var/installatron/locale/et/user.tasks.ini000064400000155544147205071270014543 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installeerin _tasks_uninstalling=Eemaldan _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Uuendan _tasks_upgrading=Uuendan _tasks_backuping=Varundan _tasks_cloning=Kloonin _tasks_restoring=Taastan varukoopiast _tasks_importing=Impordin _tasks_deleting=Kustutan varukoopiat _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=ligipääsetud _tasks_updated=uuendatud _tasks_upgraded=uuendatud _tasks_backedup=varundatud _tasks_edited=muudetud _tasks_cloned=kloonitud _tasks_uninstalled=eemaldatud _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=taastatud _tasks_imported=imporditud _tasks_deleted=kustutatud _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=Paigalda _tasks_uninstall=Eemalda _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=Uuenda _tasks_upgrade=Uuenda _tasks_clone=Klooni _tasks_backup=varunda _tasks_restore=taasta _tasks_import=impordi _tasks_delete=kustuta _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Soovituslik _notes_canbemodified=Seda on võimalik muuta, muutes paigaldatud rakendust. _notes_includedinhostemail=See informatsioon on tavaliselt lisatud Teie veebimajutaja esimesesse e-kirja. _notes_donotmodify=Ära muuda seda seadet. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Saada tagasiside vorm võimaldab sul teha ettepanekuid {installatron} tootele. Me täname Teid erinevate (probleemid, tuleviku ideed, üldised kommentaarid) tagasisidemete eest. _notes_versionnotes={version}
versiooni märkmed _notes_releasedate=Versioon väljalastud _notes_latest=See on viimane toetatud versioon sellelt tarkvaralt. _notes_latestofbranch=See versioon on viimane '{branch}' osast. _notes_nolongersupported=Seda versiooni enam ei toetata. _notes_notinstallable=See versioon ei ole enam paigaldav. _notes_installed=See on paigaldatud versioon. _notes_latestversion=viimane versioon _notes_latestversionofbranch=viimane versioon '{branch}' osast _notes_updateminor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on vähemtähtis. Väikesed muudatused, vigade ja turva parandused. _notes_upgrademinor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on vähemtähtis. Väikesed muudatused, vigade ja turva parandused. _notes_updatemajor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on tähtis. Tähtsad uued uuendused ja muudatused. _notes_upgrademajor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on tähtis. Tähtsad uued uuendused ja muudatused. _ftp_type=Protokoll _ftp_entertheinfo=Sisesta FTP sisselogimise informatsioon üleval olevale väljale. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP koos TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP aadress või serverinimi) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Kasutajanimi _ftp_pass=Parool _ftp_path=Teekond _ftp_enterthepath=Sisesta teekond root kaustast paigalduse asukohani. _email_notification=E-kirja teavitus _email_notification_auto=Saada kõik e-kirja teavitused paigaldatud rakendusele. _email_notification_choose=Las ma valin, milliseid teateid saadetakse. _email_notification_selectthe=Vali e-kirja teavitused, mida saadetakse paigaldatud rakendusel. _email_admin_report=Administraatori aruanne _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Uuenduse kokkuvõtte {hostname} _email_install_complete=Paigaldus lõpetatud _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} paigaldatud _email_install_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{app} v{version} on paigaldatud:



Logi sisse oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli ja mine {installatron} tööriista lehele haldamiseks.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_install_error=Paigaldamise viga _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} paigaldamine nurjus _email_install_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{app} v{version} paigaldamine nurjus, ning detailsemad andmed on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_backup_complete=Varundamine lõpetatud _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} varukoopia saadaval _email_backup_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Varukoopia tegemine {myapp} rakendusest, asukohaga {url} on edukalt õnnestunud.

Varukoopia suurus: {backup_size}MB

Et kasutada antud varukoopiad, logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli ja navigeeri tööriista {installatron} juurde.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_backup_error=Varukoopia viga _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} varundamine nurjus _email_backup_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Varukoopia tegemine {myapp} rakendusest, asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, kõik sellega seonduv on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_restore_complete=Taastamine lõpetatud _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} taastatud varukoopiast _email_restore_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Varukoopiast taastamine {myapp} rakendusele, asukohaga {url} on edukalt lõpule viidud.


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et hallata paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_restore_error=Varundamise viga _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} varundamine nurjus _email_restore_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Valitud varukoopia taastamine rakendusele {myapp} asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus. Kõik logid on salvestatud

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_update_available=Uuendus saadaval _email_upgrade_available=Uuendus saadaval _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} on saadaval {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} on saadaval {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} on nüüd saadaval rakenduse {app} paigaldusele, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Järgnevalt saab uuendada:


Selle versiooni muudatused on:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_upgrade_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} on nüüd saadaval rakenduse {app} paigaldusele, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Järgnevalt saab uuendada:


Selle versiooni muudatused on:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_update_complete=Uuendamine lõpule viidud _email_upgrade_complete=Uuendamine lõpule viidud _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud _email_update_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine õnnestus, asukohaga {url}.

Uus paigaldatud versioon on {newversion}

Teavituse lõpp. _email_upgrade_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine õnnestus, asukohaga {url}.

Uus paigaldatud versioon on {newversion}

Teavituse lõpp. _email_update_error=Uuenduse viga _email_upgrade_error=Uuenduse viga _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendamine nurjus _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendamine nurjus _email_update_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine ebaõnnestus, asukohaga {url}. Kõik detailid on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_upgrade_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine ebaõnnestus, asukohaga {url}. Kõik detailid on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on uuendus on saadaval _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on uuendus on saadaval _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nüüd saadaval _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nüüd saadaval _email_pluginupdate_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {appaddon} {newversion} on nüüd saadaval rakendusele {app}, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Võimalik on uuendada:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma rakendust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {appaddon} {newversion} on nüüd saadaval rakendusele {app}, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Võimalik on uuendada:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma rakendust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on uuendus lõpetatud _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on uuendus lõpetatud _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud ({addontype} uuendusega) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud ({addontype} uuendusega) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine rakendusele {myapp} asukohaga {url} on edukalt lõpule viidud.

Uue {addontype} versioonis:


Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine rakendusele {myapp} asukohaga {url} on edukalt lõpule viidud.

Uue {addontype} versioonis:


Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on uuenduse viga _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on uuenduse viga _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendus ebaõnnestus ({addontype} uuendus) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendus ebaõnnestus ({addontype} uuendus) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine {myapp} rakendusele asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, ning üksikasjad on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine {myapp} rakendusele asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, ning üksikasjad on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_clone_complete=Kloonimine lõpule viidud _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} kloonitud _email_clone_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Rakenduse {myapp} kloonimine asukohaga {urlsource} on edukalt lõpule viidud, ning saadaval:



Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriistade juurde, et hallata oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_clone_error=Kloonimise viga _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} kloonimine nurjus _email_clone_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Rakenduse {myapp} kloonimine nurjus asukohaga {urlsource}. Nurjumise põhjused on logitud, ning saadaval.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_migrate_complete=Migratsioon lõpule viidud _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migreeritud _email_migrate_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Migratsioon rakendusele {app} asukohaga {urlsource} on edukalt sooritatud.



Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriistade juurde, et hallata oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_migrate_error=Migreerimise viga _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migratsioon nurjus _email_migrate_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Migratsioon rakendusele {app} asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, ning detailid on nähtavad logis.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Parooli kaitse tuvastatud _password_pwonthisdomain=Parooli kaitse on tuvastatud sellele asukohale. Kasutajanimi, ning parool on nõutud, enne kui saate jätkata {task}. Pane tähele, et see parooli kaitse oli seadistatud {installatron} väliselt, ning pole seotud rakenduse paigaldaja süsteemiga. _password_username=Kasutajanimi _password_entertheusername=sisesta kasutajanimi, et siseneda oma paigaldusse veebibrauseris _password_password=Parool _password_enterthepassword=sisesta parool, et siseneda oma paigaldusse veebibrauseris _error_passwordfailed=Etteantud sisselogimise andmed on valed. Palun proovi uuesti või kontakteeru oma veebimajutajaga, kui sa ei tea oma parooli. _error_domainfailed=Valitud domeeni testimine ebaõnnestus (HTTP viga: {code}).

{installatron} ei ole suuteline paigaldama domeeni, mis ei ole seotud selle veebikontoga.

Kui see on uus veebimajutus või äsja registreeritud domeen, siis palun anna 24 tundi aega, et domeen saaks tööle hakata. (Tavaliselt võtab mõni tund aega).

Kui oled täiesti kindel, et domeen töötab korrektselt, siis palun võtta ühendust oma veebimajutaja klienditeenindusega. _error_diskfailed={task} nõuab {size} MB vabat ruumi lõpetamiseks. Piisavalt vabat ruumi ei ole saadaval.

Abi saamiseks või vaba ruumi lisamiseks pöördu oma veebimajutaja klienditeeninduse poole. _error_connectfailed=Ei õnnestunud ühendada veebiserveriga. Palun proovi uuesti mõne minuti pärast. _error_authfailed=Ei õnnestunud autentida etteantud kasutajatunnuse ja parooliga. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed={task} nõuab kindla kasutaja õigusi teekonnale `{path}'.

Abi saamiseks või vaba ruumi lisamiseks pöördu oma veebimajutaja klienditeeninduse poole. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Halda automaatselt minu eest täpsemaid seadeid. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Klooni automaatselt need seaded paigaldatud rakenduse allikast. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Las ma haldan neid seadeid. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Seadista lisaseadistused paigaldatud rakenduse jaoks. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Need sätted hõlmavad juhtimist: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=Neid sätteid on võimalik muuta hilisemalt {installatron}'s. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Täiendatud seadete haldus _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Seadete haldus _tasks_shared_waiting=Ootan... _tasks_shared_processing=Töötlemine... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Puhastamine... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Kopeerin faile ja kauste... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Kopeerin andmebaasi ja tabeleid... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Laadin üles varukoopia teekonda... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Laadin alla varukoopia teekonnast... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=See võib võtta rohkem kui 5 minutit aega.

Palun ära sulge seda veebilehitsejat enne, kui ülesanne on lõpule viidud. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Hoiatus: Saadaval olev kettaruum on ebapiisav; ülesanne võib ebaõnnestuda. _errors_invalidselection=Kehtetu valik. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Tere tulemast {installatron} {task} viisardisse! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=See viisard juhendab sind läbi {app} paigalduse. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Ole teadlik _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete={task} on lõpuleviidud. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Vajuta järgmine, et alustada. _tasks_install_complete=Paigaldus on lõpetatud. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=Uuendamine on lõpetatud. _tasks_upgrade_complete=Uuendamine on lõpetatud. _tasks_update_completealready=Uuendamine oli juba lõpetatud. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=Uuendamine oli juba lõpetatud. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Kloonimine on lõpetatud. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Need on valitud paigaldatud rakendused. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Palun vali asukoht kuhu paigalda {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Palun vali URL kuhu paigalda {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domeen _tasks_location_website=Veebileht _tasks_location_path=kaust (valikuline) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Paigalduse asukoht _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL peab olema võrdne valitud kohaga _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Teekond peab olema võrdne valitud kohaga _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} tuvastas, et valitud paigalduse teekond on kaitstud parooliga. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} nõuab kasutajanime ja parooli enne, kui saab jätkata paigaldusega. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Ära halda varukoopiaid automaatselt. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=päeviti _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=iganädalane _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=igakuine _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=igapäevane varundamine iga {day} päeva järel _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=üks igapäevane varundamine _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Vali {app} versioon, millist paigaldada. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Nõuanne: Peaksid valima kõige värskeima versiooni. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=viimane _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=viimane madala tähtsusega _tasks_version_recommended=soovituslik _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Uuenda automaatselt paigaldatud rakendust koheselt, kui uus versioon muutub saadavaks. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Uuenda automaatselt paigaldatud rakendust koheselt, kui uus versioon muutub saadavaks. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=Peale {days} päeva loodud varukoopia aegub, ning kustutatakse. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=Peale {days} päeva loodud varukoopia aegub, ning kustutatakse. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Ära uuenda automaatselt. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Ära uuenda automaatselt. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Uuenda uusi vähem tähtsaimaid versioone ja turvaväljalaskeid. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Uuenda uusi vähem tähtsaimaid versioone ja turvaväljalaskeid. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Uuenda ükskõik millise uue versiooniga. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Uuenda ükskõik millise uue versiooniga. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} pluginaid. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} pluginaid. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Uuenda {app} pluginaid koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Uuenda {app} pluginaid koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} teemasi. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} teemasi. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Uuenda {app} teemasi koheselt, kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Uuenda {app} teemasi koheselt, kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Loo varukoopia ja automaatselt taasta, kui uuendus peaks ebaõnnestuma. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Loo varukoopia ja automaatselt taasta, kui uuendus peaks ebaõnnestuma. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Ära loo varukoopiat. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Ära loo varukoopiat. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automaatselt tee varukoopia, ning uuenda paigaldatud rakendus koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. Kui uuendamine peaks ebaõnnestuma, siis loodud varukoopiast automaatselt taastakse algne seis.

Uuendused sooritatakse kesköisel ajal, ning kell 6 enne lõunat kohaliku aja järgi. E-kirja teavitus saadetakse koos tulemustega iga uuenduse kohta. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automaatselt tee varukoopia, ning uuenda paigaldatud rakendus koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. Kui uuendamine peaks ebaõnnestuma, siis loodud varukoopiast automaatselt taastakse algne seis.

Uuendused sooritatakse kesköisel ajal, ning kell 6 enne lõunat kohaliku aja järgi. E-kirja teavitus saadetakse koos tulemustega iga uuenduse kohta. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Vali sihtpunkti versioon {app}'ile uuendamiseks. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Vali sihtpunkti versioon {app}'ile uuendamiseks. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Vali sihtpunkti versioon iga paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Vali sihtpunkti versioon iga paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Mida on uut _tasks_version_currentversion=Praegune versioon _tasks_version_versioninstalled=Praegune paigaldatud versioon. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Sihtpunkti versioon _tasks_version_updatetoversion=vali versioon uuendamiseks _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=vali versioon uuendamiseks _tasks_version_manualupdate=manuaalne uuendamine ainult _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manuaalne uuendamine ainult _tasks_version_noupdate=uuendamine ei ole toetatud _tasks_version_noupgrade=uuendamine ei ole toetatud _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=nõuded ei ole täidetud _tasks_version_updateplugins=Uuenda pluginat? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Uuenda pluginat? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Vali millal {app} pluginad peaks uuendama. Tuvastatud aegunud pluginad on loetletud. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Jah, uuenda {app} pluginat. _tasks_version_noplugins=Ei, ära uuenda {app} pluginat. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Uuenda teemat? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Uuenda teemat? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Vali millal {app} teemad peaks uuendama. Tuvastatud aegunud teemad on loetletud. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Jah, uuenda {app} teemat. _tasks_version_nothemes=Ei, ära uuenda {app} teemat. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Palun loe ja aksepteeri EULA rakenduse {app} versiooni {version} jaoks, enne jätkamist. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=Lõppkasutaja litsents seletab, kuidas tarkvara võib kasutada ja võib sisaldada regulatsioone äriliste eesmärkide, muutmise ja kohandamise kohta. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Ma aktsepteerin litsentsi tingimustega _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Ma ei aktsepteeri litsentsi tingimustega _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=See rakendus vajab andmebaasi andmete hoidmiseks. _tasks_db_selectadb=Vali andmebaas selle paigalduseks. _tasks_db_createadb=Loo andmebaas kasutades oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli ja sisesta siia andmebaasi informatsioon. _tasks_db_existingdb=Nõuanne: Kui sa ei soovi luua uut andmebaasi, siis on võimalik ka sisestada juba olemas oleva andmebaasi andmed. Paigalduses kasutatakse unikaalset andmebaasi eesliidet, et vältida konflikte juba eksisteerivate andmetega. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=sisesta andmebaasi host, mis on teavitatud sinu veebimajutaja juhtpaneelis. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Andmebaasi haldus _tasks_db_createforme=Loo automaatselt uus andmebaas paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_db_manageforme=Halda automaatselt andmebaasi seadeid minu eest. (Soovituslik) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Las mina haldan neid seadeid. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Las mina valin olemas oleva andmebaasi. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Kasuta teist andmebaasi _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Need seaded lasevad sul kohandada ja personaliseerida oma paigaldatud rakendust. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=Neid väärtusi on võimalik hiljem muuta läbi {installatron}'i või paigaldatud rakenduse. _settings_adminusername=sisesta kasutajanimi administraatori kasutajale _settings_adminpassword=sisesta parool administraatori kasutajale _settings_adminemail=sisesta oma e-postiaadress _settings_yournam=sisesta oma nimi _settings_sitetitle=sisesta veebilehe pealkiri _settings_sitetagline=sisesta tagline oma veebilehele _settings_businessname=sisesta oma ettevõtte nimi _settings_language=vali keel _settings_installcontent=vali sisu _settings_cleaninstall=Paigalda puhas {app} installatsioon (Ma lisan ise oma sisu!) _settings_democontent=Palun lisa {app} paigaldusele samuti demonstratsioon sisu _settings_versionchannel_lts=Pikaajaline tugi (Soovituslik) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Lühiajaline tugi _settings_passwordstrength_show=Näita parooli _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Peida parool _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Genereeri _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Tugevus: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Liiga nõrk _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Nõrk _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Hea _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Tugev _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Kahe astmeline audentiteerimine koos Clef.'iga (Soovituslik)
Laadi alla mobiilne rakendus _settings_twofactor_no=Ära luba kahe astmelist audentiteerimist. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} on valmis {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired={task} nõuab {sizea} MB kettaruumi lõpetamiseks. Sinu kontol on aga {sizeb} MB vabat kettaruumi. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Vajuta Saada, et käivitada {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Teade: Oled valinud paigaldamiseks 'root kausta' (kataloogi pea kaust) oma valitud domeenis. _warnings_existingcontent=Teade: Oled valinud paigaldamiseks kausta, kus asub juba eksisteeriv sisu. _warnings_continuepresok=Kui soovid paigaldada sellesse kataloogi, siis vajuta OK nuppu all või Sulge, et muuta teekonda. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=Loodud varukoopia automaatselt aegub, ning kustutatakse peale {days} päeva. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Palun võta ühendust oma teenusepakkujaga, et muuta teenust. _errors_accountupgrade=Palun võta ühendust oma teenusepakkujaga, et muuta teenust. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Need paigaldatud rakendused eemaldatakse: _tasks_uninstall_complete=Eemaldamine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=See andmebaas on jagatud ühe või rohkema mõne teise rakenduse poolt, ning seda ei ole võimalik kustutada. Ainult tabeleid on võimalik kustutada. Ole ettevaatlik tabelite kustutamisel, et sa ei kustutaks mõne teise rakenduse tabeleid. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Teade: {installatron} ei suuda teha kindlaks, millised failid ja/või kaustad on seotud antud paigaldatud rakendusega. Palun vali failid ja kaustad, mis tuleks lisada varukoopiasse. _warnings_extrafiles=Hoiatus: Faile ja/või kauste, mis on valitud ei saa siduda antud paigaldusega. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Kui soovid jätkata olemasoleva valikuga, siis vajuta OK nuppu all või vajuta Sulge, et muuta valikut. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Vali failid, kaustad ja andmebaasid, mis tuleks kustutada. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Need varukoopiad kustututatakse: _tasks_delete_complete=Varukoopia(te) eemaldamine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Vali failid, kaustad ja andmebaas, mis lisatakse varukoopiasse. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Nõuanne: Kui sul ei ole veel varukoopiat, ning sul on serveris piisavalt kettaruumi, siis oleks soovituslik teha varukoopia. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Jah, loo varukoopia enne uuenduse teostamist. _tasks_backup_nobackup=Ei, ära loo varukoopiat enne uuenduse teostamist. _tasks_backup_complete=Varukoopia on valmis. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automaatne varukoopia _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Eelkonfigureeritud automaatne varukoopia _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Halda automaatselt paigaldatud rakenduste varukoopiad ajakava järgi. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=Asukoht kuhu luuakse paigaldatud rakenduse varukoopia arhiivifail. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Muuda asukohta kuhu luuakse paigaldatud rakenduste varukoopiad. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Olemasolevad varukoopiad jätkavad tööd praeguses asukohas. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Ära lisa varukoopia asukohta. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Lisa uus varukoopia asukoht. _tasks_backup_label=Silt (valikuline) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Tekst, mis kirjeldab varukoopiat. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Hinnanguline suurus _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Hinnanguline kokkupakitud varukoopia faili suurus, mis luuakse paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Minu veebimajutuse kasutajakonto. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Minu konto _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Failid ja kataloogid _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Andmebaas ja tabelid _tasks_delete_backups=Varukoopiad _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=Varukoopiate arv antud domeenile on ületatud. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=Varukoopiate arv antud kontole on ületatud. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=Varukoopiate arv, mis on saadaval antud paigaldusele on ületatud. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Sisesta paigaldatud rakenduse asukohta URL migratsiooniks. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Erinevatel kontodelt _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Sellelt kontolt _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=Importimine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=Migratsioon on lõpule viidud. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Seda teekonda ei leitud _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Vali failid, kaustad ja andmebaasi tabelid mis taastakse. _tasks_restore_these=Failid, kaustad ja andmebaasi tabelid, mis on loetletud taastatakse. _tasks_restore_reditems=Punasega märgitud kirjed kirjutatakse üle olemas olevate kirjetega asukohas. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Hoiatus: Taastamine üksikute failide, kaustade ja tabelitega ei ole soovituslik kui just varukoopia ja sihtpunkt ei sisalda samat versiooni nagu seda on veebirakendus. _tasks_restore_source=Allikas _tasks_restore_destination=Sihtpunkt _tasks_restore_complete=Taastamine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Pealkiri _tasks_template_nametext=Pealkiri, mis kirjeldab teemat. _tasks_template_desc=Kirjeldus _tasks_template_desctext=Tekst, mis kirjeldab teemat. _tasks_template_complete=Teema on lõpule viidud. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Need on sinu ülesanded viimase 10 minuti jooksul. Ülesanded sooritatakse tagataustal. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Need on sinu veebilehe omanike ülesanded viimase 10 minuti jooksul. Ülesanded sooritatakse tagataustal. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Viimase 10 minuti jooksul ei ole hetkel ühtegi ülesannet sooritamiseks või lõpetamiseks. _tasks_afatalerror=Tekkis tõsine viga. _tasks_taskaborted=Ülesanne on katkestatud. _mytasks_abort=katkesta var/installatron/locale/bn/user.tasks.ini000064400000157521147205077210014527 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installing _tasks_uninstalling=Uninstalling _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Updating _tasks_upgrading=Updating _tasks_backuping=Backing-Up _tasks_cloning=Cloning _tasks_restoring=Restoring Backup _tasks_importing=Importing _tasks_deleting=Deleting Backup _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=accessed _tasks_updated=updated _tasks_upgraded=updated _tasks_backedup=backed-up _tasks_edited=edited _tasks_cloned=cloned _tasks_uninstalled=uninstalled _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restored _tasks_imported=imported _tasks_deleted=deleted _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=install _tasks_uninstall=uninstall _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=update _tasks_upgrade=update _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=backup _tasks_restore=restore _tasks_import=import _tasks_delete=delete _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recommended _notes_canbemodified=This can be modified by editing the installed application. _notes_includedinhostemail=This information is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email. _notes_donotmodify=Do not modify this setting. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send Feedback lets you submit suggestions about the {installatron} product. We welcome problem reports, feature ideas and general comments. _notes_versionnotes={version}
version notes _notes_releasedate=Version released _notes_latest=This is the latest supported version of this software. _notes_latestofbranch=This version is the latest version in the '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=This version is no longer supported. _notes_notinstallable=This version is no longer installable. _notes_installed=This is the installed version. _notes_latestversion=latest version _notes_latestversionofbranch=latest version of '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_upgrademinor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_updatemajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _notes_upgrademajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Enter the login information for the above URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP Address or Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Enter the path from the account's root directory to the above install location. _email_notification=Email Notification _email_notification_auto=Send all email notifications for the installed application. _email_notification_choose=Let me choose which notifications are sent. _email_notification_selectthe=Select the email notifications sent for the installed application. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Install Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installed _email_install_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has been installed to:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_install_error=Install Error _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install failed _email_install_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has failed to install and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_complete=Backup Complete _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup now available _email_backup_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

Backup size: {backup_size}MB

To use this backup, login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup failed _email_backup_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restored _email_restore_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup restoration process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password Protection Detected _password_pwonthisdomain=Password protection is detected on this location. The username and password are required before this {task} can continue. Note that this password protection was set external to {installatron}, and is not associated with this application installer system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=enter the username used to access the install location with a web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=enter the password used to access the install location with a web browser _error_passwordfailed=The login details provided have failed. Please try again or contact your web host if you do not know the password. _error_domainfailed=A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is unable to install on a domain that is not resolving/loading to this web account.

If this is a new web hosting account, or if this is a newly registered domain, please allow up to 24 hours for the domain to begin working (though usually within a few hours).

If you're sure that the domain is correctly loading to your web account, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=This may take up to 5 minutes.

Do not close this browser window until the task is complete. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Available disk space is within the margin of error; task could fail. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Install Location _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Path equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=latest _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Please read and accept the EULA for {app} version {version} before continuing. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the application. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=This web application requires a database for data storage. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Database Management _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=These settings allow you to customize and personalize this installed application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=enter a username for the administrator user _settings_adminpassword=enter a password for the administrator user _settings_adminemail=enter your email address _settings_yournam=enter your name _settings_sitetitle=enter title for the website _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=enter your business name _settings_language=select a language _settings_installcontent=select the content _settings_cleaninstall=Give me a clean {app} install (I'll add my own content!) _settings_democontent=Please add the {app} demo content during install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is ready to {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=This {task} will require {sizea}MB of diskspace to complete. Your account has {sizeb}MB space available. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Press Submit to perform the {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/tl/user.tasks.ini000064400000174160147205104740014544 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Pag-install _tasks_uninstalling=Pag-uninstall _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Pag-upgrade _tasks_upgrading=Pag-upgrade _tasks_backuping=Mga tagapagtaguyod-Up _tasks_cloning=Pag-clone _tasks_restoring=Ipinapanumbalik Backup _tasks_importing=Ini-import ang _tasks_deleting=Tinatanggal ang I-backup _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=na-access _tasks_updated=na-update _tasks_upgraded=na-update _tasks_backedup=back-up _tasks_edited=na-edit _tasks_cloned=-kopya _tasks_uninstalled=uninstall _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=Naibalik _tasks_imported=angkat _tasks_deleted=tinanggal _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=ilagay _tasks_uninstall=i-uninstall _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=pag-update _tasks_upgrade=pag-update _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=backup _tasks_restore=ibalik _tasks_import=pag-angkat _tasks_delete=alisin _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Inirerekumenda _notes_canbemodified=Ito ay maaaring mabago sa pamamagitan ng pag-edit ng mga naka-install na application. _notes_includedinhostemail=Ang impormasyon na ito ay karaniwang kasama sa email na maligayang pagdating ng iyong account sa pagho-host. _notes_donotmodify=Huwag baguhin ang setting na ito. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Hinahayaan Magpadala ng Feedback ka magsumite ng mga mungkahi tungkol sa produkto {installatron}. Tinatanggap namin ang mga ulat ng problema, mga ideya tampok at pangkalahatang mga komento. _notes_versionnotes={version}
tala bersyon _notes_releasedate=Bersyon kakalabas _notes_latest=Ito ang pinakabagong suportadong bersyon ng software na ito. _notes_latestofbranch=Ang bersyon na ito ay ang pinakabagong bersyon sa '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=Ang bersyon na ito ay hindi na suportado. _notes_notinstallable=Ang bersyon na ito ay hindi na nai-install. _notes_installed=Ito ang naka-install na bersyon. _notes_latestversion=pinakabagong bersyon _notes_latestversionofbranch=pinakabagong bersyon ng '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=Ang bersyon na ito ay isang pag-upgrade mababang peligro. Minor na mga pagbabago, pag-aayos ng bug at pag-aayos ng seguridad ipinakilala. _notes_upgrademinor=Ang bersyon na ito ay isang pag-upgrade mababang peligro. Minor na mga pagbabago, pag-aayos ng bug at pag-aayos ng seguridad ipinakilala. _notes_updatemajor=Ang bersyon na ito ay isang mas mataas na panganib pag-upgrade. Makabuluhang mga bagong tampok at mga pagbabago ipinakilala. _notes_upgrademajor=Ang bersyon na ito ay isang mas mataas na panganib pag-upgrade. Makabuluhang mga bagong tampok at mga pagbabago ipinakilala. _ftp_type=FTP Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Ipasok ang impormasyon sa pag-login sa FTP para sa URL sa itaas. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP sa TLS / SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Address (IP Address o Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Ipasok ang path mula sa root directory ng FTP account sa nasa itaas i-install lokasyon. _email_notification=Email na Notipikasyon _email_notification_auto=Ipadala ang lahat ng mga abiso sa email para sa mga naka-install na application. _email_notification_choose=Hayaan akong pumili kung aling mga abiso ay ipinadala. _email_notification_selectthe=Piliin ang email notification na ipinadala para sa mga naka-install na application. _email_admin_report=Ulat sa Admin _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] I-update ang Buod ng {hostname} _email_install_complete=Kumpletuhin ang I-install _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} naka-install _email_install_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

{app} v{version} ay na-install sa:



Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang pamahalaan ang i-install ito.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_install_error=Error sa I-install _email_install_error_subject=Nabigo ang pag-install {app} [{installatron}] _email_install_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

{app} v{version} ay nabigo upang i-install at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_backup_complete=Backup Kumpleto _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup na magagamit na ngayon _email_backup_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng backup para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nagtagumpay.

Backup na laki: {backup_size}MB

Upang gamitin ang backup na ito, mag-login sa iyong control web hosting panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo {myapp} backup _email_backup_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng backup para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nabigo at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_restore_complete=Kumpleto Ibalik _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup na naibalik _email_restore_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng pagbabalik sa dati backup para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nagtagumpay.


Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang pamahalaan ang i-install ito.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_restore_error=Ibalik ang Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo {myapp} backup na pananauli _email_restore_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang napiling backup ng {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nabigo upang ibalik at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_update_available=Magagamit na Update _email_upgrade_available=Magagamit na Update _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} magagamit na ngayon {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} magagamit na ngayon {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Isang pag-update sa {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} ay magagamit para sa {app} installation ikaw ay pamamahala ng paggamit {installatron} ngayon. Maaaring ma-update ang sumusunod:


Ang mga pagbabago para sa bersyon na ito ay ang mga:


Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang i-update ang iyong naka-install na mga application.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_upgrade_available_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Isang pag-update sa {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} ay magagamit para sa {app} installation ikaw ay pamamahala ng paggamit {installatron} ngayon. Maaaring ma-update ang sumusunod:


Ang mga pagbabago para sa bersyon na ito ay ang mga:


Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang i-update ang iyong naka-install na mga application.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_update_complete=Kumpleto Update _email_upgrade_complete=Kumpleto Update _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update _email_update_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng pag-update para sa {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nagtagumpay.

Bagong naka-install na bersyon: {newversion}

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_upgrade_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng pag-update para sa {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nagtagumpay.

Bagong naka-install na bersyon: {newversion}

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_update_error=I-update Error _email_upgrade_error=I-update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo ang pag-update {myapp} _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo ang pag-update {myapp} _email_update_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng pag-update para sa {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nabigo at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_upgrade_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng pag-update para sa {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nabigo at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Magagamit na _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Magagamit na _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} magagamit na ngayon _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} magagamit na ngayon _email_pluginupdate_available_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Isang pag-update sa {appaddon} {newversion} ay magagamit para sa {app} installation ikaw ay pamamahala ng paggamit {installatron} ngayon. Maaaring ma-update ang sumusunod:


Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang i-update ang iyong naka-install na mga application.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Isang pag-update sa {appaddon} {newversion} ay magagamit para sa {app} installation ikaw ay pamamahala ng paggamit {installatron} ngayon. Maaaring ma-update ang sumusunod:


Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang i-update ang iyong naka-install na mga application.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Kumpleto _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Kumpleto _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} na-update (pag-update {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} na-update (pag-update {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng {addontype} update para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nagtagumpay.

Bagong bersyon {addontype}:


Katapusan ng ulat. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng {addontype} update para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nagtagumpay.

Bagong bersyon {addontype}:


Katapusan ng ulat. _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo {myapp} update (pag-update {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo {myapp} update (pag-update {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng pag-update {addontype} para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nabigo at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng pag-update {addontype} para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nabigo at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_clone_complete=Kumpletuhin ang I-clone _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}-kopya _email_clone_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng clone para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {urlsource} ay nagtagumpay at ay magagamit na ngayon sa:



Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang pamahalaan ang i-install ito.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_clone_error=Error sa I-clone _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo {myapp} clone _email_clone_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng clone para {myapp} matatagpuan sa {urlsource} ay nabigo at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_migrate_complete=Kumpletong-migrate _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrate _email_migrate_complete_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng paglilipat para sa {app} matatagpuan sa {urlsource} ay nagtagumpay at ay magagamit na ngayon sa:



Mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel at mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool upang pamahalaan ang i-install ito.

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_migrate_error=Ilipat ang Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] Nabigo {app} migration _email_migrate_error_text=Ito ay isang awtomatikong email mula sa {installatron}. Upang mag-unsubscribe mula sa mga email na ito o upang baguhin ang mga setting ng notification, mag-login sa iyong web hosting control panel, mag-navigate sa {installatron} tool, at piliin ang naka-install na mga application na nais mong baguhin.

Ang proseso ng paglilipat para sa {app} matatagpuan sa {url} ay nabigo at ang mga detalye ng kabiguan ay nai-log.

Teknikal na error:

Katapusan ng ulat. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Nakita Proteksyon Password _password_pwonthisdomain=Proteksyon ng password ay napansin sa lokasyon na ito. Ang username at password ay kinakailangan bago magpatuloy ito {task}. Tandaan na proteksyon ang password na ito ay naka-panlabas upang {installatron}, at hindi nauugnay sa ito installer application ng system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=ipasok ang username na ginagamit upang ma-access ang i-install ang lokasyon sa isang web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=ipasok ang password na ginamit upang ma-access ang i-install ang lokasyon sa isang web browser _error_passwordfailed=Ang mga detalye sa pag-login na ibinigay ay hindi matagumpay. Mangyaring subukang muli o makipag-ugnay sa iyong web host kung hindi mo alam ang password. _error_domainfailed=Ang isang pagsubok sa mga napiling mga domain ay hindi nagtagumpay (HTTP error: {code}).

Magawang i-install sa isang domain na hindi paglutas / paglo-load sa mga web account na ito ay {installatron}.

Kung ito ay isang bagong web hosting account, o kung ito ay isang bagong rehistradong domain, mangyaring maglaan ng hanggang 24 oras para sa domain na upang simulan ang nagtatrabaho (bagaman karaniwan ay sa loob ng ilang oras).

Kung sigurado ka na ang domain ay tama ang paglo-load sa iyong web account, makipag-ugnay sa iyong web administrator sa pagho-host. _error_diskfailed={task} na ito ay mangangailangan ng {size}MB ng mga magagamit na puwang sa disk upang makumpleto. Sapat na puwang sa disk ay kasalukuyang hindi magagamit.

Para sa tulong o upang magdagdag ng karagdagang puwang sa disk, makipag-ugnay sa iyong web administrator sa pagho-host. _error_connectfailed=Hindi makakonekta sa mga web hosting server. Mangyaring subukan muli sa loob ng ilang minuto. _error_authfailed=Hindi ma-authenicate gamit ang ibinigay sa pag-login at password. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed={task} na ito ay mangangailangan ng sapat na pahintulot ng user sa `{path} '.

Para sa tulong o upang magdagdag ng karagdagang puwang sa disk, makipag-ugnay sa iyong web administrator sa pagho-host. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Awtomatikong pamahalaan ang mga advanced na setting para sa akin. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Awtomatikong I-clone ang mga setting na ito mula sa pinanggalingang-install na application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Hayaan akong pamahalaan ang mga setting na ito. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=I-configure ang mga karagdagang setting para sa naka-install na application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Ang mga setting na isama ang mga kontrol para sa: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=Ang mga halaga set ay maaaring baguhin sa ibang pagkakataon sa loob {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced na Setting ng Pamamahala _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Pagtatakda ng Pamamahala _tasks_shared_waiting=Naghihintay ... _tasks_shared_processing=Pagpoproseso ... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Nililinis ang mga ... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Kinokopya ang mga file at mga direktoryo ... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Kinokopya ang database at mga talahanayan ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Ina-upload sa backup na lokasyon ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Nagda-download mula sa backup na lokasyon ... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Ito ay maaaring tumagal nang hanggang 5 minuto.

Huwag isara ang window ng browser hanggang sa ang gawain ay kumpleto na. _warnings_rootinstall=Babala: Ang application na ito ay naka-install sa isang direktoryo na naglalaman ng mga umiiral na mga file. {installatron} bakit ang bawat pagtatangka upang subaybayan ang mga file at mga direktoryo na nauugnay sa naka-install na application, gayunpaman ang backup ay hindi naglalaman ng mga file o directory ginawa sa labas ng proseso install / mag-upgrade, o mga file ay idinagdag ni sa iyo. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Magagamit na disk space ay nasa loob ng margin ng error; maaaring mabigo gawain. _errors_invalidselection=Di-wastong pagpipilian. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Maligayang pagdating sa {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Ang wizard na ito ay gagabay sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng pag-install ng {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Ang wizard na ito ay gagabay sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng pag-import ng isang naka-install sa labas ang pagkakataon ng {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Ang wizard na ito ay gagabay sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng proseso ng pag-{task} para sa napiling install na mga application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Ang wizard na ito ay gagabay sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng proseso ng pag-{task} para sa napiling install na application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Ang wizard na ito ay gagabay sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng proseso ng pag-{task} para sa napiling install backup ng application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Ang wizard na ito ay gagabay sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng proseso ng pag-{task} para sa napiling install backup na application. _tasks_intro_installwill=Ang proseso ng pag-install magdagdag ay isang halimbawa ng mga napiling application sa iyong domain. Ito ay bubuo ng mga file at mga direktoryo ng software, at isang database (kung ginagamit ng application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=Maa-update ang proseso ng pag-upgrade ang mga file at database (kung ginagamit ng application), na nagbibigay sa iyo ng isang mas bagong bersyon ng application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=Maa-update ang proseso ng pag-upgrade ang mga file at database (kung ginagamit ng application), na nagbibigay sa iyo ng isang mas bagong bersyon ng application. _tasks_intro_importwill=Ang proseso ng pag-import ay nagdudulot ng isang naka-install sa labas ang pagkakataon ng isang application sa {installatron} system. Ay maaaring magamit at na-upgrade Matagumpay na na-import na mga application mula sa tab na "_tabs_myapplications". _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Ang proseso ng pag-uninstall ay magtatanggal sa lahat ng mga file at mga direktoryo at mga database at mga talahanayan na nauugnay sa naka-install na software, at hindi maaaring i-reverse. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=Ang pagtanggal proseso ay magtatanggal sa lahat ng mga file na nauugnay sa napiling backup, at hindi maaaring i-reverse. _tasks_intro_restorewill=Ang ibalik ang proseso ng mga kopya ng mga file at mga talahanayan ng database ng isang backup na sa kanilang orihinal na mga lokasyon, mga bumabalik na ang application na katayuan nito kapag ang backup ay nilikha. Ang prosesong ito ay papatungan ang anumang mga file, mga direktoryo at mga talahanayan ng database na kasalukuyang umiiral sa orihinal na lokasyon ng application. _tasks_intro_backupwill=Ang opsyonal na proseso ng backup ay bubuo ng mga dobleng file, mga direktoryo, at mga talahanayan ng database. Pag-backup ay maaaring "naibalik", na maaaring maging kapaki-pakinabang kung ang isang application nagiging napinsala o na-hack, o kung nabigo ang isang pag-upgrade. _tasks_intro_clonewill=Ang proseso ng pag-clone nauulit isang naka-install na application sa ibang lokasyon. Lahat ng mga file, mga direktoryo, at mga talahanayan ng database ay nadoble, at mga setting ng application ay ina-update para sa bagong lokasyon. _tasks_intro_templatewill=Ang proseso ng template tumatagal ng isang snapshot ng naka-install na application na maaaring pagkatapos ay maaaring mapili bilang isang batayan para sa bagong mga pag-install. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Magkaroon ng kamalayan _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete={task} Ang ay kumpleto na. _tasks_intro_clicknext=I-click ang pindutan ng Susunod sa ibaba upang magsimula. _tasks_install_complete=Ang pag-install ay kumpleto na. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=Ang pag-upgrade ay kumpleto na. _tasks_upgrade_complete=Ang pag-upgrade ay kumpleto na. _tasks_update_completealready=Ang pag-upgrade ay nakumpleto. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=Ang pag-upgrade ay nakumpleto. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Ang clone ay tapos na. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Ito ang napiling install na application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Mangyaring pumili ng isang lokasyon upang i-install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Mangyaring magpasok ng isang URL upang i-install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Pumili ng isang lokasyon para sa naka-install na application upang ma-kopya sa loob ng iyong web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=Ang lokasyon ay isang kumbinasyon ng isang domain at ng isang direktoryo na magkasama matukoy kung saan ang mga file ay mai-install at kung saan ay tiningnan ang application sa isang web browser pagkatapos ng pag-install. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=Ang URL na ipinasok ay matukoy kung saan ang mga file ay mai-install at kung saan ay tiningnan ang application sa isang web browser pagkatapos ng pag-install. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Direktoryo (Opsyonal) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=Ang domain at direktoryo na napili sa itaas ay kumakatawan sa (link sa web page) na ipinapakita dito na URL: _tasks_location_equivalentof=Ang domain at direktoryo na napili sa itaas ay kumakatawan sa isang URL (isang link sa web page) at din ng isang pisikal na daanan sa hard drive ng server, na parehong Ipinapakita dito: _tasks_location_installlocation=I-install ang Lokasyon _tasks_location_urlequivalent=Katumbas URL ng napiling lokasyon _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Katumbas ng Path ng napiling lokasyon _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} Natukoy na ang mga mag-install ng lokasyon napili sa itaas ay protektado ng isang password. _tasks_location_requirespassword=Nangangailangan {installatron} na username at password bago i-install maaaring magpatuloy. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Huwag awtomatikong panatilihin ang mga backup. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=araw-araw _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=linggu-linggo _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=buwan-buwan _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} araw-araw _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} lingguhang _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} buwanang _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=araw-araw na backup para sa nakalipas na {day} araw _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=isa araw-araw na backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=isa {day}-araw lumang backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=isang araw {day1}-{day2} lumang backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Piliin ang bersyon ng {app} upang i-install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: Dapat mong piliin ang pinakabagong bersyon, maliban kung nangangailangan ka ng isang mas maagang release. _tasks_version_branch=sangay _tasks_version_latest=pinakahuli _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=pinakabagong mababa ang panganib _tasks_version_recommended=inirerekumendang _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Awtomatikong pag-update sa bagong bersyon menor de edad at paglabas na seguridad ay inirerekumenda bilang naglalaman ng mga ilalabas ng mga kritikal na mga pagpapabuti application at karaniwang hindi negatibong maapektuhan andar website. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Awtomatikong pag-update sa bagong bersyon menor de edad at paglabas na seguridad ay inirerekumenda bilang naglalaman ng mga ilalabas ng mga kritikal na mga pagpapabuti application at karaniwang hindi negatibong maapektuhan andar website. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Huwag awtomatikong i-update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Huwag awtomatikong i-update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Lumikha ng isang backup at update sa bagong bersyon menor de edad at paglabas na seguridad. (Inirerekumenda) _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Lumikha ng isang backup at update sa bagong bersyon menor de edad at paglabas na seguridad. (Inirerekumenda) _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Lumikha ng isang backup at i-update sa anumang bagong bersyon. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Lumikha ng isang backup at i-update sa anumang bagong bersyon. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Huwag awtomatikong i-update ang {app} plugin. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Huwag awtomatikong i-update ang {app} plugin. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Lumikha ng isang backup at i-update {app} mga plugin bilang maging magagamit na bagong bersyon. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Lumikha ng isang backup at i-update {app} mga plugin bilang maging magagamit na bagong bersyon. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Huwag awtomatikong i-update ang {app} mga tema. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Huwag awtomatikong i-update ang {app} mga tema. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Lumikha ng isang backup at i-update {app} tema ay maging magagamit na bagong bersyon. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Lumikha ng isang backup at i-update {app} tema ay maging magagamit na bagong bersyon. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Awtomatikong i-backup at i-update ang naka-install na application agad habang nagiging available ang mga bagong bersyon.

Ang nilikha backup ay awtomatikong naibalik kung nabigo ang pag-update, at mga abiso sa email ay ipinapadala gamit ang resulta ng bawat update. Update execute sa pagitan ng hatinggabi at 6:00 localtime. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Awtomatikong i-backup at i-update ang naka-install na application agad habang nagiging available ang mga bagong bersyon.

Ang nilikha backup ay awtomatikong naibalik kung nabigo ang pag-update, at mga abiso sa email ay ipinapadala gamit ang resulta ng bawat update. Update execute sa pagitan ng hatinggabi at 6:00 localtime. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Piliin ang patutunguhang bersyon para sa pag-upgrade {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Piliin ang patutunguhang bersyon para sa pag-upgrade {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Piliin ang patutunguhang bersyon para sa bawat naka-install na application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Piliin ang patutunguhang bersyon para sa bawat naka-install na application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Anong bago _tasks_version_currentversion=Kasalukuyang Bersyon _tasks_version_versioninstalled=Ang bersyon na kasalukuyang naka-install. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Bersyon Destination _tasks_version_updatetoversion=pumili ng isang bersyon upang mag-upgrade sa _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=pumili ng isang bersyon upang mag-upgrade sa _tasks_version_manualupdate=manu-manong pag-upgrade lamang _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manu-manong pag-upgrade lamang _tasks_version_noupdate=pag-upgrade ay hindi suportado _tasks_version_noupgrade=pag-upgrade ay hindi suportado _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=kinakailangan hindi pa nakikilala _tasks_version_updateplugins=I-update ang Plugin? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=I-update ang Plugin? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Piliin kung dapat na-update na {app} plugin. Nakita luma na plugin ay nakalista. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Oo, i-update {app} plugin. _tasks_version_noplugins=Hindi, huwag i-update ang {app} plugin. _tasks_version_updatethemes=I-update ang Tema? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=I-update ang Tema? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Piliin kung {app} mga tema ay dapat na-update. Nakita out sa mga tema ng petsa ay nakalista. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Oo, i-update {app} mga tema. _tasks_version_nothemes=Hindi, huwag i-update ang {app} mga tema. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Mangyaring basahin at tanggapin ang EULA para {app} bersyon {version} bago magpatuloy. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=Ang pagtatapos na kasunduan sa lisensya ng gumagamit ay binabalangkas kung paano ang software na maaaring gamitin, at maaaring magsama ng mga panuntunan sa komersyal na paggamit, pagbabago, at pamamahagi, kasama ang impormasyon sa pay-para sa mga bersyon ng application na ito. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Tinatanggap ko ang kasunduan sa lisensya _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Hindi ko tinatanggap ang kasunduan sa lisensya _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=Nangangailangan ito ng web application sa isang database para sa imbakan ng data. _tasks_db_selectadb=Pumili ng isang database para i-install ito. _tasks_db_createadb=Lumikha ng isang database gamit ang iyong web hosting provider control panel at ipasok ang impormasyon ng database dito. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: Kung hindi mo nais na lumikha ng isang bagong database, posible rin na magpasok ng impormasyon para sa isang umiiral na database. Ang proseso ng pag-install ay gumamit ng isang natatanging prefix talahanayan ng database upang maiwasan ang mga salungatan sa umiiral na data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Payagan ang mga sistema ng Database malalaking halaga ng data na ma-imbak at nakuha sa isang mabilis at mahusay na paraan, at maraming mga application na naka-install sa pamamagitan ng {installatron} ay nangangailangan ng isang database upang maiimbak ang kanilang mga data. {installatron} ay awtomatikong pamahalaan ang pag-setup ng database, nangangailangan ito lamang na ang isang database na magagamit. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=ipasok ang iniulat ng control panel ng iyong web host ang database ng host. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Pamamahala ng Database _tasks_db_createforme=Awtomatikong lumikha ng isang bagong database para sa mga naka-install na application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Awtomatikong pamahalaan ang mga setting ng database para sa akin. (Inirerekumenda) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Hayaan akong pamahalaan ang mga setting na ito. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Hayaan akong pumili ng isang umiiral na database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Gumamit ng ibang database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Payagan ang mga setting na ito sa iyo upang i-customize at i-personalize ang naka-install na application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=Ang mga halaga set ay maaaring baguhin sa ibang pagkakataon sa loob {installatron} o sa loob ng naka-install na application. _settings_adminusername=ipasok ang isang username para sa user administrator _settings_adminpassword=magpasok ng isang password para sa user administrator _settings_adminemail=ipasok ang iyong email address _settings_yournam=ipasok ang iyong pangalan _settings_sitetitle=ipasok ang pamagat para sa website _settings_sitetagline=ipasok tagline para sa website _settings_businessname=ipasok ang pangalan ng iyong negosyo _settings_language=pumili ng wika _settings_installcontent=piliin ang nilalaman _settings_cleaninstall=Bigyan mo ako ng isang malinis {app}-install (makikita ko maidaragdag ang aking sariling nilalaman!) _settings_democontent=Mangyaring idagdag ang {app} demo nilalaman sa panahon ng i-install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Pangmatagalang Suporta (Inirerekumenda) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Maikling Kataga ng Suporta _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} ay handa na upang {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired={task} na ito ay mangangailangan ng {sizea}MB ng diskspace upang makumpleto. May {sizeb}MB espasyo magagamit ang iyong account. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Pindutin ang Isumite upang isagawa ang {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} ay ngayon {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Pansinin: Pinili mong i-install papunta sa 'root directory' (ang nangungunang antas ng direktoryo) sa mga napiling mga domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Pansinin: Pinili mong i-install sa direktoryo sa umiiral na nilalaman. _warnings_continuepresok=Kung nais mong i-install sa direktoryong ito i-click ang pindutan ng Ok sa ibaba, o i-click ang Kanselahin upang baguhin ang path. _warnings_oauthaccess=Sesenyasan ka upang pahintulutan {service} access sa pagse-save ng form na ito. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=Ang isang halimbawa ng {app} Umiiral na sa direktoryong ito. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=Walang mga bersyon ng application na ito ay katugma sa mga napiling i-install lokasyon. _errors_noinstallversion=Ang napiling bersyon {version} ay hindi tugma sa mga napiling i-install lokasyon. _errors_dbcreate=Hindi makalikha ng isang database. Suriin na ang iyong hosting account ay may hindi bababa sa isang database na magagamit. Kung ginagawa nito, mangyaring makipag-ugnay sa iyong host. _errors_nodatabases=Wala kang mga pre-nilikha mga database MySQL. Kung nais mong gamitin ang pagpipiliang ito database, dapat mong gamitin ang control panel upang lumikha ng isang database bago i-install ang application na ito. _errors_nodomains=Walang mga domain ay magagamit para sa account na ito. Gamitin ang pagho-host ng control panel upang magdagdag ng isang domain bago i-install ang isang application. _errors_alreadylatest=Ang web application napili ay nagpapatakbo na ang pinakabagong bersyon. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=Ang web application pinili ang tumatakbo na sa pinakabagong bersyon. _errors_manualupdate=Napiling bersyon ng, o isang bersyon sa pagitan ng ito at ang naka-install na bersyon, ay nangangailangan ng manu-manong pag-upgrade. Auto-upgrade ay hindi suportado. Tingnan ang dokumentasyon ng application para sa manu-manong impormasyon sa pag-upgrade. _errors_manualupgrade=Napiling bersyon ng, o isang bersyon sa pagitan ng ito at ang naka-install na bersyon, ay nangangailangan ng manu-manong pag-upgrade. Auto-upgrade ay hindi suportado. Tingnan ang dokumentasyon ng application para sa manu-manong impormasyon sa pag-upgrade. _errors_noupdate=Ang napiling bersyon, o isang bersyon sa pagitan ng ito at ang naka-install na bersyon, ay hindi sumusuporta sa pag-upgrade. Suriin ang website ng application upang makita kung ang isang tool na "migration" ay magagamit. _errors_noupgrade=Ang napiling bersyon, o isang bersyon sa pagitan ng ito at ang naka-install na bersyon, ay hindi sumusuporta sa pag-upgrade. Suriin ang website ng application upang makita kung ang isang tool na "migration" ay magagamit. _errors_unmetrequirements=Ang pag-host ng server ay hindi nakamit ang mga kinakailangan ng mga ito na bersyon ng application na ito, kaya ang bersyon na ito ay hindi ma-upgrade sa. Mga configuration Server ay marami at iba't-ibang, at hindi lahat ng mga application (o mga bersyon ng isang application) ay gagana sa lahat ng mga server. _errors_eula=Upang i-install ang application na ito kailangan mong sumang-ayon sa dulo kasunduan sa lisensya ng gumagamit. _errors_installquotadomain=Naabot na ang napiling domain ang mismong maximum na bilang ng mga {app} sabay-sabay na pag-install ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Ang iyong account ay umabot na sa maximum na bilang ng mga {app} sabay-sabay na pag-install ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Mangyaring makipag-ugnayan sa iyong service provider upang mag-upgrade ang iyong account. _errors_accountupgrade=Mangyaring makipag-ugnayan sa iyong service provider upang mag-upgrade ang iyong account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Ang mga naka-install na application ay aalisin: _tasks_uninstall_complete=I-uninstall ang ay kumpleto na. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=Database na ito ay ibinabahagi sa pamamagitan ng isa o higit pang ibang mga application at sa gayon ay hindi matatanggal. Tanging mga talahanayan maaaring tanggalin. Mag-ingat na huwag tanggalin ang mga talahanayan na nauugnay sa isa pang application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Paunawa: {installatron} ay hindi alam kung aling mga file at / o mga direktoryo ay nauugnay ito naka-install na application. Mangyaring piliin ang file at direktoryo na dapat ay kasama sa backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Babala: Ang mga file at / o mga direktoryo ang napili na hindi maaaring nauugnay sa i-install ito. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Kung nais mong magpatuloy sa kasalukuyang pagpipilian i-click ang pindutan ng Ok sa ibaba, o i-click ang Kanselahin upang baguhin ang pagpipilian. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Piliin ang mga file, mga direktoryo, at mga talahanayan ng database upang matanggal. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Ang mga backup ay tatanggalin: _tasks_delete_complete=Ang backup na pag-alis ay kumpleto na. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Piliin ang mga file, mga direktoryo, at mga talahanayan ng database upang maisama sa ang backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Mga item na naka-bold ay kilala na nauugnay sa i-install ito (iyon ay, sila ay nilikha sa panahon ng i-install o mag-upgrade). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: Kung hindi mo ay mayroon ng isang backup na, at mayroon kang sapat na puwang sa disk sa iyong account, inirerekomenda na magsagawa ka ng backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Oo, lumikha ng isang backup na bago isagawa ang pag-upgrade. _tasks_backup_nobackup=Hindi, huwag lumikha ng isang backup na bago isagawa ang pag-upgrade. _tasks_backup_complete=Ang backup ay kumpleto na. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Awtomatikong pag-backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Mga Awtomatikong Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Karagdagang Mga Awtomatikong Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Lumikha, paikutin at tanggalin ang backup upang mapanatili ang: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Awtomatikong panatilihin ang naka-install na mga backup application batay sa isang iskedyul. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Pag-backup ay nilikha at Pinaikot sa pagitan ng hatinggabi at oras 6:00 ng server, at isang Nabigo ang backup ay hindi kailanman iikot ng backup sa pagtatrabaho. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=Ang lokasyon kung saan ang backup archive ay nilikha para sa mga naka-install na application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Baguhin ang lokasyon kung saan pag-backup ay nilikha para sa mga naka-install na application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Umiiral na mga backup patuloy na gagana sa kasalukuyan na lokasyon. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Huwag magdagdag ng backup na lokasyon. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Magdagdag ng isang bagong lokasyon backup. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Opsyonal) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text na mas mahusay na naglalarawan sa backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Tinatayang Sukat _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Tinatayang naka-compress laki ng backup archive upang malikha para sa mga naka-install na application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Aking web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Aking Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Mga File at Direktoryo _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Pag-backup _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Ipasok ang URL sa lokasyon ng ang naka-install na application upang mailipat. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Ipasok ang IP address na ang source URL ay dapat lutasin sa. Iwanang blangko ang patlang na ito kung tama ang lumulutas sa pinagmulan sa pamamagitan ng DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Mula sa ibang account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Piliin ang pagpipiliang ito upang i-migrate at i-import papunta sa {installatron} system ng isang naka-install na application na ay matatagpuan sa isang remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=Ikaw ay sasabihan na pumili ng isang lokasyon sa loob ng lokal na web hosting account para sa naka-install na application upang makopya sa. Walang mga pagbabago ang ginawa sa mga naka-install na application sa remote na web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Mula sa account na ito _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Piliin ang pagpipiliang ito upang i-import papunta sa {installatron} system ng isang naka-install na application na matatagpuan sa loob ng lokal na web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=Sesenyasan ka upang piliin ang mga kasalukuyang lokasyon ng mga naka-install na application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Piliin ang naka-install na bersyon. Ang halagang ito ay madalas na ipinapakita sa loob ng administrative panel ang naka-install na application. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Ipasok ang impormasyon ng database na ginamit ng mga naka-install na application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: Ang mga halaga database maaaring madalas ay matatagpuan sa isang file na may pangalang config.php o settings.php, karaniwan sa Kabilang /, admin /, o ang direktoryo ng application. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Hindi magawang awtomatikong matukoy prefix table. Mangyaring ipasok ang wastong prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Mga Nilalaman Directory _tasks_import_allfiles=Lahat ng mga file sa direktoryo na nabibilang sa ito naka-install na application _tasks_import_somefiles=Ang ilang mga file lamang sa direktoryong na nabibilang sa ito naka-install na application _tasks_import_complete=Ang pag-import ay kumpleto na. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=Ang paglipat ay kumpleto na. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Ang path na ito ay hindi natagpuan. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Ipanumbalik sa orihinal na lokasyon _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Piliin ang pagpipiliang ito upang ibalik ang backup sa orihinal nitong lokasyon, bumabalik ang application na katayuan nito kapag ang backup ay nilikha. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=Ang prosesong ito ay papatungan ang anumang mga file, mga direktoryo at mga talahanayan ng database na kasalukuyang umiiral sa orihinal na lokasyon ng application. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Ipanumbalik sa bagong lokasyon _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Piliin ang pagpipiliang ito upang ibalik ang backup sa isang bagong lokasyon. Ikaw ay sasabihan na pumili ng isang lokasyon sa loob ng lokal na web hosting account para sa naka-install na application upang maibalik sa. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=Ang prosesong ito ay hindi makakaapekto sa orihinal na lokasyon ng application. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Piliin ang mga file, mga direktoryo, at mga talahanayan ng database na ay maibabalik. _tasks_restore_these=Ang mga file, mga direktoryo, at mga talahanayan ng database na nakalista sa ibaba ay maibabalik. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red item ay io-overwrite ang isang umiiral na item sa destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Babala: Ipinapanumbalik indibidwal na mga file, mga direktoryo, o mga talahanayan ay hindi inirerekomenda maliban kung ang backup at destination maglaman ng parehong mga bersyon ng application web application. _tasks_restore_source=Pinagmulan _tasks_restore_destination=Patutunguhan _tasks_restore_complete=Ibalik Ang ay kumpleto na. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Pamagat _tasks_template_nametext=Pamagat upang ilarawan ang template. _tasks_template_desc=Paglalarawan _tasks_template_desctext=Teksto upang ilarawan ang template. _tasks_template_complete=Ang template ay kumpleto na. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Ito ang iyong mga gawain mula sa nakalipas na 10 minuto. Isakatuparan Mga Gawain sa background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Ang mga ito ang mga gawain may-ari ng iyong website mula sa nakalipas na 10 minuto. Isakatuparan Mga Gawain sa background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Walang mga gawain sa kasalukuyan execute o nakumpleto sa loob ng nakalipas na 10 minuto. _tasks_afatalerror=Ang isang malalang error na naganap. _tasks_taskaborted=Gawain ay Itinigil. _mytasks_abort=may pagpapalaglag var/installatron/locale/bs/user.tasks.ini000064400000157554147205106440014540 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installing _tasks_uninstalling=Uninstalling _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Updating _tasks_upgrading=Updating _tasks_backuping=Backing-Up _tasks_cloning=Cloning _tasks_restoring=Restoring Backup _tasks_importing=Importing _tasks_deleting=Deleting Backup _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=accessed _tasks_updated=updated _tasks_upgraded=updated _tasks_backedup=backed-up _tasks_edited=edited _tasks_cloned=cloned _tasks_uninstalled=uninstalled _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restored _tasks_imported=imported _tasks_deleted=deleted _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=install _tasks_uninstall=Deinstaliraj _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=Nadogradi _tasks_upgrade=Nadogradi _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=Napravi rezervnu kopiju _tasks_restore=restore _tasks_import=Uvezi _tasks_delete=Izbriši _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recommended _notes_canbemodified=This can be modified by editing the installed application. _notes_includedinhostemail=This information is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email. _notes_donotmodify=Do not modify this setting. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send Feedback lets you submit suggestions about the {installatron} product. We welcome problem reports, feature ideas and general comments. _notes_versionnotes={version}
version notes _notes_releasedate=Version released _notes_latest=This is the latest supported version of this software. _notes_latestofbranch=This version is the latest version in the '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=This version is no longer supported. _notes_notinstallable=This version is no longer installable. _notes_installed=This is the installed version. _notes_latestversion=latest version _notes_latestversionofbranch=latest version of '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_upgrademinor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_updatemajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _notes_upgrademajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Enter the login information for the above URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP Address or Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Enter the path from the account's root directory to the above install location. _email_notification=Email Notification _email_notification_auto=Send all email notifications for the installed application. _email_notification_choose=Let me choose which notifications are sent. _email_notification_selectthe=Select the email notifications sent for the installed application. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Install Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installed _email_install_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has been installed to:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_install_error=Install Error _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install failed _email_install_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has failed to install and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_complete=Backup Complete _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup now available _email_backup_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

Backup size: {backup_size}MB

To use this backup, login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup failed _email_backup_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restored _email_restore_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup restoration process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password Protection Detected _password_pwonthisdomain=Password protection is detected on this location. The username and password are required before this {task} can continue. Note that this password protection was set external to {installatron}, and is not associated with this application installer system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=enter the username used to access the install location with a web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=enter the password used to access the install location with a web browser _error_passwordfailed=The login details provided have failed. Please try again or contact your web host if you do not know the password. _error_domainfailed=A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is unable to install on a domain that is not resolving/loading to this web account.

If this is a new web hosting account, or if this is a newly registered domain, please allow up to 24 hours for the domain to begin working (though usually within a few hours).

If you're sure that the domain is correctly loading to your web account, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=This may take up to 5 minutes.

Do not close this browser window until the task is complete. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Available disk space is within the margin of error; task could fail. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Install Location _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Path equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=latest _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Please read and accept the EULA for {app} version {version} before continuing. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the application. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=This web application requires a database for data storage. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Database Management _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=These settings allow you to customize and personalize this installed application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=enter a username for the administrator user _settings_adminpassword=enter a password for the administrator user _settings_adminemail=enter your email address _settings_yournam=enter your name _settings_sitetitle=enter title for the website _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=enter your business name _settings_language=select a language _settings_installcontent=select the content _settings_cleaninstall=Give me a clean {app} install (I'll add my own content!) _settings_democontent=Please add the {app} demo content during install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is ready to {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=This {task} will require {sizea}MB of diskspace to complete. Your account has {sizeb}MB space available. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Press Submit to perform the {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/gsw/user.tasks.ini000064400000157521147205111000014712 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installing _tasks_uninstalling=Uninstalling _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Updating _tasks_upgrading=Updating _tasks_backuping=Backing-Up _tasks_cloning=Cloning _tasks_restoring=Restoring Backup _tasks_importing=Importing _tasks_deleting=Deleting Backup _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=accessed _tasks_updated=updated _tasks_upgraded=updated _tasks_backedup=backed-up _tasks_edited=edited _tasks_cloned=cloned _tasks_uninstalled=uninstalled _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restored _tasks_imported=imported _tasks_deleted=deleted _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=install _tasks_uninstall=uninstall _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=update _tasks_upgrade=update _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=backup _tasks_restore=restore _tasks_import=import _tasks_delete=delete _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recommended _notes_canbemodified=This can be modified by editing the installed application. _notes_includedinhostemail=This information is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email. _notes_donotmodify=Do not modify this setting. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send Feedback lets you submit suggestions about the {installatron} product. We welcome problem reports, feature ideas and general comments. _notes_versionnotes={version}
version notes _notes_releasedate=Version released _notes_latest=This is the latest supported version of this software. _notes_latestofbranch=This version is the latest version in the '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=This version is no longer supported. _notes_notinstallable=This version is no longer installable. _notes_installed=This is the installed version. _notes_latestversion=latest version _notes_latestversionofbranch=latest version of '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_upgrademinor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_updatemajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _notes_upgrademajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Enter the login information for the above URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP Address or Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Enter the path from the account's root directory to the above install location. _email_notification=Email Notification _email_notification_auto=Send all email notifications for the installed application. _email_notification_choose=Let me choose which notifications are sent. _email_notification_selectthe=Select the email notifications sent for the installed application. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Install Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installed _email_install_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has been installed to:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_install_error=Install Error _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install failed _email_install_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has failed to install and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_complete=Backup Complete _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup now available _email_backup_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

Backup size: {backup_size}MB

To use this backup, login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup failed _email_backup_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restored _email_restore_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup restoration process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password Protection Detected _password_pwonthisdomain=Password protection is detected on this location. The username and password are required before this {task} can continue. Note that this password protection was set external to {installatron}, and is not associated with this application installer system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=enter the username used to access the install location with a web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=enter the password used to access the install location with a web browser _error_passwordfailed=The login details provided have failed. Please try again or contact your web host if you do not know the password. _error_domainfailed=A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is unable to install on a domain that is not resolving/loading to this web account.

If this is a new web hosting account, or if this is a newly registered domain, please allow up to 24 hours for the domain to begin working (though usually within a few hours).

If you're sure that the domain is correctly loading to your web account, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=This may take up to 5 minutes.

Do not close this browser window until the task is complete. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Available disk space is within the margin of error; task could fail. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Install Location _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Path equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=latest _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Please read and accept the EULA for {app} version {version} before continuing. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the application. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=This web application requires a database for data storage. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Database Management _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=These settings allow you to customize and personalize this installed application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=enter a username for the administrator user _settings_adminpassword=enter a password for the administrator user _settings_adminemail=enter your email address _settings_yournam=enter your name _settings_sitetitle=enter title for the website _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=enter your business name _settings_language=select a language _settings_installcontent=select the content _settings_cleaninstall=Give me a clean {app} install (I'll add my own content!) _settings_democontent=Please add the {app} demo content during install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is ready to {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=This {task} will require {sizea}MB of diskspace to complete. Your account has {sizeb}MB space available. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Press Submit to perform the {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/zh_tw/user.tasks.ini000064400000144270147205111210015245 0ustar00_tasks_installing=安裝 _tasks_uninstalling=解除安裝 _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=升級 _tasks_upgrading=升級 _tasks_backuping=後備向上 _tasks_cloning=複製 _tasks_restoring=復原備份 _tasks_importing=輸入 _tasks_deleting=刪除備份 _tasks_templating=範本 _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=存取 _tasks_updated=更新 _tasks_upgraded=更新 _tasks_backedup=備份 _tasks_edited=編輯 _tasks_cloned=複製 _tasks_uninstalled=解除安裝 _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=復原 _tasks_imported=匯入 _tasks_deleted=刪除 _tasks_templated=範本 _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=安裝 _tasks_uninstall=解除安裝 _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=更新 _tasks_upgrade=更新 _tasks_clone=複製 _tasks_backup=備份 _tasks_restore=復原 _tasks_import=匯入 _tasks_delete=刪除 _tasks_template=範本 _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=推薦 _notes_canbemodified=這可以通過編輯已安裝的應用程序進行修改。 _notes_includedinhostemail=此信息通常包括在您的託管帳戶的歡迎電子郵件。 _notes_donotmodify=請不要修改此設定。 _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=發送反饋,您可以提交有關{installatron}產品建議。我們歡迎問題報告,功能的想法和一般性意見。 _notes_versionnotes={version}
版本說明 _notes_releasedate=版本發佈 _notes_latest=這是該軟體的最新支援版本。 _notes_latestofbranch=這個版本是最新的版本中的「{branch}」分支。 _notes_nolongersupported=此版本不再支援。 _notes_notinstallable=此版本不再安裝。 _notes_installed=這是安裝的版本。 _notes_latestversion=最新版本 _notes_latestversionofbranch=對「{branch}」分支最新版本 _notes_updateminor=這個版本是一個低風險的升級。小的變化,bug 修復和安全修補程序出台。 _notes_upgrademinor=這個版本是一個低風險的升級。小的變化,bug 修復和安全修補程序出台。 _notes_updatemajor=這個版本是一個高風險的升級。顯著的新功能和更改出台。 _notes_upgrademajor=這個版本是一個高風險的升級。顯著的新功能和更改出台。 _ftp_type=協定 _ftp_entertheinfo=輸入FTP登錄信息上面的URL。 _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=伺服器 (IP 位址或主機名稱) _ftp_port=接口 _ftp_user=使用者名稱 _ftp_pass=密碼 _ftp_path=通路 _ftp_enterthepath=輸入上面的安裝位置從該帳號的根目錄的路徑。 _email_notification=電子郵件通知 _email_notification_auto=發送的所有電子郵件通知安裝的應用程序。 _email_notification_choose=讓我選擇發送通知。 _email_notification_selectthe=選擇派人安裝的應用程序的電子郵件通知。 _email_admin_report=管理報告 _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}]更新摘要{hostname} _email_install_complete=安裝完成 _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app}安裝 _email_install_complete_text=這是一個自動的電子郵件從{installatron}. 退訂這些電子郵件或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}. 工具,並選擇安裝程序要修改。


{app} v{version} 已安裝:



登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板和連結到{installatron}工具來管理安裝。 _email_install_error=安裝錯誤 _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app}安裝失敗 _email_install_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。

{app} v{version}安裝失敗和失敗的細節已被記錄下來。


最終報告。 _email_backup_complete=備份完成 _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}備份現 _email_backup_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。




最終報告。 _email_backup_error=備份錯誤 _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}備份失敗 _email_backup_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_restore_complete=還原整個 _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}備份恢復 _email_restore_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。




最終報告。 _email_restore_error=還原錯誤 _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}備份恢復失敗 _email_restore_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_update_available=更新可用 _email_upgrade_available=更新可用 _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion}現已{newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion}現已{newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。

更新到{app} {newversion} {newversiontype}現在可用於{app}安裝使用{installatron}您管理。下面可以更新:





最終報告。 _email_upgrade_available_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。

更新到{app} {newversion} {newversiontype}現在可用於{app}安裝使用{installatron}您管理。下面可以更新:





最終報告。 _email_update_complete=更新完成 _email_upgrade_complete=更新完成 _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新 _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新 _email_update_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_upgrade_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_update_error=更新錯誤 _email_upgrade_error=更新錯誤 _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新失敗 _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新失敗 _email_update_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_upgrade_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_pluginupdate_available=附加更新可用 _email_pluginupgrade_available=附加更新可用 _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion}現 _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion}現 _email_pluginupdate_available_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。

更新到{appaddon} {newversion}現在可用於{app}安裝使用{installatron}您管理。下面可以更新:



最終報告。 _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。

更新到{appaddon} {newversion}現在可用於{app}安裝使用{installatron}您管理。下面可以更新:



最終報告。 _email_pluginupdate_complete=附加更新完成 _email_pluginupgrade_complete=附加更新完成 _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新({addontype}更新) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新({addontype}更新) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。




最終報告。 _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。




最終報告。 _email_pluginupdate_error=附加更新錯誤 _email_pluginupgrade_error=附加更新錯誤 _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新失敗({addontype}更新) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}更新失敗({addontype}更新) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_clone_complete=克隆完成 _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}克隆 _email_clone_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。





最終報告。 _email_clone_error=克隆錯誤 _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp}克隆失敗 _email_clone_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_migrate_complete=遷移完成 _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app}遷移 _email_migrate_complete_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。





最終報告。 _email_migrate_error=遷移錯誤 _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app}遷移失敗 _email_migrate_error_text=這是{installatron}自動發送的電子郵件。為了從這些電子郵件取消或更改通知設置,登錄到您的虛擬主機控制面板,導航到{installatron}工具,然後選擇要修改安裝的應用程序。



最終報告。 _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=密碼保護檢測 _password_pwonthisdomain=密碼保護被檢測到這個位置上。的用戶名和密碼都需要在此之前{task}才能繼續。注意,這個密碼保護被設置外部{installatron},並且不與該應用程序安裝程序系統相關聯。 _password_username=用戶名 _password_entertheusername=輸入用於訪問的用戶名與Web瀏覽器的安裝位置 _password_password=密碼 _password_enterthepassword=輸入用於訪問密碼使用Web瀏覽器的安裝位置 _error_passwordfailed=提供的登錄細節都失敗了。請重試或聯繫您的主機,如果你不知道密碼。 _error_domainfailed=選定域的測試失敗(HTTP錯誤:{code})。



如果你確保域正確地加載到你的網絡賬號,請聯繫您的虛擬主機管理員。 _error_diskfailed=這{task}需要的可用磁盤空間{size}MB來完成。足夠的磁盤空間是當前不可用。

如需幫助或添加額外的磁盤空間,請聯繫您的虛擬主機管理員。 _error_connectfailed=無法連接到Web託管服務器。請在幾分鐘後重試。 _error_authfailed=無法authenicate與所提供的登錄名和密碼。 _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=這{task}將需要足夠的用戶權限`{path}“。

如需幫助或添加額外的磁盤空間,請聯繫您的虛擬主機管理員。 _tasks_advanced_manageforme=我自動管理高級設置。 _tasks_advanced_copyforme=自動複製從安裝源應用這些設置。 _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=讓我來管理這些設置。 _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=對於已安裝的應用程序配置額外的設置。 _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=這些設置包括用於控制: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=設置的值可以在以後內{installatron}進行修改。 _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=高級設置管理 _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=設置管理 _tasks_shared_waiting=載入中... _tasks_shared_processing=處理... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=清理... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=複製文件和目錄... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=複製數據庫和表... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=上傳到備份位置... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=從備份位置下載... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=這可能需要長達5分鐘。

不要關閉該瀏覽器窗口,直到任務完成。 _warnings_rootinstall=警告:此應用程序安裝到包含現有文件的目錄。 {installatron}一切努力,以跟踪文件,並與該安裝的應用程序相關的目錄,但是備份將不包含你所添加的文件或安裝/升級過程之外創建的目錄或文件。 _warnings_diskspace=警告:可用磁盤空間誤差範圍之內;任務可能會失敗。 _errors_invalidselection=無效的選擇。 _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=歡迎來到{installatron} {task}精靈! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=該精靈將引導您完成 {app} 的安裝。 _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=該精靈將引導您完成外部安裝 {app} 實例的匯入。 _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=該精靈將引導您完成 {task} 過程中所選擇的安裝的應用程式。 _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=該精靈將引導您完成 {task} 過程中所選擇的安裝的應用程式。 _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=該精靈將引導您完成 {task} 過程中所選擇的安裝的應用程式備份。 _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=該精靈將引導您完成 {task} 過程中所選擇的安裝的應用程式備份。 _tasks_intro_installwill=安裝過程將加入選取的應用程式的實例,以您的域名。這將建立檔案和軟體的目錄,和一個資料庫 (如果使用應用程式)。 _tasks_intro_updatewill=升級過程將更新檔案和資料庫 (如果使用應用程式),讓您的應用程式的更新版本。 _tasks_intro_upgradewill=升級過程將更新檔案和資料庫 (如果使用應用程式),讓您的應用程式的更新版本。 _tasks_intro_importwill=匯入過程帶來的外部安裝一個應用程式到 {installatron} 系統的實例。成功匯入應用程式可以使用,從「_tabs_myapplications」頁籤升級。 _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=移除過程將刪除與已安裝的軟體相關聯的所有檔案和目錄,資料庫和資料表 ,並且無法逆轉。 _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=刪除程序將刪除與所選擇的備份相關聯的所有檔案,並且無法逆轉。 _tasks_intro_restorewill=還原程序副本備份的檔案和資料庫表到所選擇的位置。 _tasks_intro_backupwill=可選的備份過程會產生重複的檔案,目錄和資料庫表。備份可以「還原」,如果應用程式已損壞或駭客攻擊,或者升級失敗時非常有用。 _tasks_intro_clonewill=在克隆過程中重複安裝的應用程式到不同的位置。所有檔案,目錄和資料庫表被複製和應用程式設定更新為新的位置。 _tasks_intro_templatewill=範本程序需要,然後可以選擇為新安裝的基礎所安裝的應用的快照。 _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=請注意 _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=該{task}完成。 _tasks_intro_clicknext=點擊下面的下一步按鈕開始。 _tasks_install_complete=安裝完成。 _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=升級完成。 _tasks_upgrade_complete=升級完成。 _tasks_update_completealready=升級已經完成。 _tasks_upgrade_completealready=升級已經完成。 _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=克隆是完整的。 _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=這是所選擇安裝的應用程序。 _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=請選擇安裝{app}的位置。 _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=請輸入安裝{app}的URL。 _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=選擇安裝的應用程序到您的網絡託管帳戶中克隆到一個位置。 _tasks_location_thelocationis=該位置是一個域,並共同確定的目錄中的文件將被安裝並且其中應用程序安裝後,將觀察在web瀏覽器的組合。 _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=輸入的URL將判斷文件將被安裝並在應用程序將在安裝後Web瀏覽器中查看。 _tasks_location_domain=域名 _tasks_location_website=網站 _tasks_location_path=目錄(可選) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=上面選擇的域和目錄表示此處顯示的URL(網頁鏈接): _tasks_location_equivalentof=上面選擇的域和目錄表示的URL(網頁鏈接),並且還對服務器的硬盤驅動器上的物理路徑,這兩者都在這裡顯示: _tasks_location_installlocation=安裝位置 _tasks_location_urlequivalent=選定位置的URL相當於 _tasks_location_pathequivalent=路徑等效選定位置 _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron}檢測到上面選擇的安裝位置受密碼保護的。 _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron}需要安裝可以繼續之前的用戶名和密碼。 _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=不要自動維護備份。 _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=日報 _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=週報 _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=每月一次 _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n}日報 _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n}周刊 _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n}每月 _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=在過去的{day}天每日備份 _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=一份每日備份 _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=1 {day}日齡的備份 _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=1 {day1}-{day2}日齡的備份 _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=選擇{app}的版本來安裝。 _tasks_version_selectnewest=提示:你應該選擇最新的版本,除非你需要一個早期版本。 _tasks_version_branch=支 _tasks_version_latest=最新 _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=最新的低風險 _tasks_version_recommended=推薦 _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=立即自動更新安裝的應用程序的新版本可用。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=立即自動更新安裝的應用程序的新版本可用。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=經過{days}天創建的備份自動過期和被刪除以釋放磁盤空間。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=經過{days}天創建的備份自動過期和被刪除以釋放磁盤空間。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=然而,之前到期的創建的備份可以通過從“_tabs_mybackups”選項卡中選擇的選項被保留。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=然而,之前到期的創建的備份可以通過從“_tabs_mybackups”選項卡中選擇的選項被保留。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=發送每次更新的結果午夜06:00服務器時間和電子郵件通知的更新執行。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=發送每次更新的結果午夜06:00服務器時間和電子郵件通知的更新執行。 _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=自動更新到新的次要版本和安全發布建議,因為這些版本包含關鍵應用的改進,並且通常不會網站的功能產生負面影響。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=自動更新到新的次要版本和安全發布建議,因為這些版本包含關鍵應用的改進,並且通常不會網站的功能產生負面影響。 _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=不要自動更新。 _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=不要自動更新。 _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=更新到新的次要版本安全發布 。 _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=更新到新的次要版本安全發布 。 _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=更新到任何新的版本。 _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=更新到任何新的版本。 _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=不要自動更新{app}插件。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=不要自動更新{app}插件。 _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=更新{app}的插件,新的版本可用。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=更新{app}的插件,新的版本可用。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=不要自動更新{app}主題。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=不要自動更新{app}主題。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=更新{app}主題為新的版本可用。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=更新{app}主題為新的版本可用。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=建立一個備份,如果更​​新失敗自動復原備份。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=建立一個備份,如果更​​新失敗自動復原備份。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=不要建立一個備份。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=不要建立一個備份。 _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=自動備份,並立即更新安裝的應用程式可用的新版本。如果更新失敗中建立的備份會自動復原。

更新午夜和上午6時之間本地時間執行,並且電子郵件傳送通知每次更新的結果。 _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=自動備份,並立即更新安裝的應用程式可用的新版本。如果更新失敗中建立的備份會自動復原。

更新午夜和上午6時之間本地時間執行,並且電子郵件傳送通知每次更新的結果。 _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=選擇目標版本的 {app} 升級。 _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=選擇目標版本的 {app} 升級。 _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=選擇目標版本為每個已安裝的應用程序。 _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=選擇目標版本為每個已安裝的應用程序。 _tasks_version_whatsnew=最新消息 _tasks_version_currentversion=目前版本 _tasks_version_versioninstalled=目前安裝的版本。 _tasks_version_destinationversion=目標版本 _tasks_version_updatetoversion=選擇一個版本升級到 _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=選擇一個版本升級到 _tasks_version_manualupdate=只有手動升級 _tasks_version_manualupgrade=只有手動升級 _tasks_version_noupdate=不支援的升級 _tasks_version_noupgrade=不支援的升級 _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=不符合要求 _tasks_version_updateplugins=更新插件? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=更新插件? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=選擇{app}插件是否應當被更新。檢測到的過期插件被列出。 _tasks_version_yesplugins=是的,更新 {app} 插件。 _tasks_version_noplugins=不,不更新 {app}插件。 _tasks_version_updatethemes=更新主題? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=更新主題? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=選擇{app}主題是否應當被更新。檢測過時的主題被列出。 _tasks_version_yesthemes=是的,更新 {app} 主題。 _tasks_version_nothemes=不,不更新 {app} 主題。 _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=請閱讀並接受 {app} 版本 {version} 的使用者授權合約,然後再繼續。 _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=的最終使用者許可協定概括了如何軟體可以使用,並且可以包括商業上使用,修改,和分配規則,隨著資訊上付費的應用程式的版本。 _tasks_eula_iaccept=我接受授權合約 _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=我不接受授權合約 _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} 使用者授權合約 _tasks_db_requiresadb=這個web應用需要用於數據存儲的數據庫。 _tasks_db_selectadb=選擇此安裝數據庫。 _tasks_db_createadb=創建使用你的網站託管服務提供商的控制面板數據庫,並在此輸入數據庫信息。 _tasks_db_existingdb=提示:如果不希望創建一個新的數據庫,它也有可能進入信息現有數據庫。安裝過程將使用唯一的數據庫表的前綴,以避免與現有的數據衝突。 _tasks_db_dbsystems=數據庫系統允許大量的數據被存儲在一個快速和有效的方式獲得,並通過{installatron}安裝了很多應用程序需要使用數據庫來存儲數據。 {installatron}將自動管理數據庫設置,它要求只有一個數據庫是可用的。 _tasks_db_dbhosttext=輸入報導您的虛擬主機控制面板的數據庫主機。 _tasks_db_dbmanagement=數據庫管理 _tasks_db_createforme=自動創建的應用程序安裝一個新的數據庫。 _tasks_db_manageforme=我自動管理數據庫設置。 (推薦) _tasks_db_letmemanage=讓我來管理這些設置。 _tasks_db_letmechoose=讓我選擇一個現有的數據庫。 _tasks_db_useadifferent=使用不同的數據庫 _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=這些設置允許您自定義和個性化這個安裝的應用程序。 _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=設置的值可以稍後在{installatron}或者安裝的應用程序中進行修改。 _settings_adminusername=輸入用戶名管理員用戶 _settings_adminpassword=輸入管理員密碼的用戶 _settings_adminemail=輸入您的電子郵件地址 _settings_yournam=輸入你的名字 _settings_sitetitle=輸入標題的網站 _settings_sitetagline=進入標語的網站 _settings_businessname=輸入您的公司名稱 _settings_language=選擇一種語言 _settings_installcontent=選擇內容 _settings_cleaninstall=給我一個乾淨的{app}安裝(我會添加自己的內容!) _settings_democontent=請添加{app}演示內容在安裝過程中 _settings_versionchannel_lts=長期支持(推薦) _settings_versionchannel_sts=短期支持 _settings_passwordstrength_show=顯示密碼 _settings_passwordstrength_hide=隱藏密碼 _settings_passwordstrength_generate=生成 _settings_passwordstrength_strength=強度:{strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=太短 _settings_passwordstrength_weak=弱 _settings_passwordstrength_fair=交易會 _settings_passwordstrength_strong=強 _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=與譜號雙因素身份驗證。 (推薦)
下載移動應用程序 _settings_twofactor_no=不要啟用雙因素身份驗證。 _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron}準備{task}。 _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=這{task}需要的磁盤空間{sizea}MB完成。您的帳戶可用{sizeb}MB空間。 _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=提交執行{task}。 _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron}現在{tasking}。 _warnings_rootdirectory=注意:您已選擇安裝到選定域的“根目錄”(頂級目錄)。 _warnings_existingcontent=注意:您已選擇安裝到與現有內容目錄。 _warnings_continuepresok=如果你想安裝此目錄中單擊OK按鈕下方,或單擊取消更改路徑。 _warnings_oauthaccess=系統將提示您授權在保存這種形式{service}訪問。 _warnings_backupexpiry=所創建的備份將自動失效後{days}日內刪除。 _errors_installexists={app}的實例已經存在此目錄中。 _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=無版本申請是與所選擇的安裝位置兼容。 _errors_noinstallversion=所選版本{version}是不與所選擇的安裝位置兼容。 _errors_dbcreate=無法創建一個數據庫。請檢查您的託管帳戶至少有一個數據庫中。如果是這樣,請聯繫您的主機。 _errors_nodatabases=你有沒有預先創建的MySQL數據庫。如果你想使用這個數據庫選項,則必須使用控制面板安裝此應用程序之前創建一個數據庫。 _errors_nodomains=無域可用於此帳戶。使用主機控制面板來安裝應用程序前加入一個域。 _errors_alreadylatest=選擇的Web應用程序已經運行的最新版本。 _errors_alreadylatestmulti=選擇的Web應用程序已經在運行最新版本。 _errors_manualupdate=該版本選擇,或者它和安裝的版本之間的版本,需要手動升級。不支持自動升級。請參閱手動升級信息,應用程序的文檔。 _errors_manualupgrade=該版本選擇,或者它和安裝的版本之間的版本,需要手動升級。不支持自動升級。請參閱手動升級信息,應用程序的文檔。 _errors_noupdate=所選版本,或者它和安裝的版本之間的版本,不支持升級。檢查應用程序的網站,看是否有“移民”工具可用。 _errors_noupgrade=所選版本,或者它和安裝的版本之間的版本,不支持升級。檢查應用程序的網站,看是否有“移民”工具可用。 _errors_unmetrequirements=託管服務器不符合這個版本的應用程序的要求,所以這個版本無法升級到。服務器的配置是多種多樣的,而不是所有的應用程序(或應用程序的版本),將工作的所有服務器上。 _errors_eula=要安裝此應用程序,您必須同意最終用戶許可協議。 _errors_installquotadomain=所選擇的域名已經達到了{app}並發的安裝({quota})的最大數量。 _errors_installquotaaccount=您的帳戶已達到{app}並發的安裝({quota})的最大數量。 _errors_accountupdate=請聯繫您的服務提供商來升級您的帳戶。 _errors_accountupgrade=請聯繫您的服務提供商來升級您的帳戶。 _errors_script=在執行應用程序的API時發生錯誤。 _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=這些安裝的應用程序將被刪除: _tasks_uninstall_complete=卸載完成。 _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=這個數據庫是由一個或多個其他應用程序共享,因此不能被刪除。僅有的表可以被刪除。注意不要刪除與其他應用程序關聯的表。 _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=注意:{installatron}不知道哪些文件和/或目錄相關聯的這種安裝的應用程序。請選擇應該包含在備份中的文件和目錄。 _warnings_extrafiles=警告:文件和/或目錄中選擇,可能無法與此相關聯的安裝。 _warnings_extrafilespresok=如果您希望繼續使用當前的選擇點擊OK按鈕下方,或點擊取消更改選擇。 _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=選擇的文件,目錄和數據庫表被刪除。 _tasks_delete_willberemoved=這些備份將被刪除: _tasks_delete_complete=備份刪除完成。 _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=被包括在備份選擇的文件,目錄和數據庫表。 _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=粗體項都已知與此相關聯的安裝(即,將它們在安裝或升級創建)。 _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=提示:如果你還沒有備份,您的帳戶中有足夠的磁盤空間,建議您進行備份。 _tasks_backup_yesbackup=是的,在執行升級之前創建一個備份。 _tasks_backup_nobackup=沒有,執行升級之前,不要創建一個備份。 _tasks_backup_complete=備份完成。 _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=自動備份 _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=預配置的自動備份 _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=其他自動備份 _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=創建,旋轉和刪除備份維護: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=自動維護基於時間表安裝的應用程序備份。 _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=創建備份,旋轉和午夜早上6點服務器時間之間刪除,備份失敗絕不會旋轉的工作備份。 _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=備份存檔的安裝應用程序將被創建的位置。 _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=更改凡已安裝的應用程序中創建備份的位置。 _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=現有備份繼續工作在當前位置。 _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=不要添加備份位置。 _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=添加一個新的備份位置。 _tasks_backup_label=標籤(可選) _tasks_backup_labeltext=文字,更好地描述了備份。 _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=估計大小 _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=要對已安裝的應用程序創建的備份存檔的估計壓縮後的大小。 _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=我的網絡託管帳戶。 _tasks_backup_myaccount=我的帳戶 _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=文件及目錄 _tasks_delete_dbandtables=數據庫和表 _tasks_delete_backups=備份 _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=已超出可用於這一領域的備份數。 _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=已超出可用於此賬戶的備份數。 _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=已超出可用於此安裝軟件的備份數。 _tasks_import_selectlocation=輸入網址所安裝應用程序的位置,要遷移。 _tasks_import_selectlocationip=輸入源URL應解析為IP地址。將此字段留空,如果源通過DNS解析正確。 _tasks_import_importremoteserver=從不同的帳戶 _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=選擇此選項可遷移並導入到{installatron}系統,該系統位於遠程網絡託管帳戶已安裝的應用程序。 _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=系統將提示您到當地的網絡託管帳戶中選擇安裝的應用程序將被複製到一個位置。任何更改都將建立到遠程網絡託管服務器上安裝的應用程序。 _tasks_import_importlocalserver=從這個帳戶 _tasks_import_selectthisimport=選擇此選項可導入到{installatron}系統,是位於本地的網絡託管帳戶內安裝的應用程序。 _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=系統將提示您選擇安裝的應用程序的當前位置。 _tasks_import_selectversion=選擇安裝的版本。這個值通常是安裝的應用程序的管理面板中顯示。 _tasks_import_selectdatabase=輸入所使用的安裝應用程序的數據庫信息。 _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=提示:數據庫值通常可以在一個名為config.php文件的settings.php或文件中找到,通常是在包括/,管理員/或應用程序目錄。 _tasks_import_tableprefix=無法自動確定表前綴。請輸入正確的前綴。 _tasks_import_dircontents=目錄內容 _tasks_import_allfiles=在該目錄中的所有文件都屬於該安裝的應用程序 _tasks_import_somefiles=只有在該目錄中的某些文件屬於此安裝的應用程序 _tasks_import_complete=匯入完成。 _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=遷移完成。 _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=未找到此路徑。 _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=還原到原始位置 _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=選擇此選項將備份還原到其原始位置,該應用程序返回到它的狀態被創建備份時。 _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=這個過程將覆蓋當前存在於應用程序的原來的位置的任何文件,目錄和數據庫表。 _tasks_restore_restorelocation=還原到新的位置 _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=選擇此選項將備份還原到新位置。系統將提示您到當地的網絡託管帳戶中選擇安裝的應用程序恢復到一個位置。 _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=此過程將不影響應用程序的原來的位置。 _tasks_restore_selectstuff=選擇的文件,目錄和數據庫將要還原的表。 _tasks_restore_these=的文件,目錄,數據庫和下面列出的表將被恢復。 _tasks_restore_reditems=紅色項目將覆蓋目標中的現有項目。 _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=警告:恢復單個文件,目錄或表不推薦,除非備份和目的地包含Web應用程序的版本相同。 _tasks_restore_source=來源 _tasks_restore_destination=終點 _tasks_restore_complete=恢復完成。 _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=標題 _tasks_template_nametext=標題來描述模板。 _tasks_template_desc=描述 _tasks_template_desctext=文字來描述的模板。 _tasks_template_complete=模板是完整的。 _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=這是從過去的10分鐘時的任務。任務在後台執行。 _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=這些都是你的網站所有者的從過去10分鐘​​任務。任務在後台執行。 _tasks_tasks_therearenone=有當前正在執行的或在過去的10分鐘內完成的任何任務。 _tasks_afatalerror=發生致命錯誤。 _tasks_taskaborted=該任務已中止。 _mytasks_abort=退出 var/installatron/locale/es/user.tasks.ini000064400000173124147205112460014531 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Instalando _tasks_uninstalling=Desinstalando _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Actualizando _tasks_upgrading=Actualizando _tasks_backuping=Creando backup _tasks_cloning=Clonando _tasks_restoring=Restaurando _tasks_importing=Importando _tasks_deleting=Borrando _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=acceder _tasks_updated=actualizar _tasks_upgraded=actualizar _tasks_backedup=resguardar _tasks_edited=editar _tasks_cloned=clonar _tasks_uninstalled=desinstalar _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restaurado _tasks_imported=importado _tasks_deleted=borrado _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=instalación _tasks_uninstall=desinstalar _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=actualizar _tasks_upgrade=actualizar _tasks_clone=clonar _tasks_backup=crear backup _tasks_restore=restaurar _tasks_import=importar _tasks_delete=borrar _tasks_template=plantilla _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recomendado _notes_canbemodified=Esto se puede modificar mediante la edición de la aplicación instalada. _notes_includedinhostemail=Esta información se incluye típicamente en el correo de bienvenida de su su cuenta de hosting. _notes_donotmodify=No modifique este ajuste. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Enviar comentarios te permite enviar sugerencias sobre el producto {installatron}. Damos la bienvenida a los informes de problemas, ideas cuentan y comentarios generales. _notes_versionnotes={version}
notas de la versión _notes_releasedate=Instalador publicado _notes_latest=Ésta es la última versión soportada de este software. _notes_latestofbranch=Esta versión es la última en la rama '{branch}'. _notes_nolongersupported=Esta versión ya no está soportada. _notes_notinstallable=Esta versión ya no es instalable. _notes_installed=Ésta es la versión instalada. _notes_latestversion=última versión _notes_latestversionofbranch=última versión de la rama '{branch}' _notes_updateminor=Esta versión es una actualización de bajo riesgo. Cambios menores, arreglo de bugs y mejoras de seguridad introducidos. _notes_upgrademinor=Esta versión es una actualización de bajo riesgo. Cambios menores, arreglo de bugs y mejoras de seguridad introducidos. _notes_updatemajor=Esta versión es una actualización de mayor riesgo. Nuevas características significativas y cambios introducidos. _notes_upgrademajor=Esta versión es una actualización de mayor riesgo. Nuevas características significativas y cambios introducidos. _ftp_type=Protocolo FTP _ftp_entertheinfo=Introduzca la información de inicio de sesión FTP para la dirección de arriba. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=Se recomienda SSH como la opción más confiable para sitios grandes. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTPS (Protocolo de transferencia de archivos a través de SSL) _ftp_ftp=FTP (File Transfer Protocol) _ftp_sftp=SFTP (Protocolo seguro de transferencia de archivos) _ftp_webdav=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (Dirección IP o nombre de host) _ftp_port=Puerto _ftp_user=Nombre de usuario _ftp_pass=Contraseña _ftp_path=Ruta de acceso _ftp_enterthepath=Escriba la ruta del directorio raíz de la cuenta FTP a la ubicación de la instalación anterior. _email_notification=Notificación por correo electrónico _email_notification_auto=Enviar todas las notificaciones de correo electrónico de la aplicación instalada. _email_notification_choose=Dejarme elegir la que se envían las notificaciones. _email_notification_selectthe=Seleccione las notificaciones de correo electrónico enviados por la aplicación instalada. _email_admin_report=Informe de Administración _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Instale completa _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} instalada _email_install_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

{app} v{version} se ha instalado:



Ingrese a su panel de control de hosting web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para gestionar esta instalación.

Fin del informe. _email_install_error=Error de instalación _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] fracasado {app} instalar _email_install_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

{app} v{version} no ha logrado instalar y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_backup_complete=Copia de seguridad completa _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] backup {myapp} ahora disponible _email_backup_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de copia de seguridad para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha tenido éxito.

El tamaño de copia de seguridad: {backup_size}MB

Para utilizar esta copia de seguridad, acceder a su panel de control de hosting web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron}.

Fin del informe. _email_backup_error=Error de copia de seguridad _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] fracasado backup {myapp} _email_backup_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de copia de seguridad para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha fracasado y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_restore_complete=Restauración completada _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] backup {myapp} restaurado _email_restore_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de restauración de copia de seguridad para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha tenido éxito.


Acceda a su panel de control de hosting web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para gestionar esta instalación.

Fin del informe. _email_restore_error=Restaurar Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} restauración de copia de seguridad no _email_restore_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

La copia de seguridad seleccionada de {myapp} ubicado en {url} no ha podido restaurar y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_update_available=Actualización disponible _email_upgrade_available=Actualización disponible _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} disponible {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} disponible {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

Una actualización de {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} ya está disponible para el {app} instalaciones está gestionando con {installatron}. A continuación se puede actualizar:


Acceda a su panel de control de alojamiento web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para actualizar las aplicaciones instaladas.

Fin del informe. _email_upgrade_available_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

Una actualización de {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} ya está disponible para el {app} instalaciones está gestionando con {installatron}. A continuación se puede actualizar:


Acceda a su panel de control de alojamiento web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para actualizar las aplicaciones instaladas.

Fin del informe. _email_update_complete=Actualización completa _email_upgrade_complete=Actualización completa _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} actualizado _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} actualizado _email_update_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha tenido éxito.

Nueva versión instalada: {newversion}

Fin del informe. _email_upgrade_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha tenido éxito.

Nueva versión instalada: {newversion}

Fin del informe. _email_update_error=Error de actualización _email_upgrade_error=Error de actualización _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] actualización {myapp} fallado _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] actualización {myapp} fallado _email_update_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha fracasado y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_upgrade_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha fracasado y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_pluginupdate_available=Actualización Add-on Disponible _email_pluginupgrade_available=Actualización Add-on Disponible _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} disponible _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} disponible _email_pluginupdate_available_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

Una actualización de {appaddon} {newversion} ya está disponible para el {app} instalaciones está gestionando con {installatron}. A continuación se puede actualizar:


Acceda a su panel de control de alojamiento web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para actualizar las aplicaciones instaladas.

Fin del informe. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

Una actualización de {appaddon} {newversion} ya está disponible para el {app} instalaciones está gestionando con {installatron}. A continuación se puede actualizar:


Acceda a su panel de control de alojamiento web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para actualizar las aplicaciones instaladas.

Fin del informe. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Actualización del complemento completo _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Actualización del complemento completo _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} actualización (update {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} actualización (update {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización {addontype} para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha tenido éxito.

Las nuevas versiones {addontype}:


Fin del informe. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización {addontype} para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha tenido éxito.

Las nuevas versiones {addontype}:


Fin del informe. _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Error de actualización _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Error de actualización _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] actualización {myapp} falló (actualización {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] actualización {myapp} falló (actualización {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización {addontype} para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha fracasado y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de actualización {addontype} para {myapp} ubicado en {url} ha fracasado y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_clone_complete=Clon completo _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clonado _email_clone_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de clonación para {myapp} ubicado en {urlsource} ha tenido éxito y ahora está disponible en:



Acceda a su panel de control de hosting web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para gestionar esta instalación.

Fin del informe. _email_clone_error=Clonar Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] clon {myapp} fallado _email_clone_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de clonación para {myapp} ubicado en {urlsource} ha fracasado y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_migrate_complete=Migración completa _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrado _email_migrate_complete_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de migración para {app} ubicado en {urlsource} ha tenido éxito y ahora está disponible en:



Acceda a su panel de control de hosting web y vaya a la herramienta {installatron} para gestionar esta instalación.

Fin del informe. _email_migrate_error=Error de migración _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] migración {app} fallado _email_migrate_error_text=Este es un correo electrónico automático de {installatron}. Para dejar de recibir estos mensajes de correo electrónico o para cambiar la configuración de notificación, ingrese a su panel de control de alojamiento web, vaya a la herramienta {installatron} y seleccione las aplicaciones instaladas que desea modificar.

El proceso de migración para {app} ubicado en {url} ha fracasado y los detalles del error se ha cerrado.

¡Error técnico:

Fin del informe. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Detectada protección por contraseña _password_pwonthisdomain=Se ha detectado una protección por contraseña en esta ubicación. Se requieren el nombre de usuario y la contraseña antes de que esta {task} pueda continuar. Observe que esta protección por contraseña se estableció fuera de {installatron} y que no está asociada con este sistema instalador de aplicaciones. _password_username=Nombre de usuario _password_entertheusername=introduzca el nombre de usuario que utilizará para acceder a la ubicación de la instalación con un navegador web _password_password=Contraseña _password_enterthepassword=introduzca la contraseña que utilizará para acceder a la ubicación de la instalación con un navegador web _error_passwordfailed=Los datos suministrados para acceder son incorrectos. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo o contacte con el administrador del hospedaje web si no conoce la contraseña. _error_domainfailed=Falló la prueba para el dominio seleccionado (error HTTP: {code}).

{installatron} no puede instalar en un dominio que no está resolviendo/apuntando a esta cuenta web.

Si ésta es una nueva cuenta de hospedaje web, o si es un dominio registrado recientemente, por favor, espere 24 horas a que el dominio comience a funcionar (aunque normalmente lo hará en pocas horas).

Si está seguro de que el dominio está apuntando correctamente a su cuenta web, contacte con el administrador del hospedaje web. _error_diskfailed=Esta {task} requiere {size}MB de tamaño en disco disponible para completarse. Espacio en disco suficiente no está disponible actualmente. .

Para asistencia o para agregar más espacio adicional, contacte con el administrador de su web hosting. _error_connectfailed=No pude conectarme al servidor de web hosting. Por favor re-intente nuevamente en par de minutos. _error_authfailed=No pude autenticarme con el nombre de usuario y contraseña proveídos. _error_quotafailed=No hay suficiente espacio en disco disponible. Para obtener ayuda o agregar espacio adicional en disco, comuníquese con su administrador de alojamiento web. _error_permissionfailed=Esta {task} requiere suficientes permisos a `{path}'.

Para asistencia o para añadir espacio adicional de disco, contacte con su administrador de web hosting. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Administrar automáticamente la configuración avanzada para mí. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Clonar automáticamente esta configuración desde la aplicación instalada fuente. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Permítanme administrar esta configuración. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configurar ajustes adicionales para la aplicación instalada. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Estos ajustes incluyen controles para: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=Los valores establecidos pueden modificarse luego dentro {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Gestión de Configuración avanzada _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Gestión de Configuración _tasks_shared_waiting=Esperando... _tasks_shared_processing=Procesando... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=La limpieza de ... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copiando archivos y directorios... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copiando base de datos y tablas... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Subida a la ubicación de copia de seguridad ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Descarga desde la ubicación de copia de seguridad ... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Esto puede llevar hasta 5 minutos.

No cierre esta ventana del navegador hasta que la tarea termine. _warnings_rootinstall=Aviso: Esta aplicación se instaló en un directorio que contenía archivos existentes. {installatron} hace todo lo posible por realizar un seguimiento de los archivos y directorios asociados con esta aplicación instalada. Sin embargo, el backup no contendrá los archivos y directorios creados externamente a los procesos de instalación/actualización o los archivos agregados por usted. _warnings_diskspace=Aviso: El espacio disponible en disco está dentro del margen de error; la tarea podría terminar inesperadamente. _errors_invalidselection=Selección Invalida. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=¡Bienvenido al asistente de {task} de {installatron}! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Este asistente le guiará a través de la instalación de {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Este asistente le guiará a través de la importación de una instancia de {app} instalada externamente. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Este asistente le guiará a través del proceso de {task} en las aplicaciones seleccionadas instaladas. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Este asistente le guiará a través del proceso de {task} para la aplicación instalada seleccionada. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Este asistente lo guiara a través del proceso {task} para los backups seleccionados. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Este asistente le guiará a través del proceso de {task} para el backup de la aplicación instalada seleccionada. _tasks_intro_installwill=El proceso de instalación agregará una instancia de la aplicación seleccionada a su dominio. Esto creará los archivos y directorios del software y una base de datos (si la usara la aplicación). _tasks_intro_updatewill=El proceso de actualización actualizará los archivos y la base de datos (si la usara la aplicación), proporcionándole una versión más nueva de la aplicación. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=El proceso de actualización actualizará los archivos y la base de datos (si la usara la aplicación), proporcionándole una versión más nueva de la aplicación. _tasks_intro_importwill=El proceso de importación le permite traer una instancia de una aplicación instalada externamente al sistema de {installatron}. Una aplicación importada satisfactoriamente puede usarse y actualizarse desde la pestaña "_tabs_myapplications". _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=El proceso de desinstalación borrará todos los archivos y directorios, bases de datos y tablas y backups asociados con el software instalado, y no puede invertirse. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=El proceso de borrado borrará todos los archivos asociados con el backup seleccionado, y no puede invertirse. _tasks_intro_restorewill=El proceso de restauración copia los archivos y tablas de la base de datos de un backup en sus ubicaciones originales, devolviendo la aplicación al estado en el que el backup se creó. Este proceso sobrescribirá cualquier archivo, directorio y tabla de base de datos que exista actualmente en la ubicación original de la aplicación. _tasks_intro_backupwill=El proceso de backup creará un duplicado de los archivos, directorios y tablas de la base de datos que use esta aplicación instalada. Los backups se pueden "restaurar", lo cual puede ser útil si la aplicación se corrompe o sufre un ataque, o si falla una actualización. _tasks_intro_clonewill=El proceso de clonado duplica una aplicación instalada a una ubicación distinta. Todos los archivos, directorios, y tablas de bases de datos son duplicadas, y la configuración de la aplicación es actualizada con la nueva ubicación. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Tenga cuidado _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=La {task} ha terminado. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Haga clic en el botón Siguiente abajo para comenzar. _tasks_install_complete=La instalación se ha completado. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=La actualización se ha completado. _tasks_upgrade_complete=La actualización se ha completado. _tasks_update_completealready=La actualización ya había completado. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=La actualización ya había completado. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=El clonado se ha completado. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Esta es la aplicación seleccionada instalada. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Por favor, seleccione una ubicación para instalar {app} _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Favor ingrese la URL para instalar {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Seleccione una ubicación a donde la aplicación seleccionada será clonada dentro de su cuenta de web hosting. _tasks_location_thelocationis=La ubicación es una combinación de un dominio y una ruta que juntos determinan dónde se instalarán los archivos y dónde se visualizará la aplicación en un navegador web después de la instalación. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=La URL determinará donde los archivos serán instalados y donde la aplicación será visualizada en el navegador web luego de la instalación. _tasks_location_domain=Dominio _tasks_location_website=Sitio Web _tasks_location_path=Ruta _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=El dominio y directorio seleccionados anteriormente representan la URL (link a página web) mostrada aquí: _tasks_location_equivalentof=El dominio y la ruta seleccionadas arriba representan una URL (enlace a una página web) y también una ruta física en el disco duro del servidor, ambos mostrados aquí: _tasks_location_installlocation=Ubicación de la instalación _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalente a la ubicación seleccionada _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Ruta equivalente a la ubicación seleccionada _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} ha detectado que la ubicación seleccionada para la instalación de arriba está protegida por una contraseña. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requiere el nombre de usuario y la contraseña antes de que la instalación pueda continuar. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=No mantener automáticamente copias de seguridad. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=diario _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=semanal _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=mensual _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} diario _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} semanal _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} mensual _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=una backup todos los días durante los últimos {day} días _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=una copia de seguridad diaria _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=uno {day} días copia de seguridad antigua _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=un día {day1}-{day2} copia de seguridad antigua _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Seleccione la versión de {app} a instalar. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Sugerencia: Debería elegir la versión más reciente, a menos que necesite una versión anterior. _tasks_version_branch=rama _tasks_version_latest=última _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=último riesgo bajo _tasks_version_recommended=recomendado _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Actualizar automáticamente a una versión menor y publicaciones de seguridad es recomendado ya que la versión contiene mejoras criticas para la aplicacion y generalmente no impactan negativamente la funcionalidad de su sitio web. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Actualizar automáticamente a una versión menor y publicaciones de seguridad es recomendado ya que la versión contiene mejoras criticas para la aplicacion y generalmente no impactan negativamente la funcionalidad de su sitio web. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=No actualizar automáticamente. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=No actualizar automáticamente. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Actualizar a una versión menor y publicaciones de seguridad. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Actualizar a una versión menor y publicaciones de seguridad. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Crear un backup y actualizar a cualquier versión nueva. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Crear un backup y actualizar a cualquier versión nueva. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=No actualizar automáticamente {app} plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=No actualizar automáticamente {app} plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Crear una copia de seguridad y actualizar {app} plugins como nuevas versiones estén disponibles. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Crear una copia de seguridad y actualizar {app} plugins como nuevas versiones estén disponibles. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=No actualizar automáticamente {app} temas. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=No actualizar automáticamente {app} temas. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Crear una copia de seguridad y actualizar {app} temas como las nuevas versiones están disponibles. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Crear una copia de seguridad y actualizar {app} temas como las nuevas versiones están disponibles. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Crear una copia de seguridad y restaurarla automáticamente si la actualización falla. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Crear una copia de seguridad y restaurarla automáticamente si la actualización falla. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=No crear copia de seguridad. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=No crear copia de seguridad. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=El backup creado es automáticamente restaurado si la actualización falla, y notificaciones por correo son enviadas con el resultado de la actualización.

Actualizaciones se ejecutan entre la media noche y las 6AM hora local. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=El backup creado es automáticamente restaurado si la actualización falla, y notificaciones por correo son enviadas con el resultado de la actualización.

Actualizaciones se ejecutan entre la media noche y las 6AM hora local. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Seleccione la versión de destino para la actualización de {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Seleccione la versión de destino para la actualización de {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Seleccione la versión destino para cada aplicación instalada. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Seleccione la versión destino para cada aplicación instalada. _tasks_version_whatsnew=¿Qué hay de Nuevo _tasks_version_currentversion=Versión actual _tasks_version_versioninstalled=la versión instalada actualmente _tasks_version_destinationversion=Versión de destino _tasks_version_updatetoversion=seleccione una versión a la que actualizar _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=seleccione una versión a la que actualizar _tasks_version_manualupdate=sólo actualización manual _tasks_version_manualupgrade=sólo actualización manual _tasks_version_noupdate=la actualización no está soportada _tasks_version_noupgrade=la actualización no está soportada _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requerimientos no califican _tasks_version_updateplugins=Actualizar Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Actualizar Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Seleccione si {app} plugins deben ser actualizados. Detectado de plugins actualizados son listadas. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Sí, actualización {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, no se actualizan {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Actualización Temas? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Actualización Temas? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Seleccione si {app} temas deben ser actualizados. Detectado de temas actualizados son listadas. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Sí, actualización {app} themas. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, no se actualizan {app} temas. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Por favor, lea y acepte el CLUF para {app} versión {version} antes de continuar. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=El contrato de licencia para el usuario final especifica cómo se puede usar el software, y puede incluir normas sobre el uso comercial, la modificación y la distribución, así como información sobre versiones de pago de la aplicación. _tasks_eula_iaccept=He leido y aceptado los terminos de la licencia _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Yo no acepto los acuerdos de la licencia _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=Esta aplicación web requiere una base de datos para el almacenamiento de datos. _tasks_db_selectadb=Seleccionar una base de datos para esta instalación. _tasks_db_createadb=Crear una base de datos utilizando el panel de control proveído por su proveedor de hosting e ingrese informacion de base de datos aquí. _tasks_db_existingdb=Consejo: Si no desea crear una nueva base de datos, también es posible ingresar información de una base de datos existente. El proceso de instalación utilizara un prefijo de tablas único en la base de datos para evitar conflictos con datos existentes. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Los sistemas de bases de datos permiten almacenar y recuperar grandes cantidades de datos de manera rápida y eficiente, y muchas aplicaciones instaladas por {installatron} requieren una base de datos para almacenar sus datos. {installatron} puede administrar automáticamente la configuración y creación de la base de datos, tan sólo requiere que haya disponible una base de datos. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=ingrese el host de base de datos reportado por el panel de control de su web hosting. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Administración de la base de datos _tasks_db_createforme=Creación automática de una nueva base de datos para la aplicación instalada. _tasks_db_manageforme=Administrar automáticamente la configuración de la base de datos _tasks_db_letmemanage=Permitirme administrar la configuración de la base de datos _tasks_db_letmechoose=Dejarme elegir una base de datos existente. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Usar una base de datos diferente. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Estas opciones le permitirán adaptar y personalizar esta aplicación instalada. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=Los valores puestos pueden luego ser modificados con {installatron} o con la aplicación instalada. _settings_adminusername=introduzca un nombre de usuario para el usuario administrador _settings_adminpassword=introduzca una contraseña para el usuario administrador _settings_adminemail=introduzca su dirección de e-mail _settings_yournam=introduzca su nombre _settings_sitetitle=introduzca el título del sitio web _settings_sitetagline=introduzca el lema del sitio web _settings_businessname=introduzca el nombre de su empresa _settings_language=seleccione un idioma _settings_installcontent=seleccione el contenido _settings_cleaninstall=Proporcionarme una instalación limpia de {app} (¡agregaré mi propio contenido!) _settings_democontent=Por favor, agregue el contenido de demostración de {app} durante la instalación _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recomendado) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Apoyo a Corto Plazo _settings_passwordstrength_show=Mostrar contraseña _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Ocultar contraseña _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generar _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Fuerza: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Demasiado corta _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Débil _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Sencilla _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Fuerte _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} está listo para {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=Esta {task} requerirá {sizea}MB de espacio en disco para realizarse. Su cuenta tiene {sizeb}MB disponibles de espacio. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Presione Enviar para realizar la {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} está {tasking} ahora. _warnings_rootdirectory=Nota: Ha elegido instalar en el 'directorio raíz' (el directorio de nivel más alto) del dominio seleccionado. _warnings_existingcontent=Nota: Ha elegido instalar en un directorio que tiene contenido existente. _warnings_continuepresok=Si desea instalar en este directorio, haga clic en el botón Aceptar abajo, o haga clic en el botón Cancelar para cambiar la ruta. _warnings_oauthaccess=Se le pedirá que autorice {service} acceder al guardar el formulario. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=Una instancia de {app} ya existe en este directorio. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=Ninguna versión de esta aplicación es compatible con la ubicación de la aplicación seleccionada. _errors_noinstallversion=La versión {version} seleccionada no es compatible con la ubicación de la aplicación seleccionada. _errors_dbcreate=Imposible crear una base de datos. Verifique que su cuenta de hospedaje tiene al menos una base de datos disponible. Si es así, por favor, contacte con el administrador del hospedaje. _errors_nodatabases=No ha creado previamente ninguna base de datos MySQL. Si desea usar esta opción para la base de datos, debe utilizar el panel de control para crear una base de datos antes de instalar esta aplicación. _errors_nodomains=No hay dominios disponibles para esta cuenta. Use el panel de control del hospedaje para agregar un dominio antes de instalar una aplicación. _errors_alreadylatest=Ya está ejecutando la última versión de esta aplicación web. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=Las aplicaciones web ya están funcionando con la última versión. _errors_manualupdate=La versión seleccionada, o una versión entre ésta y la instalada, requiere una actualización manual. La auto-actualización no está soportada. Vea la documentación de la aplicación para obtener información sobre la actualización manual. _errors_manualupgrade=La versión seleccionada, o una versión entre ésta y la instalada, requiere una actualización manual. La auto-actualización no está soportada. Vea la documentación de la aplicación para obtener información sobre la actualización manual. _errors_noupdate=La versión seleccionada, o la versión entre ésta y la instalada, no soporta una actualización. Verifique el sitio web de la aplicación para ver si hay una herramienta de "migración" disponible. _errors_noupgrade=La versión seleccionada, o la versión entre ésta y la instalada, no soporta una actualización. Verifique el sitio web de la aplicación para ver si hay una herramienta de "migración" disponible. _errors_unmetrequirements=El servidor de hospedaje no reúne los requerimientos de esta versión de la aplicación, por lo tanto, esta versión no se puede actualizar. Las configuraciones de los servidores son numerosas y variadas, y no todas las aplicaciones (o versiones de una aplicación) funcionarán en todos los servidores. _errors_eula=Para instalar este script debe aceptar la licencia de uso. _errors_installquotadomain=El dominio seleccionado ha alcanzado el límite máximo de {app} aplicaciones concurrentes instaladas ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Su cuenta ha alcanzado el límite máximo de {app} aplicaciones concurrentes instaladas ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Por favor, póngase en contacto con su proveedor de servicios para actualizar su cuenta. _errors_accountupgrade=Por favor, póngase en contacto con su proveedor de servicios para actualizar su cuenta. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Estas aplicaciones serán removidas: _tasks_uninstall_complete=La des-instalación se ha completado. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=Esta base de datos está compartida por una o más aplicaciones y, por lo tanto, no se puede borrar. Sólo se pueden borrar las tablas. Procure no borrar tablas asociadas con otra aplicación. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Aviso: {installatron} no sabe qué archivos y/o directorios están asociados con esta aplicación instalada. Por favor, seleccione los archivos y directorios que deberían incluirse en el backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Advertencia: Archivos y/o directorios están seleccionados que podrían no estar asociados _warnings_extrafilespresok=Si desea proceder con la selección actual clic en el botón OK mas abajo, o clic en Cancelar para cambiar la selección. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Seleccione los archivos, directorios y tablas de la base de datos a borrar. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Estos backups serán eliminados: _tasks_delete_complete=La eliminación del backup se ha completado. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Seleccione los archivos, directorios y tablas de la base de datos a incluir en el backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Los elementos en negrita son conocidos para asociarse con esta instalación (esto es, fueron creados durante la instalación o actualización). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Sugerencia: Si todavía no tiene un backup y posee suficiente espacio en disco en su cuenta, se recomienda que cree un backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Sí, crear un backup y permitirme elegir qué se incluirá en el backup. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, no crear un backup antes de realizar la actualización. _tasks_backup_complete=El backup se ha completado. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Copia de seguridad automática _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigurados copia de seguridad automática _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Adicional de copia de seguridad automática _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Crear, rotar y eliminar las backups para mantener: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Mantener automáticamente backup de aplicaciones instaladas en base a un horario. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Las copias de seguridad se crean y se rotaron entre la medianoche y las 6 a.m. hora del servidor, y una copia de seguridad fallado nunca girar una copia de seguridad de trabajo. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=La ubicación donde se creará el archivo backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Cambie el lugar donde se crean las copias de seguridad de la aplicación instalada. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Las copias de seguridad existentes siguen funcionando en la actual ubicación. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=No añadir una ubicación de copia de seguridad. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Agregar una nueva ubicación de copia de seguridad. _tasks_backup_label=Etiqueta (Opcional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Texto que describe mejor la copia de seguridad. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Tamaño estimado _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Tamaño comprimido estimado del archivo de copia de seguridad que se creará para la aplicación instalada. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Archivos & directorios _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Base de datos & tablas _tasks_delete_backups=Las copias de seguridad _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Introduzca la ubicación de la instalación existente. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Introduzca la dirección IP que la dirección URL de origen debe resolver. Deje este campo en blanco si la fuente se resuelve correctamente a través de DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Desde una cuenta diferente _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Seleccione esta opción para migrar e importar en el {installatron} sistema instalada una aplicación que se encuentra en una cuenta de alojamiento web remoto. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=Se le pedirá que seleccione una ubicación dentro de la cuenta de alojamiento web local para la aplicación instalada a copiar a, y se le pedirá que introduzca la información que permita {installatron} para comunicarse con la cuenta de alojamiento web remoto. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Desde esta cuenta _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Seleccione esta opción para importar en el sistema {installatron} una aplicación instalada que se encuentra dentro de la cuenta de alojamiento web local. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=Se le pedirá que seleccione la ubicación actual de la aplicación instalada. _tasks_import_selectversion=Seleccione la versión instalada _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Introduzca la información de la base de datos usada por la instalación existente. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Sugerencia: Los valores de la base de datos pueden encontrarse con frecuencia en un archivo llamado config.php o settings.php, normalmente en el directorio includes/, admin/ o en el directorio de la aplicación. _tasks_import_tableprefix=No se puede determinar de forma automática prefijo de tabla. Por favor introduce el prefijo correcto. _tasks_import_dircontents=Contenido del directorio _tasks_import_allfiles=Todos los archivos en ese directorio pertenecen a esta aplicación instalada _tasks_import_somefiles=Sólo algunos archivos en ese directorio pertenecen a esta aplicación instalada _tasks_import_complete=La importación ha sido completada. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=La migración ha sido completada. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=No se encontró esta ruta. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Seleccione los archivos, directorios y tablas de la base de datos a restaurar. _tasks_restore_these=Estos archivos, directorios, y tablas de bases de datos listadas abajo serán restauradas. _tasks_restore_reditems=Los elementos en rojo, si están seleccionados, sobrescribirán cualquier elemento existente en el destino. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Aviso: No se recomienda restaurar archivos, directorios o tablas individuales, a menos que el backup y el destino contengan la misma versión de la aplicación web. _tasks_restore_source=Origen _tasks_restore_destination=Destino _tasks_restore_complete=La restauración se ha completado. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_template_appcategory=App Category _tasks_template_descappcategory=Select the category of app. _tasks_template_apptype=App Type _tasks_template_descapptype=Select the type of app. _tasks_template_longdesc=Long Description _tasks_template_longdesctext=A longer set of text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_linksite=App URL _tasks_template_linksitetext=URL to a website for the template. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Estas son las tareas de los últimos 10 minutos. Tareas se ejecutan en segundo plano. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Estas son las tareas de dueños de sus sitios web de los últimos 10 minutos. Tareas se ejecutan en segundo plano. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=No hay tareas actualmente en ejecución o completadas en los últimos 10 minutos. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/lt/user.tasks.ini000064400000157121147205115330014537 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Instaliuojama _tasks_uninstalling=Išinstaliuojama _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Atnaujinama _tasks_upgrading=Atnaujinama _tasks_backuping=Kuriama atsarginė kopija _tasks_cloning=Klonuojama _tasks_restoring=Atstatoma atsarginė kopija _tasks_importing=Importuojama _tasks_deleting=Trinama atsarginė kopija _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=paskutinį kartą prieinama _tasks_updated=atnaujinta _tasks_upgraded=atnaujinta _tasks_backedup=sukurta atsarginė kopija _tasks_edited=redaguota _tasks_cloned=nuklonuota _tasks_uninstalled=išinstaliuota _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=atstatyta _tasks_imported=importuota _tasks_deleted=ištrinta _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=instaliuoti _tasks_uninstall=išinstaliuoti _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=atnaujinti _tasks_upgrade=atnaujinti _tasks_clone=klonuoti _tasks_backup=sukurti atsarginę kopiją _tasks_restore=atstatyti atsarginę kopiją _tasks_import=importuoti _tasks_delete=ištrinti _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Rekomenduojama _notes_canbemodified=Tai gali būti pakeista redaguojant instaliuotą aplikaciją. _notes_includedinhostemail=Ši informacija įtraukiama aktyvuoto talpinimo plano informaciniame el. laiške. _notes_donotmodify=Neredaguokite šio nustatymo. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Siųskite atsiliepimą apie {installatron} produktą. _notes_versionnotes={version}
versijos pastabos _notes_releasedate=Versija išleista _notes_latest=Tai naujausias šios aplikacijos versija. _notes_latestofbranch=Tai naujausias šios aplikacijos versija. _notes_nolongersupported=Ši versija nebe palaikoma. _notes_notinstallable=Šios versijos nebe galima instaliuoti. _notes_installed=Tai instaliuota versija. _notes_latestversion=naujausia versija _notes_latestversionofbranch=naujausia versija _notes_updateminor=Tai smulkus atnaujinimas. Smulkūs atnaujinimai, klaidų pataisymai, saugumo pataisymai. _notes_upgrademinor=Tai smulkus atnaujinimas. Smulkūs atnaujinimai, klaidų pataisymai, saugumo pataisymai. _notes_updatemajor=Tai pagrindinis atnaujinimas. Įtrauktos naujos funkcijos, nauji pakeitimai. _notes_upgrademajor=Tai pagrindinis atnaujinimas. Įtrauktos naujos funkcijos, nauji pakeitimai. _ftp_type=Protokolas _ftp_entertheinfo=Įveskite FTP prisijungimo duomenis. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP naudoja TLS/SSL šifravimą _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Serverio (IP adresas arba pavadinimas) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Vartotojo vardas _ftp_pass=Slaptažodis _ftp_path=Kelias _ftp_enterthepath=Įveskite pagrindinio katalogo kelią kaip instaliacijos vietą. _email_notification=Pranešimai el. paštu _email_notification_auto=Siųsti visus pranešimus el. paštu apie įdiegtą aplikaciją. _email_notification_choose=Leiskite pasirinkti kokius pranešimus man siųsti. _email_notification_selectthe=Pasirinkite kokius pranešimus siųsti apie instaliuotą aplikaciją. _email_admin_report=Administratoriaus ataskaita _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Atnaujinimų suvestinė {hostname} _email_install_complete=Instaliacija baigta _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} instaliuota _email_install_complete_text=Tau automatinis pranešimas iš {installatron}. Norėdami nebegauti šių pranešimų, pakeiskite pranešimų gavimo nustatymus redaguojant instaliuotos aplikacijos nustatymus.

{app} v{version} buvo instaliuota į:



Prisijunkite prie talpinimo plano valdymo ir {installatron} įrankyje pasirinkite valdyti instaliuotą aplikaciją.

Ataskaitos pabaiga. _email_install_error=Instaliacijos klaida _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} instaliacija nepavyko _email_install_error_text=Tau automatinis pranešimas iš {installatron}. Norėdami nebegauti šių pranešimų, pakeiskite pranešimų gavimo nustatymus redaguojant instaliuotos aplikacijos nustatymus.

{app} v{version} nepavyko instaliuoti ir buvo nustatytos šios klaidos.

Techninis klaidos paaiškinimas:

Ataskaitos pabaiga. _email_backup_complete=Atsarginė kopija sukurta _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} atsarginė kopija sukurta _email_backup_complete_text=Tau automatinis pranešimas iš {installatron}. Norėdami nebegauti šių pranešimų, pakeiskite pranešimų gavimo nustatymus redaguojant instaliuotos aplikacijos nustatymus.

Atsarginės kopijos kūrimo procesas {myapp} aplikacijai {url} pavyko.

Atsarginės kopijos dydis: {backup_size}MB

Norėdami panaudoti šią atsarginę kopiją prisijunkite prie talpinimo plano valdymo ir pasinaudokite {installatron} įrankiu.

Ataskaitos pabaiga. _email_backup_error=Atsarginės kopijos sukūrimo klaida _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} atsarginės kopijos sukurti nepavyko _email_backup_error_text=Tau automatinis pranešimas iš {installatron}. Norėdami nebegauti šių pranešimų, pakeiskite pranešimų gavimo nustatymus redaguojant instaliuotos aplikacijos nustatymus.

Atsarginės kopijos kūrimo procesas {myapp} aplikacijai {url} nepavyko ir buvo nustatytos šios klaidos.

Techninis klaidos paaiškinimas:

Ataskaitos pabaiga. _email_restore_complete=Atsarginės kopijos atstatymas baigtas _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} atsarginė kopija atstatyta _email_restore_complete_text=Tau automatinis pranešimas iš {installatron}. Norėdami nebegauti šių pranešimų, pakeiskite pranešimų gavimo nustatymus redaguojant instaliuotos aplikacijos nustatymus.

Atsarginės kopijos atstatymo procesas {myapp} aplikacijai {url} pavyko.


Norėdami valdyti šią aplikaciją prisijunkite prie talpinimo plano valdymo ir pasinaudokite {installatron} įrankiu.

Ataskaitos pabaiga. _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password Protection Detected _password_pwonthisdomain=Password protection is detected on this location. The username and password are required before this {task} can continue. Note that this password protection was set external to {installatron}, and is not associated with this application installer system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=enter the username used to access the install location with a web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=enter the password used to access the install location with a web browser _error_passwordfailed=The login details provided have failed. Please try again or contact your web host if you do not know the password. _error_domainfailed=A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is unable to install on a domain that is not resolving/loading to this web account.

If this is a new web hosting account, or if this is a newly registered domain, please allow up to 24 hours for the domain to begin working (though usually within a few hours).

If you're sure that the domain is correctly loading to your web account, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=This may take up to 5 minutes.

Do not close this browser window until the task is complete. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Available disk space is within the margin of error; task could fail. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Install Location _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Path equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=latest _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Please read and accept the EULA for {app} version {version} before continuing. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the application. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=This web application requires a database for data storage. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Database Management _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=These settings allow you to customize and personalize this installed application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=enter a username for the administrator user _settings_adminpassword=enter a password for the administrator user _settings_adminemail=enter your email address _settings_yournam=enter your name _settings_sitetitle=enter title for the website _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=enter your business name _settings_language=select a language _settings_installcontent=select the content _settings_cleaninstall=Give me a clean {app} install (I'll add my own content!) _settings_democontent=Please add the {app} demo content during install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is ready to {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=This {task} will require {sizea}MB of diskspace to complete. Your account has {sizeb}MB space available. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Press Submit to perform the {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/nl/user.tasks.ini000064400000163466147205117330014544 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Bezig met installeren _tasks_uninstalling=Bezig met deïnstalleren _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Bezig met upgraden _tasks_upgrading=Bezig met upgraden _tasks_backuping=Bezig met back-uppen _tasks_cloning=Bezig met kopiëren _tasks_restoring=Bezig met backup terugzetten _tasks_importing=Bezig met importeren _tasks_deleting=Bezig met verwijderen _tasks_templating=Bezig met sjabloon _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=toegankelijk _tasks_updated=bijgewerkt _tasks_upgraded=bijgewerkt _tasks_backedup=back-up _tasks_edited=bewerkt _tasks_cloned=gekloond _tasks_uninstalled=gedeïnstalleerd _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=hersteld _tasks_imported=geïmporteerd _tasks_deleted=verwijderd _tasks_templated=van sjabloon voorzien _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=installeer _tasks_uninstall=deïnstalleer _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=bijwerken _tasks_upgrade=bijwerken _tasks_clone=kopieer _tasks_backup=back-up _tasks_restore=terugzetten _tasks_import=importeer _tasks_delete=verwijder _tasks_template=sjabloon _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Aanbevolen _notes_canbemodified=Dit kan worden gewijzigd door het bewerken van de geïnstalleerde toepassing. _notes_includedinhostemail=Deze informatie wordt meestal opgenomen in welkomstbericht uw hosting account. _notes_donotmodify=Deze instelling niet wijzigen. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Via feedback verzenden kunt u suggesties doen over het {installatron} product. Wij zijn blij met meldingen van problemen, feature ideeën en algemene opmerkingen. _notes_versionnotes={version}
versie notities _notes_releasedate=Installatie programma uitgebracht _notes_latest=Deze versie is de laatst ondersteunde versie. _notes_latestofbranch=Deze versie is de laatste versie uit de '{branch}' serie. _notes_nolongersupported=Deze versie wordt niet langer ondersteund. _notes_notinstallable=Deze versie is niet langer beschikbaar voor installatie. _notes_installed=Dit is de geïnstalleerde versie. _notes_latestversion=laatste versie _notes_latestversionofbranch=laatste versie van de '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=Deze versie is een laag risico upgrade. Kleine wijzigingen, bug fixes en gedichte veiligheidslekken geïntroduceerd. _notes_upgrademinor=Deze versie is een laag risico upgrade. Kleine wijzigingen, bug fixes en gedichte veiligheidslekken geïntroduceerd. _notes_updatemajor=Deze versie is een hoger risico upgrade. Belangrijke nieuwe functies en wijzigingen. _notes_upgrademajor=Deze versie is een hoger risico upgrade. Belangrijke nieuwe functies en wijzigingen. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Voer FTP login gegevens voor de bovenstaande URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTPS (File Transfer Protocol via SSL) _ftp_ftp=FTP (File Transfer Protocol) _ftp_sftp=SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP-adres of hostnaam) _ftp_port=Poort _ftp_user=Gebruikersnaam _ftp_pass=Wachtwoord _ftp_path=Pad _ftp_enterthepath=Voer het pad van het FTP-account hoofdmap van de bovenstaande installatie locatie. _email_notification=Notificatie per e-mail _email_notification_auto=Stuur alle notificaties per e-mail voor de geïnstalleerde applicatie. _email_notification_choose=Ik wil zelf kiezen welke notificaties worden verstuurd. _email_notification_selectthe=Selecteer de e-mail notificaties die worden gestuurd voor de geïnstalleerde applicatie. _email_admin_report=Admin Rapport _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Samenvatting updates {hostname} _email_install_complete=Installatie gereed _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} geïnstalleerd _email_install_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

{app} v{version} is geïnstalleerd om:



Log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel en ga naar {installatron} om deze installatie te beheren.

Einde van het verslag. _email_install_error=Fout tijdens Installatie _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installatie gaf een fout _email_install_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

{app} v{version} is niet succesvol geïnstalleerd en de details van de storing zijn opgeslagen.

Technische details:

Einde van het verslag. _email_backup_complete=Back-up Gereed _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} back-up is nu beschikbaar _email_backup_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

De back-up voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is met succes afgerond.

Back-upgrootte: {backup_size}MB

Log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel en ga naar de {installatron} om deze installatie te beheren.

Einde van het verslag. _email_backup_error=Back-up fout _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} back-up is mislukt _email_backup_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het back-upproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is mislukt en de details van de fout zijn opgeslagen.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_restore_complete=Terugzetten voltooid _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} back-up hersteld _email_restore_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het back-up terugzettenproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is geslaagd.


Log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel en ga naar {installatron} om deze installatie te beheren.

Einde van het verslag. _email_restore_error=Back-up herstel fout _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} back-up herstel is mislukt _email_restore_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

De geselecteerde back-up van {myapp} gelegen in {url} is mislukt en de details van de fout zijn opgeslagen.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_update_available=Update beschikbaar _email_upgrade_available=Update beschikbaar _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} nu beschikbaar {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} nu beschikbaar {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Een update van {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is nu beschikbaar voor de {app} die u beheert met {installatron}. Het volgende kan worden bijgewerkt:


De veranderingen voor deze versie zijn:


Log in op je web hosting control panel en ga naar de {installatron} hulpmiddel om uw geïnstalleerde applicaties te upgraden.

Einde van het verslag. _email_upgrade_available_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Een update van {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is nu beschikbaar voor de {app} die u beheert met {installatron}. Het volgende kan worden bijgewerkt:


De veranderingen voor deze versie zijn:


Log in op je web hosting control panel en ga naar de {installatron} hulpmiddel om uw geïnstalleerde applicaties te upgraden.

Einde van het verslag. _email_update_complete=Update voltooid _email_upgrade_complete=Update voltooid _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} bijgewerkt _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} bijgewerkt _email_update_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is geslaagd.

Nieuw geïnstalleerde versie: {newversion}

Einde van het verslag. _email_upgrade_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is geslaagd.

Nieuw geïnstalleerde versie: {newversion}

Einde van het verslag. _email_update_error=Fout update _email_upgrade_error=Fout update _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update is mislukt _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update is mislukt _email_update_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is mislukt en de details van de storing zijn gekapt.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_upgrade_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is mislukt en de details van de storing zijn gekapt.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update beschikbaar _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update beschikbaar _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nu beschikbaar _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nu beschikbaar _email_pluginupdate_available_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Een update van {appaddon} {newversion} is nu beschikbaar voor de {app} installaties die u beheert met {installatron}. Het volgende kan worden bijgewerkt:


Log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel en ga naar {installatron} om uw geïnstalleerde applicaties bij te werken.

Einde van het verslag. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Een update van {appaddon} {newversion} is nu beschikbaar voor de {app} installaties die u beheert met {installatron}. Het volgende kan worden bijgewerkt:


Log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel en ga naar {installatron} om uw geïnstalleerde applicaties bij te werken.

Einde van het verslag. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update klaar _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update klaar _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} bijgewerkt ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} bijgewerkt ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het {addontype} updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is geslaagd.

Nieuwe {addontype} versies:


Einde van het verslag. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het {addontype} updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is geslaagd.

Nieuwe {addontype} versies:


Einde van het verslag. _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Error update _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Error update _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update is mislukt ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update is mislukt ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het {addontype} updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is mislukt en de details van de storing zijn opgeslagen.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het {addontype} updateproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {url} is mislukt en de details van de storing zijn opgeslagen.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_clone_complete=Kloon Compleet _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} gekloond _email_clone_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het kloonproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {urlsource} is geslaagd en is nu beschikbaar op:



Log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel en ga naar {installatron} voor het beheren van deze installatie.

Einde van het verslag. _email_clone_error=Kloonfout _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} klonen is mislukt _email_clone_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het kloonproces voor {myapp} gelegen in {urlsource} is mislukt en de details van de storing zijn opgeslagen.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_migrate_complete=Migreren Compleet _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} gemigreerd _email_migrate_complete_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het migratieproces voor {app} gelegen in {urlsource} is geslaagd en is nu beschikbaar op:



Log in op uw web hosting beheer en ga naar {installatron} voor het beheren van deze installatie.

Einde van het verslag. _email_migrate_error=Migreerfout _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migratie is mislukt _email_migrate_error_text=Dit is een automatische e-mail van {installatron}. Om u af te melden voor deze e-mails of om meldingen te veranderen, log in op uw web hosting beheerpaneel, navigeer naar de {installatron} tool en selecteer de geïnstalleerde toepassingen die u wilt wijzigen.

Het migratieproces voor {app} gelegen in {url} is mislukt en de details van de storing zijn opgeslagen.

Technische fout:

Einde van het verslag. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Wachtwoord beveiliging gevonden _password_pwonthisdomain=Wachtwoordbescherming is op deze locatie aangetroffen. De gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord zijn nodig voordat deze {task} verder kan gaan. Onthoud dat wachtwoordbescherming is ingesteld buiten {installatron} om en het geen onderdeel is van dit applicatie installeersysteem. _password_username=Gebruikersnaam _password_entertheusername=ver de gebruikersnaam in welke gebruikt wordt om toegang tot de installatielocatie vanuit de browser te krijgen _password_password=Wachtwoord _password_enterthepassword=Voer het wachtwoord in welke nodig is om toegang te krijgen tot de installatielocatie via een webbrowser. _error_passwordfailed=De logingegevens die zijn ingevoerd zijn onjuist. Probeer het opnieuw of neem contact op met uw hosting provider als u het wachtwoord niet (meer) weet. _error_domainfailed=Een test met het geselecteerde domein is mislukt (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is niet instaat om software te installaren dat niet verwijst naar dit web account.

Als dit een nieuw hosting account is of de domeinnaam is net geregistreerd, wacht dan tot 24 uur (meestal korter) voordat de domeinnaam begint te werken.

Als u zeker weet dat de domeinnaam goed werkt neem dan contact op met uw hosting provider. _error_diskfailed=Deze {task} vereist {size}MB beschikbare schijfruimte. Er is echter geen voldoende schijfruimte beschikbaar.

Neem contact op met uw webhosting beheerder voor hulp of om extra schijfruimte toe te voegen. _error_connectfailed=Kan geen verbinding maken met de web hosting server. Probeer het opnieuw in een paar minuten. _error_authfailed=Kon niet inloggen met de opgegeven login en paswoord. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Deze {task} vereist voldoende permissies voor '{path}'.

Neem contact op met uw webhosting beheerder voor hulp of om de juiste permissies te ontvangen. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Geavanceerde instellingen automatisch beheren voor mij. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Deze instellingen automatisch klonen van de geïnstalleerde toepassing. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Laat mij deze instellingen te beheren. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Aanvullende instellingen voor de geïnstalleerde toepassing configureren. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Deze instellingen omvatten controles voor: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=De ingestelde waarden kunnen later binnen {installatron} worden gewijzigd. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Geavanceerde instellingen management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Instellen management _tasks_shared_waiting=Wachten... _tasks_shared_processing=Verwerken... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Opruimen... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Bestanden en mappen kopiëren... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Databanken en tabellen kopiëren... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploaden naar back-up locatie ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloaden van back-up locatie ... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Dit kan tot 5 minuten duren.

Sluit dit scherm NIET af totdat alle taken voltooid zijn. _warnings_rootinstall=LET OP: Dit programma wordt in een map geïnstalleerd die reeds bestanden bevat. {installatron} tracht om alle bestanden en mappen die bij deze installatie horen te volgen. Het maken van een back-up zal echter alleen de bestanden van die installatie bevatten en niet zelf gemaakte bestanden. _warnings_diskspace=LET OP: De beschikbare vrije ruimte is erg weinig. De taak zou kunnen falen. _errors_invalidselection=Ongeldige selectie. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welkom bij de {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Deze wizard begeleidt u tijdens de installatie van {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Deze wizard begeleidt u tijdens het importeren van een extern geinstalleerde installatie van {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Deze wizard begeleidt u tijdens het {task} proces voor de geselecteerde applicaties. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Deze wizard begeleidt u tijdens het {task} proces voor de geselecteerde applicatie. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Deze wizard zal u door de {task} proces voor de geselecteerde back-ups begeleiden. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Deze wizard leidt u door het {task} proces voor de geselecteerde geïnstalleerde toepassing back-up. _tasks_intro_installwill=De installatie procedure zal een installatie van de geselecteerde applicaties aan uw domeinnaam toevoegen. Hiermee worden de bestanden en mappen aangemaakt voor de software en indien nodig ook de database (als deze wordt gebruikt door de applicatie). _tasks_intro_updatewill=Het upgradeproces zal de bestanden en de database (indien nodig) bijwerken. Hierdoor krijgt u een nieuwere versie van de applicatie. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=Het upgradeproces zal de bestanden en de database (indien nodig) bijwerken. Hierdoor krijgt u een nieuwere versie van de applicatie. _tasks_intro_importwill=Het importeerproces stelt u in staat om een installatie van een applicatie die niet door {installatron} gedaan is binnen {installatron} te krijgen. Indien succesvol kunt u daarna het upgradesysteem van {installatron} op deze applicatie gebruiken vanuit de tab "_tabs_myapplications". _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Het deinstallatie proces verwijdert alle bestanden en mappen, databases en tabellen en back-ups die geassocieerd zijn met de geinstalleerde software. Deze stap kan NIET ongedaan gemaakt worden. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=Het verwijder proces verwijdert alle bestanden die geassocieerd zijn met de geselecteerde back-up. Dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden. _tasks_intro_restorewill=Het herstelproces kopieert de bestanden en databasetabellen van een back-up terug naar hun oorspronkelijke locaties. _tasks_intro_backupwill=Het back-up proces creëert een kopie van de bestanden, mappen en databasetabellen (indien nodig). Back-ups kunnen teruggezet worden, wat handig kan zijn als de installatie corrupt raakt of gehackt wordt of wanneer een upgrade mislukt. _tasks_intro_clonewill=Het kloonproces duplicaten een geïnstalleerde toepassing naar een andere locatie. Alle bestanden, mappen en database tabellen worden gedupliceerd, en applicatie-instellingen worden bijgewerkt voor de nieuwe locatie. _tasks_intro_templatewill=De sjabloon proces duurt een momentopname van de geïnstalleerde applicatie die vervolgens kunnen worden geselecteerd als basis voor nieuwe installaties. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Let op _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=De {task} is afgerond. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Klik op de knop "volgende" om te beginnen. _tasks_install_complete=De installatie is gereed. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=De upgrade is voltooid. _tasks_upgrade_complete=De upgrade is voltooid. _tasks_update_completealready=De upgrade was al voltooid. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=De upgrade was al voltooid. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Het kloon is voltooid. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Dit is de geselecteerde geïnstalleerde toepassing. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Selecteer een locatie waar {app} geinstalleerd moet worden. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Vul een URL in om {app} te installeren. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Selecteer een locatie voor de geïnstalleerde toepassing te worden gekloond om binnen uw web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=De locatie is een combinatie van een domeinnaam en een pad die samen bepalen waar de bestanden geinstalleerd zullen worden en waar de applicatie zichtbaar wordt (na de installatie) in de web browser. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=De ingevoerde URL zal bepalen waar de bestanden worden geïnstalleerd en waar de toepassing in een web browser na de installatie zal worden bekeken. _tasks_location_domain=Domein _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Pad (Optioneel) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=Het hierboven opgegeven domein en opgegeven pad stellen een URL (web pagina link) die hier getoond wordt: _tasks_location_equivalentof=Het hierboven opgegeven domein en opgegeven pad stellen een URL (web pagina link) voor en ook een fysiek pad op de harddisk van de server, die hier getoond wordt: _tasks_location_installlocation=Installatie locatie _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent van de geselecteerde locatie _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Fysiek pad equivalent van de geselecteerde locatie _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} heeft opgemerkt dat de hierboven geselecteerde installatie locatie beschermd is met een wachtwoord. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} heeft het gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord nodig voordat de installatie verder kan gaan. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Niet automatisch back-ups te behouden. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=dagelijks _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=wekelijks _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=maandelijks _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} dagelijks _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} wekelijkse _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} maandelijkse _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=een dagelijkse back-up voor de afgelopen {day} dagen _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=een dagelijkse back-up _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=een {day} dagen oude back-up _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=een {day1}-{day2} dagen oude back-up _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Selecteer de versie van {app} die geinstalleerd moet worden _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: Je zou de laatste versie moeten kiezen tenzij je echt een eerdere versie nodig hebt. _tasks_version_branch=zijtak _tasks_version_latest=laatste _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=laatste laag risico _tasks_version_recommended=aanbevolen _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Maak automatisch een backup en installeer de geïnstalleerde applicatie direct zodra een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Maak automatisch een backup en installeer de geïnstalleerde applicatie direct zodra een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=Na {days} dagen verloopt de gemaakte backup automatisch en wordt gewist om schrijfruimte te besparen. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=Na {days} dagen verloopt de gemaakte backup automatisch en wordt gewist om schrijfruimte te besparen. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=Echter, voor het verlopen van de gemaakte backup kan deze behouden worden door de optie "_tabs_mybackups" tabblad te selectren. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=Echter, voor het verlopen van de gemaakte backup kan deze behouden worden door de optie "_tabs_mybackups" tabblad te selectren. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates worden tussen middernacht en 06:00 uur uitgevoerd, de gemaakte backup wordt automatisch hersteld indien de update mislukt, een e-mail notificatie wordt verzonden met het resultaat van elke update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates worden tussen middernacht en 06:00 uur uitgevoerd, de gemaakte backup wordt automatisch hersteld indien de update mislukt, een e-mail notificatie wordt verzonden met het resultaat van elke update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatisch updaten naar nieuwe secundaire versies en releases wordt aanbevolen als deze versies bevatten kritische applicatie verbeteringen en meestal zal geen negatieve invloed op functionaliteit van de website. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatisch updaten naar nieuwe secundaire versies en releases wordt aanbevolen als deze versies bevatten kritische applicatie verbeteringen en meestal zal geen negatieve invloed op functionaliteit van de website. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Niet automatisch bijgewerkt. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Niet automatisch bijgewerkt. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update naar nieuwe kleinere versies en beveiliging versies. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update naar nieuwe kleinere versies en beveiliging versies. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Maak een back-up en bij te werken naar alle nieuwe versies. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Maak een back-up en bij te werken naar alle nieuwe versies. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Niet automatisch {app} plug-ins updaten. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Niet automatisch {app} plug-ins updaten. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Maak een back-up en update {app} plug-ins als er nieuwe versies beschikbaar zijn. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Maak een back-up en update {app} plug-ins als er nieuwe versies beschikbaar zijn. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Niet automatisch {app} thema's updaten. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Niet automatisch {app} thema's updaten. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Maak een back-up en update {app} thema's als er nieuwe versies beschikbaar zijn. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Maak een back-up en update {app} thema's als er nieuwe versies beschikbaar zijn. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=De gemaakte back-up wordt automatisch hersteld als de update mislukt, en e-mail notificaties worden verzonden met het resultaat van elke update.

Updates uitvoeren tussen middernacht en 6 uur lokale tijd. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=De gemaakte back-up wordt automatisch hersteld als de update mislukt, en e-mail notificaties worden verzonden met het resultaat van elke update.

Updates uitvoeren tussen middernacht en 6 uur lokale tijd. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Selecteer de doelbestemming voor de {app} upgrade _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Selecteer de doelbestemming voor de {app} upgrade _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Selecteer de bestemming versie voor elke geïnstalleerde toepassing. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Selecteer de bestemming versie voor elke geïnstalleerde toepassing. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Wat is er nieuw _tasks_version_currentversion=Huidige versie _tasks_version_versioninstalled=Huidige geïnstalleerde versie _tasks_version_destinationversion=Doel versie _tasks_version_updatetoversion=Selecteer een versie om bij te werken _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=Selecteer een versie om bij te werken _tasks_version_manualupdate=alleen handmatige upgrade _tasks_version_manualupgrade=alleen handmatige upgrade _tasks_version_noupdate=upgrade is niet ondersteund _tasks_version_noupgrade=upgrade is niet ondersteund _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=niet voldaan aan vereisten _tasks_version_updateplugins=Updaten Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Updaten Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Selecteer of {app} plugins moeten worden bijgewerkt. Gedetecteerd verouderd plugins zijn opgenomen. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Ja, updaten {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=Nee, niet {app} plugins updaten. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Werk Thema? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Werk Thema? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Selecteer of {app} thema's moeten worden bijgewerkt. Gedetecteerd verouderd thema's zijn opgenomen. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Ja, werk {app} thema's bij. _tasks_version_nothemes=Nee, werk {app} thema's niet bij. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Lees alstublieft de eindgebruikerslicentieovereenkomst voor {app} versie {version} voordat u verder gaat. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=De eindgebruikerslicentieovereenkomst legt uit hoe het programma gebruikt mag worden en laat voorwaarden zien voor commercieel gebruik, aanpassingen en distributie. Tevens is er wellicht ook informatie over betaalde versies. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Ik ga akkoord met de Algemene Voorwaarden _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Ik ga niet akkoord met de Algemene Voorwaarden _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=Deze applicatie heeft een databank nodig voor om de data op te slaan. _tasks_db_selectadb=Selecteer een databank voor deze installatie. _tasks_db_createadb=Maak een database met behulp van uw web hosting provider het bedieningspaneel en voer de databank-informatie hier. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: Als u niet wilt dat om een ​​nieuwe database te maken, is het ook mogelijk om informatie in te voeren voor een bestaande database. Het installatieproces zal gebruik maken van een unieke database tabel prefix om conflicten met bestaande gegevens te voorkomen. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systemen maken het mogelijk om grote hoeveelheden data op te slaan en te doorzoeken op een snelle en efficiente manier. Veel applicaties die geinstalleerd worden door {installatron} hebben een databank nodig om hun data in op te slaan. {installatron} kan automatisch databases beheren en aanmaken. De enige voorwaarde is dat de database zelf al aanwezig is. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=voert u de database host gemeld door de controle van uw webhosting beheerpaneel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Databankbeheer _tasks_db_createforme=Automatisch een nieuwe databank voor deze installatie aanmaken. _tasks_db_manageforme=Beheer automatisch de databankinstellingen voor mij. (Aanbevolen) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Laat mij de databankinstellingen beheren _tasks_db_letmechoose=Laat mij een bestaande databank kiezen. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Gebruik een andere databank _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Deze instellingen stellen u in staat om deze geinstalleerde applicatie te personaliseren. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=De ingestelde waarden kunnen later worden gewijzigd binnen {installatron} of binnen de geïnstalleerde toepassing. _settings_adminusername=voer een gebruikersnaam in voor het beheerdersaccount _settings_adminpassword=voer een wachtwoord in voor het beheerdersaccount _settings_adminemail=voer uw e-mailadres in _settings_yournam=voer uw naam in _settings_sitetitle=voer de naam van de website in _settings_sitetagline=voer de tagline van de website in _settings_businessname=Voer uw bedrijfsnaam in _settings_language=kies een taal _settings_installcontent=kies de inhoud _settings_cleaninstall=Geef mij een schone {app} installatie (Ik zal zelf mijn content toevoegen!) _settings_democontent=Voeg de demo inhoud van {app} toe tijdens de installatie _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (aanbevolen) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Ondersteuning _settings_passwordstrength_show=Toon wachtwoord _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Verberg wachtwoord _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Genereer _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Sterkte: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Te kort _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Zwak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Redelijk _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Sterk _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is klaar om {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=Deze {task} heeft {sizea}MB vrije ruimte nodig. Uw account heeft op dit moment {sizeb}MB beschikbaar. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Klik op Uitvoeren om de taak {task} uit te voeren. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is nu bezig met {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Let op: U heeft gekozen om te installeren in de hoogste directory (map) van het geselecteerde domein. _warnings_existingcontent=Let op: U heeft gekozen om te installeren in een directory (map) met reeds aanwezige inhoud. _warnings_continuepresok=Klik op Ok als u de applicatie in deze map wilt installeren. Klik anders op Annuleren om de map te wijzigen. _warnings_oauthaccess=U wordt gevraagd om {service} toegang machtigen bij het opslaan van dit formulier. _warnings_backupexpiry=De gemaakte backup verloopt automatisch en gewist na {days} dagen. _errors_installexists=Een installatie van het programma {app} bestaat al in deze directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=Geen versie van deze applicatie is compatibel met de geselecteerde installatielocatie. _errors_noinstallversion=De geselecteerde versie {version} is niet compatibel met de gekozen installatielocatie. _errors_dbcreate=De databank kon niet aangemaakt worden. Controleer uw hostingaccount of u nog minimaal één databank beschikbaar heeft. Wanneer dit het geval is neem contact op met uw hostingbedrijf. _errors_nodatabases=U heeft geen reeds aangemaakte MySQL databank. Wanneer u deze databankoptie wilt gebruiken moet u eerst via het beheerpaneel een databank aanmaken. Pas dan kunt u dit programma installeren. _errors_nodomains=Er zijn geen domeinen beschikbaar voor dit account. Gebruik het beheerpaneel om een domein toe te voegen voordat u een programma installeert. _errors_alreadylatest=U gebruikt reeds de laatste versie van dit programma. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=De geselecteerde webapplicaties gebruiken al de nieuwste versie. _errors_manualupdate=De geselecteerde versie, of een versie tussen de huidige en geselecteerde vereist een handmatige upgrade. Automatisch upgraden is niet ondersteund. Raadpleeg de documentatie van de applicatie voor handmatige upgrade instructies. _errors_manualupgrade=De geselecteerde versie, of een versie tussen de huidige en geselecteerde vereist een handmatige upgrade. Automatisch upgraden is niet ondersteund. Raadpleeg de documentatie van de applicatie voor handmatige upgrade instructies. _errors_noupdate=De geselecteerde versie, of een versie tussen de huidige en de geselecteerde ondersteunt geen upgrade. Controleer de website van de applicatie om te zien of er een migratie tool beschikbaar is. _errors_noupgrade=De geselecteerde versie, of een versie tussen de huidige en de geselecteerde ondersteunt geen upgrade. Controleer de website van de applicatie om te zien of er een migratie tool beschikbaar is. _errors_unmetrequirements=De hosting server voldoet niet aan de eisen die nodig zijn voor deze versie van deze applicatie. Hierdoor kan de upgrade niet uitgevoerd worden. Er zijn vele verschillende soorten server configuraties. Niet alle applicaties en/of versies hiervan zullen op alle servers werken. _errors_eula=Om dit programma te installeren moet u akkoord gaan met de eindgebruikerslicentieovereenkomst. _errors_installquotadomain=De geselecteerde domein is het maximale aantal gelijktijdige {app} installeert ({quota}) bereikt. _errors_installquotaaccount=Uw account heeft het maximale aantal gelijktijdige {app} installeert ({quota}) bereikt. _errors_accountupdate=Neem contact op met uw serviceprovider om uw account te upgraden. _errors_accountupgrade=Neem contact op met uw serviceprovider om uw account te upgraden. _errors_script=Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het uitveroen van de applicatie API _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Deze geïnstalleerde programma zullen worden verwijderd: _tasks_uninstall_complete=De deinstalletie is gereed. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=Deze database wordt door meerdere programma's gebruikt en kan daarom niet worden verwijderd. Alleen de tabellen die bij dit programma horen kunnen worden verwijderd. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Let op: {installatron} weet niet welke bestanden en/of mappen geassocieerd zijn met deze geinstalleerde applicatie. Selecteer de bestanden en mappen die in de backup meegenomen moeten worden. _warnings_extrafiles=Waarschuwing: Er zijn bestanden en/of mappen geselecteerd die misschien niet bij deze installatie horen. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Als je door wilt gaan met de huidige selectie klik dan hieronder op Ok, of klik op Annuleer om de selectie te veranderen. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Selecteer de bestanden, mappen en database tabellen die verwijderd moeten worden. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Deze back-ups worden verwijderd: _tasks_delete_complete=Het verwijderen van de back-up is gereed. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Selecteer de bestanden, mappen en database tabellen die in de backup meegenomen moeten worden. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Van regels die dikgedrukt staan is bekend dat ze geassocieerd worden met deze installatie of upgrade. _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: Als u nog geen back-up heeft en u genoeg voldoende vrije ruimte heeft in uw account dan is het aan te raden om een back-up te maken. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Ja, maak een backup en laat me kiezen wat er in de backup moet zitten. _tasks_backup_nobackup=Nee, maak geen backup voor de upgrade. _tasks_backup_complete=De backup is gereed. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatische back-up _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Voorgeconfigureerde automatische back-up _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Extra automatische back-up _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Creëren, draaien en backups te onderhouden verwijderen: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatisch behouden geïnstalleerde backups applicatie gebaseerd op een schema. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Back-ups worden gemaakt en gedraaid tussen middernacht en 06:00 servertijd, en een mislukte back-up zal nooit een werkende back-up overschrijden. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=De locatie waar het back-up archief zal worden gemaakt voor de geïnstalleerde toepassing. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Verander de locatie waar back-ups worden gemaakt voor de geïnstalleerde toepassing. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Bestaande back-ups blijven werken op de huidige locatie. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Voeg geen nieuwe backup-locatie toe. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Voeg een nieuwe back-up locatie. _tasks_backup_label=Label (optioneel) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Tekst die de back-up beter beschrijft. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Geschatte grootte _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Geschatte gecomprimeerde grootte van het back-up archief dat gemaakt wordt voor de geinstalleerde applicatie. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Mijn webhosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Mijn account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Bestanden & Mappen _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Databank & Tabellen _tasks_delete_backups=Back-ups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=Het aantal beschikbare back-ups op dit domein is overschreden. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=Het aantal beschikbare back-ups op dit domein is overschreden. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=Het aantal beschikbare back-ups voor deze applicatie is overschreden. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Voer de locatie van de huidige installatie in _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Voer het IP-adres dat de bron URL moet oplossen. Laat dit veld leeg als de juiste bron is opgelost door middel van DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Van ander account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Selecteer deze optie om een geinstalleerde applicatie in het {installatron}-systeem van toepassing die is gelegen op een ander web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=U wordt gevraagd om een locatie binnen het lokale web hosting account voor de geïnstalleerde toepassing te kopiëren te selecteren, en u wordt gevraagd om informatie die het mogelijk maakt {installatron} om te communiceren met de remote web hosting account te gaan. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Van dit account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Selecteer deze optie om een bestaande applicatie op uw webhosting account te importeren in de {installatron} _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=U wordt gevraagd naar de huidige locatie van de geïnstalleerde toepassing te selecteren. _tasks_import_selectversion=Selecteer de geïnstalleerde versie _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Voer de database informatie in die gebruikt is bij de bestaande installatie _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: De gegevens van de database kunnen vaak gevonden worden in een bestand met de naam config.php of settings.php. Deze is meestal te vinden in een directory met de naam includes, admin or install. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Niet in staat om tabelvoorvoegsel automatisch te bepalen. Vul het juiste voorvoegsel in. _tasks_import_dircontents=Mapinhoud _tasks_import_allfiles=Alle bestanden in de mappen die bij deze installatie horen _tasks_import_somefiles=Slechts enkele bestanden in deze map horen bij deze installatie _tasks_import_complete=Het importeren is voltooid. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=De migratie is voltooid. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Het opgegeven pad kon niet worden gevonden. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Herstel naar de oorspronkelijke locatie _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Selecteer deze optie om de back-up terugzetten naar de oorspronkelijke locatie, het retourneren van de aanvraag om de status wanneer de back-up is gemaakt. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=Dit proces zal alle bestanden, mappen en database tabellen die momenteel bestaan ​​in de oorspronkelijke locatie van de toepassing overschrijven. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Herstel naar nieuwe locatie _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Selecteer deze optie om de back-up terugzetten naar een nieuwe locatie. U wordt gevraagd een locatie te selecteren binnen de lokale web hosting account voor de geïnstalleerde toepassing worden hersteld. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=Dit proces heeft geen invloed op oorspronkelijke locatie van de toepassing. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Selecteer de bestanden, mappen en database tabellen die teruggezet moeten worden. _tasks_restore_these=De bestanden, mappen en database tabellen hieronder zal worden hersteld. _tasks_restore_reditems=Rode regels (indien geselecteerd) zullen bestaande dingen overschrijven. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Waarschuwing: Het terugzetten van individuele bestanden, mappen of tabellen is niet aangeraden tenzij de bestanden en mappen van de backup van dezelfde versie van de applicatie zijn. _tasks_restore_source=Bron _tasks_restore_destination=Bestemming _tasks_restore_complete=Het herstellen is gereed. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Titel _tasks_template_nametext=De eigendom van de template te beschrijven. _tasks_template_desc=Beschrijving _tasks_template_desctext=Tekst de sjabloon te beschrijven. _tasks_template_complete=De sjabloon is voltooid. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Dit zijn je taken uit het verleden 10 minuten. Taken uit te voeren op de achtergrond. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Dit zijn de taken van de laatste 10 minuten van uw website eigenaar. Taken uit te voeren op de achtergrond. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Er zijn geen taken die momenteel wordt uitgevoerd of voltooid in de laatste 10 minuten. _tasks_afatalerror=Een fatale fout opgetreden. _tasks_taskaborted=De taak is afgebroken. _mytasks_abort=afbreken var/installatron/locale/sl/user.tasks.ini000064400000157521147205127500014544 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installing _tasks_uninstalling=Uninstalling _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Updating _tasks_upgrading=Updating _tasks_backuping=Backing-Up _tasks_cloning=Cloning _tasks_restoring=Restoring Backup _tasks_importing=Importing _tasks_deleting=Deleting Backup _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=accessed _tasks_updated=updated _tasks_upgraded=updated _tasks_backedup=backed-up _tasks_edited=edited _tasks_cloned=cloned _tasks_uninstalled=uninstalled _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restored _tasks_imported=imported _tasks_deleted=deleted _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=install _tasks_uninstall=uninstall _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=update _tasks_upgrade=update _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=backup _tasks_restore=restore _tasks_import=import _tasks_delete=delete _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recommended _notes_canbemodified=This can be modified by editing the installed application. _notes_includedinhostemail=This information is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email. _notes_donotmodify=Do not modify this setting. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send Feedback lets you submit suggestions about the {installatron} product. We welcome problem reports, feature ideas and general comments. _notes_versionnotes={version}
version notes _notes_releasedate=Version released _notes_latest=This is the latest supported version of this software. _notes_latestofbranch=This version is the latest version in the '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=This version is no longer supported. _notes_notinstallable=This version is no longer installable. _notes_installed=This is the installed version. _notes_latestversion=latest version _notes_latestversionofbranch=latest version of '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_upgrademinor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_updatemajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _notes_upgrademajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Enter the login information for the above URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP Address or Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Enter the path from the account's root directory to the above install location. _email_notification=Email Notification _email_notification_auto=Send all email notifications for the installed application. _email_notification_choose=Let me choose which notifications are sent. _email_notification_selectthe=Select the email notifications sent for the installed application. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Install Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installed _email_install_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has been installed to:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_install_error=Install Error _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install failed _email_install_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has failed to install and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_complete=Backup Complete _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup now available _email_backup_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

Backup size: {backup_size}MB

To use this backup, login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup failed _email_backup_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restored _email_restore_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup restoration process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password Protection Detected _password_pwonthisdomain=Password protection is detected on this location. The username and password are required before this {task} can continue. Note that this password protection was set external to {installatron}, and is not associated with this application installer system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=enter the username used to access the install location with a web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=enter the password used to access the install location with a web browser _error_passwordfailed=The login details provided have failed. Please try again or contact your web host if you do not know the password. _error_domainfailed=A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is unable to install on a domain that is not resolving/loading to this web account.

If this is a new web hosting account, or if this is a newly registered domain, please allow up to 24 hours for the domain to begin working (though usually within a few hours).

If you're sure that the domain is correctly loading to your web account, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=This may take up to 5 minutes.

Do not close this browser window until the task is complete. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Available disk space is within the margin of error; task could fail. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Install Location _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Path equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=latest _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Please read and accept the EULA for {app} version {version} before continuing. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the application. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=This web application requires a database for data storage. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Database Management _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=These settings allow you to customize and personalize this installed application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=enter a username for the administrator user _settings_adminpassword=enter a password for the administrator user _settings_adminemail=enter your email address _settings_yournam=enter your name _settings_sitetitle=enter title for the website _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=enter your business name _settings_language=select a language _settings_installcontent=select the content _settings_cleaninstall=Give me a clean {app} install (I'll add my own content!) _settings_democontent=Please add the {app} demo content during install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is ready to {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=This {task} will require {sizea}MB of diskspace to complete. Your account has {sizeb}MB space available. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Press Submit to perform the {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/ro/user.tasks.ini000064400000160155147205165170014550 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Instalare _tasks_uninstalling=Dezinstalare _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Actualizare _tasks_upgrading=Actualizare _tasks_backuping=Backup _tasks_cloning=Cloning _tasks_restoring=Restaurare _tasks_importing=Importare _tasks_deleting=Stergere _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=accessed _tasks_updated=updated _tasks_upgraded=updated _tasks_backedup=backed-up _tasks_edited=edited _tasks_cloned=cloned _tasks_uninstalled=uninstalled _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restored _tasks_imported=imported _tasks_deleted=deleted _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=instaleaza _tasks_uninstall=Dezinstalare _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=Actualizare _tasks_upgrade=Actualizare _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=Copie de siguranta _tasks_restore=restaureaza _tasks_import=Importa _tasks_delete=Sterge _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recommended _notes_canbemodified=This can be modified by editing the installed application. _notes_includedinhostemail=This information is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email. _notes_donotmodify=Do not modify this setting. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send Feedback lets you submit suggestions about the {installatron} product. We welcome problem reports, feature ideas and general comments. _notes_versionnotes={version}
informatii versiune _notes_releasedate=Version released _notes_latest=Aceasta este ultima versiune disponibila in acest program. _notes_latestofbranch=Aceasta versiune este ultima versiune pentru '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=Aceasta versiune nu mai este suportata. _notes_notinstallable=Aceasta versiune nu mai este instalabila. _notes_installed=Aceasta este versiunea instalata. _notes_latestversion=ultima versiune _notes_latestversionofbranch=ultima versiune pentru '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_upgrademinor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_updatemajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _notes_upgrademajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Enter the login information for the above URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP Address or Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Enter the path from the account's root directory to the above install location. _email_notification=Email Notification _email_notification_auto=Send all email notifications for the installed application. _email_notification_choose=Let me choose which notifications are sent. _email_notification_selectthe=Select the email notifications sent for the installed application. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Install Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installed _email_install_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has been installed to:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_install_error=Install Error _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install failed _email_install_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has failed to install and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_complete=Backup Complete _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup now available _email_backup_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

Backup size: {backup_size}MB

To use this backup, login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup failed _email_backup_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restored _email_restore_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup restoration process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=A fost detectata protectia cu parola _password_pwonthisdomain=In aceasta locatie a fost detectata protejarea cu parola. Usernameul si parola sunt necesare pentru ca acest {task} sa continue. Aceasta protectie cu parola a fost setata in afara {installatron} si nu este asociata cu procesul de instalare al acesteti aplicatii. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=introduceti usernameul pe care vreti sa il folositi pentru a accesa locatia instalarii prin browser _password_password=Parola _password_enterthepassword=introduceti parola dorita pentru accesarea locatiei instalarii printr-un browser web _error_passwordfailed=Detaliile de acces nu au fost acceptate. Va rugam reincercati sau contactati firma de hosting daca nu stiti parola. _error_domainfailed=Testul pentru domeniul selectat a esuat (eroare HTTP: {code}).

{installatron} nu poate instala aplicatii pe un domeniu care nu se rezolva/incarca pe acest cont de gazduire web.

Daca acesta este un cont de gazduire nou sau domeniul a fost inregistrat de curand, va rugam asteptati 24 de ore pentru ca domeniul sa se propage (de obicei in cateva ore).

Daca sunteti sigur ca domeniul se incarca corect in contul dvs de gazduire web, contactati firma de web hosting. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Acest lucru poate dura pana la 5 minute.

Nu inchideti fereastra pana cand instalarea nu este finalizata. _warnings_rootinstall=Atentie: Aceasta aplicatie a fost instalata intr-un director care continea deja fisiere. {installatron} tine evidenta fisierelor si directoarelor asociate cu aceasta aplicatie instalata, dar backup-ul nu va contine fisiere sau directoare create in afara proceselor de instalare/actualizare sau fisiere adaugate manual de dumneavoas. _warnings_diskspace=Atentie: Spatiul disponibil din contul de gazduire este la limita erorii; aceasta sarcina poate esua. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=Domeniul si locatia selectata mai sus reprezinta un URL (legatura web) si deasemeni o locatie fizica pe hard drive-ul serverului, care sunt aratate si aici: _tasks_location_installlocation=Locatia unde se va instala _tasks_location_urlequivalent=Echivalentul ULR a locatiei selectate _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Echivalentul locatiei selectate _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=ramura _tasks_version_latest=ultima _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Va rugam cititi si acceptati licenta pentru {app} versiunea {version} inainte de a continua. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=Licenta mentioneaza in ce conditii poate fi folosit acest software si poate include reguli pentru utililzarea comerciala, modificare si distributie precum si informatii pentru versiunile platite ale acestei aplicatii. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=Aceasta aplicatie necesita o baza de date pentru stocarea datelor. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Sistemele de baze de date permit stocarea si citirea unor cantitati mari de date intr-un mod rapid si eficient, multe aplicatii instalate cu {installatron} necesita o baza de date pentru stocarea de date. {installatron} poate administra automat crearea si configurarea bazei de date, este nevoie doar ca o baza de date sa fie disponibila. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Management baze de date _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Seteaza automat baza de date pentru mine _tasks_db_letmemanage=Lasa-ma sa setez eu baza de date _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Aceste setari va permit sa personalizati aceasta aplicatie instalata. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=Introdu o porecla pentru utilizatoul administrator _settings_adminpassword=Introdu o parola pentru utilizatoul administrator _settings_adminemail=Introdu adresa ta de email _settings_yournam=Introdu numele tau _settings_sitetitle=Introdu numele site-ului web _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=Introdu numele afacerii tale _settings_language=Selecteaza o limba _settings_installcontent=selecteaza continutul _settings_cleaninstall=Vreau o {app} instalata de la zero (Am sa adaug eu continut!) _settings_democontent=Va rugam adaugati continutul demo al {app} in timpul instalarii _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} este gata pentru {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=Aceasta {task} va avea nevoie de {sizea}MB pentru finalizare. Contul dumneavoastra are {sizeb}MB de spatiu. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Faceti click pe Submit pentru a incepe {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} face acum {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/it/user.tasks.ini000064400000170717147205166760014557 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installando _tasks_uninstalling=Disinstallando _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Aggiornando _tasks_upgrading=Aggiornando _tasks_backuping=Creando Copia di Sicurezza _tasks_cloning=Clonazione _tasks_restoring=Ripristinando _tasks_importing=Importando _tasks_deleting=Cancellando _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=accessibile _tasks_updated=aggiornato _tasks_upgraded=aggiornato _tasks_backedup=backup _tasks_edited=modificato _tasks_cloned=clonato _tasks_uninstalled=disinstallato _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restaurato _tasks_imported=importati _tasks_deleted=cancellato _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=installa _tasks_uninstall=disinstalla _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=aggiorna _tasks_upgrade=aggiorna _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=Copia di Sicurezza _tasks_restore=ripristino _tasks_import=importa _tasks_delete=cancella _tasks_template=sagoma _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Raccomandato _notes_canbemodified=Questo può essere modificato modificando l'applicazione installata. _notes_includedinhostemail=Queste informazioni sono incluse nelle benvenuto e-mail del vostro account di hosting. _notes_donotmodify=Non modificare questa impostazione. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Feedback consente di inviare suggerimenti circa il prodotto {installatron}. Diamo il benvenuto a segnalazioni di problemi, sono dotate di idee e commenti generali. _notes_versionnotes={version}
note sulla versione _notes_releasedate=Installatore realizzato _notes_latest=Questa è l'ultima versione supportata di questo software. _notes_latestofbranch=Questa versione è l'ultima nel ramo di '{branch}'. _notes_nolongersupported=Questa versione non è piu' supportata. _notes_notinstallable=Questa versione non è piu' installabile. _notes_installed=Questa è la versione installata. _notes_latestversion=ultima versione _notes_latestversionofbranch=ultima versione di '{branch}' _notes_updateminor=Questa versione è un aggiornamento a basso rischio. Piccole modifiche, correzioni di bug e aggiornamenti di sicurezza introdotte. _notes_upgrademinor=Questa versione è un aggiornamento a basso rischio. Piccole modifiche, correzioni di bug e aggiornamenti di sicurezza introdotte. _notes_updatemajor=Questa versione è un aggiornamento di rischio più elevato. Significative nuove funzionalità e modifiche introdotte. _notes_upgrademajor=Questa versione è un aggiornamento di rischio più elevato. Significative nuove funzionalità e modifiche introdotte. _ftp_type=Protocollo _ftp_entertheinfo=Immettere le informazioni di login FTP per l'URL sopra. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP TLS / SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (Indirizzo IP o nome host) _ftp_port=Porto _ftp_user=Nome utente _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Sentiero _ftp_enterthepath=Immettere il percorso dalla directory principale del account FTP per la posizione al di sopra di installazione. _email_notification=Email di notifica _email_notification_auto=Invia tutte le notifiche e-mail per l'applicazione installata. _email_notification_choose=Fammi scegliere quali notifiche vengono inviati. _email_notification_selectthe=Selezionare le notifiche e-mail inviate per l'applicazione installata. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Riepilogo aggiornamento {hostname} _email_install_complete=Installare Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installato _email_install_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

{app} v{version} è stato installato a:



Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} gestire questa installazione.

Fine del rapporto. _email_install_error=Installare Errore _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install fallito _email_install_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

{app} v{version} non è riuscita a installare e i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_backup_complete=Complete Backup _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] di backup {myapp} ora disponibile _email_backup_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di backup per {myapp} situato {url} è riuscita.

Dimensioni Backup: {backup_size}MB

Per utilizzare questo backup, accedere al tuo hosting pannello di controllo web e accedere allo strumento {installatron}.

Fine del rapporto. _email_backup_error=Errore Backup _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] di backup {myapp} fallita _email_backup_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di backup per {myapp} situato {url} ha fallito ed i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_restore_complete=Ripristino Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] di backup {myapp} ripristinato _email_restore_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di ripristino di backup per {myapp} situato {url} è riuscita.


Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} gestire questa installazione.

Fine del rapporto. _email_restore_error=Ripristino Errore _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} ripristino di backup non è riuscita _email_restore_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il backup selezionato di {myapp} situato a {url} è riuscito a ripristinare e i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_update_available=Aggiornamento disponibile _email_upgrade_available=Aggiornamento disponibile _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} ora disponibile {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} ora disponibile {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Un aggiornamento per {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} è ora disponibile per gli impianti {app} si sta gestendo con {installatron}. Quanto segue può essere aggiornato:


Le modifiche di questa versione sono:


Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} per aggiornare le applicazioni installate.

Fine del rapporto. _email_upgrade_available_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Un aggiornamento per {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} è ora disponibile per gli impianti {app} si sta gestendo con {installatron}. Quanto segue può essere aggiornato:


Le modifiche di questa versione sono:


Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} per aggiornare le applicazioni installate.

Fine del rapporto. _email_update_complete=Aggiornamento completo _email_upgrade_complete=Aggiornamento completo _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} aggiornato _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} aggiornato _email_update_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento per {myapp} situato {url} è riuscita.

Nuova versione installata: {newversion}

Fine del rapporto. _email_upgrade_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento per {myapp} situato {url} è riuscita.

Nuova versione installata: {newversion}

Fine del rapporto. _email_update_error=Errore di aggiornamento _email_upgrade_error=Errore di aggiornamento _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] aggiornamento {myapp} fallita _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] aggiornamento {myapp} fallita _email_update_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento per {myapp} situato {url} ha fallito ed i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_upgrade_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento per {myapp} situato {url} ha fallito ed i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Aggiornamento disponibile _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Aggiornamento disponibile _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} ora disponibile _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} ora disponibile _email_pluginupdate_available_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Un aggiornamento per {appaddon} {newversion} è ora disponibile per gli impianti {app} si sta gestendo con {installatron}. Quanto segue può essere aggiornato:


Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} per aggiornare le applicazioni installate.

Fine del rapporto. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Un aggiornamento per {appaddon} {newversion} è ora disponibile per gli impianti {app} si sta gestendo con {installatron}. Quanto segue può essere aggiornato:


Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} per aggiornare le applicazioni installate.

Fine del rapporto. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on di aggiornamento completo _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on di aggiornamento completo _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} aggiornamento (update {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} aggiornamento (update {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento {addontype} per {myapp} situato {url} è riuscita.

Nuove versioni {addontype}:


Fine del rapporto. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento {addontype} per {myapp} situato {url} è riuscita.

Nuove versioni {addontype}:


Fine del rapporto. _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on di aggiornamento Errore _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on di aggiornamento Errore _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} aggiornamento non è riuscito (aggiornamento {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} aggiornamento non è riuscito (aggiornamento {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento {addontype} per {myapp} situato {url} ha fallito ed i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di aggiornamento {addontype} per {myapp} situato {url} ha fallito ed i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clonato _email_clone_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di clonazione per {myapp} situato {urlsource} è riuscita ed è ora disponibile sul sito:



Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} gestire questa installazione.

Fine del rapporto. _email_clone_error=Errore Clone _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone riuscito _email_clone_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di clonazione per {myapp} situato {urlsource} ha fallito ed i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_migrate_complete=Migrare Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrata _email_migrate_complete_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di migrazione per {app} situato {urlsource} è riuscita ed è ora disponibile sul sito:



Accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web e accedere allo strumento {installatron} gestire questa installazione.

Fine del rapporto. _email_migrate_error=Migrare Errore _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] migrazione {app} fallita _email_migrate_error_text=Si tratta di una email automatica da {installatron}. Per annullare l'iscrizione a queste email o per modificare le impostazioni di notifica, accedi al tuo hosting pannello di controllo Web, accedere allo strumento {installatron}, e selezionare le applicazioni installate che si desidera modificare.

Il processo di migrazione per {app} situato {url} ha fallito ed i dettagli del fallimento è stati disconnessi.

Errore tecnico:

Fine del rapporto. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password di Protezione Rilevata _password_pwonthisdomain=Password di Protezione Rilevata in questa area. La username e la password sono richieste prima che {task} possa continuare. Nota che questa password di protezione sarà inserita esternamente a {installatron} e non sarà associata con questo sistema di installazione applicazione. _password_username=Utilizzatore _password_entertheusername=inserire la username usata per accedere all'area d'installazione con un web browser _password_password=Parola Chiave _password_enterthepassword=inserire la username usata per accedere all'area d'installazione con un web browser _error_passwordfailed=I dati inseriti per il login sono incorretti. Per favore ritenta il login o contatta il tuo web hoster se non conosci la password. _error_domainfailed=Un test del dominio selezionato è fallito (Errore HTTP: {code}).

{installatron} è impossibilitato ad installare su un dominio che non è assegnato/caricato per questo account web.

Se questo è un nuovo account di hosting, o se questo è un dominio appena registrato/creato, per favore attendi circa 24 ore che il dominio si aggiorni perché esso possa funzionare (anche se di solito basta qualche ora).

Se sei sicuro che questo dominio è correttamente aggiornato e attivo per il tuo account web, contatta l'amministratore del tuo web hosting. _error_diskfailed=Questo {task} richiederà {size}MB di spazio su disco disponibile per completare. Lo spazio su disco sufficiente non è attualmente disponibile.

Per assistenza o per aggiungere ulteriore spazio su disco, contattare l'amministratore di web hosting. _error_connectfailed=Impossibile connettersi al server web hosting. Riprova in un paio di minuti. _error_authfailed=Impossibile authenicate con la login e la password fornita. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Questo {task} richiederà l'autorizzazione all'utente sufficiente `{path} '.

Per assistenza o per aggiungere ulteriore spazio su disco, contattare l'amministratore di web hosting. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Gestire automaticamente le impostazioni avanzate per me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Clonare automaticamente queste impostazioni dalla applicazione di origine installata. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Permettetemi di gestire queste impostazioni. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configurare le impostazioni aggiuntive per l'applicazione installata. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Queste impostazioni includono controlli per: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=I valori impostati possono essere modificati in seguito all'interno {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Impostazione Gestione avanzata _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Gestione Impostazione _tasks_shared_waiting=In attesa ... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing ... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Pulizia ... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copiare file e directory ... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Database Copia e tavoli ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Caricamento di posizione di backup ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Download da posizione di backup ... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Il processo potrebbe durare fino a 5 minuti.

Non chiudere il browser fino a che tutti i processi non sono completi. _warnings_rootinstall=Attenzione: Questo script è stato installato in una cartella con file preesistenti. {installatron} effettua dei tentativi per tracciare i files e le cartelle associate a questo software, tuttavia il backup non conterrà files o cartelle create al di fuori dello script di installazione,o file aggiunti manualmente. _warnings_diskspace=Attenzione: lo spazio su disco potrebbe essere insufficiente per l'installazione di questa applicazione _errors_invalidselection=Selezione non valida. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Benvenuto nella procedura guidata {installatron} {task}! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Questa procedura ti guiderà nell' l'installazione di {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Questa procedura ti guiderà nell' importazione di una vesrione installata esternamente di {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Questa procedura ti guiderà attraverso il {task} per il processo di applicazioni installate. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Questa procedura guidata vi guiderà attraverso il processo di {task} per l'applicazione installata selezionata. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Questa procedura guidata vi guiderà attraverso il processo {task} per i backup delle applicazioni installate selezionate. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Questa procedura guidata vi guiderà attraverso il processo di {task} per il backup applicazione installata selezionata. _tasks_intro_installwill=Il processo installerà l'applicazione per il tuo dominio. Questo processo creerà i file e le directory del software, e un database (se richiesto dall'applicazione). _tasks_intro_updatewill=Il processo di aggiornamento consente di aggiornare i file e database (se utilizzati con l'applicazione), ad una versione più recente dell'applicazione _tasks_intro_upgradewill=Il processo di aggiornamento consente di aggiornare i file e database (se utilizzati con l'applicazione), ad una versione più recente dell'applicazione _tasks_intro_importwill=Il processo di importazione consente di importare un'applicazione esterna nel sistema {installatron}. Se Importata con successo l'applicazione può essere utilizzata e aggiornata dalla tua scheda "_tabs_myapplications". _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Il processo di disinstallazione consente di eliminare tutti i file e le directory , database e le tabelle , e backup associati con il software installato, e il processo non può essere invertito. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=Il processo di cancellazione eliminarà tutti i file associati con la copia di sicurezza (Backup) selezionata, non può essere invertito. _tasks_intro_restorewill=Il processo di ripristino copia i file e le tabelle di Basi di Dati di Sicurezza verso la loro posizione originale, per riportarle al loro stato iniziale corrispondente a quando la Copia di Sicurezza è stata creata. Questo processo sovrascrive tutti i file, le directory e le tabelle delle Basi di Dati che attualmente esistono nella posizione originale dell'applicazione (Software). _tasks_intro_backupwill=Il processo di Copia di Sicurezza (Backup) crea un duplicato dei file, directory, Basi di Dati e tabelle utilizzate dalla presente applicazione installata. Le Copie di Sicurezza (Backup) possono essere "ripristinate", il che può essere utile se l'applicazione viene danneggiata o attaccata da hacker, o se l'aggiornamento fallisce. _tasks_intro_clonewill=Il processo di clonazione duplica un'applicazione installata in una posizione diversa. Tutti i file, directory e tabelle di database sono duplicati, e le impostazioni delle applicazioni vengono aggiornate per la nuova posizione. _tasks_intro_templatewill=Il processo modello prende un'istantanea dell'applicazione installata, che può quindi essere selezionato come base per le nuove installazioni. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Essere Consapevole _tasks_intro_updatenotices=
  • L'aggiornamento di un installazione rende possibile aggiungere nuove funzionalità, correzione di bug, e forse più importante, fissare bugs di sicurezza. Come amministratore del server puoi vedere tutte le applicazioni installate e tenerle aggiornate.

  • C'è sempre un possibile rischio nell' aggiornare l'applicazione. Mentre {installatron} compie ogni sforzo per eseguire gli aggiornamenti in maniera pulita e priva di rischio, non vi è alcuna garanzia che avrà successo.

  • Se è stata effettuata una Copia di Sicurezza (Backup) di un'installazione, eventuali problemi causati dall'aggiornamento possono essere ripristinati attraverso il ripristino dalla scheda strumenti "_tabs_myapplications". Questa procedura guidata di aggiornamento vi darà l'opportunità di creare una copia di Sicurezza (Backup).

  • L'Aggiornamento talvolta può reimpostare i modelli, i plugin, e le modifiche.

  • E 'possibile, se si preferisce, eseguire un aggiornamento manuale dell'applicazione installata. È quindi possibile utilizzare il _tools_edit sul tuo "_tabs_myapplications" per aggiornare i dati visualizzati in {installatron}.
  • L'aggiornamento di un installazione rende possibile aggiungere nuove funzionalità, correzione di bug, e forse più importante, fissare bugs di sicurezza. Come amministratore del server puoi vedere tutte le applicazioni installate e tenerle aggiornate.

  • C'è sempre un possibile rischio nell' aggiornare l'applicazione. Mentre {installatron} compie ogni sforzo per eseguire gli aggiornamenti in maniera pulita e priva di rischio, non vi è alcuna garanzia che avrà successo.

  • Se è stata effettuata una Copia di Sicurezza (Backup) di un'installazione, eventuali problemi causati dall'aggiornamento possono essere ripristinati attraverso il ripristino dalla scheda strumenti "_tabs_myapplications". Questa procedura guidata di aggiornamento vi darà l'opportunità di creare una copia di Sicurezza (Backup).

  • L'Aggiornamento talvolta può reimpostare i modelli, i plugin, e le modifiche.

  • E 'possibile, se si preferisce, eseguire un aggiornamento manuale dell'applicazione installata. È quindi possibile utilizzare il _tools_edit sul tuo "_tabs_myapplications" per aggiornare i dati visualizzati in {installatron}.
_tasks_intro_iscomplete=L' {task} è completo. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Fare clic sul pulsante Avanti in basso per iniziare. _tasks_install_complete=L'installazione è completa. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=L'aggiornamento è completo. _tasks_upgrade_complete=L'aggiornamento è completo. _tasks_update_completealready=L'aggiornamento è stato già completato. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=L'aggiornamento è stato già completato. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Il clone è completa. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Questa è l'applicazione installata selezionata. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Si prega di selezionare una posizione dove installare {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Si prega di inserire un URL per installare {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Selezionare una posizione per l'applicazione installata da clonare per all'interno del tuo account di web hosting. _tasks_location_thelocationis=La posizione è una combinazione di un dominio e un percorso che insieme determinano il file in cui verrà installato l'applicazione e l'urldove verrà visualizzata l'applicazione in un browser web dopo l'installazione. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=L'URL immesso determinerà in cui i file verranno installati e dove sarà visto la domanda in un browser Web dopo l'installazione. _tasks_location_domain=Dominio _tasks_location_website=Sito web _tasks_location_path=Percorso _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=Il dominio e la directory selezionata sopra rappresentano il (link pagina web) URL mostrato qui: _tasks_location_equivalentof=Il Dominio e il Percorso selezionati sopra rappresentano un URL ( una pagina web ) e anche un indirizzo fisico sull'hard disk del server. Entrambi sono mostrati qui sotto: _tasks_location_installlocation=Cartella di installazione _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalente dell'indirizzo selezionato _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Percorso equivalente dell'indirizzo selezionato _tasks_location_detectedapassword=La posizione è una combinazione di un dominio e {installatron} ha rilevato che l'installazione selezionate sopra è protetto da una password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} richiede nome utente e la Parola Chiave prima che l'installazione possa continuare. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Non mantenere automaticamente i backup. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=quotidiano _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=settimanale _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=mensile _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} quotidiano _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} settimanale _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} mensile _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=un backup giornaliero per gli ultimi giorni {day} _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=un backup giornaliero _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=un {day} giorno vecchio backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=un {day1}-{day2} giorno vecchio backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Seleziona la versione di {app} da installare. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Suggerimento: è necessario scegliere la versione più recente, a meno che non si richiede una precedente versione. _tasks_version_branch=ramo _tasks_version_latest=ultima _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=ultima basso rischio _tasks_version_recommended=raccomandato _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Aggiorna automaticamente l'applicazione installata immediatamente come le nuove versioni saranno disponibili. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Aggiorna automaticamente l'applicazione installata immediatamente come le nuove versioni saranno disponibili. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=Dopo giorni {days} il backup creato scade automaticamente e viene eliminato allo spazio libero su disco. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=Dopo giorni {days} il backup creato scade automaticamente e viene eliminato allo spazio libero su disco. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=Tuttavia, prima della scadenza del backup creato possono essere conservati selezionando l'opzione dalla scheda "_tabs_mybackups". _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=Tuttavia, prima della scadenza del backup creato possono essere conservati selezionando l'opzione dalla scheda "_tabs_mybackups". _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Aggiornamenti eseguono tra mezzanotte e le 6 del mattino ora del server e notifiche e-mail vengono inviate con il risultato di ogni aggiornamento. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Aggiornamenti eseguono tra mezzanotte e le 6 del mattino ora del server e notifiche e-mail vengono inviate con il risultato di ogni aggiornamento. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Aggiornamento automatico alle nuove versioni minori e rilasci di sicurezza è raccomandato in quanto queste versioni contengono miglioramenti delle applicazioni critiche e in genere non avranno un impatto negativo funzionalità web. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Aggiornamento automatico alle nuove versioni minori e rilasci di sicurezza è raccomandato in quanto queste versioni contengono miglioramenti delle applicazioni critiche e in genere non avranno un impatto negativo funzionalità web. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Non aggiornare automaticamente. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Non aggiornare automaticamente. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Aggiornamento alle nuove versioni minori e rilasci di sicurezza. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Aggiornamento alle nuove versioni minori e rilasci di sicurezza. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Aggiornamento ad ogni nuova versione. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Aggiornamento ad ogni nuova versione. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Non aggiornare automaticamente {app} plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Non aggiornare automaticamente {app} plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Plugins Aggiornamento {app} nuove versioni saranno disponibili. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Plugins Aggiornamento {app} nuove versioni saranno disponibili. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Non aggiornare automaticamente {app} temi. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Non aggiornare automaticamente {app} temi. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Aggiornamento {app} temi come le nuove versioni saranno disponibili. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Aggiornamento {app} temi come le nuove versioni saranno disponibili. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Creare un backup e ripristinare automaticamente il backup se l'aggiornamento non riesce. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Creare un backup e ripristinare automaticamente il backup se l'aggiornamento non riesce. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Non creare una copia di backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Non creare una copia di backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automaticamente il backup e aggiornare immediatamente l'applicazione installata come le nuove versioni saranno disponibili. Il backup creato viene ripristinato automaticamente se l'aggiornamento non riesce.

Aggiornamenti eseguono tra mezzanotte e le 6:00 localtime, e notifiche e-mail vengono inviate con il risultato di ogni aggiornamento. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automaticamente il backup e aggiornare immediatamente l'applicazione installata come le nuove versioni saranno disponibili. Il backup creato viene ripristinato automaticamente se l'aggiornamento non riesce.

Aggiornamenti eseguono tra mezzanotte e le 6:00 localtime, e notifiche e-mail vengono inviate con il risultato di ogni aggiornamento. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Selezionare la destinazione per l'aggiornamento di {app} _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Selezionare la destinazione per l'aggiornamento di {app} _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Selezionare la versione di destinazione per ogni applicazione installata. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Selezionare la versione di destinazione per ogni applicazione installata. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Cosa c'è di nuovo _tasks_version_currentversion=Versione corrente _tasks_version_versioninstalled=La versione installata attualmente _tasks_version_destinationversion=Versione di destinazione _tasks_version_updatetoversion=Seleziona una versione per l'aggiornamento _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=Seleziona una versione per l'aggiornamento _tasks_version_manualupdate=Aggiornamento solamente manuale _tasks_version_manualupgrade=Aggiornamento solamente manuale _tasks_version_noupdate=Aggiornamento non supportato _tasks_version_noupgrade=Aggiornamento non supportato _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requisiti non soddisfatti _tasks_version_updateplugins=Aggiornare Plugin? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Aggiornare Plugin? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Selezionare se plugins {app} devono essere aggiornati. Riconosciuto dalla data plugin sono elencati. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Sì, l'aggiornamento {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, non aggiornare {app} plugin. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Aggiornamento temi? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Aggiornamento temi? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Selezionare se temi {app} devono essere aggiornati. Riconosciuto dalla data temi sono elencati. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Sì, l'aggiornamento {app} temi. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, non aggiornare {app} temi. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=La preghiamo di accettare le condizioni EULA per {app} versione {version} prima di continuare. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=La licenza finale sottolinea il modo in cui il software puo' essere utilizzato, e puo' includere regole sull'utilizzo a fini commerciali, sulle modifiche, sulla distribuzione, così come le informazioni sulle versioni a pagamento del software. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Ho letto l'accordo di licenza e accetto le condizioni. _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Non accetto l'accordo di licenza _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=L'applicazione richiede una Base di Dati per l'archiviazione dei dati _tasks_db_selectadb=Selezionare un database per questa installazione. _tasks_db_createadb=Creare un database utilizzando il pannello di controllo del proprio fornitore di web hosting e inserire le informazioni del database qui. _tasks_db_existingdb=Suggerimento: Se non si desidera creare un nuovo database, è possibile inserire le informazioni di un database esistente. Il processo di installazione utilizzerà un prefisso tabella di database unico per evitare conflitti con i dati esistenti. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Le Basi di Dati consentono di archiviare grandi quantità di dati che devono essere conservati e recuperati in un modo veloce ed efficiente, e molte applicazioni installate da {installatron} richiedono una Base di Dati per memorizzare i propri dati. {installatron} può gestire automaticamente la configurazione e la creazione di Basi di Dati, si richiede soltanto che una Base di Dati sia disponibile. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=inserire l'host del database riportato dal pannello di controllo del tuo host web. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Amministrazione Base di Dati _tasks_db_createforme=Creazione automatica di un nuovo database per l'applicazione installata. _tasks_db_manageforme=Impostare automaticamente la Base di Dati. _tasks_db_letmemanage=Impostazioni manuali della Base di Dati. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Fammi scegliere un database esistente. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Utilizzare un database diverso _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Queste impostazioni ti consentono di personalizzare l'applicazione installata. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=I valori impostati possono essere modificati in seguito all'interno {installatron} o all'interno dell'applicazione installata. _settings_adminusername=Inserire un Nome Utente per l'amministratore _settings_adminpassword=Inserire una Parola Chiave per l'utente amministratore _settings_adminemail=Inserire un indirizzo di posta elettronica _settings_yournam=Inserire il proprio nome _settings_sitetitle=Inserire il titolo del proprio sito internet _settings_sitetagline=immettere tagline per il sito web _settings_businessname=Inserire la propria ragione sociale _settings_language=Selezionare una lingua _settings_installcontent=Seleziona il contenuto _settings_cleaninstall=Crea un installazione pulita di {app} (per inserirci il mio contenuto) _settings_democontent=Si prega di aggiungere a {app} contenuti di esempio durante l'installazione _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (consigliata) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Supporto a breve termine _settings_passwordstrength_show=Mostra password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generare _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Forza: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Troppo Corta _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Debole _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fiera _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Forte _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=L'autenticazione a due fattori con Clef. (Consigliata)
Scarica applicazione mobile _settings_twofactor_no=Non attivare l'autenticazione a due fattori. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} è pronto a {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=Questo {task} richiede {sizea}MB di spazio disco per essere completato. Il tuo account ha {sizeb}MB di spazio disponibile _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Premi Submit per eseguire {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} è adesso {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Attenzione: E' stato scelto di installare lo script dentro la 'cartella root' (la cartella primaria) del dominio selezionato. _warnings_existingcontent=Attenzione: E' stato scelto di efffettuare l'installazione in una cartella contente dei files. _warnings_continuepresok=Se si desidera installare in questa directory cliccare sul pulsante Ok sottostante, o cliccare su Cancellare per cambiare percorso. _warnings_oauthaccess=Ti verrà richiesto di autorizzare l'accesso {service} su salvataggio di questo modulo. _warnings_backupexpiry=Il backup creato scade automaticamente ed essere cancellati dopo {days} giorni. _errors_installexists=Esiste già un'installazione di questo script nella cartella selezionata _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=Nessuna versione di questa applicazione è compatibile con la posizione selezionata installazione. _errors_noinstallversion=La versione {version} selezionata non è compatibile con la posizione selezionata installazione. _errors_dbcreate=Impossibile creare il database. Verificare che l' hosting account ha disponibile almeno un database. contattare l'amministratore del server in caso di problemi. _errors_nodatabases=Non è stato precedentemente creato alcun database. Qualora si voglia utilizzare l'opzione database, è necessario utilizzare il pannello di controllo per creare un database prima di installare questo script. _errors_nodomains=Nessun dominio disponibile per questo account. Utilizzare il pannello di controllo per aggiungere un dominio prima di proseguire l'installazione. _errors_alreadylatest=La versione corrente del software è la piu' aggiornata. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=Le selezionati sono già in esecuzione la versione più recente. _errors_manualupdate=La versione selezionata, o la versione intermedia tra il software installato e quello desiderato richiede un aggiornamento manuale. L'auto-aggiornamento non è supportato. Verificare nella documentazione dello script per l'aggiornamento del software. _errors_manualupgrade=La versione selezionata, o la versione intermedia tra il software installato e quello desiderato richiede un aggiornamento manuale. L'auto-aggiornamento non è supportato. Verificare nella documentazione dello script per l'aggiornamento del software. _errors_noupdate=La versione selezionata, o la versione intermedia tra il software installato e quello desiderato, non supporta l'aggiornamento. Verificare dal sito internet dello script se esiste un tool per l'aggiornamento. _errors_noupgrade=La versione selezionata, o la versione intermedia tra il software installato e quello desiderato, non supporta l'aggiornamento. Verificare dal sito internet dello script se esiste un tool per l'aggiornamento. _errors_unmetrequirements=Il server non ha i requisiti necessari per installare questa versione dello script, questa versione pertanto non è in grado di essere aggiornata. Le configurazioni del server possono essere molte, e non tutti gli script funzioneranno su tutti i server. _errors_eula=Per installare questo script bisogna accettare la licenza per l'utilizzo _errors_installquotadomain=Il dominio selezionato ha raggiunto il numero massimo di installazioni simultanee {app} ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Il tuo account ha raggiunto il numero massimo di installazioni simultanee {app} ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Si prega di contattare il fornitore di servizi per aggiornare il tuo account. _errors_accountupgrade=Si prega di contattare il fornitore di servizi per aggiornare il tuo account. _errors_script=Si è verificato un errore durante l'esecuzione l'API dell'applicazione. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Saranno rimossi Queste applicazioni installate: _tasks_uninstall_complete=La disinstallazione. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=Questo database è condiviso da uno o piu' script, pertanto non puo' essere cancellato. Solo le tabelle associate con questa installazione possono essere cancellate. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Nota: {installatron} non disconosce quali file e/o cartelle siano associate con l'installazione di questa applicazione. Si prega di selezionare i file e le cartelle che dovranno essere inclusi nella Copia di Sicurezza (Backup). _warnings_extrafiles=Attenzione: Si riscontrano file e cartelle che potrebbero non essere associati con questa installazione. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Se si desidera procedere con la selezione corrente cliccare sul pulsante Ok sottostante, o cliccare sul pulsante Cancella per cambiare la selezione. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Selezionare i file, cartelle e Basi di Dati da eliminare. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Verranno cancellati i backup: _tasks_delete_complete=La rimozione di backup è completo. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Selezionare i file, cartelle e Basi di Dati da includere nella Copia di Sicurezza (Backup). _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Gli elementi in grassetto sono riconosciuti come associate all'installazione (cioe' sono stati creati durante l'installazione o l'aggiornamento). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Suggerimento: Se non si dispone ancora di una Copia di Sicurezza (Backup) e si c'e' sufficiente spazio disco nel conto, e' raccomando di creare una Copia di Sicurezza (Backup). _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Si, creare una Copia di Sicurezza (Backup) pemettendo di selezionare cio' che si desidera includere nella copia stessa. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, non si desidera creare una Copia di Sicurezza (Backup) prima di eseguire l'aggiornamento. _tasks_backup_complete=Il backup è completo. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Backup automatico _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigurato Backup automatico _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Ulteriori Backup automatico _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Creare, ruotare e cancellare i backup per mantenere: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Mantenere automaticamente i backup delle applicazioni installate in base a una pianificazione. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=I backup vengono creati, ruotati e cancellati tra la mezzanotte e il server 6:00 tempo, e un backup fallito potranno mai ruotare un backup di lavoro. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=La posizione in cui verrà creato l'archivio di backup per l'applicazione installata. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Modificare la posizione in cui i backup vengono creati per l'applicazione installata. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=I backup esistenti continuano a lavorare nella posizione attuale. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Non aggiungere una posizione di backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Aggiungi un nuovo percorso di backup. _tasks_backup_label=Label (opzionale) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Il testo che descrive meglio il backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Dimensioni stimato _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Stima dimensione compressa del archivio di backup da creare per l'applicazione installata. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Il mio account di web hosting. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Il Mio Conto _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=File & Cartelle _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Basi di Dati e Tabelle _tasks_delete_backups=Copie di Sicurezza (Backups) _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=Il numero di backup disponibili per questo dominio è stato superato. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=Il numero di backup disponibili per questo account è stato superato. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=Il numero di backup disponibili per questa applicazione installata è stato superato. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Immettere il percorso dell'installazione esistente. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Inserire l'indirizzo IP che l'URL di origine dovrebbe risolvere a. Lasciare il campo vuoto se la fonte risolto correttamente tramite DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Da diverso account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Selezionare questa opzione per migrare e importare nel sistema {installatron} un'applicazione installata che si trova su un account di web hosting remoto. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=Verrà richiesto di selezionare una posizione all'interno del web hosting account locale per l'applicazione installata da copiare. Nessuna modifica sarà fatto per l'applicazione installata sul server web hosting remoto. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Da questo account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Selezionare questa opzione per importare nel sistema {installatron} un'applicazione installata che si trova all'interno del web hosting account locale. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=Ti verrà richiesto di selezionare la posizione corrente dell'applicazione installata. _tasks_import_selectversion=Seleziona la versione installata _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Immettere le informazioni relative alla Base di Dati utilizzata dall'installazione esistente. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Suggerimento: I valori legati alla Base di Dati possono essere trovati spesso in file con nomi simili a config.php o settings.php, normalmente situati in /includes, /admin, o nella cartella d'installazione. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Impossibile determinare automaticamente prefisso delle tabelle. Inserisci il prefisso corretto. _tasks_import_dircontents=Contenuti della cartella _tasks_import_allfiles=Tutti i file nella cartella appartengono a questa installazione _tasks_import_somefiles=Solo alcuni file nella cartella appartengono a questa installazione _tasks_import_complete=L'importazione è completa. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=La migrazione è completa. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Percorso non trovato. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Ripristina in posizione originale _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Selezionare questa opzione per ripristinare il backup nella posizione originale, restituendo l'applicazione al suo stato quando è stato creato il backup. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=Questo processo sovrascrive tutti i file, directory e tabelle di database attualmente esistenti nel percorso originale dell'applicazione. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Ripristina nuova posizione _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Selezionare questa opzione per ripristinare il backup in una nuova posizione. Verrà richiesto di selezionare una posizione all'interno del web hosting account locale per l'applicazione installata da ristrutturare a. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=Questo processo non influirà posizione originale dell'applicazione. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Selezionare i file, cartelle e Basi di Dati da ripristinare. _tasks_restore_these=I file, directory e tabelle di database elencati di seguito verranno ripristinati. _tasks_restore_reditems=Gli elementi in Rosso, se selezionati, sovrascriveranno un elemento esistente a destinazione. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Attenzione: Non e' consigliato ripristinare singoli file, cartelle o tabelle salvo se la Copia di Sicurezza e la destinazione contengono la stessa versione dell'applicazione web. _tasks_restore_source=Sorgente _tasks_restore_destination=Destinazione _tasks_restore_complete=Il ripristino è completa. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Titolo _tasks_template_nametext=Titolo per descrivere il modello. _tasks_template_desc=Descrizione _tasks_template_desctext=Testo per descrivere il modello. _tasks_template_complete=Il modello è completo. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Questi sono i vostri compiti degli ultimi 10 minuti. Compiti eseguiti in background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Questi sono i compiti del proprietario del sito web degli ultimi 10 minuti. Compiti eseguiti in background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Non ci sono compiti attualmente in esecuzione o completati negli ultimi 10 minuti. _tasks_afatalerror=Si è verificato un errore irreversibile. _tasks_taskaborted=Il compito è stato interrotto. _mytasks_abort=abortire var/installatron/locale/uk/user.tasks.ini000064400000245426147205200150014540 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Установка _tasks_uninstalling=Видалення _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Модернізація _tasks_upgrading=Модернізація _tasks_backuping=Резервне копіювання _tasks_cloning=Клонування _tasks_restoring=Відновлення резервного копіювання _tasks_importing=Імпорт _tasks_deleting=Видалення резервної копії _tasks_templating=Шаблони _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=Доступ _tasks_updated=оновлений _tasks_upgraded=оновлений _tasks_backedup=резервні копії _tasks_edited=відредагований _tasks_cloned=клонований _tasks_uninstalled=невстановлена _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=відновлено _tasks_imported=імпортований _tasks_deleted=віддалений _tasks_templated=шаблонний _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=встановлювати _tasks_uninstall=видалити _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=оновлення _tasks_upgrade=оновлення _tasks_clone=клон _tasks_backup=резервний _tasks_restore=відновлення _tasks_import=імпорт _tasks_delete=видаляти _tasks_template=шаблон _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Рекомендований _notes_canbemodified=Це може бути змінено шляхом зміни встановленої програми. _notes_includedinhostemail=Ця інформація, як правило, включені в вашого профілю хостингу у вітальному листі. _notes_donotmodify=Чи не змінювати цей параметр. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Надіслати відгук дозволяє представити пропозиції про продукт {installatron}. Ми вітаємо звіти про проблеми, художні ідеї і загальні зауваження. _notes_versionnotes={version}
версія замітки _notes_releasedate=Версія випущена _notes_latest=Це остання підтримувана версія цього програмного забезпечення. _notes_latestofbranch=Ця версія є останньою версією в «{branch}" гілки. _notes_nolongersupported=Ця версія більше не підтримується. _notes_notinstallable=Ця версія більше не встановлюваний. _notes_installed=Це встановлена ​​версія. _notes_latestversion=остання версія _notes_latestversionofbranch=Остання версія "{branch}" гілки _notes_updateminor=Ця версія є оновленням низький ризик. Незначні зміни, виправлення і виправлення безпеки введені. _notes_upgrademinor=Ця версія є оновленням низький ризик. Незначні зміни, виправлення і виправлення безпеки введені. _notes_updatemajor=Ця версія є більш високою поновлення ризик. Значні нові можливості та зміни, внесені. _notes_upgrademajor=Ця версія є більш високою поновлення ризик. Значні нові можливості та зміни, внесені. _ftp_type=Протокол FTP _ftp_entertheinfo=Введіть FTP реєстраційну інформацію для вищевказаного URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP з TLS / SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Aдресу (IP-адресу або ім'я хоста) _ftp_port=порт _ftp_user=Ім'я користувача _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Шлях _ftp_enterthepath=Введіть шлях з кореневого каталогу облікового запису FTP, щоб вище місця установки. _email_notification=Повідомлення по електронній пошті _email_notification_auto=Відправити всі повідомлення електронною поштою для встановленої програми. _email_notification_choose=Дозвольте мені вибрати, які повідомлення відправляються. _email_notification_selectthe=Виберіть повідомлення електронною поштою, відправлені для встановленої програми. _email_admin_report=Адмін Повідомити _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] оновлення Основна {hostname} _email_install_complete=Встановіть Повний _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} встановлений _email_install_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Була встановлена ​​{app} v{version} до:



Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} управляти цієї установки.

Кінець звіту. _email_install_error=Помилка установки _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} встановити не вдалося _email_install_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

{app} v{version} не вдалося встановити і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_backup_complete=Резервне копіювання завершено _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] резервного {myapp} тепер доступні _email_backup_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес резервного копіювання для {myapp}, розташованого за адресою {url} вдалося.

Резервне копіювання розмір: {backup_size}MB

Для використання цієї резервної копії, увійдіть в панель веб-хостинг управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron}.

Кінець звіту. _email_backup_error=Резервне копіювання Помилка _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} резервного копіювання не вдалося _email_backup_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес резервного копіювання для {myapp} розташований в {url} не вдалося, і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_restore_complete=Повне відновлення _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} резервного відновлено _email_restore_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес відновлення резервного копіювання для {myapp}, розташованого за адресою {url} вдалося.


Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} управляти цієї установки.

Кінець звіту. _email_restore_error=Відновлення Помилка _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} відновлення резервного копіювання не вдалося _email_restore_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Обрана резервна копія з {myapp} розташований в {url} не вдалося відновити і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_update_available=Доступно оновлення _email_upgrade_available=Доступно оновлення _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} тепер доступні {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} тепер доступні {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Оновлення для {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} тепер доступний для {app} установок ви керуєте за допомогою {installatron}. Нижче можна оновити:


Зміни для цієї версії:


Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} оновити встановлені додатки.

Кінець звіту. _email_upgrade_available_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Оновлення для {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} тепер доступний для {app} установок ви керуєте за допомогою {installatron}. Нижче можна оновити:


Зміни для цієї версії:


Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} оновити встановлені додатки.

Кінець звіту. _email_update_complete=Оновлення завершено _email_upgrade_complete=Оновлення завершено _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} оновлюється _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} оновлюється _email_update_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення для {myapp}, розташованого за адресою {url} вдалося.

Новий встановлена ​​версія: {newversion}

Кінець звіту. _email_upgrade_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення для {myapp}, розташованого за адресою {url} вдалося.

Новий встановлена ​​версія: {newversion}

Кінець звіту. _email_update_error=Помилка поновлення _email_upgrade_error=Помилка поновлення _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] оновлення {myapp} вдалося _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] оновлення {myapp} вдалося _email_update_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення для {myapp} розташований в {url} не вдалося, і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_upgrade_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення для {myapp} розташований в {url} не вдалося, і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_pluginupdate_available=Доповнень Доступне оновлення _email_pluginupgrade_available=Доповнень Доступне оновлення _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} тепер доступні _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} тепер доступні _email_pluginupdate_available_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Оновлення для {appaddon} {newversion} тепер доступний для {app} установок ви керуєте за допомогою {installatron}. Нижче можна оновити:


Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} оновити встановлені додатки.

Кінець звіту. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Оновлення для {appaddon} {newversion} тепер доступний для {app} установок ви керуєте за допомогою {installatron}. Нижче можна оновити:


Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} оновити встановлені додатки.

Кінець звіту. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Доповнень Оновлення завершено _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Доповнень Оновлення завершено _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} оновлюється (оновлення {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} оновлюється (оновлення {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення {addontype} для {myapp}, розташованого за адресою {url} вдалося.

Нові версії {addontype}:


Кінець звіту. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення {addontype} для {myapp}, розташованого за адресою {url} вдалося.

Нові версії {addontype}:


Кінець звіту. _email_pluginupdate_error=Додати-на оновлення Помилка _email_pluginupgrade_error=Додати-на оновлення Помилка _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} оновлення не вдалося (оновлення {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} оновлення не вдалося (оновлення {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення {addontype} для {myapp} розташований в {url} не вдалося, і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес оновлення {addontype} для {myapp} розташований в {url} не вдалося, і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_clone_complete=Клонувати Повний _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} клонували _email_clone_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес клон для {myapp}, розташованого за адресою {urlsource} вдалося і тепер доступний за адресою:



Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} управляти цієї установки.

Кінець звіту. _email_clone_error=Клон Помилка _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} клон не вдалося _email_clone_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес клон для {myapp} розташований в {urlsource} не вдалося, і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_migrate_complete=Міграція Повний _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} мігрували _email_migrate_complete_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес міграції для {app}, розташованого за адресою {urlsource} вдалося і тепер доступний за адресою:



Увійти в свій веб-хостинг панелі управління і перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} управляти цієї установки.

Кінець звіту. _email_migrate_error=Міграція Помилка _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} міграції не вдалося _email_migrate_error_text=Це автоматизована електронна пошта від {installatron}. Щоб відписатися від цих листів або змінити налаштування повідомлень, увійдіть в свій веб-хостинг панелі керування, перейдіть до інструменту {installatron} і виберіть встановлених додатків, які ви хочете змінити.

Процес міграції для {app} розташований в {url} не вдалося, і деталі про помилку, не відбувалося.

Технічні помилки:

Кінець звіту. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Захист паролем Виявлено _password_pwonthisdomain=Захист паролем виявлений на цьому місці. Ім'я користувача і пароль потрібні перш, ніж це {task} може продовжуватися. Зверніть увагу, що цей захист пароль був встановлений зовнішнім стосовно {installatron}, і не пов'язаний з цією системою додатки установки. _password_username=Ім'я користувача _password_entertheusername=введіть ім'я користувача, яке використовується для доступу місце установки за допомогою веб-браузера _password_password=Пароль _password_enterthepassword=ввести пароль, який використовується для доступу місце установки за допомогою веб-браузера _error_passwordfailed=У дані для входу, що надаються не увінчалися успіхом. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз або зв'яжіться зі своїм веб-хостингу, якщо ви не знаєте пароль. _error_domainfailed=Випробування обраному домені не вдалося (помилка HTTP: {code}).

{installatron} не може встановити на домені, яка не роздільною / навантаження на цю веб-рахунки.

Якщо це новий веб-хостинг аккаунт, або, якщо це недавно зареєстроване доменне, будь ласка, дозвольте до 24 годин для домену, щоб почати працювати (хоча зазвичай протягом декількох годин).

Якщо ви впевнені, що домен завантажується правильно на ваш рахунок, зверніться до веб-хостингу адміністратору. _error_diskfailed=Це {task} потребують {size}MB вільного місця на диску для завершення. Достатня дисковий простір зараз немає в наявності.

Для отримання допомоги або додати додатковий дисковий простір, зверніться до веб-хостингу адміністратору. _error_connectfailed=Не вдалося підключитися до веб-хостинг-сервер. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз через пару хвилин. _error_authfailed=Не міг authenicate за допомогою доданого логін і пароль. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Це {task} потребують достатніх дозволів користувачів до `{path}".

Для отримання допомоги або додати додатковий дисковий простір, зверніться до веб-хостингу адміністратору. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Автоматично управляти розширені налаштування для мене. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Автоматично клонувати ці налаштування з вихідного встановленої програми. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Дозвольте мені управляти цими настройками. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Налаштуйте додаткові параметри для встановленої програми. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Ці параметри включають елементи управління для: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=Значення, встановлені можуть бути змінені пізніше в {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Розширене керування Налаштування _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Установка управління _tasks_shared_waiting=Очікування... _tasks_shared_processing=Обробка... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Очищення... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Копіювання файлів і каталогів... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Копіювання баз даних і таблиць... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Завантаження на резервному місці... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Завантаження з резервного місці... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Це може зайняти до 5 хвилин.

На переадресацію браузера, поки завдання не буде завершена. _warnings_rootinstall=Попередження: Цей додаток було встановлено в каталог, який містив існуючі файли. {installatron} робить все можливе, щоб відстежувати файли і каталоги, пов'язані з цим встановленої програми, однак резервна копія не міститиме файли або каталоги, створені за межами установки / оновлення процесів, або файли, додані Вами. _warnings_diskspace=Попередження: Доступне місце на диску знаходиться в межах допустимої похибки; задача може провалитися. _errors_invalidselection=Неправильний вибір. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Ласкаво просимо в майстер {installatron} {task}! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Цей майстер проведе вас через установку {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Цей майстер проведе вас через імпорт ззовні встановленої примірника {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Цей майстер проведе вас через процес {task} для обраних встановлених додатків. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Цей майстер проведе вас через процес {task} для обраного встановленої програми. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Цей майстер проведе вас через процес {task} для обраних встановлених резервних копій додатків. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Цей майстер проведе вас через процес {task} для обраного встановленої програми резервного копіювання. _tasks_intro_installwill=Процес установки додасть екземпляр обраного додатки на ваш домен. Це створить файли і каталоги програмного забезпечення та бази даних (якщо використовуваний додатком). _tasks_intro_updatewill=Процес оновлення буде оновлювати файли і бази даних (якщо використовується додатком), що дає вам більш нову версію програми. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=Процес оновлення буде оновлювати файли і бази даних (якщо використовується додатком), що дає вам більш нову версію програми. _tasks_intro_importwill=Процес імпорту приносить зовні встановлений екземпляр додатку в систему {installatron}. Успішно імпортні додатки можуть бути використані і переведені на вкладці "_tabs_myapplications". _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Процес видалення буде видалити всі файли і каталоги та бази даних і таблиці, пов'язані з програмним забезпеченням, і не може бути скасовано. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=Процес видалення буде видалити всі файли, пов'язані з вибраними резервних копій, і не може бути скасовано. _tasks_intro_restorewill=Процес відновлення копії файлів і таблиць бази даних з резервної копії у вихідне місце розташування, повертаючи додаток своїм статусом, коли була створена резервна копія. Цей процес буде перезаписувати файли, каталоги і таблиці бази даних, що в даний час існують у вихідному місці програми. _tasks_intro_backupwill=Додатковий процес резервного копіювання створить дублікати файлів, каталогів і таблиць бази даних. Резервні копії можуть бути "відновлено", які можуть бути корисні, якщо додаток пошкоджений або зламаний, або якщо збою оновлення. _tasks_intro_clonewill=Процес клон дублює встановленої програми в інше місце. Всі файли, каталоги і таблиці бази даних дублюються, і параметри додатка оновлюються для новому місці. _tasks_intro_templatewill=Процес шаблон робить знімок встановленої програми, які потім можуть бути обрані як основи для нових установок. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Віддавати собі звіт _tasks_intro_updatenotices=
  • Оновлення встановленої програми можна додати нові функції, виправити помилки, і, можливо, найголовніше, виправити дірки в безпеці. Якщо дірки в безпеці залишаються без фіксації вашого сайту може бути з високим ризиком бути "зламаний". Адміністратори серверів хотіли б бачити всі встановлені додатки постійно оновлюватися.

  • Існує завжди ризик, пов'язаний з оновленням робоче додаток. У той час як {installatron} докладає всіх зусиль для виконання оновлення в чистий, самий безризиковий спосіб це можливо, немає ніякої гарантії, що він буде успішним.

  • Якщо резервна додатки існує оновлення може бути скасовано за допомогою інструменту відновлення на вкладці "_tabs_mybackups". Якщо ви ще не маєте резервну копію, і у вас є достатньо місця на диску у вашому акаунті, рекомендується, що ви виконати резервне копіювання.

  • Оновлення іноді може скинути шаблони, плагіни і модифікації.

  • Це можливо, якщо це переважно, щоб виконати ручну модернізацію встановленої програми. {installatron} автоматично виявить нову встановлену версію після того, як керівництво завершення оновлення.
  • Оновлення встановленої програми можна додати нові функції, виправити помилки, і, можливо, найголовніше, виправити дірки в безпеці. Якщо дірки в безпеці залишаються без фіксації вашого сайту може бути з високим ризиком бути "зламаний". Адміністратори серверів хотіли б бачити всі встановлені додатки постійно оновлюватися.

  • Існує завжди ризик, пов'язаний з оновленням робоче додаток. У той час як {installatron} докладає всіх зусиль для виконання оновлення в чистий, самий безризиковий спосіб це можливо, немає ніякої гарантії, що він буде успішним.

  • Якщо резервна додатки існує оновлення може бути скасовано за допомогою інструменту відновлення на вкладці "_tabs_mybackups". Якщо ви ще не маєте резервну копію, і у вас є достатньо місця на диску у вашому акаунті, рекомендується, що ви виконати резервне копіювання.

  • Оновлення іноді може скинути шаблони, плагіни і модифікації.

  • Це можливо, якщо це переважно, щоб виконати ручну модернізацію встановленої програми. {installatron} автоматично виявить нову встановлену версію після того, як керівництво завершення оновлення.
_tasks_intro_iscomplete={task} завершена. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Натисніть кнопку Далі нижче, щоб почати. _tasks_install_complete=Установка завершена. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=Оновлення буде завершено. _tasks_upgrade_complete=Оновлення буде завершено. _tasks_update_completealready=Оновлення вже завершена. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=Оновлення вже завершена. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Клон завершена. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Це вбрання встановлений додаток. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Будь ласка, виберіть місце для установки {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Будь ласка, введіть URL встановити {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Виберіть місце для встановленого додатка до клонируемого в веб-хостинг-провайдера. _tasks_location_thelocationis=Розташування є комбінацією домену та директорії, разом визначити, де файли будуть встановлені і де додаток буде розглядатися в веб-браузері після установки. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=URL вступив буде визначити, де файли будуть встановлені і де застосування розглядатиметься в веб-браузері після установки. _tasks_location_domain=Домен _tasks_location_website=Сайт _tasks_location_path=Каталог (необов'язково) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=Домен і каталог обраний вище, являють собою URL (веб-сторінки посилання) показано тут: _tasks_location_equivalentof=Домен і каталог обраний вище являють собою URL-адресу (посилання на веб-сторінку), а також фізичний шлях на жорсткому диску сервера, обидва з яких показано тут: _tasks_location_installlocation=Місце кріплення _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL еквівалент обраного місця _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Шлях еквівалент обраного місця _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} виявив, що розташування установки обраний вище захищений паролем. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} вимагає, щоб ім'я користувача і пароль перед установкою може продовжуватися. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Не автоматично зберігати резервні копії. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=щодня _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=щотижня _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=щомісяця _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} щодня _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} щотижня _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} щомісяця _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=щоденне резервне копіювання протягом останніх {day} днів _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=один щоденне резервне копіювання _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=один {day} день старої резервної _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=один {day1}-{day2} день старої резервної _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Виберіть версію {app} встановити. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Порада: Ви повинні вибрати нову версію, якщо ви не вимагають більш ранню версію. _tasks_version_branch=філія _tasks_version_latest=останній _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=Останнім низький ризик _tasks_version_recommended=рекомендований _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Автоматичне оновлення на нові проміжні версії та релізи безпеки рекомендується, оскільки ці релізи містить критичних поліпшень додатків і, як правило, не буде негативно впливати на функціональність сайту. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Автоматичне оновлення на нові проміжні версії та релізи безпеки рекомендується, оскільки ці релізи містить критичних поліпшень додатків і, як правило, не буде негативно впливати на функціональність сайту. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Не виконувати автоматичне оновлення. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Не виконувати автоматичне оновлення. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Створення резервної копії та оновлення нових молодших версій і релізів безпеки. (Рекомендується) _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Створення резервної копії та оновлення нових молодших версій і релізів безпеки. (Рекомендується) _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Створення резервної копії та оновлення будь-якої нової версії. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Створення резервної копії та оновлення будь-якої нової версії. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Не виконувати автоматичне оновлення {app} плагіни. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Не виконувати автоматичне оновлення {app} плагіни. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Створення резервної копії та оновлювати {app} плагіни, як нових версій. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Створення резервної копії та оновлювати {app} плагіни, як нових версій. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Не виконувати автоматичне оновлення {app} теми. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Не виконувати автоматичне оновлення {app} теми. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Створення резервної копії та оновлювати {app} теми, як нові версії стануть доступні. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Створення резервної копії та оновлювати {app} теми, як нові версії стануть доступні. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Автоматичне резервне копіювання і оновлення встановлений додаток відразу ж, як нових версій.

Створений резервного копіювання автоматично відновлюється після невдалого оновлення, і повідомлення електронною поштою відправляються з результатом кожного оновлення. Оновлення виконати між північчю і 6 ранку місцевому. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Автоматичне резервне копіювання і оновлення встановлений додаток відразу ж, як нових версій.

Створений резервного копіювання автоматично відновлюється після невдалого оновлення, і повідомлення електронною поштою відправляються з результатом кожного оновлення. Оновлення виконати між північчю і 6 ранку місцевому. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Виберіть версію призначення для поновлення {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Виберіть версію призначення для поновлення {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Виберіть версію призначення для кожного встановленого додатка. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Виберіть версію призначення для кожного встановленого додатка. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Що нового _tasks_version_currentversion=Поточна версія _tasks_version_versioninstalled=Версія на даний момент встановлено. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Напрямок Версія _tasks_version_updatetoversion=виберіть версію для оновлення, щоб _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=виберіть версію для оновлення, щоб _tasks_version_manualupdate=тільки ручна поновлення _tasks_version_manualupgrade=тільки ручна поновлення _tasks_version_noupdate=Оновлення не дозволені _tasks_version_noupgrade=Оновлення не дозволені _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=вимоги не будуть виконані _tasks_version_updateplugins=Оновлення плагінів? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Оновлення плагінів? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Виберіть, чи слід оновлюватися {app} плагіни. Виявлено застарілих плагінів перераховані. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Так, оновити {app} плагіни. _tasks_version_noplugins=Ні, не оновлювати {app} плагіни. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Оновлення теми? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Оновлення теми? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Виберіть, чи слід оновлюватися {app} теми. Виявлено застарілі теми перераховані. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Так, оновити теми {app}. _tasks_version_nothemes=Ні, не оновлювати {app} теми. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Будь ласка, прочитайте і прийміть умови ліцензійної угоди для {app} версії {version}, перш ніж продовжити. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=Ліцензійна угода з кінцевим користувачем описується, як можна використовувати програмне забезпечення, і можуть включати в себе правила, що стосуються комерційного використання, модифікації та розповсюдження, а також інформацію по заробітній платі для версій програми. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Я приймаю умови ліцензійної угоди _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Я не приймаю умови ліцензійної угоди _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=Це веб-додаток вимагає базу даних для зберігання даних. _tasks_db_selectadb=Виберіть базу даних для цієї установки. _tasks_db_createadb=Створення бази даних за допомогою панелі управління веб-хостинг провайдер і ввести інформацію про базу даних тут. _tasks_db_existingdb=Порада: Якщо ви не хочете, щоб створити нову базу даних, це також можна ввести інформацію для існуючої бази даних. Процес установки буде використовувати унікальний префікс таблиць бази даних, щоб уникнути конфліктів з існуючими даними. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Системи баз даних дозволяють великі обсяги даних, які будуть зберігати та видавати у швидко і ефективно, і багато додатки, встановлені на {installatron} вимагає бази даних для зберігання своїх даних. {installatron} буде автоматично управляти налаштування бази даних, він вимагає тільки, що база даних доступна. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=введіть хост бази даних, звіт по панелі управління веб-хостингу. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Управління базою даних _tasks_db_createforme=Автоматично створити нову базу даних для встановленої програми. _tasks_db_manageforme=Автоматично управляти налаштування бази даних для мене. (Рекомендується) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Дозвольте мені управляти цими настройками. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Дозвольте мені вибрати існуючу базу даних. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Використовуйте іншу базу даних _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Ці налаштування дозволяють налаштувати і персоналізувати цей встановлений додаток. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=Значення, встановлені можуть бути змінені пізніше в {installatron} або протягом встановленого додатка. _settings_adminusername=ввести ім'я користувача для користувача адміністратора _settings_adminpassword=ввести пароль для користувача адміністратора _settings_adminemail=введіть вашу адресу електронної пошти _settings_yournam=введіть ваше ім'я _settings_sitetitle=введіть назву для сайту _settings_sitetagline=введіть слоган для сайту _settings_businessname=введіть назву вашої компанії _settings_language=вибрати мову _settings_installcontent=виберіть вміст _settings_cleaninstall=Дай мені чисту {app} встановити (я додам свій власний контент!) _settings_democontent=Будь ласка, додайте демо зміст {app} під час установки _settings_versionchannel_lts=Довгострокова підтримка (рекомендовано) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Короткострокові підтримки _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} готовий {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=Це {task} потребують {sizea}MB з дискового простору, щоб закінчити. Ваш обліковий запис має {sizeb}MB простір. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Натисніть Надіслати для виконання {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} тепер {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Зверніть увагу: Ви обрали для установки в «кореневої каталог» (каталог верхнього рівня) обраного домену. _warnings_existingcontent=Зверніть увагу: Ви обрали для установки в папку з існуючим змістом. _warnings_continuepresok=Якщо ви хочете встановити в цьому каталозі натисніть кнопку Ok нижче, або Скасувати, щоб змінити шлях. _warnings_oauthaccess=Вам буде запропоновано авторизувати {service} доступ після збереження цієї форми. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=Примірник {app} вже існує в цьому каталозі. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=Жодна версія цього додатка не сумісні з обраної установці місці. _errors_noinstallversion=Обрана версія {version} не сумісний з обраної установки місці. _errors_dbcreate=Неможливо створити базу даних. Переконайтеся, що ваш хостинг акаунт має хоча б одну базу даних доступною. Якщо це так, зверніться до хост. _errors_nodatabases=У вас немає заздалегідь створених баз даних MySQL. Якщо ви хочете використовувати цю опцію бази даних, необхідно використовувати панель управління для створення бази даних перед установкою цього додатка. _errors_nodomains=Ні домени не доступні для цього облікового запису. Використовуйте панель управління хостингом, щоб додати домен перед встановленням програми. _errors_alreadylatest=Веб-додаток вибрано вже встановлена ​​остання версія. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=Веб-додатки, обрані вже встановлена ​​остання версія. _errors_manualupdate=Версія обраний, або версія між ним і встановленої версії, вимагає ручного оновлення. Авто-оновлення не підтримується. Дивіться в документації до додатка для ручного інформації оновлення. _errors_manualupgrade=Версія обраний, або версія між ним і встановленої версії, вимагає ручного оновлення. Авто-оновлення не підтримується. Дивіться в документації до додатка для ручного інформації оновлення. _errors_noupdate=Обрана версія, або версія між ним і встановленої версії, не підтримує оновлення. Перевірте веб-сайт програми, щоб переконатися, «міграція» інструмент доступний. _errors_noupgrade=Обрана версія, або версія між ним і встановленої версії, не підтримує оновлення. Перевірте веб-сайт програми, щоб переконатися, «міграція» інструмент доступний. _errors_unmetrequirements=Сервер, не відповідають вимогам цієї версії цього додатка, тому ця версія не може бути підвищений до. Серверні конфігурації, численні і різноманітні, і не всі програми (чи версії додатків) буде працювати на всіх серверах. _errors_eula=Для установки цієї програми ви повинні погодитися з ліцензійною угодою з кінцевим користувачем. _errors_installquotadomain=Обраний домен досяг максимальної кількості {app} одночасних установок ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Ваш обліковий запис досягла свого максимального кількості {app} одночасних установок ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Будь ласка, зверніться до постачальника послуг, щоб оновити свій аккаунт. _errors_accountupgrade=Будь ласка, зверніться до постачальника послуг, щоб оновити свій аккаунт. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Ці встановлені додатки будуть видалені: _tasks_uninstall_complete=Завершення видалення. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=Ця база даних є загальним для одного або більше інших додатків, і тому не може бути видалений. Тільки таблиці можуть бути видалені. Будьте обережні, щоб не видаляти таблиці, пов'язані з іншим додатком. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Примітка: {installatron} не знає, які файли і / або каталоги пов'язані цю встановленої програми. Будь ласка, виберіть файли і каталоги, які повинні бути включені в резервну копію. _warnings_extrafiles=Увага: Файли та / або каталоги вибираються, що не можуть бути пов'язані з цієї установки. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Якщо ви хочете, щоб продовжити поточного вибору натисніть кнопку ОК нижче, або Скасувати, щоб змінити вибір. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Виберіть файли, каталоги і таблиці бази даних, які будуть видалені. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Ці резервні копії будуть видалені: _tasks_delete_complete=Видалення завершення резервного копіювання. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Виберіть файли, каталоги і таблиці бази даних, які будуть включені в резервну копію. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Пункти, виділені жирним шрифтом, як відомо, пов'язані з цією установки (тобто, вони були створені під час установки або оновлення). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Порада: Якщо ви ще не маєте резервну копію, і у вас є достатньо місця на диску у вашому акаунті, рекомендується, що ви виконати резервне копіювання. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Так, створити резервну копію перед виконанням оновлення. _tasks_backup_nobackup=Ні, не створити резервну копію перед виконанням оновлення. _tasks_backup_complete=Завершення резервного копіювання. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Автоматичне резервне копіювання _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Попередньо Автоматичне резервне копіювання _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Додаткова Автоматичне резервне копіювання _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Створення, повертати і видаляти резервні копії, щоб підтримувати: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Автоматично підтримувати встановлені резервні копії додатків за розкладом. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Резервні копії створюються і обертається між північчю і часу 6 ранку сервера і не вдалося резервного копіювання ніколи не повернути робочу копію. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=Місце, де архів резервних копій буде створений для встановленої програми. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Зміна розташування, де резервні копії створюються для встановленої програми. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Існуючі резервні копії продовжувати працювати на нинішньому місці. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Не додавайте резервних копій. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Додати нове місце резервного копіювання. _tasks_backup_label=Етикетка (необов'язково) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Текст, який краще описує процес резервного копіювання. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Передбачуваний розмір _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Розрахункова стиснений розмір резервного архіву, який буде створений для встановленої програми. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Моя веб-хостинг аккаунт. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Мій аккаунт _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Файли та каталоги _tasks_delete_dbandtables=База даних і таблиці _tasks_delete_backups=Резервні копії _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Введіть URL в розташування встановленого додатки повинні бути переміщені. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Введіть IP-адресу, що джерело URL повинен вирішити для. Залиште це поле порожнім, якщо джерело правильно вирішує за допомогою DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=З іншого облікового запису _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Виберіть цю опцію для перенесення і імпортувати в систему {installatron} встановленої програми, який знаходиться на віддаленому веб-хостинг-провайдера. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=Вам буде запропоновано вибрати місце в локальному веб-хостинг-провайдера для встановленої програми, які будуть скопійовані в. Ніякі зміни не будуть внесені в установленому додатки на віддаленому веб-сервері. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=З цього рахунку _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Виберіть цей варіант, щоб імпортувати в систему {installatron} встановленої програми, яка знаходиться в межах локальної веб хостинг-провайдера. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=Вам буде запропоновано вибрати поточне місце розташування встановленої програми. _tasks_import_selectversion=Виберіть встановлену версію. Це значення часто відображається в адміністративній панелі для вставленого додатки. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Введіть інформацію про базу даних, використовуваної встановленої програми. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Порада: Значення бази даних часто можна знайти у файлі з ім'ям config.php або settings.php, як правило, в включає /, Бухгалтерія / або каталог додатки. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Неможливо автоматично визначити префікс таблиць. Будь ласка, введіть правильний префікс. _tasks_import_dircontents=Каталог Зміст _tasks_import_allfiles=Всі файли в цьому каталозі належать до цієї встановленої програми _tasks_import_somefiles=Тільки деякі файли в цьому каталозі належать до цієї встановленої програми _tasks_import_complete=Імпорт буде завершена. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=Завершення міграції. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Цей шлях не був знайдений. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Відновлення у вихідне положення _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Виберіть цю опцію, щоб відновити резервну копію на колишнє місце, повертаючи додаток своїм статусом, коли була створена резервна копія. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=Цей процес буде перезаписувати файли, каталоги і таблиці бази даних, що в даний час існують у вихідному місці програми. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Відновлення на нове місце _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Виберіть цю опцію, щоб відновити резервну копію на нове місце. Вам буде запропоновано вибрати місце в локальному веб-хостинг-провайдера для встановленої програми повинна бути відновлена ​​в. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=Цей процес не вплине вихідне розташування додатки. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Виберіть файли, каталоги і таблиці бази даних, які будуть відновлені. _tasks_restore_these=Файли, каталоги і таблиці бази даних, перераховані нижче, будуть відновлені. _tasks_restore_reditems=Червоні деталі будуть перезаписувати існуючий елемент у пункт призначення. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Попередження: відновлення окремих файлів, каталогів або таблиць не рекомендується, якщо резервне копіювання і призначення не містять ту ж версію програми веб-додатків. _tasks_restore_source=Джерело _tasks_restore_destination=Призначення _tasks_restore_complete=Відновлення завершено. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Назва _tasks_template_nametext=Назва для опису шаблону. _tasks_template_desc=Опис _tasks_template_desctext=Текст, який описує шаблон. _tasks_template_complete=Шаблон є повним. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Це ваші завдання з останніх 10 хвилин. Завдання виконуються у фоновому режимі. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Це завдання вашого веб-сайту власника від останніх 10 хвилин. Завдання виконуються у фоновому режимі. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Там немає завдання Виконувані або завершені протягом останніх 10 хвилин. _tasks_afatalerror=Сталася фатальна помилка. _tasks_taskaborted=Завдання було перервано. _mytasks_abort=викинути var/installatron/locale/vi/user.tasks.ini000064400000210020147205207510014524 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Cài đặt _tasks_uninstalling=Gỡ bỏ cài đặt _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Nâng cấp _tasks_upgrading=Nâng cấp _tasks_backuping=Ủng hộ-Up _tasks_cloning=Nhân bản _tasks_restoring=Sao lưu phục hồi _tasks_importing=Nhập khẩu _tasks_deleting=Xóa sao lưu _tasks_templating=Khuôn mẫu _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=truy cập _tasks_updated=cập nhật _tasks_upgraded=cập nhật _tasks_backedup=sao lưu _tasks_edited=thay đổi nội dung _tasks_cloned=nhân bản vô tính _tasks_uninstalled=gỡ bỏ cài đặt _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=phục hồi _tasks_imported=nhập khẩu _tasks_deleted=xóa _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=cài đặt _tasks_uninstall=gỡ bỏ cài đặt _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=cập nhật _tasks_upgrade=cập nhật _tasks_clone=bản sao _tasks_backup=sao lưu _tasks_restore=khôi phục _tasks_import=nhập khẩu _tasks_delete=xóa _tasks_template=bản mẫu _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Đê _notes_canbemodified=Điều này có thể được sửa đổi bằng cách chỉnh sửa cài đặt ứng dụng. _notes_includedinhostemail=Những thông tin này thường được bao gồm trong email chào đón tài khoản lưu trữ của bạn. _notes_donotmodify=Không thay đổi thiết lập này. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Gửi phản hồi cho phép bạn gửi các đề xuất về sản phẩm {installatron}. Chúng tôi hoan nghênh báo cáo vấn đề, ý tưởng tính năng và ý kiến ​​chung. _notes_versionnotes={version}
ghi chú phiên bản _notes_releasedate=Phiên bản phát hành _notes_latest=Đây là phiên bản hỗ trợ mới nhất của phần mềm này. _notes_latestofbranch=Phiên bản này là phiên bản mới nhất trong '{branch}' chi nhánh. _notes_nolongersupported=Phiên bản này không được hỗ trợ. _notes_notinstallable=Phiên bản này không còn có thể cài đặt. _notes_installed=Đây là phiên bản được cài đặt. _notes_latestversion=phiên bản mới nhất _notes_latestversionofbranch=phiên bản mới nhất của '{branch}' chi nhánh _notes_updateminor=Phiên bản này là một nâng cấp rủi ro thấp. Thay đổi nhỏ, sửa lỗi và sửa lỗi bảo mật được giới thiệu. _notes_upgrademinor=Phiên bản này là một nâng cấp rủi ro thấp. Thay đổi nhỏ, sửa lỗi và sửa lỗi bảo mật được giới thiệu. _notes_updatemajor=Phiên bản này là một nâng cấp có nguy cơ cao hơn. Tính năng mới quan trọng và những thay đổi giới thiệu. _notes_upgrademajor=Phiên bản này là một nâng cấp có nguy cơ cao hơn. Tính năng mới quan trọng và những thay đổi giới thiệu. _ftp_type=FTP Nghị định thư _ftp_entertheinfo=Nhập thông tin đăng nhập FTP cho URL trên. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP với TLS / SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Địa chỉ (Địa chỉ IP hoặc tên máy) _ftp_port=Cảng _ftp_user=Tên _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Đường dẫn _ftp_enterthepath=Nhập vào đường dẫn từ thư mục gốc của tài khoản FTP để cài đặt vị trí trên. _email_notification=Email thông báo _email_notification_auto=Gửi tất cả các thông báo email cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _email_notification_choose=Hãy để tôi chọn mà thông báo được gửi đi. _email_notification_selectthe=Chọn các thông báo email gửi cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _email_admin_report=Sơ Báo cáo _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Cập nhật Tóm tắt {hostname} _email_install_complete=Hoàn thành cài đặt _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} cài đặt _email_install_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

{app} v{version} đã được cài đặt để:



Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ để quản lý {installatron} cài đặt này.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_install_error=Lỗi cài đặt _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} cài đặt thất bại _email_install_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

{app} v{version} đã thất bại trong việc cài đặt và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_backup_complete=Toàn bộ sao lưu _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sao lưu bây giờ đã có _email_backup_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình sao lưu cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thành công.

Kích thước sao lưu: {backup_size}MB

Sử dụng sao lưu này, đăng nhập vào bảng điều khiển lưu trữ web của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_backup_error=Lỗi sao lưu _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sao lưu thất bại _email_backup_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình sao lưu cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thất bại và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sao lưu phục hồi _email_restore_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình phục hồi sao lưu cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thành công.


Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ để quản lý {installatron} cài đặt này.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_restore_error=Khôi phục Lỗi _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] phục hồi sao lưu {myapp} thất bại _email_restore_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Sao lưu lựa chọn của {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thất bại trong việc khôi phục và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_update_available=Cập nhật có sẵn _email_upgrade_available=Cập nhật có sẵn _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} bây giờ đã có {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} bây giờ đã có {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Một cập nhật cho {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} bây giờ có sẵn cho các cài đặt {app} bạn đang quản lý sử dụng {installatron}. Sau đây có thể được cập nhật:


Những thay đổi của phiên bản này là:


Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron} để cập nhật các ứng dụng cài đặt của bạn.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_upgrade_available_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Một cập nhật cho {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} bây giờ có sẵn cho các cài đặt {app} bạn đang quản lý sử dụng {installatron}. Sau đây có thể được cập nhật:


Những thay đổi của phiên bản này là:


Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron} để cập nhật các ứng dụng cài đặt của bạn.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_update_complete=Cập nhật đầy đủ _email_upgrade_complete=Cập nhật đầy đủ _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cập nhật _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cập nhật _email_update_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thành công.

Phiên bản mới cài đặt: {newversion}

Cuối báo cáo. _email_upgrade_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thành công.

Phiên bản mới cài đặt: {newversion}

Cuối báo cáo. _email_update_error=Cập nhật Lỗi _email_upgrade_error=Cập nhật Lỗi _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] cập nhật {myapp} thất bại _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] cập nhật {myapp} thất bại _email_update_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thất bại và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_upgrade_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thất bại và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_pluginupdate_available=Tiện ích Cập nhật có sẵn _email_pluginupgrade_available=Tiện ích Cập nhật có sẵn _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} bây giờ đã có _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} bây giờ đã có _email_pluginupdate_available_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Một cập nhật cho {appaddon} {newversion} bây giờ có sẵn cho các cài đặt {app} bạn đang quản lý sử dụng {installatron}. Sau đây có thể được cập nhật:


Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron} để cập nhật các ứng dụng cài đặt của bạn.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Một cập nhật cho {appaddon} {newversion} bây giờ có sẵn cho các cài đặt {app} bạn đang quản lý sử dụng {installatron}. Sau đây có thể được cập nhật:


Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron} để cập nhật các ứng dụng cài đặt của bạn.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Tiện ích Cập nhật đầy đủ _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Tiện ích Cập nhật đầy đủ _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cập nhật (update {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cập nhật (update {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật {addontype} cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thành công.

Phiên bản {addontype} mới:


Cuối báo cáo. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật {addontype} cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thành công.

Phiên bản {addontype} mới:


Cuối báo cáo. _email_pluginupdate_error=Tiện ích Cập nhật Lỗi _email_pluginupgrade_error=Tiện ích Cập nhật Lỗi _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] cập nhật {myapp} thất bại (Cập nhật {addontype}) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] cập nhật {myapp} thất bại (Cập nhật {addontype}) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật {addontype} cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thất bại và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình cập nhật {addontype} cho {myapp} nằm ở {url} đã thất bại và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_clone_complete=Toàn bộ nhân bản _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} nhân bản vô tính _email_clone_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình nhân bản cho {myapp} nằm ở {urlsource} đã thành công và hiện đang có tại:



Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ để quản lý {installatron} cài đặt này.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_clone_error=Clone Lỗi _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} bản sao thất bại _email_clone_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình nhân bản cho {myapp} nằm ở {urlsource} đã thất bại và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_migrate_complete=Toàn bộ di chuyển _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} di cư _email_migrate_complete_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình di cư cho {app} nằm ở {urlsource} đã thành công và hiện đang có tại:



Đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn và điều hướng đến các công cụ để quản lý {installatron} cài đặt này.

Cuối báo cáo. _email_migrate_error=Lỗi di chuyển _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] di cư {app} thất bại _email_migrate_error_text=Đây là một email tự động từ {installatron}. Để hủy đăng ký từ những email hoặc thay đổi cài đặt thông báo, đăng nhập vào máy chủ web bảng điều khiển của bạn, điều hướng đến các công cụ {installatron}, và chọn các ứng dụng được cài đặt bạn muốn chỉnh sửa.

Quá trình di cư cho {app} nằm ở {url} đã thất bại và các chi tiết của sự thất bại đã được đăng.

Lỗi kỹ thuật:

Cuối báo cáo. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Mật khẩu bảo vệ phát hiện _password_pwonthisdomain=Bảo vệ mật khẩu được phát hiện trên vị trí này. Tên người dùng và mật khẩu được yêu cầu trước khi {task} này có thể tiếp tục. Lưu ý rằng bảo vệ mật khẩu này đã được thiết lập bên ngoài để {installatron}, và không liên quan đến hệ thống cài đặt ứng dụng này. _password_username=Tên truy nhập _password_entertheusername=nhập tên người dùng sử dụng để truy cập vào vị trí cài đặt với một trình duyệt web _password_password=Mật khẩu _password_enterthepassword=nhập mật khẩu dùng để truy cập vị trí cài đặt với một trình duyệt web _error_passwordfailed=Các chi tiết đăng nhập được cung cấp đã thất bại. Vui lòng thử lại hoặc liên hệ với máy chủ web của bạn nếu bạn không biết mật khẩu. _error_domainfailed=Một thử nghiệm của tên miền được lựa chọn đã không thành công (lỗi HTTP: {code}).

{installatron} là không thể cài đặt trên một tên miền không được giải quyết / tải vào tài khoản web này.

Nếu đây là một tài khoản lưu trữ web mới, hoặc nếu điều này là một miền mới đăng ký, xin vui lòng cho phép lên đến 24 giờ cho các tên miền bắt đầu làm việc (mặc dù thường là trong vòng một vài giờ).

Nếu bạn chắc chắn rằng tên miền được một cách chính xác tải vào tài khoản web của bạn, liên hệ với quản trị web lưu trữ của bạn. _error_diskfailed={task} này sẽ đòi hỏi {size}MB không gian đĩa có sẵn để hoàn thành. Đủ không gian đĩa hiện không có sẵn.

Để được hỗ trợ hoặc để thêm không gian đĩa bổ sung, liên hệ với quản trị web lưu trữ của bạn. _error_connectfailed=Không thể kết nối đến máy chủ lưu trữ web. Vui lòng thử lại trong một vài phút. _error_authfailed=Không thể authenicate với tên đăng nhập và mật khẩu được cung cấp. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed={task} này sẽ yêu cầu sự cho phép người sử dụng đủ để `{path}.

Để được hỗ trợ hoặc để thêm không gian đĩa bổ sung, liên hệ với quản trị web lưu trữ của bạn. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Tự động quản lý các thiết lập nâng cao cho tôi. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Tự động sao chép các thiết lập từ cài đặt ứng dụng mã nguồn. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Hãy để tôi quản lý các thiết lập này. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Cấu hình cài đặt bổ sung cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Các thiết lập này bao gồm điều khiển cho: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=Các giá trị thiết lập có thể được sửa đổi sau trong {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Quản lý tiên tiến Setting _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Thiết lập quản lý _tasks_shared_waiting=Chờ đợi ... _tasks_shared_processing=Xử lý ... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Làm sạch ... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Sao chép tập tin và thư mục ... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Cơ sở dữ liệu sao chép và bảng ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Tải lên vị trí sao lưu ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Tải về từ vị trí sao lưu ... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Điều này có thể mất đến 5 phút.

Không đóng cửa sổ trình duyệt này cho đến khi nhiệm vụ hoàn tất. _warnings_rootinstall=Cảnh báo: Ứng dụng này đã được cài đặt vào một thư mục có chứa các tập tin hiện có. {installatron} làm cho mọi nỗ lực để theo dõi các tập tin và thư mục liên quan đến ứng dụng được cài đặt này, tuy nhiên việc sao lưu sẽ không chứa các tập tin hoặc thư mục được tạo ra bên ngoài của các cài đặt / nâng cấp quy trình, hoặc các tập tin được thêm vào. _warnings_diskspace=Cảnh báo: không gian đĩa có sẵn nằm trong biên độ lỗi, nhiệm vụ có thể thất bại. _errors_invalidselection=Lựa chọn không hợp lệ. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Chào mừng bạn đến wizard {installatron} {task}! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Hướng dẫn này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn qua quá trình cài đặt của {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Wizard này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn thông qua việc nhập khẩu một thể cài đặt bên ngoài của {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Wizard này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn thông qua quá trình {task} cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt lựa chọn. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Wizard này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn thông qua quá trình {task} cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt lựa chọn. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Wizard này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn thông qua quá trình {task} cho các bản sao lưu ứng dụng được cài đặt lựa chọn. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Wizard này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn thông qua quá trình {task} cho lựa chọn sao lưu ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_intro_installwill=Quá trình cài đặt sẽ thêm một thể hiện của ứng dụng đã chọn tên miền của bạn. Điều này sẽ tạo ra các tập tin và thư mục của phần mềm, và một cơ sở dữ liệu (nếu được sử dụng bởi các ứng dụng). _tasks_intro_updatewill=Quá trình nâng cấp sẽ cập nhật các tập tin và cơ sở dữ liệu (nếu được sử dụng bởi các ứng dụng), tạo cho bạn một phiên bản mới hơn của ứng dụng. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=Quá trình nâng cấp sẽ cập nhật các tập tin và cơ sở dữ liệu (nếu được sử dụng bởi các ứng dụng), tạo cho bạn một phiên bản mới hơn của ứng dụng. _tasks_intro_importwill=Quá trình nhập khẩu mang lại một thể cài đặt bên ngoài của một ứng dụng vào hệ thống {installatron}. Ứng dụng nhập thành công có thể được sử dụng và nâng cấp từ "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Quá trình gỡ bỏ cài đặt sẽ xóa tất cả các file và thư mụccơ sở dữ liệu và bảng liên kết với các phần mềm cài đặt, và không thể đảo ngược. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=Quá trình xóa sẽ xóa tất cả các tập tin liên kết với các bản sao lưu được chọn, và không thể đảo ngược. _tasks_intro_restorewill=Quá trình khôi phục bản sao các tập tin và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu của một bản sao lưu đến các địa điểm ban đầu của họ, trở về các ứng dụng để tình trạng của nó khi sao lưu đã được tạo ra. Quá trình này sẽ ghi đè lên bất kỳ tập tin, thư mục và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu hiện đang tồn tại trong vị trí ban đầu của ứng dụng. _tasks_intro_backupwill=Quá trình sao lưu tùy chọn sẽ tạo ra file trùng lặp, thư mục, và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu. Sao lưu có thể được "phục hồi", có thể hữu ích nếu một ứng dụng bị hỏng hoặc bị tấn công, hoặc nếu nâng cấp thất bại. _tasks_intro_clonewill=Quá trình nhân bản các bản sao một ứng dụng cài đặt vào một vị trí khác nhau. Tất cả các file, thư mục, và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu được nhân đôi, và cài đặt ứng dụng được cập nhật tại địa điểm mới. _tasks_intro_templatewill=Quá trình mẫu có một bản chụp của các ứng dụng được cài đặt mà sau đó có thể được lựa chọn như là một cơ sở cho việc cài đặt mới. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Hãy nhận biết _tasks_intro_updatenotices=
  • Nâng cấp một ứng dụng được cài đặt có thể thêm các tính năng mới, sửa lỗi, và có lẽ quan trọng nhất, sửa chữa lỗ hổng bảo mật. Nếu lỗ hổng bảo mật còn lại không cố định trang web của bạn có thể có nguy cơ cao bị "tấn công". Các quản trị viên máy chủ muốn thấy tất cả các ứng dụng cài đặt giữ đến nay.

  • Luôn luôn có nguy cơ liên quan đến việc nâng cấp một ứng dụng làm việc. Trong khi {installatron} làm cho mọi nỗ lực để thực hiện nâng cấp trong sạch, hầu hết các cách miễn phí rủi ro có thể, không có đảm bảo rằng nó sẽ thành công.

  • Nếu một sao lưu các ứng dụng tồn tại việc nâng cấp có thể được hoàn tác bằng cách sử dụng công cụ khôi phục trên "_tabs_mybackups" tab của bạn. Nếu bạn chưa có một bản sao lưu, và bạn có đủ không gian đĩa trong tài khoản của bạn, chúng tôi khuyên bạn thực hiện một bản sao lưu.

  • Nâng cấp đôi khi có thể thiết lập lại các mẫu, bổ sung, và sửa đổi.

  • Có thể, nếu ưa thích, để thực hiện một nâng cấp dẫn của ứng dụng được cài đặt. {installatron} sẽ tự động phát hiện phiên bản mới được cài đặt sau khi nâng cấp dẫn hoàn tất.
  • Nâng cấp một ứng dụng được cài đặt có thể thêm các tính năng mới, sửa lỗi, và có lẽ quan trọng nhất, sửa chữa lỗ hổng bảo mật. Nếu lỗ hổng bảo mật còn lại không cố định trang web của bạn có thể có nguy cơ cao bị "tấn công". Các quản trị viên máy chủ muốn thấy tất cả các ứng dụng cài đặt giữ đến nay.

  • Luôn luôn có nguy cơ liên quan đến việc nâng cấp một ứng dụng làm việc. Trong khi {installatron} làm cho mọi nỗ lực để thực hiện nâng cấp trong sạch, hầu hết các cách miễn phí rủi ro có thể, không có đảm bảo rằng nó sẽ thành công.

  • Nếu một sao lưu các ứng dụng tồn tại việc nâng cấp có thể được hoàn tác bằng cách sử dụng công cụ khôi phục trên "_tabs_mybackups" tab của bạn. Nếu bạn chưa có một bản sao lưu, và bạn có đủ không gian đĩa trong tài khoản của bạn, chúng tôi khuyên bạn thực hiện một bản sao lưu.

  • Nâng cấp đôi khi có thể thiết lập lại các mẫu, bổ sung, và sửa đổi.

  • Có thể, nếu ưa thích, để thực hiện một nâng cấp dẫn của ứng dụng được cài đặt. {installatron} sẽ tự động phát hiện phiên bản mới được cài đặt sau khi nâng cấp dẫn hoàn tất.
_tasks_intro_iscomplete=Các {task} hoàn tất. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Nhấn nút Next dưới đây để bắt đầu. _tasks_install_complete=Cài đặt hoàn tất. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=Nâng cấp xong. _tasks_upgrade_complete=Nâng cấp xong. _tasks_update_completealready=Việc nâng cấp đã được hoàn thành. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=Việc nâng cấp đã được hoàn thành. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Clone hoàn tất. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Đây là ứng dụng được cài đặt lựa chọn. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Hãy chọn một vị trí để cài đặt {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Xin vui lòng nhập một URL để cài đặt {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Chọn một vị trí cho các ứng dụng cài đặt được nhân bản để trong tài khoản lưu trữ web của bạn. _tasks_location_thelocationis=Với vị trí là một sự kết hợp của một tên miền và một thư mục để cùng xác định nơi các tập tin sẽ được cài đặt và nơi mà các ứng dụng sẽ được xem trong một trình duyệt web sau khi cài đặt. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=URL nhập sẽ xác định nơi các tập tin sẽ được cài đặt và nơi mà các ứng dụng sẽ được xem trong một trình duyệt web sau khi cài đặt. _tasks_location_domain=Miền _tasks_location_website=trang web _tasks_location_path=Thư mục (bắt buộc) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=Tên miền và thư mục đã chọn ở trên đại diện cho các URL (liên kết trang web) được hiển thị ở đây: _tasks_location_equivalentof=Tên miền và thư mục đã chọn ở trên đại diện cho một URL (một liên kết trang web) và cũng là một đường dẫn vật lý trên ổ cứng của máy chủ, cả hai đều được hiển thị ở đây: _tasks_location_installlocation=Cài đặt từ _tasks_location_urlequivalent=Tương đương URL của địa điểm được chọn _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Con đường tương đương với địa điểm được chọn _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} đã phát hiện ra rằng các cài đặt vị trí đã chọn ở trên được bảo vệ bởi mật khẩu. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} đòi hỏi rằng tên người dùng và mật khẩu trước khi cài đặt có thể tiếp tục. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Không tự động duy trì các bản sao lưu. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=hàng ngày _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=hàng tuần _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=hàng tháng _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} hàng ngày _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} hàng tuần _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} hàng tháng _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=một bản sao lưu hàng ngày cho những ngày {day} qua _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=một bản sao lưu hàng ngày _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=một {day} ngày sao lưu cũ _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=một ngày {day1}-{day2} sao lưu cũ _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Chọn phiên bản của {app} để cài đặt. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Mẹo: Bạn nên chọn phiên bản mới nhất, trừ khi bạn yêu cầu một bản phát hành trước đó. _tasks_version_branch=chi nhánh _tasks_version_latest=mới nhất _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=rủi ro thấp mới nhất _tasks_version_recommended=đề nghị _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Tự động cập nhật ứng dụng được cài đặt ngay lập tức như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Tự động cập nhật ứng dụng được cài đặt ngay lập tức như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=Sau ngày {days} sao lưu được tạo ra tự động hết hạn và bị xóa để không gian đĩa miễn phí. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=Sau ngày {days} sao lưu được tạo ra tự động hết hạn và bị xóa để không gian đĩa miễn phí. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=Tuy nhiên, trước khi hết thời sao lưu được tạo ra có thể được giữ lại bằng cách chọn tùy chọn từ "_tabs_mybackups" tab của bạn. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=Tuy nhiên, trước khi hết thời sao lưu được tạo ra có thể được giữ lại bằng cách chọn tùy chọn từ "_tabs_mybackups" tab của bạn. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Cập nhật thực giữa nửa đêm và thời gian máy chủ 06:00 và các thông báo email được gửi đi với kết quả của mỗi lần cập nhật. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Cập nhật thực giữa nửa đêm và thời gian máy chủ 06:00 và các thông báo email được gửi đi với kết quả của mỗi lần cập nhật. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Tự động cập nhật lên phiên bản mới và phiên bản bảo mật nhỏ được khuyến khích như các phiên bản cải tiến có ứng dụng quan trọng và thông thường sẽ không tác động tiêu cực chức năng trang web. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Tự động cập nhật lên phiên bản mới và phiên bản bảo mật nhỏ được khuyến khích như các phiên bản cải tiến có ứng dụng quan trọng và thông thường sẽ không tác động tiêu cực chức năng trang web. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Không tự động cập nhật. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Không tự động cập nhật. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật cho các phiên bản nhỏ mới và phiên bản bảo mật. (Recommended) _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật cho các phiên bản nhỏ mới và phiên bản bảo mật. (Recommended) _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật cho bất kỳ phiên bản mới. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật cho bất kỳ phiên bản mới. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Không tự động cập nhật {app} bổ sung. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Không tự động cập nhật {app} bổ sung. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật {app} bổ sung như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật {app} bổ sung như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Không tự động cập nhật các chủ đề {app}. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Không tự động cập nhật các chủ đề {app}. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật các chủ đề {app} như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Tạo ra một bản sao lưu và cập nhật các chủ đề {app} như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Tạo một bản sao lưu và tự động sao lưu phục hồi nếu các cập nhật không. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Tạo một bản sao lưu và tự động sao lưu phục hồi nếu các cập nhật không. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Đừng tạo ra một bản sao lưu. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Đừng tạo ra một bản sao lưu. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Tự động sao lưu và cập nhật các ứng dụng được cài đặt ngay lập tức như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn.

Sao lưu được tạo ra tự động phục hồi nếu cập nhật không thành công, và các thông báo email được gửi đi với kết quả của mỗi lần cập nhật. Cập nhật thực hiện giữa nửa đêm và 06:00 localtime. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Tự động sao lưu và cập nhật các ứng dụng được cài đặt ngay lập tức như các phiên bản mới trở nên có sẵn.

Sao lưu được tạo ra tự động phục hồi nếu cập nhật không thành công, và các thông báo email được gửi đi với kết quả của mỗi lần cập nhật. Cập nhật thực hiện giữa nửa đêm và 06:00 localtime. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Chọn phiên bản đích để nâng cấp {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Chọn phiên bản đích để nâng cấp {app}. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Chọn phiên bản đích cho mỗi ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Chọn phiên bản đích cho mỗi ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Có gì mới _tasks_version_currentversion=Phiên bản hiện tại _tasks_version_versioninstalled=Phiên bản hiện đang được cài đặt. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Điểm đến bản _tasks_version_updatetoversion=chọn một phiên bản nâng cấp lên _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=chọn một phiên bản nâng cấp lên _tasks_version_manualupdate=hướng nâng cấp chỉ _tasks_version_manualupgrade=hướng nâng cấp chỉ _tasks_version_noupdate=nâng cấp không được hỗ trợ _tasks_version_noupgrade=nâng cấp không được hỗ trợ _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=yêu cầu không được đáp ứng _tasks_version_updateplugins=Cập nhật Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Cập nhật Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Lựa chọn có {app} bổ sung cần được cập nhật. Phát hiện sự bổ sung được liệt kê. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Có, cập nhật {app} bổ sung. _tasks_version_noplugins=Không, không cập nhật {app} bổ sung. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Cập nhật đề? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Cập nhật đề? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Lựa chọn có {app} chủ đề cần được cập nhật. Phát hiện ra các chủ đề ngày được liệt kê. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Có, cập nhật {app} chủ đề. _tasks_version_nothemes=Không, không cập nhật các chủ đề {app}. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Xin vui lòng đọc và chấp nhận EULA cho {app} phiên bản {version} trước khi tiếp tục. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=Các thỏa thuận cấp phép người dùng cuối phác thảo như thế nào phần mềm có thể được sử dụng, và có thể bao gồm các quy định về sử dụng thương mại, sửa đổi, và phân phối, cùng với thông tin về trả tiền cho các phiên bản của ứng dụng. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Tôi chấp nhận các thỏa thuận cấp phép _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Tôi không chấp nhận thỏa thuận cấp phép _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=Ứng dụng web này đòi hỏi một cơ sở dữ liệu để lưu trữ dữ liệu. _tasks_db_selectadb=Chọn một cơ sở dữ liệu cho việc cài đặt này. _tasks_db_createadb=Tạo ra một cơ sở dữ liệu bằng cách sử dụng bảng điều khiển cung cấp hosting của web và nhập các thông tin cơ sở dữ liệu ở đây. _tasks_db_existingdb=Mẹo: Nếu bạn không muốn tạo ra một cơ sở dữ liệu mới, nó cũng có thể nhập thông tin cho một cơ sở dữ liệu hiện có. Quá trình cài đặt sẽ sử dụng một bảng cơ sở dữ liệu tiền tố duy nhất để tránh xung đột với các dữ liệu hiện có. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Hệ thống cơ sở dữ liệu cho phép một lượng lớn dữ liệu được lưu trữ và lấy ra một cách nhanh chóng và hiệu quả, và nhiều ứng dụng được cài đặt bởi {installatron} đòi hỏi một cơ sở dữ liệu để lưu trữ dữ liệu của họ. {installatron} sẽ tự động quản lý thiết lập cơ sở dữ liệu, nó chỉ đòi hỏi một cơ sở dữ liệu có sẵn. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=nhập các máy chủ cơ sở dữ liệu báo cáo của bảng điều khiển máy chủ web của bạn. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Quản lý cơ sở dữ liệu _tasks_db_createforme=Tự động tạo ra một cơ sở dữ liệu mới cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_db_manageforme=Tự động quản lý các thiết lập cơ sở dữ liệu cho tôi. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Hãy để tôi quản lý các thiết lập này. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Hãy để tôi chọn một cơ sở dữ liệu hiện có. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Sử dụng một cơ sở dữ liệu khác nhau _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Các thiết lập này cho phép bạn tùy biến và cá nhân hóa ứng dụng cài đặt này. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=Các giá trị thiết lập có thể được sửa đổi sau trong {installatron} hoặc trong ứng dụng được cài đặt. _settings_adminusername=nhập tên người dùng cho người sử dụng quản trị viên _settings_adminpassword=nhập mật khẩu cho người sử dụng quản trị viên _settings_adminemail=nhập địa chỉ email của bạn _settings_yournam=nhập tên của bạn _settings_sitetitle=nhập tiêu đề cho trang web _settings_sitetagline=nhập khẩu hiệu cho các trang web _settings_businessname=nhập tên doanh nghiệp của bạn _settings_language=chọn một ngôn ngữ _settings_installcontent=chọn nội dung _settings_cleaninstall=Hãy cho tôi một {app} sạch sẽ cài đặt (tôi sẽ thêm nội dung của riêng tôi!) _settings_democontent=Xin vui lòng thêm nội dung bản demo {app} trong khi cài đặt _settings_versionchannel_lts=Hỗ trợ dài hạn (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Hỗ trợ ngắn hạn _settings_passwordstrength_show=Hiển thị mật khẩu _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Mật khẩu _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Tạo _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Sức mạnh: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Quá ngắn _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Yếu ớt _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Công bằng _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Khỏe mạnh _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Hai yếu tố xác với Clef. (Recommended)
Tải ứng dụng điện thoại di động _settings_twofactor_no=Đừng cho phép xác thực hai yếu tố. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} đã sẵn sàng để {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired={task} này sẽ đòi hỏi {sizea}MB của diskspace để hoàn thành. Tài khoản của bạn có không gian {sizeb}MB có sẵn. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Nhấn Submit để thực hiện các {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} tại là {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Chú ý: Bạn đã chọn để cài đặt vào các "thư mục gốc (thư mục cấp cao nhất) của miền lựa chọn. _warnings_existingcontent=Chú ý: Bạn đã chọn để cài đặt vào thư mục với nội dung hiện có. _warnings_continuepresok=Nếu bạn muốn cài đặt trong thư mục này nhấn nút Ok dưới đây, hoặc nhấn Cancel để thay đổi đường dẫn. _warnings_oauthaccess=Bạn sẽ được nhắc nhở để cho phép truy cập {service} khi lưu biểu mẫu này. _warnings_backupexpiry=Các sao lưu được tạo sẽ tự động hết hạn và bị xóa sau {days} ngày. _errors_installexists=Một thể hiện của {app} đã tồn tại trong thư mục này. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=Không có phiên bản của ứng dụng này tương thích với các vị trí đã chọn cài đặt. _errors_noinstallversion=Các lựa chọn phiên bản {version} không tương thích với vị trí đã chọn cài đặt. _errors_dbcreate=Không thể tạo ra một cơ sở dữ liệu. Kiểm tra tài khoản lưu trữ của bạn có ít nhất một cơ sở dữ liệu có sẵn. Nếu có, xin vui lòng liên hệ với máy chủ của bạn. _errors_nodatabases=Bạn không có trước khi tạo ra cơ sở dữ liệu MySQL. Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng tùy chọn cơ sở dữ liệu này, bạn phải sử dụng bảng điều khiển để tạo ra một cơ sở dữ liệu trước khi cài đặt ứng dụng này. _errors_nodomains=Không có tên miền có sẵn cho tài khoản này. Sử dụng lưu trữ bảng điều khiển để thêm một tên miền trước khi cài đặt một ứng dụng. _errors_alreadylatest=Các ứng dụng web được lựa chọn vẫn đang chạy phiên bản mới nhất. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=Các ứng dụng web được lựa chọn đã chạy phiên bản mới nhất. _errors_manualupdate=Phiên bản đã chọn, hoặc một phiên bản giữa nó và phiên bản cài đặt, yêu cầu dẫn nâng cấp. Tự động nâng cấp không được hỗ trợ. Xem tài liệu của ứng dụng cho thông tin dẫn nâng cấp. _errors_manualupgrade=Phiên bản đã chọn, hoặc một phiên bản giữa nó và phiên bản cài đặt, yêu cầu dẫn nâng cấp. Tự động nâng cấp không được hỗ trợ. Xem tài liệu của ứng dụng cho thông tin dẫn nâng cấp. _errors_noupdate=Phiên bản đã chọn, hoặc một phiên bản giữa nó và phiên bản cài đặt, không hỗ trợ nâng cấp. Kiểm tra trang web của ứng dụng để xem nếu một công cụ "di cư" có sẵn. _errors_noupgrade=Phiên bản đã chọn, hoặc một phiên bản giữa nó và phiên bản cài đặt, không hỗ trợ nâng cấp. Kiểm tra trang web của ứng dụng để xem nếu một công cụ "di cư" có sẵn. _errors_unmetrequirements=Các máy chủ lưu trữ không đáp ứng các yêu cầu của phiên bản này của ứng dụng này, vì vậy phiên bản này không có thể được nâng cấp lên. Cấu hình máy chủ rất nhiều và đa dạng, và không phải tất cả các ứng dụng (hoặc các phiên bản của một ứng dụng) sẽ làm việc trên tất cả các máy chủ. _errors_eula=Để cài đặt ứng dụng này, bạn phải đồng ý với các thỏa thuận cấp phép người dùng cuối. _errors_installquotadomain=Lĩnh vực được lựa chọn đã đạt số lượng tối đa của {app} cài đặt đồng thời ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Tài khoản của bạn đã đạt đến số lượng tối đa của {app} cài đặt đồng thời ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Xin vui lòng liên hệ với nhà cung cấp dịch vụ của bạn để nâng cấp tài khoản của bạn. _errors_accountupgrade=Xin vui lòng liên hệ với nhà cung cấp dịch vụ của bạn để nâng cấp tài khoản của bạn. _errors_script=Có lỗi xảy ra trong khi thực hiện các ứng dụng API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Các ứng dụng đã cài đặt sẽ được gỡ bỏ: _tasks_uninstall_complete=Gỡ bỏ cài đặt hoàn tất. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=Cơ sở dữ liệu này được chia sẻ bởi một hoặc nhiều ứng dụng khác và do đó không thể bị xóa. Chỉ bảng có thể được xóa. Cẩn thận không để xóa bảng liên kết với một ứng dụng khác. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Thông báo: {installatron} không biết các tập tin và / hoặc thư mục có liên quan đến ứng dụng cài đặt này. Vui lòng chọn các tập tin và thư mục mà nên được bao gồm trong bản sao lưu. _warnings_extrafiles=Cảnh báo: tập tin và / hoặc thư mục được lựa chọn mà có thể không được liên kết với cài đặt này. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Nếu bạn muốn tiến hành lựa chọn hiện tại, kích nút Ok dưới đây, hoặc nhấn Cancel để thay đổi lựa chọn. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Chọn các tập tin, thư mục, và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu bị xóa. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Các bản sao lưu sẽ bị xóa: _tasks_delete_complete=Việc loại bỏ sao lưu hoàn tất. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Chọn các tập tin, thư mục, và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu được bao gồm trong bản sao lưu. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Mục in đậm được biết là có liên quan đến cài đặt này (có nghĩa là, chúng được tạo ra trong quá trình cài đặt hoặc nâng cấp). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Mẹo: Nếu bạn chưa có một bản sao lưu, và bạn có đủ không gian đĩa trong tài khoản của bạn, chúng tôi khuyên bạn thực hiện một bản sao lưu. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Có, tạo ra một bản sao lưu trước khi thực hiện nâng cấp. _tasks_backup_nobackup=Không, không tạo ra một bản sao lưu trước khi thực hiện nâng cấp. _tasks_backup_complete=Sao lưu hoàn tất. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Tự động sao lưu _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Cấu hình tự động sao lưu _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Thêm tự động sao lưu _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Tạo ra, xoay và xóa các bản sao lưu để duy trì: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Tự động duy trì các bản sao lưu ứng dụng được cài đặt dựa trên một lịch trình. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Sao lưu được tạo ra và luân chuyển giữa nửa đêm và thời gian máy chủ 06:00, và một bản sao lưu thất bại sẽ không bao giờ quay một bản sao lưu làm việc. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=Vị trí nơi lưu trữ bản sao lưu sẽ được tạo ra cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Thay đổi vị trí nơi sao lưu được tạo ra cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Sao lưu hiện có tiếp tục làm việc tại vị trí hiện tại. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Không thêm một vị trí sao lưu. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Thêm một địa điểm sao lưu mới. _tasks_backup_label=Nhãn (bắt buộc) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Văn bản mô tả tốt hơn sao lưu. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Ước tính Kích _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Ước tính kích thước nén của các kho lưu trữ sao lưu được tạo ra cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Tài khoản lưu trữ web của tôi. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Tài khoản của tôi _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Các tập tin và Thư mục _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Cơ sở dữ liệu và bảng _tasks_delete_backups=Sao lưu _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=Số lượng các bản sao lưu có sẵn cho miền này đã bị vượt quá. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=Số lượng các bản sao lưu có sẵn cho tài khoản này đã bị vượt quá. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=Số lượng các bản sao lưu có sẵn cho các ứng dụng cài đặt này đã bị vượt quá. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Nhập URL đến vị trí của ứng dụng được cài đặt để được di chuyển. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Nhập địa chỉ IP mà các URL nguồn nên quyết tâm. Để trống trường này nếu nguồn giải quyết một cách chính xác thông qua DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Từ tài khoản khác nhau _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Chọn tùy chọn này để di chuyển và nhập khẩu vào hệ thống {installatron} một ứng dụng được cài đặt được đặt trên một tài khoản lưu trữ web từ xa. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=Bạn sẽ được nhắc nhở để chọn một vị trí trong tài khoản lưu trữ web của địa phương đối với các ứng dụng được cài đặt sẽ được sao chép vào. Không có thay đổi sẽ được thực hiện cho các ứng dụng được cài đặt trên các máy chủ lưu trữ web từ xa. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Từ tài khoản này _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Chọn tùy chọn này để nhập vào hệ thống {installatron} một ứng dụng được cài đặt mà nằm trong địa phương tài khoản lưu trữ web. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=Bạn sẽ được nhắc nhở để chọn vị trí hiện tại của ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_import_selectversion=Chọn phiên bản cài đặt. Giá trị này thường được hiển thị trong bảng điều hành chính ứng dụng cài đặt của. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Nhập các thông tin cơ sở dữ liệu được sử dụng bởi các ứng dụng được cài đặt. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Mẹo: Các giá trị cơ sở dữ liệu thường có thể được tìm thấy trong một tập tin có tên config.php hoặc settings.php, thường bao gồm /, admin / hoặc thư mục ứng dụng. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Không thể tự động xác định bảng tiền tố. Xin vui lòng nhập mã chính xác. _tasks_import_dircontents=Nội dung thư mục _tasks_import_allfiles=Tất cả các file trong thư mục đó thuộc về ứng dụng cài đặt này _tasks_import_somefiles=Chỉ một số tập tin trong thư mục đó thuộc về ứng dụng cài đặt này _tasks_import_complete=Việc nhập khẩu hoàn tất. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=Các di chuyển hoàn tất. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Con đường này không được tìm thấy. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Khôi phục vị trí ban đầu _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Chọn tùy chọn này để khôi phục lại bản sao lưu vào vị trí ban đầu của nó, trở về các ứng dụng cho tình trạng của nó khi sao lưu đã được tạo ra. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=Quá trình này sẽ ghi đè lên bất kỳ tập tin, thư mục và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu đang tồn tại ở vị trí ban đầu của ứng dụng. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Khôi phục đến vị trí mới _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Chọn tùy chọn này để khôi phục lại các sao lưu vào một vị trí mới. Bạn sẽ được nhắc nhở để chọn một vị trí trong tài khoản lưu trữ web của địa phương đối với các ứng dụng được cài đặt để được phục hồi. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=Quá trình này sẽ không ảnh hưởng đến vị trí ban đầu của ứng dụng. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Chọn các tập tin, thư mục, và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu sẽ được khôi phục. _tasks_restore_these=Các tập tin, thư mục, và các bảng cơ sở dữ liệu được liệt kê dưới đây sẽ được phục hồi. _tasks_restore_reditems=Vật phẩm màu đỏ sẽ ghi đè lên một mục hiện có ở đích đến. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Cảnh báo: Khôi phục tập tin cá nhân, thư mục, hoặc các bảng không được khuyến khích trừ khi sao lưuđiểm đến có cùng một phiên bản của ứng dụng ứng dụng web. _tasks_restore_source=Nguồn _tasks_restore_destination=Điểm đến _tasks_restore_complete=Khôi phục hoàn tất. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Tiêu đề _tasks_template_nametext=Tiêu đề để mô tả các bản mẫu. _tasks_template_desc=Miêu tả _tasks_template_desctext=Văn bản để mô tả các bản mẫu. _tasks_template_complete=Các mẫu được hoàn tất. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Đây là nhiệm vụ của bạn từ 10 phút vừa qua. Nhiệm vụ thực hiện trong nền. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Đây là những nhiệm vụ chủ sở hữu trang web của bạn từ 10 phút vừa qua. Nhiệm vụ thực hiện trong nền. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Không có nhiệm vụ hiện đang thực hiện hoặc hoàn thành trong 10 phút vừa qua. _tasks_afatalerror=Một lỗi nghiêm trọng đã xảy ra. _tasks_taskaborted=Các nhiệm vụ đã được hủy bỏ. _mytasks_abort=hủy bỏ var/installatron/locale/no/user.tasks.ini000064400000160702147205211660014536 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installerer _tasks_uninstalling=Avinstallerer _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Oppgraderer _tasks_upgrading=Oppgraderer _tasks_backuping=Backup _tasks_cloning=Kloner _tasks_restoring=Gjenoppretting av backup _tasks_importing=Importerer _tasks_deleting=Sletter backup _tasks_templating=Templat _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=nådd _tasks_updated=oppdatert _tasks_upgraded=oppdatert _tasks_backedup=sikkerhetskopiert _tasks_edited=endret _tasks_cloned=klonet _tasks_uninstalled=avinstallert _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=gjenopprettet _tasks_imported=importert _tasks_deleted=slettet _tasks_templated=malbasert _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=installer _tasks_uninstall=avinstaller _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=oppgrader _tasks_upgrade=oppgrader _tasks_clone=klon _tasks_backup=sikkerhetskopi _tasks_restore=gjenopprett _tasks_import=importer _tasks_delete=slett _tasks_template=mal _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Anbefalt _notes_canbemodified=Denne kan endres ved å endre den installerte applikasjonen. _notes_includedinhostemail=Denne informasjonen er typisk inkludert i din webhotellkontos velkomstepost. _notes_donotmodify=Ikke endre denne innstillingen. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send tilbakemelding lar deg sende forslag om {installatron}-produktet. Vi ønsker velkommen problemrapporter, funksjonsidéer og generelle kommentarer. _notes_versionnotes={version}
versjonsnotater _notes_releasedate=Installer sluppet _notes_latest=Dette er den siste støttede versjonen av denne programvaren. _notes_latestofbranch=Dette er den siste versjonen i '{branch}' grenen. _notes_nolongersupported=Denne versjonen støttes ikke lengre. _notes_notinstallable=Denne versjonen er ikke mulig å installere lengre. _notes_installed=Dette er den installerte versjonen. _notes_latestversion=siste versjon _notes_latestversionofbranch=siste versjon av '{branch}' _notes_updateminor=Denne versjonen er en lav risiko oppgradering. Mindre endringer, bugfikser og sikkerhetsfikser er introdusert. _notes_upgrademinor=Denne versjonen er en lav risiko oppgradering. Mindre endringer, bugfikser og sikkerhetsfikser er introdusert. _notes_updatemajor=Denne versjonen er en høyere risiko oppgradering. Betydelige nye funksjoner og endringer er introdusert. _notes_upgrademajor=Denne versjonen er en høyere risiko oppgradering. Betydelige nye funksjoner og endringer er introdusert. _ftp_type=FTP-protkoll _ftp_entertheinfo=Skriv inn FTP-innloggingsinformasjonen for den ovenstående URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTPS (File Transfer Protocol over SSL) _ftp_ftp=FTP (File Transfer Protocol) _ftp_sftp=SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Adresse (IP-adresse eller vertnavn) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Brukernavn _ftp_pass=Passord _ftp_path=Sti _ftp_enterthepath=Skriv stien fra kontoens rotmappe til ovenstående installeringslokasjon. _email_notification=E-postvarsling _email_notification_auto=Send alle e-postvarslinger for den installerte applikasjonen. _email_notification_choose=La meg velge hvilke meldinger blir sendt. _email_notification_selectthe=Velg e-postvarsler som sendes for det installerte programmet. _email_admin_report=Admin Rapport _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Oppsummering {hostname} _email_install_complete=Installer Komplett _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installert _email_install_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

{app} v{version} har blitt installert for å:



Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å administrere dette installere.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_install_error=Installasjonsfeil _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installere mislyktes _email_install_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

{app} v{version} har unnlatt å installere og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_backup_complete=Backup Komplett _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup nå tilgjengelig _email_backup_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Prosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} backup har lyktes.

Backup størrelse: {backup_size}MB

For å bruke denne sikkerhetskopien, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøyet.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_backup_error=Backup Feil _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup mislyktes _email_backup_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Prosessen backup for {myapp} ligger på {url} har sviktet og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_restore_complete=Gjenopprett Komplett _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restaurert _email_restore_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Sikkerhetskopier restaurering prosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har lyktes.


Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å administrere dette installere.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_restore_error=Gjenopprett Feil _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restaurering mislyktes _email_restore_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Den valgte backup av {myapp} ligger på {url} har unnlatt å gjenopprette og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_update_available=Oppdatering tilgjengelig _email_upgrade_available=Oppdatering tilgjengelig _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} nå tilgjengelig {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} nå tilgjengelig {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

En oppdatering til {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} er nå tilgjengelig for de {app} installasjoner du administrerer bruker {installatron}. Følgende kan oppdateres:


Endringene for denne versjonen er:


Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å oppdatere dine installerte programmer.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_upgrade_available_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

En oppdatering til {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} er nå tilgjengelig for de {app} installasjoner du administrerer bruker {installatron}. Følgende kan oppdateres:


Endringene for denne versjonen er:


Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å oppdatere dine installerte programmer.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_update_complete=Oppdater Komplett _email_upgrade_complete=Oppdater Komplett _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatert _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatert _email_update_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har lyktes.

Ny installert versjon: {newversion}

Slutten av rapporten. _email_upgrade_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har lyktes.

Ny installert versjon: {newversion}

Slutten av rapporten. _email_update_error=Oppdater Feil _email_upgrade_error=Oppdater Feil _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatering mislyktes _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatering mislyktes _email_update_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har sviktet og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_upgrade_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har sviktet og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Oppdatering tilgjengelig _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Oppdatering tilgjengelig _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nå tilgjengelig _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nå tilgjengelig _email_pluginupdate_available_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

En oppdatering til {appaddon} {newversion} er nå tilgjengelig for de {app} installasjoner du administrerer bruker {installatron}. Følgende kan oppdateres:


Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å oppdatere dine installerte programmer.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

En oppdatering til {appaddon} {newversion} er nå tilgjengelig for de {app} installasjoner du administrerer bruker {installatron}. Følgende kan oppdateres:


Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å oppdatere dine installerte programmer.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Komplett _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Komplett _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatert ({addontype} oppdatering) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatert ({addontype} oppdatering) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Den {addontype} oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har lyktes.

Nye {addontype} versjoner:


Slutten av rapporten. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Den {addontype} oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har lyktes.

Nye {addontype} versjoner:


Slutten av rapporten. _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatering mislyktes ({addontype} oppdatering) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} oppdatering mislyktes ({addontype} oppdatering) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Den {addontype} oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har sviktet og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Den {addontype} oppdateringsprosessen for {myapp} ligger på {url} har sviktet og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_clone_complete=Klone Komplett _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} klonet _email_clone_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Den klone prosess for {myapp} ligger på {urlsource} har lykkes og er nå tilgjengelig på:



Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å administrere dette installere.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_clone_error=Clone Feil _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} klone mislyktes _email_clone_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Den klone prosess for {myapp} ligger på {urlsource} har sviktet og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_migrate_complete=Migrere Komplett _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrert _email_migrate_complete_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Migreringsprosessen for {app} ligger på {urlsource} har lykkes og er nå tilgjengelig på:



Logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet og naviger til {installatron} verktøy for å administrere dette installere.

Slutten av rapporten. _email_migrate_error=Migrere Feil _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrasjon mislyktes _email_migrate_error_text=Dette er en automatisk e-post fra {installatron}. For å melde deg ut av disse e-postene eller endre varslingsinnstillinger, logg inn på din web hosting kontrollpanelet, navigere til {installatron} verktøyet, og velge de installerte programmene du ønsker å endre.

Migreringsprosessen for {app} ligger på {url} har sviktet og detaljene i fiasko, er registrert.

Teknisk feil:

Slutten av rapporten. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Passordbeskyttelse oppdaget _password_pwonthisdomain=Passordbeskyttelse er oppdaget på dette domenet. Brukernnavn og passord er påkrevt før {task} kan fortsette. Legg merke til at dette passordet og brukernavnet evt. er noen du har opprettet tidligere. {installatron} har IKKE opprettet dette og det har ingenting med denne installasjonen å gjøre. _password_username=Brukernavn _password_entertheusername=angi brukernavn for å gi tilgang til installeringslokasjon med nettleser _password_password=Passord _password_enterthepassword=angi passord for å gi tilgang til installeringslokasjon med nettleser _error_passwordfailed=Innloggingsdetaljene du har oppgitt virker ikke. Vennligst prøv igjen eller bruk ditt kontrollpanel til å fjerne passordbeskyttelsen. _error_domainfailed=En test av det valgte domene har mislyktes (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} kan ikke installere på et domene som ikke peker til denne kontoen eller laster på denne kontoen

Dersom dette er en ny konto eller om det er et domene som akkurat har blitt registrert så ber vi deg vente noen timer før du prøver igjen. _error_diskfailed={oppgave} vil kreve {size} MB ledig diskplass til å fullføre. Tilstrekkelig diskplass er for øyeblikket ikke tilgjengelig.

For hjelp til å legge til ekstra diskplass, kontakt din webhosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Kunne ikke koble til web hosting server. Vennligst prøv igjen om et par minutter. _error_authfailed=Kunne ikke authenicate med den medfølgende login og passord. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed={oppgave} krever tillatelse til '{path}'. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatisk administrere avanserte innstillinger for meg. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatisk klone disse innstillingene fra kilden installerte programmet. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=La meg administrere disse innstillingene. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Konfigurere flere innstillinger for det installerte programmet. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Disse innstillingene inkluderer kontroller for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=Verdiene er angitt kan endres senere innen {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Ledelse _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Innstilling Ledelse _tasks_shared_waiting=Venter... _tasks_shared_processing=Prosesserer... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Rydder opp ... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Kopierer filer og mapper... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Kopierer database og tabeller... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Laste opp til backup plassering ... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Nedlasting fra sikkerhetskopien ... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=Dette vil ta opp til 5 minutter.

Ikke steng dette vindet før alle oppgavene er ferdig. _warnings_rootinstall=Advarsel: Skriptet ble installert i en mappe som innholdt eksisterende filer. {instattaltron} prøver å holde oversikt over hvilke filer og mapper som hører til denne programvaren, men evt. backupfiler vil ikke inneholde filer eller mapper opprettet utenfor installasjon/oppgraderingsprosessen. _warnings_diskspace=Advarsel: Tilgjengelig diskplass er innenfor nedre grenser for hva som er tillatt. Det kan bli feil på oppgaven! _errors_invalidselection=Feil valg _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Velkommen til {installatron} {task} veiviser! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Denne veiviseren vil guide deg gjennom installasjonen av {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Denne veiviseren vil guide deg gjennom import av en eksternt installert forekomst av {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Denne veiviseren vil guide deg gjennom {task} prosess for de valgte installerte programmer. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Denne veiviseren vil guide deg gjennom {task} prosess for den valgte installerte programmet.
_tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Denne veiviseren vil guide deg gjennom {task} prosess for de valgte installerte programmet sikkerhetskopier. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Denne veiviseren vil guide deg gjennom {task} prosess for den valgte installerte programmet backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=Installasjonen vil legge til en forekomst av den valgte applikasjonen til ditt domene. Dette vil skape de filer og kataloger av programvaren, og en database (hvis brukt av programmet). _tasks_intro_updatewill=Oppgraderingsprosessen vil oppdatere filer og database (hvis brukt av applikasjonen), noe som gir deg en nyere versjon av programmet. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=Oppgraderingsprosessen vil oppdatere filer og database (hvis brukt av applikasjonen), noe som gir deg en nyere versjon av programmet. _tasks_intro_importwill=Importen bringer en eksternt installert forekomst av en søknad til {installatron} system. Vellykket importerte programmer kan brukes og oppgradert fra "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Avinstallasjonen vil slette alle filer og kataloger og databaser og tabeller knyttet til installert programvare, og kan ikke reverseres. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=Den delete prosessen vil slette alle filer knyttet til de valgte backup, og kan ikke reverseres. _tasks_intro_restorewill=Gjenopprettingsprosessen kopierer filer og database tabeller av en backup til de opprinnelige steder, returnere søknaden til sin status da sikkerhetskopien ble opprettet. Denne prosessen vil overskrive filer, kataloger og databasetabeller som finnes for øyeblikket i programmets opprinnelige plasseringen. _tasks_intro_backupwill=Den valgfrie backup prosessen vil skape dupliserte filer, kataloger og databasetabeller. Sikkerhetskopier kan "gjenopprettet", som kan være nyttig hvis en søknad blir skadet eller hacket, eller om en oppgradering mislykkes. _tasks_intro_clonewill=Den klone Prosessen duplikater et installert program til et annet sted. Alle filer, kataloger og databasetabeller er duplisert, og programinnstillinger er oppdatert for den nye plasseringen. _tasks_intro_templatewill=Malen prosessen tar et øyeblikksbilde av det installerte programmet som deretter kan velges som grunnlag for nye installasjoner. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Vær varsom _tasks_intro_updatenotices=
  • Oppgradering et installert program kan legge til nye funksjoner, fikse bugs, og kanskje viktigst, fikse sikkerhetshull. Hvis sikkerhetshull blir liggende unfixed ditt nettsted kan ha høy risiko for å bli "hacket". Serveradministratorer liker å se alle installerte programmer holdes oppdatert.

  • Det er alltid risiko involvert i å oppgradere en fungerende program. Mens {installatron} gjør sitt ytterste for å utføre oppgraderinger i den reneste, mest risiko-fri måte, er det ingen garanti for at det vil lykkes.

  • Hvis en backup av søknaden foreligger oppgraderingen kan angres med gjenopprette verktøyet på din "_tabs_myapplications" tab. Denne oppgraderingen veiviseren vil gi deg en mulighet til å lage en sikkerhetskopi.

  • Oppgradering kan noen ganger tilbakestille maler, plugins og modifikasjoner.

  • Det er mulig, hvis ønskelig, å utføre en manuell oppgradering av installerte programmet. Du kan deretter bruke _tools_edit verktøyet på din "_tabs_myapplications" for å oppdatere opplysningene som vises i {installatron}.
  • Oppgradering et installert program kan legge til nye funksjoner, fikse bugs, og kanskje viktigst, fikse sikkerhetshull. Hvis sikkerhetshull blir liggende unfixed ditt nettsted kan ha høy risiko for å bli "hacket". Serveradministratorer liker å se alle installerte programmer holdes oppdatert.

  • Det er alltid risiko involvert i å oppgradere en fungerende program. Mens {installatron} gjør sitt ytterste for å utføre oppgraderinger i den reneste, mest risiko-fri måte, er det ingen garanti for at det vil lykkes.

  • Hvis en backup av søknaden foreligger oppgraderingen kan angres med gjenopprette verktøyet på din "_tabs_myapplications" tab. Denne oppgraderingen veiviseren vil gi deg en mulighet til å lage en sikkerhetskopi.

  • Oppgradering kan noen ganger tilbakestille maler, plugins og modifikasjoner.

  • Det er mulig, hvis ønskelig, å utføre en manuell oppgradering av installerte programmet. Du kan deretter bruke _tools_edit verktøyet på din "_tabs_myapplications" for å oppdatere opplysningene som vises i {installatron}.
_tasks_intro_iscomplete={task} er fullført. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Klikk Neste-knappen for å begynne. _tasks_install_complete=Installasjonen er fullført. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=Oppgraderingen er fullført. _tasks_upgrade_complete=Oppgraderingen er fullført. _tasks_update_completealready=Oppgraderingen var allerede ferdig. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=Oppgraderingen var allerede ferdig. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Den klone er fullført. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Dette er den valgte installerte programmet. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Vennligst velg en lokasjon for installasjon av {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Vennligst skriv inn en URL for å installere {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Velg en plassering for det installerte programmet skal klones til i din web hosting konto. _tasks_location_thelocationis=Plasseringen er en kombinasjon av et domene og en sti som sammen bestemmer hvor filene skal installeres og hvor applikasjonen skal vises i en nettleser etter installasjon. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=Den nettadresse angitt vil bestemme hvor filene skal installeres og hvor programmet vil bli sett i en nettleser etter installasjon. _tasks_location_domain=Domene _tasks_location_website=Nettside _tasks_location_path=Sti (Valgfritt) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=Valgt domene og sti ovenfor representerer en url (en link til en webside) vises her: _tasks_location_equivalentof=Domenet og filbanen valgt ovenfor representerer en url (en link til en webside) og også en fysisk bane på serverens harddisk. Begge vises her. _tasks_location_installlocation=Hvor vil du installere _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL tilsvarende valgt plassering _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Filbane tilsvarende valgt plassering _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} har oppdaget at installasjonsplasseringen valgt ovenfor er beskyttet av et passord. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} krever et brukernavn og passord før du installeringen kan fortsette. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Ikke automatisk opprettholde sikkerhetskopier. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daglig _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=ukentlig _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=månedlig _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daglig _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} ukentlig _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} månedlig _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=en daglig backup for de siste {day} dager _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=en daglig backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=ett {day}-dag gammel backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=ett {day1}-{day2} dag gammel backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Velg en versjon av {app} for å installere. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tips: Du bør velge den nyeste versjonen, med mindre du trenger en tidligere utgivelse. _tasks_version_branch=gren _tasks_version_latest=siste _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=nyeste lav risiko _tasks_version_recommended=anbefales _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatisk oppdatering til nye mindre versjoner og sikkerhetsrelaterte versjoner anbefales da disse utgivelsene inneholder kritiske applikasjoner forbedringer og vanligvis vil ikke ha negativ innvirkning på nettstedet funksjonalitet. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatisk oppdatering til nye mindre versjoner og sikkerhetsrelaterte versjoner anbefales da disse utgivelsene inneholder kritiske applikasjoner forbedringer og vanligvis vil ikke ha negativ innvirkning på nettstedet funksjonalitet. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Ikke automatisk oppdatere. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Ikke automatisk oppdatere. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Oppdatere til nye mindre versjoner og sikkerhetsrelaterte versjoner. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Oppdatere til nye mindre versjoner og sikkerhetsrelaterte versjoner. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Lag en backup og oppdaterer til noen ny versjon. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Lag en backup og oppdaterer til noen ny versjon. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Ikke automatisk oppdaterer {app} plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Ikke automatisk oppdaterer {app} plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Lag en sikkerhetskopi og oppdatere {app} plugins som nye versjoner blir tilgjengelige. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Lag en sikkerhetskopi og oppdatere {app} plugins som nye versjoner blir tilgjengelige. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Ikke automatisk oppdaterer {app} temaer. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Ikke automatisk oppdaterer {app} temaer. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Lag en sikkerhetskopi og oppdatere {app} temaer som nye versjoner blir tilgjengelige. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Lag en sikkerhetskopi og oppdatere {app} temaer som nye versjoner blir tilgjengelige. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Det opprettes backup automatisk gjenopprettet hvis oppdateringen mislykkes, og emailinformasjon sendes med resultatet av hver oppdatering.

Oppdateringer utføre mellom midnatt og 6am lokaltid. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Det opprettes backup automatisk gjenopprettet hvis oppdateringen mislykkes, og emailinformasjon sendes med resultatet av hver oppdatering.

Oppdateringer utføre mellom midnatt og 6am lokaltid. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Velg en versjon for {app} oppgradering. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Velg en versjon for {app} oppgradering. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Velg destinasjonsversjon for hver installerte applikasjon. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Velg destinasjonsversjon for hver installerte applikasjon. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Hva er nytt _tasks_version_currentversion=Nåværende versjon _tasks_version_versioninstalled=Installert versjon _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destinasjonsversjon _tasks_version_updatetoversion=Velg en versjon å oppgradere til _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=Velg en versjon å oppgradere til _tasks_version_manualupdate=Kun manuell oppgradering _tasks_version_manualupgrade=Kun manuell oppgradering _tasks_version_noupdate=oppgradering støttes ikke _tasks_version_noupgrade=oppgradering støttes ikke _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=krav ikke møtt _tasks_version_updateplugins=Oppdater Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Oppdater Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Velg om {app} plugins bør oppdateres. Oppdaget utdatert plugins er oppført. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Ja, oppdatere {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=Nei, ikke oppdaterer {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Oppdater Temaer? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Oppdater Temaer? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Velg om {app} temaer bør oppdateres. Oppdaget utdatert temaer er listet opp. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Ja, oppdatere {app} temaer. _tasks_version_nothemes=Nei, ikke oppdaterer {app} temaer. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Vennligst les og godta lisensavtalen for {app} versjon {version} før du fortsetter. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the software. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Jeg har lest og aksepterer lisensvilårene _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Jeg aksepterer ikke lisensvilkårene _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} lisensavtale _tasks_db_requiresadb=Denne webapplikasjonen krever en database for lagring av data _tasks_db_selectadb=Velg en database for denne installasjonen _tasks_db_createadb=Opprett en database ved hjelp av webhosterens kontrollpanel og skriv databaseinformasjon her. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: Hvis du ikke ønsker å opprette en ny database, er det også mulig å skrive inn informasjon om en eksisterende database. Installasjonen vil bruke en unik database tabell prefiks for å unngå konflikter med eksisterende data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Databasesystemer tillate store mengder data som skal lagres og hentes på en rask og effektiv måte, og mange av programmene som er installert av {installatron} krever en database til å lagre sine data. {installatron} vil automatisk administrere database oppsett, det krever bare at en database være tilgjengelig. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=Angi databasen vert rapportert av din web host kontrollpanel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Databasebehandling _tasks_db_createforme=Automatisk opprette en ny database for det installerte programmet. _tasks_db_manageforme=Administrer databaseinnstillingene for meg _tasks_db_letmemanage=La meg administrere databaseinnstillingene _tasks_db_letmechoose=La meg velge en eksisterende database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Bruk en annen database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Disse innstillingene gjør at du kan tilpasse og personliggjøre din installerte applikasjon. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=Verdiene er angitt kan endres senere innen {installatron} eller innenfor det installerte programmet. _settings_adminusername=skriv inn et brukernavn for administratoren _settings_adminpassword=skriv inn et passord for administratoren _settings_adminemail=skriv inn din e-post adresse _settings_yournam=skriv inn ditt navn _settings_sitetitle=skriv inn et navn for nitt nettsted _settings_sitetagline=skriv slagord for nettsiden _settings_businessname=skriv inn ditt firmanavn _settings_language=velg et språk _settings_installcontent=velg innhold _settings_cleaninstall=Gi meg en tom {app} installasjon (jeg legger til mitt eget innhold!) _settings_democontent=Vennligst legg til {app} demoinnhold under installasjon _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (anbefales) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} er klar for {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=Denne {oppgave} vil kreve {sizea}MB diskplass til å fullføre. Kontoen din har {sizeb}MB ledig plass. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Klikk Send for å utføre {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} utfører {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=NB! Du har valgt å installere i 'hjemmemappen' (toppmappen) for det valgte domenet _warnings_existingcontent=NB! Du har valgt å installere i en mappe med eksisterende innhold. _warnings_continuepresok=Hvis du ønsker å installere i denne katalogen klikker du på OK-knappen nedenfor, eller klikk på Avbryt for å endre banen. _warnings_oauthaccess=Du vil bli bedt om å autorisere {service} tilgang på sparing dette skjemaet. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=En installasjon av {script} finnes allerede i denne mappen. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=Ingen versjon av dette programmet er kompatibelt med den valgte installere plassering. _errors_noinstallversion=Den valgte versjonen {version} er ikke kompatibel med den valgte installere plassering. _errors_dbcreate=Kan ikke opprette database. Sjekk at din konto har minst 1 ledig database. Dersom den har det og du fortsatt har problemer, tar do kontakt med supportavdelingen. _errors_nodatabases=Du har ingen forhåndsopprettede MySQL databaser. Dersom du ønser å bruke dette databasevalget, må du bruke ditt kontrollpanel og opprette en database og tilhørende informasjon før skriptet kan installeres. _errors_nodomains=Ingen domener er tilgjengelig for denne kontoen. Bruk kontrollpanele for å legge til et domene før du installerer et skript. _errors_alreadylatest=Du har allerede installert den siste versjonen av dette skriptet. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=De webapplikasjoner valgt allerede kjører den nyeste versjonen. _errors_manualupdate=Versjonen du har valgt, eller en versjon mellom den og den installerte versjonen, krever manuell oppgradering. Automatisk oppgradering støttes ikke. Sjekk dokumentasjonen for det aktuelle skriptet for informasjon om manuell oppgradering. _errors_manualupgrade=Versjonen du har valgt, eller en versjon mellom den og den installerte versjonen, krever manuell oppgradering. Automatisk oppgradering støttes ikke. Sjekk dokumentasjonen for det aktuelle skriptet for informasjon om manuell oppgradering. _errors_noupdate=Versjonen du har valgt, eller en versjon mellom den og den installerte versjonen, støtter ikke oppgradering. Automatisk oppgradering støttes ikke. Sjekk dokumentasjonen for det aktuelle skriptet for informasjon om oppgradering eller dataflytting. _errors_noupgrade=Versjonen du har valgt, eller en versjon mellom den og den installerte versjonen, støtter ikke oppgradering. Automatisk oppgradering støttes ikke. Sjekk dokumentasjonen for det aktuelle skriptet for informasjon om oppgradering eller dataflytting. _errors_unmetrequirements=Serveren møter ikke minstekravene for denne versjonen av skriptet, så skriptet kan ikke oppgraderes. Serverkonfigurasjonene er mange og varierte og ikke alle skript (eller versjoner av skript) virker på alle servere. _errors_eula=For å installere dette skriptet, må du aksepterer lisensavtalen _errors_installquotadomain=Den valgte domenet har nådd det maksimale antallet {app} samtidige installasjoner ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Kontoen din har nådd maksimalt antall {app} samtidige installasjoner ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Ta kontakt med tjenesteleverandøren for å oppgradere kontoen din. _errors_accountupgrade=Ta kontakt med tjenesteleverandøren for å oppgradere kontoen din. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Disse installerte applikasjonene vil fjernes: _tasks_uninstall_complete=Avinstallasjonen er fullført. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=Denne databasen er delt av ett eller flere skript og kan ikke slettes. Bare tabeller som hører til denne installasjonen kan slettes. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=NB! {installatron} vet ikke hvilke filer og/eller mapper som hører til en eller flere installasjoner som er listet under. Vennligst velg filer og mapper som skal være med i sikkerhetskopien. _warnings_extrafiles=Advarsel: Filer og / eller kataloger er valgt som kanskje ikke bli assosiert med dette installere. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Hvis du ønsker å fortsette med dagens utvalg klikk på OK-knappen nedenfor, eller klikk på Avbryt for å endre valget. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Velg filer, mapper og databasetabeller som skal slettes. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Disse backupene vil slettes: _tasks_delete_complete=Sletting av backup er fullført. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Velg filene, kataloger og databasetabeller som skal inkluderes i sikkerhetskopien. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Fet skrift er kjent for å være assosiert med dette installere (det vil si, de ble skapt under installere eller oppgradere). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: Hvis du ikke allerede har en sikkerhetskopi, og du har nok diskplass på kontoen din, anbefales det at du utfører en sikkerhetskopi. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Ja, oppretter en sikkerhetskopi før du utfører oppgraderingen. _tasks_backup_nobackup=Nei, ikke oppretter en sikkerhetskopi før du utfører oppgraderingen. _tasks_backup_complete=Backup er fullført. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatisk sikkerhetskopiering _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Prekonfigurert Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Ytterligere Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Lag, rotere og slette sikkerhetskopier for å opprettholde: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatisk opprett installerte program sikkerhetskopier basert på en timeplan. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Sikkerhetskopier er opprettet og roteres mellom midnatt og 6am server tid, og en mislykket backup vil aldri rotere en fungerende backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=Stedet hvor sikkerhetskopien vil bli opprettet for det installerte programmet. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Endre plasseringen hvor sikkerhetskopier er skapt for det installerte programmet. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Eksisterende sikkerhetskopier fortsette å arbeide på det nåværende plassering. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Ikke legg til en backup plassering. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Legg til en ny sikkerhetskopien. _tasks_backup_label=Etikett (valgfritt) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Tekst som bedre beskriver backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimert størrelse _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimert komprimert størrelsen på sikkerhetskopien som skal opprettes for det installerte programmet. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Min web hosting konto. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Min konto _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Filer og mapper _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Databaser og tabeller _tasks_delete_backups=Backuper _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Angi lokasjon for eksisterende installasjon. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Skriv inn IP-adressen som nettadressen kilden skal løses til. La dette feltet stå tomt hvis kilden løser riktig via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Fra annen konto _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Velg dette alternativet for å migrere og importere inn i {installatron} system et installert program som ligger på en ekstern web hosting konto. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=Du vil bli bedt om å velge et sted innenfor det lokale web hosting konto for det installerte programmet skal kopieres til, og du vil bli bedt om å oppgi informasjon som gjør {installatron} for å kommunisere med den eksterne web hosting konto. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Fra denne kontoen _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Velg dette alternativet for å importere inn i {installatron} system et installert program som ligger innenfor den lokale web hosting konto. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=Du vil bli bedt om å velge den gjeldende plasseringen av det installerte programmet. _tasks_import_selectversion=Velg installert versjon _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Angi databaseinformasjon brukt av installert applikasjon. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tips: Verdiene for databasen kan ofte finnes i filer som heter config.pgp eller settings.php. Disse dinner du ofte i /includes, admin eller installasjonsmappen. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Kan ikke fastslå tabellprefixet automatisk. Vennligst angi riktig prefiks. _tasks_import_dircontents=Mappeinnhold _tasks_import_allfiles=Alle filer i den mappen hører til denne installasjonen _tasks_import_somefiles=Kun noen filer i den mappen tilhører denne installasjonen _tasks_import_complete=Importen er fullført. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=Overføringen er fullført. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Filbanen ble ikke funnet _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Gjenopprette til original plassering _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Velg dette alternativet for å gjenopprette sikkerhetskopien til den opprinnelige plasseringen, returnere søknaden til sin status når sikkerhetskopien ble opprettet. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=Denne prosessen vil overskrive alle filer, kataloger og databasetabeller som i dag eksisterer i programmets opprinnelige plassering. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Gjenopprette til ny plassering _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Velg dette alternativet for å gjenopprette sikkerhetskopien til et nytt sted. Du vil bli bedt om å velge en plassering innenfor det lokale web hosting konto for det installerte programmet for å bli gjenopprettet til. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=Denne prosessen vil ikke påvirke programmets opprinnelige plassering. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Velg filer, mapper og databasetabeller som vil bli gjennopprettet. _tasks_restore_these=De filer, kataloger og databasetabeller nedenfor vil bli gjenopprettet. _tasks_restore_reditems=Røde elementer vil overskrive en eksisterende element i målet. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Advarsel: Gjenopprette individuelle filer, kataloger eller tabeller anbefales ikke, med mindre backup sted inneholde samme versjon av web-applikasjon søknaden. _tasks_restore_source=Kilde _tasks_restore_destination=Destinasjon _tasks_restore_complete=Gjennoppretting er fullført. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Tittel _tasks_template_nametext=Tittel til å beskrive malen. _tasks_template_desc=Beskrivelse _tasks_template_desctext=Tekst til å beskrive malen. _tasks_template_complete=Malen er fullført. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Dette er dine oppgaver fra de siste 10 minutter. Oppgaver utføre i bakgrunnen. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Dette er ditt nettsted eiers oppgaver fra de siste 10 minutter. Oppgaver utføre i bakgrunnen. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Det er ingen oppgaver i dag utfører eller fullført i løpet av de siste 10 minutter. _tasks_afatalerror=Det har oppstått en alvorlig feil. _tasks_taskaborted=Oppgaven har blitt avbrutt. _mytasks_abort=abortere var/installatron/locale/sk/user.tasks.ini000064400000157555147205227200014550 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Inštalácia _tasks_uninstalling=Odinštalovanie _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Aktualizácia _tasks_upgrading=Aktualizácia _tasks_backuping=Zálohovanie _tasks_cloning=Klonovanie _tasks_restoring=Obnovenie zálohy _tasks_importing=Importovanie _tasks_deleting=Odstránenie zálohy _tasks_templating=Šablóny _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=prístup _tasks_updated=updated _tasks_upgraded=updated _tasks_backedup=backed-up _tasks_edited=edited _tasks_cloned=cloned _tasks_uninstalled=uninstalled _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restored _tasks_imported=imported _tasks_deleted=deleted _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=install _tasks_uninstall=uninstall _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=update _tasks_upgrade=update _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=backup _tasks_restore=restore _tasks_import=import _tasks_delete=delete _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recommended _notes_canbemodified=This can be modified by editing the installed application. _notes_includedinhostemail=This information is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email. _notes_donotmodify=Do not modify this setting. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send Feedback lets you submit suggestions about the {installatron} product. We welcome problem reports, feature ideas and general comments. _notes_versionnotes={version}
version notes _notes_releasedate=Version released _notes_latest=This is the latest supported version of this software. _notes_latestofbranch=This version is the latest version in the '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=This version is no longer supported. _notes_notinstallable=This version is no longer installable. _notes_installed=This is the installed version. _notes_latestversion=latest version _notes_latestversionofbranch=latest version of '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_upgrademinor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_updatemajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _notes_upgrademajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Enter the login information for the above URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP Address or Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Enter the path from the account's root directory to the above install location. _email_notification=Email Notification _email_notification_auto=Send all email notifications for the installed application. _email_notification_choose=Let me choose which notifications are sent. _email_notification_selectthe=Select the email notifications sent for the installed application. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Install Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installed _email_install_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has been installed to:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_install_error=Install Error _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install failed _email_install_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has failed to install and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_complete=Backup Complete _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup now available _email_backup_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

Backup size: {backup_size}MB

To use this backup, login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup failed _email_backup_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restored _email_restore_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup restoration process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password Protection Detected _password_pwonthisdomain=Password protection is detected on this location. The username and password are required before this {task} can continue. Note that this password protection was set external to {installatron}, and is not associated with this application installer system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=enter the username used to access the install location with a web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=enter the password used to access the install location with a web browser _error_passwordfailed=The login details provided have failed. Please try again or contact your web host if you do not know the password. _error_domainfailed=A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is unable to install on a domain that is not resolving/loading to this web account.

If this is a new web hosting account, or if this is a newly registered domain, please allow up to 24 hours for the domain to begin working (though usually within a few hours).

If you're sure that the domain is correctly loading to your web account, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=This may take up to 5 minutes.

Do not close this browser window until the task is complete. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Available disk space is within the margin of error; task could fail. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices=
  • Updating an installed application can add new features, fix bugs, and perhaps most importantly, fix security holes. If security holes are left unfixed your website can be at high risk of being "hacked". Server administrators like to see all installed applications kept up to date.

  • There is always risk involved in updating a working application. While {installatron} makes every effort to perform updates in the cleanest, most risk-free way possible, there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

  • If a backup of the application exists the update can be undone using the restore tool on your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup.

  • Updating can sometimes reset templates, plugins, and modifications.

  • It is possible, if preferred, to perform a manual update of the installed application. {installatron} will automatically detect the new installed version after the manual update is complete.
  • Updating an installed application can add new features, fix bugs, and perhaps most importantly, fix security holes. If security holes are left unfixed your website can be at high risk of being "hacked". Server administrators like to see all installed applications kept up to date.

  • There is always risk involved in updating a working application. While {installatron} makes every effort to perform updates in the cleanest, most risk-free way possible, there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

  • If a backup of the application exists the update can be undone using the restore tool on your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup.

  • Updating can sometimes reset templates, plugins, and modifications.

  • It is possible, if preferred, to perform a manual update of the installed application. {installatron} will automatically detect the new installed version after the manual update is complete.
_tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Install Location _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Path equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=latest _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Please read and accept the EULA for {app} version {version} before continuing. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the application. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=This web application requires a database for data storage. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Database Management _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=These settings allow you to customize and personalize this installed application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=enter a username for the administrator user _settings_adminpassword=enter a password for the administrator user _settings_adminemail=enter your email address _settings_yournam=enter your name _settings_sitetitle=enter title for the website _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=enter your business name _settings_language=select a language _settings_installcontent=select the content _settings_cleaninstall=Give me a clean {app} install (I'll add my own content!) _settings_democontent=Please add the {app} demo content during install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is ready to {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=This {task} will require {sizea}MB of diskspace to complete. Your account has {sizeb}MB space available. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Press Submit to perform the {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort var/installatron/locale/iw/user.tasks.ini000064400000157521147205236050014546 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installing _tasks_uninstalling=Uninstalling _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Updating _tasks_upgrading=Updating _tasks_backuping=Backing-Up _tasks_cloning=Cloning _tasks_restoring=Restoring Backup _tasks_importing=Importing _tasks_deleting=Deleting Backup _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=accessed _tasks_updated=updated _tasks_upgraded=updated _tasks_backedup=backed-up _tasks_edited=edited _tasks_cloned=cloned _tasks_uninstalled=uninstalled _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=restored _tasks_imported=imported _tasks_deleted=deleted _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=install _tasks_uninstall=uninstall _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=update _tasks_upgrade=update _tasks_clone=clone _tasks_backup=backup _tasks_restore=restore _tasks_import=import _tasks_delete=delete _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Recommended _notes_canbemodified=This can be modified by editing the installed application. _notes_includedinhostemail=This information is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email. _notes_donotmodify=Do not modify this setting. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Send Feedback lets you submit suggestions about the {installatron} product. We welcome problem reports, feature ideas and general comments. _notes_versionnotes={version}
version notes _notes_releasedate=Version released _notes_latest=This is the latest supported version of this software. _notes_latestofbranch=This version is the latest version in the '{branch}' branch. _notes_nolongersupported=This version is no longer supported. _notes_notinstallable=This version is no longer installable. _notes_installed=This is the installed version. _notes_latestversion=latest version _notes_latestversionofbranch=latest version of '{branch}' branch _notes_updateminor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_upgrademinor=This version is a low risk update. Minor changes, bug fixes and security fixes introduced. _notes_updatemajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _notes_upgrademajor=This version is a higher risk update. Significant new features and changes introduced. _ftp_type=Protocol _ftp_entertheinfo=Enter the login information for the above URL. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP with TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP Address or Hostname) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Username _ftp_pass=Password _ftp_path=Path _ftp_enterthepath=Enter the path from the account's root directory to the above install location. _email_notification=Email Notification _email_notification_auto=Send all email notifications for the installed application. _email_notification_choose=Let me choose which notifications are sent. _email_notification_selectthe=Select the email notifications sent for the installed application. _email_admin_report=Admin Report _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Update Summary {hostname} _email_install_complete=Install Complete _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} installed _email_install_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has been installed to:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_install_error=Install Error _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} install failed _email_install_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

{app} v{version} has failed to install and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_complete=Backup Complete _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup now available _email_backup_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

Backup size: {backup_size}MB

To use this backup, login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_backup_error=Backup Error _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup failed _email_backup_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_complete=Restore Complete _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restored _email_restore_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The backup restoration process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_restore_error=Restore Error _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} backup restoration failed _email_restore_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The selected backup of {myapp} located at {url} has failed to restore and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_available=Update Available _email_upgrade_available=Update Available _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} now available {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


The changes for this version are:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_complete=Update Complete _email_upgrade_complete=Update Complete _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated _email_update_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New installed version: {app} {newversion}

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_update_error=Update Error _email_upgrade_error=Update Error _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed _email_update_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_upgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on Update Available _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} now available _email_pluginupdate_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

An update to {appaddon} {newversion} is now available for the {app} installations you are managing using {installatron}. The following can be updated:


Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to update your installed applications.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Update Complete _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} updated ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has succeeded.

New {addontype} versions:


End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Update Error _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} update failed ({addontype} update) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The {addontype} update process for {myapp} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_complete=Clone Complete _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} cloned _email_clone_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_clone_error=Clone Error _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} clone failed _email_clone_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The clone process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_complete=Migrate Complete _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrated _email_migrate_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_migrate_error=Migrate Error _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migration failed _email_migrate_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The migration process for {app} located at {url} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Password Protection Detected _password_pwonthisdomain=Password protection is detected on this location. The username and password are required before this {task} can continue. Note that this password protection was set external to {installatron}, and is not associated with this application installer system. _password_username=Username _password_entertheusername=enter the username used to access the install location with a web browser _password_password=Password _password_enterthepassword=enter the password used to access the install location with a web browser _error_passwordfailed=The login details provided have failed. Please try again or contact your web host if you do not know the password. _error_domainfailed=A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: {code}).

{installatron} is unable to install on a domain that is not resolving/loading to this web account.

If this is a new web hosting account, or if this is a newly registered domain, please allow up to 24 hours for the domain to begin working (though usually within a few hours).

If you're sure that the domain is correctly loading to your web account, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_diskfailed=This {task} will require {size}MB of available disk space to complete. Sufficient disk space is currently not available.

For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_connectfailed=Could not connect to the web hosting server. Please try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists please double check the provided connection. _error_authfailed=Could not authenticate with the provided login and password. Please double check the provided credentials. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed=Insufficient user permission to `{path}'. For assistance please contact your web hosting administrator. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Automatically manage advanced settings for me. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Automatically clone these settings from the source installed application. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Configure additional settings for the installed application. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=These settings include controls for: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron}. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Advanced Setting Management _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Setting Management _tasks_shared_waiting=Waiting... _tasks_shared_processing=Processing... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Cleaning up... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Copying files and directories... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Copying database and tables... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Uploading to backup location... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Downloading from backup location... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=This may take up to 5 minutes.

Do not close this browser window until the task is complete. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Warning: Available disk space is within the margin of error; task could fail. _errors_invalidselection=Invalid selection. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Welcome to the {installatron} {task} wizard! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=This wizard will guide you through the installation of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Be aware _tasks_intro_updatenotices=
  • Updating an installed application can add new features, fix bugs, and perhaps most importantly, fix security holes. If security holes are left unfixed your website can be at high risk of being "hacked". Server administrators like to see all installed applications kept up to date.

  • There is always risk involved in updating a working application. While {installatron} makes every effort to perform updates in the cleanest, most risk-free way possible, there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

  • If a backup of the application exists the update can be undone using the restore tool on your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup.

  • Updating can sometimes reset templates, plugins, and modifications.

  • It is possible, if preferred, to perform a manual update of the installed application. {installatron} will automatically detect the new installed version after the manual update is complete.
  • Updating an installed application can add new features, fix bugs, and perhaps most importantly, fix security holes. If security holes are left unfixed your website can be at high risk of being "hacked". Server administrators like to see all installed applications kept up to date.

  • There is always risk involved in updating a working application. While {installatron} makes every effort to perform updates in the cleanest, most risk-free way possible, there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

  • If a backup of the application exists the update can be undone using the restore tool on your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup.

  • Updating can sometimes reset templates, plugins, and modifications.

  • It is possible, if preferred, to perform a manual update of the installed application. {installatron} will automatically detect the new installed version after the manual update is complete.
_tasks_intro_iscomplete=The {task} is complete. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Click the Next button below to begin. _tasks_install_complete=The installation is complete. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_upgrade_complete=The update is complete. _tasks_update_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=The update was already completed. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=The clone is complete. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=This is the selected installed application. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Please select a location to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Please enter a URL to install {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domain _tasks_location_website=Website _tasks_location_path=Directory (Optional) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Install Location _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Path equivalent of selected location _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} has detected that the install location selected above is protected by a password. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} requires that username and password before installing can continue. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Do not automatically maintain backups. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=daily _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=a daily backup for the past {day} days _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=one daily backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Select the version of {app} to install. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Tip: You should choose the newest version, unless you require an earlier release. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=latest _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=latest low risk _tasks_version_recommended=recommended _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Automatically update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=After {days} days the created backup automatically expires and is deleted to free disk space. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Do not automatically update. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Update to new minor versions and security releases. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Update to any new version. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Do not automatically update plugins. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Update all plugins as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Do not automatically update themes. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Update all themes as new versions become available. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Create a temporary backup and automatically restore the backup if the update fails. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Do not create a backup. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automatically backup and update the installed application immediately as new versions become available. The created backup is automatically restored if the update fails.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM localtime, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Select the destination version for the {app} update. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Select the destination version for each installed application. _tasks_version_whatsnew=What's New _tasks_version_currentversion=Current Version _tasks_version_versioninstalled=The version currently installed. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Destination Version _tasks_version_updatetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=select a version to update to _tasks_version_manualupdate=manual update only _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manual update only _tasks_version_noupdate=update is not supported _tasks_version_noupgrade=update is not supported _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=requirements not met _tasks_version_updateplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Update Plugins? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Select whether {app} plugins should be updated. Detected out of date plugins are listed. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Yes, update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_noplugins=No, do not update {app} plugins. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Update Themes? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Select whether {app} themes should be updated. Detected out of date themes are listed. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Yes, update {app} themes. _tasks_version_nothemes=No, do not update {app} themes. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Please read and accept the EULA for {app} version {version} before continuing. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=The end user license agreement outlines how the software may be used, and can include rules on commercial use, modification, and distribution, along with information on pay-for versions of the application. _tasks_eula_iaccept=I accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=I do not accept the license agreement _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=This web application requires a database for data storage. _tasks_db_selectadb=Select a database for this install. _tasks_db_createadb=Create a database using your web hosting provider's control panel and enter the database information here. _tasks_db_existingdb=Tip: If you don't want to create a new database, it's also possible to enter information for an existing database. The install process will use a unique database table prefix to avoid conflicts with existing data. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=enter the database host reported by your web host's control panel. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Database Management _tasks_db_createforme=Automatically create a new database for the installed application. _tasks_db_manageforme=Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Let me manage these settings. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Let me choose an existing database. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Use a different database _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=These settings allow you to customize and personalize this installed application. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=The values set can be modified later within {installatron} or within the installed application. _settings_adminusername=enter a username for the administrator user _settings_adminpassword=enter a password for the administrator user _settings_adminemail=enter your email address _settings_yournam=enter your name _settings_sitetitle=enter title for the website _settings_sitetagline=enter tagline for the website _settings_businessname=enter your business name _settings_language=select a language _settings_installcontent=select the content _settings_cleaninstall=Give me a clean {app} install (I'll add my own content!) _settings_democontent=Please add the {app} demo content during install _settings_versionchannel_lts=Long Term Support (Recommended) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Short Term Support _settings_passwordstrength_show=Show Password _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Hide Password _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Generate _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Strength: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Too Short _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Weak _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Fair _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Strong _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Two-factor authentication with Clef.
Download mobile app _settings_twofactor_no=Do not enable two-factor authentication. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} is ready to {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=This {task} will require {sizea}MB of diskspace to complete. Your account has {sizeb}MB space available. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Press Submit to perform the {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Notice: You have chosen to install into the 'root directory' (the top level directory) of the selected domain. _warnings_existingcontent=Notice: You have chosen to install into directory with existing content. _warnings_continuepresok=If you wish to install in this directory click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the path. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=The created backup will automatically expire and be deleted after {days} days. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_accountupgrade=Please contact your service provider to update your account. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=These installed applications will be removed: _tasks_uninstall_complete=The uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=This database is shared by one or more other applications and so cannot be deleted. Only tables can be deleted. Be careful not to delete tables associated with another application. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Notice: {installatron} does not know which files and/or directories are associated this installed application. Please select the files and directories that should be included in the backup. _warnings_extrafiles=Warning: Files and/or directories are selected that may not be associated with this install. _warnings_extrafilespresok=If you wish to proceed with current selection click the Ok button below, or click Cancel to change the selection. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=These backups will be deleted: _tasks_delete_complete=The backup removal is complete. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Select the files, directories, and database tables to be included in the backup. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Tip: If you don't already have a backup, and you have enough disk space in your account, it is recommended that you perform a backup. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Yes, create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_nobackup=No, do not create a backup before performing the {task}. _tasks_backup_complete=The backup is complete. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Preconfigured Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Automatically maintain installed application backups based on a schedule. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=The location where the backup archive will be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Change the location where backups are created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Existing backups continue to work at the present location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Do not add a backup location. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Add a new backup location. _tasks_backup_label=Label (Optional) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Text that better describes the backup. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Estimated Size _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Estimated compressed size of the backup archive to be created for the installed application. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=My web hosting account. _tasks_backup_myaccount=My Account _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Files & Directories _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Database & Tables _tasks_delete_backups=Backups _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=The number of backups available to this domain has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=The number of backups available to this account has been exceeded. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=The number of backups available for this installed application has been exceeded. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Enter the URL to the location of the installed application to be migrated. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=From different account _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=From this account _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=The import is complete. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=The migration is complete. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=This path was not found. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Select the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored. _tasks_restore_these=The files, directories, and database tables listed below will be restored. _tasks_restore_reditems=Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Warning: Restoring individual files, directories, or tables is not recommended unless the backup and destination contain the same version of the web application application. _tasks_restore_source=Source _tasks_restore_destination=Destination _tasks_restore_complete=The restore is complete. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Title _tasks_template_nametext=Title to describe the template. _tasks_template_desc=Description _tasks_template_desctext=Text to describe the template. HTML is acceptable. _tasks_template_complete=The template is complete. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=These are your tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=These are your website owner's tasks from the past 10 minutes. Tasks execute in the background. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=There are no tasks currently executing or completed within the past 10 minutes. _tasks_afatalerror=A fatal error has occurred. _tasks_taskaborted=The task has been aborted. _mytasks_abort=abort