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Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -j, --java Java mode: input is a Java ResourceBundle class --csharp C# mode: input is a .NET .dll file --csharp-resources C# resources mode: input is a .NET .resources file --tcl Tcl mode: input is a tcl/msgcat .msg file FILE ... input .mo files If no input file is given or if it is -, standard input is read. Input file location in Java mode: -r, --resource=RESOURCE resource name -l, --locale=LOCALE locale name, either language or language_COUNTRY The class name is determined by appending the locale name to the resource name, separated with an underscore. The class is located using the CLASSPATH. Input file location in C# mode: -d DIRECTORY base directory for locale dependent .dll files The -l and -d options are mandatory. The .dll file is located in a subdirectory of the specified directory whose name depends on the locale. Input file location in Tcl mode: -d DIRECTORY base directory of .msg message catalogs The -l and -d options are mandatory. The .msg file is located in the specified directory. -o, --output-file=FILE write output to specified file The results are written to standard output if no output file is specified or if it is -. --color use colors and other text attributes always --color=WHEN use colors and other text attributes if WHEN. WHEN may be 'always', 'never', 'auto', or 'html'. --style=STYLEFILE specify CSS style rule file for --color -e, --no-escape do not use C escapes in output (default) -E, --escape use C escapes in output, no extended chars --force-po write PO file even if empty -i, --indent write indented output style --strict write strict uniforum style -p, --properties-output write out a Java .properties file --stringtable-output write out a NeXTstep/GNUstep .strings file -w, --width=NUMBER set output page width --no-wrap do not break long message lines, longer than the output page width, into several lines -s, --sort-output generate sorted output -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit -v, --verbose increase verbosity level Report bugs to . Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. %s and %s are mutually exclusive%s and explicit file names are mutually exclusive%s requires a "-l locale" specification%s requires a "-d directory" specification%s is only valid with %s or %sUsage: %s [OPTION] [FILE]... Operation mode: Input file location: Output file location: Output details: Informative output: -/usr/share/localegettext-toolsbison-runtimed:eEhijl:o:pr:svVw: (GNU %s) %s 1995-1998, 2000-2016Ulrich DrepperWritten by %s. --java--csharp--tcl--resource--locale--csharp-resourcescolorforce-pohelpindentno-escapeno-wrapoutput-fileproperties-outputsort-outputstrictstringtable-outputstyleverboseversionwidthl`VM/!g]Qfile "%s" is truncatedsysdep_segment[%u]/dev/stdinrberror while reading "%s"read-mo.cfile "%s" contains a not NUL terminated stringfile "%s" is not in GNU .mo formatfile "%s" contains a not NUL terminated string, at %serror while opening "%s" for reading/dev/nullfdopen() failed(pipe)MessagesGETTEXTJARgnu.gettext.DumpResource%s subprocess failed with exit code %d/usr/share/gettext/gettext.jar/usr/lib64/gettext/usr/;tp<dt0l hD4,DDzRx /D$4 FJ w?:*3$"\tAFF 4@/FEE I(D0D8Kp4BAD k DBH FAEHPBBB E(D0A8G@n 8A0A(B BBBA LPBEB B(A0D8S 8A0A(B BBBA $zRx ,LFJB B(A0A8G6 8A0A(B BBBC X,>FKL A(D0D@VHBPYHA@uHFPZHA@Z 0A(A BBBH 8EDNPcXT`IhApNP] AAK XP>FKL A(D0D@VHBPYHA@uHFPZHA@Z 0A(A BBBH @ 4FDD D`hPpFhA`t  AABA Xd6FKG A(D0D@VHBPYHA@uHFPZHA@Z 0A(A BBBE HKFBK H(D`hPpFhA`Z (A ABBD , EC DO A D<eFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB@++g JYQYtYZYYSYvYYEYhq YhYiLYjmYlYeYYoYpbYrYsYSYY\YYvZVZwU$5BR`r  Kg g o h 3 m @ ooooLok  0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`\ GA$3h864_*_* GA$3h864 # #GA$3a1`**GA$3a1** GA$3p864**GA$gcc 8.3.1 20190507 GA*GOWDGA*GA!stack_clashGA*cf_protectionGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS GA*FORTIFYGA*GA! 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