activate.php000060400000000263147200177370007062 0ustar00

config.php000060400000035701147200177370006534 0ustar00 array( 'href' => true, ), ); ?>
$name ) ) ); ?>
  • spam ); ?> spam, 'akismet' ) ); ?>
  • spam ); ?> spam, 'akismet' ) ); ?>
  • accuracy ); ?>% missed_spam, 'akismet' ), number_format( $stat_totals['all']->missed_spam ) ) ) . ', '; /* translators: %s: number of false positive spam flagged by Akismet */ echo esc_html( sprintf( _n( '%s false positive', '%s false positives', $stat_totals['all']->false_positives, 'akismet' ), number_format( $stat_totals['all']->false_positives ) ) ); ?>

%s', esc_url( admin_url( 'edit-comments.php?comment_status=spam' ) ), esc_html__( 'spam folder', 'akismet' ) ); // The _n() needs to be on one line so the i18n tooling can extract the translator comment. /* translators: %1$s: spam folder link, %2$d: delete interval in days */ $delete_message = _n( 'Spam in the %1$s older than %2$d day is deleted automatically.', 'Spam in the %1$s older than %2$d days is deleted automatically.', $delete_interval, 'akismet' ); printf( wp_kses( $delete_message, $kses_allow_link_href ), wp_kses( $spam_folder_link, $kses_allow_link_href ), esc_html( $delete_interval ) ); ?>

next_billing_date ) : ?>
status === 'active' ) : ?>
( $akismet_user->account_type === 'free-api-key' && $akismet_user->status === 'active' ? __( 'Upgrade', 'akismet' ) : __( 'Change', 'akismet' ) ), 'redirect' => 'upgrade', ) ); ?>
connect-jp.php000060400000011741147200177370007325 0ustar00

status, array( 'no-sub', 'missing' ) ) ) { ?>

user_email, null, null, null, array( 'class' => 'akismet-jetpack-gravatar' ) ); ?>

' . esc_html( $akismet_user->user_login ) . '' ); ?>
user_email ); ?>

status == 'cancelled' ) { ?>

user_email, null, null, null, array( 'class' => 'akismet-jetpack-gravatar' ) ); ?>

user_email ) ); ?>
user_email ); ?>

status == 'suspended' ) { ?>

user_email ) ); ?>

user_email, null, null, null, array( 'class' => 'akismet-jetpack-gravatar' ) ); ?>

' . esc_html( $akismet_user->user_login ) . '' ); ?>
user_email ); ?>

enter.php000060400000002024147200177370006374 0ustar00

get.php000060400000001771147200177370006046 0ustar00 0 ) { $submit_classes_attr = implode( ' ', $classes ); } ?>
logo.php000060400000001402147200177370006216 0ustar00
notice.php000060400000036000147200177370006541 0ustar00 array( 'href' => true, 'target' => true, ), ); $kses_allow_strong = array( 'strong' => true ); if ( ! isset( $type ) ) { $type = false; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited } /* * Some notices (plugin, spam-check, spam-check-cron-disabled, alert and usage-limit) are also shown elsewhere in wp-admin, so have different classes applied so that they match the standard WordPress notice format. */ ?>

personal, non-commercial use. Please upgrade your plan to continue using Akismet.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

please get in touch.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>' . esc_attr( $code ) . '' ); ?>

gethostbynamel function. Akismet cannot work correctly until this is fixed. Please contact your web host or firewall administrator and give them this information about Akismet’s system requirements.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), array_merge( $kses_allow_link, $kses_allow_strong, array( 'code' => true ) ) ); ?>

our guide about firewalls.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

update your payment details.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

Akismet account page to reactivate your subscription.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

Akismet support for assistance.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

contributing a token amount.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

Akismet support for assistance.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

choose a plan to get started with Akismet.', 'akismet' ), esc_url( '' ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

get_var( "SELECT comment_ID FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_approved = '0' LIMIT 1" ); if ( $at_least_one_comment_in_moderation ) { $check_pending_link = 'edit-comments.php?akismet_recheck=' . wp_create_nonce( 'akismet_recheck' ); } ?>

check pending comments?', 'akismet' ), esc_url( $check_pending_link ) ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

contact Akismet support.', 'akismet' ), '' ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

our guide about firewalls and check your server configuration.', 'akismet' ), '' ), $kses_allow_link ); ?>

'; echo esc_html( __( 'Learn more about usage limits.', 'akismet' ) ); echo ''; break; case 'SECOND_MONTH_OVER_LIMIT': echo esc_html( __( 'Your Akismet usage has been over your plan’s limit for two consecutive months. Next month, we will restrict your account after you reach the limit. Please consider upgrading your plan.', 'akismet' ) ); echo ' '; echo ''; echo esc_html( __( 'Learn more about usage limits.', 'akismet' ) ); echo ''; break; case 'THIRD_MONTH_APPROACHING_LIMIT': echo esc_html( __( 'Your Akismet usage is nearing your plan’s limit for the third consecutive month. We will restrict your account after you reach the limit. Upgrade your plan so Akismet can continue blocking spam.', 'akismet' ) ); echo ' '; echo ''; echo esc_html( __( 'Learn more about usage limits.', 'akismet' ) ); echo ''; break; case 'THIRD_MONTH_OVER_LIMIT': case 'FOUR_PLUS_MONTHS_OVER_LIMIT': echo esc_html( __( 'Your Akismet usage has been over your plan’s limit for three consecutive months. We have restricted your account for the rest of the month. Upgrade your plan so Akismet can continue blocking spam.', 'akismet' ) ); echo ' '; echo ''; echo esc_html( __( 'Learn more about usage limits.', 'akismet' ) ); echo ''; break; default: } ?>

predefined.php000060400000000470147200177370007367 0ustar00

wp-config.php' ); ?>

setup.php000060400000000521147200177370006417 0ustar00

__( 'Choose an Akismet plan', 'akismet' ), 'classes' => array( 'akismet-button', 'akismet-is-primary' ), ) ); ?>
start.php000060400000001461147200177370006420 0ustar00
status, array( 'active', 'active-dunning', 'no-sub', 'missing', 'cancelled', 'suspended' ) ) ) { Akismet::view( 'connect-jp', compact( 'akismet_user' ) ); } else { Akismet::view( 'activate' ); } ?>
stats.php000060400000002057147200177370006423 0ustar00
true ) ); ?>
title.php000060400000000175147200177370006405 0ustar00