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H=g H1H5 H=H H1H5 H=) H1DH= 1@AVAUIATIUHSHAHdH%(HD$1[HHH$I51H5 H= HMtH<$LHuDMMH|$L1HXZH<$H<$1uH<$uaH HپHe H81HD$dH3%(u,H[]A\A]A^ÉH5 H=H1tHH= 1^HH= 1MH= 1?f.DUSHHHHthHkH[]'H[]AWIAVIAUAATL%  UH-  SL)HHt1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HHUsage: %s [-a alg] [-k keyname] [-r randomfile] [-q] [-s name | -z zone] -a alg: algorithm (default hmac-sha256) -k keyname: name of the key as it will be used in named.conf -r randomfile: source of random data (use "keyboard" for key timing) -s name: domain name to be updated using the created key -z zone: name of the zone as it will be used in named.conf -q: quiet mode: print the key, with no explanatory text Usage: %s [-a alg] [-r randomfile] [keyname] -a alg: algorithm (default hmac-sha256) -r randomfile: source of random data (use "keyboard" for key timing) ../../../bin/confgen/ddns-confgen.cfailed to allocate memory for keyname# To activate this key, place the following in named.conf, and # in a separate keyfile on the system or systems from which nsupdate # will be run:key "%s" { algorithm %s; secret "%.*s"; }; # Then, in the "zone" statement for the zone containing the # name "%s", place an "update-policy" statement # like this one, adjusted as needed for your preferred permissions: update-policy { grant %s name %s ANY; }; # Then, in the "zone" definition statement for "%s", # place an "update-policy" statement like this one, adjusted as # needed for your preferred permissions: update-policy { grant %s zonesub ANY; }; # Then, in the "zone" statement for each zone you wish to dynamically # update, place an "update-policy" statement granting update permission # to this key. For example, the following statement grants this key # permission to update any name within the zone: update-policy { grant %s zonesub ANY; }; # After the keyfile has been placed, the following command will # execute nsupdate using this key: nsupdate -k tsig-keyddns-keytsig-keygenlt-tsig-keygen.exeddns-confgenddns-confgen.exe0Unsupported algorithm '%s'%s: invalid argument -%c %s: unhandled option -%c a:hk:Mmr:qs:y:z:create memory context%s: %s%s.%syhH0Hh(%s: hmac-md5hmac-sha1hmac-sha224hmac-sha256hmac-sha384hmac-sha512(unknown)hmac-unsupported algorithm %d create entropy contextstart entropy sourceinitialize dst librarygenerate keydump key to bufferbsse64 encode secretkeyboardcreate keyfileunable to set file owner write to %s failed fclose(%s) failed wrote key file "%s" HP`puuu<<keysize %d out of range (must be 1-512) keysize %d out of range (must be 1-1024) ;xXpH8dh8zRx p/D$4FJ w?:*3$"\0tOO\gFBB B(D0D8G1 8A0A(B BBBA MXA EG AD EDG4xHE D h`|FBB B(A0C8GG_BBL! 8A0A(B BBBH P  h ooXoooP; 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`pGA$3a1! 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