contrib/_securetransport/__init__.py000064400000000000147205427720013717 0ustar00contrib/_securetransport/__init__.pyc000064400000000260147205427720014072 0ustar00 abc@sdS(N((((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__init__.pyttcontrib/_securetransport/__init__.pyo000064400000000260147205427720014106 0ustar00 abc@sdS(N((((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__init__.pyttcontrib/_securetransport/bindings.py000064400000042230147205427720013770 0ustar00""" This module uses ctypes to bind a whole bunch of functions and constants from SecureTransport. The goal here is to provide the low-level API to SecureTransport. These are essentially the C-level functions and constants, and they're pretty gross to work with. This code is a bastardised version of the code found in Will Bond's oscrypto library. An enormous debt is owed to him for blazing this trail for us. For that reason, this code should be considered to be covered both by urllib3's license and by oscrypto's: Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Will Bond Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import platform from ctypes.util import find_library from ctypes import ( c_void_p, c_int32, c_char_p, c_size_t, c_byte, c_uint32, c_ulong, c_long, c_bool ) from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, CFUNCTYPE security_path = find_library('Security') if not security_path: raise ImportError('The library Security could not be found') core_foundation_path = find_library('CoreFoundation') if not core_foundation_path: raise ImportError('The library CoreFoundation could not be found') version = platform.mac_ver()[0] version_info = tuple(map(int, version.split('.'))) if version_info < (10, 8): raise OSError( 'Only OS X 10.8 and newer are supported, not %s.%s' % ( version_info[0], version_info[1] ) ) Security = CDLL(security_path, use_errno=True) CoreFoundation = CDLL(core_foundation_path, use_errno=True) Boolean = c_bool CFIndex = c_long CFStringEncoding = c_uint32 CFData = c_void_p CFString = c_void_p CFArray = c_void_p CFMutableArray = c_void_p CFDictionary = c_void_p CFError = c_void_p CFType = c_void_p CFTypeID = c_ulong CFTypeRef = POINTER(CFType) CFAllocatorRef = c_void_p OSStatus = c_int32 CFDataRef = POINTER(CFData) CFStringRef = POINTER(CFString) CFArrayRef = POINTER(CFArray) CFMutableArrayRef = POINTER(CFMutableArray) CFDictionaryRef = POINTER(CFDictionary) CFArrayCallBacks = c_void_p CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks = c_void_p CFDictionaryValueCallBacks = c_void_p SecCertificateRef = POINTER(c_void_p) SecExternalFormat = c_uint32 SecExternalItemType = c_uint32 SecIdentityRef = POINTER(c_void_p) SecItemImportExportFlags = c_uint32 SecItemImportExportKeyParameters = c_void_p SecKeychainRef = POINTER(c_void_p) SSLProtocol = c_uint32 SSLCipherSuite = c_uint32 SSLContextRef = POINTER(c_void_p) SecTrustRef = POINTER(c_void_p) SSLConnectionRef = c_uint32 SecTrustResultType = c_uint32 SecTrustOptionFlags = c_uint32 SSLProtocolSide = c_uint32 SSLConnectionType = c_uint32 SSLSessionOption = c_uint32 try: Security.SecItemImport.argtypes = [ CFDataRef, CFStringRef, POINTER(SecExternalFormat), POINTER(SecExternalItemType), SecItemImportExportFlags, POINTER(SecItemImportExportKeyParameters), SecKeychainRef, POINTER(CFArrayRef), ] Security.SecItemImport.restype = OSStatus Security.SecCertificateGetTypeID.argtypes = [] Security.SecCertificateGetTypeID.restype = CFTypeID Security.SecIdentityGetTypeID.argtypes = [] Security.SecIdentityGetTypeID.restype = CFTypeID Security.SecKeyGetTypeID.argtypes = [] Security.SecKeyGetTypeID.restype = CFTypeID Security.SecCertificateCreateWithData.argtypes = [ CFAllocatorRef, CFDataRef ] Security.SecCertificateCreateWithData.restype = SecCertificateRef Security.SecCertificateCopyData.argtypes = [ SecCertificateRef ] Security.SecCertificateCopyData.restype = CFDataRef Security.SecCopyErrorMessageString.argtypes = [ OSStatus, c_void_p ] Security.SecCopyErrorMessageString.restype = CFStringRef Security.SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate.argtypes = [ CFTypeRef, SecCertificateRef, POINTER(SecIdentityRef) ] Security.SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate.restype = OSStatus Security.SecKeychainCreate.argtypes = [ c_char_p, c_uint32, c_void_p, Boolean, c_void_p, POINTER(SecKeychainRef) ] Security.SecKeychainCreate.restype = OSStatus Security.SecKeychainDelete.argtypes = [ SecKeychainRef ] Security.SecKeychainDelete.restype = OSStatus Security.SecPKCS12Import.argtypes = [ CFDataRef, CFDictionaryRef, POINTER(CFArrayRef) ] Security.SecPKCS12Import.restype = OSStatus SSLReadFunc = CFUNCTYPE(OSStatus, SSLConnectionRef, c_void_p, POINTER(c_size_t)) SSLWriteFunc = CFUNCTYPE(OSStatus, SSLConnectionRef, POINTER(c_byte), POINTER(c_size_t)) Security.SSLSetIOFuncs.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, SSLReadFunc, SSLWriteFunc ] Security.SSLSetIOFuncs.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetPeerID.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, c_char_p, c_size_t ] Security.SSLSetPeerID.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetCertificate.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, CFArrayRef ] Security.SSLSetCertificate.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetCertificateAuthorities.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, CFTypeRef, Boolean ] Security.SSLSetCertificateAuthorities.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetConnection.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, SSLConnectionRef ] Security.SSLSetConnection.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetPeerDomainName.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, c_char_p, c_size_t ] Security.SSLSetPeerDomainName.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLHandshake.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef ] Security.SSLHandshake.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLRead.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, c_char_p, c_size_t, POINTER(c_size_t) ] Security.SSLRead.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLWrite.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, c_char_p, c_size_t, POINTER(c_size_t) ] Security.SSLWrite.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLClose.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef ] Security.SSLClose.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLGetNumberSupportedCiphers.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(c_size_t) ] Security.SSLGetNumberSupportedCiphers.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLGetSupportedCiphers.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(SSLCipherSuite), POINTER(c_size_t) ] Security.SSLGetSupportedCiphers.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetEnabledCiphers.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(SSLCipherSuite), c_size_t ] Security.SSLSetEnabledCiphers.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLGetNumberEnabledCiphers.argtype = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(c_size_t) ] Security.SSLGetNumberEnabledCiphers.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLGetEnabledCiphers.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(SSLCipherSuite), POINTER(c_size_t) ] Security.SSLGetEnabledCiphers.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLGetNegotiatedCipher.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(SSLCipherSuite) ] Security.SSLGetNegotiatedCipher.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(SSLProtocol) ] Security.SSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersion.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLCopyPeerTrust.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, POINTER(SecTrustRef) ] Security.SSLCopyPeerTrust.restype = OSStatus Security.SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates.argtypes = [ SecTrustRef, CFArrayRef ] Security.SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates.restype = OSStatus Security.SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnly.argstypes = [ SecTrustRef, Boolean ] Security.SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnly.restype = OSStatus Security.SecTrustEvaluate.argtypes = [ SecTrustRef, POINTER(SecTrustResultType) ] Security.SecTrustEvaluate.restype = OSStatus Security.SecTrustGetCertificateCount.argtypes = [ SecTrustRef ] Security.SecTrustGetCertificateCount.restype = CFIndex Security.SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex.argtypes = [ SecTrustRef, CFIndex ] Security.SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex.restype = SecCertificateRef Security.SSLCreateContext.argtypes = [ CFAllocatorRef, SSLProtocolSide, SSLConnectionType ] Security.SSLCreateContext.restype = SSLContextRef Security.SSLSetSessionOption.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, SSLSessionOption, Boolean ] Security.SSLSetSessionOption.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetProtocolVersionMin.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, SSLProtocol ] Security.SSLSetProtocolVersionMin.restype = OSStatus Security.SSLSetProtocolVersionMax.argtypes = [ SSLContextRef, SSLProtocol ] Security.SSLSetProtocolVersionMax.restype = OSStatus Security.SecCopyErrorMessageString.argtypes = [ OSStatus, c_void_p ] Security.SecCopyErrorMessageString.restype = CFStringRef Security.SSLReadFunc = SSLReadFunc Security.SSLWriteFunc = SSLWriteFunc Security.SSLContextRef = SSLContextRef Security.SSLProtocol = SSLProtocol Security.SSLCipherSuite = SSLCipherSuite Security.SecIdentityRef = SecIdentityRef Security.SecKeychainRef = SecKeychainRef Security.SecTrustRef = SecTrustRef Security.SecTrustResultType = SecTrustResultType Security.SecExternalFormat = SecExternalFormat Security.OSStatus = OSStatus Security.kSecImportExportPassphrase = CFStringRef.in_dll( Security, 'kSecImportExportPassphrase' ) Security.kSecImportItemIdentity = CFStringRef.in_dll( Security, 'kSecImportItemIdentity' ) # CoreFoundation time! CoreFoundation.CFRetain.argtypes = [ CFTypeRef ] CoreFoundation.CFRetain.restype = CFTypeRef CoreFoundation.CFRelease.argtypes = [ CFTypeRef ] CoreFoundation.CFRelease.restype = None CoreFoundation.CFGetTypeID.argtypes = [ CFTypeRef ] CoreFoundation.CFGetTypeID.restype = CFTypeID CoreFoundation.CFStringCreateWithCString.argtypes = [ CFAllocatorRef, c_char_p, CFStringEncoding ] CoreFoundation.CFStringCreateWithCString.restype = CFStringRef CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCStringPtr.argtypes = [ CFStringRef, CFStringEncoding ] CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCStringPtr.restype = c_char_p CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCString.argtypes = [ CFStringRef, c_char_p, CFIndex, CFStringEncoding ] CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCString.restype = c_bool CoreFoundation.CFDataCreate.argtypes = [ CFAllocatorRef, c_char_p, CFIndex ] CoreFoundation.CFDataCreate.restype = CFDataRef CoreFoundation.CFDataGetLength.argtypes = [ CFDataRef ] CoreFoundation.CFDataGetLength.restype = CFIndex CoreFoundation.CFDataGetBytePtr.argtypes = [ CFDataRef ] CoreFoundation.CFDataGetBytePtr.restype = c_void_p CoreFoundation.CFDictionaryCreate.argtypes = [ CFAllocatorRef, POINTER(CFTypeRef), POINTER(CFTypeRef), CFIndex, CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks, CFDictionaryValueCallBacks ] CoreFoundation.CFDictionaryCreate.restype = CFDictionaryRef CoreFoundation.CFDictionaryGetValue.argtypes = [ CFDictionaryRef, CFTypeRef ] CoreFoundation.CFDictionaryGetValue.restype = CFTypeRef CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreate.argtypes = [ CFAllocatorRef, POINTER(CFTypeRef), CFIndex, CFArrayCallBacks, ] CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreate.restype = CFArrayRef CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreateMutable.argtypes = [ CFAllocatorRef, CFIndex, CFArrayCallBacks ] CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreateMutable.restype = CFMutableArrayRef CoreFoundation.CFArrayAppendValue.argtypes = [ CFMutableArrayRef, c_void_p ] CoreFoundation.CFArrayAppendValue.restype = None CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetCount.argtypes = [ CFArrayRef ] CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetCount.restype = CFIndex CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex.argtypes = [ CFArrayRef, CFIndex ] CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex.restype = c_void_p CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault = CFAllocatorRef.in_dll( CoreFoundation, 'kCFAllocatorDefault' ) CoreFoundation.kCFTypeArrayCallBacks = c_void_p.in_dll(CoreFoundation, 'kCFTypeArrayCallBacks') CoreFoundation.kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks = c_void_p.in_dll( CoreFoundation, 'kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks' ) CoreFoundation.kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks = c_void_p.in_dll( CoreFoundation, 'kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks' ) CoreFoundation.CFTypeRef = CFTypeRef CoreFoundation.CFArrayRef = CFArrayRef CoreFoundation.CFStringRef = CFStringRef CoreFoundation.CFDictionaryRef = CFDictionaryRef except (AttributeError): raise ImportError('Error initializing ctypes') class CFConst(object): """ A class object that acts as essentially a namespace for CoreFoundation constants. """ kCFStringEncodingUTF8 = CFStringEncoding(0x08000100) class SecurityConst(object): """ A class object that acts as essentially a namespace for Security constants. """ kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth = 0 kSSLProtocol2 = 1 kSSLProtocol3 = 2 kTLSProtocol1 = 4 kTLSProtocol11 = 7 kTLSProtocol12 = 8 kSSLClientSide = 1 kSSLStreamType = 0 kSecFormatPEMSequence = 10 kSecTrustResultInvalid = 0 kSecTrustResultProceed = 1 # This gap is present on purpose: this was kSecTrustResultConfirm, which # is deprecated. kSecTrustResultDeny = 3 kSecTrustResultUnspecified = 4 kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure = 5 kSecTrustResultFatalTrustFailure = 6 kSecTrustResultOtherError = 7 errSSLProtocol = -9800 errSSLWouldBlock = -9803 errSSLClosedGraceful = -9805 errSSLClosedNoNotify = -9816 errSSLClosedAbort = -9806 errSSLXCertChainInvalid = -9807 errSSLCrypto = -9809 errSSLInternal = -9810 errSSLCertExpired = -9814 errSSLCertNotYetValid = -9815 errSSLUnknownRootCert = -9812 errSSLNoRootCert = -9813 errSSLHostNameMismatch = -9843 errSSLPeerHandshakeFail = -9824 errSSLPeerUserCancelled = -9839 errSSLWeakPeerEphemeralDHKey = -9850 errSSLServerAuthCompleted = -9841 errSSLRecordOverflow = -9847 errSecVerifyFailed = -67808 errSecNoTrustSettings = -25263 errSecItemNotFound = -25300 errSecInvalidTrustSettings = -25262 # Cipher suites. We only pick the ones our default cipher string allows. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 0xC02C TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 0xC030 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0xC02B TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0xC02F TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 0x00A3 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 0x009F TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0x00A2 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0x009E TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 = 0xC024 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 = 0xC028 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = 0xC00A TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = 0xC014 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 = 0x006B TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 = 0x006A TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = 0x0039 TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = 0x0038 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 = 0xC023 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 = 0xC027 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = 0xC009 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = 0xC013 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 = 0x0067 TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 = 0x0040 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = 0x0033 TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = 0x0032 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 0x009D TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0x009C TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 = 0x003D TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 = 0x003C TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = 0x0035 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = 0x002F TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0x1301 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 0x1302 TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = 0x1303 contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyc000064400000027672147205427720014150 0ustar00 abc @@sE dZddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZmZm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZmZddlmZmZmZedZesedned Zesed nejdZeeeejd Zedkr+edededfneedeZeedeZ eZ!eZ"e Z#eZ$eZ%eZ&eZ'eZ(eZ)eZ*e Z+ee*Z,$Z/ee%Z0ee&Z1ee'Z2ee(Z3eZ4eZ5eZ6eeZ7e Z8e Z9eeZ:e Z;eZ<eeZ=e Z>e Z?eeZ@eeZAe ZBe ZCe ZDe ZEe ZFe ZGyze/e0ee8ee9e;ee<e=ee1gejH_Ie.ejH_JgejK_Ie+ejK_JgejL_Ie+ejL_JgejM_Ie+ejM_Je-e/gejN_Ie7ejN_Je7gejO_Ie/ejO_Je.egejP_Ie0ejP_Je,e7ee:gejQ_Ie.ejQ_Je e ee!eee=gejR_Ie.ejR_Je=gejS_Ie.ejS_Je/e3ee1gejT_Ie.ejT_Jee.eBeee ZUee.eBee ee ZVe@eUeVgejW_Ie.ejW_Je@e e gejX_Ie.ejX_Je@e1gejY_Ie.ejY_Je@e,e!gejZ_Ie.ejZ_Je@eBgej[_Ie.ej[_Je@e e gej\_Ie.ej\_Je@gej]_Ie.ej]_Je@e e ee gej^_Ie.ej^_Je@e e ee gej__Ie.ej__Je@gej`_Ie.ej`_Je@ee geja_Ie.eja_Je@ee?ee gejb_Ie.ejb_Je@ee?e gejc_Ie.ejc_Je@ee gejd_ee.ejd_Je@ee?ee gejf_Ie.ejf_Je@ee?gejg_Ie.ejg_Je@ee>gejh_Ie.ejh_Je@eeAgeji_Ie.eji_JeAe1gejj_Ie.ejj_JeAe!gejk_le.ejk_JeAeeCgejm_Ie.ejm_JeAgejn_Ie"ejn_JeAe"gejo_Ie7ejo_Je-eEeFgejp_Ie@ejp_Je@eGe!gejq_Ie.ejq_Je@e>gejr_Ie.ejr_Je@e>gejs_Ie.ejs_Je.egejP_Ie0ejP_JeUe_UeVe_Ve@e_@e>e_>e?e_?e:e_:e=e_=eAe_AeCe_Ce8e_8e.e_.e0jtede_ue0jtede_ve,ge jw_Ie,e jw_Je,ge jx_Ide jx_Je,ge jz_Ie+e jz_Je-e e#ge j{_Ie0e j{_Je0e#ge j|_Ie e j|_Je0e e"e#ge j}_Iee j}_Je-e e"ge j~_Ie/e j~_Je/ge j_Ie"e j_Je/ge j_Iee j_Je-ee,ee,e"e5e6ge j_Ie3e j_Je3e,ge j_Ie,e j_Je-ee,e"e4ge j_Ie1e j_Je-e"e4ge j_Ie2e j_Je2ege j_Ide j_Je1ge j_Ie"e j_Je1e"ge j_Iee j_Je-jte de _ejte de _ejte de _ejte de _e,e _,e1e _1e0e _0e3e _3Wnek r ednXdefdYZdefdYZdS(sy This module uses ctypes to bind a whole bunch of functions and constants from SecureTransport. The goal here is to provide the low-level API to SecureTransport. These are essentially the C-level functions and constants, and they're pretty gross to work with. This code is a bastardised version of the code found in Will Bond's oscrypto library. An enormous debt is owed to him for blazing this trail for us. For that reason, this code should be considered to be covered both by urllib3's license and by oscrypto's: Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Will Bond Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. i(tabsolute_importN(t find_library( tc_void_ptc_int32tc_char_ptc_size_ttc_bytetc_uint32tc_ulongtc_longtc_bool(tCDLLtPOINTERt CFUNCTYPEtSecuritys'The library Security could not be foundtCoreFoundations-The library CoreFoundation could not be foundt.i is1Only OS X 10.8 and newer are supported, not %s.%sit use_errnotkSecImportExportPassphrasetkSecImportItemIdentitytkCFAllocatorDefaulttkCFTypeArrayCallBackstkCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBackstkCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBackssError initializing ctypestCFConstcB@seZdZedZRS(s_ A class object that acts as essentially a namespace for CoreFoundation constants. i(t__name__t __module__t__doc__tCFStringEncodingtkCFStringEncodingUTF8(((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyRst SecurityConstcB@seZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dZdZd Zd ZdZd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'd Z(d!Z)d"Z*d#Z+d$Z,d%Z-d&Z.d'Z/d(Z0d)Z1d*Z2d+Z3d,Z4d-Z5d.Z6d/Z7d0Z8d1Z9d2Z:d3Z;d4Z<d5Z=d6Z>d7Z?d8Z@d9ZAd:ZBd;ZCd<ZDd=ZEd>ZFd?ZGd@ZHdAZIRS(BsU A class object that acts as essentially a namespace for Security constants. iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iQi,iRi,i0i+i/iiiii$i(i iikiji9i8i#i'i iigi@i3i2iii=i<i5i/iii(JRRRt"kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAutht kSSLProtocol2t kSSLProtocol3t kTLSProtocol1tkTLSProtocol11tkTLSProtocol12tkSSLClientSidetkSSLStreamTypetkSecFormatPEMSequencetkSecTrustResultInvalidtkSecTrustResultProceedtkSecTrustResultDenytkSecTrustResultUnspecifiedt&kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailuret kSecTrustResultFatalTrustFailuretkSecTrustResultOtherErrorterrSSLProtocolterrSSLWouldBlockterrSSLClosedGracefulterrSSLClosedNoNotifyterrSSLClosedAbortterrSSLXCertChainInvalidt errSSLCryptoterrSSLInternalterrSSLCertExpiredterrSSLCertNotYetValidterrSSLUnknownRootCertterrSSLNoRootCertterrSSLHostNameMismatchterrSSLPeerHandshakeFailterrSSLPeerUserCancelledterrSSLWeakPeerEphemeralDHKeyterrSSLServerAuthCompletedterrSSLRecordOverflowterrSecVerifyFailedterrSecNoTrustSettingsterrSecItemNotFoundterrSecInvalidTrustSettingst'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAtTLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256tTLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256(((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyRs(i i(Rt __future__Rtplatformt ctypes.utilRtctypesRRRRRRRR R R R R t security_patht ImportErrortcore_foundation_pathtmac_vertversionttupletmaptinttsplitt version_infotOSErrortTrueRRtBooleantCFIndexRtCFDatatCFStringtCFArraytCFMutableArrayt CFDictionarytCFErrortCFTypetCFTypeIDt CFTypeReftCFAllocatorReftOSStatust CFDataReft CFStringReft CFArrayReftCFMutableArrayReftCFDictionaryReftCFArrayCallBackstCFDictionaryKeyCallBackstCFDictionaryValueCallBackstSecCertificateReftSecExternalFormattSecExternalItemTypetSecIdentityReftSecItemImportExportFlagst SecItemImportExportKeyParameterstSecKeychainReft SSLProtocoltSSLCipherSuitet SSLContextReft SecTrustReftSSLConnectionReftSecTrustResultTypetSecTrustOptionFlagstSSLProtocolSidetSSLConnectionTypetSSLSessionOptiont SecItemImporttargtypestrestypetSecCertificateGetTypeIDtSecIdentityGetTypeIDtSecKeyGetTypeIDtSecCertificateCreateWithDatatSecCertificateCopyDatatSecCopyErrorMessageStringt SecIdentityCreateWithCertificatetSecKeychainCreatetSecKeychainDeletetSecPKCS12Importt SSLReadFunct SSLWriteFunct SSLSetIOFuncst SSLSetPeerIDtSSLSetCertificatetSSLSetCertificateAuthoritiestSSLSetConnectiontSSLSetPeerDomainNamet SSLHandshaketSSLReadtSSLWritetSSLClosetSSLGetNumberSupportedCipherstSSLGetSupportedCipherstSSLSetEnabledCipherstSSLGetNumberEnabledCipherstargtypetSSLGetEnabledCipherstSSLGetNegotiatedCiphertSSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersiontSSLCopyPeerTrusttSecTrustSetAnchorCertificatest!SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnlyt argstypestSecTrustEvaluatetSecTrustGetCertificateCounttSecTrustGetCertificateAtIndextSSLCreateContexttSSLSetSessionOptiontSSLSetProtocolVersionMintSSLSetProtocolVersionMaxtin_dllRRtCFRetaint CFReleasetNonet CFGetTypeIDtCFStringCreateWithCStringtCFStringGetCStringPtrtCFStringGetCStringt CFDataCreatetCFDataGetLengthtCFDataGetBytePtrtCFDictionaryCreatetCFDictionaryGetValuet CFArrayCreatetCFArrayCreateMutabletCFArrayAppendValuetCFArrayGetCounttCFArrayGetValueAtIndexRRRRtAttributeErrortobjectRR(((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyts, @                               !                                                                  contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyo000064400000027672147205427720014164 0ustar00 abc @@sE dZddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZmZm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZmZddlmZmZmZedZesedned Zesed nejdZeeeejd Zedkr+edededfneedeZeedeZ eZ!eZ"e Z#eZ$eZ%eZ&eZ'eZ(eZ)eZ*e Z+ee*Z,$Z/ee%Z0ee&Z1ee'Z2ee(Z3eZ4eZ5eZ6eeZ7e Z8e Z9eeZ:e Z;eZ<eeZ=e Z>e Z?eeZ@eeZAe ZBe ZCe ZDe ZEe ZFe ZGyze/e0ee8ee9e;ee<e=ee1gejH_Ie.ejH_JgejK_Ie+ejK_JgejL_Ie+ejL_JgejM_Ie+ejM_Je-e/gejN_Ie7ejN_Je7gejO_Ie/ejO_Je.egejP_Ie0ejP_Je,e7ee:gejQ_Ie.ejQ_Je e ee!eee=gejR_Ie.ejR_Je=gejS_Ie.ejS_Je/e3ee1gejT_Ie.ejT_Jee.eBeee ZUee.eBee ee ZVe@eUeVgejW_Ie.ejW_Je@e e gejX_Ie.ejX_Je@e1gejY_Ie.ejY_Je@e,e!gejZ_Ie.ejZ_Je@eBgej[_Ie.ej[_Je@e e gej\_Ie.ej\_Je@gej]_Ie.ej]_Je@e e ee gej^_Ie.ej^_Je@e e ee gej__Ie.ej__Je@gej`_Ie.ej`_Je@ee geja_Ie.eja_Je@ee?ee gejb_Ie.ejb_Je@ee?e gejc_Ie.ejc_Je@ee gejd_ee.ejd_Je@ee?ee 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The goal here is to provide the low-level API to SecureTransport. These are essentially the C-level functions and constants, and they're pretty gross to work with. This code is a bastardised version of the code found in Will Bond's oscrypto library. An enormous debt is owed to him for blazing this trail for us. For that reason, this code should be considered to be covered both by urllib3's license and by oscrypto's: Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Will Bond Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. i(tabsolute_importN(t find_library( tc_void_ptc_int32tc_char_ptc_size_ttc_bytetc_uint32tc_ulongtc_longtc_bool(tCDLLtPOINTERt CFUNCTYPEtSecuritys'The library Security could not be foundtCoreFoundations-The library CoreFoundation could not be foundt.i is1Only OS X 10.8 and newer are supported, not %s.%sit use_errnotkSecImportExportPassphrasetkSecImportItemIdentitytkCFAllocatorDefaulttkCFTypeArrayCallBackstkCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBackstkCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBackssError initializing ctypestCFConstcB@seZdZedZRS(s_ A class object that acts as essentially a namespace for CoreFoundation constants. i(t__name__t __module__t__doc__tCFStringEncodingtkCFStringEncodingUTF8(((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyRst SecurityConstcB@seZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dZdZd Zd ZdZd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'd Z(d!Z)d"Z*d#Z+d$Z,d%Z-d&Z.d'Z/d(Z0d)Z1d*Z2d+Z3d,Z4d-Z5d.Z6d/Z7d0Z8d1Z9d2Z:d3Z;d4Z<d5Z=d6Z>d7Z?d8Z@d9ZAd:ZBd;ZCd<ZDd=ZEd>ZFd?ZGd@ZHdAZIRS(BsU A class object that acts as essentially a namespace for Security constants. iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iQi,iRi,i0i+i/iiiii$i(i iikiji9i8i#i'i iigi@i3i2iii=i<i5i/iii(JRRRt"kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAutht kSSLProtocol2t kSSLProtocol3t kTLSProtocol1tkTLSProtocol11tkTLSProtocol12tkSSLClientSidetkSSLStreamTypetkSecFormatPEMSequencetkSecTrustResultInvalidtkSecTrustResultProceedtkSecTrustResultDenytkSecTrustResultUnspecifiedt&kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailuret kSecTrustResultFatalTrustFailuretkSecTrustResultOtherErrorterrSSLProtocolterrSSLWouldBlockterrSSLClosedGracefulterrSSLClosedNoNotifyterrSSLClosedAbortterrSSLXCertChainInvalidt errSSLCryptoterrSSLInternalterrSSLCertExpiredterrSSLCertNotYetValidterrSSLUnknownRootCertterrSSLNoRootCertterrSSLHostNameMismatchterrSSLPeerHandshakeFailterrSSLPeerUserCancelledterrSSLWeakPeerEphemeralDHKeyterrSSLServerAuthCompletedterrSSLRecordOverflowterrSecVerifyFailedterrSecNoTrustSettingsterrSecItemNotFoundterrSecInvalidTrustSettingst'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAtTLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256tTLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256(((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyRs(i i(Rt __future__Rtplatformt ctypes.utilRtctypesRRRRRRRR R R R R t security_patht ImportErrortcore_foundation_pathtmac_vertversionttupletmaptinttsplitt version_infotOSErrortTrueRRtBooleantCFIndexRtCFDatatCFStringtCFArraytCFMutableArrayt CFDictionarytCFErrortCFTypetCFTypeIDt CFTypeReftCFAllocatorReftOSStatust CFDataReft CFStringReft CFArrayReftCFMutableArrayReftCFDictionaryReftCFArrayCallBackstCFDictionaryKeyCallBackstCFDictionaryValueCallBackstSecCertificateReftSecExternalFormattSecExternalItemTypetSecIdentityReftSecItemImportExportFlagst SecItemImportExportKeyParameterstSecKeychainReft SSLProtocoltSSLCipherSuitet SSLContextReft SecTrustReftSSLConnectionReftSecTrustResultTypetSecTrustOptionFlagstSSLProtocolSidetSSLConnectionTypetSSLSessionOptiont SecItemImporttargtypestrestypetSecCertificateGetTypeIDtSecIdentityGetTypeIDtSecKeyGetTypeIDtSecCertificateCreateWithDatatSecCertificateCopyDatatSecCopyErrorMessageStringt SecIdentityCreateWithCertificatetSecKeychainCreatetSecKeychainDeletetSecPKCS12Importt SSLReadFunct SSLWriteFunct SSLSetIOFuncst SSLSetPeerIDtSSLSetCertificatetSSLSetCertificateAuthoritiestSSLSetConnectiontSSLSetPeerDomainNamet SSLHandshaketSSLReadtSSLWritetSSLClosetSSLGetNumberSupportedCipherstSSLGetSupportedCipherstSSLSetEnabledCipherstSSLGetNumberEnabledCipherstargtypetSSLGetEnabledCipherstSSLGetNegotiatedCiphertSSLGetNegotiatedProtocolVersiontSSLCopyPeerTrusttSecTrustSetAnchorCertificatest!SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnlyt argstypestSecTrustEvaluatetSecTrustGetCertificateCounttSecTrustGetCertificateAtIndextSSLCreateContexttSSLSetSessionOptiontSSLSetProtocolVersionMintSSLSetProtocolVersionMaxtin_dllRRtCFRetaint CFReleasetNonet CFGetTypeIDtCFStringCreateWithCStringtCFStringGetCStringPtrtCFStringGetCStringt CFDataCreatetCFDataGetLengthtCFDataGetBytePtrtCFDictionaryCreatetCFDictionaryGetValuet CFArrayCreatetCFArrayCreateMutabletCFArrayAppendValuetCFArrayGetCounttCFArrayGetValueAtIndexRRRRtAttributeErrortobjectRR(((sY/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/bindings.pyts, @                               !                                                                  contrib/_securetransport/low_level.py000064400000027436147205427720014176 0ustar00""" Low-level helpers for the SecureTransport bindings. These are Python functions that are not directly related to the high-level APIs but are necessary to get them to work. They include a whole bunch of low-level CoreFoundation messing about and memory management. The concerns in this module are almost entirely about trying to avoid memory leaks and providing appropriate and useful assistance to the higher-level code. """ import base64 import ctypes import itertools import re import os import ssl import tempfile from .bindings import Security, CoreFoundation, CFConst # This regular expression is used to grab PEM data out of a PEM bundle. _PEM_CERTS_RE = re.compile( b"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n(.*?)\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", re.DOTALL ) def _cf_data_from_bytes(bytestring): """ Given a bytestring, create a CFData object from it. This CFData object must be CFReleased by the caller. """ return CoreFoundation.CFDataCreate( CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, bytestring, len(bytestring) ) def _cf_dictionary_from_tuples(tuples): """ Given a list of Python tuples, create an associated CFDictionary. """ dictionary_size = len(tuples) # We need to get the dictionary keys and values out in the same order. keys = (t[0] for t in tuples) values = (t[1] for t in tuples) cf_keys = (CoreFoundation.CFTypeRef * dictionary_size)(*keys) cf_values = (CoreFoundation.CFTypeRef * dictionary_size)(*values) return CoreFoundation.CFDictionaryCreate( CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, cf_keys, cf_values, dictionary_size, CoreFoundation.kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, CoreFoundation.kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks, ) def _cf_string_to_unicode(value): """ Creates a Unicode string from a CFString object. Used entirely for error reporting. Yes, it annoys me quite a lot that this function is this complex. """ value_as_void_p = ctypes.cast(value, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)) string = CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCStringPtr( value_as_void_p, CFConst.kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) if string is None: buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) result = CoreFoundation.CFStringGetCString( value_as_void_p, buffer, 1024, CFConst.kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) if not result: raise OSError('Error copying C string from CFStringRef') string = buffer.value if string is not None: string = string.decode('utf-8') return string def _assert_no_error(error, exception_class=None): """ Checks the return code and throws an exception if there is an error to report """ if error == 0: return cf_error_string = Security.SecCopyErrorMessageString(error, None) output = _cf_string_to_unicode(cf_error_string) CoreFoundation.CFRelease(cf_error_string) if output is None or output == u'': output = u'OSStatus %s' % error if exception_class is None: exception_class = ssl.SSLError raise exception_class(output) def _cert_array_from_pem(pem_bundle): """ Given a bundle of certs in PEM format, turns them into a CFArray of certs that can be used to validate a cert chain. """ der_certs = [ base64.b64decode( for match in _PEM_CERTS_RE.finditer(pem_bundle) ] if not der_certs: raise ssl.SSLError("No root certificates specified") cert_array = CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreateMutable( CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, ctypes.byref(CoreFoundation.kCFTypeArrayCallBacks) ) if not cert_array: raise ssl.SSLError("Unable to allocate memory!") try: for der_bytes in der_certs: certdata = _cf_data_from_bytes(der_bytes) if not certdata: raise ssl.SSLError("Unable to allocate memory!") cert = Security.SecCertificateCreateWithData( CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, certdata ) CoreFoundation.CFRelease(certdata) if not cert: raise ssl.SSLError("Unable to build cert object!") CoreFoundation.CFArrayAppendValue(cert_array, cert) CoreFoundation.CFRelease(cert) except Exception: # We need to free the array before the exception bubbles further. # We only want to do that if an error occurs: otherwise, the caller # should free. CoreFoundation.CFRelease(cert_array) return cert_array def _is_cert(item): """ Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is a certificate. """ expected = Security.SecCertificateGetTypeID() return CoreFoundation.CFGetTypeID(item) == expected def _is_identity(item): """ Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is an identity. """ expected = Security.SecIdentityGetTypeID() return CoreFoundation.CFGetTypeID(item) == expected def _temporary_keychain(): """ This function creates a temporary Mac keychain that we can use to work with credentials. This keychain uses a one-time password and a temporary file to store the data. We expect to have one keychain per socket. The returned SecKeychainRef must be freed by the caller, including calling SecKeychainDelete. Returns a tuple of the SecKeychainRef and the path to the temporary directory that contains it. """ # Unfortunately, SecKeychainCreate requires a path to a keychain. This # means we cannot use mkstemp to use a generic temporary file. Instead, # we're going to create a temporary directory and a filename to use there. # This filename will be 8 random bytes expanded into base64. We also need # some random bytes to password-protect the keychain we're creating, so we # ask for 40 random bytes. random_bytes = os.urandom(40) filename = base64.b64encode(random_bytes[:8]).decode('utf-8') password = base64.b64encode(random_bytes[8:]) # Must be valid UTF-8 tempdirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp() keychain_path = os.path.join(tempdirectory, filename).encode('utf-8') # We now want to create the keychain itself. keychain = Security.SecKeychainRef() status = Security.SecKeychainCreate( keychain_path, len(password), password, False, None, ctypes.byref(keychain) ) _assert_no_error(status) # Having created the keychain, we want to pass it off to the caller. return keychain, tempdirectory def _load_items_from_file(keychain, path): """ Given a single file, loads all the trust objects from it into arrays and the keychain. Returns a tuple of lists: the first list is a list of identities, the second a list of certs. """ certificates = [] identities = [] result_array = None with open(path, 'rb') as f: raw_filedata = try: filedata = CoreFoundation.CFDataCreate( CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, raw_filedata, len(raw_filedata) ) result_array = CoreFoundation.CFArrayRef() result = Security.SecItemImport( filedata, # cert data None, # Filename, leaving it out for now None, # What the type of the file is, we don't care None, # what's in the file, we don't care 0, # import flags None, # key params, can include passphrase in the future keychain, # The keychain to insert into ctypes.byref(result_array) # Results ) _assert_no_error(result) # A CFArray is not very useful to us as an intermediary # representation, so we are going to extract the objects we want # and then free the array. We don't need to keep hold of keys: the # keychain already has them! result_count = CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetCount(result_array) for index in range(result_count): item = CoreFoundation.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( result_array, index ) item = ctypes.cast(item, CoreFoundation.CFTypeRef) if _is_cert(item): CoreFoundation.CFRetain(item) certificates.append(item) elif _is_identity(item): CoreFoundation.CFRetain(item) identities.append(item) finally: if result_array: CoreFoundation.CFRelease(result_array) CoreFoundation.CFRelease(filedata) return (identities, certificates) def _load_client_cert_chain(keychain, *paths): """ Load certificates and maybe keys from a number of files. Has the end goal of returning a CFArray containing one SecIdentityRef, and then zero or more SecCertificateRef objects, suitable for use as a client certificate trust chain. """ # Ok, the strategy. # # This relies on knowing that macOS will not give you a SecIdentityRef # unless you have imported a key into a keychain. This is a somewhat # artificial limitation of macOS (for example, it doesn't necessarily # affect iOS), but there is nothing inside Security.framework that lets you # get a SecIdentityRef without having a key in a keychain. # # So the policy here is we take all the files and iterate them in order. # Each one will use SecItemImport to have one or more objects loaded from # it. We will also point at a keychain that macOS can use to work with the # private key. # # Once we have all the objects, we'll check what we actually have. If we # already have a SecIdentityRef in hand, fab: we'll use that. Otherwise, # we'll take the first certificate (which we assume to be our leaf) and # ask the keychain to give us a SecIdentityRef with that cert's associated # key. # # We'll then return a CFArray containing the trust chain: one # SecIdentityRef and then zero-or-more SecCertificateRef objects. The # responsibility for freeing this CFArray will be with the caller. This # CFArray must remain alive for the entire connection, so in practice it # will be stored with a single SSLSocket, along with the reference to the # keychain. certificates = [] identities = [] # Filter out bad paths. paths = (path for path in paths if path) try: for file_path in paths: new_identities, new_certs = _load_items_from_file( keychain, file_path ) identities.extend(new_identities) certificates.extend(new_certs) # Ok, we have everything. The question is: do we have an identity? If # not, we want to grab one from the first cert we have. if not identities: new_identity = Security.SecIdentityRef() status = Security.SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate( keychain, certificates[0], ctypes.byref(new_identity) ) _assert_no_error(status) identities.append(new_identity) # We now want to release the original certificate, as we no longer # need it. CoreFoundation.CFRelease(certificates.pop(0)) # We now need to build a new CFArray that holds the trust chain. trust_chain = CoreFoundation.CFArrayCreateMutable( CoreFoundation.kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, ctypes.byref(CoreFoundation.kCFTypeArrayCallBacks), ) for item in itertools.chain(identities, certificates): # ArrayAppendValue does a CFRetain on the item. That's fine, # because the finally block will release our other refs to them. CoreFoundation.CFArrayAppendValue(trust_chain, item) return trust_chain finally: for obj in itertools.chain(identities, certificates): CoreFoundation.CFRelease(obj) contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyc000064400000022325147205427720014331 0ustar00 abc@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlm Z m Z m Z ej dej ZdZdZdZdd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdS(s Low-level helpers for the SecureTransport bindings. These are Python functions that are not directly related to the high-level APIs but are necessary to get them to work. They include a whole bunch of low-level CoreFoundation messing about and memory management. The concerns in this module are almost entirely about trying to avoid memory leaks and providing appropriate and useful assistance to the higher-level code. iNi(tSecuritytCoreFoundationtCFConsts;-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- (.*?) -----END CERTIFICATE-----cCstjtj|t|S(sv Given a bytestring, create a CFData object from it. This CFData object must be CFReleased by the caller. (Rt CFDataCreatetkCFAllocatorDefaulttlen(t bytestring((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cf_data_from_bytesscCswt|}d|D}d|D}tj||}tj||}tjtj|||tjtjS(sK Given a list of Python tuples, create an associated CFDictionary. css|]}|dVqdS(iN((t.0tt((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pys ,scss|]}|dVqdS(iN((RR ((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pys -s(RRt CFTypeReftCFDictionaryCreateRtkCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBackstkCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks(ttuplestdictionary_sizetkeystvaluestcf_keyst cf_values((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cf_dictionary_from_tuples%s cCstj|tjtj}tj|tj}|dkrtj d}tj ||dtj}|s~t dn|j }n|dk r|j d}n|S(s Creates a Unicode string from a CFString object. Used entirely for error reporting. Yes, it annoys me quite a lot that this function is this complex. is'Error copying C string from CFStringRefsutf-8N(tctypestcasttPOINTERtc_void_pRtCFStringGetCStringPtrRtkCFStringEncodingUTF8tNonetcreate_string_buffertCFStringGetCStringtOSErrortvaluetdecode(Rtvalue_as_void_ptstringtbuffertresult((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cf_string_to_unicode;s"     cCs|dkrdStj|d}t|}tj||dksS|dkr`d|}n|dkrxtj}n||dS(s[ Checks the return code and throws an exception if there is an error to report iNuu OSStatus %s(RtSecCopyErrorMessageStringRR%Rt CFReleasetssltSSLError(terrortexception_classtcf_error_stringtoutput((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_assert_no_errorXs      cCs=gtj|D]}tj|jd^q}|sLtjdntjtj dt j tj }|stjdnyx|D]}t |}|stjdntjtj |}tj||stjdntj||tj|qWWntk r8tj|nX|S(s Given a bundle of certs in PEM format, turns them into a CFArray of certs that can be used to validate a cert chain. isNo root certificates specifiedisUnable to allocate memory!sUnable to build cert object!(t _PEM_CERTS_REtfinditertbase64t b64decodetgroupR(R)RtCFArrayCreateMutableRRtbyreftkCFTypeArrayCallBacksRRtSecCertificateCreateWithDataR'tCFArrayAppendValuet Exception(t pem_bundletmatcht der_certst cert_arrayt der_bytestcertdatatcert((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cert_array_from_pemms21    cCstj}tj||kS(s= Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is a certificate. (RtSecCertificateGetTypeIDRt CFGetTypeID(titemtexpected((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_is_certs cCstj}tj||kS(s; Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is an identity. (RtSecIdentityGetTypeIDRRC(RDRE((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt _is_identitys cCstjd}tj|d jd}tj|d}tj}tjj||j d}t j }t j |t ||tdtj|}t|||fS(s This function creates a temporary Mac keychain that we can use to work with credentials. This keychain uses a one-time password and a temporary file to store the data. We expect to have one keychain per socket. The returned SecKeychainRef must be freed by the caller, including calling SecKeychainDelete. Returns a tuple of the SecKeychainRef and the path to the temporary directory that contains it. i(isutf-8N(tosturandomR1t b64encodeR ttempfiletmkdtemptpathtjointencodeRtSecKeychainReftSecKeychainCreateRtFalseRRR5R.(t random_bytestfilenametpasswordt tempdirectoryt keychain_pathtkeychaintstatus((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_temporary_keychains    c Cskg}g}d}t|d}|j}WdQXztjtj|t|}tj}tj |ddddd|t j |}t |tj |} xt| D]} tj|| } t j| tj} t| r tj| |j| qt| rtj| |j| qqWWd|rStj|ntj|X||fS(s Given a single file, loads all the trust objects from it into arrays and the keychain. Returns a tuple of lists: the first list is a list of identities, the second a list of certs. trbNi(RtopentreadRRRRt CFArrayRefRt SecItemImportRR5R.tCFArrayGetCounttrangetCFArrayGetValueAtIndexRR RFtCFRetaintappendRHR'( RYRNt certificatest identitiest result_arraytft raw_filedatatfiledataR$t result_counttindexRD((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_load_items_from_filesH       c GsKg}g}d|D}zx=|D]5}t||\}}|j||j|q&W|stj}tj||dtj|}t||j|t j |j dnt j t j dtjt j} x*tj||D]} t j| | qW| SWdx'tj||D]} t j | q/WXdS(s Load certificates and maybe keys from a number of files. Has the end goal of returning a CFArray containing one SecIdentityRef, and then zero or more SecCertificateRef objects, suitable for use as a client certificate trust chain. css|]}|r|VqdS(N((RRN((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pys /siN(RntextendRtSecIdentityReft SecIdentityCreateWithCertificateRR5R.ReRR'tpopR4RR6t itertoolstchainR8( RYtpathsRfRgt file_pathtnew_identitiest new_certst new_identityRZt trust_chainRDtobj((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_load_client_cert_chain s6      (t__doc__R1RRstreRIR(RLtbindingsRRRtcompiletDOTALLR/RRR%RR.RARFRHR[RnR|(((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt s(           +   ( ;contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyo000064400000022325147205427720014345 0ustar00 abc@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlm Z m Z m Z ej dej ZdZdZdZdd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdS(s Low-level helpers for the SecureTransport bindings. These are Python functions that are not directly related to the high-level APIs but are necessary to get them to work. They include a whole bunch of low-level CoreFoundation messing about and memory management. The concerns in this module are almost entirely about trying to avoid memory leaks and providing appropriate and useful assistance to the higher-level code. iNi(tSecuritytCoreFoundationtCFConsts;-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- (.*?) -----END CERTIFICATE-----cCstjtj|t|S(sv Given a bytestring, create a CFData object from it. This CFData object must be CFReleased by the caller. (Rt CFDataCreatetkCFAllocatorDefaulttlen(t bytestring((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cf_data_from_bytesscCswt|}d|D}d|D}tj||}tj||}tjtj|||tjtjS(sK Given a list of Python tuples, create an associated CFDictionary. css|]}|dVqdS(iN((t.0tt((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pys ,scss|]}|dVqdS(iN((RR ((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pys -s(RRt CFTypeReftCFDictionaryCreateRtkCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBackstkCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks(ttuplestdictionary_sizetkeystvaluestcf_keyst cf_values((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cf_dictionary_from_tuples%s cCstj|tjtj}tj|tj}|dkrtj d}tj ||dtj}|s~t dn|j }n|dk r|j d}n|S(s Creates a Unicode string from a CFString object. Used entirely for error reporting. Yes, it annoys me quite a lot that this function is this complex. is'Error copying C string from CFStringRefsutf-8N(tctypestcasttPOINTERtc_void_pRtCFStringGetCStringPtrRtkCFStringEncodingUTF8tNonetcreate_string_buffertCFStringGetCStringtOSErrortvaluetdecode(Rtvalue_as_void_ptstringtbuffertresult((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cf_string_to_unicode;s"     cCs|dkrdStj|d}t|}tj||dksS|dkr`d|}n|dkrxtj}n||dS(s[ Checks the return code and throws an exception if there is an error to report iNuu OSStatus %s(RtSecCopyErrorMessageStringRR%Rt CFReleasetssltSSLError(terrortexception_classtcf_error_stringtoutput((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_assert_no_errorXs      cCs=gtj|D]}tj|jd^q}|sLtjdntjtj dt j tj }|stjdnyx|D]}t |}|stjdntjtj |}tj||stjdntj||tj|qWWntk r8tj|nX|S(s Given a bundle of certs in PEM format, turns them into a CFArray of certs that can be used to validate a cert chain. isNo root certificates specifiedisUnable to allocate memory!sUnable to build cert object!(t _PEM_CERTS_REtfinditertbase64t b64decodetgroupR(R)RtCFArrayCreateMutableRRtbyreftkCFTypeArrayCallBacksRRtSecCertificateCreateWithDataR'tCFArrayAppendValuet Exception(t pem_bundletmatcht der_certst cert_arrayt der_bytestcertdatatcert((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_cert_array_from_pemms21    cCstj}tj||kS(s= Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is a certificate. (RtSecCertificateGetTypeIDRt CFGetTypeID(titemtexpected((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_is_certs cCstj}tj||kS(s; Returns True if a given CFTypeRef is an identity. (RtSecIdentityGetTypeIDRRC(RDRE((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt _is_identitys cCstjd}tj|d jd}tj|d}tj}tjj||j d}t j }t j |t ||tdtj|}t|||fS(s This function creates a temporary Mac keychain that we can use to work with credentials. This keychain uses a one-time password and a temporary file to store the data. We expect to have one keychain per socket. The returned SecKeychainRef must be freed by the caller, including calling SecKeychainDelete. Returns a tuple of the SecKeychainRef and the path to the temporary directory that contains it. i(isutf-8N(tosturandomR1t b64encodeR ttempfiletmkdtemptpathtjointencodeRtSecKeychainReftSecKeychainCreateRtFalseRRR5R.(t random_bytestfilenametpasswordt tempdirectoryt keychain_pathtkeychaintstatus((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_temporary_keychains    c Cskg}g}d}t|d}|j}WdQXztjtj|t|}tj}tj |ddddd|t j |}t |tj |} xt| D]} tj|| } t j| tj} t| r tj| |j| qt| rtj| |j| qqWWd|rStj|ntj|X||fS(s Given a single file, loads all the trust objects from it into arrays and the keychain. Returns a tuple of lists: the first list is a list of identities, the second a list of certs. trbNi(RtopentreadRRRRt CFArrayRefRt SecItemImportRR5R.tCFArrayGetCounttrangetCFArrayGetValueAtIndexRR RFtCFRetaintappendRHR'( RYRNt certificatest identitiest result_arraytft raw_filedatatfiledataR$t result_counttindexRD((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_load_items_from_filesH       c GsKg}g}d|D}zx=|D]5}t||\}}|j||j|q&W|stj}tj||dtj|}t||j|t j |j dnt j t j dtjt j} x*tj||D]} t j| | qW| SWdx'tj||D]} t j | q/WXdS(s Load certificates and maybe keys from a number of files. Has the end goal of returning a CFArray containing one SecIdentityRef, and then zero or more SecCertificateRef objects, suitable for use as a client certificate trust chain. css|]}|r|VqdS(N((RRN((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pys /siN(RntextendRtSecIdentityReft SecIdentityCreateWithCertificateRR5R.ReRR'tpopR4RR6t itertoolstchainR8( RYtpathsRfRgt file_pathtnew_identitiest new_certst new_identityRZt trust_chainRDtobj((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt_load_client_cert_chain s6      (t__doc__R1RRstreRIR(RLtbindingsRRRtcompiletDOTALLR/RRR%RR.RARFRHR[RnR|(((sZ/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/low_level.pyt s(           +   ( ;contrib/__init__.py000064400000000000147205427720010315 0ustar00contrib/__init__.pyc000064400000000237147205427720010474 0ustar00 abc@sdS(N((((sH/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__init__.pyttcontrib/__init__.pyo000064400000000237147205427720010510 0ustar00 abc@sdS(N((((sH/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__init__.pyttcontrib/appengine.py000064400000025161147205427720010543 0ustar00""" This module provides a pool manager that uses Google App Engine's `URLFetch Service `_. Example usage:: from urllib3 import PoolManager from urllib3.contrib.appengine import AppEngineManager, is_appengine_sandbox if is_appengine_sandbox(): # AppEngineManager uses AppEngine's URLFetch API behind the scenes http = AppEngineManager() else: # PoolManager uses a socket-level API behind the scenes http = PoolManager() r = http.request('GET', '') There are `limitations `_ to the URLFetch service and it may not be the best choice for your application. There are three options for using urllib3 on Google App Engine: 1. You can use :class:`AppEngineManager` with URLFetch. URLFetch is cost-effective in many circumstances as long as your usage is within the limitations. 2. You can use a normal :class:`~urllib3.PoolManager` by enabling sockets. Sockets also have `limitations and restrictions `_ and have a lower free quota than URLFetch. To use sockets, be sure to specify the following in your ``app.yaml``:: env_variables: GAE_USE_SOCKETS_HTTPLIB : 'true' 3. If you are using `App Engine Flexible `_, you can use the standard :class:`PoolManager` without any configuration or special environment variables. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os import warnings from ..packages.six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin from ..exceptions import ( HTTPError, HTTPWarning, MaxRetryError, ProtocolError, TimeoutError, SSLError ) from ..packages.six import BytesIO from ..request import RequestMethods from ..response import HTTPResponse from ..util.timeout import Timeout from ..util.retry import Retry try: from google.appengine.api import urlfetch except ImportError: urlfetch = None log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AppEnginePlatformWarning(HTTPWarning): pass class AppEnginePlatformError(HTTPError): pass class AppEngineManager(RequestMethods): """ Connection manager for Google App Engine sandbox applications. This manager uses the URLFetch service directly instead of using the emulated httplib, and is subject to URLFetch limitations as described in the App Engine documentation `here `_. Notably it will raise an :class:`AppEnginePlatformError` if: * URLFetch is not available. * If you attempt to use this on App Engine Flexible, as full socket support is available. * If a request size is more than 10 megabytes. * If a response size is more than 32 megabtyes. * If you use an unsupported request method such as OPTIONS. Beyond those cases, it will raise normal urllib3 errors. """ def __init__(self, headers=None, retries=None, validate_certificate=True, urlfetch_retries=True): if not urlfetch: raise AppEnginePlatformError( "URLFetch is not available in this environment.") if is_prod_appengine_mvms(): raise AppEnginePlatformError( "Use normal urllib3.PoolManager instead of AppEngineManager" "on Managed VMs, as using URLFetch is not necessary in " "this environment.") warnings.warn( "urllib3 is using URLFetch on Google App Engine sandbox instead " "of sockets. To use sockets directly instead of URLFetch see " "", AppEnginePlatformWarning) RequestMethods.__init__(self, headers) self.validate_certificate = validate_certificate self.urlfetch_retries = urlfetch_retries self.retries = retries or Retry.DEFAULT def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # Return False to re-raise any potential exceptions return False def urlopen(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, retries=None, redirect=True, timeout=Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, **response_kw): retries = self._get_retries(retries, redirect) try: follow_redirects = ( redirect and retries.redirect != 0 and response = urlfetch.fetch( url, payload=body, method=method, headers=headers or {}, allow_truncated=False, follow_redirects=self.urlfetch_retries and follow_redirects, deadline=self._get_absolute_timeout(timeout), validate_certificate=self.validate_certificate, ) except urlfetch.DeadlineExceededError as e: raise TimeoutError(self, e) except urlfetch.InvalidURLError as e: if 'too large' in str(e): raise AppEnginePlatformError( "URLFetch request too large, URLFetch only " "supports requests up to 10mb in size.", e) raise ProtocolError(e) except urlfetch.DownloadError as e: if 'Too many redirects' in str(e): raise MaxRetryError(self, url, reason=e) raise ProtocolError(e) except urlfetch.ResponseTooLargeError as e: raise AppEnginePlatformError( "URLFetch response too large, URLFetch only supports" "responses up to 32mb in size.", e) except urlfetch.SSLCertificateError as e: raise SSLError(e) except urlfetch.InvalidMethodError as e: raise AppEnginePlatformError( "URLFetch does not support method: %s" % method, e) http_response = self._urlfetch_response_to_http_response( response, retries=retries, **response_kw) # Handle redirect? redirect_location = redirect and http_response.get_redirect_location() if redirect_location: # Check for redirect response if (self.urlfetch_retries and retries.raise_on_redirect): raise MaxRetryError(self, url, "too many redirects") else: if http_response.status == 303: method = 'GET' try: retries = retries.increment(method, url, response=http_response, _pool=self) except MaxRetryError: if retries.raise_on_redirect: raise MaxRetryError(self, url, "too many redirects") return http_response retries.sleep_for_retry(http_response) log.debug("Redirecting %s -> %s", url, redirect_location) redirect_url = urljoin(url, redirect_location) return self.urlopen( method, redirect_url, body, headers, retries=retries, redirect=redirect, timeout=timeout, **response_kw) # Check if we should retry the HTTP response. has_retry_after = bool(http_response.getheader('Retry-After')) if retries.is_retry(method, http_response.status, has_retry_after): retries = retries.increment( method, url, response=http_response, _pool=self) log.debug("Retry: %s", url) retries.sleep(http_response) return self.urlopen( method, url, body=body, headers=headers, retries=retries, redirect=redirect, timeout=timeout, **response_kw) return http_response def _urlfetch_response_to_http_response(self, urlfetch_resp, **response_kw): if is_prod_appengine(): # Production GAE handles deflate encoding automatically, but does # not remove the encoding header. content_encoding = urlfetch_resp.headers.get('content-encoding') if content_encoding == 'deflate': del urlfetch_resp.headers['content-encoding'] transfer_encoding = urlfetch_resp.headers.get('transfer-encoding') # We have a full response's content, # so let's make sure we don't report ourselves as chunked data. if transfer_encoding == 'chunked': encodings = transfer_encoding.split(",") encodings.remove('chunked') urlfetch_resp.headers['transfer-encoding'] = ','.join(encodings) return HTTPResponse( # In order for decoding to work, we must present the content as # a file-like object. body=BytesIO(urlfetch_resp.content), headers=urlfetch_resp.headers, status=urlfetch_resp.status_code, **response_kw ) def _get_absolute_timeout(self, timeout): if timeout is Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: return None # Defer to URLFetch's default. if isinstance(timeout, Timeout): if timeout._read is not None or timeout._connect is not None: warnings.warn( "URLFetch does not support granular timeout settings, " "reverting to total or default URLFetch timeout.", AppEnginePlatformWarning) return return timeout def _get_retries(self, retries, redirect): if not isinstance(retries, Retry): retries = Retry.from_int( retries, redirect=redirect, default=self.retries) if retries.connect or or retries.redirect: warnings.warn( "URLFetch only supports total retries and does not " "recognize connect, read, or redirect retry parameters.", AppEnginePlatformWarning) return retries def is_appengine(): return (is_local_appengine() or is_prod_appengine() or is_prod_appengine_mvms()) def is_appengine_sandbox(): return is_appengine() and not is_prod_appengine_mvms() def is_local_appengine(): return ('APPENGINE_RUNTIME' in os.environ and 'Development/' in os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) def is_prod_appengine(): return ('APPENGINE_RUNTIME' in os.environ and 'Google App Engine/' in os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] and not is_prod_appengine_mvms()) def is_prod_appengine_mvms(): return os.environ.get('GAE_VM', False) == 'true' contrib/appengine.pyc000064400000024374147205427720010713 0ustar00 abc@@sxdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZddlmZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZydd lmZWnek rdZnXejeZd e fdYZ de fdYZ!defdYZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'dS(sC This module provides a pool manager that uses Google App Engine's `URLFetch Service `_. Example usage:: from urllib3 import PoolManager from urllib3.contrib.appengine import AppEngineManager, is_appengine_sandbox if is_appengine_sandbox(): # AppEngineManager uses AppEngine's URLFetch API behind the scenes http = AppEngineManager() else: # PoolManager uses a socket-level API behind the scenes http = PoolManager() r = http.request('GET', '') There are `limitations `_ to the URLFetch service and it may not be the best choice for your application. There are three options for using urllib3 on Google App Engine: 1. You can use :class:`AppEngineManager` with URLFetch. URLFetch is cost-effective in many circumstances as long as your usage is within the limitations. 2. You can use a normal :class:`~urllib3.PoolManager` by enabling sockets. Sockets also have `limitations and restrictions `_ and have a lower free quota than URLFetch. To use sockets, be sure to specify the following in your ``app.yaml``:: env_variables: GAE_USE_SOCKETS_HTTPLIB : 'true' 3. If you are using `App Engine Flexible `_, you can use the standard :class:`PoolManager` without any configuration or special environment variables. i(tabsolute_importNi(turljoin(t HTTPErrort HTTPWarningt MaxRetryErrort ProtocolErrort TimeoutErrortSSLError(tBytesIO(tRequestMethods(t HTTPResponse(tTimeout(tRetry(turlfetchtAppEnginePlatformWarningcB@seZRS((t__name__t __module__(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRGstAppEnginePlatformErrorcB@seZRS((RR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRKstAppEngineManagercB@skeZdZddeedZdZdZdddeej dZ dZ dZ dZ RS( s  Connection manager for Google App Engine sandbox applications. This manager uses the URLFetch service directly instead of using the emulated httplib, and is subject to URLFetch limitations as described in the App Engine documentation `here `_. Notably it will raise an :class:`AppEnginePlatformError` if: * URLFetch is not available. * If you attempt to use this on App Engine Flexible, as full socket support is available. * If a request size is more than 10 megabytes. * If a response size is more than 32 megabtyes. * If you use an unsupported request method such as OPTIONS. Beyond those cases, it will raise normal urllib3 errors. cC@sutstdntr-tdntjdttj||||_||_ |pkt j |_ dS(Ns.URLFetch is not available in this environment.sUse normal urllib3.PoolManager instead of AppEngineManageron Managed VMs, as using URLFetch is not necessary in this environment.surllib3 is using URLFetch on Google App Engine sandbox instead of sockets. To use sockets directly instead of URLFetch see R Rtis_prod_appengine_mvmstwarningstwarnRR t__init__tvalidate_certificateturlfetch_retriesR tDEFAULTtretries(tselftheadersRRR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRcs     cC@s|S(N((R((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyt __enter__{scC@stS(N(tFalse(Rtexc_typetexc_valtexc_tb((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyt__exit__~scK@sk|j||}yv|o0|jdko0|j} tj|d|d|d|pTidtd|joi| d|j|d|j} Wn"tj k r} t || ntj k r} d t | krt d | nt| ntjk r?} d t | kr0t||d | nt| nntjk rc} t d | nJtjk r} t| n)tjk r} t d|| nX|j| d||} |o| j} | r|jr|jrt||dq| jdkrd}ny"|j||d| d|}Wn0tk rp|jrlt||dn| SX|j| tjd|| t|| }|j||||d|d|d||Snt| j d}|j!|| j|rg|j||d| d|}tjd||j"| |j||d|d|d|d|d||S| S(NitpayloadtmethodRtallow_truncatedtfollow_redirectstdeadlineRs too largesOURLFetch request too large, URLFetch only supports requests up to 10mb in size.sToo many redirectstreasonsPURLFetch response too large, URLFetch only supportsresponses up to 32mb in size.s$URLFetch does not support method: %sRstoo many redirectsi/tGETtresponset_poolsRedirecting %s -> %stredirectttimeouts Retry-Afters Retry: %stbody(#t _get_retriesR,ttotalR tfetchRRt_get_absolute_timeoutRtDeadlineExceededErrorRtInvalidURLErrortstrRRt DownloadErrorRtResponseTooLargeErrortSSLCertificateErrorRtInvalidMethodErrort#_urlfetch_response_to_http_responsetget_redirect_locationtraise_on_redirecttstatust incrementtsleep_for_retrytlogtdebugRturlopentboolt getheadertis_retrytsleep(RR$turlR.RRR,R-t response_kwR&R*tet http_responsetredirect_locationt redirect_urlthas_retry_after((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRBs     "          cK@str7|jjd}|dkr7|jd=q7n|jjd}|dkr|jd}|jddj||jd's0   .       contrib/appengine.pyo000064400000024374147205427720010727 0ustar00 abc@@sxdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZddlmZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZydd lmZWnek rdZnXejeZd e fdYZ de fdYZ!defdYZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'dS(sC This module provides a pool manager that uses Google App Engine's `URLFetch Service `_. Example usage:: from urllib3 import PoolManager from urllib3.contrib.appengine import AppEngineManager, is_appengine_sandbox if is_appengine_sandbox(): # AppEngineManager uses AppEngine's URLFetch API behind the scenes http = AppEngineManager() else: # PoolManager uses a socket-level API behind the scenes http = PoolManager() r = http.request('GET', '') There are `limitations `_ to the URLFetch service and it may not be the best choice for your application. There are three options for using urllib3 on Google App Engine: 1. You can use :class:`AppEngineManager` with URLFetch. URLFetch is cost-effective in many circumstances as long as your usage is within the limitations. 2. You can use a normal :class:`~urllib3.PoolManager` by enabling sockets. Sockets also have `limitations and restrictions `_ and have a lower free quota than URLFetch. To use sockets, be sure to specify the following in your ``app.yaml``:: env_variables: GAE_USE_SOCKETS_HTTPLIB : 'true' 3. If you are using `App Engine Flexible `_, you can use the standard :class:`PoolManager` without any configuration or special environment variables. i(tabsolute_importNi(turljoin(t HTTPErrort HTTPWarningt MaxRetryErrort ProtocolErrort TimeoutErrortSSLError(tBytesIO(tRequestMethods(t HTTPResponse(tTimeout(tRetry(turlfetchtAppEnginePlatformWarningcB@seZRS((t__name__t __module__(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRGstAppEnginePlatformErrorcB@seZRS((RR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRKstAppEngineManagercB@skeZdZddeedZdZdZdddeej dZ dZ dZ dZ RS( s  Connection manager for Google App Engine sandbox applications. This manager uses the URLFetch service directly instead of using the emulated httplib, and is subject to URLFetch limitations as described in the App Engine documentation `here `_. Notably it will raise an :class:`AppEnginePlatformError` if: * URLFetch is not available. * If you attempt to use this on App Engine Flexible, as full socket support is available. * If a request size is more than 10 megabytes. * If a response size is more than 32 megabtyes. * If you use an unsupported request method such as OPTIONS. Beyond those cases, it will raise normal urllib3 errors. cC@sutstdntr-tdntjdttj||||_||_ |pkt j |_ dS(Ns.URLFetch is not available in this environment.sUse normal urllib3.PoolManager instead of AppEngineManageron Managed VMs, as using URLFetch is not necessary in this environment.surllib3 is using URLFetch on Google App Engine sandbox instead of sockets. To use sockets directly instead of URLFetch see R Rtis_prod_appengine_mvmstwarningstwarnRR t__init__tvalidate_certificateturlfetch_retriesR tDEFAULTtretries(tselftheadersRRR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRcs     cC@s|S(N((R((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyt __enter__{scC@stS(N(tFalse(Rtexc_typetexc_valtexc_tb((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyt__exit__~scK@sk|j||}yv|o0|jdko0|j} tj|d|d|d|pTidtd|joi| d|j|d|j} Wn"tj k r} t || ntj k r} d t | krt d | nt| ntjk r?} d t | kr0t||d | nt| nntjk rc} t d | nJtjk r} t| n)tjk r} t d|| nX|j| d||} |o| j} | r|jr|jrt||dq| jdkrd}ny"|j||d| d|}Wn0tk rp|jrlt||dn| SX|j| tjd|| t|| }|j||||d|d|d||Snt| j d}|j!|| j|rg|j||d| d|}tjd||j"| |j||d|d|d|d|d||S| S(NitpayloadtmethodRtallow_truncatedtfollow_redirectstdeadlineRs too largesOURLFetch request too large, URLFetch only supports requests up to 10mb in size.sToo many redirectstreasonsPURLFetch response too large, URLFetch only supportsresponses up to 32mb in size.s$URLFetch does not support method: %sRstoo many redirectsi/tGETtresponset_poolsRedirecting %s -> %stredirectttimeouts Retry-Afters Retry: %stbody(#t _get_retriesR,ttotalR tfetchRRt_get_absolute_timeoutRtDeadlineExceededErrorRtInvalidURLErrortstrRRt DownloadErrorRtResponseTooLargeErrortSSLCertificateErrorRtInvalidMethodErrort#_urlfetch_response_to_http_responsetget_redirect_locationtraise_on_redirecttstatust incrementtsleep_for_retrytlogtdebugRturlopentboolt getheadertis_retrytsleep(RR$turlR.RRR,R-t response_kwR&R*tet http_responsetredirect_locationt redirect_urlthas_retry_after((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/appengine.pyRBs     "          cK@str7|jjd}|dkr7|jd=q7n|jjd}|dkr|jd}|jddj||jd's0   .       contrib/ntlmpool.py000064400000010576147205427720010445 0ustar00""" NTLM authenticating pool, contributed by erikcederstran Issue #10, see: """ from __future__ import absolute_import from logging import getLogger from ntlm import ntlm from .. import HTTPSConnectionPool from ..packages.six.moves.http_client import HTTPSConnection log = getLogger(__name__) class NTLMConnectionPool(HTTPSConnectionPool): """ Implements an NTLM authentication version of an urllib3 connection pool """ scheme = 'https' def __init__(self, user, pw, authurl, *args, **kwargs): """ authurl is a random URL on the server that is protected by NTLM. user is the Windows user, probably in the DOMAIN\\username format. pw is the password for the user. """ super(NTLMConnectionPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.authurl = authurl self.rawuser = user user_parts = user.split('\\', 1) self.domain = user_parts[0].upper() self.user = user_parts[1] = pw def _new_conn(self): # Performs the NTLM handshake that secures the connection. The socket # must be kept open while requests are performed. self.num_connections += 1 log.debug('Starting NTLM HTTPS connection no. %d: https://%s%s', self.num_connections,, self.authurl) headers = {} headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' req_header = 'Authorization' resp_header = 'www-authenticate' conn = HTTPSConnection(, port=self.port) # Send negotiation message headers[req_header] = ( 'NTLM %s' % ntlm.create_NTLM_NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE(self.rawuser)) log.debug('Request headers: %s', headers) conn.request('GET', self.authurl, None, headers) res = conn.getresponse() reshdr = dict(res.getheaders()) log.debug('Response status: %s %s', res.status, res.reason) log.debug('Response headers: %s', reshdr) log.debug('Response data: %s [...]', # Remove the reference to the socket, so that it can not be closed by # the response object (we want to keep the socket open) res.fp = None # Server should respond with a challenge message auth_header_values = reshdr[resp_header].split(', ') auth_header_value = None for s in auth_header_values: if s[:5] == 'NTLM ': auth_header_value = s[5:] if auth_header_value is None: raise Exception('Unexpected %s response header: %s' % (resp_header, reshdr[resp_header])) # Send authentication message ServerChallenge, NegotiateFlags = \ ntlm.parse_NTLM_CHALLENGE_MESSAGE(auth_header_value) auth_msg = ntlm.create_NTLM_AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE(ServerChallenge, self.user, self.domain,, NegotiateFlags) headers[req_header] = 'NTLM %s' % auth_msg log.debug('Request headers: %s', headers) conn.request('GET', self.authurl, None, headers) res = conn.getresponse() log.debug('Response status: %s %s', res.status, res.reason) log.debug('Response headers: %s', dict(res.getheaders())) log.debug('Response data: %s [...]',[:100]) if res.status != 200: if res.status == 401: raise Exception('Server rejected request: wrong ' 'username or password') raise Exception('Wrong server response: %s %s' % (res.status, res.reason)) res.fp = None log.debug('Connection established') return conn def urlopen(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, retries=3, redirect=True, assert_same_host=True): if headers is None: headers = {} headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' return super(NTLMConnectionPool, self).urlopen(method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host) contrib/ntlmpool.pyc000064400000007547147205427720010614 0ustar00 abc@@s|dZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ee Z defd YZ d S( s NTLM authenticating pool, contributed by erikcederstran Issue #10, see: i(tabsolute_import(t getLogger(tntlmi(tHTTPSConnectionPool(tHTTPSConnectiontNTLMConnectionPoolcB@s>eZdZdZdZdZdddeedZRS(sQ Implements an NTLM authentication version of an urllib3 connection pool thttpscO@sjtt|j||||_||_|jdd}|dj|_|d|_||_ dS(s authurl is a random URL on the server that is protected by NTLM. user is the Windows user, probably in the DOMAIN\username format. pw is the password for the user. s\iiN( tsuperRt__init__tauthurltrawusertsplittuppertdomaintusertpw(tselfRRR targstkwargst user_parts((sH/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/ntlmpool.pyRs   c C@s|jd7_tjd|j|j|ji}d|ds contrib/ntlmpool.pyo000064400000007547147205427720010630 0ustar00 abc@@s|dZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ee Z defd YZ d S( s NTLM authenticating pool, contributed by erikcederstran Issue #10, see: i(tabsolute_import(t getLogger(tntlmi(tHTTPSConnectionPool(tHTTPSConnectiontNTLMConnectionPoolcB@s>eZdZdZdZdZdddeedZRS(sQ Implements an NTLM authentication version of an urllib3 connection pool thttpscO@sjtt|j||||_||_|jdd}|dj|_|d|_||_ dS(s authurl is a random URL on the server that is protected by NTLM. user is the Windows user, probably in the DOMAIN\username format. pw is the password for the user. s\iiN( tsuperRt__init__tauthurltrawusertsplittuppertdomaintusertpw(tselfRRR targstkwargst user_parts((sH/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/ntlmpool.pyRs   c C@s|jd7_tjd|j|j|ji}d|ds contrib/pyopenssl.py000064400000035772147205427720010642 0ustar00""" SSL with SNI_-support for Python 2. Follow these instructions if you would like to verify SSL certificates in Python 2. Note, the default libraries do *not* do certificate checking; you need to do additional work to validate certificates yourself. This needs the following packages installed: * pyOpenSSL (tested with 16.0.0) * cryptography (minimum 1.3.4, from pyopenssl) * idna (minimum 2.0, from cryptography) However, pyopenssl depends on cryptography, which depends on idna, so while we use all three directly here we end up having relatively few packages required. You can install them with the following command: pip install pyopenssl cryptography idna To activate certificate checking, call :func:`~urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3` from your Python code before you begin making HTTP requests. This can be done in a ``sitecustomize`` module, or at any other time before your application begins using ``urllib3``, like this:: try: import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3() except ImportError: pass Now you can use :mod:`urllib3` as you normally would, and it will support SNI when the required modules are installed. Activating this module also has the positive side effect of disabling SSL/TLS compression in Python 2 (see `CRIME attack`_). If you want to configure the default list of supported cipher suites, you can set the ``urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST`` variable. .. _sni: .. _crime attack: """ from __future__ import absolute_import import OpenSSL.SSL from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl import backend as openssl_backend from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509 import _Certificate from socket import timeout, error as SocketError from io import BytesIO try: # Platform-specific: Python 2 from socket import _fileobject except ImportError: # Platform-specific: Python 3 _fileobject = None from ..packages.backports.makefile import backport_makefile import logging import ssl from ..packages import six import sys from .. import util __all__ = ['inject_into_urllib3', 'extract_from_urllib3'] # SNI always works. HAS_SNI = True # Map from urllib3 to PyOpenSSL compatible parameter-values. _openssl_versions = { ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23: OpenSSL.SSL.SSLv23_METHOD, ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1: OpenSSL.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD, } if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1') and hasattr(OpenSSL.SSL, 'TLSv1_1_METHOD'): _openssl_versions[ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1] = OpenSSL.SSL.TLSv1_1_METHOD if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2') and hasattr(OpenSSL.SSL, 'TLSv1_2_METHOD'): _openssl_versions[ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2] = OpenSSL.SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD try: _openssl_versions.update({ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3: OpenSSL.SSL.SSLv3_METHOD}) except AttributeError: pass _stdlib_to_openssl_verify = { ssl.CERT_NONE: OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_NONE, ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL: OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER, ssl.CERT_REQUIRED: OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER + OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, } _openssl_to_stdlib_verify = dict( (v, k) for k, v in _stdlib_to_openssl_verify.items() ) # OpenSSL will only write 16K at a time SSL_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE = 16384 orig_util_HAS_SNI = util.HAS_SNI orig_util_SSLContext = util.ssl_.SSLContext log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def inject_into_urllib3(): 'Monkey-patch urllib3 with PyOpenSSL-backed SSL-support.' _validate_dependencies_met() util.ssl_.SSLContext = PyOpenSSLContext util.HAS_SNI = HAS_SNI util.ssl_.HAS_SNI = HAS_SNI util.IS_PYOPENSSL = True util.ssl_.IS_PYOPENSSL = True def extract_from_urllib3(): 'Undo monkey-patching by :func:`inject_into_urllib3`.' util.ssl_.SSLContext = orig_util_SSLContext util.HAS_SNI = orig_util_HAS_SNI util.ssl_.HAS_SNI = orig_util_HAS_SNI util.IS_PYOPENSSL = False util.ssl_.IS_PYOPENSSL = False def _validate_dependencies_met(): """ Verifies that PyOpenSSL's package-level dependencies have been met. Throws `ImportError` if they are not met. """ # Method added in `cryptography==1.1`; not available in older versions from cryptography.x509.extensions import Extensions if getattr(Extensions, "get_extension_for_class", None) is None: raise ImportError("'cryptography' module missing required functionality. " "Try upgrading to v1.3.4 or newer.") # pyOpenSSL 0.14 and above use cryptography for OpenSSL bindings. The _x509 # attribute is only present on those versions. from OpenSSL.crypto import X509 x509 = X509() if getattr(x509, "_x509", None) is None: raise ImportError("'pyOpenSSL' module missing required functionality. " "Try upgrading to v0.14 or newer.") def _dnsname_to_stdlib(name): """ Converts a dNSName SubjectAlternativeName field to the form used by the standard library on the given Python version. Cryptography produces a dNSName as a unicode string that was idna-decoded from ASCII bytes. We need to idna-encode that string to get it back, and then on Python 3 we also need to convert to unicode via UTF-8 (the stdlib uses PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize on it, which decodes via UTF-8). """ def idna_encode(name): """ Borrowed wholesale from the Python Cryptography Project. It turns out that we can't just safely call `idna.encode`: it can explode for wildcard names. This avoids that problem. """ import idna for prefix in [u'*.', u'.']: if name.startswith(prefix): name = name[len(prefix):] return prefix.encode('ascii') + idna.encode(name) return idna.encode(name) name = idna_encode(name) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): name = name.decode('utf-8') return name def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert): """ Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. """ # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this. if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"): cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography() else: # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this. cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509) # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's # faster than looping in Python) try: ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class( x509.SubjectAlternativeName ).value except x509.ExtensionNotFound: # No such extension, return the empty list. return [] except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension, x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e: # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume # no SAN field is present. log.warning( "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented " "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can " "affect certificate validation. The error was %s", e, ) return [] # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as # strings. # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8 # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same. names = [ ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName) ] names.extend( ('IP Address', str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress) ) return names class WrappedSocket(object): '''API-compatibility wrapper for Python OpenSSL's Connection-class. Note: _makefile_refs, _drop() and _reuse() are needed for the garbage collector of pypy. ''' def __init__(self, connection, socket, suppress_ragged_eofs=True): self.connection = connection self.socket = socket self.suppress_ragged_eofs = suppress_ragged_eofs self._makefile_refs = 0 self._closed = False def fileno(self): return self.socket.fileno() # Copy-pasted from Python 3.5 source code def _decref_socketios(self): if self._makefile_refs > 0: self._makefile_refs -= 1 if self._closed: self.close() def recv(self, *args, **kwargs): try: data = self.connection.recv(*args, **kwargs) except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e: if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'): return b'' else: raise SocketError(str(e)) except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e: if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN: return b'' else: raise except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout()) if not rd: raise timeout('The read operation timed out') else: return self.recv(*args, **kwargs) else: return data def recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs) except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e: if self.suppress_ragged_eofs and e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'): return 0 else: raise SocketError(str(e)) except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError as e: if self.connection.get_shutdown() == OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN: return 0 else: raise except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: rd = util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout()) if not rd: raise timeout('The read operation timed out') else: return self.recv_into(*args, **kwargs) def settimeout(self, timeout): return self.socket.settimeout(timeout) def _send_until_done(self, data): while True: try: return self.connection.send(data) except OpenSSL.SSL.WantWriteError: wr = util.wait_for_write(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout()) if not wr: raise timeout() continue except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e: raise SocketError(str(e)) def sendall(self, data): total_sent = 0 while total_sent < len(data): sent = self._send_until_done(data[total_sent:total_sent + SSL_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE]) total_sent += sent def shutdown(self): # FIXME rethrow compatible exceptions should we ever use this self.connection.shutdown() def close(self): if self._makefile_refs < 1: try: self._closed = True return self.connection.close() except OpenSSL.SSL.Error: return else: self._makefile_refs -= 1 def getpeercert(self, binary_form=False): x509 = self.connection.get_peer_certificate() if not x509: return x509 if binary_form: return OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, x509) return { 'subject': ( (('commonName', x509.get_subject().CN),), ), 'subjectAltName': get_subj_alt_name(x509) } def _reuse(self): self._makefile_refs += 1 def _drop(self): if self._makefile_refs < 1: self.close() else: self._makefile_refs -= 1 if _fileobject: # Platform-specific: Python 2 def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=-1): self._makefile_refs += 1 return _fileobject(self, mode, bufsize, close=True) else: # Platform-specific: Python 3 makefile = backport_makefile WrappedSocket.makefile = makefile class PyOpenSSLContext(object): """ I am a wrapper class for the PyOpenSSL ``Context`` object. I am responsible for translating the interface of the standard library ``SSLContext`` object to calls into PyOpenSSL. """ def __init__(self, protocol): self.protocol = _openssl_versions[protocol] self._ctx = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(self.protocol) self._options = 0 self.check_hostname = False @property def options(self): return self._options @options.setter def options(self, value): self._options = value self._ctx.set_options(value) @property def verify_mode(self): return _openssl_to_stdlib_verify[self._ctx.get_verify_mode()] @verify_mode.setter def verify_mode(self, value): self._ctx.set_verify( _stdlib_to_openssl_verify[value], _verify_callback ) def set_default_verify_paths(self): self._ctx.set_default_verify_paths() def set_ciphers(self, ciphers): if isinstance(ciphers, six.text_type): ciphers = ciphers.encode('utf-8') self._ctx.set_cipher_list(ciphers) def load_verify_locations(self, cafile=None, capath=None, cadata=None): if cafile is not None: cafile = cafile.encode('utf-8') if capath is not None: capath = capath.encode('utf-8') self._ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile, capath) if cadata is not None: self._ctx.load_verify_locations(BytesIO(cadata)) def load_cert_chain(self, certfile, keyfile=None, password=None): self._ctx.use_certificate_file(certfile) if password is not None: self._ctx.set_passwd_cb(lambda max_length, prompt_twice, userdata: password) self._ctx.use_privatekey_file(keyfile or certfile) def wrap_socket(self, sock, server_side=False, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, server_hostname=None): cnx = OpenSSL.SSL.Connection(self._ctx, sock) if isinstance(server_hostname, six.text_type): # Platform-specific: Python 3 server_hostname = server_hostname.encode('utf-8') if server_hostname is not None: cnx.set_tlsext_host_name(server_hostname) cnx.set_connect_state() while True: try: cnx.do_handshake() except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: rd = util.wait_for_read(sock, sock.gettimeout()) if not rd: raise timeout('select timed out') continue except OpenSSL.SSL.Error as e: raise ssl.SSLError('bad handshake: %r' % e) break return WrappedSocket(cnx, sock) def _verify_callback(cnx, x509, err_no, err_depth, return_code): return err_no == 0 contrib/pyopenssl.pyc000064400000042334147205427720010775 0ustar00 abc@@sdZddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZ ddl m Z ddl m Z mZddlmZydd l mZWn'ek rdZd d lmZnXddlZddlZd d lmZddlZd d lmZddgZeZ iej!j"ej#6ej!j$ej%6Z&e'edrie'ej!driej!j(e&ej)ej?e@ZAdZBdZCdZDdZEdZFdeGfdYZHerddZIneZIeIeH_IdeGfd YZJd!ZKdS("sb SSL with SNI_-support for Python 2. Follow these instructions if you would like to verify SSL certificates in Python 2. Note, the default libraries do *not* do certificate checking; you need to do additional work to validate certificates yourself. This needs the following packages installed: * pyOpenSSL (tested with 16.0.0) * cryptography (minimum 1.3.4, from pyopenssl) * idna (minimum 2.0, from cryptography) However, pyopenssl depends on cryptography, which depends on idna, so while we use all three directly here we end up having relatively few packages required. You can install them with the following command: pip install pyopenssl cryptography idna To activate certificate checking, call :func:`~urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3` from your Python code before you begin making HTTP requests. This can be done in a ``sitecustomize`` module, or at any other time before your application begins using ``urllib3``, like this:: try: import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3() except ImportError: pass Now you can use :mod:`urllib3` as you normally would, and it will support SNI when the required modules are installed. Activating this module also has the positive side effect of disabling SSL/TLS compression in Python 2 (see `CRIME attack`_). If you want to configure the default list of supported cipher suites, you can set the ``urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST`` variable. .. _sni: .. _crime attack: i(tabsolute_importN(tx509(tbackend(t _Certificate(ttimeoutterror(tBytesIO(t _fileobjecti(tbackport_makefile(tsix(tutiltinject_into_urllib3textract_from_urllib3tPROTOCOL_TLSv1_1tTLSv1_1_METHODtPROTOCOL_TLSv1_2tTLSv1_2_METHODcc@s!|]\}}||fVqdS(N((t.0tktv((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pys `si@cC@sAtttj_tt_ttj_tt_ttj_dS(s7Monkey-patch urllib3 with PyOpenSSL-backed SSL-support.N(t_validate_dependencies_mettPyOpenSSLContextR tssl_t SSLContexttHAS_SNItTruet IS_PYOPENSSL(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyR ms     cC@s:ttj_tt_ttj_tt_ttj_dS(s4Undo monkey-patching by :func:`inject_into_urllib3`.N(torig_util_SSLContextR RRtorig_util_HAS_SNIRtFalseR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyR ys     cC@s{ddlm}t|dddkr7tdnddlm}|}t|dddkrwtdndS( s{ Verifies that PyOpenSSL's package-level dependencies have been met. Throws `ImportError` if they are not met. i(t Extensionstget_extension_for_classsX'cryptography' module missing required functionality. Try upgrading to v1.3.4 or newer.(tX509t_x509sS'pyOpenSSL' module missing required functionality. Try upgrading to v0.14 or newer.N(tcryptography.x509.extensionsRtgetattrtNonet ImportErrortOpenSSL.cryptoR (RR R((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs cC@s:d}||}tjdkr6|jd}n|S(s Converts a dNSName SubjectAlternativeName field to the form used by the standard library on the given Python version. Cryptography produces a dNSName as a unicode string that was idna-decoded from ASCII bytes. We need to idna-encode that string to get it back, and then on Python 3 we also need to convert to unicode via UTF-8 (the stdlib uses PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize on it, which decodes via UTF-8). cS@siddl}xMddgD]?}|j|r|t|}|jd|j|SqW|j|S(s Borrowed wholesale from the Python Cryptography Project. It turns out that we can't just safely call `idna.encode`: it can explode for wildcard names. This avoids that problem. iNu*.u.tascii(tidnat startswithtlentencode(tnameR(tprefix((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt idna_encodes  iisutf-8(ii(tsyst version_infotdecode(R,R.((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_dnsname_to_stdlibs  cC@st|dr|j}ntt|j}y|jjtjj }WnMtj k rcgStj tj tj tfk r}tjd|gSXg|jtjD]}dt|f^q}|jd|jtjD|S(sU Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. tto_cryptographysA problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can affect certificate validation. The error was %stDNScs@s!|]}dt|fVqdS(s IP AddressN(tstr(RR,((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pys s(thasattrR3Rtopenssl_backendR!t extensionsRRtSubjectAlternativeNametvaluetExtensionNotFoundtDuplicateExtensiontUnsupportedExtensiontUnsupportedGeneralNameTypet UnicodeErrortlogtwarningtget_values_for_typetDNSNameR2textendt IPAddress(t peer_certtcerttextteR,tnames((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytget_subj_alt_names(   .t WrappedSocketcB@seZdZedZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ d Z d Z ed Zd Zd ZRS(sAPI-compatibility wrapper for Python OpenSSL's Connection-class. Note: _makefile_refs, _drop() and _reuse() are needed for the garbage collector of pypy. cC@s1||_||_||_d|_t|_dS(Ni(t connectiontsockettsuppress_ragged_eofst_makefile_refsRt_closed(tselfRMRNRO((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt__init__s     cC@s |jjS(N(RNtfileno(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRTscC@s;|jdkr!|jd8_n|jr7|jndS(Nii(RPRQtclose(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_decref_socketioss cO@sy|jj||}Wntjjk rb}|jrM|jdkrMdStt|ntjj k r}|jj tjj krdSn^tjj k rt j|j|jj}|stdq|j||SnX|SdS(NisUnexpected EOFtsThe read operation timed out(isUnexpected EOF(RMtrecvtOpenSSLtSSLt SysCallErrorROtargst SocketErrorR5tZeroReturnErrort get_shutdowntRECEIVED_SHUTDOWNt WantReadErrorR t wait_for_readRNt gettimeoutR(RRR\tkwargstdataRItrd((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRXs cO@sy|jj||SWntjjk r`}|jrK|jdkrKdStt|ntjj k r}|jj tjj krdSnZtjj k rt j|j|jj}|stdq|j||SnXdS(NisUnexpected EOFisThe read operation timed out(isUnexpected EOF(RMt recv_intoRYRZR[ROR\R]R5R^R_R`RaR RbRNRcR(RRR\RdRIRf((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRgscC@s|jj|S(N(RNt settimeout(RRR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRh*scC@sxtry|jj|SWqtjjk ritj|j|jj }|st qqqtjj k r}t t |qXqWdS(N(RRMtsendRYRZtWantWriteErrorR twait_for_writeRNRcRR[R]R5(RRRetwrRI((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_send_until_done-s  cC@sGd}x:|t|krB|j|||t!}||7}q WdS(Ni(R*RmtSSL_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE(RRRet total_senttsent((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytsendall9scC@s|jjdS(N(RMtshutdown(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRr?scC@sZ|jdkrGyt|_|jjSWqVtjjk rCdSXn|jd8_dS(Ni(RPRRQRMRURYRZtError(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRUCs cC@se|jj}|s|S|r8tjjtjj|Sid|jjfffd6t|d6S(Nt commonNametsubjecttsubjectAltName( RMtget_peer_certificateRYtcryptotdump_certificatet FILETYPE_ASN1t get_subjecttCNRK(RRt binary_formR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt getpeercertMs  cC@s|jd7_dS(Ni(RP(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_reuse_scC@s/|jdkr|jn|jd8_dS(Ni(RPRU(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_dropbs (t__name__t __module__t__doc__RRSRTRVRXRgRhRmRqRrRURR~RR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRLs          icC@s%|jd7_t|||dtS(NiRU(RPRR(RRtmodetbufsize((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytmakefilejsRcB@seZdZdZedZejdZedZejdZdZdZ d d d dZ d d d Z e eed d ZRS( s I am a wrapper class for the PyOpenSSL ``Context`` object. I am responsible for translating the interface of the standard library ``SSLContext`` object to calls into PyOpenSSL. cC@s;t||_tjj|j|_d|_t|_dS(Ni( t_openssl_versionstprotocolRYRZtContextt_ctxt_optionsRtcheck_hostname(RRR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRSys  cC@s|jS(N(R(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytoptionsscC@s||_|jj|dS(N(RRt set_options(RRR:((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs cC@st|jjS(N(t_openssl_to_stdlib_verifyRtget_verify_mode(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt verify_modescC@s|jjt|tdS(N(Rt set_verifyt_stdlib_to_openssl_verifyt_verify_callback(RRR:((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs cC@s|jjdS(N(Rtset_default_verify_paths(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRscC@s8t|tjr$|jd}n|jj|dS(Nsutf-8(t isinstanceR t text_typeR+Rtset_cipher_list(RRtciphers((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt set_ciphersscC@sx|dk r|jd}n|dk r<|jd}n|jj|||dk rt|jjt|ndS(Nsutf-8(R$R+Rtload_verify_locationsR(RRtcafiletcapathtcadata((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs   c@sR|jj|dk r8|jjfdn|jj|pJ|dS(Nc@sS(N((t max_lengtht prompt_twicetuserdata(tpassword(sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytRW(Rtuse_certificate_fileR$t set_passwd_cbtuse_privatekey_file(RRtcertfiletkeyfileR((RsI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytload_cert_chains c C@stjj|j|}t|tjr<|jd}n|dk rX|j |n|j xt ry|j Wnrtjj k rtj||j}|setdqeqen,tjjk r}tjd|nXPqeWt||S(Nsutf-8sselect timed outsbad handshake: %r(RYRZt ConnectionRRR RR+R$tset_tlsext_host_nametset_connect_stateRt do_handshakeRaR RbRcRRstssltSSLErrorRL( RRtsockt server_sidetdo_handshake_on_connectROtserver_hostnametcnxRfRI((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt wrap_sockets$   N(RRRRStpropertyRtsetterRRRR$RRRRR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRss    cC@s |dkS(Ni((RRterr_not err_deptht return_code((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs(LRt __future__Rt OpenSSL.SSLRYt cryptographyRt$cryptography.hazmat.backends.opensslRR7t)cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509RRNRRR]tioRRR%R$tpackages.backports.makefileRtloggingRtpackagesR R/RWR t__all__RRRZt SSLv23_METHODtPROTOCOL_SSLv23t TLSv1_METHODtPROTOCOL_TLSv1RR6RR RRtupdatet SSLv3_METHODtPROTOCOL_SSLv3tAttributeErrort VERIFY_NONEt CERT_NONEt VERIFY_PEERt CERT_OPTIONALtVERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERTt CERT_REQUIREDRtdicttitemsRRnRRRRt getLoggerRR@R R RR2RKtobjectRLRRR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt+sh      !!!      3 Scontrib/pyopenssl.pyo000064400000042334147205427720011011 0ustar00 abc@@sdZddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZ ddl m Z ddl m Z mZddlmZydd l mZWn'ek rdZd d lmZnXddlZddlZd d lmZddlZd d lmZddgZeZ iej!j"ej#6ej!j$ej%6Z&e'edrie'ej!driej!j(e&ej)ej?e@ZAdZBdZCdZDdZEdZFdeGfdYZHerddZIneZIeIeH_IdeGfd YZJd!ZKdS("sb SSL with SNI_-support for Python 2. Follow these instructions if you would like to verify SSL certificates in Python 2. Note, the default libraries do *not* do certificate checking; you need to do additional work to validate certificates yourself. This needs the following packages installed: * pyOpenSSL (tested with 16.0.0) * cryptography (minimum 1.3.4, from pyopenssl) * idna (minimum 2.0, from cryptography) However, pyopenssl depends on cryptography, which depends on idna, so while we use all three directly here we end up having relatively few packages required. You can install them with the following command: pip install pyopenssl cryptography idna To activate certificate checking, call :func:`~urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3` from your Python code before you begin making HTTP requests. This can be done in a ``sitecustomize`` module, or at any other time before your application begins using ``urllib3``, like this:: try: import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3() except ImportError: pass Now you can use :mod:`urllib3` as you normally would, and it will support SNI when the required modules are installed. Activating this module also has the positive side effect of disabling SSL/TLS compression in Python 2 (see `CRIME attack`_). If you want to configure the default list of supported cipher suites, you can set the ``urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST`` variable. .. _sni: .. _crime attack: i(tabsolute_importN(tx509(tbackend(t _Certificate(ttimeoutterror(tBytesIO(t _fileobjecti(tbackport_makefile(tsix(tutiltinject_into_urllib3textract_from_urllib3tPROTOCOL_TLSv1_1tTLSv1_1_METHODtPROTOCOL_TLSv1_2tTLSv1_2_METHODcc@s!|]\}}||fVqdS(N((t.0tktv((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pys `si@cC@sAtttj_tt_ttj_tt_ttj_dS(s7Monkey-patch urllib3 with PyOpenSSL-backed SSL-support.N(t_validate_dependencies_mettPyOpenSSLContextR tssl_t SSLContexttHAS_SNItTruet IS_PYOPENSSL(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyR ms     cC@s:ttj_tt_ttj_tt_ttj_dS(s4Undo monkey-patching by :func:`inject_into_urllib3`.N(torig_util_SSLContextR RRtorig_util_HAS_SNIRtFalseR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyR ys     cC@s{ddlm}t|dddkr7tdnddlm}|}t|dddkrwtdndS( s{ Verifies that PyOpenSSL's package-level dependencies have been met. Throws `ImportError` if they are not met. i(t Extensionstget_extension_for_classsX'cryptography' module missing required functionality. Try upgrading to v1.3.4 or newer.(tX509t_x509sS'pyOpenSSL' module missing required functionality. Try upgrading to v0.14 or newer.N(tcryptography.x509.extensionsRtgetattrtNonet ImportErrortOpenSSL.cryptoR (RR R((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs cC@s:d}||}tjdkr6|jd}n|S(s Converts a dNSName SubjectAlternativeName field to the form used by the standard library on the given Python version. Cryptography produces a dNSName as a unicode string that was idna-decoded from ASCII bytes. We need to idna-encode that string to get it back, and then on Python 3 we also need to convert to unicode via UTF-8 (the stdlib uses PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize on it, which decodes via UTF-8). cS@siddl}xMddgD]?}|j|r|t|}|jd|j|SqW|j|S(s Borrowed wholesale from the Python Cryptography Project. It turns out that we can't just safely call `idna.encode`: it can explode for wildcard names. This avoids that problem. iNu*.u.tascii(tidnat startswithtlentencode(tnameR(tprefix((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt idna_encodes  iisutf-8(ii(tsyst version_infotdecode(R,R.((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_dnsname_to_stdlibs  cC@st|dr|j}ntt|j}y|jjtjj }WnMtj k rcgStj tj tj tfk r}tjd|gSXg|jtjD]}dt|f^q}|jd|jtjD|S(sU Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names. tto_cryptographysA problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can affect certificate validation. The error was %stDNScs@s!|]}dt|fVqdS(s IP AddressN(tstr(RR,((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pys s(thasattrR3Rtopenssl_backendR!t extensionsRRtSubjectAlternativeNametvaluetExtensionNotFoundtDuplicateExtensiontUnsupportedExtensiontUnsupportedGeneralNameTypet UnicodeErrortlogtwarningtget_values_for_typetDNSNameR2textendt IPAddress(t peer_certtcerttextteR,tnames((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytget_subj_alt_names(   .t WrappedSocketcB@seZdZedZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ d Z d Z ed Zd Zd ZRS(sAPI-compatibility wrapper for Python OpenSSL's Connection-class. Note: _makefile_refs, _drop() and _reuse() are needed for the garbage collector of pypy. cC@s1||_||_||_d|_t|_dS(Ni(t connectiontsockettsuppress_ragged_eofst_makefile_refsRt_closed(tselfRMRNRO((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt__init__s     cC@s |jjS(N(RNtfileno(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRTscC@s;|jdkr!|jd8_n|jr7|jndS(Nii(RPRQtclose(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_decref_socketioss cO@sy|jj||}Wntjjk rb}|jrM|jdkrMdStt|ntjj k r}|jj tjj krdSn^tjj k rt j|j|jj}|stdq|j||SnX|SdS(NisUnexpected EOFtsThe read operation timed out(isUnexpected EOF(RMtrecvtOpenSSLtSSLt SysCallErrorROtargst SocketErrorR5tZeroReturnErrort get_shutdowntRECEIVED_SHUTDOWNt WantReadErrorR t wait_for_readRNt gettimeoutR(RRR\tkwargstdataRItrd((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRXs cO@sy|jj||SWntjjk r`}|jrK|jdkrKdStt|ntjj k r}|jj tjj krdSnZtjj k rt j|j|jj}|stdq|j||SnXdS(NisUnexpected EOFisThe read operation timed out(isUnexpected EOF(RMt recv_intoRYRZR[ROR\R]R5R^R_R`RaR RbRNRcR(RRR\RdRIRf((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRgscC@s|jj|S(N(RNt settimeout(RRR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRh*scC@sxtry|jj|SWqtjjk ritj|j|jj }|st qqqtjj k r}t t |qXqWdS(N(RRMtsendRYRZtWantWriteErrorR twait_for_writeRNRcRR[R]R5(RRRetwrRI((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_send_until_done-s  cC@sGd}x:|t|krB|j|||t!}||7}q WdS(Ni(R*RmtSSL_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE(RRRet total_senttsent((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytsendall9scC@s|jjdS(N(RMtshutdown(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRr?scC@sZ|jdkrGyt|_|jjSWqVtjjk rCdSXn|jd8_dS(Ni(RPRRQRMRURYRZtError(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRUCs cC@se|jj}|s|S|r8tjjtjj|Sid|jjfffd6t|d6S(Nt commonNametsubjecttsubjectAltName( RMtget_peer_certificateRYtcryptotdump_certificatet FILETYPE_ASN1t get_subjecttCNRK(RRt binary_formR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt getpeercertMs  cC@s|jd7_dS(Ni(RP(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_reuse_scC@s/|jdkr|jn|jd8_dS(Ni(RPRU(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt_dropbs (t__name__t __module__t__doc__RRSRTRVRXRgRhRmRqRrRURR~RR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRLs          icC@s%|jd7_t|||dtS(NiRU(RPRR(RRtmodetbufsize((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytmakefilejsRcB@seZdZdZedZejdZedZejdZdZdZ d d d dZ d d d Z e eed d ZRS( s I am a wrapper class for the PyOpenSSL ``Context`` object. I am responsible for translating the interface of the standard library ``SSLContext`` object to calls into PyOpenSSL. cC@s;t||_tjj|j|_d|_t|_dS(Ni( t_openssl_versionstprotocolRYRZtContextt_ctxt_optionsRtcheck_hostname(RRR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRSys  cC@s|jS(N(R(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytoptionsscC@s||_|jj|dS(N(RRt set_options(RRR:((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs cC@st|jjS(N(t_openssl_to_stdlib_verifyRtget_verify_mode(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt verify_modescC@s|jjt|tdS(N(Rt set_verifyt_stdlib_to_openssl_verifyt_verify_callback(RRR:((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs cC@s|jjdS(N(Rtset_default_verify_paths(RR((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRscC@s8t|tjr$|jd}n|jj|dS(Nsutf-8(t isinstanceR t text_typeR+Rtset_cipher_list(RRtciphers((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt set_ciphersscC@sx|dk r|jd}n|dk r<|jd}n|jj|||dk rt|jjt|ndS(Nsutf-8(R$R+Rtload_verify_locationsR(RRtcafiletcapathtcadata((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs   c@sR|jj|dk r8|jjfdn|jj|pJ|dS(Nc@sS(N((t max_lengtht prompt_twicetuserdata(tpassword(sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytRW(Rtuse_certificate_fileR$t set_passwd_cbtuse_privatekey_file(RRtcertfiletkeyfileR((RsI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pytload_cert_chains c C@stjj|j|}t|tjr<|jd}n|dk rX|j |n|j xt ry|j Wnrtjj k rtj||j}|setdqeqen,tjjk r}tjd|nXPqeWt||S(Nsutf-8sselect timed outsbad handshake: %r(RYRZt ConnectionRRR RR+R$tset_tlsext_host_nametset_connect_stateRt do_handshakeRaR RbRcRRstssltSSLErrorRL( RRtsockt server_sidetdo_handshake_on_connectROtserver_hostnametcnxRfRI((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt wrap_sockets$   N(RRRRStpropertyRtsetterRRRR$RRRRR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRss    cC@s |dkS(Ni((RRterr_not err_deptht return_code((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyRs(LRt __future__Rt OpenSSL.SSLRYt cryptographyRt$cryptography.hazmat.backends.opensslRR7t)cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509RRNRRR]tioRRR%R$tpackages.backports.makefileRtloggingRtpackagesR R/RWR t__all__RRRZt SSLv23_METHODtPROTOCOL_SSLv23t TLSv1_METHODtPROTOCOL_TLSv1RR6RR RRtupdatet SSLv3_METHODtPROTOCOL_SSLv3tAttributeErrort VERIFY_NONEt CERT_NONEt VERIFY_PEERt CERT_OPTIONALtVERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERTt CERT_REQUIREDRtdicttitemsRRnRRRRt getLoggerRR@R R RR2RKtobjectRLRRR(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.pyt+sh      !!!      3 Scontrib/securetransport.py000064400000073445147205427720012050 0ustar00""" SecureTranport support for urllib3 via ctypes. This makes platform-native TLS available to urllib3 users on macOS without the use of a compiler. This is an important feature because the Python Package Index is moving to become a TLSv1.2-or-higher server, and the default OpenSSL that ships with macOS is not capable of doing TLSv1.2. The only way to resolve this is to give macOS users an alternative solution to the problem, and that solution is to use SecureTransport. We use ctypes here because this solution must not require a compiler. That's because pip is not allowed to require a compiler either. This is not intended to be a seriously long-term solution to this problem. The hope is that PEP 543 will eventually solve this issue for us, at which point we can retire this contrib module. But in the short term, we need to solve the impending tire fire that is Python on Mac without this kind of contrib module. we are. To use this module, simply import and inject it:: import urllib3.contrib.securetransport urllib3.contrib.securetransport.inject_into_urllib3() Happy TLSing! """ from __future__ import absolute_import import contextlib import ctypes import errno import os.path import shutil import socket import ssl import threading import weakref from .. import util from ._securetransport.bindings import ( Security, SecurityConst, CoreFoundation ) from ._securetransport.low_level import ( _assert_no_error, _cert_array_from_pem, _temporary_keychain, _load_client_cert_chain ) try: # Platform-specific: Python 2 from socket import _fileobject except ImportError: # Platform-specific: Python 3 _fileobject = None from ..packages.backports.makefile import backport_makefile try: memoryview(b'') except NameError: raise ImportError("SecureTransport only works on Pythons with memoryview") __all__ = ['inject_into_urllib3', 'extract_from_urllib3'] # SNI always works HAS_SNI = True orig_util_HAS_SNI = util.HAS_SNI orig_util_SSLContext = util.ssl_.SSLContext # This dictionary is used by the read callback to obtain a handle to the # calling wrapped socket. This is a pretty silly approach, but for now it'll # do. I feel like I should be able to smuggle a handle to the wrapped socket # directly in the SSLConnectionRef, but for now this approach will work I # guess. # # We need to lock around this structure for inserts, but we don't do it for # reads/writes in the callbacks. The reasoning here goes as follows: # # 1. It is not possible to call into the callbacks before the dictionary is # populated, so once in the callback the id must be in the dictionary. # 2. The callbacks don't mutate the dictionary, they only read from it, and # so cannot conflict with any of the insertions. # # This is good: if we had to lock in the callbacks we'd drastically slow down # the performance of this code. _connection_refs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() _connection_ref_lock = threading.Lock() # Limit writes to 16kB. This is OpenSSL's limit, but we'll cargo-cult it over # for no better reason than we need *a* limit, and this one is right there. SSL_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE = 16384 # This is our equivalent of util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS, but expanded out to # individual cipher suites. We need to do this becuase this is how # SecureTransport wants them. CIPHER_SUITES = [ SecurityConst.TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, SecurityConst.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, SecurityConst.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, SecurityConst.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, ] # Basically this is simple: for PROTOCOL_SSLv23 we turn it into a low of # TLSv1 and a high of TLSv1.2. For everything else, we pin to that version. _protocol_to_min_max = { ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23: (SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol1, SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol12), } if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_SSLv2"): _protocol_to_min_max[ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv2] = ( SecurityConst.kSSLProtocol2, SecurityConst.kSSLProtocol2 ) if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_SSLv3"): _protocol_to_min_max[ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3] = ( SecurityConst.kSSLProtocol3, SecurityConst.kSSLProtocol3 ) if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLSv1"): _protocol_to_min_max[ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1] = ( SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol1, SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol1 ) if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1"): _protocol_to_min_max[ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1] = ( SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol11, SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol11 ) if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2"): _protocol_to_min_max[ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2] = ( SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol12, SecurityConst.kTLSProtocol12 ) if hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLS"): _protocol_to_min_max[ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS] = _protocol_to_min_max[ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23] def inject_into_urllib3(): """ Monkey-patch urllib3 with SecureTransport-backed SSL-support. """ util.ssl_.SSLContext = SecureTransportContext util.HAS_SNI = HAS_SNI util.ssl_.HAS_SNI = HAS_SNI util.IS_SECURETRANSPORT = True util.ssl_.IS_SECURETRANSPORT = True def extract_from_urllib3(): """ Undo monkey-patching by :func:`inject_into_urllib3`. """ util.ssl_.SSLContext = orig_util_SSLContext util.HAS_SNI = orig_util_HAS_SNI util.ssl_.HAS_SNI = orig_util_HAS_SNI util.IS_SECURETRANSPORT = False util.ssl_.IS_SECURETRANSPORT = False def _read_callback(connection_id, data_buffer, data_length_pointer): """ SecureTransport read callback. This is called by ST to request that data be returned from the socket. """ wrapped_socket = None try: wrapped_socket = _connection_refs.get(connection_id) if wrapped_socket is None: return SecurityConst.errSSLInternal base_socket = wrapped_socket.socket requested_length = data_length_pointer[0] timeout = wrapped_socket.gettimeout() error = None read_count = 0 buffer = (ctypes.c_char * requested_length).from_address(data_buffer) buffer_view = memoryview(buffer) try: while read_count < requested_length: if timeout is None or timeout >= 0: readables = util.wait_for_read([base_socket], timeout) if not readables: raise socket.error(errno.EAGAIN, 'timed out') # We need to tell ctypes that we have a buffer that can be # written to. Upsettingly, we do that like this: chunk_size = base_socket.recv_into( buffer_view[read_count:requested_length] ) read_count += chunk_size if not chunk_size: if not read_count: return SecurityConst.errSSLClosedGraceful break except (socket.error) as e: error = e.errno if error is not None and error != errno.EAGAIN: if error == errno.ECONNRESET: return SecurityConst.errSSLClosedAbort raise data_length_pointer[0] = read_count if read_count != requested_length: return SecurityConst.errSSLWouldBlock return 0 except Exception as e: if wrapped_socket is not None: wrapped_socket._exception = e return SecurityConst.errSSLInternal def _write_callback(connection_id, data_buffer, data_length_pointer): """ SecureTransport write callback. This is called by ST to request that data actually be sent on the network. """ wrapped_socket = None try: wrapped_socket = _connection_refs.get(connection_id) if wrapped_socket is None: return SecurityConst.errSSLInternal base_socket = wrapped_socket.socket bytes_to_write = data_length_pointer[0] data = ctypes.string_at(data_buffer, bytes_to_write) timeout = wrapped_socket.gettimeout() error = None sent = 0 try: while sent < bytes_to_write: if timeout is None or timeout >= 0: writables = util.wait_for_write([base_socket], timeout) if not writables: raise socket.error(errno.EAGAIN, 'timed out') chunk_sent = base_socket.send(data) sent += chunk_sent # This has some needless copying here, but I'm not sure there's # much value in optimising this data path. data = data[chunk_sent:] except (socket.error) as e: error = e.errno if error is not None and error != errno.EAGAIN: if error == errno.ECONNRESET: return SecurityConst.errSSLClosedAbort raise data_length_pointer[0] = sent if sent != bytes_to_write: return SecurityConst.errSSLWouldBlock return 0 except Exception as e: if wrapped_socket is not None: wrapped_socket._exception = e return SecurityConst.errSSLInternal # We need to keep these two objects references alive: if they get GC'd while # in use then SecureTransport could attempt to call a function that is in freed # memory. That would be...uh...bad. Yeah, that's the word. Bad. _read_callback_pointer = Security.SSLReadFunc(_read_callback) _write_callback_pointer = Security.SSLWriteFunc(_write_callback) class WrappedSocket(object): """ API-compatibility wrapper for Python's OpenSSL wrapped socket object. Note: _makefile_refs, _drop(), and _reuse() are needed for the garbage collector of PyPy. """ def __init__(self, socket): self.socket = socket self.context = None self._makefile_refs = 0 self._closed = False self._exception = None self._keychain = None self._keychain_dir = None self._client_cert_chain = None # We save off the previously-configured timeout and then set it to # zero. This is done because we use select and friends to handle the # timeouts, but if we leave the timeout set on the lower socket then # Python will "kindly" call select on that socket again for us. Avoid # that by forcing the timeout to zero. self._timeout = self.socket.gettimeout() self.socket.settimeout(0) @contextlib.contextmanager def _raise_on_error(self): """ A context manager that can be used to wrap calls that do I/O from SecureTransport. If any of the I/O callbacks hit an exception, this context manager will correctly propagate the exception after the fact. This avoids silently swallowing those exceptions. It also correctly forces the socket closed. """ self._exception = None # We explicitly don't catch around this yield because in the unlikely # event that an exception was hit in the block we don't want to swallow # it. yield if self._exception is not None: exception, self._exception = self._exception, None self.close() raise exception def _set_ciphers(self): """ Sets up the allowed ciphers. By default this matches the set in util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS, at least as supported by macOS. This is done custom and doesn't allow changing at this time, mostly because parsing OpenSSL cipher strings is going to be a freaking nightmare. """ ciphers = (Security.SSLCipherSuite * len(CIPHER_SUITES))(*CIPHER_SUITES) result = Security.SSLSetEnabledCiphers( self.context, ciphers, len(CIPHER_SUITES) ) _assert_no_error(result) def _custom_validate(self, verify, trust_bundle): """ Called when we have set custom validation. We do this in two cases: first, when cert validation is entirely disabled; and second, when using a custom trust DB. """ # If we disabled cert validation, just say: cool. if not verify: return # We want data in memory, so load it up. if os.path.isfile(trust_bundle): with open(trust_bundle, 'rb') as f: trust_bundle = cert_array = None trust = Security.SecTrustRef() try: # Get a CFArray that contains the certs we want. cert_array = _cert_array_from_pem(trust_bundle) # Ok, now the hard part. We want to get the SecTrustRef that ST has # created for this connection, shove our CAs into it, tell ST to # ignore everything else it knows, and then ask if it can build a # chain. This is a buuuunch of code. result = Security.SSLCopyPeerTrust( self.context, ctypes.byref(trust) ) _assert_no_error(result) if not trust: raise ssl.SSLError("Failed to copy trust reference") result = Security.SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, cert_array) _assert_no_error(result) result = Security.SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnly(trust, True) _assert_no_error(result) trust_result = Security.SecTrustResultType() result = Security.SecTrustEvaluate( trust, ctypes.byref(trust_result) ) _assert_no_error(result) finally: if trust: CoreFoundation.CFRelease(trust) if cert_array is None: CoreFoundation.CFRelease(cert_array) # Ok, now we can look at what the result was. successes = ( SecurityConst.kSecTrustResultUnspecified, SecurityConst.kSecTrustResultProceed ) if trust_result.value not in successes: raise ssl.SSLError( "certificate verify failed, error code: %d" % trust_result.value ) def handshake(self, server_hostname, verify, trust_bundle, min_version, max_version, client_cert, client_key, client_key_passphrase): """ Actually performs the TLS handshake. This is run automatically by wrapped socket, and shouldn't be needed in user code. """ # First, we do the initial bits of connection setup. We need to create # a context, set its I/O funcs, and set the connection reference. self.context = Security.SSLCreateContext( None, SecurityConst.kSSLClientSide, SecurityConst.kSSLStreamType ) result = Security.SSLSetIOFuncs( self.context, _read_callback_pointer, _write_callback_pointer ) _assert_no_error(result) # Here we need to compute the handle to use. We do this by taking the # id of self modulo 2**31 - 1. If this is already in the dictionary, we # just keep incrementing by one until we find a free space. with _connection_ref_lock: handle = id(self) % 2147483647 while handle in _connection_refs: handle = (handle + 1) % 2147483647 _connection_refs[handle] = self result = Security.SSLSetConnection(self.context, handle) _assert_no_error(result) # If we have a server hostname, we should set that too. if server_hostname: if not isinstance(server_hostname, bytes): server_hostname = server_hostname.encode('utf-8') result = Security.SSLSetPeerDomainName( self.context, server_hostname, len(server_hostname) ) _assert_no_error(result) # Setup the ciphers. self._set_ciphers() # Set the minimum and maximum TLS versions. result = Security.SSLSetProtocolVersionMin(self.context, min_version) _assert_no_error(result) result = Security.SSLSetProtocolVersionMax(self.context, max_version) _assert_no_error(result) # If there's a trust DB, we need to use it. We do that by telling # SecureTransport to break on server auth. We also do that if we don't # want to validate the certs at all: we just won't actually do any # authing in that case. if not verify or trust_bundle is not None: result = Security.SSLSetSessionOption( self.context, SecurityConst.kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth, True ) _assert_no_error(result) # If there's a client cert, we need to use it. if client_cert: self._keychain, self._keychain_dir = _temporary_keychain() self._client_cert_chain = _load_client_cert_chain( self._keychain, client_cert, client_key ) result = Security.SSLSetCertificate( self.context, self._client_cert_chain ) _assert_no_error(result) while True: with self._raise_on_error(): result = Security.SSLHandshake(self.context) if result == SecurityConst.errSSLWouldBlock: raise socket.timeout("handshake timed out") elif result == SecurityConst.errSSLServerAuthCompleted: self._custom_validate(verify, trust_bundle) continue else: _assert_no_error(result) break def fileno(self): return self.socket.fileno() # Copy-pasted from Python 3.5 source code def _decref_socketios(self): if self._makefile_refs > 0: self._makefile_refs -= 1 if self._closed: self.close() def recv(self, bufsiz): buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(bufsiz) bytes_read = self.recv_into(buffer, bufsiz) data = buffer[:bytes_read] return data def recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes=None): # Read short on EOF. if self._closed: return 0 if nbytes is None: nbytes = len(buffer) buffer = (ctypes.c_char * nbytes).from_buffer(buffer) processed_bytes = ctypes.c_size_t(0) with self._raise_on_error(): result = Security.SSLRead( self.context, buffer, nbytes, ctypes.byref(processed_bytes) ) # There are some result codes that we want to treat as "not always # errors". Specifically, those are errSSLWouldBlock, # errSSLClosedGraceful, and errSSLClosedNoNotify. if (result == SecurityConst.errSSLWouldBlock): # If we didn't process any bytes, then this was just a time out. # However, we can get errSSLWouldBlock in situations when we *did* # read some data, and in those cases we should just read "short" # and return. if processed_bytes.value == 0: # Timed out, no data read. raise socket.timeout("recv timed out") elif result in (SecurityConst.errSSLClosedGraceful, SecurityConst.errSSLClosedNoNotify): # The remote peer has closed this connection. We should do so as # well. Note that we don't actually return here because in # principle this could actually be fired along with return data. # It's unlikely though. self.close() else: _assert_no_error(result) # Ok, we read and probably succeeded. We should return whatever data # was actually read. return processed_bytes.value def settimeout(self, timeout): self._timeout = timeout def gettimeout(self): return self._timeout def send(self, data): processed_bytes = ctypes.c_size_t(0) with self._raise_on_error(): result = Security.SSLWrite( self.context, data, len(data), ctypes.byref(processed_bytes) ) if result == SecurityConst.errSSLWouldBlock and processed_bytes.value == 0: # Timed out raise socket.timeout("send timed out") else: _assert_no_error(result) # We sent, and probably succeeded. Tell them how much we sent. return processed_bytes.value def sendall(self, data): total_sent = 0 while total_sent < len(data): sent = self.send(data[total_sent:total_sent + SSL_WRITE_BLOCKSIZE]) total_sent += sent def shutdown(self): with self._raise_on_error(): Security.SSLClose(self.context) def close(self): # TODO: should I do clean shutdown here? Do I have to? if self._makefile_refs < 1: self._closed = True if self.context: CoreFoundation.CFRelease(self.context) self.context = None if self._client_cert_chain: CoreFoundation.CFRelease(self._client_cert_chain) self._client_cert_chain = None if self._keychain: Security.SecKeychainDelete(self._keychain) CoreFoundation.CFRelease(self._keychain) shutil.rmtree(self._keychain_dir) self._keychain = self._keychain_dir = None return self.socket.close() else: self._makefile_refs -= 1 def getpeercert(self, binary_form=False): # Urgh, annoying. # # Here's how we do this: # # 1. Call SSLCopyPeerTrust to get hold of the trust object for this # connection. # 2. Call SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex for index 0 to get the leaf. # 3. To get the CN, call SecCertificateCopyCommonName and process that # string so that it's of the appropriate type. # 4. To get the SAN, we need to do something a bit more complex: # a. Call SecCertificateCopyValues to get the data, requesting # kSecOIDSubjectAltName. # b. Mess about with this dictionary to try to get the SANs out. # # This is gross. Really gross. It's going to be a few hundred LoC extra # just to repeat something that SecureTransport can *already do*. So my # operating assumption at this time is that what we want to do is # instead to just flag to urllib3 that it shouldn't do its own hostname # validation when using SecureTransport. if not binary_form: raise ValueError( "SecureTransport only supports dumping binary certs" ) trust = Security.SecTrustRef() certdata = None der_bytes = None try: # Grab the trust store. result = Security.SSLCopyPeerTrust( self.context, ctypes.byref(trust) ) _assert_no_error(result) if not trust: # Probably we haven't done the handshake yet. No biggie. return None cert_count = Security.SecTrustGetCertificateCount(trust) if not cert_count: # Also a case that might happen if we haven't handshaked. # Handshook? Handshaken? return None leaf = Security.SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(trust, 0) assert leaf # Ok, now we want the DER bytes. certdata = Security.SecCertificateCopyData(leaf) assert certdata data_length = CoreFoundation.CFDataGetLength(certdata) data_buffer = CoreFoundation.CFDataGetBytePtr(certdata) der_bytes = ctypes.string_at(data_buffer, data_length) finally: if certdata: CoreFoundation.CFRelease(certdata) if trust: CoreFoundation.CFRelease(trust) return der_bytes def _reuse(self): self._makefile_refs += 1 def _drop(self): if self._makefile_refs < 1: self.close() else: self._makefile_refs -= 1 if _fileobject: # Platform-specific: Python 2 def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=-1): self._makefile_refs += 1 return _fileobject(self, mode, bufsize, close=True) else: # Platform-specific: Python 3 def makefile(self, mode="r", buffering=None, *args, **kwargs): # We disable buffering with SecureTransport because it conflicts with # the buffering that ST does internally (see issue #1153 for more). buffering = 0 return backport_makefile(self, mode, buffering, *args, **kwargs) WrappedSocket.makefile = makefile class SecureTransportContext(object): """ I am a wrapper class for the SecureTransport library, to translate the interface of the standard library ``SSLContext`` object to calls into SecureTransport. """ def __init__(self, protocol): self._min_version, self._max_version = _protocol_to_min_max[protocol] self._options = 0 self._verify = False self._trust_bundle = None self._client_cert = None self._client_key = None self._client_key_passphrase = None @property def check_hostname(self): """ SecureTransport cannot have its hostname checking disabled. For more, see the comment on getpeercert() in this file. """ return True @check_hostname.setter def check_hostname(self, value): """ SecureTransport cannot have its hostname checking disabled. For more, see the comment on getpeercert() in this file. """ pass @property def options(self): # TODO: Well, crap. # # So this is the bit of the code that is the most likely to cause us # trouble. Essentially we need to enumerate all of the SSL options that # users might want to use and try to see if we can sensibly translate # them, or whether we should just ignore them. return self._options @options.setter def options(self, value): # TODO: Update in line with above. self._options = value @property def verify_mode(self): return ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self._verify else ssl.CERT_NONE @verify_mode.setter def verify_mode(self, value): self._verify = True if value == ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else False def set_default_verify_paths(self): # So, this has to do something a bit weird. Specifically, what it does # is nothing. # # This means that, if we had previously had load_verify_locations # called, this does not undo that. We need to do that because it turns # out that the rest of the urllib3 code will attempt to load the # default verify paths if it hasn't been told about any paths, even if # the context itself was sometime earlier. We resolve that by just # ignoring it. pass def load_default_certs(self): return self.set_default_verify_paths() def set_ciphers(self, ciphers): # For now, we just require the default cipher string. if ciphers != util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS: raise ValueError( "SecureTransport doesn't support custom cipher strings" ) def load_verify_locations(self, cafile=None, capath=None, cadata=None): # OK, we only really support cadata and cafile. if capath is not None: raise ValueError( "SecureTransport does not support cert directories" ) self._trust_bundle = cafile or cadata def load_cert_chain(self, certfile, keyfile=None, password=None): self._client_cert = certfile self._client_key = keyfile self._client_cert_passphrase = password def wrap_socket(self, sock, server_side=False, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, server_hostname=None): # So, what do we do here? Firstly, we assert some properties. This is a # stripped down shim, so there is some functionality we don't support. # See PEP 543 for the real deal. assert not server_side assert do_handshake_on_connect assert suppress_ragged_eofs # Ok, we're good to go. Now we want to create the wrapped socket object # and store it in the appropriate place. wrapped_socket = WrappedSocket(sock) # Now we can handshake wrapped_socket.handshake( server_hostname, self._verify, self._trust_bundle, self._min_version, self._max_version, self._client_cert, self._client_key, self._client_key_passphrase ) return wrapped_socket contrib/securetransport.pyc000064400000054336147205427720012211 0ustar00 abc!@@sdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl mZddlmZmZmZddlmZmZmZmZydd l mZWn'ek r eZdd lmZnXyed Wnek r;ed nXd dgZe Z!ej!Z"ej#j$Z%e j&Z'e j(Z)dZ*ej+ej,ej-ej.ej/ej0ej1ej2ej3ej4ej5ej6ej7ej8ej9ej:ej;ej<ej=ej>ej?ej@ejAejBejCejDejEejFejGejHejIejJejKg!ZLiejMejNfe jO6ZPeQe drejRejRfePe jS Undo monkey-patching by :func:`inject_into_urllib3`. N(torig_util_SSLContextRRRtorig_util_HAS_SNIRtFalseR(((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyR s     cC@sd}ytj|}|dkr+tjS|j}|d}|j}d}d}tj|j |} t | } yx||kr|dks|dkrt j |g|} | stj tjdqn|j| ||!} || 7}| s~|s tjSPq~q~WWnVtj k rl} | j}|dk rm|tjkrm|tjkrctjSqmnX||d<||krtjSdSWn/tk r} |dk r| |_ntjSXdS(ss SecureTransport read callback. This is called by ST to request that data be returned from the socket. is timed outN(tNonet_connection_refstgetRterrSSLInternaltsockett gettimeouttctypestc_chart from_addresst memoryviewRt wait_for_readterrorterrnotEAGAINt recv_intoterrSSLClosedGracefult ECONNRESETterrSSLClosedAbortterrSSLWouldBlockt Exceptiont _exception(t connection_idt data_buffertdata_length_pointertwrapped_sockett base_sockettrequested_lengthttimeoutR(t read_counttbuffert buffer_viewt readablest chunk_sizete((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_read_callbacksN             c C@sd}yetj|}|dkr+tjS|j}|d}tj||}|j}d}d} yx| |kr|dks|dkrt j |g|} | stj t j dqn|j|} | | 7} || }qnWWnVtj k rH} | j }|dk rI|t j krI|t jkr?tjSqInX| |d<| |krftjSdSWn/tk r} |dk r| |_ntjSXdS(sx SecureTransport write callback. This is called by ST to request that data actually be sent on the network. is timed outN(RRRRR R!R#t string_atR"Rtwait_for_writeR(R)R*tsendR-R.R/R0R1( R2R3R4R5R6tbytes_to_writetdataR8R(tsentt writablest chunk_sentR>((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_write_callbacksD           t WrappedSocketcB@seZdZdZejdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ dd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZedZdZdZRS(s API-compatibility wrapper for Python's OpenSSL wrapped socket object. Note: _makefile_refs, _drop(), and _reuse() are needed for the garbage collector of PyPy. cC@sn||_d|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_d|_ |jj |_ |jj ddS(Ni( R!Rtcontextt_makefile_refsRt_closedR1t _keychaint _keychain_dirt_client_cert_chainR"t_timeoutt settimeout(tselfR!((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt__init__.s        cc@sGd|_dV|jdk rC|jd}|_|j|ndS(s] A context manager that can be used to wrap calls that do I/O from SecureTransport. If any of the I/O callbacks hit an exception, this context manager will correctly propagate the exception after the fact. This avoids silently swallowing those exceptions. It also correctly forces the socket closed. N(RR1tclose(RRt exception((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_raise_on_error@s  cC@sEtjttt}tj|j|tt}t|dS(s4 Sets up the allowed ciphers. By default this matches the set in util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS, at least as supported by macOS. This is done custom and doesn't allow changing at this time, mostly because parsing OpenSSL cipher strings is going to be a freaking nightmare. N(RtSSLCipherSuitetlent CIPHER_SUITEStSSLSetEnabledCiphersRJR(RRtcipherstresult((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt _set_ciphersUsc C@s|s dStjj|rCt|d}|j}WdQXnd}tj}zt|}tj |j t j |}t ||stjdntj||}t |tj|t}t |tj}tj|t j |}t |Wd|r'tj|n|dkrCtj|nXtjtjf}|j|kr~tjd|jndS(s Called when we have set custom validation. We do this in two cases: first, when cert validation is entirely disabled; and second, when using a custom trust DB. NtrbsFailed to copy trust references)certificate verify failed, error code: %d(tostpathtisfiletopentreadRRt SecTrustRefRtSSLCopyPeerTrustRJR#tbyrefRtssltSSLErrortSecTrustSetAnchorCertificatest!SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnlyRtSecTrustResultTypetSecTrustEvaluateRt CFReleaseRtkSecTrustResultUnspecifiedtkSecTrustResultProceedtvalue( RRtverifyt trust_bundletft cert_arrayttrustR\t trust_resultt successes((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_custom_validatebs@        c C@s[tjdtjtj|_tj|jtt } t | t @t |d} x| t krw| dd} qZW|t | Z    (       > icC@s%|jd7_t|||dtS(NiRT(RKR R(RRtmodetbufsize((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytmakefilestrcO@sd}t|||||S(Ni(R (RRRt bufferingtargstkwargs((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRsRcB@seZdZdZedZejdZedZejdZedZejdZdZ d Z d Z dddd Z ddd Zeeedd ZRS(s I am a wrapper class for the SecureTransport library, to translate the interface of the standard library ``SSLContext`` object to calls into SecureTransport. cC@sPt|\|_|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ dS(Ni( t_protocol_to_min_maxt _min_versiont _max_versiont_optionsRt_verifyRt _trust_bundlet _client_certt _client_keyt_client_key_passphrase(RRtprotocol((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRSs     cC@stS(s SecureTransport cannot have its hostname checking disabled. For more, see the comment on getpeercert() in this file. (R(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytcheck_hostnamescC@sdS(s SecureTransport cannot have its hostname checking disabled. For more, see the comment on getpeercert() in this file. N((RRRp((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRscC@s|jS(N(R(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytoptionsscC@s ||_dS(N(R(RRRp((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRscC@s|jrtjStjS(N(RRgt CERT_REQUIREDt CERT_NONE(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt verify_modescC@s"|tjkrtnt|_dS(N(RgRRRR(RRRp((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRscC@sdS(N((RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytset_default_verify_pathss cC@s |jS(N(R(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytload_default_certsscC@s%|tjjkr!tdndS(Ns5SecureTransport doesn't support custom cipher strings(RRtDEFAULT_CIPHERSR(RRR[((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt set_ciphersscC@s.|dk rtdn|p$||_dS(Ns1SecureTransport does not support cert directories(RRR(RRtcafiletcapathtcadata((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytload_verify_locationss  cC@s||_||_||_dS(N(RRt_client_cert_passphrase(RRtcertfiletkeyfiletpassword((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytload_cert_chains  c C@sl| s t|st|s%tt|}|j||j|j|j|j|j|j|j |S(N( RRIRRRRRRRR(RRtsockt server_sidetdo_handshake_on_connecttsuppress_ragged_eofsRR5((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt wrap_sockets    N(RRRRStpropertyRtsetterRRRRRRRRRRR(((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRs      (gRt __future__RRR#R)tos.pathR_RR!Rgt threadingtweakrefR Rt_securetransport.bindingsRRRt_securetransport.low_levelRRRRR t ImportErrorRtpackages.backports.makefileR R&t NameErrort__all__RRRRRRtWeakValueDictionaryRtLockRRtTLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256tTLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHARYt kTLSProtocol1tkTLSProtocol12tPROTOCOL_SSLv23Rthasattrt kSSLProtocol2Rt kSSLProtocol3RRtkTLSProtocol11RRRR R R?RHt SSLReadFuncR}t SSLWriteFuncR~tobjectRIRR(((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyts         "         9 5 contrib/securetransport.pyo000064400000054177147205427720012230 0ustar00 abc!@@sdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl mZddlmZmZmZddlmZmZmZmZydd l mZWn'ek r eZdd lmZnXyed Wnek r;ed nXd dgZe Z!ej!Z"ej#j$Z%e j&Z'e j(Z)dZ*ej+ej,ej-ej.ej/ej0ej1ej2ej3ej4ej5ej6ej7ej8ej9ej:ej;ej<ej=ej>ej?ej@ejAejBejCejDejEejFejGejHejIejJejKg!ZLiejMejNfe jO6ZPeQe drejRejRfePe jS Undo monkey-patching by :func:`inject_into_urllib3`. N(torig_util_SSLContextRRRtorig_util_HAS_SNIRtFalseR(((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyR s     cC@sd}ytj|}|dkr+tjS|j}|d}|j}d}d}tj|j |} t | } yx||kr|dks|dkrt j |g|} | stj tjdqn|j| ||!} || 7}| s~|s tjSPq~q~WWnVtj k rl} | j}|dk rm|tjkrm|tjkrctjSqmnX||d<||krtjSdSWn/tk r} |dk r| |_ntjSXdS(ss SecureTransport read callback. This is called by ST to request that data be returned from the socket. is timed outN(tNonet_connection_refstgetRterrSSLInternaltsockett gettimeouttctypestc_chart from_addresst memoryviewRt wait_for_readterrorterrnotEAGAINt recv_intoterrSSLClosedGracefult ECONNRESETterrSSLClosedAbortterrSSLWouldBlockt Exceptiont _exception(t connection_idt data_buffertdata_length_pointertwrapped_sockett base_sockettrequested_lengthttimeoutR(t read_counttbuffert buffer_viewt readablest chunk_sizete((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_read_callbacksN             c C@sd}yetj|}|dkr+tjS|j}|d}tj||}|j}d}d} yx| |kr|dks|dkrt j |g|} | stj t j dqn|j|} | | 7} || }qnWWnVtj k rH} | j }|dk rI|t j krI|t jkr?tjSqInX| |d<| |krftjSdSWn/tk r} |dk r| |_ntjSXdS(sx SecureTransport write callback. This is called by ST to request that data actually be sent on the network. is timed outN(RRRRR R!R#t string_atR"Rtwait_for_writeR(R)R*tsendR-R.R/R0R1( R2R3R4R5R6tbytes_to_writetdataR8R(tsentt writablest chunk_sentR>((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_write_callbacksD           t WrappedSocketcB@seZdZdZejdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ dd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZedZdZdZRS(s API-compatibility wrapper for Python's OpenSSL wrapped socket object. Note: _makefile_refs, _drop(), and _reuse() are needed for the garbage collector of PyPy. cC@sn||_d|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_d|_ |jj |_ |jj ddS(Ni( R!Rtcontextt_makefile_refsRt_closedR1t _keychaint _keychain_dirt_client_cert_chainR"t_timeoutt settimeout(tselfR!((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt__init__.s        cc@sGd|_dV|jdk rC|jd}|_|j|ndS(s] A context manager that can be used to wrap calls that do I/O from SecureTransport. If any of the I/O callbacks hit an exception, this context manager will correctly propagate the exception after the fact. This avoids silently swallowing those exceptions. It also correctly forces the socket closed. N(RR1tclose(RRt exception((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_raise_on_error@s  cC@sEtjttt}tj|j|tt}t|dS(s4 Sets up the allowed ciphers. By default this matches the set in util.ssl_.DEFAULT_CIPHERS, at least as supported by macOS. This is done custom and doesn't allow changing at this time, mostly because parsing OpenSSL cipher strings is going to be a freaking nightmare. N(RtSSLCipherSuitetlent CIPHER_SUITEStSSLSetEnabledCiphersRJR(RRtcipherstresult((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt _set_ciphersUsc C@s|s dStjj|rCt|d}|j}WdQXnd}tj}zt|}tj |j t j |}t ||stjdntj||}t |tj|t}t |tj}tj|t j |}t |Wd|r'tj|n|dkrCtj|nXtjtjf}|j|kr~tjd|jndS(s Called when we have set custom validation. We do this in two cases: first, when cert validation is entirely disabled; and second, when using a custom trust DB. NtrbsFailed to copy trust references)certificate verify failed, error code: %d(tostpathtisfiletopentreadRRt SecTrustRefRtSSLCopyPeerTrustRJR#tbyrefRtssltSSLErrortSecTrustSetAnchorCertificatest!SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnlyRtSecTrustResultTypetSecTrustEvaluateRt CFReleaseRtkSecTrustResultUnspecifiedtkSecTrustResultProceedtvalue( RRtverifyt trust_bundletft cert_arrayttrustR\t trust_resultt successes((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt_custom_validatebs@        c C@s[tjdtjtj|_tj|jtt } t | t @t |d} x| t krw| dd} qZW|t | Z    (       > icC@s%|jd7_t|||dtS(NiRT(RKR R(RRtmodetbufsize((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytmakefilestrcO@sd}t|||||S(Ni(R (RRRt bufferingtargstkwargs((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRsRcB@seZdZdZedZejdZedZejdZedZejdZdZ d Z d Z dddd Z ddd Zeeedd ZRS(s I am a wrapper class for the SecureTransport library, to translate the interface of the standard library ``SSLContext`` object to calls into SecureTransport. cC@sPt|\|_|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ dS(Ni( t_protocol_to_min_maxt _min_versiont _max_versiont_optionsRt_verifyRt _trust_bundlet _client_certt _client_keyt_client_key_passphrase(RRtprotocol((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRSs     cC@stS(s SecureTransport cannot have its hostname checking disabled. For more, see the comment on getpeercert() in this file. (R(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytcheck_hostnamescC@sdS(s SecureTransport cannot have its hostname checking disabled. For more, see the comment on getpeercert() in this file. N((RRRp((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRscC@s|jS(N(R(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytoptionsscC@s ||_dS(N(R(RRRp((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRscC@s|jrtjStjS(N(RRgt CERT_REQUIREDt CERT_NONE(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt verify_modescC@s"|tjkrtnt|_dS(N(RgRRRR(RRRp((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRscC@sdS(N((RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytset_default_verify_pathss cC@s |jS(N(R(RR((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytload_default_certsscC@s%|tjjkr!tdndS(Ns5SecureTransport doesn't support custom cipher strings(RRtDEFAULT_CIPHERSR(RRR[((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt set_ciphersscC@s.|dk rtdn|p$||_dS(Ns1SecureTransport does not support cert directories(RRR(RRtcafiletcapathtcadata((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytload_verify_locationss  cC@s||_||_||_dS(N(RRt_client_cert_passphrase(RRtcertfiletkeyfiletpassword((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pytload_cert_chains  c C@sGt|}|j||j|j|j|j|j|j|j|S(N( RIRRRRRRRR(RRtsockt server_sidetdo_handshake_on_connecttsuppress_ragged_eofsRR5((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyt wrap_sockets N(RRRRStpropertyRtsetterRRRRRRRRRRR(((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyRs      (gRt __future__RRR#R)tos.pathR_RR!Rgt threadingtweakrefR Rt_securetransport.bindingsRRRt_securetransport.low_levelRRRRR t ImportErrorRtpackages.backports.makefileR R&t NameErrort__all__RRRRRRtWeakValueDictionaryRtLockRRtTLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256tTLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256t'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAt'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t%TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t$TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt"TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt#TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t#TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256t TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAt TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256tTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHAtTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHARYt kTLSProtocol1tkTLSProtocol12tPROTOCOL_SSLv23Rthasattrt kSSLProtocol2Rt kSSLProtocol3RRtkTLSProtocol11RRRR R R?RHt SSLReadFuncR}t SSLWriteFuncR~tobjectRIRR(((sO/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/securetransport.pyts         "         9 5 contrib/socks.py000064400000014063147205427720007716 0ustar00# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module contains provisional support for SOCKS proxies from within urllib3. This module supports SOCKS4 (specifically the SOCKS4A variant) and SOCKS5. To enable its functionality, either install PySocks or install this module with the ``socks`` extra. The SOCKS implementation supports the full range of urllib3 features. It also supports the following SOCKS features: - SOCKS4 - SOCKS4a - SOCKS5 - Usernames and passwords for the SOCKS proxy Known Limitations: - Currently PySocks does not support contacting remote websites via literal IPv6 addresses. Any such connection attempt will fail. You must use a domain name. - Currently PySocks does not support IPv6 connections to the SOCKS proxy. Any such connection attempt will fail. """ from __future__ import absolute_import try: import socks except ImportError: import warnings from ..exceptions import DependencyWarning warnings.warn(( 'SOCKS support in urllib3 requires the installation of optional ' 'dependencies: specifically, PySocks. For more information, see ' '' ), DependencyWarning ) raise from socket import error as SocketError, timeout as SocketTimeout from ..connection import ( HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection ) from ..connectionpool import ( HTTPConnectionPool, HTTPSConnectionPool ) from ..exceptions import ConnectTimeoutError, NewConnectionError from ..poolmanager import PoolManager from ..util.url import parse_url try: import ssl except ImportError: ssl = None class SOCKSConnection(HTTPConnection): """ A plain-text HTTP connection that connects via a SOCKS proxy. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._socks_options = kwargs.pop('_socks_options') super(SOCKSConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _new_conn(self): """ Establish a new connection via the SOCKS proxy. """ extra_kw = {} if self.source_address: extra_kw['source_address'] = self.source_address if self.socket_options: extra_kw['socket_options'] = self.socket_options try: conn = socks.create_connection( (, self.port), proxy_type=self._socks_options['socks_version'], proxy_addr=self._socks_options['proxy_host'], proxy_port=self._socks_options['proxy_port'], proxy_username=self._socks_options['username'], proxy_password=self._socks_options['password'], proxy_rdns=self._socks_options['rdns'], timeout=self.timeout, **extra_kw ) except SocketTimeout as e: raise ConnectTimeoutError( self, "Connection to %s timed out. (connect timeout=%s)" % (, self.timeout)) except socks.ProxyError as e: # This is fragile as hell, but it seems to be the only way to raise # useful errors here. if e.socket_err: error = e.socket_err if isinstance(error, SocketTimeout): raise ConnectTimeoutError( self, "Connection to %s timed out. (connect timeout=%s)" % (, self.timeout) ) else: raise NewConnectionError( self, "Failed to establish a new connection: %s" % error ) else: raise NewConnectionError( self, "Failed to establish a new connection: %s" % e ) except SocketError as e: # Defensive: PySocks should catch all these. raise NewConnectionError( self, "Failed to establish a new connection: %s" % e) return conn # We don't need to duplicate the Verified/Unverified distinction from # urllib3/ here because the HTTPSConnection will already have been # correctly set to either the Verified or Unverified form by that module. This # means the SOCKSHTTPSConnection will automatically be the correct type. class SOCKSHTTPSConnection(SOCKSConnection, HTTPSConnection): pass class SOCKSHTTPConnectionPool(HTTPConnectionPool): ConnectionCls = SOCKSConnection class SOCKSHTTPSConnectionPool(HTTPSConnectionPool): ConnectionCls = SOCKSHTTPSConnection class SOCKSProxyManager(PoolManager): """ A version of the urllib3 ProxyManager that routes connections via the defined SOCKS proxy. """ pool_classes_by_scheme = { 'http': SOCKSHTTPConnectionPool, 'https': SOCKSHTTPSConnectionPool, } def __init__(self, proxy_url, username=None, password=None, num_pools=10, headers=None, **connection_pool_kw): parsed = parse_url(proxy_url) if parsed.scheme == 'socks5': socks_version = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5 rdns = False elif parsed.scheme == 'socks5h': socks_version = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5 rdns = True elif parsed.scheme == 'socks4': socks_version = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 rdns = False elif parsed.scheme == 'socks4a': socks_version = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 rdns = True else: raise ValueError( "Unable to determine SOCKS version from %s" % proxy_url ) self.proxy_url = proxy_url socks_options = { 'socks_version': socks_version, 'proxy_host':, 'proxy_port': parsed.port, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'rdns': rdns } connection_pool_kw['_socks_options'] = socks_options super(SOCKSProxyManager, self).__init__( num_pools, headers, **connection_pool_kw ) self.pool_classes_by_scheme = SOCKSProxyManager.pool_classes_by_scheme contrib/socks.pyc000064400000013136147205427720010061 0ustar00 abc@@sdZddlmZyddlZWn@ek rhddlZddlmZejdenXddl m Z m Z ddlmZmZdd lmZmZdd lmZmZdd lmZdd lmZyddlZWnek r dZnXd efdYZdeefdYZdefdYZdefdYZdefdYZ dS(s This module contains provisional support for SOCKS proxies from within urllib3. This module supports SOCKS4 (specifically the SOCKS4A variant) and SOCKS5. To enable its functionality, either install PySocks or install this module with the ``socks`` extra. The SOCKS implementation supports the full range of urllib3 features. It also supports the following SOCKS features: - SOCKS4 - SOCKS4a - SOCKS5 - Usernames and passwords for the SOCKS proxy Known Limitations: - Currently PySocks does not support contacting remote websites via literal IPv6 addresses. Any such connection attempt will fail. You must use a domain name. - Currently PySocks does not support IPv6 connections to the SOCKS proxy. Any such connection attempt will fail. i(tabsolute_importNi(tDependencyWarningsSOCKS support in urllib3 requires the installation of optional dependencies: specifically, PySocks. For more information, see PoolManager(t parse_urltSOCKSConnectioncB@s eZdZdZdZRS(sG A plain-text HTTP connection that connects via a SOCKS proxy. cO@s/|jd|_tt|j||dS(Nt_socks_options(tpopR tsuperR t__init__(tselftargstkwargs((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/socks.pyR?scC@si}|jr|j|ds2    Fcontrib/socks.pyo000064400000013136147205427720010075 0ustar00 abc@@sdZddlmZyddlZWn@ek rhddlZddlmZejdenXddl m Z m Z ddlmZmZdd lmZmZdd lmZmZdd lmZdd lmZyddlZWnek r dZnXd efdYZdeefdYZdefdYZdefdYZdefdYZ dS(s This module contains provisional support for SOCKS proxies from within urllib3. This module supports SOCKS4 (specifically the SOCKS4A variant) and SOCKS5. To enable its functionality, either install PySocks or install this module with the ``socks`` extra. The SOCKS implementation supports the full range of urllib3 features. It also supports the following SOCKS features: - SOCKS4 - SOCKS4a - SOCKS5 - Usernames and passwords for the SOCKS proxy Known Limitations: - Currently PySocks does not support contacting remote websites via literal IPv6 addresses. Any such connection attempt will fail. You must use a domain name. - Currently PySocks does not support IPv6 connections to the SOCKS proxy. Any such connection attempt will fail. i(tabsolute_importNi(tDependencyWarningsSOCKS support in urllib3 requires the installation of optional dependencies: specifically, PySocks. For more information, see PoolManager(t parse_urltSOCKSConnectioncB@s eZdZdZdZRS(sG A plain-text HTTP connection that connects via a SOCKS proxy. cO@s/|jd|_tt|j||dS(Nt_socks_options(tpopR tsuperR t__init__(tselftargstkwargs((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/socks.pyR?scC@si}|jr|j|ds2    Fpackages/backports/__init__.py000064400000000000147205427720012423 0ustar00packages/backports/__init__.pyc000064400000000252147205427720012577 0ustar00 abc@sdS(N((((sS/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__init__.pyttpackages/backports/__init__.pyo000064400000000252147205427720012613 0ustar00 abc@sdS(N((((sS/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__init__.pyttpackages/backports/makefile.py000064400000002665147205427720012464 0ustar00# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ backports.makefile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backports the Python 3 ``socket.makefile`` method for use with anything that wants to create a "fake" socket object. """ import io from socket import SocketIO def backport_makefile(self, mode="r", buffering=None, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None): """ Backport of ``socket.makefile`` from Python 3.5. """ if not set(mode) <= set(["r", "w", "b"]): raise ValueError( "invalid mode %r (only r, w, b allowed)" % (mode,) ) writing = "w" in mode reading = "r" in mode or not writing assert reading or writing binary = "b" in mode rawmode = "" if reading: rawmode += "r" if writing: rawmode += "w" raw = SocketIO(self, rawmode) self._makefile_refs += 1 if buffering is None: buffering = -1 if buffering < 0: buffering = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE if buffering == 0: if not binary: raise ValueError("unbuffered streams must be binary") return raw if reading and writing: buffer = io.BufferedRWPair(raw, raw, buffering) elif reading: buffer = io.BufferedReader(raw, buffering) else: assert writing buffer = io.BufferedWriter(raw, buffering) if binary: return buffer text = io.TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding, errors, newline) text.mode = mode return text packages/backports/makefile.pyc000064400000003131147205427720012614 0ustar00 abc@s>dZddlZddlmZddddddZdS(s backports.makefile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backports the Python 3 ``socket.makefile`` method for use with anything that wants to create a "fake" socket object. iN(tSocketIOtrc Cst|tdddgks7td|fnd|k}d|kpS| }|sh|shtd|k}d} |r| d7} n|r| d7} nt|| } |jd7_|d krd}n|dkrtj}n|dkr|s td n| S|r4|r4tj| | |} n9|rOtj | |} n|s[ttj | |} |rw| Stj | |||} || _ | S( s: Backport of ``socket.makefile`` from Python 3.5. Rtwtbs&invalid mode %r (only r, w, b allowed)tiiis!unbuffered streams must be binaryN( tsett ValueErrortAssertionErrorRt_makefile_refstNonetiotDEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZEtBufferedRWPairtBufferedReadertBufferedWritert TextIOWrappertmode( tselfRt bufferingtencodingterrorstnewlinetwritingtreadingtbinarytrawmodetrawtbufferttext((sS/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/makefile.pytbackport_makefilesB!            (t__doc__R tsocketRR R(((sS/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/makefile.pyts  packages/backports/makefile.pyo000064400000003044147205427720012633 0ustar00 abc@s>dZddlZddlmZddddddZdS(s backports.makefile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backports the Python 3 ``socket.makefile`` method for use with anything that wants to create a "fake" socket object. iN(tSocketIOtrc Cs~t|tdddgks7td|fnd|k}d|kpS| }d|k}d} |r{| d7} n|r| d7} nt|| } |jd7_|d krd}n|dkrtj}n|dkr|std n| S|r"|r"tj| | |} n-|r=tj| |} ntj | |} |rY| Stj | |||} || _ | S( s: Backport of ``socket.makefile`` from Python 3.5. Rtwtbs&invalid mode %r (only r, w, b allowed)tiiis!unbuffered streams must be binaryN( tsett ValueErrorRt_makefile_refstNonetiotDEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZEtBufferedRWPairtBufferedReadertBufferedWritert TextIOWrappertmode( tselfRt bufferingtencodingterrorstnewlinetwritingtreadingtbinarytrawmodetrawtbufferttext((sS/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/makefile.pytbackport_makefiles>!           (t__doc__R tsocketRRR(((sS/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/makefile.pyts  packages/ssl_match_hostname/__init__.py000064400000001260147205427720014317 0ustar00import sys try: # Our match_hostname function is the same as 3.5's, so we only want to # import the match_hostname function if it's at least that good. if sys.version_info < (3, 5): raise ImportError("Fallback to vendored code") from ssl import CertificateError, match_hostname except ImportError: try: # Backport of the function from a pypi module from backports.ssl_match_hostname import CertificateError, match_hostname except ImportError: # Our vendored copy from ._implementation import CertificateError, match_hostname # Not needed, but documenting what we provide. __all__ = ('CertificateError', 'match_hostname') packages/ssl_match_hostname/__init__.pyc000064400000001154147205427720014464 0ustar00 abc@sddlZy8ejd kr-ednddlmZmZWnUek ryddlmZmZWqek rddlmZmZqXnXd ZdS( iNiisFallback to vendored code(tCertificateErrortmatch_hostnameiRR(ii(RR( tsyst version_infot ImportErrortsslRRtbackports.ssl_match_hostnamet_implementationt__all__(((s\/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/__init__.pyts   packages/ssl_match_hostname/__init__.pyo000064400000001154147205427720014500 0ustar00 abc@sddlZy8ejd kr-ednddlmZmZWnUek ryddlmZmZWqek rddlmZmZqXnXd ZdS( iNiisFallback to vendored code(tCertificateErrortmatch_hostnameiRR(ii(RR( tsyst version_infot ImportErrortsslRRtbackports.ssl_match_hostnamet_implementationt__all__(((s\/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/__init__.pyts   packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.py000064400000013106147205427720015746 0ustar00"""The match_hostname() function from Python 3.3.3, essential when using SSL.""" # Note: This file is under the PSF license as the code comes from the python # stdlib. import re import sys # ipaddress has been backported to 2.6+ in pypi. If it is installed on the # system, use it to handle IPAddress ServerAltnames (this was added in # python-3.5) otherwise only do DNS matching. This allows # backports.ssl_match_hostname to continue to be used all the way back to # python-2.4. try: import ipaddress except ImportError: ipaddress = None __version__ = '' class CertificateError(ValueError): pass def _dnsname_match(dn, hostname, max_wildcards=1): """Matching according to RFC 6125, section 6.4.3 """ pats = [] if not dn: return False # Ported from python3-syntax: # leftmost, *remainder = dn.split(r'.') parts = dn.split(r'.') leftmost = parts[0] remainder = parts[1:] wildcards = leftmost.count('*') if wildcards > max_wildcards: # Issue #17980: avoid denials of service by refusing more # than one wildcard per fragment. A survey of established # policy among SSL implementations showed it to be a # reasonable choice. raise CertificateError( "too many wildcards in certificate DNS name: " + repr(dn)) # speed up common case w/o wildcards if not wildcards: return dn.lower() == hostname.lower() # RFC 6125, section 6.4.3, subitem 1. # The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier in which # the wildcard character comprises a label other than the left-most label. if leftmost == '*': # When '*' is a fragment by itself, it matches a non-empty dotless # fragment. pats.append('[^.]+') elif leftmost.startswith('xn--') or hostname.startswith('xn--'): # RFC 6125, section 6.4.3, subitem 3. # The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier # where the wildcard character is embedded within an A-label or # U-label of an internationalized domain name. pats.append(re.escape(leftmost)) else: # Otherwise, '*' matches any dotless string, e.g. www* pats.append(re.escape(leftmost).replace(r'\*', '[^.]*')) # add the remaining fragments, ignore any wildcards for frag in remainder: pats.append(re.escape(frag)) pat = re.compile(r'\A' + r'\.'.join(pats) + r'\Z', re.IGNORECASE) return pat.match(hostname) def _to_unicode(obj): if isinstance(obj, str) and sys.version_info < (3,): obj = unicode(obj, encoding='ascii', errors='strict') return obj def _ipaddress_match(ipname, host_ip): """Exact matching of IP addresses. RFC 6125 explicitly doesn't define an algorithm for this (section 1.7.2 - "Out of Scope"). """ # OpenSSL may add a trailing newline to a subjectAltName's IP address # Divergence from upstream: ipaddress can't handle byte str ip = ipaddress.ip_address(_to_unicode(ipname).rstrip()) return ip == host_ip def match_hostname(cert, hostname): """Verify that *cert* (in decoded format as returned by SSLSocket.getpeercert()) matches the *hostname*. RFC 2818 and RFC 6125 rules are followed, but IP addresses are not accepted for *hostname*. CertificateError is raised on failure. On success, the function returns nothing. """ if not cert: raise ValueError("empty or no certificate, match_hostname needs a " "SSL socket or SSL context with either " "CERT_OPTIONAL or CERT_REQUIRED") try: # Divergence from upstream: ipaddress can't handle byte str host_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(_to_unicode(hostname)) except ValueError: # Not an IP address (common case) host_ip = None except UnicodeError: # Divergence from upstream: Have to deal with ipaddress not taking # byte strings. addresses should be all ascii, so we consider it not # an ipaddress in this case host_ip = None except AttributeError: # Divergence from upstream: Make ipaddress library optional if ipaddress is None: host_ip = None else: raise dnsnames = [] san = cert.get('subjectAltName', ()) for key, value in san: if key == 'DNS': if host_ip is None and _dnsname_match(value, hostname): return dnsnames.append(value) elif key == 'IP Address': if host_ip is not None and _ipaddress_match(value, host_ip): return dnsnames.append(value) if not dnsnames: # The subject is only checked when there is no dNSName entry # in subjectAltName for sub in cert.get('subject', ()): for key, value in sub: # XXX according to RFC 2818, the most specific Common Name # must be used. if key == 'commonName': if _dnsname_match(value, hostname): return dnsnames.append(value) if len(dnsnames) > 1: raise CertificateError("hostname %r " "doesn't match either of %s" % (hostname, ', '.join(map(repr, dnsnames)))) elif len(dnsnames) == 1: raise CertificateError("hostname %r " "doesn't match %r" % (hostname, dnsnames[0])) else: raise CertificateError("no appropriate commonName or " "subjectAltName fields were found") packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyc000064400000010276147205427720016116 0ustar00 abc@sdZddlZddlZyddlZWnek rGdZnXdZdefdYZddZ dZ d Z d Z dS( sJThe match_hostname() function from Python 3.3.3, essential when using SSL.iNs3.5.0.1tCertificateErrorcBseZRS((t__name__t __module__(((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyRsic CsRg}|stS|jd}|d}|d}|jd}||krgtdt|n|s|j|jkS|dkr|jdnY|jds|jdr|jtj |n"|jtj |j dd x$|D]}|jtj |qWtj d d j |d tj } | j|S( shMatching according to RFC 6125, section 6.4.3 t.iit*s,too many wildcards in certificate DNS name: s[^.]+sxn--s\*s[^.]*s\As\.s\Z(tFalsetsplittcountRtreprtlowertappendt startswithtretescapetreplacetcompiletjoint IGNORECASEtmatch( tdnthostnamet max_wildcardstpatstpartstleftmostt remaindert wildcardstfragtpat((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyt_dnsname_matchs*    " &cCs=t|tr9tjdkr9t|dddd}n|S(Nitencodingtasciiterrorststrict(i(t isinstancetstrtsyst version_infotunicode(tobj((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyt _to_unicodeOscCs%tjt|j}||kS(sExact matching of IP addresses. RFC 6125 explicitly doesn't define an algorithm for this (section 1.7.2 - "Out of Scope"). (t ipaddresst ip_addressR(trstrip(tipnamethost_iptip((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyt_ipaddress_matchTscCs|stdnytjt|}WnUtk rGd}n?tk r]d}n)tk rtdkrd}qnXg}|jdd}x|D]\}}|dkr|dkrt||rdS|j |q|dkr|dk rt ||rdS|j |qqW|sxc|jddD]L}xC|D];\}}|dkrQt||r|dS|j |qQqQWqDWnt |dkrt d |d j tt|fn;t |dkrt d ||d fn t d dS(s)Verify that *cert* (in decoded format as returned by SSLSocket.getpeercert()) matches the *hostname*. RFC 2818 and RFC 6125 rules are followed, but IP addresses are not accepted for *hostname*. CertificateError is raised on failure. On success, the function returns nothing. stempty or no certificate, match_hostname needs a SSL socket or SSL context with either CERT_OPTIONAL or CERT_REQUIREDtsubjectAltNametDNSNs IP Addresstsubjectt commonNameis&hostname %r doesn't match either of %ss, shostname %r doesn't match %ris=no appropriate commonName or subjectAltName fields were found(((t ValueErrorR)R*R(tNonet UnicodeErrortAttributeErrortgetRR R/tlenRRtmapR(tcertRR-tdnsnamestsantkeytvaluetsub((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pytmatch_hostname`sJ          %( t__doc__R R$R)t ImportErrorR5t __version__R4RRR(R/RA(((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyts     5  packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyo000064400000010276147205427720016132 0ustar00 abc@sdZddlZddlZyddlZWnek rGdZnXdZdefdYZddZ dZ d Z d Z dS( sJThe match_hostname() function from Python 3.3.3, essential when using SSL.iNs3.5.0.1tCertificateErrorcBseZRS((t__name__t __module__(((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyRsic CsRg}|stS|jd}|d}|d}|jd}||krgtdt|n|s|j|jkS|dkr|jdnY|jds|jdr|jtj |n"|jtj |j dd x$|D]}|jtj |qWtj d d j |d tj } | j|S( shMatching according to RFC 6125, section 6.4.3 t.iit*s,too many wildcards in certificate DNS name: s[^.]+sxn--s\*s[^.]*s\As\.s\Z(tFalsetsplittcountRtreprtlowertappendt startswithtretescapetreplacetcompiletjoint IGNORECASEtmatch( tdnthostnamet max_wildcardstpatstpartstleftmostt remaindert wildcardstfragtpat((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyt_dnsname_matchs*    " &cCs=t|tr9tjdkr9t|dddd}n|S(Nitencodingtasciiterrorststrict(i(t isinstancetstrtsyst version_infotunicode(tobj((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyt _to_unicodeOscCs%tjt|j}||kS(sExact matching of IP addresses. RFC 6125 explicitly doesn't define an algorithm for this (section 1.7.2 - "Out of Scope"). (t ipaddresst ip_addressR(trstrip(tipnamethost_iptip((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyt_ipaddress_matchTscCs|stdnytjt|}WnUtk rGd}n?tk r]d}n)tk rtdkrd}qnXg}|jdd}x|D]\}}|dkr|dkrt||rdS|j |q|dkr|dk rt ||rdS|j |qqW|sxc|jddD]L}xC|D];\}}|dkrQt||r|dS|j |qQqQWqDWnt |dkrt d |d j tt|fn;t |dkrt d ||d fn t d dS(s)Verify that *cert* (in decoded format as returned by SSLSocket.getpeercert()) matches the *hostname*. RFC 2818 and RFC 6125 rules are followed, but IP addresses are not accepted for *hostname*. CertificateError is raised on failure. On success, the function returns nothing. stempty or no certificate, match_hostname needs a SSL socket or SSL context with either CERT_OPTIONAL or CERT_REQUIREDtsubjectAltNametDNSNs IP Addresstsubjectt commonNameis&hostname %r doesn't match either of %ss, shostname %r doesn't match %ris=no appropriate commonName or subjectAltName fields were found(((t ValueErrorR)R*R(tNonet UnicodeErrortAttributeErrortgetRR R/tlenRRtmapR(tcertRR-tdnsnamestsantkeytvaluetsub((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pytmatch_hostname`sJ          %( t__doc__R R$R)t ImportErrorR5t __version__R4RRR(R/RA(((sc/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ssl_match_hostname/_implementation.pyts     5  packages/__init__.py000064400000000155147205427720010446 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from . import ssl_match_hostname __all__ = ('ssl_match_hostname', ) packages/__init__.pyc000064400000000502147205427720010605 0ustar00 abc@@s*ddlmZddlmZdZdS(i(tabsolute_importi(tssl_match_hostnameRN(R(t __future__RtRt__all__(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__init__.pytspackages/__init__.pyo000064400000000502147205427720010621 0ustar00 abc@@s*ddlmZddlmZdZdS(i(tabsolute_importi(tssl_match_hostnameRN(R(t __future__RtRt__all__(((sI/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__init__.pytspackages/ordered_dict.py000064400000021347147205427720011344 0ustar00# Backport of OrderedDict() class that runs on Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and pypy. # Passes Python2.7's test suite and incorporates all the latest updates. # Copyright 2009 Raymond Hettinger, released under the MIT License. # try: from thread import get_ident as _get_ident except ImportError: from dummy_thread import get_ident as _get_ident try: from _abcoll import KeysView, ValuesView, ItemsView except ImportError: pass class OrderedDict(dict): 'Dictionary that remembers insertion order' # An inherited dict maps keys to values. # The inherited dict provides __getitem__, __len__, __contains__, and get. # The remaining methods are order-aware. # Big-O running times for all methods are the same as for regular dictionaries. # The internal self.__map dictionary maps keys to links in a doubly linked list. # The circular doubly linked list starts and ends with a sentinel element. # The sentinel element never gets deleted (this simplifies the algorithm). # Each link is stored as a list of length three: [PREV, NEXT, KEY]. def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): '''Initialize an ordered dictionary. Signature is the same as for regular dictionaries, but keyword arguments are not recommended because their insertion order is arbitrary. ''' if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got %d' % len(args)) try: self.__root except AttributeError: self.__root = root = [] # sentinel node root[:] = [root, root, None] self.__map = {} self.__update(*args, **kwds) def __setitem__(self, key, value, dict_setitem=dict.__setitem__): 'od.__setitem__(i, y) <==> od[i]=y' # Setting a new item creates a new link which goes at the end of the linked # list, and the inherited dictionary is updated with the new key/value pair. if key not in self: root = self.__root last = root[0] last[1] = root[0] = self.__map[key] = [last, root, key] dict_setitem(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key, dict_delitem=dict.__delitem__): 'od.__delitem__(y) <==> del od[y]' # Deleting an existing item uses self.__map to find the link which is # then removed by updating the links in the predecessor and successor nodes. dict_delitem(self, key) link_prev, link_next, key = self.__map.pop(key) link_prev[1] = link_next link_next[0] = link_prev def __iter__(self): 'od.__iter__() <==> iter(od)' root = self.__root curr = root[1] while curr is not root: yield curr[2] curr = curr[1] def __reversed__(self): 'od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)' root = self.__root curr = root[0] while curr is not root: yield curr[2] curr = curr[0] def clear(self): 'od.clear() -> None. Remove all items from od.' try: for node in self.__map.itervalues(): del node[:] root = self.__root root[:] = [root, root, None] self.__map.clear() except AttributeError: pass dict.clear(self) def popitem(self, last=True): '''od.popitem() -> (k, v), return and remove a (key, value) pair. Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false. ''' if not self: raise KeyError('dictionary is empty') root = self.__root if last: link = root[0] link_prev = link[0] link_prev[1] = root root[0] = link_prev else: link = root[1] link_next = link[1] root[1] = link_next link_next[0] = root key = link[2] del self.__map[key] value = dict.pop(self, key) return key, value # -- the following methods do not depend on the internal structure -- def keys(self): 'od.keys() -> list of keys in od' return list(self) def values(self): 'od.values() -> list of values in od' return [self[key] for key in self] def items(self): 'od.items() -> list of (key, value) pairs in od' return [(key, self[key]) for key in self] def iterkeys(self): 'od.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys in od' return iter(self) def itervalues(self): 'od.itervalues -> an iterator over the values in od' for k in self: yield self[k] def iteritems(self): 'od.iteritems -> an iterator over the (key, value) items in od' for k in self: yield (k, self[k]) def update(*args, **kwds): '''od.update(E, **F) -> None. Update od from dict/iterable E and F. If E is a dict instance, does: for k in E: od[k] = E[k] If E has a .keys() method, does: for k in E.keys(): od[k] = E[k] Or if E is an iterable of items, does: for k, v in E: od[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): od[k] = v ''' if len(args) > 2: raise TypeError('update() takes at most 2 positional ' 'arguments (%d given)' % (len(args),)) elif not args: raise TypeError('update() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)') self = args[0] # Make progressively weaker assumptions about "other" other = () if len(args) == 2: other = args[1] if isinstance(other, dict): for key in other: self[key] = other[key] elif hasattr(other, 'keys'): for key in other.keys(): self[key] = other[key] else: for key, value in other: self[key] = value for key, value in kwds.items(): self[key] = value __update = update # let subclasses override update without breaking __init__ __marker = object() def pop(self, key, default=__marker): '''od.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. ''' if key in self: result = self[key] del self[key] return result if default is self.__marker: raise KeyError(key) return default def setdefault(self, key, default=None): 'od.setdefault(k[,d]) -> od.get(k,d), also set od[k]=d if k not in od' if key in self: return self[key] self[key] = default return default def __repr__(self, _repr_running={}): 'od.__repr__() <==> repr(od)' call_key = id(self), _get_ident() if call_key in _repr_running: return '...' _repr_running[call_key] = 1 try: if not self: return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,) return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.items()) finally: del _repr_running[call_key] def __reduce__(self): 'Return state information for pickling' items = [[k, self[k]] for k in self] inst_dict = vars(self).copy() for k in vars(OrderedDict()): inst_dict.pop(k, None) if inst_dict: return (self.__class__, (items,), inst_dict) return self.__class__, (items,) def copy(self): 'od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od' return self.__class__(self) @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None): '''OD.fromkeys(S[, v]) -> New ordered dictionary with keys from S and values equal to v (which defaults to None). ''' d = cls() for key in iterable: d[key] = value return d def __eq__(self, other): '''od.__eq__(y) <==> od==y. Comparison to another OD is order-sensitive while comparison to a regular mapping is order-insensitive. ''' if isinstance(other, OrderedDict): return len(self)==len(other) and self.items() == other.items() return dict.__eq__(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other # -- the following methods are only used in Python 2.7 -- def viewkeys(self): "od.viewkeys() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's keys" return KeysView(self) def viewvalues(self): "od.viewvalues() -> an object providing a view on od's values" return ValuesView(self) def viewitems(self): "od.viewitems() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's items" return ItemsView(self) packages/ordered_dict.pyc000064400000024041147205427720011501 0ustar00 abc@syddlmZWn!ek r7ddlmZnXy ddlmZmZmZWnek rknXde fdYZ dS(i(t get_ident(tKeysViewt ValuesViewt ItemsViewt OrderedDictcBseZdZdZejdZejdZdZdZdZ e dZ dZ d Z d Zd Zd Zd ZdZeZeZedZddZidZdZdZeddZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"RS(s)Dictionary that remembers insertion ordercOst|dkr+tdt|ny |jWn7tk rog|_}||dg|(i|_nX|j||dS(sInitialize an ordered dictionary. Signature is the same as for regular dictionaries, but keyword arguments are not recommended because their insertion order is arbitrary. is$expected at most 1 arguments, got %dN(tlent TypeErrort_OrderedDict__roottAttributeErrortNonet_OrderedDict__mapt_OrderedDict__update(tselftargstkwdstroot((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__init__s    cCs\||krH|j}|d}|||g|d<|d<|j| od[i]=yiiN(RR (R tkeytvaluet dict_setitemRtlast((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __setitem__,s    )cCs@||||jj|\}}}||d<||d del od[y]iiN(R tpop(R Rt dict_delitemt link_prevt link_next((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __delitem__6s  ccs=|j}|d}x#||k r8|dV|d}qWdS(sod.__iter__() <==> iter(od)iiN(R(R Rtcurr((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__iter__?s    ccs=|j}|d}x#||k r8|dV|d}qWdS(s#od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)iiN(R(R RR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __reversed__Gs    cCsmyHx|jjD] }|2qW|j}||dg|(|jjWntk r[nXtj|dS(s.od.clear() -> None. Remove all items from od.N(R t itervaluesRR tclearRtdict(R tnodeR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyROs  cCs|stdn|j}|rO|d}|d}||d<||d (k, v), return and remove a (key, value) pair. Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false. sdictionary is emptyiii(tKeyErrorRR R R(R RRtlinkRRRR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytpopitem[s            cCs t|S(sod.keys() -> list of keys in od(tlist(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytkeystscCsg|D]}||^qS(s#od.values() -> list of values in od((R R((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytvaluesxscCs!g|D]}|||f^qS(s.od.items() -> list of (key, value) pairs in od((R R((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytitems|scCs t|S(s0od.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys in od(titer(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytiterkeyssccsx|D]}||VqWdS(s2od.itervalues -> an iterator over the values in odN((R tk((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRs ccs$x|D]}|||fVqWdS(s=od.iteritems -> an iterator over the (key, value) items in odN((R R+((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt iteritemss cOs&t|dkr.tdt|fn|sCtdn|d}d}t|dkrr|d}nt|trxw|D]}|||| None. Update od from dict/iterable E and F. If E is a dict instance, does: for k in E: od[k] = E[k] If E has a .keys() method, does: for k in E.keys(): od[k] = E[k] Or if E is an iterable of items, does: for k, v in E: od[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): od[k] = v is8update() takes at most 2 positional arguments (%d given)s,update() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)iiR&N((RRt isinstanceR thasattrR&R((R RR totherRR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytupdates&    cCsC||kr!||}||=|S||jkr?t|n|S(sod.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. (t_OrderedDict__markerR"(R Rtdefaulttresult((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRs  cCs"||kr||S|||<|S(sDod.setdefault(k[,d]) -> od.get(k,d), also set od[k]=d if k not in od((R RR2((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt setdefaults  cCsst|tf}||kr%dSd|| repr(od) _get_identt __class__t__name__R((R t _repr_runningtcall_key((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__repr__s  cCsg|D]}|||g^q}t|j}x'ttD]}|j|dqEW|rx|j|f|fS|j|ffS(s%Return state information for picklingN(tvarstcopyRRR R7(R R+R(t inst_dict((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __reduce__s#cCs |j|S(s!od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od(R7(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyR=scCs(|}x|D]}||| New ordered dictionary with keys from S and values equal to v (which defaults to None). ((tclstiterableRtdR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytfromkeyss  cCsMt|tr=t|t|ko<|j|jkStj||S(sod.__eq__(y) <==> od==y. Comparison to another OD is order-sensitive while comparison to a regular mapping is order-insensitive. (R-RRR(R t__eq__(R R/((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRDs.cCs ||k S(N((R R/((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__ne__scCs t|S(s@od.viewkeys() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's keys(R(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytviewkeysscCs t|S(s<od.viewvalues() -> an object providing a view on od's values(R(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt viewvaluesscCs t|S(sBod.viewitems() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's items(R(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt viewitemssN(#R8t __module__t__doc__RR RRRRRtTrueR$R&R'R(R*RR,R0R tobjectR1RR R4R;R?R=t classmethodRCRDRERFRGRH(((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRs:                  N( tthreadRR6t ImportErrort dummy_threadt_abcollRRRR R(((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyts   packages/ordered_dict.pyo000064400000024041147205427720011515 0ustar00 abc@syddlmZWn!ek r7ddlmZnXy ddlmZmZmZWnek rknXde fdYZ dS(i(t get_ident(tKeysViewt ValuesViewt ItemsViewt OrderedDictcBseZdZdZejdZejdZdZdZdZ e dZ dZ d Z d Zd Zd Zd ZdZeZeZedZddZidZdZdZeddZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"RS(s)Dictionary that remembers insertion ordercOst|dkr+tdt|ny |jWn7tk rog|_}||dg|(i|_nX|j||dS(sInitialize an ordered dictionary. Signature is the same as for regular dictionaries, but keyword arguments are not recommended because their insertion order is arbitrary. is$expected at most 1 arguments, got %dN(tlent TypeErrort_OrderedDict__roottAttributeErrortNonet_OrderedDict__mapt_OrderedDict__update(tselftargstkwdstroot((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__init__s    cCs\||krH|j}|d}|||g|d<|d<|j| od[i]=yiiN(RR (R tkeytvaluet dict_setitemRtlast((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __setitem__,s    )cCs@||||jj|\}}}||d<||d del od[y]iiN(R tpop(R Rt dict_delitemt link_prevt link_next((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __delitem__6s  ccs=|j}|d}x#||k r8|dV|d}qWdS(sod.__iter__() <==> iter(od)iiN(R(R Rtcurr((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__iter__?s    ccs=|j}|d}x#||k r8|dV|d}qWdS(s#od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)iiN(R(R RR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __reversed__Gs    cCsmyHx|jjD] }|2qW|j}||dg|(|jjWntk r[nXtj|dS(s.od.clear() -> None. Remove all items from od.N(R t itervaluesRR tclearRtdict(R tnodeR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyROs  cCs|stdn|j}|rO|d}|d}||d<||d (k, v), return and remove a (key, value) pair. Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false. sdictionary is emptyiii(tKeyErrorRR R R(R RRtlinkRRRR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytpopitem[s            cCs t|S(sod.keys() -> list of keys in od(tlist(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytkeystscCsg|D]}||^qS(s#od.values() -> list of values in od((R R((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytvaluesxscCs!g|D]}|||f^qS(s.od.items() -> list of (key, value) pairs in od((R R((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytitems|scCs t|S(s0od.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys in od(titer(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytiterkeyssccsx|D]}||VqWdS(s2od.itervalues -> an iterator over the values in odN((R tk((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRs ccs$x|D]}|||fVqWdS(s=od.iteritems -> an iterator over the (key, value) items in odN((R R+((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt iteritemss cOs&t|dkr.tdt|fn|sCtdn|d}d}t|dkrr|d}nt|trxw|D]}|||| None. Update od from dict/iterable E and F. If E is a dict instance, does: for k in E: od[k] = E[k] If E has a .keys() method, does: for k in E.keys(): od[k] = E[k] Or if E is an iterable of items, does: for k, v in E: od[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): od[k] = v is8update() takes at most 2 positional arguments (%d given)s,update() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)iiR&N((RRt isinstanceR thasattrR&R((R RR totherRR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytupdates&    cCsC||kr!||}||=|S||jkr?t|n|S(sod.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. (t_OrderedDict__markerR"(R Rtdefaulttresult((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRs  cCs"||kr||S|||<|S(sDod.setdefault(k[,d]) -> od.get(k,d), also set od[k]=d if k not in od((R RR2((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt setdefaults  cCsst|tf}||kr%dSd|| repr(od) _get_identt __class__t__name__R((R t _repr_runningtcall_key((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__repr__s  cCsg|D]}|||g^q}t|j}x'ttD]}|j|dqEW|rx|j|f|fS|j|ffS(s%Return state information for picklingN(tvarstcopyRRR R7(R R+R(t inst_dict((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt __reduce__s#cCs |j|S(s!od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od(R7(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyR=scCs(|}x|D]}||| New ordered dictionary with keys from S and values equal to v (which defaults to None). ((tclstiterableRtdR((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytfromkeyss  cCsMt|tr=t|t|ko<|j|jkStj||S(sod.__eq__(y) <==> od==y. Comparison to another OD is order-sensitive while comparison to a regular mapping is order-insensitive. (R-RRR(R t__eq__(R R/((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRDs.cCs ||k S(N((R R/((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt__ne__scCs t|S(s@od.viewkeys() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's keys(R(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pytviewkeysscCs t|S(s<od.viewvalues() -> an object providing a view on od's values(R(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt viewvaluesscCs t|S(sBod.viewitems() -> a set-like object providing a view on od's items(R(R ((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyt viewitemssN(#R8t __module__t__doc__RR RRRRRtTrueR$R&R'R(R*RR,R0R tobjectR1RR R4R;R?R=t classmethodRCRDRERFRGRH(((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyRs:                  N( tthreadRR6t ImportErrort dummy_threadt_abcollRRRR R(((sM/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/ordered_dict.pyts   packages/six.py000064400000072622147205427720007522 0ustar00"""Utilities for writing code that runs on Python 2 and 3""" # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Benjamin Peterson # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from __future__ import absolute_import import functools import itertools import operator import sys import types __author__ = "Benjamin Peterson " __version__ = "1.10.0" # Useful for very coarse version differentiation. PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 PY34 = sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 4) if PY3: string_types = str, integer_types = int, class_types = type, text_type = str binary_type = bytes MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize else: string_types = basestring, integer_types = (int, long) class_types = (type, types.ClassType) text_type = unicode binary_type = str if sys.platform.startswith("java"): # Jython always uses 32 bits. MAXSIZE = int((1 << 31) - 1) else: # It's possible to have sizeof(long) != sizeof(Py_ssize_t). class X(object): def __len__(self): return 1 << 31 try: len(X()) except OverflowError: # 32-bit MAXSIZE = int((1 << 31) - 1) else: # 64-bit MAXSIZE = int((1 << 63) - 1) del X def _add_doc(func, doc): """Add documentation to a function.""" func.__doc__ = doc def _import_module(name): """Import module, returning the module after the last dot.""" __import__(name) return sys.modules[name] class _LazyDescr(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __get__(self, obj, tp): result = self._resolve() setattr(obj,, result) # Invokes __set__. try: # This is a bit ugly, but it avoids running this again by # removing this descriptor. delattr(obj.__class__, except AttributeError: pass return result class MovedModule(_LazyDescr): def __init__(self, name, old, new=None): super(MovedModule, self).__init__(name) if PY3: if new is None: new = name self.mod = new else: self.mod = old def _resolve(self): return _import_module(self.mod) def __getattr__(self, attr): _module = self._resolve() value = getattr(_module, attr) setattr(self, attr, value) return value class _LazyModule(types.ModuleType): def __init__(self, name): super(_LazyModule, self).__init__(name) self.__doc__ = self.__class__.__doc__ def __dir__(self): attrs = ["__doc__", "__name__"] attrs += [ for attr in self._moved_attributes] return attrs # Subclasses should override this _moved_attributes = [] class MovedAttribute(_LazyDescr): def __init__(self, name, old_mod, new_mod, old_attr=None, new_attr=None): super(MovedAttribute, self).__init__(name) if PY3: if new_mod is None: new_mod = name self.mod = new_mod if new_attr is None: if old_attr is None: new_attr = name else: new_attr = old_attr self.attr = new_attr else: self.mod = old_mod if old_attr is None: old_attr = name self.attr = old_attr def _resolve(self): module = _import_module(self.mod) return getattr(module, self.attr) class _SixMetaPathImporter(object): """ A meta path importer to import six.moves and its submodules. This class implements a PEP302 finder and loader. It should be compatible with Python 2.5 and all existing versions of Python3 """ def __init__(self, six_module_name): = six_module_name self.known_modules = {} def _add_module(self, mod, *fullnames): for fullname in fullnames: self.known_modules[ + "." + fullname] = mod def _get_module(self, fullname): return self.known_modules[ + "." + fullname] def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): if fullname in self.known_modules: return self return None def __get_module(self, fullname): try: return self.known_modules[fullname] except KeyError: raise ImportError("This loader does not know module " + fullname) def load_module(self, fullname): try: # in case of a reload return sys.modules[fullname] except KeyError: pass mod = self.__get_module(fullname) if isinstance(mod, MovedModule): mod = mod._resolve() else: mod.__loader__ = self sys.modules[fullname] = mod return mod def is_package(self, fullname): """ Return true, if the named module is a package. We need this method to get correct spec objects with Python 3.4 (see PEP451) """ return hasattr(self.__get_module(fullname), "__path__") def get_code(self, fullname): """Return None Required, if is_package is implemented""" self.__get_module(fullname) # eventually raises ImportError return None get_source = get_code # same as get_code _importer = _SixMetaPathImporter(__name__) class _MovedItems(_LazyModule): """Lazy loading of moved objects""" __path__ = [] # mark as package _moved_attributes = [ MovedAttribute("cStringIO", "cStringIO", "io", "StringIO"), MovedAttribute("filter", "itertools", "builtins", "ifilter", "filter"), MovedAttribute("filterfalse", "itertools", "itertools", "ifilterfalse", "filterfalse"), MovedAttribute("input", "__builtin__", "builtins", "raw_input", "input"), MovedAttribute("intern", "__builtin__", "sys"), MovedAttribute("map", "itertools", "builtins", "imap", "map"), MovedAttribute("getcwd", "os", "os", "getcwdu", "getcwd"), MovedAttribute("getcwdb", "os", "os", "getcwd", "getcwdb"), MovedAttribute("range", "__builtin__", "builtins", "xrange", "range"), MovedAttribute("reload_module", "__builtin__", "importlib" if PY34 else "imp", "reload"), MovedAttribute("reduce", "__builtin__", "functools"), MovedAttribute("shlex_quote", "pipes", "shlex", "quote"), MovedAttribute("StringIO", "StringIO", "io"), MovedAttribute("UserDict", "UserDict", "collections"), MovedAttribute("UserList", "UserList", "collections"), MovedAttribute("UserString", "UserString", "collections"), MovedAttribute("xrange", "__builtin__", "builtins", "xrange", "range"), MovedAttribute("zip", "itertools", "builtins", "izip", "zip"), MovedAttribute("zip_longest", "itertools", "itertools", "izip_longest", "zip_longest"), MovedModule("builtins", "__builtin__"), MovedModule("configparser", "ConfigParser"), MovedModule("copyreg", "copy_reg"), MovedModule("dbm_gnu", "gdbm", "dbm.gnu"), MovedModule("_dummy_thread", "dummy_thread", "_dummy_thread"), MovedModule("http_cookiejar", "cookielib", "http.cookiejar"), MovedModule("http_cookies", "Cookie", "http.cookies"), MovedModule("html_entities", "htmlentitydefs", "html.entities"), MovedModule("html_parser", "HTMLParser", "html.parser"), MovedModule("http_client", "httplib", "http.client"), MovedModule("email_mime_multipart", "email.MIMEMultipart", "email.mime.multipart"), MovedModule("email_mime_nonmultipart", "email.MIMENonMultipart", "email.mime.nonmultipart"), MovedModule("email_mime_text", "email.MIMEText", "email.mime.text"), MovedModule("email_mime_base", "email.MIMEBase", "email.mime.base"), MovedModule("BaseHTTPServer", "BaseHTTPServer", "http.server"), MovedModule("CGIHTTPServer", "CGIHTTPServer", "http.server"), MovedModule("SimpleHTTPServer", "SimpleHTTPServer", "http.server"), MovedModule("cPickle", "cPickle", "pickle"), MovedModule("queue", "Queue"), MovedModule("reprlib", "repr"), MovedModule("socketserver", "SocketServer"), MovedModule("_thread", "thread", "_thread"), MovedModule("tkinter", "Tkinter"), MovedModule("tkinter_dialog", "Dialog", "tkinter.dialog"), MovedModule("tkinter_filedialog", "FileDialog", "tkinter.filedialog"), MovedModule("tkinter_scrolledtext", "ScrolledText", "tkinter.scrolledtext"), MovedModule("tkinter_simpledialog", "SimpleDialog", "tkinter.simpledialog"), MovedModule("tkinter_tix", "Tix", "tkinter.tix"), MovedModule("tkinter_ttk", "ttk", "tkinter.ttk"), MovedModule("tkinter_constants", "Tkconstants", "tkinter.constants"), MovedModule("tkinter_dnd", "Tkdnd", "tkinter.dnd"), MovedModule("tkinter_colorchooser", "tkColorChooser", "tkinter.colorchooser"), MovedModule("tkinter_commondialog", "tkCommonDialog", "tkinter.commondialog"), MovedModule("tkinter_tkfiledialog", "tkFileDialog", "tkinter.filedialog"), MovedModule("tkinter_font", "tkFont", "tkinter.font"), MovedModule("tkinter_messagebox", "tkMessageBox", "tkinter.messagebox"), MovedModule("tkinter_tksimpledialog", "tkSimpleDialog", "tkinter.simpledialog"), MovedModule("urllib_parse", __name__ + ".moves.urllib_parse", "urllib.parse"), MovedModule("urllib_error", __name__ + ".moves.urllib_error", "urllib.error"), MovedModule("urllib", __name__ + ".moves.urllib", __name__ + ".moves.urllib"), MovedModule("urllib_robotparser", "robotparser", "urllib.robotparser"), MovedModule("xmlrpc_client", "xmlrpclib", "xmlrpc.client"), MovedModule("xmlrpc_server", "SimpleXMLRPCServer", "xmlrpc.server"), ] # Add windows specific modules. if sys.platform == "win32": _moved_attributes += [ MovedModule("winreg", "_winreg"), ] for attr in _moved_attributes: setattr(_MovedItems,, attr) if isinstance(attr, MovedModule): _importer._add_module(attr, "moves." + del attr _MovedItems._moved_attributes = _moved_attributes moves = _MovedItems(__name__ + ".moves") _importer._add_module(moves, "moves") class Module_six_moves_urllib_parse(_LazyModule): """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_parse""" _urllib_parse_moved_attributes = [ MovedAttribute("ParseResult", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("SplitResult", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("parse_qs", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("parse_qsl", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("urldefrag", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("urljoin", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("urlparse", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("urlsplit", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("urlunparse", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("urlunsplit", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("quote", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("quote_plus", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("unquote", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("unquote_plus", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("urlencode", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("splitquery", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("splittag", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("splituser", "urllib", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("uses_fragment", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("uses_netloc", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("uses_params", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("uses_query", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), MovedAttribute("uses_relative", "urlparse", "urllib.parse"), ] for attr in _urllib_parse_moved_attributes: setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_parse,, attr) del attr Module_six_moves_urllib_parse._moved_attributes = _urllib_parse_moved_attributes _importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_parse(__name__ + ".moves.urllib_parse"), "moves.urllib_parse", "moves.urllib.parse") class Module_six_moves_urllib_error(_LazyModule): """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_error""" _urllib_error_moved_attributes = [ MovedAttribute("URLError", "urllib2", "urllib.error"), MovedAttribute("HTTPError", "urllib2", "urllib.error"), MovedAttribute("ContentTooShortError", "urllib", "urllib.error"), ] for attr in _urllib_error_moved_attributes: setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_error,, attr) del attr Module_six_moves_urllib_error._moved_attributes = _urllib_error_moved_attributes _importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_error(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.error"), "moves.urllib_error", "moves.urllib.error") class Module_six_moves_urllib_request(_LazyModule): """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_request""" _urllib_request_moved_attributes = [ MovedAttribute("urlopen", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("install_opener", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("build_opener", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("pathname2url", "urllib", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("url2pathname", "urllib", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("getproxies", "urllib", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("Request", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("OpenerDirector", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPDefaultErrorHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPRedirectHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPCookieProcessor", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("ProxyHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("BaseHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPPasswordMgr", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("AbstractBasicAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPBasicAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("ProxyBasicAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("AbstractDigestAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPDigestAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("ProxyDigestAuthHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPSHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("FileHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("FTPHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("CacheFTPHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("UnknownHandler", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("HTTPErrorProcessor", "urllib2", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("urlretrieve", "urllib", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("urlcleanup", "urllib", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("URLopener", "urllib", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("FancyURLopener", "urllib", "urllib.request"), MovedAttribute("proxy_bypass", "urllib", "urllib.request"), ] for attr in _urllib_request_moved_attributes: setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_request,, attr) del attr Module_six_moves_urllib_request._moved_attributes = _urllib_request_moved_attributes _importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_request(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.request"), "moves.urllib_request", "moves.urllib.request") class Module_six_moves_urllib_response(_LazyModule): """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_response""" _urllib_response_moved_attributes = [ MovedAttribute("addbase", "urllib", "urllib.response"), MovedAttribute("addclosehook", "urllib", "urllib.response"), MovedAttribute("addinfo", "urllib", "urllib.response"), MovedAttribute("addinfourl", "urllib", "urllib.response"), ] for attr in _urllib_response_moved_attributes: setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_response,, attr) del attr Module_six_moves_urllib_response._moved_attributes = _urllib_response_moved_attributes _importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_response(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.response"), "moves.urllib_response", "moves.urllib.response") class Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser(_LazyModule): """Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_robotparser""" _urllib_robotparser_moved_attributes = [ MovedAttribute("RobotFileParser", "robotparser", "urllib.robotparser"), ] for attr in _urllib_robotparser_moved_attributes: setattr(Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser,, attr) del attr Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser._moved_attributes = _urllib_robotparser_moved_attributes _importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparser(__name__ + ".moves.urllib.robotparser"), "moves.urllib_robotparser", "moves.urllib.robotparser") class Module_six_moves_urllib(types.ModuleType): """Create a six.moves.urllib namespace that resembles the Python 3 namespace""" __path__ = [] # mark as package parse = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_parse") error = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_error") request = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_request") response = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_response") robotparser = _importer._get_module("moves.urllib_robotparser") def __dir__(self): return ['parse', 'error', 'request', 'response', 'robotparser'] _importer._add_module(Module_six_moves_urllib(__name__ + ".moves.urllib"), "moves.urllib") def add_move(move): """Add an item to six.moves.""" setattr(_MovedItems,, move) def remove_move(name): """Remove item from six.moves.""" try: delattr(_MovedItems, name) except AttributeError: try: del moves.__dict__[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("no such move, %r" % (name,)) if PY3: _meth_func = "__func__" _meth_self = "__self__" _func_closure = "__closure__" _func_code = "__code__" _func_defaults = "__defaults__" _func_globals = "__globals__" else: _meth_func = "im_func" _meth_self = "im_self" _func_closure = "func_closure" _func_code = "func_code" _func_defaults = "func_defaults" _func_globals = "func_globals" try: advance_iterator = next except NameError: def advance_iterator(it): return next = advance_iterator try: callable = callable except NameError: def callable(obj): return any("__call__" in klass.__dict__ for klass in type(obj).__mro__) if PY3: def get_unbound_function(unbound): return unbound create_bound_method = types.MethodType def create_unbound_method(func, cls): return func Iterator = object else: def get_unbound_function(unbound): return unbound.im_func def create_bound_method(func, obj): return types.MethodType(func, obj, obj.__class__) def create_unbound_method(func, cls): return types.MethodType(func, None, cls) class Iterator(object): def next(self): return type(self).__next__(self) callable = callable _add_doc(get_unbound_function, """Get the function out of a possibly unbound function""") get_method_function = operator.attrgetter(_meth_func) get_method_self = operator.attrgetter(_meth_self) get_function_closure = operator.attrgetter(_func_closure) get_function_code = operator.attrgetter(_func_code) get_function_defaults = operator.attrgetter(_func_defaults) get_function_globals = operator.attrgetter(_func_globals) if PY3: def iterkeys(d, **kw): return iter(d.keys(**kw)) def itervalues(d, **kw): return iter(d.values(**kw)) def iteritems(d, **kw): return iter(d.items(**kw)) def iterlists(d, **kw): return iter(d.lists(**kw)) viewkeys = operator.methodcaller("keys") viewvalues = operator.methodcaller("values") viewitems = operator.methodcaller("items") else: def iterkeys(d, **kw): return d.iterkeys(**kw) def itervalues(d, **kw): return d.itervalues(**kw) def iteritems(d, **kw): return d.iteritems(**kw) def iterlists(d, **kw): return d.iterlists(**kw) viewkeys = operator.methodcaller("viewkeys") viewvalues = operator.methodcaller("viewvalues") viewitems = operator.methodcaller("viewitems") _add_doc(iterkeys, "Return an iterator over the keys of a dictionary.") _add_doc(itervalues, "Return an iterator over the values of a dictionary.") _add_doc(iteritems, "Return an iterator over the (key, value) pairs of a dictionary.") _add_doc(iterlists, "Return an iterator over the (key, [values]) pairs of a dictionary.") if PY3: def b(s): return s.encode("latin-1") def u(s): return s unichr = chr import struct int2byte = struct.Struct(">B").pack del struct byte2int = operator.itemgetter(0) indexbytes = operator.getitem iterbytes = iter import io StringIO = io.StringIO BytesIO = io.BytesIO _assertCountEqual = "assertCountEqual" if sys.version_info[1] <= 1: _assertRaisesRegex = "assertRaisesRegexp" _assertRegex = "assertRegexpMatches" else: _assertRaisesRegex = "assertRaisesRegex" _assertRegex = "assertRegex" else: def b(s): return s # Workaround for standalone backslash def u(s): return unicode(s.replace(r'\\', r'\\\\'), "unicode_escape") unichr = unichr int2byte = chr def byte2int(bs): return ord(bs[0]) def indexbytes(buf, i): return ord(buf[i]) iterbytes = functools.partial(itertools.imap, ord) import StringIO StringIO = BytesIO = StringIO.StringIO _assertCountEqual = "assertItemsEqual" _assertRaisesRegex = "assertRaisesRegexp" _assertRegex = "assertRegexpMatches" _add_doc(b, """Byte literal""") _add_doc(u, """Text literal""") def assertCountEqual(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self, _assertCountEqual)(*args, **kwargs) def assertRaisesRegex(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self, _assertRaisesRegex)(*args, **kwargs) def assertRegex(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self, _assertRegex)(*args, **kwargs) if PY3: exec_ = getattr(moves.builtins, "exec") def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): if value is None: value = tp() if value.__traceback__ is not tb: raise value.with_traceback(tb) raise value else: def exec_(_code_, _globs_=None, _locs_=None): """Execute code in a namespace.""" if _globs_ is None: frame = sys._getframe(1) _globs_ = frame.f_globals if _locs_ is None: _locs_ = frame.f_locals del frame elif _locs_ is None: _locs_ = _globs_ exec("""exec _code_ in _globs_, _locs_""") exec_("""def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): raise tp, value, tb """) if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 2): exec_("""def raise_from(value, from_value): if from_value is None: raise value raise value from from_value """) elif sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 2): exec_("""def raise_from(value, from_value): raise value from from_value """) else: def raise_from(value, from_value): raise value print_ = getattr(moves.builtins, "print", None) if print_ is None: def print_(*args, **kwargs): """The new-style print function for Python 2.4 and 2.5.""" fp = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout) if fp is None: return def write(data): if not isinstance(data, basestring): data = str(data) # If the file has an encoding, encode unicode with it. if (isinstance(fp, file) and isinstance(data, unicode) and fp.encoding is not None): errors = getattr(fp, "errors", None) if errors is None: errors = "strict" data = data.encode(fp.encoding, errors) fp.write(data) want_unicode = False sep = kwargs.pop("sep", None) if sep is not None: if isinstance(sep, unicode): want_unicode = True elif not isinstance(sep, str): raise TypeError("sep must be None or a string") end = kwargs.pop("end", None) if end is not None: if isinstance(end, unicode): want_unicode = True elif not isinstance(end, str): raise TypeError("end must be None or a string") if kwargs: raise TypeError("invalid keyword arguments to print()") if not want_unicode: for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, unicode): want_unicode = True break if want_unicode: newline = unicode("\n") space = unicode(" ") else: newline = "\n" space = " " if sep is None: sep = space if end is None: end = newline for i, arg in enumerate(args): if i: write(sep) write(arg) write(end) if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 3): _print = print_ def print_(*args, **kwargs): fp = kwargs.get("file", sys.stdout) flush = kwargs.pop("flush", False) _print(*args, **kwargs) if flush and fp is not None: fp.flush() _add_doc(reraise, """Reraise an exception.""") if sys.version_info[0:2] < (3, 4): def wraps(wrapped, assigned=functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS, updated=functools.WRAPPER_UPDATES): def wrapper(f): f = functools.wraps(wrapped, assigned, updated)(f) f.__wrapped__ = wrapped return f return wrapper else: wraps = functools.wraps def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): """Create a base class with a metaclass.""" # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy # metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with # the actual metaclass. class metaclass(meta): def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): return meta(name, bases, d) return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {}) def add_metaclass(metaclass): """Class decorator for creating a class with a metaclass.""" def wrapper(cls): orig_vars = cls.__dict__.copy() slots = orig_vars.get('__slots__') if slots is not None: if isinstance(slots, str): slots = [slots] for slots_var in slots: orig_vars.pop(slots_var) orig_vars.pop('__dict__', None) orig_vars.pop('__weakref__', None) return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, orig_vars) return wrapper def python_2_unicode_compatible(klass): """ A decorator that defines __unicode__ and __str__ methods under Python 2. Under Python 3 it does nothing. To support Python 2 and 3 with a single code base, define a __str__ method returning text and apply this decorator to the class. """ if PY2: if '__str__' not in klass.__dict__: raise ValueError("@python_2_unicode_compatible cannot be applied " "to %s because it doesn't define __str__()." % klass.__name__) klass.__unicode__ = klass.__str__ klass.__str__ = lambda self: self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') return klass # Complete the moves implementation. # This code is at the end of this module to speed up module loading. # Turn this module into a package. __path__ = [] # required for PEP 302 and PEP 451 __package__ = __name__ # see PEP 366 @ReservedAssignment if globals().get("__spec__") is not None: __spec__.submodule_search_locations = [] # PEP 451 @UndefinedVariable # Remove other six meta path importers, since they cause problems. This can # happen if six is removed from sys.modules and then reloaded. (Setuptools does # this for some reason.) if sys.meta_path: for i, importer in enumerate(sys.meta_path): # Here's some real nastiness: Another "instance" of the six module might # be floating around. Therefore, we can't use isinstance() to check for # the six meta path importer, since the other six instance will have # inserted an importer with different class. if (type(importer).__name__ == "_SixMetaPathImporter" and == __name__): del sys.meta_path[i] break del i, importer # Finally, add the importer to the meta path import hook. sys.meta_path.append(_importer) packages/six.pyc000064400000077205147205427720007667 0ustar00 abcA@@sKdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZdZ ej ddkZ ej ddkZ ej dd!dakZ e refZefZefZeZeZejZnefZeefZeejfZeZeZejjd r$edcZnVd efd YZ ye!e Wne"k rjedeZn XedgZ[ dZ#dZ$defdYZ%de%fdYZ&dej'fdYZ(de%fdYZ)defdYZ*e*e+Z,de(fdYZ-e)dddde)d d!d"d#d e)d$d!d!d%d$e)d&d'd"d(d&e)d)d'd*e)d+d!d"d,d+e)d-d.d.d/d-e)d0d.d.d-d0e)d1d'd"d2d1e)d3d'e rd4nd5d6e)d7d'd8e)d9d:d;d<e)ddde)d=d=d>e)d?d?d>e)d@d@d>e)d2d'd"d2d1e)dAd!d"dBdAe)dCd!d!dDdCe&d"d'e&dEdFe&dGdHe&dIdJdKe&dLdMdLe&dNdOdPe&dQdRdSe&dTdUdVe&dWdXdYe&dZd[d\e&d]d^d_e&d`dadbe&dcdddee&dfdgdhe&dididje&dkdkdje&dldldje&dmdmdne&dodpe&dqdre&dsdte&dudvdue&dwdxe&dydzd{e&d|d}d~e&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddd~e&ddde&ddde&ddde&de+dde&de+dde&de+de+de&ddde&ddde&dddg>Z.ejdkr;e.e&ddg7Z.nxJe.D]BZ/e0e-e/j1e/e2e/e&rBe,j3e/de/j1qBqBW[/e.e-_.e-e+dZ4e,j3e4dde(fdYZ5e)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)d<dde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)dddgZ6x!e6D]Z/e0e5e/j1e/q0W[/e6e5_.e,j3e5e+dddde(fdYZ7e)ddde)ddde)dddgZ8x!e8D]Z/e0e7e/j1e/qW[/e8e7_.e,j3e7e+dddde(fdYZ9e)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)dddg!Z:x!e:D]Z/e0e9e/j1e/q W[/e:e9_.e,j3e9e+dddde(fdYZ;e)ddde)ddde)ddde)dddgZ<x!e<D]Z/e0e;e/j1e/q W[/e<e;_.e,j3e;e+d d d d e(fd YZ=e)dddgZ>x!e>D]Z/e0e=e/j1e/q; W[/e>e=_.e,j3e=e+ddddej'fdYZ?e,j3e?e+dddZ@dZAe r dZBdZCdZDdZEdZFdZGn$dZBdZCdZDd ZEd!ZFd"ZGy eHZIWneJk r= d#ZInXeIZHy eKZKWneJk rj d$ZKnXe r d%ZLejMZNd&ZOeZPn7d'ZLd(ZNd)ZOd*efd+YZPeKZKe#eLd,ejQeBZRejQeCZSejQeDZTejQeEZUejQeFZVejQeGZWe rd-ZXd.ZYd/ZZd0Z[ej\d1Z]ej\d2Z^ej\d3Z_nQd4ZXd5ZYd6ZZd7Z[ej\d8Z]ej\d9Z^ej\d:Z_e#eXd;e#eYd<e#eZd=e#e[d>e rd?Z`d@ZaebZcddldZdedjedAjfZg[dejhdZiejjZkelZmddlnZnenjoZoenjpZpdBZqej d d krdCZrdDZsq4dEZrdFZsnpdGZ`dHZaecZcebZgdIZidJZkejtejuevZmddloZoeojoZoZpdKZqdCZrdDZse#e`dLe#eadMdNZwdOZxdPZye reze4j{dQZ|ddRZ~ndddSZ|e|dTej d dhkre|dUn)ej d dikre|dVn dWZeze4j{dXdZedkrdYZnej d djkrDeZdZZne#e~d[ej dd!dkkrejejd\Zn ejZd]Zd^Zd_ZgZe+Zejd`dk rge_nejr7xOeejD]>\ZZeej+dkrej1e+kreje=PqqW[[nejje,dS(ls6Utilities for writing code that runs on Python 2 and 3i(tabsolute_importNs'Benjamin Peterson s1.10.0iiitjavaiitXcB@seZdZRS(cC@sdS(NiiI((tself((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt__len__>s(t__name__t __module__R(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR<si?cC@s ||_dS(s Add documentation to a function.N(t__doc__(tfunctdoc((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt_add_docKscC@st|tj|S(s7Import module, returning the module after the last dot.(t __import__tsystmodules(tname((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt_import_modulePs t _LazyDescrcB@seZdZdZRS(cC@s ||_dS(N(R(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt__init__XscC@sN|j}t||j|yt|j|jWntk rInX|S(N(t_resolvetsetattrRtdelattrt __class__tAttributeError(Rtobjttptresult((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt__get__[s  (RRRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRVs t MovedModulecB@s&eZddZdZdZRS(cC@sJtt|j|tr=|dkr1|}n||_n ||_dS(N(tsuperRRtPY3tNonetmod(RRtoldtnew((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRis    cC@s t|jS(N(RR(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRrscC@s/|j}t||}t||||S(N(RtgetattrR(Rtattrt_moduletvalue((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt __getattr__us N(RRRRRR&(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRgs t _LazyModulecB@s eZdZdZgZRS(cC@s)tt|j||jj|_dS(N(RR'RRR(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR~scC@s3ddg}|g|jD]}|j^q7}|S(NRR(t_moved_attributesR(RtattrsR#((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt__dir__s #(RRRR*R((((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR'|s  tMovedAttributecB@s eZdddZdZRS(cC@stt|j|trp|dkr1|}n||_|dkrd|dkr[|}qd|}n||_n'||_|dkr|}n||_dS(N(RR+RRRRR#(RRtold_modtnew_modtold_attrtnew_attr((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRs           cC@st|j}t||jS(N(RRR"R#(Rtmodule((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRsN(RRRRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR+st_SixMetaPathImportercB@s_eZdZdZdZdZd dZdZdZ dZ dZ e Z RS( s A meta path importer to import six.moves and its submodules. This class implements a PEP302 finder and loader. It should be compatible with Python 2.5 and all existing versions of Python3 cC@s||_i|_dS(N(Rt known_modules(Rtsix_module_name((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRs cG@s-x&|D]}||j|jd|(RR6((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt is_packagescC@s|j|dS(s;Return None Required, if is_package is implementedN(R>R(RR6((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytget_codes N( RRRRR7R8RR:R>RARDREt get_source(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR1s       t _MovedItemscB@seZdZgZRS(sLazy loading of moved objects(RRRRB(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRGst cStringIOtiotStringIOtfiltert itertoolstbuiltinstifiltert filterfalset ifilterfalsetinputt __builtin__t raw_inputtinternR tmaptimaptgetcwdtostgetcwdutgetcwdbtrangetxranget reload_modulet importlibtimptreloadtreducet functoolst shlex_quotetpipestshlextquotetUserDictt collectionstUserListt UserStringtziptizipt zip_longestt izip_longestt configparsert ConfigParsertcopyregtcopy_regtdbm_gnutgdbmsdbm.gnut _dummy_threadt dummy_threadthttp_cookiejart cookielibshttp.cookiejart http_cookiestCookies http.cookiest html_entitiesthtmlentitydefss html.entitiest html_parsert HTMLParsers html.parsert http_clientthttplibs http.clienttemail_mime_multipartsemail.MIMEMultipartsemail.mime.multiparttemail_mime_nonmultipartsemail.MIMENonMultipartsemail.mime.nonmultiparttemail_mime_textsemail.MIMETextsemail.mime.texttemail_mime_basesemail.MIMEBasesemail.mime.basetBaseHTTPServers http.servert CGIHTTPServertSimpleHTTPServertcPickletpickletqueuetQueuetreprlibtreprt socketservert SocketServert_threadtthreadttkintertTkinterttkinter_dialogtDialogstkinter.dialogttkinter_filedialogt FileDialogstkinter.filedialogttkinter_scrolledtextt ScrolledTextstkinter.scrolledtextttkinter_simpledialogt SimpleDialogstkinter.simpledialogt tkinter_tixtTixs tkinter.tixt tkinter_ttktttks tkinter.ttkttkinter_constantst Tkconstantsstkinter.constantst tkinter_dndtTkdnds tkinter.dndttkinter_colorchooserttkColorChooserstkinter.colorchooserttkinter_commondialogttkCommonDialogstkinter.commondialogttkinter_tkfiledialogt tkFileDialogt tkinter_fontttkFonts tkinter.fontttkinter_messageboxt tkMessageBoxstkinter.messageboxttkinter_tksimpledialogttkSimpleDialogt urllib_parses.moves.urllib_parses urllib.parset urllib_errors.moves.urllib_errors urllib.errorturllibs .moves.urllibturllib_robotparsert robotparsersurllib.robotparsert xmlrpc_clientt xmlrpclibs xmlrpc.clientt xmlrpc_servertSimpleXMLRPCServers xmlrpc.servertwin32twinregt_winregsmoves.s.movestmovestModule_six_moves_urllib_parsecB@seZdZRS(s7Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_parse(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR@st ParseResultturlparset SplitResulttparse_qst parse_qslt urldefragturljointurlsplitt urlunparset urlunsplitt quote_plustunquotet unquote_plust urlencodet splitquerytsplittagt splitusert uses_fragmentt uses_netloct uses_paramst uses_queryt uses_relativesmoves.urllib_parsesmoves.urllib.parsetModule_six_moves_urllib_errorcB@seZdZRS(s7Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_error(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRhstURLErrorturllib2t HTTPErrortContentTooShortErrors.moves.urllib.errorsmoves.urllib_errorsmoves.urllib.errortModule_six_moves_urllib_requestcB@seZdZRS(s9Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_request(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR|sturlopensurllib.requesttinstall_openert build_openert pathname2urlt url2pathnamet getproxiestRequesttOpenerDirectortHTTPDefaultErrorHandlertHTTPRedirectHandlertHTTPCookieProcessort ProxyHandlert BaseHandlertHTTPPasswordMgrtHTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealmtAbstractBasicAuthHandlertHTTPBasicAuthHandlertProxyBasicAuthHandlertAbstractDigestAuthHandlertHTTPDigestAuthHandlertProxyDigestAuthHandlert HTTPHandlert HTTPSHandlert FileHandlert FTPHandlertCacheFTPHandlertUnknownHandlertHTTPErrorProcessort urlretrievet urlcleanupt URLopenertFancyURLopenert proxy_bypasss.moves.urllib.requestsmoves.urllib_requestsmoves.urllib.requestt Module_six_moves_urllib_responsecB@seZdZRS(s:Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_response(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRstaddbasesurllib.responset addclosehooktaddinfot addinfourls.moves.urllib.responsesmoves.urllib_responsesmoves.urllib.responset#Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparsercB@seZdZRS(s=Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_robotparser(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRstRobotFileParsers.moves.urllib.robotparsersmoves.urllib_robotparsersmoves.urllib.robotparsertModule_six_moves_urllibcB@sheZdZgZejdZejdZejdZejdZ ejdZ dZ RS(sICreate a six.moves.urllib namespace that resembles the Python 3 namespacesmoves.urllib_parsesmoves.urllib_errorsmoves.urllib_requestsmoves.urllib_responsesmoves.urllib_robotparsercC@sdddddgS(NtparseterrortrequesttresponseR((R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR*s( RRRRBt _importerR8RRRRRR*(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRss moves.urllibcC@stt|j|dS(sAdd an item to six.moves.N(RRGR(tmove((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytadd_movescC@s^ytt|WnFtk rYytj|=WqZtk rUtd|fqZXnXdS(sRemove item from six.moves.sno such move, %rN(RRGRRt__dict__R;(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt remove_moves  t__func__t__self__t __closure__t__code__t __defaults__t __globals__tim_functim_selft func_closuret func_codet func_defaultst func_globalscC@s |jS(N(tnext(tit((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytadvance_iterator scC@stdt|jDS(Ncs@s|]}d|jkVqdS(t__call__N(R (t.0tklass((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pys s(tanyttypet__mro__(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytcallablescC@s|S(N((tunbound((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytget_unbound_functionscC@s|S(N((Rtcls((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytcreate_unbound_methodscC@s|jS(N(R(R"((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR#"scC@stj|||jS(N(ttypest MethodTypeR(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytcreate_bound_method%scC@stj|d|S(N(R&R'R(RR$((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR%(stIteratorcB@seZdZRS(cC@st|j|S(N(Rt__next__(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR-s(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR)+ss3Get the function out of a possibly unbound functioncK@st|j|S(N(titertkeys(tdtkw((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytiterkeys>scK@st|j|S(N(R+tvalues(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt itervaluesAscK@st|j|S(N(R+titems(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt iteritemsDscK@st|j|S(N(R+tlists(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt iterlistsGsR,R0R2cK@s |j|S(N(R/(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR/PscK@s |j|S(N(R1(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR1SscK@s |j|S(N(R3(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR3VscK@s |j|S(N(R5(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR5Ystviewkeyst viewvaluest viewitemss1Return an iterator over the keys of a dictionary.s3Return an iterator over the values of a dictionary.s?Return an iterator over the (key, value) pairs of a dictionary.sBReturn an iterator over the (key, [values]) pairs of a dictionary.cC@s |jdS(Nslatin-1(tencode(ts((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytbkscC@s|S(N((R:((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytunss>BtassertCountEqualtassertRaisesRegexptassertRegexpMatchestassertRaisesRegext assertRegexcC@s|S(N((R:((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR;scC@st|jdddS(Ns\\s\\\\tunicode_escape(tunicodetreplace(R:((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR<scC@st|dS(Ni(tord(tbs((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytbyte2intscC@st||S(N(RE(tbufti((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt indexbytesstassertItemsEquals Byte literals Text literalcO@st|t||S(N(R"t_assertCountEqual(Rtargstkwargs((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR=scO@st|t||S(N(R"t_assertRaisesRegex(RRMRN((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR@scO@st|t||S(N(R"t _assertRegex(RRMRN((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRAstexeccC@sC|dkr|}n|j|k r9|j|n|dS(N(Rt __traceback__twith_traceback(RR%ttb((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytreraises   cB@sc|dkrBejd}|j}|dkr<|j}n~n|dkrW|}nddUdS(sExecute code in a namespace.isexec _code_ in _globs_, _locs_N(RR t _getframet f_globalstf_locals(t_code_t_globs_t_locs_tframe((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytexec_s      s9def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): raise tp, value, tb srdef raise_from(value, from_value): if from_value is None: raise value raise value from from_value sCdef raise_from(value, from_value): raise value from from_value cC@s |dS(N((R%t from_value((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt raise_fromstprintc @s|jdtjdkr%dSfd}t}|jdd}|dk rt|trpt}qt|tst dqn|jdd}|dk rt|trt}qt|tst dqn|rt dn|s0x*|D]}t|tr t}Pq q Wn|rQtd }td }n d }d }|dkrr|}n|dkr|}nx7t |D])\} }| r||n||qW||dS( s4The new-style print function for Python 2.4 and 2.5.tfileNc@st|tst|}nttrt|trjdk rtdd}|dkrrd}n|jj|}nj |dS(Nterrorststrict( R?t basestringtstrRaRCtencodingRR"R9twrite(tdataRb(tfp(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRgs  tsepssep must be None or a stringtendsend must be None or a strings$invalid keyword arguments to print()s t ( tpopR tstdoutRtFalseR?RCtTrueRet TypeErrort enumerate( RMRNRgt want_unicodeRjRktargtnewlinetspaceRI((RisD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytprint_sL              cO@sW|jdtj}|jdt}t|||rS|dk rS|jndS(NRatflush(tgetR RnRmRot_printRRx(RMRNRiRx((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRw s  sReraise an exception.c@sfd}|S(Nc@s(tj|}|_|S(N(Rbtwrapst __wrapped__(tf(tassignedtupdatedtwrapped(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytwrappers ((RR~RR((R~RRsD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR{sc@s5dffdY}tj|ddiS(s%Create a base class with a metaclass.t metaclassc@seZfdZRS(c@s||S(N((R$Rt this_basesR-(tbasestmeta(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt__new__'s(RRR((RR(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR%sttemporary_class((RR(RRR((RRsD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytwith_metaclass sc@sfd}|S(s6Class decorator for creating a class with a metaclass.c@s|jj}|jd}|dk rft|trE|g}nx|D]}|j|qLWn|jdd|jdd|j|j|S(Nt __slots__R t __weakref__( R tcopyRyRR?ReRmRt __bases__(R$t orig_varstslotst slots_var(R(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR.s   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Under Python 3 it does nothing. To support Python 2 and 3 with a single code base, define a __str__ method returning text and apply this decorator to the class. t__str__sY@python_2_unicode_compatible cannot be applied to %s because it doesn't define __str__().cS@s|jjdS(Nsutf-8(t __unicode__R9(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytJt(tPY2R t ValueErrorRRR(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytpython_2_unicode_compatible<s t__spec__(iiIiIill(ii(ii(ii(ii(Rt __future__RRbRLtoperatorR R&t __author__t __version__t version_infoRRtPY34Ret string_typestintt integer_typesRt class_typest text_typetbytest binary_typetmaxsizetMAXSIZERdtlongt ClassTypeRCtplatformt startswithtobjectRtlent OverflowErrorR RRRt ModuleTypeR'R+R1RRRGR(R#RRR?R7RRt_urllib_parse_moved_attributesRt_urllib_error_moved_attributesRt _urllib_request_moved_attributesRt!_urllib_response_moved_attributesRt$_urllib_robotparser_moved_attributesRR R t _meth_funct _meth_selft _func_closuret _func_codet_func_defaultst _func_globalsRRt NameErrorR!R#R'R(R%R)t attrgettertget_method_functiontget_method_selftget_function_closuretget_function_codetget_function_defaultstget_function_globalsR/R1R3R5t methodcallerR6R7R8R;R<tchrtunichrtstructtStructtpacktint2bytet itemgetterRGtgetitemRJR+t iterbytesRIRJtBytesIORLRORPtpartialRVRER=R@RAR"RMR]RRUR_RwRztWRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTStWRAPPER_UPDATESR{RRRRBt __package__tglobalsRyRtsubmodule_search_locationst meta_pathRrRItimportertappend(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyts               >                                                                                 5         packages/six.pyo000064400000077205147205427720007703 0ustar00 abcA@@sKdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZdZ ej ddkZ ej ddkZ ej dd!dakZ e refZefZefZeZeZejZnefZeefZeejfZeZeZejjd r$edcZnVd efd YZ ye!e Wne"k rjedeZn XedgZ[ dZ#dZ$defdYZ%de%fdYZ&dej'fdYZ(de%fdYZ)defdYZ*e*e+Z,de(fdYZ-e)dddde)d d!d"d#d e)d$d!d!d%d$e)d&d'd"d(d&e)d)d'd*e)d+d!d"d,d+e)d-d.d.d/d-e)d0d.d.d-d0e)d1d'd"d2d1e)d3d'e rd4nd5d6e)d7d'd8e)d9d:d;d<e)ddde)d=d=d>e)d?d?d>e)d@d@d>e)d2d'd"d2d1e)dAd!d"dBdAe)dCd!d!dDdCe&d"d'e&dEdFe&dGdHe&dIdJdKe&dLdMdLe&dNdOdPe&dQdRdSe&dTdUdVe&dWdXdYe&dZd[d\e&d]d^d_e&d`dadbe&dcdddee&dfdgdhe&dididje&dkdkdje&dldldje&dmdmdne&dodpe&dqdre&dsdte&dudvdue&dwdxe&dydzd{e&d|d}d~e&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddde&ddd~e&ddde&ddde&ddde&de+dde&de+dde&de+de+de&ddde&ddde&dddg>Z.ejdkr;e.e&ddg7Z.nxJe.D]BZ/e0e-e/j1e/e2e/e&rBe,j3e/de/j1qBqBW[/e.e-_.e-e+dZ4e,j3e4dde(fdYZ5e)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)d<dde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)dddgZ6x!e6D]Z/e0e5e/j1e/q0W[/e6e5_.e,j3e5e+dddde(fdYZ7e)ddde)ddde)dddgZ8x!e8D]Z/e0e7e/j1e/qW[/e8e7_.e,j3e7e+dddde(fdYZ9e)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)ddde)dddg!Z:x!e:D]Z/e0e9e/j1e/q W[/e:e9_.e,j3e9e+dddde(fdYZ;e)ddde)ddde)ddde)dddgZ<x!e<D]Z/e0e;e/j1e/q W[/e<e;_.e,j3e;e+d d d d e(fd YZ=e)dddgZ>x!e>D]Z/e0e=e/j1e/q; 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This class implements a PEP302 finder and loader. It should be compatible with Python 2.5 and all existing versions of Python3 cC@s||_i|_dS(N(Rt known_modules(Rtsix_module_name((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRs cG@s-x&|D]}||j|jd|(RR6((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt is_packagescC@s|j|dS(s;Return None Required, if is_package is implementedN(R>R(RR6((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytget_codes N( RRRRR7R8RR:R>RARDREt get_source(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR1s       t _MovedItemscB@seZdZgZRS(sLazy loading of moved objects(RRRRB(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRGst cStringIOtiotStringIOtfiltert itertoolstbuiltinstifiltert filterfalset ifilterfalsetinputt __builtin__t raw_inputtinternR tmaptimaptgetcwdtostgetcwdutgetcwdbtrangetxranget reload_modulet importlibtimptreloadtreducet functoolst shlex_quotetpipestshlextquotetUserDictt collectionstUserListt UserStringtziptizipt zip_longestt izip_longestt configparsert ConfigParsertcopyregtcopy_regtdbm_gnutgdbmsdbm.gnut _dummy_threadt dummy_threadthttp_cookiejart cookielibshttp.cookiejart http_cookiestCookies http.cookiest html_entitiesthtmlentitydefss html.entitiest html_parsert HTMLParsers html.parsert http_clientthttplibs http.clienttemail_mime_multipartsemail.MIMEMultipartsemail.mime.multiparttemail_mime_nonmultipartsemail.MIMENonMultipartsemail.mime.nonmultiparttemail_mime_textsemail.MIMETextsemail.mime.texttemail_mime_basesemail.MIMEBasesemail.mime.basetBaseHTTPServers http.servert CGIHTTPServertSimpleHTTPServertcPickletpickletqueuetQueuetreprlibtreprt socketservert SocketServert_threadtthreadttkintertTkinterttkinter_dialogtDialogstkinter.dialogttkinter_filedialogt FileDialogstkinter.filedialogttkinter_scrolledtextt ScrolledTextstkinter.scrolledtextttkinter_simpledialogt SimpleDialogstkinter.simpledialogt tkinter_tixtTixs tkinter.tixt tkinter_ttktttks tkinter.ttkttkinter_constantst Tkconstantsstkinter.constantst tkinter_dndtTkdnds tkinter.dndttkinter_colorchooserttkColorChooserstkinter.colorchooserttkinter_commondialogttkCommonDialogstkinter.commondialogttkinter_tkfiledialogt tkFileDialogt tkinter_fontttkFonts tkinter.fontttkinter_messageboxt tkMessageBoxstkinter.messageboxttkinter_tksimpledialogttkSimpleDialogt urllib_parses.moves.urllib_parses urllib.parset urllib_errors.moves.urllib_errors urllib.errorturllibs .moves.urllibturllib_robotparsert robotparsersurllib.robotparsert xmlrpc_clientt xmlrpclibs xmlrpc.clientt xmlrpc_servertSimpleXMLRPCServers xmlrpc.servertwin32twinregt_winregsmoves.s.movestmovestModule_six_moves_urllib_parsecB@seZdZRS(s7Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_parse(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR@st ParseResultturlparset SplitResulttparse_qst parse_qslt urldefragturljointurlsplitt urlunparset urlunsplitt quote_plustunquotet unquote_plust urlencodet splitquerytsplittagt splitusert uses_fragmentt uses_netloct uses_paramst uses_queryt uses_relativesmoves.urllib_parsesmoves.urllib.parsetModule_six_moves_urllib_errorcB@seZdZRS(s7Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_error(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRhstURLErrorturllib2t HTTPErrortContentTooShortErrors.moves.urllib.errorsmoves.urllib_errorsmoves.urllib.errortModule_six_moves_urllib_requestcB@seZdZRS(s9Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_request(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR|sturlopensurllib.requesttinstall_openert build_openert pathname2urlt url2pathnamet getproxiestRequesttOpenerDirectortHTTPDefaultErrorHandlertHTTPRedirectHandlertHTTPCookieProcessort ProxyHandlert BaseHandlertHTTPPasswordMgrtHTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealmtAbstractBasicAuthHandlertHTTPBasicAuthHandlertProxyBasicAuthHandlertAbstractDigestAuthHandlertHTTPDigestAuthHandlertProxyDigestAuthHandlert HTTPHandlert HTTPSHandlert FileHandlert FTPHandlertCacheFTPHandlertUnknownHandlertHTTPErrorProcessort urlretrievet urlcleanupt URLopenertFancyURLopenert proxy_bypasss.moves.urllib.requestsmoves.urllib_requestsmoves.urllib.requestt Module_six_moves_urllib_responsecB@seZdZRS(s:Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_response(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRstaddbasesurllib.responset addclosehooktaddinfot addinfourls.moves.urllib.responsesmoves.urllib_responsesmoves.urllib.responset#Module_six_moves_urllib_robotparsercB@seZdZRS(s=Lazy loading of moved objects in six.moves.urllib_robotparser(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRstRobotFileParsers.moves.urllib.robotparsersmoves.urllib_robotparsersmoves.urllib.robotparsertModule_six_moves_urllibcB@sheZdZgZejdZejdZejdZejdZ ejdZ dZ RS(sICreate a six.moves.urllib namespace that resembles the Python 3 namespacesmoves.urllib_parsesmoves.urllib_errorsmoves.urllib_requestsmoves.urllib_responsesmoves.urllib_robotparsercC@sdddddgS(NtparseterrortrequesttresponseR((R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR*s( RRRRBt _importerR8RRRRRR*(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRss moves.urllibcC@stt|j|dS(sAdd an item to six.moves.N(RRGR(tmove((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytadd_movescC@s^ytt|WnFtk rYytj|=WqZtk rUtd|fqZXnXdS(sRemove item from six.moves.sno such move, %rN(RRGRRt__dict__R;(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt remove_moves  t__func__t__self__t __closure__t__code__t __defaults__t __globals__tim_functim_selft func_closuret func_codet func_defaultst func_globalscC@s |jS(N(tnext(tit((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytadvance_iterator scC@stdt|jDS(Ncs@s|]}d|jkVqdS(t__call__N(R (t.0tklass((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pys s(tanyttypet__mro__(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytcallablescC@s|S(N((tunbound((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytget_unbound_functionscC@s|S(N((Rtcls((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytcreate_unbound_methodscC@s|jS(N(R(R"((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR#"scC@stj|||jS(N(ttypest MethodTypeR(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytcreate_bound_method%scC@stj|d|S(N(R&R'R(RR$((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR%(stIteratorcB@seZdZRS(cC@st|j|S(N(Rt__next__(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR-s(RRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR)+ss3Get the function out of a possibly unbound functioncK@st|j|S(N(titertkeys(tdtkw((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytiterkeys>scK@st|j|S(N(R+tvalues(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt itervaluesAscK@st|j|S(N(R+titems(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt iteritemsDscK@st|j|S(N(R+tlists(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt iterlistsGsR,R0R2cK@s |j|S(N(R/(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR/PscK@s |j|S(N(R1(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR1SscK@s |j|S(N(R3(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR3VscK@s |j|S(N(R5(R-R.((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR5Ystviewkeyst viewvaluest viewitemss1Return an iterator over the keys of a dictionary.s3Return an iterator over the values of a dictionary.s?Return an iterator over the (key, value) pairs of a dictionary.sBReturn an iterator over the (key, [values]) pairs of a dictionary.cC@s |jdS(Nslatin-1(tencode(ts((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytbkscC@s|S(N((R:((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytunss>BtassertCountEqualtassertRaisesRegexptassertRegexpMatchestassertRaisesRegext assertRegexcC@s|S(N((R:((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR;scC@st|jdddS(Ns\\s\\\\tunicode_escape(tunicodetreplace(R:((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR<scC@st|dS(Ni(tord(tbs((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytbyte2intscC@st||S(N(RE(tbufti((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt indexbytesstassertItemsEquals Byte literals Text literalcO@st|t||S(N(R"t_assertCountEqual(Rtargstkwargs((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR=scO@st|t||S(N(R"t_assertRaisesRegex(RRMRN((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR@scO@st|t||S(N(R"t _assertRegex(RRMRN((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRAstexeccC@sC|dkr|}n|j|k r9|j|n|dS(N(Rt __traceback__twith_traceback(RR%ttb((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytreraises   cB@sc|dkrBejd}|j}|dkr<|j}n~n|dkrW|}nddUdS(sExecute code in a namespace.isexec _code_ in _globs_, _locs_N(RR t _getframet f_globalstf_locals(t_code_t_globs_t_locs_tframe((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytexec_s      s9def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): raise tp, value, tb srdef raise_from(value, from_value): if from_value is None: raise value raise value from from_value sCdef raise_from(value, from_value): raise value from from_value cC@s |dS(N((R%t from_value((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt raise_fromstprintc @s|jdtjdkr%dSfd}t}|jdd}|dk rt|trpt}qt|tst dqn|jdd}|dk rt|trt}qt|tst dqn|rt dn|s0x*|D]}t|tr t}Pq q Wn|rQtd }td }n d }d }|dkrr|}n|dkr|}nx7t |D])\} }| r||n||qW||dS( s4The new-style print function for Python 2.4 and 2.5.tfileNc@st|tst|}nttrt|trjdk rtdd}|dkrrd}n|jj|}nj |dS(Nterrorststrict( R?t basestringtstrRaRCtencodingRR"R9twrite(tdataRb(tfp(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRgs  tsepssep must be None or a stringtendsend must be None or a strings$invalid keyword arguments to print()s t ( tpopR tstdoutRtFalseR?RCtTrueRet TypeErrort enumerate( RMRNRgt want_unicodeRjRktargtnewlinetspaceRI((RisD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytprint_sL              cO@sW|jdtj}|jdt}t|||rS|dk rS|jndS(NRatflush(tgetR RnRmRot_printRRx(RMRNRiRx((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyRw s  sReraise an exception.c@sfd}|S(Nc@s(tj|}|_|S(N(Rbtwrapst __wrapped__(tf(tassignedtupdatedtwrapped(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytwrappers ((RR~RR((R~RRsD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR{sc@s5dffdY}tj|ddiS(s%Create a base class with a metaclass.t metaclassc@seZfdZRS(c@s||S(N((R$Rt this_basesR-(tbasestmeta(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt__new__'s(RRR((RR(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR%sttemporary_class((RR(RRR((RRsD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytwith_metaclass sc@sfd}|S(s6Class decorator for creating a class with a metaclass.c@s|jj}|jd}|dk rft|trE|g}nx|D]}|j|qLWn|jdd|jdd|j|j|S(Nt __slots__R t __weakref__( R tcopyRyRR?ReRmRt __bases__(R$t orig_varstslotst slots_var(R(sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyR.s   ((RR((RsD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyt add_metaclass,s cC@sJtrFd|jkr+td|jn|j|_d|_n|S(s A decorator that defines __unicode__ and __str__ methods under Python 2. Under Python 3 it does nothing. To support Python 2 and 3 with a single code base, define a __str__ method returning text and apply this decorator to the class. t__str__sY@python_2_unicode_compatible cannot be applied to %s because it doesn't define __str__().cS@s|jjdS(Nsutf-8(t __unicode__R9(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytJt(tPY2R t ValueErrorRRR(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pytpython_2_unicode_compatible<s t__spec__(iiIiIill(ii(ii(ii(ii(Rt __future__RRbRLtoperatorR R&t __author__t __version__t version_infoRRtPY34Ret string_typestintt integer_typesRt class_typest text_typetbytest binary_typetmaxsizetMAXSIZERdtlongt ClassTypeRCtplatformt startswithtobjectRtlent OverflowErrorR RRRt ModuleTypeR'R+R1RRRGR(R#RRR?R7RRt_urllib_parse_moved_attributesRt_urllib_error_moved_attributesRt _urllib_request_moved_attributesRt!_urllib_response_moved_attributesRt$_urllib_robotparser_moved_attributesRR R t _meth_funct _meth_selft _func_closuret _func_codet_func_defaultst _func_globalsRRt NameErrorR!R#R'R(R%R)t attrgettertget_method_functiontget_method_selftget_function_closuretget_function_codetget_function_defaultstget_function_globalsR/R1R3R5t methodcallerR6R7R8R;R<tchrtunichrtstructtStructtpacktint2bytet itemgetterRGtgetitemRJR+t iterbytesRIRJtBytesIORLRORPtpartialRVRER=R@RAR"RMR]RRUR_RwRztWRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTStWRAPPER_UPDATESR{RRRRBt __package__tglobalsRyRtsubmodule_search_locationst meta_pathRrRItimportertappend(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.pyts               >                                                                                 5         util/__init__.py000064400000002024147205427720007642 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import # For backwards compatibility, provide imports that used to be here. from .connection import is_connection_dropped from .request import make_headers from .response import is_fp_closed from .ssl_ import ( SSLContext, HAS_SNI, IS_PYOPENSSL, IS_SECURETRANSPORT, assert_fingerprint, resolve_cert_reqs, resolve_ssl_version, ssl_wrap_socket, ) from .timeout import ( current_time, Timeout, ) from .retry import Retry from .url import ( get_host, parse_url, split_first, Url, ) from .wait import ( wait_for_read, wait_for_write ) __all__ = ( 'HAS_SNI', 'IS_PYOPENSSL', 'IS_SECURETRANSPORT', 'SSLContext', 'Retry', 'Timeout', 'Url', 'assert_fingerprint', 'current_time', 'is_connection_dropped', 'is_fp_closed', 'get_host', 'parse_url', 'make_headers', 'resolve_cert_reqs', 'resolve_ssl_version', 'split_first', 'ssl_wrap_socket', 'wait_for_read', 'wait_for_write' ) util/__init__.pyc000064400000002375147205427720010016 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZmZmZddlmZmZddlmZdd lmZmZmZmZdd lmZmZd ZdS(!i(tabsolute_importi(tis_connection_dropped(t make_headers(t is_fp_closed(t SSLContexttHAS_SNIt IS_PYOPENSSLtIS_SECURETRANSPORTtassert_fingerprinttresolve_cert_reqstresolve_ssl_versiontssl_wrap_socket(t current_timetTimeout(tRetry(tget_hostt parse_urlt split_firsttUrl(t wait_for_readtwait_for_writeRRRRRR RRR RRRRRR R RR RRN(RRRRRR RRR RRRRRR R RR RR(t __future__Rt connectionRtrequestRtresponseRtssl_RRRRRR R R ttimeoutR R tretryRturlRRRRtwaitRRt__all__(((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__init__.pyts8: "util/__init__.pyo000064400000002375147205427720010032 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z m Z m Z m Z m Z mZmZmZddlmZmZddlmZdd lmZmZmZmZdd lmZmZd ZdS(!i(tabsolute_importi(tis_connection_dropped(t make_headers(t is_fp_closed(t SSLContexttHAS_SNIt IS_PYOPENSSLtIS_SECURETRANSPORTtassert_fingerprinttresolve_cert_reqstresolve_ssl_versiontssl_wrap_socket(t current_timetTimeout(tRetry(tget_hostt parse_urlt split_firsttUrl(t wait_for_readtwait_for_writeRRRRRR RRR RRRRRR R RR RRN(RRRRRR RRR RRRRRR R RR RR(t __future__Rt connectionRtrequestRtresponseRtssl_RRRRRR R R ttimeoutR R tretryRturlRRRRtwaitRRt__all__(((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__init__.pyts8: "util/connection.py000064400000010215147205427720010243 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import socket from .wait import wait_for_read from .selectors import HAS_SELECT, SelectorError def is_connection_dropped(conn): # Platform-specific """ Returns True if the connection is dropped and should be closed. :param conn: :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection` object. Note: For platforms like AppEngine, this will always return ``False`` to let the platform handle connection recycling transparently for us. """ sock = getattr(conn, 'sock', False) if sock is False: # Platform-specific: AppEngine return False if sock is None: # Connection already closed (such as by httplib). return True if not HAS_SELECT: return False try: return bool(wait_for_read(sock, timeout=0.0)) except SelectorError: return True # This function is copied from in the Python 2.7 standard # library test suite. Added to its signature is only `socket_options`. # One additional modification is that we avoid binding to IPv6 servers # discovered in DNS if the system doesn't have IPv6 functionality. def create_connection(address, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, source_address=None, socket_options=None): """Connect to *address* and return the socket object. Convenience function. Connect to *address* (a 2-tuple ``(host, port)``) and return the socket object. Passing the optional *timeout* parameter will set the timeout on the socket instance before attempting to connect. If no *timeout* is supplied, the global default timeout setting returned by :func:`getdefaulttimeout` is used. If *source_address* is set it must be a tuple of (host, port) for the socket to bind as a source address before making the connection. An host of '' or port 0 tells the OS to use the default. """ host, port = address if host.startswith('['): host = host.strip('[]') err = None # Using the value from allowed_gai_family() in the context of getaddrinfo lets # us select whether to work with IPv4 DNS records, IPv6 records, or both. # The original create_connection function always returns all records. family = allowed_gai_family() for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, socket.SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res sock = None try: sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) # If provided, set socket level options before connecting. _set_socket_options(sock, socket_options) if timeout is not socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: sock.settimeout(timeout) if source_address: sock.bind(source_address) sock.connect(sa) return sock except socket.error as e: err = e if sock is not None: sock.close() sock = None if err is not None: raise err raise socket.error("getaddrinfo returns an empty list") def _set_socket_options(sock, options): if options is None: return for opt in options: sock.setsockopt(*opt) def allowed_gai_family(): """This function is designed to work in the context of getaddrinfo, where family=socket.AF_UNSPEC is the default and will perform a DNS search for both IPv6 and IPv4 records.""" family = socket.AF_INET if HAS_IPV6: family = socket.AF_UNSPEC return family def _has_ipv6(host): """ Returns True if the system can bind an IPv6 address. """ sock = None has_ipv6 = False if socket.has_ipv6: # has_ipv6 returns true if cPython was compiled with IPv6 support. # It does not tell us if the system has IPv6 support enabled. To # determine that we must bind to an IPv6 address. # # try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6) sock.bind((host, 0)) has_ipv6 = True except Exception: pass if sock: sock.close() return has_ipv6 HAS_IPV6 = _has_ipv6('::1') util/connection.pyc000064400000007437147205427720010422 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZmZdZej dddZ dZ d Z d Zed ZdS( i(tabsolute_importNi(t wait_for_read(t HAS_SELECTt SelectorErrorcC@sot|dt}|tkr"tS|dkr2tSts<tSytt|ddSWntk rjtSXdS(s  Returns True if the connection is dropped and should be closed. :param conn: :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection` object. Note: For platforms like AppEngine, this will always return ``False`` to let the platform handle connection recycling transparently for us. tsockttimeoutgN(tgetattrtFalsetNonetTrueRtboolRR(tconnR((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pytis_connection_droppeds    cC@sO|\}}|jdr-|jd}nd}t}xtj|||tjD]}|\} } } } } d}yltj| | | }t|||tjk r|j |n|r|j |n|j | |SWqXtj k r"}|}|dk r#|j d}q#qXXqXW|dk r<|ntj ddS(sdConnect to *address* and return the socket object. Convenience function. Connect to *address* (a 2-tuple ``(host, port)``) and return the socket object. Passing the optional *timeout* parameter will set the timeout on the socket instance before attempting to connect. If no *timeout* is supplied, the global default timeout setting returned by :func:`getdefaulttimeout` is used. If *source_address* is set it must be a tuple of (host, port) for the socket to bind as a source address before making the connection. An host of '' or port 0 tells the OS to use the default. t[s[]s!getaddrinfo returns an empty listN(t startswithtstripRtallowed_gai_familytsockett getaddrinfot SOCK_STREAMt_set_socket_optionst_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTt settimeouttbindtconnectterrortclose(taddressRtsource_addresstsocket_optionsthosttportterrtfamilytrestaftsocktypetprotot canonnametsaRte((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pytcreate_connection$s2  "      cC@s2|dkrdSx|D]}|j|qWdS(N(Rt setsockopt(Rtoptionstopt((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyRXs  cC@stj}trtj}n|S(sThis function is designed to work in the context of getaddrinfo, where family=socket.AF_UNSPEC is the default and will perform a DNS search for both IPv6 and IPv4 records.(RtAF_INETtHAS_IPV6t AF_UNSPEC(R!((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyR`s  cC@srd}t}tjr[y/tjtj}|j|dft}Wq[tk rWq[Xn|rn|jn|S(s6 Returns True if the system can bind an IPv6 address. iN( RRRthas_ipv6tAF_INET6RR t ExceptionR(RRR0((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyt _has_ipv6ks    s::1(t __future__RRtwaitRt selectorsRRR RRR)RRR3R.(((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyts  3  util/connection.pyo000064400000007437147205427720010436 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZmZdZej dddZ dZ d Z d Zed ZdS( i(tabsolute_importNi(t wait_for_read(t HAS_SELECTt SelectorErrorcC@sot|dt}|tkr"tS|dkr2tSts<tSytt|ddSWntk rjtSXdS(s  Returns True if the connection is dropped and should be closed. :param conn: :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection` object. Note: For platforms like AppEngine, this will always return ``False`` to let the platform handle connection recycling transparently for us. tsockttimeoutgN(tgetattrtFalsetNonetTrueRtboolRR(tconnR((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pytis_connection_droppeds    cC@sO|\}}|jdr-|jd}nd}t}xtj|||tjD]}|\} } } } } d}yltj| | | }t|||tjk r|j |n|r|j |n|j | |SWqXtj k r"}|}|dk r#|j d}q#qXXqXW|dk r<|ntj ddS(sdConnect to *address* and return the socket object. Convenience function. Connect to *address* (a 2-tuple ``(host, port)``) and return the socket object. Passing the optional *timeout* parameter will set the timeout on the socket instance before attempting to connect. If no *timeout* is supplied, the global default timeout setting returned by :func:`getdefaulttimeout` is used. If *source_address* is set it must be a tuple of (host, port) for the socket to bind as a source address before making the connection. An host of '' or port 0 tells the OS to use the default. t[s[]s!getaddrinfo returns an empty listN(t startswithtstripRtallowed_gai_familytsockett getaddrinfot SOCK_STREAMt_set_socket_optionst_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTt settimeouttbindtconnectterrortclose(taddressRtsource_addresstsocket_optionsthosttportterrtfamilytrestaftsocktypetprotot canonnametsaRte((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pytcreate_connection$s2  "      cC@s2|dkrdSx|D]}|j|qWdS(N(Rt setsockopt(Rtoptionstopt((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyRXs  cC@stj}trtj}n|S(sThis function is designed to work in the context of getaddrinfo, where family=socket.AF_UNSPEC is the default and will perform a DNS search for both IPv6 and IPv4 records.(RtAF_INETtHAS_IPV6t AF_UNSPEC(R!((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyR`s  cC@srd}t}tjr[y/tjtj}|j|dft}Wq[tk rWq[Xn|rn|jn|S(s6 Returns True if the system can bind an IPv6 address. iN( RRRthas_ipv6tAF_INET6RR t ExceptionR(RRR0((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyt _has_ipv6ks    s::1(t __future__RRtwaitRt selectorsRRR RRR)RRR3R.(((sG/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.pyts  3  util/request.py000064400000007171147205427720007603 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from base64 import b64encode from ..packages.six import b, integer_types from ..exceptions import UnrewindableBodyError ACCEPT_ENCODING = 'gzip,deflate' _FAILEDTELL = object() def make_headers(keep_alive=None, accept_encoding=None, user_agent=None, basic_auth=None, proxy_basic_auth=None, disable_cache=None): """ Shortcuts for generating request headers. :param keep_alive: If ``True``, adds 'connection: keep-alive' header. :param accept_encoding: Can be a boolean, list, or string. ``True`` translates to 'gzip,deflate'. List will get joined by comma. String will be used as provided. :param user_agent: String representing the user-agent you want, such as "python-urllib3/0.6" :param basic_auth: Colon-separated username:password string for 'authorization: basic ...' auth header. :param proxy_basic_auth: Colon-separated username:password string for 'proxy-authorization: basic ...' auth header. :param disable_cache: If ``True``, adds 'cache-control: no-cache' header. Example:: >>> make_headers(keep_alive=True, user_agent="Batman/1.0") {'connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Batman/1.0'} >>> make_headers(accept_encoding=True) {'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate'} """ headers = {} if accept_encoding: if isinstance(accept_encoding, str): pass elif isinstance(accept_encoding, list): accept_encoding = ','.join(accept_encoding) else: accept_encoding = ACCEPT_ENCODING headers['accept-encoding'] = accept_encoding if user_agent: headers['user-agent'] = user_agent if keep_alive: headers['connection'] = 'keep-alive' if basic_auth: headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + \ b64encode(b(basic_auth)).decode('utf-8') if proxy_basic_auth: headers['proxy-authorization'] = 'Basic ' + \ b64encode(b(proxy_basic_auth)).decode('utf-8') if disable_cache: headers['cache-control'] = 'no-cache' return headers def set_file_position(body, pos): """ If a position is provided, move file to that point. Otherwise, we'll attempt to record a position for future use. """ if pos is not None: rewind_body(body, pos) elif getattr(body, 'tell', None) is not None: try: pos = body.tell() except (IOError, OSError): # This differentiates from None, allowing us to catch # a failed `tell()` later when trying to rewind the body. pos = _FAILEDTELL return pos def rewind_body(body, body_pos): """ Attempt to rewind body to a certain position. Primarily used for request redirects and retries. :param body: File-like object that supports seek. :param int pos: Position to seek to in file. """ body_seek = getattr(body, 'seek', None) if body_seek is not None and isinstance(body_pos, integer_types): try: body_seek(body_pos) except (IOError, OSError): raise UnrewindableBodyError("An error occurred when rewinding request " "body for redirect/retry.") elif body_pos is _FAILEDTELL: raise UnrewindableBodyError("Unable to record file position for rewinding " "request body during a redirect/retry.") else: raise ValueError("body_pos must be of type integer, " "instead it was %s." % type(body_pos)) util/request.pyc000064400000007255147205427720007751 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZddlmZmZddlmZdZ e Z d d d d d d dZ dZd Zd S( i(tabsolute_import(t b64encodei(tbt integer_types(tUnrewindableBodyErrors gzip,deflatecC@si}|rRt|trn't|tr?dj|}nt}||d>> make_headers(keep_alive=True, user_agent="Batman/1.0") {'connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Batman/1.0'} >>> make_headers(accept_encoding=True) {'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate'} t,saccept-encodings user-agents keep-alivet connectionsBasic sutf-8t authorizationsproxy-authorizationsno-caches cache-control(t isinstancetstrtlisttjointACCEPT_ENCODINGRRtdecode(t keep_alivetaccept_encodingt user_agentt basic_authtproxy_basic_autht disable_cachetheaders((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pyt make_headers s*$   ## cC@sk|dk rt||nKt|dddk rgy|j}Wqgttfk rct}qgXn|S(s If a position is provided, move file to that point. Otherwise, we'll attempt to record a position for future use. ttellN(tNonet rewind_bodytgetattrRtIOErrortOSErrort _FAILEDTELL(tbodytpos((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pytset_file_positionMs  cC@st|dd}|dk rdt|trdy||Wqttfk r`tdqXn1|tkrtdntdt |dS(s Attempt to rewind body to a certain position. Primarily used for request redirects and retries. :param body: File-like object that supports seek. :param int pos: Position to seek to in file. tseeksAAn error occurred when rewinding request body for redirect/retry.sRUnable to record file position for rewinding request body during a redirect/retry.s4body_pos must be of type integer, instead it was %s.N( RRRRRRRRt ValueErrorttype(Rtbody_post body_seek((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pyR_s  N(t __future__Rtbase64Rt packages.sixRRt exceptionsRR tobjectRRRRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pyts  A util/request.pyo000064400000007255147205427720007765 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZddlmZmZddlmZdZ e Z d d d d d d dZ dZd Zd S( i(tabsolute_import(t b64encodei(tbt integer_types(tUnrewindableBodyErrors gzip,deflatecC@si}|rRt|trn't|tr?dj|}nt}||d>> make_headers(keep_alive=True, user_agent="Batman/1.0") {'connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Batman/1.0'} >>> make_headers(accept_encoding=True) {'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate'} t,saccept-encodings user-agents keep-alivet connectionsBasic sutf-8t authorizationsproxy-authorizationsno-caches cache-control(t isinstancetstrtlisttjointACCEPT_ENCODINGRRtdecode(t keep_alivetaccept_encodingt user_agentt basic_authtproxy_basic_autht disable_cachetheaders((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pyt make_headers s*$   ## cC@sk|dk rt||nKt|dddk rgy|j}Wqgttfk rct}qgXn|S(s If a position is provided, move file to that point. Otherwise, we'll attempt to record a position for future use. ttellN(tNonet rewind_bodytgetattrRtIOErrortOSErrort _FAILEDTELL(tbodytpos((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pytset_file_positionMs  cC@st|dd}|dk rdt|trdy||Wqttfk r`tdqXn1|tkrtdntdt |dS(s Attempt to rewind body to a certain position. Primarily used for request redirects and retries. :param body: File-like object that supports seek. :param int pos: Position to seek to in file. tseeksAAn error occurred when rewinding request body for redirect/retry.sRUnable to record file position for rewinding request body during a redirect/retry.s4body_pos must be of type integer, instead it was %s.N( RRRRRRRRt ValueErrorttype(Rtbody_post body_seek((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pyR_s  N(t __future__Rtbase64Rt packages.sixRRt exceptionsRR tobjectRRRRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.pyts  A util/response.py000064400000004447147205427720007754 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from ..packages.six.moves import http_client as httplib from ..exceptions import HeaderParsingError def is_fp_closed(obj): """ Checks whether a given file-like object is closed. :param obj: The file-like object to check. """ try: # Check `isclosed()` first, in case Python3 doesn't set `closed`. # GH Issue #928 return obj.isclosed() except AttributeError: pass try: # Check via the official file-like-object way. return obj.closed except AttributeError: pass try: # Check if the object is a container for another file-like object that # gets released on exhaustion (e.g. HTTPResponse). return obj.fp is None except AttributeError: pass raise ValueError("Unable to determine whether fp is closed.") def assert_header_parsing(headers): """ Asserts whether all headers have been successfully parsed. Extracts encountered errors from the result of parsing headers. Only works on Python 3. :param headers: Headers to verify. :type headers: `httplib.HTTPMessage`. :raises urllib3.exceptions.HeaderParsingError: If parsing errors are found. """ # This will fail silently if we pass in the wrong kind of parameter. # To make debugging easier add an explicit check. if not isinstance(headers, httplib.HTTPMessage): raise TypeError('expected httplib.Message, got {0}.'.format( type(headers))) defects = getattr(headers, 'defects', None) get_payload = getattr(headers, 'get_payload', None) unparsed_data = None if get_payload: # Platform-specific: Python 3. unparsed_data = get_payload() if defects or unparsed_data: raise HeaderParsingError(defects=defects, unparsed_data=unparsed_data) def is_response_to_head(response): """ Checks whether the request of a response has been a HEAD-request. Handles the quirks of AppEngine. :param conn: :type conn: :class:`httplib.HTTPResponse` """ # FIXME: Can we do this somehow without accessing private httplib _method? method = response._method if isinstance(method, int): # Platform-specific: Appengine return method == 3 return method.upper() == 'HEAD' util/response.pyc000064400000004371147205427720010113 0ustar00 abc@@sOddlmZddlmZddlmZdZdZdZ dS( i(tabsolute_importi(t http_client(tHeaderParsingErrorcC@svy|jSWntk r!nXy |jSWntk r@nXy|jdkSWntk renXtddS(st Checks whether a given file-like object is closed. :param obj: The file-like object to check. s)Unable to determine whether fp is closed.N(tisclosedtAttributeErrortclosedtfptNonet ValueError(tobj((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pyt is_fp_closeds    cC@st|tjs0tdjt|nt|dd}t|dd}d}|rl|}n|sx|rtd|d|ndS(sP Asserts whether all headers have been successfully parsed. Extracts encountered errors from the result of parsing headers. Only works on Python 3. :param headers: Headers to verify. :type headers: `httplib.HTTPMessage`. :raises urllib3.exceptions.HeaderParsingError: If parsing errors are found. s"expected httplib.Message, got {0}.tdefectst get_payloadt unparsed_dataN( t isinstancethttplibt HTTPMessaget TypeErrortformatttypetgetattrRR(theadersR R R ((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pytassert_header_parsing&s   cC@s2|j}t|tr"|dkS|jdkS(s Checks whether the request of a response has been a HEAD-request. Handles the quirks of AppEngine. :param conn: :type conn: :class:`httplib.HTTPResponse` itHEAD(t_methodRtinttupper(tresponsetmethod((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pytis_response_to_headEs  N( t __future__Rtpackages.six.movesRRt exceptionsRR RR(((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pyts   util/response.pyo000064400000004371147205427720010127 0ustar00 abc@@sOddlmZddlmZddlmZdZdZdZ dS( i(tabsolute_importi(t http_client(tHeaderParsingErrorcC@svy|jSWntk r!nXy |jSWntk r@nXy|jdkSWntk renXtddS(st Checks whether a given file-like object is closed. :param obj: The file-like object to check. s)Unable to determine whether fp is closed.N(tisclosedtAttributeErrortclosedtfptNonet ValueError(tobj((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pyt is_fp_closeds    cC@st|tjs0tdjt|nt|dd}t|dd}d}|rl|}n|sx|rtd|d|ndS(sP Asserts whether all headers have been successfully parsed. Extracts encountered errors from the result of parsing headers. Only works on Python 3. :param headers: Headers to verify. :type headers: `httplib.HTTPMessage`. :raises urllib3.exceptions.HeaderParsingError: If parsing errors are found. s"expected httplib.Message, got {0}.tdefectst get_payloadt unparsed_dataN( t isinstancethttplibt HTTPMessaget TypeErrortformatttypetgetattrRR(theadersR R R ((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pytassert_header_parsing&s   cC@s2|j}t|tr"|dkS|jdkS(s Checks whether the request of a response has been a HEAD-request. Handles the quirks of AppEngine. :param conn: :type conn: :class:`httplib.HTTPResponse` itHEAD(t_methodRtinttupper(tresponsetmethod((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pytis_response_to_headEs  N( t __future__Rtpackages.six.movesRRt exceptionsRR RR(((sE/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.pyts   util/retry.py000064400000035400147205427720007254 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import time import logging from collections import namedtuple from itertools import takewhile import email import re from ..exceptions import ( ConnectTimeoutError, MaxRetryError, ProtocolError, ReadTimeoutError, ResponseError, InvalidHeader, ) from ..packages import six log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Data structure for representing the metadata of requests that result in a retry. RequestHistory = namedtuple('RequestHistory', ["method", "url", "error", "status", "redirect_location"]) class Retry(object): """ Retry configuration. Each retry attempt will create a new Retry object with updated values, so they can be safely reused. Retries can be defined as a default for a pool:: retries = Retry(connect=5, read=2, redirect=5) http = PoolManager(retries=retries) response = http.request('GET', '') Or per-request (which overrides the default for the pool):: response = http.request('GET', '', retries=Retry(10)) Retries can be disabled by passing ``False``:: response = http.request('GET', '', retries=False) Errors will be wrapped in :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError` unless retries are disabled, in which case the causing exception will be raised. :param int total: Total number of retries to allow. Takes precedence over other counts. Set to ``None`` to remove this constraint and fall back on other counts. It's a good idea to set this to some sensibly-high value to account for unexpected edge cases and avoid infinite retry loops. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry. Set to ``False`` to disable and imply ``raise_on_redirect=False``. :param int connect: How many connection-related errors to retry on. These are errors raised before the request is sent to the remote server, which we assume has not triggered the server to process the request. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param int read: How many times to retry on read errors. These errors are raised after the request was sent to the server, so the request may have side-effects. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param int redirect: How many redirects to perform. Limit this to avoid infinite redirect loops. A redirect is a HTTP response with a status code 301, 302, 303, 307 or 308. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. Set to ``False`` to disable and imply ``raise_on_redirect=False``. :param int status: How many times to retry on bad status codes. These are retries made on responses, where status code matches ``status_forcelist``. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param iterable method_whitelist: Set of uppercased HTTP method verbs that we should retry on. By default, we only retry on methods which are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). See :attr:`Retry.DEFAULT_METHOD_WHITELIST`. Set to a ``False`` value to retry on any verb. :param iterable status_forcelist: A set of integer HTTP status codes that we should force a retry on. A retry is initiated if the request method is in ``method_whitelist`` and the response status code is in ``status_forcelist``. By default, this is disabled with ``None``. :param float backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for:: {backoff factor} * (2 ^ ({number of total retries} - 1)) seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then :func:`.sleep` will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. It will never be longer than :attr:`Retry.BACKOFF_MAX`. By default, backoff is disabled (set to 0). :param bool raise_on_redirect: Whether, if the number of redirects is exhausted, to raise a MaxRetryError, or to return a response with a response code in the 3xx range. :param iterable remove_headers_on_redirect: Sequence of headers to remove from the request when a response indicating a redirect is returned before firing off the redirected request :param bool raise_on_status: Similar meaning to ``raise_on_redirect``: whether we should raise an exception, or return a response, if status falls in ``status_forcelist`` range and retries have been exhausted. :param tuple history: The history of the request encountered during each call to :meth:`~Retry.increment`. The list is in the order the requests occurred. Each list item is of class :class:`RequestHistory`. :param bool respect_retry_after_header: Whether to respect Retry-After header on status codes defined as :attr:`Retry.RETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES` or not. """ DEFAULT_METHOD_WHITELIST = frozenset([ 'HEAD', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE']) DEFAULT_REDIRECT_HEADERS_BLACKLIST = frozenset(['Authorization']) RETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES = frozenset([413, 429, 503]) #: Maximum backoff time. BACKOFF_MAX = 120 def __init__(self, total=10, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None, method_whitelist=DEFAULT_METHOD_WHITELIST, status_forcelist=None, backoff_factor=0, raise_on_redirect=True, raise_on_status=True, history=None, respect_retry_after_header=True, remove_headers_on_redirect=DEFAULT_REDIRECT_HEADERS_BLACKLIST): = total self.connect = connect = read self.status = status if redirect is False or total is False: redirect = 0 raise_on_redirect = False self.redirect = redirect self.status_forcelist = status_forcelist or set() self.method_whitelist = method_whitelist self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor self.raise_on_redirect = raise_on_redirect self.raise_on_status = raise_on_status self.history = history or tuple() self.respect_retry_after_header = respect_retry_after_header self.remove_headers_on_redirect = remove_headers_on_redirect def new(self, **kw): params = dict(, connect=self.connect,, redirect=self.redirect, status=self.status, method_whitelist=self.method_whitelist, status_forcelist=self.status_forcelist, backoff_factor=self.backoff_factor, raise_on_redirect=self.raise_on_redirect, raise_on_status=self.raise_on_status, history=self.history, remove_headers_on_redirect=self.remove_headers_on_redirect, ) params.update(kw) return type(self)(**params) @classmethod def from_int(cls, retries, redirect=True, default=None): """ Backwards-compatibility for the old retries format.""" if retries is None: retries = default if default is not None else cls.DEFAULT if isinstance(retries, Retry): return retries redirect = bool(redirect) and None new_retries = cls(retries, redirect=redirect) log.debug("Converted retries value: %r -> %r", retries, new_retries) return new_retries def get_backoff_time(self): """ Formula for computing the current backoff :rtype: float """ # We want to consider only the last consecutive errors sequence (Ignore redirects). consecutive_errors_len = len(list(takewhile(lambda x: x.redirect_location is None, reversed(self.history)))) if consecutive_errors_len <= 1: return 0 backoff_value = self.backoff_factor * (2 ** (consecutive_errors_len - 1)) return min(self.BACKOFF_MAX, backoff_value) def parse_retry_after(self, retry_after): # Whitespace: if re.match(r"^\s*[0-9]+\s*$", retry_after): seconds = int(retry_after) else: retry_date_tuple = email.utils.parsedate(retry_after) if retry_date_tuple is None: raise InvalidHeader("Invalid Retry-After header: %s" % retry_after) retry_date = time.mktime(retry_date_tuple) seconds = retry_date - time.time() if seconds < 0: seconds = 0 return seconds def get_retry_after(self, response): """ Get the value of Retry-After in seconds. """ retry_after = response.getheader("Retry-After") if retry_after is None: return None return self.parse_retry_after(retry_after) def sleep_for_retry(self, response=None): retry_after = self.get_retry_after(response) if retry_after: time.sleep(retry_after) return True return False def _sleep_backoff(self): backoff = self.get_backoff_time() if backoff <= 0: return time.sleep(backoff) def sleep(self, response=None): """ Sleep between retry attempts. This method will respect a server's ``Retry-After`` response header and sleep the duration of the time requested. If that is not present, it will use an exponential backoff. By default, the backoff factor is 0 and this method will return immediately. """ if response: slept = self.sleep_for_retry(response) if slept: return self._sleep_backoff() def _is_connection_error(self, err): """ Errors when we're fairly sure that the server did not receive the request, so it should be safe to retry. """ return isinstance(err, ConnectTimeoutError) def _is_read_error(self, err): """ Errors that occur after the request has been started, so we should assume that the server began processing it. """ return isinstance(err, (ReadTimeoutError, ProtocolError)) def _is_method_retryable(self, method): """ Checks if a given HTTP method should be retried upon, depending if it is included on the method whitelist. """ if self.method_whitelist and method.upper() not in self.method_whitelist: return False return True def is_retry(self, method, status_code, has_retry_after=False): """ Is this method/status code retryable? (Based on whitelists and control variables such as the number of total retries to allow, whether to respect the Retry-After header, whether this header is present, and whether the returned status code is on the list of status codes to be retried upon on the presence of the aforementioned header) """ if not self._is_method_retryable(method): return False if self.status_forcelist and status_code in self.status_forcelist: return True return ( and self.respect_retry_after_header and has_retry_after and (status_code in self.RETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES)) def is_exhausted(self): """ Are we out of retries? """ retry_counts = (, self.connect,, self.redirect, self.status) retry_counts = list(filter(None, retry_counts)) if not retry_counts: return False return min(retry_counts) < 0 def increment(self, method=None, url=None, response=None, error=None, _pool=None, _stacktrace=None): """ Return a new Retry object with incremented retry counters. :param response: A response object, or None, if the server did not return a response. :type response: :class:`~urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` :param Exception error: An error encountered during the request, or None if the response was received successfully. :return: A new ``Retry`` object. """ if is False and error: # Disabled, indicate to re-raise the error. raise six.reraise(type(error), error, _stacktrace) total = if total is not None: total -= 1 connect = self.connect read = redirect = self.redirect status_count = self.status cause = 'unknown' status = None redirect_location = None if error and self._is_connection_error(error): # Connect retry? if connect is False: raise six.reraise(type(error), error, _stacktrace) elif connect is not None: connect -= 1 elif error and self._is_read_error(error): # Read retry? if read is False or not self._is_method_retryable(method): raise six.reraise(type(error), error, _stacktrace) elif read is not None: read -= 1 elif response and response.get_redirect_location(): # Redirect retry? if redirect is not None: redirect -= 1 cause = 'too many redirects' redirect_location = response.get_redirect_location() status = response.status else: # Incrementing because of a server error like a 500 in # status_forcelist and a the given method is in the whitelist cause = ResponseError.GENERIC_ERROR if response and response.status: if status_count is not None: status_count -= 1 cause = ResponseError.SPECIFIC_ERROR.format( status_code=response.status) status = response.status history = self.history + (RequestHistory(method, url, error, status, redirect_location),) new_retry = total=total, connect=connect, read=read, redirect=redirect, status=status_count, history=history) if new_retry.is_exhausted(): raise MaxRetryError(_pool, url, error or ResponseError(cause)) log.debug("Incremented Retry for (url='%s'): %r", url, new_retry) return new_retry def __repr__(self): return ('{cls.__name__}(total={}, connect={self.connect}, ' 'read={}, redirect={self.redirect}, status={self.status})').format( cls=type(self), self=self) # For backwards compatibility (equivalent to pre-v1.9): Retry.DEFAULT = Retry(3) util/retry.pyc000064400000034610147205427720007421 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlZddl Z ddl m Z m Z m Z mZmZmZddlmZejeZedd d d d d gZdefdYZede_dS(i(tabsolute_importN(t namedtuple(t takewhilei(tConnectTimeoutErrort MaxRetryErrort ProtocolErrortReadTimeoutErrort ResponseErrort InvalidHeader(tsixtRequestHistorytmethodturlterrortstatustredirect_locationtRetrycB@s4eZdZeddddddgZedgZedd d gZd Zd ddddedd e e de ed Z dZ e e ddZ dZdZdZddZdZddZdZdZdZedZdZdddddddZdZRS(s2 Retry configuration. Each retry attempt will create a new Retry object with updated values, so they can be safely reused. Retries can be defined as a default for a pool:: retries = Retry(connect=5, read=2, redirect=5) http = PoolManager(retries=retries) response = http.request('GET', '') Or per-request (which overrides the default for the pool):: response = http.request('GET', '', retries=Retry(10)) Retries can be disabled by passing ``False``:: response = http.request('GET', '', retries=False) Errors will be wrapped in :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError` unless retries are disabled, in which case the causing exception will be raised. :param int total: Total number of retries to allow. Takes precedence over other counts. Set to ``None`` to remove this constraint and fall back on other counts. It's a good idea to set this to some sensibly-high value to account for unexpected edge cases and avoid infinite retry loops. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry. Set to ``False`` to disable and imply ``raise_on_redirect=False``. :param int connect: How many connection-related errors to retry on. These are errors raised before the request is sent to the remote server, which we assume has not triggered the server to process the request. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param int read: How many times to retry on read errors. These errors are raised after the request was sent to the server, so the request may have side-effects. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param int redirect: How many redirects to perform. Limit this to avoid infinite redirect loops. A redirect is a HTTP response with a status code 301, 302, 303, 307 or 308. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. Set to ``False`` to disable and imply ``raise_on_redirect=False``. :param int status: How many times to retry on bad status codes. These are retries made on responses, where status code matches ``status_forcelist``. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param iterable method_whitelist: Set of uppercased HTTP method verbs that we should retry on. By default, we only retry on methods which are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). See :attr:`Retry.DEFAULT_METHOD_WHITELIST`. Set to a ``False`` value to retry on any verb. :param iterable status_forcelist: A set of integer HTTP status codes that we should force a retry on. A retry is initiated if the request method is in ``method_whitelist`` and the response status code is in ``status_forcelist``. By default, this is disabled with ``None``. :param float backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for:: {backoff factor} * (2 ^ ({number of total retries} - 1)) seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then :func:`.sleep` will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. It will never be longer than :attr:`Retry.BACKOFF_MAX`. By default, backoff is disabled (set to 0). :param bool raise_on_redirect: Whether, if the number of redirects is exhausted, to raise a MaxRetryError, or to return a response with a response code in the 3xx range. :param iterable remove_headers_on_redirect: Sequence of headers to remove from the request when a response indicating a redirect is returned before firing off the redirected request :param bool raise_on_status: Similar meaning to ``raise_on_redirect``: whether we should raise an exception, or return a response, if status falls in ``status_forcelist`` range and retries have been exhausted. :param tuple history: The history of the request encountered during each call to :meth:`~Retry.increment`. The list is in the order the requests occurred. Each list item is of class :class:`RequestHistory`. :param bool respect_retry_after_header: Whether to respect Retry-After header on status codes defined as :attr:`Retry.RETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES` or not. tHEADtGETtPUTtDELETEtOPTIONStTRACEt Authorizationiiiixi icC@s||_||_||_||_|tks<|tkrKd}t} n||_|p`t|_||_||_ | |_ | |_ | pt |_ | |_| |_dS(Ni(ttotaltconnecttreadRtFalsetredirecttsettstatus_forcelisttmethod_whitelisttbackoff_factortraise_on_redirecttraise_on_statusttuplethistorytrespect_retry_after_headertremove_headers_on_redirect(tselfRRRRRRRR R!R"R$R%R&((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt__init__s            cK@std|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd |j d |j d |j d |j }|j |t||S( NRRRRRRRR R!R"R$R&(tdictRRRRRRRR R!R"R$R&tupdatettype(R'tkwtparams((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytnews $        cC@sx|dkr*|dk r|n|j}nt|tr=|St|oLd}||d|}tjd|||S(s4 Backwards-compatibility for the old retries format.Rs!Converted retries value: %r -> %rN(tNonetDEFAULTt isinstanceRtbooltlogtdebug(tclstretriesRtdefaultt new_retries((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytfrom_ints cC@s\tttdt|j}|dkr7dS|jd|d}t|j|S(sJ Formula for computing the current backoff :rtype: float cS@s |jdkS(N(RR/(tx((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyttiii(tlentlistRtreversedR$R tmint BACKOFF_MAX(R'tconsecutive_errors_lent backoff_value((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytget_backoff_times  cC@stjd|r!t|}nPtjj|}|dkrRtd|ntj |}|tj}|dkrd}n|S(Ns^\s*[0-9]+\s*$sInvalid Retry-After header: %si( tretmatchtinttemailtutilst parsedateR/Rttimetmktime(R't retry_aftertsecondstretry_date_tuplet retry_date((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytparse_retry_afters   cC@s,|jd}|dkrdS|j|S(s* Get the value of Retry-After in seconds. s Retry-AfterN(t getheaderR/RQ(R'tresponseRM((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytget_retry_afters cC@s*|j|}|r&tj|tStS(N(RTRKtsleeptTrueR(R'RSRM((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytsleep_for_retrys  cC@s-|j}|dkrdStj|dS(Ni(RDRKRU(R'tbackoff((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_sleep_backoffs  cC@s0|r"|j|}|r"dSn|jdS(sC Sleep between retry attempts. This method will respect a server's ``Retry-After`` response header and sleep the duration of the time requested. If that is not present, it will use an exponential backoff. By default, the backoff factor is 0 and this method will return immediately. N(RWRY(R'RStslept((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyRU s cC@s t|tS(s{ Errors when we're fairly sure that the server did not receive the request, so it should be safe to retry. (R1R(R'terr((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_is_connection_errorscC@st|ttfS(s Errors that occur after the request has been started, so we should assume that the server began processing it. (R1RR(R'R[((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_is_read_error!scC@s&|jr"|j|jkr"tStS(s| Checks if a given HTTP method should be retried upon, depending if it is included on the method whitelist. (RtupperRRV(R'R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_is_method_retryable'scC@sT|j|stS|jr/||jkr/tS|joS|joS|oS||jkS(sx Is this method/status code retryable? (Based on whitelists and control variables such as the number of total retries to allow, whether to respect the Retry-After header, whether this header is present, and whether the returned status code is on the list of status codes to be retried upon on the presence of the aforementioned header) (R_RRRVRR%tRETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES(R'R t status_codethas_retry_after((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytis_retry0s cC@sS|j|j|j|j|jf}ttd|}|sCtSt |dkS(s Are we out of retries? iN( RRRRRR>tfilterR/RR@(R't retry_counts((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt is_exhausted@s $c C@s|jtkr3|r3tjt|||n|j}|d k rU|d8}n|j}|j} |j} |j } d} d } d }|r|j |r|tkrtjt|||q|d k r|d8}qn |rQ|j |rQ| tks|j | r5tjt|||q| d k r| d8} qn|r|j r| d k r|| d8} nd} |j }|j } nUtj} |r|j r| d k r| d8} ntjjd|j } |j } n|jt|||| |f}|jd|d|d| d| d | d |}|jrnt|||pet| ntjd |||S( s Return a new Retry object with incremented retry counters. :param response: A response object, or None, if the server did not return a response. :type response: :class:`~urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` :param Exception error: An error encountered during the request, or None if the response was received successfully. :return: A new ``Retry`` object. itunknownstoo many redirectsRaRRRRRR$s$Incremented Retry for (url='%s'): %rN(RRR treraiseR+R/RRRRR\R]R_tget_redirect_locationRt GENERIC_ERRORtSPECIFIC_ERRORtformatR$R R.RfRR3R4(R'R R RSR t_poolt _stacktraceRRRRt status_counttcauseRRR$t new_retry((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt incrementIsX                     "   !cC@sdjdt|d|S(Ns|{cls.__name__}(total={}, connect={self.connect}, read={}, redirect={self.redirect}, status={self.status})R5R'(RlR+(R'((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt__repr__s N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__t frozensettDEFAULT_METHOD_WHITELISTt"DEFAULT_REDIRECT_HEADERS_BLACKLISTR`RAR/RVR(R.t classmethodR9RDRQRTRWRYRUR\R]R_RRcRfRrRs(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyRs8x            Ji(t __future__RRKtloggingt collectionsRt itertoolsRRHREt exceptionsRRRRRRtpackagesR t getLoggerRtR3R tobjectRR0(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyts    .util/retry.pyo000064400000034610147205427720007435 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlZddl Z ddl m Z m Z m Z mZmZmZddlmZejeZedd d d d d gZdefdYZede_dS(i(tabsolute_importN(t namedtuple(t takewhilei(tConnectTimeoutErrort MaxRetryErrort ProtocolErrortReadTimeoutErrort ResponseErrort InvalidHeader(tsixtRequestHistorytmethodturlterrortstatustredirect_locationtRetrycB@s4eZdZeddddddgZedgZedd d gZd Zd ddddedd e e de ed Z dZ e e ddZ dZdZdZddZdZddZdZdZdZedZdZdddddddZdZRS(s2 Retry configuration. Each retry attempt will create a new Retry object with updated values, so they can be safely reused. Retries can be defined as a default for a pool:: retries = Retry(connect=5, read=2, redirect=5) http = PoolManager(retries=retries) response = http.request('GET', '') Or per-request (which overrides the default for the pool):: response = http.request('GET', '', retries=Retry(10)) Retries can be disabled by passing ``False``:: response = http.request('GET', '', retries=False) Errors will be wrapped in :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError` unless retries are disabled, in which case the causing exception will be raised. :param int total: Total number of retries to allow. Takes precedence over other counts. Set to ``None`` to remove this constraint and fall back on other counts. It's a good idea to set this to some sensibly-high value to account for unexpected edge cases and avoid infinite retry loops. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry. Set to ``False`` to disable and imply ``raise_on_redirect=False``. :param int connect: How many connection-related errors to retry on. These are errors raised before the request is sent to the remote server, which we assume has not triggered the server to process the request. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param int read: How many times to retry on read errors. These errors are raised after the request was sent to the server, so the request may have side-effects. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param int redirect: How many redirects to perform. Limit this to avoid infinite redirect loops. A redirect is a HTTP response with a status code 301, 302, 303, 307 or 308. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. Set to ``False`` to disable and imply ``raise_on_redirect=False``. :param int status: How many times to retry on bad status codes. These are retries made on responses, where status code matches ``status_forcelist``. Set to ``0`` to fail on the first retry of this type. :param iterable method_whitelist: Set of uppercased HTTP method verbs that we should retry on. By default, we only retry on methods which are considered to be idempotent (multiple requests with the same parameters end with the same state). See :attr:`Retry.DEFAULT_METHOD_WHITELIST`. Set to a ``False`` value to retry on any verb. :param iterable status_forcelist: A set of integer HTTP status codes that we should force a retry on. A retry is initiated if the request method is in ``method_whitelist`` and the response status code is in ``status_forcelist``. By default, this is disabled with ``None``. :param float backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for:: {backoff factor} * (2 ^ ({number of total retries} - 1)) seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then :func:`.sleep` will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. It will never be longer than :attr:`Retry.BACKOFF_MAX`. By default, backoff is disabled (set to 0). :param bool raise_on_redirect: Whether, if the number of redirects is exhausted, to raise a MaxRetryError, or to return a response with a response code in the 3xx range. :param iterable remove_headers_on_redirect: Sequence of headers to remove from the request when a response indicating a redirect is returned before firing off the redirected request :param bool raise_on_status: Similar meaning to ``raise_on_redirect``: whether we should raise an exception, or return a response, if status falls in ``status_forcelist`` range and retries have been exhausted. :param tuple history: The history of the request encountered during each call to :meth:`~Retry.increment`. The list is in the order the requests occurred. Each list item is of class :class:`RequestHistory`. :param bool respect_retry_after_header: Whether to respect Retry-After header on status codes defined as :attr:`Retry.RETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES` or not. tHEADtGETtPUTtDELETEtOPTIONStTRACEt Authorizationiiiixi icC@s||_||_||_||_|tks<|tkrKd}t} n||_|p`t|_||_||_ | |_ | |_ | pt |_ | |_| |_dS(Ni(ttotaltconnecttreadRtFalsetredirecttsettstatus_forcelisttmethod_whitelisttbackoff_factortraise_on_redirecttraise_on_statusttuplethistorytrespect_retry_after_headertremove_headers_on_redirect(tselfRRRRRRRR R!R"R$R%R&((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt__init__s            cK@std|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd |j d |j d |j d |j }|j |t||S( NRRRRRRRR R!R"R$R&(tdictRRRRRRRR R!R"R$R&tupdatettype(R'tkwtparams((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytnews $        cC@sx|dkr*|dk r|n|j}nt|tr=|St|oLd}||d|}tjd|||S(s4 Backwards-compatibility for the old retries format.Rs!Converted retries value: %r -> %rN(tNonetDEFAULTt isinstanceRtbooltlogtdebug(tclstretriesRtdefaultt new_retries((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytfrom_ints cC@s\tttdt|j}|dkr7dS|jd|d}t|j|S(sJ Formula for computing the current backoff :rtype: float cS@s |jdkS(N(RR/(tx((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyttiii(tlentlistRtreversedR$R tmint BACKOFF_MAX(R'tconsecutive_errors_lent backoff_value((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytget_backoff_times  cC@stjd|r!t|}nPtjj|}|dkrRtd|ntj |}|tj}|dkrd}n|S(Ns^\s*[0-9]+\s*$sInvalid Retry-After header: %si( tretmatchtinttemailtutilst parsedateR/Rttimetmktime(R't retry_aftertsecondstretry_date_tuplet retry_date((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytparse_retry_afters   cC@s,|jd}|dkrdS|j|S(s* Get the value of Retry-After in seconds. s Retry-AfterN(t getheaderR/RQ(R'tresponseRM((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytget_retry_afters cC@s*|j|}|r&tj|tStS(N(RTRKtsleeptTrueR(R'RSRM((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytsleep_for_retrys  cC@s-|j}|dkrdStj|dS(Ni(RDRKRU(R'tbackoff((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_sleep_backoffs  cC@s0|r"|j|}|r"dSn|jdS(sC Sleep between retry attempts. This method will respect a server's ``Retry-After`` response header and sleep the duration of the time requested. If that is not present, it will use an exponential backoff. By default, the backoff factor is 0 and this method will return immediately. N(RWRY(R'RStslept((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyRU s cC@s t|tS(s{ Errors when we're fairly sure that the server did not receive the request, so it should be safe to retry. (R1R(R'terr((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_is_connection_errorscC@st|ttfS(s Errors that occur after the request has been started, so we should assume that the server began processing it. (R1RR(R'R[((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_is_read_error!scC@s&|jr"|j|jkr"tStS(s| Checks if a given HTTP method should be retried upon, depending if it is included on the method whitelist. (RtupperRRV(R'R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt_is_method_retryable'scC@sT|j|stS|jr/||jkr/tS|joS|joS|oS||jkS(sx Is this method/status code retryable? (Based on whitelists and control variables such as the number of total retries to allow, whether to respect the Retry-After header, whether this header is present, and whether the returned status code is on the list of status codes to be retried upon on the presence of the aforementioned header) (R_RRRVRR%tRETRY_AFTER_STATUS_CODES(R'R t status_codethas_retry_after((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pytis_retry0s cC@sS|j|j|j|j|jf}ttd|}|sCtSt |dkS(s Are we out of retries? iN( RRRRRR>tfilterR/RR@(R't retry_counts((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt is_exhausted@s $c C@s|jtkr3|r3tjt|||n|j}|d k rU|d8}n|j}|j} |j} |j } d} d } d }|r|j |r|tkrtjt|||q|d k r|d8}qn |rQ|j |rQ| tks|j | r5tjt|||q| d k r| d8} qn|r|j r| d k r|| d8} nd} |j }|j } nUtj} |r|j r| d k r| d8} ntjjd|j } |j } n|jt|||| |f}|jd|d|d| d| d | d |}|jrnt|||pet| ntjd |||S( s Return a new Retry object with incremented retry counters. :param response: A response object, or None, if the server did not return a response. :type response: :class:`~urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` :param Exception error: An error encountered during the request, or None if the response was received successfully. :return: A new ``Retry`` object. itunknownstoo many redirectsRaRRRRRR$s$Incremented Retry for (url='%s'): %rN(RRR treraiseR+R/RRRRR\R]R_tget_redirect_locationRt GENERIC_ERRORtSPECIFIC_ERRORtformatR$R R.RfRR3R4(R'R R RSR t_poolt _stacktraceRRRRt status_counttcauseRRR$t new_retry((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt incrementIsX                     "   !cC@sdjdt|d|S(Ns|{cls.__name__}(total={}, connect={self.connect}, read={}, redirect={self.redirect}, status={self.status})R5R'(RlR+(R'((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyt__repr__s N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__t frozensettDEFAULT_METHOD_WHITELISTt"DEFAULT_REDIRECT_HEADERS_BLACKLISTR`RAR/RVR(R.t classmethodR9RDRQRTRWRYRUR\R]R_RRcRfRrRs(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyRs8x            Ji(t __future__RRKtloggingt collectionsRt itertoolsRRHREt exceptionsRRRRRRtpackagesR t getLoggerRtR3R tobjectRR0(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.pyts    .util/selectors.py000064400000051233147205427720010114 0ustar00# Backport of from Python 3.5+ to support Python < 3.4 # Also has the behavior specified in PEP 475 which is to retry syscalls # in the case of an EINTR error. This module is required because selectors34 # does not follow this behavior and instead returns that no dile descriptor # events have occurred rather than retry the syscall. The decision to drop # support for select.devpoll is made to maintain 100% test coverage. import errno import math import select import socket import sys import time from collections import namedtuple, Mapping try: monotonic = time.monotonic except (AttributeError, ImportError): # Python 3.3< monotonic = time.time EVENT_READ = (1 << 0) EVENT_WRITE = (1 << 1) HAS_SELECT = True # Variable that shows whether the platform has a selector. _SYSCALL_SENTINEL = object() # Sentinel in case a system call returns None. _DEFAULT_SELECTOR = None class SelectorError(Exception): def __init__(self, errcode): super(SelectorError, self).__init__() self.errno = errcode def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.errno) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj): """ Return a file descriptor from a file object. If given an integer will simply return that integer back. """ if isinstance(fileobj, int): fd = fileobj else: try: fd = int(fileobj.fileno()) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Invalid file object: {0!r}".format(fileobj)) if fd < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid file descriptor: {0}".format(fd)) return fd # Determine which function to use to wrap system calls because Python 3.5+ # already handles the case when system calls are interrupted. if sys.version_info >= (3, 5): def _syscall_wrapper(func, _, *args, **kwargs): """ This is the short-circuit version of the below logic because in Python 3.5+ all system calls automatically restart and recalculate their timeouts. """ try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except (OSError, IOError, select.error) as e: errcode = None if hasattr(e, "errno"): errcode = e.errno raise SelectorError(errcode) else: def _syscall_wrapper(func, recalc_timeout, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function for syscalls that could fail due to EINTR. All functions should be retried if there is time left in the timeout in accordance with PEP 475. """ timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", None) if timeout is None: expires = None recalc_timeout = False else: timeout = float(timeout) if timeout < 0.0: # Timeout less than 0 treated as no timeout. expires = None else: expires = monotonic() + timeout args = list(args) if recalc_timeout and "timeout" not in kwargs: raise ValueError( "Timeout must be in args or kwargs to be recalculated") result = _SYSCALL_SENTINEL while result is _SYSCALL_SENTINEL: try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) # OSError is thrown by # IOError is thrown by select.epoll.poll # select.error is thrown by select.poll.poll # Aren't we thankful for Python 3.x rework for exceptions? except (OSError, IOError, select.error) as e: # select.error wasn't a subclass of OSError in the past. errcode = None if hasattr(e, "errno"): errcode = e.errno elif hasattr(e, "args"): errcode = e.args[0] # Also test for the Windows equivalent of EINTR. is_interrupt = (errcode == errno.EINTR or (hasattr(errno, "WSAEINTR") and errcode == errno.WSAEINTR)) if is_interrupt: if expires is not None: current_time = monotonic() if current_time > expires: raise OSError(errno=errno.ETIMEDOUT) if recalc_timeout: if "timeout" in kwargs: kwargs["timeout"] = expires - current_time continue if errcode: raise SelectorError(errcode) else: raise return result SelectorKey = namedtuple('SelectorKey', ['fileobj', 'fd', 'events', 'data']) class _SelectorMapping(Mapping): """ Mapping of file objects to selector keys """ def __init__(self, selector): self._selector = selector def __len__(self): return len(self._selector._fd_to_key) def __getitem__(self, fileobj): try: fd = self._selector._fileobj_lookup(fileobj) return self._selector._fd_to_key[fd] except KeyError: raise KeyError("{0!r} is not registered.".format(fileobj)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._selector._fd_to_key) class BaseSelector(object): """ Abstract Selector class A selector supports registering file objects to be monitored for specific I/O events. A file object is a file descriptor or any object with a `fileno()` method. An arbitrary object can be attached to the file object which can be used for example to store context info, a callback, etc. A selector can use various implementations (select(), poll(), epoll(), and kqueue()) depending on the platform. The 'DefaultSelector' class uses the most efficient implementation for the current platform. """ def __init__(self): # Maps file descriptors to keys. self._fd_to_key = {} # Read-only mapping returned by get_map() self._map = _SelectorMapping(self) def _fileobj_lookup(self, fileobj): """ Return a file descriptor from a file object. This wraps _fileobj_to_fd() to do an exhaustive search in case the object is invalid but we still have it in our map. Used by unregister() so we can unregister an object that was previously registered even if it is closed. It is also used by _SelectorMapping """ try: return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj) except ValueError: # Search through all our mapped keys. for key in self._fd_to_key.values(): if key.fileobj is fileobj: return key.fd # Raise ValueError after all. raise def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None): """ Register a file object for a set of events to monitor. """ if (not events) or (events & ~(EVENT_READ | EVENT_WRITE)): raise ValueError("Invalid events: {0!r}".format(events)) key = SelectorKey(fileobj, self._fileobj_lookup(fileobj), events, data) if key.fd in self._fd_to_key: raise KeyError("{0!r} (FD {1}) is already registered" .format(fileobj, key.fd)) self._fd_to_key[key.fd] = key return key def unregister(self, fileobj): """ Unregister a file object from being monitored. """ try: key = self._fd_to_key.pop(self._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)) except KeyError: raise KeyError("{0!r} is not registered".format(fileobj)) # Getting the fileno of a closed socket on Windows errors with EBADF. except socket.error as e: # Platform-specific: Windows. if e.errno != errno.EBADF: raise else: for key in self._fd_to_key.values(): if key.fileobj is fileobj: self._fd_to_key.pop(key.fd) break else: raise KeyError("{0!r} is not registered".format(fileobj)) return key def modify(self, fileobj, events, data=None): """ Change a registered file object monitored events and data. """ # NOTE: Some subclasses optimize this operation even further. try: key = self._fd_to_key[self._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)] except KeyError: raise KeyError("{0!r} is not registered".format(fileobj)) if events != self.unregister(fileobj) key = self.register(fileobj, events, data) elif data != # Use a shortcut to update the data. key = key._replace(data=data) self._fd_to_key[key.fd] = key return key def select(self, timeout=None): """ Perform the actual selection until some monitored file objects are ready or the timeout expires. """ raise NotImplementedError() def close(self): """ Close the selector. This must be called to ensure that all underlying resources are freed. """ self._fd_to_key.clear() self._map = None def get_key(self, fileobj): """ Return the key associated with a registered file object. """ mapping = self.get_map() if mapping is None: raise RuntimeError("Selector is closed") try: return mapping[fileobj] except KeyError: raise KeyError("{0!r} is not registered".format(fileobj)) def get_map(self): """ Return a mapping of file objects to selector keys """ return self._map def _key_from_fd(self, fd): """ Return the key associated to a given file descriptor Return None if it is not found. """ try: return self._fd_to_key[fd] except KeyError: return None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() # Almost all platforms have if hasattr(select, "select"): class SelectSelector(BaseSelector): """ Select-based selector. """ def __init__(self): super(SelectSelector, self).__init__() self._readers = set() self._writers = set() def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None): key = super(SelectSelector, self).register(fileobj, events, data) if events & EVENT_READ: self._readers.add(key.fd) if events & EVENT_WRITE: self._writers.add(key.fd) return key def unregister(self, fileobj): key = super(SelectSelector, self).unregister(fileobj) self._readers.discard(key.fd) self._writers.discard(key.fd) return key def _select(self, r, w, timeout=None): """ Wrapper for because timeout is a positional arg """ return, w, [], timeout) def select(self, timeout=None): # Selecting on empty lists on Windows errors out. if not len(self._readers) and not len(self._writers): return [] timeout = None if timeout is None else max(timeout, 0.0) ready = [] r, w, _ = _syscall_wrapper(self._select, True, self._readers, self._writers, timeout) r = set(r) w = set(w) for fd in r | w: events = 0 if fd in r: events |= EVENT_READ if fd in w: events |= EVENT_WRITE key = self._key_from_fd(fd) if key: ready.append((key, events & return ready if hasattr(select, "poll"): class PollSelector(BaseSelector): """ Poll-based selector """ def __init__(self): super(PollSelector, self).__init__() self._poll = select.poll() def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None): key = super(PollSelector, self).register(fileobj, events, data) event_mask = 0 if events & EVENT_READ: event_mask |= select.POLLIN if events & EVENT_WRITE: event_mask |= select.POLLOUT self._poll.register(key.fd, event_mask) return key def unregister(self, fileobj): key = super(PollSelector, self).unregister(fileobj) self._poll.unregister(key.fd) return key def _wrap_poll(self, timeout=None): """ Wrapper function for select.poll.poll() so that _syscall_wrapper can work with only seconds. """ if timeout is not None: if timeout <= 0: timeout = 0 else: # select.poll.poll() has a resolution of 1 millisecond, # round away from zero to wait *at least* timeout seconds. timeout = math.ceil(timeout * 1e3) result = self._poll.poll(timeout) return result def select(self, timeout=None): ready = [] fd_events = _syscall_wrapper(self._wrap_poll, True, timeout=timeout) for fd, event_mask in fd_events: events = 0 if event_mask & ~select.POLLIN: events |= EVENT_WRITE if event_mask & ~select.POLLOUT: events |= EVENT_READ key = self._key_from_fd(fd) if key: ready.append((key, events & return ready if hasattr(select, "epoll"): class EpollSelector(BaseSelector): """ Epoll-based selector """ def __init__(self): super(EpollSelector, self).__init__() self._epoll = select.epoll() def fileno(self): return self._epoll.fileno() def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None): key = super(EpollSelector, self).register(fileobj, events, data) events_mask = 0 if events & EVENT_READ: events_mask |= select.EPOLLIN if events & EVENT_WRITE: events_mask |= select.EPOLLOUT _syscall_wrapper(self._epoll.register, False, key.fd, events_mask) return key def unregister(self, fileobj): key = super(EpollSelector, self).unregister(fileobj) try: _syscall_wrapper(self._epoll.unregister, False, key.fd) except SelectorError: # This can occur when the fd was closed since registry. pass return key def select(self, timeout=None): if timeout is not None: if timeout <= 0: timeout = 0.0 else: # select.epoll.poll() has a resolution of 1 millisecond # but luckily takes seconds so we don't need a wrapper # like PollSelector. Just for better rounding. timeout = math.ceil(timeout * 1e3) * 1e-3 timeout = float(timeout) else: timeout = -1.0 # epoll.poll() must have a float. # We always want at least 1 to ensure that select can be called # with no file descriptors registered. Otherwise will fail. max_events = max(len(self._fd_to_key), 1) ready = [] fd_events = _syscall_wrapper(self._epoll.poll, True, timeout=timeout, maxevents=max_events) for fd, event_mask in fd_events: events = 0 if event_mask & ~select.EPOLLIN: events |= EVENT_WRITE if event_mask & ~select.EPOLLOUT: events |= EVENT_READ key = self._key_from_fd(fd) if key: ready.append((key, events & return ready def close(self): self._epoll.close() super(EpollSelector, self).close() if hasattr(select, "kqueue"): class KqueueSelector(BaseSelector): """ Kqueue / Kevent-based selector """ def __init__(self): super(KqueueSelector, self).__init__() self._kqueue = select.kqueue() def fileno(self): return self._kqueue.fileno() def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None): key = super(KqueueSelector, self).register(fileobj, events, data) if events & EVENT_READ: kevent = select.kevent(key.fd, select.KQ_FILTER_READ, select.KQ_EV_ADD) _syscall_wrapper(self._kqueue.control, False, [kevent], 0, 0) if events & EVENT_WRITE: kevent = select.kevent(key.fd, select.KQ_FILTER_WRITE, select.KQ_EV_ADD) _syscall_wrapper(self._kqueue.control, False, [kevent], 0, 0) return key def unregister(self, fileobj): key = super(KqueueSelector, self).unregister(fileobj) if & EVENT_READ: kevent = select.kevent(key.fd, select.KQ_FILTER_READ, select.KQ_EV_DELETE) try: _syscall_wrapper(self._kqueue.control, False, [kevent], 0, 0) except SelectorError: pass if & EVENT_WRITE: kevent = select.kevent(key.fd, select.KQ_FILTER_WRITE, select.KQ_EV_DELETE) try: _syscall_wrapper(self._kqueue.control, False, [kevent], 0, 0) except SelectorError: pass return key def select(self, timeout=None): if timeout is not None: timeout = max(timeout, 0) max_events = len(self._fd_to_key) * 2 ready_fds = {} kevent_list = _syscall_wrapper(self._kqueue.control, True, None, max_events, timeout) for kevent in kevent_list: fd = kevent.ident event_mask = kevent.filter events = 0 if event_mask == select.KQ_FILTER_READ: events |= EVENT_READ if event_mask == select.KQ_FILTER_WRITE: events |= EVENT_WRITE key = self._key_from_fd(fd) if key: if key.fd not in ready_fds: ready_fds[key.fd] = (key, events & else: old_events = ready_fds[key.fd][1] ready_fds[key.fd] = (key, (events | old_events) & return list(ready_fds.values()) def close(self): self._kqueue.close() super(KqueueSelector, self).close() if not hasattr(select, 'select'): # Platform-specific: AppEngine HAS_SELECT = False def _can_allocate(struct): """ Checks that select structs can be allocated by the underlying operating system, not just advertised by the select module. We don't check select() because we'll be hopeful that most platforms that don't have it available will not advertise it. (ie: GAE) """ try: # select.poll() objects won't fail until used. if struct == 'poll': p = select.poll() p.poll(0) # All others will fail on allocation. else: getattr(select, struct)().close() return True except (OSError, AttributeError) as e: return False # Choose the best implementation, roughly: # kqueue == epoll > poll > select. Devpoll not supported. (See above) # select() also can't accept a FD > FD_SETSIZE (usually around 1024) def DefaultSelector(): """ This function serves as a first call for DefaultSelector to detect if the select module is being monkey-patched incorrectly by eventlet, greenlet, and preserve proper behavior. """ global _DEFAULT_SELECTOR if _DEFAULT_SELECTOR is None: if _can_allocate('kqueue'): _DEFAULT_SELECTOR = KqueueSelector elif _can_allocate('epoll'): _DEFAULT_SELECTOR = EpollSelector elif _can_allocate('poll'): _DEFAULT_SELECTOR = PollSelector elif hasattr(select, 'select'): _DEFAULT_SELECTOR = SelectSelector else: # Platform-specific: AppEngine raise ValueError('Platform does not have a selector') return _DEFAULT_SELECTOR() util/selectors.pyc000064400000050771147205427720010265 0ustar00 abc@sddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZy ej Z Wn e e fk rejZ nXd#Z d$Z eZeZdadefdYZdZejd%krd Zn d Zed d dddgZdefdYZdefdYZeedradefdYZneedrdefdYZneedrdefdYZneedrdefd YZ needse!Znd!Z"d"Z#dS(&iN(t namedtupletMappingiit SelectorErrorcBs#eZdZdZdZRS(cCs tt|j||_dS(N(tsuperRt__init__terrno(tselfterrcode((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCsdj|jS(Ns(tformatR(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt__repr__"scCs |jS(N(R (R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt__str__%s(t__name__t __module__RR R (((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRs  cCst|tr|}nHyt|j}Wn/tttfk r_tdj|nX|dkrtdj|n|S(sl Return a file descriptor from a file object. If given an integer will simply return that integer back. sInvalid file object: {0!r}isInvalid file descriptor: {0}(t isinstancetinttfilenotAttributeErrort TypeErrort ValueErrorR(tfileobjtfd((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt_fileobj_to_fd)s  iicOsdy|||SWnLtttjfk r_}d}t|drP|j}nt|nXdS(s This is the short-circuit version of the below logic because in Python 3.5+ all system calls automatically restart and recalculate their timeouts. RN(tOSErrortIOErrortselectterrortNonethasattrRR(tfunct_targstkwargsteR((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt_syscall_wrapper;s c Os|jdd}|dkr-d}t}n.t|}|dkrNd}n t|}t|}|rd|krtdnt}x5|tkry|||}Wqtt t j fk r}d}t |dr|j }nt |dr|jd}n|t jkp8t t do8|t jk} | r|dk rt} | |krwtdt jn|rd|kr|| |d(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyR4s    t BaseSelectorcBseZdZdZdZd dZdZd dZd dZ dZ dZ d Z d Z d Zd ZRS(s/ Abstract Selector class A selector supports registering file objects to be monitored for specific I/O events. A file object is a file descriptor or any object with a `fileno()` method. An arbitrary object can be attached to the file object which can be used for example to store context info, a callback, etc. A selector can use various implementations (select(), poll(), epoll(), and kqueue()) depending on the platform. The 'DefaultSelector' class uses the most efficient implementation for the current platform. cCsi|_t||_dS(N(R8R4t_map(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRs cCsYyt|SWnDtk rTx-|jjD]}|j|kr.|jSq.WnXdS(sa Return a file descriptor from a file object. This wraps _fileobj_to_fd() to do an exhaustive search in case the object is invalid but we still have it in our map. Used by unregister() so we can unregister an object that was previously registered even if it is closed. It is also used by _SelectorMapping N(RRR8tvaluesRR(RRtkey((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyR:s  cCs| s|ttB@r.tdj|nt||j|||}|j|jkr|tdj||jn||j|j<|S(s8 Register a file object for a set of events to monitor. sInvalid events: {0!r}s${0!r} (FD {1}) is already registered( t EVENT_READt EVENT_WRITERRR1R:RR8R;(RRR2R3RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pytregisters cCsy|jj|j|}Wntk rGtdj|ntjk r}|jtjkrqqxV|jj D],}|j |kr|jj|j PqqWtdj|nX|S(s0 Unregister a file object from being monitored. s{0!r} is not registered( R8tpopR:R;RtsocketRRtEBADFRBRR(RRRCR ((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt unregisters cCsy|j|j|}Wn&tk rBtdj|nX||jkrw|j||j|||}n4||jkr|jd|}||j|j |jj|jn|t@r^|jj|jn|S(N( RRWRFRDRYtaddRRERZ(RRR2R3RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRF&s   cCsBtt|j|}|jj|j|jj|j|S(N(RRWRJRYtdiscardRRZ(RRRC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJ.scCstj||g|S(s? Wrapper for because timeout is a positional arg (R(RtrtwR"((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt_select4sc Cst|j r$t|j r$gS|dkr6dn t|d}g}t|jt|j|j|\}}}t|}t|}x|||BD]p}d}||kr|t O}n||kr|t O}n|j |}|r|j |||j @fqqW|S(Ngi(R7RYRZRtmaxR!R_tTrueRXRDRERTtappendR2( RR"treadyR]R^RRR2RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyR8s$ !      !N( R R R?RRRFRJR_R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRWs     tpollt PollSelectorcBsDeZdZdZddZdZddZddZRS(s Poll-based selector cCs&tt|jtj|_dS(N(RReRRRdt_poll(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRSscCsrtt|j|||}d}|t@r>|tjO}n|t@rX|tjO}n|jj|j ||S(Ni( RReRFRDRtPOLLINREtPOLLOUTRfR(RRR2R3RCt event_mask((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRFWs  cCs/tt|j|}|jj|j|S(N(RReRJRfR(RRRC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJascCsM|dk r7|dkr!d}q7tj|d}n|jj|}|S(sj Wrapper function for select.poll.poll() so that _syscall_wrapper can work with only seconds. ig@@N(RtmathtceilRfRd(RR"R.((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt _wrap_pollfs    cCsg}t|jtd|}x|D]z\}}d}|tj@rR|tO}n|tj@rm|tO}n|j|}|r%|j |||j @fq%q%W|S(NR"i( R!RlRaRRgRERhRDRTRbR2(RR"Rct fd_eventsRRiR2RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRts  !N( R R R?RRRFRJRlR(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyReQs    tepollt EpollSelectorcBsJeZdZdZdZddZdZddZdZ RS(s Epoll-based selector cCs&tt|jtj|_dS(N(RRoRRRnt_epoll(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCs |jjS(N(RpR(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCsxtt|j|||}d}|t@r>|tjO}n|t@rX|tjO}nt|j jt |j ||S(Ni( RRoRFRDRtEPOLLINREtEPOLLOUTR!RpR%R(RRR2R3RCt events_mask((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRFs  cCsMtt|j|}yt|jjt|jWntk rHnX|S(N(RRoRJR!RpR%RR(RRRC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJs  c Cs|dk rG|dkr!d}ntj|dd}t|}nd}tt|jd}g}t|jj t d|d|}x|D]z\}}d}|t j @r|t O}n|t j@r|tO}n|j|}|r|j|||j@fqqW|S( Nigg@@gMbP?giR"t maxevents(RRjRkR&R`R7R8R!RpRdRaRRqRERrRDRTRbR2( RR"t max_eventsRcRmRRiR2RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRs*      !cCs$|jjtt|jdS(N(RpRORRo(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyROs N( R R R?RRRRFRJRRO(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRos   !tkqueuetKqueueSelectorcBsJeZdZdZdZddZdZddZdZ RS(s Kqueue / Kevent-based selector cCs&tt|jtj|_dS(N(RRwRRRvt_kqueue(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCs |jjS(N(RxR(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCstt|j|||}|t@rhtj|jtjtj}t |j j t |gddn|t @rtj|jtjtj}t |j j t |gddn|S(Ni(RRwRFRDRtkeventRtKQ_FILTER_READt KQ_EV_ADDR!RxtcontrolR%REtKQ_FILTER_WRITE(RRR2R3RCRy((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRFs   "   "cCstt|j|}|jt@r}tj|jtjtj }y#t |j j t |gddWq}tk ryq}Xn|jt@rtj|jtjtj }y#t |j j t |gddWqtk rqXn|S(Ni(RRwRJR2RDRRyRRzt KQ_EV_DELETER!RxR|R%RRER}(RRRCRy((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJs$   #    # c Cs9|dk rt|d}nt|jd}i}t|jjtd||}x|D]}|j}|j }d}|t j kr|t O}n|t j kr|tO}n|j|} | r\| j|kr| || j@f|| jsF           814BR  util/selectors.pyo000064400000050771147205427720010301 0ustar00 abc@sddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZy ej Z Wn e e fk rejZ nXd#Z d$Z eZeZdadefdYZdZejd%krd Zn d Zed d dddgZdefdYZdefdYZeedradefdYZneedrdefdYZneedrdefdYZneedrdefd YZ needse!Znd!Z"d"Z#dS(&iN(t namedtupletMappingiit SelectorErrorcBs#eZdZdZdZRS(cCs tt|j||_dS(N(tsuperRt__init__terrno(tselfterrcode((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCsdj|jS(Ns(tformatR(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt__repr__"scCs |jS(N(R (R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt__str__%s(t__name__t __module__RR R (((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRs  cCst|tr|}nHyt|j}Wn/tttfk r_tdj|nX|dkrtdj|n|S(sl Return a file descriptor from a file object. If given an integer will simply return that integer back. sInvalid file object: {0!r}isInvalid file descriptor: {0}(t isinstancetinttfilenotAttributeErrort TypeErrort ValueErrorR(tfileobjtfd((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt_fileobj_to_fd)s  iicOsdy|||SWnLtttjfk r_}d}t|drP|j}nt|nXdS(s This is the short-circuit version of the below logic because in Python 3.5+ all system calls automatically restart and recalculate their timeouts. RN(tOSErrortIOErrortselectterrortNonethasattrRR(tfunct_targstkwargsteR((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt_syscall_wrapper;s c Os|jdd}|dkr-d}t}n.t|}|dkrNd}n t|}t|}|rd|krtdnt}x5|tkry|||}Wqtt t j fk r}d}t |dr|j }nt |dr|jd}n|t jkp8t t do8|t jk} | r|dk rt} | |krwtdt jn|rd|kr|| |d(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyR4s    t BaseSelectorcBseZdZdZdZd dZdZd dZd dZ dZ dZ d Z d Z d Zd ZRS(s/ Abstract Selector class A selector supports registering file objects to be monitored for specific I/O events. A file object is a file descriptor or any object with a `fileno()` method. An arbitrary object can be attached to the file object which can be used for example to store context info, a callback, etc. A selector can use various implementations (select(), poll(), epoll(), and kqueue()) depending on the platform. The 'DefaultSelector' class uses the most efficient implementation for the current platform. cCsi|_t||_dS(N(R8R4t_map(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRs cCsYyt|SWnDtk rTx-|jjD]}|j|kr.|jSq.WnXdS(sa Return a file descriptor from a file object. This wraps _fileobj_to_fd() to do an exhaustive search in case the object is invalid but we still have it in our map. Used by unregister() so we can unregister an object that was previously registered even if it is closed. It is also used by _SelectorMapping N(RRR8tvaluesRR(RRtkey((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyR:s  cCs| s|ttB@r.tdj|nt||j|||}|j|jkr|tdj||jn||j|j<|S(s8 Register a file object for a set of events to monitor. sInvalid events: {0!r}s${0!r} (FD {1}) is already registered( t EVENT_READt EVENT_WRITERRR1R:RR8R;(RRR2R3RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pytregisters cCsy|jj|j|}Wntk rGtdj|ntjk r}|jtjkrqqxV|jj D],}|j |kr|jj|j PqqWtdj|nX|S(s0 Unregister a file object from being monitored. s{0!r} is not registered( R8tpopR:R;RtsocketRRtEBADFRBRR(RRRCR ((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt unregisters cCsy|j|j|}Wn&tk rBtdj|nX||jkrw|j||j|||}n4||jkr|jd|}||j|j |jj|jn|t@r^|jj|jn|S(N( RRWRFRDRYtaddRRERZ(RRR2R3RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRF&s   cCsBtt|j|}|jj|j|jj|j|S(N(RRWRJRYtdiscardRRZ(RRRC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJ.scCstj||g|S(s? Wrapper for because timeout is a positional arg (R(RtrtwR"((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt_select4sc Cst|j r$t|j r$gS|dkr6dn t|d}g}t|jt|j|j|\}}}t|}t|}x|||BD]p}d}||kr|t O}n||kr|t O}n|j |}|r|j |||j @fqqW|S(Ngi(R7RYRZRtmaxR!R_tTrueRXRDRERTtappendR2( RR"treadyR]R^RRR2RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyR8s$ !      !N( R R R?RRRFRJR_R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRWs     tpollt PollSelectorcBsDeZdZdZddZdZddZddZRS(s Poll-based selector cCs&tt|jtj|_dS(N(RReRRRdt_poll(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRSscCsrtt|j|||}d}|t@r>|tjO}n|t@rX|tjO}n|jj|j ||S(Ni( RReRFRDRtPOLLINREtPOLLOUTRfR(RRR2R3RCt event_mask((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRFWs  cCs/tt|j|}|jj|j|S(N(RReRJRfR(RRRC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJascCsM|dk r7|dkr!d}q7tj|d}n|jj|}|S(sj Wrapper function for select.poll.poll() so that _syscall_wrapper can work with only seconds. ig@@N(RtmathtceilRfRd(RR"R.((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyt _wrap_pollfs    cCsg}t|jtd|}x|D]z\}}d}|tj@rR|tO}n|tj@rm|tO}n|j|}|r%|j |||j @fq%q%W|S(NR"i( R!RlRaRRgRERhRDRTRbR2(RR"Rct fd_eventsRRiR2RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRts  !N( R R R?RRRFRJRlR(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyReQs    tepollt EpollSelectorcBsJeZdZdZdZddZdZddZdZ RS(s Epoll-based selector cCs&tt|jtj|_dS(N(RRoRRRnt_epoll(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCs |jjS(N(RpR(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCsxtt|j|||}d}|t@r>|tjO}n|t@rX|tjO}nt|j jt |j ||S(Ni( RRoRFRDRtEPOLLINREtEPOLLOUTR!RpR%R(RRR2R3RCt events_mask((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRFs  cCsMtt|j|}yt|jjt|jWntk rHnX|S(N(RRoRJR!RpR%RR(RRRC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJs  c Cs|dk rG|dkr!d}ntj|dd}t|}nd}tt|jd}g}t|jj t d|d|}x|D]z\}}d}|t j @r|t O}n|t j@r|tO}n|j|}|r|j|||j@fqqW|S( Nigg@@gMbP?giR"t maxevents(RRjRkR&R`R7R8R!RpRdRaRRqRERrRDRTRbR2( RR"t max_eventsRcRmRRiR2RC((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRs*      !cCs$|jjtt|jdS(N(RpRORRo(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyROs N( R R R?RRRRFRJRRO(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRos   !tkqueuetKqueueSelectorcBsJeZdZdZdZddZdZddZdZ RS(s Kqueue / Kevent-based selector cCs&tt|jtj|_dS(N(RRwRRRvt_kqueue(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCs |jjS(N(RxR(R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRscCstt|j|||}|t@rhtj|jtjtj}t |j j t |gddn|t @rtj|jtjtj}t |j j t |gddn|S(Ni(RRwRFRDRtkeventRtKQ_FILTER_READt KQ_EV_ADDR!RxtcontrolR%REtKQ_FILTER_WRITE(RRR2R3RCRy((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRFs   "   "cCstt|j|}|jt@r}tj|jtjtj }y#t |j j t |gddWq}tk ryq}Xn|jt@rtj|jtjtj }y#t |j j t |gddWqtk rqXn|S(Ni(RRwRJR2RDRRyRRzt KQ_EV_DELETER!RxR|R%RRER}(RRRCRy((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/selectors.pyRJs$   #    # c Cs9|dk rt|d}nt|jd}i}t|jjtd||}x|D]}|j}|j }d}|t j kr|t O}n|t j kr|tO}n|j|} | r\| j|kr| || j@f|| jsF           814BR  util/ssl_.py000064400000027666147205427720007066 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import errno import warnings import hmac from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256 from ..exceptions import SSLError, InsecurePlatformWarning, SNIMissingWarning SSLContext = None HAS_SNI = False IS_PYOPENSSL = False IS_SECURETRANSPORT = False # Maps the length of a digest to a possible hash function producing this digest HASHFUNC_MAP = { 32: md5, 40: sha1, 64: sha256, } def _const_compare_digest_backport(a, b): """ Compare two digests of equal length in constant time. The digests must be of type str/bytes. Returns True if the digests match, and False otherwise. """ result = abs(len(a) - len(b)) for l, r in zip(bytearray(a), bytearray(b)): result |= l ^ r return result == 0 _const_compare_digest = getattr(hmac, 'compare_digest', _const_compare_digest_backport) try: # Test for SSL features import ssl from ssl import wrap_socket, CERT_NONE, PROTOCOL_SSLv23 from ssl import HAS_SNI # Has SNI? except ImportError: pass try: from ssl import OP_NO_SSLv2, OP_NO_SSLv3, OP_NO_COMPRESSION except ImportError: OP_NO_SSLv2, OP_NO_SSLv3 = 0x1000000, 0x2000000 OP_NO_COMPRESSION = 0x20000 # A secure default. # Sources for more information on TLS ciphers: # # - # - # - # # The general intent is: # - Prefer TLS 1.3 cipher suites # - prefer cipher suites that offer perfect forward secrecy (DHE/ECDHE), # - prefer ECDHE over DHE for better performance, # - prefer any AES-GCM and ChaCha20 over any AES-CBC for better performance and # security, # - prefer AES-GCM over ChaCha20 because hardware-accelerated AES is common, # - disable NULL authentication, MD5 MACs and DSS for security reasons. DEFAULT_CIPHERS = ':'.join([ 'TLS13-AES-256-GCM-SHA384', 'TLS13-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256', 'TLS13-AES-128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDH+AESGCM', 'ECDH+CHACHA20', 'DH+AESGCM', 'DH+CHACHA20', 'ECDH+AES256', 'DH+AES256', 'ECDH+AES128', 'DH+AES', 'RSA+AESGCM', 'RSA+AES', '!aNULL', '!eNULL', '!MD5', ]) try: from ssl import SSLContext # Modern SSL? except ImportError: import sys class SSLContext(object): # Platform-specific: Python 2 & 3.1 supports_set_ciphers = ((2, 7) <= sys.version_info < (3,) or (3, 2) <= sys.version_info) def __init__(self, protocol_version): self.protocol = protocol_version # Use default values from a real SSLContext self.check_hostname = False self.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE self.ca_certs = None self.options = 0 self.certfile = None self.keyfile = None self.ciphers = None def load_cert_chain(self, certfile, keyfile): self.certfile = certfile self.keyfile = keyfile def load_verify_locations(self, cafile=None, capath=None): self.ca_certs = cafile if capath is not None: raise SSLError("CA directories not supported in older Pythons") def set_ciphers(self, cipher_suite): if not self.supports_set_ciphers: raise TypeError( 'Your version of Python does not support setting ' 'a custom cipher suite. Please upgrade to Python ' '2.7, 3.2, or later if you need this functionality.' ) self.ciphers = cipher_suite def wrap_socket(self, socket, server_hostname=None, server_side=False): warnings.warn( 'A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents ' 'urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause ' 'certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer ' 'version of Python to solve this. For more information, see ' '' '#ssl-warnings', InsecurePlatformWarning ) kwargs = { 'keyfile': self.keyfile, 'certfile': self.certfile, 'ca_certs': self.ca_certs, 'cert_reqs': self.verify_mode, 'ssl_version': self.protocol, 'server_side': server_side, } if self.supports_set_ciphers: # Platform-specific: Python 2.7+ return wrap_socket(socket, ciphers=self.ciphers, **kwargs) else: # Platform-specific: Python 2.6 return wrap_socket(socket, **kwargs) def assert_fingerprint(cert, fingerprint): """ Checks if given fingerprint matches the supplied certificate. :param cert: Certificate as bytes object. :param fingerprint: Fingerprint as string of hexdigits, can be interspersed by colons. """ fingerprint = fingerprint.replace(':', '').lower() digest_length = len(fingerprint) hashfunc = HASHFUNC_MAP.get(digest_length) if not hashfunc: raise SSLError( 'Fingerprint of invalid length: {0}'.format(fingerprint)) # We need encode() here for py32; works on py2 and p33. fingerprint_bytes = unhexlify(fingerprint.encode()) cert_digest = hashfunc(cert).digest() if not _const_compare_digest(cert_digest, fingerprint_bytes): raise SSLError('Fingerprints did not match. Expected "{0}", got "{1}".' .format(fingerprint, hexlify(cert_digest))) def resolve_cert_reqs(candidate): """ Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module. Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`. If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation. (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`. If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket. """ if candidate is None: return CERT_NONE if isinstance(candidate, str): res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None) if res is None: res = getattr(ssl, 'CERT_' + candidate) return res return candidate def resolve_ssl_version(candidate): """ like resolve_cert_reqs """ if candidate is None: return PROTOCOL_SSLv23 if isinstance(candidate, str): res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None) if res is None: res = getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_' + candidate) return res return candidate def create_urllib3_context(ssl_version=None, cert_reqs=None, options=None, ciphers=None): """All arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``. By default, this function does a lot of the same work that ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It: - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do:: from urllib3.util import ssl_ context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context() context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3 You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION`` for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above). :param ssl_version: The desired protocol version to use. This will default to PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both the server and your installation of OpenSSL support. :param cert_reqs: Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``. :param options: Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``, ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``. :param ciphers: Which cipher suites to allow the server to select. :returns: Constructed SSLContext object with specified options :rtype: SSLContext """ context = SSLContext(ssl_version or ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) # Setting the default here, as we may have no ssl module on import cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if cert_reqs is None else cert_reqs if options is None: options = 0 # SSLv2 is easily broken and is considered harmful and dangerous options |= OP_NO_SSLv2 # SSLv3 has several problems and is now dangerous options |= OP_NO_SSLv3 # Disable compression to prevent CRIME attacks for OpenSSL 1.0+ # (issue #309) options |= OP_NO_COMPRESSION context.options |= options if getattr(context, 'supports_set_ciphers', True): # Platform-specific: Python 2.6 context.set_ciphers(ciphers or DEFAULT_CIPHERS) context.verify_mode = cert_reqs if getattr(context, 'check_hostname', None) is not None: # Platform-specific: Python 3.2 # We do our own verification, including fingerprints and alternative # hostnames. So disable it here context.check_hostname = False return context def ssl_wrap_socket(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None, cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None, server_hostname=None, ssl_version=None, ciphers=None, ssl_context=None, ca_cert_dir=None): """ All arguments except for server_hostname, ssl_context, and ca_cert_dir have the same meaning as they do when using :func:`ssl.wrap_socket`. :param server_hostname: When SNI is supported, the expected hostname of the certificate :param ssl_context: A pre-made :class:`SSLContext` object. If none is provided, one will be created using :func:`create_urllib3_context`. :param ciphers: A string of ciphers we wish the client to support. This is not supported on Python 2.6 as the ssl module does not support it. :param ca_cert_dir: A directory containing CA certificates in multiple separate files, as supported by OpenSSL's -CApath flag or the capath argument to SSLContext.load_verify_locations(). """ context = ssl_context if context is None: # Note: This branch of code and all the variables in it are no longer # used by urllib3 itself. We should consider deprecating and removing # this code. context = create_urllib3_context(ssl_version, cert_reqs, ciphers=ciphers) if ca_certs or ca_cert_dir: try: context.load_verify_locations(ca_certs, ca_cert_dir) except IOError as e: # Platform-specific: Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 raise SSLError(e) # Py33 raises FileNotFoundError which subclasses OSError # These are not equivalent unless we check the errno attribute except OSError as e: # Platform-specific: Python 3.3 and beyond if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise SSLError(e) raise elif ssl_context is None and hasattr(context, 'load_default_certs'): # try to load OS default certs; works well on Windows (require Python3.4+) context.load_default_certs() if certfile: context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile) if HAS_SNI: # Platform-specific: OpenSSL with enabled SNI return context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=server_hostname) warnings.warn( 'An HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI (Subject Name ' 'Indication) extension to TLS is not available on this platform. ' 'This may cause the server to present an incorrect TLS ' 'certificate, which can cause validation failures. You can upgrade to ' 'a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see ' '' '#ssl-warnings', SNIMissingWarning ) return context.wrap_socket(sock) util/ssl_.pyc000064400000024555147205427720007223 0ustar00 abc@@sGddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlm Z m Z m Z ddl m Z mZmZdZeZeZeZie d6e d6e d 6Zd Zeed eZy<ddlZdd lmZmZmZdd lmZWnek rnXy ddlmZm Z m!Z!Wn#ek red+\ZZ dZ!nXdj"dddddddddddddd d!d"gZ#ydd#lmZWn3ek rddl$Z$d$e%fd%YZnXd&Z&d'Z'd(Z(ddddd)Z)dddddddddd* Z*dS(,i(tabsolute_importN(thexlifyt unhexlify(tmd5tsha1tsha256i(tSSLErrortInsecurePlatformWarningtSNIMissingWarningi i(i@cC@s`tt|t|}x7tt|t|D]\}}|||AO}q8W|dkS(s Compare two digests of equal length in constant time. The digests must be of type str/bytes. Returns True if the digests match, and False otherwise. i(tabstlentzipt bytearray(tatbtresulttltr((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyt_const_compare_digest_backports(tcompare_digest(t wrap_sockett CERT_NONEtPROTOCOL_SSLv23(tHAS_SNI(t OP_NO_SSLv2t OP_NO_SSLv3tOP_NO_COMPRESSIONiiit:sTLS13-AES-256-GCM-SHA384sTLS13-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256sTLS13-AES-128-GCM-SHA256s ECDH+AESGCMs ECDH+CHACHA20s DH+AESGCMs DH+CHACHA20s ECDH+AES256s DH+AES256s ECDH+AES128sDH+AESs RSA+AESGCMsRSA+AESs!aNULLs!eNULLs!MD5(t SSLContextRcB@soeZdejko d knp1d ejkZdZdZd d dZdZ d e dZ RS( iiicC@sO||_t|_tj|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ d|_ dS(Ni( tprotocoltFalsetcheck_hostnametsslRt verify_modetNonetca_certstoptionstcertfiletkeyfiletciphers(tselftprotocol_version((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyt__init__cs       cC@s||_||_dS(N(R%R&(R(R%R&((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytload_cert_chainns cC@s(||_|dk r$tdndS(Ns-CA directories not supported in older Pythons(R#R"R(R(tcafiletcapath((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytload_verify_locationsrs  cC@s%|jstdn||_dS(NsYour version of Python does not support setting a custom cipher suite. Please upgrade to Python 2.7, 3.2, or later if you need this functionality.(tsupports_set_cipherst TypeErrorR'(R(t cipher_suite((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyt set_ciphersxs  cC@stjdti|jd6|jd6|jd6|jd6|jd6|d6}|jrnt |d|j |St ||SdS( Ns2A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see cert_reqst ssl_versiont server_sideR'( twarningstwarnRR&R%R#R!RR/RR'(R(tsockettserver_hostnameR5tkwargs((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyRs       (ii(i(iiN( t__name__t __module__tsyst version_infoR/R*R+R"R.R2RR(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyR_s  cC@s|jddj}t|}tj|}|sQtdj|nt|j}||j }t ||stdj|t |ndS(s Checks if given fingerprint matches the supplied certificate. :param cert: Certificate as bytes object. :param fingerprint: Fingerprint as string of hexdigits, can be interspersed by colons. Rts"Fingerprint of invalid length: {0}s6Fingerprints did not match. Expected "{0}", got "{1}".N( treplacetlowerR t HASHFUNC_MAPtgetRtformatRtencodetdigestt_const_compare_digestR(tcertt fingerprintt digest_lengththashfunctfingerprint_bytest cert_digest((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytassert_fingerprints   cC@s[|dkrtSt|trWtt|d}|dkrSttd|}n|S|S(s Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module. Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`. If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation. (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`. If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket. tCERT_N(R"Rt isinstancetstrtgetattrR (t candidatetres((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytresolve_cert_reqss  cC@s[|dkrtSt|trWtt|d}|dkrSttd|}n|S|S(s like resolve_cert_reqs t PROTOCOL_N(R"RRPRQRRR (RSRT((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytresolve_ssl_versions  cC@st|ptj}|dkr*tjn|}|dkrcd}|tO}|tO}|tO}n|j|O_t |dt r|j |pt n||_ t |dddk rt|_n|S(sAll arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``. By default, this function does a lot of the same work that ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It: - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do:: from urllib3.util import ssl_ context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context() context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3 You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION`` for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above). :param ssl_version: The desired protocol version to use. This will default to PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both the server and your installation of OpenSSL support. :param cert_reqs: Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``. :param options: Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``, ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``. :param ciphers: Which cipher suites to allow the server to select. :returns: Constructed SSLContext object with specified options :rtype: SSLContext iR/RN(RR RR"t CERT_REQUIREDRRRR$RRtTrueR2tDEFAULT_CIPHERSR!RR(R4R3R$R'tcontext((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytcreate_urllib3_contexts#      c C@s|} | dkr*t||d|} n|s6| ry| j|| Wqtk rk} t| qtk r} | jtjkrt| nqXn(|dkrt| dr| j n|r| j ||nt r| j |d|St jdt| j |S(s All arguments except for server_hostname, ssl_context, and ca_cert_dir have the same meaning as they do when using :func:`ssl.wrap_socket`. :param server_hostname: When SNI is supported, the expected hostname of the certificate :param ssl_context: A pre-made :class:`SSLContext` object. If none is provided, one will be created using :func:`create_urllib3_context`. :param ciphers: A string of ciphers we wish the client to support. This is not supported on Python 2.6 as the ssl module does not support it. :param ca_cert_dir: A directory containing CA certificates in multiple separate files, as supported by OpenSSL's -CApath flag or the capath argument to SSLContext.load_verify_locations(). R'tload_default_certsR9sAn HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI (Subject Name Indication) extension to TLS is not available on this platform. This may cause the server to present an incorrect TLS certificate, which can cause validation failures. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see"R\R.tIOErrorRtOSErrorterrnotENOENTthasattrR]R+RRR6R7R( tsockR&R%R3R#R9R4R't ssl_contextt ca_cert_dirR[te((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytssl_wrap_sockets.      (ii(+t __future__RR`R6thmactbinasciiRRthashlibRRRt exceptionsRRRR"RRRt IS_PYOPENSSLtIS_SECURETRANSPORTRBRRRRGR RRRt ImportErrorRRRtjoinRZR=tobjectRNRURWR\Rg(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytsv               :   >  util/ssl_.pyo000064400000024555147205427720007237 0ustar00 abc@@sGddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlm Z m Z m Z ddl m Z mZmZdZeZeZeZie d6e d6e d 6Zd Zeed eZy<ddlZdd lmZmZmZdd lmZWnek rnXy ddlmZm Z m!Z!Wn#ek red+\ZZ dZ!nXdj"dddddddddddddd d!d"gZ#ydd#lmZWn3ek rddl$Z$d$e%fd%YZnXd&Z&d'Z'd(Z(ddddd)Z)dddddddddd* Z*dS(,i(tabsolute_importN(thexlifyt unhexlify(tmd5tsha1tsha256i(tSSLErrortInsecurePlatformWarningtSNIMissingWarningi i(i@cC@s`tt|t|}x7tt|t|D]\}}|||AO}q8W|dkS(s Compare two digests of equal length in constant time. The digests must be of type str/bytes. Returns True if the digests match, and False otherwise. i(tabstlentzipt bytearray(tatbtresulttltr((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyt_const_compare_digest_backports(tcompare_digest(t wrap_sockett CERT_NONEtPROTOCOL_SSLv23(tHAS_SNI(t OP_NO_SSLv2t OP_NO_SSLv3tOP_NO_COMPRESSIONiiit:sTLS13-AES-256-GCM-SHA384sTLS13-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256sTLS13-AES-128-GCM-SHA256s ECDH+AESGCMs ECDH+CHACHA20s DH+AESGCMs DH+CHACHA20s ECDH+AES256s DH+AES256s ECDH+AES128sDH+AESs RSA+AESGCMsRSA+AESs!aNULLs!eNULLs!MD5(t SSLContextRcB@soeZdejko d knp1d ejkZdZdZd d dZdZ d e dZ RS( iiicC@sO||_t|_tj|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ d|_ dS(Ni( tprotocoltFalsetcheck_hostnametsslRt verify_modetNonetca_certstoptionstcertfiletkeyfiletciphers(tselftprotocol_version((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyt__init__cs       cC@s||_||_dS(N(R%R&(R(R%R&((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytload_cert_chainns cC@s(||_|dk r$tdndS(Ns-CA directories not supported in older Pythons(R#R"R(R(tcafiletcapath((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytload_verify_locationsrs  cC@s%|jstdn||_dS(NsYour version of Python does not support setting a custom cipher suite. Please upgrade to Python 2.7, 3.2, or later if you need this functionality.(tsupports_set_cipherst TypeErrorR'(R(t cipher_suite((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyt set_ciphersxs  cC@stjdti|jd6|jd6|jd6|jd6|jd6|d6}|jrnt |d|j |St ||SdS( Ns2A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see cert_reqst ssl_versiont server_sideR'( twarningstwarnRR&R%R#R!RR/RR'(R(tsockettserver_hostnameR5tkwargs((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyRs       (ii(i(iiN( t__name__t __module__tsyst version_infoR/R*R+R"R.R2RR(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pyR_s  cC@s|jddj}t|}tj|}|sQtdj|nt|j}||j }t ||stdj|t |ndS(s Checks if given fingerprint matches the supplied certificate. :param cert: Certificate as bytes object. :param fingerprint: Fingerprint as string of hexdigits, can be interspersed by colons. Rts"Fingerprint of invalid length: {0}s6Fingerprints did not match. Expected "{0}", got "{1}".N( treplacetlowerR t HASHFUNC_MAPtgetRtformatRtencodetdigestt_const_compare_digestR(tcertt fingerprintt digest_lengththashfunctfingerprint_bytest cert_digest((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytassert_fingerprints   cC@s[|dkrtSt|trWtt|d}|dkrSttd|}n|S|S(s Resolves the argument to a numeric constant, which can be passed to the wrap_socket function/method from the ssl module. Defaults to :data:`ssl.CERT_NONE`. If given a string it is assumed to be the name of the constant in the :mod:`ssl` module or its abbrevation. (So you can specify `REQUIRED` instead of `CERT_REQUIRED`. If it's neither `None` nor a string we assume it is already the numeric constant which can directly be passed to wrap_socket. tCERT_N(R"Rt isinstancetstrtgetattrR (t candidatetres((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytresolve_cert_reqss  cC@s[|dkrtSt|trWtt|d}|dkrSttd|}n|S|S(s like resolve_cert_reqs t PROTOCOL_N(R"RRPRQRRR (RSRT((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytresolve_ssl_versions  cC@st|ptj}|dkr*tjn|}|dkrcd}|tO}|tO}|tO}n|j|O_t |dt r|j |pt n||_ t |dddk rt|_n|S(sAll arguments have the same meaning as ``ssl_wrap_socket``. By default, this function does a lot of the same work that ``ssl.create_default_context`` does on Python 3.4+. It: - Disables SSLv2, SSLv3, and compression - Sets a restricted set of server ciphers If you wish to enable SSLv3, you can do:: from urllib3.util import ssl_ context = ssl_.create_urllib3_context() context.options &= ~ssl_.OP_NO_SSLv3 You can do the same to enable compression (substituting ``COMPRESSION`` for ``SSLv3`` in the last line above). :param ssl_version: The desired protocol version to use. This will default to PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which will negotiate the highest protocol that both the server and your installation of OpenSSL support. :param cert_reqs: Whether to require the certificate verification. This defaults to ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``. :param options: Specific OpenSSL options. These default to ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2``, ``ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3``, ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION``. :param ciphers: Which cipher suites to allow the server to select. :returns: Constructed SSLContext object with specified options :rtype: SSLContext iR/RN(RR RR"t CERT_REQUIREDRRRR$RRtTrueR2tDEFAULT_CIPHERSR!RR(R4R3R$R'tcontext((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytcreate_urllib3_contexts#      c C@s|} | dkr*t||d|} n|s6| ry| j|| Wqtk rk} t| qtk r} | jtjkrt| nqXn(|dkrt| dr| j n|r| j ||nt r| j |d|St jdt| j |S(s All arguments except for server_hostname, ssl_context, and ca_cert_dir have the same meaning as they do when using :func:`ssl.wrap_socket`. :param server_hostname: When SNI is supported, the expected hostname of the certificate :param ssl_context: A pre-made :class:`SSLContext` object. If none is provided, one will be created using :func:`create_urllib3_context`. :param ciphers: A string of ciphers we wish the client to support. This is not supported on Python 2.6 as the ssl module does not support it. :param ca_cert_dir: A directory containing CA certificates in multiple separate files, as supported by OpenSSL's -CApath flag or the capath argument to SSLContext.load_verify_locations(). R'tload_default_certsR9sAn HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI (Subject Name Indication) extension to TLS is not available on this platform. This may cause the server to present an incorrect TLS certificate, which can cause validation failures. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see"R\R.tIOErrorRtOSErrorterrnotENOENTthasattrR]R+RRR6R7R( tsockR&R%R3R#R9R4R't ssl_contextt ca_cert_dirR[te((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytssl_wrap_sockets.      (ii(+t __future__RR`R6thmactbinasciiRRthashlibRRRt exceptionsRRRR"RRRt IS_PYOPENSSLtIS_SECURETRANSPORTRBRRRRGR RRRt ImportErrorRRRtjoinRZR=tobjectRNRURWR\Rg(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.pytsv               :   >  util/timeout.py000064400000023035147205427720007576 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import # The default socket timeout, used by httplib to indicate that no timeout was # specified by the user from socket import _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT import time from ..exceptions import TimeoutStateError # A sentinel value to indicate that no timeout was specified by the user in # urllib3 _Default = object() # Use time.monotonic if available. current_time = getattr(time, "monotonic", time.time) class Timeout(object): """ Timeout configuration. Timeouts can be defined as a default for a pool:: timeout = Timeout(connect=2.0, read=7.0) http = PoolManager(timeout=timeout) response = http.request('GET', '') Or per-request (which overrides the default for the pool):: response = http.request('GET', '', timeout=Timeout(10)) Timeouts can be disabled by setting all the parameters to ``None``:: no_timeout = Timeout(connect=None, read=None) response = http.request('GET', ', timeout=no_timeout) :param total: This combines the connect and read timeouts into one; the read timeout will be set to the time leftover from the connect attempt. In the event that both a connect timeout and a total are specified, or a read timeout and a total are specified, the shorter timeout will be applied. Defaults to None. :type total: integer, float, or None :param connect: The maximum amount of time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed. Omitting the parameter will default the connect timeout to the system default, probably `the global default timeout in `_. None will set an infinite timeout for connection attempts. :type connect: integer, float, or None :param read: The maximum amount of time to wait between consecutive read operations for a response from the server. Omitting the parameter will default the read timeout to the system default, probably `the global default timeout in `_. None will set an infinite timeout. :type read: integer, float, or None .. note:: Many factors can affect the total amount of time for urllib3 to return an HTTP response. For example, Python's DNS resolver does not obey the timeout specified on the socket. Other factors that can affect total request time include high CPU load, high swap, the program running at a low priority level, or other behaviors. In addition, the read and total timeouts only measure the time between read operations on the socket connecting the client and the server, not the total amount of time for the request to return a complete response. For most requests, the timeout is raised because the server has not sent the first byte in the specified time. This is not always the case; if a server streams one byte every fifteen seconds, a timeout of 20 seconds will not trigger, even though the request will take several minutes to complete. If your goal is to cut off any request after a set amount of wall clock time, consider having a second "watcher" thread to cut off a slow request. """ #: A sentinel object representing the default timeout value DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT def __init__(self, total=None, connect=_Default, read=_Default): self._connect = self._validate_timeout(connect, 'connect') self._read = self._validate_timeout(read, 'read') = self._validate_timeout(total, 'total') self._start_connect = None def __str__(self): return '%s(connect=%r, read=%r, total=%r)' % ( type(self).__name__, self._connect, self._read, @classmethod def _validate_timeout(cls, value, name): """ Check that a timeout attribute is valid. :param value: The timeout value to validate :param name: The name of the timeout attribute to validate. This is used to specify in error messages. :return: The validated and casted version of the given value. :raises ValueError: If it is a numeric value less than or equal to zero, or the type is not an integer, float, or None. """ if value is _Default: return cls.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if value is None or value is cls.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: return value if isinstance(value, bool): raise ValueError("Timeout cannot be a boolean value. It must " "be an int, float or None.") try: float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Timeout value %s was %s, but it must be an " "int, float or None." % (name, value)) try: if value <= 0: raise ValueError("Attempted to set %s timeout to %s, but the " "timeout cannot be set to a value less " "than or equal to 0." % (name, value)) except TypeError: # Python 3 raise ValueError("Timeout value %s was %s, but it must be an " "int, float or None." % (name, value)) return value @classmethod def from_float(cls, timeout): """ Create a new Timeout from a legacy timeout value. The timeout value used by sets the same timeout on the connect(), and recv() socket requests. This creates a :class:`Timeout` object that sets the individual timeouts to the ``timeout`` value passed to this function. :param timeout: The legacy timeout value. :type timeout: integer, float, sentinel default object, or None :return: Timeout object :rtype: :class:`Timeout` """ return Timeout(read=timeout, connect=timeout) def clone(self): """ Create a copy of the timeout object Timeout properties are stored per-pool but each request needs a fresh Timeout object to ensure each one has its own start/stop configured. :return: a copy of the timeout object :rtype: :class:`Timeout` """ # We can't use copy.deepcopy because that will also create a new object # for _GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, which uses as a sentinel to # detect the user default. return Timeout(connect=self._connect, read=self._read, def start_connect(self): """ Start the timeout clock, used during a connect() attempt :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: if you attempt to start a timer that has been started already. """ if self._start_connect is not None: raise TimeoutStateError("Timeout timer has already been started.") self._start_connect = current_time() return self._start_connect def get_connect_duration(self): """ Gets the time elapsed since the call to :meth:`start_connect`. :return: Elapsed time. :rtype: float :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: if you attempt to get duration for a timer that hasn't been started. """ if self._start_connect is None: raise TimeoutStateError("Can't get connect duration for timer " "that has not started.") return current_time() - self._start_connect @property def connect_timeout(self): """ Get the value to use when setting a connection timeout. This will be a positive float or integer, the value None (never timeout), or the default system timeout. :return: Connect timeout. :rtype: int, float, :attr:`Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` or None """ if is None: return self._connect if self._connect is None or self._connect is self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: return return min(self._connect, @property def read_timeout(self): """ Get the value for the read timeout. This assumes some time has elapsed in the connection timeout and computes the read timeout appropriately. If is set, the read timeout is dependent on the amount of time taken by the connect timeout. If the connection time has not been established, a :exc:`~urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError` will be raised. :return: Value to use for the read timeout. :rtype: int, float, :attr:`Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` or None :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: If :meth:`start_connect` has not yet been called on this object. """ if ( is not None and is not self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT and self._read is not None and self._read is not self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): # In case the connect timeout has not yet been established. if self._start_connect is None: return self._read return max(0, min( - self.get_connect_duration(), self._read)) elif is not None and is not self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: return max(0, - self.get_connect_duration()) else: return self._read util/timeout.pyc000064400000022764147205427720007751 0ustar00 abc@@stddlmZddlmZddlZddlmZeZe edejZ defdYZ dS( i(tabsolute_import(t_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTNi(tTimeoutStateErrort monotonictTimeoutcB@seZdZeZd eedZdZe dZ e dZ dZ dZ dZedZed ZRS( s Timeout configuration. Timeouts can be defined as a default for a pool:: timeout = Timeout(connect=2.0, read=7.0) http = PoolManager(timeout=timeout) response = http.request('GET', '') Or per-request (which overrides the default for the pool):: response = http.request('GET', '', timeout=Timeout(10)) Timeouts can be disabled by setting all the parameters to ``None``:: no_timeout = Timeout(connect=None, read=None) response = http.request('GET', ', timeout=no_timeout) :param total: This combines the connect and read timeouts into one; the read timeout will be set to the time leftover from the connect attempt. In the event that both a connect timeout and a total are specified, or a read timeout and a total are specified, the shorter timeout will be applied. Defaults to None. :type total: integer, float, or None :param connect: The maximum amount of time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed. Omitting the parameter will default the connect timeout to the system default, probably `the global default timeout in `_. None will set an infinite timeout for connection attempts. :type connect: integer, float, or None :param read: The maximum amount of time to wait between consecutive read operations for a response from the server. Omitting the parameter will default the read timeout to the system default, probably `the global default timeout in `_. None will set an infinite timeout. :type read: integer, float, or None .. note:: Many factors can affect the total amount of time for urllib3 to return an HTTP response. For example, Python's DNS resolver does not obey the timeout specified on the socket. Other factors that can affect total request time include high CPU load, high swap, the program running at a low priority level, or other behaviors. In addition, the read and total timeouts only measure the time between read operations on the socket connecting the client and the server, not the total amount of time for the request to return a complete response. For most requests, the timeout is raised because the server has not sent the first byte in the specified time. This is not always the case; if a server streams one byte every fifteen seconds, a timeout of 20 seconds will not trigger, even though the request will take several minutes to complete. If your goal is to cut off any request after a set amount of wall clock time, consider having a second "watcher" thread to cut off a slow request. cC@sL|j|d|_|j|d|_|j|d|_d|_dS(Ntconnecttreadttotal(t_validate_timeoutt_connectt_readRtNonet_start_connect(tselfRRR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt__init__]scC@s&dt|j|j|j|jfS(Ns!%s(connect=%r, read=%r, total=%r)(ttypet__name__R R R(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt__str__cscC@s|tkr|jS|dks.||jkr2|St|trPtdnyt|Wn-ttfk rtd||fnXy)|dkrtd||fnWn'tk rtd||fnX|S(s Check that a timeout attribute is valid. :param value: The timeout value to validate :param name: The name of the timeout attribute to validate. This is used to specify in error messages. :return: The validated and casted version of the given value. :raises ValueError: If it is a numeric value less than or equal to zero, or the type is not an integer, float, or None. sDTimeout cannot be a boolean value. It must be an int, float or None.s>Timeout value %s was %s, but it must be an int, float or None.isdAttempted to set %s timeout to %s, but the timeout cannot be set to a value less than or equal to 0.N(t_DefaulttDEFAULT_TIMEOUTR t isinstancetboolt ValueErrortfloatt TypeError(tclstvaluetname((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyRgs&   cC@std|d|S(s Create a new Timeout from a legacy timeout value. The timeout value used by sets the same timeout on the connect(), and recv() socket requests. This creates a :class:`Timeout` object that sets the individual timeouts to the ``timeout`` value passed to this function. :param timeout: The legacy timeout value. :type timeout: integer, float, sentinel default object, or None :return: Timeout object :rtype: :class:`Timeout` RR(R(Rttimeout((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt from_floatscC@s"td|jd|jd|jS(s Create a copy of the timeout object Timeout properties are stored per-pool but each request needs a fresh Timeout object to ensure each one has its own start/stop configured. :return: a copy of the timeout object :rtype: :class:`Timeout` RRR(RR R R(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pytclones cC@s1|jdk rtdnt|_|jS(s Start the timeout clock, used during a connect() attempt :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: if you attempt to start a timer that has been started already. s'Timeout timer has already been started.N(R R Rt current_time(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt start_connects cC@s,|jdkrtdnt|jS(s Gets the time elapsed since the call to :meth:`start_connect`. :return: Elapsed time. :rtype: float :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: if you attempt to get duration for a timer that hasn't been started. s:Can't get connect duration for timer that has not started.N(R R RR(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pytget_connect_durationscC@sQ|jdkr|jS|jdks7|j|jkr>|jSt|j|jS(s" Get the value to use when setting a connection timeout. This will be a positive float or integer, the value None (never timeout), or the default system timeout. :return: Connect timeout. :rtype: int, float, :attr:`Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` or None N(RR R Rtmin(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pytconnect_timeouts !cC@s|jdk r~|j|jk r~|jdk r~|j|jk r~|jdkrX|jStdt|j|j|jS|jdk r|j|jk rtd|j|jS|jSdS(s Get the value for the read timeout. This assumes some time has elapsed in the connection timeout and computes the read timeout appropriately. If is set, the read timeout is dependent on the amount of time taken by the connect timeout. If the connection time has not been established, a :exc:`~urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError` will be raised. :return: Value to use for the read timeout. :rtype: int, float, :attr:`Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` or None :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: If :meth:`start_connect` has not yet been called on this object. iN(RR RR R tmaxR"R!(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt read_timeouts !N(Rt __module__t__doc__RRR RRRt classmethodRRRR R!tpropertyR#R%(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyRsF %  ( t __future__RtsocketRttimet exceptionsRtobjectRtgetattrRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyts   util/timeout.pyo000064400000022764147205427720007765 0ustar00 abc@@stddlmZddlmZddlZddlmZeZe edejZ defdYZ dS( i(tabsolute_import(t_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUTNi(tTimeoutStateErrort monotonictTimeoutcB@seZdZeZd eedZdZe dZ e dZ dZ dZ dZedZed ZRS( s Timeout configuration. Timeouts can be defined as a default for a pool:: timeout = Timeout(connect=2.0, read=7.0) http = PoolManager(timeout=timeout) response = http.request('GET', '') Or per-request (which overrides the default for the pool):: response = http.request('GET', '', timeout=Timeout(10)) Timeouts can be disabled by setting all the parameters to ``None``:: no_timeout = Timeout(connect=None, read=None) response = http.request('GET', ', timeout=no_timeout) :param total: This combines the connect and read timeouts into one; the read timeout will be set to the time leftover from the connect attempt. In the event that both a connect timeout and a total are specified, or a read timeout and a total are specified, the shorter timeout will be applied. Defaults to None. :type total: integer, float, or None :param connect: The maximum amount of time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed. Omitting the parameter will default the connect timeout to the system default, probably `the global default timeout in `_. None will set an infinite timeout for connection attempts. :type connect: integer, float, or None :param read: The maximum amount of time to wait between consecutive read operations for a response from the server. Omitting the parameter will default the read timeout to the system default, probably `the global default timeout in `_. None will set an infinite timeout. :type read: integer, float, or None .. note:: Many factors can affect the total amount of time for urllib3 to return an HTTP response. For example, Python's DNS resolver does not obey the timeout specified on the socket. Other factors that can affect total request time include high CPU load, high swap, the program running at a low priority level, or other behaviors. In addition, the read and total timeouts only measure the time between read operations on the socket connecting the client and the server, not the total amount of time for the request to return a complete response. For most requests, the timeout is raised because the server has not sent the first byte in the specified time. This is not always the case; if a server streams one byte every fifteen seconds, a timeout of 20 seconds will not trigger, even though the request will take several minutes to complete. If your goal is to cut off any request after a set amount of wall clock time, consider having a second "watcher" thread to cut off a slow request. cC@sL|j|d|_|j|d|_|j|d|_d|_dS(Ntconnecttreadttotal(t_validate_timeoutt_connectt_readRtNonet_start_connect(tselfRRR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt__init__]scC@s&dt|j|j|j|jfS(Ns!%s(connect=%r, read=%r, total=%r)(ttypet__name__R R R(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt__str__cscC@s|tkr|jS|dks.||jkr2|St|trPtdnyt|Wn-ttfk rtd||fnXy)|dkrtd||fnWn'tk rtd||fnX|S(s Check that a timeout attribute is valid. :param value: The timeout value to validate :param name: The name of the timeout attribute to validate. This is used to specify in error messages. :return: The validated and casted version of the given value. :raises ValueError: If it is a numeric value less than or equal to zero, or the type is not an integer, float, or None. sDTimeout cannot be a boolean value. It must be an int, float or None.s>Timeout value %s was %s, but it must be an int, float or None.isdAttempted to set %s timeout to %s, but the timeout cannot be set to a value less than or equal to 0.N(t_DefaulttDEFAULT_TIMEOUTR t isinstancetboolt ValueErrortfloatt TypeError(tclstvaluetname((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyRgs&   cC@std|d|S(s Create a new Timeout from a legacy timeout value. The timeout value used by sets the same timeout on the connect(), and recv() socket requests. This creates a :class:`Timeout` object that sets the individual timeouts to the ``timeout`` value passed to this function. :param timeout: The legacy timeout value. :type timeout: integer, float, sentinel default object, or None :return: Timeout object :rtype: :class:`Timeout` RR(R(Rttimeout((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt from_floatscC@s"td|jd|jd|jS(s Create a copy of the timeout object Timeout properties are stored per-pool but each request needs a fresh Timeout object to ensure each one has its own start/stop configured. :return: a copy of the timeout object :rtype: :class:`Timeout` RRR(RR R R(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pytclones cC@s1|jdk rtdnt|_|jS(s Start the timeout clock, used during a connect() attempt :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: if you attempt to start a timer that has been started already. s'Timeout timer has already been started.N(R R Rt current_time(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt start_connects cC@s,|jdkrtdnt|jS(s Gets the time elapsed since the call to :meth:`start_connect`. :return: Elapsed time. :rtype: float :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: if you attempt to get duration for a timer that hasn't been started. s:Can't get connect duration for timer that has not started.N(R R RR(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pytget_connect_durationscC@sQ|jdkr|jS|jdks7|j|jkr>|jSt|j|jS(s" Get the value to use when setting a connection timeout. This will be a positive float or integer, the value None (never timeout), or the default system timeout. :return: Connect timeout. :rtype: int, float, :attr:`Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` or None N(RR R Rtmin(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pytconnect_timeouts !cC@s|jdk r~|j|jk r~|jdk r~|j|jk r~|jdkrX|jStdt|j|j|jS|jdk r|j|jk rtd|j|jS|jSdS(s Get the value for the read timeout. This assumes some time has elapsed in the connection timeout and computes the read timeout appropriately. If is set, the read timeout is dependent on the amount of time taken by the connect timeout. If the connection time has not been established, a :exc:`~urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError` will be raised. :return: Value to use for the read timeout. :rtype: int, float, :attr:`Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` or None :raises urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutStateError: If :meth:`start_connect` has not yet been called on this object. iN(RR RR R tmaxR"R!(R ((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyt read_timeouts !N(Rt __module__t__doc__RRR RRRt classmethodRRRR R!tpropertyR#R%(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyRsF %  ( t __future__RtsocketRttimet exceptionsRtobjectRtgetattrRR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.pyts   util/url.py000064400000015216147205427720006714 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from collections import namedtuple import re from ..exceptions import LocationParseError url_attrs = ['scheme', 'auth', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'] # We only want to normalize urls with an HTTP(S) scheme. # urllib3 infers URLs without a scheme (None) to be http. NORMALIZABLE_SCHEMES = ('http', 'https', None) _contains_disallowed_url_pchar_re = re.compile('[\x00-\x20\x7f]') from ..packages.six.moves.urllib.parse import quote class Url(namedtuple('Url', url_attrs)): """ Datastructure for representing an HTTP URL. Used as a return value for :func:`parse_url`. Both the scheme and host are normalized as they are both case-insensitive according to RFC 3986. """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, scheme=None, auth=None, host=None, port=None, path=None, query=None, fragment=None): if path and not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path if scheme: scheme = scheme.lower() if host and scheme in NORMALIZABLE_SCHEMES: host = host.lower() return super(Url, cls).__new__(cls, scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment) @property def hostname(self): """For backwards-compatibility with urlparse. We're nice like that.""" return @property def request_uri(self): """Absolute path including the query string.""" uri = self.path or '/' if self.query is not None: uri += '?' + self.query return uri @property def netloc(self): """Network location including host and port""" if self.port: return '%s:%d' % (, self.port) return @property def url(self): """ Convert self into a url This function should more or less round-trip with :func:`.parse_url`. The returned url may not be exactly the same as the url inputted to :func:`.parse_url`, but it should be equivalent by the RFC (e.g., urls with a blank port will have : removed). Example: :: >>> U = parse_url('') >>> U.url '' >>> Url('http', 'username:password', '', 80, ... '/path', 'query', 'fragment').url '' """ scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment = self url = '' # We use "is not None" we want things to happen with empty strings (or 0 port) if scheme is not None: url += scheme + '://' if auth is not None: url += auth + '@' if host is not None: url += host if port is not None: url += ':' + str(port) if path is not None: url += path if query is not None: url += '?' + query if fragment is not None: url += '#' + fragment return url def __str__(self): return self.url def split_first(s, delims): """ Given a string and an iterable of delimiters, split on the first found delimiter. Return two split parts and the matched delimiter. If not found, then the first part is the full input string. Example:: >>> split_first('foo/bar?baz', '?/=') ('foo', 'bar?baz', '/') >>> split_first('foo/bar?baz', '123') ('foo/bar?baz', '', None) Scales linearly with number of delims. Not ideal for large number of delims. """ min_idx = None min_delim = None for d in delims: idx = s.find(d) if idx < 0: continue if min_idx is None or idx < min_idx: min_idx = idx min_delim = d if min_idx is None or min_idx < 0: return s, '', None return s[:min_idx], s[min_idx + 1:], min_delim def parse_url(url): """ Given a url, return a parsed :class:`.Url` namedtuple. Best-effort is performed to parse incomplete urls. Fields not provided will be None. Partly backwards-compatible with :mod:`urlparse`. Example:: >>> parse_url('') Url(scheme='http', host='', port=None, path='/mail/', ...) >>> parse_url('') Url(scheme=None, host='', port=80, path=None, ...) >>> parse_url('/foo?bar') Url(scheme=None, host=None, port=None, path='/foo', query='bar', ...) """ # While this code has overlap with stdlib's urlparse, it is much # simplified for our needs and less annoying. # Additionally, this implementations does silly things to be optimal # on CPython. if not url: # Empty return Url() # Prevent CVE-2019-9740. # adapted from url = _contains_disallowed_url_pchar_re.sub(lambda match: quote(, url) scheme = None auth = None host = None port = None path = None fragment = None query = None # Scheme if '://' in url: scheme, url = url.split('://', 1) # Find the earliest Authority Terminator # ( url, path_, delim = split_first(url, ['/', '?', '#']) if delim: # Reassemble the path path = delim + path_ # Auth if '@' in url: # Last '@' denotes end of auth part auth, url = url.rsplit('@', 1) # IPv6 if url and url[0] == '[': host, url = url.split(']', 1) host += ']' # Port if ':' in url: _host, port = url.split(':', 1) if not host: host = _host if port: # If given, ports must be integers. No whitespace, no plus or # minus prefixes, no non-integer digits such as ^2 (superscript). if not port.isdigit(): raise LocationParseError(url) try: port = int(port) except ValueError: raise LocationParseError(url) else: # Blank ports are cool, too. (rfc3986#section-3.2.3) port = None elif not host and url: host = url if not path: return Url(scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment) # Fragment if '#' in path: path, fragment = path.split('#', 1) # Query if '?' in path: path, query = path.split('?', 1) return Url(scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment) def get_host(url): """ Deprecated. Use :func:`parse_url` instead. """ p = parse_url(url) return p.scheme or 'http', p.hostname, p.port util/url.pyc000064400000015165147205427720007062 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZddlZddlmZdddd d d d gZdZ ej dZ ddl m Z dedefdYZdZdZdZdS(i(tabsolute_import(t namedtupleNi(tLocationParseErrortschemetauththosttporttpathtquerytfragmentthttpthttpss[- ](tquotetUrlcB@sweZdZdZddddddddZedZedZedZ edZ dZ RS( s Datastructure for representing an HTTP URL. Used as a return value for :func:`parse_url`. Both the scheme and host are normalized as they are both case-insensitive according to RFC 3986. c C@s|r#|jd r#d|}n|r8|j}n|rY|tkrY|j}ntt|j||||||||S(Nt/(t startswithtlowertNORMALIZABLE_SCHEMEStsuperR t__new__(tclsRRRRRRR ((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyRs !cC@s|jS(s@For backwards-compatibility with urlparse. We're nice like that.(R(tself((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pythostname$scC@s6|jp d}|jdk r2|d|j7}n|S(s)Absolute path including the query string.Rt?N(RRtNone(Rturi((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt request_uri)scC@s$|jrd|j|jfS|jS(s(Network location including host and ports%s:%d(RR(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pytnetloc3s c C@s|\}}}}}}}d}|dk r>||d7}n|dk r[||d7}n|dk rt||7}n|dk r|dt|7}n|dk r||7}n|dk r|d|7}n|dk r|d|7}n|S(s Convert self into a url This function should more or less round-trip with :func:`.parse_url`. The returned url may not be exactly the same as the url inputted to :func:`.parse_url`, but it should be equivalent by the RFC (e.g., urls with a blank port will have : removed). Example: :: >>> U = parse_url('') >>> U.url '' >>> Url('http', 'username:password', '', 80, ... '/path', 'query', 'fragment').url '' ts://t@t:Rt#N(Rtstr( RRRRRRRR turl((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyR!:s"         cC@s|jS(N(R!(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt__str__bs(N( t__name__t __module__t__doc__t __slots__RRtpropertyRRRR!R"(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyR s  (cC@sd}d}xV|D]N}|j|}|dkr:qn|dksR||kr|}|}qqW|dks}|dkr|ddfS|| ||d|fS(s Given a string and an iterable of delimiters, split on the first found delimiter. Return two split parts and the matched delimiter. If not found, then the first part is the full input string. Example:: >>> split_first('foo/bar?baz', '?/=') ('foo', 'bar?baz', '/') >>> split_first('foo/bar?baz', '123') ('foo/bar?baz', '', None) Scales linearly with number of delims. Not ideal for large number of delims. iRiN(Rtfind(tstdelimstmin_idxt min_delimtdtidx((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt split_firstfs    c C@s;|s tStjd|}d }d }d }d }d }d }d }d|krs|jdd\}}nt|dddg\}}} | r| |}nd|kr|jdd\}}n|r |dd kr |jd d\}}|d 7}nd |kr|jd d\} }|s<| }n|r|js]t|nyt |}Wqt k rt|qXqd }n| r|r|}n|st|||||||Sd|kr|jdd\}}nd|kr|jdd\}}nt|||||||S( s: Given a url, return a parsed :class:`.Url` namedtuple. Best-effort is performed to parse incomplete urls. Fields not provided will be None. Partly backwards-compatible with :mod:`urlparse`. Example:: >>> parse_url('') Url(scheme='http', host='', port=None, path='/mail/', ...) >>> parse_url('') Url(scheme=None, host='', port=80, path=None, ...) >>> parse_url('/foo?bar') Url(scheme=None, host=None, port=None, path='/foo', query='bar', ...) cS@st|jS(N(R tgroup(tmatch((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pytRs://iRRRRit[t]RN( R t!_contains_disallowed_url_pchar_retsubRtsplitR/trsplittisdigitRtintt ValueError( R!RRRRRR Rtpath_tdelimt_host((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt parse_urlsR !            cC@s(t|}|jpd|j|jfS(s4 Deprecated. Use :func:`parse_url` instead. R (R?RRR(R!tp((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pytget_hosts (R R N(t __future__Rt collectionsRtret exceptionsRt url_attrsRRtcompileR5tpackages.six.moves.urllib.parseR R R/R?RA(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyts U ! autil/url.pyo000064400000015165147205427720007076 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZddlZddlmZdddd d d d gZdZ ej dZ ddl m Z dedefdYZdZdZdZdS(i(tabsolute_import(t namedtupleNi(tLocationParseErrortschemetauththosttporttpathtquerytfragmentthttpthttpss[- ](tquotetUrlcB@sweZdZdZddddddddZedZedZedZ edZ dZ RS( s Datastructure for representing an HTTP URL. Used as a return value for :func:`parse_url`. Both the scheme and host are normalized as they are both case-insensitive according to RFC 3986. c C@s|r#|jd r#d|}n|r8|j}n|rY|tkrY|j}ntt|j||||||||S(Nt/(t startswithtlowertNORMALIZABLE_SCHEMEStsuperR t__new__(tclsRRRRRRR ((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyRs !cC@s|jS(s@For backwards-compatibility with urlparse. We're nice like that.(R(tself((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pythostname$scC@s6|jp d}|jdk r2|d|j7}n|S(s)Absolute path including the query string.Rt?N(RRtNone(Rturi((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt request_uri)scC@s$|jrd|j|jfS|jS(s(Network location including host and ports%s:%d(RR(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pytnetloc3s c C@s|\}}}}}}}d}|dk r>||d7}n|dk r[||d7}n|dk rt||7}n|dk r|dt|7}n|dk r||7}n|dk r|d|7}n|dk r|d|7}n|S(s Convert self into a url This function should more or less round-trip with :func:`.parse_url`. The returned url may not be exactly the same as the url inputted to :func:`.parse_url`, but it should be equivalent by the RFC (e.g., urls with a blank port will have : removed). Example: :: >>> U = parse_url('') >>> U.url '' >>> Url('http', 'username:password', '', 80, ... '/path', 'query', 'fragment').url '' ts://t@t:Rt#N(Rtstr( RRRRRRRR turl((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyR!:s"         cC@s|jS(N(R!(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt__str__bs(N( t__name__t __module__t__doc__t __slots__RRtpropertyRRRR!R"(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyR s  (cC@sd}d}xV|D]N}|j|}|dkr:qn|dksR||kr|}|}qqW|dks}|dkr|ddfS|| ||d|fS(s Given a string and an iterable of delimiters, split on the first found delimiter. Return two split parts and the matched delimiter. If not found, then the first part is the full input string. Example:: >>> split_first('foo/bar?baz', '?/=') ('foo', 'bar?baz', '/') >>> split_first('foo/bar?baz', '123') ('foo/bar?baz', '', None) Scales linearly with number of delims. Not ideal for large number of delims. iRiN(Rtfind(tstdelimstmin_idxt min_delimtdtidx((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt split_firstfs    c C@s;|s tStjd|}d }d }d }d }d }d }d }d|krs|jdd\}}nt|dddg\}}} | r| |}nd|kr|jdd\}}n|r |dd kr |jd d\}}|d 7}nd |kr|jd d\} }|s<| }n|r|js]t|nyt |}Wqt k rt|qXqd }n| r|r|}n|st|||||||Sd|kr|jdd\}}nd|kr|jdd\}}nt|||||||S( s: Given a url, return a parsed :class:`.Url` namedtuple. Best-effort is performed to parse incomplete urls. Fields not provided will be None. Partly backwards-compatible with :mod:`urlparse`. Example:: >>> parse_url('') Url(scheme='http', host='', port=None, path='/mail/', ...) >>> parse_url('') Url(scheme=None, host='', port=80, path=None, ...) >>> parse_url('/foo?bar') Url(scheme=None, host=None, port=None, path='/foo', query='bar', ...) cS@st|jS(N(R tgroup(tmatch((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pytRs://iRRRRit[t]RN( R t!_contains_disallowed_url_pchar_retsubRtsplitR/trsplittisdigitRtintt ValueError( R!RRRRRR Rtpath_tdelimt_host((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyt parse_urlsR !            cC@s(t|}|jpd|j|jfS(s4 Deprecated. Use :func:`parse_url` instead. R (R?RRR(R!tp((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pytget_hosts (R R N(t __future__Rt collectionsRtret exceptionsRt url_attrsRRtcompileR5tpackages.six.moves.urllib.parseR R R/R?RA(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.pyts U ! autil/wait.py000064400000002653147205427720007057 0ustar00from .selectors import ( HAS_SELECT, DefaultSelector, EVENT_READ, EVENT_WRITE ) def _wait_for_io_events(socks, events, timeout=None): """ Waits for IO events to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be interacted with immediately. """ if not HAS_SELECT: raise ValueError('Platform does not have a selector') if not isinstance(socks, list): # Probably just a single socket. if hasattr(socks, "fileno"): socks = [socks] # Otherwise it might be a non-list iterable. else: socks = list(socks) with DefaultSelector() as selector: for sock in socks: selector.register(sock, events) return [key[0].fileobj for key in if key[1] & events] def wait_for_read(socks, timeout=None): """ Waits for reading to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be read from immediately. """ return _wait_for_io_events(socks, EVENT_READ, timeout) def wait_for_write(socks, timeout=None): """ Waits for writing to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be written to immediately. """ return _wait_for_io_events(socks, EVENT_WRITE, timeout) util/wait.pyc000064400000003462147205427720007221 0ustar00 abc@sJddlmZmZmZmZddZddZddZdS(i(t HAS_SELECTtDefaultSelectort EVENT_READt EVENT_WRITEcCststdnt|tsNt|dr?|g}qNt|}nt]}x|D]}|j||qaWg|j|D]!}|d|@r|dj^qSWdQXdS(s Waits for IO events to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be interacted with immediately. s!Platform does not have a selectortfilenoiiN( Rt ValueErrort isinstancetlistthasattrRtregistertselecttfileobj(tsocksteventsttimeouttselectortsocktkey((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pyt_wait_for_io_events s   cCst|t|S(s Waits for reading to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be read from immediately. (RR(R R((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pyt wait_for_readscCst|t|S(s Waits for writing to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be written to immediately. (RR(R R((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pytwait_for_write$sN( t selectorsRRRRtNoneRRR(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pyts"  util/wait.pyo000064400000003462147205427720007235 0ustar00 abc@sJddlmZmZmZmZddZddZddZdS(i(t HAS_SELECTtDefaultSelectort EVENT_READt EVENT_WRITEcCststdnt|tsNt|dr?|g}qNt|}nt]}x|D]}|j||qaWg|j|D]!}|d|@r|dj^qSWdQXdS(s Waits for IO events to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be interacted with immediately. s!Platform does not have a selectortfilenoiiN( Rt ValueErrort isinstancetlistthasattrRtregistertselecttfileobj(tsocksteventsttimeouttselectortsocktkey((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pyt_wait_for_io_events s   cCst|t|S(s Waits for reading to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be read from immediately. (RR(R R((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pyt wait_for_readscCst|t|S(s Waits for writing to be available from a list of sockets or optionally a single socket if passed in. Returns a list of sockets that can be written to immediately. (RR(R R((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pytwait_for_write$sN( t selectorsRRRRtNoneRRR(((sA/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.pyts"  __init__.py000064400000005445147205427720006677 0ustar00""" urllib3 - Thread-safe connection pooling and re-using. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import warnings from .connectionpool import ( HTTPConnectionPool, HTTPSConnectionPool, connection_from_url ) from . import exceptions from .filepost import encode_multipart_formdata from .poolmanager import PoolManager, ProxyManager, proxy_from_url from .response import HTTPResponse from .util.request import make_headers from .util.url import get_host from .util.timeout import Timeout from .util.retry import Retry # Set default logging handler to avoid "No handler found" warnings. import logging try: # Python 2.7+ from logging import NullHandler except ImportError: class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass __author__ = 'Andrey Petrov (' __license__ = 'MIT' __version__ = '1.22' __all__ = ( 'HTTPConnectionPool', 'HTTPSConnectionPool', 'PoolManager', 'ProxyManager', 'HTTPResponse', 'Retry', 'Timeout', 'add_stderr_logger', 'connection_from_url', 'disable_warnings', 'encode_multipart_formdata', 'get_host', 'make_headers', 'proxy_from_url', ) logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(NullHandler()) def add_stderr_logger(level=logging.DEBUG): """ Helper for quickly adding a StreamHandler to the logger. Useful for debugging. Returns the handler after adding it. """ # This method needs to be in this to get the __name__ correct # even if urllib3 is vendored within another package. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(level) logger.debug('Added a stderr logging handler to logger: %s', __name__) return handler # ... Clean up. del NullHandler # All warning filters *must* be appended unless you're really certain that they # shouldn't be: otherwise, it's very hard for users to use most Python # mechanisms to silence them. # SecurityWarning's always go off by default. warnings.simplefilter('always', exceptions.SecurityWarning, append=True) # SubjectAltNameWarning's should go off once per host warnings.simplefilter('default', exceptions.SubjectAltNameWarning, append=True) # InsecurePlatformWarning's don't vary between requests, so we keep it default. warnings.simplefilter('default', exceptions.InsecurePlatformWarning, append=True) # SNIMissingWarnings should go off only once. warnings.simplefilter('default', exceptions.SNIMissingWarning, append=True) def disable_warnings(category=exceptions.HTTPWarning): """ Helper for quickly disabling all urllib3 warnings. """ warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category) __init__.pyc000064400000006031147205427720007032 0ustar00 abc@@sdZddlmZddlZddlmZmZmZddlm Z ddl m Z ddl m Z mZmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZddlZyddlmZWn*ek rdejfdYZnXdZdZdZ d'Z!ej"e#j$eej%d"Z&[ej'd#e j(d$e)ej'd%e j*d$e)ej'd%e j+d$e)ej'd%e j,d$e)e j-d&Z.dS((s8 urllib3 - Thread-safe connection pooling and re-using. i(tabsolute_importNi(tHTTPConnectionPooltHTTPSConnectionPooltconnection_from_url(t exceptions(tencode_multipart_formdata(t PoolManagert ProxyManagertproxy_from_url(t HTTPResponse(t make_headers(tget_host(tTimeout(tRetry(t NullHandlerRcB@seZdZRS(cC@sdS(N((tselftrecord((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pytemits(t__name__t __module__R(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pyRss(Andrey Petrov ( R R tadd_stderr_loggerRtdisable_warningsRR R RcC@s_tjt}tj}|jtjd|j||j||jdt|S(s Helper for quickly adding a StreamHandler to the logger. Useful for debugging. Returns the handler after adding it. s%%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)ss,Added a stderr logging handler to logger: %s( tloggingt getLoggerRt StreamHandlert setFormattert Formattert addHandlertsetLeveltdebug(tleveltloggerthandler((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pyR9s    talwaystappendtdefaultcC@stjd|dS(s< Helper for quickly disabling all urllib3 warnings. tignoreN(twarningst simplefilter(tcategory((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pyR]s(RRRRR R R RRRRR R R(/t__doc__t __future__RR&tconnectionpoolRRRtRtfilepostRt poolmanagerRRRtresponseR t util.requestR tutil.urlR t util.timeoutR t util.retryR RRt ImportErrortHandlert __author__t __license__t __version__t__all__RRRtDEBUGRR'tSecurityWarningtTruetSubjectAltNameWarningtInsecurePlatformWarningtSNIMissingWarningt HTTPWarningR(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pytsT   __init__.pyo000064400000006031147205427720007046 0ustar00 abc@@sdZddlmZddlZddlmZmZmZddlm Z ddl m Z ddl m Z mZmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZddlZyddlmZWn*ek rdejfdYZnXdZdZdZ d'Z!ej"e#j$eej%d"Z&[ej'd#e j(d$e)ej'd%e j*d$e)ej'd%e j+d$e)ej'd%e j,d$e)e j-d&Z.dS((s8 urllib3 - Thread-safe connection pooling and re-using. i(tabsolute_importNi(tHTTPConnectionPooltHTTPSConnectionPooltconnection_from_url(t exceptions(tencode_multipart_formdata(t PoolManagert ProxyManagertproxy_from_url(t HTTPResponse(t make_headers(tget_host(tTimeout(tRetry(t NullHandlerRcB@seZdZRS(cC@sdS(N((tselftrecord((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pytemits(t__name__t __module__R(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pyRss(Andrey Petrov ( R R tadd_stderr_loggerRtdisable_warningsRR R RcC@s_tjt}tj}|jtjd|j||j||jdt|S(s Helper for quickly adding a StreamHandler to the logger. Useful for debugging. Returns the handler after adding it. s%%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)ss,Added a stderr logging handler to logger: %s( tloggingt getLoggerRt StreamHandlert setFormattert Formattert addHandlertsetLeveltdebug(tleveltloggerthandler((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pyR9s    talwaystappendtdefaultcC@stjd|dS(s< Helper for quickly disabling all urllib3 warnings. tignoreN(twarningst simplefilter(tcategory((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pyR]s(RRRRR R R RRRRR R R(/t__doc__t __future__RR&tconnectionpoolRRRtRtfilepostRt poolmanagerRRRtresponseR t util.requestR tutil.urlR t util.timeoutR t util.retryR RRt ImportErrortHandlert __author__t __license__t __version__t__all__RRRtDEBUGRR'tSecurityWarningtTruetSubjectAltNameWarningtInsecurePlatformWarningtSNIMissingWarningt HTTPWarningR(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.pytsT   _collections.py000064400000023734147205427720007616 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from collections import Mapping, MutableMapping try: from threading import RLock except ImportError: # Platform-specific: No threads available class RLock: def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): pass try: # Python 2.7+ from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: from .packages.ordered_dict import OrderedDict from .packages.six import iterkeys, itervalues, PY3 __all__ = ['RecentlyUsedContainer', 'HTTPHeaderDict'] _Null = object() class RecentlyUsedContainer(MutableMapping): """ Provides a thread-safe dict-like container which maintains up to ``maxsize`` keys while throwing away the least-recently-used keys beyond ``maxsize``. :param maxsize: Maximum number of recent elements to retain. :param dispose_func: Every time an item is evicted from the container, ``dispose_func(value)`` is called. Callback which will get called """ ContainerCls = OrderedDict def __init__(self, maxsize=10, dispose_func=None): self._maxsize = maxsize self.dispose_func = dispose_func self._container = self.ContainerCls() self.lock = RLock() def __getitem__(self, key): # Re-insert the item, moving it to the end of the eviction line. with self.lock: item = self._container.pop(key) self._container[key] = item return item def __setitem__(self, key, value): evicted_value = _Null with self.lock: # Possibly evict the existing value of 'key' evicted_value = self._container.get(key, _Null) self._container[key] = value # If we didn't evict an existing value, we might have to evict the # least recently used item from the beginning of the container. if len(self._container) > self._maxsize: _key, evicted_value = self._container.popitem(last=False) if self.dispose_func and evicted_value is not _Null: self.dispose_func(evicted_value) def __delitem__(self, key): with self.lock: value = self._container.pop(key) if self.dispose_func: self.dispose_func(value) def __len__(self): with self.lock: return len(self._container) def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Iteration over this class is unlikely to be threadsafe.') def clear(self): with self.lock: # Copy pointers to all values, then wipe the mapping values = list(itervalues(self._container)) self._container.clear() if self.dispose_func: for value in values: self.dispose_func(value) def keys(self): with self.lock: return list(iterkeys(self._container)) class HTTPHeaderDict(MutableMapping): """ :param headers: An iterable of field-value pairs. Must not contain multiple field names when compared case-insensitively. :param kwargs: Additional field-value pairs to pass in to ``dict.update``. A ``dict`` like container for storing HTTP Headers. Field names are stored and compared case-insensitively in compliance with RFC 7230. Iteration provides the first case-sensitive key seen for each case-insensitive pair. Using ``__setitem__`` syntax overwrites fields that compare equal case-insensitively in order to maintain ``dict``'s api. For fields that compare equal, instead create a new ``HTTPHeaderDict`` and use ``.add`` in a loop. If multiple fields that are equal case-insensitively are passed to the constructor or ``.update``, the behavior is undefined and some will be lost. >>> headers = HTTPHeaderDict() >>> headers.add('Set-Cookie', 'foo=bar') >>> headers.add('set-cookie', 'baz=quxx') >>> headers['content-length'] = '7' >>> headers['SET-cookie'] 'foo=bar, baz=quxx' >>> headers['Content-Length'] '7' """ def __init__(self, headers=None, **kwargs): super(HTTPHeaderDict, self).__init__() self._container = OrderedDict() if headers is not None: if isinstance(headers, HTTPHeaderDict): self._copy_from(headers) else: self.extend(headers) if kwargs: self.extend(kwargs) def __setitem__(self, key, val): self._container[key.lower()] = [key, val] return self._container[key.lower()] def __getitem__(self, key): val = self._container[key.lower()] return ', '.join(val[1:]) def __delitem__(self, key): del self._container[key.lower()] def __contains__(self, key): return key.lower() in self._container def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Mapping) and not hasattr(other, 'keys'): return False if not isinstance(other, type(self)): other = type(self)(other) return (dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in self.itermerged()) == dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in other.itermerged())) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) if not PY3: # Python 2 iterkeys = MutableMapping.iterkeys itervalues = MutableMapping.itervalues __marker = object() def __len__(self): return len(self._container) def __iter__(self): # Only provide the originally cased names for vals in self._container.values(): yield vals[0] def pop(self, key, default=__marker): '''D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. ''' # Using the MutableMapping function directly fails due to the private marker. # Using ordinary dict.pop would expose the internal structures. # So let's reinvent the wheel. try: value = self[key] except KeyError: if default is self.__marker: raise return default else: del self[key] return value def discard(self, key): try: del self[key] except KeyError: pass def add(self, key, val): """Adds a (name, value) pair, doesn't overwrite the value if it already exists. >>> headers = HTTPHeaderDict(foo='bar') >>> headers.add('Foo', 'baz') >>> headers['foo'] 'bar, baz' """ key_lower = key.lower() new_vals = [key, val] # Keep the common case aka no item present as fast as possible vals = self._container.setdefault(key_lower, new_vals) if new_vals is not vals: vals.append(val) def extend(self, *args, **kwargs): """Generic import function for any type of header-like object. Adapted version of MutableMapping.update in order to insert items with self.add instead of self.__setitem__ """ if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError("extend() takes at most 1 positional " "arguments ({0} given)".format(len(args))) other = args[0] if len(args) >= 1 else () if isinstance(other, HTTPHeaderDict): for key, val in other.iteritems(): self.add(key, val) elif isinstance(other, Mapping): for key in other: self.add(key, other[key]) elif hasattr(other, "keys"): for key in other.keys(): self.add(key, other[key]) else: for key, value in other: self.add(key, value) for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.add(key, value) def getlist(self, key, default=__marker): """Returns a list of all the values for the named field. Returns an empty list if the key doesn't exist.""" try: vals = self._container[key.lower()] except KeyError: if default is self.__marker: return [] return default else: return vals[1:] # Backwards compatibility for httplib getheaders = getlist getallmatchingheaders = getlist iget = getlist # Backwards compatibility for http.cookiejar get_all = getlist def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, dict(self.itermerged())) def _copy_from(self, other): for key in other: val = other.getlist(key) if isinstance(val, list): # Don't need to convert tuples val = list(val) self._container[key.lower()] = [key] + val def copy(self): clone = type(self)() clone._copy_from(self) return clone def iteritems(self): """Iterate over all header lines, including duplicate ones.""" for key in self: vals = self._container[key.lower()] for val in vals[1:]: yield vals[0], val def itermerged(self): """Iterate over all headers, merging duplicate ones together.""" for key in self: val = self._container[key.lower()] yield val[0], ', '.join(val[1:]) def items(self): return list(self.iteritems()) @classmethod def from_httplib(cls, message): # Python 2 """Read headers from a Python 2 httplib message object.""" # python2.7 does not expose a proper API for exporting multiheaders # efficiently. This function re-reads raw lines from the message # object and extracts the multiheaders properly. headers = [] for line in message.headers: if line.startswith((' ', '\t')): key, value = headers[-1] headers[-1] = (key, value + '\r\n' + line.rstrip()) continue key, value = line.split(':', 1) headers.append((key, value.strip())) return cls(headers) _collections.pyc000064400000031613147205427720007754 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZmZyddlmZWn$ek r`dddYZnXyddlmZWn!ek rddl mZnXddl m Z m Z m Z d d gZeZd efd YZd efd YZd S(i(tabsolute_import(tMappingtMutableMapping(tRLockRcB@seZdZdZRS(cC@sdS(N((tself((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt __enter__scC@sdS(N((Rtexc_typet exc_valuet traceback((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__exit__ s(t__name__t __module__RR (((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRs (t OrderedDicti(titerkeyst itervaluestPY3tRecentlyUsedContainertHTTPHeaderDictcB@sbeZdZeZdd dZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ d Z RS( s Provides a thread-safe dict-like container which maintains up to ``maxsize`` keys while throwing away the least-recently-used keys beyond ``maxsize``. :param maxsize: Maximum number of recent elements to retain. :param dispose_func: Every time an item is evicted from the container, ``dispose_func(value)`` is called. Callback which will get called i cC@s1||_||_|j|_t|_dS(N(t_maxsizet dispose_funct ContainerClst _containerRtlock(RtmaxsizeR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__init__+s  cC@s7|j(|jj|}||j|<|SWdQXdS(N(RRtpop(Rtkeytitem((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt __getitem__2s  cC@st}|j]|jj|t}||j|>> headers = HTTPHeaderDict() >>> headers.add('Set-Cookie', 'foo=bar') >>> headers.add('set-cookie', 'baz=quxx') >>> headers['content-length'] = '7' >>> headers['SET-cookie'] 'foo=bar, baz=quxx' >>> headers['Content-Length'] '7' cK@sttt|jt|_|dk rZt|trJ|j|qZ|j|n|rp|j|ndS(N( tsuperRRR RR0t isinstancet _copy_fromtextend(Rtheaderstkwargs((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRs  cC@s*||g|j|j<|j|jS(N(Rtlower(RRtval((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR&scC@s$|j|j}dj|dS(Ns, i(RR7tjoin(RRR8((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRscC@s|j|j=dS(N(RR7(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR'scC@s|j|jkS(N(R7R(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt __contains__scC@st|t r$t|d r$tSt|t|sNt||}ntd|jDtd|jDkS(NR.cs@s'|]\}}|j|fVqdS(N(R7(t.0tktv((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pys scs@s'|]\}}|j|fVqdS(N(R7(R;R<R=((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pys s(R2RthasattrR"ttypetdictt itermerged(Rtother((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__eq__s  cC@s|j| S(N(RC(RRB((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__ne__scC@s t|jS(N(R R(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR(scc@s'x |jjD]}|dVqWdS(Ni(RR-(Rtvals((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR*scC@sGy||}Wn'tk r7||jkr3n|SX||=|SdS(sD.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. N(tKeyErrort_HTTPHeaderDict__marker(RRtdefaultR#((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRs cC@s#y ||=Wntk rnXdS(N(RF(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pytdiscards  cC@sM|j}||g}|jj||}||k rI|j|ndS(sAdds a (name, value) pair, doesn't overwrite the value if it already exists. >>> headers = HTTPHeaderDict(foo='bar') >>> headers.add('Foo', 'baz') >>> headers['foo'] 'bar, baz' N(R7Rt setdefaulttappend(RRR8t key_lowertnew_valsRE((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pytadds   cO@s]t|dkr0tdjt|nt|dkrL|dnd}t|trx|jD]\}}|j||qnWnt|trx|D]}|j|||qWndt|drxR|j D]}|j|||qWn'x$|D]\}}|j||q Wx*|j D]\}}|j||q9WdS(sGeneric import function for any type of header-like object. Adapted version of MutableMapping.update in order to insert items with self.add instead of self.__setitem__ is9extend() takes at most 1 positional arguments ({0} given)iR.N(( R t TypeErrortformatR2Rt iteritemsRNRR>R.titems(RtargsR6RBRR8R#((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR4s" " cC@sKy|j|j}Wn%tk r>||jkr:gS|SX|dSdS(smReturns a list of all the values for the named field. Returns an empty list if the key doesn't exist.iN(RR7RFRG(RRRHRE((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pytgetlists cC@s#dt|jt|jfS(Ns%s(%s)(R?R R@RA(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__repr__scC@s\xU|D]M}|j|}t|tr:t|}n|g||j|js    J_collections.pyo000064400000031613147205427720007770 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlmZmZyddlmZWn$ek r`dddYZnXyddlmZWn!ek rddl mZnXddl m Z m Z m Z d d gZeZd efd YZd efd YZd S(i(tabsolute_import(tMappingtMutableMapping(tRLockRcB@seZdZdZRS(cC@sdS(N((tself((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt __enter__scC@sdS(N((Rtexc_typet exc_valuet traceback((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__exit__ s(t__name__t __module__RR (((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRs (t OrderedDicti(titerkeyst itervaluestPY3tRecentlyUsedContainertHTTPHeaderDictcB@sbeZdZeZdd dZdZdZdZ dZ dZ dZ d Z RS( s Provides a thread-safe dict-like container which maintains up to ``maxsize`` keys while throwing away the least-recently-used keys beyond ``maxsize``. :param maxsize: Maximum number of recent elements to retain. :param dispose_func: Every time an item is evicted from the container, ``dispose_func(value)`` is called. Callback which will get called i cC@s1||_||_|j|_t|_dS(N(t_maxsizet dispose_funct ContainerClst _containerRtlock(RtmaxsizeR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__init__+s  cC@s7|j(|jj|}||j|<|SWdQXdS(N(RRtpop(Rtkeytitem((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt __getitem__2s  cC@st}|j]|jj|t}||j|>> headers = HTTPHeaderDict() >>> headers.add('Set-Cookie', 'foo=bar') >>> headers.add('set-cookie', 'baz=quxx') >>> headers['content-length'] = '7' >>> headers['SET-cookie'] 'foo=bar, baz=quxx' >>> headers['Content-Length'] '7' cK@sttt|jt|_|dk rZt|trJ|j|qZ|j|n|rp|j|ndS(N( tsuperRRR RR0t isinstancet _copy_fromtextend(Rtheaderstkwargs((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRs  cC@s*||g|j|j<|j|jS(N(Rtlower(RRtval((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR&scC@s$|j|j}dj|dS(Ns, i(RR7tjoin(RRR8((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRscC@s|j|j=dS(N(RR7(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR'scC@s|j|jkS(N(R7R(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt __contains__scC@st|t r$t|d r$tSt|t|sNt||}ntd|jDtd|jDkS(NR.cs@s'|]\}}|j|fVqdS(N(R7(t.0tktv((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pys scs@s'|]\}}|j|fVqdS(N(R7(R;R<R=((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pys s(R2RthasattrR"ttypetdictt itermerged(Rtother((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__eq__s  cC@s|j| S(N(RC(RRB((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__ne__scC@s t|jS(N(R R(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR(scc@s'x |jjD]}|dVqWdS(Ni(RR-(Rtvals((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR*scC@sGy||}Wn'tk r7||jkr3n|SX||=|SdS(sD.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. N(tKeyErrort_HTTPHeaderDict__marker(RRtdefaultR#((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyRs cC@s#y ||=Wntk rnXdS(N(RF(RR((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pytdiscards  cC@sM|j}||g}|jj||}||k rI|j|ndS(sAdds a (name, value) pair, doesn't overwrite the value if it already exists. >>> headers = HTTPHeaderDict(foo='bar') >>> headers.add('Foo', 'baz') >>> headers['foo'] 'bar, baz' N(R7Rt setdefaulttappend(RRR8t key_lowertnew_valsRE((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pytadds   cO@s]t|dkr0tdjt|nt|dkrL|dnd}t|trx|jD]\}}|j||qnWnt|trx|D]}|j|||qWndt|drxR|j D]}|j|||qWn'x$|D]\}}|j||q Wx*|j D]\}}|j||q9WdS(sGeneric import function for any type of header-like object. Adapted version of MutableMapping.update in order to insert items with self.add instead of self.__setitem__ is9extend() takes at most 1 positional arguments ({0} given)iR.N(( R t TypeErrortformatR2Rt iteritemsRNRR>R.titems(RtargsR6RBRR8R#((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyR4s" " cC@sKy|j|j}Wn%tk r>||jkr:gS|SX|dSdS(smReturns a list of all the values for the named field. Returns an empty list if the key doesn't exist.iN(RR7RFRG(RRRHRE((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pytgetlists cC@s#dt|jt|jfS(Ns%s(%s)(R?R R@RA(R((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_collections.pyt__repr__scC@s\xU|D]M}|j|}t|tr:t|}n|g||j|js    Jconnection.py000064400000031313147205427720007270 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import datetime import logging import os import sys import socket from socket import error as SocketError, timeout as SocketTimeout import warnings from .packages import six from .packages.six.moves.http_client import HTTPConnection as _HTTPConnection from .packages.six.moves.http_client import HTTPException # noqa: F401 try: # Compiled with SSL? import ssl BaseSSLError = ssl.SSLError except (ImportError, AttributeError): # Platform-specific: No SSL. ssl = None class BaseSSLError(BaseException): pass try: # Python 3: # Not a no-op, we're adding this to the namespace so it can be imported. ConnectionError = ConnectionError except NameError: # Python 2: class ConnectionError(Exception): pass from .exceptions import ( NewConnectionError, ConnectTimeoutError, SubjectAltNameWarning, SystemTimeWarning, ) from .packages.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname, CertificateError from .util.ssl_ import ( resolve_cert_reqs, resolve_ssl_version, assert_fingerprint, create_urllib3_context, ssl_wrap_socket ) from .util import connection from ._collections import HTTPHeaderDict log = logging.getLogger(__name__) port_by_scheme = { 'http': 80, 'https': 443, } # When updating RECENT_DATE, move it to # within two years of the current date, and no # earlier than 6 months ago. RECENT_DATE =, 1, 1) class DummyConnection(object): """Used to detect a failed ConnectionCls import.""" pass class HTTPConnection(_HTTPConnection, object): """ Based on httplib.HTTPConnection but provides an extra constructor backwards-compatibility layer between older and newer Pythons. Additional keyword parameters are used to configure attributes of the connection. Accepted parameters include: - ``strict``: See the documentation on :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` - ``source_address``: Set the source address for the current connection. .. note:: This is ignored for Python 2.6. It is only applied for 2.7 and 3.x - ``socket_options``: Set specific options on the underlying socket. If not specified, then defaults are loaded from ``HTTPConnection.default_socket_options`` which includes disabling Nagle's algorithm (sets TCP_NODELAY to 1) unless the connection is behind a proxy. For example, if you wish to enable TCP Keep Alive in addition to the defaults, you might pass:: HTTPConnection.default_socket_options + [ (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1), ] Or you may want to disable the defaults by passing an empty list (e.g., ``[]``). """ default_port = port_by_scheme['http'] #: Disable Nagle's algorithm by default. #: ``[(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)]`` default_socket_options = [(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)] #: Whether this connection verifies the host's certificate. is_verified = False def __init__(self, *args, **kw): if six.PY3: # Python 3 kw.pop('strict', None) # Pre-set source_address in case we have an older Python like 2.6. self.source_address = kw.get('source_address') if sys.version_info < (2, 7): # Python 2.6 # _HTTPConnection on Python 2.6 will balk at this keyword arg, but # not newer versions. We can still use it when creating a # connection though, so we pop it *after* we have saved it as # self.source_address. kw.pop('source_address', None) #: The socket options provided by the user. If no options are #: provided, we use the default options. self.socket_options = kw.pop('socket_options', self.default_socket_options) # Superclass also sets self.source_address in Python 2.7+. _HTTPConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kw) def _new_conn(self): """ Establish a socket connection and set nodelay settings on it. :return: New socket connection. """ extra_kw = {} if self.source_address: extra_kw['source_address'] = self.source_address if self.socket_options: extra_kw['socket_options'] = self.socket_options try: conn = connection.create_connection( (, self.port), self.timeout, **extra_kw) except SocketTimeout as e: raise ConnectTimeoutError( self, "Connection to %s timed out. (connect timeout=%s)" % (, self.timeout)) except SocketError as e: raise NewConnectionError( self, "Failed to establish a new connection: %s" % e) return conn def _prepare_conn(self, conn): self.sock = conn # the _tunnel_host attribute was added in python 2.6.3 (via # so pythons 2.6(0-2) do # not have them. if getattr(self, '_tunnel_host', None): # TODO: Fix tunnel so it doesn't depend on self.sock state. self._tunnel() # Mark this connection as not reusable self.auto_open = 0 def connect(self): conn = self._new_conn() self._prepare_conn(conn) def request_chunked(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None): """ Alternative to the common request method, which sends the body with chunked encoding and not as one block """ headers = HTTPHeaderDict(headers if headers is not None else {}) skip_accept_encoding = 'accept-encoding' in headers skip_host = 'host' in headers self.putrequest( method, url, skip_accept_encoding=skip_accept_encoding, skip_host=skip_host ) for header, value in headers.items(): self.putheader(header, value) if 'transfer-encoding' not in headers: self.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked') self.endheaders() if body is not None: stringish_types = six.string_types + (six.binary_type,) if isinstance(body, stringish_types): body = (body,) for chunk in body: if not chunk: continue if not isinstance(chunk, six.binary_type): chunk = chunk.encode('utf8') len_str = hex(len(chunk))[2:] self.send(len_str.encode('utf-8')) self.send(b'\r\n') self.send(chunk) self.send(b'\r\n') # After the if clause, to always have a closed body self.send(b'0\r\n\r\n') class HTTPSConnection(HTTPConnection): default_port = port_by_scheme['https'] ssl_version = None def __init__(self, host, port=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None, strict=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ssl_context=None, **kw): HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port, strict=strict, timeout=timeout, **kw) self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.ssl_context = ssl_context # Required property for Google AppEngine 1.9.0 which otherwise causes # HTTPS requests to go out as HTTP. (See Issue #356) self._protocol = 'https' def connect(self): conn = self._new_conn() self._prepare_conn(conn) if self.ssl_context is None: self.ssl_context = create_urllib3_context( ssl_version=resolve_ssl_version(None), cert_reqs=resolve_cert_reqs(None), ) self.sock = ssl_wrap_socket( sock=conn, keyfile=self.key_file, certfile=self.cert_file, ssl_context=self.ssl_context, ) class VerifiedHTTPSConnection(HTTPSConnection): """ Based on httplib.HTTPSConnection but wraps the socket with SSL certification. """ cert_reqs = None ca_certs = None ca_cert_dir = None ssl_version = None assert_fingerprint = None def set_cert(self, key_file=None, cert_file=None, cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None, assert_hostname=None, assert_fingerprint=None, ca_cert_dir=None): """ This method should only be called once, before the connection is used. """ # If cert_reqs is not provided, we can try to guess. If the user gave # us a cert database, we assume they want to use it: otherwise, if # they gave us an SSL Context object we should use whatever is set for # it. if cert_reqs is None: if ca_certs or ca_cert_dir: cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED' elif self.ssl_context is not None: cert_reqs = self.ssl_context.verify_mode self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs self.assert_hostname = assert_hostname self.assert_fingerprint = assert_fingerprint self.ca_certs = ca_certs and os.path.expanduser(ca_certs) self.ca_cert_dir = ca_cert_dir and os.path.expanduser(ca_cert_dir) def connect(self): # Add certificate verification conn = self._new_conn() hostname = if getattr(self, '_tunnel_host', None): # _tunnel_host was added in Python 2.6.3 # (See: self.sock = conn # Calls self._set_hostport(), so is # self._tunnel_host below. self._tunnel() # Mark this connection as not reusable self.auto_open = 0 # Override the host with the one we're requesting data from. hostname = self._tunnel_host is_time_off = < RECENT_DATE if is_time_off: warnings.warn(( 'System time is way off (before {0}). This will probably ' 'lead to SSL verification errors').format(RECENT_DATE), SystemTimeWarning ) # Wrap socket using verification with the root certs in # trusted_root_certs if self.ssl_context is None: self.ssl_context = create_urllib3_context( ssl_version=resolve_ssl_version(self.ssl_version), cert_reqs=resolve_cert_reqs(self.cert_reqs), ) context = self.ssl_context context.verify_mode = resolve_cert_reqs(self.cert_reqs) self.sock = ssl_wrap_socket( sock=conn, keyfile=self.key_file, certfile=self.cert_file, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, ca_cert_dir=self.ca_cert_dir, server_hostname=hostname, ssl_context=context) if self.assert_fingerprint: assert_fingerprint(self.sock.getpeercert(binary_form=True), self.assert_fingerprint) elif context.verify_mode != ssl.CERT_NONE \ and not getattr(context, 'check_hostname', False) \ and self.assert_hostname is not False: # While urllib3 attempts to always turn off hostname matching from # the TLS library, this cannot always be done. So we check whether # the TLS Library still thinks it's matching hostnames. cert = self.sock.getpeercert() if not cert.get('subjectAltName', ()): warnings.warn(( 'Certificate for {0} has no `subjectAltName`, falling back to check for a ' '`commonName` for now. This feature is being removed by major browsers and ' 'deprecated by RFC 2818. (See ' 'for details.)'.format(hostname)), SubjectAltNameWarning ) _match_hostname(cert, self.assert_hostname or hostname) self.is_verified = ( context.verify_mode == ssl.CERT_REQUIRED or self.assert_fingerprint is not None ) def _match_hostname(cert, asserted_hostname): try: match_hostname(cert, asserted_hostname) except CertificateError as e: log.error( 'Certificate did not match expected hostname: %s. ' 'Certificate: %s', asserted_hostname, cert ) # Add cert to exception and reraise so client code can inspect # the cert when catching the exception, if they want to e._peer_cert = cert raise if ssl: # Make a copy for testing. UnverifiedHTTPSConnection = HTTPSConnection HTTPSConnection = VerifiedHTTPSConnection else: HTTPSConnection = DummyConnection connection.pyc000064400000025150147205427720007435 0ustar00 abc@@s\ddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZm Z ddl Z ddl m Z ddlmZddlmZyddlZejZWn3eefk rdZdefd YZnXy eZWn'ek r d efd YZnXdd lmZmZmZm Z dd l!m"Z"m#Z#ddl$m%Z%m&Z&m'Z'm(Z(m)Z)ddl*m+Z+ddl,m-Z-ej.e/Z0idd6dd6Z1ej2dddZ3de4fdYZ5dee4fdYZdefdYZ6de6fdYZ7dZ8erRe6Z9e7Z6ne5Z6dS(i(tabsolute_importN(terrorttimeouti(tsix(tHTTPConnection(t HTTPExceptiont BaseSSLErrorcB@seZRS((t__name__t __module__(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyRstConnectionErrorcB@seZRS((RR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyR s(tNewConnectionErrortConnectTimeoutErrortSubjectAltNameWarningtSystemTimeWarning(tmatch_hostnametCertificateError(tresolve_cert_reqstresolve_ssl_versiontassert_fingerprinttcreate_urllib3_contexttssl_wrap_socket(t connection(tHTTPHeaderDictiPthttpithttpsitDummyConnectioncB@seZdZRS(s-Used to detect a failed ConnectionCls import.(RRt__doc__(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyRAsRcB@sieZdZedZejejdfgZe Z dZ dZ dZ dZdddZRS( s{ Based on httplib.HTTPConnection but provides an extra constructor backwards-compatibility layer between older and newer Pythons. Additional keyword parameters are used to configure attributes of the connection. Accepted parameters include: - ``strict``: See the documentation on :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` - ``source_address``: Set the source address for the current connection. .. note:: This is ignored for Python 2.6. It is only applied for 2.7 and 3.x - ``socket_options``: Set specific options on the underlying socket. If not specified, then defaults are loaded from ``HTTPConnection.default_socket_options`` which includes disabling Nagle's algorithm (sets TCP_NODELAY to 1) unless the connection is behind a proxy. For example, if you wish to enable TCP Keep Alive in addition to the defaults, you might pass:: HTTPConnection.default_socket_options + [ (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1), ] Or you may want to disable the defaults by passing an empty list (e.g., ``[]``). RicO@stjr|jddn|jd|_tjdkrP|jddn|jd|j|_ t j |||dS(Ntstricttsource_addressiitsocket_options(ii( RtPY3tpoptNonetgetRtsyst version_infotdefault_socket_optionsRt_HTTPConnectiont__init__(tselftargstkw((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyR&js cC@si}|jr|j|dsN          "(  &l  connection.pyo000064400000025150147205427720007451 0ustar00 abc@@s\ddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZm Z ddl Z ddl m Z ddlmZddlmZyddlZejZWn3eefk rdZdefd YZnXy eZWn'ek r d efd YZnXdd lmZmZmZm Z dd l!m"Z"m#Z#ddl$m%Z%m&Z&m'Z'm(Z(m)Z)ddl*m+Z+ddl,m-Z-ej.e/Z0idd6dd6Z1ej2dddZ3de4fdYZ5dee4fdYZdefdYZ6de6fdYZ7dZ8erRe6Z9e7Z6ne5Z6dS(i(tabsolute_importN(terrorttimeouti(tsix(tHTTPConnection(t HTTPExceptiont BaseSSLErrorcB@seZRS((t__name__t __module__(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyRstConnectionErrorcB@seZRS((RR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyR s(tNewConnectionErrortConnectTimeoutErrortSubjectAltNameWarningtSystemTimeWarning(tmatch_hostnametCertificateError(tresolve_cert_reqstresolve_ssl_versiontassert_fingerprinttcreate_urllib3_contexttssl_wrap_socket(t connection(tHTTPHeaderDictiPthttpithttpsitDummyConnectioncB@seZdZRS(s-Used to detect a failed ConnectionCls import.(RRt__doc__(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyRAsRcB@sieZdZedZejejdfgZe Z dZ dZ dZ dZdddZRS( s{ Based on httplib.HTTPConnection but provides an extra constructor backwards-compatibility layer between older and newer Pythons. Additional keyword parameters are used to configure attributes of the connection. Accepted parameters include: - ``strict``: See the documentation on :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` - ``source_address``: Set the source address for the current connection. .. note:: This is ignored for Python 2.6. It is only applied for 2.7 and 3.x - ``socket_options``: Set specific options on the underlying socket. If not specified, then defaults are loaded from ``HTTPConnection.default_socket_options`` which includes disabling Nagle's algorithm (sets TCP_NODELAY to 1) unless the connection is behind a proxy. For example, if you wish to enable TCP Keep Alive in addition to the defaults, you might pass:: HTTPConnection.default_socket_options + [ (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1), ] Or you may want to disable the defaults by passing an empty list (e.g., ``[]``). RicO@stjr|jddn|jd|_tjdkrP|jddn|jd|j|_ t j |||dS(Ntstricttsource_addressiitsocket_options(ii( RtPY3tpoptNonetgetRtsyst version_infotdefault_socket_optionsRt_HTTPConnectiont__init__(tselftargstkw((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connection.pyR&js cC@si}|jr|j|dsN          "(  &l  connectionpool.py000064400000105036147205427720010166 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import errno import logging import sys import warnings from socket import error as SocketError, timeout as SocketTimeout import socket from .exceptions import ( ClosedPoolError, ProtocolError, EmptyPoolError, HeaderParsingError, HostChangedError, LocationValueError, MaxRetryError, ProxyError, ReadTimeoutError, SSLError, TimeoutError, InsecureRequestWarning, NewConnectionError, ) from .packages.ssl_match_hostname import CertificateError from .packages import six from .packages.six.moves import queue from .connection import ( port_by_scheme, DummyConnection, HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection, VerifiedHTTPSConnection, HTTPException, BaseSSLError, ) from .request import RequestMethods from .response import HTTPResponse from .util.connection import is_connection_dropped from .util.request import set_file_position from .util.response import assert_header_parsing from .util.retry import Retry from .util.timeout import Timeout from .util.url import get_host, Url if six.PY2: # Queue is imported for side effects on MS Windows import Queue as _unused_module_Queue # noqa: F401 xrange = six.moves.xrange log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _Default = object() # Pool objects class ConnectionPool(object): """ Base class for all connection pools, such as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`.HTTPSConnectionPool`. """ scheme = None QueueCls = queue.LifoQueue def __init__(self, host, port=None): if not host: raise LocationValueError("No host specified.") = _ipv6_host(host).lower() self._proxy_host = host.lower() self.port = port def __str__(self): return '%s(host=%r, port=%r)' % (type(self).__name__,, self.port) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() # Return False to re-raise any potential exceptions return False def close(self): """ Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. """ pass # This is taken from _blocking_errnos = set([errno.EAGAIN, errno.EWOULDBLOCK]) class HTTPConnectionPool(ConnectionPool, RequestMethods): """ Thread-safe connection pool for one host. :param host: Host used for this HTTP Connection (e.g. "localhost"), passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. :param port: Port used for this HTTP Connection (None is equivalent to 80), passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. :param strict: Causes BadStatusLine to be raised if the status line can't be parsed as a valid HTTP/1.0 or 1.1 status line, passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. .. note:: Only works in Python 2. This parameter is ignored in Python 3. :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for each individual connection. This can be a float or integer, which sets the timeout for the HTTP request, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` which gives you more fine-grained control over request timeouts. After the constructor has been parsed, this is always a `urllib3.util.Timeout` object. :param maxsize: Number of connections to save that can be reused. More than 1 is useful in multithreaded situations. If ``block`` is set to False, more connections will be created but they will not be saved once they've been used. :param block: If set to True, no more than ``maxsize`` connections will be used at a time. When no free connections are available, the call will block until a connection has been released. This is a useful side effect for particular multithreaded situations where one does not want to use more than maxsize connections per host to prevent flooding. :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. :param retries: Retry configuration to use by default with requests in this pool. :param _proxy: Parsed proxy URL, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ProxyManager`" :param _proxy_headers: A dictionary with proxy headers, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ProxyManager`" :param \\**conn_kw: Additional parameters are used to create fresh :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection`, :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection` instances. """ scheme = 'http' ConnectionCls = HTTPConnection ResponseCls = HTTPResponse def __init__(self, host, port=None, strict=False, timeout=Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, maxsize=1, block=False, headers=None, retries=None, _proxy=None, _proxy_headers=None, **conn_kw): ConnectionPool.__init__(self, host, port) RequestMethods.__init__(self, headers) self.strict = strict if not isinstance(timeout, Timeout): timeout = Timeout.from_float(timeout) if retries is None: retries = Retry.DEFAULT self.timeout = timeout self.retries = retries self.pool = self.QueueCls(maxsize) self.block = block self.proxy = _proxy self.proxy_headers = _proxy_headers or {} # Fill the queue up so that doing get() on it will block properly for _ in xrange(maxsize): self.pool.put(None) # These are mostly for testing and debugging purposes. self.num_connections = 0 self.num_requests = 0 self.conn_kw = conn_kw if self.proxy: # Enable Nagle's algorithm for proxies, to avoid packet fragmentation. # We cannot know if the user has added default socket options, so we cannot replace the # list. self.conn_kw.setdefault('socket_options', []) def _new_conn(self): """ Return a fresh :class:`HTTPConnection`. """ self.num_connections += 1 log.debug("Starting new HTTP connection (%d): %s", self.num_connections, conn = self.ConnectionCls(, port=self.port, timeout=self.timeout.connect_timeout, strict=self.strict, **self.conn_kw) return conn def _get_conn(self, timeout=None): """ Get a connection. Will return a pooled connection if one is available. If no connections are available and :prop:`.block` is ``False``, then a fresh connection is returned. :param timeout: Seconds to wait before giving up and raising :class:`urllib3.exceptions.EmptyPoolError` if the pool is empty and :prop:`.block` is ``True``. """ conn = None try: conn = self.pool.get(block=self.block, timeout=timeout) except AttributeError: # self.pool is None raise ClosedPoolError(self, "Pool is closed.") except queue.Empty: if self.block: raise EmptyPoolError(self, "Pool reached maximum size and no more " "connections are allowed.") pass # Oh well, we'll create a new connection then # If this is a persistent connection, check if it got disconnected if conn and is_connection_dropped(conn): log.debug("Resetting dropped connection: %s", conn.close() if getattr(conn, 'auto_open', 1) == 0: # This is a proxied connection that has been mutated by # httplib._tunnel() and cannot be reused (since it would # attempt to bypass the proxy) conn = None return conn or self._new_conn() def _put_conn(self, conn): """ Put a connection back into the pool. :param conn: Connection object for the current host and port as returned by :meth:`._new_conn` or :meth:`._get_conn`. If the pool is already full, the connection is closed and discarded because we exceeded maxsize. If connections are discarded frequently, then maxsize should be increased. If the pool is closed, then the connection will be closed and discarded. """ try: self.pool.put(conn, block=False) return # Everything is dandy, done. except AttributeError: # self.pool is None. pass except queue.Full: # This should never happen if self.block == True log.warning( "Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s", # Connection never got put back into the pool, close it. if conn: conn.close() def _validate_conn(self, conn): """ Called right before a request is made, after the socket is created. """ pass def _prepare_proxy(self, conn): # Nothing to do for HTTP connections. pass def _get_timeout(self, timeout): """ Helper that always returns a :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` """ if timeout is _Default: return self.timeout.clone() if isinstance(timeout, Timeout): return timeout.clone() else: # User passed us an int/float. This is for backwards compatibility, # can be removed later return Timeout.from_float(timeout) def _raise_timeout(self, err, url, timeout_value): """Is the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or pass""" if isinstance(err, SocketTimeout): raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value) # See the above comment about EAGAIN in Python 3. In Python 2 we have # to specifically catch it and throw the timeout error if hasattr(err, 'errno') and err.errno in _blocking_errnos: raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value) # Catch possible read timeouts thrown as SSL errors. If not the # case, rethrow the original. We need to do this because of: # if 'timed out' in str(err) or 'did not complete (read)' in str(err): # Python 2.6 raise ReadTimeoutError(self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % timeout_value) def _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout=_Default, chunked=False, **httplib_request_kw): """ Perform a request on a given urllib connection object taken from our pool. :param conn: a connection from one of our connection pools :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for the request. This can be a float or integer, which will set the same timeout value for the socket connect and the socket read, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`, which gives you more fine-grained control over your timeouts. """ self.num_requests += 1 timeout_obj = self._get_timeout(timeout) timeout_obj.start_connect() conn.timeout = timeout_obj.connect_timeout # Trigger any extra validation we need to do. try: self._validate_conn(conn) except (SocketTimeout, BaseSSLError) as e: # Py2 raises this as a BaseSSLError, Py3 raises it as socket timeout. self._raise_timeout(err=e, url=url, timeout_value=conn.timeout) raise # conn.request() calls httplib.*.request, not the method in # urllib3.request. It also calls makefile (recv) on the socket. if chunked: conn.request_chunked(method, url, **httplib_request_kw) else: conn.request(method, url, **httplib_request_kw) # Reset the timeout for the recv() on the socket read_timeout = timeout_obj.read_timeout # App Engine doesn't have a sock attr if getattr(conn, 'sock', None): # In Python 3 will catch EAGAIN and return None when you # try and read into the file pointer created by http.client, which # instead raises a BadStatusLine exception. Instead of catching # the exception and assuming all BadStatusLine exceptions are read # timeouts, check for a zero timeout before making the request. if read_timeout == 0: raise ReadTimeoutError( self, url, "Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)" % read_timeout) if read_timeout is Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: conn.sock.settimeout(socket.getdefaulttimeout()) else: # None or a value conn.sock.settimeout(read_timeout) # Receive the response from the server try: try: # Python 2.7, use buffering of HTTP responses httplib_response = conn.getresponse(buffering=True) except TypeError: # Python 2.6 and older, Python 3 try: httplib_response = conn.getresponse() except Exception as e: # Remove the TypeError from the exception chain in Python 3; # otherwise it looks like a programming error was the cause. six.raise_from(e, None) except (SocketTimeout, BaseSSLError, SocketError) as e: self._raise_timeout(err=e, url=url, timeout_value=read_timeout) raise # AppEngine doesn't have a version attr. http_version = getattr(conn, '_http_vsn_str', 'HTTP/?') log.debug("%s://%s:%s \"%s %s %s\" %s %s", self.scheme,, self.port, method, url, http_version, httplib_response.status, httplib_response.length) try: assert_header_parsing(httplib_response.msg) except (HeaderParsingError, TypeError) as hpe: # Platform-specific: Python 3 log.warning( 'Failed to parse headers (url=%s): %s', self._absolute_url(url), hpe, exc_info=True) return httplib_response def _absolute_url(self, path): return Url(scheme=self.scheme,, port=self.port, path=path).url def close(self): """ Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. """ # Disable access to the pool old_pool, self.pool = self.pool, None try: while True: conn = old_pool.get(block=False) if conn: conn.close() except queue.Empty: pass # Done. def is_same_host(self, url): """ Check if the given ``url`` is a member of the same host as this connection pool. """ if url.startswith('/'): return True # TODO: Add optional support for socket.gethostbyname checking. scheme, host, port = get_host(url) host = _ipv6_host(host).lower() # Use explicit default port for comparison when none is given if self.port and not port: port = port_by_scheme.get(scheme) elif not self.port and port == port_by_scheme.get(scheme): port = None return (scheme, host, port) == (self.scheme,, self.port) def urlopen(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, retries=None, redirect=True, assert_same_host=True, timeout=_Default, pool_timeout=None, release_conn=None, chunked=False, body_pos=None, **response_kw): """ Get a connection from the pool and perform an HTTP request. This is the lowest level call for making a request, so you'll need to specify all the raw details. .. note:: More commonly, it's appropriate to use a convenience method provided by :class:`.RequestMethods`, such as :meth:`request`. .. note:: `release_conn` will only behave as expected if `preload_content=False` because we want to make `preload_content=False` the default behaviour someday soon without breaking backwards compatibility. :param method: HTTP request method (such as GET, POST, PUT, etc.) :param body: Data to send in the request body (useful for creating POST requests, see HTTPConnectionPool.post_url for more convenience). :param headers: Dictionary of custom headers to send, such as User-Agent, If-None-Match, etc. If None, pool headers are used. If provided, these headers completely replace any pool-specific headers. :param retries: Configure the number of retries to allow before raising a :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError` exception. Pass ``None`` to retry until you receive a response. Pass a :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` object for fine-grained control over different types of retries. Pass an integer number to retry connection errors that many times, but no other types of errors. Pass zero to never retry. If ``False``, then retries are disabled and any exception is raised immediately. Also, instead of raising a MaxRetryError on redirects, the redirect response will be returned. :type retries: :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry`, False, or an int. :param redirect: If True, automatically handle redirects (status codes 301, 302, 303, 307, 308). Each redirect counts as a retry. Disabling retries will disable redirect, too. :param assert_same_host: If ``True``, will make sure that the host of the pool requests is consistent else will raise HostChangedError. When False, you can use the pool on an HTTP proxy and request foreign hosts. :param timeout: If specified, overrides the default timeout for this one request. It may be a float (in seconds) or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`. :param pool_timeout: If set and the pool is set to block=True, then this method will block for ``pool_timeout`` seconds and raise EmptyPoolError if no connection is available within the time period. :param release_conn: If False, then the urlopen call will not release the connection back into the pool once a response is received (but will release if you read the entire contents of the response such as when `preload_content=True`). This is useful if you're not preloading the response's content immediately. You will need to call ``r.release_conn()`` on the response ``r`` to return the connection back into the pool. If None, it takes the value of ``response_kw.get('preload_content', True)``. :param chunked: If True, urllib3 will send the body using chunked transfer encoding. Otherwise, urllib3 will send the body using the standard content-length form. Defaults to False. :param int body_pos: Position to seek to in file-like body in the event of a retry or redirect. Typically this won't need to be set because urllib3 will auto-populate the value when needed. :param \\**response_kw: Additional parameters are passed to :meth:`urllib3.response.HTTPResponse.from_httplib` """ if headers is None: headers = self.headers if not isinstance(retries, Retry): retries = Retry.from_int(retries, redirect=redirect, default=self.retries) if release_conn is None: release_conn = response_kw.get('preload_content', True) # Check host if assert_same_host and not self.is_same_host(url): raise HostChangedError(self, url, retries) conn = None # Track whether `conn` needs to be released before # returning/raising/recursing. Update this variable if necessary, and # leave `release_conn` constant throughout the function. That way, if # the function recurses, the original value of `release_conn` will be # passed down into the recursive call, and its value will be respected. # # See issue #651 [1] for details. # # [1] release_this_conn = release_conn # Merge the proxy headers. Only do this in HTTP. We have to copy the # headers dict so we can safely change it without those changes being # reflected in anyone else's copy. if self.scheme == 'http': headers = headers.copy() headers.update(self.proxy_headers) # Must keep the exception bound to a separate variable or else Python 3 # complains about UnboundLocalError. err = None # Keep track of whether we cleanly exited the except block. This # ensures we do proper cleanup in finally. clean_exit = False # Rewind body position, if needed. Record current position # for future rewinds in the event of a redirect/retry. body_pos = set_file_position(body, body_pos) try: # Request a connection from the queue. timeout_obj = self._get_timeout(timeout) conn = self._get_conn(timeout=pool_timeout) conn.timeout = timeout_obj.connect_timeout is_new_proxy_conn = self.proxy is not None and not getattr(conn, 'sock', None) if is_new_proxy_conn: self._prepare_proxy(conn) # Make the request on the httplib connection object. httplib_response = self._make_request(conn, method, url, timeout=timeout_obj, body=body, headers=headers, chunked=chunked) # If we're going to release the connection in ``finally:``, then # the response doesn't need to know about the connection. Otherwise # it will also try to release it and we'll have a double-release # mess. response_conn = conn if not release_conn else None # Pass method to Response for length checking response_kw['request_method'] = method # Import httplib's response into our own wrapper object response = self.ResponseCls.from_httplib(httplib_response, pool=self, connection=response_conn, retries=retries, **response_kw) # Everything went great! clean_exit = True except queue.Empty: # Timed out by queue. raise EmptyPoolError(self, "No pool connections are available.") except (TimeoutError, HTTPException, SocketError, ProtocolError, BaseSSLError, SSLError, CertificateError) as e: # Discard the connection for these exceptions. It will be # replaced during the next _get_conn() call. clean_exit = False if isinstance(e, (BaseSSLError, CertificateError)): e = SSLError(e) elif isinstance(e, (SocketError, NewConnectionError)) and self.proxy: e = ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', e) elif isinstance(e, (SocketError, HTTPException)): e = ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', e) retries = retries.increment(method, url, error=e, _pool=self, _stacktrace=sys.exc_info()[2]) retries.sleep() # Keep track of the error for the retry warning. err = e finally: if not clean_exit: # We hit some kind of exception, handled or otherwise. We need # to throw the connection away unless explicitly told not to. # Close the connection, set the variable to None, and make sure # we put the None back in the pool to avoid leaking it. conn = conn and conn.close() release_this_conn = True if release_this_conn: # Put the connection back to be reused. If the connection is # expired then it will be None, which will get replaced with a # fresh connection during _get_conn. self._put_conn(conn) if not conn: # Try again log.warning("Retrying (%r) after connection " "broken by '%r': %s", retries, err, url) return self.urlopen(method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host, timeout=timeout, pool_timeout=pool_timeout, release_conn=release_conn, body_pos=body_pos, **response_kw) def drain_and_release_conn(response): try: # discard any remaining response body, the connection will be # released back to the pool once the entire response is read except (TimeoutError, HTTPException, SocketError, ProtocolError, BaseSSLError, SSLError) as e: pass # Handle redirect? redirect_location = redirect and response.get_redirect_location() if redirect_location: if response.status == 303: method = 'GET' try: retries = retries.increment(method, url, response=response, _pool=self) except MaxRetryError: if retries.raise_on_redirect: # Drain and release the connection for this response, since # we're not returning it to be released manually. drain_and_release_conn(response) raise return response # drain and return the connection to the pool before recursing drain_and_release_conn(response) retries.sleep_for_retry(response) log.debug("Redirecting %s -> %s", url, redirect_location) return self.urlopen( method, redirect_location, body, headers, retries=retries, redirect=redirect, assert_same_host=assert_same_host, timeout=timeout, pool_timeout=pool_timeout, release_conn=release_conn, body_pos=body_pos, **response_kw) # Check if we should retry the HTTP response. has_retry_after = bool(response.getheader('Retry-After')) if retries.is_retry(method, response.status, has_retry_after): try: retries = retries.increment(method, url, response=response, _pool=self) except MaxRetryError: if retries.raise_on_status: # Drain and release the connection for this response, since # we're not returning it to be released manually. drain_and_release_conn(response) raise return response # drain and return the connection to the pool before recursing drain_and_release_conn(response) retries.sleep(response) log.debug("Retry: %s", url) return self.urlopen( method, url, body, headers, retries=retries, redirect=redirect, assert_same_host=assert_same_host, timeout=timeout, pool_timeout=pool_timeout, release_conn=release_conn, body_pos=body_pos, **response_kw) return response class HTTPSConnectionPool(HTTPConnectionPool): """ Same as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool`, but HTTPS. When Python is compiled with the :mod:`ssl` module, then :class:`.VerifiedHTTPSConnection` is used, which *can* verify certificates, instead of :class:`.HTTPSConnection`. :class:`.VerifiedHTTPSConnection` uses one of ``assert_fingerprint``, ``assert_hostname`` and ``host`` in this order to verify connections. If ``assert_hostname`` is False, no verification is done. The ``key_file``, ``cert_file``, ``cert_reqs``, ``ca_certs``, ``ca_cert_dir``, and ``ssl_version`` are only used if :mod:`ssl` is available and are fed into :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` to upgrade the connection socket into an SSL socket. """ scheme = 'https' ConnectionCls = HTTPSConnection def __init__(self, host, port=None, strict=False, timeout=Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, maxsize=1, block=False, headers=None, retries=None, _proxy=None, _proxy_headers=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None, cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None, ssl_version=None, assert_hostname=None, assert_fingerprint=None, ca_cert_dir=None, **conn_kw): HTTPConnectionPool.__init__(self, host, port, strict, timeout, maxsize, block, headers, retries, _proxy, _proxy_headers, **conn_kw) if ca_certs and cert_reqs is None: cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED' self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.cert_reqs = cert_reqs self.ca_certs = ca_certs self.ca_cert_dir = ca_cert_dir self.ssl_version = ssl_version self.assert_hostname = assert_hostname self.assert_fingerprint = assert_fingerprint def _prepare_conn(self, conn): """ Prepare the ``connection`` for :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` and establish the tunnel if proxy is used. """ if isinstance(conn, VerifiedHTTPSConnection): conn.set_cert(key_file=self.key_file, cert_file=self.cert_file, cert_reqs=self.cert_reqs, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, ca_cert_dir=self.ca_cert_dir, assert_hostname=self.assert_hostname, assert_fingerprint=self.assert_fingerprint) conn.ssl_version = self.ssl_version return conn def _prepare_proxy(self, conn): """ Establish tunnel connection early, because otherwise httplib would improperly set Host: header to proxy's IP:port. """ # Python 2.7+ try: set_tunnel = conn.set_tunnel except AttributeError: # Platform-specific: Python 2.6 set_tunnel = conn._set_tunnel if sys.version_info <= (2, 6, 4) and not self.proxy_headers: # Python 2.6.4 and older set_tunnel(self._proxy_host, self.port) else: set_tunnel(self._proxy_host, self.port, self.proxy_headers) conn.connect() def _new_conn(self): """ Return a fresh :class:`httplib.HTTPSConnection`. """ self.num_connections += 1 log.debug("Starting new HTTPS connection (%d): %s", self.num_connections, if not self.ConnectionCls or self.ConnectionCls is DummyConnection: raise SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL " "module is not available.") actual_host = actual_port = self.port if self.proxy is not None: actual_host = actual_port = self.proxy.port conn = self.ConnectionCls(host=actual_host, port=actual_port, timeout=self.timeout.connect_timeout, strict=self.strict, **self.conn_kw) return self._prepare_conn(conn) def _validate_conn(self, conn): """ Called right before a request is made, after the socket is created. """ super(HTTPSConnectionPool, self)._validate_conn(conn) # Force connect early to allow us to validate the connection. if not getattr(conn, 'sock', None): # AppEngine might not have `.sock` conn.connect() if not conn.is_verified: warnings.warn(( 'Unverified HTTPS request is being made. ' 'Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: ' '' '#ssl-warnings'), InsecureRequestWarning) def connection_from_url(url, **kw): """ Given a url, return an :class:`.ConnectionPool` instance of its host. This is a shortcut for not having to parse out the scheme, host, and port of the url before creating an :class:`.ConnectionPool` instance. :param url: Absolute URL string that must include the scheme. Port is optional. :param \\**kw: Passes additional parameters to the constructor of the appropriate :class:`.ConnectionPool`. Useful for specifying things like timeout, maxsize, headers, etc. Example:: >>> conn = connection_from_url('') >>> r = conn.request('GET', '/') """ scheme, host, port = get_host(url) port = port or port_by_scheme.get(scheme, 80) if scheme == 'https': return HTTPSConnectionPool(host, port=port, **kw) else: return HTTPConnectionPool(host, port=port, **kw) def _ipv6_host(host): """ Process IPv6 address literals """ # httplib doesn't like it when we include brackets in IPv6 addresses # Specifically, if we include brackets but also pass the port then # httplib crazily doubles up the square brackets on the Host header. # Instead, we need to make sure we never pass ``None`` as the port. # However, for backward compatibility reasons we can't actually # *assert* that. See # # Also if an IPv6 address literal has a zone identifier, the # percent sign might be URIencoded, convert it back into ASCII if host.startswith('[') and host.endswith(']'): host = host.replace('%25', '%').strip('[]') return host connectionpool.pyc000064400000065151147205427720010334 0ustar00 abc@@sSddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZm Z ddlZddl m Z m Z mZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZddlmZddlmZddlmZdd lm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#m$Z$m%Z%m&Z&dd l'm(Z(dd l)m*Z*dd l+m,Z,dd l-m.Z.ddl/m0Z0ddl1m2Z2ddl3m4Z4ddl5m6Z6m7Z7ej8rddl9Z:nej;j<Z<ej=e>Z?e@ZAde@fdYZBeCejDejEgZFdeBe(fdYZGdeGfdYZHdZIdZJdS(i(tabsolute_importN(terrorttimeouti( tClosedPoolErrort ProtocolErrortEmptyPoolErrortHeaderParsingErrortHostChangedErrortLocationValueErrort MaxRetryErrort ProxyErrortReadTimeoutErrortSSLErrort TimeoutErrortInsecureRequestWarningtNewConnectionError(tCertificateError(tsix(tqueue(tport_by_schemetDummyConnectiontHTTPConnectiontHTTPSConnectiontVerifiedHTTPSConnectiont HTTPExceptiont BaseSSLError(tRequestMethods(t HTTPResponse(tis_connection_dropped(tset_file_position(tassert_header_parsing(tRetry(tTimeout(tget_hosttUrltConnectionPoolcB@sMeZdZdZejZddZdZ dZ dZ dZ RS(sz Base class for all connection pools, such as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`.HTTPSConnectionPool`. cC@sF|stdnt|j|_|j|_||_dS(NsNo host specified.(Rt _ipv6_hosttlowerthostt _proxy_hosttport(tselfR&R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt__init__Cs cC@s dt|j|j|jfS(Ns%s(host=%r, port=%r)(ttypet__name__R&R((R)((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt__str__KscC@s|S(N((R)((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt __enter__OscC@s|jtS(N(tclosetFalse(R)texc_typetexc_valtexc_tb((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt__exit__Rs cC@sdS(sD Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. N((R)((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR/WsN( R,t __module__t__doc__tNonetschemeRt LifoQueuetQueueClsR*R-R.R4R/(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR#:s     tHTTPConnectionPoolc B@seZdZdZeZeZde e j de ddddd Z dZ ddZdZdZdZd Zd Zee d Zd Zd ZdZdddeeedde dd ZRS(sN Thread-safe connection pool for one host. :param host: Host used for this HTTP Connection (e.g. "localhost"), passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. :param port: Port used for this HTTP Connection (None is equivalent to 80), passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. :param strict: Causes BadStatusLine to be raised if the status line can't be parsed as a valid HTTP/1.0 or 1.1 status line, passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. .. note:: Only works in Python 2. This parameter is ignored in Python 3. :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for each individual connection. This can be a float or integer, which sets the timeout for the HTTP request, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` which gives you more fine-grained control over request timeouts. After the constructor has been parsed, this is always a `urllib3.util.Timeout` object. :param maxsize: Number of connections to save that can be reused. More than 1 is useful in multithreaded situations. If ``block`` is set to False, more connections will be created but they will not be saved once they've been used. :param block: If set to True, no more than ``maxsize`` connections will be used at a time. When no free connections are available, the call will block until a connection has been released. This is a useful side effect for particular multithreaded situations where one does not want to use more than maxsize connections per host to prevent flooding. :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. :param retries: Retry configuration to use by default with requests in this pool. :param _proxy: Parsed proxy URL, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ProxyManager`" :param _proxy_headers: A dictionary with proxy headers, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ProxyManager`" :param \**conn_kw: Additional parameters are used to create fresh :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection`, :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection` instances. thttpic K@stj|||tj||||_t|tsMtj|}n|dkretj }n||_ ||_ |j ||_ ||_| |_| pi|_x$t|D]} |j jdqWd|_d|_| |_|jr |jjdgndS(Nitsocket_options(R#R*Rtstrictt isinstanceR t from_floatR7RtDEFAULTRtretriesR:tpooltblocktproxyt proxy_headerstxrangetputtnum_connectionst num_requeststconn_kwt setdefault( R)R&R(R>RtmaxsizeRDtheadersRBt_proxyt_proxy_headersRKt_((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR*s(           c C@se|jd7_tjd|j|j|jd|jd|jd|jjd|j|j }|S(s9 Return a fresh :class:`HTTPConnection`. is%Starting new HTTP connection (%d): %sR&R(RR>( RItlogtdebugR&t ConnectionClsR(Rtconnect_timeoutR>RK(R)tconn((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _new_conns  cC@sd }y"|jjd|jd|}WnNtk rJt|dn/tjk rx|jryt|dqynX|rt |rt j d|j |j t|dddkrd }qn|p|jS( s Get a connection. Will return a pooled connection if one is available. If no connections are available and :prop:`.block` is ``False``, then a fresh connection is returned. :param timeout: Seconds to wait before giving up and raising :class:`urllib3.exceptions.EmptyPoolError` if the pool is empty and :prop:`.block` is ``True``. RDRsPool is closed.s>Pool reached maximum size and no more connections are allowed.s Resetting dropped connection: %st auto_openiiN(R7RCtgetRDtAttributeErrorRRtEmptyRRRRRSR&R/tgetattrRW(R)RRV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _get_conns "     cC@soy|jj|dtdSWn7tk r1n'tjk rWtjd|jnX|rk|j ndS(s Put a connection back into the pool. :param conn: Connection object for the current host and port as returned by :meth:`._new_conn` or :meth:`._get_conn`. If the pool is already full, the connection is closed and discarded because we exceeded maxsize. If connections are discarded frequently, then maxsize should be increased. If the pool is closed, then the connection will be closed and discarded. RDNs2Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s( RCRHR0RZRtFullRRtwarningR&R/(R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _put_conns cC@sdS(sU Called right before a request is made, after the socket is created. N((R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt_validate_connscC@sdS(N((R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt_prepare_proxy!scC@sC|tkr|jjSt|tr2|jStj|SdS(s< Helper that always returns a :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` N(t_DefaultRtcloneR?R R@(R)R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _get_timeout%s    cC@st|tr(t||d|nt|dr_|jtkr_t||d|ndt|ksdt|krt||d|ndS(sAIs the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or passs!Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)terrnos timed outsdid not complete (read)N(R?t SocketTimeoutR thasattrRft_blocking_errnoststr(R)terrturlt timeout_value((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt_raise_timeout1s $c K@sh|jd7_|j|}|j|j|_y|j|Wn;ttfk r}|jd|d|d|jnX|r|j |||n|j ||||j } t |ddr-| dkrt||d| n| tjkr|jjtjq-|jj| nydy|jdt} WnGtk ry|j} Wqtk r}tj|dqXnXWn;tttfk r}|jd|d|d| nXt |d d } tjd |j|j|j ||| | j!| j" yt#| j$Wn;t%tfk rc} tj&d |j'|| d tnX| S(s Perform a request on a given urllib connection object taken from our pool. :param conn: a connection from one of our connection pools :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for the request. This can be a float or integer, which will set the same timeout value for the socket connect and the socket read, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`, which gives you more fine-grained control over your timeouts. iRkRlRmtsockis!Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)t bufferingt _http_vsn_strsHTTP/?s%s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %ss$Failed to parse headers (url=%s): %stexc_infoN((RJRet start_connectRURRaRgRRntrequest_chunkedtrequestt read_timeoutR\R7R R tDEFAULT_TIMEOUTRot settimeouttsockettgetdefaulttimeoutt getresponsetTruet TypeErrort ExceptionRt raise_fromt SocketErrorRRRSR8R&R(tstatustlengthRtmsgRR_t _absolute_url( R)RVtmethodRlRtchunkedthttplib_request_kwt timeout_objteRvthttplib_responset http_versionthpe((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _make_requestBsT      c C@s+td|jd|jd|jd|jS(NR8R&R(tpath(R"R8R&R(Rl(R)R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRscC@sd|jd}|_y6x/trG|jdt}|r|jqqWWntjk r_nXdS(sD Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. RDN(RCR7R|RYR0R/RR[(R)told_poolRV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR/s cC@s|jdrtSt|\}}}t|j}|jr\| r\tj|}n(|j r|tj|krd}n|||f|j |j |jfkS(sj Check if the given ``url`` is a member of the same host as this connection pool. t/N( t startswithR|R!R$R%R(RRYR7R8R&(R)RlR8R&R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt is_same_hosts c K@sJ|dkr|j}nt|tsHtj|d|d|j}n| dkri| jdt} n|r|j| rt |||nd}| }|j dkr|j }|j |j nd}t}t|| } zy|j|}|jd| }|j|_|jdk o;t|dd }|rT|j|n|j|||d|d|d|d | }| s|nd}|| d <|jj|d |d |d || }t}Wn tjk rt|dntttt t!t"t#fk r}t}t|t!t#fr>t"|}nWt|tt$frn|jrnt%d|}n't|ttfrt d|}n|j&||d|d|dt'j(d}|j)|}nXWd|s|o|j*}t}n|r|j+|nX|sit,j-d||||j.|||||||d|d| d| d| | Sd}|o|j/}|r_|j0dkrd}ny"|j&||d|d|}Wn+t1k r|j2r||n|SX|||j3|t,j4d|||j.||||d |d|d|d|d| d| d| | St5|j6d }|j7||j0|rFy"|j&||d|d|}Wn+t1k r|j8r||n|SX|||j)|t,j4d!||j.||||d |d|d|d|d| d| d| | S|S("s Get a connection from the pool and perform an HTTP request. This is the lowest level call for making a request, so you'll need to specify all the raw details. .. note:: More commonly, it's appropriate to use a convenience method provided by :class:`.RequestMethods`, such as :meth:`request`. .. note:: `release_conn` will only behave as expected if `preload_content=False` because we want to make `preload_content=False` the default behaviour someday soon without breaking backwards compatibility. :param method: HTTP request method (such as GET, POST, PUT, etc.) :param body: Data to send in the request body (useful for creating POST requests, see HTTPConnectionPool.post_url for more convenience). :param headers: Dictionary of custom headers to send, such as User-Agent, If-None-Match, etc. If None, pool headers are used. If provided, these headers completely replace any pool-specific headers. :param retries: Configure the number of retries to allow before raising a :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError` exception. Pass ``None`` to retry until you receive a response. Pass a :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` object for fine-grained control over different types of retries. Pass an integer number to retry connection errors that many times, but no other types of errors. Pass zero to never retry. If ``False``, then retries are disabled and any exception is raised immediately. Also, instead of raising a MaxRetryError on redirects, the redirect response will be returned. :type retries: :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry`, False, or an int. :param redirect: If True, automatically handle redirects (status codes 301, 302, 303, 307, 308). Each redirect counts as a retry. Disabling retries will disable redirect, too. :param assert_same_host: If ``True``, will make sure that the host of the pool requests is consistent else will raise HostChangedError. When False, you can use the pool on an HTTP proxy and request foreign hosts. :param timeout: If specified, overrides the default timeout for this one request. It may be a float (in seconds) or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`. :param pool_timeout: If set and the pool is set to block=True, then this method will block for ``pool_timeout`` seconds and raise EmptyPoolError if no connection is available within the time period. :param release_conn: If False, then the urlopen call will not release the connection back into the pool once a response is received (but will release if you read the entire contents of the response such as when `preload_content=True`). This is useful if you're not preloading the response's content immediately. You will need to call ``r.release_conn()`` on the response ``r`` to return the connection back into the pool. If None, it takes the value of ``response_kw.get('preload_content', True)``. :param chunked: If True, urllib3 will send the body using chunked transfer encoding. Otherwise, urllib3 will send the body using the standard content-length form. Defaults to False. :param int body_pos: Position to seek to in file-like body in the event of a retry or redirect. Typically this won't need to be set because urllib3 will auto-populate the value when needed. :param \**response_kw: Additional parameters are passed to :meth:`urllib3.response.HTTPResponse.from_httplib` tredirecttdefaulttpreload_contentR<RRotbodyRNRtrequest_methodRCt connectionRBs"No pool connections are available.sCannot connect to proxy.sConnection aborted.Rt_poolt _stacktraceiNs1Retrying (%r) after connection broken by '%r': %st pool_timeoutt release_conntbody_posc S@s:y|jWn%ttttttfk r5}nXdS(N(treadR RRRRR (tresponseR((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pytdrain_and_release_conns  i/tGETRsRedirecting %s -> %stassert_same_hosts Retry-Afters Retry: %s(9R7RNR?Rtfrom_intRBRYR|RRR8tcopytupdateRFR0RReR]RURRER\RbRt ResponseClst from_httplibRR[RR RRRRR RRR t incrementtsysRrtsleepR/R`RRR_turlopentget_redirect_locationRR traise_on_redirecttsleep_for_retryRStboolt getheadertis_retrytraise_on_status(R)RRlRRNRBRRRRRRRt response_kwRVtrelease_this_connRkt clean_exitRtis_new_proxy_connRt response_connRRRtredirect_locationthas_retry_after((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRs^  !    "               "        "        N(R,R5R6R8RRTRRR7R0R RwR*RWR]R`RaRbReRnRcRRR/RR|R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR;bs.: % &    U      tHTTPSConnectionPoolcB@s}eZdZdZeZdeej dedddddddddddddZ dZ dZ dZ dZRS( s Same as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool`, but HTTPS. When Python is compiled with the :mod:`ssl` module, then :class:`.VerifiedHTTPSConnection` is used, which *can* verify certificates, instead of :class:`.HTTPSConnection`. :class:`.VerifiedHTTPSConnection` uses one of ``assert_fingerprint``, ``assert_hostname`` and ``host`` in this order to verify connections. If ``assert_hostname`` is False, no verification is done. The ``key_file``, ``cert_file``, ``cert_reqs``, ``ca_certs``, ``ca_cert_dir``, and ``ssl_version`` are only used if :mod:`ssl` is available and are fed into :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` to upgrade the connection socket into an SSL socket. thttpsic K@stj|||||||||| | | |rI| dkrId} n| |_| |_| |_||_||_||_||_ ||_ dS(Nt CERT_REQUIRED( R;R*R7tkey_filet cert_filet cert_reqstca_certst ca_cert_dirt ssl_versiontassert_hostnametassert_fingerprint(R)R&R(R>RRMRDRNRBRORPRRRRRRRRRK((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR*s         cC@skt|trg|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|j |j |_ n|S(s Prepare the ``connection`` for :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` and establish the tunnel if proxy is used. RRRRRRR( R?Rtset_certRRRRRRRR(R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _prepare_conns      cC@sy |j}Wntk r)|j}nXtjdkrY|j rY||j|jn||j|j|j|jdS(s Establish tunnel connection early, because otherwise httplib would improperly set Host: header to proxy's IP:port. iiiN(iii( t set_tunnelRZt _set_tunnelRt version_infoRFR'R(tconnect(R)RVR((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRb s   c C@s|jd7_tjd|j|j|j sA|jtkrPtdn|j}|j}|jdk r|jj}|jj}n|jd|d|d|j j d|j |j }|j|S( sB Return a fresh :class:`httplib.HTTPSConnection`. is&Starting new HTTPS connection (%d): %ssCCan't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.R&R(RR>N(RIRRRSR&RTRR R(RER7RRUR>RKR(R)t actual_hostt actual_portRV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRW2s     cC@sUtt|j|t|dds5|jn|jsQtjdt ndS(sU Called right before a request is made, after the socket is created. RosUnverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: tsuperRRaR\R7Rt is_verifiedtwarningstwarnR(R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRaJs  N(R,R5R6R8RRTR7R0R RwR*RRbRWRa(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRs       cK@sct|\}}}|p*tj|d}|dkrLt|d||St|d||SdS(s Given a url, return an :class:`.ConnectionPool` instance of its host. This is a shortcut for not having to parse out the scheme, host, and port of the url before creating an :class:`.ConnectionPool` instance. :param url: Absolute URL string that must include the scheme. Port is optional. :param \**kw: Passes additional parameters to the constructor of the appropriate :class:`.ConnectionPool`. Useful for specifying things like timeout, maxsize, headers, etc. Example:: >>> conn = connection_from_url('') >>> r = conn.request('GET', '/') iPRR(N(R!RRYRR;(RltkwR8R&R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pytconnection_from_url]s  cC@s@|jdr<|jdr<|jddjd}n|S(s' Process IPv6 address literals t[t]s%25t%s[](Rtendswithtreplacetstrip(R&((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR$ys(Kt __future__RRftloggingRRRyRRRRgt exceptionsRRRRRRR R R R R RRtpackages.ssl_match_hostnameRtpackagesRtpackages.six.movesRRRRRRRRRRuRRRtutil.connectionRt util.requestRt util.responseRt util.retryRt util.timeoutR tutil.urlR!R"tPY2tQueuet_unused_module_QueuetmovesRGt getLoggerR,RRtobjectRcR#tsettEAGAINt EWOULDBLOCKRiR;RRR$(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyts@     X4   %| connectionpool.pyo000064400000065151147205427720010350 0ustar00 abc@@sSddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZm Z ddlZddl m Z m Z mZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZddlmZddlmZddlmZdd lm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#m$Z$m%Z%m&Z&dd l'm(Z(dd l)m*Z*dd l+m,Z,dd l-m.Z.ddl/m0Z0ddl1m2Z2ddl3m4Z4ddl5m6Z6m7Z7ej8rddl9Z:nej;j<Z<ej=e>Z?e@ZAde@fdYZBeCejDejEgZFdeBe(fdYZGdeGfdYZHdZIdZJdS(i(tabsolute_importN(terrorttimeouti( tClosedPoolErrort ProtocolErrortEmptyPoolErrortHeaderParsingErrortHostChangedErrortLocationValueErrort MaxRetryErrort ProxyErrortReadTimeoutErrortSSLErrort TimeoutErrortInsecureRequestWarningtNewConnectionError(tCertificateError(tsix(tqueue(tport_by_schemetDummyConnectiontHTTPConnectiontHTTPSConnectiontVerifiedHTTPSConnectiont HTTPExceptiont BaseSSLError(tRequestMethods(t HTTPResponse(tis_connection_dropped(tset_file_position(tassert_header_parsing(tRetry(tTimeout(tget_hosttUrltConnectionPoolcB@sMeZdZdZejZddZdZ dZ dZ dZ RS(sz Base class for all connection pools, such as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`.HTTPSConnectionPool`. cC@sF|stdnt|j|_|j|_||_dS(NsNo host specified.(Rt _ipv6_hosttlowerthostt _proxy_hosttport(tselfR&R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt__init__Cs cC@s dt|j|j|jfS(Ns%s(host=%r, port=%r)(ttypet__name__R&R((R)((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt__str__KscC@s|S(N((R)((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt __enter__OscC@s|jtS(N(tclosetFalse(R)texc_typetexc_valtexc_tb((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt__exit__Rs cC@sdS(sD Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. N((R)((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR/WsN( R,t __module__t__doc__tNonetschemeRt LifoQueuetQueueClsR*R-R.R4R/(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR#:s     tHTTPConnectionPoolc B@seZdZdZeZeZde e j de ddddd Z dZ ddZdZdZdZd Zd Zee d Zd Zd ZdZdddeeedde dd ZRS(sN Thread-safe connection pool for one host. :param host: Host used for this HTTP Connection (e.g. "localhost"), passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. :param port: Port used for this HTTP Connection (None is equivalent to 80), passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. :param strict: Causes BadStatusLine to be raised if the status line can't be parsed as a valid HTTP/1.0 or 1.1 status line, passed into :class:`httplib.HTTPConnection`. .. note:: Only works in Python 2. This parameter is ignored in Python 3. :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for each individual connection. This can be a float or integer, which sets the timeout for the HTTP request, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` which gives you more fine-grained control over request timeouts. After the constructor has been parsed, this is always a `urllib3.util.Timeout` object. :param maxsize: Number of connections to save that can be reused. More than 1 is useful in multithreaded situations. If ``block`` is set to False, more connections will be created but they will not be saved once they've been used. :param block: If set to True, no more than ``maxsize`` connections will be used at a time. When no free connections are available, the call will block until a connection has been released. This is a useful side effect for particular multithreaded situations where one does not want to use more than maxsize connections per host to prevent flooding. :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. :param retries: Retry configuration to use by default with requests in this pool. :param _proxy: Parsed proxy URL, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ProxyManager`" :param _proxy_headers: A dictionary with proxy headers, should not be used directly, instead, see :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ProxyManager`" :param \**conn_kw: Additional parameters are used to create fresh :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection`, :class:`urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection` instances. thttpic K@stj|||tj||||_t|tsMtj|}n|dkretj }n||_ ||_ |j ||_ ||_| |_| pi|_x$t|D]} |j jdqWd|_d|_| |_|jr |jjdgndS(Nitsocket_options(R#R*Rtstrictt isinstanceR t from_floatR7RtDEFAULTRtretriesR:tpooltblocktproxyt proxy_headerstxrangetputtnum_connectionst num_requeststconn_kwt setdefault( R)R&R(R>RtmaxsizeRDtheadersRBt_proxyt_proxy_headersRKt_((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR*s(           c C@se|jd7_tjd|j|j|jd|jd|jd|jjd|j|j }|S(s9 Return a fresh :class:`HTTPConnection`. is%Starting new HTTP connection (%d): %sR&R(RR>( RItlogtdebugR&t ConnectionClsR(Rtconnect_timeoutR>RK(R)tconn((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _new_conns  cC@sd }y"|jjd|jd|}WnNtk rJt|dn/tjk rx|jryt|dqynX|rt |rt j d|j |j t|dddkrd }qn|p|jS( s Get a connection. Will return a pooled connection if one is available. If no connections are available and :prop:`.block` is ``False``, then a fresh connection is returned. :param timeout: Seconds to wait before giving up and raising :class:`urllib3.exceptions.EmptyPoolError` if the pool is empty and :prop:`.block` is ``True``. RDRsPool is closed.s>Pool reached maximum size and no more connections are allowed.s Resetting dropped connection: %st auto_openiiN(R7RCtgetRDtAttributeErrorRRtEmptyRRRRRSR&R/tgetattrRW(R)RRV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _get_conns "     cC@soy|jj|dtdSWn7tk r1n'tjk rWtjd|jnX|rk|j ndS(s Put a connection back into the pool. :param conn: Connection object for the current host and port as returned by :meth:`._new_conn` or :meth:`._get_conn`. If the pool is already full, the connection is closed and discarded because we exceeded maxsize. If connections are discarded frequently, then maxsize should be increased. If the pool is closed, then the connection will be closed and discarded. RDNs2Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s( RCRHR0RZRtFullRRtwarningR&R/(R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _put_conns cC@sdS(sU Called right before a request is made, after the socket is created. N((R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt_validate_connscC@sdS(N((R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt_prepare_proxy!scC@sC|tkr|jjSt|tr2|jStj|SdS(s< Helper that always returns a :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout` N(t_DefaultRtcloneR?R R@(R)R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _get_timeout%s    cC@st|tr(t||d|nt|dr_|jtkr_t||d|ndt|ksdt|krt||d|ndS(sAIs the error actually a timeout? Will raise a ReadTimeout or passs!Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)terrnos timed outsdid not complete (read)N(R?t SocketTimeoutR thasattrRft_blocking_errnoststr(R)terrturlt timeout_value((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt_raise_timeout1s $c K@sh|jd7_|j|}|j|j|_y|j|Wn;ttfk r}|jd|d|d|jnX|r|j |||n|j ||||j } t |ddr-| dkrt||d| n| tjkr|jjtjq-|jj| nydy|jdt} WnGtk ry|j} Wqtk r}tj|dqXnXWn;tttfk r}|jd|d|d| nXt |d d } tjd |j|j|j ||| | j!| j" yt#| j$Wn;t%tfk rc} tj&d |j'|| d tnX| S(s Perform a request on a given urllib connection object taken from our pool. :param conn: a connection from one of our connection pools :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds for the request. This can be a float or integer, which will set the same timeout value for the socket connect and the socket read, or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`, which gives you more fine-grained control over your timeouts. iRkRlRmtsockis!Read timed out. (read timeout=%s)t bufferingt _http_vsn_strsHTTP/?s%s://%s:%s "%s %s %s" %s %ss$Failed to parse headers (url=%s): %stexc_infoN((RJRet start_connectRURRaRgRRntrequest_chunkedtrequestt read_timeoutR\R7R R tDEFAULT_TIMEOUTRot settimeouttsockettgetdefaulttimeoutt getresponsetTruet TypeErrort ExceptionRt raise_fromt SocketErrorRRRSR8R&R(tstatustlengthRtmsgRR_t _absolute_url( R)RVtmethodRlRtchunkedthttplib_request_kwt timeout_objteRvthttplib_responset http_versionthpe((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _make_requestBsT      c C@s+td|jd|jd|jd|jS(NR8R&R(tpath(R"R8R&R(Rl(R)R((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRscC@sd|jd}|_y6x/trG|jdt}|r|jqqWWntjk r_nXdS(sD Close all pooled connections and disable the pool. RDN(RCR7R|RYR0R/RR[(R)told_poolRV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR/s cC@s|jdrtSt|\}}}t|j}|jr\| r\tj|}n(|j r|tj|krd}n|||f|j |j |jfkS(sj Check if the given ``url`` is a member of the same host as this connection pool. t/N( t startswithR|R!R$R%R(RRYR7R8R&(R)RlR8R&R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt is_same_hosts c K@sJ|dkr|j}nt|tsHtj|d|d|j}n| dkri| jdt} n|r|j| rt |||nd}| }|j dkr|j }|j |j nd}t}t|| } zy|j|}|jd| }|j|_|jdk o;t|dd }|rT|j|n|j|||d|d|d|d | }| s|nd}|| d <|jj|d |d |d || }t}Wn tjk rt|dntttt t!t"t#fk r}t}t|t!t#fr>t"|}nWt|tt$frn|jrnt%d|}n't|ttfrt d|}n|j&||d|d|dt'j(d}|j)|}nXWd|s|o|j*}t}n|r|j+|nX|sit,j-d||||j.|||||||d|d| d| d| | Sd}|o|j/}|r_|j0dkrd}ny"|j&||d|d|}Wn+t1k r|j2r||n|SX|||j3|t,j4d|||j.||||d |d|d|d|d| d| d| | St5|j6d }|j7||j0|rFy"|j&||d|d|}Wn+t1k r|j8r||n|SX|||j)|t,j4d!||j.||||d |d|d|d|d| d| d| | S|S("s Get a connection from the pool and perform an HTTP request. This is the lowest level call for making a request, so you'll need to specify all the raw details. .. note:: More commonly, it's appropriate to use a convenience method provided by :class:`.RequestMethods`, such as :meth:`request`. .. note:: `release_conn` will only behave as expected if `preload_content=False` because we want to make `preload_content=False` the default behaviour someday soon without breaking backwards compatibility. :param method: HTTP request method (such as GET, POST, PUT, etc.) :param body: Data to send in the request body (useful for creating POST requests, see HTTPConnectionPool.post_url for more convenience). :param headers: Dictionary of custom headers to send, such as User-Agent, If-None-Match, etc. If None, pool headers are used. If provided, these headers completely replace any pool-specific headers. :param retries: Configure the number of retries to allow before raising a :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError` exception. Pass ``None`` to retry until you receive a response. Pass a :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` object for fine-grained control over different types of retries. Pass an integer number to retry connection errors that many times, but no other types of errors. Pass zero to never retry. If ``False``, then retries are disabled and any exception is raised immediately. Also, instead of raising a MaxRetryError on redirects, the redirect response will be returned. :type retries: :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry`, False, or an int. :param redirect: If True, automatically handle redirects (status codes 301, 302, 303, 307, 308). Each redirect counts as a retry. Disabling retries will disable redirect, too. :param assert_same_host: If ``True``, will make sure that the host of the pool requests is consistent else will raise HostChangedError. When False, you can use the pool on an HTTP proxy and request foreign hosts. :param timeout: If specified, overrides the default timeout for this one request. It may be a float (in seconds) or an instance of :class:`urllib3.util.Timeout`. :param pool_timeout: If set and the pool is set to block=True, then this method will block for ``pool_timeout`` seconds and raise EmptyPoolError if no connection is available within the time period. :param release_conn: If False, then the urlopen call will not release the connection back into the pool once a response is received (but will release if you read the entire contents of the response such as when `preload_content=True`). This is useful if you're not preloading the response's content immediately. You will need to call ``r.release_conn()`` on the response ``r`` to return the connection back into the pool. If None, it takes the value of ``response_kw.get('preload_content', True)``. :param chunked: If True, urllib3 will send the body using chunked transfer encoding. Otherwise, urllib3 will send the body using the standard content-length form. Defaults to False. :param int body_pos: Position to seek to in file-like body in the event of a retry or redirect. Typically this won't need to be set because urllib3 will auto-populate the value when needed. :param \**response_kw: Additional parameters are passed to :meth:`urllib3.response.HTTPResponse.from_httplib` tredirecttdefaulttpreload_contentR<RRotbodyRNRtrequest_methodRCt connectionRBs"No pool connections are available.sCannot connect to proxy.sConnection aborted.Rt_poolt _stacktraceiNs1Retrying (%r) after connection broken by '%r': %st pool_timeoutt release_conntbody_posc S@s:y|jWn%ttttttfk r5}nXdS(N(treadR RRRRR (tresponseR((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pytdrain_and_release_conns  i/tGETRsRedirecting %s -> %stassert_same_hosts Retry-Afters Retry: %s(9R7RNR?Rtfrom_intRBRYR|RRR8tcopytupdateRFR0RReR]RURRER\RbRt ResponseClst from_httplibRR[RR RRRRR RRR t incrementtsysRrtsleepR/R`RRR_turlopentget_redirect_locationRR traise_on_redirecttsleep_for_retryRStboolt getheadertis_retrytraise_on_status(R)RRlRRNRBRRRRRRRt response_kwRVtrelease_this_connRkt clean_exitRtis_new_proxy_connRt response_connRRRtredirect_locationthas_retry_after((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRs^  !    "               "        "        N(R,R5R6R8RRTRRR7R0R RwR*RWR]R`RaRbReRnRcRRR/RR|R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR;bs.: % &    U      tHTTPSConnectionPoolcB@s}eZdZdZeZdeej dedddddddddddddZ dZ dZ dZ dZRS( s Same as :class:`.HTTPConnectionPool`, but HTTPS. When Python is compiled with the :mod:`ssl` module, then :class:`.VerifiedHTTPSConnection` is used, which *can* verify certificates, instead of :class:`.HTTPSConnection`. :class:`.VerifiedHTTPSConnection` uses one of ``assert_fingerprint``, ``assert_hostname`` and ``host`` in this order to verify connections. If ``assert_hostname`` is False, no verification is done. The ``key_file``, ``cert_file``, ``cert_reqs``, ``ca_certs``, ``ca_cert_dir``, and ``ssl_version`` are only used if :mod:`ssl` is available and are fed into :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` to upgrade the connection socket into an SSL socket. thttpsic K@stj|||||||||| | | |rI| dkrId} n| |_| |_| |_||_||_||_||_ ||_ dS(Nt CERT_REQUIRED( R;R*R7tkey_filet cert_filet cert_reqstca_certst ca_cert_dirt ssl_versiontassert_hostnametassert_fingerprint(R)R&R(R>RRMRDRNRBRORPRRRRRRRRRK((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR*s         cC@skt|trg|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|jd|j |j |_ n|S(s Prepare the ``connection`` for :meth:`urllib3.util.ssl_wrap_socket` and establish the tunnel if proxy is used. RRRRRRR( R?Rtset_certRRRRRRRR(R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyt _prepare_conns      cC@sy |j}Wntk r)|j}nXtjdkrY|j rY||j|jn||j|j|j|jdS(s Establish tunnel connection early, because otherwise httplib would improperly set Host: header to proxy's IP:port. iiiN(iii( t set_tunnelRZt _set_tunnelRt version_infoRFR'R(tconnect(R)RVR((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRb s   c C@s|jd7_tjd|j|j|j sA|jtkrPtdn|j}|j}|jdk r|jj}|jj}n|jd|d|d|j j d|j |j }|j|S( sB Return a fresh :class:`httplib.HTTPSConnection`. is&Starting new HTTPS connection (%d): %ssCCan't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.R&R(RR>N(RIRRRSR&RTRR R(RER7RRUR>RKR(R)t actual_hostt actual_portRV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRW2s     cC@sUtt|j|t|dds5|jn|jsQtjdt ndS(sU Called right before a request is made, after the socket is created. RosUnverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: tsuperRRaR\R7Rt is_verifiedtwarningstwarnR(R)RV((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRaJs  N(R,R5R6R8RRTR7R0R RwR*RRbRWRa(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyRs       cK@sct|\}}}|p*tj|d}|dkrLt|d||St|d||SdS(s Given a url, return an :class:`.ConnectionPool` instance of its host. This is a shortcut for not having to parse out the scheme, host, and port of the url before creating an :class:`.ConnectionPool` instance. :param url: Absolute URL string that must include the scheme. Port is optional. :param \**kw: Passes additional parameters to the constructor of the appropriate :class:`.ConnectionPool`. Useful for specifying things like timeout, maxsize, headers, etc. Example:: >>> conn = connection_from_url('') >>> r = conn.request('GET', '/') iPRR(N(R!RRYRR;(RltkwR8R&R(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pytconnection_from_url]s  cC@s@|jdr<|jdr<|jddjd}n|S(s' Process IPv6 address literals t[t]s%25t%s[](Rtendswithtreplacetstrip(R&((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyR$ys(Kt __future__RRftloggingRRRyRRRRgt exceptionsRRRRRRR R R R R RRtpackages.ssl_match_hostnameRtpackagesRtpackages.six.movesRRRRRRRRRRuRRRtutil.connectionRt util.requestRt util.responseRt util.retryRt util.timeoutR tutil.urlR!R"tPY2tQueuet_unused_module_QueuetmovesRGt getLoggerR,RRtobjectRcR#tsettEAGAINt EWOULDBLOCKRiR;RRR$(((sF/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/connectionpool.pyts@     X4   %| exceptions.py000064400000014713147205427720007317 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from .packages.six.moves.http_client import ( IncompleteRead as httplib_IncompleteRead ) # Base Exceptions class HTTPError(Exception): "Base exception used by this module." pass class HTTPWarning(Warning): "Base warning used by this module." pass class PoolError(HTTPError): "Base exception for errors caused within a pool." def __init__(self, pool, message): self.pool = pool HTTPError.__init__(self, "%s: %s" % (pool, message)) def __reduce__(self): # For pickling purposes. return self.__class__, (None, None) class RequestError(PoolError): "Base exception for PoolErrors that have associated URLs." def __init__(self, pool, url, message): self.url = url PoolError.__init__(self, pool, message) def __reduce__(self): # For pickling purposes. return self.__class__, (None, self.url, None) class SSLError(HTTPError): "Raised when SSL certificate fails in an HTTPS connection." pass class ProxyError(HTTPError): "Raised when the connection to a proxy fails." pass class DecodeError(HTTPError): "Raised when automatic decoding based on Content-Type fails." pass class ProtocolError(HTTPError): "Raised when something unexpected happens mid-request/response." pass #: Renamed to ProtocolError but aliased for backwards compatibility. ConnectionError = ProtocolError # Leaf Exceptions class MaxRetryError(RequestError): """Raised when the maximum number of retries is exceeded. :param pool: The connection pool :type pool: :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` :param string url: The requested Url :param exceptions.Exception reason: The underlying error """ def __init__(self, pool, url, reason=None): self.reason = reason message = "Max retries exceeded with url: %s (Caused by %r)" % ( url, reason) RequestError.__init__(self, pool, url, message) class HostChangedError(RequestError): "Raised when an existing pool gets a request for a foreign host." def __init__(self, pool, url, retries=3): message = "Tried to open a foreign host with url: %s" % url RequestError.__init__(self, pool, url, message) self.retries = retries class TimeoutStateError(HTTPError): """ Raised when passing an invalid state to a timeout """ pass class TimeoutError(HTTPError): """ Raised when a socket timeout error occurs. Catching this error will catch both :exc:`ReadTimeoutErrors ` and :exc:`ConnectTimeoutErrors `. """ pass class ReadTimeoutError(TimeoutError, RequestError): "Raised when a socket timeout occurs while receiving data from a server" pass # This timeout error does not have a URL attached and needs to inherit from the # base HTTPError class ConnectTimeoutError(TimeoutError): "Raised when a socket timeout occurs while connecting to a server" pass class NewConnectionError(ConnectTimeoutError, PoolError): "Raised when we fail to establish a new connection. Usually ECONNREFUSED." pass class EmptyPoolError(PoolError): "Raised when a pool runs out of connections and no more are allowed." pass class ClosedPoolError(PoolError): "Raised when a request enters a pool after the pool has been closed." pass class LocationValueError(ValueError, HTTPError): "Raised when there is something wrong with a given URL input." pass class LocationParseError(LocationValueError): "Raised when get_host or similar fails to parse the URL input." def __init__(self, location): message = "Failed to parse: %s" % location HTTPError.__init__(self, message) self.location = location class ResponseError(HTTPError): "Used as a container for an error reason supplied in a MaxRetryError." GENERIC_ERROR = 'too many error responses' SPECIFIC_ERROR = 'too many {status_code} error responses' class SecurityWarning(HTTPWarning): "Warned when perfoming security reducing actions" pass class SubjectAltNameWarning(SecurityWarning): "Warned when connecting to a host with a certificate missing a SAN." pass class InsecureRequestWarning(SecurityWarning): "Warned when making an unverified HTTPS request." pass class SystemTimeWarning(SecurityWarning): "Warned when system time is suspected to be wrong" pass class InsecurePlatformWarning(SecurityWarning): "Warned when certain SSL configuration is not available on a platform." pass class SNIMissingWarning(HTTPWarning): "Warned when making a HTTPS request without SNI available." pass class DependencyWarning(HTTPWarning): """ Warned when an attempt is made to import a module with missing optional dependencies. """ pass class ResponseNotChunked(ProtocolError, ValueError): "Response needs to be chunked in order to read it as chunks." pass class BodyNotHttplibCompatible(HTTPError): """ Body should be httplib.HTTPResponse like (have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks) for read_chunked(). """ pass class IncompleteRead(HTTPError, httplib_IncompleteRead): """ Response length doesn't match expected Content-Length Subclass of http_client.IncompleteRead to allow int value for `partial` to avoid creating large objects on streamed reads. """ def __init__(self, partial, expected): super(IncompleteRead, self).__init__(partial, expected) def __repr__(self): return ('IncompleteRead(%i bytes read, ' '%i more expected)' % (self.partial, self.expected)) class InvalidHeader(HTTPError): "The header provided was somehow invalid." pass class ProxySchemeUnknown(AssertionError, ValueError): "ProxyManager does not support the supplied scheme" # TODO(t-8ch): Stop inheriting from AssertionError in v2.0. def __init__(self, scheme): message = "Not supported proxy scheme %s" % scheme super(ProxySchemeUnknown, self).__init__(message) class HeaderParsingError(HTTPError): "Raised by assert_header_parsing, but we convert it to a log.warning statement." def __init__(self, defects, unparsed_data): message = '%s, unparsed data: %r' % (defects or 'Unknown', unparsed_data) super(HeaderParsingError, self).__init__(message) class UnrewindableBodyError(HTTPError): "urllib3 encountered an error when trying to rewind a body" pass exceptions.pyc000064400000032033147205427720007455 0ustar00 abc@@s(ddlmZddlmZdefdYZdefdYZdefd YZ d e fd YZ d efd YZ defdYZ defdYZ defdYZeZde fdYZde fdYZdefdYZdefdYZdee fdYZdefdYZd ee fd!YZd"e fd#YZd$e fd%YZd&eefd'YZd(efd)YZd*efd+YZd,efd-YZd.efd/YZd0efd1YZd2efd3YZ d4efd5YZ!d6efd7YZ"d8efd9YZ#d:eefd;YZ$d<efd=YZ%d>eefd?YZd@efdAYZ&dBe'efdCYZ(dDefdEYZ)dFefdGYZ*dHS(Ii(tabsolute_importi(tIncompleteReadt HTTPErrorcB@seZdZRS(s#Base exception used by this module.(t__name__t __module__t__doc__(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRst HTTPWarningcB@seZdZRS(s!Base warning used by this module.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR st PoolErrorcB@s eZdZdZdZRS(s/Base exception for errors caused within a pool.cC@s'||_tj|d||fdS(Ns%s: %s(tpoolRt__init__(tselfRtmessage((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s cC@s |jdfS(N(NN(t __class__tNone(R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyt __reduce__s(RRRR R(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRs t RequestErrorcB@s eZdZdZdZRS(s8Base exception for PoolErrors that have associated URLs.cC@s ||_tj|||dS(N(turlRR (R RRR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s cC@s|jd|jdffS(N(R R R(R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR#s(RRRR R(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRs tSSLErrorcB@seZdZRS(s9Raised when SSL certificate fails in an HTTPS connection.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR(st ProxyErrorcB@seZdZRS(s,Raised when the connection to a proxy fails.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR-st DecodeErrorcB@seZdZRS(s;Raised when automatic decoding based on Content-Type fails.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR2st ProtocolErrorcB@seZdZRS(s>Raised when something unexpected happens mid-request/response.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR7st MaxRetryErrorcB@seZdZddZRS(s Raised when the maximum number of retries is exceeded. :param pool: The connection pool :type pool: :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` :param string url: The requested Url :param exceptions.Exception reason: The underlying error cC@s3||_d||f}tj||||dS(Ns0Max retries exceeded with url: %s (Caused by %r)(treasonRR (R RRRR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR Ls  N(RRRR R (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRBstHostChangedErrorcB@seZdZddZRS(s?Raised when an existing pool gets a request for a foreign host.icC@s-d|}tj||||||_dS(Ns)Tried to open a foreign host with url: %s(RR tretries(R RRRR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR Xs (RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRUstTimeoutStateErrorcB@seZdZRS(s3 Raised when passing an invalid state to a timeout (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR^st TimeoutErrorcB@seZdZRS(s Raised when a socket timeout error occurs. Catching this error will catch both :exc:`ReadTimeoutErrors ` and :exc:`ConnectTimeoutErrors `. (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRcstReadTimeoutErrorcB@seZdZRS(sFRaised when a socket timeout occurs while receiving data from a server(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRlstConnectTimeoutErrorcB@seZdZRS(s@Raised when a socket timeout occurs while connecting to a server(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRsstNewConnectionErrorcB@seZdZRS(sHRaised when we fail to establish a new connection. Usually ECONNREFUSED.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRxstEmptyPoolErrorcB@seZdZRS(sCRaised when a pool runs out of connections and no more are allowed.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR}stClosedPoolErrorcB@seZdZRS(sCRaised when a request enters a pool after the pool has been closed.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRstLocationValueErrorcB@seZdZRS(s<Raised when there is something wrong with a given URL input.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR stLocationParseErrorcB@seZdZdZRS(s=Raised when get_host or similar fails to parse the URL input.cC@s'd|}tj||||_dS(NsFailed to parse: %s(RR tlocation(R R"R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s (RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR!st ResponseErrorcB@seZdZdZdZRS(sDUsed as a container for an error reason supplied in a MaxRetryError.stoo many error responsess&too many {status_code} error responses(RRRt GENERIC_ERRORtSPECIFIC_ERROR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR#stSecurityWarningcB@seZdZRS(s/Warned when perfoming security reducing actions(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR&stSubjectAltNameWarningcB@seZdZRS(sBWarned when connecting to a host with a certificate missing a SAN.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR'stInsecureRequestWarningcB@seZdZRS(s/Warned when making an unverified HTTPS request.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR(stSystemTimeWarningcB@seZdZRS(s0Warned when system time is suspected to be wrong(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR)stInsecurePlatformWarningcB@seZdZRS(sEWarned when certain SSL configuration is not available on a platform.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR*stSNIMissingWarningcB@seZdZRS(s9Warned when making a HTTPS request without SNI available.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR+stDependencyWarningcB@seZdZRS(sc Warned when an attempt is made to import a module with missing optional dependencies. (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR,stResponseNotChunkedcB@seZdZRS(s;Response needs to be chunked in order to read it as chunks.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR-stBodyNotHttplibCompatiblecB@seZdZRS(sz Body should be httplib.HTTPResponse like (have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks) for read_chunked(). (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR.sRcB@s eZdZdZdZRS(s Response length doesn't match expected Content-Length Subclass of http_client.IncompleteRead to allow int value for `partial` to avoid creating large objects on streamed reads. cC@stt|j||dS(N(tsuperRR (R tpartialtexpected((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR scC@sd|j|jfS(Ns/IncompleteRead(%i bytes read, %i more expected)(R0R1(R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyt__repr__s(RRRR R2(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRs t InvalidHeadercB@seZdZRS(s(The header provided was somehow invalid.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR3stProxySchemeUnknowncB@seZdZdZRS(s1ProxyManager does not support the supplied schemecC@s$d|}tt|j|dS(NsNot supported proxy scheme %s(R/R4R (R tschemeR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s (RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR4stHeaderParsingErrorcB@seZdZdZRS(sNRaised by assert_header_parsing, but we convert it to a log.warning statement.cC@s0d|p d|f}tt|j|dS(Ns%s, unparsed data: %rtUnknown(R/R6R (R tdefectst unparsed_dataR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s(RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR6stUnrewindableBodyErrorcB@seZdZRS(s9urllib3 encountered an error when trying to rewind a body(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR:sN(+t __future__Rtpackages.six.moves.http_clientRthttplib_IncompleteReadt ExceptionRtWarningRRRRRRRtConnectionErrorRRRRRRRRRt ValueErrorR R!R#R&R'R(R)R*R+R,R-R.R3tAssertionErrorR4R6R:(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pytsH      exceptions.pyo000064400000032033147205427720007471 0ustar00 abc@@s(ddlmZddlmZdefdYZdefdYZdefd YZ d e fd YZ d efd YZ defdYZ defdYZ defdYZeZde fdYZde fdYZdefdYZdefdYZdee fdYZdefdYZd ee fd!YZd"e fd#YZd$e fd%YZd&eefd'YZd(efd)YZd*efd+YZd,efd-YZd.efd/YZd0efd1YZd2efd3YZ d4efd5YZ!d6efd7YZ"d8efd9YZ#d:eefd;YZ$d<efd=YZ%d>eefd?YZd@efdAYZ&dBe'efdCYZ(dDefdEYZ)dFefdGYZ*dHS(Ii(tabsolute_importi(tIncompleteReadt HTTPErrorcB@seZdZRS(s#Base exception used by this module.(t__name__t __module__t__doc__(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRst HTTPWarningcB@seZdZRS(s!Base warning used by this module.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR st PoolErrorcB@s eZdZdZdZRS(s/Base exception for errors caused within a pool.cC@s'||_tj|d||fdS(Ns%s: %s(tpoolRt__init__(tselfRtmessage((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s cC@s |jdfS(N(NN(t __class__tNone(R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyt __reduce__s(RRRR R(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRs t RequestErrorcB@s eZdZdZdZRS(s8Base exception for PoolErrors that have associated URLs.cC@s ||_tj|||dS(N(turlRR (R RRR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s cC@s|jd|jdffS(N(R R R(R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR#s(RRRR R(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRs tSSLErrorcB@seZdZRS(s9Raised when SSL certificate fails in an HTTPS connection.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR(st ProxyErrorcB@seZdZRS(s,Raised when the connection to a proxy fails.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR-st DecodeErrorcB@seZdZRS(s;Raised when automatic decoding based on Content-Type fails.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR2st ProtocolErrorcB@seZdZRS(s>Raised when something unexpected happens mid-request/response.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR7st MaxRetryErrorcB@seZdZddZRS(s Raised when the maximum number of retries is exceeded. :param pool: The connection pool :type pool: :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` :param string url: The requested Url :param exceptions.Exception reason: The underlying error cC@s3||_d||f}tj||||dS(Ns0Max retries exceeded with url: %s (Caused by %r)(treasonRR (R RRRR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR Ls  N(RRRR R (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRBstHostChangedErrorcB@seZdZddZRS(s?Raised when an existing pool gets a request for a foreign host.icC@s-d|}tj||||||_dS(Ns)Tried to open a foreign host with url: %s(RR tretries(R RRRR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR Xs (RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRUstTimeoutStateErrorcB@seZdZRS(s3 Raised when passing an invalid state to a timeout (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR^st TimeoutErrorcB@seZdZRS(s Raised when a socket timeout error occurs. Catching this error will catch both :exc:`ReadTimeoutErrors ` and :exc:`ConnectTimeoutErrors `. (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRcstReadTimeoutErrorcB@seZdZRS(sFRaised when a socket timeout occurs while receiving data from a server(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRlstConnectTimeoutErrorcB@seZdZRS(s@Raised when a socket timeout occurs while connecting to a server(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRsstNewConnectionErrorcB@seZdZRS(sHRaised when we fail to establish a new connection. Usually ECONNREFUSED.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRxstEmptyPoolErrorcB@seZdZRS(sCRaised when a pool runs out of connections and no more are allowed.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR}stClosedPoolErrorcB@seZdZRS(sCRaised when a request enters a pool after the pool has been closed.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRstLocationValueErrorcB@seZdZRS(s<Raised when there is something wrong with a given URL input.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR stLocationParseErrorcB@seZdZdZRS(s=Raised when get_host or similar fails to parse the URL input.cC@s'd|}tj||||_dS(NsFailed to parse: %s(RR tlocation(R R"R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s (RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR!st ResponseErrorcB@seZdZdZdZRS(sDUsed as a container for an error reason supplied in a MaxRetryError.stoo many error responsess&too many {status_code} error responses(RRRt GENERIC_ERRORtSPECIFIC_ERROR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR#stSecurityWarningcB@seZdZRS(s/Warned when perfoming security reducing actions(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR&stSubjectAltNameWarningcB@seZdZRS(sBWarned when connecting to a host with a certificate missing a SAN.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR'stInsecureRequestWarningcB@seZdZRS(s/Warned when making an unverified HTTPS request.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR(stSystemTimeWarningcB@seZdZRS(s0Warned when system time is suspected to be wrong(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR)stInsecurePlatformWarningcB@seZdZRS(sEWarned when certain SSL configuration is not available on a platform.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR*stSNIMissingWarningcB@seZdZRS(s9Warned when making a HTTPS request without SNI available.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR+stDependencyWarningcB@seZdZRS(sc Warned when an attempt is made to import a module with missing optional dependencies. (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR,stResponseNotChunkedcB@seZdZRS(s;Response needs to be chunked in order to read it as chunks.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR-stBodyNotHttplibCompatiblecB@seZdZRS(sz Body should be httplib.HTTPResponse like (have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks) for read_chunked(). (RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR.sRcB@s eZdZdZdZRS(s Response length doesn't match expected Content-Length Subclass of http_client.IncompleteRead to allow int value for `partial` to avoid creating large objects on streamed reads. cC@stt|j||dS(N(tsuperRR (R tpartialtexpected((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR scC@sd|j|jfS(Ns/IncompleteRead(%i bytes read, %i more expected)(R0R1(R ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyt__repr__s(RRRR R2(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyRs t InvalidHeadercB@seZdZRS(s(The header provided was somehow invalid.(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR3stProxySchemeUnknowncB@seZdZdZRS(s1ProxyManager does not support the supplied schemecC@s$d|}tt|j|dS(NsNot supported proxy scheme %s(R/R4R (R tschemeR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s (RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR4stHeaderParsingErrorcB@seZdZdZRS(sNRaised by assert_header_parsing, but we convert it to a log.warning statement.cC@s0d|p d|f}tt|j|dS(Ns%s, unparsed data: %rtUnknown(R/R6R (R tdefectst unparsed_dataR ((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR s(RRRR (((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR6stUnrewindableBodyErrorcB@seZdZRS(s9urllib3 encountered an error when trying to rewind a body(RRR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pyR:sN(+t __future__Rtpackages.six.moves.http_clientRthttplib_IncompleteReadt ExceptionRtWarningRRRRRRRtConnectionErrorRRRRRRRRRt ValueErrorR R!R#R&R'R(R)R*R+R,R-R.R3tAssertionErrorR4R6R:(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/exceptions.pytsH      fields.py000064400000013467147205427720006411 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import email.utils import mimetypes from .packages import six def guess_content_type(filename, default='application/octet-stream'): """ Guess the "Content-Type" of a file. :param filename: The filename to guess the "Content-Type" of using :mod:`mimetypes`. :param default: If no "Content-Type" can be guessed, default to `default`. """ if filename: return mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or default return default def format_header_param(name, value): """ Helper function to format and quote a single header parameter. Particularly useful for header parameters which might contain non-ASCII values, like file names. This follows RFC 2231, as suggested by RFC 2388 Section 4.4. :param name: The name of the parameter, a string expected to be ASCII only. :param value: The value of the parameter, provided as a unicode string. """ if not any(ch in value for ch in '"\\\r\n'): result = '%s="%s"' % (name, value) try: result.encode('ascii') except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass else: return result if not six.PY3 and isinstance(value, six.text_type): # Python 2: value = value.encode('utf-8') value = email.utils.encode_rfc2231(value, 'utf-8') value = '%s*=%s' % (name, value) return value class RequestField(object): """ A data container for request body parameters. :param name: The name of this request field. :param data: The data/value body. :param filename: An optional filename of the request field. :param headers: An optional dict-like object of headers to initially use for the field. """ def __init__(self, name, data, filename=None, headers=None): self._name = name self._filename = filename = data self.headers = {} if headers: self.headers = dict(headers) @classmethod def from_tuples(cls, fieldname, value): """ A :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` factory from old-style tuple parameters. Supports constructing :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` from parameter of key/value strings AND key/filetuple. A filetuple is a (filename, data, MIME type) tuple where the MIME type is optional. For example:: 'foo': 'bar', 'fakefile': ('foofile.txt', 'contents of foofile'), 'realfile': ('barfile.txt', open('realfile').read()), 'typedfile': ('bazfile.bin', open('bazfile').read(), 'image/jpeg'), 'nonamefile': 'contents of nonamefile field', Field names and filenames must be unicode. """ if isinstance(value, tuple): if len(value) == 3: filename, data, content_type = value else: filename, data = value content_type = guess_content_type(filename) else: filename = None content_type = None data = value request_param = cls(fieldname, data, filename=filename) request_param.make_multipart(content_type=content_type) return request_param def _render_part(self, name, value): """ Overridable helper function to format a single header parameter. :param name: The name of the parameter, a string expected to be ASCII only. :param value: The value of the parameter, provided as a unicode string. """ return format_header_param(name, value) def _render_parts(self, header_parts): """ Helper function to format and quote a single header. Useful for single headers that are composed of multiple items. E.g., 'Content-Disposition' fields. :param header_parts: A sequence of (k, v) typles or a :class:`dict` of (k, v) to format as `k1="v1"; k2="v2"; ...`. """ parts = [] iterable = header_parts if isinstance(header_parts, dict): iterable = header_parts.items() for name, value in iterable: if value is not None: parts.append(self._render_part(name, value)) return '; '.join(parts) def render_headers(self): """ Renders the headers for this request field. """ lines = [] sort_keys = ['Content-Disposition', 'Content-Type', 'Content-Location'] for sort_key in sort_keys: if self.headers.get(sort_key, False): lines.append('%s: %s' % (sort_key, self.headers[sort_key])) for header_name, header_value in self.headers.items(): if header_name not in sort_keys: if header_value: lines.append('%s: %s' % (header_name, header_value)) lines.append('\r\n') return '\r\n'.join(lines) def make_multipart(self, content_disposition=None, content_type=None, content_location=None): """ Makes this request field into a multipart request field. This method overrides "Content-Disposition", "Content-Type" and "Content-Location" headers to the request parameter. :param content_type: The 'Content-Type' of the request body. :param content_location: The 'Content-Location' of the request body. """ self.headers['Content-Disposition'] = content_disposition or 'form-data' self.headers['Content-Disposition'] += '; '.join([ '', self._render_parts( (('name', self._name), ('filename', self._filename)) ) ]) self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type self.headers['Content-Location'] = content_location fields.pyc000064400000015255147205427720006551 0ustar00 abc@@sgddlmZddlZddlZddlmZddZdZde fd YZ dS( i(tabsolute_importNi(tsixsapplication/octet-streamcC@s!|rtj|dp|S|S(s Guess the "Content-Type" of a file. :param filename: The filename to guess the "Content-Type" of using :mod:`mimetypes`. :param default: If no "Content-Type" can be guessed, default to `default`. i(t mimetypest guess_type(tfilenametdefault((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pytguess_content_types c@stfddDs^d|f}y|jdWnttfk rVq^X|Sntj rttjrjdntj j dd|fS(s Helper function to format and quote a single header parameter. Particularly useful for header parameters which might contain non-ASCII values, like file names. This follows RFC 2231, as suggested by RFC 2388 Section 4.4. :param name: The name of the parameter, a string expected to be ASCII only. :param value: The value of the parameter, provided as a unicode string. c3@s|]}|kVqdS(N((t.0tch(tvalue(s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pys #ss"\ s%s="%s"tasciisutf-8s%s*=%s( tanytencodetUnicodeEncodeErrortUnicodeDecodeErrorRtPY3t isinstancet text_typetemailtutilstencode_rfc2231(tnameR tresult((R s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pytformat_header_params t RequestFieldcB@sYeZdZdddZedZdZdZdZ ddddZ RS(sK A data container for request body parameters. :param name: The name of this request field. :param data: The data/value body. :param filename: An optional filename of the request field. :param headers: An optional dict-like object of headers to initially use for the field. cC@s@||_||_||_i|_|r<t||_ndS(N(t_namet _filenametdatatheaderstdict(tselfRRRR((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt__init__?s     cC@st|trNt|dkr3|\}}}q`|\}}t|}nd}d}|}|||d|}|jd||S(s A :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` factory from old-style tuple parameters. Supports constructing :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` from parameter of key/value strings AND key/filetuple. A filetuple is a (filename, data, MIME type) tuple where the MIME type is optional. For example:: 'foo': 'bar', 'fakefile': ('foofile.txt', 'contents of foofile'), 'realfile': ('barfile.txt', open('realfile').read()), 'typedfile': ('bazfile.bin', open('bazfile').read(), 'image/jpeg'), 'nonamefile': 'contents of nonamefile field', Field names and filenames must be unicode. iRt content_typeN(RttupletlenRtNonetmake_multipart(tclst fieldnameR RRR t request_param((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt from_tuplesGs cC@s t||S(s Overridable helper function to format a single header parameter. :param name: The name of the parameter, a string expected to be ASCII only. :param value: The value of the parameter, provided as a unicode string. (R(RRR ((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt _render_partis cC@svg}|}t|tr*|j}nx<|D]4\}}|dk r1|j|j||q1q1Wdj|S(sO Helper function to format and quote a single header. Useful for single headers that are composed of multiple items. E.g., 'Content-Disposition' fields. :param header_parts: A sequence of (k, v) typles or a :class:`dict` of (k, v) to format as `k1="v1"; k2="v2"; ...`. s; N(RRtitemsR#tappendR)tjoin(Rt header_partstpartstiterableRR ((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt _render_partsts   cC@sg}dddg}xD|D]<}|jj|tr|jd||j|fqqWxL|jjD];\}}||krl|r|jd||fqqlqlW|jddj|S(s= Renders the headers for this request field. sContent-Dispositions Content-TypesContent-Locations%s: %ss (RtgettFalseR+R*R,(Rtlinest sort_keystsort_keyt header_namet header_value((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pytrender_headerss % ! c C@st|p d|jd<|jdcdjd|jd|jfd|jffg7<||jd<||jd/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyR$s  ' N( t__name__t __module__t__doc__R#Rt classmethodR(R)R0R8R$(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyR2s "  ( t __future__Rt email.utilsRRtpackagesRRRtobjectR(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyts     fields.pyo000064400000015255147205427720006565 0ustar00 abc@@sgddlmZddlZddlZddlmZddZdZde fd YZ dS( i(tabsolute_importNi(tsixsapplication/octet-streamcC@s!|rtj|dp|S|S(s Guess the "Content-Type" of a file. :param filename: The filename to guess the "Content-Type" of using :mod:`mimetypes`. :param default: If no "Content-Type" can be guessed, default to `default`. i(t mimetypest guess_type(tfilenametdefault((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pytguess_content_types c@stfddDs^d|f}y|jdWnttfk rVq^X|Sntj rttjrjdntj j dd|fS(s Helper function to format and quote a single header parameter. Particularly useful for header parameters which might contain non-ASCII values, like file names. This follows RFC 2231, as suggested by RFC 2388 Section 4.4. :param name: The name of the parameter, a string expected to be ASCII only. :param value: The value of the parameter, provided as a unicode string. c3@s|]}|kVqdS(N((t.0tch(tvalue(s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pys #ss"\ s%s="%s"tasciisutf-8s%s*=%s( tanytencodetUnicodeEncodeErrortUnicodeDecodeErrorRtPY3t isinstancet text_typetemailtutilstencode_rfc2231(tnameR tresult((R s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pytformat_header_params t RequestFieldcB@sYeZdZdddZedZdZdZdZ ddddZ RS(sK A data container for request body parameters. :param name: The name of this request field. :param data: The data/value body. :param filename: An optional filename of the request field. :param headers: An optional dict-like object of headers to initially use for the field. cC@s@||_||_||_i|_|r<t||_ndS(N(t_namet _filenametdatatheaderstdict(tselfRRRR((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt__init__?s     cC@st|trNt|dkr3|\}}}q`|\}}t|}nd}d}|}|||d|}|jd||S(s A :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` factory from old-style tuple parameters. Supports constructing :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` from parameter of key/value strings AND key/filetuple. A filetuple is a (filename, data, MIME type) tuple where the MIME type is optional. For example:: 'foo': 'bar', 'fakefile': ('foofile.txt', 'contents of foofile'), 'realfile': ('barfile.txt', open('realfile').read()), 'typedfile': ('bazfile.bin', open('bazfile').read(), 'image/jpeg'), 'nonamefile': 'contents of nonamefile field', Field names and filenames must be unicode. iRt content_typeN(RttupletlenRtNonetmake_multipart(tclst fieldnameR RRR t request_param((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt from_tuplesGs cC@s t||S(s Overridable helper function to format a single header parameter. :param name: The name of the parameter, a string expected to be ASCII only. :param value: The value of the parameter, provided as a unicode string. (R(RRR ((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt _render_partis cC@svg}|}t|tr*|j}nx<|D]4\}}|dk r1|j|j||q1q1Wdj|S(sO Helper function to format and quote a single header. Useful for single headers that are composed of multiple items. E.g., 'Content-Disposition' fields. :param header_parts: A sequence of (k, v) typles or a :class:`dict` of (k, v) to format as `k1="v1"; k2="v2"; ...`. s; N(RRtitemsR#tappendR)tjoin(Rt header_partstpartstiterableRR ((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyt _render_partsts   cC@sg}dddg}xD|D]<}|jj|tr|jd||j|fqqWxL|jjD];\}}||krl|r|jd||fqqlqlW|jddj|S(s= Renders the headers for this request field. sContent-Dispositions Content-TypesContent-Locations%s: %ss (RtgettFalseR+R*R,(Rtlinest sort_keystsort_keyt header_namet header_value((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pytrender_headerss % ! c C@st|p d|jd<|jdcdjd|jd|jfd|jffg7<||jd<||jd/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyR$s  ' N( t__name__t __module__t__doc__R#Rt classmethodR(R)R0R8R$(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyR2s "  ( t __future__Rt email.utilsRRtpackagesRRRtobjectR(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/fields.pyts     filepost.py000064400000004421147205427720006756 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import codecs from uuid import uuid4 from io import BytesIO from .packages import six from .packages.six import b from .fields import RequestField writer = codecs.lookup('utf-8')[3] def choose_boundary(): """ Our embarrassingly-simple replacement for mimetools.choose_boundary. """ return uuid4().hex def iter_field_objects(fields): """ Iterate over fields. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts, and lists of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`. """ if isinstance(fields, dict): i = six.iteritems(fields) else: i = iter(fields) for field in i: if isinstance(field, RequestField): yield field else: yield RequestField.from_tuples(*field) def iter_fields(fields): """ .. deprecated:: 1.6 Iterate over fields. The addition of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` makes this function obsolete. Instead, use :func:`iter_field_objects`, which returns :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` objects. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts. """ if isinstance(fields, dict): return ((k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(fields)) return ((k, v) for k, v in fields) def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, boundary=None): """ Encode a dictionary of ``fields`` using the multipart/form-data MIME format. :param fields: Dictionary of fields or list of (key, :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`). :param boundary: If not specified, then a random boundary will be generated using :func:`mimetools.choose_boundary`. """ body = BytesIO() if boundary is None: boundary = choose_boundary() for field in iter_field_objects(fields): body.write(b('--%s\r\n' % (boundary))) writer(body).write(field.render_headers()) data = if isinstance(data, int): data = str(data) # Backwards compatibility if isinstance(data, six.text_type): writer(body).write(data) else: body.write(data) body.write(b'\r\n') body.write(b('--%s--\r\n' % (boundary))) content_type = str('multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary) return body.getvalue(), content_type filepost.pyc000064400000006377147205427720007135 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddl m Z ddl m Z ej d d Zd Zd Zd ZddZdS(i(tabsolute_importN(tuuid4(tBytesIOi(tsix(tb(t RequestFieldsutf-8icC@s tjS(sN Our embarrassingly-simple replacement for mimetools.choose_boundary. (Rthex(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pytchoose_boundaryscc@sgt|tr!tj|}n t|}x3|D]+}t|trQ|Vq4tj|Vq4WdS(s Iterate over fields. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts, and lists of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`. N(t isinstancetdictRt iteritemstiterRt from_tuples(tfieldstitfield((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pytiter_field_objectss  cC@s4t|tr&dtj|DSd|DS(s- .. deprecated:: 1.6 Iterate over fields. The addition of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` makes this function obsolete. Instead, use :func:`iter_field_objects`, which returns :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` objects. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts. cs@s!|]\}}||fVqdS(N((t.0tktv((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pys 6scs@s!|]\}}||fVqdS(N((RRR((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pys 8s(RR RR (R ((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pyt iter_fields)s cC@st}|dkr!t}nxt|D]}|jtd|t|j|j|j}t |t rt |}nt |t j rt|j|n |j||jdq.W|jtd|t d|}|j|fS(sJ Encode a dictionary of ``fields`` using the multipart/form-data MIME format. :param fields: Dictionary of fields or list of (key, :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`). :param boundary: If not specified, then a random boundary will be generated using :func:`mimetools.choose_boundary`. s--%s s s--%s-- s multipart/form-data; boundary=%sN(RtNoneRRtwriteRtwritertrender_headerstdataRtinttstrRt text_typetgetvalue(R tboundarytbodyRRt content_type((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pytencode_multipart_formdata;s     (t __future__RtcodecstuuidRtioRtpackagesRt packages.sixRR RtlookupRRRRRR!(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pyts    filepost.pyo000064400000006377147205427720007151 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddl m Z ddl m Z ej d d Zd Zd Zd ZddZdS(i(tabsolute_importN(tuuid4(tBytesIOi(tsix(tb(t RequestFieldsutf-8icC@s tjS(sN Our embarrassingly-simple replacement for mimetools.choose_boundary. (Rthex(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pytchoose_boundaryscc@sgt|tr!tj|}n t|}x3|D]+}t|trQ|Vq4tj|Vq4WdS(s Iterate over fields. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts, and lists of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`. N(t isinstancetdictRt iteritemstiterRt from_tuples(tfieldstitfield((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pytiter_field_objectss  cC@s4t|tr&dtj|DSd|DS(s- .. deprecated:: 1.6 Iterate over fields. The addition of :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` makes this function obsolete. Instead, use :func:`iter_field_objects`, which returns :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField` objects. Supports list of (k, v) tuples and dicts. cs@s!|]\}}||fVqdS(N((t.0tktv((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pys 6scs@s!|]\}}||fVqdS(N((RRR((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pys 8s(RR RR (R ((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pyt iter_fields)s cC@st}|dkr!t}nxt|D]}|jtd|t|j|j|j}t |t rt |}nt |t j rt|j|n |j||jdq.W|jtd|t d|}|j|fS(sJ Encode a dictionary of ``fields`` using the multipart/form-data MIME format. :param fields: Dictionary of fields or list of (key, :class:`~urllib3.fields.RequestField`). :param boundary: If not specified, then a random boundary will be generated using :func:`mimetools.choose_boundary`. s--%s s s--%s-- s multipart/form-data; boundary=%sN(RtNoneRRtwriteRtwritertrender_headerstdataRtinttstrRt text_typetgetvalue(R tboundarytbodyRRt content_type((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pytencode_multipart_formdata;s     (t __future__RtcodecstuuidRtioRtpackagesRt packages.sixRR RtlookupRRRRRR!(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.pyts    poolmanager.py000064400000040664147205427720007446 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import functools import logging from ._collections import RecentlyUsedContainer from .connectionpool import HTTPConnectionPool, HTTPSConnectionPool from .connectionpool import port_by_scheme from .exceptions import LocationValueError, MaxRetryError, ProxySchemeUnknown from .packages.six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin from .request import RequestMethods from .util.url import parse_url from .util.retry import Retry __all__ = ['PoolManager', 'ProxyManager', 'proxy_from_url'] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) SSL_KEYWORDS = ('key_file', 'cert_file', 'cert_reqs', 'ca_certs', 'ssl_version', 'ca_cert_dir', 'ssl_context') # All known keyword arguments that could be provided to the pool manager, its # pools, or the underlying connections. This is used to construct a pool key. _key_fields = ( 'key_scheme', # str 'key_host', # str 'key_port', # int 'key_timeout', # int or float or Timeout 'key_retries', # int or Retry 'key_strict', # bool 'key_block', # bool 'key_source_address', # str 'key_key_file', # str 'key_cert_file', # str 'key_cert_reqs', # str 'key_ca_certs', # str 'key_ssl_version', # str 'key_ca_cert_dir', # str 'key_ssl_context', # instance of ssl.SSLContext or urllib3.util.ssl_.SSLContext 'key_maxsize', # int 'key_headers', # dict 'key__proxy', # parsed proxy url 'key__proxy_headers', # dict 'key_socket_options', # list of (level (int), optname (int), value (int or str)) tuples 'key__socks_options', # dict 'key_assert_hostname', # bool or string 'key_assert_fingerprint', # str ) #: The namedtuple class used to construct keys for the connection pool. #: All custom key schemes should include the fields in this key at a minimum. PoolKey = collections.namedtuple('PoolKey', _key_fields) def _default_key_normalizer(key_class, request_context): """ Create a pool key out of a request context dictionary. According to RFC 3986, both the scheme and host are case-insensitive. Therefore, this function normalizes both before constructing the pool key for an HTTPS request. If you wish to change this behaviour, provide alternate callables to ``key_fn_by_scheme``. :param key_class: The class to use when constructing the key. This should be a namedtuple with the ``scheme`` and ``host`` keys at a minimum. :type key_class: namedtuple :param request_context: A dictionary-like object that contain the context for a request. :type request_context: dict :return: A namedtuple that can be used as a connection pool key. :rtype: PoolKey """ # Since we mutate the dictionary, make a copy first context = request_context.copy() context['scheme'] = context['scheme'].lower() context['host'] = context['host'].lower() # These are both dictionaries and need to be transformed into frozensets for key in ('headers', '_proxy_headers', '_socks_options'): if key in context and context[key] is not None: context[key] = frozenset(context[key].items()) # The socket_options key may be a list and needs to be transformed into a # tuple. socket_opts = context.get('socket_options') if socket_opts is not None: context['socket_options'] = tuple(socket_opts) # Map the kwargs to the names in the namedtuple - this is necessary since # namedtuples can't have fields starting with '_'. for key in list(context.keys()): context['key_' + key] = context.pop(key) # Default to ``None`` for keys missing from the context for field in key_class._fields: if field not in context: context[field] = None return key_class(**context) #: A dictionary that maps a scheme to a callable that creates a pool key. #: This can be used to alter the way pool keys are constructed, if desired. #: Each PoolManager makes a copy of this dictionary so they can be configured #: globally here, or individually on the instance. key_fn_by_scheme = { 'http': functools.partial(_default_key_normalizer, PoolKey), 'https': functools.partial(_default_key_normalizer, PoolKey), } pool_classes_by_scheme = { 'http': HTTPConnectionPool, 'https': HTTPSConnectionPool, } class PoolManager(RequestMethods): """ Allows for arbitrary requests while transparently keeping track of necessary connection pools for you. :param num_pools: Number of connection pools to cache before discarding the least recently used pool. :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. :param \\**connection_pool_kw: Additional parameters are used to create fresh :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ConnectionPool` instances. Example:: >>> manager = PoolManager(num_pools=2) >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> len(manager.pools) 2 """ proxy = None def __init__(self, num_pools=10, headers=None, **connection_pool_kw): RequestMethods.__init__(self, headers) self.connection_pool_kw = connection_pool_kw self.pools = RecentlyUsedContainer(num_pools, dispose_func=lambda p: p.close()) # Locally set the pool classes and keys so other PoolManagers can # override them. self.pool_classes_by_scheme = pool_classes_by_scheme self.key_fn_by_scheme = key_fn_by_scheme.copy() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.clear() # Return False to re-raise any potential exceptions return False def _new_pool(self, scheme, host, port, request_context=None): """ Create a new :class:`ConnectionPool` based on host, port, scheme, and any additional pool keyword arguments. If ``request_context`` is provided, it is provided as keyword arguments to the pool class used. This method is used to actually create the connection pools handed out by :meth:`connection_from_url` and companion methods. It is intended to be overridden for customization. """ pool_cls = self.pool_classes_by_scheme[scheme] if request_context is None: request_context = self.connection_pool_kw.copy() # Although the context has everything necessary to create the pool, # this function has historically only used the scheme, host, and port # in the positional args. When an API change is acceptable these can # be removed. for key in ('scheme', 'host', 'port'): request_context.pop(key, None) if scheme == 'http': for kw in SSL_KEYWORDS: request_context.pop(kw, None) return pool_cls(host, port, **request_context) def clear(self): """ Empty our store of pools and direct them all to close. This will not affect in-flight connections, but they will not be re-used after completion. """ self.pools.clear() def connection_from_host(self, host, port=None, scheme='http', pool_kwargs=None): """ Get a :class:`ConnectionPool` based on the host, port, and scheme. If ``port`` isn't given, it will be derived from the ``scheme`` using ``urllib3.connectionpool.port_by_scheme``. If ``pool_kwargs`` is provided, it is merged with the instance's ``connection_pool_kw`` variable and used to create the new connection pool, if one is needed. """ if not host: raise LocationValueError("No host specified.") request_context = self._merge_pool_kwargs(pool_kwargs) request_context['scheme'] = scheme or 'http' if not port: port = port_by_scheme.get(request_context['scheme'].lower(), 80) request_context['port'] = port request_context['host'] = host return self.connection_from_context(request_context) def connection_from_context(self, request_context): """ Get a :class:`ConnectionPool` based on the request context. ``request_context`` must at least contain the ``scheme`` key and its value must be a key in ``key_fn_by_scheme`` instance variable. """ scheme = request_context['scheme'].lower() pool_key_constructor = self.key_fn_by_scheme[scheme] pool_key = pool_key_constructor(request_context) return self.connection_from_pool_key(pool_key, request_context=request_context) def connection_from_pool_key(self, pool_key, request_context=None): """ Get a :class:`ConnectionPool` based on the provided pool key. ``pool_key`` should be a namedtuple that only contains immutable objects. At a minimum it must have the ``scheme``, ``host``, and ``port`` fields. """ with self.pools.lock: # If the scheme, host, or port doesn't match existing open # connections, open a new ConnectionPool. pool = self.pools.get(pool_key) if pool: return pool # Make a fresh ConnectionPool of the desired type scheme = request_context['scheme'] host = request_context['host'] port = request_context['port'] pool = self._new_pool(scheme, host, port, request_context=request_context) self.pools[pool_key] = pool return pool def connection_from_url(self, url, pool_kwargs=None): """ Similar to :func:`urllib3.connectionpool.connection_from_url`. If ``pool_kwargs`` is not provided and a new pool needs to be constructed, ``self.connection_pool_kw`` is used to initialize the :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ConnectionPool`. If ``pool_kwargs`` is provided, it is used instead. Note that if a new pool does not need to be created for the request, the provided ``pool_kwargs`` are not used. """ u = parse_url(url) return self.connection_from_host(, port=u.port, scheme=u.scheme, pool_kwargs=pool_kwargs) def _merge_pool_kwargs(self, override): """ Merge a dictionary of override values for self.connection_pool_kw. This does not modify self.connection_pool_kw and returns a new dict. Any keys in the override dictionary with a value of ``None`` are removed from the merged dictionary. """ base_pool_kwargs = self.connection_pool_kw.copy() if override: for key, value in override.items(): if value is None: try: del base_pool_kwargs[key] except KeyError: pass else: base_pool_kwargs[key] = value return base_pool_kwargs def urlopen(self, method, url, redirect=True, **kw): """ Same as :meth:`urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool.urlopen` with custom cross-host redirect logic and only sends the request-uri portion of the ``url``. The given ``url`` parameter must be absolute, such that an appropriate :class:`urllib3.connectionpool.ConnectionPool` can be chosen for it. """ u = parse_url(url) conn = self.connection_from_host(, port=u.port, scheme=u.scheme) kw['assert_same_host'] = False kw['redirect'] = False if 'headers' not in kw: kw['headers'] = self.headers.copy() if self.proxy is not None and u.scheme == "http": response = conn.urlopen(method, url, **kw) else: response = conn.urlopen(method, u.request_uri, **kw) redirect_location = redirect and response.get_redirect_location() if not redirect_location: return response # Support relative URLs for redirecting. redirect_location = urljoin(url, redirect_location) # RFC 7231, Section 6.4.4 if response.status == 303: method = 'GET' retries = kw.get('retries') if not isinstance(retries, Retry): retries = Retry.from_int(retries, redirect=redirect) # Strip headers marked as unsafe to forward to the redirected location. # Check remove_headers_on_redirect to avoid a potential network call within # conn.is_same_host() which may use socket.gethostbyname() in the future. if (retries.remove_headers_on_redirect and not conn.is_same_host(redirect_location)): for header in retries.remove_headers_on_redirect: kw['headers'].pop(header, None) try: retries = retries.increment(method, url, response=response, _pool=conn) except MaxRetryError: if retries.raise_on_redirect: raise return response kw['retries'] = retries kw['redirect'] = redirect"Redirecting %s -> %s", url, redirect_location) return self.urlopen(method, redirect_location, **kw) class ProxyManager(PoolManager): """ Behaves just like :class:`PoolManager`, but sends all requests through the defined proxy, using the CONNECT method for HTTPS URLs. :param proxy_url: The URL of the proxy to be used. :param proxy_headers: A dictionary contaning headers that will be sent to the proxy. In case of HTTP they are being sent with each request, while in the HTTPS/CONNECT case they are sent only once. Could be used for proxy authentication. Example: >>> proxy = urllib3.ProxyManager('http://localhost:3128/') >>> r1 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> r2 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> len(proxy.pools) 1 >>> r3 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> r4 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> len(proxy.pools) 3 """ def __init__(self, proxy_url, num_pools=10, headers=None, proxy_headers=None, **connection_pool_kw): if isinstance(proxy_url, HTTPConnectionPool): proxy_url = '%s://%s:%i' % (proxy_url.scheme,, proxy_url.port) proxy = parse_url(proxy_url) if not proxy.port: port = port_by_scheme.get(proxy.scheme, 80) proxy = proxy._replace(port=port) if proxy.scheme not in ("http", "https"): raise ProxySchemeUnknown(proxy.scheme) self.proxy = proxy self.proxy_headers = proxy_headers or {} connection_pool_kw['_proxy'] = self.proxy connection_pool_kw['_proxy_headers'] = self.proxy_headers super(ProxyManager, self).__init__( num_pools, headers, **connection_pool_kw) def connection_from_host(self, host, port=None, scheme='http', pool_kwargs=None): if scheme == "https": return super(ProxyManager, self).connection_from_host( host, port, scheme, pool_kwargs=pool_kwargs) return super(ProxyManager, self).connection_from_host(, self.proxy.port, self.proxy.scheme, pool_kwargs=pool_kwargs) def _set_proxy_headers(self, url, headers=None): """ Sets headers needed by proxies: specifically, the Accept and Host headers. Only sets headers not provided by the user. """ headers_ = {'Accept': '*/*'} netloc = parse_url(url).netloc if netloc: headers_['Host'] = netloc if headers: headers_.update(headers) return headers_ def urlopen(self, method, url, redirect=True, **kw): "Same as HTTP(S)ConnectionPool.urlopen, ``url`` must be absolute." u = parse_url(url) if u.scheme == "http": # For proxied HTTPS requests, httplib sets the necessary headers # on the CONNECT to the proxy. For HTTP, we'll definitely # need to set 'Host' at the very least. headers = kw.get('headers', self.headers) kw['headers'] = self._set_proxy_headers(url, headers) return super(ProxyManager, self).urlopen(method, url, redirect=redirect, **kw) def proxy_from_url(url, **kw): return ProxyManager(proxy_url=url, **kw) poolmanager.pyc000064400000035315147205427720007606 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZm Z ddlm Z ddl m Z m Z mZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZd d dgZejeZd4Zd5Zejd-eZd.Ziej eed/6ej eed06Z!ied/6e d06Z"d efd1YZ#d e#fd2YZ$d3Z%dS(6i(tabsolute_importNi(tRecentlyUsedContainer(tHTTPConnectionPooltHTTPSConnectionPool(tport_by_scheme(tLocationValueErrort MaxRetryErrortProxySchemeUnknown(turljoin(tRequestMethods(t parse_url(tRetryt PoolManagert ProxyManagertproxy_from_urltkey_filet cert_filet cert_reqstca_certst ssl_versiont ca_cert_dirt ssl_contextt key_schemetkey_hosttkey_portt key_timeoutt key_retriest key_strictt key_blocktkey_source_addresst key_key_filet key_cert_filet key_cert_reqst key_ca_certstkey_ssl_versiontkey_ca_cert_dirtkey_ssl_contextt key_maxsizet key_headerst key__proxytkey__proxy_headerstkey_socket_optionstkey__socks_optionstkey_assert_hostnametkey_assert_fingerprinttPoolKeycC@s|j}|dj|d<|dj|d>> manager = PoolManager(num_pools=2) >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> len(manager.pools) 2 i cK@sMtj||||_t|dd|_t|_tj|_dS(Nt dispose_funccS@s |jS(N(tclose(tp((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pytt(R t__init__tconnection_pool_kwRtpoolstpool_classes_by_schemetkey_fn_by_schemeR5(tselft num_poolsR0RO((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRNs    cC@s|S(N((RS((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyt __enter__scC@s|jtS(N(tcleartFalse(RStexc_typetexc_valtexc_tb((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyt__exit__s cC@s|j|}|dkr+|jj}nxdD]}|j|dq2W|dkr|x!tD]}|j|dq_Wn||||S(s Create a new :class:`ConnectionPool` based on host, port, scheme, and any additional pool keyword arguments. If ``request_context`` is provided, it is provided as keyword arguments to the pool class used. This method is used to actually create the connection pools handed out by :meth:`connection_from_url` and companion methods. It is intended to be overridden for customization. R.R/tportRGN(R.R/R\(RQR7ROR5R>t SSL_KEYWORDS(RSR.R/R\RAtpool_clsRCtkw((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyt _new_pools     cC@s|jjdS(s Empty our store of pools and direct them all to close. This will not affect in-flight connections, but they will not be re-used after completion. N(RPRV(RS((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRVsRGcC@sz|stdn|j|}|p-d|d<|sYtj|djd}n||d<||d<|j|S(s Get a :class:`ConnectionPool` based on the host, port, and scheme. If ``port`` isn't given, it will be derived from the ``scheme`` using ``urllib3.connectionpool.port_by_scheme``. If ``pool_kwargs`` is provided, it is merged with the instance's ``connection_pool_kw`` variable and used to create the new connection pool, if one is needed. sNo host specified.RGR.iPR\R/(Rt_merge_pool_kwargsRR:R6tconnection_from_context(RSR/R\R.t pool_kwargsRA((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pytconnection_from_hosts   cC@s<|dj}|j|}||}|j|d|S(s Get a :class:`ConnectionPool` based on the request context. ``request_context`` must at least contain the ``scheme`` key and its value must be a key in ``key_fn_by_scheme`` instance variable. R.RA(R6RRtconnection_from_pool_key(RSRAR.tpool_key_constructortpool_key((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRbs  c C@sy|jjg|jj|}|r)|S|d}|d}|d}|j|||d|}||j| %sN(R RdR/R\R.RWR0R5tproxyR7turlopent request_uritget_redirect_locationRtstatusR:t isinstanceR tfrom_inttremove_headers_on_redirectt is_same_hostR>t incrementRtraise_on_redirecttlogtinfo( RStmethodRjRrR_RktconnRutredirect_locationRttheader((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRx-s@ $     "    N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__R7RwRNRUR[R`RVRdRbReRlRatTrueRx(((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyR ys       cB@sJeZdZddddZddddZddZedZRS(sw Behaves just like :class:`PoolManager`, but sends all requests through the defined proxy, using the CONNECT method for HTTPS URLs. :param proxy_url: The URL of the proxy to be used. :param proxy_headers: A dictionary contaning headers that will be sent to the proxy. In case of HTTP they are being sent with each request, while in the HTTPS/CONNECT case they are sent only once. Could be used for proxy authentication. Example: >>> proxy = urllib3.ProxyManager('http://localhost:3128/') >>> r1 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> r2 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> len(proxy.pools) 1 >>> r3 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> r4 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> len(proxy.pools) 3 i cK@st|tr.d|j|j|jf}nt|}|jsmtj|jd}|jd|}n|jdkrt |jn||_ |pi|_ |j |d<|j |dsb    5 Wpoolmanager.pyo000064400000035315147205427720007622 0ustar00 abc@@sddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZm Z ddlm Z ddl m Z m Z mZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZd d dgZejeZd4Zd5Zejd-eZd.Ziej eed/6ej eed06Z!ied/6e d06Z"d efd1YZ#d e#fd2YZ$d3Z%dS(6i(tabsolute_importNi(tRecentlyUsedContainer(tHTTPConnectionPooltHTTPSConnectionPool(tport_by_scheme(tLocationValueErrort MaxRetryErrortProxySchemeUnknown(turljoin(tRequestMethods(t parse_url(tRetryt PoolManagert ProxyManagertproxy_from_urltkey_filet cert_filet cert_reqstca_certst ssl_versiont ca_cert_dirt ssl_contextt key_schemetkey_hosttkey_portt key_timeoutt key_retriest key_strictt key_blocktkey_source_addresst key_key_filet key_cert_filet key_cert_reqst key_ca_certstkey_ssl_versiontkey_ca_cert_dirtkey_ssl_contextt key_maxsizet key_headerst key__proxytkey__proxy_headerstkey_socket_optionstkey__socks_optionstkey_assert_hostnametkey_assert_fingerprinttPoolKeycC@s|j}|dj|d<|dj|d>> manager = PoolManager(num_pools=2) >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> r = manager.request('GET', '') >>> len(manager.pools) 2 i cK@sMtj||||_t|dd|_t|_tj|_dS(Nt dispose_funccS@s |jS(N(tclose(tp((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pytt(R t__init__tconnection_pool_kwRtpoolstpool_classes_by_schemetkey_fn_by_schemeR5(tselft num_poolsR0RO((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRNs    cC@s|S(N((RS((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyt __enter__scC@s|jtS(N(tcleartFalse(RStexc_typetexc_valtexc_tb((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyt__exit__s cC@s|j|}|dkr+|jj}nxdD]}|j|dq2W|dkr|x!tD]}|j|dq_Wn||||S(s Create a new :class:`ConnectionPool` based on host, port, scheme, and any additional pool keyword arguments. If ``request_context`` is provided, it is provided as keyword arguments to the pool class used. This method is used to actually create the connection pools handed out by :meth:`connection_from_url` and companion methods. It is intended to be overridden for customization. R.R/tportRGN(R.R/R\(RQR7ROR5R>t SSL_KEYWORDS(RSR.R/R\RAtpool_clsRCtkw((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyt _new_pools     cC@s|jjdS(s Empty our store of pools and direct them all to close. This will not affect in-flight connections, but they will not be re-used after completion. N(RPRV(RS((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRVsRGcC@sz|stdn|j|}|p-d|d<|sYtj|djd}n||d<||d<|j|S(s Get a :class:`ConnectionPool` based on the host, port, and scheme. If ``port`` isn't given, it will be derived from the ``scheme`` using ``urllib3.connectionpool.port_by_scheme``. If ``pool_kwargs`` is provided, it is merged with the instance's ``connection_pool_kw`` variable and used to create the new connection pool, if one is needed. sNo host specified.RGR.iPR\R/(Rt_merge_pool_kwargsRR:R6tconnection_from_context(RSR/R\R.t pool_kwargsRA((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pytconnection_from_hosts   cC@s<|dj}|j|}||}|j|d|S(s Get a :class:`ConnectionPool` based on the request context. ``request_context`` must at least contain the ``scheme`` key and its value must be a key in ``key_fn_by_scheme`` instance variable. R.RA(R6RRtconnection_from_pool_key(RSRAR.tpool_key_constructortpool_key((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRbs  c C@sy|jjg|jj|}|r)|S|d}|d}|d}|j|||d|}||j| %sN(R RdR/R\R.RWR0R5tproxyR7turlopent request_uritget_redirect_locationRtstatusR:t isinstanceR tfrom_inttremove_headers_on_redirectt is_same_hostR>t incrementRtraise_on_redirecttlogtinfo( RStmethodRjRrR_RktconnRutredirect_locationRttheader((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyRx-s@ $     "    N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__R7RwRNRUR[R`RVRdRbReRlRatTrueRx(((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.pyR ys       cB@sJeZdZddddZddddZddZedZRS(sw Behaves just like :class:`PoolManager`, but sends all requests through the defined proxy, using the CONNECT method for HTTPS URLs. :param proxy_url: The URL of the proxy to be used. :param proxy_headers: A dictionary contaning headers that will be sent to the proxy. In case of HTTP they are being sent with each request, while in the HTTPS/CONNECT case they are sent only once. Could be used for proxy authentication. Example: >>> proxy = urllib3.ProxyManager('http://localhost:3128/') >>> r1 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> r2 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> len(proxy.pools) 1 >>> r3 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> r4 = proxy.request('GET', '') >>> len(proxy.pools) 3 i cK@st|tr.d|j|j|jf}nt|}|jsmtj|jd}|jd|}n|jdkrt |jn||_ |pi|_ |j |d<|j |dsb    5 Wrequest.py000064400000013472147205427720006627 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from .filepost import encode_multipart_formdata from .packages.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode __all__ = ['RequestMethods'] class RequestMethods(object): """ Convenience mixin for classes who implement a :meth:`urlopen` method, such as :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`~urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager`. Provides behavior for making common types of HTTP request methods and decides which type of request field encoding to use. Specifically, :meth:`.request_encode_url` is for sending requests whose fields are encoded in the URL (such as GET, HEAD, DELETE). :meth:`.request_encode_body` is for sending requests whose fields are encoded in the *body* of the request using multipart or www-form-urlencoded (such as for POST, PUT, PATCH). :meth:`.request` is for making any kind of request, it will look up the appropriate encoding format and use one of the above two methods to make the request. Initializer parameters: :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. """ _encode_url_methods = set(['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) def __init__(self, headers=None): self.headers = headers or {} def urlopen(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, encode_multipart=True, multipart_boundary=None, **kw): # Abstract raise NotImplemented("Classes extending RequestMethods must implement " "their own ``urlopen`` method.") def request(self, method, url, fields=None, headers=None, **urlopen_kw): """ Make a request using :meth:`urlopen` with the appropriate encoding of ``fields`` based on the ``method`` used. This is a convenience method that requires the least amount of manual effort. It can be used in most situations, while still having the option to drop down to more specific methods when necessary, such as :meth:`request_encode_url`, :meth:`request_encode_body`, or even the lowest level :meth:`urlopen`. """ method = method.upper() if method in self._encode_url_methods: return self.request_encode_url(method, url, fields=fields, headers=headers, **urlopen_kw) else: return self.request_encode_body(method, url, fields=fields, headers=headers, **urlopen_kw) def request_encode_url(self, method, url, fields=None, headers=None, **urlopen_kw): """ Make a request using :meth:`urlopen` with the ``fields`` encoded in the url. This is useful for request methods like GET, HEAD, DELETE, etc. """ if headers is None: headers = self.headers extra_kw = {'headers': headers} extra_kw.update(urlopen_kw) if fields: url += '?' + urlencode(fields) return self.urlopen(method, url, **extra_kw) def request_encode_body(self, method, url, fields=None, headers=None, encode_multipart=True, multipart_boundary=None, **urlopen_kw): """ Make a request using :meth:`urlopen` with the ``fields`` encoded in the body. This is useful for request methods like POST, PUT, PATCH, etc. When ``encode_multipart=True`` (default), then :meth:`urllib3.filepost.encode_multipart_formdata` is used to encode the payload with the appropriate content type. Otherwise :meth:`urllib.urlencode` is used with the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' content type. Multipart encoding must be used when posting files, and it's reasonably safe to use it in other times too. However, it may break request signing, such as with OAuth. Supports an optional ``fields`` parameter of key/value strings AND key/filetuple. A filetuple is a (filename, data, MIME type) tuple where the MIME type is optional. For example:: fields = { 'foo': 'bar', 'fakefile': ('foofile.txt', 'contents of foofile'), 'realfile': ('barfile.txt', open('realfile').read()), 'typedfile': ('bazfile.bin', open('bazfile').read(), 'image/jpeg'), 'nonamefile': 'contents of nonamefile field', } When uploading a file, providing a filename (the first parameter of the tuple) is optional but recommended to best mimick behavior of browsers. Note that if ``headers`` are supplied, the 'Content-Type' header will be overwritten because it depends on the dynamic random boundary string which is used to compose the body of the request. The random boundary string can be explicitly set with the ``multipart_boundary`` parameter. """ if headers is None: headers = self.headers extra_kw = {'headers': {}} if fields: if 'body' in urlopen_kw: raise TypeError( "request got values for both 'fields' and 'body', can only specify one.") if encode_multipart: body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(fields, boundary=multipart_boundary) else: body, content_type = urlencode(fields), 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' extra_kw['body'] = body extra_kw['headers'] = {'Content-Type': content_type} extra_kw['headers'].update(headers) extra_kw.update(urlopen_kw) return self.urlopen(method, url, **extra_kw) request.pyc000064400000013722147205427720006770 0ustar00 abc@@sSddlmZddlmZddlmZdgZdefdYZdS(i(tabsolute_importi(tencode_multipart_formdata(t urlencodetRequestMethodscB@szeZdZeddddgZd dZd d ed dZd d dZ d d dZ d d ed d Z RS( s Convenience mixin for classes who implement a :meth:`urlopen` method, such as :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`~urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager`. Provides behavior for making common types of HTTP request methods and decides which type of request field encoding to use. Specifically, :meth:`.request_encode_url` is for sending requests whose fields are encoded in the URL (such as GET, HEAD, DELETE). :meth:`.request_encode_body` is for sending requests whose fields are encoded in the *body* of the request using multipart or www-form-urlencoded (such as for POST, PUT, PATCH). :meth:`.request` is for making any kind of request, it will look up the appropriate encoding format and use one of the above two methods to make the request. Initializer parameters: :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. tDELETEtGETtHEADtOPTIONScC@s|p i|_dS(N(theaders(tselfR((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pyt__init__)scK@stddS(NsMClasses extending RequestMethods must implement their own ``urlopen`` method.(tNotImplemented(R tmethodturltbodyRtencode_multiparttmultipart_boundarytkw((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pyturlopen,scK@s]|j}||jkr:|j||d|d||S|j||d|d||SdS(s Make a request using :meth:`urlopen` with the appropriate encoding of ``fields`` based on the ``method`` used. This is a convenience method that requires the least amount of manual effort. It can be used in most situations, while still having the option to drop down to more specific methods when necessary, such as :meth:`request_encode_url`, :meth:`request_encode_body`, or even the lowest level :meth:`urlopen`. tfieldsRN(tuppert_encode_url_methodstrequest_encode_urltrequest_encode_body(R R R RRt urlopen_kw((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pytrequest2s cK@sb|dkr|j}ni|d6}|j||rO|dt|7}n|j|||S(s Make a request using :meth:`urlopen` with the ``fields`` encoded in the url. This is useful for request methods like GET, HEAD, DELETE, etc. Rt?N(tNoneRtupdateRR(R R R RRRtextra_kw((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pyRHs    c K@s|dkr|j}niid6}|rd|krFtdn|rgt|d|\} } nt|d} } | |ds request.pyo000064400000013722147205427720007004 0ustar00 abc@@sSddlmZddlmZddlmZdgZdefdYZdS(i(tabsolute_importi(tencode_multipart_formdata(t urlencodetRequestMethodscB@szeZdZeddddgZd dZd d ed dZd d dZ d d dZ d d ed d Z RS( s Convenience mixin for classes who implement a :meth:`urlopen` method, such as :class:`~urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`~urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager`. Provides behavior for making common types of HTTP request methods and decides which type of request field encoding to use. Specifically, :meth:`.request_encode_url` is for sending requests whose fields are encoded in the URL (such as GET, HEAD, DELETE). :meth:`.request_encode_body` is for sending requests whose fields are encoded in the *body* of the request using multipart or www-form-urlencoded (such as for POST, PUT, PATCH). :meth:`.request` is for making any kind of request, it will look up the appropriate encoding format and use one of the above two methods to make the request. Initializer parameters: :param headers: Headers to include with all requests, unless other headers are given explicitly. tDELETEtGETtHEADtOPTIONScC@s|p i|_dS(N(theaders(tselfR((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pyt__init__)scK@stddS(NsMClasses extending RequestMethods must implement their own ``urlopen`` method.(tNotImplemented(R tmethodturltbodyRtencode_multiparttmultipart_boundarytkw((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pyturlopen,scK@s]|j}||jkr:|j||d|d||S|j||d|d||SdS(s Make a request using :meth:`urlopen` with the appropriate encoding of ``fields`` based on the ``method`` used. This is a convenience method that requires the least amount of manual effort. It can be used in most situations, while still having the option to drop down to more specific methods when necessary, such as :meth:`request_encode_url`, :meth:`request_encode_body`, or even the lowest level :meth:`urlopen`. tfieldsRN(tuppert_encode_url_methodstrequest_encode_urltrequest_encode_body(R R R RRt urlopen_kw((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pytrequest2s cK@sb|dkr|j}ni|d6}|j||rO|dt|7}n|j|||S(s Make a request using :meth:`urlopen` with the ``fields`` encoded in the url. This is useful for request methods like GET, HEAD, DELETE, etc. Rt?N(tNoneRtupdateRR(R R R RRRtextra_kw((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.pyRHs    c K@s|dkr|j}niid6}|rd|krFtdn|rgt|d|\} } nt|d} } | |ds response.py000064400000054567147205427720007007 0ustar00from __future__ import absolute_import from contextlib import contextmanager import zlib import io import logging from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout from socket import error as SocketError from ._collections import HTTPHeaderDict from .exceptions import ( BodyNotHttplibCompatible, ProtocolError, DecodeError, ReadTimeoutError, ResponseNotChunked, IncompleteRead, InvalidHeader ) from .packages.six import string_types as basestring, binary_type, PY3 from .packages.six.moves import http_client as httplib from .connection import HTTPException, BaseSSLError from .util.response import is_fp_closed, is_response_to_head log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DeflateDecoder(object): def __init__(self): self._first_try = True self._data = binary_type() self._obj = zlib.decompressobj() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._obj, name) def decompress(self, data): if not data: return data if not self._first_try: return self._obj.decompress(data) self._data += data try: decompressed = self._obj.decompress(data) if decompressed: self._first_try = False self._data = None return decompressed except zlib.error: self._first_try = False self._obj = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) try: return self.decompress(self._data) finally: self._data = None class GzipDecoder(object): def __init__(self): self._obj = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._obj, name) def decompress(self, data): if not data: return data return self._obj.decompress(data) def _get_decoder(mode): if mode == 'gzip': return GzipDecoder() return DeflateDecoder() class HTTPResponse(io.IOBase): """ HTTP Response container. Backwards-compatible to httplib's HTTPResponse but the response ``body`` is loaded and decoded on-demand when the ``data`` property is accessed. This class is also compatible with the Python standard library's :mod:`io` module, and can hence be treated as a readable object in the context of that framework. Extra parameters for behaviour not present in httplib.HTTPResponse: :param preload_content: If True, the response's body will be preloaded during construction. :param decode_content: If True, attempts to decode specific content-encoding's based on headers (like 'gzip' and 'deflate') will be skipped and raw data will be used instead. :param original_response: When this HTTPResponse wrapper is generated from an httplib.HTTPResponse object, it's convenient to include the original for debug purposes. It's otherwise unused. :param retries: The retries contains the last :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` that was used during the request. :param enforce_content_length: Enforce content length checking. Body returned by server must match value of Content-Length header, if present. Otherwise, raise error. """ CONTENT_DECODERS = ['gzip', 'deflate'] REDIRECT_STATUSES = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308] def __init__(self, body='', headers=None, status=0, version=0, reason=None, strict=0, preload_content=True, decode_content=True, original_response=None, pool=None, connection=None, retries=None, enforce_content_length=False, request_method=None): if isinstance(headers, HTTPHeaderDict): self.headers = headers else: self.headers = HTTPHeaderDict(headers) self.status = status self.version = version self.reason = reason self.strict = strict self.decode_content = decode_content self.retries = retries self.enforce_content_length = enforce_content_length self._decoder = None self._body = None self._fp = None self._original_response = original_response self._fp_bytes_read = 0 if body and isinstance(body, (basestring, binary_type)): self._body = body self._pool = pool self._connection = connection if hasattr(body, 'read'): self._fp = body # Are we using the chunked-style of transfer encoding? self.chunked = False self.chunk_left = None tr_enc = self.headers.get('transfer-encoding', '').lower() # Don't incur the penalty of creating a list and then discarding it encodings = (enc.strip() for enc in tr_enc.split(",")) if "chunked" in encodings: self.chunked = True # Determine length of response self.length_remaining = self._init_length(request_method) # If requested, preload the body. if preload_content and not self._body: self._body = def get_redirect_location(self): """ Should we redirect and where to? :returns: Truthy redirect location string if we got a redirect status code and valid location. ``None`` if redirect status and no location. ``False`` if not a redirect status code. """ if self.status in self.REDIRECT_STATUSES: return self.headers.get('location') return False def release_conn(self): if not self._pool or not self._connection: return self._pool._put_conn(self._connection) self._connection = None @property def data(self): # For backwords-compat with earlier urllib3 0.4 and earlier. if self._body: return self._body if self._fp: return @property def connection(self): return self._connection def tell(self): """ Obtain the number of bytes pulled over the wire so far. May differ from the amount of content returned by :meth:```` if bytes are encoded on the wire (e.g, compressed). """ return self._fp_bytes_read def _init_length(self, request_method): """ Set initial length value for Response content if available. """ length = self.headers.get('content-length') if length is not None and self.chunked: # This Response will fail with an IncompleteRead if it can't be # received as chunked. This method falls back to attempt reading # the response before raising an exception. log.warning("Received response with both Content-Length and " "Transfer-Encoding set. This is expressly forbidden " "by RFC 7230 sec 3.3.2. Ignoring Content-Length and " "attempting to process response as Transfer-Encoding: " "chunked.") return None elif length is not None: try: # RFC 7230 section 3.3.2 specifies multiple content lengths can # be sent in a single Content-Length header # (e.g. Content-Length: 42, 42). This line ensures the values # are all valid ints and that as long as the `set` length is 1, # all values are the same. Otherwise, the header is invalid. lengths = set([int(val) for val in length.split(',')]) if len(lengths) > 1: raise InvalidHeader("Content-Length contained multiple " "unmatching values (%s)" % length) length = lengths.pop() except ValueError: length = None else: if length < 0: length = None # Convert status to int for comparison # In some cases, httplib returns a status of "_UNKNOWN" try: status = int(self.status) except ValueError: status = 0 # Check for responses that shouldn't include a body if status in (204, 304) or 100 <= status < 200 or request_method == 'HEAD': length = 0 return length def _init_decoder(self): """ Set-up the _decoder attribute if necessary. """ # Note: content-encoding value should be case-insensitive, per RFC 7230 # Section 3.2 content_encoding = self.headers.get('content-encoding', '').lower() if self._decoder is None and content_encoding in self.CONTENT_DECODERS: self._decoder = _get_decoder(content_encoding) def _decode(self, data, decode_content, flush_decoder): """ Decode the data passed in and potentially flush the decoder. """ try: if decode_content and self._decoder: data = self._decoder.decompress(data) except (IOError, zlib.error) as e: content_encoding = self.headers.get('content-encoding', '').lower() raise DecodeError( "Received response with content-encoding: %s, but " "failed to decode it." % content_encoding, e) if flush_decoder and decode_content: data += self._flush_decoder() return data def _flush_decoder(self): """ Flushes the decoder. Should only be called if the decoder is actually being used. """ if self._decoder: buf = self._decoder.decompress(b'') return buf + self._decoder.flush() return b'' @contextmanager def _error_catcher(self): """ Catch low-level python exceptions, instead re-raising urllib3 variants, so that low-level exceptions are not leaked in the high-level api. On exit, release the connection back to the pool. """ clean_exit = False try: try: yield except SocketTimeout: # FIXME: Ideally we'd like to include the url in the ReadTimeoutError but # there is yet no clean way to get at it from this context. raise ReadTimeoutError(self._pool, None, 'Read timed out.') except BaseSSLError as e: # FIXME: Is there a better way to differentiate between SSLErrors? if 'read operation timed out' not in str(e): # Defensive: # This shouldn't happen but just in case we're missing an edge # case, let's avoid swallowing SSL errors. raise raise ReadTimeoutError(self._pool, None, 'Read timed out.') except (HTTPException, SocketError) as e: # This includes IncompleteRead. raise ProtocolError('Connection broken: %r' % e, e) # If no exception is thrown, we should avoid cleaning up # unnecessarily. clean_exit = True finally: # If we didn't terminate cleanly, we need to throw away our # connection. if not clean_exit: # The response may not be closed but we're not going to use it # anymore so close it now to ensure that the connection is # released back to the pool. if self._original_response: self._original_response.close() # Closing the response may not actually be sufficient to close # everything, so if we have a hold of the connection close that # too. if self._connection: self._connection.close() # If we hold the original response but it's closed now, we should # return the connection back to the pool. if self._original_response and self._original_response.isclosed(): self.release_conn() def read(self, amt=None, decode_content=None, cache_content=False): """ Similar to :meth:``, but with two additional parameters: ``decode_content`` and ``cache_content``. :param amt: How much of the content to read. If specified, caching is skipped because it doesn't make sense to cache partial content as the full response. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. :param cache_content: If True, will save the returned data such that the same result is returned despite of the state of the underlying file object. This is useful if you want the ``.data`` property to continue working after having ``.read()`` the file object. (Overridden if ``amt`` is set.) """ self._init_decoder() if decode_content is None: decode_content = self.decode_content if self._fp is None: return flush_decoder = False data = None with self._error_catcher(): if amt is None: # cStringIO doesn't like amt=None data = flush_decoder = True else: cache_content = False data = if amt != 0 and not data: # Platform-specific: Buggy versions of Python. # Close the connection when no data is returned # # This is redundant to what httplib/http.client _should_ # already do. However, versions of python released before # December 15, 2012 ( do # not properly close the connection in all cases. There is # no harm in redundantly calling close. self._fp.close() flush_decoder = True if self.enforce_content_length and self.length_remaining not in (0, None): # This is an edge case that httplib failed to cover due # to concerns of backward compatibility. We're # addressing it here to make sure IncompleteRead is # raised during streaming, so all calls with incorrect # Content-Length are caught. raise IncompleteRead(self._fp_bytes_read, self.length_remaining) if data: self._fp_bytes_read += len(data) if self.length_remaining is not None: self.length_remaining -= len(data) data = self._decode(data, decode_content, flush_decoder) if cache_content: self._body = data return data def stream(self, amt=2**16, decode_content=None): """ A generator wrapper for the read() method. A call will block until ``amt`` bytes have been read from the connection or until the connection is closed. :param amt: How much of the content to read. The generator will return up to much data per iteration, but may return less. This is particularly likely when using compressed data. However, the empty string will never be returned. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. """ if self.chunked and self.supports_chunked_reads(): for line in self.read_chunked(amt, decode_content=decode_content): yield line else: while not is_fp_closed(self._fp): data =, decode_content=decode_content) if data: yield data @classmethod def from_httplib(ResponseCls, r, **response_kw): """ Given an :class:`httplib.HTTPResponse` instance ``r``, return a corresponding :class:`urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` object. Remaining parameters are passed to the HTTPResponse constructor, along with ``original_response=r``. """ headers = r.msg if not isinstance(headers, HTTPHeaderDict): if PY3: # Python 3 headers = HTTPHeaderDict(headers.items()) else: # Python 2 headers = HTTPHeaderDict.from_httplib(headers) # HTTPResponse objects in Python 3 don't have a .strict attribute strict = getattr(r, 'strict', 0) resp = ResponseCls(body=r, headers=headers, status=r.status, version=r.version, reason=r.reason, strict=strict, original_response=r, **response_kw) return resp # Backwards-compatibility methods for httplib.HTTPResponse def getheaders(self): return self.headers def getheader(self, name, default=None): return self.headers.get(name, default) # Backwards compatibility for http.cookiejar def info(self): return self.headers # Overrides from io.IOBase def close(self): if not self.closed: self._fp.close() if self._connection: self._connection.close() @property def closed(self): if self._fp is None: return True elif hasattr(self._fp, 'isclosed'): return self._fp.isclosed() elif hasattr(self._fp, 'closed'): return self._fp.closed else: return True def fileno(self): if self._fp is None: raise IOError("HTTPResponse has no file to get a fileno from") elif hasattr(self._fp, "fileno"): return self._fp.fileno() else: raise IOError("The file-like object this HTTPResponse is wrapped " "around has no file descriptor") def flush(self): if self._fp is not None and hasattr(self._fp, 'flush'): return self._fp.flush() def readable(self): # This method is required for `io` module compatibility. return True def readinto(self, b): # This method is required for `io` module compatibility. temp = if len(temp) == 0: return 0 else: b[:len(temp)] = temp return len(temp) def supports_chunked_reads(self): """ Checks if the underlying file-like object looks like a httplib.HTTPResponse object. We do this by testing for the fp attribute. If it is present we assume it returns raw chunks as processed by read_chunked(). """ return hasattr(self._fp, 'fp') def _update_chunk_length(self): # First, we'll figure out length of a chunk and then # we'll try to read it from socket. if self.chunk_left is not None: return line = self._fp.fp.readline() line = line.split(b';', 1)[0] try: self.chunk_left = int(line, 16) except ValueError: # Invalid chunked protocol response, abort. self.close() raise httplib.IncompleteRead(line) def _handle_chunk(self, amt): returned_chunk = None if amt is None: chunk = self._fp._safe_read(self.chunk_left) returned_chunk = chunk self._fp._safe_read(2) # Toss the CRLF at the end of the chunk. self.chunk_left = None elif amt < self.chunk_left: value = self._fp._safe_read(amt) self.chunk_left = self.chunk_left - amt returned_chunk = value elif amt == self.chunk_left: value = self._fp._safe_read(amt) self._fp._safe_read(2) # Toss the CRLF at the end of the chunk. self.chunk_left = None returned_chunk = value else: # amt > self.chunk_left returned_chunk = self._fp._safe_read(self.chunk_left) self._fp._safe_read(2) # Toss the CRLF at the end of the chunk. self.chunk_left = None return returned_chunk def read_chunked(self, amt=None, decode_content=None): """ Similar to :meth:``, but with an additional parameter: ``decode_content``. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. """ self._init_decoder() # FIXME: Rewrite this method and make it a class with a better structured logic. if not self.chunked: raise ResponseNotChunked( "Response is not chunked. " "Header 'transfer-encoding: chunked' is missing.") if not self.supports_chunked_reads(): raise BodyNotHttplibCompatible( "Body should be httplib.HTTPResponse like. " "It should have have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks.") # Don't bother reading the body of a HEAD request. if self._original_response and is_response_to_head(self._original_response): self._original_response.close() return with self._error_catcher(): while True: self._update_chunk_length() if self.chunk_left == 0: break chunk = self._handle_chunk(amt) decoded = self._decode(chunk, decode_content=decode_content, flush_decoder=False) if decoded: yield decoded if decode_content: # On CPython and PyPy, we should never need to flush the # decoder. However, on Jython we *might* need to, so # lets defensively do it anyway. decoded = self._flush_decoder() if decoded: # Platform-specific: Jython. yield decoded # Chunk content ends with \r\n: discard it. while True: line = self._fp.fp.readline() if not line: # Some sites may not end with '\r\n'. break if line == b'\r\n': break # We read everything; close the "file". if self._original_response: self._original_response.close() response.pyc000064400000046204147205427720007137 0ustar00 abc@@saddlmZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlm Z ddl m Z ddlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZdd lmZmZmZdd lmZdd lmZm Z dd l!m"Z"m#Z#ej$e%Z&d e'fdYZ(de'fdYZ)dZ*dej+fdYZ,dS(i(tabsolute_import(tcontextmanagerN(ttimeout(terrori(tHTTPHeaderDict(tBodyNotHttplibCompatiblet ProtocolErrort DecodeErrortReadTimeoutErrortResponseNotChunkedtIncompleteReadt InvalidHeader(t string_typest binary_typetPY3(t http_client(t HTTPExceptiont BaseSSLError(t is_fp_closedtis_response_to_headtDeflateDecodercB@s#eZdZdZdZRS(cC@s(t|_t|_tj|_dS(N(tTruet _first_tryR t_datatzlibt decompressobjt_obj(tself((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt__init__s  cC@st|j|S(N(tgetattrR(Rtname((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt __getattr__scC@s|s |S|js#|jj|S|j|7_y5|jj|}|rbt|_d|_n|SWnTtjk rt|_tjtj |_z|j|jSWdd|_XnXdS(N( RRt decompressRtFalsetNoneRRRt MAX_WBITS(Rtdatat decompressed((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR s"    (t__name__t __module__RRR (((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs  t GzipDecodercB@s#eZdZdZdZRS(cC@stjdtj|_dS(Ni(RRR#R(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR9scC@st|j|S(N(RR(RR((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR<scC@s|s |S|jj|S(N(RR (RR$((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR ?s(R&R'RRR (((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR(7s  cC@s|dkrtStS(Ntgzip(R(R(tmode((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt _get_decoderEs t HTTPResponsecB@seZdZddgZdddddgZdd'd d d'd eed'd'd'd'ed'd Zd Z d Z e d Z e dZ dZdZdZdZdZedZd'd'edZd(d'dZedZdZd'dZdZdZe dZdZd Zd!Z d"Z!d#Z"d$Z#d%Z$d'd'd&Z%RS()s  HTTP Response container. Backwards-compatible to httplib's HTTPResponse but the response ``body`` is loaded and decoded on-demand when the ``data`` property is accessed. This class is also compatible with the Python standard library's :mod:`io` module, and can hence be treated as a readable object in the context of that framework. Extra parameters for behaviour not present in httplib.HTTPResponse: :param preload_content: If True, the response's body will be preloaded during construction. :param decode_content: If True, attempts to decode specific content-encoding's based on headers (like 'gzip' and 'deflate') will be skipped and raw data will be used instead. :param original_response: When this HTTPResponse wrapper is generated from an httplib.HTTPResponse object, it's convenient to include the original for debug purposes. It's otherwise unused. :param retries: The retries contains the last :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` that was used during the request. :param enforce_content_length: Enforce content length checking. Body returned by server must match value of Content-Length header, if present. Otherwise, raise error. R)tdeflatei-i.i/i3i4ticC@st|tr||_nt||_||_||_||_||_||_| |_| |_ d|_ d|_ d|_ | |_d|_|rt|ttfr||_ n| |_| |_t|dr||_ nt|_d|_|jjddj}d|jdD}d|krHt|_n|j||_|r|j r|jd||_ ndS( Nitreadstransfer-encodingR.cs@s|]}|jVqdS(N(tstrip(t.0tenc((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pys st,tchunkedtdecode_content(t isinstanceRtheaderststatustversiontreasontstrictR5tretriestenforce_content_lengthR"t_decodert_bodyt_fpt_original_responset_fp_bytes_readt basestringR t_poolt _connectionthasattrR!R4t chunk_lefttgettlowertsplitRt _init_lengthtlength_remainingR/(RtbodyR7R8R9R:R;tpreload_contentR5toriginal_responsetpoolt connectionR<R=trequest_methodttr_enct encodings((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRqs<                     cC@s&|j|jkr"|jjdStS(s Should we redirect and where to? :returns: Truthy redirect location string if we got a redirect status code and valid location. ``None`` if redirect status and no location. ``False`` if not a redirect status code. tlocation(R8tREDIRECT_STATUSESR7RHR!(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytget_redirect_locationscC@s8|j s|j rdS|jj|jd|_dS(N(RDREt _put_connR"(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt release_connscC@s-|jr|jS|jr)|jdtSdS(Nt cache_content(R?R@R/R(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR$s  cC@s|jS(N(RE(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRQscC@s|jS(s Obtain the number of bytes pulled over the wire so far. May differ from the amount of content returned by :meth:```` if bytes are encoded on the wire (e.g, compressed). (RB(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyttellscC@sG|jjd}|d k r8|jr8tjdd S|d k ryctg|jdD]}t|^qZ}t |dkrt d|n|j }Wnt k rd }qX|dkrd }qnyt|j }Wnt k rd}nX|d ks:d |ko)d kns:|d krCd}n|S(sM Set initial length value for Response content if available. scontent-lengthsReceived response with both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding set. This is expressly forbidden by RFC 7230 sec 3.3.2. Ignoring Content-Length and attempting to process response as Transfer-Encoding: chunked.R3is8Content-Length contained multiple unmatching values (%s)iii0iditHEADN(ii0(R7RHR"R4tlogtwarningtsetRJtinttlenR tpopt ValueErrorR8(RRRtlengthtvaltlengthsR8((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRKs,  .       4 cC@sO|jjddj}|jdkrK||jkrKt||_ndS(s= Set-up the _decoder attribute if necessary. scontent-encodingR.N(R7RHRIR>R"tCONTENT_DECODERSR+(Rtcontent_encoding((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt _init_decoderscC@sy(|r'|jr'|jj|}nWnJttjfk rt}|jjddj}td||nX|r|r||j 7}n|S(sN Decode the data passed in and potentially flush the decoder. scontent-encodingR.sEReceived response with content-encoding: %s, but failed to decode it.( R>R tIOErrorRRR7RHRIRt_flush_decoder(RR$R5t flush_decoderteRh((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt_decodes cC@s0|jr,|jjd}||jjSdS(sk Flushes the decoder. Should only be called if the decoder is actually being used. R.(R>R tflush(Rtbuf((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRks cc@st}zy dVWntk r:t|jddnktk ry}dt|krant|jddn,ttfk r}t d||nXt }Wd|s|j r|j j n|j r|j j qn|j r|j jr|jnXdS(s Catch low-level python exceptions, instead re-raising urllib3 variants, so that low-level exceptions are not leaked in the high-level api. On exit, release the connection back to the pool. NsRead timed out.sread operation timed outsConnection broken: %r(R!t SocketTimeoutRRDR"RtstrRt SocketErrorRRRAtcloseREtisclosedRY(Rt clean_exitRm((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt_error_catcher!s(      cC@sY|j|dkr"|j}n|jdkr5dSt}d}|j|dkrr|jj}t}nqt}|jj|}|dkr| r|jjt}|j r|j dkrt |j |j qnWdQX|rU|j t |7_ |j dk r+|j t |8_ n|j|||}|rU||_qUn|S(sP Similar to :meth:``, but with two additional parameters: ``decode_content`` and ``cache_content``. :param amt: How much of the content to read. If specified, caching is skipped because it doesn't make sense to cache partial content as the full response. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. :param cache_content: If True, will save the returned data such that the same result is returned despite of the state of the underlying file object. This is useful if you want the ``.data`` property to continue working after having ``.read()`` the file object. (Overridden if ``amt`` is set.) Ni(iN(RiR"R5R@R!RwR/RRtR=RLR RBRaRnR?(RtamtR5RZRlR$((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR/Zs4       !iicc@s}|jr=|jr=xa|j|d|D] }|Vq+Wn<x9t|jsx|jd|d|}|r@|Vq@q@WdS(s_ A generator wrapper for the read() method. A call will block until ``amt`` bytes have been read from the connection or until the connection is closed. :param amt: How much of the content to read. The generator will return up to much data per iteration, but may return less. This is particularly likely when using compressed data. However, the empty string will never be returned. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. R5RxN(R4tsupports_chunked_readst read_chunkedRR@R/(RRxR5tlineR$((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytstreams cK@s|j}t|tsEtr3t|j}qEtj|}nt|dd}|d|d|d|jd|jd|j d|d||}|S( s  Given an :class:`httplib.HTTPResponse` instance ``r``, return a corresponding :class:`urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` object. Remaining parameters are passed to the HTTPResponse constructor, along with ``original_response=r``. R;iRMR7R8R9R:RO( tmsgR6RRtitemst from_httplibRR8R9R:(t ResponseClstrt response_kwR7R;tresp((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs      cC@s|jS(N(R7(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt getheadersscC@s|jj||S(N(R7RH(RRtdefault((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt getheaderscC@s|jS(N(R7(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytinfoscC@s6|js|jjn|jr2|jjndS(N(tclosedR@RtRE(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRts  cC@sV|jdkrtSt|jdr2|jjSt|jdrN|jjStSdS(NRuR(R@R"RRFRuR(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs  cC@sM|jdkrtdn+t|jdr=|jjStddS(Ns-HTTPResponse has no file to get a fileno fromtfilenosOThe file-like object this HTTPResponse is wrapped around has no file descriptor(R@R"RjRFR(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs  cC@s2|jdk r.t|jdr.|jjSdS(NRo(R@R"RFRo(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRos!cC@stS(N(R(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytreadablescC@sI|jt|}t|dkr+dS||t|*t|SdS(Ni(R/Ra(Rtbttemp((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytreadintos cC@st|jdS(s Checks if the underlying file-like object looks like a httplib.HTTPResponse object. We do this by testing for the fp attribute. If it is present we assume it returns raw chunks as processed by read_chunked(). tfp(RFR@(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRyscC@s|jdk rdS|jjj}|jddd}yt|d|_Wn*tk r}|jt j |nXdS(Nt;iii( RGR"R@RtreadlineRJR`RcRtthttplibR (RR{((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt_update_chunk_lengths  cC@sd}|dkrI|jj|j}|}|jjdd|_n||jkr|jj|}|j||_|}nq||jkr|jj|}|jjdd|_|}n.|jj|j}|jjdd|_|S(Ni(R"R@t _safe_readRG(RRxtreturned_chunktchunktvalue((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt _handle_chunk%s&      c c@sT|j|js"tdn|js=tdn|jrft|jrf|jjdS|jx_t r|j |j dkrPn|j |}|j |d|dt}|rv|VqvqvW|r|j}|r|Vqnx6t r0|jjj}|sPn|dkrPqqW|jrJ|jjnWdQXdS(s Similar to :meth:``, but with an additional parameter: ``decode_content``. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. sHResponse is not chunked. Header 'transfer-encoding: chunked' is missing.sgBody should be httplib.HTTPResponse like. It should have have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks.NiR5Rls (RiR4R RyRRARRtRwRRRGRRnR!RkR@RR(RRxR5RtdecodedR{((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRz;s@                Ni(&R&R't__doc__RgRVR"RR!RRWRYtpropertyR$RQR[RKRiRnRkRRwR/R|t classmethodRRRRRtRRRoRRRyRRRz(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR,LsB    -    0  9E        (-t __future__Rt contextlibRRtiotloggingtsocketRRqRRst _collectionsRt exceptionsRRRRR R R t packages.sixR RCR Rtpackages.six.movesRRRQRRt util.responseRRt getLoggerR&R]tobjectRR(R+tIOBaseR,(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyts"   4! response.pyo000064400000046204147205427720007153 0ustar00 abc@@saddlmZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlm Z ddl m Z ddlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZdd lmZmZmZdd lmZdd lmZm Z dd l!m"Z"m#Z#ej$e%Z&d e'fdYZ(de'fdYZ)dZ*dej+fdYZ,dS(i(tabsolute_import(tcontextmanagerN(ttimeout(terrori(tHTTPHeaderDict(tBodyNotHttplibCompatiblet ProtocolErrort DecodeErrortReadTimeoutErrortResponseNotChunkedtIncompleteReadt InvalidHeader(t string_typest binary_typetPY3(t http_client(t HTTPExceptiont BaseSSLError(t is_fp_closedtis_response_to_headtDeflateDecodercB@s#eZdZdZdZRS(cC@s(t|_t|_tj|_dS(N(tTruet _first_tryR t_datatzlibt decompressobjt_obj(tself((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt__init__s  cC@st|j|S(N(tgetattrR(Rtname((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt __getattr__scC@s|s |S|js#|jj|S|j|7_y5|jj|}|rbt|_d|_n|SWnTtjk rt|_tjtj |_z|j|jSWdd|_XnXdS(N( RRt decompressRtFalsetNoneRRRt MAX_WBITS(Rtdatat decompressed((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR s"    (t__name__t __module__RRR (((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs  t GzipDecodercB@s#eZdZdZdZRS(cC@stjdtj|_dS(Ni(RRR#R(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR9scC@st|j|S(N(RR(RR((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR<scC@s|s |S|jj|S(N(RR (RR$((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR ?s(R&R'RRR (((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR(7s  cC@s|dkrtStS(Ntgzip(R(R(tmode((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt _get_decoderEs t HTTPResponsecB@seZdZddgZdddddgZdd'd d d'd eed'd'd'd'ed'd Zd Z d Z e d Z e dZ dZdZdZdZdZedZd'd'edZd(d'dZedZdZd'dZdZdZe dZdZd Zd!Z d"Z!d#Z"d$Z#d%Z$d'd'd&Z%RS()s  HTTP Response container. Backwards-compatible to httplib's HTTPResponse but the response ``body`` is loaded and decoded on-demand when the ``data`` property is accessed. This class is also compatible with the Python standard library's :mod:`io` module, and can hence be treated as a readable object in the context of that framework. Extra parameters for behaviour not present in httplib.HTTPResponse: :param preload_content: If True, the response's body will be preloaded during construction. :param decode_content: If True, attempts to decode specific content-encoding's based on headers (like 'gzip' and 'deflate') will be skipped and raw data will be used instead. :param original_response: When this HTTPResponse wrapper is generated from an httplib.HTTPResponse object, it's convenient to include the original for debug purposes. It's otherwise unused. :param retries: The retries contains the last :class:`~urllib3.util.retry.Retry` that was used during the request. :param enforce_content_length: Enforce content length checking. Body returned by server must match value of Content-Length header, if present. Otherwise, raise error. R)tdeflatei-i.i/i3i4ticC@st|tr||_nt||_||_||_||_||_||_| |_| |_ d|_ d|_ d|_ | |_d|_|rt|ttfr||_ n| |_| |_t|dr||_ nt|_d|_|jjddj}d|jdD}d|krHt|_n|j||_|r|j r|jd||_ ndS( Nitreadstransfer-encodingR.cs@s|]}|jVqdS(N(tstrip(t.0tenc((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pys st,tchunkedtdecode_content(t isinstanceRtheaderststatustversiontreasontstrictR5tretriestenforce_content_lengthR"t_decodert_bodyt_fpt_original_responset_fp_bytes_readt basestringR t_poolt _connectionthasattrR!R4t chunk_lefttgettlowertsplitRt _init_lengthtlength_remainingR/(RtbodyR7R8R9R:R;tpreload_contentR5toriginal_responsetpoolt connectionR<R=trequest_methodttr_enct encodings((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRqs<                     cC@s&|j|jkr"|jjdStS(s Should we redirect and where to? :returns: Truthy redirect location string if we got a redirect status code and valid location. ``None`` if redirect status and no location. ``False`` if not a redirect status code. tlocation(R8tREDIRECT_STATUSESR7RHR!(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytget_redirect_locationscC@s8|j s|j rdS|jj|jd|_dS(N(RDREt _put_connR"(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt release_connscC@s-|jr|jS|jr)|jdtSdS(Nt cache_content(R?R@R/R(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR$s  cC@s|jS(N(RE(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRQscC@s|jS(s Obtain the number of bytes pulled over the wire so far. May differ from the amount of content returned by :meth:```` if bytes are encoded on the wire (e.g, compressed). (RB(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyttellscC@sG|jjd}|d k r8|jr8tjdd S|d k ryctg|jdD]}t|^qZ}t |dkrt d|n|j }Wnt k rd }qX|dkrd }qnyt|j }Wnt k rd}nX|d ks:d |ko)d kns:|d krCd}n|S(sM Set initial length value for Response content if available. scontent-lengthsReceived response with both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding set. This is expressly forbidden by RFC 7230 sec 3.3.2. Ignoring Content-Length and attempting to process response as Transfer-Encoding: chunked.R3is8Content-Length contained multiple unmatching values (%s)iii0iditHEADN(ii0(R7RHR"R4tlogtwarningtsetRJtinttlenR tpopt ValueErrorR8(RRRtlengthtvaltlengthsR8((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRKs,  .       4 cC@sO|jjddj}|jdkrK||jkrKt||_ndS(s= Set-up the _decoder attribute if necessary. scontent-encodingR.N(R7RHRIR>R"tCONTENT_DECODERSR+(Rtcontent_encoding((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt _init_decoderscC@sy(|r'|jr'|jj|}nWnJttjfk rt}|jjddj}td||nX|r|r||j 7}n|S(sN Decode the data passed in and potentially flush the decoder. scontent-encodingR.sEReceived response with content-encoding: %s, but failed to decode it.( R>R tIOErrorRRR7RHRIRt_flush_decoder(RR$R5t flush_decoderteRh((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt_decodes cC@s0|jr,|jjd}||jjSdS(sk Flushes the decoder. Should only be called if the decoder is actually being used. R.(R>R tflush(Rtbuf((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRks cc@st}zy dVWntk r:t|jddnktk ry}dt|krant|jddn,ttfk r}t d||nXt }Wd|s|j r|j j n|j r|j j qn|j r|j jr|jnXdS(s Catch low-level python exceptions, instead re-raising urllib3 variants, so that low-level exceptions are not leaked in the high-level api. On exit, release the connection back to the pool. NsRead timed out.sread operation timed outsConnection broken: %r(R!t SocketTimeoutRRDR"RtstrRt SocketErrorRRRAtcloseREtisclosedRY(Rt clean_exitRm((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt_error_catcher!s(      cC@sY|j|dkr"|j}n|jdkr5dSt}d}|j|dkrr|jj}t}nqt}|jj|}|dkr| r|jjt}|j r|j dkrt |j |j qnWdQX|rU|j t |7_ |j dk r+|j t |8_ n|j|||}|rU||_qUn|S(sP Similar to :meth:``, but with two additional parameters: ``decode_content`` and ``cache_content``. :param amt: How much of the content to read. If specified, caching is skipped because it doesn't make sense to cache partial content as the full response. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. :param cache_content: If True, will save the returned data such that the same result is returned despite of the state of the underlying file object. This is useful if you want the ``.data`` property to continue working after having ``.read()`` the file object. (Overridden if ``amt`` is set.) Ni(iN(RiR"R5R@R!RwR/RRtR=RLR RBRaRnR?(RtamtR5RZRlR$((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR/Zs4       !iicc@s}|jr=|jr=xa|j|d|D] }|Vq+Wn<x9t|jsx|jd|d|}|r@|Vq@q@WdS(s_ A generator wrapper for the read() method. A call will block until ``amt`` bytes have been read from the connection or until the connection is closed. :param amt: How much of the content to read. The generator will return up to much data per iteration, but may return less. This is particularly likely when using compressed data. However, the empty string will never be returned. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. R5RxN(R4tsupports_chunked_readst read_chunkedRR@R/(RRxR5tlineR$((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytstreams cK@s|j}t|tsEtr3t|j}qEtj|}nt|dd}|d|d|d|jd|jd|j d|d||}|S( s  Given an :class:`httplib.HTTPResponse` instance ``r``, return a corresponding :class:`urllib3.response.HTTPResponse` object. Remaining parameters are passed to the HTTPResponse constructor, along with ``original_response=r``. R;iRMR7R8R9R:RO( tmsgR6RRtitemst from_httplibRR8R9R:(t ResponseClstrt response_kwR7R;tresp((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs      cC@s|jS(N(R7(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt getheadersscC@s|jj||S(N(R7RH(RRtdefault((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt getheaderscC@s|jS(N(R7(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytinfoscC@s6|js|jjn|jr2|jjndS(N(tclosedR@RtRE(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRts  cC@sV|jdkrtSt|jdr2|jjSt|jdrN|jjStSdS(NRuR(R@R"RRFRuR(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs  cC@sM|jdkrtdn+t|jdr=|jjStddS(Ns-HTTPResponse has no file to get a fileno fromtfilenosOThe file-like object this HTTPResponse is wrapped around has no file descriptor(R@R"RjRFR(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRs  cC@s2|jdk r.t|jdr.|jjSdS(NRo(R@R"RFRo(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRos!cC@stS(N(R(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytreadablescC@sI|jt|}t|dkr+dS||t|*t|SdS(Ni(R/Ra(Rtbttemp((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pytreadintos cC@st|jdS(s Checks if the underlying file-like object looks like a httplib.HTTPResponse object. We do this by testing for the fp attribute. If it is present we assume it returns raw chunks as processed by read_chunked(). tfp(RFR@(R((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRyscC@s|jdk rdS|jjj}|jddd}yt|d|_Wn*tk r}|jt j |nXdS(Nt;iii( RGR"R@RtreadlineRJR`RcRtthttplibR (RR{((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt_update_chunk_lengths  cC@sd}|dkrI|jj|j}|}|jjdd|_n||jkr|jj|}|j||_|}nq||jkr|jj|}|jjdd|_|}n.|jj|j}|jjdd|_|S(Ni(R"R@t _safe_readRG(RRxtreturned_chunktchunktvalue((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyt _handle_chunk%s&      c c@sT|j|js"tdn|js=tdn|jrft|jrf|jjdS|jx_t r|j |j dkrPn|j |}|j |d|dt}|rv|VqvqvW|r|j}|r|Vqnx6t r0|jjj}|sPn|dkrPqqW|jrJ|jjnWdQXdS(s Similar to :meth:``, but with an additional parameter: ``decode_content``. :param decode_content: If True, will attempt to decode the body based on the 'content-encoding' header. sHResponse is not chunked. Header 'transfer-encoding: chunked' is missing.sgBody should be httplib.HTTPResponse like. It should have have an fp attribute which returns raw chunks.NiR5Rls (RiR4R RyRRARRtRwRRRGRRnR!RkR@RR(RRxR5RtdecodedR{((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyRz;s@                Ni(&R&R't__doc__RgRVR"RR!RRWRYtpropertyR$RQR[RKRiRnRkRRwR/R|t classmethodRRRRRtRRRoRRRyRRRz(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyR,LsB    -    0  9E        (-t __future__Rt contextlibRRtiotloggingtsocketRRqRRst _collectionsRt exceptionsRRRRR R R t packages.sixR RCR Rtpackages.six.movesRRRQRRt util.responseRRt getLoggerR&R]tobjectRR(R+tIOBaseR,(((s@/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.pyts"   4!