCount=e.uint16,this.lastCode=this.first+this.entryCount,this.idDelta=e.int16,this.idRangeOffset=e.uint16}}class zo extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=4,this.length=e.uint16,this.language=e.uint16,this.segCountX2=e.uint16,this.segCount=this.segCountX2/2,this.searchRange=e.uint16,this.entrySelector=e.uint16,this.rangeShift=e.uint16;const n=e.currentPosition;fo(this,"endCode",(()=>e.readBytes(this.segCount,n,16)));const i=n+2+this.segCountX2;fo(this,"startCode",(()=>e.readBytes(this.segCount,i,16)));const r=i+this.segCountX2;fo(this,"idDelta",(()=>e.readBytes(this.segCount,r,16,!0)));const o=r+this.segCountX2;fo(this,"idRangeOffset",(()=>e.readBytes(this.segCount,o,16)));const a=o+this.segCountX2,l=this.length-(a-this.tableStart);fo(this,"glyphIdArray",(()=>e.readBytes(l,a,16))),fo(this,"segments",(()=>this.buildSegments(o,a,e)))}buildSegments(e,t,s){return[ Array(this.segCount)].map(((t,n)=>{let i=this.startCode[n],r=this.endCode[n],o=this.idDelta[n],a=this.idRangeOffset[n],l=e+2*n,c=[];if(0===a)for(let e=i+o,t=r+o;e<=t;e++)c.push(e);else for(let e=0,t=r-i;e<=t;e++)s.currentPosition=l+a+2*e,c.push(s.uint16);return{startCode:i,endCode:r,idDelta:o,idRangeOffset:a,glyphIDs:c}}))}reverse(e){let t=this.segments.find((t=>t.glyphIDs.includes(e)));if(!t)return{};const s=t.startCode+t.glyphIDs.indexOf(e);return{code:s,unicode:String.fromCodePoint(s)}}getGlyphId(e){if(e.charCodeAt&&(e=e.charCodeAt(0)),55296<=e&&e<=57343)return 0;if(65534==(65534&e)||65535==(65535&e))return 0;let t=this.segments.find((t=>t.startCode<=e&&e<=t.endCode));return t?t.glyphIDs[e-t.startCode]:0}supports(e){return 0!==this.getGlyphId(e)}getSupportedCharCodes(e=!1){return e?>({start:e.startCode,end:e.endCode})))}}class Go extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=6,this.length=e.uint16,this.language=e.uint16,this.firstCode=e.uint16,this.entryCount=e.uint16,this.lastCode=this.firstCode+this.entryCount-1;fo(this,"glyphIdArray",(()=>[ Array(this.entryCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))))}supports(e){if(e.charCodeAt&&(e=-1,console.warn("supports(character) not implemented for cmap subtable format 6. only supports(id) is implemented.")),e<this.firstCode)return{};if(e>this.firstCode+this.entryCount)return{};const t=e-this.firstCode;return{code:t,unicode:String.fromCodePoint(t)}}reverse(e){let t=this.glyphIdArray.indexOf(e);if(t>-1)return this.firstCode+t}getSupportedCharCodes(e=!1){return e?[{firstCode:this.firstCode,lastCode:this.lastCode}]:[{start:this.firstCode,end:this.lastCode}]}}class Ho extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=8,e.uint16,this.length=e.uint32,this.language=e.uint32,this.is32=[ Array(8192)].map((t=>e.uint8)),this.numGroups=e.uint32;fo(this,"groups",(()=>[ Array(this.numGroups)].map((t=>new Uo(e)))))}supports(e){return e.charCodeAt&&(e=-1,console.warn("supports(character) not implemented for cmap subtable format 8. only supports(id) is implemented.")),-1!==this.groups.findIndex((t=>t.startcharCode<=e&&e<=t.endcharCode))}reverse(e){return console.warn("reverse not implemented for cmap subtable format 8"),{}}getSupportedCharCodes(e=!1){return e?>({start:e.startcharCode,end:e.endcharCode})))}}class Uo{constructor(e){this.startcharCode=e.uint32,this.endcharCode=e.uint32,this.startGlyphID=e.uint32}}class Wo extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=10,e.uint16,this.length=e.uint32,this.language=e.uint32,this.startCharCode=e.uint32,this.numChars=e.uint32,this.endCharCode=this.startCharCode+this.numChars;fo(this,"glyphs",(()=>[ Array(this.numChars)].map((t=>e.uint16))))}supports(e){return e.charCodeAt&&(e=-1,console.warn("supports(character) not implemented for cmap subtable format 10. only supports(id) is implemented.")),!(e<this.startCharCode)&&(!(e>this.startCharCode+this.numChars)&&e-this.startCharCode)}reverse(e){return console.warn("reverse not implemented for cmap subtable format 10"),{}}getSupportedCharCodes(e=!1){return e?[{startCharCode:this.startCharCode,endCharCode:this.endCharCode}]:[{start:this.startCharCode,end:this.endCharCode}]}}class qo extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=12,e.uint16,this.length=e.uint32,this.language=e.uint32,this.numGroups=e.uint32;fo(this,"groups",(()=>[ Array(this.numGroups)].map((t=>new Zo(e)))))}supports(e){return e.charCodeAt&&(e=e.charCodeAt(0)),55296<=e&&e<=57343||65534==(65534&e)||65535==(65535&e)?0:-1!==this.groups.findIndex((t=>t.startCharCode<=e&&e<=t.endCharCode))}reverse(e){for(let t of this.groups){let s=t.startGlyphID;if(s>e)continue;if(s===e)return t.startCharCode;if(s+(t.endCharCode-t.startCharCode)<e)continue;const n=t.startCharCode+(e-s);return{code:n,unicode:String.fromCodePoint(n)}}return{}}getSupportedCharCodes(e=!1){return e?>({start:e.startCharCode,end:e.endCharCode})))}}class Zo{constructor(e){this.startCharCode=e.uint32,this.endCharCode=e.uint32,this.startGlyphID=e.uint32}}class Ko extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.format=13,e.uint16,this.length=e.uint32,this.language=e.uint32,this.numGroups=e.uint32;fo(this,"groups",[ Array(this.numGroups)].map((t=>new Yo(e))))}supports(e){return e.charCodeAt&&(e=e.charCodeAt(0)),-1!==this.groups.findIndex((t=>t.startCharCode<=e&&e<=t.endCharCode))}reverse(e){return console.warn("reverse not implemented for cmap subtable format 13"),{}}getSupportedCharCodes(e=!1){return e?>({start:e.startCharCode,end:e.endCharCode})))}}class Yo{constructor(e){this.startCharCode=e.uint32,this.endCharCode=e.uint32,this.glyphID=e.uint32}}class Xo extends Ro{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t,s),this.subTableStart=e.currentPosition,this.format=14,this.length=e.uint32,this.numVarSelectorRecords=e.uint32,fo(this,"varSelectors",(()=>[ Array(this.numVarSelectorRecords)].map((t=>new Jo(e)))))}supports(){return console.warn("supports not implemented for cmap subtable format 14"),0}getSupportedCharCodes(){return console.warn("getSupportedCharCodes not implemented for cmap subtable format 14"),[]}reverse(e){return console.warn("reverse not implemented for cmap subtable format 14"),{}}supportsVariation(e){let t=this.varSelector.find((t=>t.varSelector===e));return t||!1}getSupportedVariations(){return>e.varSelector))}}class Jo{constructor(e){this.varSelector=e.uint24,this.defaultUVSOffset=e.Offset32,this.nonDefaultUVSOffset=e.Offset32}}class Qo{constructor(e,t){const s=this.platformID=e.uint16,n=this.encodingID=e.uint16,i=this.offset=e.Offset32;fo(this,"table",(()=>(e.currentPosition=t+i,function(e,t,s){const n=e.uint16;return 0===n?new Bo(e,t,s):2===n?new Do(e,t,s):4===n?new zo(e,t,s):6===n?new Go(e,t,s):8===n?new Ho(e,t,s):10===n?new Wo(e,t,s):12===n?new qo(e,t,s):13===n?new Ko(e,t,s):14===n?new Xo(e,t,s):{}}(e,s,n))))}}var $o=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,cmap:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.numTables=s.uint16,this.encodingRecords=[ Array(this.numTables)].map((e=>new Qo(s,this.tableStart)))}getSubTable(e){return this.encodingRecords[e].table}getSupportedEncodings(){return>({platformID:e.platformID,encodingId:e.encodingID})))}getSupportedCharCodes(e,t){const s=this.encodingRecords.findIndex((s=>s.platformID===e&&s.encodingID===t));if(-1===s)return!1;return this.getSubTable(s).getSupportedCharCodes()}reverse(e){for(let t=0;t<this.numTables;t++){let s=this.getSubTable(t).reverse(e);if(s)return s}}getGlyphId(e){let t=0;return this.encodingRecords.some(((s,n)=>{let i=this.getSubTable(n);return!!i.getGlyphId&&(t=i.getGlyphId(e),0!==t)})),t}supports(e){return this.encodingRecords.some(((t,s)=>{const n=this.getSubTable(s);return n.supports&&!1!==n.supports(e)}))}supportsVariation(e){return this.encodingRecords.some(((t,s)=>{const n=this.getSubTable(s);return n.supportsVariation&&!1!==n.supportsVariation(e)}))}}});var ea=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,head:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.load({majorVersion:s.uint16,minorVersion:s.uint16,fontRevision:s.fixed,checkSumAdjustment:s.uint32,magicNumber:s.uint32,flags:s.flags(16),unitsPerEm:s.uint16,created:s.longdatetime,modified:s.longdatetime,xMin:s.int16,yMin:s.int16,xMax:s.int16,yMax:s.int16,macStyle:s.flags(16),lowestRecPPEM:s.uint16,fontDirectionHint:s.uint16,indexToLocFormat:s.uint16,glyphDataFormat:s.uint16})}}});var ta=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,hhea:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.majorVersion=s.uint16,this.minorVersion=s.uint16,this.ascender=s.fword,this.descender=s.fword,this.lineGap=s.fword,this.advanceWidthMax=s.ufword,this.minLeftSideBearing=s.fword,this.minRightSideBearing=s.fword,this.xMaxExtent=s.fword,this.caretSlopeRise=s.int16,this.caretSlopeRun=s.int16,this.caretOffset=s.int16,s.int16,s.int16,s.int16,s.int16,this.metricDataFormat=s.int16,this.numberOfHMetrics=s.uint16,s.verifyLength()}}});class sa{constructor(e,t){this.advanceWidth=e,this.lsb=t}}var na=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,hmtx:class extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super(e,t),i=s.hhea.numberOfHMetrics,r=s.maxp.numGlyphs,o=n.currentPosition;if(fo(this,"hMetrics",(()=>(n.currentPosition=o,[ Array(i)].map((e=>new sa(n.uint16,n.int16)))))),i<r){const e=o+4*i;fo(this,"leftSideBearings",(()=>(n.currentPosition=e,[ Array(r-i)].map((e=>n.int16)))))}}}});var ia=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,maxp:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.legacyFixed,this.numGlyphs=s.uint16,1===this.version&&(this.maxPoints=s.uint16,this.maxContours=s.uint16,this.maxCompositePoints=s.uint16,this.maxCompositeContours=s.uint16,this.maxZones=s.uint16,this.maxTwilightPoints=s.uint16,this.maxStorage=s.uint16,this.maxFunctionDefs=s.uint16,this.maxInstructionDefs=s.uint16,this.maxStackElements=s.uint16,this.maxSizeOfInstructions=s.uint16,this.maxComponentElements=s.uint16,this.maxComponentDepth=s.uint16),s.verifyLength()}}});class ra{constructor(e,t){this.length=e,this.offset=t}}class oa{constructor(e,t){this.platformID=e.uint16,this.encodingID=e.uint16,this.languageID=e.uint16,this.nameID=e.uint16,this.length=e.uint16,this.offset=e.Offset16,fo(this,"string",(()=>(e.currentPosition=t.stringStart+this.offset,function(e,t){const{platformID:s,length:n}=t;if(0===n)return"";if(0===s||3===s){const t=[];for(let s=0,i=n/2;s<i;s++)t[s]=String.fromCharCode(e.uint16);return t.join("")}const i=e.readBytes(n),r=[];return i.forEach((function(e,t){r[t]=String.fromCharCode(e)})),r.join("")}(e,this))))}}var aa=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,name:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.format=s.uint16,this.count=s.uint16,this.stringOffset=s.Offset16,this.nameRecords=[ Array(this.count)].map((e=>new oa(s,this))),1===this.format&&(this.langTagCount=s.uint16,this.langTagRecords=[ Array(this.langTagCount)].map((e=>new ra(s.uint16,s.Offset16)))),this.stringStart=this.tableStart+this.stringOffset}get(e){let t=this.nameRecords.find((t=>t.nameID===e));if(t)return t.string}}});var la=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,OS2:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);return this.version=s.uint16,this.xAvgCharWidth=s.int16,this.usWeightClass=s.uint16,this.usWidthClass=s.uint16,this.fsType=s.uint16,this.ySubscriptXSize=s.int16,this.ySubscriptYSize=s.int16,this.ySubscriptXOffset=s.int16,this.ySubscriptYOffset=s.int16,this.ySuperscriptXSize=s.int16,this.ySuperscriptYSize=s.int16,this.ySuperscriptXOffset=s.int16,this.ySuperscriptYOffset=s.int16,this.yStrikeoutSize=s.int16,this.yStrikeoutPosition=s.int16,this.sFamilyClass=s.int16,this.panose=[ Array(10)].map((e=>s.uint8)),this.ulUnicodeRange1=s.flags(32),this.ulUnicodeRange2=s.flags(32),this.ulUnicodeRange3=s.flags(32),this.ulUnicodeRange4=s.flags(32),this.achVendID=s.tag,this.fsSelection=s.uint16,this.usFirstCharIndex=s.uint16,this.usLastCharIndex=s.uint16,this.sTypoAscender=s.int16,this.sTypoDescender=s.int16,this.sTypoLineGap=s.int16,this.usWinAscent=s.uint16,this.usWinDescent=s.uint16,0===this.version?s.verifyLength():(this.ulCodePageRange1=s.flags(32),this.ulCodePageRange2=s.flags(32),1===this.version?s.verifyLength():(this.sxHeight=s.int16,this.sCapHeight=s.int16,this.usDefaultChar=s.uint16,this.usBreakChar=s.uint16,this.usMaxContext=s.uint16,this.version<=4?s.verifyLength():(this.usLowerOpticalPointSize=s.uint16,this.usUpperOpticalPointSize=s.uint16,5===this.version?s.verifyLength():void 0)))}}});const ca=[".notdef",".null","nonmarkingreturn","space","exclam","quotedbl","numbersign","dollar","percent","ampersand","quotesingle","parenleft","parenright","asterisk","plus","comma","hyphen","period","slash","zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine","colon","semicolon","less","equal","greater","question","at","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","bracketleft","backslash","bracketright","asciicircum","underscore","grave","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","braceleft","bar","braceright","asciitilde","Adieresis","Aring","Ccedilla","Eacute","Ntilde","Odieresis","Udieresis","aacute","agrave","acircumflex","adieresis","atilde","aring","ccedilla","eacute","egrave","ecircumflex","edieresis","iacute","igrave","icircumflex","idieresis","ntilde","oacute","ograve","ocircumflex","odieresis","otilde","uacute","ugrave","ucircumflex","udieresis","dagger","degree","cent","sterling","section","bullet","paragraph","germandbls","registered","copyright","trademark","acute","dieresis","notequal","AE","Oslash","infinity","plusminus","lessequal","greaterequal","yen","mu","partialdiff","summation","product","pi","integral","ordfeminine","ordmasculine","Omega","ae","oslash","questiondown","exclamdown","logicalnot","radical","florin","approxequal","Delta","guillemotleft","guillemotright","ellipsis","nonbreakingspace","Agrave","Atilde","Otilde","OE","oe","endash","emdash","quotedblleft","quotedblright","quoteleft","quoteright","divide","lozenge","ydieresis","Ydieresis","fraction","currency","guilsinglleft","guilsinglright","fi","fl","daggerdbl","periodcentered","quotesinglbase","quotedblbase","perthousand","Acircumflex","Ecircumflex","Aacute","Edieresis","Egrave","Iacute","Icircumflex","Idieresis","Igrave","Oacute","Ocircumflex","apple","Ograve","Uacute","Ucircumflex","Ugrave","dotlessi","circumflex","tilde","macron","breve","dotaccent","ring","cedilla","hungarumlaut","ogonek","caron","Lslash","lslash","Scaron","scaron","Zcaron","zcaron","brokenbar","Eth","eth","Yacute","yacute","Thorn","thorn","minus","multiply","onesuperior","twosuperior","threesuperior","onehalf","onequarter","threequarters","franc","Gbreve","gbreve","Idotaccent","Scedilla","scedilla","Cacute","cacute","Ccaron","ccaron","dcroat"];var ua=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,post:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);if(this.version=s.legacyFixed,this.italicAngle=s.fixed,this.underlinePosition=s.fword,this.underlineThickness=s.fword,this.isFixedPitch=s.uint32,this.minMemType42=s.uint32,this.maxMemType42=s.uint32,this.minMemType1=s.uint32,this.maxMemType1=s.uint32,1===this.version||3===this.version)return s.verifyLength();if(this.numGlyphs=s.uint16,2===this.version){this.glyphNameIndex=[ Array(this.numGlyphs)].map((e=>s.uint16)),this.namesOffset=s.currentPosition,this.glyphNameOffsets=[1];for(let e=0;e<this.numGlyphs;e++){if(this.glyphNameIndex[e]<ca.length){this.glyphNameOffsets.push(this.glyphNameOffsets[e]);continue}let t=s.int8;s.skip(t),this.glyphNameOffsets.push(this.glyphNameOffsets[e]+t+1)}}2.5===this.version&&(this.offset=[ Array(this.numGlyphs)].map((e=>s.int8)))}getGlyphName(e){if(2!==this.version)return console.warn(`post table version ${this.version} does not support glyph name lookups`),"";let t=this.glyphNameIndex[e];if(t<258)return ca[t];let s=this.glyphNameOffsets[e],n=this.glyphNameOffsets[e+1]-s-1;if(0===n)return".notdef.";this.parser.currentPosition=this.namesOffset+s;return this.parser.readBytes(n,this.namesOffset+s,8,!0).map((e=>String.fromCharCode(e))).join("")}}});class da extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t,"AxisTable");this.baseTagListOffset=s.Offset16,this.baseScriptListOffset=s.Offset16,fo(this,"baseTagList",(()=>new ha({offset:e.offset+this.baseTagListOffset},t))),fo(this,"baseScriptList",(()=>new pa({offset:e.offset+this.baseScriptListOffset},t)))}}class ha extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t,"BaseTagListTable");this.baseTagCount=s.uint16,this.baselineTags=[ Array(this.baseTagCount)].map((e=>s.tag))}}class pa extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t,"BaseScriptListTable");this.baseScriptCount=s.uint16;const n=s.currentPosition;fo(this,"baseScriptRecords",(()=>(s.currentPosition=n,[ Array(this.baseScriptCount)].map((e=>new fa(this.start,s))))))}}class fa{constructor(e,t){this.baseScriptTag=t.tag,this.baseScriptOffset=t.Offset16,fo(this,"baseScriptTable",(()=>(t.currentPosition=e+this.baseScriptOffset,new ma(t))))}}class ma{constructor(e){this.start=e.currentPosition,this.baseValuesOffset=e.Offset16,this.defaultMinMaxOffset=e.Offset16,this.baseLangSysCount=e.uint16,this.baseLangSysRecords=[ Array(this.baseLangSysCount)].map((t=>new ga(this.start,e))),fo(this,"baseValues",(()=>(e.currentPosition=this.start+this.baseValuesOffset,new va(e)))),fo(this,"defaultMinMax",(()=>(e.currentPosition=this.start+this.defaultMinMaxOffset,new ya(e))))}}class ga{constructor(e,t){this.baseLangSysTag=t.tag,this.minMaxOffset=t.Offset16,fo(this,"minMax",(()=>(t.currentPosition=e+this.minMaxOffset,new ya(t))))}}class va{constructor(e){this.parser=e,this.start=e.currentPosition,this.defaultBaselineIndex=e.uint16,this.baseCoordCount=e.uint16,this.baseCoords=[ Array(this.baseCoordCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getTable(e){return this.parser.currentPosition=this.start+this.baseCoords[e],new ba(this.parser)}}class ya{constructor(e){this.minCoord=e.Offset16,this.maxCoord=e.Offset16,this.featMinMaxCount=e.uint16;const t=e.currentPosition;fo(this,"featMinMaxRecords",(()=>(e.currentPosition=t,[ Array(this.featMinMaxCount)].map((t=>new xa(e))))))}}class xa{constructor(e){this.featureTableTag=e.tag,this.minCoord=e.Offset16,this.maxCoord=e.Offset16}}class ba{constructor(e){this.baseCoordFormat=e.uint16,this.coordinate=e.int16,2===this.baseCoordFormat&&(this.referenceGlyph=e.uint16,this.baseCoordPoint=e.uint16),3===this.baseCoordFormat&&(this.deviceTable=e.Offset16)}}var wa=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,BASE:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.majorVersion=s.uint16,this.minorVersion=s.uint16,this.horizAxisOffset=s.Offset16,this.vertAxisOffset=s.Offset16,fo(this,"horizAxis",(()=>new da({offset:e.offset+this.horizAxisOffset},t))),fo(this,"vertAxis",(()=>new da({offset:e.offset+this.vertAxisOffset},t))),1===this.majorVersion&&1===this.minorVersion&&(this.itemVarStoreOffset=s.Offset32,fo(this,"itemVarStore",(()=>new da({offset:e.offset+this.itemVarStoreOffset},t))))}}});class _a{constructor(e){this.classFormat=e.uint16,1===this.classFormat&&(this.startGlyphID=e.uint16,this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.classValueArray=[ Array(this.glyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))),2===this.classFormat&&(this.classRangeCount=e.uint16,this.classRangeRecords=[ Array(this.classRangeCount)].map((t=>new Sa(e))))}}class Sa{constructor(e){this.startGlyphID=e.uint16,this.endGlyphID=e.uint16,this.class=e.uint16}}class ja extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.coverageFormat=e.uint16,1===this.coverageFormat&&(this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.glyphArray=[ Array(this.glyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))),2===this.coverageFormat&&(this.rangeCount=e.uint16,this.rangeRecords=[ Array(this.rangeCount)].map((t=>new Ca(e))))}}class Ca{constructor(e){this.startGlyphID=e.uint16,this.endGlyphID=e.uint16,this.startCoverageIndex=e.uint16}}class ka{constructor(e,t){this.table=e,this.parser=t,this.start=t.currentPosition,this.format=t.uint16,this.variationRegionListOffset=t.Offset32,this.itemVariationDataCount=t.uint16,this.itemVariationDataOffsets=[ Array(this.itemVariationDataCount)].map((e=>t.Offset32))}}class Ea extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.coverageOffset=e.Offset16,this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.attachPointOffsets=[ Array(this.glyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getPoint(e){return this.parser.currentPosition=this.start+this.attachPointOffsets[e],new Pa(this.parser)}}class Pa{constructor(e){this.pointCount=e.uint16,this.pointIndices=[ Array(this.pointCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}class Ia extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.coverageOffset=e.Offset16,fo(this,"coverage",(()=>(e.currentPosition=this.start+this.coverageOffset,new ja(e)))),this.ligGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.ligGlyphOffsets=[ Array(this.ligGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getLigGlyph(e){return this.parser.currentPosition=this.start+this.ligGlyphOffsets[e],new Ta(this.parser)}}class Ta extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.caretCount=e.uint16,this.caretValueOffsets=[ Array(this.caretCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getCaretValue(e){return this.parser.currentPosition=this.start+this.caretValueOffsets[e],new Oa(this.parser)}}class Oa{constructor(e){this.caretValueFormat=e.uint16,1===this.caretValueFormat&&(this.coordinate=e.int16),2===this.caretValueFormat&&(this.caretValuePointIndex=e.uint16),3===this.caretValueFormat&&(this.coordinate=e.int16,this.deviceOffset=e.Offset16)}}class Aa extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.markGlyphSetTableFormat=e.uint16,this.markGlyphSetCount=e.uint16,this.coverageOffsets=[ Array(this.markGlyphSetCount)].map((t=>e.Offset32))}getMarkGlyphSet(e){return this.parser.currentPosition=this.start+this.coverageOffsets[e],new ja(this.parser)}}var Ma=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,GDEF:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.majorVersion=s.uint16,this.minorVersion=s.uint16,this.glyphClassDefOffset=s.Offset16,fo(this,"glyphClassDefs",(()=>{if(0!==this.glyphClassDefOffset)return s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.glyphClassDefOffset,new _a(s)})),this.attachListOffset=s.Offset16,fo(this,"attachList",(()=>{if(0!==this.attachListOffset)return s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.attachListOffset,new Ea(s)})),this.ligCaretListOffset=s.Offset16,fo(this,"ligCaretList",(()=>{if(0!==this.ligCaretListOffset)return s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.ligCaretListOffset,new Ia(s)})),this.markAttachClassDefOffset=s.Offset16,fo(this,"markAttachClassDef",(()=>{if(0!==this.markAttachClassDefOffset)return s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.markAttachClassDefOffset,new _a(s)})),this.minorVersion>=2&&(this.markGlyphSetsDefOffset=s.Offset16,fo(this,"markGlyphSetsDef",(()=>{if(0!==this.markGlyphSetsDefOffset)return s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.markGlyphSetsDefOffset,new Aa(s)}))),3===this.minorVersion&&(this.itemVarStoreOffset=s.Offset32,fo(this,"itemVarStore",(()=>{if(0!==this.itemVarStoreOffset)return s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.itemVarStoreOffset,new ka(s)})))}}});class Na extends ho{static EMPTY={scriptCount:0,scriptRecords:[]};constructor(e){super(e),this.scriptCount=e.uint16,this.scriptRecords=[ Array(this.scriptCount)].map((t=>new Fa(e)))}}class Fa{constructor(e){this.scriptTag=e.tag,this.scriptOffset=e.Offset16}}class Va extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.defaultLangSys=e.Offset16,this.langSysCount=e.uint16,this.langSysRecords=[ Array(this.langSysCount)].map((t=>new Ra(e)))}}class Ra{constructor(e){this.langSysTag=e.tag,this.langSysOffset=e.Offset16}}class Ba{constructor(e){this.lookupOrder=e.Offset16,this.requiredFeatureIndex=e.uint16,this.featureIndexCount=e.uint16,this.featureIndices=[ Array(this.featureIndexCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}class Da extends ho{static EMPTY={featureCount:0,featureRecords:[]};constructor(e){super(e),this.featureCount=e.uint16,this.featureRecords=[ Array(this.featureCount)].map((t=>new La(e)))}}class La{constructor(e){this.featureTag=e.tag,this.featureOffset=e.Offset16}}class za extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.featureParams=e.Offset16,this.lookupIndexCount=e.uint16,this.lookupListIndices=[ Array(this.lookupIndexCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))}getFeatureParams(){if(this.featureParams>0){const e=this.parser;e.currentPosition=this.start+this.featureParams;const t=this.featureTag;if("size"===t)return new Ha(e);if(t.startsWith("cc"))return new Ga(e);if(t.startsWith("ss"))return new Ua(e)}}}class Ga{constructor(e){this.format=e.uint16,this.featUiLabelNameId=e.uint16,this.featUiTooltipTextNameId=e.uint16,this.sampleTextNameId=e.uint16,this.numNamedParameters=e.uint16,this.firstParamUiLabelNameId=e.uint16,this.charCount=e.uint16,this.character=[ Array(this.charCount)].map((t=>e.uint24))}}class Ha{constructor(e){this.designSize=e.uint16,this.subfamilyIdentifier=e.uint16,this.subfamilyNameID=e.uint16,this.smallEnd=e.uint16,this.largeEnd=e.uint16}}class Ua{constructor(e){this.version=e.uint16,this.UINameID=e.uint16}}function Wa(e){e.parser.currentPosition-=2,delete e.coverageOffset,delete e.getCoverageTable}class qa extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.substFormat=e.uint16,this.coverageOffset=e.Offset16}getCoverageTable(){let e=this.parser;return e.currentPosition=this.start+this.coverageOffset,new ja(e)}}class Za{constructor(e){this.glyphSequenceIndex=e.uint16,this.lookupListIndex=e.uint16}}class Ka extends qa{constructor(e){super(e),this.deltaGlyphID=e.int16}}class Ya extends qa{constructor(e){super(e),this.sequenceCount=e.uint16,this.sequenceOffsets=[ Array(this.sequenceCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getSequence(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.sequenceOffsets[e],new Xa(t)}}class Xa{constructor(e){this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.substituteGlyphIDs=[ Array(this.glyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}class Ja extends qa{constructor(e){super(e),this.alternateSetCount=e.uint16,this.alternateSetOffsets=[ Array(this.alternateSetCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getAlternateSet(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.alternateSetOffsets[e],new Qa(t)}}class Qa{constructor(e){this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.alternateGlyphIDs=[ Array(this.glyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}class $a extends qa{constructor(e){super(e),this.ligatureSetCount=e.uint16,this.ligatureSetOffsets=[ Array(this.ligatureSetCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getLigatureSet(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.ligatureSetOffsets[e],new el(t)}}class el extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.ligatureCount=e.uint16,this.ligatureOffsets=[ Array(this.ligatureCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getLigature(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.ligatureOffsets[e],new tl(t)}}class tl{constructor(e){this.ligatureGlyph=e.uint16,this.componentCount=e.uint16,this.componentGlyphIDs=[ Array(this.componentCount-1)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}class sl extends qa{constructor(e){super(e),1===this.substFormat&&(this.subRuleSetCount=e.uint16,this.subRuleSetOffsets=[ Array(this.subRuleSetCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))),2===this.substFormat&&(this.classDefOffset=e.Offset16,this.subClassSetCount=e.uint16,this.subClassSetOffsets=[ Array(this.subClassSetCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))),3===this.substFormat&&(Wa(this),this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.substitutionCount=e.uint16,this.coverageOffsets=[ Array(this.glyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16)),this.substLookupRecords=[ Array(this.substitutionCount)].map((t=>new Za(e))))}getSubRuleSet(e){if(1!==this.substFormat)throw new Error(`lookup type 5.${this.substFormat} has no subrule sets.`);let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.subRuleSetOffsets[e],new nl(t)}getSubClassSet(e){if(2!==this.substFormat)throw new Error(`lookup type 5.${this.substFormat} has no subclass sets.`);let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.subClassSetOffsets[e],new rl(t)}getCoverageTable(e){if(3!==this.substFormat&&!e)return super.getCoverageTable();if(!e)throw new Error(`lookup type 5.${this.substFormat} requires an coverage table index.`);let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.coverageOffsets[e],new ja(t)}}class nl extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.subRuleCount=e.uint16,this.subRuleOffsets=[ Array(this.subRuleCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getSubRule(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.subRuleOffsets[e],new il(t)}}class il{constructor(e){this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.substitutionCount=e.uint16,this.inputSequence=[ Array(this.glyphCount-1)].map((t=>e.uint16)),this.substLookupRecords=[ Array(this.substitutionCount)].map((t=>new Za(e)))}}class rl extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.subClassRuleCount=e.uint16,this.subClassRuleOffsets=[ Array(this.subClassRuleCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getSubClass(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.subClassRuleOffsets[e],new ol(t)}}class ol extends il{constructor(e){super(e)}}class al extends qa{constructor(e){super(e),1===this.substFormat&&(this.chainSubRuleSetCount=e.uint16,this.chainSubRuleSetOffsets=[ Array(this.chainSubRuleSetCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))),2===this.substFormat&&(this.backtrackClassDefOffset=e.Offset16,this.inputClassDefOffset=e.Offset16,this.lookaheadClassDefOffset=e.Offset16,this.chainSubClassSetCount=e.uint16,this.chainSubClassSetOffsets=[ Array(this.chainSubClassSetCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))),3===this.substFormat&&(Wa(this),this.backtrackGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.backtrackCoverageOffsets=[ Array(this.backtrackGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16)),this.inputGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.inputCoverageOffsets=[ Array(this.inputGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16)),this.lookaheadGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.lookaheadCoverageOffsets=[ Array(this.lookaheadGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16)),this.seqLookupCount=e.uint16,this.seqLookupRecords=[ Array(this.substitutionCount)].map((t=>new hl(e))))}getChainSubRuleSet(e){if(1!==this.substFormat)throw new Error(`lookup type 6.${this.substFormat} has no chainsubrule sets.`);let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.chainSubRuleSetOffsets[e],new ll(t)}getChainSubClassSet(e){if(2!==this.substFormat)throw new Error(`lookup type 6.${this.substFormat} has no chainsubclass sets.`);let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.chainSubClassSetOffsets[e],new ul(t)}getCoverageFromOffset(e){if(3!==this.substFormat)throw new Error(`lookup type 6.${this.substFormat} does not use contextual coverage offsets.`);let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+e,new ja(t)}}class ll extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.chainSubRuleCount=e.uint16,this.chainSubRuleOffsets=[ Array(this.chainSubRuleCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getSubRule(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.chainSubRuleOffsets[e],new cl(t)}}class cl{constructor(e){this.backtrackGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.backtrackSequence=[ Array(this.backtrackGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16)),this.inputGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.inputSequence=[ Array(this.inputGlyphCount-1)].map((t=>e.uint16)),this.lookaheadGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.lookAheadSequence=[ Array(this.lookAheadGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16)),this.substitutionCount=e.uint16,this.substLookupRecords=[ Array(this.SubstCount)].map((t=>new Za(e)))}}class ul extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.chainSubClassRuleCount=e.uint16,this.chainSubClassRuleOffsets=[ Array(this.chainSubClassRuleCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}getSubClass(e){let t=this.parser;return t.currentPosition=this.start+this.chainSubRuleOffsets[e],new dl(t)}}class dl{constructor(e){this.backtrackGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.backtrackSequence=[ Array(this.backtrackGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16)),this.inputGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.inputSequence=[ Array(this.inputGlyphCount-1)].map((t=>e.uint16)),this.lookaheadGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.lookAheadSequence=[ Array(this.lookAheadGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16)),this.substitutionCount=e.uint16,this.substLookupRecords=[ Array(this.substitutionCount)].map((t=>new hl(e)))}}class hl extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.sequenceIndex=e.uint16,this.lookupListIndex=e.uint16}}class pl extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.substFormat=e.uint16,this.extensionLookupType=e.uint16,this.extensionOffset=e.Offset32}}class fl extends qa{constructor(e){super(e),this.backtrackGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.backtrackCoverageOffsets=[ Array(this.backtrackGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16)),this.lookaheadGlyphCount=e.uint16,this.lookaheadCoverageOffsets=[new Array(this.lookaheadGlyphCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16)),this.glyphCount=e.uint16,this.substituteGlyphIDs=[ Array(this.glyphCount)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}var ml={buildSubtable:function(e,t){const s=new[void 0,Ka,Ya,Ja,$a,sl,al,pl,fl][e](t);return s.type=e,s}};class gl extends ho{constructor(e){super(e)}}class vl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 1")}}class yl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 2")}}class xl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 3")}}class bl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 4")}}class wl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 5")}}class _l extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 6")}}class Sl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 7")}}class jl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 8")}}class Cl extends gl{constructor(e){super(e),console.log("lookup type 9")}}var kl={buildSubtable:function(e,t){const s=new[void 0,vl,yl,xl,bl,wl,_l,Sl,jl,Cl][e](t);return s.type=e,s}};class El extends ho{static EMPTY={lookupCount:0,lookups:[]};constructor(e){super(e),this.lookupCount=e.uint16,this.lookups=[ Array(this.lookupCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16))}}class Pl extends ho{constructor(e,t){super(e),this.ctType=t,this.lookupType=e.uint16,this.lookupFlag=e.uint16,this.subTableCount=e.uint16,this.subtableOffsets=[ Array(this.subTableCount)].map((t=>e.Offset16)),this.markFilteringSet=e.uint16}get rightToLeft(){return!0&this.lookupFlag}get ignoreBaseGlyphs(){return!0&this.lookupFlag}get ignoreLigatures(){return!0&this.lookupFlag}get ignoreMarks(){return!0&this.lookupFlag}get useMarkFilteringSet(){return!0&this.lookupFlag}get markAttachmentType(){return!0&this.lookupFlag}getSubTable(e){const t="GSUB"===this.ctType?ml:kl;return this.parser.currentPosition=this.start+this.subtableOffsets[e],t.buildSubtable(this.lookupType,this.parser)}}class Il extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n,tableStart:i}=super(e,t,s);this.majorVersion=n.uint16,this.minorVersion=n.uint16,this.scriptListOffset=n.Offset16,this.featureListOffset=n.Offset16,this.lookupListOffset=n.Offset16,1===this.majorVersion&&1===this.minorVersion&&(this.featureVariationsOffset=n.Offset32);const r=!(this.scriptListOffset||this.featureListOffset||this.lookupListOffset);fo(this,"scriptList",(()=>r?Na.EMPTY:(n.currentPosition=i+this.scriptListOffset,new Na(n)))),fo(this,"featureList",(()=>r?Da.EMPTY:(n.currentPosition=i+this.featureListOffset,new Da(n)))),fo(this,"lookupList",(()=>r?El.EMPTY:(n.currentPosition=i+this.lookupListOffset,new El(n)))),this.featureVariationsOffset&&fo(this,"featureVariations",(()=>r?FeatureVariations.EMPTY:(n.currentPosition=i+this.featureVariationsOffset,new FeatureVariations(n))))}getSupportedScripts(){return>e.scriptTag))}getScriptTable(e){let t=this.scriptList.scriptRecords.find((t=>t.scriptTag===e));this.parser.currentPosition=this.scriptList.start+t.scriptOffset;let s=new Va(this.parser);return s.scriptTag=e,s}ensureScriptTable(e){return"string"==typeof e?this.getScriptTable(e):e}getSupportedLangSys(e){const t=0!==(e=this.ensureScriptTable(e)).defaultLangSys,>e.langSysTag));return t&&s.unshift("dflt"),s}getDefaultLangSysTable(e){let t=(e=this.ensureScriptTable(e)).defaultLangSys;if(0!==t){this.parser.currentPosition=e.start+t;let s=new Ba(this.parser);return s.langSysTag="",s.defaultForScript=e.scriptTag,s}}getLangSysTable(e,t="dflt"){if("dflt"===t)return this.getDefaultLangSysTable(e);let s=(e=this.ensureScriptTable(e)).langSysRecords.find((e=>e.langSysTag===t));this.parser.currentPosition=e.start+s.langSysOffset;let n=new Ba(this.parser);return n.langSysTag=t,n}getFeatures(e){return>this.getFeature(e)))}getFeature(e){let t;if(t=parseInt(e)==e?this.featureList.featureRecords[e]:this.featureList.featureRecords.find((t=>t.featureTag===e)),!t)return;this.parser.currentPosition=this.featureList.start+t.featureOffset;let s=new za(this.parser);return s.featureTag=t.featureTag,s}getLookups(e){return>this.getLookup(e)))}getLookup(e,t){let s=this.lookupList.lookups[e];return this.parser.currentPosition=this.lookupList.start+s,new Pl(this.parser,t)}}var Tl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,GSUB:class extends Il{constructor(e,t){super(e,t,"GSUB")}getLookup(e){return super.getLookup(e,"GSUB")}}});var Ol=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,GPOS:class extends Il{constructor(e,t){super(e,t,"GPOS")}getLookup(e){return super.getLookup(e,"GPOS")}}});class Al extends ho{constructor(e){super(e),this.numEntries=e.uint16,this.documentRecords=[ Array(this.numEntries)].map((t=>new Ml(e)))}getDocument(e){let t=this.documentRecords[e];if(!t)return"";let s=this.start+t.svgDocOffset;return this.parser.currentPosition=s,this.parser.readBytes(t.svgDocLength)}getDocumentForGlyph(e){let t=this.documentRecords.findIndex((t=>t.startGlyphID<=e&&e<=t.endGlyphID));return-1===t?"":this.getDocument(t)}}class Ml{constructor(e){this.startGlyphID=e.uint16,this.endGlyphID=e.uint16,this.svgDocOffset=e.Offset32,this.svgDocLength=e.uint32}}var Nl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,SVG:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.offsetToSVGDocumentList=s.Offset32,s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.offsetToSVGDocumentList,this.documentList=new Al(s)}}});class Fl{constructor(e){this.tag=e.tag,this.minValue=e.fixed,this.defaultValue=e.fixed,this.maxValue=e.fixed,this.flags=e.flags(16),this.axisNameID=e.uint16}}class Vl{constructor(e,t,s){let n=e.currentPosition;this.subfamilyNameID=e.uint16,e.uint16,this.coordinates=[ Array(t)].map((t=>e.fixed)),e.currentPosition-n<s&&(this.postScriptNameID=e.uint16)}}var Rl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,fvar:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.majorVersion=s.uint16,this.minorVersion=s.uint16,this.axesArrayOffset=s.Offset16,s.uint16,this.axisCount=s.uint16,this.axisSize=s.uint16,this.instanceCount=s.uint16,this.instanceSize=s.uint16;const n=this.tableStart+this.axesArrayOffset;fo(this,"axes",(()=>(s.currentPosition=n,[ Array(this.axisCount)].map((e=>new Fl(s))))));const i=n+this.axisCount*this.axisSize;fo(this,"instances",(()=>{let e=[];for(let t=0;t<this.instanceCount;t++)s.currentPosition=i+t*this.instanceSize,e.push(new Vl(s,this.axisCount,this.instanceSize));return e}))}getSupportedAxes(){return>e.tag))}getAxis(e){return this.axes.find((t=>t.tag===e))}}});var Bl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,cvt:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t),n=e.length/2;fo(this,"items",(()=>[ Array(n)].map((e=>s.fword))))}}});var Dl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,fpgm:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);fo(this,"instructions",(()=>[ Array(e.length)].map((e=>s.uint8))))}}});class Ll{constructor(e){this.rangeMaxPPEM=e.uint16,this.rangeGaspBehavior=e.uint16}}var zl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,gasp:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.numRanges=s.uint16;fo(this,"gaspRanges",(()=>[ Array(this.numRanges)].map((e=>new Ll(s)))))}}});var Gl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,glyf:class extends po{constructor(e,t){super(e,t)}getGlyphData(e,t){return this.parser.currentPosition=this.tableStart+e,this.parser.readBytes(t)}}});var Hl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,loca:class extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super(e,t),i=s.maxp.numGlyphs+1;0===s.head.indexToLocFormat?(this.x2=!0,fo(this,"offsets",(()=>[ Array(i)].map((e=>n.Offset16))))):fo(this,"offsets",(()=>[ Array(i)].map((e=>n.Offset32))))}getGlyphDataOffsetAndLength(e){let t=this.offsets[e]*this.x2?2:1;return{offset:t,length:(this.offsets[e+1]*this.x2?2:1)-t}}}});var Ul=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,prep:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);fo(this,"instructions",(()=>[ Array(e.length)].map((e=>s.uint8))))}}});var Wl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,CFF:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);fo(this,"data",(()=>s.readBytes()))}}});var ql=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,CFF2:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);fo(this,"data",(()=>s.readBytes()))}}});class Zl{constructor(e){this.glyphIndex=e.uint16,this.vertOriginY=e.int16}}var Kl=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,VORG:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.majorVersion=s.uint16,this.minorVersion=s.uint16,this.defaultVertOriginY=s.int16,this.numVertOriginYMetrics=s.uint16,fo(this,"vertORiginYMetrics",(()=>[ Array(this.numVertOriginYMetrics)].map((e=>new Zl(s)))))}}});class Yl{constructor(e){this.indexSubTableArrayOffset=e.Offset32,this.indexTablesSize=e.uint32,this.numberofIndexSubTables=e.uint32,this.colorRef=e.uint32,this.hori=new Jl(e),this.vert=new Jl(e),this.startGlyphIndex=e.uint16,this.endGlyphIndex=e.uint16,this.ppemX=e.uint8,this.ppemY=e.uint8,this.bitDepth=e.uint8,this.flags=e.int8}}class Xl{constructor(e){this.hori=new Jl(e),this.vert=new Jl(e),this.ppemX=e.uint8,this.ppemY=e.uint8,this.substitutePpemX=e.uint8,this.substitutePpemY=e.uint8}}class Jl{constructor(e){this.ascender=e.int8,this.descender=e.int8,this.widthMax=e.uint8,this.caretSlopeNumerator=e.int8,this.caretSlopeDenominator=e.int8,this.caretOffset=e.int8,this.minOriginSB=e.int8,this.minAdvanceSB=e.int8,this.maxBeforeBL=e.int8,this.minAfterBL=e.int8,this.pad1=e.int8,this.pad2=e.int8}}class Ql extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super(e,t,s);this.majorVersion=n.uint16,this.minorVersion=n.uint16,this.numSizes=n.uint32,fo(this,"bitMapSizes",(()=>[ Array(this.numSizes)].map((e=>new Yl(n)))))}}var $l=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,EBLC:Ql});class ec extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super(e,t,s);this.majorVersion=n.uint16,this.minorVersion=n.uint16}}var tc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,EBDT:ec});var sc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,EBSC:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.majorVersion=s.uint16,this.minorVersion=s.uint16,this.numSizes=s.uint32,fo(this,"bitmapScales",(()=>[ Array(this.numSizes)].map((e=>new Xl(s)))))}}});var nc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,CBLC:class extends Ql{constructor(e,t){super(e,t,"CBLC")}}});var ic=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,CBDT:class extends ec{constructor(e,t){super(e,t,"CBDT")}}});var rc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,sbix:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.flags=s.flags(16),this.numStrikes=s.uint32,fo(this,"strikeOffsets",(()=>[ Array(this.numStrikes)].map((e=>s.Offset32))))}}});class oc{constructor(e){this.gID=e.uint16,this.firstLayerIndex=e.uint16,this.numLayers=e.uint16}}class ac{constructor(e){this.gID=e.uint16,this.paletteIndex=e.uint16}}var lc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,COLR:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.numBaseGlyphRecords=s.uint16,this.baseGlyphRecordsOffset=s.Offset32,this.layerRecordsOffset=s.Offset32,this.numLayerRecords=s.uint16}getBaseGlyphRecord(e){let t=this.tableStart+this.baseGlyphRecordsOffset;this.parser.currentPosition=t;let s=new oc(this.parser),n=s.gID,i=this.tableStart+this.layerRecordsOffset-6;this.parser.currentPosition=i;let r=new oc(this.parser),o=r.gID;if(n===e)return s;if(o===e)return r;for(;t!==i;){let s=t+(i-t)/12;this.parser.currentPosition=s;let n=new oc(this.parser),r=n.gID;if(r===e)return n;r>e?i=s:r<e&&(t=s)}return!1}getLayers(e){let t=this.getBaseGlyphRecord(e);return this.parser.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.layerRecordsOffset+4*t.firstLayerIndex,[ Array(t.numLayers)].map((e=>new ac(p)))}}});class cc{constructor(e){,,,this.alpha=e.uint8}}class uc{constructor(e,t){this.paletteTypes=[ Array(t)].map((t=>e.uint32))}}class dc{constructor(e,t){this.paletteLabels=[ Array(t)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}class hc{constructor(e,t){this.paletteEntryLabels=[ Array(t)].map((t=>e.uint16))}}var pc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,CPAL:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.numPaletteEntries=s.uint16;const n=this.numPalettes=s.uint16;this.numColorRecords=s.uint16,this.offsetFirstColorRecord=s.Offset32,this.colorRecordIndices=[ Array(this.numPalettes)].map((e=>s.uint16)),fo(this,"colorRecords",(()=>(s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.offsetFirstColorRecord,[ Array(this.numColorRecords)].map((e=>new cc(s)))))),1===this.version&&(this.offsetPaletteTypeArray=s.Offset32,this.offsetPaletteLabelArray=s.Offset32,this.offsetPaletteEntryLabelArray=s.Offset32,fo(this,"paletteTypeArray",(()=>(s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.offsetPaletteTypeArray,new uc(s,n)))),fo(this,"paletteLabelArray",(()=>(s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.offsetPaletteLabelArray,new dc(s,n)))),fo(this,"paletteEntryLabelArray",(()=>(s.currentPosition=this.tableStart+this.offsetPaletteEntryLabelArray,new hc(s,n)))))}}});class fc{constructor(e){this.format=e.uint32,this.length=e.uint32,this.offset=e.Offset32}}class mc{constructor(e){e.uint16,e.uint16,this.signatureLength=e.uint32,this.signature=e.readBytes(this.signatureLength)}}var gc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,DSIG:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint32,this.numSignatures=s.uint16,this.flags=s.uint16,this.signatureRecords=[ Array(this.numSignatures)].map((e=>new fc(s)))}getData(e){const t=this.signatureRecords[e];return this.parser.currentPosition=this.tableStart+t.offset,new mc(this.parser)}}});class vc{constructor(e,t){this.pixelSize=e.uint8,this.maxWidth=e.uint8,this.widths=e.readBytes(t)}}var yc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,hdmx:class extends po{constructor(e,t,s){const{p:n}=super(e,t),i=s.hmtx.numGlyphs;this.version=n.uint16,this.numRecords=n.int16,this.sizeDeviceRecord=n.int32,this.records=[ Array(numRecords)].map((e=>new vc(n,i)))}}});class xc{constructor(e){this.version=e.uint16,this.length=e.uint16,this.coverage=e.flags(8),this.format=e.uint8,0===this.format&&(this.nPairs=e.uint16,this.searchRange=e.uint16,this.entrySelector=e.uint16,this.rangeShift=e.uint16,fo(this,"pairs",(()=>[ Array(this.nPairs)].map((t=>new bc(e)))))),2===this.format&&console.warn("Kern subtable format 2 is not supported: this parser currently only parses universal table data.")}get horizontal(){return this.coverage[0]}get minimum(){return this.coverage[1]}get crossstream(){return this.coverage[2]}get override(){return this.coverage[3]}}class bc{constructor(e){this.left=e.uint16,this.right=e.uint16,this.value=e.fword}}var wc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,kern:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.nTables=s.uint16,fo(this,"tables",(()=>{let e=this.tableStart+4;const t=[];for(let n=0;n<this.nTables;n++){s.currentPosition=e;let n=new xc(s);t.push(n),e+=n}return t}))}}});var _c=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,LTSH:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.numGlyphs=s.uint16,this.yPels=s.readBytes(this.numGlyphs)}}});var Sc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,MERG:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.mergeClassCount=s.uint16,this.mergeDataOffset=s.Offset16,this.classDefCount=s.uint16,this.offsetToClassDefOffsets=s.Offset16,fo(this,"mergeEntryMatrix",(()=>[ Array(this.mergeClassCount)].map((e=>s.readBytes(this.mergeClassCount))))),console.warn("Full MERG parsing is currently not supported."),console.warn("If you need this table parsed, please file an issue, or better yet, a PR.")}}});class jc{constructor(e,t){this.tableStart=e,this.parser=t,this.tag=t.tag,this.dataOffset=t.Offset32,this.dataLength=t.uint32}getData(){return this.parser.currentField=this.tableStart+this.dataOffset,this.parser.readBytes(this.dataLength)}}var Cc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,meta:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint32,this.flags=s.uint32,s.uint32,this.dataMapsCount=s.uint32,this.dataMaps=[ Array(this.dataMapsCount)].map((e=>new jc(this.tableStart,s)))}}});var kc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,PCLT:class extends po{constructor(e,t){super(e,t),console.warn("This font uses a PCLT table, which is currently not supported by this parser."),console.warn("If you need this table parsed, please file an issue, or better yet, a PR.")}}});class Ec{constructor(e){this.bCharSet=e.uint8,this.xRatio=e.uint8,this.yStartRatio=e.uint8,this.yEndRatio=e.uint8}}class Pc{constructor(e){this.recs=e.uint16,this.startsz=e.uint8,this.endsz=e.uint8,this.records=[ Array(this.recs)].map((t=>new Ic(e)))}}class Ic{constructor(e){this.yPelHeight=e.uint16,this.yMax=e.int16,this.yMin=e.int16}}var Tc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,VDMX:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.uint16,this.numRecs=s.uint16,this.numRatios=s.uint16,this.ratRanges=[ Array(this.numRatios)].map((e=>new Ec(s))),this.offsets=[ Array(this.numRatios)].map((e=>s.Offset16)),this.VDMXGroups=[ Array(this.numRecs)].map((e=>new Pc(s)))}}});var Oc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,vhea:class extends po{constructor(e,t){const{p:s}=super(e,t);this.version=s.fixed,this.ascent=this.vertTypoAscender=s.int16,this.descent=this.vertTypoDescender=s.int16,this.lineGap=this.vertTypoLineGap=s.int16,this.advanceHeightMax=s.int16,this.minTopSideBearing=s.int16,this.minBottomSideBearing=s.int16,this.yMaxExtent=s.int16,this.caretSlopeRise=s.int16,this.caretSlopeRun=s.int16,this.caretOffset=s.int16,this.reserved=s.int16,this.reserved=s.int16,this.reserved=s.int16,this.reserved=s.int16,this.metricDataFormat=s.int16,this.numOfLongVerMetrics=s.uint16,s.verifyLength()}}});class Ac{constructor(e,t){this.advanceHeight=e,this.topSideBearing=t}}var Mc=Object.freeze({__proto__:null,vmtx:class extends po{constructor(e,t,s){super(e,t);const n=s.vhea.numOfLongVerMetrics,i=s.maxp.numGlyphs,r=p.currentPosition;if(lazy(this,"vMetrics",(()=>(p.currentPosition=r,[ Array(n)].map((e=>new Ac(p.uint16,p.int16)))))),n<i){const e=r+4*n;lazy(this,"topSideBearings",(()=>(p.currentPosition=e,[ Array(i-n)].map((e=>p.int16)))))}}}});const{kebabCase:Nc}=se(x.privateApis);const Fc=function(){const{installFonts:e,notice:t,setNotice:s}=(0,d.useContext)(Dr),[n,i]=(0,d.useState)(!1),r=async e=>{s(null),i(!0);const t=new Set,n=[...e];let r=!1;const e=>{const s=await async function(e){const t=new Vo("Uploaded Font");try{const s=await a(e);return await t.fromDataBuffer(s,"font"),!0}catch(e){return!1}}(e);if(!s)return r=!0,null;if(t.has( null;const".").pop().toLowerCase();return wr.includes(n)?(t.add(,e):null})),c=(await Promise.all(l)).filter((e=>null!==e));if(c.length>0)o(c);else{const e=r?(0,b.__)("Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type."):(0,b.__)("No fonts found to install.");s({type:"error",message:e}),i(!1)}},o=async e=>{const t=await Promise.all( e=>{const t=await l(e);return await Tr(t,t.file,"all"),t})));c(t)};async function a(e){return new Promise(((t,s)=>{const n=new window.FileReader;n.readAsArrayBuffer(e),n.onload=()=>t(n.result),n.onerror=s}))}const l=async e=>{const t=await a(e),s=new Vo("Uploaded Font");s.fromDataBuffer(t,;const n=(await new Promise((e=>s.onload=e))).detail.font,{name:i}=n.opentype.tables,r=i.get(16)||i.get(1),o=i.get(2).toLowerCase().includes("italic"),l=n.opentype.tables["OS/2"].usWeightClass||"normal",c=!!n.opentype.tables.fvar&&n.opentype.tables.fvar.axes.find((({tag:e})=>"wght"===e));return{file:e,fontFamily:r,fontStyle:o?"italic":"normal",fontWeight:(c?`${c.minValue} ${c.maxValue}`:null)||l}},c=async t=>{const n=function(e){const t=e.reduce(((e,t)=>(e[t.fontFamily]||(e[t.fontFamily]={name:t.fontFamily,fontFamily:t.fontFamily,slug:Nc(t.fontFamily.toLowerCase()),fontFace:[]}),e[t.fontFamily].fontFace.push(t),e)),{});return Object.values(t)}(t);try{await e(n),s({type:"success",message:(0,b.__)("Fonts were installed successfully.")})}catch(e){s({type:"error",message:e.message,errors:e?.installationErrors})}i(!1)};return(0,me.jsxs)("div",{className:"font-library-modal__tabpanel-layout",children:[(0,me.jsx)(x.DropZone,{onFilesDrop:e=>{r(e)}}),(0,me.jsxs)(x.__experimentalVStack,{className:"font-library-modal__local-fonts",children:[t&&(0,me.jsxs)(x.Notice,{status:t.type,__unstableHTML:!0,onRemove:()=>s(null),children:[t.message,t.errors&&(0,me.jsx)("ul",{,t)=>(0,me.jsx)("li",{children:e},t)))})]}),n&&(0,me.jsx)(x.FlexItem,{children:(0,me.jsx)("div",{className:"font-library-modal__upload-area",children:(0,me.jsx)(x.ProgressBar,{})})}),!n&&(0,me.jsx)(x.FormFileUpload,{>`.${e}`)).join(","),multiple:!0,onChange:e=>{r(},render:({openFileDialog:e})=>(0,me.jsx)(x.Button,{className:"font-library-modal__upload-area",onClick:e,children:(0,b.__)("Upload font")})}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalSpacer,{margin:2}),(0,me.jsx)(x.__experimentalText,{className:"font-library-modal__upload-area__text",children:(0,b.__)("Uploaded fonts appear in your library and can be used in your theme. 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vg=i(422),{useSyncExternalStore:yg}=vg,xg=()=>()=>{};function bg(e,t=Hf){const s=Ef.useCallback((t=>e?hg(e,null,t):xg()),[e]),n=()=>{const s="string"==typeof t?t:null,n="function"==typeof t?t:null,i=null==e?void 0:e.getState();return n?n(i):i&&s&&Lf(i,s)?i[s]:void 0};return yg(s,n,n)}function wg(e,t,s,n){const i=Lf(t,s)?t[s]:void 0,r=n?t[n]:void 0,o=wm({value:i,setValue:r});bm((()=>pg(e,[s],((e,t)=>{const{value:n,setValue:i}=o.current;i&&e[s]!==t[s]&&e[s]!==n&&i(e[s])}))),[e,s]),bm((()=>{if(void 0!==i)return e.setState(s,i),fg(e,[s],(()=>{void 0!==i&&e.setState(s,i)}))}))}function _g(e,t,s){return km(t,[]),wg(e,s,"items","setItems"),e}function Sg(e,t,s){return wg(e=_g(e,t,s),s,"activeId","setActiveId"),wg(e,s,"includesBaseElement"),wg(e,s,"virtualFocus"),wg(e,s,"orientation"),wg(e,s,"rtl"),wg(e,s,"focusLoop"),wg(e,s,"focusWrap"),wg(e,s,"focusShift"),e}function jg(e,t,s){return km(t,[,s.disclosure]),wg(e,s,"open","setOpen"),wg(e,s,"mounted","setMounted"),wg(e,s,"animated"),e}function Cg(e,t,s){return jg(e,t,s)}function kg(e,t,s){return km(t,[s.popover]),wg(e=Cg(e,t,s),s,"placement"),e}function Eg(e={}){return function(e={}){const t=gg(,mg(e.disclosure,["contentElement","disclosureElement"])),s=null==t?void 0:t.getState(),n=qf(,null==s?void,e.defaultOpen,!1),i=qf(e.animated,null==s?void 0:s.animated,!1),r=cg({open:n,animated:i,animating:!!i&&n,mounted:n,contentElement:qf(null==s?void 0:s.contentElement,null),disclosureElement:qf(null==s?void 0:s.disclosureElement,null)},t);return ug(r,(()=>pg(r,["animated","animating"],(e=>{e.animated||r.setState("animating",!1)})))),ug(r,(()=>hg(r,["open"],(()=>{r.getState().animated&&r.setState("animating",!0)})))),ug(r,(()=>pg(r,["open","animating"],(e=>{r.setState("mounted",||e.animating)})))),Rf(Vf({},r),{setOpen:e=>r.setState("open",e),show:()=>r.setState("open",!0),hide:()=>r.setState("open",!1),toggle:()=>r.setState("open",(e=>!e)),stopAnimation:()=>r.setState("animating",!1),setContentElement:e=>r.setState("contentElement",e),setDisclosureElement:e=>r.setState("disclosureElement",e)})}(e)}function Pg(e){const,t)=>[t,e]));let s=!1;return t.sort((([e,t],[n,i])=>{const r=t.element,o=i.element;return r===o?0:r&&o?function(e,t){return Boolean(t.compareDocumentPosition(e)&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING)}(r,o)?(e>n&&(s=!0),-1):(e<n&&(s=!0),1):0})),s?[e,t])=>t)):e}function Ig(e={}){var t;;const s=null==( 0:t.getState(),n=qf(e.items,null==s?void 0:s.items,e.defaultItems,[]),i=new Map(>[,e]))),r={items:n,renderedItems:qf(null==s?void 0:s.renderedItems,[])},o=function(e){return null==e?void 0:e.__unstablePrivateStore}(,a=cg({items:n,renderedItems:r.renderedItems},o),l=cg(r,,c=e=>{const t=Pg(e);a.setState("renderedItems",t),l.setState("renderedItems",t)};ug(l,(()=>dg(a))),ug(a,(()=>fg(a,["items"],(e=>{l.setState("items",e.items)})))),ug(a,(()=>fg(a,["renderedItems"],(e=>{let t=!0,s=requestAnimationFrame((()=>{const{renderedItems:t}=l.getState();e.renderedItems!==t&&c(e.renderedItems)}));if("function"!=typeof IntersectionObserver)return()=>cancelAnimationFrame(s);const n=function(e){var t;const s=e.find((e=>!!e.element)),n=[...e].reverse().find((e=>!!e.element));let i=null==(t=null==s?void 0:s.element)?void 0:t.parentElement;for(;i&&(null==n?void 0:n.element);){if(n&&i.contains(n.element))return i;i=i.parentElement}return Xf(i).body}(e.renderedItems),i=new IntersectionObserver((()=>{t?t=!1:(cancelAnimationFrame(s),s=requestAnimationFrame((()=>c(e.renderedItems))))}),{root:n});for(const t of e.renderedItems)t.element&&i.observe(t.element);return()=>{cancelAnimationFrame(s),i.disconnect()}}))));const u=(e,t,s=!1)=>{let n;t((t=>{const s=t.findIndex((({id:t})=>,r=t.slice();if(-1!==s){n=t[s];const o=Vf(Vf({},n),e);r[s]=o,i.set(,o)}else r.push(e),i.set(,e);return r}));return()=>{t((t=>{if(!n)return s&&i.delete(,t.filter((({id:t})=>t!;const r=t.findIndex((({id:t})=>;if(-1===r)return t;const o=t.slice();return o[r]=n,i.set(,n),o}))}},d=e=>u(e,(e=>a.setState("items",e)),!0);return Rf(Vf({},l),{registerItem:d,renderItem:e=>zf(d(e),u(e,(e=>a.setState("renderedItems",e)))),item:e=>{if(!e)return null;let t=i.get(e);if(!t){const{items:s}=l.getState();t=s.find((t=>,t&&i.set(e,t)}return t||null},__unstablePrivateStore:a})}function Tg(e){const t=[];for(const s of e)t.push(...s);return t}function Og(e){return e.slice().reverse()}var Ag={id:null};function Mg(e,t){return e.find((e=>t?!e.disabled&&!==t:!e.disabled))}function Ng(e,t){return e.filter((e=>e.rowId===t))}function Fg(e){const t=[];for(const s of e){const e=t.find((e=>{var t;return(null==(t=e[0])?void 0:t.rowId)===s.rowId}));e?e.push(s):t.push([s])}return t}function Vg(e){let t=0;for(const{length:s}of e)s>t&&(t=s);return t}function Rg(e,t,s){const n=Vg(e);for(const i of e)for(let e=0;e<n;e+=1){const n=i[e];if(!n||s&&n.disabled){const n=0===e&&s?Mg(i):i[e-1];i[e]=n&&t!{id:"__EMPTY_ITEM__",disabled:!0,rowId:null==n?void 0:n.rowId}}}return e}function Bg(e){const t=Fg(e),s=Vg(t),n=[];for(let e=0;e<s;e+=1)for(const s of t){const t=s[e];t&&n.push(Rf(Vf({},t),{rowId:t.rowId?`${e}`:void 0}))}return n}function Dg(e={}){var t;const s=null==( 0:t.getState(),n=Ig(e),i=qf(e.activeId,null==s?void 0:s.activeId,e.defaultActiveId),r=cg(Rf(Vf({},n.getState()),{activeId:i,baseElement:qf(null==s?void 0:s.baseElement,null),includesBaseElement:qf(e.includesBaseElement,null==s?void 0:s.includesBaseElement,null===i),moves:qf(null==s?void 0:s.moves,0),orientation:qf(e.orientation,null==s?void 0:s.orientation,"both"),rtl:qf(e.rtl,null==s?void 0:s.rtl,!1),virtualFocus:qf(e.virtualFocus,null==s?void 0:s.virtualFocus,!1),focusLoop:qf(e.focusLoop,null==s?void 0:s.focusLoop,!1),focusWrap:qf(e.focusWrap,null==s?void 0:s.focusWrap,!1),focusShift:qf(e.focusShift,null==s?void 0:s.focusShift,!1)}),n,;ug(r,(()=>pg(r,["renderedItems","activeId"],(e=>{r.setState("activeId",(t=>{var s;return void 0!==t?t:null==(s=Mg(e.renderedItems))?void}))}))));const o=(e,t,s,n)=>{var i,o;const{activeId:a,rtl:l,focusLoop:c,focusWrap:u,includesBaseElement:d}=r.getState(),h=l&&"vertical"!==t?Og(e):e;if(null==a)return null==(i=Mg(h))?void;const p=h.find((e=>;if(!p)return null==(o=Mg(h))?void;const f=!!p.rowId,m=h.indexOf(p),g=h.slice(m+1),v=Ng(g,p.rowId);if(void 0!==n){const e=function(e,t){return e.filter((e=>t?!e.disabled&&!==t:!e.disabled))}(v,a),t=e.slice(n)[0]||e[e.length-1];return null==t?void}const y=function(e){return"vertical"===e?"horizontal":"horizontal"===e?"vertical":void 0}(f?t||"horizontal":t),x=c&&c!==y,b=f&&u&&u!==y;if(s=s||!f&&x&&d,x){const e=function(e,t,s=!1){const n=e.findIndex((e=>;return[...e.slice(n+1),...s?[Ag]:[],...e.slice(0,n)]}(b&&!s?h:Ng(h,p.rowId),a,s),t=Mg(e,a);return null==t?void}if(b){const e=Mg(s?v:g,a);return s?(null==e?void||null:null==e?void}const w=Mg(v,a);return!w&&s?null:null==w?void};return Rf(Vf(Vf({},n),r),{setBaseElement:e=>r.setState("baseElement",e),setActiveId:e=>r.setState("activeId",e),move:e=>{void 0!==e&&(r.setState("activeId",e),r.setState("moves",(e=>e+1)))},first:()=>{var e;return null==(e=Mg(r.getState().renderedItems))?void},last:()=>{var e;return null==(e=Mg(Og(r.getState().renderedItems)))?void},next:e=>{const{renderedItems:t,orientation:s}=r.getState();return o(t,s,!1,e)},previous:e=>{var t;const{renderedItems:s,orientation:n,includesBaseElement:i}=r.getState(),a=!!!(null==(t=Mg(s))?void 0:t.rowId)&&i;return o(Og(s),n,a,e)},down:e=>{const{activeId:t,renderedItems:s,focusShift:n,focusLoop:i,includesBaseElement:a}=r.getState(),l=n&&!e,c=Bg(Tg(Rg(Fg(s),t,l)));return o(c,"vertical",i&&"horizontal"!==i&&a,e)},up:e=>{const{activeId:t,renderedItems:s,focusShift:n,includesBaseElement:i}=r.getState(),a=n&&!e,l=Bg(Og(Tg(Rg(Fg(s),t,a))));return o(l,"vertical",i,e)}})}var Lg=cm()&&am();function zg(e={}){var t;;const s=null==( 0:t.getState(),n=qf(e.activeId,null==s?void 0:s.activeId,e.defaultActiveId,null),i=Dg(Rf(Vf({},e),{activeId:n,includesBaseElement:qf(e.includesBaseElement,null==s?void 0:s.includesBaseElement,!0),orientation:qf(e.orientation,null==s?void 0:s.orientation,"vertical"),focusLoop:qf(e.focusLoop,null==s?void 0:s.focusLoop,!0),focusWrap:qf(e.focusWrap,null==s?void 0:s.focusWrap,!0),virtualFocus:qf(e.virtualFocus,null==s?void 0:s.virtualFocus,!Lg)})),r=function(e={}){var t=e,{popover:s}=t,n=Bf(t,["popover"]);const 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0:s.selectedValue,e.defaultSelectedValue,""),l=Array.isArray(a),c=cg(Rf(Vf(Vf({},i.getState()),r.getState()),{value:o,selectedValue:a,resetValueOnSelect:qf(e.resetValueOnSelect,null==s?void 0:s.resetValueOnSelect,l),resetValueOnHide:qf(e.resetValueOnHide,null==s?void 0:s.resetValueOnHide,l),activeValue:null==s?void 0:s.activeValue}),i,r,;return ug(c,(()=>pg(c,["resetValueOnHide","mounted"],(e=>{e.resetValueOnHide&&(e.mounted||c.setState("value",o))})))),ug(c,(()=>pg(c,["resetValueOnSelect","selectedValue"],(e=>{e.resetValueOnSelect&&c.setState("value",o)})))),ug(c,(()=>fg(c,["mounted"],(e=>{e.mounted||(c.setState("activeId",n),c.setState("moves",0))})))),ug(c,(()=>pg(c,["moves","activeId"],((e,t)=>{e.moves===t.moves&&c.setState("activeValue",void 0)})))),ug(c,(()=>fg(c,["moves","renderedItems"],((e,t)=>{if(e.moves===t.moves)return;const{activeId:s}=c.getState(),n=i.item(s);c.setState("activeValue",null==n?void 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t=`${i[l]}-${e.slug}`;return{title:t,slug:t,templatePrefix:i[l]}}},labels:c,hasGeneralTemplate:h,template:t})}),h&&!g||t.push(m),t}),[]);return(0,d.useMemo)((()=>c.reduce(((e,t)=>{const{slug:s}=t;let n="taxonomiesMenuItems";return["category","tag"].includes(s)&&(n="defaultTaxonomiesMenuItems"),e[n].push(t),e}),{defaultTaxonomiesMenuItems:[],taxonomiesMenuItems:[]})),[c])},Cb={user:"author"},kb={user:{who:"authors"}};const Eb=(e,t,s={})=>{const n=(e=>{const t=xb();return(0,d.useMemo)((()=>Object.entries(e||{}).reduce(((e,[s,n])=>{const i=(t||[]).reduce(((e,t)=>{const s=`${n}-`;return t.slug.startsWith(s)&&e.push(t.slug.substring(s.length)),e}),[]);return i.length&&(e[s]=i),e}),{})),[e,t])})(t);return(0,l.useSelect)((t=>Object.entries(n||{}).reduce(((n,[i,r])=>{const o=t(,i,{_fields:"id",context:"view",slug:r,...s[i]});return o?.length&&(n[i]=o),n}),{})),[n])},Pb=(e,t,s=gb)=>{const n=Eb(e,t,s),i=(0,l.useSelect)((i=>Object.keys(t||{}).reduce(((t,r)=>{const 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":l,u=Lb(Lb(e,n,"$1\0$2"),r,"\0"),d=0,h=u.length;"\0"===u.charAt(d);)d++;for(;"\0"===u.charAt(h-1);)h--;return u.slice(d,h).split("\0").map(a).join(c)}(e,Vb({delimiter:"."},t))}const Gb=function({onClose:e,createTemplate:t}){const[s,n]=(0,d.useState)(""),i=(0,b.__)("Custom Template"),[r,o]=(0,d.useState)(!1);return(0,me.jsx)("form",{onSubmit:async function(e){if(e.preventDefault(),!r){o(!0);try{await t({slug:"wp-custom-template-"+(n=s||i,void 0===a&&(a={}),zb(n,Vb({delimiter:"-"},a))),title:s||i},!1)}finally{o(!1)}var n,a}},children:(0,me.jsxs)(x.__experimentalVStack,{spacing:6,children:[(0,me.jsx)(x.TextControl,{__next40pxDefaultSize:!0,__nextHasNoMarginBottom:!0,label:(0,b.__)("Name"),value:s,onChange:n,placeholder:i,disabled:r,help:(0,b.__)('Describe the template, e.g. "Post with sidebar". 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s=xb(),n=bb(),i=(s||[]).map((({slug:e})=>e)),r=(n||[]).filter((e=>Ub.includes(e.slug)&&!i.includes(e.slug))),o=s=>{t?.(),e(s)},a=[...r],{defaultTaxonomiesMenuItems:l,taxonomiesMenuItems:c}=jb(o),{defaultPostTypesMenuItems:u,postTypesMenuItems:d}=Sb(o),h=function(e){const t=xb(),s=bb(),n=Pb("root",Cb,kb);let i=s?.find((({slug:e})=>"author"===e));i||(i={description:(0,b.__)("Displays latest posts written by a single author."),slug:"author",title:"Author"});const r=!!t?.find((({slug:e})=>"author"===e));if(n.user?.hasEntities&&(i={...i,templatePrefix:"author"},i.onClick=t=>{e({type:"root",slug:"user",config:{queryArgs:({search:e})=>({_fields:"id,name,slug,link",orderBy:e?"name":"registered_date",exclude:n.user.existingEntitiesIds,who:"authors"}),getSpecificTemplate:e=>{const t=`author-${e.slug}`;return{title:t,slug:t,templatePrefix:"author"}}},labels:{singular_name:(0,b.__)("Author"),search_items:(0,b.__)("Search Authors"),not_found:(0,b.__)("No authors found."),all_items:(0,b.__)("All 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t=e.message&&"unknown_error"!==e.code?e.message:(0,b.__)("An error occurred while creating the template.");h(t,{type:"snackbar"})}finally{o(!1)}}}const v=()=>{e(),s(Zb.templatesList)};let y=(0,b.__)("Add template");return t===Zb.customTemplate?y=(0,b.sprintf)((0,b.__)("Add template: %s"),n.labels.singular_name):t===Zb.customGenericTemplate&&(y=(0,b.__)("Create custom template")),(0,me.jsxs)(x.Modal,{title:y,className:Qt("edit-site-add-new-template__modal",{"edit-site-add-new-template__modal_template_list":t===Zb.templatesList,"edit-site-custom-template-modal":t===Zb.customTemplate}),onRequestClose:v,overlayClassName:t===Zb.customGenericTemplate?"edit-site-custom-generic-template__modal":void 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0!==aS[e]?aS[e]:(t=SS.exec(e))?(MS(t[1])<<24|MS(t[2])<<16|MS(t[3])<<8|255)>>>0:(t=jS.exec(e))?(MS(t[1])<<24|MS(t[2])<<16|MS(t[3])<<8|FS(t[4]))>>>0:(t=ES.exec(e))?parseInt(t[1]+t[1]+t[2]+t[2]+t[3]+t[3]+"ff",16)>>>0:(t=TS.exec(e))?parseInt(t[1],16)>>>0:(t=PS.exec(e))?parseInt(t[1]+t[1]+t[2]+t[2]+t[3]+t[3]+t[4]+t[4],16)>>>0:(t=CS.exec(e))?(255|AS(NS(t[1]),VS(t[2]),VS(t[3])))>>>0:(t=kS.exec(e))?(AS(NS(t[1]),VS(t[2]),VS(t[3]))|FS(t[4]))>>>0:null}(e);return null===t?e:(t=t||0,`rgba(${(4278190080&t)>>>24}, ${(16711680&t)>>>16}, ${(65280&t)>>>8}, ${(255&t)/255})`)}var BS=(e,t,s)=>{if( e;if(J_.arr(e))return BS({range:e,output:t,extrapolate:s});if(J_.str(e.output[0]))return nS(e);let n=e,i=n.output,r=n.range||[0,1],o=n.extrapolateLeft||n.extrapolate||"extend",a=n.extrapolateRight||n.extrapolate||"extend",l=n.easing||(e=>e);return e=>{let t=function(e,t){for(var s=1;s<t.length-1&&!(t[s]>=e);++s);return s-1}(e,r);return function(e,t,s,n,i,r,o,a,l){let c=l?l(e):e;if(c<t){if("identity"===o)return c;"clamp"===o&&(c=t)}if(c>s){if("identity"===a)return c;"clamp"===a&&(c=s)}return n===i?n:t===s?e<=t?n:i:(t===-1/0?c=-c:s===1/0?c-=t:c=(c-t)/(s-t),c=r(c),n===-1/0?c=-c:i===1/0?c+=n:c=c*(i-n)+n,c)}(e,r[t],r[t+1],i[t],i[t+1],l,o,a,}};var DS=1.70158,LS=1.525*DS,zS=DS+1,GS=2*Math.PI/3,HS=2*Math.PI/4.5,US=e=>e<1/2.75?7.5625*e*e:e<2/2.75?7.5625*(e-=1.5/2.75)*e+.75:e<2.5/2.75?7.5625*(e-=2.25/2.75)*e+.9375:7.5625*(e-=2.625/2.75)*e+.984375,WS={linear:e=>e,easeInQuad:e=>e*e,easeOutQuad:e=>1-(1-e)*(1-e),easeInOutQuad:e=>e<.5?2*e*e:1-Math.pow(-2*e+2,2)/2,easeInCubic:e=>e*e*e,easeOutCubic:e=>1-Math.pow(1-e,3),easeInOutCubic:e=>e<.5?4*e*e*e:1-Math.pow(-2*e+2,3)/2,easeInQuart:e=>e*e*e*e,easeOutQuart:e=>1-Math.pow(1-e,4),easeInOutQuart:e=>e<.5?8*e*e*e*e:1-Math.pow(-2*e+2,4)/2,easeInQuint:e=>e*e*e*e*e,easeOutQuint:e=>1-Math.pow(1-e,5),easeInOutQuint:e=>e<.5?16*e*e*e*e*e:1-Math.pow(-2*e+2,5)/2,easeInSine:e=>1-Math.cos(e*Math.PI/2),easeOutSine:e=>Math.sin(e*Math.PI/2),easeInOutSine:e=>-(Math.cos(Math.PI*e)-1)/2,easeInExpo:e=>0===e?0:Math.pow(2,10*e-10),easeOutExpo:e=>1===e?1:1-Math.pow(2,-10*e),easeInOutExpo:e=>0===e?0:1===e?1:e<.5?Math.pow(2,20*e-10)/2:(2-Math.pow(2,-20*e+10))/2,easeInCirc:e=>1-Math.sqrt(1-Math.pow(e,2)),easeOutCirc:e=>Math.sqrt(1-Math.pow(e-1,2)),easeInOutCirc:e=>e<.5?(1-Math.sqrt(1-Math.pow(2*e,2)))/2:(Math.sqrt(1-Math.pow(-2*e+2,2))+1)/2,easeInBack:e=>zS*e*e*e-DS*e*e,easeOutBack:e=>1+zS*Math.pow(e-1,3)+DS*Math.pow(e-1,2),easeInOutBack:e=>e<.5?Math.pow(2*e,2)*(2*(LS+1)*e-LS)/2:(Math.pow(2*e-2,2)*((LS+1)*(2*e-2)+LS)+2)/2,easeInElastic:e=>0===e?0:1===e?1:-Math.pow(2,10*e-10)*Math.sin((10*e-10.75)*GS),easeOutElastic:e=>0===e?0:1===e?1:Math.pow(2,-10*e)*Math.sin((10*e-.75)*GS)+1,easeInOutElastic:e=>0===e?0:1===e?1:e<.5?-Math.pow(2,20*e-10)*Math.sin((20*e-11.125)*HS)/2:Math.pow(2,-20*e+10)*Math.sin((20*e-11.125)*HS)/2+1,easeInBounce:e=>1-US(1-e),easeOutBounce:US,easeInOutBounce:e=>e<.5?(1-US(1-2*e))/2:(1+US(2*e-1))/2,steps:(e,t="end")=>s=>{let n=(s="end"===t?Math.min(s,.999):Math.max(s,.001))*e;return((e,t,s)=>Math.min(Math.max(s,e),t))(0,1,("end"===t?Math.floor(n):Math.ceil(n))/e)}},qS=Symbol.for("FluidValue.get"),ZS=Symbol.for("FluidValue.observers"),KS=e=>Boolean(e&&e[qS]),YS=e=>e&&e[qS]?e[qS]():e,XS=e=>e[ZS]||null;function JS(e,t){let s=e[ZS];s&&s.forEach((e=>{!function(e,t){e.eventObserved?e.eventObserved(t):e(t)}(e,t)}))}var QS=class{[qS];[ZS];constructor(e){if(!e&&!(e=this.get))throw Error("Unknown getter");$S(this,e)}},$S=(e,t)=>nj(e,qS,t);function ej(e,t){if(e[qS]){let s=e[ZS];s||nj(e,ZS,s=new Set),s.has(t)||(s.add(t),e.observerAdded&&e.observerAdded(s.size,t))}return t}function tj(e,t){let s=e[ZS];if(s&&s.has(t)){let n=s.size-1;n?s.delete(t):e[ZS]=null,e.observerRemoved&&e.observerRemoved(n,t)}}var sj,nj=(e,t,s)=>Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:s,writable:!0,configurable:!0}),ij=/[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,rj=/(#(?:[0-9a-f]{2}){2,4}|(#[0-9a-f]{3})|(rgb|hsl)a?\((-?\d+%?[,\s]+){2,3}\s*[\d\.]+%?\))/gi,oj=new RegExp(`(${ij.source})(%|[a-z]+)`,"i"),aj=/rgba\(([0-9\.-]+), ([0-9\.-]+), ([0-9\.-]+), ([0-9\.-]+)\)/gi,lj=/var\((--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+),? ?([a-zA-Z0-9 ()%#.,-]+)?\)/,cj=e=>{let[t,s]=uj(e);if(!t||oS())return e;let n=window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(t);if(n)return n.trim();if(s&&s.startsWith("--")){return window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(s)||e}return s&&lj.test(s)?cj(s):s||e},uj=e=>{let t=lj.exec(e);if(!t)return[,];let[,s,n]=t;return[s,n]},dj=(e,t,s,n,i)=>`rgba(${Math.round(t)}, ${Math.round(s)}, ${Math.round(n)}, ${i})`,hj=e=>{sj||(sj=aS?new RegExp(`(${Object.keys(aS).join("|")})(?!\\w)`,"g"):/^\b$/);let>YS(e).replace(lj,cj).replace(rj,RS).replace(sj,RS))),>e.match(ij).map(Number))),n=s[0].map(((e,t)=>>{if(!(t in e))throw Error('The arity of each "output" value must be equal');return e[t]})))).map((t=>BS({...e,output:t})));return e=>{let s=!oj.test(t[0])&&t.find((e=>oj.test(e)))?.replace(ij,""),i=0;return t[0].replace(ij,(()=>`${n[i++](e)}${s||""}`)).replace(aj,dj)}},pj="react-spring: ",fj=e=>{let t=e,s=!1;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError(`${pj}once requires a function parameter`);return(...e)=>{s||(t(...e),s=!0)}},mj=fj(console.warn);fj(console.warn);function gj(e){return J_.str(e)&&("#"==e[0]||/\d/.test(e)||!oS()&&lj.test(e)||e in(aS||{}))}new WeakMap;new Set,new WeakMap,new WeakMap,new WeakMap;var vj=oS()?Ef.useEffect:Ef.useLayoutEffect;function yj(){let e=(0,Ef.useState)()[1],t=(()=>{let e=(0,Ef.useRef)(!1);return vj((()=>(e.current=!0,()=>{e.current=!1})),[]),e})();return()=>{t.current&&e(Math.random())}}var xj=[];var bj=Symbol.for("Animated:node"),wj=e=>e&&e[bj],_j=(e,t)=>((e,t,s)=>Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:s,writable:!0,configurable:!0}))(e,bj,t),Sj=e=>e&&e[bj]&&e[bj].getPayload(),jj=class{payload;constructor(){_j(this,this)}getPayload(){return this.payload||[]}},Cj=class extends jj{constructor(e){super(),this._value=e,J_.num(this._value)&&(this.lastPosition=this._value)}done=!0;elapsedTime;lastPosition;lastVelocity;v0;durationProgress=0;static create(e){return new Cj(e)}getPayload(){return[this]}getValue(){return this._value}setValue(e,t){return J_.num(e)&&(this.lastPosition=e,t&&(e=Math.round(e/t)*t,this.done&&(this.lastPosition=e))),this._value!==e&&(this._value=e,!0)}reset(){let{done:e}=this;this.done=!1,J_.num(this._value)&&(this.elapsedTime=0,this.durationProgress=0,this.lastPosition=this._value,e&&(this.lastVelocity=null),this.v0=null)}},kj=class extends Cj{_string=null;_toString;constructor(e){super(0),this._toString=BS({output:[e,e]})}static create(e){return new kj(e)}getValue(){return this._string??(this._string=this._toString(this._value))}setValue(e){if(J_.str(e)){if(e==this._string)return!1;this._string=e,this._value=1}else{if(!super.setValue(e))return!1;this._string=null}return!0}reset(e){e&&(this._toString=BS({output:[this.getValue(),e]})),this._value=0,super.reset()}},Ej={dependencies:null},Pj=class extends jj{constructor(e){super(),this.source=e,this.setValue(e)}getValue(e){let t={};return eS(this.source,((s,n)=>{(e=>!!e&&e[bj]===e)(s)?t[n]=s.getValue(e):KS(s)?t[n]=YS(s):e||(t[n]=s)})),t}setValue(e){this.source=e,this.payload=this._makePayload(e)}reset(){this.payload&&$_(this.payload,(e=>e.reset()))}_makePayload(e){if(e){let t=new Set;return eS(e,this._addToPayload,t),Array.from(t)}}_addToPayload(e){Ej.dependencies&&KS(e)&&Ej.dependencies.add(e);let t=Sj(e);t&&$_(t,(e=>this.add(e)))}},Ij=class extends Pj{constructor(e){super(e)}static create(e){return new Ij(e)}getValue(){return>e.getValue()))}setValue(e){let t=this.getPayload();return e.length==t.length?,s)=>t.setValue(e[s]))).some(Boolean):(super.setValue(,!0)}};function Tj(e){return(gj(e)?kj:Cj).create(e)}function Oj(e){let t=wj(e);return t?t.constructor:J_.arr(e)?Ij:gj(e)?kj:Cj}var Aj=(e,t)=>{let s=!||e.prototype&&e.prototype.isReactComponent;return(0,Ef.forwardRef)(((n,i)=>{let r=(0,Ef.useRef)(null),o=s&&(0,Ef.useCallback)((e=>{r.current=function(e,t){return e&&(,t}(i,e)}),[i]),[a,l]=function(e,t){let s=new Set;return Ej.dependencies=s,{...e,style:t.createAnimatedStyle(}),e=new Pj(e),Ej.dependencies=null,[e,s]}(n,t),c=yj(),u=()=>{let e=r.current;s&&!e||!1===(!!e&&t.applyAnimatedValues(e,a.getValue(!0)))&&c()},d=new Mj(u,l),h=(0,Ef.useRef)();vj((()=>(h.current=d,$_(l,(e=>ej(e,d))),()=>{h.current&&($_(h.current.deps,(e=>tj(e,h.current))),O_.cancel(h.current.update))}))),(0,Ef.useEffect)(u,[]),(e=>{(0,Ef.useEffect)(e,xj)})((()=>()=>{let e=h.current;$_(e.deps,(t=>tj(t,e)))}));let p=t.getComponentProps(a.getValue());return Ef.createElement(e,{...p,ref:o})}))},Mj=class{constructor(e,t){this.update=e,this.deps=t}eventObserved(e){"change"==e.type&&O_.write(this.update)}};var Nj=Symbol.for("AnimatedComponent"),Fj=e=>J_.str(e)?e:e&&J_.str(e.displayName)?||null;function Vj(e,...t){return}var Rj=(e,t)=>!0===e||!!(t&&e&&(,Bj=(e,t)=>J_.obj(e)?t&&e[t]:e,Dj=(e,t)=>!0===e.default?e[t]:e.default?e.default[t]:void 0,Lj=e=>e,zj=(e,t=Lj)=>{let s=Gj;e.default&&!0!==e.default&&(e=e.default,s=Object.keys(e));let n={};for(let i of s){let s=t(e[i],i);J_.und(s)||(n[i]=s)}return n},Gj=["config","onProps","onStart","onChange","onPause","onResume","onRest"],Hj={config:1,from:1,to:1,ref:1,loop:1,reset:1,pause:1,cancel:1,reverse:1,immediate:1,default:1,delay:1,onProps:1,onStart:1,onChange:1,onPause:1,onResume:1,onRest:1,onResolve:1,items:1,trail:1,sort:1,expires:1,initial:1,enter:1,update:1,leave:1,children:1,onDestroyed:1,keys:1,callId:1,parentId:1};function Uj(e){let t=function(e){let t={},s=0;if(eS(e,((e,n)=>{Hj[n]||(t[n]=e,s++)})),s)return t}(e);if(t){let s={to:t};return eS(e,((e,n)=>n in t||(s[n]=e))),s}return{...e}}function Wj(e){return e=YS(e),J_.arr(e)?{range:[0,1],output:[e,e]})(1):e}function qj(e){return||J_.arr(e)&&J_.obj(e[0])}var Zj={tension:170,friction:26,mass:1,damping:1,easing:WS.linear,clamp:!1},Kj=class{tension;friction;frequency;damping;mass;velocity=0;restVelocity;precision;progress;duration;easing;clamp;bounce;decay;round;constructor(){Object.assign(this,Zj)}};function Yj(e,t){if(J_.und(t.decay)){let s=!J_.und(t.tension)||!J_.und(t.friction);(s||!J_.und(t.frequency)||!J_.und(t.damping)||!J_.und(t.mass))&&(e.duration=void 0,e.decay=void 0),s&&(e.frequency=void 0)}else e.duration=void 0}var Xj=[],Jj=class{changed=!1;values=Xj;toValues=null;fromValues=Xj;to;from;config=new Kj;immediate=!1};function Qj(e,{key:t,props:s,defaultProps:n,state:i,actions:r}){return new Promise(((o,a)=>{let l,c,u=Rj(s.cancel??n?.cancel,t);if(u)p();else{J_.und(s.pause)||(i.paused=Rj(s.pause,t));let e=n?.pause;!0!==e&&(e=i.paused||Rj(e,t)),l=Vj(s.delay||0,t),e?(i.resumeQueue.add(h),r.pause()):(r.resume(),h())}function d(){i.resumeQueue.add(h),i.timeouts.delete(c),c.cancel(),}function h(){l>0&&!Y_.skipAnimation?(i.delayed=!0,c=O_.setTimeout(p,l),i.pauseQueue.add(d),i.timeouts.add(c)):p()}function p(){i.delayed&&(i.delayed=!1),i.pauseQueue.delete(d),i.timeouts.delete(c),e<=(i.cancelId||0)&&(u=!0);try{r.start({...s,callId:e,cancel:u},o)}catch(e){a(e)}}}))}var $j=(e,t)=>1==t.length?t[0]:t.some((e=>e.cancelled))?sC(e.get()):t.every((e=>e.noop))?eC(e.get()):tC(e.get(),t.every((e=>e.finished))),eC=e=>({value:e,noop:!0,finished:!0,cancelled:!1}),tC=(e,t,s=!1)=>({value:e,finished:t,cancelled:s}),sC=e=>({value:e,cancelled:!0,finished:!1});function nC(e,t,s,n){let{callId:i,parentId:r,onRest:o}=t,{asyncTo:a,promise:l}=s;return r||e!==a||t.reset?s.promise=(async()=>{s.asyncId=i,s.asyncTo=e;let c,u,d,h=zj(t,((e,t)=>"onRest"===t?void 0:e)),p=new Promise(((e,t)=>(c=e,u=t))),f=e=>{let t=i<=(s.cancelId||0)&&sC(n)||i!==s.asyncId&&tC(n,!1);if(t)throw e.result=t,u(e),e},m=(e,t)=>{let r=new rC,o=new oC;return(async()=>{if(Y_.skipAnimation)throw iC(s),o.result=tC(n,!1),u(o),o;f(r);let a=J_.obj(e)?{...e}:{...t,to:e};a.parentId=i,eS(h,((e,t)=>{J_.und(a[t])&&(a[t]=e)}));let l=await n.start(a);return f(r),s.paused&&await new Promise((e=>{s.resumeQueue.add(e)})),l})()};if(Y_.skipAnimation)return iC(s),tC(n,!1);try{let t;t=J_.arr(e)?(async e=>{for(let t of e)await m(t)})(e):Promise.resolve(e(m,n.stop.bind(n))),await Promise.all([t.then(c),p]),d=tC(n.get(),!0,!1)}catch(e){if(e instanceof rC)d=e.result;else{if(!(e instanceof oC))throw e;d=e.result}}finally{i==s.asyncId&&(s.asyncId=r,s.asyncTo=r?a:void 0,s.promise=r?l:void 0)}return>{o(d,n,n.item)})),d})():l}function iC(e,t){sS(e.timeouts,(e=>e.cancel())),e.pauseQueue.clear(),e.resumeQueue.clear(),e.asyncId=e.asyncTo=e.promise=void 0,t&&(e.cancelId=t)}var rC=class extends Error{result;constructor(){super("An async animation has been interrupted. You see this error because you forgot to use `await` or `.catch(...)` on its returned promise.")}},oC=class extends Error{result;constructor(){super("SkipAnimationSignal")}},aC=e=>e instanceof cC,lC=1,cC=class extends QS{id=lC++;_priority=0;get priority(){return this._priority}set priority(e){this._priority!=e&&(this._priority=e,this._onPriorityChange(e))}get(){let e=wj(this);return e&&e.getValue()}to(...e){return,e)}interpolate(...e){return mj(`${pj}The "interpolate" function is deprecated in v9 (use "to" instead)`),,e)}toJSON(){return this.get()}observerAdded(e){1==e&&this._attach()}observerRemoved(e){0==e&&this._detach()}_attach(){}_detach(){}_onChange(e,t=!1){JS(this,{type:"change",parent:this,value:e,idle:t})}_onPriorityChange(e){this.idle||mS.sort(this),JS(this,{type:"priority",parent:this,priority:e})}},uC=Symbol.for("SpringPhase"),dC=e=>(1&e[uC])>0,hC=e=>(2&e[uC])>0,pC=e=>(4&e[uC])>0,fC=(e,t)=>t?e[uC]|=3:e[uC]&=-3,mC=(e,t)=>t?e[uC]|=4:e[uC]&=-5,gC=class extends cC{key;animation=new Jj;queue;defaultProps={};_state={paused:!1,delayed:!1,pauseQueue:new Set,resumeQueue:new Set,timeouts:new Set};_pendingCalls=new Set;_lastCallId=0;_lastToId=0;_memoizedDuration=0;constructor(e,t){if(super(),!J_.und(e)||!J_.und(t)){let s=J_.obj(e)?{...e}:{...t,from:e};J_.und(s.default)&&(s.default=!0),this.start(s)}}get idle(){return!(hC(this)||this._state.asyncTo)||pC(this)}get goal(){return YS(}get velocity(){let e=wj(this);return e instanceof Cj?e.lastVelocity||0:e.getPayload().map((e=>e.lastVelocity||0))}get hasAnimated(){return dC(this)}get isAnimating(){return hC(this)}get isPaused(){return pC(this)}get isDelayed(){return this._state.delayed}advance(e){let t=!0,s=!1,n=this.animation,{config:i,toValues:r}=n,o=Sj(;!o&&KS(,n.values.forEach(((a,l)=>{if(a.done)return;let c=a.constructor==kj?1:o?o[l].lastPosition:r[l],u=n.immediate,d=c;if(!u){if(d=a.lastPosition,i.tension<=0)return void(a.done=!0);let t,s=a.elapsedTime+=e,r=n.fromValues[l],o=null!=a.v0?a.v0:a.v0=J_.arr(i.velocity)?i.velocity[l]:i.velocity,h=i.precision||(r==c?.005:Math.min(1,.001*Math.abs(c-r)));if(J_.und(i.duration))if(i.decay){let e=!0===i.decay?.998:i.decay,n=Math.exp(-(1-e)*s);d=r+o/(1-e)*(1-n),u=Math.abs(a.lastPosition-d)<=h,t=o*n}else{t=null==a.lastVelocity?o:a.lastVelocity;let s,n=i.restVelocity||h/10,l=i.clamp?0:i.bounce,p=!J_.und(l),f=r==c?a.v0>0:r<c,m=!1,g=1,v=Math.ceil(e/g);for(let e=0;e<v&&(s=Math.abs(t)>n,s||(u=Math.abs(c-d)<=h,!u));++e){p&&(m=d==c||d>c==f,m&&(t=-t*l,d=c)),t+=(1e-6*-i.tension*(d-c)+.001*-i.friction*t)/i.mass*g,d+=t*g}}else{let n=1;i.duration>0&&(this._memoizedDuration!==i.duration&&(this._memoizedDuration=i.duration,a.durationProgress>0&&(a.elapsedTime=i.duration*a.durationProgress,s=a.elapsedTime+=e)),n=(i.progress||0)+s/this._memoizedDuration,n=n>1?1:n<0?0:n,a.durationProgress=n),d=r+i.easing(n)*(c-r),t=(d-a.lastPosition)/e,u=1==n}a.lastVelocity=t,Number.isNaN(d)&&(console.warn("Got NaN while animating:",this),u=!0)}o&&!o[l].done&&(u=!1),u?a.done=!0:t=!1,a.setValue(d,i.round)&&(s=!0)}));let a=wj(this),l=a.getValue();if(t){let e=YS(;l===e&&!s||i.decay?s&&i.decay&&this._onChange(l):(a.setValue(e),this._onChange(e)),this._stop()}else s&&this._onChange(l)}set(e){return O_.batchedUpdates((()=>{this._stop(),this._focus(e),this._set(e)})),this}pause(){this._update({pause:!0})}resume(){this._update({pause:!1})}finish(){if(hC(this)){let{to:e,config:t}=this.animation;O_.batchedUpdates((()=>{this._onStart(),t.decay||this._set(e,!1),this._stop()}))}return this}update(e){return(this.queue||(this.queue=[])).push(e),this}start(e,t){let s;return J_.und(e)?(s=this.queue||[],this.queue=[]):s=[J_.obj(e)?e:{...t,to:e}],Promise.all(>this._update(e)))).then((e=>$j(this,e)))}stop(e){let{to:t}=this.animation;return this._focus(this.get()),iC(this._state,e&&this._lastCallId),O_.batchedUpdates((()=>this._stop(t,e))),this}reset(){this._update({reset:!0})}eventObserved(e){"change"==e.type?this._start():"priority"==e.type&&(this.priority=e.priority+1)}_prepareNode(e){let t=this.key||"",{to:s,from:n}=e;s=J_.obj(s)?s[t]:s,(null==s||qj(s))&&(s=void 0),n=J_.obj(n)?n[t]:n,null==n&&(n=void 0);let i={to:s,from:n};return dC(this)||(e.reverse&&([s,n]=[n,s]),n=YS(n),J_.und(n)?wj(this)||this._set(s):this._set(n)),i}_update({...e},t){let{key:s,defaultProps:n}=this;e.default&&Object.assign(n,zj(e,((e,t)=>/^on/.test(t)?Bj(e,s):e))),_C(this,e,"onProps"),SC(this,"onProps",e,this);let i=this._prepareNode(e);if(Object.isFrozen(this))throw Error("Cannot animate a `SpringValue` object that is frozen. Did you forget to pass your component to `animated(...)` before animating its props?");let r=this._state;return Qj(++this._lastCallId,{key:s,props:e,defaultProps:n,state:r,actions:{pause:()=>{pC(this)||(mC(this,!0),rS(r.pauseQueue),SC(this,"onPause",tC(this,vC(this,,this))},resume:()=>{pC(this)&&(mC(this,!1),hC(this)&&this._resume(),rS(r.resumeQueue),SC(this,"onResume",tC(this,vC(this,,this))},start:this._merge.bind(this,i)}}).then((s=>{if(e.loop&&s.finished&&(!t||!s.noop)){let t=yC(e);if(t)return this._update(t,!0)}return s}))}_merge(e,t,s){if(t.cancel)return this.stop(!0),s(sC(this));let n=!J_.und(,i=!J_.und(e.from);if(n||i){if(!(t.callId>this._lastToId))return s(sC(this));this._lastToId=t.callId}let{key:r,defaultProps:o,animation:a}=this,{to:l,from:c}=a,{to:u=l,from:d=c}=e;i&&!n&&(!t.default||J_.und(u))&&(u=d),t.reverse&&([u,d]=[d,u]);let h=!Q_(d,c);h&&(a.from=d),d=YS(d);let p=!Q_(u,l);p&&this._focus(u);let f=qj(,{config:m}=a,{decay:g,velocity:v}=m;(n||i)&&(m.velocity=0),t.config&&!f&&function(e,t,s){s&&(Yj(s={...s},t),t={...s,...t}),Yj(e,t),Object.assign(e,t);for(let t in Zj)null==e[t]&&(e[t]=Zj[t]);let{mass:n,frequency:i,damping:r}=e;J_.und(i)||(i<.01&&(i=.01),r<0&&(r=0),e.tension=Math.pow(2*Math.PI/i,2)*n,e.friction=4*Math.PI*r*n/i)}(m,Vj(t.config,r),t.config!==o.config?Vj(o.config,r):void 0);let y=wj(this);if(!y||J_.und(u))return s(tC(this,!0));let x=J_.und(t.reset)?i&&!t.default:!J_.und(d)&&Rj(t.reset,r),b=x?d:this.get(),w=Wj(u),_=J_.num(w)||J_.arr(w)||gj(w),S=!f&&(!_||Rj(o.immediate||t.immediate,r));if(p){let e=Oj(u);if(e!==y.constructor){if(!S)throw Error(`Cannot animate between ${} and ${}, as the "to" prop suggests`);y=this._set(w)}}let j=y.constructor,C=KS(u),k=!1;if(!C){let e=x||!dC(this)&&h;(p||e)&&(k=Q_(Wj(b),w),C=!k),(!Q_(a.immediate,S)&&!S||!Q_(m.decay,g)||!Q_(m.velocity,v))&&(C=!0)}if(k&&hC(this)&&(a.changed&&!x?C=!0:C||this._stop(l)),!f&&((C||KS(l))&&(a.values=y.getPayload(),a.toValues=KS(u)?null:j==kj?[1]:tS(w)),a.immediate!=S&&(a.immediate=S,!S&&!x&&this._set(l)),C)){let{onRest:e}=a;$_(wC,(e=>_C(this,t,e)));let n=tC(this,vC(this,l));rS(this._pendingCalls,n),this._pendingCalls.add(s),a.changed&&O_.batchedUpdates((()=>{a.changed=!x,e?.(n,this),x?Vj(o.onRest,n):a.onStart?.(n,this)}))}x&&this._set(b),f?s(nC(,t,this._state,this)):C?this._start():hC(this)&&!p?this._pendingCalls.add(s):s(eC(b))}_focus(e){let t=this.animation;e!,,XS(this)&&this._attach())}_attach(){let e=0,{to:t}=this.animation;KS(t)&&(ej(t,this),aC(t)&&(e=t.priority+1)),this.priority=e}_detach(){let{to:e}=this.animation;KS(e)&&tj(e,this)}_set(e,t=!0){let s=YS(e);if(!J_.und(s)){let e=wj(this);if(!e||!Q_(s,e.getValue())){let n=Oj(s);e&&e.constructor==n?e.setValue(s):_j(this,n.create(s)),e&&O_.batchedUpdates((()=>{this._onChange(s,t)}))}}return wj(this)}_onStart(){let e=this.animation;e.changed||(e.changed=!0,SC(this,"onStart",tC(this,vC(this,,this))}_onChange(e,t){t||(this._onStart(),Vj(this.animation.onChange,e,this)),Vj(this.defaultProps.onChange,e,this),super._onChange(e,t)}_start(){let e=this.animation;wj(this).reset(YS(,e.immediate||(>e.lastPosition))),hC(this)||(fC(this,!0),pC(this)||this._resume())}_resume(){Y_.skipAnimation?this.finish():mS.start(this)}_stop(e,t){if(hC(this)){fC(this,!1);let s=this.animation;$_(s.values,(e=>{e.done=!0})),s.toValues&&(s.onChange=s.onPause=s.onResume=void 0),JS(this,{type:"idle",parent:this});let n=t?sC(this.get()):tC(this.get(),vC(this,e??;rS(this._pendingCalls,n),s.changed&&(s.changed=!1,SC(this,"onRest",n,this))}}};function vC(e,t){let s=Wj(t);return Q_(Wj(e.get()),s)}function yC(e,t=e.loop,{let n=Vj(t);if(n){let i=!0!==n&&Uj(n),r=(i||e).reverse,o=!i||i.reset;return xC({...e,loop:t,default:!1,pause:void 0,to:!r||qj(s)?s:void 0,from:o?e.from:void 0,reset:o,...i})}}function xC(e){let{to:t,from:s}=e=Uj(e),n=new Set;return J_.obj(t)&&bC(t,n),J_.obj(s)&&bC(s,n),e.keys=n.size?Array.from(n):null,e}function bC(e,t){eS(e,((e,s)=>null!=e&&t.add(s)))}var wC=["onStart","onRest","onChange","onPause","onResume"];function _C(e,t,s){e.animation[s]=t[s]!==Dj(t,s)?Bj(t[s],e.key):void 0}function SC(e,t,...s){e.animation[t]?.(...s),e.defaultProps[t]?.(...s)}var jC=["onStart","onChange","onRest"],CC=1,kC=class{id=CC++;springs={};queue=[];ref;_flush;_initialProps;_lastAsyncId=0;_active=new Set;_changed=new Set;_started=!1;_item;_state={paused:!1,pauseQueue:new Set,resumeQueue:new Set,timeouts:new Set};_events={onStart:new Map,onChange:new Map,onRest:new Map};constructor(e,t){this._onFrame=this._onFrame.bind(this),t&&(this._flush=t),e&&this.start({default:!0,...e})}get idle(){return!this._state.asyncTo&&Object.values(this.springs).every((e=>e.idle&&!e.isDelayed&&!e.isPaused))}get item(){return this._item}set item(e){this._item=e}get(){let e={};return this.each(((t,s)=>e[s]=t.get())),e}set(e){for(let t in e){let s=e[t];J_.und(s)||this.springs[t].set(s)}}update(e){return e&&this.queue.push(xC(e)),this}start(e){let{queue:t}=this;return e?t=tS(e).map(xC):this.queue=[],this._flush?this._flush(this,t):(OC(this,t),EC(this,t))}stop(e,t){if(e!==!!e&&(t=e),t){let s=this.springs;$_(tS(t),(t=>s[t].stop(!!e)))}else iC(this._state,this._lastAsyncId),this.each((t=>t.stop(!!e)));return this}pause(e){if(J_.und(e))this.start({pause:!0});else{let t=this.springs;$_(tS(e),(e=>t[e].pause()))}return this}resume(e){if(J_.und(e))this.start({pause:!1});else{let t=this.springs;$_(tS(e),(e=>t[e].resume()))}return this}each(e){eS(this.springs,e)}_onFrame(){let{onStart:e,onChange:t,onRest:s}=this._events,n=this._active.size>0,i=this._changed.size>0;(n&&!this._started||i&&!this._started)&&(this._started=!0,sS(e,(([e,t])=>{t.value=this.get(),e(t,this,this._item)})));let r=!n&&this._started,o=i||r&&s.size?this.get():null;i&&t.size&&sS(t,(([e,t])=>{t.value=o,e(t,this,this._item)})),r&&(this._started=!1,sS(s,(([e,t])=>{t.value=o,e(t,this,this._item)})))}eventObserved(e){if("change"==e.type)this._changed.add(e.parent),e.idle||this._active.add(e.parent);else{if("idle"!=e.type)return;this._active.delete(e.parent)}O_.onFrame(this._onFrame)}};function EC(e,t){return Promise.all(>PC(e,t)))).then((t=>$j(e,t)))}async function PC(e,t,s){let{keys:n,to:i,from:r,loop:o,onRest:a,onResolve:l}=t,c=J_.obj(t.default)&&t.default;o&&(t.loop=!1),!1===i&&(,!1===r&&(t.from=null);let u=J_.arr(i)|| 0;u?( 0,t.onRest=void 0,c&&(c.onRest=void 0)):$_(jC,(s=>{let n=t[s];if({let i=e._events[s];t[s]=({finished:e,cancelled:t})=>{let s=i.get(n);s?(e||(s.finished=!1),t&&(s.cancelled=!0)):i.set(n,{value:null,finished:e||!1,cancelled:t||!1})},c&&(c[s]=t[s])}}));let d=e._state;t.pause===!d.paused?(d.paused=t.pause,rS(t.pause?d.pauseQueue:d.resumeQueue)):d.paused&&(t.pause=!0);let h=(n||Object.keys(e.springs)).map((s=>e.springs[s].start(t))),p=!0===t.cancel||!0===Dj(t,"cancel");(u||p&&d.asyncId)&&h.push(Qj(++e._lastAsyncId,{props:t,state:d,actions:{pause:X_,resume:X_,start(t,s){p?(iC(d,e._lastAsyncId),s(sC(e))):(t.onRest=a,s(nC(u,t,d,e)))}}})),d.paused&&await new Promise((e=>{d.resumeQueue.add(e)}));let f=$j(e,await Promise.all(h));if(o&&f.finished&&(!s||!f.noop)){let s=yC(t,o,i);if(s)return OC(e,[s]),PC(e,s,!0)}return l&&O_.batchedUpdates((()=>l(f,e,e.item))),f}function IC(e,t){let s=new gC;return s.key=e,t&&ej(s,t),s}function TC(e,t,s){t.keys&&$_(t.keys,(n=>{(e[n]||(e[n]=s(n)))._prepareNode(t)}))}function OC(e,t){$_(t,(t=>{TC(e.springs,t,(t=>IC(t,e)))}))}var AC=({children:e,...t})=>{let s=(0,Ef.useContext)(MC),n=t.pause||!!s.pause,i=t.immediate||!!s.immediate;t=function(e,t){let[s]=(0,Ef.useState)((()=>({inputs:t,result:e()}))),n=(0,Ef.useRef)(),i=n.current,r=i;return r?Boolean(t&&r.inputs&&function(e,t){if(e.length!==t.length)return!1;for(let s=0;s<e.length;s++)if(e[s]!==t[s])return!1;return!0}(t,r.inputs))||(r={inputs:t,result:e()}):r=s,(0,Ef.useEffect)((()=>{n.current=r,i==s&&(s.inputs=s.result=void 0)}),[r]),r.result}((()=>({pause:n,immediate:i})),[n,i]);let{Provider:r}=MC;return Ef.createElement(r,{value:t},e)},MC=function(e,t){return Object.assign(e,Ef.createContext(t)),e.Provider._context=e,e.Consumer._context=e,e}(AC,{});AC.Provider=MC.Provider,AC.Consumer=MC.Consumer;var NC=class extends cC{constructor(e,t){super(),this.source=e,this.calc=BS(...t);let s=this._get(),n=Oj(s);_j(this,n.create(s))}key;idle=!0;calc;_active=new Set;advance(e){let t=this._get();Q_(t,this.get())||(wj(this).setValue(t),this._onChange(t,this.idle)),!this.idle&&VC(this._active)&&RC(this)}_get(){let e=J_.arr(this.source)?;return this.calc(...e)}_start(){this.idle&&!VC(this._active)&&(this.idle=!1,$_(Sj(this),(e=>{e.done=!1})),Y_.skipAnimation?(O_.batchedUpdates((()=>this.advance())),RC(this)):mS.start(this))}_attach(){let e=1;$_(tS(this.source),(t=>{KS(t)&&ej(t,this),aC(t)&&(t.idle||this._active.add(t),e=Math.max(e,t.priority+1))})),this.priority=e,this._start()}_detach(){$_(tS(this.source),(e=>{KS(e)&&tj(e,this)})),this._active.clear(),RC(this)}eventObserved(e){"change"==e.type?e.idle?this.advance():(this._active.add(e.parent),this._start()):"idle"==e.type?this._active.delete(e.parent):"priority"==e.type&&(this.priority=tS(this.source).reduce(((e,t)=>Math.max(e,(aC(t)?t.priority:0)+1)),0))}};function FC(e){return!1!==e.idle}function VC(e){return!e.size||Array.from(e).every(FC)}function 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/******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { count: () => (/* binding */ count) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/defaultSettings.js /** @typedef {import('./index').WPWordCountStrategy} WPWordCountStrategy */ /** @typedef {Partial<{type: WPWordCountStrategy, shortcodes: string[]}>} WPWordCountL10n */ /** * @typedef WPWordCountSettingsFields * @property {RegExp} HTMLRegExp Regular expression that matches HTML tags * @property {RegExp} HTMLcommentRegExp Regular expression that matches HTML comments * @property {RegExp} spaceRegExp Regular expression that matches spaces in HTML * @property {RegExp} HTMLEntityRegExp Regular expression that matches HTML entities * @property {RegExp} connectorRegExp Regular expression that matches word connectors, like em-dash * @property {RegExp} removeRegExp Regular expression that matches various characters to be removed when counting * @property {RegExp} astralRegExp Regular expression that matches astral UTF-16 code points * @property {RegExp} wordsRegExp Regular expression that matches words * @property {RegExp} characters_excluding_spacesRegExp Regular expression that matches characters excluding spaces * @property {RegExp} characters_including_spacesRegExp Regular expression that matches characters including spaces * @property {RegExp} shortcodesRegExp Regular expression that matches WordPress shortcodes * @property {string[]} shortcodes List of all shortcodes * @property {WPWordCountStrategy} type Describes what and how are we counting * @property {WPWordCountL10n} l10n Object with human translations */ /** * Lower-level settings for word counting that can be overridden. * * @typedef {Partial<WPWordCountSettingsFields>} WPWordCountUserSettings */ // Disable reason: JSDoc linter doesn't seem to parse the union (`&`) correctly: /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * Word counting settings that include non-optional values we set if missing * * @typedef {WPWordCountUserSettings & typeof defaultSettings} WPWordCountDefaultSettings */ /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ const defaultSettings = { HTMLRegExp: /<\/?[a-z][^>]*?>/gi, HTMLcommentRegExp: /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, spaceRegExp: / | /gi, HTMLEntityRegExp: /&\S+?;/g, // \u2014 = em-dash. connectorRegExp: /--|\u2014/g, // Characters to be removed from input text. removeRegExp: new RegExp(['[', // Basic Latin (extract) '\u0021-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u0060\u007B-\u007E', // Latin-1 Supplement (extract) '\u0080-\u00BF\u00D7\u00F7', /* * The following range consists of: * General Punctuation * Superscripts and Subscripts * Currency Symbols * Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols * Letterlike Symbols * Number Forms * Arrows * Mathematical Operators * Miscellaneous Technical * Control Pictures * Optical Character Recognition * Enclosed Alphanumerics * Box Drawing * Block Elements * Geometric Shapes * Miscellaneous Symbols * Dingbats * Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A * Supplemental Arrows-A * Braille Patterns * Supplemental Arrows-B * Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B * Supplemental Mathematical Operators * Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows */ '\u2000-\u2BFF', // Supplemental Punctuation. '\u2E00-\u2E7F', ']'].join(''), 'g'), // Remove UTF-16 surrogate points, see astralRegExp: /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, wordsRegExp: /\S\s+/g, characters_excluding_spacesRegExp: /\S/g, /* * Match anything that is not a formatting character, excluding: * \f = form feed * \n = new line * \r = carriage return * \t = tab * \v = vertical tab * \u00AD = soft hyphen * \u2028 = line separator * \u2029 = paragraph separator */ characters_including_spacesRegExp: /[^\f\n\r\t\v\u00AD\u2028\u2029]/g, l10n: { type: 'words' } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/stripTags.js /** * Replaces items matched in the regex with new line * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function stripTags(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.HTMLRegExp, '\n'); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/transposeAstralsToCountableChar.js /** * Replaces items matched in the regex with character. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function transposeAstralsToCountableChar(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.astralRegExp, 'a'); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/stripHTMLEntities.js /** * Removes items matched in the regex. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function stripHTMLEntities(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.HTMLEntityRegExp, ''); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/stripConnectors.js /** * Replaces items matched in the regex with spaces. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function stripConnectors(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.connectorRegExp, ' '); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/stripRemovables.js /** * Removes items matched in the regex. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function stripRemovables(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.removeRegExp, ''); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/stripHTMLComments.js /** * Removes items matched in the regex. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function stripHTMLComments(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.HTMLcommentRegExp, ''); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/stripShortcodes.js /** * Replaces items matched in the regex with a new line. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function stripShortcodes(settings, text) { if (settings.shortcodesRegExp) { return text.replace(settings.shortcodesRegExp, '\n'); } return text; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/stripSpaces.js /** * Replaces items matched in the regex with spaces. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function stripSpaces(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.spaceRegExp, ' '); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/transposeHTMLEntitiesToCountableChars.js /** * Replaces items matched in the regex with a single character. * * @param {import('./index').WPWordCountSettings} settings The main settings object containing regular expressions * @param {string} text The string being counted. * * @return {string} The manipulated text. */ function transposeHTMLEntitiesToCountableChars(settings, text) { return text.replace(settings.HTMLEntityRegExp, 'a'); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/wordcount/build-module/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @typedef {import('./defaultSettings').WPWordCountDefaultSettings} WPWordCountSettings * @typedef {import('./defaultSettings').WPWordCountUserSettings} WPWordCountUserSettings */ /** * Possible ways of counting. * * @typedef {'words'|'characters_excluding_spaces'|'characters_including_spaces'} WPWordCountStrategy */ /** * Private function to manage the settings. * * @param {WPWordCountStrategy} type The type of count to be done. * @param {WPWordCountUserSettings} userSettings Custom settings for the count. * * @return {WPWordCountSettings} The combined settings object to be used. */ function loadSettings(type, userSettings) { var _settings$l10n$shortc; const settings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings, userSettings); settings.shortcodes = (_settings$l10n$shortc = settings.l10n?.shortcodes) !== null && _settings$l10n$shortc !== void 0 ? _settings$l10n$shortc : []; if (settings.shortcodes && settings.shortcodes.length) { settings.shortcodesRegExp = new RegExp('\\[\\/?(?:' + settings.shortcodes.join('|') + ')[^\\]]*?\\]', 'g'); } settings.type = type; if (settings.type !== 'characters_excluding_spaces' && settings.type !== 'characters_including_spaces') { settings.type = 'words'; } return settings; } /** * Count the words in text * * @param {string} text The text being processed * @param {RegExp} regex The regular expression pattern being matched * @param {WPWordCountSettings} settings Settings object containing regular expressions for each strip function * * @return {number} Count of words. */ function countWords(text, regex, settings) { var _text$match$length; text = [stripTags.bind(null, settings), stripHTMLComments.bind(null, settings), stripShortcodes.bind(null, settings), stripSpaces.bind(null, settings), stripHTMLEntities.bind(null, settings), stripConnectors.bind(null, settings), stripRemovables.bind(null, settings)].reduce((result, fn) => fn(result), text); text = text + '\n'; return (_text$match$length = text.match(regex)?.length) !== null && _text$match$length !== void 0 ? _text$match$length : 0; } /** * Count the characters in text * * @param {string} text The text being processed * @param {RegExp} regex The regular expression pattern being matched * @param {WPWordCountSettings} settings Settings object containing regular expressions for each strip function * * @return {number} Count of characters. */ function countCharacters(text, regex, settings) { var _text$match$length2; text = [stripTags.bind(null, settings), stripHTMLComments.bind(null, settings), stripShortcodes.bind(null, settings), transposeAstralsToCountableChar.bind(null, settings), stripSpaces.bind(null, settings), transposeHTMLEntitiesToCountableChars.bind(null, settings)].reduce((result, fn) => fn(result), text); text = text + '\n'; return (_text$match$length2 = text.match(regex)?.length) !== null && _text$match$length2 !== void 0 ? _text$match$length2 : 0; } /** * Count some words. * * @param {string} text The text being processed * @param {WPWordCountStrategy} type The type of count. Accepts 'words', 'characters_excluding_spaces', or 'characters_including_spaces'. * @param {WPWordCountUserSettings} userSettings Custom settings object. * * @example * ```js * import { count } from '@wordpress/wordcount'; * const numberOfWords = count( 'Words to count', 'words', {} ) * ``` * * @return {number} The word or character count. */ function count(text, type, userSettings) { const settings = loadSettings(type, userSettings); let matchRegExp; switch (settings.type) { case 'words': matchRegExp = settings.wordsRegExp; return countWords(text, matchRegExp, settings); case 'characters_including_spaces': matchRegExp = settings.characters_including_spacesRegExp; return countCharacters(text, matchRegExp, settings); case 'characters_excluding_spaces': matchRegExp = settings.characters_excluding_spacesRegExp; return countCharacters(text, matchRegExp, settings); default: return 0; } } (window.wp = window.wp || {}).wordcount = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK�������!�[ģ �� ��$��vendor/wp-polyfill-object-fit.min.jsnu�[��������!function(){"use strict";if("undefined"!=typeof window){var t=window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d{2})\./),e=t?parseInt(t[1],10):null,i=!!e&&16<=e&&e<=18;if("objectFit"in||i){var n=function(t,e,i){var n,o,l,a,d;if((i=i.split(" ")).length<2&&(i[1]=i[0]),"x"===t)n=i[0],o=i[1],l="left",a="right",d=e.clientWidth;else{if("y"!==t)return;n=i[1],o=i[0],l="top",a="bottom",d=e.clientHeight}if(n!==l&&o!==l){if(n!==a&&o!==a)return"center"===n||"50%"===n?([l]="50%",void(["margin-"+l]=d/-2+"px")):void(0<=n.indexOf("%")?(n=parseInt(n,10))<50?([l]=n+"%",["margin-"+l]=d*(n/-100)+"px"):(n=100-n,[a]=n+"%",["margin-"+a]=d*(n/-100)+"px")[l]=n);[a]="0"}else[l]="0"},o=function(t){var e=t.dataset?t.dataset.objectFit:t.getAttribute("data-object-fit"),i=t.dataset?t.dataset.objectPosition:t.getAttribute("data-object-position");e=e||"cover",i=i||"50% 50%";var o=t.parentNode;return function(t){var 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e,r=Object.prototype,n=r.hasOwnProperty,o=Object.defineProperty||function(t,e,r){t[e]=r.value},i=(w="function"==typeof Symbol?Symbol:{}).iterator||"@@iterator",a=w.asyncIterator||"@@asyncIterator",c=w.toStringTag||"@@toStringTag";function u(t,e,r){return Object.defineProperty(t,e,{value:r,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}),t[e]}try{u({},"")}catch(r){u=function(t,e,r){return t[e]=r}}function h(t,r,n,i){var a,c,u,h;r=r&&r.prototype instanceof v?r:v,r=Object.create(r.prototype),i=new O(i||[]);return o(r,"_invoke",{value:(a=t,c=n,u=i,h=f,function(t,r){if(h===p)throw new Error("Generator is already running");if(h===y){if("throw"===t)throw r;return{value:e,done:!0}}for(u.method=t,u.arg=r;;){var n=u.delegate;if(n&&(n=function t(r,n){var o=n.method,i=r.iterator[o];return i===e?(n.delegate=null,"throw"===o&&r.iterator.return&&(n.method="return",n.arg=e,t(r,n),"throw"===n.method)||"return"!==o&&(n.method="throw",n.arg=new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '"+o+"' method")),g):"throw"===(o=l(i,r.iterator,n.arg)).type?(n.method="throw",n.arg=o.arg,n.delegate=null,g):(i=o.arg)?i.done?(n[r.resultName]=i.value,,"return"!==n.method&&(n.method="next",n.arg=e),n.delegate=null,g):i:(n.method="throw",n.arg=new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"),n.delegate=null,g)}(n,u),n)){if(n===g)continue;return n}if("next"===u.method)u.sent=u._sent=u.arg;else if("throw"===u.method){if(h===f)throw h=y,u.arg;u.dispatchException(u.arg)}else"return"===u.method&&u.abrupt("return",u.arg);if(h=p,"normal"===(n=l(a,c,u)).type){if(h=u.done?y:s,n.arg!==g)return{value:n.arg,done:u.done}}else"throw"===n.type&&(h=y,u.method="throw",u.arg=n.arg)}})}),r}function l(t,e,r){try{return{type:"normal",,r)}}catch(t){return{type:"throw",arg:t}}}t.wrap=h;var f="suspendedStart",s="suspendedYield",p="executing",y="completed",g={};function v(){}function d(){}function m(){}var w,b,L=((b=(b=(u(w={},i,(function(){return this})),Object.getPrototypeOf))&&b(b(k([]))))&&b!==r&&,i)&&(w=b),m.prototype=v.prototype=Object.create(w));function x(t){["next","throw","return"].forEach((function(e){u(t,e,(function(t){return this._invoke(e,t)}))}))}function E(t,e){var r;o(this,"_invoke",{value:function(o,i){function a(){return new e((function(r,a){!function r(o,i,a,c){var u;if("throw"!==(o=l(t[o],t,i)).type)return(i=(u=o.arg).value)&&"object"==typeof i&&,"__await")?e.resolve(i.__await).then((function(t){r("next",t,a,c)}),(function(t){r("throw",t,a,c)})):e.resolve(i).then((function(t){u.value=t,a(u)}),(function(t){return r("throw",t,a,c)}));c(o.arg)}(o,i,r,a)}))}return r=r?r.then(a,a):a()}})}function j(t){var e={tryLoc:t[0]};1 in t&&(e.catchLoc=t[1]),2 in t&&(e.finallyLoc=t[2],e.afterLoc=t[3]),this.tryEntries.push(e)}function _(t){var e=t.completion||{};e.type="normal",delete e.arg,t.completion=e}function O(t){this.tryEntries=[{tryLoc:"root"}],t.forEach(j,this),this.reset(!0)}function k(t){if(t||""===t){var r,o=t[i];if(o)return;if("function"==typeof t;if(!isNaN(t.length))return r=-1,(o=function o(){for(;++r<t.length;)if(,r))return o.value=t[r],o.done=!1,o;return o.value=e,o.done=!0,o}).next=o}throw new TypeError(typeof t+" is not iterable")}return o(L,"constructor",{value:d.prototype=m,configurable:!0}),o(m,"constructor",{value:d,configurable:!0}),d.displayName=u(m,c,"GeneratorFunction"),t.isGeneratorFunction=function(t){return!!(t="function"==typeof t&&t.constructor)&&(t===d||"GeneratorFunction"===(t.displayName||},t.mark=function(t){return Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(t,m):(t.__proto__=m,u(t,c,"GeneratorFunction")),t.prototype=Object.create(L),t},t.awrap=function(t){return{__await:t}},x(E.prototype),u(E.prototype,a,(function(){return this})),t.AsyncIterator=E,t.async=function(e,r,n,o,i){void 0===i&&(i=Promise);var a=new E(h(e,r,n,o),i);return t.isGeneratorFunction(r)?{return t.done?}))},x(L),u(L,c,"Generator"),u(L,i,(function(){return this})),u(L,"toString",(function(){return"[object Generator]"})),t.keys=function(t){var e,r=Object(t),n=[];for(e in r)n.push(e);return n.reverse(),function t(){for(;n.length;){var e=n.pop();if(e in r)return t.value=e,t.done=!1,t}return t.done=!0,t}},t.values=k,O.prototype={constructor:O,reset:function(t){if(this.prev=0,,this.sent=this._sent=e,this.done=!1,this.delegate=null,this.method="next",this.arg=e,this.tryEntries.forEach(_),!t)for(var r in this)"t"===r.charAt(0)&&,r)&&!isNaN(+r.slice(1))&&(this[r]=e)},stop:function(){this.done=!0;var t=this.tryEntries[0].completion;if("throw"===t.type)throw t.arg;return this.rval},dispatchException:function(t){if(this.done)throw t;var r=this;function o(n,o){return c.type="throw",c.arg=t,,o&&(r.method="next",r.arg=e),!!o}for(var i=this.tryEntries.length-1;0<=i;--i){var a=this.tryEntries[i],c=a.completion;if("root"===a.tryLoc)return o("end");if(a.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(u&&h){if(this.prev<a.catchLoc)return o(a.catchLoc,!0);if(this.prev<a.finallyLoc)return o(a.finallyLoc)}else if(u){if(this.prev<a.catchLoc)return o(a.catchLoc,!0)}else{if(!h)throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");if(this.prev<a.finallyLoc)return o(a.finallyLoc)}}}},abrupt:function(t,e){for(var r=this.tryEntries.length-1;0<=r;--r){var o=this.tryEntries[r];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev<o.finallyLoc){var i=o;break}}var a=(i=i&&("break"===t||"continue"===t)&&i.tryLoc<=e&&e<=i.finallyLoc?null:i)?i.completion:{};return a.type=t,a.arg=e,i?(this.method="next",,g):this.complete(a)},complete:function(t,e){if("throw"===t.type)throw t.arg;return"break"===t.type||"continue"===t.type?"return"===t.type?(this.rval=this.arg=t.arg,this.method="return","end"):"normal"===t.type&&e&&(,g},finish:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;0<=e;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),_(r),g}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;0<=e;--e){var r,n,o=this.tryEntries[e];if(o.tryLoc===t)return"throw"===(r=o.completion).type&&(n=r.arg,_(o)),n}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,r,n){return this.delegate={iterator:k(t),resultName:r,nextLoc:n},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=e),g}},t}("object"==typeof module?module.exports:{});try{regeneratorRuntime=runtime}catch(t){"object"==typeof globalThis?globalThis.regeneratorRuntime=runtime:Function("r","regeneratorRuntime = r")(runtime)}PK�������!�A#��#�� ��vendor/wp-polyfill-object-fit.jsnu�[��������/*---------------------------------------- * objectFitPolyfill 2.3.5 * * Made by Constance Chen * Released under the ISC license * * *--------------------------------------*/ (function() { 'use strict'; // if the page is being rendered on the server, don't continue if (typeof window === 'undefined') return; // Workaround for Edge 16-18, which only implemented object-fit for <img> tags var edgeMatch = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d{2})\./); var edgeVersion = edgeMatch ? parseInt(edgeMatch[1], 10) : null; var edgePartialSupport = edgeVersion ? edgeVersion >= 16 && edgeVersion <= 18 : false; // If the browser does support object-fit, we don't need to continue var hasSupport = 'objectFit' in !== false; if (hasSupport && !edgePartialSupport) { window.objectFitPolyfill = function() { return false; }; return; } /** * Check the container's parent element to make sure it will * correctly handle and clip absolutely positioned children * * @param {node} $container - parent element */ var checkParentContainer = function($container) { var styles = window.getComputedStyle($container, null); var position = styles.getPropertyValue('position'); var overflow = styles.getPropertyValue('overflow'); var display = styles.getPropertyValue('display'); if (!position || position === 'static') { $ = 'relative'; } if (overflow !== 'hidden') { $ = 'hidden'; } // Guesstimating that people want the parent to act like full width/height wrapper here. // Mostly attempts to target <picture> elements, which default to inline. if (!display || display === 'inline') { $ = 'block'; } if ($container.clientHeight === 0) { $ = '100%'; } // Add a CSS class hook, in case people need to override styles for any reason. if ($container.className.indexOf('object-fit-polyfill') === -1) { $container.className = $container.className + ' object-fit-polyfill'; } }; /** * Check for pre-set max-width/height, min-width/height, * positioning, or margins, which can mess up image calculations * * @param {node} $media - img/video element */ var checkMediaProperties = function($media) { var styles = window.getComputedStyle($media, null); var constraints = { 'max-width': 'none', 'max-height': 'none', 'min-width': '0px', 'min-height': '0px', top: 'auto', right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto', left: 'auto', 'margin-top': '0px', 'margin-right': '0px', 'margin-bottom': '0px', 'margin-left': '0px', }; for (var property in constraints) { var constraint = styles.getPropertyValue(property); if (constraint !== constraints[property]) { $[property] = constraints[property]; } } }; /** * Calculate & set object-position * * @param {string} axis - either "x" or "y" * @param {node} $media - img or video element * @param {string} objectPosition - e.g. "50% 50%", "top left" */ var setPosition = function(axis, $media, objectPosition) { var position, other, start, end, side; objectPosition = objectPosition.split(' '); if (objectPosition.length < 2) { objectPosition[1] = objectPosition[0]; } /* istanbul ignore else */ if (axis === 'x') { position = objectPosition[0]; other = objectPosition[1]; start = 'left'; end = 'right'; side = $media.clientWidth; } else if (axis === 'y') { position = objectPosition[1]; other = objectPosition[0]; start = 'top'; end = 'bottom'; side = $media.clientHeight; } else { return; // Neither x or y axis specified } if (position === start || other === start) { $[start] = '0'; return; } if (position === end || other === end) { $[end] = '0'; return; } if (position === 'center' || position === '50%') { $[start] = '50%'; $['margin-' + start] = side / -2 + 'px'; return; } // Percentage values (e.g., 30% 10%) if (position.indexOf('%') >= 0) { position = parseInt(position, 10); if (position < 50) { $[start] = position + '%'; $['margin-' + start] = side * (position / -100) + 'px'; } else { position = 100 - position; $[end] = position + '%'; $['margin-' + end] = side * (position / -100) + 'px'; } return; } // Length-based values (e.g. 10px / 10em) else { $[start] = position; } }; /** * Calculate & set object-fit * * @param {node} $media - img/video/picture element */ var objectFit = function($media) { // IE 10- data polyfill var fit = $media.dataset ? $media.dataset.objectFit : $media.getAttribute('data-object-fit'); var position = $media.dataset ? $media.dataset.objectPosition : $media.getAttribute('data-object-position'); // Default fallbacks fit = fit || 'cover'; position = position || '50% 50%'; // If necessary, make the parent container work with absolutely positioned elements var $container = $media.parentNode; checkParentContainer($container); // Check for any pre-set CSS which could mess up image calculations checkMediaProperties($media); // Reset any pre-set width/height CSS and handle fit positioning $ = 'absolute'; $ = 'auto'; $ = 'auto'; // `scale-down` chooses either `none` or `contain`, whichever is smaller if (fit === 'scale-down') { if ( $media.clientWidth < $container.clientWidth && $media.clientHeight < $container.clientHeight ) { fit = 'none'; } else { fit = 'contain'; } } // `none` (width/height auto) and `fill` (100%) and are straightforward if (fit === 'none') { setPosition('x', $media, position); setPosition('y', $media, position); return; } if (fit === 'fill') { $ = '100%'; $ = '100%'; setPosition('x', $media, position); setPosition('y', $media, position); return; } // `cover` and `contain` must figure out which side needs covering, and add CSS positioning & centering $ = '100%'; if ( (fit === 'cover' && $media.clientWidth > $container.clientWidth) || (fit === 'contain' && $media.clientWidth < $container.clientWidth) ) { $ = '0'; $ = '0'; setPosition('x', $media, position); } else { $ = '100%'; $ = 'auto'; $ = '0'; $ = '0'; setPosition('y', $media, position); } }; /** * Initialize plugin * * @param {node} media - Optional specific DOM node(s) to be polyfilled */ var objectFitPolyfill = function(media) { if (typeof media === 'undefined' || media instanceof Event) { // If left blank, or a default event, all media on the page will be polyfilled. media = document.querySelectorAll('[data-object-fit]'); } else if (media && media.nodeName) { // If it's a single node, wrap it in an array so it works. media = [media]; } else if (typeof media === 'object' && media.length && media[0].nodeName) { // If it's an array of DOM nodes (e.g. a jQuery selector), it's fine as-is. media = media; } else { // Otherwise, if it's invalid or an incorrect type, return false to let people know. return false; } for (var i = 0; i < media.length; i++) { if (!media[i].nodeName) continue; var mediaType = media[i].nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (mediaType === 'img') { if (edgePartialSupport) continue; // Edge supports object-fit for images (but nothing else), so no need to polyfill if (media[i].complete) { objectFit(media[i]); } else { media[i].addEventListener('load', function() { objectFit(this); }); } } else if (mediaType === 'video') { if (media[i].readyState > 0) { objectFit(media[i]); } else { media[i].addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() { objectFit(this); }); } } else { objectFit(media[i]); } } return true; }; if (document.readyState === 'loading') { // Loading hasn't finished yet document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', objectFitPolyfill); } else { // `DOMContentLoaded` has already fired objectFitPolyfill(); } window.addEventListener('resize', objectFitPolyfill); window.objectFitPolyfill = objectFitPolyfill; })(); PK�������!��[������vendor/react-jsx-runtime.min.jsnu�[��������/*! For license information please see react-jsx-runtime.min.js.LICENSE.txt */ (()=>{"use strict";var r={20:(r,e,t)=>{var o=t(594),n=Symbol.for("react.element"),s=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),a=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,f=o.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner,p={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};function _(r,e,t){var o,s={},_=null,i=null;for(o in void 0!==t&&(_=""+t),void 0!==e.key&&(_=""+e.key),void 0!==e.ref&&(i=e.ref),e),o)&&!p.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(s[o]=e[o]);if(r&&r.defaultProps)for(o in e=r.defaultProps)void 0===s[o]&&(s[o]=e[o]);return{$$typeof:n,type:r,key:_,ref:i,props:s,_owner:f.current}}e.Fragment=s,e.jsx=_,e.jsxs=_},848:(r,e,t)=>{r.exports=t(20)},594:r=>{r.exports=React}},e={},t=function t(o){var n=e[o];if(void 0!==n)return n.exports;var s=e[o]={exports:{}};return r[o](s,s.exports,t),s.exports}(848);window.ReactJSXRuntime=t})();PK�������!�c0u��u����vendor/wp-polyfill-inert.jsnu�[��������(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('inert', factory) : (factory()); }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } /** * This work is licensed under the W3C Software and Document License * ( */ (function () { // Return early if we're not running inside of the browser. if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return; } // Convenience function for converting NodeLists. /** @type {typeof Array.prototype.slice} */ var slice = Array.prototype.slice; /** * IE has a non-standard name for "matches". * @type {typeof Element.prototype.matches} */ var matches = Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector; /** @type {string} */ var _focusableElementsString = ['a[href]', 'area[href]', 'input:not([disabled])', 'select:not([disabled])', 'textarea:not([disabled])', 'button:not([disabled])', 'details', 'summary', 'iframe', 'object', 'embed', '[contenteditable]'].join(','); /** * `InertRoot` manages a single inert subtree, i.e. a DOM subtree whose root element has an `inert` * attribute. * * Its main functions are: * * - to create and maintain a set of managed `InertNode`s, including when mutations occur in the * subtree. The `makeSubtreeUnfocusable()` method handles collecting `InertNode`s via registering * each focusable node in the subtree with the singleton `InertManager` which manages all known * focusable nodes within inert subtrees. `InertManager` ensures that a single `InertNode` * instance exists for each focusable node which has at least one inert root as an ancestor. * * - to notify all managed `InertNode`s when this subtree stops being inert (i.e. when the `inert` * attribute is removed from the root node). This is handled in the destructor, which calls the * `deregister` method on `InertManager` for each managed inert node. */ var InertRoot = function () { /** * @param {!HTMLElement} rootElement The HTMLElement at the root of the inert subtree. * @param {!InertManager} inertManager The global singleton InertManager object. */ function InertRoot(rootElement, inertManager) { _classCallCheck(this, InertRoot); /** @type {!InertManager} */ this._inertManager = inertManager; /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ this._rootElement = rootElement; /** * @type {!Set<!InertNode>} * All managed focusable nodes in this InertRoot's subtree. */ this._managedNodes = new Set(); // Make the subtree hidden from assistive technology if (this._rootElement.hasAttribute('aria-hidden')) { /** @type {?string} */ this._savedAriaHidden = this._rootElement.getAttribute('aria-hidden'); } else { this._savedAriaHidden = null; } this._rootElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); // Make all focusable elements in the subtree unfocusable and add them to _managedNodes this._makeSubtreeUnfocusable(this._rootElement); // Watch for: // - any additions in the subtree: make them unfocusable too // - any removals from the subtree: remove them from this inert root's managed nodes // - attribute changes: if `tabindex` is added, or removed from an intrinsically focusable // element, make that node a managed node. this._observer = new MutationObserver(this._onMutation.bind(this)); this._observer.observe(this._rootElement, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }); } /** * Call this whenever this object is about to become obsolete. This unwinds all of the state * stored in this object and updates the state of all of the managed nodes. */ _createClass(InertRoot, [{ key: 'destructor', value: function destructor() { this._observer.disconnect(); if (this._rootElement) { if (this._savedAriaHidden !== null) { this._rootElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', this._savedAriaHidden); } else { this._rootElement.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); } } this._managedNodes.forEach(function (inertNode) { this._unmanageNode(inertNode.node); }, this); // Note we cast the nulls to the ANY type here because: // 1) We want the class properties to be declared as non-null, or else we // need even more casts throughout this code. All bets are off if an // instance has been destroyed and a method is called. // 2) We don't want to cast "this", because we want type-aware optimizations // to know which properties we're setting. this._observer = /** @type {?} */null; this._rootElement = /** @type {?} */null; this._managedNodes = /** @type {?} */null; this._inertManager = /** @type {?} */null; } /** * @return {!Set<!InertNode>} A copy of this InertRoot's managed nodes set. */ }, { key: '_makeSubtreeUnfocusable', /** * @param {!Node} startNode */ value: function _makeSubtreeUnfocusable(startNode) { var _this2 = this; composedTreeWalk(startNode, function (node) { return _this2._visitNode(node); }); var activeElement = document.activeElement; if (!document.body.contains(startNode)) { // startNode may be in shadow DOM, so find its nearest shadowRoot to get the activeElement. var node = startNode; /** @type {!ShadowRoot|undefined} */ var root = undefined; while (node) { if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { root = /** @type {!ShadowRoot} */node; break; } node = node.parentNode; } if (root) { activeElement = root.activeElement; } } if (startNode.contains(activeElement)) { activeElement.blur(); // In IE11, if an element is already focused, and then set to tabindex=-1 // calling blur() will not actually move the focus. // To work around this we call focus() on the body instead. if (activeElement === document.activeElement) { document.body.focus(); } } } /** * @param {!Node} node */ }, { key: '_visitNode', value: function _visitNode(node) { if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return; } var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */node; // If a descendant inert root becomes un-inert, its descendants will still be inert because of // this inert root, so all of its managed nodes need to be adopted by this InertRoot. if (element !== this._rootElement && element.hasAttribute('inert')) { this._adoptInertRoot(element); } if (, _focusableElementsString) || element.hasAttribute('tabindex')) { this._manageNode(element); } } /** * Register the given node with this InertRoot and with InertManager. * @param {!Node} node */ }, { key: '_manageNode', value: function _manageNode(node) { var inertNode = this._inertManager.register(node, this); this._managedNodes.add(inertNode); } /** * Unregister the given node with this InertRoot and with InertManager. * @param {!Node} node */ }, { key: '_unmanageNode', value: function _unmanageNode(node) { var inertNode = this._inertManager.deregister(node, this); if (inertNode) { this._managedNodes['delete'](inertNode); } } /** * Unregister the entire subtree starting at `startNode`. * @param {!Node} startNode */ }, { key: '_unmanageSubtree', value: function _unmanageSubtree(startNode) { var _this3 = this; composedTreeWalk(startNode, function (node) { return _this3._unmanageNode(node); }); } /** * If a descendant node is found with an `inert` attribute, adopt its managed nodes. * @param {!HTMLElement} node */ }, { key: '_adoptInertRoot', value: function _adoptInertRoot(node) { var inertSubroot = this._inertManager.getInertRoot(node); // During initialisation this inert root may not have been registered yet, // so register it now if need be. if (!inertSubroot) { this._inertManager.setInert(node, true); inertSubroot = this._inertManager.getInertRoot(node); } inertSubroot.managedNodes.forEach(function (savedInertNode) { this._manageNode(savedInertNode.node); }, this); } /** * Callback used when mutation observer detects subtree additions, removals, or attribute changes. * @param {!Array<!MutationRecord>} records * @param {!MutationObserver} self */ }, { key: '_onMutation', value: function _onMutation(records, self) { records.forEach(function (record) { var target = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */; if (record.type === 'childList') { // Manage added nodes (node) { this._makeSubtreeUnfocusable(node); }, this); // Un-manage removed nodes (node) { this._unmanageSubtree(node); }, this); } else if (record.type === 'attributes') { if (record.attributeName === 'tabindex') { // Re-initialise inert node if tabindex changes this._manageNode(target); } else if (target !== this._rootElement && record.attributeName === 'inert' && target.hasAttribute('inert')) { // If a new inert root is added, adopt its managed nodes and make sure it knows about the // already managed nodes from this inert subroot. this._adoptInertRoot(target); var inertSubroot = this._inertManager.getInertRoot(target); this._managedNodes.forEach(function (managedNode) { if (target.contains(managedNode.node)) { inertSubroot._manageNode(managedNode.node); } }); } } }, this); } }, { key: 'managedNodes', get: function get() { return new Set(this._managedNodes); } /** @return {boolean} */ }, { key: 'hasSavedAriaHidden', get: function get() { return this._savedAriaHidden !== null; } /** @param {?string} ariaHidden */ }, { key: 'savedAriaHidden', set: function set(ariaHidden) { this._savedAriaHidden = ariaHidden; } /** @return {?string} */ , get: function get() { return this._savedAriaHidden; } }]); return InertRoot; }(); /** * `InertNode` initialises and manages a single inert node. * A node is inert if it is a descendant of one or more inert root elements. * * On construction, `InertNode` saves the existing `tabindex` value for the node, if any, and * either removes the `tabindex` attribute or sets it to `-1`, depending on whether the element * is intrinsically focusable or not. * * `InertNode` maintains a set of `InertRoot`s which are descendants of this `InertNode`. When an * `InertRoot` is destroyed, and calls `InertManager.deregister()`, the `InertManager` notifies the * `InertNode` via `removeInertRoot()`, which in turn destroys the `InertNode` if no `InertRoot`s * remain in the set. On destruction, `InertNode` reinstates the stored `tabindex` if one exists, * or removes the `tabindex` attribute if the element is intrinsically focusable. */ var InertNode = function () { /** * @param {!Node} node A focusable element to be made inert. * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot The inert root element associated with this inert node. */ function InertNode(node, inertRoot) { _classCallCheck(this, InertNode); /** @type {!Node} */ this._node = node; /** @type {boolean} */ this._overrodeFocusMethod = false; /** * @type {!Set<!InertRoot>} The set of descendant inert roots. * If and only if this set becomes empty, this node is no longer inert. */ this._inertRoots = new Set([inertRoot]); /** @type {?number} */ this._savedTabIndex = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this._destroyed = false; // Save any prior tabindex info and make this node untabbable this.ensureUntabbable(); } /** * Call this whenever this object is about to become obsolete. * This makes the managed node focusable again and deletes all of the previously stored state. */ _createClass(InertNode, [{ key: 'destructor', value: function destructor() { this._throwIfDestroyed(); if (this._node && this._node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */this._node; if (this._savedTabIndex !== null) { element.setAttribute('tabindex', this._savedTabIndex); } else { element.removeAttribute('tabindex'); } // Use `delete` to restore native focus method. if (this._overrodeFocusMethod) { delete element.focus; } } // See note in InertRoot.destructor for why we cast these nulls to ANY. this._node = /** @type {?} */null; this._inertRoots = /** @type {?} */null; this._destroyed = true; } /** * @type {boolean} Whether this object is obsolete because the managed node is no longer inert. * If the object has been destroyed, any attempt to access it will cause an exception. */ }, { key: '_throwIfDestroyed', /** * Throw if user tries to access destroyed InertNode. */ value: function _throwIfDestroyed() { if (this.destroyed) { throw new Error('Trying to access destroyed InertNode'); } } /** @return {boolean} */ }, { key: 'ensureUntabbable', /** Save the existing tabindex value and make the node untabbable and unfocusable */ value: function ensureUntabbable() { if (this.node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return; } var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */this.node; if (, _focusableElementsString)) { if ( /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.tabIndex === -1 && this.hasSavedTabIndex) { return; } if (element.hasAttribute('tabindex')) { this._savedTabIndex = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.tabIndex; } element.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); if (element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { element.focus = function () {}; this._overrodeFocusMethod = true; } } else if (element.hasAttribute('tabindex')) { this._savedTabIndex = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.tabIndex; element.removeAttribute('tabindex'); } } /** * Add another inert root to this inert node's set of managing inert roots. * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot */ }, { key: 'addInertRoot', value: function addInertRoot(inertRoot) { this._throwIfDestroyed(); this._inertRoots.add(inertRoot); } /** * Remove the given inert root from this inert node's set of managing inert roots. * If the set of managing inert roots becomes empty, this node is no longer inert, * so the object should be destroyed. * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot */ }, { key: 'removeInertRoot', value: function removeInertRoot(inertRoot) { this._throwIfDestroyed(); this._inertRoots['delete'](inertRoot); if (this._inertRoots.size === 0) { this.destructor(); } } }, { key: 'destroyed', get: function get() { return (/** @type {!InertNode} */this._destroyed ); } }, { key: 'hasSavedTabIndex', get: function get() { return this._savedTabIndex !== null; } /** @return {!Node} */ }, { key: 'node', get: function get() { this._throwIfDestroyed(); return this._node; } /** @param {?number} tabIndex */ }, { key: 'savedTabIndex', set: function set(tabIndex) { this._throwIfDestroyed(); this._savedTabIndex = tabIndex; } /** @return {?number} */ , get: function get() { this._throwIfDestroyed(); return this._savedTabIndex; } }]); return InertNode; }(); /** * InertManager is a per-document singleton object which manages all inert roots and nodes. * * When an element becomes an inert root by having an `inert` attribute set and/or its `inert` * property set to `true`, the `setInert` method creates an `InertRoot` object for the element. * The `InertRoot` in turn registers itself as managing all of the element's focusable descendant * nodes via the `register()` method. The `InertManager` ensures that a single `InertNode` instance * is created for each such node, via the `_managedNodes` map. */ var InertManager = function () { /** * @param {!Document} document */ function InertManager(document) { _classCallCheck(this, InertManager); if (!document) { throw new Error('Missing required argument; InertManager needs to wrap a document.'); } /** @type {!Document} */ this._document = document; /** * All managed nodes known to this InertManager. In a map to allow looking up by Node. * @type {!Map<!Node, !InertNode>} */ this._managedNodes = new Map(); /** * All inert roots known to this InertManager. In a map to allow looking up by Node. * @type {!Map<!Node, !InertRoot>} */ this._inertRoots = new Map(); /** * Observer for mutations on `document.body`. * @type {!MutationObserver} */ this._observer = new MutationObserver(this._watchForInert.bind(this)); // Add inert style. addInertStyle(document.head || document.body || document.documentElement); // Wait for document to be loaded. if (document.readyState === 'loading') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this._onDocumentLoaded.bind(this)); } else { this._onDocumentLoaded(); } } /** * Set whether the given element should be an inert root or not. * @param {!HTMLElement} root * @param {boolean} inert */ _createClass(InertManager, [{ key: 'setInert', value: function setInert(root, inert) { if (inert) { if (this._inertRoots.has(root)) { // element is already inert return; } var inertRoot = new InertRoot(root, this); root.setAttribute('inert', ''); this._inertRoots.set(root, inertRoot); // If not contained in the document, it must be in a shadowRoot. // Ensure inert styles are added there. if (!this._document.body.contains(root)) { var parent = root.parentNode; while (parent) { if (parent.nodeType === 11) { addInertStyle(parent); } parent = parent.parentNode; } } } else { if (!this._inertRoots.has(root)) { // element is already non-inert return; } var _inertRoot = this._inertRoots.get(root); _inertRoot.destructor(); this._inertRoots['delete'](root); root.removeAttribute('inert'); } } /** * Get the InertRoot object corresponding to the given inert root element, if any. * @param {!Node} element * @return {!InertRoot|undefined} */ }, { key: 'getInertRoot', value: function getInertRoot(element) { return this._inertRoots.get(element); } /** * Register the given InertRoot as managing the given node. * In the case where the node has a previously existing inert root, this inert root will * be added to its set of inert roots. * @param {!Node} node * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot * @return {!InertNode} inertNode */ }, { key: 'register', value: function register(node, inertRoot) { var inertNode = this._managedNodes.get(node); if (inertNode !== undefined) { // node was already in an inert subtree inertNode.addInertRoot(inertRoot); } else { inertNode = new InertNode(node, inertRoot); } this._managedNodes.set(node, inertNode); return inertNode; } /** * De-register the given InertRoot as managing the given inert node. * Removes the inert root from the InertNode's set of managing inert roots, and remove the inert * node from the InertManager's set of managed nodes if it is destroyed. * If the node is not currently managed, this is essentially a no-op. * @param {!Node} node * @param {!InertRoot} inertRoot * @return {?InertNode} The potentially destroyed InertNode associated with this node, if any. */ }, { key: 'deregister', value: function deregister(node, inertRoot) { var inertNode = this._managedNodes.get(node); if (!inertNode) { return null; } inertNode.removeInertRoot(inertRoot); if (inertNode.destroyed) { this._managedNodes['delete'](node); } return inertNode; } /** * Callback used when document has finished loading. */ }, { key: '_onDocumentLoaded', value: function _onDocumentLoaded() { // Find all inert roots in document and make them actually inert. var inertElements ='[inert]')); inertElements.forEach(function (inertElement) { this.setInert(inertElement, true); }, this); // Comment this out to use programmatic API only. this._observer.observe(this._document.body || this._document.documentElement, { attributes: true, subtree: true, childList: true }); } /** * Callback used when mutation observer detects attribute changes. * @param {!Array<!MutationRecord>} records * @param {!MutationObserver} self */ }, { key: '_watchForInert', value: function _watchForInert(records, self) { var _this = this; records.forEach(function (record) { switch (record.type) { case 'childList': (node) { if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return; } var inertElements ='[inert]')); if (, '[inert]')) { inertElements.unshift(node); } inertElements.forEach(function (inertElement) { this.setInert(inertElement, true); }, _this); }, _this); break; case 'attributes': if (record.attributeName !== 'inert') { return; } var target = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */; var inert = target.hasAttribute('inert'); _this.setInert(target, inert); break; } }, this); } }]); return InertManager; }(); /** * Recursively walk the composed tree from |node|. * @param {!Node} node * @param {(function (!HTMLElement))=} callback Callback to be called for each element traversed, * before descending into child nodes. * @param {?ShadowRoot=} shadowRootAncestor The nearest ShadowRoot ancestor, if any. */ function composedTreeWalk(node, callback, shadowRootAncestor) { if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var element = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */node; if (callback) { callback(element); } // Descend into node: // If it has a ShadowRoot, ignore all child elements - these will be picked // up by the <content> or <shadow> elements. Descend straight into the // ShadowRoot. var shadowRoot = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */element.shadowRoot; if (shadowRoot) { composedTreeWalk(shadowRoot, callback, shadowRoot); return; } // If it is a <content> element, descend into distributed elements - these // are elements from outside the shadow root which are rendered inside the // shadow DOM. if (element.localName == 'content') { var content = /** @type {!HTMLContentElement} */element; // Verifies if ShadowDom v0 is supported. var distributedNodes = content.getDistributedNodes ? content.getDistributedNodes() : []; for (var i = 0; i < distributedNodes.length; i++) { composedTreeWalk(distributedNodes[i], callback, shadowRootAncestor); } return; } // If it is a <slot> element, descend into assigned nodes - these // are elements from outside the shadow root which are rendered inside the // shadow DOM. if (element.localName == 'slot') { var slot = /** @type {!HTMLSlotElement} */element; // Verify if ShadowDom v1 is supported. var _distributedNodes = slot.assignedNodes ? slot.assignedNodes({ flatten: true }) : []; for (var _i = 0; _i < _distributedNodes.length; _i++) { composedTreeWalk(_distributedNodes[_i], callback, shadowRootAncestor); } return; } } // If it is neither the parent of a ShadowRoot, a <content> element, a <slot> // element, nor a <shadow> element recurse normally. var child = node.firstChild; while (child != null) { composedTreeWalk(child, callback, shadowRootAncestor); child = child.nextSibling; } } /** * Adds a style element to the node containing the inert specific styles * @param {!Node} node */ function addInertStyle(node) { if (node.querySelector('style#inert-style, link#inert-style')) { return; } var style = document.createElement('style'); style.setAttribute('id', 'inert-style'); style.textContent = '\n' + '[inert] {\n' + ' pointer-events: none;\n' + ' cursor: default;\n' + '}\n' + '\n' + '[inert], [inert] * {\n' + ' -webkit-user-select: none;\n' + ' -moz-user-select: none;\n' + ' -ms-user-select: none;\n' + ' user-select: none;\n' + '}\n'; node.appendChild(style); } if (!HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty('inert')) { /** @type {!InertManager} */ var inertManager = new InertManager(document); Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'inert', { enumerable: true, /** @this {!HTMLElement} */ get: function get() { return this.hasAttribute('inert'); }, /** @this {!HTMLElement} */ set: function set(inert) { inertManager.setInert(this, inert); } }); } })(); }))); PK�������!�xbM�bM���vendor/lodash.jsnu�[��������/** * @license * Lodash <> * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors <> * Released under MIT license <> * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 <> * Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors */ ;(function() { /** Used as a safe reference for `undefined` in pre-ES5 environments. */ var undefined; /** Used as the semantic version number. */ var VERSION = '4.17.21'; /** Used as the size to enable large array optimizations. */ var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200; /** Error message constants. */ var CORE_ERROR_TEXT = 'Unsupported core-js use. Try', FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function', INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT = 'Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`'; /** Used to stand-in for `undefined` hash values. */ var HASH_UNDEFINED = '__lodash_hash_undefined__'; /** Used as the maximum memoize cache size. */ var MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE = 500; /** Used as the internal argument placeholder. */ var PLACEHOLDER = '__lodash_placeholder__'; /** Used to compose bitmasks for cloning. */ var CLONE_DEEP_FLAG = 1, CLONE_FLAT_FLAG = 2, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG = 4; /** Used to compose bitmasks for value comparisons. */ var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1, COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2; /** Used to compose bitmasks for function metadata. */ var WRAP_BIND_FLAG = 1, WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG = 2, WRAP_CURRY_BOUND_FLAG = 4, WRAP_CURRY_FLAG = 8, WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG = 16, WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG = 32, WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG = 64, WRAP_ARY_FLAG = 128, WRAP_REARG_FLAG = 256, WRAP_FLIP_FLAG = 512; /** Used as default options for `_.truncate`. */ var DEFAULT_TRUNC_LENGTH = 30, DEFAULT_TRUNC_OMISSION = '...'; /** Used to detect hot functions by number of calls within a span of milliseconds. */ var HOT_COUNT = 800, HOT_SPAN = 16; /** Used to indicate the type of lazy iteratees. */ var LAZY_FILTER_FLAG = 1, LAZY_MAP_FLAG = 2, LAZY_WHILE_FLAG = 3; /** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */ var INFINITY = 1 / 0, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991, MAX_INTEGER = 1.7976931348623157e+308, NAN = 0 / 0; /** Used as references for the maximum length and index of an array. */ var MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 4294967295, MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1, HALF_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH >>> 1; /** Used to associate wrap methods with their bit flags. */ var wrapFlags = [ ['ary', WRAP_ARY_FLAG], ['bind', WRAP_BIND_FLAG], ['bindKey', WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG], ['curry', WRAP_CURRY_FLAG], ['curryRight', WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG], ['flip', WRAP_FLIP_FLAG], ['partial', WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG], ['partialRight', WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG], ['rearg', WRAP_REARG_FLAG] ]; /** `Object#toString` result references. */ var argsTag = '[object Arguments]', arrayTag = '[object Array]', asyncTag = '[object AsyncFunction]', boolTag = '[object Boolean]', dateTag = '[object Date]', domExcTag = '[object DOMException]', errorTag = '[object Error]', funcTag = '[object Function]', genTag = '[object GeneratorFunction]', mapTag = '[object Map]', numberTag = '[object Number]', nullTag = '[object Null]', objectTag = '[object Object]', promiseTag = '[object Promise]', proxyTag = '[object Proxy]', regexpTag = '[object RegExp]', setTag = '[object Set]', stringTag = '[object String]', symbolTag = '[object Symbol]', undefinedTag = '[object Undefined]', weakMapTag = '[object WeakMap]', weakSetTag = '[object WeakSet]'; var arrayBufferTag = '[object ArrayBuffer]', dataViewTag = '[object DataView]', float32Tag = '[object Float32Array]', float64Tag = '[object Float64Array]', int8Tag = '[object Int8Array]', int16Tag = '[object Int16Array]', int32Tag = '[object Int32Array]', uint8Tag = '[object Uint8Array]', uint8ClampedTag = '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', uint16Tag = '[object Uint16Array]', uint32Tag = '[object Uint32Array]'; /** Used to match empty string literals in compiled template source. */ var reEmptyStringLeading = /\b__p \+= '';/g, reEmptyStringMiddle = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g, reEmptyStringTrailing = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g; /** Used to match HTML entities and HTML characters. */ var reEscapedHtml = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g, reUnescapedHtml = /[&<>"']/g, reHasEscapedHtml = RegExp(reEscapedHtml.source), reHasUnescapedHtml = RegExp(reUnescapedHtml.source); /** Used to match template delimiters. */ var reEscape = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, reEvaluate = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, reInterpolate = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g; /** Used to match property names within property paths. */ var reIsDeepProp = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, reIsPlainProp = /^\w*$/, rePropName = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g; /** * Used to match `RegExp` * [syntax characters]( */ var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, reHasRegExpChar = RegExp(reRegExpChar.source); /** Used to match leading whitespace. */ var reTrimStart = /^\s+/; /** Used to match a single whitespace character. */ var reWhitespace = /\s/; /** Used to match wrap detail comments. */ var reWrapComment = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/, reWrapDetails = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/, reSplitDetails = /,? & /; /** Used to match words composed of alphanumeric characters. */ var reAsciiWord = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g; /** * Used to validate the `validate` option in `_.template` variable. * * Forbids characters which could potentially change the meaning of the function argument definition: * - "()," (modification of function parameters) * - "=" (default value) * - "[]{}" (destructuring of function parameters) * - "/" (beginning of a comment) * - whitespace */ var reForbiddenIdentifierChars = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/; /** Used to match backslashes in property paths. */ var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g; /** * Used to match * [ES template delimiters]( */ var reEsTemplate = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g; /** Used to match `RegExp` flags from their coerced string values. */ var reFlags = /\w*$/; /** Used to detect bad signed hexadecimal string values. */ var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i; /** Used to detect binary string values. */ var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i; /** Used to detect host constructors (Safari). */ var reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/; /** Used to detect octal string values. */ var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i; /** Used to detect unsigned integer values. */ var reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; /** Used to match Latin Unicode letters (excluding mathematical operators). */ var reLatin = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g; /** Used to ensure capturing order of template delimiters. */ var reNoMatch = /($^)/; /** Used to match unescaped characters in compiled string literals. */ var reUnescapedString = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g; /** Used to compose unicode character classes. */ var rsAstralRange = '\\ud800-\\udfff', rsComboMarksRange = '\\u0300-\\u036f', reComboHalfMarksRange = '\\ufe20-\\ufe2f', rsComboSymbolsRange = '\\u20d0-\\u20ff', rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange, rsDingbatRange = '\\u2700-\\u27bf', rsLowerRange = 'a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff', rsMathOpRange = '\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7', rsNonCharRange = '\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf', rsPunctuationRange = '\\u2000-\\u206f', rsSpaceRange = ' \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000', rsUpperRange = 'A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde', rsVarRange = '\\ufe0e\\ufe0f', rsBreakRange = rsMathOpRange + rsNonCharRange + rsPunctuationRange + rsSpaceRange; /** Used to compose unicode capture groups. */ var rsApos = "['\u2019]", rsAstral = '[' + rsAstralRange + ']', rsBreak = '[' + rsBreakRange + ']', rsCombo = '[' + rsComboRange + ']', rsDigits = '\\d+', rsDingbat = '[' + rsDingbatRange + ']', rsLower = '[' + rsLowerRange + ']', rsMisc = '[^' + rsAstralRange + rsBreakRange + rsDigits + rsDingbatRange + rsLowerRange + rsUpperRange + ']', rsFitz = '\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]', rsModifier = '(?:' + rsCombo + '|' + rsFitz + ')', rsNonAstral = '[^' + rsAstralRange + ']', rsRegional = '(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}', rsSurrPair = '[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]', rsUpper = '[' + rsUpperRange + ']', rsZWJ = '\\u200d'; /** Used to compose unicode regexes. */ var rsMiscLower = '(?:' + rsLower + '|' + rsMisc + ')', rsMiscUpper = '(?:' + rsUpper + '|' + rsMisc + ')', rsOptContrLower = '(?:' + rsApos + '(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?', rsOptContrUpper = '(?:' + rsApos + '(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?', reOptMod = rsModifier + '?', rsOptVar = '[' + rsVarRange + ']?', rsOptJoin = '(?:' + rsZWJ + '(?:' + [rsNonAstral, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join('|') + ')' + rsOptVar + reOptMod + ')*', rsOrdLower = '\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])', rsOrdUpper = '\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])', rsSeq = rsOptVar + reOptMod + rsOptJoin, rsEmoji = '(?:' + [rsDingbat, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join('|') + ')' + rsSeq, rsSymbol = '(?:' + [rsNonAstral + rsCombo + '?', rsCombo, rsRegional, rsSurrPair, rsAstral].join('|') + ')'; /** Used to match apostrophes. */ var reApos = RegExp(rsApos, 'g'); /** * Used to match [combining diacritical marks]( and * [combining diacritical marks for symbols]( */ var reComboMark = RegExp(rsCombo, 'g'); /** Used to match [string symbols]( */ var reUnicode = RegExp(rsFitz + '(?=' + rsFitz + ')|' + rsSymbol + rsSeq, 'g'); /** Used to match complex or compound words. */ var reUnicodeWord = RegExp([ rsUpper + '?' + rsLower + '+' + rsOptContrLower + '(?=' + [rsBreak, rsUpper, '$'].join('|') + ')', rsMiscUpper + '+' + rsOptContrUpper + '(?=' + [rsBreak, rsUpper + rsMiscLower, '$'].join('|') + ')', rsUpper + '?' + rsMiscLower + '+' + rsOptContrLower, rsUpper + '+' + rsOptContrUpper, rsOrdUpper, rsOrdLower, rsDigits, rsEmoji ].join('|'), 'g'); /** Used to detect strings with [zero-width joiners or code points from the astral planes]( */ var reHasUnicode = RegExp('[' + rsZWJ + rsAstralRange + rsComboRange + rsVarRange + ']'); /** Used to detect strings that need a more robust regexp to match words. */ var reHasUnicodeWord = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/; /** Used to assign default `context` object properties. */ var contextProps = [ 'Array', 'Buffer', 'DataView', 'Date', 'Error', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'Function', 'Int8Array', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Map', 'Math', 'Object', 'Promise', 'RegExp', 'Set', 'String', 'Symbol', 'TypeError', 'Uint8Array', 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'Uint16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'WeakMap', '_', 'clearTimeout', 'isFinite', 'parseInt', 'setTimeout' ]; /** Used to make template sourceURLs easier to identify. */ var templateCounter = -1; /** Used to identify `toStringTag` values of typed arrays. */ var typedArrayTags = {}; typedArrayTags[float32Tag] = typedArrayTags[float64Tag] = typedArrayTags[int8Tag] = typedArrayTags[int16Tag] = typedArrayTags[int32Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8ClampedTag] = typedArrayTags[uint16Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint32Tag] = true; typedArrayTags[argsTag] = typedArrayTags[arrayTag] = typedArrayTags[arrayBufferTag] = typedArrayTags[boolTag] = typedArrayTags[dataViewTag] = typedArrayTags[dateTag] = typedArrayTags[errorTag] = typedArrayTags[funcTag] = typedArrayTags[mapTag] = typedArrayTags[numberTag] = typedArrayTags[objectTag] = typedArrayTags[regexpTag] = typedArrayTags[setTag] = typedArrayTags[stringTag] = typedArrayTags[weakMapTag] = false; /** Used to identify `toStringTag` values supported by `_.clone`. */ var cloneableTags = {}; cloneableTags[argsTag] = cloneableTags[arrayTag] = cloneableTags[arrayBufferTag] = cloneableTags[dataViewTag] = cloneableTags[boolTag] = cloneableTags[dateTag] = cloneableTags[float32Tag] = cloneableTags[float64Tag] = cloneableTags[int8Tag] = cloneableTags[int16Tag] = cloneableTags[int32Tag] = cloneableTags[mapTag] = cloneableTags[numberTag] = cloneableTags[objectTag] = cloneableTags[regexpTag] = cloneableTags[setTag] = cloneableTags[stringTag] = cloneableTags[symbolTag] = cloneableTags[uint8Tag] = cloneableTags[uint8ClampedTag] = cloneableTags[uint16Tag] = cloneableTags[uint32Tag] = true; cloneableTags[errorTag] = cloneableTags[funcTag] = cloneableTags[weakMapTag] = false; /** Used to map Latin Unicode letters to basic Latin letters. */ var deburredLetters = { // Latin-1 Supplement block. '\xc0': 'A', '\xc1': 'A', '\xc2': 'A', '\xc3': 'A', '\xc4': 'A', '\xc5': 'A', '\xe0': 'a', '\xe1': 'a', '\xe2': 'a', '\xe3': 'a', '\xe4': 'a', '\xe5': 'a', '\xc7': 'C', '\xe7': 'c', '\xd0': 'D', '\xf0': 'd', '\xc8': 'E', '\xc9': 'E', '\xca': 'E', '\xcb': 'E', '\xe8': 'e', '\xe9': 'e', '\xea': 'e', '\xeb': 'e', '\xcc': 'I', '\xcd': 'I', '\xce': 'I', '\xcf': 'I', '\xec': 'i', '\xed': 'i', '\xee': 'i', '\xef': 'i', '\xd1': 'N', '\xf1': 'n', '\xd2': 'O', '\xd3': 'O', '\xd4': 'O', '\xd5': 'O', '\xd6': 'O', '\xd8': 'O', '\xf2': 'o', '\xf3': 'o', '\xf4': 'o', '\xf5': 'o', '\xf6': 'o', '\xf8': 'o', '\xd9': 'U', '\xda': 'U', '\xdb': 'U', '\xdc': 'U', '\xf9': 'u', '\xfa': 'u', '\xfb': 'u', '\xfc': 'u', '\xdd': 'Y', '\xfd': 'y', '\xff': 'y', '\xc6': 'Ae', '\xe6': 'ae', '\xde': 'Th', '\xfe': 'th', '\xdf': 'ss', // Latin Extended-A block. '\u0100': 'A', '\u0102': 'A', '\u0104': 'A', '\u0101': 'a', '\u0103': 'a', '\u0105': 'a', '\u0106': 'C', '\u0108': 'C', '\u010a': 'C', '\u010c': 'C', '\u0107': 'c', '\u0109': 'c', '\u010b': 'c', '\u010d': 'c', '\u010e': 'D', '\u0110': 'D', '\u010f': 'd', '\u0111': 'd', '\u0112': 'E', '\u0114': 'E', '\u0116': 'E', '\u0118': 'E', '\u011a': 'E', '\u0113': 'e', '\u0115': 'e', '\u0117': 'e', '\u0119': 'e', '\u011b': 'e', '\u011c': 'G', '\u011e': 'G', '\u0120': 'G', '\u0122': 'G', '\u011d': 'g', '\u011f': 'g', '\u0121': 'g', '\u0123': 'g', '\u0124': 'H', '\u0126': 'H', '\u0125': 'h', '\u0127': 'h', '\u0128': 'I', '\u012a': 'I', '\u012c': 'I', '\u012e': 'I', '\u0130': 'I', '\u0129': 'i', '\u012b': 'i', '\u012d': 'i', '\u012f': 'i', '\u0131': 'i', '\u0134': 'J', '\u0135': 'j', '\u0136': 'K', '\u0137': 'k', '\u0138': 'k', '\u0139': 'L', '\u013b': 'L', '\u013d': 'L', '\u013f': 'L', '\u0141': 'L', '\u013a': 'l', '\u013c': 'l', '\u013e': 'l', '\u0140': 'l', '\u0142': 'l', '\u0143': 'N', '\u0145': 'N', '\u0147': 'N', '\u014a': 'N', '\u0144': 'n', '\u0146': 'n', '\u0148': 'n', '\u014b': 'n', '\u014c': 'O', '\u014e': 'O', '\u0150': 'O', '\u014d': 'o', '\u014f': 'o', '\u0151': 'o', '\u0154': 'R', '\u0156': 'R', '\u0158': 'R', '\u0155': 'r', '\u0157': 'r', '\u0159': 'r', '\u015a': 'S', '\u015c': 'S', '\u015e': 'S', '\u0160': 'S', '\u015b': 's', '\u015d': 's', '\u015f': 's', '\u0161': 's', '\u0162': 'T', '\u0164': 'T', '\u0166': 'T', '\u0163': 't', '\u0165': 't', '\u0167': 't', '\u0168': 'U', '\u016a': 'U', '\u016c': 'U', '\u016e': 'U', '\u0170': 'U', '\u0172': 'U', '\u0169': 'u', '\u016b': 'u', '\u016d': 'u', '\u016f': 'u', '\u0171': 'u', '\u0173': 'u', '\u0174': 'W', '\u0175': 'w', '\u0176': 'Y', '\u0177': 'y', '\u0178': 'Y', '\u0179': 'Z', '\u017b': 'Z', '\u017d': 'Z', '\u017a': 'z', '\u017c': 'z', '\u017e': 'z', '\u0132': 'IJ', '\u0133': 'ij', '\u0152': 'Oe', '\u0153': 'oe', '\u0149': "'n", '\u017f': 's' }; /** Used to map characters to HTML entities. */ var htmlEscapes = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; /** Used to map HTML entities to characters. */ var htmlUnescapes = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', ''': "'" }; /** Used to escape characters for inclusion in compiled string literals. */ var stringEscapes = { '\\': '\\', "'": "'", '\n': 'n', '\r': 'r', '\u2028': 'u2028', '\u2029': 'u2029' }; /** Built-in method references without a dependency on `root`. */ var freeParseFloat = parseFloat, freeParseInt = parseInt; /** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */ var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global; /** Detect free variable `self`. */ var freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self; /** Used as a reference to the global object. */ var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')(); /** Detect free variable `exports`. */ var freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; /** Detect free variable `module`. */ var freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == 'object' && module && !module.nodeType && module; /** Detect the popular CommonJS extension `module.exports`. */ var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports; /** Detect free variable `process` from Node.js. */ var freeProcess = moduleExports && freeGlobal.process; /** Used to access faster Node.js helpers. */ var nodeUtil = (function() { try { // Use `util.types` for Node.js 10+. var types = freeModule && freeModule.require && freeModule.require('util').types; if (types) { return types; } // Legacy `process.binding('util')` for Node.js < 10. return freeProcess && freeProcess.binding && freeProcess.binding('util'); } catch (e) {} }()); /* Node.js helper references. */ var nodeIsArrayBuffer = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isArrayBuffer, nodeIsDate = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isDate, nodeIsMap = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isMap, nodeIsRegExp = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isRegExp, nodeIsSet = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isSet, nodeIsTypedArray = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isTypedArray; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A faster alternative to `Function#apply`, this function invokes `func` * with the `this` binding of `thisArg` and the arguments of `args`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to invoke. * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`. * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke `func` with. * @returns {*} Returns the result of `func`. */ function apply(func, thisArg, args) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return; case 1: return, args[0]); case 2: return, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return, args[0], args[1], args[2]); } return func.apply(thisArg, args); } /** * A specialized version of `baseAggregator` for arrays. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} setter The function to set `accumulator` values. * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee to transform keys. * @param {Object} accumulator The initial aggregated object. * @returns {Function} Returns `accumulator`. */ function arrayAggregator(array, setter, iteratee, accumulator) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (++index < length) { var value = array[index]; setter(accumulator, value, iteratee(value), array); } return accumulator; } /** * A specialized version of `_.forEach` for arrays without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function arrayEach(array, iteratee) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (++index < length) { if (iteratee(array[index], index, array) === false) { break; } } return array; } /** * A specialized version of `_.forEachRight` for arrays without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function arrayEachRight(array, iteratee) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (length--) { if (iteratee(array[length], length, array) === false) { break; } } return array; } /** * A specialized version of `_.every` for arrays without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check, * else `false`. */ function arrayEvery(array, predicate) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (++index < length) { if (!predicate(array[index], index, array)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * A specialized version of `_.filter` for arrays without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array. */ function arrayFilter(array, predicate) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, resIndex = 0, result = []; while (++index < length) { var value = array[index]; if (predicate(value, index, array)) { result[resIndex++] = value; } } return result; } /** * A specialized version of `_.includes` for arrays without support for * specifying an index to search from. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect. * @param {*} target The value to search for. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`. */ function arrayIncludes(array, value) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; return !!length && baseIndexOf(array, value, 0) > -1; } /** * This function is like `arrayIncludes` except that it accepts a comparator. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect. * @param {*} target The value to search for. * @param {Function} comparator The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`. */ function arrayIncludesWith(array, value, comparator) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (++index < length) { if (comparator(value, array[index])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * A specialized version of `` for arrays without support for iteratee * shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array. */ function arrayMap(array, iteratee) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array); } return result; } /** * Appends the elements of `values` to `array`. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {Array} values The values to append. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function arrayPush(array, values) { var index = -1, length = values.length, offset = array.length; while (++index < length) { array[offset + index] = values[index]; } return array; } /** * A specialized version of `_.reduce` for arrays without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value. * @param {boolean} [initAccum] Specify using the first element of `array` as * the initial value. * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value. */ function arrayReduce(array, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (initAccum && length) { accumulator = array[++index]; } while (++index < length) { accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array[index], index, array); } return accumulator; } /** * A specialized version of `_.reduceRight` for arrays without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value. * @param {boolean} [initAccum] Specify using the last element of `array` as * the initial value. * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value. */ function arrayReduceRight(array, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (initAccum && length) { accumulator = array[--length]; } while (length--) { accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array[length], length, array); } return accumulator; } /** * A specialized version of `_.some` for arrays without support for iteratee * shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check, * else `false`. */ function arraySome(array, predicate) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (++index < length) { if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the size of an ASCII `string`. * * @private * @param {string} string The string inspect. * @returns {number} Returns the string size. */ var asciiSize = baseProperty('length'); /** * Converts an ASCII `string` to an array. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array. */ function asciiToArray(string) { return string.split(''); } /** * Splits an ASCII `string` into an array of its words. * * @private * @param {string} The string to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`. */ function asciiWords(string) { return string.match(reAsciiWord) || []; } /** * The base implementation of methods like `_.findKey` and `_.findLastKey`, * without support for iteratee shorthands, which iterates over `collection` * using `eachFunc`. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to inspect. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over `collection`. * @returns {*} Returns the found element or its key, else `undefined`. */ function baseFindKey(collection, predicate, eachFunc) { var result; eachFunc(collection, function(value, key, collection) { if (predicate(value, key, collection)) { result = key; return false; } }); return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.findIndex` and `_.findLastIndex` without * support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from. * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. */ function baseFindIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex, fromRight) { var length = array.length, index = fromIndex + (fromRight ? 1 : -1); while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) { if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * The base implementation of `_.indexOf` without `fromIndex` bounds checks. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. */ function baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) { return value === value ? strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) : baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, fromIndex); } /** * This function is like `baseIndexOf` except that it accepts a comparator. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from. * @param {Function} comparator The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. */ function baseIndexOfWith(array, value, fromIndex, comparator) { var index = fromIndex - 1, length = array.length; while (++index < length) { if (comparator(array[index], value)) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isNaN` without support for number objects. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `NaN`, else `false`. */ function baseIsNaN(value) { return value !== value; } /** * The base implementation of `_.mean` and `_.meanBy` without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {number} Returns the mean. */ function baseMean(array, iteratee) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; return length ? (baseSum(array, iteratee) / length) : NAN; } /** * The base implementation of `` without support for deep paths. * * @private * @param {string} key The key of the property to get. * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function. */ function baseProperty(key) { return function(object) { return object == null ? undefined : object[key]; }; } /** * The base implementation of `_.propertyOf` without support for deep paths. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function. */ function basePropertyOf(object) { return function(key) { return object == null ? undefined : object[key]; }; } /** * The base implementation of `_.reduce` and `_.reduceRight`, without support * for iteratee shorthands, which iterates over `collection` using `eachFunc`. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @param {*} accumulator The initial value. * @param {boolean} initAccum Specify using the first or last element of * `collection` as the initial value. * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over `collection`. * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value. */ function baseReduce(collection, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum, eachFunc) { eachFunc(collection, function(value, index, collection) { accumulator = initAccum ? (initAccum = false, value) : iteratee(accumulator, value, index, collection); }); return accumulator; } /** * The base implementation of `_.sortBy` which uses `comparer` to define the * sort order of `array` and replaces criteria objects with their corresponding * values. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to sort. * @param {Function} comparer The function to define sort order. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function baseSortBy(array, comparer) { var length = array.length; array.sort(comparer); while (length--) { array[length] = array[length].value; } return array; } /** * The base implementation of `_.sum` and `_.sumBy` without support for * iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {number} Returns the sum. */ function baseSum(array, iteratee) { var result, index = -1, length = array.length; while (++index < length) { var current = iteratee(array[index]); if (current !== undefined) { result = result === undefined ? current : (result + current); } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.times` without support for iteratee shorthands * or max array length checks. * * @private * @param {number} n The number of times to invoke `iteratee`. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results. */ function baseTimes(n, iteratee) { var index = -1, result = Array(n); while (++index < n) { result[index] = iteratee(index); } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.toPairs` and `_.toPairsIn` which creates an array * of key-value pairs for `object` corresponding to the property names of `props`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array} props The property names to get values for. * @returns {Object} Returns the key-value pairs. */ function baseToPairs(object, props) { return arrayMap(props, function(key) { return [key, object[key]]; }); } /** * The base implementation of `_.trim`. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to trim. * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string. */ function baseTrim(string) { return string ? string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, '') : string; } /** * The base implementation of `_.unary` without support for storing metadata. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for. * @returns {Function} Returns the new capped function. */ function baseUnary(func) { return function(value) { return func(value); }; } /** * The base implementation of `_.values` and `_.valuesIn` which creates an * array of `object` property values corresponding to the property names * of `props`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array} props The property names to get values for. * @returns {Object} Returns the array of property values. */ function baseValues(object, props) { return arrayMap(props, function(key) { return object[key]; }); } /** * Checks if a `cache` value for `key` exists. * * @private * @param {Object} cache The cache to query. * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`. */ function cacheHas(cache, key) { return cache.has(key); } /** * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimStart` to get the index of the first string symbol * that is not found in the character symbols. * * @private * @param {Array} strSymbols The string symbols to inspect. * @param {Array} chrSymbols The character symbols to find. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the first unmatched string symbol. */ function charsStartIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) { var index = -1, length = strSymbols.length; while (++index < length && baseIndexOf(chrSymbols, strSymbols[index], 0) > -1) {} return index; } /** * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimEnd` to get the index of the last string symbol * that is not found in the character symbols. * * @private * @param {Array} strSymbols The string symbols to inspect. * @param {Array} chrSymbols The character symbols to find. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last unmatched string symbol. */ function charsEndIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) { var index = strSymbols.length; while (index-- && baseIndexOf(chrSymbols, strSymbols[index], 0) > -1) {} return index; } /** * Gets the number of `placeholder` occurrences in `array`. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} placeholder The placeholder to search for. * @returns {number} Returns the placeholder count. */ function countHolders(array, placeholder) { var length = array.length, result = 0; while (length--) { if (array[length] === placeholder) { ++result; } } return result; } /** * Used by `_.deburr` to convert Latin-1 Supplement and Latin Extended-A * letters to basic Latin letters. * * @private * @param {string} letter The matched letter to deburr. * @returns {string} Returns the deburred letter. */ var deburrLetter = basePropertyOf(deburredLetters); /** * Used by `_.escape` to convert characters to HTML entities. * * @private * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape. * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character. */ var escapeHtmlChar = basePropertyOf(htmlEscapes); /** * Used by `_.template` to escape characters for inclusion in compiled string literals. * * @private * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape. * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character. */ function escapeStringChar(chr) { return '\\' + stringEscapes[chr]; } /** * Gets the value at `key` of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} [object] The object to query. * @param {string} key The key of the property to get. * @returns {*} Returns the property value. */ function getValue(object, key) { return object == null ? undefined : object[key]; } /** * Checks if `string` contains Unicode symbols. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to inspect. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if a symbol is found, else `false`. */ function hasUnicode(string) { return reHasUnicode.test(string); } /** * Checks if `string` contains a word composed of Unicode symbols. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to inspect. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if a word is found, else `false`. */ function hasUnicodeWord(string) { return reHasUnicodeWord.test(string); } /** * Converts `iterator` to an array. * * @private * @param {Object} iterator The iterator to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array. */ function iteratorToArray(iterator) { var data, result = []; while (!(data = { result.push(data.value); } return result; } /** * Converts `map` to its key-value pairs. * * @private * @param {Object} map The map to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the key-value pairs. */ function mapToArray(map) { var index = -1, result = Array(map.size); map.forEach(function(value, key) { result[++index] = [key, value]; }); return result; } /** * Creates a unary function that invokes `func` with its argument transformed. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to wrap. * @param {Function} transform The argument transform. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. */ function overArg(func, transform) { return function(arg) { return func(transform(arg)); }; } /** * Replaces all `placeholder` elements in `array` with an internal placeholder * and returns an array of their indexes. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {*} placeholder The placeholder to replace. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of placeholder indexes. */ function replaceHolders(array, placeholder) { var index = -1, length = array.length, resIndex = 0, result = []; while (++index < length) { var value = array[index]; if (value === placeholder || value === PLACEHOLDER) { array[index] = PLACEHOLDER; result[resIndex++] = index; } } return result; } /** * Converts `set` to an array of its values. * * @private * @param {Object} set The set to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the values. */ function setToArray(set) { var index = -1, result = Array(set.size); set.forEach(function(value) { result[++index] = value; }); return result; } /** * Converts `set` to its value-value pairs. * * @private * @param {Object} set The set to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the value-value pairs. */ function setToPairs(set) { var index = -1, result = Array(set.size); set.forEach(function(value) { result[++index] = [value, value]; }); return result; } /** * A specialized version of `_.indexOf` which performs strict equality * comparisons of values, i.e. `===`. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. */ function strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) { var index = fromIndex - 1, length = array.length; while (++index < length) { if (array[index] === value) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * A specialized version of `_.lastIndexOf` which performs strict equality * comparisons of values, i.e. `===`. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. */ function strictLastIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) { var index = fromIndex + 1; while (index--) { if (array[index] === value) { return index; } } return index; } /** * Gets the number of symbols in `string`. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to inspect. * @returns {number} Returns the string size. */ function stringSize(string) { return hasUnicode(string) ? unicodeSize(string) : asciiSize(string); } /** * Converts `string` to an array. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array. */ function stringToArray(string) { return hasUnicode(string) ? unicodeToArray(string) : asciiToArray(string); } /** * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimEnd` to get the index of the last non-whitespace * character of `string`. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to inspect. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last non-whitespace character. */ function trimmedEndIndex(string) { var index = string.length; while (index-- && reWhitespace.test(string.charAt(index))) {} return index; } /** * Used by `_.unescape` to convert HTML entities to characters. * * @private * @param {string} chr The matched character to unescape. * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped character. */ var unescapeHtmlChar = basePropertyOf(htmlUnescapes); /** * Gets the size of a Unicode `string`. * * @private * @param {string} string The string inspect. * @returns {number} Returns the string size. */ function unicodeSize(string) { var result = reUnicode.lastIndex = 0; while (reUnicode.test(string)) { ++result; } return result; } /** * Converts a Unicode `string` to an array. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array. */ function unicodeToArray(string) { return string.match(reUnicode) || []; } /** * Splits a Unicode `string` into an array of its words. * * @private * @param {string} The string to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`. */ function unicodeWords(string) { return string.match(reUnicodeWord) || []; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Create a new pristine `lodash` function using the `context` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.1.0 * @category Util * @param {Object} [context=root] The context object. * @returns {Function} Returns a new `lodash` function. * @example * * _.mixin({ 'foo': _.constant('foo') }); * * var lodash = _.runInContext(); * lodash.mixin({ 'bar': lodash.constant('bar') }); * * _.isFunction(; * // => true * _.isFunction(; * // => false * * lodash.isFunction(; * // => false * lodash.isFunction(; * // => true * * // Create a suped-up `defer` in Node.js. * var defer = _.runInContext({ 'setTimeout': setImmediate }).defer; */ var runInContext = (function runInContext(context) { context = context == null ? root : _.defaults(root.Object(), context, _.pick(root, contextProps)); /** Built-in constructor references. */ var Array = context.Array, Date = context.Date, Error = context.Error, Function = context.Function, Math = context.Math, Object = context.Object, RegExp = context.RegExp, String = context.String, TypeError = context.TypeError; /** Used for built-in method references. */ var arrayProto = Array.prototype, funcProto = Function.prototype, objectProto = Object.prototype; /** Used to detect overreaching core-js shims. */ var coreJsData = context['__core-js_shared__']; /** Used to resolve the decompiled source of functions. */ var funcToString = funcProto.toString; /** Used to check objects for own properties. */ var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; /** Used to generate unique IDs. */ var idCounter = 0; /** Used to detect methods masquerading as native. */ var maskSrcKey = (function() { var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData && coreJsData.keys && coreJsData.keys.IE_PROTO || ''); return uid ? ('Symbol(src)_1.' + uid) : ''; }()); /** * Used to resolve the * [`toStringTag`]( * of values. */ var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString; /** Used to infer the `Object` constructor. */ var objectCtorString =; /** Used to restore the original `_` reference in `_.noConflict`. */ var oldDash = root._; /** Used to detect if a method is native. */ var reIsNative = RegExp('^' +, '\\$&') .replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + '$' ); /** Built-in value references. */ var Buffer = moduleExports ? context.Buffer : undefined, Symbol = context.Symbol, Uint8Array = context.Uint8Array, allocUnsafe = Buffer ? Buffer.allocUnsafe : undefined, getPrototype = overArg(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object), objectCreate = Object.create, propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable, splice = arrayProto.splice, spreadableSymbol = Symbol ? Symbol.isConcatSpreadable : undefined, symIterator = Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : undefined, symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined; var defineProperty = (function() { try { var func = getNative(Object, 'defineProperty'); func({}, '', {}); return func; } catch (e) {} }()); /** Mocked built-ins. */ var ctxClearTimeout = context.clearTimeout !== root.clearTimeout && context.clearTimeout, ctxNow = Date && !== &&, ctxSetTimeout = context.setTimeout !== root.setTimeout && context.setTimeout; /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */ var nativeCeil = Math.ceil, nativeFloor = Math.floor, nativeGetSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, nativeIsBuffer = Buffer ? Buffer.isBuffer : undefined, nativeIsFinite = context.isFinite, nativeJoin = arrayProto.join, nativeKeys = overArg(Object.keys, Object), nativeMax = Math.max, nativeMin = Math.min, nativeNow =, nativeParseInt = context.parseInt, nativeRandom = Math.random, nativeReverse = arrayProto.reverse; /* Built-in method references that are verified to be native. */ var DataView = getNative(context, 'DataView'), Map = getNative(context, 'Map'), Promise = getNative(context, 'Promise'), Set = getNative(context, 'Set'), WeakMap = getNative(context, 'WeakMap'), nativeCreate = getNative(Object, 'create'); /** Used to store function metadata. */ var metaMap = WeakMap && new WeakMap; /** Used to lookup unminified function names. */ var realNames = {}; /** Used to detect maps, sets, and weakmaps. */ var dataViewCtorString = toSource(DataView), mapCtorString = toSource(Map), promiseCtorString = toSource(Promise), setCtorString = toSource(Set), weakMapCtorString = toSource(WeakMap); /** Used to convert symbols to primitives and strings. */ var symbolProto = Symbol ? Symbol.prototype : undefined, symbolValueOf = symbolProto ? symbolProto.valueOf : undefined, symbolToString = symbolProto ? symbolProto.toString : undefined; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a `lodash` object which wraps `value` to enable implicit method * chain sequences. Methods that operate on and return arrays, collections, * and functions can be chained together. Methods that retrieve a single value * or may return a primitive value will automatically end the chain sequence * and return the unwrapped value. Otherwise, the value must be unwrapped * with `_#value`. * * Explicit chain sequences, which must be unwrapped with `_#value`, may be * enabled using `_.chain`. * * The execution of chained methods is lazy, that is, it's deferred until * `_#value` is implicitly or explicitly called. * * Lazy evaluation allows several methods to support shortcut fusion. * Shortcut fusion is an optimization to merge iteratee calls; this avoids * the creation of intermediate arrays and can greatly reduce the number of * iteratee executions. Sections of a chain sequence qualify for shortcut * fusion if the section is applied to an array and iteratees accept only * one argument. The heuristic for whether a section qualifies for shortcut * fusion is subject to change. * * Chaining is supported in custom builds as long as the `_#value` method is * directly or indirectly included in the build. * * In addition to lodash methods, wrappers have `Array` and `String` methods. * * The wrapper `Array` methods are: * `concat`, `join`, `pop`, `push`, `shift`, `sort`, `splice`, and `unshift` * * The wrapper `String` methods are: * `replace` and `split` * * The wrapper methods that support shortcut fusion are: * `at`, `compact`, `drop`, `dropRight`, `dropWhile`, `filter`, `find`, * `findLast`, `head`, `initial`, `last`, `map`, `reject`, `reverse`, `slice`, * `tail`, `take`, `takeRight`, `takeRightWhile`, `takeWhile`, and `toArray` * * The chainable wrapper methods are: * `after`, `ary`, `assign`, `assignIn`, `assignInWith`, `assignWith`, `at`, * `before`, `bind`, `bindAll`, `bindKey`, `castArray`, `chain`, `chunk`, * `commit`, `compact`, `concat`, `conforms`, `constant`, `countBy`, `create`, * `curry`, `debounce`, `defaults`, `defaultsDeep`, `defer`, `delay`, * `difference`, `differenceBy`, `differenceWith`, `drop`, `dropRight`, * `dropRightWhile`, `dropWhile`, `extend`, `extendWith`, `fill`, `filter`, * `flatMap`, `flatMapDeep`, `flatMapDepth`, `flatten`, `flattenDeep`, * `flattenDepth`, `flip`, `flow`, `flowRight`, `fromPairs`, `functions`, * `functionsIn`, `groupBy`, `initial`, `intersection`, `intersectionBy`, * `intersectionWith`, `invert`, `invertBy`, `invokeMap`, `iteratee`, `keyBy`, * `keys`, `keysIn`, `map`, `mapKeys`, `mapValues`, `matches`, `matchesProperty`, * `memoize`, `merge`, `mergeWith`, `method`, `methodOf`, `mixin`, `negate`, * `nthArg`, `omit`, `omitBy`, `once`, `orderBy`, `over`, `overArgs`, * `overEvery`, `overSome`, `partial`, `partialRight`, `partition`, `pick`, * `pickBy`, `plant`, `property`, `propertyOf`, `pull`, `pullAll`, `pullAllBy`, * `pullAllWith`, `pullAt`, `push`, `range`, `rangeRight`, `rearg`, `reject`, * `remove`, `rest`, `reverse`, `sampleSize`, `set`, `setWith`, `shuffle`, * `slice`, `sort`, `sortBy`, `splice`, `spread`, `tail`, `take`, `takeRight`, * `takeRightWhile`, `takeWhile`, `tap`, `throttle`, `thru`, `toArray`, * `toPairs`, `toPairsIn`, `toPath`, `toPlainObject`, `transform`, `unary`, * `union`, `unionBy`, `unionWith`, `uniq`, `uniqBy`, `uniqWith`, `unset`, * `unshift`, `unzip`, `unzipWith`, `update`, `updateWith`, `values`, * `valuesIn`, `without`, `wrap`, `xor`, `xorBy`, `xorWith`, `zip`, * `zipObject`, `zipObjectDeep`, and `zipWith` * * The wrapper methods that are **not** chainable by default are: * `add`, `attempt`, `camelCase`, `capitalize`, `ceil`, `clamp`, `clone`, * `cloneDeep`, `cloneDeepWith`, `cloneWith`, `conformsTo`, `deburr`, * `defaultTo`, `divide`, `each`, `eachRight`, `endsWith`, `eq`, `escape`, * `escapeRegExp`, `every`, `find`, `findIndex`, `findKey`, `findLast`, * `findLastIndex`, `findLastKey`, `first`, `floor`, `forEach`, `forEachRight`, * `forIn`, `forInRight`, `forOwn`, `forOwnRight`, `get`, `gt`, `gte`, `has`, * `hasIn`, `head`, `identity`, `includes`, `indexOf`, `inRange`, `invoke`, * `isArguments`, `isArray`, `isArrayBuffer`, `isArrayLike`, `isArrayLikeObject`, * `isBoolean`, `isBuffer`, `isDate`, `isElement`, `isEmpty`, `isEqual`, * `isEqualWith`, `isError`, `isFinite`, `isFunction`, `isInteger`, `isLength`, * `isMap`, `isMatch`, `isMatchWith`, `isNaN`, `isNative`, `isNil`, `isNull`, * `isNumber`, `isObject`, `isObjectLike`, `isPlainObject`, `isRegExp`, * `isSafeInteger`, `isSet`, `isString`, `isUndefined`, `isTypedArray`, * `isWeakMap`, `isWeakSet`, `join`, `kebabCase`, `last`, `lastIndexOf`, * `lowerCase`, `lowerFirst`, `lt`, `lte`, `max`, `maxBy`, `mean`, `meanBy`, * `min`, `minBy`, `multiply`, `noConflict`, `noop`, `now`, `nth`, `pad`, * `padEnd`, `padStart`, `parseInt`, `pop`, `random`, `reduce`, `reduceRight`, * `repeat`, `result`, `round`, `runInContext`, `sample`, `shift`, `size`, * `snakeCase`, `some`, `sortedIndex`, `sortedIndexBy`, `sortedLastIndex`, * `sortedLastIndexBy`, `startCase`, `startsWith`, `stubArray`, `stubFalse`, * `stubObject`, `stubString`, `stubTrue`, `subtract`, `sum`, `sumBy`, * `template`, `times`, `toFinite`, `toInteger`, `toJSON`, `toLength`, * `toLower`, `toNumber`, `toSafeInteger`, `toString`, `toUpper`, `trim`, * `trimEnd`, `trimStart`, `truncate`, `unescape`, `uniqueId`, `upperCase`, * `upperFirst`, `value`, and `words` * * @name _ * @constructor * @category Seq * @param {*} value The value to wrap in a `lodash` instance. * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance. * @example * * function square(n) { * return n * n; * } * * var wrapped = _([1, 2, 3]); * * // Returns an unwrapped value. * wrapped.reduce(_.add); * // => 6 * * // Returns a wrapped value. * var squares =; * * _.isArray(squares); * // => false * * _.isArray(squares.value()); * // => true */ function lodash(value) { if (isObjectLike(value) && !isArray(value) && !(value instanceof LazyWrapper)) { if (value instanceof LodashWrapper) { return value; } if (, '__wrapped__')) { return wrapperClone(value); } } return new LodashWrapper(value); } /** * The base implementation of `_.create` without support for assigning * properties to the created object. * * @private * @param {Object} proto The object to inherit from. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. */ var baseCreate = (function() { function object() {} return function(proto) { if (!isObject(proto)) { return {}; } if (objectCreate) { return objectCreate(proto); } object.prototype = proto; var result = new object; object.prototype = undefined; return result; }; }()); /** * The function whose prototype chain sequence wrappers inherit from. * * @private */ function baseLodash() { // No operation performed. } /** * The base constructor for creating `lodash` wrapper objects. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to wrap. * @param {boolean} [chainAll] Enable explicit method chain sequences. */ function LodashWrapper(value, chainAll) { this.__wrapped__ = value; this.__actions__ = []; this.__chain__ = !!chainAll; this.__index__ = 0; this.__values__ = undefined; } /** * By default, the template delimiters used by lodash are like those in * embedded Ruby (ERB) as well as ES2015 template strings. Change the * following template settings to use alternative delimiters. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @type {Object} */ lodash.templateSettings = { /** * Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped. * * @memberOf _.templateSettings * @type {RegExp} */ 'escape': reEscape, /** * Used to detect code to be evaluated. * * @memberOf _.templateSettings * @type {RegExp} */ 'evaluate': reEvaluate, /** * Used to detect `data` property values to inject. * * @memberOf _.templateSettings * @type {RegExp} */ 'interpolate': reInterpolate, /** * Used to reference the data object in the template text. * * @memberOf _.templateSettings * @type {string} */ 'variable': '', /** * Used to import variables into the compiled template. * * @memberOf _.templateSettings * @type {Object} */ 'imports': { /** * A reference to the `lodash` function. * * @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports * @type {Function} */ '_': lodash } }; // Ensure wrappers are instances of `baseLodash`. lodash.prototype = baseLodash.prototype; lodash.prototype.constructor = lodash; LodashWrapper.prototype = baseCreate(baseLodash.prototype); LodashWrapper.prototype.constructor = LodashWrapper; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a lazy wrapper object which wraps `value` to enable lazy evaluation. * * @private * @constructor * @param {*} value The value to wrap. */ function LazyWrapper(value) { this.__wrapped__ = value; this.__actions__ = []; this.__dir__ = 1; this.__filtered__ = false; this.__iteratees__ = []; this.__takeCount__ = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH; this.__views__ = []; } /** * Creates a clone of the lazy wrapper object. * * @private * @name clone * @memberOf LazyWrapper * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned `LazyWrapper` object. */ function lazyClone() { var result = new LazyWrapper(this.__wrapped__); result.__actions__ = copyArray(this.__actions__); result.__dir__ = this.__dir__; result.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__; result.__iteratees__ = copyArray(this.__iteratees__); result.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__; result.__views__ = copyArray(this.__views__); return result; } /** * Reverses the direction of lazy iteration. * * @private * @name reverse * @memberOf LazyWrapper * @returns {Object} Returns the new reversed `LazyWrapper` object. */ function lazyReverse() { if (this.__filtered__) { var result = new LazyWrapper(this); result.__dir__ = -1; result.__filtered__ = true; } else { result = this.clone(); result.__dir__ *= -1; } return result; } /** * Extracts the unwrapped value from its lazy wrapper. * * @private * @name value * @memberOf LazyWrapper * @returns {*} Returns the unwrapped value. */ function lazyValue() { var array = this.__wrapped__.value(), dir = this.__dir__, isArr = isArray(array), isRight = dir < 0, arrLength = isArr ? array.length : 0, view = getView(0, arrLength, this.__views__), start = view.start, end = view.end, length = end - start, index = isRight ? end : (start - 1), iteratees = this.__iteratees__, iterLength = iteratees.length, resIndex = 0, takeCount = nativeMin(length, this.__takeCount__); if (!isArr || (!isRight && arrLength == length && takeCount == length)) { return baseWrapperValue(array, this.__actions__); } var result = []; outer: while (length-- && resIndex < takeCount) { index += dir; var iterIndex = -1, value = array[index]; while (++iterIndex < iterLength) { var data = iteratees[iterIndex], iteratee = data.iteratee, type = data.type, computed = iteratee(value); if (type == LAZY_MAP_FLAG) { value = computed; } else if (!computed) { if (type == LAZY_FILTER_FLAG) { continue outer; } else { break outer; } } } result[resIndex++] = value; } return result; } // Ensure `LazyWrapper` is an instance of `baseLodash`. LazyWrapper.prototype = baseCreate(baseLodash.prototype); LazyWrapper.prototype.constructor = LazyWrapper; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a hash object. * * @private * @constructor * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache. */ function Hash(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } /** * Removes all key-value entries from the hash. * * @private * @name clear * @memberOf Hash */ function hashClear() { this.__data__ = nativeCreate ? nativeCreate(null) : {}; this.size = 0; } /** * Removes `key` and its value from the hash. * * @private * @name delete * @memberOf Hash * @param {Object} hash The hash to modify. * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`. */ function hashDelete(key) { var result = this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key]; this.size -= result ? 1 : 0; return result; } /** * Gets the hash value for `key`. * * @private * @name get * @memberOf Hash * @param {string} key The key of the value to get. * @returns {*} Returns the entry value. */ function hashGet(key) { var data = this.__data__; if (nativeCreate) { var result = data[key]; return result === HASH_UNDEFINED ? undefined : result; } return, key) ? data[key] : undefined; } /** * Checks if a hash value for `key` exists. * * @private * @name has * @memberOf Hash * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`. */ function hashHas(key) { var data = this.__data__; return nativeCreate ? (data[key] !== undefined) :, key); } /** * Sets the hash `key` to `value`. * * @private * @name set * @memberOf Hash * @param {string} key The key of the value to set. * @param {*} value The value to set. * @returns {Object} Returns the hash instance. */ function hashSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__; this.size += this.has(key) ? 0 : 1; data[key] = (nativeCreate && value === undefined) ? HASH_UNDEFINED : value; return this; } // Add methods to `Hash`. Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear; Hash.prototype['delete'] = hashDelete; Hash.prototype.get = hashGet; Hash.prototype.has = hashHas; Hash.prototype.set = hashSet; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates an list cache object. * * @private * @constructor * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache. */ function ListCache(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } /** * Removes all key-value entries from the list cache. * * @private * @name clear * @memberOf ListCache */ function listCacheClear() { this.__data__ = []; this.size = 0; } /** * Removes `key` and its value from the list cache. * * @private * @name delete * @memberOf ListCache * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`. */ function listCacheDelete(key) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); if (index < 0) { return false; } var lastIndex = data.length - 1; if (index == lastIndex) { data.pop(); } else {, index, 1); } --this.size; return true; } /** * Gets the list cache value for `key`. * * @private * @name get * @memberOf ListCache * @param {string} key The key of the value to get. * @returns {*} Returns the entry value. */ function listCacheGet(key) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); return index < 0 ? undefined : data[index][1]; } /** * Checks if a list cache value for `key` exists. * * @private * @name has * @memberOf ListCache * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`. */ function listCacheHas(key) { return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1; } /** * Sets the list cache `key` to `value`. * * @private * @name set * @memberOf ListCache * @param {string} key The key of the value to set. * @param {*} value The value to set. * @returns {Object} Returns the list cache instance. */ function listCacheSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); if (index < 0) { ++this.size; data.push([key, value]); } else { data[index][1] = value; } return this; } // Add methods to `ListCache`. ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear; ListCache.prototype['delete'] = listCacheDelete; ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet; ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas; ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a map cache object to store key-value pairs. * * @private * @constructor * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache. */ function MapCache(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } /** * Removes all key-value entries from the map. * * @private * @name clear * @memberOf MapCache */ function mapCacheClear() { this.size = 0; this.__data__ = { 'hash': new Hash, 'map': new (Map || ListCache), 'string': new Hash }; } /** * Removes `key` and its value from the map. * * @private * @name delete * @memberOf MapCache * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`. */ function mapCacheDelete(key) { var result = getMapData(this, key)['delete'](key); this.size -= result ? 1 : 0; return result; } /** * Gets the map value for `key`. * * @private * @name get * @memberOf MapCache * @param {string} key The key of the value to get. * @returns {*} Returns the entry value. */ function mapCacheGet(key) { return getMapData(this, key).get(key); } /** * Checks if a map value for `key` exists. * * @private * @name has * @memberOf MapCache * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`. */ function mapCacheHas(key) { return getMapData(this, key).has(key); } /** * Sets the map `key` to `value`. * * @private * @name set * @memberOf MapCache * @param {string} key The key of the value to set. * @param {*} value The value to set. * @returns {Object} Returns the map cache instance. */ function mapCacheSet(key, value) { var data = getMapData(this, key), size = data.size; data.set(key, value); this.size += data.size == size ? 0 : 1; return this; } // Add methods to `MapCache`. MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear; MapCache.prototype['delete'] = mapCacheDelete; MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet; MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas; MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * * Creates an array cache object to store unique values. * * @private * @constructor * @param {Array} [values] The values to cache. */ function SetCache(values) { var index = -1, length = values == null ? 0 : values.length; this.__data__ = new MapCache; while (++index < length) { this.add(values[index]); } } /** * Adds `value` to the array cache. * * @private * @name add * @memberOf SetCache * @alias push * @param {*} value The value to cache. * @returns {Object} Returns the cache instance. */ function setCacheAdd(value) { this.__data__.set(value, HASH_UNDEFINED); return this; } /** * Checks if `value` is in the array cache. * * @private * @name has * @memberOf SetCache * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @returns {number} Returns `true` if `value` is found, else `false`. */ function setCacheHas(value) { return this.__data__.has(value); } // Add methods to `SetCache`. SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = setCacheAdd; SetCache.prototype.has = setCacheHas; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a stack cache object to store key-value pairs. * * @private * @constructor * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache. */ function Stack(entries) { var data = this.__data__ = new ListCache(entries); this.size = data.size; } /** * Removes all key-value entries from the stack. * * @private * @name clear * @memberOf Stack */ function stackClear() { this.__data__ = new ListCache; this.size = 0; } /** * Removes `key` and its value from the stack. * * @private * @name delete * @memberOf Stack * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`. */ function stackDelete(key) { var data = this.__data__, result = data['delete'](key); this.size = data.size; return result; } /** * Gets the stack value for `key`. * * @private * @name get * @memberOf Stack * @param {string} key The key of the value to get. * @returns {*} Returns the entry value. */ function stackGet(key) { return this.__data__.get(key); } /** * Checks if a stack value for `key` exists. * * @private * @name has * @memberOf Stack * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`. */ function stackHas(key) { return this.__data__.has(key); } /** * Sets the stack `key` to `value`. * * @private * @name set * @memberOf Stack * @param {string} key The key of the value to set. * @param {*} value The value to set. * @returns {Object} Returns the stack cache instance. */ function stackSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__; if (data instanceof ListCache) { var pairs = data.__data__; if (!Map || (pairs.length < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE - 1)) { pairs.push([key, value]); this.size = ++data.size; return this; } data = this.__data__ = new MapCache(pairs); } data.set(key, value); this.size = data.size; return this; } // Add methods to `Stack`. Stack.prototype.clear = stackClear; Stack.prototype['delete'] = stackDelete; Stack.prototype.get = stackGet; Stack.prototype.has = stackHas; Stack.prototype.set = stackSet; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates an array of the enumerable property names of the array-like `value`. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to query. * @param {boolean} inherited Specify returning inherited property names. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. */ function arrayLikeKeys(value, inherited) { var isArr = isArray(value), isArg = !isArr && isArguments(value), isBuff = !isArr && !isArg && isBuffer(value), isType = !isArr && !isArg && !isBuff && isTypedArray(value), skipIndexes = isArr || isArg || isBuff || isType, result = skipIndexes ? baseTimes(value.length, String) : [], length = result.length; for (var key in value) { if ((inherited ||, key)) && !(skipIndexes && ( // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode. key == 'length' || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers. (isBuff && (key == 'offset' || key == 'parent')) || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays. (isType && (key == 'buffer' || key == 'byteLength' || key == 'byteOffset')) || // Skip index properties. isIndex(key, length) ))) { result.push(key); } } return result; } /** * A specialized version of `_.sample` for arrays. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to sample. * @returns {*} Returns the random element. */ function arraySample(array) { var length = array.length; return length ? array[baseRandom(0, length - 1)] : undefined; } /** * A specialized version of `_.sampleSize` for arrays. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to sample. * @param {number} n The number of elements to sample. * @returns {Array} Returns the random elements. */ function arraySampleSize(array, n) { return shuffleSelf(copyArray(array), baseClamp(n, 0, array.length)); } /** * A specialized version of `_.shuffle` for arrays. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to shuffle. * @returns {Array} Returns the new shuffled array. */ function arrayShuffle(array) { return shuffleSelf(copyArray(array)); } /** * This function is like `assignValue` except that it doesn't assign * `undefined` values. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign. * @param {*} value The value to assign. */ function assignMergeValue(object, key, value) { if ((value !== undefined && !eq(object[key], value)) || (value === undefined && !(key in object))) { baseAssignValue(object, key, value); } } /** * Assigns `value` to `key` of `object` if the existing value is not equivalent * using [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign. * @param {*} value The value to assign. */ function assignValue(object, key, value) { var objValue = object[key]; if (!(, key) && eq(objValue, value)) || (value === undefined && !(key in object))) { baseAssignValue(object, key, value); } } /** * Gets the index at which the `key` is found in `array` of key-value pairs. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} key The key to search for. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. */ function assocIndexOf(array, key) { var length = array.length; while (length--) { if (eq(array[length][0], key)) { return length; } } return -1; } /** * Aggregates elements of `collection` on `accumulator` with keys transformed * by `iteratee` and values set by `setter`. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} setter The function to set `accumulator` values. * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee to transform keys. * @param {Object} accumulator The initial aggregated object. * @returns {Function} Returns `accumulator`. */ function baseAggregator(collection, setter, iteratee, accumulator) { baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) { setter(accumulator, value, iteratee(value), collection); }); return accumulator; } /** * The base implementation of `_.assign` without support for multiple sources * or `customizer` functions. * * @private * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {Object} source The source object. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function baseAssign(object, source) { return object && copyObject(source, keys(source), object); } /** * The base implementation of `_.assignIn` without support for multiple sources * or `customizer` functions. * * @private * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {Object} source The source object. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function baseAssignIn(object, source) { return object && copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object); } /** * The base implementation of `assignValue` and `assignMergeValue` without * value checks. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign. * @param {*} value The value to assign. */ function baseAssignValue(object, key, value) { if (key == '__proto__' && defineProperty) { defineProperty(object, key, { 'configurable': true, 'enumerable': true, 'value': value, 'writable': true }); } else { object[key] = value; } } /** * The base implementation of `` without support for individual paths. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {string[]} paths The property paths to pick. * @returns {Array} Returns the picked elements. */ function baseAt(object, paths) { var index = -1, length = paths.length, result = Array(length), skip = object == null; while (++index < length) { result[index] = skip ? undefined : get(object, paths[index]); } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.clamp` which doesn't coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {number} number The number to clamp. * @param {number} [lower] The lower bound. * @param {number} upper The upper bound. * @returns {number} Returns the clamped number. */ function baseClamp(number, lower, upper) { if (number === number) { if (upper !== undefined) { number = number <= upper ? number : upper; } if (lower !== undefined) { number = number >= lower ? number : lower; } } return number; } /** * The base implementation of `_.clone` and `_.cloneDeep` which tracks * traversed objects. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to clone. * @param {boolean} bitmask The bitmask flags. * 1 - Deep clone * 2 - Flatten inherited properties * 4 - Clone symbols * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning. * @param {string} [key] The key of `value`. * @param {Object} [object] The parent object of `value`. * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed objects and their clone counterparts. * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value. */ function baseClone(value, bitmask, customizer, key, object, stack) { var result, isDeep = bitmask & CLONE_DEEP_FLAG, isFlat = bitmask & CLONE_FLAT_FLAG, isFull = bitmask & CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG; if (customizer) { result = object ? customizer(value, key, object, stack) : customizer(value); } if (result !== undefined) { return result; } if (!isObject(value)) { return value; } var isArr = isArray(value); if (isArr) { result = initCloneArray(value); if (!isDeep) { return copyArray(value, result); } } else { var tag = getTag(value), isFunc = tag == funcTag || tag == genTag; if (isBuffer(value)) { return cloneBuffer(value, isDeep); } if (tag == objectTag || tag == argsTag || (isFunc && !object)) { result = (isFlat || isFunc) ? {} : initCloneObject(value); if (!isDeep) { return isFlat ? copySymbolsIn(value, baseAssignIn(result, value)) : copySymbols(value, baseAssign(result, value)); } } else { if (!cloneableTags[tag]) { return object ? value : {}; } result = initCloneByTag(value, tag, isDeep); } } // Check for circular references and return its corresponding clone. stack || (stack = new Stack); var stacked = stack.get(value); if (stacked) { return stacked; } stack.set(value, result); if (isSet(value)) { value.forEach(function(subValue) { result.add(baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, subValue, value, stack)); }); } else if (isMap(value)) { value.forEach(function(subValue, key) { result.set(key, baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, key, value, stack)); }); } var keysFunc = isFull ? (isFlat ? getAllKeysIn : getAllKeys) : (isFlat ? keysIn : keys); var props = isArr ? undefined : keysFunc(value); arrayEach(props || value, function(subValue, key) { if (props) { key = subValue; subValue = value[key]; } // Recursively populate clone (susceptible to call stack limits). assignValue(result, key, baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, key, value, stack)); }); return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.conforms` which doesn't clone `source`. * * @private * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to. * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function. */ function baseConforms(source) { var props = keys(source); return function(object) { return baseConformsTo(object, source, props); }; } /** * The base implementation of `_.conformsTo` which accepts `props` to check. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` conforms, else `false`. */ function baseConformsTo(object, source, props) { var length = props.length; if (object == null) { return !length; } object = Object(object); while (length--) { var key = props[length], predicate = source[key], value = object[key]; if ((value === undefined && !(key in object)) || !predicate(value)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * The base implementation of `_.delay` and `_.defer` which accepts `args` * to provide to `func`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to delay. * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation. * @param {Array} args The arguments to provide to `func`. * @returns {number|Object} Returns the timer id or timeout object. */ function baseDelay(func, wait, args) { if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } return setTimeout(function() { func.apply(undefined, args); }, wait); } /** * The base implementation of methods like `_.difference` without support * for excluding multiple arrays or iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Array} values The values to exclude. * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. */ function baseDifference(array, values, iteratee, comparator) { var index = -1, includes = arrayIncludes, isCommon = true, length = array.length, result = [], valuesLength = values.length; if (!length) { return result; } if (iteratee) { values = arrayMap(values, baseUnary(iteratee)); } if (comparator) { includes = arrayIncludesWith; isCommon = false; } else if (values.length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) { includes = cacheHas; isCommon = false; values = new SetCache(values); } outer: while (++index < length) { var value = array[index], computed = iteratee == null ? value : iteratee(value); value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0; if (isCommon && computed === computed) { var valuesIndex = valuesLength; while (valuesIndex--) { if (values[valuesIndex] === computed) { continue outer; } } result.push(value); } else if (!includes(values, computed, comparator)) { result.push(value); } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.forEach` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`. */ var baseEach = createBaseEach(baseForOwn); /** * The base implementation of `_.forEachRight` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`. */ var baseEachRight = createBaseEach(baseForOwnRight, true); /** * The base implementation of `_.every` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check, * else `false` */ function baseEvery(collection, predicate) { var result = true; baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) { result = !!predicate(value, index, collection); return result; }); return result; } /** * The base implementation of methods like `_.max` and `_.min` which accepts a * `comparator` to determine the extremum value. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee invoked per iteration. * @param {Function} comparator The comparator used to compare values. * @returns {*} Returns the extremum value. */ function baseExtremum(array, iteratee, comparator) { var index = -1, length = array.length; while (++index < length) { var value = array[index], current = iteratee(value); if (current != null && (computed === undefined ? (current === current && !isSymbol(current)) : comparator(current, computed) )) { var computed = current, result = value; } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.fill` without an iteratee call guard. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to fill. * @param {*} value The value to fill `array` with. * @param {number} [start=0] The start position. * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function baseFill(array, value, start, end) { var length = array.length; start = toInteger(start); if (start < 0) { start = -start > length ? 0 : (length + start); } end = (end === undefined || end > length) ? length : toInteger(end); if (end < 0) { end += length; } end = start > end ? 0 : toLength(end); while (start < end) { array[start++] = value; } return array; } /** * The base implementation of `_.filter` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array. */ function baseFilter(collection, predicate) { var result = []; baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) { if (predicate(value, index, collection)) { result.push(value); } }); return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.flatten` with support for restricting flattening. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to flatten. * @param {number} depth The maximum recursion depth. * @param {boolean} [predicate=isFlattenable] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {boolean} [isStrict] Restrict to values that pass `predicate` checks. * @param {Array} [result=[]] The initial result value. * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array. */ function baseFlatten(array, depth, predicate, isStrict, result) { var index = -1, length = array.length; predicate || (predicate = isFlattenable); result || (result = []); while (++index < length) { var value = array[index]; if (depth > 0 && predicate(value)) { if (depth > 1) { // Recursively flatten arrays (susceptible to call stack limits). baseFlatten(value, depth - 1, predicate, isStrict, result); } else { arrayPush(result, value); } } else if (!isStrict) { result[result.length] = value; } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `baseForOwn` which iterates over `object` * properties returned by `keysFunc` and invokes `iteratee` for each property. * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ var baseFor = createBaseFor(); /** * This function is like `baseFor` except that it iterates over properties * in the opposite order. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ var baseForRight = createBaseFor(true); /** * The base implementation of `_.forOwn` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function baseForOwn(object, iteratee) { return object && baseFor(object, iteratee, keys); } /** * The base implementation of `_.forOwnRight` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function baseForOwnRight(object, iteratee) { return object && baseForRight(object, iteratee, keys); } /** * The base implementation of `_.functions` which creates an array of * `object` function property names filtered from `props`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Array} props The property names to filter. * @returns {Array} Returns the function names. */ function baseFunctions(object, props) { return arrayFilter(props, function(key) { return isFunction(object[key]); }); } /** * The base implementation of `_.get` without support for default values. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get. * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value. */ function baseGet(object, path) { path = castPath(path, object); var index = 0, length = path.length; while (object != null && index < length) { object = object[toKey(path[index++])]; } return (index && index == length) ? object : undefined; } /** * The base implementation of `getAllKeys` and `getAllKeysIn` which uses * `keysFunc` and `symbolsFunc` to get the enumerable property names and * symbols of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`. * @param {Function} symbolsFunc The function to get the symbols of `object`. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names and symbols. */ function baseGetAllKeys(object, keysFunc, symbolsFunc) { var result = keysFunc(object); return isArray(object) ? result : arrayPush(result, symbolsFunc(object)); } /** * The base implementation of `getTag` without fallbacks for buggy environments. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to query. * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`. */ function baseGetTag(value) { if (value == null) { return value === undefined ? undefinedTag : nullTag; } return (symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value)) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString(value); } /** * The base implementation of `` which doesn't coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than `other`, * else `false`. */ function baseGt(value, other) { return value > other; } /** * The base implementation of `_.has` without support for deep paths. * * @private * @param {Object} [object] The object to query. * @param {Array|string} key The key to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `key` exists, else `false`. */ function baseHas(object, key) { return object != null &&, key); } /** * The base implementation of `_.hasIn` without support for deep paths. * * @private * @param {Object} [object] The object to query. * @param {Array|string} key The key to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `key` exists, else `false`. */ function baseHasIn(object, key) { return object != null && key in Object(object); } /** * The base implementation of `_.inRange` which doesn't coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {number} number The number to check. * @param {number} start The start of the range. * @param {number} end The end of the range. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `number` is in the range, else `false`. */ function baseInRange(number, start, end) { return number >= nativeMin(start, end) && number < nativeMax(start, end); } /** * The base implementation of methods like `_.intersection`, without support * for iteratee shorthands, that accepts an array of arrays to inspect. * * @private * @param {Array} arrays The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of shared values. */ function baseIntersection(arrays, iteratee, comparator) { var includes = comparator ? arrayIncludesWith : arrayIncludes, length = arrays[0].length, othLength = arrays.length, othIndex = othLength, caches = Array(othLength), maxLength = Infinity, result = []; while (othIndex--) { var array = arrays[othIndex]; if (othIndex && iteratee) { array = arrayMap(array, baseUnary(iteratee)); } maxLength = nativeMin(array.length, maxLength); caches[othIndex] = !comparator && (iteratee || (length >= 120 && array.length >= 120)) ? new SetCache(othIndex && array) : undefined; } array = arrays[0]; var index = -1, seen = caches[0]; outer: while (++index < length && result.length < maxLength) { var value = array[index], computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value; value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0; if (!(seen ? cacheHas(seen, computed) : includes(result, computed, comparator) )) { othIndex = othLength; while (--othIndex) { var cache = caches[othIndex]; if (!(cache ? cacheHas(cache, computed) : includes(arrays[othIndex], computed, comparator)) ) { continue outer; } } if (seen) { seen.push(computed); } result.push(value); } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.invert` and `_.invertBy` which inverts * `object` with values transformed by `iteratee` and set by `setter`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} setter The function to set `accumulator` values. * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee to transform values. * @param {Object} accumulator The initial inverted object. * @returns {Function} Returns `accumulator`. */ function baseInverter(object, setter, iteratee, accumulator) { baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object) { setter(accumulator, iteratee(value), key, object); }); return accumulator; } /** * The base implementation of `_.invoke` without support for individual * method arguments. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke. * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke the method with. * @returns {*} Returns the result of the invoked method. */ function baseInvoke(object, path, args) { path = castPath(path, object); object = parent(object, path); var func = object == null ? object : object[toKey(last(path))]; return func == null ? undefined : apply(func, object, args); } /** * The base implementation of `_.isArguments`. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an `arguments` object, */ function baseIsArguments(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == argsTag; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isArrayBuffer` without Node.js optimizations. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array buffer, else `false`. */ function baseIsArrayBuffer(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == arrayBufferTag; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isDate` without Node.js optimizations. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a date object, else `false`. */ function baseIsDate(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == dateTag; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isEqual` which supports partial comparisons * and tracks traversed objects. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @param {boolean} bitmask The bitmask flags. * 1 - Unordered comparison * 2 - Partial comparison * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons. * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed `value` and `other` objects. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`. */ function baseIsEqual(value, other, bitmask, customizer, stack) { if (value === other) { return true; } if (value == null || other == null || (!isObjectLike(value) && !isObjectLike(other))) { return value !== value && other !== other; } return baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, bitmask, customizer, baseIsEqual, stack); } /** * A specialized version of `baseIsEqual` for arrays and objects which performs * deep comparisons and tracks traversed objects enabling objects with circular * references to be compared. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to compare. * @param {Object} other The other object to compare. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details. * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons. * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values. * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed `object` and `other` objects. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`. */ function baseIsEqualDeep(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { var objIsArr = isArray(object), othIsArr = isArray(other), objTag = objIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(object), othTag = othIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(other); objTag = objTag == argsTag ? objectTag : objTag; othTag = othTag == argsTag ? objectTag : othTag; var objIsObj = objTag == objectTag, othIsObj = othTag == objectTag, isSameTag = objTag == othTag; if (isSameTag && isBuffer(object)) { if (!isBuffer(other)) { return false; } objIsArr = true; objIsObj = false; } if (isSameTag && !objIsObj) { stack || (stack = new Stack); return (objIsArr || isTypedArray(object)) ? equalArrays(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) : equalByTag(object, other, objTag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack); } if (!(bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG)) { var objIsWrapped = objIsObj &&, '__wrapped__'), othIsWrapped = othIsObj &&, '__wrapped__'); if (objIsWrapped || othIsWrapped) { var objUnwrapped = objIsWrapped ? object.value() : object, othUnwrapped = othIsWrapped ? other.value() : other; stack || (stack = new Stack); return equalFunc(objUnwrapped, othUnwrapped, bitmask, customizer, stack); } } if (!isSameTag) { return false; } stack || (stack = new Stack); return equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack); } /** * The base implementation of `_.isMap` without Node.js optimizations. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a map, else `false`. */ function baseIsMap(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && getTag(value) == mapTag; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isMatch` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match. * @param {Array} matchData The property names, values, and compare flags to match. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`. */ function baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData, customizer) { var index = matchData.length, length = index, noCustomizer = !customizer; if (object == null) { return !length; } object = Object(object); while (index--) { var data = matchData[index]; if ((noCustomizer && data[2]) ? data[1] !== object[data[0]] : !(data[0] in object) ) { return false; } } while (++index < length) { data = matchData[index]; var key = data[0], objValue = object[key], srcValue = data[1]; if (noCustomizer && data[2]) { if (objValue === undefined && !(key in object)) { return false; } } else { var stack = new Stack; if (customizer) { var result = customizer(objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack); } if (!(result === undefined ? baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG, customizer, stack) : result )) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isNative` without bad shim checks. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a native function, * else `false`. */ function baseIsNative(value) { if (!isObject(value) || isMasked(value)) { return false; } var pattern = isFunction(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor; return pattern.test(toSource(value)); } /** * The base implementation of `_.isRegExp` without Node.js optimizations. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a regexp, else `false`. */ function baseIsRegExp(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == regexpTag; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isSet` without Node.js optimizations. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a set, else `false`. */ function baseIsSet(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && getTag(value) == setTag; } /** * The base implementation of `_.isTypedArray` without Node.js optimizations. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a typed array, else `false`. */ function baseIsTypedArray(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && isLength(value.length) && !!typedArrayTags[baseGetTag(value)]; } /** * The base implementation of `_.iteratee`. * * @private * @param {*} [value=_.identity] The value to convert to an iteratee. * @returns {Function} Returns the iteratee. */ function baseIteratee(value) { // Don't store the `typeof` result in a variable to avoid a JIT bug in Safari 9. // See for more details. if (typeof value == 'function') { return value; } if (value == null) { return identity; } if (typeof value == 'object') { return isArray(value) ? baseMatchesProperty(value[0], value[1]) : baseMatches(value); } return property(value); } /** * The base implementation of `_.keys` which doesn't treat sparse arrays as dense. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. */ function baseKeys(object) { if (!isPrototype(object)) { return nativeKeys(object); } var result = []; for (var key in Object(object)) { if (, key) && key != 'constructor') { result.push(key); } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.keysIn` which doesn't treat sparse arrays as dense. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. */ function baseKeysIn(object) { if (!isObject(object)) { return nativeKeysIn(object); } var isProto = isPrototype(object), result = []; for (var key in object) { if (!(key == 'constructor' && (isProto || !, key)))) { result.push(key); } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `` which doesn't coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than `other`, * else `false`. */ function baseLt(value, other) { return value < other; } /** * The base implementation of `` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array. */ function baseMap(collection, iteratee) { var index = -1, result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : []; baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) { result[++index] = iteratee(value, key, collection); }); return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.matches` which doesn't clone `source`. * * @private * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match. * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function. */ function baseMatches(source) { var matchData = getMatchData(source); if (matchData.length == 1 && matchData[0][2]) { return matchesStrictComparable(matchData[0][0], matchData[0][1]); } return function(object) { return object === source || baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData); }; } /** * The base implementation of `_.matchesProperty` which doesn't clone `srcValue`. * * @private * @param {string} path The path of the property to get. * @param {*} srcValue The value to match. * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function. */ function baseMatchesProperty(path, srcValue) { if (isKey(path) && isStrictComparable(srcValue)) { return matchesStrictComparable(toKey(path), srcValue); } return function(object) { var objValue = get(object, path); return (objValue === undefined && objValue === srcValue) ? hasIn(object, path) : baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG); }; } /** * The base implementation of `_.merge` without support for multiple sources. * * @private * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {Object} source The source object. * @param {number} srcIndex The index of `source`. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize merged values. * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed source values and their merged * counterparts. */ function baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex, customizer, stack) { if (object === source) { return; } baseFor(source, function(srcValue, key) { stack || (stack = new Stack); if (isObject(srcValue)) { baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, srcIndex, baseMerge, customizer, stack); } else { var newValue = customizer ? customizer(safeGet(object, key), srcValue, (key + ''), object, source, stack) : undefined; if (newValue === undefined) { newValue = srcValue; } assignMergeValue(object, key, newValue); } }, keysIn); } /** * A specialized version of `baseMerge` for arrays and objects which performs * deep merges and tracks traversed objects enabling objects with circular * references to be merged. * * @private * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {Object} source The source object. * @param {string} key The key of the value to merge. * @param {number} srcIndex The index of `source`. * @param {Function} mergeFunc The function to merge values. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values. * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed source values and their merged * counterparts. */ function baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, srcIndex, mergeFunc, customizer, stack) { var objValue = safeGet(object, key), srcValue = safeGet(source, key), stacked = stack.get(srcValue); if (stacked) { assignMergeValue(object, key, stacked); return; } var newValue = customizer ? customizer(objValue, srcValue, (key + ''), object, source, stack) : undefined; var isCommon = newValue === undefined; if (isCommon) { var isArr = isArray(srcValue), isBuff = !isArr && isBuffer(srcValue), isTyped = !isArr && !isBuff && isTypedArray(srcValue); newValue = srcValue; if (isArr || isBuff || isTyped) { if (isArray(objValue)) { newValue = objValue; } else if (isArrayLikeObject(objValue)) { newValue = copyArray(objValue); } else if (isBuff) { isCommon = false; newValue = cloneBuffer(srcValue, true); } else if (isTyped) { isCommon = false; newValue = cloneTypedArray(srcValue, true); } else { newValue = []; } } else if (isPlainObject(srcValue) || isArguments(srcValue)) { newValue = objValue; if (isArguments(objValue)) { newValue = toPlainObject(objValue); } else if (!isObject(objValue) || isFunction(objValue)) { newValue = initCloneObject(srcValue); } } else { isCommon = false; } } if (isCommon) { // Recursively merge objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits). stack.set(srcValue, newValue); mergeFunc(newValue, srcValue, srcIndex, customizer, stack); stack['delete'](srcValue); } assignMergeValue(object, key, newValue); } /** * The base implementation of `_.nth` which doesn't coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {number} n The index of the element to return. * @returns {*} Returns the nth element of `array`. */ function baseNth(array, n) { var length = array.length; if (!length) { return; } n += n < 0 ? length : 0; return isIndex(n, length) ? array[n] : undefined; } /** * The base implementation of `_.orderBy` without param guards. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function[]|Object[]|string[]} iteratees The iteratees to sort by. * @param {string[]} orders The sort orders of `iteratees`. * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array. */ function baseOrderBy(collection, iteratees, orders) { if (iteratees.length) { iteratees = arrayMap(iteratees, function(iteratee) { if (isArray(iteratee)) { return function(value) { return baseGet(value, iteratee.length === 1 ? iteratee[0] : iteratee); } } return iteratee; }); } else { iteratees = [identity]; } var index = -1; iteratees = arrayMap(iteratees, baseUnary(getIteratee())); var result = baseMap(collection, function(value, key, collection) { var criteria = arrayMap(iteratees, function(iteratee) { return iteratee(value); }); return { 'criteria': criteria, 'index': ++index, 'value': value }; }); return baseSortBy(result, function(object, other) { return compareMultiple(object, other, orders); }); } /** * The base implementation of `_.pick` without support for individual * property identifiers. * * @private * @param {Object} object The source object. * @param {string[]} paths The property paths to pick. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. */ function basePick(object, paths) { return basePickBy(object, paths, function(value, path) { return hasIn(object, path); }); } /** * The base implementation of `_.pickBy` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Object} object The source object. * @param {string[]} paths The property paths to pick. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per property. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. */ function basePickBy(object, paths, predicate) { var index = -1, length = paths.length, result = {}; while (++index < length) { var path = paths[index], value = baseGet(object, path); if (predicate(value, path)) { baseSet(result, castPath(path, object), value); } } return result; } /** * A specialized version of `baseProperty` which supports deep paths. * * @private * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get. * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function. */ function basePropertyDeep(path) { return function(object) { return baseGet(object, path); }; } /** * The base implementation of `_.pullAllBy` without support for iteratee * shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {Array} values The values to remove. * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function basePullAll(array, values, iteratee, comparator) { var indexOf = comparator ? baseIndexOfWith : baseIndexOf, index = -1, length = values.length, seen = array; if (array === values) { values = copyArray(values); } if (iteratee) { seen = arrayMap(array, baseUnary(iteratee)); } while (++index < length) { var fromIndex = 0, value = values[index], computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value; while ((fromIndex = indexOf(seen, computed, fromIndex, comparator)) > -1) { if (seen !== array) {, fromIndex, 1); }, fromIndex, 1); } } return array; } /** * The base implementation of `_.pullAt` without support for individual * indexes or capturing the removed elements. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {number[]} indexes The indexes of elements to remove. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function basePullAt(array, indexes) { var length = array ? indexes.length : 0, lastIndex = length - 1; while (length--) { var index = indexes[length]; if (length == lastIndex || index !== previous) { var previous = index; if (isIndex(index)) {, index, 1); } else { baseUnset(array, index); } } } return array; } /** * The base implementation of `_.random` without support for returning * floating-point numbers. * * @private * @param {number} lower The lower bound. * @param {number} upper The upper bound. * @returns {number} Returns the random number. */ function baseRandom(lower, upper) { return lower + nativeFloor(nativeRandom() * (upper - lower + 1)); } /** * The base implementation of `_.range` and `_.rangeRight` which doesn't * coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {number} start The start of the range. * @param {number} end The end of the range. * @param {number} step The value to increment or decrement by. * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Array} Returns the range of numbers. */ function baseRange(start, end, step, fromRight) { var index = -1, length = nativeMax(nativeCeil((end - start) / (step || 1)), 0), result = Array(length); while (length--) { result[fromRight ? length : ++index] = start; start += step; } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.repeat` which doesn't coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to repeat. * @param {number} n The number of times to repeat the string. * @returns {string} Returns the repeated string. */ function baseRepeat(string, n) { var result = ''; if (!string || n < 1 || n > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { return result; } // Leverage the exponentiation by squaring algorithm for a faster repeat. // See for more details. do { if (n % 2) { result += string; } n = nativeFloor(n / 2); if (n) { string += string; } } while (n); return result; } /** * The base implementation of `` which doesn't validate or coerce arguments. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to. * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. */ function baseRest(func, start) { return setToString(overRest(func, start, identity), func + ''); } /** * The base implementation of `_.sample`. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample. * @returns {*} Returns the random element. */ function baseSample(collection) { return arraySample(values(collection)); } /** * The base implementation of `_.sampleSize` without param guards. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample. * @param {number} n The number of elements to sample. * @returns {Array} Returns the random elements. */ function baseSampleSize(collection, n) { var array = values(collection); return shuffleSelf(array, baseClamp(n, 0, array.length)); } /** * The base implementation of `_.set`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set. * @param {*} value The value to set. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize path creation. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function baseSet(object, path, value, customizer) { if (!isObject(object)) { return object; } path = castPath(path, object); var index = -1, length = path.length, lastIndex = length - 1, nested = object; while (nested != null && ++index < length) { var key = toKey(path[index]), newValue = value; if (key === '__proto__' || key === 'constructor' || key === 'prototype') { return object; } if (index != lastIndex) { var objValue = nested[key]; newValue = customizer ? customizer(objValue, key, nested) : undefined; if (newValue === undefined) { newValue = isObject(objValue) ? objValue : (isIndex(path[index + 1]) ? [] : {}); } } assignValue(nested, key, newValue); nested = nested[key]; } return object; } /** * The base implementation of `setData` without support for hot loop shorting. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to associate metadata with. * @param {*} data The metadata. * @returns {Function} Returns `func`. */ var baseSetData = !metaMap ? identity : function(func, data) { metaMap.set(func, data); return func; }; /** * The base implementation of `setToString` without support for hot loop shorting. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to modify. * @param {Function} string The `toString` result. * @returns {Function} Returns `func`. */ var baseSetToString = !defineProperty ? identity : function(func, string) { return defineProperty(func, 'toString', { 'configurable': true, 'enumerable': false, 'value': constant(string), 'writable': true }); }; /** * The base implementation of `_.shuffle`. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to shuffle. * @returns {Array} Returns the new shuffled array. */ function baseShuffle(collection) { return shuffleSelf(values(collection)); } /** * The base implementation of `_.slice` without an iteratee call guard. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to slice. * @param {number} [start=0] The start position. * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. */ function baseSlice(array, start, end) { var index = -1, length = array.length; if (start < 0) { start = -start > length ? 0 : (length + start); } end = end > length ? length : end; if (end < 0) { end += length; } length = start > end ? 0 : ((end - start) >>> 0); start >>>= 0; var result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = array[index + start]; } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.some` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check, * else `false`. */ function baseSome(collection, predicate) { var result; baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) { result = predicate(value, index, collection); return !result; }); return !!result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.sortedIndex` and `_.sortedLastIndex` which * performs a binary search of `array` to determine the index at which `value` * should be inserted into `array` in order to maintain its sort order. * * @private * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to evaluate. * @param {boolean} [retHighest] Specify returning the highest qualified index. * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted * into `array`. */ function baseSortedIndex(array, value, retHighest) { var low = 0, high = array == null ? low : array.length; if (typeof value == 'number' && value === value && high <= HALF_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) { while (low < high) { var mid = (low + high) >>> 1, computed = array[mid]; if (computed !== null && !isSymbol(computed) && (retHighest ? (computed <= value) : (computed < value))) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; } } return high; } return baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, identity, retHighest); } /** * The base implementation of `_.sortedIndexBy` and `_.sortedLastIndexBy` * which invokes `iteratee` for `value` and each element of `array` to compute * their sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument; (value). * * @private * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to evaluate. * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee invoked per element. * @param {boolean} [retHighest] Specify returning the highest qualified index. * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted * into `array`. */ function baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, iteratee, retHighest) { var low = 0, high = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (high === 0) { return 0; } value = iteratee(value); var valIsNaN = value !== value, valIsNull = value === null, valIsSymbol = isSymbol(value), valIsUndefined = value === undefined; while (low < high) { var mid = nativeFloor((low + high) / 2), computed = iteratee(array[mid]), othIsDefined = computed !== undefined, othIsNull = computed === null, othIsReflexive = computed === computed, othIsSymbol = isSymbol(computed); if (valIsNaN) { var setLow = retHighest || othIsReflexive; } else if (valIsUndefined) { setLow = othIsReflexive && (retHighest || othIsDefined); } else if (valIsNull) { setLow = othIsReflexive && othIsDefined && (retHighest || !othIsNull); } else if (valIsSymbol) { setLow = othIsReflexive && othIsDefined && !othIsNull && (retHighest || !othIsSymbol); } else if (othIsNull || othIsSymbol) { setLow = false; } else { setLow = retHighest ? (computed <= value) : (computed < value); } if (setLow) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; } } return nativeMin(high, MAX_ARRAY_INDEX); } /** * The base implementation of `_.sortedUniq` and `_.sortedUniqBy` without * support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array. */ function baseSortedUniq(array, iteratee) { var index = -1, length = array.length, resIndex = 0, result = []; while (++index < length) { var value = array[index], computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value; if (!index || !eq(computed, seen)) { var seen = computed; result[resIndex++] = value === 0 ? 0 : value; } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.toNumber` which doesn't ensure correct * conversions of binary, hexadecimal, or octal string values. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to process. * @returns {number} Returns the number. */ function baseToNumber(value) { if (typeof value == 'number') { return value; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return NAN; } return +value; } /** * The base implementation of `_.toString` which doesn't convert nullish * values to empty strings. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to process. * @returns {string} Returns the string. */ function baseToString(value) { // Exit early for strings to avoid a performance hit in some environments. if (typeof value == 'string') { return value; } if (isArray(value)) { // Recursively convert values (susceptible to call stack limits). return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + ''; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return symbolToString ? : ''; } var result = (value + ''); return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY) ? '-0' : result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.uniqBy` without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array. */ function baseUniq(array, iteratee, comparator) { var index = -1, includes = arrayIncludes, length = array.length, isCommon = true, result = [], seen = result; if (comparator) { isCommon = false; includes = arrayIncludesWith; } else if (length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) { var set = iteratee ? null : createSet(array); if (set) { return setToArray(set); } isCommon = false; includes = cacheHas; seen = new SetCache; } else { seen = iteratee ? [] : result; } outer: while (++index < length) { var value = array[index], computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value; value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0; if (isCommon && computed === computed) { var seenIndex = seen.length; while (seenIndex--) { if (seen[seenIndex] === computed) { continue outer; } } if (iteratee) { seen.push(computed); } result.push(value); } else if (!includes(seen, computed, comparator)) { if (seen !== result) { seen.push(computed); } result.push(value); } } return result; } /** * The base implementation of `_.unset`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The property path to unset. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the property is deleted, else `false`. */ function baseUnset(object, path) { path = castPath(path, object); object = parent(object, path); return object == null || delete object[toKey(last(path))]; } /** * The base implementation of `_.update`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to update. * @param {Function} updater The function to produce the updated value. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize path creation. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function baseUpdate(object, path, updater, customizer) { return baseSet(object, path, updater(baseGet(object, path)), customizer); } /** * The base implementation of methods like `_.dropWhile` and `_.takeWhile` * without support for iteratee shorthands. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration. * @param {boolean} [isDrop] Specify dropping elements instead of taking them. * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. */ function baseWhile(array, predicate, isDrop, fromRight) { var length = array.length, index = fromRight ? length : -1; while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length) && predicate(array[index], index, array)) {} return isDrop ? baseSlice(array, (fromRight ? 0 : index), (fromRight ? index + 1 : length)) : baseSlice(array, (fromRight ? index + 1 : 0), (fromRight ? length : index)); } /** * The base implementation of `wrapperValue` which returns the result of * performing a sequence of actions on the unwrapped `value`, where each * successive action is supplied the return value of the previous. * * @private * @param {*} value The unwrapped value. * @param {Array} actions Actions to perform to resolve the unwrapped value. * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value. */ function baseWrapperValue(value, actions) { var result = value; if (result instanceof LazyWrapper) { result = result.value(); } return arrayReduce(actions, function(result, action) { return action.func.apply(action.thisArg, arrayPush([result], action.args)); }, result); } /** * The base implementation of methods like `_.xor`, without support for * iteratee shorthands, that accepts an array of arrays to inspect. * * @private * @param {Array} arrays The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of values. */ function baseXor(arrays, iteratee, comparator) { var length = arrays.length; if (length < 2) { return length ? baseUniq(arrays[0]) : []; } var index = -1, result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { var array = arrays[index], othIndex = -1; while (++othIndex < length) { if (othIndex != index) { result[index] = baseDifference(result[index] || array, arrays[othIndex], iteratee, comparator); } } } return baseUniq(baseFlatten(result, 1), iteratee, comparator); } /** * This base implementation of `_.zipObject` which assigns values using `assignFunc`. * * @private * @param {Array} props The property identifiers. * @param {Array} values The property values. * @param {Function} assignFunc The function to assign values. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. */ function baseZipObject(props, values, assignFunc) { var index = -1, length = props.length, valsLength = values.length, result = {}; while (++index < length) { var value = index < valsLength ? values[index] : undefined; assignFunc(result, props[index], value); } return result; } /** * Casts `value` to an empty array if it's not an array like object. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to inspect. * @returns {Array|Object} Returns the cast array-like object. */ function castArrayLikeObject(value) { return isArrayLikeObject(value) ? value : []; } /** * Casts `value` to `identity` if it's not a function. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to inspect. * @returns {Function} Returns cast function. */ function castFunction(value) { return typeof value == 'function' ? value : identity; } /** * Casts `value` to a path array if it's not one. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to inspect. * @param {Object} [object] The object to query keys on. * @returns {Array} Returns the cast property path array. */ function castPath(value, object) { if (isArray(value)) { return value; } return isKey(value, object) ? [value] : stringToPath(toString(value)); } /** * A `baseRest` alias which can be replaced with `identity` by module * replacement plugins. * * @private * @type {Function} * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. */ var castRest = baseRest; /** * Casts `array` to a slice if it's needed. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {number} start The start position. * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position. * @returns {Array} Returns the cast slice. */ function castSlice(array, start, end) { var length = array.length; end = end === undefined ? length : end; return (!start && end >= length) ? array : baseSlice(array, start, end); } /** * A simple wrapper around the global [`clearTimeout`]( * * @private * @param {number|Object} id The timer id or timeout object of the timer to clear. */ var clearTimeout = ctxClearTimeout || function(id) { return root.clearTimeout(id); }; /** * Creates a clone of `buffer`. * * @private * @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to clone. * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone. * @returns {Buffer} Returns the cloned buffer. */ function cloneBuffer(buffer, isDeep) { if (isDeep) { return buffer.slice(); } var length = buffer.length, result = allocUnsafe ? allocUnsafe(length) : new buffer.constructor(length); buffer.copy(result); return result; } /** * Creates a clone of `arrayBuffer`. * * @private * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer The array buffer to clone. * @returns {ArrayBuffer} Returns the cloned array buffer. */ function cloneArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) { var result = new arrayBuffer.constructor(arrayBuffer.byteLength); new Uint8Array(result).set(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)); return result; } /** * Creates a clone of `dataView`. * * @private * @param {Object} dataView The data view to clone. * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone. * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned data view. */ function cloneDataView(dataView, isDeep) { var buffer = isDeep ? cloneArrayBuffer(dataView.buffer) : dataView.buffer; return new dataView.constructor(buffer, dataView.byteOffset, dataView.byteLength); } /** * Creates a clone of `regexp`. * * @private * @param {Object} regexp The regexp to clone. * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned regexp. */ function cloneRegExp(regexp) { var result = new regexp.constructor(regexp.source, reFlags.exec(regexp)); result.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex; return result; } /** * Creates a clone of the `symbol` object. * * @private * @param {Object} symbol The symbol object to clone. * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned symbol object. */ function cloneSymbol(symbol) { return symbolValueOf ? Object( : {}; } /** * Creates a clone of `typedArray`. * * @private * @param {Object} typedArray The typed array to clone. * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone. * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned typed array. */ function cloneTypedArray(typedArray, isDeep) { var buffer = isDeep ? cloneArrayBuffer(typedArray.buffer) : typedArray.buffer; return new typedArray.constructor(buffer, typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.length); } /** * Compares values to sort them in ascending order. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator for `value`. */ function compareAscending(value, other) { if (value !== other) { var valIsDefined = value !== undefined, valIsNull = value === null, valIsReflexive = value === value, valIsSymbol = isSymbol(value); var othIsDefined = other !== undefined, othIsNull = other === null, othIsReflexive = other === other, othIsSymbol = isSymbol(other); if ((!othIsNull && !othIsSymbol && !valIsSymbol && value > other) || (valIsSymbol && othIsDefined && othIsReflexive && !othIsNull && !othIsSymbol) || (valIsNull && othIsDefined && othIsReflexive) || (!valIsDefined && othIsReflexive) || !valIsReflexive) { return 1; } if ((!valIsNull && !valIsSymbol && !othIsSymbol && value < other) || (othIsSymbol && valIsDefined && valIsReflexive && !valIsNull && !valIsSymbol) || (othIsNull && valIsDefined && valIsReflexive) || (!othIsDefined && valIsReflexive) || !othIsReflexive) { return -1; } } return 0; } /** * Used by `_.orderBy` to compare multiple properties of a value to another * and stable sort them. * * If `orders` is unspecified, all values are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise, * specify an order of "desc" for descending or "asc" for ascending sort order * of corresponding values. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to compare. * @param {Object} other The other object to compare. * @param {boolean[]|string[]} orders The order to sort by for each property. * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator for `object`. */ function compareMultiple(object, other, orders) { var index = -1, objCriteria = object.criteria, othCriteria = other.criteria, length = objCriteria.length, ordersLength = orders.length; while (++index < length) { var result = compareAscending(objCriteria[index], othCriteria[index]); if (result) { if (index >= ordersLength) { return result; } var order = orders[index]; return result * (order == 'desc' ? -1 : 1); } } // Fixes an `Array#sort` bug in the JS engine embedded in Adobe applications // that causes it, under certain circumstances, to provide the same value for // `object` and `other`. See // for more details. // // This also ensures a stable sort in V8 and other engines. // See for more details. return object.index - other.index; } /** * Creates an array that is the composition of partially applied arguments, * placeholders, and provided arguments into a single array of arguments. * * @private * @param {Array} args The provided arguments. * @param {Array} partials The arguments to prepend to those provided. * @param {Array} holders The `partials` placeholder indexes. * @params {boolean} [isCurried] Specify composing for a curried function. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of composed arguments. */ function composeArgs(args, partials, holders, isCurried) { var argsIndex = -1, argsLength = args.length, holdersLength = holders.length, leftIndex = -1, leftLength = partials.length, rangeLength = nativeMax(argsLength - holdersLength, 0), result = Array(leftLength + rangeLength), isUncurried = !isCurried; while (++leftIndex < leftLength) { result[leftIndex] = partials[leftIndex]; } while (++argsIndex < holdersLength) { if (isUncurried || argsIndex < argsLength) { result[holders[argsIndex]] = args[argsIndex]; } } while (rangeLength--) { result[leftIndex++] = args[argsIndex++]; } return result; } /** * This function is like `composeArgs` except that the arguments composition * is tailored for `_.partialRight`. * * @private * @param {Array} args The provided arguments. * @param {Array} partials The arguments to append to those provided. * @param {Array} holders The `partials` placeholder indexes. * @params {boolean} [isCurried] Specify composing for a curried function. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of composed arguments. */ function composeArgsRight(args, partials, holders, isCurried) { var argsIndex = -1, argsLength = args.length, holdersIndex = -1, holdersLength = holders.length, rightIndex = -1, rightLength = partials.length, rangeLength = nativeMax(argsLength - holdersLength, 0), result = Array(rangeLength + rightLength), isUncurried = !isCurried; while (++argsIndex < rangeLength) { result[argsIndex] = args[argsIndex]; } var offset = argsIndex; while (++rightIndex < rightLength) { result[offset + rightIndex] = partials[rightIndex]; } while (++holdersIndex < holdersLength) { if (isUncurried || argsIndex < argsLength) { result[offset + holders[holdersIndex]] = args[argsIndex++]; } } return result; } /** * Copies the values of `source` to `array`. * * @private * @param {Array} source The array to copy values from. * @param {Array} [array=[]] The array to copy values to. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function copyArray(source, array) { var index = -1, length = source.length; array || (array = Array(length)); while (++index < length) { array[index] = source[index]; } return array; } /** * Copies properties of `source` to `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} source The object to copy properties from. * @param {Array} props The property identifiers to copy. * @param {Object} [object={}] The object to copy properties to. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize copied values. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function copyObject(source, props, object, customizer) { var isNew = !object; object || (object = {}); var index = -1, length = props.length; while (++index < length) { var key = props[index]; var newValue = customizer ? customizer(object[key], source[key], key, object, source) : undefined; if (newValue === undefined) { newValue = source[key]; } if (isNew) { baseAssignValue(object, key, newValue); } else { assignValue(object, key, newValue); } } return object; } /** * Copies own symbols of `source` to `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} source The object to copy symbols from. * @param {Object} [object={}] The object to copy symbols to. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function copySymbols(source, object) { return copyObject(source, getSymbols(source), object); } /** * Copies own and inherited symbols of `source` to `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} source The object to copy symbols from. * @param {Object} [object={}] The object to copy symbols to. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. */ function copySymbolsIn(source, object) { return copyObject(source, getSymbolsIn(source), object); } /** * Creates a function like `_.groupBy`. * * @private * @param {Function} setter The function to set accumulator values. * @param {Function} [initializer] The accumulator object initializer. * @returns {Function} Returns the new aggregator function. */ function createAggregator(setter, initializer) { return function(collection, iteratee) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayAggregator : baseAggregator, accumulator = initializer ? initializer() : {}; return func(collection, setter, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), accumulator); }; } /** * Creates a function like `_.assign`. * * @private * @param {Function} assigner The function to assign values. * @returns {Function} Returns the new assigner function. */ function createAssigner(assigner) { return baseRest(function(object, sources) { var index = -1, length = sources.length, customizer = length > 1 ? sources[length - 1] : undefined, guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : undefined; customizer = (assigner.length > 3 && typeof customizer == 'function') ? (length--, customizer) : undefined; if (guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard)) { customizer = length < 3 ? undefined : customizer; length = 1; } object = Object(object); while (++index < length) { var source = sources[index]; if (source) { assigner(object, source, index, customizer); } } return object; }); } /** * Creates a `baseEach` or `baseEachRight` function. * * @private * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over a collection. * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Function} Returns the new base function. */ function createBaseEach(eachFunc, fromRight) { return function(collection, iteratee) { if (collection == null) { return collection; } if (!isArrayLike(collection)) { return eachFunc(collection, iteratee); } var length = collection.length, index = fromRight ? length : -1, iterable = Object(collection); while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) { if (iteratee(iterable[index], index, iterable) === false) { break; } } return collection; }; } /** * Creates a base function for methods like `_.forIn` and `_.forOwn`. * * @private * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Function} Returns the new base function. */ function createBaseFor(fromRight) { return function(object, iteratee, keysFunc) { var index = -1, iterable = Object(object), props = keysFunc(object), length = props.length; while (length--) { var key = props[fromRight ? length : ++index]; if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === false) { break; } } return object; }; } /** * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke it with the optional `this` * binding of `thisArg`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to wrap. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details. * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`. * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function. */ function createBind(func, bitmask, thisArg) { var isBind = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG, Ctor = createCtor(func); function wrapper() { var fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func; return fn.apply(isBind ? thisArg : this, arguments); } return wrapper; } /** * Creates a function like `_.lowerFirst`. * * @private * @param {string} methodName The name of the `String` case method to use. * @returns {Function} Returns the new case function. */ function createCaseFirst(methodName) { return function(string) { string = toString(string); var strSymbols = hasUnicode(string) ? stringToArray(string) : undefined; var chr = strSymbols ? strSymbols[0] : string.charAt(0); var trailing = strSymbols ? castSlice(strSymbols, 1).join('') : string.slice(1); return chr[methodName]() + trailing; }; } /** * Creates a function like `_.camelCase`. * * @private * @param {Function} callback The function to combine each word. * @returns {Function} Returns the new compounder function. */ function createCompounder(callback) { return function(string) { return arrayReduce(words(deburr(string).replace(reApos, '')), callback, ''); }; } /** * Creates a function that produces an instance of `Ctor` regardless of * whether it was invoked as part of a `new` expression or by `call` or `apply`. * * @private * @param {Function} Ctor The constructor to wrap. * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function. */ function createCtor(Ctor) { return function() { // Use a `switch` statement to work with class constructors. See // // for more details. var args = arguments; switch (args.length) { case 0: return new Ctor; case 1: return new Ctor(args[0]); case 2: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1]); case 3: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 4: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); case 5: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); case 6: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); case 7: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); } var thisBinding = baseCreate(Ctor.prototype), result = Ctor.apply(thisBinding, args); // Mimic the constructor's `return` behavior. // See for more details. return isObject(result) ? result : thisBinding; }; } /** * Creates a function that wraps `func` to enable currying. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to wrap. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details. * @param {number} arity The arity of `func`. * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function. */ function createCurry(func, bitmask, arity) { var Ctor = createCtor(func); function wrapper() { var length = arguments.length, args = Array(length), index = length, placeholder = getHolder(wrapper); while (index--) { args[index] = arguments[index]; } var holders = (length < 3 && args[0] !== placeholder && args[length - 1] !== placeholder) ? [] : replaceHolders(args, placeholder); length -= holders.length; if (length < arity) { return createRecurry( func, bitmask, createHybrid, wrapper.placeholder, undefined, args, holders, undefined, undefined, arity - length); } var fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func; return apply(fn, this, args); } return wrapper; } /** * Creates a `_.find` or `_.findLast` function. * * @private * @param {Function} findIndexFunc The function to find the collection index. * @returns {Function} Returns the new find function. */ function createFind(findIndexFunc) { return function(collection, predicate, fromIndex) { var iterable = Object(collection); if (!isArrayLike(collection)) { var iteratee = getIteratee(predicate, 3); collection = keys(collection); predicate = function(key) { return iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable); }; } var index = findIndexFunc(collection, predicate, fromIndex); return index > -1 ? iterable[iteratee ? collection[index] : index] : undefined; }; } /** * Creates a `_.flow` or `_.flowRight` function. * * @private * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Function} Returns the new flow function. */ function createFlow(fromRight) { return flatRest(function(funcs) { var length = funcs.length, index = length, prereq = LodashWrapper.prototype.thru; if (fromRight) { funcs.reverse(); } while (index--) { var func = funcs[index]; if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } if (prereq && !wrapper && getFuncName(func) == 'wrapper') { var wrapper = new LodashWrapper([], true); } } index = wrapper ? index : length; while (++index < length) { func = funcs[index]; var funcName = getFuncName(func), data = funcName == 'wrapper' ? getData(func) : undefined; if (data && isLaziable(data[0]) && data[1] == (WRAP_ARY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG | WRAP_REARG_FLAG) && !data[4].length && data[9] == 1 ) { wrapper = wrapper[getFuncName(data[0])].apply(wrapper, data[3]); } else { wrapper = (func.length == 1 && isLaziable(func)) ? wrapper[funcName]() : wrapper.thru(func); } } return function() { var args = arguments, value = args[0]; if (wrapper && args.length == 1 && isArray(value)) { return wrapper.plant(value).value(); } var index = 0, result = length ? funcs[index].apply(this, args) : value; while (++index < length) { result = funcs[index].call(this, result); } return result; }; }); } /** * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke it with optional `this` * binding of `thisArg`, partial application, and currying. * * @private * @param {Function|string} func The function or method name to wrap. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details. * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`. * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to prepend to those provided to * the new function. * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes. * @param {Array} [partialsRight] The arguments to append to those provided * to the new function. * @param {Array} [holdersRight] The `partialsRight` placeholder indexes. * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function. * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`. * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`. * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function. */ function createHybrid(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, partialsRight, holdersRight, argPos, ary, arity) { var isAry = bitmask & WRAP_ARY_FLAG, isBind = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG, isBindKey = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG, isCurried = bitmask & (WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG), isFlip = bitmask & WRAP_FLIP_FLAG, Ctor = isBindKey ? undefined : createCtor(func); function wrapper() { var length = arguments.length, args = Array(length), index = length; while (index--) { args[index] = arguments[index]; } if (isCurried) { var placeholder = getHolder(wrapper), holdersCount = countHolders(args, placeholder); } if (partials) { args = composeArgs(args, partials, holders, isCurried); } if (partialsRight) { args = composeArgsRight(args, partialsRight, holdersRight, isCurried); } length -= holdersCount; if (isCurried && length < arity) { var newHolders = replaceHolders(args, placeholder); return createRecurry( func, bitmask, createHybrid, wrapper.placeholder, thisArg, args, newHolders, argPos, ary, arity - length ); } var thisBinding = isBind ? thisArg : this, fn = isBindKey ? thisBinding[func] : func; length = args.length; if (argPos) { args = reorder(args, argPos); } else if (isFlip && length > 1) { args.reverse(); } if (isAry && ary < length) { args.length = ary; } if (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) { fn = Ctor || createCtor(fn); } return fn.apply(thisBinding, args); } return wrapper; } /** * Creates a function like `_.invertBy`. * * @private * @param {Function} setter The function to set accumulator values. * @param {Function} toIteratee The function to resolve iteratees. * @returns {Function} Returns the new inverter function. */ function createInverter(setter, toIteratee) { return function(object, iteratee) { return baseInverter(object, setter, toIteratee(iteratee), {}); }; } /** * Creates a function that performs a mathematical operation on two values. * * @private * @param {Function} operator The function to perform the operation. * @param {number} [defaultValue] The value used for `undefined` arguments. * @returns {Function} Returns the new mathematical operation function. */ function createMathOperation(operator, defaultValue) { return function(value, other) { var result; if (value === undefined && other === undefined) { return defaultValue; } if (value !== undefined) { result = value; } if (other !== undefined) { if (result === undefined) { return other; } if (typeof value == 'string' || typeof other == 'string') { value = baseToString(value); other = baseToString(other); } else { value = baseToNumber(value); other = baseToNumber(other); } result = operator(value, other); } return result; }; } /** * Creates a function like `_.over`. * * @private * @param {Function} arrayFunc The function to iterate over iteratees. * @returns {Function} Returns the new over function. */ function createOver(arrayFunc) { return flatRest(function(iteratees) { iteratees = arrayMap(iteratees, baseUnary(getIteratee())); return baseRest(function(args) { var thisArg = this; return arrayFunc(iteratees, function(iteratee) { return apply(iteratee, thisArg, args); }); }); }); } /** * Creates the padding for `string` based on `length`. The `chars` string * is truncated if the number of characters exceeds `length`. * * @private * @param {number} length The padding length. * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding. * @returns {string} Returns the padding for `string`. */ function createPadding(length, chars) { chars = chars === undefined ? ' ' : baseToString(chars); var charsLength = chars.length; if (charsLength < 2) { return charsLength ? baseRepeat(chars, length) : chars; } var result = baseRepeat(chars, nativeCeil(length / stringSize(chars))); return hasUnicode(chars) ? castSlice(stringToArray(result), 0, length).join('') : result.slice(0, length); } /** * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke it with the `this` binding * of `thisArg` and `partials` prepended to the arguments it receives. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to wrap. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details. * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`. * @param {Array} partials The arguments to prepend to those provided to * the new function. * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function. */ function createPartial(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials) { var isBind = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG, Ctor = createCtor(func); function wrapper() { var argsIndex = -1, argsLength = arguments.length, leftIndex = -1, leftLength = partials.length, args = Array(leftLength + argsLength), fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func; while (++leftIndex < leftLength) { args[leftIndex] = partials[leftIndex]; } while (argsLength--) { args[leftIndex++] = arguments[++argsIndex]; } return apply(fn, isBind ? thisArg : this, args); } return wrapper; } /** * Creates a `_.range` or `_.rangeRight` function. * * @private * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left. * @returns {Function} Returns the new range function. */ function createRange(fromRight) { return function(start, end, step) { if (step && typeof step != 'number' && isIterateeCall(start, end, step)) { end = step = undefined; } // Ensure the sign of `-0` is preserved. start = toFinite(start); if (end === undefined) { end = start; start = 0; } else { end = toFinite(end); } step = step === undefined ? (start < end ? 1 : -1) : toFinite(step); return baseRange(start, end, step, fromRight); }; } /** * Creates a function that performs a relational operation on two values. * * @private * @param {Function} operator The function to perform the operation. * @returns {Function} Returns the new relational operation function. */ function createRelationalOperation(operator) { return function(value, other) { if (!(typeof value == 'string' && typeof other == 'string')) { value = toNumber(value); other = toNumber(other); } return operator(value, other); }; } /** * Creates a function that wraps `func` to continue currying. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to wrap. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details. * @param {Function} wrapFunc The function to create the `func` wrapper. * @param {*} placeholder The placeholder value. * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`. * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to prepend to those provided to * the new function. * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes. * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function. * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`. * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`. * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function. */ function createRecurry(func, bitmask, wrapFunc, placeholder, thisArg, partials, holders, argPos, ary, arity) { var isCurry = bitmask & WRAP_CURRY_FLAG, newHolders = isCurry ? holders : undefined, newHoldersRight = isCurry ? undefined : holders, newPartials = isCurry ? partials : undefined, newPartialsRight = isCurry ? undefined : partials; bitmask |= (isCurry ? WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG : WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG); bitmask &= ~(isCurry ? WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG : WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG); if (!(bitmask & WRAP_CURRY_BOUND_FLAG)) { bitmask &= ~(WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG); } var newData = [ func, bitmask, thisArg, newPartials, newHolders, newPartialsRight, newHoldersRight, argPos, ary, arity ]; var result = wrapFunc.apply(undefined, newData); if (isLaziable(func)) { setData(result, newData); } result.placeholder = placeholder; return setWrapToString(result, func, bitmask); } /** * Creates a function like `_.round`. * * @private * @param {string} methodName The name of the `Math` method to use when rounding. * @returns {Function} Returns the new round function. */ function createRound(methodName) { var func = Math[methodName]; return function(number, precision) { number = toNumber(number); precision = precision == null ? 0 : nativeMin(toInteger(precision), 292); if (precision && nativeIsFinite(number)) { // Shift with exponential notation to avoid floating-point issues. // See [MDN]( for more details. var pair = (toString(number) + 'e').split('e'), value = func(pair[0] + 'e' + (+pair[1] + precision)); pair = (toString(value) + 'e').split('e'); return +(pair[0] + 'e' + (+pair[1] - precision)); } return func(number); }; } /** * Creates a set object of `values`. * * @private * @param {Array} values The values to add to the set. * @returns {Object} Returns the new set. */ var createSet = !(Set && (1 / setToArray(new Set([,-0]))[1]) == INFINITY) ? noop : function(values) { return new Set(values); }; /** * Creates a `_.toPairs` or `_.toPairsIn` function. * * @private * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of a given object. * @returns {Function} Returns the new pairs function. */ function createToPairs(keysFunc) { return function(object) { var tag = getTag(object); if (tag == mapTag) { return mapToArray(object); } if (tag == setTag) { return setToPairs(object); } return baseToPairs(object, keysFunc(object)); }; } /** * Creates a function that either curries or invokes `func` with optional * `this` binding and partially applied arguments. * * @private * @param {Function|string} func The function or method name to wrap. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. * 1 - `_.bind` * 2 - `_.bindKey` * 4 - `_.curry` or `_.curryRight` of a bound function * 8 - `_.curry` * 16 - `_.curryRight` * 32 - `_.partial` * 64 - `_.partialRight` * 128 - `_.rearg` * 256 - `_.ary` * 512 - `_.flip` * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`. * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied. * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes. * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function. * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`. * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`. * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function. */ function createWrap(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, argPos, ary, arity) { var isBindKey = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG; if (!isBindKey && typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } var length = partials ? partials.length : 0; if (!length) { bitmask &= ~(WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG | WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG); partials = holders = undefined; } ary = ary === undefined ? ary : nativeMax(toInteger(ary), 0); arity = arity === undefined ? arity : toInteger(arity); length -= holders ? holders.length : 0; if (bitmask & WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG) { var partialsRight = partials, holdersRight = holders; partials = holders = undefined; } var data = isBindKey ? undefined : getData(func); var newData = [ func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, partialsRight, holdersRight, argPos, ary, arity ]; if (data) { mergeData(newData, data); } func = newData[0]; bitmask = newData[1]; thisArg = newData[2]; partials = newData[3]; holders = newData[4]; arity = newData[9] = newData[9] === undefined ? (isBindKey ? 0 : func.length) : nativeMax(newData[9] - length, 0); if (!arity && bitmask & (WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG)) { bitmask &= ~(WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG); } if (!bitmask || bitmask == WRAP_BIND_FLAG) { var result = createBind(func, bitmask, thisArg); } else if (bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_FLAG || bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG) { result = createCurry(func, bitmask, arity); } else if ((bitmask == WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG || bitmask == (WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG)) && !holders.length) { result = createPartial(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials); } else { result = createHybrid.apply(undefined, newData); } var setter = data ? baseSetData : setData; return setWrapToString(setter(result, newData), func, bitmask); } /** * Used by `_.defaults` to customize its `_.assignIn` use to assign properties * of source objects to the destination object for all destination properties * that resolve to `undefined`. * * @private * @param {*} objValue The destination value. * @param {*} srcValue The source value. * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign. * @param {Object} object The parent object of `objValue`. * @returns {*} Returns the value to assign. */ function customDefaultsAssignIn(objValue, srcValue, key, object) { if (objValue === undefined || (eq(objValue, objectProto[key]) && !, key))) { return srcValue; } return objValue; } /** * Used by `_.defaultsDeep` to customize its `_.merge` use to merge source * objects into destination objects that are passed thru. * * @private * @param {*} objValue The destination value. * @param {*} srcValue The source value. * @param {string} key The key of the property to merge. * @param {Object} object The parent object of `objValue`. * @param {Object} source The parent object of `srcValue`. * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed source values and their merged * counterparts. * @returns {*} Returns the value to assign. */ function customDefaultsMerge(objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack) { if (isObject(objValue) && isObject(srcValue)) { // Recursively merge objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits). stack.set(srcValue, objValue); baseMerge(objValue, srcValue, undefined, customDefaultsMerge, stack); stack['delete'](srcValue); } return objValue; } /** * Used by `_.omit` to customize its `_.cloneDeep` use to only clone plain * objects. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to inspect. * @param {string} key The key of the property to inspect. * @returns {*} Returns the uncloned value or `undefined` to defer cloning to `_.cloneDeep`. */ function customOmitClone(value) { return isPlainObject(value) ? undefined : value; } /** * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for arrays with support for * partial deep comparisons. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to compare. * @param {Array} other The other array to compare. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details. * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons. * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values. * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `array` and `other` objects. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the arrays are equivalent, else `false`. */ function equalArrays(array, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG, arrLength = array.length, othLength = other.length; if (arrLength != othLength && !(isPartial && othLength > arrLength)) { return false; } // Check that cyclic values are equal. var arrStacked = stack.get(array); var othStacked = stack.get(other); if (arrStacked && othStacked) { return arrStacked == other && othStacked == array; } var index = -1, result = true, seen = (bitmask & COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG) ? new SetCache : undefined; stack.set(array, other); stack.set(other, array); // Ignore non-index properties. while (++index < arrLength) { var arrValue = array[index], othValue = other[index]; if (customizer) { var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, arrValue, index, other, array, stack) : customizer(arrValue, othValue, index, array, other, stack); } if (compared !== undefined) { if (compared) { continue; } result = false; break; } // Recursively compare arrays (susceptible to call stack limits). if (seen) { if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue, othIndex) { if (!cacheHas(seen, othIndex) && (arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))) { return seen.push(othIndex); } })) { result = false; break; } } else if (!( arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack) )) { result = false; break; } } stack['delete'](array); stack['delete'](other); return result; } /** * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for comparing objects of * the same `toStringTag`. * * **Note:** This function only supports comparing values with tags of * `Boolean`, `Date`, `Error`, `Number`, `RegExp`, or `String`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to compare. * @param {Object} other The other object to compare. * @param {string} tag The `toStringTag` of the objects to compare. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details. * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons. * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values. * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `object` and `other` objects. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`. */ function equalByTag(object, other, tag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { switch (tag) { case dataViewTag: if ((object.byteLength != other.byteLength) || (object.byteOffset != other.byteOffset)) { return false; } object = object.buffer; other = other.buffer; case arrayBufferTag: if ((object.byteLength != other.byteLength) || !equalFunc(new Uint8Array(object), new Uint8Array(other))) { return false; } return true; case boolTag: case dateTag: case numberTag: // Coerce booleans to `1` or `0` and dates to milliseconds. // Invalid dates are coerced to `NaN`. return eq(+object, +other); case errorTag: return == && object.message == other.message; case regexpTag: case stringTag: // Coerce regexes to strings and treat strings, primitives and objects, // as equal. See // for more details. return object == (other + ''); case mapTag: var convert = mapToArray; case setTag: var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG; convert || (convert = setToArray); if (object.size != other.size && !isPartial) { return false; } // Assume cyclic values are equal. var stacked = stack.get(object); if (stacked) { return stacked == other; } bitmask |= COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG; // Recursively compare objects (susceptible to call stack limits). stack.set(object, other); var result = equalArrays(convert(object), convert(other), bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack); stack['delete'](object); return result; case symbolTag: if (symbolValueOf) { return ==; } } return false; } /** * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for objects with support for * partial deep comparisons. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to compare. * @param {Object} other The other object to compare. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details. * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons. * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values. * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `object` and `other` objects. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`. */ function equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG, objProps = getAllKeys(object), objLength = objProps.length, othProps = getAllKeys(other), othLength = othProps.length; if (objLength != othLength && !isPartial) { return false; } var index = objLength; while (index--) { var key = objProps[index]; if (!(isPartial ? key in other :, key))) { return false; } } // Check that cyclic values are equal. var objStacked = stack.get(object); var othStacked = stack.get(other); if (objStacked && othStacked) { return objStacked == other && othStacked == object; } var result = true; stack.set(object, other); stack.set(other, object); var skipCtor = isPartial; while (++index < objLength) { key = objProps[index]; var objValue = object[key], othValue = other[key]; if (customizer) { var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, objValue, key, other, object, stack) : customizer(objValue, othValue, key, object, other, stack); } // Recursively compare objects (susceptible to call stack limits). if (!(compared === undefined ? (objValue === othValue || equalFunc(objValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack)) : compared )) { result = false; break; } skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == 'constructor'); } if (result && !skipCtor) { var objCtor = object.constructor, othCtor = other.constructor; // Non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal. if (objCtor != othCtor && ('constructor' in object && 'constructor' in other) && !(typeof objCtor == 'function' && objCtor instanceof objCtor && typeof othCtor == 'function' && othCtor instanceof othCtor)) { result = false; } } stack['delete'](object); stack['delete'](other); return result; } /** * A specialized version of `baseRest` which flattens the rest array. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. */ function flatRest(func) { return setToString(overRest(func, undefined, flatten), func + ''); } /** * Creates an array of own enumerable property names and symbols of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names and symbols. */ function getAllKeys(object) { return baseGetAllKeys(object, keys, getSymbols); } /** * Creates an array of own and inherited enumerable property names and * symbols of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names and symbols. */ function getAllKeysIn(object) { return baseGetAllKeys(object, keysIn, getSymbolsIn); } /** * Gets metadata for `func`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to query. * @returns {*} Returns the metadata for `func`. */ var getData = !metaMap ? noop : function(func) { return metaMap.get(func); }; /** * Gets the name of `func`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to query. * @returns {string} Returns the function name. */ function getFuncName(func) { var result = ( + ''), array = realNames[result], length =, result) ? array.length : 0; while (length--) { var data = array[length], otherFunc = data.func; if (otherFunc == null || otherFunc == func) { return; } } return result; } /** * Gets the argument placeholder value for `func`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to inspect. * @returns {*} Returns the placeholder value. */ function getHolder(func) { var object =, 'placeholder') ? lodash : func; return object.placeholder; } /** * Gets the appropriate "iteratee" function. If `_.iteratee` is customized, * this function returns the custom method, otherwise it returns `baseIteratee`. * If arguments are provided, the chosen function is invoked with them and * its result is returned. * * @private * @param {*} [value] The value to convert to an iteratee. * @param {number} [arity] The arity of the created iteratee. * @returns {Function} Returns the chosen function or its result. */ function getIteratee() { var result = lodash.iteratee || iteratee; result = result === iteratee ? baseIteratee : result; return arguments.length ? result(arguments[0], arguments[1]) : result; } /** * Gets the data for `map`. * * @private * @param {Object} map The map to query. * @param {string} key The reference key. * @returns {*} Returns the map data. */ function getMapData(map, key) { var data = map.__data__; return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == 'string' ? 'string' : 'hash'] :; } /** * Gets the property names, values, and compare flags of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the match data of `object`. */ function getMatchData(object) { var result = keys(object), length = result.length; while (length--) { var key = result[length], value = object[key]; result[length] = [key, value, isStrictComparable(value)]; } return result; } /** * Gets the native function at `key` of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {string} key The key of the method to get. * @returns {*} Returns the function if it's native, else `undefined`. */ function getNative(object, key) { var value = getValue(object, key); return baseIsNative(value) ? value : undefined; } /** * A specialized version of `baseGetTag` which ignores `Symbol.toStringTag` values. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to query. * @returns {string} Returns the raw `toStringTag`. */ function getRawTag(value) { var isOwn =, symToStringTag), tag = value[symToStringTag]; try { value[symToStringTag] = undefined; var unmasked = true; } catch (e) {} var result =; if (unmasked) { if (isOwn) { value[symToStringTag] = tag; } else { delete value[symToStringTag]; } } return result; } /** * Creates an array of the own enumerable symbols of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of symbols. */ var getSymbols = !nativeGetSymbols ? stubArray : function(object) { if (object == null) { return []; } object = Object(object); return arrayFilter(nativeGetSymbols(object), function(symbol) { return, symbol); }); }; /** * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable symbols of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of symbols. */ var getSymbolsIn = !nativeGetSymbols ? stubArray : function(object) { var result = []; while (object) { arrayPush(result, getSymbols(object)); object = getPrototype(object); } return result; }; /** * Gets the `toStringTag` of `value`. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to query. * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`. */ var getTag = baseGetTag; // Fallback for data views, maps, sets, and weak maps in IE 11 and promises in Node.js < 6. if ((DataView && getTag(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != dataViewTag) || (Map && getTag(new Map) != mapTag) || (Promise && getTag(Promise.resolve()) != promiseTag) || (Set && getTag(new Set) != setTag) || (WeakMap && getTag(new WeakMap) != weakMapTag)) { getTag = function(value) { var result = baseGetTag(value), Ctor = result == objectTag ? value.constructor : undefined, ctorString = Ctor ? toSource(Ctor) : ''; if (ctorString) { switch (ctorString) { case dataViewCtorString: return dataViewTag; case mapCtorString: return mapTag; case promiseCtorString: return promiseTag; case setCtorString: return setTag; case weakMapCtorString: return weakMapTag; } } return result; }; } /** * Gets the view, applying any `transforms` to the `start` and `end` positions. * * @private * @param {number} start The start of the view. * @param {number} end The end of the view. * @param {Array} transforms The transformations to apply to the view. * @returns {Object} Returns an object containing the `start` and `end` * positions of the view. */ function getView(start, end, transforms) { var index = -1, length = transforms.length; while (++index < length) { var data = transforms[index], size = data.size; switch (data.type) { case 'drop': start += size; break; case 'dropRight': end -= size; break; case 'take': end = nativeMin(end, start + size); break; case 'takeRight': start = nativeMax(start, end - size); break; } } return { 'start': start, 'end': end }; } /** * Extracts wrapper details from the `source` body comment. * * @private * @param {string} source The source to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the wrapper details. */ function getWrapDetails(source) { var match = source.match(reWrapDetails); return match ? match[1].split(reSplitDetails) : []; } /** * Checks if `path` exists on `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path to check. * @param {Function} hasFunc The function to check properties. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`. */ function hasPath(object, path, hasFunc) { path = castPath(path, object); var index = -1, length = path.length, result = false; while (++index < length) { var key = toKey(path[index]); if (!(result = object != null && hasFunc(object, key))) { break; } object = object[key]; } if (result || ++index != length) { return result; } length = object == null ? 0 : object.length; return !!length && isLength(length) && isIndex(key, length) && (isArray(object) || isArguments(object)); } /** * Initializes an array clone. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to clone. * @returns {Array} Returns the initialized clone. */ function initCloneArray(array) { var length = array.length, result = new array.constructor(length); // Add properties assigned by `RegExp#exec`. if (length && typeof array[0] == 'string' &&, 'index')) { result.index = array.index; result.input = array.input; } return result; } /** * Initializes an object clone. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to clone. * @returns {Object} Returns the initialized clone. */ function initCloneObject(object) { return (typeof object.constructor == 'function' && !isPrototype(object)) ? baseCreate(getPrototype(object)) : {}; } /** * Initializes an object clone based on its `toStringTag`. * * **Note:** This function only supports cloning values with tags of * `Boolean`, `Date`, `Error`, `Map`, `Number`, `RegExp`, `Set`, or `String`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to clone. * @param {string} tag The `toStringTag` of the object to clone. * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone. * @returns {Object} Returns the initialized clone. */ function initCloneByTag(object, tag, isDeep) { var Ctor = object.constructor; switch (tag) { case arrayBufferTag: return cloneArrayBuffer(object); case boolTag: case dateTag: return new Ctor(+object); case dataViewTag: return cloneDataView(object, isDeep); case float32Tag: case float64Tag: case int8Tag: case int16Tag: case int32Tag: case uint8Tag: case uint8ClampedTag: case uint16Tag: case uint32Tag: return cloneTypedArray(object, isDeep); case mapTag: return new Ctor; case numberTag: case stringTag: return new Ctor(object); case regexpTag: return cloneRegExp(object); case setTag: return new Ctor; case symbolTag: return cloneSymbol(object); } } /** * Inserts wrapper `details` in a comment at the top of the `source` body. * * @private * @param {string} source The source to modify. * @returns {Array} details The details to insert. * @returns {string} Returns the modified source. */ function insertWrapDetails(source, details) { var length = details.length; if (!length) { return source; } var lastIndex = length - 1; details[lastIndex] = (length > 1 ? '& ' : '') + details[lastIndex]; details = details.join(length > 2 ? ', ' : ' '); return source.replace(reWrapComment, '{\n/* [wrapped with ' + details + '] */\n'); } /** * Checks if `value` is a flattenable `arguments` object or array. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is flattenable, else `false`. */ function isFlattenable(value) { return isArray(value) || isArguments(value) || !!(spreadableSymbol && value && value[spreadableSymbol]); } /** * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like index. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @param {number} [length=MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] The upper bounds of a valid index. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid index, else `false`. */ function isIndex(value, length) { var type = typeof value; length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : length; return !!length && (type == 'number' || (type != 'symbol' && reIsUint.test(value))) && (value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length); } /** * Checks if the given arguments are from an iteratee call. * * @private * @param {*} value The potential iteratee value argument. * @param {*} index The potential iteratee index or key argument. * @param {*} object The potential iteratee object argument. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the arguments are from an iteratee call, * else `false`. */ function isIterateeCall(value, index, object) { if (!isObject(object)) { return false; } var type = typeof index; if (type == 'number' ? (isArrayLike(object) && isIndex(index, object.length)) : (type == 'string' && index in object) ) { return eq(object[index], value); } return false; } /** * Checks if `value` is a property name and not a property path. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @param {Object} [object] The object to query keys on. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a property name, else `false`. */ function isKey(value, object) { if (isArray(value)) { return false; } var type = typeof value; if (type == 'number' || type == 'symbol' || type == 'boolean' || value == null || isSymbol(value)) { return true; } return reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) || (object != null && value in Object(object)); } /** * Checks if `value` is suitable for use as unique object key. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is suitable, else `false`. */ function isKeyable(value) { var type = typeof value; return (type == 'string' || type == 'number' || type == 'symbol' || type == 'boolean') ? (value !== '__proto__') : (value === null); } /** * Checks if `func` has a lazy counterpart. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `func` has a lazy counterpart, * else `false`. */ function isLaziable(func) { var funcName = getFuncName(func), other = lodash[funcName]; if (typeof other != 'function' || !(funcName in LazyWrapper.prototype)) { return false; } if (func === other) { return true; } var data = getData(other); return !!data && func === data[0]; } /** * Checks if `func` has its source masked. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `func` is masked, else `false`. */ function isMasked(func) { return !!maskSrcKey && (maskSrcKey in func); } /** * Checks if `func` is capable of being masked. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `func` is maskable, else `false`. */ var isMaskable = coreJsData ? isFunction : stubFalse; /** * Checks if `value` is likely a prototype object. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a prototype, else `false`. */ function isPrototype(value) { var Ctor = value && value.constructor, proto = (typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor.prototype) || objectProto; return value === proto; } /** * Checks if `value` is suitable for strict equality comparisons, i.e. `===`. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` if suitable for strict * equality comparisons, else `false`. */ function isStrictComparable(value) { return value === value && !isObject(value); } /** * A specialized version of `matchesProperty` for source values suitable * for strict equality comparisons, i.e. `===`. * * @private * @param {string} key The key of the property to get. * @param {*} srcValue The value to match. * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function. */ function matchesStrictComparable(key, srcValue) { return function(object) { if (object == null) { return false; } return object[key] === srcValue && (srcValue !== undefined || (key in Object(object))); }; } /** * A specialized version of `_.memoize` which clears the memoized function's * cache when it exceeds `MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to have its output memoized. * @returns {Function} Returns the new memoized function. */ function memoizeCapped(func) { var result = memoize(func, function(key) { if (cache.size === MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE) { cache.clear(); } return key; }); var cache = result.cache; return result; } /** * Merges the function metadata of `source` into `data`. * * Merging metadata reduces the number of wrappers used to invoke a function. * This is possible because methods like `_.bind`, `_.curry`, and `_.partial` * may be applied regardless of execution order. Methods like `_.ary` and * `_.rearg` modify function arguments, making the order in which they are * executed important, preventing the merging of metadata. However, we make * an exception for a safe combined case where curried functions have `_.ary` * and or `_.rearg` applied. * * @private * @param {Array} data The destination metadata. * @param {Array} source The source metadata. * @returns {Array} Returns `data`. */ function mergeData(data, source) { var bitmask = data[1], srcBitmask = source[1], newBitmask = bitmask | srcBitmask, isCommon = newBitmask < (WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG | WRAP_ARY_FLAG); var isCombo = ((srcBitmask == WRAP_ARY_FLAG) && (bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_FLAG)) || ((srcBitmask == WRAP_ARY_FLAG) && (bitmask == WRAP_REARG_FLAG) && (data[7].length <= source[8])) || ((srcBitmask == (WRAP_ARY_FLAG | WRAP_REARG_FLAG)) && (source[7].length <= source[8]) && (bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_FLAG)); // Exit early if metadata can't be merged. if (!(isCommon || isCombo)) { return data; } // Use source `thisArg` if available. if (srcBitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG) { data[2] = source[2]; // Set when currying a bound function. newBitmask |= bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG ? 0 : WRAP_CURRY_BOUND_FLAG; } // Compose partial arguments. var value = source[3]; if (value) { var partials = data[3]; data[3] = partials ? composeArgs(partials, value, source[4]) : value; data[4] = partials ? replaceHolders(data[3], PLACEHOLDER) : source[4]; } // Compose partial right arguments. value = source[5]; if (value) { partials = data[5]; data[5] = partials ? composeArgsRight(partials, value, source[6]) : value; data[6] = partials ? replaceHolders(data[5], PLACEHOLDER) : source[6]; } // Use source `argPos` if available. value = source[7]; if (value) { data[7] = value; } // Use source `ary` if it's smaller. if (srcBitmask & WRAP_ARY_FLAG) { data[8] = data[8] == null ? source[8] : nativeMin(data[8], source[8]); } // Use source `arity` if one is not provided. if (data[9] == null) { data[9] = source[9]; } // Use source `func` and merge bitmasks. data[0] = source[0]; data[1] = newBitmask; return data; } /** * This function is like * [`Object.keys`]( * except that it includes inherited enumerable properties. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. */ function nativeKeysIn(object) { var result = []; if (object != null) { for (var key in Object(object)) { result.push(key); } } return result; } /** * Converts `value` to a string using `Object.prototype.toString`. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the converted string. */ function objectToString(value) { return; } /** * A specialized version of `baseRest` which transforms the rest array. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to. * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter. * @param {Function} transform The rest array transform. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. */ function overRest(func, start, transform) { start = nativeMax(start === undefined ? (func.length - 1) : start, 0); return function() { var args = arguments, index = -1, length = nativeMax(args.length - start, 0), array = Array(length); while (++index < length) { array[index] = args[start + index]; } index = -1; var otherArgs = Array(start + 1); while (++index < start) { otherArgs[index] = args[index]; } otherArgs[start] = transform(array); return apply(func, this, otherArgs); }; } /** * Gets the parent value at `path` of `object`. * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array} path The path to get the parent value of. * @returns {*} Returns the parent value. */ function parent(object, path) { return path.length < 2 ? object : baseGet(object, baseSlice(path, 0, -1)); } /** * Reorder `array` according to the specified indexes where the element at * the first index is assigned as the first element, the element at * the second index is assigned as the second element, and so on. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to reorder. * @param {Array} indexes The arranged array indexes. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function reorder(array, indexes) { var arrLength = array.length, length = nativeMin(indexes.length, arrLength), oldArray = copyArray(array); while (length--) { var index = indexes[length]; array[length] = isIndex(index, arrLength) ? oldArray[index] : undefined; } return array; } /** * Gets the value at `key`, unless `key` is "__proto__" or "constructor". * * @private * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {string} key The key of the property to get. * @returns {*} Returns the property value. */ function safeGet(object, key) { if (key === 'constructor' && typeof object[key] === 'function') { return; } if (key == '__proto__') { return; } return object[key]; } /** * Sets metadata for `func`. * * **Note:** If this function becomes hot, i.e. is invoked a lot in a short * period of time, it will trip its breaker and transition to an identity * function to avoid garbage collection pauses in V8. See * [V8 issue 2070]( * for more details. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to associate metadata with. * @param {*} data The metadata. * @returns {Function} Returns `func`. */ var setData = shortOut(baseSetData); /** * A simple wrapper around the global [`setTimeout`]( * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to delay. * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation. * @returns {number|Object} Returns the timer id or timeout object. */ var setTimeout = ctxSetTimeout || function(func, wait) { return root.setTimeout(func, wait); }; /** * Sets the `toString` method of `func` to return `string`. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to modify. * @param {Function} string The `toString` result. * @returns {Function} Returns `func`. */ var setToString = shortOut(baseSetToString); /** * Sets the `toString` method of `wrapper` to mimic the source of `reference` * with wrapper details in a comment at the top of the source body. * * @private * @param {Function} wrapper The function to modify. * @param {Function} reference The reference function. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details. * @returns {Function} Returns `wrapper`. */ function setWrapToString(wrapper, reference, bitmask) { var source = (reference + ''); return setToString(wrapper, insertWrapDetails(source, updateWrapDetails(getWrapDetails(source), bitmask))); } /** * Creates a function that'll short out and invoke `identity` instead * of `func` when it's called `HOT_COUNT` or more times in `HOT_SPAN` * milliseconds. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to restrict. * @returns {Function} Returns the new shortable function. */ function shortOut(func) { var count = 0, lastCalled = 0; return function() { var stamp = nativeNow(), remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled); lastCalled = stamp; if (remaining > 0) { if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) { return arguments[0]; } } else { count = 0; } return func.apply(undefined, arguments); }; } /** * A specialized version of `_.shuffle` which mutates and sets the size of `array`. * * @private * @param {Array} array The array to shuffle. * @param {number} [size=array.length] The size of `array`. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. */ function shuffleSelf(array, size) { var index = -1, length = array.length, lastIndex = length - 1; size = size === undefined ? length : size; while (++index < size) { var rand = baseRandom(index, lastIndex), value = array[rand]; array[rand] = array[index]; array[index] = value; } array.length = size; return array; } /** * Converts `string` to a property path array. * * @private * @param {string} string The string to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the property path array. */ var stringToPath = memoizeCapped(function(string) { var result = []; if (string.charCodeAt(0) === 46 /* . */) { result.push(''); } string.replace(rePropName, function(match, number, quote, subString) { result.push(quote ? subString.replace(reEscapeChar, '$1') : (number || match)); }); return result; }); /** * Converts `value` to a string key if it's not a string or symbol. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to inspect. * @returns {string|symbol} Returns the key. */ function toKey(value) { if (typeof value == 'string' || isSymbol(value)) { return value; } var result = (value + ''); return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY) ? '-0' : result; } /** * Converts `func` to its source code. * * @private * @param {Function} func The function to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the source code. */ function toSource(func) { if (func != null) { try { return; } catch (e) {} try { return (func + ''); } catch (e) {} } return ''; } /** * Updates wrapper `details` based on `bitmask` flags. * * @private * @returns {Array} details The details to modify. * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details. * @returns {Array} Returns `details`. */ function updateWrapDetails(details, bitmask) { arrayEach(wrapFlags, function(pair) { var value = '_.' + pair[0]; if ((bitmask & pair[1]) && !arrayIncludes(details, value)) { details.push(value); } }); return details.sort(); } /** * Creates a clone of `wrapper`. * * @private * @param {Object} wrapper The wrapper to clone. * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned wrapper. */ function wrapperClone(wrapper) { if (wrapper instanceof LazyWrapper) { return wrapper.clone(); } var result = new LodashWrapper(wrapper.__wrapped__, wrapper.__chain__); result.__actions__ = copyArray(wrapper.__actions__); result.__index__ = wrapper.__index__; result.__values__ = wrapper.__values__; return result; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of `size`. * If `array` can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining * elements. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to process. * @param {number} [size=1] The length of each chunk * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of chunks. * @example * * _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2); * // => [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] * * _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 3); * // => [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d']] */ function chunk(array, size, guard) { if ((guard ? isIterateeCall(array, size, guard) : size === undefined)) { size = 1; } else { size = nativeMax(toInteger(size), 0); } var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length || size < 1) { return []; } var index = 0, resIndex = 0, result = Array(nativeCeil(length / size)); while (index < length) { result[resIndex++] = baseSlice(array, index, (index += size)); } return result; } /** * Creates an array with all falsey values removed. The values `false`, `null`, * `0`, `""`, `undefined`, and `NaN` are falsey. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to compact. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @example * * _.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function compact(array) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, resIndex = 0, result = []; while (++index < length) { var value = array[index]; if (value) { result[resIndex++] = value; } } return result; } /** * Creates a new array concatenating `array` with any additional arrays * and/or values. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to concatenate. * @param {...*} [values] The values to concatenate. * @returns {Array} Returns the new concatenated array. * @example * * var array = [1]; * var other = _.concat(array, 2, [3], [[4]]); * * console.log(other); * // => [1, 2, 3, [4]] * * console.log(array); * // => [1] */ function concat() { var length = arguments.length; if (!length) { return []; } var args = Array(length - 1), array = arguments[0], index = length; while (index--) { args[index - 1] = arguments[index]; } return arrayPush(isArray(array) ? copyArray(array) : [array], baseFlatten(args, 1)); } /** * Creates an array of `array` values not included in the other given arrays * using [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons. The order and references of result values are * determined by the first array. * * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAll`, this method returns a new array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @see _.without, _.xor * @example * * _.difference([2, 1], [2, 3]); * // => [1] */ var difference = baseRest(function(array, values) { return isArrayLikeObject(array) ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true)) : []; }); /** * This method is like `_.difference` except that it accepts `iteratee` which * is invoked for each element of `array` and `values` to generate the criterion * by which they're compared. The order and references of result values are * determined by the first array. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: * (value). * * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAllBy`, this method returns a new array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @example * * _.differenceBy([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], Math.floor); * // => [1.2] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.differenceBy([{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 1 }], 'x'); * // => [{ 'x': 2 }] */ var differenceBy = baseRest(function(array, values) { var iteratee = last(values); if (isArrayLikeObject(iteratee)) { iteratee = undefined; } return isArrayLikeObject(array) ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), getIteratee(iteratee, 2)) : []; }); /** * This method is like `_.difference` except that it accepts `comparator` * which is invoked to compare elements of `array` to `values`. The order and * references of result values are determined by the first array. The comparator * is invoked with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal). * * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAllWith`, this method returns a new array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]; * * _.differenceWith(objects, [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }], _.isEqual); * // => [{ 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }] */ var differenceWith = baseRest(function(array, values) { var comparator = last(values); if (isArrayLikeObject(comparator)) { comparator = undefined; } return isArrayLikeObject(array) ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), undefined, comparator) : []; }); /** * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements dropped from the beginning. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.5.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to drop. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * _.drop([1, 2, 3]); * // => [2, 3] * * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 2); * // => [3] * * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 5); * // => [] * * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 0); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function drop(array, n, guard) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return []; } n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n); return baseSlice(array, n < 0 ? 0 : n, length); } /** * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements dropped from the end. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to drop. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3]); * // => [1, 2] * * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 2); * // => [1] * * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 5); * // => [] * * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 0); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function dropRight(array, n, guard) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return []; } n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n); n = length - n; return baseSlice(array, 0, n < 0 ? 0 : n); } /** * Creates a slice of `array` excluding elements dropped from the end. * Elements are dropped until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is * invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false } * ]; * * _.dropRightWhile(users, function(o) { return !; }); * // => objects for ['barney'] * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.dropRightWhile(users, { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }); * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred'] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.dropRightWhile(users, ['active', false]); * // => objects for ['barney'] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.dropRightWhile(users, 'active'); * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles'] */ function dropRightWhile(array, predicate) { return (array && array.length) ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), true, true) : []; } /** * Creates a slice of `array` excluding elements dropped from the beginning. * Elements are dropped until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is * invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true } * ]; * * _.dropWhile(users, function(o) { return !; }); * // => objects for ['pebbles'] * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.dropWhile(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }); * // => objects for ['fred', 'pebbles'] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.dropWhile(users, ['active', false]); * // => objects for ['pebbles'] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.dropWhile(users, 'active'); * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles'] */ function dropWhile(array, predicate) { return (array && array.length) ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), true) : []; } /** * Fills elements of `array` with `value` from `start` up to, but not * including, `end`. * * **Note:** This method mutates `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.2.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to fill. * @param {*} value The value to fill `array` with. * @param {number} [start=0] The start position. * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. * @example * * var array = [1, 2, 3]; * * _.fill(array, 'a'); * console.log(array); * // => ['a', 'a', 'a'] * * _.fill(Array(3), 2); * // => [2, 2, 2] * * _.fill([4, 6, 8, 10], '*', 1, 3); * // => [4, '*', '*', 10] */ function fill(array, value, start, end) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return []; } if (start && typeof start != 'number' && isIterateeCall(array, value, start)) { start = 0; end = length; } return baseFill(array, value, start, end); } /** * This method is like `_.find` except that it returns the index of the first * element `predicate` returns truthy for instead of the element itself. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true } * ]; * * _.findIndex(users, function(o) { return o.user == 'barney'; }); * // => 0 * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.findIndex(users, { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }); * // => 1 * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.findIndex(users, ['active', false]); * // => 0 * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.findIndex(users, 'active'); * // => 2 */ function findIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return -1; } var index = fromIndex == null ? 0 : toInteger(fromIndex); if (index < 0) { index = nativeMax(length + index, 0); } return baseFindIndex(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), index); } /** * This method is like `_.findIndex` except that it iterates over elements * of `collection` from right to left. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {number} [fromIndex=array.length-1] The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false } * ]; * * _.findLastIndex(users, function(o) { return o.user == 'pebbles'; }); * // => 2 * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.findLastIndex(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true }); * // => 0 * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.findLastIndex(users, ['active', false]); * // => 2 * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.findLastIndex(users, 'active'); * // => 0 */ function findLastIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return -1; } var index = length - 1; if (fromIndex !== undefined) { index = toInteger(fromIndex); index = fromIndex < 0 ? nativeMax(length + index, 0) : nativeMin(index, length - 1); } return baseFindIndex(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), index, true); } /** * Flattens `array` a single level deep. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to flatten. * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array. * @example * * _.flatten([1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]]); * // => [1, 2, [3, [4]], 5] */ function flatten(array) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; return length ? baseFlatten(array, 1) : []; } /** * Recursively flattens `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to flatten. * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array. * @example * * _.flattenDeep([1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]]); * // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] */ function flattenDeep(array) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; return length ? baseFlatten(array, INFINITY) : []; } /** * Recursively flatten `array` up to `depth` times. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.4.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to flatten. * @param {number} [depth=1] The maximum recursion depth. * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array. * @example * * var array = [1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]]; * * _.flattenDepth(array, 1); * // => [1, 2, [3, [4]], 5] * * _.flattenDepth(array, 2); * // => [1, 2, 3, [4], 5] */ function flattenDepth(array, depth) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return []; } depth = depth === undefined ? 1 : toInteger(depth); return baseFlatten(array, depth); } /** * The inverse of `_.toPairs`; this method returns an object composed * from key-value `pairs`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} pairs The key-value pairs. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * _.fromPairs([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } */ function fromPairs(pairs) { var index = -1, length = pairs == null ? 0 : pairs.length, result = {}; while (++index < length) { var pair = pairs[index]; result[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } return result; } /** * Gets the first element of `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @alias first * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @returns {*} Returns the first element of `array`. * @example * * _.head([1, 2, 3]); * // => 1 * * _.head([]); * // => undefined */ function head(array) { return (array && array.length) ? array[0] : undefined; } /** * Gets the index at which the first occurrence of `value` is found in `array` * using [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons. If `fromIndex` is negative, it's used as the * offset from the end of `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. * @example * * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2); * // => 1 * * // Search from the `fromIndex`. * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2); * // => 3 */ function indexOf(array, value, fromIndex) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return -1; } var index = fromIndex == null ? 0 : toInteger(fromIndex); if (index < 0) { index = nativeMax(length + index, 0); } return baseIndexOf(array, value, index); } /** * Gets all but the last element of `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * _.initial([1, 2, 3]); * // => [1, 2] */ function initial(array) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; return length ? baseSlice(array, 0, -1) : []; } /** * Creates an array of unique values that are included in all given arrays * using [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons. The order and references of result values are * determined by the first array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of intersecting values. * @example * * _.intersection([2, 1], [2, 3]); * // => [2] */ var intersection = baseRest(function(arrays) { var mapped = arrayMap(arrays, castArrayLikeObject); return (mapped.length && mapped[0] === arrays[0]) ? baseIntersection(mapped) : []; }); /** * This method is like `_.intersection` except that it accepts `iteratee` * which is invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion * by which they're compared. The order and references of result values are * determined by the first array. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: * (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of intersecting values. * @example * * _.intersectionBy([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], Math.floor); * // => [2.1] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.intersectionBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x'); * // => [{ 'x': 1 }] */ var intersectionBy = baseRest(function(arrays) { var iteratee = last(arrays), mapped = arrayMap(arrays, castArrayLikeObject); if (iteratee === last(mapped)) { iteratee = undefined; } else { mapped.pop(); } return (mapped.length && mapped[0] === arrays[0]) ? baseIntersection(mapped, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)) : []; }); /** * This method is like `_.intersection` except that it accepts `comparator` * which is invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. The order and references * of result values are determined by the first array. The comparator is * invoked with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of intersecting values. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]; * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }]; * * _.intersectionWith(objects, others, _.isEqual); * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }] */ var intersectionWith = baseRest(function(arrays) { var comparator = last(arrays), mapped = arrayMap(arrays, castArrayLikeObject); comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined; if (comparator) { mapped.pop(); } return (mapped.length && mapped[0] === arrays[0]) ? baseIntersection(mapped, undefined, comparator) : []; }); /** * Converts all elements in `array` into a string separated by `separator`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to convert. * @param {string} [separator=','] The element separator. * @returns {string} Returns the joined string. * @example * * _.join(['a', 'b', 'c'], '~'); * // => 'a~b~c' */ function join(array, separator) { return array == null ? '' :, separator); } /** * Gets the last element of `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @returns {*} Returns the last element of `array`. * @example * * _.last([1, 2, 3]); * // => 3 */ function last(array) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; return length ? array[length - 1] : undefined; } /** * This method is like `_.indexOf` except that it iterates over elements of * `array` from right to left. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} [fromIndex=array.length-1] The index to search from. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. * @example * * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2); * // => 3 * * // Search from the `fromIndex`. * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2); * // => 1 */ function lastIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return -1; } var index = length; if (fromIndex !== undefined) { index = toInteger(fromIndex); index = index < 0 ? nativeMax(length + index, 0) : nativeMin(index, length - 1); } return value === value ? strictLastIndexOf(array, value, index) : baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, index, true); } /** * Gets the element at index `n` of `array`. If `n` is negative, the nth * element from the end is returned. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.11.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {number} [n=0] The index of the element to return. * @returns {*} Returns the nth element of `array`. * @example * * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; * * _.nth(array, 1); * // => 'b' * * _.nth(array, -2); * // => 'c'; */ function nth(array, n) { return (array && array.length) ? baseNth(array, toInteger(n)) : undefined; } /** * Removes all given values from `array` using * [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons. * * **Note:** Unlike `_.without`, this method mutates `array`. Use `_.remove` * to remove elements from an array by predicate. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {...*} [values] The values to remove. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. * @example * * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']; * * _.pull(array, 'a', 'c'); * console.log(array); * // => ['b', 'b'] */ var pull = baseRest(pullAll); /** * This method is like `_.pull` except that it accepts an array of values to remove. * * **Note:** Unlike `_.difference`, this method mutates `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {Array} values The values to remove. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. * @example * * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']; * * _.pullAll(array, ['a', 'c']); * console.log(array); * // => ['b', 'b'] */ function pullAll(array, values) { return (array && array.length && values && values.length) ? basePullAll(array, values) : array; } /** * This method is like `_.pullAll` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element of `array` and `values` to generate the criterion * by which they're compared. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * **Note:** Unlike `_.differenceBy`, this method mutates `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {Array} values The values to remove. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. * @example * * var array = [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 3 }, { 'x': 1 }]; * * _.pullAllBy(array, [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 3 }], 'x'); * console.log(array); * // => [{ 'x': 2 }] */ function pullAllBy(array, values, iteratee) { return (array && array.length && values && values.length) ? basePullAll(array, values, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)) : array; } /** * This method is like `_.pullAll` except that it accepts `comparator` which * is invoked to compare elements of `array` to `values`. The comparator is * invoked with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal). * * **Note:** Unlike `_.differenceWith`, this method mutates `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.6.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {Array} values The values to remove. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. * @example * * var array = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 3, 'y': 4 }, { 'x': 5, 'y': 6 }]; * * _.pullAllWith(array, [{ 'x': 3, 'y': 4 }], _.isEqual); * console.log(array); * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 5, 'y': 6 }] */ function pullAllWith(array, values, comparator) { return (array && array.length && values && values.length) ? basePullAll(array, values, undefined, comparator) : array; } /** * Removes elements from `array` corresponding to `indexes` and returns an * array of removed elements. * * **Note:** Unlike ``, this method mutates `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {...(number|number[])} [indexes] The indexes of elements to remove. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of removed elements. * @example * * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; * var pulled = _.pullAt(array, [1, 3]); * * console.log(array); * // => ['a', 'c'] * * console.log(pulled); * // => ['b', 'd'] */ var pullAt = flatRest(function(array, indexes) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, result = baseAt(array, indexes); basePullAt(array, arrayMap(indexes, function(index) { return isIndex(index, length) ? +index : index; }).sort(compareAscending)); return result; }); /** * Removes all elements from `array` that `predicate` returns truthy for * and returns an array of the removed elements. The predicate is invoked * with three arguments: (value, index, array). * * **Note:** Unlike `_.filter`, this method mutates `array`. Use `_.pull` * to pull elements from an array by value. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of removed elements. * @example * * var array = [1, 2, 3, 4]; * var evens = _.remove(array, function(n) { * return n % 2 == 0; * }); * * console.log(array); * // => [1, 3] * * console.log(evens); * // => [2, 4] */ function remove(array, predicate) { var result = []; if (!(array && array.length)) { return result; } var index = -1, indexes = [], length = array.length; predicate = getIteratee(predicate, 3); while (++index < length) { var value = array[index]; if (predicate(value, index, array)) { result.push(value); indexes.push(index); } } basePullAt(array, indexes); return result; } /** * Reverses `array` so that the first element becomes the last, the second * element becomes the second to last, and so on. * * **Note:** This method mutates `array` and is based on * [`Array#reverse`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to modify. * @returns {Array} Returns `array`. * @example * * var array = [1, 2, 3]; * * _.reverse(array); * // => [3, 2, 1] * * console.log(array); * // => [3, 2, 1] */ function reverse(array) { return array == null ? array :; } /** * Creates a slice of `array` from `start` up to, but not including, `end`. * * **Note:** This method is used instead of * [`Array#slice`]( to ensure dense arrays are * returned. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to slice. * @param {number} [start=0] The start position. * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. */ function slice(array, start, end) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return []; } if (end && typeof end != 'number' && isIterateeCall(array, start, end)) { start = 0; end = length; } else { start = start == null ? 0 : toInteger(start); end = end === undefined ? length : toInteger(end); } return baseSlice(array, start, end); } /** * Uses a binary search to determine the lowest index at which `value` * should be inserted into `array` in order to maintain its sort order. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to evaluate. * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted * into `array`. * @example * * _.sortedIndex([30, 50], 40); * // => 1 */ function sortedIndex(array, value) { return baseSortedIndex(array, value); } /** * This method is like `_.sortedIndex` except that it accepts `iteratee` * which is invoked for `value` and each element of `array` to compute their * sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to evaluate. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted * into `array`. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'x': 4 }, { 'x': 5 }]; * * _.sortedIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, function(o) { return o.x; }); * // => 0 * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.sortedIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, 'x'); * // => 0 */ function sortedIndexBy(array, value, iteratee) { return baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)); } /** * This method is like `_.indexOf` except that it performs a binary * search on a sorted `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. * @example * * _.sortedIndexOf([4, 5, 5, 5, 6], 5); * // => 1 */ function sortedIndexOf(array, value) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (length) { var index = baseSortedIndex(array, value); if (index < length && eq(array[index], value)) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * This method is like `_.sortedIndex` except that it returns the highest * index at which `value` should be inserted into `array` in order to * maintain its sort order. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to evaluate. * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted * into `array`. * @example * * _.sortedLastIndex([4, 5, 5, 5, 6], 5); * // => 4 */ function sortedLastIndex(array, value) { return baseSortedIndex(array, value, true); } /** * This method is like `_.sortedLastIndex` except that it accepts `iteratee` * which is invoked for `value` and each element of `array` to compute their * sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to evaluate. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted * into `array`. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'x': 4 }, { 'x': 5 }]; * * _.sortedLastIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, function(o) { return o.x; }); * // => 1 * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.sortedLastIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, 'x'); * // => 1 */ function sortedLastIndexBy(array, value, iteratee) { return baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), true); } /** * This method is like `_.lastIndexOf` except that it performs a binary * search on a sorted `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`. * @example * * _.sortedLastIndexOf([4, 5, 5, 5, 6], 5); * // => 3 */ function sortedLastIndexOf(array, value) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (length) { var index = baseSortedIndex(array, value, true) - 1; if (eq(array[index], value)) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it's designed and optimized * for sorted arrays. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array. * @example * * _.sortedUniq([1, 1, 2]); * // => [1, 2] */ function sortedUniq(array) { return (array && array.length) ? baseSortedUniq(array) : []; } /** * This method is like `_.uniqBy` except that it's designed and optimized * for sorted arrays. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array. * @example * * _.sortedUniqBy([1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4], Math.floor); * // => [1.1, 2.3] */ function sortedUniqBy(array, iteratee) { return (array && array.length) ? baseSortedUniq(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)) : []; } /** * Gets all but the first element of `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * _.tail([1, 2, 3]); * // => [2, 3] */ function tail(array) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; return length ? baseSlice(array, 1, length) : []; } /** * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements taken from the beginning. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to take. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * _.take([1, 2, 3]); * // => [1] * * _.take([1, 2, 3], 2); * // => [1, 2] * * _.take([1, 2, 3], 5); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * _.take([1, 2, 3], 0); * // => [] */ function take(array, n, guard) { if (!(array && array.length)) { return []; } n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n); return baseSlice(array, 0, n < 0 ? 0 : n); } /** * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements taken from the end. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to take. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3]); * // => [3] * * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 2); * // => [2, 3] * * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 5); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 0); * // => [] */ function takeRight(array, n, guard) { var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; if (!length) { return []; } n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n); n = length - n; return baseSlice(array, n < 0 ? 0 : n, length); } /** * Creates a slice of `array` with elements taken from the end. Elements are * taken until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is invoked with * three arguments: (value, index, array). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false } * ]; * * _.takeRightWhile(users, function(o) { return !; }); * // => objects for ['fred', 'pebbles'] * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.takeRightWhile(users, { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }); * // => objects for ['pebbles'] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.takeRightWhile(users, ['active', false]); * // => objects for ['fred', 'pebbles'] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.takeRightWhile(users, 'active'); * // => [] */ function takeRightWhile(array, predicate) { return (array && array.length) ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), false, true) : []; } /** * Creates a slice of `array` with elements taken from the beginning. Elements * are taken until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is invoked with * three arguments: (value, index, array). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to query. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true } * ]; * * _.takeWhile(users, function(o) { return !; }); * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred'] * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.takeWhile(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }); * // => objects for ['barney'] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.takeWhile(users, ['active', false]); * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred'] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.takeWhile(users, 'active'); * // => [] */ function takeWhile(array, predicate) { return (array && array.length) ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3)) : []; } /** * Creates an array of unique values, in order, from all given arrays using * [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values. * @example * * _.union([2], [1, 2]); * // => [2, 1] */ var union = baseRest(function(arrays) { return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arrays, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true)); }); /** * This method is like `_.union` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion by * which uniqueness is computed. Result values are chosen from the first * array in which the value occurs. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: * (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values. * @example * * _.unionBy([2.1], [1.2, 2.3], Math.floor); * // => [2.1, 1.2] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.unionBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x'); * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }] */ var unionBy = baseRest(function(arrays) { var iteratee = last(arrays); if (isArrayLikeObject(iteratee)) { iteratee = undefined; } return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arrays, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), getIteratee(iteratee, 2)); }); /** * This method is like `_.union` except that it accepts `comparator` which * is invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. Result values are chosen from * the first array in which the value occurs. The comparator is invoked * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]; * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }]; * * _.unionWith(objects, others, _.isEqual); * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }] */ var unionWith = baseRest(function(arrays) { var comparator = last(arrays); comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined; return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arrays, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), undefined, comparator); }); /** * Creates a duplicate-free version of an array, using * [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons, in which only the first occurrence of each element * is kept. The order of result values is determined by the order they occur * in the array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array. * @example * * _.uniq([2, 1, 2]); * // => [2, 1] */ function uniq(array) { return (array && array.length) ? baseUniq(array) : []; } /** * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which * uniqueness is computed. The order of result values is determined by the * order they occur in the array. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: * (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array. * @example * * _.uniqBy([2.1, 1.2, 2.3], Math.floor); * // => [2.1, 1.2] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.uniqBy([{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x'); * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }] */ function uniqBy(array, iteratee) { return (array && array.length) ? baseUniq(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)) : []; } /** * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `comparator` which * is invoked to compare elements of `array`. The order of result values is * determined by the order they occur in the array.The comparator is invoked * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }]; * * _.uniqWith(objects, _.isEqual); * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }] */ function uniqWith(array, comparator) { comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined; return (array && array.length) ? baseUniq(array, undefined, comparator) : []; } /** * This method is like `` except that it accepts an array of grouped * elements and creates an array regrouping the elements to their pre-zip * configuration. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.2.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array of grouped elements to process. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of regrouped elements. * @example * * var zipped =['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [true, false]); * // => [['a', 1, true], ['b', 2, false]] * * _.unzip(zipped); * // => [['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [true, false]] */ function unzip(array) { if (!(array && array.length)) { return []; } var length = 0; array = arrayFilter(array, function(group) { if (isArrayLikeObject(group)) { length = nativeMax(group.length, length); return true; } }); return baseTimes(length, function(index) { return arrayMap(array, baseProperty(index)); }); } /** * This method is like `_.unzip` except that it accepts `iteratee` to specify * how regrouped values should be combined. The iteratee is invoked with the * elements of each group: ( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.8.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array of grouped elements to process. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function to combine * regrouped values. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of regrouped elements. * @example * * var zipped =[1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200]); * // => [[1, 10, 100], [2, 20, 200]] * * _.unzipWith(zipped, _.add); * // => [3, 30, 300] */ function unzipWith(array, iteratee) { if (!(array && array.length)) { return []; } var result = unzip(array); if (iteratee == null) { return result; } return arrayMap(result, function(group) { return apply(iteratee, undefined, group); }); } /** * Creates an array excluding all given values using * [`SameValueZero`]( * for equality comparisons. * * **Note:** Unlike `_.pull`, this method returns a new array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} array The array to inspect. * @param {...*} [values] The values to exclude. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @see _.difference, _.xor * @example * * _.without([2, 1, 2, 3], 1, 2); * // => [3] */ var without = baseRest(function(array, values) { return isArrayLikeObject(array) ? baseDifference(array, values) : []; }); /** * Creates an array of unique values that is the * [symmetric difference]( * of the given arrays. The order of result values is determined by the order * they occur in the arrays. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.4.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @see _.difference, _.without * @example * * _.xor([2, 1], [2, 3]); * // => [1, 3] */ var xor = baseRest(function(arrays) { return baseXor(arrayFilter(arrays, isArrayLikeObject)); }); /** * This method is like `_.xor` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion by * which by which they're compared. The order of result values is determined * by the order they occur in the arrays. The iteratee is invoked with one * argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @example * * _.xorBy([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], Math.floor); * // => [1.2, 3.4] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.xorBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x'); * // => [{ 'x': 2 }] */ var xorBy = baseRest(function(arrays) { var iteratee = last(arrays); if (isArrayLikeObject(iteratee)) { iteratee = undefined; } return baseXor(arrayFilter(arrays, isArrayLikeObject), getIteratee(iteratee, 2)); }); /** * This method is like `_.xor` except that it accepts `comparator` which is * invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. The order of result values is * determined by the order they occur in the arrays. The comparator is invoked * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect. * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]; * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }]; * * _.xorWith(objects, others, _.isEqual); * // => [{ 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }] */ var xorWith = baseRest(function(arrays) { var comparator = last(arrays); comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined; return baseXor(arrayFilter(arrays, isArrayLikeObject), undefined, comparator); }); /** * Creates an array of grouped elements, the first of which contains the * first elements of the given arrays, the second of which contains the * second elements of the given arrays, and so on. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to process. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of grouped elements. * @example * *['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [true, false]); * // => [['a', 1, true], ['b', 2, false]] */ var zip = baseRest(unzip); /** * This method is like `_.fromPairs` except that it accepts two arrays, * one of property identifiers and one of corresponding values. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.4.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} [props=[]] The property identifiers. * @param {Array} [values=[]] The property values. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * _.zipObject(['a', 'b'], [1, 2]); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } */ function zipObject(props, values) { return baseZipObject(props || [], values || [], assignValue); } /** * This method is like `_.zipObject` except that it supports property paths. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.1.0 * @category Array * @param {Array} [props=[]] The property identifiers. * @param {Array} [values=[]] The property values. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * _.zipObjectDeep(['a.b[0].c', 'a.b[1].d'], [1, 2]); * // => { 'a': { 'b': [{ 'c': 1 }, { 'd': 2 }] } } */ function zipObjectDeep(props, values) { return baseZipObject(props || [], values || [], baseSet); } /** * This method is like `` except that it accepts `iteratee` to specify * how grouped values should be combined. The iteratee is invoked with the * elements of each group: ( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.8.0 * @category Array * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to process. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function to combine * grouped values. * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of grouped elements. * @example * * _.zipWith([1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200], function(a, b, c) { * return a + b + c; * }); * // => [111, 222] */ var zipWith = baseRest(function(arrays) { var length = arrays.length, iteratee = length > 1 ? arrays[length - 1] : undefined; iteratee = typeof iteratee == 'function' ? (arrays.pop(), iteratee) : undefined; return unzipWith(arrays, iteratee); }); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a `lodash` wrapper instance that wraps `value` with explicit method * chain sequences enabled. The result of such sequences must be unwrapped * with `_#value`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.3.0 * @category Seq * @param {*} value The value to wrap. * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1 } * ]; * * var youngest = _ * .chain(users) * .sortBy('age') * .map(function(o) { * return o.user + ' is ' + o.age; * }) * .head() * .value(); * // => 'pebbles is 1' */ function chain(value) { var result = lodash(value); result.__chain__ = true; return result; } /** * This method invokes `interceptor` and returns `value`. The interceptor * is invoked with one argument; (value). The purpose of this method is to * "tap into" a method chain sequence in order to modify intermediate results. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Seq * @param {*} value The value to provide to `interceptor`. * @param {Function} interceptor The function to invoke. * @returns {*} Returns `value`. * @example * * _([1, 2, 3]) * .tap(function(array) { * // Mutate input array. * array.pop(); * }) * .reverse() * .value(); * // => [2, 1] */ function tap(value, interceptor) { interceptor(value); return value; } /** * This method is like `_.tap` except that it returns the result of `interceptor`. * The purpose of this method is to "pass thru" values replacing intermediate * results in a method chain sequence. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Seq * @param {*} value The value to provide to `interceptor`. * @param {Function} interceptor The function to invoke. * @returns {*} Returns the result of `interceptor`. * @example * * _(' abc ') * .chain() * .trim() * .thru(function(value) { * return [value]; * }) * .value(); * // => ['abc'] */ function thru(value, interceptor) { return interceptor(value); } /** * This method is the wrapper version of ``. * * @name at * @memberOf _ * @since 1.0.0 * @category Seq * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to pick. * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }, 4] }; * * _(object).at(['a[0].b.c', 'a[1]']).value(); * // => [3, 4] */ var wrapperAt = flatRest(function(paths) { var length = paths.length, start = length ? paths[0] : 0, value = this.__wrapped__, interceptor = function(object) { return baseAt(object, paths); }; if (length > 1 || this.__actions__.length || !(value instanceof LazyWrapper) || !isIndex(start)) { return this.thru(interceptor); } value = value.slice(start, +start + (length ? 1 : 0)); value.__actions__.push({ 'func': thru, 'args': [interceptor], 'thisArg': undefined }); return new LodashWrapper(value, this.__chain__).thru(function(array) { if (length && !array.length) { array.push(undefined); } return array; }); }); /** * Creates a `lodash` wrapper instance with explicit method chain sequences enabled. * * @name chain * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Seq * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 } * ]; * * // A sequence without explicit chaining. * _(users).head(); * // => { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 } * * // A sequence with explicit chaining. * _(users) * .chain() * .head() * .pick('user') * .value(); * // => { 'user': 'barney' } */ function wrapperChain() { return chain(this); } /** * Executes the chain sequence and returns the wrapped result. * * @name commit * @memberOf _ * @since 3.2.0 * @category Seq * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance. * @example * * var array = [1, 2]; * var wrapped = _(array).push(3); * * console.log(array); * // => [1, 2] * * wrapped = wrapped.commit(); * console.log(array); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * wrapped.last(); * // => 3 * * console.log(array); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function wrapperCommit() { return new LodashWrapper(this.value(), this.__chain__); } /** * Gets the next value on a wrapped object following the * [iterator protocol]( * * @name next * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Seq * @returns {Object} Returns the next iterator value. * @example * * var wrapped = _([1, 2]); * *; * // => { 'done': false, 'value': 1 } * *; * // => { 'done': false, 'value': 2 } * *; * // => { 'done': true, 'value': undefined } */ function wrapperNext() { if (this.__values__ === undefined) { this.__values__ = toArray(this.value()); } var done = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length, value = done ? undefined : this.__values__[this.__index__++]; return { 'done': done, 'value': value }; } /** * Enables the wrapper to be iterable. * * @name Symbol.iterator * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Seq * @returns {Object} Returns the wrapper object. * @example * * var wrapped = _([1, 2]); * * wrapped[Symbol.iterator]() === wrapped; * // => true * * Array.from(wrapped); * // => [1, 2] */ function wrapperToIterator() { return this; } /** * Creates a clone of the chain sequence planting `value` as the wrapped value. * * @name plant * @memberOf _ * @since 3.2.0 * @category Seq * @param {*} value The value to plant. * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance. * @example * * function square(n) { * return n * n; * } * * var wrapped = _([1, 2]).map(square); * var other = wrapped.plant([3, 4]); * * other.value(); * // => [9, 16] * * wrapped.value(); * // => [1, 4] */ function wrapperPlant(value) { var result, parent = this; while (parent instanceof baseLodash) { var clone = wrapperClone(parent); clone.__index__ = 0; clone.__values__ = undefined; if (result) { previous.__wrapped__ = clone; } else { result = clone; } var previous = clone; parent = parent.__wrapped__; } previous.__wrapped__ = value; return result; } /** * This method is the wrapper version of `_.reverse`. * * **Note:** This method mutates the wrapped array. * * @name reverse * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Seq * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance. * @example * * var array = [1, 2, 3]; * * _(array).reverse().value() * // => [3, 2, 1] * * console.log(array); * // => [3, 2, 1] */ function wrapperReverse() { var value = this.__wrapped__; if (value instanceof LazyWrapper) { var wrapped = value; if (this.__actions__.length) { wrapped = new LazyWrapper(this); } wrapped = wrapped.reverse(); wrapped.__actions__.push({ 'func': thru, 'args': [reverse], 'thisArg': undefined }); return new LodashWrapper(wrapped, this.__chain__); } return this.thru(reverse); } /** * Executes the chain sequence to resolve the unwrapped value. * * @name value * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @alias toJSON, valueOf * @category Seq * @returns {*} Returns the resolved unwrapped value. * @example * * _([1, 2, 3]).value(); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function wrapperValue() { return baseWrapperValue(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running * each element of `collection` thru `iteratee`. The corresponding value of * each key is the number of times the key was returned by `iteratee`. The * iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.5.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee to transform keys. * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object. * @example * * _.countBy([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], Math.floor); * // => { '4': 1, '6': 2 } * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.countBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length'); * // => { '3': 2, '5': 1 } */ var countBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) { if (, key)) { ++result[key]; } else { baseAssignValue(result, key, 1); } }); /** * Checks if `predicate` returns truthy for **all** elements of `collection`. * Iteration is stopped once `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is * invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection). * * **Note:** This method returns `true` for * [empty collections]( because * [everything is true]( of * elements of empty collections. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check, * else `false`. * @example * * _.every([true, 1, null, 'yes'], Boolean); * // => false * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false } * ]; * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.every(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }); * // => false * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.every(users, ['active', false]); * // => true * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.every(users, 'active'); * // => false */ function every(collection, predicate, guard) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayEvery : baseEvery; if (guard && isIterateeCall(collection, predicate, guard)) { predicate = undefined; } return func(collection, getIteratee(predicate, 3)); } /** * Iterates over elements of `collection`, returning an array of all elements * `predicate` returns truthy for. The predicate is invoked with three * arguments: (value, index|key, collection). * * **Note:** Unlike `_.remove`, this method returns a new array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array. * @see _.reject * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false } * ]; * * _.filter(users, function(o) { return !; }); * // => objects for ['fred'] * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.filter(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true }); * // => objects for ['barney'] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.filter(users, ['active', false]); * // => objects for ['fred'] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.filter(users, 'active'); * // => objects for ['barney'] * * // Combining several predicates using `_.overEvery` or `_.overSome`. * _.filter(users, _.overSome([{ 'age': 36 }, ['age', 40]])); * // => objects for ['fred', 'barney'] */ function filter(collection, predicate) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter; return func(collection, getIteratee(predicate, 3)); } /** * Iterates over elements of `collection`, returning the first element * `predicate` returns truthy for. The predicate is invoked with three * arguments: (value, index|key, collection). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to inspect. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from. * @returns {*} Returns the matched element, else `undefined`. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': true } * ]; * * _.find(users, function(o) { return o.age < 40; }); * // => object for 'barney' * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.find(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': true }); * // => object for 'pebbles' * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.find(users, ['active', false]); * // => object for 'fred' * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.find(users, 'active'); * // => object for 'barney' */ var find = createFind(findIndex); /** * This method is like `_.find` except that it iterates over elements of * `collection` from right to left. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to inspect. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {number} [fromIndex=collection.length-1] The index to search from. * @returns {*} Returns the matched element, else `undefined`. * @example * * _.findLast([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) { * return n % 2 == 1; * }); * // => 3 */ var findLast = createFind(findLastIndex); /** * Creates a flattened array of values by running each element in `collection` * thru `iteratee` and flattening the mapped results. The iteratee is invoked * with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array. * @example * * function duplicate(n) { * return [n, n]; * } * * _.flatMap([1, 2], duplicate); * // => [1, 1, 2, 2] */ function flatMap(collection, iteratee) { return baseFlatten(map(collection, iteratee), 1); } /** * This method is like `_.flatMap` except that it recursively flattens the * mapped results. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.7.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array. * @example * * function duplicate(n) { * return [[[n, n]]]; * } * * _.flatMapDeep([1, 2], duplicate); * // => [1, 1, 2, 2] */ function flatMapDeep(collection, iteratee) { return baseFlatten(map(collection, iteratee), INFINITY); } /** * This method is like `_.flatMap` except that it recursively flattens the * mapped results up to `depth` times. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.7.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {number} [depth=1] The maximum recursion depth. * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array. * @example * * function duplicate(n) { * return [[[n, n]]]; * } * * _.flatMapDepth([1, 2], duplicate, 2); * // => [[1, 1], [2, 2]] */ function flatMapDepth(collection, iteratee, depth) { depth = depth === undefined ? 1 : toInteger(depth); return baseFlatten(map(collection, iteratee), depth); } /** * Iterates over elements of `collection` and invokes `iteratee` for each element. * The iteratee is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection). * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`. * * **Note:** As with other "Collections" methods, objects with a "length" * property are iterated like arrays. To avoid this behavior use `_.forIn` * or `_.forOwn` for object iteration. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @alias each * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`. * @see _.forEachRight * @example * * _.forEach([1, 2], function(value) { * console.log(value); * }); * // => Logs `1` then `2`. * * _.forEach({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(value, key) { * console.log(key); * }); * // => Logs 'a' then 'b' (iteration order is not guaranteed). */ function forEach(collection, iteratee) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayEach : baseEach; return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 3)); } /** * This method is like `_.forEach` except that it iterates over elements of * `collection` from right to left. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @alias eachRight * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`. * @see _.forEach * @example * * _.forEachRight([1, 2], function(value) { * console.log(value); * }); * // => Logs `2` then `1`. */ function forEachRight(collection, iteratee) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayEachRight : baseEachRight; return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 3)); } /** * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running * each element of `collection` thru `iteratee`. The order of grouped values * is determined by the order they occur in `collection`. The corresponding * value of each key is an array of elements responsible for generating the * key. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee to transform keys. * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object. * @example * * _.groupBy([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], Math.floor); * // => { '4': [4.2], '6': [6.1, 6.3] } * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length'); * // => { '3': ['one', 'two'], '5': ['three'] } */ var groupBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) { if (, key)) { result[key].push(value); } else { baseAssignValue(result, key, [value]); } }); /** * Checks if `value` is in `collection`. If `collection` is a string, it's * checked for a substring of `value`, otherwise * [`SameValueZero`]( * is used for equality comparisons. If `fromIndex` is negative, it's used as * the offset from the end of `collection`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to inspect. * @param {*} value The value to search for. * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.reduce`. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is found, else `false`. * @example * * _.includes([1, 2, 3], 1); * // => true * * _.includes([1, 2, 3], 1, 2); * // => false * * _.includes({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, 1); * // => true * * _.includes('abcd', 'bc'); * // => true */ function includes(collection, value, fromIndex, guard) { collection = isArrayLike(collection) ? collection : values(collection); fromIndex = (fromIndex && !guard) ? toInteger(fromIndex) : 0; var length = collection.length; if (fromIndex < 0) { fromIndex = nativeMax(length + fromIndex, 0); } return isString(collection) ? (fromIndex <= length && collection.indexOf(value, fromIndex) > -1) : (!!length && baseIndexOf(collection, value, fromIndex) > -1); } /** * Invokes the method at `path` of each element in `collection`, returning * an array of the results of each invoked method. Any additional arguments * are provided to each invoked method. If `path` is a function, it's invoked * for, and `this` bound to, each element in `collection`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Array|Function|string} path The path of the method to invoke or * the function invoked per iteration. * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke each method with. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results. * @example * * _.invokeMap([[5, 1, 7], [3, 2, 1]], 'sort'); * // => [[1, 5, 7], [1, 2, 3]] * * _.invokeMap([123, 456], String.prototype.split, ''); * // => [['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']] */ var invokeMap = baseRest(function(collection, path, args) { var index = -1, isFunc = typeof path == 'function', result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : []; baseEach(collection, function(value) { result[++index] = isFunc ? apply(path, value, args) : baseInvoke(value, path, args); }); return result; }); /** * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running * each element of `collection` thru `iteratee`. The corresponding value of * each key is the last element responsible for generating the key. The * iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee to transform keys. * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object. * @example * * var array = [ * { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, * { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } * ]; * * _.keyBy(array, function(o) { * return String.fromCharCode(o.code); * }); * // => { 'a': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'd': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } } * * _.keyBy(array, 'dir'); * // => { 'left': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'right': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } } */ var keyBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) { baseAssignValue(result, key, value); }); /** * Creates an array of values by running each element in `collection` thru * `iteratee`. The iteratee is invoked with three arguments: * (value, index|key, collection). * * Many lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like * `_.every`, `_.filter`, ``, `_.mapValues`, `_.reject`, and `_.some`. * * The guarded methods are: * `ary`, `chunk`, `curry`, `curryRight`, `drop`, `dropRight`, `every`, * `fill`, `invert`, `parseInt`, `random`, `range`, `rangeRight`, `repeat`, * `sampleSize`, `slice`, `some`, `sortBy`, `split`, `take`, `takeRight`, * `template`, `trim`, `trimEnd`, `trimStart`, and `words` * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array. * @example * * function square(n) { * return n * n; * } * *[4, 8], square); * // => [16, 64] * *{ 'a': 4, 'b': 8 }, square); * // => [16, 64] (iteration order is not guaranteed) * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney' }, * { 'user': 'fred' } * ]; * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. *, 'user'); * // => ['barney', 'fred'] */ function map(collection, iteratee) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayMap : baseMap; return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 3)); } /** * This method is like `_.sortBy` except that it allows specifying the sort * orders of the iteratees to sort by. If `orders` is unspecified, all values * are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise, specify an order of "desc" for * descending or "asc" for ascending sort order of corresponding values. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Array[]|Function[]|Object[]|string[]} [iteratees=[_.identity]] * The iteratees to sort by. * @param {string[]} [orders] The sort orders of `iteratees`. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.reduce`. * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 48 }, * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }, * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 } * ]; * * // Sort by `user` in ascending order and by `age` in descending order. * _.orderBy(users, ['user', 'age'], ['asc', 'desc']); * // => objects for [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 40]] */ function orderBy(collection, iteratees, orders, guard) { if (collection == null) { return []; } if (!isArray(iteratees)) { iteratees = iteratees == null ? [] : [iteratees]; } orders = guard ? undefined : orders; if (!isArray(orders)) { orders = orders == null ? [] : [orders]; } return baseOrderBy(collection, iteratees, orders); } /** * Creates an array of elements split into two groups, the first of which * contains elements `predicate` returns truthy for, the second of which * contains elements `predicate` returns falsey for. The predicate is * invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of grouped elements. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1, 'active': false } * ]; * * _.partition(users, function(o) { return; }); * // => objects for [['fred'], ['barney', 'pebbles']] * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.partition(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': false }); * // => objects for [['pebbles'], ['barney', 'fred']] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.partition(users, ['active', false]); * // => objects for [['barney', 'pebbles'], ['fred']] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.partition(users, 'active'); * // => objects for [['fred'], ['barney', 'pebbles']] */ var partition = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) { result[key ? 0 : 1].push(value); }, function() { return [[], []]; }); /** * Reduces `collection` to a value which is the accumulated result of running * each element in `collection` thru `iteratee`, where each successive * invocation is supplied the return value of the previous. If `accumulator` * is not given, the first element of `collection` is used as the initial * value. The iteratee is invoked with four arguments: * (accumulator, value, index|key, collection). * * Many lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like * `_.reduce`, `_.reduceRight`, and `_.transform`. * * The guarded methods are: * `assign`, `defaults`, `defaultsDeep`, `includes`, `merge`, `orderBy`, * and `sortBy` * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value. * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value. * @see _.reduceRight * @example * * _.reduce([1, 2], function(sum, n) { * return sum + n; * }, 0); * // => 3 * * _.reduce({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }, function(result, value, key) { * (result[value] || (result[value] = [])).push(key); * return result; * }, {}); * // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] } (iteration order is not guaranteed) */ function reduce(collection, iteratee, accumulator) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayReduce : baseReduce, initAccum = arguments.length < 3; return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 4), accumulator, initAccum, baseEach); } /** * This method is like `_.reduce` except that it iterates over elements of * `collection` from right to left. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value. * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value. * @see _.reduce * @example * * var array = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]; * * _.reduceRight(array, function(flattened, other) { * return flattened.concat(other); * }, []); * // => [4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1] */ function reduceRight(collection, iteratee, accumulator) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayReduceRight : baseReduce, initAccum = arguments.length < 3; return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 4), accumulator, initAccum, baseEachRight); } /** * The opposite of `_.filter`; this method returns the elements of `collection` * that `predicate` does **not** return truthy for. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array. * @see _.filter * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': true } * ]; * * _.reject(users, function(o) { return !; }); * // => objects for ['fred'] * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.reject(users, { 'age': 40, 'active': true }); * // => objects for ['barney'] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.reject(users, ['active', false]); * // => objects for ['fred'] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.reject(users, 'active'); * // => objects for ['barney'] */ function reject(collection, predicate) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter; return func(collection, negate(getIteratee(predicate, 3))); } /** * Gets a random element from `collection`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample. * @returns {*} Returns the random element. * @example * * _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4]); * // => 2 */ function sample(collection) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arraySample : baseSample; return func(collection); } /** * Gets `n` random elements at unique keys from `collection` up to the * size of `collection`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample. * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to sample. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Array} Returns the random elements. * @example * * _.sampleSize([1, 2, 3], 2); * // => [3, 1] * * _.sampleSize([1, 2, 3], 4); * // => [2, 3, 1] */ function sampleSize(collection, n, guard) { if ((guard ? isIterateeCall(collection, n, guard) : n === undefined)) { n = 1; } else { n = toInteger(n); } var func = isArray(collection) ? arraySampleSize : baseSampleSize; return func(collection, n); } /** * Creates an array of shuffled values, using a version of the * [Fisher-Yates shuffle]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to shuffle. * @returns {Array} Returns the new shuffled array. * @example * * _.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4]); * // => [4, 1, 3, 2] */ function shuffle(collection) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayShuffle : baseShuffle; return func(collection); } /** * Gets the size of `collection` by returning its length for array-like * values or the number of own enumerable string keyed properties for objects. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to inspect. * @returns {number} Returns the collection size. * @example * * _.size([1, 2, 3]); * // => 3 * * _.size({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }); * // => 2 * * _.size('pebbles'); * // => 7 */ function size(collection) { if (collection == null) { return 0; } if (isArrayLike(collection)) { return isString(collection) ? stringSize(collection) : collection.length; } var tag = getTag(collection); if (tag == mapTag || tag == setTag) { return collection.size; } return baseKeys(collection).length; } /** * Checks if `predicate` returns truthy for **any** element of `collection`. * Iteration is stopped once `predicate` returns truthy. The predicate is * invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check, * else `false`. * @example * * _.some([null, 0, 'yes', false], Boolean); * // => true * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false } * ]; * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.some(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false }); * // => false * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.some(users, ['active', false]); * // => true * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.some(users, 'active'); * // => true */ function some(collection, predicate, guard) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arraySome : baseSome; if (guard && isIterateeCall(collection, predicate, guard)) { predicate = undefined; } return func(collection, getIteratee(predicate, 3)); } /** * Creates an array of elements, sorted in ascending order by the results of * running each element in a collection thru each iteratee. This method * performs a stable sort, that is, it preserves the original sort order of * equal elements. The iteratees are invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Collection * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over. * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [iteratees=[_.identity]] * The iteratees to sort by. * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 48 }, * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 30 }, * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 } * ]; * * _.sortBy(users, [function(o) { return o.user; }]); * // => objects for [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 30]] * * _.sortBy(users, ['user', 'age']); * // => objects for [['barney', 34], ['barney', 36], ['fred', 30], ['fred', 48]] */ var sortBy = baseRest(function(collection, iteratees) { if (collection == null) { return []; } var length = iteratees.length; if (length > 1 && isIterateeCall(collection, iteratees[0], iteratees[1])) { iteratees = []; } else if (length > 2 && isIterateeCall(iteratees[0], iteratees[1], iteratees[2])) { iteratees = [iteratees[0]]; } return baseOrderBy(collection, baseFlatten(iteratees, 1), []); }); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Gets the timestamp of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since * the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.4.0 * @category Date * @returns {number} Returns the timestamp. * @example * * _.defer(function(stamp) { * console.log( - stamp); * },; * // => Logs the number of milliseconds it took for the deferred invocation. */ var now = ctxNow || function() { return; }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * The opposite of `_.before`; this method creates a function that invokes * `func` once it's called `n` or more times. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {number} n The number of calls before `func` is invoked. * @param {Function} func The function to restrict. * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function. * @example * * var saves = ['profile', 'settings']; * * var done = _.after(saves.length, function() { * console.log('done saving!'); * }); * * _.forEach(saves, function(type) { * asyncSave({ 'type': type, 'complete': done }); * }); * // => Logs 'done saving!' after the two async saves have completed. */ function after(n, func) { if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } n = toInteger(n); return function() { if (--n < 1) { return func.apply(this, arguments); } }; } /** * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with up to `n` arguments, * ignoring any additional arguments. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for. * @param {number} [n=func.length] The arity cap. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Function} Returns the new capped function. * @example * *['6', '8', '10'], _.ary(parseInt, 1)); * // => [6, 8, 10] */ function ary(func, n, guard) { n = guard ? undefined : n; n = (func && n == null) ? func.length : n; return createWrap(func, WRAP_ARY_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, n); } /** * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with the `this` binding and arguments * of the created function, while it's called less than `n` times. Subsequent * calls to the created function return the result of the last `func` invocation. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Function * @param {number} n The number of calls at which `func` is no longer invoked. * @param {Function} func The function to restrict. * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function. * @example * * jQuery(element).on('click', _.before(5, addContactToList)); * // => Allows adding up to 4 contacts to the list. */ function before(n, func) { var result; if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } n = toInteger(n); return function() { if (--n > 0) { result = func.apply(this, arguments); } if (n <= 1) { func = undefined; } return result; }; } /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of `thisArg` * and `partials` prepended to the arguments it receives. * * The `_.bind.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic builds, * may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments. * * **Note:** Unlike native `Function#bind`, this method doesn't set the "length" * property of bound functions. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to bind. * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`. * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied. * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function. * @example * * function greet(greeting, punctuation) { * return greeting + ' ' + this.user + punctuation; * } * * var object = { 'user': 'fred' }; * * var bound = _.bind(greet, object, 'hi'); * bound('!'); * // => 'hi fred!' * * // Bound with placeholders. * var bound = _.bind(greet, object, _, '!'); * bound('hi'); * // => 'hi fred!' */ var bind = baseRest(function(func, thisArg, partials) { var bitmask = WRAP_BIND_FLAG; if (partials.length) { var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(bind)); bitmask |= WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG; } return createWrap(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders); }); /** * Creates a function that invokes the method at `object[key]` with `partials` * prepended to the arguments it receives. * * This method differs from `_.bind` by allowing bound functions to reference * methods that may be redefined or don't yet exist. See * [Peter Michaux's article]( * for more details. * * The `_.bindKey.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.10.0 * @category Function * @param {Object} object The object to invoke the method on. * @param {string} key The key of the method. * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied. * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function. * @example * * var object = { * 'user': 'fred', * 'greet': function(greeting, punctuation) { * return greeting + ' ' + this.user + punctuation; * } * }; * * var bound = _.bindKey(object, 'greet', 'hi'); * bound('!'); * // => 'hi fred!' * * object.greet = function(greeting, punctuation) { * return greeting + 'ya ' + this.user + punctuation; * }; * * bound('!'); * // => 'hiya fred!' * * // Bound with placeholders. * var bound = _.bindKey(object, 'greet', _, '!'); * bound('hi'); * // => 'hiya fred!' */ var bindKey = baseRest(function(object, key, partials) { var bitmask = WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG; if (partials.length) { var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(bindKey)); bitmask |= WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG; } return createWrap(key, bitmask, object, partials, holders); }); /** * Creates a function that accepts arguments of `func` and either invokes * `func` returning its result, if at least `arity` number of arguments have * been provided, or returns a function that accepts the remaining `func` * arguments, and so on. The arity of `func` may be specified if `func.length` * is not sufficient. * * The `_.curry.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic builds, * may be used as a placeholder for provided arguments. * * **Note:** This method doesn't set the "length" property of curried functions. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to curry. * @param {number} [arity=func.length] The arity of `func`. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Function} Returns the new curried function. * @example * * var abc = function(a, b, c) { * return [a, b, c]; * }; * * var curried = _.curry(abc); * * curried(1)(2)(3); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * curried(1, 2)(3); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * curried(1, 2, 3); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * // Curried with placeholders. * curried(1)(_, 3)(2); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function curry(func, arity, guard) { arity = guard ? undefined : arity; var result = createWrap(func, WRAP_CURRY_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, arity); result.placeholder = curry.placeholder; return result; } /** * This method is like `_.curry` except that arguments are applied to `func` * in the manner of `_.partialRight` instead of `_.partial`. * * The `_.curryRight.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic * builds, may be used as a placeholder for provided arguments. * * **Note:** This method doesn't set the "length" property of curried functions. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to curry. * @param {number} [arity=func.length] The arity of `func`. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Function} Returns the new curried function. * @example * * var abc = function(a, b, c) { * return [a, b, c]; * }; * * var curried = _.curryRight(abc); * * curried(3)(2)(1); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * curried(2, 3)(1); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * curried(1, 2, 3); * // => [1, 2, 3] * * // Curried with placeholders. * curried(3)(1, _)(2); * // => [1, 2, 3] */ function curryRight(func, arity, guard) { arity = guard ? undefined : arity; var result = createWrap(func, WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, arity); result.placeholder = curryRight.placeholder; return result; } /** * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking `func` until after `wait` * milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was * invoked. The debounced function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel * delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to immediately invoke them. * Provide `options` to indicate whether `func` should be invoked on the * leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` timeout. The `func` is invoked * with the last arguments provided to the debounced function. Subsequent * calls to the debounced function return the result of the last `func` * invocation. * * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is * invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the debounced function * is invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout. * * If `wait` is `0` and `leading` is `false`, `func` invocation is deferred * until to the next tick, similar to `setTimeout` with a timeout of `0`. * * See [David Corbacho's article]( * for details over the differences between `_.debounce` and `_.throttle`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to debounce. * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to delay. * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object. * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false] * Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout. * @param {number} [options.maxWait] * The maximum time `func` is allowed to be delayed before it's invoked. * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] * Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout. * @returns {Function} Returns the new debounced function. * @example * * // Avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux. * jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150)); * * // Invoke `sendMail` when clicked, debouncing subsequent calls. * jQuery(element).on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, { * 'leading': true, * 'trailing': false * })); * * // Ensure `batchLog` is invoked once after 1 second of debounced calls. * var debounced = _.debounce(batchLog, 250, { 'maxWait': 1000 }); * var source = new EventSource('/stream'); * jQuery(source).on('message', debounced); * * // Cancel the trailing debounced invocation. * jQuery(window).on('popstate', debounced.cancel); */ function debounce(func, wait, options) { var lastArgs, lastThis, maxWait, result, timerId, lastCallTime, lastInvokeTime = 0, leading = false, maxing = false, trailing = true; if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } wait = toNumber(wait) || 0; if (isObject(options)) { leading = !!options.leading; maxing = 'maxWait' in options; maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait; trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; } function invokeFunc(time) { var args = lastArgs, thisArg = lastThis; lastArgs = lastThis = undefined; lastInvokeTime = time; result = func.apply(thisArg, args); return result; } function leadingEdge(time) { // Reset any `maxWait` timer. lastInvokeTime = time; // Start the timer for the trailing edge. timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); // Invoke the leading edge. return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result; } function remainingWait(time) { var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime, timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall; return maxing ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : timeWaiting; } function shouldInvoke(time) { var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime; // Either this is the first call, activity has stopped and we're at the // trailing edge, the system time has gone backwards and we're treating // it as the trailing edge, or we've hit the `maxWait` limit. return (lastCallTime === undefined || (timeSinceLastCall >= wait) || (timeSinceLastCall < 0) || (maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait)); } function timerExpired() { var time = now(); if (shouldInvoke(time)) { return trailingEdge(time); } // Restart the timer. timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time)); } function trailingEdge(time) { timerId = undefined; // Only invoke if we have `lastArgs` which means `func` has been // debounced at least once. if (trailing && lastArgs) { return invokeFunc(time); } lastArgs = lastThis = undefined; return result; } function cancel() { if (timerId !== undefined) { clearTimeout(timerId); } lastInvokeTime = 0; lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = undefined; } function flush() { return timerId === undefined ? result : trailingEdge(now()); } function debounced() { var time = now(), isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time); lastArgs = arguments; lastThis = this; lastCallTime = time; if (isInvoking) { if (timerId === undefined) { return leadingEdge(lastCallTime); } if (maxing) { // Handle invocations in a tight loop. clearTimeout(timerId); timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); return invokeFunc(lastCallTime); } } if (timerId === undefined) { timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); } return result; } debounced.cancel = cancel; debounced.flush = flush; return debounced; } /** * Defers invoking the `func` until the current call stack has cleared. Any * additional arguments are provided to `func` when it's invoked. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to defer. * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke `func` with. * @returns {number} Returns the timer id. * @example * * _.defer(function(text) { * console.log(text); * }, 'deferred'); * // => Logs 'deferred' after one millisecond. */ var defer = baseRest(function(func, args) { return baseDelay(func, 1, args); }); /** * Invokes `func` after `wait` milliseconds. Any additional arguments are * provided to `func` when it's invoked. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to delay. * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation. * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke `func` with. * @returns {number} Returns the timer id. * @example * * _.delay(function(text) { * console.log(text); * }, 1000, 'later'); * // => Logs 'later' after one second. */ var delay = baseRest(function(func, wait, args) { return baseDelay(func, toNumber(wait) || 0, args); }); /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with arguments reversed. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to flip arguments for. * @returns {Function} Returns the new flipped function. * @example * * var flipped = _.flip(function() { * return _.toArray(arguments); * }); * * flipped('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); * // => ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a'] */ function flip(func) { return createWrap(func, WRAP_FLIP_FLAG); } /** * Creates a function that memoizes the result of `func`. If `resolver` is * provided, it determines the cache key for storing the result based on the * arguments provided to the memoized function. By default, the first argument * provided to the memoized function is used as the map cache key. The `func` * is invoked with the `this` binding of the memoized function. * * **Note:** The cache is exposed as the `cache` property on the memoized * function. Its creation may be customized by replacing the `_.memoize.Cache` * constructor with one whose instances implement the * [`Map`]( * method interface of `clear`, `delete`, `get`, `has`, and `set`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to have its output memoized. * @param {Function} [resolver] The function to resolve the cache key. * @returns {Function} Returns the new memoized function. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }; * var other = { 'c': 3, 'd': 4 }; * * var values = _.memoize(_.values); * values(object); * // => [1, 2] * * values(other); * // => [3, 4] * * object.a = 2; * values(object); * // => [1, 2] * * // Modify the result cache. * values.cache.set(object, ['a', 'b']); * values(object); * // => ['a', 'b'] * * // Replace `_.memoize.Cache`. * _.memoize.Cache = WeakMap; */ function memoize(func, resolver) { if (typeof func != 'function' || (resolver != null && typeof resolver != 'function')) { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } var memoized = function() { var args = arguments, key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0], cache = memoized.cache; if (cache.has(key)) { return cache.get(key); } var result = func.apply(this, args); memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result) || cache; return result; }; memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache); return memoized; } // Expose `MapCache`. memoize.Cache = MapCache; /** * Creates a function that negates the result of the predicate `func`. The * `func` predicate is invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the * created function. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} predicate The predicate to negate. * @returns {Function} Returns the new negated function. * @example * * function isEven(n) { * return n % 2 == 0; * } * * _.filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _.negate(isEven)); * // => [1, 3, 5] */ function negate(predicate) { if (typeof predicate != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } return function() { var args = arguments; switch (args.length) { case 0: return !; case 1: return !, args[0]); case 2: return !, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return !, args[0], args[1], args[2]); } return !predicate.apply(this, args); }; } /** * Creates a function that is restricted to invoking `func` once. Repeat calls * to the function return the value of the first invocation. The `func` is * invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the created function. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to restrict. * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function. * @example * * var initialize = _.once(createApplication); * initialize(); * initialize(); * // => `createApplication` is invoked once */ function once(func) { return before(2, func); } /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with its arguments transformed. * * @static * @since 4.0.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to wrap. * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [transforms=[_.identity]] * The argument transforms. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * function doubled(n) { * return n * 2; * } * * function square(n) { * return n * n; * } * * var func = _.overArgs(function(x, y) { * return [x, y]; * }, [square, doubled]); * * func(9, 3); * // => [81, 6] * * func(10, 5); * // => [100, 10] */ var overArgs = castRest(function(func, transforms) { transforms = (transforms.length == 1 && isArray(transforms[0])) ? arrayMap(transforms[0], baseUnary(getIteratee())) : arrayMap(baseFlatten(transforms, 1), baseUnary(getIteratee())); var funcsLength = transforms.length; return baseRest(function(args) { var index = -1, length = nativeMin(args.length, funcsLength); while (++index < length) { args[index] = transforms[index].call(this, args[index]); } return apply(func, this, args); }); }); /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with `partials` prepended to the * arguments it receives. This method is like `_.bind` except it does **not** * alter the `this` binding. * * The `_.partial.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments. * * **Note:** This method doesn't set the "length" property of partially * applied functions. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.2.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to. * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied. * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function. * @example * * function greet(greeting, name) { * return greeting + ' ' + name; * } * * var sayHelloTo = _.partial(greet, 'hello'); * sayHelloTo('fred'); * // => 'hello fred' * * // Partially applied with placeholders. * var greetFred = _.partial(greet, _, 'fred'); * greetFred('hi'); * // => 'hi fred' */ var partial = baseRest(function(func, partials) { var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(partial)); return createWrap(func, WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG, undefined, partials, holders); }); /** * This method is like `_.partial` except that partially applied arguments * are appended to the arguments it receives. * * The `_.partialRight.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments. * * **Note:** This method doesn't set the "length" property of partially * applied functions. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to. * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied. * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function. * @example * * function greet(greeting, name) { * return greeting + ' ' + name; * } * * var greetFred = _.partialRight(greet, 'fred'); * greetFred('hi'); * // => 'hi fred' * * // Partially applied with placeholders. * var sayHelloTo = _.partialRight(greet, 'hello', _); * sayHelloTo('fred'); * // => 'hello fred' */ var partialRight = baseRest(function(func, partials) { var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(partialRight)); return createWrap(func, WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG, undefined, partials, holders); }); /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with arguments arranged according * to the specified `indexes` where the argument value at the first index is * provided as the first argument, the argument value at the second index is * provided as the second argument, and so on. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to rearrange arguments for. * @param {...(number|number[])} indexes The arranged argument indexes. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var rearged = _.rearg(function(a, b, c) { * return [a, b, c]; * }, [2, 0, 1]); * * rearged('b', 'c', 'a') * // => ['a', 'b', 'c'] */ var rearg = flatRest(function(func, indexes) { return createWrap(func, WRAP_REARG_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, indexes); }); /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of the * created function and arguments from `start` and beyond provided as * an array. * * **Note:** This method is based on the * [rest parameter]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to. * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var say =, names) { * return what + ' ' + _.initial(names).join(', ') + * (_.size(names) > 1 ? ', & ' : '') + _.last(names); * }); * * say('hello', 'fred', 'barney', 'pebbles'); * // => 'hello fred, barney, & pebbles' */ function rest(func, start) { if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } start = start === undefined ? start : toInteger(start); return baseRest(func, start); } /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of the * create function and an array of arguments much like * [`Function#apply`]( * * **Note:** This method is based on the * [spread operator]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.2.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to spread arguments over. * @param {number} [start=0] The start position of the spread. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var say = _.spread(function(who, what) { * return who + ' says ' + what; * }); * * say(['fred', 'hello']); * // => 'fred says hello' * * var numbers = Promise.all([ * Promise.resolve(40), * Promise.resolve(36) * ]); * * numbers.then(_.spread(function(x, y) { * return x + y; * })); * // => a Promise of 76 */ function spread(func, start) { if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } start = start == null ? 0 : nativeMax(toInteger(start), 0); return baseRest(function(args) { var array = args[start], otherArgs = castSlice(args, 0, start); if (array) { arrayPush(otherArgs, array); } return apply(func, this, otherArgs); }); } /** * Creates a throttled function that only invokes `func` at most once per * every `wait` milliseconds. The throttled function comes with a `cancel` * method to cancel delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to * immediately invoke them. Provide `options` to indicate whether `func` * should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` * timeout. The `func` is invoked with the last arguments provided to the * throttled function. Subsequent calls to the throttled function return the * result of the last `func` invocation. * * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is * invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the throttled function * is invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout. * * If `wait` is `0` and `leading` is `false`, `func` invocation is deferred * until to the next tick, similar to `setTimeout` with a timeout of `0`. * * See [David Corbacho's article]( * for details over the differences between `_.throttle` and `_.debounce`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to throttle. * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to throttle invocations to. * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object. * @param {boolean} [options.leading=true] * Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout. * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] * Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout. * @returns {Function} Returns the new throttled function. * @example * * // Avoid excessively updating the position while scrolling. * jQuery(window).on('scroll', _.throttle(updatePosition, 100)); * * // Invoke `renewToken` when the click event is fired, but not more than once every 5 minutes. * var throttled = _.throttle(renewToken, 300000, { 'trailing': false }); * jQuery(element).on('click', throttled); * * // Cancel the trailing throttled invocation. * jQuery(window).on('popstate', throttled.cancel); */ function throttle(func, wait, options) { var leading = true, trailing = true; if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } if (isObject(options)) { leading = 'leading' in options ? !!options.leading : leading; trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; } return debounce(func, wait, { 'leading': leading, 'maxWait': wait, 'trailing': trailing }); } /** * Creates a function that accepts up to one argument, ignoring any * additional arguments. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Function * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for. * @returns {Function} Returns the new capped function. * @example * *['6', '8', '10'], _.unary(parseInt)); * // => [6, 8, 10] */ function unary(func) { return ary(func, 1); } /** * Creates a function that provides `value` to `wrapper` as its first * argument. Any additional arguments provided to the function are appended * to those provided to the `wrapper`. The wrapper is invoked with the `this` * binding of the created function. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Function * @param {*} value The value to wrap. * @param {Function} [wrapper=identity] The wrapper function. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var p = _.wrap(_.escape, function(func, text) { * return '<p>' + func(text) + '</p>'; * }); * * p('fred, barney, & pebbles'); * // => '<p>fred, barney, & pebbles</p>' */ function wrap(value, wrapper) { return partial(castFunction(wrapper), value); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Casts `value` as an array if it's not one. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.4.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the cast array. * @example * * _.castArray(1); * // => [1] * * _.castArray({ 'a': 1 }); * // => [{ 'a': 1 }] * * _.castArray('abc'); * // => ['abc'] * * _.castArray(null); * // => [null] * * _.castArray(undefined); * // => [undefined] * * _.castArray(); * // => [] * * var array = [1, 2, 3]; * console.log(_.castArray(array) === array); * // => true */ function castArray() { if (!arguments.length) { return []; } var value = arguments[0]; return isArray(value) ? value : [value]; } /** * Creates a shallow clone of `value`. * * **Note:** This method is loosely based on the * [structured clone algorithm]( * and supports cloning arrays, array buffers, booleans, date objects, maps, * numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, sets, strings, symbols, and typed * arrays. The own enumerable properties of `arguments` objects are cloned * as plain objects. An empty object is returned for uncloneable values such * as error objects, functions, DOM nodes, and WeakMaps. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to clone. * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value. * @see _.cloneDeep * @example * * var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }]; * * var shallow = _.clone(objects); * console.log(shallow[0] === objects[0]); * // => true */ function clone(value) { return baseClone(value, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG); } /** * This method is like `_.clone` except that it accepts `customizer` which * is invoked to produce the cloned value. If `customizer` returns `undefined`, * cloning is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with * up to four arguments; (value [, index|key, object, stack]). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to clone. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning. * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value. * @see _.cloneDeepWith * @example * * function customizer(value) { * if (_.isElement(value)) { * return value.cloneNode(false); * } * } * * var el = _.cloneWith(document.body, customizer); * * console.log(el === document.body); * // => false * console.log(el.nodeName); * // => 'BODY' * console.log(el.childNodes.length); * // => 0 */ function cloneWith(value, customizer) { customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined; return baseClone(value, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG, customizer); } /** * This method is like `_.clone` except that it recursively clones `value`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to recursively clone. * @returns {*} Returns the deep cloned value. * @see _.clone * @example * * var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }]; * * var deep = _.cloneDeep(objects); * console.log(deep[0] === objects[0]); * // => false */ function cloneDeep(value) { return baseClone(value, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG | CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG); } /** * This method is like `_.cloneWith` except that it recursively clones `value`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to recursively clone. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning. * @returns {*} Returns the deep cloned value. * @see _.cloneWith * @example * * function customizer(value) { * if (_.isElement(value)) { * return value.cloneNode(true); * } * } * * var el = _.cloneDeepWith(document.body, customizer); * * console.log(el === document.body); * // => false * console.log(el.nodeName); * // => 'BODY' * console.log(el.childNodes.length); * // => 20 */ function cloneDeepWith(value, customizer) { customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined; return baseClone(value, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG | CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG, customizer); } /** * Checks if `object` conforms to `source` by invoking the predicate * properties of `source` with the corresponding property values of `object`. * * **Note:** This method is equivalent to `_.conforms` when `source` is * partially applied. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.14.0 * @category Lang * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` conforms, else `false`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }; * * _.conformsTo(object, { 'b': function(n) { return n > 1; } }); * // => true * * _.conformsTo(object, { 'b': function(n) { return n > 2; } }); * // => false */ function conformsTo(object, source) { return source == null || baseConformsTo(object, source, keys(source)); } /** * Performs a * [`SameValueZero`]( * comparison between two values to determine if they are equivalent. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1 }; * var other = { 'a': 1 }; * * _.eq(object, object); * // => true * * _.eq(object, other); * // => false * * _.eq('a', 'a'); * // => true * * _.eq('a', Object('a')); * // => false * * _.eq(NaN, NaN); * // => true */ function eq(value, other) { return value === other || (value !== value && other !== other); } /** * Checks if `value` is greater than `other`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.9.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than `other`, * else `false`. * @see * @example * *, 1); * // => true * *, 3); * // => false * *, 3); * // => false */ var gt = createRelationalOperation(baseGt); /** * Checks if `value` is greater than or equal to `other`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.9.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than or equal to * `other`, else `false`. * @see _.lte * @example * * _.gte(3, 1); * // => true * * _.gte(3, 3); * // => true * * _.gte(1, 3); * // => false */ var gte = createRelationalOperation(function(value, other) { return value >= other; }); /** * Checks if `value` is likely an `arguments` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an `arguments` object, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isArguments(function() { return arguments; }()); * // => true * * _.isArguments([1, 2, 3]); * // => false */ var isArguments = baseIsArguments(function() { return arguments; }()) ? baseIsArguments : function(value) { return isObjectLike(value) &&, 'callee') && !, 'callee'); }; /** * Checks if `value` is classified as an `Array` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array, else `false`. * @example * * _.isArray([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isArray(document.body.children); * // => false * * _.isArray('abc'); * // => false * * _.isArray(_.noop); * // => false */ var isArray = Array.isArray; /** * Checks if `value` is classified as an `ArrayBuffer` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.3.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array buffer, else `false`. * @example * * _.isArrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(2)); * // => true * * _.isArrayBuffer(new Array(2)); * // => false */ var isArrayBuffer = nodeIsArrayBuffer ? baseUnary(nodeIsArrayBuffer) : baseIsArrayBuffer; /** * Checks if `value` is array-like. A value is considered array-like if it's * not a function and has a `value.length` that's an integer greater than or * equal to `0` and less than or equal to `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is array-like, else `false`. * @example * * _.isArrayLike([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isArrayLike(document.body.children); * // => true * * _.isArrayLike('abc'); * // => true * * _.isArrayLike(_.noop); * // => false */ function isArrayLike(value) { return value != null && isLength(value.length) && !isFunction(value); } /** * This method is like `_.isArrayLike` except that it also checks if `value` * is an object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array-like object, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isArrayLikeObject([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isArrayLikeObject(document.body.children); * // => true * * _.isArrayLikeObject('abc'); * // => false * * _.isArrayLikeObject(_.noop); * // => false */ function isArrayLikeObject(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && isArrayLike(value); } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a boolean primitive or object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a boolean, else `false`. * @example * * _.isBoolean(false); * // => true * * _.isBoolean(null); * // => false */ function isBoolean(value) { return value === true || value === false || (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == boolTag); } /** * Checks if `value` is a buffer. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.3.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a buffer, else `false`. * @example * * _.isBuffer(new Buffer(2)); * // => true * * _.isBuffer(new Uint8Array(2)); * // => false */ var isBuffer = nativeIsBuffer || stubFalse; /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Date` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a date object, else `false`. * @example * * _.isDate(new Date); * // => true * * _.isDate('Mon April 23 2012'); * // => false */ var isDate = nodeIsDate ? baseUnary(nodeIsDate) : baseIsDate; /** * Checks if `value` is likely a DOM element. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a DOM element, else `false`. * @example * * _.isElement(document.body); * // => true * * _.isElement('<body>'); * // => false */ function isElement(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && value.nodeType === 1 && !isPlainObject(value); } /** * Checks if `value` is an empty object, collection, map, or set. * * Objects are considered empty if they have no own enumerable string keyed * properties. * * Array-like values such as `arguments` objects, arrays, buffers, strings, or * jQuery-like collections are considered empty if they have a `length` of `0`. * Similarly, maps and sets are considered empty if they have a `size` of `0`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is empty, else `false`. * @example * * _.isEmpty(null); * // => true * * _.isEmpty(true); * // => true * * _.isEmpty(1); * // => true * * _.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]); * // => false * * _.isEmpty({ 'a': 1 }); * // => false */ function isEmpty(value) { if (value == null) { return true; } if (isArrayLike(value) && (isArray(value) || typeof value == 'string' || typeof value.splice == 'function' || isBuffer(value) || isTypedArray(value) || isArguments(value))) { return !value.length; } var tag = getTag(value); if (tag == mapTag || tag == setTag) { return !value.size; } if (isPrototype(value)) { return !baseKeys(value).length; } for (var key in value) { if (, key)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Performs a deep comparison between two values to determine if they are * equivalent. * * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, array buffers, booleans, * date objects, error objects, maps, numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, * sets, strings, symbols, and typed arrays. `Object` objects are compared * by their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. Functions and DOM * nodes are compared by strict equality, i.e. `===`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1 }; * var other = { 'a': 1 }; * * _.isEqual(object, other); * // => true * * object === other; * // => false */ function isEqual(value, other) { return baseIsEqual(value, other); } /** * This method is like `_.isEqual` except that it accepts `customizer` which * is invoked to compare values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`, comparisons * are handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with up to * six arguments: (objValue, othValue [, index|key, object, other, stack]). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`. * @example * * function isGreeting(value) { * return /^h(?:i|ello)$/.test(value); * } * * function customizer(objValue, othValue) { * if (isGreeting(objValue) && isGreeting(othValue)) { * return true; * } * } * * var array = ['hello', 'goodbye']; * var other = ['hi', 'goodbye']; * * _.isEqualWith(array, other, customizer); * // => true */ function isEqualWith(value, other, customizer) { customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined; var result = customizer ? customizer(value, other) : undefined; return result === undefined ? baseIsEqual(value, other, undefined, customizer) : !!result; } /** * Checks if `value` is an `Error`, `EvalError`, `RangeError`, `ReferenceError`, * `SyntaxError`, `TypeError`, or `URIError` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an error object, else `false`. * @example * * _.isError(new Error); * // => true * * _.isError(Error); * // => false */ function isError(value) { if (!isObjectLike(value)) { return false; } var tag = baseGetTag(value); return tag == errorTag || tag == domExcTag || (typeof value.message == 'string' && typeof == 'string' && !isPlainObject(value)); } /** * Checks if `value` is a finite primitive number. * * **Note:** This method is based on * [`Number.isFinite`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a finite number, else `false`. * @example * * _.isFinite(3); * // => true * * _.isFinite(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => true * * _.isFinite(Infinity); * // => false * * _.isFinite('3'); * // => false */ function isFinite(value) { return typeof value == 'number' && nativeIsFinite(value); } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Function` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a function, else `false`. * @example * * _.isFunction(_); * // => true * * _.isFunction(/abc/); * // => false */ function isFunction(value) { if (!isObject(value)) { return false; } // The use of `Object#toString` avoids issues with the `typeof` operator // in Safari 9 which returns 'object' for typed arrays and other constructors. var tag = baseGetTag(value); return tag == funcTag || tag == genTag || tag == asyncTag || tag == proxyTag; } /** * Checks if `value` is an integer. * * **Note:** This method is based on * [`Number.isInteger`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an integer, else `false`. * @example * * _.isInteger(3); * // => true * * _.isInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => false * * _.isInteger(Infinity); * // => false * * _.isInteger('3'); * // => false */ function isInteger(value) { return typeof value == 'number' && value == toInteger(value); } /** * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like length. * * **Note:** This method is loosely based on * [`ToLength`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid length, else `false`. * @example * * _.isLength(3); * // => true * * _.isLength(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => false * * _.isLength(Infinity); * // => false * * _.isLength('3'); * // => false */ function isLength(value) { return typeof value == 'number' && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } /** * Checks if `value` is the * [language type]( * of `Object`. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`) * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`. * @example * * _.isObject({}); * // => true * * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isObject(_.noop); * // => true * * _.isObject(null); * // => false */ function isObject(value) { var type = typeof value; return value != null && (type == 'object' || type == 'function'); } /** * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null` * and has a `typeof` result of "object". * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`. * @example * * _.isObjectLike({}); * // => true * * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isObjectLike(_.noop); * // => false * * _.isObjectLike(null); * // => false */ function isObjectLike(value) { return value != null && typeof value == 'object'; } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Map` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.3.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a map, else `false`. * @example * * _.isMap(new Map); * // => true * * _.isMap(new WeakMap); * // => false */ var isMap = nodeIsMap ? baseUnary(nodeIsMap) : baseIsMap; /** * Performs a partial deep comparison between `object` and `source` to * determine if `object` contains equivalent property values. * * **Note:** This method is equivalent to `_.matches` when `source` is * partially applied. * * Partial comparisons will match empty array and empty object `source` * values against any array or object value, respectively. See `_.isEqual` * for a list of supported value comparisons. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }; * * _.isMatch(object, { 'b': 2 }); * // => true * * _.isMatch(object, { 'b': 1 }); * // => false */ function isMatch(object, source) { return object === source || baseIsMatch(object, source, getMatchData(source)); } /** * This method is like `_.isMatch` except that it accepts `customizer` which * is invoked to compare values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`, comparisons * are handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with five * arguments: (objValue, srcValue, index|key, object, source). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`. * @example * * function isGreeting(value) { * return /^h(?:i|ello)$/.test(value); * } * * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) { * if (isGreeting(objValue) && isGreeting(srcValue)) { * return true; * } * } * * var object = { 'greeting': 'hello' }; * var source = { 'greeting': 'hi' }; * * _.isMatchWith(object, source, customizer); * // => true */ function isMatchWith(object, source, customizer) { customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined; return baseIsMatch(object, source, getMatchData(source), customizer); } /** * Checks if `value` is `NaN`. * * **Note:** This method is based on * [`Number.isNaN`]( and is not the same as * global [`isNaN`]( which returns `true` for * `undefined` and other non-number values. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `NaN`, else `false`. * @example * * _.isNaN(NaN); * // => true * * _.isNaN(new Number(NaN)); * // => true * * isNaN(undefined); * // => true * * _.isNaN(undefined); * // => false */ function isNaN(value) { // An `NaN` primitive is the only value that is not equal to itself. // Perform the `toStringTag` check first to avoid errors with some // ActiveX objects in IE. return isNumber(value) && value != +value; } /** * Checks if `value` is a pristine native function. * * **Note:** This method can't reliably detect native functions in the presence * of the core-js package because core-js circumvents this kind of detection. * Despite multiple requests, the core-js maintainer has made it clear: any * attempt to fix the detection will be obstructed. As a result, we're left * with little choice but to throw an error. Unfortunately, this also affects * packages, like [babel-polyfill](, * which rely on core-js. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a native function, * else `false`. * @example * * _.isNative(Array.prototype.push); * // => true * * _.isNative(_); * // => false */ function isNative(value) { if (isMaskable(value)) { throw new Error(CORE_ERROR_TEXT); } return baseIsNative(value); } /** * Checks if `value` is `null`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `null`, else `false`. * @example * * _.isNull(null); * // => true * * _.isNull(void 0); * // => false */ function isNull(value) { return value === null; } /** * Checks if `value` is `null` or `undefined`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is nullish, else `false`. * @example * * _.isNil(null); * // => true * * _.isNil(void 0); * // => true * * _.isNil(NaN); * // => false */ function isNil(value) { return value == null; } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Number` primitive or object. * * **Note:** To exclude `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and `NaN`, which are * classified as numbers, use the `_.isFinite` method. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a number, else `false`. * @example * * _.isNumber(3); * // => true * * _.isNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => true * * _.isNumber(Infinity); * // => true * * _.isNumber('3'); * // => false */ function isNumber(value) { return typeof value == 'number' || (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == numberTag); } /** * Checks if `value` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the * `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.8.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a plain object, else `false`. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * } * * _.isPlainObject(new Foo); * // => false * * _.isPlainObject([1, 2, 3]); * // => false * * _.isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }); * // => true * * _.isPlainObject(Object.create(null)); * // => true */ function isPlainObject(value) { if (!isObjectLike(value) || baseGetTag(value) != objectTag) { return false; } var proto = getPrototype(value); if (proto === null) { return true; } var Ctor =, 'constructor') && proto.constructor; return typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor instanceof Ctor && == objectCtorString; } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `RegExp` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.1.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a regexp, else `false`. * @example * * _.isRegExp(/abc/); * // => true * * _.isRegExp('/abc/'); * // => false */ var isRegExp = nodeIsRegExp ? baseUnary(nodeIsRegExp) : baseIsRegExp; /** * Checks if `value` is a safe integer. An integer is safe if it's an IEEE-754 * double precision number which isn't the result of a rounded unsafe integer. * * **Note:** This method is based on * [`Number.isSafeInteger`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a safe integer, else `false`. * @example * * _.isSafeInteger(3); * // => true * * _.isSafeInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => false * * _.isSafeInteger(Infinity); * // => false * * _.isSafeInteger('3'); * // => false */ function isSafeInteger(value) { return isInteger(value) && value >= -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Set` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.3.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a set, else `false`. * @example * * _.isSet(new Set); * // => true * * _.isSet(new WeakSet); * // => false */ var isSet = nodeIsSet ? baseUnary(nodeIsSet) : baseIsSet; /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `String` primitive or object. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a string, else `false`. * @example * * _.isString('abc'); * // => true * * _.isString(1); * // => false */ function isString(value) { return typeof value == 'string' || (!isArray(value) && isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == stringTag); } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a symbol, else `false`. * @example * * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator); * // => true * * _.isSymbol('abc'); * // => false */ function isSymbol(value) { return typeof value == 'symbol' || (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag); } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a typed array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a typed array, else `false`. * @example * * _.isTypedArray(new Uint8Array); * // => true * * _.isTypedArray([]); * // => false */ var isTypedArray = nodeIsTypedArray ? baseUnary(nodeIsTypedArray) : baseIsTypedArray; /** * Checks if `value` is `undefined`. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `undefined`, else `false`. * @example * * _.isUndefined(void 0); * // => true * * _.isUndefined(null); * // => false */ function isUndefined(value) { return value === undefined; } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `WeakMap` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.3.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a weak map, else `false`. * @example * * _.isWeakMap(new WeakMap); * // => true * * _.isWeakMap(new Map); * // => false */ function isWeakMap(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && getTag(value) == weakMapTag; } /** * Checks if `value` is classified as a `WeakSet` object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.3.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a weak set, else `false`. * @example * * _.isWeakSet(new WeakSet); * // => true * * _.isWeakSet(new Set); * // => false */ function isWeakSet(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == weakSetTag; } /** * Checks if `value` is less than `other`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.9.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than `other`, * else `false`. * @see * @example * *, 3); * // => true * *, 3); * // => false * *, 1); * // => false */ var lt = createRelationalOperation(baseLt); /** * Checks if `value` is less than or equal to `other`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.9.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to compare. * @param {*} other The other value to compare. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than or equal to * `other`, else `false`. * @see _.gte * @example * * _.lte(1, 3); * // => true * * _.lte(3, 3); * // => true * * _.lte(3, 1); * // => false */ var lte = createRelationalOperation(function(value, other) { return value <= other; }); /** * Converts `value` to an array. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array. * @example * * _.toArray({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }); * // => [1, 2] * * _.toArray('abc'); * // => ['a', 'b', 'c'] * * _.toArray(1); * // => [] * * _.toArray(null); * // => [] */ function toArray(value) { if (!value) { return []; } if (isArrayLike(value)) { return isString(value) ? stringToArray(value) : copyArray(value); } if (symIterator && value[symIterator]) { return iteratorToArray(value[symIterator]()); } var tag = getTag(value), func = tag == mapTag ? mapToArray : (tag == setTag ? setToArray : values); return func(value); } /** * Converts `value` to a finite number. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.12.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {number} Returns the converted number. * @example * * _.toFinite(3.2); * // => 3.2 * * _.toFinite(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 5e-324 * * _.toFinite(Infinity); * // => 1.7976931348623157e+308 * * _.toFinite('3.2'); * // => 3.2 */ function toFinite(value) { if (!value) { return value === 0 ? value : 0; } value = toNumber(value); if (value === INFINITY || value === -INFINITY) { var sign = (value < 0 ? -1 : 1); return sign * MAX_INTEGER; } return value === value ? value : 0; } /** * Converts `value` to an integer. * * **Note:** This method is loosely based on * [`ToInteger`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer. * @example * * _.toInteger(3.2); * // => 3 * * _.toInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 0 * * _.toInteger(Infinity); * // => 1.7976931348623157e+308 * * _.toInteger('3.2'); * // => 3 */ function toInteger(value) { var result = toFinite(value), remainder = result % 1; return result === result ? (remainder ? result - remainder : result) : 0; } /** * Converts `value` to an integer suitable for use as the length of an * array-like object. * * **Note:** This method is based on * [`ToLength`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer. * @example * * _.toLength(3.2); * // => 3 * * _.toLength(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 0 * * _.toLength(Infinity); * // => 4294967295 * * _.toLength('3.2'); * // => 3 */ function toLength(value) { return value ? baseClamp(toInteger(value), 0, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) : 0; } /** * Converts `value` to a number. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to process. * @returns {number} Returns the number. * @example * * _.toNumber(3.2); * // => 3.2 * * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 5e-324 * * _.toNumber(Infinity); * // => Infinity * * _.toNumber('3.2'); * // => 3.2 */ function toNumber(value) { if (typeof value == 'number') { return value; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return NAN; } if (isObject(value)) { var other = typeof value.valueOf == 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value; value = isObject(other) ? (other + '') : other; } if (typeof value != 'string') { return value === 0 ? value : +value; } value = baseTrim(value); var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value); return (isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value)) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : (reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value); } /** * Converts `value` to a plain object flattening inherited enumerable string * keyed properties of `value` to own properties of the plain object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {Object} Returns the converted plain object. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.assign({ 'a': 1 }, new Foo); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } * * _.assign({ 'a': 1 }, _.toPlainObject(new Foo)); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 } */ function toPlainObject(value) { return copyObject(value, keysIn(value)); } /** * Converts `value` to a safe integer. A safe integer can be compared and * represented correctly. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer. * @example * * _.toSafeInteger(3.2); * // => 3 * * _.toSafeInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE); * // => 0 * * _.toSafeInteger(Infinity); * // => 9007199254740991 * * _.toSafeInteger('3.2'); * // => 3 */ function toSafeInteger(value) { return value ? baseClamp(toInteger(value), -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : (value === 0 ? value : 0); } /** * Converts `value` to a string. An empty string is returned for `null` * and `undefined` values. The sign of `-0` is preserved. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Lang * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the converted string. * @example * * _.toString(null); * // => '' * * _.toString(-0); * // => '-0' * * _.toString([1, 2, 3]); * // => '1,2,3' */ function toString(value) { return value == null ? '' : baseToString(value); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Assigns own enumerable string keyed properties of source objects to the * destination object. Source objects are applied from left to right. * Subsequent sources overwrite property assignments of previous sources. * * **Note:** This method mutates `object` and is loosely based on * [`Object.assign`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.10.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.assignIn * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * } * * function Bar() { * this.c = 3; * } * * Foo.prototype.b = 2; * Bar.prototype.d = 4; * * _.assign({ 'a': 0 }, new Foo, new Bar); * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 } */ var assign = createAssigner(function(object, source) { if (isPrototype(source) || isArrayLike(source)) { copyObject(source, keys(source), object); return; } for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { assignValue(object, key, source[key]); } } }); /** * This method is like `_.assign` except that it iterates over own and * inherited source properties. * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @alias extend * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.assign * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * } * * function Bar() { * this.c = 3; * } * * Foo.prototype.b = 2; * Bar.prototype.d = 4; * * _.assignIn({ 'a': 0 }, new Foo, new Bar); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4 } */ var assignIn = createAssigner(function(object, source) { copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object); }); /** * This method is like `_.assignIn` except that it accepts `customizer` * which is invoked to produce the assigned values. If `customizer` returns * `undefined`, assignment is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` * is invoked with five arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source). * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @alias extendWith * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} sources The source objects. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.assignWith * @example * * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) { * return _.isUndefined(objValue) ? srcValue : objValue; * } * * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assignInWith, customizer); * * defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 }); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } */ var assignInWith = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex, customizer) { copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object, customizer); }); /** * This method is like `_.assign` except that it accepts `customizer` * which is invoked to produce the assigned values. If `customizer` returns * `undefined`, assignment is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` * is invoked with five arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source). * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} sources The source objects. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.assignInWith * @example * * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) { * return _.isUndefined(objValue) ? srcValue : objValue; * } * * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assignWith, customizer); * * defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 }); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } */ var assignWith = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex, customizer) { copyObject(source, keys(source), object, customizer); }); /** * Creates an array of values corresponding to `paths` of `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to pick. * @returns {Array} Returns the picked values. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }, 4] }; * *, ['a[0].b.c', 'a[1]']); * // => [3, 4] */ var at = flatRest(baseAt); /** * Creates an object that inherits from the `prototype` object. If a * `properties` object is given, its own enumerable string keyed properties * are assigned to the created object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.3.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} prototype The object to inherit from. * @param {Object} [properties] The properties to assign to the object. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * function Shape() { * this.x = 0; * this.y = 0; * } * * function Circle() { *; * } * * Circle.prototype = _.create(Shape.prototype, { * 'constructor': Circle * }); * * var circle = new Circle; * circle instanceof Circle; * // => true * * circle instanceof Shape; * // => true */ function create(prototype, properties) { var result = baseCreate(prototype); return properties == null ? result : baseAssign(result, properties); } /** * Assigns own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of source * objects to the destination object for all destination properties that * resolve to `undefined`. Source objects are applied from left to right. * Once a property is set, additional values of the same property are ignored. * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.defaultsDeep * @example * * _.defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 }); * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } */ var defaults = baseRest(function(object, sources) { object = Object(object); var index = -1; var length = sources.length; var guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : undefined; if (guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard)) { length = 1; } while (++index < length) { var source = sources[index]; var props = keysIn(source); var propsIndex = -1; var propsLength = props.length; while (++propsIndex < propsLength) { var key = props[propsIndex]; var value = object[key]; if (value === undefined || (eq(value, objectProto[key]) && !, key))) { object[key] = source[key]; } } } return object; }); /** * This method is like `_.defaults` except that it recursively assigns * default properties. * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.10.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.defaults * @example * * _.defaultsDeep({ 'a': { 'b': 2 } }, { 'a': { 'b': 1, 'c': 3 } }); * // => { 'a': { 'b': 2, 'c': 3 } } */ var defaultsDeep = baseRest(function(args) { args.push(undefined, customDefaultsMerge); return apply(mergeWith, undefined, args); }); /** * This method is like `_.find` except that it returns the key of the first * element `predicate` returns truthy for instead of the element itself. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.1.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the matched element, * else `undefined`. * @example * * var users = { * 'barney': { 'age': 36, 'active': true }, * 'fred': { 'age': 40, 'active': false }, * 'pebbles': { 'age': 1, 'active': true } * }; * * _.findKey(users, function(o) { return o.age < 40; }); * // => 'barney' (iteration order is not guaranteed) * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.findKey(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': true }); * // => 'pebbles' * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.findKey(users, ['active', false]); * // => 'fred' * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.findKey(users, 'active'); * // => 'barney' */ function findKey(object, predicate) { return baseFindKey(object, getIteratee(predicate, 3), baseForOwn); } /** * This method is like `_.findKey` except that it iterates over elements of * a collection in the opposite order. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the matched element, * else `undefined`. * @example * * var users = { * 'barney': { 'age': 36, 'active': true }, * 'fred': { 'age': 40, 'active': false }, * 'pebbles': { 'age': 1, 'active': true } * }; * * _.findLastKey(users, function(o) { return o.age < 40; }); * // => returns 'pebbles' assuming `_.findKey` returns 'barney' * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.findLastKey(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true }); * // => 'barney' * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.findLastKey(users, ['active', false]); * // => 'fred' * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.findLastKey(users, 'active'); * // => 'pebbles' */ function findLastKey(object, predicate) { return baseFindKey(object, getIteratee(predicate, 3), baseForOwnRight); } /** * Iterates over own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of an * object and invokes `iteratee` for each property. The iteratee is invoked * with three arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit * iteration early by explicitly returning `false`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.3.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.forInRight * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.forIn(new Foo, function(value, key) { * console.log(key); * }); * // => Logs 'a', 'b', then 'c' (iteration order is not guaranteed). */ function forIn(object, iteratee) { return object == null ? object : baseFor(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3), keysIn); } /** * This method is like `_.forIn` except that it iterates over properties of * `object` in the opposite order. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.forIn * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.forInRight(new Foo, function(value, key) { * console.log(key); * }); * // => Logs 'c', 'b', then 'a' assuming `_.forIn` logs 'a', 'b', then 'c'. */ function forInRight(object, iteratee) { return object == null ? object : baseForRight(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3), keysIn); } /** * Iterates over own enumerable string keyed properties of an object and * invokes `iteratee` for each property. The iteratee is invoked with three * arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit iteration * early by explicitly returning `false`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.3.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.forOwnRight * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.forOwn(new Foo, function(value, key) { * console.log(key); * }); * // => Logs 'a' then 'b' (iteration order is not guaranteed). */ function forOwn(object, iteratee) { return object && baseForOwn(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3)); } /** * This method is like `_.forOwn` except that it iterates over properties of * `object` in the opposite order. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @see _.forOwn * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.forOwnRight(new Foo, function(value, key) { * console.log(key); * }); * // => Logs 'b' then 'a' assuming `_.forOwn` logs 'a' then 'b'. */ function forOwnRight(object, iteratee) { return object && baseForOwnRight(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3)); } /** * Creates an array of function property names from own enumerable properties * of `object`. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the function names. * @see _.functionsIn * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = _.constant('a'); * this.b = _.constant('b'); * } * * Foo.prototype.c = _.constant('c'); * * _.functions(new Foo); * // => ['a', 'b'] */ function functions(object) { return object == null ? [] : baseFunctions(object, keys(object)); } /** * Creates an array of function property names from own and inherited * enumerable properties of `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns the function names. * @see _.functions * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = _.constant('a'); * this.b = _.constant('b'); * } * * Foo.prototype.c = _.constant('c'); * * _.functionsIn(new Foo); * // => ['a', 'b', 'c'] */ function functionsIn(object) { return object == null ? [] : baseFunctions(object, keysIn(object)); } /** * Gets the value at `path` of `object`. If the resolved value is * `undefined`, the `defaultValue` is returned in its place. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.7.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get. * @param {*} [defaultValue] The value returned for `undefined` resolved values. * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] }; * * _.get(object, 'a[0].b.c'); * // => 3 * * _.get(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']); * // => 3 * * _.get(object, 'a.b.c', 'default'); * // => 'default' */ function get(object, path, defaultValue) { var result = object == null ? undefined : baseGet(object, path); return result === undefined ? defaultValue : result; } /** * Checks if `path` is a direct property of `object`. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': { 'b': 2 } }; * var other = _.create({ 'a': _.create({ 'b': 2 }) }); * * _.has(object, 'a'); * // => true * * _.has(object, 'a.b'); * // => true * * _.has(object, ['a', 'b']); * // => true * * _.has(other, 'a'); * // => false */ function has(object, path) { return object != null && hasPath(object, path, baseHas); } /** * Checks if `path` is a direct or inherited property of `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`. * @example * * var object = _.create({ 'a': _.create({ 'b': 2 }) }); * * _.hasIn(object, 'a'); * // => true * * _.hasIn(object, 'a.b'); * // => true * * _.hasIn(object, ['a', 'b']); * // => true * * _.hasIn(object, 'b'); * // => false */ function hasIn(object, path) { return object != null && hasPath(object, path, baseHasIn); } /** * Creates an object composed of the inverted keys and values of `object`. * If `object` contains duplicate values, subsequent values overwrite * property assignments of previous values. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.7.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to invert. * @returns {Object} Returns the new inverted object. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }; * * _.invert(object); * // => { '1': 'c', '2': 'b' } */ var invert = createInverter(function(result, value, key) { if (value != null && typeof value.toString != 'function') { value =; } result[value] = key; }, constant(identity)); /** * This method is like `_.invert` except that the inverted object is generated * from the results of running each element of `object` thru `iteratee`. The * corresponding inverted value of each inverted key is an array of keys * responsible for generating the inverted value. The iteratee is invoked * with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.1.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to invert. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {Object} Returns the new inverted object. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }; * * _.invertBy(object); * // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] } * * _.invertBy(object, function(value) { * return 'group' + value; * }); * // => { 'group1': ['a', 'c'], 'group2': ['b'] } */ var invertBy = createInverter(function(result, value, key) { if (value != null && typeof value.toString != 'function') { value =; } if (, value)) { result[value].push(key); } else { result[value] = [key]; } }, getIteratee); /** * Invokes the method at `path` of `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke. * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with. * @returns {*} Returns the result of the invoked method. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': [1, 2, 3, 4] } }] }; * * _.invoke(object, 'a[0].b.c.slice', 1, 3); * // => [2, 3] */ var invoke = baseRest(baseInvoke); /** * Creates an array of the own enumerable property names of `object`. * * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. See the * [ES spec]( * for more details. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.keys(new Foo); * // => ['a', 'b'] (iteration order is not guaranteed) * * _.keys('hi'); * // => ['0', '1'] */ function keys(object) { return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object) : baseKeys(object); } /** * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable property names of `object`. * * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.keysIn(new Foo); * // => ['a', 'b', 'c'] (iteration order is not guaranteed) */ function keysIn(object) { return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object, true) : baseKeysIn(object); } /** * The opposite of `_.mapValues`; this method creates an object with the * same values as `object` and keys generated by running each own enumerable * string keyed property of `object` thru `iteratee`. The iteratee is invoked * with three arguments: (value, key, object). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.8.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns the new mapped object. * @see _.mapValues * @example * * _.mapKeys({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(value, key) { * return key + value; * }); * // => { 'a1': 1, 'b2': 2 } */ function mapKeys(object, iteratee) { var result = {}; iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee, 3); baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object) { baseAssignValue(result, iteratee(value, key, object), value); }); return result; } /** * Creates an object with the same keys as `object` and values generated * by running each own enumerable string keyed property of `object` thru * `iteratee`. The iteratee is invoked with three arguments: * (value, key, object). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.4.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Object} Returns the new mapped object. * @see _.mapKeys * @example * * var users = { * 'fred': { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }, * 'pebbles': { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1 } * }; * * _.mapValues(users, function(o) { return o.age; }); * // => { 'fred': 40, 'pebbles': 1 } (iteration order is not guaranteed) * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.mapValues(users, 'age'); * // => { 'fred': 40, 'pebbles': 1 } (iteration order is not guaranteed) */ function mapValues(object, iteratee) { var result = {}; iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee, 3); baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object) { baseAssignValue(result, key, iteratee(value, key, object)); }); return result; } /** * This method is like `_.assign` except that it recursively merges own and * inherited enumerable string keyed properties of source objects into the * destination object. Source properties that resolve to `undefined` are * skipped if a destination value exists. Array and plain object properties * are merged recursively. Other objects and value types are overridden by * assignment. Source objects are applied from left to right. Subsequent * sources overwrite property assignments of previous sources. * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.5.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * var object = { * 'a': [{ 'b': 2 }, { 'd': 4 }] * }; * * var other = { * 'a': [{ 'c': 3 }, { 'e': 5 }] * }; * * _.merge(object, other); * // => { 'a': [{ 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, { 'd': 4, 'e': 5 }] } */ var merge = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex) { baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex); }); /** * This method is like `_.merge` except that it accepts `customizer` which * is invoked to produce the merged values of the destination and source * properties. If `customizer` returns `undefined`, merging is handled by the * method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with six arguments: * (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack). * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The destination object. * @param {...Object} sources The source objects. * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize assigned values. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) { * if (_.isArray(objValue)) { * return objValue.concat(srcValue); * } * } * * var object = { 'a': [1], 'b': [2] }; * var other = { 'a': [3], 'b': [4] }; * * _.mergeWith(object, other, customizer); * // => { 'a': [1, 3], 'b': [2, 4] } */ var mergeWith = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex, customizer) { baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex, customizer); }); /** * The opposite of `_.pick`; this method creates an object composed of the * own and inherited enumerable property paths of `object` that are not omitted. * * **Note:** This method is considerably slower than `_.pick`. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The source object. * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to omit. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 }; * * _.omit(object, ['a', 'c']); * // => { 'b': '2' } */ var omit = flatRest(function(object, paths) { var result = {}; if (object == null) { return result; } var isDeep = false; paths = arrayMap(paths, function(path) { path = castPath(path, object); isDeep || (isDeep = path.length > 1); return path; }); copyObject(object, getAllKeysIn(object), result); if (isDeep) { result = baseClone(result, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG | CLONE_FLAT_FLAG | CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG, customOmitClone); } var length = paths.length; while (length--) { baseUnset(result, paths[length]); } return result; }); /** * The opposite of `_.pickBy`; this method creates an object composed of * the own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of `object` that * `predicate` doesn't return truthy for. The predicate is invoked with two * arguments: (value, key). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The source object. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per property. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 }; * * _.omitBy(object, _.isNumber); * // => { 'b': '2' } */ function omitBy(object, predicate) { return pickBy(object, negate(getIteratee(predicate))); } /** * Creates an object composed of the picked `object` properties. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The source object. * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to pick. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 }; * * _.pick(object, ['a', 'c']); * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 } */ var pick = flatRest(function(object, paths) { return object == null ? {} : basePick(object, paths); }); /** * Creates an object composed of the `object` properties `predicate` returns * truthy for. The predicate is invoked with two arguments: (value, key). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The source object. * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per property. * @returns {Object} Returns the new object. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 }; * * _.pickBy(object, _.isNumber); * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 } */ function pickBy(object, predicate) { if (object == null) { return {}; } var props = arrayMap(getAllKeysIn(object), function(prop) { return [prop]; }); predicate = getIteratee(predicate); return basePickBy(object, props, function(value, path) { return predicate(value, path[0]); }); } /** * This method is like `_.get` except that if the resolved value is a * function it's invoked with the `this` binding of its parent object and * its result is returned. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to resolve. * @param {*} [defaultValue] The value returned for `undefined` resolved values. * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c1': 3, 'c2': _.constant(4) } }] }; * * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c1'); * // => 3 * * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c2'); * // => 4 * * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c3', 'default'); * // => 'default' * * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c3', _.constant('default')); * // => 'default' */ function result(object, path, defaultValue) { path = castPath(path, object); var index = -1, length = path.length; // Ensure the loop is entered when path is empty. if (!length) { length = 1; object = undefined; } while (++index < length) { var value = object == null ? undefined : object[toKey(path[index])]; if (value === undefined) { index = length; value = defaultValue; } object = isFunction(value) ? : value; } return object; } /** * Sets the value at `path` of `object`. If a portion of `path` doesn't exist, * it's created. Arrays are created for missing index properties while objects * are created for all other missing properties. Use `_.setWith` to customize * `path` creation. * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.7.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set. * @param {*} value The value to set. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] }; * * _.set(object, 'a[0].b.c', 4); * console.log(object.a[0].b.c); * // => 4 * * _.set(object, ['x', '0', 'y', 'z'], 5); * console.log(object.x[0].y.z); * // => 5 */ function set(object, path, value) { return object == null ? object : baseSet(object, path, value); } /** * This method is like `_.set` except that it accepts `customizer` which is * invoked to produce the objects of `path`. If `customizer` returns `undefined` * path creation is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked * with three arguments: (nsValue, key, nsObject). * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set. * @param {*} value The value to set. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * var object = {}; * * _.setWith(object, '[0][1]', 'a', Object); * // => { '0': { '1': 'a' } } */ function setWith(object, path, value, customizer) { customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined; return object == null ? object : baseSet(object, path, value, customizer); } /** * Creates an array of own enumerable string keyed-value pairs for `object` * which can be consumed by `_.fromPairs`. If `object` is a map or set, its * entries are returned. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @alias entries * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the key-value pairs. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.toPairs(new Foo); * // => [['a', 1], ['b', 2]] (iteration order is not guaranteed) */ var toPairs = createToPairs(keys); /** * Creates an array of own and inherited enumerable string keyed-value pairs * for `object` which can be consumed by `_.fromPairs`. If `object` is a map * or set, its entries are returned. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @alias entriesIn * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the key-value pairs. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.toPairsIn(new Foo); * // => [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]] (iteration order is not guaranteed) */ var toPairsIn = createToPairs(keysIn); /** * An alternative to `_.reduce`; this method transforms `object` to a new * `accumulator` object which is the result of running each of its own * enumerable string keyed properties thru `iteratee`, with each invocation * potentially mutating the `accumulator` object. If `accumulator` is not * provided, a new object with the same `[[Prototype]]` will be used. The * iteratee is invoked with four arguments: (accumulator, value, key, object). * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.3.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @param {*} [accumulator] The custom accumulator value. * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value. * @example * * _.transform([2, 3, 4], function(result, n) { * result.push(n *= n); * return n % 2 == 0; * }, []); * // => [4, 9] * * _.transform({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }, function(result, value, key) { * (result[value] || (result[value] = [])).push(key); * }, {}); * // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] } */ function transform(object, iteratee, accumulator) { var isArr = isArray(object), isArrLike = isArr || isBuffer(object) || isTypedArray(object); iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee, 4); if (accumulator == null) { var Ctor = object && object.constructor; if (isArrLike) { accumulator = isArr ? new Ctor : []; } else if (isObject(object)) { accumulator = isFunction(Ctor) ? baseCreate(getPrototype(object)) : {}; } else { accumulator = {}; } } (isArrLike ? arrayEach : baseForOwn)(object, function(value, index, object) { return iteratee(accumulator, value, index, object); }); return accumulator; } /** * Removes the property at `path` of `object`. * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to unset. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the property is deleted, else `false`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 7 } }] }; * _.unset(object, 'a[0].b.c'); * // => true * * console.log(object); * // => { 'a': [{ 'b': {} }] }; * * _.unset(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']); * // => true * * console.log(object); * // => { 'a': [{ 'b': {} }] }; */ function unset(object, path) { return object == null ? true : baseUnset(object, path); } /** * This method is like `_.set` except that accepts `updater` to produce the * value to set. Use `_.updateWith` to customize `path` creation. The `updater` * is invoked with one argument: (value). * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.6.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set. * @param {Function} updater The function to produce the updated value. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] }; * * _.update(object, 'a[0].b.c', function(n) { return n * n; }); * console.log(object.a[0].b.c); * // => 9 * * _.update(object, 'x[0].y.z', function(n) { return n ? n + 1 : 0; }); * console.log(object.x[0].y.z); * // => 0 */ function update(object, path, updater) { return object == null ? object : baseUpdate(object, path, castFunction(updater)); } /** * This method is like `_.update` except that it accepts `customizer` which is * invoked to produce the objects of `path`. If `customizer` returns `undefined` * path creation is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked * with three arguments: (nsValue, key, nsObject). * * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.6.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to modify. * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set. * @param {Function} updater The function to produce the updated value. * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * var object = {}; * * _.updateWith(object, '[0][1]', _.constant('a'), Object); * // => { '0': { '1': 'a' } } */ function updateWith(object, path, updater, customizer) { customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined; return object == null ? object : baseUpdate(object, path, castFunction(updater), customizer); } /** * Creates an array of the own enumerable string keyed property values of `object`. * * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property values. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.values(new Foo); * // => [1, 2] (iteration order is not guaranteed) * * _.values('hi'); * // => ['h', 'i'] */ function values(object) { return object == null ? [] : baseValues(object, keys(object)); } /** * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable string keyed property * values of `object`. * * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Object * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property values. * @example * * function Foo() { * this.a = 1; * this.b = 2; * } * * Foo.prototype.c = 3; * * _.valuesIn(new Foo); * // => [1, 2, 3] (iteration order is not guaranteed) */ function valuesIn(object) { return object == null ? [] : baseValues(object, keysIn(object)); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Clamps `number` within the inclusive `lower` and `upper` bounds. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Number * @param {number} number The number to clamp. * @param {number} [lower] The lower bound. * @param {number} upper The upper bound. * @returns {number} Returns the clamped number. * @example * * _.clamp(-10, -5, 5); * // => -5 * * _.clamp(10, -5, 5); * // => 5 */ function clamp(number, lower, upper) { if (upper === undefined) { upper = lower; lower = undefined; } if (upper !== undefined) { upper = toNumber(upper); upper = upper === upper ? upper : 0; } if (lower !== undefined) { lower = toNumber(lower); lower = lower === lower ? lower : 0; } return baseClamp(toNumber(number), lower, upper); } /** * Checks if `n` is between `start` and up to, but not including, `end`. If * `end` is not specified, it's set to `start` with `start` then set to `0`. * If `start` is greater than `end` the params are swapped to support * negative ranges. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.3.0 * @category Number * @param {number} number The number to check. * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range. * @param {number} end The end of the range. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `number` is in the range, else `false`. * @see _.range, _.rangeRight * @example * * _.inRange(3, 2, 4); * // => true * * _.inRange(4, 8); * // => true * * _.inRange(4, 2); * // => false * * _.inRange(2, 2); * // => false * * _.inRange(1.2, 2); * // => true * * _.inRange(5.2, 4); * // => false * * _.inRange(-3, -2, -6); * // => true */ function inRange(number, start, end) { start = toFinite(start); if (end === undefined) { end = start; start = 0; } else { end = toFinite(end); } number = toNumber(number); return baseInRange(number, start, end); } /** * Produces a random number between the inclusive `lower` and `upper` bounds. * If only one argument is provided a number between `0` and the given number * is returned. If `floating` is `true`, or either `lower` or `upper` are * floats, a floating-point number is returned instead of an integer. * * **Note:** JavaScript follows the IEEE-754 standard for resolving * floating-point values which can produce unexpected results. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.7.0 * @category Number * @param {number} [lower=0] The lower bound. * @param {number} [upper=1] The upper bound. * @param {boolean} [floating] Specify returning a floating-point number. * @returns {number} Returns the random number. * @example * * _.random(0, 5); * // => an integer between 0 and 5 * * _.random(5); * // => also an integer between 0 and 5 * * _.random(5, true); * // => a floating-point number between 0 and 5 * * _.random(1.2, 5.2); * // => a floating-point number between 1.2 and 5.2 */ function random(lower, upper, floating) { if (floating && typeof floating != 'boolean' && isIterateeCall(lower, upper, floating)) { upper = floating = undefined; } if (floating === undefined) { if (typeof upper == 'boolean') { floating = upper; upper = undefined; } else if (typeof lower == 'boolean') { floating = lower; lower = undefined; } } if (lower === undefined && upper === undefined) { lower = 0; upper = 1; } else { lower = toFinite(lower); if (upper === undefined) { upper = lower; lower = 0; } else { upper = toFinite(upper); } } if (lower > upper) { var temp = lower; lower = upper; upper = temp; } if (floating || lower % 1 || upper % 1) { var rand = nativeRandom(); return nativeMin(lower + (rand * (upper - lower + freeParseFloat('1e-' + ((rand + '').length - 1)))), upper); } return baseRandom(lower, upper); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Converts `string` to [camel case]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the camel cased string. * @example * * _.camelCase('Foo Bar'); * // => 'fooBar' * * _.camelCase('--foo-bar--'); * // => 'fooBar' * * _.camelCase('__FOO_BAR__'); * // => 'fooBar' */ var camelCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { word = word.toLowerCase(); return result + (index ? capitalize(word) : word); }); /** * Converts the first character of `string` to upper case and the remaining * to lower case. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to capitalize. * @returns {string} Returns the capitalized string. * @example * * _.capitalize('FRED'); * // => 'Fred' */ function capitalize(string) { return upperFirst(toString(string).toLowerCase()); } /** * Deburrs `string` by converting * [Latin-1 Supplement]( * and [Latin Extended-A]( * letters to basic Latin letters and removing * [combining diacritical marks]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to deburr. * @returns {string} Returns the deburred string. * @example * * _.deburr('déjà vu'); * // => 'deja vu' */ function deburr(string) { string = toString(string); return string && string.replace(reLatin, deburrLetter).replace(reComboMark, ''); } /** * Checks if `string` ends with the given target string. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect. * @param {string} [target] The string to search for. * @param {number} [position=string.length] The position to search up to. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `string` ends with `target`, * else `false`. * @example * * _.endsWith('abc', 'c'); * // => true * * _.endsWith('abc', 'b'); * // => false * * _.endsWith('abc', 'b', 2); * // => true */ function endsWith(string, target, position) { string = toString(string); target = baseToString(target); var length = string.length; position = position === undefined ? length : baseClamp(toInteger(position), 0, length); var end = position; position -= target.length; return position >= 0 && string.slice(position, end) == target; } /** * Converts the characters "&", "<", ">", '"', and "'" in `string` to their * corresponding HTML entities. * * **Note:** No other characters are escaped. To escape additional * characters use a third-party library like [_he_]( * * Though the ">" character is escaped for symmetry, characters like * ">" and "/" don't need escaping in HTML and have no special meaning * unless they're part of a tag or unquoted attribute value. See * [Mathias Bynens's article]( * (under "semi-related fun fact") for more details. * * When working with HTML you should always * [quote attribute values]( to reduce * XSS vectors. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape. * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string. * @example * * _.escape('fred, barney, & pebbles'); * // => 'fred, barney, & pebbles' */ function escape(string) { string = toString(string); return (string && reHasUnescapedHtml.test(string)) ? string.replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar) : string; } /** * Escapes the `RegExp` special characters "^", "$", "\", ".", "*", "+", * "?", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", and "|" in `string`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape. * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string. * @example * * _.escapeRegExp('[lodash]('); * // => '\[lodash\]\(https://lodash\.com/\)' */ function escapeRegExp(string) { string = toString(string); return (string && reHasRegExpChar.test(string)) ? string.replace(reRegExpChar, '\\$&') : string; } /** * Converts `string` to * [kebab case]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the kebab cased string. * @example * * _.kebabCase('Foo Bar'); * // => 'foo-bar' * * _.kebabCase('fooBar'); * // => 'foo-bar' * * _.kebabCase('__FOO_BAR__'); * // => 'foo-bar' */ var kebabCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? '-' : '') + word.toLowerCase(); }); /** * Converts `string`, as space separated words, to lower case. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the lower cased string. * @example * * _.lowerCase('--Foo-Bar--'); * // => 'foo bar' * * _.lowerCase('fooBar'); * // => 'foo bar' * * _.lowerCase('__FOO_BAR__'); * // => 'foo bar' */ var lowerCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? ' ' : '') + word.toLowerCase(); }); /** * Converts the first character of `string` to lower case. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the converted string. * @example * * _.lowerFirst('Fred'); * // => 'fred' * * _.lowerFirst('FRED'); * // => 'fRED' */ var lowerFirst = createCaseFirst('toLowerCase'); /** * Pads `string` on the left and right sides if it's shorter than `length`. * Padding characters are truncated if they can't be evenly divided by `length`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad. * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length. * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding. * @returns {string} Returns the padded string. * @example * * _.pad('abc', 8); * // => ' abc ' * * _.pad('abc', 8, '_-'); * // => '_-abc_-_' * * _.pad('abc', 3); * // => 'abc' */ function pad(string, length, chars) { string = toString(string); length = toInteger(length); var strLength = length ? stringSize(string) : 0; if (!length || strLength >= length) { return string; } var mid = (length - strLength) / 2; return ( createPadding(nativeFloor(mid), chars) + string + createPadding(nativeCeil(mid), chars) ); } /** * Pads `string` on the right side if it's shorter than `length`. Padding * characters are truncated if they exceed `length`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad. * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length. * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding. * @returns {string} Returns the padded string. * @example * * _.padEnd('abc', 6); * // => 'abc ' * * _.padEnd('abc', 6, '_-'); * // => 'abc_-_' * * _.padEnd('abc', 3); * // => 'abc' */ function padEnd(string, length, chars) { string = toString(string); length = toInteger(length); var strLength = length ? stringSize(string) : 0; return (length && strLength < length) ? (string + createPadding(length - strLength, chars)) : string; } /** * Pads `string` on the left side if it's shorter than `length`. Padding * characters are truncated if they exceed `length`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad. * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length. * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding. * @returns {string} Returns the padded string. * @example * * _.padStart('abc', 6); * // => ' abc' * * _.padStart('abc', 6, '_-'); * // => '_-_abc' * * _.padStart('abc', 3); * // => 'abc' */ function padStart(string, length, chars) { string = toString(string); length = toInteger(length); var strLength = length ? stringSize(string) : 0; return (length && strLength < length) ? (createPadding(length - strLength, chars) + string) : string; } /** * Converts `string` to an integer of the specified radix. If `radix` is * `undefined` or `0`, a `radix` of `10` is used unless `value` is a * hexadecimal, in which case a `radix` of `16` is used. * * **Note:** This method aligns with the * [ES5 implementation]( of `parseInt`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 1.1.0 * @category String * @param {string} string The string to convert. * @param {number} [radix=10] The radix to interpret `value` by. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer. * @example * * _.parseInt('08'); * // => 8 * *['6', '08', '10'], _.parseInt); * // => [6, 8, 10] */ function parseInt(string, radix, guard) { if (guard || radix == null) { radix = 0; } else if (radix) { radix = +radix; } return nativeParseInt(toString(string).replace(reTrimStart, ''), radix || 0); } /** * Repeats the given string `n` times. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to repeat. * @param {number} [n=1] The number of times to repeat the string. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {string} Returns the repeated string. * @example * * _.repeat('*', 3); * // => '***' * * _.repeat('abc', 2); * // => 'abcabc' * * _.repeat('abc', 0); * // => '' */ function repeat(string, n, guard) { if ((guard ? isIterateeCall(string, n, guard) : n === undefined)) { n = 1; } else { n = toInteger(n); } return baseRepeat(toString(string), n); } /** * Replaces matches for `pattern` in `string` with `replacement`. * * **Note:** This method is based on * [`String#replace`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to modify. * @param {RegExp|string} pattern The pattern to replace. * @param {Function|string} replacement The match replacement. * @returns {string} Returns the modified string. * @example * * _.replace('Hi Fred', 'Fred', 'Barney'); * // => 'Hi Barney' */ function replace() { var args = arguments, string = toString(args[0]); return args.length < 3 ? string : string.replace(args[1], args[2]); } /** * Converts `string` to * [snake case]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the snake cased string. * @example * * _.snakeCase('Foo Bar'); * // => 'foo_bar' * * _.snakeCase('fooBar'); * // => 'foo_bar' * * _.snakeCase('--FOO-BAR--'); * // => 'foo_bar' */ var snakeCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? '_' : '') + word.toLowerCase(); }); /** * Splits `string` by `separator`. * * **Note:** This method is based on * [`String#split`]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to split. * @param {RegExp|string} separator The separator pattern to split by. * @param {number} [limit] The length to truncate results to. * @returns {Array} Returns the string segments. * @example * * _.split('a-b-c', '-', 2); * // => ['a', 'b'] */ function split(string, separator, limit) { if (limit && typeof limit != 'number' && isIterateeCall(string, separator, limit)) { separator = limit = undefined; } limit = limit === undefined ? MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH : limit >>> 0; if (!limit) { return []; } string = toString(string); if (string && ( typeof separator == 'string' || (separator != null && !isRegExp(separator)) )) { separator = baseToString(separator); if (!separator && hasUnicode(string)) { return castSlice(stringToArray(string), 0, limit); } } return string.split(separator, limit); } /** * Converts `string` to * [start case]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.1.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the start cased string. * @example * * _.startCase('--foo-bar--'); * // => 'Foo Bar' * * _.startCase('fooBar'); * // => 'Foo Bar' * * _.startCase('__FOO_BAR__'); * // => 'FOO BAR' */ var startCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? ' ' : '') + upperFirst(word); }); /** * Checks if `string` starts with the given target string. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect. * @param {string} [target] The string to search for. * @param {number} [position=0] The position to search from. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `string` starts with `target`, * else `false`. * @example * * _.startsWith('abc', 'a'); * // => true * * _.startsWith('abc', 'b'); * // => false * * _.startsWith('abc', 'b', 1); * // => true */ function startsWith(string, target, position) { string = toString(string); position = position == null ? 0 : baseClamp(toInteger(position), 0, string.length); target = baseToString(target); return string.slice(position, position + target.length) == target; } /** * Creates a compiled template function that can interpolate data properties * in "interpolate" delimiters, HTML-escape interpolated data properties in * "escape" delimiters, and execute JavaScript in "evaluate" delimiters. Data * properties may be accessed as free variables in the template. If a setting * object is given, it takes precedence over `_.templateSettings` values. * * **Note:** In the development build `_.template` utilizes * [sourceURLs]( * for easier debugging. * * For more information on precompiling templates see * [lodash's custom builds documentation]( * * For more information on Chrome extension sandboxes see * [Chrome's extensions documentation]( * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The template string. * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object. * @param {RegExp} [options.escape=_.templateSettings.escape] * The HTML "escape" delimiter. * @param {RegExp} [options.evaluate=_.templateSettings.evaluate] * The "evaluate" delimiter. * @param {Object} [options.imports=_.templateSettings.imports] * An object to import into the template as free variables. * @param {RegExp} [options.interpolate=_.templateSettings.interpolate] * The "interpolate" delimiter. * @param {string} [options.sourceURL='lodash.templateSources[n]'] * The sourceURL of the compiled template. * @param {string} [options.variable='obj'] * The data object variable name. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Function} Returns the compiled template function. * @example * * // Use the "interpolate" delimiter to create a compiled template. * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= user %>!'); * compiled({ 'user': 'fred' }); * // => 'hello fred!' * * // Use the HTML "escape" delimiter to escape data property values. * var compiled = _.template('<b><%- value %></b>'); * compiled({ 'value': '<script>' }); * // => '<b><script></b>' * * // Use the "evaluate" delimiter to execute JavaScript and generate HTML. * var compiled = _.template('<% _.forEach(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %>'); * compiled({ 'users': ['fred', 'barney'] }); * // => '<li>fred</li><li>barney</li>' * * // Use the internal `print` function in "evaluate" delimiters. * var compiled = _.template('<% print("hello " + user); %>!'); * compiled({ 'user': 'barney' }); * // => 'hello barney!' * * // Use the ES template literal delimiter as an "interpolate" delimiter. * // Disable support by replacing the "interpolate" delimiter. * var compiled = _.template('hello ${ user }!'); * compiled({ 'user': 'pebbles' }); * // => 'hello pebbles!' * * // Use backslashes to treat delimiters as plain text. * var compiled = _.template('<%= "\\<%- value %\\>" %>'); * compiled({ 'value': 'ignored' }); * // => '<%- value %>' * * // Use the `imports` option to import `jQuery` as `jq`. * var text = '<% jq.each(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %>'; * var compiled = _.template(text, { 'imports': { 'jq': jQuery } }); * compiled({ 'users': ['fred', 'barney'] }); * // => '<li>fred</li><li>barney</li>' * * // Use the `sourceURL` option to specify a custom sourceURL for the template. * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= user %>!', { 'sourceURL': '/basic/greeting.jst' }); * compiled(data); * // => Find the source of "greeting.jst" under the Sources tab or Resources panel of the web inspector. * * // Use the `variable` option to ensure a with-statement isn't used in the compiled template. * var compiled = _.template('hi <%= data.user %>!', { 'variable': 'data' }); * compiled.source; * // => function(data) { * // var __t, __p = ''; * // __p += 'hi ' + ((__t = ( data.user )) == null ? '' : __t) + '!'; * // return __p; * // } * * // Use custom template delimiters. * _.templateSettings.interpolate = /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g; * var compiled = _.template('hello {{ user }}!'); * compiled({ 'user': 'mustache' }); * // => 'hello mustache!' * * // Use the `source` property to inline compiled templates for meaningful * // line numbers in error messages and stack traces. * fs.writeFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'jst.js'), '\ * var JST = {\ * "main": ' + _.template(mainText).source + '\ * };\ * '); */ function template(string, options, guard) { // Based on John Resig's `tmpl` implementation // ( // and Laura Doktorova's doT.js ( var settings = lodash.templateSettings; if (guard && isIterateeCall(string, options, guard)) { options = undefined; } string = toString(string); options = assignInWith({}, options, settings, customDefaultsAssignIn); var imports = assignInWith({}, options.imports, settings.imports, customDefaultsAssignIn), importsKeys = keys(imports), importsValues = baseValues(imports, importsKeys); var isEscaping, isEvaluating, index = 0, interpolate = options.interpolate || reNoMatch, source = "__p += '"; // Compile the regexp to match each delimiter. var reDelimiters = RegExp( (options.escape || reNoMatch).source + '|' + interpolate.source + '|' + (interpolate === reInterpolate ? reEsTemplate : reNoMatch).source + '|' + (options.evaluate || reNoMatch).source + '|$' , 'g'); // Use a sourceURL for easier debugging. // The sourceURL gets injected into the source that's eval-ed, so be careful // to normalize all kinds of whitespace, so e.g. newlines (and unicode versions of it) can't sneak in // and escape the comment, thus injecting code that gets evaled. var sourceURL = '//# sourceURL=' + (, 'sourceURL') ? (options.sourceURL + '').replace(/\s/g, ' ') : ('lodash.templateSources[' + (++templateCounter) + ']') ) + '\n'; string.replace(reDelimiters, function(match, escapeValue, interpolateValue, esTemplateValue, evaluateValue, offset) { interpolateValue || (interpolateValue = esTemplateValue); // Escape characters that can't be included in string literals. source += string.slice(index, offset).replace(reUnescapedString, escapeStringChar); // Replace delimiters with snippets. if (escapeValue) { isEscaping = true; source += "' +\n__e(" + escapeValue + ") +\n'"; } if (evaluateValue) { isEvaluating = true; source += "';\n" + evaluateValue + ";\n__p += '"; } if (interpolateValue) { source += "' +\n((__t = (" + interpolateValue + ")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'"; } index = offset + match.length; // The JS engine embedded in Adobe products needs `match` returned in // order to produce the correct `offset` value. return match; }); source += "';\n"; // If `variable` is not specified wrap a with-statement around the generated // code to add the data object to the top of the scope chain. var variable =, 'variable') && options.variable; if (!variable) { source = 'with (obj) {\n' + source + '\n}\n'; } // Throw an error if a forbidden character was found in `variable`, to prevent // potential command injection attacks. else if (reForbiddenIdentifierChars.test(variable)) { throw new Error(INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT); } // Cleanup code by stripping empty strings. source = (isEvaluating ? source.replace(reEmptyStringLeading, '') : source) .replace(reEmptyStringMiddle, '$1') .replace(reEmptyStringTrailing, '$1;'); // Frame code as the function body. source = 'function(' + (variable || 'obj') + ') {\n' + (variable ? '' : 'obj || (obj = {});\n' ) + "var __t, __p = ''" + (isEscaping ? ', __e = _.escape' : '' ) + (isEvaluating ? ', __j = Array.prototype.join;\n' + "function print() { __p +=, '') }\n" : ';\n' ) + source + 'return __p\n}'; var result = attempt(function() { return Function(importsKeys, sourceURL + 'return ' + source) .apply(undefined, importsValues); }); // Provide the compiled function's source by its `toString` method or // the `source` property as a convenience for inlining compiled templates. result.source = source; if (isError(result)) { throw result; } return result; } /** * Converts `string`, as a whole, to lower case just like * [String#toLowerCase]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the lower cased string. * @example * * _.toLower('--Foo-Bar--'); * // => '--foo-bar--' * * _.toLower('fooBar'); * // => 'foobar' * * _.toLower('__FOO_BAR__'); * // => '__foo_bar__' */ function toLower(value) { return toString(value).toLowerCase(); } /** * Converts `string`, as a whole, to upper case just like * [String#toUpperCase]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the upper cased string. * @example * * _.toUpper('--foo-bar--'); * // => '--FOO-BAR--' * * _.toUpper('fooBar'); * // => 'FOOBAR' * * _.toUpper('__foo_bar__'); * // => '__FOO_BAR__' */ function toUpper(value) { return toString(value).toUpperCase(); } /** * Removes leading and trailing whitespace or specified characters from `string`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim. * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string. * @example * * _.trim(' abc '); * // => 'abc' * * _.trim('-_-abc-_-', '_-'); * // => 'abc' * *[' foo ', ' bar '], _.trim); * // => ['foo', 'bar'] */ function trim(string, chars, guard) { string = toString(string); if (string && (guard || chars === undefined)) { return baseTrim(string); } if (!string || !(chars = baseToString(chars))) { return string; } var strSymbols = stringToArray(string), chrSymbols = stringToArray(chars), start = charsStartIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols), end = charsEndIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) + 1; return castSlice(strSymbols, start, end).join(''); } /** * Removes trailing whitespace or specified characters from `string`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim. * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string. * @example * * _.trimEnd(' abc '); * // => ' abc' * * _.trimEnd('-_-abc-_-', '_-'); * // => '-_-abc' */ function trimEnd(string, chars, guard) { string = toString(string); if (string && (guard || chars === undefined)) { return string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string) + 1); } if (!string || !(chars = baseToString(chars))) { return string; } var strSymbols = stringToArray(string), end = charsEndIndex(strSymbols, stringToArray(chars)) + 1; return castSlice(strSymbols, 0, end).join(''); } /** * Removes leading whitespace or specified characters from `string`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim. * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string. * @example * * _.trimStart(' abc '); * // => 'abc ' * * _.trimStart('-_-abc-_-', '_-'); * // => 'abc-_-' */ function trimStart(string, chars, guard) { string = toString(string); if (string && (guard || chars === undefined)) { return string.replace(reTrimStart, ''); } if (!string || !(chars = baseToString(chars))) { return string; } var strSymbols = stringToArray(string), start = charsStartIndex(strSymbols, stringToArray(chars)); return castSlice(strSymbols, start).join(''); } /** * Truncates `string` if it's longer than the given maximum string length. * The last characters of the truncated string are replaced with the omission * string which defaults to "...". * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to truncate. * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object. * @param {number} [options.length=30] The maximum string length. * @param {string} [options.omission='...'] The string to indicate text is omitted. * @param {RegExp|string} [options.separator] The separator pattern to truncate to. * @returns {string} Returns the truncated string. * @example * * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino'); * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there, neighbo...' * * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', { * 'length': 24, * 'separator': ' ' * }); * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there,...' * * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', { * 'length': 24, * 'separator': /,? +/ * }); * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there...' * * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', { * 'omission': ' [...]' * }); * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there, neig [...]' */ function truncate(string, options) { var length = DEFAULT_TRUNC_LENGTH, omission = DEFAULT_TRUNC_OMISSION; if (isObject(options)) { var separator = 'separator' in options ? options.separator : separator; length = 'length' in options ? toInteger(options.length) : length; omission = 'omission' in options ? baseToString(options.omission) : omission; } string = toString(string); var strLength = string.length; if (hasUnicode(string)) { var strSymbols = stringToArray(string); strLength = strSymbols.length; } if (length >= strLength) { return string; } var end = length - stringSize(omission); if (end < 1) { return omission; } var result = strSymbols ? castSlice(strSymbols, 0, end).join('') : string.slice(0, end); if (separator === undefined) { return result + omission; } if (strSymbols) { end += (result.length - end); } if (isRegExp(separator)) { if (string.slice(end).search(separator)) { var match, substring = result; if (! { separator = RegExp(separator.source, toString(reFlags.exec(separator)) + 'g'); } separator.lastIndex = 0; while ((match = separator.exec(substring))) { var newEnd = match.index; } result = result.slice(0, newEnd === undefined ? end : newEnd); } } else if (string.indexOf(baseToString(separator), end) != end) { var index = result.lastIndexOf(separator); if (index > -1) { result = result.slice(0, index); } } return result + omission; } /** * The inverse of `_.escape`; this method converts the HTML entities * `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'` in `string` to * their corresponding characters. * * **Note:** No other HTML entities are unescaped. To unescape additional * HTML entities use a third-party library like [_he_]( * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 0.6.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to unescape. * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped string. * @example * * _.unescape('fred, barney, & pebbles'); * // => 'fred, barney, & pebbles' */ function unescape(string) { string = toString(string); return (string && reHasEscapedHtml.test(string)) ? string.replace(reEscapedHtml, unescapeHtmlChar) : string; } /** * Converts `string`, as space separated words, to upper case. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the upper cased string. * @example * * _.upperCase('--foo-bar'); * // => 'FOO BAR' * * _.upperCase('fooBar'); * // => 'FOO BAR' * * _.upperCase('__foo_bar__'); * // => 'FOO BAR' */ var upperCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? ' ' : '') + word.toUpperCase(); }); /** * Converts the first character of `string` to upper case. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert. * @returns {string} Returns the converted string. * @example * * _.upperFirst('fred'); * // => 'Fred' * * _.upperFirst('FRED'); * // => 'FRED' */ var upperFirst = createCaseFirst('toUpperCase'); /** * Splits `string` into an array of its words. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect. * @param {RegExp|string} [pattern] The pattern to match words. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like ``. * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`. * @example * * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles'); * // => ['fred', 'barney', 'pebbles'] * * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles', /[^, ]+/g); * // => ['fred', 'barney', '&', 'pebbles'] */ function words(string, pattern, guard) { string = toString(string); pattern = guard ? undefined : pattern; if (pattern === undefined) { return hasUnicodeWord(string) ? unicodeWords(string) : asciiWords(string); } return string.match(pattern) || []; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Attempts to invoke `func`, returning either the result or the caught error * object. Any additional arguments are provided to `func` when it's invoked. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Util * @param {Function} func The function to attempt. * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke `func` with. * @returns {*} Returns the `func` result or error object. * @example * * // Avoid throwing errors for invalid selectors. * var elements = _.attempt(function(selector) { * return document.querySelectorAll(selector); * }, '>_>'); * * if (_.isError(elements)) { * elements = []; * } */ var attempt = baseRest(function(func, args) { try { return apply(func, undefined, args); } catch (e) { return isError(e) ? e : new Error(e); } }); /** * Binds methods of an object to the object itself, overwriting the existing * method. * * **Note:** This method doesn't set the "length" property of bound functions. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {Object} object The object to bind and assign the bound methods to. * @param {...(string|string[])} methodNames The object method names to bind. * @returns {Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * var view = { * 'label': 'docs', * 'click': function() { * console.log('clicked ' + this.label); * } * }; * * _.bindAll(view, ['click']); * jQuery(element).on('click',; * // => Logs 'clicked docs' when clicked. */ var bindAll = flatRest(function(object, methodNames) { arrayEach(methodNames, function(key) { key = toKey(key); baseAssignValue(object, key, bind(object[key], object)); }); return object; }); /** * Creates a function that iterates over `pairs` and invokes the corresponding * function of the first predicate to return truthy. The predicate-function * pairs are invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the created * function. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {Array} pairs The predicate-function pairs. * @returns {Function} Returns the new composite function. * @example * * var func = _.cond([ * [_.matches({ 'a': 1 }), _.constant('matches A')], * [_.conforms({ 'b': _.isNumber }), _.constant('matches B')], * [_.stubTrue, _.constant('no match')] * ]); * * func({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }); * // => 'matches A' * * func({ 'a': 0, 'b': 1 }); * // => 'matches B' * * func({ 'a': '1', 'b': '2' }); * // => 'no match' */ function cond(pairs) { var length = pairs == null ? 0 : pairs.length, toIteratee = getIteratee(); pairs = !length ? [] : arrayMap(pairs, function(pair) { if (typeof pair[1] != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } return [toIteratee(pair[0]), pair[1]]; }); return baseRest(function(args) { var index = -1; while (++index < length) { var pair = pairs[index]; if (apply(pair[0], this, args)) { return apply(pair[1], this, args); } } }); } /** * Creates a function that invokes the predicate properties of `source` with * the corresponding property values of a given object, returning `true` if * all predicates return truthy, else `false`. * * **Note:** The created function is equivalent to `_.conformsTo` with * `source` partially applied. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to. * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function. * @example * * var objects = [ * { 'a': 2, 'b': 1 }, * { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 } * ]; * * _.filter(objects, _.conforms({ 'b': function(n) { return n > 1; } })); * // => [{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }] */ function conforms(source) { return baseConforms(baseClone(source, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG)); } /** * Creates a function that returns `value`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.4.0 * @category Util * @param {*} value The value to return from the new function. * @returns {Function} Returns the new constant function. * @example * * var objects = _.times(2, _.constant({ 'a': 1 })); * * console.log(objects); * // => [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 1 }] * * console.log(objects[0] === objects[1]); * // => true */ function constant(value) { return function() { return value; }; } /** * Checks `value` to determine whether a default value should be returned in * its place. The `defaultValue` is returned if `value` is `NaN`, `null`, * or `undefined`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.14.0 * @category Util * @param {*} value The value to check. * @param {*} defaultValue The default value. * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value. * @example * * _.defaultTo(1, 10); * // => 1 * * _.defaultTo(undefined, 10); * // => 10 */ function defaultTo(value, defaultValue) { return (value == null || value !== value) ? defaultValue : value; } /** * Creates a function that returns the result of invoking the given functions * with the `this` binding of the created function, where each successive * invocation is supplied the return value of the previous. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Util * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [funcs] The functions to invoke. * @returns {Function} Returns the new composite function. * @see _.flowRight * @example * * function square(n) { * return n * n; * } * * var addSquare = _.flow([_.add, square]); * addSquare(1, 2); * // => 9 */ var flow = createFlow(); /** * This method is like `_.flow` except that it creates a function that * invokes the given functions from right to left. * * @static * @since 3.0.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [funcs] The functions to invoke. * @returns {Function} Returns the new composite function. * @see _.flow * @example * * function square(n) { * return n * n; * } * * var addSquare = _.flowRight([square, _.add]); * addSquare(1, 2); * // => 9 */ var flowRight = createFlow(true); /** * This method returns the first argument it receives. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {*} value Any value. * @returns {*} Returns `value`. * @example * * var object = { 'a': 1 }; * * console.log(_.identity(object) === object); * // => true */ function identity(value) { return value; } /** * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the arguments of the created * function. If `func` is a property name, the created function returns the * property value for a given element. If `func` is an array or object, the * created function returns `true` for elements that contain the equivalent * source properties, otherwise it returns `false`. * * @static * @since 4.0.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {*} [func=_.identity] The value to convert to a callback. * @returns {Function} Returns the callback. * @example * * var users = [ * { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true }, * { 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'active': false } * ]; * * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand. * _.filter(users, _.iteratee({ 'user': 'barney', 'active': true })); * // => [{ 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true }] * * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand. * _.filter(users, _.iteratee(['user', 'fred'])); * // => [{ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }] * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. *, _.iteratee('user')); * // => ['barney', 'fred'] * * // Create custom iteratee shorthands. * _.iteratee = _.wrap(_.iteratee, function(iteratee, func) { * return !_.isRegExp(func) ? iteratee(func) : function(string) { * return func.test(string); * }; * }); * * _.filter(['abc', 'def'], /ef/); * // => ['def'] */ function iteratee(func) { return baseIteratee(typeof func == 'function' ? func : baseClone(func, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG)); } /** * Creates a function that performs a partial deep comparison between a given * object and `source`, returning `true` if the given object has equivalent * property values, else `false`. * * **Note:** The created function is equivalent to `_.isMatch` with `source` * partially applied. * * Partial comparisons will match empty array and empty object `source` * values against any array or object value, respectively. See `_.isEqual` * for a list of supported value comparisons. * * **Note:** Multiple values can be checked by combining several matchers * using `_.overSome` * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Util * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match. * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function. * @example * * var objects = [ * { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, * { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 } * ]; * * _.filter(objects, _.matches({ 'a': 4, 'c': 6 })); * // => [{ 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }] * * // Checking for several possible values * _.filter(objects, _.overSome([_.matches({ 'a': 1 }), _.matches({ 'a': 4 })])); * // => [{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }] */ function matches(source) { return baseMatches(baseClone(source, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG)); } /** * Creates a function that performs a partial deep comparison between the * value at `path` of a given object to `srcValue`, returning `true` if the * object value is equivalent, else `false`. * * **Note:** Partial comparisons will match empty array and empty object * `srcValue` values against any array or object value, respectively. See * `_.isEqual` for a list of supported value comparisons. * * **Note:** Multiple values can be checked by combining several matchers * using `_.overSome` * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.2.0 * @category Util * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get. * @param {*} srcValue The value to match. * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function. * @example * * var objects = [ * { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, * { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 } * ]; * * _.find(objects, _.matchesProperty('a', 4)); * // => { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 } * * // Checking for several possible values * _.filter(objects, _.overSome([_.matchesProperty('a', 1), _.matchesProperty('a', 4)])); * // => [{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }] */ function matchesProperty(path, srcValue) { return baseMatchesProperty(path, baseClone(srcValue, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG)); } /** * Creates a function that invokes the method at `path` of a given object. * Any additional arguments are provided to the invoked method. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.7.0 * @category Util * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke. * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with. * @returns {Function} Returns the new invoker function. * @example * * var objects = [ * { 'a': { 'b': _.constant(2) } }, * { 'a': { 'b': _.constant(1) } } * ]; * *, _.method('a.b')); * // => [2, 1] * *, _.method(['a', 'b'])); * // => [2, 1] */ var method = baseRest(function(path, args) { return function(object) { return baseInvoke(object, path, args); }; }); /** * The opposite of `_.method`; this method creates a function that invokes * the method at a given path of `object`. Any additional arguments are * provided to the invoked method. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.7.0 * @category Util * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with. * @returns {Function} Returns the new invoker function. * @example * * var array = _.times(3, _.constant), * object = { 'a': array, 'b': array, 'c': array }; * *['a[2]', 'c[0]'], _.methodOf(object)); * // => [2, 0] * *[['a', '2'], ['c', '0']], _.methodOf(object)); * // => [2, 0] */ var methodOf = baseRest(function(object, args) { return function(path) { return baseInvoke(object, path, args); }; }); /** * Adds all own enumerable string keyed function properties of a source * object to the destination object. If `object` is a function, then methods * are added to its prototype as well. * * **Note:** Use `_.runInContext` to create a pristine `lodash` function to * avoid conflicts caused by modifying the original. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {Function|Object} [object=lodash] The destination object. * @param {Object} source The object of functions to add. * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object. * @param {boolean} [options.chain=true] Specify whether mixins are chainable. * @returns {Function|Object} Returns `object`. * @example * * function vowels(string) { * return _.filter(string, function(v) { * return /[aeiou]/i.test(v); * }); * } * * _.mixin({ 'vowels': vowels }); * _.vowels('fred'); * // => ['e'] * * _('fred').vowels().value(); * // => ['e'] * * _.mixin({ 'vowels': vowels }, { 'chain': false }); * _('fred').vowels(); * // => ['e'] */ function mixin(object, source, options) { var props = keys(source), methodNames = baseFunctions(source, props); if (options == null && !(isObject(source) && (methodNames.length || !props.length))) { options = source; source = object; object = this; methodNames = baseFunctions(source, keys(source)); } var chain = !(isObject(options) && 'chain' in options) || !!options.chain, isFunc = isFunction(object); arrayEach(methodNames, function(methodName) { var func = source[methodName]; object[methodName] = func; if (isFunc) { object.prototype[methodName] = function() { var chainAll = this.__chain__; if (chain || chainAll) { var result = object(this.__wrapped__), actions = result.__actions__ = copyArray(this.__actions__); actions.push({ 'func': func, 'args': arguments, 'thisArg': object }); result.__chain__ = chainAll; return result; } return func.apply(object, arrayPush([this.value()], arguments)); }; } }); return object; } /** * Reverts the `_` variable to its previous value and returns a reference to * the `lodash` function. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @returns {Function} Returns the `lodash` function. * @example * * var lodash = _.noConflict(); */ function noConflict() { if (root._ === this) { root._ = oldDash; } return this; } /** * This method returns `undefined`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.3.0 * @category Util * @example * * _.times(2, _.noop); * // => [undefined, undefined] */ function noop() { // No operation performed. } /** * Creates a function that gets the argument at index `n`. If `n` is negative, * the nth argument from the end is returned. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {number} [n=0] The index of the argument to return. * @returns {Function} Returns the new pass-thru function. * @example * * var func = _.nthArg(1); * func('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); * // => 'b' * * var func = _.nthArg(-2); * func('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); * // => 'c' */ function nthArg(n) { n = toInteger(n); return baseRest(function(args) { return baseNth(args, n); }); } /** * Creates a function that invokes `iteratees` with the arguments it receives * and returns their results. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [iteratees=[_.identity]] * The iteratees to invoke. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var func = _.over([Math.max, Math.min]); * * func(1, 2, 3, 4); * // => [4, 1] */ var over = createOver(arrayMap); /** * Creates a function that checks if **all** of the `predicates` return * truthy when invoked with the arguments it receives. * * Following shorthands are possible for providing predicates. * Pass an `Object` and it will be used as an parameter for `_.matches` to create the predicate. * Pass an `Array` of parameters for `_.matchesProperty` and the predicate will be created using them. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [predicates=[_.identity]] * The predicates to check. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var func = _.overEvery([Boolean, isFinite]); * * func('1'); * // => true * * func(null); * // => false * * func(NaN); * // => false */ var overEvery = createOver(arrayEvery); /** * Creates a function that checks if **any** of the `predicates` return * truthy when invoked with the arguments it receives. * * Following shorthands are possible for providing predicates. * Pass an `Object` and it will be used as an parameter for `_.matches` to create the predicate. * Pass an `Array` of parameters for `_.matchesProperty` and the predicate will be created using them. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [predicates=[_.identity]] * The predicates to check. * @returns {Function} Returns the new function. * @example * * var func = _.overSome([Boolean, isFinite]); * * func('1'); * // => true * * func(null); * // => true * * func(NaN); * // => false * * var matchesFunc = _.overSome([{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 2 }]) * var matchesPropertyFunc = _.overSome([['a', 1], ['a', 2]]) */ var overSome = createOver(arraySome); /** * Creates a function that returns the value at `path` of a given object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 2.4.0 * @category Util * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get. * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function. * @example * * var objects = [ * { 'a': { 'b': 2 } }, * { 'a': { 'b': 1 } } * ]; * *,'a.b')); * // => [2, 1] * *,['a', 'b'])), 'a.b'); * // => [1, 2] */ function property(path) { return isKey(path) ? baseProperty(toKey(path)) : basePropertyDeep(path); } /** * The opposite of ``; this method creates a function that returns * the value at a given path of `object`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.0.0 * @category Util * @param {Object} object The object to query. * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function. * @example * * var array = [0, 1, 2], * object = { 'a': array, 'b': array, 'c': array }; * *['a[2]', 'c[0]'], _.propertyOf(object)); * // => [2, 0] * *[['a', '2'], ['c', '0']], _.propertyOf(object)); * // => [2, 0] */ function propertyOf(object) { return function(path) { return object == null ? undefined : baseGet(object, path); }; } /** * Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from * `start` up to, but not including, `end`. A step of `-1` is used if a negative * `start` is specified without an `end` or `step`. If `end` is not specified, * it's set to `start` with `start` then set to `0`. * * **Note:** JavaScript follows the IEEE-754 standard for resolving * floating-point values which can produce unexpected results. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range. * @param {number} end The end of the range. * @param {number} [step=1] The value to increment or decrement by. * @returns {Array} Returns the range of numbers. * @see _.inRange, _.rangeRight * @example * * _.range(4); * // => [0, 1, 2, 3] * * _.range(-4); * // => [0, -1, -2, -3] * * _.range(1, 5); * // => [1, 2, 3, 4] * * _.range(0, 20, 5); * // => [0, 5, 10, 15] * * _.range(0, -4, -1); * // => [0, -1, -2, -3] * * _.range(1, 4, 0); * // => [1, 1, 1] * * _.range(0); * // => [] */ var range = createRange(); /** * This method is like `_.range` except that it populates values in * descending order. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range. * @param {number} end The end of the range. * @param {number} [step=1] The value to increment or decrement by. * @returns {Array} Returns the range of numbers. * @see _.inRange, _.range * @example * * _.rangeRight(4); * // => [3, 2, 1, 0] * * _.rangeRight(-4); * // => [-3, -2, -1, 0] * * _.rangeRight(1, 5); * // => [4, 3, 2, 1] * * _.rangeRight(0, 20, 5); * // => [15, 10, 5, 0] * * _.rangeRight(0, -4, -1); * // => [-3, -2, -1, 0] * * _.rangeRight(1, 4, 0); * // => [1, 1, 1] * * _.rangeRight(0); * // => [] */ var rangeRight = createRange(true); /** * This method returns a new empty array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.13.0 * @category Util * @returns {Array} Returns the new empty array. * @example * * var arrays = _.times(2, _.stubArray); * * console.log(arrays); * // => [[], []] * * console.log(arrays[0] === arrays[1]); * // => false */ function stubArray() { return []; } /** * This method returns `false`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.13.0 * @category Util * @returns {boolean} Returns `false`. * @example * * _.times(2, _.stubFalse); * // => [false, false] */ function stubFalse() { return false; } /** * This method returns a new empty object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.13.0 * @category Util * @returns {Object} Returns the new empty object. * @example * * var objects = _.times(2, _.stubObject); * * console.log(objects); * // => [{}, {}] * * console.log(objects[0] === objects[1]); * // => false */ function stubObject() { return {}; } /** * This method returns an empty string. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.13.0 * @category Util * @returns {string} Returns the empty string. * @example * * _.times(2, _.stubString); * // => ['', ''] */ function stubString() { return ''; } /** * This method returns `true`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.13.0 * @category Util * @returns {boolean} Returns `true`. * @example * * _.times(2, _.stubTrue); * // => [true, true] */ function stubTrue() { return true; } /** * Invokes the iteratee `n` times, returning an array of the results of * each invocation. The iteratee is invoked with one argument; (index). * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {number} n The number of times to invoke `iteratee`. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration. * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results. * @example * * _.times(3, String); * // => ['0', '1', '2'] * * _.times(4, _.constant(0)); * // => [0, 0, 0, 0] */ function times(n, iteratee) { n = toInteger(n); if (n < 1 || n > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { return []; } var index = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH, length = nativeMin(n, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH); iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee); n -= MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH; var result = baseTimes(length, iteratee); while (++index < n) { iteratee(index); } return result; } /** * Converts `value` to a property path array. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Util * @param {*} value The value to convert. * @returns {Array} Returns the new property path array. * @example * * _.toPath('a.b.c'); * // => ['a', 'b', 'c'] * * _.toPath('a[0].b.c'); * // => ['a', '0', 'b', 'c'] */ function toPath(value) { if (isArray(value)) { return arrayMap(value, toKey); } return isSymbol(value) ? [value] : copyArray(stringToPath(toString(value))); } /** * Generates a unique ID. If `prefix` is given, the ID is appended to it. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Util * @param {string} [prefix=''] The value to prefix the ID with. * @returns {string} Returns the unique ID. * @example * * _.uniqueId('contact_'); * // => 'contact_104' * * _.uniqueId(); * // => '105' */ function uniqueId(prefix) { var id = ++idCounter; return toString(prefix) + id; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Adds two numbers. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.4.0 * @category Math * @param {number} augend The first number in an addition. * @param {number} addend The second number in an addition. * @returns {number} Returns the total. * @example * * _.add(6, 4); * // => 10 */ var add = createMathOperation(function(augend, addend) { return augend + addend; }, 0); /** * Computes `number` rounded up to `precision`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.10.0 * @category Math * @param {number} number The number to round up. * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round up to. * @returns {number} Returns the rounded up number. * @example * * _.ceil(4.006); * // => 5 * * _.ceil(6.004, 2); * // => 6.01 * * _.ceil(6040, -2); * // => 6100 */ var ceil = createRound('ceil'); /** * Divide two numbers. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.7.0 * @category Math * @param {number} dividend The first number in a division. * @param {number} divisor The second number in a division. * @returns {number} Returns the quotient. * @example * * _.divide(6, 4); * // => 1.5 */ var divide = createMathOperation(function(dividend, divisor) { return dividend / divisor; }, 1); /** * Computes `number` rounded down to `precision`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.10.0 * @category Math * @param {number} number The number to round down. * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round down to. * @returns {number} Returns the rounded down number. * @example * * _.floor(4.006); * // => 4 * * _.floor(0.046, 2); * // => 0.04 * * _.floor(4060, -2); * // => 4000 */ var floor = createRound('floor'); /** * Computes the maximum value of `array`. If `array` is empty or falsey, * `undefined` is returned. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value. * @example * * _.max([4, 2, 8, 6]); * // => 8 * * _.max([]); * // => undefined */ function max(array) { return (array && array.length) ? baseExtremum(array, identity, baseGt) : undefined; } /** * This method is like `_.max` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which * the value is ranked. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'n': 1 }, { 'n': 2 }]; * * _.maxBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; }); * // => { 'n': 2 } * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.maxBy(objects, 'n'); * // => { 'n': 2 } */ function maxBy(array, iteratee) { return (array && array.length) ? baseExtremum(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), baseGt) : undefined; } /** * Computes the mean of the values in `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @returns {number} Returns the mean. * @example * * _.mean([4, 2, 8, 6]); * // => 5 */ function mean(array) { return baseMean(array, identity); } /** * This method is like `_.mean` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the value to be averaged. * The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.7.0 * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {number} Returns the mean. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'n': 4 }, { 'n': 2 }, { 'n': 8 }, { 'n': 6 }]; * * _.meanBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; }); * // => 5 * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.meanBy(objects, 'n'); * // => 5 */ function meanBy(array, iteratee) { return baseMean(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)); } /** * Computes the minimum value of `array`. If `array` is empty or falsey, * `undefined` is returned. * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @memberOf _ * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value. * @example * * _.min([4, 2, 8, 6]); * // => 2 * * _.min([]); * // => undefined */ function min(array) { return (array && array.length) ? baseExtremum(array, identity, baseLt) : undefined; } /** * This method is like `_.min` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which * the value is ranked. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'n': 1 }, { 'n': 2 }]; * * _.minBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; }); * // => { 'n': 1 } * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.minBy(objects, 'n'); * // => { 'n': 1 } */ function minBy(array, iteratee) { return (array && array.length) ? baseExtremum(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), baseLt) : undefined; } /** * Multiply two numbers. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.7.0 * @category Math * @param {number} multiplier The first number in a multiplication. * @param {number} multiplicand The second number in a multiplication. * @returns {number} Returns the product. * @example * * _.multiply(6, 4); * // => 24 */ var multiply = createMathOperation(function(multiplier, multiplicand) { return multiplier * multiplicand; }, 1); /** * Computes `number` rounded to `precision`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.10.0 * @category Math * @param {number} number The number to round. * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round to. * @returns {number} Returns the rounded number. * @example * * _.round(4.006); * // => 4 * * _.round(4.006, 2); * // => 4.01 * * _.round(4060, -2); * // => 4100 */ var round = createRound('round'); /** * Subtract two numbers. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Math * @param {number} minuend The first number in a subtraction. * @param {number} subtrahend The second number in a subtraction. * @returns {number} Returns the difference. * @example * * _.subtract(6, 4); * // => 2 */ var subtract = createMathOperation(function(minuend, subtrahend) { return minuend - subtrahend; }, 0); /** * Computes the sum of the values in `array`. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 3.4.0 * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @returns {number} Returns the sum. * @example * * _.sum([4, 2, 8, 6]); * // => 20 */ function sum(array) { return (array && array.length) ? baseSum(array, identity) : 0; } /** * This method is like `_.sum` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the value to be summed. * The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @since 4.0.0 * @category Math * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element. * @returns {number} Returns the sum. * @example * * var objects = [{ 'n': 4 }, { 'n': 2 }, { 'n': 8 }, { 'n': 6 }]; * * _.sumBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; }); * // => 20 * * // The `` iteratee shorthand. * _.sumBy(objects, 'n'); * // => 20 */ function sumBy(array, iteratee) { return (array && array.length) ? baseSum(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)) : 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Add methods that return wrapped values in chain sequences. lodash.after = after; lodash.ary = ary; lodash.assign = assign; lodash.assignIn = assignIn; lodash.assignInWith = assignInWith; lodash.assignWith = assignWith; = at; lodash.before = before; lodash.bind = bind; lodash.bindAll = bindAll; lodash.bindKey = bindKey; lodash.castArray = castArray; lodash.chain = chain; lodash.chunk = chunk; lodash.compact = compact; lodash.concat = concat; lodash.cond = cond; lodash.conforms = conforms; lodash.constant = constant; lodash.countBy = countBy; lodash.create = create; lodash.curry = curry; lodash.curryRight = curryRight; lodash.debounce = debounce; lodash.defaults = defaults; lodash.defaultsDeep = defaultsDeep; lodash.defer = defer; lodash.delay = delay; lodash.difference = difference; lodash.differenceBy = differenceBy; lodash.differenceWith = differenceWith; lodash.drop = drop; lodash.dropRight = dropRight; lodash.dropRightWhile = dropRightWhile; lodash.dropWhile = dropWhile; lodash.fill = fill; lodash.filter = filter; lodash.flatMap = flatMap; lodash.flatMapDeep = flatMapDeep; lodash.flatMapDepth = flatMapDepth; lodash.flatten = flatten; lodash.flattenDeep = flattenDeep; lodash.flattenDepth = flattenDepth; lodash.flip = flip; lodash.flow = flow; lodash.flowRight = flowRight; lodash.fromPairs = fromPairs; lodash.functions = functions; lodash.functionsIn = functionsIn; lodash.groupBy = groupBy; lodash.initial = initial; lodash.intersection = intersection; lodash.intersectionBy = intersectionBy; lodash.intersectionWith = intersectionWith; lodash.invert = invert; lodash.invertBy = invertBy; lodash.invokeMap = invokeMap; lodash.iteratee = iteratee; lodash.keyBy = keyBy; lodash.keys = keys; lodash.keysIn = keysIn; = map; lodash.mapKeys = mapKeys; lodash.mapValues = mapValues; lodash.matches = matches; lodash.matchesProperty = matchesProperty; lodash.memoize = memoize; lodash.merge = merge; lodash.mergeWith = mergeWith; lodash.method = method; lodash.methodOf = methodOf; lodash.mixin = mixin; lodash.negate = negate; lodash.nthArg = nthArg; lodash.omit = omit; lodash.omitBy = omitBy; lodash.once = once; lodash.orderBy = orderBy; lodash.over = over; lodash.overArgs = overArgs; lodash.overEvery = overEvery; lodash.overSome = overSome; lodash.partial = partial; lodash.partialRight = partialRight; lodash.partition = partition; lodash.pick = pick; lodash.pickBy = pickBy; = property; lodash.propertyOf = propertyOf; lodash.pull = pull; lodash.pullAll = pullAll; lodash.pullAllBy = pullAllBy; lodash.pullAllWith = pullAllWith; lodash.pullAt = pullAt; lodash.range = range; lodash.rangeRight = rangeRight; lodash.rearg = rearg; lodash.reject = reject; lodash.remove = remove; = rest; lodash.reverse = reverse; lodash.sampleSize = sampleSize; lodash.set = set; lodash.setWith = setWith; lodash.shuffle = shuffle; lodash.slice = slice; lodash.sortBy = sortBy; lodash.sortedUniq = sortedUniq; lodash.sortedUniqBy = sortedUniqBy; lodash.split = split; lodash.spread = spread; lodash.tail = tail; lodash.take = take; lodash.takeRight = takeRight; lodash.takeRightWhile = takeRightWhile; lodash.takeWhile = takeWhile; lodash.tap = tap; lodash.throttle = throttle; lodash.thru = thru; lodash.toArray = toArray; lodash.toPairs = toPairs; lodash.toPairsIn = toPairsIn; lodash.toPath = toPath; lodash.toPlainObject = toPlainObject; lodash.transform = transform; lodash.unary = unary; lodash.union = union; lodash.unionBy = unionBy; lodash.unionWith = unionWith; lodash.uniq = uniq; lodash.uniqBy = uniqBy; lodash.uniqWith = uniqWith; lodash.unset = unset; lodash.unzip = unzip; lodash.unzipWith = unzipWith; lodash.update = update; lodash.updateWith = updateWith; lodash.values = values; lodash.valuesIn = valuesIn; lodash.without = without; lodash.words = words; lodash.wrap = wrap; lodash.xor = xor; lodash.xorBy = xorBy; lodash.xorWith = xorWith; = zip; lodash.zipObject = zipObject; lodash.zipObjectDeep = zipObjectDeep; lodash.zipWith = zipWith; // Add aliases. lodash.entries = toPairs; lodash.entriesIn = toPairsIn; lodash.extend = assignIn; lodash.extendWith = assignInWith; // Add methods to `lodash.prototype`. mixin(lodash, lodash); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Add methods that return unwrapped values in chain sequences. lodash.add = add; lodash.attempt = attempt; lodash.camelCase = camelCase; lodash.capitalize = capitalize; lodash.ceil = ceil; lodash.clamp = clamp; lodash.clone = clone; lodash.cloneDeep = cloneDeep; lodash.cloneDeepWith = cloneDeepWith; lodash.cloneWith = cloneWith; lodash.conformsTo = conformsTo; lodash.deburr = deburr; lodash.defaultTo = defaultTo; lodash.divide = divide; lodash.endsWith = endsWith; lodash.eq = eq; lodash.escape = escape; lodash.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp; lodash.every = every; lodash.find = find; lodash.findIndex = findIndex; lodash.findKey = findKey; lodash.findLast = findLast; lodash.findLastIndex = findLastIndex; lodash.findLastKey = findLastKey; lodash.floor = floor; lodash.forEach = forEach; lodash.forEachRight = forEachRight; lodash.forIn = forIn; lodash.forInRight = forInRight; lodash.forOwn = forOwn; lodash.forOwnRight = forOwnRight; lodash.get = get; = gt; lodash.gte = gte; lodash.has = has; lodash.hasIn = hasIn; lodash.head = head; lodash.identity = identity; lodash.includes = includes; lodash.indexOf = indexOf; lodash.inRange = inRange; lodash.invoke = invoke; lodash.isArguments = isArguments; lodash.isArray = isArray; lodash.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer; lodash.isArrayLike = isArrayLike; lodash.isArrayLikeObject = isArrayLikeObject; lodash.isBoolean = isBoolean; lodash.isBuffer = isBuffer; lodash.isDate = isDate; lodash.isElement = isElement; lodash.isEmpty = isEmpty; lodash.isEqual = isEqual; lodash.isEqualWith = isEqualWith; lodash.isError = isError; lodash.isFinite = isFinite; lodash.isFunction = isFunction; lodash.isInteger = isInteger; lodash.isLength = isLength; lodash.isMap = isMap; lodash.isMatch = isMatch; lodash.isMatchWith = isMatchWith; lodash.isNaN = isNaN; lodash.isNative = isNative; lodash.isNil = isNil; lodash.isNull = isNull; lodash.isNumber = isNumber; lodash.isObject = isObject; lodash.isObjectLike = isObjectLike; lodash.isPlainObject = isPlainObject; lodash.isRegExp = isRegExp; lodash.isSafeInteger = isSafeInteger; lodash.isSet = isSet; lodash.isString = isString; lodash.isSymbol = isSymbol; lodash.isTypedArray = isTypedArray; lodash.isUndefined = isUndefined; lodash.isWeakMap = isWeakMap; lodash.isWeakSet = isWeakSet; lodash.join = join; lodash.kebabCase = kebabCase; lodash.last = last; lodash.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf; lodash.lowerCase = lowerCase; lodash.lowerFirst = lowerFirst; = lt; lodash.lte = lte; lodash.max = max; lodash.maxBy = maxBy; lodash.mean = mean; lodash.meanBy = meanBy; lodash.min = min; lodash.minBy = minBy; lodash.stubArray = stubArray; lodash.stubFalse = stubFalse; lodash.stubObject = stubObject; lodash.stubString = stubString; lodash.stubTrue = stubTrue; lodash.multiply = multiply; lodash.nth = nth; lodash.noConflict = noConflict; lodash.noop = noop; = now; lodash.pad = pad; lodash.padEnd = padEnd; lodash.padStart = padStart; lodash.parseInt = parseInt; lodash.random = random; lodash.reduce = reduce; lodash.reduceRight = reduceRight; lodash.repeat = repeat; lodash.replace = replace; lodash.result = result; lodash.round = round; lodash.runInContext = runInContext; lodash.sample = sample; lodash.size = size; lodash.snakeCase = snakeCase; lodash.some = some; lodash.sortedIndex = sortedIndex; lodash.sortedIndexBy = sortedIndexBy; lodash.sortedIndexOf = sortedIndexOf; lodash.sortedLastIndex = sortedLastIndex; lodash.sortedLastIndexBy = sortedLastIndexBy; lodash.sortedLastIndexOf = sortedLastIndexOf; lodash.startCase = startCase; lodash.startsWith = startsWith; lodash.subtract = subtract; lodash.sum = sum; lodash.sumBy = sumBy; lodash.template = template; lodash.times = times; lodash.toFinite = toFinite; lodash.toInteger = toInteger; lodash.toLength = toLength; lodash.toLower = toLower; lodash.toNumber = toNumber; lodash.toSafeInteger = toSafeInteger; lodash.toString = toString; lodash.toUpper = toUpper; lodash.trim = trim; lodash.trimEnd = trimEnd; lodash.trimStart = trimStart; lodash.truncate = truncate; lodash.unescape = unescape; lodash.uniqueId = uniqueId; lodash.upperCase = upperCase; lodash.upperFirst = upperFirst; // Add aliases. lodash.each = forEach; lodash.eachRight = forEachRight; lodash.first = head; mixin(lodash, (function() { var source = {}; baseForOwn(lodash, function(func, methodName) { if (!, methodName)) { source[methodName] = func; } }); return source; }()), { 'chain': false }); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * The semantic version number. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @type {string} */ lodash.VERSION = VERSION; // Assign default placeholders. arrayEach(['bind', 'bindKey', 'curry', 'curryRight', 'partial', 'partialRight'], function(methodName) { lodash[methodName].placeholder = lodash; }); // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.drop` and `_.take` variants. arrayEach(['drop', 'take'], function(methodName, index) { LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function(n) { n = n === undefined ? 1 : nativeMax(toInteger(n), 0); var result = (this.__filtered__ && !index) ? new LazyWrapper(this) : this.clone(); if (result.__filtered__) { result.__takeCount__ = nativeMin(n, result.__takeCount__); } else { result.__views__.push({ 'size': nativeMin(n, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH), 'type': methodName + (result.__dir__ < 0 ? 'Right' : '') }); } return result; }; LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName + 'Right'] = function(n) { return this.reverse()[methodName](n).reverse(); }; }); // Add `LazyWrapper` methods that accept an `iteratee` value. arrayEach(['filter', 'map', 'takeWhile'], function(methodName, index) { var type = index + 1, isFilter = type == LAZY_FILTER_FLAG || type == LAZY_WHILE_FLAG; LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function(iteratee) { var result = this.clone(); result.__iteratees__.push({ 'iteratee': getIteratee(iteratee, 3), 'type': type }); result.__filtered__ = result.__filtered__ || isFilter; return result; }; }); // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.head` and `_.last`. arrayEach(['head', 'last'], function(methodName, index) { var takeName = 'take' + (index ? 'Right' : ''); LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function() { return this[takeName](1).value()[0]; }; }); // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.initial` and `_.tail`. arrayEach(['initial', 'tail'], function(methodName, index) { var dropName = 'drop' + (index ? '' : 'Right'); LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function() { return this.__filtered__ ? new LazyWrapper(this) : this[dropName](1); }; }); LazyWrapper.prototype.compact = function() { return this.filter(identity); }; LazyWrapper.prototype.find = function(predicate) { return this.filter(predicate).head(); }; LazyWrapper.prototype.findLast = function(predicate) { return this.reverse().find(predicate); }; LazyWrapper.prototype.invokeMap = baseRest(function(path, args) { if (typeof path == 'function') { return new LazyWrapper(this); } return { return baseInvoke(value, path, args); }); }); LazyWrapper.prototype.reject = function(predicate) { return this.filter(negate(getIteratee(predicate))); }; LazyWrapper.prototype.slice = function(start, end) { start = toInteger(start); var result = this; if (result.__filtered__ && (start > 0 || end < 0)) { return new LazyWrapper(result); } if (start < 0) { result = result.takeRight(-start); } else if (start) { result = result.drop(start); } if (end !== undefined) { end = toInteger(end); result = end < 0 ? result.dropRight(-end) : result.take(end - start); } return result; }; LazyWrapper.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(predicate) { return this.reverse().takeWhile(predicate).reverse(); }; LazyWrapper.prototype.toArray = function() { return this.take(MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH); }; // Add `LazyWrapper` methods to `lodash.prototype`. baseForOwn(LazyWrapper.prototype, function(func, methodName) { var checkIteratee = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(methodName), isTaker = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(methodName), lodashFunc = lodash[isTaker ? ('take' + (methodName == 'last' ? 'Right' : '')) : methodName], retUnwrapped = isTaker || /^find/.test(methodName); if (!lodashFunc) { return; } lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() { var value = this.__wrapped__, args = isTaker ? [1] : arguments, isLazy = value instanceof LazyWrapper, iteratee = args[0], useLazy = isLazy || isArray(value); var interceptor = function(value) { var result = lodashFunc.apply(lodash, arrayPush([value], args)); return (isTaker && chainAll) ? result[0] : result; }; if (useLazy && checkIteratee && typeof iteratee == 'function' && iteratee.length != 1) { // Avoid lazy use if the iteratee has a "length" value other than `1`. isLazy = useLazy = false; } var chainAll = this.__chain__, isHybrid = !!this.__actions__.length, isUnwrapped = retUnwrapped && !chainAll, onlyLazy = isLazy && !isHybrid; if (!retUnwrapped && useLazy) { value = onlyLazy ? value : new LazyWrapper(this); var result = func.apply(value, args); result.__actions__.push({ 'func': thru, 'args': [interceptor], 'thisArg': undefined }); return new LodashWrapper(result, chainAll); } if (isUnwrapped && onlyLazy) { return func.apply(this, args); } result = this.thru(interceptor); return isUnwrapped ? (isTaker ? result.value()[0] : result.value()) : result; }; }); // Add `Array` methods to `lodash.prototype`. arrayEach(['pop', 'push', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(methodName) { var func = arrayProto[methodName], chainName = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(methodName) ? 'tap' : 'thru', retUnwrapped = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(methodName); lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() { var args = arguments; if (retUnwrapped && !this.__chain__) { var value = this.value(); return func.apply(isArray(value) ? value : [], args); } return this[chainName](function(value) { return func.apply(isArray(value) ? value : [], args); }); }; }); // Map minified method names to their real names. baseForOwn(LazyWrapper.prototype, function(func, methodName) { var lodashFunc = lodash[methodName]; if (lodashFunc) { var key = + ''; if (!, key)) { realNames[key] = []; } realNames[key].push({ 'name': methodName, 'func': lodashFunc }); } }); realNames[createHybrid(undefined, WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG).name] = [{ 'name': 'wrapper', 'func': undefined }]; // Add methods to `LazyWrapper`. LazyWrapper.prototype.clone = lazyClone; LazyWrapper.prototype.reverse = lazyReverse; LazyWrapper.prototype.value = lazyValue; // Add chain sequence methods to the `lodash` wrapper. = wrapperAt; lodash.prototype.chain = wrapperChain; lodash.prototype.commit = wrapperCommit; = wrapperNext; lodash.prototype.plant = wrapperPlant; lodash.prototype.reverse = wrapperReverse; lodash.prototype.toJSON = lodash.prototype.valueOf = lodash.prototype.value = wrapperValue; // Add lazy aliases. lodash.prototype.first = lodash.prototype.head; if (symIterator) { lodash.prototype[symIterator] = wrapperToIterator; } return lodash; }); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Export lodash. var _ = runInContext(); // Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for condition patterns like: if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) { // Expose Lodash on the global object to prevent errors when Lodash is // loaded by a script tag in the presence of an AMD loader. // See for more details. // Use `_.noConflict` to remove Lodash from the global object. root._ = _; // Define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be // referenced as the "underscore" module. define(function() { return _; }); } // Check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds it. else if (freeModule) { // Export for Node.js. (freeModule.exports = _)._ = _; // Export for CommonJS support. freeExports._ = _; } else { // Export to the global object. root._ = _; } }.call(this)); PK�������!�{P&��&����vendor/wp-polyfill-fetch.min.jsnu�[��������!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],e):e(t.WHATWGFetch={})}(this,(function(t){"use strict";var e,r,o="undefined"!=typeof globalThis&&globalThis||"undefined"!=typeof self&&self||"undefined"!=typeof global&&global||{},n="URLSearchParams"in o,i="Symbol"in o&&"iterator"in Symbol,s="FileReader"in o&&"Blob"in o&&function(){try{return new Blob,!0}catch(t){return!1}}(),a="FormData"in o,h="ArrayBuffer"in o;function u(t){if("string"!=typeof t&&(t=String(t)),/[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(t)||""===t)throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name: "'+t+'"');return t.toLowerCase()}function f(t){return"string"!=typeof t?String(t):t}function d(t){var e={next:function(){var e=t.shift();return{done:void 0===e,value:e}}};return i&&(e[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return e}),e}function c(t){{},t instanceof c?t.forEach((function(t,e){this.append(e,t)}),this):Array.isArray(t)?t.forEach((function(t){if(2!=t.length)throw new TypeError("Headers constructor: expected name/value pair to be length 2, found"+t.length);this.append(t[0],t[1])}),this):t&&Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).forEach((function(e){this.append(e,t[e])}),this)}function y(t){if(!t._noBody)return t.bodyUsed?Promise.reject(new TypeError("Already read")):void(t.bodyUsed=!0)}function p(t){return new Promise((function(e,r){t.onload=function(){e(t.result)},t.onerror=function(){r(t.error)}}))}function l(t){var e=new FileReader,r=p(e);return e.readAsArrayBuffer(t),r}function b(t){var e;return t.slice?t.slice(0):((e=new Uint8Array(t.byteLength)).set(new Uint8Array(t)),e.buffer)}function m(){return this.bodyUsed=!1,this._initBody=function(t){var e;this.bodyUsed=this.bodyUsed,(this._bodyInit=t)?"string"==typeof t?this._bodyText=t:s&&Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t)?this._bodyBlob=t:a&&FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t)?this._bodyFormData=t:n&&URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t)?this._bodyText=t.toString():h&&s&&(e=t)&&DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)?(this._bodyArrayBuffer=b(t.buffer),this._bodyInit=new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])):h&&(ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t)||r(t))?this._bodyArrayBuffer=b(t)!0,this._bodyText=""),this.headers.get("content-type")||("string"==typeof t?this.headers.set("content-type","text/plain;charset=UTF-8"):this._bodyBlob&&this._bodyBlob.type?this.headers.set("content-type",this._bodyBlob.type):n&&URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t)&&this.headers.set("content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"))},s&&(this.blob=function(){var t=y(this);if(t)return t;if(this._bodyBlob)return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob);if(this._bodyArrayBuffer)return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]));if(this._bodyFormData)throw new Error("could not read FormData body as blob");return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText]))}),this.arrayBuffer=function(){if(this._bodyArrayBuffer)return y(this)||(ArrayBuffer.isView(this._bodyArrayBuffer)?Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer.buffer.slice(this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset,this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset+this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteLength)):Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer));if(s)return this.blob().then(l);throw new Error("could not read as ArrayBuffer")},this.text=function(){var t,e,r,o=y(this);if(o)return o;if(this._bodyBlob)return o=this._bodyBlob,e=p(t=new FileReader),r=(r=/charset=([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/.exec(o.type))?r[1]:"utf-8",t.readAsText(o,r),e;if(this._bodyArrayBuffer)return Promise.resolve(function(t){for(var e=new Uint8Array(t),r=new Array(e.length),o=0;o<e.length;o++)r[o]=String.fromCharCode(e[o]);return r.join("")}(this._bodyArrayBuffer));if(this._bodyFormData)throw new Error("could not read FormData body as text");return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText)},a&&(this.formData=function(){return this.text().then(A)}),this.json=function(){return this.text().then(JSON.parse)},this}h&&(e=["[object Int8Array]","[object Uint8Array]","[object Uint8ClampedArray]","[object Int16Array]","[object Uint16Array]","[object Int32Array]","[object Uint32Array]","[object Float32Array]","[object Float64Array]"],r=ArrayBuffer.isView||function(t){return t&&-1<e.indexOf(}),c.prototype.append=function(t,e){t=u(t),e=f(e);var[t];[t]=r?r+", "+e:e},c.prototype.delete=function(t){delete[u(t)]},c.prototype.get=function(t){return t=u(t),this.has(t)?[t]:null},c.prototype.has=function(t){return},c.prototype.set=function(t,e){[u(t)]=f(e)},c.prototype.forEach=function(t,e){for(var r in,[r],r,this)},c.prototype.keys=function(){var t=[];return this.forEach((function(e,r){t.push(r)})),d(t)},c.prototype.values=function(){var t=[];return this.forEach((function(e){t.push(e)})),d(t)},c.prototype.entries=function(){var t=[];return this.forEach((function(e,r){t.push([r,e])})),d(t)},i&&(c.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=c.prototype.entries);var w=["CONNECT","DELETE","GET","HEAD","OPTIONS","PATCH","POST","PUT","TRACE"];function E(t,e){if(!(this instanceof E))throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.');var r,n=(e=e||{}).body;if(t instanceof E){if(t.bodyUsed)throw new TypeError("Already read");this.url=t.url,this.credentials=t.credentials,e.headers||(this.headers=new c(t.headers)),this.method=t.method,this.mode=t.mode,this.signal=t.signal,n||null==t._bodyInit||(n=t._bodyInit,t.bodyUsed=!0)}else this.url=String(t);if(this.credentials=e.credentials||this.credentials||"same-origin",!e.headers&&this.headers||(this.headers=new c(e.headers)),this.method=(r=(t=e.method||this.method||"GET").toUpperCase(),-1<w.indexOf(r)?r:t),this.mode=e.mode||this.mode||null,this.signal=e.signal||this.signal||function(){if("AbortController"in o)return(new AbortController).signal}(),this.referrer=null,("GET"===this.method||"HEAD"===this.method)&&n)throw new TypeError("Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests");this._initBody(n),"GET"!==this.method&&"HEAD"!==this.method||"no-store"!==e.cache&&"no-cache"!==e.cache||((r=/([?&])_=[^&]*/).test(this.url)?this.url=this.url.replace(r,"$1_="+(new Date).getTime()):this.url+=(/\?/.test(this.url)?"&":"?")+"_="+(new Date).getTime())}function A(t){var e=new FormData;return t.trim().split("&").forEach((function(t){var r;t&&(r=(t=t.split("=")).shift().replace(/\+/g," "),t=t.join("=").replace(/\+/g," "),e.append(decodeURIComponent(r),decodeURIComponent(t)))})),e}function g(t,e){if(!(this instanceof g))throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.');if(e=e||{},this.type="default",this.status=void 0===e.status?200:e.status,this.status<200||599<this.status)throw new RangeError("Failed to construct 'Response': The status provided (0) is outside the range [200, 599].");this.ok=200<=this.status&&this.status<300,this.statusText=void 0===e.statusText?"":""+e.statusText,this.headers=new c(e.headers),this.url=e.url||"",this._initBody(t)}E.prototype.clone=function(){return new E(this,{body:this._bodyInit})},,,g.prototype.clone=function(){return new g(this._bodyInit,{status:this.status,statusText:this.statusText,headers:new c(this.headers),url:this.url})},g.error=function(){var t=new g(null,{status:200,statusText:""});return t.status=0,t.type="error",t};var T=[301,302,303,307,308];g.redirect=function(t,e){if(-1===T.indexOf(e))throw new RangeError("Invalid status code");return new g(null,{status:e,headers:{location:t}})},t.DOMException=o.DOMException;try{new t.DOMException}catch(d){t.DOMException=function(t,e){this.message=t,,e=Error(t),this.stack=e.stack},t.DOMException.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),t.DOMException.prototype.constructor=t.DOMException}function _(e,r){return new Promise((function(n,i){var a=new E(e,r);if(a.signal&&a.signal.aborted)return i(new t.DOMException("Aborted","AbortError"));var d,y=new XMLHttpRequest;function p(){y.abort()}y.onload=function(){var t,e,r={status:y.status,statusText:y.statusText,headers:(t=y.getAllResponseHeaders()||"",e=new c,t.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g," ").split("\r").map((function(t){return 0===t.indexOf("\n")?t.substr(1,t.length):t})).forEach((function(t){var r=(t=t.split(":")).shift().trim();if(r){t=t.join(":").trim();try{e.append(r,t)}catch(t){console.warn("Response "+t.message)}}})),e)},o=(r.url="responseURL"in y?y.responseURL:r.headers.get("X-Request-URL"),"response"in y?y.response:y.responseText);setTimeout((function(){n(new g(o,r))}),0)},y.onerror=function(){setTimeout((function(){i(new TypeError("Network request failed"))}),0)},y.ontimeout=function(){setTimeout((function(){i(new TypeError("Network request failed"))}),0)},y.onabort=function(){setTimeout((function(){i(new t.DOMException("Aborted","AbortError"))}),0)},,function(t){try{return""===t&&o.location.href?o.location.href:t}catch(e){return t}}(a.url),!0),"include"===a.credentials?y.withCredentials=!0:"omit"===a.credentials&&(y.withCredentials=!1),"responseType"in y&&(s?y.responseType="blob":h&&(y.responseType="arraybuffer")),r&&"object"==typeof r.headers&&!(r.headers instanceof c||o.Headers&&r.headers instanceof o.Headers)?(d=[],Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r.headers).forEach((function(t){d.push(u(t)),y.setRequestHeader(t,f(r.headers[t]))})),a.headers.forEach((function(t,e){-1===d.indexOf(e)&&y.setRequestHeader(e,t)}))):a.headers.forEach((function(t,e){y.setRequestHeader(e,t)})),a.signal&&(a.signal.addEventListener("abort",p),y.onreadystatechange=function(){4===y.readyState&&a.signal.removeEventListener("abort",p)}),y.send(void 0===a._bodyInit?null:a._bodyInit)}))}_.polyfill=!0,o.fetch||(o.fetch=_,o.Headers=c,o.Request=E,o.Response=g),t.Headers=c,t.Request=E,t.Response=g,t.fetch=_,Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));PK�������!�^2Ua��a��"��vendor/wp-polyfill-dom-rect.min.jsnu�[��������!function(){function e(e){return void 0===e?0:Number(e)}function n(e,n){return!(e===n||isNaN(e)&&isNaN(n))}self.DOMRect=function(t,i,u,r){var o,f,c,a,m=e(t),b=e(i),d=e(u),g=e(r);Object.defineProperties(this,{x:{get:function(){return m},set:function(e){n(m,e)&&(m=e,o=f=void 0)},enumerable:!0},y:{get:function(){return b},set:function(e){n(b,e)&&(b=e,c=a=void 0)},enumerable:!0},width:{get:function(){return d},set:function(e){n(d,e)&&(d=e,o=f=void 0)},enumerable:!0},height:{get:function(){return g},set:function(e){n(g,e)&&(g=e,c=a=void 0)},enumerable:!0},left:{get:function(){return o=void 0===o?m+Math.min(0,d):o},enumerable:!0},right:{get:function(){return f=void 0===f?m+Math.max(0,d):f},enumerable:!0},top:{get:function(){return c=void 0===c?b+Math.min(0,g):c},enumerable:!0},bottom:{get:function(){return a=void 0===a?b+Math.max(0,g):a},enumerable:!0}})}}();PK�������!�b ����)��vendor/wp-polyfill-element-closest.min.jsnu�[��������!function(e){var t=window.Element.prototype;"function"!=typeof t.matches&&(t.matches=t.msMatchesSelector||t.mozMatchesSelector||t.webkitMatchesSelector||function(e){for(var t=(this.document||this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(e),o=0;t[o]&&t[o]!==this;)++o;return Boolean(t[o])}),"function"!=typeof t.closest&&(t.closest=function(e){for(var t=this;t&&1===t.nodeType;){if(t.matches(e))return t;t=t.parentNode}return null})}();PK�������!�3 � ���vendor/moment.jsnu�[��������//! moment.js //! version : 2.29.4 //! authors : Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors //! license : MIT //! ;(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : global.moment = factory() }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; var hookCallback; function hooks() { return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments); } // This is done to register the method called with moment() // without creating circular dependencies. function setHookCallback(callback) { hookCallback = callback; } function isArray(input) { return ( input instanceof Array || === '[object Array]' ); } function isObject(input) { // IE8 will treat undefined and null as object if it wasn't for // input != null return ( input != null && === '[object Object]' ); } function hasOwnProp(a, b) { return, b); } function isObjectEmpty(obj) { if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length === 0; } else { var k; for (k in obj) { if (hasOwnProp(obj, k)) { return false; } } return true; } } function isUndefined(input) { return input === void 0; } function isNumber(input) { return ( typeof input === 'number' || === '[object Number]' ); } function isDate(input) { return ( input instanceof Date || === '[object Date]' ); } function map(arr, fn) { var res = [], i, arrLen = arr.length; for (i = 0; i < arrLen; ++i) { res.push(fn(arr[i], i)); } return res; } function extend(a, b) { for (var i in b) { if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) { a[i] = b[i]; } } if (hasOwnProp(b, 'toString')) { a.toString = b.toString; } if (hasOwnProp(b, 'valueOf')) { a.valueOf = b.valueOf; } return a; } function createUTC(input, format, locale, strict) { return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, true).utc(); } function defaultParsingFlags() { // We need to deep clone this object. return { empty: false, unusedTokens: [], unusedInput: [], overflow: -2, charsLeftOver: 0, nullInput: false, invalidEra: null, invalidMonth: null, invalidFormat: false, userInvalidated: false, iso: false, parsedDateParts: [], era: null, meridiem: null, rfc2822: false, weekdayMismatch: false, }; } function getParsingFlags(m) { if (m._pf == null) { m._pf = defaultParsingFlags(); } return m._pf; } var some; if (Array.prototype.some) { some = Array.prototype.some; } else { some = function (fun) { var t = Object(this), len = t.length >>> 0, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in t &&, t[i], i, t)) { return true; } } return false; }; } function isValid(m) { if (m._isValid == null) { var flags = getParsingFlags(m), parsedParts =, function (i) { return i != null; }), isNowValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) && flags.overflow < 0 && !flags.empty && !flags.invalidEra && !flags.invalidMonth && !flags.invalidWeekday && !flags.weekdayMismatch && !flags.nullInput && !flags.invalidFormat && !flags.userInvalidated && (!flags.meridiem || (flags.meridiem && parsedParts)); if (m._strict) { isNowValid = isNowValid && flags.charsLeftOver === 0 && flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 && flags.bigHour === undefined; } if (Object.isFrozen == null || !Object.isFrozen(m)) { m._isValid = isNowValid; } else { return isNowValid; } } return m._isValid; } function createInvalid(flags) { var m = createUTC(NaN); if (flags != null) { extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags); } else { getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true; } return m; } // Plugins that add properties should also add the key here (null value), // so we can properly clone ourselves. var momentProperties = (hooks.momentProperties = []), updateInProgress = false; function copyConfig(to, from) { var i, prop, val, momentPropertiesLen = momentProperties.length; if (!isUndefined(from._isAMomentObject)) { to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject; } if (!isUndefined(from._i)) { to._i = from._i; } if (!isUndefined(from._f)) { to._f = from._f; } if (!isUndefined(from._l)) { to._l = from._l; } if (!isUndefined(from._strict)) { to._strict = from._strict; } if (!isUndefined(from._tzm)) { to._tzm = from._tzm; } if (!isUndefined(from._isUTC)) { to._isUTC = from._isUTC; } if (!isUndefined(from._offset)) { to._offset = from._offset; } if (!isUndefined(from._pf)) { to._pf = getParsingFlags(from); } if (!isUndefined(from._locale)) { to._locale = from._locale; } if (momentPropertiesLen > 0) { for (i = 0; i < momentPropertiesLen; i++) { prop = momentProperties[i]; val = from[prop]; if (!isUndefined(val)) { to[prop] = val; } } } return to; } // Moment prototype object function Moment(config) { copyConfig(this, config); this._d = new Date(config._d != null ? config._d.getTime() : NaN); if (!this.isValid()) { this._d = new Date(NaN); } // Prevent infinite loop in case updateOffset creates new moment // objects. if (updateInProgress === false) { updateInProgress = true; hooks.updateOffset(this); updateInProgress = false; } } function isMoment(obj) { return ( obj instanceof Moment || (obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null) ); } function warn(msg) { if ( hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false && typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.warn ) { console.warn('Deprecation warning: ' + msg); } } function deprecate(msg, fn) { var firstTime = true; return extend(function () { if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) { hooks.deprecationHandler(null, msg); } if (firstTime) { var args = [], arg, i, key, argLen = arguments.length; for (i = 0; i < argLen; i++) { arg = ''; if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object') { arg += '\n[' + i + '] '; for (key in arguments[0]) { if (hasOwnProp(arguments[0], key)) { arg += key + ': ' + arguments[0][key] + ', '; } } arg = arg.slice(0, -2); // Remove trailing comma and space } else { arg = arguments[i]; } args.push(arg); } warn( msg + '\nArguments: ' +'') + '\n' + new Error().stack ); firstTime = false; } return fn.apply(this, arguments); }, fn); } var deprecations = {}; function deprecateSimple(name, msg) { if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) { hooks.deprecationHandler(name, msg); } if (!deprecations[name]) { warn(msg); deprecations[name] = true; } } hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false; hooks.deprecationHandler = null; function isFunction(input) { return ( (typeof Function !== 'undefined' && input instanceof Function) || === '[object Function]' ); } function set(config) { var prop, i; for (i in config) { if (hasOwnProp(config, i)) { prop = config[i]; if (isFunction(prop)) { this[i] = prop; } else { this['_' + i] = prop; } } } this._config = config; // Lenient ordinal parsing accepts just a number in addition to // number + (possibly) stuff coming from _dayOfMonthOrdinalParse. // TODO: Remove "ordinalParse" fallback in next major release. this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp( (this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) + '|' + /\d{1,2}/.source ); } function mergeConfigs(parentConfig, childConfig) { var res = extend({}, parentConfig), prop; for (prop in childConfig) { if (hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop)) { if (isObject(parentConfig[prop]) && isObject(childConfig[prop])) { res[prop] = {}; extend(res[prop], parentConfig[prop]); extend(res[prop], childConfig[prop]); } else if (childConfig[prop] != null) { res[prop] = childConfig[prop]; } else { delete res[prop]; } } } for (prop in parentConfig) { if ( hasOwnProp(parentConfig, prop) && !hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop) && isObject(parentConfig[prop]) ) { // make sure changes to properties don't modify parent config res[prop] = extend({}, res[prop]); } } return res; } function Locale(config) { if (config != null) { this.set(config); } } var keys; if (Object.keys) { keys = Object.keys; } else { keys = function (obj) { var i, res = []; for (i in obj) { if (hasOwnProp(obj, i)) { res.push(i); } } return res; }; } var defaultCalendar = { sameDay: '[Today at] LT', nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT', nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT', lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT', lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT', sameElse: 'L', }; function calendar(key, mom, now) { var output = this._calendar[key] || this._calendar['sameElse']; return isFunction(output) ?, now) : output; } function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) { var absNumber = '' + Math.abs(number), zerosToFill = targetLength - absNumber.length, sign = number >= 0; return ( (sign ? (forceSign ? '+' : '') : '-') + Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, zerosToFill)).toString().substr(1) + absNumber ); } var formattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|N{1,5}|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|y{2,4}|yo?|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g, localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, formatFunctions = {}, formatTokenFunctions = {}; // token: 'M' // padded: ['MM', 2] // ordinal: 'Mo' // callback: function () { this.month() + 1 } function addFormatToken(token, padded, ordinal, callback) { var func = callback; if (typeof callback === 'string') { func = function () { return this[callback](); }; } if (token) { formatTokenFunctions[token] = func; } if (padded) { formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function () { return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2]); }; } if (ordinal) { formatTokenFunctions[ordinal] = function () { return this.localeData().ordinal( func.apply(this, arguments), token ); }; } } function removeFormattingTokens(input) { if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) { return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, ''); } return input.replace(/\\/g, ''); } function makeFormatFunction(format) { var array = format.match(formattingTokens), i, length; for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) { if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) { array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]; } else { array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]); } } return function (mom) { var output = '', i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { output += isFunction(array[i]) ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i]; } return output; }; } // format date using native date object function formatMoment(m, format) { if (!m.isValid()) { return m.localeData().invalidDate(); } format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData()); formatFunctions[format] = formatFunctions[format] || makeFormatFunction(format); return formatFunctions[format](m); } function expandFormat(format, locale) { var i = 5; function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) { return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input; } localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0; while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) { format = format.replace( localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens ); localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0; i -= 1; } return format; } var defaultLongDateFormat = { LTS: 'h:mm:ss A', LT: 'h:mm A', L: 'MM/DD/YYYY', LL: 'MMMM D, YYYY', LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A', LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A', }; function longDateFormat(key) { var format = this._longDateFormat[key], formatUpper = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()]; if (format || !formatUpper) { return format; } this._longDateFormat[key] = formatUpper .match(formattingTokens) .map(function (tok) { if ( tok === 'MMMM' || tok === 'MM' || tok === 'DD' || tok === 'dddd' ) { return tok.slice(1); } return tok; }) .join(''); return this._longDateFormat[key]; } var defaultInvalidDate = 'Invalid date'; function invalidDate() { return this._invalidDate; } var defaultOrdinal = '%d', defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse = /\d{1,2}/; function ordinal(number) { return this._ordinal.replace('%d', number); } var defaultRelativeTime = { future: 'in %s', past: '%s ago', s: 'a few seconds', ss: '%d seconds', m: 'a minute', mm: '%d minutes', h: 'an hour', hh: '%d hours', d: 'a day', dd: '%d days', w: 'a week', ww: '%d weeks', M: 'a month', MM: '%d months', y: 'a year', yy: '%d years', }; function relativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) { var output = this._relativeTime[string]; return isFunction(output) ? output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) : output.replace(/%d/i, number); } function pastFuture(diff, output) { var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past']; return isFunction(format) ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output); } var aliases = {}; function addUnitAlias(unit, shorthand) { var lowerCase = unit.toLowerCase(); aliases[lowerCase] = aliases[lowerCase + 's'] = aliases[shorthand] = unit; } function normalizeUnits(units) { return typeof units === 'string' ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()] : undefined; } function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) { var normalizedInput = {}, normalizedProp, prop; for (prop in inputObject) { if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) { normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop); if (normalizedProp) { normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop]; } } } return normalizedInput; } var priorities = {}; function addUnitPriority(unit, priority) { priorities[unit] = priority; } function getPrioritizedUnits(unitsObj) { var units = [], u; for (u in unitsObj) { if (hasOwnProp(unitsObj, u)) { units.push({ unit: u, priority: priorities[u] }); } } units.sort(function (a, b) { return a.priority - b.priority; }); return units; } function isLeapYear(year) { return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0; } function absFloor(number) { if (number < 0) { // -0 -> 0 return Math.ceil(number) || 0; } else { return Math.floor(number); } } function toInt(argumentForCoercion) { var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion, value = 0; if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) { value = absFloor(coercedNumber); } return value; } function makeGetSet(unit, keepTime) { return function (value) { if (value != null) { set$1(this, unit, value); hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime); return this; } else { return get(this, unit); } }; } function get(mom, unit) { return mom.isValid() ? mom._d['get' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit]() : NaN; } function set$1(mom, unit, value) { if (mom.isValid() && !isNaN(value)) { if ( unit === 'FullYear' && isLeapYear(mom.year()) && mom.month() === 1 && === 29 ) { value = toInt(value); mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit]( value, mom.month(), daysInMonth(value, mom.month()) ); } else { mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit](value); } } } // MOMENTS function stringGet(units) { units = normalizeUnits(units); if (isFunction(this[units])) { return this[units](); } return this; } function stringSet(units, value) { if (typeof units === 'object') { units = normalizeObjectUnits(units); var prioritized = getPrioritizedUnits(units), i, prioritizedLen = prioritized.length; for (i = 0; i < prioritizedLen; i++) { this[prioritized[i].unit](units[prioritized[i].unit]); } } else { units = normalizeUnits(units); if (isFunction(this[units])) { return this[units](value); } } return this; } var match1 = /\d/, // 0 - 9 match2 = /\d\d/, // 00 - 99 match3 = /\d{3}/, // 000 - 999 match4 = /\d{4}/, // 0000 - 9999 match6 = /[+-]?\d{6}/, // -999999 - 999999 match1to2 = /\d\d?/, // 0 - 99 match3to4 = /\d\d\d\d?/, // 999 - 9999 match5to6 = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/, // 99999 - 999999 match1to3 = /\d{1,3}/, // 0 - 999 match1to4 = /\d{1,4}/, // 0 - 9999 match1to6 = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/, // -999999 - 999999 matchUnsigned = /\d+/, // 0 - inf matchSigned = /[+-]?\d+/, // -inf - inf matchOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi, // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z matchShortOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi, // +00 -00 +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/, // 123456789 123456789.123 // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two/three word month in arabic. // includes scottish gaelic two word and hyphenated months matchWord = /[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i, regexes; regexes = {}; function addRegexToken(token, regex, strictRegex) { regexes[token] = isFunction(regex) ? regex : function (isStrict, localeData) { return isStrict && strictRegex ? strictRegex : regex; }; } function getParseRegexForToken(token, config) { if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token)) { return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token)); } return regexes[token](config._strict, config._locale); } // Code from function unescapeFormat(s) { return regexEscape( s .replace('\\', '') .replace( /\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function (matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) { return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4; } ) ); } function regexEscape(s) { return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); } var tokens = {}; function addParseToken(token, callback) { var i, func = callback, tokenLen; if (typeof token === 'string') { token = [token]; } if (isNumber(callback)) { func = function (input, array) { array[callback] = toInt(input); }; } tokenLen = token.length; for (i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) { tokens[token[i]] = func; } } function addWeekParseToken(token, callback) { addParseToken(token, function (input, array, config, token) { config._w = config._w || {}; callback(input, config._w, config, token); }); } function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) { if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token)) { tokens[token](input, config._a, config, token); } } var YEAR = 0, MONTH = 1, DATE = 2, HOUR = 3, MINUTE = 4, SECOND = 5, MILLISECOND = 6, WEEK = 7, WEEKDAY = 8; function mod(n, x) { return ((n % x) + x) % x; } var indexOf; if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; } else { indexOf = function (o) { // I know var i; for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { if (this[i] === o) { return i; } } return -1; }; } function daysInMonth(year, month) { if (isNaN(year) || isNaN(month)) { return NaN; } var modMonth = mod(month, 12); year += (month - modMonth) / 12; return modMonth === 1 ? isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28 : 31 - ((modMonth % 7) % 2); } // FORMATTING addFormatToken('M', ['MM', 2], 'Mo', function () { return this.month() + 1; }); addFormatToken('MMM', 0, 0, function (format) { return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format); }); addFormatToken('MMMM', 0, 0, function (format) { return this.localeData().months(this, format); }); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('month', 'M'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('month', 8); // PARSING addRegexToken('M', match1to2); addRegexToken('MM', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('MMM', function (isStrict, locale) { return locale.monthsShortRegex(isStrict); }); addRegexToken('MMMM', function (isStrict, locale) { return locale.monthsRegex(isStrict); }); addParseToken(['M', 'MM'], function (input, array) { array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1; }); addParseToken(['MMM', 'MMMM'], function (input, array, config, token) { var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict); // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid. if (month != null) { array[MONTH] = month; } else { getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input; } }); // LOCALES var defaultLocaleMonths = 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split( '_' ), defaultLocaleMonthsShort = 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'), MONTHS_IN_FORMAT = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/, defaultMonthsShortRegex = matchWord, defaultMonthsRegex = matchWord; function localeMonths(m, format) { if (!m) { return isArray(this._months) ? this._months : this._months['standalone']; } return isArray(this._months) ? this._months[m.month()] : this._months[ (this._months.isFormat || MONTHS_IN_FORMAT).test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone' ][m.month()]; } function localeMonthsShort(m, format) { if (!m) { return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort : this._monthsShort['standalone']; } return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[m.month()] : this._monthsShort[ MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone' ][m.month()]; } function handleStrictParse(monthName, format, strict) { var i, ii, mom, llc = monthName.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!this._monthsParse) { // this is not used this._monthsParse = []; this._longMonthsParse = []; this._shortMonthsParse = []; for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { mom = createUTC([2000, i]); this._shortMonthsParse[i] = this.monthsShort( mom, '' ).toLocaleLowerCase(); this._longMonthsParse[i] = this.months(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase(); } } if (strict) { if (format === 'MMM') { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } else { if (format === 'MMM') { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } } function localeMonthsParse(monthName, format, strict) { var i, mom, regex; if (this._monthsParseExact) { return, monthName, format, strict); } if (!this._monthsParse) { this._monthsParse = []; this._longMonthsParse = []; this._shortMonthsParse = []; } // TODO: add sorting // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another // see sorting in computeMonthsParse for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // make the regex if we don't have it already mom = createUTC([2000, i]); if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) { this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp( '^' + this.months(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i' ); this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp( '^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$', 'i' ); } if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) { regex = '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, ''); this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i'); } // test the regex if ( strict && format === 'MMMM' && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName) ) { return i; } else if ( strict && format === 'MMM' && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName) ) { return i; } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) { return i; } } } // MOMENTS function setMonth(mom, value) { var dayOfMonth; if (!mom.isValid()) { // No op return mom; } if (typeof value === 'string') { if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) { value = toInt(value); } else { value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value); // TODO: Another silent failure? if (!isNumber(value)) { return mom; } } } dayOfMonth = Math.min(, daysInMonth(mom.year(), value)); mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + 'Month'](value, dayOfMonth); return mom; } function getSetMonth(value) { if (value != null) { setMonth(this, value); hooks.updateOffset(this, true); return this; } else { return get(this, 'Month'); } } function getDaysInMonth() { return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month()); } function monthsShortRegex(isStrict) { if (this._monthsParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._monthsShortStrictRegex; } else { return this._monthsShortRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsShortRegex')) { this._monthsShortRegex = defaultMonthsShortRegex; } return this._monthsShortStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex; } } function monthsRegex(isStrict) { if (this._monthsParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._monthsStrictRegex; } else { return this._monthsRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) { this._monthsRegex = defaultMonthsRegex; } return this._monthsStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex; } } function computeMonthsParse() { function cmpLenRev(a, b) { return b.length - a.length; } var shortPieces = [], longPieces = [], mixedPieces = [], i, mom; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // make the regex if we don't have it already mom = createUTC([2000, i]); shortPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, '')); longPieces.push(this.months(mom, '')); mixedPieces.push(this.months(mom, '')); mixedPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, '')); } // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another it // will match the longer piece. shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]); longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]); } this._monthsRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i'); this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex; this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i' ); this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i' ); } // FORMATTING addFormatToken('Y', 0, 0, function () { var y = this.year(); return y <= 9999 ? zeroFill(y, 4) : '+' + y; }); addFormatToken(0, ['YY', 2], 0, function () { return this.year() % 100; }); addFormatToken(0, ['YYYY', 4], 0, 'year'); addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYY', 5], 0, 'year'); addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYYY', 6, true], 0, 'year'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('year', 'y'); // PRIORITIES addUnitPriority('year', 1); // PARSING addRegexToken('Y', matchSigned); addRegexToken('YY', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('YYYY', match1to4, match4); addRegexToken('YYYYY', match1to6, match6); addRegexToken('YYYYYY', match1to6, match6); addParseToken(['YYYYY', 'YYYYYY'], YEAR); addParseToken('YYYY', function (input, array) { array[YEAR] = input.length === 2 ? hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input) : toInt(input); }); addParseToken('YY', function (input, array) { array[YEAR] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input); }); addParseToken('Y', function (input, array) { array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10); }); // HELPERS function daysInYear(year) { return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365; } // HOOKS hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function (input) { return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000); }; // MOMENTS var getSetYear = makeGetSet('FullYear', true); function getIsLeapYear() { return isLeapYear(this.year()); } function createDate(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) { // can't just apply() to create a date: // var date; // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999 if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset date = new Date(y + 400, m, d, h, M, s, ms); if (isFinite(date.getFullYear())) { date.setFullYear(y); } } else { date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms); } return date; } function createUTCDate(y) { var date, args; // the Date.UTC function remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999 if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { args =; // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset args[0] = y + 400; date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, args)); if (isFinite(date.getUTCFullYear())) { date.setUTCFullYear(y); } } else { date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments)); } return date; } // start-of-first-week - start-of-year function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) { var // first-week day -- which january is always in the first week (4 for iso, 1 for other) fwd = 7 + dow - doy, // first-week day local weekday -- which local weekday is fwd fwdlw = (7 + createUTCDate(year, 0, fwd).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7; return -fwdlw + fwd - 1; } // function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, dow, doy) { var localWeekday = (7 + weekday - dow) % 7, weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy), dayOfYear = 1 + 7 * (week - 1) + localWeekday + weekOffset, resYear, resDayOfYear; if (dayOfYear <= 0) { resYear = year - 1; resDayOfYear = daysInYear(resYear) + dayOfYear; } else if (dayOfYear > daysInYear(year)) { resYear = year + 1; resDayOfYear = dayOfYear - daysInYear(year); } else { resYear = year; resDayOfYear = dayOfYear; } return { year: resYear, dayOfYear: resDayOfYear, }; } function weekOfYear(mom, dow, doy) { var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(mom.year(), dow, doy), week = Math.floor((mom.dayOfYear() - weekOffset - 1) / 7) + 1, resWeek, resYear; if (week < 1) { resYear = mom.year() - 1; resWeek = week + weeksInYear(resYear, dow, doy); } else if (week > weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy)) { resWeek = week - weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy); resYear = mom.year() + 1; } else { resYear = mom.year(); resWeek = week; } return { week: resWeek, year: resYear, }; } function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) { var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy), weekOffsetNext = firstWeekOffset(year + 1, dow, doy); return (daysInYear(year) - weekOffset + weekOffsetNext) / 7; } // FORMATTING addFormatToken('w', ['ww', 2], 'wo', 'week'); addFormatToken('W', ['WW', 2], 'Wo', 'isoWeek'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('week', 'w'); addUnitAlias('isoWeek', 'W'); // PRIORITIES addUnitPriority('week', 5); addUnitPriority('isoWeek', 5); // PARSING addRegexToken('w', match1to2); addRegexToken('ww', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('W', match1to2); addRegexToken('WW', match1to2, match2); addWeekParseToken( ['w', 'ww', 'W', 'WW'], function (input, week, config, token) { week[token.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input); } ); // HELPERS // LOCALES function localeWeek(mom) { return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week; } var defaultLocaleWeek = { dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week. doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year. }; function localeFirstDayOfWeek() { return this._week.dow; } function localeFirstDayOfYear() { return this._week.doy; } // MOMENTS function getSetWeek(input) { var week = this.localeData().week(this); return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd'); } function getSetISOWeek(input) { var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week; return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd'); } // FORMATTING addFormatToken('d', 0, 'do', 'day'); addFormatToken('dd', 0, 0, function (format) { return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format); }); addFormatToken('ddd', 0, 0, function (format) { return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format); }); addFormatToken('dddd', 0, 0, function (format) { return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format); }); addFormatToken('e', 0, 0, 'weekday'); addFormatToken('E', 0, 0, 'isoWeekday'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('day', 'd'); addUnitAlias('weekday', 'e'); addUnitAlias('isoWeekday', 'E'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('day', 11); addUnitPriority('weekday', 11); addUnitPriority('isoWeekday', 11); // PARSING addRegexToken('d', match1to2); addRegexToken('e', match1to2); addRegexToken('E', match1to2); addRegexToken('dd', function (isStrict, locale) { return locale.weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict); }); addRegexToken('ddd', function (isStrict, locale) { return locale.weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict); }); addRegexToken('dddd', function (isStrict, locale) { return locale.weekdaysRegex(isStrict); }); addWeekParseToken(['dd', 'ddd', 'dddd'], function (input, week, config, token) { var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input, token, config._strict); // if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid if (weekday != null) { week.d = weekday; } else { getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input; } }); addWeekParseToken(['d', 'e', 'E'], function (input, week, config, token) { week[token] = toInt(input); }); // HELPERS function parseWeekday(input, locale) { if (typeof input !== 'string') { return input; } if (!isNaN(input)) { return parseInt(input, 10); } input = locale.weekdaysParse(input); if (typeof input === 'number') { return input; } return null; } function parseIsoWeekday(input, locale) { if (typeof input === 'string') { return locale.weekdaysParse(input) % 7 || 7; } return isNaN(input) ? null : input; } // LOCALES function shiftWeekdays(ws, n) { return ws.slice(n, 7).concat(ws.slice(0, n)); } var defaultLocaleWeekdays = 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'), defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'), defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'), defaultWeekdaysRegex = matchWord, defaultWeekdaysShortRegex = matchWord, defaultWeekdaysMinRegex = matchWord; function localeWeekdays(m, format) { var weekdays = isArray(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays : this._weekdays[ m && m !== true && this._weekdays.isFormat.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone' ]; return m === true ? shiftWeekdays(weekdays, this._week.dow) : m ? weekdays[] : weekdays; } function localeWeekdaysShort(m) { return m === true ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysShort, this._week.dow) : m ? this._weekdaysShort[] : this._weekdaysShort; } function localeWeekdaysMin(m) { return m === true ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysMin, this._week.dow) : m ? this._weekdaysMin[] : this._weekdaysMin; } function handleStrictParse$1(weekdayName, format, strict) { var i, ii, mom, llc = weekdayName.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!this._weekdaysParse) { this._weekdaysParse = []; this._shortWeekdaysParse = []; this._minWeekdaysParse = []; for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i); this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysMin( mom, '' ).toLocaleLowerCase(); this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysShort( mom, '' ).toLocaleLowerCase(); this._weekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdays(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase(); } } if (strict) { if (format === 'dddd') { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else if (format === 'ddd') { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } else { if (format === 'dddd') { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else if (format === 'ddd') { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } } function localeWeekdaysParse(weekdayName, format, strict) { var i, mom, regex; if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { return handleStrictParse$, weekdayName, format, strict); } if (!this._weekdaysParse) { this._weekdaysParse = []; this._minWeekdaysParse = []; this._shortWeekdaysParse = []; this._fullWeekdaysParse = []; } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // make the regex if we don't have it already mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i); if (strict && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[i]) { this._fullWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp( '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') + '$', 'i' ); this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp( '^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') + '$', 'i' ); this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp( '^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') + '$', 'i' ); } if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) { regex = '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, ''); this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i'); } // test the regex if ( strict && format === 'dddd' && this._fullWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName) ) { return i; } else if ( strict && format === 'ddd' && this._shortWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName) ) { return i; } else if ( strict && format === 'dd' && this._minWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName) ) { return i; } else if (!strict && this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) { return i; } } } // MOMENTS function getSetDayOfWeek(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay(); if (input != null) { input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData()); return this.add(input - day, 'd'); } else { return day; } } function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } var weekday = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7; return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, 'd'); } function getSetISODayOfWeek(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } // behaves the same as moment#day except // as a getter, returns 7 instead of 0 (1-7 range instead of 0-6) // as a setter, sunday should belong to the previous week. if (input != null) { var weekday = parseIsoWeekday(input, this.localeData()); return % 7 ? weekday : weekday - 7); } else { return || 7; } } function weekdaysRegex(isStrict) { if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._weekdaysStrictRegex; } else { return this._weekdaysRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) { this._weekdaysRegex = defaultWeekdaysRegex; } return this._weekdaysStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex; } } function weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict) { if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex; } else { return this._weekdaysShortRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysShortRegex')) { this._weekdaysShortRegex = defaultWeekdaysShortRegex; } return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex; } } function weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict) { if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex; } else { return this._weekdaysMinRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysMinRegex')) { this._weekdaysMinRegex = defaultWeekdaysMinRegex; } return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex; } } function computeWeekdaysParse() { function cmpLenRev(a, b) { return b.length - a.length; } var minPieces = [], shortPieces = [], longPieces = [], mixedPieces = [], i, mom, minp, shortp, longp; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // make the regex if we don't have it already mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i); minp = regexEscape(this.weekdaysMin(mom, '')); shortp = regexEscape(this.weekdaysShort(mom, '')); longp = regexEscape(this.weekdays(mom, '')); minPieces.push(minp); shortPieces.push(shortp); longPieces.push(longp); mixedPieces.push(minp); mixedPieces.push(shortp); mixedPieces.push(longp); } // Sorting makes sure if one weekday (or abbr) is a prefix of another it // will match the longer piece. minPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i'); this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex; this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex; this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i' ); this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i' ); this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + minPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i' ); } // FORMATTING function hFormat() { return this.hours() % 12 || 12; } function kFormat() { return this.hours() || 24; } addFormatToken('H', ['HH', 2], 0, 'hour'); addFormatToken('h', ['hh', 2], 0, hFormat); addFormatToken('k', ['kk', 2], 0, kFormat); addFormatToken('hmm', 0, 0, function () { return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2); }); addFormatToken('hmmss', 0, 0, function () { return ( '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) + zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2) ); }); addFormatToken('Hmm', 0, 0, function () { return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2); }); addFormatToken('Hmmss', 0, 0, function () { return ( '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) + zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2) ); }); function meridiem(token, lowercase) { addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () { return this.localeData().meridiem( this.hours(), this.minutes(), lowercase ); }); } meridiem('a', true); meridiem('A', false); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('hour', 'h'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('hour', 13); // PARSING function matchMeridiem(isStrict, locale) { return locale._meridiemParse; } addRegexToken('a', matchMeridiem); addRegexToken('A', matchMeridiem); addRegexToken('H', match1to2); addRegexToken('h', match1to2); addRegexToken('k', match1to2); addRegexToken('HH', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('hh', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('kk', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('hmm', match3to4); addRegexToken('hmmss', match5to6); addRegexToken('Hmm', match3to4); addRegexToken('Hmmss', match5to6); addParseToken(['H', 'HH'], HOUR); addParseToken(['k', 'kk'], function (input, array, config) { var kInput = toInt(input); array[HOUR] = kInput === 24 ? 0 : kInput; }); addParseToken(['a', 'A'], function (input, array, config) { config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input); config._meridiem = input; }); addParseToken(['h', 'hh'], function (input, array, config) { array[HOUR] = toInt(input); getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true; }); addParseToken('hmm', function (input, array, config) { var pos = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos)); getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true; }); addParseToken('hmmss', function (input, array, config) { var pos1 = input.length - 4, pos2 = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2)); array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2)); getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true; }); addParseToken('Hmm', function (input, array, config) { var pos = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos)); }); addParseToken('Hmmss', function (input, array, config) { var pos1 = input.length - 4, pos2 = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2)); array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2)); }); // LOCALES function localeIsPM(input) { // IE8 Quirks Mode & IE7 Standards Mode do not allow accessing strings like arrays // Using charAt should be more compatible. return (input + '').toLowerCase().charAt(0) === 'p'; } var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i, // Setting the hour should keep the time, because the user explicitly // specified which hour they want. So trying to maintain the same hour (in // a new timezone) makes sense. Adding/subtracting hours does not follow // this rule. getSetHour = makeGetSet('Hours', true); function localeMeridiem(hours, minutes, isLower) { if (hours > 11) { return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM'; } else { return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM'; } } var baseConfig = { calendar: defaultCalendar, longDateFormat: defaultLongDateFormat, invalidDate: defaultInvalidDate, ordinal: defaultOrdinal, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse, relativeTime: defaultRelativeTime, months: defaultLocaleMonths, monthsShort: defaultLocaleMonthsShort, week: defaultLocaleWeek, weekdays: defaultLocaleWeekdays, weekdaysMin: defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin, weekdaysShort: defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort, meridiemParse: defaultLocaleMeridiemParse, }; // internal storage for locale config files var locales = {}, localeFamilies = {}, globalLocale; function commonPrefix(arr1, arr2) { var i, minl = Math.min(arr1.length, arr2.length); for (i = 0; i < minl; i += 1) { if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) { return i; } } return minl; } function normalizeLocale(key) { return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : key; } // pick the locale from the array // try ['en-au', 'en-gb'] as 'en-au', 'en-gb', 'en', as in move through the list trying each // substring from most specific to least, but move to the next array item if it's a more specific variant than the current root function chooseLocale(names) { var i = 0, j, next, locale, split; while (i < names.length) { split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split('-'); j = split.length; next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]); next = next ? next.split('-') : null; while (j > 0) { locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join('-')); if (locale) { return locale; } if ( next && next.length >= j && commonPrefix(split, next) >= j - 1 ) { //the next array item is better than a shallower substring of this one break; } j--; } i++; } return globalLocale; } function isLocaleNameSane(name) { // Prevent names that look like filesystem paths, i.e contain '/' or '\' return name.match('^[^/\\\\]*$') != null; } function loadLocale(name) { var oldLocale = null, aliasedRequire; // TODO: Find a better way to register and load all the locales in Node if ( locales[name] === undefined && typeof module !== 'undefined' && module && module.exports && isLocaleNameSane(name) ) { try { oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr; aliasedRequire = require; aliasedRequire('./locale/' + name); getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale); } catch (e) { // mark as not found to avoid repeating expensive file require call causing high CPU // when trying to find en-US, en_US, en-us for every format call locales[name] = null; // null means not found } } return locales[name]; } // This function will load locale and then set the global locale. If // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global // locale key. function getSetGlobalLocale(key, values) { var data; if (key) { if (isUndefined(values)) { data = getLocale(key); } else { data = defineLocale(key, values); } if (data) { // moment.duration._locale = moment._locale = data; globalLocale = data; } else { if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.warn) { //warn user if arguments are passed but the locale could not be set console.warn( 'Locale ' + key + ' not found. Did you forget to load it?' ); } } } return globalLocale._abbr; } function defineLocale(name, config) { if (config !== null) { var locale, parentConfig = baseConfig; config.abbr = name; if (locales[name] != null) { deprecateSimple( 'defineLocaleOverride', 'use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change ' + 'an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, ' + 'config) should only be used for creating a new locale ' + 'See for more info.' ); parentConfig = locales[name]._config; } else if (config.parentLocale != null) { if (locales[config.parentLocale] != null) { parentConfig = locales[config.parentLocale]._config; } else { locale = loadLocale(config.parentLocale); if (locale != null) { parentConfig = locale._config; } else { if (!localeFamilies[config.parentLocale]) { localeFamilies[config.parentLocale] = []; } localeFamilies[config.parentLocale].push({ name: name, config: config, }); return null; } } } locales[name] = new Locale(mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config)); if (localeFamilies[name]) { localeFamilies[name].forEach(function (x) { defineLocale(, x.config); }); } // backwards compat for now: also set the locale // make sure we set the locale AFTER all child locales have been // created, so we won't end up with the child locale set. getSetGlobalLocale(name); return locales[name]; } else { // useful for testing delete locales[name]; return null; } } function updateLocale(name, config) { if (config != null) { var locale, tmpLocale, parentConfig = baseConfig; if (locales[name] != null && locales[name].parentLocale != null) { // Update existing child locale in-place to avoid memory-leaks locales[name].set(mergeConfigs(locales[name]._config, config)); } else { // MERGE tmpLocale = loadLocale(name); if (tmpLocale != null) { parentConfig = tmpLocale._config; } config = mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config); if (tmpLocale == null) { // updateLocale is called for creating a new locale // Set abbr so it will have a name (getters return // undefined otherwise). config.abbr = name; } locale = new Locale(config); locale.parentLocale = locales[name]; locales[name] = locale; } // backwards compat for now: also set the locale getSetGlobalLocale(name); } else { // pass null for config to unupdate, useful for tests if (locales[name] != null) { if (locales[name].parentLocale != null) { locales[name] = locales[name].parentLocale; if (name === getSetGlobalLocale()) { getSetGlobalLocale(name); } } else if (locales[name] != null) { delete locales[name]; } } } return locales[name]; } // returns locale data function getLocale(key) { var locale; if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) { key = key._locale._abbr; } if (!key) { return globalLocale; } if (!isArray(key)) { //short-circuit everything else locale = loadLocale(key); if (locale) { return locale; } key = [key]; } return chooseLocale(key); } function listLocales() { return keys(locales); } function checkOverflow(m) { var overflow, a = m._a; if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) { overflow = a[MONTH] < 0 || a[MONTH] > 11 ? MONTH : a[DATE] < 1 || a[DATE] > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH]) ? DATE : a[HOUR] < 0 || a[HOUR] > 24 || (a[HOUR] === 24 && (a[MINUTE] !== 0 || a[SECOND] !== 0 || a[MILLISECOND] !== 0)) ? HOUR : a[MINUTE] < 0 || a[MINUTE] > 59 ? MINUTE : a[SECOND] < 0 || a[SECOND] > 59 ? SECOND : a[MILLISECOND] < 0 || a[MILLISECOND] > 999 ? MILLISECOND : -1; if ( getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE) ) { overflow = DATE; } if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeeks && overflow === -1) { overflow = WEEK; } if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeekday && overflow === -1) { overflow = WEEKDAY; } getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow; } return m; } // iso 8601 regex // 0000-00-00 0000-W00 or 0000-W00-0 + T + 00 or 00:00 or 00:00:00 or 00:00:00.000 + +00:00 or +0000 or +00) var extendedIsoRegex = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, basicIsoRegex = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d|))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, tzRegex = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/, isoDates = [ ['YYYYYY-MM-DD', /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/], ['YYYY-MM-DD', /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/], ['GGGG-[W]WW-E', /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/], ['GGGG-[W]WW', /\d{4}-W\d\d/, false], ['YYYY-DDD', /\d{4}-\d{3}/], ['YYYY-MM', /\d{4}-\d\d/, false], ['YYYYYYMMDD', /[+-]\d{10}/], ['YYYYMMDD', /\d{8}/], ['GGGG[W]WWE', /\d{4}W\d{3}/], ['GGGG[W]WW', /\d{4}W\d{2}/, false], ['YYYYDDD', /\d{7}/], ['YYYYMM', /\d{6}/, false], ['YYYY', /\d{4}/, false], ], // iso time formats and regexes isoTimes = [ ['HH:mm:ss.SSSS', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/], ['HH:mm:ss,SSSS', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/], ['HH:mm:ss', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/], ['HH:mm', /\d\d:\d\d/], ['HHmmss.SSSS', /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/], ['HHmmss,SSSS', /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/], ['HHmmss', /\d\d\d\d\d\d/], ['HHmm', /\d\d\d\d/], ['HH', /\d\d/], ], aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((-?\d+)/i, // RFC 2822 regex: For details see rfc2822 = /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/, obsOffsets = { UT: 0, GMT: 0, EDT: -4 * 60, EST: -5 * 60, CDT: -5 * 60, CST: -6 * 60, MDT: -6 * 60, MST: -7 * 60, PDT: -7 * 60, PST: -8 * 60, }; // date from iso format function configFromISO(config) { var i, l, string = config._i, match = extendedIsoRegex.exec(string) || basicIsoRegex.exec(string), allowTime, dateFormat, timeFormat, tzFormat, isoDatesLen = isoDates.length, isoTimesLen = isoTimes.length; if (match) { getParsingFlags(config).iso = true; for (i = 0, l = isoDatesLen; i < l; i++) { if (isoDates[i][1].exec(match[1])) { dateFormat = isoDates[i][0]; allowTime = isoDates[i][2] !== false; break; } } if (dateFormat == null) { config._isValid = false; return; } if (match[3]) { for (i = 0, l = isoTimesLen; i < l; i++) { if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(match[3])) { // match[2] should be 'T' or space timeFormat = (match[2] || ' ') + isoTimes[i][0]; break; } } if (timeFormat == null) { config._isValid = false; return; } } if (!allowTime && timeFormat != null) { config._isValid = false; return; } if (match[4]) { if (tzRegex.exec(match[4])) { tzFormat = 'Z'; } else { config._isValid = false; return; } } config._f = dateFormat + (timeFormat || '') + (tzFormat || ''); configFromStringAndFormat(config); } else { config._isValid = false; } } function extractFromRFC2822Strings( yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr ) { var result = [ untruncateYear(yearStr), defaultLocaleMonthsShort.indexOf(monthStr), parseInt(dayStr, 10), parseInt(hourStr, 10), parseInt(minuteStr, 10), ]; if (secondStr) { result.push(parseInt(secondStr, 10)); } return result; } function untruncateYear(yearStr) { var year = parseInt(yearStr, 10); if (year <= 49) { return 2000 + year; } else if (year <= 999) { return 1900 + year; } return year; } function preprocessRFC2822(s) { // Remove comments and folding whitespace and replace multiple-spaces with a single space return s .replace(/\([^()]*\)|[\n\t]/g, ' ') .replace(/(\s\s+)/g, ' ') .replace(/^\s\s*/, '') .replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); } function checkWeekday(weekdayStr, parsedInput, config) { if (weekdayStr) { // TODO: Replace the vanilla JS Date object with an independent day-of-week check. var weekdayProvided = defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort.indexOf(weekdayStr), weekdayActual = new Date( parsedInput[0], parsedInput[1], parsedInput[2] ).getDay(); if (weekdayProvided !== weekdayActual) { getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true; config._isValid = false; return false; } } return true; } function calculateOffset(obsOffset, militaryOffset, numOffset) { if (obsOffset) { return obsOffsets[obsOffset]; } else if (militaryOffset) { // the only allowed military tz is Z return 0; } else { var hm = parseInt(numOffset, 10), m = hm % 100, h = (hm - m) / 100; return h * 60 + m; } } // date and time from ref 2822 format function configFromRFC2822(config) { var match = rfc2822.exec(preprocessRFC2822(config._i)), parsedArray; if (match) { parsedArray = extractFromRFC2822Strings( match[4], match[3], match[2], match[5], match[6], match[7] ); if (!checkWeekday(match[1], parsedArray, config)) { return; } config._a = parsedArray; config._tzm = calculateOffset(match[8], match[9], match[10]); config._d = createUTCDate.apply(null, config._a); config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm); getParsingFlags(config).rfc2822 = true; } else { config._isValid = false; } } // date from 1) ASP.NET, 2) ISO, 3) RFC 2822 formats, or 4) optional fallback if parsing isn't strict function configFromString(config) { var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i); if (matched !== null) { config._d = new Date(+matched[1]); return; } configFromISO(config); if (config._isValid === false) { delete config._isValid; } else { return; } configFromRFC2822(config); if (config._isValid === false) { delete config._isValid; } else { return; } if (config._strict) { config._isValid = false; } else { // Final attempt, use Input Fallback hooks.createFromInputFallback(config); } } hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate( 'value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), ' + 'which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are ' + 'discouraged. Please refer to for more info.', function (config) { config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? ' UTC' : '')); } ); // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments. function defaults(a, b, c) { if (a != null) { return a; } if (b != null) { return b; } return c; } function currentDateArray(config) { // hooks is actually the exported moment object var nowValue = new Date(; if (config._useUTC) { return [ nowValue.getUTCFullYear(), nowValue.getUTCMonth(), nowValue.getUTCDate(), ]; } return [nowValue.getFullYear(), nowValue.getMonth(), nowValue.getDate()]; } // convert an array to a date. // the array should mirror the parameters below // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value. // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond] function configFromArray(config) { var i, date, input = [], currentDate, expectedWeekday, yearToUse; if (config._d) { return; } currentDate = currentDateArray(config); //compute day of the year from weeks and weekdays if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) { dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config); } //if the day of the year is set, figure out what it is if (config._dayOfYear != null) { yearToUse = defaults(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]); if ( config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse) || config._dayOfYear === 0 ) { getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true; } date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear); config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth(); config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate(); } // Default to current date. // * if no year, month, day of month are given, default to today // * if day of month is given, default month and year // * if month is given, default only year // * if year is given, don't default anything for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) { config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i]; } // Zero out whatever was not defaulted, including time for (; i < 7; i++) { config._a[i] = input[i] = config._a[i] == null ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i]; } // Check for 24:00:00.000 if ( config._a[HOUR] === 24 && config._a[MINUTE] === 0 && config._a[SECOND] === 0 && config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0 ) { config._nextDay = true; config._a[HOUR] = 0; } config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply( null, input ); expectedWeekday = config._useUTC ? config._d.getUTCDay() : config._d.getDay(); // Apply timezone offset from input. The actual utcOffset can be changed // with parseZone. if (config._tzm != null) { config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm); } if (config._nextDay) { config._a[HOUR] = 24; } // check for mismatching day of week if ( config._w && typeof config._w.d !== 'undefined' && config._w.d !== expectedWeekday ) { getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true; } } function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) { var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp, weekdayOverflow, curWeek; w = config._w; if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) { dow = 1; doy = 4; // TODO: We need to take the current isoWeekYear, but that depends on // how we interpret now (local, utc, fixed offset). So create // a now version of current config (take local/utc/offset flags, and // create now). weekYear = defaults( w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(createLocal(), 1, 4).year ); week = defaults(w.W, 1); weekday = defaults(w.E, 1); if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) { weekdayOverflow = true; } } else { dow = config._locale._week.dow; doy = config._locale._week.doy; curWeek = weekOfYear(createLocal(), dow, doy); weekYear = defaults(, config._a[YEAR], curWeek.year); // Default to current week. week = defaults(w.w, curWeek.week); if (w.d != null) { // weekday -- low day numbers are considered next week weekday = w.d; if (weekday < 0 || weekday > 6) { weekdayOverflow = true; } } else if (w.e != null) { // local weekday -- counting starts from beginning of week weekday = w.e + dow; if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) { weekdayOverflow = true; } } else { // default to beginning of week weekday = dow; } } if (week < 1 || week > weeksInYear(weekYear, dow, doy)) { getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeeks = true; } else if (weekdayOverflow != null) { getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeekday = true; } else { temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy); config._a[YEAR] = temp.year; config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear; } } // constant that refers to the ISO standard hooks.ISO_8601 = function () {}; // constant that refers to the RFC 2822 form hooks.RFC_2822 = function () {}; // date from string and format string function configFromStringAndFormat(config) { // TODO: Move this to another part of the creation flow to prevent circular deps if (config._f === hooks.ISO_8601) { configFromISO(config); return; } if (config._f === hooks.RFC_2822) { configFromRFC2822(config); return; } config._a = []; getParsingFlags(config).empty = true; // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC` var string = '' + config._i, i, parsedInput, tokens, token, skipped, stringLength = string.length, totalParsedInputLength = 0, era, tokenLen; tokens = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || []; tokenLen = tokens.length; for (i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) { token = tokens[i]; parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) || [])[0]; if (parsedInput) { skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput)); if (skipped.length > 0) { getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped); } string = string.slice( string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length ); totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length; } // don't parse if it's not a known token if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) { if (parsedInput) { getParsingFlags(config).empty = false; } else { getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token); } addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config); } else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) { getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token); } } // add remaining unparsed input length to the string getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength; if (string.length > 0) { getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string); } // clear _12h flag if hour is <= 12 if ( config._a[HOUR] <= 12 && getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true && config._a[HOUR] > 0 ) { getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = undefined; } getParsingFlags(config).parsedDateParts = config._a.slice(0); getParsingFlags(config).meridiem = config._meridiem; // handle meridiem config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap( config._locale, config._a[HOUR], config._meridiem ); // handle era era = getParsingFlags(config).era; if (era !== null) { config._a[YEAR] = config._locale.erasConvertYear(era, config._a[YEAR]); } configFromArray(config); checkOverflow(config); } function meridiemFixWrap(locale, hour, meridiem) { var isPm; if (meridiem == null) { // nothing to do return hour; } if (locale.meridiemHour != null) { return locale.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem); } else if (locale.isPM != null) { // Fallback isPm = locale.isPM(meridiem); if (isPm && hour < 12) { hour += 12; } if (!isPm && hour === 12) { hour = 0; } return hour; } else { // this is not supposed to happen return hour; } } // date from string and array of format strings function configFromStringAndArray(config) { var tempConfig, bestMoment, scoreToBeat, i, currentScore, validFormatFound, bestFormatIsValid = false, configfLen = config._f.length; if (configfLen === 0) { getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true; config._d = new Date(NaN); return; } for (i = 0; i < configfLen; i++) { currentScore = 0; validFormatFound = false; tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config); if (config._useUTC != null) { tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC; } tempConfig._f = config._f[i]; configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig); if (isValid(tempConfig)) { validFormatFound = true; } // if there is any input that was not parsed add a penalty for that format currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver; //or tokens currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10; getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore; if (!bestFormatIsValid) { if ( scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat || validFormatFound ) { scoreToBeat = currentScore; bestMoment = tempConfig; if (validFormatFound) { bestFormatIsValid = true; } } } else { if (currentScore < scoreToBeat) { scoreToBeat = currentScore; bestMoment = tempConfig; } } } extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig); } function configFromObject(config) { if (config._d) { return; } var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i), dayOrDate = === undefined ? :; config._a = map( [i.year, i.month, dayOrDate, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond], function (obj) { return obj && parseInt(obj, 10); } ); configFromArray(config); } function createFromConfig(config) { var res = new Moment(checkOverflow(prepareConfig(config))); if (res._nextDay) { // Adding is smart enough around DST res.add(1, 'd'); res._nextDay = undefined; } return res; } function prepareConfig(config) { var input = config._i, format = config._f; config._locale = config._locale || getLocale(config._l); if (input === null || (format === undefined && input === '')) { return createInvalid({ nullInput: true }); } if (typeof input === 'string') { config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input); } if (isMoment(input)) { return new Moment(checkOverflow(input)); } else if (isDate(input)) { config._d = input; } else if (isArray(format)) { configFromStringAndArray(config); } else if (format) { configFromStringAndFormat(config); } else { configFromInput(config); } if (!isValid(config)) { config._d = null; } return config; } function configFromInput(config) { var input = config._i; if (isUndefined(input)) { config._d = new Date(; } else if (isDate(input)) { config._d = new Date(input.valueOf()); } else if (typeof input === 'string') { configFromString(config); } else if (isArray(input)) { config._a = map(input.slice(0), function (obj) { return parseInt(obj, 10); }); configFromArray(config); } else if (isObject(input)) { configFromObject(config); } else if (isNumber(input)) { // from milliseconds config._d = new Date(input); } else { hooks.createFromInputFallback(config); } } function createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, isUTC) { var c = {}; if (format === true || format === false) { strict = format; format = undefined; } if (locale === true || locale === false) { strict = locale; locale = undefined; } if ( (isObject(input) && isObjectEmpty(input)) || (isArray(input) && input.length === 0) ) { input = undefined; } // object construction must be done this way. // c._isAMomentObject = true; c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC; c._l = locale; c._i = input; c._f = format; c._strict = strict; return createFromConfig(c); } function createLocal(input, format, locale, strict) { return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, false); } var prototypeMin = deprecate( 'moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.', function () { var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments); if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) { return other < this ? this : other; } else { return createInvalid(); } } ), prototypeMax = deprecate( 'moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.', function () { var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments); if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) { return other > this ? this : other; } else { return createInvalid(); } } ); // Pick a moment m from moments so that m[fn](other) is true for all // other. This relies on the function fn to be transitive. // // moments should either be an array of moment objects or an array, whose // first element is an array of moment objects. function pickBy(fn, moments) { var res, i; if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) { moments = moments[0]; } if (!moments.length) { return createLocal(); } res = moments[0]; for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) { if (!moments[i].isValid() || moments[i][fn](res)) { res = moments[i]; } } return res; } // TODO: Use [].sort instead? function min() { var args = [], 0); return pickBy('isBefore', args); } function max() { var args = [], 0); return pickBy('isAfter', args); } var now = function () { return ? : +new Date(); }; var ordering = [ 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond', ]; function isDurationValid(m) { var key, unitHasDecimal = false, i, orderLen = ordering.length; for (key in m) { if ( hasOwnProp(m, key) && !(, key) !== -1 && (m[key] == null || !isNaN(m[key])) ) ) { return false; } } for (i = 0; i < orderLen; ++i) { if (m[ordering[i]]) { if (unitHasDecimal) { return false; // only allow non-integers for smallest unit } if (parseFloat(m[ordering[i]]) !== toInt(m[ordering[i]])) { unitHasDecimal = true; } } } return true; } function isValid$1() { return this._isValid; } function createInvalid$1() { return createDuration(NaN); } function Duration(duration) { var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration), years = normalizedInput.year || 0, quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0, months = normalizedInput.month || 0, weeks = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0, days = || 0, hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0, minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0, seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0, milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0; this._isValid = isDurationValid(normalizedInput); // representation for dateAddRemove this._milliseconds = +milliseconds + seconds * 1e3 + // 1000 minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60 hours * 1000 * 60 * 60; //using 1000 * 60 * 60 instead of 36e5 to avoid floating point rounding errors // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately this._days = +days + weeks * 7; // It is impossible to translate months into days without knowing // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store // it separately. this._months = +months + quarters * 3 + years * 12; this._data = {}; this._locale = getLocale(); this._bubble(); } function isDuration(obj) { return obj instanceof Duration; } function absRound(number) { if (number < 0) { return Math.round(-1 * number) * -1; } else { return Math.round(number); } } // compare two arrays, return the number of differences function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) { var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length), lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length), diffs = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ( (dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i]) || (!dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i])) ) { diffs++; } } return diffs + lengthDiff; } // FORMATTING function offset(token, separator) { addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function () { var offset = this.utcOffset(), sign = '+'; if (offset < 0) { offset = -offset; sign = '-'; } return ( sign + zeroFill(~~(offset / 60), 2) + separator + zeroFill(~~offset % 60, 2) ); }); } offset('Z', ':'); offset('ZZ', ''); // PARSING addRegexToken('Z', matchShortOffset); addRegexToken('ZZ', matchShortOffset); addParseToken(['Z', 'ZZ'], function (input, array, config) { config._useUTC = true; config._tzm = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input); }); // HELPERS // timezone chunker // '+10:00' > ['10', '00'] // '-1530' > ['-15', '30'] var chunkOffset = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi; function offsetFromString(matcher, string) { var matches = (string || '').match(matcher), chunk, parts, minutes; if (matches === null) { return null; } chunk = matches[matches.length - 1] || []; parts = (chunk + '').match(chunkOffset) || ['-', 0, 0]; minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]); return minutes === 0 ? 0 : parts[0] === '+' ? minutes : -minutes; } // Return a moment from input, that is local/utc/zone equivalent to model. function cloneWithOffset(input, model) { var res, diff; if (model._isUTC) { res = model.clone(); diff = (isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ? input.valueOf() : createLocal(input).valueOf()) - res.valueOf(); // Use low-level api, because this fn is low-level api. res._d.setTime(res._d.valueOf() + diff); hooks.updateOffset(res, false); return res; } else { return createLocal(input).local(); } } function getDateOffset(m) { // On Firefox.24 Date#getTimezoneOffset returns a floating point. // return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset()); } // HOOKS // This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated. // It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone. hooks.updateOffset = function () {}; // MOMENTS // keepLocalTime = true means only change the timezone, without // affecting the local hour. So 5:31:26 +0300 --[utcOffset(2, true)]--> // 5:31:26 +0200 It is possible that 5:31:26 doesn't exist with offset // +0200, so we adjust the time as needed, to be valid. // // Keeping the time actually adds/subtracts (one hour) // from the actual represented time. That is why we call updateOffset // a second time. In case it wants us to change the offset again // _changeInProgress == true case, then we have to adjust, because // there is no such time in the given timezone. function getSetOffset(input, keepLocalTime, keepMinutes) { var offset = this._offset || 0, localAdjust; if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } if (input != null) { if (typeof input === 'string') { input = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input); if (input === null) { return this; } } else if (Math.abs(input) < 16 && !keepMinutes) { input = input * 60; } if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) { localAdjust = getDateOffset(this); } this._offset = input; this._isUTC = true; if (localAdjust != null) { this.add(localAdjust, 'm'); } if (offset !== input) { if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) { addSubtract( this, createDuration(input - offset, 'm'), 1, false ); } else if (!this._changeInProgress) { this._changeInProgress = true; hooks.updateOffset(this, true); this._changeInProgress = null; } } return this; } else { return this._isUTC ? offset : getDateOffset(this); } } function getSetZone(input, keepLocalTime) { if (input != null) { if (typeof input !== 'string') { input = -input; } this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime); return this; } else { return -this.utcOffset(); } } function setOffsetToUTC(keepLocalTime) { return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime); } function setOffsetToLocal(keepLocalTime) { if (this._isUTC) { this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime); this._isUTC = false; if (keepLocalTime) { this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), 'm'); } } return this; } function setOffsetToParsedOffset() { if (this._tzm != null) { this.utcOffset(this._tzm, false, true); } else if (typeof this._i === 'string') { var tZone = offsetFromString(matchOffset, this._i); if (tZone != null) { this.utcOffset(tZone); } else { this.utcOffset(0, true); } } return this; } function hasAlignedHourOffset(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return false; } input = input ? createLocal(input).utcOffset() : 0; return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0; } function isDaylightSavingTime() { return ( this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() || this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset() ); } function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted() { if (!isUndefined(this._isDSTShifted)) { return this._isDSTShifted; } var c = {}, other; copyConfig(c, this); c = prepareConfig(c); if (c._a) { other = c._isUTC ? createUTC(c._a) : createLocal(c._a); this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() && compareArrays(c._a, other.toArray()) > 0; } else { this._isDSTShifted = false; } return this._isDSTShifted; } function isLocal() { return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : false; } function isUtcOffset() { return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : false; } function isUtc() { return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : false; } // ASP.NET json date format regex var aspNetRegex = /^(-|\+)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/, // from // somewhat more in line with 2004 spec, but allows decimal anywhere // and further modified to allow for strings containing both week and day isoRegex = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/; function createDuration(input, key) { var duration = input, // matching against regexp is expensive, do it on demand match = null, sign, ret, diffRes; if (isDuration(input)) { duration = { ms: input._milliseconds, d: input._days, M: input._months, }; } else if (isNumber(input) || !isNaN(+input)) { duration = {}; if (key) { duration[key] = +input; } else { duration.milliseconds = +input; } } else if ((match = aspNetRegex.exec(input))) { sign = match[1] === '-' ? -1 : 1; duration = { y: 0, d: toInt(match[DATE]) * sign, h: toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign, m: toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign, s: toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign, ms: toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1000)) * sign, // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match }; } else if ((match = isoRegex.exec(input))) { sign = match[1] === '-' ? -1 : 1; duration = { y: parseIso(match[2], sign), M: parseIso(match[3], sign), w: parseIso(match[4], sign), d: parseIso(match[5], sign), h: parseIso(match[6], sign), m: parseIso(match[7], sign), s: parseIso(match[8], sign), }; } else if (duration == null) { // checks for null or undefined duration = {}; } else if ( typeof duration === 'object' && ('from' in duration || 'to' in duration) ) { diffRes = momentsDifference( createLocal(duration.from), createLocal( ); duration = {}; = diffRes.milliseconds; duration.M = diffRes.months; } ret = new Duration(duration); if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_locale')) { ret._locale = input._locale; } if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_isValid')) { ret._isValid = input._isValid; } return ret; } createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype; createDuration.invalid = createInvalid$1; function parseIso(inp, sign) { // We'd normally use ~~inp for this, but unfortunately it also // converts floats to ints. // inp may be undefined, so careful calling replace on it. var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(',', '.')); // apply sign while we're at it return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign; } function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) { var res = {}; res.months = other.month() - base.month() + (other.year() - base.year()) * 12; if (base.clone().add(res.months, 'M').isAfter(other)) { --res.months; } res.milliseconds = +other - +base.clone().add(res.months, 'M'); return res; } function momentsDifference(base, other) { var res; if (!(base.isValid() && other.isValid())) { return { milliseconds: 0, months: 0 }; } other = cloneWithOffset(other, base); if (base.isBefore(other)) { res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other); } else { res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base); res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds; res.months = -res.months; } return res; } // TODO: remove 'name' arg after deprecation is removed function createAdder(direction, name) { return function (val, period) { var dur, tmp; //invert the arguments, but complain about it if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) { deprecateSimple( name, 'moment().' + name + '(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment().' + name + '(number, period). ' + 'See for more info.' ); tmp = val; val = period; period = tmp; } dur = createDuration(val, period); addSubtract(this, dur, direction); return this; }; } function addSubtract(mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) { var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds, days = absRound(duration._days), months = absRound(duration._months); if (!mom.isValid()) { // No op return; } updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset; if (months) { setMonth(mom, get(mom, 'Month') + months * isAdding); } if (days) { set$1(mom, 'Date', get(mom, 'Date') + days * isAdding); } if (milliseconds) { mom._d.setTime(mom._d.valueOf() + milliseconds * isAdding); } if (updateOffset) { hooks.updateOffset(mom, days || months); } } var add = createAdder(1, 'add'), subtract = createAdder(-1, 'subtract'); function isString(input) { return typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof String; } // type MomentInput = Moment | Date | string | number | (number | string)[] | MomentInputObject | void; // null | undefined function isMomentInput(input) { return ( isMoment(input) || isDate(input) || isString(input) || isNumber(input) || isNumberOrStringArray(input) || isMomentInputObject(input) || input === null || input === undefined ); } function isMomentInputObject(input) { var objectTest = isObject(input) && !isObjectEmpty(input), propertyTest = false, properties = [ 'years', 'year', 'y', 'months', 'month', 'M', 'days', 'day', 'd', 'dates', 'date', 'D', 'hours', 'hour', 'h', 'minutes', 'minute', 'm', 'seconds', 'second', 's', 'milliseconds', 'millisecond', 'ms', ], i, property, propertyLen = properties.length; for (i = 0; i < propertyLen; i += 1) { property = properties[i]; propertyTest = propertyTest || hasOwnProp(input, property); } return objectTest && propertyTest; } function isNumberOrStringArray(input) { var arrayTest = isArray(input), dataTypeTest = false; if (arrayTest) { dataTypeTest = input.filter(function (item) { return !isNumber(item) && isString(input); }).length === 0; } return arrayTest && dataTypeTest; } function isCalendarSpec(input) { var objectTest = isObject(input) && !isObjectEmpty(input), propertyTest = false, properties = [ 'sameDay', 'nextDay', 'lastDay', 'nextWeek', 'lastWeek', 'sameElse', ], i, property; for (i = 0; i < properties.length; i += 1) { property = properties[i]; propertyTest = propertyTest || hasOwnProp(input, property); } return objectTest && propertyTest; } function getCalendarFormat(myMoment, now) { var diff = myMoment.diff(now, 'days', true); return diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' : diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' : diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' : diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' : diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' : diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse'; } function calendar$1(time, formats) { // Support for single parameter, formats only overload to the calendar function if (arguments.length === 1) { if (!arguments[0]) { time = undefined; formats = undefined; } else if (isMomentInput(arguments[0])) { time = arguments[0]; formats = undefined; } else if (isCalendarSpec(arguments[0])) { formats = arguments[0]; time = undefined; } } // We want to compare the start of today, vs this. // Getting start-of-today depends on whether we're local/utc/offset or not. var now = time || createLocal(), sod = cloneWithOffset(now, this).startOf('day'), format = hooks.calendarFormat(this, sod) || 'sameElse', output = formats && (isFunction(formats[format]) ? formats[format].call(this, now) : formats[format]); return this.format( output || this.localeData().calendar(format, this, createLocal(now)) ); } function clone() { return new Moment(this); } function isAfter(input, units) { var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input); if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) { return false; } units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond'; if (units === 'millisecond') { return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf(); } else { return localInput.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf(); } } function isBefore(input, units) { var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input); if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) { return false; } units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond'; if (units === 'millisecond') { return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf(); } else { return this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() < localInput.valueOf(); } } function isBetween(from, to, units, inclusivity) { var localFrom = isMoment(from) ? from : createLocal(from), localTo = isMoment(to) ? to : createLocal(to); if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) { return false; } inclusivity = inclusivity || '()'; return ( (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units) : !this.isBefore(localFrom, units)) && (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(localTo, units) : !this.isAfter(localTo, units)) ); } function isSame(input, units) { var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input), inputMs; if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) { return false; } units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond'; if (units === 'millisecond') { return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf(); } else { inputMs = localInput.valueOf(); return ( this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf() <= inputMs && inputMs <= this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() ); } } function isSameOrAfter(input, units) { return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units); } function isSameOrBefore(input, units) { return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units); } function diff(input, units, asFloat) { var that, zoneDelta, output; if (!this.isValid()) { return NaN; } that = cloneWithOffset(input, this); if (!that.isValid()) { return NaN; } zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4; units = normalizeUnits(units); switch (units) { case 'year': output = monthDiff(this, that) / 12; break; case 'month': output = monthDiff(this, that); break; case 'quarter': output = monthDiff(this, that) / 3; break; case 'second': output = (this - that) / 1e3; break; // 1000 case 'minute': output = (this - that) / 6e4; break; // 1000 * 60 case 'hour': output = (this - that) / 36e5; break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 case 'day': output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 864e5; break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, negate dst case 'week': output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 6048e5; break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, negate dst default: output = this - that; } return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output); } function monthDiff(a, b) { if ( < { // end-of-month calculations work correct when the start month has more // days than the end month. return -monthDiff(b, a); } // difference in months var wholeMonthDiff = (b.year() - a.year()) * 12 + (b.month() - a.month()), // b is in (anchor - 1 month, anchor + 1 month) anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, 'months'), anchor2, adjust; if (b - anchor < 0) { anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, 'months'); // linear across the month adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2); } else { anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, 'months'); // linear across the month adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor); } //check for negative zero, return zero if negative zero return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust) || 0; } hooks.defaultFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ'; hooks.defaultFormatUtc = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]'; function toString() { return this.clone().locale('en').format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ'); } function toISOString(keepOffset) { if (!this.isValid()) { return null; } var utc = keepOffset !== true, m = utc ? this.clone().utc() : this; if (m.year() < 0 || m.year() > 9999) { return formatMoment( m, utc ? 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' : 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ' ); } if (isFunction(Date.prototype.toISOString)) { // native implementation is ~50x faster, use it when we can if (utc) { return this.toDate().toISOString(); } else { return new Date(this.valueOf() + this.utcOffset() * 60 * 1000) .toISOString() .replace('Z', formatMoment(m, 'Z')); } } return formatMoment( m, utc ? 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' : 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ' ); } /** * Return a human readable representation of a moment that can * also be evaluated to get a new moment which is the same * * @link */ function inspect() { if (!this.isValid()) { return 'moment.invalid(/* ' + this._i + ' */)'; } var func = 'moment', zone = '', prefix, year, datetime, suffix; if (!this.isLocal()) { func = this.utcOffset() === 0 ? 'moment.utc' : 'moment.parseZone'; zone = 'Z'; } prefix = '[' + func + '("]'; year = 0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999 ? 'YYYY' : 'YYYYYY'; datetime = '-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS'; suffix = zone + '[")]'; return this.format(prefix + year + datetime + suffix); } function format(inputString) { if (!inputString) { inputString = this.isUtc() ? hooks.defaultFormatUtc : hooks.defaultFormat; } var output = formatMoment(this, inputString); return this.localeData().postformat(output); } function from(time, withoutSuffix) { if ( this.isValid() && ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) || createLocal(time).isValid()) ) { return createDuration({ to: this, from: time }) .locale(this.locale()) .humanize(!withoutSuffix); } else { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } } function fromNow(withoutSuffix) { return this.from(createLocal(), withoutSuffix); } function to(time, withoutSuffix) { if ( this.isValid() && ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) || createLocal(time).isValid()) ) { return createDuration({ from: this, to: time }) .locale(this.locale()) .humanize(!withoutSuffix); } else { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } } function toNow(withoutSuffix) { return, withoutSuffix); } // If passed a locale key, it will set the locale for this // instance. Otherwise, it will return the locale configuration // variables for this instance. function locale(key) { var newLocaleData; if (key === undefined) { return this._locale._abbr; } else { newLocaleData = getLocale(key); if (newLocaleData != null) { this._locale = newLocaleData; } return this; } } var lang = deprecate( 'moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.', function (key) { if (key === undefined) { return this.localeData(); } else { return this.locale(key); } } ); function localeData() { return this._locale; } var MS_PER_SECOND = 1000, MS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * MS_PER_SECOND, MS_PER_HOUR = 60 * MS_PER_MINUTE, MS_PER_400_YEARS = (365 * 400 + 97) * 24 * MS_PER_HOUR; // actual modulo - handles negative numbers (for dates before 1970): function mod$1(dividend, divisor) { return ((dividend % divisor) + divisor) % divisor; } function localStartOfDate(y, m, d) { // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999 if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset return new Date(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS; } else { return new Date(y, m, d).valueOf(); } } function utcStartOfDate(y, m, d) { // Date.UTC remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999 if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset return Date.UTC(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS; } else { return Date.UTC(y, m, d); } } function startOf(units) { var time, startOfDate; units = normalizeUnits(units); if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) { return this; } startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate; switch (units) { case 'year': time = startOfDate(this.year(), 0, 1); break; case 'quarter': time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month() - (this.month() % 3), 1 ); break; case 'month': time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), 1); break; case 'week': time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday() ); break; case 'isoWeek': time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) ); break; case 'day': case 'date': time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(),; break; case 'hour': time = this._d.valueOf(); time -= mod$1( time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE), MS_PER_HOUR ); break; case 'minute': time = this._d.valueOf(); time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE); break; case 'second': time = this._d.valueOf(); time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND); break; } this._d.setTime(time); hooks.updateOffset(this, true); return this; } function endOf(units) { var time, startOfDate; units = normalizeUnits(units); if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) { return this; } startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate; switch (units) { case 'year': time = startOfDate(this.year() + 1, 0, 1) - 1; break; case 'quarter': time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month() - (this.month() % 3) + 3, 1 ) - 1; break; case 'month': time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() + 1, 1) - 1; break; case 'week': time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday() + 7 ) - 1; break; case 'isoWeek': time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7 ) - 1; break; case 'day': case 'date': time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), + 1) - 1; break; case 'hour': time = this._d.valueOf(); time += MS_PER_HOUR - mod$1( time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE), MS_PER_HOUR ) - 1; break; case 'minute': time = this._d.valueOf(); time += MS_PER_MINUTE - mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE) - 1; break; case 'second': time = this._d.valueOf(); time += MS_PER_SECOND - mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND) - 1; break; } this._d.setTime(time); hooks.updateOffset(this, true); return this; } function valueOf() { return this._d.valueOf() - (this._offset || 0) * 60000; } function unix() { return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1000); } function toDate() { return new Date(this.valueOf()); } function toArray() { var m = this; return [ m.year(), m.month(),, m.hour(), m.minute(), m.second(), m.millisecond(), ]; } function toObject() { var m = this; return { years: m.year(), months: m.month(), date:, hours: m.hours(), minutes: m.minutes(), seconds: m.seconds(), milliseconds: m.milliseconds(), }; } function toJSON() { // new Date(NaN).toJSON() === null return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null; } function isValid$2() { return isValid(this); } function parsingFlags() { return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this)); } function invalidAt() { return getParsingFlags(this).overflow; } function creationData() { return { input: this._i, format: this._f, locale: this._locale, isUTC: this._isUTC, strict: this._strict, }; } addFormatToken('N', 0, 0, 'eraAbbr'); addFormatToken('NN', 0, 0, 'eraAbbr'); addFormatToken('NNN', 0, 0, 'eraAbbr'); addFormatToken('NNNN', 0, 0, 'eraName'); addFormatToken('NNNNN', 0, 0, 'eraNarrow'); addFormatToken('y', ['y', 1], 'yo', 'eraYear'); addFormatToken('y', ['yy', 2], 0, 'eraYear'); addFormatToken('y', ['yyy', 3], 0, 'eraYear'); addFormatToken('y', ['yyyy', 4], 0, 'eraYear'); addRegexToken('N', matchEraAbbr); addRegexToken('NN', matchEraAbbr); addRegexToken('NNN', matchEraAbbr); addRegexToken('NNNN', matchEraName); addRegexToken('NNNNN', matchEraNarrow); addParseToken( ['N', 'NN', 'NNN', 'NNNN', 'NNNNN'], function (input, array, config, token) { var era = config._locale.erasParse(input, token, config._strict); if (era) { getParsingFlags(config).era = era; } else { getParsingFlags(config).invalidEra = input; } } ); addRegexToken('y', matchUnsigned); addRegexToken('yy', matchUnsigned); addRegexToken('yyy', matchUnsigned); addRegexToken('yyyy', matchUnsigned); addRegexToken('yo', matchEraYearOrdinal); addParseToken(['y', 'yy', 'yyy', 'yyyy'], YEAR); addParseToken(['yo'], function (input, array, config, token) { var match; if (config._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex) { match = input.match(config._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex); } if (config._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse) { array[YEAR] = config._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse(input, match); } else { array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10); } }); function localeEras(m, format) { var i, l, date, eras = this._eras || getLocale('en')._eras; for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { switch (typeof eras[i].since) { case 'string': // truncate time date = hooks(eras[i].since).startOf('day'); eras[i].since = date.valueOf(); break; } switch (typeof eras[i].until) { case 'undefined': eras[i].until = +Infinity; break; case 'string': // truncate time date = hooks(eras[i].until).startOf('day').valueOf(); eras[i].until = date.valueOf(); break; } } return eras; } function localeErasParse(eraName, format, strict) { var i, l, eras = this.eras(), name, abbr, narrow; eraName = eraName.toUpperCase(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { name = eras[i].name.toUpperCase(); abbr = eras[i].abbr.toUpperCase(); narrow = eras[i].narrow.toUpperCase(); if (strict) { switch (format) { case 'N': case 'NN': case 'NNN': if (abbr === eraName) { return eras[i]; } break; case 'NNNN': if (name === eraName) { return eras[i]; } break; case 'NNNNN': if (narrow === eraName) { return eras[i]; } break; } } else if ([name, abbr, narrow].indexOf(eraName) >= 0) { return eras[i]; } } } function localeErasConvertYear(era, year) { var dir = era.since <= era.until ? +1 : -1; if (year === undefined) { return hooks(era.since).year(); } else { return hooks(era.since).year() + (year - era.offset) * dir; } } function getEraName() { var i, l, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { // truncate time val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf(); if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) { return eras[i].name; } if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) { return eras[i].name; } } return ''; } function getEraNarrow() { var i, l, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { // truncate time val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf(); if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) { return eras[i].narrow; } if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) { return eras[i].narrow; } } return ''; } function getEraAbbr() { var i, l, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { // truncate time val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf(); if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) { return eras[i].abbr; } if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) { return eras[i].abbr; } } return ''; } function getEraYear() { var i, l, dir, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { dir = eras[i].since <= eras[i].until ? +1 : -1; // truncate time val = this.clone().startOf('day').valueOf(); if ( (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) || (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) ) { return ( (this.year() - hooks(eras[i].since).year()) * dir + eras[i].offset ); } } return this.year(); } function erasNameRegex(isStrict) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_erasNameRegex')) {; } return isStrict ? this._erasNameRegex : this._erasRegex; } function erasAbbrRegex(isStrict) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_erasAbbrRegex')) {; } return isStrict ? this._erasAbbrRegex : this._erasRegex; } function erasNarrowRegex(isStrict) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_erasNarrowRegex')) {; } return isStrict ? this._erasNarrowRegex : this._erasRegex; } function matchEraAbbr(isStrict, locale) { return locale.erasAbbrRegex(isStrict); } function matchEraName(isStrict, locale) { return locale.erasNameRegex(isStrict); } function matchEraNarrow(isStrict, locale) { return locale.erasNarrowRegex(isStrict); } function matchEraYearOrdinal(isStrict, locale) { return locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex || matchUnsigned; } function computeErasParse() { var abbrPieces = [], namePieces = [], narrowPieces = [], mixedPieces = [], i, l, eras = this.eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { namePieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].name)); abbrPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].abbr)); narrowPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].narrow)); mixedPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].name)); mixedPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].abbr)); mixedPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].narrow)); } this._erasRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i'); this._erasNameRegex = new RegExp('^(' + namePieces.join('|') + ')', 'i'); this._erasAbbrRegex = new RegExp('^(' + abbrPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i'); this._erasNarrowRegex = new RegExp( '^(' + narrowPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i' ); } // FORMATTING addFormatToken(0, ['gg', 2], 0, function () { return this.weekYear() % 100; }); addFormatToken(0, ['GG', 2], 0, function () { return this.isoWeekYear() % 100; }); function addWeekYearFormatToken(token, getter) { addFormatToken(0, [token, token.length], 0, getter); } addWeekYearFormatToken('gggg', 'weekYear'); addWeekYearFormatToken('ggggg', 'weekYear'); addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGG', 'isoWeekYear'); addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGGG', 'isoWeekYear'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('weekYear', 'gg'); addUnitAlias('isoWeekYear', 'GG'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('weekYear', 1); addUnitPriority('isoWeekYear', 1); // PARSING addRegexToken('G', matchSigned); addRegexToken('g', matchSigned); addRegexToken('GG', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('gg', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('GGGG', match1to4, match4); addRegexToken('gggg', match1to4, match4); addRegexToken('GGGGG', match1to6, match6); addRegexToken('ggggg', match1to6, match6); addWeekParseToken( ['gggg', 'ggggg', 'GGGG', 'GGGGG'], function (input, week, config, token) { week[token.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input); } ); addWeekParseToken(['gg', 'GG'], function (input, week, config, token) { week[token] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input); }); // MOMENTS function getSetWeekYear(input) { return this, input, this.week(), this.weekday(), this.localeData()._week.dow, this.localeData()._week.doy ); } function getSetISOWeekYear(input) { return this, input, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4 ); } function getISOWeeksInYear() { return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4); } function getISOWeeksInISOWeekYear() { return weeksInYear(this.isoWeekYear(), 1, 4); } function getWeeksInYear() { var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week; return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy); } function getWeeksInWeekYear() { var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week; return weeksInYear(this.weekYear(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy); } function getSetWeekYearHelper(input, week, weekday, dow, doy) { var weeksTarget; if (input == null) { return weekOfYear(this, dow, doy).year; } else { weeksTarget = weeksInYear(input, dow, doy); if (week > weeksTarget) { week = weeksTarget; } return, input, week, weekday, dow, doy); } } function setWeekAll(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy) { var dayOfYearData = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy), date = createUTCDate(dayOfYearData.year, 0, dayOfYearData.dayOfYear); this.year(date.getUTCFullYear()); this.month(date.getUTCMonth());; return this; } // FORMATTING addFormatToken('Q', 0, 'Qo', 'quarter'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('quarter', 'Q'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('quarter', 7); // PARSING addRegexToken('Q', match1); addParseToken('Q', function (input, array) { array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3; }); // MOMENTS function getSetQuarter(input) { return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + (this.month() % 3)); } // FORMATTING addFormatToken('D', ['DD', 2], 'Do', 'date'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('date', 'D'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('date', 9); // PARSING addRegexToken('D', match1to2); addRegexToken('DD', match1to2, match2); addRegexToken('Do', function (isStrict, locale) { // TODO: Remove "ordinalParse" fallback in next major release. return isStrict ? locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || locale._ordinalParse : locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient; }); addParseToken(['D', 'DD'], DATE); addParseToken('Do', function (input, array) { array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0]); }); // MOMENTS var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet('Date', true); // FORMATTING addFormatToken('DDD', ['DDDD', 3], 'DDDo', 'dayOfYear'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('dayOfYear', 'DDD'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('dayOfYear', 4); // PARSING addRegexToken('DDD', match1to3); addRegexToken('DDDD', match3); addParseToken(['DDD', 'DDDD'], function (input, array, config) { config._dayOfYear = toInt(input); }); // HELPERS // MOMENTS function getSetDayOfYear(input) { var dayOfYear = Math.round( (this.clone().startOf('day') - this.clone().startOf('year')) / 864e5 ) + 1; return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add(input - dayOfYear, 'd'); } // FORMATTING addFormatToken('m', ['mm', 2], 0, 'minute'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('minute', 'm'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('minute', 14); // PARSING addRegexToken('m', match1to2); addRegexToken('mm', match1to2, match2); addParseToken(['m', 'mm'], MINUTE); // MOMENTS var getSetMinute = makeGetSet('Minutes', false); // FORMATTING addFormatToken('s', ['ss', 2], 0, 'second'); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('second', 's'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('second', 15); // PARSING addRegexToken('s', match1to2); addRegexToken('ss', match1to2, match2); addParseToken(['s', 'ss'], SECOND); // MOMENTS var getSetSecond = makeGetSet('Seconds', false); // FORMATTING addFormatToken('S', 0, 0, function () { return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100); }); addFormatToken(0, ['SS', 2], 0, function () { return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10); }); addFormatToken(0, ['SSS', 3], 0, 'millisecond'); addFormatToken(0, ['SSSS', 4], 0, function () { return this.millisecond() * 10; }); addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSS', 5], 0, function () { return this.millisecond() * 100; }); addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSS', 6], 0, function () { return this.millisecond() * 1000; }); addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSS', 7], 0, function () { return this.millisecond() * 10000; }); addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSS', 8], 0, function () { return this.millisecond() * 100000; }); addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSSS', 9], 0, function () { return this.millisecond() * 1000000; }); // ALIASES addUnitAlias('millisecond', 'ms'); // PRIORITY addUnitPriority('millisecond', 16); // PARSING addRegexToken('S', match1to3, match1); addRegexToken('SS', match1to3, match2); addRegexToken('SSS', match1to3, match3); var token, getSetMillisecond; for (token = 'SSSS'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') { addRegexToken(token, matchUnsigned); } function parseMs(input, array) { array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(('0.' + input) * 1000); } for (token = 'S'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') { addParseToken(token, parseMs); } getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet('Milliseconds', false); // FORMATTING addFormatToken('z', 0, 0, 'zoneAbbr'); addFormatToken('zz', 0, 0, 'zoneName'); // MOMENTS function getZoneAbbr() { return this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : ''; } function getZoneName() { return this._isUTC ? 'Coordinated Universal Time' : ''; } var proto = Moment.prototype; proto.add = add; proto.calendar = calendar$1; proto.clone = clone; proto.diff = diff; proto.endOf = endOf; proto.format = format; proto.from = from; proto.fromNow = fromNow; = to; proto.toNow = toNow; proto.get = stringGet; proto.invalidAt = invalidAt; proto.isAfter = isAfter; proto.isBefore = isBefore; proto.isBetween = isBetween; proto.isSame = isSame; proto.isSameOrAfter = isSameOrAfter; proto.isSameOrBefore = isSameOrBefore; proto.isValid = isValid$2; proto.lang = lang; proto.locale = locale; proto.localeData = localeData; proto.max = prototypeMax; proto.min = prototypeMin; proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags; proto.set = stringSet; proto.startOf = startOf; proto.subtract = subtract; proto.toArray = toArray; proto.toObject = toObject; proto.toDate = toDate; proto.toISOString = toISOString; proto.inspect = inspect; if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.for != null) { proto[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')] = function () { return 'Moment<' + this.format() + '>'; }; } proto.toJSON = toJSON; proto.toString = toString; proto.unix = unix; proto.valueOf = valueOf; proto.creationData = creationData; proto.eraName = getEraName; proto.eraNarrow = getEraNarrow; proto.eraAbbr = getEraAbbr; proto.eraYear = getEraYear; proto.year = getSetYear; proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear; proto.weekYear = getSetWeekYear; proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear; proto.quarter = proto.quarters = getSetQuarter; proto.month = getSetMonth; proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth; proto.week = proto.weeks = getSetWeek; proto.isoWeek = proto.isoWeeks = getSetISOWeek; proto.weeksInYear = getWeeksInYear; proto.weeksInWeekYear = getWeeksInWeekYear; proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear; proto.isoWeeksInISOWeekYear = getISOWeeksInISOWeekYear; = getSetDayOfMonth; = proto.days = getSetDayOfWeek; proto.weekday = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek; proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek; proto.dayOfYear = getSetDayOfYear; proto.hour = proto.hours = getSetHour; proto.minute = proto.minutes = getSetMinute; proto.second = proto.seconds = getSetSecond; proto.millisecond = proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond; proto.utcOffset = getSetOffset; proto.utc = setOffsetToUTC; proto.local = setOffsetToLocal; proto.parseZone = setOffsetToParsedOffset; proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset; proto.isDST = isDaylightSavingTime; proto.isLocal = isLocal; proto.isUtcOffset = isUtcOffset; proto.isUtc = isUtc; proto.isUTC = isUtc; proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr; proto.zoneName = getZoneName; proto.dates = deprecate( 'dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.', getSetDayOfMonth ); proto.months = deprecate( 'months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead', getSetMonth ); proto.years = deprecate( 'years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead', getSetYear ); = deprecate( 'moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.', getSetZone ); proto.isDSTShifted = deprecate( 'isDSTShifted is deprecated. See for more information', isDaylightSavingTimeShifted ); function createUnix(input) { return createLocal(input * 1000); } function createInZone() { return createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone(); } function preParsePostFormat(string) { return string; } var proto$1 = Locale.prototype; proto$1.calendar = calendar; proto$1.longDateFormat = longDateFormat; proto$1.invalidDate = invalidDate; proto$1.ordinal = ordinal; proto$1.preparse = preParsePostFormat; proto$1.postformat = preParsePostFormat; proto$1.relativeTime = relativeTime; proto$1.pastFuture = pastFuture; proto$1.set = set; proto$1.eras = localeEras; proto$1.erasParse = localeErasParse; proto$1.erasConvertYear = localeErasConvertYear; proto$1.erasAbbrRegex = erasAbbrRegex; proto$1.erasNameRegex = erasNameRegex; proto$1.erasNarrowRegex = erasNarrowRegex; proto$1.months = localeMonths; proto$1.monthsShort = localeMonthsShort; proto$1.monthsParse = localeMonthsParse; proto$1.monthsRegex = monthsRegex; proto$1.monthsShortRegex = monthsShortRegex; proto$1.week = localeWeek; proto$1.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear; proto$1.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek; proto$1.weekdays = localeWeekdays; proto$1.weekdaysMin = localeWeekdaysMin; proto$1.weekdaysShort = localeWeekdaysShort; proto$1.weekdaysParse = localeWeekdaysParse; proto$1.weekdaysRegex = weekdaysRegex; proto$1.weekdaysShortRegex = weekdaysShortRegex; proto$1.weekdaysMinRegex = weekdaysMinRegex; proto$1.isPM = localeIsPM; proto$1.meridiem = localeMeridiem; function get$1(format, index, field, setter) { var locale = getLocale(), utc = createUTC().set(setter, index); return locale[field](utc, format); } function listMonthsImpl(format, index, field) { if (isNumber(format)) { index = format; format = undefined; } format = format || ''; if (index != null) { return get$1(format, index, field, 'month'); } var i, out = []; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { out[i] = get$1(format, i, field, 'month'); } return out; } // () // (5) // (fmt, 5) // (fmt) // (true) // (true, 5) // (true, fmt, 5) // (true, fmt) function listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, field) { if (typeof localeSorted === 'boolean') { if (isNumber(format)) { index = format; format = undefined; } format = format || ''; } else { format = localeSorted; index = format; localeSorted = false; if (isNumber(format)) { index = format; format = undefined; } format = format || ''; } var locale = getLocale(), shift = localeSorted ? locale._week.dow : 0, i, out = []; if (index != null) { return get$1(format, (index + shift) % 7, field, 'day'); } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { out[i] = get$1(format, (i + shift) % 7, field, 'day'); } return out; } function listMonths(format, index) { return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'months'); } function listMonthsShort(format, index) { return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'monthsShort'); } function listWeekdays(localeSorted, format, index) { return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdays'); } function listWeekdaysShort(localeSorted, format, index) { return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysShort'); } function listWeekdaysMin(localeSorted, format, index) { return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysMin'); } getSetGlobalLocale('en', { eras: [ { since: '0001-01-01', until: +Infinity, offset: 1, name: 'Anno Domini', narrow: 'AD', abbr: 'AD', }, { since: '0000-12-31', until: -Infinity, offset: 1, name: 'Before Christ', narrow: 'BC', abbr: 'BC', }, ], dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/, ordinal: function (number) { var b = number % 10, output = toInt((number % 100) / 10) === 1 ? 'th' : b === 1 ? 'st' : b === 2 ? 'nd' : b === 3 ? 'rd' : 'th'; return number + output; }, }); // Side effect imports hooks.lang = deprecate( 'moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.', getSetGlobalLocale ); hooks.langData = deprecate( 'moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.', getLocale ); var mathAbs = Math.abs; function abs() { var data = this._data; this._milliseconds = mathAbs(this._milliseconds); this._days = mathAbs(this._days); this._months = mathAbs(this._months); data.milliseconds = mathAbs(data.milliseconds); data.seconds = mathAbs(data.seconds); data.minutes = mathAbs(data.minutes); data.hours = mathAbs(data.hours); data.months = mathAbs(data.months); data.years = mathAbs(data.years); return this; } function addSubtract$1(duration, input, value, direction) { var other = createDuration(input, value); duration._milliseconds += direction * other._milliseconds; duration._days += direction * other._days; duration._months += direction * other._months; return duration._bubble(); } // supports only 2.0-style add(1, 's') or add(duration) function add$1(input, value) { return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, 1); } // supports only 2.0-style subtract(1, 's') or subtract(duration) function subtract$1(input, value) { return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, -1); } function absCeil(number) { if (number < 0) { return Math.floor(number); } else { return Math.ceil(number); } } function bubble() { var milliseconds = this._milliseconds, days = this._days, months = this._months, data = this._data, seconds, minutes, hours, years, monthsFromDays; // if we have a mix of positive and negative values, bubble down first // check: if ( !( (milliseconds >= 0 && days >= 0 && months >= 0) || (milliseconds <= 0 && days <= 0 && months <= 0) ) ) { milliseconds += absCeil(monthsToDays(months) + days) * 864e5; days = 0; months = 0; } // The following code bubbles up values, see the tests for // examples of what that means. data.milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000; seconds = absFloor(milliseconds / 1000); data.seconds = seconds % 60; minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60); data.minutes = minutes % 60; hours = absFloor(minutes / 60); data.hours = hours % 24; days += absFloor(hours / 24); // convert days to months monthsFromDays = absFloor(daysToMonths(days)); months += monthsFromDays; days -= absCeil(monthsToDays(monthsFromDays)); // 12 months -> 1 year years = absFloor(months / 12); months %= 12; data.days = days; data.months = months; data.years = years; return this; } function daysToMonths(days) { // 400 years have 146097 days (taking into account leap year rules) // 400 years have 12 months === 4800 return (days * 4800) / 146097; } function monthsToDays(months) { // the reverse of daysToMonths return (months * 146097) / 4800; } function as(units) { if (!this.isValid()) { return NaN; } var days, months, milliseconds = this._milliseconds; units = normalizeUnits(units); if (units === 'month' || units === 'quarter' || units === 'year') { days = this._days + milliseconds / 864e5; months = this._months + daysToMonths(days); switch (units) { case 'month': return months; case 'quarter': return months / 3; case 'year': return months / 12; } } else { // handle milliseconds separately because of floating point math errors (issue #1867) days = this._days + Math.round(monthsToDays(this._months)); switch (units) { case 'week': return days / 7 + milliseconds / 6048e5; case 'day': return days + milliseconds / 864e5; case 'hour': return days * 24 + milliseconds / 36e5; case 'minute': return days * 1440 + milliseconds / 6e4; case 'second': return days * 86400 + milliseconds / 1000; // Math.floor prevents floating point math errors here case 'millisecond': return Math.floor(days * 864e5) + milliseconds; default: throw new Error('Unknown unit ' + units); } } } // TODO: Use'ms')? function valueOf$1() { if (!this.isValid()) { return NaN; } return ( this._milliseconds + this._days * 864e5 + (this._months % 12) * 2592e6 + toInt(this._months / 12) * 31536e6 ); } function makeAs(alias) { return function () { return; }; } var asMilliseconds = makeAs('ms'), asSeconds = makeAs('s'), asMinutes = makeAs('m'), asHours = makeAs('h'), asDays = makeAs('d'), asWeeks = makeAs('w'), asMonths = makeAs('M'), asQuarters = makeAs('Q'), asYears = makeAs('y'); function clone$1() { return createDuration(this); } function get$2(units) { units = normalizeUnits(units); return this.isValid() ? this[units + 's']() : NaN; } function makeGetter(name) { return function () { return this.isValid() ? this._data[name] : NaN; }; } var milliseconds = makeGetter('milliseconds'), seconds = makeGetter('seconds'), minutes = makeGetter('minutes'), hours = makeGetter('hours'), days = makeGetter('days'), months = makeGetter('months'), years = makeGetter('years'); function weeks() { return absFloor(this.days() / 7); } var round = Math.round, thresholds = { ss: 44, // a few seconds to seconds s: 45, // seconds to minute m: 45, // minutes to hour h: 22, // hours to day d: 26, // days to month/week w: null, // weeks to month M: 11, // months to year }; // helper function for moment.fn.from, moment.fn.fromNow, and moment.duration.fn.humanize function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale) { return locale.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture); } function relativeTime$1(posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, thresholds, locale) { var duration = createDuration(posNegDuration).abs(), seconds = round('s')), minutes = round('m')), hours = round('h')), days = round('d')), months = round('M')), weeks = round('w')), years = round('y')), a = (seconds <= && ['s', seconds]) || (seconds < thresholds.s && ['ss', seconds]) || (minutes <= 1 && ['m']) || (minutes < thresholds.m && ['mm', minutes]) || (hours <= 1 && ['h']) || (hours < thresholds.h && ['hh', hours]) || (days <= 1 && ['d']) || (days < thresholds.d && ['dd', days]); if (thresholds.w != null) { a = a || (weeks <= 1 && ['w']) || (weeks < thresholds.w && ['ww', weeks]); } a = a || (months <= 1 && ['M']) || (months < thresholds.M && ['MM', months]) || (years <= 1 && ['y']) || ['yy', years]; a[2] = withoutSuffix; a[3] = +posNegDuration > 0; a[4] = locale; return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null, a); } // This function allows you to set the rounding function for relative time strings function getSetRelativeTimeRounding(roundingFunction) { if (roundingFunction === undefined) { return round; } if (typeof roundingFunction === 'function') { round = roundingFunction; return true; } return false; } // This function allows you to set a threshold for relative time strings function getSetRelativeTimeThreshold(threshold, limit) { if (thresholds[threshold] === undefined) { return false; } if (limit === undefined) { return thresholds[threshold]; } thresholds[threshold] = limit; if (threshold === 's') { = limit - 1; } return true; } function humanize(argWithSuffix, argThresholds) { if (!this.isValid()) { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } var withSuffix = false, th = thresholds, locale, output; if (typeof argWithSuffix === 'object') { argThresholds = argWithSuffix; argWithSuffix = false; } if (typeof argWithSuffix === 'boolean') { withSuffix = argWithSuffix; } if (typeof argThresholds === 'object') { th = Object.assign({}, thresholds, argThresholds); if (argThresholds.s != null && == null) { = argThresholds.s - 1; } } locale = this.localeData(); output = relativeTime$1(this, !withSuffix, th, locale); if (withSuffix) { output = locale.pastFuture(+this, output); } return locale.postformat(output); } var abs$1 = Math.abs; function sign(x) { return (x > 0) - (x < 0) || +x; } function toISOString$1() { // for ISO strings we do not use the normal bubbling rules: // * milliseconds bubble up until they become hours // * days do not bubble at all // * months bubble up until they become years // This is because there is no context-free conversion between hours and days // (think of clock changes) // and also not between days and months (28-31 days per month) if (!this.isValid()) { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } var seconds = abs$1(this._milliseconds) / 1000, days = abs$1(this._days), months = abs$1(this._months), minutes, hours, years, s, total = this.asSeconds(), totalSign, ymSign, daysSign, hmsSign; if (!total) { // this is the same as C#'s (Noda) and python (isodate)... // but not other JS ( return 'P0D'; } // 3600 seconds -> 60 minutes -> 1 hour minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60); hours = absFloor(minutes / 60); seconds %= 60; minutes %= 60; // 12 months -> 1 year years = absFloor(months / 12); months %= 12; // inspired by s = seconds ? seconds.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, '') : ''; totalSign = total < 0 ? '-' : ''; ymSign = sign(this._months) !== sign(total) ? '-' : ''; daysSign = sign(this._days) !== sign(total) ? '-' : ''; hmsSign = sign(this._milliseconds) !== sign(total) ? '-' : ''; return ( totalSign + 'P' + (years ? ymSign + years + 'Y' : '') + (months ? ymSign + months + 'M' : '') + (days ? daysSign + days + 'D' : '') + (hours || minutes || seconds ? 'T' : '') + (hours ? hmsSign + hours + 'H' : '') + (minutes ? hmsSign + minutes + 'M' : '') + (seconds ? hmsSign + s + 'S' : '') ); } var proto$2 = Duration.prototype; proto$2.isValid = isValid$1; proto$2.abs = abs; proto$2.add = add$1; proto$2.subtract = subtract$1; proto$ = as; proto$2.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds; proto$2.asSeconds = asSeconds; proto$2.asMinutes = asMinutes; proto$2.asHours = asHours; proto$2.asDays = asDays; proto$2.asWeeks = asWeeks; proto$2.asMonths = asMonths; proto$2.asQuarters = asQuarters; proto$2.asYears = asYears; proto$2.valueOf = valueOf$1; proto$2._bubble = bubble; proto$2.clone = clone$1; proto$2.get = get$2; proto$2.milliseconds = milliseconds; proto$2.seconds = seconds; proto$2.minutes = minutes; proto$2.hours = hours; proto$2.days = days; proto$2.weeks = weeks; proto$2.months = months; proto$2.years = years; proto$2.humanize = humanize; proto$2.toISOString = toISOString$1; proto$2.toString = toISOString$1; proto$2.toJSON = toISOString$1; proto$2.locale = locale; proto$2.localeData = localeData; proto$2.toIsoString = deprecate( 'toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)', toISOString$1 ); proto$2.lang = lang; // FORMATTING addFormatToken('X', 0, 0, 'unix'); addFormatToken('x', 0, 0, 'valueOf'); // PARSING addRegexToken('x', matchSigned); addRegexToken('X', matchTimestamp); addParseToken('X', function (input, array, config) { config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input) * 1000); }); addParseToken('x', function (input, array, config) { config._d = new Date(toInt(input)); }); //! moment.js hooks.version = '2.29.4'; setHookCallback(createLocal); hooks.fn = proto; hooks.min = min; hooks.max = max; = now; hooks.utc = createUTC; hooks.unix = createUnix; hooks.months = listMonths; hooks.isDate = isDate; hooks.locale = getSetGlobalLocale; hooks.invalid = createInvalid; hooks.duration = createDuration; hooks.isMoment = isMoment; hooks.weekdays = listWeekdays; hooks.parseZone = createInZone; hooks.localeData = getLocale; hooks.isDuration = isDuration; hooks.monthsShort = listMonthsShort; hooks.weekdaysMin = listWeekdaysMin; hooks.defineLocale = defineLocale; hooks.updateLocale = updateLocale; hooks.locales = listLocales; hooks.weekdaysShort = listWeekdaysShort; hooks.normalizeUnits = normalizeUnits; hooks.relativeTimeRounding = getSetRelativeTimeRounding; hooks.relativeTimeThreshold = getSetRelativeTimeThreshold; hooks.calendarFormat = getCalendarFormat; hooks.prototype = proto; // currently HTML5 input type only supports 24-hour formats hooks.HTML5_FMT = { DATETIME_LOCAL: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm', // <input type="datetime-local" /> DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss', // <input type="datetime-local" step="1" /> DATETIME_LOCAL_MS: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS', // <input type="datetime-local" step="0.001" /> DATE: 'YYYY-MM-DD', // <input type="date" /> TIME: 'HH:mm', // <input type="time" /> TIME_SECONDS: 'HH:mm:ss', // <input type="time" step="1" /> TIME_MS: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS', // <input type="time" step="0.001" /> WEEK: 'GGGG-[W]WW', // <input type="week" /> MONTH: 'YYYY-MM', // <input type="month" /> }; return hooks; }))); PK�������!�Sdb.��b.����vendor/wp-polyfill-formdata.jsnu�[��������/* formdata-polyfill. MIT License. Jimmy Wärting <> */ /* global FormData self Blob File */ /* eslint-disable no-inner-declarations */ if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && (typeof FormData === 'undefined' || !FormData.prototype.keys)) { const global = typeof globalThis === 'object' ? globalThis : typeof window === 'object' ? window : typeof self === 'object' ? self : this // keep a reference to native implementation const _FormData = global.FormData // To be monkey patched const _send = global.XMLHttpRequest && global.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send const _fetch = global.Request && global.fetch const _sendBeacon = global.navigator && global.navigator.sendBeacon // Might be a worker thread... const _match = global.Element && global.Element.prototype // Unable to patch Request/Response constructor correctly #109 // only way is to use ES6 class extend // const stringTag = global.Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag // Add missing stringTags to blob and files if (stringTag) { if (!Blob.prototype[stringTag]) { Blob.prototype[stringTag] = 'Blob' } if ('File' in global && !File.prototype[stringTag]) { File.prototype[stringTag] = 'File' } } // Fix so you can construct your own File try { new File([], '') // eslint-disable-line } catch (a) { global.File = function File (b, d, c) { const blob = new Blob(b, c || {}) const t = c && void 0 !== c.lastModified ? new Date(c.lastModified) : new Date() Object.defineProperties(blob, { name: { value: d }, lastModified: { value: +t }, toString: { value () { return '[object File]' } } }) if (stringTag) { Object.defineProperty(blob, stringTag, { value: 'File' }) } return blob } } function ensureArgs (args, expected) { if (args.length < expected) { throw new TypeError(`${expected} argument required, but only ${args.length} present.`) } } /** * @param {string} name * @param {string | undefined} filename * @returns {[string, File|string]} */ function normalizeArgs (name, value, filename) { if (value instanceof Blob) { filename = filename !== undefined ? String(filename + '') : typeof === 'string' ? : 'blob' if ( !== filename || === '[object Blob]') { value = new File([value], filename) } return [String(name), value] } return [String(name), String(value)] } // normalize line feeds for textarea // function normalizeLinefeeds (value) { return value.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '\r\n') } /** * @template T * @param {ArrayLike<T>} arr * @param {{ (elm: T): void; }} cb */ function each (arr, cb) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { cb(arr[i]) } } const escape = str => str.replace(/\n/g, '%0A').replace(/\r/g, '%0D').replace(/"/g, '%22') /** * @implements {Iterable} */ class FormDataPolyfill { /** * FormData class * * @param {HTMLFormElement=} form */ constructor (form) { /** @type {[string, string|File][]} */ this._data = [] const self = this form && each(form.elements, (/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ elm) => { if ( ! || elm.disabled || elm.type === 'submit' || elm.type === 'button' || elm.matches('form fieldset[disabled] *') ) return if (elm.type === 'file') { const files = elm.files && elm.files.length ? elm.files : [new File([], '', { type: 'application/octet-stream' })] // #78 each(files, file => { self.append(, file) }) } else if (elm.type === 'select-multiple' || elm.type === 'select-one') { each(elm.options, opt => { !opt.disabled && opt.selected && self.append(, opt.value) }) } else if (elm.type === 'checkbox' || elm.type === 'radio') { if (elm.checked) self.append(, elm.value) } else { const value = elm.type === 'textarea' ? normalizeLinefeeds(elm.value) : elm.value self.append(, value) } }) } /** * Append a field * * @param {string} name field name * @param {string|Blob|File} value string / blob / file * @param {string=} filename filename to use with blob * @return {undefined} */ append (name, value, filename) { ensureArgs(arguments, 2) this._data.push(normalizeArgs(name, value, filename)) } /** * Delete all fields values given name * * @param {string} name Field name * @return {undefined} */ delete (name) { ensureArgs(arguments, 1) const result = [] name = String(name) each(this._data, entry => { entry[0] !== name && result.push(entry) }) this._data = result } /** * Iterate over all fields as [name, value] * * @return {Iterator} */ * entries () { for (var i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) { yield this._data[i] } } /** * Iterate over all fields * * @param {Function} callback Executed for each item with parameters (value, name, thisArg) * @param {Object=} thisArg `this` context for callback function */ forEach (callback, thisArg) { ensureArgs(arguments, 1) for (const [name, value] of this) {, value, name, this) } } /** * Return first field value given name * or null if non existent * * @param {string} name Field name * @return {string|File|null} value Fields value */ get (name) { ensureArgs(arguments, 1) const entries = this._data name = String(name) for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (entries[i][0] === name) { return entries[i][1] } } return null } /** * Return all fields values given name * * @param {string} name Fields name * @return {Array} [{String|File}] */ getAll (name) { ensureArgs(arguments, 1) const result = [] name = String(name) each(this._data, data => { data[0] === name && result.push(data[1]) }) return result } /** * Check for field name existence * * @param {string} name Field name * @return {boolean} */ has (name) { ensureArgs(arguments, 1) name = String(name) for (let i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) { if (this._data[i][0] === name) { return true } } return false } /** * Iterate over all fields name * * @return {Iterator} */ * keys () { for (const [name] of this) { yield name } } /** * Overwrite all values given name * * @param {string} name Filed name * @param {string} value Field value * @param {string=} filename Filename (optional) */ set (name, value, filename) { ensureArgs(arguments, 2) name = String(name) /** @type {[string, string|File][]} */ const result = [] const args = normalizeArgs(name, value, filename) let replace = true // - replace the first occurrence with same name // - discards the remaining with same name // - while keeping the same order items where added each(this._data, data => { data[0] === name ? replace && (replace = !result.push(args)) : result.push(data) }) replace && result.push(args) this._data = result } /** * Iterate over all fields * * @return {Iterator} */ * values () { for (const [, value] of this) { yield value } } /** * Return a native (perhaps degraded) FormData with only a `append` method * Can throw if it's not supported * * @return {FormData} */ ['_asNative'] () { const fd = new _FormData() for (const [name, value] of this) { fd.append(name, value) } return fd } /** * [_blob description] * * @return {Blob} [description] */ ['_blob'] () { const boundary = '----formdata-polyfill-' + Math.random(), chunks = [], p = `--${boundary}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="` this.forEach((value, name) => typeof value == 'string' ? chunks.push(p + escape(normalizeLinefeeds(name)) + `"\r\n\r\n${normalizeLinefeeds(value)}\r\n`) : chunks.push(p + escape(normalizeLinefeeds(name)) + `"; filename="${escape(}"\r\nContent-Type: ${value.type||"application/octet-stream"}\r\n\r\n`, value, `\r\n`)) chunks.push(`--${boundary}--`) return new Blob(chunks, { type: "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary }) } /** * The class itself is iterable * alias for formdata.entries() * * @return {Iterator} */ [Symbol.iterator] () { return this.entries() } /** * Create the default string description. * * @return {string} [object FormData] */ toString () { return '[object FormData]' } } if (_match && !_match.matches) { _match.matches = _match.matchesSelector || _match.mozMatchesSelector || _match.msMatchesSelector || _match.oMatchesSelector || _match.webkitMatchesSelector || function (s) { var matches = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(s) var i = matches.length while (--i >= 0 && matches.item(i) !== this) {} return i > -1 } } if (stringTag) { /** * Create the default string description. * It is accessed internally by the Object.prototype.toString(). */ FormDataPolyfill.prototype[stringTag] = 'FormData' } // Patch xhr's send method to call _blob transparently if (_send) { const setRequestHeader = global.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader global.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader = function (name, value) {, name, value) if (name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') this._hasContentType = true } global.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function (data) { // need to patch send b/c old IE don't send blob's type (#44) if (data instanceof FormDataPolyfill) { const blob = data['_blob']() if (!this._hasContentType) this.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', blob.type), blob) } else {, data) } } } // Patch fetch's function to call _blob transparently if (_fetch) { global.fetch = function (input, init) { if (init && init.body && init.body instanceof FormDataPolyfill) { init.body = init.body['_blob']() } return, input, init) } } // Patch navigator.sendBeacon to use native FormData if (_sendBeacon) { global.navigator.sendBeacon = function (url, data) { if (data instanceof FormDataPolyfill) { data = data['_asNative']() } return, url, data) } } global['FormData'] = FormDataPolyfill } PK�������!� ,a��a��'��vendor/wp-polyfill-node-contains.min.jsnu�[��������!function(){function e(e){if(!(0 in arguments))throw new TypeError("1 argument is required");do{if(this===e)return!0}while(e=e&&e.parentNode);return!1}if("HTMLElement"in self&&"contains"in HTMLElement.prototype)try{delete HTMLElement.prototype.contains}catch(e){}"Node"in self?Node.prototype.contains=e:document.contains=Element.prototype.contains=e}();PK�������!�.,������vendor/wp-polyfill.min.jsnu�[��������!function(r){"use strict";var t,e,n;e={},(n=function(r){if(e[r])return e[r].exports;var o=e[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return 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l)continue;f(p,l)}(t.sham||l&&l.sham)&&c(p,"sham",!0),i(g,n,p,t)}}},function(r,t,e){function n(r){return r&&r.Math===Math&&r}r.exports=n("object"==typeof globalThis&&globalThis)||n("object"==typeof window&&window)||n("object"==typeof self&&self)||n("object"==typeof global&&global)||n("object"==typeof this&&this)||function(){return this}()||Function("return this")()},function(r,t,e){var n=e(5),o=e(7),a=e(9),c=e(10),i=e(11),u=e(17),f=e(37),s=e(40),p=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;t.f=n?p:function(r,t){if(r=i(r),t=u(t),s)try{return p(r,t)}catch(r){}if(f(r,t))return c(!o(a.f,r,t),r[t])}},function(r,t,e){e=e(6),r.exports=!e((function(){return 7!==Object.defineProperty({},1,{get:function(){return 7}})[1]}))},function(r,t,e){r.exports=function(r){try{return!!r()}catch(r){return!0}}},function(r,t,e){e=e(8);var;r.exports=e?n.bind(n):function(){return n.apply(n,arguments)}},function(r,t,e){e=e(6),r.exports=!e((function(){var r=function(){}.bind();return"function"!=typeof 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null===t||t===r}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(18),o=e(21);r.exports=function(r){return r=n(r,"string"),o(r)?r:r+""}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(7),a=n(19),c=n(21),i=n(28),u=n(31),f=(n=n(32),TypeError),s=n("toPrimitive");t.exports=function(t,e){if(!a(t)||c(t))return t;var n=i(t,s);if(n){if(n=o(n,t,e=e===r?"default":e),!a(n)||c(n))return n;throw new f("Can't convert object to primitive value")}return u(t,e=e===r?"number":e)}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(20);r.exports=function(r){return"object"==typeof r?null!==r:n(r)}},function(t,e,n){var o="object"==typeof document&&document.all;t.exports=void 0===o&&o!==r?function(r){return"function"==typeof r||r===o}:function(r){return"function"==typeof r}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(22),o=e(20),a=e(23),c=(e=e(24),Object);r.exports=e?function(r){return"symbol"==typeof r}:function(r){var t=n("Symbol");return o(t)&&a(t.prototype,c(r))}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(3),a=n(20);t.exports=function(t,e){return arguments.length<2?(n=o[t],a(n)?n:r):o[t]&&o[t][e];var 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p(r,c)?r[c]:{}},function(r){return p(r,c)}));r.exports={set:n,get:o,has:g,enforce:function(r){return g(r)?o(r):n(r,{})},getterFor:function(r){return function(t){var e;if(!f(t)||(e=o(t)).type!==r)throw new v("Incompatible receiver, "+r+" required");return e}}}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(3);e=e(20),n=n.WeakMap;r.exports=e(n)&&/native code/.test(String(n))},function(r,t,e){var n=e(33),o=e(39),a=n("keys");r.exports=function(r){return a[r]||(a[r]=o(r))}},function(r,t,e){r.exports={}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(37),o=e(55),a=e(4),c=e(43);r.exports=function(r,t,e){for(var i=o(t),u=c.f,f=a.f,s=0;s<i.length;s++){var p=i[s];n(r,p)||e&&n(e,p)||u(r,p,f(t,p))}}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(22),o=e(13),a=e(56),c=e(65),i=e(45),u=o([].concat);r.exports=n("Reflect","ownKeys")||function(r){var t=a.f(i(r)),e=c.f;return e?u(t,e(r)):t}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(57),o=e(64).concat("length","prototype");t.f=Object.getOwnPropertyNames||function(r){return n(r,o)}},function(r,t,e){var 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o=0,a=2<arguments.length?e:n(t),c=new r(a);o<a;)c[o]=t[o++];return c}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(3);r.exports=function(r,t){return(r=(r=n[r])&&r.prototype)&&r[t]}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(2),o=e(72),a=e(69),c=e(62),i=e(59),u=e(11),f=e(60),s=Array,p=Math.max,l=Math.min;n({target:"Array",proto:!0},{toSpliced:function(r,t){var e,n,o,y,h=u(this),v=c(h),g=i(r,v),d=0;for(0===(r=arguments.length)?e=n=0:n=1===r?(e=0,v-g):(e=r-2,l(p(f(t),0),v-g)),o=a(v+e-n),y=s(o);d<g;d++)y[d]=h[d];for(;d<g+e;d++)y[d]=arguments[d-g+2];for(;d<o;d++)y[d]=h[d+n-e];return y}}),o("toSpliced")},function(r,t,e){var n=e(2),o=e(82),a=e(11),c=Array;n({target:"Array",proto:!0},{with:function(r,t){return o(a(this),c,r,t)}})},function(r,t,e){var n=e(62),o=e(60),a=RangeError;r.exports=function(r,t,e,c){var i=n(r),u=(e=o(e))<0?i+e:e;if(i<=u||u<0)throw new a("Incorrect index");for(var f=new t(i),s=0;s<i;s++)f[s]=s===u?c:r[s];return f}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(2),o=e(13),a=e(29),c=e(15),i=e(84),u=e(94),f=(e=e(34),u.Map),s=u.has,p=u.get,l=u.set,y=o([].push);n({target:"Map",stat:!0,forced:e},{groupBy:function(r,t){c(r),a(t);var e=new f,n=0;return i(r,(function(r){var o=t(r,n++);s(e,o)?y(p(e,o),r):l(e,o,[r])})),e}})},function(r,t,e){function n(r,t){this.stopped=r,this.result=t}var o=e(85),a=e(7),c=e(45),i=e(30),u=e(87),f=e(62),s=e(23),p=e(89),l=e(90),y=e(93),h=TypeError,v=n.prototype;r.exports=function(r,t,e){function g(r){return b&&y(b,"normal",r),new n(!0,r)}function d(r){return S?(c(r),_?j(r[0],r[1],g):j(r[0],r[1])):_?j(r,g):j(r)}var b,m,w,E,x,A,O=e&&e.that,S=!(!e||!e.AS_ENTRIES),R=!(!e||!e.IS_RECORD),T=!(!e||!e.IS_ITERATOR),_=!(!e||!e.INTERRUPTED),j=o(t,O);if(R)b=r.iterator;else if(T)b=r;else{if(!(T=l(r)))throw new h(i(r)+" is not iterable");if(u(T)){for(m=0,w=f(r);m<w;m++)if((E=d(r[m]))&&s(v,E))return E;return new n(!1)}b=p(r,T)}for(x=(R?r:b).next;!(A=a(x,b)).done;){try{E=d(A.value)}catch(r){y(b,"throw",r)}if("object"==typeof E&&E&&s(v,E))return E}return new n(!1)}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(86),a=n(29),c=n(8),i=o(o.bind);t.exports=function(t,e){return a(t),e===r?t:c?i(t,e):function(){return t.apply(e,arguments)}}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(14),o=e(13);r.exports=function(r){if("Function"===n(r))return o(r)}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(32),a=n(88),c=o("iterator"),i=Array.prototype;t.exports=function(t){return t!==r&&(a.Array===t||i[c]===t)}},function(r,t,e){r.exports={}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(7),o=e(29),a=e(45),c=e(30),i=e(90),u=TypeError;r.exports=function(r,t){if(t=arguments.length<2?i(r):t,o(t))return a(n(t,r));throw new u(c(r)+" is not iterable")}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(91),o=e(28),a=e(16),c=e(88),i=e(32)("iterator");r.exports=function(r){if(!a(r))return o(r,i)||o(r,"@@iterator")||c[n(r)]}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(92),a=n(20),c=n(14),i=n(32)("toStringTag"),u=Object,f="Arguments"===c(function(){return arguments}());t.exports=o?c:function(t){var e;return t===r?"Undefined":null===t?"Null":"string"==typeof(t=function(r,t){try{return r[t]}catch(r){}}(e=u(t),i))?t:f?c(e):"Object"===(t=c(e))&&a(e.callee)?"Arguments":t}},function(r,t,e){var n={};n[e(32)("toStringTag")]="z",r.exports="[object z]"===String(n)},function(r,t,e){var n=e(7),o=e(45),a=e(28);r.exports=function(r,t,e){var c,i;o(r);try{if(!(c=a(r,"return"))){if("throw"===t)throw e;return e}c=n(c,r)}catch(r){i=!0,c=r}if("throw"===t)throw e;if(i)throw c;return o(c),e}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(13);e=Map.prototype;r.exports={Map,set:n(e.set),get:n(e.get),has:n(e.has),remove:n(e.delete),proto:e}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(2),o=e(22),a=e(13),c=e(29),i=e(15),u=e(17),f=e(84),s=o("Object","create"),p=a([].push);n({target:"Object",stat:!0},{groupBy:function(r,t){i(r),c(t);var e=s(null),n=0;return f(r,(function(r){var o=u(t(r,n++));o in e?p(e[o],r):e[o]=[r]})),e}})},function(r,t,e){var n=e(2),o=e(97);n({target:"Promise",stat:!0},{withResolvers:function(){var r=o.f(this);return{promise:r.promise,resolve:r.resolve,reject:r.reject}}})},function(t,e,n){function o(t){var e,n;this.promise=new t((function(t,o){if(e!==r||n!==r)throw new c("Bad Promise constructor");e=t,n=o})),this.resolve=a(e),this.reject=a(n)}var a=n(29),c=TypeError;t.exports.f=function(r){return new o(r)}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(3),o=e(5),a=e(99),c=e(100),i=(e=e(6),n.RegExp),u=i.prototype;o&&e((function(){var r=!0;try{i(".","d")}catch(t){r=!1}var t,e={},n="",o=r?"dgimsy":"gimsy",a={dotAll:"s",global:"g",ignoreCase:"i",multiline:"m",sticky:"y"};for(t in r&&(a.hasIndices="d"),a)!function(r,t){Object.defineProperty(e,r,{get:function(){return n+=t,!0}})}(t,a[t]);return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(u,"flags")!==o||n!==o}))&&a(u,"flags",{configurable:!0,get:c})},function(r,t,e){var n=e(47),o=e(43);r.exports=function(r,t,e){return e.get&&n(e.get,t,{getter:!0}),e.set&&n(e.set,t,{setter:!0}),o.f(r,t,e)}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(45);r.exports=function(){var r=n(this),t="";return r.hasIndices&&(t+="d"),"g"),r.ignoreCase&&(t+="i"),r.multiline&&(t+="m"),r.dotAll&&(t+="s"),r.unicode&&(t+="u"),r.unicodeSets&&(t+="v"),r.sticky&&(t+="y"),t}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(2),o=e(13),a=e(15),c=e(102),i=o("".charCodeAt);n({target:"String",proto:!0},{isWellFormed:function(){for(var r=c(a(this)),t=r.length,e=0;e<t;e++){var n=i(r,e);if(55296==(63488&n)&&(56320<=n||++e>=t||56320!=(64512&i(r,e))))return!1}return!0}})},function(r,t,e){var n=e(91),o=String;r.exports=function(r){if("Symbol"===n(r))throw new TypeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string");return o(r)}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(2),o=e(7),a=e(13),c=e(15),i=e(102),u=(e=e(6),Array),f=a("".charAt),s=a("".charCodeAt),p=a([].join),l="".toWellFormed,y=l&&e((function(){return"1"!==o(l,1)}));n({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:y},{toWellFormed:function(){var r=i(c(this));if(y)return o(l,r);for(var t=r.length,e=u(t),n=0;n<t;n++){var a=s(r,n);55296!=(63488&a)?e[n]=f(r,n):56320<=a||t<=n+1||56320!=(64512&s(r,n+1))?e[n]="�":(e[n]=f(r,n),e[++n]=f(r,n))}return p(e,"")}})},function(r,t,e){var n=e(71),o=e(105),a=o.aTypedArray,c=(e=o.exportTypedArrayMethod,o.getTypedArrayConstructor);e("toReversed",(function(){return n(a(this),c(this))}))},function(t,e,n){function o(r){return!!l(r)&&(r=h(r),y(k,r)||y(C,r))}var a,c,i,u=n(106),f=n(5),s=n(3),p=n(20),l=n(19),y=n(37),h=n(91),v=n(30),g=n(42),d=n(46),b=n(99),m=n(23),w=n(107),E=n(109),x=n(32),A=n(39),O=(T=n(50)).enforce,S=T.get,R=(n=s.Int8Array)&&n.prototype,T=(T=s.Uint8ClampedArray)&&T.prototype,_=n&&w(n),j=R&&w(R),I=(n=Object.prototype,s.TypeError),P=(x=x("toStringTag"),A("TYPED_ARRAY_TAG")),D="TypedArrayConstructor",M=u&&!!E&&"Opera"!==h(s.opera),k=(u=!1,{Int8Array:1,Uint8Array:1,Uint8ClampedArray:1,Int16Array:2,Uint16Array:2,Int32Array:4,Uint32Array:4,Float32Array:4,Float64Array:8}),C={BigInt64Array:8,BigUint64Array:8},U=function(r){var t=w(r);if(l(t))return(r=S(t))&&y(r,D)?r[D]:U(t)};for(a in k)(i=(c=s[a])&&c.prototype)?O(i)[D]=c:M=!1;for(a in C)(i=(c=s[a])&&c.prototype)&&(O(i)[D]=c);if((!M||!p(_)||_===Function.prototype)&&(_=function(){throw new I("Incorrect invocation")},M))for(a in k)s[a]&&E(s[a],_);if((!M||!j||j===n)&&(j=_.prototype,M))for(a in k)s[a]&&E(s[a].prototype,j);if(M&&w(T)!==j&&E(T,j),f&&!y(j,x))for(a in b(j,x,{configurable:u=!0,get:function(){return l(this)?this[P]:r}}),k)s[a]&&g(s[a],P,a);t.exports={NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS:M,TYPED_ARRAY_TAG:u&&P,aTypedArray:function(r){if(o(r))return r;throw new I("Target is not a typed array")},aTypedArrayConstructor:function(r){if(p(r)&&(!E||m(_,r)))return r;throw new I(v(r)+" is not a typed array constructor")},exportTypedArrayMethod:function(r,t,e,n){if(f){if(e)for(var o in k)if((o=s[o])&&y(o.prototype,r))try{delete o.prototype[r]}catch(e){try{o.prototype[r]=t}catch(e){}}j[r]&&!e||d(j,r,!e&&M&&R[r]||t,n)}},exportTypedArrayStaticMethod:function(r,t,e){var n,o;if(f){if(E){if(e)for(n in k)if((o=s[n])&&y(o,r))try{delete o[r]}catch(r){}if(_[r]&&!e)return;try{return d(_,r,!e&&M&&_[r]||t)}catch(r){}}for(n in k)!(o=s[n])||o[r]&&!e||d(o,r,t)}},getTypedArrayConstructor:U,isView:function(r){return!!l(r)&&("DataView"===(r=h(r))||y(k,r)||y(C,r))},isTypedArray:o,TypedArray:_,TypedArrayPrototype:j}},function(r,t,e){r.exports="undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&"undefined"!=typeof DataView},function(r,t,e){var n=e(37),o=e(20),a=e(38),c=e(52),i=(e=e(108),c("IE_PROTO")),u=Object,f=u.prototype;r.exports=e?u.getPrototypeOf:function(r){var t=a(r);return n(t,i)?t[i]:(r=t.constructor,o(r)&&t instanceof r?r.prototype:t instanceof u?f:null)}},function(r,t,e){e=e(6),r.exports=!e((function(){function r(){}return r.prototype.constructor=null,Object.getPrototypeOf(new r)!==r.prototype}))},function(t,e,n){var o=n(110),a=n(45),c=n(111);t.exports=Object.setPrototypeOf||("__proto__"in{}?function(){var r,t=!1,e={};try{(r=o(Object.prototype,"__proto__","set"))(e,[]),t=e instanceof Array}catch(e){}return function(e,n){return a(e),c(n),t?r(e,n):e.__proto__=n,e}}():r)},function(r,t,e){var n=e(13),o=e(29);r.exports=function(r,t,e){try{return n(o(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,t)[e]))}catch(r){}}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(112),o=String,a=TypeError;r.exports=function(r){if(n(r))return r;throw new a("Can't set "+o(r)+" as a prototype")}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(19);r.exports=function(r){return n(r)||null===r}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(105),a=n(13),c=n(29),i=n(78),u=o.aTypedArray,f=o.getTypedArrayConstructor,s=(n=o.exportTypedArrayMethod,a(o.TypedArrayPrototype.sort));n("toSorted",(function(t){t!==r&&c(t);var e=u(this);e=i(f(e),e);return s(e,t)}))},function(r,t,e){var n=e(82),o=e(105),a=e(115),c=e(60),i=e(116),u=o.aTypedArray,f=o.getTypedArrayConstructor;(0,o.exportTypedArrayMethod)("with",(function(r,t){var e=u(this);r=c(r),t=a(e)?i(t):+t;return n(e,f(e),r,t)}),!function(){try{new Int8Array(1).with(2,{valueOf:function(){throw 8}})}catch(r){return 8===r}}())},function(r,t,e){var n=e(91);r.exports=function(r){return"BigInt64Array"===(r=n(r))||"BigUint64Array"===r}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(18),o=TypeError;r.exports=function(r){if("number"==typeof(r=n(r,"number")))throw new o("Can't convert number to bigint");return BigInt(r)}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(2),a=n(3),c=n(22),i=n(10),u=n(43).f,f=n(37),s=n(118),p=n(119),l=n(120),y=n(121),h=n(122),v=n(5),g=n(34),d="DOMException",b=c("Error"),m=c(d),w=function(){s(this,E);var t=l((e=arguments.length)<1?r:arguments[0]),e=l(e<2?r:arguments[1],"Error");e=new m(t,e);return(t=new b(t)).name=d,u(e,"stack",i(1,h(t.stack,1))),p(e,this,w),e},E=w.prototype=m.prototype,x="stack"in new b(d);n="stack"in new m(1,2),a=!(!(a=m&&v&&Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a,d))||a.writable&&a.configurable),n=x&&!a&&!n;o({global:!0,constructor:!0,forced:g||n},{DOMException:n?w:m});var A,O=c(d);if((c=O.prototype).constructor!==O)for(var S in g||u(c,"constructor",i(1,O)),y)f(y,S)&&(f(O,S=(A=y[S]).s)||u(O,S,i(6,A.c)))},function(r,t,e){var n=e(23),o=TypeError;r.exports=function(r,t){if(n(t,r))return r;throw new o("Incorrect invocation")}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(20),o=e(19),a=e(109);r.exports=function(r,t,e){var c,i;return a&&n(c=t.constructor)&&c!==e&&o(i=c.prototype)&&i!==e.prototype&&a(r,i),r}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(102);t.exports=function(t,e){return t===r?arguments.length<2?"":e:o(t)}},function(r,t,e){r.exports={IndexSizeError:{s:"INDEX_SIZE_ERR",c:1,m:1},DOMStringSizeError:{s:"DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR",c:2,m:0},HierarchyRequestError:{s:"HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR",c:3,m:1},WrongDocumentError:{s:"WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR",c:4,m:1},InvalidCharacterError:{s:"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR",c:5,m:1},NoDataAllowedError:{s:"NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR",c:6,m:0},NoModificationAllowedError:{s:"NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR",c:7,m:1},NotFoundError:{s:"NOT_FOUND_ERR",c:8,m:1},NotSupportedError:{s:"NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR",c:9,m:1},InUseAttributeError:{s:"INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR",c:10,m:1},InvalidStateError:{s:"INVALID_STATE_ERR",c:11,m:1},SyntaxError:{s:"SYNTAX_ERR",c:12,m:1},InvalidModificationError:{s:"INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR",c:13,m:1},NamespaceError:{s:"NAMESPACE_ERR",c:14,m:1},InvalidAccessError:{s:"INVALID_ACCESS_ERR",c:15,m:1},ValidationError:{s:"VALIDATION_ERR",c:16,m:0},TypeMismatchError:{s:"TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR",c:17,m:1},SecurityError:{s:"SECURITY_ERR",c:18,m:1},NetworkError:{s:"NETWORK_ERR",c:19,m:1},AbortError:{s:"ABORT_ERR",c:20,m:1},URLMismatchError:{s:"URL_MISMATCH_ERR",c:21,m:1},QuotaExceededError:{s:"QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR",c:22,m:1},TimeoutError:{s:"TIMEOUT_ERR",c:23,m:1},InvalidNodeTypeError:{s:"INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR",c:24,m:1},DataCloneError:{s:"DATA_CLONE_ERR",c:25,m:1}}},function(r,t,e){e=e(13);var n=Error,o=e("".replace),a=(e=String(new n("zxcasd").stack),/\n\s*at [^:]*:[^\n]*/),c=a.test(e);r.exports=function(r,t){if(c&&"string"==typeof r&&!n.prepareStackTrace)for(;t--;)r=o(r,a,"");return r}},function(t,e,n){function o(r){throw new z("Uncloneable type: "+r,nr)}function a(r,t){throw new z((t||"Cloning")+" of "+r+" cannot be properly polyfilled in this engine",nr)}function c(r,t){return cr||a(t),cr(r)}function i(t,e,n){if(G(e,t))return Y(e,t);var o,c,i,u,f,s;if("SharedArrayBuffer"===(n||A(t)))o=cr?cr(t):t;else{(n=p.DataView)||g(t.slice)||a("ArrayBuffer");try{if(g(t.slice)&&!t.resizable)o=t.slice(0);else{c=t.byteLength,i="maxByteLength"in t?{maxByteLength:t.maxByteLength}:r,o=new ArrayBuffer(c,i),u=new n(t),f=new n(o);for(s=0;s<c;s++)f.setUint8(s,u.getUint8(s))}}catch(t){throw new z("ArrayBuffer is detached",nr)}}return H(e,t,o),o}var u,f=n(34),s=n(2),p=n(3),l=n(22),y=n(13),h=n(6),v=n(39),g=n(20),d=n(124),b=n(16),m=n(19),w=n(21),E=n(84),x=n(45),A=n(91),O=n(37),S=n(125),R=n(42),T=n(62),_=n(126),j=n(127),I=n(94),P=n(128),D=n(129),M=n(131),k=n(137),C=n(134),U=p.Object,L=p.Array,N=p.Date,F=p.Error,B=p.TypeError,V=p.PerformanceMark,z=l("DOMException"),W=I.Map,G=I.has,Y=I.get,H=I.set,Q=P.Set,X=P.add,q=P.has,K=l("Object","keys"),Z=y([].push),$=y((!0).valueOf),J=y(1..valueOf),rr=y("".valueOf),tr=y(N.prototype.getTime),er=v("structuredClone"),nr="DataCloneError",or="Transferring",ar=(y=function(r){return!h((function(){var t=new p.Set([7]),e=r(t),n=r(U(7));return e===t||!e.has(7)||!m(n)||7!=+n}))&&r},v=function(r,t){return!h((function(){var e=new t,n=r({a:e,b:e});return!(n&&n.a===n.b&&n.a instanceof t&&n.a.stack===e.stack)}))},p.structuredClone),cr=(f=f||!v(ar,F)||!v(ar,z)||(u=ar,!!h((function(){var r=u(new p.AggregateError([1],er,{cause:3}));return"AggregateError"!||1!==r.errors[0]||r.message!==er||3!==r.cause}))),v=!ar&&y((function(r){return new V(er,{detail:r}).detail})),y(ar)||v),ir=function(t,e){if(w(t)&&o("Symbol"),!m(t))return t;if(e){if(G(e,t))return Y(e,t)}else e=new W;var n,u,f,s,y,h,v,d,b,E,x,_,I,P,D=A(t);switch(D){case"Array":f=L(T(t));break;case"Object":f={};break;case"Map":f=new W;break;case"Set":f=new Q;break;case"RegExp":f=new RegExp(t.source,j(t));break;case"Error":switch({case"AggregateError":f=new(l(u))([]);break;case"EvalError":case"RangeError":case"ReferenceError":case"SuppressedError":case"SyntaxError":case"TypeError":case"URIError":f=new(l(u));break;case"CompileError":case"LinkError":case"RuntimeError":f=new(l("WebAssembly",u));break;default:f=new F}break;case"DOMException":f=new z(t.message,;break;case"ArrayBuffer":case"SharedArrayBuffer":f=i(t,e,D);break;case"DataView":case"Int8Array":case"Uint8Array":case"Uint8ClampedArray":case"Int16Array":case"Uint16Array":case"Int32Array":case"Uint32Array":case"Float16Array":case"Float32Array":case"Float64Array":case"BigInt64Array":case"BigUint64Array":h="DataView"===D?t.byteLength:t.length,E=D,x=(b=t).byteOffset,_=h,I=e,P=p[E],m(P)||a(E),f=new P(i(b.buffer,I),x,_);break;case"DOMQuad":try{f=new DOMQuad(ir(t.p1,e),ir(t.p2,e),ir(t.p3,e),ir(t.p4,e))}catch(n){f=c(t,D)}break;case"File":if(cr)try{f=cr(t),A(f)!==D&&(f=r)}catch(n){}if(!f)try{f=new File([t],,t)}catch(n){}f||a(D);break;case"FileList":if(s=function(){var r;try{r=new p.DataTransfer}catch(t){try{r=new p.ClipboardEvent("").clipboardData}catch(r){}}return r&&r.items&&r.files?r:null}()){for(y=0,h=T(t);y<h;y++)s.items.add(ir(t[y],e));f=s.files}else f=c(t,D);break;case"ImageData":try{f=new ImageData(ir(,e),t.width,t.height,{colorSpace:t.colorSpace})}catch(n){f=c(t,D)}break;default:if(cr)f=cr(t);else switch(D){case"BigInt":f=U(t.valueOf());break;case"Boolean":f=U($(t));break;case"Number":f=U(J(t));break;case"String":f=U(rr(t));break;case"Date":f=new N(tr(t));break;case"Blob":try{f=t.slice(0,t.size,t.type)}catch(n){a(D)}break;case"DOMPoint":case"DOMPointReadOnly":n=p[D];try{f=n.fromPoint?n.fromPoint(t):new n(t.x,t.y,t.z,t.w)}catch(n){a(D)}break;case"DOMRect":case"DOMRectReadOnly":n=p[D];try{f=n.fromRect?n.fromRect(t):new n(t.x,t.y,t.width,t.height)}catch(n){a(D)}break;case"DOMMatrix":case"DOMMatrixReadOnly":n=p[D];try{f=n.fromMatrix?n.fromMatrix(t):new n(t)}catch(n){a(D)}break;case"AudioData":case"VideoFrame":g(t.clone)||a(D);try{f=t.clone()}catch(n){o(D)}break;case"CropTarget":case"CryptoKey":case"FileSystemDirectoryHandle":case"FileSystemFileHandle":case"FileSystemHandle":case"GPUCompilationInfo":case"GPUCompilationMessage":case"ImageBitmap":case"RTCCertificate":case"WebAssembly.Module":a(D);default:o(D)}}switch(H(e,t,f),D){case"Array":case"Object":for(v=K(t),y=0,h=T(v);y<h;y++)d=v[y],S(f,d,ir(t[d],e));break;case"Map":t.forEach((function(r,t){H(f,ir(t,e),ir(r,e))}));break;case"Set":t.forEach((function(r){X(f,ir(r,e))}));break;case"Error":R(f,"message",ir(t.message,e)),O(t,"cause")&&R(f,"cause",ir(t.cause,e)),"AggregateError"===u?f.errors=ir(t.errors,e):"SuppressedError"===u&&(f.error=ir(t.error,e),f.suppressed=ir(t.suppressed,e));case"DOMException":k&&R(f,"stack",ir(t.stack,e))}return f};s({global:!0,enumerable:!0,sham:!C,forced:f},{structuredClone:function(t){var e,n;(n=(n=1<_(arguments.length,1)&&!b(arguments[1])?x(arguments[1]):r)?n.transfer:r)!==r&&(e=function(t,e){if(!m(t))throw new B("Transfer option cannot be converted to a sequence");var n=[];E(t,(function(r){Z(n,x(r))}));for(var o,c,i,u,f,s=0,l=T(n),y=new Q;s<l;){if(o=n[s++],"ArrayBuffer"===(c=A(o))?q(y,o):G(e,o))throw new z("Duplicate transferable",nr);if("ArrayBuffer"!==c){if(C)u=ar(o,{transfer:[o]});else switch(c){case"ImageBitmap":i=p.OffscreenCanvas,d(i)||a(c,or);try{(f=new i(o.width,o.height)).getContext("bitmaprenderer").transferFromImageBitmap(o),u=f.transferToImageBitmap()}catch(t){}break;case"AudioData":case"VideoFrame":g(o.clone)&&g(o.close)||a(c,or);try{u=o.clone(),o.close()}catch(t){}break;case"MediaSourceHandle":case"MessagePort":case"OffscreenCanvas":case"ReadableStream":case"TransformStream":case"WritableStream":a(c,or)}if(u===r)throw new z("This object cannot be transferred: "+c,nr);H(e,o,u)}else X(y,o)}return y}(n,o=new W));var o=ir(t,o);return e&&D(e,(function(r){C?cr(r,{transfer:[r]}):g(r.transfer)?r.transfer():M?M(r):a("ArrayBuffer",or)})),o}})},function(r,t,e){function n(){}function o(r){if(!i(r))return!1;try{return p(n,[],r),!0}catch(r){return!1}}var a=e(13),c=e(6),i=e(20),u=e(91),f=e(22),s=e(49),p=f("Reflect","construct"),l=/^\s*(?:class|function)\b/,y=a(l.exec),h=!l.test(n);a=function(r){if(!i(r))return!1;switch(u(r)){case"AsyncFunction":case"GeneratorFunction":case"AsyncGeneratorFunction":return!1}try{return h||!!y(l,s(r))}catch(r){return!0}};a.sham=!0,r.exports=!p||c((function(){var r;return o(||!o(Object)||!o((function(){r=!0}))||r}))?a:o},function(r,t,e){var n=e(17),o=e(43),a=e(10);r.exports=function(r,t,e){(t=n(t))in r?o.f(r,t,a(0,e)):r[t]=e}},function(r,t,e){var n=TypeError;r.exports=function(r,t){if(r<t)throw new n("Not enough arguments");return r}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(7),a=n(37),c=n(23),i=n(100),u=RegExp.prototype;t.exports=function(t){var e=t.flags;return e!==r||"flags"in u||a(t,"flags")||!c(u,t)?e:o(i,t)}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(13);e=Set.prototype;r.exports={Set,add:n(e.add),has:n(e.has),remove:n(e.delete),proto:e}},function(r,t,e){var n,o=e(13),a=e(130),c=(e=(n=e(128)).Set,o((n=n.proto).forEach)),i=o(n.keys),u=i(new e).next;r.exports=function(r,t,e){return e?a({iterator:i(r),next:u},t):c(r,t)}},function(t,e,n){var o=n(7);t.exports=function(t,e,n){for(var a,c=n?t:t.iterator,;!(a=o(i,c)).done;)if((a=e(a.value))!==r)return a}},function(r,t,e){var n,o,a,c,i=e(3),u=e(132),f=e(134),s=i.structuredClone,p=i.ArrayBuffer;e=i.MessageChannel,i=!1;if(f)i=function(r){s(r,{transfer:[r]})};else if(p)try{e||(n=u("worker_threads"))&&(e=n.MessageChannel),e&&(o=new e,a=new p(2),c=function(r){o.port1.postMessage(null,[r])},2===a.byteLength&&(c(a),0===a.byteLength&&(i=c)))}catch(r){}r.exports=i},function(r,t,e){var n=e(133);r.exports=function(r){try{if(n)return Function('return require("'+r+'")')()}catch(r){}}},function(r,t,e){var n=e(3);e=e(14);r.exports="process"===e(n.process)},function(r,t,e){var n=e(3),o=e(6),a=e(26),c=e(135),i=e(136),u=e(133),f=n.structuredClone;r.exports=!!f&&!o((function(){if(i&&92<a||u&&94<a||c&&97<a)return!1;var r=new ArrayBuffer(8),t=f(r,{transfer:[r]});return 0!==r.byteLength||8!==t.byteLength}))},function(r,t,e){var n=e(136);e=e(133);r.exports=!n&&!e&&"object"==typeof window&&"object"==typeof document},function(r,t,e){r.exports="object"==typeof Deno&&Deno&&"object"==typeof Deno.version},function(r,t,e){var n=e(6),o=e(10);r.exports=!n((function(){var r=new Error("a");return!("stack"in r)||(Object.defineProperty(r,"stack",o(1,7)),7!==r.stack)}))},function(t,e,n){var o=n(2),a=n(22),c=n(6),i=n(126),u=n(102),f=(n=n(139),a("URL"));o({target:"URL",stat:!0,forced:!(n&&c((function(){f.canParse()})))},{canParse:function(t){var e=i(arguments.length,1);t=u(t),e=e<2||arguments[1]===r?r:u(arguments[1]);try{return!!new f(t,e)}catch(t){return!1}}})},function(t,e,n){var o=n(6),a=n(32),c=n(5),i=n(34),u=a("iterator");t.exports=!o((function(){var t=new URL("b?a=1&b=2&c=3","http://a"),e=t.searchParams,n=new URLSearchParams("a=1&a=2&b=3"),o="";return t.pathname="c%20d",e.forEach((function(r,t){e.delete("b"),o+=t+r})),n.delete("a",2),n.delete("b",r),i&&(!t.toJSON||!n.has("a",1)||n.has("a",2)||!n.has("a",r)||n.has("b"))||!e.size&&(i||!c)||!e.sort||"http://a/c%20d?a=1&c=3"!==t.href||"3"!==e.get("c")||"a=1"!==String(new URLSearchParams("?a=1"))||!e[u]||"a"!==new URL("https://a@b").username||"b"!==new URLSearchParams(new URLSearchParams("a=b")).get("a")||"xn--e1aybc"!==new URL("http://тест").host||"#%D0%B1"!==new URL("http://a#б").hash||"a1c3"!==o||"x"!==new URL("http://x",r).host}))},function(t,e,n){var o,a=n(46),c=n(13),i=n(102),u=n(126),f=c((n=(o=URLSearchParams).prototype).append),s=c(n.delete),p=c(n.forEach),l=c([].push);(o=new o("a=1&a=2&b=3")).delete("a",1),o.delete("b",r),o+""!="a=2"&&a(n,"delete",(function(t){var e=arguments.length,n=e<2?r:arguments[1];if(e&&n===r)return s(this,t);var o=[];p(this,(function(r,t){l(o,{key:t,value:r})})),u(e,1);for(var a,c=i(t),y=i(n),h=0,v=0,g=!1,d=o.length;h<d;)a=o[h++],g||a.key===c?(g=!0,s(this,a.key)):v++;for(;v<d;)(a=o[v++]).key===c&&a.value===y||f(this,a.key,a.value)}),{enumerable:!0,unsafe:!0})},function(t,e,n){var o,a=n(46),c=n(13),i=n(102),u=n(126),f=c((n=(o=URLSearchParams).prototype).getAll),s=c(n.has);!(o=new o("a=1")).has("a",2)&&o.has("a",r)||a(n,"has",(function(t){var e=arguments.length,n=e<2?r:arguments[1];if(e&&n===r)return s(this,t);var o=f(this,t);u(e,1);for(var a=i(n),c=0;c<o.length;)if(o[c++]===a)return!0;return!1}),{enumerable:!0,unsafe:!0})},function(r,t,e){var n=e(5),o=e(13),a=e(99),c=o((e=URLSearchParams.prototype).forEach);!n||"size"in e||a(e,"size",{get:function(){var r=0;return c(this,(function(){r++})),r},configurable:!0,enumerable:!0})}],n.c=e,n.d=function(r,t,e){n.o(r,t)||Object.defineProperty(r,t,{enumerable:!0,get:e})},n.r=function(r){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(r,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(r,"__esModule",{value:!0})},n.t=function(r,t){if(1&t&&(r=n(r)),8&t)return r;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof r&&r&&r.__esModule)return r;var e=Object.create(null);if(n.r(e),Object.defineProperty(e,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof r)for(var o in r)n.d(e,o,function(t){return r[t]}.bind(null,o));return e},n.n=function(r){var t=r&&r.__esModule?function(){return r.default}:function(){return r};return n.d(t,"a",t),t},n.o=function(r,t){return,t)},n.p="",n(n.s=0)}();PK�������!�(g i������vendor/wp-polyfill-importmap.jsnu�[��������/* ES Module Shims Wasm 1.8.2 */ (function () { const hasWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined'; const hasDocument = typeof document !== 'undefined'; const noop = () => {}; const optionsScript = hasDocument ? document.querySelector('script[type=esms-options]') : undefined; const esmsInitOptions = optionsScript ? JSON.parse(optionsScript.innerHTML) : {}; Object.assign(esmsInitOptions, self.esmsInitOptions || {}); let shimMode = hasDocument ? !!esmsInitOptions.shimMode : true; const importHook = globalHook(shimMode && esmsInitOptions.onimport); const resolveHook = globalHook(shimMode && esmsInitOptions.resolve); let fetchHook = esmsInitOptions.fetch ? globalHook(esmsInitOptions.fetch) : fetch; const metaHook = esmsInitOptions.meta ? globalHook(shimMode && esmsInitOptions.meta) : noop; const mapOverrides = esmsInitOptions.mapOverrides; let nonce = esmsInitOptions.nonce; if (!nonce && hasDocument) { const nonceElement = document.querySelector('script[nonce]'); if (nonceElement) nonce = nonceElement.nonce || nonceElement.getAttribute('nonce'); } const onerror = globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onerror || noop); const onpolyfill = esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill ? globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill) : () => { console.log('%c^^ Module TypeError above is polyfilled and can be ignored ^^', 'font-weight:900;color:#391'); }; const { revokeBlobURLs, noLoadEventRetriggers, enforceIntegrity } = esmsInitOptions; function globalHook (name) { return typeof name === 'string' ? self[name] : name; } const enable = Array.isArray(esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable) ? esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable : []; const cssModulesEnabled = enable.includes('css-modules'); const jsonModulesEnabled = enable.includes('json-modules'); const edge = !navigator.userAgentData && !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/\d+\.\d+/); const baseUrl = hasDocument ? document.baseURI : `${location.protocol}//${}${location.pathname.includes('/') ? location.pathname.slice(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) : location.pathname}`; const createBlob = (source, type = 'text/javascript') => URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([source], { type })); let { skip } = esmsInitOptions; if (Array.isArray(skip)) { const l = => new URL(s, baseUrl).href); skip = s => l.some(i => i[i.length - 1] === '/' && s.startsWith(i) || s === i); } else if (typeof skip === 'string') { const r = new RegExp(skip); skip = s => r.test(s); } else if (skip instanceof RegExp) { skip = s => skip.test(s); } const eoop = err => setTimeout(() => { throw err }); const throwError = err => { (self.reportError || hasWindow && window.safari && console.error || eoop)(err), void onerror(err); }; function fromParent (parent) { return parent ? ` imported from ${parent}` : ''; } let importMapSrcOrLazy = false; function setImportMapSrcOrLazy () { importMapSrcOrLazy = true; } // shim mode is determined on initialization, no late shim mode if (!shimMode) { if (document.querySelectorAll('script[type=module-shim],script[type=importmap-shim],link[rel=modulepreload-shim]').length) { shimMode = true; } else { let seenScript = false; for (const script of document.querySelectorAll('script[type=module],script[type=importmap]')) { if (!seenScript) { if (script.type === 'module' && !script.ep) seenScript = true; } else if (script.type === 'importmap' && seenScript) { importMapSrcOrLazy = true; break; } } } } const backslashRegEx = /\\/g; function asURL (url) { try { if (url.indexOf(':') !== -1) return new URL(url).href; } catch (_) {} } function resolveUrl (relUrl, parentUrl) { return resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(relUrl, parentUrl) || (asURL(relUrl) || resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl('./' + relUrl, parentUrl)); } function resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl (relUrl, parentUrl) { const hIdx = parentUrl.indexOf('#'), qIdx = parentUrl.indexOf('?'); if (hIdx + qIdx > -2) parentUrl = parentUrl.slice(0, hIdx === -1 ? qIdx : qIdx === -1 || qIdx > hIdx ? hIdx : qIdx); if (relUrl.indexOf('\\') !== -1) relUrl = relUrl.replace(backslashRegEx, '/'); // protocol-relative if (relUrl[0] === '/' && relUrl[1] === '/') { return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1) + relUrl; } // relative-url else if (relUrl[0] === '.' && (relUrl[1] === '/' || relUrl[1] === '.' && (relUrl[2] === '/' || relUrl.length === 2 && (relUrl += '/')) || relUrl.length === 1 && (relUrl += '/')) || relUrl[0] === '/') { const parentProtocol = parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1); if (parentProtocol === 'blob:') { throw new TypeError(`Failed to resolve module specifier "${relUrl}". Invalid relative url or base scheme isn't hierarchical.`); } // Disabled, but these cases will give inconsistent results for deep backtracking //if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] !== '/') // throw new Error('Cannot resolve'); // read pathname from parent URL // pathname taken to be part after leading "/" let pathname; if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length + 1] === '/') { // resolving to a :// so we need to read out the auth and host if (parentProtocol !== 'file:') { pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + 2); pathname = pathname.slice(pathname.indexOf('/') + 1); } else { pathname = parentUrl.slice(8); } } else { // resolving to :/ so pathname is the /... part pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] === '/')); } if (relUrl[0] === '/') return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length - 1) + relUrl; // join together and split for removal of .. and . segments // looping the string instead of anything fancy for perf reasons // '../../../../../z' resolved to 'x/y' is just 'z' const segmented = pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + relUrl; const output = []; let segmentIndex = -1; for (let i = 0; i < segmented.length; i++) { // busy reading a segment - only terminate on '/' if (segmentIndex !== -1) { if (segmented[i] === '/') { output.push(segmented.slice(segmentIndex, i + 1)); segmentIndex = -1; } continue; } // new segment - check if it is relative else if (segmented[i] === '.') { // ../ segment if (segmented[i + 1] === '.' && (segmented[i + 2] === '/' || i + 2 === segmented.length)) { output.pop(); i += 2; continue; } // ./ segment else if (segmented[i + 1] === '/' || i + 1 === segmented.length) { i += 1; continue; } } // it is the start of a new segment while (segmented[i] === '/') i++; segmentIndex = i; } // finish reading out the last segment if (segmentIndex !== -1) output.push(segmented.slice(segmentIndex)); return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length) + output.join(''); } } function resolveAndComposeImportMap (json, baseUrl, parentMap) { const outMap = { imports: Object.assign({}, parentMap.imports), scopes: Object.assign({}, parentMap.scopes) }; if (json.imports) resolveAndComposePackages(json.imports, outMap.imports, baseUrl, parentMap); if (json.scopes) for (let s in json.scopes) { const resolvedScope = resolveUrl(s, baseUrl); resolveAndComposePackages(json.scopes[s], outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] || (outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] = {}), baseUrl, parentMap); } return outMap; } function getMatch (path, matchObj) { if (matchObj[path]) return path; let sepIndex = path.length; do { const segment = path.slice(0, sepIndex + 1); if (segment in matchObj) return segment; } while ((sepIndex = path.lastIndexOf('/', sepIndex - 1)) !== -1) } function applyPackages (id, packages) { const pkgName = getMatch(id, packages); if (pkgName) { const pkg = packages[pkgName]; if (pkg === null) return; return pkg + id.slice(pkgName.length); } } function resolveImportMap (importMap, resolvedOrPlain, parentUrl) { let scopeUrl = parentUrl && getMatch(parentUrl, importMap.scopes); while (scopeUrl) { const packageResolution = applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, importMap.scopes[scopeUrl]); if (packageResolution) return packageResolution; scopeUrl = getMatch(scopeUrl.slice(0, scopeUrl.lastIndexOf('/')), importMap.scopes); } return applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, importMap.imports) || resolvedOrPlain.indexOf(':') !== -1 && resolvedOrPlain; } function resolveAndComposePackages (packages, outPackages, baseUrl, parentMap) { for (let p in packages) { const resolvedLhs = resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(p, baseUrl) || p; if ((!shimMode || !mapOverrides) && outPackages[resolvedLhs] && (outPackages[resolvedLhs] !== packages[resolvedLhs])) { throw Error(`Rejected map override "${resolvedLhs}" from ${outPackages[resolvedLhs]} to ${packages[resolvedLhs]}.`); } let target = packages[p]; if (typeof target !== 'string') continue; const mapped = resolveImportMap(parentMap, resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(target, baseUrl) || target, baseUrl); if (mapped) { outPackages[resolvedLhs] = mapped; continue; } console.warn(`Mapping "${p}" -> "${packages[p]}" does not resolve`); } } let dynamicImport = !hasDocument && (0, eval)('u=>import(u)'); let supportsDynamicImport; const dynamicImportCheck = hasDocument && new Promise(resolve => { const s = Object.assign(document.createElement('script'), { src: createBlob('self._d=u=>import(u)'), ep: true }); s.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); s.addEventListener('load', () => { if (!(supportsDynamicImport = !!(dynamicImport = self._d))) { let err; window.addEventListener('error', _err => err = _err); dynamicImport = (url, opts) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const s = Object.assign(document.createElement('script'), { type: 'module', src: createBlob(`import*as m from'${url}';self._esmsi=m`) }); err = undefined; s.ep = true; if (nonce) s.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); // Safari is unique in supporting module script error events s.addEventListener('error', cb); s.addEventListener('load', cb); function cb (_err) { document.head.removeChild(s); if (self._esmsi) { resolve(self._esmsi, baseUrl); self._esmsi = undefined; } else { reject(!(_err instanceof Event) && _err || err && err.error || new Error(`Error loading ${opts && opts.errUrl || url} (${s.src}).`)); err = undefined; } } document.head.appendChild(s); }); } document.head.removeChild(s); delete self._d; resolve(); }); document.head.appendChild(s); }); // support browsers without dynamic import support (eg Firefox 6x) let supportsJsonAssertions = false; let supportsCssAssertions = false; const supports = hasDocument && HTMLScriptElement.supports; let supportsImportMaps = supports && === 'supports' && supports('importmap'); let supportsImportMeta = supportsDynamicImport; const importMetaCheck = 'import.meta'; const cssModulesCheck = `import"x"assert{type:"css"}`; const jsonModulesCheck = `import"x"assert{type:"json"}`; let featureDetectionPromise = Promise.resolve(dynamicImportCheck).then(() => { if (!supportsDynamicImport) return; if (!hasDocument) return Promise.all([ supportsImportMaps || dynamicImport(createBlob(importMetaCheck)).then(() => supportsImportMeta = true, noop), cssModulesEnabled && dynamicImport(createBlob(cssModulesCheck.replace('x', createBlob('', 'text/css')))).then(() => supportsCssAssertions = true, noop), jsonModulesEnabled && dynamicImport(createBlob(jsonModulescheck.replace('x', createBlob('{}', 'text/json')))).then(() => supportsJsonAssertions = true, noop), ]); return new Promise(resolve => { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none'; iframe.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); function cb ({ data }) { const isFeatureDetectionMessage = Array.isArray(data) && data[0] === 'esms'; if (!isFeatureDetectionMessage) { return; } supportsImportMaps = data[1]; supportsImportMeta = data[2]; supportsCssAssertions = data[3]; supportsJsonAssertions = data[4]; resolve(); document.head.removeChild(iframe); window.removeEventListener('message', cb, false); } window.addEventListener('message', cb, false); const importMapTest = `<script nonce=${nonce || ''}>b=(s,type='text/javascript')=>URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([s],{type}));document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement('script'),{type:'importmap',nonce:"${nonce}",innerText:\`{"imports":{"x":"\${b('')}"}}\`}));Promise.all([${ supportsImportMaps ? 'true,true' : `'x',b('${importMetaCheck}')`}, ${cssModulesEnabled ? `b('${cssModulesCheck}'.replace('x',b('','text/css')))` : 'false'}, ${ jsonModulesEnabled ? `b('${jsonModulesCheck}'.replace('x',b('{}','text/json')))` : 'false'}].map(x =>typeof x==='string'?import(x).then(x =>!!x,()=>false):x)).then(a=>parent.postMessage(['esms'].concat(a),'*'))<${''}/script>`; // Safari will call onload eagerly on head injection, but we don't want the Wechat // path to trigger before setting srcdoc, therefore we track the timing let readyForOnload = false, onloadCalledWhileNotReady = false; function doOnload () { if (!readyForOnload) { onloadCalledWhileNotReady = true; return; } // WeChat browser doesn't support setting srcdoc scripts // But iframe sandboxes don't support contentDocument so we do this as a fallback const doc = iframe.contentDocument; if (doc && doc.head.childNodes.length === 0) { const s = doc.createElement('script'); if (nonce) s.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); s.innerHTML = importMapTest.slice(15 + (nonce ? nonce.length : 0), -9); doc.head.appendChild(s); } } iframe.onload = doOnload; // WeChat browser requires append before setting srcdoc document.head.appendChild(iframe); // setting srcdoc is not supported in React native webviews on iOS // setting src to a blob URL results in a navigation event in webviews // document.write gives usability warnings readyForOnload = true; if ('srcdoc' in iframe) iframe.srcdoc = importMapTest; else iframe.contentDocument.write(importMapTest); // retrigger onload for Safari only if necessary if (onloadCalledWhileNotReady) doOnload(); }); }); /* es-module-lexer 1.4.1 */ const A=1===new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([1]).buffer)[0];function parse(E,g="@"){if(!C)return init.then((()=>parse(E)));const I=E.length+1,k=(C.__heap_base.value||C.__heap_base)+4*I-C.memory.buffer.byteLength;k>0&&C.memory.grow(Math.ceil(k/65536));const;if((A?B:Q)(E,new Uint16Array(C.memory.buffer,K,I)),!C.parse())throw Object.assign(new Error(`Parse error ${g}:${E.slice(0,C.e()).split("\n").length}:${C.e()-E.lastIndexOf("\n",C.e()-1)}`),{idx:C.e()});const o=[],D=[];for(;C.ri();){const,,,,,;let K;C.ip()&&(K=w(E.slice(-1===g?A-1:A,-1===g?Q+1:Q))),o.push({n:K,s:A,e:Q,ss:I,se:k,d:g,a:B});}for(;;){const,,B=C.els(),g=C.ele(),I=E.slice(A,Q),k=I[0],K=B<0?void 0:E.slice(B,g),o=K?K[0]:"";D.push({s:A,e:Q,ls:B,le:g,n:'"'===k||"'"===k?w(I):I,ln:'"'===o||"'"===o?w(K):K});}function w(A){try{return (0,eval)(A)}catch(A){}}return [o,D,!!C.f(),!!]}function Q(A,Q){const B=A.length;let C=0;for(;C<B;){const B=A.charCodeAt(C);Q[C++]=(255&B)<<8|B>>>8;}}function B(A,Q){const B=A.length;let C=0;for(;C<B;)Q[C]=A.charCodeAt(C++);}let C;const init=WebAssembly.compile((E="AGFzbQEAAAABKghgAX8Bf2AEf39/fwBgAAF/YAAAYAF/AGADf39/AX9gAn9/AX9gAn9/AAMwLwABAQICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAAMDAwQEAAAAAwAAAAADAwAFBgAAAAcABgIFBAUBcAEBAQUDAQABBg8CfwFBsPIAC38AQbDyAAsHdRQGbWVtb3J5AgACc2EAAAFlAAMCaXMABAJpZQAFAnNzAAYCc2UABwJhaQAIAmlkAAkCaXAACgJlcwALAmVlAAwDZWxzAA0DZWxlAA4CcmkADwJyZQAQAWYAEQJtcwASBXBhcnNlABMLX19oZWFwX2Jhc2UDAQryPS9oAQF/QQAgADYC9AlBACgC0AkiASAAQQF0aiIAQQA7AQBBACAAQQJqIgA2AvgJQQAgADYC/AlBAEEANgLUCUEAQQA2AuQJQQBBADYC3AlBAEEANgLYCUEAQQA2AuwJQQBBADYC4AkgAQu+AQEDf0EAKALkCSEEQQBBACgC/AkiBTYC5AlBACAENgLoCUEAIAVBIGo2AvwJIARBHGpB1AkgBBsgBTYCAEEAKALICSEEQQAoAsQJIQYgBSABNgIAIAUgADYCCCAFIAIgAkECakEAIAYgA0YbIAQgA0YbNgIMIAUgAzYCFCAFQQA2AhAgBSACNgIEIAVBADYCHCAFQQAoAsQJIANGIgI6ABgCQAJAIAINAEEAKALICSADRw0BC0EAQQE6AIAKCwteAQF/QQAoAuwJIgRBEGpB2AkgBBtBACgC/AkiBDYCAEEAIAQ2AuwJQQAgBEEUajYC/AlBAEEBOgCACiAEQQA2AhAgBCADNgIMIAQgAjYCCCAEIAE2AgQgBCAANgIACwgAQQAoAoQKCxUAQQAoAtwJKAIAQQAoAtAJa0EBdQseAQF/QQAoAtwJKAIEIgBBACgC0AlrQQF1QX8gABsLFQBBACgC3AkoAghBACgC0AlrQQF1Cx4BAX9BACgC3AkoAgwiAEEAKALQCWtBAXVBfyAAGwseAQF/QQAoAtwJKAIQIgBBACgC0AlrQQF1QX8gABsLOwEBfwJAQQAoAtwJKAIUIgBBACgCxAlHDQBBfw8LAkAgAEEAKALICUcNAEF+DwsgAEEAKALQCWtBAXULCwBBACgC3AktABgLFQBBACgC4AkoAgBBACgC0AlrQQF1CxUAQQAoAuAJKAIEQQAoAtAJa0EBdQseAQF/QQAoAuAJKAIIIgBBACgC0AlrQQF1QX8gABsLHgEBf0EAKALgCSgCDCIAQQAoAtAJa0EBdUF/IAAbCyUBAX9BAEEAKALcCSIAQRxqQdQJIAAbKAIAIgA2AtwJIABBAEcLJQEBf0EAQQAoAuAJIgBBEGpB2AkgABsoAgAiADYC4AkgAEEARwsIAEEALQCICgsIAEEALQCACgvyDAEGfyMAQYDQAGsiACQAQQBBAToAiApBAEEAKALMCTYCkApBAEEAKALQCUF+aiIBNgKkCkEAIAFBACgC9AlBAXRqIgI2AqgKQQBBADoAgApBAEEAOwGKCkEAQQA7AYwKQQBBADoAlApBAEEANgKECkEAQQA6APAJQQAgAEGAEGo2ApgKQQAgADYCnApBAEEAOgCgCgJAAkACQAJAA0BBACABQQJqIgM2AqQKIAEgAk8NAQJAIAMvAQAiAkF3akEFSQ0AAkACQAJAAkACQCACQZt/ag4FAQgICAIACyACQSBGDQQgAkEvRg0DIAJBO0YNAgwHC0EALwGMCg0BIAMQFEUNASABQQRqQYIIQQoQLg0BEBVBAC0AiAoNAUEAQQAoAqQKIgE2ApAKDAcLIAMQFEUNACABQQRqQYwIQQoQLg0AEBYLQQBBACgCpAo2ApAKDAELAkAgAS8BBCIDQSpGDQAgA0EvRw0EEBcMAQtBARAYC0EAKAKoCiECQQAoAqQKIQEMAAsLQQAhAiADIQFBAC0A8AkNAgwBC0EAIAE2AqQKQQBBADoAiAoLA0BBACABQQJqIgM2AqQKAkACQAJAAkACQAJAAkACQAJAIAFBACgCqApPDQAgAy8BACICQXdqQQVJDQgCQAJAAkACQAJAAkACQAJAAkACQCACQWBqDgoSEQYRERERBQECAAsCQAJAAkACQCACQaB/ag4KCxQUAxQBFBQUAgALIAJBhX9qDgMFEwYJC0EALwGMCg0SIAMQFEUNEiABQQRqQYIIQQoQLg0SEBUMEgsgAxAURQ0RIAFBBGpBjAhBChAuDREQFgwRCyADEBRFDRAgASkABELsgISDsI7AOVINECABLwEMIgNBd2oiAUEXSw0OQQEgAXRBn4CABHFFDQ4MDwtBAEEALwGMCiIBQQFqOwGMCkEAKAKYCiABQQN0aiIBQQE2AgAgAUEAKAKQCjYCBAwPC0EALwGMCiIDRQ0LQQAgA0F/aiICOwGMCkEALwGKCiIDRQ0OQQAoApgKIAJB//8DcUEDdGooAgBBBUcNDgJAIANBAnRBACgCnApqQXxqKAIAIgIoAgQNACACQQAoApAKQQJqNgIEC0EAIANBf2o7AYoKIAIgAUEEajYCDAwOCwJAQQAoApAKIgEvAQBBKUcNAEEAKALkCSIDRQ0AIAMoAgQgAUcNAEEAQQAoAugJIgM2AuQJAkAgA0UNACADQQA2AhwMAQtBAEEANgLUCQtBAEEALwGMCiIDQQFqOwGMCkEAKAKYCiADQQN0aiIDQQZBAkEALQCgChs2AgAgAyABNgIEQQBBADoAoAoMDQtBAC8BjAoiAUUNCUEAIAFBf2oiATsBjApBACgCmAogAUH//wNxQQN0aigCAEEERg0EDAwLQScQGQwLC0EiEBkMCgsgAkEvRw0JAkACQCABLwEEIgFBKkYNACABQS9HDQEQFwwMC0EBEBgMCwsCQAJAQQAoApAKIgEvAQAiAxAaRQ0AAkACQCADQVVqDgQACAEDCAsgAUF+ai8BAEErRg0GDAcLIAFBfmovAQBBLUYNBQwGCwJAIANB/QBGDQAgA0EpRw0FQQAoApgKQQAvAYwKQQN0aigCBBAbRQ0FDAYLQQAoApgKQQAvAYwKQQN0aiICKAIEEBwNBSACKAIAQQZGDQUMBAsgAUF+ai8BAEFQakH//wNxQQpJDQMMBAtBACgCmApBAC8BjAoiAUEDdCIDakEAKAKQCjYCBEEAIAFBAWo7AYwKQQAoApgKIANqQQM2AgALEB0MBwtBAC0A8AlBAC8BigpBAC8BjApyckUhAgwJCyABEB4NACADRQ0AIANBL0ZBAC0AlApBAEdxDQAgAUF+aiEBQQAoAtAJIQICQANAIAFBAmoiBCACTQ0BQQAgATYCkAogAS8BACEDIAFBfmoiBCEBIAMQH0UNAAsgBEECaiEEC0EBIQUgA0H//wNxECBFDQEgBEF+aiEBAkADQCABQQJqIgMgAk0NAUEAIAE2ApAKIAEvAQAhAyABQX5qIgQhASADECANAAsgBEECaiEDCyADECFFDQEQIkEAQQA6AJQKDAULECJBACEFC0EAIAU6AJQKDAMLECNBACECDAULIANBoAFHDQELQQBBAToAoAoLQQBBACgCpAo2ApAKC0EAKAKkCiEBDAALCyAAQYDQAGokACACCxoAAkBBACgC0AkgAEcNAEEBDwsgAEF+ahAkC/wKAQZ/QQBBACgCpAoiAEEMaiIBNgKkCkEAKALsCSECQQEQKCEDAkACQAJAAkACQAJAAkACQAJAQQAoAqQKIgQgAUcNACADECdFDQELAkACQAJAAkACQAJAAkAgA0EqRg0AIANB+wBHDQFBACAEQQJqNgKkCkEBECghA0EAKAKkCiEEA0ACQAJAIANB//8DcSIDQSJGDQAgA0EnRg0AIAMQKxpBACgCpAohAwwBCyADEBlBAEEAKAKkCkECaiIDNgKkCgtBARAoGgJAIAQgAxAsIgNBLEcNAEEAQQAoAqQKQQJqNgKkCkEBECghAwsgA0H9AEYNA0EAKAKkCiIFIARGDQ8gBSEEIAVBACgCqApNDQAMDwsLQQAgBEECajYCpApBARAoGkEAKAKkCiIDIAMQLBoMAgtBAEEAOgCICgJAAkACQAJAAkACQCADQZ9/ag4MAgsEAQsDCwsLCwsFAAsgA0H2AEYNBAwKC0EAIARBDmoiAzYCpAoCQAJAAkBBARAoQZ9/ag4GABICEhIBEgtBACgCpAoiBSkAAkLzgOSD4I3AMVINESAFLwEKECBFDRFBACAFQQpqNgKkCkEAECgaC0EAKAKkCiIFQQJqQaIIQQ4QLg0QIAUvARAiAkF3aiIBQRdLDQ1BASABdEGfgIAEcUUNDQwOC0EAKAKkCiIFKQACQuyAhIOwjsA5Ug0PIAUvAQoiAkF3aiIBQRdNDQYMCgtBACAEQQpqNgKkCkEAECgaQQAoAqQKIQQLQQAgBEEQajYCpAoCQEEBECgiBEEqRw0AQQBBACgCpApBAmo2AqQKQQEQKCEEC0EAKAKkCiEDIAQQKxogA0EAKAKkCiIEIAMgBBACQQBBACgCpApBfmo2AqQKDwsCQCAEKQACQuyAhIOwjsA5Ug0AIAQvAQoQH0UNAEEAIARBCmo2AqQKQQEQKCEEQQAoAqQKIQMgBBArGiADQQAoAqQKIgQgAyAEEAJBAEEAKAKkCkF+ajYCpAoPC0EAIARBBGoiBDYCpAoLQQAgBEEGajYCpApBAEEAOgCICkEBECghBEEAKAKkCiEDIAQQKyEEQQAoAqQKIQIgBEHf/wNxIgFB2wBHDQNBACACQQJqNgKkCkEBECghBUEAKAKkCiEDQQAhBAwEC0EAQQE6AIAKQQBBACgCpApBAmo2AqQKC0EBECghBEEAKAKkCiEDAkAgBEHmAEcNACADQQJqQZwIQQYQLg0AQQAgA0EIajYCpAogAEEBECgQKiACQRBqQdgJIAIbIQMDQCADKAIAIgNFDQUgA0IANwIIIANBEGohAww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","undefined"!=typeof Buffer?Buffer.from(E,"base64"):Uint8Array.from(atob(E),(A=>A.charCodeAt(0))))).then(WebAssembly.instantiate).then((({exports:A})=>{C=A;}));var E; async function _resolve (id, parentUrl) { const urlResolved = resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(id, parentUrl) || asURL(id); return { r: resolveImportMap(importMap, urlResolved || id, parentUrl) || throwUnresolved(id, parentUrl), // b = bare specifier b: !urlResolved && !asURL(id) }; } const resolve = resolveHook ? async (id, parentUrl) => { let result = resolveHook(id, parentUrl, defaultResolve); // will be deprecated in next major if (result && result.then) result = await result; return result ? { r: result, b: !resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(id, parentUrl) && !asURL(id) } : _resolve(id, parentUrl); } : _resolve; // importShim('mod'); // importShim('mod', { opts }); // importShim('mod', { opts }, parentUrl); // importShim('mod', parentUrl); async function importShim (id, ...args) { // parentUrl if present will be the last argument let parentUrl = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof parentUrl !== 'string') parentUrl = baseUrl; // needed for shim check await initPromise; if (importHook) await importHook(id, typeof args[1] !== 'string' ? args[1] : {}, parentUrl); if (acceptingImportMaps || shimMode || !baselinePassthrough) { if (hasDocument) processScriptsAndPreloads(true); if (!shimMode) acceptingImportMaps = false; } await importMapPromise; return topLevelLoad((await resolve(id, parentUrl)).r, { credentials: 'same-origin' }); } self.importShim = importShim; function defaultResolve (id, parentUrl) { return resolveImportMap(importMap, resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(id, parentUrl) || id, parentUrl) || throwUnresolved(id, parentUrl); } function throwUnresolved (id, parentUrl) { throw Error(`Unable to resolve specifier '${id}'${fromParent(parentUrl)}`); } const resolveSync = (id, parentUrl = baseUrl) => { parentUrl = `${parentUrl}`; const result = resolveHook && resolveHook(id, parentUrl, defaultResolve); return result && !result.then ? result : defaultResolve(id, parentUrl); }; function metaResolve (id, parentUrl = this.url) { return resolveSync(id, parentUrl); } importShim.resolve = resolveSync; importShim.getImportMap = () => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(importMap)); importShim.addImportMap = importMapIn => { if (!shimMode) throw new Error('Unsupported in polyfill mode.'); importMap = resolveAndComposeImportMap(importMapIn, baseUrl, importMap); }; const registry = importShim._r = {}; importShim._w = {}; async function loadAll (load, seen) { if (load.b || seen[load.u]) return; seen[load.u] = 1; await load.L; await Promise.all( => loadAll(dep, seen))); if (!load.n) load.n = load.d.some(dep => dep.n); } let importMap = { imports: {}, scopes: {} }; let baselinePassthrough; const initPromise = featureDetectionPromise.then(() => { baselinePassthrough = esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable !== true && supportsDynamicImport && supportsImportMeta && supportsImportMaps && (!jsonModulesEnabled || supportsJsonAssertions) && (!cssModulesEnabled || supportsCssAssertions) && !importMapSrcOrLazy; if (hasDocument) { if (!supportsImportMaps) { const supports = HTMLScriptElement.supports || (type => type === 'classic' || type === 'module'); HTMLScriptElement.supports = type => type === 'importmap' || supports(type); } if (shimMode || !baselinePassthrough) { new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const mutation of mutations) { if (mutation.type !== 'childList') continue; for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT') { if (node.type === (shimMode ? 'module-shim' : 'module')) processScript(node, true); if (node.type === (shimMode ? 'importmap-shim' : 'importmap')) processImportMap(node, true); } else if (node.tagName === 'LINK' && node.rel === (shimMode ? 'modulepreload-shim' : 'modulepreload')) { processPreload(node); } } } }).observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true}); processScriptsAndPreloads(); if (document.readyState === 'complete') { readyStateCompleteCheck(); } else { async function readyListener() { await initPromise; processScriptsAndPreloads(); if (document.readyState === 'complete') { readyStateCompleteCheck(); document.removeEventListener('readystatechange', readyListener); } } document.addEventListener('readystatechange', readyListener); } } } return init; }); let importMapPromise = initPromise; let firstPolyfillLoad = true; let acceptingImportMaps = true; async function topLevelLoad (url, fetchOpts, source, nativelyLoaded, lastStaticLoadPromise) { if (!shimMode) acceptingImportMaps = false; await initPromise; await importMapPromise; if (importHook) await importHook(url, typeof fetchOpts !== 'string' ? fetchOpts : {}, ''); // early analysis opt-out - no need to even fetch if we have feature support if (!shimMode && baselinePassthrough) { // for polyfill case, only dynamic import needs a return value here, and dynamic import will never pass nativelyLoaded if (nativelyLoaded) return null; await lastStaticLoadPromise; return dynamicImport(source ? createBlob(source) : url, { errUrl: url || source }); } const load = getOrCreateLoad(url, fetchOpts, null, source); const seen = {}; await loadAll(load, seen); lastLoad = undefined; resolveDeps(load, seen); await lastStaticLoadPromise; if (source && !shimMode && !load.n) { if (nativelyLoaded) return; if (revokeBlobURLs) revokeObjectURLs(Object.keys(seen)); return await dynamicImport(createBlob(source), { errUrl: source }); } if (firstPolyfillLoad && !shimMode && load.n && nativelyLoaded) { onpolyfill(); firstPolyfillLoad = false; } const module = await dynamicImport(!shimMode && !load.n && nativelyLoaded ? load.u : load.b, { errUrl: load.u }); // if the top-level load is a shell, run its update function if (load.s) (await dynamicImport(load.s)).u$_(module); if (revokeBlobURLs) revokeObjectURLs(Object.keys(seen)); // when tla is supported, this should return the tla promise as an actual handle // so readystate can still correspond to the sync subgraph exec completions return module; } function revokeObjectURLs(registryKeys) { let batch = 0; const keysLength = registryKeys.length; const schedule = self.requestIdleCallback ? self.requestIdleCallback : self.requestAnimationFrame; schedule(cleanup); function cleanup() { const batchStartIndex = batch * 100; if (batchStartIndex > keysLength) return for (const key of registryKeys.slice(batchStartIndex, batchStartIndex + 100)) { const load = registry[key]; if (load) URL.revokeObjectURL(load.b); } batch++; schedule(cleanup); } } function urlJsString (url) { return `'${url.replace(/'/g, "\\'")}'`; } let lastLoad; function resolveDeps (load, seen) { if (load.b || !seen[load.u]) return; seen[load.u] = 0; for (const dep of load.d) resolveDeps(dep, seen); const [imports, exports] = load.a; // "execution" const source = load.S; // edge doesnt execute sibling in order, so we fix this up by ensuring all previous executions are explicit dependencies let resolvedSource = edge && lastLoad ? `import '${lastLoad}';` : ''; // once all deps have loaded we can inline the dependency resolution blobs // and define this blob let lastIndex = 0, depIndex = 0, dynamicImportEndStack = []; function pushStringTo (originalIndex) { while (dynamicImportEndStack[dynamicImportEndStack.length - 1] < originalIndex) { const dynamicImportEnd = dynamicImportEndStack.pop(); resolvedSource += `${source.slice(lastIndex, dynamicImportEnd)}, ${urlJsString(load.r)}`; lastIndex = dynamicImportEnd; } resolvedSource += source.slice(lastIndex, originalIndex); lastIndex = originalIndex; } for (const { s: start, ss: statementStart, se: statementEnd, d: dynamicImportIndex } of imports) { // dependency source replacements if (dynamicImportIndex === -1) { let depLoad = load.d[depIndex++], blobUrl = depLoad.b, cycleShell = !blobUrl; if (cycleShell) { // circular shell creation if (!(blobUrl = depLoad.s)) { blobUrl = depLoad.s = createBlob(`export function u$_(m){${ depLoad.a[1].map(({ s, e }, i) => { const q = depLoad.S[s] === '"' || depLoad.S[s] === "'"; return `e$_${i}=m${q ? `[` : '.'}${depLoad.S.slice(s, e)}${q ? `]` : ''}`; }).join(',') }}${ depLoad.a[1].length ? `let ${depLoad.a[1].map((_, i) => `e$_${i}`).join(',')};` : '' }export {${ depLoad.a[1].map(({ s, e }, i) => `e$_${i} as ${depLoad.S.slice(s, e)}`).join(',') }}\n//# sourceURL=${depLoad.r}?cycle`); } } pushStringTo(start - 1); resolvedSource += `/*${source.slice(start - 1, statementEnd)}*/${urlJsString(blobUrl)}`; // circular shell execution if (!cycleShell && depLoad.s) { resolvedSource += `;import*as m$_${depIndex} from'${depLoad.b}';import{u$_ as u$_${depIndex}}from'${depLoad.s}';u$_${depIndex}(m$_${depIndex})`; depLoad.s = undefined; } lastIndex = statementEnd; } // import.meta else if (dynamicImportIndex === -2) { load.m = { url: load.r, resolve: metaResolve }; metaHook(load.m, load.u); pushStringTo(start); resolvedSource += `importShim._r[${urlJsString(load.u)}].m`; lastIndex = statementEnd; } // dynamic import else { pushStringTo(statementStart + 6); resolvedSource += `Shim(`; dynamicImportEndStack.push(statementEnd - 1); lastIndex = start; } } // support progressive cycle binding updates (try statement avoids tdz errors) if (load.s) resolvedSource += `\n;import{u$_}from'${load.s}';try{u$_({${exports.filter(e => e.ln).map(({ s, e, ln }) => `${source.slice(s, e)}:${ln}`).join(',')}})}catch(_){};\n`; function pushSourceURL (commentPrefix, commentStart) { const urlStart = commentStart + commentPrefix.length; const commentEnd = source.indexOf('\n', urlStart); const urlEnd = commentEnd !== -1 ? commentEnd : source.length; pushStringTo(urlStart); resolvedSource += new URL(source.slice(urlStart, urlEnd), load.r).href; lastIndex = urlEnd; } let sourceURLCommentStart = source.lastIndexOf(sourceURLCommentPrefix); let sourceMapURLCommentStart = source.lastIndexOf(sourceMapURLCommentPrefix); // ignore sourceMap comments before already spliced code if (sourceURLCommentStart < lastIndex) sourceURLCommentStart = -1; if (sourceMapURLCommentStart < lastIndex) sourceMapURLCommentStart = -1; // sourceURL first / only if (sourceURLCommentStart !== -1 && (sourceMapURLCommentStart === -1 || sourceMapURLCommentStart > sourceURLCommentStart)) { pushSourceURL(sourceURLCommentPrefix, sourceURLCommentStart); } // sourceMappingURL if (sourceMapURLCommentStart !== -1) { pushSourceURL(sourceMapURLCommentPrefix, sourceMapURLCommentStart); // sourceURL last if (sourceURLCommentStart !== -1 && (sourceURLCommentStart > sourceMapURLCommentStart)) pushSourceURL(sourceURLCommentPrefix, sourceURLCommentStart); } pushStringTo(source.length); if (sourceURLCommentStart === -1) resolvedSource += sourceURLCommentPrefix + load.r; load.b = lastLoad = createBlob(resolvedSource); load.S = undefined; } const sourceURLCommentPrefix = '\n//# sourceURL='; const sourceMapURLCommentPrefix = '\n//# sourceMappingURL='; const jsContentType = /^(text|application)\/(x-)?javascript(;|$)/; const wasmContentType = /^(application)\/wasm(;|$)/; const jsonContentType = /^(text|application)\/json(;|$)/; const cssContentType = /^(text|application)\/css(;|$)/; const cssUrlRegEx = /url\(\s*(?:(["'])((?:\\.|[^\n\\"'])+)\1|((?:\\.|[^\s,"'()\\])+))\s*\)/g; // restrict in-flight fetches to a pool of 100 let p = []; let c = 0; function pushFetchPool () { if (++c > 100) return new Promise(r => p.push(r)); } function popFetchPool () { c--; if (p.length) p.shift()(); } async function doFetch (url, fetchOpts, parent) { if (enforceIntegrity && !fetchOpts.integrity) throw Error(`No integrity for ${url}${fromParent(parent)}.`); const poolQueue = pushFetchPool(); if (poolQueue) await poolQueue; try { var res = await fetchHook(url, fetchOpts); } catch (e) { e.message = `Unable to fetch ${url}${fromParent(parent)} - see network log for details.\n` + e.message; throw e; } finally { popFetchPool(); } if (!res.ok) { const error = new TypeError(`${res.status} ${res.statusText} ${res.url}${fromParent(parent)}`); error.response = res; throw error; } return res; } async function fetchModule (url, fetchOpts, parent) { const res = await doFetch(url, fetchOpts, parent); const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type'); if (jsContentType.test(contentType)) return { r: res.url, s: await res.text(), t: 'js' }; else if (wasmContentType.test(contentType)) { const module = importShim._w[url] = await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(res); let s = '', i = 0, importObj = ''; for (const impt of WebAssembly.Module.imports(module)) { s += `import * as impt${i} from '${impt.module}';\n`; importObj += `'${impt.module}':impt${i++},`; } i = 0; s += `const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(importShim._w['${url}'], {${importObj}});\n`; for (const expt of WebAssembly.Module.exports(module)) { s += `const expt${i} = instance['${}'];\n`; s += `export { expt${i++} as "${}" };\n`; } return { r: res.url, s, t: 'wasm' }; } else if (jsonContentType.test(contentType)) return { r: res.url, s: `export default ${await res.text()}`, t: 'json' }; else if (cssContentType.test(contentType)) { return { r: res.url, s: `var s=new CSSStyleSheet();s.replaceSync(${ JSON.stringify((await res.text()).replace(cssUrlRegEx, (_match, quotes = '', relUrl1, relUrl2) => `url(${quotes}${resolveUrl(relUrl1 || relUrl2, url)}${quotes})`)) });export default s;`, t: 'css' }; } else throw Error(`Unsupported Content-Type "${contentType}" loading ${url}${fromParent(parent)}. Modules must be served with a valid MIME type like application/javascript.`); } function getOrCreateLoad (url, fetchOpts, parent, source) { let load = registry[url]; if (load && !source) return load; load = { // url u: url, // response url r: source ? url : undefined, // fetchPromise f: undefined, // source S: undefined, // linkPromise L: undefined, // analysis a: undefined, // deps d: undefined, // blobUrl b: undefined, // shellUrl s: undefined, // needsShim n: false, // type t: null, // meta m: null }; if (registry[url]) { let i = 0; while (registry[load.u + ++i]); load.u += i; } registry[load.u] = load; load.f = (async () => { if (!source) { // preload fetch options override fetch options (race) let t; ({ r: load.r, s: source, t } = await (fetchCache[url] || fetchModule(url, fetchOpts, parent))); if (t && !shimMode) { if (t === 'css' && !cssModulesEnabled || t === 'json' && !jsonModulesEnabled) throw Error(`${t}-modules require <script type="esms-options">{ "polyfillEnable": ["${t}-modules"] }<${''}/script>`); if (t === 'css' && !supportsCssAssertions || t === 'json' && !supportsJsonAssertions) load.n = true; } } try { load.a = parse(source, load.u); } catch (e) { throwError(e); load.a = [[], [], false]; } load.S = source; return load; })(); load.L = load.f.then(async () => { let childFetchOpts = fetchOpts; load.d = (await Promise.all(load.a[0].map(async ({ n, d }) => { if (d >= 0 && !supportsDynamicImport || d === -2 && !supportsImportMeta) load.n = true; if (d !== -1 || !n) return; const { r, b } = await resolve(n, load.r || load.u); if (b && (!supportsImportMaps || importMapSrcOrLazy)) load.n = true; if (d !== -1) return; if (skip && skip(r)) return { b: r }; if (childFetchOpts.integrity) childFetchOpts = Object.assign({}, childFetchOpts, { integrity: undefined }); return getOrCreateLoad(r, childFetchOpts, load.r).f; }))).filter(l => l); }); return load; } function processScriptsAndPreloads (mapsOnly = false) { if (!mapsOnly) for (const link of document.querySelectorAll(shimMode ? 'link[rel=modulepreload-shim]' : 'link[rel=modulepreload]')) processPreload(link); for (const script of document.querySelectorAll(shimMode ? 'script[type=importmap-shim]' : 'script[type=importmap]')) processImportMap(script); if (!mapsOnly) for (const script of document.querySelectorAll(shimMode ? 'script[type=module-shim]' : 'script[type=module]')) processScript(script); } function getFetchOpts (script) { const fetchOpts = {}; if (script.integrity) fetchOpts.integrity = script.integrity; if (script.referrerPolicy) fetchOpts.referrerPolicy = script.referrerPolicy; if (script.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials') fetchOpts.credentials = 'include'; else if (script.crossOrigin === 'anonymous') fetchOpts.credentials = 'omit'; else fetchOpts.credentials = 'same-origin'; return fetchOpts; } let lastStaticLoadPromise = Promise.resolve(); let domContentLoadedCnt = 1; function domContentLoadedCheck () { if (--domContentLoadedCnt === 0 && !noLoadEventRetriggers && (shimMode || !baselinePassthrough)) { document.dispatchEvent(new Event('DOMContentLoaded')); } } // this should always trigger because we assume es-module-shims is itself a domcontentloaded requirement if (hasDocument) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => { await initPromise; domContentLoadedCheck(); }); } let readyStateCompleteCnt = 1; function readyStateCompleteCheck () { if (--readyStateCompleteCnt === 0 && !noLoadEventRetriggers && (shimMode || !baselinePassthrough)) { document.dispatchEvent(new Event('readystatechange')); } } const hasNext = script => script.nextSibling || script.parentNode && hasNext(script.parentNode); const epCheck = (script, ready) => script.ep || !ready && (!script.src && !script.innerHTML || !hasNext(script)) || script.getAttribute('noshim') !== null || !(script.ep = true); function processImportMap (script, ready = readyStateCompleteCnt > 0) { if (epCheck(script, ready)) return; // we dont currently support multiple, external or dynamic imports maps in polyfill mode to match native if (script.src) { if (!shimMode) return; setImportMapSrcOrLazy(); } if (acceptingImportMaps) { importMapPromise = importMapPromise .then(async () => { importMap = resolveAndComposeImportMap(script.src ? await (await doFetch(script.src, getFetchOpts(script))).json() : JSON.parse(script.innerHTML), script.src || baseUrl, importMap); }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); if (e instanceof SyntaxError) e = new Error(`Unable to parse import map ${e.message} in: ${script.src || script.innerHTML}`); throwError(e); }); if (!shimMode) acceptingImportMaps = false; } } function processScript (script, ready = readyStateCompleteCnt > 0) { if (epCheck(script, ready)) return; // does this load block readystate complete const isBlockingReadyScript = script.getAttribute('async') === null && readyStateCompleteCnt > 0; // does this load block DOMContentLoaded const isDomContentLoadedScript = domContentLoadedCnt > 0; if (isBlockingReadyScript) readyStateCompleteCnt++; if (isDomContentLoadedScript) domContentLoadedCnt++; const loadPromise = topLevelLoad(script.src || baseUrl, getFetchOpts(script), !script.src && script.innerHTML, !shimMode, isBlockingReadyScript && lastStaticLoadPromise) .then(() => { // if the type of the script tag "module-shim", browser does not dispatch a "load" event // see if (shimMode) { script.dispatchEvent(new Event('load')); } }) .catch(throwError); if (isBlockingReadyScript) lastStaticLoadPromise = loadPromise.then(readyStateCompleteCheck); if (isDomContentLoadedScript) loadPromise.then(domContentLoadedCheck); } const fetchCache = {}; function processPreload (link) { if (link.ep) return; link.ep = true; if (fetchCache[link.href]) return; fetchCache[link.href] = fetchModule(link.href, getFetchOpts(link)); } })(); PK�������!�w4B-n�-n���vendor/react.jsnu�[��������/* * ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development"). * This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files. * It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools. * If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool ( * or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false". * If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" ( */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ "./node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js": /*!*****************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js ***! \*****************************************************/ /***/ ((module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { eval("/* module decorator */ module = __webpack_require__.nmd(module);\n/**\n * @license React\n * react.development.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n\n\nif (true) {\n (function() {\n\n 'use strict';\n\n/* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error());\n}\n var ReactVersion = '18.3.1';\n\n// ATTENTION\n// When adding new symbols to this file,\n// Please consider also adding to 'react-devtools-shared/src/backend/ReactSymbols'\n// The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types.\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.element');\nvar REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.portal');\nvar REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.fragment');\nvar REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode');\nvar REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.profiler');\nvar REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.provider');\nvar REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.context');\nvar REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list');\nvar REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.memo');\nvar REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.lazy');\nvar REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.offscreen');\nvar MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator;\nvar FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator';\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== 'object') {\n return null;\n }\n\n var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL];\n\n if (typeof maybeIterator === 'function') {\n return maybeIterator;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Keeps track of the current dispatcher.\n */\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher = {\n /**\n * @internal\n * @type {ReactComponent}\n */\n current: null\n};\n\n/**\n * Keeps track of the current batch's configuration such as how long an update\n * should suspend for if it needs to.\n */\nvar ReactCurrentBatchConfig = {\n transition: null\n};\n\nvar ReactCurrentActQueue = {\n current: null,\n // Used to reproduce behavior of `batchedUpdates` in legacy mode.\n isBatchingLegacy: false,\n didScheduleLegacyUpdate: false\n};\n\n/**\n * Keeps track of the current owner.\n *\n * The current owner is the component who should own any components that are\n * currently being constructed.\n */\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = {\n /**\n * @internal\n * @type {ReactComponent}\n */\n current: null\n};\n\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame = {};\nvar currentExtraStackFrame = null;\nfunction setExtraStackFrame(stack) {\n {\n currentExtraStackFrame = stack;\n }\n}\n\n{\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame = function (stack) {\n {\n currentExtraStackFrame = stack;\n }\n }; // Stack implementation injected by the current renderer.\n\n\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack = null;\n\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum = function () {\n var stack = ''; // Add an extra top frame while an element is being validated\n\n if (currentExtraStackFrame) {\n stack += currentExtraStackFrame;\n } // Delegate to the injected renderer-specific implementation\n\n\n var impl = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack;\n\n if (impl) {\n stack += impl() || '';\n }\n\n return stack;\n };\n}\n\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar enableScopeAPI = false; // Experimental Create Event Handle API.\nvar enableCacheElement = false;\nvar enableTransitionTracing = false; // No known bugs, but needs performance testing\n\nvar enableLegacyHidden = false; // Enables unstable_avoidThisFallback feature in Fiber\n// stuff. Intended to enable React core members to more easily debug scheduling\n// issues in DEV builds.\n\nvar enableDebugTracing = false; // Track which Fiber(s) schedule render work.\n\nvar ReactSharedInternals = {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher: ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig: ReactCurrentBatchConfig,\n ReactCurrentOwner: ReactCurrentOwner\n};\n\n{\n ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentActQueue = ReactCurrentActQueue;\n}\n\n// by calls to these methods by a Babel plugin.\n//\n// In PROD (or in packages without access to React internals),\n// they are left as they are instead.\n\nfunction warn(format) {\n {\n {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n printWarning('warn', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction error(format) {\n {\n {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n printWarning('error', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction printWarning(level, format, args) {\n // When changing this logic, you might want to also\n // update consoleWithStackDev.www.js as well.\n {\n var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum();\n\n if (stack !== '') {\n format += '%s';\n args = args.concat([stack]);\n } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n\n\n var argsWithFormat = (item) {\n return String(item);\n }); // Careful: RN currently depends on this prefix\n\n argsWithFormat.unshift('Warning: ' + format); // We intentionally don't use spread (or .apply) directly because it\n // breaks IE9:\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging\n\n[level], console, argsWithFormat);\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent = {};\n\nfunction warnNoop(publicInstance, callerName) {\n {\n var _constructor = publicInstance.constructor;\n var componentName = _constructor && (_constructor.displayName || || 'ReactClass';\n var warningKey = componentName + \".\" + callerName;\n\n if (didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent[warningKey]) {\n return;\n }\n\n error(\"Can't call %s on a component that is not yet mounted. \" + 'This is a no-op, but it might indicate a bug in your application. ' + 'Instead, assign to `this.state` directly or define a `state = {};` ' + 'class property with the desired state in the %s component.', callerName, componentName);\n\n didWarnStateUpdateForUnmountedComponent[warningKey] = true;\n }\n}\n/**\n * This is the abstract API for an update queue.\n */\n\n\nvar ReactNoopUpdateQueue = {\n /**\n * Checks whether or not this composite component is mounted.\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance we want to test.\n * @return {boolean} True if mounted, false otherwise.\n * @protected\n * @final\n */\n isMounted: function (publicInstance) {\n return false;\n },\n\n /**\n * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with\n * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction.\n *\n * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the\n * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called.\n *\n * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke\n * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated.\n * @param {?string} callerName name of the calling function in the public API.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueForceUpdate: function (publicInstance, callback, callerName) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'forceUpdate');\n },\n\n /**\n * Replaces all of the state. Always use this or `setState` to mutate state.\n * You should treat `this.state` as immutable.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so\n * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} completeState Next state.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated.\n * @param {?string} callerName name of the calling function in the public API.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueReplaceState: function (publicInstance, completeState, callback, callerName) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'replaceState');\n },\n\n /**\n * Sets a subset of the state. This only exists because _pendingState is\n * internal. This provides a merging strategy that is not available to deep\n * properties which is confusing. TODO: Expose pendingState or don't use it\n * during the merge.\n *\n * @param {ReactClass} publicInstance The instance that should rerender.\n * @param {object} partialState Next partial state to be merged with state.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after component is updated.\n * @param {?string} Name of the calling function in the public API.\n * @internal\n */\n enqueueSetState: function (publicInstance, partialState, callback, callerName) {\n warnNoop(publicInstance, 'setState');\n }\n};\n\nvar assign = Object.assign;\n\nvar emptyObject = {};\n\n{\n Object.freeze(emptyObject);\n}\n/**\n * Base class helpers for the updating state of a component.\n */\n\n\nfunction Component(props, context, updater) {\n this.props = props;\n this.context = context; // If a component has string refs, we will assign a different object later.\n\n this.refs = emptyObject; // We initialize the default updater but the real one gets injected by the\n // renderer.\n\n this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue;\n}\n\nComponent.prototype.isReactComponent = {};\n/**\n * Sets a subset of the state. Always use this to mutate\n * state. You should treat `this.state` as immutable.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that `this.state` will be immediately updated, so\n * accessing `this.state` after calling this method may return the old value.\n *\n * There is no guarantee that calls to `setState` will run synchronously,\n * as they may eventually be batched together. You can provide an optional\n * callback that will be executed when the call to setState is actually\n * completed.\n *\n * When a function is provided to setState, it will be called at some point in\n * the future (not synchronously). It will be called with the up to date\n * component arguments (state, props, context). These values can be different\n * from this.* because your function may be called after receiveProps but before\n * shouldComponentUpdate, and this new state, props, and context will not yet be\n * assigned to this.\n *\n * @param {object|function} partialState Next partial state or function to\n * produce next partial state to be merged with current state.\n * @param {?function} callback Called after state is updated.\n * @final\n * @protected\n */\n\nComponent.prototype.setState = function (partialState, callback) {\n if (typeof partialState !== 'object' && typeof partialState !== 'function' && partialState != null) {\n throw new Error('setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a ' + 'function which returns an object of state variables.');\n }\n\n this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, partialState, callback, 'setState');\n};\n/**\n * Forces an update. This should only be invoked when it is known with\n * certainty that we are **not** in a DOM transaction.\n *\n * You may want to call this when you know that some deeper aspect of the\n * component's state has changed but `setState` was not called.\n *\n * This will not invoke `shouldComponentUpdate`, but it will invoke\n * `componentWillUpdate` and `componentDidUpdate`.\n *\n * @param {?function} callback Called after update is complete.\n * @final\n * @protected\n */\n\n\nComponent.prototype.forceUpdate = function (callback) {\n this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, callback, 'forceUpdate');\n};\n/**\n * Deprecated APIs. These APIs used to exist on classic React classes but since\n * we would like to deprecate them, we're not going to move them over to this\n * modern base class. Instead, we define a getter that warns if it's accessed.\n */\n\n\n{\n var deprecatedAPIs = {\n isMounted: ['isMounted', 'Instead, make sure to clean up subscriptions and pending requests in ' + 'componentWillUnmount to prevent memory leaks.'],\n replaceState: ['replaceState', 'Refactor your code to use setState instead (see ' + '']\n };\n\n var defineDeprecationWarning = function (methodName, info) {\n Object.defineProperty(Component.prototype, methodName, {\n get: function () {\n warn('%s(...) is deprecated in plain JavaScript React classes. %s', info[0], info[1]);\n\n return undefined;\n }\n });\n };\n\n for (var fnName in deprecatedAPIs) {\n if (deprecatedAPIs.hasOwnProperty(fnName)) {\n defineDeprecationWarning(fnName, deprecatedAPIs[fnName]);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction ComponentDummy() {}\n\nComponentDummy.prototype = Component.prototype;\n/**\n * Convenience component with default shallow equality check for sCU.\n */\n\nfunction PureComponent(props, context, updater) {\n this.props = props;\n this.context = context; // If a component has string refs, we will assign a different object later.\n\n this.refs = emptyObject;\n this.updater = updater || ReactNoopUpdateQueue;\n}\n\nvar pureComponentPrototype = PureComponent.prototype = new ComponentDummy();\npureComponentPrototype.constructor = PureComponent; // Avoid an extra prototype jump for these methods.\n\nassign(pureComponentPrototype, Component.prototype);\npureComponentPrototype.isPureReactComponent = true;\n\n// an immutable object with a single mutable value\nfunction createRef() {\n var refObject = {\n current: null\n };\n\n {\n Object.seal(refObject);\n }\n\n return refObject;\n}\n\nvar isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\n\nfunction isArray(a) {\n return isArrayImpl(a);\n}\n\n/*\n * The `'' + value` pattern (used in in perf-sensitive code) throws for Symbol\n * and Temporal.* types. See\n *\n * The functions in this module will throw an easier-to-understand,\n * easier-to-debug exception with a clear errors message message explaining the\n * problem. (Instead of a confusing exception thrown inside the implementation\n * of the `value` object).\n */\n// $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\nfunction typeName(value) {\n {\n // toStringTag is needed for namespaced types like Temporal.Instant\n var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag;\n var type = hasToStringTag && value[Symbol.toStringTag] || || 'Object';\n return type;\n }\n} // $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\n\n\nfunction willCoercionThrow(value) {\n {\n try {\n testStringCoercion(value);\n return false;\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction testStringCoercion(value) {\n // If you ended up here by following an exception call stack, here's what's\n // happened: you supplied an object or symbol value to React (as a prop, key,\n // DOM attribute, CSS property, string ref, etc.) and when React tried to\n // coerce it to a string using `'' + value`, an exception was thrown.\n //\n // The most common types that will cause this exception are `Symbol` instances\n // and Temporal objects like `Temporal.Instant`. But any object that has a\n // `valueOf` or `[Symbol.toPrimitive]` method that throws will also cause this\n // exception. (Library authors do this to prevent users from using built-in\n // numeric operators like `+` or comparison operators like `>=` because custom\n // methods are needed to perform accurate arithmetic or comparison.)\n //\n // To fix the problem, coerce this object or symbol value to a string before\n // passing it to React. The most reliable way is usually `String(value)`.\n //\n // To find which value is throwing, check the browser or debugger console.\n // Before this exception was thrown, there should be `console.error` output\n // that shows the type (Symbol, Temporal.PlainDate, etc.) that caused the\n // problem and how that type was used: key, atrribute, input value prop, etc.\n // In most cases, this console output also shows the component and its\n // ancestor components where the exception happened.\n //\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n return '' + value;\n}\nfunction checkKeyStringCoercion(value) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided key is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) {\n var displayName = outerType.displayName;\n\n if (displayName) {\n return displayName;\n }\n\n var functionName = innerType.displayName || || '';\n return functionName !== '' ? wrapperName + \"(\" + functionName + \")\" : wrapperName;\n} // Keep in sync with react-reconciler/getComponentNameFromFiber\n\n\nfunction getContextName(type) {\n return type.displayName || 'Context';\n} // Note that the reconciler package should generally prefer to use getComponentNameFromFiber() instead.\n\n\nfunction getComponentNameFromType(type) {\n if (type == null) {\n // Host root, text node or just invalid type.\n return null;\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof type.tag === 'number') {\n error('Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). ' + 'This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n return type.displayName || || null;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return type;\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return 'Fragment';\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return 'Portal';\n\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return 'Profiler';\n\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n return 'StrictMode';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return 'Suspense';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return 'SuspenseList';\n\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n var context = type;\n return getContextName(context) + '.Consumer';\n\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n var provider = type;\n return getContextName(provider._context) + '.Provider';\n\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return getWrappedName(type, type.render, 'ForwardRef');\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n var outerName = type.displayName || null;\n\n if (outerName !== null) {\n return outerName;\n }\n\n return getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Memo';\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n return getComponentNameFromType(init(payload));\n } catch (x) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar RESERVED_PROPS = {\n key: true,\n ref: true,\n __self: true,\n __source: true\n};\nvar specialPropKeyWarningShown, specialPropRefWarningShown, didWarnAboutStringRefs;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutStringRefs = {};\n}\n\nfunction hasValidRef(config) {\n {\n if (, 'ref')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'ref').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.ref !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction hasValidKey(config) {\n {\n if (, 'key')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'key').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.key !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n var warnAboutAccessingKey = function () {\n {\n if (!specialPropKeyWarningShown) {\n specialPropKeyWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (', displayName);\n }\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'key', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingKey,\n configurable: true\n });\n}\n\nfunction defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n var warnAboutAccessingRef = function () {\n {\n if (!specialPropRefWarningShown) {\n specialPropRefWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (', displayName);\n }\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingRef.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'ref', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingRef,\n configurable: true\n });\n}\n\nfunction warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config) {\n {\n if (typeof config.ref === 'string' && ReactCurrentOwner.current && config.__self && ReactCurrentOwner.current.stateNode !== config.__self) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type);\n\n if (!didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName]) {\n error('Component \"%s\" contains the string ref \"%s\". ' + 'Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. ' + 'This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. ' + 'We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + '', componentName, config.ref);\n\n didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Factory method to create a new React element. This no longer adheres to\n * the class pattern, so do not use new to call it. Also, instanceof check\n * will not work. Instead test $$typeof field against Symbol.for('react.element') to check\n * if something is a React Element.\n *\n * @param {*} type\n * @param {*} props\n * @param {*} key\n * @param {string|object} ref\n * @param {*} owner\n * @param {*} self A *temporary* helper to detect places where `this` is\n * different from the `owner` when React.createElement is called, so that we\n * can warn. We want to get rid of owner and replace string `ref`s with arrow\n * functions, and as long as `this` and owner are the same, there will be no\n * change in behavior.\n * @param {*} source An annotation object (added by a transpiler or otherwise)\n * indicating filename, line number, and/or other information.\n * @internal\n */\n\n\nvar ReactElement = function (type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props) {\n var element = {\n // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element\n $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,\n // Built-in properties that belong on the element\n type: type,\n key: key,\n ref: ref,\n props: props,\n // Record the component responsible for creating this element.\n _owner: owner\n };\n\n {\n // The validation flag is currently mutative. We put it on\n // an external backing store so that we can freeze the whole object.\n // This can be replaced with a WeakMap once they are implemented in\n // commonly used development environments.\n element._store = {}; // To make comparing ReactElements easier for testing purposes, we make\n // the validation flag non-enumerable (where possible, which should\n // include every environment we run tests in), so the test framework\n // ignores it.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element._store, 'validated', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // self and source are DEV only properties.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_self', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: self\n }); // Two elements created in two different places should be considered\n // equal for testing purposes and therefore we hide it from enumeration.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_source', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: source\n });\n\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(element.props);\n Object.freeze(element);\n }\n }\n\n return element;\n};\n/**\n * Create and return a new ReactElement of the given type.\n * See\n */\n\nfunction createElement(type, config, children) {\n var propName; // Reserved names are extracted\n\n var props = {};\n var key = null;\n var ref = null;\n var self = null;\n var source = null;\n\n if (config != null) {\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n ref = config.ref;\n\n {\n warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config);\n }\n }\n\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key);\n }\n\n key = '' + config.key;\n }\n\n self = config.__self === undefined ? null : config.__self;\n source = config.__source === undefined ? null : config.__source; // Remaining properties are added to a new props object\n\n for (propName in config) {\n if (, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n }\n } // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto\n // the newly allocated props object.\n\n\n var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;\n\n if (childrenLength === 1) {\n props.children = children;\n } else if (childrenLength > 1) {\n var childArray = Array(childrenLength);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {\n childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];\n }\n\n {\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(childArray);\n }\n }\n\n props.children = childArray;\n } // Resolve default props\n\n\n if (type && type.defaultProps) {\n var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;\n\n for (propName in defaultProps) {\n if (props[propName] === undefined) {\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (key || ref) {\n var displayName = typeof type === 'function' ? type.displayName || || 'Unknown' : type;\n\n if (key) {\n defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n\n if (ref) {\n defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return ReactElement(type, key, ref, self, source, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props);\n}\nfunction cloneAndReplaceKey(oldElement, newKey) {\n var newElement = ReactElement(oldElement.type, newKey, oldElement.ref, oldElement._self, oldElement._source, oldElement._owner, oldElement.props);\n return newElement;\n}\n/**\n * Clone and return a new ReactElement using element as the starting point.\n * See\n */\n\nfunction cloneElement(element, config, children) {\n if (element === null || element === undefined) {\n throw new Error(\"React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed \" + element + \".\");\n }\n\n var propName; // Original props are copied\n\n var props = assign({}, element.props); // Reserved names are extracted\n\n var key = element.key;\n var ref = element.ref; // Self is preserved since the owner is preserved.\n\n var self = element._self; // Source is preserved since cloneElement is unlikely to be targeted by a\n // transpiler, and the original source is probably a better indicator of the\n // true owner.\n\n var source = element._source; // Owner will be preserved, unless ref is overridden\n\n var owner = element._owner;\n\n if (config != null) {\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n // Silently steal the ref from the parent.\n ref = config.ref;\n owner = ReactCurrentOwner.current;\n }\n\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key);\n }\n\n key = '' + config.key;\n } // Remaining properties override existing props\n\n\n var defaultProps;\n\n if (element.type && element.type.defaultProps) {\n defaultProps = element.type.defaultProps;\n }\n\n for (propName in config) {\n if (, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n if (config[propName] === undefined && defaultProps !== undefined) {\n // Resolve default props\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n } else {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n } // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto\n // the newly allocated props object.\n\n\n var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;\n\n if (childrenLength === 1) {\n props.children = children;\n } else if (childrenLength > 1) {\n var childArray = Array(childrenLength);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {\n childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];\n }\n\n props.children = childArray;\n }\n\n return ReactElement(element.type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props);\n}\n/**\n * Verifies the object is a ReactElement.\n * See\n * @param {?object} object\n * @return {boolean} True if `object` is a ReactElement.\n * @final\n */\n\nfunction isValidElement(object) {\n return typeof object === 'object' && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\n}\n\nvar SEPARATOR = '.';\nvar SUBSEPARATOR = ':';\n/**\n * Escape and wrap key so it is safe to use as a reactid\n *\n * @param {string} key to be escaped.\n * @return {string} the escaped key.\n */\n\nfunction escape(key) {\n var escapeRegex = /[=:]/g;\n var escaperLookup = {\n '=': '=0',\n ':': '=2'\n };\n var escapedString = key.replace(escapeRegex, function (match) {\n return escaperLookup[match];\n });\n return '$' + escapedString;\n}\n/**\n * TODO: Test that a single child and an array with one item have the same key\n * pattern.\n */\n\n\nvar didWarnAboutMaps = false;\nvar userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex = /\\/+/g;\n\nfunction escapeUserProvidedKey(text) {\n return text.replace(userProvidedKeyEscapeRegex, '$&/');\n}\n/**\n * Generate a key string that identifies a element within a set.\n *\n * @param {*} element A element that could contain a manual key.\n * @param {number} index Index that is used if a manual key is not provided.\n * @return {string}\n */\n\n\nfunction getElementKey(element, index) {\n // Do some typechecking here since we call this blindly. We want to ensure\n // that we don't block potential future ES APIs.\n if (typeof element === 'object' && element !== null && element.key != null) {\n // Explicit key\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(element.key);\n }\n\n return escape('' + element.key);\n } // Implicit key determined by the index in the set\n\n\n return index.toString(36);\n}\n\nfunction mapIntoArray(children, array, escapedPrefix, nameSoFar, callback) {\n var type = typeof children;\n\n if (type === 'undefined' || type === 'boolean') {\n // All of the above are perceived as null.\n children = null;\n }\n\n var invokeCallback = false;\n\n if (children === null) {\n invokeCallback = true;\n } else {\n switch (type) {\n case 'string':\n case 'number':\n invokeCallback = true;\n break;\n\n case 'object':\n switch (children.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n invokeCallback = true;\n }\n\n }\n }\n\n if (invokeCallback) {\n var _child = children;\n var mappedChild = callback(_child); // If it's the only child, treat the name as if it was wrapped in an array\n // so that it's consistent if the number of children grows:\n\n var childKey = nameSoFar === '' ? SEPARATOR + getElementKey(_child, 0) : nameSoFar;\n\n if (isArray(mappedChild)) {\n var escapedChildKey = '';\n\n if (childKey != null) {\n escapedChildKey = escapeUserProvidedKey(childKey) + '/';\n }\n\n mapIntoArray(mappedChild, array, escapedChildKey, '', function (c) {\n return c;\n });\n } else if (mappedChild != null) {\n if (isValidElement(mappedChild)) {\n {\n // The `if` statement here prevents auto-disabling of the safe\n // coercion ESLint rule, so we must manually disable it below.\n // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks React.Portal doesn't have a key\n if (mappedChild.key && (!_child || _child.key !== mappedChild.key)) {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(mappedChild.key);\n }\n }\n\n mappedChild = cloneAndReplaceKey(mappedChild, // Keep both the (mapped) and old keys if they differ, just as\n // traverseAllChildren used to do for objects as children\n escapedPrefix + ( // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks React.Portal doesn't have a key\n mappedChild.key && (!_child || _child.key !== mappedChild.key) ? // $FlowFixMe Flow incorrectly thinks existing element's key can be a number\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n escapeUserProvidedKey('' + mappedChild.key) + '/' : '') + childKey);\n }\n\n array.push(mappedChild);\n }\n\n return 1;\n }\n\n var child;\n var nextName;\n var subtreeCount = 0; // Count of children found in the current subtree.\n\n var nextNamePrefix = nameSoFar === '' ? SEPARATOR : nameSoFar + SUBSEPARATOR;\n\n if (isArray(children)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n child = children[i];\n nextName = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(child, i);\n subtreeCount += mapIntoArray(child, array, escapedPrefix, nextName, callback);\n }\n } else {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(children);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n var iterableChildren = children;\n\n {\n // Warn about using Maps as children\n if (iteratorFn === iterableChildren.entries) {\n if (!didWarnAboutMaps) {\n warn('Using Maps as children is not supported. ' + 'Use an array of keyed ReactElements instead.');\n }\n\n didWarnAboutMaps = true;\n }\n }\n\n var iterator =;\n var step;\n var ii = 0;\n\n while (!(step = {\n child = step.value;\n nextName = nextNamePrefix + getElementKey(child, ii++);\n subtreeCount += mapIntoArray(child, array, escapedPrefix, nextName, callback);\n }\n } else if (type === 'object') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n var childrenString = String(children);\n throw new Error(\"Objects are not valid as a React child (found: \" + (childrenString === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(children).join(', ') + '}' : childrenString) + \"). \" + 'If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array ' + 'instead.');\n }\n }\n\n return subtreeCount;\n}\n\n/**\n * Maps children that are typically specified as `props.children`.\n *\n * See\n *\n * The provided mapFunction(child, index) will be called for each\n * leaf child.\n *\n * @param {?*} children Children tree container.\n * @param {function(*, int)} func The map function.\n * @param {*} context Context for mapFunction.\n * @return {object} Object containing the ordered map of results.\n */\nfunction mapChildren(children, func, context) {\n if (children == null) {\n return children;\n }\n\n var result = [];\n var count = 0;\n mapIntoArray(children, result, '', '', function (child) {\n return, child, count++);\n });\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Count the number of children that are typically specified as\n * `props.children`.\n *\n * See\n *\n * @param {?*} children Children tree container.\n * @return {number} The number of children.\n */\n\n\nfunction countChildren(children) {\n var n = 0;\n mapChildren(children, function () {\n n++; // Don't return anything\n });\n return n;\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterates through children that are typically specified as `props.children`.\n *\n * See\n *\n * The provided forEachFunc(child, index) will be called for each\n * leaf child.\n *\n * @param {?*} children Children tree container.\n * @param {function(*, int)} forEachFunc\n * @param {*} forEachContext Context for forEachContext.\n */\nfunction forEachChildren(children, forEachFunc, forEachContext) {\n mapChildren(children, function () {\n forEachFunc.apply(this, arguments); // Don't return anything.\n }, forEachContext);\n}\n/**\n * Flatten a children object (typically specified as `props.children`) and\n * return an array with appropriately re-keyed children.\n *\n * See\n */\n\n\nfunction toArray(children) {\n return mapChildren(children, function (child) {\n return child;\n }) || [];\n}\n/**\n * Returns the first child in a collection of children and verifies that there\n * is only one child in the collection.\n *\n * See\n *\n * The current implementation of this function assumes that a single child gets\n * passed without a wrapper, but the purpose of this helper function is to\n * abstract away the particular structure of children.\n *\n * @param {?object} children Child collection structure.\n * @return {ReactElement} The first and only `ReactElement` contained in the\n * structure.\n */\n\n\nfunction onlyChild(children) {\n if (!isValidElement(children)) {\n throw new Error('React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.');\n }\n\n return children;\n}\n\nfunction createContext(defaultValue) {\n // TODO: Second argument used to be an optional `calculateChangedBits`\n // function. Warn to reserve for future use?\n var context = {\n $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE,\n // As a workaround to support multiple concurrent renderers, we categorize\n // some renderers as primary and others as secondary. We only expect\n // there to be two concurrent renderers at most: React Native (primary) and\n // Fabric (secondary); React DOM (primary) and React ART (secondary).\n // Secondary renderers store their context values on separate fields.\n _currentValue: defaultValue,\n _currentValue2: defaultValue,\n // Used to track how many concurrent renderers this context currently\n // supports within in a single renderer. Such as parallel server rendering.\n _threadCount: 0,\n // These are circular\n Provider: null,\n Consumer: null,\n // Add these to use same hidden class in VM as ServerContext\n _defaultValue: null,\n _globalName: null\n };\n context.Provider = {\n $$typeof: REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE,\n _context: context\n };\n var hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers = false;\n var hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider = false;\n var hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer = false;\n\n {\n // A separate object, but proxies back to the original context object for\n // backwards compatibility. It has a different $$typeof, so we can properly\n // warn for the incorrect usage of Context as a Consumer.\n var Consumer = {\n $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE,\n _context: context\n }; // $FlowFixMe: Flow complains about not setting a value, which is intentional here\n\n Object.defineProperties(Consumer, {\n Provider: {\n get: function () {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider) {\n hasWarnedAboutUsingConsumerProvider = true;\n\n error('Rendering <Context.Consumer.Provider> is not supported and will be removed in ' + 'a future major release. Did you mean to render <Context.Provider> instead?');\n }\n\n return context.Provider;\n },\n set: function (_Provider) {\n context.Provider = _Provider;\n }\n },\n _currentValue: {\n get: function () {\n return context._currentValue;\n },\n set: function (_currentValue) {\n context._currentValue = _currentValue;\n }\n },\n _currentValue2: {\n get: function () {\n return context._currentValue2;\n },\n set: function (_currentValue2) {\n context._currentValue2 = _currentValue2;\n }\n },\n _threadCount: {\n get: function () {\n return context._threadCount;\n },\n set: function (_threadCount) {\n context._threadCount = _threadCount;\n }\n },\n Consumer: {\n get: function () {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers) {\n hasWarnedAboutUsingNestedContextConsumers = true;\n\n error('Rendering <Context.Consumer.Consumer> is not supported and will be removed in ' + 'a future major release. Did you mean to render <Context.Consumer> instead?');\n }\n\n return context.Consumer;\n }\n },\n displayName: {\n get: function () {\n return context.displayName;\n },\n set: function (displayName) {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer) {\n warn('Setting `displayName` on Context.Consumer has no effect. ' + \"You should set it directly on the context with Context.displayName = '%s'.\", displayName);\n\n hasWarnedAboutDisplayNameOnConsumer = true;\n }\n }\n }\n }); // $FlowFixMe: Flow complains about missing properties because it doesn't understand defineProperty\n\n context.Consumer = Consumer;\n }\n\n {\n context._currentRenderer = null;\n context._currentRenderer2 = null;\n }\n\n return context;\n}\n\nvar Uninitialized = -1;\nvar Pending = 0;\nvar Resolved = 1;\nvar Rejected = 2;\n\nfunction lazyInitializer(payload) {\n if (payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n var ctor = payload._result;\n var thenable = ctor(); // Transition to the next state.\n // This might throw either because it's missing or throws. If so, we treat it\n // as still uninitialized and try again next time. Which is the same as what\n // happens if the ctor or any wrappers processing the ctor throws. This might\n // end up fixing it if the resolution was a concurrency bug.\n\n thenable.then(function (moduleObject) {\n if (payload._status === Pending || payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n // Transition to the next state.\n var resolved = payload;\n resolved._status = Resolved;\n resolved._result = moduleObject;\n }\n }, function (error) {\n if (payload._status === Pending || payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n // Transition to the next state.\n var rejected = payload;\n rejected._status = Rejected;\n rejected._result = error;\n }\n });\n\n if (payload._status === Uninitialized) {\n // In case, we're still uninitialized, then we're waiting for the thenable\n // to resolve. Set it as pending in the meantime.\n var pending = payload;\n pending._status = Pending;\n pending._result = thenable;\n }\n }\n\n if (payload._status === Resolved) {\n var moduleObject = payload._result;\n\n {\n if (moduleObject === undefined) {\n error('lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic imp' + 'ort() call. ' + 'Instead received: %s\\n\\nYour code should look like: \\n ' + // Break up imports to avoid accidentally parsing them as dependencies.\n 'const MyComponent = lazy(() => imp' + \"ort('./MyComponent'))\\n\\n\" + 'Did you accidentally put curly braces around the import?', moduleObject);\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (!('default' in moduleObject)) {\n error('lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic imp' + 'ort() call. ' + 'Instead received: %s\\n\\nYour code should look like: \\n ' + // Break up imports to avoid accidentally parsing them as dependencies.\n 'const MyComponent = lazy(() => imp' + \"ort('./MyComponent'))\", moduleObject);\n }\n }\n\n return moduleObject.default;\n } else {\n throw payload._result;\n }\n}\n\nfunction lazy(ctor) {\n var payload = {\n // We use these fields to store the result.\n _status: Uninitialized,\n _result: ctor\n };\n var lazyType = {\n $$typeof: REACT_LAZY_TYPE,\n _payload: payload,\n _init: lazyInitializer\n };\n\n {\n // In production, this would just set it on the object.\n var defaultProps;\n var propTypes; // $FlowFixMe\n\n Object.defineProperties(lazyType, {\n defaultProps: {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return defaultProps;\n },\n set: function (newDefaultProps) {\n error('React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `defaultProps` to ' + 'a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component ' + 'is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.');\n\n defaultProps = newDefaultProps; // Match production behavior more closely:\n // $FlowFixMe\n\n Object.defineProperty(lazyType, 'defaultProps', {\n enumerable: true\n });\n }\n },\n propTypes: {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return propTypes;\n },\n set: function (newPropTypes) {\n error('React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `propTypes` to ' + 'a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component ' + 'is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.');\n\n propTypes = newPropTypes; // Match production behavior more closely:\n // $FlowFixMe\n\n Object.defineProperty(lazyType, 'propTypes', {\n enumerable: true\n });\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n return lazyType;\n}\n\nfunction forwardRef(render) {\n {\n if (render != null && render.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) {\n error('forwardRef requires a render function but received a `memo` ' + 'component. Instead of forwardRef(memo(...)), use ' + 'memo(forwardRef(...)).');\n } else if (typeof render !== 'function') {\n error('forwardRef requires a render function but was given %s.', render === null ? 'null' : typeof render);\n } else {\n if (render.length !== 0 && render.length !== 2) {\n error('forwardRef render functions accept exactly two parameters: props and ref. %s', render.length === 1 ? 'Did you forget to use the ref parameter?' : 'Any additional parameter will be undefined.');\n }\n }\n\n if (render != null) {\n if (render.defaultProps != null || render.propTypes != null) {\n error('forwardRef render functions do not support propTypes or defaultProps. ' + 'Did you accidentally pass a React component?');\n }\n }\n }\n\n var elementType = {\n $$typeof: REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE,\n render: render\n };\n\n {\n var ownName;\n Object.defineProperty(elementType, 'displayName', {\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return ownName;\n },\n set: function (name) {\n ownName = name; // The inner component shouldn't inherit this display name in most cases,\n // because the component may be used elsewhere.\n // But it's nice for anonymous functions to inherit the name,\n // so that our component-stack generation logic will display their frames.\n // An anonymous function generally suggests a pattern like:\n // React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {...});\n // This kind of inner function is not used elsewhere so the side effect is okay.\n\n if (! && !render.displayName) {\n render.displayName = name;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n return elementType;\n}\n\nvar REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE;\n\n{\n REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE = Symbol.for('react.module.reference');\n}\n\nfunction isValidElementType(type) {\n if (typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'function') {\n return true;\n } // Note: typeof might be other than 'symbol' or 'number' (e.g. if it's a polyfill).\n\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE || type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE || enableDebugTracing || type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE || enableLegacyHidden || type === REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE || enableScopeAPI || enableCacheElement || enableTransitionTracing ) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object' && type !== null) {\n if (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // This needs to include all possible module reference object\n // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since\n // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used\n // with.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE || type.getModuleId !== undefined) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction memo(type, compare) {\n {\n if (!isValidElementType(type)) {\n error('memo: The first argument must be a component. Instead ' + 'received: %s', type === null ? 'null' : typeof type);\n }\n }\n\n var elementType = {\n $$typeof: REACT_MEMO_TYPE,\n type: type,\n compare: compare === undefined ? null : compare\n };\n\n {\n var ownName;\n Object.defineProperty(elementType, 'displayName', {\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return ownName;\n },\n set: function (name) {\n ownName = name; // The inner component shouldn't inherit this display name in most cases,\n // because the component may be used elsewhere.\n // But it's nice for anonymous functions to inherit the name,\n // so that our component-stack generation logic will display their frames.\n // An anonymous function generally suggests a pattern like:\n // React.memo((props) => {...});\n // This kind of inner function is not used elsewhere so the side effect is okay.\n\n if (! && !type.displayName) {\n type.displayName = name;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n return elementType;\n}\n\nfunction resolveDispatcher() {\n var dispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;\n\n {\n if (dispatcher === null) {\n error('Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for' + ' one of the following reasons:\\n' + '1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)\\n' + '2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks\\n' + '3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app\\n' + 'See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.');\n }\n } // Will result in a null access error if accessed outside render phase. We\n // intentionally don't throw our own error because this is in a hot path.\n // Also helps ensure this is inlined.\n\n\n return dispatcher;\n}\nfunction useContext(Context) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n\n {\n // TODO: add a more generic warning for invalid values.\n if (Context._context !== undefined) {\n var realContext = Context._context; // Don't deduplicate because this legitimately causes bugs\n // and nobody should be using this in existing code.\n\n if (realContext.Consumer === Context) {\n error('Calling useContext(Context.Consumer) is not supported, may cause bugs, and will be ' + 'removed in a future major release. Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?');\n } else if (realContext.Provider === Context) {\n error('Calling useContext(Context.Provider) is not supported. ' + 'Did you mean to call useContext(Context) instead?');\n }\n }\n }\n\n return dispatcher.useContext(Context);\n}\nfunction useState(initialState) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useState(initialState);\n}\nfunction useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n}\nfunction useRef(initialValue) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useRef(initialValue);\n}\nfunction useEffect(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useEffect(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useInsertionEffect(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useLayoutEffect(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useCallback(callback, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useCallback(callback, deps);\n}\nfunction useMemo(create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useMemo(create, deps);\n}\nfunction useImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n}\nfunction useDebugValue(value, formatterFn) {\n {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useDebugValue(value, formatterFn);\n }\n}\nfunction useTransition() {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useTransition();\n}\nfunction useDeferredValue(value) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useDeferredValue(value);\n}\nfunction useId() {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useId();\n}\nfunction useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n var dispatcher = resolveDispatcher();\n return dispatcher.useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot);\n}\n\n// Helpers to patch console.logs to avoid logging during side-effect free\n// replaying on render function. This currently only patches the object\n// lazily which won't cover if the log function was extracted eagerly.\n// We could also eagerly patch the method.\nvar disabledDepth = 0;\nvar prevLog;\nvar prevInfo;\nvar prevWarn;\nvar prevError;\nvar prevGroup;\nvar prevGroupCollapsed;\nvar prevGroupEnd;\n\nfunction disabledLog() {}\n\ndisabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = true;\nfunction disableLogs() {\n {\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n prevLog = console.log;\n prevInfo =;\n prevWarn = console.warn;\n prevError = console.error;\n prevGroup =;\n prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed;\n prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd; //\n\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: disabledLog,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n info: props,\n log: props,\n warn: props,\n error: props,\n group: props,\n groupCollapsed: props,\n groupEnd: props\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n disabledDepth++;\n }\n}\nfunction reenableLogs() {\n {\n disabledDepth--;\n\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n log: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevLog\n }),\n info: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevInfo\n }),\n warn: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevWarn\n }),\n error: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevError\n }),\n group: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroup\n }),\n groupCollapsed: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupCollapsed\n }),\n groupEnd: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupEnd\n })\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n if (disabledDepth < 0) {\n error('disabledDepth fell below zero. ' + 'This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher;\nvar prefix;\nfunction describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n if (prefix === undefined) {\n // Extract the VM specific prefix used by each line.\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\\n( *(at )?)/);\n prefix = match && match[1] || '';\n }\n } // We use the prefix to ensure our stacks line up with native stack frames.\n\n\n return '\\n' + prefix + name;\n }\n}\nvar reentry = false;\nvar componentFrameCache;\n\n{\n var PossiblyWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : Map;\n componentFrameCache = new PossiblyWeakMap();\n}\n\nfunction describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {\n // If something asked for a stack inside a fake render, it should get ignored.\n if ( !fn || reentry) {\n return '';\n }\n\n {\n var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn);\n\n if (frame !== undefined) {\n return frame;\n }\n }\n\n var control;\n reentry = true;\n var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; // $FlowFixMe It does accept undefined.\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;\n var previousDispatcher;\n\n {\n previousDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current; // Set the dispatcher in DEV because this might be call in the render function\n // for warnings.\n\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = null;\n disableLogs();\n }\n\n try {\n // This should throw.\n if (construct) {\n // Something should be setting the props in the constructor.\n var Fake = function () {\n throw Error();\n }; // $FlowFixMe\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, 'props', {\n set: function () {\n // We use a throwing setter instead of frozen or non-writable props\n // because that won't throw in a non-strict mode function.\n throw Error();\n }\n });\n\n if (typeof Reflect === 'object' && Reflect.construct) {\n // We construct a different control for this case to include any extra\n // frames added by the construct call.\n try {\n Reflect.construct(Fake, []);\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);\n } else {\n try {\n;\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n;\n }\n } else {\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n fn();\n }\n } catch (sample) {\n // This is inlined manually because closure doesn't do it for us.\n if (sample && control && typeof sample.stack === 'string') {\n // This extracts the first frame from the sample that isn't also in the control.\n // Skipping one frame that we assume is the frame that calls the two.\n var sampleLines = sample.stack.split('\\n');\n var controlLines = control.stack.split('\\n');\n var s = sampleLines.length - 1;\n var c = controlLines.length - 1;\n\n while (s >= 1 && c >= 0 && sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // We expect at least one stack frame to be shared.\n // Typically this will be the root most one. However, stack frames may be\n // cut off due to maximum stack limits. In this case, one maybe cut off\n // earlier than the other. We assume that the sample is longer or the same\n // and there for cut off earlier. So we should find the root most frame in\n // the sample somewhere in the control.\n c--;\n }\n\n for (; s >= 1 && c >= 0; s--, c--) {\n // Next we find the first one that isn't the same which should be the\n // frame that called our sample function and the control.\n if (sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // In V8, the first line is describing the message but other VMs don't.\n // If we're about to return the first line, and the control is also on the same\n // line, that's a pretty good indicator that our sample threw at same line as\n // the control. I.e. before we entered the sample frame. So we ignore this result.\n // This can happen if you passed a class to function component, or non-function.\n if (s !== 1 || c !== 1) {\n do {\n s--;\n c--; // We may still have similar intermediate frames from the construct call.\n // The next one that isn't the same should be our match though.\n\n if (c < 0 || sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // V8 adds a \"new\" prefix for native classes. Let's remove it to make it prettier.\n var _frame = '\\n' + sampleLines[s].replace(' at new ', ' at '); // If our component frame is labeled \"<anonymous>\"\n // but we have a user-provided \"displayName\"\n // splice it in to make the stack more readable.\n\n\n if (fn.displayName && _frame.includes('<anonymous>')) {\n _frame = _frame.replace('<anonymous>', fn.displayName);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame);\n }\n } // Return the line we found.\n\n\n return _frame;\n }\n } while (s >= 1 && c >= 0);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n } finally {\n reentry = false;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = previousDispatcher;\n reenableLogs();\n }\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace;\n } // Fallback to just using the name if we couldn't make it throw.\n\n\n var name = fn ? fn.displayName || : '';\n var syntheticFrame = name ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) : '';\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, syntheticFrame);\n }\n }\n\n return syntheticFrame;\n}\nfunction describeFunctionComponentFrame(fn, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, false);\n }\n}\n\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n var prototype = Component.prototype;\n return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);\n}\n\nfunction describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type, source, ownerFn) {\n\n if (type == null) {\n return '';\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(type, shouldConstruct(type));\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type);\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('Suspense');\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('SuspenseList');\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return describeFunctionComponentFrame(type.render);\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n // Memo may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type, source, ownerFn);\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n // Lazy may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(init(payload), source, ownerFn);\n } catch (x) {}\n }\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nvar loggedTypeFailures = {};\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location, componentName, element) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe This is okay but Flow doesn't know it.\n var has =;\n\n for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) {\n if (has(typeSpecs, typeSpecName)) {\n var error$1 = void 0; // Prop type validation may throw. In case they do, we don't want to\n // fail the render phase where it didn't fail before. So we log it.\n // After these have been cleaned up, we'll let them throw.\n\n try {\n // This is intentionally an invariant that gets caught. It's the same\n // behavior as without this statement except with a better message.\n if (typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] !== 'function') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n var err = Error((componentName || 'React class') + ': ' + location + ' type `' + typeSpecName + '` is invalid; ' + 'it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `' + typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] + '`.' + 'This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.');\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n }\n\n error$1 = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location, null, 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED');\n } catch (ex) {\n error$1 = ex;\n }\n\n if (error$1 && !(error$1 instanceof Error)) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('%s: type specification of %s' + ' `%s` is invalid; the type checker ' + 'function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. ' + 'You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker ' + 'creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and ' + 'shape all require an argument).', componentName || 'React class', location, typeSpecName, typeof error$1);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n\n if (error$1 instanceof Error && !(error$1.message in loggedTypeFailures)) {\n // Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the\n // same error.\n loggedTypeFailures[error$1.message] = true;\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('Failed %s type: %s', location, error$1.message);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar propTypesMisspellWarningShown;\n\n{\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = false;\n}\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum() {\n if (ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type);\n\n if (name) {\n return '\\n\\nCheck the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(source) {\n if (source !== undefined) {\n var fileName = source.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\\\\/]/, '');\n var lineNumber = source.lineNumber;\n return '\\n\\nCheck your code at ' + fileName + ':' + lineNumber + '.';\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction getSourceInfoErrorAddendumForProps(elementProps) {\n if (elementProps !== null && elementProps !== undefined) {\n return getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(elementProps.__source);\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n/**\n * Warn if there's no key explicitly set on dynamic arrays of children or\n * object keys are not valid. This allows us to keep track of children between\n * updates.\n */\n\n\nvar ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {};\n\nfunction getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType) {\n var info = getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n\n if (!info) {\n var parentName = typeof parentType === 'string' ? parentType : parentType.displayName ||;\n\n if (parentName) {\n info = \"\\n\\nCheck the top-level render call using <\" + parentName + \">.\";\n }\n }\n\n return info;\n}\n/**\n * Warn if the element doesn't have an explicit key assigned to it.\n * This element is in an array. The array could grow and shrink or be\n * reordered. All children that haven't already been validated are required to\n * have a \"key\" property assigned to it. Error statuses are cached so a warning\n * will only be shown once.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactElement} element Element that requires a key.\n * @param {*} parentType element's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateExplicitKey(element, parentType) {\n if (!element._store || element._store.validated || element.key != null) {\n return;\n }\n\n element._store.validated = true;\n var currentComponentErrorInfo = getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType);\n\n if (ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo]) {\n return;\n }\n\n ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo] = true; // Usually the current owner is the offender, but if it accepts children as a\n // property, it may be the creator of the child that's responsible for\n // assigning it a key.\n\n var childOwner = '';\n\n if (element && element._owner && element._owner !== ReactCurrentOwner.current) {\n // Give the component that originally created this child.\n childOwner = \" It was passed a child from \" + getComponentNameFromType(element._owner.type) + \".\";\n }\n\n {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element);\n\n error('Each child in a list should have a unique \"key\" prop.' + '%s%s See for more information.', currentComponentErrorInfo, childOwner);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Ensure that every element either is passed in a static location, in an\n * array with an explicit keys property defined, or in an object literal\n * with valid key property.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactNode} node Statically passed child of any type.\n * @param {*} parentType node's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateChildKeys(node, parentType) {\n if (typeof node !== 'object') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (isArray(node)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {\n var child = node[i];\n\n if (isValidElement(child)) {\n validateExplicitKey(child, parentType);\n }\n }\n } else if (isValidElement(node)) {\n // This element was passed in a valid location.\n if (node._store) {\n node._store.validated = true;\n }\n } else if (node) {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(node);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n // Entry iterators used to provide implicit keys,\n // but now we print a separate warning for them later.\n if (iteratorFn !== node.entries) {\n var iterator =;\n var step;\n\n while (!(step = {\n if (isValidElement(step.value)) {\n validateExplicitKey(step.value, parentType);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given an element, validate that its props follow the propTypes definition,\n * provided by the type.\n *\n * @param {ReactElement} element\n */\n\n\nfunction validatePropTypes(element) {\n {\n var type = element.type;\n\n if (type === null || type === undefined || typeof type === 'string') {\n return;\n }\n\n var propTypes;\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else if (typeof type === 'object' && (type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here.\n // Inner props are checked in the reconciler.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE)) {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else {\n return;\n }\n\n if (propTypes) {\n // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n checkPropTypes(propTypes, element.props, 'prop', name, element);\n } else if (type.PropTypes !== undefined && !propTypesMisspellWarningShown) {\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = true; // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n\n var _name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n\n error('Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?', _name || 'Unknown');\n }\n\n if (typeof type.getDefaultProps === 'function' && !type.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved) {\n error('getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass ' + 'definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead.');\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given a fragment, validate that it can only be provided with fragment props\n * @param {ReactElement} fragment\n */\n\n\nfunction validateFragmentProps(fragment) {\n {\n var keys = Object.keys(fragment.props);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var key = keys[i];\n\n if (key !== 'children' && key !== 'key') {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. ' + 'React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.', key);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (fragment.ref !== null) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`.');\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction createElementWithValidation(type, props, children) {\n var validType = isValidElementType(type); // We warn in this case but don't throw. We expect the element creation to\n // succeed and there will likely be errors in render.\n\n if (!validType) {\n var info = '';\n\n if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {\n info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + \"it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.\";\n }\n\n var sourceInfo = getSourceInfoErrorAddendumForProps(props);\n\n if (sourceInfo) {\n info += sourceInfo;\n } else {\n info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n }\n\n var typeString;\n\n if (type === null) {\n typeString = 'null';\n } else if (isArray(type)) {\n typeString = 'array';\n } else if (type !== undefined && type.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {\n typeString = \"<\" + (getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Unknown') + \" />\";\n info = ' Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?';\n } else {\n typeString = typeof type;\n }\n\n {\n error('React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for ' + 'built-in components) or a class/function (for composite ' + 'components) but got: %s.%s', typeString, info);\n }\n }\n\n var element = createElement.apply(this, arguments); // The result can be nullish if a mock or a custom function is used.\n // TODO: Drop this when these are no longer allowed as the type argument.\n\n if (element == null) {\n return element;\n } // Skip key warning if the type isn't valid since our key validation logic\n // doesn't expect a non-string/function type and can throw confusing errors.\n // We don't want exception behavior to differ between dev and prod.\n // (Rendering will throw with a helpful message and as soon as the type is\n // fixed, the key warnings will appear.)\n\n\n if (validType) {\n for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(arguments[i], type);\n }\n }\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {\n validateFragmentProps(element);\n } else {\n validatePropTypes(element);\n }\n\n return element;\n}\nvar didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory = false;\nfunction createFactoryWithValidation(type) {\n var validatedFactory = createElementWithValidation.bind(null, type);\n validatedFactory.type = type;\n\n {\n if (!didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory) {\n didWarnAboutDeprecatedCreateFactory = true;\n\n warn('React.createFactory() is deprecated and will be removed in ' + 'a future major release. Consider using JSX ' + 'or use React.createElement() directly instead.');\n } // Legacy hook: remove it\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(validatedFactory, 'type', {\n enumerable: false,\n get: function () {\n warn('Factory.type is deprecated. Access the class directly ' + 'before passing it to createFactory.');\n\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'type', {\n value: type\n });\n return type;\n }\n });\n }\n\n return validatedFactory;\n}\nfunction cloneElementWithValidation(element, props, children) {\n var newElement = cloneElement.apply(this, arguments);\n\n for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(arguments[i], newElement.type);\n }\n\n validatePropTypes(newElement);\n return newElement;\n}\n\nfunction startTransition(scope, options) {\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition;\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = {};\n var currentTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition._updatedFibers = new Set();\n }\n\n try {\n scope();\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition;\n\n {\n if (prevTransition === null && currentTransition._updatedFibers) {\n var updatedFibersCount = currentTransition._updatedFibers.size;\n\n if (updatedFibersCount > 10) {\n warn('Detected a large number of updates inside startTransition. ' + 'If this is due to a subscription please re-write it to use React provided hooks. ' + 'Otherwise concurrent mode guarantees are off the table.');\n }\n\n currentTransition._updatedFibers.clear();\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutMessageChannel = false;\nvar enqueueTaskImpl = null;\nfunction enqueueTask(task) {\n if (enqueueTaskImpl === null) {\n try {\n // read require off the module object to get around the bundlers.\n // we don't want them to detect a require and bundle a Node polyfill.\n var requireString = ('require' + Math.random()).slice(0, 7);\n var nodeRequire = module && module[requireString]; // assuming we're in node, let's try to get node's\n // version of setImmediate, bypassing fake timers if any.\n\n enqueueTaskImpl =, 'timers').setImmediate;\n } catch (_err) {\n // we're in a browser\n // we can't use regular timers because they may still be faked\n // so we try MessageChannel+postMessage instead\n enqueueTaskImpl = function (callback) {\n {\n if (didWarnAboutMessageChannel === false) {\n didWarnAboutMessageChannel = true;\n\n if (typeof MessageChannel === 'undefined') {\n error('This browser does not have a MessageChannel implementation, ' + 'so enqueuing tasks via await act(async () => ...) will fail. ' + 'Please file an issue at ' + 'if you encounter this warning.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n var channel = new MessageChannel();\n channel.port1.onmessage = callback;\n channel.port2.postMessage(undefined);\n };\n }\n }\n\n return enqueueTaskImpl(task);\n}\n\nvar actScopeDepth = 0;\nvar didWarnNoAwaitAct = false;\nfunction act(callback) {\n {\n // `act` calls can be nested, so we track the depth. This represents the\n // number of `act` scopes on the stack.\n var prevActScopeDepth = actScopeDepth;\n actScopeDepth++;\n\n if (ReactCurrentActQueue.current === null) {\n // This is the outermost `act` scope. Initialize the queue. The reconciler\n // will detect the queue and use it instead of Scheduler.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = [];\n }\n\n var prevIsBatchingLegacy = ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy;\n var result;\n\n try {\n // Used to reproduce behavior of `batchedUpdates` in legacy mode. Only\n // set to `true` while the given callback is executed, not for updates\n // triggered during an async event, because this is how the legacy\n // implementation of `act` behaved.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy = true;\n result = callback(); // Replicate behavior of original `act` implementation in legacy mode,\n // which flushed updates immediately after the scope function exits, even\n // if it's an async function.\n\n if (!prevIsBatchingLegacy && ReactCurrentActQueue.didScheduleLegacyUpdate) {\n var queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current;\n\n if (queue !== null) {\n ReactCurrentActQueue.didScheduleLegacyUpdate = false;\n flushActQueue(queue);\n }\n }\n } catch (error) {\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n throw error;\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentActQueue.isBatchingLegacy = prevIsBatchingLegacy;\n }\n\n if (result !== null && typeof result === 'object' && typeof result.then === 'function') {\n var thenableResult = result; // The callback is an async function (i.e. returned a promise). Wait\n // for it to resolve before exiting the current scope.\n\n var wasAwaited = false;\n var thenable = {\n then: function (resolve, reject) {\n wasAwaited = true;\n thenableResult.then(function (returnValue) {\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n\n if (actScopeDepth === 0) {\n // We've exited the outermost act scope. Recursively flush the\n // queue until there's no remaining work.\n recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject);\n } else {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n }, function (error) {\n // The callback threw an error.\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n reject(error);\n });\n }\n };\n\n {\n if (!didWarnNoAwaitAct && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n Promise.resolve().then(function () {}).then(function () {\n if (!wasAwaited) {\n didWarnNoAwaitAct = true;\n\n error('You called act(async () => ...) without await. ' + 'This could lead to unexpected testing behaviour, ' + 'interleaving multiple act calls and mixing their ' + 'scopes. ' + 'You should - await act(async () => ...);');\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n return thenable;\n } else {\n var returnValue = result; // The callback is not an async function. Exit the current scope\n // immediately, without awaiting.\n\n popActScope(prevActScopeDepth);\n\n if (actScopeDepth === 0) {\n // Exiting the outermost act scope. Flush the queue.\n var _queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current;\n\n if (_queue !== null) {\n flushActQueue(_queue);\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = null;\n } // Return a thenable. If the user awaits it, we'll flush again in\n // case additional work was scheduled by a microtask.\n\n\n var _thenable = {\n then: function (resolve, reject) {\n // Confirm we haven't re-entered another `act` scope, in case\n // the user does something weird like await the thenable\n // multiple times.\n if (ReactCurrentActQueue.current === null) {\n // Recursively flush the queue until there's no remaining work.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = [];\n recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject);\n } else {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n }\n };\n return _thenable;\n } else {\n // Since we're inside a nested `act` scope, the returned thenable\n // immediately resolves. The outer scope will flush the queue.\n var _thenable2 = {\n then: function (resolve, reject) {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n };\n return _thenable2;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction popActScope(prevActScopeDepth) {\n {\n if (prevActScopeDepth !== actScopeDepth - 1) {\n error('You seem to have overlapping act() calls, this is not supported. ' + 'Be sure to await previous act() calls before making a new one. ');\n }\n\n actScopeDepth = prevActScopeDepth;\n }\n}\n\nfunction recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject) {\n {\n var queue = ReactCurrentActQueue.current;\n\n if (queue !== null) {\n try {\n flushActQueue(queue);\n enqueueTask(function () {\n if (queue.length === 0) {\n // No additional work was scheduled. Finish.\n ReactCurrentActQueue.current = null;\n resolve(returnValue);\n } else {\n // Keep flushing work until there's none left.\n recursivelyFlushAsyncActWork(returnValue, resolve, reject);\n }\n });\n } catch (error) {\n reject(error);\n }\n } else {\n resolve(returnValue);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar isFlushing = false;\n\nfunction flushActQueue(queue) {\n {\n if (!isFlushing) {\n // Prevent re-entrance.\n isFlushing = true;\n var i = 0;\n\n try {\n for (; i < queue.length; i++) {\n var callback = queue[i];\n\n do {\n callback = callback(true);\n } while (callback !== null);\n }\n\n queue.length = 0;\n } catch (error) {\n // If something throws, leave the remaining callbacks on the queue.\n queue = queue.slice(i + 1);\n throw error;\n } finally {\n isFlushing = false;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar createElement$1 = createElementWithValidation ;\nvar cloneElement$1 = cloneElementWithValidation ;\nvar createFactory = createFactoryWithValidation ;\nvar Children = {\n map: mapChildren,\n forEach: forEachChildren,\n count: countChildren,\n toArray: toArray,\n only: onlyChild\n};\n\nexports.Children = Children;\nexports.Component = Component;\nexports.Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;\nexports.Profiler = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;\nexports.PureComponent = PureComponent;\nexports.StrictMode = REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE;\nexports.Suspense = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;\nexports.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = ReactSharedInternals;\nexports.act = act;\nexports.cloneElement = cloneElement$1;\nexports.createContext = createContext;\nexports.createElement = createElement$1;\nexports.createFactory = createFactory;\nexports.createRef = createRef;\nexports.forwardRef = forwardRef;\nexports.isValidElement = isValidElement;\nexports.lazy = lazy;\nexports.memo = memo;\nexports.startTransition = startTransition;\nexports.unstable_act = act;\nexports.useCallback = useCallback;\nexports.useContext = useContext;\nexports.useDebugValue = useDebugValue;\nexports.useDeferredValue = useDeferredValue;\nexports.useEffect = useEffect;\nexports.useId = useId;\nexports.useImperativeHandle = useImperativeHandle;\nexports.useInsertionEffect = useInsertionEffect;\nexports.useLayoutEffect = useLayoutEffect;\nexports.useMemo = useMemo;\nexports.useReducer = useReducer;\nexports.useRef = useRef;\nexports.useState = useState;\nexports.useSyncExternalStore = useSyncExternalStore;\nexports.useTransition = useTransition;\nexports.version = ReactVersion;\n /* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error());\n}\n \n })();\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js?"); /***/ }), /***/ "./node_modules/react/index.js": /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/react/index.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { eval("\n\nif (false) {} else {\n module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cjs/react.development.js */ \"./node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js\");\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/react/index.js?"); /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/node module decorator */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.nmd = (module) => { /******/ module.paths = []; /******/ if (!module.children) module.children = []; /******/ return module; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /******/ // startup /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ // This entry module can't be inlined because the eval devtool is used. /******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/react/index.js"); /******/ window.React = __webpack_exports__; /******/ /******/ })() ;PK�������!�Dv����vendor/react-dom.jsnu�[��������/* * ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development"). * This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files. * It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools. * If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool ( * or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false". * If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" ( */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ "./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js": /*!*************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js ***! \*************************************************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { eval("/**\n * @license React\n * react-dom.development.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n\n\nif (true) {\n (function() {\n\n 'use strict';\n\n/* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error());\n}\n var React = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ \"react\");\nvar Scheduler = __webpack_require__(/*! scheduler */ \"./node_modules/scheduler/index.js\");\n\nvar ReactSharedInternals = React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;\n\nvar suppressWarning = false;\nfunction setSuppressWarning(newSuppressWarning) {\n {\n suppressWarning = newSuppressWarning;\n }\n} // In DEV, calls to console.warn and console.error get replaced\n// by calls to these methods by a Babel plugin.\n//\n// In PROD (or in packages without access to React internals),\n// they are left as they are instead.\n\nfunction warn(format) {\n {\n if (!suppressWarning) {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n printWarning('warn', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction error(format) {\n {\n if (!suppressWarning) {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n printWarning('error', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction printWarning(level, format, args) {\n // When changing this logic, you might want to also\n // update consoleWithStackDev.www.js as well.\n {\n var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum();\n\n if (stack !== '') {\n format += '%s';\n args = args.concat([stack]);\n } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n\n\n var argsWithFormat = (item) {\n return String(item);\n }); // Careful: RN currently depends on this prefix\n\n argsWithFormat.unshift('Warning: ' + format); // We intentionally don't use spread (or .apply) directly because it\n // breaks IE9:\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging\n\n[level], console, argsWithFormat);\n }\n}\n\nvar FunctionComponent = 0;\nvar ClassComponent = 1;\nvar IndeterminateComponent = 2; // Before we know whether it is function or class\n\nvar HostRoot = 3; // Root of a host tree. Could be nested inside another node.\n\nvar HostPortal = 4; // A subtree. Could be an entry point to a different renderer.\n\nvar HostComponent = 5;\nvar HostText = 6;\nvar Fragment = 7;\nvar Mode = 8;\nvar ContextConsumer = 9;\nvar ContextProvider = 10;\nvar ForwardRef = 11;\nvar Profiler = 12;\nvar SuspenseComponent = 13;\nvar MemoComponent = 14;\nvar SimpleMemoComponent = 15;\nvar LazyComponent = 16;\nvar IncompleteClassComponent = 17;\nvar DehydratedFragment = 18;\nvar SuspenseListComponent = 19;\nvar ScopeComponent = 21;\nvar OffscreenComponent = 22;\nvar LegacyHiddenComponent = 23;\nvar CacheComponent = 24;\nvar TracingMarkerComponent = 25;\n\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar enableClientRenderFallbackOnTextMismatch = true; // TODO: Need to review this code one more time before landing\n// the react-reconciler package.\n\nvar enableNewReconciler = false; // Support legacy Primer support on internal FB www\n\nvar enableLazyContextPropagation = false; // FB-only usage. The new API has different semantics.\n\nvar enableLegacyHidden = false; // Enables unstable_avoidThisFallback feature in Fiber\n\nvar enableSuspenseAvoidThisFallback = false; // Enables unstable_avoidThisFallback feature in Fizz\n// React DOM Chopping Block\n//\n// Similar to main Chopping Block but only flags related to React DOM. These are\n// grouped because we will likely batch all of them into a single major release.\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Disable support for comment nodes as React DOM containers. Already disabled\n// in open source, but www codebase still relies on it. Need to remove.\n\nvar disableCommentsAsDOMContainers = true; // Disable javascript: URL strings in href for XSS protection.\n// and client rendering, mostly to allow JSX attributes to apply to the custom\n// element's object properties instead of only HTML attributes.\n//\n\nvar enableCustomElementPropertySupport = false; // Disables children for <textarea> elements\nvar warnAboutStringRefs = true; // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Debugging and DevTools\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Adds user timing marks for e.g. state updates, suspense, and work loop stuff,\n// for an experimental timeline tool.\n\nvar enableSchedulingProfiler = true; // Helps identify side effects in render-phase lifecycle hooks and setState\n\nvar enableProfilerTimer = true; // Record durations for commit and passive effects phases.\n\nvar enableProfilerCommitHooks = true; // Phase param passed to onRender callback differentiates between an \"update\" and a \"cascading-update\".\n\nvar allNativeEvents = new Set();\n/**\n * Mapping from registration name to event name\n */\n\n\nvar registrationNameDependencies = {};\n/**\n * Mapping from lowercase registration names to the properly cased version,\n * used to warn in the case of missing event handlers. Available\n * only in true.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n\nvar possibleRegistrationNames = {} ; // Trust the developer to only use possibleRegistrationNames in true\n\nfunction registerTwoPhaseEvent(registrationName, dependencies) {\n registerDirectEvent(registrationName, dependencies);\n registerDirectEvent(registrationName + 'Capture', dependencies);\n}\nfunction registerDirectEvent(registrationName, dependencies) {\n {\n if (registrationNameDependencies[registrationName]) {\n error('EventRegistry: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same ' + 'registration name, `%s`.', registrationName);\n }\n }\n\n registrationNameDependencies[registrationName] = dependencies;\n\n {\n var lowerCasedName = registrationName.toLowerCase();\n possibleRegistrationNames[lowerCasedName] = registrationName;\n\n if (registrationName === 'onDoubleClick') {\n possibleRegistrationNames.ondblclick = registrationName;\n }\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {\n allNativeEvents.add(dependencies[i]);\n }\n}\n\nvar canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document.createElement !== 'undefined');\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\n/*\n * The `'' + value` pattern (used in in perf-sensitive code) throws for Symbol\n * and Temporal.* types. See\n *\n * The functions in this module will throw an easier-to-understand,\n * easier-to-debug exception with a clear errors message message explaining the\n * problem. (Instead of a confusing exception thrown inside the implementation\n * of the `value` object).\n */\n// $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\nfunction typeName(value) {\n {\n // toStringTag is needed for namespaced types like Temporal.Instant\n var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag;\n var type = hasToStringTag && value[Symbol.toStringTag] || || 'Object';\n return type;\n }\n} // $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\n\n\nfunction willCoercionThrow(value) {\n {\n try {\n testStringCoercion(value);\n return false;\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction testStringCoercion(value) {\n // If you ended up here by following an exception call stack, here's what's\n // happened: you supplied an object or symbol value to React (as a prop, key,\n // DOM attribute, CSS property, string ref, etc.) and when React tried to\n // coerce it to a string using `'' + value`, an exception was thrown.\n //\n // The most common types that will cause this exception are `Symbol` instances\n // and Temporal objects like `Temporal.Instant`. But any object that has a\n // `valueOf` or `[Symbol.toPrimitive]` method that throws will also cause this\n // exception. (Library authors do this to prevent users from using built-in\n // numeric operators like `+` or comparison operators like `>=` because custom\n // methods are needed to perform accurate arithmetic or comparison.)\n //\n // To fix the problem, coerce this object or symbol value to a string before\n // passing it to React. The most reliable way is usually `String(value)`.\n //\n // To find which value is throwing, check the browser or debugger console.\n // Before this exception was thrown, there should be `console.error` output\n // that shows the type (Symbol, Temporal.PlainDate, etc.) that caused the\n // problem and how that type was used: key, atrribute, input value prop, etc.\n // In most cases, this console output also shows the component and its\n // ancestor components where the exception happened.\n //\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n return '' + value;\n}\n\nfunction checkAttributeStringCoercion(value, attributeName) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided `%s` attribute is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', attributeName, typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\nfunction checkKeyStringCoercion(value) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided key is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\nfunction checkPropStringCoercion(value, propName) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided `%s` prop is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', propName, typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\nfunction checkCSSPropertyStringCoercion(value, propName) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided `%s` CSS property is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', propName, typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\nfunction checkHtmlStringCoercion(value) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided HTML markup uses a value of unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\nfunction checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('Form field values (value, checked, defaultValue, or defaultChecked props)' + ' must be strings, not %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\n\n// A reserved attribute.\n// It is handled by React separately and shouldn't be written to the DOM.\nvar RESERVED = 0; // A simple string attribute.\n// Attributes that aren't in the filter are presumed to have this type.\n\nvar STRING = 1; // A string attribute that accepts booleans in React. In HTML, these are called\n// \"enumerated\" attributes with \"true\" and \"false\" as possible values.\n// When true, it should be set to a \"true\" string.\n// When false, it should be set to a \"false\" string.\n\nvar BOOLEANISH_STRING = 2; // A real boolean attribute.\n// When true, it should be present (set either to an empty string or its name).\n// When false, it should be omitted.\n\nvar BOOLEAN = 3; // An attribute that can be used as a flag as well as with a value.\n// When true, it should be present (set either to an empty string or its name).\n// When false, it should be omitted.\n// For any other value, should be present with that value.\n\nvar OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN = 4; // An attribute that must be numeric or parse as a numeric.\n// When falsy, it should be removed.\n\nvar NUMERIC = 5; // An attribute that must be positive numeric or parse as a positive numeric.\n// When falsy, it should be removed.\n\nvar POSITIVE_NUMERIC = 6;\n\n/* eslint-disable max-len */\nvar ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR = \":A-Z_a-z\\\\u00C0-\\\\u00D6\\\\u00D8-\\\\u00F6\\\\u00F8-\\\\u02FF\\\\u0370-\\\\u037D\\\\u037F-\\\\u1FFF\\\\u200C-\\\\u200D\\\\u2070-\\\\u218F\\\\u2C00-\\\\u2FEF\\\\u3001-\\\\uD7FF\\\\uF900-\\\\uFDCF\\\\uFDF0-\\\\uFFFD\";\n/* eslint-enable max-len */\n\nvar ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR = ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + \"\\\\-.0-9\\\\u00B7\\\\u0300-\\\\u036F\\\\u203F-\\\\u2040\";\nvar VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX = new RegExp('^[' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + '][' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$');\nvar illegalAttributeNameCache = {};\nvar validatedAttributeNameCache = {};\nfunction isAttributeNameSafe(attributeName) {\n if (, attributeName)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (, attributeName)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX.test(attributeName)) {\n validatedAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = true;\n\n {\n error('Invalid attribute name: `%s`', attributeName);\n }\n\n return false;\n}\nfunction shouldIgnoreAttribute(name, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag) {\n if (propertyInfo !== null) {\n return propertyInfo.type === RESERVED;\n }\n\n if (isCustomComponentTag) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (name.length > 2 && (name[0] === 'o' || name[0] === 'O') && (name[1] === 'n' || name[1] === 'N')) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\nfunction shouldRemoveAttributeWithWarning(name, value, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag) {\n if (propertyInfo !== null && propertyInfo.type === RESERVED) {\n return false;\n }\n\n switch (typeof value) {\n case 'function': // $FlowIssue symbol is perfectly valid here\n\n case 'symbol':\n // eslint-disable-line\n return true;\n\n case 'boolean':\n {\n if (isCustomComponentTag) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (propertyInfo !== null) {\n return !propertyInfo.acceptsBooleans;\n } else {\n var prefix = name.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5);\n return prefix !== 'data-' && prefix !== 'aria-';\n }\n }\n\n default:\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction shouldRemoveAttribute(name, value, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag) {\n if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined') {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (shouldRemoveAttributeWithWarning(name, value, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (isCustomComponentTag) {\n\n return false;\n }\n\n if (propertyInfo !== null) {\n\n switch (propertyInfo.type) {\n case BOOLEAN:\n return !value;\n\n case OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN:\n return value === false;\n\n case NUMERIC:\n return isNaN(value);\n\n case POSITIVE_NUMERIC:\n return isNaN(value) || value < 1;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\nfunction getPropertyInfo(name) {\n return properties.hasOwnProperty(name) ? properties[name] : null;\n}\n\nfunction PropertyInfoRecord(name, type, mustUseProperty, attributeName, attributeNamespace, sanitizeURL, removeEmptyString) {\n this.acceptsBooleans = type === BOOLEANISH_STRING || type === BOOLEAN || type === OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN;\n this.attributeName = attributeName;\n this.attributeNamespace = attributeNamespace;\n this.mustUseProperty = mustUseProperty;\n this.propertyName = name;\n this.type = type;\n this.sanitizeURL = sanitizeURL;\n this.removeEmptyString = removeEmptyString;\n} // When adding attributes to this list, be sure to also add them to\n// the `possibleStandardNames` module to ensure casing and incorrect\n// name warnings.\n\n\nvar properties = {}; // These props are reserved by React. They shouldn't be written to the DOM.\n\nvar reservedProps = ['children', 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML', // TODO: This prevents the assignment of defaultValue to regular\n// elements (not just inputs). Now that ReactDOMInput assigns to the\n// defaultValue property -- do we need this?\n'defaultValue', 'defaultChecked', 'innerHTML', 'suppressContentEditableWarning', 'suppressHydrationWarning', 'style'];\n\nreservedProps.forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, RESERVED, false, // mustUseProperty\n name, // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // A few React string attributes have a different name.\n// This is a mapping from React prop names to the attribute names.\n\n[['acceptCharset', 'accept-charset'], ['className', 'class'], ['htmlFor', 'for'], ['httpEquiv', 'http-equiv']].forEach(function (_ref) {\n var name = _ref[0],\n attributeName = _ref[1];\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n attributeName, // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These are \"enumerated\" HTML attributes that accept \"true\" and \"false\".\n// In React, we let users pass `true` and `false` even though technically\n// these aren't boolean attributes (they are coerced to strings).\n\n['contentEditable', 'draggable', 'spellCheck', 'value'].forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, BOOLEANISH_STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n name.toLowerCase(), // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These are \"enumerated\" SVG attributes that accept \"true\" and \"false\".\n// In React, we let users pass `true` and `false` even though technically\n// these aren't boolean attributes (they are coerced to strings).\n// Since these are SVG attributes, their attribute names are case-sensitive.\n\n['autoReverse', 'externalResourcesRequired', 'focusable', 'preserveAlpha'].forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, BOOLEANISH_STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n name, // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These are HTML boolean attributes.\n\n['allowFullScreen', 'async', // Note: there is a special case that prevents it from being written to the DOM\n// on the client side because the browsers are inconsistent. Instead we call focus().\n'autoFocus', 'autoPlay', 'controls', 'default', 'defer', 'disabled', 'disablePictureInPicture', 'disableRemotePlayback', 'formNoValidate', 'hidden', 'loop', 'noModule', 'noValidate', 'open', 'playsInline', 'readOnly', 'required', 'reversed', 'scoped', 'seamless', // Microdata\n'itemScope'].forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, BOOLEAN, false, // mustUseProperty\n name.toLowerCase(), // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These are the few React props that we set as DOM properties\n// rather than attributes. These are all booleans.\n\n['checked', // Note: `option.selected` is not updated if `select.multiple` is\n// disabled with `removeAttribute`. We have special logic for handling this.\n'multiple', 'muted', 'selected' // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list,\n// you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase()\n// instead in the assignment below.\n].forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, BOOLEAN, true, // mustUseProperty\n name, // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These are HTML attributes that are \"overloaded booleans\": they behave like\n// booleans, but can also accept a string value.\n\n['capture', 'download' // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list,\n// you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase()\n// instead in the assignment below.\n].forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN, false, // mustUseProperty\n name, // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These are HTML attributes that must be positive numbers.\n\n['cols', 'rows', 'size', 'span' // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list,\n// you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase()\n// instead in the assignment below.\n].forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, POSITIVE_NUMERIC, false, // mustUseProperty\n name, // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These are HTML attributes that must be numbers.\n\n['rowSpan', 'start'].forEach(function (name) {\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, NUMERIC, false, // mustUseProperty\n name.toLowerCase(), // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n});\nvar CAMELIZE = /[\\-\\:]([a-z])/g;\n\nvar capitalize = function (token) {\n return token[1].toUpperCase();\n}; // This is a list of all SVG attributes that need special casing, namespacing,\n// or boolean value assignment. Regular attributes that just accept strings\n// and have the same names are omitted, just like in the HTML attribute filter.\n// Some of these attributes can be hard to find. This list was created by\n// scraping the MDN documentation.\n\n\n['accent-height', 'alignment-baseline', 'arabic-form', 'baseline-shift', 'cap-height', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'dominant-baseline', 'enable-background', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'glyph-name', 'glyph-orientation-horizontal', 'glyph-orientation-vertical', 'horiz-adv-x', 'horiz-origin-x', 'image-rendering', 'letter-spacing', 'lighting-color', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'overline-position', 'overline-thickness', 'paint-order', 'panose-1', 'pointer-events', 'rendering-intent', 'shape-rendering', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'strikethrough-position', 'strikethrough-thickness', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'underline-position', 'underline-thickness', 'unicode-bidi', 'unicode-range', 'units-per-em', 'v-alphabetic', 'v-hanging', 'v-ideographic', 'v-mathematical', 'vector-effect', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'word-spacing', 'writing-mode', 'xmlns:xlink', 'x-height' // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list,\n// you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase()\n// instead in the assignment below.\n].forEach(function (attributeName) {\n var name = attributeName.replace(CAMELIZE, capitalize);\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n attributeName, null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // String SVG attributes with the xlink namespace.\n\n['xlink:actuate', 'xlink:arcrole', 'xlink:role', 'xlink:show', 'xlink:title', 'xlink:type' // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list,\n// you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase()\n// instead in the assignment below.\n].forEach(function (attributeName) {\n var name = attributeName.replace(CAMELIZE, capitalize);\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n attributeName, '', false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // String SVG attributes with the xml namespace.\n\n['xml:base', 'xml:lang', 'xml:space' // NOTE: if you add a camelCased prop to this list,\n// you'll need to set attributeName to name.toLowerCase()\n// instead in the assignment below.\n].forEach(function (attributeName) {\n var name = attributeName.replace(CAMELIZE, capitalize);\n properties[name] = new PropertyInfoRecord(name, STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n attributeName, '', false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These attribute exists both in HTML and SVG.\n// The attribute name is case-sensitive in SVG so we can't just use\n// the React name like we do for attributes that exist only in HTML.\n\n['tabIndex', 'crossOrigin'].forEach(function (attributeName) {\n properties[attributeName] = new PropertyInfoRecord(attributeName, STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n attributeName.toLowerCase(), // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n false, // sanitizeURL\n false);\n}); // These attributes accept URLs. These must not allow javascript: URLS.\n// These will also need to accept Trusted Types object in the future.\n\nvar xlinkHref = 'xlinkHref';\nproperties[xlinkHref] = new PropertyInfoRecord('xlinkHref', STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n'xlink:href', '', true, // sanitizeURL\nfalse);\n['src', 'href', 'action', 'formAction'].forEach(function (attributeName) {\n properties[attributeName] = new PropertyInfoRecord(attributeName, STRING, false, // mustUseProperty\n attributeName.toLowerCase(), // attributeName\n null, // attributeNamespace\n true, // sanitizeURL\n true);\n});\n\n// and any newline or tab are filtered out as if they're not part of the URL.\n//\n// Tab or newline are defined as \\r\\n\\t:\n//\n// A C0 control is a code point in the range \\u0000 NULL to \\u001F\n// INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE, inclusive:\n//\n\n/* eslint-disable max-len */\n\nvar isJavaScriptProtocol = /^[\\u0000-\\u001F ]*j[\\r\\n\\t]*a[\\r\\n\\t]*v[\\r\\n\\t]*a[\\r\\n\\t]*s[\\r\\n\\t]*c[\\r\\n\\t]*r[\\r\\n\\t]*i[\\r\\n\\t]*p[\\r\\n\\t]*t[\\r\\n\\t]*\\:/i;\nvar didWarn = false;\n\nfunction sanitizeURL(url) {\n {\n if (!didWarn && isJavaScriptProtocol.test(url)) {\n didWarn = true;\n\n error('A future version of React will block javascript: URLs as a security precaution. ' + 'Use event handlers instead if you can. If you need to generate unsafe HTML try ' + 'using dangerouslySetInnerHTML instead. React was passed %s.', JSON.stringify(url));\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the value for a property on a node. Only used in DEV for SSR validation.\n * The \"expected\" argument is used as a hint of what the expected value is.\n * Some properties have multiple equivalent values.\n */\nfunction getValueForProperty(node, name, expected, propertyInfo) {\n {\n if (propertyInfo.mustUseProperty) {\n var propertyName = propertyInfo.propertyName;\n return node[propertyName];\n } else {\n // This check protects multiple uses of `expected`, which is why the\n // react-internal/safe-string-coercion rule is disabled in several spots\n // below.\n {\n checkAttributeStringCoercion(expected, name);\n }\n\n if ( propertyInfo.sanitizeURL) {\n // If we haven't fully disabled javascript: URLs, and if\n // the hydration is successful of a javascript: URL, we\n // still want to warn on the client.\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n sanitizeURL('' + expected);\n }\n\n var attributeName = propertyInfo.attributeName;\n var stringValue = null;\n\n if (propertyInfo.type === OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN) {\n if (node.hasAttribute(attributeName)) {\n var value = node.getAttribute(attributeName);\n\n if (value === '') {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name, expected, propertyInfo, false)) {\n return value;\n } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n\n\n if (value === '' + expected) {\n return expected;\n }\n\n return value;\n }\n } else if (node.hasAttribute(attributeName)) {\n if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name, expected, propertyInfo, false)) {\n // We had an attribute but shouldn't have had one, so read it\n // for the error message.\n return node.getAttribute(attributeName);\n }\n\n if (propertyInfo.type === BOOLEAN) {\n // If this was a boolean, it doesn't matter what the value is\n // the fact that we have it is the same as the expected.\n return expected;\n } // Even if this property uses a namespace we use getAttribute\n // because we assume its namespaced name is the same as our config.\n // To use getAttributeNS we need the local name which we don't have\n // in our config atm.\n\n\n stringValue = node.getAttribute(attributeName);\n }\n\n if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name, expected, propertyInfo, false)) {\n return stringValue === null ? expected : stringValue; // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n } else if (stringValue === '' + expected) {\n return expected;\n } else {\n return stringValue;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Get the value for a attribute on a node. Only used in DEV for SSR validation.\n * The third argument is used as a hint of what the expected value is. Some\n * attributes have multiple equivalent values.\n */\n\nfunction getValueForAttribute(node, name, expected, isCustomComponentTag) {\n {\n if (!isAttributeNameSafe(name)) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!node.hasAttribute(name)) {\n return expected === undefined ? undefined : null;\n }\n\n var value = node.getAttribute(name);\n\n {\n checkAttributeStringCoercion(expected, name);\n }\n\n if (value === '' + expected) {\n return expected;\n }\n\n return value;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Sets the value for a property on a node.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} name\n * @param {*} value\n */\n\nfunction setValueForProperty(node, name, value, isCustomComponentTag) {\n var propertyInfo = getPropertyInfo(name);\n\n if (shouldIgnoreAttribute(name, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag)) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (shouldRemoveAttribute(name, value, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag)) {\n value = null;\n }\n\n\n if (isCustomComponentTag || propertyInfo === null) {\n if (isAttributeNameSafe(name)) {\n var _attributeName = name;\n\n if (value === null) {\n node.removeAttribute(_attributeName);\n } else {\n {\n checkAttributeStringCoercion(value, name);\n }\n\n node.setAttribute(_attributeName, '' + value);\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n var mustUseProperty = propertyInfo.mustUseProperty;\n\n if (mustUseProperty) {\n var propertyName = propertyInfo.propertyName;\n\n if (value === null) {\n var type = propertyInfo.type;\n node[propertyName] = type === BOOLEAN ? false : '';\n } else {\n // Contrary to `setAttribute`, object properties are properly\n // `toString`ed by IE8/9.\n node[propertyName] = value;\n }\n\n return;\n } // The rest are treated as attributes with special cases.\n\n\n var attributeName = propertyInfo.attributeName,\n attributeNamespace = propertyInfo.attributeNamespace;\n\n if (value === null) {\n node.removeAttribute(attributeName);\n } else {\n var _type = propertyInfo.type;\n var attributeValue;\n\n if (_type === BOOLEAN || _type === OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN && value === true) {\n // If attribute type is boolean, we know for sure it won't be an execution sink\n // and we won't require Trusted Type here.\n attributeValue = '';\n } else {\n // `setAttribute` with objects becomes only `[object]` in IE8/9,\n // ('' + value) makes it output the correct toString()-value.\n {\n {\n checkAttributeStringCoercion(value, attributeName);\n }\n\n attributeValue = '' + value;\n }\n\n if (propertyInfo.sanitizeURL) {\n sanitizeURL(attributeValue.toString());\n }\n }\n\n if (attributeNamespace) {\n node.setAttributeNS(attributeNamespace, attributeName, attributeValue);\n } else {\n node.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);\n }\n }\n}\n\n// ATTENTION\n// When adding new symbols to this file,\n// Please consider also adding to 'react-devtools-shared/src/backend/ReactSymbols'\n// The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types.\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.element');\nvar REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.portal');\nvar REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.fragment');\nvar REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode');\nvar REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.profiler');\nvar REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.provider');\nvar REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.context');\nvar REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list');\nvar REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.memo');\nvar REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.lazy');\nvar REACT_SCOPE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.scope');\nvar REACT_DEBUG_TRACING_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.debug_trace_mode');\nvar REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.offscreen');\nvar REACT_LEGACY_HIDDEN_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.legacy_hidden');\nvar REACT_CACHE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.cache');\nvar REACT_TRACING_MARKER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.tracing_marker');\nvar MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator;\nvar FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator';\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== 'object') {\n return null;\n }\n\n var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL];\n\n if (typeof maybeIterator === 'function') {\n return maybeIterator;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar assign = Object.assign;\n\n// Helpers to patch console.logs to avoid logging during side-effect free\n// replaying on render function. This currently only patches the object\n// lazily which won't cover if the log function was extracted eagerly.\n// We could also eagerly patch the method.\nvar disabledDepth = 0;\nvar prevLog;\nvar prevInfo;\nvar prevWarn;\nvar prevError;\nvar prevGroup;\nvar prevGroupCollapsed;\nvar prevGroupEnd;\n\nfunction disabledLog() {}\n\ndisabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = true;\nfunction disableLogs() {\n {\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n prevLog = console.log;\n prevInfo =;\n prevWarn = console.warn;\n prevError = console.error;\n prevGroup =;\n prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed;\n prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd; //\n\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: disabledLog,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n info: props,\n log: props,\n warn: props,\n error: props,\n group: props,\n groupCollapsed: props,\n groupEnd: props\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n disabledDepth++;\n }\n}\nfunction reenableLogs() {\n {\n disabledDepth--;\n\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n log: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevLog\n }),\n info: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevInfo\n }),\n warn: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevWarn\n }),\n error: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevError\n }),\n group: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroup\n }),\n groupCollapsed: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupCollapsed\n }),\n groupEnd: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupEnd\n })\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n if (disabledDepth < 0) {\n error('disabledDepth fell below zero. ' + 'This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher;\nvar prefix;\nfunction describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n if (prefix === undefined) {\n // Extract the VM specific prefix used by each line.\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\\n( *(at )?)/);\n prefix = match && match[1] || '';\n }\n } // We use the prefix to ensure our stacks line up with native stack frames.\n\n\n return '\\n' + prefix + name;\n }\n}\nvar reentry = false;\nvar componentFrameCache;\n\n{\n var PossiblyWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : Map;\n componentFrameCache = new PossiblyWeakMap();\n}\n\nfunction describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {\n // If something asked for a stack inside a fake render, it should get ignored.\n if ( !fn || reentry) {\n return '';\n }\n\n {\n var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn);\n\n if (frame !== undefined) {\n return frame;\n }\n }\n\n var control;\n reentry = true;\n var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; // $FlowFixMe It does accept undefined.\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;\n var previousDispatcher;\n\n {\n previousDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current; // Set the dispatcher in DEV because this might be call in the render function\n // for warnings.\n\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = null;\n disableLogs();\n }\n\n try {\n // This should throw.\n if (construct) {\n // Something should be setting the props in the constructor.\n var Fake = function () {\n throw Error();\n }; // $FlowFixMe\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, 'props', {\n set: function () {\n // We use a throwing setter instead of frozen or non-writable props\n // because that won't throw in a non-strict mode function.\n throw Error();\n }\n });\n\n if (typeof Reflect === 'object' && Reflect.construct) {\n // We construct a different control for this case to include any extra\n // frames added by the construct call.\n try {\n Reflect.construct(Fake, []);\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);\n } else {\n try {\n;\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n;\n }\n } else {\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n fn();\n }\n } catch (sample) {\n // This is inlined manually because closure doesn't do it for us.\n if (sample && control && typeof sample.stack === 'string') {\n // This extracts the first frame from the sample that isn't also in the control.\n // Skipping one frame that we assume is the frame that calls the two.\n var sampleLines = sample.stack.split('\\n');\n var controlLines = control.stack.split('\\n');\n var s = sampleLines.length - 1;\n var c = controlLines.length - 1;\n\n while (s >= 1 && c >= 0 && sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // We expect at least one stack frame to be shared.\n // Typically this will be the root most one. However, stack frames may be\n // cut off due to maximum stack limits. In this case, one maybe cut off\n // earlier than the other. We assume that the sample is longer or the same\n // and there for cut off earlier. So we should find the root most frame in\n // the sample somewhere in the control.\n c--;\n }\n\n for (; s >= 1 && c >= 0; s--, c--) {\n // Next we find the first one that isn't the same which should be the\n // frame that called our sample function and the control.\n if (sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // In V8, the first line is describing the message but other VMs don't.\n // If we're about to return the first line, and the control is also on the same\n // line, that's a pretty good indicator that our sample threw at same line as\n // the control. I.e. before we entered the sample frame. So we ignore this result.\n // This can happen if you passed a class to function component, or non-function.\n if (s !== 1 || c !== 1) {\n do {\n s--;\n c--; // We may still have similar intermediate frames from the construct call.\n // The next one that isn't the same should be our match though.\n\n if (c < 0 || sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // V8 adds a \"new\" prefix for native classes. Let's remove it to make it prettier.\n var _frame = '\\n' + sampleLines[s].replace(' at new ', ' at '); // If our component frame is labeled \"<anonymous>\"\n // but we have a user-provided \"displayName\"\n // splice it in to make the stack more readable.\n\n\n if (fn.displayName && _frame.includes('<anonymous>')) {\n _frame = _frame.replace('<anonymous>', fn.displayName);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame);\n }\n } // Return the line we found.\n\n\n return _frame;\n }\n } while (s >= 1 && c >= 0);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n } finally {\n reentry = false;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = previousDispatcher;\n reenableLogs();\n }\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace;\n } // Fallback to just using the name if we couldn't make it throw.\n\n\n var name = fn ? fn.displayName || : '';\n var syntheticFrame = name ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) : '';\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, syntheticFrame);\n }\n }\n\n return syntheticFrame;\n}\n\nfunction describeClassComponentFrame(ctor, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(ctor, true);\n }\n}\nfunction describeFunctionComponentFrame(fn, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, false);\n }\n}\n\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n var prototype = Component.prototype;\n return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);\n}\n\nfunction describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type, source, ownerFn) {\n\n if (type == null) {\n return '';\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(type, shouldConstruct(type));\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type);\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('Suspense');\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('SuspenseList');\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return describeFunctionComponentFrame(type.render);\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n // Memo may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type, source, ownerFn);\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n // Lazy may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(init(payload), source, ownerFn);\n } catch (x) {}\n }\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction describeFiber(fiber) {\n var owner = fiber._debugOwner ? fiber._debugOwner.type : null ;\n var source = fiber._debugSource ;\n\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(fiber.type);\n\n case LazyComponent:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('Lazy');\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('Suspense');\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('SuspenseList');\n\n case FunctionComponent:\n case IndeterminateComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n return describeFunctionComponentFrame(fiber.type);\n\n case ForwardRef:\n return describeFunctionComponentFrame(fiber.type.render);\n\n case ClassComponent:\n return describeClassComponentFrame(fiber.type);\n\n default:\n return '';\n }\n}\n\nfunction getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(workInProgress) {\n try {\n var info = '';\n var node = workInProgress;\n\n do {\n info += describeFiber(node);\n node = node.return;\n } while (node);\n\n return info;\n } catch (x) {\n return '\\nError generating stack: ' + x.message + '\\n' + x.stack;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) {\n var displayName = outerType.displayName;\n\n if (displayName) {\n return displayName;\n }\n\n var functionName = innerType.displayName || || '';\n return functionName !== '' ? wrapperName + \"(\" + functionName + \")\" : wrapperName;\n} // Keep in sync with react-reconciler/getComponentNameFromFiber\n\n\nfunction getContextName(type) {\n return type.displayName || 'Context';\n} // Note that the reconciler package should generally prefer to use getComponentNameFromFiber() instead.\n\n\nfunction getComponentNameFromType(type) {\n if (type == null) {\n // Host root, text node or just invalid type.\n return null;\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof type.tag === 'number') {\n error('Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). ' + 'This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n return type.displayName || || null;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return type;\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return 'Fragment';\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return 'Portal';\n\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return 'Profiler';\n\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n return 'StrictMode';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return 'Suspense';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return 'SuspenseList';\n\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n var context = type;\n return getContextName(context) + '.Consumer';\n\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n var provider = type;\n return getContextName(provider._context) + '.Provider';\n\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return getWrappedName(type, type.render, 'ForwardRef');\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n var outerName = type.displayName || null;\n\n if (outerName !== null) {\n return outerName;\n }\n\n return getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Memo';\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n return getComponentNameFromType(init(payload));\n } catch (x) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction getWrappedName$1(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) {\n var functionName = innerType.displayName || || '';\n return outerType.displayName || (functionName !== '' ? wrapperName + \"(\" + functionName + \")\" : wrapperName);\n} // Keep in sync with shared/getComponentNameFromType\n\n\nfunction getContextName$1(type) {\n return type.displayName || 'Context';\n}\n\nfunction getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) {\n var tag = fiber.tag,\n type = fiber.type;\n\n switch (tag) {\n case CacheComponent:\n return 'Cache';\n\n case ContextConsumer:\n var context = type;\n return getContextName$1(context) + '.Consumer';\n\n case ContextProvider:\n var provider = type;\n return getContextName$1(provider._context) + '.Provider';\n\n case DehydratedFragment:\n return 'DehydratedFragment';\n\n case ForwardRef:\n return getWrappedName$1(type, type.render, 'ForwardRef');\n\n case Fragment:\n return 'Fragment';\n\n case HostComponent:\n // Host component type is the display name (e.g. \"div\", \"View\")\n return type;\n\n case HostPortal:\n return 'Portal';\n\n case HostRoot:\n return 'Root';\n\n case HostText:\n return 'Text';\n\n case LazyComponent:\n // Name comes from the type in this case; we don't have a tag.\n return getComponentNameFromType(type);\n\n case Mode:\n if (type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE) {\n // Don't be less specific than shared/getComponentNameFromType\n return 'StrictMode';\n }\n\n return 'Mode';\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n return 'Offscreen';\n\n case Profiler:\n return 'Profiler';\n\n case ScopeComponent:\n return 'Scope';\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n return 'Suspense';\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n return 'SuspenseList';\n\n case TracingMarkerComponent:\n return 'TracingMarker';\n // The display name for this tags come from the user-provided type:\n\n case ClassComponent:\n case FunctionComponent:\n case IncompleteClassComponent:\n case IndeterminateComponent:\n case MemoComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n return type.displayName || || null;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return type;\n }\n\n break;\n\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\nvar current = null;\nvar isRendering = false;\nfunction getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull() {\n {\n if (current === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var owner = current._debugOwner;\n\n if (owner !== null && typeof owner !== 'undefined') {\n return getComponentNameFromFiber(owner);\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction getCurrentFiberStackInDev() {\n {\n if (current === null) {\n return '';\n } // Safe because if current fiber exists, we are reconciling,\n // and it is guaranteed to be the work-in-progress version.\n\n\n return getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(current);\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetCurrentFiber() {\n {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack = null;\n current = null;\n isRendering = false;\n }\n}\nfunction setCurrentFiber(fiber) {\n {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getCurrentStack = fiber === null ? null : getCurrentFiberStackInDev;\n current = fiber;\n isRendering = false;\n }\n}\nfunction getCurrentFiber() {\n {\n return current;\n }\n}\nfunction setIsRendering(rendering) {\n {\n isRendering = rendering;\n }\n}\n\n// Flow does not allow string concatenation of most non-string types. To work\n// around this limitation, we use an opaque type that can only be obtained by\n// passing the value through getToStringValue first.\nfunction toString(value) {\n // The coercion safety check is performed in getToStringValue().\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n return '' + value;\n}\nfunction getToStringValue(value) {\n switch (typeof value) {\n case 'boolean':\n case 'number':\n case 'string':\n case 'undefined':\n return value;\n\n case 'object':\n {\n checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value);\n }\n\n return value;\n\n default:\n // function, symbol are assigned as empty strings\n return '';\n }\n}\n\nvar hasReadOnlyValue = {\n button: true,\n checkbox: true,\n image: true,\n hidden: true,\n radio: true,\n reset: true,\n submit: true\n};\nfunction checkControlledValueProps(tagName, props) {\n {\n if (!(hasReadOnlyValue[props.type] || props.onChange || props.onInput || props.readOnly || props.disabled || props.value == null)) {\n error('You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an ' + '`onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If ' + 'the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, ' + 'set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.');\n }\n\n if (!(props.onChange || props.readOnly || props.disabled || props.checked == null)) {\n error('You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an ' + '`onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If ' + 'the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, ' + 'set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction isCheckable(elem) {\n var type = elem.type;\n var nodeName = elem.nodeName;\n return nodeName && nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio');\n}\n\nfunction getTracker(node) {\n return node._valueTracker;\n}\n\nfunction detachTracker(node) {\n node._valueTracker = null;\n}\n\nfunction getValueFromNode(node) {\n var value = '';\n\n if (!node) {\n return value;\n }\n\n if (isCheckable(node)) {\n value = node.checked ? 'true' : 'false';\n } else {\n value = node.value;\n }\n\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction trackValueOnNode(node) {\n var valueField = isCheckable(node) ? 'checked' : 'value';\n var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(node.constructor.prototype, valueField);\n\n {\n checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(node[valueField]);\n }\n\n var currentValue = '' + node[valueField]; // if someone has already defined a value or Safari, then bail\n // and don't track value will cause over reporting of changes,\n // but it's better then a hard failure\n // (needed for certain tests that spyOn input values and Safari)\n\n if (node.hasOwnProperty(valueField) || typeof descriptor === 'undefined' || typeof descriptor.get !== 'function' || typeof descriptor.set !== 'function') {\n return;\n }\n\n var get = descriptor.get,\n set = descriptor.set;\n Object.defineProperty(node, valueField, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function () {\n return;\n },\n set: function (value) {\n {\n checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value);\n }\n\n currentValue = '' + value;\n, value);\n }\n }); // We could've passed this the first time\n // but it triggers a bug in IE11 and Edge 14/15.\n // Calling defineProperty() again should be equivalent.\n //\n\n Object.defineProperty(node, valueField, {\n enumerable: descriptor.enumerable\n });\n var tracker = {\n getValue: function () {\n return currentValue;\n },\n setValue: function (value) {\n {\n checkFormFieldValueStringCoercion(value);\n }\n\n currentValue = '' + value;\n },\n stopTracking: function () {\n detachTracker(node);\n delete node[valueField];\n }\n };\n return tracker;\n}\n\nfunction track(node) {\n if (getTracker(node)) {\n return;\n } // TODO: Once it's just Fiber we can move this to node._wrapperState\n\n\n node._valueTracker = trackValueOnNode(node);\n}\nfunction updateValueIfChanged(node) {\n if (!node) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var tracker = getTracker(node); // if there is no tracker at this point it's unlikely\n // that trying again will succeed\n\n if (!tracker) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var lastValue = tracker.getValue();\n var nextValue = getValueFromNode(node);\n\n if (nextValue !== lastValue) {\n tracker.setValue(nextValue);\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction getActiveElement(doc) {\n doc = doc || (typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : undefined);\n\n if (typeof doc === 'undefined') {\n return null;\n }\n\n try {\n return doc.activeElement || doc.body;\n } catch (e) {\n return doc.body;\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnValueDefaultValue = false;\nvar didWarnCheckedDefaultChecked = false;\nvar didWarnControlledToUncontrolled = false;\nvar didWarnUncontrolledToControlled = false;\n\nfunction isControlled(props) {\n var usesChecked = props.type === 'checkbox' || props.type === 'radio';\n return usesChecked ? props.checked != null : props.value != null;\n}\n/**\n * Implements an <input> host component that allows setting these optional\n * props: `checked`, `value`, `defaultChecked`, and `defaultValue`.\n *\n * If `checked` or `value` are not supplied (or null/undefined), user actions\n * that affect the checked state or value will trigger updates to the element.\n *\n * If they are supplied (and not null/undefined), the rendered element will not\n * trigger updates to the element. Instead, the props must change in order for\n * the rendered element to be updated.\n *\n * The rendered element will be initialized as unchecked (or `defaultChecked`)\n * with an empty value (or `defaultValue`).\n *\n * See\n */\n\n\nfunction getHostProps(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n var checked = props.checked;\n var hostProps = assign({}, props, {\n defaultChecked: undefined,\n defaultValue: undefined,\n value: undefined,\n checked: checked != null ? checked : node._wrapperState.initialChecked\n });\n return hostProps;\n}\nfunction initWrapperState(element, props) {\n {\n checkControlledValueProps('input', props);\n\n if (props.checked !== undefined && props.defaultChecked !== undefined && !didWarnCheckedDefaultChecked) {\n error('%s contains an input of type %s with both checked and defaultChecked props. ' + 'Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled ' + '(specify either the checked prop, or the defaultChecked prop, but not ' + 'both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input ' + 'element and remove one of these props. More info: ' + '', getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull() || 'A component', props.type);\n\n didWarnCheckedDefaultChecked = true;\n }\n\n if (props.value !== undefined && props.defaultValue !== undefined && !didWarnValueDefaultValue) {\n error('%s contains an input of type %s with both value and defaultValue props. ' + 'Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled ' + '(specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not ' + 'both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input ' + 'element and remove one of these props. More info: ' + '', getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull() || 'A component', props.type);\n\n didWarnValueDefaultValue = true;\n }\n }\n\n var node = element;\n var defaultValue = props.defaultValue == null ? '' : props.defaultValue;\n node._wrapperState = {\n initialChecked: props.checked != null ? props.checked : props.defaultChecked,\n initialValue: getToStringValue(props.value != null ? props.value : defaultValue),\n controlled: isControlled(props)\n };\n}\nfunction updateChecked(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n var checked = props.checked;\n\n if (checked != null) {\n setValueForProperty(node, 'checked', checked, false);\n }\n}\nfunction updateWrapper(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n\n {\n var controlled = isControlled(props);\n\n if (!node._wrapperState.controlled && controlled && !didWarnUncontrolledToControlled) {\n error('A component is changing an uncontrolled input to be controlled. ' + 'This is likely caused by the value changing from undefined to ' + 'a defined value, which should not happen. ' + 'Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input ' + 'element for the lifetime of the component. More info:');\n\n didWarnUncontrolledToControlled = true;\n }\n\n if (node._wrapperState.controlled && !controlled && !didWarnControlledToUncontrolled) {\n error('A component is changing a controlled input to be uncontrolled. ' + 'This is likely caused by the value changing from a defined to ' + 'undefined, which should not happen. ' + 'Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input ' + 'element for the lifetime of the component. More info:');\n\n didWarnControlledToUncontrolled = true;\n }\n }\n\n updateChecked(element, props);\n var value = getToStringValue(props.value);\n var type = props.type;\n\n if (value != null) {\n if (type === 'number') {\n if (value === 0 && node.value === '' || // We explicitly want to coerce to number here if possible.\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n node.value != value) {\n node.value = toString(value);\n }\n } else if (node.value !== toString(value)) {\n node.value = toString(value);\n }\n } else if (type === 'submit' || type === 'reset') {\n // Submit/reset inputs need the attribute removed completely to avoid\n // blank-text buttons.\n node.removeAttribute('value');\n return;\n }\n\n {\n // When syncing the value attribute, the value comes from a cascade of\n // properties:\n // 1. The value React property\n // 2. The defaultValue React property\n // 3. Otherwise there should be no change\n if (props.hasOwnProperty('value')) {\n setDefaultValue(node, props.type, value);\n } else if (props.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) {\n setDefaultValue(node, props.type, getToStringValue(props.defaultValue));\n }\n }\n\n {\n // When syncing the checked attribute, it only changes when it needs\n // to be removed, such as transitioning from a checkbox into a text input\n if (props.checked == null && props.defaultChecked != null) {\n node.defaultChecked = !!props.defaultChecked;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction postMountWrapper(element, props, isHydrating) {\n var node = element; // Do not assign value if it is already set. This prevents user text input\n // from being lost during SSR hydration.\n\n if (props.hasOwnProperty('value') || props.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) {\n var type = props.type;\n var isButton = type === 'submit' || type === 'reset'; // Avoid setting value attribute on submit/reset inputs as it overrides the\n // default value provided by the browser. See: #12872\n\n if (isButton && (props.value === undefined || props.value === null)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var initialValue = toString(node._wrapperState.initialValue); // Do not assign value if it is already set. This prevents user text input\n // from being lost during SSR hydration.\n\n if (!isHydrating) {\n {\n // When syncing the value attribute, the value property should use\n // the wrapperState._initialValue property. This uses:\n //\n // 1. The value React property when present\n // 2. The defaultValue React property when present\n // 3. An empty string\n if (initialValue !== node.value) {\n node.value = initialValue;\n }\n }\n }\n\n {\n // Otherwise, the value attribute is synchronized to the property,\n // so we assign defaultValue to the same thing as the value property\n // assignment step above.\n node.defaultValue = initialValue;\n }\n } // Normally, we'd just do `node.checked = node.checked` upon initial mount, less this bug\n // this is needed to work around a chrome bug where setting defaultChecked\n // will sometimes influence the value of checked (even after detachment).\n // Reference:\n // We need to temporarily unset name to avoid disrupting radio button groups.\n\n\n var name =;\n\n if (name !== '') {\n = '';\n }\n\n {\n // When syncing the checked attribute, both the checked property and\n // attribute are assigned at the same time using defaultChecked. This uses:\n //\n // 1. The checked React property when present\n // 2. The defaultChecked React property when present\n // 3. Otherwise, false\n node.defaultChecked = !node.defaultChecked;\n node.defaultChecked = !!node._wrapperState.initialChecked;\n }\n\n if (name !== '') {\n = name;\n }\n}\nfunction restoreControlledState(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n updateWrapper(node, props);\n updateNamedCousins(node, props);\n}\n\nfunction updateNamedCousins(rootNode, props) {\n var name =;\n\n if (props.type === 'radio' && name != null) {\n var queryRoot = rootNode;\n\n while (queryRoot.parentNode) {\n queryRoot = queryRoot.parentNode;\n } // If `rootNode.form` was non-null, then we could try `form.elements`,\n // but that sometimes behaves strangely in IE8. We could also try using\n // `form.getElementsByName`, but that will only return direct children\n // and won't include inputs that use the HTML5 `form=` attribute. Since\n // the input might not even be in a form. It might not even be in the\n // document. Let's just use the local `querySelectorAll` to ensure we don't\n // miss anything.\n\n\n {\n checkAttributeStringCoercion(name, 'name');\n }\n\n var group = queryRoot.querySelectorAll('input[name=' + JSON.stringify('' + name) + '][type=\"radio\"]');\n\n for (var i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {\n var otherNode = group[i];\n\n if (otherNode === rootNode || otherNode.form !== rootNode.form) {\n continue;\n } // This will throw if radio buttons rendered by different copies of React\n // and the same name are rendered into the same form (same as #1939).\n // That's probably okay; we don't support it just as we don't support\n // mixing React radio buttons with non-React ones.\n\n\n var otherProps = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(otherNode);\n\n if (!otherProps) {\n throw new Error('ReactDOMInput: Mixing React and non-React radio inputs with the ' + 'same `name` is not supported.');\n } // We need update the tracked value on the named cousin since the value\n // was changed but the input saw no event or value set\n\n\n updateValueIfChanged(otherNode); // If this is a controlled radio button group, forcing the input that\n // was previously checked to update will cause it to be come re-checked\n // as appropriate.\n\n updateWrapper(otherNode, otherProps);\n }\n }\n} // In Chrome, assigning defaultValue to certain input types triggers input validation.\n// For number inputs, the display value loses trailing decimal points. For email inputs,\n// Chrome raises \"The specified value <x> is not a valid email address\".\n//\n// Here we check to see if the defaultValue has actually changed, avoiding these problems\n// when the user is inputting text\n//\n//\n\n\nfunction setDefaultValue(node, type, value) {\n if ( // Focused number inputs synchronize on blur. See ChangeEventPlugin.js\n type !== 'number' || getActiveElement(node.ownerDocument) !== node) {\n if (value == null) {\n node.defaultValue = toString(node._wrapperState.initialValue);\n } else if (node.defaultValue !== toString(value)) {\n node.defaultValue = toString(value);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnSelectedSetOnOption = false;\nvar didWarnInvalidChild = false;\nvar didWarnInvalidInnerHTML = false;\n/**\n * Implements an <option> host component that warns when `selected` is set.\n */\n\nfunction validateProps(element, props) {\n {\n // If a value is not provided, then the children must be simple.\n if (props.value == null) {\n if (typeof props.children === 'object' && props.children !== null) {\n React.Children.forEach(props.children, function (child) {\n if (child == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof child === 'string' || typeof child === 'number') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!didWarnInvalidChild) {\n didWarnInvalidChild = true;\n\n error('Cannot infer the option value of complex children. ' + 'Pass a `value` prop or use a plain string as children to <option>.');\n }\n });\n } else if (props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) {\n if (!didWarnInvalidInnerHTML) {\n didWarnInvalidInnerHTML = true;\n\n error('Pass a `value` prop if you set dangerouslyInnerHTML so React knows ' + 'which value should be selected.');\n }\n }\n } // TODO: Remove support for `selected` in <option>.\n\n\n if (props.selected != null && !didWarnSelectedSetOnOption) {\n error('Use the `defaultValue` or `value` props on <select> instead of ' + 'setting `selected` on <option>.');\n\n didWarnSelectedSetOnOption = true;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction postMountWrapper$1(element, props) {\n // value=\"\" should make a value attribute (#6219)\n if (props.value != null) {\n element.setAttribute('value', toString(getToStringValue(props.value)));\n }\n}\n\nvar isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\n\nfunction isArray(a) {\n return isArrayImpl(a);\n}\n\nvar didWarnValueDefaultValue$1;\n\n{\n didWarnValueDefaultValue$1 = false;\n}\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum() {\n var ownerName = getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull();\n\n if (ownerName) {\n return '\\n\\nCheck the render method of `' + ownerName + '`.';\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nvar valuePropNames = ['value', 'defaultValue'];\n/**\n * Validation function for `value` and `defaultValue`.\n */\n\nfunction checkSelectPropTypes(props) {\n {\n checkControlledValueProps('select', props);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < valuePropNames.length; i++) {\n var propName = valuePropNames[i];\n\n if (props[propName] == null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var propNameIsArray = isArray(props[propName]);\n\n if (props.multiple && !propNameIsArray) {\n error('The `%s` prop supplied to <select> must be an array if ' + '`multiple` is true.%s', propName, getDeclarationErrorAddendum());\n } else if (!props.multiple && propNameIsArray) {\n error('The `%s` prop supplied to <select> must be a scalar ' + 'value if `multiple` is false.%s', propName, getDeclarationErrorAddendum());\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateOptions(node, multiple, propValue, setDefaultSelected) {\n var options = node.options;\n\n if (multiple) {\n var selectedValues = propValue;\n var selectedValue = {};\n\n for (var i = 0; i < selectedValues.length; i++) {\n // Prefix to avoid chaos with special keys.\n selectedValue['$' + selectedValues[i]] = true;\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < options.length; _i++) {\n var selected = selectedValue.hasOwnProperty('$' + options[_i].value);\n\n if (options[_i].selected !== selected) {\n options[_i].selected = selected;\n }\n\n if (selected && setDefaultSelected) {\n options[_i].defaultSelected = true;\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Do not set `select.value` as exact behavior isn't consistent across all\n // browsers for all cases.\n var _selectedValue = toString(getToStringValue(propValue));\n\n var defaultSelected = null;\n\n for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < options.length; _i2++) {\n if (options[_i2].value === _selectedValue) {\n options[_i2].selected = true;\n\n if (setDefaultSelected) {\n options[_i2].defaultSelected = true;\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (defaultSelected === null && !options[_i2].disabled) {\n defaultSelected = options[_i2];\n }\n }\n\n if (defaultSelected !== null) {\n defaultSelected.selected = true;\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Implements a <select> host component that allows optionally setting the\n * props `value` and `defaultValue`. If `multiple` is false, the prop must be a\n * stringable. If `multiple` is true, the prop must be an array of stringables.\n *\n * If `value` is not supplied (or null/undefined), user actions that change the\n * selected option will trigger updates to the rendered options.\n *\n * If it is supplied (and not null/undefined), the rendered options will not\n * update in response to user actions. Instead, the `value` prop must change in\n * order for the rendered options to update.\n *\n * If `defaultValue` is provided, any options with the supplied values will be\n * selected.\n */\n\n\nfunction getHostProps$1(element, props) {\n return assign({}, props, {\n value: undefined\n });\n}\nfunction initWrapperState$1(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n\n {\n checkSelectPropTypes(props);\n }\n\n node._wrapperState = {\n wasMultiple: !!props.multiple\n };\n\n {\n if (props.value !== undefined && props.defaultValue !== undefined && !didWarnValueDefaultValue$1) {\n error('Select elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled ' + '(specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not ' + 'both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled select ' + 'element and remove one of these props. More info: ' + '');\n\n didWarnValueDefaultValue$1 = true;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction postMountWrapper$2(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n node.multiple = !!props.multiple;\n var value = props.value;\n\n if (value != null) {\n updateOptions(node, !!props.multiple, value, false);\n } else if (props.defaultValue != null) {\n updateOptions(node, !!props.multiple, props.defaultValue, true);\n }\n}\nfunction postUpdateWrapper(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n var wasMultiple = node._wrapperState.wasMultiple;\n node._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!props.multiple;\n var value = props.value;\n\n if (value != null) {\n updateOptions(node, !!props.multiple, value, false);\n } else if (wasMultiple !== !!props.multiple) {\n // For simplicity, reapply `defaultValue` if `multiple` is toggled.\n if (props.defaultValue != null) {\n updateOptions(node, !!props.multiple, props.defaultValue, true);\n } else {\n // Revert the select back to its default unselected state.\n updateOptions(node, !!props.multiple, props.multiple ? [] : '', false);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction restoreControlledState$1(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n var value = props.value;\n\n if (value != null) {\n updateOptions(node, !!props.multiple, value, false);\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnValDefaultVal = false;\n\n/**\n * Implements a <textarea> host component that allows setting `value`, and\n * `defaultValue`. This differs from the traditional DOM API because value is\n * usually set as PCDATA children.\n *\n * If `value` is not supplied (or null/undefined), user actions that affect the\n * value will trigger updates to the element.\n *\n * If `value` is supplied (and not null/undefined), the rendered element will\n * not trigger updates to the element. Instead, the `value` prop must change in\n * order for the rendered element to be updated.\n *\n * The rendered element will be initialized with an empty value, the prop\n * `defaultValue` if specified, or the children content (deprecated).\n */\nfunction getHostProps$2(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n\n if (props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) {\n throw new Error('`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` does not make sense on <textarea>.');\n } // Always set children to the same thing. In IE9, the selection range will\n // get reset if `textContent` is mutated. We could add a check in setTextContent\n // to only set the value if/when the value differs from the node value (which would\n // completely solve this IE9 bug), but Sebastian+Sophie seemed to like this\n // solution. The value can be a boolean or object so that's why it's forced\n // to be a string.\n\n\n var hostProps = assign({}, props, {\n value: undefined,\n defaultValue: undefined,\n children: toString(node._wrapperState.initialValue)\n });\n\n return hostProps;\n}\nfunction initWrapperState$2(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n\n {\n checkControlledValueProps('textarea', props);\n\n if (props.value !== undefined && props.defaultValue !== undefined && !didWarnValDefaultVal) {\n error('%s contains a textarea with both value and defaultValue props. ' + 'Textarea elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled ' + '(specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not ' + 'both). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled textarea ' + 'and remove one of these props. More info: ' + '', getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull() || 'A component');\n\n didWarnValDefaultVal = true;\n }\n }\n\n var initialValue = props.value; // Only bother fetching default value if we're going to use it\n\n if (initialValue == null) {\n var children = props.children,\n defaultValue = props.defaultValue;\n\n if (children != null) {\n {\n error('Use the `defaultValue` or `value` props instead of setting ' + 'children on <textarea>.');\n }\n\n {\n if (defaultValue != null) {\n throw new Error('If you supply `defaultValue` on a <textarea>, do not pass children.');\n }\n\n if (isArray(children)) {\n if (children.length > 1) {\n throw new Error('<textarea> can only have at most one child.');\n }\n\n children = children[0];\n }\n\n defaultValue = children;\n }\n }\n\n if (defaultValue == null) {\n defaultValue = '';\n }\n\n initialValue = defaultValue;\n }\n\n node._wrapperState = {\n initialValue: getToStringValue(initialValue)\n };\n}\nfunction updateWrapper$1(element, props) {\n var node = element;\n var value = getToStringValue(props.value);\n var defaultValue = getToStringValue(props.defaultValue);\n\n if (value != null) {\n // Cast `value` to a string to ensure the value is set correctly. While\n // browsers typically do this as necessary, jsdom doesn't.\n var newValue = toString(value); // To avoid side effects (such as losing text selection), only set value if changed\n\n if (newValue !== node.value) {\n node.value = newValue;\n }\n\n if (props.defaultValue == null && node.defaultValue !== newValue) {\n node.defaultValue = newValue;\n }\n }\n\n if (defaultValue != null) {\n node.defaultValue = toString(defaultValue);\n }\n}\nfunction postMountWrapper$3(element, props) {\n var node = element; // This is in postMount because we need access to the DOM node, which is not\n // available until after the component has mounted.\n\n var textContent = node.textContent; // Only set node.value if textContent is equal to the expected\n // initial value. In IE10/IE11 there is a bug where the placeholder attribute\n // will populate textContent as well.\n //\n\n if (textContent === node._wrapperState.initialValue) {\n if (textContent !== '' && textContent !== null) {\n node.value = textContent;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction restoreControlledState$2(element, props) {\n // DOM component is still mounted; update\n updateWrapper$1(element, props);\n}\n\nvar HTML_NAMESPACE = '';\nvar MATH_NAMESPACE = '';\nvar SVG_NAMESPACE = ''; // Assumes there is no parent namespace.\n\nfunction getIntrinsicNamespace(type) {\n switch (type) {\n case 'svg':\n return SVG_NAMESPACE;\n\n case 'math':\n return MATH_NAMESPACE;\n\n default:\n return HTML_NAMESPACE;\n }\n}\nfunction getChildNamespace(parentNamespace, type) {\n if (parentNamespace == null || parentNamespace === HTML_NAMESPACE) {\n // No (or default) parent namespace: potential entry point.\n return getIntrinsicNamespace(type);\n }\n\n if (parentNamespace === SVG_NAMESPACE && type === 'foreignObject') {\n // We're leaving SVG.\n return HTML_NAMESPACE;\n } // By default, pass namespace below.\n\n\n return parentNamespace;\n}\n\n/* globals MSApp */\n\n/**\n * Create a function which has 'unsafe' privileges (required by windows8 apps)\n */\nvar createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction = function (func) {\n if (typeof MSApp !== 'undefined' && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction) {\n return function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {\n MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () {\n return func(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);\n });\n };\n } else {\n return func;\n }\n};\n\nvar reusableSVGContainer;\n/**\n * Set the innerHTML property of a node\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} html\n * @internal\n */\n\nvar setInnerHTML = createMicrosoftUnsafeLocalFunction(function (node, html) {\n if (node.namespaceURI === SVG_NAMESPACE) {\n\n if (!('innerHTML' in node)) {\n // IE does not have innerHTML for SVG nodes, so instead we inject the\n // new markup in a temp node and then move the child nodes across into\n // the target node\n reusableSVGContainer = reusableSVGContainer || document.createElement('div');\n reusableSVGContainer.innerHTML = '<svg>' + html.valueOf().toString() + '</svg>';\n var svgNode = reusableSVGContainer.firstChild;\n\n while (node.firstChild) {\n node.removeChild(node.firstChild);\n }\n\n while (svgNode.firstChild) {\n node.appendChild(svgNode.firstChild);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n }\n\n node.innerHTML = html;\n});\n\n/**\n * HTML nodeType values that represent the type of the node\n */\nvar ELEMENT_NODE = 1;\nvar TEXT_NODE = 3;\nvar COMMENT_NODE = 8;\nvar DOCUMENT_NODE = 9;\nvar DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11;\n\n/**\n * Set the textContent property of a node. For text updates, it's faster\n * to set the `nodeValue` of the Text node directly instead of using\n * `.textContent` which will remove the existing node and create a new one.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {string} text\n * @internal\n */\n\nvar setTextContent = function (node, text) {\n if (text) {\n var firstChild = node.firstChild;\n\n if (firstChild && firstChild === node.lastChild && firstChild.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {\n firstChild.nodeValue = text;\n return;\n }\n }\n\n node.textContent = text;\n};\n\n// List derived from Gecko source code:\n//\nvar shorthandToLonghand = {\n animation: ['animationDelay', 'animationDirection', 'animationDuration', 'animationFillMode', 'animationIterationCount', 'animationName', 'animationPlayState', 'animationTimingFunction'],\n background: ['backgroundAttachment', 'backgroundClip', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundImage', 'backgroundOrigin', 'backgroundPositionX', 'backgroundPositionY', 'backgroundRepeat', 'backgroundSize'],\n backgroundPosition: ['backgroundPositionX', 'backgroundPositionY'],\n border: ['borderBottomColor', 'borderBottomStyle', 'borderBottomWidth', 'borderImageOutset', 'borderImageRepeat', 'borderImageSlice', 'borderImageSource', 'borderImageWidth', 'borderLeftColor', 'borderLeftStyle', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightColor', 'borderRightStyle', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderTopColor', 'borderTopStyle', 'borderTopWidth'],\n borderBlockEnd: ['borderBlockEndColor', 'borderBlockEndStyle', 'borderBlockEndWidth'],\n borderBlockStart: ['borderBlockStartColor', 'borderBlockStartStyle', 'borderBlockStartWidth'],\n borderBottom: ['borderBottomColor', 'borderBottomStyle', 'borderBottomWidth'],\n borderColor: ['borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderTopColor'],\n borderImage: ['borderImageOutset', 'borderImageRepeat', 'borderImageSlice', 'borderImageSource', 'borderImageWidth'],\n borderInlineEnd: ['borderInlineEndColor', 'borderInlineEndStyle', 'borderInlineEndWidth'],\n borderInlineStart: ['borderInlineStartColor', 'borderInlineStartStyle', 'borderInlineStartWidth'],\n borderLeft: ['borderLeftColor', 'borderLeftStyle', 'borderLeftWidth'],\n borderRadius: ['borderBottomLeftRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius', 'borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderTopRightRadius'],\n borderRight: ['borderRightColor', 'borderRightStyle', 'borderRightWidth'],\n borderStyle: ['borderBottomStyle', 'borderLeftStyle', 'borderRightStyle', 'borderTopStyle'],\n borderTop: ['borderTopColor', 'borderTopStyle', 'borderTopWidth'],\n borderWidth: ['borderBottomWidth', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderTopWidth'],\n columnRule: ['columnRuleColor', 'columnRuleStyle', 'columnRuleWidth'],\n columns: ['columnCount', 'columnWidth'],\n flex: ['flexBasis', 'flexGrow', 'flexShrink'],\n flexFlow: ['flexDirection', 'flexWrap'],\n font: ['fontFamily', 'fontFeatureSettings', 'fontKerning', 'fontLanguageOverride', 'fontSize', 'fontSizeAdjust', 'fontStretch', 'fontStyle', 'fontVariant', 'fontVariantAlternates', 'fontVariantCaps', 'fontVariantEastAsian', 'fontVariantLigatures', 'fontVariantNumeric', 'fontVariantPosition', 'fontWeight', 'lineHeight'],\n fontVariant: ['fontVariantAlternates', 'fontVariantCaps', 'fontVariantEastAsian', 'fontVariantLigatures', 'fontVariantNumeric', 'fontVariantPosition'],\n gap: ['columnGap', 'rowGap'],\n grid: ['gridAutoColumns', 'gridAutoFlow', 'gridAutoRows', 'gridTemplateAreas', 'gridTemplateColumns', 'gridTemplateRows'],\n gridArea: ['gridColumnEnd', 'gridColumnStart', 'gridRowEnd', 'gridRowStart'],\n gridColumn: ['gridColumnEnd', 'gridColumnStart'],\n gridColumnGap: ['columnGap'],\n gridGap: ['columnGap', 'rowGap'],\n gridRow: ['gridRowEnd', 'gridRowStart'],\n gridRowGap: ['rowGap'],\n gridTemplate: ['gridTemplateAreas', 'gridTemplateColumns', 'gridTemplateRows'],\n listStyle: ['listStyleImage', 'listStylePosition', 'listStyleType'],\n margin: ['marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'marginTop'],\n marker: ['markerEnd', 'markerMid', 'markerStart'],\n mask: ['maskClip', 'maskComposite', 'maskImage', 'maskMode', 'maskOrigin', 'maskPositionX', 'maskPositionY', 'maskRepeat', 'maskSize'],\n maskPosition: ['maskPositionX', 'maskPositionY'],\n outline: ['outlineColor', 'outlineStyle', 'outlineWidth'],\n overflow: ['overflowX', 'overflowY'],\n padding: ['paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'paddingTop'],\n placeContent: ['alignContent', 'justifyContent'],\n placeItems: ['alignItems', 'justifyItems'],\n placeSelf: ['alignSelf', 'justifySelf'],\n textDecoration: ['textDecorationColor', 'textDecorationLine', 'textDecorationStyle'],\n textEmphasis: ['textEmphasisColor', 'textEmphasisStyle'],\n transition: ['transitionDelay', 'transitionDuration', 'transitionProperty', 'transitionTimingFunction'],\n wordWrap: ['overflowWrap']\n};\n\n/**\n * CSS properties which accept numbers but are not in units of \"px\".\n */\nvar isUnitlessNumber = {\n animationIterationCount: true,\n aspectRatio: true,\n borderImageOutset: true,\n borderImageSlice: true,\n borderImageWidth: true,\n boxFlex: true,\n boxFlexGroup: true,\n boxOrdinalGroup: true,\n columnCount: true,\n columns: true,\n flex: true,\n flexGrow: true,\n flexPositive: true,\n flexShrink: true,\n flexNegative: true,\n flexOrder: true,\n gridArea: true,\n gridRow: true,\n gridRowEnd: true,\n gridRowSpan: true,\n gridRowStart: true,\n gridColumn: true,\n gridColumnEnd: true,\n gridColumnSpan: true,\n gridColumnStart: true,\n fontWeight: true,\n lineClamp: true,\n lineHeight: true,\n opacity: true,\n order: true,\n orphans: true,\n tabSize: true,\n widows: true,\n zIndex: true,\n zoom: true,\n // SVG-related properties\n fillOpacity: true,\n floodOpacity: true,\n stopOpacity: true,\n strokeDasharray: true,\n strokeDashoffset: true,\n strokeMiterlimit: true,\n strokeOpacity: true,\n strokeWidth: true\n};\n/**\n * @param {string} prefix vendor-specific prefix, eg: Webkit\n * @param {string} key style name, eg: transitionDuration\n * @return {string} style name prefixed with `prefix`, properly camelCased, eg:\n * WebkitTransitionDuration\n */\n\nfunction prefixKey(prefix, key) {\n return prefix + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substring(1);\n}\n/**\n * Support style names that may come passed in prefixed by adding permutations\n * of vendor prefixes.\n */\n\n\nvar prefixes = ['Webkit', 'ms', 'Moz', 'O']; // Using Object.keys here, or else the vanilla for-in loop makes IE8 go into an\n// infinite loop, because it iterates over the newly added props too.\n\nObject.keys(isUnitlessNumber).forEach(function (prop) {\n prefixes.forEach(function (prefix) {\n isUnitlessNumber[prefixKey(prefix, prop)] = isUnitlessNumber[prop];\n });\n});\n\n/**\n * Convert a value into the proper css writable value. The style name `name`\n * should be logical (no hyphens), as specified\n * in `CSSProperty.isUnitlessNumber`.\n *\n * @param {string} name CSS property name such as `topMargin`.\n * @param {*} value CSS property value such as `10px`.\n * @return {string} Normalized style value with dimensions applied.\n */\n\nfunction dangerousStyleValue(name, value, isCustomProperty) {\n // Note that we've removed escapeTextForBrowser() calls here since the\n // whole string will be escaped when the attribute is injected into\n // the markup. If you provide unsafe user data here they can inject\n // arbitrary CSS which may be problematic (I couldn't repro this):\n //\n //\n // This is not an XSS hole but instead a potential CSS injection issue\n // which has lead to a greater discussion about how we're going to\n // trust URLs moving forward. See #2115901\n var isEmpty = value == null || typeof value === 'boolean' || value === '';\n\n if (isEmpty) {\n return '';\n }\n\n if (!isCustomProperty && typeof value === 'number' && value !== 0 && !(isUnitlessNumber.hasOwnProperty(name) && isUnitlessNumber[name])) {\n return value + 'px'; // Presumes implicit 'px' suffix for unitless numbers\n }\n\n {\n checkCSSPropertyStringCoercion(value, name);\n }\n\n return ('' + value).trim();\n}\n\nvar uppercasePattern = /([A-Z])/g;\nvar msPattern = /^ms-/;\n/**\n * Hyphenates a camelcased CSS property name, for example:\n *\n * > hyphenateStyleName('backgroundColor')\n * < \"background-color\"\n * > hyphenateStyleName('MozTransition')\n * < \"-moz-transition\"\n * > hyphenateStyleName('msTransition')\n * < \"-ms-transition\"\n *\n * As Modernizr suggests (, an `ms` prefix\n * is converted to `-ms-`.\n */\n\nfunction hyphenateStyleName(name) {\n return name.replace(uppercasePattern, '-$1').toLowerCase().replace(msPattern, '-ms-');\n}\n\nvar warnValidStyle = function () {};\n\n{\n // 'msTransform' is correct, but the other prefixes should be capitalized\n var badVendoredStyleNamePattern = /^(?:webkit|moz|o)[A-Z]/;\n var msPattern$1 = /^-ms-/;\n var hyphenPattern = /-(.)/g; // style values shouldn't contain a semicolon\n\n var badStyleValueWithSemicolonPattern = /;\\s*$/;\n var warnedStyleNames = {};\n var warnedStyleValues = {};\n var warnedForNaNValue = false;\n var warnedForInfinityValue = false;\n\n var camelize = function (string) {\n return string.replace(hyphenPattern, function (_, character) {\n return character.toUpperCase();\n });\n };\n\n var warnHyphenatedStyleName = function (name) {\n if (warnedStyleNames.hasOwnProperty(name) && warnedStyleNames[name]) {\n return;\n }\n\n warnedStyleNames[name] = true;\n\n error('Unsupported style property %s. Did you mean %s?', name, // As Andi Smith suggests\n // (, an `-ms` prefix\n // is converted to lowercase `ms`.\n camelize(name.replace(msPattern$1, 'ms-')));\n };\n\n var warnBadVendoredStyleName = function (name) {\n if (warnedStyleNames.hasOwnProperty(name) && warnedStyleNames[name]) {\n return;\n }\n\n warnedStyleNames[name] = true;\n\n error('Unsupported vendor-prefixed style property %s. Did you mean %s?', name, name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1));\n };\n\n var warnStyleValueWithSemicolon = function (name, value) {\n if (warnedStyleValues.hasOwnProperty(value) && warnedStyleValues[value]) {\n return;\n }\n\n warnedStyleValues[value] = true;\n\n error(\"Style property values shouldn't contain a semicolon. \" + 'Try \"%s: %s\" instead.', name, value.replace(badStyleValueWithSemicolonPattern, ''));\n };\n\n var warnStyleValueIsNaN = function (name, value) {\n if (warnedForNaNValue) {\n return;\n }\n\n warnedForNaNValue = true;\n\n error('`NaN` is an invalid value for the `%s` css style property.', name);\n };\n\n var warnStyleValueIsInfinity = function (name, value) {\n if (warnedForInfinityValue) {\n return;\n }\n\n warnedForInfinityValue = true;\n\n error('`Infinity` is an invalid value for the `%s` css style property.', name);\n };\n\n warnValidStyle = function (name, value) {\n if (name.indexOf('-') > -1) {\n warnHyphenatedStyleName(name);\n } else if (badVendoredStyleNamePattern.test(name)) {\n warnBadVendoredStyleName(name);\n } else if (badStyleValueWithSemicolonPattern.test(value)) {\n warnStyleValueWithSemicolon(name, value);\n }\n\n if (typeof value === 'number') {\n if (isNaN(value)) {\n warnStyleValueIsNaN(name, value);\n } else if (!isFinite(value)) {\n warnStyleValueIsInfinity(name, value);\n }\n }\n };\n}\n\nvar warnValidStyle$1 = warnValidStyle;\n\n/**\n * Operations for dealing with CSS properties.\n */\n\n/**\n * This creates a string that is expected to be equivalent to the style\n * attribute generated by server-side rendering. It by-passes warnings and\n * security checks so it's not safe to use this value for anything other than\n * comparison. It is only used in DEV for SSR validation.\n */\n\nfunction createDangerousStringForStyles(styles) {\n {\n var serialized = '';\n var delimiter = '';\n\n for (var styleName in styles) {\n if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(styleName)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var styleValue = styles[styleName];\n\n if (styleValue != null) {\n var isCustomProperty = styleName.indexOf('--') === 0;\n serialized += delimiter + (isCustomProperty ? styleName : hyphenateStyleName(styleName)) + ':';\n serialized += dangerousStyleValue(styleName, styleValue, isCustomProperty);\n delimiter = ';';\n }\n }\n\n return serialized || null;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Sets the value for multiple styles on a node. If a value is specified as\n * '' (empty string), the corresponding style property will be unset.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement} node\n * @param {object} styles\n */\n\nfunction setValueForStyles(node, styles) {\n var style =;\n\n for (var styleName in styles) {\n if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(styleName)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var isCustomProperty = styleName.indexOf('--') === 0;\n\n {\n if (!isCustomProperty) {\n warnValidStyle$1(styleName, styles[styleName]);\n }\n }\n\n var styleValue = dangerousStyleValue(styleName, styles[styleName], isCustomProperty);\n\n if (styleName === 'float') {\n styleName = 'cssFloat';\n }\n\n if (isCustomProperty) {\n style.setProperty(styleName, styleValue);\n } else {\n style[styleName] = styleValue;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction isValueEmpty(value) {\n return value == null || typeof value === 'boolean' || value === '';\n}\n/**\n * Given {color: 'red', overflow: 'hidden'} returns {\n * color: 'color',\n * overflowX: 'overflow',\n * overflowY: 'overflow',\n * }. This can be read as \"the overflowY property was set by the overflow\n * shorthand\". That is, the values are the property that each was derived from.\n */\n\n\nfunction expandShorthandMap(styles) {\n var expanded = {};\n\n for (var key in styles) {\n var longhands = shorthandToLonghand[key] || [key];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < longhands.length; i++) {\n expanded[longhands[i]] = key;\n }\n }\n\n return expanded;\n}\n/**\n * When mixing shorthand and longhand property names, we warn during updates if\n * we expect an incorrect result to occur. In particular, we warn for:\n *\n * Updating a shorthand property (longhand gets overwritten):\n * {font: 'foo', fontVariant: 'bar'} -> {font: 'baz', fontVariant: 'bar'}\n * becomes .style.font = 'baz'\n * Removing a shorthand property (longhand gets lost too):\n * {font: 'foo', fontVariant: 'bar'} -> {fontVariant: 'bar'}\n * becomes .style.font = ''\n * Removing a longhand property (should revert to shorthand; doesn't):\n * {font: 'foo', fontVariant: 'bar'} -> {font: 'foo'}\n * becomes .style.fontVariant = ''\n */\n\n\nfunction validateShorthandPropertyCollisionInDev(styleUpdates, nextStyles) {\n {\n if (!nextStyles) {\n return;\n }\n\n var expandedUpdates = expandShorthandMap(styleUpdates);\n var expandedStyles = expandShorthandMap(nextStyles);\n var warnedAbout = {};\n\n for (var key in expandedUpdates) {\n var originalKey = expandedUpdates[key];\n var correctOriginalKey = expandedStyles[key];\n\n if (correctOriginalKey && originalKey !== correctOriginalKey) {\n var warningKey = originalKey + ',' + correctOriginalKey;\n\n if (warnedAbout[warningKey]) {\n continue;\n }\n\n warnedAbout[warningKey] = true;\n\n error('%s a style property during rerender (%s) when a ' + 'conflicting property is set (%s) can lead to styling bugs. To ' + \"avoid this, don't mix shorthand and non-shorthand properties \" + 'for the same value; instead, replace the shorthand with ' + 'separate values.', isValueEmpty(styleUpdates[originalKey]) ? 'Removing' : 'Updating', originalKey, correctOriginalKey);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// For HTML, certain tags should omit their close tag. We keep a list for\n// those special-case tags.\nvar omittedCloseTags = {\n area: true,\n base: true,\n br: true,\n col: true,\n embed: true,\n hr: true,\n img: true,\n input: true,\n keygen: true,\n link: true,\n meta: true,\n param: true,\n source: true,\n track: true,\n wbr: true // NOTE: menuitem's close tag should be omitted, but that causes problems.\n\n};\n\n// `omittedCloseTags` except that `menuitem` should still have its closing tag.\n\nvar voidElementTags = assign({\n menuitem: true\n}, omittedCloseTags);\n\nvar HTML = '__html';\n\nfunction assertValidProps(tag, props) {\n if (!props) {\n return;\n } // Note the use of `==` which checks for null or undefined.\n\n\n if (voidElementTags[tag]) {\n if (props.children != null || props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) {\n throw new Error(tag + \" is a void element tag and must neither have `children` nor \" + 'use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.');\n }\n }\n\n if (props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) {\n if (props.children != null) {\n throw new Error('Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.');\n }\n\n if (typeof props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML !== 'object' || !(HTML in props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) {\n throw new Error('`props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be in the form `{__html: ...}`. ' + 'Please visit ' + 'for more information.');\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (!props.suppressContentEditableWarning && props.contentEditable && props.children != null) {\n error('A component is `contentEditable` and contains `children` managed by ' + 'React. It is now your responsibility to guarantee that none of ' + 'those nodes are unexpectedly modified or duplicated. This is ' + 'probably not intentional.');\n }\n }\n\n if ( != null && typeof !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('The `style` prop expects a mapping from style properties to values, ' + \"not a string. For example, style={{marginRight: spacing + 'em'}} when \" + 'using JSX.');\n }\n}\n\nfunction isCustomComponent(tagName, props) {\n if (tagName.indexOf('-') === -1) {\n return typeof === 'string';\n }\n\n switch (tagName) {\n // These are reserved SVG and MathML elements.\n // We don't mind this list too much because we expect it to never grow.\n // The alternative is to track the namespace in a few places which is convoluted.\n //\n case 'annotation-xml':\n case 'color-profile':\n case 'font-face':\n case 'font-face-src':\n case 'font-face-uri':\n case 'font-face-format':\n case 'font-face-name':\n case 'missing-glyph':\n return false;\n\n default:\n return true;\n }\n}\n\n// When adding attributes to the HTML or SVG allowed attribute list, be sure to\n// also add them to this module to ensure casing and incorrect name\n// warnings.\nvar possibleStandardNames = {\n // HTML\n accept: 'accept',\n acceptcharset: 'acceptCharset',\n 'accept-charset': 'acceptCharset',\n accesskey: 'accessKey',\n action: 'action',\n allowfullscreen: 'allowFullScreen',\n alt: 'alt',\n as: 'as',\n async: 'async',\n autocapitalize: 'autoCapitalize',\n autocomplete: 'autoComplete',\n autocorrect: 'autoCorrect',\n autofocus: 'autoFocus',\n autoplay: 'autoPlay',\n autosave: 'autoSave',\n capture: 'capture',\n cellpadding: 'cellPadding',\n cellspacing: 'cellSpacing',\n challenge: 'challenge',\n charset: 'charSet',\n checked: 'checked',\n children: 'children',\n cite: 'cite',\n class: 'className',\n classid: 'classID',\n classname: 'className',\n cols: 'cols',\n colspan: 'colSpan',\n content: 'content',\n contenteditable: 'contentEditable',\n contextmenu: 'contextMenu',\n controls: 'controls',\n controlslist: 'controlsList',\n coords: 'coords',\n crossorigin: 'crossOrigin',\n dangerouslysetinnerhtml: 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML',\n data: 'data',\n datetime: 'dateTime',\n default: 'default',\n defaultchecked: 'defaultChecked',\n defaultvalue: 'defaultValue',\n defer: 'defer',\n dir: 'dir',\n disabled: 'disabled',\n disablepictureinpicture: 'disablePictureInPicture',\n disableremoteplayback: 'disableRemotePlayback',\n download: 'download',\n draggable: 'draggable',\n enctype: 'encType',\n enterkeyhint: 'enterKeyHint',\n for: 'htmlFor',\n form: 'form',\n formmethod: 'formMethod',\n formaction: 'formAction',\n formenctype: 'formEncType',\n formnovalidate: 'formNoValidate',\n formtarget: 'formTarget',\n frameborder: 'frameBorder',\n headers: 'headers',\n height: 'height',\n hidden: 'hidden',\n high: 'high',\n href: 'href',\n hreflang: 'hrefLang',\n htmlfor: 'htmlFor',\n httpequiv: 'httpEquiv',\n 'http-equiv': 'httpEquiv',\n icon: 'icon',\n id: 'id',\n imagesizes: 'imageSizes',\n imagesrcset: 'imageSrcSet',\n innerhtml: 'innerHTML',\n inputmode: 'inputMode',\n integrity: 'integrity',\n is: 'is',\n itemid: 'itemID',\n itemprop: 'itemProp',\n itemref: 'itemRef',\n itemscope: 'itemScope',\n itemtype: 'itemType',\n keyparams: 'keyParams',\n keytype: 'keyType',\n kind: 'kind',\n label: 'label',\n lang: 'lang',\n list: 'list',\n loop: 'loop',\n low: 'low',\n manifest: 'manifest',\n marginwidth: 'marginWidth',\n marginheight: 'marginHeight',\n max: 'max',\n maxlength: 'maxLength',\n media: 'media',\n mediagroup: 'mediaGroup',\n method: 'method',\n min: 'min',\n minlength: 'minLength',\n multiple: 'multiple',\n muted: 'muted',\n name: 'name',\n nomodule: 'noModule',\n nonce: 'nonce',\n novalidate: 'noValidate',\n open: 'open',\n optimum: 'optimum',\n pattern: 'pattern',\n placeholder: 'placeholder',\n playsinline: 'playsInline',\n poster: 'poster',\n preload: 'preload',\n profile: 'profile',\n radiogroup: 'radioGroup',\n readonly: 'readOnly',\n referrerpolicy: 'referrerPolicy',\n rel: 'rel',\n required: 'required',\n reversed: 'reversed',\n role: 'role',\n rows: 'rows',\n rowspan: 'rowSpan',\n sandbox: 'sandbox',\n scope: 'scope',\n scoped: 'scoped',\n scrolling: 'scrolling',\n seamless: 'seamless',\n selected: 'selected',\n shape: 'shape',\n size: 'size',\n sizes: 'sizes',\n span: 'span',\n spellcheck: 'spellCheck',\n src: 'src',\n srcdoc: 'srcDoc',\n srclang: 'srcLang',\n srcset: 'srcSet',\n start: 'start',\n step: 'step',\n style: 'style',\n summary: 'summary',\n tabindex: 'tabIndex',\n target: 'target',\n title: 'title',\n type: 'type',\n usemap: 'useMap',\n value: 'value',\n width: 'width',\n wmode: 'wmode',\n wrap: 'wrap',\n // SVG\n about: 'about',\n accentheight: 'accentHeight',\n 'accent-height': 'accentHeight',\n accumulate: 'accumulate',\n additive: 'additive',\n alignmentbaseline: 'alignmentBaseline',\n 'alignment-baseline': 'alignmentBaseline',\n allowreorder: 'allowReorder',\n alphabetic: 'alphabetic',\n amplitude: 'amplitude',\n arabicform: 'arabicForm',\n 'arabic-form': 'arabicForm',\n ascent: 'ascent',\n attributename: 'attributeName',\n attributetype: 'attributeType',\n autoreverse: 'autoReverse',\n azimuth: 'azimuth',\n basefrequency: 'baseFrequency',\n baselineshift: 'baselineShift',\n 'baseline-shift': 'baselineShift',\n baseprofile: 'baseProfile',\n bbox: 'bbox',\n begin: 'begin',\n bias: 'bias',\n by: 'by',\n calcmode: 'calcMode',\n capheight: 'capHeight',\n 'cap-height': 'capHeight',\n clip: 'clip',\n clippath: 'clipPath',\n 'clip-path': 'clipPath',\n clippathunits: 'clipPathUnits',\n cliprule: 'clipRule',\n 'clip-rule': 'clipRule',\n color: 'color',\n colorinterpolation: 'colorInterpolation',\n 'color-interpolation': 'colorInterpolation',\n colorinterpolationfilters: 'colorInterpolationFilters',\n 'color-interpolation-filters': 'colorInterpolationFilters',\n colorprofile: 'colorProfile',\n 'color-profile': 'colorProfile',\n colorrendering: 'colorRendering',\n 'color-rendering': 'colorRendering',\n contentscripttype: 'contentScriptType',\n contentstyletype: 'contentStyleType',\n cursor: 'cursor',\n cx: 'cx',\n cy: 'cy',\n d: 'd',\n datatype: 'datatype',\n decelerate: 'decelerate',\n descent: 'descent',\n diffuseconstant: 'diffuseConstant',\n direction: 'direction',\n display: 'display',\n divisor: 'divisor',\n dominantbaseline: 'dominantBaseline',\n 'dominant-baseline': 'dominantBaseline',\n dur: 'dur',\n dx: 'dx',\n dy: 'dy',\n edgemode: 'edgeMode',\n elevation: 'elevation',\n enablebackground: 'enableBackground',\n 'enable-background': 'enableBackground',\n end: 'end',\n exponent: 'exponent',\n externalresourcesrequired: 'externalResourcesRequired',\n fill: 'fill',\n fillopacity: 'fillOpacity',\n 'fill-opacity': 'fillOpacity',\n fillrule: 'fillRule',\n 'fill-rule': 'fillRule',\n filter: 'filter',\n filterres: 'filterRes',\n filterunits: 'filterUnits',\n floodopacity: 'floodOpacity',\n 'flood-opacity': 'floodOpacity',\n floodcolor: 'floodColor',\n 'flood-color': 'floodColor',\n focusable: 'focusable',\n fontfamily: 'fontFamily',\n 'font-family': 'fontFamily',\n fontsize: 'fontSize',\n 'font-size': 'fontSize',\n fontsizeadjust: 'fontSizeAdjust',\n 'font-size-adjust': 'fontSizeAdjust',\n fontstretch: 'fontStretch',\n 'font-stretch': 'fontStretch',\n fontstyle: 'fontStyle',\n 'font-style': 'fontStyle',\n fontvariant: 'fontVariant',\n 'font-variant': 'fontVariant',\n fontweight: 'fontWeight',\n 'font-weight': 'fontWeight',\n format: 'format',\n from: 'from',\n fx: 'fx',\n fy: 'fy',\n g1: 'g1',\n g2: 'g2',\n glyphname: 'glyphName',\n 'glyph-name': 'glyphName',\n glyphorientationhorizontal: 'glyphOrientationHorizontal',\n 'glyph-orientation-horizontal': 'glyphOrientationHorizontal',\n glyphorientationvertical: 'glyphOrientationVertical',\n 'glyph-orientation-vertical': 'glyphOrientationVertical',\n glyphref: 'glyphRef',\n gradienttransform: 'gradientTransform',\n gradientunits: 'gradientUnits',\n hanging: 'hanging',\n horizadvx: 'horizAdvX',\n 'horiz-adv-x': 'horizAdvX',\n horizoriginx: 'horizOriginX',\n 'horiz-origin-x': 'horizOriginX',\n ideographic: 'ideographic',\n imagerendering: 'imageRendering',\n 'image-rendering': 'imageRendering',\n in2: 'in2',\n in: 'in',\n inlist: 'inlist',\n intercept: 'intercept',\n k1: 'k1',\n k2: 'k2',\n k3: 'k3',\n k4: 'k4',\n k: 'k',\n kernelmatrix: 'kernelMatrix',\n kernelunitlength: 'kernelUnitLength',\n kerning: 'kerning',\n keypoints: 'keyPoints',\n keysplines: 'keySplines',\n keytimes: 'keyTimes',\n lengthadjust: 'lengthAdjust',\n letterspacing: 'letterSpacing',\n 'letter-spacing': 'letterSpacing',\n lightingcolor: 'lightingColor',\n 'lighting-color': 'lightingColor',\n limitingconeangle: 'limitingConeAngle',\n local: 'local',\n markerend: 'markerEnd',\n 'marker-end': 'markerEnd',\n markerheight: 'markerHeight',\n markermid: 'markerMid',\n 'marker-mid': 'markerMid',\n markerstart: 'markerStart',\n 'marker-start': 'markerStart',\n markerunits: 'markerUnits',\n markerwidth: 'markerWidth',\n mask: 'mask',\n maskcontentunits: 'maskContentUnits',\n maskunits: 'maskUnits',\n mathematical: 'mathematical',\n mode: 'mode',\n numoctaves: 'numOctaves',\n offset: 'offset',\n opacity: 'opacity',\n operator: 'operator',\n order: 'order',\n orient: 'orient',\n orientation: 'orientation',\n origin: 'origin',\n overflow: 'overflow',\n overlineposition: 'overlinePosition',\n 'overline-position': 'overlinePosition',\n overlinethickness: 'overlineThickness',\n 'overline-thickness': 'overlineThickness',\n paintorder: 'paintOrder',\n 'paint-order': 'paintOrder',\n panose1: 'panose1',\n 'panose-1': 'panose1',\n pathlength: 'pathLength',\n patterncontentunits: 'patternContentUnits',\n patterntransform: 'patternTransform',\n patternunits: 'patternUnits',\n pointerevents: 'pointerEvents',\n 'pointer-events': 'pointerEvents',\n points: 'points',\n pointsatx: 'pointsAtX',\n pointsaty: 'pointsAtY',\n pointsatz: 'pointsAtZ',\n prefix: 'prefix',\n preservealpha: 'preserveAlpha',\n preserveaspectratio: 'preserveAspectRatio',\n primitiveunits: 'primitiveUnits',\n property: 'property',\n r: 'r',\n radius: 'radius',\n refx: 'refX',\n refy: 'refY',\n renderingintent: 'renderingIntent',\n 'rendering-intent': 'renderingIntent',\n repeatcount: 'repeatCount',\n repeatdur: 'repeatDur',\n requiredextensions: 'requiredExtensions',\n requiredfeatures: 'requiredFeatures',\n resource: 'resource',\n restart: 'restart',\n result: 'result',\n results: 'results',\n rotate: 'rotate',\n rx: 'rx',\n ry: 'ry',\n scale: 'scale',\n security: 'security',\n seed: 'seed',\n shaperendering: 'shapeRendering',\n 'shape-rendering': 'shapeRendering',\n slope: 'slope',\n spacing: 'spacing',\n specularconstant: 'specularConstant',\n specularexponent: 'specularExponent',\n speed: 'speed',\n spreadmethod: 'spreadMethod',\n startoffset: 'startOffset',\n stddeviation: 'stdDeviation',\n stemh: 'stemh',\n stemv: 'stemv',\n stitchtiles: 'stitchTiles',\n stopcolor: 'stopColor',\n 'stop-color': 'stopColor',\n stopopacity: 'stopOpacity',\n 'stop-opacity': 'stopOpacity',\n strikethroughposition: 'strikethroughPosition',\n 'strikethrough-position': 'strikethroughPosition',\n strikethroughthickness: 'strikethroughThickness',\n 'strikethrough-thickness': 'strikethroughThickness',\n string: 'string',\n stroke: 'stroke',\n strokedasharray: 'strokeDasharray',\n 'stroke-dasharray': 'strokeDasharray',\n strokedashoffset: 'strokeDashoffset',\n 'stroke-dashoffset': 'strokeDashoffset',\n strokelinecap: 'strokeLinecap',\n 'stroke-linecap': 'strokeLinecap',\n strokelinejoin: 'strokeLinejoin',\n 'stroke-linejoin': 'strokeLinejoin',\n strokemiterlimit: 'strokeMiterlimit',\n 'stroke-miterlimit': 'strokeMiterlimit',\n strokewidth: 'strokeWidth',\n 'stroke-width': 'strokeWidth',\n strokeopacity: 'strokeOpacity',\n 'stroke-opacity': 'strokeOpacity',\n suppresscontenteditablewarning: 'suppressContentEditableWarning',\n suppresshydrationwarning: 'suppressHydrationWarning',\n surfacescale: 'surfaceScale',\n systemlanguage: 'systemLanguage',\n tablevalues: 'tableValues',\n targetx: 'targetX',\n targety: 'targetY',\n textanchor: 'textAnchor',\n 'text-anchor': 'textAnchor',\n textdecoration: 'textDecoration',\n 'text-decoration': 'textDecoration',\n textlength: 'textLength',\n textrendering: 'textRendering',\n 'text-rendering': 'textRendering',\n to: 'to',\n transform: 'transform',\n typeof: 'typeof',\n u1: 'u1',\n u2: 'u2',\n underlineposition: 'underlinePosition',\n 'underline-position': 'underlinePosition',\n underlinethickness: 'underlineThickness',\n 'underline-thickness': 'underlineThickness',\n unicode: 'unicode',\n unicodebidi: 'unicodeBidi',\n 'unicode-bidi': 'unicodeBidi',\n unicoderange: 'unicodeRange',\n 'unicode-range': 'unicodeRange',\n unitsperem: 'unitsPerEm',\n 'units-per-em': 'unitsPerEm',\n unselectable: 'unselectable',\n valphabetic: 'vAlphabetic',\n 'v-alphabetic': 'vAlphabetic',\n values: 'values',\n vectoreffect: 'vectorEffect',\n 'vector-effect': 'vectorEffect',\n version: 'version',\n vertadvy: 'vertAdvY',\n 'vert-adv-y': 'vertAdvY',\n vertoriginx: 'vertOriginX',\n 'vert-origin-x': 'vertOriginX',\n vertoriginy: 'vertOriginY',\n 'vert-origin-y': 'vertOriginY',\n vhanging: 'vHanging',\n 'v-hanging': 'vHanging',\n videographic: 'vIdeographic',\n 'v-ideographic': 'vIdeographic',\n viewbox: 'viewBox',\n viewtarget: 'viewTarget',\n visibility: 'visibility',\n vmathematical: 'vMathematical',\n 'v-mathematical': 'vMathematical',\n vocab: 'vocab',\n widths: 'widths',\n wordspacing: 'wordSpacing',\n 'word-spacing': 'wordSpacing',\n writingmode: 'writingMode',\n 'writing-mode': 'writingMode',\n x1: 'x1',\n x2: 'x2',\n x: 'x',\n xchannelselector: 'xChannelSelector',\n xheight: 'xHeight',\n 'x-height': 'xHeight',\n xlinkactuate: 'xlinkActuate',\n 'xlink:actuate': 'xlinkActuate',\n xlinkarcrole: 'xlinkArcrole',\n 'xlink:arcrole': 'xlinkArcrole',\n xlinkhref: 'xlinkHref',\n 'xlink:href': 'xlinkHref',\n xlinkrole: 'xlinkRole',\n 'xlink:role': 'xlinkRole',\n xlinkshow: 'xlinkShow',\n 'xlink:show': 'xlinkShow',\n xlinktitle: 'xlinkTitle',\n 'xlink:title': 'xlinkTitle',\n xlinktype: 'xlinkType',\n 'xlink:type': 'xlinkType',\n xmlbase: 'xmlBase',\n 'xml:base': 'xmlBase',\n xmllang: 'xmlLang',\n 'xml:lang': 'xmlLang',\n xmlns: 'xmlns',\n 'xml:space': 'xmlSpace',\n xmlnsxlink: 'xmlnsXlink',\n 'xmlns:xlink': 'xmlnsXlink',\n xmlspace: 'xmlSpace',\n y1: 'y1',\n y2: 'y2',\n y: 'y',\n ychannelselector: 'yChannelSelector',\n z: 'z',\n zoomandpan: 'zoomAndPan'\n};\n\nvar ariaProperties = {\n 'aria-current': 0,\n // state\n 'aria-description': 0,\n 'aria-details': 0,\n 'aria-disabled': 0,\n // state\n 'aria-hidden': 0,\n // state\n 'aria-invalid': 0,\n // state\n 'aria-keyshortcuts': 0,\n 'aria-label': 0,\n 'aria-roledescription': 0,\n // Widget Attributes\n 'aria-autocomplete': 0,\n 'aria-checked': 0,\n 'aria-expanded': 0,\n 'aria-haspopup': 0,\n 'aria-level': 0,\n 'aria-modal': 0,\n 'aria-multiline': 0,\n 'aria-multiselectable': 0,\n 'aria-orientation': 0,\n 'aria-placeholder': 0,\n 'aria-pressed': 0,\n 'aria-readonly': 0,\n 'aria-required': 0,\n 'aria-selected': 0,\n 'aria-sort': 0,\n 'aria-valuemax': 0,\n 'aria-valuemin': 0,\n 'aria-valuenow': 0,\n 'aria-valuetext': 0,\n // Live Region Attributes\n 'aria-atomic': 0,\n 'aria-busy': 0,\n 'aria-live': 0,\n 'aria-relevant': 0,\n // Drag-and-Drop Attributes\n 'aria-dropeffect': 0,\n 'aria-grabbed': 0,\n // Relationship Attributes\n 'aria-activedescendant': 0,\n 'aria-colcount': 0,\n 'aria-colindex': 0,\n 'aria-colspan': 0,\n 'aria-controls': 0,\n 'aria-describedby': 0,\n 'aria-errormessage': 0,\n 'aria-flowto': 0,\n 'aria-labelledby': 0,\n 'aria-owns': 0,\n 'aria-posinset': 0,\n 'aria-rowcount': 0,\n 'aria-rowindex': 0,\n 'aria-rowspan': 0,\n 'aria-setsize': 0\n};\n\nvar warnedProperties = {};\nvar rARIA = new RegExp('^(aria)-[' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$');\nvar rARIACamel = new RegExp('^(aria)[A-Z][' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$');\n\nfunction validateProperty(tagName, name) {\n {\n if (, name) && warnedProperties[name]) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (rARIACamel.test(name)) {\n var ariaName = 'aria-' + name.slice(4).toLowerCase();\n var correctName = ariaProperties.hasOwnProperty(ariaName) ? ariaName : null; // If this is an aria-* attribute, but is not listed in the known DOM\n // DOM properties, then it is an invalid aria-* attribute.\n\n if (correctName == null) {\n error('Invalid ARIA attribute `%s`. ARIA attributes follow the pattern aria-* and must be lowercase.', name);\n\n warnedProperties[name] = true;\n return true;\n } // aria-* attributes should be lowercase; suggest the lowercase version.\n\n\n if (name !== correctName) {\n error('Invalid ARIA attribute `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, correctName);\n\n warnedProperties[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n if (rARIA.test(name)) {\n var lowerCasedName = name.toLowerCase();\n var standardName = ariaProperties.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName) ? lowerCasedName : null; // If this is an aria-* attribute, but is not listed in the known DOM\n // DOM properties, then it is an invalid aria-* attribute.\n\n if (standardName == null) {\n warnedProperties[name] = true;\n return false;\n } // aria-* attributes should be lowercase; suggest the lowercase version.\n\n\n if (name !== standardName) {\n error('Unknown ARIA attribute `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, standardName);\n\n warnedProperties[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction warnInvalidARIAProps(type, props) {\n {\n var invalidProps = [];\n\n for (var key in props) {\n var isValid = validateProperty(type, key);\n\n if (!isValid) {\n invalidProps.push(key);\n }\n }\n\n var unknownPropString = (prop) {\n return '`' + prop + '`';\n }).join(', ');\n\n if (invalidProps.length === 1) {\n error('Invalid aria prop %s on <%s> tag. ' + 'For details, see', unknownPropString, type);\n } else if (invalidProps.length > 1) {\n error('Invalid aria props %s on <%s> tag. ' + 'For details, see', unknownPropString, type);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction validateProperties(type, props) {\n if (isCustomComponent(type, props)) {\n return;\n }\n\n warnInvalidARIAProps(type, props);\n}\n\nvar didWarnValueNull = false;\nfunction validateProperties$1(type, props) {\n {\n if (type !== 'input' && type !== 'textarea' && type !== 'select') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (props != null && props.value === null && !didWarnValueNull) {\n didWarnValueNull = true;\n\n if (type === 'select' && props.multiple) {\n error('`value` prop on `%s` should not be null. ' + 'Consider using an empty array when `multiple` is set to `true` ' + 'to clear the component or `undefined` for uncontrolled components.', type);\n } else {\n error('`value` prop on `%s` should not be null. ' + 'Consider using an empty string to clear the component or `undefined` ' + 'for uncontrolled components.', type);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar validateProperty$1 = function () {};\n\n{\n var warnedProperties$1 = {};\n var EVENT_NAME_REGEX = /^on./;\n var INVALID_EVENT_NAME_REGEX = /^on[^A-Z]/;\n var rARIA$1 = new RegExp('^(aria)-[' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$');\n var rARIACamel$1 = new RegExp('^(aria)[A-Z][' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$');\n\n validateProperty$1 = function (tagName, name, value, eventRegistry) {\n if ($1, name) && warnedProperties$1[name]) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var lowerCasedName = name.toLowerCase();\n\n if (lowerCasedName === 'onfocusin' || lowerCasedName === 'onfocusout') {\n error('React uses onFocus and onBlur instead of onFocusIn and onFocusOut. ' + 'All React events are normalized to bubble, so onFocusIn and onFocusOut ' + 'are not needed/supported by React.');\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n } // We can't rely on the event system being injected on the server.\n\n\n if (eventRegistry != null) {\n var registrationNameDependencies = eventRegistry.registrationNameDependencies,\n possibleRegistrationNames = eventRegistry.possibleRegistrationNames;\n\n if (registrationNameDependencies.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var registrationName = possibleRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName) ? possibleRegistrationNames[lowerCasedName] : null;\n\n if (registrationName != null) {\n error('Invalid event handler property `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, registrationName);\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n if (EVENT_NAME_REGEX.test(name)) {\n error('Unknown event handler property `%s`. It will be ignored.', name);\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n } else if (EVENT_NAME_REGEX.test(name)) {\n // If no event plugins have been injected, we are in a server environment.\n // So we can't tell if the event name is correct for sure, but we can filter\n // out known bad ones like `onclick`. We can't suggest a specific replacement though.\n if (INVALID_EVENT_NAME_REGEX.test(name)) {\n error('Invalid event handler property `%s`. ' + 'React events use the camelCase naming convention, for example `onClick`.', name);\n }\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n } // Let the ARIA attribute hook validate ARIA attributes\n\n\n if (rARIA$1.test(name) || rARIACamel$1.test(name)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (lowerCasedName === 'innerhtml') {\n error('Directly setting property `innerHTML` is not permitted. ' + 'For more information, lookup documentation on `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.');\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n if (lowerCasedName === 'aria') {\n error('The `aria` attribute is reserved for future use in React. ' + 'Pass individual `aria-` attributes instead.');\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n if (lowerCasedName === 'is' && value !== null && value !== undefined && typeof value !== 'string') {\n error('Received a `%s` for a string attribute `is`. If this is expected, cast ' + 'the value to a string.', typeof value);\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value)) {\n error('Received NaN for the `%s` attribute. If this is expected, cast ' + 'the value to a string.', name);\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n var propertyInfo = getPropertyInfo(name);\n var isReserved = propertyInfo !== null && propertyInfo.type === RESERVED; // Known attributes should match the casing specified in the property config.\n\n if (possibleStandardNames.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName)) {\n var standardName = possibleStandardNames[lowerCasedName];\n\n if (standardName !== name) {\n error('Invalid DOM property `%s`. Did you mean `%s`?', name, standardName);\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n } else if (!isReserved && name !== lowerCasedName) {\n // Unknown attributes should have lowercase casing since that's how they\n // will be cased anyway with server rendering.\n error('React does not recognize the `%s` prop on a DOM element. If you ' + 'intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom ' + 'attribute, spell it as lowercase `%s` instead. ' + 'If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove ' + 'it from the DOM element.', name, lowerCasedName);\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof value === 'boolean' && shouldRemoveAttributeWithWarning(name, value, propertyInfo, false)) {\n if (value) {\n error('Received `%s` for a non-boolean attribute `%s`.\\n\\n' + 'If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: ' + '%s=\"%s\" or %s={value.toString()}.', value, name, name, value, name);\n } else {\n error('Received `%s` for a non-boolean attribute `%s`.\\n\\n' + 'If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: ' + '%s=\"%s\" or %s={value.toString()}.\\n\\n' + 'If you used to conditionally omit it with %s={condition && value}, ' + 'pass %s={condition ? value : undefined} instead.', value, name, name, value, name, name, name);\n }\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n } // Now that we've validated casing, do not validate\n // data types for reserved props\n\n\n if (isReserved) {\n return true;\n } // Warn when a known attribute is a bad type\n\n\n if (shouldRemoveAttributeWithWarning(name, value, propertyInfo, false)) {\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return false;\n } // Warn when passing the strings 'false' or 'true' into a boolean prop\n\n\n if ((value === 'false' || value === 'true') && propertyInfo !== null && propertyInfo.type === BOOLEAN) {\n error('Received the string `%s` for the boolean attribute `%s`. ' + '%s ' + 'Did you mean %s={%s}?', value, name, value === 'false' ? 'The browser will interpret it as a truthy value.' : 'Although this works, it will not work as expected if you pass the string \"false\".', name, value);\n\n warnedProperties$1[name] = true;\n return true;\n }\n\n return true;\n };\n}\n\nvar warnUnknownProperties = function (type, props, eventRegistry) {\n {\n var unknownProps = [];\n\n for (var key in props) {\n var isValid = validateProperty$1(type, key, props[key], eventRegistry);\n\n if (!isValid) {\n unknownProps.push(key);\n }\n }\n\n var unknownPropString = (prop) {\n return '`' + prop + '`';\n }).join(', ');\n\n if (unknownProps.length === 1) {\n error('Invalid value for prop %s on <%s> tag. Either remove it from the element, ' + 'or pass a string or number value to keep it in the DOM. ' + 'For details, see ', unknownPropString, type);\n } else if (unknownProps.length > 1) {\n error('Invalid values for props %s on <%s> tag. Either remove them from the element, ' + 'or pass a string or number value to keep them in the DOM. ' + 'For details, see ', unknownPropString, type);\n }\n }\n};\n\nfunction validateProperties$2(type, props, eventRegistry) {\n if (isCustomComponent(type, props)) {\n return;\n }\n\n warnUnknownProperties(type, props, eventRegistry);\n}\n\nvar IS_EVENT_HANDLE_NON_MANAGED_NODE = 1;\nvar IS_NON_DELEGATED = 1 << 1;\nvar IS_CAPTURE_PHASE = 1 << 2;\n// set to LEGACY_FB_SUPPORT. LEGACY_FB_SUPPORT only gets set when\n// we call willDeferLaterForLegacyFBSupport, thus not bailing out\n// will result in endless cycles like an infinite loop.\n// We also don't want to defer during event replaying.\n\nvar SHOULD_NOT_PROCESS_POLYFILL_EVENT_PLUGINS = IS_EVENT_HANDLE_NON_MANAGED_NODE | IS_NON_DELEGATED | IS_CAPTURE_PHASE;\n\n// This exists to avoid circular dependency between ReactDOMEventReplaying\n// and DOMPluginEventSystem.\nvar currentReplayingEvent = null;\nfunction setReplayingEvent(event) {\n {\n if (currentReplayingEvent !== null) {\n error('Expected currently replaying event to be null. This error ' + 'is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n currentReplayingEvent = event;\n}\nfunction resetReplayingEvent() {\n {\n if (currentReplayingEvent === null) {\n error('Expected currently replaying event to not be null. This error ' + 'is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n currentReplayingEvent = null;\n}\nfunction isReplayingEvent(event) {\n return event === currentReplayingEvent;\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the target node from a native browser event by accounting for\n * inconsistencies in browser DOM APIs.\n *\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @return {DOMEventTarget} Target node.\n */\n\nfunction getEventTarget(nativeEvent) {\n // Fallback to nativeEvent.srcElement for IE9\n //\n var target = || nativeEvent.srcElement || window; // Normalize SVG <use> element events #4963\n\n if (target.correspondingUseElement) {\n target = target.correspondingUseElement;\n } // Safari may fire events on text nodes (Node.TEXT_NODE is 3).\n // @see\n\n\n return target.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ? target.parentNode : target;\n}\n\nvar restoreImpl = null;\nvar restoreTarget = null;\nvar restoreQueue = null;\n\nfunction restoreStateOfTarget(target) {\n // We perform this translation at the end of the event loop so that we\n // always receive the correct fiber here\n var internalInstance = getInstanceFromNode(target);\n\n if (!internalInstance) {\n // Unmounted\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof restoreImpl !== 'function') {\n throw new Error('setRestoreImplementation() needs to be called to handle a target for controlled ' + 'events. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n var stateNode = internalInstance.stateNode; // Guard against Fiber being unmounted.\n\n if (stateNode) {\n var _props = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(stateNode);\n\n restoreImpl(internalInstance.stateNode, internalInstance.type, _props);\n }\n}\n\nfunction setRestoreImplementation(impl) {\n restoreImpl = impl;\n}\nfunction enqueueStateRestore(target) {\n if (restoreTarget) {\n if (restoreQueue) {\n restoreQueue.push(target);\n } else {\n restoreQueue = [target];\n }\n } else {\n restoreTarget = target;\n }\n}\nfunction needsStateRestore() {\n return restoreTarget !== null || restoreQueue !== null;\n}\nfunction restoreStateIfNeeded() {\n if (!restoreTarget) {\n return;\n }\n\n var target = restoreTarget;\n var queuedTargets = restoreQueue;\n restoreTarget = null;\n restoreQueue = null;\n restoreStateOfTarget(target);\n\n if (queuedTargets) {\n for (var i = 0; i < queuedTargets.length; i++) {\n restoreStateOfTarget(queuedTargets[i]);\n }\n }\n}\n\n// the renderer. Such as when we're dispatching events or if third party\n// libraries need to call batchedUpdates. Eventually, this API will go away when\n// everything is batched by default. We'll then have a similar API to opt-out of\n// scheduled work and instead do synchronous work.\n// Defaults\n\nvar batchedUpdatesImpl = function (fn, bookkeeping) {\n return fn(bookkeeping);\n};\n\nvar flushSyncImpl = function () {};\n\nvar isInsideEventHandler = false;\n\nfunction finishEventHandler() {\n // Here we wait until all updates have propagated, which is important\n // when using controlled components within layers:\n //\n // Then we restore state of any controlled component.\n var controlledComponentsHavePendingUpdates = needsStateRestore();\n\n if (controlledComponentsHavePendingUpdates) {\n // If a controlled event was fired, we may need to restore the state of\n // the DOM node back to the controlled value. This is necessary when React\n // bails out of the update without touching the DOM.\n // TODO: Restore state in the microtask, after the discrete updates flush,\n // instead of early flushing them here.\n flushSyncImpl();\n restoreStateIfNeeded();\n }\n}\n\nfunction batchedUpdates(fn, a, b) {\n if (isInsideEventHandler) {\n // If we are currently inside another batch, we need to wait until it\n // fully completes before restoring state.\n return fn(a, b);\n }\n\n isInsideEventHandler = true;\n\n try {\n return batchedUpdatesImpl(fn, a, b);\n } finally {\n isInsideEventHandler = false;\n finishEventHandler();\n }\n} // TODO: Replace with flushSync\nfunction setBatchingImplementation(_batchedUpdatesImpl, _discreteUpdatesImpl, _flushSyncImpl) {\n batchedUpdatesImpl = _batchedUpdatesImpl;\n flushSyncImpl = _flushSyncImpl;\n}\n\nfunction isInteractive(tag) {\n return tag === 'button' || tag === 'input' || tag === 'select' || tag === 'textarea';\n}\n\nfunction shouldPreventMouseEvent(name, type, props) {\n switch (name) {\n case 'onClick':\n case 'onClickCapture':\n case 'onDoubleClick':\n case 'onDoubleClickCapture':\n case 'onMouseDown':\n case 'onMouseDownCapture':\n case 'onMouseMove':\n case 'onMouseMoveCapture':\n case 'onMouseUp':\n case 'onMouseUpCapture':\n case 'onMouseEnter':\n return !!(props.disabled && isInteractive(type));\n\n default:\n return false;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @param {object} inst The instance, which is the source of events.\n * @param {string} registrationName Name of listener (e.g. `onClick`).\n * @return {?function} The stored callback.\n */\n\n\nfunction getListener(inst, registrationName) {\n var stateNode = inst.stateNode;\n\n if (stateNode === null) {\n // Work in progress (ex: onload events in incremental mode).\n return null;\n }\n\n var props = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(stateNode);\n\n if (props === null) {\n // Work in progress.\n return null;\n }\n\n var listener = props[registrationName];\n\n if (shouldPreventMouseEvent(registrationName, inst.type, props)) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (listener && typeof listener !== 'function') {\n throw new Error(\"Expected `\" + registrationName + \"` listener to be a function, instead got a value of `\" + typeof listener + \"` type.\");\n }\n\n return listener;\n}\n\nvar passiveBrowserEventsSupported = false; // Check if browser support events with passive listeners\n//\n\nif (canUseDOM) {\n try {\n var options = {}; // $FlowFixMe: Ignore Flow complaining about needing a value\n\n Object.defineProperty(options, 'passive', {\n get: function () {\n passiveBrowserEventsSupported = true;\n }\n });\n window.addEventListener('test', options, options);\n window.removeEventListener('test', options, options);\n } catch (e) {\n passiveBrowserEventsSupported = false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction invokeGuardedCallbackProd(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n var funcArgs =, 3);\n\n try {\n func.apply(context, funcArgs);\n } catch (error) {\n this.onError(error);\n }\n}\n\nvar invokeGuardedCallbackImpl = invokeGuardedCallbackProd;\n\n{\n // In DEV mode, we swap out invokeGuardedCallback for a special version\n // that plays more nicely with the browser's DevTools. The idea is to preserve\n // \"Pause on exceptions\" behavior. Because React wraps all user-provided\n // functions in invokeGuardedCallback, and the production version of\n // invokeGuardedCallback uses a try-catch, all user exceptions are treated\n // like caught exceptions, and the DevTools won't pause unless the developer\n // takes the extra step of enabling pause on caught exceptions. This is\n // unintuitive, though, because even though React has caught the error, from\n // the developer's perspective, the error is uncaught.\n //\n // To preserve the expected \"Pause on exceptions\" behavior, we don't use a\n // try-catch in DEV. Instead, we synchronously dispatch a fake event to a fake\n // DOM node, and call the user-provided callback from inside an event handler\n // for that fake event. If the callback throws, the error is \"captured\" using\n // a global event handler. But because the error happens in a different\n // event loop context, it does not interrupt the normal program flow.\n // Effectively, this gives us try-catch behavior without actually using\n // try-catch. Neat!\n // Check that the browser supports the APIs we need to implement our special\n // DEV version of invokeGuardedCallback\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.dispatchEvent === 'function' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.createEvent === 'function') {\n var fakeNode = document.createElement('react');\n\n invokeGuardedCallbackImpl = function invokeGuardedCallbackDev(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n // If document doesn't exist we know for sure we will crash in this method\n // when we call document.createEvent(). However this can cause confusing\n // errors:\n // So we preemptively throw with a better message instead.\n if (typeof document === 'undefined' || document === null) {\n throw new Error('The `document` global was defined when React was initialized, but is not ' + 'defined anymore. This can happen in a test environment if a component ' + 'schedules an update from an asynchronous callback, but the test has already ' + 'finished running. To solve this, you can either unmount the component at ' + 'the end of your test (and ensure that any asynchronous operations get ' + 'canceled in `componentWillUnmount`), or you can change the test itself ' + 'to be asynchronous.');\n }\n\n var evt = document.createEvent('Event');\n var didCall = false; // Keeps track of whether the user-provided callback threw an error. We\n // set this to true at the beginning, then set it to false right after\n // calling the function. If the function errors, `didError` will never be\n // set to false. This strategy works even if the browser is flaky and\n // fails to call our global error handler, because it doesn't rely on\n // the error event at all.\n\n var didError = true; // Keeps track of the value of window.event so that we can reset it\n // during the callback to let user code access window.event in the\n // browsers that support it.\n\n var windowEvent = window.event; // Keeps track of the descriptor of window.event to restore it after event\n // dispatching:\n\n var windowEventDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'event');\n\n function restoreAfterDispatch() {\n // We immediately remove the callback from event listeners so that\n // nested `invokeGuardedCallback` calls do not clash. Otherwise, a\n // nested call would trigger the fake event handlers of any call higher\n // in the stack.\n fakeNode.removeEventListener(evtType, callCallback, false); // We check for window.hasOwnProperty('event') to prevent the\n // window.event assignment in both IE <= 10 as they throw an error\n // \"Member not found\" in strict mode, and in Firefox which does not\n // support window.event.\n\n if (typeof window.event !== 'undefined' && window.hasOwnProperty('event')) {\n window.event = windowEvent;\n }\n } // Create an event handler for our fake event. We will synchronously\n // dispatch our fake event using `dispatchEvent`. Inside the handler, we\n // call the user-provided callback.\n\n\n var funcArgs =, 3);\n\n function callCallback() {\n didCall = true;\n restoreAfterDispatch();\n func.apply(context, funcArgs);\n didError = false;\n } // Create a global error event handler. We use this to capture the value\n // that was thrown. It's possible that this error handler will fire more\n // than once; for example, if non-React code also calls `dispatchEvent`\n // and a handler for that event throws. We should be resilient to most of\n // those cases. Even if our error event handler fires more than once, the\n // last error event is always used. If the callback actually does error,\n // we know that the last error event is the correct one, because it's not\n // possible for anything else to have happened in between our callback\n // erroring and the code that follows the `dispatchEvent` call below. If\n // the callback doesn't error, but the error event was fired, we know to\n // ignore it because `didError` will be false, as described above.\n\n\n var error; // Use this to track whether the error event is ever called.\n\n var didSetError = false;\n var isCrossOriginError = false;\n\n function handleWindowError(event) {\n error = event.error;\n didSetError = true;\n\n if (error === null && event.colno === 0 && event.lineno === 0) {\n isCrossOriginError = true;\n }\n\n if (event.defaultPrevented) {\n // Some other error handler has prevented default.\n // Browsers silence the error report if this happens.\n // We'll remember this to later decide whether to log it or not.\n if (error != null && typeof error === 'object') {\n try {\n error._suppressLogging = true;\n } catch (inner) {// Ignore.\n }\n }\n }\n } // Create a fake event type.\n\n\n var evtType = \"react-\" + (name ? name : 'invokeguardedcallback'); // Attach our event handlers\n\n window.addEventListener('error', handleWindowError);\n fakeNode.addEventListener(evtType, callCallback, false); // Synchronously dispatch our fake event. If the user-provided function\n // errors, it will trigger our global error handler.\n\n evt.initEvent(evtType, false, false);\n fakeNode.dispatchEvent(evt);\n\n if (windowEventDescriptor) {\n Object.defineProperty(window, 'event', windowEventDescriptor);\n }\n\n if (didCall && didError) {\n if (!didSetError) {\n // The callback errored, but the error event never fired.\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n error = new Error('An error was thrown inside one of your components, but React ' + \"doesn't know what it was. This is likely due to browser \" + 'flakiness. React does its best to preserve the \"Pause on ' + 'exceptions\" behavior of the DevTools, which requires some ' + \"DEV-mode only tricks. It's possible that these don't work in \" + 'your browser. Try triggering the error in production mode, ' + 'or switching to a modern browser. If you suspect that this is ' + 'actually an issue with React, please file an issue.');\n } else if (isCrossOriginError) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n error = new Error(\"A cross-origin error was thrown. React doesn't have access to \" + 'the actual error object in development. ' + 'See for more information.');\n }\n\n this.onError(error);\n } // Remove our event listeners\n\n\n window.removeEventListener('error', handleWindowError);\n\n if (!didCall) {\n // Something went really wrong, and our event was not dispatched.\n //\n //\n // Fall back to the production implementation.\n restoreAfterDispatch();\n return invokeGuardedCallbackProd.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n };\n }\n}\n\nvar invokeGuardedCallbackImpl$1 = invokeGuardedCallbackImpl;\n\nvar hasError = false;\nvar caughtError = null; // Used by event system to capture/rethrow the first error.\n\nvar hasRethrowError = false;\nvar rethrowError = null;\nvar reporter = {\n onError: function (error) {\n hasError = true;\n caughtError = error;\n }\n};\n/**\n * Call a function while guarding against errors that happens within it.\n * Returns an error if it throws, otherwise null.\n *\n * In production, this is implemented using a try-catch. The reason we don't\n * use a try-catch directly is so that we can swap out a different\n * implementation in DEV mode.\n *\n * @param {String} name of the guard to use for logging or debugging\n * @param {Function} func The function to invoke\n * @param {*} context The context to use when calling the function\n * @param {...*} args Arguments for function\n */\n\nfunction invokeGuardedCallback(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n hasError = false;\n caughtError = null;\n invokeGuardedCallbackImpl$1.apply(reporter, arguments);\n}\n/**\n * Same as invokeGuardedCallback, but instead of returning an error, it stores\n * it in a global so it can be rethrown by `rethrowCaughtError` later.\n * TODO: See if caughtError and rethrowError can be unified.\n *\n * @param {String} name of the guard to use for logging or debugging\n * @param {Function} func The function to invoke\n * @param {*} context The context to use when calling the function\n * @param {...*} args Arguments for function\n */\n\nfunction invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError(name, func, context, a, b, c, d, e, f) {\n invokeGuardedCallback.apply(this, arguments);\n\n if (hasError) {\n var error = clearCaughtError();\n\n if (!hasRethrowError) {\n hasRethrowError = true;\n rethrowError = error;\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * During execution of guarded functions we will capture the first error which\n * we will rethrow to be handled by the top level error handler.\n */\n\nfunction rethrowCaughtError() {\n if (hasRethrowError) {\n var error = rethrowError;\n hasRethrowError = false;\n rethrowError = null;\n throw error;\n }\n}\nfunction hasCaughtError() {\n return hasError;\n}\nfunction clearCaughtError() {\n if (hasError) {\n var error = caughtError;\n hasError = false;\n caughtError = null;\n return error;\n } else {\n throw new Error('clearCaughtError was called but no error was captured. This error ' + 'is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * `ReactInstanceMap` maintains a mapping from a public facing stateful\n * instance (key) and the internal representation (value). This allows public\n * methods to accept the user facing instance as an argument and map them back\n * to internal methods.\n *\n * Note that this module is currently shared and assumed to be stateless.\n * If this becomes an actual Map, that will break.\n */\nfunction get(key) {\n return key._reactInternals;\n}\nfunction has(key) {\n return key._reactInternals !== undefined;\n}\nfunction set(key, value) {\n key._reactInternals = value;\n}\n\n// Don't change these two values. They're used by React Dev Tools.\nvar NoFlags =\n/* */\n0;\nvar PerformedWork =\n/* */\n1; // You can change the rest (and add more).\n\nvar Placement =\n/* */\n2;\nvar Update =\n/* */\n4;\nvar ChildDeletion =\n/* */\n16;\nvar ContentReset =\n/* */\n32;\nvar Callback =\n/* */\n64;\nvar DidCapture =\n/* */\n128;\nvar ForceClientRender =\n/* */\n256;\nvar Ref =\n/* */\n512;\nvar Snapshot =\n/* */\n1024;\nvar Passive =\n/* */\n2048;\nvar Hydrating =\n/* */\n4096;\nvar Visibility =\n/* */\n8192;\nvar StoreConsistency =\n/* */\n16384;\nvar LifecycleEffectMask = Passive | Update | Callback | Ref | Snapshot | StoreConsistency; // Union of all commit flags (flags with the lifetime of a particular commit)\n\nvar HostEffectMask =\n/* */\n32767; // These are not really side effects, but we still reuse this field.\n\nvar Incomplete =\n/* */\n32768;\nvar ShouldCapture =\n/* */\n65536;\nvar ForceUpdateForLegacySuspense =\n/* */\n131072;\nvar Forked =\n/* */\n1048576; // Static tags describe aspects of a fiber that are not specific to a render,\n// e.g. a fiber uses a passive effect (even if there are no updates on this particular render).\n// This enables us to defer more work in the unmount case,\n// since we can defer traversing the tree during layout to look for Passive effects,\n// and instead rely on the static flag as a signal that there may be cleanup work.\n\nvar RefStatic =\n/* */\n2097152;\nvar LayoutStatic =\n/* */\n4194304;\nvar PassiveStatic =\n/* */\n8388608; // These flags allow us to traverse to fibers that have effects on mount\n// without traversing the entire tree after every commit for\n// double invoking\n\nvar MountLayoutDev =\n/* */\n16777216;\nvar MountPassiveDev =\n/* */\n33554432; // Groups of flags that are used in the commit phase to skip over trees that\n// don't contain effects, by checking subtreeFlags.\n\nvar BeforeMutationMask = // TODO: Remove Update flag from before mutation phase by re-landing Visibility\n// flag logic (see #20043)\nUpdate | Snapshot | ( 0);\nvar MutationMask = Placement | Update | ChildDeletion | ContentReset | Ref | Hydrating | Visibility;\nvar LayoutMask = Update | Callback | Ref | Visibility; // TODO: Split into PassiveMountMask and PassiveUnmountMask\n\nvar PassiveMask = Passive | ChildDeletion; // Union of tags that don't get reset on clones.\n// This allows certain concepts to persist without recalculating them,\n// e.g. whether a subtree contains passive effects or portals.\n\nvar StaticMask = LayoutStatic | PassiveStatic | RefStatic;\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner;\nfunction getNearestMountedFiber(fiber) {\n var node = fiber;\n var nearestMounted = fiber;\n\n if (!fiber.alternate) {\n // If there is no alternate, this might be a new tree that isn't inserted\n // yet. If it is, then it will have a pending insertion effect on it.\n var nextNode = node;\n\n do {\n node = nextNode;\n\n if ((node.flags & (Placement | Hydrating)) !== NoFlags) {\n // This is an insertion or in-progress hydration. The nearest possible\n // mounted fiber is the parent but we need to continue to figure out\n // if that one is still mounted.\n nearestMounted = node.return;\n }\n\n nextNode = node.return;\n } while (nextNode);\n } else {\n while (node.return) {\n node = node.return;\n }\n }\n\n if (node.tag === HostRoot) {\n // TODO: Check if this was a nested HostRoot when used with\n // renderContainerIntoSubtree.\n return nearestMounted;\n } // If we didn't hit the root, that means that we're in an disconnected tree\n // that has been unmounted.\n\n\n return null;\n}\nfunction getSuspenseInstanceFromFiber(fiber) {\n if (fiber.tag === SuspenseComponent) {\n var suspenseState = fiber.memoizedState;\n\n if (suspenseState === null) {\n var current = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (current !== null) {\n suspenseState = current.memoizedState;\n }\n }\n\n if (suspenseState !== null) {\n return suspenseState.dehydrated;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\nfunction getContainerFromFiber(fiber) {\n return fiber.tag === HostRoot ? fiber.stateNode.containerInfo : null;\n}\nfunction isFiberMounted(fiber) {\n return getNearestMountedFiber(fiber) === fiber;\n}\nfunction isMounted(component) {\n {\n var owner = ReactCurrentOwner.current;\n\n if (owner !== null && owner.tag === ClassComponent) {\n var ownerFiber = owner;\n var instance = ownerFiber.stateNode;\n\n if (!instance._warnedAboutRefsInRender) {\n error('%s is accessing isMounted inside its render() function. ' + 'render() should be a pure function of props and state. It should ' + 'never access something that requires stale data from the previous ' + 'render, such as refs. Move this logic to componentDidMount and ' + 'componentDidUpdate instead.', getComponentNameFromFiber(ownerFiber) || 'A component');\n }\n\n instance._warnedAboutRefsInRender = true;\n }\n }\n\n var fiber = get(component);\n\n if (!fiber) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return getNearestMountedFiber(fiber) === fiber;\n}\n\nfunction assertIsMounted(fiber) {\n if (getNearestMountedFiber(fiber) !== fiber) {\n throw new Error('Unable to find node on an unmounted component.');\n }\n}\n\nfunction findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(fiber) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (!alternate) {\n // If there is no alternate, then we only need to check if it is mounted.\n var nearestMounted = getNearestMountedFiber(fiber);\n\n if (nearestMounted === null) {\n throw new Error('Unable to find node on an unmounted component.');\n }\n\n if (nearestMounted !== fiber) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return fiber;\n } // If we have two possible branches, we'll walk backwards up to the root\n // to see what path the root points to. On the way we may hit one of the\n // special cases and we'll deal with them.\n\n\n var a = fiber;\n var b = alternate;\n\n while (true) {\n var parentA = a.return;\n\n if (parentA === null) {\n // We're at the root.\n break;\n }\n\n var parentB = parentA.alternate;\n\n if (parentB === null) {\n // There is no alternate. This is an unusual case. Currently, it only\n // happens when a Suspense component is hidden. An extra fragment fiber\n // is inserted in between the Suspense fiber and its children. Skip\n // over this extra fragment fiber and proceed to the next parent.\n var nextParent = parentA.return;\n\n if (nextParent !== null) {\n a = b = nextParent;\n continue;\n } // If there's no parent, we're at the root.\n\n\n break;\n } // If both copies of the parent fiber point to the same child, we can\n // assume that the child is current. This happens when we bailout on low\n // priority: the bailed out fiber's child reuses the current child.\n\n\n if (parentA.child === parentB.child) {\n var child = parentA.child;\n\n while (child) {\n if (child === a) {\n // We've determined that A is the current branch.\n assertIsMounted(parentA);\n return fiber;\n }\n\n if (child === b) {\n // We've determined that B is the current branch.\n assertIsMounted(parentA);\n return alternate;\n }\n\n child = child.sibling;\n } // We should never have an alternate for any mounting node. So the only\n // way this could possibly happen is if this was unmounted, if at all.\n\n\n throw new Error('Unable to find node on an unmounted component.');\n }\n\n if (a.return !== b.return) {\n // The return pointer of A and the return pointer of B point to different\n // fibers. We assume that return pointers never criss-cross, so A must\n // belong to the child set of A.return, and B must belong to the child\n // set of B.return.\n a = parentA;\n b = parentB;\n } else {\n // The return pointers point to the same fiber. We'll have to use the\n // default, slow path: scan the child sets of each parent alternate to see\n // which child belongs to which set.\n //\n // Search parent A's child set\n var didFindChild = false;\n var _child = parentA.child;\n\n while (_child) {\n if (_child === a) {\n didFindChild = true;\n a = parentA;\n b = parentB;\n break;\n }\n\n if (_child === b) {\n didFindChild = true;\n b = parentA;\n a = parentB;\n break;\n }\n\n _child = _child.sibling;\n }\n\n if (!didFindChild) {\n // Search parent B's child set\n _child = parentB.child;\n\n while (_child) {\n if (_child === a) {\n didFindChild = true;\n a = parentB;\n b = parentA;\n break;\n }\n\n if (_child === b) {\n didFindChild = true;\n b = parentB;\n a = parentA;\n break;\n }\n\n _child = _child.sibling;\n }\n\n if (!didFindChild) {\n throw new Error('Child was not found in either parent set. This indicates a bug ' + 'in React related to the return pointer. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (a.alternate !== b) {\n throw new Error(\"Return fibers should always be each others' alternates. \" + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n } // If the root is not a host container, we're in a disconnected tree. I.e.\n // unmounted.\n\n\n if (a.tag !== HostRoot) {\n throw new Error('Unable to find node on an unmounted component.');\n }\n\n if (a.stateNode.current === a) {\n // We've determined that A is the current branch.\n return fiber;\n } // Otherwise B has to be current branch.\n\n\n return alternate;\n}\nfunction findCurrentHostFiber(parent) {\n var currentParent = findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(parent);\n return currentParent !== null ? findCurrentHostFiberImpl(currentParent) : null;\n}\n\nfunction findCurrentHostFiberImpl(node) {\n // Next we'll drill down this component to find the first HostComponent/Text.\n if (node.tag === HostComponent || node.tag === HostText) {\n return node;\n }\n\n var child = node.child;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n var match = findCurrentHostFiberImpl(child);\n\n if (match !== null) {\n return match;\n }\n\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction findCurrentHostFiberWithNoPortals(parent) {\n var currentParent = findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(parent);\n return currentParent !== null ? findCurrentHostFiberWithNoPortalsImpl(currentParent) : null;\n}\n\nfunction findCurrentHostFiberWithNoPortalsImpl(node) {\n // Next we'll drill down this component to find the first HostComponent/Text.\n if (node.tag === HostComponent || node.tag === HostText) {\n return node;\n }\n\n var child = node.child;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n if (child.tag !== HostPortal) {\n var match = findCurrentHostFiberWithNoPortalsImpl(child);\n\n if (match !== null) {\n return match;\n }\n }\n\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\n// This module only exists as an ESM wrapper around the external CommonJS\nvar scheduleCallback = Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback;\nvar cancelCallback = Scheduler.unstable_cancelCallback;\nvar shouldYield = Scheduler.unstable_shouldYield;\nvar requestPaint = Scheduler.unstable_requestPaint;\nvar now = Scheduler.unstable_now;\nvar getCurrentPriorityLevel = Scheduler.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel;\nvar ImmediatePriority = Scheduler.unstable_ImmediatePriority;\nvar UserBlockingPriority = Scheduler.unstable_UserBlockingPriority;\nvar NormalPriority = Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority;\nvar LowPriority = Scheduler.unstable_LowPriority;\nvar IdlePriority = Scheduler.unstable_IdlePriority;\n// this doesn't actually exist on the scheduler, but it *does*\n// on scheduler/unstable_mock, which we'll need for internal testing\nvar unstable_yieldValue = Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue;\nvar unstable_setDisableYieldValue = Scheduler.unstable_setDisableYieldValue;\n\nvar rendererID = null;\nvar injectedHook = null;\nvar injectedProfilingHooks = null;\nvar hasLoggedError = false;\nvar isDevToolsPresent = typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined';\nfunction injectInternals(internals) {\n if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === 'undefined') {\n // No DevTools\n return false;\n }\n\n var hook = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;\n\n if (hook.isDisabled) {\n // This isn't a real property on the hook, but it can be set to opt out\n // of DevTools integration and associated warnings and logs.\n //\n return true;\n }\n\n if (!hook.supportsFiber) {\n {\n error('The installed version of React DevTools is too old and will not work ' + 'with the current version of React. Please update React DevTools. ' + '');\n } // DevTools exists, even though it doesn't support Fiber.\n\n\n return true;\n }\n\n try {\n if (enableSchedulingProfiler) {\n // Conditionally inject these hooks only if Timeline profiler is supported by this build.\n // This gives DevTools a way to feature detect that isn't tied to version number\n // (since profiling and timeline are controlled by different feature flags).\n internals = assign({}, internals, {\n getLaneLabelMap: getLaneLabelMap,\n injectProfilingHooks: injectProfilingHooks\n });\n }\n\n rendererID = hook.inject(internals); // We have successfully injected, so now it is safe to set up hooks.\n\n injectedHook = hook;\n } catch (err) {\n // Catch all errors because it is unsafe to throw during initialization.\n {\n error('React instrumentation encountered an error: %s.', err);\n }\n }\n\n if (hook.checkDCE) {\n // This is the real DevTools.\n return true;\n } else {\n // This is likely a hook installed by Fast Refresh runtime.\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction onScheduleRoot(root, children) {\n {\n if (injectedHook && typeof injectedHook.onScheduleFiberRoot === 'function') {\n try {\n injectedHook.onScheduleFiberRoot(rendererID, root, children);\n } catch (err) {\n if ( !hasLoggedError) {\n hasLoggedError = true;\n\n error('React instrumentation encountered an error: %s', err);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction onCommitRoot(root, eventPriority) {\n if (injectedHook && typeof injectedHook.onCommitFiberRoot === 'function') {\n try {\n var didError = (root.current.flags & DidCapture) === DidCapture;\n\n if (enableProfilerTimer) {\n var schedulerPriority;\n\n switch (eventPriority) {\n case DiscreteEventPriority:\n schedulerPriority = ImmediatePriority;\n break;\n\n case ContinuousEventPriority:\n schedulerPriority = UserBlockingPriority;\n break;\n\n case DefaultEventPriority:\n schedulerPriority = NormalPriority;\n break;\n\n case IdleEventPriority:\n schedulerPriority = IdlePriority;\n break;\n\n default:\n schedulerPriority = NormalPriority;\n break;\n }\n\n injectedHook.onCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, root, schedulerPriority, didError);\n } else {\n injectedHook.onCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, root, undefined, didError);\n }\n } catch (err) {\n {\n if (!hasLoggedError) {\n hasLoggedError = true;\n\n error('React instrumentation encountered an error: %s', err);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction onPostCommitRoot(root) {\n if (injectedHook && typeof injectedHook.onPostCommitFiberRoot === 'function') {\n try {\n injectedHook.onPostCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, root);\n } catch (err) {\n {\n if (!hasLoggedError) {\n hasLoggedError = true;\n\n error('React instrumentation encountered an error: %s', err);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction onCommitUnmount(fiber) {\n if (injectedHook && typeof injectedHook.onCommitFiberUnmount === 'function') {\n try {\n injectedHook.onCommitFiberUnmount(rendererID, fiber);\n } catch (err) {\n {\n if (!hasLoggedError) {\n hasLoggedError = true;\n\n error('React instrumentation encountered an error: %s', err);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction setIsStrictModeForDevtools(newIsStrictMode) {\n {\n if (typeof unstable_yieldValue === 'function') {\n // We're in a test because Scheduler.unstable_yieldValue only exists\n // in SchedulerMock. To reduce the noise in strict mode tests,\n // suppress warnings and disable scheduler yielding during the double render\n unstable_setDisableYieldValue(newIsStrictMode);\n setSuppressWarning(newIsStrictMode);\n }\n\n if (injectedHook && typeof injectedHook.setStrictMode === 'function') {\n try {\n injectedHook.setStrictMode(rendererID, newIsStrictMode);\n } catch (err) {\n {\n if (!hasLoggedError) {\n hasLoggedError = true;\n\n error('React instrumentation encountered an error: %s', err);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n} // Profiler API hooks\n\nfunction injectProfilingHooks(profilingHooks) {\n injectedProfilingHooks = profilingHooks;\n}\n\nfunction getLaneLabelMap() {\n {\n var map = new Map();\n var lane = 1;\n\n for (var index = 0; index < TotalLanes; index++) {\n var label = getLabelForLane(lane);\n map.set(lane, label);\n lane *= 2;\n }\n\n return map;\n }\n}\n\nfunction markCommitStarted(lanes) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStarted(lanes);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markCommitStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentRenderStarted(fiber) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStarted(fiber);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentRenderStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentPassiveEffectMountStarted(fiber) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStarted(fiber);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentPassiveEffectMountStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStarted(fiber) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStarted(fiber);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentLayoutEffectMountStarted(fiber) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStarted(fiber);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentLayoutEffectMountStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(fiber) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(fiber);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentErrored(fiber, thrownValue, lanes) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentErrored === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentErrored(fiber, thrownValue, lanes);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markComponentSuspended(fiber, wakeable, lanes) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentSuspended === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentSuspended(fiber, wakeable, lanes);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markLayoutEffectsStarted(lanes) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStarted(lanes);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markLayoutEffectsStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markPassiveEffectsStarted(lanes) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStarted(lanes);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markPassiveEffectsStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markRenderStarted(lanes) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStarted === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStarted(lanes);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markRenderYielded() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderYielded === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderYielded();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markRenderStopped() {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStopped === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStopped();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markRenderScheduled(lane) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderScheduled === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderScheduled(lane);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markForceUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markForceUpdateScheduled === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markForceUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane) {\n {\n if (injectedProfilingHooks !== null && typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markStateUpdateScheduled === 'function') {\n injectedProfilingHooks.markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar NoMode =\n/* */\n0; // TODO: Remove ConcurrentMode by reading from the root tag instead\n\nvar ConcurrentMode =\n/* */\n1;\nvar ProfileMode =\n/* */\n2;\nvar StrictLegacyMode =\n/* */\n8;\nvar StrictEffectsMode =\n/* */\n16;\n\n// TODO: This is pretty well supported by browsers. Maybe we can drop it.\nvar clz32 = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : clz32Fallback; // Count leading zeros.\n// Based on:\n//\n\nvar log = Math.log;\nvar LN2 = Math.LN2;\n\nfunction clz32Fallback(x) {\n var asUint = x >>> 0;\n\n if (asUint === 0) {\n return 32;\n }\n\n return 31 - (log(asUint) / LN2 | 0) | 0;\n}\n\n// If those values are changed that package should be rebuilt and redeployed.\n\nvar TotalLanes = 31;\nvar NoLanes =\n/* */\n0;\nvar NoLane =\n/* */\n0;\nvar SyncLane =\n/* */\n1;\nvar InputContinuousHydrationLane =\n/* */\n2;\nvar InputContinuousLane =\n/* */\n4;\nvar DefaultHydrationLane =\n/* */\n8;\nvar DefaultLane =\n/* */\n16;\nvar TransitionHydrationLane =\n/* */\n32;\nvar TransitionLanes =\n/* */\n4194240;\nvar TransitionLane1 =\n/* */\n64;\nvar TransitionLane2 =\n/* */\n128;\nvar TransitionLane3 =\n/* */\n256;\nvar TransitionLane4 =\n/* */\n512;\nvar TransitionLane5 =\n/* */\n1024;\nvar TransitionLane6 =\n/* */\n2048;\nvar TransitionLane7 =\n/* */\n4096;\nvar TransitionLane8 =\n/* */\n8192;\nvar TransitionLane9 =\n/* */\n16384;\nvar TransitionLane10 =\n/* */\n32768;\nvar TransitionLane11 =\n/* */\n65536;\nvar TransitionLane12 =\n/* */\n131072;\nvar TransitionLane13 =\n/* */\n262144;\nvar TransitionLane14 =\n/* */\n524288;\nvar TransitionLane15 =\n/* */\n1048576;\nvar TransitionLane16 =\n/* */\n2097152;\nvar RetryLanes =\n/* */\n130023424;\nvar RetryLane1 =\n/* */\n4194304;\nvar RetryLane2 =\n/* */\n8388608;\nvar RetryLane3 =\n/* */\n16777216;\nvar RetryLane4 =\n/* */\n33554432;\nvar RetryLane5 =\n/* */\n67108864;\nvar SomeRetryLane = RetryLane1;\nvar SelectiveHydrationLane =\n/* */\n134217728;\nvar NonIdleLanes =\n/* */\n268435455;\nvar IdleHydrationLane =\n/* */\n268435456;\nvar IdleLane =\n/* */\n536870912;\nvar OffscreenLane =\n/* */\n1073741824; // This function is used for the experimental timeline (react-devtools-timeline)\n// It should be kept in sync with the Lanes values above.\n\nfunction getLabelForLane(lane) {\n {\n if (lane & SyncLane) {\n return 'Sync';\n }\n\n if (lane & InputContinuousHydrationLane) {\n return 'InputContinuousHydration';\n }\n\n if (lane & InputContinuousLane) {\n return 'InputContinuous';\n }\n\n if (lane & DefaultHydrationLane) {\n return 'DefaultHydration';\n }\n\n if (lane & DefaultLane) {\n return 'Default';\n }\n\n if (lane & TransitionHydrationLane) {\n return 'TransitionHydration';\n }\n\n if (lane & TransitionLanes) {\n return 'Transition';\n }\n\n if (lane & RetryLanes) {\n return 'Retry';\n }\n\n if (lane & SelectiveHydrationLane) {\n return 'SelectiveHydration';\n }\n\n if (lane & IdleHydrationLane) {\n return 'IdleHydration';\n }\n\n if (lane & IdleLane) {\n return 'Idle';\n }\n\n if (lane & OffscreenLane) {\n return 'Offscreen';\n }\n }\n}\nvar NoTimestamp = -1;\nvar nextTransitionLane = TransitionLane1;\nvar nextRetryLane = RetryLane1;\n\nfunction getHighestPriorityLanes(lanes) {\n switch (getHighestPriorityLane(lanes)) {\n case SyncLane:\n return SyncLane;\n\n case InputContinuousHydrationLane:\n return InputContinuousHydrationLane;\n\n case InputContinuousLane:\n return InputContinuousLane;\n\n case DefaultHydrationLane:\n return DefaultHydrationLane;\n\n case DefaultLane:\n return DefaultLane;\n\n case TransitionHydrationLane:\n return TransitionHydrationLane;\n\n case TransitionLane1:\n case TransitionLane2:\n case TransitionLane3:\n case TransitionLane4:\n case TransitionLane5:\n case TransitionLane6:\n case TransitionLane7:\n case TransitionLane8:\n case TransitionLane9:\n case TransitionLane10:\n case TransitionLane11:\n case TransitionLane12:\n case TransitionLane13:\n case TransitionLane14:\n case TransitionLane15:\n case TransitionLane16:\n return lanes & TransitionLanes;\n\n case RetryLane1:\n case RetryLane2:\n case RetryLane3:\n case RetryLane4:\n case RetryLane5:\n return lanes & RetryLanes;\n\n case SelectiveHydrationLane:\n return SelectiveHydrationLane;\n\n case IdleHydrationLane:\n return IdleHydrationLane;\n\n case IdleLane:\n return IdleLane;\n\n case OffscreenLane:\n return OffscreenLane;\n\n default:\n {\n error('Should have found matching lanes. This is a bug in React.');\n } // This shouldn't be reachable, but as a fallback, return the entire bitmask.\n\n\n return lanes;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getNextLanes(root, wipLanes) {\n // Early bailout if there's no pending work left.\n var pendingLanes = root.pendingLanes;\n\n if (pendingLanes === NoLanes) {\n return NoLanes;\n }\n\n var nextLanes = NoLanes;\n var suspendedLanes = root.suspendedLanes;\n var pingedLanes = root.pingedLanes; // Do not work on any idle work until all the non-idle work has finished,\n // even if the work is suspended.\n\n var nonIdlePendingLanes = pendingLanes & NonIdleLanes;\n\n if (nonIdlePendingLanes !== NoLanes) {\n var nonIdleUnblockedLanes = nonIdlePendingLanes & ~suspendedLanes;\n\n if (nonIdleUnblockedLanes !== NoLanes) {\n nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(nonIdleUnblockedLanes);\n } else {\n var nonIdlePingedLanes = nonIdlePendingLanes & pingedLanes;\n\n if (nonIdlePingedLanes !== NoLanes) {\n nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(nonIdlePingedLanes);\n }\n }\n } else {\n // The only remaining work is Idle.\n var unblockedLanes = pendingLanes & ~suspendedLanes;\n\n if (unblockedLanes !== NoLanes) {\n nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(unblockedLanes);\n } else {\n if (pingedLanes !== NoLanes) {\n nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(pingedLanes);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (nextLanes === NoLanes) {\n // This should only be reachable if we're suspended\n // TODO: Consider warning in this path if a fallback timer is not scheduled.\n return NoLanes;\n } // If we're already in the middle of a render, switching lanes will interrupt\n // it and we'll lose our progress. We should only do this if the new lanes are\n // higher priority.\n\n\n if (wipLanes !== NoLanes && wipLanes !== nextLanes && // If we already suspended with a delay, then interrupting is fine. Don't\n // bother waiting until the root is complete.\n (wipLanes & suspendedLanes) === NoLanes) {\n var nextLane = getHighestPriorityLane(nextLanes);\n var wipLane = getHighestPriorityLane(wipLanes);\n\n if ( // Tests whether the next lane is equal or lower priority than the wip\n // one. This works because the bits decrease in priority as you go left.\n nextLane >= wipLane || // Default priority updates should not interrupt transition updates. The\n // only difference between default updates and transition updates is that\n // default updates do not support refresh transitions.\n nextLane === DefaultLane && (wipLane & TransitionLanes) !== NoLanes) {\n // Keep working on the existing in-progress tree. Do not interrupt.\n return wipLanes;\n }\n }\n\n if ((nextLanes & InputContinuousLane) !== NoLanes) {\n // When updates are sync by default, we entangle continuous priority updates\n // and default updates, so they render in the same batch. The only reason\n // they use separate lanes is because continuous updates should interrupt\n // transitions, but default updates should not.\n nextLanes |= pendingLanes & DefaultLane;\n } // Check for entangled lanes and add them to the batch.\n //\n // A lane is said to be entangled with another when it's not allowed to render\n // in a batch that does not also include the other lane. Typically we do this\n // when multiple updates have the same source, and we only want to respond to\n // the most recent event from that source.\n //\n // Note that we apply entanglements *after* checking for partial work above.\n // This means that if a lane is entangled during an interleaved event while\n // it's already rendering, we won't interrupt it. This is intentional, since\n // entanglement is usually \"best effort\": we'll try our best to render the\n // lanes in the same batch, but it's not worth throwing out partially\n // completed work in order to do it.\n // TODO: Reconsider this. The counter-argument is that the partial work\n // represents an intermediate state, which we don't want to show to the user.\n // And by spending extra time finishing it, we're increasing the amount of\n // time it takes to show the final state, which is what they are actually\n // waiting for.\n //\n // For those exceptions where entanglement is semantically important, like\n // useMutableSource, we should ensure that there is no partial work at the\n // time we apply the entanglement.\n\n\n var entangledLanes = root.entangledLanes;\n\n if (entangledLanes !== NoLanes) {\n var entanglements = root.entanglements;\n var lanes = nextLanes & entangledLanes;\n\n while (lanes > 0) {\n var index = pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n nextLanes |= entanglements[index];\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n }\n\n return nextLanes;\n}\nfunction getMostRecentEventTime(root, lanes) {\n var eventTimes = root.eventTimes;\n var mostRecentEventTime = NoTimestamp;\n\n while (lanes > 0) {\n var index = pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n var eventTime = eventTimes[index];\n\n if (eventTime > mostRecentEventTime) {\n mostRecentEventTime = eventTime;\n }\n\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n\n return mostRecentEventTime;\n}\n\nfunction computeExpirationTime(lane, currentTime) {\n switch (lane) {\n case SyncLane:\n case InputContinuousHydrationLane:\n case InputContinuousLane:\n // User interactions should expire slightly more quickly.\n //\n // NOTE: This is set to the corresponding constant as in Scheduler.js.\n // When we made it larger, a product metric in www regressed, suggesting\n // there's a user interaction that's being starved by a series of\n // synchronous updates. If that theory is correct, the proper solution is\n // to fix the starvation. However, this scenario supports the idea that\n // expiration times are an important safeguard when starvation\n // does happen.\n return currentTime + 250;\n\n case DefaultHydrationLane:\n case DefaultLane:\n case TransitionHydrationLane:\n case TransitionLane1:\n case TransitionLane2:\n case TransitionLane3:\n case TransitionLane4:\n case TransitionLane5:\n case TransitionLane6:\n case TransitionLane7:\n case TransitionLane8:\n case TransitionLane9:\n case TransitionLane10:\n case TransitionLane11:\n case TransitionLane12:\n case TransitionLane13:\n case TransitionLane14:\n case TransitionLane15:\n case TransitionLane16:\n return currentTime + 5000;\n\n case RetryLane1:\n case RetryLane2:\n case RetryLane3:\n case RetryLane4:\n case RetryLane5:\n // TODO: Retries should be allowed to expire if they are CPU bound for\n // too long, but when I made this change it caused a spike in browser\n // crashes. There must be some other underlying bug; not super urgent but\n // ideally should figure out why and fix it. Unfortunately we don't have\n // a repro for the crashes, only detected via production metrics.\n return NoTimestamp;\n\n case SelectiveHydrationLane:\n case IdleHydrationLane:\n case IdleLane:\n case OffscreenLane:\n // Anything idle priority or lower should never expire.\n return NoTimestamp;\n\n default:\n {\n error('Should have found matching lanes. This is a bug in React.');\n }\n\n return NoTimestamp;\n }\n}\n\nfunction markStarvedLanesAsExpired(root, currentTime) {\n // TODO: This gets called every time we yield. We can optimize by storing\n // the earliest expiration time on the root. Then use that to quickly bail out\n // of this function.\n var pendingLanes = root.pendingLanes;\n var suspendedLanes = root.suspendedLanes;\n var pingedLanes = root.pingedLanes;\n var expirationTimes = root.expirationTimes; // Iterate through the pending lanes and check if we've reached their\n // expiration time. If so, we'll assume the update is being starved and mark\n // it as expired to force it to finish.\n\n var lanes = pendingLanes;\n\n while (lanes > 0) {\n var index = pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n var expirationTime = expirationTimes[index];\n\n if (expirationTime === NoTimestamp) {\n // Found a pending lane with no expiration time. If it's not suspended, or\n // if it's pinged, assume it's CPU-bound. Compute a new expiration time\n // using the current time.\n if ((lane & suspendedLanes) === NoLanes || (lane & pingedLanes) !== NoLanes) {\n // Assumes timestamps are monotonically increasing.\n expirationTimes[index] = computeExpirationTime(lane, currentTime);\n }\n } else if (expirationTime <= currentTime) {\n // This lane expired\n root.expiredLanes |= lane;\n }\n\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n} // This returns the highest priority pending lanes regardless of whether they\n// are suspended.\n\nfunction getHighestPriorityPendingLanes(root) {\n return getHighestPriorityLanes(root.pendingLanes);\n}\nfunction getLanesToRetrySynchronouslyOnError(root) {\n var everythingButOffscreen = root.pendingLanes & ~OffscreenLane;\n\n if (everythingButOffscreen !== NoLanes) {\n return everythingButOffscreen;\n }\n\n if (everythingButOffscreen & OffscreenLane) {\n return OffscreenLane;\n }\n\n return NoLanes;\n}\nfunction includesSyncLane(lanes) {\n return (lanes & SyncLane) !== NoLanes;\n}\nfunction includesNonIdleWork(lanes) {\n return (lanes & NonIdleLanes) !== NoLanes;\n}\nfunction includesOnlyRetries(lanes) {\n return (lanes & RetryLanes) === lanes;\n}\nfunction includesOnlyNonUrgentLanes(lanes) {\n var UrgentLanes = SyncLane | InputContinuousLane | DefaultLane;\n return (lanes & UrgentLanes) === NoLanes;\n}\nfunction includesOnlyTransitions(lanes) {\n return (lanes & TransitionLanes) === lanes;\n}\nfunction includesBlockingLane(root, lanes) {\n\n var SyncDefaultLanes = InputContinuousHydrationLane | InputContinuousLane | DefaultHydrationLane | DefaultLane;\n return (lanes & SyncDefaultLanes) !== NoLanes;\n}\nfunction includesExpiredLane(root, lanes) {\n // This is a separate check from includesBlockingLane because a lane can\n // expire after a render has already started.\n return (lanes & root.expiredLanes) !== NoLanes;\n}\nfunction isTransitionLane(lane) {\n return (lane & TransitionLanes) !== NoLanes;\n}\nfunction claimNextTransitionLane() {\n // Cycle through the lanes, assigning each new transition to the next lane.\n // In most cases, this means every transition gets its own lane, until we\n // run out of lanes and cycle back to the beginning.\n var lane = nextTransitionLane;\n nextTransitionLane <<= 1;\n\n if ((nextTransitionLane & TransitionLanes) === NoLanes) {\n nextTransitionLane = TransitionLane1;\n }\n\n return lane;\n}\nfunction claimNextRetryLane() {\n var lane = nextRetryLane;\n nextRetryLane <<= 1;\n\n if ((nextRetryLane & RetryLanes) === NoLanes) {\n nextRetryLane = RetryLane1;\n }\n\n return lane;\n}\nfunction getHighestPriorityLane(lanes) {\n return lanes & -lanes;\n}\nfunction pickArbitraryLane(lanes) {\n // This wrapper function gets inlined. Only exists so to communicate that it\n // doesn't matter which bit is selected; you can pick any bit without\n // affecting the algorithms where its used. Here I'm using\n // getHighestPriorityLane because it requires the fewest operations.\n return getHighestPriorityLane(lanes);\n}\n\nfunction pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes) {\n return 31 - clz32(lanes);\n}\n\nfunction laneToIndex(lane) {\n return pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lane);\n}\n\nfunction includesSomeLane(a, b) {\n return (a & b) !== NoLanes;\n}\nfunction isSubsetOfLanes(set, subset) {\n return (set & subset) === subset;\n}\nfunction mergeLanes(a, b) {\n return a | b;\n}\nfunction removeLanes(set, subset) {\n return set & ~subset;\n}\nfunction intersectLanes(a, b) {\n return a & b;\n} // Seems redundant, but it changes the type from a single lane (used for\n// updates) to a group of lanes (used for flushing work).\n\nfunction laneToLanes(lane) {\n return lane;\n}\nfunction higherPriorityLane(a, b) {\n // This works because the bit ranges decrease in priority as you go left.\n return a !== NoLane && a < b ? a : b;\n}\nfunction createLaneMap(initial) {\n // Intentionally pushing one by one.\n //\n var laneMap = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < TotalLanes; i++) {\n laneMap.push(initial);\n }\n\n return laneMap;\n}\nfunction markRootUpdated(root, updateLane, eventTime) {\n root.pendingLanes |= updateLane; // If there are any suspended transitions, it's possible this new update\n // could unblock them. Clear the suspended lanes so that we can try rendering\n // them again.\n //\n // TODO: We really only need to unsuspend only lanes that are in the\n // `subtreeLanes` of the updated fiber, or the update lanes of the return\n // path. This would exclude suspended updates in an unrelated sibling tree,\n // since there's no way for this update to unblock it.\n //\n // We don't do this if the incoming update is idle, because we never process\n // idle updates until after all the regular updates have finished; there's no\n // way it could unblock a transition.\n\n if (updateLane !== IdleLane) {\n root.suspendedLanes = NoLanes;\n root.pingedLanes = NoLanes;\n }\n\n var eventTimes = root.eventTimes;\n var index = laneToIndex(updateLane); // We can always overwrite an existing timestamp because we prefer the most\n // recent event, and we assume time is monotonically increasing.\n\n eventTimes[index] = eventTime;\n}\nfunction markRootSuspended(root, suspendedLanes) {\n root.suspendedLanes |= suspendedLanes;\n root.pingedLanes &= ~suspendedLanes; // The suspended lanes are no longer CPU-bound. Clear their expiration times.\n\n var expirationTimes = root.expirationTimes;\n var lanes = suspendedLanes;\n\n while (lanes > 0) {\n var index = pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n expirationTimes[index] = NoTimestamp;\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n}\nfunction markRootPinged(root, pingedLanes, eventTime) {\n root.pingedLanes |= root.suspendedLanes & pingedLanes;\n}\nfunction markRootFinished(root, remainingLanes) {\n var noLongerPendingLanes = root.pendingLanes & ~remainingLanes;\n root.pendingLanes = remainingLanes; // Let's try everything again\n\n root.suspendedLanes = NoLanes;\n root.pingedLanes = NoLanes;\n root.expiredLanes &= remainingLanes;\n root.mutableReadLanes &= remainingLanes;\n root.entangledLanes &= remainingLanes;\n var entanglements = root.entanglements;\n var eventTimes = root.eventTimes;\n var expirationTimes = root.expirationTimes; // Clear the lanes that no longer have pending work\n\n var lanes = noLongerPendingLanes;\n\n while (lanes > 0) {\n var index = pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n entanglements[index] = NoLanes;\n eventTimes[index] = NoTimestamp;\n expirationTimes[index] = NoTimestamp;\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n}\nfunction markRootEntangled(root, entangledLanes) {\n // In addition to entangling each of the given lanes with each other, we also\n // have to consider _transitive_ entanglements. For each lane that is already\n // entangled with *any* of the given lanes, that lane is now transitively\n // entangled with *all* the given lanes.\n //\n // Translated: If C is entangled with A, then entangling A with B also\n // entangles C with B.\n //\n // If this is hard to grasp, it might help to intentionally break this\n // function and look at the tests that fail in ReactTransition-test.js. Try\n // commenting out one of the conditions below.\n var rootEntangledLanes = root.entangledLanes |= entangledLanes;\n var entanglements = root.entanglements;\n var lanes = rootEntangledLanes;\n\n while (lanes) {\n var index = pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n\n if ( // Is this one of the newly entangled lanes?\n lane & entangledLanes | // Is this lane transitively entangled with the newly entangled lanes?\n entanglements[index] & entangledLanes) {\n entanglements[index] |= entangledLanes;\n }\n\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n}\nfunction getBumpedLaneForHydration(root, renderLanes) {\n var renderLane = getHighestPriorityLane(renderLanes);\n var lane;\n\n switch (renderLane) {\n case InputContinuousLane:\n lane = InputContinuousHydrationLane;\n break;\n\n case DefaultLane:\n lane = DefaultHydrationLane;\n break;\n\n case TransitionLane1:\n case TransitionLane2:\n case TransitionLane3:\n case TransitionLane4:\n case TransitionLane5:\n case TransitionLane6:\n case TransitionLane7:\n case TransitionLane8:\n case TransitionLane9:\n case TransitionLane10:\n case TransitionLane11:\n case TransitionLane12:\n case TransitionLane13:\n case TransitionLane14:\n case TransitionLane15:\n case TransitionLane16:\n case RetryLane1:\n case RetryLane2:\n case RetryLane3:\n case RetryLane4:\n case RetryLane5:\n lane = TransitionHydrationLane;\n break;\n\n case IdleLane:\n lane = IdleHydrationLane;\n break;\n\n default:\n // Everything else is already either a hydration lane, or shouldn't\n // be retried at a hydration lane.\n lane = NoLane;\n break;\n } // Check if the lane we chose is suspended. If so, that indicates that we\n // already attempted and failed to hydrate at that level. Also check if we're\n // already rendering that lane, which is rare but could happen.\n\n\n if ((lane & (root.suspendedLanes | renderLanes)) !== NoLane) {\n // Give up trying to hydrate and fall back to client render.\n return NoLane;\n }\n\n return lane;\n}\nfunction addFiberToLanesMap(root, fiber, lanes) {\n\n if (!isDevToolsPresent) {\n return;\n }\n\n var pendingUpdatersLaneMap = root.pendingUpdatersLaneMap;\n\n while (lanes > 0) {\n var index = laneToIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n var updaters = pendingUpdatersLaneMap[index];\n updaters.add(fiber);\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n}\nfunction movePendingFibersToMemoized(root, lanes) {\n\n if (!isDevToolsPresent) {\n return;\n }\n\n var pendingUpdatersLaneMap = root.pendingUpdatersLaneMap;\n var memoizedUpdaters = root.memoizedUpdaters;\n\n while (lanes > 0) {\n var index = laneToIndex(lanes);\n var lane = 1 << index;\n var updaters = pendingUpdatersLaneMap[index];\n\n if (updaters.size > 0) {\n updaters.forEach(function (fiber) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (alternate === null || !memoizedUpdaters.has(alternate)) {\n memoizedUpdaters.add(fiber);\n }\n });\n updaters.clear();\n }\n\n lanes &= ~lane;\n }\n}\nfunction getTransitionsForLanes(root, lanes) {\n {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nvar DiscreteEventPriority = SyncLane;\nvar ContinuousEventPriority = InputContinuousLane;\nvar DefaultEventPriority = DefaultLane;\nvar IdleEventPriority = IdleLane;\nvar currentUpdatePriority = NoLane;\nfunction getCurrentUpdatePriority() {\n return currentUpdatePriority;\n}\nfunction setCurrentUpdatePriority(newPriority) {\n currentUpdatePriority = newPriority;\n}\nfunction runWithPriority(priority, fn) {\n var previousPriority = currentUpdatePriority;\n\n try {\n currentUpdatePriority = priority;\n return fn();\n } finally {\n currentUpdatePriority = previousPriority;\n }\n}\nfunction higherEventPriority(a, b) {\n return a !== 0 && a < b ? a : b;\n}\nfunction lowerEventPriority(a, b) {\n return a === 0 || a > b ? a : b;\n}\nfunction isHigherEventPriority(a, b) {\n return a !== 0 && a < b;\n}\nfunction lanesToEventPriority(lanes) {\n var lane = getHighestPriorityLane(lanes);\n\n if (!isHigherEventPriority(DiscreteEventPriority, lane)) {\n return DiscreteEventPriority;\n }\n\n if (!isHigherEventPriority(ContinuousEventPriority, lane)) {\n return ContinuousEventPriority;\n }\n\n if (includesNonIdleWork(lane)) {\n return DefaultEventPriority;\n }\n\n return IdleEventPriority;\n}\n\n// This is imported by the event replaying implementation in React DOM. It's\n// in a separate file to break a circular dependency between the renderer and\n// the reconciler.\nfunction isRootDehydrated(root) {\n var currentState = root.current.memoizedState;\n return currentState.isDehydrated;\n}\n\nvar _attemptSynchronousHydration;\n\nfunction setAttemptSynchronousHydration(fn) {\n _attemptSynchronousHydration = fn;\n}\nfunction attemptSynchronousHydration(fiber) {\n _attemptSynchronousHydration(fiber);\n}\nvar attemptContinuousHydration;\nfunction setAttemptContinuousHydration(fn) {\n attemptContinuousHydration = fn;\n}\nvar attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority;\nfunction setAttemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority(fn) {\n attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority = fn;\n}\nvar getCurrentUpdatePriority$1;\nfunction setGetCurrentUpdatePriority(fn) {\n getCurrentUpdatePriority$1 = fn;\n}\nvar attemptHydrationAtPriority;\nfunction setAttemptHydrationAtPriority(fn) {\n attemptHydrationAtPriority = fn;\n} // TODO: Upgrade this definition once we're on a newer version of Flow that\n// has this definition built-in.\n\nvar hasScheduledReplayAttempt = false; // The queue of discrete events to be replayed.\n\nvar queuedDiscreteEvents = []; // Indicates if any continuous event targets are non-null for early bailout.\n// if the last target was dehydrated.\n\nvar queuedFocus = null;\nvar queuedDrag = null;\nvar queuedMouse = null; // For pointer events there can be one latest event per pointerId.\n\nvar queuedPointers = new Map();\nvar queuedPointerCaptures = new Map(); // We could consider replaying selectionchange and touchmoves too.\n\nvar queuedExplicitHydrationTargets = [];\nvar discreteReplayableEvents = ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'touchcancel', 'touchend', 'touchstart', 'auxclick', 'dblclick', 'pointercancel', 'pointerdown', 'pointerup', 'dragend', 'dragstart', 'drop', 'compositionend', 'compositionstart', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'input', 'textInput', // Intentionally camelCase\n'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'click', 'change', 'contextmenu', 'reset', 'submit'];\nfunction isDiscreteEventThatRequiresHydration(eventType) {\n return discreteReplayableEvents.indexOf(eventType) > -1;\n}\n\nfunction createQueuedReplayableEvent(blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent) {\n return {\n blockedOn: blockedOn,\n domEventName: domEventName,\n eventSystemFlags: eventSystemFlags,\n nativeEvent: nativeEvent,\n targetContainers: [targetContainer]\n };\n}\n\nfunction clearIfContinuousEvent(domEventName, nativeEvent) {\n switch (domEventName) {\n case 'focusin':\n case 'focusout':\n queuedFocus = null;\n break;\n\n case 'dragenter':\n case 'dragleave':\n queuedDrag = null;\n break;\n\n case 'mouseover':\n case 'mouseout':\n queuedMouse = null;\n break;\n\n case 'pointerover':\n case 'pointerout':\n {\n var pointerId = nativeEvent.pointerId;\n queuedPointers.delete(pointerId);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'gotpointercapture':\n case 'lostpointercapture':\n {\n var _pointerId = nativeEvent.pointerId;\n queuedPointerCaptures.delete(_pointerId);\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(existingQueuedEvent, blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent) {\n if (existingQueuedEvent === null || existingQueuedEvent.nativeEvent !== nativeEvent) {\n var queuedEvent = createQueuedReplayableEvent(blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent);\n\n if (blockedOn !== null) {\n var _fiber2 = getInstanceFromNode(blockedOn);\n\n if (_fiber2 !== null) {\n // Attempt to increase the priority of this target.\n attemptContinuousHydration(_fiber2);\n }\n }\n\n return queuedEvent;\n } // If we have already queued this exact event, then it's because\n // the different event systems have different DOM event listeners.\n // We can accumulate the flags, and the targetContainers, and\n // store a single event to be replayed.\n\n\n existingQueuedEvent.eventSystemFlags |= eventSystemFlags;\n var targetContainers = existingQueuedEvent.targetContainers;\n\n if (targetContainer !== null && targetContainers.indexOf(targetContainer) === -1) {\n targetContainers.push(targetContainer);\n }\n\n return existingQueuedEvent;\n}\n\nfunction queueIfContinuousEvent(blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent) {\n // These set relatedTarget to null because the replayed event will be treated as if we\n // moved from outside the window (no target) onto the target once it hydrates.\n // Instead of mutating we could clone the event.\n switch (domEventName) {\n case 'focusin':\n {\n var focusEvent = nativeEvent;\n queuedFocus = accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(queuedFocus, blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, focusEvent);\n return true;\n }\n\n case 'dragenter':\n {\n var dragEvent = nativeEvent;\n queuedDrag = accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(queuedDrag, blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, dragEvent);\n return true;\n }\n\n case 'mouseover':\n {\n var mouseEvent = nativeEvent;\n queuedMouse = accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(queuedMouse, blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, mouseEvent);\n return true;\n }\n\n case 'pointerover':\n {\n var pointerEvent = nativeEvent;\n var pointerId = pointerEvent.pointerId;\n queuedPointers.set(pointerId, accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(queuedPointers.get(pointerId) || null, blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, pointerEvent));\n return true;\n }\n\n case 'gotpointercapture':\n {\n var _pointerEvent = nativeEvent;\n var _pointerId2 = _pointerEvent.pointerId;\n queuedPointerCaptures.set(_pointerId2, accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(queuedPointerCaptures.get(_pointerId2) || null, blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, _pointerEvent));\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n} // Check if this target is unblocked. Returns true if it's unblocked.\n\nfunction attemptExplicitHydrationTarget(queuedTarget) {\n // TODO: This function shares a lot of logic with findInstanceBlockingEvent.\n // Try to unify them. It's a bit tricky since it would require two return\n // values.\n var targetInst = getClosestInstanceFromNode(;\n\n if (targetInst !== null) {\n var nearestMounted = getNearestMountedFiber(targetInst);\n\n if (nearestMounted !== null) {\n var tag = nearestMounted.tag;\n\n if (tag === SuspenseComponent) {\n var instance = getSuspenseInstanceFromFiber(nearestMounted);\n\n if (instance !== null) {\n // We're blocked on hydrating this boundary.\n // Increase its priority.\n queuedTarget.blockedOn = instance;\n attemptHydrationAtPriority(queuedTarget.priority, function () {\n attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority(nearestMounted);\n });\n return;\n }\n } else if (tag === HostRoot) {\n var root = nearestMounted.stateNode;\n\n if (isRootDehydrated(root)) {\n queuedTarget.blockedOn = getContainerFromFiber(nearestMounted); // We don't currently have a way to increase the priority of\n // a root other than sync.\n\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n queuedTarget.blockedOn = null;\n}\n\nfunction queueExplicitHydrationTarget(target) {\n // TODO: This will read the priority if it's dispatched by the React\n // event system but not native events. Should read window.event.type, like\n // we do for updates (getCurrentEventPriority).\n var updatePriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority$1();\n var queuedTarget = {\n blockedOn: null,\n target: target,\n priority: updatePriority\n };\n var i = 0;\n\n for (; i < queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.length; i++) {\n // Stop once we hit the first target with lower priority than\n if (!isHigherEventPriority(updatePriority, queuedExplicitHydrationTargets[i].priority)) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.splice(i, 0, queuedTarget);\n\n if (i === 0) {\n attemptExplicitHydrationTarget(queuedTarget);\n }\n}\n\nfunction attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedEvent) {\n if (queuedEvent.blockedOn !== null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var targetContainers = queuedEvent.targetContainers;\n\n while (targetContainers.length > 0) {\n var targetContainer = targetContainers[0];\n var nextBlockedOn = findInstanceBlockingEvent(queuedEvent.domEventName, queuedEvent.eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, queuedEvent.nativeEvent);\n\n if (nextBlockedOn === null) {\n {\n var nativeEvent = queuedEvent.nativeEvent;\n var nativeEventClone = new nativeEvent.constructor(nativeEvent.type, nativeEvent);\n setReplayingEvent(nativeEventClone);\n;\n resetReplayingEvent();\n }\n } else {\n // We're still blocked. Try again later.\n var _fiber3 = getInstanceFromNode(nextBlockedOn);\n\n if (_fiber3 !== null) {\n attemptContinuousHydration(_fiber3);\n }\n\n queuedEvent.blockedOn = nextBlockedOn;\n return false;\n } // This target container was successfully dispatched. Try the next.\n\n\n targetContainers.shift();\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEventInMap(queuedEvent, key, map) {\n if (attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedEvent)) {\n map.delete(key);\n }\n}\n\nfunction replayUnblockedEvents() {\n hasScheduledReplayAttempt = false;\n\n\n if (queuedFocus !== null && attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedFocus)) {\n queuedFocus = null;\n }\n\n if (queuedDrag !== null && attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedDrag)) {\n queuedDrag = null;\n }\n\n if (queuedMouse !== null && attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedMouse)) {\n queuedMouse = null;\n }\n\n queuedPointers.forEach(attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEventInMap);\n queuedPointerCaptures.forEach(attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEventInMap);\n}\n\nfunction scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedEvent, unblocked) {\n if (queuedEvent.blockedOn === unblocked) {\n queuedEvent.blockedOn = null;\n\n if (!hasScheduledReplayAttempt) {\n hasScheduledReplayAttempt = true; // Schedule a callback to attempt replaying as many events as are\n // now unblocked. This first might not actually be unblocked yet.\n // We could check it early to avoid scheduling an unnecessary callback.\n\n Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback(Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority, replayUnblockedEvents);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction retryIfBlockedOn(unblocked) {\n // Mark anything that was blocked on this as no longer blocked\n // and eligible for a replay.\n if (queuedDiscreteEvents.length > 0) {\n scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedDiscreteEvents[0], unblocked); // This is a exponential search for each boundary that commits. I think it's\n // worth it because we expect very few discrete events to queue up and once\n // we are actually fully unblocked it will be fast to replay them.\n\n for (var i = 1; i < queuedDiscreteEvents.length; i++) {\n var queuedEvent = queuedDiscreteEvents[i];\n\n if (queuedEvent.blockedOn === unblocked) {\n queuedEvent.blockedOn = null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (queuedFocus !== null) {\n scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedFocus, unblocked);\n }\n\n if (queuedDrag !== null) {\n scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedDrag, unblocked);\n }\n\n if (queuedMouse !== null) {\n scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedMouse, unblocked);\n }\n\n var unblock = function (queuedEvent) {\n return scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedEvent, unblocked);\n };\n\n queuedPointers.forEach(unblock);\n queuedPointerCaptures.forEach(unblock);\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.length; _i++) {\n var queuedTarget = queuedExplicitHydrationTargets[_i];\n\n if (queuedTarget.blockedOn === unblocked) {\n queuedTarget.blockedOn = null;\n }\n }\n\n while (queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.length > 0) {\n var nextExplicitTarget = queuedExplicitHydrationTargets[0];\n\n if (nextExplicitTarget.blockedOn !== null) {\n // We're still blocked.\n break;\n } else {\n attemptExplicitHydrationTarget(nextExplicitTarget);\n\n if (nextExplicitTarget.blockedOn === null) {\n // We're unblocked.\n queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.shift();\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentBatchConfig = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; // TODO: can we stop exporting these?\n\nvar _enabled = true; // This is exported in FB builds for use by legacy FB layer infra.\n// We'd like to remove this but it's not clear if this is safe.\n\nfunction setEnabled(enabled) {\n _enabled = !!enabled;\n}\nfunction isEnabled() {\n return _enabled;\n}\nfunction createEventListenerWrapperWithPriority(targetContainer, domEventName, eventSystemFlags) {\n var eventPriority = getEventPriority(domEventName);\n var listenerWrapper;\n\n switch (eventPriority) {\n case DiscreteEventPriority:\n listenerWrapper = dispatchDiscreteEvent;\n break;\n\n case ContinuousEventPriority:\n listenerWrapper = dispatchContinuousEvent;\n break;\n\n case DefaultEventPriority:\n default:\n listenerWrapper = dispatchEvent;\n break;\n }\n\n return listenerWrapper.bind(null, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer);\n}\n\nfunction dispatchDiscreteEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, container, nativeEvent) {\n var previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition;\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = null;\n\n try {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(DiscreteEventPriority);\n dispatchEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, container, nativeEvent);\n } finally {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousPriority);\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition;\n }\n}\n\nfunction dispatchContinuousEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, container, nativeEvent) {\n var previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition;\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = null;\n\n try {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(ContinuousEventPriority);\n dispatchEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, container, nativeEvent);\n } finally {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousPriority);\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition;\n }\n}\n\nfunction dispatchEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent) {\n if (!_enabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n {\n dispatchEventWithEnableCapturePhaseSelectiveHydrationWithoutDiscreteEventReplay(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent);\n }\n}\n\nfunction dispatchEventWithEnableCapturePhaseSelectiveHydrationWithoutDiscreteEventReplay(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent) {\n var blockedOn = findInstanceBlockingEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent);\n\n if (blockedOn === null) {\n dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, nativeEvent, return_targetInst, targetContainer);\n clearIfContinuousEvent(domEventName, nativeEvent);\n return;\n }\n\n if (queueIfContinuousEvent(blockedOn, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent)) {\n nativeEvent.stopPropagation();\n return;\n } // We need to clear only if we didn't queue because\n // queueing is accumulative.\n\n\n clearIfContinuousEvent(domEventName, nativeEvent);\n\n if (eventSystemFlags & IS_CAPTURE_PHASE && isDiscreteEventThatRequiresHydration(domEventName)) {\n while (blockedOn !== null) {\n var fiber = getInstanceFromNode(blockedOn);\n\n if (fiber !== null) {\n attemptSynchronousHydration(fiber);\n }\n\n var nextBlockedOn = findInstanceBlockingEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent);\n\n if (nextBlockedOn === null) {\n dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, nativeEvent, return_targetInst, targetContainer);\n }\n\n if (nextBlockedOn === blockedOn) {\n break;\n }\n\n blockedOn = nextBlockedOn;\n }\n\n if (blockedOn !== null) {\n nativeEvent.stopPropagation();\n }\n\n return;\n } // This is not replayable so we'll invoke it but without a target,\n // in case the event system needs to trace it.\n\n\n dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, nativeEvent, null, targetContainer);\n}\n\nvar return_targetInst = null; // Returns a SuspenseInstance or Container if it's blocked.\n// The return_targetInst field above is conceptually part of the return value.\n\nfunction findInstanceBlockingEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer, nativeEvent) {\n // TODO: Warn if _enabled is false.\n return_targetInst = null;\n var nativeEventTarget = getEventTarget(nativeEvent);\n var targetInst = getClosestInstanceFromNode(nativeEventTarget);\n\n if (targetInst !== null) {\n var nearestMounted = getNearestMountedFiber(targetInst);\n\n if (nearestMounted === null) {\n // This tree has been unmounted already. Dispatch without a target.\n targetInst = null;\n } else {\n var tag = nearestMounted.tag;\n\n if (tag === SuspenseComponent) {\n var instance = getSuspenseInstanceFromFiber(nearestMounted);\n\n if (instance !== null) {\n // Queue the event to be replayed later. Abort dispatching since we\n // don't want this event dispatched twice through the event system.\n // TODO: If this is the first discrete event in the queue. Schedule an increased\n // priority for this boundary.\n return instance;\n } // This shouldn't happen, something went wrong but to avoid blocking\n // the whole system, dispatch the event without a target.\n // TODO: Warn.\n\n\n targetInst = null;\n } else if (tag === HostRoot) {\n var root = nearestMounted.stateNode;\n\n if (isRootDehydrated(root)) {\n // If this happens during a replay something went wrong and it might block\n // the whole system.\n return getContainerFromFiber(nearestMounted);\n }\n\n targetInst = null;\n } else if (nearestMounted !== targetInst) {\n // If we get an event (ex: img onload) before committing that\n // component's mount, ignore it for now (that is, treat it as if it was an\n // event on a non-React tree). We might also consider queueing events and\n // dispatching them after the mount.\n targetInst = null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return_targetInst = targetInst; // We're not blocked on anything.\n\n return null;\n}\nfunction getEventPriority(domEventName) {\n switch (domEventName) {\n // Used by SimpleEventPlugin:\n case 'cancel':\n case 'click':\n case 'close':\n case 'contextmenu':\n case 'copy':\n case 'cut':\n case 'auxclick':\n case 'dblclick':\n case 'dragend':\n case 'dragstart':\n case 'drop':\n case 'focusin':\n case 'focusout':\n case 'input':\n case 'invalid':\n case 'keydown':\n case 'keypress':\n case 'keyup':\n case 'mousedown':\n case 'mouseup':\n case 'paste':\n case 'pause':\n case 'play':\n case 'pointercancel':\n case 'pointerdown':\n case 'pointerup':\n case 'ratechange':\n case 'reset':\n case 'resize':\n case 'seeked':\n case 'submit':\n case 'touchcancel':\n case 'touchend':\n case 'touchstart':\n case 'volumechange': // Used by polyfills:\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case 'change':\n case 'selectionchange':\n case 'textInput':\n case 'compositionstart':\n case 'compositionend':\n case 'compositionupdate': // Only enableCreateEventHandleAPI:\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case 'beforeblur':\n case 'afterblur': // Not used by React but could be by user code:\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case 'beforeinput':\n case 'blur':\n case 'fullscreenchange':\n case 'focus':\n case 'hashchange':\n case 'popstate':\n case 'select':\n case 'selectstart':\n return DiscreteEventPriority;\n\n case 'drag':\n case 'dragenter':\n case 'dragexit':\n case 'dragleave':\n case 'dragover':\n case 'mousemove':\n case 'mouseout':\n case 'mouseover':\n case 'pointermove':\n case 'pointerout':\n case 'pointerover':\n case 'scroll':\n case 'toggle':\n case 'touchmove':\n case 'wheel': // Not used by React but could be by user code:\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case 'mouseenter':\n case 'mouseleave':\n case 'pointerenter':\n case 'pointerleave':\n return ContinuousEventPriority;\n\n case 'message':\n {\n // We might be in the Scheduler callback.\n // Eventually this mechanism will be replaced by a check\n // of the current priority on the native scheduler.\n var schedulerPriority = getCurrentPriorityLevel();\n\n switch (schedulerPriority) {\n case ImmediatePriority:\n return DiscreteEventPriority;\n\n case UserBlockingPriority:\n return ContinuousEventPriority;\n\n case NormalPriority:\n case LowPriority:\n // TODO: Handle LowSchedulerPriority, somehow. Maybe the same lane as hydration.\n return DefaultEventPriority;\n\n case IdlePriority:\n return IdleEventPriority;\n\n default:\n return DefaultEventPriority;\n }\n }\n\n default:\n return DefaultEventPriority;\n }\n}\n\nfunction addEventBubbleListener(target, eventType, listener) {\n target.addEventListener(eventType, listener, false);\n return listener;\n}\nfunction addEventCaptureListener(target, eventType, listener) {\n target.addEventListener(eventType, listener, true);\n return listener;\n}\nfunction addEventCaptureListenerWithPassiveFlag(target, eventType, listener, passive) {\n target.addEventListener(eventType, listener, {\n capture: true,\n passive: passive\n });\n return listener;\n}\nfunction addEventBubbleListenerWithPassiveFlag(target, eventType, listener, passive) {\n target.addEventListener(eventType, listener, {\n passive: passive\n });\n return listener;\n}\n\n/**\n * These variables store information about text content of a target node,\n * allowing comparison of content before and after a given event.\n *\n * Identify the node where selection currently begins, then observe\n * both its text content and its current position in the DOM. Since the\n * browser may natively replace the target node during composition, we can\n * use its position to find its replacement.\n *\n *\n */\nvar root = null;\nvar startText = null;\nvar fallbackText = null;\nfunction initialize(nativeEventTarget) {\n root = nativeEventTarget;\n startText = getText();\n return true;\n}\nfunction reset() {\n root = null;\n startText = null;\n fallbackText = null;\n}\nfunction getData() {\n if (fallbackText) {\n return fallbackText;\n }\n\n var start;\n var startValue = startText;\n var startLength = startValue.length;\n var end;\n var endValue = getText();\n var endLength = endValue.length;\n\n for (start = 0; start < startLength; start++) {\n if (startValue[start] !== endValue[start]) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n var minEnd = startLength - start;\n\n for (end = 1; end <= minEnd; end++) {\n if (startValue[startLength - end] !== endValue[endLength - end]) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n var sliceTail = end > 1 ? 1 - end : undefined;\n fallbackText = endValue.slice(start, sliceTail);\n return fallbackText;\n}\nfunction getText() {\n if ('value' in root) {\n return root.value;\n }\n\n return root.textContent;\n}\n\n/**\n * `charCode` represents the actual \"character code\" and is safe to use with\n * `String.fromCharCode`. As such, only keys that correspond to printable\n * characters produce a valid `charCode`, the only exception to this is Enter.\n * The Tab-key is considered non-printable and does not have a `charCode`,\n * presumably because it does not produce a tab-character in browsers.\n *\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @return {number} Normalized `charCode` property.\n */\nfunction getEventCharCode(nativeEvent) {\n var charCode;\n var keyCode = nativeEvent.keyCode;\n\n if ('charCode' in nativeEvent) {\n charCode = nativeEvent.charCode; // FF does not set `charCode` for the Enter-key, check against `keyCode`.\n\n if (charCode === 0 && keyCode === 13) {\n charCode = 13;\n }\n } else {\n // IE8 does not implement `charCode`, but `keyCode` has the correct value.\n charCode = keyCode;\n } // IE and Edge (on Windows) and Chrome / Safari (on Windows and Linux)\n // report Enter as charCode 10 when ctrl is pressed.\n\n\n if (charCode === 10) {\n charCode = 13;\n } // Some non-printable keys are reported in `charCode`/`keyCode`, discard them.\n // Must not discard the (non-)printable Enter-key.\n\n\n if (charCode >= 32 || charCode === 13) {\n return charCode;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nfunction functionThatReturnsTrue() {\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction functionThatReturnsFalse() {\n return false;\n} // This is intentionally a factory so that we have different returned constructors.\n// If we had a single constructor, it would be megamorphic and engines would deopt.\n\n\nfunction createSyntheticEvent(Interface) {\n /**\n * Synthetic events are dispatched by event plugins, typically in response to a\n * top-level event delegation handler.\n *\n * These systems should generally use pooling to reduce the frequency of garbage\n * collection. The system should check `isPersistent` to determine whether the\n * event should be released into the pool after being dispatched. Users that\n * need a persisted event should invoke `persist`.\n *\n * Synthetic events (and subclasses) implement the DOM Level 3 Events API by\n * normalizing browser quirks. Subclasses do not necessarily have to implement a\n * DOM interface; custom application-specific events can also subclass this.\n */\n function SyntheticBaseEvent(reactName, reactEventType, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n this._reactName = reactName;\n this._targetInst = targetInst;\n this.type = reactEventType;\n this.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;\n = nativeEventTarget;\n this.currentTarget = null;\n\n for (var _propName in Interface) {\n if (!Interface.hasOwnProperty(_propName)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var normalize = Interface[_propName];\n\n if (normalize) {\n this[_propName] = normalize(nativeEvent);\n } else {\n this[_propName] = nativeEvent[_propName];\n }\n }\n\n var defaultPrevented = nativeEvent.defaultPrevented != null ? nativeEvent.defaultPrevented : nativeEvent.returnValue === false;\n\n if (defaultPrevented) {\n this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsTrue;\n } else {\n this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsFalse;\n }\n\n this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsFalse;\n return this;\n }\n\n assign(SyntheticBaseEvent.prototype, {\n preventDefault: function () {\n this.defaultPrevented = true;\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n\n if (!event) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (event.preventDefault) {\n event.preventDefault(); // $FlowFixMe - flow is not aware of `unknown` in IE\n } else if (typeof event.returnValue !== 'unknown') {\n event.returnValue = false;\n }\n\n this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsTrue;\n },\n stopPropagation: function () {\n var event = this.nativeEvent;\n\n if (!event) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (event.stopPropagation) {\n event.stopPropagation(); // $FlowFixMe - flow is not aware of `unknown` in IE\n } else if (typeof event.cancelBubble !== 'unknown') {\n // The ChangeEventPlugin registers a \"propertychange\" event for\n // IE. This event does not support bubbling or cancelling, and\n // any references to cancelBubble throw \"Member not found\". A\n // typeof check of \"unknown\" circumvents this issue (and is also\n // IE specific).\n event.cancelBubble = true;\n }\n\n this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsTrue;\n },\n\n /**\n * We release all dispatched `SyntheticEvent`s after each event loop, adding\n * them back into the pool. This allows a way to hold onto a reference that\n * won't be added back into the pool.\n */\n persist: function () {// Modern event system doesn't use pooling.\n },\n\n /**\n * Checks if this event should be released back into the pool.\n *\n * @return {boolean} True if this should not be released, false otherwise.\n */\n isPersistent: functionThatReturnsTrue\n });\n return SyntheticBaseEvent;\n}\n/**\n * @interface Event\n * @see\n */\n\n\nvar EventInterface = {\n eventPhase: 0,\n bubbles: 0,\n cancelable: 0,\n timeStamp: function (event) {\n return event.timeStamp ||;\n },\n defaultPrevented: 0,\n isTrusted: 0\n};\nvar SyntheticEvent = createSyntheticEvent(EventInterface);\n\nvar UIEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {\n view: 0,\n detail: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticUIEvent = createSyntheticEvent(UIEventInterface);\nvar lastMovementX;\nvar lastMovementY;\nvar lastMouseEvent;\n\nfunction updateMouseMovementPolyfillState(event) {\n if (event !== lastMouseEvent) {\n if (lastMouseEvent && event.type === 'mousemove') {\n lastMovementX = event.screenX - lastMouseEvent.screenX;\n lastMovementY = event.screenY - lastMouseEvent.screenY;\n } else {\n lastMovementX = 0;\n lastMovementY = 0;\n }\n\n lastMouseEvent = event;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @interface MouseEvent\n * @see\n */\n\n\nvar MouseEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, {\n screenX: 0,\n screenY: 0,\n clientX: 0,\n clientY: 0,\n pageX: 0,\n pageY: 0,\n ctrlKey: 0,\n shiftKey: 0,\n altKey: 0,\n metaKey: 0,\n getModifierState: getEventModifierState,\n button: 0,\n buttons: 0,\n relatedTarget: function (event) {\n if (event.relatedTarget === undefined) return event.fromElement === event.srcElement ? event.toElement : event.fromElement;\n return event.relatedTarget;\n },\n movementX: function (event) {\n if ('movementX' in event) {\n return event.movementX;\n }\n\n updateMouseMovementPolyfillState(event);\n return lastMovementX;\n },\n movementY: function (event) {\n if ('movementY' in event) {\n return event.movementY;\n } // Don't need to call updateMouseMovementPolyfillState() here\n // because it's guaranteed to have already run when movementX\n // was copied.\n\n\n return lastMovementY;\n }\n});\n\nvar SyntheticMouseEvent = createSyntheticEvent(MouseEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface DragEvent\n * @see\n */\n\nvar DragEventInterface = assign({}, MouseEventInterface, {\n dataTransfer: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticDragEvent = createSyntheticEvent(DragEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface FocusEvent\n * @see\n */\n\nvar FocusEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, {\n relatedTarget: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticFocusEvent = createSyntheticEvent(FocusEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface Event\n * @see\n * @see\n */\n\nvar AnimationEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {\n animationName: 0,\n elapsedTime: 0,\n pseudoElement: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticAnimationEvent = createSyntheticEvent(AnimationEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface Event\n * @see\n */\n\nvar ClipboardEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {\n clipboardData: function (event) {\n return 'clipboardData' in event ? event.clipboardData : window.clipboardData;\n }\n});\n\nvar SyntheticClipboardEvent = createSyntheticEvent(ClipboardEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface Event\n * @see\n */\n\nvar CompositionEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {\n data: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticCompositionEvent = createSyntheticEvent(CompositionEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface Event\n * @see\n * /#events-inputevents\n */\n// Happens to share the same list for now.\n\nvar SyntheticInputEvent = SyntheticCompositionEvent;\n/**\n * Normalization of deprecated HTML5 `key` values\n * @see\n */\n\nvar normalizeKey = {\n Esc: 'Escape',\n Spacebar: ' ',\n Left: 'ArrowLeft',\n Up: 'ArrowUp',\n Right: 'ArrowRight',\n Down: 'ArrowDown',\n Del: 'Delete',\n Win: 'OS',\n Menu: 'ContextMenu',\n Apps: 'ContextMenu',\n Scroll: 'ScrollLock',\n MozPrintableKey: 'Unidentified'\n};\n/**\n * Translation from legacy `keyCode` to HTML5 `key`\n * Only special keys supported, all others depend on keyboard layout or browser\n * @see\n */\n\nvar translateToKey = {\n '8': 'Backspace',\n '9': 'Tab',\n '12': 'Clear',\n '13': 'Enter',\n '16': 'Shift',\n '17': 'Control',\n '18': 'Alt',\n '19': 'Pause',\n '20': 'CapsLock',\n '27': 'Escape',\n '32': ' ',\n '33': 'PageUp',\n '34': 'PageDown',\n '35': 'End',\n '36': 'Home',\n '37': 'ArrowLeft',\n '38': 'ArrowUp',\n '39': 'ArrowRight',\n '40': 'ArrowDown',\n '45': 'Insert',\n '46': 'Delete',\n '112': 'F1',\n '113': 'F2',\n '114': 'F3',\n '115': 'F4',\n '116': 'F5',\n '117': 'F6',\n '118': 'F7',\n '119': 'F8',\n '120': 'F9',\n '121': 'F10',\n '122': 'F11',\n '123': 'F12',\n '144': 'NumLock',\n '145': 'ScrollLock',\n '224': 'Meta'\n};\n/**\n * @param {object} nativeEvent Native browser event.\n * @return {string} Normalized `key` property.\n */\n\nfunction getEventKey(nativeEvent) {\n if (nativeEvent.key) {\n // Normalize inconsistent values reported by browsers due to\n // implementations of a working draft specification.\n // FireFox implements `key` but returns `MozPrintableKey` for all\n // printable characters (normalized to `Unidentified`), ignore it.\n var key = normalizeKey[nativeEvent.key] || nativeEvent.key;\n\n if (key !== 'Unidentified') {\n return key;\n }\n } // Browser does not implement `key`, polyfill as much of it as we can.\n\n\n if (nativeEvent.type === 'keypress') {\n var charCode = getEventCharCode(nativeEvent); // The enter-key is technically both printable and non-printable and can\n // thus be captured by `keypress`, no other non-printable key should.\n\n return charCode === 13 ? 'Enter' : String.fromCharCode(charCode);\n }\n\n if (nativeEvent.type === 'keydown' || nativeEvent.type === 'keyup') {\n // While user keyboard layout determines the actual meaning of each\n // `keyCode` value, almost all function keys have a universal value.\n return translateToKey[nativeEvent.keyCode] || 'Unidentified';\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n/**\n * Translation from modifier key to the associated property in the event.\n * @see\n */\n\n\nvar modifierKeyToProp = {\n Alt: 'altKey',\n Control: 'ctrlKey',\n Meta: 'metaKey',\n Shift: 'shiftKey'\n}; // Older browsers (Safari <= 10, iOS Safari <= 10.2) do not support\n// getModifierState. If getModifierState is not supported, we map it to a set of\n// modifier keys exposed by the event. In this case, Lock-keys are not supported.\n\nfunction modifierStateGetter(keyArg) {\n var syntheticEvent = this;\n var nativeEvent = syntheticEvent.nativeEvent;\n\n if (nativeEvent.getModifierState) {\n return nativeEvent.getModifierState(keyArg);\n }\n\n var keyProp = modifierKeyToProp[keyArg];\n return keyProp ? !!nativeEvent[keyProp] : false;\n}\n\nfunction getEventModifierState(nativeEvent) {\n return modifierStateGetter;\n}\n/**\n * @interface KeyboardEvent\n * @see\n */\n\n\nvar KeyboardEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, {\n key: getEventKey,\n code: 0,\n location: 0,\n ctrlKey: 0,\n shiftKey: 0,\n altKey: 0,\n metaKey: 0,\n repeat: 0,\n locale: 0,\n getModifierState: getEventModifierState,\n // Legacy Interface\n charCode: function (event) {\n // `charCode` is the result of a KeyPress event and represents the value of\n // the actual printable character.\n // KeyPress is deprecated, but its replacement is not yet final and not\n // implemented in any major browser. Only KeyPress has charCode.\n if (event.type === 'keypress') {\n return getEventCharCode(event);\n }\n\n return 0;\n },\n keyCode: function (event) {\n // `keyCode` is the result of a KeyDown/Up event and represents the value of\n // physical keyboard key.\n // The actual meaning of the value depends on the users' keyboard layout\n // which cannot be detected. Assuming that it is a US keyboard layout\n // provides a surprisingly accurate mapping for US and European users.\n // Due to this, it is left to the user to implement at this time.\n if (event.type === 'keydown' || event.type === 'keyup') {\n return event.keyCode;\n }\n\n return 0;\n },\n which: function (event) {\n // `which` is an alias for either `keyCode` or `charCode` depending on the\n // type of the event.\n if (event.type === 'keypress') {\n return getEventCharCode(event);\n }\n\n if (event.type === 'keydown' || event.type === 'keyup') {\n return event.keyCode;\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n});\n\nvar SyntheticKeyboardEvent = createSyntheticEvent(KeyboardEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface PointerEvent\n * @see\n */\n\nvar PointerEventInterface = assign({}, MouseEventInterface, {\n pointerId: 0,\n width: 0,\n height: 0,\n pressure: 0,\n tangentialPressure: 0,\n tiltX: 0,\n tiltY: 0,\n twist: 0,\n pointerType: 0,\n isPrimary: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticPointerEvent = createSyntheticEvent(PointerEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface TouchEvent\n * @see\n */\n\nvar TouchEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, {\n touches: 0,\n targetTouches: 0,\n changedTouches: 0,\n altKey: 0,\n metaKey: 0,\n ctrlKey: 0,\n shiftKey: 0,\n getModifierState: getEventModifierState\n});\n\nvar SyntheticTouchEvent = createSyntheticEvent(TouchEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface Event\n * @see\n * @see\n */\n\nvar TransitionEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {\n propertyName: 0,\n elapsedTime: 0,\n pseudoElement: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticTransitionEvent = createSyntheticEvent(TransitionEventInterface);\n/**\n * @interface WheelEvent\n * @see\n */\n\nvar WheelEventInterface = assign({}, MouseEventInterface, {\n deltaX: function (event) {\n return 'deltaX' in event ? event.deltaX : // Fallback to `wheelDeltaX` for Webkit and normalize (right is positive).\n 'wheelDeltaX' in event ? -event.wheelDeltaX : 0;\n },\n deltaY: function (event) {\n return 'deltaY' in event ? event.deltaY : // Fallback to `wheelDeltaY` for Webkit and normalize (down is positive).\n 'wheelDeltaY' in event ? -event.wheelDeltaY : // Fallback to `wheelDelta` for IE<9 and normalize (down is positive).\n 'wheelDelta' in event ? -event.wheelDelta : 0;\n },\n deltaZ: 0,\n // Browsers without \"deltaMode\" is reporting in raw wheel delta where one\n // notch on the scroll is always +/- 120, roughly equivalent to pixels.\n // A good approximation of DOM_DELTA_LINE (1) is 5% of viewport size or\n // ~40 pixels, for DOM_DELTA_SCREEN (2) it is 87.5% of viewport size.\n deltaMode: 0\n});\n\nvar SyntheticWheelEvent = createSyntheticEvent(WheelEventInterface);\n\nvar END_KEYCODES = [9, 13, 27, 32]; // Tab, Return, Esc, Space\n\nvar START_KEYCODE = 229;\nvar canUseCompositionEvent = canUseDOM && 'CompositionEvent' in window;\nvar documentMode = null;\n\nif (canUseDOM && 'documentMode' in document) {\n documentMode = document.documentMode;\n} // Webkit offers a very useful `textInput` event that can be used to\n// directly represent `beforeInput`. The IE `textinput` event is not as\n// useful, so we don't use it.\n\n\nvar canUseTextInputEvent = canUseDOM && 'TextEvent' in window && !documentMode; // In IE9+, we have access to composition events, but the data supplied\n// by the native compositionend event may be incorrect. Japanese ideographic\n// spaces, for instance (\\u3000) are not recorded correctly.\n\nvar useFallbackCompositionData = canUseDOM && (!canUseCompositionEvent || documentMode && documentMode > 8 && documentMode <= 11);\nvar SPACEBAR_CODE = 32;\nvar SPACEBAR_CHAR = String.fromCharCode(SPACEBAR_CODE);\n\nfunction registerEvents() {\n registerTwoPhaseEvent('onBeforeInput', ['compositionend', 'keypress', 'textInput', 'paste']);\n registerTwoPhaseEvent('onCompositionEnd', ['compositionend', 'focusout', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'mousedown']);\n registerTwoPhaseEvent('onCompositionStart', ['compositionstart', 'focusout', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'mousedown']);\n registerTwoPhaseEvent('onCompositionUpdate', ['compositionupdate', 'focusout', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'mousedown']);\n} // Track whether we've ever handled a keypress on the space key.\n\n\nvar hasSpaceKeypress = false;\n/**\n * Return whether a native keypress event is assumed to be a command.\n * This is required because Firefox fires `keypress` events for key commands\n * (cut, copy, select-all, etc.) even though no character is inserted.\n */\n\nfunction isKeypressCommand(nativeEvent) {\n return (nativeEvent.ctrlKey || nativeEvent.altKey || nativeEvent.metaKey) && // ctrlKey && altKey is equivalent to AltGr, and is not a command.\n !(nativeEvent.ctrlKey && nativeEvent.altKey);\n}\n/**\n * Translate native top level events into event types.\n */\n\n\nfunction getCompositionEventType(domEventName) {\n switch (domEventName) {\n case 'compositionstart':\n return 'onCompositionStart';\n\n case 'compositionend':\n return 'onCompositionEnd';\n\n case 'compositionupdate':\n return 'onCompositionUpdate';\n }\n}\n/**\n * Does our fallback best-guess model think this event signifies that\n * composition has begun?\n */\n\n\nfunction isFallbackCompositionStart(domEventName, nativeEvent) {\n return domEventName === 'keydown' && nativeEvent.keyCode === START_KEYCODE;\n}\n/**\n * Does our fallback mode think that this event is the end of composition?\n */\n\n\nfunction isFallbackCompositionEnd(domEventName, nativeEvent) {\n switch (domEventName) {\n case 'keyup':\n // Command keys insert or clear IME input.\n return END_KEYCODES.indexOf(nativeEvent.keyCode) !== -1;\n\n case 'keydown':\n // Expect IME keyCode on each keydown. If we get any other\n // code we must have exited earlier.\n return nativeEvent.keyCode !== START_KEYCODE;\n\n case 'keypress':\n case 'mousedown':\n case 'focusout':\n // Events are not possible without cancelling IME.\n return true;\n\n default:\n return false;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Google Input Tools provides composition data via a CustomEvent,\n * with the `data` property populated in the `detail` object. If this\n * is available on the event object, use it. If not, this is a plain\n * composition event and we have nothing special to extract.\n *\n * @param {object} nativeEvent\n * @return {?string}\n */\n\n\nfunction getDataFromCustomEvent(nativeEvent) {\n var detail = nativeEvent.detail;\n\n if (typeof detail === 'object' && 'data' in detail) {\n return;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Check if a composition event was triggered by Korean IME.\n * Our fallback mode does not work well with IE's Korean IME,\n * so just use native composition events when Korean IME is used.\n * Although CompositionEvent.locale property is deprecated,\n * it is available in IE, where our fallback mode is enabled.\n *\n * @param {object} nativeEvent\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n\n\nfunction isUsingKoreanIME(nativeEvent) {\n return nativeEvent.locale === 'ko';\n} // Track the current IME composition status, if any.\n\n\nvar isComposing = false;\n/**\n * @return {?object} A SyntheticCompositionEvent.\n */\n\nfunction extractCompositionEvent(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n var eventType;\n var fallbackData;\n\n if (canUseCompositionEvent) {\n eventType = getCompositionEventType(domEventName);\n } else if (!isComposing) {\n if (isFallbackCompositionStart(domEventName, nativeEvent)) {\n eventType = 'onCompositionStart';\n }\n } else if (isFallbackCompositionEnd(domEventName, nativeEvent)) {\n eventType = 'onCompositionEnd';\n }\n\n if (!eventType) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (useFallbackCompositionData && !isUsingKoreanIME(nativeEvent)) {\n // The current composition is stored statically and must not be\n // overwritten while composition continues.\n if (!isComposing && eventType === 'onCompositionStart') {\n isComposing = initialize(nativeEventTarget);\n } else if (eventType === 'onCompositionEnd') {\n if (isComposing) {\n fallbackData = getData();\n }\n }\n }\n\n var listeners = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(targetInst, eventType);\n\n if (listeners.length > 0) {\n var event = new SyntheticCompositionEvent(eventType, domEventName, null, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n dispatchQueue.push({\n event: event,\n listeners: listeners\n });\n\n if (fallbackData) {\n // Inject data generated from fallback path into the synthetic event.\n // This matches the property of native CompositionEventInterface.\n = fallbackData;\n } else {\n var customData = getDataFromCustomEvent(nativeEvent);\n\n if (customData !== null) {\n = customData;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction getNativeBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent) {\n switch (domEventName) {\n case 'compositionend':\n return getDataFromCustomEvent(nativeEvent);\n\n case 'keypress':\n /**\n * If native `textInput` events are available, our goal is to make\n * use of them. However, there is a special case: the spacebar key.\n * In Webkit, preventing default on a spacebar `textInput` event\n * cancels character insertion, but it *also* causes the browser\n * to fall back to its default spacebar behavior of scrolling the\n * page.\n *\n * Tracking at:\n *\n *\n * To avoid this issue, use the keypress event as if no `textInput`\n * event is available.\n */\n var which = nativeEvent.which;\n\n if (which !== SPACEBAR_CODE) {\n return null;\n }\n\n hasSpaceKeypress = true;\n return SPACEBAR_CHAR;\n\n case 'textInput':\n // Record the characters to be added to the DOM.\n var chars =; // If it's a spacebar character, assume that we have already handled\n // it at the keypress level and bail immediately. Android Chrome\n // doesn't give us keycodes, so we need to ignore it.\n\n if (chars === SPACEBAR_CHAR && hasSpaceKeypress) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return chars;\n\n default:\n // For other native event types, do nothing.\n return null;\n }\n}\n/**\n * For browsers that do not provide the `textInput` event, extract the\n * appropriate string to use for SyntheticInputEvent.\n */\n\n\nfunction getFallbackBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent) {\n // If we are currently composing (IME) and using a fallback to do so,\n // try to extract the composed characters from the fallback object.\n // If composition event is available, we extract a string only at\n // compositionevent, otherwise extract it at fallback events.\n if (isComposing) {\n if (domEventName === 'compositionend' || !canUseCompositionEvent && isFallbackCompositionEnd(domEventName, nativeEvent)) {\n var chars = getData();\n reset();\n isComposing = false;\n return chars;\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n switch (domEventName) {\n case 'paste':\n // If a paste event occurs after a keypress, throw out the input\n // chars. Paste events should not lead to BeforeInput events.\n return null;\n\n case 'keypress':\n /**\n * As of v27, Firefox may fire keypress events even when no character\n * will be inserted. A few possibilities:\n *\n * - `which` is `0`. Arrow keys, Esc key, etc.\n *\n * - `which` is the pressed key code, but no char is available.\n * Ex: 'AltGr + d` in Polish. There is no modified character for\n * this key combination and no character is inserted into the\n * document, but FF fires the keypress for char code `100` anyway.\n * No `input` event will occur.\n *\n * - `which` is the pressed key code, but a command combination is\n * being used. Ex: `Cmd+C`. No character is inserted, and no\n * `input` event will occur.\n */\n if (!isKeypressCommand(nativeEvent)) {\n // IE fires the `keypress` event when a user types an emoji via\n // Touch keyboard of Windows. In such a case, the `char` property\n // holds an emoji character like `\\uD83D\\uDE0A`. Because its length\n // is 2, the property `which` does not represent an emoji correctly.\n // In such a case, we directly return the `char` property instead of\n // using `which`.\n if (nativeEvent.char && nativeEvent.char.length > 1) {\n return nativeEvent.char;\n } else if (nativeEvent.which) {\n return String.fromCharCode(nativeEvent.which);\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n\n case 'compositionend':\n return useFallbackCompositionData && !isUsingKoreanIME(nativeEvent) ? null :;\n\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Extract a SyntheticInputEvent for `beforeInput`, based on either native\n * `textInput` or fallback behavior.\n *\n * @return {?object} A SyntheticInputEvent.\n */\n\n\nfunction extractBeforeInputEvent(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n var chars;\n\n if (canUseTextInputEvent) {\n chars = getNativeBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent);\n } else {\n chars = getFallbackBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent);\n } // If no characters are being inserted, no BeforeInput event should\n // be fired.\n\n\n if (!chars) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var listeners = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(targetInst, 'onBeforeInput');\n\n if (listeners.length > 0) {\n var event = new SyntheticInputEvent('onBeforeInput', 'beforeinput', null, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n dispatchQueue.push({\n event: event,\n listeners: listeners\n });\n = chars;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Create an `onBeforeInput` event to match\n *\n *\n * This event plugin is based on the native `textInput` event\n * available in Chrome, Safari, Opera, and IE. This event fires after\n * `onKeyPress` and `onCompositionEnd`, but before `onInput`.\n *\n * `beforeInput` is spec'd but not implemented in any browsers, and\n * the `input` event does not provide any useful information about what has\n * actually been added, contrary to the spec. Thus, `textInput` is the best\n * available event to identify the characters that have actually been inserted\n * into the target node.\n *\n * This plugin is also responsible for emitting `composition` events, thus\n * allowing us to share composition fallback code for both `beforeInput` and\n * `composition` event types.\n */\n\n\nfunction extractEvents(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer) {\n extractCompositionEvent(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n extractBeforeInputEvent(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n}\n\n/**\n * @see\n */\nvar supportedInputTypes = {\n color: true,\n date: true,\n datetime: true,\n 'datetime-local': true,\n email: true,\n month: true,\n number: true,\n password: true,\n range: true,\n search: true,\n tel: true,\n text: true,\n time: true,\n url: true,\n week: true\n};\n\nfunction isTextInputElement(elem) {\n var nodeName = elem && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n\n if (nodeName === 'input') {\n return !!supportedInputTypes[elem.type];\n }\n\n if (nodeName === 'textarea') {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if an event is supported in the current execution environment.\n *\n * NOTE: This will not work correctly for non-generic events such as `change`,\n * `reset`, `load`, `error`, and `select`.\n *\n * Borrows from Modernizr.\n *\n * @param {string} eventNameSuffix Event name, e.g. \"click\".\n * @return {boolean} True if the event is supported.\n * @internal\n * @license Modernizr 3.0.0pre (Custom Build) | MIT\n */\n\nfunction isEventSupported(eventNameSuffix) {\n if (!canUseDOM) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var eventName = 'on' + eventNameSuffix;\n var isSupported = (eventName in document);\n\n if (!isSupported) {\n var element = document.createElement('div');\n element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;');\n isSupported = typeof element[eventName] === 'function';\n }\n\n return isSupported;\n}\n\nfunction registerEvents$1() {\n registerTwoPhaseEvent('onChange', ['change', 'click', 'focusin', 'focusout', 'input', 'keydown', 'keyup', 'selectionchange']);\n}\n\nfunction createAndAccumulateChangeEvent(dispatchQueue, inst, nativeEvent, target) {\n // Flag this event loop as needing state restore.\n enqueueStateRestore(target);\n var listeners = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(inst, 'onChange');\n\n if (listeners.length > 0) {\n var event = new SyntheticEvent('onChange', 'change', null, nativeEvent, target);\n dispatchQueue.push({\n event: event,\n listeners: listeners\n });\n }\n}\n/**\n * For IE shims\n */\n\n\nvar activeElement = null;\nvar activeElementInst = null;\n/**\n * SECTION: handle `change` event\n */\n\nfunction shouldUseChangeEvent(elem) {\n var nodeName = elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n return nodeName === 'select' || nodeName === 'input' && elem.type === 'file';\n}\n\nfunction manualDispatchChangeEvent(nativeEvent) {\n var dispatchQueue = [];\n createAndAccumulateChangeEvent(dispatchQueue, activeElementInst, nativeEvent, getEventTarget(nativeEvent)); // If change and propertychange bubbled, we'd just bind to it like all the\n // other events and have it go through ReactBrowserEventEmitter. Since it\n // doesn't, we manually listen for the events and so we have to enqueue and\n // process the abstract event manually.\n //\n // Batching is necessary here in order to ensure that all event handlers run\n // before the next rerender (including event handlers attached to ancestor\n // elements instead of directly on the input). Without this, controlled\n // components don't work properly in conjunction with event bubbling because\n // the component is rerendered and the value reverted before all the event\n // handlers can run. See\n\n batchedUpdates(runEventInBatch, dispatchQueue);\n}\n\nfunction runEventInBatch(dispatchQueue) {\n processDispatchQueue(dispatchQueue, 0);\n}\n\nfunction getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst) {\n var targetNode = getNodeFromInstance(targetInst);\n\n if (updateValueIfChanged(targetNode)) {\n return targetInst;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getTargetInstForChangeEvent(domEventName, targetInst) {\n if (domEventName === 'change') {\n return targetInst;\n }\n}\n/**\n * SECTION: handle `input` event\n */\n\n\nvar isInputEventSupported = false;\n\nif (canUseDOM) {\n // IE9 claims to support the input event but fails to trigger it when\n // deleting text, so we ignore its input events.\n isInputEventSupported = isEventSupported('input') && (!document.documentMode || document.documentMode > 9);\n}\n/**\n * (For IE <=9) Starts tracking propertychange events on the passed-in element\n * and override the value property so that we can distinguish user events from\n * value changes in JS.\n */\n\n\nfunction startWatchingForValueChange(target, targetInst) {\n activeElement = target;\n activeElementInst = targetInst;\n activeElement.attachEvent('onpropertychange', handlePropertyChange);\n}\n/**\n * (For IE <=9) Removes the event listeners from the currently-tracked element,\n * if any exists.\n */\n\n\nfunction stopWatchingForValueChange() {\n if (!activeElement) {\n return;\n }\n\n activeElement.detachEvent('onpropertychange', handlePropertyChange);\n activeElement = null;\n activeElementInst = null;\n}\n/**\n * (For IE <=9) Handles a propertychange event, sending a `change` event if\n * the value of the active element has changed.\n */\n\n\nfunction handlePropertyChange(nativeEvent) {\n if (nativeEvent.propertyName !== 'value') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (getInstIfValueChanged(activeElementInst)) {\n manualDispatchChangeEvent(nativeEvent);\n }\n}\n\nfunction handleEventsForInputEventPolyfill(domEventName, target, targetInst) {\n if (domEventName === 'focusin') {\n // In IE9, propertychange fires for most input events but is buggy and\n // doesn't fire when text is deleted, but conveniently, selectionchange\n // appears to fire in all of the remaining cases so we catch those and\n // forward the event if the value has changed\n // In either case, we don't want to call the event handler if the value\n // is changed from JS so we redefine a setter for `.value` that updates\n // our activeElementValue variable, allowing us to ignore those changes\n //\n // stopWatching() should be a noop here but we call it just in case we\n // missed a blur event somehow.\n stopWatchingForValueChange();\n startWatchingForValueChange(target, targetInst);\n } else if (domEventName === 'focusout') {\n stopWatchingForValueChange();\n }\n} // For IE8 and IE9.\n\n\nfunction getTargetInstForInputEventPolyfill(domEventName, targetInst) {\n if (domEventName === 'selectionchange' || domEventName === 'keyup' || domEventName === 'keydown') {\n // On the selectionchange event, the target is just document which isn't\n // helpful for us so just check activeElement instead.\n //\n // 99% of the time, keydown and keyup aren't necessary. IE8 fails to fire\n // propertychange on the first input event after setting `value` from a\n // script and fires only keydown, keypress, keyup. Catching keyup usually\n // gets it and catching keydown lets us fire an event for the first\n // keystroke if user does a key repeat (it'll be a little delayed: right\n // before the second keystroke). Other input methods (e.g., paste) seem to\n // fire selectionchange normally.\n return getInstIfValueChanged(activeElementInst);\n }\n}\n/**\n * SECTION: handle `click` event\n */\n\n\nfunction shouldUseClickEvent(elem) {\n // Use the `click` event to detect changes to checkbox and radio inputs.\n // This approach works across all browsers, whereas `change` does not fire\n // until `blur` in IE8.\n var nodeName = elem.nodeName;\n return nodeName && nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && (elem.type === 'checkbox' || elem.type === 'radio');\n}\n\nfunction getTargetInstForClickEvent(domEventName, targetInst) {\n if (domEventName === 'click') {\n return getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst);\n }\n}\n\nfunction getTargetInstForInputOrChangeEvent(domEventName, targetInst) {\n if (domEventName === 'input' || domEventName === 'change') {\n return getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst);\n }\n}\n\nfunction handleControlledInputBlur(node) {\n var state = node._wrapperState;\n\n if (!state || !state.controlled || node.type !== 'number') {\n return;\n }\n\n {\n // If controlled, assign the value attribute to the current value on blur\n setDefaultValue(node, 'number', node.value);\n }\n}\n/**\n * This plugin creates an `onChange` event that normalizes change events\n * across form elements. This event fires at a time when it's possible to\n * change the element's value without seeing a flicker.\n *\n * Supported elements are:\n * - input (see `isTextInputElement`)\n * - textarea\n * - select\n */\n\n\nfunction extractEvents$1(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer) {\n var targetNode = targetInst ? getNodeFromInstance(targetInst) : window;\n var getTargetInstFunc, handleEventFunc;\n\n if (shouldUseChangeEvent(targetNode)) {\n getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForChangeEvent;\n } else if (isTextInputElement(targetNode)) {\n if (isInputEventSupported) {\n getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForInputOrChangeEvent;\n } else {\n getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForInputEventPolyfill;\n handleEventFunc = handleEventsForInputEventPolyfill;\n }\n } else if (shouldUseClickEvent(targetNode)) {\n getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForClickEvent;\n }\n\n if (getTargetInstFunc) {\n var inst = getTargetInstFunc(domEventName, targetInst);\n\n if (inst) {\n createAndAccumulateChangeEvent(dispatchQueue, inst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if (handleEventFunc) {\n handleEventFunc(domEventName, targetNode, targetInst);\n } // When blurring, set the value attribute for number inputs\n\n\n if (domEventName === 'focusout') {\n handleControlledInputBlur(targetNode);\n }\n}\n\nfunction registerEvents$2() {\n registerDirectEvent('onMouseEnter', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']);\n registerDirectEvent('onMouseLeave', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']);\n registerDirectEvent('onPointerEnter', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']);\n registerDirectEvent('onPointerLeave', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']);\n}\n/**\n * For almost every interaction we care about, there will be both a top-level\n * `mouseover` and `mouseout` event that occurs. Only use `mouseout` so that\n * we do not extract duplicate events. However, moving the mouse into the\n * browser from outside will not fire a `mouseout` event. In this case, we use\n * the `mouseover` top-level event.\n */\n\n\nfunction extractEvents$2(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer) {\n var isOverEvent = domEventName === 'mouseover' || domEventName === 'pointerover';\n var isOutEvent = domEventName === 'mouseout' || domEventName === 'pointerout';\n\n if (isOverEvent && !isReplayingEvent(nativeEvent)) {\n // If this is an over event with a target, we might have already dispatched\n // the event in the out event of the other target. If this is replayed,\n // then it's because we couldn't dispatch against this target previously\n // so we have to do it now instead.\n var related = nativeEvent.relatedTarget || nativeEvent.fromElement;\n\n if (related) {\n // If the related node is managed by React, we can assume that we have\n // already dispatched the corresponding events during its mouseout.\n if (getClosestInstanceFromNode(related) || isContainerMarkedAsRoot(related)) {\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!isOutEvent && !isOverEvent) {\n // Must not be a mouse or pointer in or out - ignoring.\n return;\n }\n\n var win; // TODO: why is this nullable in the types but we read from it?\n\n if (nativeEventTarget.window === nativeEventTarget) {\n // `nativeEventTarget` is probably a window object.\n win = nativeEventTarget;\n } else {\n // TODO: Figure out why `ownerDocument` is sometimes undefined in IE8.\n var doc = nativeEventTarget.ownerDocument;\n\n if (doc) {\n win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;\n } else {\n win = window;\n }\n }\n\n var from;\n var to;\n\n if (isOutEvent) {\n var _related = nativeEvent.relatedTarget || nativeEvent.toElement;\n\n from = targetInst;\n to = _related ? getClosestInstanceFromNode(_related) : null;\n\n if (to !== null) {\n var nearestMounted = getNearestMountedFiber(to);\n\n if (to !== nearestMounted || to.tag !== HostComponent && to.tag !== HostText) {\n to = null;\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Moving to a node from outside the window.\n from = null;\n to = targetInst;\n }\n\n if (from === to) {\n // Nothing pertains to our managed components.\n return;\n }\n\n var SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticMouseEvent;\n var leaveEventType = 'onMouseLeave';\n var enterEventType = 'onMouseEnter';\n var eventTypePrefix = 'mouse';\n\n if (domEventName === 'pointerout' || domEventName === 'pointerover') {\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticPointerEvent;\n leaveEventType = 'onPointerLeave';\n enterEventType = 'onPointerEnter';\n eventTypePrefix = 'pointer';\n }\n\n var fromNode = from == null ? win : getNodeFromInstance(from);\n var toNode = to == null ? win : getNodeFromInstance(to);\n var leave = new SyntheticEventCtor(leaveEventType, eventTypePrefix + 'leave', from, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n = fromNode;\n leave.relatedTarget = toNode;\n var enter = null; // We should only process this nativeEvent if we are processing\n // the first ancestor. Next time, we will ignore the event.\n\n var nativeTargetInst = getClosestInstanceFromNode(nativeEventTarget);\n\n if (nativeTargetInst === targetInst) {\n var enterEvent = new SyntheticEventCtor(enterEventType, eventTypePrefix + 'enter', to, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n = toNode;\n enterEvent.relatedTarget = fromNode;\n enter = enterEvent;\n }\n\n accumulateEnterLeaveTwoPhaseListeners(dispatchQueue, leave, enter, from, to);\n}\n\n/**\n * inlined polyfill to avoid requiring consumers ship their own\n *\n */\nfunction is(x, y) {\n return x === y && (x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y) || x !== x && y !== y // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare\n ;\n}\n\nvar objectIs = typeof === 'function' ? : is;\n\n/**\n * Performs equality by iterating through keys on an object and returning false\n * when any key has values which are not strictly equal between the arguments.\n * Returns true when the values of all keys are strictly equal.\n */\n\nfunction shallowEqual(objA, objB) {\n if (objectIs(objA, objB)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof objA !== 'object' || objA === null || typeof objB !== 'object' || objB === null) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var keysA = Object.keys(objA);\n var keysB = Object.keys(objB);\n\n if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {\n return false;\n } // Test for A's keys different from B.\n\n\n for (var i = 0; i < keysA.length; i++) {\n var currentKey = keysA[i];\n\n if (!, currentKey) || !objectIs(objA[currentKey], objB[currentKey])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Given any node return the first leaf node without children.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement|DOMTextNode} node\n * @return {DOMElement|DOMTextNode}\n */\n\nfunction getLeafNode(node) {\n while (node && node.firstChild) {\n node = node.firstChild;\n }\n\n return node;\n}\n/**\n * Get the next sibling within a container. This will walk up the\n * DOM if a node's siblings have been exhausted.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement|DOMTextNode} node\n * @return {?DOMElement|DOMTextNode}\n */\n\n\nfunction getSiblingNode(node) {\n while (node) {\n if (node.nextSibling) {\n return node.nextSibling;\n }\n\n node = node.parentNode;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Get object describing the nodes which contain characters at offset.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement|DOMTextNode} root\n * @param {number} offset\n * @return {?object}\n */\n\n\nfunction getNodeForCharacterOffset(root, offset) {\n var node = getLeafNode(root);\n var nodeStart = 0;\n var nodeEnd = 0;\n\n while (node) {\n if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {\n nodeEnd = nodeStart + node.textContent.length;\n\n if (nodeStart <= offset && nodeEnd >= offset) {\n return {\n node: node,\n offset: offset - nodeStart\n };\n }\n\n nodeStart = nodeEnd;\n }\n\n node = getLeafNode(getSiblingNode(node));\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {DOMElement} outerNode\n * @return {?object}\n */\n\nfunction getOffsets(outerNode) {\n var ownerDocument = outerNode.ownerDocument;\n var win = ownerDocument && ownerDocument.defaultView || window;\n var selection = win.getSelection && win.getSelection();\n\n if (!selection || selection.rangeCount === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var anchorNode = selection.anchorNode,\n anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset,\n focusNode = selection.focusNode,\n focusOffset = selection.focusOffset; // In Firefox, anchorNode and focusNode can be \"anonymous divs\", e.g. the\n // up/down buttons on an <input type=\"number\">. Anonymous divs do not seem to\n // expose properties, triggering a \"Permission denied error\" if any of its\n // properties are accessed. The only seemingly possible way to avoid erroring\n // is to access a property that typically works for non-anonymous divs and\n // catch any error that may otherwise arise. See\n //\n\n try {\n /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */\n anchorNode.nodeType;\n focusNode.nodeType;\n /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions */\n } catch (e) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return getModernOffsetsFromPoints(outerNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset);\n}\n/**\n * Returns {start, end} where `start` is the character/codepoint index of\n * (anchorNode, anchorOffset) within the textContent of `outerNode`, and\n * `end` is the index of (focusNode, focusOffset).\n *\n * Returns null if you pass in garbage input but we should probably just crash.\n *\n * Exported only for testing.\n */\n\nfunction getModernOffsetsFromPoints(outerNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset) {\n var length = 0;\n var start = -1;\n var end = -1;\n var indexWithinAnchor = 0;\n var indexWithinFocus = 0;\n var node = outerNode;\n var parentNode = null;\n\n outer: while (true) {\n var next = null;\n\n while (true) {\n if (node === anchorNode && (anchorOffset === 0 || node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE)) {\n start = length + anchorOffset;\n }\n\n if (node === focusNode && (focusOffset === 0 || node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE)) {\n end = length + focusOffset;\n }\n\n if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {\n length += node.nodeValue.length;\n }\n\n if ((next = node.firstChild) === null) {\n break;\n } // Moving from `node` to its first child `next`.\n\n\n parentNode = node;\n node = next;\n }\n\n while (true) {\n if (node === outerNode) {\n // If `outerNode` has children, this is always the second time visiting\n // it. If it has no children, this is still the first loop, and the only\n // valid selection is anchorNode and focusNode both equal to this node\n // and both offsets 0, in which case we will have handled above.\n break outer;\n }\n\n if (parentNode === anchorNode && ++indexWithinAnchor === anchorOffset) {\n start = length;\n }\n\n if (parentNode === focusNode && ++indexWithinFocus === focusOffset) {\n end = length;\n }\n\n if ((next = node.nextSibling) !== null) {\n break;\n }\n\n node = parentNode;\n parentNode = node.parentNode;\n } // Moving from `node` to its next sibling `next`.\n\n\n node = next;\n }\n\n if (start === -1 || end === -1) {\n // This should never happen. (Would happen if the anchor/focus nodes aren't\n // actually inside the passed-in node.)\n return null;\n }\n\n return {\n start: start,\n end: end\n };\n}\n/**\n * In modern non-IE browsers, we can support both forward and backward\n * selections.\n *\n * Note: IE10+ supports the Selection object, but it does not support\n * the `extend` method, which means that even in modern IE, it's not possible\n * to programmatically create a backward selection. Thus, for all IE\n * versions, we use the old IE API to create our selections.\n *\n * @param {DOMElement|DOMTextNode} node\n * @param {object} offsets\n */\n\nfunction setOffsets(node, offsets) {\n var doc = node.ownerDocument || document;\n var win = doc && doc.defaultView || window; // Edge fails with \"Object expected\" in some scenarios.\n // (For instance: TinyMCE editor used in a list component that supports pasting to add more,\n // fails when pasting 100+ items)\n\n if (!win.getSelection) {\n return;\n }\n\n var selection = win.getSelection();\n var length = node.textContent.length;\n var start = Math.min(offsets.start, length);\n var end = offsets.end === undefined ? start : Math.min(offsets.end, length); // IE 11 uses modern selection, but doesn't support the extend method.\n // Flip backward selections, so we can set with a single range.\n\n if (!selection.extend && start > end) {\n var temp = end;\n end = start;\n start = temp;\n }\n\n var startMarker = getNodeForCharacterOffset(node, start);\n var endMarker = getNodeForCharacterOffset(node, end);\n\n if (startMarker && endMarker) {\n if (selection.rangeCount === 1 && selection.anchorNode === startMarker.node && selection.anchorOffset === startMarker.offset && selection.focusNode === endMarker.node && selection.focusOffset === endMarker.offset) {\n return;\n }\n\n var range = doc.createRange();\n range.setStart(startMarker.node, startMarker.offset);\n selection.removeAllRanges();\n\n if (start > end) {\n selection.addRange(range);\n selection.extend(endMarker.node, endMarker.offset);\n } else {\n range.setEnd(endMarker.node, endMarker.offset);\n selection.addRange(range);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction isTextNode(node) {\n return node && node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE;\n}\n\nfunction containsNode(outerNode, innerNode) {\n if (!outerNode || !innerNode) {\n return false;\n } else if (outerNode === innerNode) {\n return true;\n } else if (isTextNode(outerNode)) {\n return false;\n } else if (isTextNode(innerNode)) {\n return containsNode(outerNode, innerNode.parentNode);\n } else if ('contains' in outerNode) {\n return outerNode.contains(innerNode);\n } else if (outerNode.compareDocumentPosition) {\n return !!(outerNode.compareDocumentPosition(innerNode) & 16);\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction isInDocument(node) {\n return node && node.ownerDocument && containsNode(node.ownerDocument.documentElement, node);\n}\n\nfunction isSameOriginFrame(iframe) {\n try {\n // Accessing the contentDocument of a HTMLIframeElement can cause the browser\n // to throw, e.g. if it has a cross-origin src attribute.\n // Safari will show an error in the console when the access results in \"Blocked a frame with origin\". e.g:\n // iframe.contentDocument.defaultView;\n // A safety way is to access one of the cross origin properties: Window or Location\n // Which might result in \"SecurityError\" DOM Exception and it is compatible to Safari.\n //\n return typeof iframe.contentWindow.location.href === 'string';\n } catch (err) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getActiveElementDeep() {\n var win = window;\n var element = getActiveElement();\n\n while (element instanceof win.HTMLIFrameElement) {\n if (isSameOriginFrame(element)) {\n win = element.contentWindow;\n } else {\n return element;\n }\n\n element = getActiveElement(win.document);\n }\n\n return element;\n}\n/**\n * @ReactInputSelection: React input selection module. Based on Selection.js,\n * but modified to be suitable for react and has a couple of bug fixes (doesn't\n * assume buttons have range selections allowed).\n * Input selection module for React.\n */\n\n/**\n * @hasSelectionCapabilities: we get the element types that support selection\n * from, looking at `selectionStart`\n * and `selectionEnd` rows.\n */\n\n\nfunction hasSelectionCapabilities(elem) {\n var nodeName = elem && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n return nodeName && (nodeName === 'input' && (elem.type === 'text' || elem.type === 'search' || elem.type === 'tel' || elem.type === 'url' || elem.type === 'password') || nodeName === 'textarea' || elem.contentEditable === 'true');\n}\nfunction getSelectionInformation() {\n var focusedElem = getActiveElementDeep();\n return {\n focusedElem: focusedElem,\n selectionRange: hasSelectionCapabilities(focusedElem) ? getSelection(focusedElem) : null\n };\n}\n/**\n * @restoreSelection: If any selection information was potentially lost,\n * restore it. This is useful when performing operations that could remove dom\n * nodes and place them back in, resulting in focus being lost.\n */\n\nfunction restoreSelection(priorSelectionInformation) {\n var curFocusedElem = getActiveElementDeep();\n var priorFocusedElem = priorSelectionInformation.focusedElem;\n var priorSelectionRange = priorSelectionInformation.selectionRange;\n\n if (curFocusedElem !== priorFocusedElem && isInDocument(priorFocusedElem)) {\n if (priorSelectionRange !== null && hasSelectionCapabilities(priorFocusedElem)) {\n setSelection(priorFocusedElem, priorSelectionRange);\n } // Focusing a node can change the scroll position, which is undesirable\n\n\n var ancestors = [];\n var ancestor = priorFocusedElem;\n\n while (ancestor = ancestor.parentNode) {\n if (ancestor.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {\n ancestors.push({\n element: ancestor,\n left: ancestor.scrollLeft,\n top: ancestor.scrollTop\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof priorFocusedElem.focus === 'function') {\n priorFocusedElem.focus();\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < ancestors.length; i++) {\n var info = ancestors[i];\n info.element.scrollLeft = info.left;\n info.element.scrollTop =;\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * @getSelection: Gets the selection bounds of a focused textarea, input or\n * contentEditable node.\n * -@input: Look up selection bounds of this input\n * -@return {start: selectionStart, end: selectionEnd}\n */\n\nfunction getSelection(input) {\n var selection;\n\n if ('selectionStart' in input) {\n // Modern browser with input or textarea.\n selection = {\n start: input.selectionStart,\n end: input.selectionEnd\n };\n } else {\n // Content editable or old IE textarea.\n selection = getOffsets(input);\n }\n\n return selection || {\n start: 0,\n end: 0\n };\n}\n/**\n * @setSelection: Sets the selection bounds of a textarea or input and focuses\n * the input.\n * -@input Set selection bounds of this input or textarea\n * -@offsets Object of same form that is returned from get*\n */\n\nfunction setSelection(input, offsets) {\n var start = offsets.start;\n var end = offsets.end;\n\n if (end === undefined) {\n end = start;\n }\n\n if ('selectionStart' in input) {\n input.selectionStart = start;\n input.selectionEnd = Math.min(end, input.value.length);\n } else {\n setOffsets(input, offsets);\n }\n}\n\nvar skipSelectionChangeEvent = canUseDOM && 'documentMode' in document && document.documentMode <= 11;\n\nfunction registerEvents$3() {\n registerTwoPhaseEvent('onSelect', ['focusout', 'contextmenu', 'dragend', 'focusin', 'keydown', 'keyup', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'selectionchange']);\n}\n\nvar activeElement$1 = null;\nvar activeElementInst$1 = null;\nvar lastSelection = null;\nvar mouseDown = false;\n/**\n * Get an object which is a unique representation of the current selection.\n *\n * The return value will not be consistent across nodes or browsers, but\n * two identical selections on the same node will return identical objects.\n */\n\nfunction getSelection$1(node) {\n if ('selectionStart' in node && hasSelectionCapabilities(node)) {\n return {\n start: node.selectionStart,\n end: node.selectionEnd\n };\n } else {\n var win = node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView || window;\n var selection = win.getSelection();\n return {\n anchorNode: selection.anchorNode,\n anchorOffset: selection.anchorOffset,\n focusNode: selection.focusNode,\n focusOffset: selection.focusOffset\n };\n }\n}\n/**\n * Get document associated with the event target.\n */\n\n\nfunction getEventTargetDocument(eventTarget) {\n return eventTarget.window === eventTarget ? eventTarget.document : eventTarget.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE ? eventTarget : eventTarget.ownerDocument;\n}\n/**\n * Poll selection to see whether it's changed.\n *\n * @param {object} nativeEvent\n * @param {object} nativeEventTarget\n * @return {?SyntheticEvent}\n */\n\n\nfunction constructSelectEvent(dispatchQueue, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {\n // Ensure we have the right element, and that the user is not dragging a\n // selection (this matches native `select` event behavior). In HTML5, select\n // fires only on input and textarea thus if there's no focused element we\n // won't dispatch.\n var doc = getEventTargetDocument(nativeEventTarget);\n\n if (mouseDown || activeElement$1 == null || activeElement$1 !== getActiveElement(doc)) {\n return;\n } // Only fire when selection has actually changed.\n\n\n var currentSelection = getSelection$1(activeElement$1);\n\n if (!lastSelection || !shallowEqual(lastSelection, currentSelection)) {\n lastSelection = currentSelection;\n var listeners = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(activeElementInst$1, 'onSelect');\n\n if (listeners.length > 0) {\n var event = new SyntheticEvent('onSelect', 'select', null, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n dispatchQueue.push({\n event: event,\n listeners: listeners\n });\n = activeElement$1;\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * This plugin creates an `onSelect` event that normalizes select events\n * across form elements.\n *\n * Supported elements are:\n * - input (see `isTextInputElement`)\n * - textarea\n * - contentEditable\n *\n * This differs from native browser implementations in the following ways:\n * - Fires on contentEditable fields as well as inputs.\n * - Fires for collapsed selection.\n * - Fires after user input.\n */\n\n\nfunction extractEvents$3(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer) {\n var targetNode = targetInst ? getNodeFromInstance(targetInst) : window;\n\n switch (domEventName) {\n // Track the input node that has focus.\n case 'focusin':\n if (isTextInputElement(targetNode) || targetNode.contentEditable === 'true') {\n activeElement$1 = targetNode;\n activeElementInst$1 = targetInst;\n lastSelection = null;\n }\n\n break;\n\n case 'focusout':\n activeElement$1 = null;\n activeElementInst$1 = null;\n lastSelection = null;\n break;\n // Don't fire the event while the user is dragging. This matches the\n // semantics of the native select event.\n\n case 'mousedown':\n mouseDown = true;\n break;\n\n case 'contextmenu':\n case 'mouseup':\n case 'dragend':\n mouseDown = false;\n constructSelectEvent(dispatchQueue, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n break;\n // Chrome and IE fire non-standard event when selection is changed (and\n // sometimes when it hasn't). IE's event fires out of order with respect\n // to key and input events on deletion, so we discard it.\n //\n // Firefox doesn't support selectionchange, so check selection status\n // after each key entry. The selection changes after keydown and before\n // keyup, but we check on keydown as well in the case of holding down a\n // key, when multiple keydown events are fired but only one keyup is.\n // This is also our approach for IE handling, for the reason above.\n\n case 'selectionchange':\n if (skipSelectionChangeEvent) {\n break;\n }\n\n // falls through\n\n case 'keydown':\n case 'keyup':\n constructSelectEvent(dispatchQueue, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Generate a mapping of standard vendor prefixes using the defined style property and event name.\n *\n * @param {string} styleProp\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @returns {object}\n */\n\nfunction makePrefixMap(styleProp, eventName) {\n var prefixes = {};\n prefixes[styleProp.toLowerCase()] = eventName.toLowerCase();\n prefixes['Webkit' + styleProp] = 'webkit' + eventName;\n prefixes['Moz' + styleProp] = 'moz' + eventName;\n return prefixes;\n}\n/**\n * A list of event names to a configurable list of vendor prefixes.\n */\n\n\nvar vendorPrefixes = {\n animationend: makePrefixMap('Animation', 'AnimationEnd'),\n animationiteration: makePrefixMap('Animation', 'AnimationIteration'),\n animationstart: makePrefixMap('Animation', 'AnimationStart'),\n transitionend: makePrefixMap('Transition', 'TransitionEnd')\n};\n/**\n * Event names that have already been detected and prefixed (if applicable).\n */\n\nvar prefixedEventNames = {};\n/**\n * Element to check for prefixes on.\n */\n\nvar style = {};\n/**\n * Bootstrap if a DOM exists.\n */\n\nif (canUseDOM) {\n style = document.createElement('div').style; // On some platforms, in particular some releases of Android 4.x,\n // the un-prefixed \"animation\" and \"transition\" properties are defined on the\n // style object but the events that fire will still be prefixed, so we need\n // to check if the un-prefixed events are usable, and if not remove them from the map.\n\n if (!('AnimationEvent' in window)) {\n delete vendorPrefixes.animationend.animation;\n delete vendorPrefixes.animationiteration.animation;\n delete vendorPrefixes.animationstart.animation;\n } // Same as above\n\n\n if (!('TransitionEvent' in window)) {\n delete vendorPrefixes.transitionend.transition;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Attempts to determine the correct vendor prefixed event name.\n *\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @returns {string}\n */\n\n\nfunction getVendorPrefixedEventName(eventName) {\n if (prefixedEventNames[eventName]) {\n return prefixedEventNames[eventName];\n } else if (!vendorPrefixes[eventName]) {\n return eventName;\n }\n\n var prefixMap = vendorPrefixes[eventName];\n\n for (var styleProp in prefixMap) {\n if (prefixMap.hasOwnProperty(styleProp) && styleProp in style) {\n return prefixedEventNames[eventName] = prefixMap[styleProp];\n }\n }\n\n return eventName;\n}\n\nvar ANIMATION_END = getVendorPrefixedEventName('animationend');\nvar ANIMATION_ITERATION = getVendorPrefixedEventName('animationiteration');\nvar ANIMATION_START = getVendorPrefixedEventName('animationstart');\nvar TRANSITION_END = getVendorPrefixedEventName('transitionend');\n\nvar topLevelEventsToReactNames = new Map(); // NOTE: Capitalization is important in this list!\n//\n// E.g. it needs \"pointerDown\", not \"pointerdown\".\n// This is because we derive both React name (\"onPointerDown\")\n// and DOM name (\"pointerdown\") from the same list.\n//\n// Exceptions that don't match this convention are listed separately.\n//\n// prettier-ignore\n\nvar simpleEventPluginEvents = ['abort', 'auxClick', 'cancel', 'canPlay', 'canPlayThrough', 'click', 'close', 'contextMenu', 'copy', 'cut', 'drag', 'dragEnd', 'dragEnter', 'dragExit', 'dragLeave', 'dragOver', 'dragStart', 'drop', 'durationChange', 'emptied', 'encrypted', 'ended', 'error', 'gotPointerCapture', 'input', 'invalid', 'keyDown', 'keyPress', 'keyUp', 'load', 'loadedData', 'loadedMetadata', 'loadStart', 'lostPointerCapture', 'mouseDown', 'mouseMove', 'mouseOut', 'mouseOver', 'mouseUp', 'paste', 'pause', 'play', 'playing', 'pointerCancel', 'pointerDown', 'pointerMove', 'pointerOut', 'pointerOver', 'pointerUp', 'progress', 'rateChange', 'reset', 'resize', 'seeked', 'seeking', 'stalled', 'submit', 'suspend', 'timeUpdate', 'touchCancel', 'touchEnd', 'touchStart', 'volumeChange', 'scroll', 'toggle', 'touchMove', 'waiting', 'wheel'];\n\nfunction registerSimpleEvent(domEventName, reactName) {\n topLevelEventsToReactNames.set(domEventName, reactName);\n registerTwoPhaseEvent(reactName, [domEventName]);\n}\n\nfunction registerSimpleEvents() {\n for (var i = 0; i < simpleEventPluginEvents.length; i++) {\n var eventName = simpleEventPluginEvents[i];\n var domEventName = eventName.toLowerCase();\n var capitalizedEvent = eventName[0].toUpperCase() + eventName.slice(1);\n registerSimpleEvent(domEventName, 'on' + capitalizedEvent);\n } // Special cases where event names don't match.\n\n\n registerSimpleEvent(ANIMATION_END, 'onAnimationEnd');\n registerSimpleEvent(ANIMATION_ITERATION, 'onAnimationIteration');\n registerSimpleEvent(ANIMATION_START, 'onAnimationStart');\n registerSimpleEvent('dblclick', 'onDoubleClick');\n registerSimpleEvent('focusin', 'onFocus');\n registerSimpleEvent('focusout', 'onBlur');\n registerSimpleEvent(TRANSITION_END, 'onTransitionEnd');\n}\n\nfunction extractEvents$4(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer) {\n var reactName = topLevelEventsToReactNames.get(domEventName);\n\n if (reactName === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n\n var SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticEvent;\n var reactEventType = domEventName;\n\n switch (domEventName) {\n case 'keypress':\n // Firefox creates a keypress event for function keys too. This removes\n // the unwanted keypress events. Enter is however both printable and\n // non-printable. One would expect Tab to be as well (but it isn't).\n if (getEventCharCode(nativeEvent) === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n /* falls through */\n\n case 'keydown':\n case 'keyup':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticKeyboardEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'focusin':\n reactEventType = 'focus';\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticFocusEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'focusout':\n reactEventType = 'blur';\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticFocusEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'beforeblur':\n case 'afterblur':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticFocusEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'click':\n // Firefox creates a click event on right mouse clicks. This removes the\n // unwanted click events.\n if (nativeEvent.button === 2) {\n return;\n }\n\n /* falls through */\n\n case 'auxclick':\n case 'dblclick':\n case 'mousedown':\n case 'mousemove':\n case 'mouseup': // TODO: Disabled elements should not respond to mouse events\n\n /* falls through */\n\n case 'mouseout':\n case 'mouseover':\n case 'contextmenu':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticMouseEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'drag':\n case 'dragend':\n case 'dragenter':\n case 'dragexit':\n case 'dragleave':\n case 'dragover':\n case 'dragstart':\n case 'drop':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticDragEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'touchcancel':\n case 'touchend':\n case 'touchmove':\n case 'touchstart':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticTouchEvent;\n break;\n\n case ANIMATION_END:\n case ANIMATION_ITERATION:\n case ANIMATION_START:\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticAnimationEvent;\n break;\n\n case TRANSITION_END:\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticTransitionEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'scroll':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticUIEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'wheel':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticWheelEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'copy':\n case 'cut':\n case 'paste':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticClipboardEvent;\n break;\n\n case 'gotpointercapture':\n case 'lostpointercapture':\n case 'pointercancel':\n case 'pointerdown':\n case 'pointermove':\n case 'pointerout':\n case 'pointerover':\n case 'pointerup':\n SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticPointerEvent;\n break;\n }\n\n var inCapturePhase = (eventSystemFlags & IS_CAPTURE_PHASE) !== 0;\n\n {\n // Some events don't bubble in the browser.\n // In the past, React has always bubbled them, but this can be surprising.\n // We're going to try aligning closer to the browser behavior by not bubbling\n // them in React either. We'll start by not bubbling onScroll, and then expand.\n var accumulateTargetOnly = !inCapturePhase && // TODO: ideally, we'd eventually add all events from\n // nonDelegatedEvents list in DOMPluginEventSystem.\n // Then we can remove this special list.\n // This is a breaking change that can wait until React 18.\n domEventName === 'scroll';\n\n var _listeners = accumulateSinglePhaseListeners(targetInst, reactName, nativeEvent.type, inCapturePhase, accumulateTargetOnly);\n\n if (_listeners.length > 0) {\n // Intentionally create event lazily.\n var _event = new SyntheticEventCtor(reactName, reactEventType, null, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n\n dispatchQueue.push({\n event: _event,\n listeners: _listeners\n });\n }\n }\n}\n\n// TODO: remove top-level side effect.\nregisterSimpleEvents();\nregisterEvents$2();\nregisterEvents$1();\nregisterEvents$3();\nregisterEvents();\n\nfunction extractEvents$5(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags, targetContainer) {\n // TODO: we should remove the concept of a \"SimpleEventPlugin\".\n // This is the basic functionality of the event system. All\n // the other plugins are essentially polyfills. So the plugin\n // should probably be inlined somewhere and have its logic\n // be core the to event system. This would potentially allow\n // us to ship builds of React without the polyfilled plugins below.\n extractEvents$4(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags);\n var shouldProcessPolyfillPlugins = (eventSystemFlags & SHOULD_NOT_PROCESS_POLYFILL_EVENT_PLUGINS) === 0; // We don't process these events unless we are in the\n // event's native \"bubble\" phase, which means that we're\n // not in the capture phase. That's because we emulate\n // the capture phase here still. This is a trade-off,\n // because in an ideal world we would not emulate and use\n // the phases properly, like we do with the SimpleEvent\n // plugin. However, the plugins below either expect\n // emulation (EnterLeave) or use state localized to that\n // plugin (BeforeInput, Change, Select). The state in\n // these modules complicates things, as you'll essentially\n // get the case where the capture phase event might change\n // state, only for the following bubble event to come in\n // later and not trigger anything as the state now\n // invalidates the heuristics of the event plugin. We\n // could alter all these plugins to work in such ways, but\n // that might cause other unknown side-effects that we\n // can't foresee right now.\n\n if (shouldProcessPolyfillPlugins) {\n extractEvents$2(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n extractEvents$1(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n extractEvents$3(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n extractEvents(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);\n }\n} // List of events that need to be individually attached to media elements.\n\n\nvar mediaEventTypes = ['abort', 'canplay', 'canplaythrough', 'durationchange', 'emptied', 'encrypted', 'ended', 'error', 'loadeddata', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadstart', 'pause', 'play', 'playing', 'progress', 'ratechange', 'resize', 'seeked', 'seeking', 'stalled', 'suspend', 'timeupdate', 'volumechange', 'waiting']; // We should not delegate these events to the container, but rather\n// set them on the actual target element itself. This is primarily\n// because these events do not consistently bubble in the DOM.\n\nvar nonDelegatedEvents = new Set(['cancel', 'close', 'invalid', 'load', 'scroll', 'toggle'].concat(mediaEventTypes));\n\nfunction executeDispatch(event, listener, currentTarget) {\n var type = event.type || 'unknown-event';\n event.currentTarget = currentTarget;\n invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError(type, listener, undefined, event);\n event.currentTarget = null;\n}\n\nfunction processDispatchQueueItemsInOrder(event, dispatchListeners, inCapturePhase) {\n var previousInstance;\n\n if (inCapturePhase) {\n for (var i = dispatchListeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var _dispatchListeners$i = dispatchListeners[i],\n instance = _dispatchListeners$i.instance,\n currentTarget = _dispatchListeners$i.currentTarget,\n listener = _dispatchListeners$i.listener;\n\n if (instance !== previousInstance && event.isPropagationStopped()) {\n return;\n }\n\n executeDispatch(event, listener, currentTarget);\n previousInstance = instance;\n }\n } else {\n for (var _i = 0; _i < dispatchListeners.length; _i++) {\n var _dispatchListeners$_i = dispatchListeners[_i],\n _instance = _dispatchListeners$_i.instance,\n _currentTarget = _dispatchListeners$_i.currentTarget,\n _listener = _dispatchListeners$_i.listener;\n\n if (_instance !== previousInstance && event.isPropagationStopped()) {\n return;\n }\n\n executeDispatch(event, _listener, _currentTarget);\n previousInstance = _instance;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction processDispatchQueue(dispatchQueue, eventSystemFlags) {\n var inCapturePhase = (eventSystemFlags & IS_CAPTURE_PHASE) !== 0;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < dispatchQueue.length; i++) {\n var _dispatchQueue$i = dispatchQueue[i],\n event = _dispatchQueue$i.event,\n listeners = _dispatchQueue$i.listeners;\n processDispatchQueueItemsInOrder(event, listeners, inCapturePhase); // event system doesn't use pooling.\n } // This would be a good time to rethrow if any of the event handlers threw.\n\n\n rethrowCaughtError();\n}\n\nfunction dispatchEventsForPlugins(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, nativeEvent, targetInst, targetContainer) {\n var nativeEventTarget = getEventTarget(nativeEvent);\n var dispatchQueue = [];\n extractEvents$5(dispatchQueue, domEventName, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget, eventSystemFlags);\n processDispatchQueue(dispatchQueue, eventSystemFlags);\n}\n\nfunction listenToNonDelegatedEvent(domEventName, targetElement) {\n {\n if (!nonDelegatedEvents.has(domEventName)) {\n error('Did not expect a listenToNonDelegatedEvent() call for \"%s\". ' + 'This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.', domEventName);\n }\n }\n\n var isCapturePhaseListener = false;\n var listenerSet = getEventListenerSet(targetElement);\n var listenerSetKey = getListenerSetKey(domEventName, isCapturePhaseListener);\n\n if (!listenerSet.has(listenerSetKey)) {\n addTrappedEventListener(targetElement, domEventName, IS_NON_DELEGATED, isCapturePhaseListener);\n listenerSet.add(listenerSetKey);\n }\n}\nfunction listenToNativeEvent(domEventName, isCapturePhaseListener, target) {\n {\n if (nonDelegatedEvents.has(domEventName) && !isCapturePhaseListener) {\n error('Did not expect a listenToNativeEvent() call for \"%s\" in the bubble phase. ' + 'This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.', domEventName);\n }\n }\n\n var eventSystemFlags = 0;\n\n if (isCapturePhaseListener) {\n eventSystemFlags |= IS_CAPTURE_PHASE;\n }\n\n addTrappedEventListener(target, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, isCapturePhaseListener);\n} // This is only used by createEventHandle when the\nvar listeningMarker = '_reactListening' + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);\nfunction listenToAllSupportedEvents(rootContainerElement) {\n if (!rootContainerElement[listeningMarker]) {\n rootContainerElement[listeningMarker] = true;\n allNativeEvents.forEach(function (domEventName) {\n // We handle selectionchange separately because it\n // doesn't bubble and needs to be on the document.\n if (domEventName !== 'selectionchange') {\n if (!nonDelegatedEvents.has(domEventName)) {\n listenToNativeEvent(domEventName, false, rootContainerElement);\n }\n\n listenToNativeEvent(domEventName, true, rootContainerElement);\n }\n });\n var ownerDocument = rootContainerElement.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE ? rootContainerElement : rootContainerElement.ownerDocument;\n\n if (ownerDocument !== null) {\n // The selectionchange event also needs deduplication\n // but it is attached to the document.\n if (!ownerDocument[listeningMarker]) {\n ownerDocument[listeningMarker] = true;\n listenToNativeEvent('selectionchange', false, ownerDocument);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction addTrappedEventListener(targetContainer, domEventName, eventSystemFlags, isCapturePhaseListener, isDeferredListenerForLegacyFBSupport) {\n var listener = createEventListenerWrapperWithPriority(targetContainer, domEventName, eventSystemFlags); // If passive option is not supported, then the event will be\n // active and not passive.\n\n var isPassiveListener = undefined;\n\n if (passiveBrowserEventsSupported) {\n // Browsers introduced an intervention, making these events\n // passive by default on document. React doesn't bind them\n // to document anymore, but changing this now would undo\n // the performance wins from the change. So we emulate\n // the existing behavior manually on the roots now.\n //\n if (domEventName === 'touchstart' || domEventName === 'touchmove' || domEventName === 'wheel') {\n isPassiveListener = true;\n }\n }\n\n targetContainer = targetContainer;\n var unsubscribeListener; // When legacyFBSupport is enabled, it's for when we\n\n\n if (isCapturePhaseListener) {\n if (isPassiveListener !== undefined) {\n unsubscribeListener = addEventCaptureListenerWithPassiveFlag(targetContainer, domEventName, listener, isPassiveListener);\n } else {\n unsubscribeListener = addEventCaptureListener(targetContainer, domEventName, listener);\n }\n } else {\n if (isPassiveListener !== undefined) {\n unsubscribeListener = addEventBubbleListenerWithPassiveFlag(targetContainer, domEventName, listener, isPassiveListener);\n } else {\n unsubscribeListener = addEventBubbleListener(targetContainer, domEventName, listener);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction isMatchingRootContainer(grandContainer, targetContainer) {\n return grandContainer === targetContainer || grandContainer.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE && grandContainer.parentNode === targetContainer;\n}\n\nfunction dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, nativeEvent, targetInst, targetContainer) {\n var ancestorInst = targetInst;\n\n if ((eventSystemFlags & IS_EVENT_HANDLE_NON_MANAGED_NODE) === 0 && (eventSystemFlags & IS_NON_DELEGATED) === 0) {\n var targetContainerNode = targetContainer; // If we are using the legacy FB support flag, we\n\n if (targetInst !== null) {\n // The below logic attempts to work out if we need to change\n // the target fiber to a different ancestor. We had similar logic\n // in the legacy event system, except the big difference between\n // systems is that the modern event system now has an event listener\n // attached to each React Root and React Portal Root. Together,\n // the DOM nodes representing these roots are the \"rootContainer\".\n // To figure out which ancestor instance we should use, we traverse\n // up the fiber tree from the target instance and attempt to find\n // root boundaries that match that of our current \"rootContainer\".\n // If we find that \"rootContainer\", we find the parent fiber\n // sub-tree for that root and make that our ancestor instance.\n var node = targetInst;\n\n mainLoop: while (true) {\n if (node === null) {\n return;\n }\n\n var nodeTag = node.tag;\n\n if (nodeTag === HostRoot || nodeTag === HostPortal) {\n var container = node.stateNode.containerInfo;\n\n if (isMatchingRootContainer(container, targetContainerNode)) {\n break;\n }\n\n if (nodeTag === HostPortal) {\n // The target is a portal, but it's not the rootContainer we're looking for.\n // Normally portals handle their own events all the way down to the root.\n // So we should be able to stop now. However, we don't know if this portal\n // was part of *our* root.\n var grandNode = node.return;\n\n while (grandNode !== null) {\n var grandTag = grandNode.tag;\n\n if (grandTag === HostRoot || grandTag === HostPortal) {\n var grandContainer = grandNode.stateNode.containerInfo;\n\n if (isMatchingRootContainer(grandContainer, targetContainerNode)) {\n // This is the rootContainer we're looking for and we found it as\n // a parent of the Portal. That means we can ignore it because the\n // Portal will bubble through to us.\n return;\n }\n }\n\n grandNode = grandNode.return;\n }\n } // Now we need to find it's corresponding host fiber in the other\n // tree. To do this we can use getClosestInstanceFromNode, but we\n // need to validate that the fiber is a host instance, otherwise\n // we need to traverse up through the DOM till we find the correct\n // node that is from the other tree.\n\n\n while (container !== null) {\n var parentNode = getClosestInstanceFromNode(container);\n\n if (parentNode === null) {\n return;\n }\n\n var parentTag = parentNode.tag;\n\n if (parentTag === HostComponent || parentTag === HostText) {\n node = ancestorInst = parentNode;\n continue mainLoop;\n }\n\n container = container.parentNode;\n }\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n batchedUpdates(function () {\n return dispatchEventsForPlugins(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, nativeEvent, ancestorInst);\n });\n}\n\nfunction createDispatchListener(instance, listener, currentTarget) {\n return {\n instance: instance,\n listener: listener,\n currentTarget: currentTarget\n };\n}\n\nfunction accumulateSinglePhaseListeners(targetFiber, reactName, nativeEventType, inCapturePhase, accumulateTargetOnly, nativeEvent) {\n var captureName = reactName !== null ? reactName + 'Capture' : null;\n var reactEventName = inCapturePhase ? captureName : reactName;\n var listeners = [];\n var instance = targetFiber;\n var lastHostComponent = null; // Accumulate all instances and listeners via the target -> root path.\n\n while (instance !== null) {\n var _instance2 = instance,\n stateNode = _instance2.stateNode,\n tag = _instance2.tag; // Handle listeners that are on HostComponents (i.e. <div>)\n\n if (tag === HostComponent && stateNode !== null) {\n lastHostComponent = stateNode; // createEventHandle listeners\n\n\n if (reactEventName !== null) {\n var listener = getListener(instance, reactEventName);\n\n if (listener != null) {\n listeners.push(createDispatchListener(instance, listener, lastHostComponent));\n }\n }\n } // If we are only accumulating events for the target, then we don't\n // continue to propagate through the React fiber tree to find other\n // listeners.\n\n\n if (accumulateTargetOnly) {\n break;\n } // If we are processing the onBeforeBlur event, then we need to take\n\n instance = instance.return;\n }\n\n return listeners;\n} // We should only use this function for:\n// - BeforeInputEventPlugin\n// - ChangeEventPlugin\n// - SelectEventPlugin\n// This is because we only process these plugins\n// in the bubble phase, so we need to accumulate two\n// phase event listeners (via emulation).\n\nfunction accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(targetFiber, reactName) {\n var captureName = reactName + 'Capture';\n var listeners = [];\n var instance = targetFiber; // Accumulate all instances and listeners via the target -> root path.\n\n while (instance !== null) {\n var _instance3 = instance,\n stateNode = _instance3.stateNode,\n tag = _instance3.tag; // Handle listeners that are on HostComponents (i.e. <div>)\n\n if (tag === HostComponent && stateNode !== null) {\n var currentTarget = stateNode;\n var captureListener = getListener(instance, captureName);\n\n if (captureListener != null) {\n listeners.unshift(createDispatchListener(instance, captureListener, currentTarget));\n }\n\n var bubbleListener = getListener(instance, reactName);\n\n if (bubbleListener != null) {\n listeners.push(createDispatchListener(instance, bubbleListener, currentTarget));\n }\n }\n\n instance = instance.return;\n }\n\n return listeners;\n}\n\nfunction getParent(inst) {\n if (inst === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n do {\n inst = inst.return; // TODO: If this is a HostRoot we might want to bail out.\n // That is depending on if we want nested subtrees (layers) to bubble\n // events to their parent. We could also go through parentNode on the\n // host node but that wouldn't work for React Native and doesn't let us\n // do the portal feature.\n } while (inst && inst.tag !== HostComponent);\n\n if (inst) {\n return inst;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Return the lowest common ancestor of A and B, or null if they are in\n * different trees.\n */\n\n\nfunction getLowestCommonAncestor(instA, instB) {\n var nodeA = instA;\n var nodeB = instB;\n var depthA = 0;\n\n for (var tempA = nodeA; tempA; tempA = getParent(tempA)) {\n depthA++;\n }\n\n var depthB = 0;\n\n for (var tempB = nodeB; tempB; tempB = getParent(tempB)) {\n depthB++;\n } // If A is deeper, crawl up.\n\n\n while (depthA - depthB > 0) {\n nodeA = getParent(nodeA);\n depthA--;\n } // If B is deeper, crawl up.\n\n\n while (depthB - depthA > 0) {\n nodeB = getParent(nodeB);\n depthB--;\n } // Walk in lockstep until we find a match.\n\n\n var depth = depthA;\n\n while (depth--) {\n if (nodeA === nodeB || nodeB !== null && nodeA === nodeB.alternate) {\n return nodeA;\n }\n\n nodeA = getParent(nodeA);\n nodeB = getParent(nodeB);\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction accumulateEnterLeaveListenersForEvent(dispatchQueue, event, target, common, inCapturePhase) {\n var registrationName = event._reactName;\n var listeners = [];\n var instance = target;\n\n while (instance !== null) {\n if (instance === common) {\n break;\n }\n\n var _instance4 = instance,\n alternate = _instance4.alternate,\n stateNode = _instance4.stateNode,\n tag = _instance4.tag;\n\n if (alternate !== null && alternate === common) {\n break;\n }\n\n if (tag === HostComponent && stateNode !== null) {\n var currentTarget = stateNode;\n\n if (inCapturePhase) {\n var captureListener = getListener(instance, registrationName);\n\n if (captureListener != null) {\n listeners.unshift(createDispatchListener(instance, captureListener, currentTarget));\n }\n } else if (!inCapturePhase) {\n var bubbleListener = getListener(instance, registrationName);\n\n if (bubbleListener != null) {\n listeners.push(createDispatchListener(instance, bubbleListener, currentTarget));\n }\n }\n }\n\n instance = instance.return;\n }\n\n if (listeners.length !== 0) {\n dispatchQueue.push({\n event: event,\n listeners: listeners\n });\n }\n} // We should only use this function for:\n// - EnterLeaveEventPlugin\n// This is because we only process this plugin\n// in the bubble phase, so we need to accumulate two\n// phase event listeners.\n\n\nfunction accumulateEnterLeaveTwoPhaseListeners(dispatchQueue, leaveEvent, enterEvent, from, to) {\n var common = from && to ? getLowestCommonAncestor(from, to) : null;\n\n if (from !== null) {\n accumulateEnterLeaveListenersForEvent(dispatchQueue, leaveEvent, from, common, false);\n }\n\n if (to !== null && enterEvent !== null) {\n accumulateEnterLeaveListenersForEvent(dispatchQueue, enterEvent, to, common, true);\n }\n}\nfunction getListenerSetKey(domEventName, capture) {\n return domEventName + \"__\" + (capture ? 'capture' : 'bubble');\n}\n\nvar didWarnInvalidHydration = false;\nvar DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML = 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML';\nvar SUPPRESS_CONTENT_EDITABLE_WARNING = 'suppressContentEditableWarning';\nvar SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING = 'suppressHydrationWarning';\nvar AUTOFOCUS = 'autoFocus';\nvar CHILDREN = 'children';\nvar STYLE = 'style';\nvar HTML$1 = '__html';\nvar warnedUnknownTags;\nvar validatePropertiesInDevelopment;\nvar warnForPropDifference;\nvar warnForExtraAttributes;\nvar warnForInvalidEventListener;\nvar canDiffStyleForHydrationWarning;\nvar normalizeHTML;\n\n{\n warnedUnknownTags = {\n // There are working polyfills for <dialog>. Let people use it.\n dialog: true,\n // Electron ships a custom <webview> tag to display external web content in\n // an isolated frame and process.\n // This tag is not present in non Electron environments such as JSDom which\n // is often used for testing purposes.\n // @see\n webview: true\n };\n\n validatePropertiesInDevelopment = function (type, props) {\n validateProperties(type, props);\n validateProperties$1(type, props);\n validateProperties$2(type, props, {\n registrationNameDependencies: registrationNameDependencies,\n possibleRegistrationNames: possibleRegistrationNames\n });\n }; // IE 11 parses & normalizes the style attribute as opposed to other\n // browsers. It adds spaces and sorts the properties in some\n // non-alphabetical order. Handling that would require sorting CSS\n // properties in the client & server versions or applying\n // `expectedStyle` to a temporary DOM node to read its `style` attribute\n // normalized. Since it only affects IE, we're skipping style warnings\n // in that browser completely in favor of doing all that work.\n // See\n\n\n canDiffStyleForHydrationWarning = canUseDOM && !document.documentMode;\n\n warnForPropDifference = function (propName, serverValue, clientValue) {\n if (didWarnInvalidHydration) {\n return;\n }\n\n var normalizedClientValue = normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(clientValue);\n var normalizedServerValue = normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(serverValue);\n\n if (normalizedServerValue === normalizedClientValue) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarnInvalidHydration = true;\n\n error('Prop `%s` did not match. Server: %s Client: %s', propName, JSON.stringify(normalizedServerValue), JSON.stringify(normalizedClientValue));\n };\n\n warnForExtraAttributes = function (attributeNames) {\n if (didWarnInvalidHydration) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarnInvalidHydration = true;\n var names = [];\n attributeNames.forEach(function (name) {\n names.push(name);\n });\n\n error('Extra attributes from the server: %s', names);\n };\n\n warnForInvalidEventListener = function (registrationName, listener) {\n if (listener === false) {\n error('Expected `%s` listener to be a function, instead got `false`.\\n\\n' + 'If you used to conditionally omit it with %s={condition && value}, ' + 'pass %s={condition ? value : undefined} instead.', registrationName, registrationName, registrationName);\n } else {\n error('Expected `%s` listener to be a function, instead got a value of `%s` type.', registrationName, typeof listener);\n }\n }; // Parse the HTML and read it back to normalize the HTML string so that it\n // can be used for comparison.\n\n\n normalizeHTML = function (parent, html) {\n // We could have created a separate document here to avoid\n // re-initializing custom elements if they exist. But this breaks\n // how <noscript> is being handled. So we use the same document.\n // See the discussion in\n var testElement = parent.namespaceURI === HTML_NAMESPACE ? parent.ownerDocument.createElement(parent.tagName) : parent.ownerDocument.createElementNS(parent.namespaceURI, parent.tagName);\n testElement.innerHTML = html;\n return testElement.innerHTML;\n };\n} // HTML parsing normalizes CR and CRLF to LF.\n// It also can turn \\u0000 into \\uFFFD inside attributes.\n//\n// If we have a mismatch, it might be caused by that.\n// We will still patch up in this case but not fire the warning.\n\n\nvar NORMALIZE_NEWLINES_REGEX = /\\r\\n?/g;\nvar NORMALIZE_NULL_AND_REPLACEMENT_REGEX = /\\u0000|\\uFFFD/g;\n\nfunction normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(markup) {\n {\n checkHtmlStringCoercion(markup);\n }\n\n var markupString = typeof markup === 'string' ? markup : '' + markup;\n return markupString.replace(NORMALIZE_NEWLINES_REGEX, '\\n').replace(NORMALIZE_NULL_AND_REPLACEMENT_REGEX, '');\n}\n\nfunction checkForUnmatchedText(serverText, clientText, isConcurrentMode, shouldWarnDev) {\n var normalizedClientText = normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(clientText);\n var normalizedServerText = normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(serverText);\n\n if (normalizedServerText === normalizedClientText) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (shouldWarnDev) {\n {\n if (!didWarnInvalidHydration) {\n didWarnInvalidHydration = true;\n\n error('Text content did not match. Server: \"%s\" Client: \"%s\"', normalizedServerText, normalizedClientText);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (isConcurrentMode && enableClientRenderFallbackOnTextMismatch) {\n // In concurrent roots, we throw when there's a text mismatch and revert to\n // client rendering, up to the nearest Suspense boundary.\n throw new Error('Text content does not match server-rendered HTML.');\n }\n}\n\nfunction getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(rootContainerElement) {\n return rootContainerElement.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE ? rootContainerElement : rootContainerElement.ownerDocument;\n}\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\nfunction trapClickOnNonInteractiveElement(node) {\n // Mobile Safari does not fire properly bubble click events on\n // non-interactive elements, which means delegated click listeners do not\n // fire. The workaround for this bug involves attaching an empty click\n // listener on the target node.\n //\n // Just set it using the onclick property so that we don't have to manage any\n // bookkeeping for it. Not sure if we need to clear it when the listener is\n // removed.\n // TODO: Only do this for the relevant Safaris maybe?\n node.onclick = noop;\n}\n\nfunction setInitialDOMProperties(tag, domElement, rootContainerElement, nextProps, isCustomComponentTag) {\n for (var propKey in nextProps) {\n if (!nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var nextProp = nextProps[propKey];\n\n if (propKey === STYLE) {\n {\n if (nextProp) {\n // Freeze the next style object so that we can assume it won't be\n // mutated. We have already warned for this in the past.\n Object.freeze(nextProp);\n }\n } // Relies on `updateStylesByID` not mutating `styleUpdates`.\n\n\n setValueForStyles(domElement, nextProp);\n } else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML) {\n var nextHtml = nextProp ? nextProp[HTML$1] : undefined;\n\n if (nextHtml != null) {\n setInnerHTML(domElement, nextHtml);\n }\n } else if (propKey === CHILDREN) {\n if (typeof nextProp === 'string') {\n // Avoid setting initial textContent when the text is empty. In IE11 setting\n // textContent on a <textarea> will cause the placeholder to not\n // show within the <textarea> until it has been focused and blurred again.\n //\n var canSetTextContent = tag !== 'textarea' || nextProp !== '';\n\n if (canSetTextContent) {\n setTextContent(domElement, nextProp);\n }\n } else if (typeof nextProp === 'number') {\n setTextContent(domElement, '' + nextProp);\n }\n } else if (propKey === SUPPRESS_CONTENT_EDITABLE_WARNING || propKey === SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING) ; else if (propKey === AUTOFOCUS) ; else if (registrationNameDependencies.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {\n if (nextProp != null) {\n if ( typeof nextProp !== 'function') {\n warnForInvalidEventListener(propKey, nextProp);\n }\n\n if (propKey === 'onScroll') {\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('scroll', domElement);\n }\n }\n } else if (nextProp != null) {\n setValueForProperty(domElement, propKey, nextProp, isCustomComponentTag);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateDOMProperties(domElement, updatePayload, wasCustomComponentTag, isCustomComponentTag) {\n // TODO: Handle wasCustomComponentTag\n for (var i = 0; i < updatePayload.length; i += 2) {\n var propKey = updatePayload[i];\n var propValue = updatePayload[i + 1];\n\n if (propKey === STYLE) {\n setValueForStyles(domElement, propValue);\n } else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML) {\n setInnerHTML(domElement, propValue);\n } else if (propKey === CHILDREN) {\n setTextContent(domElement, propValue);\n } else {\n setValueForProperty(domElement, propKey, propValue, isCustomComponentTag);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction createElement(type, props, rootContainerElement, parentNamespace) {\n var isCustomComponentTag; // We create tags in the namespace of their parent container, except HTML\n // tags get no namespace.\n\n var ownerDocument = getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(rootContainerElement);\n var domElement;\n var namespaceURI = parentNamespace;\n\n if (namespaceURI === HTML_NAMESPACE) {\n namespaceURI = getIntrinsicNamespace(type);\n }\n\n if (namespaceURI === HTML_NAMESPACE) {\n {\n isCustomComponentTag = isCustomComponent(type, props); // Should this check be gated by parent namespace? Not sure we want to\n // allow <SVG> or <mATH>.\n\n if (!isCustomComponentTag && type !== type.toLowerCase()) {\n error('<%s /> is using incorrect casing. ' + 'Use PascalCase for React components, ' + 'or lowercase for HTML elements.', type);\n }\n }\n\n if (type === 'script') {\n // Create the script via .innerHTML so its \"parser-inserted\" flag is\n // set to true and it does not execute\n var div = ownerDocument.createElement('div');\n\n div.innerHTML = '<script><' + '/script>'; // eslint-disable-line\n // This is guaranteed to yield a script element.\n\n var firstChild = div.firstChild;\n domElement = div.removeChild(firstChild);\n } else if (typeof === 'string') {\n // $FlowIssue `createElement` should be updated for Web Components\n domElement = ownerDocument.createElement(type, {\n is:\n });\n } else {\n // Separate else branch instead of using ` || undefined` above because of a Firefox bug.\n // See discussion in\n // and discussion in\n domElement = ownerDocument.createElement(type); // Normally attributes are assigned in `setInitialDOMProperties`, however the `multiple` and `size`\n // attributes on `select`s needs to be added before `option`s are inserted.\n // This prevents:\n // - a bug where the `select` does not scroll to the correct option because singular\n // `select` elements automatically pick the first item #13222\n // - a bug where the `select` set the first item as selected despite the `size` attribute #14239\n // See\n // and\n\n if (type === 'select') {\n var node = domElement;\n\n if (props.multiple) {\n node.multiple = true;\n } else if (props.size) {\n // Setting a size greater than 1 causes a select to behave like `multiple=true`, where\n // it is possible that no option is selected.\n //\n // This is only necessary when a select in \"single selection mode\".\n node.size = props.size;\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n domElement = ownerDocument.createElementNS(namespaceURI, type);\n }\n\n {\n if (namespaceURI === HTML_NAMESPACE) {\n if (!isCustomComponentTag && === '[object HTMLUnknownElement]' && !, type)) {\n warnedUnknownTags[type] = true;\n\n error('The tag <%s> is unrecognized in this browser. ' + 'If you meant to render a React component, start its name with ' + 'an uppercase letter.', type);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return domElement;\n}\nfunction createTextNode(text, rootContainerElement) {\n return getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(rootContainerElement).createTextNode(text);\n}\nfunction setInitialProperties(domElement, tag, rawProps, rootContainerElement) {\n var isCustomComponentTag = isCustomComponent(tag, rawProps);\n\n {\n validatePropertiesInDevelopment(tag, rawProps);\n } // TODO: Make sure that we check isMounted before firing any of these events.\n\n\n var props;\n\n switch (tag) {\n case 'dialog':\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('cancel', domElement);\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('close', domElement);\n props = rawProps;\n break;\n\n case 'iframe':\n case 'object':\n case 'embed':\n // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the load event.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('load', domElement);\n props = rawProps;\n break;\n\n case 'video':\n case 'audio':\n // We listen to these events in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for all the media events.\n for (var i = 0; i < mediaEventTypes.length; i++) {\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent(mediaEventTypes[i], domElement);\n }\n\n props = rawProps;\n break;\n\n case 'source':\n // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the error event.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('error', domElement);\n props = rawProps;\n break;\n\n case 'img':\n case 'image':\n case 'link':\n // We listen to these events in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for error and load events.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('error', domElement);\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('load', domElement);\n props = rawProps;\n break;\n\n case 'details':\n // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the toggle event.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('toggle', domElement);\n props = rawProps;\n break;\n\n case 'input':\n initWrapperState(domElement, rawProps);\n props = getHostProps(domElement, rawProps); // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the invalid event.\n\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('invalid', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'option':\n validateProps(domElement, rawProps);\n props = rawProps;\n break;\n\n case 'select':\n initWrapperState$1(domElement, rawProps);\n props = getHostProps$1(domElement, rawProps); // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the invalid event.\n\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('invalid', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'textarea':\n initWrapperState$2(domElement, rawProps);\n props = getHostProps$2(domElement, rawProps); // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the invalid event.\n\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('invalid', domElement);\n break;\n\n default:\n props = rawProps;\n }\n\n assertValidProps(tag, props);\n setInitialDOMProperties(tag, domElement, rootContainerElement, props, isCustomComponentTag);\n\n switch (tag) {\n case 'input':\n // TODO: Make sure we check if this is still unmounted or do any clean\n // up necessary since we never stop tracking anymore.\n track(domElement);\n postMountWrapper(domElement, rawProps, false);\n break;\n\n case 'textarea':\n // TODO: Make sure we check if this is still unmounted or do any clean\n // up necessary since we never stop tracking anymore.\n track(domElement);\n postMountWrapper$3(domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'option':\n postMountWrapper$1(domElement, rawProps);\n break;\n\n case 'select':\n postMountWrapper$2(domElement, rawProps);\n break;\n\n default:\n if (typeof props.onClick === 'function') {\n // TODO: This cast may not be sound for SVG, MathML or custom elements.\n trapClickOnNonInteractiveElement(domElement);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n} // Calculate the diff between the two objects.\n\nfunction diffProperties(domElement, tag, lastRawProps, nextRawProps, rootContainerElement) {\n {\n validatePropertiesInDevelopment(tag, nextRawProps);\n }\n\n var updatePayload = null;\n var lastProps;\n var nextProps;\n\n switch (tag) {\n case 'input':\n lastProps = getHostProps(domElement, lastRawProps);\n nextProps = getHostProps(domElement, nextRawProps);\n updatePayload = [];\n break;\n\n case 'select':\n lastProps = getHostProps$1(domElement, lastRawProps);\n nextProps = getHostProps$1(domElement, nextRawProps);\n updatePayload = [];\n break;\n\n case 'textarea':\n lastProps = getHostProps$2(domElement, lastRawProps);\n nextProps = getHostProps$2(domElement, nextRawProps);\n updatePayload = [];\n break;\n\n default:\n lastProps = lastRawProps;\n nextProps = nextRawProps;\n\n if (typeof lastProps.onClick !== 'function' && typeof nextProps.onClick === 'function') {\n // TODO: This cast may not be sound for SVG, MathML or custom elements.\n trapClickOnNonInteractiveElement(domElement);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n assertValidProps(tag, nextProps);\n var propKey;\n var styleName;\n var styleUpdates = null;\n\n for (propKey in lastProps) {\n if (nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || !lastProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || lastProps[propKey] == null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (propKey === STYLE) {\n var lastStyle = lastProps[propKey];\n\n for (styleName in lastStyle) {\n if (lastStyle.hasOwnProperty(styleName)) {\n if (!styleUpdates) {\n styleUpdates = {};\n }\n\n styleUpdates[styleName] = '';\n }\n }\n } else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML || propKey === CHILDREN) ; else if (propKey === SUPPRESS_CONTENT_EDITABLE_WARNING || propKey === SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING) ; else if (propKey === AUTOFOCUS) ; else if (registrationNameDependencies.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {\n // This is a special case. If any listener updates we need to ensure\n // that the \"current\" fiber pointer gets updated so we need a commit\n // to update this element.\n if (!updatePayload) {\n updatePayload = [];\n }\n } else {\n // For all other deleted properties we add it to the queue. We use\n // the allowed property list in the commit phase instead.\n (updatePayload = updatePayload || []).push(propKey, null);\n }\n }\n\n for (propKey in nextProps) {\n var nextProp = nextProps[propKey];\n var lastProp = lastProps != null ? lastProps[propKey] : undefined;\n\n if (!nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || nextProp === lastProp || nextProp == null && lastProp == null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (propKey === STYLE) {\n {\n if (nextProp) {\n // Freeze the next style object so that we can assume it won't be\n // mutated. We have already warned for this in the past.\n Object.freeze(nextProp);\n }\n }\n\n if (lastProp) {\n // Unset styles on `lastProp` but not on `nextProp`.\n for (styleName in lastProp) {\n if (lastProp.hasOwnProperty(styleName) && (!nextProp || !nextProp.hasOwnProperty(styleName))) {\n if (!styleUpdates) {\n styleUpdates = {};\n }\n\n styleUpdates[styleName] = '';\n }\n } // Update styles that changed since `lastProp`.\n\n\n for (styleName in nextProp) {\n if (nextProp.hasOwnProperty(styleName) && lastProp[styleName] !== nextProp[styleName]) {\n if (!styleUpdates) {\n styleUpdates = {};\n }\n\n styleUpdates[styleName] = nextProp[styleName];\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Relies on `updateStylesByID` not mutating `styleUpdates`.\n if (!styleUpdates) {\n if (!updatePayload) {\n updatePayload = [];\n }\n\n updatePayload.push(propKey, styleUpdates);\n }\n\n styleUpdates = nextProp;\n }\n } else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML) {\n var nextHtml = nextProp ? nextProp[HTML$1] : undefined;\n var lastHtml = lastProp ? lastProp[HTML$1] : undefined;\n\n if (nextHtml != null) {\n if (lastHtml !== nextHtml) {\n (updatePayload = updatePayload || []).push(propKey, nextHtml);\n }\n }\n } else if (propKey === CHILDREN) {\n if (typeof nextProp === 'string' || typeof nextProp === 'number') {\n (updatePayload = updatePayload || []).push(propKey, '' + nextProp);\n }\n } else if (propKey === SUPPRESS_CONTENT_EDITABLE_WARNING || propKey === SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING) ; else if (registrationNameDependencies.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {\n if (nextProp != null) {\n // We eagerly listen to this even though we haven't committed yet.\n if ( typeof nextProp !== 'function') {\n warnForInvalidEventListener(propKey, nextProp);\n }\n\n if (propKey === 'onScroll') {\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('scroll', domElement);\n }\n }\n\n if (!updatePayload && lastProp !== nextProp) {\n // This is a special case. If any listener updates we need to ensure\n // that the \"current\" props pointer gets updated so we need a commit\n // to update this element.\n updatePayload = [];\n }\n } else {\n // For any other property we always add it to the queue and then we\n // filter it out using the allowed property list during the commit.\n (updatePayload = updatePayload || []).push(propKey, nextProp);\n }\n }\n\n if (styleUpdates) {\n {\n validateShorthandPropertyCollisionInDev(styleUpdates, nextProps[STYLE]);\n }\n\n (updatePayload = updatePayload || []).push(STYLE, styleUpdates);\n }\n\n return updatePayload;\n} // Apply the diff.\n\nfunction updateProperties(domElement, updatePayload, tag, lastRawProps, nextRawProps) {\n // Update checked *before* name.\n // In the middle of an update, it is possible to have multiple checked.\n // When a checked radio tries to change name, browser makes another radio's checked false.\n if (tag === 'input' && nextRawProps.type === 'radio' && != null) {\n updateChecked(domElement, nextRawProps);\n }\n\n var wasCustomComponentTag = isCustomComponent(tag, lastRawProps);\n var isCustomComponentTag = isCustomComponent(tag, nextRawProps); // Apply the diff.\n\n updateDOMProperties(domElement, updatePayload, wasCustomComponentTag, isCustomComponentTag); // TODO: Ensure that an update gets scheduled if any of the special props\n // changed.\n\n switch (tag) {\n case 'input':\n // Update the wrapper around inputs *after* updating props. This has to\n // happen after `updateDOMProperties`. Otherwise HTML5 input validations\n // raise warnings and prevent the new value from being assigned.\n updateWrapper(domElement, nextRawProps);\n break;\n\n case 'textarea':\n updateWrapper$1(domElement, nextRawProps);\n break;\n\n case 'select':\n // <select> value update needs to occur after <option> children\n // reconciliation\n postUpdateWrapper(domElement, nextRawProps);\n break;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getPossibleStandardName(propName) {\n {\n var lowerCasedName = propName.toLowerCase();\n\n if (!possibleStandardNames.hasOwnProperty(lowerCasedName)) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return possibleStandardNames[lowerCasedName] || null;\n }\n}\n\nfunction diffHydratedProperties(domElement, tag, rawProps, parentNamespace, rootContainerElement, isConcurrentMode, shouldWarnDev) {\n var isCustomComponentTag;\n var extraAttributeNames;\n\n {\n isCustomComponentTag = isCustomComponent(tag, rawProps);\n validatePropertiesInDevelopment(tag, rawProps);\n } // TODO: Make sure that we check isMounted before firing any of these events.\n\n\n switch (tag) {\n case 'dialog':\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('cancel', domElement);\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('close', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'iframe':\n case 'object':\n case 'embed':\n // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the load event.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('load', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'video':\n case 'audio':\n // We listen to these events in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for all the media events.\n for (var i = 0; i < mediaEventTypes.length; i++) {\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent(mediaEventTypes[i], domElement);\n }\n\n break;\n\n case 'source':\n // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the error event.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('error', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'img':\n case 'image':\n case 'link':\n // We listen to these events in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for error and load events.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('error', domElement);\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('load', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'details':\n // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the toggle event.\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('toggle', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'input':\n initWrapperState(domElement, rawProps); // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the invalid event.\n\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('invalid', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'option':\n validateProps(domElement, rawProps);\n break;\n\n case 'select':\n initWrapperState$1(domElement, rawProps); // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the invalid event.\n\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('invalid', domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'textarea':\n initWrapperState$2(domElement, rawProps); // We listen to this event in case to ensure emulated bubble\n // listeners still fire for the invalid event.\n\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('invalid', domElement);\n break;\n }\n\n assertValidProps(tag, rawProps);\n\n {\n extraAttributeNames = new Set();\n var attributes = domElement.attributes;\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < attributes.length; _i++) {\n var name = attributes[_i].name.toLowerCase();\n\n switch (name) {\n // Controlled attributes are not validated\n // TODO: Only ignore them on controlled tags.\n case 'value':\n break;\n\n case 'checked':\n break;\n\n case 'selected':\n break;\n\n default:\n // Intentionally use the original name.\n // See discussion in\n extraAttributeNames.add(attributes[_i].name);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var updatePayload = null;\n\n for (var propKey in rawProps) {\n if (!rawProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var nextProp = rawProps[propKey];\n\n if (propKey === CHILDREN) {\n // For text content children we compare against textContent. This\n // might match additional HTML that is hidden when we read it using\n // textContent. E.g. \"foo\" will match \"f<span>oo</span>\" but that still\n // satisfies our requirement. Our requirement is not to produce perfect\n // HTML and attributes. Ideally we should preserve structure but it's\n // ok not to if the visible content is still enough to indicate what\n // even listeners these nodes might be wired up to.\n // TODO: Warn if there is more than a single textNode as a child.\n // TODO: Should we use domElement.firstChild.nodeValue to compare?\n if (typeof nextProp === 'string') {\n if (domElement.textContent !== nextProp) {\n if (rawProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING] !== true) {\n checkForUnmatchedText(domElement.textContent, nextProp, isConcurrentMode, shouldWarnDev);\n }\n\n updatePayload = [CHILDREN, nextProp];\n }\n } else if (typeof nextProp === 'number') {\n if (domElement.textContent !== '' + nextProp) {\n if (rawProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING] !== true) {\n checkForUnmatchedText(domElement.textContent, nextProp, isConcurrentMode, shouldWarnDev);\n }\n\n updatePayload = [CHILDREN, '' + nextProp];\n }\n }\n } else if (registrationNameDependencies.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {\n if (nextProp != null) {\n if ( typeof nextProp !== 'function') {\n warnForInvalidEventListener(propKey, nextProp);\n }\n\n if (propKey === 'onScroll') {\n listenToNonDelegatedEvent('scroll', domElement);\n }\n }\n } else if (shouldWarnDev && true && // Convince Flow we've calculated it (it's DEV-only in this method.)\n typeof isCustomComponentTag === 'boolean') {\n // Validate that the properties correspond to their expected values.\n var serverValue = void 0;\n var propertyInfo = isCustomComponentTag && enableCustomElementPropertySupport ? null : getPropertyInfo(propKey);\n\n if (rawProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING] === true) ; else if (propKey === SUPPRESS_CONTENT_EDITABLE_WARNING || propKey === SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING || // Controlled attributes are not validated\n // TODO: Only ignore them on controlled tags.\n propKey === 'value' || propKey === 'checked' || propKey === 'selected') ; else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML) {\n var serverHTML = domElement.innerHTML;\n var nextHtml = nextProp ? nextProp[HTML$1] : undefined;\n\n if (nextHtml != null) {\n var expectedHTML = normalizeHTML(domElement, nextHtml);\n\n if (expectedHTML !== serverHTML) {\n warnForPropDifference(propKey, serverHTML, expectedHTML);\n }\n }\n } else if (propKey === STYLE) {\n // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n extraAttributeNames.delete(propKey);\n\n if (canDiffStyleForHydrationWarning) {\n var expectedStyle = createDangerousStringForStyles(nextProp);\n serverValue = domElement.getAttribute('style');\n\n if (expectedStyle !== serverValue) {\n warnForPropDifference(propKey, serverValue, expectedStyle);\n }\n }\n } else if (isCustomComponentTag && !enableCustomElementPropertySupport) {\n // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n extraAttributeNames.delete(propKey.toLowerCase());\n serverValue = getValueForAttribute(domElement, propKey, nextProp);\n\n if (nextProp !== serverValue) {\n warnForPropDifference(propKey, serverValue, nextProp);\n }\n } else if (!shouldIgnoreAttribute(propKey, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag) && !shouldRemoveAttribute(propKey, nextProp, propertyInfo, isCustomComponentTag)) {\n var isMismatchDueToBadCasing = false;\n\n if (propertyInfo !== null) {\n // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n extraAttributeNames.delete(propertyInfo.attributeName);\n serverValue = getValueForProperty(domElement, propKey, nextProp, propertyInfo);\n } else {\n var ownNamespace = parentNamespace;\n\n if (ownNamespace === HTML_NAMESPACE) {\n ownNamespace = getIntrinsicNamespace(tag);\n }\n\n if (ownNamespace === HTML_NAMESPACE) {\n // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n extraAttributeNames.delete(propKey.toLowerCase());\n } else {\n var standardName = getPossibleStandardName(propKey);\n\n if (standardName !== null && standardName !== propKey) {\n // If an SVG prop is supplied with bad casing, it will\n // be successfully parsed from HTML, but will produce a mismatch\n // (and would be incorrectly rendered on the client).\n // However, we already warn about bad casing elsewhere.\n // So we'll skip the misleading extra mismatch warning in this case.\n isMismatchDueToBadCasing = true; // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n\n extraAttributeNames.delete(standardName);\n } // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n\n\n extraAttributeNames.delete(propKey);\n }\n\n serverValue = getValueForAttribute(domElement, propKey, nextProp);\n }\n\n var dontWarnCustomElement = enableCustomElementPropertySupport ;\n\n if (!dontWarnCustomElement && nextProp !== serverValue && !isMismatchDueToBadCasing) {\n warnForPropDifference(propKey, serverValue, nextProp);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (shouldWarnDev) {\n if ( // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n extraAttributeNames.size > 0 && rawProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING] !== true) {\n // $FlowFixMe - Should be inferred as not undefined.\n warnForExtraAttributes(extraAttributeNames);\n }\n }\n }\n\n switch (tag) {\n case 'input':\n // TODO: Make sure we check if this is still unmounted or do any clean\n // up necessary since we never stop tracking anymore.\n track(domElement);\n postMountWrapper(domElement, rawProps, true);\n break;\n\n case 'textarea':\n // TODO: Make sure we check if this is still unmounted or do any clean\n // up necessary since we never stop tracking anymore.\n track(domElement);\n postMountWrapper$3(domElement);\n break;\n\n case 'select':\n case 'option':\n // For input and textarea we current always set the value property at\n // post mount to force it to diverge from attributes. However, for\n // option and select we don't quite do the same thing and select\n // is not resilient to the DOM state changing so we don't do that here.\n // TODO: Consider not doing this for input and textarea.\n break;\n\n default:\n if (typeof rawProps.onClick === 'function') {\n // TODO: This cast may not be sound for SVG, MathML or custom elements.\n trapClickOnNonInteractiveElement(domElement);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n return updatePayload;\n}\nfunction diffHydratedText(textNode, text, isConcurrentMode) {\n var isDifferent = textNode.nodeValue !== text;\n return isDifferent;\n}\nfunction warnForDeletedHydratableElement(parentNode, child) {\n {\n if (didWarnInvalidHydration) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarnInvalidHydration = true;\n\n error('Did not expect server HTML to contain a <%s> in <%s>.', child.nodeName.toLowerCase(), parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase());\n }\n}\nfunction warnForDeletedHydratableText(parentNode, child) {\n {\n if (didWarnInvalidHydration) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarnInvalidHydration = true;\n\n error('Did not expect server HTML to contain the text node \"%s\" in <%s>.', child.nodeValue, parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase());\n }\n}\nfunction warnForInsertedHydratedElement(parentNode, tag, props) {\n {\n if (didWarnInvalidHydration) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarnInvalidHydration = true;\n\n error('Expected server HTML to contain a matching <%s> in <%s>.', tag, parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase());\n }\n}\nfunction warnForInsertedHydratedText(parentNode, text) {\n {\n if (text === '') {\n // We expect to insert empty text nodes since they're not represented in\n // the HTML.\n // TODO: Remove this special case if we can just avoid inserting empty\n // text nodes.\n return;\n }\n\n if (didWarnInvalidHydration) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarnInvalidHydration = true;\n\n error('Expected server HTML to contain a matching text node for \"%s\" in <%s>.', text, parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase());\n }\n}\nfunction restoreControlledState$3(domElement, tag, props) {\n switch (tag) {\n case 'input':\n restoreControlledState(domElement, props);\n return;\n\n case 'textarea':\n restoreControlledState$2(domElement, props);\n return;\n\n case 'select':\n restoreControlledState$1(domElement, props);\n return;\n }\n}\n\nvar validateDOMNesting = function () {};\n\nvar updatedAncestorInfo = function () {};\n\n{\n // This validation code was written based on the HTML5 parsing spec:\n //\n //\n // Note: this does not catch all invalid nesting, nor does it try to (as it's\n // not clear what practical benefit doing so provides); instead, we warn only\n // for cases where the parser will give a parse tree differing from what React\n // intended. For example, <b><div></div></b> is invalid but we don't warn\n // because it still parses correctly; we do warn for other cases like nested\n // <p> tags where the beginning of the second element implicitly closes the\n // first, causing a confusing mess.\n //\n var specialTags = ['address', 'applet', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'base', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'details', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'isindex', 'li', 'link', 'listing', 'main', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'nav', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'p', 'param', 'plaintext', 'pre', 'script', 'section', 'select', 'source', 'style', 'summary', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'ul', 'wbr', 'xmp']; //\n\n var inScopeTags = ['applet', 'caption', 'html', 'table', 'td', 'th', 'marquee', 'object', 'template', //\n // TODO: Distinguish by namespace here -- for <title>, including it here\n // errs on the side of fewer warnings\n 'foreignObject', 'desc', 'title']; //\n\n var buttonScopeTags = inScopeTags.concat(['button']); //\n\n var impliedEndTags = ['dd', 'dt', 'li', 'option', 'optgroup', 'p', 'rp', 'rt'];\n var emptyAncestorInfo = {\n current: null,\n formTag: null,\n aTagInScope: null,\n buttonTagInScope: null,\n nobrTagInScope: null,\n pTagInButtonScope: null,\n listItemTagAutoclosing: null,\n dlItemTagAutoclosing: null\n };\n\n updatedAncestorInfo = function (oldInfo, tag) {\n var ancestorInfo = assign({}, oldInfo || emptyAncestorInfo);\n\n var info = {\n tag: tag\n };\n\n if (inScopeTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n ancestorInfo.aTagInScope = null;\n ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope = null;\n ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope = null;\n }\n\n if (buttonScopeTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope = null;\n } // See rules for 'li', 'dd', 'dt' start tags in\n //\n\n\n if (specialTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1 && tag !== 'address' && tag !== 'div' && tag !== 'p') {\n ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing = null;\n ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing = null;\n }\n\n ancestorInfo.current = info;\n\n if (tag === 'form') {\n ancestorInfo.formTag = info;\n }\n\n if (tag === 'a') {\n ancestorInfo.aTagInScope = info;\n }\n\n if (tag === 'button') {\n ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope = info;\n }\n\n if (tag === 'nobr') {\n ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope = info;\n }\n\n if (tag === 'p') {\n ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope = info;\n }\n\n if (tag === 'li') {\n ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing = info;\n }\n\n if (tag === 'dd' || tag === 'dt') {\n ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing = info;\n }\n\n return ancestorInfo;\n };\n /**\n * Returns whether\n */\n\n\n var isTagValidWithParent = function (tag, parentTag) {\n // First, let's check if we're in an unusual parsing mode...\n switch (parentTag) {\n //\n case 'select':\n return tag === 'option' || tag === 'optgroup' || tag === '#text';\n\n case 'optgroup':\n return tag === 'option' || tag === '#text';\n // Strictly speaking, seeing an <option> doesn't mean we're in a <select>\n // but\n\n case 'option':\n return tag === '#text';\n //\n //\n // No special behavior since these rules fall back to \"in body\" mode for\n // all except special table nodes which cause bad parsing behavior anyway.\n //\n\n case 'tr':\n return tag === 'th' || tag === 'td' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n //\n\n case 'tbody':\n case 'thead':\n case 'tfoot':\n return tag === 'tr' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n //\n\n case 'colgroup':\n return tag === 'col' || tag === 'template';\n //\n\n case 'table':\n return tag === 'caption' || tag === 'colgroup' || tag === 'tbody' || tag === 'tfoot' || tag === 'thead' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n //\n\n case 'head':\n return tag === 'base' || tag === 'basefont' || tag === 'bgsound' || tag === 'link' || tag === 'meta' || tag === 'title' || tag === 'noscript' || tag === 'noframes' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template';\n //\n\n case 'html':\n return tag === 'head' || tag === 'body' || tag === 'frameset';\n\n case 'frameset':\n return tag === 'frame';\n\n case '#document':\n return tag === 'html';\n } // Probably in the \"in body\" parsing mode, so we outlaw only tag combos\n // where the parsing rules cause implicit opens or closes to be added.\n //\n\n\n switch (tag) {\n case 'h1':\n case 'h2':\n case 'h3':\n case 'h4':\n case 'h5':\n case 'h6':\n return parentTag !== 'h1' && parentTag !== 'h2' && parentTag !== 'h3' && parentTag !== 'h4' && parentTag !== 'h5' && parentTag !== 'h6';\n\n case 'rp':\n case 'rt':\n return impliedEndTags.indexOf(parentTag) === -1;\n\n case 'body':\n case 'caption':\n case 'col':\n case 'colgroup':\n case 'frameset':\n case 'frame':\n case 'head':\n case 'html':\n case 'tbody':\n case 'td':\n case 'tfoot':\n case 'th':\n case 'thead':\n case 'tr':\n // These tags are only valid with a few parents that have special child\n // parsing rules -- if we're down here, then none of those matched and\n // so we allow it only if we don't know what the parent is, as all other\n // cases are invalid.\n return parentTag == null;\n }\n\n return true;\n };\n /**\n * Returns whether\n */\n\n\n var findInvalidAncestorForTag = function (tag, ancestorInfo) {\n switch (tag) {\n case 'address':\n case 'article':\n case 'aside':\n case 'blockquote':\n case 'center':\n case 'details':\n case 'dialog':\n case 'dir':\n case 'div':\n case 'dl':\n case 'fieldset':\n case 'figcaption':\n case 'figure':\n case 'footer':\n case 'header':\n case 'hgroup':\n case 'main':\n case 'menu':\n case 'nav':\n case 'ol':\n case 'p':\n case 'section':\n case 'summary':\n case 'ul':\n case 'pre':\n case 'listing':\n case 'table':\n case 'hr':\n case 'xmp':\n case 'h1':\n case 'h2':\n case 'h3':\n case 'h4':\n case 'h5':\n case 'h6':\n return ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope;\n\n case 'form':\n return ancestorInfo.formTag || ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope;\n\n case 'li':\n return ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing;\n\n case 'dd':\n case 'dt':\n return ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing;\n\n case 'button':\n return ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope;\n\n case 'a':\n // Spec says something about storing a list of markers, but it sounds\n // equivalent to this check.\n return ancestorInfo.aTagInScope;\n\n case 'nobr':\n return ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope;\n }\n\n return null;\n };\n\n var didWarn$1 = {};\n\n validateDOMNesting = function (childTag, childText, ancestorInfo) {\n ancestorInfo = ancestorInfo || emptyAncestorInfo;\n var parentInfo = ancestorInfo.current;\n var parentTag = parentInfo && parentInfo.tag;\n\n if (childText != null) {\n if (childTag != null) {\n error('validateDOMNesting: when childText is passed, childTag should be null');\n }\n\n childTag = '#text';\n }\n\n var invalidParent = isTagValidWithParent(childTag, parentTag) ? null : parentInfo;\n var invalidAncestor = invalidParent ? null : findInvalidAncestorForTag(childTag, ancestorInfo);\n var invalidParentOrAncestor = invalidParent || invalidAncestor;\n\n if (!invalidParentOrAncestor) {\n return;\n }\n\n var ancestorTag = invalidParentOrAncestor.tag;\n var warnKey = !!invalidParent + '|' + childTag + '|' + ancestorTag;\n\n if (didWarn$1[warnKey]) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarn$1[warnKey] = true;\n var tagDisplayName = childTag;\n var whitespaceInfo = '';\n\n if (childTag === '#text') {\n if (/\\S/.test(childText)) {\n tagDisplayName = 'Text nodes';\n } else {\n tagDisplayName = 'Whitespace text nodes';\n whitespaceInfo = \" Make sure you don't have any extra whitespace between tags on \" + 'each line of your source code.';\n }\n } else {\n tagDisplayName = '<' + childTag + '>';\n }\n\n if (invalidParent) {\n var info = '';\n\n if (ancestorTag === 'table' && childTag === 'tr') {\n info += ' Add a <tbody>, <thead> or <tfoot> to your code to match the DOM tree generated by ' + 'the browser.';\n }\n\n error('validateDOMNesting(...): %s cannot appear as a child of <%s>.%s%s', tagDisplayName, ancestorTag, whitespaceInfo, info);\n } else {\n error('validateDOMNesting(...): %s cannot appear as a descendant of ' + '<%s>.', tagDisplayName, ancestorTag);\n }\n };\n}\n\nvar SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING$1 = 'suppressHydrationWarning';\nvar SUSPENSE_START_DATA = '$';\nvar SUSPENSE_END_DATA = '/$';\nvar SUSPENSE_PENDING_START_DATA = '$?';\nvar SUSPENSE_FALLBACK_START_DATA = '$!';\nvar STYLE$1 = 'style';\nvar eventsEnabled = null;\nvar selectionInformation = null;\nfunction getRootHostContext(rootContainerInstance) {\n var type;\n var namespace;\n var nodeType = rootContainerInstance.nodeType;\n\n switch (nodeType) {\n case DOCUMENT_NODE:\n case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:\n {\n type = nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE ? '#document' : '#fragment';\n var root = rootContainerInstance.documentElement;\n namespace = root ? root.namespaceURI : getChildNamespace(null, '');\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n var container = nodeType === COMMENT_NODE ? rootContainerInstance.parentNode : rootContainerInstance;\n var ownNamespace = container.namespaceURI || null;\n type = container.tagName;\n namespace = getChildNamespace(ownNamespace, type);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n {\n var validatedTag = type.toLowerCase();\n var ancestorInfo = updatedAncestorInfo(null, validatedTag);\n return {\n namespace: namespace,\n ancestorInfo: ancestorInfo\n };\n }\n}\nfunction getChildHostContext(parentHostContext, type, rootContainerInstance) {\n {\n var parentHostContextDev = parentHostContext;\n var namespace = getChildNamespace(parentHostContextDev.namespace, type);\n var ancestorInfo = updatedAncestorInfo(parentHostContextDev.ancestorInfo, type);\n return {\n namespace: namespace,\n ancestorInfo: ancestorInfo\n };\n }\n}\nfunction getPublicInstance(instance) {\n return instance;\n}\nfunction prepareForCommit(containerInfo) {\n eventsEnabled = isEnabled();\n selectionInformation = getSelectionInformation();\n var activeInstance = null;\n\n setEnabled(false);\n return activeInstance;\n}\nfunction resetAfterCommit(containerInfo) {\n restoreSelection(selectionInformation);\n setEnabled(eventsEnabled);\n eventsEnabled = null;\n selectionInformation = null;\n}\nfunction createInstance(type, props, rootContainerInstance, hostContext, internalInstanceHandle) {\n var parentNamespace;\n\n {\n // TODO: take namespace into account when validating.\n var hostContextDev = hostContext;\n validateDOMNesting(type, null, hostContextDev.ancestorInfo);\n\n if (typeof props.children === 'string' || typeof props.children === 'number') {\n var string = '' + props.children;\n var ownAncestorInfo = updatedAncestorInfo(hostContextDev.ancestorInfo, type);\n validateDOMNesting(null, string, ownAncestorInfo);\n }\n\n parentNamespace = hostContextDev.namespace;\n }\n\n var domElement = createElement(type, props, rootContainerInstance, parentNamespace);\n precacheFiberNode(internalInstanceHandle, domElement);\n updateFiberProps(domElement, props);\n return domElement;\n}\nfunction appendInitialChild(parentInstance, child) {\n parentInstance.appendChild(child);\n}\nfunction finalizeInitialChildren(domElement, type, props, rootContainerInstance, hostContext) {\n setInitialProperties(domElement, type, props, rootContainerInstance);\n\n switch (type) {\n case 'button':\n case 'input':\n case 'select':\n case 'textarea':\n return !!props.autoFocus;\n\n case 'img':\n return true;\n\n default:\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction prepareUpdate(domElement, type, oldProps, newProps, rootContainerInstance, hostContext) {\n {\n var hostContextDev = hostContext;\n\n if (typeof newProps.children !== typeof oldProps.children && (typeof newProps.children === 'string' || typeof newProps.children === 'number')) {\n var string = '' + newProps.children;\n var ownAncestorInfo = updatedAncestorInfo(hostContextDev.ancestorInfo, type);\n validateDOMNesting(null, string, ownAncestorInfo);\n }\n }\n\n return diffProperties(domElement, type, oldProps, newProps);\n}\nfunction shouldSetTextContent(type, props) {\n return type === 'textarea' || type === 'noscript' || typeof props.children === 'string' || typeof props.children === 'number' || typeof props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML === 'object' && props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML !== null && props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html != null;\n}\nfunction createTextInstance(text, rootContainerInstance, hostContext, internalInstanceHandle) {\n {\n var hostContextDev = hostContext;\n validateDOMNesting(null, text, hostContextDev.ancestorInfo);\n }\n\n var textNode = createTextNode(text, rootContainerInstance);\n precacheFiberNode(internalInstanceHandle, textNode);\n return textNode;\n}\nfunction getCurrentEventPriority() {\n var currentEvent = window.event;\n\n if (currentEvent === undefined) {\n return DefaultEventPriority;\n }\n\n return getEventPriority(currentEvent.type);\n}\n// if a component just imports ReactDOM (e.g. for findDOMNode).\n// Some environments might not have setTimeout or clearTimeout.\n\nvar scheduleTimeout = typeof setTimeout === 'function' ? setTimeout : undefined;\nvar cancelTimeout = typeof clearTimeout === 'function' ? clearTimeout : undefined;\nvar noTimeout = -1;\nvar localPromise = typeof Promise === 'function' ? Promise : undefined; // -------------------\nvar scheduleMicrotask = typeof queueMicrotask === 'function' ? queueMicrotask : typeof localPromise !== 'undefined' ? function (callback) {\n return localPromise.resolve(null).then(callback).catch(handleErrorInNextTick);\n} : scheduleTimeout; // TODO: Determine the best fallback here.\n\nfunction handleErrorInNextTick(error) {\n setTimeout(function () {\n throw error;\n });\n} // -------------------\nfunction commitMount(domElement, type, newProps, internalInstanceHandle) {\n // Despite the naming that might imply otherwise, this method only\n // fires if there is an `Update` effect scheduled during mounting.\n // This happens if `finalizeInitialChildren` returns `true` (which it\n // does to implement the `autoFocus` attribute on the client). But\n // there are also other cases when this might happen (such as patching\n // up text content during hydration mismatch). So we'll check this again.\n switch (type) {\n case 'button':\n case 'input':\n case 'select':\n case 'textarea':\n if (newProps.autoFocus) {\n domElement.focus();\n }\n\n return;\n\n case 'img':\n {\n if (newProps.src) {\n domElement.src = newProps.src;\n }\n\n return;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction commitUpdate(domElement, updatePayload, type, oldProps, newProps, internalInstanceHandle) {\n // Apply the diff to the DOM node.\n updateProperties(domElement, updatePayload, type, oldProps, newProps); // Update the props handle so that we know which props are the ones with\n // with current event handlers.\n\n updateFiberProps(domElement, newProps);\n}\nfunction resetTextContent(domElement) {\n setTextContent(domElement, '');\n}\nfunction commitTextUpdate(textInstance, oldText, newText) {\n textInstance.nodeValue = newText;\n}\nfunction appendChild(parentInstance, child) {\n parentInstance.appendChild(child);\n}\nfunction appendChildToContainer(container, child) {\n var parentNode;\n\n if (container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n parentNode = container.parentNode;\n parentNode.insertBefore(child, container);\n } else {\n parentNode = container;\n parentNode.appendChild(child);\n } // This container might be used for a portal.\n // If something inside a portal is clicked, that click should bubble\n // through the React tree. However, on Mobile Safari the click would\n // never bubble through the *DOM* tree unless an ancestor with onclick\n // event exists. So we wouldn't see it and dispatch it.\n // This is why we ensure that non React root containers have inline onclick\n // defined.\n //\n\n\n var reactRootContainer = container._reactRootContainer;\n\n if ((reactRootContainer === null || reactRootContainer === undefined) && parentNode.onclick === null) {\n // TODO: This cast may not be sound for SVG, MathML or custom elements.\n trapClickOnNonInteractiveElement(parentNode);\n }\n}\nfunction insertBefore(parentInstance, child, beforeChild) {\n parentInstance.insertBefore(child, beforeChild);\n}\nfunction insertInContainerBefore(container, child, beforeChild) {\n if (container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n container.parentNode.insertBefore(child, beforeChild);\n } else {\n container.insertBefore(child, beforeChild);\n }\n}\n\nfunction removeChild(parentInstance, child) {\n parentInstance.removeChild(child);\n}\nfunction removeChildFromContainer(container, child) {\n if (container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n container.parentNode.removeChild(child);\n } else {\n container.removeChild(child);\n }\n}\nfunction clearSuspenseBoundary(parentInstance, suspenseInstance) {\n var node = suspenseInstance; // Delete all nodes within this suspense boundary.\n // There might be nested nodes so we need to keep track of how\n // deep we are and only break out when we're back on top.\n\n var depth = 0;\n\n do {\n var nextNode = node.nextSibling;\n parentInstance.removeChild(node);\n\n if (nextNode && nextNode.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n var data =;\n\n if (data === SUSPENSE_END_DATA) {\n if (depth === 0) {\n parentInstance.removeChild(nextNode); // Retry if any event replaying was blocked on this.\n\n retryIfBlockedOn(suspenseInstance);\n return;\n } else {\n depth--;\n }\n } else if (data === SUSPENSE_START_DATA || data === SUSPENSE_PENDING_START_DATA || data === SUSPENSE_FALLBACK_START_DATA) {\n depth++;\n }\n }\n\n node = nextNode;\n } while (node); // TODO: Warn, we didn't find the end comment boundary.\n // Retry if any event replaying was blocked on this.\n\n\n retryIfBlockedOn(suspenseInstance);\n}\nfunction clearSuspenseBoundaryFromContainer(container, suspenseInstance) {\n if (container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n clearSuspenseBoundary(container.parentNode, suspenseInstance);\n } else if (container.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {\n clearSuspenseBoundary(container, suspenseInstance);\n } // Retry if any event replaying was blocked on this.\n\n\n retryIfBlockedOn(container);\n}\nfunction hideInstance(instance) {\n // TODO: Does this work for all element types? What about MathML? Should we\n // pass host context to this method?\n instance = instance;\n var style =;\n\n if (typeof style.setProperty === 'function') {\n style.setProperty('display', 'none', 'important');\n } else {\n style.display = 'none';\n }\n}\nfunction hideTextInstance(textInstance) {\n textInstance.nodeValue = '';\n}\nfunction unhideInstance(instance, props) {\n instance = instance;\n var styleProp = props[STYLE$1];\n var display = styleProp !== undefined && styleProp !== null && styleProp.hasOwnProperty('display') ? styleProp.display : null;\n = dangerousStyleValue('display', display);\n}\nfunction unhideTextInstance(textInstance, text) {\n textInstance.nodeValue = text;\n}\nfunction clearContainer(container) {\n if (container.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {\n container.textContent = '';\n } else if (container.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE) {\n if (container.documentElement) {\n container.removeChild(container.documentElement);\n }\n }\n} // -------------------\nfunction canHydrateInstance(instance, type, props) {\n if (instance.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE || type.toLowerCase() !== instance.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {\n return null;\n } // This has now been refined to an element node.\n\n\n return instance;\n}\nfunction canHydrateTextInstance(instance, text) {\n if (text === '' || instance.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE) {\n // Empty strings are not parsed by HTML so there won't be a correct match here.\n return null;\n } // This has now been refined to a text node.\n\n\n return instance;\n}\nfunction canHydrateSuspenseInstance(instance) {\n if (instance.nodeType !== COMMENT_NODE) {\n // Empty strings are not parsed by HTML so there won't be a correct match here.\n return null;\n } // This has now been refined to a suspense node.\n\n\n return instance;\n}\nfunction isSuspenseInstancePending(instance) {\n return === SUSPENSE_PENDING_START_DATA;\n}\nfunction isSuspenseInstanceFallback(instance) {\n return === SUSPENSE_FALLBACK_START_DATA;\n}\nfunction getSuspenseInstanceFallbackErrorDetails(instance) {\n var dataset = instance.nextSibling && instance.nextSibling.dataset;\n var digest, message, stack;\n\n if (dataset) {\n digest = dataset.dgst;\n\n {\n message = dataset.msg;\n stack = dataset.stck;\n }\n }\n\n {\n return {\n message: message,\n digest: digest,\n stack: stack\n };\n } // let value = {message: undefined, hash: undefined};\n // const nextSibling = instance.nextSibling;\n // if (nextSibling) {\n // const dataset = ((nextSibling: any): HTMLTemplateElement).dataset;\n // value.message = dataset.msg;\n // value.hash = dataset.hash;\n // if (true) {\n // value.stack = dataset.stack;\n // }\n // }\n // return value;\n\n}\nfunction registerSuspenseInstanceRetry(instance, callback) {\n instance._reactRetry = callback;\n}\n\nfunction getNextHydratable(node) {\n // Skip non-hydratable nodes.\n for (; node != null; node = node.nextSibling) {\n var nodeType = node.nodeType;\n\n if (nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE || nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {\n break;\n }\n\n if (nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n var nodeData =;\n\n if (nodeData === SUSPENSE_START_DATA || nodeData === SUSPENSE_FALLBACK_START_DATA || nodeData === SUSPENSE_PENDING_START_DATA) {\n break;\n }\n\n if (nodeData === SUSPENSE_END_DATA) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return node;\n}\n\nfunction getNextHydratableSibling(instance) {\n return getNextHydratable(instance.nextSibling);\n}\nfunction getFirstHydratableChild(parentInstance) {\n return getNextHydratable(parentInstance.firstChild);\n}\nfunction getFirstHydratableChildWithinContainer(parentContainer) {\n return getNextHydratable(parentContainer.firstChild);\n}\nfunction getFirstHydratableChildWithinSuspenseInstance(parentInstance) {\n return getNextHydratable(parentInstance.nextSibling);\n}\nfunction hydrateInstance(instance, type, props, rootContainerInstance, hostContext, internalInstanceHandle, shouldWarnDev) {\n precacheFiberNode(internalInstanceHandle, instance); // TODO: Possibly defer this until the commit phase where all the events\n // get attached.\n\n updateFiberProps(instance, props);\n var parentNamespace;\n\n {\n var hostContextDev = hostContext;\n parentNamespace = hostContextDev.namespace;\n } // TODO: Temporary hack to check if we're in a concurrent root. We can delete\n // when the legacy root API is removed.\n\n\n var isConcurrentMode = (internalInstanceHandle.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n return diffHydratedProperties(instance, type, props, parentNamespace, rootContainerInstance, isConcurrentMode, shouldWarnDev);\n}\nfunction hydrateTextInstance(textInstance, text, internalInstanceHandle, shouldWarnDev) {\n precacheFiberNode(internalInstanceHandle, textInstance); // TODO: Temporary hack to check if we're in a concurrent root. We can delete\n // when the legacy root API is removed.\n\n var isConcurrentMode = (internalInstanceHandle.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n return diffHydratedText(textInstance, text);\n}\nfunction hydrateSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance, internalInstanceHandle) {\n precacheFiberNode(internalInstanceHandle, suspenseInstance);\n}\nfunction getNextHydratableInstanceAfterSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance) {\n var node = suspenseInstance.nextSibling; // Skip past all nodes within this suspense boundary.\n // There might be nested nodes so we need to keep track of how\n // deep we are and only break out when we're back on top.\n\n var depth = 0;\n\n while (node) {\n if (node.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n var data =;\n\n if (data === SUSPENSE_END_DATA) {\n if (depth === 0) {\n return getNextHydratableSibling(node);\n } else {\n depth--;\n }\n } else if (data === SUSPENSE_START_DATA || data === SUSPENSE_FALLBACK_START_DATA || data === SUSPENSE_PENDING_START_DATA) {\n depth++;\n }\n }\n\n node = node.nextSibling;\n } // TODO: Warn, we didn't find the end comment boundary.\n\n\n return null;\n} // Returns the SuspenseInstance if this node is a direct child of a\n// SuspenseInstance. I.e. if its previous sibling is a Comment with\n// SUSPENSE_x_START_DATA. Otherwise, null.\n\nfunction getParentSuspenseInstance(targetInstance) {\n var node = targetInstance.previousSibling; // Skip past all nodes within this suspense boundary.\n // There might be nested nodes so we need to keep track of how\n // deep we are and only break out when we're back on top.\n\n var depth = 0;\n\n while (node) {\n if (node.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {\n var data =;\n\n if (data === SUSPENSE_START_DATA || data === SUSPENSE_FALLBACK_START_DATA || data === SUSPENSE_PENDING_START_DATA) {\n if (depth === 0) {\n return node;\n } else {\n depth--;\n }\n } else if (data === SUSPENSE_END_DATA) {\n depth++;\n }\n }\n\n node = node.previousSibling;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\nfunction commitHydratedContainer(container) {\n // Retry if any event replaying was blocked on this.\n retryIfBlockedOn(container);\n}\nfunction commitHydratedSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance) {\n // Retry if any event replaying was blocked on this.\n retryIfBlockedOn(suspenseInstance);\n}\nfunction shouldDeleteUnhydratedTailInstances(parentType) {\n return parentType !== 'head' && parentType !== 'body';\n}\nfunction didNotMatchHydratedContainerTextInstance(parentContainer, textInstance, text, isConcurrentMode) {\n var shouldWarnDev = true;\n checkForUnmatchedText(textInstance.nodeValue, text, isConcurrentMode, shouldWarnDev);\n}\nfunction didNotMatchHydratedTextInstance(parentType, parentProps, parentInstance, textInstance, text, isConcurrentMode) {\n if (parentProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING$1] !== true) {\n var shouldWarnDev = true;\n checkForUnmatchedText(textInstance.nodeValue, text, isConcurrentMode, shouldWarnDev);\n }\n}\nfunction didNotHydrateInstanceWithinContainer(parentContainer, instance) {\n {\n if (instance.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {\n warnForDeletedHydratableElement(parentContainer, instance);\n } else if (instance.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) ; else {\n warnForDeletedHydratableText(parentContainer, instance);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction didNotHydrateInstanceWithinSuspenseInstance(parentInstance, instance) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe: Only Element or Document can be parent nodes.\n var parentNode = parentInstance.parentNode;\n\n if (parentNode !== null) {\n if (instance.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {\n warnForDeletedHydratableElement(parentNode, instance);\n } else if (instance.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) ; else {\n warnForDeletedHydratableText(parentNode, instance);\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction didNotHydrateInstance(parentType, parentProps, parentInstance, instance, isConcurrentMode) {\n {\n if (isConcurrentMode || parentProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING$1] !== true) {\n if (instance.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {\n warnForDeletedHydratableElement(parentInstance, instance);\n } else if (instance.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE) ; else {\n warnForDeletedHydratableText(parentInstance, instance);\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction didNotFindHydratableInstanceWithinContainer(parentContainer, type, props) {\n {\n warnForInsertedHydratedElement(parentContainer, type);\n }\n}\nfunction didNotFindHydratableTextInstanceWithinContainer(parentContainer, text) {\n {\n warnForInsertedHydratedText(parentContainer, text);\n }\n}\nfunction didNotFindHydratableInstanceWithinSuspenseInstance(parentInstance, type, props) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe: Only Element or Document can be parent nodes.\n var parentNode = parentInstance.parentNode;\n if (parentNode !== null) warnForInsertedHydratedElement(parentNode, type);\n }\n}\nfunction didNotFindHydratableTextInstanceWithinSuspenseInstance(parentInstance, text) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe: Only Element or Document can be parent nodes.\n var parentNode = parentInstance.parentNode;\n if (parentNode !== null) warnForInsertedHydratedText(parentNode, text);\n }\n}\nfunction didNotFindHydratableInstance(parentType, parentProps, parentInstance, type, props, isConcurrentMode) {\n {\n if (isConcurrentMode || parentProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING$1] !== true) {\n warnForInsertedHydratedElement(parentInstance, type);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction didNotFindHydratableTextInstance(parentType, parentProps, parentInstance, text, isConcurrentMode) {\n {\n if (isConcurrentMode || parentProps[SUPPRESS_HYDRATION_WARNING$1] !== true) {\n warnForInsertedHydratedText(parentInstance, text);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction errorHydratingContainer(parentContainer) {\n {\n // TODO: This gets logged by onRecoverableError, too, so we should be\n // able to remove it.\n error('An error occurred during hydration. The server HTML was replaced with client content in <%s>.', parentContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase());\n }\n}\nfunction preparePortalMount(portalInstance) {\n listenToAllSupportedEvents(portalInstance);\n}\n\nvar randomKey = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);\nvar internalInstanceKey = '__reactFiber$' + randomKey;\nvar internalPropsKey = '__reactProps$' + randomKey;\nvar internalContainerInstanceKey = '__reactContainer$' + randomKey;\nvar internalEventHandlersKey = '__reactEvents$' + randomKey;\nvar internalEventHandlerListenersKey = '__reactListeners$' + randomKey;\nvar internalEventHandlesSetKey = '__reactHandles$' + randomKey;\nfunction detachDeletedInstance(node) {\n // TODO: This function is only called on host components. I don't think all of\n // these fields are relevant.\n delete node[internalInstanceKey];\n delete node[internalPropsKey];\n delete node[internalEventHandlersKey];\n delete node[internalEventHandlerListenersKey];\n delete node[internalEventHandlesSetKey];\n}\nfunction precacheFiberNode(hostInst, node) {\n node[internalInstanceKey] = hostInst;\n}\nfunction markContainerAsRoot(hostRoot, node) {\n node[internalContainerInstanceKey] = hostRoot;\n}\nfunction unmarkContainerAsRoot(node) {\n node[internalContainerInstanceKey] = null;\n}\nfunction isContainerMarkedAsRoot(node) {\n return !!node[internalContainerInstanceKey];\n} // Given a DOM node, return the closest HostComponent or HostText fiber ancestor.\n// If the target node is part of a hydrated or not yet rendered subtree, then\n// this may also return a SuspenseComponent or HostRoot to indicate that.\n// Conceptually the HostRoot fiber is a child of the Container node. So if you\n// pass the Container node as the targetNode, you will not actually get the\n// HostRoot back. To get to the HostRoot, you need to pass a child of it.\n// The same thing applies to Suspense boundaries.\n\nfunction getClosestInstanceFromNode(targetNode) {\n var targetInst = targetNode[internalInstanceKey];\n\n if (targetInst) {\n // Don't return HostRoot or SuspenseComponent here.\n return targetInst;\n } // If the direct event target isn't a React owned DOM node, we need to look\n // to see if one of its parents is a React owned DOM node.\n\n\n var parentNode = targetNode.parentNode;\n\n while (parentNode) {\n // We'll check if this is a container root that could include\n // React nodes in the future. We need to check this first because\n // if we're a child of a dehydrated container, we need to first\n // find that inner container before moving on to finding the parent\n // instance. Note that we don't check this field on the targetNode\n // itself because the fibers are conceptually between the container\n // node and the first child. It isn't surrounding the container node.\n // If it's not a container, we check if it's an instance.\n targetInst = parentNode[internalContainerInstanceKey] || parentNode[internalInstanceKey];\n\n if (targetInst) {\n // Since this wasn't the direct target of the event, we might have\n // stepped past dehydrated DOM nodes to get here. However they could\n // also have been non-React nodes. We need to answer which one.\n // If we the instance doesn't have any children, then there can't be\n // a nested suspense boundary within it. So we can use this as a fast\n // bailout. Most of the time, when people add non-React children to\n // the tree, it is using a ref to a child-less DOM node.\n // Normally we'd only need to check one of the fibers because if it\n // has ever gone from having children to deleting them or vice versa\n // it would have deleted the dehydrated boundary nested inside already.\n // However, since the HostRoot starts out with an alternate it might\n // have one on the alternate so we need to check in case this was a\n // root.\n var alternate = targetInst.alternate;\n\n if (targetInst.child !== null || alternate !== null && alternate.child !== null) {\n // Next we need to figure out if the node that skipped past is\n // nested within a dehydrated boundary and if so, which one.\n var suspenseInstance = getParentSuspenseInstance(targetNode);\n\n while (suspenseInstance !== null) {\n // We found a suspense instance. That means that we haven't\n // hydrated it yet. Even though we leave the comments in the\n // DOM after hydrating, and there are boundaries in the DOM\n // that could already be hydrated, we wouldn't have found them\n // through this pass since if the target is hydrated it would\n // have had an internalInstanceKey on it.\n // Let's get the fiber associated with the SuspenseComponent\n // as the deepest instance.\n var targetSuspenseInst = suspenseInstance[internalInstanceKey];\n\n if (targetSuspenseInst) {\n return targetSuspenseInst;\n } // If we don't find a Fiber on the comment, it might be because\n // we haven't gotten to hydrate it yet. There might still be a\n // parent boundary that hasn't above this one so we need to find\n // the outer most that is known.\n\n\n suspenseInstance = getParentSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance); // If we don't find one, then that should mean that the parent\n // host component also hasn't hydrated yet. We can return it\n // below since it will bail out on the isMounted check later.\n }\n }\n\n return targetInst;\n }\n\n targetNode = parentNode;\n parentNode = targetNode.parentNode;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Given a DOM node, return the ReactDOMComponent or ReactDOMTextComponent\n * instance, or null if the node was not rendered by this React.\n */\n\nfunction getInstanceFromNode(node) {\n var inst = node[internalInstanceKey] || node[internalContainerInstanceKey];\n\n if (inst) {\n if (inst.tag === HostComponent || inst.tag === HostText || inst.tag === SuspenseComponent || inst.tag === HostRoot) {\n return inst;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n/**\n * Given a ReactDOMComponent or ReactDOMTextComponent, return the corresponding\n * DOM node.\n */\n\nfunction getNodeFromInstance(inst) {\n if (inst.tag === HostComponent || inst.tag === HostText) {\n // In Fiber this, is just the state node right now. We assume it will be\n // a host component or host text.\n return inst.stateNode;\n } // Without this first invariant, passing a non-DOM-component triggers the next\n // invariant for a missing parent, which is super confusing.\n\n\n throw new Error('getNodeFromInstance: Invalid argument.');\n}\nfunction getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(node) {\n return node[internalPropsKey] || null;\n}\nfunction updateFiberProps(node, props) {\n node[internalPropsKey] = props;\n}\nfunction getEventListenerSet(node) {\n var elementListenerSet = node[internalEventHandlersKey];\n\n if (elementListenerSet === undefined) {\n elementListenerSet = node[internalEventHandlersKey] = new Set();\n }\n\n return elementListenerSet;\n}\n\nvar loggedTypeFailures = {};\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location, componentName, element) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe This is okay but Flow doesn't know it.\n var has =;\n\n for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) {\n if (has(typeSpecs, typeSpecName)) {\n var error$1 = void 0; // Prop type validation may throw. In case they do, we don't want to\n // fail the render phase where it didn't fail before. So we log it.\n // After these have been cleaned up, we'll let them throw.\n\n try {\n // This is intentionally an invariant that gets caught. It's the same\n // behavior as without this statement except with a better message.\n if (typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] !== 'function') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n var err = Error((componentName || 'React class') + ': ' + location + ' type `' + typeSpecName + '` is invalid; ' + 'it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `' + typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] + '`.' + 'This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.');\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n }\n\n error$1 = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location, null, 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED');\n } catch (ex) {\n error$1 = ex;\n }\n\n if (error$1 && !(error$1 instanceof Error)) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('%s: type specification of %s' + ' `%s` is invalid; the type checker ' + 'function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. ' + 'You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker ' + 'creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and ' + 'shape all require an argument).', componentName || 'React class', location, typeSpecName, typeof error$1);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n\n if (error$1 instanceof Error && !(error$1.message in loggedTypeFailures)) {\n // Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the\n // same error.\n loggedTypeFailures[error$1.message] = true;\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('Failed %s type: %s', location, error$1.message);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar valueStack = [];\nvar fiberStack;\n\n{\n fiberStack = [];\n}\n\nvar index = -1;\n\nfunction createCursor(defaultValue) {\n return {\n current: defaultValue\n };\n}\n\nfunction pop(cursor, fiber) {\n if (index < 0) {\n {\n error('Unexpected pop.');\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n {\n if (fiber !== fiberStack[index]) {\n error('Unexpected Fiber popped.');\n }\n }\n\n cursor.current = valueStack[index];\n valueStack[index] = null;\n\n {\n fiberStack[index] = null;\n }\n\n index--;\n}\n\nfunction push(cursor, value, fiber) {\n index++;\n valueStack[index] = cursor.current;\n\n {\n fiberStack[index] = fiber;\n }\n\n cursor.current = value;\n}\n\nvar warnedAboutMissingGetChildContext;\n\n{\n warnedAboutMissingGetChildContext = {};\n}\n\nvar emptyContextObject = {};\n\n{\n Object.freeze(emptyContextObject);\n} // A cursor to the current merged context object on the stack.\n\n\nvar contextStackCursor = createCursor(emptyContextObject); // A cursor to a boolean indicating whether the context has changed.\n\nvar didPerformWorkStackCursor = createCursor(false); // Keep track of the previous context object that was on the stack.\n// We use this to get access to the parent context after we have already\n// pushed the next context provider, and now need to merge their contexts.\n\nvar previousContext = emptyContextObject;\n\nfunction getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, Component, didPushOwnContextIfProvider) {\n {\n if (didPushOwnContextIfProvider && isContextProvider(Component)) {\n // If the fiber is a context provider itself, when we read its context\n // we may have already pushed its own child context on the stack. A context\n // provider should not \"see\" its own child context. Therefore we read the\n // previous (parent) context instead for a context provider.\n return previousContext;\n }\n\n return contextStackCursor.current;\n }\n}\n\nfunction cacheContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext, maskedContext) {\n {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n instance.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = unmaskedContext;\n instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = maskedContext;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext) {\n {\n var type = workInProgress.type;\n var contextTypes = type.contextTypes;\n\n if (!contextTypes) {\n return emptyContextObject;\n } // Avoid recreating masked context unless unmasked context has changed.\n // Failing to do this will result in unnecessary calls to componentWillReceiveProps.\n // This may trigger infinite loops if componentWillReceiveProps calls setState.\n\n\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n if (instance && instance.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === unmaskedContext) {\n return instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;\n }\n\n var context = {};\n\n for (var key in contextTypes) {\n context[key] = unmaskedContext[key];\n }\n\n {\n var name = getComponentNameFromFiber(workInProgress) || 'Unknown';\n checkPropTypes(contextTypes, context, 'context', name);\n } // Cache unmasked context so we can avoid recreating masked context unless necessary.\n // Context is created before the class component is instantiated so check for instance.\n\n\n if (instance) {\n cacheContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext, context);\n }\n\n return context;\n }\n}\n\nfunction hasContextChanged() {\n {\n return didPerformWorkStackCursor.current;\n }\n}\n\nfunction isContextProvider(type) {\n {\n var childContextTypes = type.childContextTypes;\n return childContextTypes !== null && childContextTypes !== undefined;\n }\n}\n\nfunction popContext(fiber) {\n {\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor, fiber);\n }\n}\n\nfunction popTopLevelContextObject(fiber) {\n {\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(contextStackCursor, fiber);\n }\n}\n\nfunction pushTopLevelContextObject(fiber, context, didChange) {\n {\n if (contextStackCursor.current !== emptyContextObject) {\n throw new Error('Unexpected context found on stack. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n push(contextStackCursor, context, fiber);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didChange, fiber);\n }\n}\n\nfunction processChildContext(fiber, type, parentContext) {\n {\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n var childContextTypes = type.childContextTypes; // TODO (bvaughn) Replace this behavior with an invariant() in the future.\n // It has only been added in Fiber to match the (unintentional) behavior in Stack.\n\n if (typeof instance.getChildContext !== 'function') {\n {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!warnedAboutMissingGetChildContext[componentName]) {\n warnedAboutMissingGetChildContext[componentName] = true;\n\n error('%s.childContextTypes is specified but there is no getChildContext() method ' + 'on the instance. You can either define getChildContext() on %s or remove ' + 'childContextTypes from it.', componentName, componentName);\n }\n }\n\n return parentContext;\n }\n\n var childContext = instance.getChildContext();\n\n for (var contextKey in childContext) {\n if (!(contextKey in childContextTypes)) {\n throw new Error((getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Unknown') + \".getChildContext(): key \\\"\" + contextKey + \"\\\" is not defined in childContextTypes.\");\n }\n }\n\n {\n var name = getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Unknown';\n checkPropTypes(childContextTypes, childContext, 'child context', name);\n }\n\n return assign({}, parentContext, childContext);\n }\n}\n\nfunction pushContextProvider(workInProgress) {\n {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode; // We push the context as early as possible to ensure stack integrity.\n // If the instance does not exist yet, we will push null at first,\n // and replace it on the stack later when invalidating the context.\n\n var memoizedMergedChildContext = instance && instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext || emptyContextObject; // Remember the parent context so we can merge with it later.\n // Inherit the parent's did-perform-work value to avoid inadvertently blocking updates.\n\n previousContext = contextStackCursor.current;\n push(contextStackCursor, memoizedMergedChildContext, workInProgress);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didPerformWorkStackCursor.current, workInProgress);\n return true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, type, didChange) {\n {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n if (!instance) {\n throw new Error('Expected to have an instance by this point. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n if (didChange) {\n // Merge parent and own context.\n // Skip this if we're not updating due to sCU.\n // This avoids unnecessarily recomputing memoized values.\n var mergedContext = processChildContext(workInProgress, type, previousContext);\n instance.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = mergedContext; // Replace the old (or empty) context with the new one.\n // It is important to unwind the context in the reverse order.\n\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, workInProgress);\n pop(contextStackCursor, workInProgress); // Now push the new context and mark that it has changed.\n\n push(contextStackCursor, mergedContext, workInProgress);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didChange, workInProgress);\n } else {\n pop(didPerformWorkStackCursor, workInProgress);\n push(didPerformWorkStackCursor, didChange, workInProgress);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction findCurrentUnmaskedContext(fiber) {\n {\n // Currently this is only used with renderSubtreeIntoContainer; not sure if it\n // makes sense elsewhere\n if (!isFiberMounted(fiber) || fiber.tag !== ClassComponent) {\n throw new Error('Expected subtree parent to be a mounted class component. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n var node = fiber;\n\n do {\n switch (node.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n return node.stateNode.context;\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var Component = node.type;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n return node.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n } while (node !== null);\n\n throw new Error('Found unexpected detached subtree parent. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n}\n\nvar LegacyRoot = 0;\nvar ConcurrentRoot = 1;\n\nvar syncQueue = null;\nvar includesLegacySyncCallbacks = false;\nvar isFlushingSyncQueue = false;\nfunction scheduleSyncCallback(callback) {\n // Push this callback into an internal queue. We'll flush these either in\n // the next tick, or earlier if something calls `flushSyncCallbackQueue`.\n if (syncQueue === null) {\n syncQueue = [callback];\n } else {\n // Push onto existing queue. Don't need to schedule a callback because\n // we already scheduled one when we created the queue.\n syncQueue.push(callback);\n }\n}\nfunction scheduleLegacySyncCallback(callback) {\n includesLegacySyncCallbacks = true;\n scheduleSyncCallback(callback);\n}\nfunction flushSyncCallbacksOnlyInLegacyMode() {\n // Only flushes the queue if there's a legacy sync callback scheduled.\n // TODO: There's only a single type of callback: performSyncOnWorkOnRoot. So\n // it might make more sense for the queue to be a list of roots instead of a\n // list of generic callbacks. Then we can have two: one for legacy roots, one\n // for concurrent roots. And this method would only flush the legacy ones.\n if (includesLegacySyncCallbacks) {\n flushSyncCallbacks();\n }\n}\nfunction flushSyncCallbacks() {\n if (!isFlushingSyncQueue && syncQueue !== null) {\n // Prevent re-entrance.\n isFlushingSyncQueue = true;\n var i = 0;\n var previousUpdatePriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n\n try {\n var isSync = true;\n var queue = syncQueue; // TODO: Is this necessary anymore? The only user code that runs in this\n // queue is in the render or commit phases.\n\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(DiscreteEventPriority);\n\n for (; i < queue.length; i++) {\n var callback = queue[i];\n\n do {\n callback = callback(isSync);\n } while (callback !== null);\n }\n\n syncQueue = null;\n includesLegacySyncCallbacks = false;\n } catch (error) {\n // If something throws, leave the remaining callbacks on the queue.\n if (syncQueue !== null) {\n syncQueue = syncQueue.slice(i + 1);\n } // Resume flushing in the next tick\n\n\n scheduleCallback(ImmediatePriority, flushSyncCallbacks);\n throw error;\n } finally {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousUpdatePriority);\n isFlushingSyncQueue = false;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\n// TODO: Use the unified fiber stack module instead of this local one?\n// Intentionally not using it yet to derisk the initial implementation, because\n// the way we push/pop these values is a bit unusual. If there's a mistake, I'd\n// rather the ids be wrong than crash the whole reconciler.\nvar forkStack = [];\nvar forkStackIndex = 0;\nvar treeForkProvider = null;\nvar treeForkCount = 0;\nvar idStack = [];\nvar idStackIndex = 0;\nvar treeContextProvider = null;\nvar treeContextId = 1;\nvar treeContextOverflow = '';\nfunction isForkedChild(workInProgress) {\n warnIfNotHydrating();\n return (workInProgress.flags & Forked) !== NoFlags;\n}\nfunction getForksAtLevel(workInProgress) {\n warnIfNotHydrating();\n return treeForkCount;\n}\nfunction getTreeId() {\n var overflow = treeContextOverflow;\n var idWithLeadingBit = treeContextId;\n var id = idWithLeadingBit & ~getLeadingBit(idWithLeadingBit);\n return id.toString(32) + overflow;\n}\nfunction pushTreeFork(workInProgress, totalChildren) {\n // This is called right after we reconcile an array (or iterator) of child\n // fibers, because that's the only place where we know how many children in\n // the whole set without doing extra work later, or storing addtional\n // information on the fiber.\n //\n // That's why this function is separate from pushTreeId — it's called during\n // the render phase of the fork parent, not the child, which is where we push\n // the other context values.\n //\n // In the Fizz implementation this is much simpler because the child is\n // rendered in the same callstack as the parent.\n //\n // It might be better to just add a `forks` field to the Fiber type. It would\n // make this module simpler.\n warnIfNotHydrating();\n forkStack[forkStackIndex++] = treeForkCount;\n forkStack[forkStackIndex++] = treeForkProvider;\n treeForkProvider = workInProgress;\n treeForkCount = totalChildren;\n}\nfunction pushTreeId(workInProgress, totalChildren, index) {\n warnIfNotHydrating();\n idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextId;\n idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextOverflow;\n idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextProvider;\n treeContextProvider = workInProgress;\n var baseIdWithLeadingBit = treeContextId;\n var baseOverflow = treeContextOverflow; // The leftmost 1 marks the end of the sequence, non-inclusive. It's not part\n // of the id; we use it to account for leading 0s.\n\n var baseLength = getBitLength(baseIdWithLeadingBit) - 1;\n var baseId = baseIdWithLeadingBit & ~(1 << baseLength);\n var slot = index + 1;\n var length = getBitLength(totalChildren) + baseLength; // 30 is the max length we can store without overflowing, taking into\n // consideration the leading 1 we use to mark the end of the sequence.\n\n if (length > 30) {\n // We overflowed the bitwise-safe range. Fall back to slower algorithm.\n // This branch assumes the length of the base id is greater than 5; it won't\n // work for smaller ids, because you need 5 bits per character.\n //\n // We encode the id in multiple steps: first the base id, then the\n // remaining digits.\n //\n // Each 5 bit sequence corresponds to a single base 32 character. So for\n // example, if the current id is 23 bits long, we can convert 20 of those\n // bits into a string of 4 characters, with 3 bits left over.\n //\n // First calculate how many bits in the base id represent a complete\n // sequence of characters.\n var numberOfOverflowBits = baseLength - baseLength % 5; // Then create a bitmask that selects only those bits.\n\n var newOverflowBits = (1 << numberOfOverflowBits) - 1; // Select the bits, and convert them to a base 32 string.\n\n var newOverflow = (baseId & newOverflowBits).toString(32); // Now we can remove those bits from the base id.\n\n var restOfBaseId = baseId >> numberOfOverflowBits;\n var restOfBaseLength = baseLength - numberOfOverflowBits; // Finally, encode the rest of the bits using the normal algorithm. Because\n // we made more room, this time it won't overflow.\n\n var restOfLength = getBitLength(totalChildren) + restOfBaseLength;\n var restOfNewBits = slot << restOfBaseLength;\n var id = restOfNewBits | restOfBaseId;\n var overflow = newOverflow + baseOverflow;\n treeContextId = 1 << restOfLength | id;\n treeContextOverflow = overflow;\n } else {\n // Normal path\n var newBits = slot << baseLength;\n\n var _id = newBits | baseId;\n\n var _overflow = baseOverflow;\n treeContextId = 1 << length | _id;\n treeContextOverflow = _overflow;\n }\n}\nfunction pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress) {\n warnIfNotHydrating(); // This component materialized an id. This will affect any ids that appear\n // in its children.\n\n var returnFiber = workInProgress.return;\n\n if (returnFiber !== null) {\n var numberOfForks = 1;\n var slotIndex = 0;\n pushTreeFork(workInProgress, numberOfForks);\n pushTreeId(workInProgress, numberOfForks, slotIndex);\n }\n}\n\nfunction getBitLength(number) {\n return 32 - clz32(number);\n}\n\nfunction getLeadingBit(id) {\n return 1 << getBitLength(id) - 1;\n}\n\nfunction popTreeContext(workInProgress) {\n // Restore the previous values.\n // This is a bit more complicated than other context-like modules in Fiber\n // because the same Fiber may appear on the stack multiple times and for\n // different reasons. We have to keep popping until the work-in-progress is\n // no longer at the top of the stack.\n while (workInProgress === treeForkProvider) {\n treeForkProvider = forkStack[--forkStackIndex];\n forkStack[forkStackIndex] = null;\n treeForkCount = forkStack[--forkStackIndex];\n forkStack[forkStackIndex] = null;\n }\n\n while (workInProgress === treeContextProvider) {\n treeContextProvider = idStack[--idStackIndex];\n idStack[idStackIndex] = null;\n treeContextOverflow = idStack[--idStackIndex];\n idStack[idStackIndex] = null;\n treeContextId = idStack[--idStackIndex];\n idStack[idStackIndex] = null;\n }\n}\nfunction getSuspendedTreeContext() {\n warnIfNotHydrating();\n\n if (treeContextProvider !== null) {\n return {\n id: treeContextId,\n overflow: treeContextOverflow\n };\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n}\nfunction restoreSuspendedTreeContext(workInProgress, suspendedContext) {\n warnIfNotHydrating();\n idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextId;\n idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextOverflow;\n idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextProvider;\n treeContextId =;\n treeContextOverflow = suspendedContext.overflow;\n treeContextProvider = workInProgress;\n}\n\nfunction warnIfNotHydrating() {\n {\n if (!getIsHydrating()) {\n error('Expected to be hydrating. This is a bug in React. Please file ' + 'an issue.');\n }\n }\n}\n\n// This may have been an insertion or a hydration.\n\nvar hydrationParentFiber = null;\nvar nextHydratableInstance = null;\nvar isHydrating = false; // This flag allows for warning supression when we expect there to be mismatches\n// due to earlier mismatches or a suspended fiber.\n\nvar didSuspendOrErrorDEV = false; // Hydration errors that were thrown inside this boundary\n\nvar hydrationErrors = null;\n\nfunction warnIfHydrating() {\n {\n if (isHydrating) {\n error('We should not be hydrating here. This is a bug in React. Please file a bug.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction markDidThrowWhileHydratingDEV() {\n {\n didSuspendOrErrorDEV = true;\n }\n}\nfunction didSuspendOrErrorWhileHydratingDEV() {\n {\n return didSuspendOrErrorDEV;\n }\n}\n\nfunction enterHydrationState(fiber) {\n\n var parentInstance = fiber.stateNode.containerInfo;\n nextHydratableInstance = getFirstHydratableChildWithinContainer(parentInstance);\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber;\n isHydrating = true;\n hydrationErrors = null;\n didSuspendOrErrorDEV = false;\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction reenterHydrationStateFromDehydratedSuspenseInstance(fiber, suspenseInstance, treeContext) {\n\n nextHydratableInstance = getFirstHydratableChildWithinSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance);\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber;\n isHydrating = true;\n hydrationErrors = null;\n didSuspendOrErrorDEV = false;\n\n if (treeContext !== null) {\n restoreSuspendedTreeContext(fiber, treeContext);\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction warnUnhydratedInstance(returnFiber, instance) {\n {\n switch (returnFiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n {\n didNotHydrateInstanceWithinContainer(returnFiber.stateNode.containerInfo, instance);\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n var isConcurrentMode = (returnFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n didNotHydrateInstance(returnFiber.type, returnFiber.memoizedProps, returnFiber.stateNode, instance, // TODO: Delete this argument when we remove the legacy root API.\n isConcurrentMode);\n break;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n var suspenseState = returnFiber.memoizedState;\n if (suspenseState.dehydrated !== null) didNotHydrateInstanceWithinSuspenseInstance(suspenseState.dehydrated, instance);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction deleteHydratableInstance(returnFiber, instance) {\n warnUnhydratedInstance(returnFiber, instance);\n var childToDelete = createFiberFromHostInstanceForDeletion();\n childToDelete.stateNode = instance;\n childToDelete.return = returnFiber;\n var deletions = returnFiber.deletions;\n\n if (deletions === null) {\n returnFiber.deletions = [childToDelete];\n returnFiber.flags |= ChildDeletion;\n } else {\n deletions.push(childToDelete);\n }\n}\n\nfunction warnNonhydratedInstance(returnFiber, fiber) {\n {\n if (didSuspendOrErrorDEV) {\n // Inside a boundary that already suspended. We're currently rendering the\n // siblings of a suspended node. The mismatch may be due to the missing\n // data, so it's probably a false positive.\n return;\n }\n\n switch (returnFiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n {\n var parentContainer = returnFiber.stateNode.containerInfo;\n\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n var type = fiber.type;\n var props = fiber.pendingProps;\n didNotFindHydratableInstanceWithinContainer(parentContainer, type);\n break;\n\n case HostText:\n var text = fiber.pendingProps;\n didNotFindHydratableTextInstanceWithinContainer(parentContainer, text);\n break;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n var parentType = returnFiber.type;\n var parentProps = returnFiber.memoizedProps;\n var parentInstance = returnFiber.stateNode;\n\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n {\n var _type = fiber.type;\n var _props = fiber.pendingProps;\n var isConcurrentMode = (returnFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n didNotFindHydratableInstance(parentType, parentProps, parentInstance, _type, _props, // TODO: Delete this argument when we remove the legacy root API.\n isConcurrentMode);\n break;\n }\n\n case HostText:\n {\n var _text = fiber.pendingProps;\n\n var _isConcurrentMode = (returnFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n\n didNotFindHydratableTextInstance(parentType, parentProps, parentInstance, _text, // TODO: Delete this argument when we remove the legacy root API.\n _isConcurrentMode);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n var suspenseState = returnFiber.memoizedState;\n var _parentInstance = suspenseState.dehydrated;\n if (_parentInstance !== null) switch (fiber.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n var _type2 = fiber.type;\n var _props2 = fiber.pendingProps;\n didNotFindHydratableInstanceWithinSuspenseInstance(_parentInstance, _type2);\n break;\n\n case HostText:\n var _text2 = fiber.pendingProps;\n didNotFindHydratableTextInstanceWithinSuspenseInstance(_parentInstance, _text2);\n break;\n }\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction insertNonHydratedInstance(returnFiber, fiber) {\n fiber.flags = fiber.flags & ~Hydrating | Placement;\n warnNonhydratedInstance(returnFiber, fiber);\n}\n\nfunction tryHydrate(fiber, nextInstance) {\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n {\n var type = fiber.type;\n var props = fiber.pendingProps;\n var instance = canHydrateInstance(nextInstance, type);\n\n if (instance !== null) {\n fiber.stateNode = instance;\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber;\n nextHydratableInstance = getFirstHydratableChild(instance);\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n case HostText:\n {\n var text = fiber.pendingProps;\n var textInstance = canHydrateTextInstance(nextInstance, text);\n\n if (textInstance !== null) {\n fiber.stateNode = textInstance;\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber; // Text Instances don't have children so there's nothing to hydrate.\n\n nextHydratableInstance = null;\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n var suspenseInstance = canHydrateSuspenseInstance(nextInstance);\n\n if (suspenseInstance !== null) {\n var suspenseState = {\n dehydrated: suspenseInstance,\n treeContext: getSuspendedTreeContext(),\n retryLane: OffscreenLane\n };\n fiber.memoizedState = suspenseState; // Store the dehydrated fragment as a child fiber.\n // This simplifies the code for getHostSibling and deleting nodes,\n // since it doesn't have to consider all Suspense boundaries and\n // check if they're dehydrated ones or not.\n\n var dehydratedFragment = createFiberFromDehydratedFragment(suspenseInstance);\n dehydratedFragment.return = fiber;\n fiber.child = dehydratedFragment;\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber; // While a Suspense Instance does have children, we won't step into\n // it during the first pass. Instead, we'll reenter it later.\n\n nextHydratableInstance = null;\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n default:\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction shouldClientRenderOnMismatch(fiber) {\n return (fiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode && (fiber.flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags;\n}\n\nfunction throwOnHydrationMismatch(fiber) {\n throw new Error('Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was ' + 'rendered on the server.');\n}\n\nfunction tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(fiber) {\n if (!isHydrating) {\n return;\n }\n\n var nextInstance = nextHydratableInstance;\n\n if (!nextInstance) {\n if (shouldClientRenderOnMismatch(fiber)) {\n warnNonhydratedInstance(hydrationParentFiber, fiber);\n throwOnHydrationMismatch();\n } // Nothing to hydrate. Make it an insertion.\n\n\n insertNonHydratedInstance(hydrationParentFiber, fiber);\n isHydrating = false;\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber;\n return;\n }\n\n var firstAttemptedInstance = nextInstance;\n\n if (!tryHydrate(fiber, nextInstance)) {\n if (shouldClientRenderOnMismatch(fiber)) {\n warnNonhydratedInstance(hydrationParentFiber, fiber);\n throwOnHydrationMismatch();\n } // If we can't hydrate this instance let's try the next one.\n // We use this as a heuristic. It's based on intuition and not data so it\n // might be flawed or unnecessary.\n\n\n nextInstance = getNextHydratableSibling(firstAttemptedInstance);\n var prevHydrationParentFiber = hydrationParentFiber;\n\n if (!nextInstance || !tryHydrate(fiber, nextInstance)) {\n // Nothing to hydrate. Make it an insertion.\n insertNonHydratedInstance(hydrationParentFiber, fiber);\n isHydrating = false;\n hydrationParentFiber = fiber;\n return;\n } // We matched the next one, we'll now assume that the first one was\n // superfluous and we'll delete it. Since we can't eagerly delete it\n // we'll have to schedule a deletion. To do that, this node needs a dummy\n // fiber associated with it.\n\n\n deleteHydratableInstance(prevHydrationParentFiber, firstAttemptedInstance);\n }\n}\n\nfunction prepareToHydrateHostInstance(fiber, rootContainerInstance, hostContext) {\n\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n var shouldWarnIfMismatchDev = !didSuspendOrErrorDEV;\n var updatePayload = hydrateInstance(instance, fiber.type, fiber.memoizedProps, rootContainerInstance, hostContext, fiber, shouldWarnIfMismatchDev); // TODO: Type this specific to this type of component.\n\n fiber.updateQueue = updatePayload; // If the update payload indicates that there is a change or if there\n // is a new ref we mark this as an update.\n\n if (updatePayload !== null) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction prepareToHydrateHostTextInstance(fiber) {\n\n var textInstance = fiber.stateNode;\n var textContent = fiber.memoizedProps;\n var shouldUpdate = hydrateTextInstance(textInstance, textContent, fiber);\n\n if (shouldUpdate) {\n // We assume that prepareToHydrateHostTextInstance is called in a context where the\n // hydration parent is the parent host component of this host text.\n var returnFiber = hydrationParentFiber;\n\n if (returnFiber !== null) {\n switch (returnFiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n {\n var parentContainer = returnFiber.stateNode.containerInfo;\n var isConcurrentMode = (returnFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n didNotMatchHydratedContainerTextInstance(parentContainer, textInstance, textContent, // TODO: Delete this argument when we remove the legacy root API.\n isConcurrentMode);\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n var parentType = returnFiber.type;\n var parentProps = returnFiber.memoizedProps;\n var parentInstance = returnFiber.stateNode;\n\n var _isConcurrentMode2 = (returnFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n\n didNotMatchHydratedTextInstance(parentType, parentProps, parentInstance, textInstance, textContent, // TODO: Delete this argument when we remove the legacy root API.\n _isConcurrentMode2);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return shouldUpdate;\n}\n\nfunction prepareToHydrateHostSuspenseInstance(fiber) {\n\n var suspenseState = fiber.memoizedState;\n var suspenseInstance = suspenseState !== null ? suspenseState.dehydrated : null;\n\n if (!suspenseInstance) {\n throw new Error('Expected to have a hydrated suspense instance. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n hydrateSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance, fiber);\n}\n\nfunction skipPastDehydratedSuspenseInstance(fiber) {\n\n var suspenseState = fiber.memoizedState;\n var suspenseInstance = suspenseState !== null ? suspenseState.dehydrated : null;\n\n if (!suspenseInstance) {\n throw new Error('Expected to have a hydrated suspense instance. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n return getNextHydratableInstanceAfterSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance);\n}\n\nfunction popToNextHostParent(fiber) {\n var parent = fiber.return;\n\n while (parent !== null && parent.tag !== HostComponent && parent.tag !== HostRoot && parent.tag !== SuspenseComponent) {\n parent = parent.return;\n }\n\n hydrationParentFiber = parent;\n}\n\nfunction popHydrationState(fiber) {\n\n if (fiber !== hydrationParentFiber) {\n // We're deeper than the current hydration context, inside an inserted\n // tree.\n return false;\n }\n\n if (!isHydrating) {\n // If we're not currently hydrating but we're in a hydration context, then\n // we were an insertion and now need to pop up reenter hydration of our\n // siblings.\n popToNextHostParent(fiber);\n isHydrating = true;\n return false;\n } // If we have any remaining hydratable nodes, we need to delete them now.\n // We only do this deeper than head and body since they tend to have random\n // other nodes in them. We also ignore components with pure text content in\n // side of them. We also don't delete anything inside the root container.\n\n\n if (fiber.tag !== HostRoot && (fiber.tag !== HostComponent || shouldDeleteUnhydratedTailInstances(fiber.type) && !shouldSetTextContent(fiber.type, fiber.memoizedProps))) {\n var nextInstance = nextHydratableInstance;\n\n if (nextInstance) {\n if (shouldClientRenderOnMismatch(fiber)) {\n warnIfUnhydratedTailNodes(fiber);\n throwOnHydrationMismatch();\n } else {\n while (nextInstance) {\n deleteHydratableInstance(fiber, nextInstance);\n nextInstance = getNextHydratableSibling(nextInstance);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n popToNextHostParent(fiber);\n\n if (fiber.tag === SuspenseComponent) {\n nextHydratableInstance = skipPastDehydratedSuspenseInstance(fiber);\n } else {\n nextHydratableInstance = hydrationParentFiber ? getNextHydratableSibling(fiber.stateNode) : null;\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction hasUnhydratedTailNodes() {\n return isHydrating && nextHydratableInstance !== null;\n}\n\nfunction warnIfUnhydratedTailNodes(fiber) {\n var nextInstance = nextHydratableInstance;\n\n while (nextInstance) {\n warnUnhydratedInstance(fiber, nextInstance);\n nextInstance = getNextHydratableSibling(nextInstance);\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetHydrationState() {\n\n hydrationParentFiber = null;\n nextHydratableInstance = null;\n isHydrating = false;\n didSuspendOrErrorDEV = false;\n}\n\nfunction upgradeHydrationErrorsToRecoverable() {\n if (hydrationErrors !== null) {\n // Successfully completed a forced client render. The errors that occurred\n // during the hydration attempt are now recovered. We will log them in\n // commit phase, once the entire tree has finished.\n queueRecoverableErrors(hydrationErrors);\n hydrationErrors = null;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getIsHydrating() {\n return isHydrating;\n}\n\nfunction queueHydrationError(error) {\n if (hydrationErrors === null) {\n hydrationErrors = [error];\n } else {\n hydrationErrors.push(error);\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentBatchConfig$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig;\nvar NoTransition = null;\nfunction requestCurrentTransition() {\n return ReactCurrentBatchConfig$1.transition;\n}\n\nvar ReactStrictModeWarnings = {\n recordUnsafeLifecycleWarnings: function (fiber, instance) {},\n flushPendingUnsafeLifecycleWarnings: function () {},\n recordLegacyContextWarning: function (fiber, instance) {},\n flushLegacyContextWarning: function () {},\n discardPendingWarnings: function () {}\n};\n\n{\n var findStrictRoot = function (fiber) {\n var maybeStrictRoot = null;\n var node = fiber;\n\n while (node !== null) {\n if (node.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n maybeStrictRoot = node;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n return maybeStrictRoot;\n };\n\n var setToSortedString = function (set) {\n var array = [];\n set.forEach(function (value) {\n array.push(value);\n });\n return array.sort().join(', ');\n };\n\n var pendingComponentWillMountWarnings = [];\n var pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillMountWarnings = [];\n var pendingComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings = [];\n var pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings = [];\n var pendingComponentWillUpdateWarnings = [];\n var pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillUpdateWarnings = []; // Tracks components we have already warned about.\n\n var didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles = new Set();\n\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.recordUnsafeLifecycleWarnings = function (fiber, instance) {\n // Dedupe strategy: Warn once per component.\n if (didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles.has(fiber.type)) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillMount === 'function' && // Don't warn about react-lifecycles-compat polyfilled components.\n instance.componentWillMount.__suppressDeprecationWarning !== true) {\n pendingComponentWillMountWarnings.push(fiber);\n }\n\n if (fiber.mode & StrictLegacyMode && typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === 'function') {\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillMountWarnings.push(fiber);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps === 'function' && instance.componentWillReceiveProps.__suppressDeprecationWarning !== true) {\n pendingComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings.push(fiber);\n }\n\n if (fiber.mode & StrictLegacyMode && typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps === 'function') {\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings.push(fiber);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillUpdate === 'function' && instance.componentWillUpdate.__suppressDeprecationWarning !== true) {\n pendingComponentWillUpdateWarnings.push(fiber);\n }\n\n if (fiber.mode & StrictLegacyMode && typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate === 'function') {\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillUpdateWarnings.push(fiber);\n }\n };\n\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.flushPendingUnsafeLifecycleWarnings = function () {\n // We do an initial pass to gather component names\n var componentWillMountUniqueNames = new Set();\n\n if (pendingComponentWillMountWarnings.length > 0) {\n pendingComponentWillMountWarnings.forEach(function (fiber) {\n componentWillMountUniqueNames.add(getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component');\n didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles.add(fiber.type);\n });\n pendingComponentWillMountWarnings = [];\n }\n\n var UNSAFE_componentWillMountUniqueNames = new Set();\n\n if (pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillMountWarnings.length > 0) {\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillMountWarnings.forEach(function (fiber) {\n UNSAFE_componentWillMountUniqueNames.add(getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component');\n didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles.add(fiber.type);\n });\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillMountWarnings = [];\n }\n\n var componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames = new Set();\n\n if (pendingComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings.length > 0) {\n pendingComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings.forEach(function (fiber) {\n componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames.add(getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component');\n didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles.add(fiber.type);\n });\n pendingComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings = [];\n }\n\n var UNSAFE_componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames = new Set();\n\n if (pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings.length > 0) {\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings.forEach(function (fiber) {\n UNSAFE_componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames.add(getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component');\n didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles.add(fiber.type);\n });\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings = [];\n }\n\n var componentWillUpdateUniqueNames = new Set();\n\n if (pendingComponentWillUpdateWarnings.length > 0) {\n pendingComponentWillUpdateWarnings.forEach(function (fiber) {\n componentWillUpdateUniqueNames.add(getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component');\n didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles.add(fiber.type);\n });\n pendingComponentWillUpdateWarnings = [];\n }\n\n var UNSAFE_componentWillUpdateUniqueNames = new Set();\n\n if (pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillUpdateWarnings.length > 0) {\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillUpdateWarnings.forEach(function (fiber) {\n UNSAFE_componentWillUpdateUniqueNames.add(getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component');\n didWarnAboutUnsafeLifecycles.add(fiber.type);\n });\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillUpdateWarnings = [];\n } // Finally, we flush all the warnings\n // UNSAFE_ ones before the deprecated ones, since they'll be 'louder'\n\n\n if (UNSAFE_componentWillMountUniqueNames.size > 0) {\n var sortedNames = setToSortedString(UNSAFE_componentWillMountUniqueNames);\n\n error('Using UNSAFE_componentWillMount in strict mode is not recommended and may indicate bugs in your code. ' + 'See for details.\\n\\n' + '* Move code with side effects to componentDidMount, and set initial state in the constructor.\\n' + '\\nPlease update the following components: %s', sortedNames);\n }\n\n if (UNSAFE_componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames.size > 0) {\n var _sortedNames = setToSortedString(UNSAFE_componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames);\n\n error('Using UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps in strict mode is not recommended ' + 'and may indicate bugs in your code. ' + 'See for details.\\n\\n' + '* Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate.\\n' + \"* If you're updating state whenever props change, \" + 'refactor your code to use memoization techniques or move it to ' + 'static getDerivedStateFromProps. Learn more at:\\n' + '\\nPlease update the following components: %s', _sortedNames);\n }\n\n if (UNSAFE_componentWillUpdateUniqueNames.size > 0) {\n var _sortedNames2 = setToSortedString(UNSAFE_componentWillUpdateUniqueNames);\n\n error('Using UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate in strict mode is not recommended ' + 'and may indicate bugs in your code. ' + 'See for details.\\n\\n' + '* Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate.\\n' + '\\nPlease update the following components: %s', _sortedNames2);\n }\n\n if (componentWillMountUniqueNames.size > 0) {\n var _sortedNames3 = setToSortedString(componentWillMountUniqueNames);\n\n warn('componentWillMount has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. ' + 'See for details.\\n\\n' + '* Move code with side effects to componentDidMount, and set initial state in the constructor.\\n' + '* Rename componentWillMount to UNSAFE_componentWillMount to suppress ' + 'this warning in non-strict mode. In React 18.x, only the UNSAFE_ name will work. ' + 'To rename all deprecated lifecycles to their new names, you can run ' + '`npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles` in your project source folder.\\n' + '\\nPlease update the following components: %s', _sortedNames3);\n }\n\n if (componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames.size > 0) {\n var _sortedNames4 = setToSortedString(componentWillReceivePropsUniqueNames);\n\n warn('componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. ' + 'See for details.\\n\\n' + '* Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate.\\n' + \"* If you're updating state whenever props change, refactor your \" + 'code to use memoization techniques or move it to ' + 'static getDerivedStateFromProps. Learn more at:\\n' + '* Rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps to suppress ' + 'this warning in non-strict mode. In React 18.x, only the UNSAFE_ name will work. ' + 'To rename all deprecated lifecycles to their new names, you can run ' + '`npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles` in your project source folder.\\n' + '\\nPlease update the following components: %s', _sortedNames4);\n }\n\n if (componentWillUpdateUniqueNames.size > 0) {\n var _sortedNames5 = setToSortedString(componentWillUpdateUniqueNames);\n\n warn('componentWillUpdate has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. ' + 'See for details.\\n\\n' + '* Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate.\\n' + '* Rename componentWillUpdate to UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate to suppress ' + 'this warning in non-strict mode. In React 18.x, only the UNSAFE_ name will work. ' + 'To rename all deprecated lifecycles to their new names, you can run ' + '`npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles` in your project source folder.\\n' + '\\nPlease update the following components: %s', _sortedNames5);\n }\n };\n\n var pendingLegacyContextWarning = new Map(); // Tracks components we have already warned about.\n\n var didWarnAboutLegacyContext = new Set();\n\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.recordLegacyContextWarning = function (fiber, instance) {\n var strictRoot = findStrictRoot(fiber);\n\n if (strictRoot === null) {\n error('Expected to find a StrictMode component in a strict mode tree. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n\n return;\n } // Dedup strategy: Warn once per component.\n\n\n if (didWarnAboutLegacyContext.has(fiber.type)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var warningsForRoot = pendingLegacyContextWarning.get(strictRoot);\n\n if (fiber.type.contextTypes != null || fiber.type.childContextTypes != null || instance !== null && typeof instance.getChildContext === 'function') {\n if (warningsForRoot === undefined) {\n warningsForRoot = [];\n pendingLegacyContextWarning.set(strictRoot, warningsForRoot);\n }\n\n warningsForRoot.push(fiber);\n }\n };\n\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.flushLegacyContextWarning = function () {\n pendingLegacyContextWarning.forEach(function (fiberArray, strictRoot) {\n if (fiberArray.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n var firstFiber = fiberArray[0];\n var uniqueNames = new Set();\n fiberArray.forEach(function (fiber) {\n uniqueNames.add(getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component');\n didWarnAboutLegacyContext.add(fiber.type);\n });\n var sortedNames = setToSortedString(uniqueNames);\n\n try {\n setCurrentFiber(firstFiber);\n\n error('Legacy context API has been detected within a strict-mode tree.' + '\\n\\nThe old API will be supported in all 16.x releases, but applications ' + 'using it should migrate to the new version.' + '\\n\\nPlease update the following components: %s' + '\\n\\nLearn more about this warning here:', sortedNames);\n } finally {\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n });\n };\n\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.discardPendingWarnings = function () {\n pendingComponentWillMountWarnings = [];\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillMountWarnings = [];\n pendingComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings = [];\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillReceivePropsWarnings = [];\n pendingComponentWillUpdateWarnings = [];\n pendingUNSAFE_ComponentWillUpdateWarnings = [];\n pendingLegacyContextWarning = new Map();\n };\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutMaps;\nvar didWarnAboutGenerators;\nvar didWarnAboutStringRefs;\nvar ownerHasKeyUseWarning;\nvar ownerHasFunctionTypeWarning;\n\nvar warnForMissingKey = function (child, returnFiber) {};\n\n{\n didWarnAboutMaps = false;\n didWarnAboutGenerators = false;\n didWarnAboutStringRefs = {};\n /**\n * Warn if there's no key explicitly set on dynamic arrays of children or\n * object keys are not valid. This allows us to keep track of children between\n * updates.\n */\n\n ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {};\n ownerHasFunctionTypeWarning = {};\n\n warnForMissingKey = function (child, returnFiber) {\n if (child === null || typeof child !== 'object') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!child._store || child._store.validated || child.key != null) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof child._store !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('React Component in warnForMissingKey should have a _store. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n child._store.validated = true;\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(returnFiber) || 'Component';\n\n if (ownerHasKeyUseWarning[componentName]) {\n return;\n }\n\n ownerHasKeyUseWarning[componentName] = true;\n\n error('Each child in a list should have a unique ' + '\"key\" prop. See for ' + 'more information.');\n };\n}\n\nfunction isReactClass(type) {\n return type.prototype && type.prototype.isReactComponent;\n}\n\nfunction coerceRef(returnFiber, current, element) {\n var mixedRef = element.ref;\n\n if (mixedRef !== null && typeof mixedRef !== 'function' && typeof mixedRef !== 'object') {\n {\n // TODO: Clean this up once we turn on the string ref warning for\n // everyone, because the strict mode case will no longer be relevant\n if ((returnFiber.mode & StrictLegacyMode || warnAboutStringRefs) && // We warn in ReactElement.js if owner and self are equal for string refs\n // because these cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function\n // using a codemod. Therefore, we don't have to warn about string refs again.\n !(element._owner && element._self && element._owner.stateNode !== element._self) && // Will already throw with \"Function components cannot have string refs\"\n !(element._owner && element._owner.tag !== ClassComponent) && // Will already warn with \"Function components cannot be given refs\"\n !(typeof element.type === 'function' && !isReactClass(element.type)) && // Will already throw with \"Element ref was specified as a string (someStringRef) but no owner was set\"\n element._owner) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(returnFiber) || 'Component';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName]) {\n {\n error('Component \"%s\" contains the string ref \"%s\". Support for string refs ' + 'will be removed in a future major release. We recommend using ' + 'useRef() or createRef() instead. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + '', componentName, mixedRef);\n }\n\n didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (element._owner) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var inst;\n\n if (owner) {\n var ownerFiber = owner;\n\n if (ownerFiber.tag !== ClassComponent) {\n throw new Error('Function components cannot have string refs. ' + 'We recommend using useRef() instead. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + '');\n }\n\n inst = ownerFiber.stateNode;\n }\n\n if (!inst) {\n throw new Error(\"Missing owner for string ref \" + mixedRef + \". This error is likely caused by a \" + 'bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n } // Assigning this to a const so Flow knows it won't change in the closure\n\n\n var resolvedInst = inst;\n\n {\n checkPropStringCoercion(mixedRef, 'ref');\n }\n\n var stringRef = '' + mixedRef; // Check if previous string ref matches new string ref\n\n if (current !== null && current.ref !== null && typeof current.ref === 'function' && current.ref._stringRef === stringRef) {\n return current.ref;\n }\n\n var ref = function (value) {\n var refs = resolvedInst.refs;\n\n if (value === null) {\n delete refs[stringRef];\n } else {\n refs[stringRef] = value;\n }\n };\n\n ref._stringRef = stringRef;\n return ref;\n } else {\n if (typeof mixedRef !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Expected ref to be a function, a string, an object returned by React.createRef(), or null.');\n }\n\n if (!element._owner) {\n throw new Error(\"Element ref was specified as a string (\" + mixedRef + \") but no owner was set. This could happen for one of\" + ' the following reasons:\\n' + '1. You may be adding a ref to a function component\\n' + \"2. You may be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's render method\\n\" + '3. You have multiple copies of React loaded\\n' + 'See for more information.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n return mixedRef;\n}\n\nfunction throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild) {\n var childString =;\n throw new Error(\"Objects are not valid as a React child (found: \" + (childString === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(newChild).join(', ') + '}' : childString) + \"). \" + 'If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array ' + 'instead.');\n}\n\nfunction warnOnFunctionType(returnFiber) {\n {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(returnFiber) || 'Component';\n\n if (ownerHasFunctionTypeWarning[componentName]) {\n return;\n }\n\n ownerHasFunctionTypeWarning[componentName] = true;\n\n error('Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if ' + 'you return a Component instead of <Component /> from render. ' + 'Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than return it.');\n }\n}\n\nfunction resolveLazy(lazyType) {\n var payload = lazyType._payload;\n var init = lazyType._init;\n return init(payload);\n} // This wrapper function exists because I expect to clone the code in each path\n// to be able to optimize each path individually by branching early. This needs\n// a compiler or we can do it manually. Helpers that don't need this branching\n// live outside of this function.\n\n\nfunction ChildReconciler(shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n function deleteChild(returnFiber, childToDelete) {\n if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n // Noop.\n return;\n }\n\n var deletions = returnFiber.deletions;\n\n if (deletions === null) {\n returnFiber.deletions = [childToDelete];\n returnFiber.flags |= ChildDeletion;\n } else {\n deletions.push(childToDelete);\n }\n }\n\n function deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild) {\n if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n // Noop.\n return null;\n } // TODO: For the shouldClone case, this could be micro-optimized a bit by\n // assuming that after the first child we've already added everything.\n\n\n var childToDelete = currentFirstChild;\n\n while (childToDelete !== null) {\n deleteChild(returnFiber, childToDelete);\n childToDelete = childToDelete.sibling;\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n function mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild) {\n // Add the remaining children to a temporary map so that we can find them by\n // keys quickly. Implicit (null) keys get added to this set with their index\n // instead.\n var existingChildren = new Map();\n var existingChild = currentFirstChild;\n\n while (existingChild !== null) {\n if (existingChild.key !== null) {\n existingChildren.set(existingChild.key, existingChild);\n } else {\n existingChildren.set(existingChild.index, existingChild);\n }\n\n existingChild = existingChild.sibling;\n }\n\n return existingChildren;\n }\n\n function useFiber(fiber, pendingProps) {\n // We currently set sibling to null and index to 0 here because it is easy\n // to forget to do before returning it. E.g. for the single child case.\n var clone = createWorkInProgress(fiber, pendingProps);\n clone.index = 0;\n clone.sibling = null;\n return clone;\n }\n\n function placeChild(newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIndex) {\n newFiber.index = newIndex;\n\n if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n // During hydration, the useId algorithm needs to know which fibers are\n // part of a list of children (arrays, iterators).\n newFiber.flags |= Forked;\n return lastPlacedIndex;\n }\n\n var current = newFiber.alternate;\n\n if (current !== null) {\n var oldIndex = current.index;\n\n if (oldIndex < lastPlacedIndex) {\n // This is a move.\n newFiber.flags |= Placement;\n return lastPlacedIndex;\n } else {\n // This item can stay in place.\n return oldIndex;\n }\n } else {\n // This is an insertion.\n newFiber.flags |= Placement;\n return lastPlacedIndex;\n }\n }\n\n function placeSingleChild(newFiber) {\n // This is simpler for the single child case. We only need to do a\n // placement for inserting new children.\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects && newFiber.alternate === null) {\n newFiber.flags |= Placement;\n }\n\n return newFiber;\n }\n\n function updateTextNode(returnFiber, current, textContent, lanes) {\n if (current === null || current.tag !== HostText) {\n // Insert\n var created = createFiberFromText(textContent, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n } else {\n // Update\n var existing = useFiber(current, textContent);\n existing.return = returnFiber;\n return existing;\n }\n }\n\n function updateElement(returnFiber, current, element, lanes) {\n var elementType = element.type;\n\n if (elementType === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {\n return updateFragment(returnFiber, current, element.props.children, lanes, element.key);\n }\n\n if (current !== null) {\n if (current.elementType === elementType || ( // Keep this check inline so it only runs on the false path:\n isCompatibleFamilyForHotReloading(current, element) ) || // Lazy types should reconcile their resolved type.\n // We need to do this after the Hot Reloading check above,\n // because hot reloading has different semantics than prod because\n // it doesn't resuspend. So we can't let the call below suspend.\n typeof elementType === 'object' && elementType !== null && elementType.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE && resolveLazy(elementType) === current.type) {\n // Move based on index\n var existing = useFiber(current, element.props);\n existing.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, current, element);\n existing.return = returnFiber;\n\n {\n existing._debugSource = element._source;\n existing._debugOwner = element._owner;\n }\n\n return existing;\n }\n } // Insert\n\n\n var created = createFiberFromElement(element, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n created.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, current, element);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n }\n\n function updatePortal(returnFiber, current, portal, lanes) {\n if (current === null || current.tag !== HostPortal || current.stateNode.containerInfo !== portal.containerInfo || current.stateNode.implementation !== portal.implementation) {\n // Insert\n var created = createFiberFromPortal(portal, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n } else {\n // Update\n var existing = useFiber(current, portal.children || []);\n existing.return = returnFiber;\n return existing;\n }\n }\n\n function updateFragment(returnFiber, current, fragment, lanes, key) {\n if (current === null || current.tag !== Fragment) {\n // Insert\n var created = createFiberFromFragment(fragment, returnFiber.mode, lanes, key);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n } else {\n // Update\n var existing = useFiber(current, fragment);\n existing.return = returnFiber;\n return existing;\n }\n }\n\n function createChild(returnFiber, newChild, lanes) {\n if (typeof newChild === 'string' && newChild !== '' || typeof newChild === 'number') {\n // Text nodes don't have keys. If the previous node is implicitly keyed\n // we can continue to replace it without aborting even if it is not a text\n // node.\n var created = createFiberFromText('' + newChild, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n }\n\n if (typeof newChild === 'object' && newChild !== null) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n {\n var _created = createFiberFromElement(newChild, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n\n _created.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, null, newChild);\n _created.return = returnFiber;\n return _created;\n }\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n {\n var _created2 = createFiberFromPortal(newChild, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n\n _created2.return = returnFiber;\n return _created2;\n }\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var payload = newChild._payload;\n var init = newChild._init;\n return createChild(returnFiber, init(payload), lanes);\n }\n }\n\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild)) {\n var _created3 = createFiberFromFragment(newChild, returnFiber.mode, lanes, null);\n\n _created3.return = returnFiber;\n return _created3;\n }\n\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof newChild === 'function') {\n warnOnFunctionType(returnFiber);\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n function updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes) {\n // Update the fiber if the keys match, otherwise return null.\n var key = oldFiber !== null ? oldFiber.key : null;\n\n if (typeof newChild === 'string' && newChild !== '' || typeof newChild === 'number') {\n // Text nodes don't have keys. If the previous node is implicitly keyed\n // we can continue to replace it without aborting even if it is not a text\n // node.\n if (key !== null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return updateTextNode(returnFiber, oldFiber, '' + newChild, lanes);\n }\n\n if (typeof newChild === 'object' && newChild !== null) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n {\n if (newChild.key === key) {\n return updateElement(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n {\n if (newChild.key === key) {\n return updatePortal(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var payload = newChild._payload;\n var init = newChild._init;\n return updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, init(payload), lanes);\n }\n }\n\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild)) {\n if (key !== null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return updateFragment(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes, null);\n }\n\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof newChild === 'function') {\n warnOnFunctionType(returnFiber);\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n function updateFromMap(existingChildren, returnFiber, newIdx, newChild, lanes) {\n if (typeof newChild === 'string' && newChild !== '' || typeof newChild === 'number') {\n // Text nodes don't have keys, so we neither have to check the old nor\n // new node for the key. If both are text nodes, they match.\n var matchedFiber = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null;\n return updateTextNode(returnFiber, matchedFiber, '' + newChild, lanes);\n }\n\n if (typeof newChild === 'object' && newChild !== null) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n {\n var _matchedFiber = existingChildren.get(newChild.key === null ? newIdx : newChild.key) || null;\n\n return updateElement(returnFiber, _matchedFiber, newChild, lanes);\n }\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n {\n var _matchedFiber2 = existingChildren.get(newChild.key === null ? newIdx : newChild.key) || null;\n\n return updatePortal(returnFiber, _matchedFiber2, newChild, lanes);\n }\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n var payload = newChild._payload;\n var init = newChild._init;\n return updateFromMap(existingChildren, returnFiber, newIdx, init(payload), lanes);\n }\n\n if (isArray(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild)) {\n var _matchedFiber3 = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null;\n\n return updateFragment(returnFiber, _matchedFiber3, newChild, lanes, null);\n }\n\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof newChild === 'function') {\n warnOnFunctionType(returnFiber);\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n /**\n * Warns if there is a duplicate or missing key\n */\n\n\n function warnOnInvalidKey(child, knownKeys, returnFiber) {\n {\n if (typeof child !== 'object' || child === null) {\n return knownKeys;\n }\n\n switch (child.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n warnForMissingKey(child, returnFiber);\n var key = child.key;\n\n if (typeof key !== 'string') {\n break;\n }\n\n if (knownKeys === null) {\n knownKeys = new Set();\n knownKeys.add(key);\n break;\n }\n\n if (!knownKeys.has(key)) {\n knownKeys.add(key);\n break;\n }\n\n error('Encountered two children with the same key, `%s`. ' + 'Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity ' + 'across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be ' + 'duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and ' + 'could change in a future version.', key);\n\n break;\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n var payload = child._payload;\n var init = child._init;\n warnOnInvalidKey(init(payload), knownKeys, returnFiber);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return knownKeys;\n }\n\n function reconcileChildrenArray(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChildren, lanes) {\n // This algorithm can't optimize by searching from both ends since we\n // don't have backpointers on fibers. I'm trying to see how far we can get\n // with that model. If it ends up not being worth the tradeoffs, we can\n // add it later.\n // Even with a two ended optimization, we'd want to optimize for the case\n // where there are few changes and brute force the comparison instead of\n // going for the Map. It'd like to explore hitting that path first in\n // forward-only mode and only go for the Map once we notice that we need\n // lots of look ahead. This doesn't handle reversal as well as two ended\n // search but that's unusual. Besides, for the two ended optimization to\n // work on Iterables, we'd need to copy the whole set.\n // In this first iteration, we'll just live with hitting the bad case\n // (adding everything to a Map) in for every insert/move.\n // If you change this code, also update reconcileChildrenIterator() which\n // uses the same algorithm.\n {\n // First, validate keys.\n var knownKeys = null;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < newChildren.length; i++) {\n var child = newChildren[i];\n knownKeys = warnOnInvalidKey(child, knownKeys, returnFiber);\n }\n }\n\n var resultingFirstChild = null;\n var previousNewFiber = null;\n var oldFiber = currentFirstChild;\n var lastPlacedIndex = 0;\n var newIdx = 0;\n var nextOldFiber = null;\n\n for (; oldFiber !== null && newIdx < newChildren.length; newIdx++) {\n if (oldFiber.index > newIdx) {\n nextOldFiber = oldFiber;\n oldFiber = null;\n } else {\n nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling;\n }\n\n var newFiber = updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChildren[newIdx], lanes);\n\n if (newFiber === null) {\n // TODO: This breaks on empty slots like null children. That's\n // unfortunate because it triggers the slow path all the time. We need\n // a better way to communicate whether this was a miss or null,\n // boolean, undefined, etc.\n if (oldFiber === null) {\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n if (oldFiber && newFiber.alternate === null) {\n // We matched the slot, but we didn't reuse the existing fiber, so we\n // need to delete the existing child.\n deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n }\n }\n\n lastPlacedIndex = placeChild(newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIdx);\n\n if (previousNewFiber === null) {\n // TODO: Move out of the loop. This only happens for the first run.\n resultingFirstChild = newFiber;\n } else {\n // TODO: Defer siblings if we're not at the right index for this slot.\n // I.e. if we had null values before, then we want to defer this\n // for each null value. However, we also don't want to call updateSlot\n // with the previous one.\n previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber;\n }\n\n previousNewFiber = newFiber;\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n\n if (newIdx === newChildren.length) {\n // We've reached the end of the new children. We can delete the rest.\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n var numberOfForks = newIdx;\n pushTreeFork(returnFiber, numberOfForks);\n }\n\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n\n if (oldFiber === null) {\n // If we don't have any more existing children we can choose a fast path\n // since the rest will all be insertions.\n for (; newIdx < newChildren.length; newIdx++) {\n var _newFiber = createChild(returnFiber, newChildren[newIdx], lanes);\n\n if (_newFiber === null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n lastPlacedIndex = placeChild(_newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIdx);\n\n if (previousNewFiber === null) {\n // TODO: Move out of the loop. This only happens for the first run.\n resultingFirstChild = _newFiber;\n } else {\n previousNewFiber.sibling = _newFiber;\n }\n\n previousNewFiber = _newFiber;\n }\n\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n var _numberOfForks = newIdx;\n pushTreeFork(returnFiber, _numberOfForks);\n }\n\n return resultingFirstChild;\n } // Add all children to a key map for quick lookups.\n\n\n var existingChildren = mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber); // Keep scanning and use the map to restore deleted items as moves.\n\n for (; newIdx < newChildren.length; newIdx++) {\n var _newFiber2 = updateFromMap(existingChildren, returnFiber, newIdx, newChildren[newIdx], lanes);\n\n if (_newFiber2 !== null) {\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n if (_newFiber2.alternate !== null) {\n // The new fiber is a work in progress, but if there exists a\n // current, that means that we reused the fiber. We need to delete\n // it from the child list so that we don't add it to the deletion\n // list.\n existingChildren.delete(_newFiber2.key === null ? newIdx : _newFiber2.key);\n }\n }\n\n lastPlacedIndex = placeChild(_newFiber2, lastPlacedIndex, newIdx);\n\n if (previousNewFiber === null) {\n resultingFirstChild = _newFiber2;\n } else {\n previousNewFiber.sibling = _newFiber2;\n }\n\n previousNewFiber = _newFiber2;\n }\n }\n\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n // Any existing children that weren't consumed above were deleted. We need\n // to add them to the deletion list.\n existingChildren.forEach(function (child) {\n return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n });\n }\n\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n var _numberOfForks2 = newIdx;\n pushTreeFork(returnFiber, _numberOfForks2);\n }\n\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n\n function reconcileChildrenIterator(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChildrenIterable, lanes) {\n // This is the same implementation as reconcileChildrenArray(),\n // but using the iterator instead.\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(newChildrenIterable);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn !== 'function') {\n throw new Error('An object is not an iterable. This error is likely caused by a bug in ' + 'React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n {\n // We don't support rendering Generators because it's a mutation.\n // See\n if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && // $FlowFixMe Flow doesn't know about toStringTag\n newChildrenIterable[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'Generator') {\n if (!didWarnAboutGenerators) {\n error('Using Generators as children is unsupported and will likely yield ' + 'unexpected results because enumerating a generator mutates it. ' + 'You may convert it to an array with `Array.from()` or the ' + '`[...spread]` operator before rendering. Keep in mind ' + 'you might need to polyfill these features for older browsers.');\n }\n\n didWarnAboutGenerators = true;\n } // Warn about using Maps as children\n\n\n if (newChildrenIterable.entries === iteratorFn) {\n if (!didWarnAboutMaps) {\n error('Using Maps as children is not supported. ' + 'Use an array of keyed ReactElements instead.');\n }\n\n didWarnAboutMaps = true;\n } // First, validate keys.\n // We'll get a different iterator later for the main pass.\n\n\n var _newChildren =;\n\n if (_newChildren) {\n var knownKeys = null;\n\n var _step =;\n\n for (; !_step.done; _step = {\n var child = _step.value;\n knownKeys = warnOnInvalidKey(child, knownKeys, returnFiber);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var newChildren =;\n\n if (newChildren == null) {\n throw new Error('An iterable object provided no iterator.');\n }\n\n var resultingFirstChild = null;\n var previousNewFiber = null;\n var oldFiber = currentFirstChild;\n var lastPlacedIndex = 0;\n var newIdx = 0;\n var nextOldFiber = null;\n var step =;\n\n for (; oldFiber !== null && !step.done; newIdx++, step = {\n if (oldFiber.index > newIdx) {\n nextOldFiber = oldFiber;\n oldFiber = null;\n } else {\n nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling;\n }\n\n var newFiber = updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, step.value, lanes);\n\n if (newFiber === null) {\n // TODO: This breaks on empty slots like null children. That's\n // unfortunate because it triggers the slow path all the time. We need\n // a better way to communicate whether this was a miss or null,\n // boolean, undefined, etc.\n if (oldFiber === null) {\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n if (oldFiber && newFiber.alternate === null) {\n // We matched the slot, but we didn't reuse the existing fiber, so we\n // need to delete the existing child.\n deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n }\n }\n\n lastPlacedIndex = placeChild(newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIdx);\n\n if (previousNewFiber === null) {\n // TODO: Move out of the loop. This only happens for the first run.\n resultingFirstChild = newFiber;\n } else {\n // TODO: Defer siblings if we're not at the right index for this slot.\n // I.e. if we had null values before, then we want to defer this\n // for each null value. However, we also don't want to call updateSlot\n // with the previous one.\n previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber;\n }\n\n previousNewFiber = newFiber;\n oldFiber = nextOldFiber;\n }\n\n if (step.done) {\n // We've reached the end of the new children. We can delete the rest.\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber);\n\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n var numberOfForks = newIdx;\n pushTreeFork(returnFiber, numberOfForks);\n }\n\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n\n if (oldFiber === null) {\n // If we don't have any more existing children we can choose a fast path\n // since the rest will all be insertions.\n for (; !step.done; newIdx++, step = {\n var _newFiber3 = createChild(returnFiber, step.value, lanes);\n\n if (_newFiber3 === null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n lastPlacedIndex = placeChild(_newFiber3, lastPlacedIndex, newIdx);\n\n if (previousNewFiber === null) {\n // TODO: Move out of the loop. This only happens for the first run.\n resultingFirstChild = _newFiber3;\n } else {\n previousNewFiber.sibling = _newFiber3;\n }\n\n previousNewFiber = _newFiber3;\n }\n\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n var _numberOfForks3 = newIdx;\n pushTreeFork(returnFiber, _numberOfForks3);\n }\n\n return resultingFirstChild;\n } // Add all children to a key map for quick lookups.\n\n\n var existingChildren = mapRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber); // Keep scanning and use the map to restore deleted items as moves.\n\n for (; !step.done; newIdx++, step = {\n var _newFiber4 = updateFromMap(existingChildren, returnFiber, newIdx, step.value, lanes);\n\n if (_newFiber4 !== null) {\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n if (_newFiber4.alternate !== null) {\n // The new fiber is a work in progress, but if there exists a\n // current, that means that we reused the fiber. We need to delete\n // it from the child list so that we don't add it to the deletion\n // list.\n existingChildren.delete(_newFiber4.key === null ? newIdx : _newFiber4.key);\n }\n }\n\n lastPlacedIndex = placeChild(_newFiber4, lastPlacedIndex, newIdx);\n\n if (previousNewFiber === null) {\n resultingFirstChild = _newFiber4;\n } else {\n previousNewFiber.sibling = _newFiber4;\n }\n\n previousNewFiber = _newFiber4;\n }\n }\n\n if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {\n // Any existing children that weren't consumed above were deleted. We need\n // to add them to the deletion list.\n existingChildren.forEach(function (child) {\n return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n });\n }\n\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n var _numberOfForks4 = newIdx;\n pushTreeFork(returnFiber, _numberOfForks4);\n }\n\n return resultingFirstChild;\n }\n\n function reconcileSingleTextNode(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, textContent, lanes) {\n // There's no need to check for keys on text nodes since we don't have a\n // way to define them.\n if (currentFirstChild !== null && currentFirstChild.tag === HostText) {\n // We already have an existing node so let's just update it and delete\n // the rest.\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild.sibling);\n var existing = useFiber(currentFirstChild, textContent);\n existing.return = returnFiber;\n return existing;\n } // The existing first child is not a text node so we need to create one\n // and delete the existing ones.\n\n\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n var created = createFiberFromText(textContent, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n }\n\n function reconcileSingleElement(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, element, lanes) {\n var key = element.key;\n var child = currentFirstChild;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n // TODO: If key === null and child.key === null, then this only applies to\n // the first item in the list.\n if (child.key === key) {\n var elementType = element.type;\n\n if (elementType === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {\n if (child.tag === Fragment) {\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child.sibling);\n var existing = useFiber(child, element.props.children);\n existing.return = returnFiber;\n\n {\n existing._debugSource = element._source;\n existing._debugOwner = element._owner;\n }\n\n return existing;\n }\n } else {\n if (child.elementType === elementType || ( // Keep this check inline so it only runs on the false path:\n isCompatibleFamilyForHotReloading(child, element) ) || // Lazy types should reconcile their resolved type.\n // We need to do this after the Hot Reloading check above,\n // because hot reloading has different semantics than prod because\n // it doesn't resuspend. So we can't let the call below suspend.\n typeof elementType === 'object' && elementType !== null && elementType.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE && resolveLazy(elementType) === child.type) {\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child.sibling);\n\n var _existing = useFiber(child, element.props);\n\n _existing.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, child, element);\n _existing.return = returnFiber;\n\n {\n _existing._debugSource = element._source;\n _existing._debugOwner = element._owner;\n }\n\n return _existing;\n }\n } // Didn't match.\n\n\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child);\n break;\n } else {\n deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n }\n\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n\n if (element.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {\n var created = createFiberFromFragment(element.props.children, returnFiber.mode, lanes, element.key);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n } else {\n var _created4 = createFiberFromElement(element, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n\n _created4.ref = coerceRef(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, element);\n _created4.return = returnFiber;\n return _created4;\n }\n }\n\n function reconcileSinglePortal(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, portal, lanes) {\n var key = portal.key;\n var child = currentFirstChild;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n // TODO: If key === null and child.key === null, then this only applies to\n // the first item in the list.\n if (child.key === key) {\n if (child.tag === HostPortal && child.stateNode.containerInfo === portal.containerInfo && child.stateNode.implementation === portal.implementation) {\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child.sibling);\n var existing = useFiber(child, portal.children || []);\n existing.return = returnFiber;\n return existing;\n } else {\n deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child);\n break;\n }\n } else {\n deleteChild(returnFiber, child);\n }\n\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n\n var created = createFiberFromPortal(portal, returnFiber.mode, lanes);\n created.return = returnFiber;\n return created;\n } // This API will tag the children with the side-effect of the reconciliation\n // itself. They will be added to the side-effect list as we pass through the\n // children and the parent.\n\n\n function reconcileChildFibers(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, lanes) {\n // This function is not recursive.\n // If the top level item is an array, we treat it as a set of children,\n // not as a fragment. Nested arrays on the other hand will be treated as\n // fragment nodes. Recursion happens at the normal flow.\n // Handle top level unkeyed fragments as if they were arrays.\n // This leads to an ambiguity between <>{[...]}</> and <>...</>.\n // We treat the ambiguous cases above the same.\n var isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment = typeof newChild === 'object' && newChild !== null && newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE && newChild.key === null;\n\n if (isUnkeyedTopLevelFragment) {\n newChild = newChild.props.children;\n } // Handle object types\n\n\n if (typeof newChild === 'object' && newChild !== null) {\n switch (newChild.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE:\n return placeSingleChild(reconcileSingleElement(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, lanes));\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return placeSingleChild(reconcileSinglePortal(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, lanes));\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n var payload = newChild._payload;\n var init = newChild._init; // TODO: This function is supposed to be non-recursive.\n\n return reconcileChildFibers(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, init(payload), lanes);\n }\n\n if (isArray(newChild)) {\n return reconcileChildrenArray(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, lanes);\n }\n\n if (getIteratorFn(newChild)) {\n return reconcileChildrenIterator(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, lanes);\n }\n\n throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);\n }\n\n if (typeof newChild === 'string' && newChild !== '' || typeof newChild === 'number') {\n return placeSingleChild(reconcileSingleTextNode(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, '' + newChild, lanes));\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof newChild === 'function') {\n warnOnFunctionType(returnFiber);\n }\n } // Remaining cases are all treated as empty.\n\n\n return deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);\n }\n\n return reconcileChildFibers;\n}\n\nvar reconcileChildFibers = ChildReconciler(true);\nvar mountChildFibers = ChildReconciler(false);\nfunction cloneChildFibers(current, workInProgress) {\n if (current !== null && workInProgress.child !== current.child) {\n throw new Error('Resuming work not yet implemented.');\n }\n\n if (workInProgress.child === null) {\n return;\n }\n\n var currentChild = workInProgress.child;\n var newChild = createWorkInProgress(currentChild, currentChild.pendingProps);\n workInProgress.child = newChild;\n newChild.return = workInProgress;\n\n while (currentChild.sibling !== null) {\n currentChild = currentChild.sibling;\n newChild = newChild.sibling = createWorkInProgress(currentChild, currentChild.pendingProps);\n newChild.return = workInProgress;\n }\n\n newChild.sibling = null;\n} // Reset a workInProgress child set to prepare it for a second pass.\n\nfunction resetChildFibers(workInProgress, lanes) {\n var child = workInProgress.child;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n resetWorkInProgress(child, lanes);\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n}\n\nvar valueCursor = createCursor(null);\nvar rendererSigil;\n\n{\n // Use this to detect multiple renderers using the same context\n rendererSigil = {};\n}\n\nvar currentlyRenderingFiber = null;\nvar lastContextDependency = null;\nvar lastFullyObservedContext = null;\nvar isDisallowedContextReadInDEV = false;\nfunction resetContextDependencies() {\n // This is called right before React yields execution, to ensure `readContext`\n // cannot be called outside the render phase.\n currentlyRenderingFiber = null;\n lastContextDependency = null;\n lastFullyObservedContext = null;\n\n {\n isDisallowedContextReadInDEV = false;\n }\n}\nfunction enterDisallowedContextReadInDEV() {\n {\n isDisallowedContextReadInDEV = true;\n }\n}\nfunction exitDisallowedContextReadInDEV() {\n {\n isDisallowedContextReadInDEV = false;\n }\n}\nfunction pushProvider(providerFiber, context, nextValue) {\n {\n push(valueCursor, context._currentValue, providerFiber);\n context._currentValue = nextValue;\n\n {\n if (context._currentRenderer !== undefined && context._currentRenderer !== null && context._currentRenderer !== rendererSigil) {\n error('Detected multiple renderers concurrently rendering the ' + 'same context provider. This is currently unsupported.');\n }\n\n context._currentRenderer = rendererSigil;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction popProvider(context, providerFiber) {\n var currentValue = valueCursor.current;\n pop(valueCursor, providerFiber);\n\n {\n {\n context._currentValue = currentValue;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(parent, renderLanes, propagationRoot) {\n // Update the child lanes of all the ancestors, including the alternates.\n var node = parent;\n\n while (node !== null) {\n var alternate = node.alternate;\n\n if (!isSubsetOfLanes(node.childLanes, renderLanes)) {\n node.childLanes = mergeLanes(node.childLanes, renderLanes);\n\n if (alternate !== null) {\n alternate.childLanes = mergeLanes(alternate.childLanes, renderLanes);\n }\n } else if (alternate !== null && !isSubsetOfLanes(alternate.childLanes, renderLanes)) {\n alternate.childLanes = mergeLanes(alternate.childLanes, renderLanes);\n }\n\n if (node === propagationRoot) {\n break;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n {\n if (node !== propagationRoot) {\n error('Expected to find the propagation root when scheduling context work. ' + 'This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n}\nfunction propagateContextChange(workInProgress, context, renderLanes) {\n {\n propagateContextChange_eager(workInProgress, context, renderLanes);\n }\n}\n\nfunction propagateContextChange_eager(workInProgress, context, renderLanes) {\n\n var fiber = workInProgress.child;\n\n if (fiber !== null) {\n // Set the return pointer of the child to the work-in-progress fiber.\n fiber.return = workInProgress;\n }\n\n while (fiber !== null) {\n var nextFiber = void 0; // Visit this fiber.\n\n var list = fiber.dependencies;\n\n if (list !== null) {\n nextFiber = fiber.child;\n var dependency = list.firstContext;\n\n while (dependency !== null) {\n // Check if the context matches.\n if (dependency.context === context) {\n // Match! Schedule an update on this fiber.\n if (fiber.tag === ClassComponent) {\n // Schedule a force update on the work-in-progress.\n var lane = pickArbitraryLane(renderLanes);\n var update = createUpdate(NoTimestamp, lane);\n update.tag = ForceUpdate; // TODO: Because we don't have a work-in-progress, this will add the\n // update to the current fiber, too, which means it will persist even if\n // this render is thrown away. Since it's a race condition, not sure it's\n // worth fixing.\n // Inlined `enqueueUpdate` to remove interleaved update check\n\n var updateQueue = fiber.updateQueue;\n\n if (updateQueue === null) ; else {\n var sharedQueue = updateQueue.shared;\n var pending = sharedQueue.pending;\n\n if (pending === null) {\n // This is the first update. Create a circular list.\n = update;\n } else {\n =;\n = update;\n }\n\n sharedQueue.pending = update;\n }\n }\n\n fiber.lanes = mergeLanes(fiber.lanes, renderLanes);\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (alternate !== null) {\n alternate.lanes = mergeLanes(alternate.lanes, renderLanes);\n }\n\n scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(fiber.return, renderLanes, workInProgress); // Mark the updated lanes on the list, too.\n\n list.lanes = mergeLanes(list.lanes, renderLanes); // Since we already found a match, we can stop traversing the\n // dependency list.\n\n break;\n }\n\n dependency =;\n }\n } else if (fiber.tag === ContextProvider) {\n // Don't scan deeper if this is a matching provider\n nextFiber = fiber.type === workInProgress.type ? null : fiber.child;\n } else if (fiber.tag === DehydratedFragment) {\n // If a dehydrated suspense boundary is in this subtree, we don't know\n // if it will have any context consumers in it. The best we can do is\n // mark it as having updates.\n var parentSuspense = fiber.return;\n\n if (parentSuspense === null) {\n throw new Error('We just came from a parent so we must have had a parent. This is a bug in React.');\n }\n\n parentSuspense.lanes = mergeLanes(parentSuspense.lanes, renderLanes);\n var _alternate = parentSuspense.alternate;\n\n if (_alternate !== null) {\n _alternate.lanes = mergeLanes(_alternate.lanes, renderLanes);\n } // This is intentionally passing this fiber as the parent\n // because we want to schedule this fiber as having work\n // on its children. We'll use the childLanes on\n // this fiber to indicate that a context has changed.\n\n\n scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(parentSuspense, renderLanes, workInProgress);\n nextFiber = fiber.sibling;\n } else {\n // Traverse down.\n nextFiber = fiber.child;\n }\n\n if (nextFiber !== null) {\n // Set the return pointer of the child to the work-in-progress fiber.\n nextFiber.return = fiber;\n } else {\n // No child. Traverse to next sibling.\n nextFiber = fiber;\n\n while (nextFiber !== null) {\n if (nextFiber === workInProgress) {\n // We're back to the root of this subtree. Exit.\n nextFiber = null;\n break;\n }\n\n var sibling = nextFiber.sibling;\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n // Set the return pointer of the sibling to the work-in-progress fiber.\n sibling.return = nextFiber.return;\n nextFiber = sibling;\n break;\n } // No more siblings. Traverse up.\n\n\n nextFiber = nextFiber.return;\n }\n }\n\n fiber = nextFiber;\n }\n}\nfunction prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n currentlyRenderingFiber = workInProgress;\n lastContextDependency = null;\n lastFullyObservedContext = null;\n var dependencies = workInProgress.dependencies;\n\n if (dependencies !== null) {\n {\n var firstContext = dependencies.firstContext;\n\n if (firstContext !== null) {\n if (includesSomeLane(dependencies.lanes, renderLanes)) {\n // Context list has a pending update. Mark that this fiber performed work.\n markWorkInProgressReceivedUpdate();\n } // Reset the work-in-progress list\n\n\n dependencies.firstContext = null;\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction readContext(context) {\n {\n // This warning would fire if you read context inside a Hook like useMemo.\n // Unlike the class check below, it's not enforced in production for perf.\n if (isDisallowedContextReadInDEV) {\n error('Context can only be read while React is rendering. ' + 'In classes, you can read it in the render method or getDerivedStateFromProps. ' + 'In function components, you can read it directly in the function body, but not ' + 'inside Hooks like useReducer() or useMemo().');\n }\n }\n\n var value = context._currentValue ;\n\n if (lastFullyObservedContext === context) ; else {\n var contextItem = {\n context: context,\n memoizedValue: value,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (lastContextDependency === null) {\n if (currentlyRenderingFiber === null) {\n throw new Error('Context can only be read while React is rendering. ' + 'In classes, you can read it in the render method or getDerivedStateFromProps. ' + 'In function components, you can read it directly in the function body, but not ' + 'inside Hooks like useReducer() or useMemo().');\n } // This is the first dependency for this component. Create a new list.\n\n\n lastContextDependency = contextItem;\n currentlyRenderingFiber.dependencies = {\n lanes: NoLanes,\n firstContext: contextItem\n };\n } else {\n // Append a new context item.\n lastContextDependency = = contextItem;\n }\n }\n\n return value;\n}\n\n// render. When this render exits, either because it finishes or because it is\n// interrupted, the interleaved updates will be transferred onto the main part\n// of the queue.\n\nvar concurrentQueues = null;\nfunction pushConcurrentUpdateQueue(queue) {\n if (concurrentQueues === null) {\n concurrentQueues = [queue];\n } else {\n concurrentQueues.push(queue);\n }\n}\nfunction finishQueueingConcurrentUpdates() {\n // Transfer the interleaved updates onto the main queue. Each queue has a\n // `pending` field and an `interleaved` field. When they are not null, they\n // point to the last node in a circular linked list. We need to append the\n // interleaved list to the end of the pending list by joining them into a\n // single, circular list.\n if (concurrentQueues !== null) {\n for (var i = 0; i < concurrentQueues.length; i++) {\n var queue = concurrentQueues[i];\n var lastInterleavedUpdate = queue.interleaved;\n\n if (lastInterleavedUpdate !== null) {\n queue.interleaved = null;\n var firstInterleavedUpdate =;\n var lastPendingUpdate = queue.pending;\n\n if (lastPendingUpdate !== null) {\n var firstPendingUpdate =;\n = firstInterleavedUpdate;\n = firstPendingUpdate;\n }\n\n queue.pending = lastInterleavedUpdate;\n }\n }\n\n concurrentQueues = null;\n }\n}\nfunction enqueueConcurrentHookUpdate(fiber, queue, update, lane) {\n var interleaved = queue.interleaved;\n\n if (interleaved === null) {\n // This is the first update. Create a circular list.\n = update; // At the end of the current render, this queue's interleaved updates will\n // be transferred to the pending queue.\n\n pushConcurrentUpdateQueue(queue);\n } else {\n =;\n = update;\n }\n\n queue.interleaved = update;\n return markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, lane);\n}\nfunction enqueueConcurrentHookUpdateAndEagerlyBailout(fiber, queue, update, lane) {\n var interleaved = queue.interleaved;\n\n if (interleaved === null) {\n // This is the first update. Create a circular list.\n = update; // At the end of the current render, this queue's interleaved updates will\n // be transferred to the pending queue.\n\n pushConcurrentUpdateQueue(queue);\n } else {\n =;\n = update;\n }\n\n queue.interleaved = update;\n}\nfunction enqueueConcurrentClassUpdate(fiber, queue, update, lane) {\n var interleaved = queue.interleaved;\n\n if (interleaved === null) {\n // This is the first update. Create a circular list.\n = update; // At the end of the current render, this queue's interleaved updates will\n // be transferred to the pending queue.\n\n pushConcurrentUpdateQueue(queue);\n } else {\n =;\n = update;\n }\n\n queue.interleaved = update;\n return markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, lane);\n}\nfunction enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, lane) {\n return markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, lane);\n} // Calling this function outside this module should only be done for backwards\n// compatibility and should always be accompanied by a warning.\n\nvar unsafe_markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot = markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot;\n\nfunction markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(sourceFiber, lane) {\n // Update the source fiber's lanes\n sourceFiber.lanes = mergeLanes(sourceFiber.lanes, lane);\n var alternate = sourceFiber.alternate;\n\n if (alternate !== null) {\n alternate.lanes = mergeLanes(alternate.lanes, lane);\n }\n\n {\n if (alternate === null && (sourceFiber.flags & (Placement | Hydrating)) !== NoFlags) {\n warnAboutUpdateOnNotYetMountedFiberInDEV(sourceFiber);\n }\n } // Walk the parent path to the root and update the child lanes.\n\n\n var node = sourceFiber;\n var parent = sourceFiber.return;\n\n while (parent !== null) {\n parent.childLanes = mergeLanes(parent.childLanes, lane);\n alternate = parent.alternate;\n\n if (alternate !== null) {\n alternate.childLanes = mergeLanes(alternate.childLanes, lane);\n } else {\n {\n if ((parent.flags & (Placement | Hydrating)) !== NoFlags) {\n warnAboutUpdateOnNotYetMountedFiberInDEV(sourceFiber);\n }\n }\n }\n\n node = parent;\n parent = parent.return;\n }\n\n if (node.tag === HostRoot) {\n var root = node.stateNode;\n return root;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nvar UpdateState = 0;\nvar ReplaceState = 1;\nvar ForceUpdate = 2;\nvar CaptureUpdate = 3; // Global state that is reset at the beginning of calling `processUpdateQueue`.\n// It should only be read right after calling `processUpdateQueue`, via\n// `checkHasForceUpdateAfterProcessing`.\n\nvar hasForceUpdate = false;\nvar didWarnUpdateInsideUpdate;\nvar currentlyProcessingQueue;\n\n{\n didWarnUpdateInsideUpdate = false;\n currentlyProcessingQueue = null;\n}\n\nfunction initializeUpdateQueue(fiber) {\n var queue = {\n baseState: fiber.memoizedState,\n firstBaseUpdate: null,\n lastBaseUpdate: null,\n shared: {\n pending: null,\n interleaved: null,\n lanes: NoLanes\n },\n effects: null\n };\n fiber.updateQueue = queue;\n}\nfunction cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress) {\n // Clone the update queue from current. Unless it's already a clone.\n var queue = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n var currentQueue = current.updateQueue;\n\n if (queue === currentQueue) {\n var clone = {\n baseState: currentQueue.baseState,\n firstBaseUpdate: currentQueue.firstBaseUpdate,\n lastBaseUpdate: currentQueue.lastBaseUpdate,\n shared: currentQueue.shared,\n effects: currentQueue.effects\n };\n workInProgress.updateQueue = clone;\n }\n}\nfunction createUpdate(eventTime, lane) {\n var update = {\n eventTime: eventTime,\n lane: lane,\n tag: UpdateState,\n payload: null,\n callback: null,\n next: null\n };\n return update;\n}\nfunction enqueueUpdate(fiber, update, lane) {\n var updateQueue = fiber.updateQueue;\n\n if (updateQueue === null) {\n // Only occurs if the fiber has been unmounted.\n return null;\n }\n\n var sharedQueue = updateQueue.shared;\n\n {\n if (currentlyProcessingQueue === sharedQueue && !didWarnUpdateInsideUpdate) {\n error('An update (setState, replaceState, or forceUpdate) was scheduled ' + 'from inside an update function. Update functions should be pure, ' + 'with zero side-effects. Consider using componentDidUpdate or a ' + 'callback.');\n\n didWarnUpdateInsideUpdate = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (isUnsafeClassRenderPhaseUpdate()) {\n // This is an unsafe render phase update. Add directly to the update\n // queue so we can process it immediately during the current render.\n var pending = sharedQueue.pending;\n\n if (pending === null) {\n // This is the first update. Create a circular list.\n = update;\n } else {\n =;\n = update;\n }\n\n sharedQueue.pending = update; // Update the childLanes even though we're most likely already rendering\n // this fiber. This is for backwards compatibility in the case where you\n // update a different component during render phase than the one that is\n // currently renderings (a pattern that is accompanied by a warning).\n\n return unsafe_markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, lane);\n } else {\n return enqueueConcurrentClassUpdate(fiber, sharedQueue, update, lane);\n }\n}\nfunction entangleTransitions(root, fiber, lane) {\n var updateQueue = fiber.updateQueue;\n\n if (updateQueue === null) {\n // Only occurs if the fiber has been unmounted.\n return;\n }\n\n var sharedQueue = updateQueue.shared;\n\n if (isTransitionLane(lane)) {\n var queueLanes = sharedQueue.lanes; // If any entangled lanes are no longer pending on the root, then they must\n // have finished. We can remove them from the shared queue, which represents\n // a superset of the actually pending lanes. In some cases we may entangle\n // more than we need to, but that's OK. In fact it's worse if we *don't*\n // entangle when we should.\n\n queueLanes = intersectLanes(queueLanes, root.pendingLanes); // Entangle the new transition lane with the other transition lanes.\n\n var newQueueLanes = mergeLanes(queueLanes, lane);\n sharedQueue.lanes = newQueueLanes; // Even if queue.lanes already include lane, we don't know for certain if\n // the lane finished since the last time we entangled it. So we need to\n // entangle it again, just to be sure.\n\n markRootEntangled(root, newQueueLanes);\n }\n}\nfunction enqueueCapturedUpdate(workInProgress, capturedUpdate) {\n // Captured updates are updates that are thrown by a child during the render\n // phase. They should be discarded if the render is aborted. Therefore,\n // we should only put them on the work-in-progress queue, not the current one.\n var queue = workInProgress.updateQueue; // Check if the work-in-progress queue is a clone.\n\n var current = workInProgress.alternate;\n\n if (current !== null) {\n var currentQueue = current.updateQueue;\n\n if (queue === currentQueue) {\n // The work-in-progress queue is the same as current. This happens when\n // we bail out on a parent fiber that then captures an error thrown by\n // a child. Since we want to append the update only to the work-in\n // -progress queue, we need to clone the updates. We usually clone during\n // processUpdateQueue, but that didn't happen in this case because we\n // skipped over the parent when we bailed out.\n var newFirst = null;\n var newLast = null;\n var firstBaseUpdate = queue.firstBaseUpdate;\n\n if (firstBaseUpdate !== null) {\n // Loop through the updates and clone them.\n var update = firstBaseUpdate;\n\n do {\n var clone = {\n eventTime: update.eventTime,\n lane: update.lane,\n tag: update.tag,\n payload: update.payload,\n callback: update.callback,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (newLast === null) {\n newFirst = newLast = clone;\n } else {\n = clone;\n newLast = clone;\n }\n\n update =;\n } while (update !== null); // Append the captured update the end of the cloned list.\n\n\n if (newLast === null) {\n newFirst = newLast = capturedUpdate;\n } else {\n = capturedUpdate;\n newLast = capturedUpdate;\n }\n } else {\n // There are no base updates.\n newFirst = newLast = capturedUpdate;\n }\n\n queue = {\n baseState: currentQueue.baseState,\n firstBaseUpdate: newFirst,\n lastBaseUpdate: newLast,\n shared: currentQueue.shared,\n effects: currentQueue.effects\n };\n workInProgress.updateQueue = queue;\n return;\n }\n } // Append the update to the end of the list.\n\n\n var lastBaseUpdate = queue.lastBaseUpdate;\n\n if (lastBaseUpdate === null) {\n queue.firstBaseUpdate = capturedUpdate;\n } else {\n = capturedUpdate;\n }\n\n queue.lastBaseUpdate = capturedUpdate;\n}\n\nfunction getStateFromUpdate(workInProgress, queue, update, prevState, nextProps, instance) {\n switch (update.tag) {\n case ReplaceState:\n {\n var payload = update.payload;\n\n if (typeof payload === 'function') {\n // Updater function\n {\n enterDisallowedContextReadInDEV();\n }\n\n var nextState =, prevState, nextProps);\n\n {\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n, prevState, nextProps);\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n\n exitDisallowedContextReadInDEV();\n }\n\n return nextState;\n } // State object\n\n\n return payload;\n }\n\n case CaptureUpdate:\n {\n workInProgress.flags = workInProgress.flags & ~ShouldCapture | DidCapture;\n }\n // Intentional fallthrough\n\n case UpdateState:\n {\n var _payload = update.payload;\n var partialState;\n\n if (typeof _payload === 'function') {\n // Updater function\n {\n enterDisallowedContextReadInDEV();\n }\n\n partialState =, prevState, nextProps);\n\n {\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n, prevState, nextProps);\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n\n exitDisallowedContextReadInDEV();\n }\n } else {\n // Partial state object\n partialState = _payload;\n }\n\n if (partialState === null || partialState === undefined) {\n // Null and undefined are treated as no-ops.\n return prevState;\n } // Merge the partial state and the previous state.\n\n\n return assign({}, prevState, partialState);\n }\n\n case ForceUpdate:\n {\n hasForceUpdate = true;\n return prevState;\n }\n }\n\n return prevState;\n}\n\nfunction processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, props, instance, renderLanes) {\n // This is always non-null on a ClassComponent or HostRoot\n var queue = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n hasForceUpdate = false;\n\n {\n currentlyProcessingQueue = queue.shared;\n }\n\n var firstBaseUpdate = queue.firstBaseUpdate;\n var lastBaseUpdate = queue.lastBaseUpdate; // Check if there are pending updates. If so, transfer them to the base queue.\n\n var pendingQueue = queue.shared.pending;\n\n if (pendingQueue !== null) {\n queue.shared.pending = null; // The pending queue is circular. Disconnect the pointer between first\n // and last so that it's non-circular.\n\n var lastPendingUpdate = pendingQueue;\n var firstPendingUpdate =;\n = null; // Append pending updates to base queue\n\n if (lastBaseUpdate === null) {\n firstBaseUpdate = firstPendingUpdate;\n } else {\n = firstPendingUpdate;\n }\n\n lastBaseUpdate = lastPendingUpdate; // If there's a current queue, and it's different from the base queue, then\n // we need to transfer the updates to that queue, too. Because the base\n // queue is a singly-linked list with no cycles, we can append to both\n // lists and take advantage of structural sharing.\n // TODO: Pass `current` as argument\n\n var current = workInProgress.alternate;\n\n if (current !== null) {\n // This is always non-null on a ClassComponent or HostRoot\n var currentQueue = current.updateQueue;\n var currentLastBaseUpdate = currentQueue.lastBaseUpdate;\n\n if (currentLastBaseUpdate !== lastBaseUpdate) {\n if (currentLastBaseUpdate === null) {\n currentQueue.firstBaseUpdate = firstPendingUpdate;\n } else {\n = firstPendingUpdate;\n }\n\n currentQueue.lastBaseUpdate = lastPendingUpdate;\n }\n }\n } // These values may change as we process the queue.\n\n\n if (firstBaseUpdate !== null) {\n // Iterate through the list of updates to compute the result.\n var newState = queue.baseState; // TODO: Don't need to accumulate this. Instead, we can remove renderLanes\n // from the original lanes.\n\n var newLanes = NoLanes;\n var newBaseState = null;\n var newFirstBaseUpdate = null;\n var newLastBaseUpdate = null;\n var update = firstBaseUpdate;\n\n do {\n var updateLane = update.lane;\n var updateEventTime = update.eventTime;\n\n if (!isSubsetOfLanes(renderLanes, updateLane)) {\n // Priority is insufficient. Skip this update. If this is the first\n // skipped update, the previous update/state is the new base\n // update/state.\n var clone = {\n eventTime: updateEventTime,\n lane: updateLane,\n tag: update.tag,\n payload: update.payload,\n callback: update.callback,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (newLastBaseUpdate === null) {\n newFirstBaseUpdate = newLastBaseUpdate = clone;\n newBaseState = newState;\n } else {\n newLastBaseUpdate = = clone;\n } // Update the remaining priority in the queue.\n\n\n newLanes = mergeLanes(newLanes, updateLane);\n } else {\n // This update does have sufficient priority.\n if (newLastBaseUpdate !== null) {\n var _clone = {\n eventTime: updateEventTime,\n // This update is going to be committed so we never want uncommit\n // it. Using NoLane works because 0 is a subset of all bitmasks, so\n // this will never be skipped by the check above.\n lane: NoLane,\n tag: update.tag,\n payload: update.payload,\n callback: update.callback,\n next: null\n };\n newLastBaseUpdate = = _clone;\n } // Process this update.\n\n\n newState = getStateFromUpdate(workInProgress, queue, update, newState, props, instance);\n var callback = update.callback;\n\n if (callback !== null && // If the update was already committed, we should not queue its\n // callback again.\n update.lane !== NoLane) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Callback;\n var effects = queue.effects;\n\n if (effects === null) {\n queue.effects = [update];\n } else {\n effects.push(update);\n }\n }\n }\n\n update =;\n\n if (update === null) {\n pendingQueue = queue.shared.pending;\n\n if (pendingQueue === null) {\n break;\n } else {\n // An update was scheduled from inside a reducer. Add the new\n // pending updates to the end of the list and keep processing.\n var _lastPendingUpdate = pendingQueue; // Intentionally unsound. Pending updates form a circular list, but we\n // unravel them when transferring them to the base queue.\n\n var _firstPendingUpdate =;\n = null;\n update = _firstPendingUpdate;\n queue.lastBaseUpdate = _lastPendingUpdate;\n queue.shared.pending = null;\n }\n }\n } while (true);\n\n if (newLastBaseUpdate === null) {\n newBaseState = newState;\n }\n\n queue.baseState = newBaseState;\n queue.firstBaseUpdate = newFirstBaseUpdate;\n queue.lastBaseUpdate = newLastBaseUpdate; // Interleaved updates are stored on a separate queue. We aren't going to\n // process them during this render, but we do need to track which lanes\n // are remaining.\n\n var lastInterleaved = queue.shared.interleaved;\n\n if (lastInterleaved !== null) {\n var interleaved = lastInterleaved;\n\n do {\n newLanes = mergeLanes(newLanes, interleaved.lane);\n interleaved =;\n } while (interleaved !== lastInterleaved);\n } else if (firstBaseUpdate === null) {\n // `queue.lanes` is used for entangling transitions. We can set it back to\n // zero once the queue is empty.\n queue.shared.lanes = NoLanes;\n } // Set the remaining expiration time to be whatever is remaining in the queue.\n // This should be fine because the only two other things that contribute to\n // expiration time are props and context. We're already in the middle of the\n // begin phase by the time we start processing the queue, so we've already\n // dealt with the props. Context in components that specify\n // shouldComponentUpdate is tricky; but we'll have to account for\n // that regardless.\n\n\n markSkippedUpdateLanes(newLanes);\n workInProgress.lanes = newLanes;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = newState;\n }\n\n {\n currentlyProcessingQueue = null;\n }\n}\n\nfunction callCallback(callback, context) {\n if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\n throw new Error('Invalid argument passed as callback. Expected a function. Instead ' + (\"received: \" + callback));\n }\n\n;\n}\n\nfunction resetHasForceUpdateBeforeProcessing() {\n hasForceUpdate = false;\n}\nfunction checkHasForceUpdateAfterProcessing() {\n return hasForceUpdate;\n}\nfunction commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, finishedQueue, instance) {\n // Commit the effects\n var effects = finishedQueue.effects;\n finishedQueue.effects = null;\n\n if (effects !== null) {\n for (var i = 0; i < effects.length; i++) {\n var effect = effects[i];\n var callback = effect.callback;\n\n if (callback !== null) {\n effect.callback = null;\n callCallback(callback, instance);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar NO_CONTEXT = {};\nvar contextStackCursor$1 = createCursor(NO_CONTEXT);\nvar contextFiberStackCursor = createCursor(NO_CONTEXT);\nvar rootInstanceStackCursor = createCursor(NO_CONTEXT);\n\nfunction requiredContext(c) {\n if (c === NO_CONTEXT) {\n throw new Error('Expected host context to exist. This error is likely caused by a bug ' + 'in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n return c;\n}\n\nfunction getRootHostContainer() {\n var rootInstance = requiredContext(rootInstanceStackCursor.current);\n return rootInstance;\n}\n\nfunction pushHostContainer(fiber, nextRootInstance) {\n // Push current root instance onto the stack;\n // This allows us to reset root when portals are popped.\n push(rootInstanceStackCursor, nextRootInstance, fiber); // Track the context and the Fiber that provided it.\n // This enables us to pop only Fibers that provide unique contexts.\n\n push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber, fiber); // Finally, we need to push the host context to the stack.\n // However, we can't just call getRootHostContext() and push it because\n // we'd have a different number of entries on the stack depending on\n // whether getRootHostContext() throws somewhere in renderer code or not.\n // So we push an empty value first. This lets us safely unwind on errors.\n\n push(contextStackCursor$1, NO_CONTEXT, fiber);\n var nextRootContext = getRootHostContext(nextRootInstance); // Now that we know this function doesn't throw, replace it.\n\n pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber);\n push(contextStackCursor$1, nextRootContext, fiber);\n}\n\nfunction popHostContainer(fiber) {\n pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber);\n pop(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber);\n pop(rootInstanceStackCursor, fiber);\n}\n\nfunction getHostContext() {\n var context = requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current);\n return context;\n}\n\nfunction pushHostContext(fiber) {\n var rootInstance = requiredContext(rootInstanceStackCursor.current);\n var context = requiredContext(contextStackCursor$1.current);\n var nextContext = getChildHostContext(context, fiber.type); // Don't push this Fiber's context unless it's unique.\n\n if (context === nextContext) {\n return;\n } // Track the context and the Fiber that provided it.\n // This enables us to pop only Fibers that provide unique contexts.\n\n\n push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber, fiber);\n push(contextStackCursor$1, nextContext, fiber);\n}\n\nfunction popHostContext(fiber) {\n // Do not pop unless this Fiber provided the current context.\n // pushHostContext() only pushes Fibers that provide unique contexts.\n if (contextFiberStackCursor.current !== fiber) {\n return;\n }\n\n pop(contextStackCursor$1, fiber);\n pop(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber);\n}\n\nvar DefaultSuspenseContext = 0; // The Suspense Context is split into two parts. The lower bits is\n// inherited deeply down the subtree. The upper bits only affect\n// this immediate suspense boundary and gets reset each new\n// boundary or suspense list.\n\nvar SubtreeSuspenseContextMask = 1; // Subtree Flags:\n// InvisibleParentSuspenseContext indicates that one of our parent Suspense\n// boundaries is not currently showing visible main content.\n// Either because it is already showing a fallback or is not mounted at all.\n// We can use this to determine if it is desirable to trigger a fallback at\n// the parent. If not, then we might need to trigger undesirable boundaries\n// and/or suspend the commit to avoid hiding the parent content.\n\nvar InvisibleParentSuspenseContext = 1; // Shallow Flags:\n// ForceSuspenseFallback can be used by SuspenseList to force newly added\n// items into their fallback state during one of the render passes.\n\nvar ForceSuspenseFallback = 2;\nvar suspenseStackCursor = createCursor(DefaultSuspenseContext);\nfunction hasSuspenseContext(parentContext, flag) {\n return (parentContext & flag) !== 0;\n}\nfunction setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(parentContext) {\n return parentContext & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask;\n}\nfunction setShallowSuspenseContext(parentContext, shallowContext) {\n return parentContext & SubtreeSuspenseContextMask | shallowContext;\n}\nfunction addSubtreeSuspenseContext(parentContext, subtreeContext) {\n return parentContext | subtreeContext;\n}\nfunction pushSuspenseContext(fiber, newContext) {\n push(suspenseStackCursor, newContext, fiber);\n}\nfunction popSuspenseContext(fiber) {\n pop(suspenseStackCursor, fiber);\n}\n\nfunction shouldCaptureSuspense(workInProgress, hasInvisibleParent) {\n // If it was the primary children that just suspended, capture and render the\n // fallback. Otherwise, don't capture and bubble to the next boundary.\n var nextState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (nextState !== null) {\n if (nextState.dehydrated !== null) {\n // A dehydrated boundary always captures.\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n var props = workInProgress.memoizedProps; // Regular boundaries always capture.\n\n {\n return true;\n } // If it's a boundary we should avoid, then we prefer to bubble up to the\n}\nfunction findFirstSuspended(row) {\n var node = row;\n\n while (node !== null) {\n if (node.tag === SuspenseComponent) {\n var state = node.memoizedState;\n\n if (state !== null) {\n var dehydrated = state.dehydrated;\n\n if (dehydrated === null || isSuspenseInstancePending(dehydrated) || isSuspenseInstanceFallback(dehydrated)) {\n return node;\n }\n }\n } else if (node.tag === SuspenseListComponent && // revealOrder undefined can't be trusted because it don't\n // keep track of whether it suspended or not.\n node.memoizedProps.revealOrder !== undefined) {\n var didSuspend = (node.flags & DidCapture) !== NoFlags;\n\n if (didSuspend) {\n return node;\n }\n } else if (node.child !== null) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n\n if (node === row) {\n return null;\n }\n\n while (node.sibling === null) {\n if (node.return === null || node.return === row) {\n return null;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar NoFlags$1 =\n/* */\n0; // Represents whether effect should fire.\n\nvar HasEffect =\n/* */\n1; // Represents the phase in which the effect (not the clean-up) fires.\n\nvar Insertion =\n/* */\n2;\nvar Layout =\n/* */\n4;\nvar Passive$1 =\n/* */\n8;\n\n// and should be reset before starting a new render.\n// This tracks which mutable sources need to be reset after a render.\n\nvar workInProgressSources = [];\nfunction resetWorkInProgressVersions() {\n for (var i = 0; i < workInProgressSources.length; i++) {\n var mutableSource = workInProgressSources[i];\n\n {\n mutableSource._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null;\n }\n }\n\n workInProgressSources.length = 0;\n}\n// This ensures that the version used for server rendering matches the one\n// that is eventually read during hydration.\n// If they don't match there's a potential tear and a full deopt render is required.\n\nfunction registerMutableSourceForHydration(root, mutableSource) {\n var getVersion = mutableSource._getVersion;\n var version = getVersion(mutableSource._source); // TODO Clear this data once all pending hydration work is finished.\n // Retaining it forever may interfere with GC.\n\n if (root.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData == null) {\n root.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = [mutableSource, version];\n } else {\n root.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(mutableSource, version);\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$2 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig;\nvar didWarnAboutMismatchedHooksForComponent;\nvar didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutMismatchedHooksForComponent = new Set();\n}\n\n// These are set right before calling the component.\nvar renderLanes = NoLanes; // The work-in-progress fiber. I've named it differently to distinguish it from\n// the work-in-progress hook.\n\nvar currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null; // Hooks are stored as a linked list on the fiber's memoizedState field. The\n// current hook list is the list that belongs to the current fiber. The\n// work-in-progress hook list is a new list that will be added to the\n// work-in-progress fiber.\n\nvar currentHook = null;\nvar workInProgressHook = null; // Whether an update was scheduled at any point during the render phase. This\n// does not get reset if we do another render pass; only when we're completely\n// finished evaluating this component. This is an optimization so we know\n// whether we need to clear render phase updates after a throw.\n\nvar didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = false; // Where an update was scheduled only during the current render pass. This\n// gets reset after each attempt.\n// TODO: Maybe there's some way to consolidate this with\n// `didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate`. Or with `numberOfReRenders`.\n\nvar didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = false; // Counts the number of useId hooks in this component.\n\nvar localIdCounter = 0; // Used for ids that are generated completely client-side (i.e. not during\n// hydration). This counter is global, so client ids are not stable across\n// render attempts.\n\nvar globalClientIdCounter = 0;\nvar RE_RENDER_LIMIT = 25; // In DEV, this is the name of the currently executing primitive hook\n\nvar currentHookNameInDev = null; // In DEV, this list ensures that hooks are called in the same order between renders.\n// The list stores the order of hooks used during the initial render (mount).\n// Subsequent renders (updates) reference this list.\n\nvar hookTypesDev = null;\nvar hookTypesUpdateIndexDev = -1; // In DEV, this tracks whether currently rendering component needs to ignore\n// the dependencies for Hooks that need them (e.g. useEffect or useMemo).\n// When true, such Hooks will always be \"remounted\". Only used during hot reload.\n\nvar ignorePreviousDependencies = false;\n\nfunction mountHookTypesDev() {\n {\n var hookName = currentHookNameInDev;\n\n if (hookTypesDev === null) {\n hookTypesDev = [hookName];\n } else {\n hookTypesDev.push(hookName);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateHookTypesDev() {\n {\n var hookName = currentHookNameInDev;\n\n if (hookTypesDev !== null) {\n hookTypesUpdateIndexDev++;\n\n if (hookTypesDev[hookTypesUpdateIndexDev] !== hookName) {\n warnOnHookMismatchInDev(hookName);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkDepsAreArrayDev(deps) {\n {\n if (deps !== undefined && deps !== null && !isArray(deps)) {\n // Verify deps, but only on mount to avoid extra checks.\n // It's unlikely their type would change as usually you define them inline.\n error('%s received a final argument that is not an array (instead, received `%s`). When ' + 'specified, the final argument must be an array.', currentHookNameInDev, typeof deps);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction warnOnHookMismatchInDev(currentHookName) {\n {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(currentlyRenderingFiber$1);\n\n if (!didWarnAboutMismatchedHooksForComponent.has(componentName)) {\n didWarnAboutMismatchedHooksForComponent.add(componentName);\n\n if (hookTypesDev !== null) {\n var table = '';\n var secondColumnStart = 30;\n\n for (var i = 0; i <= hookTypesUpdateIndexDev; i++) {\n var oldHookName = hookTypesDev[i];\n var newHookName = i === hookTypesUpdateIndexDev ? currentHookName : oldHookName;\n var row = i + 1 + \". \" + oldHookName; // Extra space so second column lines up\n // lol @ IE not supporting String#repeat\n\n while (row.length < secondColumnStart) {\n row += ' ';\n }\n\n row += newHookName + '\\n';\n table += row;\n }\n\n error('React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by %s. ' + 'This will lead to bugs and errors if not fixed. ' + 'For more information, read the Rules of Hooks:\\n\\n' + ' Previous render Next render\\n' + ' ------------------------------------------------------\\n' + '%s' + ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\n', componentName, table);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction throwInvalidHookError() {\n throw new Error('Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for' + ' one of the following reasons:\\n' + '1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)\\n' + '2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks\\n' + '3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app\\n' + 'See for tips about how to debug and fix this problem.');\n}\n\nfunction areHookInputsEqual(nextDeps, prevDeps) {\n {\n if (ignorePreviousDependencies) {\n // Only true when this component is being hot reloaded.\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n if (prevDeps === null) {\n {\n error('%s received a final argument during this render, but not during ' + 'the previous render. Even though the final argument is optional, ' + 'its type cannot change between renders.', currentHookNameInDev);\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n {\n // Don't bother comparing lengths in prod because these arrays should be\n // passed inline.\n if (nextDeps.length !== prevDeps.length) {\n error('The final argument passed to %s changed size between renders. The ' + 'order and size of this array must remain constant.\\n\\n' + 'Previous: %s\\n' + 'Incoming: %s', currentHookNameInDev, \"[\" + prevDeps.join(', ') + \"]\", \"[\" + nextDeps.join(', ') + \"]\");\n }\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < prevDeps.length && i < nextDeps.length; i++) {\n if (objectIs(nextDeps[i], prevDeps[i])) {\n continue;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction renderWithHooks(current, workInProgress, Component, props, secondArg, nextRenderLanes) {\n renderLanes = nextRenderLanes;\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = workInProgress;\n\n {\n hookTypesDev = current !== null ? current._debugHookTypes : null;\n hookTypesUpdateIndexDev = -1; // Used for hot reloading:\n\n ignorePreviousDependencies = current !== null && current.type !== workInProgress.type;\n }\n\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = null;\n workInProgress.lanes = NoLanes; // The following should have already been reset\n // currentHook = null;\n // workInProgressHook = null;\n // didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = false;\n // localIdCounter = 0;\n // TODO Warn if no hooks are used at all during mount, then some are used during update.\n // Currently we will identify the update render as a mount because memoizedState === null.\n // This is tricky because it's valid for certain types of components (e.g. React.lazy)\n // Using memoizedState to differentiate between mount/update only works if at least one stateful hook is used.\n // Non-stateful hooks (e.g. context) don't get added to memoizedState,\n // so memoizedState would be null during updates and mounts.\n\n {\n if (current !== null && current.memoizedState !== null) {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = HooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n } else if (hookTypesDev !== null) {\n // This dispatcher handles an edge case where a component is updating,\n // but no stateful hooks have been used.\n // We want to match the production code behavior (which will use HooksDispatcherOnMount),\n // but with the extra DEV validation to ensure hooks ordering hasn't changed.\n // This dispatcher does that.\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = HooksDispatcherOnMountWithHookTypesInDEV;\n } else {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = HooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n }\n }\n\n var children = Component(props, secondArg); // Check if there was a render phase update\n\n if (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass) {\n // Keep rendering in a loop for as long as render phase updates continue to\n // be scheduled. Use a counter to prevent infinite loops.\n var numberOfReRenders = 0;\n\n do {\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = false;\n localIdCounter = 0;\n\n if (numberOfReRenders >= RE_RENDER_LIMIT) {\n throw new Error('Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent ' + 'an infinite loop.');\n }\n\n numberOfReRenders += 1;\n\n {\n // Even when hot reloading, allow dependencies to stabilize\n // after first render to prevent infinite render phase updates.\n ignorePreviousDependencies = false;\n } // Start over from the beginning of the list\n\n\n currentHook = null;\n workInProgressHook = null;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = null;\n\n {\n // Also validate hook order for cascading updates.\n hookTypesUpdateIndexDev = -1;\n }\n\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = HooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV ;\n children = Component(props, secondArg);\n } while (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass);\n } // We can assume the previous dispatcher is always this one, since we set it\n // at the beginning of the render phase and there's no re-entrance.\n\n\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n\n {\n workInProgress._debugHookTypes = hookTypesDev;\n } // This check uses currentHook so that it works the same in DEV and prod bundles.\n // hookTypesDev could catch more cases (e.g. context) but only in DEV bundles.\n\n\n var didRenderTooFewHooks = currentHook !== null && !== null;\n renderLanes = NoLanes;\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;\n currentHook = null;\n workInProgressHook = null;\n\n {\n currentHookNameInDev = null;\n hookTypesDev = null;\n hookTypesUpdateIndexDev = -1; // Confirm that a static flag was not added or removed since the last\n // render. If this fires, it suggests that we incorrectly reset the static\n // flags in some other part of the codebase. This has happened before, for\n // example, in the SuspenseList implementation.\n\n if (current !== null && (current.flags & StaticMask) !== (workInProgress.flags & StaticMask) && // Disable this warning in legacy mode, because legacy Suspense is weird\n // and creates false positives. To make this work in legacy mode, we'd\n // need to mark fibers that commit in an incomplete state, somehow. For\n // now I'll disable the warning that most of the bugs that would trigger\n // it are either exclusive to concurrent mode or exist in both.\n (current.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode) {\n error('Internal React error: Expected static flag was missing. Please ' + 'notify the React team.');\n }\n }\n\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = false; // This is reset by checkDidRenderIdHook\n // localIdCounter = 0;\n\n if (didRenderTooFewHooks) {\n throw new Error('Rendered fewer hooks than expected. This may be caused by an accidental ' + 'early return statement.');\n }\n\n return children;\n}\nfunction checkDidRenderIdHook() {\n // This should be called immediately after every renderWithHooks call.\n // Conceptually, it's part of the return value of renderWithHooks; it's only a\n // separate function to avoid using an array tuple.\n var didRenderIdHook = localIdCounter !== 0;\n localIdCounter = 0;\n return didRenderIdHook;\n}\nfunction bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, lanes) {\n workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue; // TODO: Don't need to reset the flags here, because they're reset in the\n // complete phase (bubbleProperties).\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n workInProgress.flags &= ~(MountPassiveDev | MountLayoutDev | Passive | Update);\n } else {\n workInProgress.flags &= ~(Passive | Update);\n }\n\n current.lanes = removeLanes(current.lanes, lanes);\n}\nfunction resetHooksAfterThrow() {\n // We can assume the previous dispatcher is always this one, since we set it\n // at the beginning of the render phase and there's no re-entrance.\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n\n if (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate) {\n // There were render phase updates. These are only valid for this render\n // phase, which we are now aborting. Remove the updates from the queues so\n // they do not persist to the next render. Do not remove updates from hooks\n // that weren't processed.\n //\n // Only reset the updates from the queue if it has a clone. If it does\n // not have a clone, that means it wasn't processed, and the updates were\n // scheduled before we entered the render phase.\n var hook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState;\n\n while (hook !== null) {\n var queue = hook.queue;\n\n if (queue !== null) {\n queue.pending = null;\n }\n\n hook =;\n }\n\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = false;\n }\n\n renderLanes = NoLanes;\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;\n currentHook = null;\n workInProgressHook = null;\n\n {\n hookTypesDev = null;\n hookTypesUpdateIndexDev = -1;\n currentHookNameInDev = null;\n isUpdatingOpaqueValueInRenderPhase = false;\n }\n\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = false;\n localIdCounter = 0;\n}\n\nfunction mountWorkInProgressHook() {\n var hook = {\n memoizedState: null,\n baseState: null,\n baseQueue: null,\n queue: null,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (workInProgressHook === null) {\n // This is the first hook in the list\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState = workInProgressHook = hook;\n } else {\n // Append to the end of the list\n workInProgressHook = = hook;\n }\n\n return workInProgressHook;\n}\n\nfunction updateWorkInProgressHook() {\n // This function is used both for updates and for re-renders triggered by a\n // render phase update. It assumes there is either a current hook we can\n // clone, or a work-in-progress hook from a previous render pass that we can\n // use as a base. When we reach the end of the base list, we must switch to\n // the dispatcher used for mounts.\n var nextCurrentHook;\n\n if (currentHook === null) {\n var current = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.alternate;\n\n if (current !== null) {\n nextCurrentHook = current.memoizedState;\n } else {\n nextCurrentHook = null;\n }\n } else {\n nextCurrentHook =;\n }\n\n var nextWorkInProgressHook;\n\n if (workInProgressHook === null) {\n nextWorkInProgressHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState;\n } else {\n nextWorkInProgressHook =;\n }\n\n if (nextWorkInProgressHook !== null) {\n // There's already a work-in-progress. Reuse it.\n workInProgressHook = nextWorkInProgressHook;\n nextWorkInProgressHook =;\n currentHook = nextCurrentHook;\n } else {\n // Clone from the current hook.\n if (nextCurrentHook === null) {\n throw new Error('Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.');\n }\n\n currentHook = nextCurrentHook;\n var newHook = {\n memoizedState: currentHook.memoizedState,\n baseState: currentHook.baseState,\n baseQueue: currentHook.baseQueue,\n queue: currentHook.queue,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (workInProgressHook === null) {\n // This is the first hook in the list.\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState = workInProgressHook = newHook;\n } else {\n // Append to the end of the list.\n workInProgressHook = = newHook;\n }\n }\n\n return workInProgressHook;\n}\n\nfunction createFunctionComponentUpdateQueue() {\n return {\n lastEffect: null,\n stores: null\n };\n}\n\nfunction basicStateReducer(state, action) {\n // $FlowFixMe: Flow doesn't like mixed types\n return typeof action === 'function' ? action(state) : action;\n}\n\nfunction mountReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n var initialState;\n\n if (init !== undefined) {\n initialState = init(initialArg);\n } else {\n initialState = initialArg;\n }\n\n hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialState;\n var queue = {\n pending: null,\n interleaved: null,\n lanes: NoLanes,\n dispatch: null,\n lastRenderedReducer: reducer,\n lastRenderedState: initialState\n };\n hook.queue = queue;\n var dispatch = queue.dispatch = dispatchReducerAction.bind(null, currentlyRenderingFiber$1, queue);\n return [hook.memoizedState, dispatch];\n}\n\nfunction updateReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var queue = hook.queue;\n\n if (queue === null) {\n throw new Error('Should have a queue. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n queue.lastRenderedReducer = reducer;\n var current = currentHook; // The last rebase update that is NOT part of the base state.\n\n var baseQueue = current.baseQueue; // The last pending update that hasn't been processed yet.\n\n var pendingQueue = queue.pending;\n\n if (pendingQueue !== null) {\n // We have new updates that haven't been processed yet.\n // We'll add them to the base queue.\n if (baseQueue !== null) {\n // Merge the pending queue and the base queue.\n var baseFirst =;\n var pendingFirst =;\n = pendingFirst;\n = baseFirst;\n }\n\n {\n if (current.baseQueue !== baseQueue) {\n // Internal invariant that should never happen, but feasibly could in\n // the future if we implement resuming, or some form of that.\n error('Internal error: Expected work-in-progress queue to be a clone. ' + 'This is a bug in React.');\n }\n }\n\n current.baseQueue = baseQueue = pendingQueue;\n queue.pending = null;\n }\n\n if (baseQueue !== null) {\n // We have a queue to process.\n var first =;\n var newState = current.baseState;\n var newBaseState = null;\n var newBaseQueueFirst = null;\n var newBaseQueueLast = null;\n var update = first;\n\n do {\n var updateLane = update.lane;\n\n if (!isSubsetOfLanes(renderLanes, updateLane)) {\n // Priority is insufficient. Skip this update. If this is the first\n // skipped update, the previous update/state is the new base\n // update/state.\n var clone = {\n lane: updateLane,\n action: update.action,\n hasEagerState: update.hasEagerState,\n eagerState: update.eagerState,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (newBaseQueueLast === null) {\n newBaseQueueFirst = newBaseQueueLast = clone;\n newBaseState = newState;\n } else {\n newBaseQueueLast = = clone;\n } // Update the remaining priority in the queue.\n // TODO: Don't need to accumulate this. Instead, we can remove\n // renderLanes from the original lanes.\n\n\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes = mergeLanes(currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes, updateLane);\n markSkippedUpdateLanes(updateLane);\n } else {\n // This update does have sufficient priority.\n if (newBaseQueueLast !== null) {\n var _clone = {\n // This update is going to be committed so we never want uncommit\n // it. Using NoLane works because 0 is a subset of all bitmasks, so\n // this will never be skipped by the check above.\n lane: NoLane,\n action: update.action,\n hasEagerState: update.hasEagerState,\n eagerState: update.eagerState,\n next: null\n };\n newBaseQueueLast = = _clone;\n } // Process this update.\n\n\n if (update.hasEagerState) {\n // If this update is a state update (not a reducer) and was processed eagerly,\n // we can use the eagerly computed state\n newState = update.eagerState;\n } else {\n var action = update.action;\n newState = reducer(newState, action);\n }\n }\n\n update =;\n } while (update !== null && update !== first);\n\n if (newBaseQueueLast === null) {\n newBaseState = newState;\n } else {\n = newBaseQueueFirst;\n } // Mark that the fiber performed work, but only if the new state is\n // different from the current state.\n\n\n if (!objectIs(newState, hook.memoizedState)) {\n markWorkInProgressReceivedUpdate();\n }\n\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseState = newBaseState;\n hook.baseQueue = newBaseQueueLast;\n queue.lastRenderedState = newState;\n } // Interleaved updates are stored on a separate queue. We aren't going to\n // process them during this render, but we do need to track which lanes\n // are remaining.\n\n\n var lastInterleaved = queue.interleaved;\n\n if (lastInterleaved !== null) {\n var interleaved = lastInterleaved;\n\n do {\n var interleavedLane = interleaved.lane;\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes = mergeLanes(currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes, interleavedLane);\n markSkippedUpdateLanes(interleavedLane);\n interleaved =;\n } while (interleaved !== lastInterleaved);\n } else if (baseQueue === null) {\n // `queue.lanes` is used for entangling transitions. We can set it back to\n // zero once the queue is empty.\n queue.lanes = NoLanes;\n }\n\n var dispatch = queue.dispatch;\n return [hook.memoizedState, dispatch];\n}\n\nfunction rerenderReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var queue = hook.queue;\n\n if (queue === null) {\n throw new Error('Should have a queue. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n queue.lastRenderedReducer = reducer; // This is a re-render. Apply the new render phase updates to the previous\n // work-in-progress hook.\n\n var dispatch = queue.dispatch;\n var lastRenderPhaseUpdate = queue.pending;\n var newState = hook.memoizedState;\n\n if (lastRenderPhaseUpdate !== null) {\n // The queue doesn't persist past this render pass.\n queue.pending = null;\n var firstRenderPhaseUpdate =;\n var update = firstRenderPhaseUpdate;\n\n do {\n // Process this render phase update. We don't have to check the\n // priority because it will always be the same as the current\n // render's.\n var action = update.action;\n newState = reducer(newState, action);\n update =;\n } while (update !== firstRenderPhaseUpdate); // Mark that the fiber performed work, but only if the new state is\n // different from the current state.\n\n\n if (!objectIs(newState, hook.memoizedState)) {\n markWorkInProgressReceivedUpdate();\n }\n\n hook.memoizedState = newState; // Don't persist the state accumulated from the render phase updates to\n // the base state unless the queue is empty.\n // TODO: Not sure if this is the desired semantics, but it's what we\n // do for gDSFP. I can't remember why.\n\n if (hook.baseQueue === null) {\n hook.baseState = newState;\n }\n\n queue.lastRenderedState = newState;\n }\n\n return [newState, dispatch];\n}\n\nfunction mountMutableSource(source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n {\n return undefined;\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateMutableSource(source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n {\n return undefined;\n }\n}\n\nfunction mountSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n var fiber = currentlyRenderingFiber$1;\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n var nextSnapshot;\n var isHydrating = getIsHydrating();\n\n if (isHydrating) {\n if (getServerSnapshot === undefined) {\n throw new Error('Missing getServerSnapshot, which is required for ' + 'server-rendered content. Will revert to client rendering.');\n }\n\n nextSnapshot = getServerSnapshot();\n\n {\n if (!didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot) {\n if (nextSnapshot !== getServerSnapshot()) {\n error('The result of getServerSnapshot should be cached to avoid an infinite loop');\n\n didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot = true;\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n nextSnapshot = getSnapshot();\n\n {\n if (!didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot) {\n var cachedSnapshot = getSnapshot();\n\n if (!objectIs(nextSnapshot, cachedSnapshot)) {\n error('The result of getSnapshot should be cached to avoid an infinite loop');\n\n didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot = true;\n }\n }\n } // Unless we're rendering a blocking lane, schedule a consistency check.\n // Right before committing, we will walk the tree and check if any of the\n // stores were mutated.\n //\n // We won't do this if we're hydrating server-rendered content, because if\n // the content is stale, it's already visible anyway. Instead we'll patch\n // it up in a passive effect.\n\n\n var root = getWorkInProgressRoot();\n\n if (root === null) {\n throw new Error('Expected a work-in-progress root. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n if (!includesBlockingLane(root, renderLanes)) {\n pushStoreConsistencyCheck(fiber, getSnapshot, nextSnapshot);\n }\n } // Read the current snapshot from the store on every render. This breaks the\n // normal rules of React, and only works because store updates are\n // always synchronous.\n\n\n hook.memoizedState = nextSnapshot;\n var inst = {\n value: nextSnapshot,\n getSnapshot: getSnapshot\n };\n hook.queue = inst; // Schedule an effect to subscribe to the store.\n\n mountEffect(subscribeToStore.bind(null, fiber, inst, subscribe), [subscribe]); // Schedule an effect to update the mutable instance fields. We will update\n // this whenever subscribe, getSnapshot, or value changes. Because there's no\n // clean-up function, and we track the deps correctly, we can call pushEffect\n // directly, without storing any additional state. For the same reason, we\n // don't need to set a static flag, either.\n // TODO: We can move this to the passive phase once we add a pre-commit\n // consistency check. See the next comment.\n\n fiber.flags |= Passive;\n pushEffect(HasEffect | Passive$1, updateStoreInstance.bind(null, fiber, inst, nextSnapshot, getSnapshot), undefined, null);\n return nextSnapshot;\n}\n\nfunction updateSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n var fiber = currentlyRenderingFiber$1;\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook(); // Read the current snapshot from the store on every render. This breaks the\n // normal rules of React, and only works because store updates are\n // always synchronous.\n\n var nextSnapshot = getSnapshot();\n\n {\n if (!didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot) {\n var cachedSnapshot = getSnapshot();\n\n if (!objectIs(nextSnapshot, cachedSnapshot)) {\n error('The result of getSnapshot should be cached to avoid an infinite loop');\n\n didWarnUncachedGetSnapshot = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n var prevSnapshot = hook.memoizedState;\n var snapshotChanged = !objectIs(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot);\n\n if (snapshotChanged) {\n hook.memoizedState = nextSnapshot;\n markWorkInProgressReceivedUpdate();\n }\n\n var inst = hook.queue;\n updateEffect(subscribeToStore.bind(null, fiber, inst, subscribe), [subscribe]); // Whenever getSnapshot or subscribe changes, we need to check in the\n // commit phase if there was an interleaved mutation. In concurrent mode\n // this can happen all the time, but even in synchronous mode, an earlier\n // effect may have mutated the store.\n\n if (inst.getSnapshot !== getSnapshot || snapshotChanged || // Check if the susbcribe function changed. We can save some memory by\n // checking whether we scheduled a subscription effect above.\n workInProgressHook !== null && workInProgressHook.memoizedState.tag & HasEffect) {\n fiber.flags |= Passive;\n pushEffect(HasEffect | Passive$1, updateStoreInstance.bind(null, fiber, inst, nextSnapshot, getSnapshot), undefined, null); // Unless we're rendering a blocking lane, schedule a consistency check.\n // Right before committing, we will walk the tree and check if any of the\n // stores were mutated.\n\n var root = getWorkInProgressRoot();\n\n if (root === null) {\n throw new Error('Expected a work-in-progress root. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n if (!includesBlockingLane(root, renderLanes)) {\n pushStoreConsistencyCheck(fiber, getSnapshot, nextSnapshot);\n }\n }\n\n return nextSnapshot;\n}\n\nfunction pushStoreConsistencyCheck(fiber, getSnapshot, renderedSnapshot) {\n fiber.flags |= StoreConsistency;\n var check = {\n getSnapshot: getSnapshot,\n value: renderedSnapshot\n };\n var componentUpdateQueue = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue;\n\n if (componentUpdateQueue === null) {\n componentUpdateQueue = createFunctionComponentUpdateQueue();\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue = componentUpdateQueue;\n componentUpdateQueue.stores = [check];\n } else {\n var stores = componentUpdateQueue.stores;\n\n if (stores === null) {\n componentUpdateQueue.stores = [check];\n } else {\n stores.push(check);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateStoreInstance(fiber, inst, nextSnapshot, getSnapshot) {\n // These are updated in the passive phase\n inst.value = nextSnapshot;\n inst.getSnapshot = getSnapshot; // Something may have been mutated in between render and commit. This could\n // have been in an event that fired before the passive effects, or it could\n // have been in a layout effect. In that case, we would have used the old\n // snapsho and getSnapshot values to bail out. We need to check one more time.\n\n if (checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst)) {\n // Force a re-render.\n forceStoreRerender(fiber);\n }\n}\n\nfunction subscribeToStore(fiber, inst, subscribe) {\n var handleStoreChange = function () {\n // The store changed. Check if the snapshot changed since the last time we\n // read from the store.\n if (checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst)) {\n // Force a re-render.\n forceStoreRerender(fiber);\n }\n }; // Subscribe to the store and return a clean-up function.\n\n\n return subscribe(handleStoreChange);\n}\n\nfunction checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst) {\n var latestGetSnapshot = inst.getSnapshot;\n var prevValue = inst.value;\n\n try {\n var nextValue = latestGetSnapshot();\n return !objectIs(prevValue, nextValue);\n } catch (error) {\n return true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction forceStoreRerender(fiber) {\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n}\n\nfunction mountState(initialState) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n\n if (typeof initialState === 'function') {\n // $FlowFixMe: Flow doesn't like mixed types\n initialState = initialState();\n }\n\n hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialState;\n var queue = {\n pending: null,\n interleaved: null,\n lanes: NoLanes,\n dispatch: null,\n lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,\n lastRenderedState: initialState\n };\n hook.queue = queue;\n var dispatch = queue.dispatch = dispatchSetState.bind(null, currentlyRenderingFiber$1, queue);\n return [hook.memoizedState, dispatch];\n}\n\nfunction updateState(initialState) {\n return updateReducer(basicStateReducer);\n}\n\nfunction rerenderState(initialState) {\n return rerenderReducer(basicStateReducer);\n}\n\nfunction pushEffect(tag, create, destroy, deps) {\n var effect = {\n tag: tag,\n create: create,\n destroy: destroy,\n deps: deps,\n // Circular\n next: null\n };\n var componentUpdateQueue = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue;\n\n if (componentUpdateQueue === null) {\n componentUpdateQueue = createFunctionComponentUpdateQueue();\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue = componentUpdateQueue;\n componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = = effect;\n } else {\n var lastEffect = componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect;\n\n if (lastEffect === null) {\n componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = = effect;\n } else {\n var firstEffect =;\n = effect;\n = firstEffect;\n componentUpdateQueue.lastEffect = effect;\n }\n }\n\n return effect;\n}\n\nfunction mountRef(initialValue) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n\n {\n var _ref2 = {\n current: initialValue\n };\n hook.memoizedState = _ref2;\n return _ref2;\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateRef(initialValue) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n return hook.memoizedState;\n}\n\nfunction mountEffectImpl(fiberFlags, hookFlags, create, deps) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n var nextDeps = deps === undefined ? null : deps;\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.flags |= fiberFlags;\n hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(HasEffect | hookFlags, create, undefined, nextDeps);\n}\n\nfunction updateEffectImpl(fiberFlags, hookFlags, create, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var nextDeps = deps === undefined ? null : deps;\n var destroy = undefined;\n\n if (currentHook !== null) {\n var prevEffect = currentHook.memoizedState;\n destroy = prevEffect.destroy;\n\n if (nextDeps !== null) {\n var prevDeps = prevEffect.deps;\n\n if (areHookInputsEqual(nextDeps, prevDeps)) {\n hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(hookFlags, create, destroy, nextDeps);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.flags |= fiberFlags;\n hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(HasEffect | hookFlags, create, destroy, nextDeps);\n}\n\nfunction mountEffect(create, deps) {\n if ( (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n return mountEffectImpl(MountPassiveDev | Passive | PassiveStatic, Passive$1, create, deps);\n } else {\n return mountEffectImpl(Passive | PassiveStatic, Passive$1, create, deps);\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateEffect(create, deps) {\n return updateEffectImpl(Passive, Passive$1, create, deps);\n}\n\nfunction mountInsertionEffect(create, deps) {\n return mountEffectImpl(Update, Insertion, create, deps);\n}\n\nfunction updateInsertionEffect(create, deps) {\n return updateEffectImpl(Update, Insertion, create, deps);\n}\n\nfunction mountLayoutEffect(create, deps) {\n var fiberFlags = Update;\n\n {\n fiberFlags |= LayoutStatic;\n }\n\n if ( (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n fiberFlags |= MountLayoutDev;\n }\n\n return mountEffectImpl(fiberFlags, Layout, create, deps);\n}\n\nfunction updateLayoutEffect(create, deps) {\n return updateEffectImpl(Update, Layout, create, deps);\n}\n\nfunction imperativeHandleEffect(create, ref) {\n if (typeof ref === 'function') {\n var refCallback = ref;\n\n var _inst = create();\n\n refCallback(_inst);\n return function () {\n refCallback(null);\n };\n } else if (ref !== null && ref !== undefined) {\n var refObject = ref;\n\n {\n if (!refObject.hasOwnProperty('current')) {\n error('Expected useImperativeHandle() first argument to either be a ' + 'ref callback or React.createRef() object. Instead received: %s.', 'an object with keys {' + Object.keys(refObject).join(', ') + '}');\n }\n }\n\n var _inst2 = create();\n\n refObject.current = _inst2;\n return function () {\n refObject.current = null;\n };\n }\n}\n\nfunction mountImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps) {\n {\n if (typeof create !== 'function') {\n error('Expected useImperativeHandle() second argument to be a function ' + 'that creates a handle. Instead received: %s.', create !== null ? typeof create : 'null');\n }\n } // TODO: If deps are provided, should we skip comparing the ref itself?\n\n\n var effectDeps = deps !== null && deps !== undefined ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;\n var fiberFlags = Update;\n\n {\n fiberFlags |= LayoutStatic;\n }\n\n if ( (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n fiberFlags |= MountLayoutDev;\n }\n\n return mountEffectImpl(fiberFlags, Layout, imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref), effectDeps);\n}\n\nfunction updateImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps) {\n {\n if (typeof create !== 'function') {\n error('Expected useImperativeHandle() second argument to be a function ' + 'that creates a handle. Instead received: %s.', create !== null ? typeof create : 'null');\n }\n } // TODO: If deps are provided, should we skip comparing the ref itself?\n\n\n var effectDeps = deps !== null && deps !== undefined ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;\n return updateEffectImpl(Update, Layout, imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref), effectDeps);\n}\n\nfunction mountDebugValue(value, formatterFn) {// This hook is normally a no-op.\n // The react-debug-hooks package injects its own implementation\n // so that e.g. DevTools can display custom hook values.\n}\n\nvar updateDebugValue = mountDebugValue;\n\nfunction mountCallback(callback, deps) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n var nextDeps = deps === undefined ? null : deps;\n hook.memoizedState = [callback, nextDeps];\n return callback;\n}\n\nfunction updateCallback(callback, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var nextDeps = deps === undefined ? null : deps;\n var prevState = hook.memoizedState;\n\n if (prevState !== null) {\n if (nextDeps !== null) {\n var prevDeps = prevState[1];\n\n if (areHookInputsEqual(nextDeps, prevDeps)) {\n return prevState[0];\n }\n }\n }\n\n hook.memoizedState = [callback, nextDeps];\n return callback;\n}\n\nfunction mountMemo(nextCreate, deps) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n var nextDeps = deps === undefined ? null : deps;\n var nextValue = nextCreate();\n hook.memoizedState = [nextValue, nextDeps];\n return nextValue;\n}\n\nfunction updateMemo(nextCreate, deps) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var nextDeps = deps === undefined ? null : deps;\n var prevState = hook.memoizedState;\n\n if (prevState !== null) {\n // Assume these are defined. If they're not, areHookInputsEqual will warn.\n if (nextDeps !== null) {\n var prevDeps = prevState[1];\n\n if (areHookInputsEqual(nextDeps, prevDeps)) {\n return prevState[0];\n }\n }\n }\n\n var nextValue = nextCreate();\n hook.memoizedState = [nextValue, nextDeps];\n return nextValue;\n}\n\nfunction mountDeferredValue(value) {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n hook.memoizedState = value;\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction updateDeferredValue(value) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var resolvedCurrentHook = currentHook;\n var prevValue = resolvedCurrentHook.memoizedState;\n return updateDeferredValueImpl(hook, prevValue, value);\n}\n\nfunction rerenderDeferredValue(value) {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n\n if (currentHook === null) {\n // This is a rerender during a mount.\n hook.memoizedState = value;\n return value;\n } else {\n // This is a rerender during an update.\n var prevValue = currentHook.memoizedState;\n return updateDeferredValueImpl(hook, prevValue, value);\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateDeferredValueImpl(hook, prevValue, value) {\n var shouldDeferValue = !includesOnlyNonUrgentLanes(renderLanes);\n\n if (shouldDeferValue) {\n // This is an urgent update. If the value has changed, keep using the\n // previous value and spawn a deferred render to update it later.\n if (!objectIs(value, prevValue)) {\n // Schedule a deferred render\n var deferredLane = claimNextTransitionLane();\n currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes = mergeLanes(currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes, deferredLane);\n markSkippedUpdateLanes(deferredLane); // Set this to true to indicate that the rendered value is inconsistent\n // from the latest value. The name \"baseState\" doesn't really match how we\n // use it because we're reusing a state hook field instead of creating a\n // new one.\n\n hook.baseState = true;\n } // Reuse the previous value\n\n\n return prevValue;\n } else {\n // This is not an urgent update, so we can use the latest value regardless\n // of what it is. No need to defer it.\n // However, if we're currently inside a spawned render, then we need to mark\n // this as an update to prevent the fiber from bailing out.\n //\n // `baseState` is true when the current value is different from the rendered\n // value. The name doesn't really match how we use it because we're reusing\n // a state hook field instead of creating a new one.\n if (hook.baseState) {\n // Flip this back to false.\n hook.baseState = false;\n markWorkInProgressReceivedUpdate();\n }\n\n hook.memoizedState = value;\n return value;\n }\n}\n\nfunction startTransition(setPending, callback, options) {\n var previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(higherEventPriority(previousPriority, ContinuousEventPriority));\n setPending(true);\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$2.transition;\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$2.transition = {};\n var currentTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$2.transition;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$2.transition._updatedFibers = new Set();\n }\n\n try {\n setPending(false);\n callback();\n } finally {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousPriority);\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$2.transition = prevTransition;\n\n {\n if (prevTransition === null && currentTransition._updatedFibers) {\n var updatedFibersCount = currentTransition._updatedFibers.size;\n\n if (updatedFibersCount > 10) {\n warn('Detected a large number of updates inside startTransition. ' + 'If this is due to a subscription please re-write it to use React provided hooks. ' + 'Otherwise concurrent mode guarantees are off the table.');\n }\n\n currentTransition._updatedFibers.clear();\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction mountTransition() {\n var _mountState = mountState(false),\n isPending = _mountState[0],\n setPending = _mountState[1]; // The `start` method never changes.\n\n\n var start = startTransition.bind(null, setPending);\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n hook.memoizedState = start;\n return [isPending, start];\n}\n\nfunction updateTransition() {\n var _updateState = updateState(),\n isPending = _updateState[0];\n\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var start = hook.memoizedState;\n return [isPending, start];\n}\n\nfunction rerenderTransition() {\n var _rerenderState = rerenderState(),\n isPending = _rerenderState[0];\n\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var start = hook.memoizedState;\n return [isPending, start];\n}\n\nvar isUpdatingOpaqueValueInRenderPhase = false;\nfunction getIsUpdatingOpaqueValueInRenderPhaseInDEV() {\n {\n return isUpdatingOpaqueValueInRenderPhase;\n }\n}\n\nfunction mountId() {\n var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();\n var root = getWorkInProgressRoot(); // TODO: In Fizz, id generation is specific to each server config. Maybe we\n // should do this in Fiber, too? Deferring this decision for now because\n // there's no other place to store the prefix except for an internal field on\n // the public createRoot object, which the fiber tree does not currently have\n // a reference to.\n\n var identifierPrefix = root.identifierPrefix;\n var id;\n\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n var treeId = getTreeId(); // Use a captial R prefix for server-generated ids.\n\n id = ':' + identifierPrefix + 'R' + treeId; // Unless this is the first id at this level, append a number at the end\n // that represents the position of this useId hook among all the useId\n // hooks for this fiber.\n\n var localId = localIdCounter++;\n\n if (localId > 0) {\n id += 'H' + localId.toString(32);\n }\n\n id += ':';\n } else {\n // Use a lowercase r prefix for client-generated ids.\n var globalClientId = globalClientIdCounter++;\n id = ':' + identifierPrefix + 'r' + globalClientId.toString(32) + ':';\n }\n\n hook.memoizedState = id;\n return id;\n}\n\nfunction updateId() {\n var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();\n var id = hook.memoizedState;\n return id;\n}\n\nfunction dispatchReducerAction(fiber, queue, action) {\n {\n if (typeof arguments[3] === 'function') {\n error(\"State updates from the useState() and useReducer() Hooks don't support the \" + 'second callback argument. To execute a side effect after ' + 'rendering, declare it in the component body with useEffect().');\n }\n }\n\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);\n var update = {\n lane: lane,\n action: action,\n hasEagerState: false,\n eagerState: null,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)) {\n enqueueRenderPhaseUpdate(queue, update);\n } else {\n var root = enqueueConcurrentHookUpdate(fiber, queue, update, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime);\n entangleTransitionUpdate(root, queue, lane);\n }\n }\n\n markUpdateInDevTools(fiber, lane);\n}\n\nfunction dispatchSetState(fiber, queue, action) {\n {\n if (typeof arguments[3] === 'function') {\n error(\"State updates from the useState() and useReducer() Hooks don't support the \" + 'second callback argument. To execute a side effect after ' + 'rendering, declare it in the component body with useEffect().');\n }\n }\n\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);\n var update = {\n lane: lane,\n action: action,\n hasEagerState: false,\n eagerState: null,\n next: null\n };\n\n if (isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)) {\n enqueueRenderPhaseUpdate(queue, update);\n } else {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (fiber.lanes === NoLanes && (alternate === null || alternate.lanes === NoLanes)) {\n // The queue is currently empty, which means we can eagerly compute the\n // next state before entering the render phase. If the new state is the\n // same as the current state, we may be able to bail out entirely.\n var lastRenderedReducer = queue.lastRenderedReducer;\n\n if (lastRenderedReducer !== null) {\n var prevDispatcher;\n\n {\n prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n }\n\n try {\n var currentState = queue.lastRenderedState;\n var eagerState = lastRenderedReducer(currentState, action); // Stash the eagerly computed state, and the reducer used to compute\n // it, on the update object. If the reducer hasn't changed by the\n // time we enter the render phase, then the eager state can be used\n // without calling the reducer again.\n\n update.hasEagerState = true;\n update.eagerState = eagerState;\n\n if (objectIs(eagerState, currentState)) {\n // Fast path. We can bail out without scheduling React to re-render.\n // It's still possible that we'll need to rebase this update later,\n // if the component re-renders for a different reason and by that\n // time the reducer has changed.\n // TODO: Do we still need to entangle transitions in this case?\n enqueueConcurrentHookUpdateAndEagerlyBailout(fiber, queue, update, lane);\n return;\n }\n } catch (error) {// Suppress the error. It will throw again in the render phase.\n } finally {\n {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n var root = enqueueConcurrentHookUpdate(fiber, queue, update, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime);\n entangleTransitionUpdate(root, queue, lane);\n }\n }\n\n markUpdateInDevTools(fiber, lane);\n}\n\nfunction isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n return fiber === currentlyRenderingFiber$1 || alternate !== null && alternate === currentlyRenderingFiber$1;\n}\n\nfunction enqueueRenderPhaseUpdate(queue, update) {\n // This is a render phase update. Stash it in a lazily-created map of\n // queue -> linked list of updates. After this render pass, we'll restart\n // and apply the stashed updates on top of the work-in-progress hook.\n didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = true;\n var pending = queue.pending;\n\n if (pending === null) {\n // This is the first update. Create a circular list.\n = update;\n } else {\n =;\n = update;\n }\n\n queue.pending = update;\n} // TODO: Move to ReactFiberConcurrentUpdates?\n\n\nfunction entangleTransitionUpdate(root, queue, lane) {\n if (isTransitionLane(lane)) {\n var queueLanes = queue.lanes; // If any entangled lanes are no longer pending on the root, then they\n // must have finished. We can remove them from the shared queue, which\n // represents a superset of the actually pending lanes. In some cases we\n // may entangle more than we need to, but that's OK. In fact it's worse if\n // we *don't* entangle when we should.\n\n queueLanes = intersectLanes(queueLanes, root.pendingLanes); // Entangle the new transition lane with the other transition lanes.\n\n var newQueueLanes = mergeLanes(queueLanes, lane);\n queue.lanes = newQueueLanes; // Even if queue.lanes already include lane, we don't know for certain if\n // the lane finished since the last time we entangled it. So we need to\n // entangle it again, just to be sure.\n\n markRootEntangled(root, newQueueLanes);\n }\n}\n\nfunction markUpdateInDevTools(fiber, lane, action) {\n\n {\n markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);\n }\n}\n\nvar ContextOnlyDispatcher = {\n readContext: readContext,\n useCallback: throwInvalidHookError,\n useContext: throwInvalidHookError,\n useEffect: throwInvalidHookError,\n useImperativeHandle: throwInvalidHookError,\n useInsertionEffect: throwInvalidHookError,\n useLayoutEffect: throwInvalidHookError,\n useMemo: throwInvalidHookError,\n useReducer: throwInvalidHookError,\n useRef: throwInvalidHookError,\n useState: throwInvalidHookError,\n useDebugValue: throwInvalidHookError,\n useDeferredValue: throwInvalidHookError,\n useTransition: throwInvalidHookError,\n useMutableSource: throwInvalidHookError,\n useSyncExternalStore: throwInvalidHookError,\n useId: throwInvalidHookError,\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n};\n\nvar HooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV = null;\nvar HooksDispatcherOnMountWithHookTypesInDEV = null;\nvar HooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV = null;\nvar HooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV = null;\nvar InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV = null;\nvar InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV = null;\nvar InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV = null;\n\n{\n var warnInvalidContextAccess = function () {\n error('Context can only be read while React is rendering. ' + 'In classes, you can read it in the render method or getDerivedStateFromProps. ' + 'In function components, you can read it directly in the function body, but not ' + 'inside Hooks like useReducer() or useMemo().');\n };\n\n var warnInvalidHookAccess = function () {\n error('Do not call Hooks inside useEffect(...), useMemo(...), or other built-in Hooks. ' + 'You can only call Hooks at the top level of your React function. ' + 'For more information, see ' + '');\n };\n\n HooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV = {\n readContext: function (context) {\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useCallback: function (callback, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useCallback';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n checkDepsAreArrayDev(deps);\n return mountCallback(callback, deps);\n },\n useContext: function (context) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useContext';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useEffect';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n checkDepsAreArrayDev(deps);\n return mountEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useImperativeHandle';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n checkDepsAreArrayDev(deps);\n return mountImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n },\n useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useInsertionEffect';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n checkDepsAreArrayDev(deps);\n return mountInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useLayoutEffect';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n checkDepsAreArrayDev(deps);\n return mountLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMemo';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n checkDepsAreArrayDev(deps);\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountMemo(create, deps);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useRef: function (initialValue) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useRef';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountRef(initialValue);\n },\n useState: function (initialState) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountState(initialState);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useDebugValue: function (value, formatterFn) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDebugValue';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountDebugValue();\n },\n useDeferredValue: function (value) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDeferredValue';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountDeferredValue(value);\n },\n useTransition: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useTransition';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountTransition();\n },\n useMutableSource: function (source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMutableSource';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountMutableSource();\n },\n useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useSyncExternalStore';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot);\n },\n useId: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useId';\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountId();\n },\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n };\n\n HooksDispatcherOnMountWithHookTypesInDEV = {\n readContext: function (context) {\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useCallback: function (callback, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useCallback';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountCallback(callback, deps);\n },\n useContext: function (context) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useContext';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useImperativeHandle';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n },\n useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useInsertionEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useLayoutEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMemo';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountMemo(create, deps);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useRef: function (initialValue) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useRef';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountRef(initialValue);\n },\n useState: function (initialState) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountState(initialState);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useDebugValue: function (value, formatterFn) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDebugValue';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountDebugValue();\n },\n useDeferredValue: function (value) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDeferredValue';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountDeferredValue(value);\n },\n useTransition: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useTransition';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountTransition();\n },\n useMutableSource: function (source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMutableSource';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountMutableSource();\n },\n useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useSyncExternalStore';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot);\n },\n useId: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useId';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return mountId();\n },\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n };\n\n HooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV = {\n readContext: function (context) {\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useCallback: function (callback, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useCallback';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateCallback(callback, deps);\n },\n useContext: function (context) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useContext';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useImperativeHandle';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n },\n useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useInsertionEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useLayoutEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMemo';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateMemo(create, deps);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useRef: function (initialValue) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useRef';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateRef();\n },\n useState: function (initialState) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateState(initialState);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useDebugValue: function (value, formatterFn) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDebugValue';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateDebugValue();\n },\n useDeferredValue: function (value) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDeferredValue';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateDeferredValue(value);\n },\n useTransition: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useTransition';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateTransition();\n },\n useMutableSource: function (source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMutableSource';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateMutableSource();\n },\n useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useSyncExternalStore';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot);\n },\n useId: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useId';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateId();\n },\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n };\n\n HooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV = {\n readContext: function (context) {\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useCallback: function (callback, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useCallback';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateCallback(callback, deps);\n },\n useContext: function (context) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useContext';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useImperativeHandle';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n },\n useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useInsertionEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useLayoutEffect';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMemo';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateMemo(create, deps);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV;\n\n try {\n return rerenderReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useRef: function (initialValue) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useRef';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateRef();\n },\n useState: function (initialState) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV;\n\n try {\n return rerenderState(initialState);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useDebugValue: function (value, formatterFn) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDebugValue';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateDebugValue();\n },\n useDeferredValue: function (value) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDeferredValue';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return rerenderDeferredValue(value);\n },\n useTransition: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useTransition';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return rerenderTransition();\n },\n useMutableSource: function (source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMutableSource';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateMutableSource();\n },\n useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useSyncExternalStore';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot);\n },\n useId: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useId';\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateId();\n },\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n };\n\n InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV = {\n readContext: function (context) {\n warnInvalidContextAccess();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useCallback: function (callback, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useCallback';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountCallback(callback, deps);\n },\n useContext: function (context) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useContext';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useImperativeHandle';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n },\n useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useInsertionEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useLayoutEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMemo';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountMemo(create, deps);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useRef: function (initialValue) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useRef';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountRef(initialValue);\n },\n useState: function (initialState) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnMountInDEV;\n\n try {\n return mountState(initialState);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useDebugValue: function (value, formatterFn) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDebugValue';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountDebugValue();\n },\n useDeferredValue: function (value) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDeferredValue';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountDeferredValue(value);\n },\n useTransition: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useTransition';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountTransition();\n },\n useMutableSource: function (source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMutableSource';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountMutableSource();\n },\n useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useSyncExternalStore';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot);\n },\n useId: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useId';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n mountHookTypesDev();\n return mountId();\n },\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n };\n\n InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV = {\n readContext: function (context) {\n warnInvalidContextAccess();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useCallback: function (callback, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useCallback';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateCallback(callback, deps);\n },\n useContext: function (context) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useContext';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useImperativeHandle';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n },\n useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useInsertionEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useLayoutEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMemo';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateMemo(create, deps);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useRef: function (initialValue) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useRef';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateRef();\n },\n useState: function (initialState) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateState(initialState);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useDebugValue: function (value, formatterFn) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDebugValue';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateDebugValue();\n },\n useDeferredValue: function (value) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDeferredValue';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateDeferredValue(value);\n },\n useTransition: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useTransition';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateTransition();\n },\n useMutableSource: function (source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMutableSource';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateMutableSource();\n },\n useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useSyncExternalStore';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot);\n },\n useId: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useId';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateId();\n },\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n };\n\n InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnRerenderInDEV = {\n readContext: function (context) {\n warnInvalidContextAccess();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useCallback: function (callback, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useCallback';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateCallback(callback, deps);\n },\n useContext: function (context) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useContext';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return readContext(context);\n },\n useEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useImperativeHandle';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps);\n },\n useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useInsertionEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateInsertionEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useLayoutEffect';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateLayoutEffect(create, deps);\n },\n useMemo: function (create, deps) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMemo';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return updateMemo(create, deps);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return rerenderReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useRef: function (initialValue) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useRef';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateRef();\n },\n useState: function (initialState) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;\n\n try {\n return rerenderState(initialState);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;\n }\n },\n useDebugValue: function (value, formatterFn) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDebugValue';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateDebugValue();\n },\n useDeferredValue: function (value) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useDeferredValue';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return rerenderDeferredValue(value);\n },\n useTransition: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useTransition';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return rerenderTransition();\n },\n useMutableSource: function (source, getSnapshot, subscribe) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useMutableSource';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateMutableSource();\n },\n useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useSyncExternalStore';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot);\n },\n useId: function () {\n currentHookNameInDev = 'useId';\n warnInvalidHookAccess();\n updateHookTypesDev();\n return updateId();\n },\n unstable_isNewReconciler: enableNewReconciler\n };\n}\n\nvar now$1 = Scheduler.unstable_now;\nvar commitTime = 0;\nvar layoutEffectStartTime = -1;\nvar profilerStartTime = -1;\nvar passiveEffectStartTime = -1;\n/**\n * Tracks whether the current update was a nested/cascading update (scheduled from a layout effect).\n *\n * The overall sequence is:\n * 1. render\n * 2. commit (and call `onRender`, `onCommit`)\n * 3. check for nested updates\n * 4. flush passive effects (and call `onPostCommit`)\n *\n * Nested updates are identified in step 3 above,\n * but step 4 still applies to the work that was just committed.\n * We use two flags to track nested updates then:\n * one tracks whether the upcoming update is a nested update,\n * and the other tracks whether the current update was a nested update.\n * The first value gets synced to the second at the start of the render phase.\n */\n\nvar currentUpdateIsNested = false;\nvar nestedUpdateScheduled = false;\n\nfunction isCurrentUpdateNested() {\n return currentUpdateIsNested;\n}\n\nfunction markNestedUpdateScheduled() {\n {\n nestedUpdateScheduled = true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetNestedUpdateFlag() {\n {\n currentUpdateIsNested = false;\n nestedUpdateScheduled = false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction syncNestedUpdateFlag() {\n {\n currentUpdateIsNested = nestedUpdateScheduled;\n nestedUpdateScheduled = false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getCommitTime() {\n return commitTime;\n}\n\nfunction recordCommitTime() {\n\n commitTime = now$1();\n}\n\nfunction startProfilerTimer(fiber) {\n\n profilerStartTime = now$1();\n\n if (fiber.actualStartTime < 0) {\n fiber.actualStartTime = now$1();\n }\n}\n\nfunction stopProfilerTimerIfRunning(fiber) {\n\n profilerStartTime = -1;\n}\n\nfunction stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(fiber, overrideBaseTime) {\n\n if (profilerStartTime >= 0) {\n var elapsedTime = now$1() - profilerStartTime;\n fiber.actualDuration += elapsedTime;\n\n if (overrideBaseTime) {\n fiber.selfBaseDuration = elapsedTime;\n }\n\n profilerStartTime = -1;\n }\n}\n\nfunction recordLayoutEffectDuration(fiber) {\n\n if (layoutEffectStartTime >= 0) {\n var elapsedTime = now$1() - layoutEffectStartTime;\n layoutEffectStartTime = -1; // Store duration on the next nearest Profiler ancestor\n // Or the root (for the DevTools Profiler to read)\n\n var parentFiber = fiber.return;\n\n while (parentFiber !== null) {\n switch (parentFiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n var root = parentFiber.stateNode;\n root.effectDuration += elapsedTime;\n return;\n\n case Profiler:\n var parentStateNode = parentFiber.stateNode;\n parentStateNode.effectDuration += elapsedTime;\n return;\n }\n\n parentFiber = parentFiber.return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction recordPassiveEffectDuration(fiber) {\n\n if (passiveEffectStartTime >= 0) {\n var elapsedTime = now$1() - passiveEffectStartTime;\n passiveEffectStartTime = -1; // Store duration on the next nearest Profiler ancestor\n // Or the root (for the DevTools Profiler to read)\n\n var parentFiber = fiber.return;\n\n while (parentFiber !== null) {\n switch (parentFiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n var root = parentFiber.stateNode;\n\n if (root !== null) {\n root.passiveEffectDuration += elapsedTime;\n }\n\n return;\n\n case Profiler:\n var parentStateNode = parentFiber.stateNode;\n\n if (parentStateNode !== null) {\n // Detached fibers have their state node cleared out.\n // In this case, the return pointer is also cleared out,\n // so we won't be able to report the time spent in this Profiler's subtree.\n parentStateNode.passiveEffectDuration += elapsedTime;\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n parentFiber = parentFiber.return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction startLayoutEffectTimer() {\n\n layoutEffectStartTime = now$1();\n}\n\nfunction startPassiveEffectTimer() {\n\n passiveEffectStartTime = now$1();\n}\n\nfunction transferActualDuration(fiber) {\n // Transfer time spent rendering these children so we don't lose it\n // after we rerender. This is used as a helper in special cases\n // where we should count the work of multiple passes.\n var child = fiber.child;\n\n while (child) {\n fiber.actualDuration += child.actualDuration;\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n}\n\nfunction resolveDefaultProps(Component, baseProps) {\n if (Component && Component.defaultProps) {\n // Resolve default props. Taken from ReactElement\n var props = assign({}, baseProps);\n var defaultProps = Component.defaultProps;\n\n for (var propName in defaultProps) {\n if (props[propName] === undefined) {\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n }\n }\n\n return props;\n }\n\n return baseProps;\n}\n\nvar fakeInternalInstance = {};\nvar didWarnAboutStateAssignmentForComponent;\nvar didWarnAboutUninitializedState;\nvar didWarnAboutGetSnapshotBeforeUpdateWithoutDidUpdate;\nvar didWarnAboutLegacyLifecyclesAndDerivedState;\nvar didWarnAboutUndefinedDerivedState;\nvar warnOnUndefinedDerivedState;\nvar warnOnInvalidCallback;\nvar didWarnAboutDirectlyAssigningPropsToState;\nvar didWarnAboutContextTypeAndContextTypes;\nvar didWarnAboutInvalidateContextType;\nvar didWarnAboutLegacyContext$1;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutStateAssignmentForComponent = new Set();\n didWarnAboutUninitializedState = new Set();\n didWarnAboutGetSnapshotBeforeUpdateWithoutDidUpdate = new Set();\n didWarnAboutLegacyLifecyclesAndDerivedState = new Set();\n didWarnAboutDirectlyAssigningPropsToState = new Set();\n didWarnAboutUndefinedDerivedState = new Set();\n didWarnAboutContextTypeAndContextTypes = new Set();\n didWarnAboutInvalidateContextType = new Set();\n didWarnAboutLegacyContext$1 = new Set();\n var didWarnOnInvalidCallback = new Set();\n\n warnOnInvalidCallback = function (callback, callerName) {\n if (callback === null || typeof callback === 'function') {\n return;\n }\n\n var key = callerName + '_' + callback;\n\n if (!didWarnOnInvalidCallback.has(key)) {\n didWarnOnInvalidCallback.add(key);\n\n error('%s(...): Expected the last optional `callback` argument to be a ' + 'function. Instead received: %s.', callerName, callback);\n }\n };\n\n warnOnUndefinedDerivedState = function (type, partialState) {\n if (partialState === undefined) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(type) || 'Component';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutUndefinedDerivedState.has(componentName)) {\n didWarnAboutUndefinedDerivedState.add(componentName);\n\n error('%s.getDerivedStateFromProps(): A valid state object (or null) must be returned. ' + 'You have returned undefined.', componentName);\n }\n }\n }; // This is so gross but it's at least non-critical and can be removed if\n // it causes problems. This is meant to give a nicer error message for\n // ReactDOM15.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(reactDOM16Component,\n // ...)) which otherwise throws a \"_processChildContext is not a function\"\n // exception.\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(fakeInternalInstance, '_processChildContext', {\n enumerable: false,\n value: function () {\n throw new Error('_processChildContext is not available in React 16+. This likely ' + 'means you have multiple copies of React and are attempting to nest ' + 'a React 15 tree inside a React 16 tree using ' + \"unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer, which isn't supported. Try \" + 'to make sure you have only one copy of React (and ideally, switch ' + 'to ReactDOM.createPortal).');\n }\n });\n Object.freeze(fakeInternalInstance);\n}\n\nfunction applyDerivedStateFromProps(workInProgress, ctor, getDerivedStateFromProps, nextProps) {\n var prevState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n var partialState = getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState);\n\n {\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n // Invoke the function an extra time to help detect side-effects.\n partialState = getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState);\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n\n warnOnUndefinedDerivedState(ctor, partialState);\n } // Merge the partial state and the previous state.\n\n\n var memoizedState = partialState === null || partialState === undefined ? prevState : assign({}, prevState, partialState);\n workInProgress.memoizedState = memoizedState; // Once the update queue is empty, persist the derived state onto the\n // base state.\n\n if (workInProgress.lanes === NoLanes) {\n // Queue is always non-null for classes\n var updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n updateQueue.baseState = memoizedState;\n }\n}\n\nvar classComponentUpdater = {\n isMounted: isMounted,\n enqueueSetState: function (inst, payload, callback) {\n var fiber = get(inst);\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);\n var update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane);\n update.payload = payload;\n\n if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null) {\n {\n warnOnInvalidCallback(callback, 'setState');\n }\n\n update.callback = callback;\n }\n\n var root = enqueueUpdate(fiber, update, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime);\n entangleTransitions(root, fiber, lane);\n }\n\n {\n markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);\n }\n },\n enqueueReplaceState: function (inst, payload, callback) {\n var fiber = get(inst);\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);\n var update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane);\n update.tag = ReplaceState;\n update.payload = payload;\n\n if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null) {\n {\n warnOnInvalidCallback(callback, 'replaceState');\n }\n\n update.callback = callback;\n }\n\n var root = enqueueUpdate(fiber, update, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime);\n entangleTransitions(root, fiber, lane);\n }\n\n {\n markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);\n }\n },\n enqueueForceUpdate: function (inst, callback) {\n var fiber = get(inst);\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);\n var update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane);\n update.tag = ForceUpdate;\n\n if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null) {\n {\n warnOnInvalidCallback(callback, 'forceUpdate');\n }\n\n update.callback = callback;\n }\n\n var root = enqueueUpdate(fiber, update, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime);\n entangleTransitions(root, fiber, lane);\n }\n\n {\n markForceUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);\n }\n }\n};\n\nfunction checkShouldComponentUpdate(workInProgress, ctor, oldProps, newProps, oldState, newState, nextContext) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n if (typeof instance.shouldComponentUpdate === 'function') {\n var shouldUpdate = instance.shouldComponentUpdate(newProps, newState, nextContext);\n\n {\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n // Invoke the function an extra time to help detect side-effects.\n shouldUpdate = instance.shouldComponentUpdate(newProps, newState, nextContext);\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n\n if (shouldUpdate === undefined) {\n error('%s.shouldComponentUpdate(): Returned undefined instead of a ' + 'boolean value. Make sure to return true or false.', getComponentNameFromType(ctor) || 'Component');\n }\n }\n\n return shouldUpdate;\n }\n\n if (ctor.prototype && ctor.prototype.isPureReactComponent) {\n return !shallowEqual(oldProps, newProps) || !shallowEqual(oldState, newState);\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction checkClassInstance(workInProgress, ctor, newProps) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n {\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(ctor) || 'Component';\n var renderPresent = instance.render;\n\n if (!renderPresent) {\n if (ctor.prototype && typeof ctor.prototype.render === 'function') {\n error('%s(...): No `render` method found on the returned component ' + 'instance: did you accidentally return an object from the constructor?', name);\n } else {\n error('%s(...): No `render` method found on the returned component ' + 'instance: you may have forgotten to define `render`.', name);\n }\n }\n\n if (instance.getInitialState && !instance.getInitialState.isReactClassApproved && !instance.state) {\n error('getInitialState was defined on %s, a plain JavaScript class. ' + 'This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass. ' + 'Did you mean to define a state property instead?', name);\n }\n\n if (instance.getDefaultProps && !instance.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved) {\n error('getDefaultProps was defined on %s, a plain JavaScript class. ' + 'This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass. ' + 'Use a static property to define defaultProps instead.', name);\n }\n\n if (instance.propTypes) {\n error('propTypes was defined as an instance property on %s. Use a static ' + 'property to define propTypes instead.', name);\n }\n\n if (instance.contextType) {\n error('contextType was defined as an instance property on %s. Use a static ' + 'property to define contextType instead.', name);\n }\n\n {\n if (ctor.childContextTypes && !didWarnAboutLegacyContext$1.has(ctor) && // Strict Mode has its own warning for legacy context, so we can skip\n // this one.\n (workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) === NoMode) {\n didWarnAboutLegacyContext$1.add(ctor);\n\n error('%s uses the legacy childContextTypes API which is no longer ' + 'supported and will be removed in the next major release. Use ' + 'React.createContext() instead\\n\\n.' + 'Learn more about this warning here:', name);\n }\n\n if (ctor.contextTypes && !didWarnAboutLegacyContext$1.has(ctor) && // Strict Mode has its own warning for legacy context, so we can skip\n // this one.\n (workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) === NoMode) {\n didWarnAboutLegacyContext$1.add(ctor);\n\n error('%s uses the legacy contextTypes API which is no longer supported ' + 'and will be removed in the next major release. Use ' + 'React.createContext() with static contextType instead.\\n\\n' + 'Learn more about this warning here:', name);\n }\n\n if (instance.contextTypes) {\n error('contextTypes was defined as an instance property on %s. Use a static ' + 'property to define contextTypes instead.', name);\n }\n\n if (ctor.contextType && ctor.contextTypes && !didWarnAboutContextTypeAndContextTypes.has(ctor)) {\n didWarnAboutContextTypeAndContextTypes.add(ctor);\n\n error('%s declares both contextTypes and contextType static properties. ' + 'The legacy contextTypes property will be ignored.', name);\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentShouldUpdate === 'function') {\n error('%s has a method called ' + 'componentShouldUpdate(). Did you mean shouldComponentUpdate()? ' + 'The name is phrased as a question because the function is ' + 'expected to return a value.', name);\n }\n\n if (ctor.prototype && ctor.prototype.isPureReactComponent && typeof instance.shouldComponentUpdate !== 'undefined') {\n error('%s has a method called shouldComponentUpdate(). ' + 'shouldComponentUpdate should not be used when extending React.PureComponent. ' + 'Please extend React.Component if shouldComponentUpdate is used.', getComponentNameFromType(ctor) || 'A pure component');\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentDidUnmount === 'function') {\n error('%s has a method called ' + 'componentDidUnmount(). But there is no such lifecycle method. ' + 'Did you mean componentWillUnmount()?', name);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentDidReceiveProps === 'function') {\n error('%s has a method called ' + 'componentDidReceiveProps(). But there is no such lifecycle method. ' + 'If you meant to update the state in response to changing props, ' + 'use componentWillReceiveProps(). If you meant to fetch data or ' + 'run side-effects or mutations after React has updated the UI, use componentDidUpdate().', name);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillRecieveProps === 'function') {\n error('%s has a method called ' + 'componentWillRecieveProps(). Did you mean componentWillReceiveProps()?', name);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillRecieveProps === 'function') {\n error('%s has a method called ' + 'UNSAFE_componentWillRecieveProps(). Did you mean UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps()?', name);\n }\n\n var hasMutatedProps = instance.props !== newProps;\n\n if (instance.props !== undefined && hasMutatedProps) {\n error('%s(...): When calling super() in `%s`, make sure to pass ' + \"up the same props that your component's constructor was passed.\", name, name);\n }\n\n if (instance.defaultProps) {\n error('Setting defaultProps as an instance property on %s is not supported and will be ignored.' + ' Instead, define defaultProps as a static property on %s.', name, name);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function' && typeof instance.componentDidUpdate !== 'function' && !didWarnAboutGetSnapshotBeforeUpdateWithoutDidUpdate.has(ctor)) {\n didWarnAboutGetSnapshotBeforeUpdateWithoutDidUpdate.add(ctor);\n\n error('%s: getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() should be used with componentDidUpdate(). ' + 'This component defines getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() only.', getComponentNameFromType(ctor));\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function') {\n error('%s: getDerivedStateFromProps() is defined as an instance method ' + 'and will be ignored. Instead, declare it as a static method.', name);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.getDerivedStateFromError === 'function') {\n error('%s: getDerivedStateFromError() is defined as an instance method ' + 'and will be ignored. Instead, declare it as a static method.', name);\n }\n\n if (typeof ctor.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function') {\n error('%s: getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() is defined as a static method ' + 'and will be ignored. Instead, declare it as an instance method.', name);\n }\n\n var _state = instance.state;\n\n if (_state && (typeof _state !== 'object' || isArray(_state))) {\n error('%s.state: must be set to an object or null', name);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.getChildContext === 'function' && typeof ctor.childContextTypes !== 'object') {\n error('%s.getChildContext(): childContextTypes must be defined in order to ' + 'use getChildContext().', name);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction adoptClassInstance(workInProgress, instance) {\n instance.updater = classComponentUpdater;\n workInProgress.stateNode = instance; // The instance needs access to the fiber so that it can schedule updates\n\n set(instance, workInProgress);\n\n {\n instance._reactInternalInstance = fakeInternalInstance;\n }\n}\n\nfunction constructClassInstance(workInProgress, ctor, props) {\n var isLegacyContextConsumer = false;\n var unmaskedContext = emptyContextObject;\n var context = emptyContextObject;\n var contextType = ctor.contextType;\n\n {\n if ('contextType' in ctor) {\n var isValid = // Allow null for conditional declaration\n contextType === null || contextType !== undefined && contextType.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE && contextType._context === undefined; // Not a <Context.Consumer>\n\n if (!isValid && !didWarnAboutInvalidateContextType.has(ctor)) {\n didWarnAboutInvalidateContextType.add(ctor);\n var addendum = '';\n\n if (contextType === undefined) {\n addendum = ' However, it is set to undefined. ' + 'This can be caused by a typo or by mixing up named and default imports. ' + 'This can also happen due to a circular dependency, so ' + 'try moving the createContext() call to a separate file.';\n } else if (typeof contextType !== 'object') {\n addendum = ' However, it is set to a ' + typeof contextType + '.';\n } else if (contextType.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE) {\n addendum = ' Did you accidentally pass the Context.Provider instead?';\n } else if (contextType._context !== undefined) {\n // <Context.Consumer>\n addendum = ' Did you accidentally pass the Context.Consumer instead?';\n } else {\n addendum = ' However, it is set to an object with keys {' + Object.keys(contextType).join(', ') + '}.';\n }\n\n error('%s defines an invalid contextType. ' + 'contextType should point to the Context object returned by React.createContext().%s', getComponentNameFromType(ctor) || 'Component', addendum);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof contextType === 'object' && contextType !== null) {\n context = readContext(contextType);\n } else {\n unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, ctor, true);\n var contextTypes = ctor.contextTypes;\n isLegacyContextConsumer = contextTypes !== null && contextTypes !== undefined;\n context = isLegacyContextConsumer ? getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext) : emptyContextObject;\n }\n\n var instance = new ctor(props, context); // Instantiate twice to help detect side-effects.\n\n {\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n instance = new ctor(props, context); // eslint-disable-line no-new\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var state = workInProgress.memoizedState = instance.state !== null && instance.state !== undefined ? instance.state : null;\n adoptClassInstance(workInProgress, instance);\n\n {\n if (typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function' && state === null) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ctor) || 'Component';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutUninitializedState.has(componentName)) {\n didWarnAboutUninitializedState.add(componentName);\n\n error('`%s` uses `getDerivedStateFromProps` but its initial state is ' + '%s. This is not recommended. Instead, define the initial state by ' + 'assigning an object to `this.state` in the constructor of `%s`. ' + 'This ensures that `getDerivedStateFromProps` arguments have a consistent shape.', componentName, instance.state === null ? 'null' : 'undefined', componentName);\n }\n } // If new component APIs are defined, \"unsafe\" lifecycles won't be called.\n // Warn about these lifecycles if they are present.\n // Don't warn about react-lifecycles-compat polyfilled methods though.\n\n\n if (typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function' || typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function') {\n var foundWillMountName = null;\n var foundWillReceivePropsName = null;\n var foundWillUpdateName = null;\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillMount === 'function' && instance.componentWillMount.__suppressDeprecationWarning !== true) {\n foundWillMountName = 'componentWillMount';\n } else if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === 'function') {\n foundWillMountName = 'UNSAFE_componentWillMount';\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps === 'function' && instance.componentWillReceiveProps.__suppressDeprecationWarning !== true) {\n foundWillReceivePropsName = 'componentWillReceiveProps';\n } else if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps === 'function') {\n foundWillReceivePropsName = 'UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps';\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillUpdate === 'function' && instance.componentWillUpdate.__suppressDeprecationWarning !== true) {\n foundWillUpdateName = 'componentWillUpdate';\n } else if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate === 'function') {\n foundWillUpdateName = 'UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate';\n }\n\n if (foundWillMountName !== null || foundWillReceivePropsName !== null || foundWillUpdateName !== null) {\n var _componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ctor) || 'Component';\n\n var newApiName = typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function' ? 'getDerivedStateFromProps()' : 'getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutLegacyLifecyclesAndDerivedState.has(_componentName)) {\n didWarnAboutLegacyLifecyclesAndDerivedState.add(_componentName);\n\n error('Unsafe legacy lifecycles will not be called for components using new component APIs.\\n\\n' + '%s uses %s but also contains the following legacy lifecycles:%s%s%s\\n\\n' + 'The above lifecycles should be removed. Learn more about this warning here:\\n' + '', _componentName, newApiName, foundWillMountName !== null ? \"\\n \" + foundWillMountName : '', foundWillReceivePropsName !== null ? \"\\n \" + foundWillReceivePropsName : '', foundWillUpdateName !== null ? \"\\n \" + foundWillUpdateName : '');\n }\n }\n }\n } // Cache unmasked context so we can avoid recreating masked context unless necessary.\n // ReactFiberContext usually updates this cache but can't for newly-created instances.\n\n\n if (isLegacyContextConsumer) {\n cacheContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext, context);\n }\n\n return instance;\n}\n\nfunction callComponentWillMount(workInProgress, instance) {\n var oldState = instance.state;\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillMount === 'function') {\n instance.componentWillMount();\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === 'function') {\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount();\n }\n\n if (oldState !== instance.state) {\n {\n error('%s.componentWillMount(): Assigning directly to this.state is ' + \"deprecated (except inside a component's \" + 'constructor). Use setState instead.', getComponentNameFromFiber(workInProgress) || 'Component');\n }\n\n classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null);\n }\n}\n\nfunction callComponentWillReceiveProps(workInProgress, instance, newProps, nextContext) {\n var oldState = instance.state;\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps === 'function') {\n instance.componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps === 'function') {\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);\n }\n\n if (instance.state !== oldState) {\n {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(workInProgress) || 'Component';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutStateAssignmentForComponent.has(componentName)) {\n didWarnAboutStateAssignmentForComponent.add(componentName);\n\n error('%s.componentWillReceiveProps(): Assigning directly to ' + \"this.state is deprecated (except inside a component's \" + 'constructor). Use setState instead.', componentName);\n }\n }\n\n classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null);\n }\n} // Invokes the mount life-cycles on a previously never rendered instance.\n\n\nfunction mountClassInstance(workInProgress, ctor, newProps, renderLanes) {\n {\n checkClassInstance(workInProgress, ctor, newProps);\n }\n\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n instance.props = newProps;\n instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n instance.refs = {};\n initializeUpdateQueue(workInProgress);\n var contextType = ctor.contextType;\n\n if (typeof contextType === 'object' && contextType !== null) {\n instance.context = readContext(contextType);\n } else {\n var unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, ctor, true);\n instance.context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext);\n }\n\n {\n if (instance.state === newProps) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ctor) || 'Component';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutDirectlyAssigningPropsToState.has(componentName)) {\n didWarnAboutDirectlyAssigningPropsToState.add(componentName);\n\n error('%s: It is not recommended to assign props directly to state ' + \"because updates to props won't be reflected in state. \" + 'In most cases, it is better to use props directly.', componentName);\n }\n }\n\n if (workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.recordLegacyContextWarning(workInProgress, instance);\n }\n\n {\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.recordUnsafeLifecycleWarnings(workInProgress, instance);\n }\n }\n\n instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n var getDerivedStateFromProps = ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps;\n\n if (typeof getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function') {\n applyDerivedStateFromProps(workInProgress, ctor, getDerivedStateFromProps, newProps);\n instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n } // In order to support react-lifecycles-compat polyfilled components,\n // Unsafe lifecycles should not be invoked for components using the new APIs.\n\n\n if (typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps !== 'function' && typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate !== 'function' && (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === 'function' || typeof instance.componentWillMount === 'function')) {\n callComponentWillMount(workInProgress, instance); // If we had additional state updates during this life-cycle, let's\n // process them now.\n\n processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, newProps, instance, renderLanes);\n instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentDidMount === 'function') {\n var fiberFlags = Update;\n\n {\n fiberFlags |= LayoutStatic;\n }\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n fiberFlags |= MountLayoutDev;\n }\n\n workInProgress.flags |= fiberFlags;\n }\n}\n\nfunction resumeMountClassInstance(workInProgress, ctor, newProps, renderLanes) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n var oldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;\n instance.props = oldProps;\n var oldContext = instance.context;\n var contextType = ctor.contextType;\n var nextContext = emptyContextObject;\n\n if (typeof contextType === 'object' && contextType !== null) {\n nextContext = readContext(contextType);\n } else {\n var nextLegacyUnmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, ctor, true);\n nextContext = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, nextLegacyUnmaskedContext);\n }\n\n var getDerivedStateFromProps = ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps;\n var hasNewLifecycles = typeof getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function' || typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function'; // Note: During these life-cycles, instance.props/instance.state are what\n // ever the previously attempted to render - not the \"current\". However,\n // during componentDidUpdate we pass the \"current\" props.\n // In order to support react-lifecycles-compat polyfilled components,\n // Unsafe lifecycles should not be invoked for components using the new APIs.\n\n if (!hasNewLifecycles && (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps === 'function' || typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps === 'function')) {\n if (oldProps !== newProps || oldContext !== nextContext) {\n callComponentWillReceiveProps(workInProgress, instance, newProps, nextContext);\n }\n }\n\n resetHasForceUpdateBeforeProcessing();\n var oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n var newState = instance.state = oldState;\n processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, newProps, instance, renderLanes);\n newState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (oldProps === newProps && oldState === newState && !hasContextChanged() && !checkHasForceUpdateAfterProcessing()) {\n // If an update was already in progress, we should schedule an Update\n // effect even though we're bailing out, so that cWU/cDU are called.\n if (typeof instance.componentDidMount === 'function') {\n var fiberFlags = Update;\n\n {\n fiberFlags |= LayoutStatic;\n }\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n fiberFlags |= MountLayoutDev;\n }\n\n workInProgress.flags |= fiberFlags;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n if (typeof getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function') {\n applyDerivedStateFromProps(workInProgress, ctor, getDerivedStateFromProps, newProps);\n newState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n }\n\n var shouldUpdate = checkHasForceUpdateAfterProcessing() || checkShouldComponentUpdate(workInProgress, ctor, oldProps, newProps, oldState, newState, nextContext);\n\n if (shouldUpdate) {\n // In order to support react-lifecycles-compat polyfilled components,\n // Unsafe lifecycles should not be invoked for components using the new APIs.\n if (!hasNewLifecycles && (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === 'function' || typeof instance.componentWillMount === 'function')) {\n if (typeof instance.componentWillMount === 'function') {\n instance.componentWillMount();\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === 'function') {\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount();\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentDidMount === 'function') {\n var _fiberFlags = Update;\n\n {\n _fiberFlags |= LayoutStatic;\n }\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n _fiberFlags |= MountLayoutDev;\n }\n\n workInProgress.flags |= _fiberFlags;\n }\n } else {\n // If an update was already in progress, we should schedule an Update\n // effect even though we're bailing out, so that cWU/cDU are called.\n if (typeof instance.componentDidMount === 'function') {\n var _fiberFlags2 = Update;\n\n {\n _fiberFlags2 |= LayoutStatic;\n }\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & StrictEffectsMode) !== NoMode) {\n _fiberFlags2 |= MountLayoutDev;\n }\n\n workInProgress.flags |= _fiberFlags2;\n } // If shouldComponentUpdate returned false, we should still update the\n // memoized state to indicate that this work can be reused.\n\n\n workInProgress.memoizedProps = newProps;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = newState;\n } // Update the existing instance's state, props, and context pointers even\n // if shouldComponentUpdate returns false.\n\n\n instance.props = newProps;\n instance.state = newState;\n instance.context = nextContext;\n return shouldUpdate;\n} // Invokes the update life-cycles and returns false if it shouldn't rerender.\n\n\nfunction updateClassInstance(current, workInProgress, ctor, newProps, renderLanes) {\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress);\n var unresolvedOldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;\n var oldProps = workInProgress.type === workInProgress.elementType ? unresolvedOldProps : resolveDefaultProps(workInProgress.type, unresolvedOldProps);\n instance.props = oldProps;\n var unresolvedNewProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var oldContext = instance.context;\n var contextType = ctor.contextType;\n var nextContext = emptyContextObject;\n\n if (typeof contextType === 'object' && contextType !== null) {\n nextContext = readContext(contextType);\n } else {\n var nextUnmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, ctor, true);\n nextContext = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, nextUnmaskedContext);\n }\n\n var getDerivedStateFromProps = ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps;\n var hasNewLifecycles = typeof getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function' || typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function'; // Note: During these life-cycles, instance.props/instance.state are what\n // ever the previously attempted to render - not the \"current\". However,\n // during componentDidUpdate we pass the \"current\" props.\n // In order to support react-lifecycles-compat polyfilled components,\n // Unsafe lifecycles should not be invoked for components using the new APIs.\n\n if (!hasNewLifecycles && (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps === 'function' || typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps === 'function')) {\n if (unresolvedOldProps !== unresolvedNewProps || oldContext !== nextContext) {\n callComponentWillReceiveProps(workInProgress, instance, newProps, nextContext);\n }\n }\n\n resetHasForceUpdateBeforeProcessing();\n var oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n var newState = instance.state = oldState;\n processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, newProps, instance, renderLanes);\n newState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (unresolvedOldProps === unresolvedNewProps && oldState === newState && !hasContextChanged() && !checkHasForceUpdateAfterProcessing() && !(enableLazyContextPropagation )) {\n // If an update was already in progress, we should schedule an Update\n // effect even though we're bailing out, so that cWU/cDU are called.\n if (typeof instance.componentDidUpdate === 'function') {\n if (unresolvedOldProps !== current.memoizedProps || oldState !== current.memoizedState) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function') {\n if (unresolvedOldProps !== current.memoizedProps || oldState !== current.memoizedState) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Snapshot;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n if (typeof getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function') {\n applyDerivedStateFromProps(workInProgress, ctor, getDerivedStateFromProps, newProps);\n newState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n }\n\n var shouldUpdate = checkHasForceUpdateAfterProcessing() || checkShouldComponentUpdate(workInProgress, ctor, oldProps, newProps, oldState, newState, nextContext) || // TODO: In some cases, we'll end up checking if context has changed twice,\n // both before and after `shouldComponentUpdate` has been called. Not ideal,\n // but I'm loath to refactor this function. This only happens for memoized\n // components so it's not that common.\n enableLazyContextPropagation ;\n\n if (shouldUpdate) {\n // In order to support react-lifecycles-compat polyfilled components,\n // Unsafe lifecycles should not be invoked for components using the new APIs.\n if (!hasNewLifecycles && (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate === 'function' || typeof instance.componentWillUpdate === 'function')) {\n if (typeof instance.componentWillUpdate === 'function') {\n instance.componentWillUpdate(newProps, newState, nextContext);\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate === 'function') {\n instance.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(newProps, newState, nextContext);\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.componentDidUpdate === 'function') {\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function') {\n workInProgress.flags |= Snapshot;\n }\n } else {\n // If an update was already in progress, we should schedule an Update\n // effect even though we're bailing out, so that cWU/cDU are called.\n if (typeof instance.componentDidUpdate === 'function') {\n if (unresolvedOldProps !== current.memoizedProps || oldState !== current.memoizedState) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate === 'function') {\n if (unresolvedOldProps !== current.memoizedProps || oldState !== current.memoizedState) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Snapshot;\n }\n } // If shouldComponentUpdate returned false, we should still update the\n // memoized props/state to indicate that this work can be reused.\n\n\n workInProgress.memoizedProps = newProps;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = newState;\n } // Update the existing instance's state, props, and context pointers even\n // if shouldComponentUpdate returns false.\n\n\n instance.props = newProps;\n instance.state = newState;\n instance.context = nextContext;\n return shouldUpdate;\n}\n\nfunction createCapturedValueAtFiber(value, source) {\n // If the value is an error, call this function immediately after it is thrown\n // so the stack is accurate.\n return {\n value: value,\n source: source,\n stack: getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(source),\n digest: null\n };\n}\nfunction createCapturedValue(value, digest, stack) {\n return {\n value: value,\n source: null,\n stack: stack != null ? stack : null,\n digest: digest != null ? digest : null\n };\n}\n\n// This module is forked in different environments.\n// By default, return `true` to log errors to the console.\n// Forks can return `false` if this isn't desirable.\nfunction showErrorDialog(boundary, errorInfo) {\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction logCapturedError(boundary, errorInfo) {\n try {\n var logError = showErrorDialog(boundary, errorInfo); // Allow injected showErrorDialog() to prevent default console.error logging.\n // This enables renderers like ReactNative to better manage redbox behavior.\n\n if (logError === false) {\n return;\n }\n\n var error = errorInfo.value;\n\n if (true) {\n var source = errorInfo.source;\n var stack = errorInfo.stack;\n var componentStack = stack !== null ? stack : ''; // Browsers support silencing uncaught errors by calling\n // `preventDefault()` in window `error` handler.\n // We record this information as an expando on the error.\n\n if (error != null && error._suppressLogging) {\n if (boundary.tag === ClassComponent) {\n // The error is recoverable and was silenced.\n // Ignore it and don't print the stack addendum.\n // This is handy for testing error boundaries without noise.\n return;\n } // The error is fatal. Since the silencing might have\n // been accidental, we'll surface it anyway.\n // However, the browser would have silenced the original error\n // so we'll print it first, and then print the stack addendum.\n\n\n console['error'](error); // Don't transform to our wrapper\n // For a more detailed description of this block, see:\n //\n }\n\n var componentName = source ? getComponentNameFromFiber(source) : null;\n var componentNameMessage = componentName ? \"The above error occurred in the <\" + componentName + \"> component:\" : 'The above error occurred in one of your React components:';\n var errorBoundaryMessage;\n\n if (boundary.tag === HostRoot) {\n errorBoundaryMessage = 'Consider adding an error boundary to your tree to customize error handling behavior.\\n' + 'Visit to learn more about error boundaries.';\n } else {\n var errorBoundaryName = getComponentNameFromFiber(boundary) || 'Anonymous';\n errorBoundaryMessage = \"React will try to recreate this component tree from scratch \" + (\"using the error boundary you provided, \" + errorBoundaryName + \".\");\n }\n\n var combinedMessage = componentNameMessage + \"\\n\" + componentStack + \"\\n\\n\" + (\"\" + errorBoundaryMessage); // In development, we provide our own message with just the component stack.\n // We don't include the original error message and JS stack because the browser\n // has already printed it. Even if the application swallows the error, it is still\n // displayed by the browser thanks to the DEV-only fake event trick in ReactErrorUtils.\n\n console['error'](combinedMessage); // Don't transform to our wrapper\n } else {}\n } catch (e) {\n // This method must not throw, or React internal state will get messed up.\n // If console.error is overridden, or logCapturedError() shows a dialog that throws,\n // we want to report this error outside of the normal stack as a last resort.\n //\n setTimeout(function () {\n throw e;\n });\n }\n}\n\nvar PossiblyWeakMap$1 = typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : Map;\n\nfunction createRootErrorUpdate(fiber, errorInfo, lane) {\n var update = createUpdate(NoTimestamp, lane); // Unmount the root by rendering null.\n\n update.tag = CaptureUpdate; // Caution: React DevTools currently depends on this property\n // being called \"element\".\n\n update.payload = {\n element: null\n };\n var error = errorInfo.value;\n\n update.callback = function () {\n onUncaughtError(error);\n logCapturedError(fiber, errorInfo);\n };\n\n return update;\n}\n\nfunction createClassErrorUpdate(fiber, errorInfo, lane) {\n var update = createUpdate(NoTimestamp, lane);\n update.tag = CaptureUpdate;\n var getDerivedStateFromError = fiber.type.getDerivedStateFromError;\n\n if (typeof getDerivedStateFromError === 'function') {\n var error$1 = errorInfo.value;\n\n update.payload = function () {\n return getDerivedStateFromError(error$1);\n };\n\n update.callback = function () {\n {\n markFailedErrorBoundaryForHotReloading(fiber);\n }\n\n logCapturedError(fiber, errorInfo);\n };\n }\n\n var inst = fiber.stateNode;\n\n if (inst !== null && typeof inst.componentDidCatch === 'function') {\n update.callback = function callback() {\n {\n markFailedErrorBoundaryForHotReloading(fiber);\n }\n\n logCapturedError(fiber, errorInfo);\n\n if (typeof getDerivedStateFromError !== 'function') {\n // To preserve the preexisting retry behavior of error boundaries,\n // we keep track of which ones already failed during this batch.\n // This gets reset before we yield back to the browser.\n // TODO: Warn in strict mode if getDerivedStateFromError is\n // not defined.\n markLegacyErrorBoundaryAsFailed(this);\n }\n\n var error$1 = errorInfo.value;\n var stack = errorInfo.stack;\n this.componentDidCatch(error$1, {\n componentStack: stack !== null ? stack : ''\n });\n\n {\n if (typeof getDerivedStateFromError !== 'function') {\n // If componentDidCatch is the only error boundary method defined,\n // then it needs to call setState to recover from errors.\n // If no state update is scheduled then the boundary will swallow the error.\n if (!includesSomeLane(fiber.lanes, SyncLane)) {\n error('%s: Error boundaries should implement getDerivedStateFromError(). ' + 'In that method, return a state update to display an error message or fallback UI.', getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Unknown');\n }\n }\n }\n };\n }\n\n return update;\n}\n\nfunction attachPingListener(root, wakeable, lanes) {\n // Attach a ping listener\n //\n // The data might resolve before we have a chance to commit the fallback. Or,\n // in the case of a refresh, we'll never commit a fallback. So we need to\n // attach a listener now. When it resolves (\"pings\"), we can decide whether to\n // try rendering the tree again.\n //\n // Only attach a listener if one does not already exist for the lanes\n // we're currently rendering (which acts like a \"thread ID\" here).\n //\n // We only need to do this in concurrent mode. Legacy Suspense always\n // commits fallbacks synchronously, so there are no pings.\n var pingCache = root.pingCache;\n var threadIDs;\n\n if (pingCache === null) {\n pingCache = root.pingCache = new PossiblyWeakMap$1();\n threadIDs = new Set();\n pingCache.set(wakeable, threadIDs);\n } else {\n threadIDs = pingCache.get(wakeable);\n\n if (threadIDs === undefined) {\n threadIDs = new Set();\n pingCache.set(wakeable, threadIDs);\n }\n }\n\n if (!threadIDs.has(lanes)) {\n // Memoize using the thread ID to prevent redundant listeners.\n threadIDs.add(lanes);\n var ping = pingSuspendedRoot.bind(null, root, wakeable, lanes);\n\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n // If we have pending work still, restore the original updaters\n restorePendingUpdaters(root, lanes);\n }\n }\n\n wakeable.then(ping, ping);\n }\n}\n\nfunction attachRetryListener(suspenseBoundary, root, wakeable, lanes) {\n // Retry listener\n //\n // If the fallback does commit, we need to attach a different type of\n // listener. This one schedules an update on the Suspense boundary to turn\n // the fallback state off.\n //\n // Stash the wakeable on the boundary fiber so we can access it in the\n // commit phase.\n //\n // When the wakeable resolves, we'll attempt to render the boundary\n // again (\"retry\").\n var wakeables = suspenseBoundary.updateQueue;\n\n if (wakeables === null) {\n var updateQueue = new Set();\n updateQueue.add(wakeable);\n suspenseBoundary.updateQueue = updateQueue;\n } else {\n wakeables.add(wakeable);\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetSuspendedComponent(sourceFiber, rootRenderLanes) {\n // A legacy mode Suspense quirk, only relevant to hook components.\n\n\n var tag = sourceFiber.tag;\n\n if ((sourceFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode && (tag === FunctionComponent || tag === ForwardRef || tag === SimpleMemoComponent)) {\n var currentSource = sourceFiber.alternate;\n\n if (currentSource) {\n sourceFiber.updateQueue = currentSource.updateQueue;\n sourceFiber.memoizedState = currentSource.memoizedState;\n sourceFiber.lanes = currentSource.lanes;\n } else {\n sourceFiber.updateQueue = null;\n sourceFiber.memoizedState = null;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction getNearestSuspenseBoundaryToCapture(returnFiber) {\n var node = returnFiber;\n\n do {\n if (node.tag === SuspenseComponent && shouldCaptureSuspense(node)) {\n return node;\n } // This boundary already captured during this render. Continue to the next\n // boundary.\n\n\n node = node.return;\n } while (node !== null);\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction markSuspenseBoundaryShouldCapture(suspenseBoundary, returnFiber, sourceFiber, root, rootRenderLanes) {\n // This marks a Suspense boundary so that when we're unwinding the stack,\n // it captures the suspended \"exception\" and does a second (fallback) pass.\n if ((suspenseBoundary.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n // Legacy Mode Suspense\n //\n // If the boundary is in legacy mode, we should *not*\n // suspend the commit. Pretend as if the suspended component rendered\n // null and keep rendering. When the Suspense boundary completes,\n // we'll do a second pass to render the fallback.\n if (suspenseBoundary === returnFiber) {\n // Special case where we suspended while reconciling the children of\n // a Suspense boundary's inner Offscreen wrapper fiber. This happens\n // when a React.lazy component is a direct child of a\n // Suspense boundary.\n //\n // Suspense boundaries are implemented as multiple fibers, but they\n // are a single conceptual unit. The legacy mode behavior where we\n // pretend the suspended fiber committed as `null` won't work,\n // because in this case the \"suspended\" fiber is the inner\n // Offscreen wrapper.\n //\n // Because the contents of the boundary haven't started rendering\n // yet (i.e. nothing in the tree has partially rendered) we can\n // switch to the regular, concurrent mode behavior: mark the\n // boundary with ShouldCapture and enter the unwind phase.\n suspenseBoundary.flags |= ShouldCapture;\n } else {\n suspenseBoundary.flags |= DidCapture;\n sourceFiber.flags |= ForceUpdateForLegacySuspense; // We're going to commit this fiber even though it didn't complete.\n // But we shouldn't call any lifecycle methods or callbacks. Remove\n // all lifecycle effect tags.\n\n sourceFiber.flags &= ~(LifecycleEffectMask | Incomplete);\n\n if (sourceFiber.tag === ClassComponent) {\n var currentSourceFiber = sourceFiber.alternate;\n\n if (currentSourceFiber === null) {\n // This is a new mount. Change the tag so it's not mistaken for a\n // completed class component. For example, we should not call\n // componentWillUnmount if it is deleted.\n sourceFiber.tag = IncompleteClassComponent;\n } else {\n // When we try rendering again, we should not reuse the current fiber,\n // since it's known to be in an inconsistent state. Use a force update to\n // prevent a bail out.\n var update = createUpdate(NoTimestamp, SyncLane);\n update.tag = ForceUpdate;\n enqueueUpdate(sourceFiber, update, SyncLane);\n }\n } // The source fiber did not complete. Mark it with Sync priority to\n // indicate that it still has pending work.\n\n\n sourceFiber.lanes = mergeLanes(sourceFiber.lanes, SyncLane);\n }\n\n return suspenseBoundary;\n } // Confirmed that the boundary is in a concurrent mode tree. Continue\n // with the normal suspend path.\n //\n // After this we'll use a set of heuristics to determine whether this\n // render pass will run to completion or restart or \"suspend\" the commit.\n // The actual logic for this is spread out in different places.\n //\n // This first principle is that if we're going to suspend when we complete\n // a root, then we should also restart if we get an update or ping that\n // might unsuspend it, and vice versa. The only reason to suspend is\n // because you think you might want to restart before committing. However,\n // it doesn't make sense to restart only while in the period we're suspended.\n //\n // Restarting too aggressively is also not good because it starves out any\n // intermediate loading state. So we use heuristics to determine when.\n // Suspense Heuristics\n //\n // If nothing threw a Promise or all the same fallbacks are already showing,\n // then don't suspend/restart.\n //\n // If this is an initial render of a new tree of Suspense boundaries and\n // those trigger a fallback, then don't suspend/restart. We want to ensure\n // that we can show the initial loading state as quickly as possible.\n //\n // If we hit a \"Delayed\" case, such as when we'd switch from content back into\n // a fallback, then we should always suspend/restart. Transitions apply\n // to this case. If none is defined, JND is used instead.\n //\n // If we're already showing a fallback and it gets \"retried\", allowing us to show\n // another level, but there's still an inner boundary that would show a fallback,\n // then we suspend/restart for 500ms since the last time we showed a fallback\n // anywhere in the tree. This effectively throttles progressive loading into a\n // consistent train of commits. This also gives us an opportunity to restart to\n // get to the completed state slightly earlier.\n //\n // If there's ambiguity due to batching it's resolved in preference of:\n // 1) \"delayed\", 2) \"initial render\", 3) \"retry\".\n //\n // We want to ensure that a \"busy\" state doesn't get force committed. We want to\n // ensure that new initial loading states can commit as soon as possible.\n\n\n suspenseBoundary.flags |= ShouldCapture; // TODO: I think we can remove this, since we now use `DidCapture` in\n // the begin phase to prevent an early bailout.\n\n suspenseBoundary.lanes = rootRenderLanes;\n return suspenseBoundary;\n}\n\nfunction throwException(root, returnFiber, sourceFiber, value, rootRenderLanes) {\n // The source fiber did not complete.\n sourceFiber.flags |= Incomplete;\n\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n // If we have pending work still, restore the original updaters\n restorePendingUpdaters(root, rootRenderLanes);\n }\n }\n\n if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.then === 'function') {\n // This is a wakeable. The component suspended.\n var wakeable = value;\n resetSuspendedComponent(sourceFiber);\n\n {\n if (getIsHydrating() && sourceFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) {\n markDidThrowWhileHydratingDEV();\n }\n }\n\n\n var suspenseBoundary = getNearestSuspenseBoundaryToCapture(returnFiber);\n\n if (suspenseBoundary !== null) {\n suspenseBoundary.flags &= ~ForceClientRender;\n markSuspenseBoundaryShouldCapture(suspenseBoundary, returnFiber, sourceFiber, root, rootRenderLanes); // We only attach ping listeners in concurrent mode. Legacy Suspense always\n // commits fallbacks synchronously, so there are no pings.\n\n if (suspenseBoundary.mode & ConcurrentMode) {\n attachPingListener(root, wakeable, rootRenderLanes);\n }\n\n attachRetryListener(suspenseBoundary, root, wakeable);\n return;\n } else {\n // No boundary was found. Unless this is a sync update, this is OK.\n // We can suspend and wait for more data to arrive.\n if (!includesSyncLane(rootRenderLanes)) {\n // This is not a sync update. Suspend. Since we're not activating a\n // Suspense boundary, this will unwind all the way to the root without\n // performing a second pass to render a fallback. (This is arguably how\n // refresh transitions should work, too, since we're not going to commit\n // the fallbacks anyway.)\n //\n // This case also applies to initial hydration.\n attachPingListener(root, wakeable, rootRenderLanes);\n renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible();\n return;\n } // This is a sync/discrete update. We treat this case like an error\n // because discrete renders are expected to produce a complete tree\n // synchronously to maintain consistency with external state.\n\n\n var uncaughtSuspenseError = new Error('A component suspended while responding to synchronous input. This ' + 'will cause the UI to be replaced with a loading indicator. To ' + 'fix, updates that suspend should be wrapped ' + 'with startTransition.'); // If we're outside a transition, fall through to the regular error path.\n // The error will be caught by the nearest suspense boundary.\n\n value = uncaughtSuspenseError;\n }\n } else {\n // This is a regular error, not a Suspense wakeable.\n if (getIsHydrating() && sourceFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) {\n markDidThrowWhileHydratingDEV();\n\n var _suspenseBoundary = getNearestSuspenseBoundaryToCapture(returnFiber); // If the error was thrown during hydration, we may be able to recover by\n // discarding the dehydrated content and switching to a client render.\n // Instead of surfacing the error, find the nearest Suspense boundary\n // and render it again without hydration.\n\n\n if (_suspenseBoundary !== null) {\n if ((_suspenseBoundary.flags & ShouldCapture) === NoFlags) {\n // Set a flag to indicate that we should try rendering the normal\n // children again, not the fallback.\n _suspenseBoundary.flags |= ForceClientRender;\n }\n\n markSuspenseBoundaryShouldCapture(_suspenseBoundary, returnFiber, sourceFiber, root, rootRenderLanes); // Even though the user may not be affected by this error, we should\n // still log it so it can be fixed.\n\n queueHydrationError(createCapturedValueAtFiber(value, sourceFiber));\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n value = createCapturedValueAtFiber(value, sourceFiber);\n renderDidError(value); // We didn't find a boundary that could handle this type of exception. Start\n // over and traverse parent path again, this time treating the exception\n // as an error.\n\n var workInProgress = returnFiber;\n\n do {\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n {\n var _errorInfo = value;\n workInProgress.flags |= ShouldCapture;\n var lane = pickArbitraryLane(rootRenderLanes);\n workInProgress.lanes = mergeLanes(workInProgress.lanes, lane);\n var update = createRootErrorUpdate(workInProgress, _errorInfo, lane);\n enqueueCapturedUpdate(workInProgress, update);\n return;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n // Capture and retry\n var errorInfo = value;\n var ctor = workInProgress.type;\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n if ((workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags && (typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromError === 'function' || instance !== null && typeof instance.componentDidCatch === 'function' && !isAlreadyFailedLegacyErrorBoundary(instance))) {\n workInProgress.flags |= ShouldCapture;\n\n var _lane = pickArbitraryLane(rootRenderLanes);\n\n workInProgress.lanes = mergeLanes(workInProgress.lanes, _lane); // Schedule the error boundary to re-render using updated state\n\n var _update = createClassErrorUpdate(workInProgress, errorInfo, _lane);\n\n enqueueCapturedUpdate(workInProgress, _update);\n return;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n workInProgress = workInProgress.return;\n } while (workInProgress !== null);\n}\n\nfunction getSuspendedCache() {\n {\n return null;\n } // This function is called when a Suspense boundary suspends. It returns the\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner;\nvar didReceiveUpdate = false;\nvar didWarnAboutBadClass;\nvar didWarnAboutModulePatternComponent;\nvar didWarnAboutContextTypeOnFunctionComponent;\nvar didWarnAboutGetDerivedStateOnFunctionComponent;\nvar didWarnAboutFunctionRefs;\nvar didWarnAboutReassigningProps;\nvar didWarnAboutRevealOrder;\nvar didWarnAboutTailOptions;\nvar didWarnAboutDefaultPropsOnFunctionComponent;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutBadClass = {};\n didWarnAboutModulePatternComponent = {};\n didWarnAboutContextTypeOnFunctionComponent = {};\n didWarnAboutGetDerivedStateOnFunctionComponent = {};\n didWarnAboutFunctionRefs = {};\n didWarnAboutReassigningProps = false;\n didWarnAboutRevealOrder = {};\n didWarnAboutTailOptions = {};\n didWarnAboutDefaultPropsOnFunctionComponent = {};\n}\n\nfunction reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes) {\n if (current === null) {\n // If this is a fresh new component that hasn't been rendered yet, we\n // won't update its child set by applying minimal side-effects. Instead,\n // we will add them all to the child before it gets rendered. That means\n // we can optimize this reconciliation pass by not tracking side-effects.\n workInProgress.child = mountChildFibers(workInProgress, null, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n } else {\n // If the current child is the same as the work in progress, it means that\n // we haven't yet started any work on these children. Therefore, we use\n // the clone algorithm to create a copy of all the current children.\n // If we had any progressed work already, that is invalid at this point so\n // let's throw it out.\n workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, current.child, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n }\n}\n\nfunction forceUnmountCurrentAndReconcile(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes) {\n // This function is fork of reconcileChildren. It's used in cases where we\n // want to reconcile without matching against the existing set. This has the\n // effect of all current children being unmounted; even if the type and key\n // are the same, the old child is unmounted and a new child is created.\n //\n // To do this, we're going to go through the reconcile algorithm twice. In\n // the first pass, we schedule a deletion for all the current children by\n // passing null.\n workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, current.child, null, renderLanes); // In the second pass, we mount the new children. The trick here is that we\n // pass null in place of where we usually pass the current child set. This has\n // the effect of remounting all children regardless of whether their\n // identities match.\n\n workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, null, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n}\n\nfunction updateForwardRef(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes) {\n // TODO: current can be non-null here even if the component\n // hasn't yet mounted. This happens after the first render suspends.\n // We'll need to figure out if this is fine or can cause issues.\n {\n if (workInProgress.type !== workInProgress.elementType) {\n // Lazy component props can't be validated in createElement\n // because they're only guaranteed to be resolved here.\n var innerPropTypes = Component.propTypes;\n\n if (innerPropTypes) {\n checkPropTypes(innerPropTypes, nextProps, // Resolved props\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(Component));\n }\n }\n }\n\n var render = Component.render;\n var ref = workInProgress.ref; // The rest is a fork of updateFunctionComponent\n\n var nextChildren;\n var hasId;\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);\n }\n\n {\n ReactCurrentOwner$1.current = workInProgress;\n setIsRendering(true);\n nextChildren = renderWithHooks(current, workInProgress, render, nextProps, ref, renderLanes);\n hasId = checkDidRenderIdHook();\n\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n nextChildren = renderWithHooks(current, workInProgress, render, nextProps, ref, renderLanes);\n hasId = checkDidRenderIdHook();\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n\n setIsRendering(false);\n }\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStopped();\n }\n\n if (current !== null && !didReceiveUpdate) {\n bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n\n if (getIsHydrating() && hasId) {\n pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress);\n } // React DevTools reads this flag.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= PerformedWork;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction updateMemoComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes) {\n if (current === null) {\n var type = Component.type;\n\n if (isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) && === null && // SimpleMemoComponent codepath doesn't resolve outer props either.\n Component.defaultProps === undefined) {\n var resolvedType = type;\n\n {\n resolvedType = resolveFunctionForHotReloading(type);\n } // If this is a plain function component without default props,\n // and with only the default shallow comparison, we upgrade it\n // to a SimpleMemoComponent to allow fast path updates.\n\n\n workInProgress.tag = SimpleMemoComponent;\n workInProgress.type = resolvedType;\n\n {\n validateFunctionComponentInDev(workInProgress, type);\n }\n\n return updateSimpleMemoComponent(current, workInProgress, resolvedType, nextProps, renderLanes);\n }\n\n {\n var innerPropTypes = type.propTypes;\n\n if (innerPropTypes) {\n // Inner memo component props aren't currently validated in createElement.\n // We could move it there, but we'd still need this for lazy code path.\n checkPropTypes(innerPropTypes, nextProps, // Resolved props\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(type));\n }\n\n if ( Component.defaultProps !== undefined) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(type) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutDefaultPropsOnFunctionComponent[componentName]) {\n error('%s: Support for defaultProps will be removed from memo components ' + 'in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.', componentName);\n\n didWarnAboutDefaultPropsOnFunctionComponent[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n var child = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(Component.type, null, nextProps, workInProgress, workInProgress.mode, renderLanes);\n child.ref = workInProgress.ref;\n child.return = workInProgress;\n workInProgress.child = child;\n return child;\n }\n\n {\n var _type = Component.type;\n var _innerPropTypes = _type.propTypes;\n\n if (_innerPropTypes) {\n // Inner memo component props aren't currently validated in createElement.\n // We could move it there, but we'd still need this for lazy code path.\n checkPropTypes(_innerPropTypes, nextProps, // Resolved props\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(_type));\n }\n }\n\n var currentChild = current.child; // This is always exactly one child\n\n var hasScheduledUpdateOrContext = checkScheduledUpdateOrContext(current, renderLanes);\n\n if (!hasScheduledUpdateOrContext) {\n // This will be the props with resolved defaultProps,\n // unlike current.memoizedProps which will be the unresolved ones.\n var prevProps = currentChild.memoizedProps; // Default to shallow comparison\n\n var compare =;\n compare = compare !== null ? compare : shallowEqual;\n\n if (compare(prevProps, nextProps) && current.ref === workInProgress.ref) {\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n } // React DevTools reads this flag.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= PerformedWork;\n var newChild = createWorkInProgress(currentChild, nextProps);\n newChild.ref = workInProgress.ref;\n newChild.return = workInProgress;\n workInProgress.child = newChild;\n return newChild;\n}\n\nfunction updateSimpleMemoComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes) {\n // TODO: current can be non-null here even if the component\n // hasn't yet mounted. This happens when the inner render suspends.\n // We'll need to figure out if this is fine or can cause issues.\n {\n if (workInProgress.type !== workInProgress.elementType) {\n // Lazy component props can't be validated in createElement\n // because they're only guaranteed to be resolved here.\n var outerMemoType = workInProgress.elementType;\n\n if (outerMemoType.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE) {\n // We warn when you define propTypes on lazy()\n // so let's just skip over it to find memo() outer wrapper.\n // Inner props for memo are validated later.\n var lazyComponent = outerMemoType;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n outerMemoType = init(payload);\n } catch (x) {\n outerMemoType = null;\n } // Inner propTypes will be validated in the function component path.\n\n\n var outerPropTypes = outerMemoType && outerMemoType.propTypes;\n\n if (outerPropTypes) {\n checkPropTypes(outerPropTypes, nextProps, // Resolved (SimpleMemoComponent has no defaultProps)\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(outerMemoType));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (current !== null) {\n var prevProps = current.memoizedProps;\n\n if (shallowEqual(prevProps, nextProps) && current.ref === workInProgress.ref && ( // Prevent bailout if the implementation changed due to hot reload.\n workInProgress.type === current.type )) {\n didReceiveUpdate = false; // The props are shallowly equal. Reuse the previous props object, like we\n // would during a normal fiber bailout.\n //\n // We don't have strong guarantees that the props object is referentially\n // equal during updates where we can't bail out anyway — like if the props\n // are shallowly equal, but there's a local state or context update in the\n // same batch.\n //\n // However, as a principle, we should aim to make the behavior consistent\n // across different ways of memoizing a component. For example, React.memo\n // has a different internal Fiber layout if you pass a normal function\n // component (SimpleMemoComponent) versus if you pass a different type\n // like forwardRef (MemoComponent). But this is an implementation detail.\n // Wrapping a component in forwardRef (or React.lazy, etc) shouldn't\n // affect whether the props object is reused during a bailout.\n\n workInProgress.pendingProps = nextProps = prevProps;\n\n if (!checkScheduledUpdateOrContext(current, renderLanes)) {\n // The pending lanes were cleared at the beginning of beginWork. We're\n // about to bail out, but there might be other lanes that weren't\n // included in the current render. Usually, the priority level of the\n // remaining updates is accumulated during the evaluation of the\n // component (i.e. when processing the update queue). But since since\n // we're bailing out early *without* evaluating the component, we need\n // to account for it here, too. Reset to the value of the current fiber.\n // NOTE: This only applies to SimpleMemoComponent, not MemoComponent,\n // because a MemoComponent fiber does not have hooks or an update queue;\n // rather, it wraps around an inner component, which may or may not\n // contains hooks.\n // TODO: Move the reset at in beginWork out of the common path so that\n // this is no longer necessary.\n workInProgress.lanes = current.lanes;\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n } else if ((current.flags & ForceUpdateForLegacySuspense) !== NoFlags) {\n // This is a special case that only exists for legacy mode.\n // See\n didReceiveUpdate = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return updateFunctionComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes);\n}\n\nfunction updateOffscreenComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var nextChildren = nextProps.children;\n var prevState = current !== null ? current.memoizedState : null;\n\n if (nextProps.mode === 'hidden' || enableLegacyHidden ) {\n // Rendering a hidden tree.\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n // In legacy sync mode, don't defer the subtree. Render it now.\n // TODO: Consider how Offscreen should work with transitions in the future\n var nextState = {\n baseLanes: NoLanes,\n cachePool: null,\n transitions: null\n };\n workInProgress.memoizedState = nextState;\n\n pushRenderLanes(workInProgress, renderLanes);\n } else if (!includesSomeLane(renderLanes, OffscreenLane)) {\n var spawnedCachePool = null; // We're hidden, and we're not rendering at Offscreen. We will bail out\n // and resume this tree later.\n\n var nextBaseLanes;\n\n if (prevState !== null) {\n var prevBaseLanes = prevState.baseLanes;\n nextBaseLanes = mergeLanes(prevBaseLanes, renderLanes);\n } else {\n nextBaseLanes = renderLanes;\n } // Schedule this fiber to re-render at offscreen priority. Then bailout.\n\n\n workInProgress.lanes = workInProgress.childLanes = laneToLanes(OffscreenLane);\n var _nextState = {\n baseLanes: nextBaseLanes,\n cachePool: spawnedCachePool,\n transitions: null\n };\n workInProgress.memoizedState = _nextState;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = null;\n // to avoid a push/pop misalignment.\n\n\n pushRenderLanes(workInProgress, nextBaseLanes);\n\n return null;\n } else {\n // This is the second render. The surrounding visible content has already\n // committed. Now we resume rendering the hidden tree.\n // Rendering at offscreen, so we can clear the base lanes.\n var _nextState2 = {\n baseLanes: NoLanes,\n cachePool: null,\n transitions: null\n };\n workInProgress.memoizedState = _nextState2; // Push the lanes that were skipped when we bailed out.\n\n var subtreeRenderLanes = prevState !== null ? prevState.baseLanes : renderLanes;\n\n pushRenderLanes(workInProgress, subtreeRenderLanes);\n }\n } else {\n // Rendering a visible tree.\n var _subtreeRenderLanes;\n\n if (prevState !== null) {\n // We're going from hidden -> visible.\n _subtreeRenderLanes = mergeLanes(prevState.baseLanes, renderLanes);\n\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n } else {\n // We weren't previously hidden, and we still aren't, so there's nothing\n // special to do. Need to push to the stack regardless, though, to avoid\n // a push/pop misalignment.\n _subtreeRenderLanes = renderLanes;\n }\n\n pushRenderLanes(workInProgress, _subtreeRenderLanes);\n }\n\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n} // Note: These happen to have identical begin phases, for now. We shouldn't hold\n\nfunction updateFragment(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var nextChildren = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction updateMode(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var nextChildren = workInProgress.pendingProps.children;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction updateProfiler(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n {\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n\n {\n // Reset effect durations for the next eventual effect phase.\n // These are reset during render to allow the DevTools commit hook a chance to read them,\n var stateNode = workInProgress.stateNode;\n stateNode.effectDuration = 0;\n stateNode.passiveEffectDuration = 0;\n }\n }\n\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var nextChildren = nextProps.children;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction markRef(current, workInProgress) {\n var ref = workInProgress.ref;\n\n if (current === null && ref !== null || current !== null && current.ref !== ref) {\n // Schedule a Ref effect\n workInProgress.flags |= Ref;\n\n {\n workInProgress.flags |= RefStatic;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction updateFunctionComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes) {\n {\n if (workInProgress.type !== workInProgress.elementType) {\n // Lazy component props can't be validated in createElement\n // because they're only guaranteed to be resolved here.\n var innerPropTypes = Component.propTypes;\n\n if (innerPropTypes) {\n checkPropTypes(innerPropTypes, nextProps, // Resolved props\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(Component));\n }\n }\n }\n\n var context;\n\n {\n var unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, Component, true);\n context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext);\n }\n\n var nextChildren;\n var hasId;\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);\n }\n\n {\n ReactCurrentOwner$1.current = workInProgress;\n setIsRendering(true);\n nextChildren = renderWithHooks(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, context, renderLanes);\n hasId = checkDidRenderIdHook();\n\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n nextChildren = renderWithHooks(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, context, renderLanes);\n hasId = checkDidRenderIdHook();\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n\n setIsRendering(false);\n }\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStopped();\n }\n\n if (current !== null && !didReceiveUpdate) {\n bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n\n if (getIsHydrating() && hasId) {\n pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress);\n } // React DevTools reads this flag.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= PerformedWork;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction updateClassComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes) {\n {\n // This is used by DevTools to force a boundary to error.\n switch (shouldError(workInProgress)) {\n case false:\n {\n var _instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n var ctor = workInProgress.type; // TODO This way of resetting the error boundary state is a hack.\n // Is there a better way to do this?\n\n var tempInstance = new ctor(workInProgress.memoizedProps, _instance.context);\n var state = tempInstance.state;\n\n _instance.updater.enqueueSetState(_instance, state, null);\n\n break;\n }\n\n case true:\n {\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n workInProgress.flags |= ShouldCapture; // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n\n var error$1 = new Error('Simulated error coming from DevTools');\n var lane = pickArbitraryLane(renderLanes);\n workInProgress.lanes = mergeLanes(workInProgress.lanes, lane); // Schedule the error boundary to re-render using updated state\n\n var update = createClassErrorUpdate(workInProgress, createCapturedValueAtFiber(error$1, workInProgress), lane);\n enqueueCapturedUpdate(workInProgress, update);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (workInProgress.type !== workInProgress.elementType) {\n // Lazy component props can't be validated in createElement\n // because they're only guaranteed to be resolved here.\n var innerPropTypes = Component.propTypes;\n\n if (innerPropTypes) {\n checkPropTypes(innerPropTypes, nextProps, // Resolved props\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(Component));\n }\n }\n } // Push context providers early to prevent context stack mismatches.\n // During mounting we don't know the child context yet as the instance doesn't exist.\n // We will invalidate the child context in finishClassComponent() right after rendering.\n\n\n var hasContext;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n hasContext = true;\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n } else {\n hasContext = false;\n }\n\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n var shouldUpdate;\n\n if (instance === null) {\n resetSuspendedCurrentOnMountInLegacyMode(current, workInProgress); // In the initial pass we might need to construct the instance.\n\n constructClassInstance(workInProgress, Component, nextProps);\n mountClassInstance(workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes);\n shouldUpdate = true;\n } else if (current === null) {\n // In a resume, we'll already have an instance we can reuse.\n shouldUpdate = resumeMountClassInstance(workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes);\n } else {\n shouldUpdate = updateClassInstance(current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes);\n }\n\n var nextUnitOfWork = finishClassComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, shouldUpdate, hasContext, renderLanes);\n\n {\n var inst = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n if (shouldUpdate && inst.props !== nextProps) {\n if (!didWarnAboutReassigningProps) {\n error('It looks like %s is reassigning its own `this.props` while rendering. ' + 'This is not supported and can lead to confusing bugs.', getComponentNameFromFiber(workInProgress) || 'a component');\n }\n\n didWarnAboutReassigningProps = true;\n }\n }\n\n return nextUnitOfWork;\n}\n\nfunction finishClassComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, shouldUpdate, hasContext, renderLanes) {\n // Refs should update even if shouldComponentUpdate returns false\n markRef(current, workInProgress);\n var didCaptureError = (workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) !== NoFlags;\n\n if (!shouldUpdate && !didCaptureError) {\n // Context providers should defer to sCU for rendering\n if (hasContext) {\n invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, Component, false);\n }\n\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode; // Rerender\n\n ReactCurrentOwner$1.current = workInProgress;\n var nextChildren;\n\n if (didCaptureError && typeof Component.getDerivedStateFromError !== 'function') {\n // If we captured an error, but getDerivedStateFromError is not defined,\n // unmount all the children. componentDidCatch will schedule an update to\n // re-render a fallback. This is temporary until we migrate everyone to\n // the new API.\n // TODO: Warn in a future release.\n nextChildren = null;\n\n {\n stopProfilerTimerIfRunning();\n }\n } else {\n {\n markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);\n }\n\n {\n setIsRendering(true);\n nextChildren = instance.render();\n\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n instance.render();\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n\n setIsRendering(false);\n }\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStopped();\n }\n } // React DevTools reads this flag.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= PerformedWork;\n\n if (current !== null && didCaptureError) {\n // If we're recovering from an error, reconcile without reusing any of\n // the existing children. Conceptually, the normal children and the children\n // that are shown on error are two different sets, so we shouldn't reuse\n // normal children even if their identities match.\n forceUnmountCurrentAndReconcile(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n } else {\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n } // Memoize state using the values we just used to render.\n // TODO: Restructure so we never read values from the instance.\n\n\n workInProgress.memoizedState = instance.state; // The context might have changed so we need to recalculate it.\n\n if (hasContext) {\n invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, Component, true);\n }\n\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction pushHostRootContext(workInProgress) {\n var root = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n if (root.pendingContext) {\n pushTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress, root.pendingContext, root.pendingContext !== root.context);\n } else if (root.context) {\n // Should always be set\n pushTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress, root.context, false);\n }\n\n pushHostContainer(workInProgress, root.containerInfo);\n}\n\nfunction updateHostRoot(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n pushHostRootContext(workInProgress);\n\n if (current === null) {\n throw new Error('Should have a current fiber. This is a bug in React.');\n }\n\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var prevState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n var prevChildren = prevState.element;\n cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress);\n processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, nextProps, null, renderLanes);\n var nextState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n var root = workInProgress.stateNode;\n // being called \"element\".\n\n\n var nextChildren = nextState.element;\n\n if ( prevState.isDehydrated) {\n // This is a hydration root whose shell has not yet hydrated. We should\n // attempt to hydrate.\n // Flip isDehydrated to false to indicate that when this render\n // finishes, the root will no longer be dehydrated.\n var overrideState = {\n element: nextChildren,\n isDehydrated: false,\n cache: nextState.cache,\n pendingSuspenseBoundaries: nextState.pendingSuspenseBoundaries,\n transitions: nextState.transitions\n };\n var updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue; // `baseState` can always be the last state because the root doesn't\n // have reducer functions so it doesn't need rebasing.\n\n updateQueue.baseState = overrideState;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = overrideState;\n\n if (workInProgress.flags & ForceClientRender) {\n // Something errored during a previous attempt to hydrate the shell, so we\n // forced a client render.\n var recoverableError = createCapturedValueAtFiber(new Error('There was an error while hydrating. Because the error happened outside ' + 'of a Suspense boundary, the entire root will switch to ' + 'client rendering.'), workInProgress);\n return mountHostRootWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes, recoverableError);\n } else if (nextChildren !== prevChildren) {\n var _recoverableError = createCapturedValueAtFiber(new Error('This root received an early update, before anything was able ' + 'hydrate. Switched the entire root to client rendering.'), workInProgress);\n\n return mountHostRootWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes, _recoverableError);\n } else {\n // The outermost shell has not hydrated yet. Start hydrating.\n enterHydrationState(workInProgress);\n\n var child = mountChildFibers(workInProgress, null, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n workInProgress.child = child;\n var node = child;\n\n while (node) {\n // Mark each child as hydrating. This is a fast path to know whether this\n // tree is part of a hydrating tree. This is used to determine if a child\n // node has fully mounted yet, and for scheduling event replaying.\n // Conceptually this is similar to Placement in that a new subtree is\n // inserted into the React tree here. It just happens to not need DOM\n // mutations because it already exists.\n node.flags = node.flags & ~Placement | Hydrating;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Root is not dehydrated. Either this is a client-only root, or it\n // already hydrated.\n resetHydrationState();\n\n if (nextChildren === prevChildren) {\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n }\n\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction mountHostRootWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes, recoverableError) {\n // Revert to client rendering.\n resetHydrationState();\n queueHydrationError(recoverableError);\n workInProgress.flags |= ForceClientRender;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n pushHostContext(workInProgress);\n\n if (current === null) {\n tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress);\n }\n\n var type = workInProgress.type;\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var prevProps = current !== null ? current.memoizedProps : null;\n var nextChildren = nextProps.children;\n var isDirectTextChild = shouldSetTextContent(type, nextProps);\n\n if (isDirectTextChild) {\n // We special case a direct text child of a host node. This is a common\n // case. We won't handle it as a reified child. We will instead handle\n // this in the host environment that also has access to this prop. That\n // avoids allocating another HostText fiber and traversing it.\n nextChildren = null;\n } else if (prevProps !== null && shouldSetTextContent(type, prevProps)) {\n // If we're switching from a direct text child to a normal child, or to\n // empty, we need to schedule the text content to be reset.\n workInProgress.flags |= ContentReset;\n }\n\n markRef(current, workInProgress);\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction updateHostText(current, workInProgress) {\n if (current === null) {\n tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress);\n } // Nothing to do here. This is terminal. We'll do the completion step\n // immediately after.\n\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction mountLazyComponent(_current, workInProgress, elementType, renderLanes) {\n resetSuspendedCurrentOnMountInLegacyMode(_current, workInProgress);\n var props = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var lazyComponent = elementType;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n var Component = init(payload); // Store the unwrapped component in the type.\n\n workInProgress.type = Component;\n var resolvedTag = workInProgress.tag = resolveLazyComponentTag(Component);\n var resolvedProps = resolveDefaultProps(Component, props);\n var child;\n\n switch (resolvedTag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n {\n {\n validateFunctionComponentInDev(workInProgress, Component);\n workInProgress.type = Component = resolveFunctionForHotReloading(Component);\n }\n\n child = updateFunctionComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderLanes);\n return child;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n {\n workInProgress.type = Component = resolveClassForHotReloading(Component);\n }\n\n child = updateClassComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderLanes);\n return child;\n }\n\n case ForwardRef:\n {\n {\n workInProgress.type = Component = resolveForwardRefForHotReloading(Component);\n }\n\n child = updateForwardRef(null, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderLanes);\n return child;\n }\n\n case MemoComponent:\n {\n {\n if (workInProgress.type !== workInProgress.elementType) {\n var outerPropTypes = Component.propTypes;\n\n if (outerPropTypes) {\n checkPropTypes(outerPropTypes, resolvedProps, // Resolved for outer only\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(Component));\n }\n }\n }\n\n child = updateMemoComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, resolveDefaultProps(Component.type, resolvedProps), // The inner type can have defaults too\n renderLanes);\n return child;\n }\n }\n\n var hint = '';\n\n {\n if (Component !== null && typeof Component === 'object' && Component.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE) {\n hint = ' Did you wrap a component in React.lazy() more than once?';\n }\n } // This message intentionally doesn't mention ForwardRef or MemoComponent\n // because the fact that it's a separate type of work is an\n // implementation detail.\n\n\n throw new Error(\"Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: \" + Component + \". \" + (\"Lazy element type must resolve to a class or function.\" + hint));\n}\n\nfunction mountIncompleteClassComponent(_current, workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes) {\n resetSuspendedCurrentOnMountInLegacyMode(_current, workInProgress); // Promote the fiber to a class and try rendering again.\n\n workInProgress.tag = ClassComponent; // The rest of this function is a fork of `updateClassComponent`\n // Push context providers early to prevent context stack mismatches.\n // During mounting we don't know the child context yet as the instance doesn't exist.\n // We will invalidate the child context in finishClassComponent() right after rendering.\n\n var hasContext;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n hasContext = true;\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n } else {\n hasContext = false;\n }\n\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);\n constructClassInstance(workInProgress, Component, nextProps);\n mountClassInstance(workInProgress, Component, nextProps, renderLanes);\n return finishClassComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, true, hasContext, renderLanes);\n}\n\nfunction mountIndeterminateComponent(_current, workInProgress, Component, renderLanes) {\n resetSuspendedCurrentOnMountInLegacyMode(_current, workInProgress);\n var props = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var context;\n\n {\n var unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress, Component, false);\n context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext);\n }\n\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);\n var value;\n var hasId;\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);\n }\n\n {\n if (Component.prototype && typeof Component.prototype.render === 'function') {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(Component) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutBadClass[componentName]) {\n error(\"The <%s /> component appears to have a render method, but doesn't extend React.Component. \" + 'This is likely to cause errors. Change %s to extend React.Component instead.', componentName, componentName);\n\n didWarnAboutBadClass[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.recordLegacyContextWarning(workInProgress, null);\n }\n\n setIsRendering(true);\n ReactCurrentOwner$1.current = workInProgress;\n value = renderWithHooks(null, workInProgress, Component, props, context, renderLanes);\n hasId = checkDidRenderIdHook();\n setIsRendering(false);\n }\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStopped();\n } // React DevTools reads this flag.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= PerformedWork;\n\n {\n // Support for module components is deprecated and is removed behind a flag.\n // Whether or not it would crash later, we want to show a good message in DEV first.\n if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && typeof value.render === 'function' && value.$$typeof === undefined) {\n var _componentName = getComponentNameFromType(Component) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutModulePatternComponent[_componentName]) {\n error('The <%s /> component appears to be a function component that returns a class instance. ' + 'Change %s to a class that extends React.Component instead. ' + \"If you can't use a class try assigning the prototype on the function as a workaround. \" + \"`%s.prototype = React.Component.prototype`. Don't use an arrow function since it \" + 'cannot be called with `new` by React.', _componentName, _componentName, _componentName);\n\n didWarnAboutModulePatternComponent[_componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if ( // Run these checks in production only if the flag is off.\n // Eventually we'll delete this branch altogether.\n typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && typeof value.render === 'function' && value.$$typeof === undefined) {\n {\n var _componentName2 = getComponentNameFromType(Component) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutModulePatternComponent[_componentName2]) {\n error('The <%s /> component appears to be a function component that returns a class instance. ' + 'Change %s to a class that extends React.Component instead. ' + \"If you can't use a class try assigning the prototype on the function as a workaround. \" + \"`%s.prototype = React.Component.prototype`. Don't use an arrow function since it \" + 'cannot be called with `new` by React.', _componentName2, _componentName2, _componentName2);\n\n didWarnAboutModulePatternComponent[_componentName2] = true;\n }\n } // Proceed under the assumption that this is a class instance\n\n\n workInProgress.tag = ClassComponent; // Throw out any hooks that were used.\n\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = null; // Push context providers early to prevent context stack mismatches.\n // During mounting we don't know the child context yet as the instance doesn't exist.\n // We will invalidate the child context in finishClassComponent() right after rendering.\n\n var hasContext = false;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n hasContext = true;\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n } else {\n hasContext = false;\n }\n\n workInProgress.memoizedState = value.state !== null && value.state !== undefined ? value.state : null;\n initializeUpdateQueue(workInProgress);\n adoptClassInstance(workInProgress, value);\n mountClassInstance(workInProgress, Component, props, renderLanes);\n return finishClassComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, true, hasContext, renderLanes);\n } else {\n // Proceed under the assumption that this is a function component\n workInProgress.tag = FunctionComponent;\n\n {\n\n if ( workInProgress.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(true);\n\n try {\n value = renderWithHooks(null, workInProgress, Component, props, context, renderLanes);\n hasId = checkDidRenderIdHook();\n } finally {\n setIsStrictModeForDevtools(false);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (getIsHydrating() && hasId) {\n pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress);\n }\n\n reconcileChildren(null, workInProgress, value, renderLanes);\n\n {\n validateFunctionComponentInDev(workInProgress, Component);\n }\n\n return workInProgress.child;\n }\n}\n\nfunction validateFunctionComponentInDev(workInProgress, Component) {\n {\n if (Component) {\n if (Component.childContextTypes) {\n error('%s(...): childContextTypes cannot be defined on a function component.', Component.displayName || || 'Component');\n }\n }\n\n if (workInProgress.ref !== null) {\n var info = '';\n var ownerName = getCurrentFiberOwnerNameInDevOrNull();\n\n if (ownerName) {\n info += '\\n\\nCheck the render method of `' + ownerName + '`.';\n }\n\n var warningKey = ownerName || '';\n var debugSource = workInProgress._debugSource;\n\n if (debugSource) {\n warningKey = debugSource.fileName + ':' + debugSource.lineNumber;\n }\n\n if (!didWarnAboutFunctionRefs[warningKey]) {\n didWarnAboutFunctionRefs[warningKey] = true;\n\n error('Function components cannot be given refs. ' + 'Attempts to access this ref will fail. ' + 'Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?%s', info);\n }\n }\n\n if ( Component.defaultProps !== undefined) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(Component) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutDefaultPropsOnFunctionComponent[componentName]) {\n error('%s: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components ' + 'in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.', componentName);\n\n didWarnAboutDefaultPropsOnFunctionComponent[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof Component.getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function') {\n var _componentName3 = getComponentNameFromType(Component) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutGetDerivedStateOnFunctionComponent[_componentName3]) {\n error('%s: Function components do not support getDerivedStateFromProps.', _componentName3);\n\n didWarnAboutGetDerivedStateOnFunctionComponent[_componentName3] = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof Component.contextType === 'object' && Component.contextType !== null) {\n var _componentName4 = getComponentNameFromType(Component) || 'Unknown';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutContextTypeOnFunctionComponent[_componentName4]) {\n error('%s: Function components do not support contextType.', _componentName4);\n\n didWarnAboutContextTypeOnFunctionComponent[_componentName4] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar SUSPENDED_MARKER = {\n dehydrated: null,\n treeContext: null,\n retryLane: NoLane\n};\n\nfunction mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes) {\n return {\n baseLanes: renderLanes,\n cachePool: getSuspendedCache(),\n transitions: null\n };\n}\n\nfunction updateSuspenseOffscreenState(prevOffscreenState, renderLanes) {\n var cachePool = null;\n\n return {\n baseLanes: mergeLanes(prevOffscreenState.baseLanes, renderLanes),\n cachePool: cachePool,\n transitions: prevOffscreenState.transitions\n };\n} // TODO: Probably should inline this back\n\n\nfunction shouldRemainOnFallback(suspenseContext, current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n // If we're already showing a fallback, there are cases where we need to\n // remain on that fallback regardless of whether the content has resolved.\n // For example, SuspenseList coordinates when nested content appears.\n if (current !== null) {\n var suspenseState = current.memoizedState;\n\n if (suspenseState === null) {\n // Currently showing content. Don't hide it, even if ForceSuspenseFallback\n // is true. More precise name might be \"ForceRemainSuspenseFallback\".\n // Note: This is a factoring smell. Can't remain on a fallback if there's\n // no fallback to remain on.\n return false;\n }\n } // Not currently showing content. Consult the Suspense context.\n\n\n return hasSuspenseContext(suspenseContext, ForceSuspenseFallback);\n}\n\nfunction getRemainingWorkInPrimaryTree(current, renderLanes) {\n // TODO: Should not remove render lanes that were pinged during this render\n return removeLanes(current.childLanes, renderLanes);\n}\n\nfunction updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps; // This is used by DevTools to force a boundary to suspend.\n\n {\n if (shouldSuspend(workInProgress)) {\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n }\n }\n\n var suspenseContext = suspenseStackCursor.current;\n var showFallback = false;\n var didSuspend = (workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) !== NoFlags;\n\n if (didSuspend || shouldRemainOnFallback(suspenseContext, current)) {\n // Something in this boundary's subtree already suspended. Switch to\n // rendering the fallback children.\n showFallback = true;\n workInProgress.flags &= ~DidCapture;\n } else {\n // Attempting the main content\n if (current === null || current.memoizedState !== null) {\n // This is a new mount or this boundary is already showing a fallback state.\n // Mark this subtree context as having at least one invisible parent that could\n // handle the fallback state.\n // Avoided boundaries are not considered since they cannot handle preferred fallback states.\n {\n suspenseContext = addSubtreeSuspenseContext(suspenseContext, InvisibleParentSuspenseContext);\n }\n }\n }\n\n suspenseContext = setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseContext);\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, suspenseContext); // OK, the next part is confusing. We're about to reconcile the Suspense\n // boundary's children. This involves some custom reconciliation logic. Two\n // main reasons this is so complicated.\n //\n // First, Legacy Mode has different semantics for backwards compatibility. The\n // primary tree will commit in an inconsistent state, so when we do the\n // second pass to render the fallback, we do some exceedingly, uh, clever\n // hacks to make that not totally break. Like transferring effects and\n // deletions from hidden tree. In Concurrent Mode, it's much simpler,\n // because we bailout on the primary tree completely and leave it in its old\n // state, no effects. Same as what we do for Offscreen (except that\n // Offscreen doesn't have the first render pass).\n //\n // Second is hydration. During hydration, the Suspense fiber has a slightly\n // different layout, where the child points to a dehydrated fragment, which\n // contains the DOM rendered by the server.\n //\n // Third, even if you set all that aside, Suspense is like error boundaries in\n // that we first we try to render one tree, and if that fails, we render again\n // and switch to a different tree. Like a try/catch block. So we have to track\n // which branch we're currently rendering. Ideally we would model this using\n // a stack.\n\n if (current === null) {\n // Initial mount\n // Special path for hydration\n // If we're currently hydrating, try to hydrate this boundary.\n tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress); // This could've been a dehydrated suspense component.\n\n var suspenseState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (suspenseState !== null) {\n var dehydrated = suspenseState.dehydrated;\n\n if (dehydrated !== null) {\n return mountDehydratedSuspenseComponent(workInProgress, dehydrated);\n }\n }\n\n var nextPrimaryChildren = nextProps.children;\n var nextFallbackChildren = nextProps.fallback;\n\n if (showFallback) {\n var fallbackFragment = mountSuspenseFallbackChildren(workInProgress, nextPrimaryChildren, nextFallbackChildren, renderLanes);\n var primaryChildFragment = workInProgress.child;\n primaryChildFragment.memoizedState = mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes);\n workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER;\n\n return fallbackFragment;\n } else {\n return mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(workInProgress, nextPrimaryChildren);\n }\n } else {\n // This is an update.\n // Special path for hydration\n var prevState = current.memoizedState;\n\n if (prevState !== null) {\n var _dehydrated = prevState.dehydrated;\n\n if (_dehydrated !== null) {\n return updateDehydratedSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, didSuspend, nextProps, _dehydrated, prevState, renderLanes);\n }\n }\n\n if (showFallback) {\n var _nextFallbackChildren = nextProps.fallback;\n var _nextPrimaryChildren = nextProps.children;\n var fallbackChildFragment = updateSuspenseFallbackChildren(current, workInProgress, _nextPrimaryChildren, _nextFallbackChildren, renderLanes);\n var _primaryChildFragment2 = workInProgress.child;\n var prevOffscreenState = current.child.memoizedState;\n _primaryChildFragment2.memoizedState = prevOffscreenState === null ? mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes) : updateSuspenseOffscreenState(prevOffscreenState, renderLanes);\n\n _primaryChildFragment2.childLanes = getRemainingWorkInPrimaryTree(current, renderLanes);\n workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER;\n return fallbackChildFragment;\n } else {\n var _nextPrimaryChildren2 = nextProps.children;\n\n var _primaryChildFragment3 = updateSuspensePrimaryChildren(current, workInProgress, _nextPrimaryChildren2, renderLanes);\n\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n return _primaryChildFragment3;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(workInProgress, primaryChildren, renderLanes) {\n var mode = workInProgress.mode;\n var primaryChildProps = {\n mode: 'visible',\n children: primaryChildren\n };\n var primaryChildFragment = mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(primaryChildProps, mode);\n primaryChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n workInProgress.child = primaryChildFragment;\n return primaryChildFragment;\n}\n\nfunction mountSuspenseFallbackChildren(workInProgress, primaryChildren, fallbackChildren, renderLanes) {\n var mode = workInProgress.mode;\n var progressedPrimaryFragment = workInProgress.child;\n var primaryChildProps = {\n mode: 'hidden',\n children: primaryChildren\n };\n var primaryChildFragment;\n var fallbackChildFragment;\n\n if ((mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode && progressedPrimaryFragment !== null) {\n // In legacy mode, we commit the primary tree as if it successfully\n // completed, even though it's in an inconsistent state.\n primaryChildFragment = progressedPrimaryFragment;\n primaryChildFragment.childLanes = NoLanes;\n primaryChildFragment.pendingProps = primaryChildProps;\n\n if ( workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) {\n // Reset the durations from the first pass so they aren't included in the\n // final amounts. This seems counterintuitive, since we're intentionally\n // not measuring part of the render phase, but this makes it match what we\n // do in Concurrent Mode.\n primaryChildFragment.actualDuration = 0;\n primaryChildFragment.actualStartTime = -1;\n primaryChildFragment.selfBaseDuration = 0;\n primaryChildFragment.treeBaseDuration = 0;\n }\n\n fallbackChildFragment = createFiberFromFragment(fallbackChildren, mode, renderLanes, null);\n } else {\n primaryChildFragment = mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(primaryChildProps, mode);\n fallbackChildFragment = createFiberFromFragment(fallbackChildren, mode, renderLanes, null);\n }\n\n primaryChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n fallbackChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n primaryChildFragment.sibling = fallbackChildFragment;\n workInProgress.child = primaryChildFragment;\n return fallbackChildFragment;\n}\n\nfunction mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(offscreenProps, mode, renderLanes) {\n // The props argument to `createFiberFromOffscreen` is `any` typed, so we use\n // this wrapper function to constrain it.\n return createFiberFromOffscreen(offscreenProps, mode, NoLanes, null);\n}\n\nfunction updateWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(current, offscreenProps) {\n // The props argument to `createWorkInProgress` is `any` typed, so we use this\n // wrapper function to constrain it.\n return createWorkInProgress(current, offscreenProps);\n}\n\nfunction updateSuspensePrimaryChildren(current, workInProgress, primaryChildren, renderLanes) {\n var currentPrimaryChildFragment = current.child;\n var currentFallbackChildFragment = currentPrimaryChildFragment.sibling;\n var primaryChildFragment = updateWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(currentPrimaryChildFragment, {\n mode: 'visible',\n children: primaryChildren\n });\n\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n primaryChildFragment.lanes = renderLanes;\n }\n\n primaryChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n primaryChildFragment.sibling = null;\n\n if (currentFallbackChildFragment !== null) {\n // Delete the fallback child fragment\n var deletions = workInProgress.deletions;\n\n if (deletions === null) {\n workInProgress.deletions = [currentFallbackChildFragment];\n workInProgress.flags |= ChildDeletion;\n } else {\n deletions.push(currentFallbackChildFragment);\n }\n }\n\n workInProgress.child = primaryChildFragment;\n return primaryChildFragment;\n}\n\nfunction updateSuspenseFallbackChildren(current, workInProgress, primaryChildren, fallbackChildren, renderLanes) {\n var mode = workInProgress.mode;\n var currentPrimaryChildFragment = current.child;\n var currentFallbackChildFragment = currentPrimaryChildFragment.sibling;\n var primaryChildProps = {\n mode: 'hidden',\n children: primaryChildren\n };\n var primaryChildFragment;\n\n if ( // In legacy mode, we commit the primary tree as if it successfully\n // completed, even though it's in an inconsistent state.\n (mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode && // Make sure we're on the second pass, i.e. the primary child fragment was\n // already cloned. In legacy mode, the only case where this isn't true is\n // when DevTools forces us to display a fallback; we skip the first render\n // pass entirely and go straight to rendering the fallback. (In Concurrent\n // Mode, SuspenseList can also trigger this scenario, but this is a legacy-\n // only codepath.)\n workInProgress.child !== currentPrimaryChildFragment) {\n var progressedPrimaryFragment = workInProgress.child;\n primaryChildFragment = progressedPrimaryFragment;\n primaryChildFragment.childLanes = NoLanes;\n primaryChildFragment.pendingProps = primaryChildProps;\n\n if ( workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) {\n // Reset the durations from the first pass so they aren't included in the\n // final amounts. This seems counterintuitive, since we're intentionally\n // not measuring part of the render phase, but this makes it match what we\n // do in Concurrent Mode.\n primaryChildFragment.actualDuration = 0;\n primaryChildFragment.actualStartTime = -1;\n primaryChildFragment.selfBaseDuration = currentPrimaryChildFragment.selfBaseDuration;\n primaryChildFragment.treeBaseDuration = currentPrimaryChildFragment.treeBaseDuration;\n } // The fallback fiber was added as a deletion during the first pass.\n // However, since we're going to remain on the fallback, we no longer want\n // to delete it.\n\n\n workInProgress.deletions = null;\n } else {\n primaryChildFragment = updateWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(currentPrimaryChildFragment, primaryChildProps); // Since we're reusing a current tree, we need to reuse the flags, too.\n // (We don't do this in legacy mode, because in legacy mode we don't re-use\n // the current tree; see previous branch.)\n\n primaryChildFragment.subtreeFlags = currentPrimaryChildFragment.subtreeFlags & StaticMask;\n }\n\n var fallbackChildFragment;\n\n if (currentFallbackChildFragment !== null) {\n fallbackChildFragment = createWorkInProgress(currentFallbackChildFragment, fallbackChildren);\n } else {\n fallbackChildFragment = createFiberFromFragment(fallbackChildren, mode, renderLanes, null); // Needs a placement effect because the parent (the Suspense boundary) already\n // mounted but this is a new fiber.\n\n fallbackChildFragment.flags |= Placement;\n }\n\n fallbackChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n primaryChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n primaryChildFragment.sibling = fallbackChildFragment;\n workInProgress.child = primaryChildFragment;\n return fallbackChildFragment;\n}\n\nfunction retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, renderLanes, recoverableError) {\n // Falling back to client rendering. Because this has performance\n // implications, it's considered a recoverable error, even though the user\n // likely won't observe anything wrong with the UI.\n //\n // The error is passed in as an argument to enforce that every caller provide\n // a custom message, or explicitly opt out (currently the only path that opts\n // out is legacy mode; every concurrent path provides an error).\n if (recoverableError !== null) {\n queueHydrationError(recoverableError);\n } // This will add the old fiber to the deletion list\n\n\n reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, current.child, null, renderLanes); // We're now not suspended nor dehydrated.\n\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var primaryChildren = nextProps.children;\n var primaryChildFragment = mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(workInProgress, primaryChildren); // Needs a placement effect because the parent (the Suspense boundary) already\n // mounted but this is a new fiber.\n\n primaryChildFragment.flags |= Placement;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n return primaryChildFragment;\n}\n\nfunction mountSuspenseFallbackAfterRetryWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, primaryChildren, fallbackChildren, renderLanes) {\n var fiberMode = workInProgress.mode;\n var primaryChildProps = {\n mode: 'visible',\n children: primaryChildren\n };\n var primaryChildFragment = mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(primaryChildProps, fiberMode);\n var fallbackChildFragment = createFiberFromFragment(fallbackChildren, fiberMode, renderLanes, null); // Needs a placement effect because the parent (the Suspense\n // boundary) already mounted but this is a new fiber.\n\n fallbackChildFragment.flags |= Placement;\n primaryChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n fallbackChildFragment.return = workInProgress;\n primaryChildFragment.sibling = fallbackChildFragment;\n workInProgress.child = primaryChildFragment;\n\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode) {\n // We will have dropped the effect list which contains the\n // deletion. We need to reconcile to delete the current child.\n reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, current.child, null, renderLanes);\n }\n\n return fallbackChildFragment;\n}\n\nfunction mountDehydratedSuspenseComponent(workInProgress, suspenseInstance, renderLanes) {\n // During the first pass, we'll bail out and not drill into the children.\n // Instead, we'll leave the content in place and try to hydrate it later.\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n {\n error('Cannot hydrate Suspense in legacy mode. Switch from ' + 'ReactDOM.hydrate(element, container) to ' + 'ReactDOMClient.hydrateRoot(container, <App />)' + '.render(element) or remove the Suspense components from ' + 'the server rendered components.');\n }\n\n workInProgress.lanes = laneToLanes(SyncLane);\n } else if (isSuspenseInstanceFallback(suspenseInstance)) {\n // This is a client-only boundary. Since we won't get any content from the server\n // for this, we need to schedule that at a higher priority based on when it would\n // have timed out. In theory we could render it in this pass but it would have the\n // wrong priority associated with it and will prevent hydration of parent path.\n // Instead, we'll leave work left on it to render it in a separate commit.\n // TODO This time should be the time at which the server rendered response that is\n // a parent to this boundary was displayed. However, since we currently don't have\n // a protocol to transfer that time, we'll just estimate it by using the current\n // time. This will mean that Suspense timeouts are slightly shifted to later than\n // they should be.\n // Schedule a normal pri update to render this content.\n workInProgress.lanes = laneToLanes(DefaultHydrationLane);\n } else {\n // We'll continue hydrating the rest at offscreen priority since we'll already\n // be showing the right content coming from the server, it is no rush.\n workInProgress.lanes = laneToLanes(OffscreenLane);\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction updateDehydratedSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, didSuspend, nextProps, suspenseInstance, suspenseState, renderLanes) {\n if (!didSuspend) {\n // This is the first render pass. Attempt to hydrate.\n // We should never be hydrating at this point because it is the first pass,\n // but after we've already committed once.\n warnIfHydrating();\n\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n return retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, renderLanes, // TODO: When we delete legacy mode, we should make this error argument\n // required — every concurrent mode path that causes hydration to\n // de-opt to client rendering should have an error message.\n null);\n }\n\n if (isSuspenseInstanceFallback(suspenseInstance)) {\n // This boundary is in a permanent fallback state. In this case, we'll never\n // get an update and we'll never be able to hydrate the final content. Let's just try the\n // client side render instead.\n var digest, message, stack;\n\n {\n var _getSuspenseInstanceF = getSuspenseInstanceFallbackErrorDetails(suspenseInstance);\n\n digest = _getSuspenseInstanceF.digest;\n message = _getSuspenseInstanceF.message;\n stack = _getSuspenseInstanceF.stack;\n }\n\n var error;\n\n if (message) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n error = new Error(message);\n } else {\n error = new Error('The server could not finish this Suspense boundary, likely ' + 'due to an error during server rendering. Switched to ' + 'client rendering.');\n }\n\n var capturedValue = createCapturedValue(error, digest, stack);\n return retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, renderLanes, capturedValue);\n }\n // any context has changed, we need to treat is as if the input might have changed.\n\n\n var hasContextChanged = includesSomeLane(renderLanes, current.childLanes);\n\n if (didReceiveUpdate || hasContextChanged) {\n // This boundary has changed since the first render. This means that we are now unable to\n // hydrate it. We might still be able to hydrate it using a higher priority lane.\n var root = getWorkInProgressRoot();\n\n if (root !== null) {\n var attemptHydrationAtLane = getBumpedLaneForHydration(root, renderLanes);\n\n if (attemptHydrationAtLane !== NoLane && attemptHydrationAtLane !== suspenseState.retryLane) {\n // Intentionally mutating since this render will get interrupted. This\n // is one of the very rare times where we mutate the current tree\n // during the render phase.\n suspenseState.retryLane = attemptHydrationAtLane; // TODO: Ideally this would inherit the event time of the current render\n\n var eventTime = NoTimestamp;\n enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(current, attemptHydrationAtLane);\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, current, attemptHydrationAtLane, eventTime);\n }\n } // If we have scheduled higher pri work above, this will probably just abort the render\n // since we now have higher priority work, but in case it doesn't, we need to prepare to\n // render something, if we time out. Even if that requires us to delete everything and\n // skip hydration.\n // Delay having to do this as long as the suspense timeout allows us.\n\n\n renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible();\n\n var _capturedValue = createCapturedValue(new Error('This Suspense boundary received an update before it finished ' + 'hydrating. This caused the boundary to switch to client rendering. ' + 'The usual way to fix this is to wrap the original update ' + 'in startTransition.'));\n\n return retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, renderLanes, _capturedValue);\n } else if (isSuspenseInstancePending(suspenseInstance)) {\n // This component is still pending more data from the server, so we can't hydrate its\n // content. We treat it as if this component suspended itself. It might seem as if\n // we could just try to render it client-side instead. However, this will perform a\n // lot of unnecessary work and is unlikely to complete since it often will suspend\n // on missing data anyway. Additionally, the server might be able to render more\n // than we can on the client yet. In that case we'd end up with more fallback states\n // on the client than if we just leave it alone. If the server times out or errors\n // these should update this boundary to the permanent Fallback state instead.\n // Mark it as having captured (i.e. suspended).\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture; // Leave the child in place. I.e. the dehydrated fragment.\n\n workInProgress.child = current.child; // Register a callback to retry this boundary once the server has sent the result.\n\n var retry = retryDehydratedSuspenseBoundary.bind(null, current);\n registerSuspenseInstanceRetry(suspenseInstance, retry);\n return null;\n } else {\n // This is the first attempt.\n reenterHydrationStateFromDehydratedSuspenseInstance(workInProgress, suspenseInstance, suspenseState.treeContext);\n var primaryChildren = nextProps.children;\n var primaryChildFragment = mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(workInProgress, primaryChildren); // Mark the children as hydrating. This is a fast path to know whether this\n // tree is part of a hydrating tree. This is used to determine if a child\n // node has fully mounted yet, and for scheduling event replaying.\n // Conceptually this is similar to Placement in that a new subtree is\n // inserted into the React tree here. It just happens to not need DOM\n // mutations because it already exists.\n\n primaryChildFragment.flags |= Hydrating;\n return primaryChildFragment;\n }\n } else {\n // This is the second render pass. We already attempted to hydrated, but\n // something either suspended or errored.\n if (workInProgress.flags & ForceClientRender) {\n // Something errored during hydration. Try again without hydrating.\n workInProgress.flags &= ~ForceClientRender;\n\n var _capturedValue2 = createCapturedValue(new Error('There was an error while hydrating this Suspense boundary. ' + 'Switched to client rendering.'));\n\n return retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, renderLanes, _capturedValue2);\n } else if (workInProgress.memoizedState !== null) {\n // Something suspended and we should still be in dehydrated mode.\n // Leave the existing child in place.\n workInProgress.child = current.child; // The dehydrated completion pass expects this flag to be there\n // but the normal suspense pass doesn't.\n\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n return null;\n } else {\n // Suspended but we should no longer be in dehydrated mode.\n // Therefore we now have to render the fallback.\n var nextPrimaryChildren = nextProps.children;\n var nextFallbackChildren = nextProps.fallback;\n var fallbackChildFragment = mountSuspenseFallbackAfterRetryWithoutHydrating(current, workInProgress, nextPrimaryChildren, nextFallbackChildren, renderLanes);\n var _primaryChildFragment4 = workInProgress.child;\n _primaryChildFragment4.memoizedState = mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes);\n workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER;\n return fallbackChildFragment;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction scheduleSuspenseWorkOnFiber(fiber, renderLanes, propagationRoot) {\n fiber.lanes = mergeLanes(fiber.lanes, renderLanes);\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (alternate !== null) {\n alternate.lanes = mergeLanes(alternate.lanes, renderLanes);\n }\n\n scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(fiber.return, renderLanes, propagationRoot);\n}\n\nfunction propagateSuspenseContextChange(workInProgress, firstChild, renderLanes) {\n // Mark any Suspense boundaries with fallbacks as having work to do.\n // If they were previously forced into fallbacks, they may now be able\n // to unblock.\n var node = firstChild;\n\n while (node !== null) {\n if (node.tag === SuspenseComponent) {\n var state = node.memoizedState;\n\n if (state !== null) {\n scheduleSuspenseWorkOnFiber(node, renderLanes, workInProgress);\n }\n } else if (node.tag === SuspenseListComponent) {\n // If the tail is hidden there might not be an Suspense boundaries\n // to schedule work on. In this case we have to schedule it on the\n // list itself.\n // We don't have to traverse to the children of the list since\n // the list will propagate the change when it rerenders.\n scheduleSuspenseWorkOnFiber(node, renderLanes, workInProgress);\n } else if (node.child !== null) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n\n if (node === workInProgress) {\n return;\n }\n\n while (node.sibling === null) {\n if (node.return === null || node.return === workInProgress) {\n return;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n}\n\nfunction findLastContentRow(firstChild) {\n // This is going to find the last row among these children that is already\n // showing content on the screen, as opposed to being in fallback state or\n // new. If a row has multiple Suspense boundaries, any of them being in the\n // fallback state, counts as the whole row being in a fallback state.\n // Note that the \"rows\" will be workInProgress, but any nested children\n // will still be current since we haven't rendered them yet. The mounted\n // order may not be the same as the new order. We use the new order.\n var row = firstChild;\n var lastContentRow = null;\n\n while (row !== null) {\n var currentRow = row.alternate; // New rows can't be content rows.\n\n if (currentRow !== null && findFirstSuspended(currentRow) === null) {\n lastContentRow = row;\n }\n\n row = row.sibling;\n }\n\n return lastContentRow;\n}\n\nfunction validateRevealOrder(revealOrder) {\n {\n if (revealOrder !== undefined && revealOrder !== 'forwards' && revealOrder !== 'backwards' && revealOrder !== 'together' && !didWarnAboutRevealOrder[revealOrder]) {\n didWarnAboutRevealOrder[revealOrder] = true;\n\n if (typeof revealOrder === 'string') {\n switch (revealOrder.toLowerCase()) {\n case 'together':\n case 'forwards':\n case 'backwards':\n {\n error('\"%s\" is not a valid value for revealOrder on <SuspenseList />. ' + 'Use lowercase \"%s\" instead.', revealOrder, revealOrder.toLowerCase());\n\n break;\n }\n\n case 'forward':\n case 'backward':\n {\n error('\"%s\" is not a valid value for revealOrder on <SuspenseList />. ' + 'React uses the -s suffix in the spelling. Use \"%ss\" instead.', revealOrder, revealOrder.toLowerCase());\n\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n error('\"%s\" is not a supported revealOrder on <SuspenseList />. ' + 'Did you mean \"together\", \"forwards\" or \"backwards\"?', revealOrder);\n\n break;\n }\n } else {\n error('%s is not a supported value for revealOrder on <SuspenseList />. ' + 'Did you mean \"together\", \"forwards\" or \"backwards\"?', revealOrder);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction validateTailOptions(tailMode, revealOrder) {\n {\n if (tailMode !== undefined && !didWarnAboutTailOptions[tailMode]) {\n if (tailMode !== 'collapsed' && tailMode !== 'hidden') {\n didWarnAboutTailOptions[tailMode] = true;\n\n error('\"%s\" is not a supported value for tail on <SuspenseList />. ' + 'Did you mean \"collapsed\" or \"hidden\"?', tailMode);\n } else if (revealOrder !== 'forwards' && revealOrder !== 'backwards') {\n didWarnAboutTailOptions[tailMode] = true;\n\n error('<SuspenseList tail=\"%s\" /> is only valid if revealOrder is ' + '\"forwards\" or \"backwards\". ' + 'Did you mean to specify revealOrder=\"forwards\"?', tailMode);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction validateSuspenseListNestedChild(childSlot, index) {\n {\n var isAnArray = isArray(childSlot);\n var isIterable = !isAnArray && typeof getIteratorFn(childSlot) === 'function';\n\n if (isAnArray || isIterable) {\n var type = isAnArray ? 'array' : 'iterable';\n\n error('A nested %s was passed to row #%s in <SuspenseList />. Wrap it in ' + 'an additional SuspenseList to configure its revealOrder: ' + '<SuspenseList revealOrder=...> ... ' + '<SuspenseList revealOrder=...>{%s}</SuspenseList> ... ' + '</SuspenseList>', type, index, type);\n\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction validateSuspenseListChildren(children, revealOrder) {\n {\n if ((revealOrder === 'forwards' || revealOrder === 'backwards') && children !== undefined && children !== null && children !== false) {\n if (isArray(children)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n if (!validateSuspenseListNestedChild(children[i], i)) {\n return;\n }\n }\n } else {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(children);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n var childrenIterator =;\n\n if (childrenIterator) {\n var step =;\n var _i = 0;\n\n for (; !step.done; step = {\n if (!validateSuspenseListNestedChild(step.value, _i)) {\n return;\n }\n\n _i++;\n }\n }\n } else {\n error('A single row was passed to a <SuspenseList revealOrder=\"%s\" />. ' + 'This is not useful since it needs multiple rows. ' + 'Did you mean to pass multiple children or an array?', revealOrder);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction initSuspenseListRenderState(workInProgress, isBackwards, tail, lastContentRow, tailMode) {\n var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (renderState === null) {\n workInProgress.memoizedState = {\n isBackwards: isBackwards,\n rendering: null,\n renderingStartTime: 0,\n last: lastContentRow,\n tail: tail,\n tailMode: tailMode\n };\n } else {\n // We can reuse the existing object from previous renders.\n renderState.isBackwards = isBackwards;\n renderState.rendering = null;\n renderState.renderingStartTime = 0;\n renderState.last = lastContentRow;\n renderState.tail = tail;\n renderState.tailMode = tailMode;\n }\n} // This can end up rendering this component multiple passes.\n// The first pass splits the children fibers into two sets. A head and tail.\n// We first render the head. If anything is in fallback state, we do another\n// pass through beginWork to rerender all children (including the tail) with\n// the force suspend context. If the first render didn't have anything in\n// in fallback state. Then we render each row in the tail one-by-one.\n// That happens in the completeWork phase without going back to beginWork.\n\n\nfunction updateSuspenseListComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var revealOrder = nextProps.revealOrder;\n var tailMode = nextProps.tail;\n var newChildren = nextProps.children;\n validateRevealOrder(revealOrder);\n validateTailOptions(tailMode, revealOrder);\n validateSuspenseListChildren(newChildren, revealOrder);\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, newChildren, renderLanes);\n var suspenseContext = suspenseStackCursor.current;\n var shouldForceFallback = hasSuspenseContext(suspenseContext, ForceSuspenseFallback);\n\n if (shouldForceFallback) {\n suspenseContext = setShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseContext, ForceSuspenseFallback);\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n } else {\n var didSuspendBefore = current !== null && (current.flags & DidCapture) !== NoFlags;\n\n if (didSuspendBefore) {\n // If we previously forced a fallback, we need to schedule work\n // on any nested boundaries to let them know to try to render\n // again. This is the same as context updating.\n propagateSuspenseContextChange(workInProgress, workInProgress.child, renderLanes);\n }\n\n suspenseContext = setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseContext);\n }\n\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, suspenseContext);\n\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n // In legacy mode, SuspenseList doesn't work so we just\n // use make it a noop by treating it as the default revealOrder.\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n } else {\n switch (revealOrder) {\n case 'forwards':\n {\n var lastContentRow = findLastContentRow(workInProgress.child);\n var tail;\n\n if (lastContentRow === null) {\n // The whole list is part of the tail.\n // TODO: We could fast path by just rendering the tail now.\n tail = workInProgress.child;\n workInProgress.child = null;\n } else {\n // Disconnect the tail rows after the content row.\n // We're going to render them separately later.\n tail = lastContentRow.sibling;\n lastContentRow.sibling = null;\n }\n\n initSuspenseListRenderState(workInProgress, false, // isBackwards\n tail, lastContentRow, tailMode);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'backwards':\n {\n // We're going to find the first row that has existing content.\n // At the same time we're going to reverse the list of everything\n // we pass in the meantime. That's going to be our tail in reverse\n // order.\n var _tail = null;\n var row = workInProgress.child;\n workInProgress.child = null;\n\n while (row !== null) {\n var currentRow = row.alternate; // New rows can't be content rows.\n\n if (currentRow !== null && findFirstSuspended(currentRow) === null) {\n // This is the beginning of the main content.\n workInProgress.child = row;\n break;\n }\n\n var nextRow = row.sibling;\n row.sibling = _tail;\n _tail = row;\n row = nextRow;\n } // TODO: If workInProgress.child is null, we can continue on the tail immediately.\n\n\n initSuspenseListRenderState(workInProgress, true, // isBackwards\n _tail, null, // last\n tailMode);\n break;\n }\n\n case 'together':\n {\n initSuspenseListRenderState(workInProgress, false, // isBackwards\n null, // tail\n null, // last\n undefined);\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n // The default reveal order is the same as not having\n // a boundary.\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction updatePortalComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n pushHostContainer(workInProgress, workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo);\n var nextChildren = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n\n if (current === null) {\n // Portals are special because we don't append the children during mount\n // but at commit. Therefore we need to track insertions which the normal\n // flow doesn't do during mount. This doesn't happen at the root because\n // the root always starts with a \"current\" with a null child.\n // TODO: Consider unifying this with how the root works.\n workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, null, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n } else {\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);\n }\n\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nvar hasWarnedAboutUsingNoValuePropOnContextProvider = false;\n\nfunction updateContextProvider(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var providerType = workInProgress.type;\n var context = providerType._context;\n var newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var oldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;\n var newValue = newProps.value;\n\n {\n if (!('value' in newProps)) {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingNoValuePropOnContextProvider) {\n hasWarnedAboutUsingNoValuePropOnContextProvider = true;\n\n error('The `value` prop is required for the `<Context.Provider>`. Did you misspell it or forget to pass it?');\n }\n }\n\n var providerPropTypes = workInProgress.type.propTypes;\n\n if (providerPropTypes) {\n checkPropTypes(providerPropTypes, newProps, 'prop', 'Context.Provider');\n }\n }\n\n pushProvider(workInProgress, context, newValue);\n\n {\n if (oldProps !== null) {\n var oldValue = oldProps.value;\n\n if (objectIs(oldValue, newValue)) {\n // No change. Bailout early if children are the same.\n if (oldProps.children === newProps.children && !hasContextChanged()) {\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n } else {\n // The context value changed. Search for matching consumers and schedule\n // them to update.\n propagateContextChange(workInProgress, context, renderLanes);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var newChildren = newProps.children;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, newChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nvar hasWarnedAboutUsingContextAsConsumer = false;\n\nfunction updateContextConsumer(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var context = workInProgress.type; // The logic below for Context differs depending on PROD or DEV mode. In\n // DEV mode, we create a separate object for Context.Consumer that acts\n // like a proxy to Context. This proxy object adds unnecessary code in PROD\n // so we use the old behaviour (Context.Consumer references Context) to\n // reduce size and overhead. The separate object references context via\n // a property called \"_context\", which also gives us the ability to check\n // in DEV mode if this property exists or not and warn if it does not.\n\n {\n if (context._context === undefined) {\n // This may be because it's a Context (rather than a Consumer).\n // Or it may be because it's older React where they're the same thing.\n // We only want to warn if we're sure it's a new React.\n if (context !== context.Consumer) {\n if (!hasWarnedAboutUsingContextAsConsumer) {\n hasWarnedAboutUsingContextAsConsumer = true;\n\n error('Rendering <Context> directly is not supported and will be removed in ' + 'a future major release. Did you mean to render <Context.Consumer> instead?');\n }\n }\n } else {\n context = context._context;\n }\n }\n\n var newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var render = newProps.children;\n\n {\n if (typeof render !== 'function') {\n error('A context consumer was rendered with multiple children, or a child ' + \"that isn't a function. A context consumer expects a single child \" + 'that is a function. If you did pass a function, make sure there ' + 'is no trailing or leading whitespace around it.');\n }\n }\n\n prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);\n var newValue = readContext(context);\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);\n }\n\n var newChildren;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentOwner$1.current = workInProgress;\n setIsRendering(true);\n newChildren = render(newValue);\n setIsRendering(false);\n }\n\n {\n markComponentRenderStopped();\n } // React DevTools reads this flag.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= PerformedWork;\n reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, newChildren, renderLanes);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction markWorkInProgressReceivedUpdate() {\n didReceiveUpdate = true;\n}\n\nfunction resetSuspendedCurrentOnMountInLegacyMode(current, workInProgress) {\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n if (current !== null) {\n // A lazy component only mounts if it suspended inside a non-\n // concurrent tree, in an inconsistent state. We want to treat it like\n // a new mount, even though an empty version of it already committed.\n // Disconnect the alternate pointers.\n current.alternate = null;\n workInProgress.alternate = null; // Since this is conceptually a new fiber, schedule a Placement effect\n\n workInProgress.flags |= Placement;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n if (current !== null) {\n // Reuse previous dependencies\n workInProgress.dependencies = current.dependencies;\n }\n\n {\n // Don't update \"base\" render times for bailouts.\n stopProfilerTimerIfRunning();\n }\n\n markSkippedUpdateLanes(workInProgress.lanes); // Check if the children have any pending work.\n\n if (!includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes)) {\n // The children don't have any work either. We can skip them.\n // TODO: Once we add back resuming, we should check if the children are\n // a work-in-progress set. If so, we need to transfer their effects.\n {\n return null;\n }\n } // This fiber doesn't have work, but its subtree does. Clone the child\n // fibers and continue.\n\n\n cloneChildFibers(current, workInProgress);\n return workInProgress.child;\n}\n\nfunction remountFiber(current, oldWorkInProgress, newWorkInProgress) {\n {\n var returnFiber = oldWorkInProgress.return;\n\n if (returnFiber === null) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n throw new Error('Cannot swap the root fiber.');\n } // Disconnect from the old current.\n // It will get deleted.\n\n\n current.alternate = null;\n oldWorkInProgress.alternate = null; // Connect to the new tree.\n\n newWorkInProgress.index = oldWorkInProgress.index;\n newWorkInProgress.sibling = oldWorkInProgress.sibling;\n newWorkInProgress.return = oldWorkInProgress.return;\n newWorkInProgress.ref = oldWorkInProgress.ref; // Replace the child/sibling pointers above it.\n\n if (oldWorkInProgress === returnFiber.child) {\n returnFiber.child = newWorkInProgress;\n } else {\n var prevSibling = returnFiber.child;\n\n if (prevSibling === null) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n throw new Error('Expected parent to have a child.');\n }\n\n while (prevSibling.sibling !== oldWorkInProgress) {\n prevSibling = prevSibling.sibling;\n\n if (prevSibling === null) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n throw new Error('Expected to find the previous sibling.');\n }\n }\n\n prevSibling.sibling = newWorkInProgress;\n } // Delete the old fiber and place the new one.\n // Since the old fiber is disconnected, we have to schedule it manually.\n\n\n var deletions = returnFiber.deletions;\n\n if (deletions === null) {\n returnFiber.deletions = [current];\n returnFiber.flags |= ChildDeletion;\n } else {\n deletions.push(current);\n }\n\n newWorkInProgress.flags |= Placement; // Restart work from the new fiber.\n\n return newWorkInProgress;\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkScheduledUpdateOrContext(current, renderLanes) {\n // Before performing an early bailout, we must check if there are pending\n // updates or context.\n var updateLanes = current.lanes;\n\n if (includesSomeLane(updateLanes, renderLanes)) {\n return true;\n } // No pending update, but because context is propagated lazily, we need\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction attemptEarlyBailoutIfNoScheduledUpdate(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n // This fiber does not have any pending work. Bailout without entering\n // the begin phase. There's still some bookkeeping we that needs to be done\n // in this optimized path, mostly pushing stuff onto the stack.\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n pushHostRootContext(workInProgress);\n var root = workInProgress.stateNode;\n\n resetHydrationState();\n break;\n\n case HostComponent:\n pushHostContext(workInProgress);\n break;\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var Component = workInProgress.type;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n pushContextProvider(workInProgress);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n pushHostContainer(workInProgress, workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo);\n break;\n\n case ContextProvider:\n {\n var newValue = workInProgress.memoizedProps.value;\n var context = workInProgress.type._context;\n pushProvider(workInProgress, context, newValue);\n break;\n }\n\n case Profiler:\n {\n // Profiler should only call onRender when one of its descendants actually rendered.\n var hasChildWork = includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes);\n\n if (hasChildWork) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n }\n\n {\n // Reset effect durations for the next eventual effect phase.\n // These are reset during render to allow the DevTools commit hook a chance to read them,\n var stateNode = workInProgress.stateNode;\n stateNode.effectDuration = 0;\n stateNode.passiveEffectDuration = 0;\n }\n }\n\n break;\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n var state = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (state !== null) {\n if (state.dehydrated !== null) {\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseStackCursor.current)); // We know that this component will suspend again because if it has\n // been unsuspended it has committed as a resolved Suspense component.\n // If it needs to be retried, it should have work scheduled on it.\n\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture; // We should never render the children of a dehydrated boundary until we\n // upgrade it. We return null instead of bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork.\n\n return null;\n } // If this boundary is currently timed out, we need to decide\n // whether to retry the primary children, or to skip over it and\n // go straight to the fallback. Check the priority of the primary\n // child fragment.\n\n\n var primaryChildFragment = workInProgress.child;\n var primaryChildLanes = primaryChildFragment.childLanes;\n\n if (includesSomeLane(renderLanes, primaryChildLanes)) {\n // The primary children have pending work. Use the normal path\n // to attempt to render the primary children again.\n return updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n } else {\n // The primary child fragment does not have pending work marked\n // on it\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseStackCursor.current)); // The primary children do not have pending work with sufficient\n // priority. Bailout.\n\n var child = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n if (child !== null) {\n // The fallback children have pending work. Skip over the\n // primary children and work on the fallback.\n return child.sibling;\n } else {\n // Note: We can return `null` here because we already checked\n // whether there were nested context consumers, via the call to\n // `bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork` above.\n return null;\n }\n }\n } else {\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseStackCursor.current));\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n {\n var didSuspendBefore = (current.flags & DidCapture) !== NoFlags;\n\n var _hasChildWork = includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes);\n\n if (didSuspendBefore) {\n if (_hasChildWork) {\n // If something was in fallback state last time, and we have all the\n // same children then we're still in progressive loading state.\n // Something might get unblocked by state updates or retries in the\n // tree which will affect the tail. So we need to use the normal\n // path to compute the correct tail.\n return updateSuspenseListComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n } // If none of the children had any work, that means that none of\n // them got retried so they'll still be blocked in the same way\n // as before. We can fast bail out.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n } // If nothing suspended before and we're rendering the same children,\n // then the tail doesn't matter. Anything new that suspends will work\n // in the \"together\" mode, so we can continue from the state we had.\n\n\n var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (renderState !== null) {\n // Reset to the \"together\" mode in case we've started a different\n // update in the past but didn't complete it.\n renderState.rendering = null;\n renderState.tail = null;\n renderState.lastEffect = null;\n }\n\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, suspenseStackCursor.current);\n\n if (_hasChildWork) {\n break;\n } else {\n // If none of the children had any work, that means that none of\n // them got retried so they'll still be blocked in the same way\n // as before. We can fast bail out.\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n case LegacyHiddenComponent:\n {\n // Need to check if the tree still needs to be deferred. This is\n // almost identical to the logic used in the normal update path,\n // so we'll just enter that. The only difference is we'll bail out\n // at the next level instead of this one, because the child props\n // have not changed. Which is fine.\n // TODO: Probably should refactor `beginWork` to split the bailout\n // path from the normal path. I'm tempted to do a labeled break here\n // but I won't :)\n workInProgress.lanes = NoLanes;\n return updateOffscreenComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n }\n\n return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n}\n\nfunction beginWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n {\n if (workInProgress._debugNeedsRemount && current !== null) {\n // This will restart the begin phase with a new fiber.\n return remountFiber(current, workInProgress, createFiberFromTypeAndProps(workInProgress.type, workInProgress.key, workInProgress.pendingProps, workInProgress._debugOwner || null, workInProgress.mode, workInProgress.lanes));\n }\n }\n\n if (current !== null) {\n var oldProps = current.memoizedProps;\n var newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n\n if (oldProps !== newProps || hasContextChanged() || ( // Force a re-render if the implementation changed due to hot reload:\n workInProgress.type !== current.type )) {\n // If props or context changed, mark the fiber as having performed work.\n // This may be unset if the props are determined to be equal later (memo).\n didReceiveUpdate = true;\n } else {\n // Neither props nor legacy context changes. Check if there's a pending\n // update or context change.\n var hasScheduledUpdateOrContext = checkScheduledUpdateOrContext(current, renderLanes);\n\n if (!hasScheduledUpdateOrContext && // If this is the second pass of an error or suspense boundary, there\n // may not be work scheduled on `current`, so we check for this flag.\n (workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags) {\n // No pending updates or context. Bail out now.\n didReceiveUpdate = false;\n return attemptEarlyBailoutIfNoScheduledUpdate(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n\n if ((current.flags & ForceUpdateForLegacySuspense) !== NoFlags) {\n // This is a special case that only exists for legacy mode.\n // See\n didReceiveUpdate = true;\n } else {\n // An update was scheduled on this fiber, but there are no new props\n // nor legacy context. Set this to false. If an update queue or context\n // consumer produces a changed value, it will set this to true. Otherwise,\n // the component will assume the children have not changed and bail out.\n didReceiveUpdate = false;\n }\n }\n } else {\n didReceiveUpdate = false;\n\n if (getIsHydrating() && isForkedChild(workInProgress)) {\n // Check if this child belongs to a list of muliple children in\n // its parent.\n //\n // In a true multi-threaded implementation, we would render children on\n // parallel threads. This would represent the beginning of a new render\n // thread for this subtree.\n //\n // We only use this for id generation during hydration, which is why the\n // logic is located in this special branch.\n var slotIndex = workInProgress.index;\n var numberOfForks = getForksAtLevel();\n pushTreeId(workInProgress, numberOfForks, slotIndex);\n }\n } // Before entering the begin phase, clear pending update priority.\n // TODO: This assumes that we're about to evaluate the component and process\n // the update queue. However, there's an exception: SimpleMemoComponent\n // sometimes bails out later in the begin phase. This indicates that we should\n // move this assignment out of the common path and into each branch.\n\n\n workInProgress.lanes = NoLanes;\n\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case IndeterminateComponent:\n {\n return mountIndeterminateComponent(current, workInProgress, workInProgress.type, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case LazyComponent:\n {\n var elementType = workInProgress.elementType;\n return mountLazyComponent(current, workInProgress, elementType, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case FunctionComponent:\n {\n var Component = workInProgress.type;\n var unresolvedProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n var resolvedProps = workInProgress.elementType === Component ? unresolvedProps : resolveDefaultProps(Component, unresolvedProps);\n return updateFunctionComponent(current, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var _Component = workInProgress.type;\n var _unresolvedProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n\n var _resolvedProps = workInProgress.elementType === _Component ? _unresolvedProps : resolveDefaultProps(_Component, _unresolvedProps);\n\n return updateClassComponent(current, workInProgress, _Component, _resolvedProps, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n return updateHostRoot(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case HostComponent:\n return updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case HostText:\n return updateHostText(current, workInProgress);\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n return updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case HostPortal:\n return updatePortalComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case ForwardRef:\n {\n var type = workInProgress.type;\n var _unresolvedProps2 = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n\n var _resolvedProps2 = workInProgress.elementType === type ? _unresolvedProps2 : resolveDefaultProps(type, _unresolvedProps2);\n\n return updateForwardRef(current, workInProgress, type, _resolvedProps2, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case Fragment:\n return updateFragment(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case Mode:\n return updateMode(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case Profiler:\n return updateProfiler(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case ContextProvider:\n return updateContextProvider(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case ContextConsumer:\n return updateContextConsumer(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n\n case MemoComponent:\n {\n var _type2 = workInProgress.type;\n var _unresolvedProps3 = workInProgress.pendingProps; // Resolve outer props first, then resolve inner props.\n\n var _resolvedProps3 = resolveDefaultProps(_type2, _unresolvedProps3);\n\n {\n if (workInProgress.type !== workInProgress.elementType) {\n var outerPropTypes = _type2.propTypes;\n\n if (outerPropTypes) {\n checkPropTypes(outerPropTypes, _resolvedProps3, // Resolved for outer only\n 'prop', getComponentNameFromType(_type2));\n }\n }\n }\n\n _resolvedProps3 = resolveDefaultProps(_type2.type, _resolvedProps3);\n return updateMemoComponent(current, workInProgress, _type2, _resolvedProps3, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n return updateSimpleMemoComponent(current, workInProgress, workInProgress.type, workInProgress.pendingProps, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case IncompleteClassComponent:\n {\n var _Component2 = workInProgress.type;\n var _unresolvedProps4 = workInProgress.pendingProps;\n\n var _resolvedProps4 = workInProgress.elementType === _Component2 ? _unresolvedProps4 : resolveDefaultProps(_Component2, _unresolvedProps4);\n\n return mountIncompleteClassComponent(current, workInProgress, _Component2, _resolvedProps4, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n {\n return updateSuspenseListComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n\n case ScopeComponent:\n {\n\n break;\n }\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n {\n return updateOffscreenComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);\n }\n }\n\n throw new Error(\"Unknown unit of work tag (\" + workInProgress.tag + \"). This error is likely caused by a bug in \" + 'React. Please file an issue.');\n}\n\nfunction markUpdate(workInProgress) {\n // Tag the fiber with an update effect. This turns a Placement into\n // a PlacementAndUpdate.\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n}\n\nfunction markRef$1(workInProgress) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Ref;\n\n {\n workInProgress.flags |= RefStatic;\n }\n}\n\nvar appendAllChildren;\nvar updateHostContainer;\nvar updateHostComponent$1;\nvar updateHostText$1;\n\n{\n // Mutation mode\n appendAllChildren = function (parent, workInProgress, needsVisibilityToggle, isHidden) {\n // We only have the top Fiber that was created but we need recurse down its\n // children to find all the terminal nodes.\n var node = workInProgress.child;\n\n while (node !== null) {\n if (node.tag === HostComponent || node.tag === HostText) {\n appendInitialChild(parent, node.stateNode);\n } else if (node.tag === HostPortal) ; else if (node.child !== null) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n\n if (node === workInProgress) {\n return;\n }\n\n while (node.sibling === null) {\n if (node.return === null || node.return === workInProgress) {\n return;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n };\n\n updateHostContainer = function (current, workInProgress) {// Noop\n };\n\n updateHostComponent$1 = function (current, workInProgress, type, newProps, rootContainerInstance) {\n // If we have an alternate, that means this is an update and we need to\n // schedule a side-effect to do the updates.\n var oldProps = current.memoizedProps;\n\n if (oldProps === newProps) {\n // In mutation mode, this is sufficient for a bailout because\n // we won't touch this node even if children changed.\n return;\n } // If we get updated because one of our children updated, we don't\n // have newProps so we'll have to reuse them.\n // TODO: Split the update API as separate for the props vs. children.\n // Even better would be if children weren't special cased at all tho.\n\n\n var instance = workInProgress.stateNode;\n var currentHostContext = getHostContext(); // TODO: Experiencing an error where oldProps is null. Suggests a host\n // component is hitting the resume path. Figure out why. Possibly\n // related to `hidden`.\n\n var updatePayload = prepareUpdate(instance, type, oldProps, newProps, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext); // TODO: Type this specific to this type of component.\n\n workInProgress.updateQueue = updatePayload; // If the update payload indicates that there is a change or if there\n // is a new ref we mark this as an update. All the work is done in commitWork.\n\n if (updatePayload) {\n markUpdate(workInProgress);\n }\n };\n\n updateHostText$1 = function (current, workInProgress, oldText, newText) {\n // If the text differs, mark it as an update. All the work in done in commitWork.\n if (oldText !== newText) {\n markUpdate(workInProgress);\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, hasRenderedATailFallback) {\n if (getIsHydrating()) {\n // If we're hydrating, we should consume as many items as we can\n // so we don't leave any behind.\n return;\n }\n\n switch (renderState.tailMode) {\n case 'hidden':\n {\n // Any insertions at the end of the tail list after this point\n // should be invisible. If there are already mounted boundaries\n // anything before them are not considered for collapsing.\n // Therefore we need to go through the whole tail to find if\n // there are any.\n var tailNode = renderState.tail;\n var lastTailNode = null;\n\n while (tailNode !== null) {\n if (tailNode.alternate !== null) {\n lastTailNode = tailNode;\n }\n\n tailNode = tailNode.sibling;\n } // Next we're simply going to delete all insertions after the\n // last rendered item.\n\n\n if (lastTailNode === null) {\n // All remaining items in the tail are insertions.\n renderState.tail = null;\n } else {\n // Detach the insertion after the last node that was already\n // inserted.\n lastTailNode.sibling = null;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case 'collapsed':\n {\n // Any insertions at the end of the tail list after this point\n // should be invisible. If there are already mounted boundaries\n // anything before them are not considered for collapsing.\n // Therefore we need to go through the whole tail to find if\n // there are any.\n var _tailNode = renderState.tail;\n var _lastTailNode = null;\n\n while (_tailNode !== null) {\n if (_tailNode.alternate !== null) {\n _lastTailNode = _tailNode;\n }\n\n _tailNode = _tailNode.sibling;\n } // Next we're simply going to delete all insertions after the\n // last rendered item.\n\n\n if (_lastTailNode === null) {\n // All remaining items in the tail are insertions.\n if (!hasRenderedATailFallback && renderState.tail !== null) {\n // We suspended during the head. We want to show at least one\n // row at the tail. So we'll keep on and cut off the rest.\n renderState.tail.sibling = null;\n } else {\n renderState.tail = null;\n }\n } else {\n // Detach the insertion after the last node that was already\n // inserted.\n _lastTailNode.sibling = null;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction bubbleProperties(completedWork) {\n var didBailout = completedWork.alternate !== null && completedWork.alternate.child === completedWork.child;\n var newChildLanes = NoLanes;\n var subtreeFlags = NoFlags;\n\n if (!didBailout) {\n // Bubble up the earliest expiration time.\n if ( (completedWork.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n // In profiling mode, resetChildExpirationTime is also used to reset\n // profiler durations.\n var actualDuration = completedWork.actualDuration;\n var treeBaseDuration = completedWork.selfBaseDuration;\n var child = completedWork.child;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n newChildLanes = mergeLanes(newChildLanes, mergeLanes(child.lanes, child.childLanes));\n subtreeFlags |= child.subtreeFlags;\n subtreeFlags |= child.flags; // When a fiber is cloned, its actualDuration is reset to 0. This value will\n // only be updated if work is done on the fiber (i.e. it doesn't bailout).\n // When work is done, it should bubble to the parent's actualDuration. If\n // the fiber has not been cloned though, (meaning no work was done), then\n // this value will reflect the amount of time spent working on a previous\n // render. In that case it should not bubble. We determine whether it was\n // cloned by comparing the child pointer.\n\n actualDuration += child.actualDuration;\n treeBaseDuration += child.treeBaseDuration;\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n\n completedWork.actualDuration = actualDuration;\n completedWork.treeBaseDuration = treeBaseDuration;\n } else {\n var _child = completedWork.child;\n\n while (_child !== null) {\n newChildLanes = mergeLanes(newChildLanes, mergeLanes(_child.lanes, _child.childLanes));\n subtreeFlags |= _child.subtreeFlags;\n subtreeFlags |= _child.flags; // Update the return pointer so the tree is consistent. This is a code\n // smell because it assumes the commit phase is never concurrent with\n // the render phase. Will address during refactor to alternate model.\n\n _child.return = completedWork;\n _child = _child.sibling;\n }\n }\n\n completedWork.subtreeFlags |= subtreeFlags;\n } else {\n // Bubble up the earliest expiration time.\n if ( (completedWork.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n // In profiling mode, resetChildExpirationTime is also used to reset\n // profiler durations.\n var _treeBaseDuration = completedWork.selfBaseDuration;\n var _child2 = completedWork.child;\n\n while (_child2 !== null) {\n newChildLanes = mergeLanes(newChildLanes, mergeLanes(_child2.lanes, _child2.childLanes)); // \"Static\" flags share the lifetime of the fiber/hook they belong to,\n // so we should bubble those up even during a bailout. All the other\n // flags have a lifetime only of a single render + commit, so we should\n // ignore them.\n\n subtreeFlags |= _child2.subtreeFlags & StaticMask;\n subtreeFlags |= _child2.flags & StaticMask;\n _treeBaseDuration += _child2.treeBaseDuration;\n _child2 = _child2.sibling;\n }\n\n completedWork.treeBaseDuration = _treeBaseDuration;\n } else {\n var _child3 = completedWork.child;\n\n while (_child3 !== null) {\n newChildLanes = mergeLanes(newChildLanes, mergeLanes(_child3.lanes, _child3.childLanes)); // \"Static\" flags share the lifetime of the fiber/hook they belong to,\n // so we should bubble those up even during a bailout. All the other\n // flags have a lifetime only of a single render + commit, so we should\n // ignore them.\n\n subtreeFlags |= _child3.subtreeFlags & StaticMask;\n subtreeFlags |= _child3.flags & StaticMask; // Update the return pointer so the tree is consistent. This is a code\n // smell because it assumes the commit phase is never concurrent with\n // the render phase. Will address during refactor to alternate model.\n\n _child3.return = completedWork;\n _child3 = _child3.sibling;\n }\n }\n\n completedWork.subtreeFlags |= subtreeFlags;\n }\n\n completedWork.childLanes = newChildLanes;\n return didBailout;\n}\n\nfunction completeDehydratedSuspenseBoundary(current, workInProgress, nextState) {\n if (hasUnhydratedTailNodes() && (workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode && (workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags) {\n warnIfUnhydratedTailNodes(workInProgress);\n resetHydrationState();\n workInProgress.flags |= ForceClientRender | Incomplete | ShouldCapture;\n return false;\n }\n\n var wasHydrated = popHydrationState(workInProgress);\n\n if (nextState !== null && nextState.dehydrated !== null) {\n // We might be inside a hydration state the first time we're picking up this\n // Suspense boundary, and also after we've reentered it for further hydration.\n if (current === null) {\n if (!wasHydrated) {\n throw new Error('A dehydrated suspense component was completed without a hydrated node. ' + 'This is probably a bug in React.');\n }\n\n prepareToHydrateHostSuspenseInstance(workInProgress);\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n\n {\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n var isTimedOutSuspense = nextState !== null;\n\n if (isTimedOutSuspense) {\n // Don't count time spent in a timed out Suspense subtree as part of the base duration.\n var primaryChildFragment = workInProgress.child;\n\n if (primaryChildFragment !== null) {\n // $FlowFixMe Flow doesn't support type casting in combination with the -= operator\n workInProgress.treeBaseDuration -= primaryChildFragment.treeBaseDuration;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n } else {\n // We might have reentered this boundary to hydrate it. If so, we need to reset the hydration\n // state since we're now exiting out of it. popHydrationState doesn't do that for us.\n resetHydrationState();\n\n if ((workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags) {\n // This boundary did not suspend so it's now hydrated and unsuspended.\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n } // If nothing suspended, we need to schedule an effect to mark this boundary\n // as having hydrated so events know that they're free to be invoked.\n // It's also a signal to replay events and the suspense callback.\n // If something suspended, schedule an effect to attach retry listeners.\n // So we might as well always mark this.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n\n {\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n var _isTimedOutSuspense = nextState !== null;\n\n if (_isTimedOutSuspense) {\n // Don't count time spent in a timed out Suspense subtree as part of the base duration.\n var _primaryChildFragment = workInProgress.child;\n\n if (_primaryChildFragment !== null) {\n // $FlowFixMe Flow doesn't support type casting in combination with the -= operator\n workInProgress.treeBaseDuration -= _primaryChildFragment.treeBaseDuration;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n } else {\n // Successfully completed this tree. If this was a forced client render,\n // there may have been recoverable errors during first hydration\n // attempt. If so, add them to a queue so we can log them in the\n // commit phase.\n upgradeHydrationErrorsToRecoverable(); // Fall through to normal Suspense path\n\n return true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction completeWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n var newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps; // Note: This intentionally doesn't check if we're hydrating because comparing\n // to the current tree provider fiber is just as fast and less error-prone.\n // Ideally we would have a special version of the work loop only\n // for hydration.\n\n popTreeContext(workInProgress);\n\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case IndeterminateComponent:\n case LazyComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case Fragment:\n case Mode:\n case Profiler:\n case ContextConsumer:\n case MemoComponent:\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var Component = workInProgress.type;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n popContext(workInProgress);\n }\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n {\n var fiberRoot = workInProgress.stateNode;\n popHostContainer(workInProgress);\n popTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress);\n resetWorkInProgressVersions();\n\n if (fiberRoot.pendingContext) {\n fiberRoot.context = fiberRoot.pendingContext;\n fiberRoot.pendingContext = null;\n }\n\n if (current === null || current.child === null) {\n // If we hydrated, pop so that we can delete any remaining children\n // that weren't hydrated.\n var wasHydrated = popHydrationState(workInProgress);\n\n if (wasHydrated) {\n // If we hydrated, then we'll need to schedule an update for\n // the commit side-effects on the root.\n markUpdate(workInProgress);\n } else {\n if (current !== null) {\n var prevState = current.memoizedState;\n\n if ( // Check if this is a client root\n !prevState.isDehydrated || // Check if we reverted to client rendering (e.g. due to an error)\n (workInProgress.flags & ForceClientRender) !== NoFlags) {\n // Schedule an effect to clear this container at the start of the\n // next commit. This handles the case of React rendering into a\n // container with previous children. It's also safe to do for\n // updates too, because current.child would only be null if the\n // previous render was null (so the container would already\n // be empty).\n workInProgress.flags |= Snapshot; // If this was a forced client render, there may have been\n // recoverable errors during first hydration attempt. If so, add\n // them to a queue so we can log them in the commit phase.\n\n upgradeHydrationErrorsToRecoverable();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n updateHostContainer(current, workInProgress);\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n\n return null;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n popHostContext(workInProgress);\n var rootContainerInstance = getRootHostContainer();\n var type = workInProgress.type;\n\n if (current !== null && workInProgress.stateNode != null) {\n updateHostComponent$1(current, workInProgress, type, newProps, rootContainerInstance);\n\n if (current.ref !== workInProgress.ref) {\n markRef$1(workInProgress);\n }\n } else {\n if (!newProps) {\n if (workInProgress.stateNode === null) {\n throw new Error('We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely ' + 'caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n } // This can happen when we abort work.\n\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n var currentHostContext = getHostContext(); // TODO: Move createInstance to beginWork and keep it on a context\n // \"stack\" as the parent. Then append children as we go in beginWork\n // or completeWork depending on whether we want to add them top->down or\n // bottom->up. Top->down is faster in IE11.\n\n var _wasHydrated = popHydrationState(workInProgress);\n\n if (_wasHydrated) {\n // TODO: Move this and createInstance step into the beginPhase\n // to consolidate.\n if (prepareToHydrateHostInstance(workInProgress, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext)) {\n // If changes to the hydrated node need to be applied at the\n // commit-phase we mark this as such.\n markUpdate(workInProgress);\n }\n } else {\n var instance = createInstance(type, newProps, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext, workInProgress);\n appendAllChildren(instance, workInProgress, false, false);\n workInProgress.stateNode = instance; // Certain renderers require commit-time effects for initial mount.\n // (eg DOM renderer supports auto-focus for certain elements).\n // Make sure such renderers get scheduled for later work.\n\n if (finalizeInitialChildren(instance, type, newProps, rootContainerInstance)) {\n markUpdate(workInProgress);\n }\n }\n\n if (workInProgress.ref !== null) {\n // If there is a ref on a host node we need to schedule a callback\n markRef$1(workInProgress);\n }\n }\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n case HostText:\n {\n var newText = newProps;\n\n if (current && workInProgress.stateNode != null) {\n var oldText = current.memoizedProps; // If we have an alternate, that means this is an update and we need\n // to schedule a side-effect to do the updates.\n\n updateHostText$1(current, workInProgress, oldText, newText);\n } else {\n if (typeof newText !== 'string') {\n if (workInProgress.stateNode === null) {\n throw new Error('We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely ' + 'caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n } // This can happen when we abort work.\n\n }\n\n var _rootContainerInstance = getRootHostContainer();\n\n var _currentHostContext = getHostContext();\n\n var _wasHydrated2 = popHydrationState(workInProgress);\n\n if (_wasHydrated2) {\n if (prepareToHydrateHostTextInstance(workInProgress)) {\n markUpdate(workInProgress);\n }\n } else {\n workInProgress.stateNode = createTextInstance(newText, _rootContainerInstance, _currentHostContext, workInProgress);\n }\n }\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n popSuspenseContext(workInProgress);\n var nextState = workInProgress.memoizedState; // Special path for dehydrated boundaries. We may eventually move this\n // to its own fiber type so that we can add other kinds of hydration\n // boundaries that aren't associated with a Suspense tree. In anticipation\n // of such a refactor, all the hydration logic is contained in\n // this branch.\n\n if (current === null || current.memoizedState !== null && current.memoizedState.dehydrated !== null) {\n var fallthroughToNormalSuspensePath = completeDehydratedSuspenseBoundary(current, workInProgress, nextState);\n\n if (!fallthroughToNormalSuspensePath) {\n if (workInProgress.flags & ShouldCapture) {\n // Special case. There were remaining unhydrated nodes. We treat\n // this as a mismatch. Revert to client rendering.\n return workInProgress;\n } else {\n // Did not finish hydrating, either because this is the initial\n // render or because something suspended.\n return null;\n }\n } // Continue with the normal Suspense path.\n\n }\n\n if ((workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) !== NoFlags) {\n // Something suspended. Re-render with the fallback children.\n workInProgress.lanes = renderLanes; // Do not reset the effect list.\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n transferActualDuration(workInProgress);\n } // Don't bubble properties in this case.\n\n\n return workInProgress;\n }\n\n var nextDidTimeout = nextState !== null;\n var prevDidTimeout = current !== null && current.memoizedState !== null;\n // a passive effect, which is when we process the transitions\n\n\n if (nextDidTimeout !== prevDidTimeout) {\n // an effect to toggle the subtree's visibility. When we switch from\n // fallback -> primary, the inner Offscreen fiber schedules this effect\n // as part of its normal complete phase. But when we switch from\n // primary -> fallback, the inner Offscreen fiber does not have a complete\n // phase. So we need to schedule its effect here.\n //\n // We also use this flag to connect/disconnect the effects, but the same\n // logic applies: when re-connecting, the Offscreen fiber's complete\n // phase will handle scheduling the effect. It's only when the fallback\n // is active that we have to do anything special.\n\n\n if (nextDidTimeout) {\n var _offscreenFiber2 = workInProgress.child;\n _offscreenFiber2.flags |= Visibility; // TODO: This will still suspend a synchronous tree if anything\n // in the concurrent tree already suspended during this render.\n // This is a known bug.\n\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode) {\n // TODO: Move this back to throwException because this is too late\n // if this is a large tree which is common for initial loads. We\n // don't know if we should restart a render or not until we get\n // this marker, and this is too late.\n // If this render already had a ping or lower pri updates,\n // and this is the first time we know we're going to suspend we\n // should be able to immediately restart from within throwException.\n var hasInvisibleChildContext = current === null && (workInProgress.memoizedProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback !== true || !enableSuspenseAvoidThisFallback);\n\n if (hasInvisibleChildContext || hasSuspenseContext(suspenseStackCursor.current, InvisibleParentSuspenseContext)) {\n // If this was in an invisible tree or a new render, then showing\n // this boundary is ok.\n renderDidSuspend();\n } else {\n // Otherwise, we're going to have to hide content so we should\n // suspend for longer if possible.\n renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n var wakeables = workInProgress.updateQueue;\n\n if (wakeables !== null) {\n // Schedule an effect to attach a retry listener to the promise.\n // TODO: Move to passive phase\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n }\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n\n {\n if ((workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n if (nextDidTimeout) {\n // Don't count time spent in a timed out Suspense subtree as part of the base duration.\n var primaryChildFragment = workInProgress.child;\n\n if (primaryChildFragment !== null) {\n // $FlowFixMe Flow doesn't support type casting in combination with the -= operator\n workInProgress.treeBaseDuration -= primaryChildFragment.treeBaseDuration;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n popHostContainer(workInProgress);\n updateHostContainer(current, workInProgress);\n\n if (current === null) {\n preparePortalMount(workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo);\n }\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n\n case ContextProvider:\n // Pop provider fiber\n var context = workInProgress.type._context;\n popProvider(context, workInProgress);\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n\n case IncompleteClassComponent:\n {\n // Same as class component case. I put it down here so that the tags are\n // sequential to ensure this switch is compiled to a jump table.\n var _Component = workInProgress.type;\n\n if (isContextProvider(_Component)) {\n popContext(workInProgress);\n }\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n {\n popSuspenseContext(workInProgress);\n var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (renderState === null) {\n // We're running in the default, \"independent\" mode.\n // We don't do anything in this mode.\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n var didSuspendAlready = (workInProgress.flags & DidCapture) !== NoFlags;\n var renderedTail = renderState.rendering;\n\n if (renderedTail === null) {\n // We just rendered the head.\n if (!didSuspendAlready) {\n // This is the first pass. We need to figure out if anything is still\n // suspended in the rendered set.\n // If new content unsuspended, but there's still some content that\n // didn't. Then we need to do a second pass that forces everything\n // to keep showing their fallbacks.\n // We might be suspended if something in this render pass suspended, or\n // something in the previous committed pass suspended. Otherwise,\n // there's no chance so we can skip the expensive call to\n // findFirstSuspended.\n var cannotBeSuspended = renderHasNotSuspendedYet() && (current === null || (current.flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags);\n\n if (!cannotBeSuspended) {\n var row = workInProgress.child;\n\n while (row !== null) {\n var suspended = findFirstSuspended(row);\n\n if (suspended !== null) {\n didSuspendAlready = true;\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, false); // If this is a newly suspended tree, it might not get committed as\n // part of the second pass. In that case nothing will subscribe to\n // its thenables. Instead, we'll transfer its thenables to the\n // SuspenseList so that it can retry if they resolve.\n // There might be multiple of these in the list but since we're\n // going to wait for all of them anyway, it doesn't really matter\n // which ones gets to ping. In theory we could get clever and keep\n // track of how many dependencies remain but it gets tricky because\n // in the meantime, we can add/remove/change items and dependencies.\n // We might bail out of the loop before finding any but that\n // doesn't matter since that means that the other boundaries that\n // we did find already has their listeners attached.\n\n var newThenables = suspended.updateQueue;\n\n if (newThenables !== null) {\n workInProgress.updateQueue = newThenables;\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n } // Rerender the whole list, but this time, we'll force fallbacks\n // to stay in place.\n // Reset the effect flags before doing the second pass since that's now invalid.\n // Reset the child fibers to their original state.\n\n\n workInProgress.subtreeFlags = NoFlags;\n resetChildFibers(workInProgress, renderLanes); // Set up the Suspense Context to force suspense and immediately\n // rerender the children.\n\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, setShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseStackCursor.current, ForceSuspenseFallback)); // Don't bubble properties in this case.\n\n return workInProgress.child;\n }\n\n row = row.sibling;\n }\n }\n\n if (renderState.tail !== null && now() > getRenderTargetTime()) {\n // We have already passed our CPU deadline but we still have rows\n // left in the tail. We'll just give up further attempts to render\n // the main content and only render fallbacks.\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n didSuspendAlready = true;\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, false); // Since nothing actually suspended, there will nothing to ping this\n // to get it started back up to attempt the next item. While in terms\n // of priority this work has the same priority as this current render,\n // it's not part of the same transition once the transition has\n // committed. If it's sync, we still want to yield so that it can be\n // painted. Conceptually, this is really the same as pinging.\n // We can use any RetryLane even if it's the one currently rendering\n // since we're leaving it behind on this node.\n\n workInProgress.lanes = SomeRetryLane;\n }\n } else {\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, false);\n } // Next we're going to render the tail.\n\n } else {\n // Append the rendered row to the child list.\n if (!didSuspendAlready) {\n var _suspended = findFirstSuspended(renderedTail);\n\n if (_suspended !== null) {\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n didSuspendAlready = true; // Ensure we transfer the update queue to the parent so that it doesn't\n // get lost if this row ends up dropped during a second pass.\n\n var _newThenables = _suspended.updateQueue;\n\n if (_newThenables !== null) {\n workInProgress.updateQueue = _newThenables;\n workInProgress.flags |= Update;\n }\n\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, true); // This might have been modified.\n\n if (renderState.tail === null && renderState.tailMode === 'hidden' && !renderedTail.alternate && !getIsHydrating() // We don't cut it if we're hydrating.\n ) {\n // We're done.\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n } else if ( // The time it took to render last row is greater than the remaining\n // time we have to render. So rendering one more row would likely\n // exceed it.\n now() * 2 - renderState.renderingStartTime > getRenderTargetTime() && renderLanes !== OffscreenLane) {\n // We have now passed our CPU deadline and we'll just give up further\n // attempts to render the main content and only render fallbacks.\n // The assumption is that this is usually faster.\n workInProgress.flags |= DidCapture;\n didSuspendAlready = true;\n cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, false); // Since nothing actually suspended, there will nothing to ping this\n // to get it started back up to attempt the next item. While in terms\n // of priority this work has the same priority as this current render,\n // it's not part of the same transition once the transition has\n // committed. If it's sync, we still want to yield so that it can be\n // painted. Conceptually, this is really the same as pinging.\n // We can use any RetryLane even if it's the one currently rendering\n // since we're leaving it behind on this node.\n\n workInProgress.lanes = SomeRetryLane;\n }\n }\n\n if (renderState.isBackwards) {\n // The effect list of the backwards tail will have been added\n // to the end. This breaks the guarantee that life-cycles fire in\n // sibling order but that isn't a strong guarantee promised by React.\n // Especially since these might also just pop in during future commits.\n // Append to the beginning of the list.\n renderedTail.sibling = workInProgress.child;\n workInProgress.child = renderedTail;\n } else {\n var previousSibling = renderState.last;\n\n if (previousSibling !== null) {\n previousSibling.sibling = renderedTail;\n } else {\n workInProgress.child = renderedTail;\n }\n\n renderState.last = renderedTail;\n }\n }\n\n if (renderState.tail !== null) {\n // We still have tail rows to render.\n // Pop a row.\n var next = renderState.tail;\n renderState.rendering = next;\n renderState.tail = next.sibling;\n renderState.renderingStartTime = now();\n next.sibling = null; // Restore the context.\n // TODO: We can probably just avoid popping it instead and only\n // setting it the first time we go from not suspended to suspended.\n\n var suspenseContext = suspenseStackCursor.current;\n\n if (didSuspendAlready) {\n suspenseContext = setShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseContext, ForceSuspenseFallback);\n } else {\n suspenseContext = setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseContext);\n }\n\n pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, suspenseContext); // Do a pass over the next row.\n // Don't bubble properties in this case.\n\n return next;\n }\n\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n case ScopeComponent:\n {\n\n break;\n }\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n case LegacyHiddenComponent:\n {\n popRenderLanes(workInProgress);\n var _nextState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n var nextIsHidden = _nextState !== null;\n\n if (current !== null) {\n var _prevState = current.memoizedState;\n var prevIsHidden = _prevState !== null;\n\n if (prevIsHidden !== nextIsHidden && ( // LegacyHidden doesn't do any hiding — it only pre-renders.\n !enableLegacyHidden )) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Visibility;\n }\n }\n\n if (!nextIsHidden || (workInProgress.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n } else {\n // Don't bubble properties for hidden children unless we're rendering\n // at offscreen priority.\n if (includesSomeLane(subtreeRenderLanes, OffscreenLane)) {\n bubbleProperties(workInProgress);\n\n {\n // Check if there was an insertion or update in the hidden subtree.\n // If so, we need to hide those nodes in the commit phase, so\n // schedule a visibility effect.\n if ( workInProgress.subtreeFlags & (Placement | Update)) {\n workInProgress.flags |= Visibility;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n case CacheComponent:\n {\n\n return null;\n }\n\n case TracingMarkerComponent:\n {\n\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n throw new Error(\"Unknown unit of work tag (\" + workInProgress.tag + \"). This error is likely caused by a bug in \" + 'React. Please file an issue.');\n}\n\nfunction unwindWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n // Note: This intentionally doesn't check if we're hydrating because comparing\n // to the current tree provider fiber is just as fast and less error-prone.\n // Ideally we would have a special version of the work loop only\n // for hydration.\n popTreeContext(workInProgress);\n\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var Component = workInProgress.type;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n popContext(workInProgress);\n }\n\n var flags = workInProgress.flags;\n\n if (flags & ShouldCapture) {\n workInProgress.flags = flags & ~ShouldCapture | DidCapture;\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n transferActualDuration(workInProgress);\n }\n\n return workInProgress;\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n {\n var root = workInProgress.stateNode;\n popHostContainer(workInProgress);\n popTopLevelContextObject(workInProgress);\n resetWorkInProgressVersions();\n var _flags = workInProgress.flags;\n\n if ((_flags & ShouldCapture) !== NoFlags && (_flags & DidCapture) === NoFlags) {\n // There was an error during render that wasn't captured by a suspense\n // boundary. Do a second pass on the root to unmount the children.\n workInProgress.flags = _flags & ~ShouldCapture | DidCapture;\n return workInProgress;\n } // We unwound to the root without completing it. Exit.\n\n\n return null;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n // TODO: popHydrationState\n popHostContext(workInProgress);\n return null;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n popSuspenseContext(workInProgress);\n var suspenseState = workInProgress.memoizedState;\n\n if (suspenseState !== null && suspenseState.dehydrated !== null) {\n if (workInProgress.alternate === null) {\n throw new Error('Threw in newly mounted dehydrated component. This is likely a bug in ' + 'React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n resetHydrationState();\n }\n\n var _flags2 = workInProgress.flags;\n\n if (_flags2 & ShouldCapture) {\n workInProgress.flags = _flags2 & ~ShouldCapture | DidCapture; // Captured a suspense effect. Re-render the boundary.\n\n if ( (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n transferActualDuration(workInProgress);\n }\n\n return workInProgress;\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n {\n popSuspenseContext(workInProgress); // SuspenseList doesn't actually catch anything. It should've been\n // caught by a nested boundary. If not, it should bubble through.\n\n return null;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n popHostContainer(workInProgress);\n return null;\n\n case ContextProvider:\n var context = workInProgress.type._context;\n popProvider(context, workInProgress);\n return null;\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n case LegacyHiddenComponent:\n popRenderLanes(workInProgress);\n return null;\n\n case CacheComponent:\n\n return null;\n\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nfunction unwindInterruptedWork(current, interruptedWork, renderLanes) {\n // Note: This intentionally doesn't check if we're hydrating because comparing\n // to the current tree provider fiber is just as fast and less error-prone.\n // Ideally we would have a special version of the work loop only\n // for hydration.\n popTreeContext(interruptedWork);\n\n switch (interruptedWork.tag) {\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var childContextTypes = interruptedWork.type.childContextTypes;\n\n if (childContextTypes !== null && childContextTypes !== undefined) {\n popContext(interruptedWork);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n {\n var root = interruptedWork.stateNode;\n popHostContainer(interruptedWork);\n popTopLevelContextObject(interruptedWork);\n resetWorkInProgressVersions();\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n popHostContext(interruptedWork);\n break;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n popHostContainer(interruptedWork);\n break;\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n popSuspenseContext(interruptedWork);\n break;\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n popSuspenseContext(interruptedWork);\n break;\n\n case ContextProvider:\n var context = interruptedWork.type._context;\n popProvider(context, interruptedWork);\n break;\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n case LegacyHiddenComponent:\n popRenderLanes(interruptedWork);\n break;\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutUndefinedSnapshotBeforeUpdate = null;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutUndefinedSnapshotBeforeUpdate = new Set();\n} // Used during the commit phase to track the state of the Offscreen component stack.\n// Allows us to avoid traversing the return path to find the nearest Offscreen ancestor.\n// Only used when enableSuspenseLayoutEffectSemantics is enabled.\n\n\nvar offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = false;\nvar offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = false;\nvar PossiblyWeakSet = typeof WeakSet === 'function' ? WeakSet : Set;\nvar nextEffect = null; // Used for Profiling builds to track updaters.\n\nvar inProgressLanes = null;\nvar inProgressRoot = null;\nfunction reportUncaughtErrorInDEV(error) {\n // Wrapping each small part of the commit phase into a guarded\n // callback is a bit too slow (\n // But we rely on it to surface errors to DEV tools like overlays\n // (\n // As a compromise, rethrow only caught errors in a guard.\n {\n invokeGuardedCallback(null, function () {\n throw error;\n });\n clearCaughtError();\n }\n}\n\nvar callComponentWillUnmountWithTimer = function (current, instance) {\n instance.props = current.memoizedProps;\n instance.state = current.memoizedState;\n\n if ( current.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n instance.componentWillUnmount();\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(current);\n }\n } else {\n instance.componentWillUnmount();\n }\n}; // Capture errors so they don't interrupt mounting.\n\n\nfunction safelyCallCommitHookLayoutEffectListMount(current, nearestMountedAncestor) {\n try {\n commitHookEffectListMount(Layout, current);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);\n }\n} // Capture errors so they don't interrupt unmounting.\n\n\nfunction safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(current, nearestMountedAncestor, instance) {\n try {\n callComponentWillUnmountWithTimer(current, instance);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);\n }\n} // Capture errors so they don't interrupt mounting.\n\n\nfunction safelyCallComponentDidMount(current, nearestMountedAncestor, instance) {\n try {\n instance.componentDidMount();\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);\n }\n} // Capture errors so they don't interrupt mounting.\n\n\nfunction safelyAttachRef(current, nearestMountedAncestor) {\n try {\n commitAttachRef(current);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);\n }\n}\n\nfunction safelyDetachRef(current, nearestMountedAncestor) {\n var ref = current.ref;\n\n if (ref !== null) {\n if (typeof ref === 'function') {\n var retVal;\n\n try {\n if (enableProfilerTimer && enableProfilerCommitHooks && current.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n retVal = ref(null);\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(current);\n }\n } else {\n retVal = ref(null);\n }\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof retVal === 'function') {\n error('Unexpected return value from a callback ref in %s. ' + 'A callback ref should not return a function.', getComponentNameFromFiber(current));\n }\n }\n } else {\n ref.current = null;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction safelyCallDestroy(current, nearestMountedAncestor, destroy) {\n try {\n destroy();\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);\n }\n}\n\nvar focusedInstanceHandle = null;\nvar shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = false;\nfunction commitBeforeMutationEffects(root, firstChild) {\n focusedInstanceHandle = prepareForCommit(root.containerInfo);\n nextEffect = firstChild;\n commitBeforeMutationEffects_begin(); // We no longer need to track the active instance fiber\n\n var shouldFire = shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur;\n shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = false;\n focusedInstanceHandle = null;\n return shouldFire;\n}\n\nfunction commitBeforeMutationEffects_begin() {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect; // This phase is only used for beforeActiveInstanceBlur.\n\n var child = fiber.child;\n\n if ((fiber.subtreeFlags & BeforeMutationMask) !== NoFlags && child !== null) {\n child.return = fiber;\n nextEffect = child;\n } else {\n commitBeforeMutationEffects_complete();\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitBeforeMutationEffects_complete() {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n\n try {\n commitBeforeMutationEffectsOnFiber(fiber);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n var sibling = fiber.sibling;\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n sibling.return = fiber.return;\n nextEffect = sibling;\n return;\n }\n\n nextEffect = fiber.return;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitBeforeMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork) {\n var current = finishedWork.alternate;\n var flags = finishedWork.flags;\n\n if ((flags & Snapshot) !== NoFlags) {\n setCurrentFiber(finishedWork);\n\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n break;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n if (current !== null) {\n var prevProps = current.memoizedProps;\n var prevState = current.memoizedState;\n var instance = finishedWork.stateNode; // We could update instance props and state here,\n // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.\n // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.\n\n {\n if (finishedWork.type === finishedWork.elementType && !didWarnAboutReassigningProps) {\n if (instance.props !== finishedWork.memoizedProps) {\n error('Expected %s props to match memoized props before ' + 'getSnapshotBeforeUpdate. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.props`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n\n if (instance.state !== finishedWork.memoizedState) {\n error('Expected %s state to match memoized state before ' + 'getSnapshotBeforeUpdate. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.state`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n }\n }\n\n var snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(finishedWork.elementType === finishedWork.type ? prevProps : resolveDefaultProps(finishedWork.type, prevProps), prevState);\n\n {\n var didWarnSet = didWarnAboutUndefinedSnapshotBeforeUpdate;\n\n if (snapshot === undefined && !didWarnSet.has(finishedWork.type)) {\n didWarnSet.add(finishedWork.type);\n\n error('%s.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(): A snapshot value (or null) ' + 'must be returned. You have returned undefined.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork));\n }\n }\n\n instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = snapshot;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n {\n {\n var root = finishedWork.stateNode;\n clearContainer(root.containerInfo);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n case HostText:\n case HostPortal:\n case IncompleteClassComponent:\n // Nothing to do for these component types\n break;\n\n default:\n {\n throw new Error('This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is ' + 'likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitHookEffectListUnmount(flags, finishedWork, nearestMountedAncestor) {\n var updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n var lastEffect = updateQueue !== null ? updateQueue.lastEffect : null;\n\n if (lastEffect !== null) {\n var firstEffect =;\n var effect = firstEffect;\n\n do {\n if ((effect.tag & flags) === flags) {\n // Unmount\n var destroy = effect.destroy;\n effect.destroy = undefined;\n\n if (destroy !== undefined) {\n {\n if ((flags & Passive$1) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStarted(finishedWork);\n } else if ((flags & Layout) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(finishedWork);\n }\n }\n\n {\n if ((flags & Insertion) !== NoFlags$1) {\n setIsRunningInsertionEffect(true);\n }\n }\n\n safelyCallDestroy(finishedWork, nearestMountedAncestor, destroy);\n\n {\n if ((flags & Insertion) !== NoFlags$1) {\n setIsRunningInsertionEffect(false);\n }\n }\n\n {\n if ((flags & Passive$1) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStopped();\n } else if ((flags & Layout) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n effect =;\n } while (effect !== firstEffect);\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitHookEffectListMount(flags, finishedWork) {\n var updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n var lastEffect = updateQueue !== null ? updateQueue.lastEffect : null;\n\n if (lastEffect !== null) {\n var firstEffect =;\n var effect = firstEffect;\n\n do {\n if ((effect.tag & flags) === flags) {\n {\n if ((flags & Passive$1) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentPassiveEffectMountStarted(finishedWork);\n } else if ((flags & Layout) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentLayoutEffectMountStarted(finishedWork);\n }\n } // Mount\n\n\n var create = effect.create;\n\n {\n if ((flags & Insertion) !== NoFlags$1) {\n setIsRunningInsertionEffect(true);\n }\n }\n\n effect.destroy = create();\n\n {\n if ((flags & Insertion) !== NoFlags$1) {\n setIsRunningInsertionEffect(false);\n }\n }\n\n {\n if ((flags & Passive$1) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentPassiveEffectMountStopped();\n } else if ((flags & Layout) !== NoFlags$1) {\n markComponentLayoutEffectMountStopped();\n }\n }\n\n {\n var destroy = effect.destroy;\n\n if (destroy !== undefined && typeof destroy !== 'function') {\n var hookName = void 0;\n\n if ((effect.tag & Layout) !== NoFlags) {\n hookName = 'useLayoutEffect';\n } else if ((effect.tag & Insertion) !== NoFlags) {\n hookName = 'useInsertionEffect';\n } else {\n hookName = 'useEffect';\n }\n\n var addendum = void 0;\n\n if (destroy === null) {\n addendum = ' You returned null. If your effect does not require clean ' + 'up, return undefined (or nothing).';\n } else if (typeof destroy.then === 'function') {\n addendum = '\\n\\nIt looks like you wrote ' + hookName + '(async () => ...) or returned a Promise. ' + 'Instead, write the async function inside your effect ' + 'and call it immediately:\\n\\n' + hookName + '(() => {\\n' + ' async function fetchData() {\\n' + ' // You can await here\\n' + ' const response = await MyAPI.getData(someId);\\n' + ' // ...\\n' + ' }\\n' + ' fetchData();\\n' + \"}, [someId]); // Or [] if effect doesn't need props or state\\n\\n\" + 'Learn more about data fetching with Hooks:';\n } else {\n addendum = ' You returned: ' + destroy;\n }\n\n error('%s must not return anything besides a function, ' + 'which is used for clean-up.%s', hookName, addendum);\n }\n }\n }\n\n effect =;\n } while (effect !== firstEffect);\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveEffectDurations(finishedRoot, finishedWork) {\n {\n // Only Profilers with work in their subtree will have an Update effect scheduled.\n if ((finishedWork.flags & Update) !== NoFlags) {\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case Profiler:\n {\n var passiveEffectDuration = finishedWork.stateNode.passiveEffectDuration;\n var _finishedWork$memoize = finishedWork.memoizedProps,\n id = _finishedWork$,\n onPostCommit = _finishedWork$memoize.onPostCommit; // This value will still reflect the previous commit phase.\n // It does not get reset until the start of the next commit phase.\n\n var commitTime = getCommitTime();\n var phase = finishedWork.alternate === null ? 'mount' : 'update';\n\n {\n if (isCurrentUpdateNested()) {\n phase = 'nested-update';\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof onPostCommit === 'function') {\n onPostCommit(id, phase, passiveEffectDuration, commitTime);\n } // Bubble times to the next nearest ancestor Profiler.\n // After we process that Profiler, we'll bubble further up.\n\n\n var parentFiber = finishedWork.return;\n\n outer: while (parentFiber !== null) {\n switch (parentFiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n var root = parentFiber.stateNode;\n root.passiveEffectDuration += passiveEffectDuration;\n break outer;\n\n case Profiler:\n var parentStateNode = parentFiber.stateNode;\n parentStateNode.passiveEffectDuration += passiveEffectDuration;\n break outer;\n }\n\n parentFiber = parentFiber.return;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(finishedRoot, current, finishedWork, committedLanes) {\n if ((finishedWork.flags & LayoutMask) !== NoFlags) {\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if ( !offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {\n // At this point layout effects have already been destroyed (during mutation phase).\n // This is done to prevent sibling component effects from interfering with each other,\n // e.g. a destroy function in one component should never override a ref set\n // by a create function in another component during the same commit.\n if ( finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n commitHookEffectListMount(Layout | HasEffect, finishedWork);\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);\n }\n } else {\n commitHookEffectListMount(Layout | HasEffect, finishedWork);\n }\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;\n\n if (finishedWork.flags & Update) {\n if (!offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {\n if (current === null) {\n // We could update instance props and state here,\n // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.\n // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.\n {\n if (finishedWork.type === finishedWork.elementType && !didWarnAboutReassigningProps) {\n if (instance.props !== finishedWork.memoizedProps) {\n error('Expected %s props to match memoized props before ' + 'componentDidMount. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.props`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n\n if (instance.state !== finishedWork.memoizedState) {\n error('Expected %s state to match memoized state before ' + 'componentDidMount. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.state`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if ( finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n instance.componentDidMount();\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);\n }\n } else {\n instance.componentDidMount();\n }\n } else {\n var prevProps = finishedWork.elementType === finishedWork.type ? current.memoizedProps : resolveDefaultProps(finishedWork.type, current.memoizedProps);\n var prevState = current.memoizedState; // We could update instance props and state here,\n // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.\n // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.\n\n {\n if (finishedWork.type === finishedWork.elementType && !didWarnAboutReassigningProps) {\n if (instance.props !== finishedWork.memoizedProps) {\n error('Expected %s props to match memoized props before ' + 'componentDidUpdate. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.props`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n\n if (instance.state !== finishedWork.memoizedState) {\n error('Expected %s state to match memoized state before ' + 'componentDidUpdate. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.state`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if ( finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n instance.componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate);\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);\n }\n } else {\n instance.componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate);\n }\n }\n }\n } // TODO: I think this is now always non-null by the time it reaches the\n // commit phase. Consider removing the type check.\n\n\n var updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n\n if (updateQueue !== null) {\n {\n if (finishedWork.type === finishedWork.elementType && !didWarnAboutReassigningProps) {\n if (instance.props !== finishedWork.memoizedProps) {\n error('Expected %s props to match memoized props before ' + 'processing the update queue. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.props`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n\n if (instance.state !== finishedWork.memoizedState) {\n error('Expected %s state to match memoized state before ' + 'processing the update queue. ' + 'This might either be because of a bug in React, or because ' + 'a component reassigns its own `this.state`. ' + 'Please file an issue.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork) || 'instance');\n }\n }\n } // We could update instance props and state here,\n // but instead we rely on them being set during last render.\n // TODO: revisit this when we implement resuming.\n\n\n commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, updateQueue, instance);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n {\n // TODO: I think this is now always non-null by the time it reaches the\n // commit phase. Consider removing the type check.\n var _updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n\n if (_updateQueue !== null) {\n var _instance = null;\n\n if (finishedWork.child !== null) {\n switch (finishedWork.child.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n _instance = getPublicInstance(finishedWork.child.stateNode);\n break;\n\n case ClassComponent:\n _instance = finishedWork.child.stateNode;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, _updateQueue, _instance);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n var _instance2 = finishedWork.stateNode; // Renderers may schedule work to be done after host components are mounted\n // (eg DOM renderer may schedule auto-focus for inputs and form controls).\n // These effects should only be committed when components are first mounted,\n // aka when there is no current/alternate.\n\n if (current === null && finishedWork.flags & Update) {\n var type = finishedWork.type;\n var props = finishedWork.memoizedProps;\n commitMount(_instance2, type, props);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostText:\n {\n // We have no life-cycles associated with text.\n break;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n {\n // We have no life-cycles associated with portals.\n break;\n }\n\n case Profiler:\n {\n {\n var _finishedWork$memoize2 = finishedWork.memoizedProps,\n onCommit = _finishedWork$memoize2.onCommit,\n onRender = _finishedWork$memoize2.onRender;\n var effectDuration = finishedWork.stateNode.effectDuration;\n var commitTime = getCommitTime();\n var phase = current === null ? 'mount' : 'update';\n\n {\n if (isCurrentUpdateNested()) {\n phase = 'nested-update';\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof onRender === 'function') {\n onRender(, phase, finishedWork.actualDuration, finishedWork.treeBaseDuration, finishedWork.actualStartTime, commitTime);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof onCommit === 'function') {\n onCommit(, phase, effectDuration, commitTime);\n } // Schedule a passive effect for this Profiler to call onPostCommit hooks.\n // This effect should be scheduled even if there is no onPostCommit callback for this Profiler,\n // because the effect is also where times bubble to parent Profilers.\n\n\n enqueuePendingPassiveProfilerEffect(finishedWork); // Propagate layout effect durations to the next nearest Profiler ancestor.\n // Do not reset these values until the next render so DevTools has a chance to read them first.\n\n var parentFiber = finishedWork.return;\n\n outer: while (parentFiber !== null) {\n switch (parentFiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n var root = parentFiber.stateNode;\n root.effectDuration += effectDuration;\n break outer;\n\n case Profiler:\n var parentStateNode = parentFiber.stateNode;\n parentStateNode.effectDuration += effectDuration;\n break outer;\n }\n\n parentFiber = parentFiber.return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n commitSuspenseHydrationCallbacks(finishedRoot, finishedWork);\n break;\n }\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n case IncompleteClassComponent:\n case ScopeComponent:\n case OffscreenComponent:\n case LegacyHiddenComponent:\n case TracingMarkerComponent:\n {\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n throw new Error('This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is ' + 'likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n if ( !offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {\n {\n if (finishedWork.flags & Ref) {\n commitAttachRef(finishedWork);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction reappearLayoutEffectsOnFiber(node) {\n // Turn on layout effects in a tree that previously disappeared.\n // TODO (Offscreen) Check: flags & LayoutStatic\n switch (node.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if ( node.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n safelyCallCommitHookLayoutEffectListMount(node, node.return);\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(node);\n }\n } else {\n safelyCallCommitHookLayoutEffectListMount(node, node.return);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var instance = node.stateNode;\n\n if (typeof instance.componentDidMount === 'function') {\n safelyCallComponentDidMount(node, node.return, instance);\n }\n\n safelyAttachRef(node, node.return);\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n safelyAttachRef(node, node.return);\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction hideOrUnhideAllChildren(finishedWork, isHidden) {\n // Only hide or unhide the top-most host nodes.\n var hostSubtreeRoot = null;\n\n {\n // We only have the top Fiber that was inserted but we need to recurse down its\n // children to find all the terminal nodes.\n var node = finishedWork;\n\n while (true) {\n if (node.tag === HostComponent) {\n if (hostSubtreeRoot === null) {\n hostSubtreeRoot = node;\n\n try {\n var instance = node.stateNode;\n\n if (isHidden) {\n hideInstance(instance);\n } else {\n unhideInstance(node.stateNode, node.memoizedProps);\n }\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n }\n } else if (node.tag === HostText) {\n if (hostSubtreeRoot === null) {\n try {\n var _instance3 = node.stateNode;\n\n if (isHidden) {\n hideTextInstance(_instance3);\n } else {\n unhideTextInstance(_instance3, node.memoizedProps);\n }\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n }\n } else if ((node.tag === OffscreenComponent || node.tag === LegacyHiddenComponent) && node.memoizedState !== null && node !== finishedWork) ; else if (node.child !== null) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n\n if (node === finishedWork) {\n return;\n }\n\n while (node.sibling === null) {\n if (node.return === null || node.return === finishedWork) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (hostSubtreeRoot === node) {\n hostSubtreeRoot = null;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n if (hostSubtreeRoot === node) {\n hostSubtreeRoot = null;\n }\n\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitAttachRef(finishedWork) {\n var ref = finishedWork.ref;\n\n if (ref !== null) {\n var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;\n var instanceToUse;\n\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n instanceToUse = getPublicInstance(instance);\n break;\n\n default:\n instanceToUse = instance;\n } // Moved outside to ensure DCE works with this flag\n\n if (typeof ref === 'function') {\n var retVal;\n\n if ( finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n retVal = ref(instanceToUse);\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);\n }\n } else {\n retVal = ref(instanceToUse);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof retVal === 'function') {\n error('Unexpected return value from a callback ref in %s. ' + 'A callback ref should not return a function.', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork));\n }\n }\n } else {\n {\n if (!ref.hasOwnProperty('current')) {\n error('Unexpected ref object provided for %s. ' + 'Use either a ref-setter function or React.createRef().', getComponentNameFromFiber(finishedWork));\n }\n }\n\n ref.current = instanceToUse;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction detachFiberMutation(fiber) {\n // Cut off the return pointer to disconnect it from the tree.\n // This enables us to detect and warn against state updates on an unmounted component.\n // It also prevents events from bubbling from within disconnected components.\n //\n // Ideally, we should also clear the child pointer of the parent alternate to let this\n // get GC:ed but we don't know which for sure which parent is the current\n // one so we'll settle for GC:ing the subtree of this child.\n // This child itself will be GC:ed when the parent updates the next time.\n //\n // Note that we can't clear child or sibling pointers yet.\n // They're needed for passive effects and for findDOMNode.\n // We defer those fields, and all other cleanup, to the passive phase (see detachFiberAfterEffects).\n //\n // Don't reset the alternate yet, either. We need that so we can detach the\n // alternate's fields in the passive phase. Clearing the return pointer is\n // sufficient for findDOMNode semantics.\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (alternate !== null) {\n alternate.return = null;\n }\n\n fiber.return = null;\n}\n\nfunction detachFiberAfterEffects(fiber) {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (alternate !== null) {\n fiber.alternate = null;\n detachFiberAfterEffects(alternate);\n } // Note: Defensively using negation instead of < in case\n // `deletedTreeCleanUpLevel` is undefined.\n\n\n {\n // Clear cyclical Fiber fields. This level alone is designed to roughly\n // approximate the planned Fiber refactor. In that world, `setState` will be\n // bound to a special \"instance\" object instead of a Fiber. The Instance\n // object will not have any of these fields. It will only be connected to\n // the fiber tree via a single link at the root. So if this level alone is\n // sufficient to fix memory issues, that bodes well for our plans.\n fiber.child = null;\n fiber.deletions = null;\n fiber.sibling = null; // The `stateNode` is cyclical because on host nodes it points to the host\n // tree, which has its own pointers to children, parents, and siblings.\n // The other host nodes also point back to fibers, so we should detach that\n // one, too.\n\n if (fiber.tag === HostComponent) {\n var hostInstance = fiber.stateNode;\n\n if (hostInstance !== null) {\n detachDeletedInstance(hostInstance);\n }\n }\n\n fiber.stateNode = null; // I'm intentionally not clearing the `return` field in this level. We\n // already disconnect the `return` pointer at the root of the deleted\n // subtree (in `detachFiberMutation`). Besides, `return` by itself is not\n // cyclical — it's only cyclical when combined with `child`, `sibling`, and\n // `alternate`. But we'll clear it in the next level anyway, just in case.\n\n {\n fiber._debugOwner = null;\n }\n\n {\n // Theoretically, nothing in here should be necessary, because we already\n // disconnected the fiber from the tree. So even if something leaks this\n // particular fiber, it won't leak anything else\n //\n // The purpose of this branch is to be super aggressive so we can measure\n // if there's any difference in memory impact. If there is, that could\n // indicate a React leak we don't know about.\n fiber.return = null;\n fiber.dependencies = null;\n fiber.memoizedProps = null;\n fiber.memoizedState = null;\n fiber.pendingProps = null;\n fiber.stateNode = null; // TODO: Move to `commitPassiveUnmountInsideDeletedTreeOnFiber` instead.\n\n fiber.updateQueue = null;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction getHostParentFiber(fiber) {\n var parent = fiber.return;\n\n while (parent !== null) {\n if (isHostParent(parent)) {\n return parent;\n }\n\n parent = parent.return;\n }\n\n throw new Error('Expected to find a host parent. This error is likely caused by a bug ' + 'in React. Please file an issue.');\n}\n\nfunction isHostParent(fiber) {\n return fiber.tag === HostComponent || fiber.tag === HostRoot || fiber.tag === HostPortal;\n}\n\nfunction getHostSibling(fiber) {\n // We're going to search forward into the tree until we find a sibling host\n // node. Unfortunately, if multiple insertions are done in a row we have to\n // search past them. This leads to exponential search for the next sibling.\n // TODO: Find a more efficient way to do this.\n var node = fiber;\n\n siblings: while (true) {\n // If we didn't find anything, let's try the next sibling.\n while (node.sibling === null) {\n if (node.return === null || isHostParent(node.return)) {\n // If we pop out of the root or hit the parent the fiber we are the\n // last sibling.\n return null;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n\n while (node.tag !== HostComponent && node.tag !== HostText && node.tag !== DehydratedFragment) {\n // If it is not host node and, we might have a host node inside it.\n // Try to search down until we find one.\n if (node.flags & Placement) {\n // If we don't have a child, try the siblings instead.\n continue siblings;\n } // If we don't have a child, try the siblings instead.\n // We also skip portals because they are not part of this host tree.\n\n\n if (node.child === null || node.tag === HostPortal) {\n continue siblings;\n } else {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n }\n } // Check if this host node is stable or about to be placed.\n\n\n if (!(node.flags & Placement)) {\n // Found it!\n return node.stateNode;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPlacement(finishedWork) {\n\n\n var parentFiber = getHostParentFiber(finishedWork); // Note: these two variables *must* always be updated together.\n\n switch (parentFiber.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n {\n var parent = parentFiber.stateNode;\n\n if (parentFiber.flags & ContentReset) {\n // Reset the text content of the parent before doing any insertions\n resetTextContent(parent); // Clear ContentReset from the effect tag\n\n parentFiber.flags &= ~ContentReset;\n }\n\n var before = getHostSibling(finishedWork); // We only have the top Fiber that was inserted but we need to recurse down its\n // children to find all the terminal nodes.\n\n insertOrAppendPlacementNode(finishedWork, before, parent);\n break;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n case HostPortal:\n {\n var _parent = parentFiber.stateNode.containerInfo;\n\n var _before = getHostSibling(finishedWork);\n\n insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(finishedWork, _before, _parent);\n break;\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line-no-fallthrough\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Invalid host parent fiber. This error is likely caused by a bug ' + 'in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n}\n\nfunction insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(node, before, parent) {\n var tag = node.tag;\n var isHost = tag === HostComponent || tag === HostText;\n\n if (isHost) {\n var stateNode = node.stateNode;\n\n if (before) {\n insertInContainerBefore(parent, stateNode, before);\n } else {\n appendChildToContainer(parent, stateNode);\n }\n } else if (tag === HostPortal) ; else {\n var child = node.child;\n\n if (child !== null) {\n insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(child, before, parent);\n var sibling = child.sibling;\n\n while (sibling !== null) {\n insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(sibling, before, parent);\n sibling = sibling.sibling;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction insertOrAppendPlacementNode(node, before, parent) {\n var tag = node.tag;\n var isHost = tag === HostComponent || tag === HostText;\n\n if (isHost) {\n var stateNode = node.stateNode;\n\n if (before) {\n insertBefore(parent, stateNode, before);\n } else {\n appendChild(parent, stateNode);\n }\n } else if (tag === HostPortal) ; else {\n var child = node.child;\n\n if (child !== null) {\n insertOrAppendPlacementNode(child, before, parent);\n var sibling = child.sibling;\n\n while (sibling !== null) {\n insertOrAppendPlacementNode(sibling, before, parent);\n sibling = sibling.sibling;\n }\n }\n }\n} // These are tracked on the stack as we recursively traverse a\n// deleted subtree.\n// TODO: Update these during the whole mutation phase, not just during\n// a deletion.\n\n\nvar hostParent = null;\nvar hostParentIsContainer = false;\n\nfunction commitDeletionEffects(root, returnFiber, deletedFiber) {\n {\n // We only have the top Fiber that was deleted but we need to recurse down its\n // children to find all the terminal nodes.\n // Recursively delete all host nodes from the parent, detach refs, clean\n // up mounted layout effects, and call componentWillUnmount.\n // We only need to remove the topmost host child in each branch. But then we\n // still need to keep traversing to unmount effects, refs, and cWU. TODO: We\n // could split this into two separate traversals functions, where the second\n // one doesn't include any removeChild logic. This is maybe the same\n // function as \"disappearLayoutEffects\" (or whatever that turns into after\n // the layout phase is refactored to use recursion).\n // Before starting, find the nearest host parent on the stack so we know\n // which instance/container to remove the children from.\n // TODO: Instead of searching up the fiber return path on every deletion, we\n // can track the nearest host component on the JS stack as we traverse the\n // tree during the commit phase. This would make insertions faster, too.\n var parent = returnFiber;\n\n findParent: while (parent !== null) {\n switch (parent.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n {\n hostParent = parent.stateNode;\n hostParentIsContainer = false;\n break findParent;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n {\n hostParent = parent.stateNode.containerInfo;\n hostParentIsContainer = true;\n break findParent;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n {\n hostParent = parent.stateNode.containerInfo;\n hostParentIsContainer = true;\n break findParent;\n }\n }\n\n parent = parent.return;\n }\n\n if (hostParent === null) {\n throw new Error('Expected to find a host parent. This error is likely caused by ' + 'a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber(root, returnFiber, deletedFiber);\n hostParent = null;\n hostParentIsContainer = false;\n }\n\n detachFiberMutation(deletedFiber);\n}\n\nfunction recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, parent) {\n // TODO: Use a static flag to skip trees that don't have unmount effects\n var child = parent.child;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, child);\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber) {\n onCommitUnmount(deletedFiber); // The cases in this outer switch modify the stack before they traverse\n // into their subtree. There are simpler cases in the inner switch\n // that don't modify the stack.\n\n switch (deletedFiber.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n {\n if (!offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {\n safelyDetachRef(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor);\n } // Intentional fallthrough to next branch\n\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line-no-fallthrough\n\n case HostText:\n {\n // We only need to remove the nearest host child. Set the host parent\n // to `null` on the stack to indicate that nested children don't\n // need to be removed.\n {\n var prevHostParent = hostParent;\n var prevHostParentIsContainer = hostParentIsContainer;\n hostParent = null;\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n hostParent = prevHostParent;\n hostParentIsContainer = prevHostParentIsContainer;\n\n if (hostParent !== null) {\n // Now that all the child effects have unmounted, we can remove the\n // node from the tree.\n if (hostParentIsContainer) {\n removeChildFromContainer(hostParent, deletedFiber.stateNode);\n } else {\n removeChild(hostParent, deletedFiber.stateNode);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case DehydratedFragment:\n {\n // Delete the dehydrated suspense boundary and all of its content.\n\n\n {\n if (hostParent !== null) {\n if (hostParentIsContainer) {\n clearSuspenseBoundaryFromContainer(hostParent, deletedFiber.stateNode);\n } else {\n clearSuspenseBoundary(hostParent, deletedFiber.stateNode);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n {\n {\n // When we go into a portal, it becomes the parent to remove from.\n var _prevHostParent = hostParent;\n var _prevHostParentIsContainer = hostParentIsContainer;\n hostParent = deletedFiber.stateNode.containerInfo;\n hostParentIsContainer = true;\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n hostParent = _prevHostParent;\n hostParentIsContainer = _prevHostParentIsContainer;\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case MemoComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if (!offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {\n var updateQueue = deletedFiber.updateQueue;\n\n if (updateQueue !== null) {\n var lastEffect = updateQueue.lastEffect;\n\n if (lastEffect !== null) {\n var firstEffect =;\n var effect = firstEffect;\n\n do {\n var _effect = effect,\n destroy = _effect.destroy,\n tag = _effect.tag;\n\n if (destroy !== undefined) {\n if ((tag & Insertion) !== NoFlags$1) {\n safelyCallDestroy(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor, destroy);\n } else if ((tag & Layout) !== NoFlags$1) {\n {\n markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(deletedFiber);\n }\n\n if ( deletedFiber.mode & ProfileMode) {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n safelyCallDestroy(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor, destroy);\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(deletedFiber);\n } else {\n safelyCallDestroy(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor, destroy);\n }\n\n {\n markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped();\n }\n }\n }\n\n effect =;\n } while (effect !== firstEffect);\n }\n }\n }\n\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n return;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n if (!offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {\n safelyDetachRef(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor);\n var instance = deletedFiber.stateNode;\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillUnmount === 'function') {\n safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor, instance);\n }\n }\n\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n return;\n }\n\n case ScopeComponent:\n {\n\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n return;\n }\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n {\n if ( // TODO: Remove this dead flag\n deletedFiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) {\n // If this offscreen component is hidden, we already unmounted it. Before\n // deleting the children, track that it's already unmounted so that we\n // don't attempt to unmount the effects again.\n // TODO: If the tree is hidden, in most cases we should be able to skip\n // over the nested children entirely. An exception is we haven't yet found\n // the topmost host node to delete, which we already track on the stack.\n // But the other case is portals, which need to be detached no matter how\n // deeply they are nested. We should use a subtree flag to track whether a\n // subtree includes a nested portal.\n var prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden = offscreenSubtreeWasHidden;\n offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden || deletedFiber.memoizedState !== null;\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden;\n } else {\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, deletedFiber);\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitSuspenseCallback(finishedWork) {\n // TODO: Move this to passive phase\n var newState = finishedWork.memoizedState;\n}\n\nfunction commitSuspenseHydrationCallbacks(finishedRoot, finishedWork) {\n\n var newState = finishedWork.memoizedState;\n\n if (newState === null) {\n var current = finishedWork.alternate;\n\n if (current !== null) {\n var prevState = current.memoizedState;\n\n if (prevState !== null) {\n var suspenseInstance = prevState.dehydrated;\n\n if (suspenseInstance !== null) {\n commitHydratedSuspenseInstance(suspenseInstance);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork) {\n // If this boundary just timed out, then it will have a set of wakeables.\n // For each wakeable, attach a listener so that when it resolves, React\n // attempts to re-render the boundary in the primary (pre-timeout) state.\n var wakeables = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n\n if (wakeables !== null) {\n finishedWork.updateQueue = null;\n var retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode;\n\n if (retryCache === null) {\n retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode = new PossiblyWeakSet();\n }\n\n wakeables.forEach(function (wakeable) {\n // Memoize using the boundary fiber to prevent redundant listeners.\n var retry = resolveRetryWakeable.bind(null, finishedWork, wakeable);\n\n if (!retryCache.has(wakeable)) {\n retryCache.add(wakeable);\n\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n if (inProgressLanes !== null && inProgressRoot !== null) {\n // If we have pending work still, associate the original updaters with it.\n restorePendingUpdaters(inProgressRoot, inProgressLanes);\n } else {\n throw Error('Expected finished root and lanes to be set. This is a bug in React.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n wakeable.then(retry, retry);\n }\n });\n }\n} // This function detects when a Suspense boundary goes from visible to hidden.\nfunction commitMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, committedLanes) {\n inProgressLanes = committedLanes;\n inProgressRoot = root;\n setCurrentFiber(finishedWork);\n commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork, root);\n setCurrentFiber(finishedWork);\n inProgressLanes = null;\n inProgressRoot = null;\n}\n\nfunction recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, parentFiber, lanes) {\n // Deletions effects can be scheduled on any fiber type. They need to happen\n // before the children effects hae fired.\n var deletions = parentFiber.deletions;\n\n if (deletions !== null) {\n for (var i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {\n var childToDelete = deletions[i];\n\n try {\n commitDeletionEffects(root, parentFiber, childToDelete);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(childToDelete, parentFiber, error);\n }\n }\n }\n\n var prevDebugFiber = getCurrentFiber();\n\n if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & MutationMask) {\n var child = parentFiber.child;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n setCurrentFiber(child);\n commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(child, root);\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n }\n\n setCurrentFiber(prevDebugFiber);\n}\n\nfunction commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork, root, lanes) {\n var current = finishedWork.alternate;\n var flags = finishedWork.flags; // The effect flag should be checked *after* we refine the type of fiber,\n // because the fiber tag is more specific. An exception is any flag related\n // to reconcilation, because those can be set on all fiber types.\n\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case MemoComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n if (flags & Update) {\n try {\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Insertion | HasEffect, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);\n commitHookEffectListMount(Insertion | HasEffect, finishedWork);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n } // Layout effects are destroyed during the mutation phase so that all\n // destroy functions for all fibers are called before any create functions.\n // This prevents sibling component effects from interfering with each other,\n // e.g. a destroy function in one component should never override a ref set\n // by a create function in another component during the same commit.\n\n\n if ( finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Layout | HasEffect, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);\n } else {\n try {\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Layout | HasEffect, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n if (flags & Ref) {\n if (current !== null) {\n safelyDetachRef(current, current.return);\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n if (flags & Ref) {\n if (current !== null) {\n safelyDetachRef(current, current.return);\n }\n }\n\n {\n // TODO: ContentReset gets cleared by the children during the commit\n // phase. This is a refactor hazard because it means we must read\n // flags the flags after `commitReconciliationEffects` has already run;\n // the order matters. We should refactor so that ContentReset does not\n // rely on mutating the flag during commit. Like by setting a flag\n // during the render phase instead.\n if (finishedWork.flags & ContentReset) {\n var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;\n\n try {\n resetTextContent(instance);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n }\n\n if (flags & Update) {\n var _instance4 = finishedWork.stateNode;\n\n if (_instance4 != null) {\n // Commit the work prepared earlier.\n var newProps = finishedWork.memoizedProps; // For hydration we reuse the update path but we treat the oldProps\n // as the newProps. The updatePayload will contain the real change in\n // this case.\n\n var oldProps = current !== null ? current.memoizedProps : newProps;\n var type = finishedWork.type; // TODO: Type the updateQueue to be specific to host components.\n\n var updatePayload = finishedWork.updateQueue;\n finishedWork.updateQueue = null;\n\n if (updatePayload !== null) {\n try {\n commitUpdate(_instance4, updatePayload, type, oldProps, newProps, finishedWork);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case HostText:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n if (flags & Update) {\n {\n if (finishedWork.stateNode === null) {\n throw new Error('This should have a text node initialized. This error is likely ' + 'caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n var textInstance = finishedWork.stateNode;\n var newText = finishedWork.memoizedProps; // For hydration we reuse the update path but we treat the oldProps\n // as the newProps. The updatePayload will contain the real change in\n // this case.\n\n var oldText = current !== null ? current.memoizedProps : newText;\n\n try {\n commitTextUpdate(textInstance, oldText, newText);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case HostRoot:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n if (flags & Update) {\n {\n if (current !== null) {\n var prevRootState = current.memoizedState;\n\n if (prevRootState.isDehydrated) {\n try {\n commitHydratedContainer(root.containerInfo);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case HostPortal:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n return;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n var offscreenFiber = finishedWork.child;\n\n if (offscreenFiber.flags & Visibility) {\n var offscreenInstance = offscreenFiber.stateNode;\n var newState = offscreenFiber.memoizedState;\n var isHidden = newState !== null; // Track the current state on the Offscreen instance so we can\n // read it during an event\n\n offscreenInstance.isHidden = isHidden;\n\n if (isHidden) {\n var wasHidden = offscreenFiber.alternate !== null && offscreenFiber.alternate.memoizedState !== null;\n\n if (!wasHidden) {\n // TODO: Move to passive phase\n markCommitTimeOfFallback();\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (flags & Update) {\n try {\n commitSuspenseCallback(finishedWork);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n }\n\n attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n {\n var _wasHidden = current !== null && current.memoizedState !== null;\n\n if ( // TODO: Remove this dead flag\n finishedWork.mode & ConcurrentMode) {\n // Before committing the children, track on the stack whether this\n // offscreen subtree was already hidden, so that we don't unmount the\n // effects again.\n var prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden = offscreenSubtreeWasHidden;\n offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden || _wasHidden;\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden;\n } else {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n }\n\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n if (flags & Visibility) {\n var _offscreenInstance = finishedWork.stateNode;\n var _newState = finishedWork.memoizedState;\n\n var _isHidden = _newState !== null;\n\n var offscreenBoundary = finishedWork; // Track the current state on the Offscreen instance so we can\n // read it during an event\n\n _offscreenInstance.isHidden = _isHidden;\n\n {\n if (_isHidden) {\n if (!_wasHidden) {\n if ((offscreenBoundary.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode) {\n nextEffect = offscreenBoundary;\n var offscreenChild = offscreenBoundary.child;\n\n while (offscreenChild !== null) {\n nextEffect = offscreenChild;\n disappearLayoutEffects_begin(offscreenChild);\n offscreenChild = offscreenChild.sibling;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n {\n // TODO: This needs to run whenever there's an insertion or update\n // inside a hidden Offscreen tree.\n hideOrUnhideAllChildren(offscreenBoundary, _isHidden);\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n\n if (flags & Update) {\n attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n case ScopeComponent:\n {\n\n return;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork) {\n // Placement effects (insertions, reorders) can be scheduled on any fiber\n // type. They needs to happen after the children effects have fired, but\n // before the effects on this fiber have fired.\n var flags = finishedWork.flags;\n\n if (flags & Placement) {\n try {\n commitPlacement(finishedWork);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);\n } // Clear the \"placement\" from effect tag so that we know that this is\n // inserted, before any life-cycles like componentDidMount gets called.\n // TODO: findDOMNode doesn't rely on this any more but isMounted does\n // and isMounted is deprecated anyway so we should be able to kill this.\n\n\n finishedWork.flags &= ~Placement;\n }\n\n if (flags & Hydrating) {\n finishedWork.flags &= ~Hydrating;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitLayoutEffects(finishedWork, root, committedLanes) {\n inProgressLanes = committedLanes;\n inProgressRoot = root;\n nextEffect = finishedWork;\n commitLayoutEffects_begin(finishedWork, root, committedLanes);\n inProgressLanes = null;\n inProgressRoot = null;\n}\n\nfunction commitLayoutEffects_begin(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes) {\n // Suspense layout effects semantics don't change for legacy roots.\n var isModernRoot = (subtreeRoot.mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode;\n\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n var firstChild = fiber.child;\n\n if ( fiber.tag === OffscreenComponent && isModernRoot) {\n // Keep track of the current Offscreen stack's state.\n var isHidden = fiber.memoizedState !== null;\n var newOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden = isHidden || offscreenSubtreeIsHidden;\n\n if (newOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden) {\n // The Offscreen tree is hidden. Skip over its layout effects.\n commitLayoutMountEffects_complete(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes);\n continue;\n } else {\n // TODO (Offscreen) Also check: subtreeFlags & LayoutMask\n var current = fiber.alternate;\n var wasHidden = current !== null && current.memoizedState !== null;\n var newOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden = wasHidden || offscreenSubtreeWasHidden;\n var prevOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden = offscreenSubtreeIsHidden;\n var prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden = offscreenSubtreeWasHidden; // Traverse the Offscreen subtree with the current Offscreen as the root.\n\n offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = newOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden;\n offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = newOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden;\n\n if (offscreenSubtreeWasHidden && !prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {\n // This is the root of a reappearing boundary. Turn its layout effects\n // back on.\n nextEffect = fiber;\n reappearLayoutEffects_begin(fiber);\n }\n\n var child = firstChild;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n nextEffect = child;\n commitLayoutEffects_begin(child, // New root; bubble back up to here and stop.\n root, committedLanes);\n child = child.sibling;\n } // Restore Offscreen state and resume in our-progress traversal.\n\n\n nextEffect = fiber;\n offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden;\n offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden;\n commitLayoutMountEffects_complete(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes);\n continue;\n }\n }\n\n if ((fiber.subtreeFlags & LayoutMask) !== NoFlags && firstChild !== null) {\n firstChild.return = fiber;\n nextEffect = firstChild;\n } else {\n commitLayoutMountEffects_complete(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitLayoutMountEffects_complete(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n\n if ((fiber.flags & LayoutMask) !== NoFlags) {\n var current = fiber.alternate;\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n\n try {\n commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(root, current, fiber, committedLanes);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n\n if (fiber === subtreeRoot) {\n nextEffect = null;\n return;\n }\n\n var sibling = fiber.sibling;\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n sibling.return = fiber.return;\n nextEffect = sibling;\n return;\n }\n\n nextEffect = fiber.return;\n }\n}\n\nfunction disappearLayoutEffects_begin(subtreeRoot) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n var firstChild = fiber.child; // TODO (Offscreen) Check: flags & (RefStatic | LayoutStatic)\n\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case MemoComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if ( fiber.mode & ProfileMode) {\n try {\n startLayoutEffectTimer();\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Layout, fiber, fiber.return);\n } finally {\n recordLayoutEffectDuration(fiber);\n }\n } else {\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Layout, fiber, fiber.return);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n // TODO (Offscreen) Check: flags & RefStatic\n safelyDetachRef(fiber, fiber.return);\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillUnmount === 'function') {\n safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(fiber, fiber.return, instance);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case HostComponent:\n {\n safelyDetachRef(fiber, fiber.return);\n break;\n }\n\n case OffscreenComponent:\n {\n // Check if this is a\n var isHidden = fiber.memoizedState !== null;\n\n if (isHidden) {\n // Nested Offscreen tree is already hidden. Don't disappear\n // its effects.\n disappearLayoutEffects_complete(subtreeRoot);\n continue;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n } // TODO (Offscreen) Check: subtreeFlags & LayoutStatic\n\n\n if (firstChild !== null) {\n firstChild.return = fiber;\n nextEffect = firstChild;\n } else {\n disappearLayoutEffects_complete(subtreeRoot);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction disappearLayoutEffects_complete(subtreeRoot) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n\n if (fiber === subtreeRoot) {\n nextEffect = null;\n return;\n }\n\n var sibling = fiber.sibling;\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n sibling.return = fiber.return;\n nextEffect = sibling;\n return;\n }\n\n nextEffect = fiber.return;\n }\n}\n\nfunction reappearLayoutEffects_begin(subtreeRoot) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n var firstChild = fiber.child;\n\n if (fiber.tag === OffscreenComponent) {\n var isHidden = fiber.memoizedState !== null;\n\n if (isHidden) {\n // Nested Offscreen tree is still hidden. Don't re-appear its effects.\n reappearLayoutEffects_complete(subtreeRoot);\n continue;\n }\n } // TODO (Offscreen) Check: subtreeFlags & LayoutStatic\n\n\n if (firstChild !== null) {\n // This node may have been reused from a previous render, so we can't\n // assume its return pointer is correct.\n firstChild.return = fiber;\n nextEffect = firstChild;\n } else {\n reappearLayoutEffects_complete(subtreeRoot);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction reappearLayoutEffects_complete(subtreeRoot) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect; // TODO (Offscreen) Check: flags & LayoutStatic\n\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n\n try {\n reappearLayoutEffectsOnFiber(fiber);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n\n if (fiber === subtreeRoot) {\n nextEffect = null;\n return;\n }\n\n var sibling = fiber.sibling;\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n // This node may have been reused from a previous render, so we can't\n // assume its return pointer is correct.\n sibling.return = fiber.return;\n nextEffect = sibling;\n return;\n }\n\n nextEffect = fiber.return;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveMountEffects(root, finishedWork, committedLanes, committedTransitions) {\n nextEffect = finishedWork;\n commitPassiveMountEffects_begin(finishedWork, root, committedLanes, committedTransitions);\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveMountEffects_begin(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes, committedTransitions) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n var firstChild = fiber.child;\n\n if ((fiber.subtreeFlags & PassiveMask) !== NoFlags && firstChild !== null) {\n firstChild.return = fiber;\n nextEffect = firstChild;\n } else {\n commitPassiveMountEffects_complete(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes, committedTransitions);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveMountEffects_complete(subtreeRoot, root, committedLanes, committedTransitions) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n\n if ((fiber.flags & Passive) !== NoFlags) {\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n\n try {\n commitPassiveMountOnFiber(root, fiber, committedLanes, committedTransitions);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n\n if (fiber === subtreeRoot) {\n nextEffect = null;\n return;\n }\n\n var sibling = fiber.sibling;\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n sibling.return = fiber.return;\n nextEffect = sibling;\n return;\n }\n\n nextEffect = fiber.return;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveMountOnFiber(finishedRoot, finishedWork, committedLanes, committedTransitions) {\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if ( finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n startPassiveEffectTimer();\n\n try {\n commitHookEffectListMount(Passive$1 | HasEffect, finishedWork);\n } finally {\n recordPassiveEffectDuration(finishedWork);\n }\n } else {\n commitHookEffectListMount(Passive$1 | HasEffect, finishedWork);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveUnmountEffects(firstChild) {\n nextEffect = firstChild;\n commitPassiveUnmountEffects_begin();\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveUnmountEffects_begin() {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n var child = fiber.child;\n\n if ((nextEffect.flags & ChildDeletion) !== NoFlags) {\n var deletions = fiber.deletions;\n\n if (deletions !== null) {\n for (var i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {\n var fiberToDelete = deletions[i];\n nextEffect = fiberToDelete;\n commitPassiveUnmountEffectsInsideOfDeletedTree_begin(fiberToDelete, fiber);\n }\n\n {\n // A fiber was deleted from this parent fiber, but it's still part of\n // the previous (alternate) parent fiber's list of children. Because\n // children are a linked list, an earlier sibling that's still alive\n // will be connected to the deleted fiber via its `alternate`:\n //\n // live fiber\n // --alternate--> previous live fiber\n // --sibling--> deleted fiber\n //\n // We can't disconnect `alternate` on nodes that haven't been deleted\n // yet, but we can disconnect the `sibling` and `child` pointers.\n var previousFiber = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (previousFiber !== null) {\n var detachedChild = previousFiber.child;\n\n if (detachedChild !== null) {\n previousFiber.child = null;\n\n do {\n var detachedSibling = detachedChild.sibling;\n detachedChild.sibling = null;\n detachedChild = detachedSibling;\n } while (detachedChild !== null);\n }\n }\n }\n\n nextEffect = fiber;\n }\n }\n\n if ((fiber.subtreeFlags & PassiveMask) !== NoFlags && child !== null) {\n child.return = fiber;\n nextEffect = child;\n } else {\n commitPassiveUnmountEffects_complete();\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveUnmountEffects_complete() {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n\n if ((fiber.flags & Passive) !== NoFlags) {\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n commitPassiveUnmountOnFiber(fiber);\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n\n var sibling = fiber.sibling;\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n sibling.return = fiber.return;\n nextEffect = sibling;\n return;\n }\n\n nextEffect = fiber.return;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveUnmountOnFiber(finishedWork) {\n switch (finishedWork.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if ( finishedWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n startPassiveEffectTimer();\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Passive$1 | HasEffect, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);\n recordPassiveEffectDuration(finishedWork);\n } else {\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Passive$1 | HasEffect, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveUnmountEffectsInsideOfDeletedTree_begin(deletedSubtreeRoot, nearestMountedAncestor) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect; // Deletion effects fire in parent -> child order\n // TODO: Check if fiber has a PassiveStatic flag\n\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n commitPassiveUnmountInsideDeletedTreeOnFiber(fiber, nearestMountedAncestor);\n resetCurrentFiber();\n var child = fiber.child; // TODO: Only traverse subtree if it has a PassiveStatic flag. (But, if we\n // do this, still need to handle `deletedTreeCleanUpLevel` correctly.)\n\n if (child !== null) {\n child.return = fiber;\n nextEffect = child;\n } else {\n commitPassiveUnmountEffectsInsideOfDeletedTree_complete(deletedSubtreeRoot);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveUnmountEffectsInsideOfDeletedTree_complete(deletedSubtreeRoot) {\n while (nextEffect !== null) {\n var fiber = nextEffect;\n var sibling = fiber.sibling;\n var returnFiber = fiber.return;\n\n {\n // Recursively traverse the entire deleted tree and clean up fiber fields.\n // This is more aggressive than ideal, and the long term goal is to only\n // have to detach the deleted tree at the root.\n detachFiberAfterEffects(fiber);\n\n if (fiber === deletedSubtreeRoot) {\n nextEffect = null;\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n sibling.return = returnFiber;\n nextEffect = sibling;\n return;\n }\n\n nextEffect = returnFiber;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitPassiveUnmountInsideDeletedTreeOnFiber(current, nearestMountedAncestor) {\n switch (current.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if ( current.mode & ProfileMode) {\n startPassiveEffectTimer();\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Passive$1, current, nearestMountedAncestor);\n recordPassiveEffectDuration(current);\n } else {\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Passive$1, current, nearestMountedAncestor);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n} // TODO: Reuse reappearLayoutEffects traversal here?\n\n\nfunction invokeLayoutEffectMountInDEV(fiber) {\n {\n // We don't need to re-check StrictEffectsMode here.\n // This function is only called if that check has already passed.\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n try {\n commitHookEffectListMount(Layout | HasEffect, fiber);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n\n try {\n instance.componentDidMount();\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction invokePassiveEffectMountInDEV(fiber) {\n {\n // We don't need to re-check StrictEffectsMode here.\n // This function is only called if that check has already passed.\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n try {\n commitHookEffectListMount(Passive$1 | HasEffect, fiber);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction invokeLayoutEffectUnmountInDEV(fiber) {\n {\n // We don't need to re-check StrictEffectsMode here.\n // This function is only called if that check has already passed.\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n try {\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Layout | HasEffect, fiber, fiber.return);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n\n if (typeof instance.componentWillUnmount === 'function') {\n safelyCallComponentWillUnmount(fiber, fiber.return, instance);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction invokePassiveEffectUnmountInDEV(fiber) {\n {\n // We don't need to re-check StrictEffectsMode here.\n // This function is only called if that check has already passed.\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n try {\n commitHookEffectListUnmount(Passive$1 | HasEffect, fiber, fiber.return);\n } catch (error) {\n captureCommitPhaseError(fiber, fiber.return, error);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar COMPONENT_TYPE = 0;\nvar HAS_PSEUDO_CLASS_TYPE = 1;\nvar ROLE_TYPE = 2;\nvar TEST_NAME_TYPE = 3;\nvar TEXT_TYPE = 4;\n\nif (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.for) {\n var symbolFor = Symbol.for;\n COMPONENT_TYPE = symbolFor('selector.component');\n HAS_PSEUDO_CLASS_TYPE = symbolFor('selector.has_pseudo_class');\n ROLE_TYPE = symbolFor('selector.role');\n TEST_NAME_TYPE = symbolFor('selector.test_id');\n TEXT_TYPE = symbolFor('selector.text');\n}\nvar commitHooks = [];\nfunction onCommitRoot$1() {\n {\n commitHooks.forEach(function (commitHook) {\n return commitHook();\n });\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentActQueue = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentActQueue;\nfunction isLegacyActEnvironment(fiber) {\n {\n // Legacy mode. We preserve the behavior of React 17's act. It assumes an\n // act environment whenever `jest` is defined, but you can still turn off\n // spurious warnings by setting IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT explicitly\n // to false.\n var isReactActEnvironmentGlobal = // $FlowExpectedError – Flow doesn't know about IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT global\n typeof IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT !== 'undefined' ? IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT : undefined; // $FlowExpectedError - Flow doesn't know about jest\n\n var jestIsDefined = typeof jest !== 'undefined';\n return jestIsDefined && isReactActEnvironmentGlobal !== false;\n }\n}\nfunction isConcurrentActEnvironment() {\n {\n var isReactActEnvironmentGlobal = // $FlowExpectedError – Flow doesn't know about IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT global\n typeof IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT !== 'undefined' ? IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT : undefined;\n\n if (!isReactActEnvironmentGlobal && ReactCurrentActQueue.current !== null) {\n // TODO: Include link to relevant documentation page.\n error('The current testing environment is not configured to support ' + 'act(...)');\n }\n\n return isReactActEnvironmentGlobal;\n }\n}\n\nvar ceil = Math.ceil;\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher$2 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n ReactCurrentOwner$2 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner,\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,\n ReactCurrentActQueue$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentActQueue;\nvar NoContext =\n/* */\n0;\nvar BatchedContext =\n/* */\n1;\nvar RenderContext =\n/* */\n2;\nvar CommitContext =\n/* */\n4;\nvar RootInProgress = 0;\nvar RootFatalErrored = 1;\nvar RootErrored = 2;\nvar RootSuspended = 3;\nvar RootSuspendedWithDelay = 4;\nvar RootCompleted = 5;\nvar RootDidNotComplete = 6; // Describes where we are in the React execution stack\n\nvar executionContext = NoContext; // The root we're working on\n\nvar workInProgressRoot = null; // The fiber we're working on\n\nvar workInProgress = null; // The lanes we're rendering\n\nvar workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes; // Stack that allows components to change the render lanes for its subtree\n// This is a superset of the lanes we started working on at the root. The only\n// case where it's different from `workInProgressRootRenderLanes` is when we\n// enter a subtree that is hidden and needs to be unhidden: Suspense and\n// Offscreen component.\n//\n// Most things in the work loop should deal with workInProgressRootRenderLanes.\n// Most things in begin/complete phases should deal with subtreeRenderLanes.\n\nvar subtreeRenderLanes = NoLanes;\nvar subtreeRenderLanesCursor = createCursor(NoLanes); // Whether to root completed, errored, suspended, etc.\n\nvar workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootInProgress; // A fatal error, if one is thrown\n\nvar workInProgressRootFatalError = null; // \"Included\" lanes refer to lanes that were worked on during this render. It's\n// slightly different than `renderLanes` because `renderLanes` can change as you\n// enter and exit an Offscreen tree. This value is the combination of all render\n// lanes for the entire render phase.\n\nvar workInProgressRootIncludedLanes = NoLanes; // The work left over by components that were visited during this render. Only\n// includes unprocessed updates, not work in bailed out children.\n\nvar workInProgressRootSkippedLanes = NoLanes; // Lanes that were updated (in an interleaved event) during this render.\n\nvar workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes = NoLanes; // Lanes that were updated during the render phase (*not* an interleaved event).\n\nvar workInProgressRootPingedLanes = NoLanes; // Errors that are thrown during the render phase.\n\nvar workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors = null; // These are errors that we recovered from without surfacing them to the UI.\n// We will log them once the tree commits.\n\nvar workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = null; // The most recent time we committed a fallback. This lets us ensure a train\n// model where we don't commit new loading states in too quick succession.\n\nvar globalMostRecentFallbackTime = 0;\nvar FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS = 500; // The absolute time for when we should start giving up on rendering\n// more and prefer CPU suspense heuristics instead.\n\nvar workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime = Infinity; // How long a render is supposed to take before we start following CPU\n// suspense heuristics and opt out of rendering more content.\n\nvar RENDER_TIMEOUT_MS = 500;\nvar workInProgressTransitions = null;\n\nfunction resetRenderTimer() {\n workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime = now() + RENDER_TIMEOUT_MS;\n}\n\nfunction getRenderTargetTime() {\n return workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime;\n}\nvar hasUncaughtError = false;\nvar firstUncaughtError = null;\nvar legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null; // Only used when enableProfilerNestedUpdateScheduledHook is true;\nvar rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = false;\nvar rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null;\nvar pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = NoLanes;\nvar pendingPassiveProfilerEffects = [];\nvar pendingPassiveTransitions = null; // Use these to prevent an infinite loop of nested updates\n\nvar NESTED_UPDATE_LIMIT = 50;\nvar nestedUpdateCount = 0;\nvar rootWithNestedUpdates = null;\nvar isFlushingPassiveEffects = false;\nvar didScheduleUpdateDuringPassiveEffects = false;\nvar NESTED_PASSIVE_UPDATE_LIMIT = 50;\nvar nestedPassiveUpdateCount = 0;\nvar rootWithPassiveNestedUpdates = null; // If two updates are scheduled within the same event, we should treat their\n// event times as simultaneous, even if the actual clock time has advanced\n// between the first and second call.\n\nvar currentEventTime = NoTimestamp;\nvar currentEventTransitionLane = NoLanes;\nvar isRunningInsertionEffect = false;\nfunction getWorkInProgressRoot() {\n return workInProgressRoot;\n}\nfunction requestEventTime() {\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext) {\n // We're inside React, so it's fine to read the actual time.\n return now();\n } // We're not inside React, so we may be in the middle of a browser event.\n\n\n if (currentEventTime !== NoTimestamp) {\n // Use the same start time for all updates until we enter React again.\n return currentEventTime;\n } // This is the first update since React yielded. Compute a new start time.\n\n\n currentEventTime = now();\n return currentEventTime;\n}\nfunction requestUpdateLane(fiber) {\n // Special cases\n var mode = fiber.mode;\n\n if ((mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n return SyncLane;\n } else if ( (executionContext & RenderContext) !== NoContext && workInProgressRootRenderLanes !== NoLanes) {\n // This is a render phase update. These are not officially supported. The\n // old behavior is to give this the same \"thread\" (lanes) as\n // whatever is currently rendering. So if you call `setState` on a component\n // that happens later in the same render, it will flush. Ideally, we want to\n // remove the special case and treat them as if they came from an\n // interleaved event. Regardless, this pattern is not officially supported.\n // This behavior is only a fallback. The flag only exists until we can roll\n // out the setState warning, since existing code might accidentally rely on\n // the current behavior.\n return pickArbitraryLane(workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n }\n\n var isTransition = requestCurrentTransition() !== NoTransition;\n\n if (isTransition) {\n if ( ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition !== null) {\n var transition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition;\n\n if (!transition._updatedFibers) {\n transition._updatedFibers = new Set();\n }\n\n transition._updatedFibers.add(fiber);\n } // The algorithm for assigning an update to a lane should be stable for all\n // updates at the same priority within the same event. To do this, the\n // inputs to the algorithm must be the same.\n //\n // The trick we use is to cache the first of each of these inputs within an\n // event. Then reset the cached values once we can be sure the event is\n // over. Our heuristic for that is whenever we enter a concurrent work loop.\n\n\n if (currentEventTransitionLane === NoLane) {\n // All transitions within the same event are assigned the same lane.\n currentEventTransitionLane = claimNextTransitionLane();\n }\n\n return currentEventTransitionLane;\n } // Updates originating inside certain React methods, like flushSync, have\n // their priority set by tracking it with a context variable.\n //\n // The opaque type returned by the host config is internally a lane, so we can\n // use that directly.\n // TODO: Move this type conversion to the event priority module.\n\n\n var updateLane = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n\n if (updateLane !== NoLane) {\n return updateLane;\n } // This update originated outside React. Ask the host environment for an\n // appropriate priority, based on the type of event.\n //\n // The opaque type returned by the host config is internally a lane, so we can\n // use that directly.\n // TODO: Move this type conversion to the event priority module.\n\n\n var eventLane = getCurrentEventPriority();\n return eventLane;\n}\n\nfunction requestRetryLane(fiber) {\n // This is a fork of `requestUpdateLane` designed specifically for Suspense\n // \"retries\" — a special update that attempts to flip a Suspense boundary\n // from its placeholder state to its primary/resolved state.\n // Special cases\n var mode = fiber.mode;\n\n if ((mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {\n return SyncLane;\n }\n\n return claimNextRetryLane();\n}\n\nfunction scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime) {\n checkForNestedUpdates();\n\n {\n if (isRunningInsertionEffect) {\n error('useInsertionEffect must not schedule updates.');\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (isFlushingPassiveEffects) {\n didScheduleUpdateDuringPassiveEffects = true;\n }\n } // Mark that the root has a pending update.\n\n\n markRootUpdated(root, lane, eventTime);\n\n if ((executionContext & RenderContext) !== NoLanes && root === workInProgressRoot) {\n // This update was dispatched during the render phase. This is a mistake\n // if the update originates from user space (with the exception of local\n // hook updates, which are handled differently and don't reach this\n // function), but there are some internal React features that use this as\n // an implementation detail, like selective hydration.\n warnAboutRenderPhaseUpdatesInDEV(fiber); // Track lanes that were updated during the render phase\n } else {\n // This is a normal update, scheduled from outside the render phase. For\n // example, during an input event.\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n addFiberToLanesMap(root, fiber, lane);\n }\n }\n\n warnIfUpdatesNotWrappedWithActDEV(fiber);\n\n if (root === workInProgressRoot) {\n // Received an update to a tree that's in the middle of rendering. Mark\n // that there was an interleaved update work on this root. Unless the\n // `deferRenderPhaseUpdateToNextBatch` flag is off and this is a render\n // phase update. In that case, we don't treat render phase updates as if\n // they were interleaved, for backwards compat reasons.\n if ( (executionContext & RenderContext) === NoContext) {\n workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes = mergeLanes(workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes, lane);\n }\n\n if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay) {\n // The root already suspended with a delay, which means this render\n // definitely won't finish. Since we have a new update, let's mark it as\n // suspended now, right before marking the incoming update. This has the\n // effect of interrupting the current render and switching to the update.\n // TODO: Make sure this doesn't override pings that happen while we've\n // already started rendering.\n markRootSuspended$1(root, workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n }\n }\n\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime);\n\n if (lane === SyncLane && executionContext === NoContext && (fiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode && // Treat `act` as if it's inside `batchedUpdates`, even in legacy mode.\n !( ReactCurrentActQueue$1.isBatchingLegacy)) {\n // Flush the synchronous work now, unless we're already working or inside\n // a batch. This is intentionally inside scheduleUpdateOnFiber instead of\n // scheduleCallbackForFiber to preserve the ability to schedule a callback\n // without immediately flushing it. We only do this for user-initiated\n // updates, to preserve historical behavior of legacy mode.\n resetRenderTimer();\n flushSyncCallbacksOnlyInLegacyMode();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction scheduleInitialHydrationOnRoot(root, lane, eventTime) {\n // This is a special fork of scheduleUpdateOnFiber that is only used to\n // schedule the initial hydration of a root that has just been created. Most\n // of the stuff in scheduleUpdateOnFiber can be skipped.\n //\n // The main reason for this separate path, though, is to distinguish the\n // initial children from subsequent updates. In fully client-rendered roots\n // (createRoot instead of hydrateRoot), all top-level renders are modeled as\n // updates, but hydration roots are special because the initial render must\n // match what was rendered on the server.\n var current = root.current;\n current.lanes = lane;\n markRootUpdated(root, lane, eventTime);\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime);\n}\nfunction isUnsafeClassRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber) {\n // Check if this is a render phase update. Only called by class components,\n // which special (deprecated) behavior for UNSAFE_componentWillReceive props.\n return (// TODO: Remove outdated deferRenderPhaseUpdateToNextBatch experiment. We\n // decided not to enable it.\n (executionContext & RenderContext) !== NoContext\n );\n} // Use this function to schedule a task for a root. There's only one task per\n// root; if a task was already scheduled, we'll check to make sure the priority\n// of the existing task is the same as the priority of the next level that the\n// root has work on. This function is called on every update, and right before\n// exiting a task.\n\nfunction ensureRootIsScheduled(root, currentTime) {\n var existingCallbackNode = root.callbackNode; // Check if any lanes are being starved by other work. If so, mark them as\n // expired so we know to work on those next.\n\n markStarvedLanesAsExpired(root, currentTime); // Determine the next lanes to work on, and their priority.\n\n var nextLanes = getNextLanes(root, root === workInProgressRoot ? workInProgressRootRenderLanes : NoLanes);\n\n if (nextLanes === NoLanes) {\n // Special case: There's nothing to work on.\n if (existingCallbackNode !== null) {\n cancelCallback$1(existingCallbackNode);\n }\n\n root.callbackNode = null;\n root.callbackPriority = NoLane;\n return;\n } // We use the highest priority lane to represent the priority of the callback.\n\n\n var newCallbackPriority = getHighestPriorityLane(nextLanes); // Check if there's an existing task. We may be able to reuse it.\n\n var existingCallbackPriority = root.callbackPriority;\n\n if (existingCallbackPriority === newCallbackPriority && // Special case related to `act`. If the currently scheduled task is a\n // Scheduler task, rather than an `act` task, cancel it and re-scheduled\n // on the `act` queue.\n !( ReactCurrentActQueue$1.current !== null && existingCallbackNode !== fakeActCallbackNode)) {\n {\n // If we're going to re-use an existing task, it needs to exist.\n // Assume that discrete update microtasks are non-cancellable and null.\n // TODO: Temporary until we confirm this warning is not fired.\n if (existingCallbackNode == null && existingCallbackPriority !== SyncLane) {\n error('Expected scheduled callback to exist. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n } // The priority hasn't changed. We can reuse the existing task. Exit.\n\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (existingCallbackNode != null) {\n // Cancel the existing callback. We'll schedule a new one below.\n cancelCallback$1(existingCallbackNode);\n } // Schedule a new callback.\n\n\n var newCallbackNode;\n\n if (newCallbackPriority === SyncLane) {\n // Special case: Sync React callbacks are scheduled on a special\n // internal queue\n if (root.tag === LegacyRoot) {\n if ( ReactCurrentActQueue$1.isBatchingLegacy !== null) {\n ReactCurrentActQueue$1.didScheduleLegacyUpdate = true;\n }\n\n scheduleLegacySyncCallback(performSyncWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root));\n } else {\n scheduleSyncCallback(performSyncWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root));\n }\n\n {\n // Flush the queue in a microtask.\n if ( ReactCurrentActQueue$1.current !== null) {\n // Inside `act`, use our internal `act` queue so that these get flushed\n // at the end of the current scope even when using the sync version\n // of `act`.\n ReactCurrentActQueue$1.current.push(flushSyncCallbacks);\n } else {\n scheduleMicrotask(function () {\n // In Safari, appending an iframe forces microtasks to run.\n //\n // We don't support running callbacks in the middle of render\n // or commit so we need to check against that.\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext) {\n // Note that this would still prematurely flush the callbacks\n // if this happens outside render or commit phase (e.g. in an event).\n flushSyncCallbacks();\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n newCallbackNode = null;\n } else {\n var schedulerPriorityLevel;\n\n switch (lanesToEventPriority(nextLanes)) {\n case DiscreteEventPriority:\n schedulerPriorityLevel = ImmediatePriority;\n break;\n\n case ContinuousEventPriority:\n schedulerPriorityLevel = UserBlockingPriority;\n break;\n\n case DefaultEventPriority:\n schedulerPriorityLevel = NormalPriority;\n break;\n\n case IdleEventPriority:\n schedulerPriorityLevel = IdlePriority;\n break;\n\n default:\n schedulerPriorityLevel = NormalPriority;\n break;\n }\n\n newCallbackNode = scheduleCallback$1(schedulerPriorityLevel, performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root));\n }\n\n root.callbackPriority = newCallbackPriority;\n root.callbackNode = newCallbackNode;\n} // This is the entry point for every concurrent task, i.e. anything that\n// goes through Scheduler.\n\n\nfunction performConcurrentWorkOnRoot(root, didTimeout) {\n {\n resetNestedUpdateFlag();\n } // Since we know we're in a React event, we can clear the current\n // event time. The next update will compute a new event time.\n\n\n currentEventTime = NoTimestamp;\n currentEventTransitionLane = NoLanes;\n\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext) {\n throw new Error('Should not already be working.');\n } // Flush any pending passive effects before deciding which lanes to work on,\n // in case they schedule additional work.\n\n\n var originalCallbackNode = root.callbackNode;\n var didFlushPassiveEffects = flushPassiveEffects();\n\n if (didFlushPassiveEffects) {\n // Something in the passive effect phase may have canceled the current task.\n // Check if the task node for this root was changed.\n if (root.callbackNode !== originalCallbackNode) {\n // The current task was canceled. Exit. We don't need to call\n // `ensureRootIsScheduled` because the check above implies either that\n // there's a new task, or that there's no remaining work on this root.\n return null;\n }\n } // Determine the next lanes to work on, using the fields stored\n // on the root.\n\n\n var lanes = getNextLanes(root, root === workInProgressRoot ? workInProgressRootRenderLanes : NoLanes);\n\n if (lanes === NoLanes) {\n // Defensive coding. This is never expected to happen.\n return null;\n } // We disable time-slicing in some cases: if the work has been CPU-bound\n // for too long (\"expired\" work, to prevent starvation), or we're in\n // sync-updates-by-default mode.\n // TODO: We only check `didTimeout` defensively, to account for a Scheduler\n // bug we're still investigating. Once the bug in Scheduler is fixed,\n // we can remove this, since we track expiration ourselves.\n\n\n var shouldTimeSlice = !includesBlockingLane(root, lanes) && !includesExpiredLane(root, lanes) && ( !didTimeout);\n var exitStatus = shouldTimeSlice ? renderRootConcurrent(root, lanes) : renderRootSync(root, lanes);\n\n if (exitStatus !== RootInProgress) {\n if (exitStatus === RootErrored) {\n // If something threw an error, try rendering one more time. We'll\n // render synchronously to block concurrent data mutations, and we'll\n // includes all pending updates are included. If it still fails after\n // the second attempt, we'll give up and commit the resulting tree.\n var errorRetryLanes = getLanesToRetrySynchronouslyOnError(root);\n\n if (errorRetryLanes !== NoLanes) {\n lanes = errorRetryLanes;\n exitStatus = recoverFromConcurrentError(root, errorRetryLanes);\n }\n }\n\n if (exitStatus === RootFatalErrored) {\n var fatalError = workInProgressRootFatalError;\n prepareFreshStack(root, NoLanes);\n markRootSuspended$1(root, lanes);\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n throw fatalError;\n }\n\n if (exitStatus === RootDidNotComplete) {\n // The render unwound without completing the tree. This happens in special\n // cases where need to exit the current render without producing a\n // consistent tree or committing.\n //\n // This should only happen during a concurrent render, not a discrete or\n // synchronous update. We should have already checked for this when we\n // unwound the stack.\n markRootSuspended$1(root, lanes);\n } else {\n // The render completed.\n // Check if this render may have yielded to a concurrent event, and if so,\n // confirm that any newly rendered stores are consistent.\n // TODO: It's possible that even a concurrent render may never have yielded\n // to the main thread, if it was fast enough, or if it expired. We could\n // skip the consistency check in that case, too.\n var renderWasConcurrent = !includesBlockingLane(root, lanes);\n var finishedWork = root.current.alternate;\n\n if (renderWasConcurrent && !isRenderConsistentWithExternalStores(finishedWork)) {\n // A store was mutated in an interleaved event. Render again,\n // synchronously, to block further mutations.\n exitStatus = renderRootSync(root, lanes); // We need to check again if something threw\n\n if (exitStatus === RootErrored) {\n var _errorRetryLanes = getLanesToRetrySynchronouslyOnError(root);\n\n if (_errorRetryLanes !== NoLanes) {\n lanes = _errorRetryLanes;\n exitStatus = recoverFromConcurrentError(root, _errorRetryLanes); // We assume the tree is now consistent because we didn't yield to any\n // concurrent events.\n }\n }\n\n if (exitStatus === RootFatalErrored) {\n var _fatalError = workInProgressRootFatalError;\n prepareFreshStack(root, NoLanes);\n markRootSuspended$1(root, lanes);\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n throw _fatalError;\n }\n } // We now have a consistent tree. The next step is either to commit it,\n // or, if something suspended, wait to commit it after a timeout.\n\n\n root.finishedWork = finishedWork;\n root.finishedLanes = lanes;\n finishConcurrentRender(root, exitStatus, lanes);\n }\n }\n\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n\n if (root.callbackNode === originalCallbackNode) {\n // The task node scheduled for this root is the same one that's\n // currently executed. Need to return a continuation.\n return performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root);\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction recoverFromConcurrentError(root, errorRetryLanes) {\n // If an error occurred during hydration, discard server response and fall\n // back to client side render.\n // Before rendering again, save the errors from the previous attempt.\n var errorsFromFirstAttempt = workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors;\n\n if (isRootDehydrated(root)) {\n // The shell failed to hydrate. Set a flag to force a client rendering\n // during the next attempt. To do this, we call prepareFreshStack now\n // to create the root work-in-progress fiber. This is a bit weird in terms\n // of factoring, because it relies on renderRootSync not calling\n // prepareFreshStack again in the call below, which happens because the\n // root and lanes haven't changed.\n //\n // TODO: I think what we should do is set ForceClientRender inside\n // throwException, like we do for nested Suspense boundaries. The reason\n // it's here instead is so we can switch to the synchronous work loop, too.\n // Something to consider for a future refactor.\n var rootWorkInProgress = prepareFreshStack(root, errorRetryLanes);\n rootWorkInProgress.flags |= ForceClientRender;\n\n {\n errorHydratingContainer(root.containerInfo);\n }\n }\n\n var exitStatus = renderRootSync(root, errorRetryLanes);\n\n if (exitStatus !== RootErrored) {\n // Successfully finished rendering on retry\n // The errors from the failed first attempt have been recovered. Add\n // them to the collection of recoverable errors. We'll log them in the\n // commit phase.\n var errorsFromSecondAttempt = workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors;\n workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = errorsFromFirstAttempt; // The errors from the second attempt should be queued after the errors\n // from the first attempt, to preserve the causal sequence.\n\n if (errorsFromSecondAttempt !== null) {\n queueRecoverableErrors(errorsFromSecondAttempt);\n }\n }\n\n return exitStatus;\n}\n\nfunction queueRecoverableErrors(errors) {\n if (workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors === null) {\n workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = errors;\n } else {\n workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors.push.apply(workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, errors);\n }\n}\n\nfunction finishConcurrentRender(root, exitStatus, lanes) {\n switch (exitStatus) {\n case RootInProgress:\n case RootFatalErrored:\n {\n throw new Error('Root did not complete. This is a bug in React.');\n }\n // Flow knows about invariant, so it complains if I add a break\n // statement, but eslint doesn't know about invariant, so it complains\n // if I do. eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case RootErrored:\n {\n // We should have already attempted to retry this tree. If we reached\n // this point, it errored again. Commit it.\n commitRoot(root, workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, workInProgressTransitions);\n break;\n }\n\n case RootSuspended:\n {\n markRootSuspended$1(root, lanes); // We have an acceptable loading state. We need to figure out if we\n // should immediately commit it or wait a bit.\n\n if (includesOnlyRetries(lanes) && // do not delay if we're inside an act() scope\n !shouldForceFlushFallbacksInDEV()) {\n // This render only included retries, no updates. Throttle committing\n // retries so that we don't show too many loading states too quickly.\n var msUntilTimeout = globalMostRecentFallbackTime + FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS - now(); // Don't bother with a very short suspense time.\n\n if (msUntilTimeout > 10) {\n var nextLanes = getNextLanes(root, NoLanes);\n\n if (nextLanes !== NoLanes) {\n // There's additional work on this root.\n break;\n }\n\n var suspendedLanes = root.suspendedLanes;\n\n if (!isSubsetOfLanes(suspendedLanes, lanes)) {\n // We should prefer to render the fallback of at the last\n // suspended level. Ping the last suspended level to try\n // rendering it again.\n // FIXME: What if the suspended lanes are Idle? Should not restart.\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n markRootPinged(root, suspendedLanes);\n break;\n } // The render is suspended, it hasn't timed out, and there's no\n // lower priority work to do. Instead of committing the fallback\n // immediately, wait for more data to arrive.\n\n\n root.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(commitRoot.bind(null, root, workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, workInProgressTransitions), msUntilTimeout);\n break;\n }\n } // The work expired. Commit immediately.\n\n\n commitRoot(root, workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, workInProgressTransitions);\n break;\n }\n\n case RootSuspendedWithDelay:\n {\n markRootSuspended$1(root, lanes);\n\n if (includesOnlyTransitions(lanes)) {\n // This is a transition, so we should exit without committing a\n // placeholder and without scheduling a timeout. Delay indefinitely\n // until we receive more data.\n break;\n }\n\n if (!shouldForceFlushFallbacksInDEV()) {\n // This is not a transition, but we did trigger an avoided state.\n // Schedule a placeholder to display after a short delay, using the Just\n // Noticeable Difference.\n // TODO: Is the JND optimization worth the added complexity? If this is\n // the only reason we track the event time, then probably not.\n // Consider removing.\n var mostRecentEventTime = getMostRecentEventTime(root, lanes);\n var eventTimeMs = mostRecentEventTime;\n var timeElapsedMs = now() - eventTimeMs;\n\n var _msUntilTimeout = jnd(timeElapsedMs) - timeElapsedMs; // Don't bother with a very short suspense time.\n\n\n if (_msUntilTimeout > 10) {\n // Instead of committing the fallback immediately, wait for more data\n // to arrive.\n root.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(commitRoot.bind(null, root, workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, workInProgressTransitions), _msUntilTimeout);\n break;\n }\n } // Commit the placeholder.\n\n\n commitRoot(root, workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, workInProgressTransitions);\n break;\n }\n\n case RootCompleted:\n {\n // The work completed. Ready to commit.\n commitRoot(root, workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, workInProgressTransitions);\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n {\n throw new Error('Unknown root exit status.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction isRenderConsistentWithExternalStores(finishedWork) {\n // Search the rendered tree for external store reads, and check whether the\n // stores were mutated in a concurrent event. Intentionally using an iterative\n // loop instead of recursion so we can exit early.\n var node = finishedWork;\n\n while (true) {\n if (node.flags & StoreConsistency) {\n var updateQueue = node.updateQueue;\n\n if (updateQueue !== null) {\n var checks = updateQueue.stores;\n\n if (checks !== null) {\n for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {\n var check = checks[i];\n var getSnapshot = check.getSnapshot;\n var renderedValue = check.value;\n\n try {\n if (!objectIs(getSnapshot(), renderedValue)) {\n // Found an inconsistent store.\n return false;\n }\n } catch (error) {\n // If `getSnapshot` throws, return `false`. This will schedule\n // a re-render, and the error will be rethrown during render.\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n var child = node.child;\n\n if (node.subtreeFlags & StoreConsistency && child !== null) {\n child.return = node;\n node = child;\n continue;\n }\n\n if (node === finishedWork) {\n return true;\n }\n\n while (node.sibling === null) {\n if (node.return === null || node.return === finishedWork) {\n return true;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n } // Flow doesn't know this is unreachable, but eslint does\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unreachable\n\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction markRootSuspended$1(root, suspendedLanes) {\n // When suspending, we should always exclude lanes that were pinged or (more\n // rarely, since we try to avoid it) updated during the render phase.\n // TODO: Lol maybe there's a better way to factor this besides this\n // obnoxiously named function :)\n suspendedLanes = removeLanes(suspendedLanes, workInProgressRootPingedLanes);\n suspendedLanes = removeLanes(suspendedLanes, workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes);\n markRootSuspended(root, suspendedLanes);\n} // This is the entry point for synchronous tasks that don't go\n// through Scheduler\n\n\nfunction performSyncWorkOnRoot(root) {\n {\n syncNestedUpdateFlag();\n }\n\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext) {\n throw new Error('Should not already be working.');\n }\n\n flushPassiveEffects();\n var lanes = getNextLanes(root, NoLanes);\n\n if (!includesSomeLane(lanes, SyncLane)) {\n // There's no remaining sync work left.\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n return null;\n }\n\n var exitStatus = renderRootSync(root, lanes);\n\n if (root.tag !== LegacyRoot && exitStatus === RootErrored) {\n // If something threw an error, try rendering one more time. We'll render\n // synchronously to block concurrent data mutations, and we'll includes\n // all pending updates are included. If it still fails after the second\n // attempt, we'll give up and commit the resulting tree.\n var errorRetryLanes = getLanesToRetrySynchronouslyOnError(root);\n\n if (errorRetryLanes !== NoLanes) {\n lanes = errorRetryLanes;\n exitStatus = recoverFromConcurrentError(root, errorRetryLanes);\n }\n }\n\n if (exitStatus === RootFatalErrored) {\n var fatalError = workInProgressRootFatalError;\n prepareFreshStack(root, NoLanes);\n markRootSuspended$1(root, lanes);\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n throw fatalError;\n }\n\n if (exitStatus === RootDidNotComplete) {\n throw new Error('Root did not complete. This is a bug in React.');\n } // We now have a consistent tree. Because this is a sync render, we\n // will commit it even if something suspended.\n\n\n var finishedWork = root.current.alternate;\n root.finishedWork = finishedWork;\n root.finishedLanes = lanes;\n commitRoot(root, workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors, workInProgressTransitions); // Before exiting, make sure there's a callback scheduled for the next\n // pending level.\n\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction flushRoot(root, lanes) {\n if (lanes !== NoLanes) {\n markRootEntangled(root, mergeLanes(lanes, SyncLane));\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext) {\n resetRenderTimer();\n flushSyncCallbacks();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction batchedUpdates$1(fn, a) {\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= BatchedContext;\n\n try {\n return fn(a);\n } finally {\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext; // If there were legacy sync updates, flush them at the end of the outer\n // most batchedUpdates-like method.\n\n if (executionContext === NoContext && // Treat `act` as if it's inside `batchedUpdates`, even in legacy mode.\n !( ReactCurrentActQueue$1.isBatchingLegacy)) {\n resetRenderTimer();\n flushSyncCallbacksOnlyInLegacyMode();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction discreteUpdates(fn, a, b, c, d) {\n var previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition;\n\n try {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = null;\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(DiscreteEventPriority);\n return fn(a, b, c, d);\n } finally {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousPriority);\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = prevTransition;\n\n if (executionContext === NoContext) {\n resetRenderTimer();\n }\n }\n} // Overload the definition to the two valid signatures.\n// Warning, this opts-out of checking the function body.\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\nfunction flushSync(fn) {\n // In legacy mode, we flush pending passive effects at the beginning of the\n // next event, not at the end of the previous one.\n if (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects !== null && rootWithPendingPassiveEffects.tag === LegacyRoot && (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext) {\n flushPassiveEffects();\n }\n\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= BatchedContext;\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition;\n var previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n\n try {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = null;\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(DiscreteEventPriority);\n\n if (fn) {\n return fn();\n } else {\n return undefined;\n }\n } finally {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousPriority);\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = prevTransition;\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext; // Flush the immediate callbacks that were scheduled during this batch.\n // Note that this will happen even if batchedUpdates is higher up\n // the stack.\n\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext) {\n flushSyncCallbacks();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction isAlreadyRendering() {\n // Used by the renderer to print a warning if certain APIs are called from\n // the wrong context.\n return (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext;\n}\nfunction pushRenderLanes(fiber, lanes) {\n push(subtreeRenderLanesCursor, subtreeRenderLanes, fiber);\n subtreeRenderLanes = mergeLanes(subtreeRenderLanes, lanes);\n workInProgressRootIncludedLanes = mergeLanes(workInProgressRootIncludedLanes, lanes);\n}\nfunction popRenderLanes(fiber) {\n subtreeRenderLanes = subtreeRenderLanesCursor.current;\n pop(subtreeRenderLanesCursor, fiber);\n}\n\nfunction prepareFreshStack(root, lanes) {\n root.finishedWork = null;\n root.finishedLanes = NoLanes;\n var timeoutHandle = root.timeoutHandle;\n\n if (timeoutHandle !== noTimeout) {\n // The root previous suspended and scheduled a timeout to commit a fallback\n // state. Now that we have additional work, cancel the timeout.\n root.timeoutHandle = noTimeout; // $FlowFixMe Complains noTimeout is not a TimeoutID, despite the check above\n\n cancelTimeout(timeoutHandle);\n }\n\n if (workInProgress !== null) {\n var interruptedWork = workInProgress.return;\n\n while (interruptedWork !== null) {\n var current = interruptedWork.alternate;\n unwindInterruptedWork(current, interruptedWork);\n interruptedWork = interruptedWork.return;\n }\n }\n\n workInProgressRoot = root;\n var rootWorkInProgress = createWorkInProgress(root.current, null);\n workInProgress = rootWorkInProgress;\n workInProgressRootRenderLanes = subtreeRenderLanes = workInProgressRootIncludedLanes = lanes;\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootInProgress;\n workInProgressRootFatalError = null;\n workInProgressRootSkippedLanes = NoLanes;\n workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes = NoLanes;\n workInProgressRootPingedLanes = NoLanes;\n workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors = null;\n workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = null;\n finishQueueingConcurrentUpdates();\n\n {\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.discardPendingWarnings();\n }\n\n return rootWorkInProgress;\n}\n\nfunction handleError(root, thrownValue) {\n do {\n var erroredWork = workInProgress;\n\n try {\n // Reset module-level state that was set during the render phase.\n resetContextDependencies();\n resetHooksAfterThrow();\n resetCurrentFiber(); // TODO: I found and added this missing line while investigating a\n // separate issue. Write a regression test using string refs.\n\n ReactCurrentOwner$2.current = null;\n\n if (erroredWork === null || erroredWork.return === null) {\n // Expected to be working on a non-root fiber. This is a fatal error\n // because there's no ancestor that can handle it; the root is\n // supposed to capture all errors that weren't caught by an error\n // boundary.\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootFatalErrored;\n workInProgressRootFatalError = thrownValue; // Set `workInProgress` to null. This represents advancing to the next\n // sibling, or the parent if there are no siblings. But since the root\n // has no siblings nor a parent, we set it to null. Usually this is\n // handled by `completeUnitOfWork` or `unwindWork`, but since we're\n // intentionally not calling those, we need set it here.\n // TODO: Consider calling `unwindWork` to pop the contexts.\n\n workInProgress = null;\n return;\n }\n\n if (enableProfilerTimer && erroredWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n // Record the time spent rendering before an error was thrown. This\n // avoids inaccurate Profiler durations in the case of a\n // suspended render.\n stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(erroredWork, true);\n }\n\n if (enableSchedulingProfiler) {\n markComponentRenderStopped();\n\n if (thrownValue !== null && typeof thrownValue === 'object' && typeof thrownValue.then === 'function') {\n var wakeable = thrownValue;\n markComponentSuspended(erroredWork, wakeable, workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n } else {\n markComponentErrored(erroredWork, thrownValue, workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n }\n }\n\n throwException(root, erroredWork.return, erroredWork, thrownValue, workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n completeUnitOfWork(erroredWork);\n } catch (yetAnotherThrownValue) {\n // Something in the return path also threw.\n thrownValue = yetAnotherThrownValue;\n\n if (workInProgress === erroredWork && erroredWork !== null) {\n // If this boundary has already errored, then we had trouble processing\n // the error. Bubble it to the next boundary.\n erroredWork = erroredWork.return;\n workInProgress = erroredWork;\n } else {\n erroredWork = workInProgress;\n }\n\n continue;\n } // Return to the normal work loop.\n\n\n return;\n } while (true);\n}\n\nfunction pushDispatcher() {\n var prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$2.current;\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$2.current = ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n\n if (prevDispatcher === null) {\n // The React isomorphic package does not include a default dispatcher.\n // Instead the first renderer will lazily attach one, in order to give\n // nicer error messages.\n return ContextOnlyDispatcher;\n } else {\n return prevDispatcher;\n }\n}\n\nfunction popDispatcher(prevDispatcher) {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher$2.current = prevDispatcher;\n}\n\nfunction markCommitTimeOfFallback() {\n globalMostRecentFallbackTime = now();\n}\nfunction markSkippedUpdateLanes(lane) {\n workInProgressRootSkippedLanes = mergeLanes(lane, workInProgressRootSkippedLanes);\n}\nfunction renderDidSuspend() {\n if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootInProgress) {\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootSuspended;\n }\n}\nfunction renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible() {\n if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootInProgress || workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspended || workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootErrored) {\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootSuspendedWithDelay;\n } // Check if there are updates that we skipped tree that might have unblocked\n // this render.\n\n\n if (workInProgressRoot !== null && (includesNonIdleWork(workInProgressRootSkippedLanes) || includesNonIdleWork(workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes))) {\n // Mark the current render as suspended so that we switch to working on\n // the updates that were skipped. Usually we only suspend at the end of\n // the render phase.\n // TODO: We should probably always mark the root as suspended immediately\n // (inside this function), since by suspending at the end of the render\n // phase introduces a potential mistake where we suspend lanes that were\n // pinged or updated while we were rendering.\n markRootSuspended$1(workInProgressRoot, workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n }\n}\nfunction renderDidError(error) {\n if (workInProgressRootExitStatus !== RootSuspendedWithDelay) {\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootErrored;\n }\n\n if (workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors === null) {\n workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors = [error];\n } else {\n workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors.push(error);\n }\n} // Called during render to determine if anything has suspended.\n// Returns false if we're not sure.\n\nfunction renderHasNotSuspendedYet() {\n // If something errored or completed, we can't really be sure,\n // so those are false.\n return workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootInProgress;\n}\n\nfunction renderRootSync(root, lanes) {\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= RenderContext;\n var prevDispatcher = pushDispatcher(); // If the root or lanes have changed, throw out the existing stack\n // and prepare a fresh one. Otherwise we'll continue where we left off.\n\n if (workInProgressRoot !== root || workInProgressRootRenderLanes !== lanes) {\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n var memoizedUpdaters = root.memoizedUpdaters;\n\n if (memoizedUpdaters.size > 0) {\n restorePendingUpdaters(root, workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n memoizedUpdaters.clear();\n } // At this point, move Fibers that scheduled the upcoming work from the Map to the Set.\n // If we bailout on this work, we'll move them back (like above).\n // It's important to move them now in case the work spawns more work at the same priority with different updaters.\n // That way we can keep the current update and future updates separate.\n\n\n movePendingFibersToMemoized(root, lanes);\n }\n }\n\n workInProgressTransitions = getTransitionsForLanes();\n prepareFreshStack(root, lanes);\n }\n\n {\n markRenderStarted(lanes);\n }\n\n do {\n try {\n workLoopSync();\n break;\n } catch (thrownValue) {\n handleError(root, thrownValue);\n }\n } while (true);\n\n resetContextDependencies();\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext;\n popDispatcher(prevDispatcher);\n\n if (workInProgress !== null) {\n // This is a sync render, so we should have finished the whole tree.\n throw new Error('Cannot commit an incomplete root. This error is likely caused by a ' + 'bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n\n {\n markRenderStopped();\n } // Set this to null to indicate there's no in-progress render.\n\n\n workInProgressRoot = null;\n workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes;\n return workInProgressRootExitStatus;\n} // The work loop is an extremely hot path. Tell Closure not to inline it.\n\n/** @noinline */\n\n\nfunction workLoopSync() {\n // Already timed out, so perform work without checking if we need to yield.\n while (workInProgress !== null) {\n performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);\n }\n}\n\nfunction renderRootConcurrent(root, lanes) {\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= RenderContext;\n var prevDispatcher = pushDispatcher(); // If the root or lanes have changed, throw out the existing stack\n // and prepare a fresh one. Otherwise we'll continue where we left off.\n\n if (workInProgressRoot !== root || workInProgressRootRenderLanes !== lanes) {\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n var memoizedUpdaters = root.memoizedUpdaters;\n\n if (memoizedUpdaters.size > 0) {\n restorePendingUpdaters(root, workInProgressRootRenderLanes);\n memoizedUpdaters.clear();\n } // At this point, move Fibers that scheduled the upcoming work from the Map to the Set.\n // If we bailout on this work, we'll move them back (like above).\n // It's important to move them now in case the work spawns more work at the same priority with different updaters.\n // That way we can keep the current update and future updates separate.\n\n\n movePendingFibersToMemoized(root, lanes);\n }\n }\n\n workInProgressTransitions = getTransitionsForLanes();\n resetRenderTimer();\n prepareFreshStack(root, lanes);\n }\n\n {\n markRenderStarted(lanes);\n }\n\n do {\n try {\n workLoopConcurrent();\n break;\n } catch (thrownValue) {\n handleError(root, thrownValue);\n }\n } while (true);\n\n resetContextDependencies();\n popDispatcher(prevDispatcher);\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext;\n\n\n if (workInProgress !== null) {\n // Still work remaining.\n {\n markRenderYielded();\n }\n\n return RootInProgress;\n } else {\n // Completed the tree.\n {\n markRenderStopped();\n } // Set this to null to indicate there's no in-progress render.\n\n\n workInProgressRoot = null;\n workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes; // Return the final exit status.\n\n return workInProgressRootExitStatus;\n }\n}\n/** @noinline */\n\n\nfunction workLoopConcurrent() {\n // Perform work until Scheduler asks us to yield\n while (workInProgress !== null && !shouldYield()) {\n performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);\n }\n}\n\nfunction performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {\n // The current, flushed, state of this fiber is the alternate. Ideally\n // nothing should rely on this, but relying on it here means that we don't\n // need an additional field on the work in progress.\n var current = unitOfWork.alternate;\n setCurrentFiber(unitOfWork);\n var next;\n\n if ( (unitOfWork.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n startProfilerTimer(unitOfWork);\n next = beginWork$1(current, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes);\n stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(unitOfWork, true);\n } else {\n next = beginWork$1(current, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes);\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps;\n\n if (next === null) {\n // If this doesn't spawn new work, complete the current work.\n completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork);\n } else {\n workInProgress = next;\n }\n\n ReactCurrentOwner$2.current = null;\n}\n\nfunction completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {\n // Attempt to complete the current unit of work, then move to the next\n // sibling. If there are no more siblings, return to the parent fiber.\n var completedWork = unitOfWork;\n\n do {\n // The current, flushed, state of this fiber is the alternate. Ideally\n // nothing should rely on this, but relying on it here means that we don't\n // need an additional field on the work in progress.\n var current = completedWork.alternate;\n var returnFiber = completedWork.return; // Check if the work completed or if something threw.\n\n if ((completedWork.flags & Incomplete) === NoFlags) {\n setCurrentFiber(completedWork);\n var next = void 0;\n\n if ( (completedWork.mode & ProfileMode) === NoMode) {\n next = completeWork(current, completedWork, subtreeRenderLanes);\n } else {\n startProfilerTimer(completedWork);\n next = completeWork(current, completedWork, subtreeRenderLanes); // Update render duration assuming we didn't error.\n\n stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(completedWork, false);\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n\n if (next !== null) {\n // Completing this fiber spawned new work. Work on that next.\n workInProgress = next;\n return;\n }\n } else {\n // This fiber did not complete because something threw. Pop values off\n // the stack without entering the complete phase. If this is a boundary,\n // capture values if possible.\n var _next = unwindWork(current, completedWork); // Because this fiber did not complete, don't reset its lanes.\n\n\n if (_next !== null) {\n // If completing this work spawned new work, do that next. We'll come\n // back here again.\n // Since we're restarting, remove anything that is not a host effect\n // from the effect tag.\n _next.flags &= HostEffectMask;\n workInProgress = _next;\n return;\n }\n\n if ( (completedWork.mode & ProfileMode) !== NoMode) {\n // Record the render duration for the fiber that errored.\n stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(completedWork, false); // Include the time spent working on failed children before continuing.\n\n var actualDuration = completedWork.actualDuration;\n var child = completedWork.child;\n\n while (child !== null) {\n actualDuration += child.actualDuration;\n child = child.sibling;\n }\n\n completedWork.actualDuration = actualDuration;\n }\n\n if (returnFiber !== null) {\n // Mark the parent fiber as incomplete and clear its subtree flags.\n returnFiber.flags |= Incomplete;\n returnFiber.subtreeFlags = NoFlags;\n returnFiber.deletions = null;\n } else {\n // We've unwound all the way to the root.\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootDidNotComplete;\n workInProgress = null;\n return;\n }\n }\n\n var siblingFiber = completedWork.sibling;\n\n if (siblingFiber !== null) {\n // If there is more work to do in this returnFiber, do that next.\n workInProgress = siblingFiber;\n return;\n } // Otherwise, return to the parent\n\n\n completedWork = returnFiber; // Update the next thing we're working on in case something throws.\n\n workInProgress = completedWork;\n } while (completedWork !== null); // We've reached the root.\n\n\n if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootInProgress) {\n workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootCompleted;\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitRoot(root, recoverableErrors, transitions) {\n // TODO: This no longer makes any sense. We already wrap the mutation and\n // layout phases. Should be able to remove.\n var previousUpdateLanePriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition;\n\n try {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = null;\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(DiscreteEventPriority);\n commitRootImpl(root, recoverableErrors, transitions, previousUpdateLanePriority);\n } finally {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = prevTransition;\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousUpdateLanePriority);\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction commitRootImpl(root, recoverableErrors, transitions, renderPriorityLevel) {\n do {\n // `flushPassiveEffects` will call `flushSyncUpdateQueue` at the end, which\n // means `flushPassiveEffects` will sometimes result in additional\n // passive effects. So we need to keep flushing in a loop until there are\n // no more pending effects.\n // TODO: Might be better if `flushPassiveEffects` did not automatically\n // flush synchronous work at the end, to avoid factoring hazards like this.\n flushPassiveEffects();\n } while (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects !== null);\n\n flushRenderPhaseStrictModeWarningsInDEV();\n\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext) {\n throw new Error('Should not already be working.');\n }\n\n var finishedWork = root.finishedWork;\n var lanes = root.finishedLanes;\n\n {\n markCommitStarted(lanes);\n }\n\n if (finishedWork === null) {\n\n {\n markCommitStopped();\n }\n\n return null;\n } else {\n {\n if (lanes === NoLanes) {\n error('root.finishedLanes should not be empty during a commit. This is a ' + 'bug in React.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n root.finishedWork = null;\n root.finishedLanes = NoLanes;\n\n if (finishedWork === root.current) {\n throw new Error('Cannot commit the same tree as before. This error is likely caused by ' + 'a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n } // commitRoot never returns a continuation; it always finishes synchronously.\n // So we can clear these now to allow a new callback to be scheduled.\n\n\n root.callbackNode = null;\n root.callbackPriority = NoLane; // Update the first and last pending times on this root. The new first\n // pending time is whatever is left on the root fiber.\n\n var remainingLanes = mergeLanes(finishedWork.lanes, finishedWork.childLanes);\n markRootFinished(root, remainingLanes);\n\n if (root === workInProgressRoot) {\n // We can reset these now that they are finished.\n workInProgressRoot = null;\n workInProgress = null;\n workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes;\n } // If there are pending passive effects, schedule a callback to process them.\n // Do this as early as possible, so it is queued before anything else that\n // might get scheduled in the commit phase. (See #16714.)\n // TODO: Delete all other places that schedule the passive effect callback\n // They're redundant.\n\n\n if ((finishedWork.subtreeFlags & PassiveMask) !== NoFlags || (finishedWork.flags & PassiveMask) !== NoFlags) {\n if (!rootDoesHavePassiveEffects) {\n rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = true;\n // to store it in pendingPassiveTransitions until they get processed\n // We need to pass this through as an argument to commitRoot\n // because workInProgressTransitions might have changed between\n // the previous render and commit if we throttle the commit\n // with setTimeout\n\n pendingPassiveTransitions = transitions;\n scheduleCallback$1(NormalPriority, function () {\n flushPassiveEffects(); // This render triggered passive effects: release the root cache pool\n // *after* passive effects fire to avoid freeing a cache pool that may\n // be referenced by a node in the tree (HostRoot, Cache boundary etc)\n\n return null;\n });\n }\n } // Check if there are any effects in the whole tree.\n // TODO: This is left over from the effect list implementation, where we had\n // to check for the existence of `firstEffect` to satisfy Flow. I think the\n // only other reason this optimization exists is because it affects profiling.\n // Reconsider whether this is necessary.\n\n\n var subtreeHasEffects = (finishedWork.subtreeFlags & (BeforeMutationMask | MutationMask | LayoutMask | PassiveMask)) !== NoFlags;\n var rootHasEffect = (finishedWork.flags & (BeforeMutationMask | MutationMask | LayoutMask | PassiveMask)) !== NoFlags;\n\n if (subtreeHasEffects || rootHasEffect) {\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition;\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = null;\n var previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(DiscreteEventPriority);\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= CommitContext; // Reset this to null before calling lifecycles\n\n ReactCurrentOwner$2.current = null; // The commit phase is broken into several sub-phases. We do a separate pass\n // of the effect list for each phase: all mutation effects come before all\n // layout effects, and so on.\n // The first phase a \"before mutation\" phase. We use this phase to read the\n // state of the host tree right before we mutate it. This is where\n // getSnapshotBeforeUpdate is called.\n\n var shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = commitBeforeMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);\n\n {\n // Mark the current commit time to be shared by all Profilers in this\n // batch. This enables them to be grouped later.\n recordCommitTime();\n }\n\n\n commitMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, lanes);\n\n resetAfterCommit(root.containerInfo); // The work-in-progress tree is now the current tree. This must come after\n // the mutation phase, so that the previous tree is still current during\n // componentWillUnmount, but before the layout phase, so that the finished\n // work is current during componentDidMount/Update.\n\n root.current = finishedWork; // The next phase is the layout phase, where we call effects that read\n\n {\n markLayoutEffectsStarted(lanes);\n }\n\n commitLayoutEffects(finishedWork, root, lanes);\n\n {\n markLayoutEffectsStopped();\n }\n // opportunity to paint.\n\n\n requestPaint();\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext; // Reset the priority to the previous non-sync value.\n\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousPriority);\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = prevTransition;\n } else {\n // No effects.\n root.current = finishedWork; // Measure these anyway so the flamegraph explicitly shows that there were\n // no effects.\n // TODO: Maybe there's a better way to report this.\n\n {\n recordCommitTime();\n }\n }\n\n var rootDidHavePassiveEffects = rootDoesHavePassiveEffects;\n\n if (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects) {\n // This commit has passive effects. Stash a reference to them. But don't\n // schedule a callback until after flushing layout work.\n rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = false;\n rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = root;\n pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = lanes;\n } else {\n\n {\n nestedPassiveUpdateCount = 0;\n rootWithPassiveNestedUpdates = null;\n }\n } // Read this again, since an effect might have updated it\n\n\n remainingLanes = root.pendingLanes; // Check if there's remaining work on this root\n // TODO: This is part of the `componentDidCatch` implementation. Its purpose\n // is to detect whether something might have called setState inside\n // `componentDidCatch`. The mechanism is known to be flawed because `setState`\n // inside `componentDidCatch` is itself flawed — that's why we recommend\n // `getDerivedStateFromError` instead. However, it could be improved by\n // checking if remainingLanes includes Sync work, instead of whether there's\n // any work remaining at all (which would also include stuff like Suspense\n // retries or transitions). It's been like this for a while, though, so fixing\n // it probably isn't that urgent.\n\n if (remainingLanes === NoLanes) {\n // If there's no remaining work, we can clear the set of already failed\n // error boundaries.\n legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null;\n }\n\n {\n if (!rootDidHavePassiveEffects) {\n commitDoubleInvokeEffectsInDEV(root.current, false);\n }\n }\n\n onCommitRoot(finishedWork.stateNode, renderPriorityLevel);\n\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n root.memoizedUpdaters.clear();\n }\n }\n\n {\n onCommitRoot$1();\n } // Always call this before exiting `commitRoot`, to ensure that any\n // additional work on this root is scheduled.\n\n\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());\n\n if (recoverableErrors !== null) {\n // There were errors during this render, but recovered from them without\n // needing to surface it to the UI. We log them here.\n var onRecoverableError = root.onRecoverableError;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < recoverableErrors.length; i++) {\n var recoverableError = recoverableErrors[i];\n var componentStack = recoverableError.stack;\n var digest = recoverableError.digest;\n onRecoverableError(recoverableError.value, {\n componentStack: componentStack,\n digest: digest\n });\n }\n }\n\n if (hasUncaughtError) {\n hasUncaughtError = false;\n var error$1 = firstUncaughtError;\n firstUncaughtError = null;\n throw error$1;\n } // If the passive effects are the result of a discrete render, flush them\n // synchronously at the end of the current task so that the result is\n // immediately observable. Otherwise, we assume that they are not\n // order-dependent and do not need to be observed by external systems, so we\n // can wait until after paint.\n // TODO: We can optimize this by not scheduling the callback earlier. Since we\n // currently schedule the callback in multiple places, will wait until those\n // are consolidated.\n\n\n if (includesSomeLane(pendingPassiveEffectsLanes, SyncLane) && root.tag !== LegacyRoot) {\n flushPassiveEffects();\n } // Read this again, since a passive effect might have updated it\n\n\n remainingLanes = root.pendingLanes;\n\n if (includesSomeLane(remainingLanes, SyncLane)) {\n {\n markNestedUpdateScheduled();\n } // Count the number of times the root synchronously re-renders without\n // finishing. If there are too many, it indicates an infinite update loop.\n\n\n if (root === rootWithNestedUpdates) {\n nestedUpdateCount++;\n } else {\n nestedUpdateCount = 0;\n rootWithNestedUpdates = root;\n }\n } else {\n nestedUpdateCount = 0;\n } // If layout work was scheduled, flush it now.\n\n\n flushSyncCallbacks();\n\n {\n markCommitStopped();\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction flushPassiveEffects() {\n // Returns whether passive effects were flushed.\n // TODO: Combine this check with the one in flushPassiveEFfectsImpl. We should\n // probably just combine the two functions. I believe they were only separate\n // in the first place because we used to wrap it with\n // `Scheduler.runWithPriority`, which accepts a function. But now we track the\n // priority within React itself, so we can mutate the variable directly.\n if (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects !== null) {\n var renderPriority = lanesToEventPriority(pendingPassiveEffectsLanes);\n var priority = lowerEventPriority(DefaultEventPriority, renderPriority);\n var prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition;\n var previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority();\n\n try {\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = null;\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(priority);\n return flushPassiveEffectsImpl();\n } finally {\n setCurrentUpdatePriority(previousPriority);\n ReactCurrentBatchConfig$3.transition = prevTransition; // Once passive effects have run for the tree - giving components a\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\nfunction enqueuePendingPassiveProfilerEffect(fiber) {\n {\n pendingPassiveProfilerEffects.push(fiber);\n\n if (!rootDoesHavePassiveEffects) {\n rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = true;\n scheduleCallback$1(NormalPriority, function () {\n flushPassiveEffects();\n return null;\n });\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction flushPassiveEffectsImpl() {\n if (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects === null) {\n return false;\n } // Cache and clear the transitions flag\n\n\n var transitions = pendingPassiveTransitions;\n pendingPassiveTransitions = null;\n var root = rootWithPendingPassiveEffects;\n var lanes = pendingPassiveEffectsLanes;\n rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null; // TODO: This is sometimes out of sync with rootWithPendingPassiveEffects.\n // Figure out why and fix it. It's not causing any known issues (probably\n // because it's only used for profiling), but it's a refactor hazard.\n\n pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = NoLanes;\n\n if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext) {\n throw new Error('Cannot flush passive effects while already rendering.');\n }\n\n {\n isFlushingPassiveEffects = true;\n didScheduleUpdateDuringPassiveEffects = false;\n }\n\n {\n markPassiveEffectsStarted(lanes);\n }\n\n var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;\n executionContext |= CommitContext;\n commitPassiveUnmountEffects(root.current);\n commitPassiveMountEffects(root, root.current, lanes, transitions); // TODO: Move to commitPassiveMountEffects\n\n {\n var profilerEffects = pendingPassiveProfilerEffects;\n pendingPassiveProfilerEffects = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < profilerEffects.length; i++) {\n var _fiber = profilerEffects[i];\n commitPassiveEffectDurations(root, _fiber);\n }\n }\n\n {\n markPassiveEffectsStopped();\n }\n\n {\n commitDoubleInvokeEffectsInDEV(root.current, true);\n }\n\n executionContext = prevExecutionContext;\n flushSyncCallbacks();\n\n {\n // If additional passive effects were scheduled, increment a counter. If this\n // exceeds the limit, we'll fire a warning.\n if (didScheduleUpdateDuringPassiveEffects) {\n if (root === rootWithPassiveNestedUpdates) {\n nestedPassiveUpdateCount++;\n } else {\n nestedPassiveUpdateCount = 0;\n rootWithPassiveNestedUpdates = root;\n }\n } else {\n nestedPassiveUpdateCount = 0;\n }\n\n isFlushingPassiveEffects = false;\n didScheduleUpdateDuringPassiveEffects = false;\n } // TODO: Move to commitPassiveMountEffects\n\n\n onPostCommitRoot(root);\n\n {\n var stateNode = root.current.stateNode;\n stateNode.effectDuration = 0;\n stateNode.passiveEffectDuration = 0;\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction isAlreadyFailedLegacyErrorBoundary(instance) {\n return legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed !== null && legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.has(instance);\n}\nfunction markLegacyErrorBoundaryAsFailed(instance) {\n if (legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed === null) {\n legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = new Set([instance]);\n } else {\n legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.add(instance);\n }\n}\n\nfunction prepareToThrowUncaughtError(error) {\n if (!hasUncaughtError) {\n hasUncaughtError = true;\n firstUncaughtError = error;\n }\n}\n\nvar onUncaughtError = prepareToThrowUncaughtError;\n\nfunction captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(rootFiber, sourceFiber, error) {\n var errorInfo = createCapturedValueAtFiber(error, sourceFiber);\n var update = createRootErrorUpdate(rootFiber, errorInfo, SyncLane);\n var root = enqueueUpdate(rootFiber, update, SyncLane);\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n\n if (root !== null) {\n markRootUpdated(root, SyncLane, eventTime);\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime);\n }\n}\n\nfunction captureCommitPhaseError(sourceFiber, nearestMountedAncestor, error$1) {\n {\n reportUncaughtErrorInDEV(error$1);\n setIsRunningInsertionEffect(false);\n }\n\n if (sourceFiber.tag === HostRoot) {\n // Error was thrown at the root. There is no parent, so the root\n // itself should capture it.\n captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(sourceFiber, sourceFiber, error$1);\n return;\n }\n\n var fiber = null;\n\n {\n fiber = nearestMountedAncestor;\n }\n\n while (fiber !== null) {\n if (fiber.tag === HostRoot) {\n captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(fiber, sourceFiber, error$1);\n return;\n } else if (fiber.tag === ClassComponent) {\n var ctor = fiber.type;\n var instance = fiber.stateNode;\n\n if (typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromError === 'function' || typeof instance.componentDidCatch === 'function' && !isAlreadyFailedLegacyErrorBoundary(instance)) {\n var errorInfo = createCapturedValueAtFiber(error$1, sourceFiber);\n var update = createClassErrorUpdate(fiber, errorInfo, SyncLane);\n var root = enqueueUpdate(fiber, update, SyncLane);\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n\n if (root !== null) {\n markRootUpdated(root, SyncLane, eventTime);\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n }\n\n fiber = fiber.return;\n }\n\n {\n // TODO: Until we re-land skipUnmountedBoundaries (see #20147), this warning\n // will fire for errors that are thrown by destroy functions inside deleted\n // trees. What it should instead do is propagate the error to the parent of\n // the deleted tree. In the meantime, do not add this warning to the\n // allowlist; this is only for our internal use.\n error('Internal React error: Attempted to capture a commit phase error ' + 'inside a detached tree. This indicates a bug in React. Likely ' + 'causes include deleting the same fiber more than once, committing an ' + 'already-finished tree, or an inconsistent return pointer.\\n\\n' + 'Error message:\\n\\n%s', error$1);\n }\n}\nfunction pingSuspendedRoot(root, wakeable, pingedLanes) {\n var pingCache = root.pingCache;\n\n if (pingCache !== null) {\n // The wakeable resolved, so we no longer need to memoize, because it will\n // never be thrown again.\n pingCache.delete(wakeable);\n }\n\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n markRootPinged(root, pingedLanes);\n warnIfSuspenseResolutionNotWrappedWithActDEV(root);\n\n if (workInProgressRoot === root && isSubsetOfLanes(workInProgressRootRenderLanes, pingedLanes)) {\n // Received a ping at the same priority level at which we're currently\n // rendering. We might want to restart this render. This should mirror\n // the logic of whether or not a root suspends once it completes.\n // TODO: If we're rendering sync either due to Sync, Batched or expired,\n // we should probably never restart.\n // If we're suspended with delay, or if it's a retry, we'll always suspend\n // so we can always restart.\n if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspendedWithDelay || workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootSuspended && includesOnlyRetries(workInProgressRootRenderLanes) && now() - globalMostRecentFallbackTime < FALLBACK_THROTTLE_MS) {\n // Restart from the root.\n prepareFreshStack(root, NoLanes);\n } else {\n // Even though we can't restart right now, we might get an\n // opportunity later. So we mark this render as having a ping.\n workInProgressRootPingedLanes = mergeLanes(workInProgressRootPingedLanes, pingedLanes);\n }\n }\n\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime);\n}\n\nfunction retryTimedOutBoundary(boundaryFiber, retryLane) {\n // The boundary fiber (a Suspense component or SuspenseList component)\n // previously was rendered in its fallback state. One of the promises that\n // suspended it has resolved, which means at least part of the tree was\n // likely unblocked. Try rendering again, at a new lanes.\n if (retryLane === NoLane) {\n // TODO: Assign this to `suspenseState.retryLane`? to avoid\n // unnecessary entanglement?\n retryLane = requestRetryLane(boundaryFiber);\n } // TODO: Special case idle priority?\n\n\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(boundaryFiber, retryLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n markRootUpdated(root, retryLane, eventTime);\n ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime);\n }\n}\n\nfunction retryDehydratedSuspenseBoundary(boundaryFiber) {\n var suspenseState = boundaryFiber.memoizedState;\n var retryLane = NoLane;\n\n if (suspenseState !== null) {\n retryLane = suspenseState.retryLane;\n }\n\n retryTimedOutBoundary(boundaryFiber, retryLane);\n}\nfunction resolveRetryWakeable(boundaryFiber, wakeable) {\n var retryLane = NoLane; // Default\n\n var retryCache;\n\n switch (boundaryFiber.tag) {\n case SuspenseComponent:\n retryCache = boundaryFiber.stateNode;\n var suspenseState = boundaryFiber.memoizedState;\n\n if (suspenseState !== null) {\n retryLane = suspenseState.retryLane;\n }\n\n break;\n\n case SuspenseListComponent:\n retryCache = boundaryFiber.stateNode;\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Pinged unknown suspense boundary type. ' + 'This is probably a bug in React.');\n }\n\n if (retryCache !== null) {\n // The wakeable resolved, so we no longer need to memoize, because it will\n // never be thrown again.\n retryCache.delete(wakeable);\n }\n\n retryTimedOutBoundary(boundaryFiber, retryLane);\n} // Computes the next Just Noticeable Difference (JND) boundary.\n// The theory is that a person can't tell the difference between small differences in time.\n// Therefore, if we wait a bit longer than necessary that won't translate to a noticeable\n// difference in the experience. However, waiting for longer might mean that we can avoid\n// showing an intermediate loading state. The longer we have already waited, the harder it\n// is to tell small differences in time. Therefore, the longer we've already waited,\n// the longer we can wait additionally. At some point we have to give up though.\n// We pick a train model where the next boundary commits at a consistent schedule.\n// These particular numbers are vague estimates. We expect to adjust them based on research.\n\nfunction jnd(timeElapsed) {\n return timeElapsed < 120 ? 120 : timeElapsed < 480 ? 480 : timeElapsed < 1080 ? 1080 : timeElapsed < 1920 ? 1920 : timeElapsed < 3000 ? 3000 : timeElapsed < 4320 ? 4320 : ceil(timeElapsed / 1960) * 1960;\n}\n\nfunction checkForNestedUpdates() {\n if (nestedUpdateCount > NESTED_UPDATE_LIMIT) {\n nestedUpdateCount = 0;\n rootWithNestedUpdates = null;\n throw new Error('Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component ' + 'repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or ' + 'componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to ' + 'prevent infinite loops.');\n }\n\n {\n if (nestedPassiveUpdateCount > NESTED_PASSIVE_UPDATE_LIMIT) {\n nestedPassiveUpdateCount = 0;\n rootWithPassiveNestedUpdates = null;\n\n error('Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component ' + \"calls setState inside useEffect, but useEffect either doesn't \" + 'have a dependency array, or one of the dependencies changes on ' + 'every render.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction flushRenderPhaseStrictModeWarningsInDEV() {\n {\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.flushLegacyContextWarning();\n\n {\n ReactStrictModeWarnings.flushPendingUnsafeLifecycleWarnings();\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction commitDoubleInvokeEffectsInDEV(fiber, hasPassiveEffects) {\n {\n // TODO (StrictEffects) Should we set a marker on the root if it contains strict effects\n // so we don't traverse unnecessarily? similar to subtreeFlags but just at the root level.\n // Maybe not a big deal since this is DEV only behavior.\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n invokeEffectsInDev(fiber, MountLayoutDev, invokeLayoutEffectUnmountInDEV);\n\n if (hasPassiveEffects) {\n invokeEffectsInDev(fiber, MountPassiveDev, invokePassiveEffectUnmountInDEV);\n }\n\n invokeEffectsInDev(fiber, MountLayoutDev, invokeLayoutEffectMountInDEV);\n\n if (hasPassiveEffects) {\n invokeEffectsInDev(fiber, MountPassiveDev, invokePassiveEffectMountInDEV);\n }\n\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n}\n\nfunction invokeEffectsInDev(firstChild, fiberFlags, invokeEffectFn) {\n {\n // We don't need to re-check StrictEffectsMode here.\n // This function is only called if that check has already passed.\n var current = firstChild;\n var subtreeRoot = null;\n\n while (current !== null) {\n var primarySubtreeFlag = current.subtreeFlags & fiberFlags;\n\n if (current !== subtreeRoot && current.child !== null && primarySubtreeFlag !== NoFlags) {\n current = current.child;\n } else {\n if ((current.flags & fiberFlags) !== NoFlags) {\n invokeEffectFn(current);\n }\n\n if (current.sibling !== null) {\n current = current.sibling;\n } else {\n current = subtreeRoot = current.return;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnStateUpdateForNotYetMountedComponent = null;\nfunction warnAboutUpdateOnNotYetMountedFiberInDEV(fiber) {\n {\n if ((executionContext & RenderContext) !== NoContext) {\n // We let the other warning about render phase updates deal with this one.\n return;\n }\n\n if (!(fiber.mode & ConcurrentMode)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var tag = fiber.tag;\n\n if (tag !== IndeterminateComponent && tag !== HostRoot && tag !== ClassComponent && tag !== FunctionComponent && tag !== ForwardRef && tag !== MemoComponent && tag !== SimpleMemoComponent) {\n // Only warn for user-defined components, not internal ones like Suspense.\n return;\n } // We show the whole stack but dedupe on the top component's name because\n // the problematic code almost always lies inside that component.\n\n\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'ReactComponent';\n\n if (didWarnStateUpdateForNotYetMountedComponent !== null) {\n if (didWarnStateUpdateForNotYetMountedComponent.has(componentName)) {\n return;\n }\n\n didWarnStateUpdateForNotYetMountedComponent.add(componentName);\n } else {\n didWarnStateUpdateForNotYetMountedComponent = new Set([componentName]);\n }\n\n var previousFiber = current;\n\n try {\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n\n error(\"Can't perform a React state update on a component that hasn't mounted yet. \" + 'This indicates that you have a side-effect in your render function that ' + 'asynchronously later calls tries to update the component. Move this work to ' + 'useEffect instead.');\n } finally {\n if (previousFiber) {\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n } else {\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n }\n }\n}\nvar beginWork$1;\n\n{\n var dummyFiber = null;\n\n beginWork$1 = function (current, unitOfWork, lanes) {\n // If a component throws an error, we replay it again in a synchronously\n // dispatched event, so that the debugger will treat it as an uncaught\n // error See ReactErrorUtils for more information.\n // Before entering the begin phase, copy the work-in-progress onto a dummy\n // fiber. If beginWork throws, we'll use this to reset the state.\n var originalWorkInProgressCopy = assignFiberPropertiesInDEV(dummyFiber, unitOfWork);\n\n try {\n return beginWork(current, unitOfWork, lanes);\n } catch (originalError) {\n if (didSuspendOrErrorWhileHydratingDEV() || originalError !== null && typeof originalError === 'object' && typeof originalError.then === 'function') {\n // Don't replay promises.\n // Don't replay errors if we are hydrating and have already suspended or handled an error\n throw originalError;\n } // Keep this code in sync with handleError; any changes here must have\n // corresponding changes there.\n\n\n resetContextDependencies();\n resetHooksAfterThrow(); // Don't reset current debug fiber, since we're about to work on the\n // same fiber again.\n // Unwind the failed stack frame\n\n unwindInterruptedWork(current, unitOfWork); // Restore the original properties of the fiber.\n\n assignFiberPropertiesInDEV(unitOfWork, originalWorkInProgressCopy);\n\n if ( unitOfWork.mode & ProfileMode) {\n // Reset the profiler timer.\n startProfilerTimer(unitOfWork);\n } // Run beginWork again.\n\n\n invokeGuardedCallback(null, beginWork, null, current, unitOfWork, lanes);\n\n if (hasCaughtError()) {\n var replayError = clearCaughtError();\n\n if (typeof replayError === 'object' && replayError !== null && replayError._suppressLogging && typeof originalError === 'object' && originalError !== null && !originalError._suppressLogging) {\n // If suppressed, let the flag carry over to the original error which is the one we'll rethrow.\n originalError._suppressLogging = true;\n }\n } // We always throw the original error in case the second render pass is not idempotent.\n // This can happen if a memoized function or CommonJS module doesn't throw after first invocation.\n\n\n throw originalError;\n }\n };\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutUpdateInRender = false;\nvar didWarnAboutUpdateInRenderForAnotherComponent;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutUpdateInRenderForAnotherComponent = new Set();\n}\n\nfunction warnAboutRenderPhaseUpdatesInDEV(fiber) {\n {\n if (isRendering && !getIsUpdatingOpaqueValueInRenderPhaseInDEV()) {\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case ForwardRef:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n var renderingComponentName = workInProgress && getComponentNameFromFiber(workInProgress) || 'Unknown'; // Dedupe by the rendering component because it's the one that needs to be fixed.\n\n var dedupeKey = renderingComponentName;\n\n if (!didWarnAboutUpdateInRenderForAnotherComponent.has(dedupeKey)) {\n didWarnAboutUpdateInRenderForAnotherComponent.add(dedupeKey);\n var setStateComponentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Unknown';\n\n error('Cannot update a component (`%s`) while rendering a ' + 'different component (`%s`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `%s`, ' + 'follow the stack trace as described in', setStateComponentName, renderingComponentName, renderingComponentName);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n if (!didWarnAboutUpdateInRender) {\n error('Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as ' + 'within `render`). Render methods should be a pure ' + 'function of props and state.');\n\n didWarnAboutUpdateInRender = true;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction restorePendingUpdaters(root, lanes) {\n {\n if (isDevToolsPresent) {\n var memoizedUpdaters = root.memoizedUpdaters;\n memoizedUpdaters.forEach(function (schedulingFiber) {\n addFiberToLanesMap(root, schedulingFiber, lanes);\n }); // This function intentionally does not clear memoized updaters.\n // Those may still be relevant to the current commit\n // and a future one (e.g. Suspense).\n }\n }\n}\nvar fakeActCallbackNode = {};\n\nfunction scheduleCallback$1(priorityLevel, callback) {\n {\n // If we're currently inside an `act` scope, bypass Scheduler and push to\n // the `act` queue instead.\n var actQueue = ReactCurrentActQueue$1.current;\n\n if (actQueue !== null) {\n actQueue.push(callback);\n return fakeActCallbackNode;\n } else {\n return scheduleCallback(priorityLevel, callback);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction cancelCallback$1(callbackNode) {\n if ( callbackNode === fakeActCallbackNode) {\n return;\n } // In production, always call Scheduler. This function will be stripped out.\n\n\n return cancelCallback(callbackNode);\n}\n\nfunction shouldForceFlushFallbacksInDEV() {\n // Never force flush in production. This function should get stripped out.\n return ReactCurrentActQueue$1.current !== null;\n}\n\nfunction warnIfUpdatesNotWrappedWithActDEV(fiber) {\n {\n if (fiber.mode & ConcurrentMode) {\n if (!isConcurrentActEnvironment()) {\n // Not in an act environment. No need to warn.\n return;\n }\n } else {\n // Legacy mode has additional cases where we suppress a warning.\n if (!isLegacyActEnvironment()) {\n // Not in an act environment. No need to warn.\n return;\n }\n\n if (executionContext !== NoContext) {\n // Legacy mode doesn't warn if the update is batched, i.e.\n // batchedUpdates or flushSync.\n return;\n }\n\n if (fiber.tag !== FunctionComponent && fiber.tag !== ForwardRef && fiber.tag !== SimpleMemoComponent) {\n // For backwards compatibility with pre-hooks code, legacy mode only\n // warns for updates that originate from a hook.\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if (ReactCurrentActQueue$1.current === null) {\n var previousFiber = current;\n\n try {\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n\n error('An update to %s inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).\\n\\n' + 'When testing, code that causes React state updates should be ' + 'wrapped into act(...):\\n\\n' + 'act(() => {\\n' + ' /* fire events that update state */\\n' + '});\\n' + '/* assert on the output */\\n\\n' + \"This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see \" + 'in the browser.' + ' Learn more at', getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber));\n } finally {\n if (previousFiber) {\n setCurrentFiber(fiber);\n } else {\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction warnIfSuspenseResolutionNotWrappedWithActDEV(root) {\n {\n if (root.tag !== LegacyRoot && isConcurrentActEnvironment() && ReactCurrentActQueue$1.current === null) {\n error('A suspended resource finished loading inside a test, but the event ' + 'was not wrapped in act(...).\\n\\n' + 'When testing, code that resolves suspended data should be wrapped ' + 'into act(...):\\n\\n' + 'act(() => {\\n' + ' /* finish loading suspended data */\\n' + '});\\n' + '/* assert on the output */\\n\\n' + \"This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see \" + 'in the browser.' + ' Learn more at');\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction setIsRunningInsertionEffect(isRunning) {\n {\n isRunningInsertionEffect = isRunning;\n }\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable react-internal/prod-error-codes */\nvar resolveFamily = null; // $FlowFixMe Flow gets confused by a WeakSet feature check below.\n\nvar failedBoundaries = null;\nvar setRefreshHandler = function (handler) {\n {\n resolveFamily = handler;\n }\n};\nfunction resolveFunctionForHotReloading(type) {\n {\n if (resolveFamily === null) {\n // Hot reloading is disabled.\n return type;\n }\n\n var family = resolveFamily(type);\n\n if (family === undefined) {\n return type;\n } // Use the latest known implementation.\n\n\n return family.current;\n }\n}\nfunction resolveClassForHotReloading(type) {\n // No implementation differences.\n return resolveFunctionForHotReloading(type);\n}\nfunction resolveForwardRefForHotReloading(type) {\n {\n if (resolveFamily === null) {\n // Hot reloading is disabled.\n return type;\n }\n\n var family = resolveFamily(type);\n\n if (family === undefined) {\n // Check if we're dealing with a real forwardRef. Don't want to crash early.\n if (type !== null && type !== undefined && typeof type.render === 'function') {\n // ForwardRef is special because its resolved .type is an object,\n // but it's possible that we only have its inner render function in the map.\n // If that inner render function is different, we'll build a new forwardRef type.\n var currentRender = resolveFunctionForHotReloading(type.render);\n\n if (type.render !== currentRender) {\n var syntheticType = {\n $$typeof: REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE,\n render: currentRender\n };\n\n if (type.displayName !== undefined) {\n syntheticType.displayName = type.displayName;\n }\n\n return syntheticType;\n }\n }\n\n return type;\n } // Use the latest known implementation.\n\n\n return family.current;\n }\n}\nfunction isCompatibleFamilyForHotReloading(fiber, element) {\n {\n if (resolveFamily === null) {\n // Hot reloading is disabled.\n return false;\n }\n\n var prevType = fiber.elementType;\n var nextType = element.type; // If we got here, we know types aren't === equal.\n\n var needsCompareFamilies = false;\n var $$typeofNextType = typeof nextType === 'object' && nextType !== null ? nextType.$$typeof : null;\n\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case ClassComponent:\n {\n if (typeof nextType === 'function') {\n needsCompareFamilies = true;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case FunctionComponent:\n {\n if (typeof nextType === 'function') {\n needsCompareFamilies = true;\n } else if ($$typeofNextType === REACT_LAZY_TYPE) {\n // We don't know the inner type yet.\n // We're going to assume that the lazy inner type is stable,\n // and so it is sufficient to avoid reconciling it away.\n // We're not going to unwrap or actually use the new lazy type.\n needsCompareFamilies = true;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case ForwardRef:\n {\n if ($$typeofNextType === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE) {\n needsCompareFamilies = true;\n } else if ($$typeofNextType === REACT_LAZY_TYPE) {\n needsCompareFamilies = true;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case MemoComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n {\n if ($$typeofNextType === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) {\n // TODO: if it was but can no longer be simple,\n // we shouldn't set this.\n needsCompareFamilies = true;\n } else if ($$typeofNextType === REACT_LAZY_TYPE) {\n needsCompareFamilies = true;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n default:\n return false;\n } // Check if both types have a family and it's the same one.\n\n\n if (needsCompareFamilies) {\n // Note: memo() and forwardRef() we'll compare outer rather than inner type.\n // This means both of them need to be registered to preserve state.\n // If we unwrapped and compared the inner types for wrappers instead,\n // then we would risk falsely saying two separate memo(Foo)\n // calls are equivalent because they wrap the same Foo function.\n var prevFamily = resolveFamily(prevType);\n\n if (prevFamily !== undefined && prevFamily === resolveFamily(nextType)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction markFailedErrorBoundaryForHotReloading(fiber) {\n {\n if (resolveFamily === null) {\n // Hot reloading is disabled.\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof WeakSet !== 'function') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (failedBoundaries === null) {\n failedBoundaries = new WeakSet();\n }\n\n failedBoundaries.add(fiber);\n }\n}\nvar scheduleRefresh = function (root, update) {\n {\n if (resolveFamily === null) {\n // Hot reloading is disabled.\n return;\n }\n\n var staleFamilies = update.staleFamilies,\n updatedFamilies = update.updatedFamilies;\n flushPassiveEffects();\n flushSync(function () {\n scheduleFibersWithFamiliesRecursively(root.current, updatedFamilies, staleFamilies);\n });\n }\n};\nvar scheduleRoot = function (root, element) {\n {\n if (root.context !== emptyContextObject) {\n // Super edge case: root has a legacy _renderSubtree context\n // but we don't know the parentComponent so we can't pass it.\n // Just ignore. We'll delete this with _renderSubtree code path later.\n return;\n }\n\n flushPassiveEffects();\n flushSync(function () {\n updateContainer(element, root, null, null);\n });\n }\n};\n\nfunction scheduleFibersWithFamiliesRecursively(fiber, updatedFamilies, staleFamilies) {\n {\n var alternate = fiber.alternate,\n child = fiber.child,\n sibling = fiber.sibling,\n tag = fiber.tag,\n type = fiber.type;\n var candidateType = null;\n\n switch (tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n case ClassComponent:\n candidateType = type;\n break;\n\n case ForwardRef:\n candidateType = type.render;\n break;\n }\n\n if (resolveFamily === null) {\n throw new Error('Expected resolveFamily to be set during hot reload.');\n }\n\n var needsRender = false;\n var needsRemount = false;\n\n if (candidateType !== null) {\n var family = resolveFamily(candidateType);\n\n if (family !== undefined) {\n if (staleFamilies.has(family)) {\n needsRemount = true;\n } else if (updatedFamilies.has(family)) {\n if (tag === ClassComponent) {\n needsRemount = true;\n } else {\n needsRender = true;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (failedBoundaries !== null) {\n if (failedBoundaries.has(fiber) || alternate !== null && failedBoundaries.has(alternate)) {\n needsRemount = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (needsRemount) {\n fiber._debugNeedsRemount = true;\n }\n\n if (needsRemount || needsRender) {\n var _root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (_root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(_root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n }\n\n if (child !== null && !needsRemount) {\n scheduleFibersWithFamiliesRecursively(child, updatedFamilies, staleFamilies);\n }\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n scheduleFibersWithFamiliesRecursively(sibling, updatedFamilies, staleFamilies);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar findHostInstancesForRefresh = function (root, families) {\n {\n var hostInstances = new Set();\n var types = new Set( (family) {\n return family.current;\n }));\n findHostInstancesForMatchingFibersRecursively(root.current, types, hostInstances);\n return hostInstances;\n }\n};\n\nfunction findHostInstancesForMatchingFibersRecursively(fiber, types, hostInstances) {\n {\n var child = fiber.child,\n sibling = fiber.sibling,\n tag = fiber.tag,\n type = fiber.type;\n var candidateType = null;\n\n switch (tag) {\n case FunctionComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n case ClassComponent:\n candidateType = type;\n break;\n\n case ForwardRef:\n candidateType = type.render;\n break;\n }\n\n var didMatch = false;\n\n if (candidateType !== null) {\n if (types.has(candidateType)) {\n didMatch = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (didMatch) {\n // We have a match. This only drills down to the closest host components.\n // There's no need to search deeper because for the purpose of giving\n // visual feedback, \"flashing\" outermost parent rectangles is sufficient.\n findHostInstancesForFiberShallowly(fiber, hostInstances);\n } else {\n // If there's no match, maybe there will be one further down in the child tree.\n if (child !== null) {\n findHostInstancesForMatchingFibersRecursively(child, types, hostInstances);\n }\n }\n\n if (sibling !== null) {\n findHostInstancesForMatchingFibersRecursively(sibling, types, hostInstances);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction findHostInstancesForFiberShallowly(fiber, hostInstances) {\n {\n var foundHostInstances = findChildHostInstancesForFiberShallowly(fiber, hostInstances);\n\n if (foundHostInstances) {\n return;\n } // If we didn't find any host children, fallback to closest host parent.\n\n\n var node = fiber;\n\n while (true) {\n switch (node.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n hostInstances.add(node.stateNode);\n return;\n\n case HostPortal:\n hostInstances.add(node.stateNode.containerInfo);\n return;\n\n case HostRoot:\n hostInstances.add(node.stateNode.containerInfo);\n return;\n }\n\n if (node.return === null) {\n throw new Error('Expected to reach root first.');\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction findChildHostInstancesForFiberShallowly(fiber, hostInstances) {\n {\n var node = fiber;\n var foundHostInstances = false;\n\n while (true) {\n if (node.tag === HostComponent) {\n // We got a match.\n foundHostInstances = true;\n hostInstances.add(node.stateNode); // There may still be more, so keep searching.\n } else if (node.child !== null) {\n node.child.return = node;\n node = node.child;\n continue;\n }\n\n if (node === fiber) {\n return foundHostInstances;\n }\n\n while (node.sibling === null) {\n if (node.return === null || node.return === fiber) {\n return foundHostInstances;\n }\n\n node = node.return;\n }\n\n node.sibling.return = node.return;\n node = node.sibling;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nvar hasBadMapPolyfill;\n\n{\n hasBadMapPolyfill = false;\n\n try {\n var nonExtensibleObject = Object.preventExtensions({});\n /* eslint-disable no-new */\n\n new Map([[nonExtensibleObject, null]]);\n new Set([nonExtensibleObject]);\n /* eslint-enable no-new */\n } catch (e) {\n // TODO: Consider warning about bad polyfills\n hasBadMapPolyfill = true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {\n // Instance\n this.tag = tag;\n this.key = key;\n this.elementType = null;\n this.type = null;\n this.stateNode = null; // Fiber\n\n this.return = null;\n this.child = null;\n this.sibling = null;\n this.index = 0;\n this.ref = null;\n this.pendingProps = pendingProps;\n this.memoizedProps = null;\n this.updateQueue = null;\n this.memoizedState = null;\n this.dependencies = null;\n this.mode = mode; // Effects\n\n this.flags = NoFlags;\n this.subtreeFlags = NoFlags;\n this.deletions = null;\n this.lanes = NoLanes;\n this.childLanes = NoLanes;\n this.alternate = null;\n\n {\n // Note: The following is done to avoid a v8 performance cliff.\n //\n // Initializing the fields below to smis and later updating them with\n // double values will cause Fibers to end up having separate shapes.\n // This behavior/bug has something to do with Object.preventExtension().\n // Fortunately this only impacts DEV builds.\n // Unfortunately it makes React unusably slow for some applications.\n // To work around this, initialize the fields below with doubles.\n //\n // Learn more about this here:\n //\n //\n this.actualDuration = Number.NaN;\n this.actualStartTime = Number.NaN;\n this.selfBaseDuration = Number.NaN;\n this.treeBaseDuration = Number.NaN; // It's okay to replace the initial doubles with smis after initialization.\n // This won't trigger the performance cliff mentioned above,\n // and it simplifies other profiler code (including DevTools).\n\n this.actualDuration = 0;\n this.actualStartTime = -1;\n this.selfBaseDuration = 0;\n this.treeBaseDuration = 0;\n }\n\n {\n // This isn't directly used but is handy for debugging internals:\n this._debugSource = null;\n this._debugOwner = null;\n this._debugNeedsRemount = false;\n this._debugHookTypes = null;\n\n if (!hasBadMapPolyfill && typeof Object.preventExtensions === 'function') {\n Object.preventExtensions(this);\n }\n }\n} // This is a constructor function, rather than a POJO constructor, still\n// please ensure we do the following:\n// 1) Nobody should add any instance methods on this. Instance methods can be\n// more difficult to predict when they get optimized and they are almost\n// never inlined properly in static compilers.\n// 2) Nobody should rely on `instanceof Fiber` for type testing. We should\n// always know when it is a fiber.\n// 3) We might want to experiment with using numeric keys since they are easier\n// to optimize in a non-JIT environment.\n// 4) We can easily go from a constructor to a createFiber object literal if that\n// is faster.\n// 5) It should be easy to port this to a C struct and keep a C implementation\n// compatible.\n\n\nvar createFiber = function (tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {\n // $FlowFixMe: the shapes are exact here but Flow doesn't like constructors\n return new FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode);\n};\n\nfunction shouldConstruct$1(Component) {\n var prototype = Component.prototype;\n return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);\n}\n\nfunction isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) {\n return typeof type === 'function' && !shouldConstruct$1(type) && type.defaultProps === undefined;\n}\nfunction resolveLazyComponentTag(Component) {\n if (typeof Component === 'function') {\n return shouldConstruct$1(Component) ? ClassComponent : FunctionComponent;\n } else if (Component !== undefined && Component !== null) {\n var $$typeof = Component.$$typeof;\n\n if ($$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE) {\n return ForwardRef;\n }\n\n if ($$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) {\n return MemoComponent;\n }\n }\n\n return IndeterminateComponent;\n} // This is used to create an alternate fiber to do work on.\n\nfunction createWorkInProgress(current, pendingProps) {\n var workInProgress = current.alternate;\n\n if (workInProgress === null) {\n // We use a double buffering pooling technique because we know that we'll\n // only ever need at most two versions of a tree. We pool the \"other\" unused\n // node that we're free to reuse. This is lazily created to avoid allocating\n // extra objects for things that are never updated. It also allow us to\n // reclaim the extra memory if needed.\n workInProgress = createFiber(current.tag, pendingProps, current.key, current.mode);\n workInProgress.elementType = current.elementType;\n workInProgress.type = current.type;\n workInProgress.stateNode = current.stateNode;\n\n {\n // DEV-only fields\n workInProgress._debugSource = current._debugSource;\n workInProgress._debugOwner = current._debugOwner;\n workInProgress._debugHookTypes = current._debugHookTypes;\n }\n\n workInProgress.alternate = current;\n current.alternate = workInProgress;\n } else {\n workInProgress.pendingProps = pendingProps; // Needed because Blocks store data on type.\n\n workInProgress.type = current.type; // We already have an alternate.\n // Reset the effect tag.\n\n workInProgress.flags = NoFlags; // The effects are no longer valid.\n\n workInProgress.subtreeFlags = NoFlags;\n workInProgress.deletions = null;\n\n {\n // We intentionally reset, rather than copy, actualDuration & actualStartTime.\n // This prevents time from endlessly accumulating in new commits.\n // This has the downside of resetting values for different priority renders,\n // But works for yielding (the common case) and should support resuming.\n workInProgress.actualDuration = 0;\n workInProgress.actualStartTime = -1;\n }\n } // Reset all effects except static ones.\n // Static effects are not specific to a render.\n\n\n workInProgress.flags = current.flags & StaticMask;\n workInProgress.childLanes = current.childLanes;\n workInProgress.lanes = current.lanes;\n workInProgress.child = current.child;\n workInProgress.memoizedProps = current.memoizedProps;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = current.memoizedState;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue; // Clone the dependencies object. This is mutated during the render phase, so\n // it cannot be shared with the current fiber.\n\n var currentDependencies = current.dependencies;\n workInProgress.dependencies = currentDependencies === null ? null : {\n lanes: currentDependencies.lanes,\n firstContext: currentDependencies.firstContext\n }; // These will be overridden during the parent's reconciliation\n\n workInProgress.sibling = current.sibling;\n workInProgress.index = current.index;\n workInProgress.ref = current.ref;\n\n {\n workInProgress.selfBaseDuration = current.selfBaseDuration;\n workInProgress.treeBaseDuration = current.treeBaseDuration;\n }\n\n {\n workInProgress._debugNeedsRemount = current._debugNeedsRemount;\n\n switch (workInProgress.tag) {\n case IndeterminateComponent:\n case FunctionComponent:\n case SimpleMemoComponent:\n workInProgress.type = resolveFunctionForHotReloading(current.type);\n break;\n\n case ClassComponent:\n workInProgress.type = resolveClassForHotReloading(current.type);\n break;\n\n case ForwardRef:\n workInProgress.type = resolveForwardRefForHotReloading(current.type);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return workInProgress;\n} // Used to reuse a Fiber for a second pass.\n\nfunction resetWorkInProgress(workInProgress, renderLanes) {\n // This resets the Fiber to what createFiber or createWorkInProgress would\n // have set the values to before during the first pass. Ideally this wouldn't\n // be necessary but unfortunately many code paths reads from the workInProgress\n // when they should be reading from current and writing to workInProgress.\n // We assume pendingProps, index, key, ref, return are still untouched to\n // avoid doing another reconciliation.\n // Reset the effect flags but keep any Placement tags, since that's something\n // that child fiber is setting, not the reconciliation.\n workInProgress.flags &= StaticMask | Placement; // The effects are no longer valid.\n\n var current = workInProgress.alternate;\n\n if (current === null) {\n // Reset to createFiber's initial values.\n workInProgress.childLanes = NoLanes;\n workInProgress.lanes = renderLanes;\n workInProgress.child = null;\n workInProgress.subtreeFlags = NoFlags;\n workInProgress.memoizedProps = null;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = null;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = null;\n workInProgress.dependencies = null;\n workInProgress.stateNode = null;\n\n {\n // Note: We don't reset the actualTime counts. It's useful to accumulate\n // actual time across multiple render passes.\n workInProgress.selfBaseDuration = 0;\n workInProgress.treeBaseDuration = 0;\n }\n } else {\n // Reset to the cloned values that createWorkInProgress would've.\n workInProgress.childLanes = current.childLanes;\n workInProgress.lanes = current.lanes;\n workInProgress.child = current.child;\n workInProgress.subtreeFlags = NoFlags;\n workInProgress.deletions = null;\n workInProgress.memoizedProps = current.memoizedProps;\n workInProgress.memoizedState = current.memoizedState;\n workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue; // Needed because Blocks store data on type.\n\n workInProgress.type = current.type; // Clone the dependencies object. This is mutated during the render phase, so\n // it cannot be shared with the current fiber.\n\n var currentDependencies = current.dependencies;\n workInProgress.dependencies = currentDependencies === null ? null : {\n lanes: currentDependencies.lanes,\n firstContext: currentDependencies.firstContext\n };\n\n {\n // Note: We don't reset the actualTime counts. It's useful to accumulate\n // actual time across multiple render passes.\n workInProgress.selfBaseDuration = current.selfBaseDuration;\n workInProgress.treeBaseDuration = current.treeBaseDuration;\n }\n }\n\n return workInProgress;\n}\nfunction createHostRootFiber(tag, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride) {\n var mode;\n\n if (tag === ConcurrentRoot) {\n mode = ConcurrentMode;\n\n if (isStrictMode === true) {\n mode |= StrictLegacyMode;\n\n {\n mode |= StrictEffectsMode;\n }\n }\n } else {\n mode = NoMode;\n }\n\n if ( isDevToolsPresent) {\n // Always collect profile timings when DevTools are present.\n // This enables DevTools to start capturing timing at any point–\n // Without some nodes in the tree having empty base times.\n mode |= ProfileMode;\n }\n\n return createFiber(HostRoot, null, null, mode);\n}\nfunction createFiberFromTypeAndProps(type, // React$ElementType\nkey, pendingProps, owner, mode, lanes) {\n var fiberTag = IndeterminateComponent; // The resolved type is set if we know what the final type will be. I.e. it's not lazy.\n\n var resolvedType = type;\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n if (shouldConstruct$1(type)) {\n fiberTag = ClassComponent;\n\n {\n resolvedType = resolveClassForHotReloading(resolvedType);\n }\n } else {\n {\n resolvedType = resolveFunctionForHotReloading(resolvedType);\n }\n }\n } else if (typeof type === 'string') {\n fiberTag = HostComponent;\n } else {\n getTag: switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return createFiberFromFragment(pendingProps.children, mode, lanes, key);\n\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n fiberTag = Mode;\n mode |= StrictLegacyMode;\n\n if ( (mode & ConcurrentMode) !== NoMode) {\n // Strict effects should never run on legacy roots\n mode |= StrictEffectsMode;\n }\n\n break;\n\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return createFiberFromProfiler(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key);\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return createFiberFromSuspense(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key);\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return createFiberFromSuspenseList(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key);\n\n case REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE:\n return createFiberFromOffscreen(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key);\n\n case REACT_LEGACY_HIDDEN_TYPE:\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case REACT_SCOPE_TYPE:\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case REACT_CACHE_TYPE:\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case REACT_TRACING_MARKER_TYPE:\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n case REACT_DEBUG_TRACING_MODE_TYPE:\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n\n default:\n {\n if (typeof type === 'object' && type !== null) {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n fiberTag = ContextProvider;\n break getTag;\n\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n // This is a consumer\n fiberTag = ContextConsumer;\n break getTag;\n\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n fiberTag = ForwardRef;\n\n {\n resolvedType = resolveForwardRefForHotReloading(resolvedType);\n }\n\n break getTag;\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n fiberTag = MemoComponent;\n break getTag;\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n fiberTag = LazyComponent;\n resolvedType = null;\n break getTag;\n }\n }\n\n var info = '';\n\n {\n if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {\n info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + \"it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and \" + 'named imports.';\n }\n\n var ownerName = owner ? getComponentNameFromFiber(owner) : null;\n\n if (ownerName) {\n info += '\\n\\nCheck the render method of `' + ownerName + '`.';\n }\n }\n\n throw new Error('Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in ' + 'components) or a class/function (for composite components) ' + (\"but got: \" + (type == null ? type : typeof type) + \".\" + info));\n }\n }\n }\n\n var fiber = createFiber(fiberTag, pendingProps, key, mode);\n fiber.elementType = type;\n fiber.type = resolvedType;\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n\n {\n fiber._debugOwner = owner;\n }\n\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromElement(element, mode, lanes) {\n var owner = null;\n\n {\n owner = element._owner;\n }\n\n var type = element.type;\n var key = element.key;\n var pendingProps = element.props;\n var fiber = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(type, key, pendingProps, owner, mode, lanes);\n\n {\n fiber._debugSource = element._source;\n fiber._debugOwner = element._owner;\n }\n\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromFragment(elements, mode, lanes, key) {\n var fiber = createFiber(Fragment, elements, key, mode);\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n return fiber;\n}\n\nfunction createFiberFromProfiler(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key) {\n {\n if (typeof !== 'string') {\n error('Profiler must specify an \"id\" of type `string` as a prop. Received the type `%s` instead.', typeof;\n }\n }\n\n var fiber = createFiber(Profiler, pendingProps, key, mode | ProfileMode);\n fiber.elementType = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE;\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n\n {\n fiber.stateNode = {\n effectDuration: 0,\n passiveEffectDuration: 0\n };\n }\n\n return fiber;\n}\n\nfunction createFiberFromSuspense(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key) {\n var fiber = createFiber(SuspenseComponent, pendingProps, key, mode);\n fiber.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromSuspenseList(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key) {\n var fiber = createFiber(SuspenseListComponent, pendingProps, key, mode);\n fiber.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE;\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromOffscreen(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key) {\n var fiber = createFiber(OffscreenComponent, pendingProps, key, mode);\n fiber.elementType = REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE;\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n var primaryChildInstance = {\n isHidden: false\n };\n fiber.stateNode = primaryChildInstance;\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromText(content, mode, lanes) {\n var fiber = createFiber(HostText, content, null, mode);\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromHostInstanceForDeletion() {\n var fiber = createFiber(HostComponent, null, null, NoMode);\n fiber.elementType = 'DELETED';\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromDehydratedFragment(dehydratedNode) {\n var fiber = createFiber(DehydratedFragment, null, null, NoMode);\n fiber.stateNode = dehydratedNode;\n return fiber;\n}\nfunction createFiberFromPortal(portal, mode, lanes) {\n var pendingProps = portal.children !== null ? portal.children : [];\n var fiber = createFiber(HostPortal, pendingProps, portal.key, mode);\n fiber.lanes = lanes;\n fiber.stateNode = {\n containerInfo: portal.containerInfo,\n pendingChildren: null,\n // Used by persistent updates\n implementation: portal.implementation\n };\n return fiber;\n} // Used for stashing WIP properties to replay failed work in DEV.\n\nfunction assignFiberPropertiesInDEV(target, source) {\n if (target === null) {\n // This Fiber's initial properties will always be overwritten.\n // We only use a Fiber to ensure the same hidden class so DEV isn't slow.\n target = createFiber(IndeterminateComponent, null, null, NoMode);\n } // This is intentionally written as a list of all properties.\n // We tried to use Object.assign() instead but this is called in\n // the hottest path, and Object.assign() was too slow:\n //\n // This code is DEV-only so size is not a concern.\n\n\n target.tag = source.tag;\n target.key = source.key;\n target.elementType = source.elementType;\n target.type = source.type;\n target.stateNode = source.stateNode;\n target.return = source.return;\n target.child = source.child;\n target.sibling = source.sibling;\n target.index = source.index;\n target.ref = source.ref;\n target.pendingProps = source.pendingProps;\n target.memoizedProps = source.memoizedProps;\n target.updateQueue = source.updateQueue;\n target.memoizedState = source.memoizedState;\n target.dependencies = source.dependencies;\n target.mode = source.mode;\n target.flags = source.flags;\n target.subtreeFlags = source.subtreeFlags;\n target.deletions = source.deletions;\n target.lanes = source.lanes;\n target.childLanes = source.childLanes;\n target.alternate = source.alternate;\n\n {\n target.actualDuration = source.actualDuration;\n target.actualStartTime = source.actualStartTime;\n target.selfBaseDuration = source.selfBaseDuration;\n target.treeBaseDuration = source.treeBaseDuration;\n }\n\n target._debugSource = source._debugSource;\n target._debugOwner = source._debugOwner;\n target._debugNeedsRemount = source._debugNeedsRemount;\n target._debugHookTypes = source._debugHookTypes;\n return target;\n}\n\nfunction FiberRootNode(containerInfo, tag, hydrate, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError) {\n this.tag = tag;\n this.containerInfo = containerInfo;\n this.pendingChildren = null;\n this.current = null;\n this.pingCache = null;\n this.finishedWork = null;\n this.timeoutHandle = noTimeout;\n this.context = null;\n this.pendingContext = null;\n this.callbackNode = null;\n this.callbackPriority = NoLane;\n this.eventTimes = createLaneMap(NoLanes);\n this.expirationTimes = createLaneMap(NoTimestamp);\n this.pendingLanes = NoLanes;\n this.suspendedLanes = NoLanes;\n this.pingedLanes = NoLanes;\n this.expiredLanes = NoLanes;\n this.mutableReadLanes = NoLanes;\n this.finishedLanes = NoLanes;\n this.entangledLanes = NoLanes;\n this.entanglements = createLaneMap(NoLanes);\n this.identifierPrefix = identifierPrefix;\n this.onRecoverableError = onRecoverableError;\n\n {\n this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null;\n }\n\n {\n this.effectDuration = 0;\n this.passiveEffectDuration = 0;\n }\n\n {\n this.memoizedUpdaters = new Set();\n var pendingUpdatersLaneMap = this.pendingUpdatersLaneMap = [];\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < TotalLanes; _i++) {\n pendingUpdatersLaneMap.push(new Set());\n }\n }\n\n {\n switch (tag) {\n case ConcurrentRoot:\n this._debugRootType = hydrate ? 'hydrateRoot()' : 'createRoot()';\n break;\n\n case LegacyRoot:\n this._debugRootType = hydrate ? 'hydrate()' : 'render()';\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction createFiberRoot(containerInfo, tag, hydrate, initialChildren, hydrationCallbacks, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride, // TODO: We have several of these arguments that are conceptually part of the\n// host config, but because they are passed in at runtime, we have to thread\n// them through the root constructor. Perhaps we should put them all into a\n// single type, like a DynamicHostConfig that is defined by the renderer.\nidentifierPrefix, onRecoverableError, transitionCallbacks) {\n var root = new FiberRootNode(containerInfo, tag, hydrate, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError);\n // stateNode is any.\n\n\n var uninitializedFiber = createHostRootFiber(tag, isStrictMode);\n root.current = uninitializedFiber;\n uninitializedFiber.stateNode = root;\n\n {\n var _initialState = {\n element: initialChildren,\n isDehydrated: hydrate,\n cache: null,\n // not enabled yet\n transitions: null,\n pendingSuspenseBoundaries: null\n };\n uninitializedFiber.memoizedState = _initialState;\n }\n\n initializeUpdateQueue(uninitializedFiber);\n return root;\n}\n\nvar ReactVersion = '18.3.1';\n\nfunction createPortal(children, containerInfo, // TODO: figure out the API for cross-renderer implementation.\nimplementation) {\n var key = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;\n\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(key);\n }\n\n return {\n // This tag allow us to uniquely identify this as a React Portal\n $$typeof: REACT_PORTAL_TYPE,\n key: key == null ? null : '' + key,\n children: children,\n containerInfo: containerInfo,\n implementation: implementation\n };\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutNestedUpdates;\nvar didWarnAboutFindNodeInStrictMode;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutNestedUpdates = false;\n didWarnAboutFindNodeInStrictMode = {};\n}\n\nfunction getContextForSubtree(parentComponent) {\n if (!parentComponent) {\n return emptyContextObject;\n }\n\n var fiber = get(parentComponent);\n var parentContext = findCurrentUnmaskedContext(fiber);\n\n if (fiber.tag === ClassComponent) {\n var Component = fiber.type;\n\n if (isContextProvider(Component)) {\n return processChildContext(fiber, Component, parentContext);\n }\n }\n\n return parentContext;\n}\n\nfunction findHostInstanceWithWarning(component, methodName) {\n {\n var fiber = get(component);\n\n if (fiber === undefined) {\n if (typeof component.render === 'function') {\n throw new Error('Unable to find node on an unmounted component.');\n } else {\n var keys = Object.keys(component).join(',');\n throw new Error(\"Argument appears to not be a ReactComponent. Keys: \" + keys);\n }\n }\n\n var hostFiber = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);\n\n if (hostFiber === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (hostFiber.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromFiber(fiber) || 'Component';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutFindNodeInStrictMode[componentName]) {\n didWarnAboutFindNodeInStrictMode[componentName] = true;\n var previousFiber = current;\n\n try {\n setCurrentFiber(hostFiber);\n\n if (fiber.mode & StrictLegacyMode) {\n error('%s is deprecated in StrictMode. ' + '%s was passed an instance of %s which is inside StrictMode. ' + 'Instead, add a ref directly to the element you want to reference. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + '', methodName, methodName, componentName);\n } else {\n error('%s is deprecated in StrictMode. ' + '%s was passed an instance of %s which renders StrictMode children. ' + 'Instead, add a ref directly to the element you want to reference. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + '', methodName, methodName, componentName);\n }\n } finally {\n // Ideally this should reset to previous but this shouldn't be called in\n // render and there's another warning for that anyway.\n if (previousFiber) {\n setCurrentFiber(previousFiber);\n } else {\n resetCurrentFiber();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return hostFiber.stateNode;\n }\n}\n\nfunction createContainer(containerInfo, tag, hydrationCallbacks, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError, transitionCallbacks) {\n var hydrate = false;\n var initialChildren = null;\n return createFiberRoot(containerInfo, tag, hydrate, initialChildren, hydrationCallbacks, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError);\n}\nfunction createHydrationContainer(initialChildren, // TODO: Remove `callback` when we delete legacy mode.\ncallback, containerInfo, tag, hydrationCallbacks, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError, transitionCallbacks) {\n var hydrate = true;\n var root = createFiberRoot(containerInfo, tag, hydrate, initialChildren, hydrationCallbacks, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError); // TODO: Move this to FiberRoot constructor\n\n root.context = getContextForSubtree(null); // Schedule the initial render. In a hydration root, this is different from\n // a regular update because the initial render must match was was rendered\n // on the server.\n // NOTE: This update intentionally doesn't have a payload. We're only using\n // the update to schedule work on the root fiber (and, for legacy roots, to\n // enqueue the callback if one is provided).\n\n var current = root.current;\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(current);\n var update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane);\n update.callback = callback !== undefined && callback !== null ? callback : null;\n enqueueUpdate(current, update, lane);\n scheduleInitialHydrationOnRoot(root, lane, eventTime);\n return root;\n}\nfunction updateContainer(element, container, parentComponent, callback) {\n {\n onScheduleRoot(container, element);\n }\n\n var current$1 = container.current;\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(current$1);\n\n {\n markRenderScheduled(lane);\n }\n\n var context = getContextForSubtree(parentComponent);\n\n if (container.context === null) {\n container.context = context;\n } else {\n container.pendingContext = context;\n }\n\n {\n if (isRendering && current !== null && !didWarnAboutNestedUpdates) {\n didWarnAboutNestedUpdates = true;\n\n error('Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; ' + 'triggering nested component updates from render is not allowed. ' + 'If necessary, trigger nested updates in componentDidUpdate.\\n\\n' + 'Check the render method of %s.', getComponentNameFromFiber(current) || 'Unknown');\n }\n }\n\n var update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane); // Caution: React DevTools currently depends on this property\n // being called \"element\".\n\n update.payload = {\n element: element\n };\n callback = callback === undefined ? null : callback;\n\n if (callback !== null) {\n {\n if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\n error('render(...): Expected the last optional `callback` argument to be a ' + 'function. Instead received: %s.', callback);\n }\n }\n\n update.callback = callback;\n }\n\n var root = enqueueUpdate(current$1, update, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, current$1, lane, eventTime);\n entangleTransitions(root, current$1, lane);\n }\n\n return lane;\n}\nfunction getPublicRootInstance(container) {\n var containerFiber = container.current;\n\n if (!containerFiber.child) {\n return null;\n }\n\n switch (containerFiber.child.tag) {\n case HostComponent:\n return getPublicInstance(containerFiber.child.stateNode);\n\n default:\n return containerFiber.child.stateNode;\n }\n}\nfunction attemptSynchronousHydration$1(fiber) {\n switch (fiber.tag) {\n case HostRoot:\n {\n var root = fiber.stateNode;\n\n if (isRootDehydrated(root)) {\n // Flush the first scheduled \"update\".\n var lanes = getHighestPriorityPendingLanes(root);\n flushRoot(root, lanes);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n case SuspenseComponent:\n {\n flushSync(function () {\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, eventTime);\n }\n }); // If we're still blocked after this, we need to increase\n // the priority of any promises resolving within this\n // boundary so that they next attempt also has higher pri.\n\n var retryLane = SyncLane;\n markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(fiber, retryLane);\n break;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction markRetryLaneImpl(fiber, retryLane) {\n var suspenseState = fiber.memoizedState;\n\n if (suspenseState !== null && suspenseState.dehydrated !== null) {\n suspenseState.retryLane = higherPriorityLane(suspenseState.retryLane, retryLane);\n }\n} // Increases the priority of thenables when they resolve within this boundary.\n\n\nfunction markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(fiber, retryLane) {\n markRetryLaneImpl(fiber, retryLane);\n var alternate = fiber.alternate;\n\n if (alternate) {\n markRetryLaneImpl(alternate, retryLane);\n }\n}\nfunction attemptContinuousHydration$1(fiber) {\n if (fiber.tag !== SuspenseComponent) {\n // We ignore HostRoots here because we can't increase\n // their priority and they should not suspend on I/O,\n // since you have to wrap anything that might suspend in\n // Suspense.\n return;\n }\n\n var lane = SelectiveHydrationLane;\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime);\n }\n\n markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(fiber, lane);\n}\nfunction attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority$1(fiber) {\n if (fiber.tag !== SuspenseComponent) {\n // We ignore HostRoots here because we can't increase\n // their priority other than synchronously flush it.\n return;\n }\n\n var lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber);\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, lane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n var eventTime = requestEventTime();\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane, eventTime);\n }\n\n markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(fiber, lane);\n}\nfunction findHostInstanceWithNoPortals(fiber) {\n var hostFiber = findCurrentHostFiberWithNoPortals(fiber);\n\n if (hostFiber === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return hostFiber.stateNode;\n}\n\nvar shouldErrorImpl = function (fiber) {\n return null;\n};\n\nfunction shouldError(fiber) {\n return shouldErrorImpl(fiber);\n}\n\nvar shouldSuspendImpl = function (fiber) {\n return false;\n};\n\nfunction shouldSuspend(fiber) {\n return shouldSuspendImpl(fiber);\n}\nvar overrideHookState = null;\nvar overrideHookStateDeletePath = null;\nvar overrideHookStateRenamePath = null;\nvar overrideProps = null;\nvar overridePropsDeletePath = null;\nvar overridePropsRenamePath = null;\nvar scheduleUpdate = null;\nvar setErrorHandler = null;\nvar setSuspenseHandler = null;\n\n{\n var copyWithDeleteImpl = function (obj, path, index) {\n var key = path[index];\n var updated = isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : assign({}, obj);\n\n if (index + 1 === path.length) {\n if (isArray(updated)) {\n updated.splice(key, 1);\n } else {\n delete updated[key];\n }\n\n return updated;\n } // $FlowFixMe number or string is fine here\n\n\n updated[key] = copyWithDeleteImpl(obj[key], path, index + 1);\n return updated;\n };\n\n var copyWithDelete = function (obj, path) {\n return copyWithDeleteImpl(obj, path, 0);\n };\n\n var copyWithRenameImpl = function (obj, oldPath, newPath, index) {\n var oldKey = oldPath[index];\n var updated = isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : assign({}, obj);\n\n if (index + 1 === oldPath.length) {\n var newKey = newPath[index]; // $FlowFixMe number or string is fine here\n\n updated[newKey] = updated[oldKey];\n\n if (isArray(updated)) {\n updated.splice(oldKey, 1);\n } else {\n delete updated[oldKey];\n }\n } else {\n // $FlowFixMe number or string is fine here\n updated[oldKey] = copyWithRenameImpl( // $FlowFixMe number or string is fine here\n obj[oldKey], oldPath, newPath, index + 1);\n }\n\n return updated;\n };\n\n var copyWithRename = function (obj, oldPath, newPath) {\n if (oldPath.length !== newPath.length) {\n warn('copyWithRename() expects paths of the same length');\n\n return;\n } else {\n for (var i = 0; i < newPath.length - 1; i++) {\n if (oldPath[i] !== newPath[i]) {\n warn('copyWithRename() expects paths to be the same except for the deepest key');\n\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return copyWithRenameImpl(obj, oldPath, newPath, 0);\n };\n\n var copyWithSetImpl = function (obj, path, index, value) {\n if (index >= path.length) {\n return value;\n }\n\n var key = path[index];\n var updated = isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : assign({}, obj); // $FlowFixMe number or string is fine here\n\n updated[key] = copyWithSetImpl(obj[key], path, index + 1, value);\n return updated;\n };\n\n var copyWithSet = function (obj, path, value) {\n return copyWithSetImpl(obj, path, 0, value);\n };\n\n var findHook = function (fiber, id) {\n // For now, the \"id\" of stateful hooks is just the stateful hook index.\n // This may change in the future with e.g. nested hooks.\n var currentHook = fiber.memoizedState;\n\n while (currentHook !== null && id > 0) {\n currentHook =;\n id--;\n }\n\n return currentHook;\n }; // Support DevTools editable values for useState and useReducer.\n\n\n overrideHookState = function (fiber, id, path, value) {\n var hook = findHook(fiber, id);\n\n if (hook !== null) {\n var newState = copyWithSet(hook.memoizedState, path, value);\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseState = newState; // We aren't actually adding an update to the queue,\n // because there is no update we can add for useReducer hooks that won't trigger an error.\n // (There's no appropriate action type for DevTools overrides.)\n // As a result though, React will see the scheduled update as a noop and bailout.\n // Shallow cloning props works as a workaround for now to bypass the bailout check.\n\n fiber.memoizedProps = assign({}, fiber.memoizedProps);\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n }\n };\n\n overrideHookStateDeletePath = function (fiber, id, path) {\n var hook = findHook(fiber, id);\n\n if (hook !== null) {\n var newState = copyWithDelete(hook.memoizedState, path);\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseState = newState; // We aren't actually adding an update to the queue,\n // because there is no update we can add for useReducer hooks that won't trigger an error.\n // (There's no appropriate action type for DevTools overrides.)\n // As a result though, React will see the scheduled update as a noop and bailout.\n // Shallow cloning props works as a workaround for now to bypass the bailout check.\n\n fiber.memoizedProps = assign({}, fiber.memoizedProps);\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n }\n };\n\n overrideHookStateRenamePath = function (fiber, id, oldPath, newPath) {\n var hook = findHook(fiber, id);\n\n if (hook !== null) {\n var newState = copyWithRename(hook.memoizedState, oldPath, newPath);\n hook.memoizedState = newState;\n hook.baseState = newState; // We aren't actually adding an update to the queue,\n // because there is no update we can add for useReducer hooks that won't trigger an error.\n // (There's no appropriate action type for DevTools overrides.)\n // As a result though, React will see the scheduled update as a noop and bailout.\n // Shallow cloning props works as a workaround for now to bypass the bailout check.\n\n fiber.memoizedProps = assign({}, fiber.memoizedProps);\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n }\n }; // Support DevTools props for function components, forwardRef, memo, host components, etc.\n\n\n overrideProps = function (fiber, path, value) {\n fiber.pendingProps = copyWithSet(fiber.memoizedProps, path, value);\n\n if (fiber.alternate) {\n fiber.alternate.pendingProps = fiber.pendingProps;\n }\n\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n };\n\n overridePropsDeletePath = function (fiber, path) {\n fiber.pendingProps = copyWithDelete(fiber.memoizedProps, path);\n\n if (fiber.alternate) {\n fiber.alternate.pendingProps = fiber.pendingProps;\n }\n\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n };\n\n overridePropsRenamePath = function (fiber, oldPath, newPath) {\n fiber.pendingProps = copyWithRename(fiber.memoizedProps, oldPath, newPath);\n\n if (fiber.alternate) {\n fiber.alternate.pendingProps = fiber.pendingProps;\n }\n\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n };\n\n scheduleUpdate = function (fiber) {\n var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, SyncLane);\n\n if (root !== null) {\n scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, SyncLane, NoTimestamp);\n }\n };\n\n setErrorHandler = function (newShouldErrorImpl) {\n shouldErrorImpl = newShouldErrorImpl;\n };\n\n setSuspenseHandler = function (newShouldSuspendImpl) {\n shouldSuspendImpl = newShouldSuspendImpl;\n };\n}\n\nfunction findHostInstanceByFiber(fiber) {\n var hostFiber = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);\n\n if (hostFiber === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return hostFiber.stateNode;\n}\n\nfunction emptyFindFiberByHostInstance(instance) {\n return null;\n}\n\nfunction getCurrentFiberForDevTools() {\n return current;\n}\n\nfunction injectIntoDevTools(devToolsConfig) {\n var findFiberByHostInstance = devToolsConfig.findFiberByHostInstance;\n var ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher;\n return injectInternals({\n bundleType: devToolsConfig.bundleType,\n version: devToolsConfig.version,\n rendererPackageName: devToolsConfig.rendererPackageName,\n rendererConfig: devToolsConfig.rendererConfig,\n overrideHookState: overrideHookState,\n overrideHookStateDeletePath: overrideHookStateDeletePath,\n overrideHookStateRenamePath: overrideHookStateRenamePath,\n overrideProps: overrideProps,\n overridePropsDeletePath: overridePropsDeletePath,\n overridePropsRenamePath: overridePropsRenamePath,\n setErrorHandler: setErrorHandler,\n setSuspenseHandler: setSuspenseHandler,\n scheduleUpdate: scheduleUpdate,\n currentDispatcherRef: ReactCurrentDispatcher,\n findHostInstanceByFiber: findHostInstanceByFiber,\n findFiberByHostInstance: findFiberByHostInstance || emptyFindFiberByHostInstance,\n // React Refresh\n findHostInstancesForRefresh: findHostInstancesForRefresh ,\n scheduleRefresh: scheduleRefresh ,\n scheduleRoot: scheduleRoot ,\n setRefreshHandler: setRefreshHandler ,\n // Enables DevTools to append owner stacks to error messages in DEV mode.\n getCurrentFiber: getCurrentFiberForDevTools ,\n // Enables DevTools to detect reconciler version rather than renderer version\n // which may not match for third party renderers.\n reconcilerVersion: ReactVersion\n });\n}\n\n/* global reportError */\n\nvar defaultOnRecoverableError = typeof reportError === 'function' ? // In modern browsers, reportError will dispatch an error event,\n// emulating an uncaught JavaScript error.\nreportError : function (error) {\n // In older browsers and test environments, fallback to console.error.\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging\n console['error'](error);\n};\n\nfunction ReactDOMRoot(internalRoot) {\n this._internalRoot = internalRoot;\n}\n\nReactDOMHydrationRoot.prototype.render = ReactDOMRoot.prototype.render = function (children) {\n var root = this._internalRoot;\n\n if (root === null) {\n throw new Error('Cannot update an unmounted root.');\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {\n error('render(...): does not support the second callback argument. ' + 'To execute a side effect after rendering, declare it in a component body with useEffect().');\n } else if (isValidContainer(arguments[1])) {\n error('You passed a container to the second argument of root.render(...). ' + \"You don't need to pass it again since you already passed it to create the root.\");\n } else if (typeof arguments[1] !== 'undefined') {\n error('You passed a second argument to root.render(...) but it only accepts ' + 'one argument.');\n }\n\n var container = root.containerInfo;\n\n if (container.nodeType !== COMMENT_NODE) {\n var hostInstance = findHostInstanceWithNoPortals(root.current);\n\n if (hostInstance) {\n if (hostInstance.parentNode !== container) {\n error('render(...): It looks like the React-rendered content of the ' + 'root container was removed without using React. This is not ' + 'supported and will cause errors. Instead, call ' + \"root.unmount() to empty a root's container.\");\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n updateContainer(children, root, null, null);\n};\n\nReactDOMHydrationRoot.prototype.unmount = ReactDOMRoot.prototype.unmount = function () {\n {\n if (typeof arguments[0] === 'function') {\n error('unmount(...): does not support a callback argument. ' + 'To execute a side effect after rendering, declare it in a component body with useEffect().');\n }\n }\n\n var root = this._internalRoot;\n\n if (root !== null) {\n this._internalRoot = null;\n var container = root.containerInfo;\n\n {\n if (isAlreadyRendering()) {\n error('Attempted to synchronously unmount a root while React was already ' + 'rendering. React cannot finish unmounting the root until the ' + 'current render has completed, which may lead to a race condition.');\n }\n }\n\n flushSync(function () {\n updateContainer(null, root, null, null);\n });\n unmarkContainerAsRoot(container);\n }\n};\n\nfunction createRoot(container, options) {\n if (!isValidContainer(container)) {\n throw new Error('createRoot(...): Target container is not a DOM element.');\n }\n\n warnIfReactDOMContainerInDEV(container);\n var isStrictMode = false;\n var concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride = false;\n var identifierPrefix = '';\n var onRecoverableError = defaultOnRecoverableError;\n var transitionCallbacks = null;\n\n if (options !== null && options !== undefined) {\n {\n if (options.hydrate) {\n warn('hydrate through createRoot is deprecated. Use ReactDOMClient.hydrateRoot(container, <App />) instead.');\n } else {\n if (typeof options === 'object' && options !== null && options.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {\n error('You passed a JSX element to createRoot. You probably meant to ' + 'call root.render instead. ' + 'Example usage:\\n\\n' + ' let root = createRoot(domContainer);\\n' + ' root.render(<App />);');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (options.unstable_strictMode === true) {\n isStrictMode = true;\n }\n\n if (options.identifierPrefix !== undefined) {\n identifierPrefix = options.identifierPrefix;\n }\n\n if (options.onRecoverableError !== undefined) {\n onRecoverableError = options.onRecoverableError;\n }\n\n if (options.transitionCallbacks !== undefined) {\n transitionCallbacks = options.transitionCallbacks;\n }\n }\n\n var root = createContainer(container, ConcurrentRoot, null, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError);\n markContainerAsRoot(root.current, container);\n var rootContainerElement = container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE ? container.parentNode : container;\n listenToAllSupportedEvents(rootContainerElement);\n return new ReactDOMRoot(root);\n}\n\nfunction ReactDOMHydrationRoot(internalRoot) {\n this._internalRoot = internalRoot;\n}\n\nfunction scheduleHydration(target) {\n if (target) {\n queueExplicitHydrationTarget(target);\n }\n}\n\nReactDOMHydrationRoot.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = scheduleHydration;\nfunction hydrateRoot(container, initialChildren, options) {\n if (!isValidContainer(container)) {\n throw new Error('hydrateRoot(...): Target container is not a DOM element.');\n }\n\n warnIfReactDOMContainerInDEV(container);\n\n {\n if (initialChildren === undefined) {\n error('Must provide initial children as second argument to hydrateRoot. ' + 'Example usage: hydrateRoot(domContainer, <App />)');\n }\n } // For now we reuse the whole bag of options since they contain\n // the hydration callbacks.\n\n\n var hydrationCallbacks = options != null ? options : null; // TODO: Delete this option\n\n var mutableSources = options != null && options.hydratedSources || null;\n var isStrictMode = false;\n var concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride = false;\n var identifierPrefix = '';\n var onRecoverableError = defaultOnRecoverableError;\n\n if (options !== null && options !== undefined) {\n if (options.unstable_strictMode === true) {\n isStrictMode = true;\n }\n\n if (options.identifierPrefix !== undefined) {\n identifierPrefix = options.identifierPrefix;\n }\n\n if (options.onRecoverableError !== undefined) {\n onRecoverableError = options.onRecoverableError;\n }\n }\n\n var root = createHydrationContainer(initialChildren, null, container, ConcurrentRoot, hydrationCallbacks, isStrictMode, concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride, identifierPrefix, onRecoverableError);\n markContainerAsRoot(root.current, container); // This can't be a comment node since hydration doesn't work on comment nodes anyway.\n\n listenToAllSupportedEvents(container);\n\n if (mutableSources) {\n for (var i = 0; i < mutableSources.length; i++) {\n var mutableSource = mutableSources[i];\n registerMutableSourceForHydration(root, mutableSource);\n }\n }\n\n return new ReactDOMHydrationRoot(root);\n}\nfunction isValidContainer(node) {\n return !!(node && (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE || !disableCommentsAsDOMContainers ));\n} // TODO: Remove this function which also includes comment nodes.\n// We only use it in places that are currently more relaxed.\n\nfunction isValidContainerLegacy(node) {\n return !!(node && (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE && node.nodeValue === ' react-mount-point-unstable '));\n}\n\nfunction warnIfReactDOMContainerInDEV(container) {\n {\n if (container.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && container.tagName && container.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'BODY') {\n error('createRoot(): Creating roots directly with document.body is ' + 'discouraged, since its children are often manipulated by third-party ' + 'scripts and browser extensions. This may lead to subtle ' + 'reconciliation issues. Try using a container element created ' + 'for your app.');\n }\n\n if (isContainerMarkedAsRoot(container)) {\n if (container._reactRootContainer) {\n error('You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that was previously ' + 'passed to ReactDOM.render(). This is not supported.');\n } else {\n error('You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that ' + 'has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call ' + 'root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.');\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner$3 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner;\nvar topLevelUpdateWarnings;\n\n{\n topLevelUpdateWarnings = function (container) {\n if (container._reactRootContainer && container.nodeType !== COMMENT_NODE) {\n var hostInstance = findHostInstanceWithNoPortals(container._reactRootContainer.current);\n\n if (hostInstance) {\n if (hostInstance.parentNode !== container) {\n error('render(...): It looks like the React-rendered content of this ' + 'container was removed without using React. This is not ' + 'supported and will cause errors. Instead, call ' + 'ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode to empty a container.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n var isRootRenderedBySomeReact = !!container._reactRootContainer;\n var rootEl = getReactRootElementInContainer(container);\n var hasNonRootReactChild = !!(rootEl && getInstanceFromNode(rootEl));\n\n if (hasNonRootReactChild && !isRootRenderedBySomeReact) {\n error('render(...): Replacing React-rendered children with a new root ' + 'component. If you intended to update the children of this node, ' + 'you should instead have the existing children update their state ' + 'and render the new components instead of calling ReactDOM.render.');\n }\n\n if (container.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && container.tagName && container.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'BODY') {\n error('render(): Rendering components directly into document.body is ' + 'discouraged, since its children are often manipulated by third-party ' + 'scripts and browser extensions. This may lead to subtle ' + 'reconciliation issues. Try rendering into a container element created ' + 'for your app.');\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction getReactRootElementInContainer(container) {\n if (!container) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (container.nodeType === DOCUMENT_NODE) {\n return container.documentElement;\n } else {\n return container.firstChild;\n }\n}\n\nfunction noopOnRecoverableError() {// This isn't reachable because onRecoverableError isn't called in the\n // legacy API.\n}\n\nfunction legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer(container, initialChildren, parentComponent, callback, isHydrationContainer) {\n if (isHydrationContainer) {\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n var originalCallback = callback;\n\n callback = function () {\n var instance = getPublicRootInstance(root);\n;\n };\n }\n\n var root = createHydrationContainer(initialChildren, callback, container, LegacyRoot, null, // hydrationCallbacks\n false, // isStrictMode\n false, // concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride,\n '', // identifierPrefix\n noopOnRecoverableError);\n container._reactRootContainer = root;\n markContainerAsRoot(root.current, container);\n var rootContainerElement = container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE ? container.parentNode : container;\n listenToAllSupportedEvents(rootContainerElement);\n flushSync();\n return root;\n } else {\n // First clear any existing content.\n var rootSibling;\n\n while (rootSibling = container.lastChild) {\n container.removeChild(rootSibling);\n }\n\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n var _originalCallback = callback;\n\n callback = function () {\n var instance = getPublicRootInstance(_root);\n\n;\n };\n }\n\n var _root = createContainer(container, LegacyRoot, null, // hydrationCallbacks\n false, // isStrictMode\n false, // concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride,\n '', // identifierPrefix\n noopOnRecoverableError);\n\n container._reactRootContainer = _root;\n markContainerAsRoot(_root.current, container);\n\n var _rootContainerElement = container.nodeType === COMMENT_NODE ? container.parentNode : container;\n\n listenToAllSupportedEvents(_rootContainerElement); // Initial mount should not be batched.\n\n flushSync(function () {\n updateContainer(initialChildren, _root, parentComponent, callback);\n });\n return _root;\n }\n}\n\nfunction warnOnInvalidCallback$1(callback, callerName) {\n {\n if (callback !== null && typeof callback !== 'function') {\n error('%s(...): Expected the last optional `callback` argument to be a ' + 'function. Instead received: %s.', callerName, callback);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, children, container, forceHydrate, callback) {\n {\n topLevelUpdateWarnings(container);\n warnOnInvalidCallback$1(callback === undefined ? null : callback, 'render');\n }\n\n var maybeRoot = container._reactRootContainer;\n var root;\n\n if (!maybeRoot) {\n // Initial mount\n root = legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer(container, children, parentComponent, callback, forceHydrate);\n } else {\n root = maybeRoot;\n\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n var originalCallback = callback;\n\n callback = function () {\n var instance = getPublicRootInstance(root);\n;\n };\n } // Update\n\n\n updateContainer(children, root, parentComponent, callback);\n }\n\n return getPublicRootInstance(root);\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutFindDOMNode = false;\nfunction findDOMNode(componentOrElement) {\n {\n if (!didWarnAboutFindDOMNode) {\n didWarnAboutFindDOMNode = true;\n\n error('findDOMNode is deprecated and will be removed in the next major ' + 'release. Instead, add a ref directly to the element you want ' + 'to reference. Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + '');\n }\n\n var owner = ReactCurrentOwner$3.current;\n\n if (owner !== null && owner.stateNode !== null) {\n var warnedAboutRefsInRender = owner.stateNode._warnedAboutRefsInRender;\n\n if (!warnedAboutRefsInRender) {\n error('%s is accessing findDOMNode inside its render(). ' + 'render() should be a pure function of props and state. It should ' + 'never access something that requires stale data from the previous ' + 'render, such as refs. Move this logic to componentDidMount and ' + 'componentDidUpdate instead.', getComponentNameFromType(owner.type) || 'A component');\n }\n\n owner.stateNode._warnedAboutRefsInRender = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (componentOrElement == null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n if (componentOrElement.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {\n return componentOrElement;\n }\n\n {\n return findHostInstanceWithWarning(componentOrElement, 'findDOMNode');\n }\n}\nfunction hydrate(element, container, callback) {\n {\n error('ReactDOM.hydrate is no longer supported in React 18. Use hydrateRoot ' + 'instead. Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as ' + \"if it's running React 17. Learn \" + 'more:');\n }\n\n if (!isValidContainerLegacy(container)) {\n throw new Error('Target container is not a DOM element.');\n }\n\n {\n var isModernRoot = isContainerMarkedAsRoot(container) && container._reactRootContainer === undefined;\n\n if (isModernRoot) {\n error('You are calling ReactDOM.hydrate() on a container that was previously ' + 'passed to ReactDOMClient.createRoot(). This is not supported. ' + 'Did you mean to call hydrateRoot(container, element)?');\n }\n } // TODO: throw or warn if we couldn't hydrate?\n\n\n return legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(null, element, container, true, callback);\n}\nfunction render(element, container, callback) {\n {\n error('ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18. Use createRoot ' + 'instead. Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as ' + \"if it's running React 17. Learn \" + 'more:');\n }\n\n if (!isValidContainerLegacy(container)) {\n throw new Error('Target container is not a DOM element.');\n }\n\n {\n var isModernRoot = isContainerMarkedAsRoot(container) && container._reactRootContainer === undefined;\n\n if (isModernRoot) {\n error('You are calling ReactDOM.render() on a container that was previously ' + 'passed to ReactDOMClient.createRoot(). This is not supported. ' + 'Did you mean to call root.render(element)?');\n }\n }\n\n return legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(null, element, container, false, callback);\n}\nfunction unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, element, containerNode, callback) {\n {\n error('ReactDOM.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer() is no longer supported ' + 'in React 18. Consider using a portal instead. Until you switch to ' + \"the createRoot API, your app will behave as if it's running React \" + '17. Learn more:');\n }\n\n if (!isValidContainerLegacy(containerNode)) {\n throw new Error('Target container is not a DOM element.');\n }\n\n if (parentComponent == null || !has(parentComponent)) {\n throw new Error('parentComponent must be a valid React Component');\n }\n\n return legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, element, containerNode, false, callback);\n}\nvar didWarnAboutUnmountComponentAtNode = false;\nfunction unmountComponentAtNode(container) {\n {\n if (!didWarnAboutUnmountComponentAtNode) {\n didWarnAboutUnmountComponentAtNode = true;\n\n error('unmountComponentAtNode is deprecated and will be removed in the ' + 'next major release. Switch to the createRoot API. Learn ' + 'more:');\n }\n }\n\n if (!isValidContainerLegacy(container)) {\n throw new Error('unmountComponentAtNode(...): Target container is not a DOM element.');\n }\n\n {\n var isModernRoot = isContainerMarkedAsRoot(container) && container._reactRootContainer === undefined;\n\n if (isModernRoot) {\n error('You are calling ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode() on a container that was previously ' + 'passed to ReactDOMClient.createRoot(). This is not supported. Did you mean to call root.unmount()?');\n }\n }\n\n if (container._reactRootContainer) {\n {\n var rootEl = getReactRootElementInContainer(container);\n var renderedByDifferentReact = rootEl && !getInstanceFromNode(rootEl);\n\n if (renderedByDifferentReact) {\n error(\"unmountComponentAtNode(): The node you're attempting to unmount \" + 'was rendered by another copy of React.');\n }\n } // Unmount should not be batched.\n\n\n flushSync(function () {\n legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(null, null, container, false, function () {\n // $FlowFixMe This should probably use `delete container._reactRootContainer`\n container._reactRootContainer = null;\n unmarkContainerAsRoot(container);\n });\n }); // If you call unmountComponentAtNode twice in quick succession, you'll\n // get `true` twice. That's probably fine?\n\n return true;\n } else {\n {\n var _rootEl = getReactRootElementInContainer(container);\n\n var hasNonRootReactChild = !!(_rootEl && getInstanceFromNode(_rootEl)); // Check if the container itself is a React root node.\n\n var isContainerReactRoot = container.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && isValidContainerLegacy(container.parentNode) && !!container.parentNode._reactRootContainer;\n\n if (hasNonRootReactChild) {\n error(\"unmountComponentAtNode(): The node you're attempting to unmount \" + 'was rendered by React and is not a top-level container. %s', isContainerReactRoot ? 'You may have accidentally passed in a React root node instead ' + 'of its container.' : 'Instead, have the parent component update its state and ' + 'rerender in order to remove this component.');\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nsetAttemptSynchronousHydration(attemptSynchronousHydration$1);\nsetAttemptContinuousHydration(attemptContinuousHydration$1);\nsetAttemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority(attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority$1);\nsetGetCurrentUpdatePriority(getCurrentUpdatePriority);\nsetAttemptHydrationAtPriority(runWithPriority);\n\n{\n if (typeof Map !== 'function' || // $FlowIssue Flow incorrectly thinks Map has no prototype\n Map.prototype == null || typeof Map.prototype.forEach !== 'function' || typeof Set !== 'function' || // $FlowIssue Flow incorrectly thinks Set has no prototype\n Set.prototype == null || typeof Set.prototype.clear !== 'function' || typeof Set.prototype.forEach !== 'function') {\n error('React depends on Map and Set built-in types. Make sure that you load a ' + 'polyfill in older browsers.');\n }\n}\n\nsetRestoreImplementation(restoreControlledState$3);\nsetBatchingImplementation(batchedUpdates$1, discreteUpdates, flushSync);\n\nfunction createPortal$1(children, container) {\n var key = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null;\n\n if (!isValidContainer(container)) {\n throw new Error('Target container is not a DOM element.');\n } // TODO: pass ReactDOM portal implementation as third argument\n // $FlowFixMe The Flow type is opaque but there's no way to actually create it.\n\n\n return createPortal(children, container, null, key);\n}\n\nfunction renderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, element, containerNode, callback) {\n return unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, element, containerNode, callback);\n}\n\nvar Internals = {\n usingClientEntryPoint: false,\n // Keep in sync with ReactTestUtils.js.\n // This is an array for better minification.\n Events: [getInstanceFromNode, getNodeFromInstance, getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode, enqueueStateRestore, restoreStateIfNeeded, batchedUpdates$1]\n};\n\nfunction createRoot$1(container, options) {\n {\n if (!Internals.usingClientEntryPoint && !false) {\n error('You are importing createRoot from \"react-dom\" which is not supported. ' + 'You should instead import it from \"react-dom/client\".');\n }\n }\n\n return createRoot(container, options);\n}\n\nfunction hydrateRoot$1(container, initialChildren, options) {\n {\n if (!Internals.usingClientEntryPoint && !false) {\n error('You are importing hydrateRoot from \"react-dom\" which is not supported. ' + 'You should instead import it from \"react-dom/client\".');\n }\n }\n\n return hydrateRoot(container, initialChildren, options);\n} // Overload the definition to the two valid signatures.\n// Warning, this opts-out of checking the function body.\n\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\nfunction flushSync$1(fn) {\n {\n if (isAlreadyRendering()) {\n error('flushSync was called from inside a lifecycle method. React cannot ' + 'flush when React is already rendering. Consider moving this call to ' + 'a scheduler task or micro task.');\n }\n }\n\n return flushSync(fn);\n}\nvar foundDevTools = injectIntoDevTools({\n findFiberByHostInstance: getClosestInstanceFromNode,\n bundleType: 1 ,\n version: ReactVersion,\n rendererPackageName: 'react-dom'\n});\n\n{\n if (!foundDevTools && canUseDOM && === window.self) {\n // If we're in Chrome or Firefox, provide a download link if not installed.\n if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') === -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1) {\n var protocol = window.location.protocol; // Don't warn in exotic cases like chrome-extension://.\n\n if (/^(https?|file):$/.test(protocol)) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging\n'%cDownload the React DevTools ' + 'for a better development experience: ' + '' + (protocol === 'file:' ? '\\nYou might need to use a local HTTP server (instead of file://): ' + '' : ''), 'font-weight:bold');\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nexports.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = Internals;\nexports.createPortal = createPortal$1;\nexports.createRoot = createRoot$1;\nexports.findDOMNode = findDOMNode;\nexports.flushSync = flushSync$1;\nexports.hydrate = hydrate;\nexports.hydrateRoot = hydrateRoot$1;\nexports.render = render;\nexports.unmountComponentAtNode = unmountComponentAtNode;\nexports.unstable_batchedUpdates = batchedUpdates$1;\nexports.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = renderSubtreeIntoContainer;\nexports.version = ReactVersion;\n /* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error());\n}\n \n })();\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js?"); /***/ }), /***/ "./node_modules/react-dom/index.js": /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/react-dom/index.js ***! \*****************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { eval("\n\nfunction checkDCE() {\n /* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\n if (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === 'undefined' ||\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE !== 'function'\n ) {\n return;\n }\n if (true) {\n // This branch is unreachable because this function is only called\n // in production, but the condition is true only in development.\n // Therefore if the branch is still here, dead code elimination wasn't\n // properly applied.\n // Don't change the message. React DevTools relies on it. Also make sure\n // this message doesn't occur elsewhere in this function, or it will cause\n // a false positive.\n throw new Error('^_^');\n }\n try {\n // Verify that the code above has been dead code eliminated (DCE'd).\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE(checkDCE);\n } catch (err) {\n // DevTools shouldn't crash React, no matter what.\n // We should still report in case we break this code.\n console.error(err);\n }\n}\n\nif (false) {} else {\n module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cjs/react-dom.development.js */ \"./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js\");\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/react-dom/index.js?"); /***/ }), /***/ "./node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.development.js": /*!*************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.development.js ***! \*************************************************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { eval("/**\n * @license React\n * scheduler.development.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n\n\nif (true) {\n (function() {\n\n 'use strict';\n\n/* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(new Error());\n}\n var enableSchedulerDebugging = false;\nvar enableProfiling = false;\nvar frameYieldMs = 5;\n\nfunction push(heap, node) {\n var index = heap.length;\n heap.push(node);\n siftUp(heap, node, index);\n}\nfunction peek(heap) {\n return heap.length === 0 ? null : heap[0];\n}\nfunction pop(heap) {\n if (heap.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var first = heap[0];\n var last = heap.pop();\n\n if (last !== first) {\n heap[0] = last;\n siftDown(heap, last, 0);\n }\n\n return first;\n}\n\nfunction siftUp(heap, node, i) {\n var index = i;\n\n while (index > 0) {\n var parentIndex = index - 1 >>> 1;\n var parent = heap[parentIndex];\n\n if (compare(parent, node) > 0) {\n // The parent is larger. Swap positions.\n heap[parentIndex] = node;\n heap[index] = parent;\n index = parentIndex;\n } else {\n // The parent is smaller. Exit.\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction siftDown(heap, node, i) {\n var index = i;\n var length = heap.length;\n var halfLength = length >>> 1;\n\n while (index < halfLength) {\n var leftIndex = (index + 1) * 2 - 1;\n var left = heap[leftIndex];\n var rightIndex = leftIndex + 1;\n var right = heap[rightIndex]; // If the left or right node is smaller, swap with the smaller of those.\n\n if (compare(left, node) < 0) {\n if (rightIndex < length && compare(right, left) < 0) {\n heap[index] = right;\n heap[rightIndex] = node;\n index = rightIndex;\n } else {\n heap[index] = left;\n heap[leftIndex] = node;\n index = leftIndex;\n }\n } else if (rightIndex < length && compare(right, node) < 0) {\n heap[index] = right;\n heap[rightIndex] = node;\n index = rightIndex;\n } else {\n // Neither child is smaller. Exit.\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction compare(a, b) {\n // Compare sort index first, then task id.\n var diff = a.sortIndex - b.sortIndex;\n return diff !== 0 ? diff : -;\n}\n\n// TODO: Use symbols?\nvar ImmediatePriority = 1;\nvar UserBlockingPriority = 2;\nvar NormalPriority = 3;\nvar LowPriority = 4;\nvar IdlePriority = 5;\n\nfunction markTaskErrored(task, ms) {\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable no-var */\n\nvar hasPerformanceNow = typeof performance === 'object' && typeof === 'function';\n\nif (hasPerformanceNow) {\n var localPerformance = performance;\n\n exports.unstable_now = function () {\n return;\n };\n} else {\n var localDate = Date;\n var initialTime =;\n\n exports.unstable_now = function () {\n return - initialTime;\n };\n} // Max 31 bit integer. The max integer size in V8 for 32-bit systems.\n// Math.pow(2, 30) - 1\n// 0b111111111111111111111111111111\n\n\nvar maxSigned31BitInt = 1073741823; // Times out immediately\n\nvar IMMEDIATE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = -1; // Eventually times out\n\nvar USER_BLOCKING_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 250;\nvar NORMAL_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 5000;\nvar LOW_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 10000; // Never times out\n\nvar IDLE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = maxSigned31BitInt; // Tasks are stored on a min heap\n\nvar taskQueue = [];\nvar timerQueue = []; // Incrementing id counter. Used to maintain insertion order.\n\nvar taskIdCounter = 1; // Pausing the scheduler is useful for debugging.\nvar currentTask = null;\nvar currentPriorityLevel = NormalPriority; // This is set while performing work, to prevent re-entrance.\n\nvar isPerformingWork = false;\nvar isHostCallbackScheduled = false;\nvar isHostTimeoutScheduled = false; // Capture local references to native APIs, in case a polyfill overrides them.\n\nvar localSetTimeout = typeof setTimeout === 'function' ? setTimeout : null;\nvar localClearTimeout = typeof clearTimeout === 'function' ? clearTimeout : null;\nvar localSetImmediate = typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined' ? setImmediate : null; // IE and Node.js + jsdom\n\nvar isInputPending = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.scheduling !== undefined && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending !== undefined ? navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling) : null;\n\nfunction advanceTimers(currentTime) {\n // Check for tasks that are no longer delayed and add them to the queue.\n var timer = peek(timerQueue);\n\n while (timer !== null) {\n if (timer.callback === null) {\n // Timer was cancelled.\n pop(timerQueue);\n } else if (timer.startTime <= currentTime) {\n // Timer fired. Transfer to the task queue.\n pop(timerQueue);\n timer.sortIndex = timer.expirationTime;\n push(taskQueue, timer);\n } else {\n // Remaining timers are pending.\n return;\n }\n\n timer = peek(timerQueue);\n }\n}\n\nfunction handleTimeout(currentTime) {\n isHostTimeoutScheduled = false;\n advanceTimers(currentTime);\n\n if (!isHostCallbackScheduled) {\n if (peek(taskQueue) !== null) {\n isHostCallbackScheduled = true;\n requestHostCallback(flushWork);\n } else {\n var firstTimer = peek(timerQueue);\n\n if (firstTimer !== null) {\n requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction flushWork(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime) {\n\n\n isHostCallbackScheduled = false;\n\n if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) {\n // We scheduled a timeout but it's no longer needed. Cancel it.\n isHostTimeoutScheduled = false;\n cancelHostTimeout();\n }\n\n isPerformingWork = true;\n var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel;\n\n try {\n if (enableProfiling) {\n try {\n return workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime);\n } catch (error) {\n if (currentTask !== null) {\n var currentTime = exports.unstable_now();\n markTaskErrored(currentTask, currentTime);\n currentTask.isQueued = false;\n }\n\n throw error;\n }\n } else {\n // No catch in prod code path.\n return workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime);\n }\n } finally {\n currentTask = null;\n currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel;\n isPerformingWork = false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime) {\n var currentTime = initialTime;\n advanceTimers(currentTime);\n currentTask = peek(taskQueue);\n\n while (currentTask !== null && !(enableSchedulerDebugging )) {\n if (currentTask.expirationTime > currentTime && (!hasTimeRemaining || shouldYieldToHost())) {\n // This currentTask hasn't expired, and we've reached the deadline.\n break;\n }\n\n var callback = currentTask.callback;\n\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n currentTask.callback = null;\n currentPriorityLevel = currentTask.priorityLevel;\n var didUserCallbackTimeout = currentTask.expirationTime <= currentTime;\n\n var continuationCallback = callback(didUserCallbackTimeout);\n currentTime = exports.unstable_now();\n\n if (typeof continuationCallback === 'function') {\n currentTask.callback = continuationCallback;\n } else {\n\n if (currentTask === peek(taskQueue)) {\n pop(taskQueue);\n }\n }\n\n advanceTimers(currentTime);\n } else {\n pop(taskQueue);\n }\n\n currentTask = peek(taskQueue);\n } // Return whether there's additional work\n\n\n if (currentTask !== null) {\n return true;\n } else {\n var firstTimer = peek(timerQueue);\n\n if (firstTimer !== null) {\n requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime);\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction unstable_runWithPriority(priorityLevel, eventHandler) {\n switch (priorityLevel) {\n case ImmediatePriority:\n case UserBlockingPriority:\n case NormalPriority:\n case LowPriority:\n case IdlePriority:\n break;\n\n default:\n priorityLevel = NormalPriority;\n }\n\n var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel;\n currentPriorityLevel = priorityLevel;\n\n try {\n return eventHandler();\n } finally {\n currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel;\n }\n}\n\nfunction unstable_next(eventHandler) {\n var priorityLevel;\n\n switch (currentPriorityLevel) {\n case ImmediatePriority:\n case UserBlockingPriority:\n case NormalPriority:\n // Shift down to normal priority\n priorityLevel = NormalPriority;\n break;\n\n default:\n // Anything lower than normal priority should remain at the current level.\n priorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel;\n break;\n }\n\n var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel;\n currentPriorityLevel = priorityLevel;\n\n try {\n return eventHandler();\n } finally {\n currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel;\n }\n}\n\nfunction unstable_wrapCallback(callback) {\n var parentPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel;\n return function () {\n // This is a fork of runWithPriority, inlined for performance.\n var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel;\n currentPriorityLevel = parentPriorityLevel;\n\n try {\n return callback.apply(this, arguments);\n } finally {\n currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel;\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction unstable_scheduleCallback(priorityLevel, callback, options) {\n var currentTime = exports.unstable_now();\n var startTime;\n\n if (typeof options === 'object' && options !== null) {\n var delay = options.delay;\n\n if (typeof delay === 'number' && delay > 0) {\n startTime = currentTime + delay;\n } else {\n startTime = currentTime;\n }\n } else {\n startTime = currentTime;\n }\n\n var timeout;\n\n switch (priorityLevel) {\n case ImmediatePriority:\n timeout = IMMEDIATE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n\n case UserBlockingPriority:\n timeout = USER_BLOCKING_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n\n case IdlePriority:\n timeout = IDLE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n\n case LowPriority:\n timeout = LOW_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n\n case NormalPriority:\n default:\n timeout = NORMAL_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n }\n\n var expirationTime = startTime + timeout;\n var newTask = {\n id: taskIdCounter++,\n callback: callback,\n priorityLevel: priorityLevel,\n startTime: startTime,\n expirationTime: expirationTime,\n sortIndex: -1\n };\n\n if (startTime > currentTime) {\n // This is a delayed task.\n newTask.sortIndex = startTime;\n push(timerQueue, newTask);\n\n if (peek(taskQueue) === null && newTask === peek(timerQueue)) {\n // All tasks are delayed, and this is the task with the earliest delay.\n if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) {\n // Cancel an existing timeout.\n cancelHostTimeout();\n } else {\n isHostTimeoutScheduled = true;\n } // Schedule a timeout.\n\n\n requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, startTime - currentTime);\n }\n } else {\n newTask.sortIndex = expirationTime;\n push(taskQueue, newTask);\n // wait until the next time we yield.\n\n\n if (!isHostCallbackScheduled && !isPerformingWork) {\n isHostCallbackScheduled = true;\n requestHostCallback(flushWork);\n }\n }\n\n return newTask;\n}\n\nfunction unstable_pauseExecution() {\n}\n\nfunction unstable_continueExecution() {\n\n if (!isHostCallbackScheduled && !isPerformingWork) {\n isHostCallbackScheduled = true;\n requestHostCallback(flushWork);\n }\n}\n\nfunction unstable_getFirstCallbackNode() {\n return peek(taskQueue);\n}\n\nfunction unstable_cancelCallback(task) {\n // remove from the queue because you can't remove arbitrary nodes from an\n // array based heap, only the first one.)\n\n\n task.callback = null;\n}\n\nfunction unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel() {\n return currentPriorityLevel;\n}\n\nvar isMessageLoopRunning = false;\nvar scheduledHostCallback = null;\nvar taskTimeoutID = -1; // Scheduler periodically yields in case there is other work on the main\n// thread, like user events. By default, it yields multiple times per frame.\n// It does not attempt to align with frame boundaries, since most tasks don't\n// need to be frame aligned; for those that do, use requestAnimationFrame.\n\nvar frameInterval = frameYieldMs;\nvar startTime = -1;\n\nfunction shouldYieldToHost() {\n var timeElapsed = exports.unstable_now() - startTime;\n\n if (timeElapsed < frameInterval) {\n // The main thread has only been blocked for a really short amount of time;\n // smaller than a single frame. Don't yield yet.\n return false;\n } // The main thread has been blocked for a non-negligible amount of time. We\n\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction requestPaint() {\n\n}\n\nfunction forceFrameRate(fps) {\n if (fps < 0 || fps > 125) {\n // Using console['error'] to evade Babel and ESLint\n console['error']('forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, ' + 'forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported');\n return;\n }\n\n if (fps > 0) {\n frameInterval = Math.floor(1000 / fps);\n } else {\n // reset the framerate\n frameInterval = frameYieldMs;\n }\n}\n\nvar performWorkUntilDeadline = function () {\n if (scheduledHostCallback !== null) {\n var currentTime = exports.unstable_now(); // Keep track of the start time so we can measure how long the main thread\n // has been blocked.\n\n startTime = currentTime;\n var hasTimeRemaining = true; // If a scheduler task throws, exit the current browser task so the\n // error can be observed.\n //\n // Intentionally not using a try-catch, since that makes some debugging\n // techniques harder. Instead, if `scheduledHostCallback` errors, then\n // `hasMoreWork` will remain true, and we'll continue the work loop.\n\n var hasMoreWork = true;\n\n try {\n hasMoreWork = scheduledHostCallback(hasTimeRemaining, currentTime);\n } finally {\n if (hasMoreWork) {\n // If there's more work, schedule the next message event at the end\n // of the preceding one.\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline();\n } else {\n isMessageLoopRunning = false;\n scheduledHostCallback = null;\n }\n }\n } else {\n isMessageLoopRunning = false;\n } // Yielding to the browser will give it a chance to paint, so we can\n};\n\nvar schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline;\n\nif (typeof localSetImmediate === 'function') {\n // Node.js and old IE.\n // There's a few reasons for why we prefer setImmediate.\n //\n // Unlike MessageChannel, it doesn't prevent a Node.js process from exiting.\n // (Even though this is a DOM fork of the Scheduler, you could get here\n // with a mix of Node.js 15+, which has a MessageChannel, and jsdom.)\n //\n //\n // But also, it runs earlier which is the semantic we want.\n // If other browsers ever implement it, it's better to use it.\n // Although both of these would be inferior to native scheduling.\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = function () {\n localSetImmediate(performWorkUntilDeadline);\n };\n} else if (typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined') {\n // DOM and Worker environments.\n // We prefer MessageChannel because of the 4ms setTimeout clamping.\n var channel = new MessageChannel();\n var port = channel.port2;\n channel.port1.onmessage = performWorkUntilDeadline;\n\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = function () {\n port.postMessage(null);\n };\n} else {\n // We should only fallback here in non-browser environments.\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = function () {\n localSetTimeout(performWorkUntilDeadline, 0);\n };\n}\n\nfunction requestHostCallback(callback) {\n scheduledHostCallback = callback;\n\n if (!isMessageLoopRunning) {\n isMessageLoopRunning = true;\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline();\n }\n}\n\nfunction requestHostTimeout(callback, ms) {\n taskTimeoutID = localSetTimeout(function () {\n callback(exports.unstable_now());\n }, ms);\n}\n\nfunction cancelHostTimeout() {\n localClearTimeout(taskTimeoutID);\n taskTimeoutID = -1;\n}\n\nvar unstable_requestPaint = requestPaint;\nvar unstable_Profiling = null;\n\nexports.unstable_IdlePriority = IdlePriority;\nexports.unstable_ImmediatePriority = ImmediatePriority;\nexports.unstable_LowPriority = LowPriority;\nexports.unstable_NormalPriority = NormalPriority;\nexports.unstable_Profiling = unstable_Profiling;\nexports.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = UserBlockingPriority;\nexports.unstable_cancelCallback = unstable_cancelCallback;\nexports.unstable_continueExecution = unstable_continueExecution;\nexports.unstable_forceFrameRate = forceFrameRate;\nexports.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel;\nexports.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = unstable_getFirstCallbackNode;\nexports.unstable_next = unstable_next;\nexports.unstable_pauseExecution = unstable_pauseExecution;\nexports.unstable_requestPaint = unstable_requestPaint;\nexports.unstable_runWithPriority = unstable_runWithPriority;\nexports.unstable_scheduleCallback = unstable_scheduleCallback;\nexports.unstable_shouldYield = shouldYieldToHost;\nexports.unstable_wrapCallback = unstable_wrapCallback;\n /* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */\nif (\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop ===\n 'function'\n) {\n __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(new Error());\n}\n \n })();\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.development.js?"); /***/ }), /***/ "./node_modules/scheduler/index.js": /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/scheduler/index.js ***! \*****************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { eval("\n\nif (false) {} else {\n module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cjs/scheduler.development.js */ \"./node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.development.js\");\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/scheduler/index.js?"); /***/ }), /***/ "react": /*!************************!*\ !*** external "React" ***! \************************/ /***/ ((module) => { module.exports = React; /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /******/ // startup /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ // This entry module can't be inlined because the eval devtool is used. /******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/react-dom/index.js"); /******/ window.ReactDOM = __webpack_exports__; /******/ /******/ })() ;PK�������!�R{������vendor/wp-polyfill-url.min.jsnu�[��������!function e(t,n,r){function i(o,s){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var l="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!s&&l)return l(o,!0);if(a)return a(o,!0);var c=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw c.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",c}var u=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(u.exports,(function(e){return i(t[o][1][e]||e)}),u,u.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}for(var a="function"==typeof require&&require,o=0;o<r.length;o++)i(r[o]);return i}({1:[function(e,t,n){t.exports=function(e){if("function"!=typeof e)throw TypeError(String(e)+" is not a function");return e}},{}],2:[function(e,t,n){var r=e("../internals/is-object");t.exports=function(e){if(!r(e)&&null!==e)throw TypeError("Can't set "+String(e)+" as a prototype");return e}},{"../internals/is-object":37}],3:[function(e,t,n){var 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e||u||0;return!e&&-1}};t.exports={includes:o(!0),indexOf:o(!1)}},{"../internals/to-absolute-index":68,"../internals/to-indexed-object":69,"../internals/to-length":71}],8:[function(e,t,n){var r=e("../internals/an-object");t.exports=function(e,t,n,i){try{return i?t(r(n)[0],n[1]):t(n)}catch(t){var a=e.return;throw void 0!==a&&r(,t}}},{"../internals/an-object":5}],9:[function(e,t,n){var r={}.toString;t.exports=function(e){return,-1)}},{}],10:[function(e,t,n){var r=e("../internals/to-string-tag-support"),i=e("../internals/classof-raw"),a=e("../internals/well-known-symbol")("toStringTag"),o="Arguments"==i(function(){return arguments}());t.exports=r?i:function(e){var t,n,r;return void 0===e?"Undefined":null===e?"Null":"string"==typeof(n=function(e,t){try{return e[t]}catch(e){}}(t=Object(e),a))?n:o?i(t):"Object"==(r=i(t))&&"function"==typeof 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e[t]=n,e}},{"../internals/create-property-descriptor":15,"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/object-define-property":47}],15:[function(e,t,n){t.exports=function(e,t){return{enumerable:!(1&e),configurable:!(2&e),writable:!(4&e),value:t}}},{}],16:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";var r=e("../internals/to-primitive"),i=e("../internals/object-define-property"),a=e("../internals/create-property-descriptor");t.exports=function(e,t,n){var o=r(t);o in e?i.f(e,o,a(0,n)):e[o]=n}},{"../internals/create-property-descriptor":15,"../internals/object-define-property":47,"../internals/to-primitive":73}],17:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";var 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For license information please see react.min.js.LICENSE.txt */ (()=>{"use strict";var e={287:(e,t)=>{var r=Symbol.for("react.element"),n=Symbol.for("react.portal"),o=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),u=Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),a=Symbol.for("react.profiler"),c=Symbol.for("react.provider"),i=Symbol.for("react.context"),f=Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),s=Symbol.for("react.suspense"),l=Symbol.for("react.memo"),p=Symbol.for("react.lazy"),y=Symbol.iterator,d={isMounted:function(){return!1},enqueueForceUpdate:function(){},enqueueReplaceState:function(){},enqueueSetState:function(){}},_=Object.assign,h={};function v(e,t,r){this.props=e,this.context=t,this.refs=h,this.updater=r||d}function m(){}function b(e,t,r){this.props=e,this.context=t,this.refs=h,this.updater=r||d}v.prototype.isReactComponent={},v.prototype.setState=function(e,t){if("object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e&&null!=e)throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.");this.updater.enqueueSetState(this,e,t,"setState")},v.prototype.forceUpdate=function(e){this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this,e,"forceUpdate")},m.prototype=v.prototype;var S=b.prototype=new m;S.constructor=b,_(S,v.prototype),S.isPureReactComponent=!0;var w=Array.isArray,E=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,R={current:null},$={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};function k(e,t,n){var o,u={},a=null,c=null;if(null!=t)for(o in void 0!==t.ref&&(c=t.ref),void 0!==t.key&&(a=""+t.key),t),o)&&!$.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(u[o]=t[o]);var i=arguments.length-2;if(1===i)u.children=n;else if(1<i){for(var f=Array(i),s=0;s<i;s++)f[s]=arguments[s+2];u.children=f}if(e&&e.defaultProps)for(o in i=e.defaultProps)void 0===u[o]&&(u[o]=i[o]);return{$$typeof:r,type:e,key:a,ref:c,props:u,_owner:R.current}}function C(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e&&e.$$typeof===r}var g=/\/+/g;function j(e,t){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e&&null!=e.key?function(e){var t={"=":"=0",":":"=2"};return"$"+e.replace(/[=:]/g,(function(e){return t[e]}))}(""+e.key):t.toString(36)}function x(e,t,o,u,a){var c=typeof e;"undefined"!==c&&"boolean"!==c||(e=null);var i=!1;if(null===e)i=!0;else switch(c){case"string":case"number":i=!0;break;case"object":switch(e.$$typeof){case r:case n:i=!0}}if(i)return a=a(i=e),e=""===u?"."+j(i,0):u,w(a)?(o="",null!=e&&(o=e.replace(g,"$&/")+"/"),x(a,t,o,"",(function(e){return e}))):null!=a&&(C(a)&&(a=function(e,t){return{$$typeof:r,type:e.type,key:t,ref:e.ref,props:e.props,_owner:e._owner}}(a,o+(!a.key||i&&i.key===a.key?"":(""+a.key).replace(g,"$&/")+"/")+e)),t.push(a)),1;if(i=0,u=""===u?".":u+":",w(e))for(var f=0;f<e.length;f++){var s=u+j(c=e[f],f);i+=x(c,t,o,s,a)}else if(s=function(e){return null===e||"object"!=typeof e?null:"function"==typeof(e=y&&e[y]||e["@@iterator"])?e:null}(e),"function"==typeof s)for(,f=0;!(;)i+=x(c=c.value,t,o,s=u+j(c,f++),a);else if("object"===c)throw t=String(e),Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: "+("[object Object]"===t?"object with keys {"+Object.keys(e).join(", ")+"}":t)+"). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.");return i}function O(e,t,r){if(null==e)return e;var n=[],o=0;return x(e,n,"","",(function(e){return,e,o++)})),n}function P(e){if(-1===e._status){var t=e._result;(t=t()).then((function(t){0!==e._status&&-1!==e._status||(e._status=1,e._result=t)}),(function(t){0!==e._status&&-1!==e._status||(e._status=2,e._result=t)})),-1===e._status&&(e._status=0,e._result=t)}if(1===e._status)return e._result.default;throw e._result}var I={current:null},T={transition:null},V={ReactCurrentDispatcher:I,ReactCurrentBatchConfig:T,ReactCurrentOwner:R};function A(){throw Error("act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.")}t.Children={map:O,forEach:function(e,t,r){O(e,(function(){t.apply(this,arguments)}),r)},count:function(e){var t=0;return O(e,(function(){t++})),t},toArray:function(e){return O(e,(function(e){return e}))||[]},only:function(e){if(!C(e))throw Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.");return e}},t.Component=v,t.Fragment=o,t.Profiler=a,t.PureComponent=b,t.StrictMode=u,t.Suspense=s,t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED=V,t.act=A,t.cloneElement=function(e,t,n){if(null==e)throw Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed "+e+".");var o=_({},e.props),u=e.key,a=e.ref,c=e._owner;if(null!=t){if(void 0!==t.ref&&(a=t.ref,c=R.current),void 0!==t.key&&(u=""+t.key),e.type&&e.type.defaultProps)var i=e.type.defaultProps;for(f in t),f)&&!$.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(o[f]=void 0===t[f]&&void 0!==i?i[f]:t[f])}var f=arguments.length-2;if(1===f)o.children=n;else if(1<f){i=Array(f);for(var s=0;s<f;s++)i[s]=arguments[s+2];o.children=i}return{$$typeof:r,type:e.type,key:u,ref:a,props:o,_owner:c}},t.createContext=function(e){return(e={$$typeof:i,_currentValue:e,_currentValue2:e,_threadCount:0,Provider:null,Consumer:null,_defaultValue:null,_globalName:null}).Provider={$$typeof:c,_context:e},e.Consumer=e},t.createElement=k,t.createFactory=function(e){var t=k.bind(null,e);return t.type=e,t},t.createRef=function(){return{current:null}},t.forwardRef=function(e){return{$$typeof:f,render:e}},t.isValidElement=C,t.lazy=function(e){return{$$typeof:p,_payload:{_status:-1,_result:e},_init:P}},t.memo=function(e,t){return{$$typeof:l,type:e,compare:void 0===t?null:t}},t.startTransition=function(e){var t=T.transition;T.transition={};try{e()}finally{T.transition=t}},t.unstable_act=A,t.useCallback=function(e,t){return I.current.useCallback(e,t)},t.useContext=function(e){return I.current.useContext(e)},t.useDebugValue=function(){},t.useDeferredValue=function(e){return I.current.useDeferredValue(e)},t.useEffect=function(e,t){return I.current.useEffect(e,t)},t.useId=function(){return I.current.useId()},t.useImperativeHandle=function(e,t,r){return I.current.useImperativeHandle(e,t,r)},t.useInsertionEffect=function(e,t){return I.current.useInsertionEffect(e,t)},t.useLayoutEffect=function(e,t){return I.current.useLayoutEffect(e,t)},t.useMemo=function(e,t){return I.current.useMemo(e,t)},t.useReducer=function(e,t,r){return I.current.useReducer(e,t,r)},t.useRef=function(e){return I.current.useRef(e)},t.useState=function(e){return I.current.useState(e)},t.useSyncExternalStore=function(e,t,r){return I.current.useSyncExternalStore(e,t,r)},t.useTransition=function(){return I.current.useTransition()},t.version="18.3.1"},540:(e,t,r)=>{e.exports=r(287)}},t={},r=function r(n){var o=t[n];if(void 0!==o)return o.exports;var u=t[n]={exports:{}};return e[n](u,u.exports,r),u.exports}(540);window.React=r})();PK�������!�|X������vendor/react-jsx-runtime.jsnu�[��������/* * ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development"). * This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files. * It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools. * If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool ( * or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false". * If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" ( */ /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ "./node_modules/react/cjs/react-jsx-runtime.development.js": /*!*****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/react/cjs/react-jsx-runtime.development.js ***! \*****************************************************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { eval("/**\n * @license React\n * react-jsx-runtime.development.js\n *\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n */\n\n\n\nif (true) {\n (function() {\n'use strict';\n\nvar React = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ \"react\");\n\n// ATTENTION\n// When adding new symbols to this file,\n// Please consider also adding to 'react-devtools-shared/src/backend/ReactSymbols'\n// The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types.\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.element');\nvar REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.portal');\nvar REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.fragment');\nvar REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode');\nvar REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.profiler');\nvar REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.provider');\nvar REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.context');\nvar REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense');\nvar REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list');\nvar REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.memo');\nvar REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.lazy');\nvar REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for('react.offscreen');\nvar MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator;\nvar FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator';\nfunction getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {\n if (maybeIterable === null || typeof maybeIterable !== 'object') {\n return null;\n }\n\n var maybeIterator = MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL];\n\n if (typeof maybeIterator === 'function') {\n return maybeIterator;\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar ReactSharedInternals = React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;\n\nfunction error(format) {\n {\n {\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n\n printWarning('error', format, args);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction printWarning(level, format, args) {\n // When changing this logic, you might want to also\n // update consoleWithStackDev.www.js as well.\n {\n var ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n var stack = ReactDebugCurrentFrame.getStackAddendum();\n\n if (stack !== '') {\n format += '%s';\n args = args.concat([stack]);\n } // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n\n\n var argsWithFormat = (item) {\n return String(item);\n }); // Careful: RN currently depends on this prefix\n\n argsWithFormat.unshift('Warning: ' + format); // We intentionally don't use spread (or .apply) directly because it\n // breaks IE9:\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/no-production-logging\n\n[level], console, argsWithFormat);\n }\n}\n\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar enableScopeAPI = false; // Experimental Create Event Handle API.\nvar enableCacheElement = false;\nvar enableTransitionTracing = false; // No known bugs, but needs performance testing\n\nvar enableLegacyHidden = false; // Enables unstable_avoidThisFallback feature in Fiber\n// stuff. Intended to enable React core members to more easily debug scheduling\n// issues in DEV builds.\n\nvar enableDebugTracing = false; // Track which Fiber(s) schedule render work.\n\nvar REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE;\n\n{\n REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE = Symbol.for('react.module.reference');\n}\n\nfunction isValidElementType(type) {\n if (typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'function') {\n return true;\n } // Note: typeof might be other than 'symbol' or 'number' (e.g. if it's a polyfill).\n\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE || type === REACT_PROFILER_TYPE || enableDebugTracing || type === REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE || type === REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE || enableLegacyHidden || type === REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE || enableScopeAPI || enableCacheElement || enableTransitionTracing ) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object' && type !== null) {\n if (type.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE || type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // This needs to include all possible module reference object\n // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since\n // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used\n // with.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MODULE_REFERENCE || type.getModuleId !== undefined) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction getWrappedName(outerType, innerType, wrapperName) {\n var displayName = outerType.displayName;\n\n if (displayName) {\n return displayName;\n }\n\n var functionName = innerType.displayName || || '';\n return functionName !== '' ? wrapperName + \"(\" + functionName + \")\" : wrapperName;\n} // Keep in sync with react-reconciler/getComponentNameFromFiber\n\n\nfunction getContextName(type) {\n return type.displayName || 'Context';\n} // Note that the reconciler package should generally prefer to use getComponentNameFromFiber() instead.\n\n\nfunction getComponentNameFromType(type) {\n if (type == null) {\n // Host root, text node or just invalid type.\n return null;\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof type.tag === 'number') {\n error('Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). ' + 'This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n return type.displayName || || null;\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return type;\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE:\n return 'Fragment';\n\n case REACT_PORTAL_TYPE:\n return 'Portal';\n\n case REACT_PROFILER_TYPE:\n return 'Profiler';\n\n case REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE:\n return 'StrictMode';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return 'Suspense';\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return 'SuspenseList';\n\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE:\n var context = type;\n return getContextName(context) + '.Consumer';\n\n case REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE:\n var provider = type;\n return getContextName(provider._context) + '.Provider';\n\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return getWrappedName(type, type.render, 'ForwardRef');\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n var outerName = type.displayName || null;\n\n if (outerName !== null) {\n return outerName;\n }\n\n return getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Memo';\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n return getComponentNameFromType(init(payload));\n } catch (x) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\nvar assign = Object.assign;\n\n// Helpers to patch console.logs to avoid logging during side-effect free\n// replaying on render function. This currently only patches the object\n// lazily which won't cover if the log function was extracted eagerly.\n// We could also eagerly patch the method.\nvar disabledDepth = 0;\nvar prevLog;\nvar prevInfo;\nvar prevWarn;\nvar prevError;\nvar prevGroup;\nvar prevGroupCollapsed;\nvar prevGroupEnd;\n\nfunction disabledLog() {}\n\ndisabledLog.__reactDisabledLog = true;\nfunction disableLogs() {\n {\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n prevLog = console.log;\n prevInfo =;\n prevWarn = console.warn;\n prevError = console.error;\n prevGroup =;\n prevGroupCollapsed = console.groupCollapsed;\n prevGroupEnd = console.groupEnd; //\n\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n value: disabledLog,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n info: props,\n log: props,\n warn: props,\n error: props,\n group: props,\n groupCollapsed: props,\n groupEnd: props\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n disabledDepth++;\n }\n}\nfunction reenableLogs() {\n {\n disabledDepth--;\n\n if (disabledDepth === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n var props = {\n configurable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n writable: true\n }; // $FlowFixMe Flow thinks console is immutable.\n\n Object.defineProperties(console, {\n log: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevLog\n }),\n info: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevInfo\n }),\n warn: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevWarn\n }),\n error: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevError\n }),\n group: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroup\n }),\n groupCollapsed: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupCollapsed\n }),\n groupEnd: assign({}, props, {\n value: prevGroupEnd\n })\n });\n /* eslint-enable react-internal/no-production-logging */\n }\n\n if (disabledDepth < 0) {\n error('disabledDepth fell below zero. ' + 'This is a bug in React. Please file an issue.');\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher;\nvar prefix;\nfunction describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n if (prefix === undefined) {\n // Extract the VM specific prefix used by each line.\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\\n( *(at )?)/);\n prefix = match && match[1] || '';\n }\n } // We use the prefix to ensure our stacks line up with native stack frames.\n\n\n return '\\n' + prefix + name;\n }\n}\nvar reentry = false;\nvar componentFrameCache;\n\n{\n var PossiblyWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : Map;\n componentFrameCache = new PossiblyWeakMap();\n}\n\nfunction describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {\n // If something asked for a stack inside a fake render, it should get ignored.\n if ( !fn || reentry) {\n return '';\n }\n\n {\n var frame = componentFrameCache.get(fn);\n\n if (frame !== undefined) {\n return frame;\n }\n }\n\n var control;\n reentry = true;\n var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; // $FlowFixMe It does accept undefined.\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;\n var previousDispatcher;\n\n {\n previousDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current; // Set the dispatcher in DEV because this might be call in the render function\n // for warnings.\n\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = null;\n disableLogs();\n }\n\n try {\n // This should throw.\n if (construct) {\n // Something should be setting the props in the constructor.\n var Fake = function () {\n throw Error();\n }; // $FlowFixMe\n\n\n Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, 'props', {\n set: function () {\n // We use a throwing setter instead of frozen or non-writable props\n // because that won't throw in a non-strict mode function.\n throw Error();\n }\n });\n\n if (typeof Reflect === 'object' && Reflect.construct) {\n // We construct a different control for this case to include any extra\n // frames added by the construct call.\n try {\n Reflect.construct(Fake, []);\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);\n } else {\n try {\n;\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n;\n }\n } else {\n try {\n throw Error();\n } catch (x) {\n control = x;\n }\n\n fn();\n }\n } catch (sample) {\n // This is inlined manually because closure doesn't do it for us.\n if (sample && control && typeof sample.stack === 'string') {\n // This extracts the first frame from the sample that isn't also in the control.\n // Skipping one frame that we assume is the frame that calls the two.\n var sampleLines = sample.stack.split('\\n');\n var controlLines = control.stack.split('\\n');\n var s = sampleLines.length - 1;\n var c = controlLines.length - 1;\n\n while (s >= 1 && c >= 0 && sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // We expect at least one stack frame to be shared.\n // Typically this will be the root most one. However, stack frames may be\n // cut off due to maximum stack limits. In this case, one maybe cut off\n // earlier than the other. We assume that the sample is longer or the same\n // and there for cut off earlier. So we should find the root most frame in\n // the sample somewhere in the control.\n c--;\n }\n\n for (; s >= 1 && c >= 0; s--, c--) {\n // Next we find the first one that isn't the same which should be the\n // frame that called our sample function and the control.\n if (sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // In V8, the first line is describing the message but other VMs don't.\n // If we're about to return the first line, and the control is also on the same\n // line, that's a pretty good indicator that our sample threw at same line as\n // the control. I.e. before we entered the sample frame. So we ignore this result.\n // This can happen if you passed a class to function component, or non-function.\n if (s !== 1 || c !== 1) {\n do {\n s--;\n c--; // We may still have similar intermediate frames from the construct call.\n // The next one that isn't the same should be our match though.\n\n if (c < 0 || sampleLines[s] !== controlLines[c]) {\n // V8 adds a \"new\" prefix for native classes. Let's remove it to make it prettier.\n var _frame = '\\n' + sampleLines[s].replace(' at new ', ' at '); // If our component frame is labeled \"<anonymous>\"\n // but we have a user-provided \"displayName\"\n // splice it in to make the stack more readable.\n\n\n if (fn.displayName && _frame.includes('<anonymous>')) {\n _frame = _frame.replace('<anonymous>', fn.displayName);\n }\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, _frame);\n }\n } // Return the line we found.\n\n\n return _frame;\n }\n } while (s >= 1 && c >= 0);\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n } finally {\n reentry = false;\n\n {\n ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = previousDispatcher;\n reenableLogs();\n }\n\n Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace;\n } // Fallback to just using the name if we couldn't make it throw.\n\n\n var name = fn ? fn.displayName || : '';\n var syntheticFrame = name ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) : '';\n\n {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n componentFrameCache.set(fn, syntheticFrame);\n }\n }\n\n return syntheticFrame;\n}\nfunction describeFunctionComponentFrame(fn, source, ownerFn) {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, false);\n }\n}\n\nfunction shouldConstruct(Component) {\n var prototype = Component.prototype;\n return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);\n}\n\nfunction describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type, source, ownerFn) {\n\n if (type == null) {\n return '';\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n {\n return describeNativeComponentFrame(type, shouldConstruct(type));\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(type);\n }\n\n switch (type) {\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('Suspense');\n\n case REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE:\n return describeBuiltInComponentFrame('SuspenseList');\n }\n\n if (typeof type === 'object') {\n switch (type.$$typeof) {\n case REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE:\n return describeFunctionComponentFrame(type.render);\n\n case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:\n // Memo may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(type.type, source, ownerFn);\n\n case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:\n {\n var lazyComponent = type;\n var payload = lazyComponent._payload;\n var init = lazyComponent._init;\n\n try {\n // Lazy may contain any component type so we recursively resolve it.\n return describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(init(payload), source, ownerFn);\n } catch (x) {}\n }\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar loggedTypeFailures = {};\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame.setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location, componentName, element) {\n {\n // $FlowFixMe This is okay but Flow doesn't know it.\n var has =;\n\n for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) {\n if (has(typeSpecs, typeSpecName)) {\n var error$1 = void 0; // Prop type validation may throw. In case they do, we don't want to\n // fail the render phase where it didn't fail before. So we log it.\n // After these have been cleaned up, we'll let them throw.\n\n try {\n // This is intentionally an invariant that gets caught. It's the same\n // behavior as without this statement except with a better message.\n if (typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] !== 'function') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/prod-error-codes\n var err = Error((componentName || 'React class') + ': ' + location + ' type `' + typeSpecName + '` is invalid; ' + 'it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `' + typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName] + '`.' + 'This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.');\n = 'Invariant Violation';\n throw err;\n }\n\n error$1 = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location, null, 'SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED');\n } catch (ex) {\n error$1 = ex;\n }\n\n if (error$1 && !(error$1 instanceof Error)) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('%s: type specification of %s' + ' `%s` is invalid; the type checker ' + 'function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. ' + 'You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker ' + 'creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and ' + 'shape all require an argument).', componentName || 'React class', location, typeSpecName, typeof error$1);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n\n if (error$1 instanceof Error && !(error$1.message in loggedTypeFailures)) {\n // Only monitor this failure once because there tends to be a lot of the\n // same error.\n loggedTypeFailures[error$1.message] = true;\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(element);\n\n error('Failed %s type: %s', location, error$1.message);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement(null);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar isArrayImpl = Array.isArray; // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare\n\nfunction isArray(a) {\n return isArrayImpl(a);\n}\n\n/*\n * The `'' + value` pattern (used in in perf-sensitive code) throws for Symbol\n * and Temporal.* types. See\n *\n * The functions in this module will throw an easier-to-understand,\n * easier-to-debug exception with a clear errors message message explaining the\n * problem. (Instead of a confusing exception thrown inside the implementation\n * of the `value` object).\n */\n// $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\nfunction typeName(value) {\n {\n // toStringTag is needed for namespaced types like Temporal.Instant\n var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.toStringTag;\n var type = hasToStringTag && value[Symbol.toStringTag] || || 'Object';\n return type;\n }\n} // $FlowFixMe only called in DEV, so void return is not possible.\n\n\nfunction willCoercionThrow(value) {\n {\n try {\n testStringCoercion(value);\n return false;\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction testStringCoercion(value) {\n // If you ended up here by following an exception call stack, here's what's\n // happened: you supplied an object or symbol value to React (as a prop, key,\n // DOM attribute, CSS property, string ref, etc.) and when React tried to\n // coerce it to a string using `'' + value`, an exception was thrown.\n //\n // The most common types that will cause this exception are `Symbol` instances\n // and Temporal objects like `Temporal.Instant`. But any object that has a\n // `valueOf` or `[Symbol.toPrimitive]` method that throws will also cause this\n // exception. (Library authors do this to prevent users from using built-in\n // numeric operators like `+` or comparison operators like `>=` because custom\n // methods are needed to perform accurate arithmetic or comparison.)\n //\n // To fix the problem, coerce this object or symbol value to a string before\n // passing it to React. The most reliable way is usually `String(value)`.\n //\n // To find which value is throwing, check the browser or debugger console.\n // Before this exception was thrown, there should be `console.error` output\n // that shows the type (Symbol, Temporal.PlainDate, etc.) that caused the\n // problem and how that type was used: key, atrribute, input value prop, etc.\n // In most cases, this console output also shows the component and its\n // ancestor components where the exception happened.\n //\n // eslint-disable-next-line react-internal/safe-string-coercion\n return '' + value;\n}\nfunction checkKeyStringCoercion(value) {\n {\n if (willCoercionThrow(value)) {\n error('The provided key is an unsupported type %s.' + ' This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.', typeName(value));\n\n return testStringCoercion(value); // throw (to help callers find troubleshooting comments)\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner;\nvar RESERVED_PROPS = {\n key: true,\n ref: true,\n __self: true,\n __source: true\n};\nvar specialPropKeyWarningShown;\nvar specialPropRefWarningShown;\nvar didWarnAboutStringRefs;\n\n{\n didWarnAboutStringRefs = {};\n}\n\nfunction hasValidRef(config) {\n {\n if (, 'ref')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'ref').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.ref !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction hasValidKey(config) {\n {\n if (, 'key')) {\n var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'key').get;\n\n if (getter && getter.isReactWarning) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config.key !== undefined;\n}\n\nfunction warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config, self) {\n {\n if (typeof config.ref === 'string' && ReactCurrentOwner.current && self && ReactCurrentOwner.current.stateNode !== self) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type);\n\n if (!didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName]) {\n error('Component \"%s\" contains the string ref \"%s\". ' + 'Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. ' + 'This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. ' + 'We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. ' + 'Learn more about using refs safely here: ' + '', getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner.current.type), config.ref);\n\n didWarnAboutStringRefs[componentName] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n {\n var warnAboutAccessingKey = function () {\n if (!specialPropKeyWarningShown) {\n specialPropKeyWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (', displayName);\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'key', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingKey,\n configurable: true\n });\n }\n}\n\nfunction defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) {\n {\n var warnAboutAccessingRef = function () {\n if (!specialPropRefWarningShown) {\n specialPropRefWarningShown = true;\n\n error('%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result ' + 'in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same ' + 'value within the child component, you should pass it as a different ' + 'prop. (', displayName);\n }\n };\n\n warnAboutAccessingRef.isReactWarning = true;\n Object.defineProperty(props, 'ref', {\n get: warnAboutAccessingRef,\n configurable: true\n });\n }\n}\n/**\n * Factory method to create a new React element. This no longer adheres to\n * the class pattern, so do not use new to call it. Also, instanceof check\n * will not work. Instead test $$typeof field against Symbol.for('react.element') to check\n * if something is a React Element.\n *\n * @param {*} type\n * @param {*} props\n * @param {*} key\n * @param {string|object} ref\n * @param {*} owner\n * @param {*} self A *temporary* helper to detect places where `this` is\n * different from the `owner` when React.createElement is called, so that we\n * can warn. We want to get rid of owner and replace string `ref`s with arrow\n * functions, and as long as `this` and owner are the same, there will be no\n * change in behavior.\n * @param {*} source An annotation object (added by a transpiler or otherwise)\n * indicating filename, line number, and/or other information.\n * @internal\n */\n\n\nvar ReactElement = function (type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props) {\n var element = {\n // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element\n $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,\n // Built-in properties that belong on the element\n type: type,\n key: key,\n ref: ref,\n props: props,\n // Record the component responsible for creating this element.\n _owner: owner\n };\n\n {\n // The validation flag is currently mutative. We put it on\n // an external backing store so that we can freeze the whole object.\n // This can be replaced with a WeakMap once they are implemented in\n // commonly used development environments.\n element._store = {}; // To make comparing ReactElements easier for testing purposes, we make\n // the validation flag non-enumerable (where possible, which should\n // include every environment we run tests in), so the test framework\n // ignores it.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element._store, 'validated', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n value: false\n }); // self and source are DEV only properties.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_self', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: self\n }); // Two elements created in two different places should be considered\n // equal for testing purposes and therefore we hide it from enumeration.\n\n Object.defineProperty(element, '_source', {\n configurable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: source\n });\n\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(element.props);\n Object.freeze(element);\n }\n }\n\n return element;\n};\n/**\n *\n * @param {*} type\n * @param {object} props\n * @param {string} key\n */\n\nfunction jsxDEV(type, config, maybeKey, source, self) {\n {\n var propName; // Reserved names are extracted\n\n var props = {};\n var key = null;\n var ref = null; // Currently, key can be spread in as a prop. This causes a potential\n // issue if key is also explicitly declared (ie. <div {...props} key=\"Hi\" />\n // or <div key=\"Hi\" {...props} /> ). We want to deprecate key spread,\n // but as an intermediary step, we will use jsxDEV for everything except\n // <div {...props} key=\"Hi\" />, because we aren't currently able to tell if\n // key is explicitly declared to be undefined or not.\n\n if (maybeKey !== undefined) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(maybeKey);\n }\n\n key = '' + maybeKey;\n }\n\n if (hasValidKey(config)) {\n {\n checkKeyStringCoercion(config.key);\n }\n\n key = '' + config.key;\n }\n\n if (hasValidRef(config)) {\n ref = config.ref;\n warnIfStringRefCannotBeAutoConverted(config, self);\n } // Remaining properties are added to a new props object\n\n\n for (propName in config) {\n if (, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n props[propName] = config[propName];\n }\n } // Resolve default props\n\n\n if (type && type.defaultProps) {\n var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;\n\n for (propName in defaultProps) {\n if (props[propName] === undefined) {\n props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (key || ref) {\n var displayName = typeof type === 'function' ? type.displayName || || 'Unknown' : type;\n\n if (key) {\n defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n\n if (ref) {\n defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);\n }\n }\n\n return ReactElement(type, key, ref, self, source, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props);\n }\n}\n\nvar ReactCurrentOwner$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactCurrentOwner;\nvar ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1 = ReactSharedInternals.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;\n\nfunction setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element) {\n {\n if (element) {\n var owner = element._owner;\n var stack = describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV(element.type, element._source, owner ? owner.type : null);\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(stack);\n } else {\n ReactDebugCurrentFrame$1.setExtraStackFrame(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar propTypesMisspellWarningShown;\n\n{\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = false;\n}\n/**\n * Verifies the object is a ReactElement.\n * See\n * @param {?object} object\n * @return {boolean} True if `object` is a ReactElement.\n * @final\n */\n\n\nfunction isValidElement(object) {\n {\n return typeof object === 'object' && object !== null && object.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getDeclarationErrorAddendum() {\n {\n if (ReactCurrentOwner$1.current) {\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(ReactCurrentOwner$1.current.type);\n\n if (name) {\n return '\\n\\nCheck the render method of `' + name + '`.';\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n}\n\nfunction getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(source) {\n {\n if (source !== undefined) {\n var fileName = source.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\\\\/]/, '');\n var lineNumber = source.lineNumber;\n return '\\n\\nCheck your code at ' + fileName + ':' + lineNumber + '.';\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n}\n/**\n * Warn if there's no key explicitly set on dynamic arrays of children or\n * object keys are not valid. This allows us to keep track of children between\n * updates.\n */\n\n\nvar ownerHasKeyUseWarning = {};\n\nfunction getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType) {\n {\n var info = getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n\n if (!info) {\n var parentName = typeof parentType === 'string' ? parentType : parentType.displayName ||;\n\n if (parentName) {\n info = \"\\n\\nCheck the top-level render call using <\" + parentName + \">.\";\n }\n }\n\n return info;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Warn if the element doesn't have an explicit key assigned to it.\n * This element is in an array. The array could grow and shrink or be\n * reordered. All children that haven't already been validated are required to\n * have a \"key\" property assigned to it. Error statuses are cached so a warning\n * will only be shown once.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactElement} element Element that requires a key.\n * @param {*} parentType element's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateExplicitKey(element, parentType) {\n {\n if (!element._store || element._store.validated || element.key != null) {\n return;\n }\n\n element._store.validated = true;\n var currentComponentErrorInfo = getCurrentComponentErrorInfo(parentType);\n\n if (ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo]) {\n return;\n }\n\n ownerHasKeyUseWarning[currentComponentErrorInfo] = true; // Usually the current owner is the offender, but if it accepts children as a\n // property, it may be the creator of the child that's responsible for\n // assigning it a key.\n\n var childOwner = '';\n\n if (element && element._owner && element._owner !== ReactCurrentOwner$1.current) {\n // Give the component that originally created this child.\n childOwner = \" It was passed a child from \" + getComponentNameFromType(element._owner.type) + \".\";\n }\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(element);\n\n error('Each child in a list should have a unique \"key\" prop.' + '%s%s See for more information.', currentComponentErrorInfo, childOwner);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Ensure that every element either is passed in a static location, in an\n * array with an explicit keys property defined, or in an object literal\n * with valid key property.\n *\n * @internal\n * @param {ReactNode} node Statically passed child of any type.\n * @param {*} parentType node's parent's type.\n */\n\n\nfunction validateChildKeys(node, parentType) {\n {\n if (typeof node !== 'object') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (isArray(node)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {\n var child = node[i];\n\n if (isValidElement(child)) {\n validateExplicitKey(child, parentType);\n }\n }\n } else if (isValidElement(node)) {\n // This element was passed in a valid location.\n if (node._store) {\n node._store.validated = true;\n }\n } else if (node) {\n var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(node);\n\n if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') {\n // Entry iterators used to provide implicit keys,\n // but now we print a separate warning for them later.\n if (iteratorFn !== node.entries) {\n var iterator =;\n var step;\n\n while (!(step = {\n if (isValidElement(step.value)) {\n validateExplicitKey(step.value, parentType);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given an element, validate that its props follow the propTypes definition,\n * provided by the type.\n *\n * @param {ReactElement} element\n */\n\n\nfunction validatePropTypes(element) {\n {\n var type = element.type;\n\n if (type === null || type === undefined || typeof type === 'string') {\n return;\n }\n\n var propTypes;\n\n if (typeof type === 'function') {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else if (typeof type === 'object' && (type.$$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here.\n // Inner props are checked in the reconciler.\n type.$$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE)) {\n propTypes = type.propTypes;\n } else {\n return;\n }\n\n if (propTypes) {\n // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n var name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n checkPropTypes(propTypes, element.props, 'prop', name, element);\n } else if (type.PropTypes !== undefined && !propTypesMisspellWarningShown) {\n propTypesMisspellWarningShown = true; // Intentionally inside to avoid triggering lazy initializers:\n\n var _name = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n\n error('Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?', _name || 'Unknown');\n }\n\n if (typeof type.getDefaultProps === 'function' && !type.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved) {\n error('getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass ' + 'definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead.');\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Given a fragment, validate that it can only be provided with fragment props\n * @param {ReactElement} fragment\n */\n\n\nfunction validateFragmentProps(fragment) {\n {\n var keys = Object.keys(fragment.props);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n var key = keys[i];\n\n if (key !== 'children' && key !== 'key') {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. ' + 'React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.', key);\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (fragment.ref !== null) {\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(fragment);\n\n error('Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`.');\n\n setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1(null);\n }\n }\n}\n\nvar didWarnAboutKeySpread = {};\nfunction jsxWithValidation(type, props, key, isStaticChildren, source, self) {\n {\n var validType = isValidElementType(type); // We warn in this case but don't throw. We expect the element creation to\n // succeed and there will likely be errors in render.\n\n if (!validType) {\n var info = '';\n\n if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {\n info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + \"it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.\";\n }\n\n var sourceInfo = getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(source);\n\n if (sourceInfo) {\n info += sourceInfo;\n } else {\n info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum();\n }\n\n var typeString;\n\n if (type === null) {\n typeString = 'null';\n } else if (isArray(type)) {\n typeString = 'array';\n } else if (type !== undefined && type.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {\n typeString = \"<\" + (getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || 'Unknown') + \" />\";\n info = ' Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?';\n } else {\n typeString = typeof type;\n }\n\n error('React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for ' + 'built-in components) or a class/function (for composite ' + 'components) but got: %s.%s', typeString, info);\n }\n\n var element = jsxDEV(type, props, key, source, self); // The result can be nullish if a mock or a custom function is used.\n // TODO: Drop this when these are no longer allowed as the type argument.\n\n if (element == null) {\n return element;\n } // Skip key warning if the type isn't valid since our key validation logic\n // doesn't expect a non-string/function type and can throw confusing errors.\n // We don't want exception behavior to differ between dev and prod.\n // (Rendering will throw with a helpful message and as soon as the type is\n // fixed, the key warnings will appear.)\n\n\n if (validType) {\n var children = props.children;\n\n if (children !== undefined) {\n if (isStaticChildren) {\n if (isArray(children)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n validateChildKeys(children[i], type);\n }\n\n if (Object.freeze) {\n Object.freeze(children);\n }\n } else {\n error('React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. ' + 'You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. ' + 'Use the Babel transform instead.');\n }\n } else {\n validateChildKeys(children, type);\n }\n }\n }\n\n {\n if (, 'key')) {\n var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(type);\n var keys = Object.keys(props).filter(function (k) {\n return k !== 'key';\n });\n var beforeExample = keys.length > 0 ? '{key: someKey, ' + keys.join(': ..., ') + ': ...}' : '{key: someKey}';\n\n if (!didWarnAboutKeySpread[componentName + beforeExample]) {\n var afterExample = keys.length > 0 ? '{' + keys.join(': ..., ') + ': ...}' : '{}';\n\n error('A props object containing a \"key\" prop is being spread into JSX:\\n' + ' let props = %s;\\n' + ' <%s {...props} />\\n' + 'React keys must be passed directly to JSX without using spread:\\n' + ' let props = %s;\\n' + ' <%s key={someKey} {...props} />', beforeExample, componentName, afterExample, componentName);\n\n didWarnAboutKeySpread[componentName + beforeExample] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {\n validateFragmentProps(element);\n } else {\n validatePropTypes(element);\n }\n\n return element;\n }\n} // These two functions exist to still get child warnings in dev\n// even with the prod transform. This means that jsxDEV is purely\n// opt-in behavior for better messages but that we won't stop\n// giving you warnings if you use production apis.\n\nfunction jsxWithValidationStatic(type, props, key) {\n {\n return jsxWithValidation(type, props, key, true);\n }\n}\nfunction jsxWithValidationDynamic(type, props, key) {\n {\n return jsxWithValidation(type, props, key, false);\n }\n}\n\nvar jsx = jsxWithValidationDynamic ; // we may want to special case jsxs internally to take advantage of static children.\n// for now we can ship identical prod functions\n\nvar jsxs = jsxWithValidationStatic ;\n\nexports.Fragment = REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE;\nexports.jsx = jsx;\nexports.jsxs = jsxs;\n })();\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/react/cjs/react-jsx-runtime.development.js?"); /***/ }), /***/ "./node_modules/react/jsx-runtime.js": /*!*******************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/react/jsx-runtime.js ***! \*******************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { eval("\n\nif (false) {} else {\n module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cjs/react-jsx-runtime.development.js */ \"./node_modules/react/cjs/react-jsx-runtime.development.js\");\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://WordPress/./node_modules/react/jsx-runtime.js?"); /***/ }), /***/ "react": /*!************************!*\ !*** external "React" ***! \************************/ /***/ ((module) => { module.exports = React; /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /******/ // startup /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ // This entry module can't be inlined because the eval devtool is used. /******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("./node_modules/react/jsx-runtime.js"); /******/ window.ReactJSXRuntime = __webpack_exports__; /******/ /******/ })() ;PK�������!�FՃ����#��vendor/wp-polyfill-node-contains.jsnu�[�������� // Node.prototype.contains (function() { function contains(node) { if (!(0 in arguments)) { throw new TypeError('1 argument is required'); } do { if (this === node) { return true; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign } while (node = node && node.parentNode); return false; } // IE if ('HTMLElement' in self && 'contains' in HTMLElement.prototype) { try { delete HTMLElement.prototype.contains; // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty } catch (e) {} } if ('Node' in self) { Node.prototype.contains = contains; } else { document.contains = Element.prototype.contains = contains; } }()); PK�������!�Mv����#��vendor/react-dom.min.js.LICENSE.txtnu�[��������/** * @license React * react-dom.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /** * @license React * scheduler.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ PK�������!�, fQ�Q���vendor/wp-polyfill.jsnu�[��������/** * core-js 3.35.1 * © 2014-2024 Denis Pushkarev ( * license: * source: */ !function (undefined) { 'use strict'; /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ var __webpack_require__ = function (moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // create a fake namespace object /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { /******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value); /******/ if(mode & 8) return value; /******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value; /******/ var ns = Object.create(null); /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns); /******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value }); /******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); /******/ return ns; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(1); __webpack_require__(70); __webpack_require__(77); __webpack_require__(80); __webpack_require__(81); __webpack_require__(83); __webpack_require__(95); __webpack_require__(96); __webpack_require__(98); __webpack_require__(101); __webpack_require__(103); __webpack_require__(104); __webpack_require__(113); __webpack_require__(114); __webpack_require__(117); __webpack_require__(123); __webpack_require__(138); __webpack_require__(140); __webpack_require__(141); module.exports = __webpack_require__(142); /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var toObject = __webpack_require__(38); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); var setArrayLength = __webpack_require__(67); var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = __webpack_require__(69); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var INCORRECT_TO_LENGTH = fails(function () { return []{ length: 0x100000000 }, 1) !== 4294967297; }); // V8 <= 121 and Safari <= 15.4; FF < 23 throws InternalError // var properErrorOnNonWritableLength = function () { try { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { writable: false }).push(); } catch (error) { return error instanceof TypeError; } }; var FORCED = INCORRECT_TO_LENGTH || !properErrorOnNonWritableLength(); // `Array.prototype.push` method // $({ target: 'Array', proto: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- required for `.length` push: function push(item) { var O = toObject(this); var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O); var argCount = arguments.length; doesNotExceedSafeInteger(len + argCount); for (var i = 0; i < argCount; i++) { O[len] = arguments[i]; len++; } setArrayLength(O, len); return len; } }); /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(4).f; var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(42); var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(46); var defineGlobalProperty = __webpack_require__(36); var copyConstructorProperties = __webpack_require__(54); var isForced = __webpack_require__(66); /* - name of the target object - target is the global object options.stat - export as static methods of target options.proto - export as prototype methods of target options.real - real prototype method for the `pure` version options.forced - export even if the native feature is available options.bind - bind methods to the target, required for the `pure` version options.wrap - wrap constructors to preventing global pollution, required for the `pure` version options.unsafe - use the simple assignment of property instead of delete + defineProperty options.sham - add a flag to not completely full polyfills options.enumerable - export as enumerable property options.dontCallGetSet - prevent calling a getter on target - the .name of the function if it does not match the key */ module.exports = function (options, source) { var TARGET =; var GLOBAL =; var STATIC = options.stat; var FORCED, target, key, targetProperty, sourceProperty, descriptor; if (GLOBAL) { target = global; } else if (STATIC) { target = global[TARGET] || defineGlobalProperty(TARGET, {}); } else { target = global[TARGET] && global[TARGET].prototype; } if (target) for (key in source) { sourceProperty = source[key]; if (options.dontCallGetSet) { descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key); targetProperty = descriptor && descriptor.value; } else targetProperty = target[key]; FORCED = isForced(GLOBAL ? key : TARGET + (STATIC ? '.' : '#') + key, options.forced); // contained in target if (!FORCED && targetProperty !== undefined) { if (typeof sourceProperty == typeof targetProperty) continue; copyConstructorProperties(sourceProperty, targetProperty); } // add a flag to not completely full polyfills if (options.sham || (targetProperty && targetProperty.sham)) { createNonEnumerableProperty(sourceProperty, 'sham', true); } defineBuiltIn(target, key, sourceProperty, options); } }; /***/ }), /* 3 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var check = function (it) { return it && it.Math === Math && it; }; // module.exports = // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-global-this -- safe check(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) || check(typeof window == 'object' && window) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals -- safe check(typeof self == 'object' && self) || check(typeof global == 'object' && global) || check(typeof this == 'object' && this) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func -- fallback (function () { return this; })() || Function('return this')(); /***/ }), /* 4 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var call = __webpack_require__(7); var propertyIsEnumerableModule = __webpack_require__(9); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(10); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(17); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(40); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method // exports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? $getOwnPropertyDescriptor : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { O = toIndexedObject(O); P = toPropertyKey(P); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if (hasOwn(O, P)) return createPropertyDescriptor(!call(propertyIsEnumerableModule.f, O, P), O[P]); }; /***/ }), /* 5 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(6); // Detect IE8's incomplete defineProperty implementation module.exports = !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing return Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function () { return 7; } })[1] !== 7; }); /***/ }), /* 6 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = function (exec) { try { return !!exec(); } catch (error) { return true; } }; /***/ }), /* 7 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var NATIVE_BIND = __webpack_require__(8); var call =; module.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? call.bind(call) : function () { return call.apply(call, arguments); }; /***/ }), /* 8 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(6); module.exports = !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-function-prototype-bind -- safe var test = (function () { /* empty */ }).bind(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins -- safe return typeof test != 'function' || test.hasOwnProperty('prototype'); }); /***/ }), /* 9 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $propertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // Nashorn ~ JDK8 bug var NASHORN_BUG = getOwnPropertyDescriptor && !${ 1: 2 }, 1); // `Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable` method implementation // exports.f = NASHORN_BUG ? function propertyIsEnumerable(V) { var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, V); return !!descriptor && descriptor.enumerable; } : $propertyIsEnumerable; /***/ }), /* 10 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = function (bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable: !(bitmap & 4), value: value }; }; /***/ }), /* 11 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings var IndexedObject = __webpack_require__(12); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(15); module.exports = function (it) { return IndexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it)); }; /***/ }), /* 12 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var classof = __webpack_require__(14); var $Object = Object; var split = uncurryThis(''.split); // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings module.exports = fails(function () { // throws an error in rhino, see // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins -- safe return !$Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0); }) ? function (it) { return classof(it) === 'String' ? split(it, '') : $Object(it); } : $Object; /***/ }), /* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var NATIVE_BIND = __webpack_require__(8); var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype; var call =; var uncurryThisWithBind = NATIVE_BIND && FunctionPrototype.bind.bind(call, call); module.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? uncurryThisWithBind : function (fn) { return function () { return call.apply(fn, arguments); }; }; /***/ }), /* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var toString = uncurryThis({}.toString); var stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice); module.exports = function (it) { return stringSlice(toString(it), 8, -1); }; /***/ }), /* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isNullOrUndefined = __webpack_require__(16); var $TypeError = TypeError; // `RequireObjectCoercible` abstract operation // module.exports = function (it) { if (isNullOrUndefined(it)) throw new $TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 16 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // we can't use just `it == null` since of `document.all` special case // module.exports = function (it) { return it === null || it === undefined; }; /***/ }), /* 17 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(18); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(21); // `ToPropertyKey` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { var key = toPrimitive(argument, 'string'); return isSymbol(key) ? key : key + ''; }; /***/ }), /* 18 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(7); var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(21); var getMethod = __webpack_require__(28); var ordinaryToPrimitive = __webpack_require__(31); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var $TypeError = TypeError; var TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol('toPrimitive'); // `ToPrimitive` abstract operation // module.exports = function (input, pref) { if (!isObject(input) || isSymbol(input)) return input; var exoticToPrim = getMethod(input, TO_PRIMITIVE); var result; if (exoticToPrim) { if (pref === undefined) pref = 'default'; result = call(exoticToPrim, input, pref); if (!isObject(result) || isSymbol(result)) return result; throw new $TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); } if (pref === undefined) pref = 'number'; return ordinaryToPrimitive(input, pref); }; /***/ }), /* 19 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); module.exports = function (it) { return typeof it == 'object' ? it !== null : isCallable(it); }; /***/ }), /* 20 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // var documentAll = typeof document == 'object' && document.all; // `IsCallable` abstract operation // // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-typeof-undefined -- required for testing module.exports = typeof documentAll == 'undefined' && documentAll !== undefined ? function (argument) { return typeof argument == 'function' || argument === documentAll; } : function (argument) { return typeof argument == 'function'; }; /***/ }), /* 21 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(23); var USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = __webpack_require__(24); var $Object = Object; module.exports = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? function (it) { return typeof it == 'symbol'; } : function (it) { var $Symbol = getBuiltIn('Symbol'); return isCallable($Symbol) && isPrototypeOf($Symbol.prototype, $Object(it)); }; /***/ }), /* 22 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var aFunction = function (argument) { return isCallable(argument) ? argument : undefined; }; module.exports = function (namespace, method) { return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(global[namespace]) : global[namespace] && global[namespace][method]; }; /***/ }), /* 23 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); module.exports = uncurryThis({}.isPrototypeOf); /***/ }), /* 24 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- required for testing */ var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(25); module.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL && !Symbol.sham && typeof Symbol.iterator == 'symbol'; /***/ }), /* 25 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable es/no-symbol -- required for testing */ var V8_VERSION = __webpack_require__(26); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var global = __webpack_require__(3); var $String = global.String; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols -- required for testing module.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !fails(function () { var symbol = Symbol('symbol detection'); // Chrome 38 Symbol has incorrect toString conversion // `get-own-property-symbols` polyfill symbols converted to object are not Symbol instances // nb: Do not call `String` directly to avoid this being optimized out to `symbol+''` which will, // of course, fail. return !$String(symbol) || !(Object(symbol) instanceof Symbol) || // Chrome 38-40 symbols are not inherited from DOM collections prototypes to instances !Symbol.sham && V8_VERSION && V8_VERSION < 41; }); /***/ }), /* 26 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var userAgent = __webpack_require__(27); var process = global.process; var Deno = global.Deno; var versions = process && process.versions || Deno && Deno.version; var v8 = versions && versions.v8; var match, version; if (v8) { match = v8.split('.'); // in old Chrome, versions of V8 isn't V8 = Chrome / 10 // but their correct versions are not interesting for us version = match[0] > 0 && match[0] < 4 ? 1 : +(match[0] + match[1]); } // BrowserFS NodeJS `process` polyfill incorrectly set `.v8` to `0.0` // so check `userAgent` even if `.v8` exists, but 0 if (!version && userAgent) { match = userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/); if (!match || match[1] >= 74) { match = userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/); if (match) version = +match[1]; } } module.exports = version; /***/ }), /* 27 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = typeof navigator != 'undefined' && String(navigator.userAgent) || ''; /***/ }), /* 28 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var isNullOrUndefined = __webpack_require__(16); // `GetMethod` abstract operation // module.exports = function (V, P) { var func = V[P]; return isNullOrUndefined(func) ? undefined : aCallable(func); }; /***/ }), /* 29 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var tryToString = __webpack_require__(30); var $TypeError = TypeError; // `Assert: IsCallable(argument) is true` module.exports = function (argument) { if (isCallable(argument)) return argument; throw new $TypeError(tryToString(argument) + ' is not a function'); }; /***/ }), /* 30 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $String = String; module.exports = function (argument) { try { return $String(argument); } catch (error) { return 'Object'; } }; /***/ }), /* 31 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(7); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var $TypeError = TypeError; // `OrdinaryToPrimitive` abstract operation // module.exports = function (input, pref) { var fn, val; if (pref === 'string' && isCallable(fn = input.toString) && !isObject(val = call(fn, input))) return val; if (isCallable(fn = input.valueOf) && !isObject(val = call(fn, input))) return val; if (pref !== 'string' && isCallable(fn = input.toString) && !isObject(val = call(fn, input))) return val; throw new $TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; /***/ }), /* 32 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var shared = __webpack_require__(33); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var uid = __webpack_require__(39); var NATIVE_SYMBOL = __webpack_require__(25); var USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = __webpack_require__(24); var Symbol = global.Symbol; var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks'); var createWellKnownSymbol = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? Symbol['for'] || Symbol : Symbol && Symbol.withoutSetter || uid; module.exports = function (name) { if (!hasOwn(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name)) { WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = NATIVE_SYMBOL && hasOwn(Symbol, name) ? Symbol[name] : createWellKnownSymbol('Symbol.' + name); } return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name]; }; /***/ }), /* 33 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(34); var store = __webpack_require__(35); (module.exports = function (key, value) { return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); })('versions', []).push({ version: '3.35.1', mode: IS_PURE ? 'pure' : 'global', copyright: '© 2014-2024 Denis Pushkarev (', license: '', source: '' }); /***/ }), /* 34 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = false; /***/ }), /* 35 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var defineGlobalProperty = __webpack_require__(36); var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; var store = global[SHARED] || defineGlobalProperty(SHARED, {}); module.exports = store; /***/ }), /* 36 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; module.exports = function (key, value) { try { defineProperty(global, key, { value: value, configurable: true, writable: true }); } catch (error) { global[key] = value; } return value; }; /***/ }), /* 37 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var toObject = __webpack_require__(38); var hasOwnProperty = uncurryThis({}.hasOwnProperty); // `HasOwnProperty` abstract operation // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-hasown -- safe module.exports = Object.hasOwn || function hasOwn(it, key) { return hasOwnProperty(toObject(it), key); }; /***/ }), /* 38 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(15); var $Object = Object; // `ToObject` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { return $Object(requireObjectCoercible(argument)); }; /***/ }), /* 39 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var id = 0; var postfix = Math.random(); var toString = uncurryThis(1.0.toString); module.exports = function (key) { return 'Symbol(' + (key === undefined ? '' : key) + ')_' + toString(++id + postfix, 36); }; /***/ }), /* 40 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var createElement = __webpack_require__(41); // Thanks to IE8 for its funny defineProperty module.exports = !DESCRIPTORS && !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing return Object.defineProperty(createElement('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a !== 7; }); /***/ }), /* 41 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var document = global.document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE var EXISTS = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement); module.exports = function (it) { return EXISTS ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; /***/ }), /* 42 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(43); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(10); module.exports = DESCRIPTORS ? function (object, key, value) { return definePropertyModule.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value)); } : function (object, key, value) { object[key] = value; return object; }; /***/ }), /* 43 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(40); var V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG = __webpack_require__(44); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(17); var $TypeError = TypeError; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var ENUMERABLE = 'enumerable'; var CONFIGURABLE = 'configurable'; var WRITABLE = 'writable'; // `Object.defineProperty` method // exports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG ? function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPropertyKey(P); anObject(Attributes); if (typeof O === 'function' && P === 'prototype' && 'value' in Attributes && WRITABLE in Attributes && !Attributes[WRITABLE]) { var current = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P); if (current && current[WRITABLE]) { O[P] = Attributes.value; Attributes = { configurable: CONFIGURABLE in Attributes ? Attributes[CONFIGURABLE] : current[CONFIGURABLE], enumerable: ENUMERABLE in Attributes ? Attributes[ENUMERABLE] : current[ENUMERABLE], writable: false }; } } return $defineProperty(O, P, Attributes); } : $defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPropertyKey(P); anObject(Attributes); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return $defineProperty(O, P, Attributes); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw new $TypeError('Accessors not supported'); if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; /***/ }), /* 44 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); // V8 ~ Chrome 36- // module.exports = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- required for testing return Object.defineProperty(function () { /* empty */ }, 'prototype', { value: 42, writable: false }).prototype !== 42; }); /***/ }), /* 45 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var $String = String; var $TypeError = TypeError; // `Assert: Type(argument) is Object` module.exports = function (argument) { if (isObject(argument)) return argument; throw new $TypeError($String(argument) + ' is not an object'); }; /***/ }), /* 46 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(43); var makeBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(47); var defineGlobalProperty = __webpack_require__(36); module.exports = function (O, key, value, options) { if (!options) options = {}; var simple = options.enumerable; var name = !== undefined ? : key; if (isCallable(value)) makeBuiltIn(value, name, options); if ( { if (simple) O[key] = value; else defineGlobalProperty(key, value); } else { try { if (!options.unsafe) delete O[key]; else if (O[key]) simple = true; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if (simple) O[key] = value; else definePropertyModule.f(O, key, { value: value, enumerable: false, configurable: !options.nonConfigurable, writable: !options.nonWritable }); } return O; }; /***/ }), /* 47 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var CONFIGURABLE_FUNCTION_NAME = __webpack_require__(48).CONFIGURABLE; var inspectSource = __webpack_require__(49); var InternalStateModule = __webpack_require__(50); var enforceInternalState = InternalStateModule.enforce; var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get; var $String = String; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; var stringSlice = uncurryThis(''.slice); var replace = uncurryThis(''.replace); var join = uncurryThis([].join); var CONFIGURABLE_LENGTH = DESCRIPTORS && !fails(function () { return defineProperty(function () { /* empty */ }, 'length', { value: 8 }).length !== 8; }); var TEMPLATE = String(String).split('String'); var makeBuiltIn = module.exports = function (value, name, options) { if (stringSlice($String(name), 0, 7) === 'Symbol(') { name = '[' + replace($String(name), /^Symbol\(([^)]*)\).*$/, '$1') + ']'; } if (options && options.getter) name = 'get ' + name; if (options && options.setter) name = 'set ' + name; if (!hasOwn(value, 'name') || (CONFIGURABLE_FUNCTION_NAME && !== name)) { if (DESCRIPTORS) defineProperty(value, 'name', { value: name, configurable: true }); else = name; } if (CONFIGURABLE_LENGTH && options && hasOwn(options, 'arity') && value.length !== options.arity) { defineProperty(value, 'length', { value: options.arity }); } try { if (options && hasOwn(options, 'constructor') && options.constructor) { if (DESCRIPTORS) defineProperty(value, 'prototype', { writable: false }); // in V8 ~ Chrome 53, prototypes of some methods, like `Array.prototype.values`, are non-writable } else if (value.prototype) value.prototype = undefined; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } var state = enforceInternalState(value); if (!hasOwn(state, 'source')) { state.source = join(TEMPLATE, typeof name == 'string' ? name : ''); } return value; }; // add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative // eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native -- required Function.prototype.toString = makeBuiltIn(function toString() { return isCallable(this) && getInternalState(this).source || inspectSource(this); }, 'toString'); /***/ }), /* 48 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var getDescriptor = DESCRIPTORS && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var EXISTS = hasOwn(FunctionPrototype, 'name'); // additional protection from minified / mangled / dropped function names var PROPER = EXISTS && (function something() { /* empty */ }).name === 'something'; var CONFIGURABLE = EXISTS && (!DESCRIPTORS || (DESCRIPTORS && getDescriptor(FunctionPrototype, 'name').configurable)); module.exports = { EXISTS: EXISTS, PROPER: PROPER, CONFIGURABLE: CONFIGURABLE }; /***/ }), /* 49 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var store = __webpack_require__(35); var functionToString = uncurryThis(Function.toString); // this helper broken in `core-js@3.4.1-3.4.4`, so we can't use `shared` helper if (!isCallable(store.inspectSource)) { store.inspectSource = function (it) { return functionToString(it); }; } module.exports = store.inspectSource; /***/ }), /* 50 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var NATIVE_WEAK_MAP = __webpack_require__(51); var global = __webpack_require__(3); var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(42); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var shared = __webpack_require__(35); var sharedKey = __webpack_require__(52); var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(53); var OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 'Object already initialized'; var TypeError = global.TypeError; var WeakMap = global.WeakMap; var set, get, has; var enforce = function (it) { return has(it) ? get(it) : set(it, {}); }; var getterFor = function (TYPE) { return function (it) { var state; if (!isObject(it) || (state = get(it)).type !== TYPE) { throw new TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required'); } return state; }; }; if (NATIVE_WEAK_MAP || shared.state) { var store = shared.state || (shared.state = new WeakMap()); /* eslint-disable no-self-assign -- prototype methods protection */ store.get = store.get; store.has = store.has; store.set = store.set; /* eslint-enable no-self-assign -- prototype methods protection */ set = function (it, metadata) { if (store.has(it)) throw new TypeError(OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); metadata.facade = it; store.set(it, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return store.get(it) || {}; }; has = function (it) { return store.has(it); }; } else { var STATE = sharedKey('state'); hiddenKeys[STATE] = true; set = function (it, metadata) { if (hasOwn(it, STATE)) throw new TypeError(OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); metadata.facade = it; createNonEnumerableProperty(it, STATE, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return hasOwn(it, STATE) ? it[STATE] : {}; }; has = function (it) { return hasOwn(it, STATE); }; } module.exports = { set: set, get: get, has: has, enforce: enforce, getterFor: getterFor }; /***/ }), /* 51 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var WeakMap = global.WeakMap; module.exports = isCallable(WeakMap) && /native code/.test(String(WeakMap)); /***/ }), /* 52 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var shared = __webpack_require__(33); var uid = __webpack_require__(39); var keys = shared('keys'); module.exports = function (key) { return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid(key)); }; /***/ }), /* 53 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = {}; /***/ }), /* 54 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var ownKeys = __webpack_require__(55); var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = __webpack_require__(4); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(43); module.exports = function (target, source, exceptions) { var keys = ownKeys(source); var defineProperty = definePropertyModule.f; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (!hasOwn(target, key) && !(exceptions && hasOwn(exceptions, key))) { defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); } } }; /***/ }), /* 55 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var getOwnPropertyNamesModule = __webpack_require__(56); var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = __webpack_require__(65); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var concat = uncurryThis([].concat); // all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols module.exports = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'ownKeys') || function ownKeys(it) { var keys = getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f(anObject(it)); var getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f; return getOwnPropertySymbols ? concat(keys, getOwnPropertySymbols(it)) : keys; }; /***/ }), /* 56 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var internalObjectKeys = __webpack_require__(57); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(64); var hiddenKeys = enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype'); // `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertynames -- safe exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { return internalObjectKeys(O, hiddenKeys); }; /***/ }), /* 57 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var indexOf = __webpack_require__(58).indexOf; var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(53); var push = uncurryThis([].push); module.exports = function (object, names) { var O = toIndexedObject(object); var i = 0; var result = []; var key; for (key in O) !hasOwn(hiddenKeys, key) && hasOwn(O, key) && push(result, key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while (names.length > i) if (hasOwn(O, key = names[i++])) { ~indexOf(result, key) || push(result, key); } return result; }; /***/ }), /* 58 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(59); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); // `Array.prototype.{ indexOf, includes }` methods implementation var createMethod = function (IS_INCLUDES) { return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { var O = toIndexedObject($this); var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O); var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); var value; // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check if (IS_INCLUDES && el !== el) while (length > index) { value = O[index++]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check if (value !== value) return true; // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not } else for (;length > index; index++) { if ((IS_INCLUDES || index in O) && O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; module.exports = { // `Array.prototype.includes` method // includes: createMethod(true), // `Array.prototype.indexOf` method // indexOf: createMethod(false) }; /***/ }), /* 59 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(60); var max = Math.max; var min = Math.min; // Helper for a popular repeating case of the spec: // Let integer be ? ToInteger(index). // If integer < 0, let result be max((length + integer), 0); else let result be min(integer, length). module.exports = function (index, length) { var integer = toIntegerOrInfinity(index); return integer < 0 ? max(integer + length, 0) : min(integer, length); }; /***/ }), /* 60 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var trunc = __webpack_require__(61); // `ToIntegerOrInfinity` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { var number = +argument; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare -- NaN check return number !== number || number === 0 ? 0 : trunc(number); }; /***/ }), /* 61 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; // `Math.trunc` method // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-trunc -- safe module.exports = Math.trunc || function trunc(x) { var n = +x; return (n > 0 ? floor : ceil)(n); }; /***/ }), /* 62 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toLength = __webpack_require__(63); // `LengthOfArrayLike` abstract operation // module.exports = function (obj) { return toLength(obj.length); }; /***/ }), /* 63 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(60); var min = Math.min; // `ToLength` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { var len = toIntegerOrInfinity(argument); return len > 0 ? min(len, 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF) : 0; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; /***/ }), /* 64 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // IE8- don't enum bug keys module.exports = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; /***/ }), /* 65 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols -- safe exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; /***/ }), /* 66 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var replacement = /#|\.prototype\./; var isForced = function (feature, detection) { var value = data[normalize(feature)]; return value === POLYFILL ? true : value === NATIVE ? false : isCallable(detection) ? fails(detection) : !!detection; }; var normalize = isForced.normalize = function (string) { return String(string).replace(replacement, '.').toLowerCase(); }; var data = = {}; var NATIVE = isForced.NATIVE = 'N'; var POLYFILL = isForced.POLYFILL = 'P'; module.exports = isForced; /***/ }), /* 67 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var isArray = __webpack_require__(68); var $TypeError = TypeError; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // Safari < 13 does not throw an error in this case var SILENT_ON_NON_WRITABLE_LENGTH_SET = DESCRIPTORS && !function () { // makes no sense without proper strict mode support if (this !== undefined) return true; try { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { writable: false }).length = 1; } catch (error) { return error instanceof TypeError; } }(); module.exports = SILENT_ON_NON_WRITABLE_LENGTH_SET ? function (O, length) { if (isArray(O) && !getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, 'length').writable) { throw new $TypeError('Cannot set read only .length'); } return O.length = length; } : function (O, length) { return O.length = length; }; /***/ }), /* 68 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var classof = __webpack_require__(14); // `IsArray` abstract operation // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-array-isarray -- safe module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(argument) { return classof(argument) === 'Array'; }; /***/ }), /* 69 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $TypeError = TypeError; var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991 module.exports = function (it) { if (it > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throw $TypeError('Maximum allowed index exceeded'); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 70 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var arrayToReversed = __webpack_require__(71); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(72); var $Array = Array; // `Array.prototype.toReversed` method // $({ target: 'Array', proto: true }, { toReversed: function toReversed() { return arrayToReversed(toIndexedObject(this), $Array); } }); addToUnscopables('toReversed'); /***/ }), /* 71 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); // // module.exports = function (O, C) { var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O); var A = new C(len); var k = 0; for (; k < len; k++) A[k] = O[len - k - 1]; return A; }; /***/ }), /* 72 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var create = __webpack_require__(73); var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(43).f; var UNSCOPABLES = wellKnownSymbol('unscopables'); var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype; // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] // if (ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES] === undefined) { defineProperty(ArrayPrototype, UNSCOPABLES, { configurable: true, value: create(null) }); } // add a key to Array.prototype[@@unscopables] module.exports = function (key) { ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; }; /***/ }), /* 73 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* global ActiveXObject -- old IE, WSH */ var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var definePropertiesModule = __webpack_require__(74); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(64); var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(53); var html = __webpack_require__(76); var documentCreateElement = __webpack_require__(41); var sharedKey = __webpack_require__(52); var GT = '>'; var LT = '<'; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var SCRIPT = 'script'; var IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); var EmptyConstructor = function () { /* empty */ }; var scriptTag = function (content) { return LT + SCRIPT + GT + content + LT + '/' + SCRIPT + GT; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use ActiveX Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaActiveX = function (activeXDocument) { activeXDocument.write(scriptTag('')); activeXDocument.close(); var temp = activeXDocument.parentWindow.Object; activeXDocument = null; // avoid memory leak return temp; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaIFrame = function () { // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = documentCreateElement('iframe'); var JS = 'java' + SCRIPT + ':'; var iframeDocument; = 'none'; html.appendChild(iframe); // iframe.src = String(JS); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;; iframeDocument.write(scriptTag('document.F=Object')); iframeDocument.close(); return iframeDocument.F; }; // Check for document.domain and active x support // No need to use active x approach when document.domain is not set // see // variation of // avoid IE GC bug var activeXDocument; var NullProtoObject = function () { try { activeXDocument = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); } catch (error) { /* ignore */ } NullProtoObject = typeof document != 'undefined' ? document.domain && activeXDocument ? NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument) // old IE : NullProtoObjectViaIFrame() : NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument); // WSH var length = enumBugKeys.length; while (length--) delete NullProtoObject[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[length]]; return NullProtoObject(); }; hiddenKeys[IE_PROTO] = true; // `Object.create` method // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-create -- safe module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { var result; if (O !== null) { EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O); result = new EmptyConstructor(); EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = NullProtoObject(); return Properties === undefined ? result : definePropertiesModule.f(result, Properties); }; /***/ }), /* 74 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG = __webpack_require__(44); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(43); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var objectKeys = __webpack_require__(75); // `Object.defineProperties` method // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperties -- safe exports.f = DESCRIPTORS && !V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { anObject(O); var props = toIndexedObject(Properties); var keys = objectKeys(Properties); var length = keys.length; var index = 0; var key; while (length > index) definePropertyModule.f(O, key = keys[index++], props[key]); return O; }; /***/ }), /* 75 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var internalObjectKeys = __webpack_require__(57); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(64); // `Object.keys` method // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-keys -- safe module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return internalObjectKeys(O, enumBugKeys); }; /***/ }), /* 76 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); module.exports = getBuiltIn('document', 'documentElement'); /***/ }), /* 77 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var arrayFromConstructorAndList = __webpack_require__(78); var getBuiltInPrototypeMethod = __webpack_require__(79); var addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(72); var $Array = Array; var sort = uncurryThis(getBuiltInPrototypeMethod('Array', 'sort')); // `Array.prototype.toSorted` method // $({ target: 'Array', proto: true }, { toSorted: function toSorted(compareFn) { if (compareFn !== undefined) aCallable(compareFn); var O = toIndexedObject(this); var A = arrayFromConstructorAndList($Array, O); return sort(A, compareFn); } }); addToUnscopables('toSorted'); /***/ }), /* 78 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); module.exports = function (Constructor, list, $length) { var index = 0; var length = arguments.length > 2 ? $length : lengthOfArrayLike(list); var result = new Constructor(length); while (length > index) result[index] = list[index++]; return result; }; /***/ }), /* 79 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); module.exports = function (CONSTRUCTOR, METHOD) { var Constructor = global[CONSTRUCTOR]; var Prototype = Constructor && Constructor.prototype; return Prototype && Prototype[METHOD]; }; /***/ }), /* 80 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(72); var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = __webpack_require__(69); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); var toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(59); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(60); var $Array = Array; var max = Math.max; var min = Math.min; // `Array.prototype.toSpliced` method // $({ target: 'Array', proto: true }, { toSpliced: function toSpliced(start, deleteCount /* , ...items */) { var O = toIndexedObject(this); var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O); var actualStart = toAbsoluteIndex(start, len); var argumentsLength = arguments.length; var k = 0; var insertCount, actualDeleteCount, newLen, A; if (argumentsLength === 0) { insertCount = actualDeleteCount = 0; } else if (argumentsLength === 1) { insertCount = 0; actualDeleteCount = len - actualStart; } else { insertCount = argumentsLength - 2; actualDeleteCount = min(max(toIntegerOrInfinity(deleteCount), 0), len - actualStart); } newLen = doesNotExceedSafeInteger(len + insertCount - actualDeleteCount); A = $Array(newLen); for (; k < actualStart; k++) A[k] = O[k]; for (; k < actualStart + insertCount; k++) A[k] = arguments[k - actualStart + 2]; for (; k < newLen; k++) A[k] = O[k + actualDeleteCount - insertCount]; return A; } }); addToUnscopables('toSpliced'); /***/ }), /* 81 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var arrayWith = __webpack_require__(82); var toIndexedObject = __webpack_require__(11); var $Array = Array; // `Array.prototype.with` method // $({ target: 'Array', proto: true }, { 'with': function (index, value) { return arrayWith(toIndexedObject(this), $Array, index, value); } }); /***/ }), /* 82 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(60); var $RangeError = RangeError; // // module.exports = function (O, C, index, value) { var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O); var relativeIndex = toIntegerOrInfinity(index); var actualIndex = relativeIndex < 0 ? len + relativeIndex : relativeIndex; if (actualIndex >= len || actualIndex < 0) throw new $RangeError('Incorrect index'); var A = new C(len); var k = 0; for (; k < len; k++) A[k] = k === actualIndex ? value : O[k]; return A; }; /***/ }), /* 83 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(15); var iterate = __webpack_require__(84); var MapHelpers = __webpack_require__(94); var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(34); var Map = MapHelpers.Map; var has = MapHelpers.has; var get = MapHelpers.get; var set = MapHelpers.set; var push = uncurryThis([].push); // `Map.groupBy` method // $({ target: 'Map', stat: true, forced: IS_PURE }, { groupBy: function groupBy(items, callbackfn) { requireObjectCoercible(items); aCallable(callbackfn); var map = new Map(); var k = 0; iterate(items, function (value) { var key = callbackfn(value, k++); if (!has(map, key)) set(map, key, [value]); else push(get(map, key), value); }); return map; } }); /***/ }), /* 84 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var bind = __webpack_require__(85); var call = __webpack_require__(7); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var tryToString = __webpack_require__(30); var isArrayIteratorMethod = __webpack_require__(87); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(23); var getIterator = __webpack_require__(89); var getIteratorMethod = __webpack_require__(90); var iteratorClose = __webpack_require__(93); var $TypeError = TypeError; var Result = function (stopped, result) { this.stopped = stopped; this.result = result; }; var ResultPrototype = Result.prototype; module.exports = function (iterable, unboundFunction, options) { var that = options && options.that; var AS_ENTRIES = !!(options && options.AS_ENTRIES); var IS_RECORD = !!(options && options.IS_RECORD); var IS_ITERATOR = !!(options && options.IS_ITERATOR); var INTERRUPTED = !!(options && options.INTERRUPTED); var fn = bind(unboundFunction, that); var iterator, iterFn, index, length, result, next, step; var stop = function (condition) { if (iterator) iteratorClose(iterator, 'normal', condition); return new Result(true, condition); }; var callFn = function (value) { if (AS_ENTRIES) { anObject(value); return INTERRUPTED ? fn(value[0], value[1], stop) : fn(value[0], value[1]); } return INTERRUPTED ? fn(value, stop) : fn(value); }; if (IS_RECORD) { iterator = iterable.iterator; } else if (IS_ITERATOR) { iterator = iterable; } else { iterFn = getIteratorMethod(iterable); if (!iterFn) throw new $TypeError(tryToString(iterable) + ' is not iterable'); // optimisation for array iterators if (isArrayIteratorMethod(iterFn)) { for (index = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(iterable); length > index; index++) { result = callFn(iterable[index]); if (result && isPrototypeOf(ResultPrototype, result)) return result; } return new Result(false); } iterator = getIterator(iterable, iterFn); } next = IS_RECORD ? :; while (!(step = call(next, iterator)).done) { try { result = callFn(step.value); } catch (error) { iteratorClose(iterator, 'throw', error); } if (typeof result == 'object' && result && isPrototypeOf(ResultPrototype, result)) return result; } return new Result(false); }; /***/ }), /* 85 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(86); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var NATIVE_BIND = __webpack_require__(8); var bind = uncurryThis(uncurryThis.bind); // optional / simple context binding module.exports = function (fn, that) { aCallable(fn); return that === undefined ? fn : NATIVE_BIND ? bind(fn, that) : function (/* ...args */) { return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; /***/ }), /* 86 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var classofRaw = __webpack_require__(14); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); module.exports = function (fn) { // Nashorn bug: // // if (classofRaw(fn) === 'Function') return uncurryThis(fn); }; /***/ }), /* 87 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(88); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype; // check on default Array iterator module.exports = function (it) { return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayPrototype[ITERATOR] === it); }; /***/ }), /* 88 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = {}; /***/ }), /* 89 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(7); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var tryToString = __webpack_require__(30); var getIteratorMethod = __webpack_require__(90); var $TypeError = TypeError; module.exports = function (argument, usingIterator) { var iteratorMethod = arguments.length < 2 ? getIteratorMethod(argument) : usingIterator; if (aCallable(iteratorMethod)) return anObject(call(iteratorMethod, argument)); throw new $TypeError(tryToString(argument) + ' is not iterable'); }; /***/ }), /* 90 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var classof = __webpack_require__(91); var getMethod = __webpack_require__(28); var isNullOrUndefined = __webpack_require__(16); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(88); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); module.exports = function (it) { if (!isNullOrUndefined(it)) return getMethod(it, ITERATOR) || getMethod(it, '@@iterator') || Iterators[classof(it)]; }; /***/ }), /* 91 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = __webpack_require__(92); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var classofRaw = __webpack_require__(14); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); var $Object = Object; // ES3 wrong here var CORRECT_ARGUMENTS = classofRaw(function () { return arguments; }()) === 'Arguments'; // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error var tryGet = function (it, key) { try { return it[key]; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } }; // getting tag from ES6+ `Object.prototype.toString` module.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? classofRaw : function (it) { var O, tag, result; return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' // @@toStringTag case : typeof (tag = tryGet(O = $Object(it), TO_STRING_TAG)) == 'string' ? tag // builtinTag case : CORRECT_ARGUMENTS ? classofRaw(O) // ES3 arguments fallback : (result = classofRaw(O)) === 'Object' && isCallable(O.callee) ? 'Arguments' : result; }; /***/ }), /* 92 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); var test = {}; test[TO_STRING_TAG] = 'z'; module.exports = String(test) === '[object z]'; /***/ }), /* 93 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(7); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var getMethod = __webpack_require__(28); module.exports = function (iterator, kind, value) { var innerResult, innerError; anObject(iterator); try { innerResult = getMethod(iterator, 'return'); if (!innerResult) { if (kind === 'throw') throw value; return value; } innerResult = call(innerResult, iterator); } catch (error) { innerError = true; innerResult = error; } if (kind === 'throw') throw value; if (innerError) throw innerResult; anObject(innerResult); return value; }; /***/ }), /* 94 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-map -- safe var MapPrototype = Map.prototype; module.exports = { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-map -- safe Map: Map, set: uncurryThis(MapPrototype.set), get: uncurryThis(MapPrototype.get), has: uncurryThis(MapPrototype.has), remove: uncurryThis(MapPrototype['delete']), proto: MapPrototype }; /***/ }), /* 95 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(15); var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(17); var iterate = __webpack_require__(84); var create = getBuiltIn('Object', 'create'); var push = uncurryThis([].push); // `Object.groupBy` method // $({ target: 'Object', stat: true }, { groupBy: function groupBy(items, callbackfn) { requireObjectCoercible(items); aCallable(callbackfn); var obj = create(null); var k = 0; iterate(items, function (value) { var key = toPropertyKey(callbackfn(value, k++)); // in some IE versions, `hasOwnProperty` returns incorrect result on integer keys // but since it's a `null` prototype object, we can safely use `in` if (key in obj) push(obj[key], value); else obj[key] = [value]; }); return obj; } }); /***/ }), /* 96 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var newPromiseCapabilityModule = __webpack_require__(97); // `Promise.withResolvers` method // $({ target: 'Promise', stat: true }, { withResolvers: function withResolvers() { var promiseCapability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(this); return { promise: promiseCapability.promise, resolve: promiseCapability.resolve, reject: promiseCapability.reject }; } }); /***/ }), /* 97 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var $TypeError = TypeError; var PromiseCapability = function (C) { var resolve, reject; this.promise = new C(function ($$resolve, $$reject) { if (resolve !== undefined || reject !== undefined) throw new $TypeError('Bad Promise constructor'); resolve = $$resolve; reject = $$reject; }); this.resolve = aCallable(resolve); this.reject = aCallable(reject); }; // `NewPromiseCapability` abstract operation // module.exports.f = function (C) { return new PromiseCapability(C); }; /***/ }), /* 98 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var defineBuiltInAccessor = __webpack_require__(99); var regExpFlags = __webpack_require__(100); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); // babel-minify and Closure Compiler transpiles RegExp('.', 'd') -> /./d and it causes SyntaxError var RegExp = global.RegExp; var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype; var FORCED = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function () { var INDICES_SUPPORT = true; try { RegExp('.', 'd'); } catch (error) { INDICES_SUPPORT = false; } var O = {}; // modern V8 bug var calls = ''; var expected = INDICES_SUPPORT ? 'dgimsy' : 'gimsy'; var addGetter = function (key, chr) { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe Object.defineProperty(O, key, { get: function () { calls += chr; return true; } }); }; var pairs = { dotAll: 's', global: 'g', ignoreCase: 'i', multiline: 'm', sticky: 'y' }; if (INDICES_SUPPORT) pairs.hasIndices = 'd'; for (var key in pairs) addGetter(key, pairs[key]); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var result = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExpPrototype, 'flags'); return result !== expected || calls !== expected; }); // `RegExp.prototype.flags` getter // if (FORCED) defineBuiltInAccessor(RegExpPrototype, 'flags', { configurable: true, get: regExpFlags }); /***/ }), /* 99 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var makeBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(47); var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(43); module.exports = function (target, name, descriptor) { if (descriptor.get) makeBuiltIn(descriptor.get, name, { getter: true }); if (descriptor.set) makeBuiltIn(descriptor.set, name, { setter: true }); return defineProperty.f(target, name, descriptor); }; /***/ }), /* 100 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); // `RegExp.prototype.flags` getter implementation // module.exports = function () { var that = anObject(this); var result = ''; if (that.hasIndices) result += 'd'; if ( result += 'g'; if (that.ignoreCase) result += 'i'; if (that.multiline) result += 'm'; if (that.dotAll) result += 's'; if (that.unicode) result += 'u'; if (that.unicodeSets) result += 'v'; if (that.sticky) result += 'y'; return result; }; /***/ }), /* 101 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(15); var toString = __webpack_require__(102); var charCodeAt = uncurryThis(''.charCodeAt); // `String.prototype.isWellFormed` method // $({ target: 'String', proto: true }, { isWellFormed: function isWellFormed() { var S = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this)); var length = S.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var charCode = charCodeAt(S, i); // single UTF-16 code unit if ((charCode & 0xF800) !== 0xD800) continue; // unpaired surrogate if (charCode >= 0xDC00 || ++i >= length || (charCodeAt(S, i) & 0xFC00) !== 0xDC00) return false; } return true; } }); /***/ }), /* 102 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var classof = __webpack_require__(91); var $String = String; module.exports = function (argument) { if (classof(argument) === 'Symbol') throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string'); return $String(argument); }; /***/ }), /* 103 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var call = __webpack_require__(7); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var requireObjectCoercible = __webpack_require__(15); var toString = __webpack_require__(102); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var $Array = Array; var charAt = uncurryThis(''.charAt); var charCodeAt = uncurryThis(''.charCodeAt); var join = uncurryThis([].join); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-string-prototype-iswellformed-towellformed -- safe var $toWellFormed = ''.toWellFormed; var REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = '\uFFFD'; // Safari bug var TO_STRING_CONVERSION_BUG = $toWellFormed && fails(function () { return call($toWellFormed, 1) !== '1'; }); // `String.prototype.toWellFormed` method // $({ target: 'String', proto: true, forced: TO_STRING_CONVERSION_BUG }, { toWellFormed: function toWellFormed() { var S = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this)); if (TO_STRING_CONVERSION_BUG) return call($toWellFormed, S); var length = S.length; var result = $Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var charCode = charCodeAt(S, i); // single UTF-16 code unit if ((charCode & 0xF800) !== 0xD800) result[i] = charAt(S, i); // unpaired surrogate else if (charCode >= 0xDC00 || i + 1 >= length || (charCodeAt(S, i + 1) & 0xFC00) !== 0xDC00) result[i] = REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; // surrogate pair else { result[i] = charAt(S, i); result[++i] = charAt(S, i); } } return join(result, ''); } }); /***/ }), /* 104 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var arrayToReversed = __webpack_require__(71); var ArrayBufferViewCore = __webpack_require__(105); var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray; var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod; var getTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.getTypedArrayConstructor; // `%TypedArray%.prototype.toReversed` method // exportTypedArrayMethod('toReversed', function toReversed() { return arrayToReversed(aTypedArray(this), getTypedArrayConstructor(this)); }); /***/ }), /* 105 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER = __webpack_require__(106); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var global = __webpack_require__(3); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var classof = __webpack_require__(91); var tryToString = __webpack_require__(30); var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(42); var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(46); var defineBuiltInAccessor = __webpack_require__(99); var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(23); var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(107); var setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(109); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var uid = __webpack_require__(39); var InternalStateModule = __webpack_require__(50); var enforceInternalState = InternalStateModule.enforce; var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get; var Int8Array = global.Int8Array; var Int8ArrayPrototype = Int8Array && Int8Array.prototype; var Uint8ClampedArray = global.Uint8ClampedArray; var Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype = Uint8ClampedArray && Uint8ClampedArray.prototype; var TypedArray = Int8Array && getPrototypeOf(Int8Array); var TypedArrayPrototype = Int8ArrayPrototype && getPrototypeOf(Int8ArrayPrototype); var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype; var TypeError = global.TypeError; var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); var TYPED_ARRAY_TAG = uid('TYPED_ARRAY_TAG'); var TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR = 'TypedArrayConstructor'; // Fixing native typed arrays in Opera Presto crashes the browser, see #595 var NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS = NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER && !!setPrototypeOf && classof(global.opera) !== 'Opera'; var TYPED_ARRAY_TAG_REQUIRED = false; var NAME, Constructor, Prototype; var TypedArrayConstructorsList = { Int8Array: 1, Uint8Array: 1, Uint8ClampedArray: 1, Int16Array: 2, Uint16Array: 2, Int32Array: 4, Uint32Array: 4, Float32Array: 4, Float64Array: 8 }; var BigIntArrayConstructorsList = { BigInt64Array: 8, BigUint64Array: 8 }; var isView = function isView(it) { if (!isObject(it)) return false; var klass = classof(it); return klass === 'DataView' || hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructorsList, klass) || hasOwn(BigIntArrayConstructorsList, klass); }; var getTypedArrayConstructor = function (it) { var proto = getPrototypeOf(it); if (!isObject(proto)) return; var state = getInternalState(proto); return (state && hasOwn(state, TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR)) ? state[TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR] : getTypedArrayConstructor(proto); }; var isTypedArray = function (it) { if (!isObject(it)) return false; var klass = classof(it); return hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructorsList, klass) || hasOwn(BigIntArrayConstructorsList, klass); }; var aTypedArray = function (it) { if (isTypedArray(it)) return it; throw new TypeError('Target is not a typed array'); }; var aTypedArrayConstructor = function (C) { if (isCallable(C) && (!setPrototypeOf || isPrototypeOf(TypedArray, C))) return C; throw new TypeError(tryToString(C) + ' is not a typed array constructor'); }; var exportTypedArrayMethod = function (KEY, property, forced, options) { if (!DESCRIPTORS) return; if (forced) for (var ARRAY in TypedArrayConstructorsList) { var TypedArrayConstructor = global[ARRAY]; if (TypedArrayConstructor && hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructor.prototype, KEY)) try { delete TypedArrayConstructor.prototype[KEY]; } catch (error) { // old WebKit bug - some methods are non-configurable try { TypedArrayConstructor.prototype[KEY] = property; } catch (error2) { /* empty */ } } } if (!TypedArrayPrototype[KEY] || forced) { defineBuiltIn(TypedArrayPrototype, KEY, forced ? property : NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS && Int8ArrayPrototype[KEY] || property, options); } }; var exportTypedArrayStaticMethod = function (KEY, property, forced) { var ARRAY, TypedArrayConstructor; if (!DESCRIPTORS) return; if (setPrototypeOf) { if (forced) for (ARRAY in TypedArrayConstructorsList) { TypedArrayConstructor = global[ARRAY]; if (TypedArrayConstructor && hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructor, KEY)) try { delete TypedArrayConstructor[KEY]; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } } if (!TypedArray[KEY] || forced) { // V8 ~ Chrome 49-50 `%TypedArray%` methods are non-writable non-configurable try { return defineBuiltIn(TypedArray, KEY, forced ? property : NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS && TypedArray[KEY] || property); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } } else return; } for (ARRAY in TypedArrayConstructorsList) { TypedArrayConstructor = global[ARRAY]; if (TypedArrayConstructor && (!TypedArrayConstructor[KEY] || forced)) { defineBuiltIn(TypedArrayConstructor, KEY, property); } } }; for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList) { Constructor = global[NAME]; Prototype = Constructor && Constructor.prototype; if (Prototype) enforceInternalState(Prototype)[TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR] = Constructor; else NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS = false; } for (NAME in BigIntArrayConstructorsList) { Constructor = global[NAME]; Prototype = Constructor && Constructor.prototype; if (Prototype) enforceInternalState(Prototype)[TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR] = Constructor; } // WebKit bug - typed arrays constructors prototype is Object.prototype if (!NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS || !isCallable(TypedArray) || TypedArray === Function.prototype) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow -- safe TypedArray = function TypedArray() { throw new TypeError('Incorrect invocation'); }; if (NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS) for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList) { if (global[NAME]) setPrototypeOf(global[NAME], TypedArray); } } if (!NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS || !TypedArrayPrototype || TypedArrayPrototype === ObjectPrototype) { TypedArrayPrototype = TypedArray.prototype; if (NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS) for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList) { if (global[NAME]) setPrototypeOf(global[NAME].prototype, TypedArrayPrototype); } } // WebKit bug - one more object in Uint8ClampedArray prototype chain if (NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS && getPrototypeOf(Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype) !== TypedArrayPrototype) { setPrototypeOf(Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, TypedArrayPrototype); } if (DESCRIPTORS && !hasOwn(TypedArrayPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG)) { TYPED_ARRAY_TAG_REQUIRED = true; defineBuiltInAccessor(TypedArrayPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, { configurable: true, get: function () { return isObject(this) ? this[TYPED_ARRAY_TAG] : undefined; } }); for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList) if (global[NAME]) { createNonEnumerableProperty(global[NAME], TYPED_ARRAY_TAG, NAME); } } module.exports = { NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS: NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS, TYPED_ARRAY_TAG: TYPED_ARRAY_TAG_REQUIRED && TYPED_ARRAY_TAG, aTypedArray: aTypedArray, aTypedArrayConstructor: aTypedArrayConstructor, exportTypedArrayMethod: exportTypedArrayMethod, exportTypedArrayStaticMethod: exportTypedArrayStaticMethod, getTypedArrayConstructor: getTypedArrayConstructor, isView: isView, isTypedArray: isTypedArray, TypedArray: TypedArray, TypedArrayPrototype: TypedArrayPrototype }; /***/ }), /* 106 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-typed-arrays -- safe module.exports = typeof ArrayBuffer != 'undefined' && typeof DataView != 'undefined'; /***/ }), /* 107 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var toObject = __webpack_require__(38); var sharedKey = __webpack_require__(52); var CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = __webpack_require__(108); var IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); var $Object = Object; var ObjectPrototype = $Object.prototype; // `Object.getPrototypeOf` method // // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getprototypeof -- safe module.exports = CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER ? $Object.getPrototypeOf : function (O) { var object = toObject(O); if (hasOwn(object, IE_PROTO)) return object[IE_PROTO]; var constructor = object.constructor; if (isCallable(constructor) && object instanceof constructor) { return constructor.prototype; } return object instanceof $Object ? ObjectPrototype : null; }; /***/ }), /* 108 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(6); module.exports = !fails(function () { function F() { /* empty */ } F.prototype.constructor = null; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getprototypeof -- required for testing return Object.getPrototypeOf(new F()) !== F.prototype; }); /***/ }), /* 109 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable no-proto -- safe */ var uncurryThisAccessor = __webpack_require__(110); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var aPossiblePrototype = __webpack_require__(111); // `Object.setPrototypeOf` method // // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-setprototypeof -- safe module.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? function () { var CORRECT_SETTER = false; var test = {}; var setter; try { setter = uncurryThisAccessor(Object.prototype, '__proto__', 'set'); setter(test, []); CORRECT_SETTER = test instanceof Array; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) { anObject(O); aPossiblePrototype(proto); if (CORRECT_SETTER) setter(O, proto); else O.__proto__ = proto; return O; }; }() : undefined); /***/ }), /* 110 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); module.exports = function (object, key, method) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe return uncurryThis(aCallable(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key)[method])); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } }; /***/ }), /* 111 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isPossiblePrototype = __webpack_require__(112); var $String = String; var $TypeError = TypeError; module.exports = function (argument) { if (isPossiblePrototype(argument)) return argument; throw new $TypeError("Can't set " + $String(argument) + ' as a prototype'); }; /***/ }), /* 112 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); module.exports = function (argument) { return isObject(argument) || argument === null; }; /***/ }), /* 113 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var ArrayBufferViewCore = __webpack_require__(105); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var aCallable = __webpack_require__(29); var arrayFromConstructorAndList = __webpack_require__(78); var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray; var getTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.getTypedArrayConstructor; var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod; var sort = uncurryThis(ArrayBufferViewCore.TypedArrayPrototype.sort); // `%TypedArray%.prototype.toSorted` method // exportTypedArrayMethod('toSorted', function toSorted(compareFn) { if (compareFn !== undefined) aCallable(compareFn); var O = aTypedArray(this); var A = arrayFromConstructorAndList(getTypedArrayConstructor(O), O); return sort(A, compareFn); }); /***/ }), /* 114 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var arrayWith = __webpack_require__(82); var ArrayBufferViewCore = __webpack_require__(105); var isBigIntArray = __webpack_require__(115); var toIntegerOrInfinity = __webpack_require__(60); var toBigInt = __webpack_require__(116); var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray; var getTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.getTypedArrayConstructor; var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod; var PROPER_ORDER = !!function () { try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal, es/no-typed-arrays, es/no-array-prototype-with -- required for testing new Int8Array(1)['with'](2, { valueOf: function () { throw 8; } }); } catch (error) { // some early implementations, like WebKit, does not follow the final semantic // return error === 8; } }(); // `%TypedArray%.prototype.with` method // exportTypedArrayMethod('with', { 'with': function (index, value) { var O = aTypedArray(this); var relativeIndex = toIntegerOrInfinity(index); var actualValue = isBigIntArray(O) ? toBigInt(value) : +value; return arrayWith(O, getTypedArrayConstructor(O), relativeIndex, actualValue); } }['with'], !PROPER_ORDER); /***/ }), /* 115 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var classof = __webpack_require__(91); module.exports = function (it) { var klass = classof(it); return klass === 'BigInt64Array' || klass === 'BigUint64Array'; }; /***/ }), /* 116 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(18); var $TypeError = TypeError; // `ToBigInt` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { var prim = toPrimitive(argument, 'number'); if (typeof prim == 'number') throw new $TypeError("Can't convert number to bigint"); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-bigint -- safe return BigInt(prim); }; /***/ }), /* 117 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var global = __webpack_require__(3); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(10); var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(43).f; var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var anInstance = __webpack_require__(118); var inheritIfRequired = __webpack_require__(119); var normalizeStringArgument = __webpack_require__(120); var DOMExceptionConstants = __webpack_require__(121); var clearErrorStack = __webpack_require__(122); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(34); var DOM_EXCEPTION = 'DOMException'; var Error = getBuiltIn('Error'); var NativeDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION); var $DOMException = function DOMException() { anInstance(this, DOMExceptionPrototype); var argumentsLength = arguments.length; var message = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 1 ? undefined : arguments[0]); var name = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 2 ? undefined : arguments[1], 'Error'); var that = new NativeDOMException(message, name); var error = new Error(message); = DOM_EXCEPTION; defineProperty(that, 'stack', createPropertyDescriptor(1, clearErrorStack(error.stack, 1))); inheritIfRequired(that, this, $DOMException); return that; }; var DOMExceptionPrototype = $DOMException.prototype = NativeDOMException.prototype; var ERROR_HAS_STACK = 'stack' in new Error(DOM_EXCEPTION); var DOM_EXCEPTION_HAS_STACK = 'stack' in new NativeDOMException(1, 2); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe var descriptor = NativeDOMException && DESCRIPTORS && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global, DOM_EXCEPTION); // Bun ~ 0.1.1 DOMException have incorrect descriptor and we can't redefine it // var BUGGY_DESCRIPTOR = !!descriptor && !(descriptor.writable && descriptor.configurable); var FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR = ERROR_HAS_STACK && !BUGGY_DESCRIPTOR && !DOM_EXCEPTION_HAS_STACK; // `DOMException` constructor patch for `.stack` where it's required // $({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: IS_PURE || FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR }, { // TODO: fix export logic DOMException: FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR ? $DOMException : NativeDOMException }); var PolyfilledDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION); var PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype = PolyfilledDOMException.prototype; if (PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype.constructor !== PolyfilledDOMException) { if (!IS_PURE) { defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype, 'constructor', createPropertyDescriptor(1, PolyfilledDOMException)); } for (var key in DOMExceptionConstants) if (hasOwn(DOMExceptionConstants, key)) { var constant = DOMExceptionConstants[key]; var constantName = constant.s; if (!hasOwn(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName)) { defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName, createPropertyDescriptor(6, constant.c)); } } } /***/ }), /* 118 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(23); var $TypeError = TypeError; module.exports = function (it, Prototype) { if (isPrototypeOf(Prototype, it)) return it; throw new $TypeError('Incorrect invocation'); }; /***/ }), /* 119 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(109); // makes subclassing work correct for wrapped built-ins module.exports = function ($this, dummy, Wrapper) { var NewTarget, NewTargetPrototype; if ( // it can work only with native `setPrototypeOf` setPrototypeOf && // we haven't completely correct pre-ES6 way for getting ``, so use this isCallable(NewTarget = dummy.constructor) && NewTarget !== Wrapper && isObject(NewTargetPrototype = NewTarget.prototype) && NewTargetPrototype !== Wrapper.prototype ) setPrototypeOf($this, NewTargetPrototype); return $this; }; /***/ }), /* 120 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toString = __webpack_require__(102); module.exports = function (argument, $default) { return argument === undefined ? arguments.length < 2 ? '' : $default : toString(argument); }; /***/ }), /* 121 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = { IndexSizeError: { s: 'INDEX_SIZE_ERR', c: 1, m: 1 }, DOMStringSizeError: { s: 'DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR', c: 2, m: 0 }, HierarchyRequestError: { s: 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', c: 3, m: 1 }, WrongDocumentError: { s: 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', c: 4, m: 1 }, InvalidCharacterError: { s: 'INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR', c: 5, m: 1 }, NoDataAllowedError: { s: 'NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR', c: 6, m: 0 }, NoModificationAllowedError: { s: 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', c: 7, m: 1 }, NotFoundError: { s: 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', c: 8, m: 1 }, NotSupportedError: { s: 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', c: 9, m: 1 }, InUseAttributeError: { s: 'INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR', c: 10, m: 1 }, InvalidStateError: { s: 'INVALID_STATE_ERR', c: 11, m: 1 }, SyntaxError: { s: 'SYNTAX_ERR', c: 12, m: 1 }, InvalidModificationError: { s: 'INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR', c: 13, m: 1 }, NamespaceError: { s: 'NAMESPACE_ERR', c: 14, m: 1 }, InvalidAccessError: { s: 'INVALID_ACCESS_ERR', c: 15, m: 1 }, ValidationError: { s: 'VALIDATION_ERR', c: 16, m: 0 }, TypeMismatchError: { s: 'TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR', c: 17, m: 1 }, SecurityError: { s: 'SECURITY_ERR', c: 18, m: 1 }, NetworkError: { s: 'NETWORK_ERR', c: 19, m: 1 }, AbortError: { s: 'ABORT_ERR', c: 20, m: 1 }, URLMismatchError: { s: 'URL_MISMATCH_ERR', c: 21, m: 1 }, QuotaExceededError: { s: 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR', c: 22, m: 1 }, TimeoutError: { s: 'TIMEOUT_ERR', c: 23, m: 1 }, InvalidNodeTypeError: { s: 'INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR', c: 24, m: 1 }, DataCloneError: { s: 'DATA_CLONE_ERR', c: 25, m: 1 } }; /***/ }), /* 122 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var $Error = Error; var replace = uncurryThis(''.replace); var TEST = (function (arg) { return String(new $Error(arg).stack); })('zxcasd'); // eslint-disable-next-line redos/no-vulnerable -- safe var V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK_ENTRY = /\n\s*at [^:]*:[^\n]*/; var IS_V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK = V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK_ENTRY.test(TEST); module.exports = function (stack, dropEntries) { if (IS_V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK && typeof stack == 'string' && !$Error.prepareStackTrace) { while (dropEntries--) stack = replace(stack, V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK_ENTRY, ''); } return stack; }; /***/ }), /* 123 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(34); var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var global = __webpack_require__(3); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var uid = __webpack_require__(39); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var isConstructor = __webpack_require__(124); var isNullOrUndefined = __webpack_require__(16); var isObject = __webpack_require__(19); var isSymbol = __webpack_require__(21); var iterate = __webpack_require__(84); var anObject = __webpack_require__(45); var classof = __webpack_require__(91); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var createProperty = __webpack_require__(125); var createNonEnumerableProperty = __webpack_require__(42); var lengthOfArrayLike = __webpack_require__(62); var validateArgumentsLength = __webpack_require__(126); var getRegExpFlags = __webpack_require__(127); var MapHelpers = __webpack_require__(94); var SetHelpers = __webpack_require__(128); var setIterate = __webpack_require__(129); var detachTransferable = __webpack_require__(131); var ERROR_STACK_INSTALLABLE = __webpack_require__(137); var PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER = __webpack_require__(134); var Object = global.Object; var Array = global.Array; var Date = global.Date; var Error = global.Error; var TypeError = global.TypeError; var PerformanceMark = global.PerformanceMark; var DOMException = getBuiltIn('DOMException'); var Map = MapHelpers.Map; var mapHas = MapHelpers.has; var mapGet = MapHelpers.get; var mapSet = MapHelpers.set; var Set = SetHelpers.Set; var setAdd = SetHelpers.add; var setHas = SetHelpers.has; var objectKeys = getBuiltIn('Object', 'keys'); var push = uncurryThis([].push); var thisBooleanValue = uncurryThis(true.valueOf); var thisNumberValue = uncurryThis(1.0.valueOf); var thisStringValue = uncurryThis(''.valueOf); var thisTimeValue = uncurryThis(Date.prototype.getTime); var PERFORMANCE_MARK = uid('structuredClone'); var DATA_CLONE_ERROR = 'DataCloneError'; var TRANSFERRING = 'Transferring'; var checkBasicSemantic = function (structuredCloneImplementation) { return !fails(function () { var set1 = new global.Set([7]); var set2 = structuredCloneImplementation(set1); var number = structuredCloneImplementation(Object(7)); return set2 === set1 || !set2.has(7) || !isObject(number) || +number !== 7; }) && structuredCloneImplementation; }; var checkErrorsCloning = function (structuredCloneImplementation, $Error) { return !fails(function () { var error = new $Error(); var test = structuredCloneImplementation({ a: error, b: error }); return !(test && test.a === test.b && test.a instanceof $Error && test.a.stack === error.stack); }); }; // var checkNewErrorsCloningSemantic = function (structuredCloneImplementation) { return !fails(function () { var test = structuredCloneImplementation(new global.AggregateError([1], PERFORMANCE_MARK, { cause: 3 })); return !== 'AggregateError' || test.errors[0] !== 1 || test.message !== PERFORMANCE_MARK || test.cause !== 3; }); }; // FF94+, Safari 15.4+, Chrome 98+, NodeJS 17.0+, Deno 1.13+ // FF<103 and Safari implementations can't clone errors // // FF103 can clone errors, but `.stack` of clone is an empty string // // FF104+ fixed it on usual errors, but not on DOMExceptions // // Chrome <102 returns `null` if cloned object contains multiple references to one error // // NodeJS implementation can't clone DOMExceptions // // only FF103+ supports new (html/5749) error cloning semantic var nativeStructuredClone = global.structuredClone; var FORCED_REPLACEMENT = IS_PURE || !checkErrorsCloning(nativeStructuredClone, Error) || !checkErrorsCloning(nativeStructuredClone, DOMException) || !checkNewErrorsCloningSemantic(nativeStructuredClone); // Chrome 82+, Safari 14.1+, Deno 1.11+ // Chrome 78-81 implementation swaps `.name` and `.message` of cloned `DOMException` // Chrome returns `null` if cloned object contains multiple references to one error // Safari 14.1 implementation doesn't clone some `RegExp` flags, so requires a workaround // Safari implementation can't clone errors // Deno 1.2-1.10 implementations too naive // NodeJS 16.0+ does not have `PerformanceMark` constructor // NodeJS <17.2 structured cloning implementation from `performance.mark` is too naive // and can't clone, for example, `RegExp` or some boxed primitives // // no one of those implementations supports new (html/5749) error cloning semantic var structuredCloneFromMark = !nativeStructuredClone && checkBasicSemantic(function (value) { return new PerformanceMark(PERFORMANCE_MARK, { detail: value }).detail; }); var nativeRestrictedStructuredClone = checkBasicSemantic(nativeStructuredClone) || structuredCloneFromMark; var throwUncloneable = function (type) { throw new DOMException('Uncloneable type: ' + type, DATA_CLONE_ERROR); }; var throwUnpolyfillable = function (type, action) { throw new DOMException((action || 'Cloning') + ' of ' + type + ' cannot be properly polyfilled in this engine', DATA_CLONE_ERROR); }; var tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone = function (value, type) { if (!nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) throwUnpolyfillable(type); return nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value); }; var createDataTransfer = function () { var dataTransfer; try { dataTransfer = new global.DataTransfer(); } catch (error) { try { dataTransfer = new global.ClipboardEvent('').clipboardData; } catch (error2) { /* empty */ } } return dataTransfer && dataTransfer.items && dataTransfer.files ? dataTransfer : null; }; var cloneBuffer = function (value, map, $type) { if (mapHas(map, value)) return mapGet(map, value); var type = $type || classof(value); var clone, length, options, source, target, i; if (type === 'SharedArrayBuffer') { if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) clone = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value); // SharedArrayBuffer should use shared memory, we can't polyfill it, so return the original else clone = value; } else { var DataView = global.DataView; // `ArrayBuffer#slice` is not available in IE10 // `ArrayBuffer#slice` and `DataView` are not available in old FF if (!DataView && !isCallable(value.slice)) throwUnpolyfillable('ArrayBuffer'); // detached buffers throws in `DataView` and `.slice` try { if (isCallable(value.slice) && !value.resizable) { clone = value.slice(0); } else { length = value.byteLength; options = 'maxByteLength' in value ? { maxByteLength: value.maxByteLength } : undefined; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-resizable-and-growable-arraybuffers -- safe clone = new ArrayBuffer(length, options); source = new DataView(value); target = new DataView(clone); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { target.setUint8(i, source.getUint8(i)); } } } catch (error) { throw new DOMException('ArrayBuffer is detached', DATA_CLONE_ERROR); } } mapSet(map, value, clone); return clone; }; var cloneView = function (value, type, offset, length, map) { var C = global[type]; // in some old engines like Safari 9, typeof C is 'object' // on Uint8ClampedArray or some other constructors if (!isObject(C)) throwUnpolyfillable(type); return new C(cloneBuffer(value.buffer, map), offset, length); }; var structuredCloneInternal = function (value, map) { if (isSymbol(value)) throwUncloneable('Symbol'); if (!isObject(value)) return value; // effectively preserves circular references if (map) { if (mapHas(map, value)) return mapGet(map, value); } else map = new Map(); var type = classof(value); var C, name, cloned, dataTransfer, i, length, keys, key; switch (type) { case 'Array': cloned = Array(lengthOfArrayLike(value)); break; case 'Object': cloned = {}; break; case 'Map': cloned = new Map(); break; case 'Set': cloned = new Set(); break; case 'RegExp': // in this block because of a Safari 14.1 bug // old FF does not clone regexes passed to the constructor, so get the source and flags directly cloned = new RegExp(value.source, getRegExpFlags(value)); break; case 'Error': name =; switch (name) { case 'AggregateError': cloned = new (getBuiltIn(name))([]); break; case 'EvalError': case 'RangeError': case 'ReferenceError': case 'SuppressedError': case 'SyntaxError': case 'TypeError': case 'URIError': cloned = new (getBuiltIn(name))(); break; case 'CompileError': case 'LinkError': case 'RuntimeError': cloned = new (getBuiltIn('WebAssembly', name))(); break; default: cloned = new Error(); } break; case 'DOMException': cloned = new DOMException(value.message,; break; case 'ArrayBuffer': case 'SharedArrayBuffer': cloned = cloneBuffer(value, map, type); break; case 'DataView': case 'Int8Array': case 'Uint8Array': case 'Uint8ClampedArray': case 'Int16Array': case 'Uint16Array': case 'Int32Array': case 'Uint32Array': case 'Float16Array': case 'Float32Array': case 'Float64Array': case 'BigInt64Array': case 'BigUint64Array': length = type === 'DataView' ? value.byteLength : value.length; cloned = cloneView(value, type, value.byteOffset, length, map); break; case 'DOMQuad': try { cloned = new DOMQuad( structuredCloneInternal(value.p1, map), structuredCloneInternal(value.p2, map), structuredCloneInternal(value.p3, map), structuredCloneInternal(value.p4, map) ); } catch (error) { cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type); } break; case 'File': if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) try { cloned = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value); // NodeJS 20.0.0 bug, if (classof(cloned) !== type) cloned = undefined; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if (!cloned) try { cloned = new File([value],, value); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if (!cloned) throwUnpolyfillable(type); break; case 'FileList': dataTransfer = createDataTransfer(); if (dataTransfer) { for (i = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(value); i < length; i++) { dataTransfer.items.add(structuredCloneInternal(value[i], map)); } cloned = dataTransfer.files; } else cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type); break; case 'ImageData': // Safari 9 ImageData is a constructor, but typeof ImageData is 'object' try { cloned = new ImageData( structuredCloneInternal(, map), value.width, value.height, { colorSpace: value.colorSpace } ); } catch (error) { cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type); } break; default: if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) { cloned = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value); } else switch (type) { case 'BigInt': // can be a 3rd party polyfill cloned = Object(value.valueOf()); break; case 'Boolean': cloned = Object(thisBooleanValue(value)); break; case 'Number': cloned = Object(thisNumberValue(value)); break; case 'String': cloned = Object(thisStringValue(value)); break; case 'Date': cloned = new Date(thisTimeValue(value)); break; case 'Blob': try { cloned = value.slice(0, value.size, value.type); } catch (error) { throwUnpolyfillable(type); } break; case 'DOMPoint': case 'DOMPointReadOnly': C = global[type]; try { cloned = C.fromPoint ? C.fromPoint(value) : new C(value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w); } catch (error) { throwUnpolyfillable(type); } break; case 'DOMRect': case 'DOMRectReadOnly': C = global[type]; try { cloned = C.fromRect ? C.fromRect(value) : new C(value.x, value.y, value.width, value.height); } catch (error) { throwUnpolyfillable(type); } break; case 'DOMMatrix': case 'DOMMatrixReadOnly': C = global[type]; try { cloned = C.fromMatrix ? C.fromMatrix(value) : new C(value); } catch (error) { throwUnpolyfillable(type); } break; case 'AudioData': case 'VideoFrame': if (!isCallable(value.clone)) throwUnpolyfillable(type); try { cloned = value.clone(); } catch (error) { throwUncloneable(type); } break; case 'CropTarget': case 'CryptoKey': case 'FileSystemDirectoryHandle': case 'FileSystemFileHandle': case 'FileSystemHandle': case 'GPUCompilationInfo': case 'GPUCompilationMessage': case 'ImageBitmap': case 'RTCCertificate': case 'WebAssembly.Module': throwUnpolyfillable(type); // break omitted default: throwUncloneable(type); } } mapSet(map, value, cloned); switch (type) { case 'Array': case 'Object': keys = objectKeys(value); for (i = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(keys); i < length; i++) { key = keys[i]; createProperty(cloned, key, structuredCloneInternal(value[key], map)); } break; case 'Map': value.forEach(function (v, k) { mapSet(cloned, structuredCloneInternal(k, map), structuredCloneInternal(v, map)); }); break; case 'Set': value.forEach(function (v) { setAdd(cloned, structuredCloneInternal(v, map)); }); break; case 'Error': createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, 'message', structuredCloneInternal(value.message, map)); if (hasOwn(value, 'cause')) { createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, 'cause', structuredCloneInternal(value.cause, map)); } if (name === 'AggregateError') { cloned.errors = structuredCloneInternal(value.errors, map); } else if (name === 'SuppressedError') { cloned.error = structuredCloneInternal(value.error, map); cloned.suppressed = structuredCloneInternal(value.suppressed, map); } // break omitted case 'DOMException': if (ERROR_STACK_INSTALLABLE) { createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, 'stack', structuredCloneInternal(value.stack, map)); } } return cloned; }; var tryToTransfer = function (rawTransfer, map) { if (!isObject(rawTransfer)) throw new TypeError('Transfer option cannot be converted to a sequence'); var transfer = []; iterate(rawTransfer, function (value) { push(transfer, anObject(value)); }); var i = 0; var length = lengthOfArrayLike(transfer); var buffers = new Set(); var value, type, C, transferred, canvas, context; while (i < length) { value = transfer[i++]; type = classof(value); if (type === 'ArrayBuffer' ? setHas(buffers, value) : mapHas(map, value)) { throw new DOMException('Duplicate transferable', DATA_CLONE_ERROR); } if (type === 'ArrayBuffer') { setAdd(buffers, value); continue; } if (PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER) { transferred = nativeStructuredClone(value, { transfer: [value] }); } else switch (type) { case 'ImageBitmap': C = global.OffscreenCanvas; if (!isConstructor(C)) throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING); try { canvas = new C(value.width, value.height); context = canvas.getContext('bitmaprenderer'); context.transferFromImageBitmap(value); transferred = canvas.transferToImageBitmap(); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } break; case 'AudioData': case 'VideoFrame': if (!isCallable(value.clone) || !isCallable(value.close)) throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING); try { transferred = value.clone(); value.close(); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } break; case 'MediaSourceHandle': case 'MessagePort': case 'OffscreenCanvas': case 'ReadableStream': case 'TransformStream': case 'WritableStream': throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING); } if (transferred === undefined) throw new DOMException('This object cannot be transferred: ' + type, DATA_CLONE_ERROR); mapSet(map, value, transferred); } return buffers; }; var detachBuffers = function (buffers) { setIterate(buffers, function (buffer) { if (PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER) { nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(buffer, { transfer: [buffer] }); } else if (isCallable(buffer.transfer)) { buffer.transfer(); } else if (detachTransferable) { detachTransferable(buffer); } else { throwUnpolyfillable('ArrayBuffer', TRANSFERRING); } }); }; // `structuredClone` method // $({ global: true, enumerable: true, sham: !PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER, forced: FORCED_REPLACEMENT }, { structuredClone: function structuredClone(value /* , { transfer } */) { var options = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1) > 1 && !isNullOrUndefined(arguments[1]) ? anObject(arguments[1]) : undefined; var transfer = options ? options.transfer : undefined; var map, buffers; if (transfer !== undefined) { map = new Map(); buffers = tryToTransfer(transfer, map); } var clone = structuredCloneInternal(value, map); // since of an issue with cloning views of transferred buffers, we a forced to detach them later // if (buffers) detachBuffers(buffers); return clone; } }); /***/ }), /* 124 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var isCallable = __webpack_require__(20); var classof = __webpack_require__(91); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); var inspectSource = __webpack_require__(49); var noop = function () { /* empty */ }; var construct = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'construct'); var constructorRegExp = /^\s*(?:class|function)\b/; var exec = uncurryThis(constructorRegExp.exec); var INCORRECT_TO_STRING = !constructorRegExp.test(noop); var isConstructorModern = function isConstructor(argument) { if (!isCallable(argument)) return false; try { construct(noop, [], argument); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } }; var isConstructorLegacy = function isConstructor(argument) { if (!isCallable(argument)) return false; switch (classof(argument)) { case 'AsyncFunction': case 'GeneratorFunction': case 'AsyncGeneratorFunction': return false; } try { // we can't check .prototype since constructors produced by .bind haven't it // `Function#toString` throws on some built-it function in some legacy engines // (for example, `DOMQuad` and similar in FF41-) return INCORRECT_TO_STRING || !!exec(constructorRegExp, inspectSource(argument)); } catch (error) { return true; } }; isConstructorLegacy.sham = true; // `IsConstructor` abstract operation // module.exports = !construct || fails(function () { var called; return isConstructorModern( || !isConstructorModern(Object) || !isConstructorModern(function () { called = true; }) || called; }) ? isConstructorLegacy : isConstructorModern; /***/ }), /* 125 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var toPropertyKey = __webpack_require__(17); var definePropertyModule = __webpack_require__(43); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(10); module.exports = function (object, key, value) { var propertyKey = toPropertyKey(key); if (propertyKey in object) definePropertyModule.f(object, propertyKey, createPropertyDescriptor(0, value)); else object[propertyKey] = value; }; /***/ }), /* 126 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $TypeError = TypeError; module.exports = function (passed, required) { if (passed < required) throw new $TypeError('Not enough arguments'); return passed; }; /***/ }), /* 127 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(7); var hasOwn = __webpack_require__(37); var isPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(23); var regExpFlags = __webpack_require__(100); var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype; module.exports = function (R) { var flags = R.flags; return flags === undefined && !('flags' in RegExpPrototype) && !hasOwn(R, 'flags') && isPrototypeOf(RegExpPrototype, R) ? call(regExpFlags, R) : flags; }; /***/ }), /* 128 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-set -- safe var SetPrototype = Set.prototype; module.exports = { // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-set -- safe Set: Set, add: uncurryThis(SetPrototype.add), has: uncurryThis(SetPrototype.has), remove: uncurryThis(SetPrototype['delete']), proto: SetPrototype }; /***/ }), /* 129 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var iterateSimple = __webpack_require__(130); var SetHelpers = __webpack_require__(128); var Set = SetHelpers.Set; var SetPrototype = SetHelpers.proto; var forEach = uncurryThis(SetPrototype.forEach); var keys = uncurryThis(SetPrototype.keys); var next = keys(new Set()).next; module.exports = function (set, fn, interruptible) { return interruptible ? iterateSimple({ iterator: keys(set), next: next }, fn) : forEach(set, fn); }; /***/ }), /* 130 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var call = __webpack_require__(7); module.exports = function (record, fn, ITERATOR_INSTEAD_OF_RECORD) { var iterator = ITERATOR_INSTEAD_OF_RECORD ? record : record.iterator; var next =; var step, result; while (!(step = call(next, iterator)).done) { result = fn(step.value); if (result !== undefined) return result; } }; /***/ }), /* 131 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var tryNodeRequire = __webpack_require__(132); var PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER = __webpack_require__(134); var structuredClone = global.structuredClone; var $ArrayBuffer = global.ArrayBuffer; var $MessageChannel = global.MessageChannel; var detach = false; var WorkerThreads, channel, buffer, $detach; if (PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER) { detach = function (transferable) { structuredClone(transferable, { transfer: [transferable] }); }; } else if ($ArrayBuffer) try { if (!$MessageChannel) { WorkerThreads = tryNodeRequire('worker_threads'); if (WorkerThreads) $MessageChannel = WorkerThreads.MessageChannel; } if ($MessageChannel) { channel = new $MessageChannel(); buffer = new $ArrayBuffer(2); $detach = function (transferable) { channel.port1.postMessage(null, [transferable]); }; if (buffer.byteLength === 2) { $detach(buffer); if (buffer.byteLength === 0) detach = $detach; } } } catch (error) { /* empty */ } module.exports = detach; /***/ }), /* 132 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var IS_NODE = __webpack_require__(133); module.exports = function (name) { try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func -- safe if (IS_NODE) return Function('return require("' + name + '")')(); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } }; /***/ }), /* 133 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var classof = __webpack_require__(14); module.exports = classof(global.process) === 'process'; /***/ }), /* 134 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(3); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var V8 = __webpack_require__(26); var IS_BROWSER = __webpack_require__(135); var IS_DENO = __webpack_require__(136); var IS_NODE = __webpack_require__(133); var structuredClone = global.structuredClone; module.exports = !!structuredClone && !fails(function () { // prevent V8 ArrayBufferDetaching protector cell invalidation and performance degradation // if ((IS_DENO && V8 > 92) || (IS_NODE && V8 > 94) || (IS_BROWSER && V8 > 97)) return false; var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); var clone = structuredClone(buffer, { transfer: [buffer] }); return buffer.byteLength !== 0 || clone.byteLength !== 8; }); /***/ }), /* 135 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var IS_DENO = __webpack_require__(136); var IS_NODE = __webpack_require__(133); module.exports = !IS_DENO && !IS_NODE && typeof window == 'object' && typeof document == 'object'; /***/ }), /* 136 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* global Deno -- Deno case */ module.exports = typeof Deno == 'object' && Deno && typeof Deno.version == 'object'; /***/ }), /* 137 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var createPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(10); module.exports = !fails(function () { var error = new Error('a'); if (!('stack' in error)) return true; // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-defineproperty -- safe Object.defineProperty(error, 'stack', createPropertyDescriptor(1, 7)); return error.stack !== 7; }); /***/ }), /* 138 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $ = __webpack_require__(2); var getBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(22); var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var validateArgumentsLength = __webpack_require__(126); var toString = __webpack_require__(102); var USE_NATIVE_URL = __webpack_require__(139); var URL = getBuiltIn('URL'); // // var THROWS_WITHOUT_ARGUMENTS = USE_NATIVE_URL && fails(function () { URL.canParse(); }); // `URL.canParse` method // $({ target: 'URL', stat: true, forced: !THROWS_WITHOUT_ARGUMENTS }, { canParse: function canParse(url) { var length = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1); var urlString = toString(url); var base = length < 2 || arguments[1] === undefined ? undefined : toString(arguments[1]); try { return !!new URL(urlString, base); } catch (error) { return false; } } }); /***/ }), /* 139 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var fails = __webpack_require__(6); var wellKnownSymbol = __webpack_require__(32); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var IS_PURE = __webpack_require__(34); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); module.exports = !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/relative-url-style -- required for testing var url = new URL('b?a=1&b=2&c=3', 'http://a'); var params = url.searchParams; var params2 = new URLSearchParams('a=1&a=2&b=3'); var result = ''; url.pathname = 'c%20d'; params.forEach(function (value, key) { params['delete']('b'); result += key + value; }); params2['delete']('a', 2); // `undefined` case is a Chromium 117 bug // params2['delete']('b', undefined); return (IS_PURE && (!url.toJSON || !params2.has('a', 1) || params2.has('a', 2) || !params2.has('a', undefined) || params2.has('b'))) || (!params.size && (IS_PURE || !DESCRIPTORS)) || !params.sort || url.href !== 'http://a/c%20d?a=1&c=3' || params.get('c') !== '3' || String(new URLSearchParams('?a=1')) !== 'a=1' || !params[ITERATOR] // throws in Edge || new URL('https://a@b').username !== 'a' || new URLSearchParams(new URLSearchParams('a=b')).get('a') !== 'b' // not punycoded in Edge || new URL('http://тест').host !== 'xn--e1aybc' // not escaped in Chrome 62- || new URL('http://a#б').hash !== '#%D0%B1' // fails in Chrome 66- || result !== 'a1c3' // throws in Safari || new URL('http://x', undefined).host !== 'x'; }); /***/ }), /* 140 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(46); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var toString = __webpack_require__(102); var validateArgumentsLength = __webpack_require__(126); var $URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams; var URLSearchParamsPrototype = $URLSearchParams.prototype; var append = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.append); var $delete = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype['delete']); var forEach = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.forEach); var push = uncurryThis([].push); var params = new $URLSearchParams('a=1&a=2&b=3'); params['delete']('a', 1); // `undefined` case is a Chromium 117 bug // params['delete']('b', undefined); if (params + '' !== 'a=2') { defineBuiltIn(URLSearchParamsPrototype, 'delete', function (name /* , value */) { var length = arguments.length; var $value = length < 2 ? undefined : arguments[1]; if (length && $value === undefined) return $delete(this, name); var entries = []; forEach(this, function (v, k) { // also validates `this` push(entries, { key: k, value: v }); }); validateArgumentsLength(length, 1); var key = toString(name); var value = toString($value); var index = 0; var dindex = 0; var found = false; var entriesLength = entries.length; var entry; while (index < entriesLength) { entry = entries[index++]; if (found || entry.key === key) { found = true; $delete(this, entry.key); } else dindex++; } while (dindex < entriesLength) { entry = entries[dindex++]; if (!(entry.key === key && entry.value === value)) append(this, entry.key, entry.value); } }, { enumerable: true, unsafe: true }); } /***/ }), /* 141 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var defineBuiltIn = __webpack_require__(46); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var toString = __webpack_require__(102); var validateArgumentsLength = __webpack_require__(126); var $URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams; var URLSearchParamsPrototype = $URLSearchParams.prototype; var getAll = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.getAll); var $has = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.has); var params = new $URLSearchParams('a=1'); // `undefined` case is a Chromium 117 bug // if (params.has('a', 2) || !params.has('a', undefined)) { defineBuiltIn(URLSearchParamsPrototype, 'has', function has(name /* , value */) { var length = arguments.length; var $value = length < 2 ? undefined : arguments[1]; if (length && $value === undefined) return $has(this, name); var values = getAll(this, name); // also validates `this` validateArgumentsLength(length, 1); var value = toString($value); var index = 0; while (index < values.length) { if (values[index++] === value) return true; } return false; }, { enumerable: true, unsafe: true }); } /***/ }), /* 142 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(5); var uncurryThis = __webpack_require__(13); var defineBuiltInAccessor = __webpack_require__(99); var URLSearchParamsPrototype = URLSearchParams.prototype; var forEach = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.forEach); // `URLSearchParams.prototype.size` getter // if (DESCRIPTORS && !('size' in URLSearchParamsPrototype)) { defineBuiltInAccessor(URLSearchParamsPrototype, 'size', { get: function size() { var count = 0; forEach(this, function () { count++; }); return count; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); } /***/ }) /******/ ]); }(); PK�������!�Q����vendor/wp-polyfill-url.jsnu�[��������(function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (it) { if (typeof it != 'function') { throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not a function'); } return it; }; },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('../internals/is-object'); module.exports = function (it) { if (!isObject(it) && it !== null) { throw TypeError("Can't set " + String(it) + ' as a prototype'); } return it; }; },{"../internals/is-object":37}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var create = require('../internals/object-create'); var definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property'); var UNSCOPABLES = wellKnownSymbol('unscopables'); var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype; // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] // if (ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) { definePropertyModule.f(ArrayPrototype, UNSCOPABLES, { configurable: true, value: create(null) }); } // add a key to Array.prototype[@@unscopables] module.exports = function (key) { ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; }; },{"../internals/object-create":45,"../internals/object-define-property":47,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (it, Constructor, name) { if (!(it instanceof Constructor)) { throw TypeError('Incorrect ' + (name ? name + ' ' : '') + 'invocation'); } return it; }; },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('../internals/is-object'); module.exports = function (it) { if (!isObject(it)) { throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not an object'); } return it; }; },{"../internals/is-object":37}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var bind = require('../internals/function-bind-context'); var toObject = require('../internals/to-object'); var callWithSafeIterationClosing = require('../internals/call-with-safe-iteration-closing'); var isArrayIteratorMethod = require('../internals/is-array-iterator-method'); var toLength = require('../internals/to-length'); var createProperty = require('../internals/create-property'); var getIteratorMethod = require('../internals/get-iterator-method'); // `Array.from` method implementation // module.exports = function from(arrayLike /* , mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined */) { var O = toObject(arrayLike); var C = typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array; var argumentsLength = arguments.length; var mapfn = argumentsLength > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var mapping = mapfn !== undefined; var iteratorMethod = getIteratorMethod(O); var index = 0; var length, result, step, iterator, next, value; if (mapping) mapfn = bind(mapfn, argumentsLength > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined, 2); // if the target is not iterable or it's an array with the default iterator - use a simple case if (iteratorMethod != undefined && !(C == Array && isArrayIteratorMethod(iteratorMethod))) { iterator =; next =; result = new C(); for (;!(step =; index++) { value = mapping ? callWithSafeIterationClosing(iterator, mapfn, [step.value, index], true) : step.value; createProperty(result, index, value); } } else { length = toLength(O.length); result = new C(length); for (;length > index; index++) { value = mapping ? mapfn(O[index], index) : O[index]; createProperty(result, index, value); } } result.length = index; return result; }; },{"../internals/call-with-safe-iteration-closing":8,"../internals/create-property":16,"../internals/function-bind-context":23,"../internals/get-iterator-method":25,"../internals/is-array-iterator-method":35,"../internals/to-length":71,"../internals/to-object":72}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ var toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object'); var toLength = require('../internals/to-length'); var toAbsoluteIndex = require('../internals/to-absolute-index'); // `Array.prototype.{ indexOf, includes }` methods implementation var createMethod = function (IS_INCLUDES) { return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { var O = toIndexedObject($this); var length = toLength(O.length); var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); var value; // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) { value = O[index++]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (value != value) return true; // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not } else for (;length > index; index++) { if ((IS_INCLUDES || index in O) && O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; module.exports = { // `Array.prototype.includes` method // includes: createMethod(true), // `Array.prototype.indexOf` method // indexOf: createMethod(false) }; },{"../internals/to-absolute-index":68,"../internals/to-indexed-object":69,"../internals/to-length":71}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); // call something on iterator step with safe closing on error module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, ENTRIES) { try { return ENTRIES ? fn(anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value); // 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion) } catch (error) { var returnMethod = iterator['return']; if (returnMethod !== undefined) anObject(; throw error; } }; },{"../internals/an-object":5}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = function (it) { return, -1); }; },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require('../internals/to-string-tag-support'); var classofRaw = require('../internals/classof-raw'); var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); // ES3 wrong here var CORRECT_ARGUMENTS = classofRaw(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments'; // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error var tryGet = function (it, key) { try { return it[key]; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } }; // getting tag from ES6+ `Object.prototype.toString` module.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? classofRaw : function (it) { var O, tag, result; return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' // @@toStringTag case : typeof (tag = tryGet(O = Object(it), TO_STRING_TAG)) == 'string' ? tag // builtinTag case : CORRECT_ARGUMENTS ? classofRaw(O) // ES3 arguments fallback : (result = classofRaw(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : result; }; },{"../internals/classof-raw":9,"../internals/to-string-tag-support":74,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ var has = require('../internals/has'); var ownKeys = require('../internals/own-keys'); var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor'); var definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property'); module.exports = function (target, source) { var keys = ownKeys(source); var defineProperty = definePropertyModule.f; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (!has(target, key)) defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); } }; },{"../internals/has":28,"../internals/object-define-property":47,"../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor":48,"../internals/own-keys":56}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ var fails = require('../internals/fails'); module.exports = !fails(function () { function F() { /* empty */ } F.prototype.constructor = null; return Object.getPrototypeOf(new F()) !== F.prototype; }); },{"../internals/fails":22}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var IteratorPrototype = require('../internals/iterators-core').IteratorPrototype; var create = require('../internals/object-create'); var createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor'); var setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag'); var Iterators = require('../internals/iterators'); var returnThis = function () { return this; }; module.exports = function (IteratorConstructor, NAME, next) { var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; IteratorConstructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: createPropertyDescriptor(1, next) }); setToStringTag(IteratorConstructor, TO_STRING_TAG, false, true); Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis; return IteratorConstructor; }; },{"../internals/create-property-descriptor":15,"../internals/iterators":40,"../internals/iterators-core":39,"../internals/object-create":45,"../internals/set-to-string-tag":62}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors'); var definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property'); var createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor'); module.exports = DESCRIPTORS ? function (object, key, value) { return definePropertyModule.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value)); } : function (object, key, value) { object[key] = value; return object; }; },{"../internals/create-property-descriptor":15,"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/object-define-property":47}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable: !(bitmap & 4), value: value }; }; },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive'); var definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property'); var createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor'); module.exports = function (object, key, value) { var propertyKey = toPrimitive(key); if (propertyKey in object) definePropertyModule.f(object, propertyKey, createPropertyDescriptor(0, value)); else object[propertyKey] = value; }; },{"../internals/create-property-descriptor":15,"../internals/object-define-property":47,"../internals/to-primitive":73}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('../internals/export'); var createIteratorConstructor = require('../internals/create-iterator-constructor'); var getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of'); var setPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-set-prototype-of'); var setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag'); var createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property'); var redefine = require('../internals/redefine'); var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure'); var Iterators = require('../internals/iterators'); var IteratorsCore = require('../internals/iterators-core'); var IteratorPrototype = IteratorsCore.IteratorPrototype; var BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = IteratorsCore.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS; var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); var KEYS = 'keys'; var VALUES = 'values'; var ENTRIES = 'entries'; var returnThis = function () { return this; }; module.exports = function (Iterable, NAME, IteratorConstructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) { createIteratorConstructor(IteratorConstructor, NAME, next); var getIterationMethod = function (KIND) { if (KIND === DEFAULT && defaultIterator) return defaultIterator; if (!BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && KIND in IterablePrototype) return IterablePrototype[KIND]; switch (KIND) { case KEYS: return function keys() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); }; case VALUES: return function values() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); }; case ENTRIES: return function entries() { return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND); }; } return function () { return new IteratorConstructor(this); }; }; var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; var INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = false; var IterablePrototype = Iterable.prototype; var nativeIterator = IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] || IterablePrototype['@@iterator'] || DEFAULT && IterablePrototype[DEFAULT]; var defaultIterator = !BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && nativeIterator || getIterationMethod(DEFAULT); var anyNativeIterator = NAME == 'Array' ? IterablePrototype.entries || nativeIterator : nativeIterator; var CurrentIteratorPrototype, methods, KEY; // fix native if (anyNativeIterator) { CurrentIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf( Iterable())); if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && { if (!IS_PURE && getPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype) !== IteratorPrototype) { if (setPrototypeOf) { setPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype, IteratorPrototype); } else if (typeof CurrentIteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') { createNonEnumerableProperty(CurrentIteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis); } } // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators setToStringTag(CurrentIteratorPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, true, true); if (IS_PURE) Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis; } } // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF if (DEFAULT == VALUES && nativeIterator && !== VALUES) { INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME = true; defaultIterator = function values() { return; }; } // define iterator if ((!IS_PURE || FORCED) && IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] !== defaultIterator) { createNonEnumerableProperty(IterablePrototype, ITERATOR, defaultIterator); } Iterators[NAME] = defaultIterator; // export additional methods if (DEFAULT) { methods = { values: getIterationMethod(VALUES), keys: IS_SET ? defaultIterator : getIterationMethod(KEYS), entries: getIterationMethod(ENTRIES) }; if (FORCED) for (KEY in methods) { if (BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME || !(KEY in IterablePrototype)) { redefine(IterablePrototype, KEY, methods[KEY]); } } else $({ target: NAME, proto: true, forced: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME }, methods); } return methods; }; },{"../internals/create-iterator-constructor":13,"../internals/create-non-enumerable-property":14,"../internals/export":21,"../internals/is-pure":38,"../internals/iterators":40,"../internals/iterators-core":39,"../internals/object-get-prototype-of":51,"../internals/object-set-prototype-of":55,"../internals/redefine":59,"../internals/set-to-string-tag":62,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ var fails = require('../internals/fails'); // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty module.exports = !fails(function () { return Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function () { return 7; } })[1] != 7; }); },{"../internals/fails":22}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); var isObject = require('../internals/is-object'); var document = global.document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE var EXISTS = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement); module.exports = function (it) { return EXISTS ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; },{"../internals/global":27,"../internals/is-object":37}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ // IE8- don't enum bug keys module.exports = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; },{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor').f; var createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property'); var redefine = require('../internals/redefine'); var setGlobal = require('../internals/set-global'); var copyConstructorProperties = require('../internals/copy-constructor-properties'); var isForced = require('../internals/is-forced'); /* - name of the target object - target is the global object options.stat - export as static methods of target options.proto - export as prototype methods of target options.real - real prototype method for the `pure` version options.forced - export even if the native feature is available options.bind - bind methods to the target, required for the `pure` version options.wrap - wrap constructors to preventing global pollution, required for the `pure` version options.unsafe - use the simple assignment of property instead of delete + defineProperty options.sham - add a flag to not completely full polyfills options.enumerable - export as enumerable property options.noTargetGet - prevent calling a getter on target */ module.exports = function (options, source) { var TARGET =; var GLOBAL =; var STATIC = options.stat; var FORCED, target, key, targetProperty, sourceProperty, descriptor; if (GLOBAL) { target = global; } else if (STATIC) { target = global[TARGET] || setGlobal(TARGET, {}); } else { target = (global[TARGET] || {}).prototype; } if (target) for (key in source) { sourceProperty = source[key]; if (options.noTargetGet) { descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key); targetProperty = descriptor && descriptor.value; } else targetProperty = target[key]; FORCED = isForced(GLOBAL ? key : TARGET + (STATIC ? '.' : '#') + key, options.forced); // contained in target if (!FORCED && targetProperty !== undefined) { if (typeof sourceProperty === typeof targetProperty) continue; copyConstructorProperties(sourceProperty, targetProperty); } // add a flag to not completely full polyfills if (options.sham || (targetProperty && targetProperty.sham)) { createNonEnumerableProperty(sourceProperty, 'sham', true); } // extend global redefine(target, key, sourceProperty, options); } }; },{"../internals/copy-constructor-properties":11,"../internals/create-non-enumerable-property":14,"../internals/global":27,"../internals/is-forced":36,"../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor":48,"../internals/redefine":59,"../internals/set-global":61}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (exec) { try { return !!exec(); } catch (error) { return true; } }; },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ var aFunction = require('../internals/a-function'); // optional / simple context binding module.exports = function (fn, that, length) { aFunction(fn); if (that === undefined) return fn; switch (length) { case 0: return function () { return; }; case 1: return function (a) { return, a); }; case 2: return function (a, b) { return, a, b); }; case 3: return function (a, b, c) { return, a, b, c); }; } return function (/* ...args */) { return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; },{"../internals/a-function":1}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ var path = require('../internals/path'); var global = require('../internals/global'); var aFunction = function (variable) { return typeof variable == 'function' ? variable : undefined; }; module.exports = function (namespace, method) { return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(path[namespace]) || aFunction(global[namespace]) : path[namespace] && path[namespace][method] || global[namespace] && global[namespace][method]; }; },{"../internals/global":27,"../internals/path":57}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var classof = require('../internals/classof'); var Iterators = require('../internals/iterators'); var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); module.exports = function (it) { if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR] || it['@@iterator'] || Iterators[classof(it)]; }; },{"../internals/classof":10,"../internals/iterators":40,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); var getIteratorMethod = require('../internals/get-iterator-method'); module.exports = function (it) { var iteratorMethod = getIteratorMethod(it); if (typeof iteratorMethod != 'function') { throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not iterable'); } return anObject(; }; },{"../internals/an-object":5,"../internals/get-iterator-method":25}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ var check = function (it) { return it && it.Math == Math && it; }; // module.exports = // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef check(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) || check(typeof window == 'object' && window) || check(typeof self == 'object' && self) || check(typeof global == 'object' && global) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func Function('return this')(); }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; module.exports = function (it, key) { return, key); }; },{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = {}; },{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ var getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in'); module.exports = getBuiltIn('document', 'documentElement'); },{"../internals/get-built-in":24}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors'); var fails = require('../internals/fails'); var createElement = require('../internals/document-create-element'); // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty module.exports = !DESCRIPTORS && !fails(function () { return Object.defineProperty(createElement('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); },{"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/document-create-element":19,"../internals/fails":22}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ var fails = require('../internals/fails'); var classof = require('../internals/classof-raw'); var split = ''.split; // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings module.exports = fails(function () { // throws an error in rhino, see // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins return !Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0); }) ? function (it) { return classof(it) == 'String' ?, '') : Object(it); } : Object; },{"../internals/classof-raw":9,"../internals/fails":22}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ var store = require('../internals/shared-store'); var functionToString = Function.toString; // this helper broken in `3.4.1-3.4.4`, so we can't use `shared` helper if (typeof store.inspectSource != 'function') { store.inspectSource = function (it) { return; }; } module.exports = store.inspectSource; },{"../internals/shared-store":64}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ var NATIVE_WEAK_MAP = require('../internals/native-weak-map'); var global = require('../internals/global'); var isObject = require('../internals/is-object'); var createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property'); var objectHas = require('../internals/has'); var sharedKey = require('../internals/shared-key'); var hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys'); var WeakMap = global.WeakMap; var set, get, has; var enforce = function (it) { return has(it) ? get(it) : set(it, {}); }; var getterFor = function (TYPE) { return function (it) { var state; if (!isObject(it) || (state = get(it)).type !== TYPE) { throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required'); } return state; }; }; if (NATIVE_WEAK_MAP) { var store = new WeakMap(); var wmget = store.get; var wmhas = store.has; var wmset = store.set; set = function (it, metadata) {, it, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return, it) || {}; }; has = function (it) { return, it); }; } else { var STATE = sharedKey('state'); hiddenKeys[STATE] = true; set = function (it, metadata) { createNonEnumerableProperty(it, STATE, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return objectHas(it, STATE) ? it[STATE] : {}; }; has = function (it) { return objectHas(it, STATE); }; } module.exports = { set: set, get: get, has: has, enforce: enforce, getterFor: getterFor }; },{"../internals/create-non-enumerable-property":14,"../internals/global":27,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/hidden-keys":29,"../internals/is-object":37,"../internals/native-weak-map":43,"../internals/shared-key":63}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var Iterators = require('../internals/iterators'); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype; // check on default Array iterator module.exports = function (it) { return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayPrototype[ITERATOR] === it); }; },{"../internals/iterators":40,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ var fails = require('../internals/fails'); var replacement = /#|\.prototype\./; var isForced = function (feature, detection) { var value = data[normalize(feature)]; return value == POLYFILL ? true : value == NATIVE ? false : typeof detection == 'function' ? fails(detection) : !!detection; }; var normalize = isForced.normalize = function (string) { return String(string).replace(replacement, '.').toLowerCase(); }; var data = = {}; var NATIVE = isForced.NATIVE = 'N'; var POLYFILL = isForced.POLYFILL = 'P'; module.exports = isForced; },{"../internals/fails":22}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function (it) { return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; }; },{}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = false; },{}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var getPrototypeOf = require('../internals/object-get-prototype-of'); var createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property'); var has = require('../internals/has'); var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure'); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); var BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = false; var returnThis = function () { return this; }; // `%IteratorPrototype%` object // var IteratorPrototype, PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype, arrayIterator; if ([].keys) { arrayIterator = [].keys(); // Safari 8 has buggy iterators w/o `next` if (!('next' in arrayIterator)) BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS = true; else { PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(getPrototypeOf(arrayIterator)); if (PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype) IteratorPrototype = PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype; } } if (IteratorPrototype == undefined) IteratorPrototype = {}; // %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]() if (!IS_PURE && !has(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR)) { createNonEnumerableProperty(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis); } module.exports = { IteratorPrototype: IteratorPrototype, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS }; },{"../internals/create-non-enumerable-property":14,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/is-pure":38,"../internals/object-get-prototype-of":51,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][29][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"dup":29}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ var fails = require('../internals/fails'); module.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !fails(function () { // Chrome 38 Symbol has incorrect toString conversion // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return !String(Symbol()); }); },{"../internals/fails":22}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ var fails = require('../internals/fails'); var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure'); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); module.exports = !fails(function () { var url = new URL('b?a=1&b=2&c=3', 'http://a'); var searchParams = url.searchParams; var result = ''; url.pathname = 'c%20d'; searchParams.forEach(function (value, key) { searchParams['delete']('b'); result += key + value; }); return (IS_PURE && !url.toJSON) || !searchParams.sort || url.href !== 'http://a/c%20d?a=1&c=3' || searchParams.get('c') !== '3' || String(new URLSearchParams('?a=1')) !== 'a=1' || !searchParams[ITERATOR] // throws in Edge || new URL('https://a@b').username !== 'a' || new URLSearchParams(new URLSearchParams('a=b')).get('a') !== 'b' // not punycoded in Edge || new URL('http://тест').host !== 'xn--e1aybc' // not escaped in Chrome 62- || new URL('http://a#б').hash !== '#%D0%B1' // fails in Chrome 66- || result !== 'a1c3' // throws in Safari || new URL('http://x', undefined).host !== 'x'; }); },{"../internals/fails":22,"../internals/is-pure":38,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); var inspectSource = require('../internals/inspect-source'); var WeakMap = global.WeakMap; module.exports = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && /native code/.test(inspectSource(WeakMap)); },{"../internals/global":27,"../internals/inspect-source":33}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors'); var fails = require('../internals/fails'); var objectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys'); var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols'); var propertyIsEnumerableModule = require('../internals/object-property-is-enumerable'); var toObject = require('../internals/to-object'); var IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object'); var nativeAssign = Object.assign; var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; // `Object.assign` method // module.exports = !nativeAssign || fails(function () { // should have correct order of operations (Edge bug) if (DESCRIPTORS && nativeAssign({ b: 1 }, nativeAssign(defineProperty({}, 'a', { enumerable: true, get: function () { defineProperty(this, 'b', { value: 3, enumerable: false }); } }), { b: 2 })).b !== 1) return true; // should work with symbols and should have deterministic property order (V8 bug) var A = {}; var B = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef var symbol = Symbol(); var alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'; A[symbol] = 7; alphabet.split('').forEach(function (chr) { B[chr] = chr; }); return nativeAssign({}, A)[symbol] != 7 || objectKeys(nativeAssign({}, B)).join('') != alphabet; }) ? function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var T = toObject(target); var argumentsLength = arguments.length; var index = 1; var getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f; var propertyIsEnumerable = propertyIsEnumerableModule.f; while (argumentsLength > index) { var S = IndexedObject(arguments[index++]); var keys = getOwnPropertySymbols ? objectKeys(S).concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(S)) : objectKeys(S); var length = keys.length; var j = 0; var key; while (length > j) { key = keys[j++]; if (!DESCRIPTORS ||, key)) T[key] = S[key]; } } return T; } : nativeAssign; },{"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/fails":22,"../internals/indexed-object":32,"../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols":50,"../internals/object-keys":53,"../internals/object-property-is-enumerable":54,"../internals/to-object":72}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); var defineProperties = require('../internals/object-define-properties'); var enumBugKeys = require('../internals/enum-bug-keys'); var hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys'); var html = require('../internals/html'); var documentCreateElement = require('../internals/document-create-element'); var sharedKey = require('../internals/shared-key'); var GT = '>'; var LT = '<'; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var SCRIPT = 'script'; var IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); var EmptyConstructor = function () { /* empty */ }; var scriptTag = function (content) { return LT + SCRIPT + GT + content + LT + '/' + SCRIPT + GT; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use ActiveX Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaActiveX = function (activeXDocument) { activeXDocument.write(scriptTag('')); activeXDocument.close(); var temp = activeXDocument.parentWindow.Object; activeXDocument = null; // avoid memory leak return temp; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaIFrame = function () { // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = documentCreateElement('iframe'); var JS = 'java' + SCRIPT + ':'; var iframeDocument; = 'none'; html.appendChild(iframe); // iframe.src = String(JS); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;; iframeDocument.write(scriptTag('document.F=Object')); iframeDocument.close(); return iframeDocument.F; }; // Check for document.domain and active x support // No need to use active x approach when document.domain is not set // see // variation of // avoid IE GC bug var activeXDocument; var NullProtoObject = function () { try { /* global ActiveXObject */ activeXDocument = document.domain && new ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); } catch (error) { /* ignore */ } NullProtoObject = activeXDocument ? NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument) : NullProtoObjectViaIFrame(); var length = enumBugKeys.length; while (length--) delete NullProtoObject[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[length]]; return NullProtoObject(); }; hiddenKeys[IE_PROTO] = true; // `Object.create` method // module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { var result; if (O !== null) { EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O); result = new EmptyConstructor(); EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = NullProtoObject(); return Properties === undefined ? result : defineProperties(result, Properties); }; },{"../internals/an-object":5,"../internals/document-create-element":19,"../internals/enum-bug-keys":20,"../internals/hidden-keys":29,"../internals/html":30,"../internals/object-define-properties":46,"../internals/shared-key":63}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors'); var definePropertyModule = require('../internals/object-define-property'); var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); var objectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys'); // `Object.defineProperties` method // module.exports = DESCRIPTORS ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { anObject(O); var keys = objectKeys(Properties); var length = keys.length; var index = 0; var key; while (length > index) definePropertyModule.f(O, key = keys[index++], Properties[key]); return O; }; },{"../internals/an-object":5,"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/object-define-property":47,"../internals/object-keys":53}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors'); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require('../internals/ie8-dom-define'); var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); var toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive'); var nativeDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty; // `Object.defineProperty` method // exports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? nativeDefineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); anObject(Attributes); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return nativeDefineProperty(O, P, Attributes); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported'); if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; },{"../internals/an-object":5,"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/ie8-dom-define":31,"../internals/to-primitive":73}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors'); var propertyIsEnumerableModule = require('../internals/object-property-is-enumerable'); var createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor'); var toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object'); var toPrimitive = require('../internals/to-primitive'); var has = require('../internals/has'); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require('../internals/ie8-dom-define'); var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method // exports.f = DESCRIPTORS ? nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { O = toIndexedObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if (has(O, P)) return createPropertyDescriptor(!, P), O[P]); }; },{"../internals/create-property-descriptor":15,"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/ie8-dom-define":31,"../internals/object-property-is-enumerable":54,"../internals/to-indexed-object":69,"../internals/to-primitive":73}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ var internalObjectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys-internal'); var enumBugKeys = require('../internals/enum-bug-keys'); var hiddenKeys = enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype'); // `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method // exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { return internalObjectKeys(O, hiddenKeys); }; },{"../internals/enum-bug-keys":20,"../internals/object-keys-internal":52}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; },{}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ var has = require('../internals/has'); var toObject = require('../internals/to-object'); var sharedKey = require('../internals/shared-key'); var CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = require('../internals/correct-prototype-getter'); var IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype; // `Object.getPrototypeOf` method // module.exports = CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (O) { O = toObject(O); if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO]; if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) { return O.constructor.prototype; } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectPrototype : null; }; },{"../internals/correct-prototype-getter":12,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/shared-key":63,"../internals/to-object":72}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ var has = require('../internals/has'); var toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object'); var indexOf = require('../internals/array-includes').indexOf; var hiddenKeys = require('../internals/hidden-keys'); module.exports = function (object, names) { var O = toIndexedObject(object); var i = 0; var result = []; var key; for (key in O) !has(hiddenKeys, key) && has(O, key) && result.push(key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) { ~indexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); } return result; }; },{"../internals/array-includes":7,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/hidden-keys":29,"../internals/to-indexed-object":69}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ var internalObjectKeys = require('../internals/object-keys-internal'); var enumBugKeys = require('../internals/enum-bug-keys'); // `Object.keys` method // module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return internalObjectKeys(O, enumBugKeys); }; },{"../internals/enum-bug-keys":20,"../internals/object-keys-internal":52}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var nativePropertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // Nashorn ~ JDK8 bug var NASHORN_BUG = getOwnPropertyDescriptor && !{ 1: 2 }, 1); // `Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable` method implementation // exports.f = NASHORN_BUG ? function propertyIsEnumerable(V) { var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, V); return !!descriptor && descriptor.enumerable; } : nativePropertyIsEnumerable; },{}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); var aPossiblePrototype = require('../internals/a-possible-prototype'); // `Object.setPrototypeOf` method // // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. /* eslint-disable no-proto */ module.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? function () { var CORRECT_SETTER = false; var test = {}; var setter; try { setter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set;, []); CORRECT_SETTER = test instanceof Array; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) { anObject(O); aPossiblePrototype(proto); if (CORRECT_SETTER), proto); else O.__proto__ = proto; return O; }; }() : undefined); },{"../internals/a-possible-prototype":2,"../internals/an-object":5}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ var getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in'); var getOwnPropertyNamesModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-names'); var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require('../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols'); var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); // all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols module.exports = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'ownKeys') || function ownKeys(it) { var keys = getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f(anObject(it)); var getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f; return getOwnPropertySymbols ? keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(it)) : keys; }; },{"../internals/an-object":5,"../internals/get-built-in":24,"../internals/object-get-own-property-names":49,"../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols":50}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); module.exports = global; },{"../internals/global":27}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ var redefine = require('../internals/redefine'); module.exports = function (target, src, options) { for (var key in src) redefine(target, key, src[key], options); return target; }; },{"../internals/redefine":59}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); var createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property'); var has = require('../internals/has'); var setGlobal = require('../internals/set-global'); var inspectSource = require('../internals/inspect-source'); var InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state'); var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get; var enforceInternalState = InternalStateModule.enforce; var TEMPLATE = String(String).split('String'); (module.exports = function (O, key, value, options) { var unsafe = options ? !!options.unsafe : false; var simple = options ? !!options.enumerable : false; var noTargetGet = options ? !!options.noTargetGet : false; if (typeof value == 'function') { if (typeof key == 'string' && !has(value, 'name')) createNonEnumerableProperty(value, 'name', key); enforceInternalState(value).source = TEMPLATE.join(typeof key == 'string' ? key : ''); } if (O === global) { if (simple) O[key] = value; else setGlobal(key, value); return; } else if (!unsafe) { delete O[key]; } else if (!noTargetGet && O[key]) { simple = true; } if (simple) O[key] = value; else createNonEnumerableProperty(O, key, value); // add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative })(Function.prototype, 'toString', function toString() { return typeof this == 'function' && getInternalState(this).source || inspectSource(this); }); },{"../internals/create-non-enumerable-property":14,"../internals/global":27,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/inspect-source":33,"../internals/internal-state":34,"../internals/set-global":61}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ // `RequireObjectCoercible` abstract operation // module.exports = function (it) { if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; },{}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); var createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property'); module.exports = function (key, value) { try { createNonEnumerableProperty(global, key, value); } catch (error) { global[key] = value; } return value; }; },{"../internals/create-non-enumerable-property":14,"../internals/global":27}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ var defineProperty = require('../internals/object-define-property').f; var has = require('../internals/has'); var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); module.exports = function (it, TAG, STATIC) { if (it && !has(it = STATIC ? it : it.prototype, TO_STRING_TAG)) { defineProperty(it, TO_STRING_TAG, { configurable: true, value: TAG }); } }; },{"../internals/has":28,"../internals/object-define-property":47,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ var shared = require('../internals/shared'); var uid = require('../internals/uid'); var keys = shared('keys'); module.exports = function (key) { return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid(key)); }; },{"../internals/shared":65,"../internals/uid":75}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); var setGlobal = require('../internals/set-global'); var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; var store = global[SHARED] || setGlobal(SHARED, {}); module.exports = store; },{"../internals/global":27,"../internals/set-global":61}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ var IS_PURE = require('../internals/is-pure'); var store = require('../internals/shared-store'); (module.exports = function (key, value) { return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); })('versions', []).push({ version: '3.6.4', mode: IS_PURE ? 'pure' : 'global', copyright: '© 2020 Denis Pushkarev (' }); },{"../internals/is-pure":38,"../internals/shared-store":64}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer'); var requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible'); // `String.prototype.{ codePointAt, at }` methods implementation var createMethod = function (CONVERT_TO_STRING) { return function ($this, pos) { var S = String(requireObjectCoercible($this)); var position = toInteger(pos); var size = S.length; var first, second; if (position < 0 || position >= size) return CONVERT_TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; first = S.charCodeAt(position); return first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || position + 1 === size || (second = S.charCodeAt(position + 1)) < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF ? CONVERT_TO_STRING ? S.charAt(position) : first : CONVERT_TO_STRING ? S.slice(position, position + 2) : (first - 0xD800 << 10) + (second - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; }; }; module.exports = { // `String.prototype.codePointAt` method // codeAt: createMethod(false), // `` method // charAt: createMethod(true) }; },{"../internals/require-object-coercible":60,"../internals/to-integer":70}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // based on var maxInt = 2147483647; // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1 var base = 36; var tMin = 1; var tMax = 26; var skew = 38; var damp = 700; var initialBias = 72; var initialN = 128; // 0x80 var delimiter = '-'; // '\x2D' var regexNonASCII = /[^\0-\u007E]/; // non-ASCII chars var regexSeparators = /[.\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g; // RFC 3490 separators var OVERFLOW_ERROR = 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process'; var baseMinusTMin = base - tMin; var floor = Math.floor; var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; /** * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally, * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point, * matching UTF-16. */ var ucs2decode = function (string) { var output = []; var counter = 0; var length = string.length; while (counter < length) { var value = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { // It's a high surrogate, and there is a next character. var extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // Low surrogate. output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); } else { // It's an unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the // next code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair. output.push(value); counter--; } } else { output.push(value); } } return output; }; /** * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point. */ var digitToBasic = function (digit) { // 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z // 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9 return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26); }; /** * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492. * */ var adapt = function (delta, numPoints, firstTime) { var k = 0; delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; delta += floor(delta / numPoints); for (; delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) { delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); } return floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); }; /** * Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a * Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements var encode = function (input) { var output = []; // Convert the input in UCS-2 to an array of Unicode code points. input = ucs2decode(input); // Cache the length. var inputLength = input.length; // Initialize the state. var n = initialN; var delta = 0; var bias = initialBias; var i, currentValue; // Handle the basic code points. for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { currentValue = input[i]; if (currentValue < 0x80) { output.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue)); } } var basicLength = output.length; // number of basic code points. var handledCPCount = basicLength; // number of code points that have been handled; // Finish the basic string with a delimiter unless it's empty. if (basicLength) { output.push(delimiter); } // Main encoding loop: while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { // All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next larger one: var m = maxInt; for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { currentValue = input[i]; if (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) { m = currentValue; } } // Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's <n,i> state to <m,0>, but guard against overflow. var handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; if (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { throw RangeError(OVERFLOW_ERROR); } delta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne; n = m; for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { currentValue = input[i]; if (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) { throw RangeError(OVERFLOW_ERROR); } if (currentValue == n) { // Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer. var q = delta; for (var k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) { var t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); if (q < t) break; var qMinusT = q - t; var baseMinusT = base - t; output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT))); q = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); } output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q))); bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); delta = 0; ++handledCPCount; } } ++delta; ++n; } return output.join(''); }; module.exports = function (input) { var encoded = []; var labels = input.toLowerCase().replace(regexSeparators, '\u002E').split('.'); var i, label; for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { label = labels[i]; encoded.push(regexNonASCII.test(label) ? 'xn--' + encode(label) : label); } return encoded.join('.'); }; },{}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer'); var max = Math.max; var min = Math.min; // Helper for a popular repeating case of the spec: // Let integer be ? ToInteger(index). // If integer < 0, let result be max((length + integer), 0); else let result be min(integer, length). module.exports = function (index, length) { var integer = toInteger(index); return integer < 0 ? max(integer + length, 0) : min(integer, length); }; },{"../internals/to-integer":70}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ // toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings var IndexedObject = require('../internals/indexed-object'); var requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible'); module.exports = function (it) { return IndexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it)); }; },{"../internals/indexed-object":32,"../internals/require-object-coercible":60}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; // `ToInteger` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { return isNaN(argument = +argument) ? 0 : (argument > 0 ? floor : ceil)(argument); }; },{}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer'); var min = Math.min; // `ToLength` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { return argument > 0 ? min(toInteger(argument), 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF) : 0; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; },{"../internals/to-integer":70}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ var requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible'); // `ToObject` abstract operation // module.exports = function (argument) { return Object(requireObjectCoercible(argument)); }; },{"../internals/require-object-coercible":60}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('../internals/is-object'); // `ToPrimitive` abstract operation // // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case // and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string module.exports = function (input, PREFERRED_STRING) { if (!isObject(input)) return input; var fn, val; if (PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = return val; if (typeof (fn = input.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = return val; if (!PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = return val; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; },{"../internals/is-object":37}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); var test = {}; test[TO_STRING_TAG] = 'z'; module.exports = String(test) === '[object z]'; },{"../internals/well-known-symbol":77}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ var id = 0; var postfix = Math.random(); module.exports = function (key) { return 'Symbol(' + String(key === undefined ? '' : key) + ')_' + (++id + postfix).toString(36); }; },{}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/native-symbol'); module.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef && !Symbol.sham // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef && typeof Symbol.iterator == 'symbol'; },{"../internals/native-symbol":41}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('../internals/global'); var shared = require('../internals/shared'); var has = require('../internals/has'); var uid = require('../internals/uid'); var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/native-symbol'); var USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = require('../internals/use-symbol-as-uid'); var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks'); var Symbol = global.Symbol; var createWellKnownSymbol = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? Symbol : Symbol && Symbol.withoutSetter || uid; module.exports = function (name) { if (!has(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name)) { if (NATIVE_SYMBOL && has(Symbol, name)) WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = Symbol[name]; else WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = createWellKnownSymbol('Symbol.' + name); } return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name]; }; },{"../internals/global":27,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/native-symbol":41,"../internals/shared":65,"../internals/uid":75,"../internals/use-symbol-as-uid":76}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var toIndexedObject = require('../internals/to-indexed-object'); var addToUnscopables = require('../internals/add-to-unscopables'); var Iterators = require('../internals/iterators'); var InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state'); var defineIterator = require('../internals/define-iterator'); var ARRAY_ITERATOR = 'Array Iterator'; var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set; var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(ARRAY_ITERATOR); // `Array.prototype.entries` method // // `Array.prototype.keys` method // // `Array.prototype.values` method // // `Array.prototype[@@iterator]` method // // `CreateArrayIterator` internal method // module.exports = defineIterator(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) { setInternalState(this, { type: ARRAY_ITERATOR, target: toIndexedObject(iterated), // target index: 0, // next index kind: kind // kind }); // `` method // }, function () { var state = getInternalState(this); var target =; var kind = state.kind; var index = state.index++; if (!target || index >= target.length) { = undefined; return { value: undefined, done: true }; } if (kind == 'keys') return { value: index, done: false }; if (kind == 'values') return { value: target[index], done: false }; return { value: [index, target[index]], done: false }; }, 'values'); // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% // // Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array; // addToUnscopables('keys'); addToUnscopables('values'); addToUnscopables('entries'); },{"../internals/add-to-unscopables":3,"../internals/define-iterator":17,"../internals/internal-state":34,"../internals/iterators":40,"../internals/to-indexed-object":69}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var charAt = require('../internals/string-multibyte').charAt; var InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state'); var defineIterator = require('../internals/define-iterator'); var STRING_ITERATOR = 'String Iterator'; var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set; var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(STRING_ITERATOR); // `String.prototype[@@iterator]` method // defineIterator(String, 'String', function (iterated) { setInternalState(this, { type: STRING_ITERATOR, string: String(iterated), index: 0 }); // `` method // }, function next() { var state = getInternalState(this); var string = state.string; var index = state.index; var point; if (index >= string.length) return { value: undefined, done: true }; point = charAt(string, index); state.index += point.length; return { value: point, done: false }; }); },{"../internals/define-iterator":17,"../internals/internal-state":34,"../internals/string-multibyte":66}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // TODO: in core-js@4, move /modules/ dependencies to public entries for better optimization by tools like `preset-env` require('../modules/es.array.iterator'); var $ = require('../internals/export'); var getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in'); var USE_NATIVE_URL = require('../internals/native-url'); var redefine = require('../internals/redefine'); var redefineAll = require('../internals/redefine-all'); var setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag'); var createIteratorConstructor = require('../internals/create-iterator-constructor'); var InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state'); var anInstance = require('../internals/an-instance'); var hasOwn = require('../internals/has'); var bind = require('../internals/function-bind-context'); var classof = require('../internals/classof'); var anObject = require('../internals/an-object'); var isObject = require('../internals/is-object'); var create = require('../internals/object-create'); var createPropertyDescriptor = require('../internals/create-property-descriptor'); var getIterator = require('../internals/get-iterator'); var getIteratorMethod = require('../internals/get-iterator-method'); var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol'); var $fetch = getBuiltIn('fetch'); var Headers = getBuiltIn('Headers'); var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol('iterator'); var URL_SEARCH_PARAMS = 'URLSearchParams'; var URL_SEARCH_PARAMS_ITERATOR = URL_SEARCH_PARAMS + 'Iterator'; var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set; var getInternalParamsState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(URL_SEARCH_PARAMS); var getInternalIteratorState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(URL_SEARCH_PARAMS_ITERATOR); var plus = /\+/g; var sequences = Array(4); var percentSequence = function (bytes) { return sequences[bytes - 1] || (sequences[bytes - 1] = RegExp('((?:%[\\da-f]{2}){' + bytes + '})', 'gi')); }; var percentDecode = function (sequence) { try { return decodeURIComponent(sequence); } catch (error) { return sequence; } }; var deserialize = function (it) { var result = it.replace(plus, ' '); var bytes = 4; try { return decodeURIComponent(result); } catch (error) { while (bytes) { result = result.replace(percentSequence(bytes--), percentDecode); } return result; } }; var find = /[!'()~]|%20/g; var replace = { '!': '%21', "'": '%27', '(': '%28', ')': '%29', '~': '%7E', '%20': '+' }; var replacer = function (match) { return replace[match]; }; var serialize = function (it) { return encodeURIComponent(it).replace(find, replacer); }; var parseSearchParams = function (result, query) { if (query) { var attributes = query.split('&'); var index = 0; var attribute, entry; while (index < attributes.length) { attribute = attributes[index++]; if (attribute.length) { entry = attribute.split('='); result.push({ key: deserialize(entry.shift()), value: deserialize(entry.join('=')) }); } } } }; var updateSearchParams = function (query) { this.entries.length = 0; parseSearchParams(this.entries, query); }; var validateArgumentsLength = function (passed, required) { if (passed < required) throw TypeError('Not enough arguments'); }; var URLSearchParamsIterator = createIteratorConstructor(function Iterator(params, kind) { setInternalState(this, { type: URL_SEARCH_PARAMS_ITERATOR, iterator: getIterator(getInternalParamsState(params).entries), kind: kind }); }, 'Iterator', function next() { var state = getInternalIteratorState(this); var kind = state.kind; var step =; var entry = step.value; if (!step.done) { step.value = kind === 'keys' ? entry.key : kind === 'values' ? entry.value : [entry.key, entry.value]; } return step; }); // `URLSearchParams` constructor // var URLSearchParamsConstructor = function URLSearchParams(/* init */) { anInstance(this, URLSearchParamsConstructor, URL_SEARCH_PARAMS); var init = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined; var that = this; var entries = []; var iteratorMethod, iterator, next, step, entryIterator, entryNext, first, second, key; setInternalState(that, { type: URL_SEARCH_PARAMS, entries: entries, updateURL: function () { /* empty */ }, updateSearchParams: updateSearchParams }); if (init !== undefined) { if (isObject(init)) { iteratorMethod = getIteratorMethod(init); if (typeof iteratorMethod === 'function') { iterator =; next =; while (!(step = { entryIterator = getIterator(anObject(step.value)); entryNext =; if ( (first = || (second = || ! ) throw TypeError('Expected sequence with length 2'); entries.push({ key: first.value + '', value: second.value + '' }); } } else for (key in init) if (hasOwn(init, key)) entries.push({ key: key, value: init[key] + '' }); } else { parseSearchParams(entries, typeof init === 'string' ? init.charAt(0) === '?' ? init.slice(1) : init : init + ''); } } }; var URLSearchParamsPrototype = URLSearchParamsConstructor.prototype; redefineAll(URLSearchParamsPrototype, { // `URLSearchParams.prototype.appent` method // append: function append(name, value) { validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 2); var state = getInternalParamsState(this); state.entries.push({ key: name + '', value: value + '' }); state.updateURL(); }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.delete` method // 'delete': function (name) { validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1); var state = getInternalParamsState(this); var entries = state.entries; var key = name + ''; var index = 0; while (index < entries.length) { if (entries[index].key === key) entries.splice(index, 1); else index++; } state.updateURL(); }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.get` method // get: function get(name) { validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1); var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries; var key = name + ''; var index = 0; for (; index < entries.length; index++) { if (entries[index].key === key) return entries[index].value; } return null; }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.getAll` method // getAll: function getAll(name) { validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1); var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries; var key = name + ''; var result = []; var index = 0; for (; index < entries.length; index++) { if (entries[index].key === key) result.push(entries[index].value); } return result; }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.has` method // has: function has(name) { validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1); var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries; var key = name + ''; var index = 0; while (index < entries.length) { if (entries[index++].key === key) return true; } return false; }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.set` method // set: function set(name, value) { validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1); var state = getInternalParamsState(this); var entries = state.entries; var found = false; var key = name + ''; var val = value + ''; var index = 0; var entry; for (; index < entries.length; index++) { entry = entries[index]; if (entry.key === key) { if (found) entries.splice(index--, 1); else { found = true; entry.value = val; } } } if (!found) entries.push({ key: key, value: val }); state.updateURL(); }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.sort` method // sort: function sort() { var state = getInternalParamsState(this); var entries = state.entries; // Array#sort is not stable in some engines var slice = entries.slice(); var entry, entriesIndex, sliceIndex; entries.length = 0; for (sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slice.length; sliceIndex++) { entry = slice[sliceIndex]; for (entriesIndex = 0; entriesIndex < sliceIndex; entriesIndex++) { if (entries[entriesIndex].key > entry.key) { entries.splice(entriesIndex, 0, entry); break; } } if (entriesIndex === sliceIndex) entries.push(entry); } state.updateURL(); }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.forEach` method forEach: function forEach(callback /* , thisArg */) { var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries; var boundFunction = bind(callback, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, 3); var index = 0; var entry; while (index < entries.length) { entry = entries[index++]; boundFunction(entry.value, entry.key, this); } }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.keys` method keys: function keys() { return new URLSearchParamsIterator(this, 'keys'); }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.values` method values: function values() { return new URLSearchParamsIterator(this, 'values'); }, // `URLSearchParams.prototype.entries` method entries: function entries() { return new URLSearchParamsIterator(this, 'entries'); } }, { enumerable: true }); // `URLSearchParams.prototype[@@iterator]` method redefine(URLSearchParamsPrototype, ITERATOR, URLSearchParamsPrototype.entries); // `URLSearchParams.prototype.toString` method // redefine(URLSearchParamsPrototype, 'toString', function toString() { var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries; var result = []; var index = 0; var entry; while (index < entries.length) { entry = entries[index++]; result.push(serialize(entry.key) + '=' + serialize(entry.value)); } return result.join('&'); }, { enumerable: true }); setToStringTag(URLSearchParamsConstructor, URL_SEARCH_PARAMS); $({ global: true, forced: !USE_NATIVE_URL }, { URLSearchParams: URLSearchParamsConstructor }); // Wrap `fetch` for correct work with polyfilled `URLSearchParams` // if (!USE_NATIVE_URL && typeof $fetch == 'function' && typeof Headers == 'function') { $({ global: true, enumerable: true, forced: true }, { fetch: function fetch(input /* , init */) { var args = [input]; var init, body, headers; if (arguments.length > 1) { init = arguments[1]; if (isObject(init)) { body = init.body; if (classof(body) === URL_SEARCH_PARAMS) { headers = init.headers ? new Headers(init.headers) : new Headers(); if (!headers.has('content-type')) { headers.set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); } init = create(init, { body: createPropertyDescriptor(0, String(body)), headers: createPropertyDescriptor(0, headers) }); } } args.push(init); } return $fetch.apply(this, args); } }); } module.exports = { URLSearchParams: URLSearchParamsConstructor, getState: getInternalParamsState }; },{"../internals/an-instance":4,"../internals/an-object":5,"../internals/classof":10,"../internals/create-iterator-constructor":13,"../internals/create-property-descriptor":15,"../internals/export":21,"../internals/function-bind-context":23,"../internals/get-built-in":24,"../internals/get-iterator":26,"../internals/get-iterator-method":25,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/internal-state":34,"../internals/is-object":37,"../internals/native-url":42,"../internals/object-create":45,"../internals/redefine":59,"../internals/redefine-all":58,"../internals/set-to-string-tag":62,"../internals/well-known-symbol":77,"../modules/es.array.iterator":78}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // TODO: in core-js@4, move /modules/ dependencies to public entries for better optimization by tools like `preset-env` require('../modules/es.string.iterator'); var $ = require('../internals/export'); var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors'); var USE_NATIVE_URL = require('../internals/native-url'); var global = require('../internals/global'); var defineProperties = require('../internals/object-define-properties'); var redefine = require('../internals/redefine'); var anInstance = require('../internals/an-instance'); var has = require('../internals/has'); var assign = require('../internals/object-assign'); var arrayFrom = require('../internals/array-from'); var codeAt = require('../internals/string-multibyte').codeAt; var toASCII = require('../internals/string-punycode-to-ascii'); var setToStringTag = require('../internals/set-to-string-tag'); var URLSearchParamsModule = require('../modules/web.url-search-params'); var InternalStateModule = require('../internals/internal-state'); var NativeURL = global.URL; var URLSearchParams = URLSearchParamsModule.URLSearchParams; var getInternalSearchParamsState = URLSearchParamsModule.getState; var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set; var getInternalURLState = InternalStateModule.getterFor('URL'); var floor = Math.floor; var pow = Math.pow; var INVALID_AUTHORITY = 'Invalid authority'; var INVALID_SCHEME = 'Invalid scheme'; var INVALID_HOST = 'Invalid host'; var INVALID_PORT = 'Invalid port'; var ALPHA = /[A-Za-z]/; var ALPHANUMERIC = /[\d+\-.A-Za-z]/; var DIGIT = /\d/; var HEX_START = /^(0x|0X)/; var OCT = /^[0-7]+$/; var DEC = /^\d+$/; var HEX = /^[\dA-Fa-f]+$/; // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex var FORBIDDEN_HOST_CODE_POINT = /[\u0000\u0009\u000A\u000D #%/:?@[\\]]/; // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex var FORBIDDEN_HOST_CODE_POINT_EXCLUDING_PERCENT = /[\u0000\u0009\u000A\u000D #/:?@[\\]]/; // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex var LEADING_AND_TRAILING_C0_CONTROL_OR_SPACE = /^[\u0000-\u001F ]+|[\u0000-\u001F ]+$/g; // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex var TAB_AND_NEW_LINE = /[\u0009\u000A\u000D]/g; var EOF; var parseHost = function (url, input) { var result, codePoints, index; if (input.charAt(0) == '[') { if (input.charAt(input.length - 1) != ']') return INVALID_HOST; result = parseIPv6(input.slice(1, -1)); if (!result) return INVALID_HOST; = result; // opaque host } else if (!isSpecial(url)) { if (FORBIDDEN_HOST_CODE_POINT_EXCLUDING_PERCENT.test(input)) return INVALID_HOST; result = ''; codePoints = arrayFrom(input); for (index = 0; index < codePoints.length; index++) { result += percentEncode(codePoints[index], C0ControlPercentEncodeSet); } = result; } else { input = toASCII(input); if (FORBIDDEN_HOST_CODE_POINT.test(input)) return INVALID_HOST; result = parseIPv4(input); if (result === null) return INVALID_HOST; = result; } }; var parseIPv4 = function (input) { var parts = input.split('.'); var partsLength, numbers, index, part, radix, number, ipv4; if (parts.length && parts[parts.length - 1] == '') { parts.pop(); } partsLength = parts.length; if (partsLength > 4) return input; numbers = []; for (index = 0; index < partsLength; index++) { part = parts[index]; if (part == '') return input; radix = 10; if (part.length > 1 && part.charAt(0) == '0') { radix = HEX_START.test(part) ? 16 : 8; part = part.slice(radix == 8 ? 1 : 2); } if (part === '') { number = 0; } else { if (!(radix == 10 ? DEC : radix == 8 ? OCT : HEX).test(part)) return input; number = parseInt(part, radix); } numbers.push(number); } for (index = 0; index < partsLength; index++) { number = numbers[index]; if (index == partsLength - 1) { if (number >= pow(256, 5 - partsLength)) return null; } else if (number > 255) return null; } ipv4 = numbers.pop(); for (index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) { ipv4 += numbers[index] * pow(256, 3 - index); } return ipv4; }; // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements var parseIPv6 = function (input) { var address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var pieceIndex = 0; var compress = null; var pointer = 0; var value, length, numbersSeen, ipv4Piece, number, swaps, swap; var char = function () { return input.charAt(pointer); }; if (char() == ':') { if (input.charAt(1) != ':') return; pointer += 2; pieceIndex++; compress = pieceIndex; } while (char()) { if (pieceIndex == 8) return; if (char() == ':') { if (compress !== null) return; pointer++; pieceIndex++; compress = pieceIndex; continue; } value = length = 0; while (length < 4 && HEX.test(char())) { value = value * 16 + parseInt(char(), 16); pointer++; length++; } if (char() == '.') { if (length == 0) return; pointer -= length; if (pieceIndex > 6) return; numbersSeen = 0; while (char()) { ipv4Piece = null; if (numbersSeen > 0) { if (char() == '.' && numbersSeen < 4) pointer++; else return; } if (!DIGIT.test(char())) return; while (DIGIT.test(char())) { number = parseInt(char(), 10); if (ipv4Piece === null) ipv4Piece = number; else if (ipv4Piece == 0) return; else ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; if (ipv4Piece > 255) return; pointer++; } address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 256 + ipv4Piece; numbersSeen++; if (numbersSeen == 2 || numbersSeen == 4) pieceIndex++; } if (numbersSeen != 4) return; break; } else if (char() == ':') { pointer++; if (!char()) return; } else if (char()) return; address[pieceIndex++] = value; } if (compress !== null) { swaps = pieceIndex - compress; pieceIndex = 7; while (pieceIndex != 0 && swaps > 0) { swap = address[pieceIndex]; address[pieceIndex--] = address[compress + swaps - 1]; address[compress + --swaps] = swap; } } else if (pieceIndex != 8) return; return address; }; var findLongestZeroSequence = function (ipv6) { var maxIndex = null; var maxLength = 1; var currStart = null; var currLength = 0; var index = 0; for (; index < 8; index++) { if (ipv6[index] !== 0) { if (currLength > maxLength) { maxIndex = currStart; maxLength = currLength; } currStart = null; currLength = 0; } else { if (currStart === null) currStart = index; ++currLength; } } if (currLength > maxLength) { maxIndex = currStart; maxLength = currLength; } return maxIndex; }; var serializeHost = function (host) { var result, index, compress, ignore0; // ipv4 if (typeof host == 'number') { result = []; for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) { result.unshift(host % 256); host = floor(host / 256); } return result.join('.'); // ipv6 } else if (typeof host == 'object') { result = ''; compress = findLongestZeroSequence(host); for (index = 0; index < 8; index++) { if (ignore0 && host[index] === 0) continue; if (ignore0) ignore0 = false; if (compress === index) { result += index ? ':' : '::'; ignore0 = true; } else { result += host[index].toString(16); if (index < 7) result += ':'; } } return '[' + result + ']'; } return host; }; var C0ControlPercentEncodeSet = {}; var fragmentPercentEncodeSet = assign({}, C0ControlPercentEncodeSet, { ' ': 1, '"': 1, '<': 1, '>': 1, '`': 1 }); var pathPercentEncodeSet = assign({}, fragmentPercentEncodeSet, { '#': 1, '?': 1, '{': 1, '}': 1 }); var userinfoPercentEncodeSet = assign({}, pathPercentEncodeSet, { '/': 1, ':': 1, ';': 1, '=': 1, '@': 1, '[': 1, '\\': 1, ']': 1, '^': 1, '|': 1 }); var percentEncode = function (char, set) { var code = codeAt(char, 0); return code > 0x20 && code < 0x7F && !has(set, char) ? char : encodeURIComponent(char); }; var specialSchemes = { ftp: 21, file: null, http: 80, https: 443, ws: 80, wss: 443 }; var isSpecial = function (url) { return has(specialSchemes, url.scheme); }; var includesCredentials = function (url) { return url.username != '' || url.password != ''; }; var cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort = function (url) { return ! || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme == 'file'; }; var isWindowsDriveLetter = function (string, normalized) { var second; return string.length == 2 && ALPHA.test(string.charAt(0)) && ((second = string.charAt(1)) == ':' || (!normalized && second == '|')); }; var startsWithWindowsDriveLetter = function (string) { var third; return string.length > 1 && isWindowsDriveLetter(string.slice(0, 2)) && ( string.length == 2 || ((third = string.charAt(2)) === '/' || third === '\\' || third === '?' || third === '#') ); }; var shortenURLsPath = function (url) { var path = url.path; var pathSize = path.length; if (pathSize && (url.scheme != 'file' || pathSize != 1 || !isWindowsDriveLetter(path[0], true))) { path.pop(); } }; var isSingleDot = function (segment) { return segment === '.' || segment.toLowerCase() === '%2e'; }; var isDoubleDot = function (segment) { segment = segment.toLowerCase(); return segment === '..' || segment === '%2e.' || segment === '.%2e' || segment === '%2e%2e'; }; // States: var SCHEME_START = {}; var SCHEME = {}; var NO_SCHEME = {}; var SPECIAL_RELATIVE_OR_AUTHORITY = {}; var PATH_OR_AUTHORITY = {}; var RELATIVE = {}; var RELATIVE_SLASH = {}; var SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_SLASHES = {}; var SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_IGNORE_SLASHES = {}; var AUTHORITY = {}; var HOST = {}; var HOSTNAME = {}; var PORT = {}; var FILE = {}; var FILE_SLASH = {}; var FILE_HOST = {}; var PATH_START = {}; var PATH = {}; var CANNOT_BE_A_BASE_URL_PATH = {}; var QUERY = {}; var FRAGMENT = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements var parseURL = function (url, input, stateOverride, base) { var state = stateOverride || SCHEME_START; var pointer = 0; var buffer = ''; var seenAt = false; var seenBracket = false; var seenPasswordToken = false; var codePoints, char, bufferCodePoints, failure; if (!stateOverride) { url.scheme = ''; url.username = ''; url.password = ''; = null; url.port = null; url.path = []; url.query = null; url.fragment = null; url.cannotBeABaseURL = false; input = input.replace(LEADING_AND_TRAILING_C0_CONTROL_OR_SPACE, ''); } input = input.replace(TAB_AND_NEW_LINE, ''); codePoints = arrayFrom(input); while (pointer <= codePoints.length) { char = codePoints[pointer]; switch (state) { case SCHEME_START: if (char && ALPHA.test(char)) { buffer += char.toLowerCase(); state = SCHEME; } else if (!stateOverride) { state = NO_SCHEME; continue; } else return INVALID_SCHEME; break; case SCHEME: if (char && (ALPHANUMERIC.test(char) || char == '+' || char == '-' || char == '.')) { buffer += char.toLowerCase(); } else if (char == ':') { if (stateOverride && ( (isSpecial(url) != has(specialSchemes, buffer)) || (buffer == 'file' && (includesCredentials(url) || url.port !== null)) || (url.scheme == 'file' && ! )) return; url.scheme = buffer; if (stateOverride) { if (isSpecial(url) && specialSchemes[url.scheme] == url.port) url.port = null; return; } buffer = ''; if (url.scheme == 'file') { state = FILE; } else if (isSpecial(url) && base && base.scheme == url.scheme) { state = SPECIAL_RELATIVE_OR_AUTHORITY; } else if (isSpecial(url)) { state = SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_SLASHES; } else if (codePoints[pointer + 1] == '/') { state = PATH_OR_AUTHORITY; pointer++; } else { url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; url.path.push(''); state = CANNOT_BE_A_BASE_URL_PATH; } } else if (!stateOverride) { buffer = ''; state = NO_SCHEME; pointer = 0; continue; } else return INVALID_SCHEME; break; case NO_SCHEME: if (!base || (base.cannotBeABaseURL && char != '#')) return INVALID_SCHEME; if (base.cannotBeABaseURL && char == '#') { url.scheme = base.scheme; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.query = base.query; url.fragment = ''; url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; state = FRAGMENT; break; } state = base.scheme == 'file' ? FILE : RELATIVE; continue; case SPECIAL_RELATIVE_OR_AUTHORITY: if (char == '/' && codePoints[pointer + 1] == '/') { state = SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_IGNORE_SLASHES; pointer++; } else { state = RELATIVE; continue; } break; case PATH_OR_AUTHORITY: if (char == '/') { state = AUTHORITY; break; } else { state = PATH; continue; } case RELATIVE: url.scheme = base.scheme; if (char == EOF) { url.username = base.username; url.password = base.password; =; url.port = base.port; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.query = base.query; } else if (char == '/' || (char == '\\' && isSpecial(url))) { state = RELATIVE_SLASH; } else if (char == '?') { url.username = base.username; url.password = base.password; =; url.port = base.port; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.query = ''; state = QUERY; } else if (char == '#') { url.username = base.username; url.password = base.password; =; url.port = base.port; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.query = base.query; url.fragment = ''; state = FRAGMENT; } else { url.username = base.username; url.password = base.password; =; url.port = base.port; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.path.pop(); state = PATH; continue; } break; case RELATIVE_SLASH: if (isSpecial(url) && (char == '/' || char == '\\')) { state = SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_IGNORE_SLASHES; } else if (char == '/') { state = AUTHORITY; } else { url.username = base.username; url.password = base.password; =; url.port = base.port; state = PATH; continue; } break; case SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_SLASHES: state = SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_IGNORE_SLASHES; if (char != '/' || buffer.charAt(pointer + 1) != '/') continue; pointer++; break; case SPECIAL_AUTHORITY_IGNORE_SLASHES: if (char != '/' && char != '\\') { state = AUTHORITY; continue; } break; case AUTHORITY: if (char == '@') { if (seenAt) buffer = '%40' + buffer; seenAt = true; bufferCodePoints = arrayFrom(buffer); for (var i = 0; i < bufferCodePoints.length; i++) { var codePoint = bufferCodePoints[i]; if (codePoint == ':' && !seenPasswordToken) { seenPasswordToken = true; continue; } var encodedCodePoints = percentEncode(codePoint, userinfoPercentEncodeSet); if (seenPasswordToken) url.password += encodedCodePoints; else url.username += encodedCodePoints; } buffer = ''; } else if ( char == EOF || char == '/' || char == '?' || char == '#' || (char == '\\' && isSpecial(url)) ) { if (seenAt && buffer == '') return INVALID_AUTHORITY; pointer -= arrayFrom(buffer).length + 1; buffer = ''; state = HOST; } else buffer += char; break; case HOST: case HOSTNAME: if (stateOverride && url.scheme == 'file') { state = FILE_HOST; continue; } else if (char == ':' && !seenBracket) { if (buffer == '') return INVALID_HOST; failure = parseHost(url, buffer); if (failure) return failure; buffer = ''; state = PORT; if (stateOverride == HOSTNAME) return; } else if ( char == EOF || char == '/' || char == '?' || char == '#' || (char == '\\' && isSpecial(url)) ) { if (isSpecial(url) && buffer == '') return INVALID_HOST; if (stateOverride && buffer == '' && (includesCredentials(url) || url.port !== null)) return; failure = parseHost(url, buffer); if (failure) return failure; buffer = ''; state = PATH_START; if (stateOverride) return; continue; } else { if (char == '[') seenBracket = true; else if (char == ']') seenBracket = false; buffer += char; } break; case PORT: if (DIGIT.test(char)) { buffer += char; } else if ( char == EOF || char == '/' || char == '?' || char == '#' || (char == '\\' && isSpecial(url)) || stateOverride ) { if (buffer != '') { var port = parseInt(buffer, 10); if (port > 0xFFFF) return INVALID_PORT; url.port = (isSpecial(url) && port === specialSchemes[url.scheme]) ? null : port; buffer = ''; } if (stateOverride) return; state = PATH_START; continue; } else return INVALID_PORT; break; case FILE: url.scheme = 'file'; if (char == '/' || char == '\\') state = FILE_SLASH; else if (base && base.scheme == 'file') { if (char == EOF) { =; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.query = base.query; } else if (char == '?') { =; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.query = ''; state = QUERY; } else if (char == '#') { =; url.path = base.path.slice(); url.query = base.query; url.fragment = ''; state = FRAGMENT; } else { if (!startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(codePoints.slice(pointer).join(''))) { =; url.path = base.path.slice(); shortenURLsPath(url); } state = PATH; continue; } } else { state = PATH; continue; } break; case FILE_SLASH: if (char == '/' || char == '\\') { state = FILE_HOST; break; } if (base && base.scheme == 'file' && !startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(codePoints.slice(pointer).join(''))) { if (isWindowsDriveLetter(base.path[0], true)) url.path.push(base.path[0]); else =; } state = PATH; continue; case FILE_HOST: if (char == EOF || char == '/' || char == '\\' || char == '?' || char == '#') { if (!stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetter(buffer)) { state = PATH; } else if (buffer == '') { = ''; if (stateOverride) return; state = PATH_START; } else { failure = parseHost(url, buffer); if (failure) return failure; if ( == 'localhost') = ''; if (stateOverride) return; buffer = ''; state = PATH_START; } continue; } else buffer += char; break; case PATH_START: if (isSpecial(url)) { state = PATH; if (char != '/' && char != '\\') continue; } else if (!stateOverride && char == '?') { url.query = ''; state = QUERY; } else if (!stateOverride && char == '#') { url.fragment = ''; state = FRAGMENT; } else if (char != EOF) { state = PATH; if (char != '/') continue; } break; case PATH: if ( char == EOF || char == '/' || (char == '\\' && isSpecial(url)) || (!stateOverride && (char == '?' || char == '#')) ) { if (isDoubleDot(buffer)) { shortenURLsPath(url); if (char != '/' && !(char == '\\' && isSpecial(url))) { url.path.push(''); } } else if (isSingleDot(buffer)) { if (char != '/' && !(char == '\\' && isSpecial(url))) { url.path.push(''); } } else { if (url.scheme == 'file' && !url.path.length && isWindowsDriveLetter(buffer)) { if ( = ''; buffer = buffer.charAt(0) + ':'; // normalize windows drive letter } url.path.push(buffer); } buffer = ''; if (url.scheme == 'file' && (char == EOF || char == '?' || char == '#')) { while (url.path.length > 1 && url.path[0] === '') { url.path.shift(); } } if (char == '?') { url.query = ''; state = QUERY; } else if (char == '#') { url.fragment = ''; state = FRAGMENT; } } else { buffer += percentEncode(char, pathPercentEncodeSet); } break; case CANNOT_BE_A_BASE_URL_PATH: if (char == '?') { url.query = ''; state = QUERY; } else if (char == '#') { url.fragment = ''; state = FRAGMENT; } else if (char != EOF) { url.path[0] += percentEncode(char, C0ControlPercentEncodeSet); } break; case QUERY: if (!stateOverride && char == '#') { url.fragment = ''; state = FRAGMENT; } else if (char != EOF) { if (char == "'" && isSpecial(url)) url.query += '%27'; else if (char == '#') url.query += '%23'; else url.query += percentEncode(char, C0ControlPercentEncodeSet); } break; case FRAGMENT: if (char != EOF) url.fragment += percentEncode(char, fragmentPercentEncodeSet); break; } pointer++; } }; // `URL` constructor // var URLConstructor = function URL(url /* , base */) { var that = anInstance(this, URLConstructor, 'URL'); var base = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var urlString = String(url); var state = setInternalState(that, { type: 'URL' }); var baseState, failure; if (base !== undefined) { if (base instanceof URLConstructor) baseState = getInternalURLState(base); else { failure = parseURL(baseState = {}, String(base)); if (failure) throw TypeError(failure); } } failure = parseURL(state, urlString, null, baseState); if (failure) throw TypeError(failure); var searchParams = state.searchParams = new URLSearchParams(); var searchParamsState = getInternalSearchParamsState(searchParams); searchParamsState.updateSearchParams(state.query); searchParamsState.updateURL = function () { state.query = String(searchParams) || null; }; if (!DESCRIPTORS) { that.href =; that.origin =; that.protocol =; that.username =; that.password =; =; that.hostname =; that.port =; that.pathname =; =; that.searchParams =; that.hash =; } }; var URLPrototype = URLConstructor.prototype; var serializeURL = function () { var url = getInternalURLState(this); var scheme = url.scheme; var username = url.username; var password = url.password; var host =; var port = url.port; var path = url.path; var query = url.query; var fragment = url.fragment; var output = scheme + ':'; if (host !== null) { output += '//'; if (includesCredentials(url)) { output += username + (password ? ':' + password : '') + '@'; } output += serializeHost(host); if (port !== null) output += ':' + port; } else if (scheme == 'file') output += '//'; output += url.cannotBeABaseURL ? path[0] : path.length ? '/' + path.join('/') : ''; if (query !== null) output += '?' + query; if (fragment !== null) output += '#' + fragment; return output; }; var getOrigin = function () { var url = getInternalURLState(this); var scheme = url.scheme; var port = url.port; if (scheme == 'blob') try { return new URL(scheme.path[0]).origin; } catch (error) { return 'null'; } if (scheme == 'file' || !isSpecial(url)) return 'null'; return scheme + '://' + serializeHost( + (port !== null ? ':' + port : ''); }; var getProtocol = function () { return getInternalURLState(this).scheme + ':'; }; var getUsername = function () { return getInternalURLState(this).username; }; var getPassword = function () { return getInternalURLState(this).password; }; var getHost = function () { var url = getInternalURLState(this); var host =; var port = url.port; return host === null ? '' : port === null ? serializeHost(host) : serializeHost(host) + ':' + port; }; var getHostname = function () { var host = getInternalURLState(this).host; return host === null ? '' : serializeHost(host); }; var getPort = function () { var port = getInternalURLState(this).port; return port === null ? '' : String(port); }; var getPathname = function () { var url = getInternalURLState(this); var path = url.path; return url.cannotBeABaseURL ? path[0] : path.length ? '/' + path.join('/') : ''; }; var getSearch = function () { var query = getInternalURLState(this).query; return query ? '?' + query : ''; }; var getSearchParams = function () { return getInternalURLState(this).searchParams; }; var getHash = function () { var fragment = getInternalURLState(this).fragment; return fragment ? '#' + fragment : ''; }; var accessorDescriptor = function (getter, setter) { return { get: getter, set: setter, configurable: true, enumerable: true }; }; if (DESCRIPTORS) { defineProperties(URLPrototype, { // `URL.prototype.href` accessors pair // href: accessorDescriptor(serializeURL, function (href) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); var urlString = String(href); var failure = parseURL(url, urlString); if (failure) throw TypeError(failure); getInternalSearchParamsState(url.searchParams).updateSearchParams(url.query); }), // `URL.prototype.origin` getter // origin: accessorDescriptor(getOrigin), // `URL.prototype.protocol` accessors pair // protocol: accessorDescriptor(getProtocol, function (protocol) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); parseURL(url, String(protocol) + ':', SCHEME_START); }), // `URL.prototype.username` accessors pair // username: accessorDescriptor(getUsername, function (username) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); var codePoints = arrayFrom(String(username)); if (cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort(url)) return; url.username = ''; for (var i = 0; i < codePoints.length; i++) { url.username += percentEncode(codePoints[i], userinfoPercentEncodeSet); } }), // `URL.prototype.password` accessors pair // password: accessorDescriptor(getPassword, function (password) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); var codePoints = arrayFrom(String(password)); if (cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort(url)) return; url.password = ''; for (var i = 0; i < codePoints.length; i++) { url.password += percentEncode(codePoints[i], userinfoPercentEncodeSet); } }), // `` accessors pair // host: accessorDescriptor(getHost, function (host) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) return; parseURL(url, String(host), HOST); }), // `URL.prototype.hostname` accessors pair // hostname: accessorDescriptor(getHostname, function (hostname) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) return; parseURL(url, String(hostname), HOSTNAME); }), // `URL.prototype.port` accessors pair // port: accessorDescriptor(getPort, function (port) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); if (cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort(url)) return; port = String(port); if (port == '') url.port = null; else parseURL(url, port, PORT); }), // `URL.prototype.pathname` accessors pair // pathname: accessorDescriptor(getPathname, function (pathname) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) return; url.path = []; parseURL(url, pathname + '', PATH_START); }), // `` accessors pair // search: accessorDescriptor(getSearch, function (search) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); search = String(search); if (search == '') { url.query = null; } else { if ('?' == search.charAt(0)) search = search.slice(1); url.query = ''; parseURL(url, search, QUERY); } getInternalSearchParamsState(url.searchParams).updateSearchParams(url.query); }), // `URL.prototype.searchParams` getter // searchParams: accessorDescriptor(getSearchParams), // `URL.prototype.hash` accessors pair // hash: accessorDescriptor(getHash, function (hash) { var url = getInternalURLState(this); hash = String(hash); if (hash == '') { url.fragment = null; return; } if ('#' == hash.charAt(0)) hash = hash.slice(1); url.fragment = ''; parseURL(url, hash, FRAGMENT); }) }); } // `URL.prototype.toJSON` method // redefine(URLPrototype, 'toJSON', function toJSON() { return; }, { enumerable: true }); // `URL.prototype.toString` method // redefine(URLPrototype, 'toString', function toString() { return; }, { enumerable: true }); if (NativeURL) { var nativeCreateObjectURL = NativeURL.createObjectURL; var nativeRevokeObjectURL = NativeURL.revokeObjectURL; // `URL.createObjectURL` method // // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars if (nativeCreateObjectURL) redefine(URLConstructor, 'createObjectURL', function createObjectURL(blob) { return nativeCreateObjectURL.apply(NativeURL, arguments); }); // `URL.revokeObjectURL` method // // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars if (nativeRevokeObjectURL) redefine(URLConstructor, 'revokeObjectURL', function revokeObjectURL(url) { return nativeRevokeObjectURL.apply(NativeURL, arguments); }); } setToStringTag(URLConstructor, 'URL'); $({ global: true, forced: !USE_NATIVE_URL, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, { URL: URLConstructor }); },{"../internals/an-instance":4,"../internals/array-from":6,"../internals/descriptors":18,"../internals/export":21,"../internals/global":27,"../internals/has":28,"../internals/internal-state":34,"../internals/native-url":42,"../internals/object-assign":44,"../internals/object-define-properties":46,"../internals/redefine":59,"../internals/set-to-string-tag":62,"../internals/string-multibyte":66,"../internals/string-punycode-to-ascii":67,"../modules/es.string.iterator":79,"../modules/web.url-search-params":80}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('../internals/export'); // `URL.prototype.toJSON` method // $({ target: 'URL', proto: true, enumerable: true }, { toJSON: function toJSON() { return; } }); },{"../internals/export":21}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ require('../modules/web.url'); require('../modules/'); require('../modules/web.url-search-params'); var path = require('../internals/path'); module.exports = path.URL; },{"../internals/path":57,"../modules/web.url":81,"../modules/web.url-search-params":80,"../modules/":82}]},{},[83]); PK�������!�XQyb��yb����vendor/regenerator-runtime.jsnu�[��������/** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var runtime = (function (exports) { "use strict"; var Op = Object.prototype; var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty; var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }; var undefined; // More compressible than void 0. var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol : {}; var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator"; var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator"; var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag"; function define(obj, key, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); return obj[key]; } try { // IE 8 has a broken Object.defineProperty that only works on DOM objects. define({}, ""); } catch (err) { define = function(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator. var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator; var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype); var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next, // .throw, and .return methods. defineProperty(generator, "_invoke", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }); return generator; } exports.wrap = wrap; // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate. function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: "normal", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: "throw", arg: err }; } } var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart"; var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield"; var GenStateExecuting = "executing"; var GenStateCompleted = "completed"; // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement. var ContinueSentinel = {}; // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions. function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that // don't natively support it. var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf; var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); if (NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol)) { // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead // of the polyfill. IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype; } var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; defineProperty(Gp, "constructor", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: true }); defineProperty( GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: true } ); GeneratorFunction.displayName = define( GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction" ); // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method. function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method) { define(prototype, method, function(arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } exports.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) { var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor; return ctor ? ctor === GeneratorFunction || // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can // do is to check its .name property. (ctor.displayName || === "GeneratorFunction" : false; }; exports.mark = function(genFun) { if (Object.setPrototypeOf) { Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype); } else { genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction"); } genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp); return genFun; }; // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test // `, "__await")` to determine if the yielded value is // meant to be awaited. exports.awrap = function(arg) { return { __await: arg }; }; function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (record.type === "throw") { reject(record.arg); } else { var result = record.arg; var value = result.value; if (value && typeof value === "object" &&, "__await")) { return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value) { invoke("next", value, resolve, reject); }, function(err) { invoke("throw", err, resolve, reject); }); } return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) { // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the // current iteration. result.value = unwrapped; resolve(result); }, function(error) { // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back // into the async generator function so it can be handled there. return invoke("throw", error, resolve, reject); }); } } var previousPromise; function enqueue(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function(resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke, // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire, // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially // important to get this right, even though it requires care. previousPromise ? previousPromise.then( callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later // invocations of the iterator. callInvokeWithMethodAndArg ) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next, // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods). defineProperty(this, "_invoke", { value: enqueue }); } defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype); define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator; // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of // the final result produced by the iterator. exports.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { if (PromiseImpl === void 0) PromiseImpl = Promise; var iter = new AsyncIterator( wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl ); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator. : { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }; function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = GenStateSuspendedStart; return function invoke(method, arg) { if (state === GenStateExecuting) { throw new Error("Generator is already running"); } if (state === GenStateCompleted) { if (method === "throw") { throw arg; } // Be forgiving, per of the spec: // return doneResult(); } context.method = method; context.arg = arg; while (true) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (context.method === "next") { // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's // function.sent implementation. context.sent = context._sent = context.arg; } else if (context.method === "throw") { if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) { state = GenStateCompleted; throw context.arg; } context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else if (context.method === "return") { context.abrupt("return", context.arg); } state = GenStateExecuting; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (record.type === "normal") { // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state === // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation. state = context.done ? GenStateCompleted : GenStateSuspendedYield; if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) { continue; } return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } else if (record.type === "throw") { state = GenStateCompleted; // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above. context.method = "throw"; context.arg = record.arg; } } }; } // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg, // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel. function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method; var method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (method === undefined) { // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw // method, or a missing .next mehtod, always terminate the // yield* loop. context.delegate = null; // Note: ["return"] must be used for ES3 parsing compatibility. if (methodName === "throw" && delegate.iterator["return"]) { // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a // chance to clean up. context.method = "return"; context.arg = undefined; maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (context.method === "throw") { // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from // "return" to "throw", let that override the TypeError below. return ContinueSentinel; } } if (methodName !== "return") { context.method = "throw"; context.arg = new TypeError( "The iterator does not provide a '" + methodName + "' method"); } return ContinueSentinel; } var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (record.type === "throw") { context.method = "throw"; context.arg = record.arg; context.delegate = null; return ContinueSentinel; } var info = record.arg; if (! info) { context.method = "throw"; context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"); context.delegate = null; return ContinueSentinel; } if (info.done) { // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield). context[delegate.resultName] = info.value; // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield). = delegate.nextLoc; // If context.method was "throw" but the delegate handled the // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If // context.method was "next", forget context.arg since it has been // "consumed" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was // "return", allow the original .return call to continue in the // outer generator. if (context.method !== "return") { context.method = "next"; context.arg = undefined; } } else { // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method. return info; } // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with // the outer generator. context.delegate = null; return ContinueSentinel; } // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the // unified ._invoke helper method. defineIteratorMethods(Gp); define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, "Generator"); // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers' implementations of the // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn't happen. // See for more details. define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function() { return this; }); define(Gp, "toString", function() { return "[object Generator]"; }); function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; if (1 in locs) { entry.catchLoc = locs[1]; } if (2 in locs) { entry.finallyLoc = locs[2]; entry.afterLoc = locs[3]; } this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = "normal"; delete record.arg; entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from // locations where there is no enclosing try statement. this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }]; tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this); this.reset(true); } exports.keys = function(val) { var object = Object(val); var keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } keys.reverse(); // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep // things simple and return the next function itself. return function next() { while (keys.length) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) { next.value = key; next.done = false; return next; } } // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function. next.done = true; return next; }; }; function values(iterable) { if (iterable || iterable === "") { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) { return; } if (typeof === "function") { return iterable; } if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { while (++i < iterable.length) { if (, i)) { next.value = iterable[i]; next.done = false; return next; } } next.value = undefined; next.done = true; return next; }; return = next; } } throw new TypeError(typeof iterable + " is not iterable"); } exports.values = values; function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function(skipTempReset) { this.prev = 0; = 0; // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel's // function.sent implementation. this.sent = this._sent = undefined; this.done = false; this.delegate = null; this.method = "next"; this.arg = undefined; this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry); if (!skipTempReset) { for (var name in this) { // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions: if (name.charAt(0) === "t" &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) { this[name] = undefined; } } } }, stop: function() { this.done = true; var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0]; var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion; if (rootRecord.type === "throw") { throw rootRecord.arg; } return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function(exception) { if (this.done) { throw exception; } var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { record.type = "throw"; record.arg = exception; = loc; if (caught) { // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block, // then let that catch block handle the exception normally. context.method = "next"; context.arg = undefined; } return !! caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; var record = entry.completion; if (entry.tryLoc === "root") { // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to // throw the exception. return handle("end"); } if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, "catchLoc"); var hasFinally =, "finallyLoc"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) { return handle(entry.catchLoc, true); } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) { return handle(entry.catchLoc, true); } } else if (hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } else { throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally"); } } } }, abrupt: function(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } if (finallyEntry && (type === "break" || type === "continue") && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) { // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a // location outside the try/catch block. finallyEntry = null; } var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; record.type = type; record.arg = arg; if (finallyEntry) { this.method = "next"; = finallyEntry.finallyLoc; return ContinueSentinel; } return this.complete(record); }, complete: function(record, afterLoc) { if (record.type === "throw") { throw record.arg; } if (record.type === "break" || record.type === "continue") { = record.arg; } else if (record.type === "return") { this.rval = this.arg = record.arg; this.method = "return"; = "end"; } else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) { = afterLoc; } return ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) { this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc); resetTryEntry(entry); return ContinueSentinel; } } }, "catch": function(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (record.type === "throw") { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } // The context.catch method must only be called with a location // argument that corresponds to a known catch block. throw new Error("illegal catch attempt"); }, delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }; if (this.method === "next") { // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't // accidentally pass it on to the delegate. this.arg = undefined; } return ContinueSentinel; } }; // Regardless of whether this script is executing as a CommonJS module // or not, return the runtime object so that we can declare the variable // regeneratorRuntime in the outer scope, which allows this module to be // injected easily by `bin/regenerator --include-runtime script.js`. return exports; }( // If this script is executing as a CommonJS module, use module.exports // as the regeneratorRuntime namespace. Otherwise create a new empty // object. Either way, the resulting object will be used to initialize // the regeneratorRuntime variable at the top of this file. typeof module === "object" ? module.exports : {} )); try { regeneratorRuntime = runtime; } catch (accidentalStrictMode) { // This module should not be running in strict mode, so the above // assignment should always work unless something is misconfigured. Just // in case runtime.js accidentally runs in strict mode, in modern engines // we can explicitly access globalThis. In older engines we can escape // strict mode using a global Function call. This could conceivably fail // if a Content Security Policy forbids using Function, but in that case // the proper solution is to fix the accidental strict mode problem. If // you've misconfigured your bundler to force strict mode and applied a // CSP to forbid Function, and you're not willing to fix either of those // problems, please detail your unique predicament in a GitHub issue. if (typeof globalThis === "object") { globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = runtime; } else { Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(runtime); } } PK�������!�C@^������vendor/wp-polyfill-inert.min.jsnu�[��������!function(e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module||"function"!=typeof define||!define.amd?e():define("inert",e)}((function(){"use strict";var e,t,n,i,o,r,s=function(e,t,n){return t&&a(e.prototype,t),n&&a(e,n),e};function a(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n];i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,i.key,i)}}function d(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function u(e,t){d(this,u),this._inertManager=t,this._rootElement=e,this._managedNodes=new Set,this._rootElement.hasAttribute("aria-hidden")?this._savedAriaHidden=this._rootElement.getAttribute("aria-hidden"):this._savedAriaHidden=null,this._rootElement.setAttribute("aria-hidden","true"),this._makeSubtreeUnfocusable(this._rootElement),this._observer=new MutationObserver(this._onMutation.bind(this)),this._observer.observe(this._rootElement,{attributes:!0,childList:!0,subtree:!0})}function h(e,t){d(this,h),this._node=e,this._overrodeFocusMethod=!1,this._inertRoots=new Set([t]),this._savedTabIndex=null,this._destroyed=!1,this.ensureUntabbable()}function l(e){if(d(this,l),!e)throw new Error("Missing required argument; InertManager needs to wrap a document.");this._document=e,this._managedNodes=new Map,this._inertRoots=new Map,this._observer=new MutationObserver(this._watchForInert.bind(this)),_(e.head||e.body||e.documentElement),"loading"===e.readyState?e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",this._onDocumentLoaded.bind(this)):this._onDocumentLoaded()}function c(e,t,n){if(e.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE){var i=e;if(s=(t&&t(i),i.shadowRoot))return void c(s,t,s);if("content"==i.localName){for(var o=(s=i).getDistributedNodes?s.getDistributedNodes():[],r=0;r<o.length;r++)c(o[r],t,n);return}if("slot"==i.localName){for(var s,a=(s=i).assignedNodes?s.assignedNodes({flatten:!0}):[],d=0;d<a.length;d++)c(a[d],t,n);return}}for(var u=e.firstChild;null!=u;)c(u,t,n),u=u.nextSibling}function _(e){var t;e.querySelector("style#inert-style, link#inert-style")||((t=document.createElement("style")).setAttribute("id","inert-style"),t.textContent="\n[inert] {\n pointer-events: none;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n[inert], [inert] * {\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -moz-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n user-select: none;\n}\n",e.appendChild(t))}"undefined"!=typeof window&&(e=Array.prototype.slice,t=Element.prototype.matches||Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector,n=["a[href]","area[href]","input:not([disabled])","select:not([disabled])","textarea:not([disabled])","button:not([disabled])","details","summary","iframe","object","embed","[contenteditable]"].join(","),s(u,[{key:"destructor",value:function(){this._observer.disconnect(),this._rootElement&&(null!==this._savedAriaHidden?this._rootElement.setAttribute("aria-hidden",this._savedAriaHidden):this._rootElement.removeAttribute("aria-hidden")),this._managedNodes.forEach((function(e){this._unmanageNode(e.node)}),this),this._observer=null,this._rootElement=null,this._managedNodes=null,this._inertManager=null}},{key:"_makeSubtreeUnfocusable",value:function(e){var t=this,n=(c(e,(function(e){return t._visitNode(e)})),document.activeElement);if(!document.body.contains(e)){for(var i=e,o=void 0;i;){if(i.nodeType===Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){o=i;break}i=i.parentNode}o&&(n=o.activeElement)}e.contains(n)&&(n.blur(),n===document.activeElement&&document.body.focus())}},{key:"_visitNode",value:function(e){e.nodeType===Node.ELEMENT_NODE&&(e!==this._rootElement&&e.hasAttribute("inert")&&this._adoptInertRoot(e),(,n)||e.hasAttribute("tabindex"))&&this._manageNode(e))}},{key:"_manageNode",value:function(e){e=this._inertManager.register(e,this),this._managedNodes.add(e)}},{key:"_unmanageNode",value:function(e){(e=this._inertManager.deregister(e,this))&&this._managedNodes.delete(e)}},{key:"_unmanageSubtree",value:function(e){var t=this;c(e,(function(e){return t._unmanageNode(e)}))}},{key:"_adoptInertRoot",value:function(e){var t=this._inertManager.getInertRoot(e);t||(this._inertManager.setInert(e,!0),t=this._inertManager.getInertRoot(e)),t.managedNodes.forEach((function(e){this._manageNode(e.node)}),this)}},{key:"_onMutation",value:function(t,n){t.forEach((function(t){var n,;"childList"===t.type?({this._makeSubtreeUnfocusable(e)}),this),{this._unmanageSubtree(e)}),this)):"attributes"===t.type&&("tabindex"===t.attributeName?this._manageNode(i):i!==this._rootElement&&"inert"===t.attributeName&&i.hasAttribute("inert")&&(this._adoptInertRoot(i),n=this._inertManager.getInertRoot(i),this._managedNodes.forEach((function(e){i.contains(e.node)&&n._manageNode(e.node)}))))}),this)}},{key:"managedNodes",get:function(){return new Set(this._managedNodes)}},{key:"hasSavedAriaHidden",get:function(){return null!==this._savedAriaHidden}},{key:"savedAriaHidden",set:function(e){this._savedAriaHidden=e},get:function(){return this._savedAriaHidden}}]),i=u,s(h,[{key:"destructor",value:function(){var e;this._throwIfDestroyed(),this._node&&this._node.nodeType===Node.ELEMENT_NODE&&(e=this._node,null!==this._savedTabIndex?e.setAttribute("tabindex",this._savedTabIndex):e.removeAttribute("tabindex"),this._overrodeFocusMethod&&delete e.focus),this._node=null,this._inertRoots=null,this._destroyed=!0}},{key:"_throwIfDestroyed",value:function(){if(this.destroyed)throw new Error("Trying to access destroyed InertNode")}},{key:"ensureUntabbable",value:function(){var e;this.node.nodeType===Node.ELEMENT_NODE&&(e=this.node,,n)?-1===e.tabIndex&&this.hasSavedTabIndex||(e.hasAttribute("tabindex")&&(this._savedTabIndex=e.tabIndex),e.setAttribute("tabindex","-1"),e.nodeType===Node.ELEMENT_NODE&&(e.focus=function(){},this._overrodeFocusMethod=!0)):e.hasAttribute("tabindex")&&(this._savedTabIndex=e.tabIndex,e.removeAttribute("tabindex")))}},{key:"addInertRoot",value:function(e){this._throwIfDestroyed(),this._inertRoots.add(e)}},{key:"removeInertRoot",value:function(e){this._throwIfDestroyed(),this._inertRoots.delete(e),0===this._inertRoots.size&&this.destructor()}},{key:"destroyed",get:function(){return this._destroyed}},{key:"hasSavedTabIndex",get:function(){return null!==this._savedTabIndex}},{key:"node",get:function(){return this._throwIfDestroyed(),this._node}},{key:"savedTabIndex",set:function(e){this._throwIfDestroyed(),this._savedTabIndex=e},get:function(){return this._throwIfDestroyed(),this._savedTabIndex}}]),o=h,s(l,[{key:"setInert",value:function(e,t){if(t){if(!this._inertRoots.has(e)&&(t=new i(e,this),e.setAttribute("inert",""),this._inertRoots.set(e,t),!this._document.body.contains(e)))for(var n=e.parentNode;n;)11===n.nodeType&&_(n),n=n.parentNode}else this._inertRoots.has(e)&&(this._inertRoots.get(e).destructor(),this._inertRoots.delete(e),e.removeAttribute("inert"))}},{key:"getInertRoot",value:function(e){return this._inertRoots.get(e)}},{key:"register",value:function(e,t){var n=this._managedNodes.get(e);return void 0!==n?n.addInertRoot(t):n=new o(e,t),this._managedNodes.set(e,n),n}},{key:"deregister",value:function(e,t){var n=this._managedNodes.get(e);return n?(n.removeInertRoot(t),n.destroyed&&this._managedNodes.delete(e),n):null}},{key:"_onDocumentLoaded",value:function(){"[inert]")).forEach((function(e){this.setInert(e,!0)}),this),this._observer.observe(this._document.body||this._document.documentElement,{attributes:!0,subtree:!0,childList:!0})}},{key:"_watchForInert",value:function(n,i){var o=this;n.forEach((function(n){switch(n.type){case"childList"{var i;n.nodeType===Node.ELEMENT_NODE&&("[inert]")),,"[inert]")&&i.unshift(n),i.forEach((function(e){this.setInert(e,!0)}),o))}),o);break;case"attributes":if("inert"!==n.attributeName)return;var,r=i.hasAttribute("inert");o.setInert(i,r)}}),this)}}]),s=l,HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty("inert")||(r=new s(document),Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype,"inert",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return this.hasAttribute("inert")},set:function(e){r.setInert(this,e)}})))}));PK�������!�5������+��vendor/react-jsx-runtime.min.js.LICENSE.txtnu�[��������/** * @license React * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ PK�������!�89j������vendor/wp-polyfill-dom-rect.jsnu�[�������� // DOMRect (function (global) { function number(v) { return v === undefined ? 0 : Number(v); } function different(u, v) { return u !== v && !(isNaN(u) && isNaN(v)); } function DOMRect(xArg, yArg, wArg, hArg) { var x, y, width, height, left, right, top, bottom; x = number(xArg); y = number(yArg); width = number(wArg); height = number(hArg); Object.defineProperties(this, { x: { get: function () { return x; }, set: function (newX) { if (different(x, newX)) { x = newX; left = right = undefined; } }, enumerable: true }, y: { get: function () { return y; }, set: function (newY) { if (different(y, newY)) { y = newY; top = bottom = undefined; } }, enumerable: true }, width: { get: function () { return width; }, set: function (newWidth) { if (different(width, newWidth)) { width = newWidth; left = right = undefined; } }, enumerable: true }, height: { get: function () { return height; }, set: function (newHeight) { if (different(height, newHeight)) { height = newHeight; top = bottom = undefined; } }, enumerable: true }, left: { get: function () { if (left === undefined) { left = x + Math.min(0, width); } return left; }, enumerable: true }, right: { get: function () { if (right === undefined) { right = x + Math.max(0, width); } return right; }, enumerable: true }, top: { get: function () { if (top === undefined) { top = y + Math.min(0, height); } return top; }, enumerable: true }, bottom: { get: function () { if (bottom === undefined) { bottom = y + Math.max(0, height); } return bottom; }, enumerable: true } }); } global.DOMRect = DOMRect; }(self)); PK�������!�+1�1���vendor/lodash.min.jsnu�[��������/** * @license * Lodash <> * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors <> * Released under MIT license <> * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 <> * Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors */ (function(){function n(n,t,r){switch(r.length){case 0:return;case 1:return,r[0]);case 2:return,r[0],r[1]);case 3:return,r[0],r[1],r[2])}return n.apply(t,r)}function t(n,t,r,e){for(var u=-1,i=null==n?0:n.length;++u<i;){var o=n[u];t(e,o,r(o),n)}return e}function r(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=null==n?0:n.length;++r<e&&!1!==t(n[r],r,n););return n}function e(n,t){for(var r=null==n?0:n.length;r--&&!1!==t(n[r],r,n););return n}function u(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=null==n?0:n.length;++r<e;)if(!t(n[r],r,n))return!1;return!0}function i(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=null==n?0:n.length,u=0,i=[];++r<e;){var o=n[r];t(o,r,n)&&(i[u++]=o)}return i}function o(n,t){return!(null==n||!n.length)&&g(n,t,0)>-1}function f(n,t,r){for(var e=-1,u=null==n?0:n.length;++e<u;)if(r(t,n[e]))return!0;return!1}function c(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=null==n?0:n.length,u=Array(e);++r<e;)u[r]=t(n[r],r,n);return u}function a(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=t.length,u=n.length;++r<e;)n[u+r]=t[r];return n}function l(n,t,r,e){var u=-1,i=null==n?0:n.length;for(e&&i&&(r=n[++u]);++u<i;)r=t(r,n[u],u,n);return r}function s(n,t,r,e){var u=null==n?0:n.length;for(e&&u&&(r=n[--u]);u--;)r=t(r,n[u],u,n);return r}function h(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=null==n?0:n.length;++r<e;)if(t(n[r],r,n))return!0;return!1}function p(n){return n.match(Jn)||[]}function _(n,t,r){var e;return r(n,(function(n,r,u){if(t(n,r,u))return e=r,!1})),e}function v(n,t,r,e){for(var u=n.length,i=r+(e?1:-1);e?i--:++i<u;)if(t(n[i],i,n))return i;return-1}function g(n,t,r){return t==t?function(n,t,r){for(var e=r-1,u=n.length;++e<u;)if(n[e]===t)return e;return-1}(n,t,r):v(n,d,r)}function y(n,t,r,e){for(var u=r-1,i=n.length;++u<i;)if(e(n[u],t))return u;return-1}function d(n){return n!=n}function b(n,t){var r=null==n?0:n.length;return r?j(n,t)/r:X}function w(n){return function(t){return null==t?N:t[n]}}function m(n){return function(t){return null==n?N:n[t]}}function x(n,t,r,e,u){return u(n,(function(n,u,i){r=e?(e=!1,n):t(r,n,u,i)})),r}function j(n,t){for(var r,e=-1,u=n.length;++e<u;){var i=t(n[e]);i!==N&&(r=r===N?i:r+i)}return r}function A(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=Array(n);++r<n;)e[r]=t(r);return e}function k(n){return n?n.slice(0,M(n)+1).replace(Zn,""):n}function O(n){return function(t){return n(t)}}function I(n,t){return c(t,(function(t){return n[t]}))}function R(n,t){return n.has(t)}function z(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=n.length;++r<e&&g(t,n[r],0)>-1;);return r}function E(n,t){for(var r=n.length;r--&&g(t,n[r],0)>-1;);return r}function S(n){return"\\"+Ht[n]}function W(n){return Pt.test(n)}function L(n){return qt.test(n)}function C(n){var t=-1,r=Array(n.size);return n.forEach((function(n,e){r[++t]=[e,n]})),r}function U(n,t){return function(r){return n(t(r))}}function B(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=n.length,u=0,i=[];++r<e;){var o=n[r];o!==t&&o!==Z||(n[r]=Z,i[u++]=r)}return i}function T(n){var t=-1,r=Array(n.size);return n.forEach((function(n){r[++t]=n})),r}function $(n){return W(n)?function(n){for(var t=Ft.lastIndex=0;Ft.test(n);)++t;return t}(n):hr(n)}function D(n){return W(n)?function(n){return n.match(Ft)||[]}(n):function(n){return n.split("")}(n)}function M(n){for(var t=n.length;t--&&Kn.test(n.charAt(t)););return t}function F(n){return n.match(Nt)||[]}var N,P="Expected a function",q="__lodash_hash_undefined__",Z="__lodash_placeholder__",K=16,V=32,G=64,H=128,J=256,Y=1/0,Q=9007199254740991,X=NaN,nn=4294967295,tn=[["ary",H],["bind",1],["bindKey",2],["curry",8],["curryRight",K],["flip",512],["partial",V],["partialRight",G],["rearg",J]],rn="[object Arguments]",en="[object Array]",un="[object Boolean]",on="[object Date]",fn="[object Error]",cn="[object Function]",an="[object GeneratorFunction]",ln="[object Map]",sn="[object Number]",hn="[object Object]",pn="[object Promise]",_n="[object RegExp]",vn="[object Set]",gn="[object String]",yn="[object Symbol]",dn="[object WeakMap]",bn="[object ArrayBuffer]",wn="[object DataView]",mn="[object 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.+?Constructor\]$/,ut=/^0o[0-7]+$/i,it=/^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/,ot=/[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g,ft=/($^)/,ct=/['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g,at="\\ud800-\\udfff",lt="\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff",st="\\u2700-\\u27bf",ht="a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff",pt="A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde",_t="\\ufe0e\\ufe0f",vt="\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2000-\\u206f 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exports&&exports&&!exports.nodeType&&exports,rr=tr&&"object"==typeof module&&module&&!module.nodeType&&module,er=rr&&rr.exports===tr,ur=er&&Qt.process,ir=function(){try{var n=rr&&rr.require&&rr.require("util").types;return n||ur&&ur.binding&&ur.binding("util")}catch(n){}}(),or=ir&&ir.isArrayBuffer,fr=ir&&ir.isDate,cr=ir&&ir.isMap,ar=ir&&ir.isRegExp,lr=ir&&ir.isSet,sr=ir&&ir.isTypedArray,hr=w("length"),pr=m({À:"A",Á:"A",Â:"A",Ã:"A",Ä:"A",Å:"A",à:"a",á:"a",â:"a",ã:"a",ä:"a",å:"a",Ç:"C",ç:"c",Ð:"D",ð:"d",È:"E",É:"E",Ê:"E",Ë:"E",è:"e",é:"e",ê:"e",ë:"e",Ì:"I",Í:"I",Î:"I",Ï:"I",ì:"i",í:"i",î:"i",ï:"i",Ñ:"N",ñ:"n",Ò:"O",Ó:"O",Ô:"O",Õ:"O",Ö:"O",Ø:"O",ò:"o",ó:"o",ô:"o",õ:"o",ö:"o",ø:"o",Ù:"U",Ú:"U",Û:"U",Ü:"U",ù:"u",ú:"u",û:"u",ü:"u",Ý:"Y",ý:"y",ÿ:"y",Æ:"Ae",æ:"ae",Þ:"Th",þ:"th",ß:"ss",Ā:"A",Ă:"A",Ą:"A",ā:"a",ă:"a",ą:"a",Ć:"C",Ĉ:"C",Ċ:"C",Č:"C",ć:"c",ĉ:"c",ċ:"c",č:"c",Ď:"D",Đ:"D",ď:"d",đ:"d",Ē:"E",Ĕ:"E",Ė:"E",Ę:"E",Ě:"E",ē:"e",ĕ:"e",ė:"e",ę:"e",ě:"e",Ĝ:"G",Ğ:"G",Ġ:"G",Ģ:"G",ĝ:"g",ğ:"g",ġ:"g",ģ:"g",Ĥ:"H",Ħ:"H",ĥ:"h",ħ:"h",Ĩ:"I",Ī:"I",Ĭ:"I",Į:"I",İ:"I",ĩ:"i",ī:"i",ĭ:"i",į:"i",ı:"i",Ĵ:"J",ĵ:"j",Ķ:"K",ķ:"k",ĸ:"k",Ĺ:"L",Ļ:"L",Ľ:"L",Ŀ:"L",Ł:"L",ĺ:"l",ļ:"l",ľ:"l",ŀ:"l",ł:"l",Ń:"N",Ņ:"N",Ň:"N",Ŋ:"N",ń:"n",ņ:"n",ň:"n",ŋ:"n",Ō:"O",Ŏ:"O",Ő:"O",ō:"o",ŏ:"o",ő:"o",Ŕ:"R",Ŗ:"R",Ř:"R",ŕ:"r",ŗ:"r",ř:"r",Ś:"S",Ŝ:"S",Ş:"S",Š:"S",ś:"s",ŝ:"s",ş:"s",š:"s",Ţ:"T",Ť:"T",Ŧ:"T",ţ:"t",ť:"t",ŧ:"t",Ũ:"U",Ū:"U",Ŭ:"U",Ů:"U",Ű:"U",Ų:"U",ũ:"u",ū:"u",ŭ:"u",ů:"u",ű:"u",ų:"u",Ŵ:"W",ŵ:"w",Ŷ:"Y",ŷ:"y",Ÿ:"Y",Ź:"Z",Ż:"Z",Ž:"Z",ź:"z",ż:"z",ž:"z",IJ:"IJ",ij:"ij",Œ:"Oe",œ:"oe",ʼn:"'n",ſ:"s"}),_r=m({"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'"}),vr=m({"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",""":'"',"'":"'"}),gr=function m(Kn){function Jn(n){if($u(n)&&!zf(n)&&!(n instanceof st)){if(n instanceof lt)return n;if(,"__wrapped__"))return lu(n)}return new lt(n)}function at(){}function lt(n,t){this.__wrapped__=n,this.__actions__=[],this.__chain__=!!t,this.__index__=0,this.__values__=N}function st(n){this.__wrapped__=n,this.__actions__=[],this.__dir__=1,this.__filtered__=!1,this.__iteratees__=[],this.__takeCount__=nn,this.__views__=[]}function ht(n){var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length;for(this.clear();++t<r;){var e=n[t];this.set(e[0],e[1])}}function pt(n){var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length;for(this.clear();++t<r;){var e=n[t];this.set(e[0],e[1])}}function _t(n){var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length;for(this.clear();++t<r;){var e=n[t];this.set(e[0],e[1])}}function vt(n){var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length;for(this.__data__=new _t;++t<r;)this.add(n[t])}function gt(n){this.size=(this.__data__=new pt(n)).size}function yt(n,t){var r=zf(n),e=!r&&Rf(n),u=!r&&!e&&Sf(n),i=!r&&!e&&!u&&Bf(n),o=r||e||u||i,f=o?A(n.length,wi):[],c=f.length;for(var a in n)!t&&!,a)||o&&("length"==a||u&&("offset"==a||"parent"==a)||i&&("buffer"==a||"byteLength"==a||"byteOffset"==a)||Ge(a,c))||f.push(a);return f}function dt(n){var t=n.length;return t?n[Sr(0,t-1)]:N}function bt(n,t){return ou(ce(n),Rt(t,0,n.length))}function wt(n){return ou(ce(n))}function mt(n,t,r){(r===N||Eu(n[t],r))&&(r!==N||t in n)||Ot(n,t,r)}function xt(n,t,r){var e=n[t];,t)&&Eu(e,r)&&(r!==N||t in n)||Ot(n,t,r)}function jt(n,t){for(var r=n.length;r--;)if(Eu(n[r][0],t))return r;return-1}function At(n,t,r,e){return Oo(n,(function(n,u,i){t(e,n,r(n),i)})),e}function kt(n,t){return n&&ae(t,Qu(t),n)}function Ot(n,t,r){"__proto__"==t&&Zi?Zi(n,t,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,value:r,writable:!0}):n[t]=r}function It(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=t.length,u=pi(e),i=null==n;++r<e;)u[r]=i?N:Ju(n,t[r]);return u}function Rt(n,t,r){return n==n&&(r!==N&&(n=n<=r?n:r),t!==N&&(n=n>=t?n:t)),n}function zt(n,t,e,u,i,o){var f,c=1&t,a=2&t,l=4&t;if(e&&(f=i?e(n,u,i,o):e(n)),f!==N)return f;if(!Tu(n))return n;var s=zf(n);if(s){if(f=function(n){var t=n.length,r=new n.constructor(t);return t&&"string"==typeof n[0]&&,"index")&&(r.index=n.index,r.input=n.input),r}(n),!c)return ce(n,f)}else{var h=$o(n),p=h==cn||h==an;if(Sf(n))return re(n,c);if(h==hn||h==rn||p&&!i){if(f=a||p?{}:Ke(n),!c)return a?function(n,t){return ae(n,To(n),t)}(n,function(n,t){return n&&ae(t,Xu(t),n)}(f,n)):function(n,t){return ae(n,Bo(n),t)}(n,kt(f,n))}else{if(!Gt[h])return i?n:{};f=function(n,t,r){var e=n.constructor;switch(t){case bn:return ee(n);case un:case on:return new e(+n);case wn:return function(n,t){return new n.constructor(t?ee(n.buffer):n.buffer,n.byteOffset,n.byteLength)}(n,r);case mn:case xn:case jn:case An:case kn:case On:case In:case Rn:case zn:return ue(n,r);case ln:return new e;case sn:case gn:return new e(n);case _n:return function(n){var t=new n.constructor(n.source,nt.exec(n));return t.lastIndex=n.lastIndex,t}(n);case vn:return new e;case yn:return function(n){return jo?di({}}(n)}}(n,h,c)}}o||(o=new gt);var _=o.get(n);if(_)return _;o.set(n,f),Uf(n)?n.forEach((function(r){f.add(zt(r,t,e,r,n,o))})):Lf(n)&&n.forEach((function(r,u){f.set(u,zt(r,t,e,u,n,o))}));var v=s?N:(l?a?$e:Te:a?Xu:Qu)(n);return r(v||n,(function(r,u){v&&(r=n[u=r]),xt(f,u,zt(r,t,e,u,n,o))})),f}function Et(n,t,r){var e=r.length;if(null==n)return!e;for(n=di(n);e--;){var u=r[e],i=t[u],o=n[u];if(o===N&&!(u in n)||!i(o))return!1}return!0}function St(n,t,r){if("function"!=typeof n)throw new mi(P);return Fo((function(){n.apply(N,r)}),t)}function Wt(n,t,r,e){var u=-1,i=o,a=!0,l=n.length,s=[],h=t.length;if(!l)return s;r&&(t=c(t,O(r))),e?(i=f,a=!1):t.length>=200&&(i=R,a=!1,t=new vt(t));n:for(;++u<l;){var p=n[u],_=null==r?p:r(p);if(p=e||0!==p?p:0,a&&_==_){for(var v=h;v--;)if(t[v]===_)continue n;s.push(p)}else i(t,_,e)||s.push(p)}return s}function Lt(n,t){var r=!0;return Oo(n,(function(n,e,u){return r=!!t(n,e,u)})),r}function Ct(n,t,r){for(var e=-1,u=n.length;++e<u;){var i=n[e],o=t(i);if(null!=o&&(f===N?o==o&&!Nu(o):r(o,f)))var f=o,c=i}return c}function Ut(n,t){var r=[];return Oo(n,(function(n,e,u){t(n,e,u)&&r.push(n)})),r}function Bt(n,t,r,e,u){var i=-1,o=n.length;for(r||(r=Ve),u||(u=[]);++i<o;){var f=n[i];t>0&&r(f)?t>1?Bt(f,t-1,r,e,u):a(u,f):e||(u[u.length]=f)}return u}function Tt(n,t){return n&&Ro(n,t,Qu)}function $t(n,t){return n&&zo(n,t,Qu)}function Ft(n,t){return i(t,(function(t){return Cu(n[t])}))}function Nt(n,t){for(var r=0,e=(t=ne(t,n)).length;null!=n&&r<e;)n=n[fu(t[r++])];return r&&r==e?n:N}function Pt(n,t,r){var e=t(n);return zf(n)?e:a(e,r(n))}function qt(n){return null==n?n===N?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]":qi&&qi in di(n)?function(n){var,qi),r=n[qi];try{n[qi]=N;var e=!0}catch(n){}var;return e&&(t?n[qi]=r:delete n[qi]),u}(n):function(n){return}(n)}function Ht(n,t){return n>t}function Qt(n,t){return null!=n&&,t)}function Xt(n,t){return null!=n&&t in di(n)}function tr(n,t,r){for(var e=r?f:o,u=n[0].length,i=n.length,a=i,l=pi(i),s=1/0,h=[];a--;){var p=n[a];a&&t&&(p=c(p,O(t))),s=eo(p.length,s),l[a]=!r&&(t||u>=120&&p.length>=120)?new vt(a&&p):N}p=n[0];var _=-1,v=l[0];n:for(;++_<u&&h.length<s;){var g=p[_],y=t?t(g):g;if(g=r||0!==g?g:0,!(v?R(v,y):e(h,y,r))){for(a=i;--a;){var d=l[a];if(!(d?R(d,y):e(n[a],y,r)))continue n}v&&v.push(y),h.push(g)}}return h}function rr(t,r,e){var u=null==(t=ru(t,r=ne(r,t)))?t:t[fu(vu(r))];return null==u?N:n(u,t,e)}function ur(n){return $u(n)&&qt(n)==rn}function ir(n,t,r,e,u){return n===t||(null==n||null==t||!$u(n)&&!$u(t)?n!=n&&t!=t:function(n,t,r,e,u,i){var o=zf(n),f=zf(t),c=o?en:$o(n),a=f?en:$o(t);c=c==rn?hn:c,a=a==rn?hn:a;var l=c==hn,s=a==hn,h=c==a;if(h&&Sf(n)){if(!Sf(t))return!1;o=!0,l=!1}if(h&&!l)return i||(i=new gt),o||Bf(n)?Ue(n,t,r,e,u,i):function(n,t,r,e,u,i,o){switch(r){case wn:if(n.byteLength!=t.byteLength||n.byteOffset!=t.byteOffset)return!1;n=n.buffer,t=t.buffer;case bn:return!(n.byteLength!=t.byteLength||!i(new Bi(n),new Bi(t)));case un:case on:case sn:return Eu(+n,+t);case fn:return;case _n:case gn:return n==t+"";case ln:var f=C;case vn:var c=1&e;if(f||(f=T),n.size!=t.size&&!c)return!1;var a=o.get(n);if(a)return a==t;e|=2,o.set(n,t);var l=Ue(f(n),f(t),e,u,i,o);return o.delete(n),l;case yn:if(jo)return}return!1}(n,t,c,r,e,u,i);if(!(1&r)){var p=l&&,"__wrapped__"),_=s&&,"__wrapped__");if(p||_){var v=p?n.value():n,g=_?t.value():t;return i||(i=new gt),u(v,g,r,e,i)}}return!!h&&(i||(i=new gt),function(n,t,r,e,u,i){var o=1&r,f=Te(n),c=f.length;if(c!=Te(t).length&&!o)return!1;for(var a=c;a--;){var l=f[a];if(!(o?l in,l)))return!1}var s=i.get(n),h=i.get(t);if(s&&h)return s==t&&h==n;var p=!0;i.set(n,t),i.set(t,n);for(var _=o;++a<c;){var v=n[l=f[a]],g=t[l];if(e)var y=o?e(g,v,l,t,n,i):e(v,g,l,n,t,i);if(!(y===N?v===g||u(v,g,r,e,i):y)){p=!1;break}_||(_="constructor"==l)}if(p&&!_){var d=n.constructor,b=t.constructor;d!=b&&"constructor"in n&&"constructor"in t&&!("function"==typeof d&&d instanceof d&&"function"==typeof b&&b instanceof b)&&(p=!1)}return i.delete(n),i.delete(t),p}(n,t,r,e,u,i))}(n,t,r,e,ir,u))}function hr(n,t,r,e){var u=r.length,i=u,o=!e;if(null==n)return!i;for(n=di(n);u--;){var f=r[u];if(o&&f[2]?f[1]!==n[f[0]]:!(f[0]in n))return!1}for(;++u<i;){var c=(f=r[u])[0],a=n[c],l=f[1];if(o&&f[2]){if(a===N&&!(c in n))return!1}else{var s=new gt;if(e)var h=e(a,l,c,n,t,s);if(!(h===N?ir(l,a,3,e,s):h))return!1}}return!0}function yr(n){return!(!Tu(n)||function(n){return!!zi&&zi in n}(n))&&(Cu(n)?Li:et).test(cu(n))}function dr(n){return"function"==typeof n?n:null==n?oi:"object"==typeof n?zf(n)?Ar(n[0],n[1]):jr(n):li(n)}function br(n){if(!Qe(n))return to(n);var t=[];for(var r in di(n)),r)&&"constructor"!=r&&t.push(r);return t}function wr(n){if(!Tu(n))return function(n){var t=[];if(null!=n)for(var r in di(n))t.push(r);return t}(n);var t=Qe(n),r=[];for(var e in n)("constructor"!=e||!t&&,e))&&r.push(e);return r}function mr(n,t){return n<t}function xr(n,t){var r=-1,e=Su(n)?pi(n.length):[];return Oo(n,(function(n,u,i){e[++r]=t(n,u,i)})),e}function jr(n){var t=Pe(n);return 1==t.length&&t[0][2]?nu(t[0][0],t[0][1]):function(r){return r===n||hr(r,n,t)}}function Ar(n,t){return Je(n)&&Xe(t)?nu(fu(n),t):function(r){var e=Ju(r,n);return e===N&&e===t?Yu(r,n):ir(t,e,3)}}function kr(n,t,r,e,u){n!==t&&Ro(t,(function(i,o){if(u||(u=new gt),Tu(i))!function(n,t,r,e,u,i,o){var f=eu(n,r),c=eu(t,r),a=o.get(c);if(a)return mt(n,r,a),N;var l=i?i(f,c,r+"",n,t,o):N,s=l===N;if(s){var h=zf(c),p=!h&&Sf(c),_=!h&&!p&&Bf(c);l=c,h||p||_?zf(f)?l=f:Wu(f)?l=ce(f):p?(s=!1,l=re(c,!0)):_?(s=!1,l=ue(c,!0)):l=[]:Mu(c)||Rf(c)?(l=f,Rf(f)?l=Gu(f):Tu(f)&&!Cu(f)||(l=Ke(c))):s=!1}s&&(o.set(c,l),u(l,c,e,i,o),o.delete(c)),mt(n,r,l)}(n,t,o,r,kr,e,u);else{var f=e?e(eu(n,o),i,o+"",n,t,u):N;f===N&&(f=i),mt(n,o,f)}}),Xu)}function Or(n,t){var r=n.length;if(r)return Ge(t+=t<0?r:0,r)?n[t]:N}function Ir(n,t,r){t=t.length?c(t,(function(n){return zf(n)?function(t){return Nt(t,1===n.length?n[0]:n)}:n})):[oi];var e=-1;return t=c(t,O(Fe())),function(n,t){var r=n.length;for(n.sort(t);r--;)n[r]=n[r].value;return n}(xr(n,(function(n,r,u){return{criteria:c(t,(function(t){return t(n)})),index:++e,value:n}})),(function(n,t){return function(n,t,r){for(var e=-1,u=n.criteria,i=t.criteria,o=u.length,f=r.length;++e<o;){var c=ie(u[e],i[e]);if(c)return e>=f?c:c*("desc"==r[e]?-1:1)}return n.index-t.index}(n,t,r)}))}function Rr(n,t,r){for(var e=-1,u=t.length,i={};++e<u;){var o=t[e],f=Nt(n,o);r(f,o)&&Br(i,ne(o,n),f)}return i}function zr(n,t,r,e){var u=e?y:g,i=-1,o=t.length,f=n;for(n===t&&(t=ce(t)),r&&(f=c(n,O(r)));++i<o;)for(var a=0,l=t[i],s=r?r(l):l;(a=u(f,s,a,e))>-1;)f!==n&&,a,1),,a,1);return n}function Er(n,t){for(var r=n?t.length:0,e=r-1;r--;){var u=t[r];if(r==e||u!==i){var i=u;Ge(u)?,u,1):Kr(n,u)}}return n}function Sr(n,t){return n+Ji(oo()*(t-n+1))}function Wr(n,t){var r="";if(!n||t<1||t>Q)return r;do{t%2&&(r+=n),(t=Ji(t/2))&&(n+=n)}while(t);return r}function Lr(n,t){return No(tu(n,t,oi),n+"")}function Cr(n){return dt(ti(n))}function Ur(n,t){var r=ti(n);return ou(r,Rt(t,0,r.length))}function Br(n,t,r,e){if(!Tu(n))return n;for(var u=-1,i=(t=ne(t,n)).length,o=i-1,f=n;null!=f&&++u<i;){var c=fu(t[u]),a=r;if("__proto__"===c||"constructor"===c||"prototype"===c)return n;if(u!=o){var l=f[c];(a=e?e(l,c,f):N)===N&&(a=Tu(l)?l:Ge(t[u+1])?[]:{})}xt(f,c,a),f=f[c]}return n}function Tr(n){return ou(ti(n))}function $r(n,t,r){var e=-1,u=n.length;t<0&&(t=-t>u?0:u+t),(r=r>u?u:r)<0&&(r+=u),u=t>r?0:r-t>>>0,t>>>=0;for(var i=pi(u);++e<u;)i[e]=n[e+t];return i}function Dr(n,t){var r;return Oo(n,(function(n,e,u){return!(r=t(n,e,u))})),!!r}function Mr(n,t,r){var e=0,u=null==n?e:n.length;if("number"==typeof t&&t==t&&u<=2147483647){for(;e<u;){var i=e+u>>>1,o=n[i];null!==o&&!Nu(o)&&(r?o<=t:o<t)?e=i+1:u=i}return u}return Fr(n,t,oi,r)}function Fr(n,t,r,e){var u=0,i=null==n?0:n.length;if(0===i)return 0;for(var o=(t=r(t))!=t,f=null===t,c=Nu(t),a=t===N;u<i;){var l=Ji((u+i)/2),s=r(n[l]),h=s!==N,p=null===s,_=s==s,v=Nu(s);if(o)var g=e||_;else g=a?_&&(e||h):f?_&&h&&(e||!p):c?_&&h&&!p&&(e||!v):!p&&!v&&(e?s<=t:s<t);g?u=l+1:i=l}return eo(i,4294967294)}function Nr(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=n.length,u=0,i=[];++r<e;){var o=n[r],f=t?t(o):o;if(!r||!Eu(f,c)){var c=f;i[u++]=0===o?0:o}}return i}function Pr(n){return"number"==typeof n?n:Nu(n)?X:+n}function qr(n){if("string"==typeof n)return n;if(zf(n))return c(n,qr)+"";if(Nu(n))return Ao?"";var t=n+"";return"0"==t&&1/n==-Y?"-0":t}function Zr(n,t,r){var e=-1,u=o,i=n.length,c=!0,a=[],l=a;if(r)c=!1,u=f;else if(i>=200){var s=t?null:Co(n);if(s)return T(s);c=!1,u=R,l=new vt}else l=t?[]:a;n:for(;++e<i;){var h=n[e],p=t?t(h):h;if(h=r||0!==h?h:0,c&&p==p){for(var _=l.length;_--;)if(l[_]===p)continue n;t&&l.push(p),a.push(h)}else u(l,p,r)||(l!==a&&l.push(p),a.push(h))}return a}function Kr(n,t){return null==(n=ru(n,t=ne(t,n)))||delete n[fu(vu(t))]}function Vr(n,t,r,e){return Br(n,t,r(Nt(n,t)),e)}function Gr(n,t,r,e){for(var u=n.length,i=e?u:-1;(e?i--:++i<u)&&t(n[i],i,n););return r?$r(n,e?0:i,e?i+1:u):$r(n,e?i+1:0,e?u:i)}function Hr(n,t){var r=n;return r instanceof st&&(r=r.value()),l(t,(function(n,t){return t.func.apply(t.thisArg,a([n],t.args))}),r)}function Jr(n,t,r){var e=n.length;if(e<2)return e?Zr(n[0]):[];for(var u=-1,i=pi(e);++u<e;)for(var o=n[u],f=-1;++f<e;)f!=u&&(i[u]=Wt(i[u]||o,n[f],t,r));return Zr(Bt(i,1),t,r)}function Yr(n,t,r){for(var e=-1,u=n.length,i=t.length,o={};++e<u;)r(o,n[e],e<i?t[e]:N);return o}function Qr(n){return Wu(n)?n:[]}function Xr(n){return"function"==typeof n?n:oi}function ne(n,t){return zf(n)?n:Je(n,t)?[n]:Po(Hu(n))}function te(n,t,r){var e=n.length;return r=r===N?e:r,!t&&r>=e?n:$r(n,t,r)}function re(n,t){if(t)return n.slice();var r=n.length,e=Ti?Ti(r):new n.constructor(r);return n.copy(e),e}function ee(n){var t=new n.constructor(n.byteLength);return new Bi(t).set(new Bi(n)),t}function ue(n,t){return new n.constructor(t?ee(n.buffer):n.buffer,n.byteOffset,n.length)}function ie(n,t){if(n!==t){var r=n!==N,e=null===n,u=n==n,i=Nu(n),o=t!==N,f=null===t,c=t==t,a=Nu(t);if(!f&&!a&&!i&&n>t||i&&o&&c&&!f&&!a||e&&o&&c||!r&&c||!u)return 1;if(!e&&!i&&!a&&n<t||a&&r&&u&&!e&&!i||f&&r&&u||!o&&u||!c)return-1}return 0}function oe(n,t,r,e){for(var u=-1,i=n.length,o=r.length,f=-1,c=t.length,a=ro(i-o,0),l=pi(c+a),s=!e;++f<c;)l[f]=t[f];for(;++u<o;)(s||u<i)&&(l[r[u]]=n[u]);for(;a--;)l[f++]=n[u++];return l}function fe(n,t,r,e){for(var u=-1,i=n.length,o=-1,f=r.length,c=-1,a=t.length,l=ro(i-f,0),s=pi(l+a),h=!e;++u<l;)s[u]=n[u];for(var p=u;++c<a;)s[p+c]=t[c];for(;++o<f;)(h||u<i)&&(s[p+r[o]]=n[u++]);return s}function ce(n,t){var r=-1,e=n.length;for(t||(t=pi(e));++r<e;)t[r]=n[r];return t}function ae(n,t,r,e){var u=!r;r||(r={});for(var i=-1,o=t.length;++i<o;){var f=t[i],c=e?e(r[f],n[f],f,r,n):N;c===N&&(c=n[f]),u?Ot(r,f,c):xt(r,f,c)}return r}function le(n,r){return function(e,u){var i=zf(e)?t:At,o=r?r():{};return i(e,n,Fe(u,2),o)}}function se(n){return Lr((function(t,r){var e=-1,u=r.length,i=u>1?r[u-1]:N,o=u>2?r[2]:N;for(i=n.length>3&&"function"==typeof i?(u--,i):N,o&&He(r[0],r[1],o)&&(i=u<3?N:i,u=1),t=di(t);++e<u;){var f=r[e];f&&n(t,f,e,i)}return t}))}function he(n,t){return function(r,e){if(null==r)return r;if(!Su(r))return n(r,e);for(var u=r.length,i=t?u:-1,o=di(r);(t?i--:++i<u)&&!1!==e(o[i],i,o););return r}}function pe(n){return function(t,r,e){for(var u=-1,i=di(t),o=e(t),f=o.length;f--;){var c=o[n?f:++u];if(!1===r(i[c],c,i))break}return t}}function _e(n){return function(t){var r=W(t=Hu(t))?D(t):N,e=r?r[0]:t.charAt(0),u=r?te(r,1).join(""):t.slice(1);return e[n]()+u}}function ve(n){return function(t){return l(ui(ei(t).replace(Dt,"")),n,"")}}function ge(n){return function(){var t=arguments;switch(t.length){case 0:return new n;case 1:return new n(t[0]);case 2:return new n(t[0],t[1]);case 3:return new n(t[0],t[1],t[2]);case 4:return new n(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3]);case 5:return new n(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4]);case 6:return new n(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5]);case 7:return new n(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[6])}var r=ko(n.prototype),e=n.apply(r,t);return Tu(e)?e:r}}function ye(t,r,e){var u=ge(t);return function i(){for(var o=arguments.length,f=pi(o),c=o,a=Me(i);c--;)f[c]=arguments[c];var l=o<3&&f[0]!==a&&f[o-1]!==a?[]:B(f,a);return(o-=l.length)<e?Re(t,r,we,i.placeholder,N,f,l,N,N,e-o):n(this&&this!==nr&&this instanceof i?u:t,this,f)}}function de(n){return function(t,r,e){var u=di(t);if(!Su(t)){var i=Fe(r,3);t=Qu(t),r=function(n){return i(u[n],n,u)}}var o=n(t,r,e);return o>-1?u[i?t[o]:o]:N}}function be(n){return Be((function(t){var r=t.length,e=r,u=lt.prototype.thru;for(n&&t.reverse();e--;){var i=t[e];if("function"!=typeof i)throw new mi(P);if(u&&!o&&"wrapper"==De(i))var o=new lt([],!0)}for(e=o?e:r;++e<r;){var f=De(i=t[e]),c="wrapper"==f?Uo(i):N;o=c&&Ye(c[0])&&424==c[1]&&!c[4].length&&1==c[9]?o[De(c[0])].apply(o,c[3]):1==i.length&&Ye(i)?o[f]():o.thru(i)}return function(){var n=arguments,e=n[0];if(o&&1==n.length&&zf(e))return o.plant(e).value();for(var u=0,i=r?t[u].apply(this,n):e;++u<r;)i=t[u].call(this,i);return i}}))}function we(n,t,r,e,u,i,o,f,c,a){var l=t&H,s=1&t,h=2&t,p=24&t,_=512&t,v=h?N:ge(n);return function g(){for(var y=arguments.length,d=pi(y),b=y;b--;)d[b]=arguments[b];if(p)var w=Me(g),m=function(n,t){for(var r=n.length,e=0;r--;)n[r]===t&&++e;return e}(d,w);if(e&&(d=oe(d,e,u,p)),i&&(d=fe(d,i,o,p)),y-=m,p&&y<a)return Re(n,t,we,g.placeholder,r,d,B(d,w),f,c,a-y);var x=s?r:this,j=h?x[n]:n;return y=d.length,f?d=function(n,t){for(var r=n.length,e=eo(t.length,r),u=ce(n);e--;){var i=t[e];n[e]=Ge(i,r)?u[i]:N}return n}(d,f):_&&y>1&&d.reverse(),l&&c<y&&(d.length=c),this&&this!==nr&&this instanceof g&&(j=v||ge(j)),j.apply(x,d)}}function me(n,t){return function(r,e){return function(n,t,r,e){return Tt(n,(function(n,u,i){t(e,r(n),u,i)})),e}(r,n,t(e),{})}}function xe(n,t){return function(r,e){var u;if(r===N&&e===N)return t;if(r!==N&&(u=r),e!==N){if(u===N)return e;"string"==typeof r||"string"==typeof e?(r=qr(r),e=qr(e)):(r=Pr(r),e=Pr(e)),u=n(r,e)}return u}}function je(t){return Be((function(r){return r=c(r,O(Fe())),Lr((function(e){var u=this;return t(r,(function(t){return n(t,u,e)}))}))}))}function Ae(n,t){var r=(t=t===N?" ":qr(t)).length;if(r<2)return r?Wr(t,n):t;var e=Wr(t,Hi(n/$(t)));return W(t)?te(D(e),0,n).join(""):e.slice(0,n)}function ke(t,r,e,u){var i=1&r,o=ge(t);return function r(){for(var f=-1,c=arguments.length,a=-1,l=u.length,s=pi(l+c),h=this&&this!==nr&&this instanceof r?o:t;++a<l;)s[a]=u[a];for(;c--;)s[a++]=arguments[++f];return n(h,i?e:this,s)}}function Oe(n){return function(t,r,e){return e&&"number"!=typeof e&&He(t,r,e)&&(r=e=N),t=qu(t),r===N?(r=t,t=0):r=qu(r),function(n,t,r,e){for(var u=-1,i=ro(Hi((t-n)/(r||1)),0),o=pi(i);i--;)o[e?i:++u]=n,n+=r;return o}(t,r,e=e===N?t<r?1:-1:qu(e),n)}}function Ie(n){return function(t,r){return"string"==typeof t&&"string"==typeof r||(t=Vu(t),r=Vu(r)),n(t,r)}}function Re(n,t,r,e,u,i,o,f,c,a){var l=8&t;t|=l?V:G,4&(t&=~(l?G:V))||(t&=-4);var s=[n,t,u,l?i:N,l?o:N,l?N:i,l?N:o,f,c,a],h=r.apply(N,s);return Ye(n)&&Mo(h,s),h.placeholder=e,uu(h,n,t)}function ze(n){var t=yi[n];return function(n,r){if(n=Vu(n),(r=null==r?0:eo(Zu(r),292))&&Xi(n)){var e=(Hu(n)+"e").split("e");return+((e=(Hu(t(e[0]+"e"+(+e[1]+r)))+"e").split("e"))[0]+"e"+(+e[1]-r))}return t(n)}}function Ee(n){return function(t){var r=$o(t);return r==ln?C(t):r==vn?function(n){var t=-1,r=Array(n.size);return n.forEach((function(n){r[++t]=[n,n]})),r}(t):function(n,t){return c(t,(function(t){return[t,n[t]]}))}(t,n(t))}}function Se(n,t,r,e,u,i,o,f){var c=2&t;if(!c&&"function"!=typeof n)throw new mi(P);var a=e?e.length:0;if(a||(t&=-97,e=u=N),o=o===N?o:ro(Zu(o),0),f=f===N?f:Zu(f),a-=u?u.length:0,t&G){var l=e,s=u;e=u=N}var h=c?N:Uo(n),p=[n,t,r,e,u,l,s,i,o,f];if(h&&function(n,t){var r=n[1],e=t[1],u=r|e,i=u<131,o=e==H&&8==r||e==H&&r==J&&n[7].length<=t[8]||384==e&&t[7].length<=t[8]&&8==r;if(!i&&!o)return n;1&e&&(n[2]=t[2],u|=1&r?0:4);var f=t[3];if(f){var c=n[3];n[3]=c?oe(c,f,t[4]):f,n[4]=c?B(n[3],Z):t[4]}f=t[5],f&&(c=n[5],n[5]=c?fe(c,f,t[6]):f,n[6]=c?B(n[5],Z):t[6]),f=t[7],f&&(n[7]=f),e&H&&(n[8]=null==n[8]?t[8]:eo(n[8],t[8])),null==n[9]&&(n[9]=t[9]),n[0]=t[0],n[1]=u}(p,h),n=p[0],t=p[1],r=p[2],e=p[3],u=p[4],!(f=p[9]=p[9]===N?c?0:n.length:ro(p[9]-a,0))&&24&t&&(t&=-25),t&&1!=t)_=8==t||t==K?ye(n,t,f):t!=V&&33!=t||u.length?we.apply(N,p):ke(n,t,r,e);else var _=function(n,t,r){var e=1&t,u=ge(n);return function t(){return(this&&this!==nr&&this instanceof t?u:n).apply(e?r:this,arguments)}}(n,t,r);return uu((h?Eo:Mo)(_,p),n,t)}function We(n,t,r,e){return n===N||Eu(n,Ai[r])&&!,r)?t:n}function Le(n,t,r,e,u,i){return Tu(n)&&Tu(t)&&(i.set(t,n),kr(n,t,N,Le,i),i.delete(t)),n}function Ce(n){return Mu(n)?N:n}function Ue(n,t,r,e,u,i){var o=1&r,f=n.length,c=t.length;if(f!=c&&!(o&&c>f))return!1;var a=i.get(n),l=i.get(t);if(a&&l)return a==t&&l==n;var s=-1,p=!0,_=2&r?new vt:N;for(i.set(n,t),i.set(t,n);++s<f;){var v=n[s],g=t[s];if(e)var y=o?e(g,v,s,t,n,i):e(v,g,s,n,t,i);if(y!==N){if(y)continue;p=!1;break}if(_){if(!h(t,(function(n,t){if(!R(_,t)&&(v===n||u(v,n,r,e,i)))return _.push(t)}))){p=!1;break}}else if(v!==g&&!u(v,g,r,e,i)){p=!1;break}}return i.delete(n),i.delete(t),p}function Be(n){return No(tu(n,N,pu),n+"")}function Te(n){return Pt(n,Qu,Bo)}function $e(n){return Pt(n,Xu,To)}function De(n){for(var"",r=vo[t],,t)?r.length:0;e--;){var u=r[e],i=u.func;if(null==i||i==n)return}return t}function Me(n){return(,"placeholder")?Jn:n).placeholder}function Fe(){var n=Jn.iteratee||fi;return n=n===fi?dr:n,arguments.length?n(arguments[0],arguments[1]):n}function Ne(n,t){var r=n.__data__;return function(n){var t=typeof n;return"string"==t||"number"==t||"symbol"==t||"boolean"==t?"__proto__"!==n:null===n}(t)?r["string"==typeof t?"string":"hash"]}function Pe(n){for(var t=Qu(n),r=t.length;r--;){var e=t[r],u=n[e];t[r]=[e,u,Xe(u)]}return t}function qe(n,t){var r=function(n,t){return null==n?N:n[t]}(n,t);return yr(r)?r:N}function Ze(n,t,r){for(var e=-1,u=(t=ne(t,n)).length,i=!1;++e<u;){var o=fu(t[e]);if(!(i=null!=n&&r(n,o)))break;n=n[o]}return i||++e!=u?i:!!(u=null==n?0:n.length)&&Bu(u)&&Ge(o,u)&&(zf(n)||Rf(n))}function Ke(n){return"function"!=typeof n.constructor||Qe(n)?{}:ko($i(n))}function Ve(n){return zf(n)||Rf(n)||!!(Ni&&n&&n[Ni])}function Ge(n,t){var r=typeof n;return!!(t=null==t?Q:t)&&("number"==r||"symbol"!=r&&it.test(n))&&n>-1&&n%1==0&&n<t}function He(n,t,r){if(!Tu(r))return!1;var e=typeof t;return!!("number"==e?Su(r)&&Ge(t,r.length):"string"==e&&t in r)&&Eu(r[t],n)}function Je(n,t){if(zf(n))return!1;var r=typeof n;return!("number"!=r&&"symbol"!=r&&"boolean"!=r&&null!=n&&!Nu(n))||Fn.test(n)||!Mn.test(n)||null!=t&&n in di(t)}function Ye(n){var t=De(n),r=Jn[t];if("function"!=typeof r||!(t in st.prototype))return!1;if(n===r)return!0;var e=Uo(r);return!!e&&n===e[0]}function Qe(n){var t=n&&n.constructor;return n===("function"==typeof t&&t.prototype||Ai)}function Xe(n){return n==n&&!Tu(n)}function nu(n,t){return function(r){return null!=r&&r[n]===t&&(t!==N||n in di(r))}}function tu(t,r,e){return r=ro(r===N?t.length-1:r,0),function(){for(var u=arguments,i=-1,o=ro(u.length-r,0),f=pi(o);++i<o;)f[i]=u[r+i];i=-1;for(var c=pi(r+1);++i<r;)c[i]=u[i];return c[r]=e(f),n(t,this,c)}}function ru(n,t){return t.length<2?n:Nt(n,$r(t,0,-1))}function eu(n,t){if(("constructor"!==t||"function"!=typeof n[t])&&"__proto__"!=t)return n[t]}function uu(n,t,r){var e=t+"";return No(n,function(n,t){var r=t.length;if(!r)return n;var e=r-1;return t[e]=(r>1?"& ":"")+t[e],t=t.join(r>2?", ":" "),n.replace(Vn,"{\n/* [wrapped with "+t+"] */\n")}(e,au(function(n){var t=n.match(Gn);return t?t[1].split(Hn):[]}(e),r)))}function iu(n){var t=0,r=0;return function(){var e=uo(),u=16-(e-r);if(r=e,u>0){if(++t>=800)return arguments[0]}else t=0;return n.apply(N,arguments)}}function ou(n,t){var r=-1,e=n.length,u=e-1;for(t=t===N?e:t;++r<t;){var i=Sr(r,u),o=n[i];n[i]=n[r],n[r]=o}return n.length=t,n}function fu(n){if("string"==typeof n||Nu(n))return n;var t=n+"";return"0"==t&&1/n==-Y?"-0":t}function cu(n){if(null!=n){try{return}catch(n){}try{return n+""}catch(n){}}return""}function au(n,t){return r(tn,(function(r){var e="_."+r[0];t&r[1]&&!o(n,e)&&n.push(e)})),n.sort()}function lu(n){if(n instanceof st)return n.clone();var t=new lt(n.__wrapped__,n.__chain__);return t.__actions__=ce(n.__actions__),t.__index__=n.__index__,t.__values__=n.__values__,t}function su(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;if(!e)return-1;var u=null==r?0:Zu(r);return u<0&&(u=ro(e+u,0)),v(n,Fe(t,3),u)}function hu(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;if(!e)return-1;var u=e-1;return r!==N&&(u=Zu(r),u=r<0?ro(e+u,0):eo(u,e-1)),v(n,Fe(t,3),u,!0)}function pu(n){return null!=n&&n.length?Bt(n,1):[]}function _u(n){return n&&n.length?n[0]:N}function vu(n){var t=null==n?0:n.length;return t?n[t-1]:N}function gu(n,t){return n&&n.length&&t&&t.length?zr(n,t):n}function yu(n){return null==n?}function du(n){if(!n||!n.length)return[];var t=0;return n=i(n,(function(n){if(Wu(n))return t=ro(n.length,t),!0})),A(t,(function(t){return c(n,w(t))}))}function bu(t,r){if(!t||!t.length)return[];var e=du(t);return null==r?e:c(e,(function(t){return n(r,N,t)}))}function wu(n){var t=Jn(n);return t.__chain__=!0,t}function mu(n,t){return t(n)}function xu(n,t){return(zf(n)?r:Oo)(n,Fe(t,3))}function ju(n,t){return(zf(n)?e:Io)(n,Fe(t,3))}function Au(n,t){return(zf(n)?c:xr)(n,Fe(t,3))}function ku(n,t,r){return t=r?N:t,t=n&&null==t?n.length:t,Se(n,H,N,N,N,N,t)}function Ou(n,t){var r;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new mi(P);return n=Zu(n),function(){return--n>0&&(r=t.apply(this,arguments)),n<=1&&(t=N),r}}function Iu(n,t,r){function e(t){var r=c,e=a;return c=a=N,_=t,s=n.apply(e,r)}function u(n){var r=n-p;return p===N||r>=t||r<0||g&&n-_>=l}function i(){var n=yf();return u(n)?o(n):(h=Fo(i,function(n){var r=t-(n-p);return g?eo(r,l-(n-_)):r}(n)),N)}function o(n){return h=N,y&&c?e(n):(c=a=N,s)}function f(){var n=yf(),r=u(n);if(c=arguments,a=this,p=n,r){if(h===N)return function(n){return _=n,h=Fo(i,t),v?e(n):s}(p);if(g)return Lo(h),h=Fo(i,t),e(p)}return h===N&&(h=Fo(i,t)),s}var c,a,l,s,h,p,_=0,v=!1,g=!1,y=!0;if("function"!=typeof n)throw new mi(P);return t=Vu(t)||0,Tu(r)&&(v=!!r.leading,l=(g="maxWait"in r)?ro(Vu(r.maxWait)||0,t):l,y="trailing"in r?!!r.trailing:y),f.cancel=function(){h!==N&&Lo(h),_=0,c=p=a=h=N},f.flush=function(){return h===N?s:o(yf())},f}function Ru(n,t){if("function"!=typeof n||null!=t&&"function"!=typeof t)throw new mi(P);var r=function(){var e=arguments,u=t?t.apply(this,e):e[0],i=r.cache;if(i.has(u))return i.get(u);var o=n.apply(this,e);return r.cache=i.set(u,o)||i,o};return r.cache=new(Ru.Cache||_t),r}function zu(n){if("function"!=typeof n)throw new mi(P);return function(){var t=arguments;switch(t.length){case 0:return!;case 1:return!,t[0]);case 2:return!,t[0],t[1]);case 3:return!,t[0],t[1],t[2])}return!n.apply(this,t)}}function Eu(n,t){return n===t||n!=n&&t!=t}function Su(n){return null!=n&&Bu(n.length)&&!Cu(n)}function Wu(n){return $u(n)&&Su(n)}function Lu(n){if(!$u(n))return!1;var t=qt(n);return t==fn||"[object DOMException]"==t||"string"==typeof n.message&&"string"==typeof!Mu(n)}function Cu(n){if(!Tu(n))return!1;var t=qt(n);return t==cn||t==an||"[object AsyncFunction]"==t||"[object Proxy]"==t}function Uu(n){return"number"==typeof n&&n==Zu(n)}function Bu(n){return"number"==typeof n&&n>-1&&n%1==0&&n<=Q}function Tu(n){var t=typeof n;return null!=n&&("object"==t||"function"==t)}function $u(n){return null!=n&&"object"==typeof n}function Du(n){return"number"==typeof n||$u(n)&&qt(n)==sn}function Mu(n){if(!$u(n)||qt(n)!=hn)return!1;var t=$i(n);if(null===t)return!0;var,"constructor")&&t.constructor;return"function"==typeof r&&r instanceof r&&}function Fu(n){return"string"==typeof n||!zf(n)&&$u(n)&&qt(n)==gn}function Nu(n){return"symbol"==typeof n||$u(n)&&qt(n)==yn}function Pu(n){if(!n)return[];if(Su(n))return Fu(n)?D(n):ce(n);if(Pi&&n[Pi])return function(n){for(var t,r=[];!(;)r.push(t.value);return r}(n[Pi]());var t=$o(n);return(t==ln?C:t==vn?T:ti)(n)}function qu(n){return n?(n=Vu(n))===Y||n===-Y?17976931348623157e292*(n<0?-1:1):n==n?n:0:0===n?n:0}function Zu(n){var t=qu(n),r=t%1;return t==t?r?t-r:t:0}function Ku(n){return n?Rt(Zu(n),0,nn):0}function Vu(n){if("number"==typeof n)return n;if(Nu(n))return X;if(Tu(n)){var t="function"==typeof n.valueOf?n.valueOf():n;n=Tu(t)?t+"":t}if("string"!=typeof n)return 0===n?n:+n;n=k(n);var r=rt.test(n);return r||ut.test(n)?Yt(n.slice(2),r?2:8):tt.test(n)?X:+n}function Gu(n){return ae(n,Xu(n))}function Hu(n){return null==n?"":qr(n)}function Ju(n,t,r){var e=null==n?N:Nt(n,t);return e===N?r:e}function Yu(n,t){return null!=n&&Ze(n,t,Xt)}function Qu(n){return Su(n)?yt(n):br(n)}function Xu(n){return Su(n)?yt(n,!0):wr(n)}function ni(n,t){if(null==n)return{};var r=c($e(n),(function(n){return[n]}));return t=Fe(t),Rr(n,r,(function(n,r){return t(n,r[0])}))}function ti(n){return null==n?[]:I(n,Qu(n))}function ri(n){return cc(Hu(n).toLowerCase())}function ei(n){return(n=Hu(n))&&n.replace(ot,pr).replace(Mt,"")}function ui(n,t,r){return n=Hu(n),(t=r?N:t)===N?L(n)?F(n):p(n):n.match(t)||[]}function ii(n){return function(){return n}}function oi(n){return n}function fi(n){return dr("function"==typeof n?n:zt(n,1))}function ci(n,t,e){var u=Qu(t),i=Ft(t,u);null!=e||Tu(t)&&(i.length||!u.length)||(e=t,t=n,n=this,i=Ft(t,Qu(t)));var o=!(Tu(e)&&"chain"in e&&!e.chain),f=Cu(n);return r(i,(function(r){var e=t[r];n[r]=e,f&&(n.prototype[r]=function(){var t=this.__chain__;if(o||t){var r=n(this.__wrapped__);return(r.__actions__=ce(this.__actions__)).push({func:e,args:arguments,thisArg:n}),r.__chain__=t,r}return e.apply(n,a([this.value()],arguments))})})),n}function ai(){}function li(n){return Je(n)?w(fu(n)):function(n){return function(t){return Nt(t,n)}}(n)}function si(){return[]}function hi(){return!1}var pi=(Kn=null==Kn?nr:gr.defaults(nr.Object(),Kn,gr.pick(nr,Zt))).Array,_i=Kn.Date,vi=Kn.Error,gi=Kn.Function,yi=Kn.Math,di=Kn.Object,bi=Kn.RegExp,wi=Kn.String,mi=Kn.TypeError,xi=pi.prototype,ji=gi.prototype,Ai=di.prototype,ki=Kn["__core-js_shared__"],Oi=ji.toString,Ii=Ai.hasOwnProperty,Ri=0,zi=function(){var n=/[^.]+$/.exec(ki&&ki.keys&&ki.keys.IE_PROTO||"");return n?"Symbol(src)_1."+n:""}(),Ei=Ai.toString,,Wi=nr._,Li=bi("^","\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g,"$1.*?")+"$"),Ci=er?Kn.Buffer:N,Ui=Kn.Symbol,Bi=Kn.Uint8Array,Ti=Ci?Ci.allocUnsafe:N,$i=U(di.getPrototypeOf,di),Di=di.create,Mi=Ai.propertyIsEnumerable,Fi=xi.splice,Ni=Ui?Ui.isConcatSpreadable:N,Pi=Ui?Ui.iterator:N,qi=Ui?Ui.toStringTag:N,Zi=function(){try{var n=qe(di,"defineProperty");return n({},"",{}),n}catch(n){}}(),Ki=Kn.clearTimeout!==nr.clearTimeout&&Kn.clearTimeout,Vi=_i&&!,Gi=Kn.setTimeout!==nr.setTimeout&&Kn.setTimeout,Hi=yi.ceil,Ji=yi.floor,Yi=di.getOwnPropertySymbols,Qi=Ci?Ci.isBuffer:N,Xi=Kn.isFinite,no=xi.join,to=U(di.keys,di),ro=yi.max,eo=yi.min,,io=Kn.parseInt,oo=yi.random,fo=xi.reverse,co=qe(Kn,"DataView"),ao=qe(Kn,"Map"),lo=qe(Kn,"Promise"),so=qe(Kn,"Set"),ho=qe(Kn,"WeakMap"),po=qe(di,"create"),_o=ho&&new ho,vo={},go=cu(co),yo=cu(ao),bo=cu(lo),wo=cu(so),mo=cu(ho),xo=Ui?Ui.prototype:N,jo=xo?xo.valueOf:N,Ao=xo?xo.toString:N,ko=function(){function n(){}return function(t){if(!Tu(t))return{};if(Di)return Di(t);n.prototype=t;var r=new n;return n.prototype=N,r}}();Jn.templateSettings={escape:Tn,evaluate:$n,interpolate:Dn,variable:"",imports:{_:Jn}},Jn.prototype=at.prototype,Jn.prototype.constructor=Jn,lt.prototype=ko(at.prototype),lt.prototype.constructor=lt,st.prototype=ko(at.prototype),st.prototype.constructor=st,ht.prototype.clear=function(){this.__data__=po?po(null):{},this.size=0},ht.prototype.delete=function(n){var t=this.has(n)&&delete this.__data__[n];return this.size-=t?1:0,t},ht.prototype.get=function(n){var t=this.__data__;if(po){var r=t[n];return r===q?N:r}return,n)?t[n]:N},ht.prototype.has=function(n){var t=this.__data__;return po?t[n]!,n)},ht.prototype.set=function(n,t){var r=this.__data__;return this.size+=this.has(n)?0:1,r[n]=po&&t===N?q:t,this},pt.prototype.clear=function(){this.__data__=[],this.size=0},pt.prototype.delete=function(n){var t=this.__data__,r=jt(t,n);return!(r<0||(r==t.length-1?t.pop(),r,1),--this.size,0))},pt.prototype.get=function(n){var t=this.__data__,r=jt(t,n);return r<0?N:t[r][1]},pt.prototype.has=function(n){return jt(this.__data__,n)>-1},pt.prototype.set=function(n,t){var r=this.__data__,e=jt(r,n);return e<0?(++this.size,r.push([n,t])):r[e][1]=t,this},_t.prototype.clear=function(){this.size=0,this.__data__={hash:new ht,map:new(ao||pt),string:new ht}},_t.prototype.delete=function(n){var t=Ne(this,n).delete(n);return this.size-=t?1:0,t},_t.prototype.get=function(n){return Ne(this,n).get(n)},_t.prototype.has=function(n){return Ne(this,n).has(n)},_t.prototype.set=function(n,t){var r=Ne(this,n),e=r.size;return r.set(n,t),this.size+=r.size==e?0:1,this},vt.prototype.add=vt.prototype.push=function(n){return this.__data__.set(n,q),this},vt.prototype.has=function(n){return this.__data__.has(n)},gt.prototype.clear=function(){this.__data__=new pt,this.size=0},gt.prototype.delete=function(n){var t=this.__data__,r=t.delete(n);return this.size=t.size,r},gt.prototype.get=function(n){return this.__data__.get(n)},gt.prototype.has=function(n){return this.__data__.has(n)},gt.prototype.set=function(n,t){var r=this.__data__;if(r instanceof pt){var e=r.__data__;if(!ao||e.length<199)return e.push([n,t]),this.size=++r.size,this;r=this.__data__=new _t(e)}return r.set(n,t),this.size=r.size,this};var Oo=he(Tt),Io=he($t,!0),Ro=pe(),zo=pe(!0),Eo=_o?function(n,t){return _o.set(n,t),n}:oi,So=Zi?function(n,t){return Zi(n,"toString",{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,value:ii(t),writable:!0})}:oi,Wo=Lr,Lo=Ki||function(n){return nr.clearTimeout(n)},Co=so&&1/T(new so([,-0]))[1]==Y?function(n){return new so(n)}:ai,Uo=_o?function(n){return _o.get(n)}:ai,Bo=Yi?function(n){return null==n?[]:(n=di(n),i(Yi(n),(function(t){return,t)})))}:si,To=Yi?function(n){for(var t=[];n;)a(t,Bo(n)),n=$i(n);return t}:si,$o=qt;(co&&$o(new co(new ArrayBuffer(1)))!=wn||ao&&$o(new ao)!=ln||lo&&$o(lo.resolve())!=pn||so&&$o(new so)!=vn||ho&&$o(new ho)!=dn)&&($o=function(n){var t=qt(n),r=t==hn?n.constructor:N,e=r?cu(r):"";if(e)switch(e){case go:return wn;case yo:return ln;case bo:return pn;case wo:return vn;case mo:return dn}return t});var Do=ki?Cu:hi,Mo=iu(Eo),Fo=Gi||function(n,t){return nr.setTimeout(n,t)},No=iu(So),Po=function(n){var t=Ru(n,(function(n){return 500===r.size&&r.clear(),n})),r=t.cache;return t}((function(n){var t=[];return 46===n.charCodeAt(0)&&t.push(""),n.replace(Nn,(function(n,r,e,u){t.push(e?u.replace(Qn,"$1"):r||n)})),t})),qo=Lr((function(n,t){return Wu(n)?Wt(n,Bt(t,1,Wu,!0)):[]})),Zo=Lr((function(n,t){var r=vu(t);return Wu(r)&&(r=N),Wu(n)?Wt(n,Bt(t,1,Wu,!0),Fe(r,2)):[]})),Ko=Lr((function(n,t){var r=vu(t);return Wu(r)&&(r=N),Wu(n)?Wt(n,Bt(t,1,Wu,!0),N,r):[]})),Vo=Lr((function(n){var t=c(n,Qr);return t.length&&t[0]===n[0]?tr(t):[]})),Go=Lr((function(n){var t=vu(n),r=c(n,Qr);return t===vu(r)?t=N:r.pop(),r.length&&r[0]===n[0]?tr(r,Fe(t,2)):[]})),Ho=Lr((function(n){var t=vu(n),r=c(n,Qr);return(t="function"==typeof t?t:N)&&r.pop(),r.length&&r[0]===n[0]?tr(r,N,t):[]})),Jo=Lr(gu),Yo=Be((function(n,t){var r=null==n?0:n.length,e=It(n,t);return Er(n,c(t,(function(n){return Ge(n,r)?+n:n})).sort(ie)),e})),Qo=Lr((function(n){return Zr(Bt(n,1,Wu,!0))})),Xo=Lr((function(n){var t=vu(n);return Wu(t)&&(t=N),Zr(Bt(n,1,Wu,!0),Fe(t,2))})),nf=Lr((function(n){var t=vu(n);return t="function"==typeof t?t:N,Zr(Bt(n,1,Wu,!0),N,t)})),tf=Lr((function(n,t){return Wu(n)?Wt(n,t):[]})),rf=Lr((function(n){return Jr(i(n,Wu))})),ef=Lr((function(n){var t=vu(n);return Wu(t)&&(t=N),Jr(i(n,Wu),Fe(t,2))})),uf=Lr((function(n){var t=vu(n);return t="function"==typeof t?t:N,Jr(i(n,Wu),N,t)})),of=Lr(du),ff=Lr((function(n){var t=n.length,r=t>1?n[t-1]:N;return r="function"==typeof r?(n.pop(),r):N,bu(n,r)})),cf=Be((function(n){var t=n.length,r=t?n[0]:0,e=this.__wrapped__,u=function(t){return It(t,n)};return!(t>1||this.__actions__.length)&&e instanceof st&&Ge(r)?((e=e.slice(r,+r+(t?1:0))).__actions__.push({func:mu,args:[u],thisArg:N}),new lt(e,this.__chain__).thru((function(n){return t&&!n.length&&n.push(N),n}))):this.thru(u)})),af=le((function(n,t,r){,r)?++n[r]:Ot(n,r,1)})),lf=de(su),sf=de(hu),hf=le((function(n,t,r){,r)?n[r].push(t):Ot(n,r,[t])})),pf=Lr((function(t,r,e){var u=-1,i="function"==typeof r,o=Su(t)?pi(t.length):[];return Oo(t,(function(t){o[++u]=i?n(r,t,e):rr(t,r,e)})),o})),_f=le((function(n,t,r){Ot(n,r,t)})),vf=le((function(n,t,r){n[r?0:1].push(t)}),(function(){return[[],[]]})),gf=Lr((function(n,t){if(null==n)return[];var r=t.length;return r>1&&He(n,t[0],t[1])?t=[]:r>2&&He(t[0],t[1],t[2])&&(t=[t[0]]),Ir(n,Bt(t,1),[])})),yf=Vi||function(){return},df=Lr((function(n,t,r){var e=1;if(r.length){var u=B(r,Me(df));e|=V}return Se(n,e,t,r,u)})),bf=Lr((function(n,t,r){var e=3;if(r.length){var u=B(r,Me(bf));e|=V}return Se(t,e,n,r,u)})),wf=Lr((function(n,t){return St(n,1,t)})),mf=Lr((function(n,t,r){return St(n,Vu(t)||0,r)}));Ru.Cache=_t;var xf=Wo((function(t,r){var e=(r=1==r.length&&zf(r[0])?c(r[0],O(Fe())):c(Bt(r,1),O(Fe()))).length;return Lr((function(u){for(var i=-1,o=eo(u.length,e);++i<o;)u[i]=r[i].call(this,u[i]);return n(t,this,u)}))})),jf=Lr((function(n,t){return Se(n,V,N,t,B(t,Me(jf)))})),Af=Lr((function(n,t){return Se(n,G,N,t,B(t,Me(Af)))})),kf=Be((function(n,t){return Se(n,J,N,N,N,t)})),Of=Ie(Ht),If=Ie((function(n,t){return n>=t})),Rf=ur(function(){return arguments}())?ur:function(n){return $u(n)&&,"callee")&&!,"callee")},zf=pi.isArray,Ef=or?O(or):function(n){return $u(n)&&qt(n)==bn},Sf=Qi||hi,Wf=fr?O(fr):function(n){return $u(n)&&qt(n)==on},Lf=cr?O(cr):function(n){return $u(n)&&$o(n)==ln},Cf=ar?O(ar):function(n){return $u(n)&&qt(n)==_n},Uf=lr?O(lr):function(n){return $u(n)&&$o(n)==vn},Bf=sr?O(sr):function(n){return $u(n)&&Bu(n.length)&&!!Vt[qt(n)]},Tf=Ie(mr),$f=Ie((function(n,t){return n<=t})),Df=se((function(n,t){if(Qe(t)||Su(t))return ae(t,Qu(t),n),N;for(var r in t),r)&&xt(n,r,t[r])})),Mf=se((function(n,t){ae(t,Xu(t),n)})),Ff=se((function(n,t,r,e){ae(t,Xu(t),n,e)})),Nf=se((function(n,t,r,e){ae(t,Qu(t),n,e)})),Pf=Be(It),qf=Lr((function(n,t){n=di(n);var r=-1,e=t.length,u=e>2?t[2]:N;for(u&&He(t[0],t[1],u)&&(e=1);++r<e;)for(var i=t[r],o=Xu(i),f=-1,c=o.length;++f<c;){var a=o[f],l=n[a];(l===N||Eu(l,Ai[a])&&!,a))&&(n[a]=i[a])}return n})),Zf=Lr((function(t){return t.push(N,Le),n(Jf,N,t)})),Kf=me((function(n,t,r){null!=t&&"function"!=typeof t.toString&&(,n[t]=r}),ii(oi)),Vf=me((function(n,t,r){null!=t&&"function"!=typeof t.toString&&(,,t)?n[t].push(r):n[t]=[r]}),Fe),Gf=Lr(rr),Hf=se((function(n,t,r){kr(n,t,r)})),Jf=se((function(n,t,r,e){kr(n,t,r,e)})),Yf=Be((function(n,t){var r={};if(null==n)return r;var e=!1;t=c(t,(function(t){return t=ne(t,n),e||(e=t.length>1),t})),ae(n,$e(n),r),e&&(r=zt(r,7,Ce));for(var u=t.length;u--;)Kr(r,t[u]);return r})),Qf=Be((function(n,t){return null==n?{}:function(n,t){return Rr(n,t,(function(t,r){return Yu(n,r)}))}(n,t)})),Xf=Ee(Qu),nc=Ee(Xu),tc=ve((function(n,t,r){return t=t.toLowerCase(),n+(r?ri(t):t)})),rc=ve((function(n,t,r){return n+(r?"-":"")+t.toLowerCase()})),ec=ve((function(n,t,r){return n+(r?" ":"")+t.toLowerCase()})),uc=_e("toLowerCase"),ic=ve((function(n,t,r){return n+(r?"_":"")+t.toLowerCase()})),oc=ve((function(n,t,r){return n+(r?" ":"")+cc(t)})),fc=ve((function(n,t,r){return n+(r?" ":"")+t.toUpperCase()})),cc=_e("toUpperCase"),ac=Lr((function(t,r){try{return n(t,N,r)}catch(n){return Lu(n)?n:new vi(n)}})),lc=Be((function(n,t){return r(t,(function(t){t=fu(t),Ot(n,t,df(n[t],n))})),n})),sc=be(),hc=be(!0),pc=Lr((function(n,t){return function(r){return rr(r,n,t)}})),_c=Lr((function(n,t){return function(r){return rr(n,r,t)}})),vc=je(c),gc=je(u),yc=je(h),dc=Oe(),bc=Oe(!0),wc=xe((function(n,t){return n+t}),0),mc=ze("ceil"),xc=xe((function(n,t){return n/t}),1),jc=ze("floor"),Ac=xe((function(n,t){return n*t}),1),kc=ze("round"),Oc=xe((function(n,t){return n-t}),0);return Jn.after=function(n,t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new mi(P);return n=Zu(n),function(){if(--n<1)return t.apply(this,arguments)}},Jn.ary=ku,Jn.assign=Df,Jn.assignIn=Mf,Jn.assignInWith=Ff,Jn.assignWith=Nf,,Jn.before=Ou,Jn.bind=df,Jn.bindAll=lc,Jn.bindKey=bf,Jn.castArray=function(){if(!arguments.length)return[];var n=arguments[0];return zf(n)?n:[n]},Jn.chain=wu,Jn.chunk=function(n,t,r){t=(r?He(n,t,r):t===N)?1:ro(Zu(t),0);var e=null==n?0:n.length;if(!e||t<1)return[];for(var u=0,i=0,o=pi(Hi(e/t));u<e;)o[i++]=$r(n,u,u+=t);return o},Jn.compact=function(n){for(var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length,e=0,u=[];++t<r;){var i=n[t];i&&(u[e++]=i)}return u},Jn.concat=function(){var n=arguments.length;if(!n)return[];for(var t=pi(n-1),r=arguments[0],e=n;e--;)t[e-1]=arguments[e];return a(zf(r)?ce(r):[r],Bt(t,1))},Jn.cond=function(t){var r=null==t?0:t.length,e=Fe();return t=r?c(t,(function(n){if("function"!=typeof n[1])throw new mi(P);return[e(n[0]),n[1]]})):[],Lr((function(e){for(var u=-1;++u<r;){var i=t[u];if(n(i[0],this,e))return n(i[1],this,e)}}))},Jn.conforms=function(n){return function(n){var t=Qu(n);return function(r){return Et(r,n,t)}}(zt(n,1))},Jn.constant=ii,Jn.countBy=af,Jn.create=function(n,t){var r=ko(n);return null==t?r:kt(r,t)},Jn.curry=function n(t,r,e){var u=Se(t,8,N,N,N,N,N,r=e?N:r);return u.placeholder=n.placeholder,u},Jn.curryRight=function n(t,r,e){var u=Se(t,K,N,N,N,N,N,r=e?N:r);return u.placeholder=n.placeholder,u},Jn.debounce=Iu,Jn.defaults=qf,Jn.defaultsDeep=Zf,Jn.defer=wf,Jn.delay=mf,Jn.difference=qo,Jn.differenceBy=Zo,Jn.differenceWith=Ko,Jn.drop=function(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;return e?$r(n,(t=r||t===N?1:Zu(t))<0?0:t,e):[]},Jn.dropRight=function(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;return e?$r(n,0,(t=e-(t=r||t===N?1:Zu(t)))<0?0:t):[]},Jn.dropRightWhile=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Gr(n,Fe(t,3),!0,!0):[]},Jn.dropWhile=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Gr(n,Fe(t,3),!0):[]},Jn.fill=function(n,t,r,e){var u=null==n?0:n.length;return u?(r&&"number"!=typeof r&&He(n,t,r)&&(r=0,e=u),function(n,t,r,e){var u=n.length;for((r=Zu(r))<0&&(r=-r>u?0:u+r),(e=e===N||e>u?u:Zu(e))<0&&(e+=u),e=r>e?0:Ku(e);r<e;)n[r++]=t;return n}(n,t,r,e)):[]},Jn.filter=function(n,t){return(zf(n)?i:Ut)(n,Fe(t,3))},Jn.flatMap=function(n,t){return Bt(Au(n,t),1)},Jn.flatMapDeep=function(n,t){return Bt(Au(n,t),Y)},Jn.flatMapDepth=function(n,t,r){return r=r===N?1:Zu(r),Bt(Au(n,t),r)},Jn.flatten=pu,Jn.flattenDeep=function(n){return null!=n&&n.length?Bt(n,Y):[]},Jn.flattenDepth=function(n,t){return null!=n&&n.length?Bt(n,t=t===N?1:Zu(t)):[]},Jn.flip=function(n){return Se(n,512)},Jn.flow=sc,Jn.flowRight=hc,Jn.fromPairs=function(n){for(var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length,e={};++t<r;){var u=n[t];e[u[0]]=u[1]}return e},Jn.functions=function(n){return null==n?[]:Ft(n,Qu(n))},Jn.functionsIn=function(n){return null==n?[]:Ft(n,Xu(n))},Jn.groupBy=hf,Jn.initial=function(n){return null!=n&&n.length?$r(n,0,-1):[]},Jn.intersection=Vo,Jn.intersectionBy=Go,Jn.intersectionWith=Ho,Jn.invert=Kf,Jn.invertBy=Vf,Jn.invokeMap=pf,Jn.iteratee=fi,Jn.keyBy=_f,Jn.keys=Qu,Jn.keysIn=Xu,,Jn.mapKeys=function(n,t){var r={};return t=Fe(t,3),Tt(n,(function(n,e,u){Ot(r,t(n,e,u),n)})),r},Jn.mapValues=function(n,t){var r={};return t=Fe(t,3),Tt(n,(function(n,e,u){Ot(r,e,t(n,e,u))})),r},Jn.matches=function(n){return jr(zt(n,1))},Jn.matchesProperty=function(n,t){return Ar(n,zt(t,1))},Jn.memoize=Ru,Jn.merge=Hf,Jn.mergeWith=Jf,Jn.method=pc,Jn.methodOf=_c,Jn.mixin=ci,Jn.negate=zu,Jn.nthArg=function(n){return n=Zu(n),Lr((function(t){return Or(t,n)}))},Jn.omit=Yf,Jn.omitBy=function(n,t){return ni(n,zu(Fe(t)))},Jn.once=function(n){return Ou(2,n)},Jn.orderBy=function(n,t,r,e){return null==n?[]:(zf(t)||(t=null==t?[]:[t]),zf(r=e?N:r)||(r=null==r?[]:[r]),Ir(n,t,r))},Jn.over=vc,Jn.overArgs=xf,Jn.overEvery=gc,Jn.overSome=yc,Jn.partial=jf,Jn.partialRight=Af,Jn.partition=vf,Jn.pick=Qf,Jn.pickBy=ni,,Jn.propertyOf=function(n){return function(t){return null==n?N:Nt(n,t)}},Jn.pull=Jo,Jn.pullAll=gu,Jn.pullAllBy=function(n,t,r){return n&&n.length&&t&&t.length?zr(n,t,Fe(r,2)):n},Jn.pullAllWith=function(n,t,r){return n&&n.length&&t&&t.length?zr(n,t,N,r):n},Jn.pullAt=Yo,Jn.range=dc,Jn.rangeRight=bc,Jn.rearg=kf,Jn.reject=function(n,t){return(zf(n)?i:Ut)(n,zu(Fe(t,3)))},Jn.remove=function(n,t){var r=[];if(!n||!n.length)return r;var e=-1,u=[],i=n.length;for(t=Fe(t,3);++e<i;){var o=n[e];t(o,e,n)&&(r.push(o),u.push(e))}return Er(n,u),r},,t){if("function"!=typeof n)throw new mi(P);return Lr(n,t=t===N?t:Zu(t))},Jn.reverse=yu,Jn.sampleSize=function(n,t,r){return t=(r?He(n,t,r):t===N)?1:Zu(t),(zf(n)?bt:Ur)(n,t)},Jn.set=function(n,t,r){return null==n?n:Br(n,t,r)},Jn.setWith=function(n,t,r,e){return e="function"==typeof e?e:N,null==n?n:Br(n,t,r,e)},Jn.shuffle=function(n){return(zf(n)?wt:Tr)(n)},Jn.slice=function(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;return e?(r&&"number"!=typeof r&&He(n,t,r)?(t=0,r=e):(t=null==t?0:Zu(t),r=r===N?e:Zu(r)),$r(n,t,r)):[]},Jn.sortBy=gf,Jn.sortedUniq=function(n){return n&&n.length?Nr(n):[]},Jn.sortedUniqBy=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Nr(n,Fe(t,2)):[]},Jn.split=function(n,t,r){return r&&"number"!=typeof r&&He(n,t,r)&&(t=r=N),(r=r===N?nn:r>>>0)?(n=Hu(n))&&("string"==typeof t||null!=t&&!Cf(t))&&(!(t=qr(t))&&W(n))?te(D(n),0,r):n.split(t,r):[]},Jn.spread=function(t,r){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new mi(P);return r=null==r?0:ro(Zu(r),0),Lr((function(e){var u=e[r],i=te(e,0,r);return u&&a(i,u),n(t,this,i)}))},Jn.tail=function(n){var t=null==n?0:n.length;return t?$r(n,1,t):[]},Jn.take=function(n,t,r){return n&&n.length?$r(n,0,(t=r||t===N?1:Zu(t))<0?0:t):[]},Jn.takeRight=function(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;return e?$r(n,(t=e-(t=r||t===N?1:Zu(t)))<0?0:t,e):[]},Jn.takeRightWhile=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Gr(n,Fe(t,3),!1,!0):[]},Jn.takeWhile=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Gr(n,Fe(t,3)):[]},Jn.tap=function(n,t){return t(n),n},Jn.throttle=function(n,t,r){var e=!0,u=!0;if("function"!=typeof n)throw new mi(P);return Tu(r)&&(e="leading"in r?!!r.leading:e,u="trailing"in r?!!r.trailing:u),Iu(n,t,{leading:e,maxWait:t,trailing:u})},Jn.thru=mu,Jn.toArray=Pu,Jn.toPairs=Xf,Jn.toPairsIn=nc,Jn.toPath=function(n){return zf(n)?c(n,fu):Nu(n)?[n]:ce(Po(Hu(n)))},Jn.toPlainObject=Gu,Jn.transform=function(n,t,e){var u=zf(n),i=u||Sf(n)||Bf(n);if(t=Fe(t,4),null==e){var o=n&&n.constructor;e=i?u?new o:[]:Tu(n)&&Cu(o)?ko($i(n)):{}}return(i?r:Tt)(n,(function(n,r,u){return t(e,n,r,u)})),e},Jn.unary=function(n){return ku(n,1)},Jn.union=Qo,Jn.unionBy=Xo,Jn.unionWith=nf,Jn.uniq=function(n){return n&&n.length?Zr(n):[]},Jn.uniqBy=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Zr(n,Fe(t,2)):[]},Jn.uniqWith=function(n,t){return t="function"==typeof t?t:N,n&&n.length?Zr(n,N,t):[]},Jn.unset=function(n,t){return null==n||Kr(n,t)},Jn.unzip=du,Jn.unzipWith=bu,Jn.update=function(n,t,r){return null==n?n:Vr(n,t,Xr(r))},Jn.updateWith=function(n,t,r,e){return e="function"==typeof e?e:N,null==n?n:Vr(n,t,Xr(r),e)},Jn.values=ti,Jn.valuesIn=function(n){return null==n?[]:I(n,Xu(n))},Jn.without=tf,Jn.words=ui,Jn.wrap=function(n,t){return jf(Xr(t),n)},Jn.xor=rf,Jn.xorBy=ef,Jn.xorWith=uf,,Jn.zipObject=function(n,t){return Yr(n||[],t||[],xt)},Jn.zipObjectDeep=function(n,t){return Yr(n||[],t||[],Br)},Jn.zipWith=ff,Jn.entries=Xf,Jn.entriesIn=nc,Jn.extend=Mf,Jn.extendWith=Ff,ci(Jn,Jn),Jn.add=wc,Jn.attempt=ac,Jn.camelCase=tc,Jn.capitalize=ri,Jn.ceil=mc,Jn.clamp=function(n,t,r){return r===N&&(r=t,t=N),r!==N&&(r=(r=Vu(r))==r?r:0),t!==N&&(t=(t=Vu(t))==t?t:0),Rt(Vu(n),t,r)},Jn.clone=function(n){return zt(n,4)},Jn.cloneDeep=function(n){return zt(n,5)},Jn.cloneDeepWith=function(n,t){return zt(n,5,t="function"==typeof t?t:N)},Jn.cloneWith=function(n,t){return zt(n,4,t="function"==typeof t?t:N)},Jn.conformsTo=function(n,t){return null==t||Et(n,t,Qu(t))},Jn.deburr=ei,Jn.defaultTo=function(n,t){return null==n||n!=n?t:n},Jn.divide=xc,Jn.endsWith=function(n,t,r){n=Hu(n),t=qr(t);var e=n.length,u=r=r===N?e:Rt(Zu(r),0,e);return(r-=t.length)>=0&&n.slice(r,u)==t},Jn.eq=Eu,Jn.escape=function(n){return(n=Hu(n))&&Bn.test(n)?n.replace(Cn,_r):n},Jn.escapeRegExp=function(n){return(n=Hu(n))&&qn.test(n)?n.replace(Pn,"\\$&"):n},Jn.every=function(n,t,r){var e=zf(n)?u:Lt;return r&&He(n,t,r)&&(t=N),e(n,Fe(t,3))},Jn.find=lf,Jn.findIndex=su,Jn.findKey=function(n,t){return _(n,Fe(t,3),Tt)},Jn.findLast=sf,Jn.findLastIndex=hu,Jn.findLastKey=function(n,t){return _(n,Fe(t,3),$t)},Jn.floor=jc,Jn.forEach=xu,Jn.forEachRight=ju,Jn.forIn=function(n,t){return null==n?n:Ro(n,Fe(t,3),Xu)},Jn.forInRight=function(n,t){return null==n?n:zo(n,Fe(t,3),Xu)},Jn.forOwn=function(n,t){return n&&Tt(n,Fe(t,3))},Jn.forOwnRight=function(n,t){return n&&$t(n,Fe(t,3))},Jn.get=Ju,,Jn.gte=If,Jn.has=function(n,t){return null!=n&&Ze(n,t,Qt)},Jn.hasIn=Yu,Jn.head=_u,Jn.identity=oi,Jn.includes=function(n,t,r,e){n=Su(n)?n:ti(n),r=r&&!e?Zu(r):0;var u=n.length;return r<0&&(r=ro(u+r,0)),Fu(n)?r<=u&&n.indexOf(t,r)>-1:!!u&&g(n,t,r)>-1},Jn.indexOf=function(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;if(!e)return-1;var u=null==r?0:Zu(r);return u<0&&(u=ro(e+u,0)),g(n,t,u)},Jn.inRange=function(n,t,r){return t=qu(t),r===N?(r=t,t=0):r=qu(r),function(n,t,r){return n>=eo(t,r)&&n<ro(t,r)}(n=Vu(n),t,r)},Jn.invoke=Gf,Jn.isArguments=Rf,Jn.isArray=zf,Jn.isArrayBuffer=Ef,Jn.isArrayLike=Su,Jn.isArrayLikeObject=Wu,Jn.isBoolean=function(n){return!0===n||!1===n||$u(n)&&qt(n)==un},Jn.isBuffer=Sf,Jn.isDate=Wf,Jn.isElement=function(n){return $u(n)&&1===n.nodeType&&!Mu(n)},Jn.isEmpty=function(n){if(null==n)return!0;if(Su(n)&&(zf(n)||"string"==typeof n||"function"==typeof n.splice||Sf(n)||Bf(n)||Rf(n)))return!n.length;var t=$o(n);if(t==ln||t==vn)return!n.size;if(Qe(n))return!br(n).length;for(var r in n)if(,r))return!1;return!0},Jn.isEqual=function(n,t){return ir(n,t)},Jn.isEqualWith=function(n,t,r){var e=(r="function"==typeof r?r:N)?r(n,t):N;return e===N?ir(n,t,N,r):!!e},Jn.isError=Lu,Jn.isFinite=function(n){return"number"==typeof n&&Xi(n)},Jn.isFunction=Cu,Jn.isInteger=Uu,Jn.isLength=Bu,Jn.isMap=Lf,Jn.isMatch=function(n,t){return n===t||hr(n,t,Pe(t))},Jn.isMatchWith=function(n,t,r){return r="function"==typeof r?r:N,hr(n,t,Pe(t),r)},Jn.isNaN=function(n){return Du(n)&&n!=+n},Jn.isNative=function(n){if(Do(n))throw new vi("Unsupported core-js use. Try");return yr(n)},Jn.isNil=function(n){return null==n},Jn.isNull=function(n){return null===n},Jn.isNumber=Du,Jn.isObject=Tu,Jn.isObjectLike=$u,Jn.isPlainObject=Mu,Jn.isRegExp=Cf,Jn.isSafeInteger=function(n){return Uu(n)&&n>=-Q&&n<=Q},Jn.isSet=Uf,Jn.isString=Fu,Jn.isSymbol=Nu,Jn.isTypedArray=Bf,Jn.isUndefined=function(n){return n===N},Jn.isWeakMap=function(n){return $u(n)&&$o(n)==dn},Jn.isWeakSet=function(n){return $u(n)&&"[object WeakSet]"==qt(n)},Jn.join=function(n,t){return null==n?"",t)},Jn.kebabCase=rc,Jn.last=vu,Jn.lastIndexOf=function(n,t,r){var e=null==n?0:n.length;if(!e)return-1;var u=e;return r!==N&&(u=(u=Zu(r))<0?ro(e+u,0):eo(u,e-1)),t==t?function(n,t,r){for(var e=r+1;e--;)if(n[e]===t)return e;return e}(n,t,u):v(n,d,u,!0)},Jn.lowerCase=ec,Jn.lowerFirst=uc,,Jn.lte=$f,Jn.max=function(n){return n&&n.length?Ct(n,oi,Ht):N},Jn.maxBy=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Ct(n,Fe(t,2),Ht):N},Jn.mean=function(n){return b(n,oi)},Jn.meanBy=function(n,t){return b(n,Fe(t,2))},Jn.min=function(n){return n&&n.length?Ct(n,oi,mr):N},Jn.minBy=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Ct(n,Fe(t,2),mr):N},Jn.stubArray=si,Jn.stubFalse=hi,Jn.stubObject=function(){return{}},Jn.stubString=function(){return""},Jn.stubTrue=function(){return!0},Jn.multiply=Ac,Jn.nth=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?Or(n,Zu(t)):N},Jn.noConflict=function(){return nr._===this&&(nr._=Wi),this},Jn.noop=ai,,Jn.pad=function(n,t,r){n=Hu(n);var e=(t=Zu(t))?$(n):0;if(!t||e>=t)return n;var u=(t-e)/2;return Ae(Ji(u),r)+n+Ae(Hi(u),r)},Jn.padEnd=function(n,t,r){n=Hu(n);var e=(t=Zu(t))?$(n):0;return t&&e<t?n+Ae(t-e,r):n},Jn.padStart=function(n,t,r){n=Hu(n);var e=(t=Zu(t))?$(n):0;return t&&e<t?Ae(t-e,r)+n:n},Jn.parseInt=function(n,t,r){return r||null==t?t=0:t&&(t=+t),io(Hu(n).replace(Zn,""),t||0)},Jn.random=function(n,t,r){if(r&&"boolean"!=typeof r&&He(n,t,r)&&(t=r=N),r===N&&("boolean"==typeof t?(r=t,t=N):"boolean"==typeof n&&(r=n,n=N)),n===N&&t===N?(n=0,t=1):(n=qu(n),t===N?(t=n,n=0):t=qu(t)),n>t){var e=n;n=t,t=e}if(r||n%1||t%1){var u=oo();return eo(n+u*(t-n+Jt("1e-"+((u+"").length-1))),t)}return Sr(n,t)},Jn.reduce=function(n,t,r){var e=zf(n)?l:x,u=arguments.length<3;return e(n,Fe(t,4),r,u,Oo)},Jn.reduceRight=function(n,t,r){var e=zf(n)?s:x,u=arguments.length<3;return e(n,Fe(t,4),r,u,Io)},Jn.repeat=function(n,t,r){return t=(r?He(n,t,r):t===N)?1:Zu(t),Wr(Hu(n),t)},Jn.replace=function(){var n=arguments,t=Hu(n[0]);return n.length<3?t:t.replace(n[1],n[2])},Jn.result=function(n,t,r){var e=-1,u=(t=ne(t,n)).length;for(u||(u=1,n=N);++e<u;){var i=null==n?N:n[fu(t[e])];i===N&&(e=u,i=r),n=Cu(i)?}return n},Jn.round=kc,Jn.runInContext=m,Jn.sample=function(n){return(zf(n)?dt:Cr)(n)},Jn.size=function(n){if(null==n)return 0;if(Su(n))return Fu(n)?$(n):n.length;var t=$o(n);return t==ln||t==vn?n.size:br(n).length},Jn.snakeCase=ic,Jn.some=function(n,t,r){var e=zf(n)?h:Dr;return r&&He(n,t,r)&&(t=N),e(n,Fe(t,3))},Jn.sortedIndex=function(n,t){return Mr(n,t)},Jn.sortedIndexBy=function(n,t,r){return Fr(n,t,Fe(r,2))},Jn.sortedIndexOf=function(n,t){var r=null==n?0:n.length;if(r){var e=Mr(n,t);if(e<r&&Eu(n[e],t))return e}return-1},Jn.sortedLastIndex=function(n,t){return Mr(n,t,!0)},Jn.sortedLastIndexBy=function(n,t,r){return Fr(n,t,Fe(r,2),!0)},Jn.sortedLastIndexOf=function(n,t){if(null!=n&&n.length){var r=Mr(n,t,!0)-1;if(Eu(n[r],t))return r}return-1},Jn.startCase=oc,Jn.startsWith=function(n,t,r){return n=Hu(n),r=null==r?0:Rt(Zu(r),0,n.length),t=qr(t),n.slice(r,r+t.length)==t},Jn.subtract=Oc,Jn.sum=function(n){return n&&n.length?j(n,oi):0},Jn.sumBy=function(n,t){return n&&n.length?j(n,Fe(t,2)):0},Jn.template=function(n,t,r){var e=Jn.templateSettings;r&&He(n,t,r)&&(t=N),n=Hu(n),t=Ff({},t,e,We);var u,i,o=Ff({},t.imports,e.imports,We),f=Qu(o),c=I(o,f),a=0,l=t.interpolate||ft,s="__p += '",h=bi((t.escape||ft).source+"|"+l.source+"|"+(l===Dn?Xn:ft).source+"|"+(t.evaluate||ft).source+"|$","g"),p="//# sourceURL="+(,"sourceURL")?(t.sourceURL+"").replace(/\s/g," "):"lodash.templateSources["+ ++Kt+"]")+"\n";n.replace(h,(function(t,r,e,o,f,c){return e||(e=o),s+=n.slice(a,c).replace(ct,S),r&&(u=!0,s+="' +\n__e("+r+") +\n'"),f&&(i=!0,s+="';\n"+f+";\n__p += '"),e&&(s+="' +\n((__t = ("+e+")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'"),a=c+t.length,t})),s+="';\n";var,"variable")&&t.variable;if(_){if(Yn.test(_))throw new vi("Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`")}else s="with (obj) {\n"+s+"\n}\n";s=(i?s.replace(En,""):s).replace(Sn,"$1").replace(Wn,"$1;"),s="function("+(_||"obj")+") {\n"+(_?"":"obj || (obj = {});\n")+"var __t, __p = ''"+(u?", __e = _.escape":"")+(i?", __j = Array.prototype.join;\nfunction print() { __p +=, '') }\n":";\n")+s+"return __p\n}";var v=ac((function(){return gi(f,p+"return "+s).apply(N,c)}));if(v.source=s,Lu(v))throw v;return v},Jn.times=function(n,t){if((n=Zu(n))<1||n>Q)return[];var r=nn,e=eo(n,nn);t=Fe(t),n-=nn;for(var u=A(e,t);++r<n;)t(r);return u},Jn.toFinite=qu,Jn.toInteger=Zu,Jn.toLength=Ku,Jn.toLower=function(n){return Hu(n).toLowerCase()},Jn.toNumber=Vu,Jn.toSafeInteger=function(n){return n?Rt(Zu(n),-Q,Q):0===n?n:0},Jn.toString=Hu,Jn.toUpper=function(n){return Hu(n).toUpperCase()},Jn.trim=function(n,t,r){if((n=Hu(n))&&(r||t===N))return k(n);if(!n||!(t=qr(t)))return n;var e=D(n),u=D(t);return te(e,z(e,u),E(e,u)+1).join("")},Jn.trimEnd=function(n,t,r){if((n=Hu(n))&&(r||t===N))return n.slice(0,M(n)+1);if(!n||!(t=qr(t)))return n;var e=D(n);return te(e,0,E(e,D(t))+1).join("")},Jn.trimStart=function(n,t,r){if((n=Hu(n))&&(r||t===N))return n.replace(Zn,"");if(!n||!(t=qr(t)))return n;var e=D(n);return te(e,z(e,D(t))).join("")},Jn.truncate=function(n,t){var r=30,e="...";if(Tu(t)){var u="separator"in t?t.separator:u;r="length"in t?Zu(t.length):r,e="omission"in t?qr(t.omission):e}var i=(n=Hu(n)).length;if(W(n)){var o=D(n);i=o.length}if(r>=i)return n;var f=r-$(e);if(f<1)return e;var c=o?te(o,0,f).join(""):n.slice(0,f);if(u===N)return c+e;if(o&&(f+=c.length-f),Cf(u)){if(n.slice(f).search(u)){var a,l=c;for(||(u=bi(u.source,Hu(nt.exec(u))+"g")),u.lastIndex=0;a=u.exec(l);)var s=a.index;c=c.slice(0,s===N?f:s)}}else if(n.indexOf(qr(u),f)!=f){var h=c.lastIndexOf(u);h>-1&&(c=c.slice(0,h))}return c+e},Jn.unescape=function(n){return(n=Hu(n))&&Un.test(n)?n.replace(Ln,vr):n},Jn.uniqueId=function(n){var t=++Ri;return Hu(n)+t},Jn.upperCase=fc,Jn.upperFirst=cc,Jn.each=xu,Jn.eachRight=ju,Jn.first=_u,ci(Jn,function(){var n={};return Tt(Jn,(function(t,r){,r)||(n[r]=t)})),n}(),{chain:!1}),Jn.VERSION="4.17.21",r(["bind","bindKey","curry","curryRight","partial","partialRight"],(function(n){Jn[n].placeholder=Jn})),r(["drop","take"],(function(n,t){st.prototype[n]=function(r){r=r===N?1:ro(Zu(r),0);var e=this.__filtered__&&!t?new st(this):this.clone();return e.__filtered__?e.__takeCount__=eo(r,e.__takeCount__):e.__views__.push({size:eo(r,nn),type:n+(e.__dir__<0?"Right":"")}),e},st.prototype[n+"Right"]=function(t){return this.reverse()[n](t).reverse()}})),r(["filter","map","takeWhile"],(function(n,t){var r=t+1,e=1==r||3==r;st.prototype[n]=function(n){var t=this.clone();return 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Buffer?Buffer.from(t,"base64"):Uint8Array.from(atob(t),(A=>A.charCodeAt(0))))).then(WebAssembly.instantiate).then((({exports:A})=>{Z=A}));async function W(A,Q){var e=F(A,Q)||N(A);return{r:R(oA,e||A,Q)||eA(A,Q),b:!e&&!N(A)}}const z=o?async(A,Q)=>{let e=o(A,Q,QA);return(e=e&&e.then?await e:e)?{r:e,b:!F(A,Q)&&!N(A)}:W(A,Q)}:W;async function AA(A,...e){let t=e[e.length-1];return"string"!=typeof t&&(t=m),await iA,E&&await E(A,"string"!=typeof e[1]?e[1]:{},t),!rA&&!B&&EA||(Q&&JA(!0),B)||(rA=!1),await nA,aA((await z(A,t)).r,{credentials:"same-origin"})}function QA(A,Q){return R(oA,F(A,Q)||A,Q)||eA(A,Q)}function eA(A,Q){throw Error(`Unable to resolve specifier '${A}'`+h(Q))}self.importShim=AA;const tA=(A,Q=m)=>{Q=""+Q;var e=o&&o(A,Q,QA);return e&&!e.then?e:QA(A,Q)};function CA(A,Q=this.url){return tA(A,Q)}AA.resolve=tA,AA.getImportMap=()=>JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oA)),AA.addImportMap=A=>{if(!B)throw new Error("Unsupported in polyfill mode.");oA=U(A,m,oA)};const BA=AA._r={};AA._w={};let EA,oA={imports:{},scopes:{}};const iA=x.then((()=>{if(EA=!0!==C.polyfillEnable&&M&&$&&H&&(!k||G)&&(!f||b)&&!J,Q){if(!H){const A=HTMLScriptElement.supports||(A=>"classic"===A||"module"===A);HTMLScriptElement.supports=Q=>"importmap"===Q||A(Q)}!B&&EA||(new MutationObserver((A=>{for(const Q of A)if("childList"===Q.type)for(const A of Q.addedNodes)"SCRIPT"===A.tagName?(A.type===(B?"module-shim":"module")&&MA(A,!0),A.type===(B?"importmap-shim":"importmap")&&YA(A,!0)):"LINK"===A.tagName&&A.rel===(B?"modulepreload-shim":"modulepreload")&&GA(A)})).observe(document,{childList:!0,subtree:!0}),JA(),"complete"===document.readyState?qA():document.addEventListener("readystatechange",(async function A(){await iA,JA(),"complete"===document.readyState&&(qA(),document.removeEventListener("readystatechange",A))})))}return V}));let gA,nA=iA,sA=!0,rA=!0;async function aA(A,Q,e,t,C){return B||(rA=!1),await iA,await nA,E&&await E(A,"string"!=typeof Q?Q:{},""),!B&&EA?t?null:(await C,S(e?K(e):A,{errUrl:A||e})):(A=function A(Q,e,t,C){let E=BA[Q];if(E&&!C)return E;if(E={u:Q,r:C?Q:void 0,f:void 0,S:void 0,L:void 0,a:void 0,d:void 0,b:void 0,s:void 0,n:!1,t:null,m:null},BA[Q]){let A=0;for(;BA[E.u+ ++A];);E.u+=A}return BA[E.u]=E,E.f=(async()=>{if(!C){let A;if(({r:E.r,s:C,t:A}=await(SA[Q]||hA(Q,e,t))),A&&!B){if("css"===A&&!f||"json"===A&&!k)throw Error(`${A}-modules require <script type="esms-options">{ "polyfillEnable": ["${A}-modules"] }<\/script>`);("css"===A&&!b||"json"===A&&!G)&&(E.n=!0)}}try{E.a=P(C,E.u)}catch(A){D(A),E.a=[[],[],!1]}return E.S=C,E})(),E.L=E.f.then((async()=>{let Q=e;E.d=(await Promise.all(E.a[0].map((async({n:e,d:t})=>{if((0<=t&&!M||-2===t&&!$)&&(E.n=!0),-1===t&&e){const{r:C,b:B}=await z(e,E.r||E.u);if(!B||H&&!J||(E.n=!0),-1===t)return d&&d(C)?{b:C}:(Q.integrity&&(Q=Object.assign({},Q,{integrity:void 0})),A(C,Q,E.r).f)}})))).filter((A=>A))})),E}(A,Q,null,e),Q={},await async function A(Q,e){Q.b||e[Q.u]||(e[Q.u]=1,await Q.L,await Promise.all(>A(Q,e)))),Q.n)||(Q.n=Q.d.some((A=>A.n)))}(A,Q),gA=void 0,function A(Q,e){if(Q.b||!e[Q.u])return;e[Q.u]=0;for(const t of Q.d)A(t,e);const[t,C]=Q.a,B=Q.S;let E=w&&gA?`import '${gA}';`:"",o=0,i=0,n=[];function s(A){for(;n[n.length-1]<A;){const A=n.pop();E+=B.slice(o,A)+", "+cA(Q.r),o=A}E+=B.slice(o,A),o=A}for(var{s:r,ss:a,se:I,d:c}of t)if(-1===c){let A=Q.d[i++],e=A.b,t=!e;t&&(e=(e=A.s)||(A.s=K(`export function u$_(m){${A.a[1].map((({s:Q,e},t)=>{const C='"'===A.S[Q]||"'"===A.S[Q];return`e$_${t}=m`+(C?"[":".")+A.S.slice(Q,e)+(C?"]":"")})).join(",")}}${A.a[1].length?`let ${A.a[1].map(((A,Q)=>"e$_"+Q)).join(",")};`:""}export {${A.a[1].map((({s:Q,e},t)=>`e$_${t} as `+A.S.slice(Q,e))).join(",")}}\n//# sourceURL=${A.r}?cycle`))),s(r-1),E+=`/*${B.slice(r-1,I)}*/`+cA(e),!t&&A.s&&(E+=`;import*as m$_${i} from'${A.b}';import{u$_ as u$_${i}}from'${A.s}';u$_${i}(m$_${i})`,A.s=void 0),o=I}else o=-2===c?(Q.m={url:Q.r,resolve:CA},g(Q.m,Q.u),s(r),E+=`importShim._r[${cA(Q.u)}].m`,I):(s(a+6),E+="Shim(",n.push(I-1),r);function l(A,e){const t=e+A.length,C=B.indexOf("\n",t),i=-1!==C?C:B.length;s(t),E+=new URL(B.slice(t,i),Q.r).href,o=i}Q.s&&(E+=`\n;import{u$_}from'${Q.s}';try{u$_({${C.filter((A=>A.ln)).map((({s:A,e:Q,ln:e})=>B.slice(A,Q)+":"+e)).join(",")}})}catch(_){};\n`);let p=B.lastIndexOf(lA),f=B.lastIndexOf(pA);p<o&&(p=-1),f<o&&(f=-1),-1!==p&&(-1===f||f>p)&&l(lA,p),-1!==f&&(l(pA,f),-1!==p)&&p>f&&l(lA,p),s(B.length),-1===p&&(E+=lA+Q.r),Q.b=gA=K(E),Q.S=void 0}(A,Q),await C,!e||B||A.n?(sA&&!B&&A.n&&t&&(a(),sA=!1),C=await S(B||A.n||!t?A.b:A.u,{errUrl:A.u}),A.s&&(await S(A.s)).u$_(C),I&&IA(Object.keys(Q)),C):t?void 0:(I&&IA(Object.keys(Q)),S(K(e),{errUrl:e})))}function IA(A){let Q=0;const e=A.length,t=self.requestIdleCallback||self.requestAnimationFrame;t((function C(){const B=100*Q;if(!(B>e)){for(const Q of A.slice(B,100+B)){const A=BA[Q];A&&URL.revokeObjectURL(A.b)}Q++,t(C)}}))}function cA(A){return`'${A.replace(/'/g,"\\'")}'`}const lA="\n//# sourceURL=",pA="\n//# sourceMappingURL=",fA=/^(text|application)\/(x-)?javascript(;|$)/,kA=/^(application)\/wasm(;|$)/,wA=/^(text|application)\/json(;|$)/,mA=/^(text|application)\/css(;|$)/,KA=/url\(\s*(?:(["'])((?:\\.|[^\n\\"'])+)\1|((?:\\.|[^\s,"'()\\])+))\s*\)/g;let dA=[],uA=0;async function DA(A,Q,e){if(l&&!Q.integrity)throw Error(`No integrity for ${A}${h(e)}.`);var t=function(){if(100<++uA)return new Promise((A=>dA.push(A)))}();t&&await t;try{var C=await i(A,Q)}catch(Q){throw Q.message=`Unable to fetch ${A}${h(e)} - see network log for details.\n`+Q.message,Q}finally{uA--,dA.length&&dA.shift()()}if(C.ok)return C;throw(t=new TypeError(`${C.status} ${C.statusText} `+C.url+h(e))).response=C,t}async function hA(A,Q,e){var t=(Q=await DA(A,Q,e)).headers.get("content-type");if(fA.test(t))return{r:Q.url,s:await Q.text(),t:"js"};if(kA.test(t)){var C=AA._w[A]=await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(Q);let e="",t=0,B="";for(const A of WebAssembly.Module.imports(C))e+=`import * as impt${t} from '${A.module}';\n`,B+=`'${A.module}':impt${t++},`;t=0,e+=`const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(importShim._w['${A}'], {${B}});\n`;for(const A of WebAssembly.Module.exports(C))e=(e+=`const expt${t} = instance['${}'];\n`)+`export { expt${t++} as "${}" };\n`;return{r:Q.url,s:e,t:"wasm"}}if(wA.test(t))return{r:Q.url,s:"export default "+await Q.text(),t:"json"};if(mA.test(t))return{r:Q.url,s:`var s=new CSSStyleSheet();s.replaceSync(${JSON.stringify((await Q.text()).replace(KA,((Q,e="",t,C)=>`url(${e}${y(t||C,A)}${e})`)))});export default s;`,t:"css"};throw Error(`Unsupported Content-Type "${t}" loading ${A}${h(e)}. Modules must be served with a valid MIME type like application/javascript.`)}function JA(A=!1){if(!A)for(const A of document.querySelectorAll(B?"link[rel=modulepreload-shim]":"link[rel=modulepreload]"))GA(A);for(const A of document.querySelectorAll(B?"script[type=importmap-shim]":"script[type=importmap]"))YA(A);if(!A)for(const A of document.querySelectorAll(B?"script[type=module-shim]":"script[type=module]"))MA(A)}function LA(A){var Q={};return A.integrity&&(Q.integrity=A.integrity),A.referrerPolicy&&(Q.referrerPolicy=A.referrerPolicy),"use-credentials"===A.crossOrigin?Q.credentials="include":"anonymous"===A.crossOrigin?Q.credentials="omit":Q.credentials="same-origin",Q}let NA=Promise.resolve(),yA=1;function FA(){0!=--yA||c||!B&&EA||document.dispatchEvent(new Event("DOMContentLoaded"))}Q&&document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(async()=>{await iA,FA()}));let UA=1;function qA(){0!=--UA||c||!B&&EA||document.dispatchEvent(new Event("readystatechange"))}const vA=A=>A.nextSibling||A.parentNode&&vA(A.parentNode),RA=(A,Q)=>A.ep||!Q&&(!A.src&&!A.innerHTML||!vA(A))||null!==A.getAttribute("noshim")||!(A.ep=!0);function YA(A,Q=0<UA){if(!RA(A,Q)){if(A.src){if(!B)return;J=!0}rA&&(nA=nA.then((async()=>{oA=U(A.src?await(await DA(A.src,LA(A))).json():JSON.parse(A.innerHTML),A.src||m,oA)})).catch((Q=>{console.log(Q),Q instanceof SyntaxError&&(Q=new Error(`Unable to parse import map ${Q.message} in: `+(A.src||A.innerHTML))),D(Q)})),B||(rA=!1))}}function MA(A,Q=0<UA){var e,t;RA(A,Q)||((Q=null===A.getAttribute("async")&&0<UA)&&UA++,(e=0<yA)&&yA++,t=aA(A.src||m,LA(A),!A.src&&A.innerHTML,!B,Q&&NA).then((()=>{B&&A.dispatchEvent(new Event("load"))})).catch(D),Q&&(NA=t.then(qA)),e&&t.then(FA))}const SA={};function GA(A){A.ep||(A.ep=!0,SA[A.href])||(SA[A.href]=hA(A.href,LA(A)))}}();PK�������!�l&L��L����vendor/wp-polyfill-fetch.jsnu�[��������(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (factory((global.WHATWGFetch = {}))); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */ var g = (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' && globalThis) || (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global) || {}; var support = { searchParams: 'URLSearchParams' in g, iterable: 'Symbol' in g && 'iterator' in Symbol, blob: 'FileReader' in g && 'Blob' in g && (function() { try { new Blob(); return true } catch (e) { return false } })(), formData: 'FormData' in g, arrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer' in g }; function isDataView(obj) { return obj && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj) } if (support.arrayBuffer) { var viewClasses = [ '[object Int8Array]', '[object Uint8Array]', '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', '[object Int16Array]', '[object Uint16Array]', '[object Int32Array]', '[object Uint32Array]', '[object Float32Array]', '[object Float64Array]' ]; var isArrayBufferView = ArrayBuffer.isView || function(obj) { return obj && viewClasses.indexOf( > -1 }; } function normalizeName(name) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { name = String(name); } if (/[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(name) || name === '') { throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name: "' + name + '"') } return name.toLowerCase() } function normalizeValue(value) { if (typeof value !== 'string') { value = String(value); } return value } // Build a destructive iterator for the value list function iteratorFor(items) { var iterator = { next: function() { var value = items.shift(); return {done: value === undefined, value: value} } }; if (support.iterable) { iterator[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return iterator }; } return iterator } function Headers(headers) { = {}; if (headers instanceof Headers) { headers.forEach(function(value, name) { this.append(name, value); }, this); } else if (Array.isArray(headers)) { headers.forEach(function(header) { if (header.length != 2) { throw new TypeError('Headers constructor: expected name/value pair to be length 2, found' + header.length) } this.append(header[0], header[1]); }, this); } else if (headers) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(headers).forEach(function(name) { this.append(name, headers[name]); }, this); } } Headers.prototype.append = function(name, value) { name = normalizeName(name); value = normalizeValue(value); var oldValue =[name];[name] = oldValue ? oldValue + ', ' + value : value; }; Headers.prototype['delete'] = function(name) { delete[normalizeName(name)]; }; Headers.prototype.get = function(name) { name = normalizeName(name); return this.has(name) ?[name] : null }; Headers.prototype.has = function(name) { return }; Headers.prototype.set = function(name, value) {[normalizeName(name)] = normalizeValue(value); }; Headers.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) { for (var name in { if ( {,[name], name, this); } } }; Headers.prototype.keys = function() { var items = []; this.forEach(function(value, name) { items.push(name); }); return iteratorFor(items) }; Headers.prototype.values = function() { var items = []; this.forEach(function(value) { items.push(value); }); return iteratorFor(items) }; Headers.prototype.entries = function() { var items = []; this.forEach(function(value, name) { items.push([name, value]); }); return iteratorFor(items) }; if (support.iterable) { Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Headers.prototype.entries; } function consumed(body) { if (body._noBody) return if (body.bodyUsed) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Already read')) } body.bodyUsed = true; } function fileReaderReady(reader) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reader.onload = function() { resolve(reader.result); }; reader.onerror = function() { reject(reader.error); }; }) } function readBlobAsArrayBuffer(blob) { var reader = new FileReader(); var promise = fileReaderReady(reader); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); return promise } function readBlobAsText(blob) { var reader = new FileReader(); var promise = fileReaderReady(reader); var match = /charset=([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/.exec(blob.type); var encoding = match ? match[1] : 'utf-8'; reader.readAsText(blob, encoding); return promise } function readArrayBufferAsText(buf) { var view = new Uint8Array(buf); var chars = new Array(view.length); for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(view[i]); } return chars.join('') } function bufferClone(buf) { if (buf.slice) { return buf.slice(0) } else { var view = new Uint8Array(buf.byteLength); view.set(new Uint8Array(buf)); return view.buffer } } function Body() { this.bodyUsed = false; this._initBody = function(body) { /* fetch-mock wraps the Response object in an ES6 Proxy to provide useful test harness features such as flush. However, on ES5 browsers without fetch or Proxy support pollyfills must be used; the proxy-pollyfill is unable to proxy an attribute unless it exists on the object before the Proxy is created. This change ensures Response.bodyUsed exists on the instance, while maintaining the semantic of setting Request.bodyUsed in the constructor before _initBody is called. */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign this.bodyUsed = this.bodyUsed; this._bodyInit = body; if (!body) { this._noBody = true; this._bodyText = ''; } else if (typeof body === 'string') { this._bodyText = body; } else if (support.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) { this._bodyBlob = body; } else if (support.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) { this._bodyFormData = body; } else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) { this._bodyText = body.toString(); } else if (support.arrayBuffer && support.blob && isDataView(body)) { this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body.buffer); // IE 10-11 can't handle a DataView body. this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]); } else if (support.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body) || isArrayBufferView(body))) { this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body); } else { this._bodyText = body =; } if (!this.headers.get('content-type')) { if (typeof body === 'string') { this.headers.set('content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); } else if (this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type) { this.headers.set('content-type', this._bodyBlob.type); } else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) { this.headers.set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'); } } }; if (support.blob) { this.blob = function() { var rejected = consumed(this); if (rejected) { return rejected } if (this._bodyBlob) { return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob) } else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) { return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) } else if (this._bodyFormData) { throw new Error('could not read FormData body as blob') } else { return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText])) } }; } this.arrayBuffer = function() { if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) { var isConsumed = consumed(this); if (isConsumed) { return isConsumed } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) { return Promise.resolve( this._bodyArrayBuffer.buffer.slice( this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset, this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteLength ) ) } else { return Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer) } } else if (support.blob) { return this.blob().then(readBlobAsArrayBuffer) } else { throw new Error('could not read as ArrayBuffer') } }; this.text = function() { var rejected = consumed(this); if (rejected) { return rejected } if (this._bodyBlob) { return readBlobAsText(this._bodyBlob) } else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) { return Promise.resolve(readArrayBufferAsText(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) } else if (this._bodyFormData) { throw new Error('could not read FormData body as text') } else { return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText) } }; if (support.formData) { this.formData = function() { return this.text().then(decode) }; } this.json = function() { return this.text().then(JSON.parse) }; return this } // HTTP methods whose capitalization should be normalized var methods = ['CONNECT', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE']; function normalizeMethod(method) { var upcased = method.toUpperCase(); return methods.indexOf(upcased) > -1 ? upcased : method } function Request(input, options) { if (!(this instanceof Request)) { throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.') } options = options || {}; var body = options.body; if (input instanceof Request) { if (input.bodyUsed) { throw new TypeError('Already read') } this.url = input.url; this.credentials = input.credentials; if (!options.headers) { this.headers = new Headers(input.headers); } this.method = input.method; this.mode = input.mode; this.signal = input.signal; if (!body && input._bodyInit != null) { body = input._bodyInit; input.bodyUsed = true; } } else { this.url = String(input); } this.credentials = options.credentials || this.credentials || 'same-origin'; if (options.headers || !this.headers) { this.headers = new Headers(options.headers); } this.method = normalizeMethod(options.method || this.method || 'GET'); this.mode = options.mode || this.mode || null; this.signal = options.signal || this.signal || (function () { if ('AbortController' in g) { var ctrl = new AbortController(); return ctrl.signal; } }()); this.referrer = null; if ((this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && body) { throw new TypeError('Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests') } this._initBody(body); if (this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') { if (options.cache === 'no-store' || options.cache === 'no-cache') { // Search for a '_' parameter in the query string var reParamSearch = /([?&])_=[^&]*/; if (reParamSearch.test(this.url)) { // If it already exists then set the value with the current time this.url = this.url.replace(reParamSearch, '$1_=' + new Date().getTime()); } else { // Otherwise add a new '_' parameter to the end with the current time var reQueryString = /\?/; this.url += (reQueryString.test(this.url) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + new Date().getTime(); } } } } Request.prototype.clone = function() { return new Request(this, {body: this._bodyInit}) }; function decode(body) { var form = new FormData(); body .trim() .split('&') .forEach(function(bytes) { if (bytes) { var split = bytes.split('='); var name = split.shift().replace(/\+/g, ' '); var value = split.join('=').replace(/\+/g, ' '); form.append(decodeURIComponent(name), decodeURIComponent(value)); } }); return form } function parseHeaders(rawHeaders) { var headers = new Headers(); // Replace instances of \r\n and \n followed by at least one space or horizontal tab with a space // var preProcessedHeaders = rawHeaders.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, ' '); // Avoiding split via regex to work around a common IE11 bug with the core-js 3.6.0 regex polyfill // // preProcessedHeaders .split('\r') .map(function(header) { return header.indexOf('\n') === 0 ? header.substr(1, header.length) : header }) .forEach(function(line) { var parts = line.split(':'); var key = parts.shift().trim(); if (key) { var value = parts.join(':').trim(); try { headers.append(key, value); } catch (error) { console.warn('Response ' + error.message); } } }); return headers }; function Response(bodyInit, options) { if (!(this instanceof Response)) { throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.') } if (!options) { options = {}; } this.type = 'default'; this.status = options.status === undefined ? 200 : options.status; if (this.status < 200 || this.status > 599) { throw new RangeError("Failed to construct 'Response': The status provided (0) is outside the range [200, 599].") } this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300; this.statusText = options.statusText === undefined ? '' : '' + options.statusText; this.headers = new Headers(options.headers); this.url = options.url || ''; this._initBody(bodyInit); }; Response.prototype.clone = function() { return new Response(this._bodyInit, { status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: new Headers(this.headers), url: this.url }) }; Response.error = function() { var response = new Response(null, {status: 200, statusText: ''}); response.status = 0; response.type = 'error'; return response }; var redirectStatuses = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]; Response.redirect = function(url, status) { if (redirectStatuses.indexOf(status) === -1) { throw new RangeError('Invalid status code') } return new Response(null, {status: status, headers: {location: url}}) }; exports.DOMException = g.DOMException; try { new exports.DOMException(); } catch (err) { exports.DOMException = function(message, name) { this.message = message; = name; var error = Error(message); this.stack = error.stack; }; exports.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); exports.DOMException.prototype.constructor = exports.DOMException; } function fetch(input, init) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var request = new Request(input, init); if (request.signal && request.signal.aborted) { return reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError')) } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); function abortXhr() { xhr.abort(); } xhr.onload = function() { var options = { status: xhr.status, statusText: xhr.statusText, headers: parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() || '') }; options.url = 'responseURL' in xhr ? xhr.responseURL : options.headers.get('X-Request-URL'); var body = 'response' in xhr ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText; setTimeout(function() { resolve(new Response(body, options)); }, 0); }; xhr.onerror = function() { setTimeout(function() { reject(new TypeError('Network request failed')); }, 0); }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { setTimeout(function() { reject(new TypeError('Network request failed')); }, 0); }; xhr.onabort = function() { setTimeout(function() { reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError')); }, 0); }; function fixUrl(url) { try { return url === '' && g.location.href ? g.location.href : url } catch (e) { return url } }, fixUrl(request.url), true); if (request.credentials === 'include') { xhr.withCredentials = true; } else if (request.credentials === 'omit') { xhr.withCredentials = false; } if ('responseType' in xhr) { if (support.blob) { xhr.responseType = 'blob'; } else if ( support.arrayBuffer ) { xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; } } if (init && typeof init.headers === 'object' && !(init.headers instanceof Headers || (g.Headers && init.headers instanceof g.Headers))) { var names = []; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(init.headers).forEach(function(name) { names.push(normalizeName(name)); xhr.setRequestHeader(name, normalizeValue(init.headers[name])); }); request.headers.forEach(function(value, name) { if (names.indexOf(name) === -1) { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value); } }); } else { request.headers.forEach(function(value, name) { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value); }); } if (request.signal) { request.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortXhr); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { // DONE (success or failure) if (xhr.readyState === 4) { request.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortXhr); } }; } xhr.send(typeof request._bodyInit === 'undefined' ? null : request._bodyInit); }) } fetch.polyfill = true; if (!g.fetch) { g.fetch = fetch; g.Headers = Headers; g.Request = Request; g.Response = Response; } exports.Headers = Headers; exports.Request = Request; exports.Response = Response; exports.fetch = fetch; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); }))); PK�������!�m��������vendor/react.min.js.LICENSE.txtnu�[��������/** * @license React * react.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ PK�������!�qcF"��F"��"��vendor/wp-polyfill-formdata.min.jsnu�[��������/*! formdata-polyfill. MIT License. Jimmy W?rting <> */ !function(){var t;function e(t){var e=0;return function(){return e<t.length?{done:!1,value:t[e++]}:{done:!0}}}var n="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(t,e,n){return t==Array.prototype||t==Object.prototype||(t[e]=n.value),t};var r,o=function(t){t=["object"==typeof globalThis&&globalThis,t,"object"==typeof window&&window,"object"==typeof self&&self,"object"==typeof global&&global];for(var e=0;e<t.length;++e){var n=t[e];if(n&&n.Math==Math)return n}throw Error("Cannot find global object")}(this);function i(t,e){if(e)t:{var r=o;t=t.split(".");for(var i=0;i<t.length-1;i++){var a=t[i];if(!(a in r))break t;r=r[a]}(e=e(i=r[t=t[t.length-1]]))!=i&&null!=e&&n(r,t,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:e})}}function a(t){return(t={next:t})[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this},t}function u(t){var n="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator&&t[Symbol.iterator];return n?{next:e(t)}}if(i("Symbol",(function(t){function e(t,e){this.A=t,n(this,"description",{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:e})}if(t)return t;e.prototype.toString=function(){return this.A};var r="jscomp_symbol_"+(1e9*Math.random()>>>0)+"_",o=0;return function t(n){if(this instanceof t)throw new TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor");return new e(r+(n||"")+"_"+o++,n)}})),i("Symbol.iterator",(function(t){if(t)return t;t=Symbol("Symbol.iterator");for(var r="Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".split(" "),i=0;i<r.length;i++){var u=o[r[i]];"function"==typeof u&&"function"!=typeof u.prototype[t]&&n(u.prototype,t,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:function(){return a(e(this))}})}return t})),"function"==typeof Object.setPrototypeOf)r=Object.setPrototypeOf;else{var l;t:{var s={};try{s.__proto__={a:!0},l=s.a;break t}catch(t){}l=!1}r=l?function(t,e){if(t.__proto__=e,t.__proto__!==e)throw new TypeError(t+" is not extensible");return t}:null}var f=r;function c(){this.m=!1,this.j=null,this.v=void 0,this.h=1,this.u=this.C=0,this.l=null}function h(t){if(t.m)throw new TypeError("Generator is already running");t.m=!0}function p(t,e){return t.h=3,{value:e}}function y(t){this.g=new c,this.G=t}function v(t,e,n,r){try{var,n);if(!(o instanceof Object))throw new TypeError("Iterator result "+o+" is not an object");if(!o.done)return t.g.m=!1,o;var i=o.value}catch(e){return t.g.j=null,t.g.s(e),g(t)}return t.g.j=null,,i),g(t)}function g(t){for(;t.g.h;)try{var e=t.G(t.g);if(e)return t.g.m=!1,{value:e.value,done:!1}}catch(e){t.g.v=void 0,t.g.s(e)}if(t.g.m=!1,t.g.l){if(e=t.g.l,t.g.l=null,e.F)throw e.D;return{value:e.return,done:!0}}return{value:void 0,done:!0}}function d(t){{return t.o(e)},this.throw=function(e){return t.s(e)},this.return=function(e){return function(t,e){h(t.g);var n=t.g.j;return n?v(t,"return"in n?n.return:function(t){return{value:t,done:!0}},e,t.g.return):(t.g.return(e),g(t))}(t,e)},this[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}}function b(t,e){return e=new d(new y(e)),f&&t.prototype&&f(e,t.prototype),e}if(c.prototype.o=function(t){this.v=t},c.prototype.s=function(t){this.l={D:t,F:!0},this.h=this.C||this.u},c.prototype.return=function(t){this.l={return:t},this.h=this.u},y.prototype.o=function(t){return h(this.g),this.g.j?v(this,,t,this.g.o):(this.g.o(t),g(this))},y.prototype.s=function(t){return h(this.g),this.g.j?v(this,this.g.j.throw,t,this.g.o):(this.g.s(t),g(this))},i("Array.prototype.entries",(function(t){return t||function(){return function(t,e){t instanceof String&&(t+="");var n=0,r=!1,o={next:function(){if(!r&&n<t.length){var o=n++;return{value:e(o,t[o]),done:!1}}return r=!0,{done:!0,value:void 0}}};return o[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return o},o}(this,(function(t,e){return[t,e]}))}})),"undefined"!=typeof Blob&&("undefined"==typeof FormData||!FormData.prototype.keys)){var m=function(t,e){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++)e(t[n])},w=function(t){return t.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g,"\r\n")},S=function(t,e,n){return e 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t=e.type.contextTypes;if(!t)return zl;var r=e.stateNode;if(r&&r.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext===n)return r.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;var l,a={};for(l in t)a[l]=n[l];return r&&((e=e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext=n,e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext=a),a}function Ml(e){return null!=e.childContextTypes}function Fl(){Cl(Pl),Cl(Nl)}function Rl(e,n,t){if(Nl.current!==zl)throw Error(a(168));_l(Nl,n),_l(Pl,t)}function Dl(e,n,t){var r=e.stateNode;if(n=n.childContextTypes,"function"!=typeof r.getChildContext)return t;for(var l in r=r.getChildContext())if(!(l in n))throw Error(a(108,W(e)||"Unknown",l));return I({},t,r)}function Ol(e){return e=(e=e.stateNode)&&e.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext||zl,Tl=Nl.current,_l(Nl,e),_l(Pl,Pl.current),!0}function Il(e,n,t){var r=e.stateNode;if(!r)throw Error(a(169));t?(e=Dl(e,n,Tl),r.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext=e,Cl(Pl),Cl(Nl),_l(Nl,e)):Cl(Pl),_l(Pl,t)}var Ul=null,Vl=!1,Al=!1;function Bl(e){null===Ul?Ul=[e]:Ul.push(e)}function Hl(){if(!Al&&null!==Ul){Al=!0;var e=0,n=kn;try{var t=Ul;for(kn=1;e<t.length;e++){var r=t[e];do{r=r(!0)}while(null!==r)}Ul=null,Vl=!1}catch(n){throw null!==Ul&&(Ul=Ul.slice(e+1)),Ke(Je,Hl),n}finally{kn=n,Al=!1}}return null}var Wl=[],Ql=0,jl=null,$l=0,Kl=[],ql=0,Yl=null,Xl=1,Gl="";function Zl(e,n){Wl[Ql++]=$l,Wl[Ql++]=jl,jl=e,$l=n}function Jl(e,n,t){Kl[ql++]=Xl,Kl[ql++]=Gl,Kl[ql++]=Yl,Yl=e;var r=Xl;e=Gl;var l=32-un(r)-1;r&=~(1<<l),t+=1;var a=32-un(n)+l;if(30<a){var u=l-l%5;a=(r&(1<<u)-1).toString(32),r>>=u,l-=u,Xl=1<<32-un(n)+l|t<<l|r,Gl=a+e}else Xl=1<<a|t<<l|r,Gl=e}function ea(e){null!==e.return&&(Zl(e,1),Jl(e,1,0))}function na(e){for(;e===jl;)jl=Wl[--Ql],Wl[Ql]=null,$l=Wl[--Ql],Wl[Ql]=null;for(;e===Yl;)Yl=Kl[--ql],Kl[ql]=null,Gl=Kl[--ql],Kl[ql]=null,Xl=Kl[--ql],Kl[ql]=null}var ta=null,ra=null,la=!1,aa=null;function ua(e,n){var t=Ls(5,null,null,0);t.elementType="DELETED",t.stateNode=n,t.return=e,null===(n=e.deletions)?(e.deletions=[t],e.flags|=16):n.push(t)}function oa(e,n){switch(e.tag){case 5:var t=e.type;return null!==(n=1!==n.nodeType||t.toLowerCase()!==n.nodeName.toLowerCase()?null:n)&&(e.stateNode=n,ta=e,ra=sl(n.firstChild),!0);case 6:return null!==(n=""===e.pendingProps||3!==n.nodeType?null:n)&&(e.stateNode=n,ta=e,ra=null,!0);case 13:return null!==(n=8!==n.nodeType?null:n)&&(t=null!==Yl?{id:Xl,overflow:Gl}:null,e.memoizedState={dehydrated:n,treeContext:t,retryLane:1073741824},(t=Ls(18,null,null,0)).stateNode=n,t.return=e,e.child=t,ta=e,ra=null,!0);default:return!1}}function ia(e){return 0!=(1&e.mode)&&0==(128&e.flags)}function sa(e){if(la){var n=ra;if(n){var t=n;if(!oa(e,n)){if(ia(e))throw Error(a(418));n=sl(t.nextSibling);var r=ta;n&&oa(e,n)?ua(r,t):(e.flags=-4097&e.flags|2,la=!1,ta=e)}}else{if(ia(e))throw Error(a(418));e.flags=-4097&e.flags|2,la=!1,ta=e}}}function ca(e){for(e=e.return;null!==e&&5!==e.tag&&3!==e.tag&&13!==e.tag;)e=e.return;ta=e}function fa(e){if(e!==ta)return!1;if(!la)return ca(e),la=!0,!1;var n;if((n=3!==e.tag)&&!(n=5!==e.tag)&&(n="head"!==(n=e.type)&&"body"!==n&&!tl(e.type,e.memoizedProps)),n&&(n=ra)){if(ia(e))throw da(),Error(a(418));for(;n;)ua(e,n),n=sl(n.nextSibling)}if(ca(e),13===e.tag){if(!(e=null!==(e=e.memoizedState)?e.dehydrated:null))throw Error(a(317));e:{for(e=e.nextSibling,n=0;e;){if(8===e.nodeType){var;if("/$"===t){if(0===n){ra=sl(e.nextSibling);break e}n--}else"$"!==t&&"$!"!==t&&"$?"!==t||n++}e=e.nextSibling}ra=null}}else ra=ta?sl(e.stateNode.nextSibling):null;return!0}function da(){for(var e=ra;e;)e=sl(e.nextSibling)}function pa(){ra=ta=null,la=!1}function ma(e){null===aa?aa=[e]:aa.push(e)}var ha=k.ReactCurrentBatchConfig;function ga(e,n,t){if(null!==(e=t.ref)&&"function"!=typeof e&&"object"!=typeof e){if(t._owner){if(t=t._owner){if(1!==t.tag)throw Error(a(309));var r=t.stateNode}if(!r)throw Error(a(147,e));var l=r,u=""+e;return null!==n&&null!==n.ref&&"function"==typeof n.ref&&n.ref._stringRef===u?n.ref:(n=function(e){var n=l.refs;null===e?delete n[u]:n[u]=e},n._stringRef=u,n)}if("string"!=typeof e)throw Error(a(284));if(!t._owner)throw Error(a(290,e))}return e}function va(e,n){throw,Error(a(31,"[object Object]"===e?"object with keys {"+Object.keys(n).join(", ")+"}":e))}function ya(e){return(0,e._init)(e._payload)}function ba(e){function n(n,t){if(e){var r=n.deletions;null===r?(n.deletions=[t],n.flags|=16):r.push(t)}}function t(t,r){if(!e)return null;for(;null!==r;)n(t,r),r=r.sibling;return null}function r(e,n){for(e=new Map;null!==n;)null!==n.key?e.set(n.key,n):e.set(n.index,n),n=n.sibling;return e}function l(e,n){return(e=Fs(e,n)).index=0,e.sibling=null,e}function u(n,t,r){return n.index=r,e?null!==(r=n.alternate)?(r=r.index)<t?(n.flags|=2,t):r:(n.flags|=2,t):(n.flags|=1048576,t)}function o(n){return e&&null===n.alternate&&(n.flags|=2),n}function i(e,n,t,r){return null===n||6!==n.tag?((n=Is(t,e.mode,r)).return=e,n):((n=l(n,t)).return=e,n)}function s(e,n,t,r){var a=t.type;return a===x?f(e,n,t.props.children,r,t.key):null!==n&&(n.elementType===a||"object"==typeof a&&null!==a&&a.$$typeof===M&&ya(a)===n.type)?((r=l(n,t.props)).ref=ga(e,n,t),r.return=e,r):((r=Rs(t.type,t.key,t.props,null,e.mode,r)).ref=ga(e,n,t),r.return=e,r)}function c(e,n,t,r){return null===n||4!==n.tag||n.stateNode.containerInfo!==t.containerInfo||n.stateNode.implementation!==t.implementation?((n=Us(t,e.mode,r)).return=e,n):((n=l(n,t.children||[])).return=e,n)}function f(e,n,t,r,a){return null===n||7!==n.tag?((n=Ds(t,e.mode,r,a)).return=e,n):((n=l(n,t)).return=e,n)}function d(e,n,t){if("string"==typeof n&&""!==n||"number"==typeof n)return(n=Is(""+n,e.mode,t)).return=e,n;if("object"==typeof n&&null!==n){switch(n.$$typeof){case w:return(t=Rs(n.type,n.key,n.props,null,e.mode,t)).ref=ga(e,null,n),t.return=e,t;case S:return(n=Us(n,e.mode,t)).return=e,n;case M:return d(e,(0,n._init)(n._payload),t)}if(ne(n)||D(n))return(n=Ds(n,e.mode,t,null)).return=e,n;va(e,n)}return null}function p(e,n,t,r){var l=null!==n?n.key:null;if("string"==typeof t&&""!==t||"number"==typeof t)return null!==l?null:i(e,n,""+t,r);if("object"==typeof t&&null!==t){switch(t.$$typeof){case w:return t.key===l?s(e,n,t,r):null;case S:return t.key===l?c(e,n,t,r):null;case M:return p(e,n,(l=t._init)(t._payload),r)}if(ne(t)||D(t))return null!==l?null:f(e,n,t,r,null);va(e,t)}return null}function m(e,n,t,r,l){if("string"==typeof r&&""!==r||"number"==typeof r)return i(n,e=e.get(t)||null,""+r,l);if("object"==typeof r&&null!==r){switch(r.$$typeof){case w:return s(n,e=e.get(null===r.key?t:r.key)||null,r,l);case S:return c(n,e=e.get(null===r.key?t:r.key)||null,r,l);case M:return m(e,n,t,(0,r._init)(r._payload),l)}if(ne(r)||D(r))return f(n,e=e.get(t)||null,r,l,null);va(n,r)}return null}function h(l,a,o,i){for(var s=null,c=null,f=a,h=a=0,g=null;null!==f&&h<o.length;h++){f.index>h?(g=f,f=null):g=f.sibling;var v=p(l,f,o[h],i);if(null===v){null===f&&(f=g);break}e&&f&&null===v.alternate&&n(l,f),a=u(v,a,h),null===c?s=v:c.sibling=v,c=v,f=g}if(h===o.length)return t(l,f),la&&Zl(l,h),s;if(null===f){for(;h<o.length;h++)null!==(f=d(l,o[h],i))&&(a=u(f,a,h),null===c?s=f:c.sibling=f,c=f);return la&&Zl(l,h),s}for(f=r(l,f);h<o.length;h++)null!==(g=m(f,l,h,o[h],i))&&(e&&null!==g.alternate&&f.delete(null===g.key?h:g.key),a=u(g,a,h),null===c?s=g:c.sibling=g,c=g);return e&&f.forEach((function(e){return n(l,e)})),la&&Zl(l,h),s}function g(l,o,i,s){var c=D(i);if("function"!=typeof c)throw Error(a(150));if(null==( Error(a(151));for(var f=c=null,h=o,g=o=0,v=null,;null!==h&&!y.done;g++,{h.index>g?(v=h,h=null):v=h.sibling;var b=p(l,h,y.value,s);if(null===b){null===h&&(h=v);break}e&&h&&null===b.alternate&&n(l,h),o=u(b,o,g),null===f?c=b:f.sibling=b,f=b,h=v}if(y.done)return t(l,h),la&&Zl(l,g),c;if(null===h){for(;!y.done;g++,!==(y=d(l,y.value,s))&&(o=u(y,o,g),null===f?c=y:f.sibling=y,f=y);return la&&Zl(l,g),c}for(h=r(l,h);!y.done;g++,!==(y=m(h,l,g,y.value,s))&&(e&&null!==y.alternate&&h.delete(null===y.key?g:y.key),o=u(y,o,g),null===f?c=y:f.sibling=y,f=y);return e&&h.forEach((function(e){return n(l,e)})),la&&Zl(l,g),c}return function e(r,a,u,i){if("object"==typeof u&&null!==u&&u.type===x&&null===u.key&&(u=u.props.children),"object"==typeof u&&null!==u){switch(u.$$typeof){case w:e:{for(var s=u.key,c=a;null!==c;){if(c.key===s){if((s=u.type)===x){if(7===c.tag){t(r,c.sibling),(a=l(c,u.props.children)).return=r,r=a;break e}}else if(c.elementType===s||"object"==typeof s&&null!==s&&s.$$typeof===M&&ya(s)===c.type){t(r,c.sibling),(a=l(c,u.props)).ref=ga(r,c,u),a.return=r,r=a;break e}t(r,c);break}n(r,c),c=c.sibling}u.type===x?((a=Ds(u.props.children,r.mode,i,u.key)).return=r,r=a):((i=Rs(u.type,u.key,u.props,null,r.mode,i)).ref=ga(r,a,u),i.return=r,r=i)}return o(r);case S:e:{for(c=u.key;null!==a;){if(a.key===c){if(4===a.tag&&a.stateNode.containerInfo===u.containerInfo&&a.stateNode.implementation===u.implementation){t(r,a.sibling),(a=l(a,u.children||[])).return=r,r=a;break e}t(r,a);break}n(r,a),a=a.sibling}(a=Us(u,r.mode,i)).return=r,r=a}return o(r);case M:return e(r,a,(c=u._init)(u._payload),i)}if(ne(u))return h(r,a,u,i);if(D(u))return g(r,a,u,i);va(r,u)}return"string"==typeof u&&""!==u||"number"==typeof u?(u=""+u,null!==a&&6===a.tag?(t(r,a.sibling),(a=l(a,u)).return=r,r=a):(t(r,a),(a=Is(u,r.mode,i)).return=r,r=a),o(r)):t(r,a)}}var ka=ba(!0),wa=ba(!1),Sa=El(null),xa=null,Ea=null,Ca=null;function _a(){Ca=Ea=xa=null}function za(e){var n=Sa.current;Cl(Sa),e._currentValue=n}function Na(e,n,t){for(;null!==e;){var r=e.alternate;if((e.childLanes&n)!==n?(e.childLanes|=n,null!==r&&(r.childLanes|=n)):null!==r&&(r.childLanes&n)!==n&&(r.childLanes|=n),e===t)break;e=e.return}}function Pa(e,n){xa=e,Ca=Ea=null,null!==(e=e.dependencies)&&null!==e.firstContext&&(0!=(e.lanes&n)&&(bo=!0),e.firstContext=null)}function Ta(e){var n=e._currentValue;if(Ca!==e)if(e={context:e,memoizedValue:n,next:null},null===Ea){if(null===xa)throw Error(a(308));Ea=e,xa.dependencies={lanes:0,firstContext:e}}else;return n}var La=null;function Ma(e){null===La?La=[e]:La.push(e)}function Fa(e,n,t,r){var l=n.interleaved;return null===l?(,Ma(n)):(,,n.interleaved=t,Ra(e,r)}function Ra(e,n){e.lanes|=n;var t=e.alternate;for(null!==t&&(t.lanes|=n),t=e,e=e.return;null!==e;)e.childLanes|=n,null!==(t=e.alternate)&&(t.childLanes|=n),t=e,e=e.return;return 3===t.tag?t.stateNode:null}var Da=!1;function Oa(e){e.updateQueue={baseState:e.memoizedState,firstBaseUpdate:null,lastBaseUpdate:null,shared:{pending:null,interleaved:null,lanes:0},effects:null}}function Ia(e,n){e=e.updateQueue,n.updateQueue===e&&(n.updateQueue={baseState:e.baseState,firstBaseUpdate:e.firstBaseUpdate,lastBaseUpdate:e.lastBaseUpdate,shared:e.shared,effects:e.effects})}function Ua(e,n){return{eventTime:e,lane:n,tag:0,payload:null,callback:null,next:null}}function Va(e,n,t){var r=e.updateQueue;if(null===r)return null;if(r=r.shared,0!=(2&Ni)){var l=r.pending;return null===l?,,r.pending=n,Ra(e,t)}return null===(l=r.interleaved)?(,Ma(r)):(,,r.interleaved=n,Ra(e,t)}function Aa(e,n,t){if(null!==(n=n.updateQueue)&&(n=n.shared,0!=(4194240&t))){var r=n.lanes;t|=r&=e.pendingLanes,n.lanes=t,bn(e,t)}}function Ba(e,n){var t=e.updateQueue,r=e.alternate;if(null!==r&&t===(r=r.updateQueue)){var l=null,a=null;if(null!==(t=t.firstBaseUpdate)){do{var u={eventTime:t.eventTime,lane:t.lane,tag:t.tag,payload:t.payload,callback:t.callback,next:null};null===a?,}while(null!==t);null===a?}else l=a=n;return t={baseState:r.baseState,firstBaseUpdate:l,lastBaseUpdate:a,shared:r.shared,effects:r.effects},void(e.updateQueue=t)}null===(e=t.lastBaseUpdate)?,t.lastBaseUpdate=n}function Ha(e,n,t,r){var l=e.updateQueue;Da=!1;var a=l.firstBaseUpdate,u=l.lastBaseUpdate,o=l.shared.pending;if(null!==o){l.shared.pending=null;var i=o,;,null===u?,u=i;var c=e.alternate;null!==c&&(o=(c=c.updateQueue).lastBaseUpdate)!==u&&(null===o?,c.lastBaseUpdate=i)}if(null!==a){var f=l.baseState;for(u=0,c=s=i=null,o=a;;){var d=o.lane,p=o.eventTime;if((r&d)===d){null!==c&&({eventTime:p,lane:0,tag:o.tag,payload:o.payload,callback:o.callback,next:null});e:{var m=e,h=o;switch(d=n,p=t,h.tag){case 1:if("function"==typeof(m=h.payload)){,f,d);break e}f=m;break e;case 3:m.flags=-65537&m.flags|128;case 0:if(null==(d="function"==typeof(m=h.payload)?,f,d):m))break e;f=I({},f,d);break e;case 2:Da=!0}}null!==o.callback&&0!==o.lane&&(e.flags|=64,null===(d=l.effects)?l.effects=[o]:d.push(o))}else p={eventTime:p,lane:d,tag:o.tag,payload:o.payload,callback:o.callback,next:null},null===c?(s=c=p,i=f),u|=d;if(null===({if(null===(o=l.shared.pending))break;o=(d=o).next,,l.lastBaseUpdate=d,l.shared.pending=null}}if(null===c&&(i=f),l.baseState=i,l.firstBaseUpdate=s,l.lastBaseUpdate=c,null!==(n=l.shared.interleaved)){l=n;do{u|=l.lane,}while(l!==n)}else null===a&&(l.shared.lanes=0);Oi|=u,e.lanes=u,e.memoizedState=f}}function Wa(e,n,t){if(e=n.effects,n.effects=null,null!==e)for(n=0;n<e.length;n++){var r=e[n],l=r.callback;if(null!==l){if(r.callback=null,r=t,"function"!=typeof l)throw Error(a(191,l));}}}var Qa={},ja=El(Qa),$a=El(Qa),Ka=El(Qa);function qa(e){if(e===Qa)throw Error(a(174));return e}function Ya(e,n){switch(_l(Ka,n),_l($a,e),_l(ja,Qa),e=n.nodeType){case 9:case 11:n=(n=n.documentElement)?n.namespaceURI:ie(null,"");break;default:n=ie(n=(e=8===e?n.parentNode:n).namespaceURI||null,e=e.tagName)}Cl(ja),_l(ja,n)}function Xa(){Cl(ja),Cl($a),Cl(Ka)}function Ga(e){qa(Ka.current);var n=qa(ja.current),t=ie(n,e.type);n!==t&&(_l($a,e),_l(ja,t))}function Za(e){$a.current===e&&(Cl(ja),Cl($a))}var Ja=El(0);function eu(e){for(var n=e;null!==n;){if(13===n.tag){var t=n.memoizedState;if(null!==t&&(null===(t=t.dehydrated)||"$?"||"$!" n}else if(19===n.tag&&void 0!==n.memoizedProps.revealOrder){if(0!=(128&n.flags))return n}else if(null!==n.child){n.child.return=n,n=n.child;continue}if(n===e)break;for(;null===n.sibling;){if(null===n.return||n.return===e)return null;n=n.return}n.sibling.return=n.return,n=n.sibling}return null}var nu=[];function tu(){for(var e=0;e<nu.length;e++)nu[e]._workInProgressVersionPrimary=null;nu.length=0}var ru=k.ReactCurrentDispatcher,lu=k.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,au=0,uu=null,ou=null,iu=null,su=!1,cu=!1,fu=0,du=0;function pu(){throw Error(a(321))}function mu(e,n){if(null===n)return!1;for(var t=0;t<n.length&&t<e.length;t++)if(!or(e[t],n[t]))return!1;return!0}function hu(e,n,t,r,l,u){if(au=u,uu=n,n.memoizedState=null,n.updateQueue=null,n.lanes=0,ru.current=null===e||null===e.memoizedState?Zu:Ju,e=t(r,l),cu){u=0;do{if(cu=!1,fu=0,25<=u)throw Error(a(301));u+=1,iu=ou=null,n.updateQueue=null,ru.current=eo,e=t(r,l)}while(cu)}if(ru.current=Gu,n=null!==ou&&null!,au=0,iu=ou=uu=null,su=!1,n)throw Error(a(300));return e}function gu(){var e=0!==fu;return fu=0,e}function vu(){var e={memoizedState:null,baseState:null,baseQueue:null,queue:null,next:null};return null===iu?,iu}function yu(){if(null===ou){var e=uu.alternate;e=null!==e?e.memoizedState:null}else;var n=null===iu?;if(null!==n)iu=n,ou=e;else{if(null===e)throw Error(a(310));e={memoizedState:(ou=e).memoizedState,baseState:ou.baseState,baseQueue:ou.baseQueue,queue:ou.queue,next:null},null===iu?}return iu}function bu(e,n){return"function"==typeof n?n(e):n}function ku(e){var n=yu(),t=n.queue;if(null===t)throw Error(a(311));t.lastRenderedReducer=e;var r=ou,l=r.baseQueue,u=t.pending;if(null!==u){if(null!==l){var;,}r.baseQueue=l=u,t.pending=null}if(null!==l){,r=r.baseState;var i=o=null,s=null,c=u;do{var f=c.lane;if((au&f)===f)null!==s&&({lane:0,action:c.action,hasEagerState:c.hasEagerState,eagerState:c.eagerState,next:null}),r=c.hasEagerState?c.eagerState:e(r,c.action);else{var d={lane:f,action:c.action,hasEagerState:c.hasEagerState,eagerState:c.eagerState,next:null};null===s?(i=s=d,o=r),uu.lanes|=f,Oi|=f}}while(null!==c&&c!==u);null===s?,or(r,n.memoizedState)||(bo=!0),n.memoizedState=r,n.baseState=o,n.baseQueue=s,t.lastRenderedState=r}if(null!==(e=t.interleaved)){l=e;do{u=l.lane,uu.lanes|=u,Oi|=u,}while(l!==e)}else null===l&&(t.lanes=0);return[n.memoizedState,t.dispatch]}function wu(e){var n=yu(),t=n.queue;if(null===t)throw Error(a(311));t.lastRenderedReducer=e;var r=t.dispatch,l=t.pending,u=n.memoizedState;if(null!==l){t.pending=null;var;do{u=e(u,o.action),}while(o!==l);or(u,n.memoizedState)||(bo=!0),n.memoizedState=u,null===n.baseQueue&&(n.baseState=u),t.lastRenderedState=u}return[u,r]}function Su(){}function xu(e,n){var t=uu,r=yu(),l=n(),u=!or(r.memoizedState,l);if(u&&(r.memoizedState=l,bo=!0),r=r.queue,Du(_u.bind(null,t,r,e),[e]),r.getSnapshot!==n||u||null!==iu&&1&iu.memoizedState.tag){if(t.flags|=2048,Tu(9,Cu.bind(null,t,r,l,n),void 0,null),null===Pi)throw Error(a(349));0!=(30&au)||Eu(t,n,l)}return l}function Eu(e,n,t){e.flags|=16384,e={getSnapshot:n,value:t},null===(n=uu.updateQueue)?(n={lastEffect:null,stores:null},uu.updateQueue=n,n.stores=[e]):null===(t=n.stores)?n.stores=[e]:t.push(e)}function Cu(e,n,t,r){n.value=t,n.getSnapshot=r,zu(n)&&Nu(e)}function _u(e,n,t){return t((function(){zu(n)&&Nu(e)}))}function zu(e){var n=e.getSnapshot;e=e.value;try{var t=n();return!or(e,t)}catch(e){return!0}}function Nu(e){var n=Ra(e,1);null!==n&&ts(n,e,1,-1)}function Pu(e){var n=vu();return"function"==typeof e&&(e=e()),n.memoizedState=n.baseState=e,e={pending:null,interleaved:null,lanes:0,dispatch:null,lastRenderedReducer:bu,lastRenderedState:e},n.queue=e,e=e.dispatch=Ku.bind(null,uu,e),[n.memoizedState,e]}function Tu(e,n,t,r){return e={tag:e,create:n,destroy:t,deps:r,next:null},null===(n=uu.updateQueue)?(n={lastEffect:null,stores:null},uu.updateQueue=n,,,,n.lastEffect=e),e}function Lu(){return yu().memoizedState}function Mu(e,n,t,r){var l=vu();uu.flags|=e,l.memoizedState=Tu(1|n,t,void 0,void 0===r?null:r)}function Fu(e,n,t,r){var l=yu();r=void 0===r?null:r;var a=void 0;if(null!==ou){var u=ou.memoizedState;if(a=u.destroy,null!==r&&mu(r,u.deps))return void(l.memoizedState=Tu(n,t,a,r))}uu.flags|=e,l.memoizedState=Tu(1|n,t,a,r)}function Ru(e,n){return Mu(8390656,8,e,n)}function Du(e,n){return Fu(2048,8,e,n)}function Ou(e,n){return Fu(4,2,e,n)}function Iu(e,n){return Fu(4,4,e,n)}function Uu(e,n){return"function"==typeof n?(e=e(),n(e),function(){n(null)}):null!=n?(e=e(),n.current=e,function(){n.current=null}):void 0}function Vu(e,n,t){return t=null!=t?t.concat([e]):null,Fu(4,4,Uu.bind(null,n,e),t)}function Au(){}function Bu(e,n){var t=yu();n=void 0===n?null:n;var r=t.memoizedState;return null!==r&&null!==n&&mu(n,r[1])?r[0]:(t.memoizedState=[e,n],e)}function Hu(e,n){var t=yu();n=void 0===n?null:n;var r=t.memoizedState;return null!==r&&null!==n&&mu(n,r[1])?r[0]:(e=e(),t.memoizedState=[e,n],e)}function Wu(e,n,t){return 0==(21&au)?(e.baseState&&(e.baseState=!1,bo=!0),e.memoizedState=t):(or(t,n)||(t=gn(),uu.lanes|=t,Oi|=t,e.baseState=!0),n)}function Qu(e,n){var t=kn;kn=0!==t&&4>t?t:4,e(!0);var r=lu.transition;lu.transition={};try{e(!1),n()}finally{kn=t,lu.transition=r}}function ju(){return yu().memoizedState}function $u(e,n,t){var r=ns(e);t={lane:r,action:t,hasEagerState:!1,eagerState:null,next:null},qu(e)?Yu(n,t):null!==(t=Fa(e,n,t,r))&&(ts(t,e,r,es()),Xu(t,n,r))}function Ku(e,n,t){var r=ns(e),l={lane:r,action:t,hasEagerState:!1,eagerState:null,next:null};if(qu(e))Yu(n,l);else{var a=e.alternate;if(0===e.lanes&&(null===a||0===a.lanes)&&null!==(a=n.lastRenderedReducer))try{var u=n.lastRenderedState,o=a(u,t);if(l.hasEagerState=!0,l.eagerState=o,or(o,u)){var i=n.interleaved;return null===i?(,Ma(n)):(,,void(n.interleaved=l)}}catch(e){}null!==(t=Fa(e,n,l,r))&&(ts(t,e,r,l=es()),Xu(t,n,r))}}function qu(e){var n=e.alternate;return e===uu||null!==n&&n===uu}function Yu(e,n){cu=su=!0;var t=e.pending;null===t?,,e.pending=n}function Xu(e,n,t){if(0!=(4194240&t)){var r=n.lanes;t|=r&=e.pendingLanes,n.lanes=t,bn(e,t)}}var Gu={readContext:Ta,useCallback:pu,useContext:pu,useEffect:pu,useImperativeHandle:pu,useInsertionEffect:pu,useLayoutEffect:pu,useMemo:pu,useReducer:pu,useRef:pu,useState:pu,useDebugValue:pu,useDeferredValue:pu,useTransition:pu,useMutableSource:pu,useSyncExternalStore:pu,useId:pu,unstable_isNewReconciler:!1},Zu={readContext:Ta,useCallback:function(e,n){return vu().memoizedState=[e,void 0===n?null:n],e},useContext:Ta,useEffect:Ru,useImperativeHandle:function(e,n,t){return t=null!=t?t.concat([e]):null,Mu(4194308,4,Uu.bind(null,n,e),t)},useLayoutEffect:function(e,n){return Mu(4194308,4,e,n)},useInsertionEffect:function(e,n){return Mu(4,2,e,n)},useMemo:function(e,n){var t=vu();return n=void 0===n?null:n,e=e(),t.memoizedState=[e,n],e},useReducer:function(e,n,t){var r=vu();return n=void 0!==t?t(n):n,r.memoizedState=r.baseState=n,e={pending:null,interleaved:null,lanes:0,dispatch:null,lastRenderedReducer:e,lastRenderedState:n},r.queue=e,e=e.dispatch=$u.bind(null,uu,e),[r.memoizedState,e]},useRef:function(e){return e={current:e},vu().memoizedState=e},useState:Pu,useDebugValue:Au,useDeferredValue:function(e){return vu().memoizedState=e},useTransition:function(){var e=Pu(!1),n=e[0];return e=Qu.bind(null,e[1]),vu().memoizedState=e,[n,e]},useMutableSource:function(){},useSyncExternalStore:function(e,n,t){var r=uu,l=vu();if(la){if(void 0===t)throw Error(a(407));t=t()}else{if(t=n(),null===Pi)throw Error(a(349));0!=(30&au)||Eu(r,n,t)}l.memoizedState=t;var u={value:t,getSnapshot:n};return l.queue=u,Ru(_u.bind(null,r,u,e),[e]),r.flags|=2048,Tu(9,Cu.bind(null,r,u,t,n),void 0,null),t},useId:function(){var e=vu(),n=Pi.identifierPrefix;if(la){var t=Gl;n=":"+n+"R"+(t=(Xl&~(1<<32-un(Xl)-1)).toString(32)+t),0<(t=fu++)&&(n+="H"+t.toString(32)),n+=":"}else n=":"+n+"r"+(t=du++).toString(32)+":";return e.memoizedState=n},unstable_isNewReconciler:!1},Ju={readContext:Ta,useCallback:Bu,useContext:Ta,useEffect:Du,useImperativeHandle:Vu,useInsertionEffect:Ou,useLayoutEffect:Iu,useMemo:Hu,useReducer:ku,useRef:Lu,useState:function(){return ku(bu)},useDebugValue:Au,useDeferredValue:function(e){return Wu(yu(),ou.memoizedState,e)},useTransition:function(){return[ku(bu)[0],yu().memoizedState]},useMutableSource:Su,useSyncExternalStore:xu,useId:ju,unstable_isNewReconciler:!1},eo={readContext:Ta,useCallback:Bu,useContext:Ta,useEffect:Du,useImperativeHandle:Vu,useInsertionEffect:Ou,useLayoutEffect:Iu,useMemo:Hu,useReducer:wu,useRef:Lu,useState:function(){return wu(bu)},useDebugValue:Au,useDeferredValue:function(e){var n=yu();return null===ou?n.memoizedState=e:Wu(n,ou.memoizedState,e)},useTransition:function(){return[wu(bu)[0],yu().memoizedState]},useMutableSource:Su,useSyncExternalStore:xu,useId:ju,unstable_isNewReconciler:!1};function no(e,n){if(e&&e.defaultProps){for(var t in n=I({},n),e=e.defaultProps)void 0===n[t]&&(n[t]=e[t]);return n}return n}function to(e,n,t,r){t=null==(t=t(r,n=e.memoizedState))?n:I({},n,t),e.memoizedState=t,0===e.lanes&&(e.updateQueue.baseState=t)}var ro={isMounted:function(e){return!!(e=e._reactInternals)&&He(e)===e},enqueueSetState:function(e,n,t){e=e._reactInternals;var r=es(),l=ns(e),a=Ua(r,l);a.payload=n,null!=t&&(a.callback=t),null!==(n=Va(e,a,l))&&(ts(n,e,l,r),Aa(n,e,l))},enqueueReplaceState:function(e,n,t){e=e._reactInternals;var r=es(),l=ns(e),a=Ua(r,l);a.tag=1,a.payload=n,null!=t&&(a.callback=t),null!==(n=Va(e,a,l))&&(ts(n,e,l,r),Aa(n,e,l))},enqueueForceUpdate:function(e,n){e=e._reactInternals;var t=es(),r=ns(e),l=Ua(t,r);l.tag=2,null!=n&&(l.callback=n),null!==(n=Va(e,l,r))&&(ts(n,e,r,t),Aa(n,e,r))}};function lo(e,n,t,r,l,a,u){return"function"==typeof(e=e.stateNode).shouldComponentUpdate?e.shouldComponentUpdate(r,a,u):!(n.prototype&&n.prototype.isPureReactComponent&&ir(t,r)&&ir(l,a))}function ao(e,n,t){var r=!1,l=zl,a=n.contextType;return"object"==typeof a&&null!==a?a=Ta(a):(l=Ml(n)?Tl:Nl.current,a=(r=null!=(r=n.contextTypes))?Ll(e,l):zl),n=new n(t,a),e.memoizedState=null!==n.state&&void 0!==n.state?n.state:null,n.updater=ro,e.stateNode=n,n._reactInternals=e,r&&((e=e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext=l,e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext=a),n}function uo(e,n,t,r){e=n.state,"function"==typeof n.componentWillReceiveProps&&n.componentWillReceiveProps(t,r),"function"==typeof n.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps&&n.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(t,r),n.state!==e&&ro.enqueueReplaceState(n,n.state,null)}function oo(e,n,t,r){var l=e.stateNode;l.props=t,l.state=e.memoizedState,l.refs={},Oa(e);var a=n.contextType;"object"==typeof a&&null!==a?l.context=Ta(a):(a=Ml(n)?Tl:Nl.current,l.context=Ll(e,a)),l.state=e.memoizedState,"function"==typeof(a=n.getDerivedStateFromProps)&&(to(e,n,a,t),l.state=e.memoizedState),"function"==typeof n.getDerivedStateFromProps||"function"==typeof l.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||"function"!=typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillMount&&"function"!=typeof l.componentWillMount||(n=l.state,"function"==typeof l.componentWillMount&&l.componentWillMount(),"function"==typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillMount&&l.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(),n!==l.state&&ro.enqueueReplaceState(l,l.state,null),Ha(e,t,l,r),l.state=e.memoizedState),"function"==typeof l.componentDidMount&&(e.flags|=4194308)}function io(e,n){try{var t="",r=n;do{t+=B(r),r=r.return}while(r);var l=t}catch(e){l="\nError generating stack: "+e.message+"\n"+e.stack}return{value:e,source:n,stack:l,digest:null}}function so(e,n,t){return{value:e,source:null,stack:null!=t?t:null,digest:null!=n?n:null}}function co(e,n){try{console.error(n.value)}catch(e){setTimeout((function(){throw e}))}}var fo="function"==typeof WeakMap?WeakMap:Map;function po(e,n,t){(t=Ua(-1,t)).tag=3,t.payload={element:null};var r=n.value;return t.callback=function(){Qi||(Qi=!0,ji=r),co(0,n)},t}function mo(e,n,t){(t=Ua(-1,t)).tag=3;var r=e.type.getDerivedStateFromError;if("function"==typeof r){var l=n.value;t.payload=function(){return r(l)},t.callback=function(){co(0,n)}}var a=e.stateNode;return null!==a&&"function"==typeof a.componentDidCatch&&(t.callback=function(){co(0,n),"function"!=typeof r&&(null===$i?$i=new Set([this]):$i.add(this));var e=n.stack;this.componentDidCatch(n.value,{componentStack:null!==e?e:""})}),t}function ho(e,n,t){var r=e.pingCache;if(null===r){r=e.pingCache=new fo;var l=new Set;r.set(n,l)}else void 0===(l=r.get(n))&&(l=new Set,r.set(n,l));l.has(t)||(l.add(t),e=Cs.bind(null,e,n,t),n.then(e,e))}function go(e){do{var n;if((n=13===e.tag)&&(n=null===(n=e.memoizedState)||null!==n.dehydrated),n)return e;e=e.return}while(null!==e);return null}function vo(e,n,t,r,l){return 0==(1&e.mode)?(e===n?e.flags|=65536:(e.flags|=128,t.flags|=131072,t.flags&=-52805,1===t.tag&&(null===t.alternate?t.tag=17:((n=Ua(-1,1)).tag=2,Va(t,n,1))),t.lanes|=1),e):(e.flags|=65536,e.lanes=l,e)}var yo=k.ReactCurrentOwner,bo=!1;function ko(e,n,t,r){n.child=null===e?wa(n,null,t,r):ka(n,e.child,t,r)}function wo(e,n,t,r,l){t=t.render;var a=n.ref;return Pa(n,l),r=hu(e,n,t,r,a,l),t=gu(),null===e||bo?(la&&t&&ea(n),n.flags|=1,ko(e,n,r,l),n.child):(n.updateQueue=e.updateQueue,n.flags&=-2053,e.lanes&=~l,Qo(e,n,l))}function So(e,n,t,r,l){if(null===e){var a=t.type;return"function"!=typeof a||Ms(a)||void 0!==a.defaultProps||null!||void 0!==t.defaultProps?((e=Rs(t.type,null,r,n,n.mode,l)).ref=n.ref,e.return=n,n.child=e):(n.tag=15,n.type=a,xo(e,n,a,r,l))}if(a=e.child,0==(e.lanes&l)){var u=a.memoizedProps;if((t=null!==(,r)&&e.ref===n.ref)return Qo(e,n,l)}return n.flags|=1,(e=Fs(a,r)).ref=n.ref,e.return=n,n.child=e}function xo(e,n,t,r,l){if(null!==e){var a=e.memoizedProps;if(ir(a,r)&&e.ref===n.ref){if(bo=!1,n.pendingProps=r=a,0==(e.lanes&l))return n.lanes=e.lanes,Qo(e,n,l);0!=(131072&e.flags)&&(bo=!0)}}return _o(e,n,t,r,l)}function Eo(e,n,t){var r=n.pendingProps,l=r.children,a=null!==e?e.memoizedState:null;if("hidden"===r.mode)if(0==(1&n.mode))n.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},_l(Fi,Mi),Mi|=t;else{if(0==(1073741824&t))return e=null!==a?a.baseLanes|t:t,n.lanes=n.childLanes=1073741824,n.memoizedState={baseLanes:e,cachePool:null,transitions:null},n.updateQueue=null,_l(Fi,Mi),Mi|=e,null;n.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},r=null!==a?a.baseLanes:t,_l(Fi,Mi),Mi|=r}else null!==a?(r=a.baseLanes|t,n.memoizedState=null):r=t,_l(Fi,Mi),Mi|=r;return ko(e,n,l,t),n.child}function Co(e,n){var t=n.ref;(null===e&&null!==t||null!==e&&e.ref!==t)&&(n.flags|=512,n.flags|=2097152)}function _o(e,n,t,r,l){var a=Ml(t)?Tl:Nl.current;return a=Ll(n,a),Pa(n,l),t=hu(e,n,t,r,a,l),r=gu(),null===e||bo?(la&&r&&ea(n),n.flags|=1,ko(e,n,t,l),n.child):(n.updateQueue=e.updateQueue,n.flags&=-2053,e.lanes&=~l,Qo(e,n,l))}function zo(e,n,t,r,l){if(Ml(t)){var a=!0;Ol(n)}else a=!1;if(Pa(n,l),null===n.stateNode)Wo(e,n),ao(n,t,r),oo(n,t,r,l),r=!0;else if(null===e){var u=n.stateNode,o=n.memoizedProps;u.props=o;var i=u.context,s=t.contextType;s="object"==typeof s&&null!==s?Ta(s):Ll(n,s=Ml(t)?Tl:Nl.current);var c=t.getDerivedStateFromProps,f="function"==typeof c||"function"==typeof u.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate;f||"function"!=typeof u.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps&&"function"!=typeof u.componentWillReceiveProps||(o!==r||i!==s)&&uo(n,u,r,s),Da=!1;var d=n.memoizedState;u.state=d,Ha(n,r,u,l),i=n.memoizedState,o!==r||d!==i||Pl.current||Da?("function"==typeof c&&(to(n,t,c,r),i=n.memoizedState),(o=Da||lo(n,t,o,r,d,i,s))?(f||"function"!=typeof u.UNSAFE_componentWillMount&&"function"!=typeof u.componentWillMount||("function"==typeof u.componentWillMount&&u.componentWillMount(),"function"==typeof u.UNSAFE_componentWillMount&&u.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()),"function"==typeof u.componentDidMount&&(n.flags|=4194308)):("function"==typeof u.componentDidMount&&(n.flags|=4194308),n.memoizedProps=r,n.memoizedState=i),u.props=r,u.state=i,u.context=s,r=o):("function"==typeof u.componentDidMount&&(n.flags|=4194308),r=!1)}else{u=n.stateNode,Ia(e,n),o=n.memoizedProps,s=n.type===n.elementType?o:no(n.type,o),u.props=s,f=n.pendingProps,d=u.context,i="object"==typeof(i=t.contextType)&&null!==i?Ta(i):Ll(n,i=Ml(t)?Tl:Nl.current);var p=t.getDerivedStateFromProps;(c="function"==typeof p||"function"==typeof u.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)||"function"!=typeof u.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps&&"function"!=typeof u.componentWillReceiveProps||(o!==f||d!==i)&&uo(n,u,r,i),Da=!1,d=n.memoizedState,u.state=d,Ha(n,r,u,l);var m=n.memoizedState;o!==f||d!==m||Pl.current||Da?("function"==typeof p&&(to(n,t,p,r),m=n.memoizedState),(s=Da||lo(n,t,s,r,d,m,i)||!1)?(c||"function"!=typeof u.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate&&"function"!=typeof u.componentWillUpdate||("function"==typeof u.componentWillUpdate&&u.componentWillUpdate(r,m,i),"function"==typeof u.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate&&u.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(r,m,i)),"function"==typeof u.componentDidUpdate&&(n.flags|=4),"function"==typeof u.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate&&(n.flags|=1024)):("function"!=typeof u.componentDidUpdate||o===e.memoizedProps&&d===e.memoizedState||(n.flags|=4),"function"!=typeof u.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||o===e.memoizedProps&&d===e.memoizedState||(n.flags|=1024),n.memoizedProps=r,n.memoizedState=m),u.props=r,u.state=m,u.context=i,r=s):("function"!=typeof u.componentDidUpdate||o===e.memoizedProps&&d===e.memoizedState||(n.flags|=4),"function"!=typeof u.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||o===e.memoizedProps&&d===e.memoizedState||(n.flags|=1024),r=!1)}return No(e,n,t,r,a,l)}function No(e,n,t,r,l,a){Co(e,n);var u=0!=(128&n.flags);if(!r&&!u)return l&&Il(n,t,!1),Qo(e,n,a);r=n.stateNode,yo.current=n;var o=u&&"function"!=typeof t.getDerivedStateFromError?null:r.render();return n.flags|=1,null!==e&&u?(n.child=ka(n,e.child,null,a),n.child=ka(n,null,o,a)):ko(e,n,o,a),n.memoizedState=r.state,l&&Il(n,t,!0),n.child}function Po(e){var n=e.stateNode;n.pendingContext?Rl(0,n.pendingContext,n.pendingContext!==n.context):n.context&&Rl(0,n.context,!1),Ya(e,n.containerInfo)}function To(e,n,t,r,l){return pa(),ma(l),n.flags|=256,ko(e,n,t,r),n.child}var Lo,Mo,Fo,Ro,Do={dehydrated:null,treeContext:null,retryLane:0};function Oo(e){return{baseLanes:e,cachePool:null,transitions:null}}function Io(e,n,t){var r,l=n.pendingProps,u=Ja.current,o=!1,i=0!=(128&n.flags);if((r=i)||(r=(null===e||null!==e.memoizedState)&&0!=(2&u)),r?(o=!0,n.flags&=-129):null!==e&&null===e.memoizedState||(u|=1),_l(Ja,1&u),null===e)return sa(n),null!==(e=n.memoizedState)&&null!==(e=e.dehydrated)?(0==(1&n.mode)?n.lanes=1:"$!",null):(i=l.children,e=l.fallback,o?(l=n.mode,o=n.child,i={mode:"hidden",children:i},0==(1&l)&&null!==o?(o.childLanes=0,o.pendingProps=i):o=Os(i,l,0,null),e=Ds(e,l,t,null),o.return=n,e.return=n,o.sibling=e,n.child=o,n.child.memoizedState=Oo(t),n.memoizedState=Do,e):Uo(n,i));if(null!==(u=e.memoizedState)&&null!==(r=u.dehydrated))return function(e,n,t,r,l,u,o){if(t)return 256&n.flags?(n.flags&=-257,Vo(e,n,o,r=so(Error(a(422))))):null!==n.memoizedState?(n.child=e.child,n.flags|=128,null):(u=r.fallback,l=n.mode,r=Os({mode:"visible",children:r.children},l,0,null),(u=Ds(u,l,o,null)).flags|=2,r.return=n,u.return=n,r.sibling=u,n.child=r,0!=(1&n.mode)&&ka(n,e.child,null,o),n.child.memoizedState=Oo(o),n.memoizedState=Do,u);if(0==(1&n.mode))return Vo(e,n,o,null);if("$!"{if(r=l.nextSibling&&l.nextSibling.dataset)var i=r.dgst;return r=i,Vo(e,n,o,r=so(u=Error(a(419)),r,void 0))}if(i=0!=(o&e.childLanes),bo||i){if(null!==(r=Pi)){switch(o&-o){case 4:l=2;break;case 16:l=8;break;case 64:case 128:case 256:case 512:case 1024:case 2048:case 4096:case 8192:case 16384:case 32768:case 65536:case 131072:case 262144:case 524288:case 1048576:case 2097152:case 4194304:case 8388608:case 16777216:case 33554432:case 67108864:l=32;break;case 536870912:l=268435456;break;default:l=0}0!==(l=0!=(l&(r.suspendedLanes|o))?0:l)&&l!==u.retryLane&&(u.retryLane=l,Ra(e,l),ts(r,e,l,-1))}return hs(),Vo(e,n,o,r=so(Error(a(421))))}return"$?"|=128,n.child=e.child,n=zs.bind(null,e),l._reactRetry=n,null):(e=u.treeContext,ra=sl(l.nextSibling),ta=n,la=!0,aa=null,null!==e&&(Kl[ql++]=Xl,Kl[ql++]=Gl,Kl[ql++]=Yl,,Gl=e.overflow,Yl=n),(n=Uo(n,r.children)).flags|=4096,n)}(e,n,i,l,r,u,t);if(o){o=l.fallback,i=n.mode,r=(u=e.child).sibling;var s={mode:"hidden",children:l.children};return 0==(1&i)&&n.child!==u?((l=n.child).childLanes=0,l.pendingProps=s,n.deletions=null):(l=Fs(u,s)).subtreeFlags=14680064&u.subtreeFlags,null!==r?o=Fs(r,o):(o=Ds(o,i,t,null)).flags|=2,o.return=n,l.return=n,l.sibling=o,n.child=l,l=o,o=n.child,i=null===(i=e.child.memoizedState)?Oo(t):{baseLanes:i.baseLanes|t,cachePool:null,transitions:i.transitions},o.memoizedState=i,o.childLanes=e.childLanes&~t,n.memoizedState=Do,l}return e=(o=e.child).sibling,l=Fs(o,{mode:"visible",children:l.children}),0==(1&n.mode)&&(l.lanes=t),l.return=n,l.sibling=null,null!==e&&(null===(t=n.deletions)?(n.deletions=[e],n.flags|=16):t.push(e)),n.child=l,n.memoizedState=null,l}function Uo(e,n){return(n=Os({mode:"visible",children:n},e.mode,0,null)).return=e,e.child=n}function Vo(e,n,t,r){return null!==r&&ma(r),ka(n,e.child,null,t),(e=Uo(n,n.pendingProps.children)).flags|=2,n.memoizedState=null,e}function Ao(e,n,t){e.lanes|=n;var r=e.alternate;null!==r&&(r.lanes|=n),Na(e.return,n,t)}function Bo(e,n,t,r,l){var a=e.memoizedState;null===a?e.memoizedState={isBackwards:n,rendering:null,renderingStartTime:0,last:r,tail:t,tailMode:l}:(a.isBackwards=n,a.rendering=null,a.renderingStartTime=0,a.last=r,a.tail=t,a.tailMode=l)}function Ho(e,n,t){var r=n.pendingProps,l=r.revealOrder,a=r.tail;if(ko(e,n,r.children,t),0!=(2&(r=Ja.current)))r=1&r|2,n.flags|=128;else{if(null!==e&&0!=(128&e.flags))e:for(e=n.child;null!==e;){if(13===e.tag)null!==e.memoizedState&&Ao(e,t,n);else if(19===e.tag)Ao(e,t,n);else if(null!==e.child){e.child.return=e,e=e.child;continue}if(e===n)break e;for(;null===e.sibling;){if(null===e.return||e.return===n)break e;e=e.return}e.sibling.return=e.return,e=e.sibling}r&=1}if(_l(Ja,r),0==(1&n.mode))n.memoizedState=null;else switch(l){case"forwards":for(t=n.child,l=null;null!==t;)null!==(e=t.alternate)&&null===eu(e)&&(l=t),t=t.sibling;null===(t=l)?(l=n.child,n.child=null):(l=t.sibling,t.sibling=null),Bo(n,!1,l,t,a);break;case"backwards":for(t=null,l=n.child,n.child=null;null!==l;){if(null!==(e=l.alternate)&&null===eu(e)){n.child=l;break}e=l.sibling,l.sibling=t,t=l,l=e}Bo(n,!0,t,null,a);break;case"together":Bo(n,!1,null,null,void 0);break;default:n.memoizedState=null}return n.child}function Wo(e,n){0==(1&n.mode)&&null!==e&&(e.alternate=null,n.alternate=null,n.flags|=2)}function Qo(e,n,t){if(null!==e&&(n.dependencies=e.dependencies),Oi|=n.lanes,0==(t&n.childLanes))return null;if(null!==e&&n.child!==e.child)throw Error(a(153));if(null!==n.child){for(t=Fs(e=n.child,e.pendingProps),n.child=t,t.return=n;null!==e.sibling;)e=e.sibling,(t=t.sibling=Fs(e,e.pendingProps)).return=n;t.sibling=null}return n.child}function jo(e,n){if(!la)switch(e.tailMode){case"hidden":n=e.tail;for(var t=null;null!==n;)null!==n.alternate&&(t=n),n=n.sibling;null===t?e.tail=null:t.sibling=null;break;case"collapsed":t=e.tail;for(var r=null;null!==t;)null!==t.alternate&&(r=t),t=t.sibling;null===r?n||null===e.tail?e.tail=null:e.tail.sibling=null:r.sibling=null}}function $o(e){var n=null!==e.alternate&&e.alternate.child===e.child,t=0,r=0;if(n)for(var l=e.child;null!==l;)t|=l.lanes|l.childLanes,r|=14680064&l.subtreeFlags,r|=14680064&l.flags,l.return=e,l=l.sibling;else for(l=e.child;null!==l;)t|=l.lanes|l.childLanes,r|=l.subtreeFlags,r|=l.flags,l.return=e,l=l.sibling;return e.subtreeFlags|=r,e.childLanes=t,n}function Ko(e,n,t){var r=n.pendingProps;switch(na(n),n.tag){case 2:case 16:case 15:case 0:case 11:case 7:case 8:case 12:case 9:case 14:return $o(n),null;case 1:case 17:return Ml(n.type)&&Fl(),$o(n),null;case 3:return r=n.stateNode,Xa(),Cl(Pl),Cl(Nl),tu(),r.pendingContext&&(r.context=r.pendingContext,r.pendingContext=null),null!==e&&null!==e.child||(fa(n)?n.flags|=4:null===e||e.memoizedState.isDehydrated&&0==(256&n.flags)||(n.flags|=1024,null!==aa&&(us(aa),aa=null))),Mo(e,n),$o(n),null;case 5:Za(n);var l=qa(Ka.current);if(t=n.type,null!==e&&null!=n.stateNode)Fo(e,n,t,r,l),e.ref!==n.ref&&(n.flags|=512,n.flags|=2097152);else{if(!r){if(null===n.stateNode)throw Error(a(166));return $o(n),null}if(e=qa(ja.current),fa(n)){r=n.stateNode,t=n.type;var u=n.memoizedProps;switch(r[dl]=n,r[pl]=u,e=0!=(1&n.mode),t){case"dialog":Vr("cancel",r),Vr("close",r);break;case"iframe":case"object":case"embed":Vr("load",r);break;case"video":case"audio":for(l=0;l<Dr.length;l++)Vr(Dr[l],r);break;case"source":Vr("error",r);break;case"img":case"image":case"link":Vr("error",r),Vr("load",r);break;case"details":Vr("toggle",r);break;case"input":X(r,u),Vr("invalid",r);break;case"select":r._wrapperState={wasMultiple:!!u.multiple},Vr("invalid",r);break;case"textarea":le(r,u),Vr("invalid",r)}for(var i in ye(t,u),l=null,u)if(u.hasOwnProperty(i)){var s=u[i];"children"===i?"string"==typeof s?r.textContent!==s&&(!0!==u.suppressHydrationWarning&&Zr(r.textContent,s,e),l=["children",s]):"number"==typeof s&&r.textContent!==""+s&&(!0!==u.suppressHydrationWarning&&Zr(r.textContent,s,e),l=["children",""+s]):o.hasOwnProperty(i)&&null!=s&&"onScroll"===i&&Vr("scroll",r)}switch(t){case"input":$(r),J(r,u,!0);break;case"textarea":$(r),ue(r);break;case"select":case"option":break;default:"function"==typeof u.onClick&&(r.onclick=Jr)}r=l,n.updateQueue=r,null!==r&&(n.flags|=4)}else{i=9===l.nodeType?l:l.ownerDocument,""===e&&(e=oe(t)),""===e?"script"===t?((e=i.createElement("div")).innerHTML="<script><\/script>",e=e.removeChild(e.firstChild)):"string"==typeof,{}):(e=i.createElement(t),"select"===t&&(i=e,r.multiple?i.multiple=!0:r.size&&(i.size=r.size))):e=i.createElementNS(e,t),e[dl]=n,e[pl]=r,Lo(e,n,!1,!1),n.stateNode=e;e:{switch(i=be(t,r),t){case"dialog":Vr("cancel",e),Vr("close",e),l=r;break;case"iframe":case"object":case"embed":Vr("load",e),l=r;break;case"video":case"audio":for(l=0;l<Dr.length;l++)Vr(Dr[l],e);l=r;break;case"source":Vr("error",e),l=r;break;case"img":case"image":case"link":Vr("error",e),Vr("load",e),l=r;break;case"details":Vr("toggle",e),l=r;break;case"input":X(e,r),l=Y(e,r),Vr("invalid",e);break;case"option":default:l=r;break;case"select":e._wrapperState={wasMultiple:!!r.multiple},l=I({},r,{value:void 0}),Vr("invalid",e);break;case"textarea":le(e,r),l=re(e,r),Vr("invalid",e)}for(u in ye(t,l),s=l)if(s.hasOwnProperty(u)){var c=s[u];"style"===u?ge(e,c):"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"===u?null!=(c=c?c.__html:void 0)&&fe(e,c):"children"===u?"string"==typeof c?("textarea"!==t||""!==c)&&de(e,c):"number"==typeof c&&de(e,""+c):"suppressContentEditableWarning"!==u&&"suppressHydrationWarning"!==u&&"autoFocus"!==u&&(o.hasOwnProperty(u)?null!=c&&"onScroll"===u&&Vr("scroll",e):null!=c&&b(e,u,c,i))}switch(t){case"input":$(e),J(e,r,!1);break;case"textarea":$(e),ue(e);break;case"option":null!=r.value&&e.setAttribute("value",""+Q(r.value));break;case"select":e.multiple=!!r.multiple,null!=(u=r.value)?te(e,!!r.multiple,u,!1):null!=r.defaultValue&&te(e,!!r.multiple,r.defaultValue,!0);break;default:"function"==typeof l.onClick&&(e.onclick=Jr)}switch(t){case"button":case"input":case"select":case"textarea":r=!!r.autoFocus;break e;case"img":r=!0;break e;default:r=!1}}r&&(n.flags|=4)}null!==n.ref&&(n.flags|=512,n.flags|=2097152)}return $o(n),null;case 6:if(e&&null!=n.stateNode)Ro(e,n,e.memoizedProps,r);else{if("string"!=typeof r&&null===n.stateNode)throw Error(a(166));if(t=qa(Ka.current),qa(ja.current),fa(n)){if(r=n.stateNode,t=n.memoizedProps,r[dl]=n,(u=r.nodeValue!==t)&&null!==(e=ta))switch(e.tag){case 3:Zr(r.nodeValue,t,0!=(1&e.mode));break;case 5:!0!==e.memoizedProps.suppressHydrationWarning&&Zr(r.nodeValue,t,0!=(1&e.mode))}u&&(n.flags|=4)}else(r=(9===t.nodeType?t:t.ownerDocument).createTextNode(r))[dl]=n,n.stateNode=r}return $o(n),null;case 13:if(Cl(Ja),r=n.memoizedState,null===e||null!==e.memoizedState&&null!==e.memoizedState.dehydrated){if(la&&null!==ra&&0!=(1&n.mode)&&0==(128&n.flags))da(),pa(),n.flags|=98560,u=!1;else if(u=fa(n),null!==r&&null!==r.dehydrated){if(null===e){if(!u)throw Error(a(318));if(!(u=null!==(u=n.memoizedState)?u.dehydrated:null))throw Error(a(317));u[dl]=n}else pa(),0==(128&n.flags)&&(n.memoizedState=null),n.flags|=4;$o(n),u=!1}else null!==aa&&(us(aa),aa=null),u=!0;if(!u)return 65536&n.flags?n:null}return 0!=(128&n.flags)?(n.lanes=t,n):((r=null!==r)!=(null!==e&&null!==e.memoizedState)&&r&&(n.child.flags|=8192,0!=(1&n.mode)&&(null===e||0!=(1&Ja.current)?0===Ri&&(Ri=3):hs())),null!==n.updateQueue&&(n.flags|=4),$o(n),null);case 4:return Xa(),Mo(e,n),null===e&&Hr(n.stateNode.containerInfo),$o(n),null;case 10:return za(n.type._context),$o(n),null;case 19:if(Cl(Ja),null===(u=n.memoizedState))return $o(n),null;if(r=0!=(128&n.flags),null===(i=u.rendering))if(r)jo(u,!1);else{if(0!==Ri||null!==e&&0!=(128&e.flags))for(e=n.child;null!==e;){if(null!==(i=eu(e))){for(n.flags|=128,jo(u,!1),null!==(r=i.updateQueue)&&(n.updateQueue=r,n.flags|=4),n.subtreeFlags=0,r=t,t=n.child;null!==t;)e=r,(u=t).flags&=14680066,null===(i=u.alternate)?(u.childLanes=0,u.lanes=e,u.child=null,u.subtreeFlags=0,u.memoizedProps=null,u.memoizedState=null,u.updateQueue=null,u.dependencies=null,u.stateNode=null):(u.childLanes=i.childLanes,u.lanes=i.lanes,u.child=i.child,u.subtreeFlags=0,u.deletions=null,u.memoizedProps=i.memoizedProps,u.memoizedState=i.memoizedState,u.updateQueue=i.updateQueue,u.type=i.type,e=i.dependencies,u.dependencies=null===e?null:{lanes:e.lanes,firstContext:e.firstContext}),t=t.sibling;return _l(Ja,1&Ja.current|2),n.child}e=e.sibling}null!==u.tail&&Ge()>Hi&&(n.flags|=128,r=!0,jo(u,!1),n.lanes=4194304)}else{if(!r)if(null!==(e=eu(i))){if(n.flags|=128,r=!0,null!==(t=e.updateQueue)&&(n.updateQueue=t,n.flags|=4),jo(u,!0),null===u.tail&&"hidden"===u.tailMode&&!i.alternate&&!la)return $o(n),null}else 2*Ge()-u.renderingStartTime>Hi&&1073741824!==t&&(n.flags|=128,r=!0,jo(u,!1),n.lanes=4194304);u.isBackwards?(i.sibling=n.child,n.child=i):(null!==(t=u.last)?t.sibling=i:n.child=i,u.last=i)}return null!==u.tail?(n=u.tail,u.rendering=n,u.tail=n.sibling,u.renderingStartTime=Ge(),n.sibling=null,t=Ja.current,_l(Ja,r?1&t|2:1&t),n):($o(n),null);case 22:case 23:return fs(),r=null!==n.memoizedState,null!==e&&null!==e.memoizedState!==r&&(n.flags|=8192),r&&0!=(1&n.mode)?0!=(1073741824&Mi)&&($o(n),6&n.subtreeFlags&&(n.flags|=8192)):$o(n),null;case 24:case 25:return null}throw Error(a(156,n.tag))}function qo(e,n){switch(na(n),n.tag){case 1:return Ml(n.type)&&Fl(),65536&(e=n.flags)?(n.flags=-65537&e|128,n):null;case 3:return Xa(),Cl(Pl),Cl(Nl),tu(),0!=(65536&(e=n.flags))&&0==(128&e)?(n.flags=-65537&e|128,n):null;case 5:return Za(n),null;case 13:if(Cl(Ja),null!==(e=n.memoizedState)&&null!==e.dehydrated){if(null===n.alternate)throw Error(a(340));pa()}return 65536&(e=n.flags)?(n.flags=-65537&e|128,n):null;case 19:return Cl(Ja),null;case 4:return Xa(),null;case 10:return za(n.type._context),null;case 22:case 23:return fs(),null;default:return null}}Lo=function(e,n){for(var t=n.child;null!==t;){if(5===t.tag||6===t.tag)e.appendChild(t.stateNode);else if(4!==t.tag&&null!==t.child){t.child.return=t,t=t.child;continue}if(t===n)break;for(;null===t.sibling;){if(null===t.return||t.return===n)return;t=t.return}t.sibling.return=t.return,t=t.sibling}},Mo=function(){},Fo=function(e,n,t,r){var l=e.memoizedProps;if(l!==r){e=n.stateNode,qa(ja.current);var a,u=null;switch(t){case"input":l=Y(e,l),r=Y(e,r),u=[];break;case"select":l=I({},l,{value:void 0}),r=I({},r,{value:void 0}),u=[];break;case"textarea":l=re(e,l),r=re(e,r),u=[];break;default:"function"!=typeof l.onClick&&"function"==typeof r.onClick&&(e.onclick=Jr)}for(c in ye(t,r),t=null,l)if(!r.hasOwnProperty(c)&&l.hasOwnProperty(c)&&null!=l[c])if("style"===c){var i=l[c];for(a in i)i.hasOwnProperty(a)&&(t||(t={}),t[a]="")}else"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"!==c&&"children"!==c&&"suppressContentEditableWarning"!==c&&"suppressHydrationWarning"!==c&&"autoFocus"!==c&&(o.hasOwnProperty(c)?u||(u=[]):(u=u||[]).push(c,null));for(c in r){var s=r[c];if(i=null!=l?l[c]:void 0,r.hasOwnProperty(c)&&s!==i&&(null!=s||null!=i))if("style"===c)if(i){for(a in i)!i.hasOwnProperty(a)||s&&s.hasOwnProperty(a)||(t||(t={}),t[a]="");for(a in s)s.hasOwnProperty(a)&&i[a]!==s[a]&&(t||(t={}),t[a]=s[a])}else t||(u||(u=[]),u.push(c,t)),t=s;else"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"===c?(s=s?s.__html:void 0,i=i?i.__html:void 0,null!=s&&i!==s&&(u=u||[]).push(c,s)):"children"===c?"string"!=typeof s&&"number"!=typeof s||(u=u||[]).push(c,""+s):"suppressContentEditableWarning"!==c&&"suppressHydrationWarning"!==c&&(o.hasOwnProperty(c)?(null!=s&&"onScroll"===c&&Vr("scroll",e),u||i===s||(u=[])):(u=u||[]).push(c,s))}t&&(u=u||[]).push("style",t);var c=u;(n.updateQueue=c)&&(n.flags|=4)}},Ro=function(e,n,t,r){t!==r&&(n.flags|=4)};var Yo=!1,Xo=!1,Go="function"==typeof WeakSet?WeakSet:Set,Zo=null;function Jo(e,n){var t=e.ref;if(null!==t)if("function"==typeof t)try{t(null)}catch(t){Es(e,n,t)}else t.current=null}function ei(e,n,t){try{t()}catch(t){Es(e,n,t)}}var ni=!1;function ti(e,n,t){var r=n.updateQueue;if(null!==(r=null!==r?r.lastEffect:null)){var;do{if((l.tag&e)===e){var a=l.destroy;l.destroy=void 0,void 0!==a&&ei(n,t,a)}}while(l!==r)}}function ri(e,n){if(null!==(n=null!==(n=n.updateQueue)?n.lastEffect:null)){var;do{if((t.tag&e)===e){var r=t.create;t.destroy=r()}}while(t!==n)}}function li(e){var n=e.ref;if(null!==n){var t=e.stateNode;e.tag,e=t,"function"==typeof n?n(e):n.current=e}}function ai(e){var n=e.alternate;null!==n&&(e.alternate=null,ai(n)),e.child=null,e.deletions=null,e.sibling=null,5===e.tag&&null!==(n=e.stateNode)&&(delete n[dl],delete n[pl],delete n[hl],delete n[gl],delete n[vl]),e.stateNode=null,e.return=null,e.dependencies=null,e.memoizedProps=null,e.memoizedState=null,e.pendingProps=null,e.stateNode=null,e.updateQueue=null}function ui(e){return 5===e.tag||3===e.tag||4===e.tag}function oi(e){e:for(;;){for(;null===e.sibling;){if(null===e.return||ui(e.return))return null;e=e.return}for(e.sibling.return=e.return,e=e.sibling;5!==e.tag&&6!==e.tag&&18!==e.tag;){if(2&e.flags)continue e;if(null===e.child||4===e.tag)continue e;e.child.return=e,e=e.child}if(!(2&e.flags))return e.stateNode}}function ii(e,n,t){var r=e.tag;if(5===r||6===r)e=e.stateNode,n?8===t.nodeType?t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,n):t.insertBefore(e,n):(8===t.nodeType?(n=t.parentNode).insertBefore(e,t):(n=t).appendChild(e),null!=(t=t._reactRootContainer)||null!==n.onclick||(n.onclick=Jr));else if(4!==r&&null!==(e=e.child))for(ii(e,n,t),e=e.sibling;null!==e;)ii(e,n,t),e=e.sibling}function si(e,n,t){var r=e.tag;if(5===r||6===r)e=e.stateNode,n?t.insertBefore(e,n):t.appendChild(e);else if(4!==r&&null!==(e=e.child))for(si(e,n,t),e=e.sibling;null!==e;)si(e,n,t),e=e.sibling}var ci=null,fi=!1;function di(e,n,t){for(t=t.child;null!==t;)pi(e,n,t),t=t.sibling}function pi(e,n,t){if(an&&"function"==typeof an.onCommitFiberUnmount)try{an.onCommitFiberUnmount(ln,t)}catch(e){}switch(t.tag){case 5:Xo||Jo(t,n);case 6:var r=ci,l=fi;ci=null,di(e,n,t),fi=l,null!==(ci=r)&&(fi?(e=ci,t=t.stateNode,8===e.nodeType?e.parentNode.removeChild(t):e.removeChild(t)):ci.removeChild(t.stateNode));break;case 18:null!==ci&&(fi?(e=ci,t=t.stateNode,8===e.nodeType?il(e.parentNode,t):1===e.nodeType&&il(e,t),Wn(e)):il(ci,t.stateNode));break;case 4:r=ci,l=fi,ci=t.stateNode.containerInfo,fi=!0,di(e,n,t),ci=r,fi=l;break;case 0:case 11:case 14:case 15:if(!Xo&&null!==(r=t.updateQueue)&&null!==(r=r.lastEffect)){;do{var a=l,u=a.destroy;a=a.tag,void 0!==u&&(0!=(2&a)||0!=(4&a))&&ei(t,n,u),}while(l!==r)}di(e,n,t);break;case 1:if(!Xo&&(Jo(t,n),"function"==typeof(r=t.stateNode).componentWillUnmount))try{r.props=t.memoizedProps,r.state=t.memoizedState,r.componentWillUnmount()}catch(e){Es(t,n,e)}di(e,n,t);break;case 21:di(e,n,t);break;case 22:1&t.mode?(Xo=(r=Xo)||null!==t.memoizedState,di(e,n,t),Xo=r):di(e,n,t);break;default:di(e,n,t)}}function mi(e){var n=e.updateQueue;if(null!==n){e.updateQueue=null;var t=e.stateNode;null===t&&(t=e.stateNode=new Go),n.forEach((function(n){var r=Ns.bind(null,e,n);t.has(n)||(t.add(n),n.then(r,r))}))}}function hi(e,n){var t=n.deletions;if(null!==t)for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){var l=t[r];try{var u=e,o=n,i=o;e:for(;null!==i;){switch(i.tag){case 5:ci=i.stateNode,fi=!1;break e;case 3:case 4:ci=i.stateNode.containerInfo,fi=!0;break e}i=i.return}if(null===ci)throw Error(a(160));pi(u,o,l),ci=null,fi=!1;var s=l.alternate;null!==s&&(s.return=null),l.return=null}catch(e){Es(l,n,e)}}if(12854&n.subtreeFlags)for(n=n.child;null!==n;)gi(n,e),n=n.sibling}function gi(e,n){var t=e.alternate,r=e.flags;switch(e.tag){case 0:case 11:case 14:case 15:if(hi(n,e),vi(e),4&r){try{ti(3,e,e.return),ri(3,e)}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}try{ti(5,e,e.return)}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}}break;case 1:hi(n,e),vi(e),512&r&&null!==t&&Jo(t,t.return);break;case 5:if(hi(n,e),vi(e),512&r&&null!==t&&Jo(t,t.return),32&e.flags){var l=e.stateNode;try{de(l,"")}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}}if(4&r&&null!=(l=e.stateNode)){var u=e.memoizedProps,o=null!==t?t.memoizedProps:u,i=e.type,s=e.updateQueue;if(e.updateQueue=null,null!==s)try{"input"===i&&"radio"===u.type&&null!,u),be(i,o);var c=be(i,u);for(o=0;o<s.length;o+=2){var f=s[o],d=s[o+1];"style"===f?ge(l,d):"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"===f?fe(l,d):"children"===f?de(l,d):b(l,f,d,c)}switch(i){case"input":Z(l,u);break;case"textarea":ae(l,u);break;case"select":var p=l._wrapperState.wasMultiple;l._wrapperState.wasMultiple=!!u.multiple;var m=u.value;null!=m?te(l,!!u.multiple,m,!1):p!==!!u.multiple&&(null!=u.defaultValue?te(l,!!u.multiple,u.defaultValue,!0):te(l,!!u.multiple,u.multiple?[]:"",!1))}l[pl]=u}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}}break;case 6:if(hi(n,e),vi(e),4&r){if(null===e.stateNode)throw Error(a(162));l=e.stateNode,u=e.memoizedProps;try{l.nodeValue=u}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}}break;case 3:if(hi(n,e),vi(e),4&r&&null!==t&&t.memoizedState.isDehydrated)try{Wn(n.containerInfo)}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}break;case 4:default:hi(n,e),vi(e);break;case 13:hi(n,e),vi(e),8192&(l=e.child).flags&&(u=null!==l.memoizedState,l.stateNode.isHidden=u,!u||null!==l.alternate&&null!==l.alternate.memoizedState||(Bi=Ge())),4&r&&mi(e);break;case 22:if(f=null!==t&&null!==t.memoizedState,1&e.mode?(Xo=(c=Xo)||f,hi(n,e),Xo=c):hi(n,e),vi(e),8192&r){if(c=null!==e.memoizedState,(e.stateNode.isHidden=c)&&!f&&0!=(1&e.mode))for(Zo=e,f=e.child;null!==f;){for(d=Zo=f;null!==Zo;){switch(m=(p=Zo).child,p.tag){case 0:case 11:case 14:case 15:ti(4,p,p.return);break;case 1:Jo(p,p.return);var h=p.stateNode;if("function"==typeof h.componentWillUnmount){r=p,t=p.return;try{n=r,h.props=n.memoizedProps,h.state=n.memoizedState,h.componentWillUnmount()}catch(e){Es(r,t,e)}}break;case 5:Jo(p,p.return);break;case 22:if(null!==p.memoizedState){wi(d);continue}}null!==m?(m.return=p,Zo=m):wi(d)}f=f.sibling}e:for(f=null,d=e;;){if(5===d.tag){if(null===f){f=d;try{l=d.stateNode,c?"function"==typeof("display","none","important"):u.display="none":(i=d.stateNode,o=null!=("display")?s.display:null,"display",o))}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}}}else if(6===d.tag){if(null===f)try{d.stateNode.nodeValue=c?"":d.memoizedProps}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}}else if((22!==d.tag&&23!==d.tag||null===d.memoizedState||d===e)&&null!==d.child){d.child.return=d,d=d.child;continue}if(d===e)break e;for(;null===d.sibling;){if(null===d.return||d.return===e)break e;f===d&&(f=null),d=d.return}f===d&&(f=null),d.sibling.return=d.return,d=d.sibling}}break;case 19:hi(n,e),vi(e),4&r&&mi(e);case 21:}}function vi(e){var n=e.flags;if(2&n){try{e:{for(var t=e.return;null!==t;){if(ui(t)){var r=t;break e}t=t.return}throw Error(a(160))}switch(r.tag){case 5:var l=r.stateNode;32&r.flags&&(de(l,""),r.flags&=-33),si(e,oi(e),l);break;case 3:case 4:var u=r.stateNode.containerInfo;ii(e,oi(e),u);break;default:throw Error(a(161))}}catch(n){Es(e,e.return,n)}e.flags&=-3}4096&n&&(e.flags&=-4097)}function yi(e,n,t){Zo=e,bi(e,n,t)}function bi(e,n,t){for(var r=0!=(1&e.mode);null!==Zo;){var l=Zo,a=l.child;if(22===l.tag&&r){var u=null!==l.memoizedState||Yo;if(!u){var o=l.alternate,i=null!==o&&null!==o.memoizedState||Xo;o=Yo;var s=Xo;if(Yo=u,(Xo=i)&&!s)for(Zo=l;null!==Zo;)i=(u=Zo).child,22===u.tag&&null!==u.memoizedState?Si(l):null!==i?(i.return=u,Zo=i):Si(l);for(;null!==a;)Zo=a,bi(a,n,t),a=a.sibling;Zo=l,Yo=o,Xo=s}ki(e)}else 0!=(8772&l.subtreeFlags)&&null!==a?(a.return=l,Zo=a):ki(e)}}function ki(e){for(;null!==Zo;){var n=Zo;if(0!=(8772&n.flags)){var t=n.alternate;try{if(0!=(8772&n.flags))switch(n.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:Xo||ri(5,n);break;case 1:var r=n.stateNode;if(4&n.flags&&!Xo)if(null===t)r.componentDidMount();else{var l=n.elementType===n.type?t.memoizedProps:no(n.type,t.memoizedProps);r.componentDidUpdate(l,t.memoizedState,r.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate)}var u=n.updateQueue;null!==u&&Wa(n,u,r);break;case 3:var o=n.updateQueue;if(null!==o){if(t=null,null!==n.child)switch(n.child.tag){case 5:case 1:t=n.child.stateNode}Wa(n,o,t)}break;case 5:var i=n.stateNode;if(null===t&&4&n.flags){t=i;var s=n.memoizedProps;switch(n.type){case"button":case"input":case"select":case"textarea":s.autoFocus&&t.focus();break;case"img":s.src&&(t.src=s.src)}}break;case 6:case 4:case 12:case 19:case 17:case 21:case 22:case 23:case 25:break;case 13:if(null===n.memoizedState){var c=n.alternate;if(null!==c){var f=c.memoizedState;if(null!==f){var d=f.dehydrated;null!==d&&Wn(d)}}}break;default:throw Error(a(163))}Xo||512&n.flags&&li(n)}catch(e){Es(n,n.return,e)}}if(n===e){Zo=null;break}if(null!==(t=n.sibling)){t.return=n.return,Zo=t;break}Zo=n.return}}function wi(e){for(;null!==Zo;){var n=Zo;if(n===e){Zo=null;break}var t=n.sibling;if(null!==t){t.return=n.return,Zo=t;break}Zo=n.return}}function Si(e){for(;null!==Zo;){var n=Zo;try{switch(n.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:var t=n.return;try{ri(4,n)}catch(e){Es(n,t,e)}break;case 1:var r=n.stateNode;if("function"==typeof r.componentDidMount){var l=n.return;try{r.componentDidMount()}catch(e){Es(n,l,e)}}var a=n.return;try{li(n)}catch(e){Es(n,a,e)}break;case 5:var u=n.return;try{li(n)}catch(e){Es(n,u,e)}}}catch(e){Es(n,n.return,e)}if(n===e){Zo=null;break}var o=n.sibling;if(null!==o){o.return=n.return,Zo=o;break}Zo=n.return}}var xi,Ei=Math.ceil,Ci=k.ReactCurrentDispatcher,_i=k.ReactCurrentOwner,zi=k.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,Ni=0,Pi=null,Ti=null,Li=0,Mi=0,Fi=El(0),Ri=0,Di=null,Oi=0,Ii=0,Ui=0,Vi=null,Ai=null,Bi=0,Hi=1/0,Wi=null,Qi=!1,ji=null,$i=null,Ki=!1,qi=null,Yi=0,Xi=0,Gi=null,Zi=-1,Ji=0;function es(){return 0!=(6&Ni)?Ge():-1!==Zi?Zi:Zi=Ge()}function ns(e){return 0==(1&e.mode)?1:0!=(2&Ni)&&0!==Li?Li&-Li:null!==ha.transition?(0===Ji&&(Ji=gn()),Ji):0!==(e=kn)?e:e=void 0===(e=window.event)?16:Gn(e.type)}function ts(e,n,t,r){if(50<Xi)throw Xi=0,Gi=null,Error(a(185));yn(e,t,r),0!=(2&Ni)&&e===Pi||(e===Pi&&(0==(2&Ni)&&(Ii|=t),4===Ri&&os(e,Li)),rs(e,r),1===t&&0===Ni&&0==(1&n.mode)&&(Hi=Ge()+500,Vl&&Hl()))}function rs(e,n){var t=e.callbackNode;!function(e,n){for(var t=e.suspendedLanes,r=e.pingedLanes,l=e.expirationTimes,a=e.pendingLanes;0<a;){var u=31-un(a),o=1<<u,i=l[u];-1===i?0!=(o&t)&&0==(o&r)||(l[u]=mn(o,n)):i<=n&&(e.expiredLanes|=o),a&=~o}}(e,n);var r=pn(e,e===Pi?Li:0);if(0===r)null!==t&&qe(t),e.callbackNode=null,e.callbackPriority=0;else if(n=r&-r,e.callbackPriority!==n){if(null!=t&&qe(t),1===n)0===e.tag?function(e){Vl=!0,Bl(e)}(is.bind(null,e)):Bl(is.bind(null,e)),ul((function(){0==(6&Ni)&&Hl()})),t=null;else{switch(wn(r)){case 1:t=Je;break;case 4:t=en;break;case 16:default:t=nn;break;case 536870912:t=rn}t=Ps(t,ls.bind(null,e))}e.callbackPriority=n,e.callbackNode=t}}function ls(e,n){if(Zi=-1,Ji=0,0!=(6&Ni))throw Error(a(327));var t=e.callbackNode;if(Ss()&&e.callbackNode!==t)return null;var r=pn(e,e===Pi?Li:0);if(0===r)return null;if(0!=(30&r)||0!=(r&e.expiredLanes)||n)n=gs(e,r);else{n=r;var l=Ni;Ni|=2;var u=ms();for(Pi===e&&Li===n||(Wi=null,Hi=Ge()+500,ds(e,n));;)try{ys();break}catch(n){ps(e,n)}_a(),Ci.current=u,Ni=l,null!==Ti?n=0:(Pi=null,Li=0,n=Ri)}if(0!==n){if(2===n&&0!==(l=hn(e))&&(r=l,n=as(e,l)),1===n)throw t=Di,ds(e,0),os(e,r),rs(e,Ge()),t;if(6===n)os(e,r);else{if(l=e.current.alternate,0==(30&r)&&!function(e){for(var n=e;;){if(16384&n.flags){var t=n.updateQueue;if(null!==t&&null!==(t=t.stores))for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){var l=t[r],a=l.getSnapshot;l=l.value;try{if(!or(a(),l))return!1}catch(e){return!1}}}if(t=n.child,16384&n.subtreeFlags&&null!==t)t.return=n,n=t;else{if(n===e)break;for(;null===n.sibling;){if(null===n.return||n.return===e)return!0;n=n.return}n.sibling.return=n.return,n=n.sibling}}return!0}(l)&&(2===(n=gs(e,r))&&0!==(u=hn(e))&&(r=u,n=as(e,u)),1===n))throw t=Di,ds(e,0),os(e,r),rs(e,Ge()),t;switch(e.finishedWork=l,e.finishedLanes=r,n){case 0:case 1:throw Error(a(345));case 2:case 5:ws(e,Ai,Wi);break;case 3:if(os(e,r),(130023424&r)===r&&10<(n=Bi+500-Ge())){if(0!==pn(e,0))break;if(((l=e.suspendedLanes)&r)!==r){es(),e.pingedLanes|=e.suspendedLanes&l;break}e.timeoutHandle=rl(ws.bind(null,e,Ai,Wi),n);break}ws(e,Ai,Wi);break;case 4:if(os(e,r),(4194240&r)===r)break;for(n=e.eventTimes,l=-1;0<r;){var o=31-un(r);u=1<<o,(o=n[o])>l&&(l=o),r&=~u}if(r=l,10<(r=(120>(r=Ge()-r)?120:480>r?480:1080>r?1080:1920>r?1920:3e3>r?3e3:4320>r?4320:1960*Ei(r/1960))-r)){e.timeoutHandle=rl(ws.bind(null,e,Ai,Wi),r);break}ws(e,Ai,Wi);break;default:throw Error(a(329))}}}return rs(e,Ge()),e.callbackNode===t?ls.bind(null,e):null}function as(e,n){var t=Vi;return e.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated&&(ds(e,n).flags|=256),2!==(e=gs(e,n))&&(n=Ai,Ai=t,null!==n&&us(n)),e}function us(e){null===Ai?Ai=e:Ai.push.apply(Ai,e)}function os(e,n){for(n&=~Ui,n&=~Ii,e.suspendedLanes|=n,e.pingedLanes&=~n,e=e.expirationTimes;0<n;){var t=31-un(n),r=1<<t;e[t]=-1,n&=~r}}function is(e){if(0!=(6&Ni))throw Error(a(327));Ss();var n=pn(e,0);if(0==(1&n))return rs(e,Ge()),null;var t=gs(e,n);if(0!==e.tag&&2===t){var r=hn(e);0!==r&&(n=r,t=as(e,r))}if(1===t)throw t=Di,ds(e,0),os(e,n),rs(e,Ge()),t;if(6===t)throw Error(a(345));return e.finishedWork=e.current.alternate,e.finishedLanes=n,ws(e,Ai,Wi),rs(e,Ge()),null}function ss(e,n){var t=Ni;Ni|=1;try{return e(n)}finally{0===(Ni=t)&&(Hi=Ge()+500,Vl&&Hl())}}function cs(e){null!==qi&&0===qi.tag&&0==(6&Ni)&&Ss();var n=Ni;Ni|=1;var t=zi.transition,r=kn;try{if(zi.transition=null,kn=1,e)return e()}finally{kn=r,zi.transition=t,0==(6&(Ni=n))&&Hl()}}function fs(){Mi=Fi.current,Cl(Fi)}function ds(e,n){e.finishedWork=null,e.finishedLanes=0;var t=e.timeoutHandle;if(-1!==t&&(e.timeoutHandle=-1,ll(t)),null!==Ti)for(t=Ti.return;null!==t;){var r=t;switch(na(r),r.tag){case 1:null!=(r=r.type.childContextTypes)&&Fl();break;case 3:Xa(),Cl(Pl),Cl(Nl),tu();break;case 5:Za(r);break;case 4:Xa();break;case 13:case 19:Cl(Ja);break;case 10:za(r.type._context);break;case 22:case 23:fs()}t=t.return}if(Pi=e,Ti=e=Fs(e.current,null),Li=Mi=n,Ri=0,Di=null,Ui=Ii=Oi=0,Ai=Vi=null,null!==La){for(n=0;n<La.length;n++)if(null!==(r=(t=La[n]).interleaved)){t.interleaved=null;var,a=t.pending;if(null!==a){var;,}t.pending=r}La=null}return e}function ps(e,n){for(;;){var t=Ti;try{if(_a(),ru.current=Gu,su){for(var r=uu.memoizedState;null!==r;){var l=r.queue;null!==l&&(l.pending=null),}su=!1}if(au=0,iu=ou=uu=null,cu=!1,fu=0,_i.current=null,null===t||null===t.return){Ri=1,Di=n,Ti=null;break}e:{var u=e,o=t.return,i=t,s=n;if(n=Li,i.flags|=32768,null!==s&&"object"==typeof s&&"function"==typeof s.then){var c=s,f=i,d=f.tag;if(0==(1&f.mode)&&(0===d||11===d||15===d)){var p=f.alternate;p?(f.updateQueue=p.updateQueue,f.memoizedState=p.memoizedState,f.lanes=p.lanes):(f.updateQueue=null,f.memoizedState=null)}var m=go(o);if(null!==m){m.flags&=-257,vo(m,o,i,0,n),1&m.mode&&ho(u,c,n),s=c;var h=(n=m).updateQueue;if(null===h){var g=new Set;g.add(s),n.updateQueue=g}else h.add(s);break e}if(0==(1&n)){ho(u,c,n),hs();break e}s=Error(a(426))}else if(la&&1&i.mode){var v=go(o);if(null!==v){0==(65536&v.flags)&&(v.flags|=256),vo(v,o,i,0,n),ma(io(s,i));break e}}u=s=io(s,i),4!==Ri&&(Ri=2),null===Vi?Vi=[u]:Vi.push(u),u=o;do{switch(u.tag){case 3:u.flags|=65536,n&=-n,u.lanes|=n,Ba(u,po(0,s,n));break e;case 1:i=s;var y=u.type,b=u.stateNode;if(0==(128&u.flags)&&("function"==typeof y.getDerivedStateFromError||null!==b&&"function"==typeof b.componentDidCatch&&(null===$i||!$i.has(b)))){u.flags|=65536,n&=-n,u.lanes|=n,Ba(u,mo(u,i,n));break e}}u=u.return}while(null!==u)}ks(t)}catch(e){n=e,Ti===t&&null!==t&&(Ti=t=t.return);continue}break}}function ms(){var e=Ci.current;return Ci.current=Gu,null===e?Gu:e}function hs(){0!==Ri&&3!==Ri&&2!==Ri||(Ri=4),null===Pi||0==(268435455&Oi)&&0==(268435455&Ii)||os(Pi,Li)}function gs(e,n){var t=Ni;Ni|=2;var r=ms();for(Pi===e&&Li===n||(Wi=null,ds(e,n));;)try{vs();break}catch(n){ps(e,n)}if(_a(),Ni=t,Ci.current=r,null!==Ti)throw Error(a(261));return Pi=null,Li=0,Ri}function vs(){for(;null!==Ti;)bs(Ti)}function ys(){for(;null!==Ti&&!Ye();)bs(Ti)}function bs(e){var n=xi(e.alternate,e,Mi);e.memoizedProps=e.pendingProps,null===n?ks(e):Ti=n,_i.current=null}function ks(e){var n=e;do{var t=n.alternate;if(e=n.return,0==(32768&n.flags)){if(null!==(t=Ko(t,n,Mi)))return void(Ti=t)}else{if(null!==(t=qo(t,n)))return t.flags&=32767,void(Ti=t);if(null===e)return Ri=6,void(Ti=null);e.flags|=32768,e.subtreeFlags=0,e.deletions=null}if(null!==(n=n.sibling))return void(Ti=n);Ti=n=e}while(null!==n);0===Ri&&(Ri=5)}function ws(e,n,t){var r=kn,l=zi.transition;try{zi.transition=null,kn=1,function(e,n,t,r){do{Ss()}while(null!==qi);if(0!=(6&Ni))throw Error(a(327));t=e.finishedWork;var l=e.finishedLanes;if(null===t)return null;if(e.finishedWork=null,e.finishedLanes=0,t===e.current)throw Error(a(177));e.callbackNode=null,e.callbackPriority=0;var u=t.lanes|t.childLanes;if(function(e,n){var t=e.pendingLanes&~n;e.pendingLanes=n,e.suspendedLanes=0,e.pingedLanes=0,e.expiredLanes&=n,e.mutableReadLanes&=n,e.entangledLanes&=n,n=e.entanglements;var r=e.eventTimes;for(e=e.expirationTimes;0<t;){var l=31-un(t),a=1<<l;n[l]=0,r[l]=-1,e[l]=-1,t&=~a}}(e,u),e===Pi&&(Ti=Pi=null,Li=0),0==(2064&t.subtreeFlags)&&0==(2064&t.flags)||Ki||(Ki=!0,Ps(nn,(function(){return Ss(),null}))),u=0!=(15990&t.flags),0!=(15990&t.subtreeFlags)||u){u=zi.transition,zi.transition=null;var o=kn;kn=1;var i=Ni;Ni|=4,_i.current=null,function(e,n){if(el=jn,pr(e=dr())){if("selectionStart"in e)var t={start:e.selectionStart,end:e.selectionEnd};else e:{var r=(t=(t=e.ownerDocument)&&t.defaultView||window).getSelection&&t.getSelection();if(r&&0!==r.rangeCount){t=r.anchorNode;var l=r.anchorOffset,u=r.focusNode;r=r.focusOffset;try{t.nodeType,u.nodeType}catch(e){t=null;break e}var o=0,i=-1,s=-1,c=0,f=0,d=e,p=null;n:for(;;){for(var m;d!==t||0!==l&&3!==d.nodeType||(i=o+l),d!==u||0!==r&&3!==d.nodeType||(s=o+r),3===d.nodeType&&(o+=d.nodeValue.length),null!==(m=d.firstChild);)p=d,d=m;for(;;){if(d===e)break n;if(p===t&&++c===l&&(i=o),p===u&&++f===r&&(s=o),null!==(m=d.nextSibling))break;p=(d=p).parentNode}d=m}t=-1===i||-1===s?null:{start:i,end:s}}else t=null}t=t||{start:0,end:0}}else t=null;for(nl={focusedElem:e,selectionRange:t},jn=!1,Zo=n;null!==Zo;)if(e=(n=Zo).child,0!=(1028&n.subtreeFlags)&&null!==e)e.return=n,Zo=e;else for(;null!==Zo;){n=Zo;try{var h=n.alternate;if(0!=(1024&n.flags))switch(n.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:case 5:case 6:case 4:case 17:break;case 1:if(null!==h){var g=h.memoizedProps,v=h.memoizedState,y=n.stateNode,b=y.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(n.elementType===n.type?g:no(n.type,g),v);y.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate=b}break;case 3:var k=n.stateNode.containerInfo;1===k.nodeType?k.textContent="":9===k.nodeType&&k.documentElement&&k.removeChild(k.documentElement);break;default:throw Error(a(163))}}catch(e){Es(n,n.return,e)}if(null!==(e=n.sibling)){e.return=n.return,Zo=e;break}Zo=n.return}h=ni,ni=!1}(e,t),gi(t,e),mr(nl),jn=!!el,nl=el=null,e.current=t,yi(t,e,l),Xe(),Ni=i,kn=o,zi.transition=u}else e.current=t;if(Ki&&(Ki=!1,qi=e,Yi=l),0===(u=e.pendingLanes)&&($i=null),function(e){if(an&&"function"==typeof an.onCommitFiberRoot)try{an.onCommitFiberRoot(ln,e,void 0,128==(128&e.current.flags))}catch(e){}}(t.stateNode),rs(e,Ge()),null!==n)for(r=e.onRecoverableError,t=0;t<n.length;t++)r((l=n[t]).value,{componentStack:l.stack,digest:l.digest});if(Qi)throw Qi=!1,e=ji,ji=null,e;0!=(1&Yi)&&0!==e.tag&&Ss(),0!=(1&(u=e.pendingLanes))?e===Gi?Xi++:(Xi=0,Gi=e):Xi=0,Hl()}(e,n,t,r)}finally{zi.transition=l,kn=r}return null}function Ss(){if(null!==qi){var e=wn(Yi),n=zi.transition,t=kn;try{if(zi.transition=null,kn=16>e?16:e,null===qi)var r=!1;else{if(e=qi,qi=null,Yi=0,0!=(6&Ni))throw Error(a(331));var l=Ni;for(Ni|=4,Zo=e.current;null!==Zo;){var u=Zo,o=u.child;if(0!=(16&Zo.flags)){var i=u.deletions;if(null!==i){for(var s=0;s<i.length;s++){var c=i[s];for(Zo=c;null!==Zo;){var f=Zo;switch(f.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:ti(8,f,u)}var d=f.child;if(null!==d)d.return=f,Zo=d;else for(;null!==Zo;){var p=(f=Zo).sibling,m=f.return;if(ai(f),f===c){Zo=null;break}if(null!==p){p.return=m,Zo=p;break}Zo=m}}}var h=u.alternate;if(null!==h){var g=h.child;if(null!==g){h.child=null;do{var v=g.sibling;g.sibling=null,g=v}while(null!==g)}}Zo=u}}if(0!=(2064&u.subtreeFlags)&&null!==o)o.return=u,Zo=o;else e:for(;null!==Zo;){if(0!=(2048&(u=Zo).flags))switch(u.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:ti(9,u,u.return)}var y=u.sibling;if(null!==y){y.return=u.return,Zo=y;break e}Zo=u.return}}var b=e.current;for(Zo=b;null!==Zo;){var k=(o=Zo).child;if(0!=(2064&o.subtreeFlags)&&null!==k)k.return=o,Zo=k;else e:for(o=b;null!==Zo;){if(0!=(2048&(i=Zo).flags))try{switch(i.tag){case 0:case 11:case 15:ri(9,i)}}catch(e){Es(i,i.return,e)}if(i===o){Zo=null;break e}var w=i.sibling;if(null!==w){w.return=i.return,Zo=w;break e}Zo=i.return}}if(Ni=l,Hl(),an&&"function"==typeof an.onPostCommitFiberRoot)try{an.onPostCommitFiberRoot(ln,e)}catch(e){}r=!0}return r}finally{kn=t,zi.transition=n}}return!1}function xs(e,n,t){e=Va(e,n=po(0,n=io(t,n),1),1),n=es(),null!==e&&(yn(e,1,n),rs(e,n))}function Es(e,n,t){if(3===e.tag)xs(e,e,t);else for(;null!==n;){if(3===n.tag){xs(n,e,t);break}if(1===n.tag){var r=n.stateNode;if("function"==typeof n.type.getDerivedStateFromError||"function"==typeof r.componentDidCatch&&(null===$i||!$i.has(r))){n=Va(n,e=mo(n,e=io(t,e),1),1),e=es(),null!==n&&(yn(n,1,e),rs(n,e));break}}n=n.return}}function Cs(e,n,t){var r=e.pingCache;null!==r&&r.delete(n),n=es(),e.pingedLanes|=e.suspendedLanes&t,Pi===e&&(Li&t)===t&&(4===Ri||3===Ri&&(130023424&Li)===Li&&500>Ge()-Bi?ds(e,0):Ui|=t),rs(e,n)}function _s(e,n){0===n&&(0==(1&e.mode)?n=1:(n=fn,0==(130023424&(fn<<=1))&&(fn=4194304)));var t=es();null!==(e=Ra(e,n))&&(yn(e,n,t),rs(e,t))}function zs(e){var n=e.memoizedState,t=0;null!==n&&(t=n.retryLane),_s(e,t)}function Ns(e,n){var t=0;switch(e.tag){case 13:var r=e.stateNode,l=e.memoizedState;null!==l&&(t=l.retryLane);break;case 19:r=e.stateNode;break;default:throw Error(a(314))}null!==r&&r.delete(n),_s(e,t)}function Ps(e,n){return Ke(e,n)}function Ts(e,n,t,r){this.tag=e,this.key=t,this.sibling=this.child=this.return=this.stateNode=this.type=this.elementType=null,this.index=0,this.ref=null,this.pendingProps=n,this.dependencies=this.memoizedState=this.updateQueue=this.memoizedProps=null,this.mode=r,this.subtreeFlags=this.flags=0,this.deletions=null,this.childLanes=this.lanes=0,this.alternate=null}function Ls(e,n,t,r){return new Ts(e,n,t,r)}function Ms(e){return!(!(e=e.prototype)||!e.isReactComponent)}function Fs(e,n){var t=e.alternate;return null===t?((t=Ls(e.tag,n,e.key,e.mode)).elementType=e.elementType,t.type=e.type,t.stateNode=e.stateNode,t.alternate=e,e.alternate=t):(t.pendingProps=n,t.type=e.type,t.flags=0,t.subtreeFlags=0,t.deletions=null),t.flags=14680064&e.flags,t.childLanes=e.childLanes,t.lanes=e.lanes,t.child=e.child,t.memoizedProps=e.memoizedProps,t.memoizedState=e.memoizedState,t.updateQueue=e.updateQueue,n=e.dependencies,t.dependencies=null===n?null:{lanes:n.lanes,firstContext:n.firstContext},t.sibling=e.sibling,t.index=e.index,t.ref=e.ref,t}function Rs(e,n,t,r,l,u){var o=2;if(r=e,"function"==typeof e)Ms(e)&&(o=1);else if("string"==typeof e)o=5;else e:switch(e){case x:return Ds(t.children,l,u,n);case E:o=8,l|=8;break;case C:return(e=Ls(12,t,n,2|l)).elementType=C,e.lanes=u,e;case P:return(e=Ls(13,t,n,l)).elementType=P,e.lanes=u,e;case T:return(e=Ls(19,t,n,l)).elementType=T,e.lanes=u,e;case F:return Os(t,l,u,n);default:if("object"==typeof e&&null!==e)switch(e.$$typeof){case _:o=10;break e;case z:o=9;break e;case N:o=11;break e;case L:o=14;break e;case M:o=16,r=null;break e}throw Error(a(130,null==e?e:typeof e,""))}return(n=Ls(o,t,n,l)).elementType=e,n.type=r,n.lanes=u,n}function Ds(e,n,t,r){return(e=Ls(7,e,r,n)).lanes=t,e}function Os(e,n,t,r){return(e=Ls(22,e,r,n)).elementType=F,e.lanes=t,e.stateNode={isHidden:!1},e}function Is(e,n,t){return(e=Ls(6,e,null,n)).lanes=t,e}function Us(e,n,t){return(n=Ls(4,null!==e.children?e.children:[],e.key,n)).lanes=t,n.stateNode={containerInfo:e.containerInfo,pendingChildren:null,implementation:e.implementation},n}function Vs(e,n,t,r,l){this.tag=n,this.containerInfo=e,this.finishedWork=this.pingCache=this.current=this.pendingChildren=null,this.timeoutHandle=-1,this.callbackNode=this.pendingContext=this.context=null,this.callbackPriority=0,this.eventTimes=vn(0),this.expirationTimes=vn(-1),this.entangledLanes=this.finishedLanes=this.mutableReadLanes=this.expiredLanes=this.pingedLanes=this.suspendedLanes=this.pendingLanes=0,this.entanglements=vn(0),this.identifierPrefix=r,this.onRecoverableError=l,this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData=null}function As(e,n,t,r,l,a,u,o,i){return e=new Vs(e,n,t,o,i),1===n?(n=1,!0===a&&(n|=8)):n=0,a=Ls(3,null,null,n),e.current=a,a.stateNode=e,a.memoizedState={element:r,isDehydrated:t,cache:null,transitions:null,pendingSuspenseBoundaries:null},Oa(a),e}function Bs(e){if(!e)return zl;e:{if(He(e=e._reactInternals)!==e||1!==e.tag)throw Error(a(170));var n=e;do{switch(n.tag){case 3:n=n.stateNode.context;break e;case 1:if(Ml(n.type)){n=n.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;break e}}n=n.return}while(null!==n);throw Error(a(171))}if(1===e.tag){var t=e.type;if(Ml(t))return Dl(e,t,n)}return n}function Hs(e,n,t,r,l,a,u,o,i){return(e=As(t,r,!0,e,0,a,0,o,i)).context=Bs(null),t=e.current,(a=Ua(r=es(),l=ns(t))).callback=null!=n?n:null,Va(t,a,l),e.current.lanes=l,yn(e,l,r),rs(e,r),e}function Ws(e,n,t,r){var l=n.current,a=es(),u=ns(l);return t=Bs(t),null===n.context?n.context=t:n.pendingContext=t,(n=Ua(a,u)).payload={element:e},null!==(r=void 0===r?null:r)&&(n.callback=r),null!==(e=Va(l,n,u))&&(ts(e,l,u,a),Aa(e,l,u)),u}function Qs(e){return(e=e.current).child?(e.child.tag,e.child.stateNode):null}function js(e,n){if(null!==(e=e.memoizedState)&&null!==e.dehydrated){var t=e.retryLane;e.retryLane=0!==t&&t<n?t:n}}function $s(e,n){js(e,n),(e=e.alternate)&&js(e,n)}xi=function(e,n,t){if(null!==e)if(e.memoizedProps!==n.pendingProps||Pl.current)bo=!0;else{if(0==(e.lanes&t)&&0==(128&n.flags))return bo=!1,function(e,n,t){switch(n.tag){case 3:Po(n),pa();break;case 5:Ga(n);break;case 1:Ml(n.type)&&Ol(n);break;case 4:Ya(n,n.stateNode.containerInfo);break;case 10:var r=n.type._context,l=n.memoizedProps.value;_l(Sa,r._currentValue),r._currentValue=l;break;case 13:if(null!==(r=n.memoizedState))return null!==r.dehydrated?(_l(Ja,1&Ja.current),n.flags|=128,null):0!=(t&n.child.childLanes)?Io(e,n,t):(_l(Ja,1&Ja.current),null!==(e=Qo(e,n,t))?e.sibling:null);_l(Ja,1&Ja.current);break;case 19:if(r=0!=(t&n.childLanes),0!=(128&e.flags)){if(r)return Ho(e,n,t);n.flags|=128}if(null!==(l=n.memoizedState)&&(l.rendering=null,l.tail=null,l.lastEffect=null),_l(Ja,Ja.current),r)break;return null;case 22:case 23:return n.lanes=0,Eo(e,n,t)}return Qo(e,n,t)}(e,n,t);bo=0!=(131072&e.flags)}else bo=!1,la&&0!=(1048576&n.flags)&&Jl(n,$l,n.index);switch(n.lanes=0,n.tag){case 2:var r=n.type;Wo(e,n),e=n.pendingProps;var l=Ll(n,Nl.current);Pa(n,t),l=hu(null,n,r,e,l,t);var u=gu();return n.flags|=1,"object"==typeof l&&null!==l&&"function"==typeof l.render&&void 0===l.$$typeof?(n.tag=1,n.memoizedState=null,n.updateQueue=null,Ml(r)?(u=!0,Ol(n)):u=!1,n.memoizedState=null!==l.state&&void 0!==l.state?l.state:null,Oa(n),l.updater=ro,n.stateNode=l,l._reactInternals=n,oo(n,r,e,t),n=No(null,n,r,!0,u,t)):(n.tag=0,la&&u&&ea(n),ko(null,n,l,t),n=n.child),n;case 16:r=n.elementType;e:{switch(Wo(e,n),e=n.pendingProps,r=(l=r._init)(r._payload),n.type=r,l=n.tag=function(e){if("function"==typeof e)return Ms(e)?1:0;if(null!=e){if((e=e.$$typeof)===N)return 11;if(e===L)return 14}return 2}(r),e=no(r,e),l){case 0:n=_o(null,n,r,e,t);break e;case 1:n=zo(null,n,r,e,t);break e;case 11:n=wo(null,n,r,e,t);break e;case 14:n=So(null,n,r,no(r.type,e),t);break e}throw Error(a(306,r,""))}return n;case 0:return r=n.type,l=n.pendingProps,_o(e,n,r,l=n.elementType===r?l:no(r,l),t);case 1:return r=n.type,l=n.pendingProps,zo(e,n,r,l=n.elementType===r?l:no(r,l),t);case 3:e:{if(Po(n),null===e)throw Error(a(387));r=n.pendingProps,l=(u=n.memoizedState).element,Ia(e,n),Ha(n,r,null,t);var o=n.memoizedState;if(r=o.element,u.isDehydrated){if(u={element:r,isDehydrated:!1,cache:o.cache,pendingSuspenseBoundaries:o.pendingSuspenseBoundaries,transitions:o.transitions},n.updateQueue.baseState=u,n.memoizedState=u,256&n.flags){n=To(e,n,r,t,l=io(Error(a(423)),n));break e}if(r!==l){n=To(e,n,r,t,l=io(Error(a(424)),n));break e}for(ra=sl(n.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild),ta=n,la=!0,aa=null,t=wa(n,null,r,t),n.child=t;t;)t.flags=-3&t.flags|4096,t=t.sibling}else{if(pa(),r===l){n=Qo(e,n,t);break e}ko(e,n,r,t)}n=n.child}return n;case 5:return Ga(n),null===e&&sa(n),r=n.type,l=n.pendingProps,u=null!==e?e.memoizedProps:null,o=l.children,tl(r,l)?o=null:null!==u&&tl(r,u)&&(n.flags|=32),Co(e,n),ko(e,n,o,t),n.child;case 6:return null===e&&sa(n),null;case 13:return Io(e,n,t);case 4:return Ya(n,n.stateNode.containerInfo),r=n.pendingProps,null===e?n.child=ka(n,null,r,t):ko(e,n,r,t),n.child;case 11:return r=n.type,l=n.pendingProps,wo(e,n,r,l=n.elementType===r?l:no(r,l),t);case 7:return ko(e,n,n.pendingProps,t),n.child;case 8:case 12:return ko(e,n,n.pendingProps.children,t),n.child;case 10:e:{if(r=n.type._context,l=n.pendingProps,u=n.memoizedProps,o=l.value,_l(Sa,r._currentValue),r._currentValue=o,null!==u)if(or(u.value,o)){if(u.children===l.children&&!Pl.current){n=Qo(e,n,t);break e}}else for(null!==(u=n.child)&&(u.return=n);null!==u;){var i=u.dependencies;if(null!==i){o=u.child;for(var s=i.firstContext;null!==s;){if(s.context===r){if(1===u.tag){(s=Ua(-1,t&-t)).tag=2;var c=u.updateQueue;if(null!==c){var f=(c=c.shared).pending;null===f?,,c.pending=s}}u.lanes|=t,null!==(s=u.alternate)&&(s.lanes|=t),Na(u.return,t,n),i.lanes|=t;break}}}else if(10===u.tag)o=u.type===n.type?null:u.child;else if(18===u.tag){if(null===(o=u.return))throw Error(a(341));o.lanes|=t,null!==(i=o.alternate)&&(i.lanes|=t),Na(o,t,n),o=u.sibling}else o=u.child;if(null!==o)o.return=u;else for(o=u;null!==o;){if(o===n){o=null;break}if(null!==(u=o.sibling)){u.return=o.return,o=u;break}o=o.return}u=o}ko(e,n,l.children,t),n=n.child}return n;case 9:return l=n.type,r=n.pendingProps.children,Pa(n,t),r=r(l=Ta(l)),n.flags|=1,ko(e,n,r,t),n.child;case 14:return l=no(r=n.type,n.pendingProps),So(e,n,r,l=no(r.type,l),t);case 15:return xo(e,n,n.type,n.pendingProps,t);case 17:return r=n.type,l=n.pendingProps,l=n.elementType===r?l:no(r,l),Wo(e,n),n.tag=1,Ml(r)?(e=!0,Ol(n)):e=!1,Pa(n,t),ao(n,r,l),oo(n,r,l,t),No(null,n,r,!0,e,t);case 19:return Ho(e,n,t);case 22:return Eo(e,n,t)}throw Error(a(156,n.tag))};var Ks="function"==typeof reportError?reportError:function(e){console.error(e)};function qs(e){this._internalRoot=e}function Ys(e){this._internalRoot=e}function Xs(e){return!(!e||1!==e.nodeType&&9!==e.nodeType&&11!==e.nodeType)}function Gs(e){return!(!e||1!==e.nodeType&&9!==e.nodeType&&11!==e.nodeType&&(8!==e.nodeType||" react-mount-point-unstable "!==e.nodeValue))}function Zs(){}function Js(e,n,t,r,l){var a=t._reactRootContainer;if(a){var u=a;if("function"==typeof l){var o=l;l=function(){var e=Qs(u);}}Ws(n,u,e,l)}else u=function(e,n,t,r,l){if(l){if("function"==typeof r){var a=r;r=function(){var e=Qs(u);}}var u=Hs(n,r,e,0,null,!1,0,"",Zs);return e._reactRootContainer=u,e[ml]=u.current,Hr(8===e.nodeType?e.parentNode:e),cs(),u}for(;l=e.lastChild;)e.removeChild(l);if("function"==typeof r){var o=r;r=function(){var e=Qs(i);}}var i=As(e,0,!1,null,0,!1,0,"",Zs);return e._reactRootContainer=i,e[ml]=i.current,Hr(8===e.nodeType?e.parentNode:e),cs((function(){Ws(n,i,t,r)})),i}(t,n,e,l,r);return Qs(u)}Ys.prototype.render=qs.prototype.render=function(e){var n=this._internalRoot;if(null===n)throw Error(a(409));Ws(e,n,null,null)},Ys.prototype.unmount=qs.prototype.unmount=function(){var e=this._internalRoot;if(null!==e){this._internalRoot=null;var n=e.containerInfo;cs((function(){Ws(null,e,null,null)})),n[ml]=null}},Ys.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration=function(e){if(e){var n=Cn();e={blockedOn:null,target:e,priority:n};for(var t=0;t<Rn.length&&0!==n&&n<Rn[t].priority;t++);Rn.splice(t,0,e),0===t&&Un(e)}},Sn=function(e){switch(e.tag){case 3:var n=e.stateNode;if(n.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated){var t=dn(n.pendingLanes);0!==t&&(bn(n,1|t),rs(n,Ge()),0==(6&Ni)&&(Hi=Ge()+500,Hl()))}break;case 13:cs((function(){var n=Ra(e,1);if(null!==n){var t=es();ts(n,e,1,t)}})),$s(e,1)}},xn=function(e){if(13===e.tag){var n=Ra(e,134217728);null!==n&&ts(n,e,134217728,es()),$s(e,134217728)}},En=function(e){if(13===e.tag){var n=ns(e),t=Ra(e,n);null!==t&&ts(t,e,n,es()),$s(e,n)}},Cn=function(){return kn},_n=function(e,n){var t=kn;try{return kn=e,n()}finally{kn=t}},Se=function(e,n,t){switch(n){case"input":if(Z(e,t),,"radio"===t.type&&null!=n){for(t=e;t.parentNode;)t=t.parentNode;for(t=t.querySelectorAll("input[name="+JSON.stringify(""+n)+'][type="radio"]'),n=0;n<t.length;n++){var r=t[n];if(r!==e&&r.form===e.form){var l=wl(r);if(!l)throw Error(a(90));K(r),Z(r,l)}}}break;case"textarea":ae(e,t);break;case"select":null!=(n=t.value)&&te(e,!!t.multiple,n,!1)}},Ne=ss,Pe=cs;var ec={usingClientEntryPoint:!1,Events:[bl,kl,wl,_e,ze,ss]},nc={findFiberByHostInstance:yl,bundleType:0,version:"18.3.1",rendererPackageName:"react-dom"},tc={bundleType:nc.bundleType,version:nc.version,rendererPackageName:nc.rendererPackageName,rendererConfig:nc.rendererConfig,overrideHookState:null,overrideHookStateDeletePath:null,overrideHookStateRenamePath:null,overrideProps:null,overridePropsDeletePath:null,overridePropsRenamePath:null,setErrorHandler:null,setSuspenseHandler:null,scheduleUpdate:null,currentDispatcherRef:k.ReactCurrentDispatcher,findHostInstanceByFiber:function(e){return null===(e=je(e))?null:e.stateNode},findFiberByHostInstance:nc.findFiberByHostInstance||function(){return null},findHostInstancesForRefresh:null,scheduleRefresh:null,scheduleRoot:null,setRefreshHandler:null,getCurrentFiber:null,reconcilerVersion:"18.3.1-next-f1338f8080-20240426"};if("undefined"!=typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__){var rc=__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;if(!rc.isDisabled&&rc.supportsFiber)try{ln=rc.inject(tc),an=rc}catch(ce){}}n.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED=ec,n.createPortal=function(e,n){var t=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:null;if(!Xs(n))throw Error(a(200));return function(e,n,t){var r=3<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:null;return{$$typeof:S,key:null==r?null:""+r,children:e,containerInfo:n,implementation:t}}(e,n,null,t)},n.createRoot=function(e,n){if(!Xs(e))throw Error(a(299));var t=!1,r="",l=Ks;return null!=n&&(!0===n.unstable_strictMode&&(t=!0),void 0!==n.identifierPrefix&&(r=n.identifierPrefix),void 0!==n.onRecoverableError&&(l=n.onRecoverableError)),n=As(e,1,!1,null,0,t,0,r,l),e[ml]=n.current,Hr(8===e.nodeType?e.parentNode:e),new qs(n)},n.findDOMNode=function(e){if(null==e)return null;if(1===e.nodeType)return e;var n=e._reactInternals;if(void 0===n){if("function"==typeof e.render)throw Error(a(188));throw e=Object.keys(e).join(","),Error(a(268,e))}return null===(e=je(n))?null:e.stateNode},n.flushSync=function(e){return cs(e)},n.hydrate=function(e,n,t){if(!Gs(n))throw Error(a(200));return Js(null,e,n,!0,t)},n.hydrateRoot=function(e,n,t){if(!Xs(e))throw Error(a(405));var r=null!=t&&t.hydratedSources||null,l=!1,u="",o=Ks;if(null!=t&&(!0===t.unstable_strictMode&&(l=!0),void 0!==t.identifierPrefix&&(u=t.identifierPrefix),void 0!==t.onRecoverableError&&(o=t.onRecoverableError)),n=Hs(n,null,e,1,null!=t?t:null,l,0,u,o),e[ml]=n.current,Hr(e),r)for(e=0;e<r.length;e++)l=(l=(t=r[e])._getVersion)(t._source),null==n.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData?n.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData=[t,l]:n.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(t,l);return new Ys(n)},n.render=function(e,n,t){if(!Gs(n))throw Error(a(200));return Js(null,e,n,!1,t)},n.unmountComponentAtNode=function(e){if(!Gs(e))throw Error(a(40));return!!e._reactRootContainer&&(cs((function(){Js(null,null,e,!1,(function(){e._reactRootContainer=null,e[ml]=null}))})),!0)},n.unstable_batchedUpdates=ss,n.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer=function(e,n,t,r){if(!Gs(t))throw Error(a(200));if(null==e||void 0===e._reactInternals)throw Error(a(38));return Js(e,n,t,!1,r)},n.version="18.3.1-next-f1338f8080-20240426"},961:(e,n,t)=>{!function e(){if("undefined"!=typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__&&"function"==typeof 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setImmediate?setImmediate:null;function k(e){for(var n=r(c);null!==n;){if(null===n.callback)l(c);else{if(!(n.startTime<=e))break;l(c),n.sortIndex=n.expirationTime,t(s,n)}n=r(c)}}function w(e){if(g=!1,k(e),!h)if(null!==r(s))h=!0,F(S);else{var n=r(c);null!==n&&R(w,n.startTime-e)}}function S(e,t){h=!1,g&&(g=!1,y(_),_=-1),m=!0;var a=p;try{for(k(t),d=r(s);null!==d&&(!(d.expirationTime>t)||e&&!P());){var u=d.callback;if("function"==typeof u){d.callback=null,p=d.priorityLevel;var o=u(d.expirationTime<=t);t=n.unstable_now(),"function"==typeof o?d.callback=o:d===r(s)&&l(s),k(t)}else l(s);d=r(s)}if(null!==d)var i=!0;else{var f=r(c);null!==f&&R(w,f.startTime-t),i=!1}return i}finally{d=null,p=a,m=!1}}"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&void 0!==navigator.scheduling&&void 0!==navigator.scheduling.isInputPending&&navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling);var x,E=!1,C=null,_=-1,z=5,N=-1;function P(){return!(n.unstable_now()-N<z)}function T(){if(null!==C){var e=n.unstable_now();N=e;var t=!0;try{t=C(!0,e)}finally{t?x():(E=!1,C=null)}}else E=!1}if("function"==typeof b)x=function(){b(T)};else if("undefined"!=typeof MessageChannel){var L=new MessageChannel,M=L.port2;L.port1.onmessage=T,x=function(){M.postMessage(null)}}else x=function(){v(T,0)};function F(e){C=e,E||(E=!0,x())}function R(e,t){_=v((function(){e(n.unstable_now())}),t)}n.unstable_IdlePriority=5,n.unstable_ImmediatePriority=1,n.unstable_LowPriority=4,n.unstable_NormalPriority=3,n.unstable_Profiling=null,n.unstable_UserBlockingPriority=2,n.unstable_cancelCallback=function(e){e.callback=null},n.unstable_continueExecution=function(){h||m||(h=!0,F(S))},n.unstable_forceFrameRate=function(e){0>e||125<e?console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported"):z=0<e?Math.floor(1e3/e):5},n.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel=function(){return p},n.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode=function(){return r(s)},n.unstable_next=function(e){switch(p){case 1:case 2:case 3:var n=3;break;default:n=p}var t=p;p=n;try{return e()}finally{p=t}},n.unstable_pauseExecution=function(){},n.unstable_requestPaint=function(){},n.unstable_runWithPriority=function(e,n){switch(e){case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:break;default:e=3}var t=p;p=e;try{return n()}finally{p=t}},n.unstable_scheduleCallback=function(e,l,a){var u=n.unstable_now();switch(a="object"==typeof a&&null!==a&&"number"==typeof(a=a.delay)&&0<a?u+a:u,e){case 1:var o=-1;break;case 2:o=250;break;case 5:o=1073741823;break;case 4:o=1e4;break;default:o=5e3}return e={id:f++,callback:l,priorityLevel:e,startTime:a,expirationTime:o=a+o,sortIndex:-1},a>u?(e.sortIndex=a,t(c,e),null===r(s)&&e===r(c)&&(g?(y(_),_=-1):g=!0,R(w,a-u))):(e.sortIndex=o,t(s,e),h||m||(h=!0,F(S))),e},n.unstable_shouldYield=P,n.unstable_wrapCallback=function(e){var n=p;return function(){var t=p;p=n;try{return e.apply(this,arguments)}finally{p=t}}}},982:(e,n,t)=>{e.exports=t(463)},594:e=>{e.exports=React}},n={},t=function t(r){var l=n[r];if(void 0!==l)return l.exports;var a=n[r]={exports:{}};return e[r](a,a.exports,t),a.exports}(961);window.ReactDOM=t})();PK�������!�xXE��E����vendor/moment.min.jsnu�[��������!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):e.moment=t()}(this,function(){"use strict";var H;function _(){return H.apply(null,arguments)}function y(e){return e instanceof Array||"[object Array]"}function F(e){return null!=e&&"[object Object]"}function c(e,t){return,t)}function L(e){if(Object.getOwnPropertyNames)return 0===Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length;for(var t in e)if(c(e,t))return;return 1}function g(e){return void 0===e}function w(e){return"number"==typeof e||"[object Number]"}function V(e){return e instanceof Date||"[object Date]"}function G(e,t){for(var n=[],s=e.length,i=0;i<s;++i)n.push(t(e[i],i));return n}function E(e,t){for(var n in t)c(t,n)&&(e[n]=t[n]);return c(t,"toString")&&(e.toString=t.toString),c(t,"valueOf")&&(e.valueOf=t.valueOf),e}function l(e,t,n,s){return Pt(e,t,n,s,!0).utc()}function p(e){return null==e._pf&&(e._pf={empty:!1,unusedTokens:[],unusedInput:[],overflow:-2,charsLeftOver:0,nullInput:!1,invalidEra:null,invalidMonth:null,invalidFormat:!1,userInvalidated:!1,iso:!1,parsedDateParts:[],era:null,meridiem:null,rfc2822:!1,weekdayMismatch:!1}),e._pf}function A(e){if(null==e._isValid){var t=p(e),,function(e){return null!=e}),n=!isNaN(e._d.getTime())&&t.overflow<0&&!t.empty&&!t.invalidEra&&!t.invalidMonth&&!t.invalidWeekday&&!t.weekdayMismatch&&!t.nullInput&&!t.invalidFormat&&!t.userInvalidated&&(!t.meridiem||t.meridiem&&n);if(e._strict&&(n=n&&0===t.charsLeftOver&&0===t.unusedTokens.length&&void 0===t.bigHour),null!=Object.isFrozen&&Object.isFrozen(e))return n;e._isValid=n}return e._isValid}function I(e){var t=l(NaN);return null!=e?E(p(t),e):p(t).userInvalidated=!0,t}var j=Array.prototype.some||function(e){for(var t=Object(this),n=t.length>>>0,s=0;s<n;s++)if(s in t&&,t[s],s,t))return!0;return!1},Z=_.momentProperties=[],z=!1;function $(e,t){var n,s,i,r=Z.length;if(g(t._isAMomentObject)||(e._isAMomentObject=t._isAMomentObject),g(t._i)||(e._i=t._i),g(t._f)||(e._f=t._f),g(t._l)||(e._l=t._l),g(t._strict)||(e._strict=t._strict),g(t._tzm)||(e._tzm=t._tzm),g(t._isUTC)||(e._isUTC=t._isUTC),g(t._offset)||(e._offset=t._offset),g(t._pf)||(e._pf=p(t)),g(t._locale)||(e._locale=t._locale),0<r)for(n=0;n<r;n++)g(i=t[s=Z[n]])||(e[s]=i);return e}function q(e){$(this,e),this._d=new Date(null!=e._d?e._d.getTime():NaN),this.isValid()||(this._d=new Date(NaN)),!1===z&&(z=!0,_.updateOffset(this),z=!1)}function v(e){return e instanceof q||null!=e&&null!=e._isAMomentObject}function B(e){!1===_.suppressDeprecationWarnings&&"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Deprecation warning: "+e)}function e(r,a){var o=!0;return E(function(){if(null!=_.deprecationHandler&&_.deprecationHandler(null,r),o){for(var e,t,n=[],s=arguments.length,i=0;i<s;i++){if(e="","object"==typeof arguments[i]){for(t in e+="\n["+i+"] ",arguments[0])c(arguments[0],t)&&(e+=t+": "+arguments[0][t]+", ");e=e.slice(0,-2)}else e=arguments[i];n.push(e)}B(r+"\nArguments: """)+"\n"+(new Error).stack),o=!1}return a.apply(this,arguments)},a)}var J={};function Q(e,t){null!=_.deprecationHandler&&_.deprecationHandler(e,t),J[e]||(B(t),J[e]=!0)}function a(e){return"undefined"!=typeof Function&&e instanceof Function||"[object Function]"}function X(e,t){var n,s=E({},e);for(n in t)c(t,n)&&(F(e[n])&&F(t[n])?(s[n]={},E(s[n],e[n]),E(s[n],t[n])):null!=t[n]?s[n]=t[n]:delete s[n]);for(n in e)c(e,n)&&!c(t,n)&&F(e[n])&&(s[n]=E({},s[n]));return s}function K(e){null!=e&&this.set(e)}_.suppressDeprecationWarnings=!1,_.deprecationHandler=null;var ee=Object.keys||function(e){var t,n=[];for(t in e)c(e,t)&&n.push(t);return n};function r(e,t,n){var s=""+Math.abs(e);return(0<=e?n?"+":"":"-")+Math.pow(10,Math.max(0,t-s.length)).toString().substr(1)+s}var te=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|N{1,5}|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|y{2,4}|yo?|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g,ne=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g,se={},ie={};function s(e,t,n,s){var i="string"==typeof s?function(){return this[s]()}:s;e&&(ie[e]=i),t&&(ie[t[0]]=function(){return r(i.apply(this,arguments),t[1],t[2])}),n&&(ie[n]=function(){return this.localeData().ordinal(i.apply(this,arguments),e)})}function re(e,t){return e.isValid()?(t=ae(t,e.localeData()),se[t]=se[t]||function(s){for(var e,i=s.match(te),t=0,r=i.length;t<r;t++)ie[i[t]]?i[t]=ie[i[t]]:i[t]=(e=i[t]).match(/\[[\s\S]/)?e.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,""):e.replace(/\\/g,"");return function(e){for(var t="",n=0;n<r;n++)t+=a(i[n])?i[n].call(e,s):i[n];return t}}(t),se[t](e)):e.localeData().invalidDate()}function ae(e,t){var n=5;function s(e){return t.longDateFormat(e)||e}for(ne.lastIndex=0;0<=n&&ne.test(e);)e=e.replace(ne,s),ne.lastIndex=0,--n;return e}var oe={};function t(e,t){var n=e.toLowerCase();oe[n]=oe[n+"s"]=oe[t]=e}function o(e){return"string"==typeof e?oe[e]||oe[e.toLowerCase()]:void 0}function ue(e){var t,n,s={};for(n in e)c(e,n)&&(t=o(n))&&(s[t]=e[n]);return s}var le={};function n(e,t){le[e]=t}function he(e){return e%4==0&&e%100!=0||e%400==0}function d(e){return e<0?Math.ceil(e)||0:Math.floor(e)}function h(e){var e=+e,t=0;return t=0!=e&&isFinite(e)?d(e):t}function de(t,n){return function(e){return null!=e?(fe(this,t,e),_.updateOffset(this,n),this):ce(this,t)}}function ce(e,t){return e.isValid()?e._d["get"+(e._isUTC?"UTC":"")+t]():NaN}function fe(e,t,n){e.isValid()&&!isNaN(n)&&("FullYear"===t&&he(e.year())&&1===e.month()&&,e._d["set"+(e._isUTC?"UTC":"")+t](n,e.month(),We(n,e.month()))):e._d["set"+(e._isUTC?"UTC":"")+t](n))}var i=/\d/,u=/\d\d/,me=/\d{3}/,_e=/\d{4}/,ye=/[+-]?\d{6}/,f=/\d\d?/,ge=/\d\d\d\d?/,we=/\d\d\d\d\d\d?/,pe=/\d{1,3}/,ve=/\d{1,4}/,ke=/[+-]?\d{1,6}/,Me=/\d+/,De=/[+-]?\d+/,Se=/Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi,Ye=/Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi,m=/[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i;function k(e,n,s){be[e]=a(n)?n:function(e,t){return e&&s?s:n}}function Oe(e,t){return c(be,e)?be[e](t._strict,t._locale):new RegExp(M(e.replace("\\","").replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g,function(e,t,n,s,i){return t||n||s||i})))}function M(e){return e.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&")}var be={},xe={};function D(e,n){var t,s,i=n;for("string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]),w(n)&&(i=function(e,t){t[n]=h(e)}),s=e.length,t=0;t<s;t++)xe[e[t]]=i}function Te(e,i){D(e,function(e,t,n,s){n._w=n._w||{},i(e,n._w,n,s)})}var S,Y=0,O=1,b=2,x=3,T=4,N=5,Ne=6,Pe=7,Re=8;function We(e,t){var n;return isNaN(e)||isNaN(t)?NaN:(n=(t%(n=12)+n)%n,e+=(t-n)/12,1==n?he(e)?29:28:31-n%7%2)}S=Array.prototype.indexOf||function(e){for(var t=0;t<this.length;++t)if(this[t]===e)return t;return-1},s("M",["MM",2],"Mo",function(){return this.month()+1}),s("MMM",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().monthsShort(this,e)}),s("MMMM",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().months(this,e)}),t("month","M"),n("month",8),k("M",f),k("MM",f,u),k("MMM",function(e,t){return t.monthsShortRegex(e)}),k("MMMM",function(e,t){return t.monthsRegex(e)}),D(["M","MM"],function(e,t){t[O]=h(e)-1}),D(["MMM","MMMM"],function(e,t,n,s){s=n._locale.monthsParse(e,s,n._strict);null!=s?t[O]=s:p(n).invalidMonth=e});var Ce="January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),Ue="Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"),He=/D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/,Fe=m,Le=m;function Ve(e,t){var n;if(e.isValid()){if("string"==typeof t)if(/^\d+$/.test(t))t=h(t);else if(!w(t=e.localeData().monthsParse(t)))return;n=Math.min(,We(e.year(),t)),e._d["set"+(e._isUTC?"UTC":"")+"Month"](t,n)}}function Ge(e){return null!=e?(Ve(this,e),_.updateOffset(this,!0),this):ce(this,"Month")}function Ee(){function e(e,t){return t.length-e.length}for(var t,n=[],s=[],i=[],r=0;r<12;r++)t=l([2e3,r]),n.push(this.monthsShort(t,"")),s.push(this.months(t,"")),i.push(this.months(t,"")),i.push(this.monthsShort(t,""));for(n.sort(e),s.sort(e),i.sort(e),r=0;r<12;r++)n[r]=M(n[r]),s[r]=M(s[r]);for(r=0;r<24;r++)i[r]=M(i[r]);this._monthsRegex=new RegExp("^("+i.join("|")+")","i"),this._monthsShortRegex=this._monthsRegex,this._monthsStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+s.join("|")+")","i"),this._monthsShortStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+n.join("|")+")","i")}function Ae(e){return he(e)?366:365}s("Y",0,0,function(){var e=this.year();return e<=9999?r(e,4):"+"+e}),s(0,["YY",2],0,function(){return this.year()%100}),s(0,["YYYY",4],0,"year"),s(0,["YYYYY",5],0,"year"),s(0,["YYYYYY",6,!0],0,"year"),t("year","y"),n("year",1),k("Y",De),k("YY",f,u),k("YYYY",ve,_e),k("YYYYY",ke,ye),k("YYYYYY",ke,ye),D(["YYYYY","YYYYYY"],Y),D("YYYY",function(e,t){t[Y]=2===e.length?_.parseTwoDigitYear(e):h(e)}),D("YY",function(e,t){t[Y]=_.parseTwoDigitYear(e)}),D("Y",function(e,t){t[Y]=parseInt(e,10)}),_.parseTwoDigitYear=function(e){return h(e)+(68<h(e)?1900:2e3)};var Ie=de("FullYear",!0);function je(e,t,n,s,i,r,a){var o;return e<100&&0<=e?(o=new Date(e+400,t,n,s,i,r,a),isFinite(o.getFullYear())&&o.setFullYear(e)):o=new Date(e,t,n,s,i,r,a),o}function Ze(e){var t;return e<100&&0<=e?(([0]=e+400,t=new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null,t)),isFinite(t.getUTCFullYear())&&t.setUTCFullYear(e)):t=new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null,arguments)),t}function ze(e,t,n){n=7+t-n;return n-(7+Ze(e,0,n).getUTCDay()-t)%7-1}function $e(e,t,n,s,i){var r,t=1+7*(t-1)+(7+n-s)%7+ze(e,s,i),n=t<=0?Ae(r=e-1)+t:t>Ae(e)?(r=e+1,t-Ae(e)):(r=e,t);return{year:r,dayOfYear:n}}function qe(e,t,n){var s,i,r=ze(e.year(),t,n),r=Math.floor((e.dayOfYear()-r-1)/7)+1;return r<1?s=r+P(i=e.year()-1,t,n):r>P(e.year(),t,n)?(s=r-P(e.year(),t,n),i=e.year()+1):(i=e.year(),s=r),{week:s,year:i}}function P(e,t,n){var s=ze(e,t,n),t=ze(e+1,t,n);return(Ae(e)-s+t)/7}s("w",["ww",2],"wo","week"),s("W",["WW",2],"Wo","isoWeek"),t("week","w"),t("isoWeek","W"),n("week",5),n("isoWeek",5),k("w",f),k("ww",f,u),k("W",f),k("WW",f,u),Te(["w","ww","W","WW"],function(e,t,n,s){t[s.substr(0,1)]=h(e)});function Be(e,t){return e.slice(t,7).concat(e.slice(0,t))}s("d",0,"do","day"),s("dd",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this,e)}),s("ddd",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this,e)}),s("dddd",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().weekdays(this,e)}),s("e",0,0,"weekday"),s("E",0,0,"isoWeekday"),t("day","d"),t("weekday","e"),t("isoWeekday","E"),n("day",11),n("weekday",11),n("isoWeekday",11),k("d",f),k("e",f),k("E",f),k("dd",function(e,t){return t.weekdaysMinRegex(e)}),k("ddd",function(e,t){return t.weekdaysShortRegex(e)}),k("dddd",function(e,t){return t.weekdaysRegex(e)}),Te(["dd","ddd","dddd"],function(e,t,n,s){s=n._locale.weekdaysParse(e,s,n._strict);null!=s?t.d=s:p(n).invalidWeekday=e}),Te(["d","e","E"],function(e,t,n,s){t[s]=h(e)});var Je="Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),Qe="Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),Xe="Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),Ke=m,et=m,tt=m;function nt(){function e(e,t){return t.length-e.length}for(var t,n,s,i=[],r=[],a=[],o=[],u=0;u<7;u++)s=l([2e3,1]).day(u),t=M(this.weekdaysMin(s,"")),n=M(this.weekdaysShort(s,"")),s=M(this.weekdays(s,"")),i.push(t),r.push(n),a.push(s),o.push(t),o.push(n),o.push(s);i.sort(e),r.sort(e),a.sort(e),o.sort(e),this._weekdaysRegex=new RegExp("^("+o.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysShortRegex=this._weekdaysRegex,this._weekdaysMinRegex=this._weekdaysRegex,this._weekdaysStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+a.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+r.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+i.join("|")+")","i")}function st(){return this.hours()%12||12}function it(e,t){s(e,0,0,function(){return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),t)})}function rt(e,t){return t._meridiemParse}s("H",["HH",2],0,"hour"),s("h",["hh",2],0,st),s("k",["kk",2],0,function(){return this.hours()||24}),s("hmm",0,0,function(){return""+st.apply(this)+r(this.minutes(),2)}),s("hmmss",0,0,function(){return""+st.apply(this)+r(this.minutes(),2)+r(this.seconds(),2)}),s("Hmm",0,0,function(){return""+this.hours()+r(this.minutes(),2)}),s("Hmmss",0,0,function(){return""+this.hours()+r(this.minutes(),2)+r(this.seconds(),2)}),it("a",!0),it("A",!1),t("hour","h"),n("hour",13),k("a",rt),k("A",rt),k("H",f),k("h",f),k("k",f),k("HH",f,u),k("hh",f,u),k("kk",f,u),k("hmm",ge),k("hmmss",we),k("Hmm",ge),k("Hmmss",we),D(["H","HH"],x),D(["k","kk"],function(e,t,n){e=h(e);t[x]=24===e?0:e}),D(["a","A"],function(e,t,n){n._isPm=n._locale.isPM(e),n._meridiem=e}),D(["h","hh"],function(e,t,n){t[x]=h(e),p(n).bigHour=!0}),D("hmm",function(e,t,n){var s=e.length-2;t[x]=h(e.substr(0,s)),t[T]=h(e.substr(s)),p(n).bigHour=!0}),D("hmmss",function(e,t,n){var s=e.length-4,i=e.length-2;t[x]=h(e.substr(0,s)),t[T]=h(e.substr(s,2)),t[N]=h(e.substr(i)),p(n).bigHour=!0}),D("Hmm",function(e,t,n){var s=e.length-2;t[x]=h(e.substr(0,s)),t[T]=h(e.substr(s))}),D("Hmmss",function(e,t,n){var s=e.length-4,i=e.length-2;t[x]=h(e.substr(0,s)),t[T]=h(e.substr(s,2)),t[N]=h(e.substr(i))});m=de("Hours",!0);var at,ot={calendar:{sameDay:"[Today at] LT",nextDay:"[Tomorrow at] LT",nextWeek:"dddd [at] LT",lastDay:"[Yesterday at] LT",lastWeek:"[Last] dddd [at] LT",sameElse:"L"},longDateFormat:{LTS:"h:mm:ss A",LT:"h:mm A",L:"MM/DD/YYYY",LL:"MMMM D, YYYY",LLL:"MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A",LLLL:"dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A"},invalidDate:"Invalid date",ordinal:"%d",dayOfMonthOrdinalParse:/\d{1,2}/,relativeTime:{future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds",ss:"%d seconds",m:"a minute",mm:"%d minutes",h:"an hour",hh:"%d hours",d:"a day",dd:"%d days",w:"a week",ww:"%d weeks",M:"a month",MM:"%d months",y:"a year",yy:"%d years"},months:Ce,monthsShort:Ue,week:{dow:0,doy:6},weekdays:Je,weekdaysMin:Xe,weekdaysShort:Qe,meridiemParse:/[ap]\.?m?\.?/i},R={},ut={};function lt(e){return e&&e.toLowerCase().replace("_","-")}function ht(e){for(var t,n,s,i,r=0;r<e.length;){for(t=(i=lt(e[r]).split("-")).length,n=(n=lt(e[r+1]))?n.split("-"):null;0<t;){if(s=dt(i.slice(0,t).join("-")))return s;if(n&&n.length>=t&&function(e,t){for(var n=Math.min(e.length,t.length),s=0;s<n;s+=1)if(e[s]!==t[s])return s;return n}(i,n)>=t-1)break;t--}r++}return at}function dt(t){var e;if(void 0===R[t]&&"undefined"!=typeof module&&module&&module.exports&&null!=t.match("^[^/\\\\]*$"))try{e=at._abbr,require("./locale/"+t),ct(e)}catch(e){R[t]=null}return R[t]}function ct(e,t){return e&&((t=g(t)?mt(e):ft(e,t))?at=t:"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Locale "+e+" not found. Did you forget to load it?")),at._abbr}function ft(e,t){if(null===t)return delete R[e],null;var n,s=ot;if(t.abbr=e,null!=R[e])Q("defineLocaleOverride","use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See for more info."),s=R[e]._config;else if(null!=t.parentLocale)if(null!=R[t.parentLocale])s=R[t.parentLocale]._config;else{if(null==(n=dt(t.parentLocale)))return ut[t.parentLocale]||(ut[t.parentLocale]=[]),ut[t.parentLocale].push({name:e,config:t}),null;s=n._config}return R[e]=new K(X(s,t)),ut[e]&&ut[e].forEach(function(e){ft(,e.config)}),ct(e),R[e]}function mt(e){var t;if(!(e=e&&e._locale&&e._locale._abbr?e._locale._abbr:e))return at;if(!y(e)){if(t=dt(e))return t;e=[e]}return ht(e)}function _t(e){var t=e._a;return t&&-2===p(e).overflow&&(t=t[O]<0||11<t[O]?O:t[b]<1||t[b]>We(t[Y],t[O])?b:t[x]<0||24<t[x]||24===t[x]&&(0!==t[T]||0!==t[N]||0!==t[Ne])?x:t[T]<0||59<t[T]?T:t[N]<0||59<t[N]?N:t[Ne]<0||999<t[Ne]?Ne:-1,p(e)._overflowDayOfYear&&(t<Y||b<t)&&(t=b),p(e)._overflowWeeks&&-1===t&&(t=Pe),p(e)._overflowWeekday&&-1===t&&(t=Re),p(e).overflow=t),e}var yt=/^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,gt=/^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d|))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/,wt=/Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/,pt=[["YYYYYY-MM-DD",/[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/],["YYYY-MM-DD",/\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW-E",/\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW",/\d{4}-W\d\d/,!1],["YYYY-DDD",/\d{4}-\d{3}/],["YYYY-MM",/\d{4}-\d\d/,!1],["YYYYYYMMDD",/[+-]\d{10}/],["YYYYMMDD",/\d{8}/],["GGGG[W]WWE",/\d{4}W\d{3}/],["GGGG[W]WW",/\d{4}W\d{2}/,!1],["YYYYDDD",/\d{7}/],["YYYYMM",/\d{6}/,!1],["YYYY",/\d{4}/,!1]],vt=[["HH:mm:ss.SSSS",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],["HH:mm:ss,SSSS",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/],["HH:mm:ss",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],["HH:mm",/\d\d:\d\d/],["HHmmss.SSSS",/\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/],["HHmmss,SSSS",/\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/],["HHmmss",/\d\d\d\d\d\d/],["HHmm",/\d\d\d\d/],["HH",/\d\d/]],kt=/^\/?Date\((-?\d+)/i,Mt=/^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/,Dt={UT:0,GMT:0,EDT:-240,EST:-300,CDT:-300,CST:-360,MDT:-360,MST:-420,PDT:-420,PST:-480};function St(e){var t,n,s,i,r,a,o=e._i,u=yt.exec(o)||gt.exec(o),o=pt.length,l=vt.length;if(u){for(p(e).iso=!0,t=0,n=o;t<n;t++)if(pt[t][1].exec(u[1])){i=pt[t][0],s=!1!==pt[t][2];break}if(null==i)e._isValid=!1;else{if(u[3]){for(t=0,n=l;t<n;t++)if(vt[t][1].exec(u[3])){r=(u[2]||" ")+vt[t][0];break}if(null==r)return void(e._isValid=!1)}if(s||null==r){if(u[4]){if(!wt.exec(u[4]))return void(e._isValid=!1);a="Z"}e._f=i+(r||"")+(a||""),Tt(e)}else e._isValid=!1}}else e._isValid=!1}function Yt(e,t,n,s,i,r){e=[function(e){e=parseInt(e,10);{if(e<=49)return 2e3+e;if(e<=999)return 1900+e}return e}(e),Ue.indexOf(t),parseInt(n,10),parseInt(s,10),parseInt(i,10)];return r&&e.push(parseInt(r,10)),e}function Ot(e){var t,n,s=Mt.exec(e._i.replace(/\([^()]*\)|[\n\t]/g," ").replace(/(\s\s+)/g," ").replace(/^\s\s*/,"").replace(/\s\s*$/,""));s?(t=Yt(s[4],s[3],s[2],s[5],s[6],s[7]),function(e,t,n){if(!e||Qe.indexOf(e)===new Date(t[0],t[1],t[2]).getDay())return 1;p(n).weekdayMismatch=!0,n._isValid=!1}(s[1],t,e)&&(e._a=t,e._tzm=(t=s[8],n=s[9],s=s[10],t?Dt[t]:n?0:60*(((t=parseInt(s,10))-(n=t%100))/100)+n),e._d=Ze.apply(null,e._a),e._d.setUTCMinutes(e._d.getUTCMinutes()-e._tzm),p(e).rfc2822=!0)):e._isValid=!1}function bt(e,t,n){return null!=e?e:null!=t?t:n}function xt(e){var t,n,s,i,r,a,o,u,l,h,d,c=[];if(!e._d){for(s=e,i=new Date(,n=s._useUTC?[i.getUTCFullYear(),i.getUTCMonth(),i.getUTCDate()]:[i.getFullYear(),i.getMonth(),i.getDate()],e._w&&null==e._a[b]&&null==e._a[O]&&(null!=(i=(s=e)._w).GG||null!=i.W||null!=i.E?(u=1,l=4,r=bt(i.GG,s._a[Y],qe(W(),1,4).year),a=bt(i.W,1),((o=bt(i.E,1))<1||7<o)&&(h=!0)):(u=s._locale._week.dow,l=s._locale._week.doy,d=qe(W(),u,l),r=bt(,s._a[Y],d.year),a=bt(i.w,d.week),null!=i.d?((o=i.d)<0||6<o)&&(h=!0):null!=i.e?(o=i.e+u,(i.e<0||6<i.e)&&(h=!0)):o=u),a<1||a>P(r,u,l)?p(s)._overflowWeeks=!0:null!=h?p(s)._overflowWeekday=!0:(d=$e(r,a,o,u,l),s._a[Y]=d.year,s._dayOfYear=d.dayOfYear)),null!=e._dayOfYear&&(i=bt(e._a[Y],n[Y]),(e._dayOfYear>Ae(i)||0===e._dayOfYear)&&(p(e)._overflowDayOfYear=!0),h=Ze(i,0,e._dayOfYear),e._a[O]=h.getUTCMonth(),e._a[b]=h.getUTCDate()),t=0;t<3&&null==e._a[t];++t)e._a[t]=c[t]=n[t];for(;t<7;t++)e._a[t]=c[t]=null==e._a[t]?2===t?1:0:e._a[t];24===e._a[x]&&0===e._a[T]&&0===e._a[N]&&0===e._a[Ne]&&(e._nextDay=!0,e._a[x]=0),e._d=(e._useUTC?Ze:je).apply(null,c),r=e._useUTC?e._d.getUTCDay():e._d.getDay(),null!=e._tzm&&e._d.setUTCMinutes(e._d.getUTCMinutes()-e._tzm),e._nextDay&&(e._a[x]=24),e._w&&void 0!==e._w.d&&e._w.d!==r&&(p(e).weekdayMismatch=!0)}}function Tt(e){if(e._f===_.ISO_8601)St(e);else if(e._f===_.RFC_2822)Ot(e);else{e._a=[],p(e).empty=!0;for(var t,n,s,i,r,a=""+e._i,o=a.length,u=0,l=ae(e._f,e._locale).match(te)||[],h=l.length,d=0;d<h;d++)n=l[d],(t=(a.match(Oe(n,e))||[])[0])&&(0<(s=a.substr(0,a.indexOf(t))).length&&p(e).unusedInput.push(s),a=a.slice(a.indexOf(t)+t.length),u+=t.length),ie[n]?(t?p(e).empty=!1:p(e).unusedTokens.push(n),s=n,r=e,null!=(i=t)&&c(xe,s)&&xe[s](i,r._a,r,s)):e._strict&&!t&&p(e).unusedTokens.push(n);p(e).charsLeftOver=o-u,0<a.length&&p(e).unusedInput.push(a),e._a[x]<=12&&!0===p(e).bigHour&&0<e._a[x]&&(p(e).bigHour=void 0),p(e).parsedDateParts=e._a.slice(0),p(e).meridiem=e._meridiem,e._a[x]=function(e,t,n){if(null==n)return t;return null!=e.meridiemHour?e.meridiemHour(t,n):null!=e.isPM?((e=e.isPM(n))&&t<12&&(t+=12),t=e||12!==t?t:0):t}(e._locale,e._a[x],e._meridiem),null!==(o=p(e).era)&&(e._a[Y]=e._locale.erasConvertYear(o,e._a[Y])),xt(e),_t(e)}}function Nt(e){var t,n,s,i=e._i,r=e._f;if(e._locale=e._locale||mt(e._l),null===i||void 0===r&&""===i)return I({nullInput:!0});if("string"==typeof i&&(e._i=i=e._locale.preparse(i)),v(i))return new q(_t(i));if(V(i))e._d=i;else if(y(r)){var a,o,u,l,h,d,c=e,f=!1,m=c._f.length;if(0===m)p(c).invalidFormat=!0,c._d=new Date(NaN);else{for(l=0;l<m;l++)h=0,d=!1,a=$({},c),null!=c._useUTC&&(a._useUTC=c._useUTC),a._f=c._f[l],Tt(a),A(a)&&(d=!0),h=(h+=p(a).charsLeftOver)+10*p(a).unusedTokens.length,p(a).score=h,f?h<u&&(u=h,o=a):(null==u||h<u||d)&&(u=h,o=a,d)&&(f=!0);E(c,o||a)}}else if(r)Tt(e);else if(g(r=(i=e)._i))i._d=new Date(;else V(r)?i._d=new Date(r.valueOf()):"string"==typeof r?(n=i,null!==(t=kt.exec(n._i))?n._d=new Date(+t[1]):(St(n),!1===n._isValid&&(delete n._isValid,Ot(n),!1===n._isValid)&&(delete n._isValid,n._strict?n._isValid=!1:_.createFromInputFallback(n)))):y(r)?(i._a=G(r.slice(0),function(e){return parseInt(e,10)}),xt(i)):F(r)?(t=i)._d||(s=void 0===(n=ue(t._i)).day?,t._a=G([n.year,n.month,s,n.hour,n.minute,n.second,n.millisecond],function(e){return e&&parseInt(e,10)}),xt(t)):w(r)?i._d=new Date(r):_.createFromInputFallback(i);return A(e)||(e._d=null),e}function Pt(e,t,n,s,i){var r={};return!0!==t&&!1!==t||(s=t,t=void 0),!0!==n&&!1!==n||(s=n,n=void 0),(F(e)&&L(e)||y(e)&&0===e.length)&&(e=void 0),r._isAMomentObject=!0,r._useUTC=r._isUTC=i,r._l=n,r._i=e,r._f=t,r._strict=s,(i=new q(_t(Nt(i=r))))._nextDay&&(i.add(1,"d"),i._nextDay=void 0),i}function W(e,t,n,s){return Pt(e,t,n,s,!1)}_.createFromInputFallback=e("value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged. Please refer to for more info.",function(e){e._d=new Date(e._i+(e._useUTC?" UTC":""))}),_.ISO_8601=function(){},_.RFC_2822=function(){};ge=e("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.",function(){var e=W.apply(null,arguments);return this.isValid()&&e.isValid()?e<this?this:e:I()}),we=e("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.",function(){var e=W.apply(null,arguments);return this.isValid()&&e.isValid()?this<e?this:e:I()});function Rt(e,t){var n,s;if(!(t=1===t.length&&y(t[0])?t[0]:t).length)return W();for(n=t[0],s=1;s<t.length;++s)t[s].isValid()&&!t[s][e](n)||(n=t[s]);return n}var Wt=["year","quarter","month","week","day","hour","minute","second","millisecond"];function Ct(e){var e=ue(e),t=e.year||0,n=e.quarter||0,s=e.month||0,i=e.week||e.isoWeek||0,||0,a=e.hour||0,o=e.minute||0,u=e.second||0,l=e.millisecond||0;this._isValid=function(e){var t,n,s=!1,i=Wt.length;for(t in e)if(c(e,t)&&(,t)||null!=e[t]&&isNaN(e[t])))return!1;for(n=0;n<i;++n)if(e[Wt[n]]){if(s)return!1;parseFloat(e[Wt[n]])!==h(e[Wt[n]])&&(s=!0)}return!0}(e),this._milliseconds=+l+1e3*u+6e4*o+1e3*a*60*60,this._days=+r+7*i,this._months=+s+3*n+12*t,this._data={},this._locale=mt(),this._bubble()}function Ut(e){return e instanceof Ct}function Ht(e){return e<0?-1*Math.round(-1*e):Math.round(e)}function Ft(e,n){s(e,0,0,function(){var e=this.utcOffset(),t="+";return e<0&&(e=-e,t="-"),t+r(~~(e/60),2)+n+r(~~e%60,2)})}Ft("Z",":"),Ft("ZZ",""),k("Z",Ye),k("ZZ",Ye),D(["Z","ZZ"],function(e,t,n){n._useUTC=!0,n._tzm=Vt(Ye,e)});var Lt=/([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;function Vt(e,t){var t=(t||"").match(e);return null===t?null:0===(t=60*(e=((t[t.length-1]||[])+"").match(Lt)||["-",0,0])[1]+h(e[2]))?0:"+"===e[0]?t:-t}function Gt(e,t){var n;return t._isUTC?(t=t.clone(),n=(v(e)||V(e)?e:W(e)).valueOf()-t.valueOf(),t._d.setTime(t._d.valueOf()+n),_.updateOffset(t,!1),t):W(e).local()}function Et(e){return-Math.round(e._d.getTimezoneOffset())}function At(){return!!this.isValid()&&this._isUTC&&0===this._offset}_.updateOffset=function(){};var It=/^(-|\+)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/,jt=/^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;function C(e,t){var n,s=e;return Ut(e)?s={ms:e._milliseconds,d:e._days,M:e._months}:w(e)||!isNaN(+e)?(s={},t?s[t]=+e:s.milliseconds=+e):(t=It.exec(e))?(n="-"===t[1]?-1:1,s={y:0,d:h(t[b])*n,h:h(t[x])*n,m:h(t[T])*n,s:h(t[N])*n,ms:h(Ht(1e3*t[Ne]))*n}):(t=jt.exec(e))?(n="-"===t[1]?-1:1,s={y:Zt(t[2],n),M:Zt(t[3],n),w:Zt(t[4],n),d:Zt(t[5],n),h:Zt(t[6],n),m:Zt(t[7],n),s:Zt(t[8],n)}):null==s?s={}:"object"==typeof s&&("from"in s||"to"in s)&&(t=function(e,t){var n;if(!e.isValid()||!t.isValid())return{milliseconds:0,months:0};t=Gt(t,e),e.isBefore(t)?n=zt(e,t):((n=zt(t,e)).milliseconds=-n.milliseconds,n.months=-n.months);return n}(W(s.from),W(,(s={}).ms=t.milliseconds,s.M=t.months),n=new Ct(s),Ut(e)&&c(e,"_locale")&&(n._locale=e._locale),Ut(e)&&c(e,"_isValid")&&(n._isValid=e._isValid),n}function Zt(e,t){e=e&&parseFloat(e.replace(",","."));return(isNaN(e)?0:e)*t}function zt(e,t){var n={};return n.months=t.month()-e.month()+12*(t.year()-e.year()),e.clone().add(n.months,"M").isAfter(t)&&--n.months,n.milliseconds=+t-+e.clone().add(n.months,"M"),n}function $t(s,i){return function(e,t){var n;return null===t||isNaN(+t)||(Q(i,"moment()."+i+"(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()."+i+"(number, period). See for more info."),n=e,e=t,t=n),qt(this,C(e,t),s),this}}function qt(e,t,n,s){var i=t._milliseconds,r=Ht(t._days),t=Ht(t._months);e.isValid()&&(s=null==s||s,t&&Ve(e,ce(e,"Month")+t*n),r&&fe(e,"Date",ce(e,"Date")+r*n),i&&e._d.setTime(e._d.valueOf()+i*n),s)&&_.updateOffset(e,r||t)}C.fn=Ct.prototype,C.invalid=function(){return C(NaN)};Ce=$t(1,"add"),Je=$t(-1,"subtract");function Bt(e){return"string"==typeof e||e instanceof String}function Jt(e){return v(e)||V(e)||Bt(e)||w(e)||function(t){var e=y(t),n=!1;e&&(n=0===t.filter(function(e){return!w(e)&&Bt(t)}).length);return e&&n}(e)||function(e){var t,n,s=F(e)&&!L(e),i=!1,r=["years","year","y","months","month","M","days","day","d","dates","date","D","hours","hour","h","minutes","minute","m","seconds","second","s","milliseconds","millisecond","ms"],a=r.length;for(t=0;t<a;t+=1)n=r[t],i=i||c(e,n);return s&&i}(e)||null==e}function Qt(e,t){var n,s;return<,e):-((n=12*(t.year()-e.year())+(t.month()-e.month()))+(t-(s=e.clone().add(n,"months"))<0?(t-s)/(s-e.clone().add(n-1,"months")):(t-s)/(e.clone().add(1+n,"months")-s)))||0}function Xt(e){return void 0===e?this._locale._abbr:(null!=(e=mt(e))&&(this._locale=e),this)}_.defaultFormat="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ",_.defaultFormatUtc="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]";Xe=e("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.",function(e){return void 0===e?this.localeData():this.locale(e)});function Kt(){return this._locale}var en=126227808e5;function tn(e,t){return(e%t+t)%t}function nn(e,t,n){return e<100&&0<=e?new Date(e+400,t,n)-en:new Date(e,t,n).valueOf()}function sn(e,t,n){return e<100&&0<=e?Date.UTC(e+400,t,n)-en:Date.UTC(e,t,n)}function rn(e,t){return t.erasAbbrRegex(e)}function an(){for(var e=[],t=[],n=[],s=[],i=this.eras(),r=0,a=i.length;r<a;++r)t.push(M(i[r].name)),e.push(M(i[r].abbr)),n.push(M(i[r].narrow)),s.push(M(i[r].name)),s.push(M(i[r].abbr)),s.push(M(i[r].narrow));this._erasRegex=new RegExp("^("+s.join("|")+")","i"),this._erasNameRegex=new RegExp("^("+t.join("|")+")","i"),this._erasAbbrRegex=new RegExp("^("+e.join("|")+")","i"),this._erasNarrowRegex=new RegExp("^("+n.join("|")+")","i")}function on(e,t){s(0,[e,e.length],0,t)}function un(e,t,n,s,i){var r;return null==e?qe(this,s,i).year:(r=P(e,s,i),function(e,t,n,s,i){e=$e(e,t,n,s,i),t=Ze(e.year,0,e.dayOfYear);return this.year(t.getUTCFullYear()),this.month(t.getUTCMonth()),,this}.call(this,e,t=r<t?r:t,n,s,i))}s("N",0,0,"eraAbbr"),s("NN",0,0,"eraAbbr"),s("NNN",0,0,"eraAbbr"),s("NNNN",0,0,"eraName"),s("NNNNN",0,0,"eraNarrow"),s("y",["y",1],"yo","eraYear"),s("y",["yy",2],0,"eraYear"),s("y",["yyy",3],0,"eraYear"),s("y",["yyyy",4],0,"eraYear"),k("N",rn),k("NN",rn),k("NNN",rn),k("NNNN",function(e,t){return t.erasNameRegex(e)}),k("NNNNN",function(e,t){return t.erasNarrowRegex(e)}),D(["N","NN","NNN","NNNN","NNNNN"],function(e,t,n,s){s=n._locale.erasParse(e,s,n._strict);s?p(n).era=s:p(n).invalidEra=e}),k("y",Me),k("yy",Me),k("yyy",Me),k("yyyy",Me),k("yo",function(e,t){return t._eraYearOrdinalRegex||Me}),D(["y","yy","yyy","yyyy"],Y),D(["yo"],function(e,t,n,s){var i;n._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex&&(i=e.match(n._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex)),n._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse?t[Y]=n._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse(e,i):t[Y]=parseInt(e,10)}),s(0,["gg",2],0,function(){return this.weekYear()%100}),s(0,["GG",2],0,function(){return this.isoWeekYear()%100}),on("gggg","weekYear"),on("ggggg","weekYear"),on("GGGG","isoWeekYear"),on("GGGGG","isoWeekYear"),t("weekYear","gg"),t("isoWeekYear","GG"),n("weekYear",1),n("isoWeekYear",1),k("G",De),k("g",De),k("GG",f,u),k("gg",f,u),k("GGGG",ve,_e),k("gggg",ve,_e),k("GGGGG",ke,ye),k("ggggg",ke,ye),Te(["gggg","ggggg","GGGG","GGGGG"],function(e,t,n,s){t[s.substr(0,2)]=h(e)}),Te(["gg","GG"],function(e,t,n,s){t[s]=_.parseTwoDigitYear(e)}),s("Q",0,"Qo","quarter"),t("quarter","Q"),n("quarter",7),k("Q",i),D("Q",function(e,t){t[O]=3*(h(e)-1)}),s("D",["DD",2],"Do","date"),t("date","D"),n("date",9),k("D",f),k("DD",f,u),k("Do",function(e,t){return e?t._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse||t._ordinalParse:t._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient}),D(["D","DD"],b),D("Do",function(e,t){t[b]=h(e.match(f)[0])});ve=de("Date",!0);s("DDD",["DDDD",3],"DDDo","dayOfYear"),t("dayOfYear","DDD"),n("dayOfYear",4),k("DDD",pe),k("DDDD",me),D(["DDD","DDDD"],function(e,t,n){n._dayOfYear=h(e)}),s("m",["mm",2],0,"minute"),t("minute","m"),n("minute",14),k("m",f),k("mm",f,u),D(["m","mm"],T);var ln,_e=de("Minutes",!1),ke=(s("s",["ss",2],0,"second"),t("second","s"),n("second",15),k("s",f),k("ss",f,u),D(["s","ss"],N),de("Seconds",!1));for(s("S",0,0,function(){return~~(this.millisecond()/100)}),s(0,["SS",2],0,function(){return~~(this.millisecond()/10)}),s(0,["SSS",3],0,"millisecond"),s(0,["SSSS",4],0,function(){return 10*this.millisecond()}),s(0,["SSSSS",5],0,function(){return 100*this.millisecond()}),s(0,["SSSSSS",6],0,function(){return 1e3*this.millisecond()}),s(0,["SSSSSSS",7],0,function(){return 1e4*this.millisecond()}),s(0,["SSSSSSSS",8],0,function(){return 1e5*this.millisecond()}),s(0,["SSSSSSSSS",9],0,function(){return 1e6*this.millisecond()}),t("millisecond","ms"),n("millisecond",16),k("S",pe,i),k("SS",pe,u),k("SSS",pe,me),ln="SSSS";ln.length<=9;ln+="S")k(ln,Me);function hn(e,t){t[Ne]=h(1e3*("0."+e))}for(ln="S";ln.length<=9;ln+="S")D(ln,hn);ye=de("Milliseconds",!1),s("z",0,0,"zoneAbbr"),s("zz",0,0,"zoneName");i=q.prototype;function dn(e){return e}i.add=Ce,i.calendar=function(e,t){1===arguments.length&&(arguments[0]?Jt(arguments[0])?(e=arguments[0],t=void 0):function(e){for(var t=F(e)&&!L(e),n=!1,s=["sameDay","nextDay","lastDay","nextWeek","lastWeek","sameElse"],i=0;i<s.length;i+=1)n=n||c(e,s[i]);return t&&n}(arguments[0])&&(t=arguments[0],e=void 0):t=e=void 0);var e=e||W(),n=Gt(e,this).startOf("day"),n=_.calendarFormat(this,n)||"sameElse",t=t&&(a(t[n])?t[n].call(this,e):t[n]);return this.format(t||this.localeData().calendar(n,this,W(e)))},i.clone=function(){return new q(this)},i.diff=function(e,t,n){var s,i,r;if(!this.isValid())return NaN;if(!(s=Gt(e,this)).isValid())return NaN;switch(i=6e4*(s.utcOffset()-this.utcOffset()),t=o(t)){case"year":r=Qt(this,s)/12;break;case"month":r=Qt(this,s);break;case"quarter":r=Qt(this,s)/3;break;case"second":r=(this-s)/1e3;break;case"minute":r=(this-s)/6e4;break;case"hour":r=(this-s)/36e5;break;case"day":r=(this-s-i)/864e5;break;case"week":r=(this-s-i)/6048e5;break;default:r=this-s}return n?r:d(r)},i.endOf=function(e){var t,n;if(void 0!==(e=o(e))&&"millisecond"!==e&&this.isValid()){switch(n=this._isUTC?sn:nn,e){case"year":t=n(this.year()+1,0,1)-1;break;case"quarter":t=n(this.year(),this.month()-this.month()%3+3,1)-1;break;case"month":t=n(this.year(),this.month()+1,1)-1;break;case"week":t=n(this.year(),this.month(),;break;case"isoWeek":t=n(this.year(),this.month(),;break;case"day":case"date":t=n(this.year(),this.month(),;break;case"hour":t=this._d.valueOf(),t+=36e5-tn(t+(this._isUTC?0:6e4*this.utcOffset()),36e5)-1;break;case"minute":t=this._d.valueOf(),t+=6e4-tn(t,6e4)-1;break;case"second":t=this._d.valueOf(),t+=1e3-tn(t,1e3)-1}this._d.setTime(t),_.updateOffset(this,!0)}return this},i.format=function(e){return e=e||(this.isUtc()?_.defaultFormatUtc:_.defaultFormat),e=re(this,e),this.localeData().postformat(e)},i.from=function(e,t){return this.isValid()&&(v(e)&&e.isValid()||W(e).isValid())?C({to:this,from:e}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!t):this.localeData().invalidDate()},i.fromNow=function(e){return this.from(W(),e)},,t){return this.isValid()&&(v(e)&&e.isValid()||W(e).isValid())?C({from:this,to:e}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!t):this.localeData().invalidDate()},i.toNow=function(e){return,e)},i.get=function(e){return a(this[e=o(e)])?this[e]():this},i.invalidAt=function(){return p(this).overflow},i.isAfter=function(e,t){return e=v(e)?e:W(e),!(!this.isValid()||!e.isValid())&&("millisecond"===(t=o(t)||"millisecond")?this.valueOf()>e.valueOf():e.valueOf()<this.clone().startOf(t).valueOf())},i.isBefore=function(e,t){return e=v(e)?e:W(e),!(!this.isValid()||!e.isValid())&&("millisecond"===(t=o(t)||"millisecond")?this.valueOf()<e.valueOf():this.clone().endOf(t).valueOf()<e.valueOf())},i.isBetween=function(e,t,n,s){return e=v(e)?e:W(e),t=v(t)?t:W(t),!!(this.isValid()&&e.isValid()&&t.isValid())&&("("===(s=s||"()")[0]?this.isAfter(e,n):!this.isBefore(e,n))&&(")"===s[1]?this.isBefore(t,n):!this.isAfter(t,n))},i.isSame=function(e,t){var e=v(e)?e:W(e);return!(!this.isValid()||!e.isValid())&&("millisecond"===(t=o(t)||"millisecond")?this.valueOf()===e.valueOf():(e=e.valueOf(),this.clone().startOf(t).valueOf()<=e&&e<=this.clone().endOf(t).valueOf()))},i.isSameOrAfter=function(e,t){return this.isSame(e,t)||this.isAfter(e,t)},i.isSameOrBefore=function(e,t){return this.isSame(e,t)||this.isBefore(e,t)},i.isValid=function(){return A(this)},i.lang=Xe,i.locale=Xt,i.localeData=Kt,i.max=we,i.min=ge,i.parsingFlags=function(){return E({},p(this))},i.set=function(e,t){if("object"==typeof e)for(var n=function(e){var t,n=[];for(t in e)c(e,t)&&n.push({unit:t,priority:le[t]});return n.sort(function(e,t){return e.priority-t.priority}),n}(e=ue(e)),s=n.length,i=0;i<s;i++)this[n[i].unit](e[n[i].unit]);else if(a(this[e=o(e)]))return this[e](t);return this},i.startOf=function(e){var t,n;if(void 0!==(e=o(e))&&"millisecond"!==e&&this.isValid()){switch(n=this._isUTC?sn:nn,e){case"year":t=n(this.year(),0,1);break;case"quarter":t=n(this.year(),this.month()-this.month()%3,1);break;case"month":t=n(this.year(),this.month(),1);break;case"week":t=n(this.year(),this.month(),;break;case"isoWeek":t=n(this.year(),this.month(),;break;case"day":case"date":t=n(this.year(),this.month(),;break;case"hour":t=this._d.valueOf(),t-=tn(t+(this._isUTC?0:6e4*this.utcOffset()),36e5);break;case"minute":t=this._d.valueOf(),t-=tn(t,6e4);break;case"second":t=this._d.valueOf(),t-=tn(t,1e3)}this._d.setTime(t),_.updateOffset(this,!0)}return this},i.subtract=Je,i.toArray=function(){var e=this;return[e.year(),e.month(),,e.hour(),e.minute(),e.second(),e.millisecond()]},i.toObject=function(){var e=this;return{years:e.year(),months:e.month(),,hours:e.hours(),minutes:e.minutes(),seconds:e.seconds(),milliseconds:e.milliseconds()}},i.toDate=function(){return new Date(this.valueOf())},i.toISOString=function(e){var t;return this.isValid()?(t=(e=!0!==e)?this.clone().utc():this).year()<0||9999<t.year()?re(t,e?"YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]":"YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"):a(Date.prototype.toISOString)?e?this.toDate().toISOString():new Date(this.valueOf()+60*this.utcOffset()*1e3).toISOString().replace("Z",re(t,"Z")):re(t,e?"YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]":"YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"):null},i.inspect=function(){var e,t,n;return this.isValid()?(t="moment",e="",this.isLocal()||(t=0===this.utcOffset()?"moment.utc":"moment.parseZone",e="Z"),t="["+t+'("]',n=0<=this.year()&&this.year()<=9999?"YYYY":"YYYYYY",this.format(t+n+"-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS"+(e+'[")]'))):"moment.invalid(/* "+this._i+" */)"},"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=Symbol.for&&(i[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]=function(){return"Moment<"+this.format()+">"}),i.toJSON=function(){return this.isValid()?this.toISOString():null},i.toString=function(){return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")},i.unix=function(){return Math.floor(this.valueOf()/1e3)},i.valueOf=function(){return this._d.valueOf()-6e4*(this._offset||0)},i.creationData=function(){return{input:this._i,format:this._f,locale:this._locale,isUTC:this._isUTC,strict:this._strict}},i.eraName=function(){for(var e,t=this.localeData().eras(),n=0,s=t.length;n<s;++n){if(e=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),t[n].since<=e&&e<=t[n].until)return t[n].name;if(t[n].until<=e&&e<=t[n].since)return t[n].name}return""},i.eraNarrow=function(){for(var e,t=this.localeData().eras(),n=0,s=t.length;n<s;++n){if(e=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),t[n].since<=e&&e<=t[n].until)return t[n].narrow;if(t[n].until<=e&&e<=t[n].since)return t[n].narrow}return""},i.eraAbbr=function(){for(var e,t=this.localeData().eras(),n=0,s=t.length;n<s;++n){if(e=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),t[n].since<=e&&e<=t[n].until)return t[n].abbr;if(t[n].until<=e&&e<=t[n].since)return t[n].abbr}return""},i.eraYear=function(){for(var e,t,n=this.localeData().eras(),s=0,i=n.length;s<i;++s)if(e=n[s].since<=n[s].until?1:-1,t=this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(),n[s].since<=t&&t<=n[s].until||n[s].until<=t&&t<=n[s].since)return(this.year()-_(n[s].since).year())*e+n[s].offset;return this.year()},i.year=Ie,i.isLeapYear=function(){return he(this.year())},i.weekYear=function(e){return,e,this.week(),this.weekday(),this.localeData()._week.dow,this.localeData()._week.doy)},i.isoWeekYear=function(e){return,e,this.isoWeek(),this.isoWeekday(),1,4)},i.quarter=i.quarters=function(e){return null==e?Math.ceil((this.month()+1)/3):this.month(3*(e-1)+this.month()%3)},i.month=Ge,i.daysInMonth=function(){return We(this.year(),this.month())},i.week=i.weeks=function(e){var t=this.localeData().week(this);return null==e?t:this.add(7*(e-t),"d")},i.isoWeek=i.isoWeeks=function(e){var t=qe(this,1,4).week;return null==e?t:this.add(7*(e-t),"d")},i.weeksInYear=function(){var e=this.localeData()._week;return P(this.year(),e.dow,e.doy)},i.weeksInWeekYear=function(){var e=this.localeData()._week;return P(this.weekYear(),e.dow,e.doy)},i.isoWeeksInYear=function(){return P(this.year(),1,4)},i.isoWeeksInISOWeekYear=function(){return P(this.isoWeekYear(),1,4)},,{var t,n,s;return this.isValid()?(t=this._isUTC?this._d.getUTCDay():this._d.getDay(),null!=e?(n=e,s=this.localeData(),e="string"!=typeof n?n:isNaN(n)?"number"==typeof(n=s.weekdaysParse(n))?n:null:parseInt(n,10),this.add(e-t,"d")):t):null!=e?this:NaN},i.weekday=function(e){var t;return this.isValid()?(t=(,null==e?t:this.add(e-t,"d")):null!=e?this:NaN},i.isoWeekday=function(e){var t,n;return this.isValid()?null!=e?(t=e,n=this.localeData(),n="string"==typeof t?n.weekdaysParse(t)%7||7:isNaN(t)?null:t,||7:null!=e?this:NaN},i.dayOfYear=function(e){var t=Math.round((this.clone().startOf("day")-this.clone().startOf("year"))/864e5)+1;return null==e?t:this.add(e-t,"d")},i.hour=i.hours=m,i.minute=i.minutes=_e,i.second=i.seconds=ke,i.millisecond=i.milliseconds=ye,i.utcOffset=function(e,t,n){var s,i=this._offset||0;if(!this.isValid())return null!=e?this:NaN;if(null==e)return this._isUTC?i:Et(this);if("string"==typeof e){if(null===(e=Vt(Ye,e)))return this}else Math.abs(e)<16&&!n&&(e*=60);return!this._isUTC&&t&&(s=Et(this)),this._offset=e,this._isUTC=!0,null!=s&&this.add(s,"m"),i!==e&&(!t||this._changeInProgress?qt(this,C(e-i,"m"),1,!1):this._changeInProgress||(this._changeInProgress=!0,_.updateOffset(this,!0),this._changeInProgress=null)),this},i.utc=function(e){return this.utcOffset(0,e)},i.local=function(e){return this._isUTC&&(this.utcOffset(0,e),this._isUTC=!1,e)&&this.subtract(Et(this),"m"),this},i.parseZone=function(){var e;return null!=this._tzm?this.utcOffset(this._tzm,!1,!0):"string"==typeof this._i&&(null!=(e=Vt(Se,this._i))?this.utcOffset(e):this.utcOffset(0,!0)),this},i.hasAlignedHourOffset=function(e){return!!this.isValid()&&(e=e?W(e).utcOffset():0,(this.utcOffset()-e)%60==0)},i.isDST=function(){return this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(0).utcOffset()||this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()},i.isLocal=function(){return!!this.isValid()&&!this._isUTC},i.isUtcOffset=function(){return!!this.isValid()&&this._isUTC},i.isUtc=At,i.isUTC=At,i.zoneAbbr=function(){return this._isUTC?"UTC":""},i.zoneName=function(){return this._isUTC?"Coordinated Universal Time":""},i.dates=e("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",ve),i.months=e("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead",Ge),i.years=e("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead",Ie),"moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.",function(e,t){return null!=e?(this.utcOffset(e="string"!=typeof e?-e:e,t),this):-this.utcOffset()}),i.isDSTShifted=e("isDSTShifted is deprecated. See for more information",function(){var e,t;return g(this._isDSTShifted)&&($(e={},this),(e=Nt(e))._a?(t=(e._isUTC?l:W)(e._a),this._isDSTShifted=this.isValid()&&0<function(e,t,n){for(var s=Math.min(e.length,t.length),i=Math.abs(e.length-t.length),r=0,a=0;a<s;a++)(n&&e[a]!==t[a]||!n&&h(e[a])!==h(t[a]))&&r++;return r+i}(e._a,t.toArray())):this._isDSTShifted=!1),this._isDSTShifted});u=K.prototype;function cn(e,t,n,s){var i=mt(),s=l().set(s,t);return i[n](s,e)}function fn(e,t,n){if(w(e)&&(t=e,e=void 0),e=e||"",null!=t)return cn(e,t,n,"month");for(var s=[],i=0;i<12;i++)s[i]=cn(e,i,n,"month");return s}function mn(e,t,n,s){t=("boolean"==typeof e?w(t)&&(n=t,t=void 0):(t=e,e=!1,w(n=t)&&(n=t,t=void 0)),t||"");var i,r=mt(),a=e?r._week.dow:0,o=[];if(null!=n)return cn(t,(n+a)%7,s,"day");for(i=0;i<7;i++)o[i]=cn(t,(i+a)%7,s,"day");return o}u.calendar=function(e,t,n){return a(e=this._calendar[e]||this._calendar.sameElse)?,n):e},u.longDateFormat=function(e){var t=this._longDateFormat[e],n=this._longDateFormat[e.toUpperCase()];return t||!n?t:(this._longDateFormat[e]=n.match(te).map(function(e){return"MMMM"===e||"MM"===e||"DD"===e||"dddd"===e?e.slice(1):e}).join(""),this._longDateFormat[e])},u.invalidDate=function(){return this._invalidDate},u.ordinal=function(e){return this._ordinal.replace("%d",e)},u.preparse=dn,u.postformat=dn,u.relativeTime=function(e,t,n,s){var i=this._relativeTime[n];return a(i)?i(e,t,n,s):i.replace(/%d/i,e)},u.pastFuture=function(e,t){return a(e=this._relativeTime[0<e?"future":"past"])?e(t):e.replace(/%s/i,t)},u.set=function(e){var t,n;for(n in e)c(e,n)&&(a(t=e[n])?this[n]=t:this["_"+n]=t);this._config=e,this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient=new RegExp((this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source||this._ordinalParse.source)+"|"+/\d{1,2}/.source)},u.eras=function(e,t){for(var n,s=this._eras||mt("en")._eras,i=0,r=s.length;i<r;++i)switch("string"==typeof s[i].since&&(n=_(s[i].since).startOf("day"),s[i].since=n.valueOf()),typeof s[i].until){case"undefined":s[i].until=1/0;break;case"string":n=_(s[i].until).startOf("day").valueOf(),s[i].until=n.valueOf()}return s},u.erasParse=function(e,t,n){var s,i,r,a,o,u=this.eras();for(e=e.toUpperCase(),s=0,i=u.length;s<i;++s)if(r=u[s].name.toUpperCase(),a=u[s].abbr.toUpperCase(),o=u[s].narrow.toUpperCase(),n)switch(t){case"N":case"NN":case"NNN":if(a===e)return u[s];break;case"NNNN":if(r===e)return u[s];break;case"NNNNN":if(o===e)return u[s]}else if(0<=[r,a,o].indexOf(e))return u[s]},u.erasConvertYear=function(e,t){var n=e.since<=e.until?1:-1;return void 0===t?_(e.since).year():_(e.since).year()+(t-e.offset)*n},u.erasAbbrRegex=function(e){return c(this,"_erasAbbrRegex")||,e?this._erasAbbrRegex:this._erasRegex},u.erasNameRegex=function(e){return c(this,"_erasNameRegex")||,e?this._erasNameRegex:this._erasRegex},u.erasNarrowRegex=function(e){return c(this,"_erasNarrowRegex")||,e?this._erasNarrowRegex:this._erasRegex},u.months=function(e,t){return e?(y(this._months)?this._months:this._months[(this._months.isFormat||He).test(t)?"format":"standalone"])[e.month()]:y(this._months)?this._months:this._months.standalone},u.monthsShort=function(e,t){return e?(y(this._monthsShort)?this._monthsShort:this._monthsShort[He.test(t)?"format":"standalone"])[e.month()]:y(this._monthsShort)?this._monthsShort:this._monthsShort.standalone},u.monthsParse=function(e,t,n){var s,i;if(this._monthsParseExact)return function(e,t,n){var s,i,r,e=e.toLocaleLowerCase();if(!this._monthsParse)for(this._monthsParse=[],this._longMonthsParse=[],this._shortMonthsParse=[],s=0;s<12;++s)r=l([2e3,s]),this._shortMonthsParse[s]=this.monthsShort(r,"").toLocaleLowerCase(),this._longMonthsParse[s]=this.months(r,"").toLocaleLowerCase();return 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Use moment.locale instead.",ct),_.langData=e("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.",mt);var _n=Math.abs;function yn(e,t,n,s){t=C(t,n);return e._milliseconds+=s*t._milliseconds,e._days+=s*t._days,e._months+=s*t._months,e._bubble()}function gn(e){return e<0?Math.floor(e):Math.ceil(e)}function wn(e){return 4800*e/146097}function pn(e){return 146097*e/4800}function vn(e){return function(){return}}pe=vn("ms"),me=vn("s"),Ce=vn("m"),we=vn("h"),ge=vn("d"),Je=vn("w"),m=vn("M"),_e=vn("Q"),ke=vn("y");function kn(e){return function(){return this.isValid()?this._data[e]:NaN}}var ye=kn("milliseconds"),ve=kn("seconds"),Ie=kn("minutes"),u=kn("hours"),Mn=kn("days"),Dn=kn("months"),Sn=kn("years");var Yn=Math.round,On={ss:44,s:45,m:45,h:22,d:26,w:null,M:11};function bn(e,t,n,s){var i=C(e).abs(),r=Yn("s")),a=Yn("m")),o=Yn("h")),u=Yn("d")),l=Yn("M")),h=Yn("w")),i=Yn("y")),r=(r<["s",r]:r<n.s&&["ss",r])||(a<=1?["m"]:a<n.m&&["mm",a])||(o<=1?["h"]:o<n.h&&["hh",o])||(u<=1?["d"]:u<n.d&&["dd",u]);return(r=(r=null!=n.w?r||(h<=1?["w"]:h<n.w&&["ww",h]):r)||(l<=1?["M"]:l<n.M&&["MM",l])||(i<=1?["y"]:["yy",i]))[2]=t,r[3]=0<+e,r[4]=s,function(e,t,n,s,i){return i.relativeTime(t||1,!!n,e,s)}.apply(null,r)}var xn=Math.abs;function Tn(e){return(0<e)-(e<0)||+e}function Nn(){var e,t,n,s,i,r,a,o,u,l,h;return this.isValid()?(e=xn(this._milliseconds)/1e3,t=xn(this._days),n=xn(this._months),(o=this.asSeconds())?(s=d(e/60),i=d(s/60),e%=60,s%=60,r=d(n/12),n%=12,a=e?e.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/,""):"",u=Tn(this._months)!==Tn(o)?"-":"",l=Tn(this._days)!==Tn(o)?"-":"",h=Tn(this._milliseconds)!==Tn(o)?"-":"",(o<0?"-":"")+"P"+(r?u+r+"Y":"")+(n?u+n+"M":"")+(t?l+t+"D":"")+(i||s||e?"T":"")+(i?h+i+"H":"")+(s?h+s+"M":"")+(e?h+a+"S":"")):"P0D"):this.localeData().invalidDate()}var U=Ct.prototype;return U.isValid=function(){return this._isValid},U.abs=function(){var e=this._data;return this._milliseconds=_n(this._milliseconds),this._days=_n(this._days),this._months=_n(this._months),e.milliseconds=_n(e.milliseconds),e.seconds=_n(e.seconds),e.minutes=_n(e.minutes),e.hours=_n(e.hours),e.months=_n(e.months),e.years=_n(e.years),this},U.add=function(e,t){return yn(this,e,t,1)},U.subtract=function(e,t){return yn(this,e,t,-1)},{if(!this.isValid())return NaN;var t,n,s=this._milliseconds;if("month"===(e=o(e))||"quarter"===e||"year"===e)switch(t=this._days+s/864e5,n=this._months+wn(t),e){case"month":return n;case"quarter":return n/3;case"year":return n/12}else switch(t=this._days+Math.round(pn(this._months)),e){case"week":return t/7+s/6048e5;case"day":return t+s/864e5;case"hour":return 24*t+s/36e5;case"minute":return 1440*t+s/6e4;case"second":return 86400*t+s/1e3;case"millisecond":return Math.floor(864e5*t)+s;default:throw new Error("Unknown unit "+e)}},U.asMilliseconds=pe,U.asSeconds=me,U.asMinutes=Ce,U.asHours=we,U.asDays=ge,U.asWeeks=Je,U.asMonths=m,U.asQuarters=_e,U.asYears=ke,U.valueOf=function(){return this.isValid()?this._milliseconds+864e5*this._days+this._months%12*2592e6+31536e6*h(this._months/12):NaN},U._bubble=function(){var e=this._milliseconds,t=this._days,n=this._months,s=this._data;return 0<=e&&0<=t&&0<=n||e<=0&&t<=0&&n<=0||(e+=864e5*gn(pn(n)+t),n=t=0),s.milliseconds=e%1e3,e=d(e/1e3),s.seconds=e%60,e=d(e/60),s.minutes=e%60,e=d(e/60),s.hours=e%24,t+=d(e/24),n+=e=d(wn(t)),t-=gn(pn(e)),e=d(n/12),n%=12,s.days=t,s.months=n,s.years=e,this},U.clone=function(){return C(this)},U.get=function(e){return e=o(e),this.isValid()?this[e+"s"]():NaN},U.milliseconds=ye,U.seconds=ve,U.minutes=Ie,U.hours=u,U.days=Mn,U.weeks=function(){return d(this.days()/7)},U.months=Dn,U.years=Sn,U.humanize=function(e,t){var n,s;return this.isValid()?(n=!1,s=On,"object"==typeof e&&(t=e,e=!1),"boolean"==typeof e&&(n=e),"object"==typeof t&&(s=Object.assign({},On,t),null!=t.s)&&,e=this.localeData(),t=bn(this,!n,s,e),n&&(t=e.pastFuture(+this,t)),e.postformat(t)):this.localeData().invalidDate()},U.toISOString=Nn,U.toString=Nn,U.toJSON=Nn,U.locale=Xt,U.localeData=Kt,U.toIsoString=e("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)",Nn),U.lang=Xe,s("X",0,0,"unix"),s("x",0,0,"valueOf"),k("x",De),k("X",/[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/),D("X",function(e,t,n){n._d=new Date(1e3*parseFloat(e))}),D("x",function(e,t,n){n._d=new Date(h(e))}),_.version="2.29.4",H=W,_.fn=i,_.min=function(){return Rt("isBefore",[],0))},_.max=function(){return Rt("isAfter",[],0))},{return Date},_.utc=l,_.unix=function(e){return W(1e3*e)},_.months=function(e,t){return fn(e,t,"months")},_.isDate=V,_.locale=ct,_.invalid=I,_.duration=C,_.isMoment=v,_.weekdays=function(e,t,n){return mn(e,t,n,"weekdays")},_.parseZone=function(){return W.apply(null,arguments).parseZone()},_.localeData=mt,_.isDuration=Ut,_.monthsShort=function(e,t){return fn(e,t,"monthsShort")},_.weekdaysMin=function(e,t,n){return mn(e,t,n,"weekdaysMin")},_.defineLocale=ft,_.updateLocale=function(e,t){var n,s;return null!=t?(s=ot,null!=R[e]&&null!=R[e].parentLocale?R[e].set(X(R[e]._config,t)):(t=X(s=null!=(n=dt(e))?n._config:s,t),null==n&&(t.abbr=e),(s=new K(t)).parentLocale=R[e],R[e]=s),ct(e)):null!=R[e]&&(null!=R[e].parentLocale?(R[e]=R[e].parentLocale,e===ct()&&ct(e)):null!=R[e]&&delete R[e]),R[e]},_.locales=function(){return ee(R)},_.weekdaysShort=function(e,t,n){return mn(e,t,n,"weekdaysShort")},_.normalizeUnits=o,_.relativeTimeRounding=function(e){return void 0===e?Yn:"function"==typeof e&&(Yn=e,!0)},_.relativeTimeThreshold=function(e,t){return void 0!==On[e]&&(void 0===t?On[e]:(On[e]=t,"s"===e&&(,!0))},_.calendarFormat=function(e,t){return(e=e.diff(t,"days",!0))<-6?"sameElse":e<-1?"lastWeek":e<0?"lastDay":e<1?"sameDay":e<2?"nextDay":e<7?"nextWeek":"sameElse"},_.prototype=i,_.HTML5_FMT={DATETIME_LOCAL:"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm",DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS:"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss",DATETIME_LOCAL_MS:"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS",DATE:"YYYY-MM-DD",TIME:"HH:mm",TIME_SECONDS:"HH:mm:ss",TIME_MS:"HH:mm:ss.SSS",WEEK:"GGGG-[W]WW",MONTH:"YYYY-MM"},_});PK�������!�^&Tm�Tm� ��blocks.jsnu�[��������/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ 7734: /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; // do not edit .js files directly - edit src/index.jst var envHasBigInt64Array = typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined'; module.exports = function equal(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') { if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false; var length, i, keys; if (Array.isArray(a)) { length = a.length; if 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"ó": "o", "ô": "o", "õ": "o", "ö": "o", "ø": "o", "ố": "o", "ṍ": "o", "ṓ": "o", "ȏ": "o", "ỏ": "o", "ọ": "o", "ổ": "o", "ỗ": "o", "ộ": "o", "ờ": "o", "ở": "o", "ỡ": "o", "ớ": "o", "ợ": "o", "ù": "u", "ú": "u", "û": "u", "ü": "u", "ủ": "u", "ụ": "u", "ử": "u", "ữ": "u", "ự": "u", "ý": "y", "ÿ": "y", "Ā": "A", "ā": "a", "Ă": "A", "ă": "a", "Ą": "A", "ą": "a", "Ć": "C", "ć": "c", "Ĉ": "C", "ĉ": "c", "Ċ": "C", "ċ": "c", "Č": "C", "č": "c", "C̆": "C", "c̆": "c", "Ď": "D", "ď": "d", "Đ": "D", "đ": "d", "Ē": "E", "ē": "e", "Ĕ": "E", "ĕ": "e", "Ė": "E", "ė": "e", "Ę": "E", "ę": "e", "Ě": "E", "ě": "e", "Ĝ": "G", "Ǵ": "G", "ĝ": "g", "ǵ": "g", "Ğ": "G", "ğ": "g", "Ġ": "G", "ġ": "g", "Ģ": "G", "ģ": "g", "Ĥ": "H", "ĥ": "h", "Ħ": "H", "ħ": "h", "Ḫ": "H", "ḫ": "h", "Ĩ": "I", "ĩ": "i", "Ī": "I", "ī": "i", "Ĭ": "I", "ĭ": "i", "Į": "I", "į": "i", "İ": "I", "ı": "i", "IJ": "IJ", "ij": "ij", "Ĵ": "J", "ĵ": "j", "Ķ": "K", "ķ": "k", "Ḱ": "K", "ḱ": "k", "K̆": "K", "k̆": "k", "Ĺ": "L", "ĺ": "l", "Ļ": "L", "ļ": "l", "Ľ": "L", "ľ": "l", "Ŀ": "L", "ŀ": "l", "Ł": "l", "ł": "l", "Ḿ": "M", "ḿ": "m", "M̆": "M", "m̆": "m", "Ń": "N", "ń": "n", "Ņ": "N", "ņ": "n", "Ň": "N", "ň": "n", "ʼn": "n", "N̆": "N", "n̆": "n", "Ō": "O", "ō": "o", "Ŏ": "O", "ŏ": "o", "Ő": "O", "ő": "o", "Œ": "OE", "œ": "oe", "P̆": "P", "p̆": "p", "Ŕ": "R", "ŕ": "r", "Ŗ": "R", "ŗ": "r", "Ř": "R", "ř": "r", "R̆": "R", "r̆": "r", "Ȓ": "R", "ȓ": "r", "Ś": "S", "ś": "s", "Ŝ": "S", "ŝ": "s", "Ş": "S", "Ș": "S", "ș": "s", "ş": "s", "Š": "S", "š": "s", "Ţ": "T", "ţ": "t", "ț": "t", "Ț": "T", "Ť": "T", "ť": "t", "Ŧ": "T", "ŧ": "t", "T̆": "T", "t̆": "t", "Ũ": "U", "ũ": "u", "Ū": "U", "ū": "u", "Ŭ": "U", "ŭ": "u", "Ů": "U", "ů": "u", "Ű": "U", "ű": "u", "Ų": "U", "ų": "u", "Ȗ": "U", "ȗ": "u", "V̆": "V", "v̆": "v", "Ŵ": "W", "ŵ": "w", "Ẃ": "W", "ẃ": "w", "X̆": "X", "x̆": "x", "Ŷ": "Y", "ŷ": "y", "Ÿ": "Y", "Y̆": "Y", "y̆": "y", "Ź": "Z", "ź": "z", "Ż": "Z", "ż": "z", "Ž": "Z", "ž": "z", "ſ": "s", "ƒ": "f", "Ơ": "O", "ơ": "o", "Ư": "U", "ư": "u", "Ǎ": "A", "ǎ": "a", "Ǐ": "I", "ǐ": "i", "Ǒ": "O", "ǒ": "o", "Ǔ": "U", "ǔ": "u", "Ǖ": "U", "ǖ": "u", "Ǘ": "U", "ǘ": "u", "Ǚ": "U", "ǚ": "u", "Ǜ": "U", "ǜ": "u", "Ứ": "U", "ứ": "u", "Ṹ": "U", "ṹ": "u", "Ǻ": "A", "ǻ": "a", "Ǽ": "AE", "ǽ": "ae", "Ǿ": "O", "ǿ": "o", "Þ": "TH", "þ": "th", "Ṕ": "P", "ṕ": "p", "Ṥ": "S", "ṥ": "s", "X́": "X", "x́": "x", "Ѓ": "Г", "ѓ": "г", "Ќ": "К", "ќ": "к", "A̋": "A", "a̋": "a", "E̋": "E", "e̋": "e", "I̋": "I", "i̋": "i", "Ǹ": "N", "ǹ": "n", "Ồ": "O", "ồ": "o", "Ṑ": "O", "ṑ": "o", "Ừ": "U", "ừ": "u", "Ẁ": "W", "ẁ": "w", "Ỳ": "Y", "ỳ": "y", "Ȁ": "A", "ȁ": "a", "Ȅ": "E", "ȅ": "e", "Ȉ": "I", "ȉ": "i", "Ȍ": "O", "ȍ": "o", "Ȑ": "R", "ȑ": "r", "Ȕ": "U", "ȕ": "u", "B̌": "B", "b̌": "b", "Č̣": "C", "č̣": "c", "Ê̌": "E", "ê̌": "e", "F̌": "F", "f̌": "f", "Ǧ": "G", "ǧ": "g", "Ȟ": "H", "ȟ": "h", "J̌": "J", "ǰ": "j", "Ǩ": "K", "ǩ": "k", "M̌": "M", "m̌": "m", "P̌": "P", "p̌": "p", "Q̌": "Q", "q̌": "q", "Ř̩": "R", "ř̩": "r", "Ṧ": "S", "ṧ": "s", "V̌": "V", "v̌": "v", "W̌": "W", "w̌": "w", "X̌": "X", "x̌": "x", "Y̌": "Y", "y̌": "y", "A̧": "A", "a̧": "a", "B̧": "B", "b̧": "b", "Ḑ": "D", "ḑ": "d", "Ȩ": "E", "ȩ": "e", "Ɛ̧": "E", "ɛ̧": "e", "Ḩ": "H", "ḩ": "h", "I̧": "I", "i̧": "i", "Ɨ̧": "I", "ɨ̧": "i", "M̧": "M", "m̧": "m", "O̧": "O", "o̧": "o", "Q̧": "Q", "q̧": "q", "U̧": "U", "u̧": "u", "X̧": "X", "x̧": "x", "Z̧": "Z", "z̧": "z", "й":"и", "Й":"И", "ё":"е", "Ё":"Е", }; var chars = Object.keys(characterMap).join('|'); var allAccents = new RegExp(chars, 'g'); var firstAccent = new RegExp(chars, ''); function matcher(match) { return characterMap[match]; } var removeAccents = function(string) { return string.replace(allAccents, matcher); }; var hasAccents = function(string) { return !!string.match(firstAccent); }; module.exports = removeAccents; module.exports.has = hasAccents; module.exports.remove = removeAccents; /***/ }), /***/ 1030: /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;;/*! showdown v 1.9.1 - 02-11-2019 */ (function(){ /** * Created by Tivie on 13-07-2015. */ function getDefaultOpts (simple) { 'use strict'; var defaultOptions = { omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Omit the default extra whiteline added to code blocks', type: 'boolean' }, noHeaderId: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Turn on/off generated header id', type: 'boolean' }, prefixHeaderId: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Add a prefix to the generated header ids. Passing a string will prefix that string to the header id. Setting to true will add a generic \'section-\' prefix', type: 'string' }, rawPrefixHeaderId: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Setting this option to true will prevent showdown from modifying the prefix. This might result in malformed IDs (if, for instance, the " char is used in the prefix)', type: 'boolean' }, ghCompatibleHeaderId: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Generate header ids compatible with github style (spaces are replaced with dashes, a bunch of non alphanumeric chars are removed)', type: 'boolean' }, rawHeaderId: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Remove only spaces, \' and " from generated header ids (including prefixes), replacing them with dashes (-). WARNING: This might result in malformed ids', type: 'boolean' }, headerLevelStart: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'The header blocks level start', type: 'integer' }, parseImgDimensions: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Turn on/off image dimension parsing', type: 'boolean' }, simplifiedAutoLink: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Turn on/off GFM autolink style', type: 'boolean' }, excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Excludes trailing punctuation from links generated with autoLinking', type: 'boolean' }, literalMidWordUnderscores: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Parse midword underscores as literal underscores', type: 'boolean' }, literalMidWordAsterisks: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Parse midword asterisks as literal asterisks', type: 'boolean' }, strikethrough: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Turn on/off strikethrough support', type: 'boolean' }, tables: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Turn on/off tables support', type: 'boolean' }, tablesHeaderId: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Add an id to table headers', type: 'boolean' }, ghCodeBlocks: { defaultValue: true, describe: 'Turn on/off GFM fenced code blocks support', type: 'boolean' }, tasklists: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Turn on/off GFM tasklist support', type: 'boolean' }, smoothLivePreview: { defaultValue: false, describe: 'Prevents weird effects in live previews due to incomplete input', type: 'boolean' }, smartIndentationFix: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Tries to smartly fix indentation in es6 strings', type: 'boolean' }, disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Disables the requirement of indenting nested sublists by 4 spaces', type: 'boolean' }, simpleLineBreaks: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Parses simple line breaks as <br> (GFM Style)', type: 'boolean' }, requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Makes adding a space between `#` and the header text mandatory (GFM Style)', type: 'boolean' }, ghMentions: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Enables github @mentions', type: 'boolean' }, ghMentionsLink: { defaultValue: '{u}', description: 'Changes the link generated by @mentions. Only applies if ghMentions option is enabled.', type: 'string' }, encodeEmails: { defaultValue: true, description: 'Encode e-mail addresses through the use of Character Entities, transforming ASCII e-mail addresses into its equivalent decimal entities', type: 'boolean' }, openLinksInNewWindow: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Open all links in new windows', type: 'boolean' }, backslashEscapesHTMLTags: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Support for HTML Tag escaping. ex: \<div>foo\</div>', type: 'boolean' }, emoji: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Enable emoji support. Ex: `this is a :smile: emoji`', type: 'boolean' }, underline: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Enable support for underline. Syntax is double or triple underscores: `__underline word__`. With this option enabled, underscores no longer parses into `<em>` and `<strong>`', type: 'boolean' }, completeHTMLDocument: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Outputs a complete html document, including `<html>`, `<head>` and `<body>` tags', type: 'boolean' }, metadata: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Enable support for document metadata (defined at the top of the document between `«««` and `»»»` or between `---` and `---`).', type: 'boolean' }, splitAdjacentBlockquotes: { defaultValue: false, description: 'Split adjacent blockquote blocks', type: 'boolean' } }; if (simple === false) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultOptions)); } var ret = {}; for (var opt in defaultOptions) { if (defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(opt)) { ret[opt] = defaultOptions[opt].defaultValue; } } return ret; } function allOptionsOn () { 'use strict'; var options = getDefaultOpts(true), ret = {}; for (var opt in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(opt)) { ret[opt] = true; } } return ret; } /** * Created by Tivie on 06-01-2015. */ // Private properties var showdown = {}, parsers = {}, extensions = {}, globalOptions = getDefaultOpts(true), setFlavor = 'vanilla', flavor = { github: { omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: true, simplifiedAutoLink: true, excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs: true, literalMidWordUnderscores: true, strikethrough: true, tables: true, tablesHeaderId: true, ghCodeBlocks: true, tasklists: true, disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists: true, simpleLineBreaks: true, requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: true, ghCompatibleHeaderId: true, ghMentions: true, backslashEscapesHTMLTags: true, emoji: true, splitAdjacentBlockquotes: true }, original: { noHeaderId: true, ghCodeBlocks: false }, ghost: { omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: true, parseImgDimensions: true, simplifiedAutoLink: true, excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs: true, literalMidWordUnderscores: true, strikethrough: true, tables: true, tablesHeaderId: true, ghCodeBlocks: true, tasklists: true, smoothLivePreview: true, simpleLineBreaks: true, requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: true, ghMentions: false, encodeEmails: true }, vanilla: getDefaultOpts(true), allOn: allOptionsOn() }; /** * helper namespace * @type {{}} */ showdown.helper = {}; /** * TODO LEGACY SUPPORT CODE * @type {{}} */ showdown.extensions = {}; /** * Set a global option * @static * @param {string} key * @param {*} value * @returns {showdown} */ showdown.setOption = function (key, value) { 'use strict'; globalOptions[key] = value; return this; }; /** * Get a global option * @static * @param {string} key * @returns {*} */ showdown.getOption = function (key) { 'use strict'; return globalOptions[key]; }; /** * Get the global options * @static * @returns {{}} */ showdown.getOptions = function () { 'use strict'; return globalOptions; }; /** * Reset global options to the default values * @static */ showdown.resetOptions = function () { 'use strict'; globalOptions = getDefaultOpts(true); }; /** * Set the flavor showdown should use as default * @param {string} name */ showdown.setFlavor = function (name) { 'use strict'; if (!flavor.hasOwnProperty(name)) { throw Error(name + ' flavor was not found'); } showdown.resetOptions(); var preset = flavor[name]; setFlavor = name; for (var option in preset) { if (preset.hasOwnProperty(option)) { globalOptions[option] = preset[option]; } } }; /** * Get the currently set flavor * @returns {string} */ showdown.getFlavor = function () { 'use strict'; return setFlavor; }; /** * Get the options of a specified flavor. Returns undefined if the flavor was not found * @param {string} name Name of the flavor * @returns {{}|undefined} */ showdown.getFlavorOptions = function (name) { 'use strict'; if (flavor.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return flavor[name]; } }; /** * Get the default options * @static * @param {boolean} [simple=true] * @returns {{}} */ showdown.getDefaultOptions = function (simple) { 'use strict'; return getDefaultOpts(simple); }; /** * Get or set a subParser * * subParser(name) - Get a registered subParser * subParser(name, func) - Register a subParser * @static * @param {string} name * @param {function} [func] * @returns {*} */ showdown.subParser = function (name, func) { 'use strict'; if (showdown.helper.isString(name)) { if (typeof func !== 'undefined') { parsers[name] = func; } else { if (parsers.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return parsers[name]; } else { throw Error('SubParser named ' + name + ' not registered!'); } } } }; /** * Gets or registers an extension * @static * @param {string} name * @param {object|function=} ext * @returns {*} */ showdown.extension = function (name, ext) { 'use strict'; if (!showdown.helper.isString(name)) { throw Error('Extension \'name\' must be a string'); } name = showdown.helper.stdExtName(name); // Getter if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext)) { if (!extensions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { throw Error('Extension named ' + name + ' is not registered!'); } return extensions[name]; // Setter } else { // Expand extension if it's wrapped in a function if (typeof ext === 'function') { ext = ext(); } // Ensure extension is an array if (!showdown.helper.isArray(ext)) { ext = [ext]; } var validExtension = validate(ext, name); if (validExtension.valid) { extensions[name] = ext; } else { throw Error(validExtension.error); } } }; /** * Gets all extensions registered * @returns {{}} */ showdown.getAllExtensions = function () { 'use strict'; return extensions; }; /** * Remove an extension * @param {string} name */ showdown.removeExtension = function (name) { 'use strict'; delete extensions[name]; }; /** * Removes all extensions */ showdown.resetExtensions = function () { 'use strict'; extensions = {}; }; /** * Validate extension * @param {array} extension * @param {string} name * @returns {{valid: boolean, error: string}} */ function validate (extension, name) { 'use strict'; var errMsg = (name) ? 'Error in ' + name + ' extension->' : 'Error in unnamed extension', ret = { valid: true, error: '' }; if (!showdown.helper.isArray(extension)) { extension = [extension]; } for (var i = 0; i < extension.length; ++i) { var baseMsg = errMsg + ' sub-extension ' + i + ': ', ext = extension[i]; if (typeof ext !== 'object') { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + 'must be an object, but ' + typeof ext + ' given'; return ret; } if (!showdown.helper.isString(ext.type)) { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + 'property "type" must be a string, but ' + typeof ext.type + ' given'; return ret; } var type = ext.type = ext.type.toLowerCase(); // normalize extension type if (type === 'language') { type = ext.type = 'lang'; } if (type === 'html') { type = ext.type = 'output'; } if (type !== 'lang' && type !== 'output' && type !== 'listener') { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + 'type ' + type + ' is not recognized. Valid values: "lang/language", "output/html" or "listener"'; return ret; } if (type === 'listener') { if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext.listeners)) { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + '. Extensions of type "listener" must have a property called "listeners"'; return ret; } } else { if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext.filter) && showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext.regex)) { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + type + ' extensions must define either a "regex" property or a "filter" method'; return ret; } } if (ext.listeners) { if (typeof ext.listeners !== 'object') { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + '"listeners" property must be an object but ' + typeof ext.listeners + ' given'; return ret; } for (var ln in ext.listeners) { if (ext.listeners.hasOwnProperty(ln)) { if (typeof ext.listeners[ln] !== 'function') { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + '"listeners" property must be an hash of [event name]: [callback]. listeners.' + ln + ' must be a function but ' + typeof ext.listeners[ln] + ' given'; return ret; } } } } if (ext.filter) { if (typeof ext.filter !== 'function') { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + '"filter" must be a function, but ' + typeof ext.filter + ' given'; return ret; } } else if (ext.regex) { if (showdown.helper.isString(ext.regex)) { ext.regex = new RegExp(ext.regex, 'g'); } if (!(ext.regex instanceof RegExp)) { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + '"regex" property must either be a string or a RegExp object, but ' + typeof ext.regex + ' given'; return ret; } if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(ext.replace)) { ret.valid = false; ret.error = baseMsg + '"regex" extensions must implement a replace string or function'; return ret; } } } return ret; } /** * Validate extension * @param {object} ext * @returns {boolean} */ showdown.validateExtension = function (ext) { 'use strict'; var validateExtension = validate(ext, null); if (!validateExtension.valid) { console.warn(validateExtension.error); return false; } return true; }; /** * showdownjs helper functions */ if (!showdown.hasOwnProperty('helper')) { showdown.helper = {}; } /** * Check if var is string * @static * @param {string} a * @returns {boolean} */ showdown.helper.isString = function (a) { 'use strict'; return (typeof a === 'string' || a instanceof String); }; /** * Check if var is a function * @static * @param {*} a * @returns {boolean} */ showdown.helper.isFunction = function (a) { 'use strict'; var getType = {}; return a && === '[object Function]'; }; /** * isArray helper function * @static * @param {*} a * @returns {boolean} */ showdown.helper.isArray = function (a) { 'use strict'; return Array.isArray(a); }; /** * Check if value is undefined * @static * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `undefined`, else `false`. */ showdown.helper.isUndefined = function (value) { 'use strict'; return typeof value === 'undefined'; }; /** * ForEach helper function * Iterates over Arrays and Objects (own properties only) * @static * @param {*} obj * @param {function} callback Accepts 3 params: 1. value, 2. key, 3. the original array/object */ showdown.helper.forEach = function (obj, callback) { 'use strict'; // check if obj is defined if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(obj)) { throw new Error('obj param is required'); } if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(callback)) { throw new Error('callback param is required'); } if (!showdown.helper.isFunction(callback)) { throw new Error('callback param must be a function/closure'); } if (typeof obj.forEach === 'function') { obj.forEach(callback); } else if (showdown.helper.isArray(obj)) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { callback(obj[i], i, obj); } } else if (typeof (obj) === 'object') { for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { callback(obj[prop], prop, obj); } } } else { throw new Error('obj does not seem to be an array or an iterable object'); } }; /** * Standardidize extension name * @static * @param {string} s extension name * @returns {string} */ showdown.helper.stdExtName = function (s) { 'use strict'; return s.replace(/[_?*+\/\\.^-]/g, '').replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase(); }; function escapeCharactersCallback (wholeMatch, m1) { 'use strict'; var charCodeToEscape = m1.charCodeAt(0); return '¨E' + charCodeToEscape + 'E'; } /** * Callback used to escape characters when passing through String.replace * @static * @param {string} wholeMatch * @param {string} m1 * @returns {string} */ showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback = escapeCharactersCallback; /** * Escape characters in a string * @static * @param {string} text * @param {string} charsToEscape * @param {boolean} afterBackslash * @returns {XML|string|void|*} */ showdown.helper.escapeCharacters = function (text, charsToEscape, afterBackslash) { 'use strict'; // First we have to escape the escape characters so that // we can build a character class out of them var regexString = '([' + charsToEscape.replace(/([\[\]\\])/g, '\\$1') + '])'; if (afterBackslash) { regexString = '\\\\' + regexString; } var regex = new RegExp(regexString, 'g'); text = text.replace(regex, escapeCharactersCallback); return text; }; /** * Unescape HTML entities * @param txt * @returns {string} */ showdown.helper.unescapeHTMLEntities = function (txt) { 'use strict'; return txt .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/&/g, '&'); }; var rgxFindMatchPos = function (str, left, right, flags) { 'use strict'; var f = flags || '', g = f.indexOf('g') > -1, x = new RegExp(left + '|' + right, 'g' + f.replace(/g/g, '')), l = new RegExp(left, f.replace(/g/g, '')), pos = [], t, s, m, start, end; do { t = 0; while ((m = x.exec(str))) { if (l.test(m[0])) { if (!(t++)) { s = x.lastIndex; start = s - m[0].length; } } else if (t) { if (!--t) { end = m.index + m[0].length; var obj = { left: {start: start, end: s}, match: {start: s, end: m.index}, right: {start: m.index, end: end}, wholeMatch: {start: start, end: end} }; pos.push(obj); if (!g) { return pos; } } } } } while (t && (x.lastIndex = s)); return pos; }; /** * matchRecursiveRegExp * * (c) 2007 Steven Levithan <> * MIT License * * Accepts a string to search, a left and right format delimiter * as regex patterns, and optional regex flags. Returns an array * of matches, allowing nested instances of left/right delimiters. * Use the "g" flag to return all matches, otherwise only the * first is returned. Be careful to ensure that the left and * right format delimiters produce mutually exclusive matches. * Backreferences are not supported within the right delimiter * due to how it is internally combined with the left delimiter. * When matching strings whose format delimiters are unbalanced * to the left or right, the output is intentionally as a * conventional regex library with recursion support would * produce, e.g. "<<x>" and "<x>>" both produce ["x"] when using * "<" and ">" as the delimiters (both strings contain a single, * balanced instance of "<x>"). * * examples: * matchRecursiveRegExp("test", "\\(", "\\)") * returns: [] * matchRecursiveRegExp("<t<<e>><s>>t<>", "<", ">", "g") * returns: ["t<<e>><s>", ""] * matchRecursiveRegExp("<div id=\"x\">test</div>", "<div\\b[^>]*>", "</div>", "gi") * returns: ["test"] */ showdown.helper.matchRecursiveRegExp = function (str, left, right, flags) { 'use strict'; var matchPos = rgxFindMatchPos (str, left, right, flags), results = []; for (var i = 0; i < matchPos.length; ++i) { results.push([ str.slice(matchPos[i].wholeMatch.start, matchPos[i].wholeMatch.end), str.slice(matchPos[i].match.start, matchPos[i].match.end), str.slice(matchPos[i].left.start, matchPos[i].left.end), str.slice(matchPos[i].right.start, matchPos[i].right.end) ]); } return results; }; /** * * @param {string} str * @param {string|function} replacement * @param {string} left * @param {string} right * @param {string} flags * @returns {string} */ showdown.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp = function (str, replacement, left, right, flags) { 'use strict'; if (!showdown.helper.isFunction(replacement)) { var repStr = replacement; replacement = function () { return repStr; }; } var matchPos = rgxFindMatchPos(str, left, right, flags), finalStr = str, lng = matchPos.length; if (lng > 0) { var bits = []; if (matchPos[0].wholeMatch.start !== 0) { bits.push(str.slice(0, matchPos[0].wholeMatch.start)); } for (var i = 0; i < lng; ++i) { bits.push( replacement( str.slice(matchPos[i].wholeMatch.start, matchPos[i].wholeMatch.end), str.slice(matchPos[i].match.start, matchPos[i].match.end), str.slice(matchPos[i].left.start, matchPos[i].left.end), str.slice(matchPos[i].right.start, matchPos[i].right.end) ) ); if (i < lng - 1) { bits.push(str.slice(matchPos[i].wholeMatch.end, matchPos[i + 1].wholeMatch.start)); } } if (matchPos[lng - 1].wholeMatch.end < str.length) { bits.push(str.slice(matchPos[lng - 1].wholeMatch.end)); } finalStr = bits.join(''); } return finalStr; }; /** * Returns the index within the passed String object of the first occurrence of the specified regex, * starting the search at fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found. * * @param {string} str string to search * @param {RegExp} regex Regular expression to search * @param {int} [fromIndex = 0] Index to start the search * @returns {Number} * @throws InvalidArgumentError */ showdown.helper.regexIndexOf = function (str, regex, fromIndex) { 'use strict'; if (!showdown.helper.isString(str)) { throw 'InvalidArgumentError: first parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be a string'; } if (regex instanceof RegExp === false) { throw 'InvalidArgumentError: second parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be an instance of RegExp'; } var indexOf = str.substring(fromIndex || 0).search(regex); return (indexOf >= 0) ? (indexOf + (fromIndex || 0)) : indexOf; }; /** * Splits the passed string object at the defined index, and returns an array composed of the two substrings * @param {string} str string to split * @param {int} index index to split string at * @returns {[string,string]} * @throws InvalidArgumentError */ showdown.helper.splitAtIndex = function (str, index) { 'use strict'; if (!showdown.helper.isString(str)) { throw 'InvalidArgumentError: first parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be a string'; } return [str.substring(0, index), str.substring(index)]; }; /** * Obfuscate an e-mail address through the use of Character Entities, * transforming ASCII characters into their equivalent decimal or hex entities. * * Since it has a random component, subsequent calls to this function produce different results * * @param {string} mail * @returns {string} */ showdown.helper.encodeEmailAddress = function (mail) { 'use strict'; var encode = [ function (ch) { return '&#' + ch.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }, function (ch) { return '&#x' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + ';'; }, function (ch) { return ch; } ]; mail = mail.replace(/./g, function (ch) { if (ch === '@') { // this *must* be encoded. I insist. ch = encode[Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)](ch); } else { var r = Math.random(); // roughly 10% raw, 45% hex, 45% dec ch = ( r > 0.9 ? encode[2](ch) : r > 0.45 ? encode[1](ch) : encode[0](ch) ); } return ch; }); return mail; }; /** * * @param str * @param targetLength * @param padString * @returns {string} */ showdown.helper.padEnd = function padEnd (str, targetLength, padString) { 'use strict'; /*jshint bitwise: false*/ // eslint-disable-next-line space-infix-ops targetLength = targetLength>>0; //floor if number or convert non-number to 0; /*jshint bitwise: true*/ padString = String(padString || ' '); if (str.length > targetLength) { return String(str); } else { targetLength = targetLength - str.length; if (targetLength > padString.length) { padString += padString.repeat(targetLength / padString.length); //append to original to ensure we are longer than needed } return String(str) + padString.slice(0,targetLength); } }; /** * POLYFILLS */ // use this instead of builtin is undefined for IE8 compatibility if (typeof console === 'undefined') { console = { warn: function (msg) { 'use strict'; alert(msg); }, log: function (msg) { 'use strict'; alert(msg); }, error: function (msg) { 'use strict'; throw msg; } }; } /** * Common regexes. * We declare some common regexes to improve performance */ showdown.helper.regexes = { asteriskDashAndColon: /([*_:~])/g }; /** * EMOJIS LIST */ showdown.helper.emojis = { '+1':'\ud83d\udc4d', '-1':'\ud83d\udc4e', '100':'\ud83d\udcaf', '1234':'\ud83d\udd22', '1st_place_medal':'\ud83e\udd47', '2nd_place_medal':'\ud83e\udd48', '3rd_place_medal':'\ud83e\udd49', '8ball':'\ud83c\udfb1', 'a':'\ud83c\udd70\ufe0f', 'ab':'\ud83c\udd8e', 'abc':'\ud83d\udd24', 'abcd':'\ud83d\udd21', 'accept':'\ud83c\ude51', 'aerial_tramway':'\ud83d\udea1', 'airplane':'\u2708\ufe0f', 'alarm_clock':'\u23f0', 'alembic':'\u2697\ufe0f', 'alien':'\ud83d\udc7d', 'ambulance':'\ud83d\ude91', 'amphora':'\ud83c\udffa', 'anchor':'\u2693\ufe0f', 'angel':'\ud83d\udc7c', 'anger':'\ud83d\udca2', 'angry':'\ud83d\ude20', 'anguished':'\ud83d\ude27', 'ant':'\ud83d\udc1c', 'apple':'\ud83c\udf4e', 'aquarius':'\u2652\ufe0f', 'aries':'\u2648\ufe0f', 'arrow_backward':'\u25c0\ufe0f', 'arrow_double_down':'\u23ec', 'arrow_double_up':'\u23eb', 'arrow_down':'\u2b07\ufe0f', 'arrow_down_small':'\ud83d\udd3d', 'arrow_forward':'\u25b6\ufe0f', 'arrow_heading_down':'\u2935\ufe0f', 'arrow_heading_up':'\u2934\ufe0f', 'arrow_left':'\u2b05\ufe0f', 'arrow_lower_left':'\u2199\ufe0f', 'arrow_lower_right':'\u2198\ufe0f', 'arrow_right':'\u27a1\ufe0f', 'arrow_right_hook':'\u21aa\ufe0f', 'arrow_up':'\u2b06\ufe0f', 'arrow_up_down':'\u2195\ufe0f', 'arrow_up_small':'\ud83d\udd3c', 'arrow_upper_left':'\u2196\ufe0f', 'arrow_upper_right':'\u2197\ufe0f', 'arrows_clockwise':'\ud83d\udd03', 'arrows_counterclockwise':'\ud83d\udd04', 'art':'\ud83c\udfa8', 'articulated_lorry':'\ud83d\ude9b', 'artificial_satellite':'\ud83d\udef0', 'astonished':'\ud83d\ude32', 'athletic_shoe':'\ud83d\udc5f', 'atm':'\ud83c\udfe7', 'atom_symbol':'\u269b\ufe0f', 'avocado':'\ud83e\udd51', 'b':'\ud83c\udd71\ufe0f', 'baby':'\ud83d\udc76', 'baby_bottle':'\ud83c\udf7c', 'baby_chick':'\ud83d\udc24', 'baby_symbol':'\ud83d\udebc', 'back':'\ud83d\udd19', 'bacon':'\ud83e\udd53', 'badminton':'\ud83c\udff8', 'baggage_claim':'\ud83d\udec4', 'baguette_bread':'\ud83e\udd56', 'balance_scale':'\u2696\ufe0f', 'balloon':'\ud83c\udf88', 'ballot_box':'\ud83d\uddf3', 'ballot_box_with_check':'\u2611\ufe0f', 'bamboo':'\ud83c\udf8d', 'banana':'\ud83c\udf4c', 'bangbang':'\u203c\ufe0f', 'bank':'\ud83c\udfe6', 'bar_chart':'\ud83d\udcca', 'barber':'\ud83d\udc88', 'baseball':'\u26be\ufe0f', 'basketball':'\ud83c\udfc0', 'basketball_man':'\u26f9\ufe0f', 'basketball_woman':'\u26f9\ufe0f‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'bat':'\ud83e\udd87', 'bath':'\ud83d\udec0', 'bathtub':'\ud83d\udec1', 'battery':'\ud83d\udd0b', 'beach_umbrella':'\ud83c\udfd6', 'bear':'\ud83d\udc3b', 'bed':'\ud83d\udecf', 'bee':'\ud83d\udc1d', 'beer':'\ud83c\udf7a', 'beers':'\ud83c\udf7b', 'beetle':'\ud83d\udc1e', 'beginner':'\ud83d\udd30', 'bell':'\ud83d\udd14', 'bellhop_bell':'\ud83d\udece', 'bento':'\ud83c\udf71', 'biking_man':'\ud83d\udeb4', 'bike':'\ud83d\udeb2', 'biking_woman':'\ud83d\udeb4‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'bikini':'\ud83d\udc59', 'biohazard':'\u2623\ufe0f', 'bird':'\ud83d\udc26', 'birthday':'\ud83c\udf82', 'black_circle':'\u26ab\ufe0f', 'black_flag':'\ud83c\udff4', 'black_heart':'\ud83d\udda4', 'black_joker':'\ud83c\udccf', 'black_large_square':'\u2b1b\ufe0f', 'black_medium_small_square':'\u25fe\ufe0f', 'black_medium_square':'\u25fc\ufe0f', 'black_nib':'\u2712\ufe0f', 'black_small_square':'\u25aa\ufe0f', 'black_square_button':'\ud83d\udd32', 'blonde_man':'\ud83d\udc71', 'blonde_woman':'\ud83d\udc71‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'blossom':'\ud83c\udf3c', 'blowfish':'\ud83d\udc21', 'blue_book':'\ud83d\udcd8', 'blue_car':'\ud83d\ude99', 'blue_heart':'\ud83d\udc99', 'blush':'\ud83d\ude0a', 'boar':'\ud83d\udc17', 'boat':'\u26f5\ufe0f', 'bomb':'\ud83d\udca3', 'book':'\ud83d\udcd6', 'bookmark':'\ud83d\udd16', 'bookmark_tabs':'\ud83d\udcd1', 'books':'\ud83d\udcda', 'boom':'\ud83d\udca5', 'boot':'\ud83d\udc62', 'bouquet':'\ud83d\udc90', 'bowing_man':'\ud83d\ude47', 'bow_and_arrow':'\ud83c\udff9', 'bowing_woman':'\ud83d\ude47‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'bowling':'\ud83c\udfb3', 'boxing_glove':'\ud83e\udd4a', 'boy':'\ud83d\udc66', 'bread':'\ud83c\udf5e', 'bride_with_veil':'\ud83d\udc70', 'bridge_at_night':'\ud83c\udf09', 'briefcase':'\ud83d\udcbc', 'broken_heart':'\ud83d\udc94', 'bug':'\ud83d\udc1b', 'building_construction':'\ud83c\udfd7', 'bulb':'\ud83d\udca1', 'bullettrain_front':'\ud83d\ude85', 'bullettrain_side':'\ud83d\ude84', 'burrito':'\ud83c\udf2f', 'bus':'\ud83d\ude8c', 'business_suit_levitating':'\ud83d\udd74', 'busstop':'\ud83d\ude8f', 'bust_in_silhouette':'\ud83d\udc64', 'busts_in_silhouette':'\ud83d\udc65', 'butterfly':'\ud83e\udd8b', 'cactus':'\ud83c\udf35', 'cake':'\ud83c\udf70', 'calendar':'\ud83d\udcc6', 'call_me_hand':'\ud83e\udd19', 'calling':'\ud83d\udcf2', 'camel':'\ud83d\udc2b', 'camera':'\ud83d\udcf7', 'camera_flash':'\ud83d\udcf8', 'camping':'\ud83c\udfd5', 'cancer':'\u264b\ufe0f', 'candle':'\ud83d\udd6f', 'candy':'\ud83c\udf6c', 'canoe':'\ud83d\udef6', 'capital_abcd':'\ud83d\udd20', 'capricorn':'\u2651\ufe0f', 'car':'\ud83d\ude97', 'card_file_box':'\ud83d\uddc3', 'card_index':'\ud83d\udcc7', 'card_index_dividers':'\ud83d\uddc2', 'carousel_horse':'\ud83c\udfa0', 'carrot':'\ud83e\udd55', 'cat':'\ud83d\udc31', 'cat2':'\ud83d\udc08', 'cd':'\ud83d\udcbf', 'chains':'\u26d3', 'champagne':'\ud83c\udf7e', 'chart':'\ud83d\udcb9', 'chart_with_downwards_trend':'\ud83d\udcc9', 'chart_with_upwards_trend':'\ud83d\udcc8', 'checkered_flag':'\ud83c\udfc1', 'cheese':'\ud83e\uddc0', 'cherries':'\ud83c\udf52', 'cherry_blossom':'\ud83c\udf38', 'chestnut':'\ud83c\udf30', 'chicken':'\ud83d\udc14', 'children_crossing':'\ud83d\udeb8', 'chipmunk':'\ud83d\udc3f', 'chocolate_bar':'\ud83c\udf6b', 'christmas_tree':'\ud83c\udf84', 'church':'\u26ea\ufe0f', 'cinema':'\ud83c\udfa6', 'circus_tent':'\ud83c\udfaa', 'city_sunrise':'\ud83c\udf07', 'city_sunset':'\ud83c\udf06', 'cityscape':'\ud83c\udfd9', 'cl':'\ud83c\udd91', 'clamp':'\ud83d\udddc', 'clap':'\ud83d\udc4f', 'clapper':'\ud83c\udfac', 'classical_building':'\ud83c\udfdb', 'clinking_glasses':'\ud83e\udd42', 'clipboard':'\ud83d\udccb', 'clock1':'\ud83d\udd50', 'clock10':'\ud83d\udd59', 'clock1030':'\ud83d\udd65', 'clock11':'\ud83d\udd5a', 'clock1130':'\ud83d\udd66', 'clock12':'\ud83d\udd5b', 'clock1230':'\ud83d\udd67', 'clock130':'\ud83d\udd5c', 'clock2':'\ud83d\udd51', 'clock230':'\ud83d\udd5d', 'clock3':'\ud83d\udd52', 'clock330':'\ud83d\udd5e', 'clock4':'\ud83d\udd53', 'clock430':'\ud83d\udd5f', 'clock5':'\ud83d\udd54', 'clock530':'\ud83d\udd60', 'clock6':'\ud83d\udd55', 'clock630':'\ud83d\udd61', 'clock7':'\ud83d\udd56', 'clock730':'\ud83d\udd62', 'clock8':'\ud83d\udd57', 'clock830':'\ud83d\udd63', 'clock9':'\ud83d\udd58', 'clock930':'\ud83d\udd64', 'closed_book':'\ud83d\udcd5', 'closed_lock_with_key':'\ud83d\udd10', 'closed_umbrella':'\ud83c\udf02', 'cloud':'\u2601\ufe0f', 'cloud_with_lightning':'\ud83c\udf29', 'cloud_with_lightning_and_rain':'\u26c8', 'cloud_with_rain':'\ud83c\udf27', 'cloud_with_snow':'\ud83c\udf28', 'clown_face':'\ud83e\udd21', 'clubs':'\u2663\ufe0f', 'cocktail':'\ud83c\udf78', 'coffee':'\u2615\ufe0f', 'coffin':'\u26b0\ufe0f', 'cold_sweat':'\ud83d\ude30', 'comet':'\u2604\ufe0f', 'computer':'\ud83d\udcbb', 'computer_mouse':'\ud83d\uddb1', 'confetti_ball':'\ud83c\udf8a', 'confounded':'\ud83d\ude16', 'confused':'\ud83d\ude15', 'congratulations':'\u3297\ufe0f', 'construction':'\ud83d\udea7', 'construction_worker_man':'\ud83d\udc77', 'construction_worker_woman':'\ud83d\udc77‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'control_knobs':'\ud83c\udf9b', 'convenience_store':'\ud83c\udfea', 'cookie':'\ud83c\udf6a', 'cool':'\ud83c\udd92', 'policeman':'\ud83d\udc6e', 'copyright':'\u00a9\ufe0f', 'corn':'\ud83c\udf3d', 'couch_and_lamp':'\ud83d\udecb', 'couple':'\ud83d\udc6b', 'couple_with_heart_woman_man':'\ud83d\udc91', 'couple_with_heart_man_man':'\ud83d\udc68‍\u2764\ufe0f‍\ud83d\udc68', 'couple_with_heart_woman_woman':'\ud83d\udc69‍\u2764\ufe0f‍\ud83d\udc69', 'couplekiss_man_man':'\ud83d\udc68‍\u2764\ufe0f‍\ud83d\udc8b‍\ud83d\udc68', 'couplekiss_man_woman':'\ud83d\udc8f', 'couplekiss_woman_woman':'\ud83d\udc69‍\u2764\ufe0f‍\ud83d\udc8b‍\ud83d\udc69', 'cow':'\ud83d\udc2e', 'cow2':'\ud83d\udc04', 'cowboy_hat_face':'\ud83e\udd20', 'crab':'\ud83e\udd80', 'crayon':'\ud83d\udd8d', 'credit_card':'\ud83d\udcb3', 'crescent_moon':'\ud83c\udf19', 'cricket':'\ud83c\udfcf', 'crocodile':'\ud83d\udc0a', 'croissant':'\ud83e\udd50', 'crossed_fingers':'\ud83e\udd1e', 'crossed_flags':'\ud83c\udf8c', 'crossed_swords':'\u2694\ufe0f', 'crown':'\ud83d\udc51', 'cry':'\ud83d\ude22', 'crying_cat_face':'\ud83d\ude3f', 'crystal_ball':'\ud83d\udd2e', 'cucumber':'\ud83e\udd52', 'cupid':'\ud83d\udc98', 'curly_loop':'\u27b0', 'currency_exchange':'\ud83d\udcb1', 'curry':'\ud83c\udf5b', 'custard':'\ud83c\udf6e', 'customs':'\ud83d\udec3', 'cyclone':'\ud83c\udf00', 'dagger':'\ud83d\udde1', 'dancer':'\ud83d\udc83', 'dancing_women':'\ud83d\udc6f', 'dancing_men':'\ud83d\udc6f‍\u2642\ufe0f', 'dango':'\ud83c\udf61', 'dark_sunglasses':'\ud83d\udd76', 'dart':'\ud83c\udfaf', 'dash':'\ud83d\udca8', 'date':'\ud83d\udcc5', 'deciduous_tree':'\ud83c\udf33', 'deer':'\ud83e\udd8c', 'department_store':'\ud83c\udfec', 'derelict_house':'\ud83c\udfda', 'desert':'\ud83c\udfdc', 'desert_island':'\ud83c\udfdd', 'desktop_computer':'\ud83d\udda5', 'male_detective':'\ud83d\udd75\ufe0f', 'diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside':'\ud83d\udca0', 'diamonds':'\u2666\ufe0f', 'disappointed':'\ud83d\ude1e', 'disappointed_relieved':'\ud83d\ude25', 'dizzy':'\ud83d\udcab', 'dizzy_face':'\ud83d\ude35', 'do_not_litter':'\ud83d\udeaf', 'dog':'\ud83d\udc36', 'dog2':'\ud83d\udc15', 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'white_flag':'\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f', 'white_flower':'\ud83d\udcae', 'white_large_square':'\u2b1c\ufe0f', 'white_medium_small_square':'\u25fd\ufe0f', 'white_medium_square':'\u25fb\ufe0f', 'white_small_square':'\u25ab\ufe0f', 'white_square_button':'\ud83d\udd33', 'wilted_flower':'\ud83e\udd40', 'wind_chime':'\ud83c\udf90', 'wind_face':'\ud83c\udf2c', 'wine_glass':'\ud83c\udf77', 'wink':'\ud83d\ude09', 'wolf':'\ud83d\udc3a', 'woman':'\ud83d\udc69', 'woman_artist':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83c\udfa8', 'woman_astronaut':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83d\ude80', 'woman_cartwheeling':'\ud83e\udd38‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'woman_cook':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83c\udf73', 'woman_facepalming':'\ud83e\udd26‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'woman_factory_worker':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83c\udfed', 'woman_farmer':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83c\udf3e', 'woman_firefighter':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83d\ude92', 'woman_health_worker':'\ud83d\udc69‍\u2695\ufe0f', 'woman_judge':'\ud83d\udc69‍\u2696\ufe0f', 'woman_juggling':'\ud83e\udd39‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'woman_mechanic':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83d\udd27', 'woman_office_worker':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83d\udcbc', 'woman_pilot':'\ud83d\udc69‍\u2708\ufe0f', 'woman_playing_handball':'\ud83e\udd3e‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'woman_playing_water_polo':'\ud83e\udd3d‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'woman_scientist':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83d\udd2c', 'woman_shrugging':'\ud83e\udd37‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'woman_singer':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83c\udfa4', 'woman_student':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83c\udf93', 'woman_teacher':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83c\udfeb', 'woman_technologist':'\ud83d\udc69‍\ud83d\udcbb', 'woman_with_turban':'\ud83d\udc73‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'womans_clothes':'\ud83d\udc5a', 'womans_hat':'\ud83d\udc52', 'women_wrestling':'\ud83e\udd3c‍\u2640\ufe0f', 'womens':'\ud83d\udeba', 'world_map':'\ud83d\uddfa', 'worried':'\ud83d\ude1f', 'wrench':'\ud83d\udd27', 'writing_hand':'\u270d\ufe0f', 'x':'\u274c', 'yellow_heart':'\ud83d\udc9b', 'yen':'\ud83d\udcb4', 'yin_yang':'\u262f\ufe0f', 'yum':'\ud83d\ude0b', 'zap':'\u26a1\ufe0f', 'zipper_mouth_face':'\ud83e\udd10', 'zzz':'\ud83d\udca4', /* special emojis :P */ 'octocat': '<img alt=":octocat:" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle" src="">', 'showdown': '<span style="font-family: \'Anonymous Pro\', monospace; text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dashed; text-decoration-color: #3e8b8a;text-underline-position: under;">S</span>' }; /** * Created by Estevao on 31-05-2015. */ /** * Showdown Converter class * @class * @param {object} [converterOptions] * @returns {Converter} */ showdown.Converter = function (converterOptions) { 'use strict'; var /** * Options used by this converter * @private * @type {{}} */ options = {}, /** * Language extensions used by this converter * @private * @type {Array} */ langExtensions = [], /** * Output modifiers extensions used by this converter * @private * @type {Array} */ outputModifiers = [], /** * Event listeners * @private * @type {{}} */ listeners = {}, /** * The flavor set in this converter */ setConvFlavor = setFlavor, /** * Metadata of the document * @type {{parsed: {}, raw: string, format: string}} */ metadata = { parsed: {}, raw: '', format: '' }; _constructor(); /** * Converter constructor * @private */ function _constructor () { converterOptions = converterOptions || {}; for (var gOpt in globalOptions) { if (globalOptions.hasOwnProperty(gOpt)) { options[gOpt] = globalOptions[gOpt]; } } // Merge options if (typeof converterOptions === 'object') { for (var opt in converterOptions) { if (converterOptions.hasOwnProperty(opt)) { options[opt] = converterOptions[opt]; } } } else { throw Error('Converter expects the passed parameter to be an object, but ' + typeof converterOptions + ' was passed instead.'); } if (options.extensions) { showdown.helper.forEach(options.extensions, _parseExtension); } } /** * Parse extension * @param {*} ext * @param {string} [name=''] * @private */ function _parseExtension (ext, name) { name = name || null; // If it's a string, the extension was previously loaded if (showdown.helper.isString(ext)) { ext = showdown.helper.stdExtName(ext); name = ext; // LEGACY_SUPPORT CODE if (showdown.extensions[ext]) { console.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: ' + ext + ' is an old extension that uses a deprecated loading method.' + 'Please inform the developer that the extension should be updated!'); legacyExtensionLoading(showdown.extensions[ext], ext); return; // END LEGACY SUPPORT CODE } else if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(extensions[ext])) { ext = extensions[ext]; } else { throw Error('Extension "' + ext + '" could not be loaded. It was either not found or is not a valid extension.'); } } if (typeof ext === 'function') { ext = ext(); } if (!showdown.helper.isArray(ext)) { ext = [ext]; } var validExt = validate(ext, name); if (!validExt.valid) { throw Error(validExt.error); } for (var i = 0; i < ext.length; ++i) { switch (ext[i].type) { case 'lang': langExtensions.push(ext[i]); break; case 'output': outputModifiers.push(ext[i]); break; } if (ext[i].hasOwnProperty('listeners')) { for (var ln in ext[i].listeners) { if (ext[i].listeners.hasOwnProperty(ln)) { listen(ln, ext[i].listeners[ln]); } } } } } /** * LEGACY_SUPPORT * @param {*} ext * @param {string} name */ function legacyExtensionLoading (ext, name) { if (typeof ext === 'function') { ext = ext(new showdown.Converter()); } if (!showdown.helper.isArray(ext)) { ext = [ext]; } var valid = validate(ext, name); if (!valid.valid) { throw Error(valid.error); } for (var i = 0; i < ext.length; ++i) { switch (ext[i].type) { case 'lang': langExtensions.push(ext[i]); break; case 'output': outputModifiers.push(ext[i]); break; default:// should never reach here throw Error('Extension loader error: Type unrecognized!!!'); } } } /** * Listen to an event * @param {string} name * @param {function} callback */ function listen (name, callback) { if (!showdown.helper.isString(name)) { throw Error('Invalid argument in converter.listen() method: name must be a string, but ' + typeof name + ' given'); } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw Error('Invalid argument in converter.listen() method: callback must be a function, but ' + typeof callback + ' given'); } if (!listeners.hasOwnProperty(name)) { listeners[name] = []; } listeners[name].push(callback); } function rTrimInputText (text) { var rsp = text.match(/^\s*/)[0].length, rgx = new RegExp('^\\s{0,' + rsp + '}', 'gm'); return text.replace(rgx, ''); } /** * Dispatch an event * @private * @param {string} evtName Event name * @param {string} text Text * @param {{}} options Converter Options * @param {{}} globals * @returns {string} */ this._dispatch = function dispatch (evtName, text, options, globals) { if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(evtName)) { for (var ei = 0; ei < listeners[evtName].length; ++ei) { var nText = listeners[evtName][ei](evtName, text, this, options, globals); if (nText && typeof nText !== 'undefined') { text = nText; } } } return text; }; /** * Listen to an event * @param {string} name * @param {function} callback * @returns {showdown.Converter} */ this.listen = function (name, callback) { listen(name, callback); return this; }; /** * Converts a markdown string into HTML * @param {string} text * @returns {*} */ this.makeHtml = function (text) { //check if text is not falsy if (!text) { return text; } var globals = { gHtmlBlocks: [], gHtmlMdBlocks: [], gHtmlSpans: [], gUrls: {}, gTitles: {}, gDimensions: {}, gListLevel: 0, hashLinkCounts: {}, langExtensions: langExtensions, outputModifiers: outputModifiers, converter: this, ghCodeBlocks: [], metadata: { parsed: {}, raw: '', format: '' } }; // This lets us use ¨ trema as an escape char to avoid md5 hashes // The choice of character is arbitrary; anything that isn't // magic in Markdown will work. text = text.replace(/¨/g, '¨T'); // Replace $ with ¨D // RegExp interprets $ as a special character // when it's in a replacement string text = text.replace(/\$/g, '¨D'); // Standardize line endings text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); // DOS to Unix text = text.replace(/\r/g, '\n'); // Mac to Unix // Stardardize line spaces text = text.replace(/\u00A0/g, ' '); if (options.smartIndentationFix) { text = rTrimInputText(text); } // Make sure text begins and ends with a couple of newlines: text = '\n\n' + text + '\n\n'; // detab text = showdown.subParser('detab')(text, options, globals); /** * Strip any lines consisting only of spaces and tabs. * This makes subsequent regexs easier to write, because we can * match consecutive blank lines with /\n+/ instead of something * contorted like /[ \t]*\n+/ */ text = text.replace(/^[ \t]+$/mg, ''); //run languageExtensions showdown.helper.forEach(langExtensions, function (ext) { text = showdown.subParser('runExtension')(ext, text, options, globals); }); // run the sub parsers text = showdown.subParser('metadata')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('hashPreCodeTags')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('githubCodeBlocks')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('hashHTMLBlocks')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('hashCodeTags')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('stripLinkDefinitions')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('blockGamut')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('unhashHTMLSpans')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('unescapeSpecialChars')(text, options, globals); // attacklab: Restore dollar signs text = text.replace(/¨D/g, '$$'); // attacklab: Restore tremas text = text.replace(/¨T/g, '¨'); // render a complete html document instead of a partial if the option is enabled text = showdown.subParser('completeHTMLDocument')(text, options, globals); // Run output modifiers showdown.helper.forEach(outputModifiers, function (ext) { text = showdown.subParser('runExtension')(ext, text, options, globals); }); // update metadata metadata = globals.metadata; return text; }; /** * Converts an HTML string into a markdown string * @param src * @param [HTMLParser] A WHATWG DOM and HTML parser, such as JSDOM. If none is supplied, window.document will be used. * @returns {string} */ this.makeMarkdown = this.makeMd = function (src, HTMLParser) { // replace \r\n with \n src = src.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); src = src.replace(/\r/g, '\n'); // old macs // due to an edge case, we need to find this: > < // to prevent removing of non silent white spaces // ex: <em>this is</em> <strong>sparta</strong> src = src.replace(/>[ \t]+</, '>¨NBSP;<'); if (!HTMLParser) { if (window && window.document) { HTMLParser = window.document; } else { throw new Error('HTMLParser is undefined. If in a webworker or nodejs environment, you need to provide a WHATWG DOM and HTML such as JSDOM'); } } var doc = HTMLParser.createElement('div'); doc.innerHTML = src; var globals = { preList: substitutePreCodeTags(doc) }; // remove all newlines and collapse spaces clean(doc); // some stuff, like accidental reference links must now be escaped // TODO // doc.innerHTML = doc.innerHTML.replace(/\[[\S\t ]]/); var nodes = doc.childNodes, mdDoc = ''; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { mdDoc += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(nodes[i], globals); } function clean (node) { for (var n = 0; n < node.childNodes.length; ++n) { var child = node.childNodes[n]; if (child.nodeType === 3) { if (!/\S/.test(child.nodeValue)) { node.removeChild(child); --n; } else { child.nodeValue = child.nodeValue.split('\n').join(' '); child.nodeValue = child.nodeValue.replace(/(\s)+/g, '$1'); } } else if (child.nodeType === 1) { clean(child); } } } // find all pre tags and replace contents with placeholder // we need this so that we can remove all indentation from html // to ease up parsing function substitutePreCodeTags (doc) { var pres = doc.querySelectorAll('pre'), presPH = []; for (var i = 0; i < pres.length; ++i) { if (pres[i].childElementCount === 1 && pres[i].firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'code') { var content = pres[i].firstChild.innerHTML.trim(), language = pres[i].firstChild.getAttribute('data-language') || ''; // if data-language attribute is not defined, then we look for class language-* if (language === '') { var classes = pres[i].firstChild.className.split(' '); for (var c = 0; c < classes.length; ++c) { var matches = classes[c].match(/^language-(.+)$/); if (matches !== null) { language = matches[1]; break; } } } // unescape html entities in content content = showdown.helper.unescapeHTMLEntities(content); presPH.push(content); pres[i].outerHTML = '<precode language="' + language + '" precodenum="' + i.toString() + '"></precode>'; } else { presPH.push(pres[i].innerHTML); pres[i].innerHTML = ''; pres[i].setAttribute('prenum', i.toString()); } } return presPH; } return mdDoc; }; /** * Set an option of this Converter instance * @param {string} key * @param {*} value */ this.setOption = function (key, value) { options[key] = value; }; /** * Get the option of this Converter instance * @param {string} key * @returns {*} */ this.getOption = function (key) { return options[key]; }; /** * Get the options of this Converter instance * @returns {{}} */ this.getOptions = function () { return options; }; /** * Add extension to THIS converter * @param {{}} extension * @param {string} [name=null] */ this.addExtension = function (extension, name) { name = name || null; _parseExtension(extension, name); }; /** * Use a global registered extension with THIS converter * @param {string} extensionName Name of the previously registered extension */ this.useExtension = function (extensionName) { _parseExtension(extensionName); }; /** * Set the flavor THIS converter should use * @param {string} name */ this.setFlavor = function (name) { if (!flavor.hasOwnProperty(name)) { throw Error(name + ' flavor was not found'); } var preset = flavor[name]; setConvFlavor = name; for (var option in preset) { if (preset.hasOwnProperty(option)) { options[option] = preset[option]; } } }; /** * Get the currently set flavor of this converter * @returns {string} */ this.getFlavor = function () { return setConvFlavor; }; /** * Remove an extension from THIS converter. * Note: This is a costly operation. It's better to initialize a new converter * and specify the extensions you wish to use * @param {Array} extension */ this.removeExtension = function (extension) { if (!showdown.helper.isArray(extension)) { extension = [extension]; } for (var a = 0; a < extension.length; ++a) { var ext = extension[a]; for (var i = 0; i < langExtensions.length; ++i) { if (langExtensions[i] === ext) { langExtensions[i].splice(i, 1); } } for (var ii = 0; ii < outputModifiers.length; ++i) { if (outputModifiers[ii] === ext) { outputModifiers[ii].splice(i, 1); } } } }; /** * Get all extension of THIS converter * @returns {{language: Array, output: Array}} */ this.getAllExtensions = function () { return { language: langExtensions, output: outputModifiers }; }; /** * Get the metadata of the previously parsed document * @param raw * @returns {string|{}} */ this.getMetadata = function (raw) { if (raw) { return metadata.raw; } else { return metadata.parsed; } }; /** * Get the metadata format of the previously parsed document * @returns {string} */ this.getMetadataFormat = function () { return metadata.format; }; /** * Private: set a single key, value metadata pair * @param {string} key * @param {string} value */ this._setMetadataPair = function (key, value) { metadata.parsed[key] = value; }; /** * Private: set metadata format * @param {string} format */ this._setMetadataFormat = function (format) { metadata.format = format; }; /** * Private: set metadata raw text * @param {string} raw */ this._setMetadataRaw = function (raw) { metadata.raw = raw; }; }; /** * Turn Markdown link shortcuts into XHTML <a> tags. */ showdown.subParser('anchors', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('anchors.before', text, options, globals); var writeAnchorTag = function (wholeMatch, linkText, linkId, url, m5, m6, title) { if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(title)) { title = ''; } linkId = linkId.toLowerCase(); // Special case for explicit empty url if (\(<?\s*>? ?(['"].*['"])?\)$/m) > -1) { url = ''; } else if (!url) { if (!linkId) { // lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces linkId = linkText.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g, ' '); } url = '#' + linkId; if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(globals.gUrls[linkId])) { url = globals.gUrls[linkId]; if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(globals.gTitles[linkId])) { title = globals.gTitles[linkId]; } } else { return wholeMatch; } } //url = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(url, '*_', false); // replaced line to improve performance url = url.replace(showdown.helper.regexes.asteriskDashAndColon, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); var result = '<a href="' + url + '"'; if (title !== '' && title !== null) { title = title.replace(/"/g, '"'); //title = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(title, '*_', false); // replaced line to improve performance title = title.replace(showdown.helper.regexes.asteriskDashAndColon, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); result += ' title="' + title + '"'; } // optionLinksInNewWindow only applies // to external links. Hash links (#) open in same page if (options.openLinksInNewWindow && !/^#/.test(url)) { // escaped _ result += ' rel="noopener noreferrer" target="¨E95Eblank"'; } result += '>' + linkText + '</a>'; return result; }; // First, handle reference-style links: [link text] [id] text = text.replace(/\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)] ?(?:\n *)?\[(.*?)]()()()()/g, writeAnchorTag); // Next, inline-style links: [link text](url "optional title") // cases with crazy urls like ./image/cat1).png text = text.replace(/\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)]()[ \t]*\([ \t]?<([^>]*)>(?:[ \t]*((["'])([^"]*?)\5))?[ \t]?\)/g, writeAnchorTag); // normal cases text = text.replace(/\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)]()[ \t]*\([ \t]?<?([\S]+?(?:\([\S]*?\)[\S]*?)?)>?(?:[ \t]*((["'])([^"]*?)\5))?[ \t]?\)/g, writeAnchorTag); // handle reference-style shortcuts: [link text] // These must come last in case you've also got [link test][1] // or [link test](/foo) text = text.replace(/\[([^\[\]]+)]()()()()()/g, writeAnchorTag); // Lastly handle GithubMentions if option is enabled if (options.ghMentions) { text = text.replace(/(^|\s)(\\)?(@([a-z\d]+(?:[a-z\d.-]+?[a-z\d]+)*))/gmi, function (wm, st, escape, mentions, username) { if (escape === '\\') { return st + mentions; } //check if options.ghMentionsLink is a string if (!showdown.helper.isString(options.ghMentionsLink)) { throw new Error('ghMentionsLink option must be a string'); } var lnk = options.ghMentionsLink.replace(/\{u}/g, username), target = ''; if (options.openLinksInNewWindow) { target = ' rel="noopener noreferrer" target="¨E95Eblank"'; } return st + '<a href="' + lnk + '"' + target + '>' + mentions + '</a>'; }); } text = globals.converter._dispatch('anchors.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); // url allowed chars [a-z\d_.~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=-] var simpleURLRegex = /([*~_]+|\b)(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+?\.[^'">\s]+?)()(\1)?(?=\s|$)(?!["<>])/gi, simpleURLRegex2 = /([*~_]+|\b)(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+\.[^'">\s]+?)([.!?,()\[\]])?(\1)?(?=\s|$)(?!["<>])/gi, delimUrlRegex = /()<(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+)()>()/gi, simpleMailRegex = /(^|\s)(?:mailto:)?([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~.]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)(?=$|\s)/gmi, delimMailRegex = /<()(?:mailto:)?([-.\w]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)>/gi, replaceLink = function (options) { 'use strict'; return function (wm, leadingMagicChars, link, m2, m3, trailingPunctuation, trailingMagicChars) { link = link.replace(showdown.helper.regexes.asteriskDashAndColon, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); var lnkTxt = link, append = '', target = '', lmc = leadingMagicChars || '', tmc = trailingMagicChars || ''; if (/^www\./i.test(link)) { link = link.replace(/^www\./i, 'http://www.'); } if (options.excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs && trailingPunctuation) { append = trailingPunctuation; } if (options.openLinksInNewWindow) { target = ' rel="noopener noreferrer" target="¨E95Eblank"'; } return lmc + '<a href="' + link + '"' + target + '>' + lnkTxt + '</a>' + append + tmc; }; }, replaceMail = function (options, globals) { 'use strict'; return function (wholeMatch, b, mail) { var href = 'mailto:'; b = b || ''; mail = showdown.subParser('unescapeSpecialChars')(mail, options, globals); if (options.encodeEmails) { href = showdown.helper.encodeEmailAddress(href + mail); mail = showdown.helper.encodeEmailAddress(mail); } else { href = href + mail; } return b + '<a href="' + href + '">' + mail + '</a>'; }; }; showdown.subParser('autoLinks', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('autoLinks.before', text, options, globals); text = text.replace(delimUrlRegex, replaceLink(options)); text = text.replace(delimMailRegex, replaceMail(options, globals)); text = globals.converter._dispatch('autoLinks.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('simplifiedAutoLinks', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; if (!options.simplifiedAutoLink) { return text; } text = globals.converter._dispatch('simplifiedAutoLinks.before', text, options, globals); if (options.excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs) { text = text.replace(simpleURLRegex2, replaceLink(options)); } else { text = text.replace(simpleURLRegex, replaceLink(options)); } text = text.replace(simpleMailRegex, replaceMail(options, globals)); text = globals.converter._dispatch('simplifiedAutoLinks.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * These are all the transformations that form block-level * tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items. */ showdown.subParser('blockGamut', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('blockGamut.before', text, options, globals); // we parse blockquotes first so that we can have headings and hrs // inside blockquotes text = showdown.subParser('blockQuotes')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('headers')(text, options, globals); // Do Horizontal Rules: text = showdown.subParser('horizontalRule')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('lists')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('codeBlocks')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('tables')(text, options, globals); // We already ran _HashHTMLBlocks() before, in Markdown(), but that // was to escape raw HTML in the original Markdown source. This time, // we're escaping the markup we've just created, so that we don't wrap // <p> tags around block-level tags. text = showdown.subParser('hashHTMLBlocks')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('paragraphs')(text, options, globals); text = globals.converter._dispatch('blockGamut.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('blockQuotes', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('blockQuotes.before', text, options, globals); // add a couple extra lines after the text and endtext mark text = text + '\n\n'; var rgx = /(^ {0,3}>[ \t]?.+\n(.+\n)*\n*)+/gm; if (options.splitAdjacentBlockquotes) { rgx = /^ {0,3}>[\s\S]*?(?:\n\n)/gm; } text = text.replace(rgx, function (bq) { // attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug: // "----------bug".replace(/^-/g,"") == "bug" bq = bq.replace(/^[ \t]*>[ \t]?/gm, ''); // trim one level of quoting // attacklab: clean up hack bq = bq.replace(/¨0/g, ''); bq = bq.replace(/^[ \t]+$/gm, ''); // trim whitespace-only lines bq = showdown.subParser('githubCodeBlocks')(bq, options, globals); bq = showdown.subParser('blockGamut')(bq, options, globals); // recurse bq = bq.replace(/(^|\n)/g, '$1 '); // These leading spaces screw with <pre> content, so we need to fix that: bq = bq.replace(/(\s*<pre>[^\r]+?<\/pre>)/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1) { var pre = m1; // attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug: pre = pre.replace(/^ /mg, '¨0'); pre = pre.replace(/¨0/g, ''); return pre; }); return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')('<blockquote>\n' + bq + '\n</blockquote>', options, globals); }); text = globals.converter._dispatch('blockQuotes.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Process Markdown `<pre><code>` blocks. */ showdown.subParser('codeBlocks', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('codeBlocks.before', text, options, globals); // sentinel workarounds for lack of \A and \Z, safari\khtml bug text += '¨0'; var pattern = /(?:\n\n|^)((?:(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*\n+)+)(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=¨0))/g; text = text.replace(pattern, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2) { var codeblock = m1, nextChar = m2, end = '\n'; codeblock = showdown.subParser('outdent')(codeblock, options, globals); codeblock = showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(codeblock, options, globals); codeblock = showdown.subParser('detab')(codeblock, options, globals); codeblock = codeblock.replace(/^\n+/g, ''); // trim leading newlines codeblock = codeblock.replace(/\n+$/g, ''); // trim trailing newlines if (options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks) { end = ''; } codeblock = '<pre><code>' + codeblock + end + '</code></pre>'; return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(codeblock, options, globals) + nextChar; }); // strip sentinel text = text.replace(/¨0/, ''); text = globals.converter._dispatch('codeBlocks.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * * * Backtick quotes are used for <code></code> spans. * * * You can use multiple backticks as the delimiters if you want to * include literal backticks in the code span. So, this input: * * Just type ``foo `bar` baz`` at the prompt. * * Will translate to: * * <p>Just type <code>foo `bar` baz</code> at the prompt.</p> * * There's no arbitrary limit to the number of backticks you * can use as delimters. If you need three consecutive backticks * in your code, use four for delimiters, etc. * * * You can use spaces to get literal backticks at the edges: * * ... type `` `bar` `` ... * * Turns to: * * ... type <code>`bar`</code> ... */ showdown.subParser('codeSpans', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('codeSpans.before', text, options, globals); if (typeof text === 'undefined') { text = ''; } text = text.replace(/(^|[^\\])(`+)([^\r]*?[^`])\2(?!`)/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3) { var c = m3; c = c.replace(/^([ \t]*)/g, ''); // leading whitespace c = c.replace(/[ \t]*$/g, ''); // trailing whitespace c = showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(c, options, globals); c = m1 + '<code>' + c + '</code>'; c = showdown.subParser('hashHTMLSpans')(c, options, globals); return c; } ); text = globals.converter._dispatch('codeSpans.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Create a full HTML document from the processed markdown */ showdown.subParser('completeHTMLDocument', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; if (!options.completeHTMLDocument) { return text; } text = globals.converter._dispatch('completeHTMLDocument.before', text, options, globals); var doctype = 'html', doctypeParsed = '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n', title = '', charset = '<meta charset="utf-8">\n', lang = '', metadata = ''; if (typeof globals.metadata.parsed.doctype !== 'undefined') { doctypeParsed = '<!DOCTYPE ' + globals.metadata.parsed.doctype + '>\n'; doctype = globals.metadata.parsed.doctype.toString().toLowerCase(); if (doctype === 'html' || doctype === 'html5') { charset = '<meta charset="utf-8">'; } } for (var meta in globals.metadata.parsed) { if (globals.metadata.parsed.hasOwnProperty(meta)) { switch (meta.toLowerCase()) { case 'doctype': break; case 'title': title = '<title>' + globals.metadata.parsed.title + '\n'; break; case 'charset': if (doctype === 'html' || doctype === 'html5') { charset = '\n'; } else { charset = '\n'; } break; case 'language': case 'lang': lang = ' lang="' + globals.metadata.parsed[meta] + '"'; metadata += '\n'; break; default: metadata += '\n'; } } } text = doctypeParsed + '\n\n' + title + charset + metadata + '\n\n' + text.trim() + '\n\n'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('completeHTMLDocument.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Convert all tabs to spaces */ showdown.subParser('detab', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('detab.before', text, options, globals); // expand first n-1 tabs text = text.replace(/\t(?=\t)/g, ' '); // g_tab_width // replace the nth with two sentinels text = text.replace(/\t/g, '¨A¨B'); // use the sentinel to anchor our regex so it doesn't explode text = text.replace(/¨B(.+?)¨A/g, function (wholeMatch, m1) { var leadingText = m1, numSpaces = 4 - leadingText.length % 4; // g_tab_width // there *must* be a better way to do this: for (var i = 0; i < numSpaces; i++) { leadingText += ' '; } return leadingText; }); // clean up sentinels text = text.replace(/¨A/g, ' '); // g_tab_width text = text.replace(/¨B/g, ''); text = globals.converter._dispatch('detab.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('ellipsis', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('ellipsis.before', text, options, globals); text = text.replace(/\.\.\./g, '…'); text = globals.converter._dispatch('ellipsis.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Turn emoji codes into emojis * * List of supported emojis: */ showdown.subParser('emoji', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; if (!options.emoji) { return text; } text = globals.converter._dispatch('emoji.before', text, options, globals); var emojiRgx = /:([\S]+?):/g; text = text.replace(emojiRgx, function (wm, emojiCode) { if (showdown.helper.emojis.hasOwnProperty(emojiCode)) { return showdown.helper.emojis[emojiCode]; } return wm; }); text = globals.converter._dispatch('emoji.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Smart processing for ampersands and angle brackets that need to be encoded. */ showdown.subParser('encodeAmpsAndAngles', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('encodeAmpsAndAngles.before', text, options, globals); // Ampersand-encoding based entirely on Nat Irons's Amputator MT plugin: // text = text.replace(/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);)/g, '&'); // Encode naked <'s text = text.replace(/<(?![a-z\/?$!])/gi, '<'); // Encode < text = text.replace(/ text = text.replace(/>/g, '>'); text = globals.converter._dispatch('encodeAmpsAndAngles.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Returns the string, with after processing the following backslash escape sequences. * * attacklab: The polite way to do this is with the new escapeCharacters() function: * * text = escapeCharacters(text,"\\",true); * text = escapeCharacters(text,"`*_{}[]()>#+-.!",true); * * ...but we're sidestepping its use of the (slow) RegExp constructor * as an optimization for Firefox. This function gets called a LOT. */ showdown.subParser('encodeBackslashEscapes', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('encodeBackslashEscapes.before', text, options, globals); text = text.replace(/\\(\\)/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); text = text.replace(/\\([`*_{}\[\]()>#+.!~=|-])/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); text = globals.converter._dispatch('encodeBackslashEscapes.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Encode/escape certain characters inside Markdown code runs. * The point is that in code, these characters are literals, * and lose their special Markdown meanings. */ showdown.subParser('encodeCode', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('encodeCode.before', text, options, globals); // Encode all ampersands; HTML entities are not // entities within a Markdown code span. text = text .replace(/&/g, '&') // Do the angle bracket song and dance: .replace(//g, '>') // Now, escape characters that are magic in Markdown: .replace(/([*_{}\[\]\\=~-])/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); text = globals.converter._dispatch('encodeCode.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Within tags -- meaning between < and > -- encode [\ ` * _ ~ =] so they * don't conflict with their use in Markdown for code, italics and strong. */ showdown.subParser('escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes.before', text, options, globals); // Build a regex to find HTML tags. var tags = /<\/?[a-z\d_:-]+(?:[\s]+[\s\S]+?)?>/gi, comments = /-]|-[^>])(?:[^-]|-[^-])*)--)>/gi; text = text.replace(tags, function (wholeMatch) { return wholeMatch .replace(/(.)<\/?code>(?=.)/g, '$1`') .replace(/([\\`*_~=|])/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); }); text = text.replace(comments, function (wholeMatch) { return wholeMatch .replace(/([\\`*_~=|])/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); }); text = globals.converter._dispatch('escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Handle github codeblocks prior to running HashHTML so that * HTML contained within the codeblock gets escaped properly * Example: * ```ruby * def hello_world(x) * puts "Hello, #{x}" * end * ``` */ showdown.subParser('githubCodeBlocks', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; // early exit if option is not enabled if (!options.ghCodeBlocks) { return text; } text = globals.converter._dispatch('githubCodeBlocks.before', text, options, globals); text += '¨0'; text = text.replace(/(?:^|\n)(?: {0,3})(```+|~~~+)(?: *)([^\s`~]*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n(?: {0,3})\1/g, function (wholeMatch, delim, language, codeblock) { var end = (options.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks) ? '' : '\n'; // First parse the github code block codeblock = showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(codeblock, options, globals); codeblock = showdown.subParser('detab')(codeblock, options, globals); codeblock = codeblock.replace(/^\n+/g, ''); // trim leading newlines codeblock = codeblock.replace(/\n+$/g, ''); // trim trailing whitespace codeblock = '
' + codeblock + end + '
'; codeblock = showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(codeblock, options, globals); // Since GHCodeblocks can be false positives, we need to // store the primitive text and the parsed text in a global var, // and then return a token return '\n\n¨G' + (globals.ghCodeBlocks.push({text: wholeMatch, codeblock: codeblock}) - 1) + 'G\n\n'; }); // attacklab: strip sentinel text = text.replace(/¨0/, ''); return globals.converter._dispatch('githubCodeBlocks.after', text, options, globals); }); showdown.subParser('hashBlock', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashBlock.before', text, options, globals); text = text.replace(/(^\n+|\n+$)/g, ''); text = '\n\n¨K' + (globals.gHtmlBlocks.push(text) - 1) + 'K\n\n'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashBlock.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Hash and escape elements that should not be parsed as markdown */ showdown.subParser('hashCodeTags', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashCodeTags.before', text, options, globals); var repFunc = function (wholeMatch, match, left, right) { var codeblock = left + showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(match, options, globals) + right; return '¨C' + (globals.gHtmlSpans.push(codeblock) - 1) + 'C'; }; // Hash naked text = showdown.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(text, repFunc, ']*>', '', 'gim'); text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashCodeTags.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('hashElement', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; return function (wholeMatch, m1) { var blockText = m1; // Undo double lines blockText = blockText.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n'); blockText = blockText.replace(/^\n/, ''); // strip trailing blank lines blockText = blockText.replace(/\n+$/g, ''); // Replace the element text with a marker ("¨KxK" where x is its key) blockText = '\n\n¨K' + (globals.gHtmlBlocks.push(blockText) - 1) + 'K\n\n'; return blockText; }; }); showdown.subParser('hashHTMLBlocks', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashHTMLBlocks.before', text, options, globals); var blockTags = [ 'pre', 'div', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'table', 'dl', 'ol', 'ul', 'script', 'noscript', 'form', 'fieldset', 'iframe', 'math', 'style', 'section', 'header', 'footer', 'nav', 'article', 'aside', 'address', 'audio', 'canvas', 'figure', 'hgroup', 'output', 'video', 'p' ], repFunc = function (wholeMatch, match, left, right) { var txt = wholeMatch; // check if this html element is marked as markdown // if so, it's contents should be parsed as markdown if (\bmarkdown\b/) !== -1) { txt = left + globals.converter.makeHtml(match) + right; } return '\n\n¨K' + (globals.gHtmlBlocks.push(txt) - 1) + 'K\n\n'; }; if (options.backslashEscapesHTMLTags) { // encode backslash escaped HTML tags text = text.replace(/\\<(\/?[^>]+?)>/g, function (wm, inside) { return '<' + inside + '>'; }); } // hash HTML Blocks for (var i = 0; i < blockTags.length; ++i) { var opTagPos, rgx1 = new RegExp('^ {0,3}(<' + blockTags[i] + '\\b[^>]*>)', 'im'), patLeft = '<' + blockTags[i] + '\\b[^>]*>', patRight = ''; // 1. Look for the first position of the first opening HTML tag in the text while ((opTagPos = showdown.helper.regexIndexOf(text, rgx1)) !== -1) { // if the HTML tag is \ escaped, we need to escape it and break //2. Split the text in that position var subTexts = showdown.helper.splitAtIndex(text, opTagPos), //3. Match recursively newSubText1 = showdown.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(subTexts[1], repFunc, patLeft, patRight, 'im'); // prevent an infinite loop if (newSubText1 === subTexts[1]) { break; } text = subTexts[0].concat(newSubText1); } } // HR SPECIAL CASE text = text.replace(/(\n {0,3}(<(hr)\b([^<>])*?\/?>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g, showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals)); // Special case for standalone HTML comments text = showdown.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(text, function (txt) { return '\n\n¨K' + (globals.gHtmlBlocks.push(txt) - 1) + 'K\n\n'; }, '^ {0,3}', 'gm'); // PHP and ASP-style processor instructions ( and <%...%>) text = text.replace(/(?:\n\n)( {0,3}(?:<([?%])[^\r]*?\2>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g, showdown.subParser('hashElement')(text, options, globals)); text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashHTMLBlocks.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Hash span elements that should not be parsed as markdown */ showdown.subParser('hashHTMLSpans', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashHTMLSpans.before', text, options, globals); function hashHTMLSpan (html) { return '¨C' + (globals.gHtmlSpans.push(html) - 1) + 'C'; } // Hash Self Closing tags text = text.replace(/<[^>]+?\/>/gi, function (wm) { return hashHTMLSpan(wm); }); // Hash tags without properties text = text.replace(/<([^>]+?)>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/g, function (wm) { return hashHTMLSpan(wm); }); // Hash tags with properties text = text.replace(/<([^>]+?)\s[^>]+?>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/g, function (wm) { return hashHTMLSpan(wm); }); // Hash self closing tags without /> text = text.replace(/<[^>]+?>/gi, function (wm) { return hashHTMLSpan(wm); }); /*showdown.helper.matchRecursiveRegExp(text, ']*>', '', 'gi');*/ text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashHTMLSpans.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Unhash HTML spans */ showdown.subParser('unhashHTMLSpans', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('unhashHTMLSpans.before', text, options, globals); for (var i = 0; i < globals.gHtmlSpans.length; ++i) { var repText = globals.gHtmlSpans[i], // limiter to prevent infinite loop (assume 10 as limit for recurse) limit = 0; while (/¨C(\d+)C/.test(repText)) { var num = RegExp.$1; repText = repText.replace('¨C' + num + 'C', globals.gHtmlSpans[num]); if (limit === 10) { console.error('maximum nesting of 10 spans reached!!!'); break; } ++limit; } text = text.replace('¨C' + i + 'C', repText); } text = globals.converter._dispatch('unhashHTMLSpans.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Hash and escape
 elements that should not be parsed as markdown
showdown.subParser('hashPreCodeTags', function (text, options, globals) {
  'use strict';
  text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashPreCodeTags.before', text, options, globals);

  var repFunc = function (wholeMatch, match, left, right) {
    // encode html entities
    var codeblock = left + showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(match, options, globals) + right;
    return '\n\n¨G' + (globals.ghCodeBlocks.push({text: wholeMatch, codeblock: codeblock}) - 1) + 'G\n\n';

  // Hash 

  text = showdown.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(text, repFunc, '^ {0,3}]*>\\s*]*>', '^ {0,3}\\s*
', 'gim'); text = globals.converter._dispatch('hashPreCodeTags.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('headers', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('headers.before', text, options, globals); var headerLevelStart = (isNaN(parseInt(options.headerLevelStart))) ? 1 : parseInt(options.headerLevelStart), // Set text-style headers: // Header 1 // ======== // // Header 2 // -------- // setextRegexH1 = (options.smoothLivePreview) ? /^(.+)[ \t]*\n={2,}[ \t]*\n+/gm : /^(.+)[ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+/gm, setextRegexH2 = (options.smoothLivePreview) ? /^(.+)[ \t]*\n-{2,}[ \t]*\n+/gm : /^(.+)[ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+/gm; text = text.replace(setextRegexH1, function (wholeMatch, m1) { var spanGamut = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(m1, options, globals), hID = (options.noHeaderId) ? '' : ' id="' + headerId(m1) + '"', hLevel = headerLevelStart, hashBlock = '' + spanGamut + ''; return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(hashBlock, options, globals); }); text = text.replace(setextRegexH2, function (matchFound, m1) { var spanGamut = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(m1, options, globals), hID = (options.noHeaderId) ? '' : ' id="' + headerId(m1) + '"', hLevel = headerLevelStart + 1, hashBlock = '' + spanGamut + ''; return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(hashBlock, options, globals); }); // atx-style headers: // # Header 1 // ## Header 2 // ## Header 2 with closing hashes ## // ... // ###### Header 6 // var atxStyle = (options.requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText) ? /^(#{1,6})[ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*#*\n+/gm : /^(#{1,6})[ \t]*(.+?)[ \t]*#*\n+/gm; text = text.replace(atxStyle, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2) { var hText = m2; if (options.customizedHeaderId) { hText = m2.replace(/\s?\{([^{]+?)}\s*$/, ''); } var span = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(hText, options, globals), hID = (options.noHeaderId) ? '' : ' id="' + headerId(m2) + '"', hLevel = headerLevelStart - 1 + m1.length, header = '' + span + ''; return showdown.subParser('hashBlock')(header, options, globals); }); function headerId (m) { var title, prefix; // It is separate from other options to allow combining prefix and customized if (options.customizedHeaderId) { var match = m.match(/\{([^{]+?)}\s*$/); if (match && match[1]) { m = match[1]; } } title = m; // Prefix id to prevent causing inadvertent pre-existing style matches. if (showdown.helper.isString(options.prefixHeaderId)) { prefix = options.prefixHeaderId; } else if (options.prefixHeaderId === true) { prefix = 'section-'; } else { prefix = ''; } if (!options.rawPrefixHeaderId) { title = prefix + title; } if (options.ghCompatibleHeaderId) { title = title .replace(/ /g, '-') // replace previously escaped chars (&, ¨ and $) .replace(/&/g, '') .replace(/¨T/g, '') .replace(/¨D/g, '') // replace rest of the chars (&~$ are repeated as they might have been escaped) // borrowed from github's redcarpet (some they should produce similar results) .replace(/[&+$,\/:;=?@"#{}|^¨~\[\]`\\*)(%.!'<>]/g, '') .toLowerCase(); } else if (options.rawHeaderId) { title = title .replace(/ /g, '-') // replace previously escaped chars (&, ¨ and $) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/¨T/g, '¨') .replace(/¨D/g, '$') // replace " and ' .replace(/["']/g, '-') .toLowerCase(); } else { title = title .replace(/[^\w]/g, '') .toLowerCase(); } if (options.rawPrefixHeaderId) { title = prefix + title; } if (globals.hashLinkCounts[title]) { title = title + '-' + (globals.hashLinkCounts[title]++); } else { globals.hashLinkCounts[title] = 1; } return title; } text = globals.converter._dispatch('headers.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Turn Markdown link shortcuts into XHTML tags. */ showdown.subParser('horizontalRule', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('horizontalRule.before', text, options, globals); var key = showdown.subParser('hashBlock')('
', options, globals); text = text.replace(/^ {0,2}( ?-){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, key); text = text.replace(/^ {0,2}( ?\*){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, key); text = text.replace(/^ {0,2}( ?_){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, key); text = globals.converter._dispatch('horizontalRule.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Turn Markdown image shortcuts into tags. */ showdown.subParser('images', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('images.before', text, options, globals); var inlineRegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]??(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6)?[ \t]?\)/g, crazyRegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]?<([^>]*)>(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6))?[ \t]?\)/g, base64RegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]??(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6)?[ \t]?\)/g, referenceRegExp = /!\[([^\]]*?)] ?(?:\n *)?\[([\s\S]*?)]()()()()()/g, refShortcutRegExp = /!\[([^\[\]]+)]()()()()()/g; function writeImageTagBase64 (wholeMatch, altText, linkId, url, width, height, m5, title) { url = url.replace(/\s/g, ''); return writeImageTag (wholeMatch, altText, linkId, url, width, height, m5, title); } function writeImageTag (wholeMatch, altText, linkId, url, width, height, m5, title) { var gUrls = globals.gUrls, gTitles = globals.gTitles, gDims = globals.gDimensions; linkId = linkId.toLowerCase(); if (!title) { title = ''; } // Special case for explicit empty url if (\(? ?(['"].*['"])?\)$/m) > -1) { url = ''; } else if (url === '' || url === null) { if (linkId === '' || linkId === null) { // lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces linkId = altText.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g, ' '); } url = '#' + linkId; if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(gUrls[linkId])) { url = gUrls[linkId]; if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(gTitles[linkId])) { title = gTitles[linkId]; } if (!showdown.helper.isUndefined(gDims[linkId])) { width = gDims[linkId].width; height = gDims[linkId].height; } } else { return wholeMatch; } } altText = altText .replace(/"/g, '"') //altText = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(altText, '*_', false); .replace(showdown.helper.regexes.asteriskDashAndColon, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); //url = showdown.helper.escapeCharacters(url, '*_', false); url = url.replace(showdown.helper.regexes.asteriskDashAndColon, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); var result = '' + altText + 'x "optional title") // base64 encoded images text = text.replace(base64RegExp, writeImageTagBase64); // cases with crazy urls like ./image/cat1).png text = text.replace(crazyRegExp, writeImageTag); // normal cases text = text.replace(inlineRegExp, writeImageTag); // handle reference-style shortcuts: ![img text] text = text.replace(refShortcutRegExp, writeImageTag); text = globals.converter._dispatch('images.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('italicsAndBold', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('italicsAndBold.before', text, options, globals); // it's faster to have 3 separate regexes for each case than have just one // because of backtracing, in some cases, it could lead to an exponential effect // called "catastrophic backtrace". Ominous! function parseInside (txt, left, right) { /* if (options.simplifiedAutoLink) { txt = showdown.subParser('simplifiedAutoLinks')(txt, options, globals); } */ return left + txt + right; } // Parse underscores if (options.literalMidWordUnderscores) { text = text.replace(/\b___(\S[\s\S]*?)___\b/g, function (wm, txt) { return parseInside (txt, '', ''); }); text = text.replace(/\b__(\S[\s\S]*?)__\b/g, function (wm, txt) { return parseInside (txt, '', ''); }); text = text.replace(/\b_(\S[\s\S]*?)_\b/g, function (wm, txt) { return parseInside (txt, '', ''); }); } else { text = text.replace(/___(\S[\s\S]*?)___/g, function (wm, m) { return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? parseInside (m, '', '') : wm; }); text = text.replace(/__(\S[\s\S]*?)__/g, function (wm, m) { return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? parseInside (m, '', '') : wm; }); text = text.replace(/_([^\s_][\s\S]*?)_/g, function (wm, m) { // !/^_[^_]/.test(m) - test if it doesn't start with __ (since it seems redundant, we removed it) return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? parseInside (m, '', '') : wm; }); } // Now parse asterisks if (options.literalMidWordAsterisks) { text = text.replace(/([^*]|^)\B\*\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\*\B(?!\*)/g, function (wm, lead, txt) { return parseInside (txt, lead + '', ''); }); text = text.replace(/([^*]|^)\B\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\B(?!\*)/g, function (wm, lead, txt) { return parseInside (txt, lead + '', ''); }); text = text.replace(/([^*]|^)\B\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\B(?!\*)/g, function (wm, lead, txt) { return parseInside (txt, lead + '', ''); }); } else { text = text.replace(/\*\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\*/g, function (wm, m) { return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? parseInside (m, '', '') : wm; }); text = text.replace(/\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*/g, function (wm, m) { return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? parseInside (m, '', '') : wm; }); text = text.replace(/\*([^\s*][\s\S]*?)\*/g, function (wm, m) { // !/^\*[^*]/.test(m) - test if it doesn't start with ** (since it seems redundant, we removed it) return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? parseInside (m, '', '') : wm; }); } text = globals.converter._dispatch('italicsAndBold.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Form HTML ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists. */ showdown.subParser('lists', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; /** * Process the contents of a single ordered or unordered list, splitting it * into individual list items. * @param {string} listStr * @param {boolean} trimTrailing * @returns {string} */ function processListItems (listStr, trimTrailing) { // The $g_list_level global keeps track of when we're inside a list. // Each time we enter a list, we increment it; when we leave a list, // we decrement. If it's zero, we're not in a list anymore. // // We do this because when we're not inside a list, we want to treat // something like this: // // I recommend upgrading to version // 8. Oops, now this line is treated // as a sub-list. // // As a single paragraph, despite the fact that the second line starts // with a digit-period-space sequence. // // Whereas when we're inside a list (or sub-list), that line will be // treated as the start of a sub-list. What a kludge, huh? This is // an aspect of Markdown's syntax that's hard to parse perfectly // without resorting to mind-reading. Perhaps the solution is to // change the syntax rules such that sub-lists must start with a // starting cardinal number; e.g. "1." or "a.". globals.gListLevel++; // trim trailing blank lines: listStr = listStr.replace(/\n{2,}$/, '\n'); // attacklab: add sentinel to emulate \z listStr += '¨0'; var rgx = /(\n)?(^ {0,3})([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+((\[(x|X| )?])?[ \t]*[^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(¨0| {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm, isParagraphed = (/\n[ \t]*\n(?!¨0)/.test(listStr)); // Since version 1.5, nesting sublists requires 4 spaces (or 1 tab) indentation, // which is a syntax breaking change // activating this option reverts to old behavior if (options.disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists) { rgx = /(\n)?(^ {0,3})([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+((\[(x|X| )?])?[ \t]*[^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(¨0|\2([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm; } listStr = listStr.replace(rgx, function (wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3, m4, taskbtn, checked) { checked = (checked && checked.trim() !== ''); var item = showdown.subParser('outdent')(m4, options, globals), bulletStyle = ''; // Support for github tasklists if (taskbtn && options.tasklists) { bulletStyle = ' class="task-list-item" style="list-style-type: none;"'; item = item.replace(/^[ \t]*\[(x|X| )?]/m, function () { var otp = '
  • a
  • // instead of: //
    • - - a
    // So, to prevent it, we will put a marker (¨A)in the beginning of the line // Kind of hackish/monkey patching, but seems more effective than overcomplicating the list parser item = item.replace(/^([-*+]|\d\.)[ \t]+[\S\n ]*/g, function (wm2) { return '¨A' + wm2; }); // m1 - Leading line or // Has a double return (multi paragraph) or // Has sublist if (m1 || (\n{2,}/) > -1)) { item = showdown.subParser('githubCodeBlocks')(item, options, globals); item = showdown.subParser('blockGamut')(item, options, globals); } else { // Recursion for sub-lists: item = showdown.subParser('lists')(item, options, globals); item = item.replace(/\n$/, ''); // chomp(item) item = showdown.subParser('hashHTMLBlocks')(item, options, globals); // Colapse double linebreaks item = item.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n'); if (isParagraphed) { item = showdown.subParser('paragraphs')(item, options, globals); } else { item = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(item, options, globals); } } // now we need to remove the marker (¨A) item = item.replace('¨A', ''); // we can finally wrap the line in list item tags item = '' + item + '\n'; return item; }); // attacklab: strip sentinel listStr = listStr.replace(/¨0/g, ''); globals.gListLevel--; if (trimTrailing) { listStr = listStr.replace(/\s+$/, ''); } return listStr; } function styleStartNumber (list, listType) { // check if ol and starts by a number different than 1 if (listType === 'ol') { var res = list.match(/^ *(\d+)\./); if (res && res[1] !== '1') { return ' start="' + res[1] + '"'; } } return ''; } /** * Check and parse consecutive lists (better fix for issue #142) * @param {string} list * @param {string} listType * @param {boolean} trimTrailing * @returns {string} */ function parseConsecutiveLists (list, listType, trimTrailing) { // check if we caught 2 or more consecutive lists by mistake // we use the counterRgx, meaning if listType is UL we look for OL and vice versa var olRgx = (options.disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists) ? /^ ?\d+\.[ \t]/gm : /^ {0,3}\d+\.[ \t]/gm, ulRgx = (options.disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists) ? /^ ?[*+-][ \t]/gm : /^ {0,3}[*+-][ \t]/gm, counterRxg = (listType === 'ul') ? olRgx : ulRgx, result = ''; if ( !== -1) { (function parseCL (txt) { var pos =, style = styleStartNumber(list, listType); if (pos !== -1) { // slice result += '\n\n<' + listType + style + '>\n' + processListItems(txt.slice(0, pos), !!trimTrailing) + '\n'; // invert counterType and listType listType = (listType === 'ul') ? 'ol' : 'ul'; counterRxg = (listType === 'ul') ? olRgx : ulRgx; //recurse parseCL(txt.slice(pos)); } else { result += '\n\n<' + listType + style + '>\n' + processListItems(txt, !!trimTrailing) + '\n'; } })(list); } else { var style = styleStartNumber(list, listType); result = '\n\n<' + listType + style + '>\n' + processListItems(list, !!trimTrailing) + '\n'; } return result; } /** Start of list parsing **/ text = globals.converter._dispatch('lists.before', text, options, globals); // add sentinel to hack around khtml/safari bug: // text += '¨0'; if (globals.gListLevel) { text = text.replace(/^(( {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(¨0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm, function (wholeMatch, list, m2) { var listType = ([*+-]/g) > -1) ? 'ul' : 'ol'; return parseConsecutiveLists(list, listType, true); } ); } else { text = text.replace(/(\n\n|^\n?)(( {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(¨0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm, function (wholeMatch, m1, list, m3) { var listType = ([*+-]/g) > -1) ? 'ul' : 'ol'; return parseConsecutiveLists(list, listType, false); } ); } // strip sentinel text = text.replace(/¨0/, ''); text = globals.converter._dispatch('lists.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Parse metadata at the top of the document */ showdown.subParser('metadata', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; if (!options.metadata) { return text; } text = globals.converter._dispatch('metadata.before', text, options, globals); function parseMetadataContents (content) { // raw is raw so it's not changed in any way globals.metadata.raw = content; // escape chars forbidden in html attributes // double quotes content = content // ampersand first .replace(/&/g, '&') // double quotes .replace(/"/g, '"'); content = content.replace(/\n {4}/g, ' '); content.replace(/^([\S ]+): +([\s\S]+?)$/gm, function (wm, key, value) { globals.metadata.parsed[key] = value; return ''; }); } text = text.replace(/^\s*«««+(\S*?)\n([\s\S]+?)\n»»»+\n/, function (wholematch, format, content) { parseMetadataContents(content); return '¨M'; }); text = text.replace(/^\s*---+(\S*?)\n([\s\S]+?)\n---+\n/, function (wholematch, format, content) { if (format) { globals.metadata.format = format; } parseMetadataContents(content); return '¨M'; }); text = text.replace(/¨M/g, ''); text = globals.converter._dispatch('metadata.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Remove one level of line-leading tabs or spaces */ showdown.subParser('outdent', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('outdent.before', text, options, globals); // attacklab: hack around Konqueror 3.5.4 bug: // "----------bug".replace(/^-/g,"") == "bug" text = text.replace(/^(\t|[ ]{1,4})/gm, '¨0'); // attacklab: g_tab_width // attacklab: clean up hack text = text.replace(/¨0/g, ''); text = globals.converter._dispatch('outdent.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * */ showdown.subParser('paragraphs', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('paragraphs.before', text, options, globals); // Strip leading and trailing lines: text = text.replace(/^\n+/g, ''); text = text.replace(/\n+$/g, ''); var grafs = text.split(/\n{2,}/g), grafsOut = [], end = grafs.length; // Wrap

    tags for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) { var str = grafs[i]; // if this is an HTML marker, copy it if (¨(K|G)(\d+)\1/g) >= 0) { grafsOut.push(str); // test for presence of characters to prevent empty lines being parsed // as paragraphs (resulting in undesired extra empty paragraphs) } else if (\S/) >= 0) { str = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(str, options, globals); str = str.replace(/^([ \t]*)/g, '

    '); str += '

    '; grafsOut.push(str); } } /** Unhashify HTML blocks */ end = grafsOut.length; for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { var blockText = '', grafsOutIt = grafsOut[i], codeFlag = false; // if this is a marker for an html block... // use RegExp.test instead of because of QML bug while (/¨(K|G)(\d+)\1/.test(grafsOutIt)) { var delim = RegExp.$1, num = RegExp.$2; if (delim === 'K') { blockText = globals.gHtmlBlocks[num]; } else { // we need to check if ghBlock is a false positive if (codeFlag) { // use encoded version of all text blockText = showdown.subParser('encodeCode')(globals.ghCodeBlocks[num].text, options, globals); } else { blockText = globals.ghCodeBlocks[num].codeblock; } } blockText = blockText.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$'); // Escape any dollar signs grafsOutIt = grafsOutIt.replace(/(\n\n)?¨(K|G)\d+\2(\n\n)?/, blockText); // Check if grafsOutIt is a pre->code if (/^]*>\s*]*>/.test(grafsOutIt)) { codeFlag = true; } } grafsOut[i] = grafsOutIt; } text = grafsOut.join('\n'); // Strip leading and trailing lines: text = text.replace(/^\n+/g, ''); text = text.replace(/\n+$/g, ''); return globals.converter._dispatch('paragraphs.after', text, options, globals); }); /** * Run extension */ showdown.subParser('runExtension', function (ext, text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; if (ext.filter) { text = ext.filter(text, globals.converter, options); } else if (ext.regex) { // TODO remove this when old extension loading mechanism is deprecated var re = ext.regex; if (!(re instanceof RegExp)) { re = new RegExp(re, 'g'); } text = text.replace(re, ext.replace); } return text; }); /** * These are all the transformations that occur *within* block-level * tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items. */ showdown.subParser('spanGamut', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('spanGamut.before', text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('codeSpans')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('encodeBackslashEscapes')(text, options, globals); // Process anchor and image tags. Images must come first, // because ![foo][f] looks like an anchor. text = showdown.subParser('images')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('anchors')(text, options, globals); // Make links out of things like `` // Must come after anchors, because you can use < and > // delimiters in inline links like [this](). text = showdown.subParser('autoLinks')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('simplifiedAutoLinks')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('emoji')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('underline')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('italicsAndBold')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('strikethrough')(text, options, globals); text = showdown.subParser('ellipsis')(text, options, globals); // we need to hash HTML tags inside spans text = showdown.subParser('hashHTMLSpans')(text, options, globals); // now we encode amps and angles text = showdown.subParser('encodeAmpsAndAngles')(text, options, globals); // Do hard breaks if (options.simpleLineBreaks) { // GFM style hard breaks // only add line breaks if the text does not contain a block (special case for lists) if (!/\n\n¨K/.test(text)) { text = text.replace(/\n+/g, '
    \n'); } } else { // Vanilla hard breaks text = text.replace(/ +\n/g, '
    \n'); } text = globals.converter._dispatch('spanGamut.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('strikethrough', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; function parseInside (txt) { if (options.simplifiedAutoLink) { txt = showdown.subParser('simplifiedAutoLinks')(txt, options, globals); } return '' + txt + ''; } if (options.strikethrough) { text = globals.converter._dispatch('strikethrough.before', text, options, globals); text = text.replace(/(?:~){2}([\s\S]+?)(?:~){2}/g, function (wm, txt) { return parseInside(txt); }); text = globals.converter._dispatch('strikethrough.after', text, options, globals); } return text; }); /** * Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in * hash references. * Link defs are in the form: ^[id]: url "optional title" */ showdown.subParser('stripLinkDefinitions', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; var regex = /^ {0,3}\[(.+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*\s]+)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|(?=¨0))/gm, base64Regex = /^ {0,3}\[(.+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n\n|(?=¨0)|(?=\n\[))/gm; // attacklab: sentinel workarounds for lack of \A and \Z, safari\khtml bug text += '¨0'; var replaceFunc = function (wholeMatch, linkId, url, width, height, blankLines, title) { linkId = linkId.toLowerCase(); if (url.match(/^data:.+?\/.+?;base64,/)) { // remove newlines globals.gUrls[linkId] = url.replace(/\s/g, ''); } else { globals.gUrls[linkId] = showdown.subParser('encodeAmpsAndAngles')(url, options, globals); // Link IDs are case-insensitive } if (blankLines) { // Oops, found blank lines, so it's not a title. // Put back the parenthetical statement we stole. return blankLines + title; } else { if (title) { globals.gTitles[linkId] = title.replace(/"|'/g, '"'); } if (options.parseImgDimensions && width && height) { globals.gDimensions[linkId] = { width: width, height: height }; } } // Completely remove the definition from the text return ''; }; // first we try to find base64 link references text = text.replace(base64Regex, replaceFunc); text = text.replace(regex, replaceFunc); // attacklab: strip sentinel text = text.replace(/¨0/, ''); return text; }); showdown.subParser('tables', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; if (!options.tables) { return text; } var tableRgx = /^ {0,3}\|?.+\|.+\n {0,3}\|?[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[\s\S]+?(?:\n\n|¨0)/gm, //singeColTblRgx = /^ {0,3}\|.+\|\n {0,3}\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*\n(?: {0,3}\|.+\|\n)+(?:\n\n|¨0)/gm; singeColTblRgx = /^ {0,3}\|.+\|[ \t]*\n {0,3}\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*\n( {0,3}\|.+\|[ \t]*\n)*(?:\n|¨0)/gm; function parseStyles (sLine) { if (/^:[ \t]*--*$/.test(sLine)) { return ' style="text-align:left;"'; } else if (/^--*[ \t]*:[ \t]*$/.test(sLine)) { return ' style="text-align:right;"'; } else if (/^:[ \t]*--*[ \t]*:$/.test(sLine)) { return ' style="text-align:center;"'; } else { return ''; } } function parseHeaders (header, style) { var id = ''; header = header.trim(); // support both tablesHeaderId and tableHeaderId due to error in documentation so we don't break backwards compatibility if (options.tablesHeaderId || options.tableHeaderId) { id = ' id="' + header.replace(/ /g, '_').toLowerCase() + '"'; } header = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(header, options, globals); return '' + header + '\n'; } function parseCells (cell, style) { var subText = showdown.subParser('spanGamut')(cell, options, globals); return '' + subText + '\n'; } function buildTable (headers, cells) { var tb = '\n\n\n', tblLgn = headers.length; for (var i = 0; i < tblLgn; ++i) { tb += headers[i]; } tb += '\n\n\n'; for (i = 0; i < cells.length; ++i) { tb += '\n'; for (var ii = 0; ii < tblLgn; ++ii) { tb += cells[i][ii]; } tb += '\n'; } tb += '\n
    \n'; return tb; } function parseTable (rawTable) { var i, tableLines = rawTable.split('\n'); for (i = 0; i < tableLines.length; ++i) { // strip wrong first and last column if wrapped tables are used if (/^ {0,3}\|/.test(tableLines[i])) { tableLines[i] = tableLines[i].replace(/^ {0,3}\|/, ''); } if (/\|[ \t]*$/.test(tableLines[i])) { tableLines[i] = tableLines[i].replace(/\|[ \t]*$/, ''); } // parse code spans first, but we only support one line code spans tableLines[i] = showdown.subParser('codeSpans')(tableLines[i], options, globals); } var rawHeaders = tableLines[0].split('|').map(function (s) { return s.trim();}), rawStyles = tableLines[1].split('|').map(function (s) { return s.trim();}), rawCells = [], headers = [], styles = [], cells = []; tableLines.shift(); tableLines.shift(); for (i = 0; i < tableLines.length; ++i) { if (tableLines[i].trim() === '') { continue; } rawCells.push( tableLines[i] .split('|') .map(function (s) { return s.trim(); }) ); } if (rawHeaders.length < rawStyles.length) { return rawTable; } for (i = 0; i < rawStyles.length; ++i) { styles.push(parseStyles(rawStyles[i])); } for (i = 0; i < rawHeaders.length; ++i) { if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(styles[i])) { styles[i] = ''; } headers.push(parseHeaders(rawHeaders[i], styles[i])); } for (i = 0; i < rawCells.length; ++i) { var row = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < headers.length; ++ii) { if (showdown.helper.isUndefined(rawCells[i][ii])) { } row.push(parseCells(rawCells[i][ii], styles[ii])); } cells.push(row); } return buildTable(headers, cells); } text = globals.converter._dispatch('tables.before', text, options, globals); // find escaped pipe characters text = text.replace(/\\(\|)/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); // parse multi column tables text = text.replace(tableRgx, parseTable); // parse one column tables text = text.replace(singeColTblRgx, parseTable); text = globals.converter._dispatch('tables.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('underline', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; if (!options.underline) { return text; } text = globals.converter._dispatch('underline.before', text, options, globals); if (options.literalMidWordUnderscores) { text = text.replace(/\b___(\S[\s\S]*?)___\b/g, function (wm, txt) { return '' + txt + ''; }); text = text.replace(/\b__(\S[\s\S]*?)__\b/g, function (wm, txt) { return '' + txt + ''; }); } else { text = text.replace(/___(\S[\s\S]*?)___/g, function (wm, m) { return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? '' + m + '' : wm; }); text = text.replace(/__(\S[\s\S]*?)__/g, function (wm, m) { return (/\S$/.test(m)) ? '' + m + '' : wm; }); } // escape remaining underscores to prevent them being parsed by italic and bold text = text.replace(/(_)/g, showdown.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); text = globals.converter._dispatch('underline.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); /** * Swap back in all the special characters we've hidden. */ showdown.subParser('unescapeSpecialChars', function (text, options, globals) { 'use strict'; text = globals.converter._dispatch('unescapeSpecialChars.before', text, options, globals); text = text.replace(/¨E(\d+)E/g, function (wholeMatch, m1) { var charCodeToReplace = parseInt(m1); return String.fromCharCode(charCodeToReplace); }); text = globals.converter._dispatch('unescapeSpecialChars.after', text, options, globals); return text; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.blockquote', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (node.hasChildNodes()) { var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { var innerTxt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); if (innerTxt === '') { continue; } txt += innerTxt; } } // cleanup txt = txt.trim(); txt = '> ' + txt.split('\n').join('\n> '); return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.codeBlock', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var lang = node.getAttribute('language'), num = node.getAttribute('precodenum'); return '```' + lang + '\n' + globals.preList[num] + '\n```'; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.codeSpan', function (node) { 'use strict'; return '`' + node.innerHTML + '`'; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.emphasis', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (node.hasChildNodes()) { txt += '*'; var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { txt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); } txt += '*'; } return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.header', function (node, globals, headerLevel) { 'use strict'; var headerMark = new Array(headerLevel + 1).join('#'), txt = ''; if (node.hasChildNodes()) { txt = headerMark + ' '; var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { txt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); } } return txt; }); showdown.subParser('', function () { 'use strict'; return '---'; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.image', function (node) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (node.hasAttribute('src')) { txt += '![' + node.getAttribute('alt') + ']('; txt += '<' + node.getAttribute('src') + '>'; if (node.hasAttribute('width') && node.hasAttribute('height')) { txt += ' =' + node.getAttribute('width') + 'x' + node.getAttribute('height'); } if (node.hasAttribute('title')) { txt += ' "' + node.getAttribute('title') + '"'; } txt += ')'; } return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.links', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (node.hasChildNodes() && node.hasAttribute('href')) { var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; txt = '['; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { txt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); } txt += ']('; txt += '<' + node.getAttribute('href') + '>'; if (node.hasAttribute('title')) { txt += ' "' + node.getAttribute('title') + '"'; } txt += ')'; } return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.list', function (node, globals, type) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (!node.hasChildNodes()) { return ''; } var listItems = node.childNodes, listItemsLenght = listItems.length, listNum = node.getAttribute('start') || 1; for (var i = 0; i < listItemsLenght; ++i) { if (typeof listItems[i].tagName === 'undefined' || listItems[i].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'li') { continue; } // define the bullet to use in list var bullet = ''; if (type === 'ol') { bullet = listNum.toString() + '. '; } else { bullet = '- '; } // parse list item txt += bullet + showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.listItem')(listItems[i], globals); ++listNum; } // add comment at the end to prevent consecutive lists to be parsed as one txt += '\n\n'; return txt.trim(); }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.listItem', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var listItemTxt = ''; var children = node.childNodes, childrenLenght = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLenght; ++i) { listItemTxt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); } // if it's only one liner, we need to add a newline at the end if (!/\n$/.test(listItemTxt)) { listItemTxt += '\n'; } else { // it's multiparagraph, so we need to indent listItemTxt = listItemTxt .split('\n') .join('\n ') .replace(/^ {4}$/gm, '') .replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n'); } return listItemTxt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node', function (node, globals, spansOnly) { 'use strict'; spansOnly = spansOnly || false; var txt = ''; // edge case of text without wrapper paragraph if (node.nodeType === 3) { return showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.txt')(node, globals); } // HTML comment if (node.nodeType === 8) { return '\n\n'; } // process only node elements if (node.nodeType !== 1) { return ''; } var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); switch (tagName) { // // BLOCKS // case 'h1': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.header')(node, globals, 1) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'h2': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.header')(node, globals, 2) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'h3': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.header')(node, globals, 3) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'h4': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.header')(node, globals, 4) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'h5': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.header')(node, globals, 5) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'h6': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.header')(node, globals, 6) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'p': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.paragraph')(node, globals) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'blockquote': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.blockquote')(node, globals) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'hr': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('')(node, globals) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'ol': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.list')(node, globals, 'ol') + '\n\n'; } break; case 'ul': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.list')(node, globals, 'ul') + '\n\n'; } break; case 'precode': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.codeBlock')(node, globals) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'pre': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.pre')(node, globals) + '\n\n'; } break; case 'table': if (!spansOnly) { txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.table')(node, globals) + '\n\n'; } break; // // SPANS // case 'code': txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.codeSpan')(node, globals); break; case 'em': case 'i': txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.emphasis')(node, globals); break; case 'strong': case 'b': txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.strong')(node, globals); break; case 'del': txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.strikethrough')(node, globals); break; case 'a': txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.links')(node, globals); break; case 'img': txt = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.image')(node, globals); break; default: txt = node.outerHTML + '\n\n'; } // common normalization // TODO eventually return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.paragraph', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (node.hasChildNodes()) { var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { txt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); } } // some text normalization txt = txt.trim(); return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.pre', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var num = node.getAttribute('prenum'); return '
    ' + globals.preList[num] + '
    '; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.strikethrough', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (node.hasChildNodes()) { txt += '~~'; var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { txt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); } txt += '~~'; } return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.strong', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (node.hasChildNodes()) { txt += '**'; var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { txt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals); } txt += '**'; } return txt; }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.table', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = '', tableArray = [[], []], headings = node.querySelectorAll('thead>tr>th'), rows = node.querySelectorAll('tbody>tr'), i, ii; for (i = 0; i < headings.length; ++i) { var headContent = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.tableCell')(headings[i], globals), allign = '---'; if (headings[i].hasAttribute('style')) { var style = headings[i].getAttribute('style').toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ''); switch (style) { case 'text-align:left;': allign = ':---'; break; case 'text-align:right;': allign = '---:'; break; case 'text-align:center;': allign = ':---:'; break; } } tableArray[0][i] = headContent.trim(); tableArray[1][i] = allign; } for (i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { var r = tableArray.push([]) - 1, cols = rows[i].getElementsByTagName('td'); for (ii = 0; ii < headings.length; ++ii) { var cellContent = ' '; if (typeof cols[ii] !== 'undefined') { cellContent = showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.tableCell')(cols[ii], globals); } tableArray[r].push(cellContent); } } var cellSpacesCount = 3; for (i = 0; i < tableArray.length; ++i) { for (ii = 0; ii < tableArray[i].length; ++ii) { var strLen = tableArray[i][ii].length; if (strLen > cellSpacesCount) { cellSpacesCount = strLen; } } } for (i = 0; i < tableArray.length; ++i) { for (ii = 0; ii < tableArray[i].length; ++ii) { if (i === 1) { if (tableArray[i][ii].slice(-1) === ':') { tableArray[i][ii] = showdown.helper.padEnd(tableArray[i][ii].slice(-1), cellSpacesCount - 1, '-') + ':'; } else { tableArray[i][ii] = showdown.helper.padEnd(tableArray[i][ii], cellSpacesCount, '-'); } } else { tableArray[i][ii] = showdown.helper.padEnd(tableArray[i][ii], cellSpacesCount); } } txt += '| ' + tableArray[i].join(' | ') + ' |\n'; } return txt.trim(); }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.tableCell', function (node, globals) { 'use strict'; var txt = ''; if (!node.hasChildNodes()) { return ''; } var children = node.childNodes, childrenLength = children.length; for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; ++i) { txt += showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.node')(children[i], globals, true); } return txt.trim(); }); showdown.subParser('makeMarkdown.txt', function (node) { 'use strict'; var txt = node.nodeValue; // multiple spaces are collapsed txt = txt.replace(/ +/g, ' '); // replace the custom ¨NBSP; with a space txt = txt.replace(/¨NBSP;/g, ' '); // ", <, > and & should replace escaped html entities txt = showdown.helper.unescapeHTMLEntities(txt); // escape markdown magic characters // emphasis, strong and strikethrough - can appear everywhere // we also escape pipe (|) because of tables // and escape ` because of code blocks and spans txt = txt.replace(/([*_~|`])/g, '\\$1'); // escape > because of blockquotes txt = txt.replace(/^(\s*)>/g, '\\$1>'); // hash character, only troublesome at the beginning of a line because of headers txt = txt.replace(/^#/gm, '\\#'); // horizontal rules txt = txt.replace(/^(\s*)([-=]{3,})(\s*)$/, '$1\\$2$3'); // dot, because of ordered lists, only troublesome at the beginning of a line when preceded by an integer txt = txt.replace(/^( {0,3}\d+)\./gm, '$1\\.'); // +, * and -, at the beginning of a line becomes a list, so we need to escape them also (asterisk was already escaped) txt = txt.replace(/^( {0,3})([+-])/gm, '$1\\$2'); // images and links, ] followed by ( is problematic, so we escape it txt = txt.replace(/]([\s]*)\(/g, '\\]$1\\('); // reference URIs must also be escaped txt = txt.replace(/^ {0,3}\[([\S \t]*?)]:/gm, '\\[$1]:'); return txt; }); var root = this; // AMD Loader if (true) { !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function () { 'use strict'; return showdown; }).call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); // CommonJS/nodeJS Loader } else {} }).call(this); /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode. (() => { "use strict"; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { __EXPERIMENTAL_ELEMENTS: () => (/* reexport */ __EXPERIMENTAL_ELEMENTS), __EXPERIMENTAL_PATHS_WITH_OVERRIDE: () => (/* reexport */ __EXPERIMENTAL_PATHS_WITH_OVERRIDE), __EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY: () => (/* reexport */ __EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY), __experimentalCloneSanitizedBlock: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalCloneSanitizedBlock), __experimentalGetAccessibleBlockLabel: () => (/* reexport */ getAccessibleBlockLabel), __experimentalGetBlockAttributesNamesByRole: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalGetBlockAttributesNamesByRole), __experimentalGetBlockLabel: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockLabel), __experimentalSanitizeBlockAttributes: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalSanitizeBlockAttributes), __unstableGetBlockProps: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockProps), __unstableGetInnerBlocksProps: () => (/* reexport */ getInnerBlocksProps), __unstableSerializeAndClean: () => (/* reexport */ __unstableSerializeAndClean), children: () => (/* reexport */ children), cloneBlock: () => (/* reexport */ cloneBlock), createBlock: () => (/* reexport */ createBlock), createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate: () => (/* reexport */ createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate), doBlocksMatchTemplate: () => (/* reexport */ doBlocksMatchTemplate), findTransform: () => (/* reexport */ findTransform), getBlockAttributes: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockAttributes), getBlockContent: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockInnerHTML), getBlockDefaultClassName: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockDefaultClassName), getBlockFromExample: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockFromExample), getBlockMenuDefaultClassName: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockMenuDefaultClassName), getBlockSupport: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockSupport), getBlockTransforms: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockTransforms), getBlockType: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockType), getBlockTypes: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockTypes), getBlockVariations: () => (/* reexport */ getBlockVariations), getCategories: () => (/* reexport */ categories_getCategories), getChildBlockNames: () => (/* reexport */ getChildBlockNames), getDefaultBlockName: () => (/* reexport */ getDefaultBlockName), getFreeformContentHandlerName: () => (/* reexport */ getFreeformContentHandlerName), getGroupingBlockName: () => (/* reexport */ getGroupingBlockName), getPhrasingContentSchema: () => (/* reexport */ deprecatedGetPhrasingContentSchema), getPossibleBlockTransformations: () => (/* reexport */ getPossibleBlockTransformations), getSaveContent: () => (/* reexport */ getSaveContent), getSaveElement: () => (/* reexport */ getSaveElement), getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName: () => (/* reexport */ getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName), hasBlockSupport: () => (/* reexport */ hasBlockSupport), hasChildBlocks: () => (/* reexport */ hasChildBlocks), hasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport: () => (/* reexport */ hasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport), isReusableBlock: () => (/* reexport */ isReusableBlock), isTemplatePart: () => (/* reexport */ isTemplatePart), isUnmodifiedBlock: () => (/* reexport */ isUnmodifiedBlock), isUnmodifiedDefaultBlock: () => (/* reexport */ isUnmodifiedDefaultBlock), isValidBlockContent: () => (/* reexport */ isValidBlockContent), isValidIcon: () => (/* reexport */ isValidIcon), node: () => (/* reexport */ node), normalizeIconObject: () => (/* reexport */ normalizeIconObject), parse: () => (/* reexport */ parser_parse), parseWithAttributeSchema: () => (/* reexport */ parseWithAttributeSchema), pasteHandler: () => (/* reexport */ pasteHandler), rawHandler: () => (/* reexport */ rawHandler), registerBlockCollection: () => (/* reexport */ registerBlockCollection), registerBlockStyle: () => (/* reexport */ registerBlockStyle), registerBlockType: () => (/* reexport */ registerBlockType), registerBlockVariation: () => (/* reexport */ registerBlockVariation), serialize: () => (/* reexport */ serialize), serializeRawBlock: () => (/* reexport */ serializeRawBlock), setCategories: () => (/* reexport */ categories_setCategories), setDefaultBlockName: () => (/* reexport */ setDefaultBlockName), setFreeformContentHandlerName: () => (/* reexport */ setFreeformContentHandlerName), setGroupingBlockName: () => (/* reexport */ setGroupingBlockName), setUnregisteredTypeHandlerName: () => (/* reexport */ setUnregisteredTypeHandlerName), store: () => (/* reexport */ store), switchToBlockType: () => (/* reexport */ switchToBlockType), synchronizeBlocksWithTemplate: () => (/* reexport */ synchronizeBlocksWithTemplate), unregisterBlockStyle: () => (/* reexport */ unregisterBlockStyle), unregisterBlockType: () => (/* reexport */ unregisterBlockType), unregisterBlockVariation: () => (/* reexport */ unregisterBlockVariation), unstable__bootstrapServerSideBlockDefinitions: () => (/* reexport */ unstable__bootstrapServerSideBlockDefinitions), updateCategory: () => (/* reexport */ categories_updateCategory), validateBlock: () => (/* reexport */ validateBlock), withBlockContentContext: () => (/* reexport */ withBlockContentContext) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/selectors.js var selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(selectors_namespaceObject, { __experimentalHasContentRoleAttribute: () => (__experimentalHasContentRoleAttribute), getActiveBlockVariation: () => (getActiveBlockVariation), getBlockStyles: () => (getBlockStyles), getBlockSupport: () => (selectors_getBlockSupport), getBlockType: () => (selectors_getBlockType), getBlockTypes: () => (selectors_getBlockTypes), getBlockVariations: () => (selectors_getBlockVariations), getCategories: () => (getCategories), getChildBlockNames: () => (selectors_getChildBlockNames), getCollections: () => (getCollections), getDefaultBlockName: () => (selectors_getDefaultBlockName), getDefaultBlockVariation: () => (getDefaultBlockVariation), getFreeformFallbackBlockName: () => (getFreeformFallbackBlockName), getGroupingBlockName: () => (selectors_getGroupingBlockName), getUnregisteredFallbackBlockName: () => (getUnregisteredFallbackBlockName), hasBlockSupport: () => (selectors_hasBlockSupport), hasChildBlocks: () => (selectors_hasChildBlocks), hasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport: () => (selectors_hasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport), isMatchingSearchTerm: () => (isMatchingSearchTerm) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/private-selectors.js var private_selectors_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(private_selectors_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(private_selectors_namespaceObject, { getAllBlockBindingsSources: () => (getAllBlockBindingsSources), getBlockBindingsSource: () => (getBlockBindingsSource), getBootstrappedBlockType: () => (getBootstrappedBlockType), getSupportedStyles: () => (getSupportedStyles), getUnprocessedBlockTypes: () => (getUnprocessedBlockTypes) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/actions.js var actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(actions_namespaceObject, { __experimentalReapplyBlockFilters: () => (__experimentalReapplyBlockFilters), addBlockCollection: () => (addBlockCollection), addBlockStyles: () => (addBlockStyles), addBlockTypes: () => (addBlockTypes), addBlockVariations: () => (addBlockVariations), reapplyBlockTypeFilters: () => (reapplyBlockTypeFilters), removeBlockCollection: () => (removeBlockCollection), removeBlockStyles: () => (removeBlockStyles), removeBlockTypes: () => (removeBlockTypes), removeBlockVariations: () => (removeBlockVariations), setCategories: () => (setCategories), setDefaultBlockName: () => (actions_setDefaultBlockName), setFreeformFallbackBlockName: () => (setFreeformFallbackBlockName), setGroupingBlockName: () => (actions_setGroupingBlockName), setUnregisteredFallbackBlockName: () => (setUnregisteredFallbackBlockName), updateCategory: () => (updateCategory) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/private-actions.js var private_actions_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(private_actions_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(private_actions_namespaceObject, { addBootstrappedBlockType: () => (addBootstrappedBlockType), addUnprocessedBlockType: () => (addUnprocessedBlockType), registerBlockBindingsSource: () => (registerBlockBindingsSource) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; } return __assign.apply(this, arguments); } function __rest(s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; } function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; } function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); } } function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) { function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return f; } var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value"; var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null; var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, : {}); var _, done = false; for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var context = {}; for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p]; for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p]; context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); }; var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context); if (kind === "accessor") { if (result === void 0) continue; if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected"); if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _; if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _; if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_); } else if (_ = accept(result)) { if (kind === "field") initializers.unshift(_); else descriptor[key] = _; } } if (target) Object.defineProperty(target,, descriptor); done = true; }; function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) { var useValue = arguments.length > 2; for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) { value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg); } return useValue ? value : void 0; }; function __propKey(x) { return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x); }; function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) { if (typeof name === "symbol") name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : ""; return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name }); }; function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); } function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } } var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; }); function __exportStar(m, o) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p); } function __values(o) { var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0; if (m) return; if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return { next: function () { if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; } }; throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); } function __read(o, n) { var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; if (!m) return o; var i =, r, ar = [], e; try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value); } catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } finally { try { if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spread() { for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); return ar; } /** @deprecated */ function __spreadArrays() { for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length; for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) r[k] = a[j]; return r; } function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) { if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) { if (ar || !(i in from)) { if (!ar) ar =, 0, i); ar[i] = from[i]; } } return to.concat(ar ||; } function __await(v) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); } function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } } function __asyncDelegator(o) { var i, p; return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } } function __asyncValues(o) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } } function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } return cooked; }; var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }; function __importStar(mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; } function __importDefault(mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod }; } function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); } function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; } function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) { if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function")) throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver); } function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) { if (value !== null && value !== void 0) { if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected."); var dispose; if (async) { if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose]; } if (dispose === void 0) { if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined."); dispose = value[Symbol.dispose]; } if (typeof dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable."); env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async }); } else if (async) { env.stack.push({ async: true }); } return value; } var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) { var e = new Error(message); return = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e; }; function __disposeResources(env) { function fail(e) { env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : e; env.hasError = true; } function next() { while (env.stack.length) { var rec = env.stack.pop(); try { var result = rec.dispose &&; if (rec.async) return Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); }); } catch (e) { fail(e); } } if (env.hasError) throw env.error; } return next(); } /* harmony default export */ const tslib_es6 = ({ __extends, __assign, __rest, __decorate, __param, __metadata, __awaiter, __generator, __createBinding, __exportStar, __values, __read, __spread, __spreadArrays, __spreadArray, __await, __asyncGenerator, __asyncDelegator, __asyncValues, __makeTemplateObject, __importStar, __importDefault, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __classPrivateFieldIn, __addDisposableResource, __disposeResources, }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lower-case/dist.es2015/index.js /** * Source: */ var SUPPORTED_LOCALE = { tr: { regexp: /\u0130|\u0049|\u0049\u0307/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, az: { regexp: /\u0130/g, map: { İ: "\u0069", I: "\u0131", İ: "\u0069", }, }, lt: { regexp: /\u0049|\u004A|\u012E|\u00CC|\u00CD|\u0128/g, map: { I: "\u0069\u0307", J: "\u006A\u0307", Į: "\u012F\u0307", Ì: "\u0069\u0307\u0300", Í: "\u0069\u0307\u0301", Ĩ: "\u0069\u0307\u0303", }, }, }; /** * Localized lower case. */ function localeLowerCase(str, locale) { var lang = SUPPORTED_LOCALE[locale.toLowerCase()]; if (lang) return lowerCase(str.replace(lang.regexp, function (m) { return[m]; })); return lowerCase(str); } /** * Lower case as a function. */ function lowerCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/no-case/dist.es2015/index.js // Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case"). var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g]; // Remove all non-word characters. var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi; /** * Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier. */ function noCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d; var result = replace(replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0"); var start = 0; var end = result.length; // Trim the delimiter from around the output string. while (result.charAt(start) === "\0") start++; while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0") end--; // Transform each token independently. return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter); } /** * Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value. */ function replace(input, re, value) { if (re instanceof RegExp) return input.replace(re, value); return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/pascal-case/dist.es2015/index.js function pascalCaseTransform(input, index) { var firstChar = input.charAt(0); var lowerChars = input.substr(1).toLowerCase(); if (index > 0 && firstChar >= "0" && firstChar <= "9") { return "_" + firstChar + lowerChars; } return "" + firstChar.toUpperCase() + lowerChars; } function dist_es2015_pascalCaseTransformMerge(input) { return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1).toLowerCase(); } function pascalCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "", transform: pascalCaseTransform }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/camel-case/dist.es2015/index.js function camelCaseTransform(input, index) { if (index === 0) return input.toLowerCase(); return pascalCaseTransform(input, index); } function camelCaseTransformMerge(input, index) { if (index === 0) return input.toLowerCase(); return pascalCaseTransformMerge(input); } function camelCase(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return pascalCase(input, __assign({ transform: camelCaseTransform }, options)); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/colord/index.mjs var r={grad:.9,turn:360,rad:360/(2*Math.PI)},t=function(r){return"string"==typeof r?r.length>0:"number"==typeof r},n=function(r,t,n){return void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===n&&(n=Math.pow(10,t)),Math.round(n*r)/n+0},e=function(r,t,n){return void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===n&&(n=1),r>n?n:r>t?r:t},u=function(r){return(r=isFinite(r)?r%360:0)>0?r:r+360},a=function(r){return{r:e(r.r,0,255),g:e(r.g,0,255),b:e(r.b,0,255),a:e(r.a)}},o=function(r){return{r:n(r.r),g:n(r.g),b:n(r.b),a:n(r.a,3)}},i=/^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/i,s=function(r){var t=r.toString(16);return t.length<2?"0"+t:t},h=function(r){var t=r.r,n=r.g,e=r.b,u=r.a,a=Math.max(t,n,e),o=a-Math.min(t,n,e),i=o?a===t?(n-e)/o:a===n?2+(e-t)/o:4+(t-n)/o:0;return{h:60*(i<0?i+6:i),s:a?o/a*100:0,v:a/255*100,a:u}},b=function(r){var t=r.h,n=r.s,e=r.v,u=r.a;t=t/360*6,n/=100,e/=100;var a=Math.floor(t),o=e*(1-n),i=e*(1-(t-a)*n),s=e*(1-(1-t+a)*n),h=a%6;return{r:255*[e,i,o,o,s,e][h],g:255*[s,e,e,i,o,o][h],b:255*[o,o,s,e,e,i][h],a:u}},g=function(r){return{h:u(r.h),s:e(r.s,0,100),l:e(r.l,0,100),a:e(r.a)}},d=function(r){return{h:n(r.h),s:n(r.s),l:n(r.l),a:n(r.a,3)}},f=function(r){return b((n=(t=r).s,{h:t.h,s:(n*=((e=t.l)<50?e:100-e)/100)>0?2*n/(e+n)*100:0,v:e+n,a:t.a}));var t,n,e},c=function(r){return{h:(t=h(r)).h,s:(u=(200-(n=t.s))*(e=t.v)/100)>0&&u<200?n*e/100/(u<=100?u:200-u)*100:0,l:u/2,a:t.a};var t,n,e,u},l=/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,p=/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,v=/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,m=/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i,y={string:[[function(r){var t=i.exec(r);return t?(r=t[1]).length<=4?{r:parseInt(r[0]+r[0],16),g:parseInt(r[1]+r[1],16),b:parseInt(r[2]+r[2],16),a:4===r.length?n(parseInt(r[3]+r[3],16)/255,2):1}:6===r.length||8===r.length?{r:parseInt(r.substr(0,2),16),g:parseInt(r.substr(2,2),16),b:parseInt(r.substr(4,2),16),a:8===r.length?n(parseInt(r.substr(6,2),16)/255,2):1}:null:null},"hex"],[function(r){var t=v.exec(r)||m.exec(r);return t?t[2]!==t[4]||t[4]!==t[6]?null:a({r:Number(t[1])/(t[2]?100/255:1),g:Number(t[3])/(t[4]?100/255:1),b:Number(t[5])/(t[6]?100/255:1),a:void 0===t[7]?1:Number(t[7])/(t[8]?100:1)}):null},"rgb"],[function(t){var n=l.exec(t)||p.exec(t);if(!n)return null;var e,u,a=g({h:(e=n[1],u=n[2],void 0===u&&(u="deg"),Number(e)*(r[u]||1)),s:Number(n[3]),l:Number(n[4]),a:void 0===n[5]?1:Number(n[5])/(n[6]?100:1)});return f(a)},"hsl"]],object:[[function(r){var n=r.r,e=r.g,u=r.b,o=r.a,i=void 0===o?1:o;return t(n)&&t(e)&&t(u)?a({r:Number(n),g:Number(e),b:Number(u),a:Number(i)}):null},"rgb"],[function(r){var n=r.h,e=r.s,u=r.l,a=r.a,o=void 0===a?1:a;if(!t(n)||!t(e)||!t(u))return null;var i=g({h:Number(n),s:Number(e),l:Number(u),a:Number(o)});return f(i)},"hsl"],[function(r){var n=r.h,a=r.s,o=r.v,i=r.a,s=void 0===i?1:i;if(!t(n)||!t(a)||!t(o))return null;var h=function(r){return{h:u(r.h),s:e(r.s,0,100),v:e(r.v,0,100),a:e(r.a)}}({h:Number(n),s:Number(a),v:Number(o),a:Number(s)});return b(h)},"hsv"]]},N=function(r,t){for(var n=0;n=.5},r.prototype.toHex=function(){return r=o(this.rgba),t=r.r,e=r.g,u=r.b,i=(a=r.a)<1?s(n(255*a)):"","#"+s(t)+s(e)+s(u)+i;var r,t,e,u,a,i},r.prototype.toRgb=function(){return o(this.rgba)},r.prototype.toRgbString=function(){return r=o(this.rgba),t=r.r,n=r.g,e=r.b,(u=r.a)<1?"rgba("+t+", "+n+", "+e+", "+u+")":"rgb("+t+", "+n+", "+e+")";var r,t,n,e,u},r.prototype.toHsl=function(){return d(c(this.rgba))},r.prototype.toHslString=function(){return r=d(c(this.rgba)),t=r.h,n=r.s,e=r.l,(u=r.a)<1?"hsla("+t+", "+n+"%, "+e+"%, "+u+")":"hsl("+t+", "+n+"%, "+e+"%)";var r,t,n,e,u},r.prototype.toHsv=function(){return r=h(this.rgba),{h:n(r.h),s:n(r.s),v:n(r.v),a:n(r.a,3)};var r},r.prototype.invert=function(){return w({r:255-(r=this.rgba).r,g:255-r.g,b:255-r.b,a:r.a});var r},r.prototype.saturate=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w(M(this.rgba,r))},r.prototype.desaturate=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w(M(this.rgba,-r))},r.prototype.grayscale=function(){return w(M(this.rgba,-1))},r.prototype.lighten=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w($(this.rgba,r))},r.prototype.darken=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=.1),w($(this.rgba,-r))},r.prototype.rotate=function(r){return void 0===r&&(r=15),this.hue(this.hue()+r)},r.prototype.alpha=function(r){return"number"==typeof r?w({r:(t=this.rgba).r,g:t.g,b:t.b,a:r}):n(this.rgba.a,3);var t},r.prototype.hue=function(r){var t=c(this.rgba);return"number"==typeof r?w({h:r,s:t.s,l:t.l,a:t.a}):n(t.h)},r.prototype.isEqual=function(r){return this.toHex()===w(r).toHex()},r}(),w=function(r){return r instanceof j?r:new j(r)},S=[],k=function(r){r.forEach(function(r){S.indexOf(r)<0&&(r(j,y),S.push(r))})},E=function(){return new j({r:255*Math.random(),g:255*Math.random(),b:255*Math.random()})}; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/colord/plugins/names.mjs /* harmony default export */ function names(e,f){var 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d in a)r[a[d]]=d;var l={};e.prototype.toName=function(f){if(!(this.rgba.a||this.rgba.r||this.rgba.g||this.rgba.b))return"transparent";var d,i,n=r[this.toHex()];if(n)return n;if(null==f?void 0:f.closest){var o=this.toRgb(),t=1/0,b="black";if(!l.length)for(var c in a)l[c]=new e(a[c]).toRgb();for(var g in a){var u=(d=o,i=l[g],Math.pow(d.r-i.r,2)+Math.pow(d.g-i.g,2)+Math.pow(d.b-i.b,2));ud?(u+.05)/(d+.05):(d+.05)/(u+.05),void 0===(a=2)&&(a=0),void 0===i&&(i=Math.pow(10,a)),Math.floor(i*n)/i+0},o.prototype.isReadable=function(o,t){return void 0===o&&(o="#FFF"),void 0===t&&(t={}),this.contrast(o)>=(e=void 0===(i=(r=t).size)?"normal":i,"AAA"===(a=void 0===(n=r.level)?"AA":n)&&"normal"===e?7:"AA"===a&&"large"===e?3:4.5);var r,n,a,i,e}} ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","dom"] const external_wp_dom_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["dom"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external 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'h1', h2: 'h2', h3: 'h3', h4: 'h4', h5: 'h5', h6: 'h6', button: '.wp-element-button, .wp-block-button__link', caption: '.wp-element-caption, .wp-block-audio figcaption, .wp-block-embed figcaption, .wp-block-gallery figcaption, .wp-block-image figcaption, .wp-block-table figcaption, .wp-block-video figcaption', cite: 'cite' }; // These paths may have three origins, custom, theme, and default, // and are expected to override other origins with custom, theme, // and default priority. const __EXPERIMENTAL_PATHS_WITH_OVERRIDE = { 'color.duotone': true, 'color.gradients': true, 'color.palette': true, 'dimensions.aspectRatios': true, 'typography.fontSizes': true, 'spacing.spacingSizes': true }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/lock-unlock.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/blocks'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/registration.js /* eslint no-console: [ 'error', { allow: [ 'error', 'warn' ] } ] */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const i18nBlockSchema = { title: "block title", description: "block description", keywords: ["block keyword"], styles: [{ label: "block style label" }], variations: [{ title: "block variation title", description: "block variation description", keywords: ["block variation keyword"] }] }; /** * An icon type definition. One of a Dashicon slug, an element, * or a component. * * @typedef {(string|Element|Component)} WPIcon * * @see */ /** * Render behavior of a block type icon; one of a Dashicon slug, an element, * or a component. * * @typedef {WPIcon} WPBlockTypeIconRender */ /** * An object describing a normalized block type icon. * * @typedef {Object} WPBlockTypeIconDescriptor * * @property {WPBlockTypeIconRender} src Render behavior of the icon, * one of a Dashicon slug, an * element, or a component. * @property {string} background Optimal background hex string * color when displaying icon. * @property {string} foreground Optimal foreground hex string * color when displaying icon. * @property {string} shadowColor Optimal shadow hex string * color when displaying icon. */ /** * Value to use to render the icon for a block type in an editor interface, * either a Dashicon slug, an element, a component, or an object describing * the icon. * * @typedef {(WPBlockTypeIconDescriptor|WPBlockTypeIconRender)} WPBlockTypeIcon */ /** * Named block variation scopes. * * @typedef {'block'|'inserter'|'transform'} WPBlockVariationScope */ /** * An object describing a variation defined for the block type. * * @typedef {Object} WPBlockVariation * * @property {string} name The unique and machine-readable name. * @property {string} title A human-readable variation title. * @property {string} [description] A detailed variation description. * @property {string} [category] Block type category classification, * used in search interfaces to arrange * block types by category. * @property {WPIcon} [icon] An icon helping to visualize the variation. * @property {boolean} [isDefault] Indicates whether the current variation is * the default one. Defaults to `false`. * @property {Object} [attributes] Values which override block attributes. * @property {Array[]} [innerBlocks] Initial configuration of nested blocks. * @property {Object} [example] Example provides structured data for * the block preview. You can set to * `undefined` to disable the preview shown * for the block type. * @property {WPBlockVariationScope[]} [scope] The list of scopes where the variation * is applicable. When not provided, it * assumes all available scopes. * @property {string[]} [keywords] An array of terms (which can be translated) * that help users discover the variation * while searching. * @property {Function|string[]} [isActive] This can be a function or an array of block attributes. * Function that accepts a block's attributes and the * variation's attributes and determines if a variation is active. * This function doesn't try to find a match dynamically based * on all block's attributes, as in many cases some attributes are irrelevant. * An example would be for `embed` block where we only care * about `providerNameSlug` attribute's value. * We can also use a `string[]` to tell which attributes * should be compared as a shorthand. Each attributes will * be matched and the variation will be active if all of them are matching. */ /** * Defined behavior of a block type. * * @typedef {Object} WPBlockType * * @property {string} name Block type's namespaced name. * @property {string} title Human-readable block type label. * @property {string} [description] A detailed block type description. * @property {string} [category] Block type category classification, * used in search interfaces to arrange * block types by category. * @property {WPBlockTypeIcon} [icon] Block type icon. * @property {string[]} [keywords] Additional keywords to produce block * type as result in search interfaces. * @property {Object} [attributes] Block type attributes. * @property {Component} [save] Optional component describing * serialized markup structure of a * block type. * @property {Component} edit Component rendering an element to * manipulate the attributes of a block * in the context of an editor. * @property {WPBlockVariation[]} [variations] The list of block variations. * @property {Object} [example] Example provides structured data for * the block preview. When not defined * then no preview is shown. */ function isObject(object) { return object !== null && typeof object === 'object'; } /** * Sets the server side block definition of blocks. * * @param {Object} definitions Server-side block definitions */ // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase function unstable__bootstrapServerSideBlockDefinitions(definitions) { const { addBootstrappedBlockType } = unlock((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store)); for (const [name, blockType] of Object.entries(definitions)) { addBootstrappedBlockType(name, blockType); } } /** * Gets block settings from metadata loaded from `block.json` file. * * @param {Object} metadata Block metadata loaded from `block.json`. * @param {string} metadata.textdomain Textdomain to use with translations. * * @return {Object} Block settings. */ function getBlockSettingsFromMetadata({ textdomain, ...metadata }) { const allowedFields = ['apiVersion', 'title', 'category', 'parent', 'ancestor', 'icon', 'description', 'keywords', 'attributes', 'providesContext', 'usesContext', 'selectors', 'supports', 'styles', 'example', 'variations', 'blockHooks', 'allowedBlocks']; const settings = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(metadata).filter(([key]) => allowedFields.includes(key))); if (textdomain) { Object.keys(i18nBlockSchema).forEach(key => { if (!settings[key]) { return; } settings[key] = translateBlockSettingUsingI18nSchema(i18nBlockSchema[key], settings[key], textdomain); }); } return settings; } /** * Registers a new block provided a unique name and an object defining its * behavior. Once registered, the block is made available as an option to any * editor interface where blocks are implemented. * * For more in-depth information on registering a custom block see the * [Create a block tutorial]( * * @param {string|Object} blockNameOrMetadata Block type name or its metadata. * @param {Object} settings Block settings. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks' * * registerBlockType( 'namespace/block-name', { * title: __( 'My First Block' ), * edit: () =>
    { __( 'Hello from the editor!' ) }
    , * save: () =>
    Hello from the saved content!
    , * } ); * ``` * * @return {WPBlockType | undefined} The block, if it has been successfully registered; * otherwise `undefined`. */ function registerBlockType(blockNameOrMetadata, settings) { const name = isObject(blockNameOrMetadata) ? : blockNameOrMetadata; if (typeof name !== 'string') { console.error('Block names must be strings.'); return; } if (!/^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*\/[a-z][a-z0-9-]*$/.test(name)) { console.error('Block names must contain a namespace prefix, include only lowercase alphanumeric characters or dashes, and start with a letter. Example: my-plugin/my-custom-block'); return; } if ((0, { console.error('Block "' + name + '" is already registered.'); return; } const { addBootstrappedBlockType, addUnprocessedBlockType } = unlock((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store)); if (isObject(blockNameOrMetadata)) { const metadata = getBlockSettingsFromMetadata(blockNameOrMetadata); addBootstrappedBlockType(name, metadata); } addUnprocessedBlockType(name, settings); return (0,; } /** * Translates block settings provided with metadata using the i18n schema. * * @param {string|string[]|Object[]} i18nSchema I18n schema for the block setting. * @param {string|string[]|Object[]} settingValue Value for the block setting. * @param {string} textdomain Textdomain to use with translations. * * @return {string|string[]|Object[]} Translated setting. */ function translateBlockSettingUsingI18nSchema(i18nSchema, settingValue, textdomain) { if (typeof i18nSchema === 'string' && typeof settingValue === 'string') { // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/i18n-no-variables, @wordpress/i18n-text-domain return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)(settingValue, i18nSchema, textdomain); } if (Array.isArray(i18nSchema) && i18nSchema.length && Array.isArray(settingValue)) { return => translateBlockSettingUsingI18nSchema(i18nSchema[0], value, textdomain)); } if (isObject(i18nSchema) && Object.entries(i18nSchema).length && isObject(settingValue)) { return Object.keys(settingValue).reduce((accumulator, key) => { if (!i18nSchema[key]) { accumulator[key] = settingValue[key]; return accumulator; } accumulator[key] = translateBlockSettingUsingI18nSchema(i18nSchema[key], settingValue[key], textdomain); return accumulator; }, {}); } return settingValue; } /** * Registers a new block collection to group blocks in the same namespace in the inserter. * * @param {string} namespace The namespace to group blocks by in the inserter; corresponds to the block namespace. * @param {Object} settings The block collection settings. * @param {string} settings.title The title to display in the block inserter. * @param {Object} [settings.icon] The icon to display in the block inserter. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { registerBlockCollection, registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * * // Register the collection. * registerBlockCollection( 'my-collection', { * title: __( 'Custom Collection' ), * } ); * * // Register a block in the same namespace to add it to the collection. * registerBlockType( 'my-collection/block-name', { * title: __( 'My First Block' ), * edit: () =>
    { __( 'Hello from the editor!' ) }
    , * save: () =>
    'Hello from the saved content!
    , * } ); * ``` */ function registerBlockCollection(namespace, { title, icon }) { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).addBlockCollection(namespace, title, icon); } /** * Unregisters a block collection * * @param {string} namespace The namespace to group blocks by in the inserter; corresponds to the block namespace * * @example * ```js * import { unregisterBlockCollection } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * * unregisterBlockCollection( 'my-collection' ); * ``` */ function unregisterBlockCollection(namespace) { dispatch(blocksStore).removeBlockCollection(namespace); } /** * Unregisters a block. * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { unregisterBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * return ( * * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {WPBlockType | undefined} The previous block value, if it has been successfully * unregistered; otherwise `undefined`. */ function unregisterBlockType(name) { const oldBlock = (0,; if (!oldBlock) { console.error('Block "' + name + '" is not registered.'); return; } (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).removeBlockTypes(name); return oldBlock; } /** * Assigns name of block for handling non-block content. * * @param {string} blockName Block name. */ function setFreeformContentHandlerName(blockName) { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).setFreeformFallbackBlockName(blockName); } /** * Retrieves name of block handling non-block content, or undefined if no * handler has been defined. * * @return {?string} Block name. */ function getFreeformContentHandlerName() { return (0,; } /** * Retrieves name of block used for handling grouping interactions. * * @return {?string} Block name. */ function getGroupingBlockName() { return (0,; } /** * Assigns name of block handling unregistered block types. * * @param {string} blockName Block name. */ function setUnregisteredTypeHandlerName(blockName) { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).setUnregisteredFallbackBlockName(blockName); } /** * Retrieves name of block handling unregistered block types, or undefined if no * handler has been defined. * * @return {?string} Block name. */ function getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName() { return (0,; } /** * Assigns the default block name. * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @example * ```js * import { setDefaultBlockName } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * * return ( * * ); * }; * ``` */ function setDefaultBlockName(name) { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).setDefaultBlockName(name); } /** * Assigns name of block for handling block grouping interactions. * * This function lets you select a different block to group other blocks in instead of the * default `core/group` block. This function must be used in a component or when the DOM is fully * loaded. See * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @example * ```js * import { setGroupingBlockName } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * * return ( * * ); * }; * ``` */ function setGroupingBlockName(name) { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).setGroupingBlockName(name); } /** * Retrieves the default block name. * * @return {?string} Block name. */ function getDefaultBlockName() { return (0,; } /** * Returns a registered block type. * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @return {?Object} Block type. */ function getBlockType(name) { return (0,; } /** * Returns all registered blocks. * * @return {Array} Block settings. */ function getBlockTypes() { return (0,; } /** * Returns the block support value for a feature, if defined. * * @param {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object * @param {string} feature Feature to retrieve * @param {*} defaultSupports Default value to return if not * explicitly defined * * @return {?*} Block support value */ function getBlockSupport(nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports) { return (0,, feature, defaultSupports); } /** * Returns true if the block defines support for a feature, or false otherwise. * * @param {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object. * @param {string} feature Feature to test. * @param {boolean} defaultSupports Whether feature is supported by * default if not explicitly defined. * * @return {boolean} Whether block supports feature. */ function hasBlockSupport(nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports) { return (0,, feature, defaultSupports); } /** * Determines whether or not the given block is a reusable block. This is a * special block type that is used to point to a global block stored via the * API. * * @param {Object} blockOrType Block or Block Type to test. * * @return {boolean} Whether the given block is a reusable block. */ function isReusableBlock(blockOrType) { return blockOrType?.name === 'core/block'; } /** * Determines whether or not the given block is a template part. This is a * special block type that allows composing a page template out of reusable * design elements. * * @param {Object} blockOrType Block or Block Type to test. * * @return {boolean} Whether the given block is a template part. */ function isTemplatePart(blockOrType) { return blockOrType?.name === 'core/template-part'; } /** * Returns an array with the child blocks of a given block. * * @param {string} blockName Name of block (example: “latest-posts”). * * @return {Array} Array of child block names. */ const getChildBlockNames = blockName => { return (0,; }; /** * Returns a boolean indicating if a block has child blocks or not. * * @param {string} blockName Name of block (example: “latest-posts”). * * @return {boolean} True if a block contains child blocks and false otherwise. */ const hasChildBlocks = blockName => { return (0,; }; /** * Returns a boolean indicating if a block has at least one child block with inserter support. * * @param {string} blockName Block type name. * * @return {boolean} True if a block contains at least one child blocks with inserter support * and false otherwise. */ const hasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport = blockName => { return (0,; }; /** * Registers a new block style for the given block types. * * For more information on connecting the styles with CSS * [the official documentation]( * * @param {string|Array} blockNames Name of blocks e.g. “core/latest-posts” or `["core/group", "core/columns"]`. * @param {Object} styleVariation Object containing `name` which is the class name applied to the block and `label` which identifies the variation to the user. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { registerBlockStyle } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; * * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * return ( * * ); * }; * ``` */ const registerBlockStyle = (blockNames, styleVariation) => { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).addBlockStyles(blockNames, styleVariation); }; /** * Unregisters a block style for the given block. * * @param {string} blockName Name of block (example: “core/latest-posts”). * @param {string} styleVariationName Name of class applied to the block. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { unregisterBlockStyle } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * return ( * * ); * }; * ``` */ const unregisterBlockStyle = (blockName, styleVariationName) => { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).removeBlockStyles(blockName, styleVariationName); }; /** * Returns an array with the variations of a given block type. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage is via useSelect from @wordpress/data. * * @ignore * * @param {string} blockName Name of block (example: “core/columns”). * @param {WPBlockVariationScope} [scope] Block variation scope name. * * @return {(WPBlockVariation[]|void)} Block variations. */ const getBlockVariations = (blockName, scope) => { return (0,, scope); }; /** * Registers a new block variation for the given block type. * * For more information on block variations see * [the official documentation ]( * * @param {string} blockName Name of the block (example: “core/columns”). * @param {WPBlockVariation} variation Object describing a block variation. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { registerBlockVariation } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * return ( * * ); * }; * ``` */ const registerBlockVariation = (blockName, variation) => { if (typeof !== 'string') { console.warn('Variation names must be unique strings.'); } (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).addBlockVariations(blockName, variation); }; /** * Unregisters a block variation defined for the given block type. * * @param {string} blockName Name of the block (example: “core/columns”). * @param {string} variationName Name of the variation defined for the block. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { unregisterBlockVariation } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * return ( * * ); * }; * ``` */ const unregisterBlockVariation = (blockName, variationName) => { (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.dispatch)(store).removeBlockVariations(blockName, variationName); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/utils.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ k([names, a11y]); /** * Array of icon colors containing a color to be used if the icon color * was not explicitly set but the icon background color was. * * @type {Object} */ const ICON_COLORS = ['#191e23', '#f8f9f9']; /** * Determines whether the block's attributes are equal to the default attributes * which means the block is unmodified. * * @param {WPBlock} block Block Object * * @return {boolean} Whether the block is an unmodified block. */ function isUnmodifiedBlock(block) { var _getBlockType$attribu; return Object.entries((_getBlockType$attribu = getBlockType( !== null && _getBlockType$attribu !== void 0 ? _getBlockType$attribu : {}).every(([key, definition]) => { const value = block.attributes[key]; // Every attribute that has a default must match the default. if (definition.hasOwnProperty('default')) { return value === definition.default; } // The rich text type is a bit different from the rest because it // has an implicit default value of an empty RichTextData instance, // so check the length of the value. if (definition.type === 'rich-text') { return !value?.length; } // Every attribute that doesn't have a default should be undefined. return value === undefined; }); } /** * Determines whether the block is a default block and its attributes are equal * to the default attributes which means the block is unmodified. * * @param {WPBlock} block Block Object * * @return {boolean} Whether the block is an unmodified default block. */ function isUnmodifiedDefaultBlock(block) { return === getDefaultBlockName() && isUnmodifiedBlock(block); } /** * Function that checks if the parameter is a valid icon. * * @param {*} icon Parameter to be checked. * * @return {boolean} True if the parameter is a valid icon and false otherwise. */ function isValidIcon(icon) { return !!icon && (typeof icon === 'string' || (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.isValidElement)(icon) || typeof icon === 'function' || icon instanceof external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component); } /** * Function that receives an icon as set by the blocks during the registration * and returns a new icon object that is normalized so we can rely on just on possible icon structure * in the codebase. * * @param {WPBlockTypeIconRender} icon Render behavior of a block type icon; * one of a Dashicon slug, an element, or a * component. * * @return {WPBlockTypeIconDescriptor} Object describing the icon. */ function normalizeIconObject(icon) { icon = icon || BLOCK_ICON_DEFAULT; if (isValidIcon(icon)) { return { src: icon }; } if ('background' in icon) { const colordBgColor = w(icon.background); const getColorContrast = iconColor => colordBgColor.contrast(iconColor); const maxContrast = Math.max(; return { ...icon, foreground: icon.foreground ? icon.foreground : ICON_COLORS.find(iconColor => getColorContrast(iconColor) === maxContrast), shadowColor: colordBgColor.alpha(0.3).toRgbString() }; } return icon; } /** * Normalizes block type passed as param. When string is passed then * it converts it to the matching block type object. * It passes the original object otherwise. * * @param {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. * * @return {?Object} Block type. */ function normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName) { if (typeof blockTypeOrName === 'string') { return getBlockType(blockTypeOrName); } return blockTypeOrName; } /** * Get the label for the block, usually this is either the block title, * or the value of the block's `label` function when that's specified. * * @param {Object} blockType The block type. * @param {Object} attributes The values of the block's attributes. * @param {Object} context The intended use for the label. * * @return {string} The block label. */ function getBlockLabel(blockType, attributes, context = 'visual') { const { __experimentalLabel: getLabel, title } = blockType; const label = getLabel && getLabel(attributes, { context }); if (!label) { return title; } if (label.toPlainText) { return label.toPlainText(); } // Strip any HTML (i.e. RichText formatting) before returning. return (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.__unstableStripHTML)(label); } /** * Get a label for the block for use by screenreaders, this is more descriptive * than the visual label and includes the block title and the value of the * `getLabel` function if it's specified. * * @param {?Object} blockType The block type. * @param {Object} attributes The values of the block's attributes. * @param {?number} position The position of the block in the block list. * @param {string} [direction='vertical'] The direction of the block layout. * * @return {string} The block label. */ function getAccessibleBlockLabel(blockType, attributes, position, direction = 'vertical') { // `title` is already localized, `label` is a user-supplied value. const title = blockType?.title; const label = blockType ? getBlockLabel(blockType, attributes, 'accessibility') : ''; const hasPosition = position !== undefined; // getBlockLabel returns the block title as a fallback when there's no label, // if it did return the title, this function needs to avoid adding the // title twice within the accessible label. Use this `hasLabel` boolean to // handle that. const hasLabel = label && label !== title; if (hasPosition && direction === 'vertical') { if (hasLabel) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: accessibility text. 1: The block title. 2: The block row number. 3: The block label.. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s Block. Row %2$d. %3$s'), title, position, label); } return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: accessibility text. 1: The block title. 2: The block row number. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s Block. Row %2$d'), title, position); } else if (hasPosition && direction === 'horizontal') { if (hasLabel) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: accessibility text. 1: The block title. 2: The block column number. 3: The block label.. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s Block. Column %2$d. %3$s'), title, position, label); } return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: accessibility text. 1: The block title. 2: The block column number. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s Block. Column %2$d'), title, position); } if (hasLabel) { return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: accessibility text. %1: The block title. %2: The block label. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s Block. %2$s'), title, label); } return (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: accessibility text. %s: The block title. */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s Block'), title); } function getDefault(attributeSchema) { if (attributeSchema.default !== undefined) { return attributeSchema.default; } if (attributeSchema.type === 'rich-text') { return new external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData(); } } /** * Ensure attributes contains only values defined by block type, and merge * default values for missing attributes. * * @param {string} name The block's name. * @param {Object} attributes The block's attributes. * @return {Object} The sanitized attributes. */ function __experimentalSanitizeBlockAttributes(name, attributes) { // Get the type definition associated with a registered block. const blockType = getBlockType(name); if (undefined === blockType) { throw new Error(`Block type '${name}' is not registered.`); } return Object.entries(blockType.attributes).reduce((accumulator, [key, schema]) => { const value = attributes[key]; if (undefined !== value) { if (schema.type === 'rich-text') { if (value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData) { accumulator[key] = value; } else if (typeof value === 'string') { accumulator[key] = external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData.fromHTMLString(value); } } else if (schema.type === 'string' && value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData) { accumulator[key] = value.toHTMLString(); } else { accumulator[key] = value; } } else { const _default = getDefault(schema); if (undefined !== _default) { accumulator[key] = _default; } } if (['node', 'children'].indexOf(schema.source) !== -1) { // Ensure value passed is always an array, which we're expecting in // the RichText component to handle the deprecated value. if (typeof accumulator[key] === 'string') { accumulator[key] = [accumulator[key]]; } else if (!Array.isArray(accumulator[key])) { accumulator[key] = []; } } return accumulator; }, {}); } /** * Filter block attributes by `role` and return their names. * * @param {string} name Block attribute's name. * @param {string} role The role of a block attribute. * * @return {string[]} The attribute names that have the provided role. */ function __experimentalGetBlockAttributesNamesByRole(name, role) { const attributes = getBlockType(name)?.attributes; if (!attributes) { return []; } const attributesNames = Object.keys(attributes); if (!role) { return attributesNames; } return attributesNames.filter(attributeName => attributes[attributeName]?.__experimentalRole === role); } /** * Return a new object with the specified keys omitted. * * @param {Object} object Original object. * @param {Array} keys Keys to be omitted. * * @return {Object} Object with omitted keys. */ function omit(object, keys) { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(object).filter(([key]) => !keys.includes(key))); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/reducer.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @typedef {Object} WPBlockCategory * * @property {string} slug Unique category slug. * @property {string} title Category label, for display in user interface. */ /** * Default set of categories. * * @type {WPBlockCategory[]} */ const DEFAULT_CATEGORIES = [{ slug: 'text', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Text') }, { slug: 'media', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Media') }, { slug: 'design', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Design') }, { slug: 'widgets', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets') }, { slug: 'theme', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Theme') }, { slug: 'embed', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Embeds') }, { slug: 'reusable', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Reusable blocks') }]; // Key block types by their name. function keyBlockTypesByName(types) { return types.reduce((newBlockTypes, block) => ({ ...newBlockTypes, []: block }), {}); } // Filter items to ensure they're unique by their name. function getUniqueItemsByName(items) { return items.reduce((acc, currentItem) => { if (!acc.some(item => === { acc.push(currentItem); } return acc; }, []); } function bootstrappedBlockTypes(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_BOOTSTRAPPED_BLOCK_TYPE': const { name, blockType } = action; const serverDefinition = state[name]; let newDefinition; // Don't overwrite if already set. It covers the case when metadata // was initialized from the server. if (serverDefinition) { // The `blockHooks` prop is not yet included in the server provided // definitions and needs to be polyfilled. This can be removed when the // minimum supported WordPress is >= 6.4. if (serverDefinition.blockHooks === undefined && blockType.blockHooks) { newDefinition = { ...serverDefinition, ...newDefinition, blockHooks: blockType.blockHooks }; } // The `allowedBlocks` prop is not yet included in the server provided // definitions and needs to be polyfilled. This can be removed when the // minimum supported WordPress is >= 6.5. if (serverDefinition.allowedBlocks === undefined && blockType.allowedBlocks) { newDefinition = { ...serverDefinition, ...newDefinition, allowedBlocks: blockType.allowedBlocks }; } } else { newDefinition = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(blockType).filter(([, value]) => value !== null && value !== undefined).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value])); = name; } if (newDefinition) { return { ...state, [name]: newDefinition }; } return state; case 'REMOVE_BLOCK_TYPES': return omit(state, action.names); } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the unprocessed block types in a form passed when registering the by block. * It's for internal use only. It allows recomputing the processed block types on-demand after block type filters * get added or removed. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function unprocessedBlockTypes(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_UNPROCESSED_BLOCK_TYPE': return { ...state, []: action.blockType }; case 'REMOVE_BLOCK_TYPES': return omit(state, action.names); } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the processed block types with all filters applied. * The state is derived from the `unprocessedBlockTypes` reducer. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function blockTypes(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_BLOCK_TYPES': return { ...state, ...keyBlockTypesByName(action.blockTypes) }; case 'REMOVE_BLOCK_TYPES': return omit(state, action.names); } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the block styles. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function blockStyles(state = {}, action) { var _state$action$blockNa; switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_BLOCK_TYPES': return { ...state, ...Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(keyBlockTypesByName(action.blockTypes)).map(([name, blockType]) => { var _blockType$styles, _state$blockType$name; return [name, getUniqueItemsByName([...((_blockType$styles = blockType.styles) !== null && _blockType$styles !== void 0 ? _blockType$styles : []).map(style => ({, source: 'block' })), ...((_state$blockType$name = state[]) !== null && _state$blockType$name !== void 0 ? _state$blockType$name : []).filter(({ source }) => 'block' !== source)])]; })) }; case 'ADD_BLOCK_STYLES': const updatedStyles = {}; action.blockNames.forEach(blockName => { var _state$blockName; updatedStyles[blockName] = getUniqueItemsByName([...((_state$blockName = state[blockName]) !== null && _state$blockName !== void 0 ? _state$blockName : []), ...action.styles]); }); return { ...state, ...updatedStyles }; case 'REMOVE_BLOCK_STYLES': return { ...state, [action.blockName]: ((_state$action$blockNa = state[action.blockName]) !== null && _state$action$blockNa !== void 0 ? _state$action$blockNa : []).filter(style => action.styleNames.indexOf( === -1) }; } return state; } /** * Reducer managing the block variations. * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {Object} Updated state. */ function blockVariations(state = {}, action) { var _state$action$blockNa2, _state$action$blockNa3; switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_BLOCK_TYPES': return { ...state, ...Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(keyBlockTypesByName(action.blockTypes)).map(([name, blockType]) => { var _blockType$variations, _state$blockType$name2; return [name, getUniqueItemsByName([...((_blockType$variations = blockType.variations) !== null && _blockType$variations !== void 0 ? _blockType$variations : []).map(variation => ({ ...variation, source: 'block' })), ...((_state$blockType$name2 = state[]) !== null && _state$blockType$name2 !== void 0 ? _state$blockType$name2 : []).filter(({ source }) => 'block' !== source)])]; })) }; case 'ADD_BLOCK_VARIATIONS': return { ...state, [action.blockName]: getUniqueItemsByName([...((_state$action$blockNa2 = state[action.blockName]) !== null && _state$action$blockNa2 !== void 0 ? _state$action$blockNa2 : []), ...action.variations]) }; case 'REMOVE_BLOCK_VARIATIONS': return { ...state, [action.blockName]: ((_state$action$blockNa3 = state[action.blockName]) !== null && _state$action$blockNa3 !== void 0 ? _state$action$blockNa3 : []).filter(variation => action.variationNames.indexOf( === -1) }; } return state; } /** * Higher-order Reducer creating a reducer keeping track of given block name. * * @param {string} setActionType Action type. * * @return {Function} Reducer. */ function createBlockNameSetterReducer(setActionType) { return (state = null, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'REMOVE_BLOCK_TYPES': if (action.names.indexOf(state) !== -1) { return null; } return state; case setActionType: return || null; } return state; }; } const defaultBlockName = createBlockNameSetterReducer('SET_DEFAULT_BLOCK_NAME'); const freeformFallbackBlockName = createBlockNameSetterReducer('SET_FREEFORM_FALLBACK_BLOCK_NAME'); const unregisteredFallbackBlockName = createBlockNameSetterReducer('SET_UNREGISTERED_FALLBACK_BLOCK_NAME'); const groupingBlockName = createBlockNameSetterReducer('SET_GROUPING_BLOCK_NAME'); /** * Reducer managing the categories * * @param {WPBlockCategory[]} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Dispatched action. * * @return {WPBlockCategory[]} Updated state. */ function categories(state = DEFAULT_CATEGORIES, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_CATEGORIES': return action.categories || []; case 'UPDATE_CATEGORY': { if (!action.category || !Object.keys(action.category).length) { return state; } const categoryToChange = state.find(({ slug }) => slug === action.slug); if (categoryToChange) { return => { if (category.slug === action.slug) { return { ...category, ...action.category }; } return category; }); } } } return state; } function collections(state = {}, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_BLOCK_COLLECTION': return { ...state, [action.namespace]: { title: action.title, icon: action.icon } }; case 'REMOVE_BLOCK_COLLECTION': return omit(state, action.namespace); } return state; } function blockBindingsSources(state = {}, action) { if (action.type === 'REGISTER_BLOCK_BINDINGS_SOURCE') { return { ...state, [action.sourceName]: { label: action.sourceLabel, getValue: action.getValue, setValue: action.setValue, setValues: action.setValues, getPlaceholder: action.getPlaceholder, canUserEditValue: action.canUserEditValue || (() => false) } }; } return state; } /* harmony default export */ const reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({ bootstrappedBlockTypes, unprocessedBlockTypes, blockTypes, blockStyles, blockVariations, defaultBlockName, freeformFallbackBlockName, unregisteredFallbackBlockName, groupingBlockName, categories, collections, blockBindingsSources })); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/remove-accents/index.js var remove_accents = __webpack_require__(9681); var remove_accents_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(remove_accents); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/utils.js /** * Helper util to return a value from a certain path of the object. * Path is specified as either: * - a string of properties, separated by dots, for example: "x.y". * - an array of properties, for example `[ 'x', 'y' ]`. * You can also specify a default value in case the result is nullish. * * @param {Object} object Input object. * @param {string|Array} path Path to the object property. * @param {*} defaultValue Default value if the value at the specified path is nullish. * @return {*} Value of the object property at the specified path. */ const getValueFromObjectPath = (object, path, defaultValue) => { var _value; const normalizedPath = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.'); let value = object; normalizedPath.forEach(fieldName => { value = value?.[fieldName]; }); return (_value = value) !== null && _value !== void 0 ? _value : defaultValue; }; function utils_isObject(candidate) { return typeof candidate === 'object' && candidate.constructor === Object && candidate !== null; } /** * Determine whether a set of object properties matches a given object. * * Given an object of block attributes and an object of variation attributes, * this function checks recursively whether all the variation attributes are * present in the block attributes object. * * @param {Object} blockAttributes The object to inspect. * @param {Object} variationAttributes The object of property values to match. * @return {boolean} Whether the block attributes match the variation attributes. */ function matchesAttributes(blockAttributes, variationAttributes) { if (utils_isObject(blockAttributes) && utils_isObject(variationAttributes)) { return Object.entries(variationAttributes).every(([key, value]) => matchesAttributes(blockAttributes?.[key], value)); } return blockAttributes === variationAttributes; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/selectors.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('../api/registration').WPBlockVariation} WPBlockVariation */ /** @typedef {import('../api/registration').WPBlockVariationScope} WPBlockVariationScope */ /** @typedef {import('./reducer').WPBlockCategory} WPBlockCategory */ /** * Given a block name or block type object, returns the corresponding * normalized block type object. * * @param {Object} state Blocks state. * @param {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object * * @return {Object} Block type object. */ const getNormalizedBlockType = (state, nameOrType) => 'string' === typeof nameOrType ? selectors_getBlockType(state, nameOrType) : nameOrType; /** * Returns all the available block types. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @example * ```js * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const blockTypes = useSelect( * ( select ) => select( blocksStore ).getBlockTypes(), * [] * ); * * return ( *
      * { ( block ) => ( *
    • { block.title }
    • * ) ) } *
    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {Array} Block Types. */ const selectors_getBlockTypes = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(state => Object.values(state.blockTypes), state => [state.blockTypes]); /** * Returns a block type by name. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} name Block type name. * * @example * ```js * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const paragraphBlock = useSelect( ( select ) => * ( select ) => select( blocksStore ).getBlockType( 'core/paragraph' ), * [] * ); * * return ( *
      * { paragraphBlock && * Object.entries( paragraphBlock.supports ).map( * ( blockSupportsEntry ) => { * const [ propertyName, value ] = blockSupportsEntry; * return ( *
    • { `${ propertyName } : ${ value }` }
    • * ); * } * ) } *
    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {Object?} Block Type. */ function selectors_getBlockType(state, name) { return state.blockTypes[name]; } /** * Returns block styles by block name. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} name Block type name. * * @example * ```js * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const buttonBlockStyles = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getBlockStyles( 'core/button' ), * [] * ); * * return ( *
      * { buttonBlockStyles && * ( style ) => ( *
    • { style.label }
    • * ) ) } *
    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {Array?} Block Styles. */ function getBlockStyles(state, name) { return state.blockStyles[name]; } /** * Returns block variations by block name. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} blockName Block type name. * @param {WPBlockVariationScope} [scope] Block variation scope name. * * @example * ```js * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const socialLinkVariations = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getBlockVariations( 'core/social-link' ), * [] * ); * * return ( *
      * { socialLinkVariations && * ( variation ) => ( *
    • { variation.title }
    • * ) ) } *
    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {(WPBlockVariation[]|void)} Block variations. */ const selectors_getBlockVariations = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, blockName, scope) => { const variations = state.blockVariations[blockName]; if (!variations || !scope) { return variations; } return variations.filter(variation => { // For backward compatibility reasons, variation's scope defaults to // `block` and `inserter` when not set. return (variation.scope || ['block', 'inserter']).includes(scope); }); }, (state, blockName) => [state.blockVariations[blockName]]); /** * Returns the active block variation for a given block based on its attributes. * Variations are determined by their `isActive` property. * Which is either an array of block attribute keys or a function. * * In case of an array of block attribute keys, the `attributes` are compared * to the variation's attributes using strict equality check. * * In case of function type, the function should accept a block's attributes * and the variation's attributes and determines if a variation is active. * A function that accepts a block's attributes and the variation's attributes and determines if a variation is active. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} blockName Name of block (example: “core/columns”). * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes used to determine active variation. * @param {WPBlockVariationScope} [scope] Block variation scope name. * * @example * ```js * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { store as blockEditorStore } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * // This example assumes that a core/embed block is the first block in the Block Editor. * const activeBlockVariation = useSelect( ( select ) => { * // Retrieve the list of blocks. * const [ firstBlock ] = select( blockEditorStore ).getBlocks() * * // Return the active block variation for the first block. * return select( blocksStore ).getActiveBlockVariation( *, * firstBlock.attributes * ); * }, [] ); * * return activeBlockVariation && === 'spotify' ? ( *

    { __( 'Spotify variation' ) }

    * ) : ( *

    { __( 'Other variation' ) }

    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {(WPBlockVariation|undefined)} Active block variation. */ function getActiveBlockVariation(state, blockName, attributes, scope) { const variations = selectors_getBlockVariations(state, blockName, scope); if (!variations) { return variations; } const blockType = selectors_getBlockType(state, blockName); const attributeKeys = Object.keys(blockType?.attributes || {}); let match; let maxMatchedAttributes = 0; for (const variation of variations) { if (Array.isArray(variation.isActive)) { const definedAttributes = variation.isActive.filter(attribute => { // We support nested attribute paths, e.g. `layout.type`. // In this case, we need to check if the part before the // first dot is a known attribute. const topLevelAttribute = attribute.split('.')[0]; return attributeKeys.includes(topLevelAttribute); }); const definedAttributesLength = definedAttributes.length; if (definedAttributesLength === 0) { continue; } const isMatch = definedAttributes.every(attribute => { const variationAttributeValue = getValueFromObjectPath(variation.attributes, attribute); if (variationAttributeValue === undefined) { return false; } let blockAttributeValue = getValueFromObjectPath(attributes, attribute); if (blockAttributeValue instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData) { blockAttributeValue = blockAttributeValue.toHTMLString(); } return matchesAttributes(blockAttributeValue, variationAttributeValue); }); if (isMatch && definedAttributesLength > maxMatchedAttributes) { match = variation; maxMatchedAttributes = definedAttributesLength; } } else if (variation.isActive?.(attributes, variation.attributes)) { // If isActive is a function, we cannot know how many attributes it matches. // This means that we cannot compare the specificity of our matches, // and simply return the best match we have found. return match || variation; } } return match; } /** * Returns the default block variation for the given block type. * When there are multiple variations annotated as the default one, * the last added item is picked. This simplifies registering overrides. * When there is no default variation set, it returns the first item. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} blockName Block type name. * @param {WPBlockVariationScope} [scope] Block variation scope name. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const defaultEmbedBlockVariation = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getDefaultBlockVariation( 'core/embed' ), * [] * ); * * return ( * defaultEmbedBlockVariation && ( *

    * { sprintf( * __( 'core/embed default variation: %s' ), * defaultEmbedBlockVariation.title * ) } *

    * ) * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {?WPBlockVariation} The default block variation. */ function getDefaultBlockVariation(state, blockName, scope) { const variations = selectors_getBlockVariations(state, blockName, scope); const defaultVariation = [...variations].reverse().find(({ isDefault }) => !!isDefault); return defaultVariation || variations[0]; } /** * Returns all the available block categories. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @example * ```js * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect, } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const blockCategories = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getCategories(), * [] * ); * * return ( *
      * { ( category ) => ( *
    • { category.title }
    • * ) ) } *
    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {WPBlockCategory[]} Categories list. */ function getCategories(state) { return state.categories; } /** * Returns all the available collections. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @example * ```js * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const blockCollections = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getCollections(), * [] * ); * * return ( *
      * { Object.values( blockCollections ).length > 0 && * Object.values( blockCollections ).map( ( collection ) => ( *
    • { collection.title }
    • * ) ) } *
    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {Object} Collections list. */ function getCollections(state) { return state.collections; } /** * Returns the name of the default block name. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const defaultBlockName = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getDefaultBlockName(), * [] * ); * * return ( * defaultBlockName && ( *

    * { sprintf( __( 'Default block name: %s' ), defaultBlockName ) } *

    * ) * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {string?} Default block name. */ function selectors_getDefaultBlockName(state) { return state.defaultBlockName; } /** * Returns the name of the block for handling non-block content. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const freeformFallbackBlockName = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getFreeformFallbackBlockName(), * [] * ); * * return ( * freeformFallbackBlockName && ( *

    * { sprintf( __( * 'Freeform fallback block name: %s' ), * freeformFallbackBlockName * ) } *

    * ) * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {string?} Name of the block for handling non-block content. */ function getFreeformFallbackBlockName(state) { return state.freeformFallbackBlockName; } /** * Returns the name of the block for handling unregistered blocks. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const unregisteredFallbackBlockName = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getUnregisteredFallbackBlockName(), * [] * ); * * return ( * unregisteredFallbackBlockName && ( *

    * { sprintf( __( * 'Unregistered fallback block name: %s' ), * unregisteredFallbackBlockName * ) } *

    * ) * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {string?} Name of the block for handling unregistered blocks. */ function getUnregisteredFallbackBlockName(state) { return state.unregisteredFallbackBlockName; } /** * Returns the name of the block for handling the grouping of blocks. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const groupingBlockName = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getGroupingBlockName(), * [] * ); * * return ( * groupingBlockName && ( *

    * { sprintf( * __( 'Default grouping block name: %s' ), * groupingBlockName * ) } *

    * ) * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {string?} Name of the block for handling the grouping of blocks. */ function selectors_getGroupingBlockName(state) { return state.groupingBlockName; } /** * Returns an array with the child blocks of a given block. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} blockName Block type name. * * @example * ```js * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const childBlockNames = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getChildBlockNames( 'core/navigation' ), * [] * ); * * return ( *
      * { childBlockNames && * ( child ) => ( *
    • { child }
    • * ) ) } *
    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {Array} Array of child block names. */ const selectors_getChildBlockNames = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, blockName) => { return selectors_getBlockTypes(state).filter(blockType => { return blockType.parent?.includes(blockName); }).map(({ name }) => name); }, state => [state.blockTypes]); /** * Returns the block support value for a feature, if defined. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object * @param {Array|string} feature Feature to retrieve * @param {*} defaultSupports Default value to return if not * explicitly defined * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const paragraphBlockSupportValue = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).getBlockSupport( 'core/paragraph', 'anchor' ), * [] * ); * * return ( *

    * { sprintf( * __( 'core/paragraph supports.anchor value: %s' ), * paragraphBlockSupportValue * ) } *

    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {?*} Block support value */ const selectors_getBlockSupport = (state, nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports) => { const blockType = getNormalizedBlockType(state, nameOrType); if (!blockType?.supports) { return defaultSupports; } return getValueFromObjectPath(blockType.supports, feature, defaultSupports); }; /** * Returns true if the block defines support for a feature, or false otherwise. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object. * @param {string} feature Feature to test. * @param {boolean} defaultSupports Whether feature is supported by * default if not explicitly defined. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const paragraphBlockSupportClassName = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).hasBlockSupport( 'core/paragraph', 'className' ), * [] * ); * * return ( *

    * { sprintf( * __( 'core/paragraph supports custom class name?: %s' ), * paragraphBlockSupportClassName * ) } * /p> * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {boolean} Whether block supports feature. */ function selectors_hasBlockSupport(state, nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports) { return !!selectors_getBlockSupport(state, nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports); } /** * Normalizes a search term string: removes accents, converts to lowercase, removes extra whitespace. * * @param {string|null|undefined} term Search term to normalize. * @return {string} Normalized search term. */ function getNormalizedSearchTerm(term) { return remove_accents_default()(term !== null && term !== void 0 ? term : '').toLowerCase().trim(); } /** * Returns true if the block type by the given name or object value matches a * search term, or false otherwise. * * @param {Object} state Blocks state. * @param {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object. * @param {string} searchTerm Search term by which to filter. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const termFound = useSelect( * ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).isMatchingSearchTerm( * 'core/navigation', * 'theme' * ), * [] * ); * * return ( *

    * { sprintf( * __( * 'Search term was found in the title, keywords, category or description in block.json: %s' * ), * termFound * ) } *

    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {Object[]} Whether block type matches search term. */ function isMatchingSearchTerm(state, nameOrType, searchTerm = '') { const blockType = getNormalizedBlockType(state, nameOrType); const normalizedSearchTerm = getNormalizedSearchTerm(searchTerm); const isSearchMatch = candidate => getNormalizedSearchTerm(candidate).includes(normalizedSearchTerm); return isSearchMatch(blockType.title) || blockType.keywords?.some(isSearchMatch) || isSearchMatch(blockType.category) || typeof blockType.description === 'string' && isSearchMatch(blockType.description); } /** * Returns a boolean indicating if a block has child blocks or not. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} blockName Block type name. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const navigationBlockHasChildBlocks = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).hasChildBlocks( 'core/navigation' ), * [] * ); * * return ( *

    * { sprintf( * __( 'core/navigation has child blocks: %s' ), * navigationBlockHasChildBlocks * ) } *

    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {boolean} True if a block contains child blocks and false otherwise. */ const selectors_hasChildBlocks = (state, blockName) => { return selectors_getChildBlockNames(state, blockName).length > 0; }; /** * Returns a boolean indicating if a block has at least one child block with inserter support. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} blockName Block type name. * * @example * ```js * import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; * import { store as blocksStore } from '@wordpress/blocks'; * import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; * * const ExampleComponent = () => { * const navigationBlockHasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport = useSelect( ( select ) => * select( blocksStore ).hasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport( * 'core/navigation' * ), * [] * ); * * return ( *

    * { sprintf( * __( 'core/navigation has child blocks with inserter support: %s' ), * navigationBlockHasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport * ) } *

    * ); * }; * ``` * * @return {boolean} True if a block contains at least one child blocks with inserter support * and false otherwise. */ const selectors_hasChildBlocksWithInserterSupport = (state, blockName) => { return selectors_getChildBlockNames(state, blockName).some(childBlockName => { return selectors_hasBlockSupport(state, childBlockName, 'inserter', true); }); }; /** * DO-NOT-USE in production. * This selector is created for internal/experimental only usage and may be * removed anytime without any warning, causing breakage on any plugin or theme invoking it. */ const __experimentalHasContentRoleAttribute = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, blockTypeName) => { const blockType = selectors_getBlockType(state, blockTypeName); if (!blockType) { return false; } return Object.entries(blockType.attributes).some(([, { __experimentalRole }]) => __experimentalRole === 'content'); }, (state, blockTypeName) => [state.blockTypes[blockTypeName]?.attributes]); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/private-selectors.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ROOT_BLOCK_SUPPORTS = ['background', 'backgroundColor', 'color', 'linkColor', 'captionColor', 'buttonColor', 'headingColor', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'fontStyle', 'fontWeight', 'lineHeight', 'padding', 'contentSize', 'wideSize', 'blockGap', 'textDecoration', 'textTransform', 'letterSpacing']; /** * Filters the list of supported styles for a given element. * * @param {string[]} blockSupports list of supported styles. * @param {string|undefined} name block name. * @param {string|undefined} element element name. * * @return {string[]} filtered list of supported styles. */ function filterElementBlockSupports(blockSupports, name, element) { return blockSupports.filter(support => { if (support === 'fontSize' && element === 'heading') { return false; } // This is only available for links if (support === 'textDecoration' && !name && element !== 'link') { return false; } // This is only available for heading, button, caption and text if (support === 'textTransform' && !name && !(['heading', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'].includes(element) || element === 'button' || element === 'caption' || element === 'text')) { return false; } // This is only available for heading, button, caption and text if (support === 'letterSpacing' && !name && !(['heading', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'].includes(element) || element === 'button' || element === 'caption' || element === 'text')) { return false; } // Text columns is only available for blocks. if (support === 'textColumns' && !name) { return false; } return true; }); } /** * Returns the list of supported styles for a given block name and element. */ const getSupportedStyles = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, name, element) => { if (!name) { return filterElementBlockSupports(ROOT_BLOCK_SUPPORTS, name, element); } const blockType = selectors_getBlockType(state, name); if (!blockType) { return []; } const supportKeys = []; // Check for blockGap support. // Block spacing support doesn't map directly to a single style property, so needs to be handled separately. if (blockType?.supports?.spacing?.blockGap) { supportKeys.push('blockGap'); } // check for shadow support if (blockType?.supports?.shadow) { supportKeys.push('shadow'); } Object.keys(__EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY).forEach(styleName => { if (!__EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY[styleName].support) { return; } // Opting out means that, for certain support keys like background color, // blocks have to explicitly set the support value false. If the key is // unset, we still enable it. if (__EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY[styleName].requiresOptOut) { if (__EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY[styleName].support[0] in blockType.supports && getValueFromObjectPath(blockType.supports, __EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY[styleName].support) !== false) { supportKeys.push(styleName); return; } } if (getValueFromObjectPath(blockType.supports, __EXPERIMENTAL_STYLE_PROPERTY[styleName].support, false)) { supportKeys.push(styleName); } }); return filterElementBlockSupports(supportKeys, name, element); }, (state, name) => [state.blockTypes[name]]); /** * Returns the bootstrapped block type metadata for a give block name. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} name Block name. * * @return {Object} Bootstrapped block type metadata for a block. */ function getBootstrappedBlockType(state, name) { return state.bootstrappedBlockTypes[name]; } /** * Returns all the unprocessed (before applying the `registerBlockType` filter) * block type settings as passed during block registration. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @return {Array} Unprocessed block type settings for all blocks. */ function getUnprocessedBlockTypes(state) { return state.unprocessedBlockTypes; } /** * Returns all the block bindings sources registered. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * * @return {Object} All the registered sources and their properties. */ function getAllBlockBindingsSources(state) { return state.blockBindingsSources; } /** * Returns a specific block bindings source. * * @param {Object} state Data state. * @param {string} sourceName Name of the source to get. * * @return {Object} The specific block binding source and its properties. */ function getBlockBindingsSource(state, sourceName) { return state.blockBindingsSources[sourceName]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","deprecated"] const external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"]; var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/is-plain-object/dist/is-plain-object.mjs /*! * is-plain-object * * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. * Released under the MIT License. */ function is_plain_object_isObject(o) { return === '[object Object]'; } function isPlainObject(o) { var ctor,prot; if (is_plain_object_isObject(o) === false) return false; // If has modified constructor ctor = o.constructor; if (ctor === undefined) return true; // If has modified prototype prot = ctor.prototype; if (is_plain_object_isObject(prot) === false) return false; // If constructor does not have an Object-specific method if (prot.hasOwnProperty('isPrototypeOf') === false) { return false; } // Most likely a plain Object return true; } // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/react-is/index.js var react_is = __webpack_require__(8529); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","hooks"] const external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["hooks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/process-block-type.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('../api/registration').WPBlockType} WPBlockType */ const error = (...args) => window?.console?.error?.(...args); const warn = (...args) => window?.console?.warn?.(...args); /** * Mapping of legacy category slugs to their latest normal values, used to * accommodate updates of the default set of block categories. * * @type {Record} */ const LEGACY_CATEGORY_MAPPING = { common: 'text', formatting: 'text', layout: 'design' }; /** * Merge block variations bootstrapped from the server and client. * * When a variation is registered in both places, its properties are merged. * * @param {Array} bootstrappedVariations - A block type variations from the server. * @param {Array} clientVariations - A block type variations from the client. * @return {Array} The merged array of block variations. */ function mergeBlockVariations(bootstrappedVariations = [], clientVariations = []) { const result = [...bootstrappedVariations]; clientVariations.forEach(clientVariation => { const index = result.findIndex(bootstrappedVariation => ===; if (index !== -1) { result[index] = { ...result[index], ...clientVariation }; } else { result.push(clientVariation); } }); return result; } /** * Takes the unprocessed block type settings, merges them with block type metadata * and applies all the existing filters for the registered block type. * Next, it validates all the settings and performs additional processing to the block type definition. * * @param {string} name Block name. * @param {WPBlockType} blockSettings Unprocessed block type settings. * * @return {WPBlockType | undefined} The block, if it has been processed and can be registered; otherwise `undefined`. */ const processBlockType = (name, blockSettings) => ({ select }) => { const bootstrappedBlockType = select.getBootstrappedBlockType(name); const blockType = { name, icon: BLOCK_ICON_DEFAULT, keywords: [], attributes: {}, providesContext: {}, usesContext: [], selectors: {}, supports: {}, styles: [], blockHooks: {}, save: () => null, ...bootstrappedBlockType, ...blockSettings, variations: mergeBlockVariations(bootstrappedBlockType?.variations, blockSettings?.variations) }; const settings = (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.registerBlockType', blockType, name, null); if (settings.description && typeof settings.description !== 'string') { external_wp_deprecated_default()('Declaring non-string block descriptions', { since: '6.2' }); } if (settings.deprecated) { settings.deprecated = => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries( // Only keep valid deprecation keys. (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.registerBlockType', // Merge deprecation keys with pre-filter settings // so that filters that depend on specific keys being // present don't fail. { // Omit deprecation keys here so that deprecations // can opt out of specific keys like "supports". ...omit(blockType, DEPRECATED_ENTRY_KEYS), ...deprecation },, deprecation)).filter(([key]) => DEPRECATED_ENTRY_KEYS.includes(key)))); } if (!isPlainObject(settings)) { error('Block settings must be a valid object.'); return; } if (typeof !== 'function') { error('The "save" property must be a valid function.'); return; } if ('edit' in settings && !(0,react_is.isValidElementType)(settings.edit)) { error('The "edit" property must be a valid component.'); return; } // Canonicalize legacy categories to equivalent fallback. if (LEGACY_CATEGORY_MAPPING.hasOwnProperty(settings.category)) { settings.category = LEGACY_CATEGORY_MAPPING[settings.category]; } if ('category' in settings && !select.getCategories().some(({ slug }) => slug === settings.category)) { warn('The block "' + name + '" is registered with an invalid category "' + settings.category + '".'); delete settings.category; } if (!('title' in settings) || settings.title === '') { error('The block "' + name + '" must have a title.'); return; } if (typeof settings.title !== 'string') { error('Block titles must be strings.'); return; } settings.icon = normalizeIconObject(settings.icon); if (!isValidIcon(settings.icon.src)) { error('The icon passed is invalid. ' + 'The icon should be a string, an element, a function, or an object following the specifications documented in'); return; } return settings; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/actions.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('../api/registration').WPBlockVariation} WPBlockVariation */ /** @typedef {import('../api/registration').WPBlockType} WPBlockType */ /** @typedef {import('./reducer').WPBlockCategory} WPBlockCategory */ /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that block types have been added. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through registerBlockType from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {WPBlockType|WPBlockType[]} blockTypes Object or array of objects representing blocks to added. * * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function addBlockTypes(blockTypes) { return { type: 'ADD_BLOCK_TYPES', blockTypes: Array.isArray(blockTypes) ? blockTypes : [blockTypes] }; } /** * Signals that all block types should be computed again. * It uses stored unprocessed block types and all the most recent list of registered filters. * * It addresses the issue where third party block filters get registered after third party blocks. A sample sequence: * 1. Filter A. * 2. Block B. * 3. Block C. * 4. Filter D. * 5. Filter E. * 6. Block F. * 7. Filter G. * In this scenario some filters would not get applied for all blocks because they are registered too late. */ function reapplyBlockTypeFilters() { return ({ dispatch, select }) => { const processedBlockTypes = []; for (const [name, settings] of Object.entries(select.getUnprocessedBlockTypes())) { const result = dispatch(processBlockType(name, settings)); if (result) { processedBlockTypes.push(result); } } if (!processedBlockTypes.length) { return; } dispatch.addBlockTypes(processedBlockTypes); }; } function __experimentalReapplyBlockFilters() { external_wp_deprecated_default()(' "core/blocks" ).__experimentalReapplyBlockFilters', { since: '6.4', alternative: 'reapplyBlockFilters' }); return reapplyBlockTypeFilters(); } /** * Returns an action object used to remove a registered block type. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through unregisterBlockType from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string|string[]} names Block name or array of block names to be removed. * * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function removeBlockTypes(names) { return { type: 'REMOVE_BLOCK_TYPES', names: Array.isArray(names) ? names : [names] }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that new block styles have been added. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through registerBlockStyle from @wordpress/blocks. * * @param {string|Array} blockNames Block names to register new styles for. * @param {Array|Object} styles Block style object or array of block style objects. * * @ignore * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function addBlockStyles(blockNames, styles) { return { type: 'ADD_BLOCK_STYLES', styles: Array.isArray(styles) ? styles : [styles], blockNames: Array.isArray(blockNames) ? blockNames : [blockNames] }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that block styles have been removed. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through unregisterBlockStyle from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} blockName Block name. * @param {Array|string} styleNames Block style names or array of block style names. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function removeBlockStyles(blockName, styleNames) { return { type: 'REMOVE_BLOCK_STYLES', styleNames: Array.isArray(styleNames) ? styleNames : [styleNames], blockName }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that new block variations have been added. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through registerBlockVariation from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} blockName Block name. * @param {WPBlockVariation|WPBlockVariation[]} variations Block variations. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function addBlockVariations(blockName, variations) { return { type: 'ADD_BLOCK_VARIATIONS', variations: Array.isArray(variations) ? variations : [variations], blockName }; } /** * Returns an action object used in signalling that block variations have been removed. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through unregisterBlockVariation from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} blockName Block name. * @param {string|string[]} variationNames Block variation names. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function removeBlockVariations(blockName, variationNames) { return { type: 'REMOVE_BLOCK_VARIATIONS', variationNames: Array.isArray(variationNames) ? variationNames : [variationNames], blockName }; } /** * Returns an action object used to set the default block name. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through setDefaultBlockName from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function actions_setDefaultBlockName(name) { return { type: 'SET_DEFAULT_BLOCK_NAME', name }; } /** * Returns an action object used to set the name of the block used as a fallback * for non-block content. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through setFreeformContentHandlerName from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setFreeformFallbackBlockName(name) { return { type: 'SET_FREEFORM_FALLBACK_BLOCK_NAME', name }; } /** * Returns an action object used to set the name of the block used as a fallback * for unregistered blocks. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through setUnregisteredTypeHandlerName from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setUnregisteredFallbackBlockName(name) { return { type: 'SET_UNREGISTERED_FALLBACK_BLOCK_NAME', name }; } /** * Returns an action object used to set the name of the block used * when grouping other blocks * eg: in "Group/Ungroup" interactions * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through setGroupingBlockName from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} name Block name. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function actions_setGroupingBlockName(name) { return { type: 'SET_GROUPING_BLOCK_NAME', name }; } /** * Returns an action object used to set block categories. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through setCategories from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {WPBlockCategory[]} categories Block categories. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function setCategories(categories) { return { type: 'SET_CATEGORIES', categories }; } /** * Returns an action object used to update a category. * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through updateCategory from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} slug Block category slug. * @param {Object} category Object containing the category properties that should be updated. * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function updateCategory(slug, category) { return { type: 'UPDATE_CATEGORY', slug, category }; } /** * Returns an action object used to add block collections * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through registerBlockCollection from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} namespace The namespace of the blocks to put in the collection * @param {string} title The title to display in the block inserter * @param {Object} icon (optional) The icon to display in the block inserter * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function addBlockCollection(namespace, title, icon) { return { type: 'ADD_BLOCK_COLLECTION', namespace, title, icon }; } /** * Returns an action object used to remove block collections * Ignored from documentation as the recommended usage for this action through unregisterBlockCollection from @wordpress/blocks. * * @ignore * * @param {string} namespace The namespace of the blocks to put in the collection * * @return {Object} Action object. */ function removeBlockCollection(namespace) { return { type: 'REMOVE_BLOCK_COLLECTION', namespace }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/private-actions.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('../api/registration').WPBlockType} WPBlockType */ /** * Add bootstrapped block type metadata to the store. These metadata usually come from * the `block.json` file and are either statically boostrapped from the server, or * passed as the `metadata` parameter to the `registerBlockType` function. * * @param {string} name Block name. * @param {WPBlockType} blockType Block type metadata. */ function addBootstrappedBlockType(name, blockType) { return { type: 'ADD_BOOTSTRAPPED_BLOCK_TYPE', name, blockType }; } /** * Add unprocessed block type settings to the store. These data are passed as the * `settings` parameter to the client-side `registerBlockType` function. * * @param {string} name Block name. * @param {WPBlockType} blockType Unprocessed block type settings. */ function addUnprocessedBlockType(name, blockType) { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch({ type: 'ADD_UNPROCESSED_BLOCK_TYPE', name, blockType }); const processedBlockType = dispatch(processBlockType(name, blockType)); if (!processedBlockType) { return; } dispatch.addBlockTypes(processedBlockType); }; } /** * Register new block bindings source. * * @param {string} source Name of the source to register. */ function registerBlockBindingsSource(source) { return { type: 'REGISTER_BLOCK_BINDINGS_SOURCE', sourceName:, sourceLabel: source.label, getValue: source.getValue, setValue: source.setValue, setValues: source.setValues, getPlaceholder: source.getPlaceholder, canUserEditValue: source.canUserEditValue }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/constants.js const STORE_NAME = 'core/blocks'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/store/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Store definition for the blocks namespace. * * @see * * @type {Object} */ const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, { reducer: reducer, selectors: selectors_namespaceObject, actions: actions_namespaceObject }); (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); unlock(store).registerPrivateSelectors(private_selectors_namespaceObject); unlock(store).registerPrivateActions(private_actions_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/native.js const randomUUID = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto); /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_native = ({ randomUUID }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js // Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore // require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number // generators (like Math.random()). let getRandomValues; const rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16); function rng() { // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so if (!getRandomValues) { // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation. getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto); if (!getRandomValues) { throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See'); } } return getRandomValues(rnds8); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js /** * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form: * XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX */ const byteToHex = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).slice(1)); } function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) { // Note: Be careful editing this code! It's been tuned for performance // and works in ways you may not expect. See return byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]; } function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); // Consistency check for valid UUID. If this throws, it's likely due to one // of the following: // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to // "undefined" in the uuid) // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields if (!validate(uuid)) { throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid'); } return uuid; } /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_stringify = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (stringify))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js function v4(options, buf, offset) { if (esm_browser_native.randomUUID && !buf && !options) { return esm_browser_native.randomUUID(); } options = options || {}; const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40; rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided if (buf) { offset = offset || 0; for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { buf[offset + i] = rnds[i]; } return buf; } return unsafeStringify(rnds); } /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_v4 = (v4); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/factory.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Returns a block object given its type and attributes. * * @param {string} name Block name. * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes. * @param {?Array} innerBlocks Nested blocks. * * @return {Object} Block object. */ function createBlock(name, attributes = {}, innerBlocks = []) { const sanitizedAttributes = __experimentalSanitizeBlockAttributes(name, attributes); const clientId = esm_browser_v4(); // Blocks are stored with a unique ID, the assigned type name, the block // attributes, and their inner blocks. return { clientId, name, isValid: true, attributes: sanitizedAttributes, innerBlocks }; } /** * Given an array of InnerBlocks templates or Block Objects, * returns an array of created Blocks from them. * It handles the case of having InnerBlocks as Blocks by * converting them to the proper format to continue recursively. * * @param {Array} innerBlocksOrTemplate Nested blocks or InnerBlocks templates. * * @return {Object[]} Array of Block objects. */ function createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate(innerBlocksOrTemplate = []) { return => { const innerBlockTemplate = Array.isArray(innerBlock) ? innerBlock : [, innerBlock.attributes, innerBlock.innerBlocks]; const [name, attributes, innerBlocks = []] = innerBlockTemplate; return createBlock(name, attributes, createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate(innerBlocks)); }); } /** * Given a block object, returns a copy of the block object while sanitizing its attributes, * optionally merging new attributes and/or replacing its inner blocks. * * @param {Object} block Block instance. * @param {Object} mergeAttributes Block attributes. * @param {?Array} newInnerBlocks Nested blocks. * * @return {Object} A cloned block. */ function __experimentalCloneSanitizedBlock(block, mergeAttributes = {}, newInnerBlocks) { const clientId = esm_browser_v4(); const sanitizedAttributes = __experimentalSanitizeBlockAttributes(, { ...block.attributes, ...mergeAttributes }); return { ...block, clientId, attributes: sanitizedAttributes, innerBlocks: newInnerBlocks || => __experimentalCloneSanitizedBlock(innerBlock)) }; } /** * Given a block object, returns a copy of the block object, * optionally merging new attributes and/or replacing its inner blocks. * * @param {Object} block Block instance. * @param {Object} mergeAttributes Block attributes. * @param {?Array} newInnerBlocks Nested blocks. * * @return {Object} A cloned block. */ function cloneBlock(block, mergeAttributes = {}, newInnerBlocks) { const clientId = esm_browser_v4(); return { ...block, clientId, attributes: { ...block.attributes, ...mergeAttributes }, innerBlocks: newInnerBlocks || => cloneBlock(innerBlock)) }; } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether a transform is possible based on * various bits of context. * * @param {Object} transform The transform object to validate. * @param {string} direction Is this a 'from' or 'to' transform. * @param {Array} blocks The blocks to transform from. * * @return {boolean} Is the transform possible? */ const isPossibleTransformForSource = (transform, direction, blocks) => { if (!blocks.length) { return false; } // If multiple blocks are selected, only multi block transforms // or wildcard transforms are allowed. const isMultiBlock = blocks.length > 1; const firstBlockName = blocks[0].name; const isValidForMultiBlocks = isWildcardBlockTransform(transform) || !isMultiBlock || transform.isMultiBlock; if (!isValidForMultiBlocks) { return false; } // Check non-wildcard transforms to ensure that transform is valid // for a block selection of multiple blocks of different types. if (!isWildcardBlockTransform(transform) && !blocks.every(block => === firstBlockName)) { return false; } // Only consider 'block' type transforms as valid. const isBlockType = transform.type === 'block'; if (!isBlockType) { return false; } // Check if the transform's block name matches the source block (or is a wildcard) // only if this is a transform 'from'. const sourceBlock = blocks[0]; const hasMatchingName = direction !== 'from' || transform.blocks.indexOf( !== -1 || isWildcardBlockTransform(transform); if (!hasMatchingName) { return false; } // Don't allow single Grouping blocks to be transformed into // a Grouping block. if (!isMultiBlock && direction === 'from' && isContainerGroupBlock( && isContainerGroupBlock(transform.blockName)) { return false; } // If the transform has a `isMatch` function specified, check that it returns true. if (!maybeCheckTransformIsMatch(transform, blocks)) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Returns block types that the 'blocks' can be transformed into, based on * 'from' transforms on other blocks. * * @param {Array} blocks The blocks to transform from. * * @return {Array} Block types that the blocks can be transformed into. */ const getBlockTypesForPossibleFromTransforms = blocks => { if (!blocks.length) { return []; } const allBlockTypes = getBlockTypes(); // filter all blocks to find those with a 'from' transform. const blockTypesWithPossibleFromTransforms = allBlockTypes.filter(blockType => { const fromTransforms = getBlockTransforms('from',; return !!findTransform(fromTransforms, transform => { return isPossibleTransformForSource(transform, 'from', blocks); }); }); return blockTypesWithPossibleFromTransforms; }; /** * Returns block types that the 'blocks' can be transformed into, based on * the source block's own 'to' transforms. * * @param {Array} blocks The blocks to transform from. * * @return {Array} Block types that the source can be transformed into. */ const getBlockTypesForPossibleToTransforms = blocks => { if (!blocks.length) { return []; } const sourceBlock = blocks[0]; const blockType = getBlockType(; const transformsTo = blockType ? getBlockTransforms('to', : []; // filter all 'to' transforms to find those that are possible. const possibleTransforms = transformsTo.filter(transform => { return transform && isPossibleTransformForSource(transform, 'to', blocks); }); // Build a list of block names using the possible 'to' transforms. const blockNames = => transformation.blocks).flat(); // Map block names to block types. return; }; /** * Determines whether transform is a "block" type * and if so whether it is a "wildcard" transform * ie: targets "any" block type * * @param {Object} t the Block transform object * * @return {boolean} whether transform is a wildcard transform */ const isWildcardBlockTransform = t => t && t.type === 'block' && Array.isArray(t.blocks) && t.blocks.includes('*'); /** * Determines whether the given Block is the core Block which * acts as a container Block for other Blocks as part of the * Grouping mechanics * * @param {string} name the name of the Block to test against * * @return {boolean} whether or not the Block is the container Block type */ const isContainerGroupBlock = name => name === getGroupingBlockName(); /** * Returns an array of block types that the set of blocks received as argument * can be transformed into. * * @param {Array} blocks Blocks array. * * @return {Array} Block types that the blocks argument can be transformed to. */ function getPossibleBlockTransformations(blocks) { if (!blocks.length) { return []; } const blockTypesForFromTransforms = getBlockTypesForPossibleFromTransforms(blocks); const blockTypesForToTransforms = getBlockTypesForPossibleToTransforms(blocks); return [ Set([...blockTypesForFromTransforms, ...blockTypesForToTransforms])]; } /** * Given an array of transforms, returns the highest-priority transform where * the predicate function returns a truthy value. A higher-priority transform * is one with a lower priority value (i.e. first in priority order). Returns * null if the transforms set is empty or the predicate function returns a * falsey value for all entries. * * @param {Object[]} transforms Transforms to search. * @param {Function} predicate Function returning true on matching transform. * * @return {?Object} Highest-priority transform candidate. */ function findTransform(transforms, predicate) { // The hooks library already has built-in mechanisms for managing priority // queue, so leverage via locally-defined instance. const hooks = (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.createHooks)(); for (let i = 0; i < transforms.length; i++) { const candidate = transforms[i]; if (predicate(candidate)) { hooks.addFilter('transform', 'transform/' + i.toString(), result => result ? result : candidate, candidate.priority); } } // Filter name is arbitrarily chosen but consistent with above aggregation. return hooks.applyFilters('transform', null); } /** * Returns normal block transforms for a given transform direction, optionally * for a specific block by name, or an empty array if there are no transforms. * If no block name is provided, returns transforms for all blocks. A normal * transform object includes `blockName` as a property. * * @param {string} direction Transform direction ("to", "from"). * @param {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. * * @return {Array} Block transforms for direction. */ function getBlockTransforms(direction, blockTypeOrName) { // When retrieving transforms for all block types, recurse into self. if (blockTypeOrName === undefined) { return getBlockTypes().map(({ name }) => getBlockTransforms(direction, name)).flat(); } // Validate that block type exists and has array of direction. const blockType = normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName); const { name: blockName, transforms } = blockType || {}; if (!transforms || !Array.isArray(transforms[direction])) { return []; } const usingMobileTransformations = transforms.supportedMobileTransforms && Array.isArray(transforms.supportedMobileTransforms); const filteredTransforms = usingMobileTransformations ? transforms[direction].filter(t => { if (t.type === 'raw') { return true; } if (!t.blocks || !t.blocks.length) { return false; } if (isWildcardBlockTransform(t)) { return true; } return t.blocks.every(transformBlockName => transforms.supportedMobileTransforms.includes(transformBlockName)); }) : transforms[direction]; // Map transforms to normal form. return => ({ ...transform, blockName, usingMobileTransformations })); } /** * Checks that a given transforms isMatch method passes for given source blocks. * * @param {Object} transform A transform object. * @param {Array} blocks Blocks array. * * @return {boolean} True if given blocks are a match for the transform. */ function maybeCheckTransformIsMatch(transform, blocks) { if (typeof transform.isMatch !== 'function') { return true; } const sourceBlock = blocks[0]; const attributes = transform.isMultiBlock ? => block.attributes) : sourceBlock.attributes; const block = transform.isMultiBlock ? blocks : sourceBlock; return transform.isMatch(attributes, block); } /** * Switch one or more blocks into one or more blocks of the new block type. * * @param {Array|Object} blocks Blocks array or block object. * @param {string} name Block name. * * @return {?Array} Array of blocks or null. */ function switchToBlockType(blocks, name) { const blocksArray = Array.isArray(blocks) ? blocks : [blocks]; const isMultiBlock = blocksArray.length > 1; const firstBlock = blocksArray[0]; const sourceName =; // Find the right transformation by giving priority to the "to" // transformation. const transformationsFrom = getBlockTransforms('from', name); const transformationsTo = getBlockTransforms('to', sourceName); const transformation = findTransform(transformationsTo, t => t.type === 'block' && (isWildcardBlockTransform(t) || t.blocks.indexOf(name) !== -1) && (!isMultiBlock || t.isMultiBlock) && maybeCheckTransformIsMatch(t, blocksArray)) || findTransform(transformationsFrom, t => t.type === 'block' && (isWildcardBlockTransform(t) || t.blocks.indexOf(sourceName) !== -1) && (!isMultiBlock || t.isMultiBlock) && maybeCheckTransformIsMatch(t, blocksArray)); // Stop if there is no valid transformation. if (!transformation) { return null; } let transformationResults; if (transformation.isMultiBlock) { if ('__experimentalConvert' in transformation) { transformationResults = transformation.__experimentalConvert(blocksArray); } else { transformationResults = transformation.transform( => currentBlock.attributes), => currentBlock.innerBlocks)); } } else if ('__experimentalConvert' in transformation) { transformationResults = transformation.__experimentalConvert(firstBlock); } else { transformationResults = transformation.transform(firstBlock.attributes, firstBlock.innerBlocks); } // Ensure that the transformation function returned an object or an array // of objects. if (transformationResults === null || typeof transformationResults !== 'object') { return null; } // If the transformation function returned a single object, we want to work // with an array instead. transformationResults = Array.isArray(transformationResults) ? transformationResults : [transformationResults]; // Ensure that every block object returned by the transformation has a // valid block type. if (transformationResults.some(result => !getBlockType( { return null; } const hasSwitchedBlock = transformationResults.some(result => === name); // Ensure that at least one block object returned by the transformation has // the expected "destination" block type. if (!hasSwitchedBlock) { return null; } const ret =, index, results) => { /** * Filters an individual transform result from block transformation. * All of the original blocks are passed, since transformations are * many-to-many, not one-to-one. * * @param {Object} transformedBlock The transformed block. * @param {Object[]} blocks Original blocks transformed. * @param {Object[]} index Index of the transformed block on the array of results. * @param {Object[]} results An array all the blocks that resulted from the transformation. */ return (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.switchToBlockType.transformedBlock', result, blocks, index, results); }); return ret; } /** * Create a block object from the example API. * * @param {string} name * @param {Object} example * * @return {Object} block. */ const getBlockFromExample = (name, example) => { try { var _example$innerBlocks; return createBlock(name, example.attributes, ((_example$innerBlocks = example.innerBlocks) !== null && _example$innerBlocks !== void 0 ? _example$innerBlocks : []).map(innerBlock => getBlockFromExample(, innerBlock))); } catch { return createBlock('core/missing', { originalName: name, originalContent: '', originalUndelimitedContent: '' }); } }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockSerializationDefaultParser"] const external_wp_blockSerializationDefaultParser_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockSerializationDefaultParser"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","autop"] const external_wp_autop_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["autop"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","isShallowEqual"] const external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["isShallowEqual"]; var external_wp_isShallowEqual_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/parser/serialize-raw-block.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * @typedef {Object} Options Serialization options. * @property {boolean} [isCommentDelimited=true] Whether to output HTML comments around blocks. */ /** @typedef {import("./").WPRawBlock} WPRawBlock */ /** * Serializes a block node into the native HTML-comment-powered block format. * CAVEAT: This function is intended for re-serializing blocks as parsed by * valid parsers and skips any validation steps. This is NOT a generic * serialization function for in-memory blocks. For most purposes, see the * following functions available in the `@wordpress/blocks` package: * * @see serializeBlock * @see serialize * * For more on the format of block nodes as returned by valid parsers: * * @see `@wordpress/block-serialization-default-parser` package * @see `@wordpress/block-serialization-spec-parser` package * * @param {WPRawBlock} rawBlock A block node as returned by a valid parser. * @param {Options} [options={}] Serialization options. * * @return {string} An HTML string representing a block. */ function serializeRawBlock(rawBlock, options = {}) { const { isCommentDelimited = true } = options; const { blockName, attrs = {}, innerBlocks = [], innerContent = [] } = rawBlock; let childIndex = 0; const content = => // `null` denotes a nested block, otherwise we have an HTML fragment. item !== null ? item : serializeRawBlock(innerBlocks[childIndex++], options)).join('\n').replace(/\n+/g, '\n').trim(); return isCommentDelimited ? getCommentDelimitedContent(blockName, attrs, content) : content; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/serializer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('./parser').WPBlock} WPBlock */ /** * @typedef {Object} WPBlockSerializationOptions Serialization Options. * * @property {boolean} isInnerBlocks Whether we are serializing inner blocks. */ /** * Returns the block's default classname from its name. * * @param {string} blockName The block name. * * @return {string} The block's default class. */ function getBlockDefaultClassName(blockName) { // Generated HTML classes for blocks follow the `wp-block-{name}` nomenclature. // Blocks provided by WordPress drop the prefixes 'core/' or 'core-' (historically used in 'core-embed/'). const className = 'wp-block-' + blockName.replace(/\//, '-').replace(/^core-/, ''); return (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.getBlockDefaultClassName', className, blockName); } /** * Returns the block's default menu item classname from its name. * * @param {string} blockName The block name. * * @return {string} The block's default menu item class. */ function getBlockMenuDefaultClassName(blockName) { // Generated HTML classes for blocks follow the `editor-block-list-item-{name}` nomenclature. // Blocks provided by WordPress drop the prefixes 'core/' or 'core-' (historically used in 'core-embed/'). const className = 'editor-block-list-item-' + blockName.replace(/\//, '-').replace(/^core-/, ''); return (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.getBlockMenuDefaultClassName', className, blockName); } const blockPropsProvider = {}; const innerBlocksPropsProvider = {}; /** * Call within a save function to get the props for the block wrapper. * * @param {Object} props Optional. Props to pass to the element. */ function getBlockProps(props = {}) { const { blockType, attributes } = blockPropsProvider; return getBlockProps.skipFilters ? props : (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', { ...props }, blockType, attributes); } /** * Call within a save function to get the props for the inner blocks wrapper. * * @param {Object} props Optional. Props to pass to the element. */ function getInnerBlocksProps(props = {}) { const { innerBlocks } = innerBlocksPropsProvider; // Allow a different component to be passed to getSaveElement to handle // inner blocks, bypassing the default serialisation. if (!Array.isArray(innerBlocks)) { return { ...props, children: innerBlocks }; } // Value is an array of blocks, so defer to block serializer. const html = serialize(innerBlocks, { isInnerBlocks: true }); // Use special-cased raw HTML tag to avoid default escaping. const children = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_element_namespaceObject.RawHTML, { children: html }); return { ...props, children }; } /** * Given a block type containing a save render implementation and attributes, returns the * enhanced element to be saved or string when raw HTML expected. * * @param {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes. * @param {?Array} innerBlocks Nested blocks. * * @return {Object|string} Save element or raw HTML string. */ function getSaveElement(blockTypeOrName, attributes, innerBlocks = []) { const blockType = normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName); if (!blockType?.save) { return null; } let { save } = blockType; // Component classes are unsupported for save since serialization must // occur synchronously. For improved interoperability with higher-order // components which often return component class, emulate basic support. if (save.prototype instanceof external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Component) { const instance = new save({ attributes }); save = instance.render.bind(instance); } blockPropsProvider.blockType = blockType; blockPropsProvider.attributes = attributes; innerBlocksPropsProvider.innerBlocks = innerBlocks; let element = save({ attributes, innerBlocks }); if (element !== null && typeof element === 'object' && (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.hasFilter)('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps') && !(blockType.apiVersion > 1)) { /** * Filters the props applied to the block save result element. * * @param {Object} props Props applied to save element. * @param {WPBlock} blockType Block type definition. * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes. */ const props = (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps', { ...element.props }, blockType, attributes); if (!external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(props, element.props)) { element = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.cloneElement)(element, props); } } /** * Filters the save result of a block during serialization. * * @param {Element} element Block save result. * @param {WPBlock} blockType Block type definition. * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes. */ return (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.getSaveElement', element, blockType, attributes); } /** * Given a block type containing a save render implementation and attributes, returns the * static markup to be saved. * * @param {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes. * @param {?Array} innerBlocks Nested blocks. * * @return {string} Save content. */ function getSaveContent(blockTypeOrName, attributes, innerBlocks) { const blockType = normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName); return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(getSaveElement(blockType, attributes, innerBlocks)); } /** * Returns attributes which are to be saved and serialized into the block * comment delimiter. * * When a block exists in memory it contains as its attributes both those * parsed the block comment delimiter _and_ those which matched from the * contents of the block. * * This function returns only those attributes which are needed to persist and * which cannot be matched from the block content. * * @param {Object} blockType Block type. * @param {Object} attributes Attributes from in-memory block data. * * @return {Object} Subset of attributes for comment serialization. */ function getCommentAttributes(blockType, attributes) { var _blockType$attributes; return Object.entries((_blockType$attributes = blockType.attributes) !== null && _blockType$attributes !== void 0 ? _blockType$attributes : {}).reduce((accumulator, [key, attributeSchema]) => { const value = attributes[key]; // Ignore undefined values. if (undefined === value) { return accumulator; } // Ignore all attributes but the ones with an "undefined" source // "undefined" source refers to attributes saved in the block comment. if (attributeSchema.source !== undefined) { return accumulator; } // Ignore default value. if ('default' in attributeSchema && JSON.stringify(attributeSchema.default) === JSON.stringify(value)) { return accumulator; } // Otherwise, include in comment set. accumulator[key] = value; return accumulator; }, {}); } /** * Given an attributes object, returns a string in the serialized attributes * format prepared for post content. * * @param {Object} attributes Attributes object. * * @return {string} Serialized attributes. */ function serializeAttributes(attributes) { return JSON.stringify(attributes) // Don't break HTML comments. .replace(/--/g, '\\u002d\\u002d') // Don't break non-standard-compliant tools. .replace(//g, '\\u003e').replace(/&/g, '\\u0026') // Bypass server stripslashes behavior which would unescape stringify's // escaping of quotation mark. // // See: .replace(/\\"/g, '\\u0022'); } /** * Given a block object, returns the Block's Inner HTML markup. * * @param {Object} block Block instance. * * @return {string} HTML. */ function getBlockInnerHTML(block) { // If block was parsed as invalid or encounters an error while generating // save content, use original content instead to avoid content loss. If a // block contains nested content, exempt it from this condition because we // otherwise have no access to its original content and content loss would // still occur. let saveContent = block.originalContent; if (block.isValid || block.innerBlocks.length) { try { saveContent = getSaveContent(, block.attributes, block.innerBlocks); } catch (error) {} } return saveContent; } /** * Returns the content of a block, including comment delimiters. * * @param {string} rawBlockName Block name. * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes. * @param {string} content Block save content. * * @return {string} Comment-delimited block content. */ function getCommentDelimitedContent(rawBlockName, attributes, content) { const serializedAttributes = attributes && Object.entries(attributes).length ? serializeAttributes(attributes) + ' ' : ''; // Strip core blocks of their namespace prefix. const blockName = rawBlockName?.startsWith('core/') ? rawBlockName.slice(5) : rawBlockName; // @todo make the `wp:` prefix potentially configurable. if (!content) { return ``; } return `\n` + content + `\n`; } /** * Returns the content of a block, including comment delimiters, determining * serialized attributes and content form from the current state of the block. * * @param {WPBlock} block Block instance. * @param {WPBlockSerializationOptions} options Serialization options. * * @return {string} Serialized block. */ function serializeBlock(block, { isInnerBlocks = false } = {}) { if (!block.isValid && block.__unstableBlockSource) { return serializeRawBlock(block.__unstableBlockSource); } const blockName =; const saveContent = getBlockInnerHTML(block); if (blockName === getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName() || !isInnerBlocks && blockName === getFreeformContentHandlerName()) { return saveContent; } const blockType = getBlockType(blockName); if (!blockType) { return saveContent; } const saveAttributes = getCommentAttributes(blockType, block.attributes); return getCommentDelimitedContent(blockName, saveAttributes, saveContent); } function __unstableSerializeAndClean(blocks) { // A single unmodified default block is assumed to // be equivalent to an empty post. if (blocks.length === 1 && isUnmodifiedDefaultBlock(blocks[0])) { blocks = []; } let content = serialize(blocks); // For compatibility, treat a post consisting of a // single freeform block as legacy content and apply // pre-block-editor removep'd content formatting. if (blocks.length === 1 && blocks[0].name === getFreeformContentHandlerName() && blocks[0].name === 'core/freeform') { content = (0,external_wp_autop_namespaceObject.removep)(content); } return content; } /** * Takes a block or set of blocks and returns the serialized post content. * * @param {Array} blocks Block(s) to serialize. * @param {WPBlockSerializationOptions} options Serialization options. * * @return {string} The post content. */ function serialize(blocks, options) { const blocksArray = Array.isArray(blocks) ? blocks : [blocks]; return => serializeBlock(block, options)).join('\n\n'); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/simple-html-tokenizer/dist/es6/index.js /** * generated from * do not edit */ var namedCharRefs = { Aacute: "Á", aacute: "á", Abreve: "Ă", abreve: "ă", ac: "∾", acd: "∿", acE: "∾̳", Acirc: "Â", acirc: "â", acute: "´", Acy: "А", acy: "а", AElig: "Æ", aelig: "æ", af: "\u2061", Afr: "𝔄", afr: "𝔞", Agrave: "À", agrave: "à", alefsym: "ℵ", aleph: "ℵ", Alpha: "Α", alpha: "α", Amacr: "Ā", amacr: "ā", amalg: "⨿", amp: "&", AMP: "&", andand: "⩕", And: "⩓", and: "∧", andd: "⩜", andslope: "⩘", andv: "⩚", ang: "∠", ange: "⦤", angle: "∠", angmsdaa: "⦨", angmsdab: "⦩", angmsdac: "⦪", angmsdad: "⦫", angmsdae: "⦬", angmsdaf: "⦭", angmsdag: "⦮", angmsdah: "⦯", angmsd: "∡", angrt: "∟", angrtvb: "⊾", angrtvbd: "⦝", angsph: "∢", angst: "Å", angzarr: "⍼", Aogon: "Ą", aogon: "ą", Aopf: "𝔸", aopf: "𝕒", apacir: "⩯", ap: "≈", apE: "⩰", ape: "≊", apid: "≋", apos: "'", ApplyFunction: "\u2061", approx: "≈", approxeq: "≊", Aring: "Å", aring: "å", Ascr: "𝒜", ascr: "𝒶", Assign: "≔", ast: "*", asymp: "≈", asympeq: "≍", Atilde: "Ã", atilde: "ã", Auml: "Ä", auml: "ä", awconint: "∳", awint: "⨑", backcong: "≌", backepsilon: "϶", backprime: "‵", backsim: "∽", backsimeq: "⋍", Backslash: "∖", Barv: "⫧", barvee: "⊽", barwed: "⌅", Barwed: "⌆", barwedge: "⌅", bbrk: "⎵", bbrktbrk: "⎶", bcong: "≌", Bcy: "Б", bcy: "б", bdquo: "„", becaus: "∵", because: "∵", Because: "∵", bemptyv: "⦰", bepsi: "϶", bernou: "ℬ", Bernoullis: "ℬ", Beta: "Β", beta: "β", beth: "ℶ", between: "≬", Bfr: "𝔅", bfr: "𝔟", bigcap: "⋂", bigcirc: "◯", bigcup: "⋃", bigodot: "⨀", bigoplus: "⨁", bigotimes: "⨂", bigsqcup: "⨆", bigstar: "★", bigtriangledown: "▽", bigtriangleup: "△", biguplus: "⨄", bigvee: "⋁", bigwedge: "⋀", bkarow: "⤍", blacklozenge: "⧫", blacksquare: "▪", blacktriangle: "▴", blacktriangledown: "▾", blacktriangleleft: "◂", blacktriangleright: "▸", blank: "␣", blk12: "▒", blk14: "░", blk34: "▓", block: "█", bne: "=⃥", bnequiv: "≡⃥", bNot: "⫭", bnot: "⌐", Bopf: "𝔹", bopf: "𝕓", bot: "⊥", bottom: "⊥", bowtie: "⋈", boxbox: "⧉", boxdl: "┐", boxdL: "╕", boxDl: "╖", boxDL: "╗", boxdr: "┌", boxdR: "╒", boxDr: "╓", boxDR: "╔", boxh: "─", boxH: "═", boxhd: "┬", boxHd: "╤", boxhD: "╥", boxHD: "╦", boxhu: "┴", boxHu: "╧", boxhU: "╨", boxHU: "╩", boxminus: "⊟", boxplus: "⊞", boxtimes: "⊠", boxul: "┘", boxuL: "╛", boxUl: "╜", boxUL: "╝", boxur: "└", boxuR: "╘", boxUr: "╙", boxUR: "╚", boxv: "│", boxV: "║", boxvh: "┼", boxvH: "╪", boxVh: "╫", boxVH: "╬", boxvl: "┤", boxvL: "╡", boxVl: "╢", boxVL: "╣", boxvr: "├", boxvR: "╞", boxVr: "╟", boxVR: "╠", bprime: "‵", breve: "˘", Breve: "˘", brvbar: "¦", bscr: "𝒷", Bscr: "ℬ", bsemi: "⁏", bsim: "∽", bsime: "⋍", bsolb: "⧅", bsol: "\\", bsolhsub: "⟈", bull: "•", bullet: "•", bump: "≎", bumpE: "⪮", bumpe: "≏", Bumpeq: "≎", bumpeq: "≏", Cacute: "Ć", cacute: "ć", capand: "⩄", capbrcup: "⩉", capcap: "⩋", cap: "∩", Cap: "⋒", capcup: "⩇", capdot: "⩀", CapitalDifferentialD: "ⅅ", caps: "∩︀", caret: "⁁", caron: "ˇ", Cayleys: "ℭ", ccaps: "⩍", Ccaron: "Č", ccaron: "č", Ccedil: "Ç", ccedil: "ç", Ccirc: "Ĉ", ccirc: "ĉ", Cconint: "∰", ccups: "⩌", ccupssm: "⩐", Cdot: "Ċ", cdot: "ċ", cedil: "¸", Cedilla: "¸", cemptyv: "⦲", cent: "¢", centerdot: "·", CenterDot: "·", cfr: "𝔠", Cfr: "ℭ", CHcy: "Ч", chcy: "ч", check: "✓", checkmark: "✓", Chi: "Χ", chi: "χ", circ: "ˆ", circeq: "≗", circlearrowleft: "↺", circlearrowright: "↻", circledast: "⊛", circledcirc: "⊚", circleddash: "⊝", CircleDot: "⊙", circledR: "®", circledS: "Ⓢ", CircleMinus: "⊖", CirclePlus: "⊕", CircleTimes: "⊗", cir: "○", cirE: "⧃", cire: "≗", cirfnint: "⨐", cirmid: "⫯", cirscir: "⧂", ClockwiseContourIntegral: "∲", CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: "”", CloseCurlyQuote: "’", clubs: "♣", clubsuit: "♣", colon: ":", Colon: "∷", Colone: "⩴", colone: "≔", coloneq: "≔", comma: ",", commat: "@", comp: "∁", compfn: "∘", complement: "∁", complexes: "ℂ", cong: "≅", congdot: "⩭", Congruent: "≡", conint: "∮", Conint: "∯", ContourIntegral: "∮", copf: "𝕔", Copf: "ℂ", coprod: "∐", Coproduct: "∐", copy: "©", COPY: "©", copysr: "℗", CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: "∳", crarr: "↵", cross: "✗", Cross: "⨯", Cscr: "𝒞", cscr: "𝒸", csub: "⫏", csube: "⫑", csup: "⫐", csupe: "⫒", ctdot: "⋯", cudarrl: "⤸", cudarrr: "⤵", cuepr: "⋞", cuesc: "⋟", cularr: "↶", cularrp: "⤽", cupbrcap: "⩈", cupcap: "⩆", CupCap: "≍", cup: "∪", Cup: "⋓", cupcup: "⩊", cupdot: "⊍", cupor: "⩅", cups: "∪︀", curarr: "↷", curarrm: "⤼", curlyeqprec: "⋞", curlyeqsucc: "⋟", curlyvee: "⋎", curlywedge: "⋏", curren: "¤", curvearrowleft: "↶", curvearrowright: "↷", cuvee: "⋎", cuwed: "⋏", cwconint: "∲", cwint: "∱", cylcty: "⌭", dagger: "†", Dagger: "‡", daleth: "ℸ", darr: "↓", Darr: "↡", dArr: "⇓", dash: "‐", Dashv: "⫤", dashv: "⊣", dbkarow: "⤏", dblac: "˝", Dcaron: "Ď", dcaron: "ď", Dcy: "Д", dcy: "д", ddagger: "‡", ddarr: "⇊", DD: "ⅅ", dd: "ⅆ", DDotrahd: "⤑", ddotseq: "⩷", deg: "°", Del: "∇", Delta: "Δ", delta: "δ", demptyv: "⦱", dfisht: "⥿", Dfr: "𝔇", dfr: "𝔡", dHar: "⥥", dharl: "⇃", dharr: "⇂", DiacriticalAcute: "´", DiacriticalDot: "˙", DiacriticalDoubleAcute: "˝", DiacriticalGrave: "`", DiacriticalTilde: "˜", diam: "⋄", diamond: "⋄", Diamond: "⋄", diamondsuit: "♦", diams: "♦", die: "¨", DifferentialD: "ⅆ", digamma: "ϝ", disin: "⋲", div: "÷", divide: "÷", divideontimes: "⋇", divonx: "⋇", DJcy: "Ђ", djcy: "ђ", dlcorn: "⌞", dlcrop: "⌍", dollar: "$", Dopf: "𝔻", dopf: "𝕕", Dot: "¨", dot: "˙", DotDot: "⃜", doteq: "≐", doteqdot: "≑", DotEqual: "≐", dotminus: "∸", dotplus: "∔", dotsquare: "⊡", doublebarwedge: "⌆", DoubleContourIntegral: "∯", DoubleDot: "¨", DoubleDownArrow: "⇓", DoubleLeftArrow: "⇐", DoubleLeftRightArrow: "⇔", DoubleLeftTee: "⫤", DoubleLongLeftArrow: "⟸", DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: "⟺", DoubleLongRightArrow: "⟹", DoubleRightArrow: "⇒", DoubleRightTee: "⊨", DoubleUpArrow: "⇑", DoubleUpDownArrow: "⇕", DoubleVerticalBar: "∥", DownArrowBar: "⤓", downarrow: "↓", DownArrow: "↓", Downarrow: "⇓", DownArrowUpArrow: "⇵", DownBreve: "̑", downdownarrows: "⇊", downharpoonleft: "⇃", downharpoonright: "⇂", DownLeftRightVector: "⥐", DownLeftTeeVector: "⥞", DownLeftVectorBar: "⥖", DownLeftVector: "↽", DownRightTeeVector: "⥟", DownRightVectorBar: "⥗", DownRightVector: "⇁", DownTeeArrow: "↧", DownTee: "⊤", drbkarow: "⤐", drcorn: "⌟", drcrop: "⌌", Dscr: "𝒟", dscr: "𝒹", DScy: "Ѕ", dscy: "ѕ", dsol: "⧶", Dstrok: "Đ", dstrok: "đ", dtdot: "⋱", dtri: "▿", dtrif: "▾", duarr: "⇵", duhar: "⥯", dwangle: "⦦", DZcy: "Џ", dzcy: "џ", dzigrarr: "⟿", Eacute: "É", eacute: "é", easter: "⩮", Ecaron: "Ě", ecaron: "ě", Ecirc: "Ê", ecirc: "ê", ecir: "≖", ecolon: "≕", Ecy: "Э", ecy: "э", eDDot: "⩷", Edot: "Ė", edot: "ė", eDot: "≑", ee: "ⅇ", efDot: "≒", Efr: "𝔈", efr: "𝔢", eg: "⪚", Egrave: "È", egrave: "è", egs: "⪖", egsdot: "⪘", el: "⪙", Element: "∈", elinters: "⏧", ell: "ℓ", els: "⪕", elsdot: "⪗", Emacr: "Ē", emacr: "ē", empty: "∅", emptyset: "∅", EmptySmallSquare: "◻", emptyv: "∅", EmptyVerySmallSquare: "▫", emsp13: " ", emsp14: " ", emsp: " ", ENG: "Ŋ", eng: "ŋ", ensp: " ", Eogon: "Ę", eogon: "ę", Eopf: "𝔼", eopf: "𝕖", epar: "⋕", eparsl: "⧣", eplus: "⩱", epsi: "ε", Epsilon: "Ε", epsilon: "ε", epsiv: "ϵ", eqcirc: "≖", eqcolon: "≕", eqsim: "≂", eqslantgtr: "⪖", eqslantless: "⪕", Equal: "⩵", equals: "=", EqualTilde: "≂", equest: "≟", Equilibrium: "⇌", equiv: "≡", equivDD: "⩸", eqvparsl: "⧥", erarr: "⥱", erDot: "≓", escr: "ℯ", Escr: "ℰ", esdot: "≐", Esim: "⩳", esim: "≂", Eta: "Η", eta: "η", ETH: "Ð", eth: "ð", Euml: "Ë", euml: "ë", euro: "€", excl: "!", exist: "∃", Exists: "∃", expectation: "ℰ", exponentiale: "ⅇ", ExponentialE: "ⅇ", fallingdotseq: "≒", Fcy: "Ф", fcy: "ф", female: "♀", ffilig: "ffi", fflig: "ff", ffllig: "ffl", Ffr: "𝔉", ffr: "𝔣", filig: "fi", FilledSmallSquare: "◼", FilledVerySmallSquare: "▪", fjlig: "fj", flat: "♭", fllig: "fl", fltns: "▱", fnof: "ƒ", Fopf: "𝔽", fopf: "𝕗", forall: "∀", ForAll: "∀", fork: "⋔", forkv: "⫙", Fouriertrf: "ℱ", fpartint: "⨍", frac12: "½", frac13: "⅓", frac14: "¼", frac15: "⅕", frac16: "⅙", frac18: "⅛", frac23: "⅔", frac25: "⅖", frac34: "¾", frac35: "⅗", frac38: "⅜", frac45: "⅘", frac56: "⅚", frac58: "⅝", frac78: "⅞", frasl: "⁄", frown: "⌢", fscr: "𝒻", Fscr: "ℱ", gacute: "ǵ", Gamma: "Γ", gamma: "γ", Gammad: "Ϝ", gammad: "ϝ", gap: "⪆", Gbreve: "Ğ", gbreve: "ğ", Gcedil: "Ģ", Gcirc: "Ĝ", gcirc: "ĝ", Gcy: "Г", gcy: "г", Gdot: "Ġ", gdot: "ġ", ge: "≥", gE: "≧", gEl: "⪌", gel: "⋛", geq: "≥", geqq: "≧", geqslant: "⩾", gescc: "⪩", ges: "⩾", gesdot: "⪀", gesdoto: "⪂", gesdotol: "⪄", gesl: "⋛︀", gesles: "⪔", Gfr: "𝔊", gfr: "𝔤", gg: "≫", Gg: "⋙", ggg: "⋙", gimel: "ℷ", GJcy: "Ѓ", gjcy: "ѓ", gla: "⪥", gl: "≷", glE: "⪒", glj: "⪤", gnap: "⪊", gnapprox: "⪊", gne: "⪈", gnE: "≩", gneq: "⪈", gneqq: "≩", gnsim: "⋧", Gopf: "𝔾", gopf: "𝕘", grave: "`", GreaterEqual: "≥", GreaterEqualLess: "⋛", GreaterFullEqual: "≧", GreaterGreater: "⪢", GreaterLess: "≷", GreaterSlantEqual: "⩾", GreaterTilde: "≳", Gscr: "𝒢", gscr: "ℊ", gsim: "≳", gsime: "⪎", gsiml: "⪐", gtcc: "⪧", gtcir: "⩺", gt: ">", GT: ">", Gt: "≫", gtdot: "⋗", gtlPar: "⦕", gtquest: "⩼", gtrapprox: "⪆", gtrarr: "⥸", gtrdot: "⋗", gtreqless: "⋛", gtreqqless: "⪌", gtrless: "≷", gtrsim: "≳", gvertneqq: "≩︀", gvnE: "≩︀", Hacek: "ˇ", hairsp: " ", half: "½", hamilt: "ℋ", HARDcy: "Ъ", hardcy: "ъ", harrcir: "⥈", harr: "↔", hArr: "⇔", harrw: "↭", Hat: "^", hbar: "ℏ", Hcirc: "Ĥ", hcirc: "ĥ", hearts: "♥", heartsuit: "♥", hellip: "…", hercon: "⊹", hfr: "𝔥", Hfr: "ℌ", HilbertSpace: "ℋ", hksearow: "⤥", hkswarow: "⤦", hoarr: "⇿", homtht: "∻", hookleftarrow: "↩", hookrightarrow: "↪", hopf: "𝕙", Hopf: "ℍ", horbar: "―", HorizontalLine: "─", hscr: "𝒽", Hscr: "ℋ", hslash: "ℏ", Hstrok: "Ħ", hstrok: "ħ", HumpDownHump: "≎", HumpEqual: "≏", hybull: "⁃", hyphen: "‐", Iacute: "Í", iacute: "í", ic: "\u2063", Icirc: "Î", icirc: "î", Icy: "И", icy: "и", Idot: "İ", IEcy: "Е", iecy: "е", iexcl: "¡", iff: "⇔", ifr: "𝔦", Ifr: "ℑ", Igrave: "Ì", igrave: "ì", ii: "ⅈ", iiiint: "⨌", iiint: "∭", iinfin: "⧜", iiota: "℩", IJlig: "IJ", ijlig: "ij", Imacr: "Ī", imacr: "ī", image: "ℑ", ImaginaryI: "ⅈ", imagline: "ℐ", imagpart: "ℑ", imath: "ı", Im: "ℑ", imof: "⊷", imped: "Ƶ", Implies: "⇒", incare: "℅", in: "∈", infin: "∞", infintie: "⧝", inodot: "ı", intcal: "⊺", int: "∫", Int: "∬", integers: "ℤ", Integral: "∫", intercal: "⊺", Intersection: "⋂", intlarhk: "⨗", intprod: "⨼", InvisibleComma: "\u2063", InvisibleTimes: "\u2062", IOcy: "Ё", iocy: "ё", Iogon: "Į", iogon: "į", Iopf: "𝕀", iopf: "𝕚", Iota: "Ι", iota: "ι", iprod: "⨼", iquest: "¿", iscr: "𝒾", Iscr: "ℐ", isin: "∈", isindot: "⋵", isinE: "⋹", isins: "⋴", isinsv: "⋳", isinv: "∈", it: "\u2062", Itilde: "Ĩ", itilde: "ĩ", Iukcy: "І", iukcy: "і", Iuml: "Ï", iuml: "ï", Jcirc: "Ĵ", jcirc: "ĵ", Jcy: "Й", jcy: "й", Jfr: "𝔍", jfr: "𝔧", jmath: "ȷ", Jopf: "𝕁", jopf: "𝕛", Jscr: "𝒥", jscr: "𝒿", Jsercy: "Ј", jsercy: "ј", Jukcy: "Є", jukcy: "є", Kappa: "Κ", kappa: "κ", kappav: "ϰ", Kcedil: "Ķ", kcedil: "ķ", Kcy: "К", kcy: "к", Kfr: "𝔎", kfr: "𝔨", kgreen: "ĸ", KHcy: "Х", khcy: "х", KJcy: "Ќ", kjcy: "ќ", Kopf: "𝕂", kopf: "𝕜", Kscr: "𝒦", kscr: "𝓀", lAarr: "⇚", Lacute: "Ĺ", lacute: "ĺ", laemptyv: "⦴", lagran: "ℒ", Lambda: "Λ", lambda: "λ", lang: "⟨", Lang: "⟪", langd: "⦑", langle: "⟨", lap: "⪅", Laplacetrf: "ℒ", laquo: "«", larrb: "⇤", larrbfs: "⤟", larr: "←", Larr: "↞", lArr: "⇐", larrfs: "⤝", larrhk: "↩", larrlp: "↫", larrpl: "⤹", larrsim: "⥳", larrtl: "↢", latail: "⤙", lAtail: "⤛", lat: "⪫", late: "⪭", lates: "⪭︀", lbarr: "⤌", lBarr: "⤎", lbbrk: "❲", lbrace: "{", lbrack: "[", lbrke: "⦋", lbrksld: "⦏", lbrkslu: "⦍", Lcaron: "Ľ", lcaron: "ľ", Lcedil: "Ļ", lcedil: "ļ", lceil: "⌈", lcub: "{", Lcy: "Л", lcy: "л", ldca: "⤶", ldquo: "“", ldquor: "„", ldrdhar: "⥧", ldrushar: "⥋", ldsh: "↲", le: "≤", lE: "≦", LeftAngleBracket: "⟨", LeftArrowBar: "⇤", leftarrow: "←", LeftArrow: "←", Leftarrow: "⇐", LeftArrowRightArrow: "⇆", leftarrowtail: "↢", LeftCeiling: "⌈", LeftDoubleBracket: "⟦", LeftDownTeeVector: "⥡", LeftDownVectorBar: "⥙", LeftDownVector: "⇃", LeftFloor: "⌊", leftharpoondown: "↽", leftharpoonup: "↼", leftleftarrows: "⇇", leftrightarrow: "↔", LeftRightArrow: "↔", Leftrightarrow: "⇔", leftrightarrows: "⇆", leftrightharpoons: "⇋", leftrightsquigarrow: "↭", LeftRightVector: "⥎", LeftTeeArrow: "↤", LeftTee: "⊣", LeftTeeVector: "⥚", leftthreetimes: "⋋", LeftTriangleBar: "⧏", LeftTriangle: "⊲", LeftTriangleEqual: "⊴", LeftUpDownVector: "⥑", LeftUpTeeVector: "⥠", LeftUpVectorBar: "⥘", LeftUpVector: "↿", LeftVectorBar: "⥒", LeftVector: "↼", lEg: "⪋", leg: "⋚", leq: "≤", leqq: "≦", leqslant: "⩽", lescc: "⪨", les: "⩽", lesdot: "⩿", lesdoto: "⪁", lesdotor: "⪃", lesg: "⋚︀", lesges: "⪓", lessapprox: "⪅", lessdot: "⋖", lesseqgtr: "⋚", lesseqqgtr: "⪋", LessEqualGreater: "⋚", LessFullEqual: "≦", LessGreater: "≶", lessgtr: "≶", LessLess: "⪡", lesssim: "≲", LessSlantEqual: "⩽", LessTilde: "≲", lfisht: "⥼", lfloor: "⌊", Lfr: "𝔏", lfr: "𝔩", lg: "≶", lgE: "⪑", lHar: "⥢", lhard: "↽", lharu: "↼", lharul: "⥪", lhblk: "▄", LJcy: "Љ", ljcy: "љ", llarr: "⇇", ll: "≪", Ll: "⋘", llcorner: "⌞", Lleftarrow: "⇚", llhard: "⥫", lltri: "◺", Lmidot: "Ŀ", lmidot: "ŀ", lmoustache: "⎰", lmoust: "⎰", lnap: "⪉", lnapprox: "⪉", lne: "⪇", lnE: "≨", lneq: "⪇", lneqq: "≨", lnsim: "⋦", loang: "⟬", loarr: "⇽", lobrk: "⟦", longleftarrow: "⟵", LongLeftArrow: "⟵", Longleftarrow: "⟸", longleftrightarrow: "⟷", LongLeftRightArrow: "⟷", Longleftrightarrow: "⟺", longmapsto: "⟼", longrightarrow: "⟶", LongRightArrow: "⟶", Longrightarrow: "⟹", looparrowleft: "↫", looparrowright: "↬", lopar: "⦅", Lopf: "𝕃", lopf: "𝕝", loplus: "⨭", lotimes: "⨴", lowast: "∗", lowbar: "_", LowerLeftArrow: "↙", LowerRightArrow: "↘", loz: "◊", lozenge: "◊", lozf: "⧫", lpar: "(", lparlt: "⦓", lrarr: "⇆", lrcorner: "⌟", lrhar: "⇋", lrhard: "⥭", lrm: "\u200e", lrtri: "⊿", lsaquo: "‹", lscr: "𝓁", Lscr: "ℒ", lsh: "↰", Lsh: "↰", lsim: "≲", lsime: "⪍", lsimg: "⪏", lsqb: "[", lsquo: "‘", lsquor: "‚", Lstrok: "Ł", lstrok: "ł", ltcc: "⪦", ltcir: "⩹", lt: "<", LT: "<", Lt: "≪", ltdot: "⋖", lthree: "⋋", ltimes: "⋉", ltlarr: "⥶", ltquest: "⩻", ltri: "◃", ltrie: "⊴", ltrif: "◂", ltrPar: "⦖", lurdshar: "⥊", luruhar: "⥦", lvertneqq: "≨︀", lvnE: "≨︀", macr: "¯", male: "♂", malt: "✠", maltese: "✠", Map: "⤅", map: "↦", mapsto: "↦", mapstodown: "↧", mapstoleft: "↤", mapstoup: "↥", marker: "▮", mcomma: "⨩", Mcy: "М", mcy: "м", mdash: "—", mDDot: "∺", measuredangle: "∡", MediumSpace: " ", Mellintrf: "ℳ", Mfr: "𝔐", mfr: "𝔪", mho: "℧", micro: "µ", midast: "*", midcir: "⫰", mid: "∣", middot: "·", minusb: "⊟", minus: "−", minusd: "∸", minusdu: "⨪", MinusPlus: "∓", mlcp: "⫛", mldr: "…", mnplus: "∓", models: "⊧", Mopf: "𝕄", mopf: "𝕞", mp: "∓", mscr: "𝓂", Mscr: "ℳ", mstpos: "∾", Mu: "Μ", mu: "μ", multimap: "⊸", mumap: "⊸", nabla: "∇", Nacute: "Ń", nacute: "ń", nang: "∠⃒", nap: "≉", napE: "⩰̸", napid: "≋̸", napos: "ʼn", napprox: "≉", natural: "♮", naturals: "ℕ", natur: "♮", nbsp: " ", nbump: "≎̸", nbumpe: "≏̸", ncap: "⩃", Ncaron: "Ň", ncaron: "ň", Ncedil: "Ņ", ncedil: "ņ", ncong: "≇", ncongdot: "⩭̸", ncup: "⩂", Ncy: "Н", ncy: "н", ndash: "–", nearhk: "⤤", nearr: "↗", neArr: "⇗", nearrow: "↗", ne: "≠", nedot: "≐̸", NegativeMediumSpace: "​", NegativeThickSpace: "​", NegativeThinSpace: "​", NegativeVeryThinSpace: "​", nequiv: "≢", nesear: "⤨", nesim: "≂̸", NestedGreaterGreater: "≫", NestedLessLess: "≪", NewLine: "\u000a", nexist: "∄", nexists: "∄", Nfr: "𝔑", nfr: "𝔫", ngE: "≧̸", nge: "≱", ngeq: "≱", ngeqq: "≧̸", ngeqslant: "⩾̸", nges: "⩾̸", nGg: "⋙̸", ngsim: "≵", nGt: "≫⃒", ngt: "≯", ngtr: "≯", nGtv: "≫̸", nharr: "↮", nhArr: "⇎", nhpar: "⫲", ni: "∋", nis: "⋼", nisd: "⋺", niv: "∋", NJcy: "Њ", njcy: "њ", nlarr: "↚", nlArr: "⇍", nldr: "‥", nlE: "≦̸", nle: "≰", nleftarrow: "↚", nLeftarrow: "⇍", nleftrightarrow: "↮", nLeftrightarrow: "⇎", nleq: "≰", nleqq: "≦̸", nleqslant: "⩽̸", nles: "⩽̸", nless: "≮", nLl: "⋘̸", nlsim: "≴", nLt: "≪⃒", nlt: "≮", nltri: "⋪", nltrie: "⋬", nLtv: "≪̸", nmid: "∤", NoBreak: "\u2060", NonBreakingSpace: " ", nopf: "𝕟", Nopf: "ℕ", Not: "⫬", not: "¬", NotCongruent: "≢", NotCupCap: "≭", NotDoubleVerticalBar: "∦", NotElement: "∉", NotEqual: "≠", NotEqualTilde: "≂̸", NotExists: "∄", NotGreater: "≯", NotGreaterEqual: "≱", NotGreaterFullEqual: "≧̸", NotGreaterGreater: "≫̸", NotGreaterLess: "≹", NotGreaterSlantEqual: "⩾̸", NotGreaterTilde: "≵", NotHumpDownHump: "≎̸", NotHumpEqual: "≏̸", notin: "∉", notindot: "⋵̸", notinE: "⋹̸", notinva: "∉", notinvb: "⋷", notinvc: "⋶", NotLeftTriangleBar: "⧏̸", NotLeftTriangle: "⋪", NotLeftTriangleEqual: "⋬", NotLess: "≮", NotLessEqual: "≰", NotLessGreater: "≸", NotLessLess: "≪̸", NotLessSlantEqual: "⩽̸", NotLessTilde: "≴", NotNestedGreaterGreater: "⪢̸", NotNestedLessLess: "⪡̸", notni: "∌", notniva: "∌", notnivb: "⋾", notnivc: "⋽", NotPrecedes: "⊀", NotPrecedesEqual: "⪯̸", NotPrecedesSlantEqual: "⋠", NotReverseElement: "∌", NotRightTriangleBar: "⧐̸", NotRightTriangle: "⋫", NotRightTriangleEqual: "⋭", NotSquareSubset: "⊏̸", NotSquareSubsetEqual: "⋢", NotSquareSuperset: "⊐̸", NotSquareSupersetEqual: "⋣", NotSubset: "⊂⃒", NotSubsetEqual: "⊈", NotSucceeds: "⊁", NotSucceedsEqual: "⪰̸", NotSucceedsSlantEqual: "⋡", NotSucceedsTilde: "≿̸", NotSuperset: "⊃⃒", NotSupersetEqual: "⊉", NotTilde: "≁", NotTildeEqual: "≄", NotTildeFullEqual: "≇", NotTildeTilde: "≉", NotVerticalBar: "∤", nparallel: "∦", npar: "∦", nparsl: "⫽⃥", npart: "∂̸", npolint: "⨔", npr: "⊀", nprcue: "⋠", nprec: "⊀", npreceq: "⪯̸", npre: "⪯̸", nrarrc: "⤳̸", nrarr: "↛", nrArr: "⇏", nrarrw: "↝̸", nrightarrow: "↛", nRightarrow: "⇏", nrtri: "⋫", nrtrie: "⋭", nsc: "⊁", nsccue: "⋡", nsce: "⪰̸", Nscr: "𝒩", nscr: "𝓃", nshortmid: "∤", nshortparallel: "∦", nsim: "≁", nsime: "≄", nsimeq: "≄", nsmid: "∤", nspar: "∦", nsqsube: "⋢", nsqsupe: "⋣", nsub: "⊄", nsubE: "⫅̸", nsube: "⊈", nsubset: "⊂⃒", nsubseteq: "⊈", nsubseteqq: "⫅̸", nsucc: "⊁", nsucceq: "⪰̸", nsup: "⊅", nsupE: "⫆̸", nsupe: "⊉", nsupset: "⊃⃒", nsupseteq: "⊉", nsupseteqq: "⫆̸", ntgl: "≹", Ntilde: "Ñ", ntilde: "ñ", ntlg: "≸", ntriangleleft: "⋪", ntrianglelefteq: "⋬", ntriangleright: "⋫", ntrianglerighteq: "⋭", Nu: "Ν", nu: "ν", num: "#", numero: "№", numsp: " ", nvap: "≍⃒", nvdash: "⊬", nvDash: "⊭", nVdash: "⊮", nVDash: "⊯", nvge: "≥⃒", nvgt: ">⃒", nvHarr: "⤄", nvinfin: "⧞", nvlArr: "⤂", nvle: "≤⃒", nvlt: "<⃒", nvltrie: "⊴⃒", nvrArr: "⤃", nvrtrie: "⊵⃒", nvsim: "∼⃒", nwarhk: "⤣", nwarr: "↖", nwArr: "⇖", nwarrow: "↖", nwnear: "⤧", Oacute: "Ó", oacute: "ó", oast: "⊛", Ocirc: "Ô", ocirc: "ô", ocir: "⊚", Ocy: "О", ocy: "о", odash: "⊝", Odblac: "Ő", odblac: "ő", odiv: "⨸", odot: "⊙", odsold: "⦼", OElig: "Œ", oelig: "œ", ofcir: "⦿", Ofr: "𝔒", ofr: "𝔬", ogon: "˛", Ograve: "Ò", ograve: "ò", ogt: "⧁", ohbar: "⦵", ohm: "Ω", oint: "∮", olarr: "↺", olcir: "⦾", olcross: "⦻", oline: "‾", olt: "⧀", Omacr: "Ō", omacr: "ō", Omega: "Ω", omega: "ω", Omicron: "Ο", omicron: "ο", omid: "⦶", ominus: "⊖", Oopf: "𝕆", oopf: "𝕠", opar: "⦷", OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: "“", OpenCurlyQuote: "‘", operp: "⦹", oplus: "⊕", orarr: "↻", Or: "⩔", or: "∨", ord: "⩝", order: "ℴ", orderof: "ℴ", ordf: "ª", ordm: "º", origof: "⊶", oror: "⩖", orslope: "⩗", orv: "⩛", oS: "Ⓢ", Oscr: "𝒪", oscr: "ℴ", Oslash: "Ø", oslash: "ø", osol: "⊘", Otilde: "Õ", otilde: "õ", otimesas: "⨶", Otimes: "⨷", otimes: "⊗", Ouml: "Ö", ouml: "ö", ovbar: "⌽", OverBar: "‾", OverBrace: "⏞", OverBracket: "⎴", OverParenthesis: "⏜", para: "¶", parallel: "∥", par: "∥", parsim: "⫳", parsl: "⫽", part: "∂", PartialD: "∂", Pcy: "П", pcy: "п", percnt: "%", period: ".", permil: "‰", perp: "⊥", pertenk: "‱", Pfr: "𝔓", pfr: "𝔭", Phi: "Φ", phi: "φ", phiv: "ϕ", phmmat: "ℳ", phone: "☎", Pi: "Π", pi: "π", pitchfork: "⋔", piv: "ϖ", planck: "ℏ", planckh: "ℎ", plankv: "ℏ", plusacir: "⨣", plusb: "⊞", pluscir: "⨢", plus: "+", plusdo: "∔", plusdu: "⨥", pluse: "⩲", PlusMinus: "±", plusmn: "±", plussim: "⨦", plustwo: "⨧", pm: "±", Poincareplane: "ℌ", pointint: "⨕", popf: "𝕡", Popf: "ℙ", pound: "£", prap: "⪷", Pr: "⪻", pr: "≺", prcue: "≼", precapprox: "⪷", prec: "≺", preccurlyeq: "≼", Precedes: "≺", PrecedesEqual: "⪯", PrecedesSlantEqual: "≼", PrecedesTilde: "≾", preceq: "⪯", precnapprox: "⪹", precneqq: "⪵", precnsim: "⋨", pre: "⪯", prE: "⪳", precsim: "≾", prime: "′", Prime: "″", primes: "ℙ", prnap: "⪹", prnE: "⪵", prnsim: "⋨", prod: "∏", Product: "∏", profalar: "⌮", profline: "⌒", profsurf: "⌓", prop: "∝", Proportional: "∝", Proportion: "∷", propto: "∝", prsim: "≾", prurel: "⊰", Pscr: "𝒫", pscr: "𝓅", Psi: "Ψ", psi: "ψ", puncsp: " ", Qfr: "𝔔", qfr: "𝔮", qint: "⨌", qopf: "𝕢", Qopf: "ℚ", qprime: "⁗", Qscr: "𝒬", qscr: "𝓆", quaternions: "ℍ", quatint: "⨖", quest: "?", questeq: "≟", quot: "\"", QUOT: "\"", rAarr: "⇛", race: "∽̱", Racute: "Ŕ", racute: "ŕ", radic: "√", raemptyv: "⦳", rang: "⟩", Rang: "⟫", rangd: "⦒", range: "⦥", rangle: "⟩", raquo: "»", rarrap: "⥵", rarrb: "⇥", rarrbfs: "⤠", rarrc: "⤳", rarr: "→", Rarr: "↠", rArr: "⇒", rarrfs: "⤞", rarrhk: "↪", rarrlp: "↬", rarrpl: "⥅", rarrsim: "⥴", Rarrtl: "⤖", rarrtl: "↣", rarrw: "↝", ratail: "⤚", rAtail: "⤜", ratio: "∶", rationals: "ℚ", rbarr: "⤍", rBarr: "⤏", RBarr: "⤐", rbbrk: "❳", rbrace: "}", rbrack: "]", rbrke: "⦌", rbrksld: "⦎", rbrkslu: "⦐", Rcaron: "Ř", rcaron: "ř", Rcedil: "Ŗ", rcedil: "ŗ", rceil: "⌉", rcub: "}", Rcy: "Р", rcy: "р", rdca: "⤷", rdldhar: "⥩", rdquo: "”", rdquor: "”", rdsh: "↳", real: "ℜ", realine: "ℛ", realpart: "ℜ", reals: "ℝ", Re: "ℜ", rect: "▭", reg: "®", REG: "®", ReverseElement: "∋", ReverseEquilibrium: "⇋", ReverseUpEquilibrium: "⥯", rfisht: "⥽", rfloor: "⌋", rfr: "𝔯", Rfr: "ℜ", rHar: "⥤", rhard: "⇁", rharu: "⇀", rharul: "⥬", Rho: "Ρ", rho: "ρ", rhov: "ϱ", RightAngleBracket: "⟩", RightArrowBar: "⇥", rightarrow: "→", RightArrow: "→", Rightarrow: "⇒", RightArrowLeftArrow: "⇄", rightarrowtail: "↣", RightCeiling: "⌉", RightDoubleBracket: "⟧", RightDownTeeVector: "⥝", RightDownVectorBar: "⥕", RightDownVector: "⇂", RightFloor: "⌋", rightharpoondown: "⇁", rightharpoonup: "⇀", rightleftarrows: "⇄", rightleftharpoons: "⇌", rightrightarrows: "⇉", rightsquigarrow: "↝", RightTeeArrow: "↦", RightTee: "⊢", RightTeeVector: "⥛", rightthreetimes: "⋌", RightTriangleBar: "⧐", RightTriangle: "⊳", RightTriangleEqual: "⊵", RightUpDownVector: "⥏", RightUpTeeVector: "⥜", RightUpVectorBar: "⥔", RightUpVector: "↾", RightVectorBar: "⥓", RightVector: "⇀", ring: "˚", risingdotseq: "≓", rlarr: "⇄", rlhar: "⇌", rlm: "\u200f", rmoustache: "⎱", rmoust: "⎱", rnmid: "⫮", roang: "⟭", roarr: "⇾", robrk: "⟧", ropar: "⦆", ropf: "𝕣", Ropf: "ℝ", roplus: "⨮", rotimes: "⨵", RoundImplies: "⥰", rpar: ")", rpargt: "⦔", rppolint: "⨒", rrarr: "⇉", Rrightarrow: "⇛", rsaquo: "›", rscr: "𝓇", Rscr: "ℛ", rsh: "↱", Rsh: "↱", rsqb: "]", rsquo: "’", rsquor: "’", rthree: "⋌", rtimes: "⋊", rtri: "▹", rtrie: "⊵", rtrif: "▸", rtriltri: "⧎", RuleDelayed: "⧴", ruluhar: "⥨", rx: "℞", Sacute: "Ś", sacute: "ś", sbquo: "‚", scap: "⪸", Scaron: "Š", scaron: "š", Sc: "⪼", sc: "≻", sccue: "≽", sce: "⪰", scE: "⪴", Scedil: "Ş", scedil: "ş", Scirc: "Ŝ", scirc: "ŝ", scnap: "⪺", scnE: "⪶", scnsim: "⋩", scpolint: "⨓", scsim: "≿", Scy: "С", scy: "с", sdotb: "⊡", sdot: "⋅", sdote: "⩦", searhk: "⤥", searr: "↘", seArr: "⇘", searrow: "↘", sect: "§", semi: ";", seswar: "⤩", setminus: "∖", setmn: "∖", sext: "✶", Sfr: "𝔖", sfr: "𝔰", sfrown: "⌢", sharp: "♯", SHCHcy: "Щ", shchcy: "щ", SHcy: "Ш", shcy: "ш", ShortDownArrow: "↓", ShortLeftArrow: "←", shortmid: "∣", shortparallel: "∥", ShortRightArrow: "→", ShortUpArrow: "↑", shy: "\u00ad", Sigma: "Σ", sigma: "σ", sigmaf: "ς", sigmav: "ς", sim: "∼", simdot: "⩪", sime: "≃", simeq: "≃", simg: "⪞", simgE: "⪠", siml: "⪝", simlE: "⪟", simne: "≆", simplus: "⨤", simrarr: "⥲", slarr: "←", SmallCircle: "∘", smallsetminus: "∖", smashp: "⨳", smeparsl: "⧤", smid: "∣", smile: "⌣", smt: "⪪", smte: "⪬", smtes: "⪬︀", SOFTcy: "Ь", softcy: "ь", solbar: "⌿", solb: "⧄", sol: "/", Sopf: "𝕊", sopf: "𝕤", spades: "♠", spadesuit: "♠", spar: "∥", sqcap: "⊓", sqcaps: "⊓︀", sqcup: "⊔", sqcups: "⊔︀", Sqrt: "√", sqsub: "⊏", sqsube: "⊑", sqsubset: "⊏", sqsubseteq: "⊑", sqsup: "⊐", sqsupe: "⊒", sqsupset: "⊐", sqsupseteq: "⊒", square: "□", Square: "□", SquareIntersection: "⊓", SquareSubset: "⊏", SquareSubsetEqual: "⊑", SquareSuperset: "⊐", SquareSupersetEqual: "⊒", SquareUnion: "⊔", squarf: "▪", squ: "□", squf: "▪", srarr: "→", Sscr: "𝒮", sscr: "𝓈", ssetmn: "∖", ssmile: "⌣", sstarf: "⋆", Star: "⋆", star: "☆", starf: "★", straightepsilon: "ϵ", straightphi: "ϕ", strns: "¯", sub: "⊂", Sub: "⋐", subdot: "⪽", subE: "⫅", sube: "⊆", subedot: "⫃", submult: "⫁", subnE: "⫋", subne: "⊊", subplus: "⪿", subrarr: "⥹", subset: "⊂", Subset: "⋐", subseteq: "⊆", subseteqq: "⫅", SubsetEqual: "⊆", subsetneq: "⊊", subsetneqq: "⫋", subsim: "⫇", subsub: "⫕", subsup: "⫓", succapprox: "⪸", succ: "≻", succcurlyeq: "≽", Succeeds: "≻", SucceedsEqual: "⪰", SucceedsSlantEqual: "≽", SucceedsTilde: "≿", succeq: "⪰", succnapprox: "⪺", succneqq: "⪶", succnsim: "⋩", succsim: "≿", SuchThat: "∋", sum: "∑", Sum: "∑", sung: "♪", sup1: "¹", sup2: "²", sup3: "³", sup: "⊃", Sup: "⋑", supdot: "⪾", supdsub: "⫘", supE: "⫆", supe: "⊇", supedot: "⫄", Superset: "⊃", SupersetEqual: "⊇", suphsol: "⟉", suphsub: "⫗", suplarr: "⥻", supmult: "⫂", supnE: "⫌", supne: "⊋", supplus: "⫀", supset: "⊃", Supset: "⋑", supseteq: "⊇", supseteqq: "⫆", supsetneq: "⊋", supsetneqq: "⫌", supsim: "⫈", supsub: "⫔", supsup: "⫖", swarhk: "⤦", swarr: "↙", swArr: "⇙", swarrow: "↙", swnwar: "⤪", szlig: "ß", Tab: "\u0009", target: "⌖", Tau: "Τ", tau: "τ", tbrk: "⎴", Tcaron: "Ť", tcaron: "ť", Tcedil: "Ţ", tcedil: "ţ", Tcy: "Т", tcy: "т", tdot: "⃛", telrec: "⌕", Tfr: "𝔗", tfr: "𝔱", there4: "∴", therefore: "∴", Therefore: "∴", Theta: "Θ", theta: "θ", thetasym: "ϑ", thetav: "ϑ", thickapprox: "≈", thicksim: "∼", ThickSpace: "  ", ThinSpace: " ", thinsp: " ", thkap: "≈", thksim: "∼", THORN: "Þ", thorn: "þ", tilde: "˜", Tilde: "∼", TildeEqual: "≃", TildeFullEqual: "≅", TildeTilde: "≈", timesbar: "⨱", timesb: "⊠", times: "×", timesd: "⨰", tint: "∭", toea: "⤨", topbot: "⌶", topcir: "⫱", top: "⊤", Topf: "𝕋", topf: "𝕥", topfork: "⫚", tosa: "⤩", tprime: "‴", trade: "™", TRADE: "™", triangle: "▵", triangledown: "▿", triangleleft: "◃", trianglelefteq: "⊴", triangleq: "≜", triangleright: "▹", trianglerighteq: "⊵", tridot: "◬", trie: "≜", triminus: "⨺", TripleDot: "⃛", triplus: "⨹", trisb: "⧍", tritime: "⨻", trpezium: "⏢", Tscr: "𝒯", tscr: "𝓉", TScy: "Ц", tscy: "ц", TSHcy: "Ћ", tshcy: "ћ", Tstrok: "Ŧ", tstrok: "ŧ", twixt: "≬", twoheadleftarrow: "↞", twoheadrightarrow: "↠", Uacute: "Ú", uacute: "ú", uarr: "↑", Uarr: "↟", uArr: "⇑", Uarrocir: "⥉", Ubrcy: "Ў", ubrcy: "ў", Ubreve: "Ŭ", ubreve: "ŭ", Ucirc: "Û", ucirc: "û", Ucy: "У", ucy: "у", udarr: "⇅", Udblac: "Ű", udblac: "ű", udhar: "⥮", ufisht: "⥾", Ufr: "𝔘", ufr: "𝔲", Ugrave: "Ù", ugrave: "ù", uHar: "⥣", uharl: "↿", uharr: "↾", uhblk: "▀", ulcorn: "⌜", ulcorner: "⌜", ulcrop: "⌏", ultri: "◸", Umacr: "Ū", umacr: "ū", uml: "¨", UnderBar: "_", UnderBrace: "⏟", UnderBracket: "⎵", UnderParenthesis: "⏝", Union: "⋃", UnionPlus: "⊎", Uogon: "Ų", uogon: "ų", Uopf: "𝕌", uopf: "𝕦", UpArrowBar: "⤒", uparrow: "↑", UpArrow: "↑", Uparrow: "⇑", UpArrowDownArrow: "⇅", updownarrow: "↕", UpDownArrow: "↕", Updownarrow: "⇕", UpEquilibrium: "⥮", upharpoonleft: "↿", upharpoonright: "↾", uplus: "⊎", UpperLeftArrow: "↖", UpperRightArrow: "↗", upsi: "υ", Upsi: "ϒ", upsih: "ϒ", Upsilon: "Υ", upsilon: "υ", UpTeeArrow: "↥", UpTee: "⊥", upuparrows: "⇈", urcorn: "⌝", urcorner: "⌝", urcrop: "⌎", Uring: "Ů", uring: "ů", urtri: "◹", Uscr: "𝒰", uscr: "𝓊", utdot: "⋰", Utilde: "Ũ", utilde: "ũ", utri: "▵", utrif: "▴", uuarr: "⇈", Uuml: "Ü", uuml: "ü", uwangle: "⦧", vangrt: "⦜", varepsilon: "ϵ", varkappa: "ϰ", varnothing: "∅", varphi: "ϕ", varpi: "ϖ", varpropto: "∝", varr: "↕", vArr: "⇕", varrho: "ϱ", varsigma: "ς", varsubsetneq: "⊊︀", varsubsetneqq: "⫋︀", varsupsetneq: "⊋︀", varsupsetneqq: "⫌︀", vartheta: "ϑ", vartriangleleft: "⊲", vartriangleright: "⊳", vBar: "⫨", Vbar: "⫫", vBarv: "⫩", Vcy: "В", vcy: "в", vdash: "⊢", vDash: "⊨", Vdash: "⊩", VDash: "⊫", Vdashl: "⫦", veebar: "⊻", vee: "∨", Vee: "⋁", veeeq: "≚", vellip: "⋮", verbar: "|", Verbar: "‖", vert: "|", Vert: "‖", VerticalBar: "∣", VerticalLine: "|", VerticalSeparator: "❘", VerticalTilde: "≀", VeryThinSpace: " ", Vfr: "𝔙", vfr: "𝔳", vltri: "⊲", vnsub: "⊂⃒", vnsup: "⊃⃒", Vopf: "𝕍", vopf: "𝕧", vprop: "∝", vrtri: "⊳", Vscr: "𝒱", vscr: "𝓋", vsubnE: "⫋︀", vsubne: "⊊︀", vsupnE: "⫌︀", vsupne: "⊋︀", Vvdash: "⊪", vzigzag: "⦚", Wcirc: "Ŵ", wcirc: "ŵ", wedbar: "⩟", wedge: "∧", Wedge: "⋀", wedgeq: "≙", weierp: "℘", Wfr: "𝔚", wfr: "𝔴", Wopf: "𝕎", wopf: "𝕨", wp: "℘", wr: "≀", wreath: "≀", Wscr: "𝒲", wscr: "𝓌", xcap: "⋂", xcirc: "◯", xcup: "⋃", xdtri: "▽", Xfr: "𝔛", xfr: "𝔵", xharr: "⟷", xhArr: "⟺", Xi: "Ξ", xi: "ξ", xlarr: "⟵", xlArr: "⟸", xmap: "⟼", xnis: "⋻", xodot: "⨀", Xopf: "𝕏", xopf: "𝕩", xoplus: "⨁", xotime: "⨂", xrarr: "⟶", xrArr: "⟹", Xscr: "𝒳", xscr: "𝓍", xsqcup: "⨆", xuplus: "⨄", xutri: "△", xvee: "⋁", xwedge: "⋀", Yacute: "Ý", yacute: "ý", YAcy: "Я", yacy: "я", Ycirc: "Ŷ", ycirc: "ŷ", Ycy: "Ы", ycy: "ы", yen: "¥", Yfr: "𝔜", yfr: "𝔶", YIcy: "Ї", yicy: "ї", Yopf: "𝕐", yopf: "𝕪", Yscr: "𝒴", yscr: "𝓎", YUcy: "Ю", yucy: "ю", yuml: "ÿ", Yuml: "Ÿ", Zacute: "Ź", zacute: "ź", Zcaron: "Ž", zcaron: "ž", Zcy: "З", zcy: "з", Zdot: "Ż", zdot: "ż", zeetrf: "ℨ", ZeroWidthSpace: "​", Zeta: "Ζ", zeta: "ζ", zfr: "𝔷", Zfr: "ℨ", ZHcy: "Ж", zhcy: "ж", zigrarr: "⇝", zopf: "𝕫", Zopf: "ℤ", Zscr: "𝒵", zscr: "𝓏", zwj: "\u200d", zwnj: "\u200c" }; var HEXCHARCODE = /^#[xX]([A-Fa-f0-9]+)$/; var CHARCODE = /^#([0-9]+)$/; var NAMED = /^([A-Za-z0-9]+)$/; var EntityParser = /** @class */ (function () { function EntityParser(named) { this.named = named; } EntityParser.prototype.parse = function (entity) { if (!entity) { return; } var matches = entity.match(HEXCHARCODE); if (matches) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(matches[1], 16)); } matches = entity.match(CHARCODE); if (matches) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(matches[1], 10)); } matches = entity.match(NAMED); if (matches) { return this.named[matches[1]]; } }; return EntityParser; }()); var WSP = /[\t\n\f ]/; var ALPHA = /[A-Za-z]/; var CRLF = /\r\n?/g; function isSpace(char) { return WSP.test(char); } function isAlpha(char) { return ALPHA.test(char); } function preprocessInput(input) { return input.replace(CRLF, '\n'); } var EventedTokenizer = /** @class */ (function () { function EventedTokenizer(delegate, entityParser, mode) { if (mode === void 0) { mode = 'precompile'; } this.delegate = delegate; this.entityParser = entityParser; this.mode = mode; this.state = "beforeData" /* beforeData */; this.line = -1; this.column = -1; this.input = ''; this.index = -1; this.tagNameBuffer = ''; this.states = { beforeData: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (char === '<' && !this.isIgnoredEndTag()) { this.transitionTo("tagOpen" /* tagOpen */); this.markTagStart(); this.consume(); } else { if (this.mode === 'precompile' && char === '\n') { var tag = this.tagNameBuffer.toLowerCase(); if (tag === 'pre' || tag === 'textarea') { this.consume(); } } this.transitionTo("data" /* data */); this.delegate.beginData(); } }, data: function () { var char = this.peek(); var tag = this.tagNameBuffer; if (char === '<' && !this.isIgnoredEndTag()) { this.delegate.finishData(); this.transitionTo("tagOpen" /* tagOpen */); this.markTagStart(); this.consume(); } else if (char === '&' && tag !== 'script' && tag !== 'style') { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToData(this.consumeCharRef() || '&'); } else { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToData(char); } }, tagOpen: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '!') { this.transitionTo("markupDeclarationOpen" /* markupDeclarationOpen */); } else if (char === '/') { this.transitionTo("endTagOpen" /* endTagOpen */); } else if (char === '@' || char === ':' || isAlpha(char)) { this.transitionTo("tagName" /* tagName */); this.tagNameBuffer = ''; this.delegate.beginStartTag(); this.appendToTagName(char); } }, markupDeclarationOpen: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '-' && this.peek() === '-') { this.consume(); this.transitionTo("commentStart" /* commentStart */); this.delegate.beginComment(); } else { var maybeDoctype = char.toUpperCase() + this.input.substring(this.index, this.index + 6).toUpperCase(); if (maybeDoctype === 'DOCTYPE') { this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); this.transitionTo("doctype" /* doctype */); if (this.delegate.beginDoctype) this.delegate.beginDoctype(); } } }, doctype: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.transitionTo("beforeDoctypeName" /* beforeDoctypeName */); } }, beforeDoctypeName: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { return; } else { this.transitionTo("doctypeName" /* doctypeName */); if (this.delegate.appendToDoctypeName) this.delegate.appendToDoctypeName(char.toLowerCase()); } }, doctypeName: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.transitionTo("afterDoctypeName" /* afterDoctypeName */); } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { if (this.delegate.appendToDoctypeName) this.delegate.appendToDoctypeName(char.toLowerCase()); } }, afterDoctypeName: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { return; } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { var nextSixChars = char.toUpperCase() + this.input.substring(this.index, this.index + 5).toUpperCase(); var isPublic = nextSixChars.toUpperCase() === 'PUBLIC'; var isSystem = nextSixChars.toUpperCase() === 'SYSTEM'; if (isPublic || isSystem) { this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); this.consume(); } if (isPublic) { this.transitionTo("afterDoctypePublicKeyword" /* afterDoctypePublicKeyword */); } else if (isSystem) { this.transitionTo("afterDoctypeSystemKeyword" /* afterDoctypeSystemKeyword */); } } }, afterDoctypePublicKeyword: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.transitionTo("beforeDoctypePublicIdentifier" /* beforeDoctypePublicIdentifier */); this.consume(); } else if (char === '"') { this.transitionTo("doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted" /* doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted */); this.consume(); } else if (char === "'") { this.transitionTo("doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted" /* doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted */); this.consume(); } else if (char === '>') { this.consume(); if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } }, doctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '"') { this.transitionTo("afterDoctypePublicIdentifier" /* afterDoctypePublicIdentifier */); } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { if (this.delegate.appendToDoctypePublicIdentifier) this.delegate.appendToDoctypePublicIdentifier(char); } }, doctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "'") { this.transitionTo("afterDoctypePublicIdentifier" /* afterDoctypePublicIdentifier */); } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { if (this.delegate.appendToDoctypePublicIdentifier) this.delegate.appendToDoctypePublicIdentifier(char); } }, afterDoctypePublicIdentifier: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.transitionTo("betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers" /* betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers */); } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else if (char === '"') { this.transitionTo("doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted" /* doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted */); } else if (char === "'") { this.transitionTo("doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted" /* doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted */); } }, betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { return; } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else if (char === '"') { this.transitionTo("doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted" /* doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted */); } else if (char === "'") { this.transitionTo("doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted" /* doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted */); } }, doctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '"') { this.transitionTo("afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier" /* afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier */); } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { if (this.delegate.appendToDoctypeSystemIdentifier) this.delegate.appendToDoctypeSystemIdentifier(char); } }, doctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "'") { this.transitionTo("afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier" /* afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier */); } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { if (this.delegate.appendToDoctypeSystemIdentifier) this.delegate.appendToDoctypeSystemIdentifier(char); } }, afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { return; } else if (char === '>') { if (this.delegate.endDoctype) this.delegate.endDoctype(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } }, commentStart: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '-') { this.transitionTo("commentStartDash" /* commentStartDash */); } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.finishComment(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData(char); this.transitionTo("comment" /* comment */); } }, commentStartDash: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '-') { this.transitionTo("commentEnd" /* commentEnd */); } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.finishComment(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData('-'); this.transitionTo("comment" /* comment */); } }, comment: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '-') { this.transitionTo("commentEndDash" /* commentEndDash */); } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData(char); } }, commentEndDash: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '-') { this.transitionTo("commentEnd" /* commentEnd */); } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData('-' + char); this.transitionTo("comment" /* comment */); } }, commentEnd: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '>') { this.delegate.finishComment(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.delegate.appendToCommentData('--' + char); this.transitionTo("comment" /* comment */); } }, tagName: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeName" /* beforeAttributeName */); } else if (char === '/') { this.transitionTo("selfClosingStartTag" /* selfClosingStartTag */); } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.appendToTagName(char); } }, endTagName: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeName" /* beforeAttributeName */); this.tagNameBuffer = ''; } else if (char === '/') { this.transitionTo("selfClosingStartTag" /* selfClosingStartTag */); this.tagNameBuffer = ''; } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); this.tagNameBuffer = ''; } else { this.appendToTagName(char); } }, beforeAttributeName: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); return; } else if (char === '/') { this.transitionTo("selfClosingStartTag" /* selfClosingStartTag */); this.consume(); } else if (char === '>') { this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else if (char === '=') { this.delegate.reportSyntaxError('attribute name cannot start with equals sign'); this.transitionTo("attributeName" /* attributeName */); this.delegate.beginAttribute(); this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeName(char); } else { this.transitionTo("attributeName" /* attributeName */); this.delegate.beginAttribute(); } }, attributeName: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.transitionTo("afterAttributeName" /* afterAttributeName */); this.consume(); } else if (char === '/') { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.transitionTo("selfClosingStartTag" /* selfClosingStartTag */); } else if (char === '=') { this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeValue" /* beforeAttributeValue */); this.consume(); } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else if (char === '"' || char === "'" || char === '<') { this.delegate.reportSyntaxError(char + ' is not a valid character within attribute names'); this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeName(char); } else { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeName(char); } }, afterAttributeName: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); return; } else if (char === '/') { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.transitionTo("selfClosingStartTag" /* selfClosingStartTag */); } else if (char === '=') { this.consume(); this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeValue" /* beforeAttributeValue */); } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.transitionTo("attributeName" /* attributeName */); this.delegate.beginAttribute(); this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeName(char); } }, beforeAttributeValue: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); } else if (char === '"') { this.transitionTo("attributeValueDoubleQuoted" /* attributeValueDoubleQuoted */); this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(true); this.consume(); } else if (char === "'") { this.transitionTo("attributeValueSingleQuoted" /* attributeValueSingleQuoted */); this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(true); this.consume(); } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.transitionTo("attributeValueUnquoted" /* attributeValueUnquoted */); this.delegate.beginAttributeValue(false); this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, attributeValueDoubleQuoted: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '"') { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.transitionTo("afterAttributeValueQuoted" /* afterAttributeValueQuoted */); } else if (char === '&') { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(this.consumeCharRef() || '&'); } else { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, attributeValueSingleQuoted: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === "'") { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.transitionTo("afterAttributeValueQuoted" /* afterAttributeValueQuoted */); } else if (char === '&') { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(this.consumeCharRef() || '&'); } else { this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, attributeValueUnquoted: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeName" /* beforeAttributeName */); } else if (char === '/') { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.transitionTo("selfClosingStartTag" /* selfClosingStartTag */); } else if (char === '&') { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(this.consumeCharRef() || '&'); } else if (char === '>') { this.delegate.finishAttributeValue(); this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.consume(); this.delegate.appendToAttributeValue(char); } }, afterAttributeValueQuoted: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (isSpace(char)) { this.consume(); this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeName" /* beforeAttributeName */); } else if (char === '/') { this.consume(); this.transitionTo("selfClosingStartTag" /* selfClosingStartTag */); } else if (char === '>') { this.consume(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeName" /* beforeAttributeName */); } }, selfClosingStartTag: function () { var char = this.peek(); if (char === '>') { this.consume(); this.delegate.markTagAsSelfClosing(); this.delegate.finishTag(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } else { this.transitionTo("beforeAttributeName" /* beforeAttributeName */); } }, endTagOpen: function () { var char = this.consume(); if (char === '@' || char === ':' || isAlpha(char)) { this.transitionTo("endTagName" /* endTagName */); this.tagNameBuffer = ''; this.delegate.beginEndTag(); this.appendToTagName(char); } } }; this.reset(); } EventedTokenizer.prototype.reset = function () { this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); this.input = ''; this.tagNameBuffer = ''; this.index = 0; this.line = 1; this.column = 0; this.delegate.reset(); }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.transitionTo = function (state) { this.state = state; }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.tokenize = function (input) { this.reset(); this.tokenizePart(input); this.tokenizeEOF(); }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.tokenizePart = function (input) { this.input += preprocessInput(input); while (this.index < this.input.length) { var handler = this.states[this.state]; if (handler !== undefined) {; } else { throw new Error("unhandled state " + this.state); } } }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.tokenizeEOF = function () { this.flushData(); }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.flushData = function () { if (this.state === 'data') { this.delegate.finishData(); this.transitionTo("beforeData" /* beforeData */); } }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.peek = function () { return this.input.charAt(this.index); }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.consume = function () { var char = this.peek(); this.index++; if (char === '\n') { this.line++; this.column = 0; } else { this.column++; } return char; }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.consumeCharRef = function () { var endIndex = this.input.indexOf(';', this.index); if (endIndex === -1) { return; } var entity = this.input.slice(this.index, endIndex); var chars = this.entityParser.parse(entity); if (chars) { var count = entity.length; // consume the entity chars while (count) { this.consume(); count--; } // consume the `;` this.consume(); return chars; } }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.markTagStart = function () { this.delegate.tagOpen(); }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.appendToTagName = function (char) { this.tagNameBuffer += char; this.delegate.appendToTagName(char); }; EventedTokenizer.prototype.isIgnoredEndTag = function () { var tag = this.tagNameBuffer; return (tag === 'title' && this.input.substring(this.index, this.index + 8) !== '') || (tag === 'style' && this.input.substring(this.index, this.index + 8) !== '') || (tag === 'script' && this.input.substring(this.index, this.index + 9) !== ''); }; return EventedTokenizer; }()); var Tokenizer = /** @class */ (function () { function Tokenizer(entityParser, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } this.options = options; this.token = null; this.startLine = 1; this.startColumn = 0; this.tokens = []; this.tokenizer = new EventedTokenizer(this, entityParser, options.mode); this._currentAttribute = undefined; } Tokenizer.prototype.tokenize = function (input) { this.tokens = []; this.tokenizer.tokenize(input); return this.tokens; }; Tokenizer.prototype.tokenizePart = function (input) { this.tokens = []; this.tokenizer.tokenizePart(input); return this.tokens; }; Tokenizer.prototype.tokenizeEOF = function () { this.tokens = []; this.tokenizer.tokenizeEOF(); return this.tokens[0]; }; Tokenizer.prototype.reset = function () { this.token = null; this.startLine = 1; this.startColumn = 0; }; Tokenizer.prototype.current = function () { var token = this.token; if (token === null) { throw new Error('token was unexpectedly null'); } if (arguments.length === 0) { return token; } for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (token.type === arguments[i]) { return token; } } throw new Error("token type was unexpectedly " + token.type); }; Tokenizer.prototype.push = function (token) { this.token = token; this.tokens.push(token); }; Tokenizer.prototype.currentAttribute = function () { return this._currentAttribute; }; Tokenizer.prototype.addLocInfo = function () { if (this.options.loc) { this.current().loc = { start: { line: this.startLine, column: this.startColumn }, end: { line: this.tokenizer.line, column: this.tokenizer.column } }; } this.startLine = this.tokenizer.line; this.startColumn = this.tokenizer.column; }; // Data Tokenizer.prototype.beginDoctype = function () { this.push({ type: "Doctype" /* Doctype */, name: '', }); }; Tokenizer.prototype.appendToDoctypeName = function (char) { this.current("Doctype" /* Doctype */).name += char; }; Tokenizer.prototype.appendToDoctypePublicIdentifier = function (char) { var doctype = this.current("Doctype" /* Doctype */); if (doctype.publicIdentifier === undefined) { doctype.publicIdentifier = char; } else { doctype.publicIdentifier += char; } }; Tokenizer.prototype.appendToDoctypeSystemIdentifier = function (char) { var doctype = this.current("Doctype" /* Doctype */); if (doctype.systemIdentifier === undefined) { doctype.systemIdentifier = char; } else { doctype.systemIdentifier += char; } }; Tokenizer.prototype.endDoctype = function () { this.addLocInfo(); }; Tokenizer.prototype.beginData = function () { this.push({ type: "Chars" /* Chars */, chars: '' }); }; Tokenizer.prototype.appendToData = function (char) { this.current("Chars" /* Chars */).chars += char; }; Tokenizer.prototype.finishData = function () { this.addLocInfo(); }; // Comment Tokenizer.prototype.beginComment = function () { this.push({ type: "Comment" /* Comment */, chars: '' }); }; Tokenizer.prototype.appendToCommentData = function (char) { this.current("Comment" /* Comment */).chars += char; }; Tokenizer.prototype.finishComment = function () { this.addLocInfo(); }; // Tags - basic Tokenizer.prototype.tagOpen = function () { }; Tokenizer.prototype.beginStartTag = function () { this.push({ type: "StartTag" /* StartTag */, tagName: '', attributes: [], selfClosing: false }); }; Tokenizer.prototype.beginEndTag = function () { this.push({ type: "EndTag" /* EndTag */, tagName: '' }); }; Tokenizer.prototype.finishTag = function () { this.addLocInfo(); }; Tokenizer.prototype.markTagAsSelfClosing = function () { this.current("StartTag" /* StartTag */).selfClosing = true; }; // Tags - name Tokenizer.prototype.appendToTagName = function (char) { this.current("StartTag" /* StartTag */, "EndTag" /* EndTag */).tagName += char; }; // Tags - attributes Tokenizer.prototype.beginAttribute = function () { this._currentAttribute = ['', '', false]; }; Tokenizer.prototype.appendToAttributeName = function (char) { this.currentAttribute()[0] += char; }; Tokenizer.prototype.beginAttributeValue = function (isQuoted) { this.currentAttribute()[2] = isQuoted; }; Tokenizer.prototype.appendToAttributeValue = function (char) { this.currentAttribute()[1] += char; }; Tokenizer.prototype.finishAttributeValue = function () { this.current("StartTag" /* StartTag */).attributes.push(this._currentAttribute); }; Tokenizer.prototype.reportSyntaxError = function (message) { this.current().syntaxError = message; }; return Tokenizer; }()); function tokenize(input, options) { var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(new EntityParser(namedCharRefs), options); return tokenizer.tokenize(input); } // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/es6/index.js var es6 = __webpack_require__(7734); var es6_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(es6); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"] const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/validation/logger.js /** * @typedef LoggerItem * @property {Function} log Which logger recorded the message * @property {Array} args White arguments were supplied to the logger */ function createLogger() { /** * Creates a log handler with block validation prefix. * * @param {Function} logger Original logger function. * * @return {Function} Augmented logger function. */ function createLogHandler(logger) { let log = (message, ...args) => logger('Block validation: ' + message, ...args); // In test environments, pre-process string substitutions to improve // readability of error messages. We'd prefer to avoid pulling in this // dependency in runtime environments, and it can be dropped by a combo // of Webpack env substitution + UglifyJS dead code elimination. if (false) {} return log; } return { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console error: createLogHandler(console.error), // eslint-disable-next-line no-console warning: createLogHandler(console.warn), getItems() { return []; } }; } function createQueuedLogger() { /** * The list of enqueued log actions to print. * * @type {Array} */ const queue = []; const logger = createLogger(); return { error(...args) { queue.push({ log: logger.error, args }); }, warning(...args) { queue.push({ log: logger.warning, args }); }, getItems() { return queue; } }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/validation/index.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('../parser').WPBlock} WPBlock */ /** @typedef {import('../registration').WPBlockType} WPBlockType */ /** @typedef {import('./logger').LoggerItem} LoggerItem */ const identity = x => x; /** * Globally matches any consecutive whitespace * * @type {RegExp} */ const REGEXP_WHITESPACE = /[\t\n\r\v\f ]+/g; /** * Matches a string containing only whitespace * * @type {RegExp} */ const REGEXP_ONLY_WHITESPACE = /^[\t\n\r\v\f ]*$/; /** * Matches a CSS URL type value * * @type {RegExp} */ const REGEXP_STYLE_URL_TYPE = /^url\s*\(['"\s]*(.*?)['"\s]*\)$/; /** * Boolean attributes are attributes whose presence as being assigned is * meaningful, even if only empty. * * See: * Extracted from: * * Object.keys( Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '#attributes-1 > tbody > tr' ) ) * .filter( ( tr ) => tr.lastChild.textContent.indexOf( 'Boolean attribute' ) !== -1 ) * .reduce( ( result, tr ) => Object.assign( result, { * [ tr.firstChild.textContent.trim() ]: true * } ), {} ) ).sort(); * * @type {Array} */ const BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = ['allowfullscreen', 'allowpaymentrequest', 'allowusermedia', 'async', 'autofocus', 'autoplay', 'checked', 'controls', 'default', 'defer', 'disabled', 'download', 'formnovalidate', 'hidden', 'ismap', 'itemscope', 'loop', 'multiple', 'muted', 'nomodule', 'novalidate', 'open', 'playsinline', 'readonly', 'required', 'reversed', 'selected', 'typemustmatch']; /** * Enumerated attributes are attributes which must be of a specific value form. * Like boolean attributes, these are meaningful if specified, even if not of a * valid enumerated value. * * See: * Extracted from: * * Object.keys( Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '#attributes-1 > tbody > tr' ) ) * .filter( ( tr ) => /^("(.+?)";?\s*)+/.test( tr.lastChild.textContent.trim() ) ) * .reduce( ( result, tr ) => Object.assign( result, { * [ tr.firstChild.textContent.trim() ]: true * } ), {} ) ).sort(); * * @type {Array} */ const ENUMERATED_ATTRIBUTES = ['autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'charset', 'contenteditable', 'crossorigin', 'decoding', 'dir', 'draggable', 'enctype', 'formenctype', 'formmethod', 'http-equiv', 'inputmode', 'kind', 'method', 'preload', 'scope', 'shape', 'spellcheck', 'translate', 'type', 'wrap']; /** * Meaningful attributes are those who cannot be safely ignored when omitted in * one HTML markup string and not another. * * @type {Array} */ const MEANINGFUL_ATTRIBUTES = [...BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES, ...ENUMERATED_ATTRIBUTES]; /** * Array of functions which receive a text string on which to apply normalizing * behavior for consideration in text token equivalence, carefully ordered from * least-to-most expensive operations. * * @type {Array} */ const TEXT_NORMALIZATIONS = [identity, getTextWithCollapsedWhitespace]; /** * Regular expression matching a named character reference. In lieu of bundling * a full set of references, the pattern covers the minimal necessary to test * positively against the full set. * * "The ampersand must be followed by one of the names given in the named * character references section, using the same case." * * Tested aginst "12.5 Named character references": * * ``` * const references = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( * '#named-character-references-table tr[id^=entity-] td:first-child' * ) ).map( ( code ) => code.textContent ) * references.every( ( reference ) => /^[\da-z]+$/i.test( reference ) ) * ``` * * @see * @see * * @type {RegExp} */ const REGEXP_NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = /^[\da-z]+$/i; /** * Regular expression matching a decimal character reference. * * "The ampersand must be followed by a U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character (#), * followed by one or more ASCII digits, representing a base-ten integer" * * @see * * @type {RegExp} */ const REGEXP_DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = /^#\d+$/; /** * Regular expression matching a hexadecimal character reference. * * "The ampersand must be followed by a U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character (#), which * must be followed by either a U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X character (x) or a * U+0058 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X character (X), which must then be followed by * one or more ASCII hex digits, representing a hexadecimal integer" * * @see * * @type {RegExp} */ const REGEXP_HEXADECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = /^#x[\da-f]+$/i; /** * Returns true if the given string is a valid character reference segment, or * false otherwise. The text should be stripped of `&` and `;` demarcations. * * @param {string} text Text to test. * * @return {boolean} Whether text is valid character reference. */ function isValidCharacterReference(text) { return REGEXP_NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE.test(text) || REGEXP_DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE.test(text) || REGEXP_HEXADECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE.test(text); } /** * Subsitute EntityParser class for `simple-html-tokenizer` which uses the * implementation of `decodeEntities` from `html-entities`, in order to avoid * bundling a massive named character reference. * * @see */ class DecodeEntityParser { /** * Returns a substitute string for an entity string sequence between `&` * and `;`, or undefined if no substitution should occur. * * @param {string} entity Entity fragment discovered in HTML. * * @return {string | undefined} Entity substitute value. */ parse(entity) { if (isValidCharacterReference(entity)) { return (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)('&' + entity + ';'); } } } /** * Given a specified string, returns an array of strings split by consecutive * whitespace, ignoring leading or trailing whitespace. * * @param {string} text Original text. * * @return {string[]} Text pieces split on whitespace. */ function getTextPiecesSplitOnWhitespace(text) { return text.trim().split(REGEXP_WHITESPACE); } /** * Given a specified string, returns a new trimmed string where all consecutive * whitespace is collapsed to a single space. * * @param {string} text Original text. * * @return {string} Trimmed text with consecutive whitespace collapsed. */ function getTextWithCollapsedWhitespace(text) { // This is an overly simplified whitespace comparison. The specification is // more prescriptive of whitespace behavior in inline and block contexts. // // See: return getTextPiecesSplitOnWhitespace(text).join(' '); } /** * Returns attribute pairs of the given StartTag token, including only pairs * where the value is non-empty or the attribute is a boolean attribute, an * enumerated attribute, or a custom data- attribute. * * @see MEANINGFUL_ATTRIBUTES * * @param {Object} token StartTag token. * * @return {Array[]} Attribute pairs. */ function getMeaningfulAttributePairs(token) { return token.attributes.filter(pair => { const [key, value] = pair; return value || key.indexOf('data-') === 0 || MEANINGFUL_ATTRIBUTES.includes(key); }); } /** * Returns true if two text tokens (with `chars` property) are equivalent, or * false otherwise. * * @param {Object} actual Actual token. * @param {Object} expected Expected token. * @param {Object} logger Validation logger object. * * @return {boolean} Whether two text tokens are equivalent. */ function isEquivalentTextTokens(actual, expected, logger = createLogger()) { // This function is intentionally written as syntactically "ugly" as a hot // path optimization. Text is progressively normalized in order from least- // to-most operationally expensive, until the earliest point at which text // can be confidently inferred as being equal. let actualChars = actual.chars; let expectedChars = expected.chars; for (let i = 0; i < TEXT_NORMALIZATIONS.length; i++) { const normalize = TEXT_NORMALIZATIONS[i]; actualChars = normalize(actualChars); expectedChars = normalize(expectedChars); if (actualChars === expectedChars) { return true; } } logger.warning('Expected text `%s`, saw `%s`.', expected.chars, actual.chars); return false; } /** * Given a CSS length value, returns a normalized CSS length value for strict equality * comparison. * * @param {string} value CSS length value. * * @return {string} Normalized CSS length value. */ function getNormalizedLength(value) { if (0 === parseFloat(value)) { return '0'; } // Normalize strings with floats to always include a leading zero. if (value.indexOf('.') === 0) { return '0' + value; } return value; } /** * Given a style value, returns a normalized style value for strict equality * comparison. * * @param {string} value Style value. * * @return {string} Normalized style value. */ function getNormalizedStyleValue(value) { const textPieces = getTextPiecesSplitOnWhitespace(value); const normalizedPieces =; const result = normalizedPieces.join(' '); return result // Normalize URL type to omit whitespace or quotes. .replace(REGEXP_STYLE_URL_TYPE, 'url($1)'); } /** * Given a style attribute string, returns an object of style properties. * * @param {string} text Style attribute. * * @return {Object} Style properties. */ function getStyleProperties(text) { const pairs = text // Trim ending semicolon (avoid including in split) .replace(/;?\s*$/, '') // Split on property assignment. .split(';') // For each property assignment... .map(style => { // ...split further into key-value pairs. const [key, ...valueParts] = style.split(':'); const value = valueParts.join(':'); return [key.trim(), getNormalizedStyleValue(value.trim())]; }); return Object.fromEntries(pairs); } /** * Attribute-specific equality handlers * * @type {Object} */ const isEqualAttributesOfName = { class: (actual, expected) => { // Class matches if members are the same, even if out of order or // superfluous whitespace between. const [actualPieces, expectedPieces] = [actual, expected].map(getTextPiecesSplitOnWhitespace); const actualDiff = actualPieces.filter(c => !expectedPieces.includes(c)); const expectedDiff = expectedPieces.filter(c => !actualPieces.includes(c)); return actualDiff.length === 0 && expectedDiff.length === 0; }, style: (actual, expected) => { return es6_default()(...[actual, expected].map(getStyleProperties)); }, // For each boolean attribute, mere presence of attribute in both is enough // to assume equivalence. ...Object.fromEntries( => [attribute, () => true])) }; /** * Given two sets of attribute tuples, returns true if the attribute sets are * equivalent. * * @param {Array[]} actual Actual attributes tuples. * @param {Array[]} expected Expected attributes tuples. * @param {Object} logger Validation logger object. * * @return {boolean} Whether attributes are equivalent. */ function isEqualTagAttributePairs(actual, expected, logger = createLogger()) { // Attributes is tokenized as tuples. Their lengths should match. This also // avoids us needing to check both attributes sets, since if A has any keys // which do not exist in B, we know the sets to be different. if (actual.length !== expected.length) { logger.warning('Expected attributes %o, instead saw %o.', expected, actual); return false; } // Attributes are not guaranteed to occur in the same order. For validating // actual attributes, first convert the set of expected attribute values to // an object, for lookup by key. const expectedAttributes = {}; for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { expectedAttributes[expected[i][0].toLowerCase()] = expected[i][1]; } for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { const [name, actualValue] = actual[i]; const nameLower = name.toLowerCase(); // As noted above, if missing member in B, assume different. if (!expectedAttributes.hasOwnProperty(nameLower)) { logger.warning('Encountered unexpected attribute `%s`.', name); return false; } const expectedValue = expectedAttributes[nameLower]; const isEqualAttributes = isEqualAttributesOfName[nameLower]; if (isEqualAttributes) { // Defer custom attribute equality handling. if (!isEqualAttributes(actualValue, expectedValue)) { logger.warning('Expected attribute `%s` of value `%s`, saw `%s`.', name, expectedValue, actualValue); return false; } } else if (actualValue !== expectedValue) { // Otherwise strict inequality should bail. logger.warning('Expected attribute `%s` of value `%s`, saw `%s`.', name, expectedValue, actualValue); return false; } } return true; } /** * Token-type-specific equality handlers * * @type {Object} */ const isEqualTokensOfType = { StartTag: (actual, expected, logger = createLogger()) => { if (actual.tagName !== expected.tagName && // Optimization: Use short-circuit evaluation to defer case- // insensitive check on the assumption that the majority case will // have exactly equal tag names. actual.tagName.toLowerCase() !== expected.tagName.toLowerCase()) { logger.warning('Expected tag name `%s`, instead saw `%s`.', expected.tagName, actual.tagName); return false; } return isEqualTagAttributePairs(...[actual, expected].map(getMeaningfulAttributePairs), logger); }, Chars: isEquivalentTextTokens, Comment: isEquivalentTextTokens }; /** * Given an array of tokens, returns the first token which is not purely * whitespace. * * Mutates the tokens array. * * @param {Object[]} tokens Set of tokens to search. * * @return {Object | undefined} Next non-whitespace token. */ function getNextNonWhitespaceToken(tokens) { let token; while (token = tokens.shift()) { if (token.type !== 'Chars') { return token; } if (!REGEXP_ONLY_WHITESPACE.test(token.chars)) { return token; } } } /** * Tokenize an HTML string, gracefully handling any errors thrown during * underlying tokenization. * * @param {string} html HTML string to tokenize. * @param {Object} logger Validation logger object. * * @return {Object[]|null} Array of valid tokenized HTML elements, or null on error */ function getHTMLTokens(html, logger = createLogger()) { try { return new Tokenizer(new DecodeEntityParser()).tokenize(html); } catch (e) { logger.warning('Malformed HTML detected: %s', html); } return null; } /** * Returns true if the next HTML token closes the current token. * * @param {Object} currentToken Current token to compare with. * @param {Object|undefined} nextToken Next token to compare against. * * @return {boolean} true if `nextToken` closes `currentToken`, false otherwise */ function isClosedByToken(currentToken, nextToken) { // Ensure this is a self closed token. if (!currentToken.selfClosing) { return false; } // Check token names and determine if nextToken is the closing tag for currentToken. if (nextToken && nextToken.tagName === currentToken.tagName && nextToken.type === 'EndTag') { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the given HTML strings are effectively equivalent, or * false otherwise. Invalid HTML is not considered equivalent, even if the * strings directly match. * * @param {string} actual Actual HTML string. * @param {string} expected Expected HTML string. * @param {Object} logger Validation logger object. * * @return {boolean} Whether HTML strings are equivalent. */ function isEquivalentHTML(actual, expected, logger = createLogger()) { // Short-circuit if markup is identical. if (actual === expected) { return true; } // Tokenize input content and reserialized save content. const [actualTokens, expectedTokens] = [actual, expected].map(html => getHTMLTokens(html, logger)); // If either is malformed then stop comparing - the strings are not equivalent. if (!actualTokens || !expectedTokens) { return false; } let actualToken, expectedToken; while (actualToken = getNextNonWhitespaceToken(actualTokens)) { expectedToken = getNextNonWhitespaceToken(expectedTokens); // Inequal if exhausted all expected tokens. if (!expectedToken) { logger.warning('Expected end of content, instead saw %o.', actualToken); return false; } // Inequal if next non-whitespace token of each set are not same type. if (actualToken.type !== expectedToken.type) { logger.warning('Expected token of type `%s` (%o), instead saw `%s` (%o).', expectedToken.type, expectedToken, actualToken.type, actualToken); return false; } // Defer custom token type equality handling, otherwise continue and // assume as equal. const isEqualTokens = isEqualTokensOfType[actualToken.type]; if (isEqualTokens && !isEqualTokens(actualToken, expectedToken, logger)) { return false; } // Peek at the next tokens (actual and expected) to see if they close // a self-closing tag. if (isClosedByToken(actualToken, expectedTokens[0])) { // Consume the next expected token that closes the current actual // self-closing token. getNextNonWhitespaceToken(expectedTokens); } else if (isClosedByToken(expectedToken, actualTokens[0])) { // Consume the next actual token that closes the current expected // self-closing token. getNextNonWhitespaceToken(actualTokens); } } if (expectedToken = getNextNonWhitespaceToken(expectedTokens)) { // If any non-whitespace tokens remain in expected token set, this // indicates inequality. logger.warning('Expected %o, instead saw end of content.', expectedToken); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns an object with `isValid` property set to `true` if the parsed block * is valid given the input content. A block is considered valid if, when serialized * with assumed attributes, the content matches the original value. If block is * invalid, this function returns all validations issues as well. * * @param {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type. * @param {Object} attributes Parsed block attributes. * @param {string} originalBlockContent Original block content. * @param {Object} logger Validation logger object. * * @return {Object} Whether block is valid and contains validation messages. */ /** * Returns an object with `isValid` property set to `true` if the parsed block * is valid given the input content. A block is considered valid if, when serialized * with assumed attributes, the content matches the original value. If block is * invalid, this function returns all validations issues as well. * * @param {WPBlock} block block object. * @param {WPBlockType|string} [blockTypeOrName =] Block type or name, inferred from block if not given. * * @return {[boolean,Array]} validation results. */ function validateBlock(block, blockTypeOrName = { const isFallbackBlock = === getFreeformContentHandlerName() || === getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName(); // Shortcut to avoid costly validation. if (isFallbackBlock) { return [true, []]; } const logger = createQueuedLogger(); const blockType = normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName); let generatedBlockContent; try { generatedBlockContent = getSaveContent(blockType, block.attributes); } catch (error) { logger.error('Block validation failed because an error occurred while generating block content:\n\n%s', error.toString()); return [false, logger.getItems()]; } const isValid = isEquivalentHTML(block.originalContent, generatedBlockContent, logger); if (!isValid) { logger.error('Block validation failed for `%s` (%o).\n\nContent generated by `save` function:\n\n%s\n\nContent retrieved from post body:\n\n%s',, blockType, generatedBlockContent, block.originalContent); } return [isValid, logger.getItems()]; } /** * Returns true if the parsed block is valid given the input content. A block * is considered valid if, when serialized with assumed attributes, the content * matches the original value. * * Logs to console in development environments when invalid. * * @deprecated Use validateBlock instead to avoid data loss. * * @param {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type. * @param {Object} attributes Parsed block attributes. * @param {string} originalBlockContent Original block content. * * @return {boolean} Whether block is valid. */ function isValidBlockContent(blockTypeOrName, attributes, originalBlockContent) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('isValidBlockContent introduces opportunity for data loss', { since: '12.6', plugin: 'Gutenberg', alternative: 'validateBlock' }); const blockType = normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName); const block = { name:, attributes, innerBlocks: [], originalContent: originalBlockContent }; const [isValid] = validateBlock(block, blockType); return isValid; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/parser/convert-legacy-block.js /** * Convert legacy blocks to their canonical form. This function is used * both in the parser level for previous content and to convert such blocks * used in Custom Post Types templates. * * @param {string} name The block's name * @param {Object} attributes The block's attributes * * @return {[string, Object]} The block's name and attributes, changed accordingly if a match was found */ function convertLegacyBlockNameAndAttributes(name, attributes) { const newAttributes = { ...attributes }; // Convert 'core/cover-image' block in existing content to 'core/cover'. if ('core/cover-image' === name) { name = 'core/cover'; } // Convert 'core/text' blocks in existing content to 'core/paragraph'. if ('core/text' === name || 'core/cover-text' === name) { name = 'core/paragraph'; } // Convert derivative blocks such as 'core/social-link-wordpress' to the // canonical form 'core/social-link'. if (name && name.indexOf('core/social-link-') === 0) { // Capture `social-link-wordpress` into `{"service":"wordpress"}` newAttributes.service = name.substring(17); name = 'core/social-link'; } // Convert derivative blocks such as 'core-embed/instagram' to the // canonical form 'core/embed'. if (name && name.indexOf('core-embed/') === 0) { // Capture `core-embed/instagram` into `{"providerNameSlug":"instagram"}` const providerSlug = name.substring(11); const deprecated = { speaker: 'speaker-deck', polldaddy: 'crowdsignal' }; newAttributes.providerNameSlug = providerSlug in deprecated ? deprecated[providerSlug] : providerSlug; // This is needed as the `responsive` attribute was passed // in a different way before the refactoring to block variations. if (!['amazon-kindle', 'wordpress'].includes(providerSlug)) { newAttributes.responsive = true; } name = 'core/embed'; } // Convert Post Comment blocks in existing content to Comment blocks. // TODO: Remove these checks when WordPress 6.0 is released. if (name === 'core/post-comment-author') { name = 'core/comment-author-name'; } if (name === 'core/post-comment-content') { name = 'core/comment-content'; } if (name === 'core/post-comment-date') { name = 'core/comment-date'; } if (name === 'core/comments-query-loop') { name = 'core/comments'; const { className = '' } = newAttributes; if (!className.includes('wp-block-comments-query-loop')) { newAttributes.className = ['wp-block-comments-query-loop', className].join(' '); } // Note that we also had to add a deprecation to the block in order // for the ID change to work. } if (name === 'core/post-comments') { name = 'core/comments'; newAttributes.legacy = true; } // The following code is only relevant for the Gutenberg plugin. // It's a stand-alone if statement for dead-code elimination. if (false) {} return [name, newAttributes]; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/hpq/es/get-path.js /** * Given object and string of dot-delimited path segments, returns value at * path or undefined if path cannot be resolved. * * @param {Object} object Lookup object * @param {string} path Path to resolve * @return {?*} Resolved value */ function getPath(object, path) { var segments = path.split('.'); var segment; while (segment = segments.shift()) { if (!(segment in object)) { return; } object = object[segment]; } return object; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/hpq/es/index.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Function returning a DOM document created by `createHTMLDocument`. The same * document is returned between invocations. * * @return {Document} DOM document. */ var getDocument = function () { var doc; return function () { if (!doc) { doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); } return doc; }; }(); /** * Given a markup string or DOM element, creates an object aligning with the * shape of the matchers object, or the value returned by the matcher. * * @param {(string|Element)} source Source content * @param {(Object|Function)} matchers Matcher function or object of matchers * @return {(Object|*)} Matched value(s), shaped by object */ function parse(source, matchers) { if (!matchers) { return; } // Coerce to element if ('string' === typeof source) { var doc = getDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = source; source = doc.body; } // Return singular value if ('function' === typeof matchers) { return matchers(source); } // Bail if we can't handle matchers if (Object !== matchers.constructor) { return; } // Shape result by matcher object return Object.keys(matchers).reduce(function (memo, key) { memo[key] = parse(source, matchers[key]); return memo; }, {}); } /** * Generates a function which matches node of type selector, returning an * attribute by property if the attribute exists. If no selector is passed, * returns property of the query element. * * @param {?string} selector Optional selector * @param {string} name Property name * @return {*} Property value */ function prop(selector, name) { if (1 === arguments.length) { name = selector; selector = undefined; } return function (node) { var match = node; if (selector) { match = node.querySelector(selector); } if (match) { return getPath(match, name); } }; } /** * Generates a function which matches node of type selector, returning an * attribute by name if the attribute exists. If no selector is passed, * returns attribute of the query element. * * @param {?string} selector Optional selector * @param {string} name Attribute name * @return {?string} Attribute value */ function attr(selector, name) { if (1 === arguments.length) { name = selector; selector = undefined; } return function (node) { var attributes = prop(selector, 'attributes')(node); if (attributes && attributes.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return attributes[name].value; } }; } /** * Convenience for `prop( selector, 'innerHTML' )`. * * @see prop() * * @param {?string} selector Optional selector * @return {string} Inner HTML */ function html(selector) { return prop(selector, 'innerHTML'); } /** * Convenience for `prop( selector, 'textContent' )`. * * @see prop() * * @param {?string} selector Optional selector * @return {string} Text content */ function es_text(selector) { return prop(selector, 'textContent'); } /** * Creates a new matching context by first finding elements matching selector * using querySelectorAll before then running another `parse` on `matchers` * scoped to the matched elements. * * @see parse() * * @param {string} selector Selector to match * @param {(Object|Function)} matchers Matcher function or object of matchers * @return {Array.<*,Object>} Array of matched value(s) */ function query(selector, matchers) { return function (node) { var matches = node.querySelectorAll(selector); return [], function (match) { return parse(match, matchers); }); }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/memize/dist/index.js /** * Memize options object. * * @typedef MemizeOptions * * @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache. */ /** * Internal cache entry. * * @typedef MemizeCacheNode * * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node. * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node. * @property {Array<*>} args Function arguments for cache * entry. * @property {*} val Function result. */ /** * Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache. * * @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction * * @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache. */ /** * Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with * optional options. * * @template {(...args: any[]) => any} F * * @param {F} fn Function to memoize. * @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object. * * @return {((...args: Parameters) => ReturnType) & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function. */ function memize(fn, options) { var size = 0; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var head; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var tail; options = options || {}; function memoized(/* ...args */) { var node = head, len = arguments.length, args, i; searchCache: while (node) { // Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node // under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays // are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is // strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a // function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization. // Check whether node arguments match arguments length if (node.args.length !== arguments.length) { node =; continue; } // Check whether node arguments match arguments values for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (node.args[i] !== arguments[i]) { node =; continue searchCache; } } // At this point we can assume we've found a match // Surface matched node to head if not already if (node !== head) { // As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also // head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous. if (node === tail) { tail = node.prev; } // Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail, // this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment. /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (node.prev).next =; if ( { = node.prev; } = head; node.prev = null; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (head).prev = node; head = node; } // Return immediately return node.val; } // No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase: // Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization) args = new Array(len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } node = { args: args, // Generate the result from original function val: fn.apply(null, args), }; // Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would // have been returned above already if it was // Shift existing head down list if (head) { head.prev = node; = head; } else { // If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset) tail = node; } // Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion if (size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ (options).maxSize) { tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).prev; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).next = null; } else { size++; } head = node; return node.val; } memoized.clear = function () { head = null; tail = null; size = 0; }; // Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of // the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the // function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties // on the return value. // @ts-ignore return memoized; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/matchers.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function matchers_html(selector, multilineTag) { return domNode => { let match = domNode; if (selector) { match = domNode.querySelector(selector); } if (!match) { return ''; } if (multilineTag) { let value = ''; const length = match.children.length; for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) { const child = match.children[index]; if (child.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== multilineTag) { continue; } value += child.outerHTML; } return value; } return match.innerHTML; }; } const richText = (selector, preserveWhiteSpace) => el => { const target = selector ? el.querySelector(selector) : el; return target ? external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData.fromHTMLElement(target, { preserveWhiteSpace }) : external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData.empty(); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/node.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * A representation of a single node within a block's rich text value. If * representing a text node, the value is simply a string of the node value. * As representing an element node, it is an object of: * * 1. `type` (string): Tag name. * 2. `props` (object): Attributes and children array of WPBlockNode. * * @typedef {string|Object} WPBlockNode */ /** * Given a single node and a node type (e.g. `'br'`), returns true if the node * corresponds to that type, false otherwise. * * @param {WPBlockNode} node Block node to test * @param {string} type Node to type to test against. * * @return {boolean} Whether node is of intended type. */ function isNodeOfType(node, type) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.node.isNodeOfType', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', link: '' }); return node && node.type === type; } /** * Given an object implementing the NamedNodeMap interface, returns a plain * object equivalent value of name, value key-value pairs. * * @see * * @param {NamedNodeMap} nodeMap NamedNodeMap to convert to object. * * @return {Object} Object equivalent value of NamedNodeMap. */ function getNamedNodeMapAsObject(nodeMap) { const result = {}; for (let i = 0; i < nodeMap.length; i++) { const { name, value } = nodeMap[i]; result[name] = value; } return result; } /** * Given a DOM Element or Text node, returns an equivalent block node. Throws * if passed any node type other than element or text. * * @throws {TypeError} If non-element/text node is passed. * * @param {Node} domNode DOM node to convert. * * @return {WPBlockNode} Block node equivalent to DOM node. */ function fromDOM(domNode) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.node.fromDOM', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: 'wp.richText.create', link: '' }); if (domNode.nodeType === domNode.TEXT_NODE) { return domNode.nodeValue; } if (domNode.nodeType !== domNode.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new TypeError('A block node can only be created from a node of type text or ' + 'element.'); } return { type: domNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(), props: { ...getNamedNodeMapAsObject(domNode.attributes), children: children_fromDOM(domNode.childNodes) } }; } /** * Given a block node, returns its HTML string representation. * * @param {WPBlockNode} node Block node to convert to string. * * @return {string} String HTML representation of block node. */ function toHTML(node) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.node.toHTML', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: 'wp.richText.toHTMLString', link: '' }); return children_toHTML([node]); } /** * Given a selector, returns an hpq matcher generating a WPBlockNode value * matching the selector result. * * @param {string} selector DOM selector. * * @return {Function} hpq matcher. */ function matcher(selector) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.node.matcher', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: 'html source', link: '' }); return domNode => { let match = domNode; if (selector) { match = domNode.querySelector(selector); } try { return fromDOM(match); } catch (error) { return null; } }; } /** * Object of utility functions used in managing block attribute values of * source `node`. * * @see * * @deprecated since 4.0. The `node` source should not be used, and can be * replaced by the `html` source. * * @private */ /* harmony default export */ const node = ({ isNodeOfType, fromDOM, toHTML, matcher }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/children.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * A representation of a block's rich text value. * * @typedef {WPBlockNode[]} WPBlockChildren */ /** * Given block children, returns a serialize-capable WordPress element. * * @param {WPBlockChildren} children Block children object to convert. * * @return {Element} A serialize-capable element. */ function getSerializeCapableElement(children) { // The fact that block children are compatible with the element serializer is // merely an implementation detail that currently serves to be true, but // should not be mistaken as being a guarantee on the external API. The // public API only offers guarantees to work with strings (toHTML) and DOM // elements (fromDOM), and should provide utilities to manipulate the value // rather than expect consumers to inspect or construct its shape (concat). return children; } /** * Given block children, returns an array of block nodes. * * @param {WPBlockChildren} children Block children object to convert. * * @return {Array} An array of individual block nodes. */ function getChildrenArray(children) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.children.getChildrenArray', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', link: '' }); // The fact that block children are compatible with the element serializer // is merely an implementation detail that currently serves to be true, but // should not be mistaken as being a guarantee on the external API. return children; } /** * Given two or more block nodes, returns a new block node representing a * concatenation of its values. * * @param {...WPBlockChildren} blockNodes Block nodes to concatenate. * * @return {WPBlockChildren} Concatenated block node. */ function concat(...blockNodes) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.children.concat', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: 'wp.richText.concat', link: '' }); const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < blockNodes.length; i++) { const blockNode = Array.isArray(blockNodes[i]) ? blockNodes[i] : [blockNodes[i]]; for (let j = 0; j < blockNode.length; j++) { const child = blockNode[j]; const canConcatToPreviousString = typeof child === 'string' && typeof result[result.length - 1] === 'string'; if (canConcatToPreviousString) { result[result.length - 1] += child; } else { result.push(child); } } } return result; } /** * Given an iterable set of DOM nodes, returns equivalent block children. * Ignores any non-element/text nodes included in set. * * @param {Iterable.} domNodes Iterable set of DOM nodes to convert. * * @return {WPBlockChildren} Block children equivalent to DOM nodes. */ function children_fromDOM(domNodes) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.children.fromDOM', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: 'wp.richText.create', link: '' }); const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < domNodes.length; i++) { try { result.push(fromDOM(domNodes[i])); } catch (error) { // Simply ignore if DOM node could not be converted. } } return result; } /** * Given a block node, returns its HTML string representation. * * @param {WPBlockChildren} children Block node(s) to convert to string. * * @return {string} String HTML representation of block node. */ function children_toHTML(children) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.children.toHTML', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: 'wp.richText.toHTMLString', link: '' }); const element = getSerializeCapableElement(children); return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(element); } /** * Given a selector, returns an hpq matcher generating a WPBlockChildren value * matching the selector result. * * @param {string} selector DOM selector. * * @return {Function} hpq matcher. */ function children_matcher(selector) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.children.matcher', { since: '6.1', version: '6.3', alternative: 'html source', link: '' }); return domNode => { let match = domNode; if (selector) { match = domNode.querySelector(selector); } if (match) { return children_fromDOM(match.childNodes); } return []; }; } /** * Object of utility functions used in managing block attribute values of * source `children`. * * @see * * @deprecated since 4.0. The `children` source should not be used, and can be * replaced by the `html` source. * * @private */ /* harmony default export */ const children = ({ concat, getChildrenArray, fromDOM: children_fromDOM, toHTML: children_toHTML, matcher: children_matcher }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/parser/get-block-attributes.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Higher-order hpq matcher which enhances an attribute matcher to return true * or false depending on whether the original matcher returns undefined. This * is useful for boolean attributes (e.g. disabled) whose attribute values may * be technically falsey (empty string), though their mere presence should be * enough to infer as true. * * @param {Function} matcher Original hpq matcher. * * @return {Function} Enhanced hpq matcher. */ const toBooleanAttributeMatcher = matcher => value => matcher(value) !== undefined; /** * Returns true if value is of the given JSON schema type, or false otherwise. * * @see * * @param {*} value Value to test. * @param {string} type Type to test. * * @return {boolean} Whether value is of type. */ function isOfType(value, type) { switch (type) { case 'rich-text': return value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData; case 'string': return typeof value === 'string'; case 'boolean': return typeof value === 'boolean'; case 'object': return !!value && value.constructor === Object; case 'null': return value === null; case 'array': return Array.isArray(value); case 'integer': case 'number': return typeof value === 'number'; } return true; } /** * Returns true if value is of an array of given JSON schema types, or false * otherwise. * * @see * * @param {*} value Value to test. * @param {string[]} types Types to test. * * @return {boolean} Whether value is of types. */ function isOfTypes(value, types) { return types.some(type => isOfType(value, type)); } /** * Given an attribute key, an attribute's schema, a block's raw content and the * commentAttributes returns the attribute value depending on its source * definition of the given attribute key. * * @param {string} attributeKey Attribute key. * @param {Object} attributeSchema Attribute's schema. * @param {Node} innerDOM Parsed DOM of block's inner HTML. * @param {Object} commentAttributes Block's comment attributes. * @param {string} innerHTML Raw HTML from block node's innerHTML property. * * @return {*} Attribute value. */ function getBlockAttribute(attributeKey, attributeSchema, innerDOM, commentAttributes, innerHTML) { let value; switch (attributeSchema.source) { // An undefined source means that it's an attribute serialized to the // block's "comment". case undefined: value = commentAttributes ? commentAttributes[attributeKey] : undefined; break; // raw source means that it's the original raw block content. case 'raw': value = innerHTML; break; case 'attribute': case 'property': case 'html': case 'text': case 'rich-text': case 'children': case 'node': case 'query': case 'tag': value = parseWithAttributeSchema(innerDOM, attributeSchema); break; } if (!isValidByType(value, attributeSchema.type) || !isValidByEnum(value, attributeSchema.enum)) { // Reject the value if it is not valid. Reverting to the undefined // value ensures the default is respected, if applicable. value = undefined; } if (value === undefined) { value = getDefault(attributeSchema); } return value; } /** * Returns true if value is valid per the given block attribute schema type * definition, or false otherwise. * * @see * * @param {*} value Value to test. * @param {?(Array|string)} type Block attribute schema type. * * @return {boolean} Whether value is valid. */ function isValidByType(value, type) { return type === undefined || isOfTypes(value, Array.isArray(type) ? type : [type]); } /** * Returns true if value is valid per the given block attribute schema enum * definition, or false otherwise. * * @see * * @param {*} value Value to test. * @param {?Array} enumSet Block attribute schema enum. * * @return {boolean} Whether value is valid. */ function isValidByEnum(value, enumSet) { return !Array.isArray(enumSet) || enumSet.includes(value); } /** * Returns an hpq matcher given a source object. * * @param {Object} sourceConfig Attribute Source object. * * @return {Function} A hpq Matcher. */ const matcherFromSource = memize(sourceConfig => { switch (sourceConfig.source) { case 'attribute': { let matcher = attr(sourceConfig.selector, sourceConfig.attribute); if (sourceConfig.type === 'boolean') { matcher = toBooleanAttributeMatcher(matcher); } return matcher; } case 'html': return matchers_html(sourceConfig.selector, sourceConfig.multiline); case 'text': return es_text(sourceConfig.selector); case 'rich-text': return richText(sourceConfig.selector, sourceConfig.__unstablePreserveWhiteSpace); case 'children': return children_matcher(sourceConfig.selector); case 'node': return matcher(sourceConfig.selector); case 'query': const subMatchers = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(sourceConfig.query).map(([key, subSourceConfig]) => [key, matcherFromSource(subSourceConfig)])); return query(sourceConfig.selector, subMatchers); case 'tag': { const matcher = prop(sourceConfig.selector, 'nodeName'); return domNode => matcher(domNode)?.toLowerCase(); } default: // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`Unknown source type "${sourceConfig.source}"`); } }); /** * Parse a HTML string into DOM tree. * * @param {string|Node} innerHTML HTML string or already parsed DOM node. * * @return {Node} Parsed DOM node. */ function parseHtml(innerHTML) { return parse(innerHTML, h => h); } /** * Given a block's raw content and an attribute's schema returns the attribute's * value depending on its source. * * @param {string|Node} innerHTML Block's raw content. * @param {Object} attributeSchema Attribute's schema. * * @return {*} Attribute value. */ function parseWithAttributeSchema(innerHTML, attributeSchema) { return matcherFromSource(attributeSchema)(parseHtml(innerHTML)); } /** * Returns the block attributes of a registered block node given its type. * * @param {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. * @param {string|Node} innerHTML Raw block content. * @param {?Object} attributes Known block attributes (from delimiters). * * @return {Object} All block attributes. */ function getBlockAttributes(blockTypeOrName, innerHTML, attributes = {}) { var _blockType$attributes; const doc = parseHtml(innerHTML); const blockType = normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName); const blockAttributes = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries((_blockType$attributes = blockType.attributes) !== null && _blockType$attributes !== void 0 ? _blockType$attributes : {}).map(([key, schema]) => [key, getBlockAttribute(key, schema, doc, attributes, innerHTML)])); return (0,external_wp_hooks_namespaceObject.applyFilters)('blocks.getBlockAttributes', blockAttributes, blockType, innerHTML, attributes); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/parser/fix-custom-classname.js /** * Internal dependencies */ const CLASS_ATTR_SCHEMA = { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: '[data-custom-class-name] > *', attribute: 'class' }; /** * Given an HTML string, returns an array of class names assigned to the root * element in the markup. * * @param {string} innerHTML Markup string from which to extract classes. * * @return {string[]} Array of class names assigned to the root element. */ function getHTMLRootElementClasses(innerHTML) { const parsed = parseWithAttributeSchema(`
    `, CLASS_ATTR_SCHEMA); return parsed ? parsed.trim().split(/\s+/) : []; } /** * Given a parsed set of block attributes, if the block supports custom class * names and an unknown class (per the block's serialization behavior) is * found, the unknown classes are treated as custom classes. This prevents the * block from being considered as invalid. * * @param {Object} blockAttributes Original block attributes. * @param {Object} blockType Block type settings. * @param {string} innerHTML Original block markup. * * @return {Object} Filtered block attributes. */ function fixCustomClassname(blockAttributes, blockType, innerHTML) { if (hasBlockSupport(blockType, 'customClassName', true)) { // To determine difference, serialize block given the known set of // attributes, with the exception of `className`. This will determine // the default set of classes. From there, any difference in innerHTML // can be considered as custom classes. const { className: omittedClassName, ...attributesSansClassName } = blockAttributes; const serialized = getSaveContent(blockType, attributesSansClassName); const defaultClasses = getHTMLRootElementClasses(serialized); const actualClasses = getHTMLRootElementClasses(innerHTML); const customClasses = actualClasses.filter(className => !defaultClasses.includes(className)); if (customClasses.length) { blockAttributes.className = customClasses.join(' '); } else if (serialized) { delete blockAttributes.className; } } return blockAttributes; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/parser/apply-built-in-validation-fixes.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Attempts to fix block invalidation by applying build-in validation fixes * like moving all extra classNames to the className attribute. * * @param {WPBlock} block block object. * @param {import('../registration').WPBlockType} blockType Block type. This is normalize not necessary and * can be inferred from the block name, * but it's here for performance reasons. * * @return {WPBlock} Fixed block object */ function applyBuiltInValidationFixes(block, blockType) { const updatedBlockAttributes = fixCustomClassname(block.attributes, blockType, block.originalContent); return { ...block, attributes: updatedBlockAttributes }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/parser/apply-block-deprecated-versions.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Function that takes no arguments and always returns false. * * @return {boolean} Always returns false. */ function stubFalse() { return false; } /** * Given a block object, returns a new copy of the block with any applicable * deprecated migrations applied, or the original block if it was both valid * and no eligible migrations exist. * * @param {import(".").WPBlock} block Parsed and invalid block object. * @param {import(".").WPRawBlock} rawBlock Raw block object. * @param {import('../registration').WPBlockType} blockType Block type. This is normalize not necessary and * can be inferred from the block name, * but it's here for performance reasons. * * @return {import(".").WPBlock} Migrated block object. */ function applyBlockDeprecatedVersions(block, rawBlock, blockType) { const parsedAttributes = rawBlock.attrs; const { deprecated: deprecatedDefinitions } = blockType; // Bail early if there are no registered deprecations to be handled. if (!deprecatedDefinitions || !deprecatedDefinitions.length) { return block; } // By design, blocks lack any sort of version tracking. Instead, to process // outdated content the system operates a queue out of all the defined // attribute shapes and tries each definition until the input produces a // valid result. This mechanism seeks to avoid polluting the user-space with // machine-specific code. An invalid block is thus a block that could not be // matched successfully with any of the registered deprecation definitions. for (let i = 0; i < deprecatedDefinitions.length; i++) { // A block can opt into a migration even if the block is valid by // defining `isEligible` on its deprecation. If the block is both valid // and does not opt to migrate, skip. const { isEligible = stubFalse } = deprecatedDefinitions[i]; if (block.isValid && !isEligible(parsedAttributes, block.innerBlocks, { blockNode: rawBlock, block })) { continue; } // Block type properties which could impact either serialization or // parsing are not considered in the deprecated block type by default, // and must be explicitly provided. const deprecatedBlockType = Object.assign(omit(blockType, DEPRECATED_ENTRY_KEYS), deprecatedDefinitions[i]); let migratedBlock = { ...block, attributes: getBlockAttributes(deprecatedBlockType, block.originalContent, parsedAttributes) }; // Ignore the deprecation if it produces a block which is not valid. let [isValid] = validateBlock(migratedBlock, deprecatedBlockType); // If the migrated block is not valid initially, try the built-in fixes. if (!isValid) { migratedBlock = applyBuiltInValidationFixes(migratedBlock, deprecatedBlockType); [isValid] = validateBlock(migratedBlock, deprecatedBlockType); } // An invalid block does not imply incorrect HTML but the fact block // source information could be lost on re-serialization. if (!isValid) { continue; } let migratedInnerBlocks = migratedBlock.innerBlocks; let migratedAttributes = migratedBlock.attributes; // A block may provide custom behavior to assign new attributes and/or // inner blocks. const { migrate } = deprecatedBlockType; if (migrate) { let migrated = migrate(migratedAttributes, block.innerBlocks); if (!Array.isArray(migrated)) { migrated = [migrated]; } [migratedAttributes = parsedAttributes, migratedInnerBlocks = block.innerBlocks] = migrated; } block = { ...block, attributes: migratedAttributes, innerBlocks: migratedInnerBlocks, isValid: true, validationIssues: [] }; } return block; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/parser/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * The raw structure of a block includes its attributes, inner * blocks, and inner HTML. It is important to distinguish inner blocks from * the HTML content of the block as only the latter is relevant for block * validation and edit operations. * * @typedef WPRawBlock * * @property {string=} blockName Block name * @property {Object=} attrs Block raw or comment attributes. * @property {string} innerHTML HTML content of the block. * @property {(string|null)[]} innerContent Content without inner blocks. * @property {WPRawBlock[]} innerBlocks Inner Blocks. */ /** * Fully parsed block object. * * @typedef WPBlock * * @property {string} name Block name * @property {Object} attributes Block raw or comment attributes. * @property {WPBlock[]} innerBlocks Inner Blocks. * @property {string} originalContent Original content of the block before validation fixes. * @property {boolean} isValid Whether the block is valid. * @property {Object[]} validationIssues Validation issues. * @property {WPRawBlock} [__unstableBlockSource] Un-processed original copy of block if created through parser. */ /** * @typedef {Object} ParseOptions * @property {boolean?} __unstableSkipMigrationLogs If a block is migrated from a deprecated version, skip logging the migration details. * @property {boolean?} __unstableSkipAutop Whether to skip autop when processing freeform content. */ /** * Convert legacy blocks to their canonical form. This function is used * both in the parser level for previous content and to convert such blocks * used in Custom Post Types templates. * * @param {WPRawBlock} rawBlock * * @return {WPRawBlock} The block's name and attributes, changed accordingly if a match was found */ function convertLegacyBlocks(rawBlock) { const [correctName, correctedAttributes] = convertLegacyBlockNameAndAttributes(rawBlock.blockName, rawBlock.attrs); return { ...rawBlock, blockName: correctName, attrs: correctedAttributes }; } /** * Normalize the raw block by applying the fallback block name if none given, * sanitize the parsed HTML... * * @param {WPRawBlock} rawBlock The raw block object. * @param {ParseOptions?} options Extra options for handling block parsing. * * @return {WPRawBlock} The normalized block object. */ function normalizeRawBlock(rawBlock, options) { const fallbackBlockName = getFreeformContentHandlerName(); // If the grammar parsing don't produce any block name, use the freeform block. const rawBlockName = rawBlock.blockName || getFreeformContentHandlerName(); const rawAttributes = rawBlock.attrs || {}; const rawInnerBlocks = rawBlock.innerBlocks || []; let rawInnerHTML = rawBlock.innerHTML.trim(); // Fallback content may be upgraded from classic content expecting implicit // automatic paragraphs, so preserve them. Assumes wpautop is idempotent, // meaning there are no negative consequences to repeated autop calls. if (rawBlockName === fallbackBlockName && rawBlockName === 'core/freeform' && !options?.__unstableSkipAutop) { rawInnerHTML = (0,external_wp_autop_namespaceObject.autop)(rawInnerHTML).trim(); } return { ...rawBlock, blockName: rawBlockName, attrs: rawAttributes, innerHTML: rawInnerHTML, innerBlocks: rawInnerBlocks }; } /** * Uses the "unregistered blockType" to create a block object. * * @param {WPRawBlock} rawBlock block. * * @return {WPRawBlock} The unregistered block object. */ function createMissingBlockType(rawBlock) { const unregisteredFallbackBlock = getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName() || getFreeformContentHandlerName(); // Preserve undelimited content for use by the unregistered type // handler. A block node's `innerHTML` isn't enough, as that field only // carries the block's own HTML and not its nested blocks. const originalUndelimitedContent = serializeRawBlock(rawBlock, { isCommentDelimited: false }); // Preserve full block content for use by the unregistered type // handler, block boundaries included. const originalContent = serializeRawBlock(rawBlock, { isCommentDelimited: true }); return { blockName: unregisteredFallbackBlock, attrs: { originalName: rawBlock.blockName, originalContent, originalUndelimitedContent }, innerHTML: rawBlock.blockName ? originalContent : rawBlock.innerHTML, innerBlocks: rawBlock.innerBlocks, innerContent: rawBlock.innerContent }; } /** * Validates a block and wraps with validation meta. * * The name here is regrettable but `validateBlock` is already taken. * * @param {WPBlock} unvalidatedBlock * @param {import('../registration').WPBlockType} blockType * @return {WPBlock} validated block, with auto-fixes if initially invalid */ function applyBlockValidation(unvalidatedBlock, blockType) { // Attempt to validate the block. const [isValid] = validateBlock(unvalidatedBlock, blockType); if (isValid) { return { ...unvalidatedBlock, isValid, validationIssues: [] }; } // If the block is invalid, attempt some built-in fixes // like custom classNames handling. const fixedBlock = applyBuiltInValidationFixes(unvalidatedBlock, blockType); // Attempt to validate the block once again after the built-in fixes. const [isFixedValid, validationIssues] = validateBlock(unvalidatedBlock, blockType); return { ...fixedBlock, isValid: isFixedValid, validationIssues }; } /** * Given a raw block returned by grammar parsing, returns a fully parsed block. * * @param {WPRawBlock} rawBlock The raw block object. * @param {ParseOptions} options Extra options for handling block parsing. * * @return {WPBlock | undefined} Fully parsed block. */ function parseRawBlock(rawBlock, options) { let normalizedBlock = normalizeRawBlock(rawBlock, options); // During the lifecycle of the project, we renamed some old blocks // and transformed others to new blocks. To avoid breaking existing content, // we added this function to properly parse the old content. normalizedBlock = convertLegacyBlocks(normalizedBlock); // Try finding the type for known block name. let blockType = getBlockType(normalizedBlock.blockName); // If not blockType is found for the specified name, fallback to the "unregistedBlockType". if (!blockType) { normalizedBlock = createMissingBlockType(normalizedBlock); blockType = getBlockType(normalizedBlock.blockName); } // If it's an empty freeform block or there's no blockType (no missing block handler) // Then, just ignore the block. // It might be a good idea to throw a warning here. // TODO: I'm unsure about the unregisteredFallbackBlock check, // it might ignore some dynamic unregistered third party blocks wrongly. const isFallbackBlock = normalizedBlock.blockName === getFreeformContentHandlerName() || normalizedBlock.blockName === getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName(); if (!blockType || !normalizedBlock.innerHTML && isFallbackBlock) { return; } // Parse inner blocks recursively. const parsedInnerBlocks = => parseRawBlock(innerBlock, options)) // See .filter(innerBlock => !!innerBlock); // Get the fully parsed block. const parsedBlock = createBlock(normalizedBlock.blockName, getBlockAttributes(blockType, normalizedBlock.innerHTML, normalizedBlock.attrs), parsedInnerBlocks); parsedBlock.originalContent = normalizedBlock.innerHTML; const validatedBlock = applyBlockValidation(parsedBlock, blockType); const { validationIssues } = validatedBlock; // Run the block deprecation and migrations. // This is performed on both invalid and valid blocks because // migration using the `migrate` functions should run even // if the output is deemed valid. const updatedBlock = applyBlockDeprecatedVersions(validatedBlock, normalizedBlock, blockType); if (!updatedBlock.isValid) { // Preserve the original unprocessed version of the block // that we received (no fixes, no deprecations) so that // we can save it as close to exactly the same way as // we loaded it. This is important to avoid corruption // and data loss caused by block implementations trying // to process data that isn't fully recognized. updatedBlock.__unstableBlockSource = rawBlock; } if (!validatedBlock.isValid && updatedBlock.isValid && !options?.__unstableSkipMigrationLogs) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.groupCollapsed('Updated Block: %s',;'Block successfully updated for `%s` (%o).\n\nNew content generated by `save` function:\n\n%s\n\nContent retrieved from post body:\n\n%s',, blockType, getSaveContent(blockType, updatedBlock.attributes), updatedBlock.originalContent); console.groupEnd(); /* eslint-enable no-console */ } else if (!validatedBlock.isValid && !updatedBlock.isValid) { validationIssues.forEach(({ log, args }) => log(...args)); } return updatedBlock; } /** * Utilizes an optimized token-driven parser based on the Gutenberg grammar spec * defined through a parsing expression grammar to take advantage of the regular * cadence provided by block delimiters -- composed syntactically through HTML * comments -- which, given a general HTML document as an input, returns a block * list array representation. * * This is a recursive-descent parser that scans linearly once through the input * document. Instead of directly recursing it utilizes a trampoline mechanism to * prevent stack overflow. This initial pass is mainly interested in separating * and isolating the blocks serialized in the document and manifestly not in the * content within the blocks. * * @see * * * @param {string} content The post content. * @param {ParseOptions} options Extra options for handling block parsing. * * @return {Array} Block list. */ function parser_parse(content, options) { return (0,external_wp_blockSerializationDefaultParser_namespaceObject.parse)(content).reduce((accumulator, rawBlock) => { const block = parseRawBlock(rawBlock, options); if (block) { accumulator.push(block); } return accumulator; }, []); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/get-raw-transforms.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function getRawTransforms() { return getBlockTransforms('from').filter(({ type }) => type === 'raw').map(transform => { return transform.isMatch ? transform : { ...transform, isMatch: node => transform.selector && node.matches(transform.selector) }; }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/html-to-blocks.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * Converts HTML directly to blocks. Looks for a matching transform for each * top-level tag. The HTML should be filtered to not have any text between * top-level tags and formatted in a way that blocks can handle the HTML. * * @param {string} html HTML to convert. * @param {Function} handler The handler calling htmlToBlocks: either rawHandler * or pasteHandler. * * @return {Array} An array of blocks. */ function htmlToBlocks(html, handler) { const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); doc.body.innerHTML = html; return Array.from(doc.body.children).flatMap(node => { const rawTransform = findTransform(getRawTransforms(), ({ isMatch }) => isMatch(node)); if (!rawTransform) { // Until the HTML block is supported in the native version, we'll parse it // instead of creating the block to generate it as an unsupported block. if (external_wp_element_namespaceObject.Platform.isNative) { return parser_parse(`${node.outerHTML}`); } return createBlock( // Should not be hardcoded. 'core/html', getBlockAttributes('core/html', node.outerHTML)); } const { transform, blockName } = rawTransform; if (transform) { const block = transform(node, handler); if (node.hasAttribute('class')) { block.attributes.className = node.getAttribute('class'); } return block; } return createBlock(blockName, getBlockAttributes(blockName, node.outerHTML)); }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/normalise-blocks.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function normaliseBlocks(HTML, options = {}) { const decuDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); const accuDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); const decu = decuDoc.body; const accu = accuDoc.body; decu.innerHTML = HTML; while (decu.firstChild) { const node = decu.firstChild; // Text nodes: wrap in a paragraph, or append to previous. if (node.nodeType === node.TEXT_NODE) { if ((0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.isEmpty)(node)) { decu.removeChild(node); } else { if (!accu.lastChild || accu.lastChild.nodeName !== 'P') { accu.appendChild(accuDoc.createElement('P')); } accu.lastChild.appendChild(node); } // Element nodes. } else if (node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // BR nodes: create a new paragraph on double, or append to previous. if (node.nodeName === 'BR') { if (node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName === 'BR') { accu.appendChild(accuDoc.createElement('P')); decu.removeChild(node.nextSibling); } // Don't append to an empty paragraph. if (accu.lastChild && accu.lastChild.nodeName === 'P' && accu.lastChild.hasChildNodes()) { accu.lastChild.appendChild(node); } else { decu.removeChild(node); } } else if (node.nodeName === 'P') { // Only append non-empty paragraph nodes. if ((0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.isEmpty)(node) && !options.raw) { decu.removeChild(node); } else { accu.appendChild(node); } } else if ((0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.isPhrasingContent)(node)) { if (!accu.lastChild || accu.lastChild.nodeName !== 'P') { accu.appendChild(accuDoc.createElement('P')); } accu.lastChild.appendChild(node); } else { accu.appendChild(node); } } else { decu.removeChild(node); } } return accu.innerHTML; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/special-comment-converter.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Looks for `` and `` comments and * replaces them with a custom element representing a future block. * * The custom element is a way to bypass the rest of the `raw-handling` * transforms, which would eliminate other kinds of node with which to carry * ``'s data: nodes with `data` attributes, empty paragraphs, etc. * * The custom element is then expected to be recognized by any registered * block's `raw` transform. * * @param {Node} node The node to be processed. * @param {Document} doc The document of the node. * @return {void} */ function specialCommentConverter(node, doc) { if (node.nodeType !== node.COMMENT_NODE) { return; } if (node.nodeValue !== 'nextpage' && node.nodeValue.indexOf('more') !== 0) { return; } const block = special_comment_converter_createBlock(node, doc); // If our `` comment is in the middle of a paragraph, we should // split the paragraph in two and insert the more block in between. If it's // inside an empty paragraph, we should still move it out of the paragraph // and remove the paragraph. If there's no paragraph, fall back to simply // replacing the comment. if (!node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeName !== 'P') { (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.replace)(node, block); } else { const childNodes = Array.from(node.parentNode.childNodes); const nodeIndex = childNodes.indexOf(node); const wrapperNode = node.parentNode.parentNode || doc.body; const paragraphBuilder = (acc, child) => { if (!acc) { acc = doc.createElement('p'); } acc.appendChild(child); return acc; }; // Split the original parent node and insert our more block [childNodes.slice(0, nodeIndex).reduce(paragraphBuilder, null), block, childNodes.slice(nodeIndex + 1).reduce(paragraphBuilder, null)].forEach(element => element && wrapperNode.insertBefore(element, node.parentNode)); // Remove the old parent paragraph (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.remove)(node.parentNode); } } function special_comment_converter_createBlock(commentNode, doc) { if (commentNode.nodeValue === 'nextpage') { return createNextpage(doc); } // Grab any custom text in the comment. const customText = commentNode.nodeValue.slice(4).trim(); /* * When a `` comment is found, we need to look for any * `` sibling, but it may not be a direct sibling * (whitespace typically lies in between) */ let sibling = commentNode; let noTeaser = false; while (sibling = sibling.nextSibling) { if (sibling.nodeType === sibling.COMMENT_NODE && sibling.nodeValue === 'noteaser') { noTeaser = true; (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.remove)(sibling); break; } } return createMore(customText, noTeaser, doc); } function createMore(customText, noTeaser, doc) { const node = doc.createElement('wp-block'); node.dataset.block = 'core/more'; if (customText) { node.dataset.customText = customText; } if (noTeaser) { // "Boolean" data attribute. node.dataset.noTeaser = ''; } return node; } function createNextpage(doc) { const node = doc.createElement('wp-block'); node.dataset.block = 'core/nextpage'; return node; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/list-reducer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function isList(node) { return node.nodeName === 'OL' || node.nodeName === 'UL'; } function shallowTextContent(element) { return Array.from(element.childNodes).map(({ nodeValue = '' }) => nodeValue).join(''); } function listReducer(node) { if (!isList(node)) { return; } const list = node; const prevElement = node.previousElementSibling; // Merge with previous list if: // * There is a previous list of the same type. // * There is only one list item. if (prevElement && prevElement.nodeName === node.nodeName && list.children.length === 1) { // Move all child nodes, including any text nodes, if any. while (list.firstChild) { prevElement.appendChild(list.firstChild); } list.parentNode.removeChild(list); } const parentElement = node.parentNode; // Nested list with empty parent item. if (parentElement && parentElement.nodeName === 'LI' && parentElement.children.length === 1 && !/\S/.test(shallowTextContent(parentElement))) { const parentListItem = parentElement; const prevListItem = parentListItem.previousElementSibling; const parentList = parentListItem.parentNode; if (prevListItem) { prevListItem.appendChild(list); parentList.removeChild(parentListItem); } } // Invalid: OL/UL > OL/UL. if (parentElement && isList(parentElement)) { const prevListItem = node.previousElementSibling; if (prevListItem) { prevListItem.appendChild(node); } else { (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.unwrap)(node); } } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/blockquote-normaliser.js /** * Internal dependencies */ function blockquoteNormaliser(options) { return node => { if (node.nodeName !== 'BLOCKQUOTE') { return; } node.innerHTML = normaliseBlocks(node.innerHTML, options); }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/figure-content-reducer.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Whether or not the given node is figure content. * * @param {Node} node The node to check. * @param {Object} schema The schema to use. * * @return {boolean} True if figure content, false if not. */ function isFigureContent(node, schema) { var _schema$figure$childr; const tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // We are looking for tags that can be a child of the figure tag, excluding // `figcaption` and any phrasing content. if (tag === 'figcaption' || (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.isTextContent)(node)) { return false; } return tag in ((_schema$figure$childr = schema?.figure?.children) !== null && _schema$figure$childr !== void 0 ? _schema$figure$childr : {}); } /** * Whether or not the given node can have an anchor. * * @param {Node} node The node to check. * @param {Object} schema The schema to use. * * @return {boolean} True if it can, false if not. */ function canHaveAnchor(node, schema) { var _schema$figure$childr2; const tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return tag in ((_schema$figure$childr2 = schema?.figure?.children?.a?.children) !== null && _schema$figure$childr2 !== void 0 ? _schema$figure$childr2 : {}); } /** * Wraps the given element in a figure element. * * @param {Element} element The element to wrap. * @param {Element} beforeElement The element before which to place the figure. */ function wrapFigureContent(element, beforeElement = element) { const figure = element.ownerDocument.createElement('figure'); beforeElement.parentNode.insertBefore(figure, beforeElement); figure.appendChild(element); } /** * This filter takes figure content out of paragraphs, wraps it in a figure * element, and moves any anchors with it if needed. * * @param {Node} node The node to filter. * @param {Document} doc The document of the node. * @param {Object} schema The schema to use. * * @return {void} */ function figureContentReducer(node, doc, schema) { if (!isFigureContent(node, schema)) { return; } let nodeToInsert = node; const parentNode = node.parentNode; // If the figure content can have an anchor and its parent is an anchor with // only the figure content, take the anchor out instead of just the content. if (canHaveAnchor(node, schema) && parentNode.nodeName === 'A' && parentNode.childNodes.length === 1) { nodeToInsert = node.parentNode; } const wrapper = nodeToInsert.closest('p,div'); // If wrapped in a paragraph or div, only extract if it's aligned or if // there is no text content. // Otherwise, if directly at the root, wrap in a figure element. if (wrapper) { // In jsdom-jscore, 'node.classList' can be undefined. // In this case, default to extract as it offers a better UI experience on mobile. if (!node.classList) { wrapFigureContent(nodeToInsert, wrapper); } else if (node.classList.contains('alignright') || node.classList.contains('alignleft') || node.classList.contains('aligncenter') || !wrapper.textContent.trim()) { wrapFigureContent(nodeToInsert, wrapper); } } else if (nodeToInsert.parentNode.nodeName === 'BODY') { wrapFigureContent(nodeToInsert); } } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","shortcode"] const external_wp_shortcode_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["shortcode"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/shortcode-converter.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const castArray = maybeArray => Array.isArray(maybeArray) ? maybeArray : [maybeArray]; const beforeLineRegexp = /(\n|

    )\s*$/; const afterLineRegexp = /^\s*(\n|<\/p>)/; function segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock(HTML, lastIndex = 0, excludedBlockNames = []) { // Get all matches. const transformsFrom = getBlockTransforms('from'); const transformation = findTransform(transformsFrom, transform => excludedBlockNames.indexOf(transform.blockName) === -1 && transform.type === 'shortcode' && castArray(transform.tag).some(tag => (0,external_wp_shortcode_namespaceObject.regexp)(tag).test(HTML))); if (!transformation) { return [HTML]; } const transformTags = castArray(transformation.tag); const transformTag = transformTags.find(tag => (0,external_wp_shortcode_namespaceObject.regexp)(tag).test(HTML)); let match; const previousIndex = lastIndex; if (match = (0,, HTML, lastIndex)) { lastIndex = match.index + match.content.length; const beforeHTML = HTML.substr(0, match.index); const afterHTML = HTML.substr(lastIndex); // If the shortcode content does not contain HTML and the shortcode is // not on a new line (or in paragraph from Markdown converter), // consider the shortcode as inline text, and thus skip conversion for // this segment. if (!match.shortcode.content?.includes('<') && !(beforeLineRegexp.test(beforeHTML) && afterLineRegexp.test(afterHTML))) { return segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock(HTML, lastIndex); } // If a transformation's `isMatch` predicate fails for the inbound // shortcode, try again by excluding the current block type. // // This is the only call to `segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock` that should // ever carry over `excludedBlockNames`. Other calls in the module // should skip that argument as a way to reset the exclusion state, so // that one `isMatch` fail in an HTML fragment doesn't prevent any // valid matches in subsequent fragments. if (transformation.isMatch && !transformation.isMatch(match.shortcode.attrs)) { return segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock(HTML, previousIndex, [...excludedBlockNames, transformation.blockName]); } let blocks = []; if (typeof transformation.transform === 'function') { // Passing all of `match` as second argument is intentionally broad // but shouldn't be too relied upon. // // See: blocks = [].concat(transformation.transform(match.shortcode.attrs, match)); // Applying the built-in fixes can enhance the attributes with missing content like "className". blocks = => { block.originalContent = match.shortcode.content; return applyBuiltInValidationFixes(block, getBlockType(; }); } else { const attributes = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(transformation.attributes).filter(([, schema]) => schema.shortcode) // Passing all of `match` as second argument is intentionally broad // but shouldn't be too relied upon. // // See: .map(([key, schema]) => [key, schema.shortcode(match.shortcode.attrs, match)])); const blockType = getBlockType(transformation.blockName); if (!blockType) { return [HTML]; } const transformationBlockType = { ...blockType, attributes: transformation.attributes }; let block = createBlock(transformation.blockName, getBlockAttributes(transformationBlockType, match.shortcode.content, attributes)); // Applying the built-in fixes can enhance the attributes with missing content like "className". block.originalContent = match.shortcode.content; block = applyBuiltInValidationFixes(block, transformationBlockType); blocks = [block]; } return [...segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock(beforeHTML.replace(beforeLineRegexp, '')), ...blocks, ...segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock(afterHTML.replace(afterLineRegexp, ''))]; } return [HTML]; } /* harmony default export */ const shortcode_converter = (segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function getBlockContentSchemaFromTransforms(transforms, context) { const phrasingContentSchema = (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.getPhrasingContentSchema)(context); const schemaArgs = { phrasingContentSchema, isPaste: context === 'paste' }; const schemas ={ isMatch, blockName, schema }) => { const hasAnchorSupport = hasBlockSupport(blockName, 'anchor'); schema = typeof schema === 'function' ? schema(schemaArgs) : schema; // If the block does not has anchor support and the transform does not // provides an isMatch we can return the schema right away. if (!hasAnchorSupport && !isMatch) { return schema; } if (!schema) { return {}; } return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(schema).map(([key, value]) => { let attributes = value.attributes || []; // If the block supports the "anchor" functionality, it needs to keep its ID attribute. if (hasAnchorSupport) { attributes = [...attributes, 'id']; } return [key, { ...value, attributes, isMatch: isMatch ? isMatch : undefined }]; })); }); function mergeTagNameSchemaProperties(objValue, srcValue, key) { switch (key) { case 'children': { if (objValue === '*' || srcValue === '*') { return '*'; } return { ...objValue, ...srcValue }; } case 'attributes': case 'require': { return [...(objValue || []), ...(srcValue || [])]; } case 'isMatch': { // If one of the values being merge is undefined (matches everything), // the result of the merge will be undefined. if (!objValue || !srcValue) { return undefined; } // When merging two isMatch functions, the result is a new function // that returns if one of the source functions returns true. return (...args) => { return objValue(...args) || srcValue(...args); }; } } } // A tagName schema is an object with children, attributes, require, and // isMatch properties. function mergeTagNameSchemas(a, b) { for (const key in b) { a[key] = a[key] ? mergeTagNameSchemaProperties(a[key], b[key], key) : { ...b[key] }; } return a; } // A schema is an object with tagName schemas by tag name. function mergeSchemas(a, b) { for (const key in b) { a[key] = a[key] ? mergeTagNameSchemas(a[key], b[key]) : { ...b[key] }; } return a; } return schemas.reduce(mergeSchemas, {}); } /** * Gets the block content schema, which is extracted and merged from all * registered blocks with raw transfroms. * * @param {string} context Set to "paste" when in paste context, where the * schema is more strict. * * @return {Object} A complete block content schema. */ function getBlockContentSchema(context) { return getBlockContentSchemaFromTransforms(getRawTransforms(), context); } /** * Checks whether HTML can be considered plain text. That is, it does not contain * any elements that are not line breaks. * * @param {string} HTML The HTML to check. * * @return {boolean} Whether the HTML can be considered plain text. */ function isPlain(HTML) { return !/<(?!br[ />])/i.test(HTML); } /** * Given node filters, deeply filters and mutates a NodeList. * * @param {NodeList} nodeList The nodeList to filter. * @param {Array} filters An array of functions that can mutate with the provided node. * @param {Document} doc The document of the nodeList. * @param {Object} schema The schema to use. */ function deepFilterNodeList(nodeList, filters, doc, schema) { Array.from(nodeList).forEach(node => { deepFilterNodeList(node.childNodes, filters, doc, schema); filters.forEach(item => { // Make sure the node is still attached to the document. if (!doc.contains(node)) { return; } item(node, doc, schema); }); }); } /** * Given node filters, deeply filters HTML tags. * Filters from the deepest nodes to the top. * * @param {string} HTML The HTML to filter. * @param {Array} filters An array of functions that can mutate with the provided node. * @param {Object} schema The schema to use. * * @return {string} The filtered HTML. */ function deepFilterHTML(HTML, filters = [], schema) { const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); doc.body.innerHTML = HTML; deepFilterNodeList(doc.body.childNodes, filters, doc, schema); return doc.body.innerHTML; } /** * Gets a sibling within text-level context. * * @param {Element} node The subject node. * @param {string} which "next" or "previous". */ function getSibling(node, which) { const sibling = node[`${which}Sibling`]; if (sibling && (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.isPhrasingContent)(sibling)) { return sibling; } const { parentNode } = node; if (!parentNode || !(0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.isPhrasingContent)(parentNode)) { return; } return getSibling(parentNode, which); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/blocks/build-module/api/raw-handling/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function deprecatedGetPhrasingContentSchema(context) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('wp.blocks.getPhrasingContentSchema', { since: '5.6', alternative: 'wp.dom.getPhrasingContentSchema' }); return (0,external_wp_dom_namespaceObject.getPhrasingContentSchema)(context); } /** * Converts an HTML string to known blocks. * * @param {Object} $1 * @param {string} $1.HTML The HTML to convert. * * @return {Array} A list of blocks. */ function rawHandler({ HTML = '' }) { // If we detect block delimiters, parse entirely as blocks. if (HTML.indexOf(')?/i, ''); HTML = HTML.replace(/(?:\s*)?<\/body>\s*<\/html>\s*$/i, ''); // If we detect block delimiters in HTML, parse entirely as blocks. if (mode !== 'INLINE') { // Check plain text if there is no HTML. const content = HTML ? HTML : plainText; if (content.indexOf(').)*)?}\s+)?-->/.exec(v);return e?.groups?.attrs&&JSON.parse(e.groups.attrs)?.id}),[_,h,v]),{media:k,postType:w,postPermalink:C}=(0,gt.useSelect)((e=>{const{getMedia:t,getPostType:o,getEditedEntityRecord:a}=e(;return{media:f&&t(f,{context:"view"}),postType:r&&o(r),postPermalink:a("postType",r,n)?.link}}),[f,r,n]),j=function(e,t){return e?.media_details?.sizes?.[t]?.source_url||e?.source_url}(k,p),S=(0,ot.useBlockProps)({style:{width:u,height:c,aspectRatio:l},className:dt({"is-transient":x})}),B=(0,ot.__experimentalUseBorderProps)(t),N=(0,ot.__experimentalGetShadowClassesAndStyles)(t),T=(0,ot.useBlockEditingMode)(),I=e=>(0,Je.jsx)(et.Placeholder,{className:dt("block-editor-media-placeholder",B.className),withIllustration:!0,style:{height:!!l&&"100%",width:!!l&&"100%",,},children:e}),P=e=>{e?.id&&y(,e?.url&&(0,It.isBlobURL)(e.url)&&b(e.url)};(0,bt.useEffect)((()=>{j&&x&&b()}),[j,x]);const{createErrorNotice:M}=(0,gt.useDispatch)(,z=e=>{M(e,{type:"snackbar"}),b()},R="default"===T&&(0,Je.jsxs)(Je.Fragment,{children:[(0,Je.jsx)(ot.InspectorControls,{group:"color",children:(0,Je.jsx)(q_,{attributes:t,setAttributes:o,clientId:e})}),(0,Je.jsx)(ot.InspectorControls,{group:"dimensions",children:(0,Je.jsx)(U_,{clientId:e,attributes:t,setAttributes:o,media:k})}),(0,Je.jsx)(ot.InspectorControls,{children:(0,Je.jsxs)(et.PanelBody,{title:(0,tt.__)("Settings"),children:[(0,Je.jsx)(et.ToggleControl,{__nextHasNoMarginBottom:!0,label:w?.labels.singular_name?(0,tt.sprintf)((0,tt.__)("Link 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For example the same tags or categories.")})}),(0,Je.jsx)(ot.BlockControls,{children:(0,Je.jsx)(ot.AlignmentToolbar,{value:r,onChange:e=>{l({textAlign:e})}})}),(0,Je.jsxs)("div",{...m,children:[!c&&d&&(0,Je.jsx)("span",{className:`wp-block-post-navigation-link__arrow-previous is-arrow-${i}`,children:d}),(0,Je.jsx)(ot.RichText,{tagName:"a",identifier:"label","aria-label":p,placeholder:u,value:o,allowedFormats:["core/bold","core/italic"],onChange:e=>l({label:e})}),n&&(0,Je.jsx)("a",{href:"#post-navigation-pseudo-link",onClick:e=>e.preventDefault(),children:(0,tt.__)("An example title")}),c&&d&&(0,Je.jsx)("span",{className:`wp-block-post-navigation-link__arrow-next is-arrow-${i}`,"aria-hidden":!0,children:d})]})]})},variations:ny},sy=()=>Xe({name:ay,metadata:ry,settings:iy}),ly=[["core/post-title"],["core/post-date"],["core/post-excerpt"]];function cy({classList:e}){const 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more.",textdomain:"default",usesContext:["queryId","query","displayLayout","templateSlug","previewPostType","enhancedPagination"],supports:{reusable:!1,html:!1,align:["wide","full"],layout:!0,color:{gradients:!0,link:!0,__experimentalDefaultControls:{background:!0,text:!0}},typography:{fontSize:!0,lineHeight:!0,__experimentalFontFamily:!0,__experimentalFontWeight:!0,__experimentalFontStyle:!0,__experimentalTextTransform:!0,__experimentalTextDecoration:!0,__experimentalLetterSpacing:!0,__experimentalDefaultControls:{fontSize:!0}},spacing:{blockGap:{__experimentalDefault:"1.25em"},__experimentalDefaultControls:{blockGap:!0}},interactivity:{clientNavigation:!0}},style:"wp-block-post-template",editorStyle:"wp-block-post-template-editor"},{name:py}=dy,my={icon:Zr,edit:function({setAttributes:e,clientId:t,context:{query:{perPage:o,offset:n=0,postType:r,order:a,orderBy:i,author:s,search:l,exclude:c,sticky:u,inherit:d,taxQuery:p,parents:m,pages:g,...h}={},templateSlug:x,previewPostType:b},attributes:{layout:_},__unstableLayoutClassNames:y}){const{type:v,columnCount:f=3}=_||{},[k,w]=(0,bt.useState)(),{posts:C,blocks:j}=(0,gt.useSelect)((e=>{const{getEntityRecords:g,getTaxonomies:_}=e(,{getBlocks:y}=e(,v=d&&x?.startsWith("category-")&&g("taxonomy","category",{context:"view",per_page:1,_fields:["id"],slug:x.replace("category-","")}),f={offset:n||0,order:a,orderby:i};if(p&&!d){const 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Disable to customize the settings independently."),checked:!!g,onChange:e=>o({inherit:!!e})}),N&&(0,Je.jsx)(et.SelectControl,{__nextHasNoMarginBottom:!0,options:f,value:p,label:(0,tt.__)("Post type"),onChange:e=>{const t={postType:e},n=v[e],r=Object.entries(h||{}).reduce(((e,[t,o])=>(n.includes(t)&&(e[t]=o),e)),{});t.taxQuery=Object.keys(r).length?r:void 0,"post"!==e&&(t.sticky=""),t.parents=[],o(t)},help:(0,tt.__)("WordPress contains different types of content and they are divided into collections called “Post types”. By default there are a few different ones such as blog posts and pages, but plugins could add more.")}),false,T&&(0,Je.jsx)(Cv,{order:c,orderBy:u,onChange:o}),I&&(0,Je.jsx)(Lv,{value:m,onChange:e=>o({sticky:e})}),(0,Je.jsx)(Hv,{enhancedPagination:l,setAttributes:r,clientId:a})]}),!g&&L&&(0,Je.jsxs)(et.__experimentalToolsPanel,{className:"block-library-query-toolspanel__filters",label:(0,tt.__)("Filters"),resetAll:()=>{o({author:"",parents:[],search:"",taxQuery:null}),j("")},dropdownMenuProps:H,children:[M&&(0,Je.jsx)(et.__experimentalToolsPanelItem,{label:(0,tt.__)("Taxonomies"),hasValue:()=>Object.values(h||{}).some((e=>!!e.length)),onDeselect:()=>o({taxQuery:null}),children:(0,Je.jsx)(zv,{onChange:o,query:i})}),z&&(0,Je.jsx)(et.__experimentalToolsPanelItem,{hasValue:()=>!!d,label:(0,tt.__)("Authors"),onDeselect:()=>o({author:""}),children:(0,Je.jsx)(Sv,{value:d,onChange:o})}),R&&(0,Je.jsx)(et.__experimentalToolsPanelItem,{hasValue:()=>!!C,label:(0,tt.__)("Keyword"),onDeselect:()=>j(""),children:(0,Je.jsx)(et.TextControl,{__nextHasNoMarginBottom:!0,label:(0,tt.__)("Keyword"),value:C,onChange:j})}),A&&(0,Je.jsx)(et.__experimentalToolsPanelItem,{hasValue:()=>!!x?.length,label:(0,tt.__)("Parents"),onDeselect:()=>o({parents:[]}),children:(0,Je.jsx)(Tv,{parents:x,postType:p,onChange:o})})]})]})}const Ev="wp-block-query-enhanced-pagination-modal__description";function $v({clientId:e,attributes:{enhancedPagination:t},setAttributes:o}){const[n,r]=(0,bt.useState)(!1),{hasBlocksFromPlugins:a,hasPostContentBlock:i,hasUnsupportedBlocks:s}=fv(e);(0,bt.useEffect)((()=>{t&&s&&!window.__experimentalFullPageClientSideNavigation&&(o({enhancedPagination:!1}),r(!0))}),[t,s,o]);const l=()=>{r(!1)};let c=(0,tt.__)('If you still want to prevent full page reloads, remove that block, then disable "Force page reload" again in the Query Block settings.');return a?c=(0,tt.__)("Currently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when non-interactive or non-client Navigation compatible blocks from plugins are present inside the Query block.")+" "+c:i&&(c=(0,tt.__)("Currently, avoiding full page reloads is not possible when a Content block is present inside the Query block.")+" "+c),n&&(0,Je.jsx)(et.Modal,{title:(0,tt.__)("Query block: Force page reload enabled"),className:"wp-block-query__enhanced-pagination-modal",aria:{describedby:Ev},role:"alertdialog",focusOnMount:"firstElement",isDismissible:!1,onRequestClose:l,children:(0,Je.jsxs)(et.__experimentalVStack,{alignment:"right",spacing:5,children:[(0,Je.jsx)("span",{id:Ev,children:c}),(0,Je.jsx)(et.Button,{variant:"primary",onClick:l,children:(0,tt.__)("OK")})]})})}const Gv=[["core/post-template"]];function Ov({attributes:e,setAttributes:t,openPatternSelectionModal:o,name:n,clientId:r}){const{queryId:a,query:i,displayLayout:s,tagName:l="div",query:{inherit:c}={}}=e,{__unstableMarkNextChangeAsNotPersistent:u}=(0,gt.useDispatch)(,d=(0,Ut.useInstanceId)(Ov),p=(0,ot.useBlockProps)(),m=(0,ot.useInnerBlocksProps)(p,{template:Gv}),{postsPerPage:g}=(0,gt.useSelect)((e=>{const{getSettings:t}=e(,{getEntityRecord:o,canUser:n}=e(;return{postsPerPage:(n("read","settings")?+o("root","site")?.posts_per_page:+t().postsPerPage)||3}}),[]);(0,bt.useEffect)((()=>{const e={};(c&&i.perPage!==g||!i.perPage&&g)&&(e.perPage=g),Object.keys(e).length&&(u(),h(e))}),[i.perPage,g,c]),(0,bt.useEffect)((()=>{Number.isFinite(a)||(u(),t({queryId:d}))}),[a,d]);const h=e=>t({query:{...i,...e}}),x={main:(0,tt.__)("The

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(() => { __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { /* harmony export */ createUndoManager: () => (/* binding */ createUndoManager) /* harmony export */ }); /* harmony import */ var _wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(923); /* harmony import */ var _wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__); /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryRecord} HistoryRecord */ /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChange} HistoryChange */ /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChanges} HistoryChanges */ /** @typedef {import('./types').UndoManager} UndoManager */ /** * Merge changes for a single item into a record of changes. * * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes1 Previous changes * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes2 NextChanges * * @return {Record< string, HistoryChange >} Merged changes */ function mergeHistoryChanges(changes1, changes2) { /** * @type {Record< string, HistoryChange >} */ const newChanges = { ...changes1 }; Object.entries(changes2).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (newChanges[key]) { newChanges[key] = { ...newChanges[key], to: }; } else { newChanges[key] = value; } }); return newChanges; } /** * Adds history changes for a single item into a record of changes. * * @param {HistoryRecord} record The record to merge into. * @param {HistoryChanges} changes The changes to merge. */ const addHistoryChangesIntoRecord = (record, changes) => { const existingChangesIndex = record?.findIndex(({ id: recordIdentifier }) => { return typeof recordIdentifier === 'string' ? recordIdentifier === : _wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(recordIdentifier,; }); const nextRecord = [...record]; if (existingChangesIndex !== -1) { // If the edit is already in the stack leave the initial "from" value. nextRecord[existingChangesIndex] = { id:, changes: mergeHistoryChanges(nextRecord[existingChangesIndex].changes, changes.changes) }; } else { nextRecord.push(changes); } return nextRecord; }; /** * Creates an undo manager. * * @return {UndoManager} Undo manager. */ function createUndoManager() { /** * @type {HistoryRecord[]} */ let history = []; /** * @type {HistoryRecord} */ let stagedRecord = []; /** * @type {number} */ let offset = 0; const dropPendingRedos = () => { history = history.slice(0, offset || undefined); offset = 0; }; const appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord = () => { var _history$index; const index = history.length === 0 ? 0 : history.length - 1; let latestRecord = (_history$index = history[index]) !== null && _history$index !== void 0 ? _history$index : []; stagedRecord.forEach(changes => { latestRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(latestRecord, changes); }); stagedRecord = []; history[index] = latestRecord; }; /** * Checks whether a record is empty. * A record is considered empty if it the changes keep the same values. * Also updates to function values are ignored. * * @param {HistoryRecord} record * @return {boolean} Whether the record is empty. */ const isRecordEmpty = record => { const filteredRecord = record.filter(({ changes }) => { return Object.values(changes).some(({ from, to }) => typeof from !== 'function' && typeof to !== 'function' && !_wordpress_is_shallow_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(from, to)); }); return !filteredRecord.length; }; return { /** * Record changes into the history. * * @param {HistoryRecord=} record A record of changes to record. * @param {boolean} isStaged Whether to immediately create an undo point or not. */ addRecord(record, isStaged = false) { const isEmpty = !record || isRecordEmpty(record); if (isStaged) { if (isEmpty) { return; } record.forEach(changes => { stagedRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(stagedRecord, changes); }); } else { dropPendingRedos(); if (stagedRecord.length) { appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord(); } if (isEmpty) { return; } history.push(record); } }, undo() { if (stagedRecord.length) { dropPendingRedos(); appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord(); } const undoRecord = history[history.length - 1 + offset]; if (!undoRecord) { return; } offset -= 1; return undoRecord; }, redo() { const redoRecord = history[history.length + offset]; if (!redoRecord) { return; } offset += 1; return redoRecord; }, hasUndo() { return !!history[history.length - 1 + offset]; }, hasRedo() { return !!history[history.length + offset]; } }; } })(); (window.wp = window.wp || {}).undoManager = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK!!?data-controls.jsnu[/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ // The require scope /******/ var __webpack_require__ = {}; /******/ /************************************************************************/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ () => (module['default']) : /******/ () => (module); /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter }); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => { /******/ for(var key in definition) { /******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ /******/ (() => { /******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop)) /******/ })(); /******/ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ /******/ (() => { /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ })(); /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // ESM COMPAT FLAG __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { __unstableAwaitPromise: () => (/* binding */ __unstableAwaitPromise), apiFetch: () => (/* binding */ apiFetch), controls: () => (/* binding */ controls), dispatch: () => (/* binding */ dispatch), select: () => (/* binding */ build_module_select), syncSelect: () => (/* binding */ syncSelect) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","apiFetch"] const external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"]; var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"] const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","deprecated"] const external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"]; var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/data-controls/build-module/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Dispatches a control action for triggering an api fetch call. * * @param {Object} request Arguments for the fetch request. * * @example * ```js * import { apiFetch } from '@wordpress/data-controls'; * * // Action generator using apiFetch * export function* myAction() { * const path = '/v2/my-api/items'; * const items = yield apiFetch( { path } ); * // do something with the items. * } * ``` * * @return {Object} The control descriptor. */ function apiFetch(request) { return { type: 'API_FETCH', request }; } /** * Control for resolving a selector in a registered data store. * Alias for the `resolveSelect` built-in control in the `@wordpress/data` package. * * @param storeNameOrDescriptor The store object or identifier. * @param selectorName The selector name. * @param args Arguments passed without change to the `@wordpress/data` control. */ function build_module_select(storeNameOrDescriptor, selectorName, ...args) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`select` control in `@wordpress/data-controls`', { since: '5.7', alternative: 'built-in `resolveSelect` control in `@wordpress/data`' }); return external_wp_data_namespaceObject.controls.resolveSelect(storeNameOrDescriptor, selectorName, ...args); } /** * Control for calling a selector in a registered data store. * Alias for the `select` built-in control in the `@wordpress/data` package. * * @param storeNameOrDescriptor The store object or identifier. * @param selectorName The selector name. * @param args Arguments passed without change to the `@wordpress/data` control. */ function syncSelect(storeNameOrDescriptor, selectorName, ...args) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`syncSelect` control in `@wordpress/data-controls`', { since: '5.7', alternative: 'built-in `select` control in `@wordpress/data`' }); return, selectorName, ...args); } /** * Control for dispatching an action in a registered data store. * Alias for the `dispatch` control in the `@wordpress/data` package. * * @param storeNameOrDescriptor The store object or identifier. * @param actionName The action name. * @param args Arguments passed without change to the `@wordpress/data` control. */ function dispatch(storeNameOrDescriptor, actionName, ...args) { external_wp_deprecated_default()('`dispatch` control in `@wordpress/data-controls`', { since: '5.7', alternative: 'built-in `dispatch` control in `@wordpress/data`' }); return external_wp_data_namespaceObject.controls.dispatch(storeNameOrDescriptor, actionName, ...args); } /** * Dispatches a control action for awaiting on a promise to be resolved. * * @param {Object} promise Promise to wait for. * * @example * ```js * import { __unstableAwaitPromise } from '@wordpress/data-controls'; * * // Action generator using apiFetch * export function* myAction() { * const promise = getItemsAsync(); * const items = yield __unstableAwaitPromise( promise ); * // do something with the items. * } * ``` * * @return {Object} The control descriptor. */ const __unstableAwaitPromise = function (promise) { return { type: 'AWAIT_PROMISE', promise }; }; /** * The default export is what you use to register the controls with your custom * store. * * @example * ```js * // WordPress dependencies * import { controls } from '@wordpress/data-controls'; * import { registerStore } from '@wordpress/data'; * * // Internal dependencies * import reducer from './reducer'; * import * as selectors from './selectors'; * import * as actions from './actions'; * import * as resolvers from './resolvers'; * * registerStore( 'my-custom-store', { * reducer, * controls, * actions, * selectors, * resolvers, * } ); * ``` * @return {Object} An object for registering the default controls with the * store. */ const controls = { AWAIT_PROMISE: ({ promise }) => promise, API_FETCH({ request }) { return external_wp_apiFetch_default()(request); } }; (window.wp = window.wp || {}).dataControls = __webpack_exports__; /******/ })() ;PK!XTT blob.min.jsnu[/*! 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src/index.jst var envHasBigInt64Array = typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined'; module.exports = function equal(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') { if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false; var length, i, keys; if (Array.isArray(a)) { length = a.length; if (length != b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false; return true; } if ((a instanceof Map) && (b instanceof Map)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!equal(i[1], b.get(i[0]))) return false; return true; } if ((a instanceof Set) && (b instanceof Set)) { if (a.size !== b.size) return false; for (i of a.entries()) if (!b.has(i[0])) return false; return true; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(a) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b)) { length = a.length; if (length != b.length) return false; for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; return 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// NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/term-description/index.js var build_module_term_description_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(build_module_term_description_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(build_module_term_description_namespaceObject, { init: () => (term_description_init), metadata: () => (term_description_metadata), name: () => (term_description_name), settings: () => (term_description_settings) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/text-columns/index.js var text_columns_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(text_columns_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(text_columns_namespaceObject, { init: () => (text_columns_init), metadata: () => (text_columns_metadata), name: () => (text_columns_name), settings: () => (text_columns_settings) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/verse/index.js var build_module_verse_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(build_module_verse_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(build_module_verse_namespaceObject, { init: () => (verse_init), metadata: () => (verse_metadata), name: () => (verse_name), settings: () => (verse_settings) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/video/index.js var build_module_video_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(build_module_video_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(build_module_video_namespaceObject, { init: () => (video_init), metadata: () => (video_metadata), name: () => (video_name), settings: () => (video_settings) }); // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/footnotes/index.js var footnotes_namespaceObject = {}; __webpack_require__.r(footnotes_namespaceObject); __webpack_require__.d(footnotes_namespaceObject, { init: () => (footnotes_init), metadata: () => (footnotes_metadata), name: () => (footnotes_name), settings: () => (footnotes_settings) }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blocks"] const external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","primitives"] const external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["primitives"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "ReactJSXRuntime" const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/archive.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const archive = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M11.934 7.406a1 1 0 0 0 .914.594H19a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v9a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h5.764a.5.5 0 0 1 .447.276l.723 1.63Zm1.064-1.216a.5.5 0 0 0 .462.31H19a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h5.764a2 2 0 0 1 1.789 1.106l.445 1.084ZM8.5 10.5h7V12h-7v-1.5Zm7 3.5h-7v1.5h7V14Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_archive = (archive); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/utils/init-block.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Function to register an individual block. * * @param {Object} block The block to be registered. * * @return {WPBlockType | undefined} The block, if it has been successfully registered; * otherwise `undefined`. */ function initBlock(block) { if (!block) { return; } const { metadata, settings, name } = block; return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.registerBlockType)({ name, ...metadata }, settings); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","components"] const external_wp_components_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["components"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"] const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blockEditor"] const external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockEditor"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","serverSideRender"] const external_wp_serverSideRender_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["serverSideRender"]; var external_wp_serverSideRender_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_serverSideRender_namespaceObject); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/archives/edit.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function ArchivesEdit({ attributes, setAttributes }) { const { showLabel, showPostCounts, displayAsDropdown, type } = attributes; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Display as dropdown'), checked: displayAsDropdown, onChange: () => setAttributes({ displayAsDropdown: !displayAsDropdown }) }), displayAsDropdown && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show label'), checked: showLabel, onChange: () => setAttributes({ showLabel: !showLabel }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show post counts'), checked: showPostCounts, onChange: () => setAttributes({ showPostCounts: !showPostCounts }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SelectControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Group by:'), options: [{ label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Year'), value: 'yearly' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Month'), value: 'monthly' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Week'), value: 'weekly' }, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Day'), value: 'daily' }], value: type, onChange: value => setAttributes({ type: value }) })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...(0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)(), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Disabled, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)((external_wp_serverSideRender_default()), { block: "core/archives", skipBlockSupportAttributes: true, attributes: attributes }) }) })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/archives/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/archives", title: "Archives", category: "widgets", description: "Display a date archive of your posts.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { displayAsDropdown: { type: "boolean", "default": false }, showLabel: { type: "boolean", "default": true }, showPostCounts: { type: "boolean", "default": false }, type: { type: "string", "default": "monthly" } }, supports: { align: true, html: false, spacing: { margin: true, padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { margin: false, padding: false } }, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalTextDecoration: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, editorStyle: "wp-block-archives-editor" }; const { name: archives_name } = metadata; const settings = { icon: library_archive, example: {}, edit: ArchivesEdit }; const init = () => initBlock({ name: archives_name, metadata, settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/comment-author-avatar.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const commentAuthorAvatar = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M7.25 16.437a6.5 6.5 0 1 1 9.5 0V16A2.75 2.75 0 0 0 14 13.25h-4A2.75 2.75 0 0 0 7.25 16v.437Zm1.5 1.193a6.47 6.47 0 0 0 3.25.87 6.47 6.47 0 0 0 3.25-.87V16c0-.69-.56-1.25-1.25-1.25h-4c-.69 0-1.25.56-1.25 1.25v1.63ZM4 12a8 8 0 1 1 16 0 8 8 0 0 1-16 0Zm10-2a2 2 0 1 1-4 0 2 2 0 0 1 4 0Z", clipRule: "evenodd" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const comment_author_avatar = (commentAuthorAvatar); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/clsx/dist/clsx.mjs function r(e){var t,f,n="";if("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)n+=e;else if("object"==typeof e)if(Array.isArray(e)){var o=e.length;for(t=0;t { const { getSettings } = select(; const { __experimentalDiscussionSettings } = getSettings(); return __experimentalDiscussionSettings; }); return defaultAvatarUrl; } function useCommentAvatar({ commentId }) { const [avatars] = (0,external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.useEntityProp)('root', 'comment', 'author_avatar_urls', commentId); const [authorName] = (0,external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.useEntityProp)('root', 'comment', 'author_name', commentId); const avatarUrls = avatars ? Object.values(avatars) : null; const sizes = avatars ? Object.keys(avatars) : null; const { minSize, maxSize } = getAvatarSizes(sizes); const defaultAvatar = useDefaultAvatar(); return { src: avatarUrls ? avatarUrls[avatarUrls.length - 1] : defaultAvatar, minSize, maxSize, // translators: %s is the Author name. alt: authorName ? // translators: %s is the Author name. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s Avatar'), authorName) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Default Avatar') }; } function useUserAvatar({ userId, postId, postType }) { const { authorDetails } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getEditedEntityRecord, getUser } = select(; if (userId) { return { authorDetails: getUser(userId) }; } const _authorId = getEditedEntityRecord('postType', postType, postId)?.author; return { authorDetails: _authorId ? getUser(_authorId) : null }; }, [postType, postId, userId]); const avatarUrls = authorDetails?.avatar_urls ? Object.values(authorDetails.avatar_urls) : null; const sizes = authorDetails?.avatar_urls ? Object.keys(authorDetails.avatar_urls) : null; const { minSize, maxSize } = getAvatarSizes(sizes); const defaultAvatar = useDefaultAvatar(); return { src: avatarUrls ? avatarUrls[avatarUrls.length - 1] : defaultAvatar, minSize, maxSize, alt: authorDetails ? // translators: %s is the Author name. (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)((0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%s Avatar'), authorDetails?.name) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Default Avatar') }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"] const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/avatar/user-control.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const AUTHORS_QUERY = { who: 'authors', per_page: -1, _fields: 'id,name', context: 'view' }; function UserControl({ value, onChange }) { const [filteredAuthorsList, setFilteredAuthorsList] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(); const authorsList = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getUsers } = select(; return getUsers(AUTHORS_QUERY); }, []); if (!authorsList) { return null; } const options = => { return { label:, value: }; }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ComboboxControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('User'), help: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Select the avatar user to display, if it is blank it will use the post/page author.'), value: value, onChange: onChange, options: filteredAuthorsList || options, onFilterValueChange: inputValue => setFilteredAuthorsList(options.filter(option => option.label.toLowerCase().startsWith(inputValue.toLowerCase()))) }); } /* harmony default export */ const user_control = (UserControl); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/avatar/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const AvatarInspectorControls = ({ setAttributes, avatar, attributes, selectUser }) => /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.RangeControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Image size'), onChange: newSize => setAttributes({ size: newSize }), min: avatar.minSize, max: avatar.maxSize, initialPosition: attributes?.size, value: attributes?.size }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Link to user profile'), onChange: () => setAttributes({ isLink: !attributes.isLink }), checked: attributes.isLink }), attributes.isLink && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Open in new tab'), onChange: value => setAttributes({ linkTarget: value ? '_blank' : '_self' }), checked: attributes.linkTarget === '_blank' }), selectUser && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(user_control, { value: attributes?.userId, onChange: value => { setAttributes({ userId: value }); } })] }) }); const ResizableAvatar = ({ setAttributes, attributes, avatar, blockProps, isSelected }) => { const borderProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseBorderProps)(attributes); const doubledSizedSrc = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)((0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.removeQueryArgs)(avatar?.src, ['s']), { s: attributes?.size * 2 }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...blockProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ResizableBox, { size: { width: attributes.size, height: attributes.size }, showHandle: isSelected, onResizeStop: (event, direction, elt, delta) => { setAttributes({ size: parseInt(attributes.size + (delta.height || delta.width), 10) }); }, lockAspectRatio: true, enable: { top: false, right: !(0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)(), bottom: true, left: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.isRTL)() }, minWidth: avatar.minSize, maxWidth: avatar.maxSize, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("img", { src: doubledSizedSrc, alt: avatar.alt, className: dist_clsx('avatar', 'avatar-' + attributes.size, 'photo', 'wp-block-avatar__image', borderProps.className), style: }) }) }); }; const CommentEdit = ({ attributes, context, setAttributes, isSelected }) => { const { commentId } = context; const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)(); const avatar = useCommentAvatar({ commentId }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AvatarInspectorControls, { avatar: avatar, setAttributes: setAttributes, attributes: attributes, selectUser: false }), attributes.isLink ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("a", { href: "#avatar-pseudo-link", className: "wp-block-avatar__link", onClick: event => event.preventDefault(), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ResizableAvatar, { attributes: attributes, avatar: avatar, blockProps: blockProps, isSelected: isSelected, setAttributes: setAttributes }) }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ResizableAvatar, { attributes: attributes, avatar: avatar, blockProps: blockProps, isSelected: isSelected, setAttributes: setAttributes })] }); }; const UserEdit = ({ attributes, context, setAttributes, isSelected }) => { const { postId, postType } = context; const avatar = useUserAvatar({ userId: attributes?.userId, postId, postType }); const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(AvatarInspectorControls, { selectUser: true, attributes: attributes, avatar: avatar, setAttributes: setAttributes }), attributes.isLink ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("a", { href: "#avatar-pseudo-link", className: "wp-block-avatar__link", onClick: event => event.preventDefault(), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ResizableAvatar, { attributes: attributes, avatar: avatar, blockProps: blockProps, isSelected: isSelected, setAttributes: setAttributes }) }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ResizableAvatar, { attributes: attributes, avatar: avatar, blockProps: blockProps, isSelected: isSelected, setAttributes: setAttributes })] }); }; function Edit(props) { // Don't show the Comment Edit controls if we have a comment ID set, or if we're in the Site Editor (where it is `null`). if (props?.context?.commentId || props?.context?.commentId === null) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(CommentEdit, { ...props }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(UserEdit, { ...props }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/avatar/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const avatar_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/avatar", title: "Avatar", category: "theme", description: "Add a user\u2019s avatar.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { userId: { type: "number" }, size: { type: "number", "default": 96 }, isLink: { type: "boolean", "default": false }, linkTarget: { type: "string", "default": "_self" } }, usesContext: ["postType", "postId", "commentId"], supports: { html: false, align: true, alignWide: false, spacing: { margin: true, padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { margin: false, padding: false } }, __experimentalBorder: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, radius: true, width: true, color: true, style: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { radius: true } }, color: { text: false, background: false, __experimentalDuotone: "img" }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, selectors: { border: ".wp-block-avatar img" }, editorStyle: "wp-block-avatar-editor", style: "wp-block-avatar" }; const { name: avatar_name } = avatar_metadata; const avatar_settings = { icon: comment_author_avatar, edit: Edit }; const avatar_init = () => initBlock({ name: avatar_name, metadata: avatar_metadata, settings: avatar_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/audio.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const audio = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M17.7 4.3c-1.2 0-2.8 0-3.8 1-.6.6-.9 1.5-.9 2.6V14c-.6-.6-1.5-1-2.5-1C8.6 13 7 14.6 7 16.5S8.6 20 10.5 20c1.5 0 2.8-1 3.3-2.3.5-.8.7-1.8.7-2.5V7.9c0-.7.2-1.2.5-1.6.6-.6 1.8-.6 2.8-.6h.3V4.3h-.4z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_audio = (audio); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/audio/deprecated.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /* harmony default export */ const deprecated = ([{ attributes: { src: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'audio', attribute: 'src' }, caption: { type: 'string', source: 'html', selector: 'figcaption' }, id: { type: 'number' }, autoplay: { type: 'boolean', source: 'attribute', selector: 'audio', attribute: 'autoplay' }, loop: { type: 'boolean', source: 'attribute', selector: 'audio', attribute: 'loop' }, preload: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'audio', attribute: 'preload' } }, supports: { align: true }, save({ attributes }) { const { autoplay, caption, loop, preload, src } = attributes; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("figure", { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("audio", { controls: "controls", src: src, autoPlay: autoplay, loop: loop, preload: preload }), !external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.isEmpty(caption) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "figcaption", value: caption })] }); } }]); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blob"] const external_wp_blob_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blob"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","notices"] const external_wp_notices_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["notices"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/memize/dist/index.js /** * Memize options object. * * @typedef MemizeOptions * * @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache. */ /** * Internal cache entry. * * @typedef MemizeCacheNode * * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node. * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node. * @property {Array<*>} args Function arguments for cache * entry. * @property {*} val Function result. */ /** * Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache. * * @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction * * @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache. */ /** * Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with * optional options. * * @template {(...args: any[]) => any} F * * @param {F} fn Function to memoize. * @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object. * * @return {((...args: Parameters) => ReturnType) & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function. */ function memize(fn, options) { var size = 0; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var head; /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */ var tail; options = options || {}; function memoized(/* ...args */) { var node = head, len = arguments.length, args, i; searchCache: while (node) { // Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node // under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays // are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is // strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a // function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization. // Check whether node arguments match arguments length if (node.args.length !== arguments.length) { node =; continue; } // Check whether node arguments match arguments values for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (node.args[i] !== arguments[i]) { node =; continue searchCache; } } // At this point we can assume we've found a match // Surface matched node to head if not already if (node !== head) { // As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also // head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous. if (node === tail) { tail = node.prev; } // Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail, // this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment. /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (node.prev).next =; if ( { = node.prev; } = head; node.prev = null; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (head).prev = node; head = node; } // Return immediately return node.val; } // No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase: // Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization) args = new Array(len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } node = { args: args, // Generate the result from original function val: fn.apply(null, args), }; // Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would // have been returned above already if it was // Shift existing head down list if (head) { head.prev = node; = head; } else { // If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset) tail = node; } // Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion if (size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ (options).maxSize) { tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).prev; /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).next = null; } else { size++; } head = node; return node.val; } memoized.clear = function () { head = null; tail = null; size = 0; }; // Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of // the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the // function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties // on the return value. // @ts-ignore return memoized; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/embed/constants.js const ASPECT_RATIOS = [ // Common video resolutions. { ratio: '2.33', className: 'wp-embed-aspect-21-9' }, { ratio: '2.00', className: 'wp-embed-aspect-18-9' }, { ratio: '1.78', className: 'wp-embed-aspect-16-9' }, { ratio: '1.33', className: 'wp-embed-aspect-4-3' }, // Vertical video and instagram square video support. { ratio: '1.00', className: 'wp-embed-aspect-1-1' }, { ratio: '0.56', className: 'wp-embed-aspect-9-16' }, { ratio: '0.50', className: 'wp-embed-aspect-1-2' }]; const WP_EMBED_TYPE = 'wp-embed'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","privateApis"] const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/lock-unlock.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { lock, unlock } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/block-library'); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/embed/util.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const util_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/embed", title: "Embed", category: "embed", description: "Add a block that displays content pulled from other sites, like Twitter or YouTube.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { url: { type: "string", __experimentalRole: "content" }, caption: { type: "rich-text", source: "rich-text", selector: "figcaption", __experimentalRole: "content" }, type: { type: "string", __experimentalRole: "content" }, providerNameSlug: { type: "string", __experimentalRole: "content" }, allowResponsive: { type: "boolean", "default": true }, responsive: { type: "boolean", "default": false, __experimentalRole: "content" }, previewable: { type: "boolean", "default": true, __experimentalRole: "content" } }, supports: { align: true, spacing: { margin: true }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, editorStyle: "wp-block-embed-editor", style: "wp-block-embed" }; const { name: DEFAULT_EMBED_BLOCK } = util_metadata; const { kebabCase } = unlock(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.privateApis); /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/blocks').WPBlockVariation} WPBlockVariation */ /** * Returns the embed block's information by matching the provided service provider * * @param {string} provider The embed block's provider * @return {WPBlockVariation} The embed block's information */ const getEmbedInfoByProvider = provider => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockVariations)(DEFAULT_EMBED_BLOCK)?.find(({ name }) => name === provider); /** * Returns true if any of the regular expressions match the URL. * * @param {string} url The URL to test. * @param {Array} patterns The list of regular expressions to test agains. * @return {boolean} True if any of the regular expressions match the URL. */ const matchesPatterns = (url, patterns = []) => patterns.some(pattern => url.match(pattern)); /** * Finds the block variation that should be used for the URL, * based on the provided URL and the variation's patterns. * * @param {string} url The URL to test. * @return {WPBlockVariation} The block variation that should be used for this URL */ const findMoreSuitableBlock = url => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockVariations)(DEFAULT_EMBED_BLOCK)?.find(({ patterns }) => matchesPatterns(url, patterns)); const isFromWordPress = html => html && html.includes('class="wp-embedded-content"'); const getPhotoHtml = photo => { // If full image url not found use thumbnail. const imageUrl = photo.url || photo.thumbnail_url; // 100% width for the preview so it fits nicely into the document, some "thumbnails" are // actually the full size photo. const photoPreview = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("img", { src: imageUrl, alt: photo.title, width: "100%" }) }); return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(photoPreview); }; /** * Creates a more suitable embed block based on the passed in props * and attributes generated from an embed block's preview. * * We require `attributesFromPreview` to be generated from the latest attributes * and preview, and because of the way the react lifecycle operates, we can't * guarantee that the attributes contained in the block's props are the latest * versions, so we require that these are generated separately. * See `getAttributesFromPreview` in the generated embed edit component. * * @param {Object} props The block's props. * @param {Object} [attributesFromPreview] Attributes generated from the block's most up to date preview. * @return {Object|undefined} A more suitable embed block if one exists. */ const createUpgradedEmbedBlock = (props, attributesFromPreview = {}) => { const { preview, attributes = {} } = props; const { url, providerNameSlug, type, ...restAttributes } = attributes; if (!url || !(0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockType)(DEFAULT_EMBED_BLOCK)) { return; } const matchedBlock = findMoreSuitableBlock(url); // WordPress blocks can work on multiple sites, and so don't have patterns, // so if we're in a WordPress block, assume the user has chosen it for a WordPress URL. const isCurrentBlockWP = providerNameSlug === 'wordpress' || type === WP_EMBED_TYPE; // If current block is not WordPress and a more suitable block found // that is different from the current one, create the new matched block. const shouldCreateNewBlock = !isCurrentBlockWP && matchedBlock && (matchedBlock.attributes.providerNameSlug !== providerNameSlug || !providerNameSlug); if (shouldCreateNewBlock) { return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)(DEFAULT_EMBED_BLOCK, { url, ...restAttributes, ...matchedBlock.attributes }); } const wpVariation = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockVariations)(DEFAULT_EMBED_BLOCK)?.find(({ name }) => name === 'wordpress'); // We can't match the URL for WordPress embeds, we have to check the HTML instead. if (!wpVariation || !preview || !isFromWordPress(preview.html) || isCurrentBlockWP) { return; } // This is not the WordPress embed block so transform it into one. return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)(DEFAULT_EMBED_BLOCK, { url, ...wpVariation.attributes, // By now we have the preview, but when the new block first renders, it // won't have had all the attributes set, and so won't get the correct // type and it won't render correctly. So, we pass through the current attributes // here so that the initial render works when we switch to the WordPress // block. This only affects the WordPress block because it can't be // rendered in the usual Sandbox (it has a sandbox of its own) and it // relies on the preview to set the correct render type. ...attributesFromPreview }); }; /** * Determine if the block already has an aspect ratio class applied. * * @param {string} existingClassNames Existing block classes. * @return {boolean} True or false if the classnames contain an aspect ratio class. */ const hasAspectRatioClass = existingClassNames => { if (!existingClassNames) { return false; } return ASPECT_RATIOS.some(({ className }) => existingClassNames.includes(className)); }; /** * Removes all previously set aspect ratio related classes and return the rest * existing class names. * * @param {string} existingClassNames Any existing class names. * @return {string} The class names without any aspect ratio related class. */ const removeAspectRatioClasses = existingClassNames => { if (!existingClassNames) { // Avoids extraneous work and also, by returning the same value as // received, ensures the post is not dirtied by a change of the block // attribute from `undefined` to an empty string. return existingClassNames; } const aspectRatioClassNames = ASPECT_RATIOS.reduce((accumulator, { className }) => { accumulator.push(className); return accumulator; }, ['wp-has-aspect-ratio']); let outputClassNames = existingClassNames; for (const className of aspectRatioClassNames) { outputClassNames = outputClassNames.replace(className, ''); } return outputClassNames.trim(); }; /** * Returns class names with any relevant responsive aspect ratio names. * * @param {string} html The preview HTML that possibly contains an iframe with width and height set. * @param {string} existingClassNames Any existing class names. * @param {boolean} allowResponsive If the responsive class names should be added, or removed. * @return {string} Deduped class names. */ function getClassNames(html, existingClassNames, allowResponsive = true) { if (!allowResponsive) { return removeAspectRatioClasses(existingClassNames); } const previewDocument = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); previewDocument.body.innerHTML = html; const iframe = previewDocument.body.querySelector('iframe'); // If we have a fixed aspect iframe, and it's a responsive embed block. if (iframe && iframe.height && iframe.width) { const aspectRatio = (iframe.width / iframe.height).toFixed(2); // Given the actual aspect ratio, find the widest ratio to support it. for (let ratioIndex = 0; ratioIndex < ASPECT_RATIOS.length; ratioIndex++) { const potentialRatio = ASPECT_RATIOS[ratioIndex]; if (aspectRatio >= potentialRatio.ratio) { // Evaluate the difference between actual aspect ratio and closest match. // If the difference is too big, do not scale the embed according to aspect ratio. const ratioDiff = aspectRatio - potentialRatio.ratio; if (ratioDiff > 0.1) { // No close aspect ratio match found. return removeAspectRatioClasses(existingClassNames); } // Close aspect ratio match found. return dist_clsx(removeAspectRatioClasses(existingClassNames), potentialRatio.className, 'wp-has-aspect-ratio'); } } } return existingClassNames; } /** * Fallback behaviour for unembeddable URLs. * Creates a paragraph block containing a link to the URL, and calls `onReplace`. * * @param {string} url The URL that could not be embedded. * @param {Function} onReplace Function to call with the created fallback block. */ function fallback(url, onReplace) { const link = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("a", { href: url, children: url }); onReplace((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/paragraph', { content: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.renderToString)(link) })); } /*** * Gets block attributes based on the preview and responsive state. * * @param {Object} preview The preview data. * @param {string} title The block's title, e.g. Twitter. * @param {Object} currentClassNames The block's current class names. * @param {boolean} isResponsive Boolean indicating if the block supports responsive content. * @param {boolean} allowResponsive Apply responsive classes to fixed size content. * @return {Object} Attributes and values. */ const getAttributesFromPreview = memize((preview, title, currentClassNames, isResponsive, allowResponsive = true) => { if (!preview) { return {}; } const attributes = {}; // Some plugins only return HTML with no type info, so default this to 'rich'. let { type = 'rich' } = preview; // If we got a provider name from the API, use it for the slug, otherwise we use the title, // because not all embed code gives us a provider name. const { html, provider_name: providerName } = preview; const providerNameSlug = kebabCase((providerName || title).toLowerCase()); if (isFromWordPress(html)) { type = WP_EMBED_TYPE; } if (html || 'photo' === type) { attributes.type = type; attributes.providerNameSlug = providerNameSlug; } // Aspect ratio classes are removed when the embed URL is updated. // If the embed already has an aspect ratio class, that means the URL has not changed. // Which also means no need to regenerate it with getClassNames. if (hasAspectRatioClass(currentClassNames)) { return attributes; } attributes.className = getClassNames(html, currentClassNames, isResponsive && allowResponsive); return attributes; }); /** * Returns the attributes derived from the preview, merged with the current attributes. * * @param {Object} currentAttributes The current attributes of the block. * @param {Object} preview The preview data. * @param {string} title The block's title, e.g. Twitter. * @param {boolean} isResponsive Boolean indicating if the block supports responsive content. * @return {Object} Merged attributes. */ const getMergedAttributesWithPreview = (currentAttributes, preview, title, isResponsive) => { const { allowResponsive, className } = currentAttributes; return { ...currentAttributes, ...getAttributesFromPreview(preview, title, className, isResponsive, allowResponsive) }; }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","compose"] const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/utils/hooks.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Returns whether the current user can edit the given entity. * * @param {string} kind Entity kind. * @param {string} name Entity name. * @param {string} recordId Record's id. */ function useCanEditEntity(kind, name, recordId) { return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(, name, recordId), [kind, name, recordId]); } /** * Handles uploading a media file from a blob URL on mount. * * @param {Object} args Upload media arguments. * @param {string} args.url Blob URL. * @param {?Array} args.allowedTypes Array of allowed media types. * @param {Function} args.onChange Function called when the media is uploaded. * @param {Function} args.onError Function called when an error happens. */ function useUploadMediaFromBlobURL(args = {}) { const latestArgs = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(args); const hasUploadStarted = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); const { getSettings } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useLayoutEffect)(() => { latestArgs.current = args; }); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { // Uploading is a special effect that can't be canceled via the cleanup method. // The extra check avoids duplicate uploads in development mode (React.StrictMode). if (hasUploadStarted.current) { return; } if (!latestArgs.current.url || !(0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.isBlobURL)(latestArgs.current.url)) { return; } const file = (0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.getBlobByURL)(latestArgs.current.url); if (!file) { return; } const { url, allowedTypes, onChange, onError } = latestArgs.current; const { mediaUpload } = getSettings(); hasUploadStarted.current = true; mediaUpload({ filesList: [file], allowedTypes, onFileChange: ([media]) => { if ((0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.isBlobURL)(media?.url)) { return; } (0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.revokeBlobURL)(url); onChange(media); hasUploadStarted.current = false; }, onError: message => { (0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.revokeBlobURL)(url); onError(message); hasUploadStarted.current = false; } }); }, [getSettings]); } function useToolsPanelDropdownMenuProps() { const isMobile = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('medium', '<'); return !isMobile ? { popoverProps: { placement: 'left-start', // For non-mobile, inner sidebar width (248px) - button width (24px) - border (1px) + padding (16px) + spacing (20px) offset: 259 } } : {}; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/caption.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const caption = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M6 5.5h12a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v12a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5ZM4 6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6Zm4 10h2v-1.5H8V16Zm5 0h-2v-1.5h2V16Zm1 0h2v-1.5h-2V16Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_caption = (caption); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/utils/caption.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function Caption({ attributeKey = 'caption', attributes, setAttributes, isSelected, insertBlocksAfter, placeholder = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add caption'), label = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Caption text'), showToolbarButton = true, excludeElementClassName, className, readOnly, tagName = 'figcaption', addLabel = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add caption'), removeLabel = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Remove caption'), icon = library_caption, ...props }) { const caption = attributes[attributeKey]; const prevCaption = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.usePrevious)(caption); const { PrivateRichText: RichText } = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis); const isCaptionEmpty = RichText.isEmpty(caption); const isPrevCaptionEmpty = RichText.isEmpty(prevCaption); const [showCaption, setShowCaption] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(!isCaptionEmpty); // We need to show the caption when changes come from // history navigation(undo/redo). (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isCaptionEmpty && isPrevCaptionEmpty) { setShowCaption(true); } }, [isCaptionEmpty, isPrevCaptionEmpty]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isSelected && isCaptionEmpty) { setShowCaption(false); } }, [isSelected, isCaptionEmpty]); // Focus the caption when we click to add one. const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(node => { if (node && isCaptionEmpty) { node.focus(); } }, [isCaptionEmpty]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [showToolbarButton && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { group: "block", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarButton, { onClick: () => { setShowCaption(!showCaption); if (showCaption && caption) { setAttributes({ [attributeKey]: undefined }); } }, icon: icon, isPressed: showCaption, label: showCaption ? removeLabel : addLabel }) }), showCaption && (!RichText.isEmpty(caption) || isSelected) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(RichText, { identifier: attributeKey, tagName: tagName, className: dist_clsx(className, excludeElementClassName ? '' : (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetElementClassName)('caption')), ref: ref, "aria-label": label, placeholder: placeholder, value: caption, onChange: value => setAttributes({ [attributeKey]: value }), inlineToolbar: true, __unstableOnSplitAtEnd: () => insertBlocksAfter((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getDefaultBlockName)())), readOnly: readOnly, ...props })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/audio/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES = ['audio']; function AudioEdit({ attributes, className, setAttributes, onReplace, isSelected: isSingleSelected, insertBlocksAfter }) { const { id, autoplay, loop, preload, src } = attributes; const isTemporaryAudio = !id && (0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.isBlobURL)(src); useUploadMediaFromBlobURL({ url: src, allowedTypes: ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES, onChange: onSelectAudio, onError: onUploadError }); function toggleAttribute(attribute) { return newValue => { setAttributes({ [attribute]: newValue }); }; } function onSelectURL(newSrc) { // Set the block's src from the edit component's state, and switch off // the editing UI. if (newSrc !== src) { // Check if there's an embed block that handles this URL. const embedBlock = createUpgradedEmbedBlock({ attributes: { url: newSrc } }); if (undefined !== embedBlock && onReplace) { onReplace(embedBlock); return; } setAttributes({ src: newSrc, id: undefined }); } } const { createErrorNotice } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; function onUploadError(message) { createErrorNotice(message, { type: 'snackbar' }); } function getAutoplayHelp(checked) { return checked ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Autoplay may cause usability issues for some users.') : null; } function onSelectAudio(media) { if (!media || !media.url) { // In this case there was an error and we should continue in the editing state // previous attributes should be removed because they may be temporary blob urls. setAttributes({ src: undefined, id: undefined, caption: undefined }); return; } // Sets the block's attribute and updates the edit component from the // selected media, then switches off the editing UI. setAttributes({ src: media.url, id:, caption: media.caption }); } const classes = dist_clsx(className, { 'is-transient': isTemporaryAudio }); const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)({ className: classes }); if (!src) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...blockProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.MediaPlaceholder, { icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockIcon, { icon: library_audio }), onSelect: onSelectAudio, onSelectURL: onSelectURL, accept: "audio/*", allowedTypes: ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES, value: attributes, onError: onUploadError }) }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [isSingleSelected && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { group: "other", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.MediaReplaceFlow, { mediaId: id, mediaURL: src, allowedTypes: ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES, accept: "audio/*", onSelect: onSelectAudio, onSelectURL: onSelectURL, onError: onUploadError }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Autoplay'), onChange: toggleAttribute('autoplay'), checked: autoplay, help: getAutoplayHelp }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Loop'), onChange: toggleAttribute('loop'), checked: loop }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SelectControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('Preload', 'noun; Audio block parameter'), value: preload || '' // `undefined` is required for the preload attribute to be unset. , onChange: value => setAttributes({ preload: value || undefined }), options: [{ value: '', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Browser default') }, { value: 'auto', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Auto') }, { value: 'metadata', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Metadata') }, { value: 'none', label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject._x)('None', 'Preload value') }] })] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("figure", { ...blockProps, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Disabled, { isDisabled: !isSingleSelected, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("audio", { controls: "controls", src: src }) }), isTemporaryAudio && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Spinner, {}), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Caption, { attributes: attributes, setAttributes: setAttributes, isSelected: isSingleSelected, insertBlocksAfter: insertBlocksAfter, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Audio caption text'), showToolbarButton: isSingleSelected })] })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const edit = (AudioEdit); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/audio/save.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function save({ attributes }) { const { autoplay, caption, loop, preload, src } = attributes; return src && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("figure", {, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("audio", { controls: "controls", src: src, autoPlay: autoplay, loop: loop, preload: preload }), !external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.isEmpty(caption) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "figcaption", value: caption, className: (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetElementClassName)('caption') })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/audio/transforms.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const transforms = { from: [{ type: 'files', isMatch(files) { return files.length === 1 && files[0].type.indexOf('audio/') === 0; }, transform(files) { const file = files[0]; // We don't need to upload the media directly here // It's already done as part of the `componentDidMount` // in the audio block. const block = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/audio', { src: (0,external_wp_blob_namespaceObject.createBlobURL)(file) }); return block; } }, { type: 'shortcode', tag: 'audio', attributes: { src: { type: 'string', shortcode: ({ named: { src, mp3, m4a, ogg, wav, wma } }) => { return src || mp3 || m4a || ogg || wav || wma; } }, loop: { type: 'string', shortcode: ({ named: { loop } }) => { return loop; } }, autoplay: { type: 'string', shortcode: ({ named: { autoplay } }) => { return autoplay; } }, preload: { type: 'string', shortcode: ({ named: { preload } }) => { return preload; } } } }] }; /* harmony default export */ const audio_transforms = (transforms); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/audio/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const audio_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/audio", title: "Audio", category: "media", description: "Embed a simple audio player.", keywords: ["music", "sound", "podcast", "recording"], textdomain: "default", attributes: { src: { type: "string", source: "attribute", selector: "audio", attribute: "src", __experimentalRole: "content" }, caption: { type: "rich-text", source: "rich-text", selector: "figcaption", __experimentalRole: "content" }, id: { type: "number", __experimentalRole: "content" }, autoplay: { type: "boolean", source: "attribute", selector: "audio", attribute: "autoplay" }, loop: { type: "boolean", source: "attribute", selector: "audio", attribute: "loop" }, preload: { type: "string", source: "attribute", selector: "audio", attribute: "preload" } }, supports: { anchor: true, align: true, spacing: { margin: true, padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { margin: false, padding: false } }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, editorStyle: "wp-block-audio-editor", style: "wp-block-audio" }; const { name: audio_name } = audio_metadata; const audio_settings = { icon: library_audio, example: { attributes: { src: '' }, viewportWidth: 350 }, transforms: audio_transforms, deprecated: deprecated, edit: edit, save: save }; const audio_init = () => initBlock({ name: audio_name, metadata: audio_metadata, settings: audio_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/button.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const button_button = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M8 12.5h8V11H8v1.5Z M19 6.5H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2V15a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8.5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2ZM5 8h14a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V15a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V8.5A.5.5 0 0 1 5 8Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_button = (button_button); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/utils/migrate-font-family.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { cleanEmptyObject } = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis); /** * Migrates the current style.typography.fontFamily attribute, * whose value was "var:preset|font-family|helvetica-arial", * to the style.fontFamily attribute, whose value will be "helvetica-arial". * * @param {Object} attributes The current attributes * @return {Object} The updated attributes. */ /* harmony default export */ function migrate_font_family(attributes) { if (!attributes?.style?.typography?.fontFamily) { return attributes; } const { fontFamily, ...typography } =; return { ...attributes, style: cleanEmptyObject({, typography }), fontFamily: fontFamily.split('|').pop() }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/button/deprecated.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const migrateBorderRadius = attributes => { const { borderRadius, ...newAttributes } = attributes; // We have to check old property `borderRadius` and if // `styles.border.radius` is a `number` const oldBorderRadius = [borderRadius,].find(possibleBorderRadius => { return typeof possibleBorderRadius === 'number' && possibleBorderRadius !== 0; }); if (!oldBorderRadius) { return newAttributes; } return { ...newAttributes, style: {, border: {, radius: `${oldBorderRadius}px` } } }; }; function migrateAlign(attributes) { if (!attributes.align) { return attributes; } const { align, ...otherAttributes } = attributes; return { ...otherAttributes, className: dist_clsx(otherAttributes.className, `align${attributes.align}`) }; } const migrateCustomColorsAndGradients = attributes => { if (!attributes.customTextColor && !attributes.customBackgroundColor && !attributes.customGradient) { return attributes; } const style = { color: {} }; if (attributes.customTextColor) { style.color.text = attributes.customTextColor; } if (attributes.customBackgroundColor) { style.color.background = attributes.customBackgroundColor; } if (attributes.customGradient) { style.color.gradient = attributes.customGradient; } const { customTextColor, customBackgroundColor, customGradient, ...restAttributes } = attributes; return { ...restAttributes, style }; }; const oldColorsMigration = attributes => { const { color, textColor, ...restAttributes } = { ...attributes, customTextColor: attributes.textColor && '#' === attributes.textColor[0] ? attributes.textColor : undefined, customBackgroundColor: attributes.color && '#' === attributes.color[0] ? attributes.color : undefined }; return migrateCustomColorsAndGradients(restAttributes); }; const blockAttributes = { url: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'href' }, title: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'title' }, text: { type: 'string', source: 'html', selector: 'a' } }; const v11 = { attributes: { url: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'href' }, title: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'title' }, text: { type: 'string', source: 'html', selector: 'a' }, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, gradient: { type: 'string' }, width: { type: 'number' } }, supports: { anchor: true, align: true, alignWide: false, color: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, gradients: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { background: true, text: true } }, typography: { fontSize: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, reusable: false, spacing: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, padding: ['horizontal', 'vertical'], __experimentalDefaultControls: { padding: true } }, __experimentalBorder: { radius: true, __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { radius: true } }, __experimentalSelector: '.wp-block-button__link' }, save({ attributes, className }) { const { fontSize, linkTarget, rel, style, text, title, url, width } = attributes; if (!text) { return null; } const borderProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetBorderClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const colorProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetColorClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const spacingProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetSpacingClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', colorProps.className, borderProps.className, { // For backwards compatibility add style that isn't provided via // block support. 'no-border-radius': style?.border?.radius === 0 }); const buttonStyle = {,, }; // The use of a `title` attribute here is soft-deprecated, but still applied // if it had already been assigned, for the sake of backward-compatibility. // A title will no longer be assigned for new or updated button block links. const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx(className, { [`has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-${width}`]: width, [`has-custom-font-size`]: fontSize || style?.typography?.fontSize }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", {{ className: wrapperClasses }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }) }); } }; const v10 = { attributes: { url: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'href' }, title: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'title' }, text: { type: 'string', source: 'html', selector: 'a' }, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, gradient: { type: 'string' }, width: { type: 'number' } }, supports: { anchor: true, align: true, alignWide: false, color: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, gradients: true }, typography: { fontSize: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true }, reusable: false, spacing: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, padding: ['horizontal', 'vertical'], __experimentalDefaultControls: { padding: true } }, __experimentalBorder: { radius: true, __experimentalSkipSerialization: true }, __experimentalSelector: '.wp-block-button__link' }, save({ attributes, className }) { const { fontSize, linkTarget, rel, style, text, title, url, width } = attributes; if (!text) { return null; } const borderProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetBorderClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const colorProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetColorClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const spacingProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetSpacingClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', colorProps.className, borderProps.className, { // For backwards compatibility add style that isn't provided via // block support. 'no-border-radius': style?.border?.radius === 0 }); const buttonStyle = {,, }; // The use of a `title` attribute here is soft-deprecated, but still applied // if it had already been assigned, for the sake of backward-compatibility. // A title will no longer be assigned for new or updated button block links. const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx(className, { [`has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-${width}`]: width, [`has-custom-font-size`]: fontSize || style?.typography?.fontSize }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", {{ className: wrapperClasses }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }) }); }, migrate: migrate_font_family, isEligible({ style }) { return style?.typography?.fontFamily; } }; const deprecated_deprecated = [v11, v10, { supports: { anchor: true, align: true, alignWide: false, color: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, gradients: true }, typography: { fontSize: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true }, reusable: false, __experimentalSelector: '.wp-block-button__link' }, attributes: { ...blockAttributes, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, gradient: { type: 'string' }, width: { type: 'number' } }, isEligible({ style }) { return typeof style?.border?.radius === 'number'; }, save({ attributes, className }) { const { fontSize, linkTarget, rel, style, text, title, url, width } = attributes; if (!text) { return null; } const borderRadius = style?.border?.radius; const colorProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetColorClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', colorProps.className, { 'no-border-radius': style?.border?.radius === 0 }); const buttonStyle = { borderRadius: borderRadius ? borderRadius : undefined, }; // The use of a `title` attribute here is soft-deprecated, but still applied // if it had already been assigned, for the sake of backward-compatibility. // A title will no longer be assigned for new or updated button block links. const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx(className, { [`has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-${width}`]: width, [`has-custom-font-size`]: fontSize || style?.typography?.fontSize }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", {{ className: wrapperClasses }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }) }); }, migrate: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)(migrate_font_family, migrateBorderRadius) }, { supports: { anchor: true, align: true, alignWide: false, color: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true }, reusable: false, __experimentalSelector: '.wp-block-button__link' }, attributes: { ...blockAttributes, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' }, borderRadius: { type: 'number' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, gradient: { type: 'string' }, style: { type: 'object' }, width: { type: 'number' } }, save({ attributes, className }) { const { borderRadius, linkTarget, rel, text, title, url, width } = attributes; const colorProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetColorClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', colorProps.className, { 'no-border-radius': borderRadius === 0 }); const buttonStyle = { borderRadius: borderRadius ? borderRadius + 'px' : undefined, }; // The use of a `title` attribute here is soft-deprecated, but still applied // if it had already been assigned, for the sake of backward-compatibility. // A title will no longer be assigned for new or updated button block links. const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx(className, { [`has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-${width}`]: width }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", {{ className: wrapperClasses }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }) }); }, migrate: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)(migrate_font_family, migrateBorderRadius) }, { supports: { anchor: true, align: true, alignWide: false, color: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true }, reusable: false, __experimentalSelector: '.wp-block-button__link' }, attributes: { ...blockAttributes, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' }, borderRadius: { type: 'number' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, gradient: { type: 'string' }, style: { type: 'object' }, width: { type: 'number' } }, save({ attributes, className }) { const { borderRadius, linkTarget, rel, text, title, url, width } = attributes; const colorProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetColorClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', colorProps.className, { 'no-border-radius': borderRadius === 0 }); const buttonStyle = { borderRadius: borderRadius ? borderRadius + 'px' : undefined, }; // The use of a `title` attribute here is soft-deprecated, but still applied // if it had already been assigned, for the sake of backward-compatibility. // A title will no longer be assigned for new or updated button block links. const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx(className, { [`has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-${width}`]: width }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", {{ className: wrapperClasses }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }) }); }, migrate: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)(migrate_font_family, migrateBorderRadius) }, { supports: { align: true, alignWide: false, color: { gradients: true } }, attributes: { ...blockAttributes, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' }, borderRadius: { type: 'number' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, gradient: { type: 'string' }, style: { type: 'object' } }, save({ attributes }) { const { borderRadius, linkTarget, rel, text, title, url } = attributes; const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', { 'no-border-radius': borderRadius === 0 }); const buttonStyle = { borderRadius: borderRadius ? borderRadius + 'px' : undefined }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }); }, migrate: migrateBorderRadius }, { supports: { align: true, alignWide: false }, attributes: { ...blockAttributes, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' }, borderRadius: { type: 'number' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, customBackgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, customTextColor: { type: 'string' }, customGradient: { type: 'string' }, gradient: { type: 'string' } }, isEligible: attributes => !!attributes.customTextColor || !!attributes.customBackgroundColor || !!attributes.customGradient || !!attributes.align, migrate: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)(migrateBorderRadius, migrateCustomColorsAndGradients, migrateAlign), save({ attributes }) { const { backgroundColor, borderRadius, customBackgroundColor, customTextColor, customGradient, linkTarget, gradient, rel, text, textColor, title, url } = attributes; const textClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('color', textColor); const backgroundClass = !customGradient && (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('background-color', backgroundColor); const gradientClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetGradientClass)(gradient); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', { 'has-text-color': textColor || customTextColor, [textClass]: textClass, 'has-background': backgroundColor || customBackgroundColor || customGradient || gradient, [backgroundClass]: backgroundClass, 'no-border-radius': borderRadius === 0, [gradientClass]: gradientClass }); const buttonStyle = { background: customGradient ? customGradient : undefined, backgroundColor: backgroundClass || customGradient || gradient ? undefined : customBackgroundColor, color: textClass ? undefined : customTextColor, borderRadius: borderRadius ? borderRadius + 'px' : undefined }; // The use of a `title` attribute here is soft-deprecated, but still applied // if it had already been assigned, for the sake of backward-compatibility. // A title will no longer be assigned for new or updated button block links. return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }) }); } }, { attributes: { ...blockAttributes, align: { type: 'string', default: 'none' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, customBackgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, customTextColor: { type: 'string' }, linkTarget: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'target' }, rel: { type: 'string', source: 'attribute', selector: 'a', attribute: 'rel' }, placeholder: { type: 'string' } }, isEligible(attribute) { return attribute.className && attribute.className.includes('is-style-squared'); }, migrate(attributes) { let newClassName = attributes.className; if (newClassName) { newClassName = newClassName.replace(/is-style-squared[\s]?/, '').trim(); } return migrateBorderRadius(migrateCustomColorsAndGradients({ ...attributes, className: newClassName ? newClassName : undefined, borderRadius: 0 })); }, save({ attributes }) { const { backgroundColor, customBackgroundColor, customTextColor, linkTarget, rel, text, textColor, title, url } = attributes; const textClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('color', textColor); const backgroundClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('background-color', backgroundColor); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', { 'has-text-color': textColor || customTextColor, [textClass]: textClass, 'has-background': backgroundColor || customBackgroundColor, [backgroundClass]: backgroundClass }); const buttonStyle = { backgroundColor: backgroundClass ? undefined : customBackgroundColor, color: textClass ? undefined : customTextColor }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: linkTarget, rel: rel }) }); } }, { attributes: { ...blockAttributes, align: { type: 'string', default: 'none' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, customBackgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, customTextColor: { type: 'string' } }, migrate: oldColorsMigration, save({ attributes }) { const { url, text, title, backgroundColor, textColor, customBackgroundColor, customTextColor } = attributes; const textClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('color', textColor); const backgroundClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('background-color', backgroundColor); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', { 'has-text-color': textColor || customTextColor, [textClass]: textClass, 'has-background': backgroundColor || customBackgroundColor, [backgroundClass]: backgroundClass }); const buttonStyle = { backgroundColor: backgroundClass ? undefined : customBackgroundColor, color: textClass ? undefined : customTextColor }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: buttonClasses, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text }) }); } }, { attributes: { ...blockAttributes, color: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, align: { type: 'string', default: 'none' } }, save({ attributes }) { const { url, text, title, align, color, textColor } = attributes; const buttonStyle = { backgroundColor: color, color: textColor }; const linkClass = 'wp-block-button__link'; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: `align${align}`, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", className: linkClass, href: url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text }) }); }, migrate: oldColorsMigration }, { attributes: { ...blockAttributes, color: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' }, align: { type: 'string', default: 'none' } }, save({ attributes }) { const { url, text, title, align, color, textColor } = attributes; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: `align${align}`, style: { backgroundColor: color }, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "a", href: url, title: title, style: { color: textColor }, value: text }) }); }, migrate: oldColorsMigration }]; /* harmony default export */ const button_deprecated = (deprecated_deprecated); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/button/constants.js const NEW_TAB_REL = 'noreferrer noopener'; const NEW_TAB_TARGET = '_blank'; const NOFOLLOW_REL = 'nofollow'; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/button/get-updated-link-attributes.js /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Updates the link attributes. * * @param {Object} attributes The current block attributes. * @param {string} attributes.rel The current link rel attribute. * @param {string} attributes.url The current link url. * @param {boolean} attributes.opensInNewTab Whether the link should open in a new window. * @param {boolean} attributes.nofollow Whether the link should be marked as nofollow. */ function getUpdatedLinkAttributes({ rel = '', url = '', opensInNewTab, nofollow }) { let newLinkTarget; // Since `rel` is editable attribute, we need to check for existing values and proceed accordingly. let updatedRel = rel; if (opensInNewTab) { newLinkTarget = NEW_TAB_TARGET; updatedRel = updatedRel?.includes(NEW_TAB_REL) ? updatedRel : updatedRel + ` ${NEW_TAB_REL}`; } else { const relRegex = new RegExp(`\\b${NEW_TAB_REL}\\s*`, 'g'); updatedRel = updatedRel?.replace(relRegex, '').trim(); } if (nofollow) { updatedRel = updatedRel?.includes(NOFOLLOW_REL) ? updatedRel : updatedRel + ` ${NOFOLLOW_REL}`; } else { const relRegex = new RegExp(`\\b${NOFOLLOW_REL}\\s*`, 'g'); updatedRel = updatedRel?.replace(relRegex, '').trim(); } return { url: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.prependHTTP)(url), linkTarget: newLinkTarget, rel: updatedRel || undefined }; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/utils/remove-anchor-tag.js /** * Removes anchor tags from a string. * * @param {string} value The value to remove anchor tags from. * * @return {string} The value with anchor tags removed. */ function removeAnchorTag(value) { // To do: Refactor this to use rich text's removeFormat instead. return value.toString().replace(/<\/?a[^>]*>/g, ''); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","keycodes"] const external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["keycodes"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/link.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const link_link = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M10 17.389H8.444A5.194 5.194 0 1 1 8.444 7H10v1.5H8.444a3.694 3.694 0 0 0 0 7.389H10v1.5ZM14 7h1.556a5.194 5.194 0 0 1 0 10.39H14v-1.5h1.556a3.694 3.694 0 0 0 0-7.39H14V7Zm-4.5 6h5v-1.5h-5V13Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_link = (link_link); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/link-off.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const linkOff = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M17.031 4.703 15.576 4l-1.56 3H14v.03l-2.324 4.47H9.5V13h1.396l-1.502 2.889h-.95a3.694 3.694 0 0 1 0-7.389H10V7H8.444a5.194 5.194 0 1 0 0 10.389h.17L7.5 19.53l1.416.719L15.049 8.5h.507a3.694 3.694 0 0 1 0 7.39H14v1.5h1.556a5.194 5.194 0 0 0 .273-10.383l1.202-2.304Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const link_off = (linkOff); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/button/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ const LINK_SETTINGS = [...external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalLinkControl.DEFAULT_LINK_SETTINGS, { id: 'nofollow', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Mark as nofollow') }]; function useEnter(props) { const { replaceBlocks, selectionChange } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const { getBlock, getBlockRootClientId, getBlockIndex } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(; const propsRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(props); propsRef.current = props; return (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useRefEffect)(element => { function onKeyDown(event) { if (event.defaultPrevented || event.keyCode !== external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.ENTER) { return; } const { content, clientId } = propsRef.current; if (content.length) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const topParentListBlock = getBlock(getBlockRootClientId(clientId)); const blockIndex = getBlockIndex(clientId); const head = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.cloneBlock)({ ...topParentListBlock, innerBlocks: topParentListBlock.innerBlocks.slice(0, blockIndex) }); const middle = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getDefaultBlockName)()); const after = topParentListBlock.innerBlocks.slice(blockIndex + 1); const tail = after.length ? [(0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.cloneBlock)({ ...topParentListBlock, innerBlocks: after })] : []; replaceBlocks(topParentListBlock.clientId, [head, middle, ...tail], 1); // We manually change the selection here because we are replacing // a different block than the selected one. selectionChange(middle.clientId); } element.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); return () => { element.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); }; }, []); } function WidthPanel({ selectedWidth, setAttributes }) { function handleChange(newWidth) { // Check if we are toggling the width off const width = selectedWidth === newWidth ? undefined : newWidth; // Update attributes. setAttributes({ width }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ButtonGroup, { "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Button width'), children: [25, 50, 75, 100].map(widthValue => { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { size: "small", variant: widthValue === selectedWidth ? 'primary' : undefined, onClick: () => handleChange(widthValue), children: [widthValue, "%"] }, widthValue); }) }) }); } function ButtonEdit(props) { const { attributes, setAttributes, className, isSelected, onReplace, mergeBlocks, clientId, context } = props; const { tagName, textAlign, linkTarget, placeholder, rel, style, text, url, width, metadata } = attributes; const TagName = tagName || 'a'; function onKeyDown(event) { if (external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isKeyboardEvent.primary(event, 'k')) { startEditing(event); } else if (external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isKeyboardEvent.primaryShift(event, 'k')) { unlink(); richTextRef.current?.focus(); } } // Use internal state instead of a ref to make sure that the component // re-renders when the popover's anchor updates. const [popoverAnchor, setPopoverAnchor] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(null); const borderProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseBorderProps)(attributes); const colorProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseColorProps)(attributes); const spacingProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetSpacingClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const shadowProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetShadowClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const ref = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const richTextRef = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(); const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)({ ref: (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([setPopoverAnchor, ref]), onKeyDown }); const blockEditingMode = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockEditingMode)(); const [isEditingURL, setIsEditingURL] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const isURLSet = !!url; const opensInNewTab = linkTarget === NEW_TAB_TARGET; const nofollow = !!rel?.includes(NOFOLLOW_REL); const isLinkTag = 'a' === TagName; function startEditing(event) { event.preventDefault(); setIsEditingURL(true); } function unlink() { setAttributes({ url: undefined, linkTarget: undefined, rel: undefined }); setIsEditingURL(false); } (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!isSelected) { setIsEditingURL(false); } }, [isSelected]); // Memoize link value to avoid overriding the LinkControl's internal state. // This is a temporary fix. See const linkValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({ url, opensInNewTab, nofollow }), [url, opensInNewTab, nofollow]); const useEnterRef = useEnter({ content: text, clientId }); const mergedRef = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useMergeRefs)([useEnterRef, richTextRef]); const { lockUrlControls = false } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { if (!isSelected) { return {}; } const blockBindingsSource = unlock(select(; return { lockUrlControls: !!metadata?.bindings?.url && !blockBindingsSource?.canUserEditValue({ select, context, args: metadata?.bindings?.url?.args }) }; }, [isSelected, metadata?.bindings?.url]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...blockProps, className: dist_clsx(blockProps.className, { [`has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-${width}`]: width, [`has-custom-font-size`]: }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText, { ref: mergedRef, "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Button text'), placeholder: placeholder || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Add text…'), value: text, onChange: value => setAttributes({ text: removeAnchorTag(value) }), withoutInteractiveFormatting: true, className: dist_clsx(className, 'wp-block-button__link', colorProps.className, borderProps.className, { [`has-text-align-${textAlign}`]: textAlign, // For backwards compatibility add style that isn't // provided via block support. 'no-border-radius': style?.border?.radius === 0 }, (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetElementClassName)('button')), style: {,,, }, onReplace: onReplace, onMerge: mergeBlocks, identifier: "text" }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { group: "block", children: [blockEditingMode === 'default' && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.AlignmentControl, { value: textAlign, onChange: nextAlign => { setAttributes({ textAlign: nextAlign }); } }), !isURLSet && isLinkTag && !lockUrlControls && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarButton, { name: "link", icon: library_link, title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Link'), shortcut: external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcut.primary('k'), onClick: startEditing }), isURLSet && isLinkTag && !lockUrlControls && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarButton, { name: "link", icon: link_off, title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Unlink'), shortcut: external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.displayShortcut.primaryShift('k'), onClick: unlink, isActive: true })] }), isLinkTag && isSelected && (isEditingURL || isURLSet) && !lockUrlControls && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Popover, { placement: "bottom", onClose: () => { setIsEditingURL(false); richTextRef.current?.focus(); }, anchor: popoverAnchor, focusOnMount: isEditingURL ? 'firstElement' : false, __unstableSlotName: "__unstable-block-tools-after", shift: true, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalLinkControl, { value: linkValue, onChange: ({ url: newURL, opensInNewTab: newOpensInNewTab, nofollow: newNofollow }) => setAttributes(getUpdatedLinkAttributes({ rel, url: newURL, opensInNewTab: newOpensInNewTab, nofollow: newNofollow })), onRemove: () => { unlink(); richTextRef.current?.focus(); }, forceIsEditingLink: isEditingURL, settings: LINK_SETTINGS }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(WidthPanel, { selectedWidth: width, setAttributes: setAttributes }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { group: "advanced", children: isLinkTag && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.TextControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Link rel'), value: rel || '', onChange: newRel => setAttributes({ rel: newRel }) }) })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const button_edit = (ButtonEdit); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/button/save.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function save_save({ attributes, className }) { const { tagName, type, textAlign, fontSize, linkTarget, rel, style, text, title, url, width } = attributes; const TagName = tagName || 'a'; const isButtonTag = 'button' === TagName; const buttonType = type || 'button'; const borderProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetBorderClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const colorProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetColorClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const spacingProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetSpacingClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const shadowProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetShadowClassesAndStyles)(attributes); const buttonClasses = dist_clsx('wp-block-button__link', colorProps.className, borderProps.className, { [`has-text-align-${textAlign}`]: textAlign, // For backwards compatibility add style that isn't provided via // block support. 'no-border-radius': style?.border?.radius === 0 }, (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalGetElementClassName)('button')); const buttonStyle = {,,, }; // The use of a `title` attribute here is soft-deprecated, but still applied // if it had already been assigned, for the sake of backward-compatibility. // A title will no longer be assigned for new or updated button block links. const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx(className, { [`has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-${width}`]: width, [`has-custom-font-size`]: fontSize || style?.typography?.fontSize }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", {{ className: wrapperClasses }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: TagName, type: isButtonTag ? buttonType : null, className: buttonClasses, href: isButtonTag ? null : url, title: title, style: buttonStyle, value: text, target: isButtonTag ? null : linkTarget, rel: isButtonTag ? null : rel }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/button/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const button_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/button", title: "Button", category: "design", parent: ["core/buttons"], description: "Prompt visitors to take action with a button-style link.", keywords: ["link"], textdomain: "default", attributes: { tagName: { type: "string", "enum": ["a", "button"], "default": "a" }, type: { type: "string", "default": "button" }, textAlign: { type: "string" }, url: { type: "string", source: "attribute", selector: "a", attribute: "href", __experimentalRole: "content" }, title: { type: "string", source: "attribute", selector: "a,button", attribute: "title", __experimentalRole: "content" }, text: { type: "rich-text", source: "rich-text", selector: "a,button", __experimentalRole: "content" }, linkTarget: { type: "string", source: "attribute", selector: "a", attribute: "target", __experimentalRole: "content" }, rel: { type: "string", source: "attribute", selector: "a", attribute: "rel", __experimentalRole: "content" }, placeholder: { type: "string" }, backgroundColor: { type: "string" }, textColor: { type: "string" }, gradient: { type: "string" }, width: { type: "number" } }, supports: { anchor: true, splitting: true, align: false, alignWide: false, color: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, gradients: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { background: true, text: true } }, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalTextDecoration: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, reusable: false, shadow: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true }, spacing: { __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, padding: ["horizontal", "vertical"], __experimentalDefaultControls: { padding: true } }, __experimentalBorder: { color: true, radius: true, style: true, width: true, __experimentalSkipSerialization: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { color: true, radius: true, style: true, width: true } }, __experimentalSelector: ".wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link", interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, styles: [{ name: "fill", label: "Fill", isDefault: true }, { name: "outline", label: "Outline" }], editorStyle: "wp-block-button-editor", style: "wp-block-button" }; const { name: button_name } = button_metadata; const button_settings = { icon: library_button, example: { attributes: { className: 'is-style-fill', text: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Call to Action') } }, edit: button_edit, save: save_save, deprecated: button_deprecated, merge: (a, { text = '' }) => ({ ...a, text: (a.text || '') + text }) }; const button_init = () => initBlock({ name: button_name, metadata: button_metadata, settings: button_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/buttons.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const buttons = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M14.5 17.5H9.5V16H14.5V17.5Z M14.5 8H9.5V6.5H14.5V8Z M7 3.5H17C18.1046 3.5 19 4.39543 19 5.5V9C19 10.1046 18.1046 11 17 11H7C5.89543 11 5 10.1046 5 9V5.5C5 4.39543 5.89543 3.5 7 3.5ZM17 5H7C6.72386 5 6.5 5.22386 6.5 5.5V9C6.5 9.27614 6.72386 9.5 7 9.5H17C17.2761 9.5 17.5 9.27614 17.5 9V5.5C17.5 5.22386 17.2761 5 17 5Z M7 13H17C18.1046 13 19 13.8954 19 15V18.5C19 19.6046 18.1046 20.5 17 20.5H7C5.89543 20.5 5 19.6046 5 18.5V15C5 13.8954 5.89543 13 7 13ZM17 14.5H7C6.72386 14.5 6.5 14.7239 6.5 15V18.5C6.5 18.7761 6.72386 19 7 19H17C17.2761 19 17.5 18.7761 17.5 18.5V15C17.5 14.7239 17.2761 14.5 17 14.5Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_buttons = (buttons); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/buttons/deprecated.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * @param {Object} attributes Block's attributes. */ const migrateWithLayout = attributes => { if (!!attributes.layout) { return attributes; } const { contentJustification, orientation, ...updatedAttributes } = attributes; if (contentJustification || orientation) { Object.assign(updatedAttributes, { layout: { type: 'flex', ...(contentJustification && { justifyContent: contentJustification }), ...(orientation && { orientation }) } }); } return updatedAttributes; }; const buttons_deprecated_deprecated = [{ attributes: { contentJustification: { type: 'string' }, orientation: { type: 'string', default: 'horizontal' } }, supports: { anchor: true, align: ['wide', 'full'], __experimentalExposeControlsToChildren: true, spacing: { blockGap: true, margin: ['top', 'bottom'], __experimentalDefaultControls: { blockGap: true } } }, isEligible: ({ contentJustification, orientation }) => !!contentJustification || !!orientation, migrate: migrateWithLayout, save({ attributes: { contentJustification, orientation } }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", {{ className: dist_clsx({ [`is-content-justification-${contentJustification}`]: contentJustification, 'is-vertical': orientation === 'vertical' }) }), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.Content, {}) }); } }, { supports: { align: ['center', 'left', 'right'], anchor: true }, save() { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.Content, {}) }); }, isEligible({ align }) { return align && ['center', 'left', 'right'].includes(align); }, migrate(attributes) { return migrateWithLayout({ ...attributes, align: undefined, // Floating Buttons blocks shouldn't have been supported in the // first place. Most users using them probably expected them to // act like content justification controls, so these blocks are // migrated to use content justification. // As for center-aligned Buttons blocks, the content justification // equivalent will create an identical end result in most cases. contentJustification: attributes.align }); } }]; /* harmony default export */ const buttons_deprecated = (buttons_deprecated_deprecated); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","richText"] const external_wp_richText_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["richText"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/utils/get-transformed-metadata.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Transform the metadata attribute with only the values and bindings specified by each transform. * Returns `undefined` if the input metadata is falsy. * * @param {Object} metadata Original metadata attribute from the block that is being transformed. * @param {Object} newBlockName Name of the final block after the transformation. * @param {Function} bindingsCallback Optional callback to transform the `bindings` property object. * @return {Object|undefined} New metadata object only with the relevant properties. */ function getTransformedMetadata(metadata, newBlockName, bindingsCallback) { if (!metadata) { return; } const { supports } = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getBlockType)(newBlockName); // Fixed until an opt-in mechanism is implemented. const BLOCK_BINDINGS_SUPPORTED_BLOCKS = ['core/paragraph', 'core/heading', 'core/image', 'core/button']; // The metadata properties that should be preserved after the transform. const transformSupportedProps = []; // If it support bindings, and there is a transform bindings callback, add the `id` and `bindings` properties. if (BLOCK_BINDINGS_SUPPORTED_BLOCKS.includes(newBlockName) && bindingsCallback) { transformSupportedProps.push('id', 'bindings'); } // If it support block naming (true by default), add the `name` property. if (supports.renaming !== false) { transformSupportedProps.push('name'); } // Return early if no supported properties. if (!transformSupportedProps.length) { return; } const newMetadata = Object.entries(metadata).reduce((obj, [prop, value]) => { // If prop is not supported, don't add it to the new metadata object. if (!transformSupportedProps.includes(prop)) { return obj; } obj[prop] = prop === 'bindings' ? bindingsCallback(value) : value; return obj; }, {}); // Return undefined if object is empty. return Object.keys(newMetadata).length ? newMetadata : undefined; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/buttons/transforms.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const transforms_transforms = { from: [{ type: 'block', isMultiBlock: true, blocks: ['core/button'], transform: buttons => // Creates the buttons block. (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/buttons', {}, // Loop the selected buttons. => // Create singular button in the buttons block. (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/button', attributes))) }, { type: 'block', isMultiBlock: true, blocks: ['core/paragraph'], transform: buttons => // Creates the buttons block. (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/buttons', {}, // Loop the selected buttons. => { const { content, metadata } = attributes; const element = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.__unstableCreateElement)(document, content); // Remove any HTML tags. const text = element.innerText || ''; // Get first url. const link = element.querySelector('a'); const url = link?.getAttribute('href'); // Create singular button in the buttons block. return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/button', { text, url, metadata: getTransformedMetadata(metadata, 'core/button', ({ content: contentBinding }) => ({ text: contentBinding })) }); })), isMatch: paragraphs => { return paragraphs.every(attributes => { const element = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.__unstableCreateElement)(document, attributes.content); const text = element.innerText || ''; const links = element.querySelectorAll('a'); return text.length <= 30 && links.length <= 1; }); } }] }; /* harmony default export */ const buttons_transforms = (transforms_transforms); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/buttons/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ const DEFAULT_BLOCK = { name: 'core/button', attributesToCopy: ['backgroundColor', 'border', 'className', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'gradient', 'style', 'textColor', 'width'] }; function ButtonsEdit({ attributes, className }) { var _layout$orientation; const { fontSize, layout, style } = attributes; const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)({ className: dist_clsx(className, { 'has-custom-font-size': fontSize || style?.typography?.fontSize }) }); const { hasButtonVariations } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const buttonVariations = select('core/button', 'inserter'); return { hasButtonVariations: buttonVariations.length > 0 }; }, []); const innerBlocksProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useInnerBlocksProps)(blockProps, { defaultBlock: DEFAULT_BLOCK, // This check should be handled by the `Inserter` internally to be consistent across all blocks that use it. directInsert: !hasButtonVariations, template: [['core/button']], templateInsertUpdatesSelection: true, orientation: (_layout$orientation = layout?.orientation) !== null && _layout$orientation !== void 0 ? _layout$orientation : 'horizontal' }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...innerBlocksProps }); } /* harmony default export */ const buttons_edit = (ButtonsEdit); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/buttons/save.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function buttons_save_save({ attributes, className }) { const { fontSize, style } = attributes; const blockProps ={ className: dist_clsx(className, { 'has-custom-font-size': fontSize || style?.typography?.fontSize }) }); const innerBlocksProps =; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...innerBlocksProps }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/buttons/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const buttons_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/buttons", title: "Buttons", category: "design", allowedBlocks: ["core/button"], description: "Prompt visitors to take action with a group of button-style links.", keywords: ["link"], textdomain: "default", supports: { anchor: true, align: ["wide", "full"], html: false, __experimentalExposeControlsToChildren: true, spacing: { blockGap: true, margin: ["top", "bottom"], __experimentalDefaultControls: { blockGap: true } }, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalTextDecoration: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, layout: { allowSwitching: false, allowInheriting: false, "default": { type: "flex" } }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, editorStyle: "wp-block-buttons-editor", style: "wp-block-buttons" }; const { name: buttons_name } = buttons_metadata; const buttons_settings = { icon: library_buttons, example: { innerBlocks: [{ name: 'core/button', attributes: { text: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Find out more') } }, { name: 'core/button', attributes: { text: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Contact us') } }] }, deprecated: buttons_deprecated, transforms: buttons_transforms, edit: buttons_edit, save: buttons_save_save }; const buttons_init = () => initBlock({ name: buttons_name, metadata: buttons_metadata, settings: buttons_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/calendar.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const calendar = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M19 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm.5 16c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5H5c-.3 0-.5-.2-.5-.5V7h15v12zM9 10H7v2h2v-2zm0 4H7v2h2v-2zm4-4h-2v2h2v-2zm4 0h-2v2h2v-2zm-4 4h-2v2h2v-2zm4 0h-2v2h2v-2z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_calendar = (calendar); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/calendar/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Returns the year and month of a specified date. * * @see `WP_REST_Posts_Controller::prepare_date_response()`. * * @param {string} date Date in `ISO8601/RFC3339` format. * @return {Object} Year and date of the specified date. */ const getYearMonth = memize(date => { if (!date) { return {}; } const dateObj = new Date(date); return { year: dateObj.getFullYear(), month: dateObj.getMonth() + 1 }; }); function CalendarEdit({ attributes }) { const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)(); const { date, hasPosts, hasPostsResolved } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getEntityRecords, hasFinishedResolution } = select(; const singlePublishedPostQuery = { status: 'publish', per_page: 1 }; const posts = getEntityRecords('postType', 'post', singlePublishedPostQuery); const postsResolved = hasFinishedResolution('getEntityRecords', ['postType', 'post', singlePublishedPostQuery]); let _date; // FIXME: @wordpress/block-library should not depend on @wordpress/editor. // Blocks can be loaded into a *non-post* block editor. // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/data-no-store-string-literals const editorSelectors = select('core/editor'); if (editorSelectors) { const postType = editorSelectors.getEditedPostAttribute('type'); // Dates are used to overwrite year and month used on the calendar. // This overwrite should only happen for 'post' post types. // For other post types the calendar always displays the current month. if (postType === 'post') { _date = editorSelectors.getEditedPostAttribute('date'); } } return { date: _date, hasPostsResolved: postsResolved, hasPosts: postsResolved && posts?.length === 1 }; }, []); if (!hasPosts) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...blockProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Placeholder, { icon: library_calendar, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Calendar'), children: !hasPostsResolved ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Spinner, {}) : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('No published posts found.') }) }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...blockProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Disabled, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)((external_wp_serverSideRender_default()), { block: "core/calendar", attributes: { ...attributes, ...getYearMonth(date) } }) }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/calendar/transforms.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const calendar_transforms_transforms = { from: [{ type: 'block', blocks: ['core/archives'], transform: () => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/calendar') }], to: [{ type: 'block', blocks: ['core/archives'], transform: () => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/archives') }] }; /* harmony default export */ const calendar_transforms = (calendar_transforms_transforms); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/calendar/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const calendar_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/calendar", title: "Calendar", category: "widgets", description: "A calendar of your site\u2019s posts.", keywords: ["posts", "archive"], textdomain: "default", attributes: { month: { type: "integer" }, year: { type: "integer" } }, supports: { align: true, color: { link: true, __experimentalSkipSerialization: ["text", "background"], __experimentalDefaultControls: { background: true, text: true }, __experimentalSelector: "table, th" }, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, style: "wp-block-calendar" }; const { name: calendar_name } = calendar_metadata; const calendar_settings = { icon: library_calendar, example: {}, edit: CalendarEdit, transforms: calendar_transforms }; const calendar_init = () => initBlock({ name: calendar_name, metadata: calendar_metadata, settings: calendar_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/category.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const category = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M6 5.5h3a.5.5 0 01.5.5v3a.5.5 0 01-.5.5H6a.5.5 0 01-.5-.5V6a.5.5 0 01.5-.5zM4 6a2 2 0 012-2h3a2 2 0 012 2v3a2 2 0 01-2 2H6a2 2 0 01-2-2V6zm11-.5h3a.5.5 0 01.5.5v3a.5.5 0 01-.5.5h-3a.5.5 0 01-.5-.5V6a.5.5 0 01.5-.5zM13 6a2 2 0 012-2h3a2 2 0 012 2v3a2 2 0 01-2 2h-3a2 2 0 01-2-2V6zm5 8.5h-3a.5.5 0 00-.5.5v3a.5.5 0 00.5.5h3a.5.5 0 00.5-.5v-3a.5.5 0 00-.5-.5zM15 13a2 2 0 00-2 2v3a2 2 0 002 2h3a2 2 0 002-2v-3a2 2 0 00-2-2h-3zm-9 1.5h3a.5.5 0 01.5.5v3a.5.5 0 01-.5.5H6a.5.5 0 01-.5-.5v-3a.5.5 0 01.5-.5zM4 15a2 2 0 012-2h3a2 2 0 012 2v3a2 2 0 01-2 2H6a2 2 0 01-2-2v-3z", fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_category = (category); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"] const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"]; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/pin.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const pin = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "m21.5 9.1-6.6-6.6-4.2 5.6c-1.2-.1-2.4.1-3.6.7-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1-.5.3-.9.6-1.2.9l3.7 3.7-5.7 5.7v1.1h1.1l5.7-5.7 3.7 3.7c.4-.4.7-.8.9-1.2.1-.1.1-.2.2-.3.6-1.1.8-2.4.6-3.6l5.6-4.1zm-7.3 0 1.8-.4 2.6l-6-6c.8-.4 1.7-.5 2.6-.4l.9.1L15 4.9 19.1 9l-4.9 3.6z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_pin = (pin); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/categories/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function CategoriesEdit({ attributes: { displayAsDropdown, showHierarchy, showPostCounts, showOnlyTopLevel, showEmpty }, setAttributes, className }) { const selectId = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useInstanceId)(CategoriesEdit, 'blocks-category-select'); const query = { per_page: -1, hide_empty: !showEmpty, context: 'view' }; if (showOnlyTopLevel) { query.parent = 0; } const { records: categories, isResolving } = (0,external_wp_coreData_namespaceObject.useEntityRecords)('taxonomy', 'category', query); const getCategoriesList = parentId => { if (!categories?.length) { return []; } if (parentId === null) { return categories; } return categories.filter(({ parent }) => parent === parentId); }; const toggleAttribute = attributeName => newValue => setAttributes({ [attributeName]: newValue }); const renderCategoryName = name => !name ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(Untitled)') : (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(name).trim(); const renderCategoryList = () => { const parentId = showHierarchy ? 0 : null; const categoriesList = getCategoriesList(parentId); return => renderCategoryListItem(category)); }; const renderCategoryListItem = category => { const childCategories = getCategoriesList(; const { id, link, count, name } = category; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("li", { className: `cat-item cat-item-${id}`, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("a", { href: link, target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer noopener", children: renderCategoryName(name) }), showPostCounts && ` (${count})`, showHierarchy && !!childCategories.length && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("ul", { className: "children", children: => renderCategoryListItem(childCategory)) })] }, id); }; const renderCategoryDropdown = () => { const parentId = showHierarchy ? 0 : null; const categoriesList = getCategoriesList(parentId); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.VisuallyHidden, { as: "label", htmlFor: selectId, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Categories') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("select", { id: selectId, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("option", { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Select Category') }), => renderCategoryDropdownItem(category, 0))] })] }); }; const renderCategoryDropdownItem = (category, level) => { const { id, count, name } = category; const childCategories = getCategoriesList(id); return [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)("option", { className: `level-${level}`, children: [Array.from({ length: level * 3 }).map(() => '\xa0'), renderCategoryName(name), showPostCounts && ` (${count})`] }, id), showHierarchy && !!childCategories.length && => renderCategoryDropdownItem(childCategory, level + 1))]; }; const TagName = !!categories?.length && !displayAsDropdown && !isResolving ? 'ul' : 'div'; const classes = dist_clsx(className, { 'wp-block-categories-list': !!categories?.length && !displayAsDropdown && !isResolving, 'wp-block-categories-dropdown': !!categories?.length && displayAsDropdown && !isResolving }); const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)({ className: classes }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(TagName, { ...blockProps, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Display as dropdown'), checked: displayAsDropdown, onChange: toggleAttribute('displayAsDropdown') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show post counts'), checked: showPostCounts, onChange: toggleAttribute('showPostCounts') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show only top level categories'), checked: showOnlyTopLevel, onChange: toggleAttribute('showOnlyTopLevel') }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show empty categories'), checked: showEmpty, onChange: toggleAttribute('showEmpty') }), !showOnlyTopLevel && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Show hierarchy'), checked: showHierarchy, onChange: toggleAttribute('showHierarchy') })] }) }), isResolving && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Placeholder, { icon: library_pin, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Categories'), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Spinner, {}) }), !isResolving && categories?.length === 0 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("p", { children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Your site does not have any posts, so there is nothing to display here at the moment.') }), !isResolving && categories?.length > 0 && (displayAsDropdown ? renderCategoryDropdown() : renderCategoryList())] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/categories/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const categories_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/categories", title: "Categories List", category: "widgets", description: "Display a list of all categories.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { displayAsDropdown: { type: "boolean", "default": false }, showHierarchy: { type: "boolean", "default": false }, showPostCounts: { type: "boolean", "default": false }, showOnlyTopLevel: { type: "boolean", "default": false }, showEmpty: { type: "boolean", "default": false } }, supports: { align: true, html: false, spacing: { margin: true, padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { margin: false, padding: false } }, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalTextDecoration: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, editorStyle: "wp-block-categories-editor", style: "wp-block-categories" }; const { name: categories_name } = categories_metadata; const categories_settings = { icon: library_category, example: {}, edit: CategoriesEdit }; const categories_init = () => initBlock({ name: categories_name, metadata: categories_metadata, settings: categories_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/classic.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const classic = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M20 6H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v9c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h16c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V8c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm.5 11c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5H4c-.3 0-.5-.2-.5-.5V8c0-.3.2-.5.5-.5h16c.3 0 . 10H8v2h2v-2zm-5 2h2v-2H5v2zm8-2h-2v2h2v-2zm-5 6h8v-2H8v2zm6-4h2v-2h-2v2zm3 0h2v-2h-2v2zm0 4h2v-2h-2v2zM5 16h2v-2H5v2z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_classic = (classic); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/freeform/convert-to-blocks-button.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const ConvertToBlocksButton = ({ clientId }) => { const { replaceBlocks } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const block = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { return select(; }, [clientId]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarButton, { onClick: () => replaceBlocks(block.clientId, (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.rawHandler)({ HTML: (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.serialize)(block) })), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Convert to blocks') }); }; /* harmony default export */ const convert_to_blocks_button = (ConvertToBlocksButton); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/fullscreen.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const fullscreen = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M6 4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3h1.5V6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h3V4H6Zm3 14.5H6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-3H4v3a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h3v-1.5Zm6 1.5v-1.5h3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-3H20v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-3Zm3-16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3h-1.5V6a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-3V4h3Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_fullscreen = (fullscreen); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/freeform/modal.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function ModalAuxiliaryActions({ onClick, isModalFullScreen }) { // 'small' to match the rules in editor.scss. const isMobileViewport = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useViewportMatch)('small', '<'); if (isMobileViewport) { return null; } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { onClick: onClick, icon: library_fullscreen, isPressed: isModalFullScreen, label: isModalFullScreen ? (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Exit fullscreen') : (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Enter fullscreen') }); } function ClassicEdit(props) { const styles = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(; (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const { baseURL, suffix, settings } = window.wpEditorL10n.tinymce; window.tinymce.EditorManager.overrideDefaults({ base_url: baseURL, suffix }); window.wp.oldEditor.initialize(, { tinymce: { ...settings, setup(editor) { editor.on('init', () => { const doc = editor.getDoc(); styles.forEach(({ css }) => { const styleEl = doc.createElement('style'); styleEl.innerHTML = css; doc.head.appendChild(styleEl); }); }); } } }); return () => { window.wp.oldEditor.remove(; }; }, []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("textarea", { ...props }); } function ModalEdit(props) { const { clientId, attributes: { content }, setAttributes, onReplace } = props; const [isOpen, setOpen] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const [isModalFullScreen, setIsModalFullScreen] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const id = `editor-${clientId}`; const onClose = () => content ? setOpen(false) : onReplace([]); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarGroup, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarButton, { onClick: () => setOpen(true), children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Edit') }) }) }), content && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_element_namespaceObject.RawHTML, { children: content }), (isOpen || !content) && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Modal, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Classic Editor'), onRequestClose: onClose, shouldCloseOnClickOutside: false, overlayClassName: "block-editor-freeform-modal", isFullScreen: isModalFullScreen, className: "block-editor-freeform-modal__content", headerActions: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ModalAuxiliaryActions, { onClick: () => setIsModalFullScreen(!isModalFullScreen), isModalFullScreen: isModalFullScreen }), children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ClassicEdit, { id: id, defaultValue: content }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Flex, { className: "block-editor-freeform-modal__actions", justify: "flex-end", expanded: false, children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.FlexItem, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { variant: "tertiary", onClick: onClose, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Cancel') }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.FlexItem, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Button, { variant: "primary", onClick: () => { setAttributes({ content: window.wp.oldEditor.getContent(id) }); setOpen(false); }, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Save') }) })] })] })] }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/freeform/edit.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { wp } = window; function isTmceEmpty(editor) { // When tinyMce is empty the content seems to be: //

    // avoid expensive checks for large documents const body = editor.getBody(); if (body.childNodes.length > 1) { return false; } else if (body.childNodes.length === 0) { return true; } if (body.childNodes[0].childNodes.length > 1) { return false; } return /^\n?$/.test(body.innerText || body.textContent); } function FreeformEdit(props) { const { clientId } = props; const canRemove = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(, [clientId]); const [isIframed, setIsIframed] = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useState)(false); const ref = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.useRefEffect)(element => { setIsIframed(element.ownerDocument !== document); }, []); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [canRemove && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToolbarGroup, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(convert_to_blocks_button, { clientId: clientId }) }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...(0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)({ ref }), children: isIframed ? /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ModalEdit, { ...props }) : /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(edit_ClassicEdit, { ...props }) })] }); } function edit_ClassicEdit({ clientId, attributes: { content }, setAttributes, onReplace }) { const { getMultiSelectedBlockClientIds } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(; const didMount = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useRef)(false); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { if (!didMount.current) { return; } const editor = window.tinymce.get(`editor-${clientId}`); if (!editor) { return; } const currentContent = editor.getContent(); if (currentContent !== content) { editor.setContent(content || ''); } }, [clientId, content]); (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => { const { baseURL, suffix } = window.wpEditorL10n.tinymce; didMount.current = true; window.tinymce.EditorManager.overrideDefaults({ base_url: baseURL, suffix }); function onSetup(editor) { let bookmark; if (content) { editor.on('loadContent', () => editor.setContent(content)); } editor.on('blur', () => { bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true); // There is an issue with Chrome and the editor.focus call in core at // This causes a scroll to the top of editor content on return from some content updating dialogs so tracking // scroll position until this is fixed in core. const scrollContainer = document.querySelector('.interface-interface-skeleton__content'); const scrollPosition = scrollContainer.scrollTop; // Only update attributes if we aren't multi-selecting blocks. // Updating during multi-selection can overwrite attributes of other blocks. if (!getMultiSelectedBlockClientIds()?.length) { setAttributes({ content: editor.getContent() }); } editor.once('focus', () => { if (bookmark) { editor.selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark); if (scrollContainer.scrollTop !== scrollPosition) { scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollPosition; } } }); return false; }); editor.on('mousedown touchstart', () => { bookmark = null; }); const debouncedOnChange = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.debounce)(() => { const value = editor.getContent(); if (value !== editor._lastChange) { editor._lastChange = value; setAttributes({ content: value }); } }, 250); editor.on('Paste Change input Undo Redo', debouncedOnChange); // We need to cancel the debounce call because when we remove // the editor (onUnmount) this callback is executed in // another tick. This results in setting the content to empty. editor.on('remove', debouncedOnChange.cancel); editor.on('keydown', event => { if (external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.isKeyboardEvent.primary(event, 'z')) { // Prevent the gutenberg undo kicking in so TinyMCE undo stack works as expected. event.stopPropagation(); } if ((event.keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.BACKSPACE || event.keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.DELETE) && isTmceEmpty(editor)) { // Delete the block. onReplace([]); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } const { altKey } = event; /* * Prevent Mousetrap from kicking in: TinyMCE already uses its own * `alt+f10` shortcut to focus its toolbar. */ if (altKey && event.keyCode === external_wp_keycodes_namespaceObject.F10) { event.stopPropagation(); } }); editor.on('init', () => { const rootNode = editor.getBody(); // Create the toolbar by refocussing the editor. if (rootNode.ownerDocument.activeElement === rootNode) { rootNode.blur(); editor.focus(); } }); } function initialize() { const { settings } = window.wpEditorL10n.tinymce; wp.oldEditor.initialize(`editor-${clientId}`, { tinymce: { ...settings, inline: true, content_css: false, fixed_toolbar_container: `#toolbar-${clientId}`, setup: onSetup } }); } function onReadyStateChange() { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { initialize(); } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { initialize(); } else { document.addEventListener('readystatechange', onReadyStateChange); } return () => { document.removeEventListener('readystatechange', onReadyStateChange); wp.oldEditor.remove(`editor-${clientId}`); didMount.current = false; }; }, []); function focus() { const editor = window.tinymce.get(`editor-${clientId}`); if (editor) { editor.focus(); } } function onToolbarKeyDown(event) { // Prevent WritingFlow from kicking in and allow arrows navigation on the toolbar. event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent Mousetrap from moving focus to the top toolbar when pressing `alt+f10` on this block toolbar. event.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(); } // Disable reasons: // // jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions // - the toolbar itself is non-interactive, but must capture events // from the KeyboardShortcuts component to stop their propagation. /* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { id: `toolbar-${clientId}`, className: "block-library-classic__toolbar", onClick: focus, "data-placeholder": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Classic'), onKeyDown: onToolbarKeyDown }, "toolbar"), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { id: `editor-${clientId}`, className: "wp-block-freeform block-library-rich-text__tinymce" }, "editor")] }); /* eslint-enable jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */ } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/freeform/save.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function freeform_save_save({ attributes }) { const { content } = attributes; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_element_namespaceObject.RawHTML, { children: content }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/freeform/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const freeform_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/freeform", title: "Classic", category: "text", description: "Use the classic WordPress editor.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { content: { type: "string", source: "raw" } }, supports: { className: false, customClassName: false, reusable: false }, editorStyle: "wp-block-freeform-editor" }; const { name: freeform_name } = freeform_metadata; const freeform_settings = { icon: library_classic, edit: FreeformEdit, save: freeform_save_save }; const freeform_init = () => initBlock({ name: freeform_name, metadata: freeform_metadata, settings: freeform_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/code.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const code = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M20.8 10.7l-4.3-4.3-1.1 1.1 4.3 4.3c. 0 .4l-4.3 4.3 1.1 1.1 4.3-4.3c.7-.8.7-1.9 0-2.6zM4.2 11.8l4.3-4.3-1-1-4.3 4.3c-.7.7-.7 1.8 0 2.5l4.3 4.3 1.1-1.1-4.3-4.3c-.2-.1-.2-.3-.1-.4z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_code = (code); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/code/edit.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function CodeEdit({ attributes, setAttributes, onRemove, insertBlocksAfter, mergeBlocks }) { const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("pre", { ...blockProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText, { tagName: "code", identifier: "content", value: attributes.content, onChange: content => setAttributes({ content }), onRemove: onRemove, onMerge: mergeBlocks, placeholder: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Write code…'), "aria-label": (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Code'), preserveWhiteSpace: true, __unstablePastePlainText: true, __unstableOnSplitAtDoubleLineEnd: () => insertBlocksAfter((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)((0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.getDefaultBlockName)())) }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/code/utils.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Escapes ampersands, shortcodes, and links. * * @param {string} content The content of a code block. * @return {string} The given content with some characters escaped. */ function utils_escape(content) { return (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.pipe)(escapeOpeningSquareBrackets, escapeProtocolInIsolatedUrls)(content || ''); } /** * Returns the given content with all opening shortcode characters converted * into their HTML entity counterpart (i.e. [ => [). For instance, a * shortcode like [embed] becomes [embed] * * This function replicates the escaping of HTML tags, where a tag like * becomes <strong>. * * @param {string} content The content of a code block. * @return {string} The given content with its opening shortcode characters * converted into their HTML entity counterpart * (i.e. [ => [) */ function escapeOpeningSquareBrackets(content) { return content.replace(/\[/g, '['); } /** * Converts the first two forward slashes of any isolated URL into their HTML * counterparts (i.e. // => //). For instance, * becomes * * An isolated URL is a URL that sits in its own line, surrounded only by spacing * characters. * * See * * @param {string} content The content of a code block. * @return {string} The given content with its ampersands converted into * their HTML entity counterpart (i.e. & => &) */ function escapeProtocolInIsolatedUrls(content) { return content.replace(/^(\s*https?:)\/\/([^\s<>"]+\s*)$/m, '$1//$2'); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/code/save.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ function code_save_save({ attributes }) { return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("pre", {, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.RichText.Content, { tagName: "code" // To do: `escape` encodes characters in shortcodes and URLs to // prevent embedding in PHP. Ideally checks for the code block, // or pre/code tags, should be made on the PHP side? , value: utils_escape(typeof attributes.content === 'string' ? attributes.content : attributes.content.toHTMLString({ preserveWhiteSpace: true })) }) }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/code/transforms.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const code_transforms_transforms = { from: [{ type: 'enter', regExp: /^```$/, transform: () => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/code') }, { type: 'block', blocks: ['core/paragraph'], transform: ({ content, metadata }) => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/code', { content, metadata: getTransformedMetadata(metadata, 'core/code') }) }, { type: 'block', blocks: ['core/html'], transform: ({ content: text, metadata }) => { return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/code', { // The HTML is plain text (with plain line breaks), so // convert it to rich text. content: (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.toHTMLString)({ value: (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.create)({ text }) }), metadata: getTransformedMetadata(metadata, 'core/code') }); } }, { type: 'raw', isMatch: node => node.nodeName === 'PRE' && node.children.length === 1 && node.firstChild.nodeName === 'CODE', schema: { pre: { children: { code: { children: { '#text': {} } } } } } }], to: [{ type: 'block', blocks: ['core/paragraph'], transform: ({ content, metadata }) => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/paragraph', { content, metadata: getTransformedMetadata(metadata, 'core/paragraph') }) }] }; /* harmony default export */ const code_transforms = (code_transforms_transforms); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/code/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const code_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/code", title: "Code", category: "text", description: "Display code snippets that respect your spacing and tabs.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { content: { type: "rich-text", source: "rich-text", selector: "code", __unstablePreserveWhiteSpace: true } }, supports: { align: ["wide"], anchor: true, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalTextDecoration: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, spacing: { margin: ["top", "bottom"], padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { margin: false, padding: false } }, __experimentalBorder: { radius: true, color: true, width: true, style: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { width: true, color: true } }, color: { text: true, background: true, gradients: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { background: true, text: true } }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } }, style: "wp-block-code" }; const { name: code_name } = code_metadata; const code_settings = { icon: library_code, example: { attributes: { /* eslint-disable @wordpress/i18n-no-collapsible-whitespace */ // translators: Preserve \n markers for line breaks content: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('// A “block” is the abstract term used\n// to describe units of markup that\n// when composed together, form the\n// content or layout of a page.\nregisterBlockType( name, settings );') /* eslint-enable @wordpress/i18n-no-collapsible-whitespace */ } }, merge(attributes, attributesToMerge) { return { content: attributes.content + '\n\n' + attributesToMerge.content }; }, transforms: code_transforms, edit: CodeEdit, save: code_save_save }; const code_init = () => initBlock({ name: code_name, metadata: code_metadata, settings: code_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/column.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const column = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M19 6H6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v9c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h13c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V8c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zM6 17.5c-.3 0-.5-.2-.5-.5V8c0-.3.2-.5.5-.5h3v10H6zm13.5-.5c0 .3-.2.5-.5.5h-3v-10h3c.3 0 ." }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_column = (column); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/column/deprecated.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ const column_deprecated_deprecated = [{ attributes: { verticalAlignment: { type: 'string' }, width: { type: 'number', min: 0, max: 100 } }, isEligible({ width }) { return isFinite(width); }, migrate(attributes) { return { ...attributes, width: `${attributes.width}%` }; }, save({ attributes }) { const { verticalAlignment, width } = attributes; const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx({ [`is-vertically-aligned-${verticalAlignment}`]: verticalAlignment }); const style = { flexBasis: width + '%' }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: wrapperClasses, style: style, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.Content, {}) }); } }]; /* harmony default export */ const column_deprecated = (column_deprecated_deprecated); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/column/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function ColumnInspectorControls({ width, setAttributes }) { const [availableUnits] = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useSettings)('spacing.units'); const units = (0,external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalUseCustomUnits)({ availableUnits: availableUnits || ['%', 'px', 'em', 'rem', 'vw'] }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.__experimentalUnitControl, { label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Width'), labelPosition: "edge", __unstableInputWidth: "80px", value: width || '', onChange: nextWidth => { nextWidth = 0 > parseFloat(nextWidth) ? '0' : nextWidth; setAttributes({ width: nextWidth }); }, units: units }) }); } function ColumnEdit({ attributes: { verticalAlignment, width, templateLock, allowedBlocks }, setAttributes, clientId }) { const classes = dist_clsx('block-core-columns', { [`is-vertically-aligned-${verticalAlignment}`]: verticalAlignment }); const { columnsIds, hasChildBlocks, rootClientId } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getBlockOrder, getBlockRootClientId } = select(; const rootId = getBlockRootClientId(clientId); return { hasChildBlocks: getBlockOrder(clientId).length > 0, rootClientId: rootId, columnsIds: getBlockOrder(rootId) }; }, [clientId]); const { updateBlockAttributes } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const updateAlignment = value => { // Update own alignment. setAttributes({ verticalAlignment: value }); // Reset parent Columns block. updateBlockAttributes(rootClientId, { verticalAlignment: null }); }; const widthWithUnit = Number.isFinite(width) ? width + '%' : width; const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)({ className: classes, style: widthWithUnit ? { flexBasis: widthWithUnit } : undefined }); const columnsCount = columnsIds.length; const currentColumnPosition = columnsIds.indexOf(clientId) + 1; const label = (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.sprintf)( /* translators: 1: Block label (i.e. "Block: Column"), 2: Position of the selected block, 3: Total number of sibling blocks of the same type */ (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('%1$s (%2$d of %3$d)'), blockProps['aria-label'], currentColumnPosition, columnsCount); const innerBlocksProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useInnerBlocksProps)({ ...blockProps, 'aria-label': label }, { templateLock, allowedBlocks, renderAppender: hasChildBlocks ? undefined : external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.ButtonBlockAppender }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockVerticalAlignmentToolbar, { onChange: updateAlignment, value: verticalAlignment, controls: ['top', 'center', 'bottom', 'stretch'] }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(ColumnInspectorControls, { width: width, setAttributes: setAttributes }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...innerBlocksProps })] }); } /* harmony default export */ const column_edit = (ColumnEdit); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/column/save.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function column_save_save({ attributes }) { const { verticalAlignment, width } = attributes; const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx({ [`is-vertically-aligned-${verticalAlignment}`]: verticalAlignment }); let style; if (width && /\d/.test(width)) { // Numbers are handled for backward compatibility as they can be still provided with templates. let flexBasis = Number.isFinite(width) ? width + '%' : width; // In some cases we need to round the width to a shorter float. if (!Number.isFinite(width) && width?.endsWith('%')) { const multiplier = 1000000000000; // Shrink the number back to a reasonable float. flexBasis = Math.round(Number.parseFloat(width) * multiplier) / multiplier + '%'; } style = { flexBasis }; } const blockProps ={ className: wrapperClasses, style }); const innerBlocksProps =; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...innerBlocksProps }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/column/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const column_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/column", title: "Column", category: "design", parent: ["core/columns"], description: "A single column within a columns block.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { verticalAlignment: { type: "string" }, width: { type: "string" }, allowedBlocks: { type: "array" }, templateLock: { type: ["string", "boolean"], "enum": ["all", "insert", "contentOnly", false] } }, supports: { __experimentalOnEnter: true, anchor: true, reusable: false, html: false, color: { gradients: true, heading: true, button: true, link: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { background: true, text: true } }, shadow: true, spacing: { blockGap: true, padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { padding: true, blockGap: true } }, __experimentalBorder: { color: true, style: true, width: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { color: true, style: true, width: true } }, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalTextDecoration: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, layout: true, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true } } }; const { name: column_name } = column_metadata; const column_settings = { icon: library_column, edit: column_edit, save: column_save_save, deprecated: column_deprecated }; const column_init = () => initBlock({ name: column_name, metadata: column_metadata, settings: column_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/columns.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const columns = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", xmlns: "", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M15 7.5h-5v10h5v-10Zm1.5 0v10H19a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5V8a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-2.5ZM6 7.5h2.5v10H6a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V8a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5ZM6 6h13a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2Z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const library_columns = (columns); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/columns/deprecated.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Given an HTML string for a deprecated columns inner block, returns the * column index to which the migrated inner block should be assigned. Returns * undefined if the inner block was not assigned to a column. * * @param {string} originalContent Deprecated Columns inner block HTML. * * @return {number | undefined} Column to which inner block is to be assigned. */ function getDeprecatedLayoutColumn(originalContent) { let { doc } = getDeprecatedLayoutColumn; if (!doc) { doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); getDeprecatedLayoutColumn.doc = doc; } let columnMatch; doc.body.innerHTML = originalContent; for (const classListItem of doc.body.firstChild.classList) { if (columnMatch = classListItem.match(/^layout-column-(\d+)$/)) { return Number(columnMatch[1]) - 1; } } } const migrateCustomColors = attributes => { if (!attributes.customTextColor && !attributes.customBackgroundColor) { return attributes; } const style = { color: {} }; if (attributes.customTextColor) { style.color.text = attributes.customTextColor; } if (attributes.customBackgroundColor) { style.color.background = attributes.customBackgroundColor; } const { customTextColor, customBackgroundColor, ...restAttributes } = attributes; return { ...restAttributes, style, isStackedOnMobile: true }; }; /* harmony default export */ const columns_deprecated = ([{ attributes: { verticalAlignment: { type: 'string' }, backgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, customBackgroundColor: { type: 'string' }, customTextColor: { type: 'string' }, textColor: { type: 'string' } }, migrate: migrateCustomColors, save({ attributes }) { const { verticalAlignment, backgroundColor, customBackgroundColor, textColor, customTextColor } = attributes; const backgroundClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('background-color', backgroundColor); const textClass = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.getColorClassName)('color', textColor); const className = dist_clsx({ 'has-background': backgroundColor || customBackgroundColor, 'has-text-color': textColor || customTextColor, [backgroundClass]: backgroundClass, [textClass]: textClass, [`are-vertically-aligned-${verticalAlignment}`]: verticalAlignment }); const style = { backgroundColor: backgroundClass ? undefined : customBackgroundColor, color: textClass ? undefined : customTextColor }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: className ? className : undefined, style: style, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.Content, {}) }); } }, { attributes: { columns: { type: 'number', default: 2 } }, isEligible(attributes, innerBlocks) { // Since isEligible is called on every valid instance of the // Columns block and a deprecation is the unlikely case due to // its subsequent migration, optimize for the `false` condition // by performing a naive, inaccurate pass at inner blocks. const isFastPassEligible = innerBlocks.some(innerBlock => /layout-column-\d+/.test(innerBlock.originalContent)); if (!isFastPassEligible) { return false; } // Only if the fast pass is considered eligible is the more // accurate, durable, slower condition performed. return innerBlocks.some(innerBlock => getDeprecatedLayoutColumn(innerBlock.originalContent) !== undefined); }, migrate(attributes, innerBlocks) { const columns = innerBlocks.reduce((accumulator, innerBlock) => { const { originalContent } = innerBlock; let columnIndex = getDeprecatedLayoutColumn(originalContent); if (columnIndex === undefined) { columnIndex = 0; } if (!accumulator[columnIndex]) { accumulator[columnIndex] = []; } accumulator[columnIndex].push(innerBlock); return accumulator; }, []); const migratedInnerBlocks = => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/column', {}, columnBlocks)); const { columns: ignoredColumns, ...restAttributes } = attributes; return [{ ...restAttributes, isStackedOnMobile: true }, migratedInnerBlocks]; }, save({ attributes }) { const { columns } = attributes; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: `has-${columns}-columns`, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.Content, {}) }); } }, { attributes: { columns: { type: 'number', default: 2 } }, migrate(attributes, innerBlocks) { const { columns, ...restAttributes } = attributes; attributes = { ...restAttributes, isStackedOnMobile: true }; return [attributes, innerBlocks]; }, save({ attributes }) { const { verticalAlignment, columns } = attributes; const wrapperClasses = dist_clsx(`has-${columns}-columns`, { [`are-vertically-aligned-${verticalAlignment}`]: verticalAlignment }); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { className: wrapperClasses, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.Content, {}) }); } }]); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/columns/utils.js /** * Returns a column width attribute value rounded to standard precision. * Returns `undefined` if the value is not a valid finite number. * * @param {?number} value Raw value. * * @return {number} Value rounded to standard precision. */ const toWidthPrecision = value => { const unitlessValue = parseFloat(value); return Number.isFinite(unitlessValue) ? parseFloat(unitlessValue.toFixed(2)) : undefined; }; /** * Returns an effective width for a given block. An effective width is equal to * its attribute value if set, or a computed value assuming equal distribution. * * @param {WPBlock} block Block object. * @param {number} totalBlockCount Total number of blocks in Columns. * * @return {number} Effective column width. */ function getEffectiveColumnWidth(block, totalBlockCount) { const { width = 100 / totalBlockCount } = block.attributes; return toWidthPrecision(width); } /** * Returns the total width occupied by the given set of column blocks. * * @param {WPBlock[]} blocks Block objects. * @param {?number} totalBlockCount Total number of blocks in Columns. * Defaults to number of blocks passed. * * @return {number} Total width occupied by blocks. */ function getTotalColumnsWidth(blocks, totalBlockCount = blocks.length) { return blocks.reduce((sum, block) => sum + getEffectiveColumnWidth(block, totalBlockCount), 0); } /** * Returns an object of `clientId` → `width` of effective column widths. * * @param {WPBlock[]} blocks Block objects. * @param {?number} totalBlockCount Total number of blocks in Columns. * Defaults to number of blocks passed. * * @return {Object} Column widths. */ function getColumnWidths(blocks, totalBlockCount = blocks.length) { return blocks.reduce((accumulator, block) => { const width = getEffectiveColumnWidth(block, totalBlockCount); return Object.assign(accumulator, { [block.clientId]: width }); }, {}); } /** * Returns an object of `clientId` → `width` of column widths as redistributed * proportional to their current widths, constrained or expanded to fit within * the given available width. * * @param {WPBlock[]} blocks Block objects. * @param {number} availableWidth Maximum width to fit within. * @param {?number} totalBlockCount Total number of blocks in Columns. * Defaults to number of blocks passed. * * @return {Object} Redistributed column widths. */ function getRedistributedColumnWidths(blocks, availableWidth, totalBlockCount = blocks.length) { const totalWidth = getTotalColumnsWidth(blocks, totalBlockCount); return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(getColumnWidths(blocks, totalBlockCount)).map(([clientId, width]) => { const newWidth = availableWidth * width / totalWidth; return [clientId, toWidthPrecision(newWidth)]; })); } /** * Returns true if column blocks within the provided set are assigned with * explicit widths, or false otherwise. * * @param {WPBlock[]} blocks Block objects. * * @return {boolean} Whether columns have explicit widths. */ function hasExplicitPercentColumnWidths(blocks) { return blocks.every(block => { const blockWidth = block.attributes.width; return Number.isFinite(blockWidth?.endsWith?.('%') ? parseFloat(blockWidth) : blockWidth); }); } /** * Returns a copy of the given set of blocks with new widths assigned from the * provided object of redistributed column widths. * * @param {WPBlock[]} blocks Block objects. * @param {Object} widths Redistributed column widths. * * @return {WPBlock[]} blocks Mapped block objects. */ function getMappedColumnWidths(blocks, widths) { return => ({ ...block, attributes: { ...block.attributes, width: `${widths[block.clientId]}%` } })); } /** * Returns an array with columns widths values, parsed or no depends on `withParsing` flag. * * @param {WPBlock[]} blocks Block objects. * @param {?boolean} withParsing Whether value has to be parsed. * * @return {Array} Column widths. */ function getWidths(blocks, withParsing = true) { return => { const innerColumnWidth = innerColumn.attributes.width || 100 / blocks.length; return withParsing ? parseFloat(innerColumnWidth) : innerColumnWidth; }); } /** * Returns a column width with unit. * * @param {string} width Column width. * @param {string} unit Column width unit. * * @return {string} Column width with unit. */ function getWidthWithUnit(width, unit) { width = 0 > parseFloat(width) ? '0' : width; if (isPercentageUnit(unit)) { width = Math.min(width, 100); } return `${width}${unit}`; } /** * Returns a boolean whether passed unit is percentage * * @param {string} unit Column width unit. * * @return {boolean} Whether unit is '%'. */ function isPercentageUnit(unit) { return unit === '%'; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/columns/edit.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const edit_DEFAULT_BLOCK = { name: 'core/column' }; function edit_ColumnInspectorControls({ clientId, setAttributes, isStackedOnMobile }) { const { count, canInsertColumnBlock, minCount } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { canInsertBlockType, canRemoveBlock, getBlocks, getBlockCount } = select(; const innerBlocks = getBlocks(clientId); // Get the indexes of columns for which removal is prevented. // The highest index will be used to determine the minimum column count. const preventRemovalBlockIndexes = innerBlocks.reduce((acc, block, index) => { if (!canRemoveBlock(block.clientId)) { acc.push(index); } return acc; }, []); return { count: getBlockCount(clientId), canInsertColumnBlock: canInsertBlockType('core/column', clientId), minCount: Math.max(...preventRemovalBlockIndexes) + 1 }; }, [clientId]); const { getBlocks } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(; const { replaceInnerBlocks } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; /** * Updates the column count, including necessary revisions to child Column * blocks to grant required or redistribute available space. * * @param {number} previousColumns Previous column count. * @param {number} newColumns New column count. */ function updateColumns(previousColumns, newColumns) { let innerBlocks = getBlocks(clientId); const hasExplicitWidths = hasExplicitPercentColumnWidths(innerBlocks); // Redistribute available width for existing inner blocks. const isAddingColumn = newColumns > previousColumns; if (isAddingColumn && hasExplicitWidths) { // If adding a new column, assign width to the new column equal to // as if it were `1 / columns` of the total available space. const newColumnWidth = toWidthPrecision(100 / newColumns); const newlyAddedColumns = newColumns - previousColumns; // Redistribute in consideration of pending block insertion as // constraining the available working width. const widths = getRedistributedColumnWidths(innerBlocks, 100 - newColumnWidth * newlyAddedColumns); innerBlocks = [...getMappedColumnWidths(innerBlocks, widths), ...Array.from({ length: newlyAddedColumns }).map(() => { return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/column', { width: `${newColumnWidth}%` }); })]; } else if (isAddingColumn) { innerBlocks = [...innerBlocks, ...Array.from({ length: newColumns - previousColumns }).map(() => { return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/column'); })]; } else if (newColumns < previousColumns) { // The removed column will be the last of the inner blocks. innerBlocks = innerBlocks.slice(0, -(previousColumns - newColumns)); if (hasExplicitWidths) { // Redistribute as if block is already removed. const widths = getRedistributedColumnWidths(innerBlocks, 100); innerBlocks = getMappedColumnWidths(innerBlocks, widths); } } replaceInnerBlocks(clientId, innerBlocks); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.PanelBody, { title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Settings'), children: [canInsertColumnBlock && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.RangeControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, __next40pxDefaultSize: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Columns'), value: count, onChange: value => updateColumns(count, Math.max(minCount, value)), min: Math.max(1, minCount), max: Math.max(6, count) }), count > 6 && /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Notice, { status: "warning", isDismissible: false, children: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('This column count exceeds the recommended amount and may cause visual breakage.') })] }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.ToggleControl, { __nextHasNoMarginBottom: true, label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Stack on mobile'), checked: isStackedOnMobile, onChange: () => setAttributes({ isStackedOnMobile: !isStackedOnMobile }) })] }); } function ColumnsEditContainer({ attributes, setAttributes, clientId }) { const { isStackedOnMobile, verticalAlignment, templateLock } = attributes; const registry = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useRegistry)(); const { getBlockOrder } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(; const { updateBlockAttributes } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const classes = dist_clsx({ [`are-vertically-aligned-${verticalAlignment}`]: verticalAlignment, [`is-not-stacked-on-mobile`]: !isStackedOnMobile }); const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)({ className: classes }); const innerBlocksProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useInnerBlocksProps)(blockProps, { defaultBlock: edit_DEFAULT_BLOCK, directInsert: true, orientation: 'horizontal', renderAppender: false, templateLock }); /** * Update all child Column blocks with a new vertical alignment setting * based on whatever alignment is passed in. This allows change to parent * to overide anything set on a individual column basis. * * @param {string} newVerticalAlignment The vertical alignment setting. */ function updateAlignment(newVerticalAlignment) { const innerBlockClientIds = getBlockOrder(clientId); // Update own and child Column block vertical alignments. // This is a single action; the batching prevents creating multiple history records. registry.batch(() => { setAttributes({ verticalAlignment: newVerticalAlignment }); updateBlockAttributes(innerBlockClientIds, { verticalAlignment: newVerticalAlignment }); }); } return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsxs)(external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.BlockVerticalAlignmentToolbar, { onChange: updateAlignment, value: verticalAlignment }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InspectorControls, { children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(edit_ColumnInspectorControls, { clientId: clientId, setAttributes: setAttributes, isStackedOnMobile: isStackedOnMobile }) }), /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...innerBlocksProps })] }); } function Placeholder({ clientId, name, setAttributes }) { const { blockType, defaultVariation, variations } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => { const { getBlockVariations, getBlockType, getDefaultBlockVariation } = select(; return { blockType: getBlockType(name), defaultVariation: getDefaultBlockVariation(name, 'block'), variations: getBlockVariations(name, 'block') }; }, [name]); const { replaceInnerBlocks } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(; const blockProps = (0,external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.useBlockProps)(); return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...blockProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.__experimentalBlockVariationPicker, { icon: blockType?.icon?.src, label: blockType?.title, variations: variations, instructions: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Divide into columns. Select a layout:'), onSelect: (nextVariation = defaultVariation) => { if (nextVariation.attributes) { setAttributes(nextVariation.attributes); } if (nextVariation.innerBlocks) { replaceInnerBlocks(clientId, (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate)(nextVariation.innerBlocks), true); } }, allowSkip: true }) }); } const ColumnsEdit = props => { const { clientId } = props; const hasInnerBlocks = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select( > 0, [clientId]); const Component = hasInnerBlocks ? ColumnsEditContainer : Placeholder; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Component, { ...props }); }; /* harmony default export */ const columns_edit = (ColumnsEdit); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/columns/save.js /** * External dependencies */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ function columns_save_save({ attributes }) { const { isStackedOnMobile, verticalAlignment } = attributes; const className = dist_clsx({ [`are-vertically-aligned-${verticalAlignment}`]: verticalAlignment, [`is-not-stacked-on-mobile`]: !isStackedOnMobile }); const blockProps ={ className }); const innerBlocksProps =; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)("div", { ...innerBlocksProps }); } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/columns/variations.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/blocks').WPBlockVariation} WPBlockVariation */ /** * Template option choices for predefined columns layouts. * * @type {WPBlockVariation[]} */ const variations = [{ name: 'one-column-full', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('100'), description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('One column'), icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", width: "48", height: "48", viewBox: "0 0 48 48", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M0 10a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h44a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Z" }) }), innerBlocks: [['core/column']], scope: ['block'] }, { name: 'two-columns-equal', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('50 / 50'), description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Two columns; equal split'), icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", width: "48", height: "48", viewBox: "0 0 48 48", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M0 10a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h19a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Zm25 0a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h19a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H27a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Z" }) }), isDefault: true, innerBlocks: [['core/column'], ['core/column']], scope: ['block'] }, { name: 'two-columns-one-third-two-thirds', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('33 / 66'), description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Two columns; one-third, two-thirds split'), icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", width: "48", height: "48", viewBox: "0 0 48 48", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M0 10a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Zm17 0a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h27a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H19a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Z" }) }), innerBlocks: [['core/column', { width: '33.33%' }], ['core/column', { width: '66.66%' }]], scope: ['block'] }, { name: 'two-columns-two-thirds-one-third', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('66 / 33'), description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Two columns; two-thirds, one-third split'), icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", width: "48", height: "48", viewBox: "0 0 48 48", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M0 10a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h27a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Zm33 0a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H35a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Z" }) }), innerBlocks: [['core/column', { width: '66.66%' }], ['core/column', { width: '33.33%' }]], scope: ['block'] }, { name: 'three-columns-equal', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('33 / 33 / 33'), description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Three columns; equal split'), icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", width: "48", height: "48", viewBox: "0 0 48 48", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M0 10a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10.531c1.105 0 1.969.895 1.969 2v28c0 1.105-.864 2-1.969 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Zm16.5 0c0-1.105.864-2 1.969-2H29.53c1.105 0 1.969.895 1.969 2v28c0 1.105-.864 2-1.969 2H18.47c-1.105 0-1.969-.895-1.969-2V10Zm17 0c0-1.105.864-2 1.969-2H46a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H35.469c-1.105 0-1.969-.895-1.969-2V10Z" }) }), innerBlocks: [['core/column'], ['core/column'], ['core/column']], scope: ['block'] }, { name: 'three-columns-wider-center', title: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('25 / 50 / 25'), description: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Three columns; wide center column'), icon: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", width: "48", height: "48", viewBox: "0 0 48 48", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_components_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M0 10a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7.531c1.105 0 1.969.895 1.969 2v28c0 1.105-.864 2-1.969 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10Zm13.5 0c0-1.105.864-2 1.969-2H32.53c1.105 0 1.969.895 1.969 2v28c0 1.105-.864 2-1.969 2H15.47c-1.105 0-1.969-.895-1.969-2V10Zm23 0c0-1.105.864-2 1.969-2H46a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v28a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-7.531c-1.105 0-1.969-.895-1.969-2V10Z" }) }), innerBlocks: [['core/column', { width: '25%' }], ['core/column', { width: '50%' }], ['core/column', { width: '25%' }]], scope: ['block'] }]; /* harmony default export */ const columns_variations = (variations); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/columns/transforms.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const MAXIMUM_SELECTED_BLOCKS = 6; const columns_transforms_transforms = { from: [{ type: 'block', isMultiBlock: true, blocks: ['*'], __experimentalConvert: blocks => { const columnWidth = +(100 / blocks.length).toFixed(2); const innerBlocksTemplate ={ name, attributes, innerBlocks }) => ['core/column', { width: `${columnWidth}%` }, [[name, { ...attributes }, innerBlocks]]]); return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/columns', {}, (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate)(innerBlocksTemplate)); }, isMatch: ({ length: selectedBlocksLength }, blocks) => { // If a user is trying to transform a single Columns block, skip // the transformation. Enabling this functiontionality creates // nested Columns blocks resulting in an unintuitive user experience. // Multiple Columns blocks can still be transformed. if (blocks.length === 1 && blocks[0].name === 'core/columns') { return false; } return selectedBlocksLength && selectedBlocksLength <= MAXIMUM_SELECTED_BLOCKS; } }, { type: 'block', blocks: ['core/media-text'], priority: 1, transform: (attributes, innerBlocks) => { const { align, backgroundColor, textColor, style, mediaAlt: alt, mediaId: id, mediaPosition, mediaSizeSlug: sizeSlug, mediaType, mediaUrl: url, mediaWidth, verticalAlignment } = attributes; let media; if (mediaType === 'image' || !mediaType) { const imageAttrs = { id, alt, url, sizeSlug }; const linkAttrs = { href: attributes.href, linkClass: attributes.linkClass, linkDestination: attributes.linkDestination, linkTarget: attributes.linkTarget, rel: attributes.rel }; media = ['core/image', { ...imageAttrs, ...linkAttrs }]; } else { media = ['core/video', { id, src: url }]; } const innerBlocksTemplate = [['core/column', { width: `${mediaWidth}%` }, [media]], ['core/column', { width: `${100 - mediaWidth}%` }, innerBlocks]]; if (mediaPosition === 'right') { innerBlocksTemplate.reverse(); } return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlock)('core/columns', { align, backgroundColor, textColor, style, verticalAlignment }, (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate)(innerBlocksTemplate)); } }], ungroup: (attributes, innerBlocks) => innerBlocks.flatMap(innerBlock => innerBlock.innerBlocks) }; /* harmony default export */ const columns_transforms = (columns_transforms_transforms); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/columns/index.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const columns_metadata = { $schema: "", apiVersion: 3, name: "core/columns", title: "Columns", category: "design", allowedBlocks: ["core/column"], description: "Display content in multiple columns, with blocks added to each column.", textdomain: "default", attributes: { verticalAlignment: { type: "string" }, isStackedOnMobile: { type: "boolean", "default": true }, templateLock: { type: ["string", "boolean"], "enum": ["all", "insert", "contentOnly", false] } }, supports: { anchor: true, align: ["wide", "full"], html: false, color: { gradients: true, link: true, heading: true, button: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { background: true, text: true } }, spacing: { blockGap: { __experimentalDefault: "2em", sides: ["horizontal", "vertical"] }, margin: ["top", "bottom"], padding: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { padding: true, blockGap: true } }, layout: { allowSwitching: false, allowInheriting: false, allowEditing: false, "default": { type: "flex", flexWrap: "nowrap" } }, __experimentalBorder: { color: true, radius: true, style: true, width: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { color: true, radius: true, style: true, width: true } }, typography: { fontSize: true, lineHeight: true, __experimentalFontFamily: true, __experimentalFontWeight: true, __experimentalFontStyle: true, __experimentalTextTransform: true, __experimentalTextDecoration: true, __experimentalLetterSpacing: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { fontSize: true } }, interactivity: { clientNavigation: true }, shadow: true }, editorStyle: "wp-block-columns-editor", style: "wp-block-columns" }; const { name: columns_name } = columns_metadata; const columns_settings = { icon: library_columns, variations: columns_variations, example: { viewportWidth: 600, // Columns collapse "@media (max-width: 599px)". innerBlocks: [{ name: 'core/column', innerBlocks: [{ name: 'core/paragraph', attributes: { /* translators: example text. */ content: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent et eros eu felis.') } }, { name: 'core/image', attributes: { url: '' } }, { name: 'core/paragraph', attributes: { /* translators: example text. */ content: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Suspendisse commodo neque lacus, a dictum orci interdum et.') } }] }, { name: 'core/column', innerBlocks: [{ name: 'core/paragraph', attributes: { /* translators: example text. */ content: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Etiam et egestas lorem. Vivamus sagittis sit amet dolor quis lobortis. Integer sed fermentum arcu, id vulputate lacus. Etiam fermentum sem eu quam hendrerit.') } }, { name: 'core/paragraph', attributes: { /* translators: example text. */ content: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Nam risus massa, ullamcorper consectetur eros fermentum, porta aliquet ligula. Sed vel mauris nec enim.') } }] }] }, deprecated: columns_deprecated, edit: columns_edit, save: columns_save_save, transforms: columns_transforms }; const columns_init = () => initBlock({ name: columns_name, metadata: columns_metadata, settings: columns_settings }); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/icons/build-module/library/post-comments.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ const postComments = /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.SVG, { xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_primitives_namespaceObject.Path, { d: "M14 10.1V4c0-.6-.4-1-1-1H5c-.6 0-1 .4-1 1v8.3c0 . 0 .5-.1.6-.3l1.8-1.8H13c.6 0 1-.4 1-1zm-1.5-.5H6.7l-1.2 1.2V4.5h7v5.1zM19 12h-8c-.6 0-1 .4-1 1v6.1c0 .6.4 1 1 1h5.7l1.8 1.8c. 0 .2 0 .3-.1.4-.1.6-.5.6-.8V13c0-.6-.4-1-1-1zm-.5 7.8l-1.2-1.2h-5.8v-5.1h7v6.3z" }) }); /* harmony default export */ const post_comments = (postComments); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/comments/deprecated.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ // v1: Deprecate the initial version of the block which was called "Comments // Query Loop" instead of "Comments". const v1 = { attributes: { tagName: { type: 'string', default: 'div' } }, apiVersion: 3, supports: { align: ['wide', 'full'], html: false, color: { gradients: true, link: true, __experimentalDefaultControls: { background: true, text: true, link: true } } }, save({ attributes: { tagName: Tag } }) { const blockProps =; const { className } = blockProps; const classes = className?.split(' ') || []; // The ID of the previous version of the block // didn't have the `wp-block-comments` class, // so we need to remove it here in order to mimic it. const newClasses = classes?.filter(cls => cls !== 'wp-block-comments'); const newBlockProps = { ...blockProps, className: newClasses.join(' ') }; return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(Tag, { ...newBlockProps, children: /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.InnerBlocks.Content, {}) }); } }; /* harmony default export */ const comments_deprecated = ([v1]); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/block-library/build-module/comments/edit/comments-inspector-controls.js /** * WordPress dependencies */ function CommentsInspectorControls({ attributes: { tagName }, setAttributes }) { const htmlElementMessages = { section: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)("The
    element should represent a standalone portion of the document that can't be better represented by another element."), aside: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)("The