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Running e2image on a R/W mounted filesystem can result in an inconsistent image which will not be useful for debugging purposes. Use -f option if you really want to do that. Raw and qcow2 images cannot be installedwhile restoring the image tableCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock. QCOW2 image can not be written to the stdout! while trying to convert qcow2 image (%s) into raw image (%s)The -c option only supported in raw mode The -c option not supported when writing to stdout The -p option only supported in raw mode while allocating scramble block bitmapwhile allocating ext2_qcow2_imagewhile initializing ext2_qcow2_imageProgramming error: multiple sequential refcount blocks created! Warning: There are still tables in the cache while putting the cache, data will be lost so the image may not be valid. 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