checksum000064400000000040147204766320006276 0ustar0092b9895ffc2d612172a2dfdf2f0ee801meta.ini000064400000000102147204766320006177 0ustar00[et] _locale_name_english=Estonian _locale_name_native=eesti keel user.notes.ini000064400000010456147204766320007373 0ustar00_info_information={title} (Informatsioon) _info_thispagecollates=See lehekülg kogub kõik teadaolevad andmed antud {app} paigalduse kohta. _info_editinformation={title} (Muuda informatsiooni) _info_thispageedits=See tööriist lubab sul muuda informatsiooni, mis on seotud paigaldatud rakendusega. _info_linkedvaluesbelow=Need konfigureeritavad väärtused on lingitud paigaldatud rakendusega. Väärtusi on võimalik muuta {installatron} seespool või paigaldatud rakenduses. _info_thevaluesbelow=Need konfigureeritavad väärtused on kasutusel {installatron}'is, et hallata ja uuendada rakendust. Kui paigaldatud rakendus on liigutatud väljapoole {installatron}'i, siis siin olevat informatsiooni tuleks uuendada. _info_thedatafile=This is the {installatron} data file for the installed application. It holds all the information that {installatron} knows about this app.

Do not manually edit this file. _info_thelocation=This shows where {installatron} believes the installed application is accessed, where its files are stored, and its main configuration file.

DO NOT attempt to move an installed application to a new URL by moving its files! Instead; use the CLONE wizard to move it. _info_thedatabase=These are the database values that {installatron} believes the installed application uses. These values were extracted from the application's Main Config file (see feild above).

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _info_filesanddirs=Need failid ja kataloogid on ühendatud selle rakendusega, ning kaasatakse ka varukoopiaid. _info_dbandtables=Need andmebaasi tabelid on ühendatud selle rakendusega, ning kaasatakse ka varukoopiad. _info_foryourrecord=Need väärtused on sinu endi salvestatud, ning ei ole kasutusel {installatron}'is. _info_notautomaticupdate=Pane tähele, et muutes väärtusi siin ei muudeta automaatselt paigaldatud rakendust. _info_notautomaticupgrade=Pane tähele, et muutes väärtusi siin ei muudeta automaatselt paigaldatud rakendust. _info_thefilesbelow=Need konfiguratsiooi failid lasevad sul muuta otse tähtsaid faile (seadete failid ja mallid), mis on ühendatud elava (live) rakendusega. Ole ettevaatlik, kui muudad neid faile. _info_thisisthelabel=This value represents the label displayed within {installatron} for the installed application. _info_syncingattrs=Sünkroonin paigaldatud rakenduse omadusi... _info_titlelinks={title} Lingid _info_titleinformation={title} Informatsioon _info_titleusagenotes={title} Kasutuse märkmed _info_editmultiple=Mitmete paigalduste muutmine _info_editbackup=Muuda varukoopiat _info_editthese=muuda neid väärtusi ja faile _info_installid=Paigalduse ID _info_datafile=Andmete fail _info_automaticupdate=Automaatne uuendamine _info_automaticupgrade=Automaatne uuendamine _info_automaticupdateplugins={app} plugina automaatne uuendamine _info_automaticupgradeplugins={app} plugina automaatne uuendamine _info_automaticupdatethemes={app} kujunduse automaatne uuendamine _info_automaticupgradethemes={app} kujunduse automaatne uuendamine _info_automaticupdatebackup=Automaatse uuendamise varukoopia _info_automaticupgradebackup=Automaatse uuendamise varukoopia _info_backuplocation=Varukoopia asukoht _info_defaultbackuplocation=Vaikimisi varukoopia teekond _info_title=Pealkiri _info_displayonly=See väärtus on ainult kuvamise eesmärkidel. _info_leaveblank=Jäta tühjaks, et hoida hetkel kehtivat parooli või sisesta uus parool. _info_encrypted=Märkus: See rakendus krüpteerib paroolid. See väärtus ei tohi olla praegune kehtiv. _info_version=Versioon _info_versionchannel=Uuenduse kanal _info_locationurl=Asukoha URL _info_locationpath=Asukoha teekond _info_locationmainconfig=Location Main Config _info_configfile=Konfiguratsiooni fail _info_parenturl=Live Installation URL _info_file=fail _info_chmod=chmod _info_adminusername=Administraatori kasutajanimi _info_adminpassword=Administraatori parool _info_adminemail=Administraatori e-postiaadress _info_yourname=Sinu nimi _info_sitetitle=Veebilehe pealkiri _info_sitetagline=Veebilehe tagline _info_siteoptions=Website Options _info_businessname=Ettevõtte nimi _info_language=Keel _info_content=Sisu _info_licensekey=Litsentsi võti _info_customernumber=Kliendi number _info_enablemultisite=Luba Multi-site _info_limitloginattempts=Limiteeri sisselogimise katsed _info_twofactor=Kahe astmeline autentiseerimine application.ini000064400000677131147204766320007602 0ustar00_installer_aardvarkts_description=Aardvark Topsites on avatud lähtekoodiga veebilehe rakendus. _installer_aardvarkts_authordescription=Aardvark Topsites is simply the best top sites application there is. Features: pageview counts, hits in and hits out, members ranking, and customizable templates. _installer_abantecart_description=AbanteCart on avatud lähtekoodiga e-kaubandusliku suunaga tarkvara, mis laseb laseb sul teha e-poe. _installer_abantecart_authordescription=AbanteCart is a free eCommerce application that is designed, built and supported by experienced enthusiasts that are passionate about their work and contribution to the project. This is not commercial project and there was no rush decisions or shortcuts in this project. We like what we do, and we strongly believe that AbanteCart one of the best and state of the art eCommerce platform available. AbanteCart operated based on donations, contributions and advertisers financial support.

Developer benefits: _installer_admidio_description=Admidio is an open source membership management application for groups, clubs and organizations. _installer_admidio_authordescription=Admidio is a free online membership management, which is optimized for associations, groups and organizations. In addition to classic user management it consists of a variety of modules that can be installed and adjusted on a new or existing homepage.

Features: _installer_advancedpoll_description=Advanced Poll on ilma lisatasuta küsitluste/uuringute rakendus. _installer_advancedpoll_authordescription=Advanced Poll is a polling system with powerful administration tool.

Features: _installer_akeneo_description=Akeneo on avatud lähtekoodiga toote informatsiooni halduse rakendus, mis algselt loodi 2013 aastal. _installer_akeneo_authordescription=Features: _installer_alfresco_description=Alfresco Community is an open source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) application. _installer_alfresco_authordescription=Alfreco Community manages all the content within an enterprise and provides the services and controls that manage this content.

Features: _installer_anukotimetracker_description=Anuko Time Tracker is an open source time management application. _installer_anukotimetracker_authordescription=Anuko Time Tracker allows you to track the time that employees, colleagues, or teammates spend working on projects and tasks.

Features: _installer_atheos_description=Atheos is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) application. _installer_atheos_authordescription=Atheos is a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements. Atheos is updated from the Codiad IDE.

Atheos was built with simplicity in mind, allowing for fast, interactive development without the massive overhead of some of the larger desktop editors. That being said even users of IDE's such as Eclipse, NetBeans and Aptana are finding Codiad's simplicity to be a huge benefit. While simplicity was key, we didn't skimp on features and have a team of dedicated developer actively adding more.

Features: _installer_b2evolution_description=b2evolution on avatud lähtekoodiga blogi süsteem. _installer_b2evolution_authordescription=b2evolution is a news post and blogging application. You enter news items through an easy-to-use web interface and the news items appear dynamically on your webpage. The application also handles archving and commenting. _installer_backdropcms_description=Backdrop CMS is an open source content management application. Backdrop CMS forked from Drupal 7 in 2015. _installer_backdropcms_authordescription=Backdrop is a free and Open Source Content Management System that helps you build modern, comprehensive websites on a reasonable budget.

_installer_blab_description=BlaB is a free group chat application. _installer_blab_authordescription=BlaB! AX is a free group chat script, using AJAX as a transport system and MySQL as a database storage.

Features: _installer_blesta_description=Blesta on äriline arvete ja kliendi halduse rakendus. _installer_blesta_authordescription=Blesta is the professional web based billing and support application focusing on productivity and usability. _installer_blesta_licensekeytext=Blesta vajab toote litsentsi võtit. Jäta see tühjaks, et kasutada prooviversiooni litsentsi või osta otse blesta veebilehelt. _installer_blogenginenet_description=BlogEngine.NET on avaliku lähtekoodiga blogi rakendus. _installer_blogenginenet_authordescription=BlogEngine.NET may be the simplest and most light weight ASP.NET blog at the moment, but still full featured. _installer_phpscheduleit_description=Booked on avaliku lähtekoodiga broneerimis ja planeerimisis rakendus. Esialgne väljalase oli 2003. aastal (siis tuntud kui phpScheduleIt). Booked tarkvara on tänaseks allalaadidtud üle 200,000 korra. _installer_phpscheduleit_authordescription=Booked allows users to register and then place reservations on any kind of resources, such as conference rooms, machines, computers, etc. The administrative side allows complete control over user permissions, resource data, reservation data, and is has many configurable settings.

Features: _installer_boxbilling_description=BoxBilling on tasuta arvete ja kliendi halduse rakendus. Äriline versioon koos laiendatud funksioonidega on samuti saadaval. Box Billing esmakordne väljalaske aeg oli aastal 2011. _installer_boxbilling_authordescription=With BoxBilling you can sell any product imaginable - web hosting, software licenses, servers, downloadable products and setup any custom products.

Features: _installer_boxbilling_licensekeytext=BoxBilling nõuab tasuta litsentsi võtit, mida saab nende endi kodulehelt. Võta litsentsi võti otse BoxBilling veebilehelt _installer_podcastgenerator_description=Podcast Generator is an open source podcast publishing application. _installer_podcastgenerator_authordescription=Podcast Generator (PG) is an open source Content Management System and specifically designed for self-hosting podcasts.

Features: _installer_projectsend_description=ProjectSend on avatud lähtekoodiga faili ja pildi jagamise rakendus. ProjectSend alustas 2007. aastal, kui teda tunti cFTP nime all. _installer_projectsend_authordescription=ProjectSend is a client-oriented file uploading utility. Clients are created and assigned a username and a password. Files can then be uploaded under each account with the ability to add a title and description to each.

When a client logs in from any browser anywhere, the client will see a page that contains your company logo, and a sortable list of every file uploaded under the client's name, with description, time, date, etc.. It also works as a history of "sent" files, provides a differences between revisions, the time that it took between each revision, and so on.

An additional benefit includes saving hundreds of megabytes on email accounts since every file remains until it's deleted.

Features: _installer_cakephp_description=CakePHP is an open source framework application. Initially released in 2005, CakePHP is partially inspired by Ruby on Rails and uses many of its concepts. _installer_cakephp_authordescription=Features: _installer_canvas_description=Canvas LMS is an open source course management application. Initially released in 2011, Canvas LMS is used by more than 3 thousand universities, school districts, and institutions. _installer_canvas_authordescription=Canvas is the LMS that makes teaching and learning (and implementation and adoption and customer support and student success and bragging to your non-Canvas-using peers) easier.

Features: _installer_chamilo_description=Chamilo is an open source course management application. Forked from Dokeos in 2010, Chamilo is currently used by more than 3.5 million students and teachers. _installer_chamilo_authordescription=Chamilo aims at bringing you the best e-learning and collaboration platform in the open source world. Chamilo is also a brand owned by the Chamilo Association, which makes it possible for many companies to build on the name of the product with very low risk. The trademark is not and will never be owned by a single trademark holder.

Features: _installer_chevereto_description=Chevereto is an open source image hosting application. _installer_chevereto_authordescription=Get your own turnkey image hosting system today. Start your own image sharing website with your own rules.

Features: _installer_classicpress_description=ClassicPress is an open source content management application. Forked from WordPress 4.9.x in 2019, development focuses on improved security, less bloat, and block-free. _installer_classicpress_authordescription=Still using WordPress 4.9.x? Is the WP block editor not for you? Then ClassicPress is just made for you. With all the same features and familiarity as WP 4.9.x and still very much in active development, ClassicPress is like meeting up with an old friend.

ClassicPress is a community-led open source content management system and a fork of WordPress that preserves the classic TinyMCE editor as the default option.

We believe that when we combine careful, deliberate planning with the insight and collective wisdom of the ClassicPress community, we will ensure the success of ClassicPress for many years to come. Check out our roadmap to learn more.

We have an active and growing community of users from many different backgrounds. Whether you are a developer, designer, business owner, or blogger, the ClassicPress Forums are where you can discuss all things ClassicPress. Add your voice to the conversation!

_installer_classicpress_sitetagline=Another great website powered by ClassicPress _installer_clientexec_description=ClientExec is a commercial billing and client management application. ClientExec was initially released in 2002 and today is trusted by thousands of companies. _installer_clientexec_authordescription=Features: _installer_pluxml_description=PluXml is an open source blog and content management application. _installer_pluxml_authordescription=Build a high-performing website with ease!

Features: _installer_cmsmadesimple_description=CMS Made Simple is an open source content management application. Initially released in 2004, CMS Made Simple received the 2010 Most Promising Open Source Content Management System award by Packt Publishing. _installer_cmsmadesimple_authordescription=CMS Made Simple provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to enable building small-ish (dozens to hundreds of pages), semi-static websites. Typically CMS Made Simple is used for corporate websites and websites promoting a team or organization. There are other content management packages that specialize in building portals, or blogs, or article based content. CMS Made Simple can do much of this, but it is not our area of focus.

Features: _installer_codeigniter_description=CodeIgniter is a free PHP development framework. A commercial version named ExpressionEngine is available from the website. _installer_codeigniter_authordescription=Code Igniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects must faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. Code Igniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task. _installer_codiad_description=Codiad is a free integrated development environment (IDE) application. Codiad was initially released in 2013. _installer_codiad_authordescription=Codiad is a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements.

Codiad was built with simplicity in mind, allowing for fast, interactive development without the massive overhead of some of the larger desktop editors. That being said even users of IDE's such as Eclipse, NetBeans and Aptana are finding Codiad's simplicity to be a huge benefit. While simplicity was key, we didn't skimp on features and have a team of dedicated developer actively adding more.

Features: _installer_collabtive_description=Collabtive is an open source project management application. Collabtive was initialy released in 2007. _installer_collabtive_authordescription=Collabtive is an open source alternative to proprietary tools like Basecamp. Collabtive is intended for small to medium-sized businesses and freelancers.

Core functionality:
Reporting and notifications:
Collabtive is developed by a team of professional volunteers. Everyone involved is a pro in their respective areas, providing high quality contributions to the project. _installer_concrete_description=concrete5 is an open source content management and website builder application. _installer_concrete_authordescription=Building and running a website are two very different challenges. Certainly, one person may wear both hats, but the process of launching a great website is far different from running a great website over time. concrete5 lets you do both: build and run great websites. Most other content management systems are built for one side of the equation or the other.

Many CMS's were designed by developers, for developers. Building and maintaining a site with them can be pretty complex and intimidating for someone who can't program computers. The end editing experience works, but to make even basic content changes you're typically working with long web forms in a "back-end." Adding new functionality is something you'll need some technical know-how to pull off. Imagine having to call a consultant every time you wanted to write a new Word document. How useful is that to your business?

Conversely, there's a number of solutions that are geared for the DIY market. Typically starting as a blog, these sites get added to and added to over time until they fall apart. Imagine being told your document was always going to have a cover page, a table of contents, and an index – no matter how simple you wanted it to be. Sure it's great you can get started quickly, but if you want to do much more than what these systems were designed for like using a hammer to drive screws.

With concrete5, you get the best of both worlds. Anyone can start making their own website in seconds, and the editing experience is easy; just click on what you want to change. Developers still get a flexible and robust framework for building sophisticated web applications. With concrete5, however, site owners will be able to make changes and additions on their own, for years to come.

Features: _installer_contactform_description=Contact Form is a simple open source website contact form application. _installer_contactform_authordescription=Contact Form provides a simple way for visitors to contact you through your website. In addition to being a quick and easy way for visitors to contact you, this also helps eliminate spam by hiding your email address from spambots. _installer_contactform_usagenotes=Now cut and paste this form code into your webpage (you can also edit the HTML formatting to taste):

Once the code is added to your webpage, the contact form will work.

You can change your email address, email subject, and submission-sent URL by manually editing the contactscript.php script in the installation directory. _installer_contao_description=Contao is an open source content management application. Contao was formerly known as TYPOlight. _installer_contao_authordescription=Contao is an open source content management system (CMS) for people who want a professional internet presence that is easy to maintain. The state-of-the-art structure of the system offers a high security standard and allows you to develop search engine friendly websites that are also accessible for people with disabilities. Furthermore, the system can be expanded flexibly and inexpensively. Easy management of user rights, the Live Update Service, the modern CSS framework and many already integrated modules (news, calendar, forms, etc.) have quickly made Contao one of the most popular open source content management systems on the market.

Features: _installer_coppermine_description=Coppermine Photo Gallery is an open source image gallery application. _installer_coppermine_authordescription=Coppermine is a multi-purpose and fully-featured image gallery application.

Features: _installer_coranto_description=Coranto is an open source content management application programmed in Perl. Coranto is extremely lightweight, with much of the functionality added through plugins. Coranto is the successor to NewsPro. _installer_coranto_authordescription=Coranto is your everyday Content Management System (CMS). It's designed to be flexible, and you can easily expand Coranto's functions by the use of a multitude of "snap-in" addons. Whether you run a small blog or a fully scaled newspaper with millions of hits every day, you can rely on Coranto's fully browser-based environment to update your site. The script also has its own forums for your support, questions and ideas. _installer_cslivehelp_description=Crafty Syntax Live Help is an open source chat-based help application. _installer_cslivehelp_authordescription=Live Help is a multi-user, multi-operator, multi-department live Help support chat system that allows the operators of the websites to monitor their visitors as they are browsing the site and proactively open a chat session with the visitor.

Features include auto-invite, referer tracking, page tracking, chat notification, user is typing message, multiple chat sessions, sound alert, leave a message if offline, push urls, quick responses, and multiple operators. _installer_cubecart_description=CubeCart is a free e-commerce shopping cart application. A commercial version is also available from the website. CubeCart was previously known as eStore. _installer_cubecart_authordescription=CubeCart is an e-commerce application that enables you to create a powerful online store.

Features: _installer_dadamail_description=Dada Mail is an open source mailing list application developed in Perl. Dada Mail was initially released in 2000 under the name Mojo Mail and has been known as Dada Mail since 2003. _installer_dadamail_authordescription=Dada Mail helps you with managing an email mailing list, offering complete support for safe, closed-loop opt-in subscriptions, sending out mass mailings, keeping message archives and allowing you to share your messages in lots of neat ways.

You run Dada Mail on your own web hosting account, giving you complete control over your valuable mailing lists. Do It Yourself - Dada Mail is designed for small businesses in mind, to provide an economical and extremely flexible solution to reach out to your customers, fans, friends, business partners and clients.

Interact with Dada Mail through your web browser, making Dada Mail available anywhere you have a connection to the Internet, your business computer, your smart phone, your iPad, or any other computer, while on the go.

Dada Mail is rich with features, but tries to Keep It Simple. Dada Mail is designed to favor flexibility, extensibility and ease-of-use over core speed or extremely flashy but hard-to-use features. We ship Dada Mail with sane default mailing list preferences, so you can start using Dada Mail, without causing a faux pas and keeping your subscribers happy.

Dada Mail is designed to be installed, setup and understood by regular people who have websites, but packs enough advanced features to entice more proficient users. If you've installed a bulletin board or web blog software, you can install Dada Mail.

Dada Mail can scale. Install Dada Mail on most any basic hosting account and start sending out messages right away. Mailing List growing? Switch to sending with a more powerful third-party system, like Amazon SES, where there's potentially no limit on the number of emails you may send - all without having to change mailing list mangement systems or your hosting.

Dada Mail is named after the Dada Art Movement, comprised of in part of an incredibly creative pocket of free thinkers that expressed themselves without boundaries during the horrific time of WWI. Dada defies actual definition (by design!) and we'd like to be surprised and delighted to learn how you use Dada Mail! _installer_docker_description=Docker is an open source containerization technology for building and containerizing applications. _installer_docker_authordescription=Features: _installer_dokuwiki_description=DokuWiki is an open source wiki application that is extremely lightweight. _installer_dokuwiki_authordescription=DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use wiki, mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups and small companies. It has a simple but powerful syntax which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki and eases the creation of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files--no database is required.

Features: _installer_dolibarr_description=Dolibarr is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relations management (CRM) application. Dolibarr was initially released in 2003. _installer_dolibarr_authordescription=Dolibarr is an open source, free software package for small and medium companies, foundations or freelancers. It includes different features for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) but also other features for different activities. Dolibarr is multi-user, with several permissions levels for each feature, and Dolibarr is very user friendly.

Features: _installer_dotnetnuke_description=DotNetNuke is an open source content management application and .NET development framework. _installer_dotnetnuke_authordescription=DotNetNuke is the leading Web Content Management Platform (or CMS) for Microsoft ASP.NET, powering over 700,000 production web sites worldwide. The flexible DotNetNuke open source CMS platform also functions as a web application development framework. Depending on your role within your organization, DotNetNuke provides powerful benefits to support your Web initiatives. _installer_dotclear_description=Dotclear is an open source blog application. Dotclear was initially released in 2003. _installer_dotclear_authordescription=Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software. Take control over your blog!

Dotclear project's purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool allowing anyone to publish on the web, regardless of their technical skills.

Features: _installer_drupal_description=Drupal is an open source content management application and PHP development framework. _installer_drupal_authordescription=Drupal is a publishing platform created for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services. Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven and corporate sites. Use as-is or snap in any of thousands of free designs and plug-ins for rapid site assembly. Developers love our well-documented APIs. Designers love our flexibility. Site administrators love our limitless scalability.

Features: _installer_e107_description=e107 on avatud lähtekoodiga sisuhaldussüsteem ja portaali rakendus. _installer_e107_authordescription=e107 is a content management system powered by PHP and MySQL that gives you a totally dynamic and professional website out of the box. It's open source, totally customizable and in constant development. _installer_efront_description=eFront is an open source learning management application. Initially released in 2007, eFront received the 2012 Best Open Source Solution award by Elearning! Magazine. _installer_efront_authordescription=eFront is a robust learning platform, bundled with key enterprise functionality ranging from branch management to tailor-made reports. We have worked with hundreds of organizations to shape a product that meets the training needs of modern enterprises.

Enterprise features include:
eFront also has a number of features typically found in eLearning platforms: _installer_elgg_description=Elagg on avatud lähtekoodiga sotsiaalvõrgustikku platvorm. _installer_elgg_authordescription=Elgg is an award-winning social networking platform, delivering the building blocks that enable businesses, schools, universities and associations to create their own fully-featured social networks and applications. Elgg was voted best open source social networking platform in 2008. _installer_erpnext_description=ERPNext is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) application. ERPNext was initially released in 2008. _installer_erpnext_authordescription=The ERP Software that helps you take full control of your business. ERPNext is both powerful and easy to use.

Features: _installer_extcalendar_description=ExtCalendar on avatud lähtekoodiga kalendri rakendus. _installer_extcalendar_authordescription=ExtCalendar is a powerful multi-user web-based calendar application. Features include Themes, Recurrent Events, Categories, Users and Groups management, Environment and General Settings, and Template Configuration. _installer_feedonfeeds_description=Feed On Feeds is an open source RSS reader. _installer_feedonfeeds_authordescription=Feed On Feeds is an easy to use server-side news aggregator that supports RSS and Atom.

A news aggregator allows you to subscribe to news sources and have new items collected together on a single page. The newest items appear at the top, and you can mark old news items read. _installer_fengoffice_description=Feng Office is an open source customer relations and project management application. Initially released in 2007, Feng Office powers operations for over 350,000 businesses and organizations worldwide. _installer_fengoffice_authordescription=Feng Office enables businesses to manage project tasks, billing, documents, communication with co-workers, customers and vendors, schedule meetings and events, and share every kind of electronic information.

Features: _installer_fluxbb_description=FluxBB is an open source forum application. Forked from PunBB in 2008, FluxBB is a popular lightweight forum application, powering forums for Arch Linux and μTorrent. _installer_fluxbb_authordescription=FluxBB is designed as a lighter, faster alternative to some of the traditional feature heavy forum applications. It is easy to use and has a proven track record of stability and security making it an ideal choice of forum for your website.

Features: _installer_fork_description=Fork is an open source content management application. Fork was initially released in 2010. _installer_fork_authordescription=Fork CMS is dedicated to creating a user friendly environment to build, monitor and update your website. We take great pride in being the Content Management System of choice for beginners and professionals. We combine this grand vision with the latest technological innovations to allow developers, front-end developers and designers to build kick-ass websites. This makes Fork CMS next in line for world domination.

Fork CMS is jam-packed with cool apps. It comes with the territory of being a kick-ass Content Management System. And just in case you want even more, you can download additional apps to expand your site. We're constantly working with our dedicated community to build new and exciting apps. Keep an eye on our blog on to get updates on our brand spanking new modules.

We believe that a good site should look that way too. That's why we have a wide collection of beautiful themes built by kick-ass designers. We're constantly working with our talented community to build new themes. Keep an eye on our blog on to get updates on stunning new themes.

With Fork CMS, being a marketing guru is super easy. Find out what drives your visitors and optimise your site accordingly. Did we mention that Search Engines love Fork CMS too? Fork CMS offers powerful tools for both beginners and professionals. Fork CMS also plays nicely with existing services like Campaign Monitor and Google Analytics. _installer_formtools_description=Form Tools is an open source web form management application. Form Tools was initially released in 2005 and has since been downloaded more than 150,000 times. _installer_formtools_authordescription=Form Tools provides any existing web form with a backend database and a user-friendly interface to manage the form submission data, plus a wealth of tools for managing and manipulating your form data. Whether you create your forms by hand or through a script, whether your form is in HTML, Flash, Silverlight or anything else - Form Tools can help!

Features: _installer_freescout_description=FreeScout is an open source help desk and support application. _installer_freescout_authordescription=FreeScout is the perfect help desk solution for those who need to provide a professional customer support, but who can not afford to pay for Zendesk or Help Scout.

_installer_frontaccounting_description=FrontAccounting is an open source accounting application for small and medium businesses. Forked from webERP in 2007, FrontAccounting has been downloaded over 100,000 times. _installer_frontaccounting_authordescription=FrontAccounting is a simple but powerful system for the entire ERP chain. The software can be used as a free alternative to QuickBooks.

FrontAccounting's features cover: _installer_gallery_description=Gallery on avatud lähtekoodiga pildigalerii rakendus. _installer_gallery_authordescription=Gallery is the next generation of open source photo sharing web applications. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site. Hundreds of thousands of people and organizations are using Gallery to create personalized photo albums on their websites.

With Gallery, you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning, searching and more. Albums can have read, write and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy. Give accounts to your friends and family and let them upload and manage their own photos on your website! _installer_gbook_description=GBook on tasuta külalisteraamatu rakendus koos täiustatud rämpsposti tõkkega. GBook on tuntud ka kui PHP Guestbook. _installer_gbook_authordescription=GBook is an easy to use PHP guestbook, which allows your visitors to post comments on your website.

GBook includes advanced (and regularly updated) SPAM protection. _installer_geeklog_description=Geeklog on avatud lähtekoodiga blogisüsteemide veebirakendus. Geeklog esialgne väljalaske aeg oli 2000. aastal. _installer_geeklog_authordescription=Geeklog is a CMS and blog engine with support for comments, trackbacks, multiple syndication formats, spam protection, and all the other vital features of such a system. The core Geeklog distribution can easily be extended by the many community developed plugins and other add-ons to radically alter its functionality. Available plugins include forums, image galleries, and many more.

Blog/CMS Features:
Administration Features:
Developer Features: _installer_getsimple_description=GetSimple on avatud lähtekoodiga sisuhaldustarkvara veebirakendus. _installer_getsimple_authordescription=GetSimple is an XML based, stand-a-alone, fully independent and lite Content Management System. To go along with its best-in-class user interface, we have loaded it with features that every website needs, but with nothing it doesn't. GetSimple is truly the simplest way to manage a small-business website.

Features: _installer_gibbon_description=Gibbon is an open source school management application. _installer_gibbon_authordescription=Created by teachers, Gibbon is the school platform which solves real problems encountered by educators every day. Being free, open source and flexible Gibbon can morph to meet the needs of a huge range of schools.

Features: _installer_glpi_description=GLPI is an open source resource management application. _installer_glpi_authordescription=Your open source tool to manage Helpdesk and IT assets!

Features: _installer_grav_description=Grav is an open source content management application. _installer_grav_authordescription=Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible, file-based Web-platform. The Grav admin plugin provides a simple and intuitive interface to make configuration and content creation easy and enjoyable.

Features: _installer_groupoffice_description=Group Office is an open source customer relations and project management application. Group Office was initially released in 2003. _installer_groupoffice_authordescription=Group-Office is an enterprise CRM and collaboration tool. Share projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-workers and clients. Easy to use and fully customizable.

Features: _installer_helpcenterlive_description=Help Center Live on avatud lähtekoodiga chat baasil abi veebirakendus. _installer_helpcenterlive_authordescription=Help Center Live is a fully-featured support application that includes FAQ management, a support ticket system, and live chatting functionality. _installer_hesk_description=HESK on tasuta toe ja teadmistepagasi veebirakendus. Esialgne väljalaske aasta oli 2009, HESK on kasvanud üheks populaarseimaks tasuta tugisüsteemi veebirakenduseks. _installer_hesk_authordescription=Use HESK to set up a web-based customer support portal or an IT help desk to help you create, manage and resolve support tickets. HESK includes everything you need to provide effective customer support at none of the cost: _installer_humhub_description=HumHub is an open source social networking application and framework. _installer_humhub_authordescription=HumHub is a free social network software and framework built to give you the tools to make communication and collaboration easy and successful.

Benefits: _installer_igalerie_description=iGalerie is an open source gallery application. _installer_igalerie_authordescription=Create your photo/video gallery easily with iGalerie.

Features: _installer_impresspages_description=ImpressPages is an open source content management application. Initially released in 2009, ImpressPages received the 2011 Most Promising Open Source Project award by Packt Publishing. _installer_impresspages_authordescription=ImpressPages CMS is a web content management system that simplifies and speeds up the content management process, enabling websites to be managed up to 4 times faster. The technology behind ImpressPages CMS empowers people with no technical knowledge and with no upfront learning to manage their websites as professionals. Features: _installer_invoiceninja_description=InvoiceNinja is an open source invoicing and time-tracking application. InvoiceNinja was initially released in 2014. _installer_invoiceninja_authordescription=Invoice Ninja is the #1 open-source platform to create and email invoices, track payments and expenses, and time billable tasks and projects for clients.

Features:Invoice Ninja is 100% open source, and supported by a growing community of developers around the world. _installer_invoiceplane_description=InvoicePlane is an open source invoicing application. _installer_invoiceplane_authordescription=InvoicePlane manages your quotes, invoices, clients and payments.

Features: _installer_itronclock_description=iTron Clock is a free real-time javascript clock application. _installer_itronclock_authordescription=Installatron Clock is a simple application that enables a static or dynamic text-based date and/or clock to be inserted into a webpage. The display is highly configurable and is easy to insert into any webpage. _installer_jcow_description=Jcow is an open source social network building application. _installer_jcow_authordescription=Everything you need to build a successful online community.

Features: _installer_joomla_description=Joomla on avatud lähtekoodiga sisuhaldussüsteem ja portaali rakendus. Joomla hargnes aastal 2005 Mambost, ning on tänaseni üks populaarseimaid rakendusi, mida on allalaaditud enam kui 25. miljonil korral.

Joomla!Eesti tugikeskkond asub veebiaadressil _installer_joomla_authordescription=Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS) which enables web sites and powerful online applications to be built. With millions of websites running on Joomla, the software is used by individuals, small and medium-sized businesses, and large organizations worldwide. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular web site software available.

Features: _installer_jupyter_description=Jupyter is an open source interactive computing application. Forked from IPython in 2014, Jupyter supports execution environments in several dozen languages. _installer_jupyter_authordescription=Project Jupyter exists to develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages. Configure and arrange the user interface to support a wide range of workflows in data science, scientific computing, and machine learning.

Features: _installer_kanboard_description=Kanboard is an open source project management application. _installer_kanboard_authordescription=Kanboard is a free and open source Kanban project management software.

Features: _installer_koken_description=Koken on tasuta gallerii veebirakendus. Koken algne väljalaske aasta oli 2013. _installer_koken_authordescription=Koken is a free system designed for publishing independent web sites of creative work.

Highlights: _installer_laravel_description=Laravel is an open source application framework. Initially released in 2011, Laravel as of August 2015 is the most popular and watched PHP project on GitHub. _installer_laravel_authordescription=Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, queueing, and caching.

Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked.

Features: _installer_advancedguestbook_description=Lazarus Guestbook is an open source guestbook application. Lazarus Guestbook forked from Advanced Guestbook in 2006. _installer_advancedguestbook_authordescription=Lazarus Guestbook is a guestbook application, which enables website visitors to post comments.

Features: _installer_lepton_description=LEPTON is an open source content management application. _installer_lepton_authordescription=LEPTON enables you to run nearly all the websites most others current CMS promise you but has the big advantage of extremely short learning and training curves, and this is a great argument to those who work with LEPTON. LEPTON is easily installed and started, and can easily be adapted to fit the needs of nearly all web appearances.

Features: _installer_lifetype_description=LifeType on avatud lähtekoodiga blogide veebirakendus. LifeType esmane väljalaske aeg oli aastal 2003 (siis tuntud kui pLOg). _installer_lifetype_authordescription=LifeType supports multiple blogs and users, media management, generation of standard content, clean URLs and support for subdomains.

Features: _installer_limesurvey_description=LimeSurvey is an open source survey application. LimeSurvey was formerly known as PHPSurveyor. _installer_limesurvey_authordescription=LimeSurvey enables surveys to be developed and responses to be collected and analyzed. LimeSurvey includes a wide range of built-in question types, and a range of flexible options. Surveys can include branching, different layouts and designs (using a templating system), and can provide basic statistical analysis of survey results. Surveys can be public, or can be strictly controlled through the use of unique tokens for each survey participant.

Features: _installer_litecart_description=LiteCart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. _installer_litecart_authordescription=An amazingly fast e-commerce platform. LiteCart e-commerce platform built with PHP, jQuery and HTML 5.

What can you do with LiteCart? _installer_livesite_description=liveSite is an open source website builder and content management application. _installer_livesite_authordescription=liveSite is a back-end website engine that can drive any front-end website design.

Features: _installer_livehelperchat_description=Live Helper Chat is an open source support application. _installer_livehelperchat_authordescription=Live Support chat for your website. Web and desktop clients. Co-Browsing, XMPP notifications, GTalk, Jabber, Openfire, Skype, Chrome extension, Node.js support, MySQL, PostgreSQL.

Features for site owners:
Features for developers: _installer_luxcal_description=LuxCal is an open source personal calendar application. _installer_luxcal_authordescription=LuxCal is a free user-friendly, intuitive web calendar. It can help you to organize and keep track of your events and appointments in an easy way from your phone, tablet or PC at home, in the office, on business trips or when on holiday. LuxCal has all essential functions you may expect from a modern web calendar and is targeted at home use and small businesses.

Features: _installer_lychee_description=Lychee is an open source photo management application. _installer_lychee_authordescription=Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.

Features: _installer_magento_description=Magento is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Initially released in 2008, Magento has grown rapidly to serve more than 110,000 merchants worldwide. _installer_magento_authordescription=Magento provides the scalability, flexibility, and features for business growth. Merchants using Magento have complete flexibility and control over the presentation, content, and functionality of their online channel.

Features: _installer_mahara_description=Mahara is an open source portfolio building application. Mahara was initially released in 2006 and today is used by institutes and organisations all over the world. _installer_mahara_authordescription=Mahara is a fully featured web application to build your electronic portfolio. You can create journals, upload files, embed social media resources from the web and collaborate with other users in groups.

What makes Mahara different from other ePortfolio systems is that you control which items and what information (Artefacts) within your portfolio other users see. In order to facilitate this access control, all Artefacts you wish to show to other users need to be bundled up and placed into one area. Within Mahara this compilation of selected Artefacts is called a View. You can have as many Views as you like, each with a different collection of Artefacts, and intended purpose and audience. Your audience, or the people you wish to give access to your View, can be added as individuals or as a member of a Group or Community.

ePortfolio owners create Views using a 4 step process and Views have the following features:
Other features of Mahara include: _installer_mambo_description=Mambo is an open source content management and portal application. _installer_mambo_authordescription=Mambo Open Source Content Management System allows anyone to manage a web site. It is easily configured for personal sites, and powerful enough for large-scale commercial installations, perfect for non-tech webmasters and advanced programmers alike. _installer_mantis_description=Mantis is an open source bug tracking application. _installer_mantis_authordescription=Mantis is a bug tracking application that manages a project's error reports and feature requests. Any web browser will function as a client.

Features: _installer_mattermost_description=Mattermost Team Edition is an open source messaging and communication application. _installer_mattermost_authordescription=Mattermost is a flexible, open source messaging platform that meets even the most demanding privacy and security standards. Mattermost is an open source Slack alternative.

Features: _installer_mautic_description=Mautic is an open source marketing automation application. _installer_mautic_authordescription=Mautic began with a single focus. Equality. The Mautic community believes in giving every person the power to understand, manage, and grow their business or organization. Mautic is focused on helping this belief become a reality by getting powerful marketing automation software into the hands of everyone.

Features: _installer_mediawiki_description=MediaWiki is an open source wiki application. MediaWiki was initially released in 2002 after being developed to power Wikipedia. _installer_mediawiki_authordescription=MediaWiki is a feature-rich wiki implementation, and is used to power Wikipedia and many other wikis.

Features: _installer_mibew_description=Mibew is an open source support and real time chat application. _installer_mibew_authordescription=Mibew Messenger (also known as Open Web Messenger) is an open-source live support application written in PHP and MySQL. It enables one-on-one chat assistance in real-time directly from your website.

Features: _installer_microweber_description=Microweber is an open source content management application. _installer_microweber_authordescription=Microweber is free and open source website builder and CMS, so you can freely download it and use it to build website.

Use this new generation CMS for to build any website, online store or blog, easy as never before. The drag and drop technology will save you time and will give you freedom to be creative.

Features: _installer_modx_description=MODx is an open source content management application and development framework. _installer_modx_authordescription=MODx is not a typical plug-and-play CMS. It's liberating and different and designed to work the way you think about sites, not how sites are built.

Features: _installer_moodle_description=Moodle is an open source course management application. Initially released in 2002, Moodle serves more than 63 million users and 1.2 million teachers between 70,000 registered websites. _installer_moodle_authordescription=Moodle is a course management application designed to help educators create effective online learning communities. Moodle can scale from a single-teacher site to a University with 200,000 students.

The focus of the Moodle project is always on giving educators the best tools to manage and promote learning, but there are many ways to use Moodle: _installer_mybb_description=MyBB is an open source forum application. MyBB forked from XMB Forum in 2002. _installer_mybb_authordescription=From administration to posting a reply, MyBB is a forum package full of useful and to-the-point features for both you and your visitors, helping you to make running your bulletin board as easy as possible.

Features: _installer_mylittleforum_description=mylittleforum is an open source forum application. _installer_mylittleforum_authordescription=my little forum is a simple PHP and MySQL based internet forum that displays the messages in classical threaded view (tree structure). The main claim of this web forum is simplicity.

Features: _installer_ocportal_description=ocPortal is a free content management and portal application. _installer_ocportal_authordescription=ocPortal is a content management application with many Web 2.0 and community features for building modern, sophisticated websites. ocPortal supports many types of content, including but not limited to galleries, news, newsletters, and it enables rich media and advertising to be integrated. Community features include forums, member blogs, chat rooms, WIKI, and content commenting/rating. ocPortal lets you decide how your site will look and behave. Features are plentiful, but also optional. Feature integration is at the core of the ocPortal philosophy - for example, the site-wide search engine, and the unified member profiles. Out-of-the-box your site will meet the highest accessibility and professional standards, and will appear higher in Google due to automatic SEO. Your website will automatically block and record hacking attempts, and you can control access in different ways such as via paid subscription. ocPortal is designed as the software that'll handle all your needs; you'll get much more than just a Content Management System. _installer_odoo_description=Odoo is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) application. Odoo was formerly known as OpenERP. _installer_odoo_authordescription=With 10.000+ apps in, Odoo covers all your business needs in a one-stop solution: no more interfaces between different software required. Odoo apps are perfectly integrated to each other, allowing you to fully automate your business processes.

Features: _installer_omeka_description=Omeka is an open source content management application. _installer_omeka_authordescription=Omeka is a free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Omeka is a Swahili word meaning to display or lay out wares; to speak out; to spread out; to unpack. Omeka falls at a crossroads of Web Content Management, Collections Management, and Archival Digital Collections Systems.

Omeka is designed with non-IT specialists in mind, allowing users to focus on content and interpretation rather than programming. It brings Web 2.0 technologies and approaches to academic and cultural websites to foster user interaction and participation. It makes top-shelf design easy with a simple and flexible templating system. Its robust open-source developer and user communities underwrite Omeka's stability and sustainability.

Until now, scholars and cultural heritage professionals looking to publish collections-based research and online exhibitions required either extensive technical skills or considerable funding for outside vendors. By making standards based, serious online publishing easy, Omeka puts the power and reach of the web in the hands of academics and cultural professionals themselves.

Easy to use:
Strong community of documentation and support:
Extensible, scalable, and flexible: _installer_omekas_description=Omeka S an open source education and exhibit-curation application. _installer_omekas_authordescription=Omeka S is a web publication application for universities, galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. It creates a local network of independently curated exhibits sharing a collaboratively built pool of items and their metadata. Create and manage many sites with a streamlined installation of Omeka S.

Features: _installer_openwebanalytics_description=Open Web Analytics is an open source web analytics application. _installer_openwebanalytics_authordescription=Open Web Analytics is the free and open source web analytics framework that lets you stay in control of how you instrument and analyze the use of your websites and application.

Features: _installer_openbiblio_description=OpenBiblio is an open source library automation application. OpenBiblio was initially released in 2006. _installer_openbiblio_authordescription=OpenBiblio is an easy to use, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality. _installer_opencart_description=OpenCart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. OpenCart was initially released in 2009. _installer_opencart_authordescription=OpenCart is designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface.

Features: _installer_openclassifieds_description=Open Classifieds is an open source classified advertisement application. Open Classifieds was initially released in 2008 and today serves more than 14,000 websites. _installer_openclassifieds_authordescription=Open Classifieds is the perfect software to start your own online business in few minutes. With Open Classifieds you can have your listing site, contacts page, car/auto sales, job board, second hand items, forum, or anything you want. You name the limit! Start today you own Craigslists, Ebay Classifieds, Olx or Gumtree clone for free!

Features: _installer_opendocman_description=OpenDocMan is an open source document management application that is designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standards. Initially released in 2004, OpenDocMan has a growing community of international users from individuals to government agencies and fortune 500 companies. _installer_opendocman_authordescription=OpenDocMan is a free, open source web-based PHP document management system (DMS) designed to comply with ISO 17025 and OIE standard for document management. Document management software and document management in general is based around a concept of centralized document storage, limiting access, and change tracking. These three DMS software fundamentals make up much of ISO 17025 in regards to document management systems.

OpenDocMan features web based access, fine grained control of access to files, and automated install and upgrades. Unlike most DMS's that require you to change your business rules in order to manage your documents, OpenDocMan allows you to integrate your current rules. Through supporting multiple file types, to departmental review, OpenDocMan lets you concentrate on the business at hand, document management. IT staff and managers can delegate document management duties to any number of staff members, through user and group permissions. Permissions can be set as restrictively or permissively as needed.

Security _installer_openproject_description=OpenProject is an open source bug tracking and project management application. Initially released in 2012, OpenProject has grown to manage over 2,500 projects. _installer_openproject_authordescription=Features: _installer_openrealestate_description=Open Real Estate is an open source realty management application. _installer_openrealestate_authordescription=Open Real Estate offers real estate agencies and real estate agents the technology they need to connect with real estate owners, prospective buyers and Internet surfers. Open Real Estate is a free script for building a website containing information about buying, renting, selling or changing of realty (apartments, houses, land property etc). This product can be used for creating a web platform for your business as well as for developing your own business from the ground up.

Features: _installer_openvpn_description=OpenVPN Access Server is an open source virtual private network (VPN) application. _installer_openvpn_authordescription=OpenVPN Access Server provides flexible VPN solutions to secure your data communications, whether it's for Internet privacy, remote access for employees, securing IoT, or for networking Cloud data centers.

Features: _installer_redmine_description=Redmine is an open source project management application. _installer_redmine_authordescription=Features: _installer_openads_description=Revive Adserver is an open source advertisement serving application. Revive Adserver has previously been known as OpenX Source, OpenAds and phpAdsNew, and most recently Revive Adserver forked from OpenX Source in 2013. _installer_openads_authordescription=Revive Adserver is a free, open source ad server that is trusted by more than 30,000 web publishers in over 100 countries around the world, making it the most used open source advertisment server. Revive Adserver is a powerful ad serving solution that puts control over online advertising back in the hands of publishers.

Features: _installer_roundcube_description=Roundcube is an open source webmail (IMAP) application. _installer_roundcube_authordescription=Roundcube is a browser-based webmail (IMAP) client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an email client.

Features: _installer_rstudio_description=R-Studio is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. _installer_rstudio_authordescription=Features: _installer_orangehrm_description=OrangeHRM is an open source human resource management application. OrangeHRM was initially released in 2006 and today has over one million users globally. _installer_orangehrm_authordescription=OrangeHRM offers a complete suite of human capital management/human resource management tools. By providing modules for personnel information management, employee self service, leave, time and attendance, benefits and recruitment companies are able to manage the crucial organization asset - people. The combination of these modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning your HR processes along with the organizational goals.

Features: _installer_osclass_description=OSClass is an open source classified advertisement application. Initially released in 2011, OSClass is growing rapidly with over 17,000 downloads each month. _installer_osclass_authordescription=OSClass is an application that allows you to quickly create and manage your own free classifieds site. Using this application, you can provide free advertising for items for sale, real estate, jobs, cars. Hundreds of free classified advertising sites are using OSClass.

Features: _installer_oscommerce_description=osCommerce is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Initially released in 2000, osCommerce is one of the most used e-commerece applications with over 12,000 live stores. _installer_oscommerce_authordescription=osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution. Its feature-packed out-of-the-box installation allows store owners to setup, run, and maintain their online stores with minimum effort and with absolutely no costs or license fees involved. _installer_osticket_description=osTicket is an open source support ticket application. osTicket was initially released in 2003. _installer_osticket_authordescription=osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. It seamlessly integrates inquiries created via email and web-based forms into a simple easy to use multiple user web interface. Easily manage, organize and archive all your support requests and responses in one place while providing your clients with accountability and responsiveness they deserve.

Features: _installer_owncloud_description=ownCloud is an open source file sync and share application. ownCloud was initally released in 2010. _installer_owncloud_authordescription=ownCloud is a flexible file sync and share application. Whether using a mobile device, a workstation, or a web client, ownCloud provides the ability to put the right files at your fingertips on any device in one simple-to-use, secure, private and controlled solution.

Features: _installer_oxwall_description=Oxwall is an open source social networking platform. _installer_oxwall_authordescription=Oxwall is an unbelievably flexible and easy to use community software platform used for a wide range of projects starting from family sites and custom social networks to collaboration tools and enterprise community solutions.

Whether you are a freelance developer willing to streamline your work for client projects; an individual willing to create a community site; or a brand planning to set up a destination for your customers - Oxwall is for you. _installer_phpfilemanager_description=GateQuest File Manager is an open source file management application. _installer_phpfilemanager_authordescription=GateQuest File Manager is a lightweight file manager that enables files to be uploaded to and downloaded from a server directory. GateQuest File Manager is great for creating and maintaining a simple cloud-based repository of files that can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet. _installer_ph7builder_description=pH7Builder is an open source social, dating and content management application. _installer_ph7builder_authordescription=pH7Builder is not your typical dating builder. Launch the Best Social Dating Service based on your Innovative & Unique Ideas in a few clicks with our unique enterprise level CMS specifically designed for social dating web apps.

Features: _installer_phpfusion_description=PHP-Fusion is an open source content management and portal application. PHP-Fusion was initially released in 2002. _installer_phpfusion_authordescription=PHP-Fusion is a lightweight but powerful CMS with a myriad of features all controlled in an easy to navigate administration section.

Features: _installer_phpnuke_description=PHP-Nuke is an open source content management and portal application. PHP-Nuke forked from Thatware in 2000. _installer_phpnuke_authordescription=PHP-Nuke is an automated news system specially designed to be used in Intranets and the Internet. The Administrator has total control of his web site, registered users, and he will have in the hand a powerful assembly of tools to maintain an active and 100% interactive web site using databases. _installer_phpbb_description=phpBB on avatud lähtekoodiga foorumi tarkvara. Esialgne väljalaske aeg oli 2000. aasta, ning nüüdseks on phpBB-st saanud enim kasutavaim tasuta foorumi rakendus, mida kasutab iga päevaselt üle ühe miljoni inimese.

Laadi alla phpBB eestikeelne tõlge leheküljelt. _installer_phpbb_authordescription=phpBB on tasuta avatud lähtekoodiga foorumitarkvara lahendus, mida on võimalik kasutada nii väikese grupiga ühendust pidades või suurt kommuuni luues koos veebilehega. Lisaks on suur valik laiendusi laienduste andmebaasis, ning lai valik stiile, et saaksid kohanda oma foorumi unikaalseks mõne minutiga.

Ükski teine foorumitarkvara ei suuda pakkuda nii suurt võimalust täiendada oma foorumit, säilitades sama efektiivsuse ja lihtuse kasutamaks. Kõige parem on veel see, et phpBB on täiesti tasuta. Ootame Teid testima meie DEMO foorumis Sind juba täna. Kui sul on küsimusi, siis palun külasta meie foorumit või oma, kus meeskond ja liikmed on meeleldi nõus sind juhendama alates foorumitarkvara seadistamisest kuni kohandamiseni välja. Loe lähemalt phpBB kohta. _installer_phpcoin_description=phpCOIN is a free billing and client management application. phpCOIN was initially released in 2002 and today is used by over 35,000 people worldwide. _installer_phpcoin_authordescription=phpCOIN (Clients, Order, Invoices, and Notes) is an e-commerce/online-store solution that includes a variety of modules (store setup and display, customer management, invoicing, payment, and support) within a single interface. _installer_phpesp_description=phpESP is an open source survey application. _installer_phpesp_authordescription=phpESP allows you to create and publish surveys and read statistical analysis. _installer_phpformgenerator_description=phpFormGenerator is an open source HTML form generating application. _installer_phpformgenerator_authordescription=phpFormGenerator is an easy-to-use tool to create reliable and efficient web forms. No programming of any sort is required. Just follow along the included wizard and at the end you will have a fully functional web form! _installer_phpfreechat_description=phpFreeChat is an open source real-time chat application designed to be embedded into a website. _installer_phpfreechat_authordescription=phpFreeChat is a free, fast, customizable, and multilingual chat system. It uses AJAX to save bandwidth and smoothly refresh chat screens without flickering.

Features: _installer_phplinkdirectory_description=phpLinkDirectory is a free link directory application. _installer_phplinkdirectory_authordescription=phpLinkDirectory is now the most widely used directory script on the internet. Our customers have tested the script on over 50,000 websites. _installer_phplinks_description=phpLinks is an open source link management application. phpLinks is maintained by Installatron. _installer_phplinks_authordescription=PHPLinks allows you to run an efficient Link Farm with full search capabilities. _installer_phplist_description=phpList is an open source mailing-list and newsletter application. _installer_phplist_authordescription=PHPlist is a web application that implements a personalised mailing list manager or customer relationship management (CRM) system.

PHPlist is designed to assist you to stay in touch with your audience, without flooding them with information they don't want. PHPlist is an essential tool for anyone who is serious about creating, capturing and maintaining an offline audience, and will help you increase traffic to your website. _installer_phpmyadmin_description=phpMyAdmin is an open source database management application. Initially released in 1998, phpMyAdmin has grown to become one of the most used PHP applications and MySQL administration tools, with a large community of users and contributors. _installer_phpmyadmin_authordescription=phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.

Features: _installer_phpmychat_description=phpMyChat is an open source real-time chat application. _installer_phpmychat_authordescription=phpMyChat is an easy-to-use multi-room chat script that supports IRC-like commands. _installer_phpmychat_usagenotes=index.php, in the install directory, can be edited to taste and can also be moved anywhere on your website (if you move the file, be sure to edit the path variable at the top of the code).

chat_activity.php, in the install directory, demonstrates how to display chat information on another webpage. View the code to see how it works. _installer_phpmycounter_description=phpMyCounter is a free website impression counting application. phpMyCounter is maintained by Installatron. _installer_phpmycounter_authordescription=phpMyCounter is an easy to use yet sophisticated hit counting application. It includes an administration interface that allows you to customize the counter appearance and it works with PHP, SSI, or plain HTML webpages. _installer_phpmycounter_usagenotes=Cut and paste one of the following into your webpage code where you would like the counter to appear:

For a PHP webpage (ie. your page has a .php extension):

For an SSI webpage (ie. your page has a .shtml extension):

For a HTML webpage (ie. your page has a .html or .htm extension):

Finally, use the admin page to configure and customize the counter appearance. _installer_phpmyfaq_description=phpMyFAQ is a free frequently asked questions application. phpMyFAQ was initially released in 2001. _installer_phpmyfaq_authordescription=phpMyFAQ is a multilingual Frequently-Asked-Questions system with built-in content management system.

Features: _installer_phprojekt_description=PHProjekt is an open source project management application. _installer_phprojekt_authordescription=PHProjekt is a modular application for the coordination of group activities and to share informations and document via intranet and internet.

PHProjekt components include calendar, project management, time card system, file management, and contact manager. _installer_phpshop_description=phpShop is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. _installer_phpshop_authordescription=phpShop is a PHP-based e-commerce application and PHP development framework. phpShop offers the basic features needed to run a successful e-commerce web site and to extend its capabilities for multiple purposes. _installer_phpshop_usagenotes=phpShop comes preinstalled with a complete demonstration store setup and the following user accounts:After installation you should log in as admin and change the password of that account. You can also decide which other user accounts you wish to keep.

And then you can begin editing the store. Everything is edited and changed through the administration interface. _installer_phpwcms_description=phpwcms is an open source content management application and PHP development framework. Initially released in 2007, phpwcms has been downloaded over 125,000 times. _installer_phpwcms_authordescription=phpwcms is a very flexible, fast, robust, customer and developer friendly but yet powerful web based content management system and cms framework. _installer_pivot_description=PivotX is an open source blog application. PivotX forked from Pivotlog in 2007. _installer_pivot_authordescription=PivotX is a web-based tool to help you maintain dynamic sites, like weblogs or online journals. _installer_piwigo_description=Piwigo is an open source gallery application. Piwigo was initially released in 2002 and renamed from PhpWebGallery in 2009. _installer_piwigo_authordescription=Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web that comes with powerful features to publish and manage your collection of pictures.

Features: _installer_piwik_description=Matomo is an open source real-time web analytics application. Initially released in 2007, and renamed from Piwik in 2018, Matomo today is used by more than 460,000 websites. Matomo aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics. _installer_piwik_authordescription=In a digital world, Matomo gives you insights on your website's visitors, your marketing campaigns and much more, so you can optimize your strategy and online experience of your visitors.

Matomo has all the standard reports you would expect from a state of the art analytics package: _installer_piwik_usagenotes=To record visitors, visits, and page views, a tracking code must be added to your website pages.

Below is the recommend Javascript tracking code, to be added on each page footer, just before the </body> tag.

_installer_pligg_description=Pligg is an open source social publishing application. Initially released in 2005, Pligg enables website visitors to submit and vote on news articles, similar to Reddit and Digg. _installer_pligg_authordescription=Pligg provides social publishing software that encourages visitors to register on your website so that they can submit content and connect with other users. Pligg creates websites where stories are created and voted on by members, not website editors. Use Pligg content management system to start your own social publishing community in minutes.

Features: _installer_pmwiki_description=PmWiki is an open source wiki application that is extremely lightweight. PmWiki was initially released in 2004. _installer_pmwiki_authordescription=PmWiki is a wiki-based system for collaborative creation and maintenance of websites.

PmWiki pages look and act like normal web pages, except they have an "Edit" link that makes it easy to modify existing pages and add new pages into the website, using basic editing rules. You do not need to know or use any HTML or CSS. Page editing can be left open to the public or restricted to small groups of authors.

Features: _installer_ipfilemanager_description=Power File Manager is a free web space file management application. _installer_ipfilemanager_authordescription=Invision Power File Manager is a popular file management script that is extremely user friendly and gives you full control over all the users actions.

Invision Power File Manager is completely free for both personal and commercial use, all that we require is that the small link back to Invision Power Inc at the bottom of the page is left intact. _installer_prestashop_description=PrestaShop is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Initially released in 2007, PrestaShop is currently one of the most used e-commerce applications powering more than 100,000 stores. _installer_prestashop_authordescription=The PrestaShop e-Commerce Solution was built to take advantage of essential Web 2.0 innovations such as dynamic AJAX-powered features and next-generation ergonomy. PrestaShop guides users through your product catalog intelligently and effortlessly, turning intrigued visitors into paying customers.

Features: _installer_pydio_description=Pydio is an open source file management application. Initially released in 2007, and renamed from AjaXplorer in 2013, Pydio today has more than 700,000 downloads. _installer_pydio_authordescription=Pydio is a mature open source software solution for file sharing and synchronization. With intuitive user interfaces (web / mobile / desktop), Pydio provides enterprise-grade features to gain back control and privacy of your data: user directory connectors, legacy filesystems drivers, comprehensive admin interface, and much more.

Simple, Sleek, Beautiful
The ultimate sharing machine
An admin's heaven _installer_pyrocms_description=PyroCMS is an open source content management application. Initially released in 2009, PyroCMS has grown rapidly, accepting code from over 120 contributors, and today PyroCMS powers more than 43,000 websites. _installer_pyrocms_authordescription=PyroCMS takes a different approach to many content management systems and tries very hard not to try too hard. So many content managent systems try to do everything and they often end up seriously confusing the end-users. PyroCMS can make the majority of simple websites out of the box and will be the first 80% of anything more complex. When you need to fill in the final 20% you can take a look at the Add-on Store for existing modules, widgets and plugins or you can make your own and sell them afterwards.

By avoiding the full 100% we have built a much more usable system and we will keep it that way. The extensibility and simplicity of Add-on development makes it easy and financially viable for everyone.

Features: _installer_nette_description=Nette is an open source application framework. _installer_nette_authordescription=Stop solving repetitive tasks and getting distracted with details that make programming dull and unproductive. Nette Framework lets you work more effectively, focus on what's important and makes your code more readable and well-structured in the process.

Features: _installer_nextcloud_description=NextCloud is an open source file sync and share application. NextCloud forked from ownCloud in 2016. _installer_nextcloud_authordescription=Nextcloud offers industry-leading on-premises file sync and online collaboration technology. Our expertise is in combining the convenience and ease of use of consumer-grade solutions like Dropbox and Google Drive with the security, privacy and control business needs.

Features: _installer_classifieds_description=Noah's Quicksell Classifieds is a free classified advertisement application. A commercial version is available from Noah's website. _installer_classifieds_authordescription=Noah's Quicksell Classifieds is the Internets immensely and most popular Classifieds WebSite-Ware on the Web. We now have a software series with the most modern Web-2.0 feel, features, and amazing new feature variations and functionality and we have a truly created on on going and ever growing recipe for a great Classifieds Ads WebSite Software that is perfect for any project. _installer_nucleuscms_description=Nucleus CMS is an open source blog application. Nucleus CMS was initially released in 2001. _installer_nucleuscms_authordescription=Nucleus CMS's features include: _installer_thebuggenie_description=The Bug Genie is an open source bug tracking and project management application. The Bug Genie was initially released in 2003. _installer_thebuggenie_authordescription=Issue tracking and project management never looked this good. Designed to be beautiful, powerful and friendly - The Bug Genie is an absolute treat - and it's all yours.

Features: _installer_tsep_description=The Search Engine Project is an open source website search application. _installer_tsep_authordescription=TSEP (The Search Engine Project) is a search engine for a website. You can put a 'Search this site' anywhere on your website and let people quickly find what they are looking for. _installer_tsep_usagenotes=Once installation is complete you will need to create a search index before searches can be performed:

• Load the Admin page, then click on Create a new index.
• Edit the first two settings, and then click Create Profile.

The indexing process may take a while, but once it's finished you will have a complete index of the selected directories. Searches will now work. And you can re-process the index any time you want to update it.

Add TSEP to your website

• Add this HTML code where you want the search form to appear on the page:

Linking To TSEP

• Alternatively, you can link to the example search page:

The appearance and style of TSEP can be completely customized: see the documentation for more information. _installer_tinywebgallery_description=TinyWebGallery is an open source gallery application. TinyWebGallery was initialy released in 2005. _installer_tinywebgallery_authordescription=TinyWebGallery is a free php photo album/gallery that is very easy to install, extremely user friendly, does not need a database (uses xml files) but still has all the features you should expect and much more.

Besides the features you find in most other galleries TWG has:
TinyWebGallery can be configured very fast for a professional gallery like a model agency but also for the pictures from the last ski holiday! Just check out the demos and the list of all functions on our website. Maybe TinyWebGallery is the image gallery you where looking for so long! _installer_tomatocart_description=TomatoCart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. TomatoCart forked from osCommerce in 2009. _installer_tomatocart_authordescription=Our goal is to make TomatoCart one of the best online shopping cart solutions.

As web applications become more and more sophisticated, modern web 2.0 technology such as Ajax and Rich Internet Applications offers significant usability improvements and makes interacting with the web interfaces faster and more efficient. We've compared a lot of frameworks and come to the conclusion that ExtJS is the best framework for TomatoCart.

We completely rewrite osCommerce 3 administration site based on the qWikiOffice project which is a web desktop implementation of the ExtJS RIA framework. Web desktop application mimics user experience of desktop Operating System, offering features and applications similar to a PC environment. Users can easily start to work with TomatoCart without any difficulty. _installer_traq_description=Traq is an open source project management application. _installer_traq_authordescription=Traq is a powerful project management and issue tracking system that can handle multiple projects at once. It has features like per-project permissions, milestones, custom fields, email notifications, and more. Traq is written in PHP and is very easy to use.

Features: _installer_seeddms_description=SeedDMS is an open source file and document management application. _installer_seeddms_authordescription=SeedDMS is an easy to use but powerful Open Source Document Management System based on PHP and MySQL. Many years of development has made it a mature and enterprise ready plattform for sharing and storing documents.

Features: _installer_selfoss_description=selfoss is an open source RSS and live stream reader. selfoss was initially released in 2010. _installer_selfoss_authordescription=The new multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application, selfoss enables you to live stream and collect all your posts, tweets, feeds in one place.

Features: _installer_selfoss_usagenotes=A crontab schedule can be added through your web hosting control panel to automatically synchronize added feeds. For example, this crontab schedule would synchronize feeds once every three (3) hours.

_installer_seopanel_description=Seo Panel is an open source multi-website search engine optimization (SEO) monitoring application. Initially released in 2010, Seo Panel received 1st Runner Up in the 2011 Most Promising Open Source Project awards by Packt Publishing. _installer_seopanel_authordescription=Seo Panel is a search engine optimization (SEO) toolkit that empowers you with the latest and most useful tools that increase and track the search engine performance of your web sites. A number of plugins are also available for Seo Panel to extend its functionality.

Features: _installer_serendipity_description=Serendipity is an open source blog application. Serendipity was initially released in 2005. _installer_serendipity_authordescription=Serendipity is a PHP-powered weblog application which provides website owners with an easy way to maintain an online diary, weblog or even a complete homepage. While the default package is designed for the casual blogger, Serendipity offers a flexible, expandable and easy-to-use framework with the power for professional applications.

Serendipity's basic features include something for everybody, from the personal blogger to the professional corporate web designer: _installer_shopware_description=Shopware is an e-commerce shopping cart application. Shopware was initially released in 2004. _installer_shopware_authordescription=Discover the inspirational side of eCommerce. With Shopware, you can paint online shopping with brighter colours, ignite more personality and nurture greater diversity. Shopware 5 stands for more emotional, atmospheric shopping and a completely new product experience.

Features: _installer_silverstripe_description=SilverStripe is an open source content management application and PHP development framework. Initially released in 2000, and open source since 2006, SilverStripe has received numerous industry awards including Best Open Source Project in the 2010 New Zealand Open Source Awards. _installer_silverstripe_authordescription=SilverStripe CMS is an open source web content management system used by governments, businesses, and non-profit organisations around the world. It is a power tool for professional web development teams, and web content authors rave about how easy it is to use.

Features: _installer_simplepie_description=SimplePie is an RSS reader and development framework. _installer_simplepie_authordescription=SimplePie is a very fast and easy-to-use feed parser, written in PHP, that puts the 'simple' back into 'really simple syndication'.

Features: _installer_simpleinvoices_description=Simple Invoices is an open source billing application. Simple Invoices was initially released in 2007. _installer_simpleinvoices_authordescription=Simple Invoices is a billing (aka invoicing) application that focuses on simplicity while still providing advanced features.

Why should I use Simple Invoices? _installer_smf_description=Simple Machines Forum is a free forum application. Simple Machines Forum forked from YaBBSE in 2003. _installer_smf_authordescription=Simple Machines Forum (SMF) is a next-generation community software package that is jam-packed with features, while at the same time having a minimal impact on resources.

Features: _installer_simplepoll_description=Simple Poll is a free (for non-profit use) survey application. _installer_simplepoll_authordescription=Simple Poll employs a simple to use admin interface and template customizations for your poll so that you can easily adapt to the look and feel of your web site. Setup as many polls as you like. _installer_simplepoll_usagenotes=After installation is complete, open the Admin interface and create a poll. To display that poll on your site, add this code to your webpage:

The $pollid variable determines which poll will be added to your page. Also note that your webpage must have a .php extension. View sample.php in the installation directory for an example. _installer_siterecommender_description=Site Recommender is an open source "recommend my site" application. _installer_siterecommender_authordescription=Site Recommender allows web site visitors to recommend your site to one or more recipients. Default messages are easily modified and the look and feel is customizable via CSS stylesheet. You can choose to be notified when your site has been recommended, and email addresses are hidden so cannot be harvested by spammers. Also contains error checking. _installer_siterecommender_usagenotes=Site Recommender can be used as an INCLUDE or as a POPUP:


To use the include method, add this HTML code to one or more pages of your website:

That will create a link to this script:


You can modify the HTML in recommend.php to taste -- the only important tag is the <?php include ... ?>.

POPUP METHOD (involved):

This approach will pop up a new window for the recommendation form.

You can find an example page here:


That page features a demonstration recommend link which, when clicked, loads the recommendation script into a popup window.

An examination of the recommend2.php code will show how you can add that link to any page of your site: the important elements are the javascript <script>...</script> code, added into the <head>...</head>, and the <a href ...>...</a> link itself. _installer_sitebar_description=SiteBar is an open source link management application. _installer_sitebar_authordescription=Access and manage your private, shared or public bookmarks from any computer and browser connected to the Internet! Create personal, family, team, company or enterprise-wide bookmarks with flexible access rules, permissions and customizable design! _installer_sitebar_usagenotes=SiteBar is operated via context menus that are invoked using the right-click on a folder or a link. If your platform/browser does not support right-click, you may try Ctrl-click or turn on "Show Menu Icon" option in the "User Settings" and click on the icon. _installer_slims_description=SLiMS is an open source library management application. _installer_slims_authordescription=As a complete Library Management System, SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System) has many features that will help libraries and librarians to do their job easily and quickly.

Features: _installer_smarty_description=Smarty is an application template system. _installer_smarty_authordescription=Smarty is a template engine for PHP. More specifically, it facilitates a managable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. This is best described in a situation where the application programmer and the template designer play different roles, or in most cases are not the same person. For example, let's say you are creating a web page that is displaying a newspaper article. The article headline, tagline, author and body are content elements, they contain no information about how they will be presented. They are passed into Smarty by the application, then the template designer edits the templates and uses a combination of HTML tags and template tags to format the presentation of these elements (HTML tables, background colors, font sizes, style sheets, etc.) One day the programmer needs to change the way the article content is retrieved (a change in application logic.) This change does not affect the template designer, the content will still arrive in the template exactly the same. Likewise, if the template designer wants to completely redesign the templates, this requires no changes to the application logic. Therefore, the programmer can make changes to the application logic without the need to restructure templates, and the template designer can make changes to templates without breaking application logic. _installer_soholaunch_description=Soholaunch is a free website builder application. Additional features can be purchased from the website. _installer_soholaunch_authordescription=Soholaunch Website Builder makes it easy for people of all experience levels to build and maintain a great website. _installer_spip_description=SPIP is an open source content management and collaborative editing application. _installer_spip_authordescription=SPIP is a publishing system for the Internet in which great importance is attached to collaborative working, to multilingual environments, and to simplicity of use for web authors. Originally a Content Management System, it has gradually become a development platform making it possible to create maintainable and extensible interfaces independently of the structure of the managed data.

Features: _installer_subrion_description=Subrion is an open source content management application. _installer_subrion_authordescription=Subrion is a free open source content management system that allows you to build websites for any purpose. Yes, from blog to corporate mega portal.

Key feaures: _installer_subversion_description=Subversion (SVN) is an open source software versioning and revision control system. Subversion was initially released in 2000. _installer_subversion_authordescription=Software developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS).

Features: _installer_sugarcrm_description=SugarCRM is an open source customer relationship management (CRM) application. Initially released in 2004, SugarCRM today powers operations for over one million businesses and organizations worldwide. SugarCRM has received the Best Open Source CRM Software award by the InfoWorld Bossie Awards program for the past five consecutive years. _installer_sugarcrm_authordescription=SugarCRM is a premier customer relationship management application. Sugar Suite brings a new and effective way to better acquire, sell, service and manage customers, helping companies increase revenue by being more organized.

This is the free open source version of SugarCRM. More features are available in the commercial versions. _installer_suitecrm_description=SuiteCRM is an open source customer relationship management (CRM) application. SuiteCRM forked from SugarCRM Community in 2013. _installer_suitecrm_authordescription=SuiteCRM provides enterprise-grade CRM to a global community of users and software developers. SuiteCRM is completely open source and follows an open source development and business model. All the code is published under open source licenses. We believe that open source is the future for software applications and leads to higher quality software and greater innovation.

SuiteCRM is an open source alternative to SalesForce Professional, Microsoft Dynamics and SugarCRM Professional Edition.

Features: _installer_symfony_description=Symfony is an open source application framework. Initially released in 2005, Symfony is downloaded over 5 million times per month. _installer_symfony_authordescription=Symfony is a set of PHP Components, a Web Application framework, a Philosophy, and a Community — all working together in harmony.

Features: _installer_textpattern_description=Textpattern is an open source blog application. Textpattern was initially released in 2003. _installer_textpattern_authordescription=Textpattern is an elegant content management system. Web designers, developers, publishers and bloggers love Textpattern's flexibility and extensibility. Textpattern has a powerful, sophisticated engine that can be infinitely tuned to suit whatever type of web site you can imagine.

Features: _installer_tikiwiki_description=Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is an open source content management and portal application. _installer_tikiwiki_authordescription=Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a full-featured, web-based, multilingual, tightly integrated, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware, Free Source Software (GNU/LGPL), using PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework, jQuery and Smarty. Tiki can be used to create all kinds of web applications, sites, portals, knowledge base, intranets, and extranets. It is actively developed by a very large international community.

Tiki is the Open Source Web Application with many built-in features. Highly configurable and modular, all features are optional and administered via a web-based interface.

Major features include: _installer_tinytinyrss_description=Tiny Tiny RSS on avatud lähtekoodiga RSS-lugeja. Tiny Tiny RSS alustas juba aastal 2005. _installer_tinytinyrss_authordescription=Tiny Tiny RSS is a web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.

Features: _installer_tinytinyrss_usagenotes=Tiny Tiny RSS will automatically synchronize feeds while it's being used. No cronjob schedule is required.

An optional cronjob schedule can be added through your web hosting control panel to enable Tiny Tiny RSS to synchronize feeds in the background. For example, this crontab schedule would synchronize feeds once every three (3) hours.

_installer_typo3_description=TYPO3 is an open source content management application and framework. TYPO3 was initially released in 2000 and today powers over 500,000 websites. _installer_typo3_authordescription=TYPO3 is an enterprise-class, Open Source CMS (Content Management System), used internationally to build and manage websites of all types, from small sites for non-profits to multilingual enterprise solutions for large corporations.

Features: _installer_vanilla_description=Vanilla Forum on avatud lähtekoodiga foorumitarkvara. Vanilla Foorum alustas 2006. aastal, ning tänaseks on üle 500 000 veebilehe antud tarkvaraga. _installer_vanilla_authordescription=Vanilla Forums is an open-source, pluggable, themable, multi-lingual community-building solution. It is specially made to help small communities grow larger through SEO mojo, totally customizable social tools, and great user experience. Vanilla is also built with integration at the forefront, so it can seamlessly integrate with your existing website, blog, or custom-built application. _installer_vbulletin_description=vBulletin on tasuline foorumitarkvara rakendus. See avaldati 2000. aastal, ning vBulletin on kasvanud üheks suurimaks tasuliseks foorumitarkvaraks. Tänasel päeval on vBulletin tarkvaraga veebilehti hinnanguliselt üle 100 000. _installer_vbulletin_authordescription=vBulletin 5 Connect provides unparalleled capabilities for building community websites. The software facilitates increased content creation, more engaging content discovery and simplified site management. Built-in vBulletin applications include Discussion Forum, Groups, Polls, and Blog.

Robust: _installer_vbulletin_licensekeytext=vBulletin nõuab litsentsivõtit. Kasuta juba olemasolevat litsentsivõtit osta otse vBulletinilt. _installer_vbulletin_licensekeytext_aid= _installer_vtiger_description=Vtiger is an open source customer relations management application. Vtiger forked from SugarCRM Community in 2004, and today Vtiger powers operations for over 350,000 businesses and organizations worldwide. _installer_vtiger_authordescription=Vtiger already includes everything that you need to scale operations! Start out with email marketing, sales, quotes and invoices. As your business evolves, use additional calendar and activity management, customer portals, reports, inventory management, project management, and other tools.

Features: _installer_wallabag_description=wallabag is an open source reading list application. wallabag was initially released in 2013. _installer_wallabag_authordescription=wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages. Unlike other services, wallabag is free (as in freedom) and open source. With this application you will not miss content anymore. Click, save, read it when you want. It saves the content you select so that you can read it when you have time.

Features: _installer_webcalendar_description=WebCalendar on avatud lähtekoodiga kalendri veebirakendus. WebCalendar alustas 2000. aastal, ning tänaseks on teda allalaaditud juba rohkem kui 1,2 miljonit korda. _installer_webcalendar_authordescription=WebCalendar is a calendar application that can be configured as a single-user calendar, a multi-user calendar for groups of users, or as an event calendar viewable by visitors.

WebCalendar can be setup in a variety of ways, such as:

Features: _installer_webcards_description=WebCards on avatud lähtekoodiga eKaartide veebirakendus. _installer_webcards_authordescription=Keep visitors returning to your site again and again with this powerful, efficient and easy to use e-card system. Featuring a full administration centre with a simple interface and full banning controls, visitors will enjoy communicating with their friends, bringing you more and more visitors. _installer_webid_description=WeBid on avatud lähtekoodiga enampakkumiste veebitarkvara. WeBid alustas 2008. aastal. _installer_webid_authordescription=WeBid is one of the best open-source solutions for getting an auction site up and running quickly and cheaply.

Some of the key features which make WeBid a great choice are: _installer_websitebaker_description=WebsiteBaker on avatud lähtekoodiga veebilehe ehitaja rakendus. _installer_websitebaker_authordescription=WebsiteBaker helps you to create the website you want: A free, easy and secure, flexible and extensible open source content management system (CMS).

Create new templates within minutes - powered by XHTML, HTML, CSS and jQuery. With WebsiteBaker it's quite natural your site is W3C-valid, SEO-friendly and accessible - there are no limitations at all. Use droplets - the new and revolutionary way of inserting PHP code - everywhere you want. In addition to that, WebsiteBaker and the community are offering lots of extensions: Just download, install with two clicks and use them. That is not enough? You want more? No problem, build your own modules! The WebsiteBaker API gives many opportunities you can rely on.

WebsiteBaker is the best choice for designers, developers and users - whether you are a beginner, advanced person or geek. Give it a try and WebsiteBaker will convince you!

Features: _installer_webtrees_description=webtrees on avatud lähtekoodiga sugupuude veebirakendus. webtrees ja PhpGedView ühendasid jõud aastal 2010. _installer_webtrees_authordescription=webtrees is a genealogy program which allows you to view and edit your genealogy on your website. webtrees works from standard GEDCOM files, and is therefore compatible with every major desktop application. Furthermore, it has full editing capabilities, full privacy functions, supports multimedia like photos and document images, and has tools to simplify the process of collaborating with others working on your family tree. _installer_whmcs_description=WHMCS on tasuline äriline arvete ja kliendi halduse veebirakendus, mis alustas 2005. aastal. WHMCS on tõusnud üheks populaarseimaks integreeritud arvete lahenduseks veebiserveri teenustepakkujate seas. _installer_whmcs_authordescription=WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. Handling everything from signup to termination, WHMCS is a powerful business automation tool that puts you firmly in control. While a popular solution for web hosting service providers, WHMCS also has an increasing number of customers using the solution for other purposes.

Features: _installer_whmcs_licensekeytext=WHMCS nõuab litsentsivõtit. Võta ühendust oma teenusepakkujaga, et saada litsentsivõti või osta see otse WHMCS veebilehelt. _installer_whmcs_licensekeytext_aid=7734 _installer_wikkawiki_description=WikkaWiki is an open source wiki application. Forked from WakkaWiki in 2004, WikkaWiki today powers hundreds of websites worldwide and is known for its lightweight engine. _installer_wikkawiki_authordescription=WikkaWiki is a mature project aiming to remain faithful to WakkaWiki's heritage of a lightweight engine with readable and accessible code. Easy extensibility/hackability (without sacrificing performance) are among Wikka's most prominent and appreciated features.

Features: _installer_wordpress_description=WordPress is an open source blog application. WordPress forked from b2/cafelog in 2003, and WordPress Mu multiple website functionality has been integrated since 2010. Today WordPress is the most used blog application powering millions of blogs and being used by tens of millions of people every day. _installer_wordpress_authordescription=WordPress is a personal publishing platform and blogging application with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.

Features: _installer_wordpress_multisite_yes=Yes, enable multi-site support for sub-directories of the selected install location. _installer_wordpress_multisite_no=No, do not enable. Multi-site can be enabled later within WordPress. (Recommended) _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts_yes=Yes, limit failed login attempts for increased security. (Recommended) _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts_no=No, do not limit failed login attempts. _installer_xmb_description=XMB foorum on avatud lähtekoodiga foorumitarkvara. XMB alustas juba 2001. aastal. _installer_xmb_authordescription=XMB foorum lubab sul ehitada, hallata ja arendada oma online kommuuni. _installer_xoops_description=Xoops is an open source content management and portal application. Xoops forked from PHP-Nuke in 2002. _installer_xoops_authordescription=Xoops is a dynamic-Object Oriented based open source portal application. Xoops is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more. _installer_yetanotherforumnet_description=YetAnotherForum.NET on avatud lähtekoodiga ASP.NET foorumitarkvara. _installer_yetanotherforumnet_authordescription=YetAnotherForumNET (YAF) on avatud lähtekoodiga foorumitarkvara veebilehtedele, mis jooksevad ASP.NET'iga. Täielik C# lähtekood on saadaval litsensiga GPL. _installer_yetiforce_description=YetiForce is an open source customer relationship management (CRM) application. _installer_yetiforce_authordescription=Flexible and efficient management for your company wherever you are in the world - this is what you gain by installing YetiForce. Where? Anywhere - on your computer, tablet, or smartphone with access to the Internet.

YetiForce is an open source application that is constantly being improved by us and our community, to help you run your company. Efficiency, control, multitasking, innovation - this is what YetiForce can offer. Start managing your business more successfully than ever before.

Features: _installer_yourls_description=Your Own URL Shortener (YOURLS) on avatud lähtekoodiga URL lühendaja rakendus. _installer_yourls_authordescription=YOURLS will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (a la TinyURL). You can make it private or public, you can pick custom keyword URLs, it comes with its own API. You will love it.

Features: _installer_yourls_publicaccess_label=Avalik juurdepääs? _installer_yourls_publicaccess_yes=Jah, luba kõigil ligipääseda antud veebirakendusele. _installer_yourls_publicaccess_no=Ei, nõua enne administraatsiooni parooli, et ligipääseda antud veebirakendusele. _installer_zazavi_description=Zazavi on avatud lähtekoodiga veebilehe ehituse rakendus. _installer_zazavi_authordescription=Zazavi is a website builder designed with a simple drag-and-drop interface so that absolutely no programming skills are required. You can build your website for completely free within just a couple hours! _installer_zencart_description=Zen Cart is an open source e-commerce shopping cart application. Zen Cart forked from osCommerce in 2003. _installer_zencart_authordescription=Zen Cart truly is the art of e-commerce; free, user-friendly, open source shopping cart software. Zen Cart is developed by a group of like-minded shop owners, programmers, designers, and consultants that think ecommerce web design could be and should be done differently. _installer_zendframework_description=Zend Framework is an open source application framework. Zend Framework was initially released in 2006. _installer_zendframework_authordescription=Zend Framework 2 is an open source framework for developing web applications and services using PHP 5.3+. Zend Framework 2 uses 100% object-oriented code and utilises most of the new features of PHP 5.3, namely namespaces, late static binding, lambda functions and closures.

Zend Framework 2 evolved from Zend Framework 1, a successful PHP framework with over 15 million downloads.

The component structure of Zend Framework 2 is unique; each component is designed with few dependencies on other components. ZF2 follows the SOLID object oriented design principle. This loosely coupled architecture allows developers to use whichever components they want. We call this a "use-at-will" design. We support Pyrus and Composer as installation and dependency tracking mechanisms for the framework as a whole and for each component, further enhancing this design.

We use PHPUnit to test our code and Travis CI as a Continuous Integration service.

While they can be used separately, Zend Framework 2 components in the standard library form a powerful and extensible web application framework when combined. Also, it offers a robust, high performance MVC implementation, a database abstraction that is simple to use, and a forms component that implements HTML5 form rendering, validation, and filtering so that developers can consolidate all of these operations using one easy-to-use, object oriented interface. Other components, such as Zend\Authentication and Zend\Permissions\Acl, provide user authentication and authorization against all common credential stores.

Still others, with the ZendService namespace, implement client libraries to simply access the most popular web services available. Whatever your application needs are, you're likely to find a Zend Framework 2 component that can be used to dramatically reduce development time with a thoroughly tested foundation.

The principal sponsor of the project 'Zend Framework 2' is Zend Technologies, but many companies have contributed components or significant features to the framework. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, and StrikeIron have partnered with Zend to provide interfaces to web services and other technologies they wish to make available to Zend Framework 2 developers.

Zend Framework 2 could not deliver and support all of these features without the help of the vibrant Zend Framework 2 community. Community members, including contributors, make themselves available on mailing lists, IRC channels and other forums. Whatever question you have about Zend Framework 2, the community is always available to address it. _installer_zenphoto_description=Zenphoto on avatud lähtekoodiga galerii ja foto blogimise rakendus. Zenphoto esmane väljalase oli 2005. aastal, ning tänaseks on juba üle 300 000 foto galeriide. _installer_zenphoto_authordescription=Zenphoto is a standalone CMS for multimedia focused websites. Our focus lies on being easy to use and having all the features there when you need them (but out of the way if you do not.)

Zenphoto features support for images, video and audio formats, and the Zenpage CMS plugin provides a fully integrated news section (blog) and custom pages to run entire websites.

This makes Zenphoto the ideal CMS for personal websites of illustrators, artists, designers, photographers, film makers and musicians.

Features: _installer_zikula_description=Zikula is an open source content management and portal application. Zikula forked from PHP-Nuke in 2001. _installer_zikula_authordescription=No matter what your needs, Zikula can provide the solution. Be that a corporate presence with ecommerce, a simple blog or a community portal, Zikula can do it all. It's your electronic toolbox, a set of tools allowing you to build a dynamically generated web site that five years ago would have cost thousands of dollars to launch. _installer_zurmo_description=Zurmo is an open source customer relations management (CRM) application. Zurmo was initialy released in 2011. _installer_zurmo_authordescription=Zurmo is an Open Source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application that is mobile, social, and gamified. We use a test-driven methodology for building every part of the application. This means you can create and maintain a custom-built CRM system with the assurance that future updates are not going to break your installation.

Yes, we know there are a lot of CRM applications out there. Why another CRM application? Through our many years in the CRM industry, we still see companies struggling to implement a CRM application. Our goal with Zurmo is to provide an easy-to-use, easy-to-customize CRM application that can be adapted to any business use case. We have taken special care to think through many different use cases and have designed a system that we believe provides a high degree of flexibility, covering a wide variety of use cases out of the box.

We don't have a million features. We can never beat out existing players in a feature war. But considering companies wind up only using a handful of features, we don’t think it really matters. What we have so far is the beginning of a high-quality sales force automation tool. Stay tuned as we continue to make improvements.

Features: user.tasks.ini000064400000155544147204766330007401 0ustar00_tasks_installing=Installeerin _tasks_uninstalling=Eemaldan _tasks_detaching=Detaching _tasks_updating=Uuendan _tasks_upgrading=Uuendan _tasks_backuping=Varundan _tasks_cloning=Kloonin _tasks_restoring=Taastan varukoopiast _tasks_importing=Impordin _tasks_deleting=Kustutan varukoopiat _tasks_templating=Templating _tasks_syncing=Syncing _tasks_accessed=ligipääsetud _tasks_updated=uuendatud _tasks_upgraded=uuendatud _tasks_backedup=varundatud _tasks_edited=muudetud _tasks_cloned=kloonitud _tasks_uninstalled=eemaldatud _tasks_detached=detached _tasks_restored=taastatud _tasks_imported=imporditud _tasks_deleted=kustutatud _tasks_templated=templated _tasks_synced=synced _tasks_install=Paigalda _tasks_uninstall=Eemalda _tasks_detach=detach _tasks_update=Uuenda _tasks_upgrade=Uuenda _tasks_clone=Klooni _tasks_backup=varunda _tasks_restore=taasta _tasks_import=impordi _tasks_delete=kustuta _tasks_template=template _tasks_sync=sync _notes_recommended=Soovituslik _notes_canbemodified=Seda on võimalik muuta, muutes paigaldatud rakendust. _notes_includedinhostemail=See informatsioon on tavaliselt lisatud Teie veebimajutaja esimesesse e-kirja. _notes_donotmodify=Ära muuda seda seadet. _sendfeedback_sendfeedbackletsyou=Saada tagasiside vorm võimaldab sul teha ettepanekuid {installatron} tootele. Me täname Teid erinevate (probleemid, tuleviku ideed, üldised kommentaarid) tagasisidemete eest. _notes_versionnotes={version}
versiooni märkmed _notes_releasedate=Versioon väljalastud _notes_latest=See on viimane toetatud versioon sellelt tarkvaralt. _notes_latestofbranch=See versioon on viimane '{branch}' osast. _notes_nolongersupported=Seda versiooni enam ei toetata. _notes_notinstallable=See versioon ei ole enam paigaldav. _notes_installed=See on paigaldatud versioon. _notes_latestversion=viimane versioon _notes_latestversionofbranch=viimane versioon '{branch}' osast _notes_updateminor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on vähemtähtis. Väikesed muudatused, vigade ja turva parandused. _notes_upgrademinor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on vähemtähtis. Väikesed muudatused, vigade ja turva parandused. _notes_updatemajor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on tähtis. Tähtsad uued uuendused ja muudatused. _notes_upgrademajor=Sellele versioonile uuendamine on tähtis. Tähtsad uued uuendused ja muudatused. _ftp_type=Protokoll _ftp_entertheinfo=Sisesta FTP sisselogimise informatsioon üleval olevale väljale. _ftp_entertheinfoapp=This can be your administrative login information for the installed application, or it can be the login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_entertheinfoapptip=Optional: Install and activate Installatron's Remote Worker plugin and you may substitute your administrative password for the plugin's Connection ID. _ftp_entertheinfomore=This can be login information to a FTP, SFTP or SSH account that accesses the installed application. _ftp_sshreliable=SSH is recommended as the most reliable option for large applications. _ftp_ssh=SSH _ftp_ftps=FTP koos TLS/SSL _ftp_ftp=FTP _ftp_sftp=SFTP _ftp_webdav=WebDAV _ftp_webdavs=WebDAV HTTPS _ftp_dropbox=Dropbox _ftp_s3=Amazon S3 _ftp_gdrive=Google Drive _ftp_rackspace=Rackspace Cloud _ftp_host=Server (IP aadress või serverinimi) _ftp_port=Port _ftp_user=Kasutajanimi _ftp_pass=Parool _ftp_path=Teekond _ftp_enterthepath=Sisesta teekond root kaustast paigalduse asukohani. _email_notification=E-kirja teavitus _email_notification_auto=Saada kõik e-kirja teavitused paigaldatud rakendusele. _email_notification_choose=Las ma valin, milliseid teateid saadetakse. _email_notification_selectthe=Vali e-kirja teavitused, mida saadetakse paigaldatud rakendusel. _email_admin_report=Administraatori aruanne _email_admin_report_subject=[{installatron}] Uuenduse kokkuvõtte {hostname} _email_install_complete=Paigaldus lõpetatud _email_install_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} paigaldatud _email_install_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{app} v{version} on paigaldatud:



Logi sisse oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli ja mine {installatron} tööriista lehele haldamiseks.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_install_error=Paigaldamise viga _email_install_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} paigaldamine nurjus _email_install_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{app} v{version} paigaldamine nurjus, ning detailsemad andmed on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_backup_complete=Varundamine lõpetatud _email_backup_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} varukoopia saadaval _email_backup_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Varukoopia tegemine {myapp} rakendusest, asukohaga {url} on edukalt õnnestunud.

Varukoopia suurus: {backup_size}MB

Et kasutada antud varukoopiad, logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli ja navigeeri tööriista {installatron} juurde.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_backup_error=Varukoopia viga _email_backup_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} varundamine nurjus _email_backup_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Varukoopia tegemine {myapp} rakendusest, asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, kõik sellega seonduv on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_restore_complete=Taastamine lõpetatud _email_restore_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} taastatud varukoopiast _email_restore_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Varukoopiast taastamine {myapp} rakendusele, asukohaga {url} on edukalt lõpule viidud.


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et hallata paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_restore_error=Varundamise viga _email_restore_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} varundamine nurjus _email_restore_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Valitud varukoopia taastamine rakendusele {myapp} asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus. Kõik logid on salvestatud

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_update_available=Uuendus saadaval _email_upgrade_available=Uuendus saadaval _email_update_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} on saadaval {newversiontype} _email_upgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {newversion} on saadaval {newversiontype} _email_update_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} on nüüd saadaval rakenduse {app} paigaldusele, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Järgnevalt saab uuendada:


Selle versiooni muudatused on:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_upgrade_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {app} {newversion} {newversiontype} on nüüd saadaval rakenduse {app} paigaldusele, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Järgnevalt saab uuendada:


Selle versiooni muudatused on:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_update_complete=Uuendamine lõpule viidud _email_upgrade_complete=Uuendamine lõpule viidud _email_update_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud _email_upgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud _email_update_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine õnnestus, asukohaga {url}.

Uus paigaldatud versioon on {newversion}

Teavituse lõpp. _email_upgrade_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine õnnestus, asukohaga {url}.

Uus paigaldatud versioon on {newversion}

Teavituse lõpp. _email_update_error=Uuenduse viga _email_upgrade_error=Uuenduse viga _email_update_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendamine nurjus _email_upgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendamine nurjus _email_update_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine ebaõnnestus, asukohaga {url}. Kõik detailid on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_upgrade_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{myapp} uuendamine ebaõnnestus, asukohaga {url}. Kõik detailid on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupdate_available=Add-on uuendus on saadaval _email_pluginupgrade_available=Add-on uuendus on saadaval _email_pluginupdate_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nüüd saadaval _email_pluginupgrade_available_subject=[{installatron}] {app} {addontype} {appaddon} {newversion} nüüd saadaval _email_pluginupdate_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {appaddon} {newversion} on nüüd saadaval rakendusele {app}, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Võimalik on uuendada:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma rakendust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupgrade_available_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Uuendus {appaddon} {newversion} on nüüd saadaval rakendusele {app}, mida kasutad läbi {installatron} süsteemi. Võimalik on uuendada:


Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriista juurde, et uuendada oma rakendust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupdate_complete=Add-on uuendus lõpetatud _email_pluginupgrade_complete=Add-on uuendus lõpetatud _email_pluginupdate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud ({addontype} uuendusega) _email_pluginupgrade_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendatud ({addontype} uuendusega) _email_pluginupdate_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine rakendusele {myapp} asukohaga {url} on edukalt lõpule viidud.

Uue {addontype} versioonis:


Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupgrade_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine rakendusele {myapp} asukohaga {url} on edukalt lõpule viidud.

Uue {addontype} versioonis:


Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupdate_error=Add-on uuenduse viga _email_pluginupgrade_error=Add-on uuenduse viga _email_pluginupdate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendus ebaõnnestus ({addontype} uuendus) _email_pluginupgrade_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} uuendus ebaõnnestus ({addontype} uuendus) _email_pluginupdate_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine {myapp} rakendusele asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, ning üksikasjad on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_pluginupgrade_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

{addontype} uuendamine {myapp} rakendusele asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, ning üksikasjad on logitud.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_clone_complete=Kloonimine lõpule viidud _email_clone_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} kloonitud _email_clone_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Rakenduse {myapp} kloonimine asukohaga {urlsource} on edukalt lõpule viidud, ning saadaval:



Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriistade juurde, et hallata oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_clone_error=Kloonimise viga _email_clone_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} kloonimine nurjus _email_clone_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Rakenduse {myapp} kloonimine nurjus asukohaga {urlsource}. Nurjumise põhjused on logitud, ning saadaval.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_migrate_complete=Migratsioon lõpule viidud _email_migrate_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migreeritud _email_migrate_complete_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Migratsioon rakendusele {app} asukohaga {urlsource} on edukalt sooritatud.



Logi sisse oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli, ning mine {installatron} tööriistade juurde, et hallata oma paigaldust.

Teavituse lõpp. _email_migrate_error=Migreerimise viga _email_migrate_error_subject=[{installatron}] {app} migratsioon nurjus _email_migrate_error_text=See on automaatselt saadetud e-kiri {installatron} poolt. Et loobuda nendest e-kirjades või muuta teadete seadeid, siis logi oma veebimajutuse juhtpaneeli, edasi mine {installatron} tööriistad ja vali paigaldatud rakendus, mida soovid muuta.

Migratsioon rakendusele {app} asukohaga {url} ebaõnnestus, ning detailid on nähtavad logis.

Tehniline viga:

Teavituse lõpp. _email_sync_complete=Sync Complete _email_sync_complete_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} synced _email_sync_complete_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has succeeded and is now available at:



Login to your web hosting control panel and navigate to the {installatron} tool to manage this install.

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _email_sync_error=Sync Error _email_sync_error_subject=[{installatron}] {myapp} sync failed _email_sync_error_text=This is an automated email from {installatron}. To change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the {installatron} tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify.

The sync process for {myapp} located at {urlsource} has failed and the details of the failure have been logged.

Technical error:

End of report. To unsubscribe from all notifications follow this link: {urlunsubscribe} _password_pwprotectiondetected=Parooli kaitse tuvastatud _password_pwonthisdomain=Parooli kaitse on tuvastatud sellele asukohale. Kasutajanimi, ning parool on nõutud, enne kui saate jätkata {task}. Pane tähele, et see parooli kaitse oli seadistatud {installatron} väliselt, ning pole seotud rakenduse paigaldaja süsteemiga. _password_username=Kasutajanimi _password_entertheusername=sisesta kasutajanimi, et siseneda oma paigaldusse veebibrauseris _password_password=Parool _password_enterthepassword=sisesta parool, et siseneda oma paigaldusse veebibrauseris _error_passwordfailed=Etteantud sisselogimise andmed on valed. Palun proovi uuesti või kontakteeru oma veebimajutajaga, kui sa ei tea oma parooli. _error_domainfailed=Valitud domeeni testimine ebaõnnestus (HTTP viga: {code}).

{installatron} ei ole suuteline paigaldama domeeni, mis ei ole seotud selle veebikontoga.

Kui see on uus veebimajutus või äsja registreeritud domeen, siis palun anna 24 tundi aega, et domeen saaks tööle hakata. (Tavaliselt võtab mõni tund aega).

Kui oled täiesti kindel, et domeen töötab korrektselt, siis palun võtta ühendust oma veebimajutaja klienditeenindusega. _error_diskfailed={task} nõuab {size} MB vabat ruumi lõpetamiseks. Piisavalt vabat ruumi ei ole saadaval.

Abi saamiseks või vaba ruumi lisamiseks pöördu oma veebimajutaja klienditeeninduse poole. _error_connectfailed=Ei õnnestunud ühendada veebiserveriga. Palun proovi uuesti mõne minuti pärast. _error_authfailed=Ei õnnestunud autentida etteantud kasutajatunnuse ja parooliga. _error_quotafailed=Insufficient disk space is available. For assistance or to add additional disk space, contact your web hosting administrator. _error_permissionfailed={task} nõuab kindla kasutaja õigusi teekonnale `{path}'.

Abi saamiseks või vaba ruumi lisamiseks pöördu oma veebimajutaja klienditeeninduse poole. _tasks_advanced_manageforme=Halda automaatselt minu eest täpsemaid seadeid. _tasks_advanced_copyforme=Klooni automaatselt need seaded paigaldatud rakenduse allikast. _tasks_advanced_letmemanage=Las ma haldan neid seadeid. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettings=Seadista lisaseadistused paigaldatud rakenduse jaoks. _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsfor=Need sätted hõlmavad juhtimist: _tasks_advanced_advancedsettingsmodified=Neid sätteid on võimalik muuta hilisemalt {installatron}'s. _tasks_advanced_advancedmanagement=Täiendatud seadete haldus _tasks_advanced_settingmanagement=Seadete haldus _tasks_shared_waiting=Ootan... _tasks_shared_processing=Töötlemine... _tasks_shared_cleaningup=Puhastamine... _tasks_shared_copyingfiles=Kopeerin faile ja kauste... _tasks_shared_copyingdatabase=Kopeerin andmebaasi ja tabeleid... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupto=Laadin üles varukoopia teekonda... _tasks_shared_copyingbackupfrom=Laadin alla varukoopia teekonnast... _tasks_shared_changeofparameter=Change of {parameter} from {value} to {newvalue} has been detected. _warnings_fiveminutes=See võib võtta rohkem kui 5 minutit aega.

Palun ära sulge seda veebilehitsejat enne, kui ülesanne on lõpule viidud. _warnings_rootinstall=Warning: This application was installed into a directory that contained existing files. {installatron} makes every attempt to track the files and directories associated with this installed application, however the backup will not contain files or directories created outside of the install/update processes, or files added by you. _warnings_diskspace=Hoiatus: Saadaval olev kettaruum on ebapiisav; ülesanne võib ebaõnnestuda. _errors_invalidselection=Kehtetu valik. _errors_nofilesystemondemand=Unable to establish on-demand web server connection. _errors_noconfigfile=Unable to read source install configuration file. _errors_invalidurl=The entered URL does not appear to be valid. _errors_unknownurl=Unknown URL: {url} _errors_notsamedirectory=The entered URL does not point to the same location on the server. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _errors_noinstallfound=No installed application found at the entered URL. To physically move an application do not move its files! Instead, use the clone wizard to duplicate the application to its new location, check that it's working, and then uninstall the original app. _tasks_intro_welcomewizard=Tere tulemast {installatron} {task} viisardisse! _tasks_intro_guidethroughinstall=See viisard juhendab sind läbi {app} paigalduse. _tasks_intro_guidethroughimport=This wizard will guide you through the import of an externally installed instance of {app}. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtask=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed applications. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtasksingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackup=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backups. _tasks_intro_guidethroughtaskbackupsingular=This wizard will guide you through the {task} process for the selected installed application backup. _tasks_intro_installwill=The install process will add an instance of the selected application to your domain. This will create the files and directories of the software, and a database (if used by the application). _tasks_intro_updatewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_upgradewill=The update process will update the files and database (if used by the application), giving you a newer version of the application. _tasks_intro_importwill=The import process brings an externally installed instance of an application into the {installatron} system. Successfully imported applications can be used and updated from the "_tabs_myapplications" tab. _tasks_intro_uninstallwill=Warning: The uninstall process will delete all files and directories and databases and tables associated with the installed application, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_detachwill=The detach process will detach the installed application from the {installatron} system. _tasks_intro_deletewill=The delete process will delete all files associated with the selected backups, and cannot be reversed. _tasks_intro_restorewill=The restore process copies the files and database tables of a backup to the selected location. _tasks_intro_backupwill=The optional backup process will create duplicate files, directories, and database tables. Backups can be "restored", which can be useful if an application becomes corrupted or hacked, or if an update fails. _tasks_intro_clonewill=The clone process duplicates an installed application to a different location. All files, directories, and database tables are duplicated, and application settings are updated for the new location. _tasks_intro_templatewill=The template process takes a snapshot of the installed application which can then be selected as a basis for new installations. _tasks_intro_syncwill=The sync process overwrites an installed application with the content of another installed application. To get started, use the clone wizard from your "_tabs_myapplications" tab to create a staging site for development and testing purposes, then use the sync wizard to deploy the changes on the live site. _tasks_intro_beaware=Ole teadlik _tasks_intro_updatenotices= _tasks_intro_upgradenotices= _tasks_intro_iscomplete={task} on lõpuleviidud. _tasks_intro_clicknext=Vajuta järgmine, et alustada. _tasks_install_complete=Paigaldus on lõpetatud. _tasks_install_completed=Installation is complete. _tasks_update_complete=Uuendamine on lõpetatud. _tasks_upgrade_complete=Uuendamine on lõpetatud. _tasks_update_completealready=Uuendamine oli juba lõpetatud. _tasks_upgrade_completealready=Uuendamine oli juba lõpetatud. _tasks_update_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed=Updated from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_plugin=Updated plugin {plugin} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_update_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_upgrade_completed_theme=Updated theme {theme} from version {version} to {newversion}. _tasks_clone_complete=Kloonimine on lõpetatud. _tasks_clone_completed=Clone from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_clone_thisisselected=Need on valitud paigaldatud rakendused. _tasks_clone_createstage=Create a Staging site? _tasks_clone_createstageyes=Yes, the cloned installation will be a used for development and testing purposes, with the ability to sync changes with the live installation. _tasks_location_selectalocation=Palun vali asukoht kuhu paigalda {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationurl=Palun vali URL kuhu paigalda {app}. _tasks_location_selectalocationclone=Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account. _tasks_location_thelocationis=The location is a combination of a domain and a directory that together determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_thelocationisurl=The URL entered will determine where the files will be installed and where the application will be viewed in a web browser after installation. _tasks_location_domain=Domeen _tasks_location_website=Veebileht _tasks_location_path=kaust (valikuline) _tasks_location_equivalentof_url=The domain and directory selected above represent the URL (web page link) shown here: _tasks_location_equivalentof=The domain and directory selected above represent a URL (a web page link) and also a physical path on the server's hard drive, both of which are shown here: _tasks_location_installlocation=Paigalduse asukoht _tasks_location_urlequivalent=URL peab olema võrdne valitud kohaga _tasks_location_pathequivalent=Teekond peab olema võrdne valitud kohaga _tasks_location_detectedapassword={installatron} tuvastas, et valitud paigalduse teekond on kaitstud parooliga. _tasks_location_requirespassword={installatron} nõuab kasutajanime ja parooli enne, kui saab jätkata paigaldusega. _tasks_automaticbackup_donot=Ära halda varukoopiaid automaatselt. _tasks_automaticbackup_daily=päeviti _tasks_automaticbackup_weekly=iganädalane _tasks_automaticbackup_monthly=igakuine _tasks_automaticbackup_ndaily={n} daily _tasks_automaticbackup_nweekly={n} weekly _tasks_automaticbackup_nmonthly={n} monthly _tasks_automaticbackup_forthepastdays=igapäevane varundamine iga {day} päeva järel _tasks_automaticbackup_onedailybackup=üks igapäevane varundamine _tasks_automaticbackup_onedayoldbackup=one {day}-day old backup _tasks_automaticbackup_onedaydayoldbackup=one {day1}-{day2} day old backup _tasks_content_selectthecontent=Choose the version and language. _tasks_content_selectthecontent_withtemplate=Choose the version, language and template. _tasks_version_selecttheversion=Vali {app} versioon, millist paigaldada. _tasks_version_selectnewest=Nõuanne: Peaksid valima kõige värskeima versiooni. _tasks_version_branch=branch _tasks_version_latest=viimane _tasks_version_latestlowrisk=viimane madala tähtsusega _tasks_version_recommended=soovituslik _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillautomatically=Uuenda automaatselt paigaldatud rakendust koheselt, kui uus versioon muutub saadavaks. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillautomatically=Uuenda automaatselt paigaldatud rakendust koheselt, kui uus versioon muutub saadavaks. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexp=Peale {days} päeva loodud varukoopia aegub, ning kustutatakse. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexp=Peale {days} päeva loodud varukoopia aegub, ning kustutatakse. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillexpretain=However, prior to expiration the created backup can be retained by selecting the option from your "_tabs_mybackups" tab. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewillupdates=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewillupgrades=Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time and email notifications are sent with the result of each update. _tasks_version_automaticupdateguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeguide=Automatically updating to new minor versions and security releases is recommended as these releases contain critical application improvements and typically will not negatively impact website functionality. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_none=Ära uuenda automaatselt. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_none=Ära uuenda automaatselt. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_minor=Uuenda uusi vähem tähtsaimaid versioone ja turvaväljalaskeid. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_minor=Uuenda uusi vähem tähtsaimaid versioone ja turvaväljalaskeid. _tasks_version_automaticupdate_major=Uuenda ükskõik millise uue versiooniga. _tasks_version_automaticupgrade_major=Uuenda ükskõik millise uue versiooniga. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} pluginaid. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} pluginaid. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_custom=Let me choose individually which plugins update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdateplugins_yes=Uuenda {app} pluginaid koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupgradeplugins_yes=Uuenda {app} pluginaid koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} teemasi. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_no=Ära uuenda automaatselt {app} teemasi. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_custom=Let me choose individually which themes update automatically. _tasks_version_automaticupdatethemes_yes=Uuenda {app} teemasi koheselt, kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupgradethemes_yes=Uuenda {app} teemasi koheselt, kui uus versioon on saadaval. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_yes=Loo varukoopia ja automaatselt taasta, kui uuendus peaks ebaõnnestuma. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_yes=Loo varukoopia ja automaatselt taasta, kui uuendus peaks ebaõnnestuma. _tasks_version_automaticupdatebackup_no=Ära loo varukoopiat. _tasks_version_automaticupgradebackup_no=Ära loo varukoopiat. _tasks_version_automaticupdatewill=Automaatselt tee varukoopia, ning uuenda paigaldatud rakendus koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. Kui uuendamine peaks ebaõnnestuma, siis loodud varukoopiast automaatselt taastakse algne seis.

Uuendused sooritatakse kesköisel ajal, ning kell 6 enne lõunat kohaliku aja järgi. E-kirja teavitus saadetakse koos tulemustega iga uuenduse kohta. _tasks_version_automaticupgradewill=Automaatselt tee varukoopia, ning uuenda paigaldatud rakendus koheselt kui uus versioon on saadaval. Kui uuendamine peaks ebaõnnestuma, siis loodud varukoopiast automaatselt taastakse algne seis.

Uuendused sooritatakse kesköisel ajal, ning kell 6 enne lõunat kohaliku aja järgi. E-kirja teavitus saadetakse koos tulemustega iga uuenduse kohta. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversion=Vali sihtpunkti versioon {app}'ile uuendamiseks. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversion=Vali sihtpunkti versioon {app}'ile uuendamiseks. _tasks_version_selecttheupdateversionmulti=Vali sihtpunkti versioon iga paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_version_selecttheupgradeversionmulti=Vali sihtpunkti versioon iga paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_version_whatsnew=Mida on uut _tasks_version_currentversion=Praegune versioon _tasks_version_versioninstalled=Praegune paigaldatud versioon. _tasks_version_destinationversion=Sihtpunkti versioon _tasks_version_updatetoversion=vali versioon uuendamiseks _tasks_version_upgradetoversion=vali versioon uuendamiseks _tasks_version_manualupdate=manuaalne uuendamine ainult _tasks_version_manualupgrade=manuaalne uuendamine ainult _tasks_version_noupdate=uuendamine ei ole toetatud _tasks_version_noupgrade=uuendamine ei ole toetatud _tasks_version_serverrequirementsnotmet=nõuded ei ole täidetud _tasks_version_updateplugins=Uuenda pluginat? _tasks_version_upgradeplugins=Uuenda pluginat? _tasks_version_selectwhetherplugins=Vali millal {app} pluginad peaks uuendama. Tuvastatud aegunud pluginad on loetletud. _tasks_version_yesplugins=Jah, uuenda {app} pluginat. _tasks_version_noplugins=Ei, ära uuenda {app} pluginat. _tasks_version_updatethemes=Uuenda teemat? _tasks_version_upgradethemes=Uuenda teemat? _tasks_version_selectwhetherthemes=Vali millal {app} teemad peaks uuendama. Tuvastatud aegunud teemad on loetletud. _tasks_version_yesthemes=Jah, uuenda {app} teemat. _tasks_version_nothemes=Ei, ära uuenda {app} teemat. _tasks_version_available=Version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_plugin=Plugin {plugin} version {version} is now available. _tasks_version_available_theme=Theme {theme} version {version} is now available. _tasks_eula_pleasereadandaccept=Palun loe ja aksepteeri EULA rakenduse {app} versiooni {version} jaoks, enne jätkamist. _tasks_eula_howthesoftwaremaybeused=Lõppkasutaja litsents seletab, kuidas tarkvara võib kasutada ja võib sisaldada regulatsioone äriliste eesmärkide, muutmise ja kohandamise kohta. _tasks_eula_iaccept=Ma aktsepteerin litsentsi tingimustega _tasks_eula_idonotaccept=Ma ei aktsepteeri litsentsi tingimustega _tasks_eula_link={app} {version} EULA _tasks_db_requiresadb=See rakendus vajab andmebaasi andmete hoidmiseks. _tasks_db_selectadb=Vali andmebaas selle paigalduseks. _tasks_db_createadb=Loo andmebaas kasutades oma veebimajutaja juhtpaneeli ja sisesta siia andmebaasi informatsioon. _tasks_db_existingdb=Nõuanne: Kui sa ei soovi luua uut andmebaasi, siis on võimalik ka sisestada juba olemas oleva andmebaasi andmed. Paigalduses kasutatakse unikaalset andmebaasi eesliidet, et vältida konflikte juba eksisteerivate andmetega. _tasks_db_dbsystems=Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by {installatron} require a database to store their data. {installatron} will automatically manage database setup, it requires only that a database be available. _tasks_db_dbhosttext=sisesta andmebaasi host, mis on teavitatud sinu veebimajutaja juhtpaneelis. _tasks_db_dbmanagement=Andmebaasi haldus _tasks_db_createforme=Loo automaatselt uus andmebaas paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_db_manageforme=Halda automaatselt andmebaasi seadeid minu eest. (Soovituslik) _tasks_db_letmemanage=Las mina haldan neid seadeid. _tasks_db_letmechoose=Las mina valin olemas oleva andmebaasi. _tasks_db_useadifferent=Kasuta teist andmebaasi _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalize=Need seaded lasevad sul kohandada ja personaliseerida oma paigaldatud rakendust. _tasks_settings_customizeandpersonalizecanbemodified=Neid väärtusi on võimalik hiljem muuta läbi {installatron}'i või paigaldatud rakenduse. _settings_adminusername=sisesta kasutajanimi administraatori kasutajale _settings_adminpassword=sisesta parool administraatori kasutajale _settings_adminemail=sisesta oma e-postiaadress _settings_yournam=sisesta oma nimi _settings_sitetitle=sisesta veebilehe pealkiri _settings_sitetagline=sisesta tagline oma veebilehele _settings_businessname=sisesta oma ettevõtte nimi _settings_language=vali keel _settings_installcontent=vali sisu _settings_cleaninstall=Paigalda puhas {app} installatsioon (Ma lisan ise oma sisu!) _settings_democontent=Palun lisa {app} paigaldusele samuti demonstratsioon sisu _settings_versionchannel_lts=Pikaajaline tugi (Soovituslik) _settings_versionchannel_sts=Lühiajaline tugi _settings_passwordstrength_show=Näita parooli _settings_passwordstrength_hide=Peida parool _settings_passwordstrength_generate=Genereeri _settings_passwordstrength_strength=Tugevus: {strength} _settings_passwordstrength_short=Liiga nõrk _settings_passwordstrength_weak=Nõrk _settings_passwordstrength_fair=Hea _settings_passwordstrength_strong=Tugev _installer_wordpress_limitloginattempts=Brute force attack resilience with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. _installer_wordpress_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_jetpack=Two-factor authentication with JetPack from _settings_twofactor_clef=Kahe astmeline audentiteerimine koos Clef.'iga (Soovituslik)
Laadi alla mobiilne rakendus _settings_twofactor_no=Ära luba kahe astmelist audentiteerimist. _tasks_confirm_readyto={installatron} on valmis {task}. _tasks_confirm_diskspacerequired={task} nõuab {sizea} MB kettaruumi lõpetamiseks. Sinu kontol on aga {sizeb} MB vabat kettaruumi. _tasks_confirm_presssubmit=Vajuta Saada, et käivitada {task}. _tasks_processing_nowprocessing={installatron} is now {tasking}. _warnings_rootdirectory=Teade: Oled valinud paigaldamiseks 'root kausta' (kataloogi pea kaust) oma valitud domeenis. _warnings_existingcontent=Teade: Oled valinud paigaldamiseks kausta, kus asub juba eksisteeriv sisu. _warnings_continuepresok=Kui soovid paigaldada sellesse kataloogi, siis vajuta OK nuppu all või Sulge, et muuta teekonda. _warnings_oauthaccess=You will be prompted to authorize {service} access upon saving this form. _warnings_backupexpiry=Loodud varukoopia automaatselt aegub, ning kustutatakse peale {days} päeva. _errors_installexists=An instance of {app} already exists in this directory. _errors_rootonly=This app can only be installed into the domain's root directory. _errors_noinstall=No version of this application is compatible with the selected install location. _errors_noinstallversion=The selected version {version} is not compatible with the selected install location. _errors_dbcreate=Unable to create a database. Check that your hosting account has at least one database available. If it does, please contact your host. _errors_nodatabases=You have no pre-created MySQL databases. If you wish to use this database option, you must use the control panel to create a database before installing this application. _errors_nodomains=No domains are available for this account. Use the hosting control panel to add a domain before installing an application. _errors_alreadylatest=The web application selected is already running the latest version. _errors_alreadylatestmulti=The web applications selected are already running the latest version. _errors_manualupdate=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_manualupgrade=The version selected, or a version between it and the installed version, requires manual updating. Auto-updating is not supported. See the application's documentation for manual update information. _errors_noupdate=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_noupgrade=The selected version, or a version between it and the installed version, does not support updating. Check the application's website to see if a "migration" tool is available. _errors_unmetrequirements=The hosting server does not meet the requirements of this version of this application, so this version cannot be updated to. Server configurations are many and varied, and not all applications (or versions of an application) will work on all servers. _errors_eula=To install this application you must agree to the end user license agreement. _errors_installquotadomain=The selected domain has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_installquotaaccount=Your account has reached its maximum number of {app} concurrent installs ({quota}). _errors_accountupdate=Palun võta ühendust oma teenusepakkujaga, et muuta teenust. _errors_accountupgrade=Palun võta ühendust oma teenusepakkujaga, et muuta teenust. _errors_script=An error occurred while executing the application API. _tasks_uninstall_willberemoved=Need paigaldatud rakendused eemaldatakse: _tasks_uninstall_complete=Eemaldamine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_uninstall_completed=Uninstall is complete. _tasks_uninstall_removefrom=Remove from {installatron}? _tasks_uninstall_removefromyes=Yes, remove this installed application from the {installatron} system. Files, directories, and database tables will not be affected. _tasks_detach_complete=The detach is complete. _tasks_detach_completed=Detach is complete. _warnings_dbisshared=See andmebaas on jagatud ühe või rohkema mõne teise rakenduse poolt, ning seda ei ole võimalik kustutada. Ainult tabeleid on võimalik kustutada. Ole ettevaatlik tabelite kustutamisel, et sa ei kustutaks mõne teise rakenduse tabeleid. _warnings_dontknowwhichfiles=Teade: {installatron} ei suuda teha kindlaks, millised failid ja/või kaustad on seotud antud paigaldatud rakendusega. Palun vali failid ja kaustad, mis tuleks lisada varukoopiasse. _warnings_extrafiles=Hoiatus: Faile ja/või kauste, mis on valitud ei saa siduda antud paigaldusega. _warnings_extrafilespresok=Kui soovid jätkata olemasoleva valikuga, siis vajuta OK nuppu all või vajuta Sulge, et muuta valikut. _tasks_delete_selectthefiles=Vali failid, kaustad ja andmebaasid, mis tuleks kustutada. _tasks_delete_willberemoved=Need varukoopiad kustututatakse: _tasks_delete_complete=Varukoopia(te) eemaldamine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_delete_completed=Backup {backup} removal is complete from {location}. _tasks_delete_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per expiry. _tasks_delete_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} removal is complete from {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_selectthefiles=Vali failid, kaustad ja andmebaas, mis lisatakse varukoopiasse. _tasks_backup_itemsinbold=Items in bold are known to be associated with this install (that is, they were created during install or update). _tasks_backup_backuprecommended=Nõuanne: Kui sul ei ole veel varukoopiat, ning sul on serveris piisavalt kettaruumi, siis oleks soovituslik teha varukoopia. _tasks_backup_yesbackup=Jah, loo varukoopia enne uuenduse teostamist. _tasks_backup_nobackup=Ei, ära loo varukoopiat enne uuenduse teostamist. _tasks_backup_complete=Varukoopia on valmis. _tasks_backup_completed=Backup {backup} is complete to {location}. _tasks_backup_completed_withexpiry=Temporary backup {backup} is complete to {location} with an expiry of {expiry} days. _tasks_backup_completed_withschedule=Automatic backup {backup} is complete to {location} per schedule {schedule}. _tasks_backup_automaticbackup=Automaatne varukoopia _tasks_backup_automaticbackuppreconfigured=Eelkonfigureeritud automaatne varukoopia _tasks_backup_automaticbackupadditional=Additional Automatic Backup _tasks_backup_automaticbackuptomaintain=Create, rotate and delete backups to maintain: _tasks_backup_automaticbackupwill=Halda automaatselt paigaldatud rakenduste varukoopiad ajakava järgi. _tasks_backup_automaticbackupsare=Backups are created, rotated and deleted between midnight and 6AM server time, and a failed backup will never rotate a working backup. _tasks_backup_backuplocationis=Asukoht kuhu luuakse paigaldatud rakenduse varukoopia arhiivifail. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchange=Muuda asukohta kuhu luuakse paigaldatud rakenduste varukoopiad. _tasks_backup_backuplocationchangeexisting=Olemasolevad varukoopiad jätkavad tööd praeguses asukohas. _tasks_backup_backuplocationdonotadd=Ära lisa varukoopia asukohta. _tasks_backup_backuplocationadd=Lisa uus varukoopia asukoht. _tasks_backup_label=Silt (valikuline) _tasks_backup_labeltext=Tekst, mis kirjeldab varukoopiat. _tasks_backup_expiry=Expiration Date _tasks_backup_estimatedsize=Hinnanguline suurus _tasks_backup_estimatedsizetext=Hinnanguline kokkupakitud varukoopia faili suurus, mis luuakse paigaldatud rakendusele. _tasks_backup_mywebhostingaccount=Minu veebimajutuse kasutajakonto. _tasks_backup_myaccount=Minu konto _tasks_delete_filesanddirs=Failid ja kataloogid _tasks_delete_dbandtables=Andmebaas ja tabelid _tasks_delete_backups=Varukoopiad _errors_nobackuplocations=There are no available backup locations. Please add a location and try again. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_domain=Varukoopiate arv antud domeenile on ületatud. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_user=Varukoopiate arv antud kontole on ületatud. _errors_backupquotaexceeded_install=Varukoopiate arv, mis on saadaval antud paigaldusele on ületatud. _tasks_import_selectlocation=Sisesta paigaldatud rakenduse asukohta URL migratsiooniks. _tasks_import_selectlocationip=Enter the IP address that the source URL should resolve to. Leave this field blank if the source correctly resolves via DNS. _tasks_import_importremoteserver=Erinevatel kontodelt _tasks_import_selectthismigrate=Select this option to migrate and import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located on a remote web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthismigrateyouwill=You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be copied to. No changes will be made to the installed application on the remote web hosting server. _tasks_import_importlocalserver=Sellelt kontolt _tasks_import_selectthisimport=Select this option to import into the {installatron} system an installed application that is located within the local web hosting account. _tasks_import_selectthisimportyouwill=You will be prompted to select the current location of the installed application. _tasks_import_selectversion=Select the installed version. This value is often displayed within the installed application's administrative panel. _tasks_import_selectdatabase=Enter the database information used by the installed application. _tasks_import_lookinconfigphp=Tip: The database values can often be found in a file named config.php or settings.php, usually in includes/, admin/, or the application directory. _tasks_import_tableprefix=Unable to automatically determine table prefix. Please enter the correct prefix. _tasks_import_dircontents=Directory Contents _tasks_import_allfiles=All files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_somefiles=Only some files in that directory belong to this installed application _tasks_import_complete=Importimine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_import_completed=Import is complete. _tasks_migrate_complete=Migratsioon on lõpule viidud. _tasks_migrate_completed=Migrate is complete. _errors_pathnotfound=Seda teekonda ei leitud _tasks_restore_restoreoriginal=Restore to original location _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalthis=Select this option to restore the backup to its original location, returning the application to its status when the backup was created. _tasks_restore_restoreoriginalwill=This process will overwrite any files, directories and database tables that currently exist in the application's original location. _tasks_restore_restorelocation=Restore to new location _tasks_restore_restorelocationthis=Select this option to restore the backup to a new location. You will be prompted to select a location within the local web hosting account for the installed application to be restored to. _tasks_restore_restorelocationwill=This process will not affect the application's original location. _tasks_restore_selectstuff=Vali failid, kaustad ja andmebaasi tabelid mis taastakse. _tasks_restore_these=Failid, kaustad ja andmebaasi tabelid, mis on loetletud taastatakse. _tasks_restore_reditems=Punasega märgitud kirjed kirjutatakse üle olemas olevate kirjetega asukohas. _tasks_restore_notsinglefiles=Hoiatus: Taastamine üksikute failide, kaustade ja tabelitega ei ole soovituslik kui just varukoopia ja sihtpunkt ei sisalda samat versiooni nagu seda on veebirakendus. _tasks_restore_source=Allikas _tasks_restore_destination=Sihtpunkt _tasks_restore_complete=Taastamine on lõpule viidud. _tasks_restore_completed=Restore from backup {backup} is complete. _tasks_sync_sourcetext=Please select the location of the source installation. _tasks_sync_destinationtext=This is the destination installation. Make sure that the content at the source installation above is what you want at the destination installation before proceeding.

The sync process will overwrite the selected files and database tables, including any database table content. Red items will overwrite an existing item in the destination.

Do not edit these values unless you know what you are doing. _tasks_sync_nosource=Your webhosting account has no other instances of {app} so there are no sources to pull data from. You cannot sync this installation until there is at least one other instance of this application (usually referred to as a staging site) in your account. _tasks_sync_complete=The sync is complete. _tasks_sync_completed=Sync from {source} to {destination} is complete. _tasks_template_name=Pealkiri _tasks_template_nametext=Pealkiri, mis kirjeldab teemat. _tasks_template_desc=Kirjeldus _tasks_template_desctext=Tekst, mis kirjeldab teemat. _tasks_template_complete=Teema on lõpule viidud. _tasks_template_completed=Template {template} is complete. _tasks_tasks_theseare=Need on sinu ülesanded viimase 10 minuti jooksul. Ülesanded sooritatakse tagataustal. _tasks_tasks_theseareadmin=Need on sinu veebilehe omanike ülesanded viimase 10 minuti jooksul. Ülesanded sooritatakse tagataustal. _tasks_tasks_therearenone=Viimase 10 minuti jooksul ei ole hetkel ühtegi ülesannet sooritamiseks või lõpetamiseks. _tasks_afatalerror=Tekkis tõsine viga. _tasks_taskaborted=Ülesanne on katkestatud. _mytasks_abort=katkesta user.pages.ini000064400000017343147204766330007345 0ustar00_myinstalls_yourinstalls=Siin on sinu rakendused. Saad neid vaadata, uuendada, varundada, muuta ja kustutada. _myinstalls_yourinstallscanbe=Applications can be {list}. _myinstalls_youhaveno=You have no applications controlled by {installatron}. _myinstalls_youhaveno_toinstall=To install a new application: find the application that you'd like to install from the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab and then press the large install button. _myinstalls_youhaveno_toimport=To import an existing application: find the matching application type in the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab, press the small [V] dropdown button, and select the import option. _mybackups_yourbackups=Siin on sinu varundused. Saad neid taastada, kontrollida faile või enda arvutisse alla laadida.

Palun pane tähele, et siin asuvad varundused kustutatakse serverist automaatselt - vajadusel laadi need koheselt enda arvutisse alla! _mybackups_youhaveno=You have no application backups. _mybackups_youhaveno_tobackup=Backups are created automatically and manually from the applications listed in the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab. _myinstalls_application=rakendused _myinstalls_app=rakendus _myinstalls_myapp=Minu {app} _myinstalls_justanotherapp=Järgmine {app} veebileht _myinstalls_website=veebileht _myinstalls_administration=administreerimine _myinstalls_support=tugi _myinstalls_originalloc=algne asukoht _myinstalls_backups=varukoopiad _myinstalls_version=versioon _myinstalls_files=failid _myinstalls_database=andmebaas _myinstalls_documentation=dokumentatsioon _myinstalls_installed=installeeritud _myinstalls_updated=uuendatud _myinstalls_upgraded=uuendatud _myinstalls_backupdate=varunduse kuupäev _myinstalls_backupgrade=varunduse kuupäev _myinstalls_backupsize=varunduse maht _myinstalls_backuplocation=varunduse asukoht _myinstalls_title=tiitel _myinstalls_vendor=müüja _myinstalls_allapps=Kõik rakendused _myinstalls_search=Otsi paigaldatud rakendusi _myinstalls_specificwebsite=täpsusta veebilehte: _myinstalls_anywebsite=Ükskõik milline veebileht _myinstalls_mywebsites=Ainult minu veebilehed _myinstalls_report=teata antud veast _myinstalls_vieweditdetails=vaata või muuda detaile _myinstalls_backup=varukoopia _myinstalls_uninstall=eemalda _myinstalls_update=uuenda _myinstalls_upgrade=uuenda _myinstalls_sync=Sync _myinstalls_template=teema _myinstalls_clone=klooni _mybackups_search=Otsi varukoopiaid _mybackups_allbackups=Kõik varukoopiad _mybackups_never=Mitte kunagi _mybackups_paused=Paused _mybackups_auto=Automaatne _mybackups_date=kuupäev _mybackups_expiry=aegub _mybackups_size=suurus _mybackups_location=asukoht _mybackups_label=silt _mybackups_quotas_title=Quota {number} _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_peraccount_counts=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota} backups per account at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_peraccount_count=Your webhosting provider allows no more than one backup per account at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_peraccount_mbs=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota}MB of backups per account at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perdomain_counts=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota} backups per domain at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perdomain_count=Your webhosting provider allows no more than one backup per domain at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perdomain_mbs=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota}MB of backups per domain at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perinstall_counts=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota} backups per app at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perinstall_count=Your webhosting provider allows no more than one backup per app at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_yourwebhostingallows_perinstall_mbs=Your webhosting provider allows no more than {quota}MB of backups per app at this backup location. _mybackups_quotas_currentlyused_counts=Currently, {usage} backups are in use. _mybackups_quotas_currentlyused_count=Currently, one backup is in use. _mybackups_quotas_currentlyused_mbs=Currently, {usage}MB are in use. _mybackups_quotas_tocreate_counts=To proceed, {usage} backups are required. _mybackups_quotas_tocreate_count=To proceed, one backup is required. _mybackups_quotas_tocreate_mbs=To proceed, {usage}MB is required. _mybackups_quotas_withtemporary=Backups with their own expiration date are affected by this quota. _mybackups_quotas_withautomatic=Backups managed by an Automatic Backup schedule are affected by this quota. _mybackups_quotas_onlypermanent=Backups managed by an Automatic Backup schedule or by their own expiration date are not impacted by this quota. _mybackups_quotas_prunewarning=Warning: Pruning is enabled for this quota, meaning old backups may be removed to make space for new backups. _mybackups_schedules_series=Backup {current} of {total} _mybackups_schedules_today=This backup will be deleted today after a new backup is succesfully created for the schedule. _mybackups_schedules_tomorrow=This backup will be deleted tomorrow after a new backup is succesfully created for the schedule. _mybackups_schedules_ndays=This backup will be deleted in {n} days from now on {date} after a new backup is succesfully created for the schedule. _mybackups_edit=muuda varukoopia märkust _mybackups_delete=kustuta _mybackups_download=laadi alla _mybackups_restorethisbackup=taasta see varundus _pagination_viewing=Vaatluses {current} / {total}'st _myinstalls_tt_onlyoutofdate=Näita ainult aegunud versiooniga rakendusi. _myinstalls_tt_ownedaccounts=Display owned account installed applications in addition to my applications. _myinstalls_tt_autoupdate_minor=Automaatne uuendamine vähem tähtsamate uuenduste jaoks on lubatud. _myinstalls_tt_autoupgrade_minor=Automaatne uuendamine vähem tähtsamate uuenduste jaoks on lubatud. _myinstalls_tt_autoupdate_major=Automaatne uuendamine tähtsamate uuenduste jaoks on lubatud. _myinstalls_tt_autoupgrade_major=Automaatne uuendamine tähtsamate uuenduste jaoks on lubatud. _myinstalls_tt_uptodate=Värskeim versioon on paigaldatud. _myinstalls_tt_outofdate=This version is outdated. _myinstalls_tt_autobackup_default=Automatically maintain {list} at the _info_defaultbackuplocation set above. _myinstalls_tt_autobackup_location=Automatically maintain {list} at the {location} backup location. _myinstalls_tt_autobackup=Automaatselt halda {list}. _myinstalls_tt_expirebackup=Peale varukoopia tegemist, aegub see {days} päeva möödudes. _errors_requiresselection=See funktsioon eeldab valikut _errors_incompleteinstall=Viga: Installeerimine ebaõnnestus, see tuleks eemaldada. _errors_websitenotfound=Error: Website not found. If the website was recently renamed or moved please edit the install to save the new location (_sidebar_advanced tab). _errors_missingbackuparchive=Viga: Varukoopia arhiivi ei leitud. _confirm_makepermanent=Selle seadega muudad, et varukoopia ei aeguks mitte kunagi. Kas oled kindel, et soovid jätkata? _confirm_makepermanentschedule=See muudab varukoopia aegumatuks, kui eemaldad automaatse varukoopia ajajoone. Kas oled kindel? _widget_webapps=Veebirakendused _widget_webappsare=Paigalda ja halda ilma lisatasuta veebirakendusi. Nagu näiteks: foorumeid, blogisi, külalisteraamatuid, pildigaleriisi ja e-poe süsteeme. _widget_installedapplications=Minu rakendused ({count}) _widget_installedapplications_viewmore=vaata lisaks _widget_installedapplications_update=UUENDA _widget_installedapplications_upgrade=UUENDA _widget_featuredapplications=Esile tõstetud rakendused _widget_featuredapplications_viewmore=vaata lisaks admin.ini000064400000054210147204766330006353 0ustar00_admin_intro_header=Installatroni haldus _admin_intro_description=See tööriist laseb sul igal võimalikul moel konfigureerida Installatroni. _admin_resources_header=Installatron abi _admin_resources_description=
Palun kasuta Installatron abi süsteem, kui sul esineb probleeme. _admin_repair_header=Installatronu uuendamine ja/või parandamine _admin_repair_description=Vajuta seda nuppu igal ajal, et teostada installatroni uuendus või parandus: _admin_repair_button=käivita Installatroni uuendus/parandus _admin_installatron_header=Versioon _admin_installatron_links_updater=käivita Installatroni uuendaja nüüd _admin_installatron_links_upgrader=käivita Installatroni uuendaja nüüd _admin_installatron_links_cron=muuda uuendaja cron seadeid _admin_installatron_label_version=Installatron Versioon _admin_installatron_label_available=Versioon saadaval _admin_installatron_newversion=on nüüd saadaval. _admin_installatron_text_build=build _admin_installatron_links_whatsnew=mis on uut _admin_license_header=Litsents _admin_license_links_renew=uuenda litsentsi _admin_license_links_manage=halda litsentsi _admin_license_links_refresh=värskenda litsentsi _admin_license_label_licensedto=Installatron litsents _admin_license_label_method=Litsentseerimise meetod _admin_license_text_method_ip=IP aadress _admin_license_text_method_footprint=Serveri footprint _admin_license_label_expiration=Litsentsi aegumise kuupäev _admin_logs_header=Logid _admin_logs_links_reset=lähtesta kõik logid _admin_logs_links_resetthis=lähtesta see logi _admin_updater_header=Installatroni uuendaja / parandaja _admin_upgrader_header=Installatroni uuendaja / parandaja _installedapps_listsallapps=The _sidebar_installedapps page lists all current applications installed on this server. _installedapps_toupdateapps=To update one or more user applications, select the checkbox(s) and then click _buttons_update. _installedapps_toupgradeapps=To update one or more user applications, select the checkbox(s) and then click _buttons_update. _installedapps_noinstalledapps=Selles serveris ei ole ühtegi paigaldatud rakendust _dependencies_label_dbtableprefix=Andmebaasi tabeli eesliited _dependencies_text_dbtableprefix_random=Juhuslik _dependencies_text_dbtableprefix_abbrev=Lühendatud _catalogs_catalogisa=A catalog is a source of application packages. _catalogs_collectionof=A catalog can be a collection of many application packages or a URL to a single custom application package. _catalogs_seethe=Refrence the Installatron Installer SDK for information about creating application packages. _catalogs_createinstaller=loo rakenduse paigaldaja _catalogs_addcatalog=lisa kataloog _catalogs_officialcatalog=Ametlik Installatroni Kataloog _settings_override=Kirjuta üle _settings_allowresellersoverride=Luba edasimüüjatel ülekirjutada need seaded _settings_group=Grupp: {chooser} _settings_general_label_mode=Installatron Režiim _settings_general_text_mode_enabled=Lubatud _settings_general_text_mode_disabled=Keelatud (administraatrile on endiselt lubatud) _settings_general_label_core=Core Update Channel _settings_general_label_testing=Select an update channel for new Installatron versions. This setting only affects new Installatron versions. _settings_general_text_mode_edge=Updates are "release candidate" quality with little real-world testing. _settings_general_text_mode_release=Updates are feature-complete and well tested. _settings_general_text_mode_stable=Updates are fully mature having received considerable public exposure, testing, and verification. _settings_general_text_mode_none=Ära mitte kunagi uuenda automaatselt tuuma _settings_general_label_updateinterval=Uuenduse intervall _settings_general_label_upgradeinterval=Uuenduse intervall _settings_general_text_updateinterval=Control the interval at which Installatron checks for new application versions. _settings_general_text_upgradeinterval=Control the interval at which Installatron checks for new application versions. _settings_general_text_updateintervalfreq=A frequent interval is recommended to ensure new security release versions are made available without delay. _settings_general_text_upgradeintervalfreq=A frequent interval is recommended to ensure new security release versions are made available without delay. _settings_general_text_updateintervallite=The process used to check for new versions is lightweight and will not consume noticable bandwidth or CPU cycles. _settings_general_text_upgradeintervallite=The process used to check for new versions is lightweight and will not consume noticable bandwidth or CPU cycles. _settings_general_label_mysql=MySQL Host _settings_general_label_mssql=MSSQL Host _settings_general_label_dbsharing=Andmebaasi jagamine _settings_general_text_dbsharing_yes=Jah, andmebaasi saab jagada _settings_general_text_dbsharing_no=Ei, iga paigaldus peab kasutama uut andmebaasi _settings_general_label_custominstaller=Kohandatud paigaldused _settings_general_text_custominstaller=Kasuta Installatroni Muutja Tööriista, et genereerida kohandusi, ning sisesta kood siia: _settings_email_disabled=Keela e-kiri _settings_email_disabledtext=Keela e-kirjade saatmine läbi installatroni _settings_email_user_fromaddress=Kellelt aadress _settings_email_user_sendfrom=saada teavitusi kellelt: e-posti aadress _settings_email_user_note_instertlist=nimekiri sisestada siia _settings_email_template_header=Muuda Malli: _settings_email_selecttemplate=Mall _settings_email_subject=E-kirja teema _settings_email_template=E-kirja mall _settings_email_admin_reports=Send Installatron Updater reports to the server administrator _settings_email_admin_toaddress=E-kirja aadress _settings_email_admin_sendto=send admin reports to: this address _settings_email_install_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui rakendused on paigaldatud _settings_email_install_error_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui rakenduste paigaldamine nurjub _settings_email_user_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui uus versioon paigaldatud rakendustele on saadaval. _settings_email_update_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakendused on uuendatud _settings_email_upgrade_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakendused on uuendatud _settings_email_update_error_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui paigaldatud rakenduste uuendamine nurjub _settings_email_upgrade_error_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui paigaldatud rakenduste uuendamine nurjub _settings_email_backup_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui varukoopiad on loodud nende paigaldatud rakendustele. _settings_email_backup_error_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakenduste varukoopiate tegemine ebaõnnestub _settings_email_clone_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakendused on kloonitud _settings_email_clone_error_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakenduste kloonimine nurjub _settings_email_restore_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakendused on taastatud varukoopiast _settings_email_restore_error_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakenduste taastamine varukoopiast nurjub _settings_email_uninstall_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakendused on eemaldatud _settings_email_uninstall_error_notify=Teavita veebilehtede omanike kui nende paigaldatud rakenduste eemaldamine nurjub _settings_email_admin_header=Administraatori teavitused _settings_email_install_header=Kasutaja teavitused - Uus paigaldus _settings_email_user_header=Kasutaja teavitused - Uuendus saadaval _settings_email_update_header=Kasutaja teavitused - Uuenda _settings_email_upgrade_header=Kasutaja teavitused - Uuenda _settings_email_backup_header=Kasutaja teavitused - Varukoopia _theme_embedding=Embedding _theme_defaultbehavior=default Installatron behavior for users _theme_fullscreen=Täisekraan _theme_insidecontrolpanel=Embedded (inside the control panel theme, where supported) _theme_csscustomizations=CSS kohandused _theme_entercssstyles=sisesta CSS stiilid _theme_browserellipsis=Truncate Application Names _theme_browserellipsistext=truncate application names as required on the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab? _theme_browserellipsis_yes=Yes, truncate application names as required. _theme_linkfilemanager=File Manager Link _theme_linkfilemanager_toggle=Yes, display embedded links to an external file manager. _theme_linkmysqlmanager=MySQL Manager Link _theme_linkmysqlmanagertext=typically links to phpMyAdmin. _theme_linkmysqlmanager_toggle=Yes, display embedded links to a MySQL database manager. _theme_linkmssqlmanager=MSSQL Manager Link _theme_linkmssqlmanager_toggle=Yes, display embedded links to a MSSQL database manager. _locale_contributetotranslations=vaata Tõlkija tööriista tõlke edenemise kohta, ning aita kaasa lokaliseerimises _locale_localecustomizations=Locale Customizations _locale_onelocalekey=enter locale customizations, one locale key per line _locale_generatecustomizations=use the Translator tool to generate customized locale _locale_usedefaultlocale=Use the user's default locale _locale_forcelocale=Force Specific Locale _branding_wheninstallatronis=Note: Re-branding Installatron will remove links to, including support links. This means we can no longer provide direct support to your users. You can enter an optional URL here, to your forum or ticket system, as an alternative destination for the 'Installatron Support' links found on the script information pages. _branding_webhostname=Web Host Name _branding_nameofhosting=the name of your web hosting service _branding_installatronname=Installatron Name _branding_nameforuserlevel=Installatron's name for all user-level pages _branding_installatronsubtitle=Installatron Subtitle _branding_appsinstallers=eg. applications installer _branding_installatronlogo=Installatron Logo _branding_imageattopleft=URL to an image for top/left of GUI _branding_installatronid=Installatron Identifier _branding_installatronidtext=displayed within the URL when accessing Installatron. Alphanumeric characters only. _branding_installatronsupport=Installatron Support _branding_installatronsupport_enable=Display support links when errors occur _branding_userlevelsupport=URL to user-level support for Installatron _branding_controlpanelname=Control Panel Name _branding_nameofcontrolpanel=the name of your control panel _branding_installatronbutton=Button _branding_installatronbuttontext=Text and 48x48 image displayed on the main control panel dashboard for {installatron}. _branding_buttonurl=text and URL to a 48x48 image _branding_installatrontab=Tab _branding_installatrontabdisplay=Display control panel tab _branding_installatrontabtext=Text displayed at the top of the control panel layout. Not all control panels and themes support this feature. _branding_controlpanelwidget=Dashboard _branding_controlpanelwidgettext=Fully integrate web application management with a theme-matching control panel dashboard. Choose between displaying installed applications, featured applications, both, or nothing. Not all control panels and themes support this feature. _branding_controlpanelwidget_installedapps=Display installed applications in the dashboard _branding_controlpanelwidget_featuredapps=Display featured applications in the dashboard _branding_widget_title=Dashboard Title _branding_widget_titletext=The title of the section added. _branding_widget_position=Dashboard Position _branding_widget_positiontext=The position on the section. _branding_widget_featuredapps=Featured Applications _branding_widget_featuredappstext=The source of Featured Applications. _branding_widget_featuredapps_automatic=Automatic _branding_widget_featuredapps_fromanacl=From an group: _branding_widget_featuredappslimit=Featured Applications Limit _branding_widget_featuredappslimittext=The maximum number of featured applications displayed. _branding_installedappbranding=Installed Application Branding _branding_installedappbrandingtext=Brand installed applications by including a theme-matching "hosted by" link in the footer of each installed application. This feature can be used as a powerful tool to drive traffic to a company website. _branding_stamp=Branded Link _branding_stamptext=text for display where appropriate. PHP between <?php tags is valid.

{app} = application name
{id} = application id _branding_stamp_enable=Display in the footer of installed applications where appropriate _branding_wsodocs=Veebilehe omaniku dokumentatsioon _branding_wsodocs_enable=Kuva dokumentatsiooni linke veebilehe omaniku liidese sees _branding_admindocs=Administraatori ja edasimüüja dokumentatsioon _branding_admindocs_enable=Kuva dokumentatsiooni linke adminitraatori ja edasimüüja liidese sees _settings_paths_label_http=HTTP driver _settings_paths_label_archive=Archive driver for _settings_paths_label_perl=Perl binaarne tee _settings_paths_label_netpbm=NetPBM binaarne tee _settings_paths_label_magick=ImageMagick binaarne tee _settings_dependencies_description=Installatron uses the versions and settings on this page to maximize compatibility between this server and the web applications installed by Installatron. Keep these versions and settings accurate and up to date to limit errors experienced by your users after they install applications using Installatron. _settings_requirements_description=Each version of each installer can have a set of "requirements", ranging from 'minimum PHP version' to 'safe_mode' on or off. Installatron can automatically remove any installer, or disable any version of an installer, that is incompatible with your server. This stops users from installing a script that they cannot use, or update to a version that will break their webpage. To use requirements-filtering, configure the following server values.

Some server setups also allow the use of vhosts to automatically enable these required settings for individual install. Note that some of these are security-related settings, so you should not use the automatic enabling if they will compromise your security setup. _settings_requirements_vhoststhis=Automatically set this value as required, per installed application _settings_requirements_filterthis=Disable applications/versions incompatible with this setting _settings_requirements_label_phpversion=PHP versioon _settings_requirements_label_aspnetversion=ASP.NET versioon _settings_requirements_label_safemode=PHP safe_mode _settings_requirements_option_safemode_enabled=safe_mode on lubatud selles serveris _settings_requirements_option_safemode_disabled=safe_mode on keelatud selles serveris _settings_requirements_label_register=PHP register_globals _settings_requirements_option_register_enabled=register_globals on lubatud selles serveris _settings_requirements_option_register_disabled=register_globals on keelatud selles serveris _settings_requirements_label_basedir=PHP open_basedir _settings_requirements_option_basedir_enabled=open_basedir on lubatud selles serveris _settings_requirements_option_basedir_disabled=open_basedir on keelatud selles serveris _settings_requirements_label_mysql=MySQL versioon _settings_cache_label_pam=Fast Update URL _settings_cache_label_caching=Archive Caching _settings_cache_text_caching_none=No archive caching _settings_cache_text_caching_asused=Download archives as they are used _settings_cache_text_caching_pre=Eelnevalt allalaaditud arhiivid _settings_cache_text_caching_description=Application version packages are downloaded and cached as required by install and update tasks. _settings_cache_label_max=Maksimaalne vahemälu suurus _settings_motd_text_enable_new=Add the _sidebar_motd to the _tabs_applicationsbrowser tab _settings_motd_label_title=MOTD Pealkiri _settings_motd_label_message=MOTD Sõnum _errors_nonilcache=Cache size cannot be zero. To disable caching, select No Archive Caching above _errors_cantwrite=Cannot write to the specified directory. Please check the permissions. _tools_builder_tools_runnow=run Application List Builder now _tools_builder_description=The Application _sidebar_listbuilder tool generates a list of the applications that are available for installing with Installatron on your server. The resulting files (one output file per active _sidebar_accesscontrol List) can be included into your website to show visitors the applications they can easily install when they use your hosting service. _tools_builder_text_enable_gen=Enable the generation of application-list files _tools_builder_text_enable_auto=Automatically refresh Application _sidebar_listbuilder after an Installatron Update _tools_builder_label_dir=Build Location _tools_builder_label_limitvers=Ainult viimased versioonid _tools_builder_text_limitvers=Limit built lists to the latest version of each application _tools_builder_label_template=Template _tools_builder_text_template=For more on the Application _sidebar_listbuilder visit the Installatron website. _tools_converter_description=The _sidebar_converter tool will import installed applications currently maintained by other auto-installers. _tools_converter_descriptionalso=With the search option, _sidebar_converter can also find and import manually-installed applications. _tools_converter_thisversion=This version of _sidebar_converter will import applications installed by a current version of these auto-installers: _tools_converter_list_header=_sidebar_installedapps List _tools_converter_list_columns_autoinstaller=auto-installer _tools_converter_list_columns_installedversion=paigaldatud versioon _tools_converter_list_columns_convertversion=convert version _tools_converter_list_columns_installer=Installatron installer? _tools_converter_list_columns_ininstallatron=already in Installatron? _tools_converter_list_text_url=url _tools_converter_list_text_na=mitte kasutatav _tools_converter_list_text_yes=jah _tools_converter_list_text_no=ei _tools_converter_legend_ininstallatron=These installed applications already exist in Installatron and cannot be re-imported. _tools_converter_legend_noinstaller=Installatron does not have an installer for these applications. If imported, Installatron will create a simple "mock" entry for the _tabs_myapplications tab, however Installatron will not be able to update or edit the application. _tools_converter_legend_noversion=Installatron does not have an installer version that matches the installed version. You can select a version to import as from the dropdown, but please note that an incorrect version could create problems when updating. _tools_converter_buttons_convert=Convert Installed Applications _tools_converter_summary_description=The conversion process is complete. _tools_converter_summary_description_success=applications were successfully converted to Installatron. _tools_converter_summary_description_fail=applications failed to convert. _tools_converter_summary_description_warning=Warning: If successfully imported applications are now updated or changed using the original auto-installer, an attempt to also update them in Installatron could damage the website. _tools_converter_summary_list_columns=tulemus _tools_converter_summary_list_text_success=ÕNNESTUNUD _tools_converter_summary_list_text_failure=EBAÕNNESTUNUD _tools_warnings_noinstallsfound=No auto-installer meta files were found on the server. _groups_allowyouto=Groups enable sets of users and control panel packages to be created. All settings throughout the administrative panel can then be set differently for each group. _groups_createanewgroup=loo uus grupp _groups_groupsettings=Grupi seaded _groups_grouptitle=Grupi pealkiri _groups_groupassignment=Group Assignment _groups_entertheassignment=Enter the control panel packages and/or individual users/resellers that should be affected by this group, one per line. _groups_entertheassignmentnote=Note: Control panel packages must be prefixed with a hashtag (#). Individual users/resellers require no prefix. _groups_members=Liikmed _accesscontrol_allowyoutolimit=Access Control enables access to applications to be limited. _accesscontrol_accesscontrollists=Access Control Lists _accesscontrol_default=the "default" access control list is assigned to all users not included in other lists _accesscontrol_none=mitte ükski _accesscontrol_createaccesscontrollist=create a new access control list _accesscontrol_aclsettings=Access Control List Settings _accesscontrol_acltitle=Access Control List Title _accesscontrol_userassignment=User Assignment _accesscontrol_selectusers=Select the {panel} packages, or individual users and resellers that are affected by this Access Group. _accesscontrol_appinstalleractivation=Application Installer Activation _accesscontrol_selectapplications=Select the applications that users and resellers of this Access Control List will be allowed to install.

Reseller's users will inherit the reseller's limitations.

The list includes all applications enabled on the Catalogs page. _accesscontrol_allapplications=Kõik saadaval rakendused _accesscontrol_noapplications=Rakendusi pole (Installatron on peidetud) _accesscontrol_inheritfromacl=Inherit the applications list from this _sidebar_accesscontrol List _accesscontrol_customlist=Loo kohandatud loend rakendustest _accesscontrol_addofficial=Automaatselt lisa uus ametlik (tehtud Installatron poolt) rakenduste nimekiri _accesscontrol_addauthor=Automatically add new author (made by the script authors) applications to this list _accesscontrol_addthirdparty=Automatically add new third-party applications to this list (high risk) _errors_aclexists=An _sidebar_accesscontrol List by this name already exists. base.ini000064400000014463147204766330006203 0ustar00_layout_direction=Vasakult paremale _grammar_conjunction=ja _format_date=d-m-Y _format_time=g:ia _datetime_today=Täna _datetime_tomorrow=Homme _datetime_1day=1 day _datetime_ndays={n} days _datetime_yesterday=Eile _datetime_ago_0=vähem kui minut tagasi _datetime_ago_1=minut tagasi _datetime_ago_2={minutes} minutit tagasi _datetime_ago_60=tund aega tagasi _datetime_sunday=Pühapäev _datetime_monday=Esmaspäev _datetime_tuesday=Teisipäev _datetime_wednesday=Kolmapäev _datetime_thursday=Neljapäev _datetime_friday=Reede _datetime_saturday=Laupäev _datetime_january=Jaanuar _datetime_february=Veebruar _datetime_march=Märts _datetime_april=Aprill _datetime_may=Mai _datetime_june=Juuni _datetime_july=Juuli _datetime_august=August _datetime_september=September _datetime_october=Oktoober _datetime_november=November _datetime_december=Detsember _links_returnto=mine tagasi _links_embed=lülita tavalisele vaatele _links_unembed=lülita täisekraanile _links_docs=ava {installatron} abi uues aknaas _tabs_myapplications=Minu rakendused _tabs_mybackups=Minu varundused _tabs_applicationsbrowser=Rakenduste brauser _tabs_administration=Adminsitraator _tabs_preferences=Eelistused _tasks_processing=Ülesanne on hetkel teostamisel _sidebar_activetasks=Aktiivsed ülesanded _sidebar_advanced=Täiustatud _sidebar_automation=Automaatne _sidebar_configuration=Konfiguratsioon _sidebar_introduction=Tutvustus _sidebar_location=Asukoht _sidebar_information=Informatsioon _sidebar_source=Allikas _sidebar_destination=Sihtkoht _sidebar_htpasswd=Parool _sidebar_version=Versioon _sidebar_license=Litsents _sidebar_livedemo=Proovi _sidebar_livedemoserver=Proovi server _sidebar_content=Content _sidebar_customization=Kohandamine _sidebar_database=Andmebaas _sidebar_groups=Grupid _sidebar_interface=Liides _sidebar_settings=Seaded _sidebar_backup=Varukoopia _sidebar_backups=Varukoopiad _sidebar_backuplocations=Backup Locations _sidebar_complete=Lõpule viidud _sidebar_controlpanel=Juhtpaneel _sidebar_locations=Asukohad _sidebar_multiserver=Multi-Server _sidebar_plugins=Pluginad _sidebar_themes=Teemad _sidebar_pluginsthemes=Pluginad ja teemad _sidebar_schedules=Ajakavad _sidebar_showcase=Demonstratsioon _sidebar_templates=Mallid _sidebar_admin=Administratsioon _sidebar_logs=Logid _sidebar_installedapps=Installeeritud rakendused _sidebar_applications=Rakendused _sidebar_catalogs=kataloogid _sidebar_accesscontrol=Juurdepääsu kontroll _sidebar_general=Üldine _sidebar_dependencies=Sõltuvused _sidebar_email=E-post _sidebar_features=Omadused _sidebar_files=Files _sidebar_filesandtables=Failid ja tabelid _sidebar_caching=vahemällu _sidebar_theming=teema _sidebar_locale=Kohalik _sidebar_branding=Branding _sidebar_motd=Päeva sõnum _sidebar_quotas=Limiidid _sidebar_tools=Tööriistad _sidebar_listbuilder=Nimekirja ehitaja _sidebar_converter=Konverteerija _sidebar_whatsnew=Mis on uut _sidebar_overview=Ülevaade _sidebar_logviewer=Log Viewer _sidebar_live=Live _sidebar_staging=Staging _page_applicationsinstaller=rakenduste paigaldaja _tools_all=kõik _tools_edit=muuda _tools_default=vaikimisi _tools_delete=kustuta _tools_close=sulge _tools_next=järgmine _tools_none=mitte ükski _tools_opentaskmanager=ava protsessihaldur _tools_page=leht _tools_prev=eelmine _tools_print=prindi _tools_resettodefaults=lähesta vaikimisi väärtusele _tools_select=vali _tools_viewall=vaata kõiki _buttons_abort=Katkesta _buttons_cancel=Sulge _buttons_back=Tagasi _buttons_next=Järgmine _buttons_complete=Valmis _buttons_saveall=Salvesta kõik _buttons_submit=Saada _buttons_edit=Muuda _buttons_enable=Luba _buttons_disable=Keela _buttons_install=Paigalda _buttons_migrate=Migreeri _buttons_import=Impordi _buttons_uninstall=Eemalda _buttons_detach=Detach _buttons_backup=Varukoopia _buttons_update=Uuenda _buttons_upgrade=Uuenda _buttons_clone=Klooni _buttons_restore=Taasta _buttons_delete=Kustuta _buttons_skip=Jäta vahele _buttons_stage=Stage _buttons_sync=Sync _buttons_iaccept=Ma nõustun _buttons_tryagain=Proovi uuesti _buttons_continue=Jätka _buttons_template=Teema _buttons_login=Logi sisse _database_type=Andmebaasi tüüp _database_host=Andmebaasi server _database_name=Andmebaasi nimi _database_username=Andmebaasi kasutajanimi _database_password=Andmebaasi parool _database_prefix=Tabeli eesliide _lists_id=ID _lists_available=Available _lists_name=nimi _lists_url=url _lists_type=tüüp _lists_task=ülesanne _lists_progress=edenemine _lists_backuplocation=varukoopia asukoht _lists_labeloptional=silt (valikuline) _lists_category=kategooria _lists_author=autor _lists_status=staatus _lists_enabled=lubatud _lists_estimatedsize=hinnanguline suurus _lists_disabled=keelatud _lists_tools=tööriistad _lists_affects=efektid _lists_date=kuupäev _lists_new=uus _lists_version=versioon _lists_versioninstalled=paigaldatud versioon _lists_application=rakendus _lists_user=kasutaja _lists_size=suurus _lists_title=tiitel _lists_backupcreate=loo varukoopia? _lists_updateplugins=uuenda pluginad? _lists_upgradeplugins=uuenda pluginad? _lists_updatethemes=uuenda teemad? _lists_upgradethemes=uuenda teemad? _lists_members=liikmed _lists_statistics=statistika _search_results=Otsingu tulemused _search_query=Otsi: {query} _result_error=Viga _result_success=Edukas _result_changessaved=Muudatused on edukalt salvestatud _warnings_areyousure=Kas oled kindel? _errors_javascript=Et kasutada {installatron}, palun luba JavaScript oma veebilehitsejas.

Juhendi, kuidas lubada JavaScript oma veebilehitsejad leiad Kuidas lubada JavaScript? leheküljelt. _errors_reporttoinstallatron=Võta ühendust {installatron} toega _errors_oneormoreerrors=Üks või rohkem viga tuli ette. Ühtegi muudatust ei salvestatud.
Vaata üle esile tõstetud sätted all, ning proovi uuesti. _errors_unavailable={installatron} on ajutiselt mitte saadaval

Palun proovi hiljem uuesti. _errors_tooshort=See väärtus on liiga väike. _errors_notcomplex=Väärtus peab olema rohkem keerulisem. _errors_alreadyused=Väärtus on juba kasutusel. _errors_alphanumeric=Ainult tähemärgid on lubatud. _errors_beginletter=Väärtus peab algama tähega. _errors_beginusername=This value must begin with your username followed by an underscore. _errors_badchars=Väärtus sisaldab lubamatuid sümboleid. _errors_disabled={installatron} ei ole hetkel saadaval. user.browser.ini000064400000017615147204766330007733 0ustar00_browser_scriptbrowser=Rakenduste lehitseja _browser_toinstallapp=Siit lehelt saad valida oma veebilehele sobivaima rakenduse. Valida võid ühe või mitu.

1. Tarkvara, mille eesmärk hallata, parandada või lisada funktsionaalsust veebilehel. Näidetena blogid, külalisteraamatusse, foorumid, pildigaleriid ja e-kaubanduse kohta.
Valige tarkvara ja klõpsake selle installeeri nuppu. _browser_technicaldetails=Tehniline informatsioon _browser_filesanddirectories=Tarkvara paigaldatakse sinu veebimajutaja serverisse, mis koosneb failidest ja kaustadest.

Mõningane ruum on nõutud, ning sõltub rakendusest endast, see võib olla mõnest kB-st kuni 60 mb-ni.

Paljud rakendused nõuavad ka andmebaasi, et salvestada andmeid. MySQL on enim kasutavaim andmebaasi süsteem veebimajutuste juures aga on ka teisi süsteeme saadaval. {installatron} tegeleb andmebaasi seadistuse ja konfiguratsiooniga sinu eest. _browser_whatisinstallatron=Mis on {installatron}? _broswer_installatronisan={installatron} on automaatne paigaldaja või siis "veebirakenduste paigaldaja". Automaatne paigaldaja on veebimajutuse üheks tööriistaks, mis kannab hoolt paigalduse, uuendamise eest.

{hosting}, {installatron} ja arendajad loodavad, et leiad sellest projektist nii mõndagi kasulikku. _browser_noinstallersavailable=Ühtegi veebirakendust ei ole saadaval. _browser_featured=ESILETÕSTETUD _browser_appsfor=Rakendusi _browser_searchresults=Otsingutulemused _browser_allapps=Kõik rakendused _browser_nodatabases=Keelatud rakendused all nõuavad andmebaasi, mis ei ole hetkel saadaval.
Palun loo andmebaas, kasutades juhtpaneeli. _browser_nodatabasesapp=See rakendus nõuab {type} andmebaasi, mis ei ole kahjuks saadaval. Palun loo {type} andmebaas, kasutades juhtpaneeli. _browser_livedemo=Elav demonstratsioon näitab rakendust {app} töös olevana.
Elav demonstratsiooni lähtestakse pidevalt, ning on konfigureeritud ilma lisadeta ja teemadeta. _browser_livedemo_frontendview=Kasutaja poolne vaade _browser_livedemo_backendview=Administraatori poolne vaade _browser_showcase=Showcase highlights websites powered by {app} to demonstrate the range of capabilities provided by the application. _browser_showcase_recommendasite=Soovita veebilehte _browser_showcase_moreshowcases=Vaata rohkem veebilehtede näidiseid _browser_whatsnew_betarelease=See väljalase on beetaversioonis. Betaversioonid on head testimiseks arendajatele ja veebilehe ehitajatele, kes teavitavad (aeg-ajalt võimaluste piires parandavad) vigadest. Beetaversioone ei ole soovituslik kasutada mitte tehniliste teadmistega kasutajatel ega ka live veebilehtedel. _browser_whatsnew_nohistory=Versiooni ajalugu ei ole saadaval sellele versioonile. _browser_whatsnew_moreversions=näita rohkem versioone _browser_whatsnew_readmore=Loe rohkem _browser_displayalphabetically=Kuva tähestikuliselt _browser_displaycategorically=Kuva kategooriliselt _browser_install=installeeri _browser_createinstall=installeeri _browser_createinstallremote=Paigalda {app} oma veebimajutusse ühe vajutusega. FTP või SSH sisselogimise andmed on nõutud. _browser_import=impordi _browser_importinstall=impordi eksisteeriv _browser_importinstallremote=Installatron on võimeline samuti importima juba olemas olevat {app} rakendust siia süsteemi ühe vajutusega uuendusega, varukoopiaga, ning muude täiustatud omadustega. _browser_search=Otsi rakendustest _browser_learnmore=Loe edasi _browser_tt_createnewinstall=installeeri antud rakendusest _browser_tt_importinstall=impordi eraldi installeeritud veebirakendus _browser_tt_onlynodatabase=Kuva ainult neid rakendusi, mis ei nõua andmebaasi _browser_tt_onlymylanguage=Kuva ainult neid rakendusi, mis on saadaval minu keeles _apps_version=versioon _apps_size=maht _apps_database=andmebaasi _apps_popular=populaarne _apps_appdeveloper={app} arendaja _apps_information=Informatsioon _apps_application=Rakendus _apps_currentversion=Uusim versioon _apps_currentversions=Uusimad versioonid _apps_lastupdated=Viimati uuendatud _apps_lastupgraded=Viimati uuendatud _apps_released=Väljalastud _apps_cost=Hind _apps_languages=Keeled _apps_license=Litsents _apps_installsize=Maht _apps_requiresdb=Vajab MSSQL andmebaasi _apps_requiresdbmssql=Vajab MySQL andmebaasi _apps_links=Lingid _apps_website=Veebileht _apps_documentation=Dokumentatsioon _apps_livedemo=Proovi keskkond _apps_faq=Korduma Kippuvad Küsimused _apps_support=Tugi _apps_supportpage=Toe lehekülg _apps_demonstration=Demonstratsioon _apps_requirements=Nõuded _apps_installersupport={installatron} tugi _apps_installeraasupport={installatron} automaatse paigalduse tugi _apps_versionhistory=Saadaval versioonid _apps_relatedapps=Seotud rakendused _apps_screenshots=Ekraanikuva _apps_category=Kategooria _apps_yes=jah _apps_no=ei _apps_free=tasuta _apps_opensource=avatud lähtekood _apps_commercial=äriline, kaubanduslik _apps_morelang={n} rohkem _types_administration=administration _types_adverts=kuulutused _types_blog=blogi _types_business=äri _types_bookmarks=järjehoidjad _types_calendar=kalender _types_chat=vestlus _types_clock=kell _types_cms=cms _types_crm=crm _types_ecards=e-kaardid _types_ecommerce=e-kaubanduslik _types_education=hariduslik _types_email=e-kiri _types_faqs=faqs _types_files=failid _types_forms=vormid _types_forum=foorum _types_framework=raamistik _types_gallery=galerii _types_genealogy=geneoloogia _types_groupware=grupitöö _types_guestbook=külalisteraamat _types_invoicing=arveldamine _types_pollsurvey=küsitlus/uuring _types_portal=portaal _types_projects=projektid _types_rss=rss _types_search=otsing _types_statistics=statistika _types_support=tugi _types_tickets=piletid _types_tool=tool _types_wiki=wiki ehk entsüklopeedia _types_vpn=vpn _types_addon=lisad _types_plugin=plugin _types_theme=teema _types_securityrelease=turva väljalase _types_majorversion=suur versioon _types_betarelease=beetaversioon _types_addendum=addendum _categories_allapps=Kõik rakendused _categories_contentmanagementsystems=Blogid ja portaalid _categories_communitysoftware=Kommuuni ehitus _categories_ecommerceandbusiness=e-Kommerts ja äri _categories_imagesandfiles=Pildigaleriid ja failid _categories_surveysandstatistics=Uuringud ja statistika _categories_miscellaneous=Muu _categorydesc_contentmanagementsystems=Sisuhaldustarkvara on rakendus, mis on kujundatud haldama dünaamilist sisu veebilehel.

Sisuhaldustarkvaraga on võimalik hallata erinevaid infovooge, nt uudised,sündmustekalender, kirjavahetusdokumendid ja üldine arutelu mingil teemal, hoides alal ka seosed erinevate objektide ja tegevuste vahel. Mida arenenum on tarkvara seda rohkem on ka võimalusi, näiteks: kategooriad, kommenteerimine, kasutajate sisselogimised ja registreeringud, küsitlused, faili haldurid ja palju muud veelgi.

Sisuhaldustarkvarad tavaliselt jaotuvad selliselt: Blogid, CMSid, Portaalid ja raamistikud (tee-ise süsteemid). _categorydesc_communitysoftware=Kommuuni ehitus sisaldab foorumite süsteeme, külalisteraamatuid ja e-kirja uudiskirja rakendusi. _categorydesc_ecommerceandbusiness=Web based business applications include e-commerce systems (also known as shopping carts) for managing sales websites, Customer Relationship Managers (CRM), customer support systems, and project managers. _categorydesc_imagesandfiles=Pildigaleriid ja failide kategooria sisaldab pildigaleriide ja teisi rakendusi, mis võimaldab hallata piltide, muusika, videote ja muude multimeediaga seotuid veebilehti. _categorydesc_surveysandstatistics=Uuringud ja statistika kategooria sisaldab statistilisi rakendusi, mis lubab veebilehe liiklust monitoorida ja analüüsida. Samuti sisaldab küsitluste ja uuringute rakendusi, mida saab kasutada veebilehe külastajate arvamuse saamiseks. _categorydesc_miscellaneous=Kontaktivormid, kellad, e-kaardid, URL lühendajad ja kõik muud sellised rakendused. com_err.h000064400000004106147205003210006336 0ustar00/* * Header file for common error description library. * * Copyright 1988, Student Information Processing Board of the * Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * * For copyright and distribution info, see the documentation supplied * with this package. */ #if !defined(__COM_ERR_H) && !defined(__COM_ERR_H__) #ifdef __GNUC__ #define COM_ERR_ATTR(x) __attribute__(x) #else #define COM_ERR_ATTR(x) #endif #include #include typedef long errcode_t; struct error_table { char const * const * msgs; long base; int n_msgs; }; struct et_list; extern void com_err (const char *, long, const char *, ...) COM_ERR_ATTR((format(printf, 3, 4))); extern void com_err_va (const char *whoami, errcode_t code, const char *fmt, va_list args) COM_ERR_ATTR((format(printf, 3, 0))); extern char const *error_message (long); extern void (*com_err_hook) (const char *, long, const char *, va_list); extern void (*set_com_err_hook (void (*) (const char *, long, const char *, va_list))) (const char *, long, const char *, va_list); extern void (*reset_com_err_hook (void)) (const char *, long, const char *, va_list); extern int init_error_table(const char * const *msgs, long base, int count); extern char *(*set_com_err_gettext (char *(*) (const char *))) (const char *); extern errcode_t add_error_table(const struct error_table * et); extern errcode_t remove_error_table(const struct error_table * et); extern void add_to_error_table(struct et_list *new_table); /* Provided for Heimdall compatibility */ extern const char *com_right(struct et_list *list, long code); extern const char *com_right_r(struct et_list *list, long code, char *str, size_t len); extern void initialize_error_table_r(struct et_list **list, const char **messages, int num_errors, long base); extern void free_error_table(struct et_list *et); /* Provided for compatibility with other com_err libraries */ extern int et_list_lock(void); extern int et_list_unlock(void); #define __COM_ERR_H #define __COM_ERR_H__ #endif /* !defined(__COM_ERR_H) && !defined(__COM_ERR_H__)*/