3.65/LICENSE000064400000043646147204631750006172 0ustar00 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. , 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public License instead of this License.3.65/init.xml.cache000064400000024743147204631750007711 0ustar00!odMbo! W7kysvpTUy471QtAFl21eG4000000000lqLjglLNThiGcHnHrxa8aXSy2xJ9RGDSU6VlDziYZ+6a jEgXXs/QnfCE/0XxIJo7U7xBiqC7XSpVwENjXm2SLjrW2pY4l4nTW77miQtQiHCD9NhA+/lRriJE YhSg8bFB/e+TyGgHVUsPYpnNs/u6ThLzNlBypRGzJ7T6QCaUw3R6VT3NLv6MizN/np3t4qTArNwb GV05I8J/w8upDIXh7YMz+aSb3FdeZWpbN+ydJZl68f2FG4PH2FV4KyjtUr+LCF8USCoRZ6AI75gI 3VAneuXZ66spaE8oATFo5tGRfy3PW7YUgOocZLg+I7XFVy1pVHsw2mhpEmBojMl29RnqJvAONMoR 3l8JQnWursQJoR8L1nn0kgLVnddnQ34jiushiEvGkxWJpMzoC3NG66OfMARbzmIuyEyLaisdu51w C2KGY6TzEyCZ1kkrdiahcdUy0duKNx/ANeLtk/xPTD+4Ce+EyXJOPkX7xxYCL0EVu11CM7of4yRr LNoKN5IPaGQupAC4aw1qzNgzy8auttoC//JxDFueRisnRleicL5PI5AN6Lc02URUTzprak7ahnds ujAvhs2LvC8Ac/e7Y6T3VFWhTyU2Wsb97Vgn3OUSsi5dwvWaCj/Hq3v9OzDH7T6DZsGrGb+7/Dhp aDi7ko1oOHHshomw9dYs8ZZy54lsKaHQ7qt1dqG8XHF4xCIqirqFAkKW4qITiNv06H861WjwC/D7 0HO9AQpsx1Nywy7qJ37Yi81ibCoP+t26S5VV1qUsUq44jIV72ZF2vxEkS33pDDXbBD3w4Zi8oneE 6pQe86Yvco1k1C0VMvSxvTgm47WPmMIPYRhO31dRRolNFXVcHU3fuB6RM4x3+hZr9mMQXXze2gKV vBJaXVkhrGzw6dI2/GhdPw6xHmIMpnGB3oA5SYdJQjERPujNETprtW4xs1XwRwac7iqr5gq/M1Pw 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  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_bn.ini000064400000005771147204631750007206 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_bs.ini000064400000005771147204631750007213 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_cr.ini000064400000005771147204631750007213 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_cs.ini000064400000005771147204631750007214 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_da.ini000064400000005766147204631750007177 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS er et open source blog program. Nucleus CMS blev oprindeligt udgivet i 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_de.ini000064400000006013147204631750007165 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS ist ein Open-Source-Blog-Anwendung. Nucleus CMS wurde ursprünglich im Jahr 2001 veröffentlicht. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_el.ini000064400000006053147204631750007201 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS είναι μια εφαρμογή ανοικτού κώδικα blog. Nucleus CMS αρχικά κυκλοφόρησε το 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_en.ini000064400000005771147204631750007211 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_es.ini000064400000006006147204631750007206 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS es una aplicación de blog de código abierto. Nucleus CMS fue lanzado inicialmente en 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_et.ini000064400000005771147204631750007217 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_fa.ini000064400000005771147204631750007175 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_fi.ini000064400000006001147204631750007170 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS on avoimen lähdekoodin blogi sovellus. Nucleus CMS alun perin julkaistiin vuonna 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_fr.ini000064400000006004147204631750007204 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS est une application de blog open source. Nucleus CMS a été initialement publié en 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_gsw.ini000064400000005771147204631750007407 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_hi.ini000064400000005771147204631750007207 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_hu.ini000064400000005777147204631750007231 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS egy nyílt forráskódú blog alkalmazás. Nucleus CMS eredetileg megjelent 2001-ben. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_in.ini000064400000005777147204631750007223 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS adalah sebuah aplikasi blog open source. Nucleus CMS awalnya dirilis pada tahun 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_is.ini000064400000005771147204631750007222 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_it.ini000064400000006561147204631750007221 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS è un'applicazione blog open source. Nucleus CMS è stato inizialmente rilasciato nel 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Caratteristiche di Nucleus CMS includono:
  • Manutenzione di uno o più blog / siti di notizie: Con Nucleus, è possibile impostare uno o più weblog. Se si vuole, si può anche visualizzare il contenuto di più blog sulla stessa pagina.
  • Più autori: Ogni blog ha un proprio team di autori. Alcuni autori hanno solo diritti inviando, sarà consentito ad altri di modificare le impostazioni per il blog pure.
  • Categorie: All'interno di un blog, è possibile impostare una o più categorie. Ogni elemento si aggiunge nel vostro weblog sarà messo in una di queste categorie.
  • Built-in sistema di commento: Nucleus fornisce un built-in sistema di commento, quindi non c'è bisogno di commentingtools esterni. È previsto anche un sistema di karma-voto.
  • Bozze e futuri Posts: In fretta? Hai bisogno di un po 'di pensiero? Segna un elemento come bozza e continuare a lavorare su di essa in seguito. Oppure volete un articolo appaia solo a partire da una certa data? Segna come un elemento di futuro.
  • Completamente modificabili: Il modo in cui il sito sembra Nucleus è completamente tweakable attraverso skin e modelli, e più file CSS. Accanto a questo, il linguaggio utilizzato dal settore amministrativo Nucleo possa essere modificata facilmente attraverso il linguaggio-files.
  • Plugin: Altre caratteristiche possono essere programmate nei cosiddetti plugin (vedi Nucleo plugin API) ed essere installati su Nucleus. Questo permette di avere le caratteristiche desiderate, senza avere il nucleo Nucleo di diventare gonfio. L'interfaccia plug Nucleus offre autori di plugin sacco di flessibilità. Per esempi di come i plugin possono estendere Nucleo funtionality, vedi più avanti in questo documento.
  • Bookmarklet e fare clic destro blogging: Quindi, stai visitando un sito e volete scrivere qualcosa su di esso sul vostro weblog. Non c'è bisogno di aprire l'area di amministrazione, basta aprire il bookmarklet o utilizzare l'opzione di menu contestuale del tasto destro e una finestra di add-voce si popup. Facile!
  • Archivi e della ricerca: Archivi per i vostri blog sono gestiti automaticamente da Nucleus, e una funzione di ricerca è previsto per cercare i vecchi elementi. Nucleus dispone anche di evidenziare i termini di ricerca, sia in articoli, e nei commenti!
  • RSS e Atom Syndication: feed Syndication sono forniti (come le pelli). Nucleus offre feed RSS e Atom. Tipi di alimentazione supplementare (il vostro gusto preferito RSS) possono essere aggiunti facilmente.
  • Interfaccia XML-RPC: Blogger, MetaWeblog e API MovableType: Nucleus fornisce implementazioni delle API Blogger, MetaWeblog e MovableType. Ciò significa che Nucleus può essere utilizzato con strumenti come w.bloggar, Ecto, e Zempt.
  • File / Immagine Upload: desidera includere un'immagine in un articolo? Aprire il popup dei media, scegliere il file da caricare e il gioco è fatto! Non è necessario aprire un programma FTP e caricare il file manualmente.
  • IP-banlist: Alcune persone brutte strizzando i tuoi commenti? Ban loro indirizzo IP o intervallo IP o il nickname da ulteriori commenti/voti.
locale_iw.ini000064400000005771147204631750007226 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_ja.ini000064400000006046147204631750007175 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=核CMSは、オープンソースのブログアプリケーションです。核CMSは、当初2001年にリリースされました。 _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_ko.ini000064400000006015147204631750007210 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=핵 CMS는 오픈 소스 블로그 응용 프로그램입니다. 핵 CMS는 처음 2001 년에 발표되었다. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_lt.ini000064400000005771147204631750007226 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_mk.ini000064400000005771147204631750007216 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_ms.ini000064400000005776147204631750007233 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS adalah sumber aplikasi blog terbuka. Nucleus CMS pada mulanya dikeluarkan pada 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_nl.ini000064400000006007147204631750007211 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is een open source blog applicatie. Nucleus CMS werd in eerste instantie uitgebracht in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_no.ini000064400000005771147204631750007223 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS er en åpen kildekode blogg søknad. Nucleus CMS ble opprinnelig utgitt i 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_pa.ini000064400000005771147204631750007207 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_pl.ini000064400000005773147204631750007224 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS to aplikacja open source blog. Nucleus CMS został pierwotnie wydany w 2001 roku. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_pt.ini000064400000006406147204631750007226 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS é um aplicativo de blog de código aberto. Nucleus CMS foi inicialmente lançado em 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Características:
  • Manutenção de um ou mais weblogs/news-sites: com núcleo, você pode configurar um ou mais weblogs. Se você quiser , você pode até mesmo mostrar o conteúdo de vários blogs na mesma página.
  • Vários Autores: cada blog tem a sua própria equipe de autores. Alguns autores só terá direitos de postar, os outros vão ter a possibilidade de alterar as configurações para o blog também.
  • Categorias: Dentro de um blog, você pode configurar uma ou mais categorias. Cada item que você adicionar em seu weblog será colocado em uma dessas categorias.
  • Built-in sistema de comentários: Núcleo oferece um built-in Comentando sistema, por isso não há necessidade de commentingtools externos. Um sistema de karma direito a voto também é fornecido.
  • Rascunhos e futuros Mensagens: Está com pressa? Precisa de mais algum pensamento? Marcar um item como rascunho e continuar trabalhando com ele mais tarde. Ou você gostaria de um item para só aparecem a partir de uma determinada data? Marcá-lo como um item de futuro.
  • Totalmente tweakable: A forma como o site Núcleo parece é totalmente tweakable através de skins e modelos, e vários arquivos CSS. Junto a isso, a linguagem utilizada pela área de administração do Núcleo pode ser facilmente alterado através da linguagem-arquivos.
  • Plugins : características adicionais podem ser programados nos chamados plugins (ver Núcleo plugins API) e ser instalado no Núcleo. Isto permite-lhe ter as características que você deseja , sem ter o núcleo Núcleo de se tornar inchado. A interface do plugin Núcleo oferece autores lotes de plugins de flexibilidade. Para exemplos de como plugins pode estender Núcleo funtionality, ver mais abaixo neste documento.
  • Bookmarklet e clique com o botão direito blogging: Então, você está visitando um site e quer escrever algo sobre isso em seu blog. Não há necessidade de abrir a área de admin, basta abrir o bookmarklet ou usar a opção do menu de contexto do botão direito do mouse e uma janela de add- item irá aparecer . Fácil !
  • Arquivos e pesquisa: Arquivos para seus weblogs são automaticamente gerenciado pelo Núcleo, e uma função de pesquisa é fornecido para procurar itens antigos. Núcleo também apresenta destacando termos de pesquisa, tanto em artigos e nos comentários!
  • RSS e Atom Syndication: alimentações Syndication são fornecidos. Núcleo oferece feeds RSS e Atom. Tipos de alimentação extra (seu sabor favorito RSS) podem ser adicionadas facilmente.
  • Interface XML -RPC : Blogger, metaWeblog e MovableType APIs: Núcleo fornece implementações de APIs Blogger, metaWeblog e MovableType. Isto significa que o núcleo pode ser usado com ferramentas como w.bloggar, ecto e Zempt.
  • Arquivo/Imagem Upload: Quer incluir uma imagem em um produto? Abra o pop-up de mídia , escolha um arquivo para carregar e temos que ir! Não há necessidade de abrir um programa de FTP e fazer o upload do arquivo manualmente.
locale_pt_br.ini000064400000006414147204631750007710 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS é um aplicativo de blog de ​​código aberto. Nucleus CMS foi inicialmente lançado em 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Características:
  • Manutenção de um ou mais weblogs/news-sites: com núcleo, você pode configurar um ou mais weblogs. Se você quiser , você pode até mesmo mostrar o conteúdo de vários blogs na mesma página.
  • Vários Autores: cada blog tem a sua própria equipe de autores. Alguns autores só terá direitos de postar, os outros vão ter a possibilidade de alterar as configurações para o blog também.
  • Categorias: Dentro de um blog, você pode configurar uma ou mais categorias. Cada item que você adicionar em seu weblog será colocado em uma dessas categorias.
  • Built-in sistema de comentários: Núcleo oferece um built-in Comentando sistema, por isso não há necessidade de commentingtools externos. Um sistema de karma direito a voto também é fornecido.
  • Rascunhos e futuros Mensagens: Está com pressa? Precisa de mais algum pensamento? Marcar um item como rascunho e continuar trabalhando com ele mais tarde. Ou você gostaria de um item para só aparecem a partir de uma determinada data? Marcá-lo como um item de futuro.
  • Totalmente tweakable: A forma como o site Núcleo parece é totalmente tweakable através de skins e modelos, e vários arquivos CSS. Junto a isso, a linguagem utilizada pela área de administração do Núcleo pode ser facilmente alterado através da linguagem-arquivos.
  • Plugins : características adicionais podem ser programados nos chamados plugins (ver Núcleo plugins API) e ser instalado no Núcleo. Isto permite-lhe ter as características que você deseja , sem ter o núcleo Núcleo de se tornar inchado. A interface do plugin Núcleo oferece autores lotes de plugins de flexibilidade. Para exemplos de como plugins pode estender Núcleo funtionality, ver mais abaixo neste documento.
  • Bookmarklet e clique com o botão direito blogging: Então, você está visitando um site e quer escrever algo sobre isso em seu blog. Não há necessidade de abrir a área de admin, basta abrir o bookmarklet ou usar a opção do menu de contexto do botão direito do mouse e uma janela de add- item irá aparecer . Fácil !
  • Arquivos e pesquisa: Arquivos para seus weblogs são automaticamente gerenciado pelo Núcleo, e uma função de pesquisa é fornecido para procurar itens antigos. Núcleo também apresenta destacando termos de pesquisa, tanto em artigos e nos comentários!
  • RSS e Atom Syndication: alimentações Syndication são fornecidos. Núcleo oferece feeds RSS e Atom. Tipos de alimentação extra (seu sabor favorito RSS) podem ser adicionadas facilmente.
  • Interface XML -RPC : Blogger, metaWeblog e MovableType APIs: Núcleo fornece implementações de APIs Blogger, metaWeblog e MovableType. Isto significa que o núcleo pode ser usado com ferramentas como w.bloggar, ecto e Zempt.
  • Arquivo/Imagem Upload: Quer incluir uma imagem em um produto? Abra o pop-up de mídia , escolha um arquivo para carregar e temos que ir! Não há necessidade de abrir um programa de FTP e fazer o upload do arquivo manualmente.
locale_ro.ini000064400000005771147204631750007227 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_ru.ini000064400000013247147204631750007232 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS - это блог-приложение с открытым исходным кодом. Nucleus CMS была впервые выпущена в 2001 году. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Особенности Nucleus CMS включают в себя:
  • Поддержка одного или нескольких блогов/новостных сайтов: с помощью Nucleus вы можете настроить один или несколько блогов. Если вы хотите, можете настроить показ содержимого нескольких блогов на одной странице.
  • Несколько авторов: у каждого блога есть своя команда авторов. Некоторые авторы будут иметь только права на публикацию, другим также будет разрешено изменять настройки для блога.
  • Категории: В блоге вы можете настроить одну или несколько категорий. Каждый элемент, который вы добавляете в свой блог, будет помещен в одну из этих категорий.
  • Встроенная система комментирования: Nucleus предоставляет встроенную систему комментирования, поэтому нет необходимости во внешних инструментах комментирования. Также предусмотрена система голосования за карму.
  • Черновики и будущие сообщения: торопитесь? Нужно больше времени на обдумывание? Отметьте элемент как черновик и продолжите работу над ним позже. Или вы хотите, чтобы элемент появлялся только с определенной даты? Отметьте это как будущий предмет для публикации.
  • Полностью настраиваемый: внешний вид вашего сайта Nucleus полностью настраивается с помощью скинов и шаблонов, а также нескольких CSS-файлов. Кроме того, язык, используемый администратором Nucleus, может быть легко изменен через языковые файлы.
  • Плагины: дополнительные функции могут быть запрограммированы в так называемых плагинах (см. API плагинов Nucleus) и установлены на Nucleus. Это позволяет вам иметь функции, которые вы хотите, без того, чтобы ядро сайтв стало раздутым. Интерфейс плагина Nucleus предоставляет авторам плагинов большую гибкость. Примеры того, как плагины могут расширять функциональность Nucleus, см. Далее в этом документе.
  • Bookmarklet и ведение блога правой кнопкой мыши. Итак, вы посещаете сайт и хотите написать что-нибудь об этом в своем блоге. Нет необходимости открывать область администратора, просто откройте Bookmarklet или используйте контекстное меню, вызываемое правой кнопкой мыши, и появится окно добавления элемента. Легко!
  • Архивы и поиск: Архивы для ваших блогов автоматически управляются Nucleus, и предусмотрена функция поиска для поиска старых элементов. Ядро также имеет выделение поисковых терминов, как в статьях, так и в комментариях!
  • RSS и Atom Syndication: предоставляются каналы синдикации (в виде скинов). Nucleus предоставляет RSS и Atom-каналы. Дополнительные типы каналов (ваши любимые RSS) также могут быть легко добавлены.
  • Интерфейс XML-RPC: API Blogger, metaWeblog и MovableType: Nucleus предоставляет реализации API Blogger, metaWeblog и MovableType. Это означает, что Nucleus можно использовать с такими инструментами, как w.Bloggar, Ecto и Zempt.
  • Загрузка файла / изображения: Хотите включить изображение в элемент? Откройте всплывающее окно медиа, выберите файл для загрузки и вперед! Нет необходимости открывать программу FTP и загружать файл вручную.
  • IP-банлист: Какие-то неприятные люди облажались с вашими комментариями? Забаньте их IP-адрес или диапазон IP-адресов или псевдоним для дальнейших комментариев/голосований.
locale_sk.ini000064400000005771147204631750007224 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_sl.ini000064400000005771147204631750007225 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_sr.ini000064400000005771147204631750007233 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_sv.ini000064400000005770147204631750007236 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS är en öppen källkod bloggprogram. Nucleus CMS ursprungligen släpptes 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_th.ini000064400000006203147204631750007211 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=นิวเคลียส CMS เป็นโปรแกรมที่มาเปิดบล็อก นิวเคลียส CMS ได้รับการเปิดตัวครั้งแรกในปี 2001 _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_tl.ini000064400000005776147204631750007233 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS ay isang application na open source blog. Ay una inilabas noong 2001 nucleus ng CMS. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_tr.ini000064400000005771147204631750007234 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_uk.ini000064400000006114147204631750007216 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Ядро CMS є застосування блог з відкритим вихідним кодом. Ядро CMS спочатку був випущений в 2001 році. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_vi.ini000064400000006027147204631750007220 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Hạt nhân CMS là một ứng dụng blog nguồn mở. CMS hạt nhân ban đầu được phát hành vào năm 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_zh.ini000064400000005763147204631750007231 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=核不育系是一个开源博客应用程序。核不育系最初发布于2001年。 _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
locale_zh_tw.ini000064400000005771147204631750007742 0ustar00_installer_nucleuscms_title=Nucleus CMS _installer_nucleuscms_type=_types_cms _installer_nucleuscms_category=_categories_contentmanagementsystems _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
  • Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
  • Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
  • Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
  • Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
  • Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
  • Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
  • Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
  • Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
  • Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
  • RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
  • XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
  • File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
  • IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
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