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HH "H|$!=HH\$xzH|HL$0Ht$(HH== H=1虐@H|$(6z1ogf.H|$F|H|$( zH=E A HH kH|$QH=D aWf=D tWH=1fHq7 HH8 Ht$ H 1Ҿ H=[FyfD=D HH5HDH=1艏H=7 5eD ]D ~H5*觚H56虚H= 1[H5}H\$8HtlwHH=H1(Hf.DAWIAVIAUAATL%D, UH-D, SL)HiHt1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HH../../../bin/nsupdate/nsupdate.ccouldn't get address for '%s': %shmac != ((void *)0) && *hmac == ((void *)0)digest-bits out of range [0..128]digest-bits out of range [0..160]digest-bits out of range [0..224]digest-bits out of range [0..256]digest-bits out of range [0..384]digest-bits out of range [0..512]; Communication with %s failed: %s isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, r.length) == ISC_R_SUCCESSisc_buffer_availablelength(newbuf) >= (unsigned int) r.lengthttl '%s' is out of range (0 to %u) '%s' is not a valid class or type: %s check-names failed: bad owner '%s' check-names failed: bad name '%s' NSEC3PARAM has excessive iterations (> %u) (name->list).tail == (rdataset)(name->list).head == (rdataset)(name->list).head != (rdataset)(name->list).tail != (rdataset)key option must specify [hmac:]keyname:secretcould not create key from %s: %s key must have algorithm and secretcould not create entropy object: %scould not initialize entropy source: %scould not find either IPv4 or IPv6could not read key from %.*s.{private,key}: %s Shutting down dispatch managercould not allocate large enough buffer to display message could not convert message to text format. could not read operation code cannot reset server in localhost-only mode port '%s' is out of range (1 to 65535) could not parse class name: %s ((pthread_mutex_lock(((&answer_lock))) == 0) ? 0 : 34) == 0((pthread_mutex_unlock(((&answer_lock))) == 0) ? 0 : 34) == 0could not create key from %s %s: %s could not read check-names directive incorrect check-names directive: %s nsupdate 9.11.36-RedHat-9.11.36-16.el8_10.2: local address [port] (set local resolver) server address [port] (set master server for zone) send (send the update request) show (show the update request) answer (show the answer to the last request) quit (quit, any pending update is not sent help (display this message_ key [hmac:]keyname secret (use TSIG to sign the request) gsstsig (use GSS_TSIG to sign the request) oldgsstsig (use Microsoft's GSS_TSIG to sign the request) zone name (set the zone to be updated) class CLASS (set the zone's DNS class, e.g. IN (default), CH) check-names { on | off } (enable / disable check-names) [prereq] nxdomain name (require that this name does not exist) [prereq] yxdomain name (require that this name exists) [prereq] nxrrset .... (require that this RRset does not exist) [prereq] yxrrset .... (require that this RRset exists) [update] add .... (add the given record to the zone) [update] del[ete] .... (remove the given record(s) from the zone) nsupdate 9.11.36-RedHat-9.11.36-16.el8_10.2 dns_tsigkeyring_create failed: %sisc_string_printf(servicename) failed: %sdns_name_fromtext(servname) failed: %sisc_string_printf(mykeystr) failed: %sdns_name_fromtext(keyname) failed: %sdns_tkey_buildgssquery failed: %sevent->ev_type == (((4) << 16) + 20)invalid OPCODE in response to UPDATE requestisc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, _length) == ISC_R_SUCCESSisc_buffer_availablelength(b) >= _lengthcould not reach any name serverretrying soa request without TSIGinvalid OPCODE in response to SOA queryresponse to SOA query was unsuccessfulspecified zone '%s' does not exist (NXDOMAIN)recvmsg reply from GSS-TSIG queryinvalid OPCODE in response to GSS-TSIG queryresponse to GSS-TSIG query was unsuccessfulusage: nsupdate [-dDi] [-L level] [-l][-g | -o | -y keyname:secret | -k keyfile] [-v] [-V] [-P] [-T] [filename] %s: cannot specify both -k and -y %s: cannot specify -g with -k or -y hmacstr != ((void *)0)unknown key type '%.*s'hmac-md5hmac-md5-hmac-sha1hmac-sha1-hmac-sha224hmac-sha224-hmac-sha256hmac-sha256-hmac-sha384hmac-sha384-hmac-sha512hmac-sha512-unknown key type '%s'%s: trying next serverdone_update()%s: %s could not read owner name dns_message_gettempnameisc_buffer_allocateinvalid owner name: %sisc_lex_createisc_lex_openbufferinvalid rdata format: %s make_prereq()could not read class or type class mismatch: %s could not read type invalid type: %s dns_message_gettemprdatadns_message_gettemprdatalistdns_message_gettemprdatasetupdate_addordelete()could not read owner ttl ttl '%s': %s '%s' is not a valid type: %s could not read rdata dns_rdata_tostructCreating key...namefromtextdns_name_fromtextout of memorykeycreatesecretalgorithm%s:%s:%sdns_request_createvia3keyboardsetup_system()isc_log_createdefault_debugisc_log_usechannellwres_context_create failed/etc/resolv.conf/var/run/named/session.keyisc_hash_createdns_dispatchmgr_createdns_socketmgr_createdns_timermgr_createisc_taskmgr_createisc_task_createisc_task_onshutdowndst_lib_initisc_portset_create (v4)isc_net_getudpportrange (v4)isc_portset_create (v6)isc_net_getudpportrange (v6)dns_dispatchmgr_setavailportsdns_dispatch_getudp (v6)dns_dispatch_getudp (v4)dns_requestmgr_createcan't read key from %s: %s .privateisc_mutex_initShutting down request managerFreeing TSIG keyFreeing SIG(0) keyDestroy DST libDestroying request managerFreeing the dispatchers(sources).tail == (source)(sources).head == (source)(sources).head != (source)(sources).tail != (source)task == global_taskshutdown_program()show_message()%s %.*s> do_next_command()quitprereqevaluate_prereq()nxdomainyxdomainnxrrsetyxrrsetincorrect operation code: %s updateevaluate_update()deletedeladdcould not read server name port '%s' is not numeric localinvalid address %scould not read zone name could not parse zone name classcould not read class name bad default class: %s sendttlcould not read ttl noneshowOutgoing update query:answerAnswer:could not read key name could not parse key name could not read key secret realm@%srealm is too longcheck-nameschecknamesevaluate_checknames()yestruenofalseoffoldgsstsighelpversionincorrect section name: %s send_update()dns_message_setsig0keySending update to %s reset_system()dns_message_createuser_interaction()syntax errorstart_update()send_gssrequestdestaddr != ((void *)0)unknown errorstart_gssrequestFound realm from ticket: %s DNS/%s%s%u.sig-%sdns_message_create failed: %stkey query failed: %s update_completed()update_completedDestroying request [%p]tsig verification successful; TSIG error with server: %s dns_request_getresponsedns_rcode_totextdns_rdataset_firstisc_buffer_remaininglengthdns_tsigrcode_totextupdate failed: %.*s Reply from update query:recvsoa()About to create rcvmsgReply from SOA query:Out of recvsoaFound zone name: %s The master is: %s dns_name_totextdns_name_dupresult == 0could not find enclosing zoneStandardWin2krecvgss()recvgss creating rcvmsgrecvgss trying %s GSS-TSIGOut of recvgssdns_tkey_gssnegotiate: %s %s%s: invalid argument -%c TYPEdDML:y:ghilovk:p:Pr:R::t:Tu:Visc_mem_createparse_argsbad library debug value '%s' bad port number '%s' bad timeout '%s' bad udp timeout '%s' bad udp retries '%s' %s: unhandled option: %c could not open '%s': %s isc_app_onruncleanup()detach tsigkey x%pDetaching GSS-TSIG keyringShutting down task managerDestroying eventShutting down socket managerShutting down timer managerDestroying hash contextDestroying name stateRemoving log contextDestroying memory contextRRR٠ʠmtetetetetetetetetetetetete$fteteTfteteteeteetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetemhMmMmMmMmMmMmMmhfMmMmMmMmhMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmhMmMmthMm\hMmBGE D(K0{8H@AHAPFXB`BhBpI0N (H BBBE Z (H BBBH X0rBBB A(A0Q^MASJ 0A(A BBBI 88TlFIA A(G (A ABBB pt FIB B(A0A8G  8A0A(B BBBF R A G A F B B B N LqFIA A(GZPA (A ABBF P8 X FBI I(F0D8G\ 8A0A(B BBBA D eFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB pg0g! 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