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Expected %zu, wrote %zd.The underlying IPC mechanism does not support asynchronous I/O. The 'timeout' parameter must be TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCKCaller queried for size but linux kernel doesn't allow this. Returning 4k which is the max size for a response buffer.Caller provided buffer that *may* not be large enough to hold the response buffer.Failed to poll for response from fd %d, got errno %d: %sFailed to read response from fd %d, got errno %d: %sReceived %zu bytes, not enough to hold a TPM2 response header.Size from header %u bytes read %zuTPM2 response size disagrees with number of bytes read from fd %d. Header says %u but we read %zu bytes.TPM2 response size is larger than the provided buffer: future use of this TCTI will likely fail.Failed to open device file %s: %sTCTI module for communication with Linux kernel interface.Path to TPM character device. Default value is: TCTI_DEVICE_DEFAULTTss2_Tcti_Device_Inittcti_device_receivetcti_device_transmitsrc/util/io.cread %zd bytes from fd %d:wrote %zd bytes to fd %dfailed to write to fd %d: %s%uResolving host %sreading %zu bytes from fd %d to buffer at 0x%lxread on fd %d failed with errno %d: %sAttempted read %zu bytes from fd %d, but EOF returnedwriting %zu bytes starting at 0x%lx to fd %dWriting %zu bytes to socket %d:write to fd %d failed, errno %d: %sFailed to close SOCKET %d. errno %d: %sHost %s does not resolve to a valid address: %d: %sAttempting TCP connection to host %s, port %sFailed to connect to host %s, port %s: errno %d: %ssocket_connectsocket_closesocket_xmit_bufwrite_allread_allsrc/util/key-value-parse.c=key / value string is null.key / value string is invalidall parameters are required,parsing key/value: %skey_value_str: "%s" and key_value_t: 0x%lxreceived a NULL parameter, all are requiredkv_str: "%s", callback: 0x%lx, user_data: 0x%lxparse_key_value_stringparse_key_valuenoneTSS2_LOGall%s:%s:%s:%d:%s() %s %s (size=%zi): %s%02x(unused)ERRORWARNINGinfodebugtrace;!0Xp(8Xxdhx  4HL`hxX8hT( \ zRx $FJ w?:*3$"D8\p dDFUR D(DHaPFXD`I@j (A ABBG HHBPnHA@Q HBPD H HEPB hPLFQT D(DHaPHXG`I@j (A ABBD HHEPnHA@N HEPI H HEPB    #  *FBE D(A0n (C BBBG D8S@OHRPBXB`L0` (A BBBA F (C BBBA A8U@THPPI0 HFEE B(A0D8D`$hRpIxEN`NhUpTxTI``hUpShA`c 8A0A(B BBBI YhUpShA`rhRpBxEN`]h`pOxGI`UhSpOxKHGM`DhUpNhB`khUpVhB`QhfpOxGI`_hApDxDHEw`{ hApDxDHEG YhUpShA`$$8EAD kAAD9F9K9Q9_0384 .0L 8L o` , N `  ooHooo L 0 @ P ` p  0@P`pGA$3a1 . 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