CallableNameFilter.php 0000604 00000006452 14720021550 0010722 0 ustar 00 callable = $callable;
* Method to create cache filename with.
* The returning name MUST follow the rules for keys in PSR-16.
* @link
* The returning name MUST be a string of at least one character
* that uniquely identifies a cached item, MUST only contain the
* characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, and . in any order in UTF-8 encoding
* and MUST not longer then 64 characters. The following characters
* are reserved for future extensions and MUST NOT be used: {}()/\@:
* A provided implementing library MAY support additional characters
* and encodings or longer lengths, but MUST support at least that
* minimum.
* @param string $name The name for the cache will be most likly an url with query string
* @return string the new cache name
public function filter(string $name): string
return call_user_func($this->callable, $name);
BaseDataCache.php 0000604 00000012613 14720021550 0007640 0 ustar 00 cache = $cache;
* Fetches a value from the cache.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::get()
* public function get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed;
* @param string $key The unique key of this item in the cache.
* @param mixed $default Default value to return if the key does not exist.
* @return array|mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function get_data(string $key, $default = null)
$data = $this->cache->load();
if (!is_array($data)) {
return $default;
// ignore data if internal cache expiration time is not set
if (!array_key_exists('__cache_expiration_time', $data)) {
return $default;
// ignore data if internal cache expiration time is expired
if ($data['__cache_expiration_time'] < time()) {
return $default;
// remove internal cache expiration time
return $data;
* Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::set()
* public function set(string $key, mixed $value, null|int|\DateInterval $ttl = null): bool;
* @param string $key The key of the item to store.
* @param array $value The value of the item to store, must be serializable.
* @param null|int $ttl Optional. The TTL value of this item. If no value is sent and
* the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value
* for it or let the driver take care of that.
* @return bool True on success and false on failure.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function set_data(string $key, array $value, ?int $ttl = null): bool
if ($ttl === null) {
$ttl = 3600;
// place internal cache expiration time
$value['__cache_expiration_time'] = time() + $ttl;
return $this->cache->save($value);
* Delete an item from the cache by its unique key.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::delete()
* public function delete(string $key): bool;
* @param string $key The unique cache key of the item to delete.
* @return bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function delete_data(string $key): bool
return $this->cache->unlink();
NameFilter.php 0000604 00000006044 14720021550 0007277 0 ustar 00 options = array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 11211,
'extras' => array(
'timeout' => 3600, // one hour
'prefix' => 'simplepie_',
$this->options = SimplePie_Misc::array_merge_recursive($this->options, SimplePie_Cache::parse_URL($location));
$this->name = $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . md5("$name:$type");
$this->cache = new Memcached();
$this->cache->addServer($this->options['host'], (int)$this->options['port']);
* Save data to the cache
* @param array|SimplePie $data Data to store in the cache. If passed a SimplePie object, only cache the $data property
* @return bool Successfulness
public function save($data) {
if ($data instanceof SimplePie) {
$data = $data->data;
return $this->setData(serialize($data));
* Retrieve the data saved to the cache
* @return array Data for SimplePie::$data
public function load() {
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
if ($data !== false) {
return unserialize($data);
return false;
* Retrieve the last modified time for the cache
* @return int Timestamp
public function mtime() {
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name . '_mtime');
return (int) $data;
* Set the last modified time to the current time
* @return bool Success status
public function touch() {
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
return $this->setData($data);
* Remove the cache
* @return bool Success status
public function unlink() {
return $this->cache->delete($this->name, 0);
* Set the last modified time and data to Memcached
* @return bool Success status
private function setData($data) {
if ($data !== false) {
$this->cache->set($this->name . '_mtime', time(), (int)$this->options['extras']['timeout']);
return $this->cache->set($this->name, $data, (int)$this->options['extras']['timeout']);
return false;
MySQL.php 0000644 00000031050 14720021550 0006215 0 ustar 00 options = array(
'user' => null,
'pass' => null,
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'path' => '',
'extras' => array(
'prefix' => '',
'cache_purge_time' => 2592000
$this->options = SimplePie_Misc::array_merge_recursive($this->options, SimplePie_Cache::parse_URL($location));
// Path is prefixed with a "/"
$this->options['dbname'] = substr($this->options['path'], 1);
$this->mysql = new PDO("mysql:dbname={$this->options['dbname']};host={$this->options['host']};port={$this->options['port']}", $this->options['user'], $this->options['pass'], array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
catch (PDOException $e)
$this->mysql = null;
$this->id = $name . $type;
if (!$query = $this->mysql->query('SHOW TABLES'))
$this->mysql = null;
$db = array();
while ($row = $query->fetchColumn())
$db[] = $row;
if (!in_array($this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data', $db))
$query = $this->mysql->exec('CREATE TABLE `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` (`id` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `items` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `data` BLOB NOT NULL, `mtime` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`id`(125)))');
if ($query === false)
trigger_error("Can't create " . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . "cache_data table, check permissions", E_USER_WARNING);
$this->mysql = null;
if (!in_array($this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'items', $db))
$query = $this->mysql->exec('CREATE TABLE `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'items` (`feed_id` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `id` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `data` MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL, `posted` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, INDEX `feed_id` (`feed_id`(125)))');
if ($query === false)
trigger_error("Can't create " . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . "items table, check permissions", E_USER_WARNING);
$this->mysql = null;
* Save data to the cache
* @param array|SimplePie $data Data to store in the cache. If passed a SimplePie object, only cache the $data property
* @return bool Successfulness
public function save($data)
if ($this->mysql === null)
return false;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('DELETE i, cd FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` cd, ' .
'`' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'items` i ' .
'WHERE = i.feed_id ' .
'AND cd.mtime < (unix_timestamp() - :purge_time)');
$query->bindValue(':purge_time', $this->options['extras']['cache_purge_time']);
if (!$query->execute())
return false;
if ($data instanceof SimplePie)
$data = clone $data;
$prepared = self::prepare_simplepie_object_for_cache($data);
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` WHERE `id` = :feed');
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
if ($query->execute())
if ($query->fetchColumn() > 0)
$items = count($prepared[1]);
if ($items)
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` SET `items` = :items, `data` = :data, `mtime` = :time WHERE `id` = :feed';
$query = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
$query->bindValue(':items', $items);
$sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` SET `data` = :data, `mtime` = :time WHERE `id` = :feed';
$query = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
$query->bindValue(':data', $prepared[0]);
$query->bindValue(':time', time());
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
if (!$query->execute())
return false;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` (`id`, `items`, `data`, `mtime`) VALUES(:feed, :count, :data, :time)');
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
$query->bindValue(':count', count($prepared[1]));
$query->bindValue(':data', $prepared[0]);
$query->bindValue(':time', time());
if (!$query->execute())
return false;
$ids = array_keys($prepared[1]);
if (!empty($ids))
foreach ($ids as $id)
$database_ids[] = $this->mysql->quote($id);
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('SELECT `id` FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'items` WHERE `id` = ' . implode(' OR `id` = ', $database_ids) . ' AND `feed_id` = :feed');
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
if ($query->execute())
$existing_ids = array();
while ($row = $query->fetchColumn())
$existing_ids[] = $row;
$new_ids = array_diff($ids, $existing_ids);
foreach ($new_ids as $new_id)
if (!($date = $prepared[1][$new_id]->get_date('U')))
$date = time();
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'items` (`feed_id`, `id`, `data`, `posted`) VALUES(:feed, :id, :data, :date)');
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
$query->bindValue(':id', $new_id);
$query->bindValue(':data', serialize($prepared[1][$new_id]->data));
$query->bindValue(':date', $date);
if (!$query->execute())
return false;
return true;
return true;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('SELECT `id` FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` WHERE `id` = :feed');
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
if ($query->execute())
if ($query->rowCount() > 0)
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('UPDATE `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` SET `items` = 0, `data` = :data, `mtime` = :time WHERE `id` = :feed');
$query->bindValue(':data', serialize($data));
$query->bindValue(':time', time());
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
if ($this->execute())
return true;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` (`id`, `items`, `data`, `mtime`) VALUES(:id, 0, :data, :time)');
$query->bindValue(':id', $this->id);
$query->bindValue(':data', serialize($data));
$query->bindValue(':time', time());
if ($query->execute())
return true;
return false;
* Retrieve the data saved to the cache
* @return array Data for SimplePie::$data
public function load()
if ($this->mysql === null)
return false;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('SELECT `items`, `data` FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` WHERE `id` = :id');
$query->bindValue(':id', $this->id);
if ($query->execute() && ($row = $query->fetch()))
$data = unserialize($row[1]);
if (isset($this->options['items'][0]))
$items = (int) $this->options['items'][0];
$items = (int) $row[0];
if ($items !== 0)
if (isset($data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]))
$feed =& $data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0];
elseif (isset($data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]))
$feed =& $data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0];
elseif (isset($data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]))
$feed =& $data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0];
elseif (isset($data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]))
$feed =& $data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0];
$feed = null;
if ($feed !== null)
$sql = 'SELECT `data` FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'items` WHERE `feed_id` = :feed ORDER BY `posted` DESC';
if ($items > 0)
$sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $items;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare($sql);
$query->bindValue(':feed', $this->id);
if ($query->execute())
while ($row = $query->fetchColumn())
$feed['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['entry'][] = unserialize($row);
return false;
return $data;
return false;
* Retrieve the last modified time for the cache
* @return int Timestamp
public function mtime()
if ($this->mysql === null)
return false;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('SELECT `mtime` FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` WHERE `id` = :id');
$query->bindValue(':id', $this->id);
if ($query->execute() && ($time = $query->fetchColumn()))
return $time;
return false;
* Set the last modified time to the current time
* @return bool Success status
public function touch()
if ($this->mysql === null)
return false;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('UPDATE `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` SET `mtime` = :time WHERE `id` = :id');
$query->bindValue(':time', time());
$query->bindValue(':id', $this->id);
return $query->execute() && $query->rowCount() > 0;
* Remove the cache
* @return bool Success status
public function unlink()
if ($this->mysql === null)
return false;
$query = $this->mysql->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'cache_data` WHERE `id` = :id');
$query->bindValue(':id', $this->id);
$query2 = $this->mysql->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . 'items` WHERE `feed_id` = :id');
$query2->bindValue(':id', $this->id);
return $query->execute() && $query2->execute();
Memcache.php 0000644 00000011463 14720021550 0006760 0 ustar 00 options = array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 11211,
'extras' => array(
'timeout' => 3600, // one hour
'prefix' => 'simplepie_',
$this->options = SimplePie_Misc::array_merge_recursive($this->options, SimplePie_Cache::parse_URL($location));
$this->name = $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . md5("$name:$type");
$this->cache = new Memcache();
$this->cache->addServer($this->options['host'], (int) $this->options['port']);
* Save data to the cache
* @param array|SimplePie $data Data to store in the cache. If passed a SimplePie object, only cache the $data property
* @return bool Successfulness
public function save($data)
if ($data instanceof SimplePie)
$data = $data->data;
return $this->cache->set($this->name, serialize($data), MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, (int) $this->options['extras']['timeout']);
* Retrieve the data saved to the cache
* @return array Data for SimplePie::$data
public function load()
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
if ($data !== false)
return unserialize($data);
return false;
* Retrieve the last modified time for the cache
* @return int Timestamp
public function mtime()
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
if ($data !== false)
// essentially ignore the mtime because Memcache expires on its own
return time();
return false;
* Set the last modified time to the current time
* @return bool Success status
public function touch()
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
if ($data !== false)
return $this->cache->set($this->name, $data, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, (int) $this->options['extras']['timeout']);
return false;
* Remove the cache
* @return bool Success status
public function unlink()
return $this->cache->delete($this->name, 0);
DataCache.php 0000604 00000011167 14720021550 0007050 0 ustar 00
* public function get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed;
* @param string $key The unique key of this item in the cache.
* @param mixed $default Default value to return if the key does not exist.
* @return array|mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function get_data(string $key, $default = null);
* Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::set()
* public function set(string $key, mixed $value, null|int|\DateInterval $ttl = null): bool;
* @param string $key The key of the item to store.
* @param array $value The value of the item to store, must be serializable.
* @param null|int $ttl Optional. The TTL value of this item. If no value is sent and
* the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value
* for it or let the driver take care of that.
* @return bool True on success and false on failure.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function set_data(string $key, array $value, ?int $ttl = null): bool;
* Delete an item from the cache by its unique key.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::delete()
* public function delete(string $key): bool;
* @param string $key The unique cache key of the item to delete.
* @return bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function delete_data(string $key): bool;
Psr16.php 0000604 00000012023 14720021550 0006156 0 ustar 00 cache = $cache;
* Fetches a value from the cache.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::get()
* public function get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed;
* @param string $key The unique key of this item in the cache.
* @param mixed $default Default value to return if the key does not exist.
* @return array|mixed The value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function get_data(string $key, $default = null)
$data = $this->cache->get($key, $default);
if (!is_array($data) || $data === $default) {
return $default;
return $data;
* Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::set()
* public function set(string $key, mixed $value, null|int|\DateInterval $ttl = null): bool;
* @param string $key The key of the item to store.
* @param array $value The value of the item to store, must be serializable.
* @param null|int $ttl Optional. The TTL value of this item. If no value is sent and
* the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value
* for it or let the driver take care of that.
* @return bool True on success and false on failure.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function set_data(string $key, array $value, ?int $ttl = null): bool
return $this->cache->set($key, $value, $ttl);
* Delete an item from the cache by its unique key.
* Equivalent to \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::delete()
* public function delete(string $key): bool;
* @param string $key The unique cache key of the item to delete.
* @return bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
public function delete_data(string $key): bool
return $this->cache->delete($key);
Redis.php 0000644 00000007755 14720021550 0006335 0 ustar 00
* @link
* @license BSD License
* @version 0.2.9
* Caches data to redis
* Registered for URLs with the "redis" protocol
* For example, `redis://localhost:6379/?timeout=3600&prefix=sp_&dbIndex=0` will
* connect to redis on `localhost` on port 6379. All tables will be
* prefixed with `simple_primary-` and data will expire after 3600 seconds
* @package SimplePie
* @subpackage Caching
* @uses Redis
class SimplePie_Cache_Redis implements SimplePie_Cache_Base {
* Redis instance
* @var \Redis
protected $cache;
* Options
* @var array
protected $options;
* Cache name
* @var string
protected $name;
* Cache Data
* @var type
protected $data;
* Create a new cache object
* @param string $location Location string (from SimplePie::$cache_location)
* @param string $name Unique ID for the cache
* @param string $type Either TYPE_FEED for SimplePie data, or TYPE_IMAGE for image data
public function __construct($location, $name, $options = null) {
//$this->cache = \flow\simple\cache\Redis::getRedisClientInstance();
$parsed = SimplePie_Cache::parse_URL($location);
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect($parsed['host'], $parsed['port']);
if (isset($parsed['pass'])) {
if (isset($parsed['path'])) {
$redis->select((int)substr($parsed['path'], 1));
$this->cache = $redis;
if (!is_null($options) && is_array($options)) {
$this->options = $options;
} else {
$this->options = array (
'prefix' => 'rss:simple_primary:',
'expire' => 0,
$this->name = $this->options['prefix'] . $name;
* @param \Redis $cache
public function setRedisClient(\Redis $cache) {
$this->cache = $cache;
* Save data to the cache
* @param array|SimplePie $data Data to store in the cache. If passed a SimplePie object, only cache the $data property
* @return bool Successfulness
public function save($data) {
if ($data instanceof SimplePie) {
$data = $data->data;
$response = $this->cache->set($this->name, serialize($data));
if ($this->options['expire']) {
$this->cache->expire($this->name, $this->options['expire']);
return $response;
* Retrieve the data saved to the cache
* @return array Data for SimplePie::$data
public function load() {
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
if ($data !== false) {
return unserialize($data);
return false;
* Retrieve the last modified time for the cache
* @return int Timestamp
public function mtime() {
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
if ($data !== false) {
return time();
return false;
* Set the last modified time to the current time
* @return bool Success status
public function touch() {
$data = $this->cache->get($this->name);
if ($data !== false) {
$return = $this->cache->set($this->name, $data);
if ($this->options['expire']) {
return $this->cache->expire($this->name, $this->options['expire']);
return $return;
return false;
* Remove the cache
* @return bool Success status
public function unlink() {
return $this->cache->set($this->name, null);
DB.php 0000644 00000011125 14720021550 0005536 0 ustar 00 get_items();
$items_by_id = array();
if (!empty($items))
foreach ($items as $item)
$items_by_id[$item->get_id()] = $item;
if (count($items_by_id) !== count($items))
$items_by_id = array();
foreach ($items as $item)
$items_by_id[$item->get_id(true)] = $item;
if (isset($data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]))
$channel =& $data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0];
elseif (isset($data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]))
$channel =& $data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0];
elseif (isset($data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]))
$channel =& $data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0];
elseif (isset($data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['channel'][0]))
$channel =& $data->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['channel'][0];
$channel = null;
if ($channel !== null)
if (isset($channel['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['entry']))
if (isset($channel['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['entry']))
if (isset($channel['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['item']))
if (isset($channel['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['item']))
if (isset($channel['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['item']))
if (isset($data->data['items']))
if (isset($data->data['ordered_items']))
return array(serialize($data->data), $items_by_id);
File.php 0000644 00000010265 14720021550 0006134 0 ustar 00 location = $location;
$this->filename = $name;
$this->extension = $type;
$this->name = "$this->location/$this->filename.$this->extension";
* Save data to the cache
* @param array|SimplePie $data Data to store in the cache. If passed a SimplePie object, only cache the $data property
* @return bool Successfulness
public function save($data)
if (file_exists($this->name) && is_writable($this->name) || file_exists($this->location) && is_writable($this->location))
if ($data instanceof SimplePie)
$data = $data->data;
$data = serialize($data);
return (bool) file_put_contents($this->name, $data);
return false;
* Retrieve the data saved to the cache
* @return array Data for SimplePie::$data
public function load()
if (file_exists($this->name) && is_readable($this->name))
return unserialize(file_get_contents($this->name));
return false;
* Retrieve the last modified time for the cache
* @return int Timestamp
public function mtime()
return @filemtime($this->name);
* Set the last modified time to the current time
* @return bool Success status
public function touch()
return @touch($this->name);
* Remove the cache
* @return bool Success status
public function unlink()
if (file_exists($this->name))
return unlink($this->name);
return false;