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Only one free argument is expected! At least one option is required! cli_tool_popt_excli_tool_routerawmain.cProfile ID: %s Enabled features: None - %s Profile identifier.PROFILE-ID--backupPrint content of all filesPrint nsswitch.conf contentsystem-authPrint system-auth contentpassword-authPrint password-auth contentsmartcard-authPrint smartcard-auth contentfingerprint-authpostloginPrint postlogin contentdconf-dbPrint dconf database contentdconf-lockPrint dconf lock contentFile %s: Empty File %s: %s BACKUPName of the backup to remove.vendorbase-onbase-on-defaultsymlink-metasymlink-nsswitchsymlink-pamsymlink-dconfsymlinkNew profile name.NAME/var/lib/authselect/backups%s/%sUnable to stat [%s] [%d]: %s%c%-*s (created at %s) Backup stored at %s Feature to disable.FEATUREquietFeature to enable.forceEnforce changesnobackupProfile "%s" was selected. Unable to get profile list!/usr/share/localeauthselectUnable to setup gettext! Select profileapply-changesList available profileslist-featuresshowShow profile informationPrint profile requirementscurrentchecktestenable-featuredisable-featurecreate-profileCreate new authselect profileBackup commands:backup-listList available backupsbackup-removeRemove backupbackup-restoreRestore from backupuninstallPrint command parameters instead of formatted outputUnable to parse command argumentsNo existing configuration detected. Unable to get current configuration [%d]: %sPrint fingerprint-auth contentUnable to get generated content [%d]: %sUnable to get profile information [%d]: %sUnable to read profile requirements!No requirements are specified.Unable to get profile features [%d]: %sUnable to uninstall authselect configuration [%d]: %s Name of the backup to restore from.Unable to restore backup [%s] [%d]: %s Unable to remove backup [%s] [%d]: %s Create new profile as a vendor profile instead of a custom profileID of a profile that should be used as a base for the new profileBase new profile on a default profile even if vendor profile with the same name existsSymlink meta files from the base profile instead of copying themSymlink nsswitch files from the base profile instead of copying themSymlink pam files from the base profile instead of copying themSymlink dconf files from the base profile instead of copying themSymlink specific file (can be set multiple times)Unable to create new profile [%d]: %s New profile was created at %s Print backup names without any formatting and additional informationUnable to list available backups!Unable to backup current configuration! Backup system files before activating profile (generate unique name)Backup system files before activating profileUnable to disable feature [%d]: %s Do not print profile requirementsUnable to backup current configuration [%d]: %s Unable to enable feature [%d]: %s Changes were successfully applied. Some unexpected changes to the configuration were detected. Use 'select' command instead. Unable to apply changes [%d]: %s Do not backup system files when --force is setUnable to obtain nsswitch maps! Some unexpected changes to the configuration were detected. Use --force parameter if you want to overwrite these changes. Unable to activate profile [%d]: %s The following nsswitch maps are overwritten by the profile: Unable to test current configuration [%d]: %sCurrent configuration is not valid. It was probably modified outside authselect.Current configuration is valid.System was not configured with authselect.Regenerate configuration for currently selected commandList available profile featuresGet identifier of currently selected profileCheck if the current configuration is validPrint changes that would be otherwise writtenEnable feature in currently selected profileDisable feature in currently selected profileUninstall authselect configurationactivateapply_changeslistlist_featuresshowrequirementscurrentcheckparse_profile_optionstestenabledisablecreatebackup_listbackup_removebackup_restoredebug: Unable to construct message!;$#Xl`@PPPpL`X@T`,pph0pL |p P  8 zRx /D$4FJ w?:*3$"\t<^DY8FGA F(N0 (F HBBH HHFBB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBC L(hFBB E(D0D8J 8A0A(B BBBD x<HEB B(B0IL8FED A(G0 (A ABBK n(A ABBDLFMA Lw  AABE !I^AX4BBG B(D0D8NPcXK`OhFpIP 8A0A(B BBBG \4CFNB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA 1I^A<$lFCC D@k  AABA qHJPcHA@D0TXEMI@WHKPNXF`I@] AAG aHIPcHA@XxlFMA I@WHKPNXF`I@  AABF aHIP^HA@iHIP^HA@0aEAD O CAC |CA@,*FMA I0W8K@NHFPI0v  AABJ @L*FMA I0W8K@NHFPI0v  AABJ PEPIkERFILFdAb AAF \FNB B(A0A8L9 8A0A(B BBBG KdA0DBGA D0E  AABI @xYEMLERFIT AAF hFMA LERFI:  AABE aI`BKcA,(EML AAF \XCFNB B(A0A8L 8A0A(B BBBH KbB4EHI0 AAD 8I@^8A0TFLD B(A0A8D`hIp^hA`i 8A0A(B BBBI 8H]FKH G  AABA P@\'FEE D(D0G 0A(A BBBG HyH@` H K A DPeFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB\x(p(X Yi @ xiH P o0 h   @H ooxooo` p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`pGj d[j tcj wGA$3a1@'GA*p"uiGA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA! 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