_installer_tsep_title=Search Engine Project _installer_tsep_type=_types_search _installer_tsep_category=_categories_miscellaneous _installer_tsep_input_login_label=_info_adminusername _installer_tsep_input_login_text=_settings_adminusername _installer_tsep_input_passwd_label=_info_adminpassword _installer_tsep_input_passwd_text=_settings_adminpassword _installer_tsep_description=検索エンジンプロジェクトは、オープンソースのウェブサイトの検索アプリケーションです。 _installer_tsep_authordescription=TSEP(検索エンジンプロジェクト)は、ウェブサイトのための検索エンジンです。あなたのウェブサイト上の任意の場所に「このサイトを検索」を入れて、人々はすぐに彼らが探しているものを見つけることができましょう。 _installer_tsep_usagenotes=Once installation is complete you will need to create a search index before searches can be performed:

• Load the Admin page, then click on Create a new index.
• Edit the first two settings, and then click Create Profile.

The indexing process may take a while, but once it's finished you will have a complete index of the selected directories. Searches will now work. And you can re-process the index any time you want to update it.

Add TSEP to your website

• Add this HTML code where you want the search form to appear on the page:

Linking To TSEP

• Alternatively, you can link to the example search page:

The appearance and style of TSEP can be completely customized: see the documentation for more information.