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32/64 bit syscall mismatch in line %d, you should specify an archWARNING - 32/64 bit syscall mismatch, you should specify an archError sending add rule data request (%s)Error sending delete rule data request (%s)usage: auditctl [options] -a Append rule to end of ist with ction -A Add rule at beginning of ist with ction -b Set max number of outstanding audit buffers allowed Default=64 -c Continue through errors in rules -C f=f Compare collected fields if available: Field name, operator(=,!=), field name -d Delete rule from ist with ction l=task,exit,user,exclude,filesystem a=never,always -D Delete all rules and watches -e [0..2] Set enabled flag -f [0..2] Set failure flag 0=silent 1=printk 2=panic -F f=v Build rule: field name, operator(=,!=,<,>,<=, >=,&,&=) value -h Help -i Ignore errors when reading rules from file -k Set filter key on audit rule -l List rules -m text Send a user-space message -p [r|w|x|a] Set permissions filter on watch r=read, w=write, x=execute, a=attribute -q make subtree part of mount point's dir watches -r Set limit in messages/sec (0=none) -R read rules from file -s Report status -S syscall Build rule: syscall name or number --signal Send the specified signal to the daemon -t Trim directory watches -v Version -w Insert watch at -W Remove watch at --loginuid-immutable Make loginuids unchangeable once set --backlog_wait_time Set the kernel backlog_wait_time --reset-lost Reset the lost record counter --reset_backlog_wait_time_actual Reset the actual backlog wait time counterThe audit system is in immutable mode, no rule changes allowedThe path passed for the watch is too bigThe base name of the path is too bigWarning - relative path notation is not supportedWarning - wildcard notation is not supportedparameter passed without an option givenToo many options for status commandEnable must be 0, 1, or 2 was %sFailure must be 0, 1, or 2 was %sRate must be a numeric value was %sBacklog must be a numeric value was %sWrong number of options for list requestOnly -k or -i options are allowedSyscall auditing requested for task listMultiple rule insert/delete operations are not allowed Append rule - possible is deprecatedError: syscall auditing requested for task listMultiple rule insert/delete operations are not allowedDelete rule - possible is deprecatedError: syscall auditing being added to task listError: syscall auditing being added to user listError: syscall auditing being added to filesystem listError: syscall auditing cannot be put on exclude listList must be given before fieldThe -m option must be only the only option and takes 1 parameterIllegal character in audit eventError - nested rule files not supportedWrong number of options for Delete all requestwatch option can't be given with a syscallkey option needs a watch or syscall given prior to itpermission option needs a watch given prior to itpermission option needs a filterSyscall auditing requested for make equivalentError parsing equivalent partsError converting backlog_wait_timeBacklog_wait_time must be a numeric value was %sOption %s on line %d is invalidhicslDvtC:e:f:r:b:a:A:d:S:F:m:R:w:W:k:p:q:audit rules file %s doesn't existError - %s is not a regular fileThere was an error in line %d of %sYou must be root to run this program.There was an error while processing parametersreset_backlog_wait_time_actualH((Ⱦ0HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH0HpгH`HHHHHHHHHHHHHH0HHHHHHHHHxH H HH кp(H@ȱError receiving rules list (%s)Error deleting rule (%s)silentprintkpanicunknowndisableenabledenabled+immutableunlockedNo rules-a %s,%s -F arch%s0x%X -F arch%sb64 -F arch%sb32 -F arch%s%s -S -F %s%s%d -F %s%s%s -F %s%s%.*s-w %.*s -F path=%.*s -F dir=%.*s -F exe=%.*s -k %s -F key=%swa -p %s -F perm=%s -F %s%s%u -C uid%sobj_uid -C gid%sobj_gid -C euid%sobj_uid -C egid%sobj_gid -C auid%sobj_uid -C suid%sobj_uid -C sgid%sobj_gid -C fsuid%sobj_uid -C fsgid%sobj_gid -C uid%sauid -C uid%seuid -C uid%sfsuid -C uid%ssuid -C auid%sfsuid -C auid%ssuid -C auid%seuid -C euid%ssuid -C euid%sfsuid -C suid%sfsuid -C gid%segid -C gid%sfsgid -C gid%ssgid -C egid%sfsgid -C egid%ssgid -C sgid%sfsgid -F %s%s0x%X -F %s%s-%s -F %s%sunset f%d%s%dNLMSG_ERROR %d (%s) enabled %s failure %s enabled %u failure %u backlog_wait_time %u backlog_wait_time_actual %u loginuid_immutable %u %s Unknown: type=%d, len=%d -S allpid %u rate_limit %u backlog_limit %u lost %u backlog %u xc@nK(yV3a>;  @@h0D0(  8TЦ0@Щ$tpx @@00PX  zRx /D$4FJ w?:*3$"\PpDtTBBA A(G L@LH# (A ABBA ;DW E XLЛVBBB A(A0G L@LHg 0A(A BBBJ ,D D LHBEB B(A0A8G o 8A0A(B BBBC DAr E XDe A 0LBAA J_  AABG (LBJB D(A0i (C BBBK B (C BBBE \hD=BIB E(D0C8KO 8A0A(B BBBC NSB$jEz I aLtJBBB B(A0A8G L2 8A0A(B BBBA 08FFA 8 ABA l@L H)d8pFED A(L0X (A ABBF (SFDA jA\T$FBB B(A0A8G L@LH 8A0A(B BBBJ @|P)BBB A(A0D@ 0A(A BBBJ <H`T8FBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBI ^HA<L0EDD C DAK K DAH NDA$EQ J N B RDeFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB.-   tК ؚ o0h    (( oo8oobo @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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