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;r܄c2Zla"+*!GWׄL˽]c5*uʖ;6G`TLSLNE%gXI2 ox-gN*?9 nrtv V/p; GXl܎<"]$V#_1^(͕G%Z$|y2l;r1',97a m j<-;[=r8]k/|MX 8] pN 2F#\.Y#r̓G ܋N t&H report or modify preferred CoW extent size (in bytes) for the current path -R -- recursively descend (useful when current path is a directory) -D -- recursively descend, only modifying cowextsize on directories %s: XFS_IOC_FSGETXATTR %s: %s invalid target file type - file %s %s: XFS_IOC_FSSETXATTR %s: %s non-numeric cowextsize argument -- %s get/set preferred CoW extent size (in bytes) for the open filefstat64[%u] %s DR[-D | -R] [cowextsize] assign an encryption policy to the currently open file Examples: 'set_encpolicy' - assign policy with default key [0000000000000000] 'set_encpolicy 0000111122223333' - assign policy with specified key -c MODE -- contents encryption mode -n MODE -- filenames encryption mode -f FLAGS -- policy flags -v VERSION -- version of policy structure MODE can be numeric or one of the following predefined values: AES-256-XTS, AES-256-CTS, AES-256-GCM, AES-256-CBC FLAGS and VERSION must be numeric. Note that it's only possible to set an encryption policy on an empty directory. It's then inherited by new files and subdirectories. %s: failed to get encryption policy: %s Contents encryption mode: %u (%s) Filenames encryption mode: %u (%s) invalid contents encryption mode: %s invalid filenames encryption mode: %s %s: failed to set encryption policy: %s display the encryption policy of the current file[-c mode] [-n mode] [-f flags] [-v version] [keydesc]assign an encryption policy to the current fileAES-256-XTSAES-256-CBCAES-256-CTSAES-256-GCM0x%02xEncryption policy for %s: Policy version: %u Master key descriptor: %s Flags: 0x%02x invalid flags: %s invalid policy version: %s c:n:f:v:invalid key descriptor: %s get_encpolicyset_encpolicy,nofollow,path,tmpfile,non-block,append-only,real-timeread-onlyread-writenon-directnon-syncforeignxfs[N]set the current fileprint%c%03d%c %-14s (%s,%s,%s,%s%s%s%s%s%s%s) value %d is out of range (0-%d) list current open files and memory mappings%s: cannot unfreeze filesystem mounted at %s: %s %s: cannot freeze filesystem at %s: %s freeze filesystem of current fileunfreeze filesystem of current filefreezethawfdatasyncfsynccalls fsync(2) to flush all in-core file state to diskcalls fdatasync(2) to flush the files in-core data to diskCvgetrusagereport process resource usage%.2fuser %.2fsystem %selapsed %.0f%%CPU (%ldavgtext+%ldavgdata %ldmaxresident)k %ldinputs+%ldoutputs (%ldmajor+%ldminor)pagefaults %ldswaps %.3fu %.3fs %s %.1f%% %ld+%ldk %ld+%ldio %ldpf+%ldw %.3f,%.3f,%s,%.1f,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld Y@.Aino %10llu count %2d mask %016llx inode map for filesystem of current filexfsctl(XFS_IOC_FSINUMBERS)imap[nentries] inject errors into the filesystem of the currently open file Example: 'inject readagf' - cause errors on allocation group freespace reads Causes the kernel to generate and react to errors within XFS, provided the XFS kernel code has been built with debugging features enabled. With no arguments, displays the list of error injection tags. inject errors into a filesystemtags: [ ] no such tag -- %s XFS_IOC_ERROR_INJECTIONinject[tag ...]noerroriflush1iflush2iflush3iflush4iflush5iflush6dareadbufbtree_chk_lblkbtree_chk_sblkreadagfreadagiitobpiunlinkiunlinkrmdirinovalidbulkstatlogiodonestratreadstratcmpldiowritebmapifmtfree_extentrmap_finish_onerefcount_continue_updaterefcount_finish_onebmap_finish_oneag_resv_criticaldrop_writeslog_bad_crclog_item_pinbuf_lru_refforce_repairbad_summary Manipulate or query the filesystem label while mounted. With no arguments, displays the current filesystem label. -s newlabel -- set the filesystem label to newlabel -c -- clear the filesystem label (sets to NULL string) query, set, or clear the filesystem label while mountedcs:labellabel = "%s" [-s label|-c] link the open file descriptor to the supplied filename link the open file descriptor to the supplied filenamefilename resizes the current memory mapping Examples: 'mremap 8192' - resizes the current mapping to 8192 bytes. Resizes the mapping, growing or shrinking from the current size. The default stored value is 'X', repeated to fill the range specified. -f -- use MREMAP_FIXED flag to mremap on new_address -m -- use the MREMAP_MAYMOVE flag dirties a range of bytes in the current memory mapping Example: 'mwrite 512 20 - writes 20 bytes at 512 bytes into the current mapping. Stores a byte into memory for a range within a mapping. The default stored value is 'X', repeated to fill the range specified. -S -- use an alternate seed character -r -- reverse order; start storing from the end of range, moving backward The stores are performed sequentially from the start offset by default. flushes a range of bytes in the current memory mapping Writes all modified copies of pages over the specified range (or entire mapping if no range specified) to their backing storage locations. Also, optionally invalidates so that subsequent references to the pages will be obtained from their backing storage locations (instead of cached copies). -a -- perform asynchronous writes (MS_ASYNC) -i -- invalidate mapped pages (MS_INVALIDATE) -s -- perform synchronous writes (MS_SYNC) reads a range of bytes in the current memory mapping Example: 'mread -v 512 20' - dumps 20 bytes read from 512 bytes into the mapping Accesses a range of the current memory mapping, optionally dumping it to the standard output stream (with -v option) for subsequent inspection. -f -- verbose mode, dump bytes with offsets relative to start of file. -r -- reverse order; start accessing from the end of range, moving backward -v -- verbose mode, dump bytes with offsets relative to start of mapping. The accesses are performed sequentially from the start offset by default. Notes: References to whole pages following the end of the backing file results in delivery of the SIGBUS signal. SIGBUS signals may also be delivered on various filesystem conditions, including quota exceeded errors, and for physical device errors (such as unreadable disk blocks). No attempt has been made to catch signals at this stage... maps a range within the current file into memory Example: 'mmap -rw 0 1m' - maps one megabyte from the start of the current file Memory maps a range of a file for subsequent use by other xfs_io commands. With no arguments, mmap shows the current mappings. The current mapping can be set by using the single argument form (mapping number or address). If two arguments are specified (a range), a new mapping is created and the following options are available: -r -- map with PROT_READ protection -w -- map with PROT_WRITE protection -x -- map with PROT_EXEC protection -S -- map with MAP_SYNC and MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE flags -s -- first do mmap(size)/munmap(size), try to reserve some free space If no protection mode is specified, all are used by default. non-numeric offset argument -- %s offset (%lld) is before start of mapping (%lld) offset (%lld) is beyond end of mapping (%lld) range (%lld:%lld) is beyond mapping (%lld:%ld) offset address (%p) is not page aligned non-numeric length argument -- %s %c%03d%c 0x%lx - 0x%lx %s %14s (%lld : %ld) [N] | [-rwxS] [-s size] [off len]mmap a range in the current file, show mappingsreads data from a region in the current memory mappingflush a region in the current memory mappingunmaps the current memory mappingwrites data into a region in the current memory mappingalters the size of the current memory mappingf:mmremapnon-numeric seed -- %s rS:aismsyncfrv???munmaprwxSs:strdupmmapmmmreadmr[-r] [off len]ms[-ais] [off len]mumwritemw[-r] [-S seed] [off len]mrm[-m|-f ] newsize( Change the read/write permissions on the current file Options: -r -- make the file read only (0444 permissions) -w -- make the file read/write (0664 permissions) Query physical information about an inode Default: -- Return 1 if any inode number greater than 32 bits exists in the filesystem, or 0 if none exist num -- Return inode number [num] if in use, or 0 if not in use -n num -- Return the next used inode after [num] -v -- Verbose mode - display returned inode number's size in bits report or modify preferred extent size (in bytes) for the current path -R -- recursively descend (useful when current path is a directory) -D -- recursively descend, only modifying extsize on directories displays the project identifier associated with the current path Options: -R -- recursively descend (useful when current path is a directory) -D -- recursively descend, but only list projects on directories modifies the project identifier associated with the current path -R -- recursively descend (useful when current path is a directory) -D -- recursively descend, only modifying projects on directories opens a new file in the requested mode Example: 'open -cd /tmp/data' - creates/opens data file read-write for direct IO Opens a file for subsequent use by all of the other xfs_io commands. With no arguments, open uses the stat command to show the current file. -a -- open with the O_APPEND flag (append-only mode) -d -- open with O_DIRECT (non-buffered IO, note alignment constraints) -f -- open with O_CREAT (create the file if it doesn't exist) -m -- permissions to use in case a new file is created (default 0600) -n -- open with O_NONBLOCK -r -- open with O_RDONLY, the default is O_RDWR -s -- open with O_SYNC -t -- open with O_TRUNC (truncate the file to zero length if it exists) -R -- mark the file as a realtime XFS file immediately after opening it -T -- open with O_TMPFILE (create a file not visible in the namespace) -P -- open with O_PATH (create an fd that is merely a location reference) -L -- open with O_NOFOLLOW (don't follow symlink) Note1: usually read/write direct IO requests must be blocksize aligned; some kernels, however, allow sectorsize alignment for direct IO. Note2: the bmap for non-regular files can be obtained provided the file was opened correctly (in particular, must be opened read-only). non-numeric extsize argument -- %s %s is not a numeric inode value -T and -r options are incompatible -P and -L are incompatible with the other options [-acdrstxRTPL] [-m mode] [path]open the file specified by pathchange project identifier on the currently open filelist project identifier set on the currently open fileget/set preferred extent size (in bytes) for the open fileQuery inode number usage in the filesystemchange the read/write permissions on the currently open filefstat%s: FS_IOC_FSGETXATTR %s: %s %s: FS_IOC_FSSETXATTR %s: %s closerwfchmodgetprojidinvalid project ID -- %s setprojidXFS_IOC_FSINUMBERSnvxfsctl%llu:%d XFS_IOC_FSGEOMETRYFS_IOC_FSGETXATTRFS_IOC_FSSETXATTRFLPRTacdfm:nrstxopenclose the current open filechproj[-D | -R] projidlsproj[-D | -R][-D | -R] [extsize]inode[-nv] [num]-r | -w| list the current file's parents and their filenames -c -- check the current file's file system for parent consistency -p -- list the current file's parents and their full paths -v -- verbose mode %s: failed path_to_fshandle "%s": %s %s: path_to_handle failed for "%s" %s: unable to allocate parent buffer: %s %s: %s call failed for "%s": %s inode-path for inode: %llu is incorrect - path "%s" non-existent path "%s" does not stat for inode: %llu; err = %s inode-path for inode: %llu is incorrect - wrong inode# ino mismatch for path "%s" %llu vs %llu parent path "%s" does not stat: %s inode-path for inode: %llu is incorrect - wrong parent inode# file argument, "%s", is not in a mounted XFS filesystem unable to open "%s" for jdm: %s unable to allocate buffers: %s can't stat mount point "%s": %s failed to get bulkstat information for inode %llu failed to get valid bulkstat information for inode %llu parentpaths failed for ino %llu: %s inode-path for inode: %llu is missing succeeded checking %llu inodes parentpathsparents%s: inode-path is missing p_ino = %llu p_gen = %u p_reclen = %u p_name = "%s%s" p_name = "%s" %s%spath "%s" found inode number match: %llu parent ino match for %llu cpvchecking inode %llu syssgi bulkstat failed: %s num errors: %d parent[-cpv]print or check parent inodes reads a range of bytes in a specified block size from the given offset Example: 'pread -v 512 20' - dumps 20 bytes read from 512 bytes into the file Reads a segment of the currently open file, optionally dumping it to the standard output stream (with -v option) for subsequent inspection. The reads are performed in sequential blocks starting at offset, with the blocksize tunable using the -b option (default blocksize is 4096 bytes), unless a different pattern is requested. -B -- read backwards through the range from offset (backwards N bytes) -F -- read forwards through the range of bytes from offset (default) -v -- be verbose, dump out buffers (used when reading forwards) -R -- read at random offsets in the range of bytes -Z N -- zeed the random number generator (used when reading randomly) (heh, zorry, the -s/-S arguments were already in use in pwrite) -V N -- use vectored IO with N iovecs of blocksize each (preadv) When in "random" mode, the number of read operations will equal the number required to do a complete forward/backward scan of the range. Note that the offset within the range is chosen at random each time (an offset may be read more than once when operating in this mode). non-numeric vector count == %s [-b bs] [-v] [-i N] [-FBR [-Z N]] off lenreads a number of bytes at a specified offsetmemalign%08llx: %02x preadnon-numeric bsize -- %s b:BCFRquvV:Z:,<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<\<<<<<<<,<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< modifies space associated with part of a file via fallocate Example: 'falloc 0 1m' - fills all holes within the first megabyte falloc uses the fallocate system call to alter space allocations in the open file. The following operations are supported: All the file offsets are in units of bytes. -c -- collapses the given range. -i -- inserts a hole into the given range of the file. -k -- do not change file size. -p -- unmap the given range from the file. -u -- unshare shared extents in the given range. allocates zeroed space for part of a filefrees space associated with part of a filereserves space associated with part of a filefrees reserved space associated with part of a fileConverts the given range of a file to allocated zerosallocates space associated with part of a file via fallocatede-allocates space associated with part of a file via fallocatede-allocates space and eliminates the hole by shifting extentscreates new space for writing within file by shifting extentszeroes space and eliminates holes by preallocatingunshares shared blocks within the rangefallocatecikpuXFS_IOC_ZERO_RANGEXFS_IOC_UNRESVSP64XFS_IOC_RESVSP64XFS_IOC_FREESP64XFS_IOC_ALLOCSP64allocspfreespunresvspfalloc[-c] [-k] [-p] [-u] off lenfpunchfcollapsefinsertfzero[-k] off lenfunshareL|l\ writes a range of bytes (in block size increments) from the given offset Example: 'pwrite 512 20' - writes 20 bytes at 512 bytes into the open file Writes into a segment of the currently open file, using either a buffer filled with a set pattern (0xcdcdcdcd) or data read from an input file. The writes are performed in sequential blocks starting at offset, with the blocksize tunable using the -b option (default blocksize is 4096 bytes), unless a different write pattern is requested. -S -- use an alternate seed number for filling the write buffer -i -- input file, source of data to write (used when writing forward) -d -- open the input file for direct IO -s -- skip a number of bytes at the start of the input file -w -- call fdatasync(2) at the end (included in timing results) -W -- call fsync(2) at the end (included in timing results) -B -- write backwards through the range from offset (backwards N bytes) -F -- write forwards through the range of bytes from offset (default) -O -- perform pwrite call once and return (maybe partial) bytes written -R -- write at random offsets in the specified range of bytes -Z N -- zeed the random number generator (used when writing randomly) (heh, zorry, the -s/-S arguments were already in use in pwrite) -V N -- use vectored IO with N iovecs of blocksize each (pwritev) -N -- Perform the pwritev2() with RWF_NOWAIT -D -- Perform the pwritev2() with RWF_DSYNC %s: command -%c not supported [-i infile [-dDwNOW] [-s skip]] [-b bs] [-S seed] [-FBR [-Z N]] [-V N] off lenwrites a number of bytes at a specified offsetnon-numeric skip -- %s b:BCdDf:Fi:NqRs:OS:uV:wWZ:pwritewrote000000000 0000P 000000000000000000000@000@ Links a range of bytes (in block size increments) from a file into a range of bytes in the open file. The contents of both file ranges must match. Example: 'dedupe some_file 0 4096 32768' - links 32768 bytes from some_file at offset 0 to into the open file at position 4096 Reflink a range of blocks from a given input file to the open file. Both files share the same range of physical disk blocks; a write to the shared range of either file should result in the write landing in a new block and that range of the file being remapped (i.e. copy-on-write). Both files must reside on the same filesystem, and the contents of both ranges must match. Links a range of bytes (in block size increments) from a file into a range of bytes in the open file. The two extent ranges need not contain identical data. Example: 'reflink some_file 0 4096 32768' - links 32768 bytes from some_file at offset 0 to into the open file at position 4096 'reflink some_file' - links all bytes from some_file into the open file at position 0 Reflink a range of blocks from a given input file to the open file. Both files share the same range of physical disk blocks; a write to the shared range of either file should result in the write landing in a new block and that range of the file being remapped (i.e. copy-on-write). Both files must reside on the same filesystem. non-numeric src offset argument -- %s non-numeric dest offset argument -- %s non-positive length argument -- %s reflinks an entire file, or a number of bytes at a specified offsetdedupes a number of bytes at a specified offsetCqXFS_IOC_CLONEXFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGElinkedXFS_IOC_FILE_EXTENT_SAMEXFS_IOC_FILE_EXTENT_SAME: %s Extents did not match.dedupedreflinkrlinfile [src_off dst_off len]dedupeddinfile src_off dst_off lennon-numeric argument -- %s XFS_IOC_SET_RESBLKSXFS_IOC_GET_RESBLKSreserved blocks = %llu resblks[blocks]available reserved blocks = %llu get and/or set count of reserved filesystem blocksprobescrubCorruption detected. Optimization possible. Cross-referencing failed. Scan was not complete. Corruption remains. Repair was not complete. Bad inode number '%s'. Bad generation number '%s'. Must specify one AG number. Bad AG number '%s'. No parameters allowed. scrub.cUnknown type '%s'. sctype [agno|ino gen]scrubs filesystem metadatafixrepairs filesystem metadatasbagflbnobtcntbtfinobtrmapbtrefcountbtbmapbtdbmapbtabmapbtcdirectoryxattrsymlinkrtbitmaprtsummaryusrquotagrpquotaprjquota Scrubs a piece of XFS filesystem metadata. The first argument is the type of metadata to examine. Allocation group metadata types take one AG number as the second parameter. Inode metadata types act on the currently open file or (optionally) take an inode number and generation number to act upon as the second and third parameters. Example: 'scrub inobt 3' - scrub the inode btree in AG 3. 'scrub bmapbtd 128 13525' - scrubs the extent map of inode 128 gen 13525. Known metadata scrub types are: Repairs a piece of XFS filesystem metadata. The first argument is the type of metadata to examine. Allocation group metadata types take one AG number as the second parameter. Inode metadata types act on the currently open file or (optionally) take an inode number and generation number to act upon as the second and third parameters. Example: 'repair inobt 3' - repairs the inode btree in AG 3. 'repair bmapbtd 128 13525' - repairs the extent map of inode 128 gen 13525. Known metadata repairs types are:Corruption detected during cross-referencing. Corruption still detected during cross-referencing. Metadata did not need repair or optimization. Must specify inode number and generation. parse_args returns the next hole and/or data offset at or after the requested offset Example: 'seek -d 512' - offset of data at or following offset 512 'seek -a -r 0' - offsets of all data and hole in entire file Returns the offset of the next data and/or hole. There is an implied hole at the end of file. If the specified offset is past end of file, or there is no data past the specified offset, EOF is returned. -a -- return the next data and hole starting at the specified offset. -d -- return the next data starting at the specified offset. -h -- return the next hole starting at the specified offset. -r -- return all remaining type(s) starting at the specified offset. -s -- also print the starting offset. Invalid seek result: lseek(, %lld, SEEK_%s) = %lld locate the next data and/or hole%s %lld EOF %s EOF ERR %lld %s %lld %lld %s %lld HOLEDATAadhrsWhence Start ResultWhence Resultseek-a | -d | -h [-r] off ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shuts down the filesystem and prevents any further IO from occurring. By default, shutdown will not flush completed transactions to disk before shutting the filesystem down, simulating a disk failure or crash. With -f, the log will be flushed to disk, matching XFS behavior when metadata corruption is encountered. -f -- Flush completed transactions to disk before shut down. shuts down the filesystem where the current file residesfvXFS_IOC_GOINGDOWNshutdown[-f]socketchar deviceblock deviceregular filesymbolic linkfifofd.path = "%s" fd.flags = %s,%s,%s%s%s%s%s fsxattr.xflags = 0x%x fsxattr.projid = %u fsxattr.extsize = %u fsxattr.cowextsize = %u fsxattr.nextents = %u fsxattr.naextents = %u XFS_IOC_DIOINFOdioattr.mem = 0x%x dioattr.miniosz = %u dioattr.maxiosz = %u stat.blksize = %lu stat.nlink = %lu stat.uid = %u stat.gid = %u stat.mode: 0%o stat.ino = %llu stat.size = %lld stat.blocks = %lld stat.atime.tv_sec = %ld stat.atime.tv_nsec = %ld stat.ctime.tv_sec = %ld stat.ctime.tv_nsec = %ld stat.mtime.tv_sec = %ld stat.mtime.tv_nsec = %ld stat.rdev_major = %u stat.rdev_minor = %u stat.dev_major = %u stat.dev_minor = %u stat.ino = %lld stat.type = %s stat.atime = %sstat.mtime = %sstat.ctime = %sfstatfsstatfs.f_bsize = %lld statfs.f_blocks = %lld statfs.f_bavail = %lld statfs.f_files = %lld statfs.f_ffree = %lld statfs.f_flags = 0x%llx XFS_IOC_FSGEOMETRY_V1geom.bsize = %u geom.agcount = %u geom.agblocks = %u geom.datablocks = %llu geom.rtblocks = %llu geom.rtextents = %llu geom.rtextsize = %u geom.sunit = %u geom.swidth = %u XFS_IOC_FSCOUNTScounts.freedata = %llu counts.freertx = %llu counts.freeino = %llu counts.allocino = %llu basicallnon-numeric mask -- %s m:rvFDstatxstat.mask = 0x%x stat.blksize = %u stat.attributes = 0x%llx stat.nlink = %u stat.size = %llu stat.blocks = %llu stat.atime.tv_sec = %lld stat.atime.tv_nsec = %d stat.btime.tv_sec = %lld stat.btime.tv_nsec = %d stat.ctime.tv_sec = %lld stat.ctime.tv_nsec = %d stat.mtime.tv_sec = %lld stat.mtime.tv_nsec = %d stat.btime = %s[-v|-r] Display extended file status. Options: -v -- More verbose output -r -- Print raw statx structure fields -m mask -- Specify the field mask for the statx call (can also be 'basic' or 'all'; default STATX_ALL) -D -- Don't sync attributes with the server -F -- Force the attributes to be sync'd with the server stat.attributes_mask = 0x%llx statistics on the currently open file[-v|-r][-m basic | -m all | -m ][-FD]extended statistics on the currently open filestatistics on the filesystem of the currently open file( XH8 Swaps extents between the open file descriptor and the supplied filename. swapextSwap extents between files.syncfscalls sync(2) to flush all in-core filesystem state to diskcalls syncfs(2) to flush all in-core filesystem state to disknon-numeric truncate argument -- %s truncates the current file at the given offsetftruncate Update file atime and mtime of the current file with nansecond precision. Usage: utimes atime_sec atime_nsec mtime_sec mtime_nsec. *_sec: Seconds elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. *_nsec: Nanoseconds since the corresponding *_sec. atime_sec atime_nsec mtime_sec mtime_nsecUpdate file times of the current fileBad value for atime Bad value for mtime futimensutimes advise the page cache about expected I/O patterns on the current file Modifies kernel page cache behaviour when operating on the current file. The range arguments are required by some advise commands ([*] below). With no arguments, the POSIX_FADV_NORMAL advice is implied. -d -- don't need these pages (POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) [*] -n -- data will be accessed once (POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE) [*] -r -- expect random page references (POSIX_FADV_RANDOM) -s -- expect sequential page references (POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL) -w -- will need these pages (POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) [*] Notes: these interfaces are not supported in Linux kernels before 2.6. NORMAL sets the default readahead setting on the file. RANDOM sets the readahead setting on the file to zero. SEQUENTIAL sets double the default readahead setting on the file. WILLNEED and NOREUSE are equivalent, and force the maximum readahead. advisory commands for sections of a filednrswfadvise[-dnrsw] [off len]tdT advise the page cache about access patterns expected for a mapping Modifies page cache behavior when operating on the current mapping. The range arguments are required by some advise commands ([*] below). With no arguments, the POSIX_MADV_NORMAL advice is implied. -d -- don't need these pages (POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED) [*] -r -- expect random page references (POSIX_MADV_RANDOM) -s -- expect sequential page references (POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL) -w -- will need these pages (POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED) [*] Notes: NORMAL sets the default readahead setting on the file. RANDOM sets the readahead setting on the file to zero. SEQUENTIAL sets double the default readahead setting on the file. WILLNEED forces the maximum readahead. give advice about use of memorydrswmadvisema[-drsw] [off len]0x%lx %lu pages (%llu : %lu) find mapping pages that are memory residentcallocmincore0x%lx - mi transfer a range of bytes from the given offset between files Example: 'send -f 2 512 20' - writes 20 bytes at 512 bytes into the open file Copies data between one file descriptor and another. Because this copying is done within the kernel, sendfile does not need to transfer data to and from user space. -f -- specifies an input file from which to source data to write -i -- specifies an input file name from which to source data to write. An offset and length in the source file can be optionally specified. Transfer data directly between file descriptorsCf:i:qsendfilesentsend-i infile | -f N [off len] prints the block mapping for a file's data or attribute forks Example: 'fiemap -v' - tabular format verbose map fiemap prints the map of disk blocks used by the current file. The map lists each extent used by the file, as well as regions in the file that do not have any corresponding blocks (holes). By default, each line of the listing takes the following form: extent: [startoffset..endoffset]: startblock..endblock Holes are marked by replacing the startblock..endblock with 'hole'. All the file offsets and disk blocks are in units of 512-byte blocks. -a -- prints the attribute fork map instead of the data fork. -l -- also displays the length of each extent in 512-byte blocks. -n -- query n extents. -v -- Verbose information offset is the starting offset to map, and is optional. If offset is specified, mapping length may (optionally) be specified as well. non-numeric len argument -- %s %s: ioctl(FS_IOC_FIEMAP) ["%s"]: %s print block mapping for a file %d: [%llu..%llu]: hole %llu blocks [%llu..%llu]:%4d: %-*s %-*s %*llu aln:v[%llu..%llu]%4s: %-*s %-*s %*s %*s %4d: %-*s %-*s %*llu %*s %d: [%llu..%llu]: %llu..%llu%s: fstat failed: %s fiemap[-alv] [-n nx] [offset [len]] Copies a range of bytes from a file into the open file, overwriting any data already there. Example: 'copy_range -s 100 -d 200 -l 300 some_file' - copies 300 bytes from some_file at offset 100 into the open file at offset 200 'copy_range some_file' - copies all bytes from some_file into the open file at position 0 invalid destination offset -- %s [-s src_off] [-d dst_off] [-l len] src_fileCopy a range of data between two filesinvalid source offset -- %s invalid length -- %s s:d:l:copy_range Trigger specific writeback commands on a range of the current file With no options, the SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE is implied. -a -- wait for IO to finish after writing (SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER). -b -- wait for IO to finish before writing (SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE). -w -- write dirty data in range (SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE). Control writeback on a range of a fileabwsync_file_rangesync_range[-abw] off lenDT_UNKNOWNDT_FIFODT_CHRDT_DIRDT_BLKDT_REGDT_LNKDT_SOCKDT_WHTERROR!l:o:v%08llx: d_ino: 0x%08llx d_off: 0x%08llx d_reclen: 0x%x d_type: %s d_name: %s readdir[-v][-o offset][-l length]read directory entriesread %llu bytes from offset %lld %s, %d ops, %s (%s/sec and %.4f ops/sec) 2 ) ; ;  ;  ;  ; ; d:m:mark %smark '%s' is too long log_writeslw-d device -m markcreate mark in the dm-log-writes log specified by Prints the block mapping for the filesystem hosting the current file fsmap prints the map of disk blocks used by the whole filesystem. When possible, owner and offset information will be included in the space report. By default, each line of the listing takes the following form: extent: major:minor [startblock..endblock]: owner startoffset..endoffset length The owner field is either an inode number or a special value. All the file offsets and disk blocks are in units of 512-byte blocks. -d -- query only the data device (default). -l -- query only the log device. -r -- query only the realtime device. -n -- query n extents at a time. -m -- output machine-readable format. -v -- Verbose information, show AG and offsets. Show flags legend on 2nd -v The optional start and end arguments require one of -d, -l, or -r to be set. %s: malloc of %zu bytes failed. %s: xfsctl(XFS_IOC_GETFSMAP) iflags=0x%x ["%s"]: %s %*s: %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %*s %-*s %*s%s %*llu: %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %*lld EXT,MAJOR,MINOR,PSTART,PEND,OWNER,OSTART,OEND,LENGTH [-d|-l|-r] [-m|-v] [-n nx] [start] [end]print filesystem mapping for a range of blocksfree spaceunknownstatic fs metadatajournalling logper-AG metadatainode btreerefcount btreecow reservationdefectivespecial %u:%udlmn:rvBad rmap start_bblock %s. Bad rmap end_bblock %s. %s: cannot realloc %zu bytes extent_mapOWNERDEV%*llu: %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s%llu,%u,%u,%lld,%lld,special_%u:%u,,,inode_%lld_%s_bmbt,,,inode_%lld_%s,%lld,%lld, %llu: %u:%u [%lld..%lld]: inode %lld %s extent mapinode %lld %s %lld..%lld %*.*o Attribute fork fsmap@@@@@@@x@@@@@@%s %s -- %s command "%s" not found %lld,%d,%s,%.3f,%.3f bad argument count %d to %s, expected at least %d arguments bad argument count %d to %s, expected %d arguments bad argument count %d to %s, expected between %d and %d arguments cannot strdup command '%s': %s %s %lld/%lld bytes at offset %lld %s, %d ops; %s (%s/sec and %.4f ops/sec) %s> %u:%02u.%02u%u:%02u:%02u.%02u0.%04u sec(or %s) command %s not found help[command]help for one or all commands Use 'help commandname' for extended help. quitexit the programjdm.cfshandlesz == sizeof( *fshandlep )jdm_getfshandle>== >=0>===@>=P>==`>==p>>%.f EiB%.3f EiB%.f PiB%.3f PiB%.f TiB%.3f TiB%.f GiB%.3f GiB%.f MiB%.3f MiB%.f KiB%.3f KiB%f bytesminutesminutehourshourdaysdayweeksweek@@C0<C<pBp=A>0A>@P?/etc/mtab/proc/self/mountsautofslogdevrtdev ,%s: unable to extract mount options for "%s" %s: cannot find mount point for path `%s': %s %s: cannot setup path for mount %s: %s %s: cannot setup path for project %s: %s %s: cannot initialise path table: %s %s: cannot setup path for project dir %s: %s /etc/projid/etc/projects;P ) d t Tl D D 0 L 4` t 4 P t < $\ Tt  $  $ < 4x    0d|D d$`!"%,&D&'d(4)*$D*D*dD+|./$0t$1T1T23$4D4\T66$77$8T8848L8d9|:;4>T?CD@ExJ4MdMMM,MD$N\TNtOQQ RLR$SUtU V@WlXTY4[ ^\actf8jT4jlnqxdyyzt|$}pT~D|$Ćt8T$p$ ( L p  $ $,!!T!!!4"""""4(#T#p###$#D$$4$ijL$$Է$t$%tH%l%%D%t%Կ &D\&&$&& '4$'T'Tl't''t'4''(@(\(t((T((t()D)$)))$*4<*dT***++dl++4+++@,d\,4,,,, -D<-TP-l--$-T.@.!.!.!."."0/$/T%/&/$& 0D& 0t&40d(x0)0d)0)1*D1+\1+p1$,1,1-14. 2.(2/l20240202T13d1032d3233334444P44d4546464646 5d7(57D58\5$8t5t8595D9595:06T:P6:p6;6=6@6@7A,7AT7C7tD7E8E<8G8K8DL9TL9dL09LX9M9dN9O:O:Q:R:R:R;dS ;S<;TT;TTl;tT;T;dU;DV<V8<4Wl<W<zRx /D$4hpFJ w?:*3$"\`txLg E L\BNB E(H0D8I$ 8A0A(B BBBA EAD+<$HH ~ A D.H\\.H\Lt[FHF B(D0C8F$ 8A0A(B BBBA 8FBA D(D`C (A ABBF `FBE B(D0C8FP 8A0A(B BBBD 8F0A(B BBBHd$FBE E(H0C8F 8A0A(B BBBF 8RFBA A(G`C (A ABBF O .H\0$0EC BEEEDv E XO}HtXUFOG I(A0A8Up 8A0A(B BBBG lh.H\8nBBI D(I (A ABBD (( SBAD zID0T qaEG g CAH LCA 4 AP@L AB 0 FHD F@s  AABA 0\ iaEG ` CAG LCA O}, .H\(D8 dAFG0N AAA Hp| BLI A(D0B (A GBJF A(G BBB \n88FGA A(DP: (A ABBE 0FAD F@  AABD D(O|\+TBE E(H0A8DKIDDBDDGI`8C0A(B BBBHHP8JFD GCAAH bCA0 O0LFHA D0G  AABB 0FHA D0G  AABB (O D W;HX H R;HX H RO,6FED C(Ia (A ABBF ;TNGGGaMQSGs\TNGa |Of K KLiFBB B(A0A8I! 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