PK ! Bo= = admin-filters.phpnu [ user_id = absint( $user_id ); $this->user_location = $user_location; } /** * Gets data about events near a particular location. * * Cached events will be immediately returned if the `user_location` property * is set for the current user, and cached events exist for that location. * * Otherwise, this method sends a request to the Events API with location * data. The API will send back a recognized location based on the data, along * with nearby events. * * The browser's request for events is proxied with this method, rather * than having the browser make the request directly to, * because it allows results to be cached server-side and shared with other * users and sites in the network. This makes the process more efficient, * since increasing the number of visits that get cached data means users * don't have to wait as often; if the user's browser made the request * directly, it would also need to make a second request to WP in order to * pass the data for caching. Having WP make the request also introduces * the opportunity to anonymize the IP before sending it to, which * mitigates possible privacy concerns. * * @since 4.8.0 * @since 5.5.2 Response no longer contains formatted date field. They're added * in `wp.communityEvents.populateDynamicEventFields()` now. * * @param string $location_search Optional. City name to help determine the location. * e.g., "Seattle". Default empty string. * @param string $timezone Optional. Timezone to help determine the location. * Default empty string. * @return array|WP_Error A WP_Error on failure; an array with location and events on * success. */ public function get_events( $location_search = '', $timezone = '' ) { $cached_events = $this->get_cached_events(); if ( ! $location_search && $cached_events ) { return $cached_events; } // Include an unmodified $wp_version. require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php'; $api_url = ''; $request_args = $this->get_request_args( $location_search, $timezone ); $request_args['user-agent'] = 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . home_url( '/' ); if ( wp_http_supports( array( 'ssl' ) ) ) { $api_url = set_url_scheme( $api_url, 'https' ); } $response = wp_remote_get( $api_url, $request_args ); $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ); $response_body = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true ); $response_error = null; if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $response_error = $response; } elseif ( 200 !== $response_code ) { $response_error = new WP_Error( 'api-error', /* translators: %d: Numeric HTTP status code, e.g. 400, 403, 500, 504, etc. */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid API response code (%d).' ), $response_code ) ); } elseif ( ! isset( $response_body['location'], $response_body['events'] ) ) { $response_error = new WP_Error( 'api-invalid-response', isset( $response_body['error'] ) ? $response_body['error'] : __( 'Unknown API error.' ) ); } if ( is_wp_error( $response_error ) ) { return $response_error; } else { $expiration = false; if ( isset( $response_body['ttl'] ) ) { $expiration = $response_body['ttl']; unset( $response_body['ttl'] ); } /* * The IP in the response is usually the same as the one that was sent * in the request, but in some cases it is different. In those cases, * it's important to reset it back to the IP from the request. * * For example, if the IP sent in the request is private (e.g.,, * then the API will ignore that and use the corresponding public IP instead, * and the public IP will get returned. If the public IP were saved, though, * then get_cached_events() would always return `false`, because the transient * would be generated based on the public IP when saving the cache, but generated * based on the private IP when retrieving the cache. */ if ( ! empty( $response_body['location']['ip'] ) ) { $response_body['location']['ip'] = $request_args['body']['ip']; } /* * The API doesn't return a description for latitude/longitude requests, * but the description is already saved in the user location, so that * one can be used instead. */ if ( $this->coordinates_match( $request_args['body'], $response_body['location'] ) && empty( $response_body['location']['description'] ) ) { $response_body['location']['description'] = $this->user_location['description']; } /* * Store the raw response, because events will expire before the cache does. * The response will need to be processed every page load. */ $this->cache_events( $response_body, $expiration ); $response_body['events'] = $this->trim_events( $response_body['events'] ); return $response_body; } } /** * Builds an array of args to use in an HTTP request to the Events API. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @param string $search Optional. City search string. Default empty string. * @param string $timezone Optional. Timezone string. Default empty string. * @return array The request args. */ protected function get_request_args( $search = '', $timezone = '' ) { $args = array( 'number' => 5, // Get more than three in case some get trimmed out. 'ip' => self::get_unsafe_client_ip(), ); /* * Include the minimal set of necessary arguments, in order to increase the * chances of a cache-hit on the API side. */ if ( empty( $search ) && isset( $this->user_location['latitude'], $this->user_location['longitude'] ) ) { $args['latitude'] = $this->user_location['latitude']; $args['longitude'] = $this->user_location['longitude']; } else { $args['locale'] = get_user_locale( $this->user_id ); if ( $timezone ) { $args['timezone'] = $timezone; } if ( $search ) { $args['location'] = $search; } } // Wrap the args in an array compatible with the second parameter of `wp_remote_get()`. return array( 'body' => $args, ); } /** * Determines the user's actual IP address and attempts to partially * anonymize an IP address by converting it to a network ID. * * Geolocating the network ID usually returns a similar location as the * actual IP, but provides some privacy for the user. * * $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] cannot be used in all cases, such as when the user * is making their request through a proxy, or when the web server is behind * a proxy. In those cases, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is set to the proxy address rather * than the user's actual address. * * Modified from, MIT license. * Modified from, MIT license. * * SECURITY WARNING: This function is _NOT_ intended to be used in * circumstances where the authenticity of the IP address matters. This does * _NOT_ guarantee that the returned address is valid or accurate, and it can * be easily spoofed. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @return string|false The anonymized address on success; the given address * or false on failure. */ public static function get_unsafe_client_ip() { $client_ip = false; // In order of preference, with the best ones for this purpose first. $address_headers = array( 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED', 'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_FORWARDED', 'REMOTE_ADDR', ); foreach ( $address_headers as $header ) { if ( array_key_exists( $header, $_SERVER ) ) { /* * HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR can contain a chain of comma-separated * addresses. The first one is the original client. It can't be * trusted for authenticity, but we don't need to for this purpose. */ $address_chain = explode( ',', $_SERVER[ $header ] ); $client_ip = trim( $address_chain[0] ); break; } } if ( ! $client_ip ) { return false; } $anon_ip = wp_privacy_anonymize_ip( $client_ip, true ); if ( '' === $anon_ip || '::' === $anon_ip ) { return false; } return $anon_ip; } /** * Test if two pairs of latitude/longitude coordinates match each other. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @param array $a The first pair, with indexes 'latitude' and 'longitude'. * @param array $b The second pair, with indexes 'latitude' and 'longitude'. * @return bool True if they match, false if they don't. */ protected function coordinates_match( $a, $b ) { if ( ! isset( $a['latitude'], $a['longitude'], $b['latitude'], $b['longitude'] ) ) { return false; } return $a['latitude'] === $b['latitude'] && $a['longitude'] === $b['longitude']; } /** * Generates a transient key based on user location. * * This could be reduced to a one-liner in the calling functions, but it's * intentionally a separate function because it's called from multiple * functions, and having it abstracted keeps the logic consistent and DRY, * which is less prone to errors. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @param array $location Should contain 'latitude' and 'longitude' indexes. * @return string|false Transient key on success, false on failure. */ protected function get_events_transient_key( $location ) { $key = false; if ( isset( $location['ip'] ) ) { $key = 'community-events-' . md5( $location['ip'] ); } elseif ( isset( $location['latitude'], $location['longitude'] ) ) { $key = 'community-events-' . md5( $location['latitude'] . $location['longitude'] ); } return $key; } /** * Caches an array of events data from the Events API. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @param array $events Response body from the API request. * @param int|false $expiration Optional. Amount of time to cache the events. Defaults to false. * @return bool true if events were cached; false if not. */ protected function cache_events( $events, $expiration = false ) { $set = false; $transient_key = $this->get_events_transient_key( $events['location'] ); $cache_expiration = $expiration ? absint( $expiration ) : HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 12; if ( $transient_key ) { $set = set_site_transient( $transient_key, $events, $cache_expiration ); } return $set; } /** * Gets cached events. * * @since 4.8.0 * @since 5.5.2 Response no longer contains formatted date field. They're added * in `wp.communityEvents.populateDynamicEventFields()` now. * * @return array|false An array containing `location` and `events` items * on success, false on failure. */ public function get_cached_events() { $transient_key = $this->get_events_transient_key( $this->user_location ); if ( ! $transient_key ) { return false; } $cached_response = get_site_transient( $transient_key ); if ( isset( $cached_response['events'] ) ) { $cached_response['events'] = $this->trim_events( $cached_response['events'] ); } return $cached_response; } /** * Adds formatted date and time items for each event in an API response. * * This has to be called after the data is pulled from the cache, because * the cached events are shared by all users. If it was called before storing * the cache, then all users would see the events in the localized data/time * of the user who triggered the cache refresh, rather than their own. * * @since 4.8.0 * @deprecated 5.6.0 No longer used in core. * * @param array $response_body The response which contains the events. * @return array The response with dates and times formatted. */ protected function format_event_data_time( $response_body ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '5.5.2', 'This is no longer used by core, and only kept for backward compatibility.' ); if ( isset( $response_body['events'] ) ) { foreach ( $response_body['events'] as $key => $event ) { $timestamp = strtotime( $event['date'] ); /* * The `date_format` option is not used because it's important * in this context to keep the day of the week in the formatted date, * so that users can tell at a glance if the event is on a day they * are available, without having to open the link. */ /* translators: Date format for upcoming events on the dashboard. Include the day of the week. See */ $formatted_date = date_i18n( __( 'l, M j, Y' ), $timestamp ); $formatted_time = date_i18n( get_option( 'time_format' ), $timestamp ); if ( isset( $event['end_date'] ) ) { $end_timestamp = strtotime( $event['end_date'] ); $formatted_end_date = date_i18n( __( 'l, M j, Y' ), $end_timestamp ); if ( 'meetup' !== $event['type'] && $formatted_end_date !== $formatted_date ) { /* translators: Upcoming events month format. See */ $start_month = date_i18n( _x( 'F', 'upcoming events month format' ), $timestamp ); $end_month = date_i18n( _x( 'F', 'upcoming events month format' ), $end_timestamp ); if ( $start_month === $end_month ) { $formatted_date = sprintf( /* translators: Date string for upcoming events. 1: Month, 2: Starting day, 3: Ending day, 4: Year. */ __( '%1$s %2$d–%3$d, %4$d' ), $start_month, /* translators: Upcoming events day format. See */ date_i18n( _x( 'j', 'upcoming events day format' ), $timestamp ), date_i18n( _x( 'j', 'upcoming events day format' ), $end_timestamp ), /* translators: Upcoming events year format. See */ date_i18n( _x( 'Y', 'upcoming events year format' ), $timestamp ) ); } else { $formatted_date = sprintf( /* translators: Date string for upcoming events. 1: Starting month, 2: Starting day, 3: Ending month, 4: Ending day, 5: Year. */ __( '%1$s %2$d – %3$s %4$d, %5$d' ), $start_month, date_i18n( _x( 'j', 'upcoming events day format' ), $timestamp ), $end_month, date_i18n( _x( 'j', 'upcoming events day format' ), $end_timestamp ), date_i18n( _x( 'Y', 'upcoming events year format' ), $timestamp ) ); } $formatted_date = wp_maybe_decline_date( $formatted_date, 'F j, Y' ); } } $response_body['events'][ $key ]['formatted_date'] = $formatted_date; $response_body['events'][ $key ]['formatted_time'] = $formatted_time; } } return $response_body; } /** * Prepares the event list for presentation. * * Discards expired events, and makes WordCamps "sticky." Attendees need more * advanced notice about WordCamps than they do for meetups, so camps should * appear in the list sooner. If a WordCamp is coming up, the API will "stick" * it in the response, even if it wouldn't otherwise appear. When that happens, * the event will be at the end of the list, and will need to be moved into a * higher position, so that it doesn't get trimmed off. * * @since 4.8.0 * @since 4.9.7 Stick a WordCamp to the final list. * @since 5.5.2 Accepts and returns only the events, rather than an entire HTTP response. * @since 6.0.0 Decode HTML entities from the event title. * * @param array $events The events that will be prepared. * @return array The response body with events trimmed. */ protected function trim_events( array $events ) { $future_events = array(); foreach ( $events as $event ) { /* * The API's `date` and `end_date` fields are in the _event's_ local timezone, but UTC is needed so * it can be converted to the _user's_ local time. */ $end_time = (int) $event['end_unix_timestamp']; if ( time() < $end_time ) { // Decode HTML entities from the event title. $event['title'] = html_entity_decode( $event['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ); array_push( $future_events, $event ); } } $future_wordcamps = array_filter( $future_events, static function ( $wordcamp ) { return 'wordcamp' === $wordcamp['type']; } ); $future_wordcamps = array_values( $future_wordcamps ); // Remove gaps in indices. $trimmed_events = array_slice( $future_events, 0, 3 ); $trimmed_event_types = wp_list_pluck( $trimmed_events, 'type' ); // Make sure the soonest upcoming WordCamp is pinned in the list. if ( $future_wordcamps && ! in_array( 'wordcamp', $trimmed_event_types, true ) ) { array_pop( $trimmed_events ); array_push( $trimmed_events, $future_wordcamps[0] ); } return $trimmed_events; } /** * Logs responses to Events API requests. * * @since 4.8.0 * @deprecated 4.9.0 Use a plugin instead. See #41217 for an example. * * @param string $message A description of what occurred. * @param array $details Details that provide more context for the * log entry. */ protected function maybe_log_events_response( $message, $details ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.9.0' ); if ( ! WP_DEBUG_LOG ) { return; } error_log( sprintf( '%s: %s. Details: %s', __METHOD__, trim( $message, '.' ), wp_json_encode( $details ) ) ); } } PK ! f¸1 1 class-theme-installer-skin.phpnu [ 'web', 'url' => '', 'theme' => '', 'nonce' => '', 'title' => '', 'overwrite' => '', ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->type = $args['type']; $this->url = $args['url']; $this->api = isset( $args['api'] ) ? $args['api'] : array(); $this->overwrite = $args['overwrite']; parent::__construct( $args ); } /** * Performs an action before installing a theme. * * @since 2.8.0 */ public function before() { if ( ! empty( $this->api ) ) { $this->upgrader->strings['process_success'] = sprintf( $this->upgrader->strings['process_success_specific'], $this->api->name, $this->api->version ); } } /** * Hides the `process_failed` error when updating a theme by uploading a zip file. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param WP_Error $wp_error WP_Error object. * @return bool True if the error should be hidden, false otherwise. */ public function hide_process_failed( $wp_error ) { if ( 'upload' === $this->type && '' === $this->overwrite && $wp_error->get_error_code() === 'folder_exists' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Performs an action following a single theme install. * * @since 2.8.0 */ public function after() { if ( $this->do_overwrite() ) { return; } if ( empty( $this->upgrader->result['destination_name'] ) ) { return; } $theme_info = $this->upgrader->theme_info(); if ( empty( $theme_info ) ) { return; } $name = $theme_info->display( 'Name' ); $stylesheet = $this->upgrader->result['destination_name']; $template = $theme_info->get_template(); $activate_link = add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'activate', 'template' => urlencode( $template ), 'stylesheet' => urlencode( $stylesheet ), ), admin_url( 'themes.php' ) ); $activate_link = wp_nonce_url( $activate_link, 'switch-theme_' . $stylesheet ); $install_actions = array(); if ( current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) && current_user_can( 'customize' ) && ! $theme_info->is_block_theme() ) { $customize_url = add_query_arg( array( 'theme' => urlencode( $stylesheet ), 'return' => urlencode( admin_url( 'web' === $this->type ? 'theme-install.php' : 'themes.php' ) ), ), admin_url( 'customize.php' ) ); $install_actions['preview'] = sprintf( '' . '%s', esc_url( $activate_link ), _x( 'Activate', 'theme' ), /* translators: Hidden accessibility text. %s: Theme name. */ sprintf( _x( 'Activate “%s”', 'theme' ), $name ) ); if ( is_network_admin() && current_user_can( 'manage_network_themes' ) ) { $install_actions['network_enable'] = sprintf( '%s', esc_url( wp_nonce_url( 'themes.php?action=enable&theme=' . urlencode( $stylesheet ), 'enable-theme_' . $stylesheet ) ), __( 'Network Enable' ) ); } if ( 'web' === $this->type ) { $install_actions['themes_page'] = sprintf( '%s', self_admin_url( 'theme-install.php' ), __( 'Go to Theme Installer' ) ); } elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) || current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { $install_actions['themes_page'] = sprintf( '%s', self_admin_url( 'themes.php' ), __( 'Go to Themes page' ) ); } if ( ! $this->result || is_wp_error( $this->result ) || is_network_admin() || ! current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { unset( $install_actions['activate'], $install_actions['preview'] ); } elseif ( get_option( 'template' ) === $stylesheet ) { unset( $install_actions['activate'] ); } /** * Filters the list of action links available following a single theme installation. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string[] $install_actions Array of theme action links. * @param object $api Object containing API theme data. * @param string $stylesheet Theme directory name. * @param WP_Theme $theme_info Theme object. */ $install_actions = apply_filters( 'install_theme_complete_actions', $install_actions, $this->api, $stylesheet, $theme_info ); if ( ! empty( $install_actions ) ) { $this->feedback( implode( ' | ', (array) $install_actions ) ); } } /** * Checks if the theme can be overwritten and outputs the HTML for overwriting a theme on upload. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @return bool Whether the theme can be overwritten and HTML was outputted. */ private function do_overwrite() { if ( 'upload' !== $this->type || ! is_wp_error( $this->result ) || 'folder_exists' !== $this->result->get_error_code() ) { return false; } $folder = $this->result->get_error_data( 'folder_exists' ); $folder = rtrim( $folder, '/' ); $current_theme_data = false; $all_themes = wp_get_themes( array( 'errors' => null ) ); foreach ( $all_themes as $theme ) { $stylesheet_dir = wp_normalize_path( $theme->get_stylesheet_directory() ); if ( rtrim( $stylesheet_dir, '/' ) !== $folder ) { continue; } $current_theme_data = $theme; } $new_theme_data = $this->upgrader->new_theme_data; if ( ! $current_theme_data || ! $new_theme_data ) { return false; } echo '
', esc_url( $customize_url ), __( 'Live Preview' ), /* translators: Hidden accessibility text. %s: Theme name. */ sprintf( __( 'Live Preview “%s”' ), $name ) ); } $install_actions['activate'] = sprintf( '' . esc_html_x( 'Active', 'theme' ) . ' | ' . esc_html_x( 'Uploaded', 'theme' ) . ' | ||
' . $label . ' | ' . wp_strip_all_tags( $old_value ) . ' | '; $table .= ( $diff_field || $diff_version || $invalid_parent ) ? '' : ' | '; $table .= wp_strip_all_tags( $new_value ) . ' |
' . esc_html__( 'The theme cannot be updated due to the following:' ) . '
'; $blocked_message .= '' . $warning . '
'; $overwrite = $this->is_downgrading ? 'downgrade-theme' : 'update-theme'; $install_actions['overwrite_theme'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( 'overwrite', $overwrite, $this->url ), 'theme-upload' ), _x( 'Replace active with uploaded', 'theme' ) ); } else { echo $blocked_message; } $cancel_url = add_query_arg( 'action', 'upload-theme-cancel-overwrite', $this->url ); $install_actions['themes_page'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $cancel_url, 'theme-upload-cancel-overwrite' ), __( 'Cancel and go back' ) ); /** * Filters the list of action links available following a single theme installation failure * when overwriting is allowed. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param string[] $install_actions Array of theme action links. * @param object $api Object containing API theme data. * @param array $new_theme_data Array with uploaded theme data. */ $install_actions = apply_filters( 'install_theme_overwrite_actions', $install_actions, $this->api, $new_theme_data ); if ( ! empty( $install_actions ) ) { printf( ' ', __( 'The uploaded file has expired. Please go back and upload it again.' ) ); echo '' . implode( ' ', (array) $install_actions ) . '
'; } return true; } } PK ! ͯ \ \ class-pclzip.phpnu [ zipname = $p_zipname; $this->zip_fd = 0; $this->magic_quotes_status = -1; // ----- Return return; } public function PclZip($p_zipname) { self::__construct($p_zipname); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : // create($p_filelist, $p_add_dir="", $p_remove_dir="") // create($p_filelist, $p_option, $p_option_value, ...) // Description : // This method supports two different synopsis. The first one is historical. // This method creates a Zip Archive. The Zip file is created in the // filesystem. The files and directories indicated in $p_filelist // are added in the archive. See the parameters description for the // supported format of $p_filelist. // When a directory is in the list, the directory and its content is added // in the archive. // In this synopsis, the function takes an optional variable list of // options. See below the supported options. // Parameters : // $p_filelist : An array containing file or directory names, or // a string containing one filename or one directory name, or // a string containing a list of filenames and/or directory // names separated by spaces. // $p_add_dir : A path to add before the real path of the archived file, // in order to have it memorized in the archive. // $p_remove_dir : A path to remove from the real path of the file to archive, // in order to have a shorter path memorized in the archive. // When $p_add_dir and $p_remove_dir are set, $p_remove_dir // is removed first, before $p_add_dir is added. // Options : // PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT : // PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD : // PCLZIP_CB_POST_ADD : // Return Values : // 0 on failure, // The list of the added files, with a status of the add action. // (see PclZip::listContent() for list entry format) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function create($p_filelist) { $v_result=1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Set default values $v_options = array(); $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_NO_COMPRESSION] = FALSE; // ----- Look for variable options arguments $v_size = func_num_args(); // ----- Look for arguments if ($v_size > 1) { // ----- Get the arguments $v_arg_list = func_get_args(); // ----- Remove from the options list the first argument array_shift($v_arg_list); $v_size--; // ----- Look for first arg if ((is_integer($v_arg_list[0])) && ($v_arg_list[0] > 77000)) { // ----- Parse the options $v_result = $this->privParseOptions($v_arg_list, $v_size, $v_options, array (PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_POST_ADD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_NO_COMPRESSION => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_ON => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF => 'optional' //, PCLZIP_OPT_CRYPT => 'optional' )); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } } // ----- Look for 2 args // Here we need to support the first historic synopsis of the // method. else { // ----- Get the first argument $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH] = $v_arg_list[0]; // ----- Look for the optional second argument if ($v_size == 2) { $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH] = $v_arg_list[1]; } else if ($v_size > 2) { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid number / type of arguments"); return 0; } } } // ----- Look for default option values $this->privOptionDefaultThreshold($v_options); // ----- Init $v_string_list = array(); $v_att_list = array(); $v_filedescr_list = array(); $p_result_list = array(); // ----- Look if the $p_filelist is really an array if (is_array($p_filelist)) { // ----- Look if the first element is also an array // This will mean that this is a file description entry if (isset($p_filelist[0]) && is_array($p_filelist[0])) { $v_att_list = $p_filelist; } // ----- The list is a list of string names else { $v_string_list = $p_filelist; } } // ----- Look if the $p_filelist is a string else if (is_string($p_filelist)) { // ----- Create a list from the string $v_string_list = explode(PCLZIP_SEPARATOR, $p_filelist); } // ----- Invalid variable type for $p_filelist else { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid variable type p_filelist"); return 0; } // ----- Reformat the string list if (sizeof($v_string_list) != 0) { foreach ($v_string_list as $v_string) { if ($v_string != '') { $v_att_list[][PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NAME] = $v_string; } else { } } } // ----- For each file in the list check the attributes $v_supported_attributes = array ( PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NAME => 'mandatory' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NEW_SHORT_NAME => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NEW_FULL_NAME => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_MTIME => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_CONTENT => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_COMMENT => 'optional' ); foreach ($v_att_list as $v_entry) { $v_result = $this->privFileDescrParseAtt($v_entry, $v_filedescr_list[], $v_options, $v_supported_attributes); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } } // ----- Expand the filelist (expand directories) $v_result = $this->privFileDescrExpand($v_filedescr_list, $v_options); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } // ----- Call the create fct $v_result = $this->privCreate($v_filedescr_list, $p_result_list, $v_options); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } // ----- Return return $p_result_list; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : // add($p_filelist, $p_add_dir="", $p_remove_dir="") // add($p_filelist, $p_option, $p_option_value, ...) // Description : // This method supports two synopsis. The first one is historical. // This methods add the list of files in an existing archive. // If a file with the same name already exists, it is added at the end of the // archive, the first one is still present. // If the archive does not exist, it is created. // Parameters : // $p_filelist : An array containing file or directory names, or // a string containing one filename or one directory name, or // a string containing a list of filenames and/or directory // names separated by spaces. // $p_add_dir : A path to add before the real path of the archived file, // in order to have it memorized in the archive. // $p_remove_dir : A path to remove from the real path of the file to archive, // in order to have a shorter path memorized in the archive. // When $p_add_dir and $p_remove_dir are set, $p_remove_dir // is removed first, before $p_add_dir is added. // Options : // PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT : // PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_COMMENT : // PCLZIP_OPT_PREPEND_COMMENT : // PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD : // PCLZIP_CB_POST_ADD : // Return Values : // 0 on failure, // The list of the added files, with a status of the add action. // (see PclZip::listContent() for list entry format) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add($p_filelist) { $v_result=1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Set default values $v_options = array(); $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_NO_COMPRESSION] = FALSE; // ----- Look for variable options arguments $v_size = func_num_args(); // ----- Look for arguments if ($v_size > 1) { // ----- Get the arguments $v_arg_list = func_get_args(); // ----- Remove form the options list the first argument array_shift($v_arg_list); $v_size--; // ----- Look for first arg if ((is_integer($v_arg_list[0])) && ($v_arg_list[0] > 77000)) { // ----- Parse the options $v_result = $this->privParseOptions($v_arg_list, $v_size, $v_options, array (PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_POST_ADD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_NO_COMPRESSION => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_COMMENT => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_PREPEND_COMMENT => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_ON => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF => 'optional' //, PCLZIP_OPT_CRYPT => 'optional' )); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } } // ----- Look for 2 args // Here we need to support the first historic synopsis of the // method. else { // ----- Get the first argument $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH] = $v_add_path = $v_arg_list[0]; // ----- Look for the optional second argument if ($v_size == 2) { $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH] = $v_arg_list[1]; } else if ($v_size > 2) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid number / type of arguments"); // ----- Return return 0; } } } // ----- Look for default option values $this->privOptionDefaultThreshold($v_options); // ----- Init $v_string_list = array(); $v_att_list = array(); $v_filedescr_list = array(); $p_result_list = array(); // ----- Look if the $p_filelist is really an array if (is_array($p_filelist)) { // ----- Look if the first element is also an array // This will mean that this is a file description entry if (isset($p_filelist[0]) && is_array($p_filelist[0])) { $v_att_list = $p_filelist; } // ----- The list is a list of string names else { $v_string_list = $p_filelist; } } // ----- Look if the $p_filelist is a string else if (is_string($p_filelist)) { // ----- Create a list from the string $v_string_list = explode(PCLZIP_SEPARATOR, $p_filelist); } // ----- Invalid variable type for $p_filelist else { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid variable type '".gettype($p_filelist)."' for p_filelist"); return 0; } // ----- Reformat the string list if (sizeof($v_string_list) != 0) { foreach ($v_string_list as $v_string) { $v_att_list[][PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NAME] = $v_string; } } // ----- For each file in the list check the attributes $v_supported_attributes = array ( PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NAME => 'mandatory' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NEW_SHORT_NAME => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NEW_FULL_NAME => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_MTIME => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_CONTENT => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_COMMENT => 'optional' ); foreach ($v_att_list as $v_entry) { $v_result = $this->privFileDescrParseAtt($v_entry, $v_filedescr_list[], $v_options, $v_supported_attributes); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } } // ----- Expand the filelist (expand directories) $v_result = $this->privFileDescrExpand($v_filedescr_list, $v_options); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } // ----- Call the create fct $v_result = $this->privAdd($v_filedescr_list, $p_result_list, $v_options); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } // ----- Return return $p_result_list; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : listContent() // Description : // This public method, gives the list of the files and directories, with their // properties. // The properties of each entries in the list are (used also in other functions) : // filename : Name of the file. For a create or add action it is the filename // given by the user. For an extract function it is the filename // of the extracted file. // stored_filename : Name of the file / directory stored in the archive. // size : Size of the stored file. // compressed_size : Size of the file's data compressed in the archive // (without the headers overhead) // mtime : Last known modification date of the file (UNIX timestamp) // comment : Comment associated with the file // folder : true | false // index : index of the file in the archive // status : status of the action (depending of the action) : // Values are : // ok : OK ! // filtered : the file / dir is not extracted (filtered by user) // already_a_directory : the file can not be extracted because a // directory with the same name already exists // write_protected : the file can not be extracted because a file // with the same name already exists and is // write protected // newer_exist : the file was not extracted because a newer file exists // path_creation_fail : the file is not extracted because the folder // does not exist and can not be created // write_error : the file was not extracted because there was an // error while writing the file // read_error : the file was not extracted because there was an error // while reading the file // invalid_header : the file was not extracted because of an archive // format error (bad file header) // Note that each time a method can continue operating when there // is an action error on a file, the error is only logged in the file status. // Return Values : // 0 on an unrecoverable failure, // The list of the files in the archive. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function listContent() { $v_result=1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Check archive if (!$this->privCheckFormat()) { return(0); } // ----- Call the extracting fct $p_list = array(); if (($v_result = $this->privList($p_list)) != 1) { unset($p_list); return(0); } // ----- Return return $p_list; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : // extract($p_path="./", $p_remove_path="") // extract([$p_option, $p_option_value, ...]) // Description : // This method supports two synopsis. The first one is historical. // This method extract all the files / directories from the archive to the // folder indicated in $p_path. // If you want to ignore the 'root' part of path of the memorized files // you can indicate this in the optional $p_remove_path parameter. // By default, if a newer file with the same name already exists, the // file is not extracted. // // If both PCLZIP_OPT_PATH and PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH options // are used, the path indicated in PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH is append // at the end of the path value of PCLZIP_OPT_PATH. // Parameters : // $p_path : Path where the files and directories are to be extracted // $p_remove_path : First part ('root' part) of the memorized path // (if any similar) to remove while extracting. // Options : // PCLZIP_OPT_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH : // PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT : // PCLZIP_CB_POST_EXTRACT : // Return Values : // 0 or a negative value on failure, // The list of the extracted files, with a status of the action. // (see PclZip::listContent() for list entry format) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function extract() { $v_result=1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Check archive if (!$this->privCheckFormat()) { return(0); } // ----- Set default values $v_options = array(); // $v_path = "./"; $v_path = ''; $v_remove_path = ""; $v_remove_all_path = false; // ----- Look for variable options arguments $v_size = func_num_args(); // ----- Default values for option $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING] = FALSE; // ----- Look for arguments if ($v_size > 0) { // ----- Get the arguments $v_arg_list = func_get_args(); // ----- Look for first arg if ((is_integer($v_arg_list[0])) && ($v_arg_list[0] > 77000)) { // ----- Parse the options $v_result = $this->privParseOptions($v_arg_list, $v_size, $v_options, array (PCLZIP_OPT_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_POST_EXTRACT => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_IN_OUTPUT => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_OPT_STOP_ON_ERROR => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_DIR_RESTRICTION => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_ON => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF => 'optional' )); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } // ----- Set the arguments if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_PATH])) { $v_path = $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_PATH]; } if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH])) { $v_remove_path = $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH]; } if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH])) { $v_remove_all_path = $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH]; } if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH])) { // ----- Check for '/' in last path char if ((strlen($v_path) > 0) && (substr($v_path, -1) != '/')) { $v_path .= '/'; } $v_path .= $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH]; } } // ----- Look for 2 args // Here we need to support the first historic synopsis of the // method. else { // ----- Get the first argument $v_path = $v_arg_list[0]; // ----- Look for the optional second argument if ($v_size == 2) { $v_remove_path = $v_arg_list[1]; } else if ($v_size > 2) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid number / type of arguments"); // ----- Return return 0; } } } // ----- Look for default option values $this->privOptionDefaultThreshold($v_options); // ----- Trace // ----- Call the extracting fct $p_list = array(); $v_result = $this->privExtractByRule($p_list, $v_path, $v_remove_path, $v_remove_all_path, $v_options); if ($v_result < 1) { unset($p_list); return(0); } // ----- Return return $p_list; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : // extractByIndex($p_index, $p_path="./", $p_remove_path="") // extractByIndex($p_index, [$p_option, $p_option_value, ...]) // Description : // This method supports two synopsis. The first one is historical. // This method is doing a partial extract of the archive. // The extracted files or folders are identified by their index in the // archive (from 0 to n). // Note that if the index identify a folder, only the folder entry is // extracted, not all the files included in the archive. // Parameters : // $p_index : A single index (integer) or a string of indexes of files to // extract. The form of the string is "0,4-6,8-12" with only numbers // and '-' for range or ',' to separate ranges. No spaces or ';' // are allowed. // $p_path : Path where the files and directories are to be extracted // $p_remove_path : First part ('root' part) of the memorized path // (if any similar) to remove while extracting. // Options : // PCLZIP_OPT_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH : // PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING : The files are extracted as strings and // not as files. // The resulting content is in a new field 'content' in the file // structure. // This option must be used alone (any other options are ignored). // PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT : // PCLZIP_CB_POST_EXTRACT : // Return Values : // 0 on failure, // The list of the extracted files, with a status of the action. // (see PclZip::listContent() for list entry format) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //function extractByIndex($p_index, options...) function extractByIndex($p_index) { $v_result=1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Check archive if (!$this->privCheckFormat()) { return(0); } // ----- Set default values $v_options = array(); // $v_path = "./"; $v_path = ''; $v_remove_path = ""; $v_remove_all_path = false; // ----- Look for variable options arguments $v_size = func_num_args(); // ----- Default values for option $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING] = FALSE; // ----- Look for arguments if ($v_size > 1) { // ----- Get the arguments $v_arg_list = func_get_args(); // ----- Remove form the options list the first argument array_shift($v_arg_list); $v_size--; // ----- Look for first arg if ((is_integer($v_arg_list[0])) && ($v_arg_list[0] > 77000)) { // ----- Parse the options $v_result = $this->privParseOptions($v_arg_list, $v_size, $v_options, array (PCLZIP_OPT_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT => 'optional', PCLZIP_CB_POST_EXTRACT => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_OPT_STOP_ON_ERROR => 'optional' ,PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_DIR_RESTRICTION => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_ON => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF => 'optional' )); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } // ----- Set the arguments if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_PATH])) { $v_path = $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_PATH]; } if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH])) { $v_remove_path = $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH]; } if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH])) { $v_remove_all_path = $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH]; } if (isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH])) { // ----- Check for '/' in last path char if ((strlen($v_path) > 0) && (substr($v_path, -1) != '/')) { $v_path .= '/'; } $v_path .= $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH]; } if (!isset($v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING])) { $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING] = FALSE; } else { } } // ----- Look for 2 args // Here we need to support the first historic synopsis of the // method. else { // ----- Get the first argument $v_path = $v_arg_list[0]; // ----- Look for the optional second argument if ($v_size == 2) { $v_remove_path = $v_arg_list[1]; } else if ($v_size > 2) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid number / type of arguments"); // ----- Return return 0; } } } // ----- Trace // ----- Trick // Here I want to reuse extractByRule(), so I need to parse the $p_index // with privParseOptions() $v_arg_trick = array (PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX, $p_index); $v_options_trick = array(); $v_result = $this->privParseOptions($v_arg_trick, sizeof($v_arg_trick), $v_options_trick, array (PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX => 'optional' )); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } $v_options[PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX] = $v_options_trick[PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX]; // ----- Look for default option values $this->privOptionDefaultThreshold($v_options); // ----- Call the extracting fct if (($v_result = $this->privExtractByRule($p_list, $v_path, $v_remove_path, $v_remove_all_path, $v_options)) < 1) { return(0); } // ----- Return return $p_list; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : // delete([$p_option, $p_option_value, ...]) // Description : // This method removes files from the archive. // If no parameters are given, then all the archive is emptied. // Parameters : // None or optional arguments. // Options : // PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX : // PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME : // PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG : // PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG : // Return Values : // 0 on failure, // The list of the files which are still present in the archive. // (see PclZip::listContent() for list entry format) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function delete() { $v_result=1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Check archive if (!$this->privCheckFormat()) { return(0); } // ----- Set default values $v_options = array(); // ----- Look for variable options arguments $v_size = func_num_args(); // ----- Look for arguments if ($v_size > 0) { // ----- Get the arguments $v_arg_list = func_get_args(); // ----- Parse the options $v_result = $this->privParseOptions($v_arg_list, $v_size, $v_options, array (PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG => 'optional', PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX => 'optional' )); if ($v_result != 1) { return 0; } } // ----- Magic quotes trick $this->privDisableMagicQuotes(); // ----- Call the delete fct $v_list = array(); if (($v_result = $this->privDeleteByRule($v_list, $v_options)) != 1) { $this->privSwapBackMagicQuotes(); unset($v_list); return(0); } // ----- Magic quotes trick $this->privSwapBackMagicQuotes(); // ----- Return return $v_list; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : deleteByIndex() // Description : // ***** Deprecated ***** // delete(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX, $p_index) should be preferred. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function deleteByIndex($p_index) { $p_list = $this->delete(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX, $p_index); // ----- Return return $p_list; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : properties() // Description : // This method gives the properties of the archive. // The properties are : // nb : Number of files in the archive // comment : Comment associated with the archive file // status : not_exist, ok // Parameters : // None // Return Values : // 0 on failure, // An array with the archive properties. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function properties() { // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Magic quotes trick $this->privDisableMagicQuotes(); // ----- Check archive if (!$this->privCheckFormat()) { $this->privSwapBackMagicQuotes(); return(0); } // ----- Default properties $v_prop = array(); $v_prop['comment'] = ''; $v_prop['nb'] = 0; $v_prop['status'] = 'not_exist'; // ----- Look if file exists if (@is_file($this->zipname)) { // ----- Open the zip file if (($this->zip_fd = @fopen($this->zipname, 'rb')) == 0) { $this->privSwapBackMagicQuotes(); // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL, 'Unable to open archive \''.$this->zipname.'\' in binary read mode'); // ----- Return return 0; } // ----- Read the central directory information $v_central_dir = array(); if (($v_result = $this->privReadEndCentralDir($v_central_dir)) != 1) { $this->privSwapBackMagicQuotes(); return 0; } // ----- Close the zip file $this->privCloseFd(); // ----- Set the user attributes $v_prop['comment'] = $v_central_dir['comment']; $v_prop['nb'] = $v_central_dir['entries']; $v_prop['status'] = 'ok'; } // ----- Magic quotes trick $this->privSwapBackMagicQuotes(); // ----- Return return $v_prop; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : duplicate() // Description : // This method creates an archive by copying the content of an other one. If // the archive already exist, it is replaced by the new one without any warning. // Parameters : // $p_archive : The filename of a valid archive, or // a valid PclZip object. // Return Values : // 1 on success. // 0 or a negative value on error (error code). // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function duplicate($p_archive) { $v_result = 1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Look if the $p_archive is an instantiated PclZip object if ($p_archive instanceof pclzip) { // ----- Duplicate the archive $v_result = $this->privDuplicate($p_archive->zipname); } // ----- Look if the $p_archive is a string (so a filename) else if (is_string($p_archive)) { // ----- Check that $p_archive is a valid zip file // TBC : Should also check the archive format if (!is_file($p_archive)) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE, "No file with filename '".$p_archive."'"); $v_result = PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE; } else { // ----- Duplicate the archive $v_result = $this->privDuplicate($p_archive); } } // ----- Invalid variable else { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid variable type p_archive_to_add"); $v_result = PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // ----- Return return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : merge() // Description : // This method merge the $p_archive_to_add archive at the end of the current // one ($this). // If the archive ($this) does not exist, the merge becomes a duplicate. // If the $p_archive_to_add archive does not exist, the merge is a success. // Parameters : // $p_archive_to_add : It can be directly the filename of a valid zip archive, // or a PclZip object archive. // Return Values : // 1 on success, // 0 or negative values on error (see below). // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function merge($p_archive_to_add) { $v_result = 1; // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Check archive if (!$this->privCheckFormat()) { return(0); } // ----- Look if the $p_archive_to_add is an instantiated PclZip object if ($p_archive_to_add instanceof pclzip) { // ----- Merge the archive $v_result = $this->privMerge($p_archive_to_add); } // ----- Look if the $p_archive_to_add is a string (so a filename) else if (is_string($p_archive_to_add)) { // ----- Create a temporary archive $v_object_archive = new PclZip($p_archive_to_add); // ----- Merge the archive $v_result = $this->privMerge($v_object_archive); } // ----- Invalid variable else { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid variable type p_archive_to_add"); $v_result = PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // ----- Return return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : errorCode() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function errorCode() { if (PCLZIP_ERROR_EXTERNAL == 1) { return(PclErrorCode()); } else { return($this->error_code); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : errorName() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function errorName($p_with_code=false) { $v_name = array ( PCLZIP_ERR_NO_ERROR => 'PCLZIP_ERR_NO_ERROR', PCLZIP_ERR_WRITE_OPEN_FAIL => 'PCLZIP_ERR_WRITE_OPEN_FAIL', PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL => 'PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL', PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER => 'PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER', PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE => 'PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE', PCLZIP_ERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG => 'PCLZIP_ERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG', PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_ZIP => 'PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_ZIP', PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_EXTRACTED_FILE => 'PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_EXTRACTED_FILE', PCLZIP_ERR_DIR_CREATE_FAIL => 'PCLZIP_ERR_DIR_CREATE_FAIL', PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_EXTENSION => 'PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_EXTENSION', PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT => 'PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT', PCLZIP_ERR_DELETE_FILE_FAIL => 'PCLZIP_ERR_DELETE_FILE_FAIL', PCLZIP_ERR_RENAME_FILE_FAIL => 'PCLZIP_ERR_RENAME_FILE_FAIL', PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_CHECKSUM => 'PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_CHECKSUM', PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_ARCHIVE_ZIP => 'PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_ARCHIVE_ZIP', PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE => 'PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE', PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE => 'PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE', PCLZIP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION => 'PCLZIP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION', PCLZIP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION => 'PCLZIP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION' ,PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE => 'PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE' ,PCLZIP_ERR_DIRECTORY_RESTRICTION => 'PCLZIP_ERR_DIRECTORY_RESTRICTION' ); if (isset($v_name[$this->error_code])) { $v_value = $v_name[$this->error_code]; } else { $v_value = 'NoName'; } if ($p_with_code) { return($v_value.' ('.$this->error_code.')'); } else { return($v_value); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : errorInfo() // Description : // Parameters : // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function errorInfo($p_full=false) { if (PCLZIP_ERROR_EXTERNAL == 1) { return(PclErrorString()); } else { if ($p_full) { return($this->errorName(true)." : ".$this->error_string); } else { return($this->error_string." [code ".$this->error_code."]"); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** UNDER THIS LINE ARE DEFINED PRIVATE INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ***** // ***** ***** // ***** THESES FUNCTIONS MUST NOT BE USED DIRECTLY ***** // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : privCheckFormat() // Description : // This method check that the archive exists and is a valid zip archive. // Several level of check exists. (future) // Parameters : // $p_level : Level of check. Default 0. // 0 : Check the first bytes (magic codes) (default value)) // 1 : 0 + Check the central directory (future) // 2 : 1 + Check each file header (future) // Return Values : // true on success, // false on error, the error code is set. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function privCheckFormat($p_level=0) { $v_result = true; // ----- Reset the file system cache clearstatcache(); // ----- Reset the error handler $this->privErrorReset(); // ----- Look if the file exits if (!is_file($this->zipname)) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE, "Missing archive file '".$this->zipname."'"); return(false); } // ----- Check that the file is readable if (!is_readable($this->zipname)) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL, "Unable to read archive '".$this->zipname."'"); return(false); } // ----- Check the magic code // TBC // ----- Check the central header // TBC // ----- Check each file header // TBC // ----- Return return $v_result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : privParseOptions() // Description : // This internal methods reads the variable list of arguments ($p_options_list, // $p_size) and generate an array with the options and values ($v_result_list). // $v_requested_options contains the options that can be present and those that // must be present. // $v_requested_options is an array, with the option value as key, and 'optional', // or 'mandatory' as value. // Parameters : // See above. // Return Values : // 1 on success. // 0 on failure. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function privParseOptions(&$p_options_list, $p_size, &$v_result_list, $v_requested_options=false) { $v_result=1; // ----- Read the options $i=0; while ($i<$p_size) { // ----- Check if the option is supported if (!isset($v_requested_options[$p_options_list[$i]])) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid optional parameter '".$p_options_list[$i]."' for this method"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Look for next option switch ($p_options_list[$i]) { // ----- Look for options that request a path value case PCLZIP_OPT_PATH : case PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH : case PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH : // ----- Check the number of parameters if (($i+1) >= $p_size) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE, "Missing parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Get the value $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = PclZipUtilTranslateWinPath($p_options_list[$i+1], FALSE); $i++; break; case PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD : // ----- Check the number of parameters if (($i+1) >= $p_size) { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE, "Missing parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Check for incompatible options if (isset($v_result_list[PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF])) { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."' can not be used with option 'PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF'"); return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Check the value $v_value = $p_options_list[$i+1]; if ((!is_integer($v_value)) || ($v_value<0)) { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, "Integer expected for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Get the value (and convert it in bytes) $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = $v_value*1048576; $i++; break; case PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_ON : // ----- Check for incompatible options if (isset($v_result_list[PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF])) { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."' can not be used with option 'PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF'"); return PclZip::errorCode(); } $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = true; break; case PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_OFF : // ----- Check for incompatible options if (isset($v_result_list[PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_ON])) { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."' can not be used with option 'PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_ON'"); return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Check for incompatible options if (isset($v_result_list[PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD])) { PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."' can not be used with option 'PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD'"); return PclZip::errorCode(); } $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = true; break; case PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_DIR_RESTRICTION : // ----- Check the number of parameters if (($i+1) >= $p_size) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE, "Missing parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Get the value if ( is_string($p_options_list[$i+1]) && ($p_options_list[$i+1] != '')) { $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = PclZipUtilTranslateWinPath($p_options_list[$i+1], FALSE); $i++; } else { } break; // ----- Look for options that request an array of string for value case PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME : // ----- Check the number of parameters if (($i+1) >= $p_size) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE, "Missing parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Get the value if (is_string($p_options_list[$i+1])) { $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]][0] = $p_options_list[$i+1]; } else if (is_array($p_options_list[$i+1])) { $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = $p_options_list[$i+1]; } else { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, "Wrong parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } $i++; break; // ----- Look for options that request an EREG or PREG expression case PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG : // ereg() is deprecated starting with PHP 5.3. Move PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG // to PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG $p_options_list[$i] = PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG; case PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG : //case PCLZIP_OPT_CRYPT : // ----- Check the number of parameters if (($i+1) >= $p_size) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE, "Missing parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Get the value if (is_string($p_options_list[$i+1])) { $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = $p_options_list[$i+1]; } else { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, "Wrong parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } $i++; break; // ----- Look for options that takes a string case PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT : case PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_COMMENT : case PCLZIP_OPT_PREPEND_COMMENT : // ----- Check the number of parameters if (($i+1) >= $p_size) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE, "Missing parameter value for option '" .PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i]) ."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Get the value if (is_string($p_options_list[$i+1])) { $v_result_list[$p_options_list[$i]] = $p_options_list[$i+1]; } else { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, "Wrong parameter value for option '" .PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i]) ."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } $i++; break; // ----- Look for options that request an array of index case PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX : // ----- Check the number of parameters if (($i+1) >= $p_size) { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_OPTION_VALUE, "Missing parameter value for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Get the value $v_work_list = array(); if (is_string($p_options_list[$i+1])) { // ----- Remove spaces $p_options_list[$i+1] = strtr($p_options_list[$i+1], ' ', ''); // ----- Parse items $v_work_list = explode(",", $p_options_list[$i+1]); } else if (is_integer($p_options_list[$i+1])) { $v_work_list[0] = $p_options_list[$i+1].'-'.$p_options_list[$i+1]; } else if (is_array($p_options_list[$i+1])) { $v_work_list = $p_options_list[$i+1]; } else { // ----- Error log PclZip::privErrorLog(PCLZIP_ERR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE, "Value must be integer, string or array for option '".PclZipUtilOptionText($p_options_list[$i])."'"); // ----- Return return PclZip::errorCode(); } // ----- Reduce the index list // each index item in the list must be a couple with a start and // an end value : [0,3], [5-5], [8-10], ... // ----- Check the format of each item $v_sort_flag=false; $v_sort_value=0; for ($j=0; $j' . __( 'This screen is used to customize the header section of your theme.' ) . '
' . '' . __( 'You can choose from the theme’s default header images, or use one of your own. You can also customize how your Site Title and Tagline are displayed.' ) . '
', ) ); get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'set-header-image', 'title' => __( 'Header Image' ), 'content' => '
' . __( 'You can set a custom image header for your site. Simply upload the image and crop it, and the new header will go live immediately. Alternatively, you can use an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the “Choose Image” button.' ) . '
' . '' . __( 'Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple images displayed, select the one you would like and click the “Save Changes” button.' ) . '
' . '' . __( 'If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the “Random” radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default Images section to enable this feature.' ) . '
' . '' . __( 'If you do not want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click the “Remove Header Image” button at the bottom of the Header Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, you just have to select one of the other image options and click “Save Changes”.' ) . '
', ) ); get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array( 'id' => 'set-header-text', 'title' => __( 'Header Text' ), 'content' => '' . sprintf( /* translators: %s: URL to General Settings screen. */ __( 'For most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined in the General Settings section.' ), admin_url( 'options-general.php' ) ) . '
' . '' . __( 'In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. “#ff0000” for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker.' ) . '
' . '' . __( 'Do not forget to click “Save Changes” when you are done!' ) . '
', ) ); get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar( '' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '
' . '' . __( 'Documentation on Custom Header' ) . '
' . '' . __( 'Support forums' ) . '
' ); } /** * Gets the current step. * * @since 2.6.0 * * @return int Current step. */ public function step() { if ( ! isset( $_GET['step'] ) ) { return 1; } $step = (int) $_GET['step']; if ( $step < 1 || 3 < $step || ( 2 === $step && ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce-custom-header-upload'], 'custom-header-upload' ) ) || ( 3 === $step && ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'custom-header-crop-image' ) ) ) { return 1; } return $step; } /** * Sets up the enqueue for the JavaScript files. * * @since 2.1.0 */ public function js_includes() { $step = $this->step(); if ( ( 1 === $step || 3 === $step ) ) { wp_enqueue_media(); wp_enqueue_script( 'custom-header' ); if ( current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'header-text' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' ); } } elseif ( 2 === $step ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'imgareaselect' ); } } /** * Sets up the enqueue for the CSS files. * * @since 2.7.0 */ public function css_includes() { $step = $this->step(); if ( ( 1 === $step || 3 === $step ) && current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'header-text' ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); } elseif ( 2 === $step ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'imgareaselect' ); } } /** * Executes custom header modification. * * @since 2.6.0 */ public function take_action() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { return; } if ( empty( $_POST ) ) { return; } $this->updated = true; if ( isset( $_POST['resetheader'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'custom-header-options', '_wpnonce-custom-header-options' ); $this->reset_header_image(); return; } if ( isset( $_POST['removeheader'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'custom-header-options', '_wpnonce-custom-header-options' ); $this->remove_header_image(); return; } if ( isset( $_POST['text-color'] ) && ! isset( $_POST['display-header-text'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'custom-header-options', '_wpnonce-custom-header-options' ); set_theme_mod( 'header_textcolor', 'blank' ); } elseif ( isset( $_POST['text-color'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'custom-header-options', '_wpnonce-custom-header-options' ); $_POST['text-color'] = str_replace( '#', '', $_POST['text-color'] ); $color = preg_replace( '/[^0-9a-fA-F]/', '', $_POST['text-color'] ); if ( strlen( $color ) === 6 || strlen( $color ) === 3 ) { set_theme_mod( 'header_textcolor', $color ); } elseif ( ! $color ) { set_theme_mod( 'header_textcolor', 'blank' ); } } if ( isset( $_POST['default-header'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'custom-header-options', '_wpnonce-custom-header-options' ); $this->set_header_image( $_POST['default-header'] ); return; } } /** * Processes the default headers. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @global array $_wp_default_headers */ public function process_default_headers() { global $_wp_default_headers; if ( ! isset( $_wp_default_headers ) ) { return; } if ( ! empty( $this->default_headers ) ) { return; } $this->default_headers = $_wp_default_headers; $template_directory_uri = get_template_directory_uri(); $stylesheet_directory_uri = get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); foreach ( array_keys( $this->default_headers ) as $header ) { $this->default_headers[ $header ]['url'] = sprintf( $this->default_headers[ $header ]['url'], $template_directory_uri, $stylesheet_directory_uri ); $this->default_headers[ $header ]['thumbnail_url'] = sprintf( $this->default_headers[ $header ]['thumbnail_url'], $template_directory_uri, $stylesheet_directory_uri ); } } /** * Displays UI for selecting one of several default headers. * * Shows the random image option if this theme has multiple header images. * Random image option is on by default if no header has been set. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $type The header type. One of 'default' (for the Uploaded Images control) * or 'uploaded' (for the Uploaded Images control). */ public function show_header_selector( $type = 'default' ) { if ( 'default' === $type ) { $headers = $this->default_headers; } else { $headers = get_uploaded_header_images(); $type = 'uploaded'; } if ( 1 < count( $headers ) ) { echo 'admin_image_div_callback ) { call_user_func( $this->admin_image_div_callback ); } else { $custom_header = get_custom_header(); $header_image = get_header_image(); if ( $header_image ) { $header_image_style = 'background-image:url(' . esc_url( $header_image ) . ');'; } else { $header_image_style = ''; } if ( $custom_header->width ) { $header_image_style .= 'max-width:' . $custom_header->width . 'px;'; } if ( $custom_header->height ) { $header_image_style .= 'height:' . $custom_header->height . 'px;'; } ?> | |
' . __( 'The active theme does not support uploading a custom header image.' ) . '
', 403 ); } if ( empty( $_POST ) && isset( $_GET['file'] ) ) { $attachment_id = absint( $_GET['file'] ); $file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id, true ); $url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'full' ); $url = $url[0]; } elseif ( isset( $_POST ) ) { $data = $this->step_2_manage_upload(); $attachment_id = $data['attachment_id']; $file = $data['file']; $url = $data['url']; } if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = wp_getimagesize( $file ); } else { $data = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id ); $height = isset( $data['height'] ) ? (int) $data['height'] : 0; $width = isset( $data['width'] ) ? (int) $data['width'] : 0; unset( $data ); } $max_width = 0; // For flex, limit size of image displayed to 1500px unless theme says otherwise. if ( current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'flex-width' ) ) { $max_width = 1500; } if ( current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'max-width' ) ) { $max_width = max( $max_width, get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'max-width' ) ); } $max_width = max( $max_width, get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'width' ) ); // If flexible height isn't supported and the image is the exact right size. if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'flex-height' ) && ! current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'flex-width' ) && (int) get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'width' ) === $width && (int) get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'height' ) === $height ) { // Add the metadata. if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) ); } $this->set_header_image( compact( 'url', 'attachment_id', 'width', 'height' ) ); /** * Filters the attachment file path after the custom header or background image is set. * * Used for file replication. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID. */ $file = apply_filters( 'wp_create_file_in_uploads', $file, $attachment_id ); // For replication. return $this->finished(); } elseif ( $width > $max_width ) { $oitar = $width / $max_width; $image = wp_crop_image( $attachment_id, 0, 0, $width, $height, $max_width, $height / $oitar, false, str_replace( wp_basename( $file ), 'midsize-' . wp_basename( $file ), $file ) ); if ( ! $image || is_wp_error( $image ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.' ), __( 'Image Processing Error' ) ); } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php */ $image = apply_filters( 'wp_create_file_in_uploads', $image, $attachment_id ); // For replication. $url = str_replace( wp_basename( $url ), wp_basename( $image ), $url ); $width = $width / $oitar; $height = $height / $oitar; } else { $oitar = 1; } ?>' . __( 'The active theme does not support uploading a custom header image.' ) . '
', 403 ); } if ( ! empty( $_POST['skip-cropping'] ) && ! current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'flex-height' ) && ! current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'flex-width' ) ) { wp_die( '' . __( 'The active theme does not support a flexible sized header image.' ) . '
', 403 ); } if ( $_POST['oitar'] > 1 ) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $attachment_id = absint( $_POST['attachment_id'] ); $original = get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); $dimensions = $this->get_header_dimensions( array( 'height' => $_POST['height'], 'width' => $_POST['width'], ) ); $height = $dimensions['dst_height']; $width = $dimensions['dst_width']; if ( empty( $_POST['skip-cropping'] ) ) { $cropped = wp_crop_image( $attachment_id, (int) $_POST['x1'], (int) $_POST['y1'], (int) $_POST['width'], (int) $_POST['height'], $width, $height ); } elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['create-new-attachment'] ) ) { $cropped = _copy_image_file( $attachment_id ); } else { $cropped = get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); } if ( ! $cropped || is_wp_error( $cropped ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.' ), __( 'Image Processing Error' ) ); } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php */ $cropped = apply_filters( 'wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id ); // For replication. $attachment = wp_copy_parent_attachment_properties( $cropped, $attachment_id, 'custom-header' ); if ( ! empty( $_POST['create-new-attachment'] ) ) { unset( $attachment['ID'] ); } // Update the attachment. $attachment_id = $this->insert_attachment( $attachment, $cropped ); $url = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ); $this->set_header_image( compact( 'url', 'attachment_id', 'width', 'height' ) ); // Cleanup. $medium = str_replace( wp_basename( $original ), 'midsize-' . wp_basename( $original ), $original ); if ( file_exists( $medium ) ) { wp_delete_file( $medium ); } if ( empty( $_POST['create-new-attachment'] ) && empty( $_POST['skip-cropping'] ) ) { wp_delete_file( $original ); } return $this->finished(); } /** * Displays last step of custom header image page. * * @since 2.1.0 */ public function finished() { $this->updated = true; $this->step_1(); } /** * Displays the page based on the current step. * * @since 2.1.0 */ public function admin_page() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to customize headers.' ) ); } $step = $this->step(); if ( 2 === $step ) { $this->step_2(); } elseif ( 3 === $step ) { $this->step_3(); } else { $this->step_1(); } } /** * Unused since 3.5.0. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param array $form_fields * @return array $form_fields */ public function attachment_fields_to_edit( $form_fields ) { return $form_fields; } /** * Unused since 3.5.0. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param array $tabs * @return array $tabs */ public function filter_upload_tabs( $tabs ) { return $tabs; } /** * Chooses a header image, selected from existing uploaded and default headers, * or provides an array of uploaded header data (either new, or from media library). * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param mixed $choice Which header image to select. Allows for values of 'random-default-image', * for randomly cycling among the default images; 'random-uploaded-image', * for randomly cycling among the uploaded images; the key of a default image * registered for that theme; and the key of an image uploaded for that theme * (the attachment ID of the image). Or an array of arguments: attachment_id, * url, width, height. All are required. */ final public function set_header_image( $choice ) { if ( is_array( $choice ) || is_object( $choice ) ) { $choice = (array) $choice; if ( ! isset( $choice['attachment_id'] ) || ! isset( $choice['url'] ) ) { return; } $choice['url'] = sanitize_url( $choice['url'] ); $header_image_data = (object) array( 'attachment_id' => $choice['attachment_id'], 'url' => $choice['url'], 'thumbnail_url' => $choice['url'], 'height' => $choice['height'], 'width' => $choice['width'], ); update_post_meta( $choice['attachment_id'], '_wp_attachment_is_custom_header', get_stylesheet() ); set_theme_mod( 'header_image', $choice['url'] ); set_theme_mod( 'header_image_data', $header_image_data ); return; } if ( in_array( $choice, array( 'remove-header', 'random-default-image', 'random-uploaded-image' ), true ) ) { set_theme_mod( 'header_image', $choice ); remove_theme_mod( 'header_image_data' ); return; } $uploaded = get_uploaded_header_images(); if ( $uploaded && isset( $uploaded[ $choice ] ) ) { $header_image_data = $uploaded[ $choice ]; } else { $this->process_default_headers(); if ( isset( $this->default_headers[ $choice ] ) ) { $header_image_data = $this->default_headers[ $choice ]; } else { return; } } set_theme_mod( 'header_image', sanitize_url( $header_image_data['url'] ) ); set_theme_mod( 'header_image_data', $header_image_data ); } /** * Removes a header image. * * @since 3.4.0 */ final public function remove_header_image() { $this->set_header_image( 'remove-header' ); } /** * Resets a header image to the default image for the theme. * * This method does not do anything if the theme does not have a default header image. * * @since 3.4.0 */ final public function reset_header_image() { $this->process_default_headers(); $default = get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'default-image' ); if ( ! $default ) { $this->remove_header_image(); return; } $default = sprintf( $default, get_template_directory_uri(), get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ); $default_data = array(); foreach ( $this->default_headers as $header => $details ) { if ( $details['url'] === $default ) { $default_data = $details; break; } } set_theme_mod( 'header_image', $default ); set_theme_mod( 'header_image_data', (object) $default_data ); } /** * Calculates width and height based on what the currently selected theme supports. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @param array $dimensions * @return array dst_height and dst_width of header image. */ final public function get_header_dimensions( $dimensions ) { $max_width = 0; $width = absint( $dimensions['width'] ); $height = absint( $dimensions['height'] ); $theme_height = get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'height' ); $theme_width = get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'width' ); $has_flex_width = current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'flex-width' ); $has_flex_height = current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'flex-height' ); $has_max_width = current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'max-width' ); $dst = array( 'dst_height' => null, 'dst_width' => null, ); // For flex, limit size of image displayed to 1500px unless theme says otherwise. if ( $has_flex_width ) { $max_width = 1500; } if ( $has_max_width ) { $max_width = max( $max_width, get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'max-width' ) ); } $max_width = max( $max_width, $theme_width ); if ( $has_flex_height && ( ! $has_flex_width || $width > $max_width ) ) { $dst['dst_height'] = absint( $height * ( $max_width / $width ) ); } elseif ( $has_flex_height && $has_flex_width ) { $dst['dst_height'] = $height; } else { $dst['dst_height'] = $theme_height; } if ( $has_flex_width && ( ! $has_flex_height || $width > $max_width ) ) { $dst['dst_width'] = absint( $width * ( $max_width / $width ) ); } elseif ( $has_flex_width && $has_flex_height ) { $dst['dst_width'] = $width; } else { $dst['dst_width'] = $theme_width; } return $dst; } /** * Creates an attachment 'object'. * * @since 3.9.0 * @deprecated 6.5.0 * * @param string $cropped Cropped image URL. * @param int $parent_attachment_id Attachment ID of parent image. * @return array An array with attachment object data. */ final public function create_attachment_object( $cropped, $parent_attachment_id ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '6.5.0', 'wp_copy_parent_attachment_properties()' ); $parent = get_post( $parent_attachment_id ); $parent_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $parent->ID ); $url = str_replace( wp_basename( $parent_url ), wp_basename( $cropped ), $parent_url ); $size = wp_getimagesize( $cropped ); $image_type = ( $size ) ? $size['mime'] : 'image/jpeg'; $attachment = array( 'ID' => $parent_attachment_id, 'post_title' => wp_basename( $cropped ), 'post_mime_type' => $image_type, 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'custom-header', 'post_parent' => $parent_attachment_id, ); return $attachment; } /** * Inserts an attachment and its metadata. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @param array $attachment An array with attachment object data. * @param string $cropped File path to cropped image. * @return int Attachment ID. */ final public function insert_attachment( $attachment, $cropped ) { $parent_id = isset( $attachment['post_parent'] ) ? $attachment['post_parent'] : null; unset( $attachment['post_parent'] ); $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $cropped ); $metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $cropped ); // If this is a crop, save the original attachment ID as metadata. if ( $parent_id ) { $metadata['attachment_parent'] = $parent_id; } /** * Filters the header image attachment metadata. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @see wp_generate_attachment_metadata() * * @param array $metadata Attachment metadata. */ $metadata = apply_filters( 'wp_header_image_attachment_metadata', $metadata ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $metadata ); return $attachment_id; } /** * Gets attachment uploaded by Media Manager, crops it, then saves it as a * new object. Returns JSON-encoded object details. * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function ajax_header_crop() { check_ajax_referer( 'image_editor-' . $_POST['id'], 'nonce' ); if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { wp_send_json_error(); } if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'custom-header', 'uploads' ) ) { wp_send_json_error(); } $crop_details = $_POST['cropDetails']; $dimensions = $this->get_header_dimensions( array( 'height' => $crop_details['height'], 'width' => $crop_details['width'], ) ); $attachment_id = absint( $_POST['id'] ); $cropped = wp_crop_image( $attachment_id, (int) $crop_details['x1'], (int) $crop_details['y1'], (int) $crop_details['width'], (int) $crop_details['height'], (int) $dimensions['dst_width'], (int) $dimensions['dst_height'] ); if ( ! $cropped || is_wp_error( $cropped ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => __( 'Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.' ) ) ); } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php */ $cropped = apply_filters( 'wp_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id ); // For replication. $attachment = wp_copy_parent_attachment_properties( $cropped, $attachment_id, 'custom-header' ); $previous = $this->get_previous_crop( $attachment ); if ( $previous ) { $attachment['ID'] = $previous; } else { unset( $attachment['ID'] ); } $new_attachment_id = $this->insert_attachment( $attachment, $cropped ); $attachment['attachment_id'] = $new_attachment_id; $attachment['url'] = wp_get_attachment_url( $new_attachment_id ); $attachment['width'] = $dimensions['dst_width']; $attachment['height'] = $dimensions['dst_height']; wp_send_json_success( $attachment ); } /** * Given an attachment ID for a header image, updates its "last used" * timestamp to now. * * Triggered when the user tries adds a new header image from the * Media Manager, even if s/he doesn't save that change. * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function ajax_header_add() { check_ajax_referer( 'header-add', 'nonce' ); if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { wp_send_json_error(); } $attachment_id = absint( $_POST['attachment_id'] ); if ( $attachment_id < 1 ) { wp_send_json_error(); } $key = '_wp_attachment_custom_header_last_used_' . get_stylesheet(); update_post_meta( $attachment_id, $key, time() ); update_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_is_custom_header', get_stylesheet() ); wp_send_json_success(); } /** * Given an attachment ID for a header image, unsets it as a user-uploaded * header image for the active theme. * * Triggered when the user clicks the overlay "X" button next to each image * choice in the Customizer's Header tool. * * @since 3.9.0 */ public function ajax_header_remove() { check_ajax_referer( 'header-remove', 'nonce' ); if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { wp_send_json_error(); } $attachment_id = absint( $_POST['attachment_id'] ); if ( $attachment_id < 1 ) { wp_send_json_error(); } $key = '_wp_attachment_custom_header_last_used_' . get_stylesheet(); delete_post_meta( $attachment_id, $key ); delete_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_is_custom_header', get_stylesheet() ); wp_send_json_success(); } /** * Updates the last-used postmeta on a header image attachment after saving a new header image via the Customizer. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize Customize manager. */ public function customize_set_last_used( $wp_customize ) { $header_image_data_setting = $wp_customize->get_setting( 'header_image_data' ); if ( ! $header_image_data_setting ) { return; } $data = $header_image_data_setting->post_value(); if ( ! isset( $data['attachment_id'] ) ) { return; } $attachment_id = $data['attachment_id']; $key = '_wp_attachment_custom_header_last_used_' . get_stylesheet(); update_post_meta( $attachment_id, $key, time() ); } /** * Gets the details of default header images if defined. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @return array Default header images. */ public function get_default_header_images() { $this->process_default_headers(); // Get the default image if there is one. $default = get_theme_support( 'custom-header', 'default-image' ); if ( ! $default ) { // If not, easy peasy. return $this->default_headers; } $default = sprintf( $default, get_template_directory_uri(), get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ); $already_has_default = false; foreach ( $this->default_headers as $k => $h ) { if ( $h['url'] === $default ) { $already_has_default = true; break; } } if ( $already_has_default ) { return $this->default_headers; } // If the one true image isn't included in the default set, prepend it. $header_images = array(); $header_images['default'] = array( 'url' => $default, 'thumbnail_url' => $default, 'description' => 'Default', ); // The rest of the set comes after. return array_merge( $header_images, $this->default_headers ); } /** * Gets the previously uploaded header images. * * @since 3.9.0 * * @return array Uploaded header images. */ public function get_uploaded_header_images() { $header_images = get_uploaded_header_images(); $timestamp_key = '_wp_attachment_custom_header_last_used_' . get_stylesheet(); $alt_text_key = '_wp_attachment_image_alt'; foreach ( $header_images as &$header_image ) { $header_meta = get_post_meta( $header_image['attachment_id'] ); $header_image['timestamp'] = isset( $header_meta[ $timestamp_key ] ) ? $header_meta[ $timestamp_key ] : ''; $header_image['alt_text'] = isset( $header_meta[ $alt_text_key ] ) ? $header_meta[ $alt_text_key ] : ''; } return $header_images; } /** * Gets the ID of a previous crop from the same base image. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param array $attachment An array with a cropped attachment object data. * @return int|false An attachment ID if one exists. False if none. */ public function get_previous_crop( $attachment ) { $header_images = $this->get_uploaded_header_images(); // Bail early if there are no header images. if ( empty( $header_images ) ) { return false; } $previous = false; foreach ( $header_images as $image ) { if ( $image['attachment_parent'] === $attachment['post_parent'] ) { $previous = $image['attachment_id']; break; } } return $previous; } } PK ! ō&[ &[ class-plugin-upgrader.phpnu [ strings['up_to_date'] = __( 'The plugin is at the latest version.' ); $this->strings['no_package'] = __( 'Update package not available.' ); /* translators: %s: Package URL. */ $this->strings['downloading_package'] = sprintf( __( 'Downloading update from %s…' ), '%s' ); $this->strings['unpack_package'] = __( 'Unpacking the update…' ); $this->strings['remove_old'] = __( 'Removing the old version of the plugin…' ); $this->strings['remove_old_failed'] = __( 'Could not remove the old plugin.' ); $this->strings['process_failed'] = __( 'Plugin update failed.' ); $this->strings['process_success'] = __( 'Plugin updated successfully.' ); $this->strings['process_bulk_success'] = __( 'Plugins updated successfully.' ); } /** * Initializes the installation strings. * * @since 2.8.0 */ public function install_strings() { $this->strings['no_package'] = __( 'Installation package not available.' ); /* translators: %s: Package URL. */ $this->strings['downloading_package'] = sprintf( __( 'Downloading installation package from %s…' ), '%s' ); $this->strings['unpack_package'] = __( 'Unpacking the package…' ); $this->strings['installing_package'] = __( 'Installing the plugin…' ); $this->strings['remove_old'] = __( 'Removing the current plugin…' ); $this->strings['remove_old_failed'] = __( 'Could not remove the current plugin.' ); $this->strings['no_files'] = __( 'The plugin contains no files.' ); $this->strings['process_failed'] = __( 'Plugin installation failed.' ); $this->strings['process_success'] = __( 'Plugin installed successfully.' ); /* translators: 1: Plugin name, 2: Plugin version. */ $this->strings['process_success_specific'] = __( 'Successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.' ); if ( ! empty( $this->skin->overwrite ) ) { if ( 'update-plugin' === $this->skin->overwrite ) { $this->strings['installing_package'] = __( 'Updating the plugin…' ); $this->strings['process_failed'] = __( 'Plugin update failed.' ); $this->strings['process_success'] = __( 'Plugin updated successfully.' ); } if ( 'downgrade-plugin' === $this->skin->overwrite ) { $this->strings['installing_package'] = __( 'Downgrading the plugin…' ); $this->strings['process_failed'] = __( 'Plugin downgrade failed.' ); $this->strings['process_success'] = __( 'Plugin downgraded successfully.' ); } } } /** * Install a plugin package. * * @since 2.8.0 * @since 3.7.0 The `$args` parameter was added, making clearing the plugin update cache optional. * * @param string $package The full local path or URI of the package. * @param array $args { * Optional. Other arguments for installing a plugin package. Default empty array. * * @type bool $clear_update_cache Whether to clear the plugin updates cache if successful. * Default true. * } * @return bool|WP_Error True if the installation was successful, false or a WP_Error otherwise. */ public function install( $package, $args = array() ) { $defaults = array( 'clear_update_cache' => true, 'overwrite_package' => false, // Do not overwrite files. ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->init(); $this->install_strings(); add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'check_package' ) ); if ( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ) { // Clear cache so wp_update_plugins() knows about the new plugin. add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_plugins_cache', 9, 0 ); } $this->run( array( 'package' => $package, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => $parsed_args['overwrite_package'], 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array( 'type' => 'plugin', 'action' => 'install', ), ) ); remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_plugins_cache', 9 ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'check_package' ) ); if ( ! $this->result || is_wp_error( $this->result ) ) { return $this->result; } // Force refresh of plugin update information. wp_clean_plugins_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ); if ( $parsed_args['overwrite_package'] ) { /** * Fires when the upgrader has successfully overwritten a currently installed * plugin or theme with an uploaded zip package. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param string $package The package file. * @param array $data The new plugin or theme data. * @param string $package_type The package type ('plugin' or 'theme'). */ do_action( 'upgrader_overwrote_package', $package, $this->new_plugin_data, 'plugin' ); } return true; } /** * Upgrades a plugin. * * @since 2.8.0 * @since 3.7.0 The `$args` parameter was added, making clearing the plugin update cache optional. * * @param string $plugin Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory. * @param array $args { * Optional. Other arguments for upgrading a plugin package. Default empty array. * * @type bool $clear_update_cache Whether to clear the plugin updates cache if successful. * Default true. * } * @return bool|WP_Error True if the upgrade was successful, false or a WP_Error object otherwise. */ public function upgrade( $plugin, $args = array() ) { $defaults = array( 'clear_update_cache' => true, ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->init(); $this->upgrade_strings(); $current = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( ! isset( $current->response[ $plugin ] ) ) { $this->skin->before(); $this->skin->set_result( false ); $this->skin->error( 'up_to_date' ); $this->skin->after(); return false; } // Get the URL to the zip file. $r = $current->response[ $plugin ]; add_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'active_before' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_plugin' ), 10, 4 ); add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'active_after' ), 10, 2 ); /* * There's a Trac ticket to move up the directory for zips which are made a bit differently, useful for plugins. * 'source_selection' => array( $this, 'source_selection' ), */ if ( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ) { // Clear cache so wp_update_plugins() knows about the new plugin. add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_plugins_cache', 9, 0 ); } $this->run( array( 'package' => $r->package, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => true, 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array( 'plugin' => $plugin, 'type' => 'plugin', 'action' => 'update', 'temp_backup' => array( 'slug' => dirname( $plugin ), 'src' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'dir' => 'plugins', ), ), ) ); // Cleanup our hooks, in case something else does an upgrade on this connection. remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_plugins_cache', 9 ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade' ) ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'active_before' ) ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_plugin' ) ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'active_after' ) ); if ( ! $this->result || is_wp_error( $this->result ) ) { return $this->result; } // Force refresh of plugin update information. wp_clean_plugins_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ); /* * Ensure any future auto-update failures trigger a failure email by removing * the last failure notification from the list when plugins update successfully. */ $past_failure_emails = get_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', array() ); if ( isset( $past_failure_emails[ $plugin ] ) ) { unset( $past_failure_emails[ $plugin ] ); update_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', $past_failure_emails ); } return true; } /** * Upgrades several plugins at once. * * @since 2.8.0 * @since 3.7.0 The `$args` parameter was added, making clearing the plugin update cache optional. * * @global string $wp_version The WordPress version string. * * @param string[] $plugins Array of paths to plugin files relative to the plugins directory. * @param array $args { * Optional. Other arguments for upgrading several plugins at once. * * @type bool $clear_update_cache Whether to clear the plugin updates cache if successful. Default true. * } * @return array|false An array of results indexed by plugin file, or false if unable to connect to the filesystem. */ public function bulk_upgrade( $plugins, $args = array() ) { global $wp_version; $defaults = array( 'clear_update_cache' => true, ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->init(); $this->bulk = true; $this->upgrade_strings(); $current = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); add_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_plugin' ), 10, 4 ); $this->skin->header(); // Connect to the filesystem first. $res = $this->fs_connect( array( WP_CONTENT_DIR, WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) ); if ( ! $res ) { $this->skin->footer(); return false; } $this->skin->bulk_header(); /* * Only start maintenance mode if: * - running Multisite and there are one or more plugins specified, OR * - a plugin with an update available is currently active. * @todo For multisite, maintenance mode should only kick in for individual sites if at all possible. */ $maintenance = ( is_multisite() && ! empty( $plugins ) ); foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { $maintenance = $maintenance || ( is_plugin_active( $plugin ) && isset( $current->response[ $plugin ] ) ); } if ( $maintenance ) { $this->maintenance_mode( true ); } $results = array(); $this->update_count = count( $plugins ); $this->update_current = 0; foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { ++$this->update_current; $this->skin->plugin_info = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin, false, true ); if ( ! isset( $current->response[ $plugin ] ) ) { $this->skin->set_result( 'up_to_date' ); $this->skin->before(); $this->skin->feedback( 'up_to_date' ); $this->skin->after(); $results[ $plugin ] = true; continue; } // Get the URL to the zip file. $r = $current->response[ $plugin ]; $this->skin->plugin_active = is_plugin_active( $plugin ); if ( isset( $r->requires ) && ! is_wp_version_compatible( $r->requires ) ) { $result = new WP_Error( 'incompatible_wp_required_version', sprintf( /* translators: 1: Current WordPress version, 2: WordPress version required by the new plugin version. */ __( 'Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the new plugin version requires %2$s.' ), $wp_version, $r->requires ) ); $this->skin->before( $result ); $this->skin->error( $result ); $this->skin->after(); } elseif ( isset( $r->requires_php ) && ! is_php_version_compatible( $r->requires_php ) ) { $result = new WP_Error( 'incompatible_php_required_version', sprintf( /* translators: 1: Current PHP version, 2: PHP version required by the new plugin version. */ __( 'The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the new plugin version requires %2$s.' ), PHP_VERSION, $r->requires_php ) ); $this->skin->before( $result ); $this->skin->error( $result ); $this->skin->after(); } else { add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'check_package' ) ); $result = $this->run( array( 'package' => $r->package, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => true, 'clear_working' => true, 'is_multi' => true, 'hook_extra' => array( 'plugin' => $plugin, 'temp_backup' => array( 'slug' => dirname( $plugin ), 'src' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'dir' => 'plugins', ), ), ) ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'check_package' ) ); } $results[ $plugin ] = $result; // Prevent credentials auth screen from displaying multiple times. if ( false === $result ) { break; } } // End foreach $plugins. $this->maintenance_mode( false ); // Force refresh of plugin update information. wp_clean_plugins_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ); /** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php */ do_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', $this, array( 'action' => 'update', 'type' => 'plugin', 'bulk' => true, 'plugins' => $plugins, ) ); $this->skin->bulk_footer(); $this->skin->footer(); // Cleanup our hooks, in case something else does an upgrade on this connection. remove_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_plugin' ) ); /* * Ensure any future auto-update failures trigger a failure email by removing * the last failure notification from the list when plugins update successfully. */ $past_failure_emails = get_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', array() ); foreach ( $results as $plugin => $result ) { // Maintain last failure notification when plugins failed to update manually. if ( ! $result || is_wp_error( $result ) || ! isset( $past_failure_emails[ $plugin ] ) ) { continue; } unset( $past_failure_emails[ $plugin ] ); } update_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', $past_failure_emails ); return $results; } /** * Checks that the source package contains a valid plugin. * * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_source_selection'} filter by Plugin_Upgrader::install(). * * @since 3.3.0 * * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass. * @global string $wp_version The WordPress version string. * * @param string $source The path to the downloaded package source. * @return string|WP_Error The source as passed, or a WP_Error object on failure. */ public function check_package( $source ) { global $wp_filesystem, $wp_version; $this->new_plugin_data = array(); if ( is_wp_error( $source ) ) { return $source; } $working_directory = str_replace( $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir(), trailingslashit( WP_CONTENT_DIR ), $source ); if ( ! is_dir( $working_directory ) ) { // Confidence check, if the above fails, let's not prevent installation. return $source; } // Check that the folder contains at least 1 valid plugin. $files = glob( $working_directory . '*.php' ); if ( $files ) { foreach ( $files as $file ) { $info = get_plugin_data( $file, false, false ); if ( ! empty( $info['Name'] ) ) { $this->new_plugin_data = $info; break; } } } if ( empty( $this->new_plugin_data ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_archive_no_plugins', $this->strings['incompatible_archive'], __( 'No valid plugins were found.' ) ); } $requires_php = isset( $info['RequiresPHP'] ) ? $info['RequiresPHP'] : null; $requires_wp = isset( $info['RequiresWP'] ) ? $info['RequiresWP'] : null; if ( ! is_php_version_compatible( $requires_php ) ) { $error = sprintf( /* translators: 1: Current PHP version, 2: Version required by the uploaded plugin. */ __( 'The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires %2$s.' ), PHP_VERSION, $requires_php ); return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_php_required_version', $this->strings['incompatible_archive'], $error ); } if ( ! is_wp_version_compatible( $requires_wp ) ) { $error = sprintf( /* translators: 1: Current WordPress version, 2: Version required by the uploaded plugin. */ __( 'Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires %2$s.' ), $wp_version, $requires_wp ); return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_wp_required_version', $this->strings['incompatible_archive'], $error ); } return $source; } /** * Retrieves the path to the file that contains the plugin info. * * This isn't used internally in the class, but is called by the skins. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @return string|false The full path to the main plugin file, or false. */ public function plugin_info() { if ( ! is_array( $this->result ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $this->result['destination_name'] ) ) { return false; } // Ensure to pass with leading slash. $plugin = get_plugins( '/' . $this->result['destination_name'] ); if ( empty( $plugin ) ) { return false; } // Assume the requested plugin is the first in the list. $pluginfiles = array_keys( $plugin ); return $this->result['destination_name'] . '/' . $pluginfiles[0]; } /** * Deactivates a plugin before it is upgraded. * * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_pre_install'} filter by Plugin_Upgrader::upgrade(). * * @since 2.8.0 * @since 4.1.0 Added a return value. * * @param bool|WP_Error $response The installation response before the installation has started. * @param array $plugin Plugin package arguments. * @return bool|WP_Error The original `$response` parameter or WP_Error. */ public function deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade( $response, $plugin ) { if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { // Bypass. return $response; } // When in cron (background updates) don't deactivate the plugin, as we require a browser to reactivate it. if ( wp_doing_cron() ) { return $response; } $plugin = isset( $plugin['plugin'] ) ? $plugin['plugin'] : ''; if ( empty( $plugin ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'bad_request', $this->strings['bad_request'] ); } if ( is_plugin_active( $plugin ) ) { // Deactivate the plugin silently, Prevent deactivation hooks from running. deactivate_plugins( $plugin, true ); } return $response; } /** * Turns on maintenance mode before attempting to background update an active plugin. * * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_pre_install'} filter by Plugin_Upgrader::upgrade(). * * @since 5.4.0 * * @param bool|WP_Error $response The installation response before the installation has started. * @param array $plugin Plugin package arguments. * @return bool|WP_Error The original `$response` parameter or WP_Error. */ public function active_before( $response, $plugin ) { if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return $response; } // Only enable maintenance mode when in cron (background update). if ( ! wp_doing_cron() ) { return $response; } $plugin = isset( $plugin['plugin'] ) ? $plugin['plugin'] : ''; // Only run if plugin is active. if ( ! is_plugin_active( $plugin ) ) { return $response; } // Change to maintenance mode. Bulk edit handles this separately. if ( ! $this->bulk ) { $this->maintenance_mode( true ); } return $response; } /** * Turns off maintenance mode after upgrading an active plugin. * * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_post_install'} filter by Plugin_Upgrader::upgrade(). * * @since 5.4.0 * * @param bool|WP_Error $response The installation response after the installation has finished. * @param array $plugin Plugin package arguments. * @return bool|WP_Error The original `$response` parameter or WP_Error. */ public function active_after( $response, $plugin ) { if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return $response; } // Only disable maintenance mode when in cron (background update). if ( ! wp_doing_cron() ) { return $response; } $plugin = isset( $plugin['plugin'] ) ? $plugin['plugin'] : ''; // Only run if plugin is active. if ( ! is_plugin_active( $plugin ) ) { return $response; } // Time to remove maintenance mode. Bulk edit handles this separately. if ( ! $this->bulk ) { $this->maintenance_mode( false ); } return $response; } /** * Deletes the old plugin during an upgrade. * * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_clear_destination'} filter by * Plugin_Upgrader::upgrade() and Plugin_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade(). * * @since 2.8.0 * * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass. * * @param bool|WP_Error $removed Whether the destination was cleared. * True on success, WP_Error on failure. * @param string $local_destination The local package destination. * @param string $remote_destination The remote package destination. * @param array $plugin Extra arguments passed to hooked filters. * @return bool|WP_Error */ public function delete_old_plugin( $removed, $local_destination, $remote_destination, $plugin ) { global $wp_filesystem; if ( is_wp_error( $removed ) ) { return $removed; // Pass errors through. } $plugin = isset( $plugin['plugin'] ) ? $plugin['plugin'] : ''; if ( empty( $plugin ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'bad_request', $this->strings['bad_request'] ); } $plugins_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_plugins_dir(); $this_plugin_dir = trailingslashit( dirname( $plugins_dir . $plugin ) ); if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists( $this_plugin_dir ) ) { // If it's already vanished. return $removed; } /* * If plugin is in its own directory, recursively delete the directory. * Base check on if plugin includes directory separator AND that it's not the root plugin folder. */ if ( strpos( $plugin, '/' ) && $this_plugin_dir !== $plugins_dir ) { $deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete( $this_plugin_dir, true ); } else { $deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete( $plugins_dir . $plugin ); } if ( ! $deleted ) { return new WP_Error( 'remove_old_failed', $this->strings['remove_old_failed'] ); } return true; } } PK ! ?0( 0( class-wp-themes-list-table.phpnu [ true, 'screen' => isset( $args['screen'] ) ? $args['screen'] : null, ) ); } /** * @return bool */ public function ajax_user_can() { // Do not check edit_theme_options here. Ajax calls for available themes require switch_themes. return current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ); } /** */ public function prepare_items() { $themes = wp_get_themes( array( 'allowed' => true ) ); if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) { $this->search_terms = array_unique( array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', strtolower( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) ) ) ) ); } if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['features'] ) ) { $this->features = $_REQUEST['features']; } if ( $this->search_terms || $this->features ) { foreach ( $themes as $key => $theme ) { if ( ! $this->search_theme( $theme ) ) { unset( $themes[ $key ] ); } } } unset( $themes[ get_option( 'stylesheet' ) ] ); WP_Theme::sort_by_name( $themes ); $per_page = 36; $page = $this->get_pagenum(); $start = ( $page - 1 ) * $per_page; $this->items = array_slice( $themes, $start, $per_page, true ); $this->set_pagination_args( array( 'total_items' => count( $themes ), 'per_page' => $per_page, 'infinite_scroll' => true, ) ); } /** */ public function no_items() { if ( $this->search_terms || $this->features ) { _e( 'No items found.' ); return; } $blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); if ( is_multisite() ) { if ( current_user_can( 'install_themes' ) && current_user_can( 'manage_network_themes' ) ) { printf( /* translators: 1: URL to Themes tab on Edit Site screen, 2: URL to Add Themes screen. */ __( 'You only have one theme enabled for this site right now. Visit the Network Admin to enable or install more themes.' ), network_admin_url( 'site-themes.php?id=' . $blog_id ), network_admin_url( 'theme-install.php' ) ); return; } elseif ( current_user_can( 'manage_network_themes' ) ) { printf( /* translators: %s: URL to Themes tab on Edit Site screen. */ __( 'You only have one theme enabled for this site right now. Visit the Network Admin to enable more themes.' ), network_admin_url( 'site-themes.php?id=' . $blog_id ) ); return; } // Else, fallthrough. install_themes doesn't help if you can't enable it. } else { if ( current_user_can( 'install_themes' ) ) { printf( /* translators: %s: URL to Add Themes screen. */ __( 'You only have one theme installed right now. Live a little! You can choose from over 1,000 free themes in the WordPress Theme Directory at any time: just click on the Install Themes tab above.' ), admin_url( 'theme-install.php' ) ); return; } } // Fallthrough. printf( /* translators: %s: Network title. */ __( 'Only the active theme is available to you. Contact the %s administrator for information about accessing additional themes.' ), get_site_option( 'site_name' ) ); } /** * @param string $which */ public function tablenav( $which = 'top' ) { if ( $this->get_pagination_arg( 'total_pages' ) <= 1 ) { return; } ?>'search-submit' ) ); ?>
! in_array( $status, array( 'mustuse', 'dropins' ), true ) ? '' : '', 'name' => __( 'Plugin' ), 'description' => __( 'Description' ), ); if ( $this->show_autoupdates && ! in_array( $status, array( 'mustuse', 'dropins' ), true ) ) { $columns['auto-updates'] = __( 'Automatic Updates' ); } return $columns; } /** * @return array */ protected function get_sortable_columns() { return array(); } /** * @global array $totals * @global string $status * @return array */ protected function get_views() { global $totals, $status; $status_links = array(); foreach ( $totals as $type => $count ) { if ( ! $count ) { continue; } switch ( $type ) { case 'all': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _nx( 'All (%s)', 'All (%s)', $count, 'plugins' ); break; case 'active': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Active (%s)', 'Active (%s)', $count ); break; case 'recently_activated': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Recently Active (%s)', 'Recently Active (%s)', $count ); break; case 'inactive': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Inactive (%s)', 'Inactive (%s)', $count ); break; case 'mustuse': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Must-Use (%s)', 'Must-Use (%s)', $count ); break; case 'dropins': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Drop-in (%s)', 'Drop-ins (%s)', $count ); break; case 'paused': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Paused (%s)', 'Paused (%s)', $count ); break; case 'upgrade': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Update Available (%s)', 'Update Available (%s)', $count ); break; case 'auto-update-enabled': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Auto-updates Enabled (%s)', 'Auto-updates Enabled (%s)', $count ); break; case 'auto-update-disabled': /* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */ $text = _n( 'Auto-updates Disabled (%s)', 'Auto-updates Disabled (%s)', $count ); break; } if ( 'search' !== $type ) { $status_links[ $type ] = array( 'url' => add_query_arg( 'plugin_status', $type, 'plugins.php' ), 'label' => sprintf( $text, number_format_i18n( $count ) ), 'current' => $type === $status, ); } } return $this->get_views_links( $status_links ); } /** * @global string $status * @return array */ protected function get_bulk_actions() { global $status; $actions = array(); if ( 'active' !== $status ) { $actions['activate-selected'] = $this->screen->in_admin( 'network' ) ? _x( 'Network Activate', 'plugin' ) : _x( 'Activate', 'plugin' ); } if ( 'inactive' !== $status && 'recent' !== $status ) { $actions['deactivate-selected'] = $this->screen->in_admin( 'network' ) ? _x( 'Network Deactivate', 'plugin' ) : _x( 'Deactivate', 'plugin' ); } if ( ! is_multisite() || $this->screen->in_admin( 'network' ) ) { if ( current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) { $actions['update-selected'] = __( 'Update' ); } if ( current_user_can( 'delete_plugins' ) && ( 'active' !== $status ) ) { $actions['delete-selected'] = __( 'Delete' ); } if ( $this->show_autoupdates ) { if ( 'auto-update-enabled' !== $status ) { $actions['enable-auto-update-selected'] = __( 'Enable Auto-updates' ); } if ( 'auto-update-disabled' !== $status ) { $actions['disable-auto-update-selected'] = __( 'Disable Auto-updates' ); } } } return $actions; } /** * @global string $status * @param string $which */ public function bulk_actions( $which = '' ) { global $status; if ( in_array( $status, array( 'mustuse', 'dropins' ), true ) ) { return; } parent::bulk_actions( $which ); } /** * @global string $status * @param string $which */ protected function extra_tablenav( $which ) { global $status; if ( ! in_array( $status, array( 'recently_activated', 'mustuse', 'dropins' ), true ) ) { return; } echo '' . sprintf(
/* translators: %s: mu-plugins directory name. */
__( 'Files in the %s directory are executed automatically.' ),
'' . str_replace( ABSPATH, '/', WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ) . '
) . '
' . sprintf(
/* translators: %s: wp-content directory name. */
__( 'Drop-ins are single files, found in the %s directory, that replace or enhance WordPress features in ways that are not possible for traditional plugins.' ),
'' . str_replace( ABSPATH, '', WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . '
) . '
' . $dropins[ $plugin_file ][0] . '
'; } elseif ( defined( $dropins[ $plugin_file ][1] ) && constant( $dropins[ $plugin_file ][1] ) ) { // Constant is true. $is_active = true; $description = '' . $dropins[ $plugin_file ][0] . '
'; } else { $is_active = false; $description = '' . $dropins[ $plugin_file ][0] . ' define('" . $dropins[ $plugin_file ][1] . "', true);
) . '
' . $plugin_data['Description'] . '
'; } } else { if ( $screen->in_admin( 'network' ) ) { $is_active = is_plugin_active_for_network( $plugin_file ); } else { $is_active = is_plugin_active( $plugin_file ); $restrict_network_active = ( is_multisite() && is_plugin_active_for_network( $plugin_file ) ); $restrict_network_only = ( is_multisite() && is_network_only_plugin( $plugin_file ) && ! $is_active ); } if ( $screen->in_admin( 'network' ) ) { if ( $is_active ) { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_network_plugins' ) ) { if ( $has_active_dependents ) { $actions['deactivate'] = __( 'Deactivate' ) . '' . __( 'You cannot deactivate this plugin as other plugins require it.' ) . ''; } else { $deactivate_url = 'plugins.php?action=deactivate' . '&plugin=' . urlencode( $plugin_file ) . '&plugin_status=' . $context . '&paged=' . $page . '&s=' . $s; $actions['deactivate'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $deactivate_url, 'deactivate-plugin_' . $plugin_file ), esc_attr( $plugin_id_attr ), /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ esc_attr( sprintf( _x( 'Network Deactivate %s', 'plugin' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ) ), _x( 'Network Deactivate', 'plugin' ) ); } } } else { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_network_plugins' ) ) { if ( $compatible_php && $compatible_wp ) { if ( $has_unmet_dependencies ) { $actions['activate'] = _x( 'Network Activate', 'plugin' ) . '' . __( 'You cannot activate this plugin as it has unmet requirements.' ) . ''; } else { $activate_url = 'plugins.php?action=activate' . '&plugin=' . urlencode( $plugin_file ) . '&plugin_status=' . $context . '&paged=' . $page . '&s=' . $s; $actions['activate'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $activate_url, 'activate-plugin_' . $plugin_file ), esc_attr( $plugin_id_attr ), /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ esc_attr( sprintf( _x( 'Network Activate %s', 'plugin' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ) ), _x( 'Network Activate', 'plugin' ) ); } } else { $actions['activate'] = sprintf( '%s', _x( 'Cannot Activate', 'plugin' ) ); } } if ( current_user_can( 'delete_plugins' ) && ! is_plugin_active( $plugin_file ) ) { if ( $has_dependents && ! $has_circular_dependency ) { $actions['delete'] = __( 'Delete' ) . '' . __( 'You cannot delete this plugin as other plugins require it.' ) . ''; } else { $delete_url = 'plugins.php?action=delete-selected' . '&checked[]=' . urlencode( $plugin_file ) . '&plugin_status=' . $context . '&paged=' . $page . '&s=' . $s; $actions['delete'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $delete_url, 'bulk-plugins' ), esc_attr( $plugin_id_attr ), /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ esc_attr( sprintf( _x( 'Delete %s', 'plugin' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ) ), __( 'Delete' ) ); } } } } else { if ( $restrict_network_active ) { $actions = array( 'network_active' => __( 'Network Active' ), ); } elseif ( $restrict_network_only ) { $actions = array( 'network_only' => __( 'Network Only' ), ); } elseif ( $is_active ) { if ( current_user_can( 'deactivate_plugin', $plugin_file ) ) { if ( $has_active_dependents ) { $actions['deactivate'] = __( 'Deactivate' ) . '' . __( 'You cannot deactivate this plugin as other plugins depend on it.' ) . ''; } else { $deactivate_url = 'plugins.php?action=deactivate' . '&plugin=' . urlencode( $plugin_file ) . '&plugin_status=' . $context . '&paged=' . $page . '&s=' . $s; $actions['deactivate'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $deactivate_url, 'deactivate-plugin_' . $plugin_file ), esc_attr( $plugin_id_attr ), /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ esc_attr( sprintf( _x( 'Deactivate %s', 'plugin' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ) ), __( 'Deactivate' ) ); } } if ( current_user_can( 'resume_plugin', $plugin_file ) && is_plugin_paused( $plugin_file ) ) { $resume_url = 'plugins.php?action=resume' . '&plugin=' . urlencode( $plugin_file ) . '&plugin_status=' . $context . '&paged=' . $page . '&s=' . $s; $actions['resume'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $resume_url, 'resume-plugin_' . $plugin_file ), esc_attr( $plugin_id_attr ), /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ esc_attr( sprintf( _x( 'Resume %s', 'plugin' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ) ), __( 'Resume' ) ); } } else { if ( current_user_can( 'activate_plugin', $plugin_file ) ) { if ( $compatible_php && $compatible_wp ) { if ( $has_unmet_dependencies ) { $actions['activate'] = _x( 'Activate', 'plugin' ) . '' . __( 'You cannot activate this plugin as it has unmet requirements.' ) . ''; } else { $activate_url = 'plugins.php?action=activate' . '&plugin=' . urlencode( $plugin_file ) . '&plugin_status=' . $context . '&paged=' . $page . '&s=' . $s; $actions['activate'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $activate_url, 'activate-plugin_' . $plugin_file ), esc_attr( $plugin_id_attr ), /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ esc_attr( sprintf( _x( 'Activate %s', 'plugin' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ) ), _x( 'Activate', 'plugin' ) ); } } else { $actions['activate'] = sprintf( '%s', _x( 'Cannot Activate', 'plugin' ) ); } } if ( ! is_multisite() && current_user_can( 'delete_plugins' ) ) { if ( $has_dependents && ! $has_circular_dependency ) { $actions['delete'] = __( 'Delete' ) . '' . __( 'You cannot delete this plugin as other plugins require it.' ) . ''; } else { $delete_url = 'plugins.php?action=delete-selected' . '&checked[]=' . urlencode( $plugin_file ) . '&plugin_status=' . $context . '&paged=' . $page . '&s=' . $s; $actions['delete'] = sprintf( '%s', wp_nonce_url( $delete_url, 'bulk-plugins' ), esc_attr( $plugin_id_attr ), /* translators: %s: Plugin name. */ esc_attr( sprintf( _x( 'Delete %s', 'plugin' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ) ), __( 'Delete' ) ); } } } // End if $is_active. } // End if $screen->in_admin( 'network' ). } // End if $context. $actions = array_filter( $actions ); if ( $screen->in_admin( 'network' ) ) { /** * Filters the action links displayed for each plugin in the Network Admin Plugins list table. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param string[] $actions An array of plugin action links. By default this can include * 'activate', 'deactivate', and 'delete'. * @param string $plugin_file Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory. * @param array $plugin_data An array of plugin data. See get_plugin_data() * and the {@see 'plugin_row_meta'} filter for the list * of possible values. * @param string $context The plugin context. By default this can include 'all', * 'active', 'inactive', 'recently_activated', 'upgrade', * 'mustuse', 'dropins', and 'search'. */ $actions = apply_filters( 'network_admin_plugin_action_links', $actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context ); /** * Filters the list of action links displayed for a specific plugin in the Network Admin Plugins list table. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$plugin_file`, refers to the path * to the plugin file, relative to the plugins directory. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param string[] $actions An array of plugin action links. By default this can include * 'activate', 'deactivate', and 'delete'. * @param string $plugin_file Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory. * @param array $plugin_data An array of plugin data. See get_plugin_data() * and the {@see 'plugin_row_meta'} filter for the list * of possible values. * @param string $context The plugin context. By default this can include 'all', * 'active', 'inactive', 'recently_activated', 'upgrade', * 'mustuse', 'dropins', and 'search'. */ $actions = apply_filters( "network_admin_plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file}", $actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context ); } else { /** * Filters the action links displayed for each plugin in the Plugins list table. * * @since 2.5.0 * @since 2.6.0 The `$context` parameter was added. * @since 4.9.0 The 'Edit' link was removed from the list of action links. * * @param string[] $actions An array of plugin action links. By default this can include * 'activate', 'deactivate', and 'delete'. With Multisite active * this can also include 'network_active' and 'network_only' items. * @param string $plugin_file Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory. * @param array $plugin_data An array of plugin data. See get_plugin_data() * and the {@see 'plugin_row_meta'} filter for the list * of possible values. * @param string $context The plugin context. By default this can include 'all', * 'active', 'inactive', 'recently_activated', 'upgrade', * 'mustuse', 'dropins', and 'search'. */ $actions = apply_filters( 'plugin_action_links', $actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context ); /** * Filters the list of action links displayed for a specific plugin in the Plugins list table. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$plugin_file`, refers to the path * to the plugin file, relative to the plugins directory. * * @since 2.7.0 * @since 4.9.0 The 'Edit' link was removed from the list of action links. * * @param string[] $actions An array of plugin action links. By default this can include * 'activate', 'deactivate', and 'delete'. With Multisite active * this can also include 'network_active' and 'network_only' items. * @param string $plugin_file Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory. * @param array $plugin_data An array of plugin data. See get_plugin_data() * and the {@see 'plugin_row_meta'} filter for the list * of possible values. * @param string $context The plugin context. By default this can include 'all', * 'active', 'inactive', 'recently_activated', 'upgrade', * 'mustuse', 'dropins', and 'search'. */ $actions = apply_filters( "plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file}", $actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context ); } $class = $is_active ? 'active' : 'inactive'; $checkbox_id = 'checkbox_' . md5( $plugin_file ); $disabled = ''; if ( $has_dependents || $has_unmet_dependencies ) { $disabled = 'disabled'; } if ( $restrict_network_active || $restrict_network_only || in_array( $status, array( 'mustuse', 'dropins' ), true ) || ! $compatible_php ) { $checkbox = ''; } else { $checkbox = sprintf( '' . '', $checkbox_id, /* translators: Hidden accessibility text. %s: Plugin name. */ sprintf( __( 'Select %s' ), $plugin_data['Name'] ), esc_attr( $plugin_file ) ); } if ( 'dropins' !== $context ) { $description = '' . ( $plugin_data['Description'] ? $plugin_data['Description'] : ' ' ) . '
'; $plugin_name = $plugin_data['Name']; } if ( ! empty( $totals['upgrade'] ) && ! empty( $plugin_data['update'] ) || ! $compatible_php || ! $compatible_wp ) { $class .= ' update'; } $paused = ! $screen->in_admin( 'network' ) && is_plugin_paused( $plugin_file ); if ( $paused ) { $class .= ' paused'; } if ( is_uninstallable_plugin( $plugin_file ) ) { $class .= ' is-uninstallable'; } printf( '%s
', $notice_text ); $error = wp_get_plugin_error( $plugin_file ); if ( false !== $error ) { printf( '%s
', '', false ); } elseif ( current_user_can( 'update_core' ) ) { $incompatible_message .= sprintf( /* translators: %s: URL to WordPress Updates screen. */ ' ' . __( 'Please update WordPress.' ), self_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) ); } elseif ( current_user_can( 'update_php' ) ) { $incompatible_message .= sprintf( /* translators: %s: URL to Update PHP page. */ ' ' . __( 'Learn more about updating PHP.' ), esc_url( wp_get_update_php_url() ) ); $incompatible_message .= wp_update_php_annotation( '
', '', false ); } } elseif ( ! $compatible_wp ) { $incompatible_message .= __( 'This plugin does not work with your version of WordPress.' ); if ( current_user_can( 'update_core' ) ) { $incompatible_message .= sprintf( /* translators: %s: URL to WordPress Updates screen. */ ' ' . __( 'Please update WordPress.' ), self_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) ); } } elseif ( ! $compatible_php ) { $incompatible_message .= __( 'This plugin does not work with your version of PHP.' ); if ( current_user_can( 'update_php' ) ) { $incompatible_message .= sprintf( /* translators: %s: URL to Update PHP page. */ ' ' . __( 'Learn more about updating PHP.' ), esc_url( wp_get_update_php_url() ) ); $incompatible_message .= wp_update_php_annotation( '
', '', false ); } } wp_admin_notice( $incompatible_message, array( 'type' => 'error', 'additional_classes' => array( 'notice-alt', 'inline', 'update-message' ), ) ); echo '
" . /* translators: First post content. %s: Site link. */ __( 'Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!' ) . "
\n"; } $first_post = sprintf( $first_post, sprintf( '%s', esc_url( network_home_url() ), get_network()->site_name ) ); // Back-compat for pre-4.4. $first_post = str_replace( 'SITE_URL', esc_url( network_home_url() ), $first_post ); $first_post = str_replace( 'SITE_NAME', get_network()->site_name, $first_post ); } else { $first_post = "\n" . /* translators: First post content. %s: Site link. */ __( 'Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!' ) . "
\n"; } $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_author' => $user_id, 'post_date' => $now, 'post_date_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'post_content' => $first_post, 'post_excerpt' => '', 'post_title' => __( 'Hello world!' ), /* translators: Default post slug. */ 'post_name' => sanitize_title( _x( 'hello-world', 'Default post slug' ) ), 'post_modified' => $now, 'post_modified_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'guid' => $first_post_guid, 'comment_count' => 1, 'to_ping' => '', 'pinged' => '', 'post_content_filtered' => '', ) ); if ( is_multisite() ) { update_posts_count(); } $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_relationships, array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $cat_tt_id, 'object_id' => 1, ) ); // Default comment. if ( is_multisite() ) { $first_comment_author = get_site_option( 'first_comment_author' ); $first_comment_email = get_site_option( 'first_comment_email' ); $first_comment_url = get_site_option( 'first_comment_url', network_home_url() ); $first_comment = get_site_option( 'first_comment' ); } $first_comment_author = ! empty( $first_comment_author ) ? $first_comment_author : __( 'A WordPress Commenter' ); $first_comment_email = ! empty( $first_comment_email ) ? $first_comment_email : 'wapuu@wordpress.example'; $first_comment_url = ! empty( $first_comment_url ) ? $first_comment_url : esc_url( __( '' ) ); $first_comment = ! empty( $first_comment ) ? $first_comment : sprintf( /* translators: %s: Gravatar URL. */ __( 'Hi, this is a comment. To get started with moderating, editing, and deleting comments, please visit the Comments screen in the dashboard. Commenter avatars come from Gravatar.' ), esc_url( __( '' ) ) ); $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->comments, array( 'comment_post_ID' => 1, 'comment_author' => $first_comment_author, 'comment_author_email' => $first_comment_email, 'comment_author_url' => $first_comment_url, 'comment_date' => $now, 'comment_date_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'comment_content' => $first_comment, 'comment_type' => 'comment', ) ); // First page. if ( is_multisite() ) { $first_page = get_site_option( 'first_page' ); } if ( empty( $first_page ) ) { $first_page = "\n"; /* translators: First page content. */ $first_page .= __( "This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:" ); $first_page .= "
\n\n\n"; $first_page .= "\n\n\n\n"; $first_page .= "\n"; /* translators: First page content. */ $first_page .= __( "Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)" ); $first_page .= "
"; /* translators: First page content. */ $first_page .= __( '...or something like this:' ); $first_page .= "
\n\n\n"; $first_page .= "\n\n\n\n"; $first_page .= "\n"; /* translators: First page content. */ $first_page .= __( 'The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.' ); $first_page .= "
"; $first_page .= sprintf( /* translators: First page content. %s: Site admin URL. */ __( 'As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!' ), admin_url() ); $first_page .= "
\n"; } $first_post_guid = get_option( 'home' ) . '/?page_id=2'; $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_author' => $user_id, 'post_date' => $now, 'post_date_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'post_content' => $first_page, 'post_excerpt' => '', 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'post_title' => __( 'Sample Page' ), /* translators: Default page slug. */ 'post_name' => __( 'sample-page' ), 'post_modified' => $now, 'post_modified_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'guid' => $first_post_guid, 'post_type' => 'page', 'to_ping' => '', 'pinged' => '', 'post_content_filtered' => '', ) ); $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->postmeta, array( 'post_id' => 2, 'meta_key' => '_wp_page_template', 'meta_value' => 'default', ) ); // Privacy Policy page. if ( is_multisite() ) { // Disable by default unless the suggested content is provided. $privacy_policy_content = get_site_option( 'default_privacy_policy_content' ); } else { if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Privacy_Policy_Content' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-privacy-policy-content.php'; } $privacy_policy_content = WP_Privacy_Policy_Content::get_default_content(); } if ( ! empty( $privacy_policy_content ) ) { $privacy_policy_guid = get_option( 'home' ) . '/?page_id=3'; $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_author' => $user_id, 'post_date' => $now, 'post_date_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'post_content' => $privacy_policy_content, 'post_excerpt' => '', 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'post_title' => __( 'Privacy Policy' ), /* translators: Privacy Policy page slug. */ 'post_name' => __( 'privacy-policy' ), 'post_modified' => $now, 'post_modified_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'guid' => $privacy_policy_guid, 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'to_ping' => '', 'pinged' => '', 'post_content_filtered' => '', ) ); $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->postmeta, array( 'post_id' => 3, 'meta_key' => '_wp_page_template', 'meta_value' => 'default', ) ); update_option( 'wp_page_for_privacy_policy', 3 ); } // Set up default widgets for default theme. update_option( 'widget_block', array( 2 => array( 'content' => '' ), 3 => array( 'content' => '