__init__.py000064400000000000147205247370006656 0ustar00trust_list.py000064400000007671147205247370007360 0ustar00# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function import os from .._asn1 import Certificate, TrustedCertificate, unarmor from .._errors import pretty_message __all__ = [ 'extract_from_system', 'system_path', ] def system_path(): """ Tries to find a CA certs bundle in common locations :raises: OSError - when no valid CA certs bundle was found on the filesystem :return: The full filesystem path to a CA certs bundle file """ ca_path = None # Common CA cert paths paths = [ '/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt', '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt', '/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem', '/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt', '/etc/ssl/cert.pem' ] # First try SSL_CERT_FILE if 'SSL_CERT_FILE' in os.environ: paths.insert(0, os.environ['SSL_CERT_FILE']) for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.getsize(path) > 0: ca_path = path break if not ca_path: raise OSError(pretty_message( ''' Unable to find a CA certs bundle in common locations - try setting the SSL_CERT_FILE environmental variable ''' )) return ca_path def extract_from_system(cert_callback=None, callback_only_on_failure=False): """ Extracts trusted CA certs from the system CA cert bundle :param cert_callback: A callback that is called once for each certificate in the trust store. It should accept two parameters: an asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object, and a reason. The reason will be None if the certificate is being exported, otherwise it will be a unicode string of the reason it won't. :param callback_only_on_failure: A boolean - if the callback should only be called when a certificate is not exported. :return: A list of 3-element tuples: - 0: a byte string of a DER-encoded certificate - 1: a set of unicode strings that are OIDs of purposes to trust the certificate for - 2: a set of unicode strings that are OIDs of purposes to reject the certificate for """ all_purposes = '' ca_path = system_path() output = [] with open(ca_path, 'rb') as f: for armor_type, _, cert_bytes in unarmor(f.read(), multiple=True): # Without more info, a certificate is trusted for all purposes if armor_type == 'CERTIFICATE': if cert_callback: cert_callback(Certificate.load(cert_bytes), None) output.append((cert_bytes, set(), set())) # The OpenSSL TRUSTED CERTIFICATE construct adds OIDs for trusted # and rejected purposes, so we extract that info. elif armor_type == 'TRUSTED CERTIFICATE': cert, aux = TrustedCertificate.load(cert_bytes) reject_all = False trust_oids = set() reject_oids = set() for purpose in aux['trust']: if purpose.dotted == all_purposes: trust_oids = set([purpose.dotted]) break trust_oids.add(purpose.dotted) for purpose in aux['reject']: if purpose.dotted == all_purposes: reject_all = True break reject_oids.add(purpose.dotted) if reject_all: if cert_callback: cert_callback(cert, 'explicitly distrusted') continue if cert_callback and not callback_only_on_failure: cert_callback(cert, None) output.append((cert.dump(), trust_oids, reject_oids)) return output __pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc000064400000000250147205247370013153 0ustar00U af@sdS)NrrrM/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib/python/oscrypto/_linux_bsd/__init__.py__pycache__/trust_list.cpython-38.pyc000064400000006046147205247370013641 0ustar00U af@s^ddlmZmZmZmZddlZddlmZmZm Z ddl m Z ddgZ ddZ d d dZdS) )unicode_literalsdivisionabsolute_importprint_functionN) CertificateTrustedCertificateunarmor)pretty_messageextract_from_system system_pathcCstd}dddddddg}d tjkr2|d tjd |D](}tj|r6tj|d kr6|}q`q6|spttd |S) z Tries to find a CA certs bundle in common locations :raises: OSError - when no valid CA certs bundle was found on the filesystem :return: The full filesystem path to a CA certs bundle file Nz&/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crtz"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crtz/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crtz /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crtz/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pemz&/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crtz/etc/ssl/cert.pemZ SSL_CERT_FILErz Unable to find a CA certs bundle in common locations - try setting the SSL_CERT_FILE environmental variable )osenvironinsertpathexistsgetsizeOSErrorr )ca_pathpathsrrO/opt/nydus/tmp/pip-target-53d1vnqk/lib/python/oscrypto/_linux_bsd/trust_list.pyr s(  Fc Cs@d}t}g}t|d}t|ddD]\}}}|dkrj|rT|t|d||ttfq,|dkr,t|\} } d} t} t} | d D]*}|j |krt|j g} q| |j q| d D]"}|j |krd} q| |j q| r|r,|| d q,|r|s|| d|| | | fq,W5QRX|S) ag Extracts trusted CA certs from the system CA cert bundle :param cert_callback: A callback that is called once for each certificate in the trust store. It should accept two parameters: an asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object, and a reason. The reason will be None if the certificate is being exported, otherwise it will be a unicode string of the reason it won't. :param callback_only_on_failure: A boolean - if the callback should only be called when a certificate is not exported. :return: A list of 3-element tuples: - 0: a byte string of a DER-encoded certificate - 1: a set of unicode strings that are OIDs of purposes to trust the certificate for - 2: a set of unicode strings that are OIDs of purposes to reject the certificate for z CERTIFICATENzTRUSTED CERTIFICATEFtrustZrejectzexplicitly distrusted) r openr readrloadappendsetrZdottedadddump)Z cert_callbackZcallback_only_on_failureZ all_purposesroutputfZ armor_type_Z cert_bytescertZauxZ reject_allZ trust_oidsZ reject_oidspurposerrrr <s@         )NF) __future__rrrrr Z_asn1rrr _errorsr __all__r r rrrrs ,