_installer_phpmycounter_title=phpMyCounter _installer_phpmycounter_type=_types_statistics _installer_phpmycounter_category=_categories_surveysandstatistics _installer_phpmycounter_description=phpMyCounter er et gratis nettsted inntrykk telling søknad. phpMyCounter vedlikeholdes av Installatron. _installer_phpmycounter_authordescription=phpMyCounter er en enkel å bruke, men sofistikert hit telling søknad. Det inkluderer et administrasjonsgrensesnitt som lar deg tilpasse disken utseende og det fungerer med PHP, SSI, eller enkel HTML websider. _installer_phpmycounter_usagenotes=Cut and paste one of the following into your webpage code where you would like the counter to appear:

For a PHP webpage (ie. your page has a .php extension):

For an SSI webpage (ie. your page has a .shtml extension):

For a HTML webpage (ie. your page has a .html or .htm extension):

Finally, use the admin page to configure and customize the counter appearance.