PK!)__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pycnu[3 ǁaW@s@dZddlmZmZmZmZmZddlmZm Z m Z dZ e Z dS)a\ CSS Selectors based on XPath ============================ This module supports selecting XML/HTML elements based on CSS selectors. See the `CSSSelector` class for details. :copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Ian Bicking and contributors. See AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. )parseSelectorFunctionalPseudoElement SelectorErrorSelectorSyntaxError)GenericTranslatorHTMLTranslatorExpressionErrorz0.9.2N) __doc__Zcssselect.parserrrrrrZcssselect.xpathrrr VERSION __version__r r /usr/lib/python3.6/__init__.pysPK!#__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pycnu[3 ǁaW@s@dZddlmZmZmZmZmZddlmZm Z m Z dZ e Z dS)a\ CSS Selectors based on XPath ============================ This module supports selecting XML/HTML elements based on CSS selectors. See the `CSSSelector` class for details. :copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Ian Bicking and contributors. See AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. )parseSelectorFunctionalPseudoElement SelectorErrorSelectorSyntaxError)GenericTranslatorHTMLTranslatorExpressionErrorz0.9.2N) __doc__Zcssselect.parserrrrrrZcssselect.xpathrrr VERSION __version__r r /usr/lib/python3.6/__init__.pysPK!%)Q)Q'__pycache__/parser.cpython-36.opt-1.pycnu[3 ǁaW\@s>dZddlZddlZddlZejddkr4eZeZne Ze ZddZ Gddde Z Gdd d e eZGd d d eZGd d d eZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZejdZejdZejd Zd!d"Zd#d$Z d%d&Z!dNd(d)Z"d*d+Z#d,d-Z$d.d/Z%Gd0d1d1e&Z'Gd2d3d3e'Z(Gd4d5d5Z)d6d7Z*e*d8Z+e*d9Z,e*d:Z-e*d;Z.e*d<e*d=d>Z/ejd?j0Z1eje)j2ej3j0Z4ejd@j0Z5e6edAr ej7dBdCZ8ndDdEZ8dFdGZ9dHdIZ:dJdKZ;GdLdMdMeZsz4FunctionalPseudoElement.__repr__..)rr r$r%)rrrr rs z FunctionalPseudoElement.__repr__cCsdd|jDS)NcSsg|] }|jqSr)type)r'r(rrr r)sz:FunctionalPseudoElement.argument_types..)r%)rrrr argument_typessz&FunctionalPseudoElement.argument_typescCs"|jj\}}}|d7}|||fS)Nr)r"r)rrrr rrr rsz#FunctionalPseudoElement.specificityN)r r rrrrr+rrrrr r}s rc@s0eZdZdZddZddZddZdd Zd S) Functionz( Represents selector:name(expr) cCs||_t||_||_dS)N)r"r r$r%)rr"r$r%rrr rs zFunction.__init__cCs$d|jj|j|jdd|jDfS)Nz %s[%r:%s(%r)]cSsg|] }|jqSr)r&)r'r(rrr r)sz%Function.__repr__..)rr r"r$r%)rrrr rszFunction.__repr__cCsdd|jDS)NcSsg|] }|jqSr)r*)r'r(rrr r)sz+Function.argument_types..)r%)rrrr r+szFunction.argument_typescCs"|jj\}}}|d7}|||fS)Nr)r"r)rrrr rrr rszFunction.specificityN)r r rrrrr+rrrrr r,s r,c@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) Pseudoz# Represents selector:ident cCs||_t||_dS)N)r"r ident)rr"r.rrr rszPseudo.__init__cCsd|jj|j|jfS)Nz %s[%r:%s])rr r"r.)rrrr rszPseudo.__repr__cCs"|jj\}}}|d7}|||fS)Nr)r"r)rrrr rrr rszPseudo.specificityN)r r rrrrrrrrr r-sr-c@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) Negationz. Represents selector:not(subselector) cCs||_||_dS)N)r" subselector)rr"r0rrr rszNegation.__init__cCsd|jj|j|jfS)Nz%s[%r:not(%r)])rr r"r0)rrrr rszNegation.__repr__cCs6|jj\}}}|jj\}}}||||||fS)N)r"rr0)ra1b1c1a2b2c2rrr rszNegation.specificityN)r r rrrrrrrrr r/sr/c@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) Attribz> Represents selector[namespace|attrib operator value] cCs"||_||_||_||_||_dS)N)r" namespaceattriboperatorr&)rr"r8r9r:r&rrr rs zAttrib.__init__cCs\|jrd|j|jf}n|j}|jdkrz %s[%r %s %r])rBrr r"r0)rZcombrrr r*s  zCombinedSelector.__repr__cCs6|jj\}}}|jj\}}}||||||fS)N)r"rr0)rr1r2r3r4r5r6rrr r2szCombinedSelector.specificityN)r r rrrrrrrr rA#srAz%^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$z6^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)#([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$z?^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)\.([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)[ \t\r\n\f]*$cCstj|}|r$tt|jddgStj|}|dk r\ttt|jdpHdd|jdgStj|}|dk rttt|jdpdd|jdgSt t |}||_ t t |S)aParse a CSS *group of selectors*. If you don't care about pseudo-elements or selector specificity, you can skip this and use :meth:`~GenericTranslator.css_to_xpath`. :param css: A *group of selectors* as an Unicode string. :raises: :class:`SelectorSyntaxError` on invalid selectors. :returns: A list of parsed :class:`Selector` objects, one for each selector in the comma-separated group. r)r=N)_el_rematchrr<group_id_rer? _class_rer! TokenStreamtokenizesourcelistparse_selector_group)ZcssrFstreamrrr parseEs    rPccs@|jx2tt|V|jdkr6|j|jq Pq WdS)NDELIM,)rQrR)skip_whitespacerparse_selectorpeeknext)rOrrr rNos  rNcCst|\}}xl|j|j}|d kr(P|r8td||jdddrZ|jj}|jnd}t|\}}t|||}qW||fS) NEOFrQrRz4Got pseudo-element ::%s not at the end of a selector+>~rCrWNrQrR)r[r\)parse_simple_selectorrSrUris_delimrVr&rA)rOresultrrUrBZ next_selectorrrr rTys"    rTFc Cs|jt|j}|j}|jdks,|dkrv|jdkrB|jj}n |jd}|jdkrl|j|j}q~|}d}nd}}t||}d}x|j}|jdks|j ddd d s|r|d krP|rt d ||jd krt ||jj}q|d!kr|jt ||j }q|d"kr,|jt||}q|d#krL|j|jd$kr|j|j }|jd%kr|jt|t|}q|j }|jd&krt|}q|jd'krt||}q|j|j|jdkr:|rt dt|dd\} } |j} | rt d| | jf| d(kr.t d| ft|| }nt||t|}qt d|fqWt|j|krt d|jf||fS))NIDENTrQr>|SrWrRrXrYrZ)z4Got pseudo-element ::%s not at the end of a selectorHASH.[:( first-line first-letterbeforeafternotzGot nested :not()T)inside_negationz+Got pseudo-element ::%s inside :not() at %szExpected ')', got %szExpected selector, got %s)rQr>)rQra)rbrW)rQrc)rQre)rQrf)rQrg)rQrg)rQrh)rirjrkrl)rQrh)rQrc)rSlenusedrUr*rVr&next_ident_or_starr<r^rr?r! next_ident parse_attribrparse_argumentsr_unicoder-r]posr/r,) rOrnZselector_startrUr8r=r_rr.ZargumentZargument_pseudo_elementrVrrr r]s                 r]cCsVg}xL|j|j}|jd ks(|d kr4|j|q|d kr@|Std|fqWdS)Nr`STRINGNUMBERrQrX-rczExpected an argument, got %s)r`rwrxrQrXrQry)rzr{)rQrc)rSrVr*appendr)rOr%rVrrr rts  rtcCsj|j|j}|dkr6|jdkr6td|jf|jdkrz|j|jdkrhd}|jd}q|}|j}d}nd}}|dkr|j|j}|dkrt|||ddS|dkrd}nD|jdd d d dd o|jdkr|jd}|jntd |f|j|j}|j dkr0td|f|j|j}|dkrXtd|ft|||||jS)NrQrazExpected '|', got %s=z|=]r;^$r>rZ!zOperator expected, got %sr`rwz Expected string or ident, got %szExpected ']', got %s)rQra)rQra)rQr})rQr~)rQr})rQr})r`rw)rQr~) rSrqrUrrVrrr7r^r&r*)r"rOr9r8oprVr&rrr rssN          rscCsx|D]}|jdkrtdqWdjdd|Dj}|dkrDdS|d krPdS|d kr\dSd |krpd t|fS|jd d\}}|sd}n&|d ks|d krt|d}nt|}|sd }nt|}||fS)zv Parses the arguments for :nth-child() and friends. :raises: A list of tokens :returns: :``(a, b)`` rwz$String tokens not allowed in series.rcss|] }|jVqdS)N)r&)r'r(rrr +szparse_series..ZoddrDrZevenrnryrX1)rDr)rDr)rr)r* ValueErrorjoinstripintsplit)tokensr(srrrrr parse_series s,    rc@s@eZdZddZddZddZeejdZ eejdZ d S) TokencCstj|||f}||_|S)N)tuple__new__rv)clsZtype_r&rvobjrrr rFsz Token.__new__cCsd|j|j|jfS)Nz<%s '%s' at %i>)r*r&rv)rrrr rKszToken.__repr__cGs|jdko|j|kS)NrQ)r*r&)rvaluesrrr r^NszToken.is_delimrrN) r r rrrr^propertyr: itemgetterr*r&rrrr rEs rc@seZdZddZddZdS)EOFTokencCstj|dd|S)NrW)rr)rrvrrr rVszEOFToken.__new__cCsd|j|jfS)Nz <%s at %i>)r*rv)rrrr rYszEOFToken.__repr__N)r r rrrrrrr rUsrc@s<eZdZdZedZdeZdZdeefZdeefZdS) TokenMacrosz&\\([0-9a-f]{1,6})(?:\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?z|\\[^\n\r\f0-9a-f]z\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f)|z [^\0-\177]z[_a-z0-9-]|%s|%sz [_a-z]|%s|%sN) r r runicode_escapeescapeZ string_escapeZnonasciiZnmcharZnmstartrrrr r`s  rcCstj|tttjjS)N)recompilevarsr IGNORECASErF)patternrrr _compilehsrz [ \t\r\n\f]+z[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)z#(?:%(nmchar)s)+z -?(?:%(nmstart)s)(?:%(nmchar)s)*z!([^\n\r\f\\']|%(string_escape)s)*z!([^\n\r\f\\"]|%(string_escape)s)*)'"z\\(.)z\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f) methodcallerrGrcCs |jdS)Nr)rG)rFrrr _replace_simple}srcCs&t|jdd}|tjkrd}t|S)Nri)rrGsys maxunicode_unichr)rFZ codepointrrr _replace_unicodes rcCstt|}tt|}|S)N)_sub_unicode_escaper_sub_simple_escaper)r&rrr unescape_idents  rccsd}t|}x||krt||d}|rBtdd|V|j}qt||d}|r~tttt|j }td||V|j}qt ||d}|rtttt|j dd}td||V|j}q||}|t krRt |||dd}|j}||krt d||||kr t d |ttttt d |j }td ||V|d}qt||d}|r|j }td ||V|j}q|d }|||dkr|jd|}|dkr|}q|d 7}qtd|||V|d7}qWt|VdS)Nr)rvrbrCr`rrdzUnclosed string at %szInvalid string at %srrwrxrDz/*z*/rQ)ro_match_whitespacerend _match_identrrrrrG _match_hash_match_string_by_quoter_sub_newline_escape _match_numberfindr)rrvZlen_srFr&ZquoteZend_posZpos2rrr rKsh           rKc@s>eZdZdddZddZddZdd Zd d Zd d ZdS)rJNc CsTg|_t||_||_d|_d|_y|jj|_Wntk rN|jj |_YnXdS)NF) rpiterrrLpeeked_peekingrV next_tokenAttributeError__next__)rrrLrrr rs zTokenStream.__init__cCs<|jr d|_|jj|j|jS|j}|jj||SdS)NF)rrpr|rr)rrVrrr rVs zTokenStream.nextcCs|js|j|_d|_|jS)NT)rrr)rrrr rUs zTokenStream.peekcCs&|j}|jdkr td|f|jS)Nr`zExpected ident, got %s)rVr*rr&)rrVrrr rrs zTokenStream.next_identcCs6|j}|jdkr|jS|dkr$dStd|fdS)Nr`rQr>zExpected ident or '*', got %s)rQr>)rVr*r&r)rrVrrr rqs zTokenStream.next_ident_or_starcCs|j}|jdkr|jdS)Nrb)rUr*rV)rrUrrr rSs zTokenStream.skip_whitespace)N) r r rrrVrUrrrqrSrrrr rJs    rJ)F)=rrrr: version_infoZunicoderuZunichrrstrchrr Exceptionr SyntaxErrorrobjectrr!rr,r-r/r7r<r?rArrErHrIrPrNrTr]rtrsrrrrrrrrrrrsubrrIrrhasattrrrrrrKrJrrrr  sh ;#  *  S-%     APK!GuQQ!__pycache__/parser.cpython-36.pycnu[3 ǁaW\@s>dZddlZddlZddlZejddkr4eZeZne Ze ZddZ Gddde Z Gdd d e eZGd d d eZGd d d eZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZGdddeZejdZejdZejd Zd!d"Zd#d$Z d%d&Z!dNd(d)Z"d*d+Z#d,d-Z$d.d/Z%Gd0d1d1e&Z'Gd2d3d3e'Z(Gd4d5d5Z)d6d7Z*e*d8Z+e*d9Z,e*d:Z-e*d;Z.e*d<e*d=d>Z/ejd?j0Z1eje)j2ej3j0Z4ejd@j0Z5e6edAr ej7dBdCZ8ndDdEZ8dFdGZ9dHdIZ:dJdKZ;GdLdMdMeZsz4FunctionalPseudoElement.__repr__..)rr r$r%)rrrr rs z FunctionalPseudoElement.__repr__cCsdd|jDS)NcSsg|] }|jqSr)type)r'r(rrr r)sz:FunctionalPseudoElement.argument_types..)r%)rrrr argument_typessz&FunctionalPseudoElement.argument_typescCs"|jj\}}}|d7}|||fS)Nr)r"r)rrrr rrr rsz#FunctionalPseudoElement.specificityN)r r rrrrr+rrrrr r}s rc@s0eZdZdZddZddZddZdd Zd S) Functionz( Represents selector:name(expr) cCs||_t||_||_dS)N)r"r r$r%)rr"r$r%rrr rs zFunction.__init__cCs$d|jj|j|jdd|jDfS)Nz %s[%r:%s(%r)]cSsg|] }|jqSr)r&)r'r(rrr r)sz%Function.__repr__..)rr r"r$r%)rrrr rszFunction.__repr__cCsdd|jDS)NcSsg|] }|jqSr)r*)r'r(rrr r)sz+Function.argument_types..)r%)rrrr r+szFunction.argument_typescCs"|jj\}}}|d7}|||fS)Nr)r"r)rrrr rrr rszFunction.specificityN)r r rrrrr+rrrrr r,s r,c@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) Pseudoz# Represents selector:ident cCs||_t||_dS)N)r"r ident)rr"r.rrr rszPseudo.__init__cCsd|jj|j|jfS)Nz %s[%r:%s])rr r"r.)rrrr rszPseudo.__repr__cCs"|jj\}}}|d7}|||fS)Nr)r"r)rrrr rrr rszPseudo.specificityN)r r rrrrrrrrr r-sr-c@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) Negationz. Represents selector:not(subselector) cCs||_||_dS)N)r" subselector)rr"r0rrr rszNegation.__init__cCsd|jj|j|jfS)Nz%s[%r:not(%r)])rr r"r0)rrrr rszNegation.__repr__cCs6|jj\}}}|jj\}}}||||||fS)N)r"rr0)ra1b1c1a2b2c2rrr rszNegation.specificityN)r r rrrrrrrrr r/sr/c@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) Attribz> Represents selector[namespace|attrib operator value] cCs"||_||_||_||_||_dS)N)r" namespaceattriboperatorr&)rr"r8r9r:r&rrr rs zAttrib.__init__cCs\|jrd|j|jf}n|j}|jdkrz %s[%r %s %r])rCrr r"r0)rZcombrrr r*s  zCombinedSelector.__repr__cCs6|jj\}}}|jj\}}}||||||fS)N)r"rr0)rr1r2r3r4r5r6rrr r2szCombinedSelector.specificityN)r r rrrrrrrr rA#srAz%^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$z6^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)#([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$z?^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)\.([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)[ \t\r\n\f]*$cCstj|}|r$tt|jddgStj|}|dk r\ttt|jdpHdd|jdgStj|}|dk rttt|jdpdd|jdgSt t |}||_ t t |S)aParse a CSS *group of selectors*. If you don't care about pseudo-elements or selector specificity, you can skip this and use :meth:`~GenericTranslator.css_to_xpath`. :param css: A *group of selectors* as an Unicode string. :raises: :class:`SelectorSyntaxError` on invalid selectors. :returns: A list of parsed :class:`Selector` objects, one for each selector in the comma-separated group. r)r=N)_el_rematchrr<group_id_rer? _class_rer! TokenStreamtokenizesourcelistparse_selector_group)ZcssrGstreamrrr parseEs    rQccs@|jx2tt|V|jdkr6|j|jq Pq WdS)NDELIM,)rRrS)skip_whitespacerparse_selectorpeeknext)rPrrr rOos  rOcCst|\}}xl|j|j}|d kr(P|r8td||jdddrZ|jj}|jnd}t|\}}t|||}qW||fS) NEOFrRrSz4Got pseudo-element ::%s not at the end of a selector+>~rDrXNrRrS)r\r])parse_simple_selectorrTrVris_delimrWr&rA)rPresultrrVrCZ next_selectorrrr rUys"    rUFc Cs|jt|j}|j}|jdks,|dkrv|jdkrB|jj}n |jd}|jdkrl|j|j}q~|}d}nd}}t||}d}x|j}|jdks|j ddd d s|r|d krP|rt d ||jd krt ||jj}q|d!kr|jt ||j }q|d"kr,|jt||}q|d#krL|j|jd$kr|j|j }|jd%kr|jt|t|}q|j }|jd&krt|}q|jd'krt||}q|j|j|jdkr:|rt dt|dd\} } |j} | rt d| | jf| d(kr.t d| ft|| }nt||t|}qt d|fqWt|j|krt d|jf||fS))NIDENTrRr>|SrXrSrYrZr[)z4Got pseudo-element ::%s not at the end of a selectorHASH.[:( first-line first-letterbeforeafternotzGot nested :not()T)inside_negationz+Got pseudo-element ::%s inside :not() at %szExpected ')', got %szExpected selector, got %s)rRr>)rRrb)rcrX)rRrd)rRrf)rRrg)rRrh)rRrh)rRri)rjrkrlrm)rRri)rRrd)rTlenusedrVr*rWr&next_ident_or_starr<r_rr?r! next_ident parse_attribrparse_argumentsr_unicoder-r^posr/r,) rProZselector_startrVr8r=r`rr.ZargumentZargument_pseudo_elementrWrrr r^s                 r^cCsVg}xL|j|j}|jd ks(|d kr4|j|q|d kr@|Std|fqWdS)NraSTRINGNUMBERrRrY-rdzExpected an argument, got %s)rarxryrRrYrRrz)r{r|)rRrd)rTrWr*appendr)rPr%rWrrr rus  rucCsj|j|j}|dkr6|jdkr6td|jf|jdkrz|j|jdkrhd}|jd}q|}|j}d}nd}}|dkr|j|j}|dkrt|||ddS|dkrd}nD|jdd d d dd o|jdkr|jd}|jntd |f|j|j}|j dkr0td|f|j|j}|dkrXtd|ft|||||jS)NrRrbzExpected '|', got %s=z|=]r;^$r>r[!zOperator expected, got %srarxz Expected string or ident, got %szExpected ']', got %s)rRrb)rRrb)rRr~)rRr)rRr~)rRr~)rarx)rRr) rTrrrVrrWrsr7r_r&r*)r"rPr9r8oprWr&rrr rtsN          rtcCsx|D]}|jdkrtdqWdjdd|Dj}|dkrDdS|d krPdS|d kr\dSd |krpd t|fS|jd d\}}|sd}n&|d ks|d krt|d}nt|}|sd }nt|}||fS)zv Parses the arguments for :nth-child() and friends. :raises: A list of tokens :returns: :``(a, b)`` rxz$String tokens not allowed in series.rcss|] }|jVqdS)N)r&)r'r(rrr +szparse_series..ZoddrErZevenrnrzrY1)rEr)rEr)rr)r* ValueErrorjoinstripintsplit)tokensr(srrrrr parse_series s,    rc@s@eZdZddZddZddZeejdZ eejdZ d S) TokencCstj|||f}||_|S)N)tuple__new__rw)clsZtype_r&rwobjrrr rFsz Token.__new__cCsd|j|j|jfS)Nz<%s '%s' at %i>)r*r&rw)rrrr rKszToken.__repr__cGs|jdko|j|kS)NrR)r*r&)rvaluesrrr r_NszToken.is_delimrrN) r r rrrr_propertyr: itemgetterr*r&rrrr rEs rc@seZdZddZddZdS)EOFTokencCstj|dd|S)NrX)rr)rrwrrr rVszEOFToken.__new__cCsd|j|jfS)Nz <%s at %i>)r*rw)rrrr rYszEOFToken.__repr__N)r r rrrrrrr rUsrc@s<eZdZdZedZdeZdZdeefZdeefZdS) TokenMacrosz&\\([0-9a-f]{1,6})(?:\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?z|\\[^\n\r\f0-9a-f]z\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f)|z [^\0-\177]z[_a-z0-9-]|%s|%sz [_a-z]|%s|%sN) r r runicode_escapeescapeZ string_escapeZnonasciiZnmcharZnmstartrrrr r`s  rcCstj|tttjjS)N)recompilevarsr IGNORECASErG)patternrrr _compilehsrz [ \t\r\n\f]+z[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)z#(?:%(nmchar)s)+z -?(?:%(nmstart)s)(?:%(nmchar)s)*z!([^\n\r\f\\']|%(string_escape)s)*z!([^\n\r\f\\"]|%(string_escape)s)*)'"z\\(.)z\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f) methodcallerrHrcCs |jdS)Nr)rH)rGrrr _replace_simple}srcCs&t|jdd}|tjkrd}t|S)Nri)rrHsys maxunicode_unichr)rGZ codepointrrr _replace_unicodes rcCstt|}tt|}|S)N)_sub_unicode_escaper_sub_simple_escaper)r&rrr unescape_idents  rccs d}t|}x||krt||d}|rBtdd|V|j}qt||d}|r~tttt|j }td||V|j}qt ||d}|rtttt|j dd}td||V|j}q||}|t kr^t |||dd}|st d|j}||krt d ||||kr,t d |tttttd |j }td ||V|d}qt||d}|r|j }td ||V|j}q|d}|||dkr|jd|}|dkr|}q|d7}qtd|||V|d7}qW||kst t|VdS)Nr)rwrcrDrarrez)Should have found at least an empty matchzUnclosed string at %szInvalid string at %srrxryrEz/*z*/rR)rp_match_whitespacerend _match_identrrrrrH _match_hash_match_string_by_quoterBr_sub_newline_escape _match_numberfindr)rrwZlen_srGr&ZquoteZend_posZpos2rrr rLsl            rLc@s>eZdZdddZddZddZdd Zd d Zd d ZdS)rKNc CsTg|_t||_||_d|_d|_y|jj|_Wntk rN|jj |_YnXdS)NF) rqiterrrMpeeked_peekingrW next_tokenAttributeError__next__)rrrMrrr rs zTokenStream.__init__cCs<|jr d|_|jj|j|jS|j}|jj||SdS)NF)rrqr}rr)rrWrrr rWs zTokenStream.nextcCs|js|j|_d|_|jS)NT)rrr)rrrr rVs zTokenStream.peekcCs&|j}|jdkr td|f|jS)NrazExpected ident, got %s)rWr*rr&)rrWrrr rss zTokenStream.next_identcCs6|j}|jdkr|jS|dkr$dStd|fdS)NrarRr>zExpected ident or '*', got %s)rRr>)rWr*r&r)rrWrrr rrs zTokenStream.next_ident_or_starcCs|j}|jdkr|jdS)Nrc)rVr*rW)rrVrrr rTs zTokenStream.skip_whitespace)N) r r rrrWrVrsrrrTrrrr rKs    rK)F)=rrrr: version_infoZunicodervZunichrrstrchrr Exceptionr SyntaxErrorrobjectrr!rr,r-r/r7r<r?rArrFrIrJrQrOrUr^rurtrrrrrrrrrrrsubrrIrrhasattrrrrrrLrKrrrr  sh ;#  *  S-%     APK!DK!}Q}Q&__pycache__/xpath.cpython-36.opt-1.pycnu[3 ǁaWa@sdZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZejddkr@eZ e Z ne Z e Z dddZ GdddeeZGd d d eZejd jZejd jZejd jZGdddeZGdddeZdS)a cssselect.xpath =============== Translation of parsed CSS selectors to XPath expressions. :copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Ian Bicking and contributors. See AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. N)parse parse_series SelectorErrorcCs|jddjd}t|||S)Nasciireplace)encodedecodegetattr)objnamedefaultr/usr/lib/python3.6/xpath.py_unicode_safe_getattrsrc@seZdZdZdS)ExpressionErrorz3Unknown or unsupported selector (eg. pseudo-class).N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrrr#src@sFeZdZdddZddZdd Zd d Zd d ZddZddZ dS) XPathExpr*FcCs||_||_||_dS)N)pathelement condition)selfrrrZ star_prefixrrr__init__+szXPathExpr.__init__cCs,t|jt|j}|jr(|d|j7}|S)Nz[%s])_unicoderrr)rrrrr__str__0szXPathExpr.__str__cCsd|jj|fS)Nz%s[%s]) __class__r)rrrr__repr__6szXPathExpr.__repr__cCs"|jrd|j|f|_n||_|S)Nz %s and (%s))r)rrrrr add_condition9szXPathExpr.add_conditioncCs.|jdkrdS|jdtj|jd|_dS)Nrz name() = %s)rr"GenericTranslator xpath_literal)rrrr add_name_test@s  zXPathExpr.add_name_testcCs|jd7_dS)ze Append '*/' to the path to keep the context constrained to a single parent. z*/N)r)rrrradd_star_prefixHszXPathExpr.add_star_prefixcCs:t||}|jdkr ||j7}||_|j|_|j|_|S)Nz*/)rrrr)rZcombinerotherrrrrjoinOs   zXPathExpr.joinN)rrrF) rrrrrr!r"r%r&r(rrrrr)s rz('+)z^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$z^[^ \t\r\n\f]+$c @seZdZdZdddddZddd d d d d ddZdZdZdZdZ dZ e Z dfddZ dgddZddZeddZddZddZd d!Zd"d#Zd$d%Zd&d'Zd(d)Zd*d+Zd,d-Zd.d/Zd0d1Zd2d3Zd4d5Zdhd7d8Zd9d:Z d;d<Z!d=d>Z"d?d@Z#dAdBZ$dCdDZ%dEdFZ&dGdHZ'dIdJZ(dKdLZ)dMdNZ*dOdPZ+dQdRZ,dSdTZ-e-Z.e-Z/e-Z0e-Z1e-Z2e-Z3e-Z4e-Z5e-Z6dUdVZ7dWdXZ8dYdZZ9d[d\Z:d]d^Z;d_d`ZdeS)ir#z Translator for "generic" XML documents. Everything is case-sensitive, no assumption is made on the meaning of element names and attribute names. Z descendantZchildZdirect_adjacentZindirect_adjacent) >+~existsZequalsZincludesZ dashmatchZ prefixmatchZ suffixmatchZsubstringmatchZ different)r-=z~=z|=z^=z$=z*=z!=idzxml:langFdescendant-or-self::csdjfddt|DS)uTranslate a *group of selectors* to XPath. Pseudo-elements are not supported here since XPath only knows about "real" elements. :param css: A *group of selectors* as an Unicode string. :param prefix: This string is prepended to the XPath expression for each selector. The default makes selectors scoped to the context node’s subtree. :raises: :class:`SelectorSyntaxError` on invalid selectors, :class:`ExpressionError` on unknown/unsupported selectors, including pseudo-elements. :returns: The equivalent XPath 1.0 expression as an Unicode string. z | c3s|]}j|ddVqdS)T)translate_pseudo_elementsN)selector_to_xpath).0selector)prefixrrr sz1GenericTranslator.css_to_xpath..)r(r)rZcssr5r)r5rr css_to_xpathszGenericTranslator.css_to_xpathcCsPt|dd}|std|f|j|}|r@|jr@|j||j}|pFdt|S)u4Translate a parsed selector to XPath. :param selector: A parsed :class:`Selector` object. :param prefix: This string is prepended to the resulting XPath expression. The default makes selectors scoped to the context node’s subtree. :param translate_pseudo_elements: Unless this is set to ``True`` (as :meth:`css_to_xpath` does), the :attr:`~Selector.pseudo_element` attribute of the selector is ignored. It is the caller's responsibility to reject selectors with pseudo-elements, or to account for them somehow. :raises: :class:`ExpressionError` on unknown/unsupported selectors. :returns: The equivalent XPath 1.0 expression as an Unicode string. Z parsed_treeNz"Expected a parsed selector, got %rr)r TypeErrorxpathpseudo_elementxpath_pseudo_elementr)rr4r5r1Ztreer9rrrr2s   z#GenericTranslator.selector_to_xpathcCs tddS)zTranslate a pseudo-element. Defaults to not supporting pseudo-elements at all, but can be overridden by sub-classes. z"Pseudo-elements are not supported.N)r)rr9r:rrrr;sz&GenericTranslator.xpath_pseudo_elementcCsLt|}d|krd|}n.d|kr,d|}nddjddt|D}|S) N'z'%s'"z"%s"z concat(%s),cSs$g|]}|rd|krdpd|qS)r<z"%s"z'%s'r)r3partrrr sz3GenericTranslator.xpath_literal..)rr(split_at_single_quotes)srrrr$s  zGenericTranslator.xpath_literalcCs:t|j}t|d|jd}|dkr2td|||S)z%Translate any parsed selector object.zxpath_%sNz%s is not supported.)typerr lowerr)rZparsed_selectorZ type_namemethodrrrr9s   zGenericTranslator.xpathcCs4|j|j}t|d|}||j|j|j|jS)zTranslate a combined selector.zxpath_%s_combinator)combinator_mapping combinatorr r9r4 subselector)rZcombinedrGrErrrxpath_combinedselectors  z(GenericTranslator.xpath_combinedselectorcCsD|j|j}|j|j}|j|jr6|jd|jS|jdSdS)Nznot(%s)0)r9r4rHr%rr")rZnegationr9Z sub_xpathrrrxpath_negation s   z GenericTranslator.xpath_negationcCsBd|jjdd}t||d}|s0td|j||j|j|S)z$Translate a functional pseudo-class.zxpath_%s_function-_Nz!The pseudo-class :%s() is unknown)r rrrr9r4)rfunctionrErrrxpath_functions   z GenericTranslator.xpath_functioncCs@d|jjdd}t||d}|s0td|j||j|jS)zTranslate a pseudo-class.zxpath_%s_pseudorLrMNzThe pseudo-class :%s is unknown)Zidentrrrr9r4)rZpseudorErrr xpath_pseudos   zGenericTranslator.xpath_pseudocCs|j|j}t|d|}|jr,|jj}n|j}t|}|jr\d|j|f}|oZt|j}|rjd|}nd|j|}|j r|j j}n|j }||j |j ||S)z Translate an attribute selector.zxpath_attrib_%sz%s:%s@zattribute::*[name() = %s]) attribute_operator_mappingoperatorr lower_case_attribute_namesattribrD is_safe_name namespacer$lower_case_attribute_valuesvaluer9r4)rr4rSrEr saferUrYrrr xpath_attrib's     zGenericTranslator.xpath_attribcCs|j|j}|j|d|jS)zTranslate a class selector.z@class)r9r4xpath_attrib_includes class_name)rZclass_selectorr9rrr xpath_class=s zGenericTranslator.xpath_classcCs|j|j}|j|d|jS)zTranslate an ID selector.z@id)r9r4xpath_attrib_equalsr/)rZ id_selectorr9rrr xpath_hashDs zGenericTranslator.xpath_hashcCsh|j}|sd}d}nt|}|jr*|j}|jrLd|j|f}|oJt|j}|j|d}|sd|j|S)z'Translate a type or universal selector.rTz%s:%s)r)rrVlower_case_element_namesrDrW xpathexpr_clsr%)rr4rrZr9rrr xpath_elementIs zGenericTranslator.xpath_elementcCs |jd|S)z;right is a child, grand-child or further descendant of leftz/descendant-or-self::*/)r()rleftrightrrrxpath_descendant_combinator`sz-GenericTranslator.xpath_descendant_combinatorcCs |jd|S)z#right is an immediate child of left/)r()rrdrerrrxpath_child_combinatordsz(GenericTranslator.xpath_child_combinatorcCs|jd|}|j|jdS)z)right is a sibling immediately after leftz/following-sibling::zposition() = 1)r(r%r")rrdrer9rrr xpath_direct_adjacent_combinatorhs z2GenericTranslator.xpath_direct_adjacent_combinatorcCs |jd|S)z1right is a sibling after left, immediately or notz/following-sibling::)r()rrdrerrr"xpath_indirect_adjacent_combinatornsz4GenericTranslator.xpath_indirect_adjacent_combinatorTc Csyt|j\}}Wn"tk r4td|jYnX|rB|j|j|dkrl|r^d|}|jd|S|r|| }| }|dkrt| }n d| }|dkrd||fg}ng}|dkr|jd|n|dkr|r|jd |d j |}|r|j||S) NzInvalid series: '%r'rz last() - %szposition() = %sz+%sz(position() %s) mod %s = 0zposition() >= %szposition() < (last() %s)z and ) r arguments ValueErrorrr%r&r"strappendr() rr9rNlastr%abZb_negexprrrrxpath_nth_child_functionus8     z*GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_child_functioncCs|j||ddS)NT)rp)rt)rr9rNrrrxpath_nth_last_child_functionsz/GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_last_child_functioncCs"|jdkrtd|j||ddS)Nrz"*:nth-of-type() is not implementedF)r%)rrrt)rr9rNrrrxpath_nth_of_type_functions  z,GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_of_type_functioncCs$|jdkrtd|j||dddS)Nrz"*:nth-of-type() is not implementedTF)rpr%)rrrt)rr9rNrrrxpath_nth_last_of_type_functions   z1GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_last_of_type_functioncCsB|jdgdgfkr"td|j|jdj}|jd|j|S)NSTRINGIDENTz9Expected a single string or ident for :contains(), got %rrzcontains(., %s))argument_typesrrlrYr"r$)rr9rNrYrrrxpath_contains_functions  z)GenericTranslator.xpath_contains_functioncCsB|jdgdgfkr"td|j|jdj}|jd|j|S)Nrxryz5Expected a single string or ident for :lang(), got %rrzlang(%s))rzrrlrYr"r$)rr9rNrYrrrxpath_lang_functions  z%GenericTranslator.xpath_lang_functioncCs |jdS)Nznot(parent::*))r")rr9rrrxpath_root_pseudosz#GenericTranslator.xpath_root_pseudocCs|j|j|jdS)Nzposition() = 1)r&r%r")rr9rrrxpath_first_child_pseudosz*GenericTranslator.xpath_first_child_pseudocCs|j|j|jdS)Nzposition() = last())r&r%r")rr9rrrxpath_last_child_pseudosz)GenericTranslator.xpath_last_child_pseudocCs$|jdkrtd|j|jdS)Nrz"*:first-of-type is not implementedzposition() = 1)rrr&r")rr9rrrxpath_first_of_type_pseudos  z,GenericTranslator.xpath_first_of_type_pseudocCs$|jdkrtd|j|jdS)Nrz!*:last-of-type is not implementedzposition() = last())rrr&r")rr9rrrxpath_last_of_type_pseudos  z+GenericTranslator.xpath_last_of_type_pseudocCs|j|j|jdS)Nz last() = 1)r%r&r")rr9rrrxpath_only_child_pseudosz)GenericTranslator.xpath_only_child_pseudocCs|jdkrtd|jdS)Nrz!*:only-of-type is not implementedz last() = 1)rrr")rr9rrrxpath_only_of_type_pseudos z+GenericTranslator.xpath_only_of_type_pseudocCs |jdS)Nznot(*) and not(string-length()))r")rr9rrrxpath_empty_pseudosz$GenericTranslator.xpath_empty_pseudocCs |jdS)z:Common implementation for pseudo-classes that never match.rJ)r")rr9rrrpseudo_never_matchessz&GenericTranslator.pseudo_never_matchescCs|j||S)N)r")rr9r rYrrrxpath_attrib_existss z%GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_existscCs|jd||j|f|S)Nz%s = %s)r"r$)rr9r rYrrrr_sz%GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_equalscCs<|r |jd|||j|fn|jd||j|f|S)Nznot(%s) or %s != %sz%s != %s)r"r$)rr9r rYrrrxpath_attrib_differents z(GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_differentcCs:t|r,|jd|||jd|dfn |jd|S)Nz:%s and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(%s), ' '), %s)r)rJ)is_non_whitespacer"r$)rr9r rYrrrr\s  z'GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_includesc Cs,|jd|||j|||j|df|S)Nz'%s and (%s = %s or starts-with(%s, %s))rL)r"r$)rr9r rYrrrxpath_attrib_dashmatchs  z(GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_dashmatchcCs.|r |jd|||j|fn |jd|S)Nz%s and starts-with(%s, %s)rJ)r"r$)rr9r rYrrrxpath_attrib_prefixmatch#s  z*GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_prefixmatchcCs:|r,|jd|||t|d|j|fn |jd|S)Nz/%s and substring(%s, string-length(%s)-%s) = %srkrJ)r"lenr$)rr9r rYrrrxpath_attrib_suffixmatch+s " z*GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_suffixmatchcCs.|r |jd|||j|fn |jd|S)Nz%s and contains(%s, %s)rJ)r"r$)rr9r rYrrrxpath_attrib_substringmatch5s  z-GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_substringmatchN)r0)r0F)FT)?rrrrrFrRZ id_attributelang_attributerarTrXrrbr7r2r; staticmethodr$r9rIrKrOrPr[r^r`rcrfrhrirjrtrurvrwr{r|r}r~rrrrrrrxpath_link_pseudoZxpath_visited_pseudoZxpath_hover_pseudoZxpath_active_pseudoZxpath_focus_pseudoZxpath_target_pseudoxpath_enabled_pseudoxpath_disabled_pseudoxpath_checked_pseudorr_rr\rrrrrrrrr#gs        (     r#c@sFeZdZdZdZdddZddZdd Zd d Zd d Z ddZ dS)HTMLTranslatora Translator for (X)HTML documents. Has a more useful implementation of some pseudo-classes based on HTML-specific element names and attribute names, as described in the `HTML5 specification`_. It assumes no-quirks mode. The API is the same as :class:`GenericTranslator`. .. _HTML5 specification: :param xhtml: If false (the default), element names and attribute names are case-insensitive. ZlangFcCs||_|sd|_d|_dS)NT)xhtmlrarT)rrrrrrRszHTMLTranslator.__init__cCs |jdS)Nz(@selected and name(.) = 'option') or (@checked and (name(.) = 'input' or name(.) = 'command')and (@type = 'checkbox' or @type = 'radio')))r")rr9rrrrYsz#HTMLTranslator.xpath_checked_pseudocCsP|jdgdgfkr"td|j|jdj}|jd|j|j|jdfS)Nrxryz5Expected a single string or ident for :lang(), got %rrzancestor-or-self::*[@lang][1][starts-with(concat(translate(@%s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), '-'), %s)]rL)rzrrlrYr"rr$rD)rr9rNrYrrrr|as  z"HTMLTranslator.xpath_lang_functioncCs |jdS)NzA@href and (name(.) = 'a' or name(.) = 'link' or name(.) = 'area'))r")rr9rrrrosz HTMLTranslator.xpath_link_pseudocCs |jdS)Na ( @disabled and ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' or name(.) = 'command' or name(.) = 'fieldset' or name(.) = 'optgroup' or name(.) = 'option' ) ) or ( ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' ) and ancestor::fieldset[@disabled] ) )r")rr9rrrrvsz$HTMLTranslator.xpath_disabled_pseudocCs |jdS)Na' ( @href and ( name(.) = 'a' or name(.) = 'link' or name(.) = 'area' ) ) or ( ( name(.) = 'command' or name(.) = 'fieldset' or name(.) = 'optgroup' ) and not(@disabled) ) or ( ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' or name(.) = 'keygen' ) and not (@disabled or ancestor::fieldset[@disabled]) ) or ( name(.) = 'option' and not( @disabled or ancestor::optgroup[@disabled] ) ) )r")rr9rrrrsz#HTMLTranslator.xpath_enabled_pseudoN)F) rrrrrrrr|rrrrrrrr?s r)N)rsysreZcssselect.parserrrr version_infoZ basestringZ _basestringZunicoderrnr RuntimeErrorrobjectrcompilesplitrAmatchrVrr#rrrrr s& 1   [PK!@.QQ __pycache__/xpath.cpython-36.pycnu[3 ǁaWa@sdZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZejddkr@eZ e Z ne Z e Z dddZ GdddeeZGd d d eZejd jZejd jZejd jZGdddeZGdddeZdS)a cssselect.xpath =============== Translation of parsed CSS selectors to XPath expressions. :copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Ian Bicking and contributors. See AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. N)parse parse_series SelectorErrorcCs|jddjd}t|||S)Nasciireplace)encodedecodegetattr)objnamedefaultr/usr/lib/python3.6/xpath.py_unicode_safe_getattrsrc@seZdZdZdS)ExpressionErrorz3Unknown or unsupported selector (eg. pseudo-class).N)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrrr#src@sFeZdZdddZddZdd Zd d Zd d ZddZddZ dS) XPathExpr*FcCs||_||_||_dS)N)pathelement condition)selfrrrZ star_prefixrrr__init__+szXPathExpr.__init__cCs,t|jt|j}|jr(|d|j7}|S)Nz[%s])_unicoderrr)rrrrr__str__0szXPathExpr.__str__cCsd|jj|fS)Nz%s[%s]) __class__r)rrrr__repr__6szXPathExpr.__repr__cCs"|jrd|j|f|_n||_|S)Nz %s and (%s))r)rrrrr add_condition9szXPathExpr.add_conditioncCs.|jdkrdS|jdtj|jd|_dS)Nrz name() = %s)rr"GenericTranslator xpath_literal)rrrr add_name_test@s  zXPathExpr.add_name_testcCs|jd7_dS)ze Append '*/' to the path to keep the context constrained to a single parent. z*/N)r)rrrradd_star_prefixHszXPathExpr.add_star_prefixcCs:t||}|jdkr ||j7}||_|j|_|j|_|S)Nz*/)rrrr)rZcombinerotherrrrrjoinOs   zXPathExpr.joinN)rrrF) rrrrrr!r"r%r&r(rrrrr)s rz('+)z^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$z^[^ \t\r\n\f]+$c @seZdZdZdddddZddd d d d d ddZdZdZdZdZ dZ e Z dfddZ dgddZddZeddZddZddZd d!Zd"d#Zd$d%Zd&d'Zd(d)Zd*d+Zd,d-Zd.d/Zd0d1Zd2d3Zd4d5Zdhd7d8Zd9d:Z d;d<Z!d=d>Z"d?d@Z#dAdBZ$dCdDZ%dEdFZ&dGdHZ'dIdJZ(dKdLZ)dMdNZ*dOdPZ+dQdRZ,dSdTZ-e-Z.e-Z/e-Z0e-Z1e-Z2e-Z3e-Z4e-Z5e-Z6dUdVZ7dWdXZ8dYdZZ9d[d\Z:d]d^Z;d_d`ZdeS)ir#z Translator for "generic" XML documents. Everything is case-sensitive, no assumption is made on the meaning of element names and attribute names. Z descendantZchildZdirect_adjacentZindirect_adjacent) >+~existsZequalsZincludesZ dashmatchZ prefixmatchZ suffixmatchZsubstringmatchZ different)r-=z~=z|=z^=z$=z*=z!=idzxml:langFdescendant-or-self::csdjfddt|DS)uTranslate a *group of selectors* to XPath. Pseudo-elements are not supported here since XPath only knows about "real" elements. :param css: A *group of selectors* as an Unicode string. :param prefix: This string is prepended to the XPath expression for each selector. The default makes selectors scoped to the context node’s subtree. :raises: :class:`SelectorSyntaxError` on invalid selectors, :class:`ExpressionError` on unknown/unsupported selectors, including pseudo-elements. :returns: The equivalent XPath 1.0 expression as an Unicode string. z | c3s|]}j|ddVqdS)T)translate_pseudo_elementsN)selector_to_xpath).0selector)prefixrrr sz1GenericTranslator.css_to_xpath..)r(r)rZcssr5r)r5rr css_to_xpathszGenericTranslator.css_to_xpathcCs`t|dd}|std|f|j|}t||js8t|rP|jrP|j||j}|pVdt|S)u4Translate a parsed selector to XPath. :param selector: A parsed :class:`Selector` object. :param prefix: This string is prepended to the resulting XPath expression. The default makes selectors scoped to the context node’s subtree. :param translate_pseudo_elements: Unless this is set to ``True`` (as :meth:`css_to_xpath` does), the :attr:`~Selector.pseudo_element` attribute of the selector is ignored. It is the caller's responsibility to reject selectors with pseudo-elements, or to account for them somehow. :raises: :class:`ExpressionError` on unknown/unsupported selectors. :returns: The equivalent XPath 1.0 expression as an Unicode string. Z parsed_treeNz"Expected a parsed selector, got %rr) r TypeErrorxpath isinstance xpathexpr_clsAssertionErrorpseudo_elementxpath_pseudo_elementr)rr4r5r1Ztreer9rrrr2s   z#GenericTranslator.selector_to_xpathcCs tddS)zTranslate a pseudo-element. Defaults to not supporting pseudo-elements at all, but can be overridden by sub-classes. z"Pseudo-elements are not supported.N)r)rr9r=rrrr>sz&GenericTranslator.xpath_pseudo_elementcCsLt|}d|krd|}n.d|kr,d|}nddjddt|D}|S) N'z'%s'"z"%s"z concat(%s),cSs$g|]}|rd|krdpd|qS)r?z"%s"z'%s'r)r3partrrr sz3GenericTranslator.xpath_literal..)rr(split_at_single_quotes)srrrr$s  zGenericTranslator.xpath_literalcCs:t|j}t|d|jd}|dkr2td|||S)z%Translate any parsed selector object.zxpath_%sNz%s is not supported.)typerr lowerr)rZparsed_selectorZ type_namemethodrrrr9s   zGenericTranslator.xpathcCs4|j|j}t|d|}||j|j|j|jS)zTranslate a combined selector.zxpath_%s_combinator)combinator_mapping combinatorr r9r4 subselector)rZcombinedrJrHrrrxpath_combinedselectors  z(GenericTranslator.xpath_combinedselectorcCsD|j|j}|j|j}|j|jr6|jd|jS|jdSdS)Nznot(%s)0)r9r4rKr%rr")rZnegationr9Z sub_xpathrrrxpath_negation s   z GenericTranslator.xpath_negationcCsBd|jjdd}t||d}|s0td|j||j|j|S)z$Translate a functional pseudo-class.zxpath_%s_function-_Nz!The pseudo-class :%s() is unknown)r rrrr9r4)rfunctionrHrrrxpath_functions   z GenericTranslator.xpath_functioncCs@d|jjdd}t||d}|s0td|j||j|jS)zTranslate a pseudo-class.zxpath_%s_pseudorOrPNzThe pseudo-class :%s is unknown)Zidentrrrr9r4)rZpseudorHrrr xpath_pseudos   zGenericTranslator.xpath_pseudocCs|j|j}t|d|}|jr,|jj}n|j}t|}|jr\d|j|f}|oZt|j}|rjd|}nd|j|}|j r|j j}n|j }||j |j ||S)z Translate an attribute selector.zxpath_attrib_%sz%s:%s@zattribute::*[name() = %s]) attribute_operator_mappingoperatorr lower_case_attribute_namesattribrG is_safe_name namespacer$lower_case_attribute_valuesvaluer9r4)rr4rVrHr saferXr\rrr xpath_attrib's     zGenericTranslator.xpath_attribcCs|j|j}|j|d|jS)zTranslate a class selector.z@class)r9r4xpath_attrib_includes class_name)rZclass_selectorr9rrr xpath_class=s zGenericTranslator.xpath_classcCs|j|j}|j|d|jS)zTranslate an ID selector.z@id)r9r4xpath_attrib_equalsr/)rZ id_selectorr9rrr xpath_hashDs zGenericTranslator.xpath_hashcCsh|j}|sd}d}nt|}|jr*|j}|jrLd|j|f}|oJt|j}|j|d}|sd|j|S)z'Translate a type or universal selector.rTz%s:%s)r)rrYlower_case_element_namesrGrZr;r%)rr4rr]r9rrr xpath_elementIs zGenericTranslator.xpath_elementcCs |jd|S)z;right is a child, grand-child or further descendant of leftz/descendant-or-self::*/)r()rleftrightrrrxpath_descendant_combinator`sz-GenericTranslator.xpath_descendant_combinatorcCs |jd|S)z#right is an immediate child of left/)r()rrfrgrrrxpath_child_combinatordsz(GenericTranslator.xpath_child_combinatorcCs|jd|}|j|jdS)z)right is a sibling immediately after leftz/following-sibling::zposition() = 1)r(r%r")rrfrgr9rrr xpath_direct_adjacent_combinatorhs z2GenericTranslator.xpath_direct_adjacent_combinatorcCs |jd|S)z1right is a sibling after left, immediately or notz/following-sibling::)r()rrfrgrrr"xpath_indirect_adjacent_combinatornsz4GenericTranslator.xpath_indirect_adjacent_combinatorTc Csyt|j\}}Wn"tk r4td|jYnX|rB|j|j|dkrl|r^d|}|jd|S|r|| }| }|dkrt| }n d| }|dkrd||fg}ng}|dkr|jd|n|dkr|r|jd |d j |}|r|j||S) NzInvalid series: '%r'rz last() - %szposition() = %sz+%sz(position() %s) mod %s = 0zposition() >= %szposition() < (last() %s)z and ) r arguments ValueErrorrr%r&r"strappendr() rr9rQlastr%abZb_negexprrrrxpath_nth_child_functionus8     z*GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_child_functioncCs|j||ddS)NT)rr)rv)rr9rQrrrxpath_nth_last_child_functionsz/GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_last_child_functioncCs"|jdkrtd|j||ddS)Nrz"*:nth-of-type() is not implementedF)r%)rrrv)rr9rQrrrxpath_nth_of_type_functions  z,GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_of_type_functioncCs$|jdkrtd|j||dddS)Nrz"*:nth-of-type() is not implementedTF)rrr%)rrrv)rr9rQrrrxpath_nth_last_of_type_functions   z1GenericTranslator.xpath_nth_last_of_type_functioncCsB|jdgdgfkr"td|j|jdj}|jd|j|S)NSTRINGIDENTz9Expected a single string or ident for :contains(), got %rrzcontains(., %s))argument_typesrrnr\r"r$)rr9rQr\rrrxpath_contains_functions  z)GenericTranslator.xpath_contains_functioncCsB|jdgdgfkr"td|j|jdj}|jd|j|S)Nrzr{z5Expected a single string or ident for :lang(), got %rrzlang(%s))r|rrnr\r"r$)rr9rQr\rrrxpath_lang_functions  z%GenericTranslator.xpath_lang_functioncCs |jdS)Nznot(parent::*))r")rr9rrrxpath_root_pseudosz#GenericTranslator.xpath_root_pseudocCs|j|j|jdS)Nzposition() = 1)r&r%r")rr9rrrxpath_first_child_pseudosz*GenericTranslator.xpath_first_child_pseudocCs|j|j|jdS)Nzposition() = last())r&r%r")rr9rrrxpath_last_child_pseudosz)GenericTranslator.xpath_last_child_pseudocCs$|jdkrtd|j|jdS)Nrz"*:first-of-type is not implementedzposition() = 1)rrr&r")rr9rrrxpath_first_of_type_pseudos  z,GenericTranslator.xpath_first_of_type_pseudocCs$|jdkrtd|j|jdS)Nrz!*:last-of-type is not implementedzposition() = last())rrr&r")rr9rrrxpath_last_of_type_pseudos  z+GenericTranslator.xpath_last_of_type_pseudocCs|j|j|jdS)Nz last() = 1)r%r&r")rr9rrrxpath_only_child_pseudosz)GenericTranslator.xpath_only_child_pseudocCs|jdkrtd|jdS)Nrz!*:only-of-type is not implementedz last() = 1)rrr")rr9rrrxpath_only_of_type_pseudos z+GenericTranslator.xpath_only_of_type_pseudocCs |jdS)Nznot(*) and not(string-length()))r")rr9rrrxpath_empty_pseudosz$GenericTranslator.xpath_empty_pseudocCs |jdS)z:Common implementation for pseudo-classes that never match.rM)r")rr9rrrpseudo_never_matchessz&GenericTranslator.pseudo_never_matchescCs| s t|j||S)N)r<r")rr9r r\rrrxpath_attrib_existss  z%GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_existscCs|jd||j|f|S)Nz%s = %s)r"r$)rr9r r\rrrrbsz%GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_equalscCs<|r |jd|||j|fn|jd||j|f|S)Nznot(%s) or %s != %sz%s != %s)r"r$)rr9r r\rrrxpath_attrib_differents z(GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_differentcCs:t|r,|jd|||jd|dfn |jd|S)Nz:%s and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(%s), ' '), %s)r)rM)is_non_whitespacer"r$)rr9r r\rrrr_s  z'GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_includesc Cs,|jd|||j|||j|df|S)Nz'%s and (%s = %s or starts-with(%s, %s))rO)r"r$)rr9r r\rrrxpath_attrib_dashmatchs  z(GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_dashmatchcCs.|r |jd|||j|fn |jd|S)Nz%s and starts-with(%s, %s)rM)r"r$)rr9r r\rrrxpath_attrib_prefixmatch#s  z*GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_prefixmatchcCs:|r,|jd|||t|d|j|fn |jd|S)Nz/%s and substring(%s, string-length(%s)-%s) = %srmrM)r"lenr$)rr9r r\rrrxpath_attrib_suffixmatch+s " z*GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_suffixmatchcCs.|r |jd|||j|fn |jd|S)Nz%s and contains(%s, %s)rM)r"r$)rr9r r\rrrxpath_attrib_substringmatch5s  z-GenericTranslator.xpath_attrib_substringmatchN)r0)r0F)FT)?rrrrrIrUZ id_attributelang_attributerdrWr[rr;r7r2r> staticmethodr$r9rLrNrRrSr^rarcrerhrjrkrlrvrwrxryr}r~rrrrrrrrrxpath_link_pseudoZxpath_visited_pseudoZxpath_hover_pseudoZxpath_active_pseudoZxpath_focus_pseudoZxpath_target_pseudoxpath_enabled_pseudoxpath_disabled_pseudoxpath_checked_pseudorrbrr_rrrrrrrrr#gs        (     r#c@sFeZdZdZdZdddZddZdd Zd d Zd d Z ddZ dS)HTMLTranslatora Translator for (X)HTML documents. Has a more useful implementation of some pseudo-classes based on HTML-specific element names and attribute names, as described in the `HTML5 specification`_. It assumes no-quirks mode. The API is the same as :class:`GenericTranslator`. .. _HTML5 specification: :param xhtml: If false (the default), element names and attribute names are case-insensitive. ZlangFcCs||_|sd|_d|_dS)NT)xhtmlrdrW)rrrrrrRszHTMLTranslator.__init__cCs |jdS)Nz(@selected and name(.) = 'option') or (@checked and (name(.) = 'input' or name(.) = 'command')and (@type = 'checkbox' or @type = 'radio')))r")rr9rrrrYsz#HTMLTranslator.xpath_checked_pseudocCsP|jdgdgfkr"td|j|jdj}|jd|j|j|jdfS)Nrzr{z5Expected a single string or ident for :lang(), got %rrzancestor-or-self::*[@lang][1][starts-with(concat(translate(@%s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), '-'), %s)]rO)r|rrnr\r"rr$rG)rr9rQr\rrrr~as  z"HTMLTranslator.xpath_lang_functioncCs |jdS)NzA@href and (name(.) = 'a' or name(.) = 'link' or name(.) = 'area'))r")rr9rrrrosz HTMLTranslator.xpath_link_pseudocCs |jdS)Na ( @disabled and ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' or name(.) = 'command' or name(.) = 'fieldset' or name(.) = 'optgroup' or name(.) = 'option' ) ) or ( ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' ) and ancestor::fieldset[@disabled] ) )r")rr9rrrrvsz$HTMLTranslator.xpath_disabled_pseudocCs |jdS)Na' ( @href and ( name(.) = 'a' or name(.) = 'link' or name(.) = 'area' ) ) or ( ( name(.) = 'command' or name(.) = 'fieldset' or name(.) = 'optgroup' ) and not(@disabled) ) or ( ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' or name(.) = 'keygen' ) and not (@disabled or ancestor::fieldset[@disabled]) ) or ( name(.) = 'option' and not( @disabled or ancestor::optgroup[@disabled] ) ) )r")rr9rrrrsz#HTMLTranslator.xpath_enabled_pseudoN)F) rrrrrrrr~rrrrrrrr?s r)N)rsysreZcssselect.parserrrr version_infoZ basestringZ _basestringZunicoderrpr RuntimeErrorrobjectrcompilesplitrDmatchrYrr#rrrrr s& 1   [PK!1R __init__.pynu[# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ CSS Selectors based on XPath ============================ This module supports selecting XML/HTML elements based on CSS selectors. See the `CSSSelector` class for details. :copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Ian Bicking and contributors. See AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from cssselect.parser import (parse, Selector, FunctionalPseudoElement, SelectorError, SelectorSyntaxError) from cssselect.xpath import GenericTranslator, HTMLTranslator, ExpressionError VERSION = '0.9.2' __version__ = VERSION PK!5/\\ parser.pynu[# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ cssselect.parser ================ Tokenizer, parser and parsed objects for CSS selectors. :copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Ian Bicking and contributors. See AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import sys import re import operator if sys.version_info[0] < 3: _unicode = unicode _unichr = unichr else: _unicode = str _unichr = chr def ascii_lower(string): """Lower-case, but only in the ASCII range.""" return string.encode('utf8').lower().decode('utf8') class SelectorError(Exception): """Common parent for :class:`SelectorSyntaxError` and :class:`ExpressionError`. You can just use ``except SelectorError:`` when calling :meth:`~GenericTranslator.css_to_xpath` and handle both exceptions types. """ class SelectorSyntaxError(SelectorError, SyntaxError): """Parsing a selector that does not match the grammar.""" #### Parsed objects class Selector(object): """ Represents a parsed selector. :meth:`~GenericTranslator.selector_to_xpath` accepts this object, but ignores :attr:`pseudo_element`. It is the user’s responsibility to account for pseudo-elements and reject selectors with unknown or unsupported pseudo-elements. """ def __init__(self, tree, pseudo_element=None): self.parsed_tree = tree if pseudo_element is not None and not isinstance( pseudo_element, FunctionalPseudoElement): pseudo_element = ascii_lower(pseudo_element) #: A :class:`FunctionalPseudoElement`, #: or the identifier for the pseudo-element as a string, # or ``None``. #: #: +-------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------+ #: | | Selector | Pseudo-element | #: +=========================+================+================================+ #: | CSS3 syntax | ``a::before`` | ``'before'`` | #: +-------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------+ #: | Older syntax | ``a:before`` | ``'before'`` | #: +-------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------+ #: | From the Lists3_ draft, | ``li::marker`` | ``'marker'`` | #: | not in Selectors3 | | | #: +-------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------+ #: | Invalid pseudo-class | ``li:marker`` | ``None`` | #: +-------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------+ #: | Functinal | ``a::foo(2)`` | ``FunctionalPseudoElement(…)`` | #: +-------------------------+----------------+--------------------------------+ #: #: .. _Lists3: self.pseudo_element = pseudo_element def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self.pseudo_element, FunctionalPseudoElement): pseudo_element = repr(self.pseudo_element) elif self.pseudo_element: pseudo_element = '::%s' % self.pseudo_element else: pseudo_element = '' return '%s[%r%s]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.parsed_tree, pseudo_element) def specificity(self): """Return the specificity_ of this selector as a tuple of 3 integers. .. _specificity: """ a, b, c = self.parsed_tree.specificity() if self.pseudo_element: c += 1 return a, b, c class Class(object): """ Represents selector.class_name """ def __init__(self, selector, class_name): self.selector = selector self.class_name = class_name def __repr__(self): return '%s[%r.%s]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector, self.class_name) def specificity(self): a, b, c = self.selector.specificity() b += 1 return a, b, c class FunctionalPseudoElement(object): """ Represents selector::name(arguments) .. attribute:: name The name (identifier) of the pseudo-element, as a string. .. attribute:: arguments The arguments of the pseudo-element, as a list of tokens. **Note:** tokens are not part of the public API, and may change between cssselect versions. Use at your own risks. """ def __init__(self, name, arguments): = ascii_lower(name) self.arguments = arguments def __repr__(self): return '%s[::%s(%r)]' % ( self.__class__.__name__,, [token.value for token in self.arguments]) def argument_types(self): return [token.type for token in self.arguments] def specificity(self): a, b, c = self.selector.specificity() b += 1 return a, b, c class Function(object): """ Represents selector:name(expr) """ def __init__(self, selector, name, arguments): self.selector = selector = ascii_lower(name) self.arguments = arguments def __repr__(self): return '%s[%r:%s(%r)]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector,, [token.value for token in self.arguments]) def argument_types(self): return [token.type for token in self.arguments] def specificity(self): a, b, c = self.selector.specificity() b += 1 return a, b, c class Pseudo(object): """ Represents selector:ident """ def __init__(self, selector, ident): self.selector = selector self.ident = ascii_lower(ident) def __repr__(self): return '%s[%r:%s]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector, self.ident) def specificity(self): a, b, c = self.selector.specificity() b += 1 return a, b, c class Negation(object): """ Represents selector:not(subselector) """ def __init__(self, selector, subselector): self.selector = selector self.subselector = subselector def __repr__(self): return '%s[%r:not(%r)]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector, self.subselector) def specificity(self): a1, b1, c1 = self.selector.specificity() a2, b2, c2 = self.subselector.specificity() return a1 + a2, b1 + b2, c1 + c2 class Attrib(object): """ Represents selector[namespace|attrib operator value] """ def __init__(self, selector, namespace, attrib, operator, value): self.selector = selector self.namespace = namespace self.attrib = attrib self.operator = operator self.value = value def __repr__(self): if self.namespace: attrib = '%s|%s' % (self.namespace, self.attrib) else: attrib = self.attrib if self.operator == 'exists': return '%s[%r[%s]]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector, attrib) else: return '%s[%r[%s %s %r]]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector, attrib, self.operator, self.value) def specificity(self): a, b, c = self.selector.specificity() b += 1 return a, b, c class Element(object): """ Represents namespace|element `None` is for the universal selector '*' """ def __init__(self, namespace=None, element=None): self.namespace = namespace self.element = element def __repr__(self): element = self.element or '*' if self.namespace: element = '%s|%s' % (self.namespace, element) return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, element) def specificity(self): if self.element: return 0, 0, 1 else: return 0, 0, 0 class Hash(object): """ Represents selector#id """ def __init__(self, selector, id): self.selector = selector = id def __repr__(self): return '%s[%r#%s]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector, def specificity(self): a, b, c = self.selector.specificity() a += 1 return a, b, c class CombinedSelector(object): def __init__(self, selector, combinator, subselector): assert selector is not None self.selector = selector self.combinator = combinator self.subselector = subselector def __repr__(self): if self.combinator == ' ': comb = '' else: comb = self.combinator return '%s[%r %s %r]' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.selector, comb, self.subselector) def specificity(self): a1, b1, c1 = self.selector.specificity() a2, b2, c2 = self.subselector.specificity() return a1 + a2, b1 + b2, c1 + c2 #### Parser # foo _el_re = re.compile(r'^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$') # foo#bar or #bar _id_re = re.compile(r'^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)#([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)[ \t\r\n\f]*$') # or .bar _class_re = re.compile( r'^[ \t\r\n\f]*([a-zA-Z]*)\.([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)[ \t\r\n\f]*$') def parse(css): """Parse a CSS *group of selectors*. If you don't care about pseudo-elements or selector specificity, you can skip this and use :meth:`~GenericTranslator.css_to_xpath`. :param css: A *group of selectors* as an Unicode string. :raises: :class:`SelectorSyntaxError` on invalid selectors. :returns: A list of parsed :class:`Selector` objects, one for each selector in the comma-separated group. """ # Fast path for simple cases match = _el_re.match(css) if match: return [Selector(Element(] match = _id_re.match(css) if match is not None: return [Selector(Hash(Element( or None),] match = _class_re.match(css) if match is not None: return [Selector(Class(Element( or None),] stream = TokenStream(tokenize(css)) stream.source = css return list(parse_selector_group(stream)) # except SelectorSyntaxError: # e = sys.exc_info()[1] # message = "%s at %s -> %r" % ( # e, stream.used, stream.peek()) # e.msg = message # if sys.version_info < (2,6): # e.message = message # e.args = tuple([message]) # raise def parse_selector_group(stream): stream.skip_whitespace() while 1: yield Selector(*parse_selector(stream)) if stream.peek() == ('DELIM', ','): stream.skip_whitespace() else: break def parse_selector(stream): result, pseudo_element = parse_simple_selector(stream) while 1: stream.skip_whitespace() peek = stream.peek() if peek in (('EOF', None), ('DELIM', ',')): break if pseudo_element: raise SelectorSyntaxError( 'Got pseudo-element ::%s not at the end of a selector' % pseudo_element) if peek.is_delim('+', '>', '~'): # A combinator combinator = stream.skip_whitespace() else: # By exclusion, the last parse_simple_selector() ended # at peek == ' ' combinator = ' ' next_selector, pseudo_element = parse_simple_selector(stream) result = CombinedSelector(result, combinator, next_selector) return result, pseudo_element def parse_simple_selector(stream, inside_negation=False): stream.skip_whitespace() selector_start = len(stream.used) peek = stream.peek() if peek.type == 'IDENT' or peek == ('DELIM', '*'): if peek.type == 'IDENT': namespace = else: namespace = None if stream.peek() == ('DELIM', '|'): element = stream.next_ident_or_star() else: element = namespace namespace = None else: element = namespace = None result = Element(namespace, element) pseudo_element = None while 1: peek = stream.peek() if peek.type in ('S', 'EOF') or peek.is_delim(',', '+', '>', '~') or ( inside_negation and peek == ('DELIM', ')')): break if pseudo_element: raise SelectorSyntaxError( 'Got pseudo-element ::%s not at the end of a selector' % pseudo_element) if peek.type == 'HASH': result = Hash(result, elif peek == ('DELIM', '.'): result = Class(result, stream.next_ident()) elif peek == ('DELIM', '['): result = parse_attrib(result, stream) elif peek == ('DELIM', ':'): if stream.peek() == ('DELIM', ':'): pseudo_element = stream.next_ident() if stream.peek() == ('DELIM', '('): pseudo_element = FunctionalPseudoElement( pseudo_element, parse_arguments(stream)) continue ident = stream.next_ident() if ident.lower() in ('first-line', 'first-letter', 'before', 'after'): # Special case: CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements can have a single ':' # Any new pseudo-element must have two. pseudo_element = _unicode(ident) continue if stream.peek() != ('DELIM', '('): result = Pseudo(result, ident) continue stream.skip_whitespace() if ident.lower() == 'not': if inside_negation: raise SelectorSyntaxError('Got nested :not()') argument, argument_pseudo_element = parse_simple_selector( stream, inside_negation=True) next = if argument_pseudo_element: raise SelectorSyntaxError( 'Got pseudo-element ::%s inside :not() at %s' % (argument_pseudo_element, next.pos)) if next != ('DELIM', ')'): raise SelectorSyntaxError("Expected ')', got %s" % (next,)) result = Negation(result, argument) else: result = Function(result, ident, parse_arguments(stream)) else: raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Expected selector, got %s" % (peek,)) if len(stream.used) == selector_start: raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Expected selector, got %s" % (stream.peek(),)) return result, pseudo_element def parse_arguments(stream): arguments = [] while 1: stream.skip_whitespace() next = if next.type in ('IDENT', 'STRING', 'NUMBER') or next in [ ('DELIM', '+'), ('DELIM', '-')]: arguments.append(next) elif next == ('DELIM', ')'): return arguments else: raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Expected an argument, got %s" % (next,)) def parse_attrib(selector, stream): stream.skip_whitespace() attrib = stream.next_ident_or_star() if attrib is None and stream.peek() != ('DELIM', '|'): raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Expected '|', got %s" % (stream.peek(),)) if stream.peek() == ('DELIM', '|'): if stream.peek() == ('DELIM', '='): namespace = None op = '|=' else: namespace = attrib attrib = stream.next_ident() op = None else: namespace = op = None if op is None: stream.skip_whitespace() next = if next == ('DELIM', ']'): return Attrib(selector, namespace, attrib, 'exists', None) elif next == ('DELIM', '='): op = '=' elif next.is_delim('^', '$', '*', '~', '|', '!') and ( stream.peek() == ('DELIM', '=')): op = next.value + '=' else: raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Operator expected, got %s" % (next,)) stream.skip_whitespace() value = if value.type not in ('IDENT', 'STRING'): raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Expected string or ident, got %s" % (value,)) stream.skip_whitespace() next = if next != ('DELIM', ']'): raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Expected ']', got %s" % (next,)) return Attrib(selector, namespace, attrib, op, value.value) def parse_series(tokens): """ Parses the arguments for :nth-child() and friends. :raises: A list of tokens :returns: :``(a, b)`` """ for token in tokens: if token.type == 'STRING': raise ValueError('String tokens not allowed in series.') s = ''.join(token.value for token in tokens).strip() if s == 'odd': return (2, 1) elif s == 'even': return (2, 0) elif s == 'n': return (1, 0) if 'n' not in s: # Just b return (0, int(s)) a, b = s.split('n', 1) if not a: a = 1 elif a == '-' or a == '+': a = int(a+'1') else: a = int(a) if not b: b = 0 else: b = int(b) return (a, b) #### Token objects class Token(tuple): def __new__(cls, type_, value, pos): obj = tuple.__new__(cls, (type_, value)) obj.pos = pos return obj def __repr__(self): return "<%s '%s' at %i>" % (self.type, self.value, self.pos) def is_delim(self, *values): return self.type == 'DELIM' and self.value in values type = property(operator.itemgetter(0)) value = property(operator.itemgetter(1)) class EOFToken(Token): def __new__(cls, pos): return Token.__new__(cls, 'EOF', None, pos) def __repr__(self): return '<%s at %i>' % (self.type, self.pos) #### Tokenizer class TokenMacros: unicode_escape = r'\\([0-9a-f]{1,6})(?:\r\n|[ \n\r\t\f])?' escape = unicode_escape + r'|\\[^\n\r\f0-9a-f]' string_escape = r'\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f)|' + escape nonascii = r'[^\0-\177]' nmchar = '[_a-z0-9-]|%s|%s' % (escape, nonascii) nmstart = '[_a-z]|%s|%s' % (escape, nonascii) def _compile(pattern): return re.compile(pattern % vars(TokenMacros), re.IGNORECASE).match _match_whitespace = _compile(r'[ \t\r\n\f]+') _match_number = _compile('[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)') _match_hash = _compile('#(?:%(nmchar)s)+') _match_ident = _compile('-?(?:%(nmstart)s)(?:%(nmchar)s)*') _match_string_by_quote = { "'": _compile(r"([^\n\r\f\\']|%(string_escape)s)*"), '"': _compile(r'([^\n\r\f\\"]|%(string_escape)s)*'), } _sub_simple_escape = re.compile(r'\\(.)').sub _sub_unicode_escape = re.compile(TokenMacros.unicode_escape, re.I).sub _sub_newline_escape =re.compile(r'\\(?:\n|\r\n|\r|\f)').sub # Same as r'\1', but faster on CPython if hasattr(operator, 'methodcaller'): # Python 2.6+ _replace_simple = operator.methodcaller('group', 1) else: def _replace_simple(match): return def _replace_unicode(match): codepoint = int(, 16) if codepoint > sys.maxunicode: codepoint = 0xFFFD return _unichr(codepoint) def unescape_ident(value): value = _sub_unicode_escape(_replace_unicode, value) value = _sub_simple_escape(_replace_simple, value) return value def tokenize(s): pos = 0 len_s = len(s) while pos < len_s: match = _match_whitespace(s, pos=pos) if match: yield Token('S', ' ', pos) pos = match.end() continue match = _match_ident(s, pos=pos) if match: value = _sub_simple_escape(_replace_simple, _sub_unicode_escape(_replace_unicode, yield Token('IDENT', value, pos) pos = match.end() continue match = _match_hash(s, pos=pos) if match: value = _sub_simple_escape(_replace_simple, _sub_unicode_escape(_replace_unicode,[1:])) yield Token('HASH', value, pos) pos = match.end() continue quote = s[pos] if quote in _match_string_by_quote: match = _match_string_by_quote[quote](s, pos=pos + 1) assert match, 'Should have found at least an empty match' end_pos = match.end() if end_pos == len_s: raise SelectorSyntaxError('Unclosed string at %s' % pos) if s[end_pos] != quote: raise SelectorSyntaxError('Invalid string at %s' % pos) value = _sub_simple_escape(_replace_simple, _sub_unicode_escape(_replace_unicode, _sub_newline_escape('', yield Token('STRING', value, pos) pos = end_pos + 1 continue match = _match_number(s, pos=pos) if match: value = yield Token('NUMBER', value, pos) pos = match.end() continue pos2 = pos + 2 if s[pos:pos2] == '/*': pos = s.find('*/', pos2) if pos == -1: pos = len_s else: pos += 2 continue yield Token('DELIM', s[pos], pos) pos += 1 assert pos == len_s yield EOFToken(pos) class TokenStream(object): def __init__(self, tokens, source=None): self.used = [] self.tokens = iter(tokens) self.source = source self.peeked = None self._peeking = False try: self.next_token = except AttributeError: # Python 3 self.next_token = self.tokens.__next__ def next(self): if self._peeking: self._peeking = False self.used.append(self.peeked) return self.peeked else: next = self.next_token() self.used.append(next) return next def peek(self): if not self._peeking: self.peeked = self.next_token() self._peeking = True return self.peeked def next_ident(self): next = if next.type != 'IDENT': raise SelectorSyntaxError('Expected ident, got %s' % (next,)) return next.value def next_ident_or_star(self): next = if next.type == 'IDENT': return next.value elif next == ('DELIM', '*'): return None else: raise SelectorSyntaxError( "Expected ident or '*', got %s" % (next,)) def skip_whitespace(self): peek = self.peek() if peek.type == 'S': PK!;aaxpath.pynu[# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ cssselect.xpath =============== Translation of parsed CSS selectors to XPath expressions. :copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Ian Bicking and contributors. See AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import sys import re from cssselect.parser import parse, parse_series, SelectorError if sys.version_info[0] < 3: _basestring = basestring _unicode = unicode else: _basestring = str _unicode = str def _unicode_safe_getattr(obj, name, default=None): # getattr() with a non-ASCII name fails on Python 2.x name = name.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii') return getattr(obj, name, default) class ExpressionError(SelectorError, RuntimeError): """Unknown or unsupported selector (eg. pseudo-class).""" #### XPath Helpers class XPathExpr(object): def __init__(self, path='', element='*', condition='', star_prefix=False): self.path = path self.element = element self.condition = condition def __str__(self): path = _unicode(self.path) + _unicode(self.element) if self.condition: path += '[%s]' % self.condition return path def __repr__(self): return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def add_condition(self, condition): if self.condition: self.condition = '%s and (%s)' % (self.condition, condition) else: self.condition = condition return self def add_name_test(self): if self.element == '*': # We weren't doing a test anyway return self.add_condition( "name() = %s" % GenericTranslator.xpath_literal(self.element)) self.element = '*' def add_star_prefix(self): """ Append '*/' to the path to keep the context constrained to a single parent. """ self.path += '*/' def join(self, combiner, other): path = _unicode(self) + combiner # Any "star prefix" is redundant when joining. if other.path != '*/': path += other.path self.path = path self.element = other.element self.condition = other.condition return self split_at_single_quotes = re.compile("('+)").split # The spec is actually more permissive than that, but don’t bother. # This is just for the fast path. # is_safe_name = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$').match # Test that the string is not empty and does not contain whitespace is_non_whitespace = re.compile(r'^[^ \t\r\n\f]+$').match #### Translation class GenericTranslator(object): """ Translator for "generic" XML documents. Everything is case-sensitive, no assumption is made on the meaning of element names and attribute names. """ #### #### HERE BE DRAGONS #### #### You are welcome to hook into this to change some behavior, #### but do so at your own risks. #### Until is has recieved a lot more work and review, #### I reserve the right to change this API in backward-incompatible ways #### with any minor version of cssselect. #### See #### -- Simon Sapin. #### combinator_mapping = { ' ': 'descendant', '>': 'child', '+': 'direct_adjacent', '~': 'indirect_adjacent', } attribute_operator_mapping = { 'exists': 'exists', '=': 'equals', '~=': 'includes', '|=': 'dashmatch', '^=': 'prefixmatch', '$=': 'suffixmatch', '*=': 'substringmatch', '!=': 'different', # XXX Not in Level 3 but meh } #: The attribute used for ID selectors depends on the document language: #: id_attribute = 'id' #: The attribute used for ``:lang()`` depends on the document language: #: lang_attribute = 'xml:lang' #: The case sensitivity of document language element names, #: attribute names, and attribute values in selectors depends #: on the document language. #: #: #: When a document language defines one of these as case-insensitive, #: cssselect assumes that the document parser makes the parsed values #: lower-case. Making the selector lower-case too makes the comparaison #: case-insensitive. #: #: In HTML, element names and attributes names (but not attribute values) #: are case-insensitive. All of lxml.html, html5lib, BeautifulSoup4 #: and HTMLParser make them lower-case in their parse result, so #: the assumption holds. lower_case_element_names = False lower_case_attribute_names = False lower_case_attribute_values = False # class used to represent and xpath expression xpathexpr_cls = XPathExpr def css_to_xpath(self, css, prefix='descendant-or-self::'): """Translate a *group of selectors* to XPath. Pseudo-elements are not supported here since XPath only knows about "real" elements. :param css: A *group of selectors* as an Unicode string. :param prefix: This string is prepended to the XPath expression for each selector. The default makes selectors scoped to the context node’s subtree. :raises: :class:`SelectorSyntaxError` on invalid selectors, :class:`ExpressionError` on unknown/unsupported selectors, including pseudo-elements. :returns: The equivalent XPath 1.0 expression as an Unicode string. """ return ' | '.join(self.selector_to_xpath(selector, prefix, translate_pseudo_elements=True) for selector in parse(css)) def selector_to_xpath(self, selector, prefix='descendant-or-self::', translate_pseudo_elements=False): """Translate a parsed selector to XPath. :param selector: A parsed :class:`Selector` object. :param prefix: This string is prepended to the resulting XPath expression. The default makes selectors scoped to the context node’s subtree. :param translate_pseudo_elements: Unless this is set to ``True`` (as :meth:`css_to_xpath` does), the :attr:`~Selector.pseudo_element` attribute of the selector is ignored. It is the caller's responsibility to reject selectors with pseudo-elements, or to account for them somehow. :raises: :class:`ExpressionError` on unknown/unsupported selectors. :returns: The equivalent XPath 1.0 expression as an Unicode string. """ tree = getattr(selector, 'parsed_tree', None) if not tree: raise TypeError('Expected a parsed selector, got %r' % (selector,)) xpath = self.xpath(tree) assert isinstance(xpath, self.xpathexpr_cls) # help debug a missing 'return' if translate_pseudo_elements and selector.pseudo_element: xpath = self.xpath_pseudo_element(xpath, selector.pseudo_element) return (prefix or '') + _unicode(xpath) def xpath_pseudo_element(self, xpath, pseudo_element): """Translate a pseudo-element. Defaults to not supporting pseudo-elements at all, but can be overridden by sub-classes. """ raise ExpressionError('Pseudo-elements are not supported.') @staticmethod def xpath_literal(s): s = _unicode(s) if "'" not in s: s = "'%s'" % s elif '"' not in s: s = '"%s"' % s else: s = "concat(%s)" % ','.join([ (("'" in part) and '"%s"' or "'%s'") % part for part in split_at_single_quotes(s) if part ]) return s def xpath(self, parsed_selector): """Translate any parsed selector object.""" type_name = type(parsed_selector).__name__ method = getattr(self, 'xpath_%s' % type_name.lower(), None) if method is None: raise ExpressionError('%s is not supported.' % type_name) return method(parsed_selector) # Dispatched by parsed object type def xpath_combinedselector(self, combined): """Translate a combined selector.""" combinator = self.combinator_mapping[combined.combinator] method = getattr(self, 'xpath_%s_combinator' % combinator) return method(self.xpath(combined.selector), self.xpath(combined.subselector)) def xpath_negation(self, negation): xpath = self.xpath(negation.selector) sub_xpath = self.xpath(negation.subselector) sub_xpath.add_name_test() if sub_xpath.condition: return xpath.add_condition('not(%s)' % sub_xpath.condition) else: return xpath.add_condition('0') def xpath_function(self, function): """Translate a functional pseudo-class.""" method = 'xpath_%s_function' %'-', '_') method = _unicode_safe_getattr(self, method, None) if not method: raise ExpressionError( "The pseudo-class :%s() is unknown" % return method(self.xpath(function.selector), function) def xpath_pseudo(self, pseudo): """Translate a pseudo-class.""" method = 'xpath_%s_pseudo' % pseudo.ident.replace('-', '_') method = _unicode_safe_getattr(self, method, None) if not method: # TODO: better error message for pseudo-elements? raise ExpressionError( "The pseudo-class :%s is unknown" % pseudo.ident) return method(self.xpath(pseudo.selector)) def xpath_attrib(self, selector): """Translate an attribute selector.""" operator = self.attribute_operator_mapping[selector.operator] method = getattr(self, 'xpath_attrib_%s' % operator) if self.lower_case_attribute_names: name = selector.attrib.lower() else: name = selector.attrib safe = is_safe_name(name) if selector.namespace: name = '%s:%s' % (selector.namespace, name) safe = safe and is_safe_name(selector.namespace) if safe: attrib = '@' + name else: attrib = 'attribute::*[name() = %s]' % self.xpath_literal(name) if self.lower_case_attribute_values: value = selector.value.lower() else: value = selector.value return method(self.xpath(selector.selector), attrib, value) def xpath_class(self, class_selector): """Translate a class selector.""" # .foo is defined as [class~=foo] in the spec. xpath = self.xpath(class_selector.selector) return self.xpath_attrib_includes( xpath, '@class', class_selector.class_name) def xpath_hash(self, id_selector): """Translate an ID selector.""" xpath = self.xpath(id_selector.selector) return self.xpath_attrib_equals(xpath, '@id', def xpath_element(self, selector): """Translate a type or universal selector.""" element = selector.element if not element: element = '*' safe = True else: safe = is_safe_name(element) if self.lower_case_element_names: element = element.lower() if selector.namespace: # Namespace prefixes are case-sensitive. # element = '%s:%s' % (selector.namespace, element) safe = safe and is_safe_name(selector.namespace) xpath = self.xpathexpr_cls(element=element) if not safe: xpath.add_name_test() return xpath # CombinedSelector: dispatch by combinator def xpath_descendant_combinator(self, left, right): """right is a child, grand-child or further descendant of left""" return left.join('/descendant-or-self::*/', right) def xpath_child_combinator(self, left, right): """right is an immediate child of left""" return left.join('/', right) def xpath_direct_adjacent_combinator(self, left, right): """right is a sibling immediately after left""" xpath = left.join('/following-sibling::', right) xpath.add_name_test() return xpath.add_condition('position() = 1') def xpath_indirect_adjacent_combinator(self, left, right): """right is a sibling after left, immediately or not""" return left.join('/following-sibling::', right) # Function: dispatch by function/pseudo-class name def xpath_nth_child_function(self, xpath, function, last=False, add_name_test=True): try: a, b = parse_series(function.arguments) except ValueError: raise ExpressionError("Invalid series: '%r'" % function.arguments) if add_name_test: xpath.add_name_test() xpath.add_star_prefix() if a == 0: if last: b = 'last() - %s' % b return xpath.add_condition('position() = %s' % b) if last: # FIXME: I'm not sure if this is right a = -a b = -b if b > 0: b_neg = str(-b) else: b_neg = '+%s' % (-b) if a != 1: expr = ['(position() %s) mod %s = 0' % (b_neg, a)] else: expr = [] if b >= 0: expr.append('position() >= %s' % b) elif b < 0 and last: expr.append('position() < (last() %s)' % b) expr = ' and '.join(expr) if expr: xpath.add_condition(expr) return xpath # FIXME: handle an+b, odd, even # an+b means every-a, plus b, e.g., 2n+1 means odd # 0n+b means b # n+0 means a=1, i.e., all elements # an means every a elements, i.e., 2n means even # -n means -1n # -1n+6 means elements 6 and previous def xpath_nth_last_child_function(self, xpath, function): return self.xpath_nth_child_function(xpath, function, last=True) def xpath_nth_of_type_function(self, xpath, function): if xpath.element == '*': raise ExpressionError( "*:nth-of-type() is not implemented") return self.xpath_nth_child_function(xpath, function, add_name_test=False) def xpath_nth_last_of_type_function(self, xpath, function): if xpath.element == '*': raise ExpressionError( "*:nth-of-type() is not implemented") return self.xpath_nth_child_function(xpath, function, last=True, add_name_test=False) def xpath_contains_function(self, xpath, function): # Defined there, removed in later drafts: # if function.argument_types() not in (['STRING'], ['IDENT']): raise ExpressionError( "Expected a single string or ident for :contains(), got %r" % function.arguments) value = function.arguments[0].value return xpath.add_condition( 'contains(., %s)' % self.xpath_literal(value)) def xpath_lang_function(self, xpath, function): if function.argument_types() not in (['STRING'], ['IDENT']): raise ExpressionError( "Expected a single string or ident for :lang(), got %r" % function.arguments) value = function.arguments[0].value return xpath.add_condition( "lang(%s)" % (self.xpath_literal(value))) # Pseudo: dispatch by pseudo-class name def xpath_root_pseudo(self, xpath): return xpath.add_condition("not(parent::*)") def xpath_first_child_pseudo(self, xpath): xpath.add_star_prefix() xpath.add_name_test() return xpath.add_condition('position() = 1') def xpath_last_child_pseudo(self, xpath): xpath.add_star_prefix() xpath.add_name_test() return xpath.add_condition('position() = last()') def xpath_first_of_type_pseudo(self, xpath): if xpath.element == '*': raise ExpressionError( "*:first-of-type is not implemented") xpath.add_star_prefix() return xpath.add_condition('position() = 1') def xpath_last_of_type_pseudo(self, xpath): if xpath.element == '*': raise ExpressionError( "*:last-of-type is not implemented") xpath.add_star_prefix() return xpath.add_condition('position() = last()') def xpath_only_child_pseudo(self, xpath): xpath.add_name_test() xpath.add_star_prefix() return xpath.add_condition('last() = 1') def xpath_only_of_type_pseudo(self, xpath): if xpath.element == '*': raise ExpressionError( "*:only-of-type is not implemented") return xpath.add_condition('last() = 1') def xpath_empty_pseudo(self, xpath): return xpath.add_condition("not(*) and not(string-length())") def pseudo_never_matches(self, xpath): """Common implementation for pseudo-classes that never match.""" return xpath.add_condition("0") xpath_link_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_visited_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_hover_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_active_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_focus_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_target_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_enabled_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_disabled_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches xpath_checked_pseudo = pseudo_never_matches # Attrib: dispatch by attribute operator def xpath_attrib_exists(self, xpath, name, value): assert not value xpath.add_condition(name) return xpath def xpath_attrib_equals(self, xpath, name, value): xpath.add_condition('%s = %s' % (name, self.xpath_literal(value))) return xpath def xpath_attrib_different(self, xpath, name, value): # FIXME: this seems like a weird hack... if value: xpath.add_condition('not(%s) or %s != %s' % (name, name, self.xpath_literal(value))) else: xpath.add_condition('%s != %s' % (name, self.xpath_literal(value))) return xpath def xpath_attrib_includes(self, xpath, name, value): if is_non_whitespace(value): xpath.add_condition( "%s and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(%s), ' '), %s)" % (name, name, self.xpath_literal(' '+value+' '))) else: xpath.add_condition('0') return xpath def xpath_attrib_dashmatch(self, xpath, name, value): # Weird, but true... xpath.add_condition('%s and (%s = %s or starts-with(%s, %s))' % ( name, name, self.xpath_literal(value), name, self.xpath_literal(value + '-'))) return xpath def xpath_attrib_prefixmatch(self, xpath, name, value): if value: xpath.add_condition('%s and starts-with(%s, %s)' % ( name, name, self.xpath_literal(value))) else: xpath.add_condition('0') return xpath def xpath_attrib_suffixmatch(self, xpath, name, value): if value: # Oddly there is a starts-with in XPath 1.0, but not ends-with xpath.add_condition( '%s and substring(%s, string-length(%s)-%s) = %s' % (name, name, name, len(value)-1, self.xpath_literal(value))) else: xpath.add_condition('0') return xpath def xpath_attrib_substringmatch(self, xpath, name, value): if value: # Attribute selectors are case sensitive xpath.add_condition('%s and contains(%s, %s)' % ( name, name, self.xpath_literal(value))) else: xpath.add_condition('0') return xpath class HTMLTranslator(GenericTranslator): """ Translator for (X)HTML documents. Has a more useful implementation of some pseudo-classes based on HTML-specific element names and attribute names, as described in the `HTML5 specification`_. It assumes no-quirks mode. The API is the same as :class:`GenericTranslator`. .. _HTML5 specification: :param xhtml: If false (the default), element names and attribute names are case-insensitive. """ lang_attribute = 'lang' def __init__(self, xhtml=False): self.xhtml = xhtml # Might be useful for sub-classes? if not xhtml: # See their definition in GenericTranslator. self.lower_case_element_names = True self.lower_case_attribute_names = True def xpath_checked_pseudo(self, xpath): # FIXME: is this really all the elements? return xpath.add_condition( "(@selected and name(.) = 'option') or " "(@checked " "and (name(.) = 'input' or name(.) = 'command')" "and (@type = 'checkbox' or @type = 'radio'))") def xpath_lang_function(self, xpath, function): if function.argument_types() not in (['STRING'], ['IDENT']): raise ExpressionError( "Expected a single string or ident for :lang(), got %r" % function.arguments) value = function.arguments[0].value return xpath.add_condition( "ancestor-or-self::*[@lang][1][starts-with(concat(" # XPath 1.0 has no lower-case function... "translate(@%s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', " "'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), " "'-'), %s)]" % (self.lang_attribute, self.xpath_literal(value.lower() + '-'))) def xpath_link_pseudo(self, xpath): return xpath.add_condition("@href and " "(name(.) = 'a' or name(.) = 'link' or name(.) = 'area')") # Links are never visited, the implementation for :visited is the same # as in GenericTranslator def xpath_disabled_pseudo(self, xpath): # return xpath.add_condition(''' ( @disabled and ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' or name(.) = 'command' or name(.) = 'fieldset' or name(.) = 'optgroup' or name(.) = 'option' ) ) or ( ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' ) and ancestor::fieldset[@disabled] ) ''') # FIXME: in the second half, add "and is not a descendant of that # fieldset element's first legend element child, if any." def xpath_enabled_pseudo(self, xpath): # return xpath.add_condition(''' ( @href and ( name(.) = 'a' or name(.) = 'link' or name(.) = 'area' ) ) or ( ( name(.) = 'command' or name(.) = 'fieldset' or name(.) = 'optgroup' ) and not(@disabled) ) or ( ( (name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden') or name(.) = 'button' or name(.) = 'select' or name(.) = 'textarea' or name(.) = 'keygen' ) and not (@disabled or ancestor::fieldset[@disabled]) ) or ( name(.) = 'option' and not( @disabled or ancestor::optgroup[@disabled] ) ) ''') # FIXME: ... or "li elements that are children of menu elements, # and that have a child element that defines a command, if the first # such element's Disabled State facet is false (not disabled)". # FIXME: after ancestor::fieldset[@disabled], add "and is not a # descendant of that fieldset element's first legend element child, # if any." PK!)__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pycnu[PK!#h__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pycnu[PK!%)Q)Q'__pycache__/parser.cpython-36.opt-1.pycnu[PK!GuQQ!JX__pycache__/parser.cpython-36.pycnu[PK!DK!}Q}Q&0__pycache__/xpath.cpython-36.opt-1.pycnu[PK!@.QQ __pycache__/xpath.cpython-36.pycnu[PK!1R N__init__.pynu[PK!5/\\ Pparser.pynu[PK!;aaxpath.pynu[PK 6