var/opt/nydus/ops/attr/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc000064400000004507147205525100017461 0ustar00U af'!@sbdZddlmZddlmZddlmZmZmZm Z m Z ddl m Z ddl mZddlmZmZdd lmZmZmZmZmZmZdd lmZmZmZmZmZmZm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#dd l$m%Z%m&Z&m'Z'm(Z(dd l)m*Z*eZ+Z,eZ-Z.eed dZ/GdddeZ0ddddddddddddddddd d!d"d#d$d%d&d'd(d)d*d+d,d-d.d/d0g!Z1e2ed1d2d3Z3e3e4Z5d4S)5z Classes Without Boilerplate )partial)Callable) converters exceptionsfilterssetters validators) cmp_using)Protocol)get_run_validatorsset_run_validators)asdictassocastupleevolvehas resolve_types) NOTHING Attribute ConverterFactoryattribattrsfields fields_dict make_classvalidate)definefieldfrozenmutable) VersionInfoT)Z auto_attribsc@s eZdZdS) AttrsInstanceN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__r'r'>/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib/python/attr/__init__.pyr#$sr#rrrrrrrattrr attributesrr rrrrrrrrr r ribrr!rsr rrr )mod_namereturncsttdfdd }|S)zp Create a metadata proxy for packaging information that uses *mod_name* in its warnings and errors. )namer.csx|dkr dd|}t|zddlm}Wn tk rPddlm}YnX|d}|dkrpt|dS|dS) N) __version____version_info__zmodule z has no attribute r)metadatarr1version)AttributeErrorimportlib.metadatar2 ImportErrorZimportlib_metadatar"Z_from_version_string)r/msgr2metar-r'r( __getattr__Ssz"_make_getattr..__getattr__)str)r-r:r'r9r( _make_getattrMsr<N)6__doc__ functoolsrtypingrrrrrr Z_cmpr Z_compatr _configr r Z_funcsrrrrrr_makerrrrrrrrrrZ _next_genrrr r!Z _version_infor"r,r*r+r)Z dataclassr#__all__r;r<r$r:r'r'r'r(sd     0   %var/opt/nydus/ops/primordial/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc000064400000000237147205533270020654 0ustar00U af@sdS)NrrrD/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib/python/primordial/__init__.pyvar/opt/nydus/ops/pycparser/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc000064400000005014147205533620020517 0ustar00U aff @sFdddgZdZddlZddlmZddlmZdd d ZdddZdS)Zc_lexerc_parserZc_astz2.22N) check_output)CParsercppc Cs~|g}t|tr||7}n|dkr,||g7}||g7}zt|dd}Wn2tk rx}ztdd|W5d}~XYnX|S)ae Preprocess a file using cpp. filename: Name of the file you want to preprocess. cpp_path: cpp_args: Refer to the documentation of parse_file for the meaning of these arguments. When successful, returns the preprocessed file's contents. Errors from cpp will be printed out. rT)universal_newlineszAUnable to invoke 'cpp'. Make sure its path was passed correctly zOriginal error: %sN) isinstancelistrOSError RuntimeError)filenamecpp_pathcpp_args path_listtexterC/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib/python/pycparser/__init__.pypreprocess_files    rFc CsN|rt|||}n"tj||d}|}W5QRX|dkrBt}|||S)aD Parse a C file using pycparser. filename: Name of the file you want to parse. use_cpp: Set to True if you want to execute the C pre-processor on the file prior to parsing it. cpp_path: If use_cpp is True, this is the path to 'cpp' on your system. If no path is provided, it attempts to just execute 'cpp', so it must be in your PATH. cpp_args: If use_cpp is True, set this to the command line arguments strings to cpp. Be careful with quotes - it's best to pass a raw string (r'') here. For example: r'-I../utils/fake_libc_include' If several arguments are required, pass a list of strings. encoding: Encoding to use for the file to parse parser: Optional parser object to be used instead of the default CParser When successful, an AST is returned. ParseError can be thrown if the file doesn't parse successfully. Errors from cpp will be printed out. )encodingN)rioopenreadrparse)r Zuse_cpprrparserrrfrrr parse_file3s"r)rr)FrrNN) __all__ __version__r subprocessrrrrrrrrr s    !var/opt/nydus/ops/oscrypto/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc000064400000017741147205541200020374 0ustar00U af&@sddlmZmZmZmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl m Z m Z ddl m Z ddlmZmZddd d d d d dgZeZddddZdd ZddZddd ZddZdd Zdd Zdd ZdS))unicode_literalsdivisionabsolute_importprint_functionN)str_cls type_name)LibraryNotFoundError) __version____version_info__r r backendffi load_order use_ctypes use_openssl use_winlegacy)r backend_configr c Cstddk rtdSttddk r:tdW5QRStjdkrhtddkr^dtd<qdtd<ntjdkr|d td<nd td<tdW5QRSQRXdS) zs :return: A unicode string of the backend being used: "openssl", "mac", "win", "winlegacy" r Nwin32r winlegacywindarwinmacopenssl)_module_values _backend_locksysplatformgetwindowsversionrrB/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib/python/oscrypto/__init__.pyr "s       c CsntdkriStddk r"tdSt>tddk rHtdW5QRSitd<tdW5QRSQRXdS)z :return: A dict of config info for the backend. Only currently used by "openssl", it may contains zero or more of the following keys: - "libcrypto_path" - "libssl_path" rrN)r rrrrrr _backend_config>s   r!c Cst|tstdt|t|ts4tdt|tj|sLtd|tj|sdtd||dk rt|tstdt|tj|std|t \|||d}t d d krt d |krW5QRdSt d dk rt d d t d <|t d <W5QRXdS) a Forces using OpenSSL dynamic libraries on OS X (.dylib) or Windows (.dll), or using a specific dynamic library on Linux/BSD (.so). This can also be used to configure oscrypto to use LibreSSL dynamic libraries. This method must be called before any oscrypto submodules are imported. :param libcrypto_path: A unicode string of the file path to the OpenSSL/LibreSSL libcrypto dynamic library. :param libssl_path: A unicode string of the file path to the OpenSSL/LibreSSL libssl dynamic library. :param trust_list_path: An optional unicode string of the path to a file containing OpenSSL-compatible CA certificates in PEM format. If this is not provided and the platform is OS X or Windows, the system trust roots will be exported from the OS and used for all TLS connections. :raises: ValueError - when one of the paths is not a unicode string OSError - when the trust_list_path does not exist on the filesystem oscrypto.errors.LibraryNotFoundError - when one of the path does not exist on the filesystem RuntimeError - when this function is called after another part of oscrypto has been imported z/libcrypto_path must be a unicode string, not %sz,libssl_path must be a unicode string, not %szlibcrypto does not exist at %szlibssl does not exist at %sNz0trust_list_path must be a unicode string, not %sz$trust_list_path does not exist at %s)libcrypto_path libssl_pathtrust_list_pathr rrzRAnother part of oscrypto has already been imported, unable to force use of OpenSSL) isinstancer ValueErrorrospathexistsr OSErrorrr RuntimeError)r"r#r$Z new_configrrr rUs0          c Csztjdkr0tptj}|dkr$d}td|t<tddkrPW5QRdStddk rdtddtd<W5QRXdS) as Forces use of the legacy Windows CryptoAPI. This should only be used on Windows XP or for testing. It is less full-featured than the Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) API, and as a result the elliptic curve and PSS padding features are implemented in pure Python. This isn't ideal, but it a shim for end-user client code. No one is going to run a server on Windows XP anyway, right?! :raises: EnvironmentError - when this function is called on an operating system other than Windows RuntimeError - when this function is called after another part of oscrypto has been imported rDarwinzOS Xz9The winlegacy backend can only be used on Windows, not %sr rNzcAnother part of oscrypto has already been imported, unable to force use of Windows legacy CryptoAPI)rrsystemEnvironmentErrorrrr+)platrrr rs    c CsJt<tddkr W5QRdStddk r4tddtd<W5QRXdS)z Forces use of ctypes instead of cffi for the FFI layer :raises: RuntimeError - when this function is called after another part of oscrypto has been imported r ctypesNr zQAnother part of oscrypto has already been imported, unable to force use of ctypes)rrr+rrrr rs  c Csjtddk rtdStHzddl}dtd<Wntk rJdtd<YnXtdW5QRSQRXdS)zh Returns the FFI module being used :return: A unicode string of "cffi" or "ctypes" r Nrcffir0)rrr1 ImportError)r1rrr r s  cECsddddddddd d d d d ddddddddddddddddddd d!d"d#d$d%d&d'd(d)d*d+d,d-d.d/d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9d:d;dd?d@dAdBdCdDdEgES)Fa) Returns a list of the module and sub-module names for oscrypto in dependency load order, for the sake of live reloading code :return: A list of unicode strings of module names, as they would appear in sys.modules, ordered by which module should be reloaded first zoscrypto._asn1zoscrypto._cipher_suiteszoscrypto._errorsz oscrypto._intzoscrypto._typeszoscrypto.errorszoscrypto.versionZoscryptoz oscrypto._ffizoscrypto._pkcs12zoscrypto._pkcs5zoscrypto._randz oscrypto._tlszoscrypto._linux_bsd.trust_listz!oscrypto._mac._common_crypto_cffiz#oscrypto._mac._common_crypto_ctypeszoscrypto._mac._common_cryptoz#oscrypto._mac._core_foundation_cffiz%oscrypto._mac._core_foundation_ctypeszoscrypto._mac._core_foundationzoscrypto._mac._security_cffizoscrypto._mac._security_ctypeszoscrypto._mac._securityzoscrypto._mac.trust_listzoscrypto._mac.utilz!oscrypto._openssl._libcrypto_cffiz#oscrypto._openssl._libcrypto_ctypeszoscrypto._openssl._libcryptozoscrypto._openssl._libssl_cffiz oscrypto._openssl._libssl_ctypeszoscrypto._openssl._libsslzoscrypto._openssl.utilzoscrypto._win._cng_cffizoscrypto._win._cng_ctypeszoscrypto._win._cngzoscrypto._win._decodezoscrypto._win._advapi32_cffizoscrypto._win._advapi32_ctypeszoscrypto._win._advapi32zoscrypto._win._kernel32_cffizoscrypto._win._kernel32_ctypeszoscrypto._win._kernel32zoscrypto._win._secur32_cffizoscrypto._win._secur32_ctypeszoscrypto._win._secur32zoscrypto._win._crypt32_cffizoscrypto._win._crypt32_ctypeszoscrypto._win._crypt32zoscrypto._win.trust_listzoscrypto._win.utilzoscrypto.trust_listz oscrypto.utilz oscrypto.kdfzoscrypto._mac.symmetriczoscrypto._openssl.symmetriczoscrypto._win.symmetriczoscrypto.symmetriczoscrypto._asymmetriczoscrypto._ecdsazoscrypto._pkcs1zoscrypto._mac.asymmetriczoscrypto._openssl.asymmetriczoscrypto._win.asymmetriczoscrypto.asymmetricz oscrypto.keyszoscrypto._mac.tlszoscrypto._openssl.tlszoscrypto._win.tlsz oscrypto.tlsrrrrr rs )N) __future__rrrrr'rr threading_typesrrerrorsr versionr r __all__Lockrrr r!rrrr rrrrr s8   B var/opt/nydus/ops/shortuuid/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc000064400000000757147205605610020545 0ustar00U af@snddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZdZd d d d d ddgZ dS))decode)encode) get_alphabet)random) set_alphabet) ShortUUID)uuidz1.0.11rrrrrrrN) Zshortuuid.mainrrrrrrr __version____all__r r C/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib/python/shortuuid/__init__.pys       var/opt/nydus/ops/rpds/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc000064400000000354147205622360017461 0ustar00U afc@s"ddlTejZeedrejZdS))*__all__N)Zrpds__doc__hasattrrrr@/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib64/python/rpds/__init__.pys