checksum 0000644 00000000040 14720472744 0006276 0 ustar 00 5413884119e07777c7d4831ee0346887 meta.ini 0000644 00000000077 14720472744 0006212 0 ustar 00 [tr]
user.notes.ini 0000644 00000010445 14720472744 0007371 0 ustar 00 _info_information={title} (Bilgi)
_info_thispagecollates=Bu sayfa, bu {app} yüklemesi için bilinen tüm bilgileri toplar.
_info_editinformation={title} (Bilgileri Düzenle)
_info_thispageedits=Bu araç, bu yüklü uygulama ile ilgili bilgileri düzenlemek için izin verir.
_info_linkedvaluesbelow=Bu yapılandırılabilir değerler kurulu uygulama ile bağlantılıdır. Değerler {installatron} içinde veya yüklü uygulama içinde değiştirilebilir.
_info_thevaluesbelow=Bu yapılandırılabilir değerler yönetmek ve yüklü uygulamayı yükseltmek için {installatron} tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Yüklenen uygulama {installatron} dışında hareket ettirilirse, bilgiler burada güncelleştirilmesi gerekir.
_info_thedatafile=This is the {installatron} data file for the installed application. It holds all the information that {installatron} knows about this app.
Do not manually edit this file.
_info_thelocation=This shows where {installatron} believes the installed application is accessed, where its files are stored, and its main configuration file.
DO NOT attempt to move an installed application to a new URL by moving its files! Instead; use the CLONE wizard to move it.
_info_thedatabase=These are the database values that {installatron} believes the installed application uses. These values were extracted from the application's Main Config file (see feild above).
Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing.
_info_filesanddirs=Bu dosyalar ve dizinleri bu yüklenen uygulama ile ilişkili ve yedekleme dahil edilecektir.
_info_dbandtables=Bu veritabanı tabloları bu yüklü uygulama ile ilişkili ve yedekleme dahil edilecektir.
_info_foryourrecord=Bu değerler, kendi kayıt içindir ve {installatron} tarafından kullanılmaz.
_info_notautomaticupdate=Burada değerleri değiştirerek, otomatik olarak yüklenen uygulamayı değiştirmek unutmayın.
_info_notautomaticupgrade=Burada değerleri değiştirerek, otomatik olarak yüklenen uygulamayı değiştirmek unutmayın.
_info_thefilesbelow=Bu yapılandırma dosyaları doğrudan canlı uygulama ile ilgili önemli dosyalarınızı (ayarlar dosyaları ve şablonları) düzenlemek için izin verir. Bu dosyaları düzenlerken dikkatli olun.
_info_thisisthelabel=Bu değer yüklü uygulama için {installatron} içinde görüntülenen etiketi göstermektedir.
_info_syncingattrs=Yüklenmiş bir uygulamayı senkronize ediliyor niteliklerini ...
_info_titlelinks={title} Linkler
_info_titleinformation={title} Bilgi
_info_titleusagenotes={title} Kullanım Notları
_info_editmultiple=Çoklu Kurulum düzenleyin
_info_editbackup=Düzenleme Yedekleme
_info_editthese=Bu değerler ve dosyaları düzenlemek
_info_installid=Kimliği yükleyin
_info_datafile=Veri Dosyası
_info_automaticupdate=Otomatik Güncelleme
_info_automaticupgrade=Otomatik Güncelleme
_info_automaticupdateplugins={app} Eklentisi Otomatik Güncelleme
_info_automaticupgradeplugins={app} Eklentisi Otomatik Güncelleme
_info_automaticupdatethemes={app} Tema Otomatik Güncelleme
_info_automaticupgradethemes={app} Tema Otomatik Güncelleme
_info_automaticupdatebackup=Otomatik Güncelleme Yedekleme
_info_automaticupgradebackup=Otomatik Güncelleme Yedekleme
_info_backuplocation=Backup Location
_info_defaultbackuplocation=Standart Yedekleme Konumu
_info_displayonly=Bu değer ekran amaçlıdır.
_info_leaveblank=Geçerli şifreyi tutmak veya yeni bir parola girmek için boş bırakın.
_info_encrypted=Not: Bu uygulama şifreleri şifreler. Bu son bilinen değer ve güncel olmayabilir.
_info_versionchannel=Güncelleme Kanal
_info_locationurl=Yer URL
_info_locationpath=Yer Yolu
_info_locationmainconfig=Location Main Config
_info_configfile=Yapılandırma Dosyası
_info_parenturl=Live Installation URL
_info_adminusername=Yönetici Adı
_info_adminpassword=Yönetici Şifresi
_info_adminemail=Yönetici E-
_info_sitetitle=Site Title
_info_sitetagline=Web Sitesi Slogan
_info_siteoptions=Website Options
_info_businessname=İşletme Adı
_info_licensekey=Lisans Anahtarı
_info_customernumber=Müşteri Numarası
_info_enablemultisite=Çok siteyi etkinleştirin
_info_limitloginattempts=Sınır Giriş Denemesi
_info_twofactor=İki Faktör Doğrulama
application.ini 0000644 00000676562 14720472744 0007611 0 ustar 00 _installer_aardvarkts_description=Aardvark Topsites is an open source top websites application.
_installer_aardvarkts_authordescription=Aardvark Topsites is simply the best top sites application there is. Features: pageview counts, hits in and hits out, members ranking, and customizable templates.
_installer_abantecart_description=AbanteCart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application.
_installer_abantecart_authordescription=AbanteCart is a free eCommerce application that is designed, built and supported by experienced enthusiasts that are passionate about their work and contribution to the project. This is not commercial project and there was no rush decisions or shortcuts in this project. We like what we do, and we strongly believe that AbanteCart one of the best and state of the art eCommerce platform available. AbanteCart operated based on donations, contributions and advertisers financial support.
Expandable shopping cart application with fast growing number of extensions. Easy extension installation and management with one step installation. This allows to add virtually any feature or service to AbanteCart in the future, that this is very important in current dynamically changing technology environment.
Virtually FTP Free eCommerce solution. No need to know code, complex programs or programming to manage, upgrade and install modules. Manage your eCommerce application 100% in the slick web based interface using any browser of your choice.
Fast performing and low computer resource consuming shopping cart application. Can be installed and run in virtually any shared or dedicated hosting.
Feature reach shopping cart application right out of the box. Standard features allow to set up complete eCommerce site with all the tools needed to sell the products online.
Large number of payment and shipping modules supported by default or with additional extensions.
Very secure solution with up to date industry security practices and inline with PCI compliance.
Flexible layout for pages allows to setup pages and navigation based on best usability practices and improve conversion.
Sophisticated and easy shopping cart control panel with "Search anything" feature for fast information location and edit. Help instructions embedded right into the control panel pages.
Flexible resource library to manage media files in the application.
Fast initial set up and migration from other shopping carts with easy data import from major shopping carts.
Developer benefits:
Well organized code based on MVC concept.
Layered core code that is not needed to be touched for the extension of features development.
Number of tools and classes to manage and debug application and workflow.
Good extension organization and ability to extend the application features and provided connection to multiple channels.
Backward compatibility in classes and functions, gives ability for less effort in the upgrades to new versions.
Flexible construction of layouts, forms and resources (media files)
Dataset concept to reduce need to create or extend SQL tables for some features.
Developers API documentation and open forum for discussions.
_installer_admidio_description=Admidio is an open source membership management application for groups, clubs and organizations.
_installer_admidio_authordescription=Admidio is a free online membership management, which is optimized for associations, groups and organizations. In addition to classic user management it consists of a variety of modules that can be installed and adjusted on a new or existing homepage.
Access control: Protects member data from the eyes of unauthorized persons
Lists: Freely configurable member lists with export to different file types (Excel, PDF, CSV)
Events: Create events with the possibility to commit or cancel
Photos: Upload, manage and view photos and albums within a photo gallery
Documents and Files: Provide documents and other files for visitors and member groups
Rights management: Individually assigning rights to groups, departments and properties
Import: Import new or update existing user by using a CSV file
Plugins: Extend the range of Admidio's functionality by including different extensions (plugins)
_installer_advancedpoll_description=Advanced Poll is a free survey application.
_installer_advancedpoll_authordescription=Advanced Poll is a polling system with powerful administration tool.
multiple polls,
layout templates,
unlimited poll options,
vote expiry,
random poll support and more.
_installer_akeneo_description=Akeneo is an open source Product Information Management (PIM) application. Akeneo was initially released in 2013.
Advanced rights management: Fine-tune your users, roles, and permissions so that your enrichment team can only access the information they need and the field values they are allowed to change. This helps provide a more secure and controlled environment if you want to outsource parts of your product enrichment or translation processes.
Validation workflow: Review and approve changes with a super-easy validation workflow engine. Enhanced governance and control leads to better product information quality.
Versioning and publication: Restore previous versions of a product in one click and maintain multiple versions of your data at the same time. This is especially helpful for staging specialty catalogs.
Rules engine: Define your own business rules! Enhance and automate your enrichment processes with our rules engine. Automatically classify products based on their attribute values, copy attribute values, set default values, and assign families to new products. Plus, you can easily extend the rules engine to add your own actions and triggers.
Product Assets Manager: The PAM (product asset manager) makes image management simpler, easier to view, and gives marketers more control. Choose whether to localize media files, adapt them to each channel, and attach them to the right products.
Teamwork Assistant: Manage your enrichment projects directly in the PIM, so that all users know what they have to do, what attributes they have to fill in, and what products are ready to be exported for the next collection. The Teamwork Assistant tracks product completeness and audits history, as well as notifies your enrichment team when there is a new product proposal or when a localization is needed.
_installer_alfresco_description=Alfresco Community is an open source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) application.
_installer_alfresco_authordescription=Alfreco Community manages all the content within an enterprise and provides the services and controls that manage this content.
At the core of the Alfresco system is a repository supported by a server that persists content, metadata, associations, and full text indexes.
Programming interfaces support multiple languages and protocols upon which developers can create custom applications and solutions.
Out-of-the-box applications provide standard solutions such as document management, records management and web content management.
_installer_anukotimetracker_description=Anuko Time Tracker is an open source time management application.
_installer_anukotimetracker_authordescription=Anuko Time Tracker allows you to track the time that employees, colleagues, or teammates spend working on projects and tasks.
Suitable for Small and Large Organizations: Whether you are an individual doing independent contracting / consulting, a small business or team, or a large business, Anuko Time Tracker has everything you need to track the time spent on any project or activity that needs to be tracked. A small organization normally keeps one group of users in Time Tracker in which everything belongs. Large organizations can utilize the subgroups feature to simplify user and project management.
User Roles: Anuko Time Tracker comes with a flexible, customizable set of user roles to which users are assigned. There are several pre-defined roles such as Top manager, Manager, Co-manager, Supervisor, Client and User that normally suffice for most installations. Custom roles can also be created.
Time Input: Users can input their time using the time of day or the duration of time spent on an activity from any computer with a network / internet connection and a web browser. There is also a companion Android app designed for live time tracking.
Flexible Reports: Full reports can be viewed online, exported (downloaded) as a spreadsheet or CSV (Comma Separated Value) file, and/or sent by email directly from the Time Tracker interface. Reports show you a full breakdown of the time spent on any project or activity, showing you exactly how much time each person and/or group has spent on what tasks. Anuko Time Tracker lets you create reports filtering by any combination of date, time period, group, project, activity, person, billable and/or non-billable hours, and idle time. It can also exclude details and just calculate the totals, and save your settings as a favorite to easily generate future reports in the same way without selecting parameters each time.
_installer_atheos_description=Atheos is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) application.
_installer_atheos_authordescription=Atheos is a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements. Atheos is updated from the Codiad IDE.
Atheos was built with simplicity in mind, allowing for fast, interactive development without the massive overhead of some of the larger desktop editors. That being said even users of IDE's such as Eclipse, NetBeans and Aptana are finding Codiad's simplicity to be a huge benefit. While simplicity was key, we didn't skimp on features and have a team of dedicated developer actively adding more.
Plugin Library
Error checking and notifications
Mutliple user support
Editor screen splitting
LocalStorage redundancy
Advanced searching tools
Smart auto-complete
Real-Time Collaborative editing
Over 20 Syntax color themes
Completely Open-Source
Easily customized source
Runs on your own server
Quick-Download backups
Maximum editor screen space
i18n Language Support
_installer_b2evolution_description=b2evolution is an open source blog application. b2evolution forked from the b2/cafelog application in 2003.
_installer_b2evolution_authordescription=b2evolution is a news post and blogging application. You enter news items through an easy-to-use web interface and the news items appear dynamically on your webpage. The application also handles archving and commenting.
_installer_backdropcms_description=Backdrop CMS is an open source content management application. Backdrop CMS forked from Drupal 7 in 2015.
_installer_backdropcms_authordescription=Backdrop is a free and Open Source Content Management System that helps you build modern, comprehensive websites on a reasonable budget.
Backdrop is a Content Management System. A CMS is a database driven website that allows people to log in, and with permission, allows them to edit nearly any page. Backdrop can be used to create almost any type of website. Use Backdrop CMS for everything from a single-administrator's personal blog site, to a complex, multi-role, business e-commerce platform. Backdrop is the perfect fit for comprehensive businesses, non-profit, educational, government or corporate websites.
Backdrop CMS is a tool for building websites. Backdrop's core is packed full of common features that 80% of all websites will use. Backdrop's world of Add-Ons can be used to meet less common requirements. Backdrop can be easily extended with the addition of modules (that change the way it works), themes (that change the way it looks), and layouts (that change where content can be placed on a page).
Backdrop CMS is a fork of Drupal. Backdrop is Drupal 7 -- modernized. Backdrop's founders and early contributors saw the huge changes coming to Drupal 8, and met the need to maintain and improve this wonderful software that has a proven track-record of success. By providing an easy upgrade from Drupal 7, Backdrop will be the most affordable next step for sites running on Drupal 7 today.
Backdrop CMS is non-profit. Backdrop is a project of the Software Freedom Conservancy. Software Freedom Conservancy is a not-for-profit charity that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects. To make a donation, please visit the Contribute page.
_installer_blab_description=BlaB is a free group chat application.
_installer_blab_authordescription=BlaB! AX is a free group chat script, using AJAX as a transport system and MySQL as a database storage.
Multiple rooms
Private chats
Mobile friendly
_installer_blesta_description=Blesta is a commercial billing and client management application.
_installer_blesta_authordescription=Blesta is the professional web based billing and support application focusing on productivity and usability.
_installer_blesta_licensekeytext=Blesta requires a License Key. Leave blank to request a trial license or purchase direct from Blesta.
_installer_blogenginenet_description=BlogEngine.NET is an open source blog application.
_installer_blogenginenet_authordescription=BlogEngine.NET may be the simplest and most light weight ASP.NET blog at the moment, but still full featured.
_installer_phpscheduleit_description=Booked is an open source reservation and scheduling application. Initially released in 2003 (then known as phpScheduleIt), Booked has been downloaded over 200,000 times.
_installer_phpscheduleit_authordescription=Booked allows users to register and then place reservations on any kind of resources, such as conference rooms, machines, computers, etc. The administrative side allows complete control over user permissions, resource data, reservation data, and is has many configurable settings.
Simple schedule view allows users to quickly find and book an available time slot.
Easy to use administrative tools allow you to search, manage and export data quickly.
Organize users and limit access by groups.
Flexible layout configuration lets you set up schedules that fit your needs.
Limit and control resource usage with a flexible quota system.
Optionally review and approve reservation requests.
Export reservation details to Outlook or any other system that accepts .ical files.
Authentication integration with LDAP/Active Directory.
_installer_boxbilling_description=BoxBilling is a free billing and client management application. A commercial version with expanded functionality is also available. Box Billing was initially released in 2011.
_installer_boxbilling_authordescription=With BoxBilling you can sell any product imaginable - web hosting, software licenses, servers, downloadable products and setup any custom products.
Automatically create hosting accounts as soon as the payment is received
Suspend when account becomes overdue, terminate when a specified amount of time passes.
Enable multiple currencies, accept one time and recurring payments
Boxbilling is perfectly created to sell
Shared and reseller hosting accounts
Software licenses
Downloadable products
Custom recurrent billing products
Helpdesk, knowledge base, news and announcements system.
Intuitive Web 2.0 AJAX powered interface with 100% usability score!
_installer_boxbilling_licensekeytext=BoxBilling requires a free License Key be obtained from their website prior to installation. Obtain a license direct from BoxBilling
_installer_podcastgenerator_description=Podcast Generator is an open source podcast publishing application.
_installer_podcastgenerator_authordescription=Podcast Generator (PG) is an open source Content Management System and specifically designed for self-hosting podcasts.
Tools to easily manage all of the aspects related to the publication and distribution of a podcast, from the upload of episodes to submission.
Support for major directories such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.
Light weight self-hosted platform written in PHP.
_installer_projectsend_description=ProjectSend is an open source file and image sharing application. ProjectSend was initially released in 2007 when it was known as cFTP.
_installer_projectsend_authordescription=ProjectSend is a client-oriented file uploading utility. Clients are created and assigned a username and a password. Files can then be uploaded under each account with the ability to add a title and description to each.
When a client logs in from any browser anywhere, the client will see a page that contains your company logo, and a sortable list of every file uploaded under the client's name, with description, time, date, etc.. It also works as a history of "sent" files, provides a differences between revisions, the time that it took between each revision, and so on.
An additional benefit includes saving hundreds of megabytes on email accounts since every file remains until it's deleted.
Really simple and attractive design. Ease of use for both users and clients!
Unlimited file size uploading! (thanks to plupload, uploding in "chunks" allows you to overcome any server restriction on file and post sizes).
Upload several files at a time and then add the information to all of them on a single screen.
Upload from the web interface directly or by FTP, and then import the files into ProjectSend.
Possibility to hide or show files from clients after the files are uploaded.
User roles (Administrator. Account Manager, Uploader).
Sortable full lists of files, users and clients.
Two templates included: Default and Gallery; and more templates can be created.
Options and branding. Your company logo is seen on the client pages.
_installer_cakephp_description=CakePHP is an open source framework application. Initially released in 2005, CakePHP is partially inspired by Ruby on Rails and uses many of its concepts.
Build Quickly: Use code generation and scaffolding features to rapidly build prototypes.
No Configuration: No complicated XML or YAML files. Just setup your database and you're ready to bake.
Friendly License: CakePHP is licensed under the MIT license which makes it perfect for use in commercial applications.
Batteries Included: The things you need are built-in. Translations, database access, caching, validation, authentication, and much more are all built into one of the original PHP MVC frameworks.
Clean MVC Conventions: Instead of having to plan where things go, CakePHP comes with a set of conventions to guide you in developing your application.
Secure: CakePHP comes with built-in tools for input validation, CSRF protection, Form tampering protection, SQL injection prevention, and XSS prevention, helping you keep your application safe and secure.
_installer_canvas_description=Canvas LMS is an open source course management application. Initially released in 2011, Canvas LMS is used by more than 3 thousand universities, school districts, and institutions.
_installer_canvas_authordescription=Canvas is the LMS that makes teaching and learning (and implementation and adoption and customer support and student success and bragging to your non-Canvas-using peers) easier.
Openness: Canvas is openness—from our open APIs to the openness of our security audits, from our open feature discussions and Canvas Studio to the open source software that is Canvas itself.
Customizability: Canvas provides an extensive, open API that we publish to the world, making it easy for third-party apps to plug right into Canvas, pull from its data, and push data back in.
Pedagogical Flexibility: We built a whole app center just to make it even easier for institutions and instructors to experiment and adapt new technologies into their courses. Browse through loads of LTI apps and install them in a single click. No IT support necessary.
Support: Who knows Canvas better than Canvas? Our in-house Canvas experts take the support burden off your hands, ensuring the speediest, most frictionless interactions.
_installer_chamilo_description=Chamilo is an open source course management application. Forked from Dokeos in 2010, Chamilo is currently used by more than 3.5 million students and teachers.
_installer_chamilo_authordescription=Chamilo aims at bringing you the best e-learning and collaboration platform in the open source world. Chamilo is also a brand owned by the Chamilo Association, which makes it possible for many companies to build on the name of the product with very low risk. The trademark is not and will never be owned by a single trademark holder.
Easy creation of educational content
Tracking of users results, allowing for methodology improvements
Clean interface, letting user focus on learning
Synchronous and asynchronous communication channels
Many tools allowing for all learning types (visual, auditive, practical, serious games, staff selection)
Extensive documents management capabilities
_installer_chevereto_description=Chevereto is an open source image hosting application.
_installer_chevereto_authordescription=Get your own turnkey image hosting system today. Start your own image sharing website with your own rules.
Stores: Sell more by creating an engaging showcase for your products.
Photographers: Feature your work and provide private galleries for your clients.
Content creators: Context aware system for showcasing your content.
Real estate: Great looking easy to maintain galleries for your real estate offering.
Communities: Multi-user image sharing system for your organization or community.
Service providers: Provide image hosting and image sharing service to others.
_installer_classicpress_description=ClassicPress is an open source content management application. Forked from WordPress 4.9.x in 2019, development focuses on improved security, less bloat, and block-free.
_installer_classicpress_authordescription=Still using WordPress 4.9.x? Is the WP block editor not for you? Then ClassicPress is just made for you. With all the same features and familiarity as WP 4.9.x and still very much in active development, ClassicPress is like meeting up with an old friend.
ClassicPress is a community-led open source content management system and a fork of WordPress that preserves the classic TinyMCE editor as the default option.
We believe that when we combine careful, deliberate planning with the insight and collective wisdom of the ClassicPress community, we will ensure the success of ClassicPress for many years to come. Check out our roadmap to learn more.
We have an active and growing community of users from many different backgrounds. Whether you are a developer, designer, business owner, or blogger, the ClassicPress Forums are where you can discuss all things ClassicPress. Add your voice to the conversation!
Improved Security - Concerned about security? ClassicPress has a “security-first” approach. No matter how shiny or exciting a new feature is, if it’s not secure, it won’t be added to the platform.
Less Bloat - We believe that powerful does not need to mean code-heavy. We've trimmed unnecessary plugins and features from ClassicPress core, and continue to actively seek smart ways to reduce code bloat.
Block-free - Choose the development path that works best for you. With the flexibility and stability that ClassicPress provides, you have the freedom to create a solution that meets your unique needs.
_installer_classicpress_sitetagline=Another great website powered by ClassicPress
_installer_clientexec_description=ClientExec is a commercial billing and client management application. ClientExec was initially released in 2002 and today is trusted by thousands of companies.
Complete Help Desk: Have your staff manage support tickets painlessly and quickly. Prevent emails and support issues from getting lost. ClientExec's email management system helps you route, track and deliver messages.
Administration: ClientExec frees you to grow your business, by providing an easy way to setup your offerings and automate the daily tasks associated with administering your company. Cleverly organized to avoid bloat.
Billing Module: Whether you're invoicing for your work, or creating a recurring fee, ClientExec tracks all the related information. The invoice manager allows merging of billable items, accepts major credit cards, archives invoices, and even tracks credits.
Insightful Reports: Over 10 open sourced reports instantly give you a complete picture of your business. With just a few clicks of the mouse, everything is at your fingertips - revenue reports, support reviews, and more.
Intuitive Interface: ClientExec provides a separate interface for both your customers and staff members. The intuitive and user friendly client interface allows your customers to receive either support or quickly perform various billing and profile functions.
_installer_pluxml_description=PluXml is an open source blog and content management application.
_installer_pluxml_authordescription=Build a high-performing website with ease!
No database: All data is stored in XML files. A simple copy of files allows you to move your site to a USB key, which makes it completely portable.
Collaborative: 5 profiles with different permission levels. For family, friends, a company, PluXml will find its place.
Customizable: PluXml dresses according to your desires so that your site is in your image. Extend your PluXml without any line of programming by easily adding new features.
_installer_cmsmadesimple_description=CMS Made Simple is an open source content management application. Initially released in 2004, CMS Made Simple received the 2010 Most Promising Open Source Content Management System award by Packt Publishing.
_installer_cmsmadesimple_authordescription=CMS Made Simple provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to enable building small-ish (dozens to hundreds of pages), semi-static websites. Typically CMS Made Simple is used for corporate websites and websites promoting a team or organization. There are other content management packages that specialize in building portals, or blogs, or article based content. CMS Made Simple can do much of this, but it is not our area of focus.
SEO Friendly URLs
Integrated and online help
Modular and extensible
Easy user and group management
Group-based permission system
Full template support, for unlimited looks without changing a line of content
Easy wizard based install and upgrade procedures
Minimal server requirements
Admin panel with multiple language support
Content hierarchy with unlimited depth and size
Integrated file manager with upload capabilities
Integrated audit log
Friendly support in forums and irc
Small footprint
_installer_codeigniter_description=CodeIgniter is a free PHP development framework. A commercial version named ExpressionEngine is available from the website.
_installer_codeigniter_authordescription=Code Igniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects must faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. Code Igniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
_installer_codiad_description=Codiad is a free integrated development environment (IDE) application. Codiad was initially released in 2013.
_installer_codiad_authordescription=Codiad is a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements.
Codiad was built with simplicity in mind, allowing for fast, interactive development without the massive overhead of some of the larger desktop editors. That being said even users of IDE's such as Eclipse, NetBeans and Aptana are finding Codiad's simplicity to be a huge benefit. While simplicity was key, we didn't skimp on features and have a team of dedicated developer actively adding more.
Plugin Library
Error checking and notifications
Mutliple user support
Editor screen splitting
LocalStorage redundancy
Advanced searching tools
Smart auto-complete
Real-Time Collaborative editing
Over 20 Syntax color themes
Completely Open-Source
Easily customized source
Runs on your own server
Quick-Download backups
Maximum editor screen space
i18n Language Support
_installer_collabtive_description=Collabtive is an open source project management application. Collabtive was initialy released in 2007.
_installer_collabtive_authordescription=Collabtive is an open source alternative to proprietary tools like Basecamp. Collabtive is intended for small to medium-sized businesses and freelancers.
Core functionality:
Unlimited projects, milestones, tasklists, and tasks
Unlimited members with user profiles
Role-based permission management
Messaging and instant messaging
File management
Reporting and notifications:
Timetracker reports, activity logs and messages in PDF format
Export user profiles as vCard
RSS feeds for messages and tasks
Synchronization of calendars via iCal task export
Excel files from activity logs and timetracker reports
E-mail notifications
Search, tags
Basecamp import
Fully themeable
Available in more than 35 languages
Full UTF8 support
Collabtive is developed by a team of professional volunteers. Everyone involved is a pro in their respective areas, providing high quality contributions to the project.
_installer_concrete_description=concrete5 is an open source content management and website builder application.
_installer_concrete_authordescription=Building and running a website are two very different challenges. Certainly, one person may wear both hats, but the process of launching a great website is far different from running a great website over time. concrete5 lets you do both: build and run great websites. Most other content management systems are built for one side of the equation or the other.
Many CMS's were designed by developers, for developers. Building and maintaining a site with them can be pretty complex and intimidating for someone who can't program computers. The end editing experience works, but to make even basic content changes you're typically working with long web forms in a "back-end." Adding new functionality is something you'll need some technical know-how to pull off. Imagine having to call a consultant every time you wanted to write a new Word document. How useful is that to your business?
Conversely, there's a number of solutions that are geared for the DIY market. Typically starting as a blog, these sites get added to and added to over time until they fall apart. Imagine being told your document was always going to have a cover page, a table of contents, and an index – no matter how simple you wanted it to be. Sure it's great you can get started quickly, but if you want to do much more than what these systems were designed for like using a hammer to drive screws.
With concrete5, you get the best of both worlds. Anyone can start making their own website in seconds, and the editing experience is easy; just click on what you want to change. Developers still get a flexible and robust framework for building sophisticated web applications. With concrete5, however, site owners will be able to make changes and additions on their own, for years to come.
Intuitive Editing: Our Editor makes it easy to customize your site exactly the way you want it. No creative limits or coding needed.
Powerful and Extendable: The real power is in the way you customize concrete5. A wide variety of add ons to extend your website and broaden your functionality.
Mobile Optimized and Responsive: Your website will look good on any device. Built with modern browsers and mobile devices in mind. They employ the latest HTML, CSS and Javascript techniques.
Create Forms and Collect Data: Create forms and surveys in a few easy steps without any design or code needed. With the form builder, you can easily create, edit forms in minutes.
Great Discussions: Our completely integrated commenting system supports threaded comments, and all comments have individual like counts.
SEO Enabled: Concrete5 is optimized for search without any additional code or add-ons required. Improve your search rankings from the start.
_installer_contactform_description=Contact Form is a simple open source website contact form application.
_installer_contactform_authordescription=Contact Form provides a simple way for visitors to contact you through your website. In addition to being a quick and easy way for visitors to contact you, this also helps eliminate spam by hiding your email address from spambots.
_installer_contactform_usagenotes=Now cut and paste this form code into your webpage (you can also edit the HTML formatting to taste):
Once the code is added to your webpage, the contact form will work.
You can change your email address, email subject, and submission-sent URL by manually editing the contactscript.php script in the installation directory.
_installer_contao_description=Contao is an open source content management application. Contao was formerly known as TYPOlight.
_installer_contao_authordescription=Contao is an open source content management system (CMS) for people who want a professional internet presence that is easy to maintain. The state-of-the-art structure of the system offers a high security standard and allows you to develop search engine friendly websites that are also accessible for people with disabilities. Furthermore, the system can be expanded flexibly and inexpensively. Easy management of user rights, the Live Update Service, the modern CSS framework and many already integrated modules (news, calendar, forms, etc.) have quickly made Contao one of the most popular open source content management systems on the market.
Proven. Since 2006. Continuous and predictable development. International agencies and companies are successfully using Contao.
Steadfast. Current. High development standards, regular updates, fast and reliable fixes, and 4 years of support for LTS versions.
Easy. Intuitive. Thanks to the consistent operating concept, editors quickly find their way around Contao.
Versatile. Mobile. Individual, search engine-friendly and barrier-free design implementation for desktop, tablet, and smartphone.
Solid. Changeable. As an open source CMS, Contao is based on open web standards and is easily adaptable to your needs.
Support? Ask! Competent partners and a strong community respond in the forum or in professional trainings.
_installer_coppermine_description=Coppermine Photo Gallery is an open source image gallery application.
_installer_coppermine_authordescription=Coppermine is a multi-purpose and fully-featured image gallery application.
Arrangement of pictures in categories and albums
Caption, title, description and user defined fields for each picture
Full multimedia support
_installer_coranto_description=Coranto is an open source content management application programmed in Perl. Coranto is extremely lightweight, with much of the functionality added through plugins. Coranto is the successor to NewsPro.
_installer_coranto_authordescription=Coranto is your everyday Content Management System (CMS). It's designed to be flexible, and you can easily expand Coranto's functions by the use of a multitude of "snap-in" addons. Whether you run a small blog or a fully scaled newspaper with millions of hits every day, you can rely on Coranto's fully browser-based environment to update your site. The script also has its own forums for your support, questions and ideas.
_installer_cslivehelp_description=Crafty Syntax Live Help is an open source chat-based help application.
_installer_cslivehelp_authordescription=Live Help is a multi-user, multi-operator, multi-department live Help support chat system that allows the operators of the websites to monitor their visitors as they are browsing the site and proactively open a chat session with the visitor.
Features include auto-invite, referer tracking, page tracking, chat notification, user is typing message, multiple chat sessions, sound alert, leave a message if offline, push urls, quick responses, and multiple operators.
_installer_cubecart_description=CubeCart is a free e-commerce shopping cart application. A commercial version is also available from the website. CubeCart was previously known as eStore.
_installer_cubecart_authordescription=CubeCart is an e-commerce application that enables you to create a powerful online store.
McAfee Secure™ Audited
Image Resize/Cropper Tool
Search Engine Optimization
Country / Zone Management
Multiple Currency Support
Google Analytics for eCommerce
Mailing List Management
Product Pricing Groups and Quantity Discounts
Product Reviews/Comments
Stock Control
Hide Prices Until Registration
Digital Download Support
Customer Order History
Spam Control (reCAPTCHA)
_installer_dadamail_description=Dada Mail is an open source mailing list application developed in Perl. Dada Mail was initially released in 2000 under the name Mojo Mail and has been known as Dada Mail since 2003.
_installer_dadamail_authordescription=Dada Mail helps you with managing an email mailing list, offering complete support for safe, closed-loop opt-in subscriptions, sending out mass mailings, keeping message archives and allowing you to share your messages in lots of neat ways.
You run Dada Mail on your own web hosting account, giving you complete control over your valuable mailing lists. Do It Yourself - Dada Mail is designed for small businesses in mind, to provide an economical and extremely flexible solution to reach out to your customers, fans, friends, business partners and clients.
Interact with Dada Mail through your web browser, making Dada Mail available anywhere you have a connection to the Internet, your business computer, your smart phone, your iPad, or any other computer, while on the go.
Dada Mail is rich with features, but tries to Keep It Simple. Dada Mail is designed to favor flexibility, extensibility and ease-of-use over core speed or extremely flashy but hard-to-use features. We ship Dada Mail with sane default mailing list preferences, so you can start using Dada Mail, without causing a faux pas and keeping your subscribers happy.
Dada Mail is designed to be installed, setup and understood by regular people who have websites, but packs enough advanced features to entice more proficient users. If you've installed a bulletin board or web blog software, you can install Dada Mail.
Dada Mail can scale. Install Dada Mail on most any basic hosting account and start sending out messages right away. Mailing List growing? Switch to sending with a more powerful third-party system, like Amazon SES, where there's potentially no limit on the number of emails you may send - all without having to change mailing list mangement systems or your hosting.
Dada Mail is named after the Dada Art Movement, comprised of in part of an incredibly creative pocket of free thinkers that expressed themselves without boundaries during the horrific time of WWI. Dada defies actual definition (by design!) and we'd like to be surprised and delighted to learn how you use Dada Mail!
_installer_docker_description=Docker is an open source containerization technology for building and containerizing applications.
Build and run the same applications everywhere with the only platform that can provide trusted and certified end-to-edge security.
Developers have the freedom to innovate with their choice of tools, application stacks, and deployment environments for each project.
Docker makes it easy to get up and running in minutes and rapidly code, test, and collaborate while ensuring consistency between development and production.
_installer_dokuwiki_description=DokuWiki is an open source wiki application that is extremely lightweight.
_installer_dokuwiki_authordescription=DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use wiki, mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups and small companies. It has a simple but powerful syntax which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki and eases the creation of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files--no database is required.
Built-in Access Control Lists
Large variety of extensions
Device independent
_installer_dolibarr_description=Dolibarr is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relations management (CRM) application. Dolibarr was initially released in 2003.
_installer_dolibarr_authordescription=Dolibarr is an open source, free software package for small and medium companies, foundations or freelancers. It includes different features for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) but also other features for different activities. Dolibarr is multi-user, with several permissions levels for each feature, and Dolibarr is very user friendly.
Products and services catalog
Stock management
Bank accounts management
Customers, Suppliers or Prospects directory
Contacts directory
Commercial actions management
Orders management with PDF generator
Commercial proposals management with PDF generator
Contracts management
management with PDF generator
Payments management
Standing orders management
Shipping management
Support NPR VAT (for French DOM-TOM)
Foundations members management
Bookmarks management
Point of Sale
Donations management
Data export tools
LDAP connectivity
Extendable with other official and non-official modules, including but not limited to AWStats, Bittorrent, Gravatar, Google, and Webcalendar.
_installer_dotnetnuke_description=DotNetNuke is an open source content management application and .NET development framework.
_installer_dotnetnuke_authordescription=DotNetNuke is the leading Web Content Management Platform (or CMS) for Microsoft ASP.NET, powering over 700,000 production web sites worldwide. The flexible DotNetNuke open source CMS platform also functions as a web application development framework. Depending on your role within your organization, DotNetNuke provides powerful benefits to support your Web initiatives.
_installer_dotclear_description=Dotclear is an open source blog application. Dotclear was initially released in 2003.
_installer_dotclear_authordescription=Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software. Take control over your blog!
Dotclear project's purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool allowing anyone to publish on the web, regardless of their technical skills.
Easy publication
Fully customizable theme
User-friendly administration
Flexible template system
Media management
Choose from several editing syntax (wiki, markdown, textile or directly in wysiwyg)
Flexible comment system
Built-in antispam
Presentation widgets
Themes and plugins
Tags and categories
Automated installation
Support for several database types
Multi-user with permissions
Standards compliant
Importing / exporting
Naturally optimized for search engines
Syndication feeds
Complete trackback support
Full Unicode support
XML/RPC client support
Performance and scalability
Twice free
_installer_drupal_description=Drupal is an open source content management application and PHP development framework.
_installer_drupal_authordescription=Drupal is a publishing platform created for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services. Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven and corporate sites. Use as-is or snap in any of thousands of free designs and plug-ins for rapid site assembly. Developers love our well-documented APIs. Designers love our flexibility. Site administrators love our limitless scalability.
Organize and Find: Drupal comes with many tools to help you organize, structure, find and re-use your content. Categorize with taxonomy, automatically create friendly path urls, create custom lists, associate content with other content on your site, and create smart defaults for content creators.
Creative Content: Drupal's flexibility handles countless content types including video, text, blog, podcasts, and polls with robust user management, menu handling, real-time statistics and optional revision control.
Administer: Drupal comes with great options for new user accounts and user permissions. Users can be assigned one or more roles, and each role can be set up with fine-grained permissions allowing users view and create only what the administrator permits.
Collaborate: Drupal's focus on social publishing can help you create sites and applications to help your users express their opinions and engage with one another. You can have tight control over who can create, view, administer, publish and otherwise interact with content on your site.
Design and Display: Drupal's presentation layer allows designers to create highly usable, interactive experiences that engage users and increase traffic. Use an existing Drupal theme for your site or try designing your own.
Extend: With more than 6000 available modules, the vast majority of your site's requirements can be addressed with Drupal core and available add-on modules.
Connect: Drupal makes it easy to connect your website to other sites and services across the web, using aggregation, feeds, and search engine connection capabilities. Social networking integration is also widely supported to help you engage with a wider audience.
_installer_e107_description=e107 is an open source content management and portal application.
_installer_e107_authordescription=e107 is a content management system powered by PHP and MySQL that gives you a totally dynamic and professional website out of the box. It's open source, totally customizable and in constant development.
_installer_efront_description=eFront is an open source learning management application. Initially released in 2007, eFront received the 2012 Best Open Source Solution award by Elearning! Magazine.
_installer_efront_authordescription=eFront is a robust learning platform, bundled with key enterprise functionality ranging from branch management to tailor-made reports. We have worked with hundreds of organizations to shape a product that meets the training needs of modern enterprises.
Enterprise features include:
Organization structure management
Skills management
Job positions management
Automatic assignment of courses to specific job descriptions
Skills gap tests management
User card with training history
LDAP support
eFront also has a number of features typically found in eLearning platforms:
User management
Lessons, courses, curriculum and categories management
Files management
Exam builders
Assignments builders
Communication tools (forum, chat, calendar, glossary)
Progress tracking
Authentication methods
Enrollment methods
Reports generators
Extensibility via modules
Payments integration (through PayPal)
Social tools (lesson and system history, user wall, user status, Facebook interconnection)
Customizable notification system through email
_installer_elgg_description=Elgg is an open source social networking platform.
_installer_elgg_authordescription=Elgg is an award-winning social networking platform, delivering the building blocks that enable businesses, schools, universities and associations to create their own fully-featured social networks and applications. Elgg was voted best open source social networking platform in 2008.
_installer_erpnext_description=ERPNext is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) application. ERPNext was initially released in 2008.
_installer_erpnext_authordescription=The ERP Software that helps you take full control of your business. ERPNext is both powerful and easy to use.
Billing: Track all things financial, including billings and payments with the ERPNext accounts module.
HR and Payroll: Manage your employee data, payroll, leave and attendance, expense claims, all within your ERPNext system.
Project Management: Manage all your projects with tasks, assignments and reminders and tracking expenses and billing too.
_installer_extcalendar_description=ExtCalendar is an open source calendar application.
_installer_extcalendar_authordescription=ExtCalendar is a powerful multi-user web-based calendar application. Features include Themes, Recurrent Events, Categories, Users and Groups management, Environment and General Settings, and Template Configuration.
_installer_feedonfeeds_description=Feed On Feeds is an open source RSS reader.
_installer_feedonfeeds_authordescription=Feed On Feeds is an easy to use server-side news aggregator that supports RSS and Atom.
A news aggregator allows you to subscribe to news sources and have new items collected together on a single page. The newest items appear at the top, and you can mark old news items read.
_installer_fengoffice_description=Feng Office is an open source customer relations and project management application. Initially released in 2007, Feng Office powers operations for over 350,000 businesses and organizations worldwide.
_installer_fengoffice_authordescription=Feng Office enables businesses to manage project tasks, billing, documents, communication with co-workers, customers and vendors, schedule meetings and events, and share every kind of electronic information.
Documents can be accessed anywhere with an Internet connection.
Simplify tasks. Keep record of working hours. Analyze time and resources devoted to a client, service or project.
Take advantage of the power of linked information. Access all the conversations maintained with a contact, as well as the related tasks, e-mails, meetings, documents, comments, and more.
Make sure that your confidential info stays confidential by creating users with different access privileges to different workspaces, making sure each person knows only what he/she needs to know.
_installer_fluxbb_description=FluxBB is an open source forum application. Forked from PunBB in 2008, FluxBB is a popular lightweight forum application, powering forums for Arch Linux and μTorrent.
_installer_fluxbb_authordescription=FluxBB is designed as a lighter, faster alternative to some of the traditional feature heavy forum applications. It is easy to use and has a proven track record of stability and security making it an ideal choice of forum for your website.
Easy to use: Simplicity is the key. Featuring a beautiful, clean interface, FluxBB is focused completely on ease-of-use and usability.
Blazing speed: FluxBB focuses on the most essential features a forum needs and comes without the bloat many other systems bring along, so that you can enjoy the speed.
Clean admin interface: Take full control over your forum, easily editing permissions, changing board-wide options and rearranging the structure of your forum.
Flexible permission system: FluxBB comes with a flexible permission system designed to give you full control over your user groups. Allow them to view different sections of your forum, give privileged users moderator status (multiple moderator groups are supported).
Powerful moderator tools: Administer your board with ease using powerful moderator tools to manage users, banning, censoring, reported posts, forums and topics. Do it yourself or delegate these tasks to moderators as you see fit.
_installer_fork_description=Fork is an open source content management application. Fork was initially released in 2010.
_installer_fork_authordescription=Fork CMS is dedicated to creating a user friendly environment to build, monitor and update your website. We take great pride in being the Content Management System of choice for beginners and professionals. We combine this grand vision with the latest technological innovations to allow developers, front-end developers and designers to build kick-ass websites. This makes Fork CMS next in line for world domination.
Fork CMS is jam-packed with cool apps. It comes with the territory of being a kick-ass Content Management System. And just in case you want even more, you can download additional apps to expand your site. We're constantly working with our dedicated community to build new and exciting apps. Keep an eye on our blog on to get updates on our brand spanking new modules.
We believe that a good site should look that way too. That's why we have a wide collection of beautiful themes built by kick-ass designers. We're constantly working with our talented community to build new themes. Keep an eye on our blog on to get updates on stunning new themes.
With Fork CMS, being a marketing guru is super easy. Find out what drives your visitors and optimise your site accordingly. Did we mention that Search Engines love Fork CMS too? Fork CMS offers powerful tools for both beginners and professionals. Fork CMS also plays nicely with existing services like Campaign Monitor and Google Analytics.
_installer_formtools_description=Form Tools is an open source web form management application. Form Tools was initially released in 2005 and has since been downloaded more than 150,000 times.
_installer_formtools_authordescription=Form Tools provides any existing web form with a backend database and a user-friendly interface to manage the form submission data, plus a wealth of tools for managing and manipulating your form data. Whether you create your forms by hand or through a script, whether your form is in HTML, Flash, Silverlight or anything else - Form Tools can help!
Data export: CSV, Excel, XML, HTML
Email notifications
Client accounts
Customizable interface
Component-based architecture
Data Visualization
_installer_freescout_description=FreeScout is an open source help desk and support application.
_installer_freescout_authordescription=FreeScout is the perfect help desk solution for those who need to provide a professional customer support, but who can not afford to pay for Zendesk or Help Scout.
Unlimited support agents, tickets, mailboxes, etc.
100% Mobile-friendly
Seamless email integration
Much much more
_installer_frontaccounting_description=FrontAccounting is an open source accounting application for small and medium businesses. Forked from webERP in 2007, FrontAccounting has been downloaded over 100,000 times.
_installer_frontaccounting_authordescription=FrontAccounting is a simple but powerful system for the entire ERP chain. The software can be used as a free alternative to QuickBooks.
FrontAccounting's features cover:
Purchase Orders
Goods Receivable Notes
Supplier Invoices/Credit Notes
Accounts Payable
Items and Inventory
Sales Orders
Customer Invoices/Credit Notes
Accounts Receivable
General Ledger with Budget
Several Companies
_installer_gallery_description=Gallery is an open source image gallery application.
_installer_gallery_authordescription=Gallery is the next generation of open source photo sharing web applications. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site. Hundreds of thousands of people and organizations are using Gallery to create personalized photo albums on their websites.
With Gallery, you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning, searching and more. Albums can have read, write and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy. Give accounts to your friends and family and let them upload and manage their own photos on your website!
_installer_gbook_description=GBook is a free guestbook application with advanced spam-fighting tools. GBook is also known as PHP Guestbook.
_installer_gbook_authordescription=GBook is an easy to use PHP guestbook, which allows your visitors to post comments on your website.
GBook includes advanced (and regularly updated) SPAM protection.
_installer_geeklog_description=Geeklog is an open source blog application. Geeklog was initially released in 2000.
_installer_geeklog_authordescription=Geeklog is a CMS and blog engine with support for comments, trackbacks, multiple syndication formats, spam protection, and all the other vital features of such a system. The core Geeklog distribution can easily be extended by the many community developed plugins and other add-ons to radically alter its functionality. Available plugins include forums, image galleries, and many more.
Blog/CMS Features:
Create, Schedule, Post and Edit articles in multiple topics
Save story drafts until they are ready for publishing.
Control over formatting used in articles (HTML whitelists)
Control over acceptable content (filtering of offensive language)
Embed images or other content in articles
Multiple Authors can post
Submissions from users
Support for comments, trackbacks and pingbacks
Export and import in all common syndication formats (RSS/RDF/Atom etc)
Spam detection and rejection
Robust calendar feature with support for personalized calendars.
Support for OAuth, OpenID and other remote authentication methods.
Extendible via numerous Open Source plugins.
Administration Features:
User accounts and access controls.
Robust *nix-like security model for all objects which can be extended for use in plugins
Access can be defined for each article, topic etc
All passwords are stored encrypted.
All admin access is logged.
All errors are logged.
Complete error logging on all forms and SQL calls.
Developer Features:
Plugin support with API for developers.
A fully configurable block system, with php-in-block support.
Well organized codebase, use of PHP's Object-Oriented features.
Thin database abstraction layer allowing Geeklog to be ported to DBMS's other than the defaults (MySQL and MSSQL supported directly).
_installer_getsimple_description=GetSimple is an open source content management application.
_installer_getsimple_authordescription=GetSimple is an XML based, stand-a-alone, fully independent and lite Content Management System. To go along with its best-in-class user interface, we have loaded it with features that every website needs, but with nothing it doesn't. GetSimple is truly the simplest way to manage a small-business website.
XML Based: We don't use mySQL to store our information, but instead depend the simplicity of XML. By utilizing XML, we are able stay away from introducing an extra layer of slowness and complexity associated with connecting to a mySQL database. Because GetSimple was built specifically for the small-site market, we feel this is the absolutely best option for data storage.
You can "Undo" Almost Everything: This feature was based off an eye-opening AListApart article explaining how warning messages never work as planned. Because of this, we've included "undo" into almost every action you can take on the site, giving you peace-of-mind for when you make those inevitable stupid mistakes.
Easy to Learn UI: The top priority when designing our user-interface was to make it the best in it's class. We had the luxury of trying and testing all the competing management systems before designing ours, so we took the best out of each one - then refined it.
Simple Installation: The total time in setting up a website took a total of 5 minutes, from starting the FTP to finishing the setup procedure.
Simple Theme Customization: We have how to documents that show you how to create a custom theme. Our goal was not to bloat our software with hundreds of little-used theme functions, but to offer more than enough to allow for a fully customized theme.
Designed For the Small-Site Market: This is one of the reasons GetSimple uses XML rather than a robust database such as mySQL. For most small businesses, their only real need is to be able to easily update their site without the need of a ton of extraneous rarely used features. GetSimple's goal is to manage small websites efficiently and effectively
_installer_gibbon_description=Gibbon is an open source school management application.
_installer_gibbon_authordescription=Created by teachers, Gibbon is the school platform which solves real problems encountered by educators every day. Being free, open source and flexible Gibbon can morph to meet the needs of a huge range of schools.
Student Centred: Gibbon collates student information, helping teachers to understand, contact, find and help their students.
Teacher Led: Gibbon is built by teachers to solve problems common to all schools, allowing seamless planning, teaching and assessment.
Unified Access: Teachers, students, parents and administrators all access Gibbon from the same web-based platform, with highly configurable levels of access.
Free & Flexible: Gibbon is free, open source software: its flexible design gives schools complete control and freedom.
_installer_glpi_description=GLPI is an open source resource management application.
_installer_glpi_authordescription=Your open source tool to manage Helpdesk and IT assets!
CMDB: Manage hardware, software and data centers. Link Asset inventory to Helpdesk and get 360° control of your IT and business infrastructure.
Helpdesk: Organize your support easily with GLPI: manage incidents/requests, create forms, define SLAs, deliver the best experience to your customers.
Financial Management: Discover the full potential of GLPI: track your expenses, contracts and suppliers, create new inventory objects, manage user database and make reports.
Project Management: Manage projects with GLPI: assign tasks, add collaborators, set up deadlines. Create reports and explore Kanban boards to orginize your team!
Administration: Take control over users: define entities, create profiles and restrict access to information. With GLPI rules you can define roles of each member of directory and setup workflow for Helpdesk and Inventory.
Configuration: Customize GLPI: explore setup features to add logo of your brans, select the palette of colors and configure plugins. In this section you can also manage SLAs and notifications.
_installer_grav_description=Grav is an open source content management application.
_installer_grav_authordescription=Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible, file-based Web-platform. The Grav admin plugin provides a simple and intuitive interface to make configuration and content creation easy and enjoyable.
Fast: Performance is not just an afterthought, we baked it in from the start
Extensible: Grav has a powerful API and sophisticated Package Manager to make it super flexible
Open Source: Grav is Open Source, and all the code is available on
_installer_groupoffice_description=Group Office is an open source customer relations and project management application. Group Office was initially released in 2003.
_installer_groupoffice_authordescription=Group-Office is an enterprise CRM and collaboration tool. Share projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-workers and clients. Easy to use and fully customizable.
E-mail: The flexible e-mail module integrates in all other modules. Link the mails easily to your customers and projects.
Calendar: In a corporate environment a calendar can't be missed. This calendar allows you to plan all sorts of recurring events and set reminders for them. The easy to use interface will never let you miss an event. It's easy to set up multiple calendars and share them with other users. The calendar supports the import and export of the popular iCalendar standard. This makes it possible to synchronise the Group-Office calendar with other calendar software that support the iCalendar protocol.
File Sharing: The files module is used to store your files online and share them if you want with co-workers or clients. You can easily edit files locally and they will be transferred back to your online disk automatically. You can upload files or even entire folders easily with the Java upload program. You can also create corporate templates for text documents or any other kind.
Addressbook: Keep in touch with your prospects and customers in an easy way. The addressbook keeps track of all the customers related notes, e-mail, files etc. With the ticket system you will be reminded of important events so you will never forget a customer.
Tasks: Keep your tasks organized online and sync them to you devices easily!
Notes: Add notes and encrypt them if they contain sensitive data.
Newsletters: Send personalized mails to your customers with the built in bulk mailer.
Helpdesk: With the helpdesk or tickets module you can support your customers. Delegate support calls easily and keep track of the history. Support tickets can be created by e-mail, phone or an easy web form.
Time Tracking: Easily keep track of the time worked on your projects, create reports and invoices of the time entries.
Mobile Sync: Take your office on the road with the Group-Office sync server. Group-Office can synchronize appointments, tasks and contacts with almost every mobile device windows programs, Mac OS and Linux.
Projects: With the projects module you can easily register working hours and keep all related information of a project in one place. You can link files, contacts, e-mails etc. to a project.
Document editing: Edit documents directly on your PC with the Group-Office transfer agent or connect to Google drive for in browser editing. We also offer ThinkFree office and Google Drive integration so you can edit documents in the browser.
Billing: With the billing module you can create quotes, orders and invoices. The documents can either be printed or you can send them by e-mail as a PDF attachment. You can also enter your expenses. With the report tool you can easily see your income and expenses. You can create as many books as you want and you can call them whatever you like.
Document Search: With the file search module you can deep search the contents of files. This module in combination with custom fields and the quick edit pane makes the perfect E-Discovery solution.
_installer_helpcenterlive_description=Help Center Live is an open source chat-based help application.
_installer_helpcenterlive_authordescription=Help Center Live is a fully-featured support application that includes FAQ management, a support ticket system, and live chatting functionality.
_installer_hesk_description=HESK is a free customer support application. HESK provides a help desk, knowledge base, email-to-ticket support, two-factor authentication, and many customization options. HESK is trusted by thousands of websites for being simple, light-weight and secure.
_installer_hesk_authordescription=Use HESK to set up a web-based customer support portal or an IT help desk to help you create, manage and resolve support tickets. HESK includes everything you need to provide effective customer support at none of the cost:
Receive and track customer support requests (support tickets). Organize them into categories, create auto-assign rules, track who is in charge of what ticket, and ensure issues get resolved in time.
The built-in Knowledge base can save you precious time by allowing your customers to solve problems themselves by searching for and reading articles, frequently asked questions, and guides.
Dozens of customization options and settings, custom fields, custom statuses, canned responses, ticket templates, spam prevention, and multiple languages are available – all free of charge!
_installer_humhub_description=HumHub is an open source social networking application and framework.
_installer_humhub_authordescription=HumHub is a free social network software and framework built to give you the tools to make communication and collaboration easy and successful.
OPEN: HumHub is completely open- source. Take advantage of the work already done and even improve it. Every suggestion or help is welcome.
FLEXIBLE: With a powerful module system you can extend HumHub by using third party tools, writing your own or connect existing software.
SECURE: Your server, your data, your rules. HumHub is a self- hosted solution and runs on almost every server. You are in the full control of your data.
SERVICES: We don't leave you alone. We support you with your projects and provide professional services around HumHub.
_installer_igalerie_description=iGalerie is an open source gallery application.
_installer_igalerie_authordescription=Create your photo/video gallery easily with iGalerie.
A light and complete gallery: Weighing less than 3 MB, iGalerie is nonetheless rich in features: member management, adding comments and votes, multiple sending of files by the browser, management of EXIF and IPTC metadata, slideshow, tags, geolocation, password locking of albums, RSS feeds, etc.
Video support: In addition to images (AVIF, GIF, JPEG, PNG and WebP), iGalerie also supports videos (MP4 and WebM). And to make your life easier, iGalerie automatically generates video thumbnails, whatever your PHP configuration!
A customizable theme: iGalerie's default theme is modern, responsive and customizable. Choose between a light or dark style, change the color, add the banner of your choice... Many settings will allow you to give your gallery the appearance that suits you, all with a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to test your ideas instantly, without having to reload the page!
An efficient administration: Configure your gallery in a clear, ergonomic and responsive administration interface. All features can be activated by a simple checkbox, and you can manage your files with a powerful and convenient mass management system. And with context-sensitive help and online documentation, you'll never be lost!
Advanced member management: iGalerie allows your visitors to register, send files (photos or videos) and become an administrator. You have advanced management of all your users through a system of groups with access permissions to features and categories (blacklist / whitelist), several registration validation methods, customizable profile information, etc.
_installer_impresspages_description=ImpressPages is an open source content management application. Initially released in 2009, ImpressPages received the 2011 Most Promising Open Source Project award by Packt Publishing.
_installer_impresspages_authordescription=ImpressPages CMS is a web content management system that simplifies and speeds up the content management process, enabling websites to be managed up to 4 times faster. The technology behind ImpressPages CMS empowers people with no technical knowledge and with no upfront learning to manage their websites as professionals. Features:
Simplified, drag and drop interface.
In-place content editing.
Automatic generation of SEO friendly URLs, meta tags, and sitemaps.
Smart copy and paste, automatically filtering HTML and CSS trash from copied content.
Easily create and deploy multilingual websites.
_installer_invoiceninja_description=InvoiceNinja is an open source invoicing and time-tracking application. InvoiceNinja was initially released in 2014.
_installer_invoiceninja_authordescription=Invoice Ninja is the #1 open-source platform to create and email invoices, track payments and expenses, and time billable tasks and projects for clients.
Invoices & Auto-Billing
Online Payments
Quotations & Proposals
Streamline Workflows
Time-Track Work
Expenses & Reporting
Invoice Ninja is 100% open source, and supported by a growing community of developers around the world.
_installer_invoiceplane_description=InvoicePlane is an open source invoicing application.
_installer_invoiceplane_authordescription=InvoicePlane manages your quotes, invoices, clients and payments.
Quotes, Invoices, Payments: InvoicePlane is a solid application to manage your complete billing circle: from quotes over invoices to payments.
Manage your Clients: The application provides CRM-like management for your clients. Enter contact details, notes or add custom fields. Basic project and task management is also available.
Customize InvoicePlane: You can customize InvoicePlane to make sure it fits your needs: select from different themes, set amount formats, modify email and PDF templates or many more.
One-Click Online Payments: Let your clients pay the invoices by using one of 25 different online payment providers like PayPal, Stripe or even using Bitcoin via Coinbase.
_installer_itronclock_description=iTron Clock is a free real-time javascript clock application.
_installer_itronclock_authordescription=Installatron Clock is a simple application that enables a static or dynamic text-based date and/or clock to be inserted into a webpage. The display is highly configurable and is easy to insert into any webpage.
_installer_jcow_description=Jcow is an open source social network building application.
_installer_jcow_authordescription=Everything you need to build a successful online community.
White Label
100% PHP Source Code
Clean and Friendly UI
Facebook Login
Template/Theme system
Module/Plugin system
Multiple Languages
Roles and Permission control
Google Map integrated
SMTP support
Dynamic Cache
Inline Ads
News Feed
Fan Pages
User Groups
Questions and Answers
_installer_joomla_description=Joomla is an open source content management and portal application. Joomla forked from Mambo in 2005 and today is one of the most used applications having been downloaded more than 25 million times.
_installer_joomla_authordescription=Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS) which enables web sites and powerful online applications to be built. With millions of websites running on Joomla, the software is used by individuals, small and medium-sized businesses, and large organizations worldwide. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular web site software available.
Multi-user functionality enables different users to have different levels of access.
Media Manager enables easy management of media files and folders stored online.
Banner Management makes setting up advertisements on a website a breeze.
Contact Manager helps users find the right person and their contact information.
Polls and Surveys gather data from website visitors.
Search helps visitors navigate content and provides search statistics.
Web Link Management enables every click to be organized and tracked.
Content Management tools enable website content to be organized in any way.
Syndication and Newsfeed Management enables visitors to subscribe to your website using their favorite RSS reader.
Menu Manager enables as many menus and menu items to be created as necessary.
Template Management is a powerful tool that enables a site to look exactly as intended.
Integrated Help System assists you at every step of creating your website.
Joomla! is infinitely extendable using the Joomla! extension manager.
_installer_jupyter_description=Jupyter is an open source interactive computing application. Forked from IPython in 2014, Jupyter supports execution environments in several dozen languages.
_installer_jupyter_authordescription=Project Jupyter exists to develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages. Configure and arrange the user interface to support a wide range of workflows in data science, scientific computing, and machine learning.
Language of choice: Jupyter supports over 40 programming languages, including Python, R, Julia, and Scala.
Share notebooks: Notebooks can be shared with others using email, Dropbox, GitHub and the Jupyter Notebook Viewer.
Interactive output: Your code can produce rich, interactive output: HTML, images, videos, LaTeX, and custom MIME types.
Big data integration: Leverage big data tools, such as Apache Spark, from Python, R and Scala. Explore that same data with pandas, scikit-learn, ggplot2, TensorFlow.
_installer_kanboard_description=Kanboard is an open source project management application.
_installer_kanboard_authordescription=Kanboard is a free and open source Kanban project management software.
Visualize your work
Limit your work in progress to focus on your goal
Drag and drop tasks to manage your project
_installer_koken_description=Koken is a free gallery application. Koken was initially released in 2013.
_installer_koken_authordescription=Koken is a free system designed for publishing independent web sites of creative work.
Built for photography: Your images are your most important asset. Koken treats them with the attention they deserve by including a full-featured management interface that looks and feels like a desktop application.
Work and words, together: Write about portfolio updates, inspiration, or anything that comes to mind. Images, videos, slideshows and content from Flickr, Instagram, Vimeo, SoundCloud and Twitter are a snap to display.
Live site previewing and editing: Setup your navigation, add pages, and edit your site's color and layout with simple point-and-click controls. No HTML experience required.
Themes and plugins: Browse, select and install themes and plugins through an integrated store. Everything downloads and installs automatically to your Koken installation.
Syncs with Adobe Lightroom: Free publish services plugin for Lightroom to upload, edit or replace images from inside Lightroom.
_installer_laravel_description=Laravel is an open source application framework. Initially released in 2011, Laravel as of August 2015 is the most popular and watched PHP project on GitHub.
_installer_laravel_authordescription=Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, queueing, and caching.
Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked.
Expressive, beautiful syntax: Value elegance, simplicity, and readability? You’ll fit right in. Laravel is designed for people just like you. If you need help getting started, check out Laracasts and our great documentation.
Tailored for your team: Whether you're a solo developer or a 20 person team, Laravel is a breath of fresh air. Keep everyone in sync using Laravel's database agnostic migrations and schema builder.
Modern toolkit. Pinch of magic. An amazing ORM, painless routing, powerful queue library, and simple authentication give you the tools you need for modern, maintainable PHP. We sweat the small stuff to help you deliver amazing applications.
_installer_advancedguestbook_description=Lazarus Guestbook is an open source guestbook application. Lazarus Guestbook forked from Advanced Guestbook in 2006.
_installer_advancedguestbook_authordescription=Lazarus Guestbook is a guestbook application, which enables website visitors to post comments.
Preview before posting
Anti-Spam technology
Page templates
E-mail notification
Picture uploads
Page spanning and HTML tag handling
Smilies and BB codes.
_installer_lepton_description=LEPTON is an open source content management application.
_installer_lepton_authordescription=LEPTON enables you to run nearly all the websites most others current CMS promise you but has the big advantage of extremely short learning and training curves, and this is a great argument to those who work with LEPTON. LEPTON is easily installed and started, and can easily be adapted to fit the needs of nearly all web appearances.
easy to use backend
content input via wysiwyg-editors
file and media management
design via template system
addons to extend cms
scaling access system
_installer_lifetype_description=LifeType is an open source blog application. LifeType was originally released in 2003 (then known as pLog).
_installer_lifetype_authordescription=LifeType supports multiple blogs and users, media management, generation of standard content, clean URLs and support for subdomains.
User Friendly Interface: Writing articles is comfortable with the included state of the art WYSIWYG editor. Adding pictures and sound files (for Podcasting) is just a matter of browse and click.
Integrated Media Management: Podcasting, automatic thumbnail generation, mass uploading of files, a filebrowser and custom descriptions for each file is supported through the administration interface
Choose your Style: Looking for a nice design for your weblog? Go check out the many freely available templates. Installation is as easy as uploading a file through your administration interface!
Built-in anti-spam Filter: The built-in bayesian spam filter keeps comments and trackbacks in you blog clean. And comment moderation, Captchas and trackback validation is available through plugins.
Support for Trackbacks: Trackback blogs you read by simply linking to them! LifeType will automatically find the trackback URL of the blog you are linking to.
Multiple Users per Blog: You can easily give your friends permissions to write in your weblog, making collaborative web sites even easier!
Mobile features: Are you into moblogging? Do you need to blog wherever you are? Do you need to easily provide low bandwidth versions of your site for mobile devices? Using the appropiate plugins, LifeType becomes the first mobile-ready application of its kind with seamless integration for publishing to and accessing blogs.
Multiple Blogs in one Installation: With its multi-domain, multi-blog, multi-user setup and strict separation of single weblog administration and overall administration LifeType is ideally suited for blog hosting. It's all provided through a single installation and one single database.
Central Page for Communities: Easy 4 step registration for new weblogs, an overview of newest and most popular blogs as well as a user and blog index, everything ready to go with your intallation of LifeType.
Performance: Template caching, data object caching and serious code refactoring to improve performance and keep the system load as minimal as possible make LifeType fast and reliable even with very large and busy communities.
Nice Looking URLs: Creat your own customized URLs for SEO or to adapt your them to your language. Toggle a setting in the configuration of the site and LifeType will automatically use cruft-free URLs instead of the old style, raw ones.
Powerful Plugin Framework: The impressive plugin capabilities let's you add about any feature you like. With filters, events, registration of new actions, localization, MVC support (self-contained), perfect integration into the administration interface and template support you can add about any functionality you can think off.
Smarty Templates: LifeType is built on top of the fantastic Smarty template engine, providing unprecedented power to template developers without compromising security, since Smarty templates do not allow by default to add potentially dangerous PHP code to our templates. This is specially important if you use LifeType to provide a blogging service to a community.
XMLRPC: LifeType supports an XMLRPC interface for remote creating and editing articles. And of course you may ping as many directories as you like with the inbuilt XMLRPC ping service. XMLRPC pings are enabled/disabled per article.
_installer_limesurvey_description=LimeSurvey is an open source survey application. LimeSurvey was formerly known as PHPSurveyor.
_installer_limesurvey_authordescription=LimeSurvey enables surveys to be developed and responses to be collected and analyzed. LimeSurvey includes a wide range of built-in question types, and a range of flexible options. Surveys can include branching, different layouts and designs (using a templating system), and can provide basic statistical analysis of survey results. Surveys can be public, or can be strictly controlled through the use of unique tokens for each survey participant.
28+ question types: From simple single choice or multiple choice questions to complex Google Maps, file upload, equations and semantic differential question types - all at your fingertips.
What you see is what you get: Edit your survey contents with our HTML WYSIWYG editor. Enter any HTML code if you need to. Use piping, placeholder, micro-tailoring to display answers from previous questions later on.
Quota management: Create as many quotas as you like for your survey to ensure the required composition of your participant group. For example: You would like to question 500 women and 500 men of a certain age range.
Skip logic / branching: Filter subquestions based on previous multiple choice questions or skip questions based on previous answers. That way you can avoid non-relevant questions and keep your survey participants happy.
Analyze your surveys easier: Use LimeSurvey's inbuilt assessment score system to create valuable analysis scores in your answer options. Immediately assess during the survey to create scores visible to the participant or not.
Invite and remind: Send survey emails using our email server or your own email server. Non-responding participants can be reminded by email. Automatic bounce handling marks email addresses as invalid, so they are not invited again.
Anonymized responses - protected participants: If this feature is active you and your participants can be sure that there is no relation between the response and the participant. Once activated for a survey it is no longer possible to deactivate it once the survey was launched.
Open and closed surveys: Enable public participation in your surveys or allow access just by personalized email invitation. You can also ask participants to register before participating.
Offline functionality: Execute pen-and-paper surveys or personal surveys. After capturing the response data, enter it manually by using a convenient data entry mode and process it further.
Visualize your response data: Create statistics and engaging graphs with a few clicks for all questions of your survey. Filter the results based on certain responses. Export the statistics to Excel or PDF.
Export your responses: Export your responses as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SPSS, R, Stata, PDF or just as CSV file format.
Dynamic questions: Use answers given to your previous questions to validate and refine your results. Our powerful expression manager serves this purpose.
_installer_litecart_description=LiteCart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application.
_installer_litecart_authordescription=An amazingly fast e-commerce platform. LiteCart e-commerce platform built with PHP, jQuery and HTML 5.
What can you do with LiteCart?
Setup unlimited products and categories
Online catalog with search filters
One step checkout
Runs superfast on shared hosting
See reports and statistics
And much much more...
_installer_livesite_description=liveSite is an open source website builder and content management application.
_installer_livesite_authordescription=liveSite is a back-end website engine that can drive any front-end website design.
User Management: Add unlimited member and client portals, and delegate every aspect of site design, site content, and site management to your staff using amazingly flexible access control.
Content Management: Integrated CMS features empower your staff to create, publish, and update website content easily. Site maps, tag clouds, full-text search, and SEO metadata are all updated in real-time.
Forms Management: Create custom web forms to gather information securely for any reason, including event registrations, custom product purchases, trial memberships, and even online quizzes.
Contact Management: liveSite tracks every user interaction and automatically updates contact information and mailing lists, so you can effortlessly send timed e-mail campaigns to any user or audience segment.
Membership Management: Create members-only areas within your website. Members can pay for access, sign up for a trial, or register using a security code you provide to access privileged content for a limited time.
Community & Social Media: Discussions can be enabled on any page so your users, members, staff, or any other group can communicate securely within their own private space to provide feedback or build consensus.
Calendaring & Scheduling: Create public calendars for visitors, or protected calendars for any group of users so they can quickly find event information, reserve a seat, or purchase a ticket.
Commerce & Payments: liveSite can process payments for almost any type of product, service, event, fee, or donation. And liveSite doesn't add any transaction fees on top of your own payment gateway.
Custom Workflow & Apps: Collect any type of data and display through secure and personalized views. Sync with user data, update custom databases, and trigger autoresponders and future e-mail campaigns.
_installer_livehelperchat_description=Live Helper Chat is an open source support application.
_installer_livehelperchat_authordescription=Live Support chat for your website. Web and desktop clients. Co-Browsing, XMPP notifications, GTalk, Jabber, Openfire, Skype, Chrome extension, Node.js support, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
Features for site owners:
IPhone, Android, IPod, BlackBerry support using XMPP generic services, GTalk, Monal, Xabber
Unlimited operators, chats at the same time, departments
5 widget position
User screenshots, see what your users sees
Drag & Drop widgets
Online users tracking
Invite users to chat
Chats archive
Chat remarks
Files uploads, drag & drop
Tablet and Mobile friendly
Visitor tracking across different subdomains of domain
Multilanguage back office where each operator can have different language.
Chrome extension
Operator To Operator chat
Option to have custom form attributes or pre-fill existing ones
Pro active users invitation to chat
Google map with users locations
RTL and LTR languages support
Windows/Mac/Linux client
Features for developers:
MVC structure
Free - Open Source
Clean code
Full XMPP support (ejabberd) not only XMPP notifications
Two sync methods, long polling or standard.
Node.js as transport layer
MySQL and PostgreSQL support
No php session if not required
Archive module
Fully supported multiple domains including http, https and subdomains
Plugins supported
Easy upgradable
Bootstrap 3 CSS framework
Customizable without changing kernel
Bugs fixed in days not in weeks or months
Can be customized to meet any business requirements
_installer_luxcal_description=LuxCal is an open source personal calendar application.
_installer_luxcal_authordescription=LuxCal is a free user-friendly, intuitive web calendar. It can help you to organize and keep track of your events and appointments in an easy way from your phone, tablet or PC at home, in the office, on business trips or when on holiday. LuxCal has all essential functions you may expect from a modern web calendar and is targeted at home use and small businesses.
intuitive, friendly user interface
multi-user access with user name/password protection
users and user groups with selectable privileges
optionally multiple, independent calendars
multi-language user interface (see section below)
repeating and multi-day events
fully tailorable to your needs, e.g. date and time formats, user interface layout, colors, etc.
event coloring (text and background) according to event categories
email and SMS reminders x days before the event is due
event categories and subcategories
event filtering on various criteria
full text search with wildcards
different views, e.g. year, month, week, day, upcoming, changes and more
proposing events and approving events (e.g. by manager)
importing and exporting of events
easy to administer and maintain
fully self contained and therefore fast (no links to external software)
various possibilities to embed the calendar in a page of your website
_installer_lychee_description=Lychee is an open source photo management application.
_installer_lychee_authordescription=Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.
Manage: Managing your photos has never been easier. Upload, move, rename, describe, delete or search your photos in seconds. All in one place, right from your browser.
Share: Sharing like it should be. One click and every photo and album is ready for the public. You can also protect albums with passwords if you want. It's under your control.
View: Look at all your images in full-screen mode, navigate forward and backward by using your keyboard or let others enjoy your photos by making them public.
_installer_magento_description=Magento is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Initially released in 2008, Magento has grown rapidly to serve more than 110,000 merchants worldwide.
_installer_magento_authordescription=Magento provides the scalability, flexibility, and features for business growth. Merchants using Magento have complete flexibility and control over the presentation, content, and functionality of their online channel.
Analytics and Reporting: Useful reports such as Abandoned Shopping Cart Report and Best Customers Report by Total and Number of Orders.
Search Engine Optimization: URL Rewrites give full control of URL's Meta-information for products and categories.
Site Management: Control multiple websites and stores from one Administration Panel.
Catalog Management: Batch Import and Export of catalog, Google Base Integration, and Downloadable/Digital Products.
Catalog Browsing: Layer/Faceted navigation for filtering of products, Product comparisons, and Product Reviews.
Product Browsing: Downloadable Products, Multiple Images Per Product, and Product Image Zoom-in Capability.
Mobile Commerce: An iPhone optimized interface is included.
Checkout: One-Page Checkout and Guest Checkout.
Shipping: Shipping to multiple addresses in one order.
Payment: Multiple payment options, and Configurable authorization and capturing of funds.
Customer Service: Feature-rich Customer Accounts, and Order Tracking from Account.
Customer Accounts: Re-orders from account, and Recently ordered items.
Order Management: View, edit, create and fulfill orders from admin panel. Create one or multiple invoices, shipments and credit memos per order to allow for split fulfillment.
_installer_mahara_description=Mahara is an open source portfolio building application. Mahara was initially released in 2006 and today is used by institutes and organisations all over the world.
_installer_mahara_authordescription=Mahara is a fully featured web application to build your electronic portfolio. You can create journals, upload files, embed social media resources from the web and collaborate with other users in groups.
What makes Mahara different from other ePortfolio systems is that you control which items and what information (Artefacts) within your portfolio other users see. In order to facilitate this access control, all Artefacts you wish to show to other users need to be bundled up and placed into one area. Within Mahara this compilation of selected Artefacts is called a View. You can have as many Views as you like, each with a different collection of Artefacts, and intended purpose and audience. Your audience, or the people you wish to give access to your View, can be added as individuals or as a member of a Group or Community.
ePortfolio owners create Views using a 4 step process and Views have the following features:
ePortfolio owners can receive public or private feedback on their View and Artefacts within that View.
Users accessing a View can report any objectionable material directly to the Site Administrator.
Users can add Views and Artefacts within a View to their Watchlist and receive automated notifications of any changes or updates.
ePortfolio owners can Submit a View for Assessment by a tutor or teacher allowing for a snapshot of the View and associated Artefacts on a certain date.
Other features of Mahara include:
A file repository which allows users to upload and share files.
A comprehensive blogging tool is provided in Mahara, where blogs and blog postings are considered Artefacts and may be added to a View.
A resumé builder which allows users to create digital CV's by entering information into a variety of optional fields.
Sharing: Mahara provides a social networking facility where users can create and maintain a list of Friends within the system. ePortfolio owners choose whether other users can add them to their Friends list automatically or by request and approval. An ePortfolio owner's Friends lists shows those Views to which they have been assigned access.
Moodle integration: Mahara provides a single-sign on capability that allows users, at the option of the administrator, to be automatically logged in to both their Mahara and Moodle accounts by providing a username and password at only one of these sites. The user can sign on at Mahara, and click on a link to her Moodle account, or sign on at Moodle, and click on a link to her Mahara account.
_installer_mambo_description=Mambo is an open source content management and portal application.
_installer_mambo_authordescription=Mambo Open Source Content Management System allows anyone to manage a web site. It is easily configured for personal sites, and powerful enough for large-scale commercial installations, perfect for non-tech webmasters and advanced programmers alike.
_installer_mantis_description=Mantis is an open source bug tracking application.
_installer_mantis_authordescription=Mantis is a bug tracking application that manages a project's error reports and feature requests. Any web browser will function as a client.
Access Control: Per project role based access control for users putting you in control of your business.
Email Notifications: Keep your team and clients updated with notifications on issue updates, resolution, or comments.
Customizable: Flexibility to customize your issue fields, notifications and workflow.
_installer_mattermost_description=Mattermost Team Edition is an open source messaging and communication application.
_installer_mattermost_authordescription=Mattermost is a flexible, open source messaging platform that meets even the most demanding privacy and security standards. Mattermost is an open source Slack alternative.
Centralize DevOps communication and workflow: Build intuitive workflows and collaborate across large teams without worrying about security or data privacy. Get up and running quickly with hundreds of existing integrations from Mattermost and the community, then build out custom workflows that scale to tens of thousands of concurrent users.
Collaborate securely and privately, enterprise-wide: Many of the world's leading high-security enterprises work better with Mattermost by connecting people, tools, and automation across tens of thousands of users.
Mattermost is a Gartner Cool Vendor: Mattermost is cool because it gives buyers visibility into the code and enables deeper customization to match exact business models and needs.
_installer_mautic_description=Mautic is an open source marketing automation application.
_installer_mautic_authordescription=Mautic began with a single focus. Equality. The Mautic community believes in giving every person the power to understand, manage, and grow their business or organization. Mautic is focused on helping this belief become a reality by getting powerful marketing automation software into the hands of everyone.
Development and analysis of marketing campaigns and customers
Management of marketing campaigns
Appropriate customer data organization and storage
Moving contacts from leads to customers
_installer_mediawiki_description=MediaWiki is an open source wiki application. MediaWiki was initially released in 2002 after being developed to power Wikipedia.
_installer_mediawiki_authordescription=MediaWiki is a feature-rich wiki implementation, and is used to power Wikipedia and many other wikis.
Look and feel: MediaWiki's user interface is customizable through the use of skins.
Keeping track of edits: With MediaWiki, it's easy to revert an entry to a previous state. MediaWiki keeps track of all edits.
Structures and syntax: A full set of commands are supported which enable elements such as sortable tables to be embedded into entries.
Spam and vandalism: Prevent link spamming, and other forms of abusive editing.
Discussions: Each user (including every anonymous user) and every article has an associated page where messages can be posted.
Permissions and user groups: Multiple user groups and editing permissions for each are supported.
Search: Full search capabilities and numerous special report pages are available.
Multimedia and extensions: Multimedia files can be uploaded and attached to wiki entries.
_installer_mibew_description=Mibew is an open source support and real time chat application.
_installer_mibew_authordescription=Mibew Messenger (also known as Open Web Messenger) is an open-source live support application written in PHP and MySQL. It enables one-on-one chat assistance in real-time directly from your website.
Easy integration into existing sites
Custom chat buttons
Themes engine
Multiple localizations
Visitors tracking and interaction
Pre-chat survey
Manageable permissions
Operators groups
Plugins API
Multiple official plugins
Built-in statistics
_installer_microweber_description=Microweber is an open source content management application.
_installer_microweber_authordescription=Microweber is free and open source website builder and CMS, so you can freely download it and use it to build website.
Use this new generation CMS for to build any website, online store or blog, easy as never before. The drag and drop technology will save you time and will give you freedom to be creative.
Drag and Drop: Use drag and drop to create a website or to add new features to the existing website.
Admin Panel: Powerful backend with a great user experience interface. Use it to edit and managing your website.
Live Edit: Write, edit and manage your content in real time.
Adding Content: Add Pages, Posts, Categories, and Products in your Microweber website without the need for coding.
E-commerce features: A full e-commerce solution for online business, create your online store with Microweber.
Blog features: Everything you need to start a blog, write text in real time and managing content and comments.
Modules: You the modules to build your website as building boxes and expand your functionality.
_installer_modx_description=MODx is an open source content management application and development framework.
_installer_modx_authordescription=MODx is not a typical plug-and-play CMS. It's liberating and different and designed to work the way you think about sites, not how sites are built.
MODX offers you a system that lets you publish your offline content onto the web in any form, shape or presence you want.
You can setup everything from a simple site, to a blog, to a full-scale web presence with MODX, and keep your admin interface simple and usable.
MODX helps you organize your content the way you want it, and get stellar built-in SEO results.
_installer_moodle_description=Moodle is an open source course management application. Initially released in 2002, Moodle serves more than 63 million users and 1.2 million teachers between 70,000 registered websites.
_installer_moodle_authordescription=Moodle is a course management application designed to help educators create effective online learning communities. Moodle can scale from a single-teacher site to a University with 200,000 students.
The focus of the Moodle project is always on giving educators the best tools to manage and promote learning, but there are many ways to use Moodle:
Moodle has features that allow it to scale to very large deployments and hundreds of thousands of students, yet it can also be used for a primary school or an education hobbyist.
Many institutions use it as their platform to conduct fully online courses, while some use it simply to augment face-to-face courses (known as blended learning).
Many of our users love to use the activity modules (such as forums, databases and wikis) to build richly collaborative communities of learning around their subject matter (in the social constructionist tradition), while others prefer to use Moodle as a way to deliver content to students (such as standard SCORM packages) and assess learning using assignments or quizzes.
_installer_mybb_description=MyBB is an open source forum application. MyBB forked from XMB Forum in 2002.
_installer_mybb_authordescription=From administration to posting a reply, MyBB is a forum package full of useful and to-the-point features for both you and your visitors, helping you to make running your bulletin board as easy as possible.
Rad Community: MyBB's friendly community will help you get your community started.
Extendable: Hundreds of plugins and themes make adding new features or a new look easy.
Simple to Use: MyBB offers an extensive range of features in an intuitive interface.
Multilingual: Community-maintained translations are available for more than 30 languages.
_installer_mylittleforum_description=mylittleforum is an open source forum application.
_installer_mylittleforum_authordescription=my little forum is a simple PHP and MySQL based internet forum that displays the messages in classical threaded view (tree structure). The main claim of this web forum is simplicity.
Usenet like threaded tree structure of the messages
Different views of the threads possible (classical, table, folded)
Categories and tags
BB codes and smilies
Image upload
RSS Feeds
Template engine (Smarty)
Different methods of spam protection (can be combined: graphical/mathematical CAPTCHA, wordfilter, IP filter, Akismet, Bad-Behavior, Stop Forum Spam)
_installer_ocportal_description=ocPortal is a free content management and portal application.
_installer_ocportal_authordescription=ocPortal is a content management application with many Web 2.0 and community features for building modern, sophisticated websites. ocPortal supports many types of content, including but not limited to galleries, news, newsletters, and it enables rich media and advertising to be integrated. Community features include forums, member blogs, chat rooms, WIKI, and content commenting/rating. ocPortal lets you decide how your site will look and behave. Features are plentiful, but also optional. Feature integration is at the core of the ocPortal philosophy - for example, the site-wide search engine, and the unified member profiles. Out-of-the-box your site will meet the highest accessibility and professional standards, and will appear higher in Google due to automatic SEO. Your website will automatically block and record hacking attempts, and you can control access in different ways such as via paid subscription. ocPortal is designed as the software that'll handle all your needs; you'll get much more than just a Content Management System.
_installer_odoo_description=Odoo is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) application. Odoo was formerly known as OpenERP.
_installer_odoo_authordescription=With 10.000+ apps in, Odoo covers all your business needs in a one-stop solution: no more interfaces between different software required. Odoo apps are perfectly integrated to each other, allowing you to fully automate your business processes.
The open source model of Odoo has allowed us to leverage thousands of developers and business experts to build hundreds of apps in just a few years.
With strong technical foundations, Odoo's framework is unique. It provides top notch usability that scales across all apps.
Usability improvements made on Odoo will automatically apply to all of our fully integrated apps.
_installer_omeka_description=Omeka is an open source content management application.
_installer_omeka_authordescription=Omeka is a free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Omeka is a Swahili word meaning to display or lay out wares; to speak out; to spread out; to unpack. Omeka falls at a crossroads of Web Content Management, Collections Management, and Archival Digital Collections Systems.
Omeka is designed with non-IT specialists in mind, allowing users to focus on content and interpretation rather than programming. It brings Web 2.0 technologies and approaches to academic and cultural websites to foster user interaction and participation. It makes top-shelf design easy with a simple and flexible templating system. Its robust open-source developer and user communities underwrite Omeka's stability and sustainability.
Until now, scholars and cultural heritage professionals looking to publish collections-based research and online exhibitions required either extensive technical skills or considerable funding for outside vendors. By making standards based, serious online publishing easy, Omeka puts the power and reach of the web in the hands of academics and cultural professionals themselves.
Easy to use:
Omeka is designed with non-IT specialists in mind, allowing users to focus on content and interpretation rather than programming.
Omeka is a web application, making it accessible from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection.
Users say Omeka is "simple," "logical," and "unscary."
Strong community of documentation and support:
Learn to use Omeka with step-by-step tutorials and screencasts available in the documentation.
Connect with other Omeka users and the Omeka team through end user forums and developer discussion lists.
Extensible, scalable, and flexible:
Omeka can handle large archives of meta data and files (with over 100,000 items).
The only limitations are on your own server. Element sets for institution-specific meta data maybe added.
Zend framework for PHP allows for customization.
Omeka accepts and stores all types of files, including images, video, audio, multi-page documents and PDFs, Power Point presentations, et al. Individual items may contain multiple files.
_installer_omekas_description=Omeka S an open source education and exhibit-curation application.
_installer_omekas_authordescription=Omeka S is a web publication application for universities, galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. It creates a local network of independently curated exhibits sharing a collaboratively built pool of items and their metadata. Create and manage many sites with a streamlined installation of Omeka S.
INSTALL ONCE: Create and manage many sites with a streamlined installation of Omeka S.
CONNECT TO THE SEMANTIC WEB: Publish items with linked open data.
SHARE WITH DPLA: Describe items with DPLA-ready resource templates.
EXTEND AND BUILD: Extend functionality of Omeka S sites with modules to map, collect, import, and connect resources.
DESIGN WITH EASE: Style each Omeka S site with a different fully-responsive theme to fit any screen size.
_installer_openwebanalytics_description=Open Web Analytics is an open source web analytics application.
_installer_openwebanalytics_authordescription=Open Web Analytics is the free and open source web analytics framework that lets you stay in control of how you instrument and analyze the use of your websites and application.
First Party Control: Run OWA under your own domain or as part of your web application.
Customize: OWA is a customizable web analytics framework that can be extended to meet your needs.
CRM Systems: Track WordPress and Mediawiki based websites and admin events.
Metrics, Dimensions, Reports: OWS provided you with dozens of standard metrics, dimensions and reports.
Data Access API: Extensive data access API enables integration with raw data access.
Privacy Controls: OWA respects GDRP and other privacy frameworks.
_installer_openbiblio_description=OpenBiblio is an open source library automation application. OpenBiblio was initially released in 2006.
_installer_openbiblio_authordescription=OpenBiblio is an easy to use, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality.
_installer_opencart_description=OpenCart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. OpenCart was initially released in 2009.
_installer_opencart_authordescription=OpenCart is designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface.
Powerful Store Management: Benefit from our built-in SEO. Easy manage products, customers, orders, taxes rules, coupon codes and more.
Extensions and Themes: The biggest eCommerce selections of modules and themes to expand your store functionality.
Support You Can Trust: We've got you covered. OpenCart offers free community or dedicated commercial support.
_installer_openclassifieds_description=Open Classifieds is an open source classified advertisement application. Open Classifieds was initially released in 2008 and today serves more than 14,000 websites.
_installer_openclassifieds_authordescription=Open Classifieds is the perfect software to start your own online business in few minutes. With Open Classifieds you can have your listing site, contacts page, car/auto sales, job board, second hand items, forum, or anything you want. You name the limit! Start today you own Craigslists, Ebay Classifieds, Olx or Gumtree clone for free!
MOBILE FRIENDLY: We offer amazing responsive themes and Android app that will make your site easily accessible from mobile devices.
DIFFERENT THEMES: Change a look and feel of your website and make it more beautiful in just few clicks. Browse our amazing themes in the market!
ADMIN PANEL: Managing your site was never that simple! With a super easy and lucid admin panel you can intuitively configure everything you need to.
MANY LANGUAGES: Change a language of your entire site by choosing one of the included language version. List of available translations is still expanding.
EASY INSTALLATION: Installation process is super easy and takes few minutes. In case you have any problems you can ask us for a support as well.
PAYPAL INTEGRATION: Earn money from your site and get your payments quickly through Paypal. Really useful for your online business!
SEO FRIENDLY: With our script it is easy to optimize your site for a search engine and improve your online visibility.
HIGHLY FLEXIBLE: Use our software for many purposes. Build your classifieds website, business directory or whatever you can imagine!
_installer_opendocman_description=OpenDocMan is an open source document management application that is designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standards. Initially released in 2004, OpenDocMan has a growing community of international users from individuals to government agencies and fortune 500 companies.
_installer_opendocman_authordescription=OpenDocMan is a free, open source web-based PHP document management system (DMS) designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standard for document management. Document management software and document management in general is based around a concept of centralized document storage, limiting access, and change tracking. These three DMS software fundamentals make up much of ISO 17025 in regards to document management systems.
OpenDocMan features web based access, fine grained control of access to files, and automated install and upgrades. Unlike most DMS's that require you to change your business rules in order to manage your documents, OpenDocMan allows you to integrate your current rules. Through supporting multiple file types, to departmental review, OpenDocMan lets you concentrate on the business at hand, document management. IT staff and managers can delegate document management duties to any number of staff members, through user and group permissions. Permissions can be set as restrictively or permissively as needed.
Add any file type to the system
No FTP required. Upload directly from your browser.
Meta data fields for each file
Assign a department/category to each file
Check-out feature to prevent over-writing of edits
Revision history
Documents are stored physically on the server
File expiration
Create custom document properties to match your companies needs
Automated document review process
Automated file expiration process
Reviewer can approve or reject a new document or a changed document
E-mail notification options prior to and after a review
Quick-browse search by author, department, or category
Full search by meta-data, author, department, category, file name, comments,etc.
No external indexing processes required
Secure URL feature to obfuscate URL parameters
Fine grained user access control for each file
Departmental access control for each file
Three user types: User, Admin, and Super-Admin
Control the size limit of files independent of higher server limits
_installer_openproject_description=OpenProject is an open source bug tracking and project management application. Initially released in 2012, OpenProject has grown to manage over 2,500 projects.
Project planning and scheduling: With shared timelines you can activate the experience and creativity of your entire team to collaboratively create and visualize your project plan.
Product roadmap and release planning: OpenProject is the easiest way to plan, visualize, and communicate your product roadmap. Share your product roadmap with your stakeholders, get feedback about your ideas and break it down into a detailed release plan.
Task management and team collaboration: Make your teams working lives simpler, more productive and more pleasant. OpenProject is the easiest way for teams to track their work - and get results.
Agile and Scrum: Agile teams have short development cycles. They iterate fast to build, measure and learn with each version. With fast user feedback they simply waste no time and can concentrate on building the right things. OpenProject is the perfect tool for agile teams that want to use agile methodologies such as Scrum.
Time tracking, cost reporting and budgeting: OpenProject makes time tracking easy. Stay on top of project budgets and costs spent. Create custom reports for accurate, current insight into project performance and allocated resources.
Bug tracking: Quality assurance teams rely on fast issue tracking and clear communciation within the team and across departments. OpenProject excels at bug tracking, offering QA managers and testers a platform to capture, classify and prioritize bugs.
_installer_openrealestate_description=Open Real Estate is an open source realty management application.
_installer_openrealestate_authordescription=Open Real Estate offers real estate agencies and real estate agents the technology they need to connect with real estate owners, prospective buyers and Internet surfers. Open Real Estate is a free script for building a website containing information about buying, renting, selling or changing of realty (apartments, houses, land property etc). This product can be used for creating a web platform for your business as well as for developing your own business from the ground up.
A convenient interface. We tried to make the product as simple and clear as possible. Our customers say that we have succeeded in it!
A modern, secure product with high speed. It is based on the widely used by web-developers tool - Yii CMF. It guarantees the highest website speed and the product's security. Keep yourself up to date — use Open Real Estate!
Constant development. We are always working on improving our product by releasing new versions with present-day functions that you need! Just post your comments on our forum, and we will try to make your wish come true for free!
Available additional paid modules. For our customers we create unique extensions for Open Real Estate, which allow your site to leave your competitors far behind!
_installer_openvpn_description=OpenVPN Access Server is an open source virtual private network (VPN) application.
_installer_openvpn_authordescription=OpenVPN Access Server provides flexible VPN solutions to secure your data communications, whether it's for Internet privacy, remote access for employees, securing IoT, or for networking Cloud data centers.
Uses the public Internet to create an economical, isolated, and secure private network
Remote access to internal services increases mobile workforce productivity
Reduces security risk by preventing unauthorized access to specific network resources
Encryption ensures privacy on untrusted Wi-Fi and other public access networks
Extends centralized unified threat management to remote networks
_installer_redmine_description=Redmine is an open source project management application.
Multiple projects support
Flexible role based access control
Flexible issue tracking system
Gantt chart and calendar
News, documents and files management
Feeds and email notifications
Per project wiki
Per project forums
Time tracking
Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar)
Issue creation via email
Multiple LDAP authentication support
User self-registration support
Multilanguage support
Multiple databases support
_installer_openads_description=Revive Adserver is an open source advertisement serving application. Revive Adserver has previously been known as OpenX Source, OpenAds and phpAdsNew, and most recently Revive Adserver forked from OpenX Source in 2013.
_installer_openads_authordescription=Revive Adserver is a free, open source ad server that is trusted by more than 30,000 web publishers in over 100 countries around the world, making it the most used open source advertisment server. Revive Adserver is a powerful ad serving solution that puts control over online advertising back in the hands of publishers.
Serve ads on websites, in apps, and in video players, and collect detailed statistics about impressions, clicks and conversions
Manage campaigns for multiple advertisers and from ad networks all at once, via an easy to use interface
Define rules for delivery of campaigns and ads, including frequency capping, URL targeting, geo-targeting
Track and report campaign performance, including click-through rates, conversion rates, revenue, eCPM and conversion details, like basket value and number of items purchased
_installer_roundcube_description=Roundcube is an open source webmail (IMAP) application.
_installer_roundcube_authordescription=Roundcube is a browser-based webmail (IMAP) client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an email client.
Drag-and-drop message management
Full support for MIME and HTML messages
Multiple sender identities
Full featured address book with groups and LDAP connectors
Find-as-you-type address book integration
Threaded message listing
IDNA and SMTPUTF8 support
Spell checking
Responsive skin (multi-device support)
Shared/global IMAP folders
Support for access control lists (ACL)
Built-in caching for fast mailbox access
Unlimited users and messages
Import/export functions
Plug-in API for flexible extensions
XSS attack protection
Support for PGP encryption
_installer_rstudio_description=R-Studio is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics.
Access via a web browser
Move computation closer to the data
Scale compute and RAM centrally
_installer_orangehrm_description=OrangeHRM is an open source human resource management application. OrangeHRM was initially released in 2006 and today has over one million users globally.
_installer_orangehrm_authordescription=OrangeHRM offers a complete suite of human capital management/human resource management tools. By providing modules for personnel information management, employee self service, leave, time and attendance, benefits and recruitment companies are able to manage the crucial organization asset - people. The combination of these modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning your HR processes along with the organizational goals.
Administration Module: The admin module is the central controller of the system where the HR Manager or other appointed personnel perform all system administration tasks. This includes defining organization structure‚ pay scale, maintaining project information and other information that serves as the backbone for the rest of the system. Security issues are taken care of through this module as well by defining user rights and permissions.
Personal Information Management: A complete employee information management system which acts as a central employee database. This enables HR administrators to utilize all employee information productively.
Leave Module: A comprehensive holiday management module‚ with extensive possibilities of defining leave types and more. It caters for all leave application & approval processes and is able to display information on leave entitlement‚ balance‚ history etc.. Thanks to the web-enabled and self-service concepts‚ it significantly streamlines all leave related procedures‚ eliminates paperwork and saves costs.
Time Module: This module automates timekeeping related processes. The offered functionality enhances the organization's performance by eliminating paperwork and manual processes associated with project timekeeping and attendance management. The sophisticated module helps to efficiently organize labor data‚ improve the workforce management and minimize errors in enforcement of company's attendance policies.
ESS Module: Employee self service is a powerful tool providing employees of the company with the ability to view relevant information such as personal information‚ updating personal information with web - enabled PC without having to hassle the HR staff. The functionality of this module spans through the entire system‚ making information available anywhere‚ anytime. Of course all information is subject to company defined security policy‚ where everyone can only view the information he / she is authorized to. Time and cost saving effects from this solution are tremendous.
Recruitment/Applicant Tracking Module: A comprehensive solution for the entire recruitment process. The module allows HR professionals to streamline the entire applicant tracking process effectively.
Performance Module: Another natural attachment to OrangeHRM. While simplifying the performance review process you can communicate the key performance indicators for each job title allowing the employees to understand and achieve your expectations.
_installer_osclass_description=OSClass is an open source classified advertisement application. Initially released in 2011, OSClass is growing rapidly with over 17,000 downloads each month.
_installer_osclass_authordescription=OSClass is an application that allows you to quickly create and manage your own free classifieds site. Using this application, you can provide free advertising for items for sale, real estate, jobs, cars. Hundreds of free classified advertising sites are using OSClass.
Easy to use interface.
SEO friendly.
_installer_oscommerce_description=osCommerce is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Initially released in 2000, osCommerce is one of the most used e-commerece applications with over 12,000 live stores.
_installer_oscommerce_authordescription=osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution. Its feature-packed out-of-the-box installation allows store owners to setup, run, and maintain their online stores with minimum effort and with absolutely no costs or license fees involved.
_installer_osticket_description=osTicket is an open source support ticket application. osTicket was initially released in 2003.
_installer_osticket_authordescription=osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. It seamlessly integrates inquiries created via email and web-based forms into a simple easy to use multiple user web interface. Easily manage, organize and archive all your support requests and responses in one place while providing your clients with accountability and responsiveness they deserve.
Web and Email Support: Tickets can be created via email, online forms or phone (created by staff). Flexible configuration and mapping.
Auto Response: Automatic reply that is sent out when a new ticket is opened or a message is received. Customizable mail templates.
Canned Replies: Predefined responses for frequently asked questions.
Internal Notes: Add internal notes to tickets for staff
Help Topics: Configurable help topics for web tickets. Route inquiries without exposing internal departments or priorities.
Alerts and Notices: Staff and clients are kept up to date with email alerts. Configurable and flexible settings.
Role-based Access: Control staff's access level based on groups and departments.
Assign and Transfer Tickets: Assign tickets to a staff and/or department.
No signup Required: No user account or registration required for users (ticket ID/email used for login).
Support History: All support requests and responses are archived.
_installer_owncloud_description=ownCloud is an open source file sync and share application. ownCloud was initally released in 2010.
_installer_owncloud_authordescription=ownCloud is a flexible file sync and share application. Whether using a mobile device, a workstation, or a web client, ownCloud provides the ability to put the right files at your fingertips on any device in one simple-to-use, secure, private and controlled solution.
Access and sync data from any device.
Versioning enables files to "rollback" any previous version.
Encryption enables files to be encrypted with a password.
Publicly share files using a Directory, Calendar, or Gallery format.
_installer_oxwall_description=Oxwall is an open source social networking platform.
_installer_oxwall_authordescription=Oxwall is an unbelievably flexible and easy to use community software platform used for a wide range of projects starting from family sites and custom social networks to collaboration tools and enterprise community solutions.
Whether you are a freelance developer willing to streamline your work for client projects; an individual willing to create a community site; or a brand planning to set up a destination for your customers - Oxwall is for you.
_installer_phpfilemanager_description=GateQuest File Manager is an open source file management application.
_installer_phpfilemanager_authordescription=GateQuest File Manager is a lightweight file manager that enables files to be uploaded to and downloaded from a server directory. GateQuest File Manager is great for creating and maintaining a simple cloud-based repository of files that can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet.
_installer_ph7builder_description=pH7Builder is an open source social, dating and content management application.
_installer_ph7builder_authordescription=pH7Builder is not your typical dating builder. Launch the Best Social Dating Service based on your Innovative & Unique Ideas in a few clicks with our unique enterprise level CMS specifically designed for social dating web apps.
Dating Service and Community Website: pH7 Social Dating CMS is perfect for Dating Sites and Social Community portals.
Multi-Themes and Unlimited Customization: Build a Unique Social/Dating Theme in a record time thanks to the architecture of our CMS.
Offer people to advertise your site without spending a dollar thanks to the Affiliate Module integrated to the software!
_installer_phpfusion_description=PHP-Fusion is an open source content management and portal application. PHP-Fusion was initially released in 2002.
_installer_phpfusion_authordescription=PHP-Fusion is a lightweight but powerful CMS with a myriad of features all controlled in an easy to navigate administration section.
Discussion Forums
Visitor/Member Comments
Member Preferences
Member Ratings
Member Submissions
Member Polls
User Groups
Custom User Fields
Custom BB Codes
Private Messages
Custom Themes
Custom Panels
Built in Error Log
Customisable User Log
Choice of Captchas
Flood Control
Password Hashing
Word Censor
XHTML 1.0 Valid
_installer_phpnuke_description=PHP-Nuke is an open source content management and portal application. PHP-Nuke forked from Thatware in 2000.
_installer_phpnuke_authordescription=PHP-Nuke is an automated news system specially designed to be used in Intranets and the Internet. The Administrator has total control of his web site, registered users, and he will have in the hand a powerful assembly of tools to maintain an active and 100% interactive web site using databases.
_installer_phpbb_description=phpBB is an open source forum application. Initially released in 2000, phpBB is currently the most used free forum application with millions of people using the application every day.
_installer_phpbb_authordescription=phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin board package. Whether you want to stay in touch with a small group of friends or are looking to set up a large multi-category board for a corporate website, phpBB has the features you need built-in.
Newer users will appreciate phpBB's extensive administration panel, which allows the customisation of even the most intricate features without having to edit code directly while advanced users will value the ease with which phpBB can be integrated into existing systems.
Enables community discussion through an intuitive interface.
Multiple discussion forums and categories are supported for maximum flexibility.
Anti-spam tools keep every board free of unwanted users and spam.
Share files by uploading and attaching them to posts.
Moderators can help to maintain order by assisting users and enforcing the rules.
Private messages are direct messages between two or more users.
An advanced caching system is utilized to increases board performance.
Straightforward administration settings enable full control over the look, feel, and operation of every board.
User groups enable users to easily be organized, and then the administrator can fine tune where users can go and which features they can use.
The powerful search system enables users find topics, posts, and users.
A powerful plugin system can be used to extend phpBB's functionality.
_installer_phpcoin_description=phpCOIN is a free billing and client management application. phpCOIN was initially released in 2002 and today is used by over 35,000 people worldwide.
_installer_phpcoin_authordescription=phpCOIN (Clients, Order, Invoices, and Notes) is an e-commerce/online-store solution that includes a variety of modules (store setup and display, customer management, invoicing, payment, and support) within a single interface.
_installer_phpesp_description=phpESP is an open source survey application.
_installer_phpesp_authordescription=phpESP allows you to create and publish surveys and read statistical analysis.
_installer_phpformgenerator_description=phpFormGenerator is an open source HTML form generating application.
_installer_phpformgenerator_authordescription=phpFormGenerator is an easy-to-use tool to create reliable and efficient web forms. No programming of any sort is required. Just follow along the included wizard and at the end you will have a fully functional web form!
_installer_phpfreechat_description=phpFreeChat is an open source real-time chat application designed to be embedded into a website.
_installer_phpfreechat_authordescription=phpFreeChat is a free, fast, customizable, and multilingual chat system. It uses AJAX to save bandwidth and smoothly refresh chat screens without flickering.
AJAX technology to smoothly refresh chat screens.
Multiple chat rooms (/join).
Private messages.
Moderation (/kick, /ban).
Customized themes based on CSS.
Custom chat commands.
_installer_phplinkdirectory_description=phpLinkDirectory is a free link directory application.
_installer_phplinkdirectory_authordescription=phpLinkDirectory is now the most widely used directory script on the internet. Our customers have tested the script on over 50,000 websites.
_installer_phplinks_description=phpLinks is an open source link management application. phpLinks is maintained by Installatron.
_installer_phplinks_authordescription=PHPLinks allows you to run an efficient Link Farm with full search capabilities.
_installer_phplist_description=phpList is an open source mailing-list and newsletter application.
_installer_phplist_authordescription=PHPlist is a web application that implements a personalised mailing list manager or customer relationship management (CRM) system.
PHPlist is designed to assist you to stay in touch with your audience, without flooding them with information they don't want. PHPlist is an essential tool for anyone who is serious about creating, capturing and maintaining an offline audience, and will help you increase traffic to your website.
_installer_phpmyadmin_description=phpMyAdmin is an open source database management application. Initially released in 1998, phpMyAdmin has grown to become one of the most used PHP applications and MySQL administration tools, with a large community of users and contributors.
_installer_phpmyadmin_authordescription=phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.
Intuitive web interface with support for most MySQL and MariaDB features
Import and export data in various formats, including but not limited to CSV and SQL
Ability to create graphics of your database layout in various formats
_installer_phpmychat_description=phpMyChat is an open source real-time chat application.
_installer_phpmychat_authordescription=phpMyChat is an easy-to-use multi-room chat script that supports IRC-like commands.
_installer_phpmychat_usagenotes=index.php, in the install directory, can be edited to taste and can also be moved anywhere on your website (if you move the file, be sure to edit the path variable at the top of the code).
chat_activity.php, in the install directory, demonstrates how to display chat information on another webpage. View the code to see how it works.
_installer_phpmycounter_description=phpMyCounter is a free website impression counting application. phpMyCounter is maintained by Installatron.
_installer_phpmycounter_authordescription=phpMyCounter is an easy to use yet sophisticated hit counting application. It includes an administration interface that allows you to customize the counter appearance and it works with PHP, SSI, or plain HTML webpages.
_installer_phpmycounter_usagenotes=Cut and paste one of the following into your webpage code where you would like the counter to appear:
For a PHP webpage (ie. your page has a .php extension):
For an SSI webpage (ie. your page has a .shtml extension):
For a HTML webpage (ie. your page has a .html or .htm extension):
Finally, use the admin page to configure and customize the counter appearance.
_installer_phpmyfaq_description=phpMyFAQ is a free frequently asked questions application. phpMyFAQ was initially released in 2001.
_installer_phpmyfaq_authordescription=phpMyFAQ is a multilingual Frequently-Asked-Questions system with built-in content management system.
Content management functionality with news/blogging support.
Flexible multi-user support.
User and browser tracking.
HTML Templates.
PDF and extensive XML support.
_installer_phprojekt_description=PHProjekt is an open source project management application.
_installer_phprojekt_authordescription=PHProjekt is a modular application for the coordination of group activities and to share informations and document via intranet and internet.
PHProjekt components include calendar, project management, time card system, file management, and contact manager.
_installer_phpshop_description=phpShop is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application.
_installer_phpshop_authordescription=phpShop is a PHP-based e-commerce application and PHP development framework. phpShop offers the basic features needed to run a successful e-commerce web site and to extend its capabilities for multiple purposes.
_installer_phpshop_usagenotes=phpShop comes preinstalled with a complete demonstration store setup and the following user accounts:
administrator for the whole site
administrator for the store
view the administration tools without editing
an example shopper
After installation you should log in as admin and change the password of that account. You can also decide which other user accounts you wish to keep.
And then you can begin editing the store. Everything is edited and changed through the administration interface.
_installer_phpwcms_description=phpwcms is an open source content management application and PHP development framework. Initially released in 2007, phpwcms has been downloaded over 125,000 times.
_installer_phpwcms_authordescription=phpwcms is a very flexible, fast, robust, customer and developer friendly but yet powerful web based content management system and cms framework.
_installer_pivot_description=PivotX is an open source blog application. PivotX forked from Pivotlog in 2007.
_installer_pivot_authordescription=PivotX is a web-based tool to help you maintain dynamic sites, like weblogs or online journals.
_installer_piwigo_description=Piwigo is an open source gallery application. Piwigo was initially released in 2002 and renamed from PhpWebGallery in 2009.
_installer_piwigo_authordescription=Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web that comes with powerful features to publish and manage your collection of pictures.
Privacy on your Photos. Make your photos private and decide who can see each of them. You can set permissions on albums and photos, for groups or individual users.
Photo Tagging. Offer your visitors another way to browse your photos, starting from the tags cloud and using multiple related tags to reduce the selection.
Browse by Date. Digital cameras store the date in the photo and Piwigo uses this date to display your photo collection in a calendar and let you browse from day to day.
Statistics and Management Tools. Administrators can browse history, process photos in batch mode, validate comments and user photos, add permalinks or manage remote servers.
Themes and Plugins. Change appearance with themes. Add features with plugins. Extensions require just a few clicks to get installed. 350 extensions available, and growing!
_installer_piwik_description=Matomo is an open source real-time web analytics application. Initially released in 2007, and renamed from Piwik in 2018, Matomo today is used by more than 460,000 websites. Matomo aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.
_installer_piwik_authordescription=In a digital world, Matomo gives you insights on your website's visitors, your marketing campaigns and much more, so you can optimize your strategy and online experience of your visitors.
Matomo has all the standard reports you would expect from a state of the art analytics package:
Scheduled email reports (PDF and HTML reports)
Campaign tracking
Optional tracking of 404 pages
Built in tracking of Downloads and Out links
Custom Variables Reporting
Goal conversion tracking
Analytics for Ecommerce
_installer_piwik_usagenotes=To record visitors, visits, and page views, a tracking code must be added to your website pages.
Below is the recommend Javascript tracking code, to be added on each page footer, just before the </body> tag.
_installer_pligg_description=Pligg is an open source social publishing application. Initially released in 2005, Pligg enables website visitors to submit and vote on news articles, similar to Reddit and Digg.
_installer_pligg_authordescription=Pligg provides social publishing software that encourages visitors to register on your website so that they can submit content and connect with other users. Pligg creates websites where stories are created and voted on by members, not website editors. Use Pligg content management system to start your own social publishing community in minutes.
Groups: Allow users to share articles with other members who share a common interest in a topic.
Private Messaging: A social network site isn't very social without the ability to communicate with each other.
Advanced Comment System: Not only can you comment on articles, but you can rate comments posted by other users.
User Profiles: Each user that signs up on a Pligg site gets their own profile page.
Module System: Add additional functionality to your Pligg site without having to alter the Pligg code.
_installer_pmwiki_description=PmWiki is an open source wiki application that is extremely lightweight. PmWiki was initially released in 2004.
_installer_pmwiki_authordescription=PmWiki is a wiki-based system for collaborative creation and maintenance of websites.
PmWiki pages look and act like normal web pages, except they have an "Edit" link that makes it easy to modify existing pages and add new pages into the website, using basic editing rules. You do not need to know or use any HTML or CSS. Page editing can be left open to the public or restricted to small groups of authors.
Custom look-and-feel: A site administrator can quickly change the appearance and functions of a PmWiki site by using different skins and HTML templates. If you can't find an appropriate skin already made, you can easily modify one or create your own.
Access control: PmWiki password protection can be applied to an entire site, to groups of pages, or to individual pages. Password protection controls who can read pages, edit pages, and upload attachments. PmWiki's access control system is completely self-contained, but it can also work in conjunction with existing password databases, such as .htaccess, LDAP servers, and MySQL databases.
Customization and plugin architecture: One principle of the PmWikiPhilosophy is to only include essential features in the core engine, but make it easy for administrators to customize and add new markup. Hundreds of features are already available by using extensions (called "recipes") that are available from the PmWiki Cookbook.
_installer_ipfilemanager_description=Power File Manager is a free web space file management application.
_installer_ipfilemanager_authordescription=Invision Power File Manager is a popular file management script that is extremely user friendly and gives you full control over all the users actions.
Invision Power File Manager is completely free for both personal and commercial use, all that we require is that the small link back to Invision Power Inc at the bottom of the page is left intact.
_installer_prestashop_description=PrestaShop is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Initially released in 2007, PrestaShop is currently one of the most used e-commerce applications powering more than 100,000 stores.
_installer_prestashop_authordescription=The PrestaShop e-Commerce Solution was built to take advantage of essential Web 2.0 innovations such as dynamic AJAX-powered features and next-generation ergonomy. PrestaShop guides users through your product catalog intelligently and effortlessly, turning intrigued visitors into paying customers.
Customize your store: Choose your colors, your logo and a design from among a selection of professional-looking themes.
Drive your business: Manage your products, orders, customer relationships, and track your statistics
Attract visitors: Share your content on the social networks and your blog and attract more visitors
Sell globally: Easily present your store in several different languages and currencies – your business has no borders!
_installer_pydio_description=Pydio is an open source file management application. Initially released in 2007, and renamed from AjaXplorer in 2013, Pydio today has more than 700,000 downloads.
_installer_pydio_authordescription=Pydio is a mature open source software solution for file sharing and synchronization. With intuitive user interfaces (web / mobile / desktop), Pydio provides enterprise-grade features to gain back control and privacy of your data: user directory connectors, legacy filesystems drivers, comprehensive admin interface, and much more.
Simple, Sleek, Beautiful
Access your docs from anywhere, from any browser.
Most common formats previews (audio, video, PDF, Office Documents)
Native mobile applications for iOS and Android - WebDAV server embedded
Lucene indexation for quick search
The ultimate sharing machine
Share files or folders as weblinks with outside world
Secure links with a password, an expiration date or a limited number of downloads
Share folders as workspaces with application users.
Get notified when a file or folder is consulted or modified
Choose layout for minisites and customize public links
An admin's heaven
Pydio is regularly audited by security experts, and if a vulnerability is found, it will be immediately patched.
Pydio users & groups can be mapped directly from an LDAP/AD, or from the most common PHP-based CMS.
Modularity is in the heart of the application: access existing data sources (FileSystem, (s)FTP, S3, etc), develop your own plugins
Monitor users activities in real-time
_installer_pyrocms_description=PyroCMS is an open source content management application. Initially released in 2009, PyroCMS has grown rapidly, accepting code from over 120 contributors, and today PyroCMS powers more than 43,000 websites.
_installer_pyrocms_authordescription=PyroCMS takes a different approach to many content management systems and tries very hard not to try too hard. So many content managent systems try to do everything and they often end up seriously confusing the end-users. PyroCMS can make the majority of simple websites out of the box and will be the first 80% of anything more complex. When you need to fill in the final 20% you can take a look at the Add-on Store for existing modules, widgets and plugins or you can make your own and sell them afterwards.
By avoiding the full 100% we have built a much more usable system and we will keep it that way. The extensibility and simplicity of Add-on development makes it easy and financially viable for everyone.
General users will like the simple Word-like (WYSIWYG) editor, more technical users will love that they can add their own SEO, CSS and JavaScript. You can even switch to Markdown or plain HTML for your Page Chunks so you can create content however you like. PyroCMS can take you by the hand, or let you go all out.
You've created a super-awesome site with great content but it's no use if no-one can see it! That's why PyroCMS is built with SEO in mind, not only is it super fast(search engines love fast sites) but it also has automatic SEO built in and even has an analytics dashboard!
PyroCMS is so easy to theme anyone with basic HTML knowledge can create a great theme. Don't want to mess around creating your own theme? No worries, we've got you covered! Just head over to the Addon sections and you'll find a theme to get you going! PyroCMS Professional even has admin themes! Your site, your way.
Looking to extend the base functionality? Easy, with lots of developers creating addons and modules you'll be sure to find what you need. PyroStreams, Social Integration, Forums, Download Widgets and more, we've got it all!
_installer_nette_description=Nette is an open source application framework.
_installer_nette_authordescription=Stop solving repetitive tasks and getting distracted with details that make programming dull and unproductive. Nette Framework lets you work more effectively, focus on what's important and makes your code more readable and well-structured in the process.
An excellent templating system.
Unbeatable diagnostic tools.
Extraordinarily effective database layer.
Rock-solid protection against known vulnerabilities.
HTML5 and AJAX support, SEO friendly.
Well written documentation and an active open source community.
Mature and clean object oriented design leveraging the latest PHP features.
Best-practice solutions that are encouraged, but not enforced.
_installer_nextcloud_description=NextCloud is an open source file sync and share application. NextCloud forked from ownCloud in 2016.
_installer_nextcloud_authordescription=Nextcloud offers industry-leading on-premises file sync and online collaboration technology. Our expertise is in combining the convenience and ease of use of consumer-grade solutions like Dropbox and Google Drive with the security, privacy and control business needs.
Easy access anywhere: A modern and easy-to-use web interface, desktop clients and mobile apps. Real-time collaboration and instant access to all data from any device, anywhere!
Ultimate security: An open source, self-hosted product. Powerful on-server and End-to-end Encryption. Files are stored inside your company infrastructure, without any third party ever gaining access.
Deep integration: Access data from FTP, Windows Network Drive, SharePoint, NFS, Object storage and more. Simple deployment, configuration and integration lower costs and decrease risk while leveraging existing IT investments.
_installer_classifieds_description=Noah's Quicksell Classifieds is a free classified advertisement application. A commercial version is available from Noah's website.
_installer_classifieds_authordescription=Noah's Quicksell Classifieds is the Internets immensely and most popular Classifieds WebSite-Ware on the Web. We now have a software series with the most modern Web-2.0 feel, features, and amazing new feature variations and functionality and we have a truly created on on going and ever growing recipe for a great Classifieds Ads WebSite Software that is perfect for any project.
_installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001.
_installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include:
Maintenance of one or more weblogs/news-sites: With Nucleus, you can set up one or more weblogs. If you want to, you can even show the contents of multiple weblogs on the same page.
Multiple Authors: Each blog has its own team of authors. Some authors will only have posting rights, others will be allowed to change settings for the blog as well.
Categories: Within a weblog, you can set up one or more categories. Each item you add in your weblog will be put in one of these categories.
Built-in commenting system: Nucleus provides a built-in Commenting System, so there's no need for external commentingtools. A karma-voting system is also provided.
Drafts and Future Posts: In a hurry? Need some more thinking? Mark an item as draft and continue working on it later. Or would you like an item to only appear starting from a certain date? Mark it as a future item.
Fully Tweakable: The way your Nucleus site looks is fully tweakable through skins and templates, and multiple CSS files. Next to that, the language used by the Nucleus admin area can easily be changed through language-files.
Plugins: Additional features can be programmed in so called plugins (see Nucleus plugins API) and be installed on Nucleus. This allows you to have the features you want, without having the Nucleus core to become bloated. The Nucleus plugin interface offers plugin authors lots of flexibility. For examples of how plugins can extend Nucleus funtionality, see further down in this document.
Bookmarklet and right-click blogging: So, you're visiting a site and want to write something about it on your weblog. No need to open the admin area, just open the bookmarklet or use the right-click context menu option and an add-item window will popup. Easy!
Archives and Search: Archives for your weblogs are automatically managed by Nucleus, and a search function is provided to look up old items. Nucleus also features highlighting search terms, both in articles, and in comments!
RSS and Atom Syndication: Syndication feeds are provided (as skins). Nucleus provides RSS and Atom feeds. Extra feed types (your favorite RSS flavor) can be added easily.
XML-RPC interface: Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs: Nucleus provides implementations of the Blogger, metaWeblog and MovableType APIs. This means that Nucleus can be used with tools like w.Bloggar, Ecto, and Zempt.
File/Image Upload: Want to include an image in an item? Open the media popup, choose a file to upload and off you go! No need to open an FTP program and upload the file manually.
IP-banlist: Some nasty people screwing up your comments? Ban their IP address or IP range or nickname from further comments/votes.
_installer_thebuggenie_description=The Bug Genie is an open source bug tracking and project management application. The Bug Genie was initially released in 2003.
_installer_thebuggenie_authordescription=Issue tracking and project management never looked this good. Designed to be beautiful, powerful and friendly - The Bug Genie is an absolute treat - and it's all yours.
Project management
Issue tracking
Intelligent wiki
Source code management
Interactive project planning
Custom workflows with visualization
Fine-grained permissions for users, groups, teams and clients
Powerful command line tools
Integratable with commonly used version control systems such as Git, Mercurial, Perforce and SVN
RSS support
Incoming and outgoing email support
_installer_tsep_description=The Search Engine Project is an open source website search application.
_installer_tsep_authordescription=TSEP (The Search Engine Project) is a search engine for a website. You can put a 'Search this site' anywhere on your website and let people quickly find what they are looking for.
_installer_tsep_usagenotes=Once installation is complete you will need to create a search index before searches can be performed:
• Load the Admin page, then click on Create a new index. • Edit the first two settings, and then click Create Profile.
The indexing process may take a while, but once it's finished you will have a complete index of the selected directories. Searches will now work. And you can re-process the index any time you want to update it.
Add TSEP to your website
• Add this HTML code where you want the search form to appear on the page:
Linking To TSEP
• Alternatively, you can link to the example search page:
The appearance and style of TSEP can be completely customized: see the documentation for more information.
_installer_tinywebgallery_description=TinyWebGallery is an open source gallery application. TinyWebGallery was initialy released in 2005.
_installer_tinywebgallery_authordescription=TinyWebGallery is a free php photo album/gallery that is very easy to install, extremely user friendly, does not need a database (uses xml files) but still has all the features you should expect and much more.
Besides the features you find in most other galleries TWG has:
AJAX + Flash navigation with sliding image thumbnails
XML based - no database needed
TWG Admin to upload/manage images, manage
Users, Color Manager
Keyboard navigation (arrow keys)
3 different slideshow types
Protected galleries
Text and image watermarks
Full video support
TWG Flash uploader
Frontend in 31, backend in 5 languages!
Fullscreen mode
Remote picture support
All features can be enabled/disabled/configured
And a lot of things that makes this photo gallery unique.
TinyWebGallery can be configured very fast for a professional gallery like a model agency but also for the pictures from the last ski holiday! Just check out the demos and the list of all functions on our website. Maybe TinyWebGallery is the image gallery you where looking for so long!
_installer_tomatocart_description=TomatoCart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. TomatoCart forked from osCommerce in 2009.
_installer_tomatocart_authordescription=Our goal is to make TomatoCart one of the best online shopping cart solutions.
As web applications become more and more sophisticated, modern web 2.0 technology such as Ajax and Rich Internet Applications offers significant usability improvements and makes interacting with the web interfaces faster and more efficient. We've compared a lot of frameworks and come to the conclusion that ExtJS is the best framework for TomatoCart.
We completely rewrite osCommerce 3 administration site based on the qWikiOffice project which is a web desktop implementation of the ExtJS RIA framework. Web desktop application mimics user experience of desktop Operating System, offering features and applications similar to a PC environment. Users can easily start to work with TomatoCart without any difficulty.
_installer_traq_description=Traq is an open source project management application.
_installer_traq_authordescription=Traq is a powerful project management and issue tracking system that can handle multiple projects at once. It has features like per-project permissions, milestones, custom fields, email notifications, and more. Traq is written in PHP and is very easy to use.
Manage multiple projects: When you have multiple projects in progress, it can be difficult to keep track of the progress and manage them. This is where Traq comes in handy. Traq is a tool that helps you manage your projects more efficiently and easily. You can use this software to organize your work and plan ahead, as well as track the progress of each project.
Milestones / Sprints: If you're running a development team, things are even harder. You have to juggle between several ongoing projects, fix bugs and create new features while constantly managing deadlines. It can be difficult for a team lead to keep everyone in the loop with what's going on with their projects — it takes up too much time and drains the brain power from your people. Milestones or Sprints are the secret ingredient for any development team. They provide clarity and focus about what has been done so far and what is still remaining as well as what may require more attention.
Powerful permission system: Traq includes a robust permissions system that allows for administrators to configure users and team members with granular permissions on a per-project and per-group basis. This makes it easy to ensure that only the appropriate users have access to sensitive project data.
Custom Fields: Do you need more information for reported issues and feature requests? Traq allows you to create custom fields to track whatever information you need for your tickets, features and tasks. This way, you can have all the data you need in one place, and it will be easy to find and reference when you need it.
_installer_seeddms_description=SeedDMS is an open source file and document management application.
_installer_seeddms_authordescription=SeedDMS is an easy to use but powerful Open Source Document Management System based on PHP and MySQL. Many years of development has made it a mature and enterprise ready plattform for sharing and storing documents.
manage documents
control approval and review of documents
fulltext search
access rights
additional meta data
webdav access
_installer_selfoss_description=selfoss is an open source RSS and live stream reader. selfoss was initially released in 2010.
_installer_selfoss_authordescription=The new multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application, selfoss enables you to live stream and collect all your posts, tweets, feeds in one place.
rss reader and universal aggregator
use selfoss to live stream and collect all your posts, tweets, feeds in one place>
easy extendable with an open plugin system (write your own data connectors)
keyboard shortcuts
OPML import/export
mobile support (Android, iOS, iPad)
extremely lightweight application
_installer_selfoss_usagenotes=A crontab schedule can be added through your web hosting control panel to automatically synchronize added feeds. For example, this crontab schedule would synchronize feeds once every three (3) hours.
_installer_seopanel_description=Seo Panel is an open source multi-website search engine optimization (SEO) monitoring application. Initially released in 2010, Seo Panel received 1st Runner Up in the 2011 Most Promising Open Source Project awards by Packt Publishing.
_installer_seopanel_authordescription=Seo Panel is a search engine optimization (SEO) toolkit that empowers you with the latest and most useful tools that increase and track the search engine performance of your web sites. A number of plugins are also available for Seo Panel to extend its functionality.
Keyword Position Monitoring
Website SEO Auditor
Google and Alexa Rank Monitoring
Back-link Monitoring
Search Engine Saturation Monitoring
Daily Status Reports
Automatic Internet Directory Submission Tool
_installer_serendipity_description=Serendipity is an open source blog application. Serendipity was initially released in 2005.
_installer_serendipity_authordescription=Serendipity is a PHP-powered weblog application which provides website owners with an easy way to maintain an online diary, weblog or even a complete homepage. While the default package is designed for the casual blogger, Serendipity offers a flexible, expandable and easy-to-use framework with the power for professional applications.
Serendipity's basic features include something for everybody, from the personal blogger to the professional corporate web designer:
WYSIWYG and HTML editing
Built-in, powerful media database
Multiple authors, configurable permission/usergroup system
Threaded comments, nested categories, post to multiple categories
Online plugin and template repository for easy plug-and-play installation
Standards-compliant templating through Smarty, remote blogging via XML-RPC
BSD-style licensing
Shared installations can power multiple blogs from just one codebase
Native import from earlier blog applications (WordPress, Textpattern, Moveable Type, bblog)
_installer_shopware_description=Shopware is an e-commerce shopping cart application. Shopware was initially released in 2004.
_installer_shopware_authordescription=Discover the inspirational side of eCommerce. With Shopware, you can paint online shopping with brighter colours, ignite more personality and nurture greater diversity. Shopware 5 stands for more emotional, atmospheric shopping and a completely new product experience.
Intuitive to use: With Shopware, you can fully devote yourself to the core aspects of your online business. The backend was carefully structured to simplify your daily work and save time.
State-of-the-art technology: With a high-end, trendsetting software architecture serving as Shopware's basis, you benefit from having PHP 7, Elasticsearch and an open API right at your fingertips.
Individually adaptable: Thanks to an open template basis, the system is completely customisable. Many adjustments can be easily implemented from the backend without touching a line of code.
Open source: Shopware stands for freedom, as it's completely open source. You have new and useful customisation options to make your shop all the more attractive.
Always cutting edge: You benefit from a system that is constantly being expanded and updated with innovative features that have the potential to change the future of online retail.
Short time-to-market: In eCommerce, it's no secret that time is a valuable resource. To ensure you don't lose out, Shopware Enterprise makes it possible to bring more shops to life in the shortest time possible.
_installer_silverstripe_description=SilverStripe is an open source content management application and PHP development framework. Initially released in 2000, and open source since 2006, SilverStripe has received numerous industry awards including Best Open Source Project in the 2010 New Zealand Open Source Awards.
_installer_silverstripe_authordescription=SilverStripe CMS is an open source web content management system used by governments, businesses, and non-profit organisations around the world. It is a power tool for professional web development teams, and web content authors rave about how easy it is to use.
Powered by SilverStripe Framework, enabling programmers to easily extend functionality.
Supports multiple page templates.
Draft and Live versions of a site.
Rollback options to bring back an old version of a page.
Uses SEO-friendly URLs and page meta data.
Community of developers behind the project.
_installer_simplepie_description=SimplePie is an RSS reader and development framework.
_installer_simplepie_authordescription=SimplePie is a very fast and easy-to-use feed parser, written in PHP, that puts the 'simple' back into 'really simple syndication'.
Flexible enough to suit beginners and veterans alike
Standard compliant
Highly flexible implementation options for developers
_installer_simpleinvoices_description=Simple Invoices is an open source billing application. Simple Invoices was initially released in 2007.
_installer_simpleinvoices_authordescription=Simple Invoices is a billing (aka invoicing) application that focuses on simplicity while still providing advanced features.
Why should I use Simple Invoices?
Absolutely free, no monthly subscription
Browser based application you can use from anywhere
It's open source, developed by the community and it's yours
Easily track your finances, send invoices as PDF's and hundreds of other great features
_installer_smf_description=Simple Machines Forum is a free forum application. Simple Machines Forum forked from YaBBSE in 2003.
_installer_smf_authordescription=Simple Machines Forum (SMF) is a next-generation community software package that is jam-packed with features, while at the same time having a minimal impact on resources.
Advanced permission and user management.
Tracking of new and old unread topics, not just from your last visit.
Package manager that automatically installs or uninstalls mods (also known as hacks.)
Major actions are time and IP locked, preventing 'hammering'.
Create child boards under other boards. (sub boards)
Configure permissions for each membergroup on the board level.
Both cookie and session based authentication (works without cookies.)
Ability to choose sendmail or SMTP (with or without authentication.)
Assign several membergroups to a single member, with one membergroup as the primary group.
Support of wildcards for email address, IP address, and hostname.
Include an expiration time for bans.
Export forum data using XML/RSS.
Support for WAP, WAP2 and I-mode protocols.
Members can choose which smiley set they wish to use (or none.)
Spell Check, Quick Reply, WYSIWYG, 'Insert Quote', and other editing features.
Polls can be added or removed to existing topics.
Attachment filenames can be encrypted to increase the security (so you can upload .php files, etc.)
Ability to allow members to use moderation on just topics they posted.
Ability to Merge/Split topics.
Recycle bin/board for all deleted topics and posts.
Options to hide other members' avatars and signatures.
Advanced user resources, including the ability to show new replies to your posts.
_installer_simplepoll_description=Simple Poll is a free (for non-profit use) survey application.
_installer_simplepoll_authordescription=Simple Poll employs a simple to use admin interface and template customizations for your poll so that you can easily adapt to the look and feel of your web site. Setup as many polls as you like.
_installer_simplepoll_usagenotes=After installation is complete, open the Admin interface and create a poll. To display that poll on your site, add this code to your webpage:
The $pollid variable determines which poll will be added to your page. Also note that your webpage must have a .php extension. View sample.php in the installation directory for an example.
_installer_siterecommender_description=Site Recommender is an open source "recommend my site" application.
_installer_siterecommender_authordescription=Site Recommender allows web site visitors to recommend your site to one or more recipients. Default messages are easily modified and the look and feel is customizable via CSS stylesheet. You can choose to be notified when your site has been recommended, and email addresses are hidden so cannot be harvested by spammers. Also contains error checking.
_installer_siterecommender_usagenotes=Site Recommender can be used as an INCLUDE or as a POPUP:
To use the include method, add this HTML code to one or more pages of your website:
That page features a demonstration recommend link which, when clicked, loads the recommendation script into a popup window.
An examination of the recommend2.php code will show how you can add that link to any page of your site: the important elements are the javascript <script>...</script> code, added into the <head>...</head>, and the <a href ...>...</a> link itself.
_installer_sitebar_description=SiteBar is an open source link management application.
_installer_sitebar_authordescription=Access and manage your private, shared or public bookmarks from any computer and browser connected to the Internet! Create personal, family, team, company or enterprise-wide bookmarks with flexible access rules, permissions and customizable design!
_installer_sitebar_usagenotes=SiteBar is operated via context menus that are invoked using the right-click on a folder or a link. If your platform/browser does not support right-click, you may try Ctrl-click or turn on "Show Menu Icon" option in the "User Settings" and click on the icon.
_installer_slims_description=SLiMS is an open source library management application.
_installer_slims_authordescription=As a complete Library Management System, SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System) has many features that will help libraries and librarians to do their job easily and quickly.
Responsive user interface
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) with thumbnail document image support (for images of book covers), Simple Search and Advanced Search mode
Digital contents/files (PDF, DOC, RTF, XLS, PPT, Video, Audio, etc.): attachment in each bibliographic record is supported
Documents record detail in MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema) XML format
Documents record detail in JSON-LD format with
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) XML format for OPAC
OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) in Dublin Core format for metadata harvesting purposes
Bibliographic/catalog database management with book cover image support
Union Catalog creation with Union Catalog Server
Serial publication control
Federated search engine creation with Nayanes
Document items (book copies) management with barcode support
Master Files management to manages document referential data such as GMD, Collection Types, Publishers, Authors, Locations, Authors and Suppliers
Loan and Return transactions
Collections reservations
Quick returns
Configurable and flexible Loan Rules
Membership management
Stocktaking module to help Stocktaking process in the library
Reporting and Statistics
_installer_smarty_description=Smarty is an application template system.
_installer_smarty_authordescription=Smarty is a template engine for PHP. More specifically, it facilitates a managable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. This is best described in a situation where the application programmer and the template designer play different roles, or in most cases are not the same person. For example, let's say you are creating a web page that is displaying a newspaper article. The article headline, tagline, author and body are content elements, they contain no information about how they will be presented. They are passed into Smarty by the application, then the template designer edits the templates and uses a combination of HTML tags and template tags to format the presentation of these elements (HTML tables, background colors, font sizes, style sheets, etc.) One day the programmer needs to change the way the article content is retrieved (a change in application logic.) This change does not affect the template designer, the content will still arrive in the template exactly the same. Likewise, if the template designer wants to completely redesign the templates, this requires no changes to the application logic. Therefore, the programmer can make changes to the application logic without the need to restructure templates, and the template designer can make changes to templates without breaking application logic.
_installer_soholaunch_description=Soholaunch is a free website builder application. Additional features can be purchased from the website.
_installer_soholaunch_authordescription=Soholaunch Website Builder makes it easy for people of all experience levels to build and maintain a great website.
_installer_spip_description=SPIP is an open source content management and collaborative editing application.
_installer_spip_authordescription=SPIP is a publishing system for the Internet in which great importance is attached to collaborative working, to multilingual environments, and to simplicity of use for web authors. Originally a Content Management System, it has gradually become a development platform making it possible to create maintainable and extensible interfaces independently of the structure of the managed data.
Typographical Images: SPIP can automatically convert titles (or other text elements from the database) into images, using the font of your choice.
LaTEX mathematical formulae: SPIP has a powerful functionality that allows complex mathematical formulae to put inserted into text using the syntax defined for TEX/LaTEX.
Content Syndication: Share the attached document urls (podcasting), transfer keywords (tags) from one site to the other as well as the section (or category) of the articles.
Multi-lingual: To give the flexibility for all these different situations, SPIP allows the language to be set for each section, article and news item.
_installer_subrion_description=Subrion is an open source content management application.
_installer_subrion_authordescription=Subrion is a free open source content management system that allows you to build websites for any purpose. Yes, from blog to corporate mega portal.
Key feaures:
Free and open source: You don't need to pay a single penny to start using Subrion CMS. It's not encrypted in any way so you can customize it per your needs.
Extremely easy to extend: Forget the hours of programming simple things. Use Subrion framework API to add extra stuff using hooks, plugins, and packages.
Templates and plugins: No need to search. Plugins and templates are available straight from your admin dashboard with one click installation process.
Powerful admin dashboard: It's done to focus on the content management process. Start it hassle-free within just a few minutes and take care of the content. It's easy!
Blog in the box: Bring your online presence to a whole new level with the extensive blog functionality that comes in the version by default.
Multilingual CMS: Use ready translation or translate the system into your language. It provides all the functionality to become a multilingual solution.
_installer_subversion_description=Subversion (SVN) is an open source software versioning and revision control system. Subversion was initially released in 2000.
_installer_subversion_authordescription=Software developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS).
Most CVS features: CVS is a relatively basic version control system. For the most part, Subversion has matched or exceeded CVS's feature set where those features continue to apply in Subversion's particular design.
Directories are versioned: Subversion versions directories as first-class objects, just like files.
Atomic commits: No part of a commit takes effect until the entire commit has succeeded. Revision numbers are per-commit, not per-file, and commit's log message is attached to its revision, not stored redundantly in all the files affected by that commit.
Merge tracking: Subversion 1.5 introduces merge tracking: automated assistance with managing the flow of changes between lines of development, and with the merging of branches back into their sources. The 1.5 release of merge tracking has basic support for common scenarios; we will be extending the feature in upcoming releases.
Interactive conflict resolution: The Subversion command-line client (svn) offers various ways to resolve conflicting changes, include interactive resolution prompting. This mechanism is also made available via APIs, so that other clients (such as graphical clients) can offer interactive conflict resolution appropriate to their interfaces.
_installer_sugarcrm_description=SugarCRM is an open source customer relationship management (CRM) application. Initially released in 2004, SugarCRM today powers operations for over one million businesses and organizations worldwide. SugarCRM has received the Best Open Source CRM Software award by the InfoWorld Bossie Awards program for the past five consecutive years.
_installer_sugarcrm_authordescription=SugarCRM is a premier customer relationship management application. Sugar Suite brings a new and effective way to better acquire, sell, service and manage customers, helping companies increase revenue by being more organized.
This is the free open source version of SugarCRM. More features are available in the commercial versions.
_installer_suitecrm_description=SuiteCRM is an open source customer relationship management (CRM) application. SuiteCRM forked from SugarCRM Community in 2013.
_installer_suitecrm_authordescription=SuiteCRM provides enterprise-grade CRM to a global community of users and software developers. SuiteCRM is completely open source and follows an open source development and business model. All the code is published under open source licenses. We believe that open source is the future for software applications and leads to higher quality software and greater innovation.
SuiteCRM is an open source alternative to SalesForce Professional, Microsoft Dynamics and SugarCRM Professional Edition.
Sales: Model your sales pipeline quickly and easily. Free your sales people to do the high value selling you pay them to do, not the low value administration they hate.
Workflow: SuiteCRM’s workflow module is an efficient, powerful, and flexible tool that delivers advanced capability to streamline and automate repetitive tasks freeing users to focus on selling and servicing customers.
Portal: Customer self-service is no longer a dream. It’s a snap. Manage all your customer issues through an easy to setup and use website.
_installer_symfony_description=Symfony is an open source application framework. Initially released in 2005, Symfony is downloaded over 5 million times per month.
_installer_symfony_authordescription=Symfony is a set of PHP Components, a Web Application framework, a Philosophy, and a Community — all working together in harmony.
Reputation: Quickly adopted by professionals active in this field following its launch in 2005, Symfony today is a stable environment that is both well-known and recognized internationally. The number of its references attests to this, as they have grown significantly since its launch. Symfony is also an active community; developers, integrators, users and other contributors who participate in the on-going enrichment of this tool.
Permanence: Behind Symfony there is a company: SensioLabs. Created more than 12 years ago, SensioLabs is a web agency that has many major accounts among its references. Envisioned for its own needs, the Symfony framework is today still the daily tool used by its own teams to develop customer projects. Designed by professionals for professionals, Symfony is first and foremost a pragmatic tool, the features of which address real-world-requirements.
References: Intranets, major general public sites, social networks, community sites, management and workflow applications, etc. Examples are not lacking: Hundreds of sites and applications of all sizes and of all types trust Symfony.
Innovation: Symfony is everything that you would come to expect from a framework: speed, flexibility, reusable components, etc. Then there is the structure of what has been developed and the use of best practices.
Resources: When using Symfony, you are assured of never "being alone with your screen." Whether a question of community support (mailings lists, IRC, etc.) or company support (consulting, training, etc.), you will always find the answers to your questions.
Interoperability: Symfony respects the existing "de facto standards" of PHP: PHPUnit, naming conventions for classes, etc. Furthermore, Symfony also allows you to use certain pieces of its software building blocks (dependency injector, translations management, forms management, etc.) without necessarily using the framework in its entirety.
_installer_textpattern_description=Textpattern is an open source blog application. Textpattern was initially released in 2003.
_installer_textpattern_authordescription=Textpattern is an elegant content management system. Web designers, developers, publishers and bloggers love Textpattern's flexibility and extensibility. Textpattern has a powerful, sophisticated engine that can be infinitely tuned to suit whatever type of web site you can imagine.
Direct, easy to follow interface
Standards compliant
Browser-based organization and upload of files and images
Articles can be protected with a password
Unlimited site sections, categories, page layouts and styling
Browser-based template and CSS editing
Anti-spam comment system
Unlimited site authors can be assigned a variety of posting, editing and design privileges
Human-readable clean URLs help SEO and visitors
Up-to-the-minute visitor logs
Wide range of plugins enable additional features
_installer_tikiwiki_description=Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is an open source content management and portal application.
_installer_tikiwiki_authordescription=Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a full-featured, web-based, multilingual, tightly integrated, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware, Free Source Software (GNU/LGPL), using PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework, jQuery and Smarty. Tiki can be used to create all kinds of web applications, sites, portals, knowledge base, intranets, and extranets. It is actively developed by a very large international community.
Tiki is the Open Source Web Application with many built-in features. Highly configurable and modular, all features are optional and administered via a web-based interface.
Major features include:
A robust wiki engine.
News articles and blogs.
Discussion forums.
File and image gallery(ies).
Bug and issue trackers (form generator).
Polls, surveys and quizzes.
Live support, shout box and inter-user messaging.
_installer_tinytinyrss_description=Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source RSS reader. Tiny Tiny RSS was initially released in 2005.
_installer_tinytinyrss_authordescription=Tiny Tiny RSS is a web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.
Supports RSS, RDF, Atom
feed aggregation
keyboard shortcuts
OPML import/export
mobile devices
detecting and filtering duplicate articles, podcasts
_installer_tinytinyrss_usagenotes=Tiny Tiny RSS will automatically synchronize feeds while it's being used. No cronjob schedule is required.
An optional cronjob schedule can be added through your web hosting control panel to enable Tiny Tiny RSS to synchronize feeds in the background. For example, this crontab schedule would synchronize feeds once every three (3) hours.
_installer_typo3_description=TYPO3 is an open source content management application and framework. TYPO3 was initially released in 2000 and today powers over 500,000 websites.
_installer_typo3_authordescription=TYPO3 is an enterprise-class, Open Source CMS (Content Management System), used internationally to build and manage websites of all types, from small sites for non-profits to multilingual enterprise solutions for large corporations.
Enterprise level professional system
Scalable web application framework
Large, active global community
User friendly with unlimited extendability
_installer_vanilla_description=Vanilla Forums is an open source forum application and discussion framework. Vanilla Forums was initially released in 2006 and today powers discussion on over 500,000 sites.
_installer_vanilla_authordescription=Vanilla Forums is an open-source, pluggable, themable, multi-lingual community-building solution. It is specially made to help small communities grow larger through SEO mojo, totally customizable social tools, and great user experience. Vanilla is also built with integration at the forefront, so it can seamlessly integrate with your existing website, blog, or custom-built application.
_installer_vbulletin_description=vBulletin is a commercial forum application. Initially released in 2000, vBulletin has grown to become the world leader in forum and community publishing software, and today over 100,000 websites are built on vBulletin.
_installer_vbulletin_authordescription=vBulletin 5 Connect provides unparalleled capabilities for building community websites. The software facilitates increased content creation, more engaging content discovery and simplified site management. Built-in vBulletin applications include Discussion Forum, Groups, Polls, and Blog.
Engaging social functionality
Extensive personalization
Real-time interaction
Facebook integration
Enticing content discovery
More content generation
Optimized mobile experience
Streamlined photos & videos
Launch site in as little as 15 min.
Streamlined and easy editing
Easily customized page templates
Built-in SEO
Excellent moderation control
Strong security
World-class support
API Extension System
_installer_vbulletin_licensekeytext=vBulletin requires a License Key. Use an existing license key, or purchase direct from vBulletin.
_installer_vtiger_description=Vtiger is an open source customer relations management application. Vtiger forked from SugarCRM Community in 2004, and today Vtiger powers operations for over 350,000 businesses and organizations worldwide.
_installer_vtiger_authordescription=Vtiger already includes everything that you need to scale operations! Start out with email marketing, sales, quotes and invoices. As your business evolves, use additional calendar and activity management, customer portals, reports, inventory management, project management, and other tools.
Sales force automation tools streamline the sales process by enabling managers and sales teams to organize leads, accounts and contacts; assess and prioritize opportunities; and oversee the sales pipeline and related analytics for forecasting, and much more.
With vtiger CRM's marketing tools you can stay a step ahead of your marketing campaigns with improved integration and oversight. vtiger CRM has tools for campaign management, mass e-mail marketing, online lead generation and sign-up forms, and product management tools for specialized or organization-wide marketing needs. Other marketing-related modules include calendaring, contact management, and more.
Enterprise quality customer support & service require enterprise quality tools. vtiger CRM provides ticket management systems, knowledge management systems, customer self service portals, reports, support statistics and much more to enable your organization's support team to meet the needs of even the most demanding customers.
vtiger CRM extends beyond traditional CRM boundaries by offering complete sales cycle management, seamlessly integrating pre-sales and post-sales activities by linking inventory management functions (from products and price books to vendors, sales quotes, purchase orders, sales orders, and invoices) with CRM modules (leads, accounts & contacts, and opportunities).
_installer_wallabag_description=wallabag is an open source reading list application. wallabag was initially released in 2013.
_installer_wallabag_authordescription=wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages. Unlike other services, wallabag is free (as in freedom) and open source. With this application you will not miss content anymore. Click, save, read it when you want. It saves the content you select so that you can read it when you have time.
No time to read? Save a link in your wallabag to read it later
Read the saved articles in a comfortable view: the content, only the content
Save all the content: text and pictures
You can easily migrate from other private services: welcome to you, Pocket / Readability or Instapaper users!
You like an article? Share it by email, on twitter or in your shaarli
Because we are increasingly mobile, wallabag fits all your devices
Saving a link is so easy because we provide you with many tools: extensions for Chrome and Firefox, iOS, Android and Windows Phone application, a bookmarklet, a simple field in your config webpage
RSS feeds allow you to read your saved links in your RSS aggregator
You can set tags to your entries
You're not the only one at home to use wallabag? that’s fine, wallabag is multi-user
Prefer a dark template? Perfect, many templates are available in the configuration screen
Many storage allowed: sqlite, mysql and postgresql
Scroll position is saved: when you return to an article, you come back where you were. So convenient!
You can flattr flattrable articles directly from your wallabag
You want to retrieve your wallabag data? Hey, remember, wallabag is open source, you can export it
_installer_webcalendar_description=WebCalendar is an open source calendar application. WebCalendar was initially released in 2000 and today has been downloaded more than 1.2 million times.
_installer_webcalendar_authordescription=WebCalendar is a calendar application that can be configured as a single-user calendar, a multi-user calendar for groups of users, or as an event calendar viewable by visitors.
WebCalendar can be setup in a variety of ways, such as:
A schedule management system for a single person
A schedule management system for a group of people, allowing one or more assistants to manage the calendar of another user
An events schedule that anyone can view, allowing visitors to submit new events
A calendar server that can be viewed with iCalendar-compliant calendar applications like Mozilla Sunbird, Apple iCal or GNOME Evolution or RSS-enabled applications like Firefox, Thunderbird, RSSOwl, FeedDemon, or BlogExpress.
Multiple users and user management functionality.
View calendars by day, week, month or year.
View another user's calendar.
View one or more users' calendar via layers on top of your own calendar.
Repeating events including support for overriding or deleting (exceptions).
Configurable custom event fields.
User-configurable preferences for colors, 12/24 time format, Sun/Mon week start.
Checks for scheduling conflicts.
Email reminders for upcoming events and notifications for new/updated/deleted events.
Import and Export events to iCalendar, vCalendar or Palm.
Optional general access (no login required) to allow calendar to be viewed by people without a login (useful for event calendars).
Users can make their calendar available publicly to anyone with an iCalendar-compliant calendar program (such as Apple's iCal, Mozilla Calendar or Sunbird).
Publishing of free/busy schedules (part of the iCalendar standard).
RSS support that puts a user's calendar into RSS.
Subscribe to "remote" calendars (hosted elsewhere on the Internet) in either iCalendar or hCalendar formats.
_installer_webcards_description=WebCards is an open source electronic greeting card application.
_installer_webcards_authordescription=Keep visitors returning to your site again and again with this powerful, efficient and easy to use e-card system. Featuring a full administration centre with a simple interface and full banning controls, visitors will enjoy communicating with their friends, bringing you more and more visitors.
_installer_webid_description=WeBid is an open source web auction application. WeBid was initially released in 2008.
_installer_webid_authordescription=WeBid is one of the best open-source solutions for getting an auction site up and running quickly and cheaply.
Some of the key features which make WeBid a great choice are:
An easy to use administration panel
An inbuilt payment system allowing users to easily pay fees and their purchased items with their favorite payment gateways (these include PayPal, Authorize.Net)
Incredibly easy to customize.
_installer_websitebaker_description=WebsiteBaker is an open source website builder application.
_installer_websitebaker_authordescription=WebsiteBaker helps you to create the website you want: A free, easy and secure, flexible and extensible open source content management system (CMS).
Create new templates within minutes - powered by XHTML, HTML, CSS and jQuery. With WebsiteBaker it's quite natural your site is W3C-valid, SEO-friendly and accessible - there are no limitations at all. Use droplets - the new and revolutionary way of inserting PHP code - everywhere you want. In addition to that, WebsiteBaker and the community are offering lots of extensions: Just download, install with two clicks and use them. That is not enough? You want more? No problem, build your own modules! The WebsiteBaker API gives many opportunities you can rely on.
WebsiteBaker is the best choice for designers, developers and users - whether you are a beginner, advanced person or geek. Give it a try and WebsiteBaker will convince you!
Easy to use interface with WYSIWYG-editor.
Management of files and media.
Template system enables easy adjustable of the layout.
Addons infinitely extend core functionality.
Group based Access Privilege System.
_installer_webtrees_description=webtrees is an open source genealogy application. webtrees forked from PhpGedView in 2010.
_installer_webtrees_authordescription=webtrees is a genealogy program which allows you to view and edit your genealogy on your website. webtrees works from standard GEDCOM files, and is therefore compatible with every major desktop application. Furthermore, it has full editing capabilities, full privacy functions, supports multimedia like photos and document images, and has tools to simplify the process of collaborating with others working on your family tree.
_installer_whmcs_description=WHMCS is a commercial billing and client management application. Initially released in 2005, WHMCS has grown be become the most popular integrated billing solution for web hosting service providers.
_installer_whmcs_authordescription=WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. Handling everything from signup to termination, WHMCS is a powerful business automation tool that puts you firmly in control. While a popular solution for web hosting service providers, WHMCS also has an increasing number of customers using the solution for other purposes.
Hands Free Automation. WHMCS is all about automation. Automatic Provisioning, Domain Management, Welcome Emails, Billing, Reminders, and More... You name it, WHMCS has got it covered.
Domain Management. With WHMCS clients can buy, transfer, renew and manage domains in real-time without ever leaving your website. Fully transparent, automated and powerful domain tools.
Multi-Currency. When you sell online, you aren't limited to just 1 country, so maximise your signups by selling in 2 or more currencies and with a client area available in 10 different languages.
Integrated Support Tools. Built-in Support Tools including Announcements, Knowledgebase and a Fully Feature Support Ticket System make it easy to keep track of enquiries and keep customers updated.
Fully Customizable. Everything your clients see is controlled by templates, which make things very easy to customise. And for more advanced developers, there’s modular support, hooks and an API.
_installer_whmcs_licensekeytext=WHMCS requires a License Key. Contact your service provider to obtain a license or purchase direct from WHMCS.
_installer_wikkawiki_description=WikkaWiki is an open source wiki application. Forked from WakkaWiki in 2004, WikkaWiki today powers hundreds of websites worldwide and is known for its lightweight engine.
_installer_wikkawiki_authordescription=WikkaWiki is a mature project aiming to remain faithful to WakkaWiki's heritage of a lightweight engine with readable and accessible code. Easy extensibility/hackability (without sacrificing performance) are among Wikka's most prominent and appreciated features.
Standards compliant - Wikka is based on the latest W3C standards, RFCs as well as some others.
Designed for speed, extensibility, and security.
Easily adaptable to a number of different uses.
Chosen by hundreds of users, projects and organizations to power their websites.
Released under the GPL license.
_installer_wordpress_description=WordPress is an open source blog application. WordPress forked from b2/cafelog in 2003, and WordPress Mu multiple website functionality has been integrated since 2010. Today WordPress is the most used blog application powering millions of blogs and being used by tens of millions of people every day.
_installer_wordpress_authordescription=WordPress is a personal publishing platform and blogging application with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.
Additional pages allow you to manage non-blog content easily, so for example you could have a static "About Me" page.
A full theme system enables designing everything from the simplest blog to the most complicated webzine a piece of cake.
Changes made to templates and entries are reflected immediately on your site, with no need for regenerating static pages, and all generated HTML is fully compliant with W3C standards.
Trackback and Pingback standards fully supported.
Visitors can post comments on your blog entries, and commenting can be disabled on a per-post basis.
Spam protection eliminates comment spam from your blog.
User registration enables visitors to register and maintain profiles and leave authenticated comments on your blog, if enabled.
Password Protected Posts enables you to give passwords to individual posts to hide them from the public.
A full XML-RPC interface enables you to extend WordPress and use clients designed for other platforms like Zempt.
User groups enables up to 10 levels of users, with different levels having different (and configurable) privileges with regard to publishing, editing, options, and other users.
Bookmarklets make it easy to publish to your blog or add links to your blogroll with a minimum of effort.
Ping-O-Matic is supported, which means maximum exposure for your blog to search engines.
_installer_wordpress_multisite_yes=Yes, enable multi-site support for sub-directories of the selected install location.
_installer_wordpress_multisite_no=No, do not enable. Multi-site can be enabled later within WordPress. (Recommended)
_installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts_yes=Yes, limit failed login attempts for increased security. (Recommended)
_installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts_no=No, do not limit failed login attempts.
_installer_xmb_description=XMB Forum is an open source forum application. XMB Forum was initally released in 2001.
_installer_xmb_authordescription=XMB Forum allows you to build, manage, and promote your online community.
_installer_xoops_description=Xoops is an open source content management and portal application. Xoops forked from PHP-Nuke in 2002.
_installer_xoops_authordescription=Xoops is a dynamic-Object Oriented based open source portal application. Xoops is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more.
_installer_yetanotherforumnet_description=YetAnotherForum.NET is an open source ASP.NET forum application.
_installer_yetanotherforumnet_authordescription=YetAnotherForumNET (YAF) is a open source discussion forum for web sites running ASP.NET. The full C# source code is available licensed as GPL.
_installer_yetiforce_description=YetiForce is an open source customer relationship management (CRM) application.
_installer_yetiforce_authordescription=Flexible and efficient management for your company wherever you are in the world - this is what you gain by installing YetiForce. Where? Anywhere - on your computer, tablet, or smartphone with access to the Internet.
YetiForce is an open source application that is constantly being improved by us and our community, to help you run your company. Efficiency, control, multitasking, innovation - this is what YetiForce can offer. Start managing your business more successfully than ever before.
RICH FUNCTIONALITY: Rich features and many customizable user's and administrator's modules, together with well-designed widgets, provide your company with a complete set of highest quality technological tools.
RELIABLE SUPPORT: Our qualified development team knows every inch of the system, which allows them to quickly solve all errors, improve existing features, and design new ones.
CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT: The YetiForce development team introduces dozens of changes every day and regularly releases update packages that contain bug fixes, new features, and numerous improvements.
MOBILITY: The system's responsivity ensures compatibility with mobile device browsers. YetiForce can be used anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the Internet.
_installer_yourls_description=Your Own URL Shortener (YOURLS) is an open source personal URL shortening application.
_installer_yourls_authordescription=YOURLS will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (a la TinyURL). You can make it private or public, you can pick custom keyword URLs, it comes with its own API. You will love it.
Private (your links only) or Public (everybody can create short links, fine for an intranet)
Sequential or custom URL keyword
Handy bookmarklets to easily shorten and share links
Terrific Plugin architecture to easily implement new features
Cool developer API
Full jsonp support
Friendly installer
Sample files to create your own public interface and more
_installer_yourls_publicaccess_label=Public Access?
_installer_yourls_publicaccess_yes=Yes, allow anyone to acccess this application.
_installer_yourls_publicaccess_no=No, require the administrative password before allowing access to this application.
_installer_zazavi_description=Zazavi is an open source website builder application.
_installer_zazavi_authordescription=Zazavi is a website builder designed with a simple drag-and-drop interface so that absolutely no programming skills are required. You can build your website for completely free within just a couple hours!
_installer_zencart_description=Zen Cart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Zen Cart forked from osCommerce in 2003.
_installer_zencart_authordescription=Zen Cart truly is the art of e-commerce; free, user-friendly, open source shopping cart software. Zen Cart is developed by a group of like-minded shop owners, programmers, designers, and consultants that think ecommerce web design could be and should be done differently.
_installer_zendframework_description=Zend Framework is an open source application framework. Zend Framework was initially released in 2006.
_installer_zendframework_authordescription=Zend Framework 2 is an open source framework for developing web applications and services using PHP 5.3+. Zend Framework 2 uses 100% object-oriented code and utilises most of the new features of PHP 5.3, namely namespaces, late static binding, lambda functions and closures.
Zend Framework 2 evolved from Zend Framework 1, a successful PHP framework with over 15 million downloads.
The component structure of Zend Framework 2 is unique; each component is designed with few dependencies on other components. ZF2 follows the SOLID object oriented design principle. This loosely coupled architecture allows developers to use whichever components they want. We call this a "use-at-will" design. We support Pyrus and Composer as installation and dependency tracking mechanisms for the framework as a whole and for each component, further enhancing this design.
We use PHPUnit to test our code and Travis CI as a Continuous Integration service.
While they can be used separately, Zend Framework 2 components in the standard library form a powerful and extensible web application framework when combined. Also, it offers a robust, high performance MVC implementation, a database abstraction that is simple to use, and a forms component that implements HTML5 form rendering, validation, and filtering so that developers can consolidate all of these operations using one easy-to-use, object oriented interface. Other components, such as Zend\Authentication and Zend\Permissions\Acl, provide user authentication and authorization against all common credential stores.
Still others, with the ZendService namespace, implement client libraries to simply access the most popular web services available. Whatever your application needs are, you're likely to find a Zend Framework 2 component that can be used to dramatically reduce development time with a thoroughly tested foundation.
The principal sponsor of the project 'Zend Framework 2' is Zend Technologies, but many companies have contributed components or significant features to the framework. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, and StrikeIron have partnered with Zend to provide interfaces to web services and other technologies they wish to make available to Zend Framework 2 developers.
Zend Framework 2 could not deliver and support all of these features without the help of the vibrant Zend Framework 2 community. Community members, including contributors, make themselves available on mailing lists, IRC channels and other forums. Whatever question you have about Zend Framework 2, the community is always available to address it.
_installer_zenphoto_description=Zenphoto is an open source gallery and photo blogging application. Zenphoto was initially released in 2005 and today powers more than 300,000 photo galleries.
_installer_zenphoto_authordescription=Zenphoto is a standalone CMS for multimedia focused websites. Our focus lies on being easy to use and having all the features there when you need them (but out of the way if you do not.)
Zenphoto features support for images, video and audio formats, and the Zenpage CMS plugin provides a fully integrated news section (blog) and custom pages to run entire websites.
This makes Zenphoto the ideal CMS for personal websites of illustrators, artists, designers, photographers, film makers and musicians.
Upload files and folders via the administration or directly via FTP.
_installer_zikula_description=Zikula is an open source content management and portal application. Zikula forked from PHP-Nuke in 2001.
_installer_zikula_authordescription=No matter what your needs, Zikula can provide the solution. Be that a corporate presence with ecommerce, a simple blog or a community portal, Zikula can do it all. It's your electronic toolbox, a set of tools allowing you to build a dynamically generated web site that five years ago would have cost thousands of dollars to launch.
_installer_zurmo_description=Zurmo is an open source customer relations management (CRM) application. Zurmo was initialy released in 2011.
_installer_zurmo_authordescription=Zurmo is an Open Source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application that is mobile, social, and gamified. We use a test-driven methodology for building every part of the application. This means you can create and maintain a custom-built CRM system with the assurance that future updates are not going to break your installation.
Yes, we know there are a lot of CRM applications out there. Why another CRM application? Through our many years in the CRM industry, we still see companies struggling to implement a CRM application. Our goal with Zurmo is to provide an easy-to-use, easy-to-customize CRM application that can be adapted to any business use case. We have taken special care to think through many different use cases and have designed a system that we believe provides a high degree of flexibility, covering a wide variety of use cases out of the box.
We don't have a million features. We can never beat out existing players in a feature war. But considering companies wind up only using a handful of features, we don’t think it really matters. What we have so far is the beginning of a high-quality sales force automation tool. Stay tuned as we continue to make improvements.
Contact Management
Meetings, Tasks, Notes, and Attachments all in one place
Sales Force Automation
CRM Gamification rewards end users
Report on virtually any set of records
Create custom Workflows with drag and drop wizard
User Roles
Custom fields, layouts and labels
Restful API
Mobile/Tablet Ready
user.tasks.ini 0000644 00000160436 14720472744 0007374 0 ustar 00 _tasks_installing=Yükleniyor
_tasks_restoring=Eskihaline geliyor
_tasks_restore=eski haline dön
_tasks_import=var olanı ekle
_notes_canbemodified=Bu uygulamanın yüklü düzenleyerek değiştirilebilir.
_notes_includedinhostemail=Bu bilgiler genellikle hosting hesabınızın hoş geldiniz e-posta dahil edilmiştir.
_notes_donotmodify=Bu ayarı değişiklik yapmayın.
_sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Eğer {installatron} ürün hakkında öneri sağlar Geri Bildirim Gönder. Biz sorun raporlarını, özellik fikirlerini ve genel yorumlarınızı bekliyoruz.
_notes_versionnotes={version} versiyon notlari
_notes_releasedate=Guncel yukeleme
_notes_latest=Bu, bu yazılımın en son desteklenen versiyonu.
_notes_latestofbranch=Bu sürüm '{branch}' dalında en son sürümüdür.
_notes_nolongersupported=Bu sürüm artık desteklenmiyor.
_notes_notinstallable=Bu sürüm artık yüklenemez.
_notes_installed=Bu yüklü versiyonu.
_notes_latestversion=En son sürüm
_notes_latestversionofbranch='{branch}' şube son sürümü
_notes_updateminor=Bu sürüm, düşük riskli yükseltme. Küçük değişiklikler, hata düzeltmeleri ve güvenlik düzeltmeleri tanıttı.
_notes_upgrademinor=Bu sürüm, düşük riskli yükseltme. Küçük değişiklikler, hata düzeltmeleri ve güvenlik düzeltmeleri tanıttı.
_notes_updatemajor=Bu sürüm daha yüksek bir risk yükseltme. Önemli yeni özellikler ve değişiklikler tanıttı.
_notes_upgrademajor=Bu sürüm daha yüksek bir risk yükseltme. Önemli yeni özellikler ve değişiklikler tanıttı.
_ftp_entertheinfo=Yukarıdaki URL FTP giriş bilgilerinizi girin.
_ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application.
_ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID.
_ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application.
_ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications.
_ftp_ftps=TLS / SSL ile FTP
_ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS
_ftp_s3=Amazon S3
_ftp_gdrive=Google Drive
_ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud
_ftp_host=Sunucu (IP Adresi veya Hostadı)
_ftp_user=Kullanıcı adı
_ftp_enterthepath=Yüklemek Yukarıdaki konuma FTP hesabının kök dizininde yolunu girin.
_email_notification=E-posta Bildirimi
_email_notification_auto=Yüklü uygulama için tüm e-posta bildirimleri gönder.
_email_notification_choose=Beni gönderildiği bildirimleri seçelim.
_email_notification_selectthe=Yüklü uygulama için gönderilen e-posta bildirimleri seçin.
_email_admin_report=Yönetici Raporu
_email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Güncelleme Özeti {hostname}
_email_install_complete=Komple yükleyin
_email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} yüklü
_email_install_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{app} v{version} için kurulduğunu:
{url} {urladmin}
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve bu yüklemek yönetmek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_install_error=Hata yükleyin
_email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} başarısız install
_email_install_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{app} v{version} yüklemek için başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_backup_complete=Yedekleme Tamamlandı
_email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} yedekleme artık
_email_backup_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} yedekleme işleminin başarılı.
{backup_path} Yedekleme boyutu: {backup_size}MB
Bu yedekleme kullanmak için, web hosting kontrol paneli giriş ve {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_backup_error=Yedekleme Hatası
_email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} yedekleme başarısız
_email_backup_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için Yedekleme işlemi başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_restore_complete=Restore Complete
_email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} yedekleme geri
_email_restore_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için yedek restorasyon süreci başarmıştır.
{url} {urladmin}
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve bu yüklemek yönetmek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_restore_error=Hata Restore
_email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} yedek restorasyon başarısız
_email_restore_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} seçilen yedekleme geri başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_update_available=Güncelleme Mevcut
_email_upgrade_available=Güncelleme Mevcut
_email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} artık {newversiontype}
_email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} artık {newversiontype}
_email_update_available_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{app} {newversion} {newversiontype} için bir güncelleştirme size {installatron} kullanarak yönetiyorsanız {app} kurulumları için artık kullanılabilir. Aşağıdaki güncellenebilir:
Bu sürüm için değişiklikler:
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve yüklü uygulamaları güncellemek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_upgrade_available_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{app} {newversion} {newversiontype} için bir güncelleştirme size {installatron} kullanarak yönetiyorsanız {app} kurulumları için artık kullanılabilir. Aşağıdaki güncellenebilir:
Bu sürüm için değişiklikler:
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve yüklü uygulamaları güncellemek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_update_complete=Komple Güncelleme
_email_upgrade_complete=Komple Güncelleme
_email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncellendi
_email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncellendi
_email_update_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için güncelleme işleminin başarılı.
Yeni yüklü sürüm: {newversion}
Raporun sonu.
_email_upgrade_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için güncelleme işleminin başarılı.
Yeni yüklü sürüm: {newversion}
Raporun sonu.
_email_update_error=Güncelleme Hatası
_email_upgrade_error=Güncelleme Hatası
_email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncellemesi başarısız oldu
_email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncellemesi başarısız oldu
_email_update_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için güncelleme işlemi başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_upgrade_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için güncelleme işlemi başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on mevcut Güncellemesi
_email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on mevcut Güncellemesi
_email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} mevcut şimdi
_email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} mevcut şimdi
_email_pluginupdate_available_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{appaddon} {newversion} için bir güncelleştirme size {installatron} kullanarak yönetiyorsanız {app} kurulumları için artık kullanılabilir. Aşağıdaki güncellenebilir:
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve yüklü uygulamaları güncellemek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_pluginupgrade_available_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{appaddon} {newversion} için bir güncelleştirme size {installatron} kullanarak yönetiyorsanız {app} kurulumları için artık kullanılabilir. Aşağıdaki güncellenebilir:
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve yüklü uygulamaları güncellemek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on Komple Güncellemesi
_email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on Komple Güncellemesi
_email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncellenmiş ({addontype} güncelleme)
_email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncellenmiş ({addontype} güncelleme)
_email_pluginupdate_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için {addontype} güncelleme işleminin başarılı.
Yeni {addontype} sürümleri:
Raporun sonu.
_email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için {addontype} güncelleme işleminin başarılı.
Yeni {addontype} sürümleri:
Raporun sonu.
_email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on Güncelleme Hatası
_email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on Güncelleme Hatası
_email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncelleme başarısız ({addontype} güncelleme)
_email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} güncelleme başarısız ({addontype} güncelleme)
_email_pluginupdate_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için {addontype} güncelleme işlemi başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_pluginupgrade_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {myapp} için {addontype} güncelleme işlemi başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_clone_complete=Komple Klon
_email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} klonlanmış
_email_clone_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{urlsource} bulunan {myapp} için klon süreci başarılı ve şimdi mevcut etti:
{url} {urladmin}
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve bu yüklemek yönetmek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_clone_error=Klon Hata
_email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} klon başarısız
_email_clone_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{urlsource} bulunan {myapp} için klon süreci başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_migrate_complete=Komple geçirme
_email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migrasyon
_email_migrate_complete_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{urlsource} bulunan {app} için göç süreci başarılı ve şimdi mevcut etti:
{url} {urladmin}
Web hosting kontrol paneline giriş yapın ve bu yüklemek yönetmek için {installatron} aracı gidin.
Raporun sonu.
_email_migrate_error=Hata geçirme
_email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} göç başarısız
_email_migrate_error_text=Bu {installatron} bir otomatik e-posta olduğunu. Bu e-postalar listesinden çıkmak için ya da, web hosting kontrol paneline giriş, bildirim ayarlarını değiştirmek {installatron} aracı gidin ve değiştirmek istediğiniz yüklü uygulamaları seçin.
{url} bulunan {app} için göç süreci başarısız oldu ve başarısızlık detayları günlüğe edilmiştir.
Teknik hata: {message}
Raporun sonu.
_email_sync_complete=Sync Complete
_email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced
_email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.
The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:
{url} {urladmin}
Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.
End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe}
_email_sync_error=Sync Error
_email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed
_email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.
The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.
Technical error: {message}
End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe}
_password_pwprotectiondetected=Şifre Koruma algılandı
_password_pwonthisdomain=Şifre koruması bu konumda tespit edilir. kullanıcı adı ve şifre bu {task} devam etmeden önce gereklidir. Bu şifre koruması {installatron} harici kuruldu ve bu uygulama yükleyicisi sistemi ile ilişkili olmadığını unutmayın.
_password_username=Kullanıcı adı
_password_entertheusername=erişmek için kullanılan kullanıcı adı girin bir web tarayıcısı ile yükleme konumu
_password_enterthepassword=erişmek için kullanılan şifreyi girin, bir web tarayıcısı ile yükleme konumu
_error_passwordfailed=sağlanan giriş bilgilerini başarısız oldu. Tekrar deneyin veya şifrenizi bilmiyorsanız eğer web barındırma başvurun.
_error_domainfailed=Seçilen etki test başarısız oldu (HTTP hatası: {code}).
{installatron} / çözme Bu web hesabına yükleniyor olmayan bir etki yüklemek için değiştiremiyor.
Bu yeni bir web hosting hesabı veya bu yeni kayıtlı alan ise, çalışmaya başlamak için etki alanı için 24 saate kadar izin lütfen (gerçi genellikle birkaç saat içinde).
Etki alanı doğru web hesabınıza yükleniyor emin değilseniz, web hosting yöneticisine başvurun.
_error_diskfailed=Bu {task} tamamlamak için kullanılabilir disk alanı {size}MB gerektirir. Yeterli disk alanı mevcut değildir.
Yardım için web hosting yöneticisine başvurun, ek disk alanı eklemek veya.
_error_connectfailed=Web hosting sunucusuna bağlanamadı. Birkaç dakika içinde tekrar deneyin.
_error_authfailed=Verilen kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile authenicate olamazdı.
_error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator.
_error_permissionfailed=Bu {task} `{path} 'yeterli kullanıcı izni gerektirir.
Yardım için web hosting yöneticisine başvurun, ek disk alanı eklemek veya.
_tasks_advanced_manageforme=Benim için otomatik olarak gelişmiş ayarlarını yönetmek.
_tasks_advanced_copyforme=Otomatik kaynak yüklü uygulama bu ayarları klonlamak.
_tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Beni bu ayarları yönetsin.
_tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Yüklü uygulama için ek ayarları yapılandırın.
_tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Bu ayarlar için kontroller şunlardır:
_tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=set değerleri {installatron} içinde daha sonra değiştirilebilir.
_tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Gelişmiş Ayar Yönetimi
_tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Ayar Yönetimi
_tasks_shared_waiting=Bekleyen ...
_tasks_shared_processing=İşleme ...
_tasks_shared_cleaningup=Temizleniyor ...
_tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Dosyaları ve dizinleri kopyalama ...
_tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Kopyalama veritabanı ve tablolar ...
_tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Yedekleme konumuna yükleniyor ...
_tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Yedek yerden indiriliyor ...
_tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected.
_warnings_fiveminutes=İşlem 5 dakika kadar sürecektir.
Bu süreç içerisinde lütfen tarayıcınızı kapatmayınız.
_warnings_rootinstall=Uyarı: Bu uygulama varolan dosyaları içeren bir dizine kuruldu. {installatron} ancak yedekleme sizin tarafınızdan eklenen dosyaları veya yükseltme / install süreçlerin dışında oluşturulan dizinleri veya dosyaları içermez dosyaları ve bu yüklenen uygulama ile ilgili dizinleri izlemek için her türlü girişimi yapar.
_warnings_diskspace=Uyarı: Kullanılabilir disk alanı hata marjı içinde; Görev başarısız olabilir.
_errors_invalidselection=Geçersiz seçim.
_errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection.
_errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file.
_errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid.
_errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url}
_errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app.
_errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app.
_tasks_intro_welcomewizard={installatron} {task} Sihirbazın hoş geldiniz!
_tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=Bu sihirbaz {app} kurulumu boyunca size rehberlik edecektir.
_tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=Bu sihirbaz {app} bir harici kurulu örneğinin ithalat yoluyla size rehberlik edecektir.
_tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=Bu sihirbaz seçilen yüklü uygulamalar için {task} sürecinde size rehberlik edecektir.
_tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=Bu sihirbaz seçilen yüklü uygulama için {task} sürecinde size rehberlik edecektir.
_tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=Bu sihirbaz seçilen yüklü uygulama yedekleme için {task} sürecinde size rehberlik edecektir.
_tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=Bu sihirbaz seçilen yüklü uygulama yedekleme için {task} sürecinde size rehberlik edecektir.
_tasks_intro_installwill=Yükleme işlemi sizin etki seçilen uygulamanın bir örneğini ekleyecektir. Bu dosya ve yazılım dizinleri ve (uygulama tarafından kullanılıyorsa) bir veritabanı oluşturmak olacaktır.
_tasks_intro_updatewill=(uygulama tarafından kullanılıyorsa) yükseltme işlemi size uygulamanın yeni bir sürümünü vererek, dosyaları ve veritabanını güncellemek olacaktır.
_tasks_intro_upgradewill=(uygulama tarafından kullanılıyorsa) yükseltme işlemi size uygulamanın yeni bir sürümünü vererek, dosyaları ve veritabanını güncellemek olacaktır.
_tasks_intro_importwill=alma işlemi {installatron} sistemine bir uygulamanın bir harici kurulu örneğini getiriyor. Başarıyla ithal uygulamalar kullanılan ve "_tabs_myapplications" sekmesinden yükseltilebilir.
_tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Kaldırma işlemi yüklü yazılım ile ilişkili tüm dosyaları ve dizinleri ve veritabanları ve tablolar silecektir ve geri alınamaz.
_tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system.
_tasks_intro_deletewill=Silme işlemi seçilen yedekleme ile ilişkili tüm dosyaları siler ve geri alınamaz.
_tasks_intro_restorewill=Seçilen konuma süreç kopyalar yedekleme dosyaları ve veritabanı tabloları geri.
_tasks_intro_backupwill=İsteğe bağlı yedekleme işlemi yinelenen dosyaları, dizinleri ve veritabanı tabloları yaratacak. Yedekler bir uygulama bozuk veya kesmek, ya da bir yükseltme başarısız olursa olur, eğer yararlı olabilir, "restore" olabilir.
_tasks_intro_clonewill=klon süreci farklı bir konuma Yüklenmiş bir uygulamayı çoğaltır. Tüm dosyalar, dizinler ve veritabanı tabloları çoğaltılır ve uygulama ayarları, yeni yeri için güncellenir.
_tasks_intro_templatewill=Şablon süreci ardından yeni tesisler için bir temel olarak seçilebilir yüklü bir uygulama fotoğrafını çeker.
_tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site.
_tasks_intro_beaware=Farkında olmak
Yüklü bir uygulamayı Yükseltme güvenlik açıkları düzeltmek, belki de en önemlisi, yeni özellikler eklemek hataları düzeltmek ve edebilirsiniz. Güvenlik açıkları web sabitlenmemiş bırakılırsa "hacklenmiş" olma riski yüksek olabilir. Server yöneticileri, tüm yüklü uygulamaları güncel tutulması görmek istiyorum.
Bir çalışma uygulaması yükseltme dahil riski her zaman vardır. {installatron} mümkün temiz, en risksiz bir şekilde yükseltme gerçekleştirmek için her türlü çabayı iken, başarılı olacağına garantisi yoktur.
Uygulamanın bir yedek varsa yükseltme sizin "_tabs_mybackups" sekmesinde geri aracı kullanılarak geri alınabilir. Zaten bir yedeği yok, ve hesabınızda yeterli disk alanı varsa, bu bir yedekleme gerçekleştirmeniz tavsiye edilir.
Yükseltme bazen şablonları, eklentileri, ve değişiklikler sıfırlayabilir.
Bu mümkün, tercih ise, yüklü uygulamanın bir el ile yükseltme gerçekleştirmek için. Manuel yükseltme tamamlandıktan sonra {installatron} otomatik olarak yeni yüklü sürüm algılamak olacaktır.
Yüklü bir uygulamayı Yükseltme güvenlik açıkları düzeltmek, belki de en önemlisi, yeni özellikler eklemek hataları düzeltmek ve edebilirsiniz. Güvenlik açıkları web sabitlenmemiş bırakılırsa "hacklenmiş" olma riski yüksek olabilir. Server yöneticileri, tüm yüklü uygulamaları güncel tutulması görmek istiyorum.
Bir çalışma uygulaması yükseltme dahil riski her zaman vardır. {installatron} mümkün temiz, en risksiz bir şekilde yükseltme gerçekleştirmek için her türlü çabayı iken, başarılı olacağına garantisi yoktur.
Uygulamanın bir yedek varsa yükseltme sizin "_tabs_mybackups" sekmesinde geri aracı kullanılarak geri alınabilir. Zaten bir yedeği yok, ve hesabınızda yeterli disk alanı varsa, bu bir yedekleme gerçekleştirmeniz tavsiye edilir.
Yükseltme bazen şablonları, eklentileri, ve değişiklikler sıfırlayabilir.
Bu mümkün, tercih ise, yüklü uygulamanın bir el ile yükseltme gerçekleştirmek için. Manuel yükseltme tamamlandıktan sonra {installatron} otomatik olarak yeni yüklü sürüm algılamak olacaktır.
_tasks_intro_iscomplete={task} tamamlanır.
_tasks_intro_clicknext=Başlamak için aşağıdaki İleri düğmesine tıklayın.
_tasks_install_complete=Yükleme tamamlandığında.
_tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete.
_tasks_update_complete=Yükseltme tamamlandı.
_tasks_upgrade_complete=Yükseltme tamamlandı.
_tasks_update_completealready=Yükseltme zaten tamamlandı.
_tasks_upgrade_completealready=Yükseltme zaten tamamlandı.
_tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}.
_tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}.
_tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}.
_tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}.
_tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}.
_tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}.
_tasks_clone_complete=klon tamamlanır.
_tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete.
_tasks_clone_thisisselected=Bu seçilmiş yüklü bir uygulamadır.
_tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site?
_tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation.
_tasks_location_selectalocation={app} yüklemek için bir konum seçiniz.
_tasks_location_selectalocationurl={app} yüklemek için bir URL girin.
_tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Yüklü uygulama web hosting hesabınız dahilinde klonlanmış olması için bir konum seçin.
_tasks_location_thelocationis=Konumu bir etki ve uygulama yüklemeden sonra bir web tarayıcısında izlenebilir olacak dosyaları yüklenecek ve nerede birlikte belirlemek, bir dizinin bir kombinasyonudur.
_tasks_location_thelocationisurl=Girilen URL, uygulama yükleme sonrasında bir web tarayıcısında izlenebilir nerede dosyalar yüklenecek ve yeri belirlemek olacaktır.
_tasks_location_website=Web sitesi
_tasks_location_path=Dizin (İsteğe bağlı)
_tasks_location_equivalentof_url=Yukarıda seçilen etki ve dizin URL (web sayfası bağlantısını) Burada gösterilen temsil:
_tasks_location_equivalentof=Yukarıda seçilen etki ve dizin bir URL (web sayfası linki) ve aynı zamanda burada gösterilen her ikisi de sunucunun sabit diskinde bir fiziksel yolu temsil:
_tasks_location_installlocation=Yuklenilecek Yer
_tasks_location_urlequivalent=Seçilen yerin URL eşdeğer
_tasks_location_pathequivalent=Seçilen yerin Yolu eşdeğer
_tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} Yukarıda seçilen yüklemek konumu bir şifre ile korunduğunu tespit etti.
_tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} devam yüklemeden önce kullanıcı adı ve şifre gerektirir.
_tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Otomatik yedekleme korumak etmeyin.
_tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} günlük
_tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} haftalık
_tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} aylık
_tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=Son {day} gün için, yedek
_tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=bir günlük yedekleme
_tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=bir {day}-günlük yedekleme
_tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=bir {day1}-{day2} günlük yedekleme
_tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language.
_tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template.
_tasks_version_selecttheversion=Yüklemek için {app} sürümünü seçin.
_tasks_version_selectnewest=İpucu: Eğer bir önceki serbest gerektiren sürece, yeni sürümü seçmelisiniz.
_tasks_version_latestlowrisk=En son düşük riskli
_tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Yeni sürümler kullanılabilir hale otomatik olarak hemen yüklenmiş uygulamayı güncellemek.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Yeni sürümler kullanılabilir hale otomatik olarak hemen yüklenmiş uygulamayı güncellemek.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp={days} gün sonra oluşturulan yedekleme otomatik sona erer ve boş disk alanı silinir.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp={days} gün sonra oluşturulan yedekleme otomatik sona erer ve boş disk alanı silinir.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=Ancak, oluşturulan yedekleme son öncesinde "_tabs_mybackups" sekmesinden seçeneğini seçerek muhafaza edilebilir.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=Ancak, oluşturulan yedekleme son öncesinde "_tabs_mybackups" sekmesinden seçeneğini seçerek muhafaza edilebilir.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Güncellemeler Her güncelleme sonucu ile gönderilen gece yarısı ve 06:00 sunucusu zaman ve e-posta bildirimleri arasında yürütmek.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Güncellemeler Her güncelleme sonucu ile gönderilen gece yarısı ve 06:00 sunucusu zaman ve e-posta bildirimleri arasında yürütmek.
_tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Bu bültenleri kritik uygulama geliştirmeleri içerir ve genellikle olumsuz web sitesi işlevselliğini etkilemez otomatik olarak küçük sürümleri ve güvenlik bültenleri yeni güncelleme tavsiye edilir.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Bu bültenleri kritik uygulama geliştirmeleri içerir ve genellikle olumsuz web sitesi işlevselliğini etkilemez otomatik olarak küçük sürümleri ve güvenlik bültenleri yeni güncelleme tavsiye edilir.
_tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Otomatik güncelleme yapmayın.
_tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Otomatik güncelleme yapmayın.
_tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Yeni küçük sürümleri ve güvenlik bültenleri için güncelleyin.
_tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Yeni küçük sürümleri ve güvenlik bültenleri için güncelleyin.
_tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Yeni sürüme güncelleyin.
_tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Yeni sürüme güncelleyin.
_tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Otomatik {app} eklentileri güncelleme yapmayın.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Otomatik {app} eklentileri güncelleme yapmayın.
_tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically.
_tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Güncelleme {app} eklentileri olarak yeni versiyonları kullanılabilir hale gelir.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Güncelleme {app} eklentileri olarak yeni versiyonları kullanılabilir hale gelir.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Otomatik {app} temalar güncelleme yapmayın.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Otomatik {app} temalar güncelleme yapmayın.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Yeni sürümleri gibi Güncelleme {app} temalar kullanılabilir hale gelir.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Yeni sürümleri gibi Güncelleme {app} temalar kullanılabilir hale gelir.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Bir yedek oluşturun ve güncelleme başarısız olursa otomatik yedeği geri.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Bir yedek oluşturun ve güncelleme başarısız olursa otomatik yedeği geri.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Bir yedek oluşturmak etmeyin.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Bir yedek oluşturmak etmeyin.
_tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Otomatik yedekleme ve yeni sürümler kullanılabilir hale derhal yüklü uygulamayı güncellemek. Güncelleştirme başarısız olursa oluşturulan yedekleme otomatik olarak geri yüklenir.
Güncellemeler gece yarısı ve 06:00 localtime arasında yürütmek ve e-posta bildirimleri her güncelleme sonucu ile gönderilir.
_tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Otomatik yedekleme ve yeni sürümler kullanılabilir hale derhal yüklü uygulamayı güncellemek. Güncelleştirme başarısız olursa oluşturulan yedekleme otomatik olarak geri yüklenir.
Güncellemeler gece yarısı ve 06:00 localtime arasında yürütmek ve e-posta bildirimleri her güncelleme sonucu ile gönderilir.
_tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion={app} yükseltme için hedef sürümünü seçin.
_tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion={app} yükseltme için hedef sürümünü seçin.
_tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Her yüklü uygulama için hedef sürümünü seçin.
_tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Her yüklü uygulama için hedef sürümünü seçin.
_tasks_version_whatsnew=Ne var ne yok
_tasks_version_currentversion=Geçerli Sürüm
_tasks_version_versioninstalled=sürümü şu anda yüklü.
_tasks_version_destinationversion=Hedef Sürüm
_tasks_version_updatetoversion=guncellenecek versiyonu secin
_tasks_version_upgradetoversion=guncellenecek versiyonu secin
_tasks_version_manualupdate=elle guncelleme
_tasks_version_manualupgrade=elle guncelleme
_tasks_version_noupdate=Yükseltme desteklenmiyor
_tasks_version_noupgrade=Yükseltme desteklenmiyor
_tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=şartların yerine değil
_tasks_version_updateplugins=Eklentileri güncelleyin?
_tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Eklentileri güncelleyin?
_tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins={app} eklentileri güncellendi gerekip gerekmediğini belirleyin. Tarih eklentileri dışında algılandı listelenmiştir.
_tasks_version_yesplugins=Evet, {app} eklentileri güncelleyin.
_tasks_version_noplugins=Hayır, {app} eklentileri güncelleme yok.
_tasks_version_updatethemes=Güncelleme Temalar?
_tasks_version_upgradethemes=Güncelleme Temalar?
_tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes={app} temalar güncellendi gerekip gerekmediğini belirleyin. Tarih temalar üzerinden algılandı listelenmiştir.
_tasks_version_yesthemes=Evet, {app} temalar güncelleyin.
_tasks_version_nothemes=Hayır, {app} temalar güncelleme yok.
_tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available.
_tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available.
_tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available.
_tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Okuma ve devam etmeden önce {app} sürümü {version} için EULA'sını kabul edin.
_tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=son kullanıcı lisans anlaşması yazılımı ödeme-için uygulama sürümleri hakkında bilgi ile birlikte, kullanılabilir ve ticari kullanım, değişiklik ve dağıtımı konusunda kurallar içerebilir nasıl özetliyor.
_tasks_eula_iaccept=Lisans anlasmasini okudum ve kabul ediyorum
_tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Lisans anlasmasini kabul etmiyorum
_tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA
_tasks_db_requiresadb=Bu web uygulama veri depolama için bir veritabanı gerektirir.
_tasks_db_selectadb=Bu yüklemek için bir veritabanını seçin.
_tasks_db_createadb=Web hosting sağlayıcınızın kontrol panelini kullanarak bir veritabanı oluşturun ve buraya veritabanı bilgilerini girin.
_tasks_db_existingdb=İpucu: Eğer yeni bir veritabanı oluşturmak için istemiyorsanız, varolan veritabanı bilgilerini girmek de mümkündür. Yükleme işlemi mevcut verileri ile çatışmaları önlemek için benzersiz bir veritabanı tablo öneki kullanacaktır.
_tasks_db_dbsystems=Veritabanı sistemleri büyük miktarda veri saklanabilir ve hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde alınır ve {installatron} tarafından yüklenen pek çok uygulama verilerini saklamak için bir veritabanı gerektirir izin verir. {installatron} otomatik bir veritabanı mevcut yalnızca gerektirir, veritabanı kurulumu yönetecek.
_tasks_db_dbhosttext=web barındırma kontrol paneli tarafından bildirilen veritabanı ana giriniz.
_tasks_db_dbmanagement=Veritabani Yonetimi
_tasks_db_createforme=Otomatik olarak yüklenen uygulama için yeni bir veritabanı oluşturun.
_tasks_db_manageforme=Otomatik olarak veritabani ayarlarini gerceklestir.
_tasks_db_letmemanage=Veritabani ayarlarini ben gerceklestireyim.
_tasks_db_letmechoose=Bana varolan veritabanını seçelim.
_tasks_db_useadifferent=Farklı bir veritabanını kullanın
_tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Bu ayarlar özelleştirmek ve bu yüklü uygulamayı kişiselleştirmek için izin verir.
_tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=set değerleri {installatron} içinde veya yüklü uygulama içinde daha sonra değiştirilebilir.
_settings_adminusername=yonetici adini girin
_settings_adminpassword=yonetici sifresini girin
_settings_adminemail=eposta adresinizi girin
_settings_yournam=isminizi girin
_settings_sitetitle=site basligini girin
_settings_sitetagline=site tagline girin
_settings_businessname=is adinizi girin
_settings_language=dil secin
_settings_installcontent=içeriği seçin
_settings_cleaninstall=Bana yüklemek temiz {app} ver (benim kendi içerik ekleyeceğiz!)
_settings_democontent=Yükleme sırasında {app} demo içeriği ekleyin
_settings_versionchannel_lts=Uzun Vadeli Destek (Tavsiye)
_settings_versionchannel_sts=Kısa Vadeli Destek
_settings_passwordstrength_show=Göster Şifre
_settings_passwordstrength_hide=Gizle Şifre
_settings_passwordstrength_strength=Güç: {strength}
_settings_passwordstrength_short=Çok Kısa
_installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded.
_installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from
_settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from
_settings_twofactor_clef=Clef İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama. (Önerilen) Mobil uygulamasını indirin
_settings_twofactor_no=Iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulamasını etkinleştirmek etmeyin.
_tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} {task} hazırdır.
_tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired=Bu {task} tamamlamak için diskspace bir {sizea}MB gerektirir. Hesabınız {sizeb}MB alanı vardır.
_tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Basın {task} gerçekleştirmek için gönderin.
_tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} şimdi {tasking} olduğunu.
_warnings_rootdirectory=Uyarı: Seçilen alanın 'kök dizininde' (üst düzey dizin) içine yüklemek seçtiniz.
_warnings_existingcontent=Uyarı: Varolan içeriği ile dizine yüklemek seçtiniz.
_warnings_continuepresok=Bu dizine yüklemek istiyorsanız aşağıdaki Tamam düğmesini tıklatın veya yolunu değiştirmek için İptal'i tıklatın.
_warnings_oauthaccess=Bu formu tasarrufu üzerine {service} erişim yetkisi istenecektir.
_warnings_backupexpiry=oluşturulan yedekleme otomatik sona erecek ve {days} gün sonra silinecektir.
_errors_installexists={app} bir örneği zaten bu dizinde var.
_errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory.
_errors_noinstall=Bu uygulamanın herhangi bir sürümü yüklemek seçilen konumu ile uyumludur.
_errors_noinstallversion=Seçilen sürümü {version} yüklemek seçilen konumu ile uyumlu değildir.
_errors_dbcreate=Bir veritabanı oluşturulamıyor. Barındırma hesabınız mevcut en azından bir veritabanına sahip olduğunu kontrol edin. Eğer, sizin ev sahibi ile irtibata geçiniz.
_errors_nodatabases=Hiçbir önceden oluşturulmuş MySQL veritabanı var. Bu veritabanı seçeneği kullanmak istiyorsanız, bu uygulamayı yüklemeden önce bir veritabanı oluşturmak için kontrol panelini kullanmanız gerekir.
_errors_nodomains=Hiçbir etki Bu hesap için kullanılabilir. Bir uygulamayı yüklemeden önce bir etki alanı eklemek için hosting kontrol panelini kullanın.
_errors_alreadylatest=Seçilen web uygulaması zaten son sürümünü çalıştırıyor.
_errors_alreadylatestmulti=Seçilen web uygulamaları zaten son sürümünü çalıştıran.
_errors_manualupdate=versiyon seçilen, ya da ve yüklü sürümü arasında bir versiyonu, manuel yükseltme gerektirir. Otomatik yükseltme desteklenmiyor. Manuel yükseltme bilgi için uygulamanın belgelerine bakın.
_errors_manualupgrade=versiyon seçilen, ya da ve yüklü sürümü arasında bir versiyonu, manuel yükseltme gerektirir. Otomatik yükseltme desteklenmiyor. Manuel yükseltme bilgi için uygulamanın belgelerine bakın.
_errors_noupdate=Seçilen sürümü, ya da ve yüklü sürümü arasında bir versiyonu, yükseltme desteklemiyor. Bir "göç" aracı mevcut olup olmadığını görmek için uygulamanın web sitesini kontrol edin.
_errors_noupgrade=Seçilen sürümü, ya da ve yüklü sürümü arasında bir versiyonu, yükseltme desteklemiyor. Bir "göç" aracı mevcut olup olmadığını görmek için uygulamanın web sitesini kontrol edin.
_errors_unmetrequirements=sunucu barındırma, bu uygulamanın bu sürümü gereksinimlerini karşılamak değil, bu yüzden bu sürümü yükseltilmiş edilemez. Sunucu yapılandırmaları tüm sunucularda çalışacak çok sayıda ve çeşitli, ve tüm uygulamalar (veya bir uygulama versiyonları) bulunmaktadır.
_errors_eula=Bu uygulamayı yüklemek için son kullanıcı lisans sözleşmesini kabul etmeniz gerekir.
_errors_installquotadomain=Seçilen alanı {app} eşzamanlı yükler ({quota}) olarak maksimum sayısına ulaştı.
_errors_installquotaaccount=Hesabınız {app} eşzamanlı yükler ({quota}) olarak maksimum sayısına ulaştı.
_errors_accountupdate=Hesabınızı yükseltmek için servis sağlayıcınıza başvurun.
_errors_accountupgrade=Hesabınızı yükseltmek için servis sağlayıcınıza başvurun.
_errors_script=Uygulama API yürütülürken bir hata oluştu.
_tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Bu yüklenmiş uygulamalar silinecektir:
_tasks_uninstall_complete=Kaldırma işlemi.
_tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete.
_tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}?
_tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected.
_tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete.
_tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete.
_warnings_dbisshared=Bu veri tabanı, bir veya daha fazla uygulamalar tarafından paylaşılır ve bu silinemez. Sadece tablolar silinebilir. Başka bir uygulama ile ilişkili tablolar silmek için dikkatli olun.
_warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Uyarı: {installatron} dosyaları ve / veya dizinleri bu yüklü uygulamayı ilişkili olan bilmiyor. Yedeklemeye dahil edilmelidir dosyaları ve dizinleri seçiniz.
_warnings_extrafiles=Uyarı: Dosyalar ve / veya dizinleri seçilir yüklemek bu ile ilişkili olmayabilir.
_warnings_extrafilespresok=Eğer geçerli seçimle devam etmek istiyorsanız aşağıdaki Tamam düğmesini tıklatın veya seçimi değiştirmek için iptal 'i tıklatın.
_tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Dosyaları, dizinleri ve veritabanı tabloları seçin Silinecek.
_tasks_delete_willberemoved=Bu yedekleri silinecek:
_tasks_delete_complete=Yedekleme kaldırma tamamlandı.
_tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}.
_tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry.
_tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}.
_tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Seçin dosyaları, dizinleri ve veritabanı tabloları yedeklemeye dahil edilecek.
_tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Kalın Öğeler (ki, bunlar yükleme veya yükseltme sırasında oluşturulan bir) bu yükleme ile ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir.
_tasks_backup_backuprecommended=İpucu: Eğer zaten bir yedek yok, ve hesabınızda yeterli disk alanı varsa, bu bir yedekleme gerçekleştirmeniz tavsiye edilir.
_tasks_backup_yesbackup=Evet, yükseltme yapmadan önce bir yedek oluşturmak.
_tasks_backup_nobackup=Hayır, yükseltme yapmadan önce bir yedek oluşturmak değil.
_tasks_backup_complete=Yedekleme tamamlandı.
_tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}.
_tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days.
_tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}.
_tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Otomatik Yedekleme
_tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Önceden yapılandırılmış Otomatik Yedekleme
_tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Ek Otomatik Yedekleme
_tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Oluşturun, döndürmek ve korumak için yedeklerini silin:
_tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Otomatik olarak bir zamanlamaya göre yüklenen uygulama yedekleri korumak.
_tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Yedekler, oluşturulan döndürülmüş ve gece yarısı ve 06:00 sunucu saati arasındaki silinir ve başarısız bir yedek bir çalışma yedekleme döndürmek asla edilir.
_tasks_backup_backuplocationis=Yedek arşiv kurulu uygulama için oluşturulacak konum.
_tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Yedekleri kurulu uygulama için oluşturulan yerini değiştirin.
_tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Mevcut yedekleri mevcut yerde çalışmaya devam.
_tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Bir yedekleme konumu eklemeyin.
_tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Yeni bir yedekleme konumu ekleyin.
_tasks_backup_label=Etiket (İsteğe bağlı)
_tasks_backup_labeltext=Daha iyi yedekleme açıklar Metin.
_tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date
_tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Tahmini Boyut
_tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Yedek arşiv Tahmini sıkıştırılmış boyutu yüklü uygulama için oluşturulacak.
_tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Benim web barındırma hesabı.
_tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Dosya & Klasorler
_tasks_delete_dbandtables=Veritabani & Tablolar
_errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again.
_errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=Bu etki mevcut yedekleme sayısı aşıldı.
_errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=Bu hesaba mevcut yedekleme sayısı aşıldı.
_errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=Bu yüklü uygulama için kullanılabilir yedeklerin sayısı aşıldı.
_tasks_import_selectlocation=Yüklü uygulama yere URL'sini girin geçirilecek.
_tasks_import_selectlocationip=Kaynak URL için çözmelidir IP adresini girin. Kaynak doğru DNS üzerinden çözerse bu alanı boş bırakın.
_tasks_import_importremoteserver=Farklı hesaptan
_tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Uzak bir web hosting hesabınız üzerinde bulunan yüklü bir uygulamayı göç ve {installatron} sistemine aktarmak için bu seçeneği seçin.
_tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=Yüklü uygulama kopyalanacak için yerel web hosting hesabı içinde bir konum seçmek için istenir. Hiçbir değişiklik uzak web sunucu barındırma yüklü uygulama yapılacaktır.
_tasks_import_importlocalserver=Bu hesaptan
_tasks_import_selectthisimport={installatron} sistemine yerel web hosting hesabı içinde yer alan yüklü bir uygulamayı almak için bu seçeneği seçin.
_tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=Yüklü uygulamanın geçerli konumunu seçmek için istenir.
_tasks_import_selectversion=Kurulacak verisiyonu seç. Bu değer genellikle yüklü uygulama yönetim paneli içinde görüntülenir.
_tasks_import_selectdatabase=Yüklü uygulama tarafından kullanılan veritabanı bilgilerini girin.
_tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=İpucu: Veritabanı değerleri genellikle /, yönetici, / veya uygulama dizini içeren genellikle, config.php veya settings.php adlı bir dosyada bulunabilir.
_tasks_import_tableprefix=Otomatik tablo öneki belirlemek için açılamıyor. Doğru öneki girin.
_tasks_import_dircontents=Klasor Icerikleri
_tasks_import_allfiles=Bu dizindeki tüm dosyalar bu yüklenen uygulamanın aittir
_tasks_import_somefiles=Bu dizinde Sadece bazı dosyalar bu yüklenen uygulamanın aittir
_tasks_import_complete=ithalat tamamlandı.
_tasks_import_completed=Import is complete.
_tasks_migrate_complete=göç tamamlandı.
_tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete.
_errors_pathnotfound=Dizin bulunamadi.
_tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Özgün konumuna geri yükleme
_tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=, Orijinal konumuna yedeği geri yedekleme oluşturulduğu zaman onun durumuna uygulamayı dönen için bu seçeneği seçin.
_tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=Bu süreç şu anda uygulamanın özgün konumu mevcut herhangi bir dosya, dizin ve veritabanı tabloları üzerine yazılır.
_tasks_restore_restorelocation=Yeni bir konuma Restore
_tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Yeni bir konuma yedekleme geri yüklemek için bu seçeneği seçin. Yüklü uygulama için restore edilecek yerel web hosting hesabı içinde bir konum seçmek için istenir.
_tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=Bu süreç uygulamanın orijinal konumunu etkilemez.
_tasks_restore_selectstuff=Restore edilecek dosyaları, dizinleri ve veritabanı tabloları seçin.
_tasks_restore_these=Aşağıda listelenen dosyalar, dizinler ve veritabanı tabloları restore edilecek.
_tasks_restore_reditems=Kırmızı öğeler hedef varolan bir öğeyi üzerine olacaktır.
_tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Uyarı: Yedekleme ve hedef web uygulaması uygulamasının aynı sürümünü içeriyor olmadıkça tek tek dosyaları, dizinleri veya tablolar geri tavsiye edilmez.
_tasks_restore_complete=geri tamamlandı.
_tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete.
_tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation.
_tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.
The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.
Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing.
_tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account.
_tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete.
_tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete.
_tasks_template_nametext=Başlık şablonu tanımlamak için.
_tasks_template_desctext=Metin şablonu tanımlamak için.
_tasks_template_complete=Şablon tamamlanır.
_tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete.
_tasks_tasks_theseare=Bu son 10 dakika görevleri vardır. Görevler arka planda yürütmek.
_tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Bu son 10 dakika da web sitesi sahibinin görevleri vardır. Görevler arka planda yürütmek.
_tasks_tasks_therearenone=Şu anda yürütme veya son 10 dakika içinde bitirmeyen görevleri vardır.
_tasks_afatalerror=Önemli bir hata oluştu.
_tasks_taskaborted=Görev iptal edildi.
_mytasks_abort=iptal etmek
user.pages.ini 0000644 00000017225 14720472744 0007343 0 ustar 00 _myinstalls_yourinstalls=Bu yüklü uygulamalardır. Uygulamalar erişilebilir, yükseltilmiş, yedeklenen düzenlenmiş ve kaldırıldı.
_myinstalls_yourinstallscanbe=Uygulamalar {list} olabilir.
_myinstalls_youhaveno=You have no applications controlled by {installatron}.
_myinstalls_youhaveno_toinstall=To install a new application: find the application that you'd like to install from the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab and then press the large install button.
_myinstalls_youhaveno_toimport=To import an existing application: find the matching application type in the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab, press the small [V] dropdown button, and select the import option.
_mybackups_yourbackups=Bu yedekleme vardır. Yedekler restore edilebilir, elle dosyaları için başvurulan, ya da güvenlik için indirilebilir.
Yedeklerin sunucnuzda alan kaplar. Eğer gereksiz olduğunu düşünüyorsanız onları silebilirsiniz.
_mybackups_youhaveno=You have no application backups.
_mybackups_youhaveno_tobackup=Backups are created automatically and manually from the applications listed in the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab.
_myinstalls_myapp=Benim {app}
_myinstalls_justanotherapp=Bir başka {app} sitesi
_myinstalls_website=web sitesi
_myinstalls_originalloc=orjinal lokasyon
_myinstalls_backupdate=yedek tarihi
_myinstalls_backupgrade=yedek tarihi
_myinstalls_backupsize=yedek boyutu
_myinstalls_backuplocation=yedek lokasyonu
_myinstalls_allapps=Tüm Uygulamalar
_myinstalls_search=Kurulmuş Uygulamalarda Ara
_myinstalls_specificwebsite=özel website:
_myinstalls_anywebsite=Herhangi bir website
_myinstalls_mywebsites=Yalnızca bana ait websiteleri
_myinstalls_report=Report this error
_myinstalls_vieweditdetails=detayları gör/düzenle
_mybackups_search=Yedek Ara
_mybackups_allbackups=Tüm Yedekler
_mybackups_quotas_title=Quota {number}
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_peraccount_counts=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota} backups per account at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_peraccount_count=Your webhosting provider allows no more than one backup per account at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_peraccount_mbs=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota}MB of backups per account at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perdomain_counts=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota} backups per domain at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perdomain_count=Your webhosting provider allows no more than one backup per domain at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perdomain_mbs=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota}MB of backups per domain at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perinstall_counts=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota} backups per app at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perinstall_count=Your webhosting provider allows no more than one backup per app at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perinstall_mbs=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota}MB of backups per app at this backup location.
_mybackups_quotas_currentlyused_counts=Currently, {usage} backups are in use.
_mybackups_quotas_currentlyused_count=Currently, one backup is in use.
_mybackups_quotas_currentlyused_mbs=Currently, {usage}MB are in use.
_mybackups_quotas_tocreate_counts=To proceed, {usage} backups are required.
_mybackups_quotas_tocreate_count=To proceed, one backup is required.
_mybackups_quotas_tocreate_mbs=To proceed, {usage}MB is required.
_mybackups_quotas_withtemporary=Backups with their own expiration date are affected by this quota.
_mybackups_quotas_withautomatic=Backups managed by an Automatic Backup schedule are affected by this quota.
_mybackups_quotas_onlypermanent=Backups managed by an Automatic Backup schedule or by their own expiration date are not impacted by this quota.
_mybackups_quotas_prunewarning=Warning: Pruning is enabled for this quota, meaning old backups may be removed to make space for new backups.
_mybackups_schedules_series=Backup {current} of {total}
_mybackups_schedules_today=This backup will be deleted today after a new backup is succesfully created for the schedule.
_mybackups_schedules_tomorrow=This backup will be deleted tomorrow after a new backup is succesfully created for the schedule.
_mybackups_schedules_ndays=This backup will be deleted in {n} days from now on {date} after a new backup is succesfully created for the schedule.
_mybackups_restorethisbackup=buyedeğe restore et
_pagination_viewing={total} ve {current} görüntüleniyor
_myinstalls_tt_onlyoutofdate=Yalnızca eski yüklenmiş uygulamaları görüntüle
_myinstalls_tt_ownedaccounts=Hesap sahibinn tüm uygulamalarını göster
_myinstalls_tt_autoupdate_minor=Küçük güncellemeler için Otomatik Güncelleme aktif edilir.
_myinstalls_tt_autoupgrade_minor=Küçük güncellemeler için Otomatik Güncelleme aktif edilir.
_myinstalls_tt_autoupdate_major=Büyük güncellemeler için Otomatik Güncelleme aktif edilir.
_myinstalls_tt_autoupgrade_major=Büyük güncellemeler için Otomatik Güncelleme aktif edilir.
_myinstalls_tt_uptodate=Güncel sürüm yüklendi.
_myinstalls_tt_outofdate=This version is outdated.
_myinstalls_tt_autobackup_default=Otomatik olarak, yukarıda belirtilen _info_defaultbackuplocation de {list} korur.
_myinstalls_tt_autobackup_location=Otomatik {location} yedek konumda {list} korur.
_myinstalls_tt_autobackup=Otomatik {list} korur.
_myinstalls_tt_expirebackup=Otomatik yedekleme tarihinden itibaren {days} gün sonra sona eriyor.
_errors_requiresselection=Bu araçta seçim gerekli.
_errors_incompleteinstall=Hata: yükleme sırasında hata oluştu. Uygulamanın kaldırılması gerek.
_errors_websitenotfound=Error: Website not found. If the website was recently renamed or moved please edit the install to save the new location (_sidebar_advanced tab).
_errors_missingbackuparchive=Hata: Yedekleme arşiv eksik.
_confirm_makepermanent=Bu sona asla yedek değişecektir. Emin misiniz?
_confirm_makepermanentschedule=Bu yedekleme Otomatik Yedekleme zaman çizelgesi onu kaldırarak sona asla değişecektir. Emin misiniz?
_widget_webapps=Web Uygulamaları
_widget_webappsare=Ücretsiz web uygulamaları yükle ve yönet. Web uygulamaları blogları, ziyaretçi defteri, forumları, galerileri ve e-ticaret sistemlerini kapsar.
_widget_installedapplications=Benim Uygulamalarım ({count})
_widget_installedapplications_viewmore=daha fazla görüntüle
_widget_featuredapplications=Özelleştirilmiş Uygulamalar
_widget_featuredapplications_viewmore=daha fazla görüntüle
admin.ini 0000644 00000053514 14720472744 0006360 0 ustar 00 _admin_intro_header=Installatron Administration
_admin_intro_description=This tool allows you to configure and control all aspects of Installatron.
_admin_resources_header=Installatron Resources
Please use the Installatron ticket system if you experience problems.
_admin_repair_header=Installatron Update/Repair
_admin_repair_description=Press this button at any time to perform an Installatron Update/Repair:
_admin_repair_button=run Installatron Update/Repair
_admin_installatron_links_updater=run Installatron updater now
_admin_installatron_links_upgrader=run Installatron updater now
_admin_installatron_links_cron=change updater cron settings
_admin_installatron_label_version=Installatron Version
_admin_installatron_label_available=Version Available
_admin_installatron_newversion=is now available.
_admin_installatron_links_whatsnew=what's new
_admin_license_links_renew=renew license
_admin_license_links_manage=manage license
_admin_license_links_refresh=refresh license
_admin_license_label_licensedto=Installatron Licensee
_admin_license_label_method=Licensing Method
_admin_license_text_method_ip=IP address
_admin_license_text_method_footprint=Server footprint
_admin_license_label_expiration=License Expiration Date
_admin_logs_links_reset=reset all logs
_admin_logs_links_resetthis=reset this log
_admin_updater_header=Installatron Updater / Repairer
_admin_upgrader_header=Installatron Updater / Repairer
_installedapps_listsallapps=The _sidebar_installedapps page lists all current applications installed on this server.
_installedapps_toupdateapps=To update one or more user applications, select the checkbox(s) and then click _buttons_update.
_installedapps_toupgradeapps=To update one or more user applications, select the checkbox(s) and then click _buttons_update.
_installedapps_noinstalledapps=There are no installed applications on this server.
_dependencies_label_dbtableprefix=Database Table Prefixes
_catalogs_catalogisa=A catalog is a source of application packages.
_catalogs_collectionof=A catalog can be a collection of many application packages or a URL to a single custom application package.
_catalogs_seethe=Refrence the Installatron Installer SDK for information about creating application packages.
_catalogs_createinstaller=create application installer
_catalogs_addcatalog=add catalog
_catalogs_officialcatalog=Official Installatron Catalog
_settings_allowresellersoverride=Allow resellers to override these settings
_settings_group=Group: {chooser}
_settings_general_label_mode=Installatron Mode
_settings_general_text_mode_disabled=Disabled (remains enabled for the administrator)
_settings_general_label_core=Core Update Channel
_settings_general_label_testing=Select an update channel for new Installatron versions. This setting only affects new Installatron versions.
_settings_general_text_mode_edge=Updates are "release candidate" quality with little real-world testing.
_settings_general_text_mode_release=Updates are feature-complete and well tested.
_settings_general_text_mode_stable=Updates are fully mature having received considerable public exposure, testing, and verification.
_settings_general_text_mode_none=Never automatically update the core
_settings_general_label_updateinterval=Update Interval
_settings_general_label_upgradeinterval=Update Interval
_settings_general_text_updateinterval=Control the interval at which Installatron checks for new application versions.
_settings_general_text_upgradeinterval=Control the interval at which Installatron checks for new application versions.
_settings_general_text_updateintervalfreq=A frequent interval is recommended to ensure new security release versions are made available without delay.
_settings_general_text_upgradeintervalfreq=A frequent interval is recommended to ensure new security release versions are made available without delay.
_settings_general_text_updateintervallite=The process used to check for new versions is lightweight and will not consume noticable bandwidth or CPU cycles.
_settings_general_text_upgradeintervallite=The process used to check for new versions is lightweight and will not consume noticable bandwidth or CPU cycles.
_settings_general_label_mysql=MySQL Host
_settings_general_label_mssql=MSSQL Host
_settings_general_label_dbsharing=Database Sharing
_settings_general_text_dbsharing_yes=Yes, databases can be shared
_settings_general_text_dbsharing_no=No, each install must use a new database
_settings_general_label_custominstaller=Customize Installers
_settings_general_text_custominstaller=Use the Installatron Editor Tool to generate customizations, and paste the code here:
_settings_email_disabled=Disable Email
_settings_email_disabledtext=Disable sending of email throughout Installatron
_settings_email_user_fromaddress=From Address
_settings_email_user_sendfrom=send notifications from: this email address
_settings_email_user_note_instertlist=list to be inserted here
_settings_email_template_header=Edit Template:
_settings_email_subject=Email Subject
_settings_email_template=Email Template
_settings_email_admin_reports=Send Installatron Updater reports to the server administrator
_settings_email_admin_toaddress=Admin Report Address
_settings_email_admin_sendto=send admin reports to: this address
_settings_email_install_notify=Notify website owners when applications are installed
_settings_email_install_error_notify=Notify website owners when applications fail to install
_settings_email_user_notify=Notify website owners when new versions of their installed applications become available
_settings_email_update_notify=Notify website owners when their installed applications are updated
_settings_email_upgrade_notify=Notify website owners when their installed applications are updated
_settings_email_update_error_notify=Notify website owners when their installed application fail to update
_settings_email_upgrade_error_notify=Notify website owners when their installed application fail to update
_settings_email_backup_notify=Notify website owners when backups are created of their installed applications
_settings_email_backup_error_notify=Notify website owners when their installed applications fail to backup
_settings_email_clone_notify=Notify website owners when their installed applications are cloned
_settings_email_clone_error_notify=Notify website owners when their installed application fail to clone
_settings_email_restore_notify=Notify website owners when backups of their installed applications are restored
_settings_email_restore_error_notify=Notify website owners when backups of their installed applications fail to restore
_settings_email_uninstall_notify=Notify website owners when their installed applications are uninstalled
_settings_email_uninstall_error_notify=Notify website owners when their installed applications fail to uninstall
_settings_email_admin_header=Administrator Notifications
_settings_email_install_header=New Installation User Notifications
_settings_email_user_header=Update Available User Notifications
_settings_email_update_header=Update User Notifications
_settings_email_upgrade_header=Update User Notifications
_settings_email_backup_header=Backup User Notifications
_theme_defaultbehavior=default Installatron behavior for users
_theme_fullscreen=Full Screen
_theme_insidecontrolpanel=Embedded (inside the control panel theme, where supported)
_theme_csscustomizations=CSS Customizations
_theme_entercssstyles=enter CSS styles
_theme_browserellipsis=Truncate Application Names
_theme_browserellipsistext=truncate application names as required on the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab?
_theme_browserellipsis_yes=Yes, truncate application names as required.
_theme_linkfilemanager=File Manager Link
_theme_linkfilemanager_toggle=Yes, display embedded links to an external file manager.
_theme_linkmysqlmanager=MySQL Manager Link
_theme_linkmysqlmanagertext=typically links to phpMyAdmin.
_theme_linkmysqlmanager_toggle=Yes, display embedded links to a MySQL database manager.
_theme_linkmssqlmanager=MSSQL Manager Link
_theme_linkmssqlmanager_toggle=Yes, display embedded links to a MSSQL database manager.
_locale_contributetotranslations=see the Translator tool for translation progress and to contribute to the locale projects
_locale_localecustomizations=Locale Customizations
_locale_onelocalekey=enter locale customizations, one locale key per line
_locale_generatecustomizations=use the Translator tool to generate customized locale
_locale_usedefaultlocale=Use the user's default locale
_locale_forcelocale=Force Specific Locale
_branding_wheninstallatronis=Note: Re-branding Installatron will remove links to, including support links. This means we can no longer provide direct support to your users. You can enter an optional URL here, to your forum or ticket system, as an alternative destination for the 'Installatron Support' links found on the script information pages.
_branding_webhostname=Web Host Name
_branding_nameofhosting=the name of your web hosting service
_branding_installatronname=Installatron Name
_branding_nameforuserlevel=Installatron's name for all user-level pages
_branding_installatronsubtitle=Installatron Subtitle
_branding_appsinstallers=eg. applications installer
_branding_installatronlogo=Installatron Logo
_branding_imageattopleft=URL to an image for top/left of GUI
_branding_installatronid=Installatron Identifier
_branding_installatronidtext=displayed within the URL when accessing Installatron. Alphanumeric characters only.
_branding_installatronsupport=Installatron Support
_branding_installatronsupport_enable=Display support links when errors occur
_branding_userlevelsupport=URL to user-level support for Installatron
_branding_controlpanelname=Control Panel Name
_branding_nameofcontrolpanel=the name of your control panel
_branding_installatronbuttontext=Text and 48x48 image displayed on the main control panel dashboard for {installatron}.
_branding_buttonurl=text and URL to a 48x48 image
_branding_installatrontabdisplay=Display control panel tab
_branding_installatrontabtext=Text displayed at the top of the control panel layout. Not all control panels and themes support this feature.
_branding_controlpanelwidgettext=Fully integrate web application management with a theme-matching control panel dashboard. Choose between displaying installed applications, featured applications, both, or nothing. Not all control panels and themes support this feature.
_branding_controlpanelwidget_installedapps=Display installed applications in the dashboard
_branding_controlpanelwidget_featuredapps=Display featured applications in the dashboard
_branding_widget_title=Dashboard Title
_branding_widget_titletext=The title of the section added.
_branding_widget_position=Dashboard Position
_branding_widget_positiontext=The position on the section.
_branding_widget_featuredapps=Featured Applications
_branding_widget_featuredappstext=The source of Featured Applications.
_branding_widget_featuredapps_fromanacl=From an group:
_branding_widget_featuredappslimit=Featured Applications Limit
_branding_widget_featuredappslimittext=The maximum number of featured applications displayed.
_branding_installedappbranding=Installed Application Branding
_branding_installedappbrandingtext=Brand installed applications by including a theme-matching "hosted by" link in the footer of each installed application. This feature can be used as a powerful tool to drive traffic to a company website.
_branding_stamp=Branded Link
_branding_stamptext=text for display where appropriate. PHP between <?php tags is valid.
{app} = application name {id} = application id
_branding_stamp_enable=Display in the footer of installed applications where appropriate
_branding_wsodocs=Website Owner Documentation
_branding_wsodocs_enable=Display documentation links within website owner interface
_branding_admindocs=Admin and Reseller Documentation
_branding_admindocs_enable=Display documentation links within admin and reseller interface
_settings_paths_label_http=HTTP driver
_settings_paths_label_archive=Archive driver for
_settings_paths_label_perl=Perl binary path
_settings_paths_label_netpbm=NetPBM binary path
_settings_paths_label_magick=ImageMagick binary path
_settings_dependencies_description=Installatron uses the versions and settings on this page to maximize compatibility between this server and the web applications installed by Installatron. Keep these versions and settings accurate and up to date to limit errors experienced by your users after they install applications using Installatron.
_settings_requirements_description=Each version of each installer can have a set of "requirements", ranging from 'minimum PHP version' to 'safe_mode' on or off. Installatron can automatically remove any installer, or disable any version of an installer, that is incompatible with your server. This stops users from installing a script that they cannot use, or update to a version that will break their webpage. To use requirements-filtering, configure the following server values.
Some server setups also allow the use of vhosts to automatically enable these required settings for individual install. Note that some of these are security-related settings, so you should not use the automatic enabling if they will compromise your security setup.
_settings_requirements_vhoststhis=Automatically set this value as required, per installed application
_settings_requirements_filterthis=Disable applications/versions incompatible with this setting
_settings_requirements_label_phpversion=PHP version
_settings_requirements_label_aspnetversion=ASP.NET version
_settings_requirements_label_safemode=PHP safe_mode
_settings_requirements_option_safemode_enabled=safe_mode is enabled on this server
_settings_requirements_option_safemode_disabled=safe_mode is disabled on this server
_settings_requirements_label_register=PHP register_globals
_settings_requirements_option_register_enabled=register_globals is enabled on this server
_settings_requirements_option_register_disabled=register_globals is disabled on this server
_settings_requirements_label_basedir=PHP open_basedir
_settings_requirements_option_basedir_enabled=open_basedir is enabled on this server
_settings_requirements_option_basedir_disabled=open_basedir is disabled on this server
_settings_requirements_label_mysql=MySQL version
_settings_cache_label_pam=Fast Update URL
_settings_cache_label_caching=Archive Caching
_settings_cache_text_caching_none=No archive caching
_settings_cache_text_caching_asused=Download archives as they are used
_settings_cache_text_caching_pre=Pre-download archives (recommended)
_settings_cache_text_caching_description=Application version packages are downloaded and cached as required by install and update tasks.
_settings_cache_label_max=Maximum cache size
_settings_motd_text_enable_new=Add the _sidebar_motd to the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab
_settings_motd_label_title=MOTD Title
_settings_motd_label_message=MOTD Message
_errors_nonilcache=Cache size cannot be zero. To disable caching, select No Archive Caching above
_errors_cantwrite=Cannot write to the specified directory. Please check the permissions.
_tools_builder_tools_runnow=run Application List Builder now
_tools_builder_description=The Application _sidebar_listbuilder tool generates a list of the applications that are available for installing with Installatron on your server. The resulting files (one output file per active _sidebar_accesscontrol List) can be included into your website to show visitors the applications they can easily install when they use your hosting service.
_tools_builder_text_enable_gen=Enable the generation of application-list files
_tools_builder_text_enable_auto=Automatically refresh Application _sidebar_listbuilder after an Installatron Update
_tools_builder_label_dir=Build Location
_tools_builder_label_limitvers=Only latest versions
_tools_builder_text_limitvers=Limit built lists to the latest version of each application
_tools_builder_text_template=For more on the Application _sidebar_listbuilder visit the Installatron website.
_tools_converter_description=The _sidebar_converter tool will import installed applications currently maintained by other auto-installers.
_tools_converter_descriptionalso=With the search option, _sidebar_converter can also find and import manually-installed applications.
_tools_converter_thisversion=This version of _sidebar_converter will import applications installed by a current version of these auto-installers:
_tools_converter_list_header=_sidebar_installedapps List
_tools_converter_list_columns_installedversion=installed version
_tools_converter_list_columns_convertversion=convert version
_tools_converter_list_columns_installer=Installatron installer?
_tools_converter_list_columns_ininstallatron=already in Installatron?
_tools_converter_legend_ininstallatron=These installed applications already exist in Installatron and cannot be re-imported.
_tools_converter_legend_noinstaller=Installatron does not have an installer for these applications. If imported, Installatron will create a simple "mock" entry for the _tabs_myapplications tab, however Installatron will not be able to update or edit the application.
_tools_converter_legend_noversion=Installatron does not have an installer version that matches the installed version. You can select a version to import as from the dropdown, but please note that an incorrect version could create problems when updating.
_tools_converter_buttons_convert=Convert Installed Applications
_tools_converter_summary_description=The conversion process is complete.
_tools_converter_summary_description_success=applications were successfully converted to Installatron.
_tools_converter_summary_description_fail=applications failed to convert.
_tools_converter_summary_description_warning=Warning: If successfully imported applications are now updated or changed using the original auto-installer, an attempt to also update them in Installatron could damage the website.
_tools_warnings_noinstallsfound=No auto-installer meta files were found on the server.
_groups_allowyouto=Groups enable sets of users and control panel packages to be created. All settings throughout the administrative panel can then be set differently for each group.
_groups_createanewgroup=create a new group
_groups_groupsettings=Group Settings
_groups_grouptitle=Group Title
_groups_groupassignment=Group Assignment
_groups_entertheassignment=Enter the control panel packages and/or individual users/resellers that should be affected by this group, one per line.
_groups_entertheassignmentnote=Note: Control panel packages must be prefixed with a hashtag (#). Individual users/resellers require no prefix.
_accesscontrol_allowyoutolimit=Access Control enables access to applications to be limited.
_accesscontrol_accesscontrollists=Access Control Lists
_accesscontrol_default=the "default" access control list is assigned to all users not included in other lists
_accesscontrol_createaccesscontrollist=create a new access control list
_accesscontrol_aclsettings=Access Control List Settings
_accesscontrol_acltitle=Access Control List Title
_accesscontrol_userassignment=User Assignment
_accesscontrol_selectusers=Select the {panel} packages, or individual users and resellers that are affected by this Access Group.
_accesscontrol_appinstalleractivation=Application Installer Activation
_accesscontrol_selectapplications=Select the applications that users and resellers of this Access Control List will be allowed to install.
Reseller's users will inherit the reseller's limitations.
The list includes all applications enabled on the Catalogs page.
_accesscontrol_allapplications=All available applications
_accesscontrol_noapplications=No applications (Installatron will be hidden)
_accesscontrol_inheritfromacl=Inherit the applications list from this _sidebar_accesscontrol List
_accesscontrol_customlist=Create a custom list of applications
_accesscontrol_addofficial=Automatically add new official (made by Installatron) applications to this list
_accesscontrol_addauthor=Automatically add new author (made by the script authors) applications to this list
_accesscontrol_addthirdparty=Automatically add new third-party applications to this list (high risk)
_errors_aclexists=An _sidebar_accesscontrol List by this name already exists.
base.ini 0000644 00000013706 14720472744 0006201 0 ustar 00 _layout_direction=ltr
_datetime_1day=1 day
_datetime_ndays={n} days
_datetime_ago_0=Biraz önce
_datetime_ago_1=Bir dakika önce
_datetime_ago_2=Dakikalar önce
_datetime_ago_60=1 saat önce
_links_returnto=Geri Dön
_links_embed=Ekran İçine Sığdır
_links_unembed=Tam Ekran
_links_docs=Yeni Pencerede Aç
_tabs_applicationsbrowser=Uygulama gözatıcısı
_tasks_processing=Şu an zaten çalışıyor.
_sidebar_activetasks=Aktif Görevler
_sidebar_livedemo=Canlı Demo
_sidebar_livedemoserver=Canlı Demo Sunucusu
_sidebar_backuplocations=Backup Locations
_sidebar_controlpanel=Kontrol Panel
_sidebar_multiserver=Çoklu Sunucu
_sidebar_pluginsthemes=Eklentiler ve Temalar
_sidebar_installedapps=Kurulmuş Uygulamalar
_sidebar_accesscontrol=Erişim Kontrolu
_sidebar_filesandtables=Dosyalar & Masaları
_sidebar_motd=Günün mesajı
_sidebar_listbuilder=Liste Yapıcısı
_sidebar_whatsnew=Ne var ne yok
_sidebar_overview=Genel bakış
_sidebar_logviewer=Log Viewer
_page_applicationsinstaller=uygulama yükleyicisi
_tools_opentaskmanager=görev yöneticini aç
_tools_resettodefaults=başlangıç ayarlarına dön
_tools_viewall=hepsini görüntüle
_buttons_abort=Iptal etmek
_buttons_saveall=Hepsini Kaydet
_buttons_import=İçeri Aktar
_buttons_restore=İlk Haline alma
_buttons_iaccept=Kabul ettim
_buttons_tryagain=Tekrar Dene
_buttons_continue=Devam etmek
_database_type=Veritabani Tipi
_database_host=Veritabani Host
_database_name=Veritabani Adi
_database_username=Veritabani Kullanici Adi
_database_password=Veritabani Sifresi
_database_prefix=Tablo Öneki
_lists_backuplocation=yedekleme konumu
_lists_labeloptional=etiket (isteğe bağlı)
_lists_estimatedsize=tahmini boyutu
_lists_versioninstalled=mevcut sürüm
_lists_backupcreate=backup alınsın mı?
_lists_updateplugins=güncelleme eklentileri?
_lists_upgradeplugins=güncelleme eklentileri?
_lists_updatethemes=güncelleme temalar?
_lists_upgradethemes=güncelleme temalar?
_search_results=Arama Sonuçları
_search_query=Arama: {query}
_result_changessaved=Değişiklikler başarı ile kayıt edildi
_errors_javascript=Web tarayiciniz javascript desteklemiyor. Lütfen kontrol ediniz.
_errors_reporttoinstallatron=Iletisim {installatron} destek
_errors_oneormoreerrors=Bir ve birkaç hata var !
_errors_unavailable=Otomatik kurucu su anda geçici olarak kullanilamiyor. Daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz.
_errors_tooshort=Girdiginiz deger çok kisa
_errors_notcomplex=Bu değer daha kompleks olmalı.
_errors_alreadyused=Bu değer zaten kullanılıyor.
_errors_alphanumeric=Sadece alfanümerik karakterler kullanılabilir.
_errors_beginletter=Sadece harf ile başlamalıdır
_errors_beginusername=Bu değer kullanıcı adınızı takiben bir altçizgi gerektirmektedir.
_errors_badchars=Girdiginiz bilgiler gecersiz karakterler iceriyor.
_errors_disabled={installaton} aktif degil.
user.browser.ini 0000644 00000020574 14720472744 0007730 0 ustar 00 _browser_scriptbrowser=Uygulama gözatıcısı
_browser_toinstallapp=Bu web uygulamaları herhangi birini veya tümünü her birden fazla yükler de dahil olmak üzere, web sitenize eklenebilir.
web application
-noun 1. Software designed to manage, enhance, or add functionality to a website. Examples include blogs, guestbooks, forums, image galleries, and e-commerce systems.
To install an application; select the software from the list and click its install button.
_browser_technicaldetails=Teknik Bilgiler
_browser_filesanddirectories=yazılım dosyaları ve dizinleri bir koleksiyon olarak hosting hesabı yüklenir.
Gerekli alan miktarı uygulamaya bağlıdır, ancak 60 megabayt yukarı bir kaç kilobayt arasında olabilir.
Birçok uygulama da ek veri depolamak için bir veritabanı gerektirir. MySQL web hosting en sık kullanılan veritabanı sistemi ancak birçok sistem mevcuttur. {installatron} sizin için veritabanı kurulumu ve konfigürasyonu işler.
_browser_whatisinstallatron={installatron} nedir?
_broswer_installatronisan={installatron} (bu aracı) bir oto-yükleyici, veya "web uygulama yükleyicisi" dir. Otomatik montajcılar yüklenmesi, yükseltme ve web uygulamaları genel kullanımını kolaylaştırmak web hosting araçlardır.
{hosting}, {installatron} ve bu projelerin geliştiriciler bu web uygulamaları yararlı bulacağını umuyorum.
_browser_noinstallersavailable=Hiçbir web uygulamaları, bu hesap için kullanılabilir.
_browser_appsfor=Için uygulamalar
_browser_searchresults=Arama Sonuçları
_browser_allapps=Tüm Uygulamalar
_browser_nodatabases=Engelli uygulamalar aşağıda şu anda bir veritabanı gerektirir. Kontrol paneli yazılımını kullanarak bir veritabanı oluşturun.
_browser_nodatabasesapp=Bu uygulama, ancak hiçbiri şu anda mevcut bir {type} veritabanı gerektirir. Kontrol paneli yazılımını kullanarak bir {type} veritabanı oluşturmak lütfen.
_browser_livedemo=Canlı Demo değerlendirme amacıyla {app} gösteri örneklerini sunar. Canlı Demo örnekleri sık sık sıfırlamak ve eklentileri veya temaları olmadan yapılandırılır.
_browser_livedemo_frontendview=Ön uç Görünüm
_browser_livedemo_backendview=Arka uç Görünüm
_browser_showcase={app} tarafından desteklenmektedir Vitrin golleri siteleri uygulama tarafından sağlanan yetenekleri aralığını göstermek için.
_browser_showcase_recommendasite=Bir web sitesi tavsiye
_browser_showcase_moreshowcases=Daha fazla web sitesi vitrinler görüntüle
_browser_whatsnew_betarelease=Bu sürüm beta sürümü. Betalar geliştiriciler ve konforlu raporlama (ve mümkünse, sabitleme) kendi hataları vardır sitesi inşaatçılar için iyi bir test hedefleri ve kim gerekirse sıfırdan kendi test siteleri yeniden inşa etmek için hazırız. Beta sürümleri teknik olmayan kullanıcılar için önerilir, ne de üretim web siteleri için değil.
_browser_whatsnew_nohistory=Bu sürüm için kullanılamaz Sürüm geçmişi.
_browser_whatsnew_moreversions=Daha fazla sürümleri gösterilecek
_browser_whatsnew_readmore=Devamını oku
_browser_displayalphabetically=Alfabetik Ekran
_browser_displaycategorically=Kategorik Ekran
_browser_createinstall=bu uygulamayı kur
_browser_createinstallremote=Sadece tek bir tıklamayla web hosting hesabınıza {app} yükleyin. FTP veya SSH oturum açma kimlik bilgileri gerekli.
_browser_import=içeri aktar
_browser_importinstall=mevcut kurulumu içeri aktar
_browser_importinstallremote=Installatron da {app} mevcut tek bir tıklama yükseltmeleri, yedekleme ve diğer gelişmiş özellikler için Insallatron sistemine yükler alabilirsiniz.
_browser_search=Bir uygulama ara
_browser_learnmore=Daha fazla bilgi edin
_browser_tt_createnewinstall=Bu uygulama yeni bir örneğini oluşturun
_browser_tt_importinstall=Harici yüklü uygulama İthalat
_browser_tt_onlynodatabase=Bir veritabanı gerekmez, sadece ekran uygulamaları
_browser_tt_onlymylanguage=Benim dilde mevcut Sadece ekran uygulamaları
_apps_appdeveloper={app} geliştirici
_apps_currentversion=Mevcut Versiyon
_apps_currentversions=Güncel Sürümler
_apps_lastupdated=Son Güncelleme
_apps_lastupgraded=Son Güncelleme
_apps_installsize=Boyutu yükleyin
_apps_requiresdb=Mysql Veritabanı Gerekiyor
_apps_requiresdbmssql=Mssql Veritabanı Gerekiyor
_apps_website=Web sitesi
_apps_livedemo=Canlı Demo
_apps_faq=Sık Sorulan Sorular
_apps_supportpage=Destek Sayfası
_apps_installersupport={installatron} Destek
_apps_installeraasupport={installatron} Otomatik Yükleyici Desteği
_apps_versionhistory=Aktif Versiyonlar
_apps_screenshots=Ekran Görüntüleri
_apps_opensource=acik kaynak
_apps_morelang={n} fazla
_types_groupware=grup calismasi
_types_guestbook=ziyaretci defteri
_types_securityrelease=Güvenlik serbest
_types_majorversion=ana sürüm
_types_betarelease=beta sürümü
_categories_allapps=Tüm Uygulamalar
_categories_contentmanagementsystems=Icerik Yonetim Sistemleri
_categories_communitysoftware=Topluluk Sistemleri
_categories_ecommerceandbusiness=e-Ticaret ve is
_categories_imagesandfiles=Resimer ve Dosyalar
_categories_surveysandstatistics=Incelemeler ve Anketler
_categorydesc_contentmanagementsystems=İçerik Yönetim Sistemleri (CMS) web siteleri için dinamik içerik yönetmek için tasarlanmış uygulamalardır.
Tüm CMS uygulamaları haber ya da bloglar yönetmek ve tüm web sayfalarının görünümünü / style kontrol edilmesine izin veren bir şablon sistemi eklemek için yeteneği var. Böylece ve, yorumlama,, kullanıcı giriş, anket, istatistik, dosya yöneticisi, Yardım yöneticileri kategorileri: daha gelişmiş uygulamalar da dahil olmak üzere ek özellikler yakın bir sonsuz bir liste içerebilir.
Bloglar (aynı zamanda web günlükleri olarak da bilinir), ile sizin, portallar (standart üç sütunlu sayfa düzeni içine eklenebilir modüler özellikleri) ve çerçeveler (do-it-yourself sistemleri): CMS uygulamaları genellikle aşağıdaki gevşek kategoriye uygun.
_categorydesc_communitysoftware=Toplumsal Yapı Forum sistemleri (ayrıca ilan panoları olarak da bilinir), ziyaretçi defteri ve e-posta listesi uygulamaları içerir.
_categorydesc_ecommerceandbusiness=Web tabanlı iş uygulamaları e-ticaret satış siteleri yönetmek için sistemleri (aynı zamanda alışveriş sepetleri olarak da bilinir), Müşteri İlişkileri Yöneticileri (CRM), müşteri destek sistemleri ve proje yöneticileri yer alıyor.
_categorydesc_imagesandfiles=Fotoğraf ve Dosyalar web sitesi resim, müzik, video ve diğer multimedya yönetiminde yardımcı resim galerileri ve diğer uygulamaları içerir.
_categorydesc_surveysandstatistics=Anketler ve İstatistikler takip ve analiz edilecek web sitesi trafiğini sağlayan farklı istatistik uygulamaları içerir ve yoklama ve anket uygulamaları web sitesi ziyaretçilerinin görüşlerini sorgulamak için kullanılabilir.
_categorydesc_miscellaneous=Iletişim formları, saatler, e-kartlar, URL küçültücü ve diğer yeni uygulamalar.