Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /home/beautybuzzbeyond/public_html/wp-content/plugins/coblocks/includes/class-coblocks-block-assets.php
<?php /** * Load assets for our blocks. * * @package CoBlocks */ // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Load general assets for our blocks. * * @since 1.0.0 */ class CoBlocks_Block_Assets { /** * This plugin's assets path. * * @var CoBlocks_Block_Assets */ private $assets_dir = ''; /** * This plugin's instance. * * @var CoBlocks_Block_Assets */ private static $instance; /** * Registers the plugin. * * @return CoBlocks_Block_Assets */ public static function register() { if ( null === self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new CoBlocks_Block_Assets(); } return self::$instance; } /** * The Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->assets_dir = CoBlocks()->asset_source( 'js' ); add_action( 'enqueue_block_assets', array( $this, 'block_assets' ) ); add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', array( $this, 'editor_assets' ) ); add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', array( $this, 'frontend_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'frontend_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'save_post_wp_template_part', array( $this, 'clear_template_transients' ) ); // `render_block` filters must be applied early. add_filter( 'render_block', array( $this, 'coblocks_enqueue_scripts_for_core_blocks' ), 10, 2 ); } /** * Loads the asset file for the given script or style. * Returns a default if the asset file is not found. * * @param string $filepath The name of the file without the extension. * * @return array The asset file contents. */ public function get_asset_file( $filepath ) { $asset_path = COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_DIR . $filepath . '.asset.php'; return file_exists( $asset_path ) ? include $asset_path : array( 'dependencies' => array(), 'version' => COBLOCKS_VERSION, ); } /** * Enqueue block assets for use within Gutenberg. * * @access public */ public function block_assets() { global $post; // Only load the front end CSS if a Coblock is in use. $has_coblock = ! is_singular(); if ( ! is_admin() && is_singular() ) { $wp_post = get_post( $post ); // This is similar to has_block() in core, but will match anything // in the coblocks/* namespace. if ( $wp_post instanceof WP_Post ) { $has_coblock = $this->has_coblocks_block( $wp_post ); } $coblocks_template_part_query = get_transient( 'coblocks_template_parts_query' ); if ( false === $coblocks_template_part_query ) { // Determine if template parts contain any coblocks/* namespace. $coblocks_template_part_query = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'wp_template_part', 'posts_per_page' => -1, ) ); set_transient( 'coblocks_template_parts_query', $coblocks_template_part_query, WEEK_IN_SECONDS ); } if ( ! $has_coblock && ! empty( $coblocks_template_part_query ) ) { foreach ( $coblocks_template_part_query as $template_part ) { if ( $this->has_coblocks_block( $template_part ) ) { $has_coblock = true; } } } } if ( ! $has_coblock && ! $this->is_page_gutenberg() && ! $this->has_coblocks_animation() ) { return; } /** * Check the `test-coblocks-block-assets.php` file. * Registered scripts should show for specific blocks that need them. * For example the Core blocks all use `coblocks-animation` style * */ $name = 'style-coblocks-1'; $filepath = 'dist/' . $name; $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( $filepath ); $rtl = ! is_rtl() ? '' : '-rtl'; wp_register_style( 'coblocks-frontend', COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_URL . $filepath . $rtl . '.css', $asset_file['dependencies'], $asset_file['version'] ); $name = 'style-coblocks-extensions'; $filepath = 'dist/' . $name; $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( $filepath ); $rtl = ! is_rtl() ? '' : '-rtl'; wp_enqueue_style( 'coblocks-extensions', COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_URL . $filepath . $rtl . '.css', $asset_file['dependencies'], $asset_file['version'], ); $name = 'style-coblocks-animation'; $filepath = 'dist/' . $name; $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( $filepath ); $rtl = ! is_rtl() ? '' : '-rtl'; wp_enqueue_style( 'coblocks-animation', COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_URL . $filepath . $rtl . '.css', $asset_file['dependencies'], $asset_file['version'], ); } /** * Enqueue block assets for use within Gutenberg. * * @access public */ public function editor_assets() { // Define where the vendor asset is loaded from. $vendors_dir = CoBlocks()->asset_source( 'js/vendors' ); // Styles. $name = 'coblocks-1'; $filepath = 'dist/' . $name; $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( $filepath ); $rtl = ! is_rtl() ? '' : '-rtl'; wp_register_style( 'coblocks-editor', COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_URL . $filepath . $rtl . '.css', array(), $asset_file['version'] ); $name = 'coblocks-extensions'; $filepath = 'dist/' . $name; $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( $filepath ); global $pagenow; // Prevent wp-edit-post and coblocks settings/patterns plugins from loading on the widgets.php page. if ( 'widgets.php' === $pagenow ) { $script_key = array_search( 'wp-edit-post', $asset_file['dependencies'], true ); if ( false !== $script_key ) { unset( $asset_file['dependencies'][ $script_key ] ); } add_filter( 'coblocks_show_settings_panel', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'coblocks_patterns_show_settings_panel', '__return_false' ); } wp_register_script( 'coblocks-editor', // 'coblocks-extensions' COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_URL . $filepath . '.js', array_merge( $asset_file['dependencies'], array( 'wp-api' ) ), $asset_file['version'], true ); foreach ( glob( COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'dist/coblocks-*.js' ) as $file ) { $name = str_replace( '.js', '', basename( $file ) ); // coblocks-1. if ( ! preg_match( '/coblocks-\d+/', $name ) ) { continue; } $filepath = 'dist/' . $name; $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( $filepath ); // Prevent wp-editor from loading on the widgets.php page. if ( 'widgets.php' === $pagenow ) { $script_key = array_search( 'wp-editor', $asset_file['dependencies'], true ); if ( false !== $script_key ) { unset( $asset_file['dependencies'][ $script_key ] ); } } wp_register_script( $name, COBLOCKS_PLUGIN_URL . $filepath . '.js', array_merge( $asset_file['dependencies'], array( 'wp-api', 'coblocks-editor' ) ), $asset_file['version'], true ); } $post_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'post', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); /** * Filter the default block email address value * * @param string $to Admin email. * @param integer $post_id Current post ID. */ $email_to = (string) apply_filters( 'coblocks_form_default_email', get_option( 'admin_email' ), (int) $post_id ); /** * Filter to disable the typography controls * * @param bool true Whether or not the controls are enabled. * @param integer $post_id Current post ID. */ $typography_controls_enabled = (bool) apply_filters( 'coblocks_typography_controls_enabled', true, (int) $post_id ); /** * Filter to disable the animation controls * * @param bool true Whether or not the controls are enabled. * @param integer $post_id Current post ID. */ $animation_controls_enabled = (bool) apply_filters( 'coblocks_animation_controls_enabled', true, (int) $post_id ); /** * Filter to disable all bundled CoBlocks svg icons * * @param bool true Whether or not the bundled icons are displayed. */ $bundled_icons_enabled = (bool) apply_filters( 'coblocks_bundled_icons_enabled', true ); $form = new CoBlocks_Form(); $form_subject = $form->default_subject(); $success_text = $form->default_success_text(); wp_localize_script( 'coblocks-editor', 'coblocksBlockData', array( 'form' => array( 'adminEmail' => $email_to, 'emailSubject' => $form_subject, 'successText' => $success_text, ), 'cropSettingsOriginalImageNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'cropSettingsOriginalImageNonce' ), 'cropSettingsNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'cropSettingsNonce' ), 'labsSiteDesignNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'labsSiteDesignNonce' ), 'bundledIconsEnabled' => $bundled_icons_enabled, 'customIcons' => $this->get_custom_icons(), 'customIconConfigExists' => file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/coblocks/icons/config.json' ), 'typographyControlsEnabled' => $typography_controls_enabled, 'animationControlsEnabled' => $animation_controls_enabled, 'localeCode' => get_locale(), 'baseApiNamespace' => COBLOCKS_API_NAMESPACE, ) ); } /** * Load custom icons from the theme directory, if they exist * * @return array Custom icons array if they exist, else empty array. */ public function get_custom_icons() { $config = array(); $icons = glob( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/coblocks/icons/*.svg' ); if ( empty( $icons ) ) { return array(); } if ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/coblocks/icons/config.json' ) ) { $config = json_decode( file_get_contents( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/coblocks/icons/config.json' ), true ); } $custom_icons = array(); foreach ( $icons as $icon ) { $icon_slug = str_replace( '.svg', '', basename( $icon ) ); $icon_name = ucwords( str_replace( '-', ' ', $icon_slug ) ); if ( ! empty( $config ) ) { // Icon exists in directory, but not found in config. if ( ! array_key_exists( $icon_slug, $config ) ) { continue; } } ob_start(); include $icon; $retrieved_icon = ob_get_clean(); $custom_icons[ $icon_slug ] = array( 'label' => $icon_name, 'keywords' => strtolower( $icon_name ), 'icon' => $retrieved_icon, ); } if ( ! empty( $config ) ) { foreach ( $config as $icon => $metadata ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $icon, $custom_icons ) ) { continue; } if ( array_key_exists( 'icon_outlined', $config[ $icon ] ) ) { $metadata['icon_outlined'] = file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/coblocks/icons/' . $metadata['icon_outlined'] ) ? file_get_contents( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/coblocks/icons/' . $metadata['icon_outlined'] ) : ''; } $custom_icons[ $icon ] = array_replace_recursive( $custom_icons[ $icon ], array_filter( $metadata ) ); } } return $custom_icons; } /** * Enqueue front-end assets for blocks. * * @access public * @since 1.9.5 */ public function frontend_scripts() { // Custom scripts are not allowed in AMP, so short-circuit. if ( CoBlocks()->is_amp() ) { return; } // Define where the vendor asset is loaded from. $vendors_dir = CoBlocks()->asset_source( 'js/vendors' ); $previous_aria_label = __( 'Previous', 'coblocks' ); $next_aria_label = __( 'Next', 'coblocks' ); // Enqueue for coblocks animations. wp_enqueue_script( 'coblocks-animation', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-animation.js', array(), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); // Masonry v1 block scripts. if ( $this->has_masonry_v1_block() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'coblocks-masonry', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-masonry.js', array( 'jquery', 'masonry', 'imagesloaded' ), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); } // Gist block script. wp_register_script( 'coblocks-gist-script', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-gist-script.js', array(), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); // Carousel block scripts. wp_register_script( 'coblocks-tiny-swiper', $vendors_dir . 'tiny-swiper.js', array(), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'coblocks-tinyswiper-initializer', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-tinyswiper-initializer.js', array(), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'coblocks-tinyswiper-initializer', 'coblocksTinyswiper', array( 'carouselPrevButtonAriaLabel' => $previous_aria_label, 'carouselNextButtonAriaLabel' => $next_aria_label, 'sliderImageAriaLabel' => __( 'Image', 'coblocks' ), ) ); // Post Carousel block script. wp_register_script( 'coblocks-post-carousel', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-post-carousel-script.js', array(), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'coblocks-post-carousel', 'coblocksPostCarousel', array( 'carouselPrevButtonAriaLabel' => $previous_aria_label, 'carouselNextButtonAriaLabel' => $next_aria_label, ) ); // Events block. wp_register_script( 'coblocks-events', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-events-script.js', array(), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'coblocks-events', 'coblocksEvents', array( 'carouselPrevButtonAriaLabel' => $previous_aria_label, 'carouselNextButtonAriaLabel' => $next_aria_label, ) ); // Counter block. $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( 'dist/js/coblocks-counter-script' ); wp_register_script( 'coblocks-counter-script', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-counter-script.js', $asset_file['dependencies'], COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); // Services block. $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( 'dist/js/coblocks-services-script' ); wp_register_script( 'coblocks-services-script', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-services-script.js', $asset_file['dependencies'], COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); $name = 'coblocks-lightbox'; $filepath = 'dist/js/' . $name; $asset_file = $this->get_asset_file( $filepath ); wp_register_script( 'coblocks-lightbox', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-lightbox.js', $asset_file['dependencies'], $asset_file['version'], true ); $this->localize_lightbox_controls(); } /** * Enqueue specific scripts for the given core blocks. * * @param string $block_content The block content to be rendered. * @param array $block The block attributes. * * @return string The original block content. */ public function coblocks_enqueue_scripts_for_core_blocks( $block_content, $block ) { // Bail if block does not have name, or does not have attributes. if ( ! isset( $block['blockName'] ) || ! isset( $block['attrs'] ) ) { return $block_content; } $block_name = $block['blockName']; $block_attributes = $block['attrs']; // Allowed blocks for the lightbox script. $lightbox_allowed_blocks = array( 'core/gallery', 'core/image', 'core/block', ); if ( in_array( $block_name, $lightbox_allowed_blocks, true ) && // Has a lightbox attribute set to true. ( isset( $block_attributes['lightbox'] ) && true === $block_attributes['lightbox'] ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'coblocks-lightbox' ); // Script must be localized after the 'handle' script is registered. // `coblocks-lightbox` is the handle that is shared between the scripts. $this->localize_lightbox_controls(); wp_enqueue_style( 'coblocks-frontend' ); } // Allowed blocks for the gist script. $gist_allowed_blocks = array( 'core/embed', ); if ( in_array( $block_name, $gist_allowed_blocks, true ) && // Has a URL attribute with gist.github.com. ( isset( $block_attributes['url'] ) && str_contains( $block_attributes['url'], 'gist.github.com' ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'coblocks-gist-script', $this->assets_dir . 'coblocks-gist-script.js', array(), COBLOCKS_VERSION, true ); } return $block_content; } /** * Localize language script for the lightbox controls. */ private function localize_lightbox_controls() { wp_localize_script( 'coblocks-lightbox', 'coblocksLightboxData', array( 'closeLabel' => __( 'Close Gallery', 'coblocks' ), 'leftLabel' => __( 'Previous', 'coblocks' ), 'rightLabel' => __( 'Next', 'coblocks' ), ) ); } /** * Clear transient when wp_template_part is saved/updated * * @access public * @since 2.14.2 */ public function clear_template_transients() { delete_transient( 'coblocks_template_parts_query' ); } /** * Determine if the given post content contains any CoBlocks blocks * * @access public * @since 2.14.2 * @param WP_Post $post_object Post object. * * @return boolean True when post content contains a CoBlocks block. */ public function has_coblocks_block( WP_Post $post_object ) { return ! empty( array_filter( array( false !== strpos( $post_object->post_content, '<!-- wp:coblocks/' ), // Having core blocks here, ensures that enqueues from block_assets are loaded. has_block( 'core/block', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/button', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/cover', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/heading', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/image', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/gallery', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/list', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/paragraph', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/pullquote', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/quote', $post_object ), has_block( 'core/media-text', $post_object ), ) ) ); } /** * Determine if the given post content contains any v1 Masonry block. * * @access public * @since 2.22.0 * * @return boolean True when post content contains a v1 Masonry block. */ public function has_masonry_v1_block() { $v1_regex = '/<!-- wp:coblocks\/gallery-masonry.*|\n*(coblocks-gallery--item).*|\n*<!-- \/wp:coblocks\/gallery-masonry -->/m'; global $post; /** * Resolves a fatal error bug on PHP 8+ with Timber. * * @see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/the-method-has_masonry_v1_block-produces-a-fatal-error-on-php-8-0-22-and-above/ */ $post_content = ! empty( $post ) ? $post->post_content : get_the_content(); preg_match_all( $v1_regex, $post_content, $matches ); return isset( $matches[0] ) && isset( $matches[0][2] ) && ! empty( $matches[0][2] ); } /** * Return whether a post type should display the Block Editor. * * @param string $post_type The post_type slug to check. */ protected function is_post_type_gutenberg( $post_type ) { return use_block_editor_for_post_type( $post_type ); } /** * Return whether the page we are on is loading the Block Editor. */ protected function is_page_gutenberg() { if ( ! is_admin() ) { return false; } $admin_page = isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ? wp_basename( esc_url_raw( filter_var( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL ) ) ) : false; if ( ! $admin_page ) { return false; } if ( false !== strpos( $admin_page, 'post-new.php' ) && empty( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) { return true; } if ( false !== strpos( $admin_page, 'post-new.php' ) && isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) && $this->is_post_type_gutenberg( filter_input( INPUT_GET, wp_unslash( $_GET['post_type'] ), FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS ) ) ) { return true; } if ( false !== strpos( $admin_page, 'post.php' ) && isset( $_GET['post'] ) ) { $post = filter_input( INPUT_GET, wp_unslash( $_GET['post'] ) ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } $wp_post = get_post( htmlspecialchars( $post ) ); if ( isset( $wp_post ) && isset( $wp_post->post_type ) && $this->is_post_type_gutenberg( $wp_post->post_type ) ) { return true; } } if ( false !== strpos( $admin_page, 'revision.php' ) && isset( $_GET['revision'] ) ) { $revision = filter_input( INPUT_GET, wp_unslash( $_GET['revision'] ) ); if ( ! $revision ) { return false; } $wp_post = get_post( htmlspecialchars( $revision ) ); $post_parent = get_post( $wp_post->post_parent ); if ( isset( $post_parent ) && isset( $post_parent->post_type ) && $this->is_post_type_gutenberg( $post_parent->post_type ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determine if the page content contains an element with a coblocks-animate class. * * @return boolean True when an element on the page has .coblocks-animate class, else false. */ public function has_coblocks_animation() { global $post; /** * Resolves a fatal error bug on PHP 8+ with Timber. * * @see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/the-method-has_masonry_v1_block-produces-a-fatal-error-on-php-8-0-22-and-above/ */ $post_content = ! empty( $post ) ? $post->post_content : get_the_content(); return false !== strpos( $post_content, 'coblocks-animate' ); } } CoBlocks_Block_Assets::register();
| ver. 1.4 |
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