Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/beautybuzzbeyond/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sucuri-scanner/src/settings-alerts.php
<?php /** * Code related to the settings-alerts.php interface. * * PHP version 5 * * @category Library * @package Sucuri * @subpackage SucuriScanner * @author Daniel Cid <dcid@sucuri.net> * @copyright 2010-2018 Sucuri Inc. * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL2 * @link https://wordpress.org/plugins/sucuri-scanner */ if (!defined('SUCURISCAN_INIT') || SUCURISCAN_INIT !== true) { if (!headers_sent()) { /* Report invalid access if possible. */ header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); } exit(1); } /** * Returns the HTML to configure who receives the email alerts. * * By default the plugin sends the email notifications about the security events * to the first email address used during the installation of the website. This * is usually the email of the website owner. The plugin allows to add more * emails to the list so the alerts are sent to other people. * * @param bool $nonce True if the CSRF protection worked, false otherwise. * @return string HTML for the email alert recipients. */ function sucuriscan_settings_alerts_recipients($nonce) { $params = array(); $params['Alerts.Recipients'] = ''; $notify_to = SucuriScanOption::getOption(':notify_to'); $emails = array(); // If the recipient list is not empty, explode. if (is_string($notify_to)) { $emails = explode(',', $notify_to); } // Process form submission. if ($nonce) { // Add new email address to the alert recipient list. if (SucuriScanRequest::post(':save_recipient') !== false) { $new_email = SucuriScanRequest::post(':recipient'); if (SucuriScan::isValidEmail($new_email)) { $emails[] = $new_email; $message = sprintf(__('The email alerts will be sent to: <code>%s</code>', 'sucuri-scanner'), $new_email); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':notify_to', implode(',', $emails)); SucuriScanEvent::reportInfoEvent(sprintf(__('The email alerts will be sent to: %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), $new_email)); SucuriScanEvent::notifyEvent('plugin_change', $message); SucuriScanInterface::info($message); } else { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('Email format not supported.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } // Delete one or more recipients from the list. if (SucuriScanRequest::post(':delete_recipients') !== false) { $deleted_emails = array(); $recipients = SucuriScanRequest::post(':recipients', '_array'); foreach ($recipients as $address) { if (in_array($address, $emails)) { $deleted_emails[] = $address; $index = array_search($address, $emails); unset($emails[$index]); } } if (!empty($deleted_emails)) { $deleted_emails_str = implode(",\x20", $deleted_emails); $message = sprintf(__('These emails will stop receiving alerts: <code>%s</code>', 'sucuri-scanner'), $deleted_emails_str); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':notify_to', implode(',', $emails)); SucuriScanEvent::reportInfoEvent(sprintf(__('These emails will stop receiving alerts: %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), $deleted_emails_str)); SucuriScanEvent::notifyEvent('plugin_change', $message); SucuriScanInterface::info($message); } } // Debug ability of the plugin to send email alerts correctly. if (SucuriScanRequest::post(':debug_email')) { $recipients = SucuriScanOption::getOption(':notify_to'); $mailSentSuccess = SucuriScanMail::sendMail( $recipients, __('Test Email Alert', 'sucuri-scanner'), sprintf(__('Test email alert sent at %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), SucuriScan::datetime()), array('Force' => true) ); if ($mailSentSuccess) { SucuriScanInterface::info(__('A test alert was sent to your email, check your inbox', 'sucuri-scanner')); }else { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('An error occurred sending email - please check your server mail configuration.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } } foreach ($emails as $email) { if (!empty($email)) { $params['Alerts.Recipients'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::getSnippet( 'settings-alerts-recipients', array('Recipient.Email' => $email) ); } } return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-recipients', $params); } /** * Returns the HTML to configure the list of trusted IPs. * * The plugin will not report security events coming from these IP addresses. If * the users are all from the same network, like in an office, they can include * the IP of the entire LAN as a valid CIDR format. * * @return string HTML for the trusted IP addresses. */ function sucuriscan_settings_alerts_trustedips() { $params = array(); $params['TrustedIPs.List'] = ''; $params['TrustedIPs.NoItems.Visibility'] = 'visible'; $cache = new SucuriScanCache('trustip'); if (SucuriScanInterface::checkNonce()) { // Trust and IP address to ignore alerts for a subnet. $trust_ip = SucuriScanRequest::post(':trust_ip'); if ($trust_ip) { if (SucuriScan::isValidIP($trust_ip) || SucuriScan::isValidCIDR($trust_ip)) { $ip_info = SucuriScan::getIPInfo($trust_ip); $cache_key = md5($ip_info['remote_addr']); $ip_info['added_at'] = time(); if ($cache->exists($cache_key)) { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('The IP specified address was already added.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } elseif ($cache->add($cache_key, $ip_info)) { SucuriScanEvent::reportWarningEvent(sprintf(__('IP has been trusted: %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), $trust_ip)); SucuriScanInterface::info(sprintf(__('Events generated from this IP will be ignored: <code>%s</code>', 'sucuri-scanner'), $trust_ip)); } else { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('The IP address could not be added to the trusted list', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } } // Trust and IP address to ignore alerts for a subnet. $del_trust_ip = SucuriScanRequest::post(':del_trust_ip', '_array'); if ($del_trust_ip) { foreach ($del_trust_ip as $cache_key) { $cache->delete($cache_key); } SucuriScanInterface::info(__('The selected IP addresses were successfully deleted.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } $trusted_ips = $cache->getAll(); if ($trusted_ips) { foreach ($trusted_ips as $cache_key => $ip_info) { if ($ip_info->cidr_range == 32) { $ip_info->cidr_format = __('n/a', 'sucuri-scanner'); } $params['TrustedIPs.List'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::getSnippet( 'settings-alerts-trustedips', array( 'TrustIP.CacheKey' => $cache_key, 'TrustIP.RemoteAddr' => SucuriScan::escape($ip_info->remote_addr), 'TrustIP.CIDRFormat' => SucuriScan::escape($ip_info->cidr_format), 'TrustIP.AddedAt' => SucuriScan::datetime($ip_info->added_at), ) ); } $params['TrustedIPs.NoItems.Visibility'] = 'hidden'; } return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-trustedips', $params); } /** * Returns the HTML to configure the subject for the email alerts. * * @param bool $nonce True if the CSRF protection worked, false otherwise. * @return string HTML for the email alert subject option. */ function sucuriscan_settings_alerts_subject($nonce) { $params = array( 'Alerts.Subject' => '', 'Alerts.CustomChecked' => '', 'Alerts.CustomValue' => '', ); $subjects = array( sprintf(__('Sucuri Alert, %s, %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), ':domain', ':event'), sprintf(__('Sucuri Alert, %s, %s, %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), ':domain', ':event', ':remoteaddr'), sprintf(__('Sucuri Alert, %s, %s, %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), ':domain', ':event', ':username'), sprintf(__('Sucuri Alert, %s, %s, %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), ':domain', ':event', ':email'), sprintf(__('Sucuri Alert, %s, %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), ':event', ':remoteaddr'), sprintf(__('Sucuri Alert, %s, %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), ':event', ':hostname'), sprintf(__('Sucuri Alert, %s', 'sucuri-scanner'), ':event'), ); // Process form submission to change the alert settings. if ($nonce) { $email_subject = SucuriScanRequest::post(':email_subject'); if ($email_subject) { $current_value = SucuriScanOption::getOption(':email_subject'); $new_subject = false; /** * Validate the format of the email subject format. * * If the user chooses the option to build the subject of the email alerts * manually we will need to validate the characters. Otherwise we will need to * check if the pseudo-tags selected by the user are allowed and supported. */ if ($email_subject === 'custom') { $format_pattern = '/^[0-9a-zA-Z:,\s]+$/'; $custom_subject = SucuriScanRequest::post(':custom_email_subject'); if ($custom_subject !== false && !empty($custom_subject) && @preg_match($format_pattern, $custom_subject) ) { $new_subject = trim($custom_subject); } else { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('Invalid characters in the email subject.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } elseif (is_array($subjects) && in_array($email_subject, $subjects)) { $new_subject = trim($email_subject); } // Proceed with the operation saving the new subject. if ($new_subject !== false && $current_value !== $new_subject) { $message = sprintf(__('Email subject set to <code>%s</code>', 'sucuri-scanner'), $new_subject); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':email_subject', $new_subject); SucuriScanEvent::reportInfoEvent($message); SucuriScanEvent::notifyEvent('plugin_change', $message); SucuriScanInterface::info(__('The email subject has been successfully updated', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } } // Build the HTML code for the interface. if (is_array($subjects)) { $email_subject = SucuriScanOption::getOption(':email_subject'); $is_official_subject = false; foreach ($subjects as $subject_format) { if ($email_subject === $subject_format) { $is_official_subject = true; $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } $params['Alerts.Subject'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::getSnippet( 'settings-alerts-subject', array( 'EmailSubject.Name' => $subject_format, 'EmailSubject.Value' => $subject_format, 'EmailSubject.Checked' => $checked, ) ); } if ($is_official_subject === false) { $params['Alerts.CustomChecked'] = 'checked="checked"'; $params['Alerts.CustomValue'] = $email_subject; } } return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-subject', $params); } /** * Returns the HTML to configure the maximum number of alerts per hour. * * @param bool $nonce True if the CSRF protection worked, false otherwise. * @return string HTML for the maximum number of alerts per hour. */ function sucuriscan_settings_alerts_perhour($nonce) { $params = array(); $params['Alerts.PerHour'] = ''; $emails_per_hour = array( '5' => __('Maximum 5 per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '10' => __('Maximum 10 per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '20' => __('Maximum 20 per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '40' => __('Maximum 40 per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '80' => __('Maximum 80 per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '160' => __('Maximum 160 per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'unlimited' => __('Unlimited alerts per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), ); if ($nonce) { // Update the value for the maximum emails per hour. $per_hour = SucuriScanRequest::post(':emails_per_hour'); if ($per_hour) { if (array_key_exists($per_hour, $emails_per_hour)) { $per_hour_label = strtolower($emails_per_hour[$per_hour]); $message = sprintf(__('Maximum alerts per hour set to <code>%s</code>', 'sucuri-scanner'), $per_hour_label); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':emails_per_hour', $per_hour); SucuriScanEvent::reportInfoEvent($message); SucuriScanEvent::notifyEvent('plugin_change', $message); SucuriScanInterface::info(__('The maximum number of alerts per hour has been updated', 'sucuri-scanner')); } else { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('Error updating the maximum number of alerts per hour', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } } $per_hour = (int) SucuriScanOption::getOption(':emails_per_hour'); $per_hour_options = SucuriScanTemplate::selectOptions($emails_per_hour, $per_hour); $params['Alerts.PerHour'] = $per_hour_options; return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-perhour', $params); } /** * Returns the HTML to configure the trigger for the brute-force alerts. * * @param bool $nonce True if the CSRF protection worked, false otherwise. * @return string HTML for the trigger for the brute-force alerts. */ function sucuriscan_settings_alerts_bruteforce($nonce) { $params = array(); $params['Alerts.BruteForce'] = ''; $max_failed_logins = array( '30' => __('30 failed logins per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '60' => __('60 failed logins per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '120' => __('120 failed logins per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '240' => __('240 failed logins per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), '480' => __('480 failed logins per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), ); if ($nonce) { // Update the maximum failed logins per hour before consider it a brute-force attack. $maximum = SucuriScanRequest::post(':maximum_failed_logins'); if ($maximum) { if (array_key_exists($maximum, $max_failed_logins)) { $message = sprintf(__('Consider brute-force attack after <code>%s</code> failed logins per hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), $maximum); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':maximum_failed_logins', $maximum); SucuriScanEvent::reportInfoEvent($message); SucuriScanEvent::notifyEvent('plugin_change', $message); SucuriScanInterface::info(sprintf(__('The plugin will assume that your website is under a brute-force attack after %s failed logins are detected during the same hour', 'sucuri-scanner'), $maximum)); } else { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('Invalid number of failed logins per hour', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } } $maximum = (int) SucuriScanOption::getOption(':maximum_failed_logins'); $maximum_options = SucuriScanTemplate::selectOptions($max_failed_logins, $maximum); $params['Alerts.BruteForce'] = $maximum_options; return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-bruteforce', $params); } /** * Returns the HTML to configure which alerts will be sent. * * @param bool $nonce True if the CSRF protection worked, false otherwise. * @return string HTML for the alerts that will be sent. */ function sucuriscan_settings_alerts_events($nonce) { $params = array(); $params['Alerts.Events'] = ''; $params['Alerts.NoAlertsVisibility'] = 'hidden'; $notify_options = array( 'sucuriscan_notify_plugin_change' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts for changes in the settings of the plugin', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_prettify_mails' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts in HTML <em>(there may be issues with some mail services)</em>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_use_wpmail' => 'setting:' . __('Use WordPress functions to send mails <em>(uncheck to use native PHP functions)</em>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_lastlogin_redirection' => 'setting:' . __('Allow redirection after login to report the last-login information', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_scan_checksums' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts for core integrity checks', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_available_updates' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts for available updates', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_user_registration' => 'user:' . __('Receive email alerts for new user registration', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_success_login' => 'user:' . __('Receive email alerts for successful login attempts', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_failed_login' => 'user:' . __('Receive email alerts for failed login attempts <em>(you may receive tons of emails)</em>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_bruteforce_attack' => 'user:' . __('Receive email alerts for password guessing attacks <em>(summary of failed logins per hour)</em>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_post_publication' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts for changes in the post status <em>(configure from Ignore Posts Changes)</em>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_website_updated' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts when the WordPress version is updated', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_settings_updated' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts when your website settings are updated', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_theme_editor' => 'setting:' . __('Receive email alerts when a file is modified with theme/plugin editor', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_plugin_installed' => 'plugin:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>plugin is installed</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_plugin_activated' => 'plugin:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>plugin is activated</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_plugin_deactivated' => 'plugin:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>plugin is deactivated</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_plugin_updated' => 'plugin:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>plugin is updated</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_plugin_deleted' => 'plugin:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>plugin is deleted</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_widget_added' => 'widget:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>widget is added</b> to a sidebar', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_widget_deleted' => 'widget:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>widget is deleted</b> from a sidebar', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_theme_installed' => 'theme:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>theme is installed</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_theme_activated' => 'theme:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>theme is activated</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_theme_updated' => 'theme:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>theme is updated</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), 'sucuriscan_notify_theme_deleted' => 'theme:' . __('Receive email alerts when a <b>theme is deleted</b>', 'sucuri-scanner'), ); /** * Hide successful and failed logins option. * * Due to an incompatibility with the Postman-SMTP plugin we cannot sent * email alerts when a successful or failed user authentication happens, the * result is an infinite loop while our plugin tries to notify about changes * in the posts and the other plugin creates temporary post objects to track * the emails. * * @date 30 June, 2017 * @see https://wordpress.org/plugins/postman-smtp/ * @see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/unable-to-access-wordpress-dashboard-after-update-to-1-8-7/ */ if (is_plugin_active('postman-smtp/postman-smtp.php')) { $params['Alerts.NoAlertsVisibility'] = 'visible'; unset($notify_options['sucuriscan_notify_success_login']); unset($notify_options['sucuriscan_notify_failed_login']); } // Process form submission to change the alert settings. if ($nonce) { // Update the notification settings. if (SucuriScanRequest::post(':save_alert_events') !== false) { $ucounter = 0; foreach ($notify_options as $alert_type => $alert_label) { $option_value = SucuriScanRequest::post($alert_type, '(1|0)'); if ($option_value !== false) { $current_value = SucuriScanOption::getOption($alert_type); $option_value = ($option_value == 1) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; // Check that the option value was actually changed. if ($current_value !== $option_value) { $written = SucuriScanOption::updateOption($alert_type, $option_value); $ucounter += ($written === true) ? 1 : 0; } } } if ($ucounter > 0) { $message = sprintf(__('A total of %s alert events were changed', 'sucuri-scanner'), $ucounter ); SucuriScanEvent::reportInfoEvent($message); SucuriScanEvent::notifyEvent('plugin_change', $message); SucuriScanInterface::info(__('The alert settings have been updated', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } } /* build the HTML code for the checkbox input fields */ foreach ($notify_options as $alert_type => $alert_label) { $alert_value = SucuriScanOption::getOption($alert_type); $checked = ($alert_value == 'enabled') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $alert_icon = ''; /* identify the optional icon */ $offset = strpos($alert_label, ':'); $alert_group = substr($alert_label, 0, $offset); $alert_label = substr($alert_label, $offset + 1); switch ($alert_group) { case 'user': $alert_icon = 'dashicons-before dashicons-admin-users'; break; case 'plugin': $alert_icon = 'dashicons-before dashicons-admin-plugins'; break; case 'theme': $alert_icon = 'dashicons-before dashicons-admin-appearance'; break; case 'setting': $alert_icon = 'dashicons-before dashicons-admin-tools'; break; case 'widget': $alert_icon = 'dashicons-before dashicons-admin-post'; break; } $params['Alerts.Events'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::getSnippet( 'settings-alerts-events', array( 'Event.Name' => $alert_type, 'Event.Checked' => $checked, 'Event.Label' => $alert_label, 'Event.LabelIcon' => $alert_icon, ) ); } return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-events', $params); } /** * Returns the HTML to configure the post-types that will be ignored. * * @return string HTML for the ignored post-types. */ function sucuriscan_settings_alerts_ignore_posts() { $params = array(); $post_types = SucuriScanOption::getPostTypes(); $ignored_events = SucuriScanOption::getIgnoredEvents(); $params['PostTypes.List'] = ''; $params['PostTypes.ErrorVisibility'] = 'hidden'; if (SucuriScanInterface::checkNonce()) { // Ignore a new event for email alerts. $action = SucuriScanRequest::post(':ignorerule_action'); $ignore_rule = SucuriScanRequest::post(':ignorerule'); $selected = SucuriScanRequest::post(':posttypes', '_array'); if ($action === 'add') { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-]{1,20}+$/', $ignore_rule)) { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('Only lowercase letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are allowed. Post Types cannot exceed 20 characters as well.', 'sucuri-scanner')); } elseif (array_key_exists($ignore_rule, $ignored_events)) { SucuriScanInterface::error(__('The post-type is already being ignored (duplicate).', 'sucuri-scanner')); } else { $ignored_events[$ignore_rule] = time(); SucuriScanInterface::info(__('Post-type has been successfully ignored.', 'sucuri-scanner')); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':ignored_events', $ignored_events); SucuriScanEvent::reportWarningEvent(sprintf(__('Changes in <code>%s</code> post-type will be ignored', 'sucuri-scanner'), $ignore_rule)); } } if ($action === 'batch') { /* reset current data to start all over again */ $ignored_events = array(); $timestamp = time(); foreach ($post_types as $post_type) { if (is_array($selected) && !in_array($post_type, $selected)) { $ignored_events[$post_type] = $timestamp; } } SucuriScanInterface::info(__('List of monitored post-types has been updated.', 'sucuri-scanner')); SucuriScanOption::updateOption(':ignored_events', $ignored_events); SucuriScanEvent::reportWarningEvent(__('List of monitored post-types has been updated', 'sucuri-scanner')); } } /* notifications are post updates are disabled; print error */ if (SucuriScanOption::isDisabled(':notify_post_publication')) { $params['PostTypes.ErrorVisibility'] = 'visible'; $params['PostTypes.List'] = sprintf('<tr><td colspan="4">%s</td></tr>', __('no data available', 'sucuri-scanner')); return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-ignore-posts', $params); } /* Check which post-types are being ignored */ foreach ($post_types as $post_type) { $was_ignored_at = '--'; $selected = 'checked="checked"'; $post_type_title = ucwords(str_replace('_', "\x20", $post_type)); if (array_key_exists($post_type, $ignored_events)) { $was_ignored_at = SucuriScan::datetime($ignored_events[$post_type]); $selected = ''; /* uncheck the HTML checkbox */ } $params['PostTypes.List'] .= SucuriScanTemplate::getSnippet( 'settings-alerts-ignore-posts', array( 'PostTypes.Selected' => $selected, 'PostTypes.UniqueID' => $post_type, 'PostTypes.Title' => $post_type_title, 'PostTypes.IgnoredAt' => $was_ignored_at, ) ); } return SucuriScanTemplate::getSection('settings-alerts-ignore-posts', $params); }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Генерация страницы: 0 |